Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Föremål (998)
エアコン室外機 / JP AC Units
Skapad av koma
This is a prop for the outdoor unit of an air conditioner. 16 types are included in the package. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- エアコンの室外機のプロップです。 16種類同梱しています。 ---------------------------...
ガードパイプネットワーク / guard pipe network
Skapad av kasasasa
必須mod / Required mods network tiling or network anarchy 制作においてnetwork tiling を使用していますが、同様の機能を内包するnetwork anarchy においても動作することを確認いたしました。使用者様の環境に合わせて前提modをご利用ください。 We use network tiling in production, but we have confirmed that it also works with network anar...
Skapad av toaru
ゴルフ場の案内看板です。(どれも架空の看板です。) ・JP Sign toaru 006 龍神CC ・JP Sign toaru 007 瑞城CC 中松原CC 白田の湯 田中クレーン ・JP Sign toaru 008 豊岡ゴルフ場 岡部病院 たお建設...
Skapad av CADA
名称:S12机场高速_入口标志 Name:S12 Airport Expwy_Entrance sign 类别:摆件 Type:Prop 游戏内名称:S12-3 In-Game name:S12-3...
シンプルなガードパイプ Japanese simple guard pipe
Skapad av Nigorilla
シンプルなガードパイプです。内訳は2種類のものが2色で計4つです Japanese simple guard pipe...
スバルサンバー (道路維持作業車) Subaru Sambar (Road Maintenance)
Skapad av kizuri
スバルが2012年まで生産していた6代目のサンバートラックの道路維持作業車バージョンです。ロードメンテナンスサービスの車両としてスポーンするのでSnowfall DLCが必要です。 Building版(プロッパブル)→ Main Triangles: 2481 Texture: 1024x1024 Window Triangles: 56 Texture: 32x32 Inte...
タイムズ駐車場 parking decoration pack
Skapad av TOKACHI269
日本でよく見かけるタイムズ駐車場の装飾プロップです。 左側通行用 <mesh info> parking gate triss : 826 tex : 512x512(d) parking adjustment machine triss : 286 tex : 256x256(d) parking times triss:130 tex : 512x512(d) parking guide1 triss : 30 tex : 128x256(d) parking guide2 triss : 28 tex...
フェンスパック Japanese Fences Pack
Skapad av TOKACHI269
日本のフェンスです。まだまだ追加する予定あり。ほしいフェンスがあればコメントで教えてくれるともしかしたら作るかもしれません。 Japanese fences pack.There are plans to add more. <Contents> フェンス(1,2,3、門) ネット(白、緑) 橋 学校 線路わきの柵 ブロック(ノーマル、低、透かしブロック、門) アコーディオンフェンス 追加:ブロック2、入口、柵板杭1、2 追加2:16m ver 追加3:8m ver <Mesh info> main tri...
マンホール Japanese Manholes
Skapad av TOKACHI269
7種類のマンホールを追加します。 tex : 256^2 ~ 512^2 Manholes by TOKACHI269...
一汽大众捷达中国警车 FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Chinese Police Car
Skapad av 硬施德Ngenschde
一汽大众捷达中国警车 FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Chinese Police Car Model Information Tris: 2348/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
一汽大众捷达出租车(涂装2蓝色)FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Taxi (Painting 2 Blue)
Skapad av 硬施德Ngenschde
北京出租车涂装,若要订阅此资产您需要有入夜DLC。 This asset is painted in Beijing taxi style. For the taxi to spawn, After Dark DLC is needed! Model Information Tris: 2332/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
上海迪美地下购物街主入口 Sunken Plaza / Entrance
Skapad av KimuXY
上海迪美地下购物街主入口 Sunken Plaza / Entrance...
中国邮政 Scania_G_China Post
Scania_G_China Post by E32 SJP-GZQ T(Z)89......
五菱荣光 2014 刁民用车
Skapad av ZM0263
五菱荣光 2014 刁民用车 by 醉梦0263...
Skapad av shibakata
■お知らせ(Notice/注意事項) アセット公開を中止していますが、今回はコロナウイルスの緊急支援として 10万円分(制作時間が10万円位)のアセットを公開いたします。笑 有償依頼をいただくのですが、自分がつくれないジャンルのアセットが多いためお断りしている状況です。 通勤車両や建物は別途ご相談ください。 制作時間や資料を合わせた原価は10万円くらいですが、みんな1万円位で作成されているようです。 We are discontinuing asset disclosure, but this time a...
原油码头 Crude oil harbor Component
Skapad av hikke
大家好这次的作品是原油港口组件 一共分为6个部分 摆放很简单 管道接口对准就行 不懂的可以看示意图 在公园菜单内 最后希望大家继续支持我~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- hi everyone~ this assets is Crude oil harbor Component There are six parts in total in park menu if you like...
国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building
Skapad av TAEMIN B
国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building 国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. it is called by 'Kokkai gijidō'. It is a house of councillors, National diet building of Japan. It is in tokyo, Around of imperial(royal) palace. And it's popular landma...
Skapad av curr66
制作不易,求求大家点点赞吧,, 大阪北郵便局 by curr66 基本描述: 该建筑的原型是位于大阪梅田蓝天大厦前的一个大型邮局,由于有点复杂,我做了一些简化,着重刻画了屋顶以及正面立面,在后方我做了类似仓库的设置,你可以把block service中的post office放在每个小车库卷帘门后方,并且从前面拉一路链接外部,还是很具有可玩性的,整个建筑利用了sub,所以目前为止没法PO,我把它设为独特建筑,你可以通过“find it”找相关关键词找到它。 Basic description: The pr...
国鉄EF65形電気機関車 - JR貨物コキ100形貨車 + PROP
Skapad av TOKACHI269
VehicleとPropバージョンのセットです。 Engine 国鉄EF65形電気機関車 Freight car JR貨物コキ100形貨車 EF65はTORAKICHI-WORKS様から許可をいただき、RailSimのプラグインからコンバートして制作しました。 TORAKICHI-WORKS コンテナのテクスチャはryo5861様が製作したものです。 <Mesh info> EF65 : Main triss : 4470 texture size : 1024x2048 (defuse,normal,al...
宇通 ZK6996H5Z 浙江快客 YUTONG
Skapad av ZM0263
宇通 ZK6996H5Z 浙江快客 YUTONG by 醉梦0263 公告型号 ZK6996H5Z 用途 客运客车,旅游客车,团体客车 车身长度 9949mm 车身宽度 2500mm 车身高度 3320,3420mm 座位数 24-44 最高车速 100km/h 游戏中为城际巴士 盖好了客运站后 等了一段时间我的城市一辆城际巴士都没有。。所以没有截图了...
小さなガソリンスタンド / JP S-Gasstation ENEOS
Skapad av koma
It is a small 1 x 1 sized gas station. It would look great in a suburban or rural area. This work was created with reference to the ENEOS Oami Shirasato SS in Chiba Prefecture. Growable commercial low 1×1. --------------------------------------------------...
工事現場 PROP PACK (japanese Construction prop pack)
Skapad av TOKACHI269
日本の工事現場を再現するためのpropです。 コーンバーやフェンス等はPLTで違和感なく引くことが出来ます。 内容 コーン、 コーンバー、矢印プレート、ユニットハウス、仮設トイレ、敷き鉄板、仮設パネル、A型バリケード、パイプバリケード、足場、ネット、看板 お題箱(asset request) 工事現場 PROP PACK (japanese Construction prop pack) by TOKACHI269...
小学校 JP Elementary School
Skapad av TOKACHI269
小学校 JP Elementary School 小学校です。本校舎、副校舎、職員室は共通のテクスチャを使っており、ひとまとめのものと個別のものが含まれています。 Find it!でJPESと検索してください。 It is elementary school. The main school building, the secondary school building, and the staff room use a common texture. and include collective and ...
日本の道路標示「転回禁止」「指定方向への進入禁止」JP Road Marking No Turns Sign Decal
Skapad av Nigorilla
日本のUターン禁止規制と指定方向への進入規制標示です 矢印標示はKaminogi氏制作の Japanese Road Markings Pack / 日本の道路標示 より提供していただきました Japanese Road Marking No Turns Sign Decal Thanks:Kaminogi...
日本全国交通看板55本セット_Traffic Sign 55
Skapad av shibakata
■概要(Overview) 日本の道路でよく見かける交通案内看板(通称:青看板)です。 北海道から沖縄の実際にある看板を採用しました。 ※看板のサイズやフォントは実際と異なります。 この看板を設置すると碁盤目や画一的な都市計画を実行することは困難になります。 脱碁盤目シティ!! 文字数エラーの関係から、メモの英語表記は省略いたします。 また、作成依頼や誤字の修正はご指摘いただいても修正しません。ごめんなさい。 It is a traffic signboard (commonly known as a bl...
Skapad av 红米先生
广州环球都会广场 by 逍遥子掌门人 环球都会广场总建筑面积为18万平方米,总高度318米,楼层67层,是中轴至高可售甲级写字楼地标。配备地下5层智能车库、38层之上的空中奢华大堂、8.8米挑高豪华宴会厅等顶级商务配套。项目正处珠江新城最繁华的中轴核心区域,与东塔比肩相邻,共同组成68万平方米集超甲写字楼、高端商场、星级酒店、高端公寓于一体的顶级城市综合体。同时,中轴线上广州歌剧院、图书馆、博物馆、广州塔等七大地标景观也近在咫尺,又可北看56万平方米花城广场中轴景观、南望绝版一线珠江、东北向远眺珠江公园,中...
日産 NV150AD バン 自家用車版
Skapad av kizuri
Nissan NV150 AD Van (Private car version) Tris: 3499 Texture: 1024x1024 Lod Tris: 104 Texture: 64x64 産業版(industry version): PROP版:
株)金澤運送冷凍冷蔵庫 / JP Kanazawa Transport
Skapad av koma
Kanazawa Transport Refrigerator and Freezer Ltd. in Hakodate, Hokkaido. 5x8 cells, category is Unique Building. 北海道函館市の株式会社金澤運送冷凍冷蔵庫です。 5×8セル、カテゴリーはユニークビルディングです。 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse アマゾンギフト券 f0501a...
江铃 JX5048 mod2 标准涂装 农业
Skapad av ZM0263
江铃 JX5048 mod2 标准涂装 农业 by 醉梦0263 Type:agriculture; farming; ...
江铃 JX5048 mod2 标准涂装 商业
Skapad av ZM0263
江铃 JX5048 mod2 标准涂装 商业 by 醉梦0263 Type:commerce; trade; business;...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 农业货车 标准涂装
Skapad av ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 农业货车 标准涂装 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 农业货车 金坷垃运输车
Skapad av ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 农业货车 金坷垃运输车 by 醉梦0263 整车尺寸 5.995米 2.13米 3.1米 货箱参数 4.07米 2.05米 2.05米...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 工业区货车 标准涂装
Skapad av ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 工业区货车 标准涂装 by 醉梦0263...
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-顺丰快递2
Skapad av ZM0263
江铃 JX5048XXYXGD2 邮政-顺丰快递2 by 醉梦0263...
洋服の青山 看板
Skapad av koma
洋服の青山のクソでかい看板です。 Find it! では「aoyama」または「koma」で検索して下さい。 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse アマゾンギフト JP Aoyama sign by koma...
消防団詰所 2Packs
Skapad av koma
Fire brigade station It's a fire brigade station. Both are 1×1 squares. We have one fire truck set up. 消防団詰所です。 どちらも1×1マスです。 消防車は1台の設定にしています。 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse アマゾンギフト券 JP Fi...
漁港 (Japanese Fishing harbor)
Skapad av TOKACHI269
日本によくある漁港です。工業propのタブに追加されます。 <mesh info> ship main triss : 2584 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,) LOD triss : 70 texture size : 128x128 (defuse,) ship(small) main triss : 1116 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar) LOD ...
港府总部大楼 Central Government Offices
Skapad av Milgram
政府总部(英语:Central Government Offices),是香港特别行政区政府总部的所在地,位于香港岛金钟添马添美道2号,分为东翼及西翼两座,而东翼前地是政府总部的正门。政府总部是添马舰发展工程的三组建筑之一,其东北为立法会综合大楼,其西北则为行政长官办公室,亦是香港行政会议举行的所在地,三组建筑之间的绿化带辟作添马公园,让公众举行活动及集会,亦不时会摆放艺术品作展出用途,如2018年的“天问”作品。 The Central Government Complex has been the he...
特斯拉Tesla Model-X
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Tesla Model-X by...
现代底商 Modern Shopping Mall
Skapad av KimuXY
现代底商 Modern Shopping Mall...
田んぼパック Rice field packs
Skapad av TOKACHI269
Rice fields 4種類の田んぼアセット(3色)、休耕地、あぜ道、用水路、橋などを追加します。遠景でも表示されます。 add four types of Rice fields (three colors), fallow land, Rice field footpath, irrigation canal, bridge and so on. displayed in the distant view. 地面が貫通してしまうときはClipping Networkをお使いください。 Please u...
留置線セット_Train base set
Skapad av shibakata
■概要(Overview) 日本の鉄道シリーズは人気が少ないため、応援する気持ちで作りました。 The Japanese railway series is not so popular, so I made it with the feeling of cheering. ■メモ(Memo) 細かい配置が求められるため、マニア向けのプロップセット 配置数が多くなるため、テクスチャはかなり小さいです。 Prop set for enthusiasts because fine arrangement is ...
蜀都 CDK6122CABEV 普通公交
Skapad av 硬施德Ngenschde
成都市区的12米纯电动巴士。 12m battery electric bus in Chengdu, China. 内容 车辆&摆件 Content Vehicle & Prop Model Information Tris: 2646/108 Textures: 1024*1024/128*128...
資材セット (Material Sets)
Skapad av にる~ niroo
資材セット (Material Sets) 商業施設の裏手や工場、ホームセンター等幅広い場面で活用できる資材をまとめてみました。 内容物は以下の通りです。 ・ハンドリフト(ハンドリフター)(現場猫のやつ)(handlift)・ 1種 ・木材運搬台車(ホムセンにあるやつ)(Material trolley) ・・ 1種 ・かご台車(Material basket trolley)・・・・・・・・・・・・7種 ・段ボールの山(Material cardboard box) ・・・・・・・・・7種 ・肥料の山(M...
鉄道高架橋 Railway Viaduct Network
Skapad av Nigorilla
鉄道の高架橋のネットワークアセットです 単線用、複線用、複々線用の柱ありorなし、の6種、壁のみのもの1種の合計7種類のセットです。 Network Multitoolとの併用をおすすめします。 2020/9/27 Updated 柱が出ないバグを修正しました。ネットワークアセットは修正を上書き更新すると、使用しているセーブデータが開かなくなるリスクがあるため、追加しています。各自で不要なアセットの削除などをお願いします Fixed a bug where pillars did not appear. N...
錆びた歩道橋 / rusty footbridge
Skapad av kasasasa
このアセットはプロップであり、歩道の機能はありません。 各自透明パスを引くことをお勧めします。 完成形とパーツの2パターン同梱しています。 アセット名は「jp rusty footbridge~」ですが、長いので「JPRF」でも検索できます。 find it!にて「pedestrian」「歩道橋」でも検索できます。 This asset is a prop and does not have sidewalk functionality. It is recommended to draw a transp...
青年 JNP6127F 浙江快客 YOUNGMAN
Skapad av ZM0263
青年 JNP6127F 浙江快客 YOUNGMAN by 醉梦0263 青年客车JNP6127F 等级 高一级 用途 客运客车,旅游客车,团体客车 车身长度 12000mm 车身宽度 2550mm 车身高度 3960mm 座位数 41-57,27-40 最高车速 125km/h ====== 面数 5410 贴图 1024*1024...
Skapad av 言绥
韶山4型电力机车 + 25G型新绿皮硬座车 是的,你没有看错,这不是模拟火车,这是天际线的一个列车资产。 本资产是17编组版本,如果您使用原版站台,请使用6编组版本:
Skapad av 言绥
韶山4型电力机车 + 25G型新绿皮硬座车 是的,你没有看错,这不是模拟火车,这是天际线的一个列车资产。 ...
Skapad av Onlylove
顺丰货运飞机_A by Onlylove...
顺丰快递 Scania G-series with SF_express paint work
Scania_G_SF_express by E32 SJP-GZQ T(Z)89... about 1000 polys (837... paint work is customizable....
Skapad av CR
首个可以控制发光的广告牌 在路灯选项可以找到!广告制作 欢迎加入qq群:661736674...
鶴屋(音衛門ビルヂング)JP Tsuruya-Otoemon
Skapad av koma
Tsuruya Otoemon Building is a Japanese sweets store located in Fuku chi yama City, Kyoto Prefecture. This building is a renovation of the former Fuku chi yama Shinkin Bank head office, built in 1928. Growable commercial low 2×2. Support / Donate If you can...
small oak
Skapad av pdelmo
"EZ" 2-in-1 Water Station
Skapad av ELES
***NOTE: THERE IS AN ISSUE WITH THIS ASSET:*** Changing the budget for water causes the sewage cleaning part to not work anymore. Please be advised that this asset may not function properly as a sewage cleaning system. (thanks kasi.grog) ***Snowfall UPDATE...
"EZ" Crematorium
Skapad av ELES
"EZ" utilities and services for those looking for an easier time progressing and unlocking milestones/achievements without breaking the game. This is simply a buffed Crematorium: Smaller size: 2x3 3x range, hearse count, corpse burn speed, and corpse capac...
"EZ" Eco-friendly Coal Power Plant
Skapad av ELES
"EZ" utilities and services for those looking at an easier time progressing and unlocking milestones/achievements without breaking the game. This is simply a buffed Coal Power Plant: Smaller size: 4x4 Generates 3x electricity compared to default No polluti...
"EZ" Elementary School
Skapad av ELES
"EZ" utilities and services for those looking for an easier time progressing and unlocking milestones/achievements without breaking the game. This is simply a buffed Elementary School: Smaller size: 5x4 Drastically larger student capacity to match universi...
"EZ" Fire House
Skapad av ELES
"EZ" utilities and services for those looking for an easier time progressing and unlocking milestones/achievements without breaking the game. This is simply a buffed Fire House: Size: 3x3 2x fire trucks (from 6 to 12) +25% more fire department radius (700 ...
"EZ" Fire Station
Skapad av ELES
"EZ" utilities and services for those looking for an easier time progressing and unlocking milestones/achievements without breaking the game. This is simply a buffed Fire Station: Smaller size: 4x4 +25% more fire trucks (from 25 to 32) +25% more fire depar...
"EZ" Garbage Incinerator
Skapad av ELES
"EZ" utilities and services for those looking for an easier time progressing and unlocking milestones/achievements without breaking the game. This is simply a buffed eco-friendly Garbage Incineration Plant: Smaller sieze: 3x4 +20% more collection radius (f...
