70 ratings

Ⅰ.新兵种&新角色:从开头→Legends of Athel Loren
  1. Asrai Unit Pack (Wood Elves) 6个木精灵新兵种【橡树守卫、林地游侠、库诺斯侍女、阿斯莱撕裂者、艾德雷泽剑圣、拉德莉莉盾女】
  2. Drakemasters and Big Bird Riders
  3. New Dragons for Wood Elves木精灵两条新龙:精灵龙和翡翠龙
  4. Chonkies Animated Roots1个新巨兽“山岭巨人”:一万多血、反步、重生、自带2发不耗蓝的地灵觉醒;
  5. Drakyrie's Wood Elf Arrows 为林地守卫、林地骑兵、深林斥候各添加4中不同的新箭头兵种
  6. Asrai Chariots 3个新战车【阿斯莱牧鹿战车、重型草地战车、卡瓦洛克骑手 (重型草地战车)】
  7. Sythropo's Meadow Chariots 新战车:草地战车
  8. Children of the Woods 森林之子,联动巫师3(4个新单位:远古鹿首精、祭祀精魂、狼人和荒林恶魔)后两个兵种野兽人也可招募
  9. Animals for Wood Elves 添加11个野兽(麋鹿、野猪、狼群、豹猫、巨熊、巨鹿、巨猪、老虎、白狼、树栖狮鹫和湖龙)
  10. WOOD ELVES WARHAMMER 3 SUPPLEMENTARY UNITS 木精灵新兵种【库诺斯骑手、森林骑士、森林哨卫、战舞者、战舞者(阿斯莱长矛)、林地骑兵(持矛)、林地骑兵(持矛&淬毒)、荒林游侠 (矛&盾)、橡树精魂骑士、高山守护者】里面的战舞者是男性版本
  11. Animals recruitable for Wood Elves 新增一条建筑链:戴查派系的动物可以被其他木精派系招募了!
  12. Wood elf female archers 木精2个新兵种【林吟者 (浸毒箭头)、弓舞者 (星火之箭)】
  13. Wood Elves Unit Mod 原版兵种拓展:4个新兵种(林地守卫阔剑、永恒守卫持剑、永恒守卫剑盾、永恒守卫阔剑)
  14. Wood Elves 14个原版新兵种拓展:永恒守卫 (重型武器)、永恒守卫 (剑盾)、战舞者 (重型武器 )、战舞者 、深林斥候 (剑盾)、深林斥候 (阿斯莱长矛&盾)、深林斥候 (双剑)、深林斥候 (阔剑)、荒林游侠 (阔剑 & 盾)、荒林游侠 (阿斯莱长矛&盾)、荒林游侠 (双阔剑)、剑吟者 (阿斯莱长矛)、剑吟者 (阔剑)和剑吟者
  15. Singe's Unit Compilation为战锤所有种族添加新兵种,5个木精新兵种【狂野天空猎手、狂野猎手 (阔剑)、狂野猎手 (剑盾)、狂野猎手 (矛盾)、橡树姐妹】
  16. Zoat Elder - Generic Lord for Wood Elves 新领主“龙蜥长老”,每占领一处魔法森林获得一个,可重复获得
  17. Trajann's Katalin, The Wild Huntress木精灵传奇领主:『荒野女猎手』凯特琳
  18. Thalandor Doomstar, Legendary wood elf Lord of the Asrai 木精灵传奇领主:泰兰铎·暮星(出自背景)
  19. Legends of Athel Loren 木精灵4个传奇领主【哈尔达奇·血皮、多克特、内尔芙、柯塔克·木鳞】
Ⅱ.功能性MOD:从Lore of Athel Loren→木精灵科技购买
  1. Lore of Athel Loren 木精灵新增“艾索洛伦系法术”
  2. Forge of Daith for Wood Elves 将暮光姐妹派系的戴斯锻炉机制也给其他木精灵派系
  3. Wood Elf Cities and Towns (Settle Anywhere) 木精灵可在任何地方建立完整建筑的城镇
  4. Wood elf outpost expansion 木精哨站拓展(哨站就是木精所有非魔法森林地区的城,原版只有1个格子只能造基础建筑而且不能升级;此mod提供3个格子而且添加了4条新建筑链:葡萄酒链最高为附近省份增加60%收入,其他3条链结合了驻军和招募功能:分别招募弓手、怪步和步兵,最高可升至3级代价是升级都需要人口)
  5. Major settlements are forest cities 大城市可以变成森林城市了
  6. Wood Elf Enchanted Munitions 为木精灵的普通远程部队添加6种随时切换的弹药模式【奥术之锥、浸毒箭头、月火之箭、星火之箭、疾风之锥、追命箭头】
  7. Wood elves forest tactics buff 木精灵在森林中获得隐身、狙击和超远距离侦察被动技能;
  8. Fairer Forest Buff for Wood Elves 木精灵在森林中会有Buff,在森林之外有Debuff(对AI也有效)
  9. Wood Elves can ambush in the default stance (stalk) 为木精灵添加“伏击”状态
  10. wood elf teleportation cooldown removed 取消木精传送冷却时间
  11. Wood Elf Arrows Ignore Trees 木精远程弹药无视树木碰撞体积15s(会和修改原版兵种数据的mod相互覆盖,也就是不兼容)
  12. Enchanted Arrows for Characters木精灵特殊箭头(技能页面获得)
  13. Sisters of Twilight on Foot 双子可以步行,步行状态可以召唤坐骑鹰和龙来助战
  14. Gifts of Athel Loren - Unit Upgrades for the Wood Elves 木精兵种废料升级
Ⅲ.美化及无汉化MOD:从Wood Elves Reborn→最后
  1. Wood Elves Campaign Flavour 围绕木精灵的地图、UI、货币、图标等等美化,更多植被和森林迷雾效果
  2. Ariel Behanced 为艾瑞尔增加罩杯A→E
  3. GMD Path of Green 1个新英雄27个新兵种(3.0未更新有BUG,暂无汉化,比较亮眼的有:4种木精版独眼巨人)

  1. 木精常见绰号:
  2. Wood elf outpost expansion和Major settlements are forest cities只能二选一
  3. Gifts of Athel Loren - Unit Upgrades for the Wood Elves(木精灵废料升级) 与“合邦就能用”不兼容
Items (93)
Created by 泡泡茶壶
本合集已停止更新,请移步至 此处 订阅二代后,本mod就不需要再订阅了 《汉化目录》 通用MOD Guv's Expanded Faction Frontend Mod 将游戏内隐藏的派系效果完整显示出来 More Character Names 大众脸更多样化的名字 Emissaries of Diplomacy 外交大使, 五回合后收到外交任务 Drink It III 物品主动技能变成被动技能 Tra...
Asrai Unit Pack (Wood Elves)
Created by Cipher
Description • Adds 6 New Units to the Wood Elves faction. • Officer Models for New Units • Tech Tree Supported • Allied Recruitment
Drakemasters and Big Bird Riders - End TImes Escalation Units
Created by Pwner1
*UPDATE* units for dark and wood elves. Two manticore riders for dark elves and two black dragon riders. First mod in series of what I have christened End Times Escalation units. Adds units that are less game balance and more unstoppable doomstack provided...
New Dragons for Wood Elves
Created by lucibuis
The Dragons are back! This mod adds two new dragon units for the Wood Elves. The Fairy Dragons are Ariel's beloved pets, that she loves to play with and entertain in the meadows around the Oak of Ages. While they are a bit weaker than Forest Dragons in mel...
Chonkies Animated Roots
Created by Chonky Lizard
This mod adds a unit to the wood elves roster. This is an experimental mod as it is the first to use a custom model as base. Can be recruited at t5 settlements. The Animated Roots start as a magical seed planted into the ground growing over a long time. Wh...
Asrai Chariots
Created by Inu
As a side project from my dives into Laurelorn lore for the future overhaul, i decided to give a little try to some chariots for the treehuggers. Based on the original minis for the meadow chariot. Features: This mod adds 2 ...
Children of the Woods (Immortal Empires Edition)
Created by Poljanan
"Fear the forest." Children of the Woods - IMMORTAL EMPIRES Edition Inspired by horror films, european pagan imagery, slavic folklore, as well as games like The Witcher 3, this mod adds 4 new units into the game, distributed across 3 factions - Wood Elves,...
Animals for Wood Elves
Created by Calm&NormalTime
The first mod I made back for WH2, now updated for WH3 with big help from HvnterVMLV and Rhox Features Adds a number of wild animal units to the Wood Elf roster.
Created by gervbafdsw
Portation and evolution of my Wh II woodelves mod, and much needed addition to the currently mostly unmoded wood elf faction. It allows you not to hop on stagsbacks so much and riding some horses too. Added units: –Riders of Kurnous –Wardancers male –Warda...
Animals recruitable for Wood Elves
Created by Nothing.
This mod adds a building to all wood elf magical forests that provides Drycha's animals as recruitable units to all Wood Elf factions....
