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Wood Elf Enchanted Munitions
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15 Apr, 2023 @ 11:30am
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Wood Elf Enchanted Munitions

A revival of my mod by the same name from Game 2, with some changes to take into account changes between Games 2 and 3.

At the present, the base versions of each ranged Wood Elf Unit can switch mid-battle to one of six choices, each based on a variant of Enchanted Arrow in tabletop. There have also been range increases for Deepwood Scouts, Hawk Riders, and Waywatchers. All Wood Elf Ranged units also can ignore foliage for longer periods of time. All arrows inflict Magical Damage.

Here's a basic overview of the arrows and their effects:

Trueflight Arrows (the base variant that each unit begins the battle set too)
- Additional Range
- Ignore Shields
- Foliage Grace Period is essentially permanent
- Homing
- No Friendly Fire
- Inflict Blinded status condition (Hawk Riders and Waywatchers only)

Arcane Bodkins
- Armor Sundering (Sisters of Thorn and Waywatchers inflict a status condition called Shattering which is essentially a combination of Armor Sundering and Shieldbreaker)
- Large amounts of both base and AP damage

Hagbane Tips
- Poison (Sisters of Thorn and Waywatchers additionally give a DoT equivalent to Skaven Poison Wind)

Moonfire Shots
- Majority AP
- Fire Damage
- Flammable Status (Waywatchers trade Flammable for a status condition that lowers physical, missile, and magic resistance)

Starfire Shafts
- Majority AP
- Fire Damage
- Discourage Status (Waywatchers gain a Flammable/Discouraged combined status effect)

Shiftshiver Shards
- Double Shot (Triple for Waywatchers) but less range
- Magic Damage
- Slight increase in AP
- Waywatchers gain the Dampen Status effect.

I would not particularly label this as balanced so it's in no way shape or form meant for multiplayer (unless the guy, or gal, facing the Wood Elves is a masochist). I'll probably end up increasing the cost (and ammo) just to give the illusion of it in campaign.

Thanks to the UI Changes brought with the Chaos Dwarfs, there is no longer a UI issue with the Sisters of Twilight and no conflict with my Oxyotl's Poisons mod. Enjoy pitting the two against each other to your hearts' content.

I hope everyone enjoys bringing destruction to the foes of Athel Loren. Good Hunting!
anaris 27 Oct, 2023 @ 9:19pm 
Is there something that can be done with the specific ammo type units - eg "glade guards (hagbane tips)" - to make them a viable choice next to the buffed base unit? maybe cheaper upkeep because they only have one arrow type, or a boosted version of those arrow types. It's just a little awkward to have them in the recruit pool if they're not worth recruiting
Iron 11 Jul, 2023 @ 6:29am 
just to add that the plane Jane unit Glade Gurad/Riders & Deepwood scouts, could fill a role that is lacking, Anti Large ranged, which is basic done by lord's/Hero's or Tech buffed melee units, also having a anti infantry option with rapid type as well would help with there other weakness, crowd control as there tend to have small elite units that get reality push against horde army's, so would give these units meaning a purpose again early, mid & even late game in SFO as they are out classed by others by mid game if not earlier as there nothing to set them apart.
with SFO option of factional buildings cap, plus the army caps, the silver and rare units can get used up very quickly, so brings common glade guard/riders into there own a lot more.

Of course depends on how much you would to expand (practical or not) you want to make it, making it players choice helps to reduce comment tennis :P :)
Iron 11 Jul, 2023 @ 5:04am 
hi the mod works with SFO, how ever the glade guard & riders, have swift silver, moon fire, arcane bodkins, but the other 2 are mark place holders, and have the stats with any details,
there work fine, pos some details that you would see, but other wise SFO comparability should be that hard.
of course if this was pure script, then it will hopefully reduce the need for separate patches, only you would what most doable.
would like to see more, and play choice allows people to tailor it there style, so author did have to guess as much.
thanks for your efforts :)
Libra 27 May, 2023 @ 12:50pm 
is there a way you can enable MCT to adjust the numbers on this mod? or just have a slightly less OP version?
JediMasterDraco  [author] 18 May, 2023 @ 9:33pm 
Yeah, if I was just required to play the vanilla game, I doubt I'd have stuck with the series until Game 3's arrival. Discovering the workshop forever changed my idea of what this trilogy's limits are.
Dozer ☠ 18 May, 2023 @ 10:58am 
Ya 100% nailed it. If my faction is supposed to be "ranged gods", then as you stated, once those ranger gods have done their work, the fight should wrap up nicely. WE's always struggled with that, because others units = no lasting power. CA almost understood that and got on board with fixing, but fumbled. Hard. Funny, I always saw more people complain about WE ranged over Skaven and the latter have been the ranged kings for how long? But nope, not enough people batted an eye at that; Skaven more fun to play was their reasoning? Maybe. I digress. If the WE are a ranged god faction, let them be. Modders did/ do and that's why this universe stays relevant, for the video game anyhow, because modders
JediMasterDraco  [author] 18 May, 2023 @ 9:41am 
Yeah, I'm of the opinion that, at least in campaign, an end-game Wood Elf army should be capable of eviscerating enemies at range to the point that after all ammo is expended, a charge of Bladesingers and Sylvan Knights should be more than capable of sending whatever is left into a rout without taking noteworthy losses. For all that people tend to complain about how ranged units are OP, that tends to only be in the cost-effectiveness trading of multiplayer.
Dozer ☠ 18 May, 2023 @ 4:39am 
So CA nerfs the Way damage, doesn't give them a bump in ammo iirc (or very little if they did). Ways were now a necessary evil: they still hit the hardest and fastest out of all other units, but they didn't last into the late game when having a bulldozer mattered the most. We still HAD to take them, because what was our other options? Cav? OK, CA gave WE's more, but none of them held up for the long game. Infantry still suffered the same problem, no lasting power. Zoats? Ugh, don't even get me started.

Modders, imo, are what saved WE's. Modders_all_the_way. You all really do the work of gods and giants. It's the subtle changes, such as this ammo mod of yours, that gives more utility to a faction that still, again imo, cashes in and plays best as a glass cannon. So, yeah, thanks for all you (and any other modder reading this) have done. Literal faction savers
Dozer ☠ 18 May, 2023 @ 4:31am 
I prefer larger scale battles, myself, also. I think a lot of armies perform their best, depending on the faction, with fewer units and others with more. It all comes down to how many tools a faction has at it's disposal. WE's always felt like Cobra Kai's to me :steamhappy: You know, strike first, strike hard, no mercy. Glass cannons. And it did work better during the WH2 era of the pre-nerf Waywatchers.

Even during that time, though, one could make a full stack of Ways, get the enemy to blob up and them unleash volleys of pure death. Problem was two-fold though, players either (1) Ran out of ammo, which likely meant having to take a knee, because Way's were rubbish in melee and that's what the enemy had left, chunky melee units. (2) We were pigeonholed into playing ONE style, and that's already a hard fail in and of itself when the game offers a vast range of units, because we had to make use of as many top tier units to fight against other top tier units.
JediMasterDraco  [author] 17 May, 2023 @ 7:12pm 
Yeah, definitely not a fan of SEM, or spam in general. I like to have vast, balanced armies of elite units. Which is why I have far fewer hours in Game 3 than I do Game 2 since CA removed the ability to have 40+ armies. Hopefully that gets added back in at some point.