"EZ" High School
Skapad av ELES
"EZ" utilities and services for those looking for an easier time progressing and unlocking milestones/achievements without breaking the game. This is simply a buffed High School: Smaller size: 5x4 Larger student capacity to match universities (from 1000 to...
"EZ" Hospital
Skapad av ELES
"EZ" utilities and services for those looking for an easier time progressing and unlocking milestones/achievements without breaking the game. This is simply a buffed Hospital: Smaller size: 8x4 +25% more ambulances (from 30 to 38) +25% more healthcare radi...
"EZ" Medical Clinic
Skapad av ELES
"EZ" utilities and services for those looking for an easier time progressing and unlocking milestones/achievements without breaking the game. This is simply a buffed Medical Clinic: Size: 4x4 2x more ambulances (from 8 to 16) +25% more healthcare radius (7...
"EZ" Police Headquarters
Skapad av ELES
"EZ" utilities and services for those looking for an easier time progressing and unlocking milestones/achievements without breaking the game. This is simply a buffed Police Headquarters: Smaller size: 5x4 +25% more police cars (from 25 to 32) +25% more pol...
"EZ" Police Station
Skapad av ELES
"EZ" utilities and services for those looking for an easier time progressing and unlocking milestones/achievements without breaking the game. This is simply a buffed Police Station: Smaller size: 3x3 +50% more police cars (from 10 to 15) +25% more police c...
"EZ" University
Skapad av ELES
"EZ" utilities and services for those looking for an easier time progressing and unlocking milestones/achievements without breaking the game. This is simply a buffed University: Smaller size: 8x8 +33% more student capacity (from 4500 to 6000) +33% more edu...
( PROP ) JP Various Signboard / 町内会掲示板・看板各種
Skapad av koma
It is a bulletin board and a signboard of the neighborhood association which seems to be in a residential area in Japan. There are 2 kinds of bulletin boards and 17 kinds of signboards. 日本の住宅街にありそうな町内会の掲示板と看板です。 掲示板2種類、看板17種類です。 6/22 I added two kinds. 6/2...
( RICO ) JP Eneos J-Quest
Skapad av koma
Eneos J-Quest is a shop combined with a self-service gas station & shop located alongside a home improvement center or shopping mall. RICO has been set. 8 x 4 squares. Eneos J-Quest は、ホームセンターやショッピングモールに併設して立地している、 セルフサービスのガソリンスタンド&ショップが一体となったお店です。 RICO設定済み...
(β)JP Coin Parking Lot Custom A
Skapad av SUGINOKO
ver.2.2 ■ 日本のコインパーキングです。以下の41種類が同梱されています。 ▪ It is a Japanese coin parking lot. The following 41 types are included. ■ このアセットは作成者の意向によって変更する場合があります。 ▪ This asset is subject to change at the discretion of the author. https://i...
[Deprecated] 4-Way Intersection Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Added Lane Sign - Left
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Added Lane Sign - Right
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Authorized Vehicles Only Sign
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Big Stripes Sign - Left
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Big Stripes Sign - Right
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Bike Lane Sign
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Chevron Alignment Marker Signs
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[Deprecated] Curve Sign - Left
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Curve Arrow Signs
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Curve Sign - Right
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Dead End Sign
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Deer Crossing Sign
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Diamond Obstacle Marker Signs
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Divided Road Ends Sign
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Divided Road Sign
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Do Not Enter Sign
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Do Not Stop On Tracks Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Emergency Vehicles Only Sign
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] End School Zone Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Exit Speed Limit Sign
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Firehouse Sign
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Freeway Ends Sign
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Freeway Entrance Sign
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Highway Barrel
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Highway Exit Sign 1 - Left
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Highway Exit Sign 1 - Right
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Highway Exit Sign 2 - Left
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Highway Exit Sign 2 - Right
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Highway Service Sign - Food
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Highway Service Sign - Generic
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Highway Service Sign - Rest Area 1 Mile
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Highway Service Sign - Rest Area Exit
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Highway Service Sign - Rest Area Next Right
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Highway Service Sign - Weather
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This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] HOV Lane Ahead Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] HOV Lane Ends Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] HOV Lane Info Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Keep Left Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Keep Off Median Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Keep Right Except To Pass Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Keep Right Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Lane Ends Sign - Left
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Lane Ends Sign - Right
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Lane Ends Sign - Right (Text)
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Left Lane Must Turn Left Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Low Clearance Sign - 12' 2"
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Merge Sign - Right
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Move For Stopped Vehicles Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] No Cars On Track Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Left/Right Lane Must Exit Signs
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Merge Sign - Left
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] No Motor Vehicles Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] No Outlet Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] No Parking Sign 1 (Text)
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] No Parking Sign 2 (Symbol)
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] No Pedestrians Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] One Way Sign (Left)
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] One Way Sign (Right)
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Orange Delineator Post
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Park-and-Ride Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Parking Left/Right Signs
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Pavement Ends Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Pedestrian Crossing - Left
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Pedestrian Crossing - Right
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Plant Entrance Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Railroad Crossing Sign - Crossbuck
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Railroad Crossing Sign - Round
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Ramp Speed Limit Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Right Lane Must Turn Right Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Reduced Speed Ahead Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Roadworks Barrel
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] School Crossing Sign (Left)
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Roundabout Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] School Crossing Sign (Right)
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] School Zone Ahead Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] School Zone Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] School Zone Speed Limit Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Side Road Sign - Left
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Side Road Sign - Right
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Signal Ahead Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Slippery When Wet Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Slow Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Steep Grade Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Stop Ahead Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Stop Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Stripe Markers
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] T-Junction Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Tram Crossing Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Truck Crossing Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Two Way Traffic Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Vehicle Weight Limit Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Vertical Panel Barriers - Plain
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] White Delineator Post
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Wrong Way Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Yield Sign
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Yield to Pedestrians Post
Skapad av Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
(G) Parker Loft
Skapad av Prosper
Residential High / level 3 / 4x3 / 1024x1024 / 2699 tris / LOD 512x512 / 28 tris Update 22.11.2016 Residential High / Corner / level 4 / 4x3 / 2048x512 / 1110 tris / LOD 256x256 / 20 tris + RICO ready (9 "homes")...
(OLD) [US Road Project] 2-Lane Highway
Skapad av Endoraan
New version => Please make sure you replaced all roads of this type in your savegames before unsubscribing or they will break!!!...
(OLD) [US Road Project] 2-Lane One-Way Road
Skapad av Endoraan
This asset won't be updated. I'm working on a new set of USRP roads with custom models and props. 19/03/25 - Hotfix -Fixed asset reference bug, arrows should now be displayed correctly 19/03/31 - Update -Bus and Sightseeing Bus stops should now function pr...
(OLD) [US Road Project] 4-Lane Road w/ Turning Median
Skapad av Endoraan
This asset won't be updated. I'm working on a new set of USRP roads with custom models and props. 2019-05-22 - Update American traffic lights are finally here! You will no longer need a separate mod to change the signals, only subscribe to the new prop pac...
(OLD) [US Road Project] 6-Lane Boulevard
Skapad av Endoraan
This asset won't be updated. I'm working on a new set of USRP roads with custom models and props. 2019-05-22 - Update American traffic lights are finally here! You will no longer need a separate mod to change the signals on this road, just subscribe to the...
(OLD) [US Road Project] 6-Lane Road
Skapad av Endoraan
This asset won't be updated. I'm working on a new set of USRP roads with custom models and props. 19-03-25 - Hotfix -Fixed asset reference bug, arrows should now be displayed correctly 19-03-31 - Update -Bus and Sightseeing Bus stops should now function pr...
(OLD) [US Road Project] 6-Lane Road with Grass
Skapad av Endoraan
This asset won't be updated. I'm working on a new set of USRP roads with custom models and props. 2019-03-25 - Hotfix -Fixed asset reference bug, arrows should now be displayed correctly 2019-03-31 - Update -Bus and Sightseeing Bus stops should now functio...
(OLD) [US Road Project] 6-Lane Road with Trees
Skapad av Endoraan
This asset won't be updated. I'm working on a new set of USRP roads with custom models and props. 2019-03-25 - Hotfix -Fixed asset reference bug, arrows should now be displayed correctly -Added MrMaison's Pin Oak trees as standard trees 2019-03-31 - Update...
(OLD) [US Road Project] Arrow Decals Pack
Skapad av Endoraan
Old version for the old roads. Not supported by the new ones. New version => These right here still work with the old roads (those with '' in their name, the new roads have 'USRP' in their n...
(OLD) [US Road Project] Basic Road
Skapad av Endoraan
This asset won't be updated. I'm working on a new set of USRP roads with custom models and props. 2019-03-25 - Hotfix -Fixed asset reference bug, arrows should now be displayed correctly 2019-03-31 - Update -Bus and Sightseeing Bus stops should now functio...
(OLD) [US Road Project] Highway Ramp
Skapad av Endoraan
New version => Please make sure you replaced all roads of this type in your savegames before unsubscribing or they will break!!!...
(OLD) [US Road Project] National Road
Skapad av Endoraan
New version => Make sure you have replaced all roads of this type in your savegames before unsubscribing or they will break!!!...
(OLD) [US Road Project] Wide 4-Lane Suburban Road
Skapad av Endoraan
This asset won't be updated. I'm working on a new set of USRP roads with custom models and props. 2019-03-25 - Hotfix -Fixed asset reference bug, arrows should now be displayed correctly 2019-03-31 - Update -Bus and Sightseeing Bus stops should now functio...
(OLD) [US Road Project] Wide 4-Lane Suburban Road without markings
Skapad av Endoraan
This asset won't be updated. I'm working on a new set of USRP roads with custom models and props. 2019-03-31 - Update -Bus and Sightseeing Bus stops should now function properly -updated curb texture 2019-05-22 - Update American traffic lights are finally ...
(OLD) [US] Wide 4-Lane One-Way Suburban Road
Skapad av Endoraan
This asset won't be updated. I'm working on a new set of USRP roads with custom models and props. 19/03/31 - Update -Bus and Sightseeing Bus stops should now function properly -Updated curb texture 19/05/30 - Update -American traffic lights! Thanks to 'ol ...
(OLD) [US] Wide 4-Lane Suburban Road Unmarked Alt
Skapad av Endoraan
This asset won't be updated. I'm working on a new set of USRP roads with custom models and props. 2019-03-31 - Update -Bus and Sightseeing Bus stops should now function properly 2019-05-22 - Update American traffic lights are finally here! You will no long...
(U) 680 5th Ave
Skapad av Prosper
RICO / Commercial High / level 3 / 4x4 / 1024x1024 / 4167 tris / LOD 512x512 / 94 tris Unique Building / level 4 For corner placement. Based on 680 5th Ave, New York, USA (service data: (U)5Ave680) ...
1 North Dearborn Building
Skapad av Macwelshman] If you have a CS1 commission please use the link below. 1 North Dearborn Building Designed by Holabrid & Roche and completed in 1917, 1 North Dearborn is a large 17 storey building that runs the length of the block between St...
1-Lane Highway Ramp with Sound Barriers
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A one-lane, one-way highway ramp with sound barriers. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Sound barriers (ground level only) Width: 1.5 squares (12m) Speed limit: 70 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection....
1-Lane One-Way Bus-Only Road
Skapad av Delta 5-1
You need a mod for the road to be fully functional To make the road behave as a bus-only road, you need to be using either: Bus-Only Road Enabler or TM:PE (road restrictions need to be set manually) Please note that the two mods are mutually incompatible. ...
1-Lane Highway with Wide Hatched Shoulder
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A one-lane, one-way highway with wide, hatched shoulder. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Wide shoulder with hatched markings Aligns with the Mass Transit 2-Lane Highway – so you can do your lane arithmetic in style. Width: 2 squares (1...
1-Lane One-Way Narrow Country Lane
Skapad av Delta 5-1
The Narrow Country Lane is designed to carry low traffic volumes in one direction, at speeds up to 50 km/h (30 mph), while allowing pedestrian access and zoning. Details (this and related roads) ✔️ Narrow Country Lane ✔️ Country Lane Country Road Lanes 1 (...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with bike lanes in both directions. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ c...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Grass
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanil...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (Both Sides)
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on both sides. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads...
(OLD) [US Road Project] Roadside Props
Skapad av Endoraan
Old version for old roads. I made new traffic lights for the new USRP roads. New version => These right here still work with the old roads (those with '' in their name, the new roads have 'U...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (One Side)
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on one side. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lane Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Tram Track and Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with tram track and parking spaces on both sides. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Tram track Bus bays and tram bulbs 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If ...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Tram Track without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with tram track, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Tram track Bus bays Tram stop markings 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road,...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Trees
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads i...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires and Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with trolleybus wires and parking spaces on both sides. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Trolleybus wires Parking lanes Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with trolleybus wires, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Trolleybus wires Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road, check ...
1-Lane One-Way Road without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collecti...
100 North Main Street
Skapad av KingLeno
100 N Main Street by KingLeno An office tower in downtown Memphis, TN. The large "UP Bank" sign was removed in 2005 when Union Planters bank which was headquartered in Memphis was acquired by Regions. Model Triangles 6731 Texture 1024x1024 Custom LOD Lot s...
100m Highrise Condo
Skapad av Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 growable high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 13319 tris 1024x512, LOD 128 tris 256x256, submesh 3240 tris, glass...
11-14, Korean Low Residential
Skapad av neinnew/네인
11-14, Korean Low Residential,4465221.8813351,13,0,0,0,dha&p=TUOQnbwiCUJXvcOwtDk2yw,145.15,-36.68,20,Float 제작 후기. Information Residential Low Level 5 2 × 3 Unit Rotor Shader Thumbnail Name Tris Texture Size http...
113th Street Apartments (5 pack high res growable)
Skapad av Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a set of 5 High residential New York inspired apartments. Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to see new releases and upcoming work visit my pat...
1177 Sixth Avenue
Skapad av RoomMic
1177 Sixth Avenue by RoomMic Alright, drones, listen up! 1177 Sixth Avenue is a 50-story skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, completed in 1992. Designed in a classic 1980s post-modernist style based around Art Deco design elements, the building...
1080 5th Ave
Skapad av Prosper
Growable / Residential High / level 5 / 3x4 / 1024x2048 / 5465 tris / LOD 256x256 / 250 tris Based on high-rise residential building at 1080 5th Avenue, NYC. Built in 1961. ...
120 Degree Commercial Corner
Skapad av Smilies
RICO commercial 3x3 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 1271 tris, LOD 19 tris 64x64 Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance looks best when placed with move it mod 4 color variations Asset shares textures with Old Montreal 1...
159 state street
Skapad av Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x2 High Ress corner lvl 2. About the model The seventh building of my New England series, this building is located in Boston Mass. I guess not the most extravagant building, but I think ...
160 state street
Skapad av Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x2 High Ress corner lvl 3 About the model The twelfth building of my New England series. The building is located in Boston, at you guessed it: 160 state street. You've seen this one befo...
2 Containers Rail Cars - Pack 1
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Container rail cars with 5 variations of 4 brands, including Cargo in Motion (CIM), CIMSKIP (by Lee Towers), Generic Industries Ltd. (by Beardmonkey) and a new giant in the shipping business KALMAR. The rail c...
2 Containers Rail Cars - Pack 2
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Container rail cars with variations of 5 brands, including ATYS CGM, AZURE, BMSC, OWL & PDXCO. The rail car itself is by Tim the Terrible, who graciously let me use it for my containers - check out his awesome...
2 Containers Rail Cars - Pack 3
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Container rail cars with 5 variations of 4 brands, including BPCL, MIYAGI, Schmidt-Lönne and TPB. The rail car itself is by Tim the Terrible, who graciously let me use it for my containers - check out his awes...
2 Platforms Cross (4 Tracks) Metro Station
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station with 2 platforms, which run orthogonally as a cross, where one platform is on a lower level. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosing the tracks. Hori...
2 Platforms Cross 45 Degree (4 Tracks) Metro Station
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station with 2 platforms, which cross each other in an angle of 45 degree, where one platform is on a lower level. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosing th...
2 Platforms Parallel (4 Tracks) Metro Station (orthogonal to entrance) | fits on vanilla station
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station with 2 parallel platforms. Tracks are orthogonal to the entrance. You can replace the standard metro station with this station. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shi...
2 Platforms Parallel (4 Tracks) Metro Station (parallel to entrance)
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station with 2 parallel platforms. Tracks are parallel to the entrance. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosing the tracks. The station is a refresh of my ol...
2 Containers Rail Cars - Pack 5
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Container rail cars with 6 variations of brands, including DUGONG, GEO, ICL, NEPTUNE, OceanBox and STEX. The rail car itself is by Tim the Terrible, who graciously let me use it for my containers - check out h...
2 Platforms Cross Diagonal (4 Tracks) Metro Station
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station with 2 platforms, which run orthogonally as a diagonal cross, where one platform is on a lower level. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosing the tra...
120 Degree Mixed-Use Corner
Skapad av Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Modular RICO mixed-use commercial and residential pack 6x4 commercial base and residential top Mesh 1 base 698 tris LOD 19 tris Mesh 2 top 612 tris LOD 35 tris Glass b...
2 Platforms Parallel Various Levels (4 Tracks) Metro Station
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station with 2 parallel platforms, where one platform is on a lower level. Tracks are parallel to the entrance. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosing the t...
2 Platforms Y-Intersection (4 Tracks) Metro Station
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station with 2 platforms, which run like a Y-Intersection on the same level. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosing the tracks. Both Platforms: -4...
2-Lane Avenue with Grass and Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way avenue with decorative grass and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass Parking lanes 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check ...
2-Lane Avenue with Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way avenue with parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collect...
2-Lane Avenue with Bike Lanes
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of November 2022 (patch 1.15.1), an equivalent road has been added to the After Dark DLC. Notable differences: Minor styling A two-lane, two-way avenue with bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes 100% vanilla style W...
2-Lane Avenue with Grass without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: This road has bus bays. A two-lane, two-way avenue with decorative grass, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel vari...
2-Lane Avenue with Trees and Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass and trees Parking lanes 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this ro...
2-Lane Avenue with Trees without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: This road has bus bays. The median is covered with grass instead of tilled soil. A two-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees, without parking...
2-Lane Highway with Wide Hatched Shoulder
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way highway with wide, hatched shoulder. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Wide shoulder with hatched markings Aligns with the vanilla 3-Lane Highway – so you can do your lane arithmetic in style. Width: 2.75 squares (22m...
2-Lane One-Way Country Road
Skapad av Delta 5-1
The Country Road is designed to carry moderate traffic volumes, at speeds up to 80 km/h (50 mph), while allowing pedestrian access and zoning. The one-way version is ideal for dual carriageways and roundabouts. Details (this and related roads) Narrow Count...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with bike lanes in both directions. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ coll...
2-Lane Avenue without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: This road has bus bays. A two-lane, two-way avenue without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays 100% vani...