Wood elf female archers
Created by Nothing.
Adds a female deepwood scout and waywatcher variant for a little more spice. Uses the base stats from the respective unit class and changes the ammo type. Upkeep and unit costs are adjusted respective to their ammo and class type. And lets be honest, its a...
Wood Elves
Created by Ghildo
This mod expand roster for all faction Wood Elvens. Eternal Guard (Great Weapons) Eternal Guard (Sword & Shields) Wardancers (Great Weapons ) Wardancers Deepwood Scouts (Sword & Shields) Deepwood Scouts (Asrai Spears & Shields) Deepwood Scouts (Dual Sword)...
Created by ZYF
为木精灵添加了4个女性作战单位,2个远程单位和2个近战单位。 ...
Singe's Unit Compilation
Created by Singemeister
More units for all, rejoice and be happy! I'll be giving them a slightly more egotistical set of names this time, just for the sake of findability. As per usual, all images are in the provided links. Note on Cultist units: All cultist units are exclusive t...
Zoat Elder - Generic Lord for Wood Elves
Created by Ubermorgen
This mod adds the Zoat Elder as a generic lord to all Wood Elves factions. On turn start each wood elf faction holding any magical forest region will be granted one Zoat Elder per region, available in the lord recruitment panel. This can only occur once pe...
Trajann系列 中文汉化合集 2.0
Created by akiha
如果大家喜欢的话还请点一下赞 本汉化包含了作者 Trajann V 的所有mod作品 Trajann's Khorne Mods Compilation 恐虐兵种及人物合集 5个新领主:恐虐鲜血女王、『炼狱暴君』赫斯帕、猩红屠夫、毁灭猎手、炽燃堡主 4个新英雄:鲜血收割者、『不羁者』喀格茨、炼狱屠夫、疤痕蛮徒 70个新兵种:骸龙、猎颅兽、血蜥蜴、血角兽、血猛龙、蛮徒军团、屠夫卫队、杀戮新娘、恐虐巨魔、猎手臻宠、审判使臣、屠夫部族、毁灭亲王、血中怪形、血神憎恶、恐虐哨卫、鲜血飞龙、恐虐暴龙、颅骨蛮兽、恐虐猎血...
Trajann's Katalin, The Wild Huntress
Created by Trajann V
Well here's something in the complete opposite spirit of Khorne. This mod adds a new legendary lord to the Wood Elves! Katalin is an expert huntress, extremely skilled with a bow, though she can hold her own in melee. Her true power however, comes when she...
Trajann's Riders of Morgamber
Created by Trajann V
This mod is very special. I recently went to visit my dad, and I finally got a chance to show him the work I've been doing in person. He's only seen my mods via pictures, so getting to showcase everything to him was a wonderful experience. Regarding this m...
Thalandor Doomstar, Legendary wood elf Lord of the Asrai.[5.2 updated]
Created by Neil
Updated for Thrones of Deacy. Unique recruitable Wood Elf Legendary Lord. Unique personal skills and skill tree. Flying mage, strong melee combatant. Based on the Lore. An actual Asrai! Works in all Wood Elf (including custom) factions, except Drycha. Will...
Legends of Athel Loren
Created by Eric Gordon Berg
Introducing four new legendary lords to the Wood Elves faction! Nelve, The Sentinel of the Eternal Glades, Dhokoth, The Guardian of the Sacred Grove, Kortak Gladescale, a skin defender and Haaldach Bloodbark, the crazed Ancient Treeman.
Lore of Athel Loren
Created by Drakyrie
Similar to many other factions Wood Elves had access to a faction specific magic lore, called the Lore of Athel Loren (in 6th Edition). In the Creative Assembly blog post last July which announced the existence of the most recent Wood Elf DLC ( https://www...
Lore of Athel Loren Addon
Created by Drakyrie
This mod is an extension to the Lore of Athel Loren Mod ( ), you must have that mod enabled for this mod to work. This mod adds Lore of Athel Loren spells to 5 characters and units. Ariel ga...
Forge of Daith for Wood Elves
Created by NoKhaineNoGain
This mod gives the Forge of Daith mechanic to the WE of Athel Loren. This includes Orion, Durthu, Wydrioth, and Torgovann factions. Does not add the dilemmas from the Sister's of Twilight campaign to the others. Has weird interactions with Sister's of Twil...