2-Lane One-Way Bus-Only Road
Skapad av Delta 5-1
You need a mod for the road to be fully functional To make the road behave as a bus-only road, you need to be using either: Bus-Only Road Enabler or TM:PE (road restrictions need to be set manually) Please note that the two mods are mutually incompatible. ...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Bus Lane
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with a bus lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lane & bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collectio...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Contraflow Tram Lane and Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with a contraflow tram lane and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Contraflow tram lane Bus bays and tram bulbs All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like th...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Contraflow Tram Lane without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with a contraflow tram lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Dedicated contraflow tram lane Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Offside Tram Lane and Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with an offside tram lane and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Dedicated tram lane Bus bays and tram bulbs All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this ...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (One Side)
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on one side. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lane Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ colle...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Offside Tram Lane without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with an offside tram lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Dedicated tram lane Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other ro...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Tram Lane and Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with a dedicated tram lane and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Dedicated tram lane Bus and tram bulbs All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Tram Lane without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with a dedicated tram lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Dedicated tram lane Bus stop road markings All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, che...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with trolleybus wires, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Trolleybus wires Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 square (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out ...
2-Lane One-Way Road without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. A two-lane, one-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 The road is desig...
2-Lane Two-Way Bus-Only Road
Skapad av Delta 5-1
You need a mod for the road to be fully functional To make the road behave as a bus-only road, you need to be using either: Bus-Only Road Enabler or TM:PE (road restrictions need to be set manually) Please note that the two mods are mutually incompatible. ...
2-Lane Two-Way Country Lane
Skapad av Delta 5-1
The Country Lane is designed to carry low traffic volumes, at speeds up to 50 km/h (30 mph), while allowing pedestrian access and zoning. Details (this and related roads) Narrow Country Lane ✔️ Country Lane ✔️ Country Road Lanes 1 (One-Way) 2 (Two-Way) 2 (...
2-Lane Two-Way Country Road
Skapad av Delta 5-1
The Country Road is designed to carry moderate traffic volumes, at speeds up to 80 km/h (50 mph), while allowing pedestrian access and zoning. Details (this and related roads) Narrow Country Lane Country Lane ✔️ Country Road ✔️ Lanes 1 (One-Way) 2 (Two-Way...
2-Lane Two-Way Highway with Median
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way highway with painted median. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Width: 2.5 squares (20m) Speed limit: 100 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you like this road, c...
2-Lane Two-Way Highway with Median and Sound Barriers
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way highway with painted median and sound barriers. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Sound barriers (ground level only) Width: 2.5 squares (20m) Speed limit: 100 The road is designed to blend in as much as...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Grass
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with painted median and decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out other ro...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with painted median and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Bike Lanes
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with painted median and bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Bike lanes 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out other road...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Tram Track without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with a tram track, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants One-way tram track Bus bays & tram stops All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out othe...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Trees
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with painted median and decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check o...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Median without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with painted median, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Tram Tracks without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with tram tracks, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Tram tracks Bus bays & tram stops All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads ...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with trolleybus wires, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Trolleybus wires Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 square (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out ...
2-Lane Two-Way Road without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. A two-lane, two-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 The road is desig...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with One-Way Tram Track and Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with a single, one-way tram track and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes One-way tram track Bus bays & tram stops All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like ...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with One-Way Tram Track without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with a single, one-way tram track, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants One-way tram track Bus bays & tram stops All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road...
20 East 74th Street
Skapad av Prosper
RICO / Residential High / level 5 / 4x5 / 3072x1024 / 7009 tris / LOD 256x256 / 284 tris Based on co-op apartment building at 20 East 74th Street, NYC. Built in 1947. ...
2005 Ferrari F430
Model Info Main Mesh Tris : 3,986 Texture : 1024 x 512 LOD Tris : 42 Texture : 64 x 64 Prop Included Hope you like it!
2010 BMW M5
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
A German Performance Sedan Fancy a speed contest through the twisting streets of your city? How about an adrenaline filled rush as you bypass all the other slowpokes on the freeway? The M5, a performance tuned version of the...
2010 Chevrolet Tahoe
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
A Classic Version of an American SUV One of the most popular full size SUVs during the 2000s, the Tahoe essentially defined the new and rising SUV class. Throughout its history, it set the standard for the lumbering giants t...
2010 Ford F350 Short Bed
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
Rally Themed Pickup Truck Craving something you can go off road in? Well, let this truck be the answer to your wishes! A simple reconvert of my Mr. Plow, this vehicle is sure to get your off road Cims super excited. https://...
2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X
Skapad av M.HA
2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X by M.HA The Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X is the tenth and last generation of the Lancer Evolution, a sports sedan produced by Japanese manufacturer Mitsubishi Motors. By September 2005, Mitsubishi introduced a concept version ...
2012 Honda Goldwing
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
Ride a Motorcycle to Work, School, and Fun Update for parking fix! On a bright sunny day, what better way to relax than to cruise down the roads in the top of the line motorcycle in Honda's lineup. Starting at $24,699, it fe...
2013 Mercedes Sprinter Camper RV
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
Sportsmobile Camper For Small Off Road Adventures When it's time for a off road trip, and you don't want to spend a fortune on a RV, the smaller Sprinter RV is the choice to go. Not only is it plush and comfortable inside, b...
2013 Nissan Altima aka Teana
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
A Best Selling Sedan by Nissan The Nissan Altima used to be exclusive to the global market; however, beginning with the fifth generation, the globally available midsize Teana became a rebadged Altima. Many of the Altimas in ...
2013 Peterbilt 386 with Container Trailer
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
A Streamlined American Semi with an Shipping Container Trailer Carry the goods from the seaport to the distribution center with the Peterbilt 386. It's time to make those deliveries and remove the coronavirus induced backlog...
2013 Peterbilt 386 with Generic Industry Trailer
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
A Streamlined American Semi with a Reefer Trailer Day or night, there's a version of the Peterbilt 386 for taking your Cim's perishables to and from the city. The truckers work nonstop to ensure that your cities have fresh s...
2013 Peterbilt 386 with Logging Trailer
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
Bring those unprocessed logs to the mills in a Streamlined American Semi! Carry those logs to the mills to become nice planks for use in furniture. After all, most people won't know what to do with a solid piece of trunk. An...
2013 Peterbilt 386 with Longer Oil Trailer
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
A Streamlined American Semi with an Longer Oil Trailer If there is a longer oil trailer in the title, then there must be a shorter one coming on Tuesday. It's getting late, so I'm not going to be able to finish uploading the...
2013 Peterbilt 386 with No Trailer
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
A Streamlined American Semi There's remarkably few just the semi with the cab by itself. As I make pretty thorough versions of all my stuff, you can of course grab an empty version just to see some truckers "returning" from ...
2013 Peterbilt 386 with Ore Trailer
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
A Streamlined American Semi with an Ore or Mining Trailer Take away the precious metals for further processing and industrialization! You have both a sleeper and a daycab in this download so you can bring them as long as you...
2014 Toyota Camry
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
The Bestselling Car for Fourteen Years Straight Introduced to the world in 1983, the Camry quickly became the car of choice for people wanting a simple, utilitarian, and reliable ride. Now, your Cims can finally enjoy that s...
2014 Toyota Corolla
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
A Economical Japanese Compact Sedan When it comes to having a compact reliable Japanese sedan, the two options that first come to mind (in the US) are the Corolla or the Civic. Having already made the Civic, I now present th...
2015 Mack Terrapro LEU Garbage Truck
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
Full Body Color Rear Loading Garbage Truck If you just want a garbage truck without any logos, this is the truck to get! The cab can be adapted to any body, including front, side, and roll-off purposes (Other bodies were jus...
2016 Audi A3 Undercover
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
British Undercover Vehicle As the suspect slinks away from the scene, he notices an A3 pull up behind him. Knowing them to not typically be police vehicles, he felt safe, until the moment he realizes there's a whole squad ch...
2016 Ford Fusion / Mondeo
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
Ford's Flagship Sedan For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Mondeo nameplate, that is what the Ford Fusion is known globally. Since I make primarily American vehicles, this one will carry the Fusion badging, but liter...
2016 International Pumper Tanker Red LAFD
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
A Commerical Pumper for your more rural regions If you don't need a full size pumper (think the Velocity), Pierce offers commercial pumpers based on the International Chassis. In addition to carrying a pump that can throw wa...
2016 International Pumper Tanker White CSFD
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
A Commerical Pumper for your more rural regions If you don't need a full size pumper (think the Velocity), Pierce offers commercial pumpers based on the International Chassis. In addition to carrying a pump that can throw wa...
2016 Koenigsegg Regera
Skapad av M.HA
2016 Koenigsegg Regera by M.HA The Koenigsegg Regera is a limited production, plug-in hybrid grand touring sports car manufactured by Swedish automotive manufacturer Koenigsegg. It was unveiled at the March 2015 Geneva Motor Show. The name Regera is a Swed...
2016 Lexus RX450
Skapad av nvcks FInally the leading and stylish SUV is available to your cims! The 2016 Lexus RX450 was completely redesigned from its predecessor and is now a striking SUV with sharp lines. Tris: 2340 Textures: 1024x1024 Model made by me. ...
2017 Bugatti Chiron
Skapad av M.HA
2017 Bugatti Chiron by M.HA The Bugatti Chiron is a mid-engine two-seater sports car designed and developed in Germany by Bugatti Engineering GmbH and manufactured in Molsheim, France by French automobile manufacturer Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S.. The succes...
2017 Cadillac CTS-V
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
American Sports Car For Your Cims The CTS-V is one of the performance vehicles in the Cadillac lineup, the other being the ATS-V. Poised to change the face of the brand the CTS-V is a sporty alternative to German heavyweights...
2017 Ford Explorer
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
Modern American SUV 2016 was a major facelift for the Ford Explorer with the 2017 model year carrying largely intact. Featuring a redesigned front fascia, hood and lower bumper, standard LED low-beam headlights, and fog lamp...
2017 Honda Civic
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
Japanese Sport Sedan For Your Adrenaline Filled Cims Chase the road in the all new 2017 Honda Civic Sedan! This sporty car is the number one seller in the compact car category since its release. Featuring a modern forward lo...
2017 Land Rover Range Rover
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
A Modern Take on a British Luxury SUV Land Rover is the first brand to come to mind when one thinks of a luxury British SUV. As Range Rovers line proliferated into the Discovery, Sport, and Velar lines, the Range Rover under...
2017 Lexus NX 300h
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
A Luxury Japanese SUV The luxury segment is often dominated by European heavyweights. In the recent years (not that recent, after 2000, to be exact), there have been a few excellently designed Japanese and American alternati...
2017 Mclaren 720S
Skapad av M.HA
2017 Mclaren 720S by M.HA The McLaren 720S is a sports car designed and manufactured by British automobile manufacturer McLaren Automotive. It is the second all-new car in the McLaren Super Series, replacing the 650S beginning in May 2017. source: wikipedi...
2018 Chevrolet Tahoe
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
The Newest Tahoe, Now For Civilians My 400th workshop submission (some are private, thus the discrepancy) is a revisit of the Suburban. Coming from a model that was extracted from game, the original Suburban doesn't match wi...
2018 Mercedes-Benz AMG GLC 63S Coupe
Skapad av LinkingDan
The Mercedes-Benz GLC class is a compact luxury crossover SUV introduced on 2016. Is also available as a five door hatchback bodystyle. This is the performance edition for the GLC Coupe and use a V8 4.0l twin-turbo engine which can develop 503 hp. You can ...
2018 Toyota Tacoma
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
An American Version of the Hilux The Tacoma is the American version of the globally popular Hilux. With a more aggressive front styling, it's meant for pickup truck enthusiasts rather than commercial service. However, that d...
2018 Volkswagen Arteon 大众CC
Skapad av Jackson Wang
2018 VW Arteon 2018 大众 CC 2k Texture/材质 Tris Count 2300/三角面总数 Prop version click here / 道具摆件版本 Hey dude! Please don't downvote my work, even though it's free, I still spend a lot of time on it. What you need to know is that a downvote needs 15 likes to off...
2019 Aston Martin Vantage
Skapad av Jackson Wang
2019 Aston Martin Vantage Update 01: Refine the UVmap, Re-texture light, Wheels, Logos, While the original wheel was a rough cylinder, the updated wheel looks more realistic. Important things: The model is from Sketchfab. The author of this model is iSteve...
2019 Chevrolet Express Passenger Van
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
American 12-Seater Passenger Van UPDATED 4.6.2019. For Save Compatibility, the in game name remains 2016 GMC Savana Passenger. The trusty Express chassis can be used for more than delivering cargo. It can be used to transpor...
2019 Ford F350 Super Duty Camper RV
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
Truck Camper For Those Who Go Camping with their Truck If you don't want to buy a whole new camper just for going camping, you can just get an attachment for your super duty pickup truck. It is heavy though, and you'd probab...
2019 Ford Flex
Skapad av Californianyt
A full-size crossover SUV or wagon by the North American automaker Ford Ford Flex 2019 and Prop Version Introduced as the successor to the Ford Taurus X A single generation was produced from the 2009 to 2019 model years Introduced in 2005 as a concept vehi...
2019 Honda Odyssey
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
The Only Newly Designed Japanese Minivan. With the increased popularity of SUVs, the minivan segment became quite niche. However, Honda had just completed the 2018 Odyssey redesign around that time, and it didn't make sense ...
2019 Lime Rosenbauer Panther ARFF
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
Lime Colored Modern Airport Fire Fighting Truck These few weeks, I've been out of town preparing for the next chapter in my life. This is actually the first weekend I'm free in a while! This is the latest generation of the R...
2019 Opel Combo Cargo Prop
Skapad av VeesGuy
2019 Opel Combo Cargo Prop by VeesGuy Tris: 3468 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page:
2019 Porsche Panamera
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
The Panamera. Four, Uncompromised. A few years ago, everything to do with the sedan — large, cumbersome, and upholstered — seemed outdated. And behind the scenes at Porsche, something fast and dynamic began approaching reali...
2020 Dodge Journey
Skapad av Californianyt
A mid-size crossover SUV by the American automaker Dodge Dodge Journey 2020 The Dodge Journey also known as the Fiat Freemont in some countries debuted at the 2007 Frankfurt Motor Show Tris: 3,482 Texture 1024 x 1024 All shots from my Pinelake project ;) V...
2020 Lincoln Continental
Skapad av Californianyt
A luxury sedan by the American brand Lincoln, a division of the American automaker Ford Motor Company Lincoln Continental Couch 2020 The Lincoln Continental is a series of mid-sized and full-sized luxury cars Tris: 2,638 Texture 1024 x 1024 All shots from ...
2020 Mercedes Benz GLE 4Matic
Skapad av Californianyt
A luxury SUV by the German automaker Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz GLE 450 4Matic 2020 This is the fourth generation GLE-Class, was unveiled at the 2018 Paris Motor Show Tris: 2,304 Texture 1024 x 1024 All shots from my NYC project ;) Visit my Instgram for m...
2020 Nissan Rogue Sport Prop
Skapad av VeesGuy
2020 Nissan Rogue Sport Prop by VeesGuy Tris: 3522 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page: Early Access Vehicles: -2021 Tesla Model S -2022 Citroen C4 -2022 Skoda Kodiaq -2022 VW Passat -2022 Peugeot 3008 -2021 VW Multivan -2021...
2021 Audi A4 Prop
Skapad av VeesGuy
2021 Audi A4 Prop by VeesGuy Tris: 3315 Textures: 1024x1024 My patreon page:
2021 Volkswagen Caddy Maxi Cargo Prop
Skapad av VeesGuy
2021 Volkswagen Caddy Maxi Cargo Prop by VeesGuy Tris: 3440 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page:
2021 Volkswagen Golf GTI
Skapad av LinkingDan
The Golf Mk8 was revealed on 2019 and is based on an updated plataform available only as a five-door hatchback. This generation is powered by a wide range of engines from a 1.0 litre three-cylinder turbocharged engine from the TSI model up to a 2.0 litre t...
2022 Freightliner Sprinter Van Prop
Skapad av VeesGuy
2022 Freightliner Sprinter Van Prop by VeesGuy Tris: 3348 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page: Early Access Vehicles: -2021 Tesla Model S -2022 Citroen Ami -2022 Citroen C4 -2022 Skoda Kodiaq -2022 VW Passat -2022 Peugeot 300...
2022 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Van Prop
Skapad av VeesGuy
2022 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Van Prop by VeesGuy Tris: 3348 Texture: 1024x1024 My patreon page: Early Access Vehicles: -2021 Tesla Model S -2022 Citroen Ami -2022 Citroen C4 -2022 Skoda Kodiaq -2022 VW Passat -2022 Peugeot 30...
21 Victoria Street
Skapad av eligios⚡
21 Victoria Street made by me according to the project Terodesign Studio: "Let us kindly introduce another project that we created for the Arctic Mirage studio in January 2019. This particular build...
22 battery street (Lvl 3 commercial 3x4)
Skapad av Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 3x4 high commercial lvl 3. About the model There's not a lot of quality buildings in the commercial category. I made this, because I needed a nice filler for this size and category. You can always f...
25 Telegram Mews Toronto
Skapad av fayeddd
Welcome This was a masterpiece work by my friend--Monty--for Cities XL and now I am bringing it into Cities Skylines. Check Monty's CXL collection here Yeah please enjoy! About The Asset The asset is created...
259 State St
Skapad av tomzako
ABOUT THE BUILDING New London building on the 259 State St ABOUT THE MODEL: Main model tris 671 LOD model tris 36 Main texture 2048x2048 LOD texture 512x512 IF YOU WANT SUPPORT ME (my mum account :D)
2x4 Parking Lot v2.0
Skapad av JCity
A simple parkinglot for your city! Takes up 2x4 squares. Updated values so tourists do not visit it. This version will overwrite the old one since they have the same name! A part of my modular parking set:
3 Platforms Cross (6 Tracks) Metro Station
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station with 3 platforms, where 2 parallel platforms run orthogonally to the one platform on the lower level. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosing the tra...
3 Platforms Parallel (6 Tracks) Metro Station (parallel to entrance)
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station with 3 parallel platforms, where the middle platform is on a lower level. Tracks are parallel to the entrance. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosin...
3 Platforms Star (6 Tracks) Metro Station | fits on vanilla station
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station with 3 platforms, where each platform runs in an angle of 60 degree to its next platform as a star. Each platform is on another level. You can replace the standard metro station with this station, because the first platform has the ...
3 Platforms Parallel (6 Tracks) Metro Station (orthogonal to entrance)
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station with 3 parallel platforms, where the middle platform is on a lower level. Tracks are orthogonal to the entrance. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choos...
3 Platforms Triangle (6 Tracks) Metro Station | fits on vanilla station
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station with 3 platforms, which run like an equilateral triangle on the same level. You can replace the standard metro station with this station. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and...
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Highway
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of March 2023 (patch 1.16.1), an equivalent road has been added to Mass Transit DLC. A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way highway. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Width: 2.5 squares (20m) Speed limit: 100 The road is designed t...
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Highway with Sound Barriers
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of March 2023 (patch 1.16.1), an equivalent road has been added to Mass Transit DLC. A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way highway with sound barriers. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Sound barriers (ground level only) Width: 2....
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way road with bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection. https://...
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Road with Bus Lane
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way road with bus lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lane and bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other...
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Road with Grass
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in my col...
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Road with Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way road with parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection. h...
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Road with Trees
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other road...
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way road with trolleybus wires, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Trolleybus wires Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, che...
3-Lane Highway with Wide Hatched Shoulder
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way highway with wide, hatched shoulder. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Wide shoulder with hatched markings Aligns with the Mass Transit 4-Lane Highway – so you can do your lane arithmetic in style. Width: 3.25 squar...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with bike lanes in both directions. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection....
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Road without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
If vanilla isn't vanilla enough for you... This roads is equivalent to the Mass Transit DLC 1+2 road (you still need the DLC to use this road), but with minor changes: Pavement and roadway textures are a closer match to the standard 2-lane road and an exac...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Bus Lane
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of March 2023 (patch 1.16.1), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: This road has bus bays, which prevent stopped buses from blocking other buses using the bus lane. A three-lane, one-way road with a bus lane, without ...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Grass
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verge Bus bays Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you like this roa...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (Both Sides)
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on both sides. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collectio...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (One Side)
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on one side. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lane Bus bays Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you li...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Tram Lane without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with a dedicated tram lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Dedicated tram lane Bus stop markings All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check ...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Tram Track without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with a tram track, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Tram track Bus bays and tram stop markings All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out ...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Trees
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verge with trees Bus bays Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you li...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with trolleybus wires, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays Trolleybus wires Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanill...
3-Lane One-Way Road without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: This road has bus bays, which prevent stopped buses from blocking other traffic. A three-lane, one-way road without parking spaces. Features: Grou...
3-Lane Two-Way Road with One-Way Tram Lane
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A three-lane, two-way road with a dedicated one-way tram lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Dedicated tram lane Tram stop road markings Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you...
33 Alfred St (AMP Building)
Skapad av Robert
Completed in 1962 and coming in at 115m (not including the flags), the AMP Building took the title of tallest building in Sydney from the AWA Tower. This is a recreation of what's sometimes called Sydney's first skyscraper. The current building features dr...
3550 Cass Avenue
Skapad av Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 2 (3x2) office. Just a nice looking detailed 6 story office I modelled. You can use it as a filler in your downtown or for the center of your small town/suburbs. Hope you like it aswe...
4 Platforms Cross (8 Tracks) Metro Station
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station with 4 platforms, where 2 platforms run orthogonally to the other 2 platforms, which are on a lower level. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosing th...
4 Platforms Star (8 Tracks) Metro Station | fits on vanilla station
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station with 4 platforms, where each platform runs in an angle of 45 degree to its next platform as a star. Each platform is on another level. You can replace the standard metro station with this station, because the first platform has the ...
4-Lane (1+3) Two-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, asymmetrical (1+3), two-way road with bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ co...
4-Lane (1+3) Two-Way Road with Grass
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, asymmetrical (1+3), two-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. ...
4-Lane (1+3) Two-Way Road with Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, asymmetrical (1+3), two-way road with parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. I...
4-Lane (1+3) Two-Way Road without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, asymmetrical (1+3), two-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you like this road...
4-Lane (2+2) Two-Way Highway
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of March 2023 (patch 1.16.1), an equivalent road has been added to Mass Transit DLC. A four-lane, two-way highway. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Width: 3 squares (24m) Speed limit: 100 The road is designed to blend in as much as p...
4-Lane (1+3) Two-Way Road with Trees
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, asymmetrical (1+3), two-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vani...
4-Lane (2+2) Two-Way Highway with Sound Barriers
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of March 2023 (patch 1.16.1), an equivalent road has been added to Mass Transit DLC. A four-lane, two-way highway with sound barriers. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Sound barriers (ground level only) Width: 3 squares (24m) Speed l...
4-Lane Avenue with Bus Lanes (without Parking)
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way avenue with bus lanes, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lanes and bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in my coll...
4-Lane Avenue with Grass (without Parking)
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way avenue with decorative grass (without parking spaces). Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other road...
4-Lane Avenue with Parking and Trees
Skapad av Delta 5-1
If vanilla isn't vanilla enough for you... This roads is identical to the vanilla avenue with trees except: The median is covered with grass instead of dirt. A four-lane, two-way avenue with parking spaces and decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elev...
4-Lane Avenue with Trees (without Parking)
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees (without parking spaces). Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass and trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out ...
4-Lane Avenue with Trolleybus Wires (without Parking)
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way avenue with trolleybus wires, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Trolleybus wires Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads ...
4-Lane Avenue without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way avenue without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection.
4-Lane One-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with bike lanes in both directions. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ col...
4-Lane One-Way Road with Grass
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you like this roa...
4-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (Both Sides)
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on both sides. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ c...
4-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (One Side)
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on one side. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lane Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you lik...
4-Lane One-Way Road with Trees
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you li...
4-Lane One-Way Road with Bus Lane
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with a bus lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lane All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection. https://...
4-Lane One-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with trolleybus wires, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Trolleybus wires Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. I...
4-Lane One-Way Road without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: Speed limit: 50 (this road) vs 40 (vanilla) This road spawns traffic lights by default. A four-lane, one-way road without parking spaces. Features...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection. https://i....
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Bus Lanes
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: Speed limit: 50 (this road) vs 40 (vanilla) This road spawns traffic lights by default. A four-lane, two-way road with bus lanes, without parking ...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Grass
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of March 2023 (patch 1.16.1), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. A four-lane, two-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Bus Lanes
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median and bus lanes, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Bus lanes & bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, ch...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Grass
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median and decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Grass verges Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other ro...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Bike Lanes
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median and bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in t...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Parking lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roa...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Trees
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median and decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Grass verges with trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check o...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my ...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you like this road...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Tram Lanes
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of November 2022 (patch 1.15.1), an equivalent road has been added to the Snowfall DLC. Notable differences: Speed limit (this road: 50, vanilla: 40) This road spawns traffic lights by default. Tram stops on this road come with road markings (as opposed...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Tram Tracks
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of November 2022 (patch 1.15.1), an equivalent road has been added to the Snowfall DLC. Notable differences: Speed limit (this road: 50, vanilla: 40) This road spawns traffic lights by default. Tram stops on this road come with road markings (as opposed...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Trees
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of March 2023 (patch 1.16.1), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. A four-lane, two-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: ...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with trolleybus wires, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Trolleybus wires Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. I...
4-Lane Two-Way Road without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: Speed limit: 50 (this road) vs 40 (vanilla) This road spawns traffic lights by default. A four-lane, two-way road without parking spaces. Features...
40' Gooseneck Container Chassis Prop
Skapad av grayishbyrd
Simple but effective, the 40’ gooseneck container chassis is capable of hauling a 40’ ISO container with a GVWR of 65,000 lbs. This model is the workhorse standard of chassis fleets throughout the United States. This is a empty 40' gooseneck container chas...
40' Gooseneck Container Chassis Prop w/ EU Container
Skapad av grayishbyrd
Simple but effective, the 40’ gooseneck container chassis is capable of hauling a 40’ ISO container with a GVWR of 65,000 lbs. This model is the workhorse standard of chassis fleets throughout the United States. This is a 40' gooseneck container chassis (b...
40' Gooseneck Container Chassis Prop w/ North America Container
Skapad av grayishbyrd
Simple but effective, the 40’ gooseneck container chassis is capable of hauling a 40’ ISO container with a GVWR of 65,000 lbs. This model is the workhorse standard of chassis fleets throughout the United States. This is a 40' gooseneck container chassis (b...
40ft Container - Wan Hai
Skapad av YufuCharioteer
萬海的40ft貨櫃道具 感謝Avanya和她的指南「Make your own brand」 Wan Hai 40ft container prop Many thanks to Avanya and her guide「Make your own brand」 The vehicle(Taiwan) : here The vehicle(EU) : here ...
40ft Container truck - Yang Ming
Skapad av YufuCharioteer
歐洲風格的貨櫃車,陽明40ft貨櫃搭載 要歸功於Avanya的EU卡車,我只是把拖車的塗裝修改而已 貨櫃道具 : here 40ft container truck - Yang Ming Full credit to Avanya for the truck - All I did was modify the trailer texture a bit. container prop : here...
45° Corner Riga Office
Skapad av Lost Gecko
45° corner free-placement contemporary RICO office buiding inspired from a project in Riga, Latvia. Without the RICO mod, this asset is a park witout stats. It still requires road access. Has 4 colour variations. Map theme: New Caledonia - LUT: Colorful Su...
4Lane Japanese wide-width road
Skapad av Yoshino NY
Japanese style four lane road separeted by the box beam.(No parking space) features -Original tunnel model of Semi-circular cross-section. -Original arch bridge model. -Slightly wide lane. -Real texture. this asset may have problems. I recommend backup the...
5 Platforms Cross (10 Tracks) Metro Station
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station with 5 platforms, where 2 platforms run orthogonally to the other 3 platforms, which are on a lower level. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosing th...
5-Lane (2+3) Two-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A five-lane, asymmetrical (2+3), two-way road with bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection. ...
5-Lane (2+3) Two-Way Road with Bus Lanes
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A five-lane, asymmetrical (2+3), two-way road with bus lanes, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lanes & bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other ...
5-Lane (2+3) Two-Way Road with Grass
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A five-lane, asymmetrical (2+3), two-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my coll...
5-Lane (2+3) Two-Way Road with Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of March 2023 (patch 1.16.1), an equivalent road has been added to Mass Transit DLC. Notable differences: Speed limit: 60 (this road) vs 50 (vanilla). This road has the exact same styling as other 2+3 Vanilla+ roads (trees, grass, bus lane, bike lane an...
5-Lane (2+3) Two-Way Road with Trees
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A five-lane, asymmetrical (2+3), two-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads...
5-Lane (2+3) Two-Way Road without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A five-lane, asymmetrical (2+3), two-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection. http...
5-Lane One-Way Road with Grass
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A five-lane, one-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection....
5-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (Both Sides)
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A five-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on both sides. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ c...
5-Lane One-Way Road with Trees
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A five-lane, one-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ col...
5-Lane One-Way Road without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A five-lane, one-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection....
51 East 77th Street
Skapad av Prosper
Growable / Residential High / level 4 / 2x3 / Corner / 1024x1024/ 2336 tris / LOD 256x256 / 134 tris Based on residential building at 47 East 77th Street, NYC. Built in ?. ...
511 East 80th
Skapad av Prosper
RICO / Residential High / level 4 / 6x4 / 2048x1024 / 3029 tris / LOD 256x256 / 110 tris Based on high-rise residential building at 511 East 80th Street, NYC. Built in 1963. ...
512-514 Broadway
Skapad av Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 2 High commerical 3x4 growable based on 512-514 in New York in Soho. About the model A new model from my Soho, Noho and Nolita series. This model has about 4481 tris and a 2048x512 te...
53' Reefer Prop Pack
Skapad av grayishbyrd
A 53' reefer trailer for transporting temperature sensitive goods like produce, frozen foods, meat, flowers, etc. Beside the plain one, there are several company livery versions : C.R. England, Fedex Custom Critical, Sunco Carriers, Swift Transportation, W...
Skapad av Californianyt
Chelsea, Manhattan 551 West 21st street is a luxury residential tower located in Downtown Manhattan. Developed by Scott Resnick of SR Capital and designed by Norman Foster, the 19-story building encompasses 44 individual apartments, each filled with natura...
6 Platforms Hexagram (12 Tracks) Metro Station | fits on vanilla station
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station with 6 platforms, where twice 3 platforms run like equilateral triangles on two different levels as a hexagram. You can replace the standard metro station with this station. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced S...
6' Wood Fence - 8m
Skapad av Khrysler
6' Wood Fence - 8m by Khrysler Perfect terrain conforming wood fence for any types of backyard. The fence can be found at "Residential > Home Yard" MODEL - 54 triangles | 256x128 texture maps LOD - 24 triangles | 64x32 texture maps...
6-Lane (2+4) Two-Way Road with Grass
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A six-lane, asymmetrical (2+4), two-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my colle...
6-Lane (2+4) Two-Way Road with Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A six-lane, asymmetrical (2+4), two-way road with parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collec...
6-Lane (2+4) Two-Way Road with Trees
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A six-lane, asymmetrical (2+4), two-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads ...
6-Lane (2+4) Two-Way Road without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A six-lane, asymmetrical (2+4), two-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection. https...
6-Lane Avenue with Grass (without Parking)
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: This road has a wider median. A six-lane, two-way avenue with decorative grass (without parking spaces). Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunn...
6-Lane Avenue with Grass and Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A six-lane, two-way avenue with decorative grass and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Median with grass Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out oth...
6-Lane Avenue with Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A six-lane, two-way avenue with parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection....
6-Lane Avenue with Trees (without Parking)
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: This road has a wider median. This road's median is covered with grass instead of tilled soil. A six-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees (w...
6-Lane Avenue with Trees and Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A six-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Median with grass and trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, che...
6-Lane Avenue without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: This road has a wider median. A six-lane, two-way avenue without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All...
6-Lane One-Way Road without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A six-lane, one-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection.
6-Lane Two-Way Road with Bus Lanes (without Parking)
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A six-lane, two-way road with bus lanes, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lanes and bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collect...
6-Lane Two-Way Road without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
A six-lane, two-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection.
60° Mixed Use Corner 112m
Skapad av Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Contains only the tower, requires the base commercial model 5x5 RICO high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination assets share textures...
60° Mixed Use Corner 43m
Skapad av Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Contains only the tower, requires the base commercial model 5x5 RICO high density residential assets share textures, use Loading Screen Mod to enable texture sharing 1...
60° Mixed Use Corner 67m
Skapad av Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Contains only the tower, requires the base commercial model 5x5 RICO high density residential assets share textures, use Loading Screen Mod to enable texture sharing 1...
60° Mixed Use Corner 84m
Skapad av Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Pack contains a commercial base and residential tower, turn on road anarchy to plop them on top of each other. 5x5 RICO high commercial and high density residential as...
60 Metre Wide EMAS Bed
Skapad av Distanced
An EMAS bed (acronym for Engineered Materials Arrestor System bed) is placed at the ends of a runway instead of blast pad. It's made out of a material that collapses under under the weight of an aircraft to stop it if it overruns the runway. This EMAS bed ...
650 California Street
Skapad av Jerenable
650 California Street: A 142m tall L A R G E B O X boring building from the finacial district of San Francisco to house you salary workers. Brought to you by Jerenable™ I used this building for my youtube video on modernism The look of the building says it...
741 St Nicholas Ave
Skapad av Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) Had this one in my moddingfolder for almost 2 years,... -growable (of course) -L1 office building -custombuildings -triangles: yes -textures: yes -This building is from New York -In case you dont...
79 Washington (Strand ballroom)
Skapad av tomzako
ABOUT THE BUILDING Only found some information about theatre in building The Strand Ballroom & Theatre (formerly the Paramount Theatre, Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel and commonly The Strand) is a live music venue located in downtown Providence, Rhode Island. The...
8-Lane Avenue with Grass without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
An eight-lane, two-way avenue with decorative grass, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass 100% vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 km/h (~37 mph) If you like this road, check out ot...
8-Lane Avenue with Tram Lanes
Skapad av Delta 5-1
As of November 2022 (patch 1.15.1), an equivalent road has been added to the Snowfall DLC. Notable differences: Speed limit (this road: 60, vanilla: 50) Minor styling An eight-lane, two-way avenue with dedicated tram lanes, without parking spaces. Features...
8-Lane Avenue with Trees without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
An eight-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass and trees 100% vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 km/h (~37 mph) If you like this road, ch...
8-Lane Avenue without Parking
Skapad av Delta 5-1
An eight-lane, two-way avenue without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants 100% vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 km/h (~37 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection....
81 Tiles 2
Skapad av algernon Overview Enables unlocking and building on all map tiles, not just the 25 in the middle (replaces the old '81 Tiles' mod). Includes optional Remove Need for Power Lines, Remove Need for Pipes, and Cross the Line functionalit...
821 Broadway
Skapad av Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 4 High residential corner 2x3 growable based on 821 Broadway in New York in Soho. About the model A new model from my Soho, Noho and Nolita series. This is quite a heavy model with ab...
86 weybosset street
Skapad av tomzako
ABOUT THE BUILDING Providence building on the 86 weybosset street. ABOUT THE MODEL: Main model tris 1512 LOD model tris 5 Main texture 2048x2048 LOD texture 512x512 IF YOU WANT SUPPORT ME (my mum account :D) https://i.imgur....
90 Deg Rotated Lower Level (-16) Metro Station
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station whose platform is rotated 90 degree in comparison to the standard metro station and on a lower level (-16). The platform runs parallel to the entrance. This station was wished by Paps....
90 Degree Rotated Platform Metro Station
Skapad av Cyterion
This is a metro station whose platform is rotated 90 degree in comparison to the standard metro station. The platform runs parallel to the entrance. You can replace the standard metro station with this station at crossroads, because the platform has the sa...
A320 All Nippon Airways
Skapad av Krakow131
全日本空輸(全日空)は1952年に設立され現在では日本航空と並び日本を代表する航空会社です All Nippon Airways(ANA) is one flag carrier of Japan. SKYTRAX and ANA website SKYTRAX ANA SKY WEB Special Thanks This asset was made using vasimr22 templete, you can found it here ...
A350-900 in CAAC
Skapad av abuchou
China's A359 pack 7 A359 in the pack,with vehicle and props 1、Sichuan Airlines B-301D (panda) 2、Sichuan Airlines B-304U 3、Air China B-1086 4、Air China B-308M (Star Alliance) 5、China Southern B-308T 6、Hainan Airlines B-1069 7、China Eastern B-304D 中国民航空客A350...
Aachen Cathedral prop pack
Skapad av fred10416
Statue and pinnacle relief props for Aachen cathedral. You can also use it for adding Gothic features to your building facades. Use Find It and search keyword "pinnacle" for quick access to the props in Game. Saint statue parts' meshes and textures are mod...
Aachen Cathedral, Aachen, Germany
Skapad av fred10416
***Prop pack missing issue fixed! Remember to subscribe to it. Requested by Charlemagne, Aachen Cathedral was founded in 8th Century in Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle), Holy Roman Empire, now in Germany. Coronations of many Holy Roman Emperors took place here. Th...
Aalto Opera House
Skapad av GDuath
The Aalto Opera House (Aalto-Musiktheater) is a performing arts venue in Essen, Germany. Designed by the Finnish architect Alvar Aalto, it opened in 1988 after 5 years of construction. The style is considered "organic architecture" due to its curved forms ...