Wood Elf Cities and Towns (Settle Anywhere)
Created by terreohomines
Wood Elf Cities and Towns I like to paint the map. But I also like to play Wood Elves, so I made a mod that lets you settle any region as the wood elves just as you wood any other race. But, there's a catch... In order to Prevent Wood Elves from becoming o...
Wood elf outpost expansion
Created by Nothing.
THIS MOD IS OUTDATED, INSTEAD SUBSCRIBE TO THIS VERSION: This mod adds a large number of different buildings to the wood elf outpost category. Mainly increasing their economy so they scale m...
Major settlements are forest cities and outposts can be upgraded for wood elves
Created by Nothing.
This mod took me way too long to figure out, but it turns all major settlements into wood elf cities. In addition, outposts can now be developed the same way minor settlements of other factions can. However, with a unique spin to it. They follow the same b...
Wood Elf Enchanted Munitions 中文汉化
Created by 泡泡茶壶
为木精灵远程兵种添加6种不同的箭头,取材自战锤桌面游戏 6种随时切换的箭头 疾风之锥、奥术之锥、月火之箭、星火之箭、浸毒箭头、追命箭头 拥有此效果的兵种 林地守卫、深林斥候、巡林客、林地骑兵、隼骑兵、荆棘姐妹 小BUG 战斗界面右下角的魔法之风中的“充能修改器效果”和“保留修改器效果”会消失不见,但不影响实际效果,仅仅是文本bug,因此从合集中移出来了,介意的不要订阅...
Wood Elf Enchanted Munitions
Created by JediMasterDraco
A revival of my mod by the same name from Game 2, with some changes to take into account changes between Games 2 and 3. At the present, the base versions of each ranged Wood Elf Unit can switch mid-battle to one of six choices, each based on a variant of E...
Wood elves forest tactics buff
Created by Nothing.
This mod applies a passive to all normal and modded wood elf units to gain snipe, perfect stealth and forest spotting inside forests. It doesn't really effect their combat performance, however it should allow for more complex and creative tactics by using ...
Fairer Forest Buff for Wood Elves.
Created by Neil
Thematically buffs wood elves in battle when in forests, slight nerfs when not. Safe to add and remove at any point. Affects human and AI factions. Inspired by Nothings lovely Forest Tactics. ...
Wood Elves can ambush in the default stance (stalk)
Created by Eternal Ion
This is another port from my WHII mod that did the same thing. It gives Wood Elves the same stalking ability that the Skaven and the Beastmen have (and Alith). Wood Elf ambushes in the lore are Eshin level so it makes no sense for them to not be able to st...
Wood Elf Channeling Stance
Created by Captainoffail
Gives wood elves channeling stance...
wood elf teleportation cooldown removed
Created by Nothing.
Removes the cooldown on teleportation from forest to forest. Binds it to the main wood elf magical forest settlement building chain, thus all wood elves, even drycha have it....
Wood Elf Arrows Ignore Trees [2024 db.pack update]
Created by Immane
Wood Elf Projectiles Ignore Trees! Wood Elves! Known for their bonuses fighting in the trees! Grace and great skill in archery! Except that in Total War their arrows get stuck All Wood Elf Projectiles that I know about now ignore vegetation! (for 15 second...
Enchanted Arrows for Characters
Created by Autumnchain
In the wood elf 8th edition army book, Lords and Heroes equipped with bows had access to 6 different enchanted arrows, none of which are available to them in the base game. This mod allows Glade Captains and Glade Lords to take the three base game enchante...
Sisters of Twilight on Foot
Created by Osvi
This mod gives a new skill that's unlocked at rank "12" called "Twins on foot". Pretty self explanatory boys. While on foot they can also summon both their Dragon and Eagle to help them out. Let me know what you think of it, and let me know if you find any...
Unity Of Elves!
Created by Wyccc
It's time for the elves to unite! High Elves/Dark Elves/Wood Elves can recruit each other's units through special buildings. All units will receive skill/technology effect bonus. EN Patch SFO Patch Possible things to do in the future: agent recru...
Gifts of Athel Loren - Unit Upgrades for the Wood Elves
Created by Dirty Dan
Adds a unit upgrade mechanic comparable to the greenskin scrap system to the playable wood elf factions. It further enables the the tree aspects Durthu and Drycha had for Orion and the Sisters of Twilight. The upgrades cost a new resource that is called Fa...
Submod hub for Dirty Dan's Upgrades
Created by Apex
*****Both the base upgrade mods and unit mods are optional. You only need to subscribe to the mods you want to use. Eg. if you are playing as empire, you would subscribe to imperial armoury and this mod***** Overview Extends the scrap upgrade mechanic from...