Ability to Read
Skapad av REV0
Only modders will understand. Feel free to use in your mods as a required item. Provides 10K entertainment bonus. Only visible in Asset Editor....
AC Generic Container Prop Set
Skapad av Grunder Industries
AC Generic Container Prop Set Contains 3 props with different fill levels. Use LSM to share textures. Shares textures with other AC container assets....
AC Generic Container Set
Skapad av Grunder Industries
Description Requires Industries DLC A stack of shipping containers featuring multiple container designs found in the Ace Combat Series. Functions as a warehouse and shows different models based on how much goods is stored. Based on Avanya's Container stora...
AC Unit Prop Pack
Skapad av Casia Loopy
4 wall mounted air conditioning props, and a wire-bundle cutout prop. Textures shared with Monreale condo . Props are less than 40 triangles. Auto-generated lod for now....
AC Units
Skapad av YOGURT
랜덤으로 4가지 브랜드의 실외기가 설치됩니다. Main 256*128 Lod 64*32...
AC Units
Skapad av Emperor Li
3 AC Units Required props for my taiwanese commercial buildings. 模型資料 | model infos: Tris: 16-20 maps: 128x64 (d,a,i,s,c) LOD tris: 12 LOD maps: 64x32 (d,a,i,s,c) Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
AC Units Pack | 冷氣機
Skapad av Jeremychit This is an updated version of, please unsubscribe the old item. AC Units 冷氣機 Discription 9 different AC units props, 4 large, ...
ACME 0.6.5
Skapad av algernon A camera mod, with new features being added. New in 0.6 Customizable shadow calculation parameters - distance and sharpness. Stepped rotation hotkeys at 15-degree increments: Control-X and Control-Y (Shift to reverse directi...
Activated sludge process tank
Skapad av Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on An activated sludge process tank modelled after the ones at Mariagerfjord Rensningsanlæg in Denmark. It creates noise pollution and garbage to mimic the smell and sludge waste it creates. I've tried to balance the...
AD Cloud Replacer
Skapad av neinnew/네인
AD Cloud Replacer This mod has been upgraded from enabler to replacer! Now you can replace the clouds Available clouds pack in Workshop What is the AD cloud? It is old cloud that came with After Dark DLC, but disappeared due to Snowfall DLC and weather upd...
Markerad som inkompatibel ]  [DEPRECATED] Adaptive Networks (AN) V3.16 [DEPRECATED]
Skapad av kian.zarrin
Subscribe to THIS VERSION INSTEAD Adaptive Networks (formerly know as Adaptive roads) Is a requirement for AN Roads and helps such roads to react to TMPE rules. This mod does nothing if you have no AN-compatible road(see the list later in the description)....
Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance
Skapad av BloodyPenguin
Prevents large props (like planes, containers etc.) from disappearing on zooming out. Adjusts LOD distance for trees depending on their size. The larger is prop/tree, the further it is visible! For small props visibility distances should remain the same as...
Administration and laboratory
Skapad av Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on So I decided to make a modular sewage treatment facility. This is the administration and laboratory building. It does treat a bit of sewage, but I mainly made it as decoration. It employs a few people (16) of diff...
Advanced Building Level Control 1.3.2
Skapad av algernon Enables fine-grained control of growable building levels New in 1.3: Support "true random" selection of building appearance when changing building levels (by default, the game will always use the same model for each level of...
Advanced Vehicle Options
Skapad av Tim
Advanced Vehicle Options 1.9.12 Hubs & Transports DLC Mod Compatibility and Loading Issues If you have any issues with the new Treasure Hunt DLC, please be sure to read Avanya's support discussi...
Aeration basin
Skapad av Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Last bit for my modular sewage treatment facility. This aeration basin isn't modelled after anything specific, but I did make it so it lines up perfectly with itself to create the illusion of a huge basin. It crea...
Aero - Air conditioner (props)
Skapad av mr WHITE
Make yourself comfortable. From casement and low-profile units to through-the-wall and window air conditioners, AERO makes being cool a breeze. ---> PROPS <---...
AFL Stadium
Skapad av BadPeanut This is an AFL Stadium that uses the free Match Day DLC mechanics. With a capacity of 2000, the stadium is well suited to large cities. As a plop and go asset all you need to do is connect paths to the colonnades to allow pe...
Air Condition Unit
Skapad av clus
description is coming later ......
Air duct 4
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings A straight piece of air duct to match my others and Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop - and this time I was awake enough to not spell "duck" :P Model Tris: 84 Texture: 5...
Air ducts - Random variations
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings This is one prop that randomly picks one of 5 air ducts - air ducts 1 or air ducts 5-8 (found in this pack). I added this as I'd like both the option to use the specific prop...
Air ducts 1
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Air ducts 2
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Air ducts 3
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Airbus A300-600 - FedEx Express Prop
Skapad av Konkku
FedEx Express Airbus A300-600 Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here FedEx Express is a cargo airline based in Memphis, Tennessee. It is the world's largest airline in terms of freight tons flown. The airli...
Airbus A300-600 - UPS-United Parcel Service Prop
Skapad av Konkku
UPS-United Parcel Service Airbus A300-600 Prop by Konkku UPS Airlines is an American cargo airline owned by United Parcel Service. UPS has a fleet of over 230 aircraft, of which 52 are A300s. THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, c...
Airbus A320 ANA fleet [pradovini]
Skapad av viniprado
Do not forget to rate and favor. It is very important to me. I created a discussion topic for livery requests. Just get in here. Following the NEW AIRCRAFT line, this is a collection based on all Airbus A320 variations currently maintained by ANA All Nippo...
Airbus A320 Citilink PROP
Skapad av Hafiz
Airbus A320 Citilink PROP by H4F1Z. Credits to Vasimr22 for the template. Citilink is a low-cost airline headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia....
Airbus A321 - Condor Prop
Skapad av Konkku
Condor Airbus A321 Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Condor is a German leisure airline. It operates scheduled flights to popular holiday destinations. Condor is Germany's third largest commercial airl...
Airbus A321 - Finnair Prop
Skapad av Konkku
Finnair Airbus A321 Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Finnair is the is the flag carrier of Finland. The airline dominates both domestic and international air travel in Finland. This asset was made usi...
Airbus A321 - Lufthansa Prop
Skapad av Konkku
Lufthansa Airbus A321 Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Lufthansa is the largest airline in Germany and Europe. This asset was made using vasimr22's fantastic Airbus A321 template which can be found he...
Airbus A321 - Swiss Prop
Skapad av Konkku
Swiss Airbus A321 Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Swiss International Air lines is the national airline of Switzerland. The airline's main hub is Zürich Airport. This asset was made using vasimr22's ...
Airbus A321 Avianca PROP
Skapad av Hafiz
Airbus A321 Avianca PROP by H4F1Z. Credits to Vasimr22 for the template. Avianca S.A. is a Colombian airline that has been the national airline and flag ...
Airbus A321 Novair PROP
Skapad av Hafiz
Airbus A321 Novair PROP by H4F1Z. Credits to Vasimr22 for the template. Nova Airlines AB, operating as Novair, is an airline headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. It o...
Airbus A330 Garuda PROP
Skapad av Hafiz
Airbus A330 Garuda PROP by H4F1Z. Credits to Vasimr22 for the template. Garuda Indonesia is the national airline of Indonesia. Named after t...
Airbus A330-300P2F - MASkargo Prop
Skapad av Konkku
MASkargo Airbus A330-300P2F Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! MASkargo is a Malaysian cargo airline with it's hub at Kuala Lumpur Intl. Airport. The airline is a cargo division of its parent company Malaysia Airlines. MASkargo operates a...
Airbus A330-300P2F - Turkish Cargo Prop
Skapad av Konkku
Turkish Cargo Airbus A330-300P2F Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! Turkish Cargo is a subsidiary of Turkish Airlines. Turkish Cargo has 9 Airbus A330-200Fs in its fleet which makes this asset a fictional one. The A330-300P2F is a passeng...
Aircraft Warning Lights / 航空障害灯
Skapad av Ryuichi Kaminogi
Aircraft warning lights to be installed on the roof or in the middle of a high-rise building. I used Custom Effect Loader to get brighter and more realistic than traditional lights. Custom Effect Loader has good performance, it does not slow down your game...
Airplane stairs pack
Skapad av vasimr22
Airplane stairs prop pack. These are models of rolling stairs (not motorized) which sit on 4 wheels. They are usually pushed into place by ground personel. There were two models here: CrewStairs737 (white / yellow) CrewStairsERJ (white / yellow) - the corr...
Airport A380 Catering Truck - Blank White Livery Prop Pack
Skapad av Konkku
Volvo FE Airport A380 Catering Truck - Blank White Livery Prop Pack This package contains three different models. One stored truck and two trucks with the body lifted. The (5) can be used for A330, A340, A380 lower deck, B747 and B777. The (6) can be used ...
Airport Belt Loader
Skapad av vasimr22
A belt loader for an airport. These are used to load baggage into the cargo hold of passenger aircraft. This model contains 500 Tris with a 512x512 texture and has a 100 Tri LOD with a 64x64 texture....
Airport Belt Loader Extended
Skapad av vasimr22
A belt loader for an airport. These are used to load baggage into the cargo hold of passenger aircraft. This model is in the extended position and is the correct height for the 737 and A320 airplane assets. This model contains 750 Tris with a 512x512 textu...
Airport Blast Shoulder Pack
Skapad av MobiusOne
Pack comes with 6 roads meant to be used as taxiway and runway blast shoulders. 3 with lines and 3 with none. *These have a duplicate asset warning. It's unfortunate, though harmless. Credit for the idea goes to Strictoaster, Fluxtrance, and bsquiklehausen...
Airport Cargo Pallet Loader Pack
Skapad av vasimr22
A collection of airport cargo pallet loader props. These are used to load ULD containders, as well as general cargo pallets onto aircraft. These are used by both cargo airlines (FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc.), as well as wide-body airliners for more efficient bagg...
Airport Catering Truck - Blank White Livery Prop Pack
Skapad av Konkku
Volvo FE Airport Catering Truck - Blank White Livery Prop Pack This package contains six different models. One stored truck and five trucks with the body lifted to various heights. Here's a list of aircraft types and models that work best with them. Please...
Airport Catering Truck - Finnair Kitchen Prop Pack
Skapad av Konkku
Volvo FE Airport Catering Truck - Finnair Kitchen Prop Pack This package contains six different models which all share the same textures. One stored truck and five trucks with the body lifted to various heights. Here's a list of aircraft types and models t...
Airport Catering Truck - Gate Gourmet Prop Pack 1
Skapad av Konkku
Volvo FE Airport Catering Truck - Gate Gourmet Prop Pack 1 Package Info This package contains nine different models which all share the same textures. Two stored trucks and six trucks with the body lifted to various heights. Here's a list of aircraft types...
Airport Catering Truck - Gate Gourmet Prop Pack 2
Skapad av Konkku
Volvo FE Airport Catering Truck - Gate Gourmet Prop Pack 2 Package Info This package contains nine different models which all share the same textures. Two stored trucks and six trucks with the body lifted to various heights. Here's a list of aircraft types...
Airport Catering Truck - LSG Sky Chefs Prop Pack
Skapad av Konkku
Volvo FE Airport Catering Truck - LSG Sky Chefs Prop Pack Package Info This package contains nine different models which all share the same textures. Two stored trucks and six trucks with the body lifted to various heights. Here's a list of aircraft types ...
Airport Catering Truck - Q-Catering Prop Pack
Skapad av Konkku
Volvo FE Airport Catering Truck - Q-Catering Prop Pack Package Info This package contains nine different models which all share the same textures. Two stored trucks and six trucks with the body lifted to various heights. Here's a list of aircraft types and...
Airport Catering Truck - Servair Prop Pack
Skapad av Konkku
Volvo FE Airport Catering Truck - Servair Prop Pack Package Info This package contains nine different models which all share the same textures. Two stored trucks and six trucks with the body lifted to various heights. Here's a list of aircraft types and mo...
Airport Deicer
Skapad av vasimr22
An airport de-icer for removing ice and applying anti-freeze agent to aircraft during the winter. This model contains 900 Tris with a 512x512 texture, and a 250 Tri LOD mesh with a 64x64 texture....
Airport Deicer Extended
Skapad av vasimr22
An airport de-icer for removing ice and applying anti-freeze agent to aircraft during the winter. This model contains 900 Tris with a 512x512 texture, and a 250 Tri LOD mesh with a 64x64 texture....
Airport Fuel Hydrant Truck [Prop]
Skapad av vasimr22
A fuel hydrant truck for large airports. These trucks contain fuel pumps which connect to fuel lines that run under the ramp. These are also sometimes referred to as pump trucks. This model contains a fairly high tri count at 1828 Tris (due to the pump and...
Airport GSE Pack
Skapad av vasimr22
Basic Info This is a pack of Airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE) props. These are various pieces of mobile equipment for supporting aircraft when parked at a plane stand. I have also uploaded a pack of hoses / wires to be used with these props: http://s...
Airport Hangar
Skapad av Ronyx69
Includes an airport hangar and door props. The doors are as seperate props so you can choose how open they are. Made by editing my logistics warehouse a bit. Main: 5448 tris 1024x1024 LOD: 56 tris 256x256 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Si...
Airport Lines Pack
Skapad av TOKACHI269
pack of airport line networks. It is added to plane of landscaping and disaster tool. <Contents> Taxiway Edge Line Airport line white Taxiway Centerline Stop Caution Taxiway Centerline Runway Edge Line Airport Holding Position Line Apron Line tex 32 x 512 ...
Airport Pallet Dolly [Prop]
Skapad av vasimr22
A pallet dolly for airport ULD containers. These are used in place of baggage carts to transport ULD containers to aircraft, either for cargo or for passenger bags. This model contains 711 Tris with a 139 Tri LOD, and uses a 256x256 diffuse+specular textur...
Airport PO Font Pack
Skapad av DutchCheese
Airport PO Font Pack This font pack includes a official wayfinding font that is specially designed for airports. The pack also includes Airport icons That are used on wayfinding/information signs. You need Procedural Objects...
Airport Pushback
Skapad av vasimr22
A pushback tractor for an airport. This kind of pushback is used in conjunction with an aircraft towbar to push an airplane out of a plane stand (they can also be used to tow aircraft using a towbar). This model contains 450 Tris with a 256x256 texture and...
Airport Runway Marking Pack
Skapad av vasimr22
Basic Info This is a pack of runway markings for airport runways. They are all geometry, and do have sides, to prevent any weird shadow issues. Additionally, all of the models do have proper LODs. All of the screenshots shown are with vanilla graphics (no ...
Airport Service Road Pack
Skapad av MobiusOne
Pack contains 6 airport service road types found around large airports. These are fully textured, there are no imbedded props. Due to the nature of the road texture mapper, line lengths may vary depending on segment length and can be tweaked to your liking...
Airport Stairs Pack Generic Large
Skapad av BentPixel
Pack of 8 Tips GSE Runway 2458, Comes with color variations; "Airport" Yellow, "KLM" Blue, "SGH" Red and "Generic" White With tested configurations for: Parked A320 family A330 A340 A350 A380 B757 B767 B787 B777 B747 Disclaimer not for 737 and smaller airc...
Airport Stairs Pack Generic Medium
Skapad av BentPixel
Pack of 7 Tips GSE Runway 1842, Comes with color variations; "Airport" Yellow, "KLM" Blue, "SGH" Red and "Generic" White With tested configurations for: Parked A320 family Bsquiklehausen's A320 family MD80 B717 B737 B757 B767 Embraer E-Jet family If you wa...
Airport Stopbar Pack
Skapad av vasimr22
Basic Info A collection of airplane stop bars for an airport. These are game geometry and NOT decals. These are the lines that aircraft will use to line up at their gates. Dashed stop-bars are used to represent alternative configurations. For example, an a...
Airport Storage Tank
Skapad av kizuri
This tank is located in the water and sewage tab Details Tris : 518 Texture : 1024x1024 Lod Tris : 50 Texture : 256x256 Tags : Military, Airfield, Fuel tank, Tanker, Airbase, Equipment, Water tower Airport Storage Tank by Ezoshika...
Airport Taxiway Signs Blank
Skapad av DutchCheese
Airport Taxiway Signs Blank illuminated Use Procedural Objects (PO) to apply text and shapes on to the signs. This pack contains 9 diffrent sized taxiway signs ans the official font airport taixiway font:
Airport towbarless pushback
Skapad av BentPixel
"The AHE-190 is a very powerful tractor designed both for pushback operations of aircrafts of over 300 tonnes take-off weight as well as high speed maintenance towing." Can tow anything from the Fokker 70/100 to the massive A340/600, and with the optional ...
Airport Unit Load Device (Generic) Variety Prop Pack
Skapad av Blue Thunder
This Pack contains 4 Unit Load Device (ULD) Props to add realism to your airports for storage of cargo in planes There are 4 varieties included 2 longer ones that fit the full width of a cargo hold 2 half lengths that fit half the width of a cargo hold The...
Airport Water Tower
Skapad av kizuri
A Red & White Checkered Water Tower. It should be located in your water and sewage tab. I edited the vanilla water tower model and texture. Details Tris : 1828 Texture : 512x512 Lod Tris : 100 Texture : 64x64 Tags : Military, Airfield, Fuel tank, Tanker, A...
Airport Wayfinding Signs Blank
Skapad av DutchCheese
Airport Wayfinding Illuminated Signs Blank Pack The sign pack that contains 12 blank signs that can be used on airports all around the world. It also can be used in trainstations, hostpitals, parking garages. This is for the...
Alder Tree Pack
Skapad av Greyflame The Tree Alders are a common member of the birch family found extensively across the northern hemisphere. I modeled a relatively generic sampling of them to try and capture the variety found internationally, but I used the r...
Allianz Arena After Dark
Skapad av MatzeS.
Allianz Arena Allianz Arena is one of the most beautiful stadiums in the world and home of FC Bayern Dimension: 258 m x 227 m x 50 m Orginal 1912 Poly. Lod. ca.200 Poly. Bevor you build it delete the Trees in the Area...
Aloe Vera Plant
Skapad av ryanjamesoflondon
Aloe Vera Plant Triangles:696 Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I would be very grateful if you could support me with a little donation. ...
Alstom Euroduplex - TGV SNCF (Prop Pack)
Skapad av REV0
SNCF - Prop Pack Part of Alstom "Euroduplex" Collection: Technical Details PROP PACK 1024^2048 textures Custom LOD Engine with closed pantograph 2nd class first car 2nd class mid car 1st class mid car Restaurant car Bogies h...
Alternative Parking Decals Pack
Skapad av DeCzaah
You can find the functional park-version here. Also, take a look at the Youtube video for a better view! Alternative Parking Decals This decal pack is designed for people, who wants to give their parking lots a special look. Away from all those boring, sta...
Alternative Water Tank
Skapad av JanJot
An Alternative Water Tank for your city with higher capacity and smaller costs. Good for decoration...
Aluminium MRF
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings The aluminium materials recovery facility cuts the cans into evenly sized pieces, cleans and treats them to minimize oxidation, before melting them down to be reused. Stats C...
Ama Pavement 4m
Skapad av amamIya
Ama Pavement 4m by amamIya...
Ama Pavement Stair 2m
Skapad av amamIya
Ama Pavement Stair 2m by amamIya...
Amazon Prime Truck (Semi-Trailer) Prop
Skapad av jaijai
This is the prop version of Amazon Prime Truck (Semi-Trailer)....
Ama Pavement Stair 4m
Skapad av amamIya
Ama Pavement Stair 4m by amamIya...
Amazon Truck Prop
Skapad av jaijai
This is a prop version Amazon Truck....
Amber Arena
Skapad av p0ppy
Based on Stadion Energa Gdańsk , formerly known as PGE Arena Gdansk. The name Amber Arena was used during the design stage. The scale is 1:2, but IMHO this size fits rest of the buildings in CS. ...
Ambulance Station
Skapad av DieHardHunter
This is a small ambulance station that can provide healthcare for citizens too. It's inspired by the many volunteer and paramedic stations that you can find in small towns and rural areas. Stats: Tris: 286 Textures: 1024x1024 Model info: - Medical clinic t...
Ama Pavement 2m
Skapad av amamIya
Ama Pavement 2m by amamIya...
American Highway Billboards [OUTDATED]
Skapad av conno
Find my updated and better billboard collection HERE! This pack contains 6 different billboards. Three are single billboards while the other three have another billboard stacked on top. These billboards are styled after the many, and I mean many, billboard...
American Highway Sign Pack
Skapad av conno
This prop pack contains several different American-style highway signs. This pack contains; - Three different interstate logo signs - Three different directional logo signs - A future interstate corridor sign - A collection of construction signs; A "road w...
American Industrial 1
Skapad av Lee the Yote
American Industrial 1 This industrial building is based off of 2331 E 8th StLos Angeles, California. To find it open find it and search 'american industrial 1'. Tris: 292 80 lod Textures: 1024x1024 128x128 lod You need ploppable RICO if you want this build...
American Industrial 2
Skapad av Lee the Yote
American Industrial 2 This industrial building is based off of 1001 East 14th Street, Los Angeles, California. To find it open find it and search 'american industrial 2'. Tris: 237 84 lod Textures: 1024x1024 128x128 lod You need ploppable RICO if you want ...
American Industrial 3
Skapad av Lee the Yote
American Industrial 3 This is a level 3 RICO industrial building that takes up a 2x6 area. It is based off of those found in Los Angeles's industrial areas. Tris: 1688 46 lod Textures: 1024x2048 128x128 lod You need ploppable RICO if you want this building...
AMR Ambulance Prop Pack
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
Current and Future AMR Props are here Information This is the location for all AMR props for vehicles released after the Concerts DLC. Currently, it ONLY contains the 2012 Ford E350, as the rest of the set has not yet been re...
Amsterdam Central Station
Skapad av Epic Lurker
Description Travel in style with this large 6 track European Station. Platforms are covered by two large arched canopy roofs. This train station served its first passengers in Amsterdam in 1889 and today serves 260,000 passengers per day. Designed by Pierr...
Amusement Gate -Luna Park
Skapad av trist14222
An Amusement Park Gate, based on a mixture of the Luna Park entrances in St Kilda, Melbourne and Sydney Australia. Luna Park in Melbourne has the worlds oldest continuously used wooden roller coaster, and the only hand-braked coaster still operating in the...
AN - Fences / Walls - Pack #01
Skapad av clus
AN - Fences / Walls - Pack #01 Hello all togther ! Today I have a little "by-product" of the last three releases for you... This was suggested by @jeremy.thunder and here it is. ;) I´ve kept t...
ANA Komatsu WT500E pushback pack
Skapad av BentPixel
Pack of ANA Komatsu WT500E airport pushbacks. Contains 3 versions: Equipped with GPU Equipped with extra weight "Stock" The Komatsu WT500E pushback can be found at almost every Japanese airport and is the latest conventional pushback from the Komatsu Ltd g...
Skapad av TimmyBuckets
Anaconda by Chackson MAKE SURE: You have Plop the growables and the right settings enabled if you want to plop it Tris - 1063 Texture - 1024x768 Baked lod - 256x256 Anaconda - The First choice, One Stop, Outdoor Adventure & Sporting retailer. Anaconda was ...
Anchor Sculpture
Skapad av DeCzaah
Anchor Sculpture by DeCzaah This asset is part of the the Cleyra - Custom Assets collection! This is an anchor sculpture, made after a cool idea by Brandon. This asset is colored in 4 different tones: grey, light blue, dark blue and brown. It is perfect fo...
Animated Billboard Pack
Skapad av Stringer Bell
I know what you're thinking: 200+Mb for an asset pack??? First of all, there are 10 assets, so it's really only about 20Mb a piece. Secondly, the truth is, most of that space is taken up by the diffuse texture (i.e. the movie) and the way the game bakes th...
Skapad av Ronyx69
Includes 4 antennas. Found in industrial props. Originally made for the japanese fire department, but usable for anything. Main: 59 - 150 tris 64x256 LOD: 8 - 12 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Ass...
ANZ Tower
Skapad av Robert
The ANZ tower, also known as 161/163 Castlereagh St, or the ANZ Bank Centre, was completed in early 2013. This 193m tall recreation modifies the rear plaza a bit to work on flat surfaces. This has a couple of notable features - the whole north-eastern faca...
Anzac Bridge
Skapad av Robert
PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION, BECAUSE BRIDGES ARE WEIRD I'm not clever enough to figure out network bridges yet (bridges that are dragged like roads), so I've settled for the older method of custom frames that you thread a road through and delete default pi...
Aonei Bridge
Skapad av petersonyip
Hi all! Welcome to my first asset! ** AONEI BRIDGE ** ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~# Background: Aonei Brigde is a custom bridge designed / modelled by myself. It was to be placed into my map of The Cove city...
Apple Store San Francisco
Skapad av Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Apple Store at Union Square, San Francisco. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection by giving it a thumbs up! Main Model: 6,984 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / diff...
Arid Yellow Modular Rocks 1K
Skapad av Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 26 unique rock models. These are huge assets suitable for covering mountains and creating cliff faces. These were originally modeled by IceKazim. I licensed them through CGTrader, reduced the t...
Arid Yellow Modular Rocks 2K
Skapad av Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 26 unique rock models. These are huge assets suitable for covering mountains and creating cliff faces. These were originally modeled by IceKazim. I licensed them through CGTrader, reduced the t...
Arndorf LUT
Skapad av Skibitth.YT
LUT used in ARNDORF series: Arndorf Series Playlist NOT MANDATORY BUT IMPORTANT: ► In order to achieve the same aspect as I do you will have to use the Ultimate Eyecandy mod with the given settings in one of the pictures. ► You will also need the Daylight ...
aseetpack_airport sign (Japan Ver.)
Skapad av 001HANNO
aseetpack_airport sign by 001HANNO The signboards to be installed in the terminal building of the airport (DLC) are summarized. Even if the signboard has the same specifications, the size may differ depending on the location, so some different sizes are in...
Arrow Board Trailers
Skapad av Spence!
Trailers with flashing arrows to redirect traffic for roadworks and such. Three versions included, pointing left, right, and left/right....
Asphalt & Pavement Rail Crossings
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Asphalt road
Skapad av jPRO93 Asphalt road 8m width zonable ground segment only pedestrians walk on edges of the road Happy Creators Discord Twitter Youtube h...
Asymmetric LRT - Road #01 [AN-V]
Skapad av clus Hello all togther ! Here´s another project which I started some time ago and initially didnt have the intention to publish it.... but that obviously changed. ;P...
Asymmetrical LRT Tram Road(s)
Skapad av clus
Asymmetrical LRT Tram Road(s) Hello all together ! This upload is a "special one" .. special, because its my first comissioned work. The overall design was provided by SockDem and I changed, t...
Audi A3·2009
Skapad av TecniRanger
Audi A3 segunda generación · 2009 4 variaciones de color Blanco Gris Amarillo dorado Rojo Vino Texturas 1024 x 1024 ( Lo probé con texturas 512x512 pero perdía bastante calidad de detalle y reincorporé de nuevo las texturas grandes de 1024x1024 , aunque es...
Audi A4
Skapad av aries
Audi A4 civil/passenger version is here for your cities, in 4 color variations! Have Fun! more by Aries here! *** *** *** Want to know whats next? Be UpToDate and join aries_discord or aries_facebook ...
Audi A8 2018
Skapad av brunna
Audi A8 2018 Wiki: Not recommended for a Pc with low config!!! Depending on the graphical performance of a computer the speed may decrease!!!...
Audi Car Dealership
Skapad av clus
Prolog Hi folks ! This one is another (now finished) asset, that was laying around on my hard drive... ;) About the building As you can see it is a audi car dealership. ;) And yes I know that there are already two other audi dealers at the workshop, but I ...
Audi E-Tron GT
Skapad av Jackson Wang
Audi E-Tron GT The car shares technical components with the related Porsche Taycan. 40 percent of its parts are identical to those used in the Taycan, and the cars share the same platform. Just like the Taycan, it is a 4-door sedan despite the sporty coupé...
Audi RS6 C5 PROP
Skapad av PALiX
Prop version of Audi RS6 C5 (1st color set) and Audi RS6 C5 (2nd color set) vehicle mods. All prop model stats are the same as vehicle model. Contains two color sets same as vehicle model too. NOTE! - both prop descriptions are the same, indicating same co...
Audi S4 B5 PROP
Skapad av PALiX
Prop version of Audi S4 B5 vehicle. All prop model stats are the same as vehicle model. Colors are same as vehicle model....
Aus Corner Pub- All Nations Hotel
Skapad av trist14222
A local corner pub in Richmond, Melbourne Australia, this Victorian era pub retains much of it's charm, mainly serving local residents in it's quite backstreet location. 2x2 Landmark will provide Cims with Pints, Parma's and happiness...
Aus Inner City Shops Pack B
Skapad av trist14222
A pack of L1-3 low commercial shopfronts, based on an 1870's shophouse on Bridge Road, Richmond All my assets are free for you to use, and it's payment enough just see people subscribing and using them, but they do take a lot of my free time to make and up...
Aus innercity moderne shop pack L1-3
Skapad av trist14222
An Art Deco Moderne shopfront, based on a few you might see around Melbourne and Sydney, will fit just as well into a British or American streetscape. Like others in the series the shopfronts become occupies by different business as they level up. All my a...
Aussie Cottage L2 2x4 (Growable) - Variant
Skapad av hemeac
A 2x4 growable level 2 low-density residential property that is a variant on Building C in the set. The trim has colour variation. All required props can be found in the collection. This is the 4th release of a L2 2x4 in this set. Note: I've decided to upd...
Aussie Post Box
Skapad av hemeac
Metal post box or mail box commonly found in Australia. Comes in four colours and will be used in my Australian housing series. Comes complete with the mandatory "No Junk Mail" sticker. Asset Stats: Main Mesh: 102 Tris Lod Mesh: Computer Generated Textures...
Australia Square tower
Skapad av Robert
Not sure what happened to the description on this one :( Anyway I have updated it to fix the auto-baked LOD with my own. Also seems like I lost the concrete and the light props at some point.. these have been restored....
Australian Design for Place House
Skapad av Palm'sTime
Australian Design for Place House By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Info: Type Low density residential house. Size 2 x 4 Storey & Heights 1 Storey | 4.45 M. Tris 1,082 (Main) | 117 (LOD) Texture Size 1,024 x 1,024 (Main) | 128 x 128 (LOD) Scale 1:1 RICO Ready No (...
Australian Gray Mangrove
Skapad av pdelmo
Mangrove Bush. 900 odd tri and 1024x1024 texture d,a,c,n These things grow along the river in my local area. last pic is a road I drive all the time they are growing between the road and river...
Australian Road Markings for IMT
Skapad av Zekiarsu
A set of 31 templates for Intersection Marking Tool based on Australian standards for road markings. Most of those road markings are used across all states in Australia, although minor variations continue to exist between states regarding dimensions and ap...
Automated Stacking Crane
Skapad av were so back
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Automated Stacking Crane ---------------------------------------------------------------------- As another part of my Container-Harbor Assets, this crane is a fully automated stacking c...
Automatic Door Prop
Skapad av REV0
Automatic Door Prop used for Ultimate Transportation Hub project. Feel free to use in your own assets....
Autumn Alder Tree Pack
Skapad av Greyflame The Tree Alders are a common member of the birch family found extensively across the northern hemisphere. I modeled a relatively generic sampling of them to try and capture the variety found internationally, but I used the r...
Bald Cypress
Skapad av MrMaison
Bald Cypress by MrMaison Introducing a Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) tree for your wetland/swamp areas. These trees are well known in the south east and Gulf coastal plains of the United States. Note these trees also are found on dry land in these area...
BAM Harvey Theater (Leisure growable)
Skapad av Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 1x3/4 leisure growable. About the model This is part of a small of a mini update of leisure growables. Make sure to get the Majestic theater and Boston Fire Museum as well! You can always follow my ...
Bamboo Scaffolding | 竹棚
Skapad av Jeremychit Bamboo Scaffolding 竹棚 Introduction Bamboo scaffolding is a traditional building technique. As it is outdated to the world, in Hong Kong, bamboo scaffolding is still widely used from repainting...
Bamboo Scaffolding with Demolition Cloth | 綠色屍布
Skapad av Jeremychit Bamboo Scaffolding with Demolition Cloth 竹棚和拆卸圍網 - 「綠色屍布」 Introduction Bamboo scaffolding is a traditional building technique. As it is outdated to the world, in Hong Kong, bamboo scaffolding ...
Banana Tree
Skapad av MrMaison
Banana Tree by MrMaison Introducing a young Banana tree (not actually a tree). This is my first tropical plant. There will be another version with fruit. This Banana tree is good for making plantations as well as decorating your landscape mixing with other...
Bangkok MRT - Blue Line | Typical Elevated Station (Updated to Metro Version)
Skapad av Palm'sTime
Bangkok MRT Blue Line Typical Elevated Station Info: WARNING: This building will be affect performance. The station is an updated version from the original work. It's three-storey elevated metro station with vanilla track and will use side platform. No nee...
Banner Pack - 7 Communist Era Wall Banners
Skapad av MrMiyagi
UPDATE: Aug 26 2017. Files remade as new. They are no longer in the same category of props. You will now find them now under Billboards menu, Logos submenu (before small billboard). There was a possible mod conflict with this, which caused the banners to n...
Barras The Home Candy Works
Skapad av Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 2 Low commercial building. Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to see new releases and upcoming work visit my patreon page https://i.imgur...
Barrier #1
Skapad av foster_sman
Barrier #1 by foster_sman...
Basic Road Median Pack [SR]
Skapad av ol' rdtg
Some nice looking medians to decorate your roads with. Legend: = High resolution textures (If you have a higher mid-range or high-end gaming PC) = Standard resolution textures (If you have an average/mid-range PC) = Low resolution textures (If you have a w...
Basket Sofa & Cocktail Table Pack
Skapad av marconok19
Basket Sofa & Cocktail Table Pack These props were requested by my friend on facebook. He lit up my idea about basket sofa for hotel and pool decoration. This pack contains basket sofas which is a wicker and fabric version. Each version has 4 different col...
Basketball Courts
Skapad av DieHardHunter
This pack contains 4 different versions of basketball courts. Version #1 & #2 Tris:2430 Textures: 1024x512 Version #3 & #4 Tris:500 Textures: 1024x512 Model info: - Vanilla Small Park template - It contains 4 different versions (no color variations) - Auto...
Basketball Hoop (Prop)
Skapad av Dennie Mok So what is this? This is probably the only stationary, permanent, metal framed basketball hoop design you can find in the workshop at the moment. HAHA Yep, very sadly it's the only choice you have now! So don't be picky! It'...
Bauhaus Dessau
Skapad av Ronyx69
This asset marks the one year anniversary of my asset creation adventures. Bauhaus Dessau, Germany Walter Gropius, 1925 1925-1932: School of Design 1945: Partial destruction due to bombing 1972: First R...
Bauhaus Signs
Skapad av Ronyx69
Bauhaus Signs for the Bauhaus Dessau:
Benauge Fire station
Skapad av Gruny
The Benauge fire station is located on the right bank of the city of Bordeaux. It was built by architects Claude Ferret, Yves Salier and Adrien Courtois between 1950 and 1954. Specs 2 Fire stations Texture - 1024x2048 | D / N / I / S / C (same texture map ...
Bentley Continental SS 2010
Skapad av Lauby
Bentley Continental Supersport 2010 Polycount: 2672 Colors: Black, Silver, Red, Green ...
Berliner Bauakademie - University Building
Skapad av Feindbold
"The building of the Building Academy (Bauakademie) built between 1832 and 1836 (later known as Schinkel's Bauakademie), is considered one of the forerunners of modern architecture due to its hithertofore uncommon use of red brick and the relatively stream...
Bethgon Coalporter PROPS
Skapad av Scarecrow0u812
Hey guys! Here is my release for the Bethgon coalporter gondolas. These are one of the sleekest and most commonly used coal cars in modern times. This pack features one empty and one full coal car as props. I listened to feedback and created new trucks/whe...
Better Planes Pack 3.0 | Mainline Jets (PROPS INCLUDED) - MD80, 737, A32X, 757
Skapad av bsquiklehausen
Improve your airports with the Better Planes Pack! This pack includes several narrowbody mainline jets to add realistic variety to your airports. This pack includes 10 different plane types and 15 total liveries. Each plane has a custom LOD to ensure accur...
Better Planes Pack 3.0 | North American Expansion (PROPS INCLUDED)
Skapad av bsquiklehausen
Improve your airports even more with the Better Planes Pack Expansions! This pack includes several jets from all over North America to add realistic variety to your airports. The jets have been carefully picked out and modeled to represent the sorts of air...
Better Planes Pack 3.0 | Regional Jets (PROPS INCLUDED) - ERJ, CRJ, E-Jet, CSeries
Skapad av bsquiklehausen
Improve your airports with the Better Planes Pack! This pack includes several regional jets to add realistic variety to your airports. This pack includes 7 different plane types and 10 total liveries. Each plane has a custom LOD to ensure accuracy at all d...
Better Planes Pack | International Jets (PROPS INCLUDED) - 767, 777, 787, A330, A340
Skapad av bsquiklehausen
Improve your airports with the Better Planes Pack! This pack includes several international and intercontinental widebody jets to add realistic variety to your airports. This pack includes 5 different plane types and 20 total liveries. Each plane has a cus...