Unlock more warband upgrades for drycha
Created by One
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 2024/6/27 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Tree Kin can be upgraded to Elite version. The remaining elf spirits allow these units to access...
Sisters of Twilight Horde/暮光姐妹 游牧
Created by 黯晨
木精灵库诺斯之爪特性 woodelf trait Talon of Kurnous
库诺斯之爪回归(领主除了远古树人,英雄除了神木幽灵)! 所有领主的库诺斯之爪+15%射程(领主军队) 所有英雄的库诺斯之爪+10%射程(军中所有部队) 【Talon of Kurnous】is returned !(Lords without ancient treeman Heroes without Branchwraith) ToK of all lords : Range +15%(Lord's army) ToK of all heroes : Range +10%(all units in th...
Yukino Wef Garrison
2023/06/23: Hello everyone (๑╹ ๑╹ ╹)ノ "Here is the author: Yukino, for you to bring a more complex and powerful garrison mod, so spent 1 month of time garrison mod. Note: This mod is only compatible with the original game and does not support SFO! A brief ...
Yukino Better Wef economy mods
2023/06/23: Hello everyone(๑╹◡╹)ノ”This is Yukino, welcome to use my building effects mod! The following buildings will have effect changes and additions: 1: Forest towns and basic building effects. 2: Resource building effect and landmark building effect. ...
全派系筛选初始特性 All Factions Filter Innate Character
Created by TravellerL
———————— Intro ———————— This mod replaces the initial characters of lords of most factions with generic/factional unique characters that I personally find useful. It completely removed most of the lord characters that I find useless in case you cannot get ...
怪兽坐骑扩展 :树人; Monster Mount Extension:Treeman
Created by 阳关河洛
描述Introduction 为帝国、巴托、木精、高精的生命法和永恒女王解锁新坐骑:树人,22级自动获取。先行版本,属性在下次更新后再根据反馈进行调整。给矮人符文铁匠添加坐骑,10级获得岩羊,19级获得战猪战车。 Unlock Treeman mount to Jade wizard,Damsel(Life),Spellsinger(Life) ,Mage(Life)and Alarielle,It will be automatic acquired at level 22. New Mounts add...
Created by 清轩易浅
给木精灵派系加了十条科技线,每个科技线10个科技,每个科技加成很少,但是可以慢慢叠。 可叠的科技加成有:领导力、近战攻击、近战防御、物抗、射程、建筑产值、移动速度、补员速率、护甲、本地招募数量。...
Created by 北门吹雪
木精灵的哨站现在又能叠叠乐了,我还原了哨站的效果,为了兼容性,并没有删除掉原来的词条。 库诺斯之爪为了兼容性没有还原,但每个祭品庭院都能为全军增加1%的射程。 所有的哨站都拥有了50的基础收入。 现在所有哨站都能有三个建筑格子,港口建筑自动占用一个格子。 本mod参考了:木精叠叠乐,Woodelves Outpost Enhanced WH3两个mod。 感谢两位作者的智慧。...
Created by 逝水
介绍 嘿嘿,我回来了。这一次为木精灵带来了一个回归和更新的模组,为它的所有主要派系添加了新的单位。并带来了叠叠乐的机制,每攻占一个次城种树,可以获得0.5%的远程威力叠加和1%的弹药叠加(具体你可以看我上面的图片信息)。顺便给次城都增加了驻军。 有问题可以加群:558446196 咨询我 .................................................................. 《森林守护者:木精灵的复兴》MOD为木精灵派系带来了全新的活力,专注于木精灵派系的扩展与...
兼容版木精哨站叠叠乐woodelf outpost compatibility
这个MOD单纯给哨站增加了派系效果,为避免MOD冲突,保留原有效果,应该是跟其他MOD兼容的。 做了个MOD还原木精灵的哨站加成,可以继续叠叠乐了。 祭品庭院: +2发展(派系范围) +1%所有建筑收入(派系范围) 饲料丛林: +5 每回合单位经验获取(所有军队) +0.5% 所有远程单位远程杀伤(所有军队) +0.5% 武器杀伤(所有军队) This mod Only gives some factionwide effects to outposts.To avoid mods conflict, th...
木精灵科技购买 Wood Elf Technology purchase
Created by 沙条爱歌
这个mod为木精灵派系增加了额外科技购买。 This mod adds additional technology purchases to the Wood Elf Faction. 注意:如果度过回合时你的财政不足以支付科研费用那么就无法继续研发哦。 Note: If you don't have enough money to cover your research expenses during the round, you won't be able to continue research. 我...
Decky Tech-Tree + 木精灵科技购买(Wood Elf Technology purchase) 兼容(compatibility)
Created by Yuehanbuzhisui
给Tech-Tree Compilation (New Version)和木精灵科技购买 Wood Elf Technology purchase做的兼容补丁。由于取消了精灵科技购买中派系专属科技的限制,所以Mixu's Legendary Lords和SCM's LCCP, 17 new factions for IEE!中的木精灵领主也可以使用木精灵科技购买中的科技。...
Wood Elves Reborn | Faction Reskin
Created by JFred
Port of my reskin overhaul from WH2, with some minor updates. This mod turns the wood elves from homeless hobos and smurfs to a more armored, professional looking faction. Just about every unit has gotten a new look. Lords and heroes also have updated port...
Amber's Armored Megapack (Reskin comp) (V1.6)
Created by Amber
Amber's Armored Megapack - Currently updated as of 6/24/2024 Hello once again all! This pack is a compilation of all my current *Reskin* mods and will eventually include all future reskins I make as well. This was made as per a request, and should hopefull...
Ariel can FLY
Created by laff
Ariel, "Queen in the Woods", mage-queen of Athel Loren and the Wood Elves. "Ariel's wings display the markings of the death's-head moth to indicate that she is enraged and in a vengeful mood. Moth-like antennas emerge from Ariel's head, but her face remain...
Ariel Behanced
Created by Yogo Pogo
Maybe because she's a demi-goddess of spring or Orion wished really really hard, grants Ariel a blossomed-bosom or possibly a bosomed-blossom. Port of my TWII mod. A model tweak with the Asset Editor for Ariel I made for a laugh . Now with improved LoDs fo...
Avatar of Isha 4K Ariel Reskin
Created by GunKing
This mod is a port of my Ariel reskin from WH2. Inspired from tabletop color variants and pieces of the lore, this is my preferred color scheme for the Mage Queen. At the bottom of the mod description is also a link to the more lore friendly green dress ve...
Season of Doom 4K Durthu Reskin
Created by GunKing
Inspired by a tabletop paint job I loved immensely, this version of Durthu is what I imagine him to be if he woke out of his bitter malaise and decided to use the vast power at his command at last. It would be a mass casualty event for anyone who wasn't a ...
Wargrove of Woe 4K Forest Spirit Reskin
Created by GunKing
This mod reskins the forest spirits of the Wargrove of Woe faction to be more unique and reflective that the Wargrove of Woe is a collection of discontented tree spirits from multiple forests, not just one. It is a port of my WH2 mod. Most notably my reski...
Tabletop Touches for Elves Reskin
Created by GunKing
This mod reskins various aspects of the Dark/High/Wood Elf armies to adapt more tabletop influences into their looks. It is a direct port of my Tabletop Wood Elf Lord mod but now with other flavors of Elf thrown into the pot. Huge thanks to calm&normaltime...
-BR- Ultimate Elven Lords + Variety Pack III 精灵
Created by Black Rabbit
Updated 6.7 - Revamped Sigvald AGAIN... - Updated his Portraits and model. Updated 6.6 - Revamped Spellsingers once again. - Updated Portraits and new models. Updated 6.5 - Revamped Everqueen a little bit again. - Revamped Imrik and redid their face. - Red...
Leafy Wood Elves (4K)
Created by The Rogue Roman
This is the Warhammer III version of my Warhammer II mod. This mod is inspired by the best Wood Elf artwork, and makes them more aesthetically consistent while fixing a few graphical bugs. The Wood Elves now have bright gold accents in their armor and wear...
Wood Elves Campaign Flavour
Created by [G-T-F] Gnombert
Hello there Friends of Athel Loren This mod gives you some campaign visual and ui changes, you will get: altered currency icons a wood-elve themed additional resource based on the slave mechanic regional decrees based on that a denser forest that has some ...
FancIER Forestry
Created by Wikist
The trees strike back! Do you want to see your trees in snow and chaos wastes areas? No problem! Do you want to spread vegetation over deserts? You got this! Do you want to enact the Great Purge as Lizardmen and plant jungles all over the world? Well, now ...
Created by Dietrich This is a Graphical Mod for the Wood Elves Faction with a focus on bringing a more professional well armored feel to the Wood Elves army. This Mod also includes fully animated Sashimono style banners and officers. This is a ...
Female Wood Elves
Created by AndreasGG
A visual overhaul mod for most wood elf units. This mod does not change any stats but might be incompatible with other mods that do affect stats. This mod affects the following Wood elf units 1. Eternal guards 2. Wardancers 3. Gladeriders 4. Gladeguard 5. ...