Better Planes Pack | Retro Jets (PROPS INCLUDED) - 737-200, 747-100, DC-10, DC-9
Skapad av bsquiklehausen
Return to a time where flying was fancy, inefficient, and expensive! This pack includes a wide variety of jets to add some retro flair to your 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s airports. The pack includes 4 different plane types decorated in multiple era-appropriate...
Better Planes Pack | Strictoastair (PROPS INCLUDED) - CS100, 737, 767, 777, 787
Skapad av bsquiklehausen
Now landing, direct from Cedar Valley - Strictoastair! This pack includes a wide variety of jets to add some well-designed charm to your airports. This pack includes 5 different plane types decorated in the eye-catching Strictoastair livery. Each plane has...
Bicycle path - PACK
Skapad av jPRO93 Bicycle path - PACK Known issues: path may sink under the terrain - remove it and draw it again its terrain conforming path, you can elevate it (only few steps and i recommend ALT button for s...
Skapad av Ronyx69
Includes 5 different bikes - both vehicle and prop versions. Found in industrial props. The pedals spin (it's set as a wheel) but they will rarely match with the cim pedaling animation, as different cims have different animations and positions. Main: 914 -...
Big Apple Grocery Sign
Skapad av Khrysler
Big Apple Grocery Sign by Khrysler Big Apple Grocery is a family owened grocery store where you can buy everything conveniently for "the best price for its quality." The sign was designed to fit in both rural and urban contexts. MODEL - 10 triangles with 2...
BIG Commercial AC
Skapad av BenTracker
BIG Commercial Air Conditioner 58 Tris / 256 x 256px LOD: 32 Tris / 32 x 32px...
Big Decal Beach
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Broken Glass
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Cargo Yard
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Cobble
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Cracks
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Crane Rail
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Dirt
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Drain
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Dry Grass
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Exposed Cobble
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Exposed Rebar
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Farm
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Flowers
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Grass
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Leaves
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal More Dirt
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal More Stains
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Moss
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Mud
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Oil
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Panels
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Patched Cracks
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Puddles
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Riverbed
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Road Damage
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Rocks
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Rumble Strips
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Road Wear
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Sea Foam
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Seashells
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Seaweed
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Skid Marks
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Stains
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Starfish
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Tire Marks
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Water Stream
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Wetness
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Office Building
Skapad av BenTracker
Big Office Unique Building L6 compatible with RICO RICO Office L3 Construction Cost: 60.000 Workplaces: 73 -------------------------------------------------------- Badajoz s.XXI inspired building View 2094 Tris / 2048 x 2048 px LOD: 432 Tris / 512 x 512px ...
BIG Parking Lots Basic Version
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Parking Lots! BIG Parking Lots is a set of roads, parking spaces and networks that let you build parking lots of any size and shape you can imagine for your malls, stadiums, industrial sites, office parks, airports, downtown areas and more. ...
BIG Parking Lots Curb Networks Expansion
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Parking Lots! BIG Parking Lots Curb Networks Expansion gives you the option to build matching curbs to your parking lots. There are three different designs to choose. The Vanilla Version is paintable with Surface Painter. The Vanilla Grass v...
BIG Parking Lots Dark Asphalt Expansion
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Parking Lots! This pack contains the same roads as the Basic Version and the Dark Asphalt Expansion with a dark road color. You could do the same with Network Skins 2 but if you like you can suscribe here! What does this pack contain? BPL Dr...
BIG Parking Lots Freeform Border Tool
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Parking Lots!If you like using mods like Move It and Ploppable Asphalt this pack can be really powerful to you. The concept is to use a filler road instead of the border. Then you can trace the curb with this freeform tool. Just try it and e...
BIG Parking Lots Grass Version Expansion
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Parking Lots!The BIG Parking Lots Grass Version Expansion offers a unique style to your parking lots. The custom curbs are directly surrounded by grass without any pavement. This fits well to more rural and exclusive areas. How does it work?...
BIG Parking Lots More Parking Spaces Expansion
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Parking Lots! This pack contains additional parking spaces to fill up your parking lots. Angle parking is not included as it will be released in a separate release. Single sided parking is still not possible with the current Border road but ...
BIG Parking Lots Narrow Parking Expansion (EXPERIMENTAL)
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Parking Lots! Please read this! This is very experimental and is more a trial than a finished solution! But I need Feedback for this!!! One of the most critisized things on BIG Parking Lots is the width of the parking lots. I know 24m is a b...
BIG Parking Lots Side Parking Expansion
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Parking Lots!Side parking is very common at parking lots all around the world. But it is a pain to realize it in Cities Skylines because of the game mechanics. The road nodes can’t have sharp angles. The curve radius is getting larger the wi...
BIG Piers Beach Entrance
Skapad av hockenheim95
Go down to the Beach! Stairs and Wooden Paths for your shorelines! What does this pack contain? Boardwalk Stairs Wooden Path Important Advices Use Node Controller to adjust corners and match railings ...
BIG Piers Dependencies
Skapad av hockenheim95
These are depencies for pier buildings! It includes props and networks! The networks are not functional and are not recommended to be built ingame!...
BIG Piers Small Pier (75m)
Skapad av hockenheim95
This is a fully functional 75m long pier that should be built to the Boardwalk and connects with it properly! Finally I can release piers for The Boardwalk! I struggled a lot if I should just release the piers as roads but the problem is that these wouldn’...
BIG Piers The Boardwalk
Skapad av hockenheim95
Inspired by the legendary Boardwalk in Atlantic City this is a new type of network that will beautify your waterfronts! It is a 24m wide pedestrian path with very slow car lanes to allow zoning! Use Boardwalk Connector to connect The Boardwalk to regular s...
BIG Quays Modern Pedestrian Quay
Skapad av hockenheim95
What does this Quay do? It is a 16m wide paved road that behaves like a quay with a wall on one side and ground terrain on the other side Slow vehicle lanes allow zoning. If you don't want cars please stop them with TM:PE Sharp Corners!!! Skins can be chan...
BIG Quays Modern Reversed Quay
Skapad av hockenheim95
This is a reversed quay version of the Modern Pedestrian Quay released a few weeks ago with same textures. It contains multiple different textures that can be choosen ingame with Adaptive Networks! What is a „Reversed Quay“? A quay is a network with differ...
Big Retaining Walls
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
BIG Roads Alternative Traffic Lights Pack 2
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection Don't fear the huge file size! All Traffic Lights share the exact same textures and Loading Screen Mod...
BIG Roads Intersection Marking Tool Templates
Skapad av hockenheim95
All templates are single assets ans should be enabled in assets menu! Includes: Solid Lines - yellow double solid lines - white (no transparency for segment markings over dashed lines) Dashed Lines - standard (just like the segment lane markings) - short d...
BIG Rural Asphalt Road
Skapad av hockenheim95
What does this pack contain? Big Rural Asphalt Road ...
BIG Rural Gravel Road
Skapad av hockenheim95
What does this pack contain? Big Rural Gravel Road ...
BIG Rural Highways Basic Pack
Skapad av hockenheim95
What does this pack contain? Big Rural Highway 2 Lane Big Rural Highway 3 Lane RT ...
BIG Rural Highways Left Turn Pack
Skapad av hockenheim95
What does this pack contain? Big Rural Highway 3 Lane LT Big Rural Highway 2 Lane Median Important tings earlier fps problems with these AN roads have been solved! smooth transition to 2 lane H...
BIG Suburbs Pavement Decals
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Suburbs BIG Suburbs is a project with the purpose to create realistic looking american suburbs. It consists of special custom roads and decorated buildings that match exactly together to create a consistent transition between the paved pedes...
BIG Urban Roads - 24m Basic Roads Pack (US American)
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! Ground, Bridge, Slope and Tunnel OPTIONAL Adaptive Networks Mod let you customize these 2 roads with grass stripes, trees, brick sidewalk, direct connect node and reacts to TMPE settings ...
BIG Urban Roads - Large Basic Roads Pack (US American)
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection What does this pack contain?
BIG Urban Roads - Small Basic Roads Pack (US American)
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection What does this pack contain?
BIG Urban Roads - Small One Way Roads Pack (US American)
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection What does this pack contain?
BIG Urban Roads - Tiny Roads Pack (US American)
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! Ground, Bridge, Slope and Tunnel 2m wide lanes (expext 1 Lane Road has 3m wide lane) OPTIONAL Adaptive Roads Mod features (TMPE reactions)! These roads do work properly without that mod t...
BIG Urban Roads 2 Lane (unmarked) beta version
Skapad av hockenheim95
This is a sort of pilot road for the next generation of BIG Urban Roads!!! To fully enjoy this road you need Adaptive Roads Mod! Roads will react to TM:PE settings! Adaptive Roads mod won't break your savegames. It is just visual! You can unsuscribe and re...
BIG Urban Roads 3 Lane Right Turn Road (Beta Version)
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection This road has an asymmetrical mesh and only looks right with...
BIG Urban Roads 3 Lane Roads Pack (US American)
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection Don't fear the huge file size! All roads share the exact sam...
BIG Urban Roads 5 Lane Asymmetrical Road Pack (US American)
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection What does this pack contain?
BIG Urban Roads Bus Lane Roads Pack (US American)
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection Don't fear the huge file size! All roads share the exact sam...
BIG Urban Roads Constant Median Roads (US American)
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection Don't fear the huge file size! All roads share the exact sam...
BIG Urban Roads Constant Median Roads with solid lines (US American)
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Urban Roads !!!PLEASE SUSCRIBE TO ALL DEPENDENCIES!!! For general information about BIG Urban Roads please have a look at the description and discussions in the Complete Collection Don't fear the huge file size! All roads share the exact sam...
BIG Urban Roads Decals, Signs and Props
Skapad av hockenheim95
Dependencies for BIG Urban Roads! Please note that all road signs and the Delineator are modifications of the original assets by Spence! See original release here and here All props have minimal tris count for optimum perfomance! This pack contains the fol...
BIG Urban Traffic Lights
Skapad av hockenheim95
Welcome to BIG Roads This package contains traffic lights used by BIG Urban Roads. This is not a mod and it won't replace any Traffic Lights in your city! They are a rework of New American Traffic Lights by ol' rdtg and some additional stuff by Conno. The ...
Blinking Light Strip (white)
Skapad av Like_Mike
light-white-horizontal by michael.warrenii...
Block Services - Child Health
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - Child Health by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't...
Block Services - Commercial H-3
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - Commercial H-3 by Naylin The entire Block Services R.I.C.O. collection: (Click Here) The ENTIRE Block Services collection: (Click here)...
Block Services - Commercial L-3
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - Commercial L-3 by Naylin The entire Block Services R.I.C.O. collection: (Click Here) The ENTIRE Block Services collection: (Click here)...
Block Services - Death
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - Death by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found ...
Block Services - Eldercare
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - Eldercare by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't fo...
Block Services - Elementary School
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - Elementary School by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or ha...
Block Services - Entertainment
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - Entertainment by Naylin PLEASE NOTE: This block is on a 1x2 area plot in order for the crowd spawn to work properly. All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rath...
Block Services - Fire
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - Fire by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found o...
Block Services - Garbage
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - Garbage by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't foun...
Block Services - Health
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - Health by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found...
Block Services - High School
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - High School by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Library
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - Library by Naylin *** NOT Campus DLC version *** All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either ...
Block Services - Office 3
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - Office 3 by Naylin The entire Block Services R.I.C.O. collection: (Click Here) The ENTIRE Block Services collection: (Click here)...
Block Services - Park Maintenance
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - Park Maintenance by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or hav...
Block Services - Police
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - Police by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found...
Block Services - Post Office
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - Post Office by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Residential L-5
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - Residential L-5 by Naylin The entire Block Services R.I.C.O. collection: (Click Here) The ENTIRE Block Services collection: (Click here)...
Block Services - University
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - University by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't f...
Blue Azalea - Low Poly
Skapad av Smilies
An attempt to create a very low poly flower bush with a small file size 76 tris 512x512 diffuse, normal, color, alpha Models and textures done by Smilies; cannot be re-uploaded without permission authorized by Smilies. ...
Block Services - Residential H-5
Skapad av Naylin
Block Services - Residential H-5 by Naylin The entire Block Services R.I.C.O. collection: (Click Here) The ENTIRE Block Services collection: (Click here)...
Bluebird AllAmerican School Bus [VEHICLE-SCHOOL BUS]
Skapad av DieHardHunter
Bluebird AllAmerican RE school bus. Campus DLC school bus version. Vehicle Tris: 2119 Textures: 1024x1024 Model info: - Vanilla schoolbus template - 2 versions: english and french(Quebec) - No color variations - Auto-generated LOD Credits: original model f...
Bluebird AllAmerican School Bus [VEHICLE]
Skapad av DieHardHunter
Bluebird AllAmerican RE school bus. Vehicle Tris: 2119 Textures: 1024x1024 Model info: - Vanilla bus template - 2 versions: english and french(Quebec) - No color variations - Auto-generated LOD Credits: original model for reference by Dorian Proctor Transp...
BM - Entrance Buildings #01 (Right)
Skapad av clus
BM - Entrance Buildings #01 (Right) Prolog Hello all togther ! These are some "entrance - buildings" to connect my metro stations or any underground pathway, to the surface. You wont need them to use the metro stations, they...
BM - Station Pathway #03
Skapad av Clus
BM - Station Pathway #03 Prolog Hello community ! These are pedestrian pathways, which I used for all the underground metro stations, as well as entrance buildings. In order to use those stations and entrance buidlings, all ...
BMW 5-Series Saloon (G30) British Police PROP
Skapad av Ma7heus
Original Vehicle Here...
BMW 5-Series Saloon (G30) M Sport
Skapad av Ma7heus
2017-2020 BMW 5-Series Saloon (G30) M Sport Asset's 3D and Textures Info (Main | Custom Lod): Tris: 2715 | 60 Textures: 1024x1024 | 64x64 In-Game Info: Name: BMW 5er G30 M Sport Top Speed: 250 Km/h >> PROP Version Here <<
BMW 5-Series Saloon (G30) PROP Pack
Skapad av Ma7heus
The Pack contains 3 G30 models assets - Luxury Line, iPerformance and M Sport Asset's 3D and Textures Info (Main | Custom Lod): iPerformance Tris: 2474 | 52 Textures: 1024x1024 | 64x64 In-Game Name: BMW 5er G30 iPerformance Prop Luxury Line Tris: 2470 | 52...
BMW 5-Series Saloon (G30) Victoria Police (Australia) - Highway Patrol PROP
Skapad av Ma7heus
>> Vehicle Asset Here << Suggested MODs: - Advanced Vehicle Options (AVO) - Service Vehicle Selector 2 - Find It! - Prop & Tree Anarchy...
BMW 5-Series Touring (G31) Luxury Line PROP
Skapad av Ma7heus
2017 - Present BMW 5-Series Touring (G31) Luxury Line PROP Asset 3D and Textures Info (Main | Custom Lod): Tris: 2370 | 44 Textures: 1024x1024 | 64x64 In-Game Info: Name: BMW G31 Prop >> Vehicle Asset Here << Wiki about the real car: The seventh generation...
Skapad av PALiX
Prop version of BMW E34 (1st color set) and BMW E34 (2nd color set) vehicle mods. All prop model stats are the same as vehicle model. Contains two color sets same as vehicle model too. ...
Skapad av PALiX
This is a prop version of my BMW E39 M5 car mod. All model stats are the same as the car mod.
BOB, the Tree and Prop Replacer 1.0.1
Skapad av algernon Beautify Our Builds (BOB). OR Universal Beauty Manager Tool To Change Ugly Props And Trees Or Bury Them (UBMTTCUPATOBT). More details on usage you'll find in the basic BOB guide. New in 0.9.4 New feature: ability to add new ...
Boeing 747-400BCF UPS prop
Skapad av Leeijo
This file only contains the prop. Also note that this is a 1:1 scale version of the B747-400! UPS Airlines is an American cargo airline owned by United Parcel Service Inc. The company is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky. Its international all-points a...
Boeing 757-200 - Air Greenland Prop
Skapad av Konkku
Air Greenland Boeing 757-200 Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Air Greenland is the flag carrier airline of Greenland. It operates a fleet of 32 aircraft, including 1 airliner used for transatlantic fl...
Boeing 757-200F - UPS - United Parcel Service Prop
Skapad av Konkku
UPS-United Parcel Service Boeing 757-200F Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! UPS Airlines is an American cargo airline owned by United Parcel Service. UPS has a fleet of over 230 aircraft, of which 75 are boeing 757s. This asset was made ...
Boeing 777-200ER - Japan Airlines Prop
Skapad av Konkku
Japan Airlines Boeing 777-200ER Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL and its subsidiaries operate to 220 dest...
Boeing 777-300ER - Eva Air (Old Livery) Prop
Skapad av Konkku
Eva Air 777-300ER Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Eva Air is a Taiwanese international airline based in Taipei, Taiwan. The airlines operates passenger and cargo services to over 40 international des...
Boeing 777-300ER - Eva Air Prop
Skapad av Konkku
Eva Air 777-300ER Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Eva Air is a Taiwanese international airline based in Taipei, Taiwan. The airlines operates passenger and cargo services to over 40 international des...
Boeing 777-300ER - Japan Airlines Prop
Skapad av Konkku
Japan Airlines Boeing 777-300ER Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL and its subsidiaries operate to 220 dest...
Boeing 777F - FedEx Express Prop
Skapad av Konkku
FedEx Express Boeing 777 Freighter Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! FedEx Express is a cargo airline based in Memphis, Tennessee. It is the world's largest airline in terms of freight tons flown. The airline operates a fleet of over 650...
Boeing 777F - Korean Air Cargo Prop
Skapad av Konkku
Korean Air Cargo Boeing 777 Freighter Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! Korean Air is the largest airline and flag carrier of South Korea. Korean Air Cargo is one of the top-ranked international cargo airlines in the world. Original 777-...
Boeing 777F - Lufthansa Cargo (New Livery) Prop
Skapad av Konkku
Lufthansa Cargo Boeing 777 Freighter Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! Vehicle version coming when Industries DLC comes out! Lufthansa Cargo is a German cargo airline and a wholly owned subsidiary of Lufthansa. The airline operates world...
Boeing 757 Turkmenistan Airlines PROP
Skapad av Hafiz
Boeing 757 Turkmenistan Airlines PROP by H4F1Z. Credits to Vasimr22 for the template. Turkmenistan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Turkmenistan, headquartered in Ashgabat...
Boeing 777F - Lufthansa Cargo Prop
Skapad av Konkku
Lufthansa Cargo Boeing 777 Freighter Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! Lufthansa Cargo is a German cargo airline and a wholly owned subsidiary of Lufthansa. The airline operates worldwide air freight and logistics services and is headqua...
Boeing 777F ANA Cargo
Skapad av KriZ
Information This is a prop. If you like this model, be sure to give it a thumbs up and favourite! :D All Nippon Airways is the largest airline in Japan on the basis of fleet size. It operates services to both domestic and international destinations and had...