Spellsingers Reskin "No more wish trolls"
Created by Beedle
Reskins all hero variants of the Spellsingers to a more wood elf like unit, not a flying paintbrush...
God-King of Athel Loren - Armored Orion Reskin
Created by SpeCt3r1995
Whenever I'm starting out in Athel Loren, I pick Durthu. Why? Because he's a giant, angry treeman who hates everyone and everything and I relate to that on a spiritual level. But also because Orion has looked completely ridiculous to me since game 1. And o...
GMD Path of Green
Created by dilaguna
Hello there guys ! It have been a long way ! Ot all started as simple experiment (As all of my mods does !) But i decided to make something unethical by my standarts - change basic lord skill line. Additions to this mod - Root Ability(Its hidden) As long a...
Created by Everchosen This mod improves Forge of Daith UI. (Sisters of Twilight special mechanic) Mod adds new background and overall reshapes some cut corners. The purpose of these changes is to give Forge of Daith more immersive and unique appe...
Woodelves Outpost Enhanced WH3
Created by minic
Updated version for wh3 of the mod i made for wh2 previous wh2 mod : Wood Elves - Outposts Enhanced Description This mod is increases the number of slots for only wood elves outposts. Now you can build resorce or special buildings. No big change, just addi...
Colourless' Wood Elves HD Texture Pack
Created by ColourlessAmoeba
(UPDATED JUNE 12TH, 2024) Welcome everyone, I'd like to present you one of my Warhammer 3 HD Texture packs that I have made over the course of 2 months. All of these were gruelling and exhausting to create, but they're finished now and I can finally rest. ...
ZCA14.1 Where Rivers Dwell
Created by Pumpkin Goblin
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZCA14.1 Where Rivers Dwell Banner: Dark Blue/Light Blue Pattern: Dark Blue/Light Blue ----------------------------------------------------------------...
LT's Runeforge of Hotek 2.0 - UPGRADE System for ALL Elven Factions!
Created by Lord Torquemado
Hotek, the renegade priest of Vaul, succumbed and he took his secrets to the tomb. For millennia, the mastery to fusion elf enchantments and Dawi Rune Magic was lost. But now, when the Rhana Dandra approaches, the blind smith-priests of different places of...
Warrior of Kurnous
Introduction This mod is reskin for Wood Elves units. Enjoy this mod and if you find a bugs. send me a message. I am active in the Discord and Gallery listed below. If you would like direct contact, please go in there and call DOVAKIN. Contacts Totalwar DC...
Building Slots Extended - Wood Elf Outposts Submod
Created by Myxameno
IMPORTANT: This mod was made to be compatible with Mixu's Unlocker andwon't work without it! This mod works with ChaosRobie's Immortal Empires Expanded and The Old World campaigns! NOTE: This is submod, and even though it can be used as a standalone mod, i...
Tutelar of Athel Loren
Introduction This mod is reskin for Forest Tree units. Enjoy this mod and if you find a bugs. send me a message. I am active in the Discord and Gallery listed below. If you would like direct contact, please go in there and call DOVAKIN. Contacts Totalwar D...
Season of Redemption 4K Orion Reskin
Created by GunKing
This is a port of my WH2 Orion reskin. If you are subscribed to both Spring/Autumn versions, only one will display, depending on the load order or if one is active or not. The main delay for getting these reskins posted has been resolved, which is to say t...
Season of Retribution 4K Orion Reskin
Created by GunKing
This is a port of my WH2 Orion reskin. If you are subscribed to both Spring/Autumn versions, only one will display, depending on the load order or if one is active or not. The main delay for getting these reskins posted has been resolved, which is to say t...
Wargrove of Durthu RoR Mod
Created by GunKing
Thus did he awaken those gnarled titans who had fought at his side in ages past – Lorrenoc, Sidhendri, Talbornan and Givrioth - to serve as his lieutenants in an army of spirits greater than any seen for long centuries. This mod adds my interpretation of D...
Fantasy Up-Armoured: Wood Elves Reskin & Officers
Created by Lord of the Stew
Read First! This version of Fantasy Up-Armoured is no longer supported, please go to the main version. --> Fantasy Up-Armoured: Reskin & Officers - Changes Simple list of what has had any vi...
Created by Thom This mod adds new Gnome units, Heroes and a generic lord to the Wood Elves and Daughters of the forest. The gnomes are recruited in campaign from a new building line and are upgraded by the most appropriate red line skill an...
Created by 幡沫
本mod将汉化一些全局通用的功能性mod或多种族mod (Gnomes将在未来移动至木精灵合集) 点击英文白字可直达原mod地址 建筑类: Landmarks of Legend 传奇地标添加了许多地标,其中一些地标允许招募特殊单位和著名军团。 目前,有以下派别的地标: 震旦 基斯里夫 恐虐 色孽 纳垢 奸奇 食人魔王国 混沌恶魔 帝国 吸血鬼伯爵 斯卡文鼠人 巴托尼 古墓王 绿皮 矮人 木精灵 高等精灵 ...
Ancient Treeman Variants
Created by Eric Gordon Berg
This simply adds an additional 10 variants to the Ancient Treeman lord for the Wood elf faction. It ranges from very ordinary to freaky scary. =] THANK YOU/CREDITS: - Frodo and RPFM - h3ro/Ole and the asset editor - Marthenil for selfiehammer...
Created by 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,给木精灵增加了许多种将领卫队 讲道理坐骑类mod好像也没啥好介绍的 使用方式同原版坐骑,需要技能点解锁 理论上和其他mod无冲突,已有存档也可以用 对原版游戏内容无改动,所有词条均为添加 English version → SFO子模组 →
Forest of Gloom Spiders
Created by zerg93
>>>*This mod is part of the Zerg Collection Volume II, DO NOT use this mod along said collection or you'll crash. Choose one.*<<< A little mod that adds a bunch of Spider themed units for Drycha in the Overgrown Groves of Loec landmark located in the Fores...
[Mod] Wood Elves: The Ritual of Rebirth Cooldown
Created by ChopChop This mod is reducing time of The Ritual of Rebirth Cooldown from 8 to 3 turns for the Wood Elf cities: Oak of Ages in Yn Edri Eternos The Witchwood in The Witchwood, Naggaroth Gaean Vale in Avelorn (province), Ulthuan Grypho...
Created by 幡沫
本合集将包括木精灵专属的诸多mod汉化 持续征集木精灵中小型mod~(本合集下只可发木精灵mod) Gnomes 为木精灵和奥斯坦基娅婆婆添加部队/领主/英雄: 一种通用『领主』领主:野性化兽者(奥斯坦基娅婆婆中作为英雄单位) 两种通用『英雄』英雄:侏儒塑影者、侏儒矮灌德鲁伊 一种『步兵』兵种:引路石守卫 一种『骑兵与战车』兵种:红帽骑士 一种『远程骑兵与战车』兵种:菌伞轻骑手 一种『怪兽与野兽』兵种:蟾蜍...
Eternal Wood Elves Reskin.pack
Created by Dietrich This is a re-upload of my Graphical Mod for the Wood Elves Faction with a focus on bringing a more professional well armored feel to the Wood Elves army while also adding a more grounded feel to the mystical units. I decided...
Fay Folk of Athel Loren
Created by CatCanBawl
INTRODUCTION This mod is a faction visual overhaul where wood elf infantry, monsters, and mounts have been adjusted to appear better armored with more variance. HIGHLIGHTS Wood elves have a much more armored and camouflaged ...
Oak of Ages for Immortal Empires
Created by Novaspook
If you are like me you feel like the wood elves got screwed when Mortal Empires was converted into Immortal Empires. Creative assembly uses the same single siege map for all wood elf settlements and even turned the battle for the oak of ages into yet anoth...
Witchwood for Immortal Empires
Created by Novaspook
For anyone who played my recently released Oak of Ages mod you will know what to expect. This mod integrates 2 Witchwood maps into the Witchwood region in Immortal Empires campaign for siege and land battles. Using vanilla assets but dramatically adding va...
堕落戴查 (Corruption Drycha)
Created by 混沌破龍斩
为戴查添加了一系列堕落事件、腐化建筑和独特的英雄,通过戴查亲自打赢一场纳垢派系的战斗来开始堕落事件。当堕落进行到一定阶段时,将允许你招募纳垢部队并且提供强大的腐蚀适应,以及独特的传奇英雄。 ps:我给了她们外号纳头四。可别小看了她们呀,她们在纳垢中的地位就有如库噶斯和罗提格斯般厉害(大嘘) 每个都有独门绝技,每个都有特别之处,斗志和耐性更是技惊四座!秘密武器……更是给你意外的惊喜呀♡ Added a series of corrupt events, corrupt buildings, and uniqu...
In 2 collections by 泡泡茶壶
272 items
105 items