Boeing 787-8 - Japan Airlines Prop
Skapad av Konkku
Japan Airlines Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner Prop Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL and its subsidiaries operate to 220 ...
Boeing 787-9 - Japan Airlines Prop
Skapad av Konkku
Japan Airlines Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL and its subsidiaries operate to 2...
bollard black
Skapad av Sparks
bollard black by Sparks...
bollards with chains
Skapad av DᴇRᴀɴɢA
Triangles: 156 / LOD 76 Textures: 128x128 D, A / LOD 32x32 This prop can be found in the asset editor under Common - Common Streets and in game if you use the More Beautification Mod....
Bolte Bridge
Skapad av Zekiarsu
The Bolte Bridge is a twin cantilever road bridge spanning the Yarra River and Victoria Harbour in Docklands, Melbourne. It was completed in 1999 as part of the Citylink toll freeway project, carrying four lanes of traffic either way and providing a direct...
Boomer Homes 01
Skapad av 4pairsofpants
Looking to invest into the hot property market? Use the equity in your second or third, or 8th home to purchase this impressive home as a great investment. First home buyers? take advantage of this affordable home with the option of a 50 year mortgage. Lin...
Boomer Homes 02
Skapad av 4pairsofpants
Looking to invest into the hot property market? Use the equity in your second or third, or 8th home to purchase this impressive home as a great investment. First home buyers? take advantage of this affordable home with the option of a 50 year mortgage. Lin...
Boomer Homes 03
Skapad av 4pairsofpants
Looking to invest into the hot property market? Use the equity in your second or third, or 8th home to purchase this impressive home as a great investment. First home buyers? take advantage of this affordable home with the option of a 50 year mortgage. Lin...
Boomer Homes 05
Skapad av 4pairsofpants
Looking to invest into the hot property market? Use the equity in your second or third, or 8th home to purchase this impressive home as a great investment. First home buyers? take advantage of this affordable home with the option of a 50 year mortgage. Lin...
Boomer Homes 08
Skapad av 4pairsofpants
Looking to invest into the hot property market? Use the equity in your second or third, or 8th home to purchase this impressive home as a great investment. First home buyers? take advantage of this affordable home with the option of a 50 year mortgage. Lin...
Boomer Homes 10
Skapad av 4pairsofpants
Looking to invest into the hot property market? Use the equity in your second or third, or 8th home to purchase this impressive home as a great investment. First home buyers? take advantage of this affordable home with the option of a 50 year mortgage. Lin...
Boomer Homes 11
Skapad av 4pairsofpants
Looking to invest into the hot property market? Use the equity in your second or third, or 8th home to purchase this impressive home as a great investment. First home buyers? take advantage of this affordable home with the option of a 50 year mortgage. Lin...
Boomer Homes 12
Skapad av 4pairsofpants
Looking to invest into the hot property market? Use the equity in your second or third, or 8th home to purchase this impressive home as a great investment. First home buyers? take advantage of this affordable home with the option of a 50 year mortgage. Lin...
Boomer Homes 13
Skapad av 4pairsofpants
Looking to invest into the hot property market? Use the equity in your second or third, or 8th home to purchase this impressive home as a great investment. First home buyers? take advantage of this affordable home with the option of a 50 year mortgage. Lin...
Boomer Homes 14
Skapad av 4pairsofpants
Looking to invest into the hot property market? Use the equity in your second or third, or 8th home to purchase this impressive home as a great investment. First home buyers? take advantage of this affordable home with the option of a 50 year mortgage. Lin...
Boomer Homes 15
Skapad av 4pairsofpants
Looking to invest into the hot property market? Use the equity in your second or third, or 8th home to purchase this impressive home as a great investment. First home buyers? take advantage of this affordable home with the option of a 50 year mortgage. Lin...
Boomer Homes 17
Skapad av 4pairsofpants
Looking to invest into the hot property market? Use the equity in your second or third, or 8th home to purchase this impressive home as a great investment. First home buyers? take advantage of this affordable home with the option of a 50 year mortgage. Lin...
Boomer Homes j01
Skapad av 4pairsofpants
Looking to invest into the hot property market? Use the equity in your second or third, or 8th home to purchase this impressive home as a great investment. First home buyers? take advantage of this affordable home with the option of a 50 year mortgage. Lin...
Boomer Homes j02
Skapad av 4pairsofpants
Looking to invest into the hot property market? Use the equity in your second or third, or 8th home to purchase this impressive home as a great investment. First home buyers? take advantage of this affordable home with the option of a 50 year mortgage. Lin...
Boomer Homes j03
Skapad av 4pairsofpants
Looking to invest into the hot property market? Use the equity in your second or third, or 8th home to purchase this impressive home as a great investment. First home buyers? take advantage of this affordable home with the option of a 50 year mortgage. Lin...
Boomer Homes j04
Skapad av 4pairsofpants
Looking to invest into the hot property market? Use the equity in your second or third, or 8th home to purchase this impressive home as a great investment. First home buyers? take advantage of this affordable home with the option of a 50 year mortgage. Lin...
Boston fire museum (Leisure growable)
Skapad av Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 1x3/4 leisure growable. About the model This is part of a small of a mini update of leisure growables. Make sure to get the Majestic theater and the BAM harvey theater as well! You can always follow...
Boulder Rapids
Skapad av Scotland Tom
Welcome to Boulder Rapids! Details: - Variety of terrain including beaches, fast flowing rivers, rolling hills, and mountains. - All transport connections, from highways to ships are available for use. - NOTE: Reports are that sometimes the game reports no...
Box Shaped Trees
Skapad av Ronyx69
A pack of trimmed / pruned box shaped trees. Search for "r69 box tree" using Find It! They are props and not trees so you can rotate them. Main: 1100 - 2000 tris 1024x512 LOD: 10 tris 64x64 Commission for Geze. Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mo...
Skapad av Ronyx69
A pack of boxwood hedge props and networks, and a topiary set. Search for "r69 boxwood" using Find It! If a network segment is too long, there might be a gap, simply split the segment into two by creating an intersection. Main: 380 - 2670 tris 256x256 LOD:...
BP Gas Station [RICO]
Skapad av conno
"Everyday, Brighter" BP is a British oil corporation with 1000’s of service stations in over 70 countries around the world. This asset was based off this location in Beckly, WV. Asset Tris Weight Texture BP Store 592 13.45 1024x1024 Gas Pumps 1772 23.15 76...
Brazilian Security Booth 1 - Park
Skapad av Redoze
Asset commissioned by Bastet69. Thanks bro! Version police station Please, rate my work :) Support Do you want more works like this? Support me. Basic information Name Size Brazilian Security ...
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Brick & steel fence
Skapad av Avanya
Two props made for my Glass Works factory. Pillar Tris: 28 Texture: 32x64 Auto generated LOD Fence Tris: 44 Texture: 128x64 LOD: 22 with auto generated textures (32x32) Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is m...
Brick and Plaster Retaining Wall
Skapad av Lost Gecko
Retaining wall made of plaster with brick decorative framing. Follows the terrain, can be raised or lower to the desired height with Move It!. Purely decorative, it's not a quay! The Network Tiling mod by Ronyx69 is required for the textures of this asset ...
Brazilian Security Booth 1
Skapad av Redoze
Asset commissioned by Bastet69. Thanks bro! Park version Please, rate my work :) Support Do you want more works like this? Support me. Basic information Name Construction Cost Size Color varia...
Brick and Tile Building
Skapad av Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 3 commercial building (4x3 corner. Kindly comissioned by AugustusGlooop! Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to see new releases and upcom...
Brick Herringbone Tile Decals
Skapad av KingLeno
Brick Herringbone Tile Decals by KingLeno asset includes 1x1 Brick Herringbone Decal 1x1 Brick Herringbone Decal - Light Orange-ish 1x1 Brick Herringbone Decal (with rounded corner) 1x1 Brick Herringbone Decal - Light Orange-ish (with rounded corner) 1/4 B...
Brick laying style
Skapad av 红米先生
现代铺砖,地砖,商业人形砖,共计6个,占地5X5格 属性:prop物件类,可PO魔物 分辨率:1024 LOD: 40 可以放在任何地方,专用放在办公楼,CBD写字楼商业区,作为大厦底座铺砖使用 There are 6 modern paving tiles, floor tiles and commercial humanoid tiles, covering an area of 5x5 squares Property: prop object class, which can be used to ...
Brick Retaining Wall
Skapad av Lost Gecko
Retaining wall made of bricks. Follows the terrain, can be raised or lower to the desired height with Move It!. Purely decorative, it's not a quay! The Network Tiling mod by Ronyx69 is required for the textures of this asset to appear properly. Without thi...
Bright iron fences
Skapad av Titan
A set of bright iron fence props As said, a set of bright iron fence props including a... 4m segment 8m segment 16m segment gate segment They are not terrain conforming. More Beautification, Prop Anarchy, Prop Line Tool and Find it! are recommended, but no...
Broadleaf Pot Plant
Skapad av pdelmo
Broadleaf Pot Plant by pdelmo...
Broken hill Fire Station
Skapad av The Brown Warrior
Rural Volunteer fire station for Two Dollars Twenty's series Down under Empty lot you need to add your own props to it, just has the correct layout of concrete Main 2048x2048 LOD 128x128
brown glass panels
Skapad av BachToBaroque
A required prop for this asset - Tris 2. 256x128 D,A,S...
Brown grass patch
Skapad av pdelmo
220 tri 256x256 texture...
Brown Hill Grass
Skapad av pdelmo
Brown slope tolerant Grass by pdelmo 140 triangles 128 texture per patch...
Brutalist Office
Skapad av The Lost Cake
Another concrete office building from Stuttgart 3x2 2817 Tris 1504 Vertices 1024x1024 Follow me on Twitter for updates on the assets i'm working on....
Buchenhain, Parking Garage
Skapad av Yosh
Buchenhain, Parking Garage --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Important explanations for handling in the lower part of the description --- ------------------------------------------------------...
Bud Light Props
Skapad av KingLeno
Bud Light Props by KingLeno...
Buhl/Bash Building
Skapad av Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This pack contains 2 lvl 2 Commercial corners, a 1x4 and a 2x4 growable based on the Buhl Building in Pittsburgh. Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to...
Burberry Chicago
Skapad av Stringer Bell
This is a 4x2 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Burberry building in Chicago. It works best as a corner building though with two sides facing the streets. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection...
Bus and Tram -Shelters
Skapad av clus
Bus and Tram - Shelters Prolog Hello community ! These little package consists of 2 shelters which will be used within my road assets as a replacement for the vanilla shelters. You can decide yourself if you want to use these shelters or just detail the bu...
Bus lane entry [decal]
Skapad av Nouvilas
Decal for the road marks that denote the entrance to a bus lane in Madrid, Spain.
Bus park
Skapad av SkGr
Bus park for custom bus depot....
Bus Station
Skapad av Senfkorn
Hi community, actually I just wanted to try out how to use the rotor shader. And suddenly, a new asset was born :) Have fun! Special thanks go out to Ronyx69, who discovered the use of the rotor shader for asset creations. That offers completely new possib...
Bus Stop - Double
Skapad av Raymond Pelletier
#FrenchCityDesigners A bus stop is a designated place where buses stop for passengers to board or alight from a bus. These are normally positioned on the highway and are distinct from off-highway facilities such as bus stations. The construction of bus sto...
Bus Stop - Pole
Skapad av Raymond Pelletier
#FrenchCityDesigners A bus stop is a designated place where buses stop for passengers to board or alight from a bus. These are normally positioned on the highway and are distinct from off-highway facilities such as bus stations. The construction of bus sto...
Bus Stop - Simple
Skapad av Raymond Pelletier
#FrenchCityDesigners A bus stop is a designated place where buses stop for passengers to board or alight from a bus. These are normally positioned on the highway and are distinct from off-highway facilities such as bus stations. The construction of bus sto...
Bus stop with market
Skapad av Pashka2125
It is supposed to be used with RICO mod to work as a commercial. Without RICO mod this asset is a park. Info Commercial Low Level - 1 Size - 1х1 Capacity - 2 workplaces Cost - 150 News of Russian-speaking community Cities: Skylines - on our page VKontakte:...
Bus Terminal Shelter
Skapad av nieranjo
Bus Terminal Shelter (Now with LOD) by nieranjo...
Bus Terminal | 重庆菜园坝汽车站
Skapad av RichardShi
Bus Terminal | 重庆菜园坝汽车站...
Bush #8 (by Breeze)
Skapad av Breeze
You get the tree brush mod, which I recommend. ▼ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name : Bush #8 (by Breeze) Category : Tree Ui pr...
Bush 01 - TPB Nature Series
Skapad av Katalepsis
This bush is considerably high triangles and texture resolution for this game, as such it is strongly recommended that you use it sparingly, for details in urban design and landscaping.Avoid going on massive planting sprees with it. Credit and many thanks ...
Bush 02 - TPB Nature Series
Skapad av Katalepsis
Credit and many thanks for these beautiful models and textures goes to Nobiax, imported and modded for C:SL by TPB. If after subscribing you can't find this item in-game, you may have to enable it in the Content Manager (for some strange reason!) If you li...
Bush Shrubs
Skapad av pdelmo
Bush Shrubs by pdelmo. High Detail for close to town. Most of the plants used are from my own yard and up the paddock. I took pics myself others are just good textures I found. There is a total of 10 diffrent types plants in the one cluster. low poly here ...
Bush Shrubs Low Poly
Skapad av pdelmo
Bush Shrubs Low Poly by pdelmo. Bigger scale low poly 10 diffrent types of plants on a 512 texture. 518 triangles 512 Texture ...
Bushy Grass
Skapad av MrMaison
Bushy Grass by MrMaison Introducing "Bushy Grass"! This is a generic grass bush which is a smaller version of the Pampas Grass base. It's good for decorative hedges, shores and fillers. STATS: 1174 tris 1024 textures For those who don't know, I strongly su...
C's Larimar(Tropical Theme)
Skapad av Cano
Creation time 2months 4months I started making these for myself, but for me it was too hard work and needed a lot of time. If there were other people with a sense similar to me, I thought that this should be shared. I am happy if there is one person who wi...
Cabana Furniture
Skapad av KingLeno
Cabana Furniture by King Leno Click here to see this asset in-game. Or just watch the video above. Includes various poolside/resort furniture props: Cabana Chair, Cabana Sofa, Cabana Lounge, Cabana Stool, Cabana Table, Cabana End Table, Cabana Bed, and Cab...
Caldera (Tropical)
Skapad av Bugfix
Caldera is a tropical volcanic island archipelago. There is one large main island and a few smaller ones. The main island contains a huge (inactive) volcano. It's perfect for building your own little island nation. Characteristics - There is only one highw...
Californian Bungalow #1
Skapad av TimmyBuckets
California bungalow is a style of residential bungalow architecture that was popular across the United States, Australia and New Zealand from around 1910 to 1939. These are a L3 residential and Growable. The roofs make use of the color mapping texture so y...
Californian Bungalow #2
Skapad av TimmyBuckets
California bungalow is a style of residential bungalow architecture that was popular across the United States, Australia and New Zealand from around 1910 to 1939. These are a L3 residential and Growable. The roofs make use of the color mapping texture so y...
Californian Bungalow #8
Skapad av TimmyBuckets
California bungalow is a style of residential bungalow architecture that was popular across the United States, Australia and New Zealand from around 1910 to 1939. These are a L3 residential and Growable. The roofs make use of the color mapping texture so y...
Camellia Shrubs
Skapad av MrMaison
Camellia Shrubs by MrMaison Introducing a 2 piece set of Camellia Shrubs. One with red flowers and the other with peachy flowers. These are generic Camellia plants in the spirit of the many Camellia species that are reported up to 300. Camellias can grow a...
Campus Industries Housing Mod
Skapad av t1a2l Campus Dorms and Industry Barracks Housing New Update 12.11.2024 * Fix people not moving into industry and campus housing. * Fix saving and loading mechanisem. New Update 13.09.2024 * Locked button to avoid type changes. * Ref...
Campus Royal Arena
Skapad av _luminou_
Campus Royal Arena (second download of the asset, loading problem on the first version) DLC Campus adaptation of the "Royal Arena - Copenhague / Danemark" available in workshop. Scale 1:1 Size: 14x22 DLC Campus required no Mod required Contain all textures...
Canary Island Date Palm
Skapad av MrMaison
Canary Island Date Palm by MrMaison I present to you a Canary Island Date Palm tree. This is good for decoration and any tropical scenes. This is a 2 piece set including small and tall versions. I plan to make other types of Date palm trees in the future. ...
Skapad av YODOH
※このアセットはKazuma76氏のテンプレートを使用して作成しました。 ヤマト運輸の小型配送トラックです。現実ではこの型式のものは採用されていないようですが、気にしたら負けだよね! VehicleとPropのセットになっています。(Prop included) Ryuichi Kaminogi氏からのご依頼で作成したものになります。 制作の依頼・リクエストに関してはTwitterまたはDiscordまで。 Twitter:
car wash machine 02
car wash machine prop English version texture = 512 x 512 ガソリンスタンド等によくある洗車機のpropになります。 日本人が考えたアメリカンな仕様です。 テクスチャサイズは512x512にて作成しております。...
car wash prop ARAI
car wash machine prop ARAI Japanese style car wash machine ガソリンスタンド等によくある洗車機のpropになります。 洗車機アライさんです。 テクスチャサイズは512x512にて作成しております。...
CARAVAN Ambulance japan jp japanese nihon nippon jpn
CARAVAN Ambulance by 紺野 Konno キャラバンの救急車です。 リアバンパー部のステップを作り忘れています。ご了承ください。...
Cargo Harbour Train only template
Skapad av jasparwa
This is a working cargo harbour template for ship to train transfer only. No trucks are used. Road access for service vehicles is still required. The railway is ground based and designed to sit behind a quay so you will need Move-it and anarchy mods to pos...
Cargo ship for HarborPack by --VIP--
Skapad av Vip
Cargo ship by vip Sin was not to make such a ship as transportation in the game. ))))) In general, something like this. I hope you like my mod. If you like my fashion, please put me a good evaluation. So find out more about them people. )))) Most of these ...
[DEPRECIATED] Carolina Bays Pkwy 31/501
Skapad av creativeDEX
Carolina Bays Pkwy 31/501 by Dexter Hi everyone, here is my double Trumpet Interchange 31/501. It is a realistic build, you can see this in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA. In my opinion is this one of the best intersection i ever build. Every part of ro...
Casa Habano 001
Skapad av Accapulco
Cuban Residential 512x2048 - 128x64 2,200 - 121 ...
Catamaran 01
Skapad av Mic CrossHill
A 15m catamaran for your Marina. This Model is also meant for detailing your Marina. For simple filling a pier it has a too high tris-count (Fillers are comming later). Model: Verts: 929 Faces: 815 Tris: 1700 Texture: 1024*512 LOD: Verts: 41 Faces: 24 Tris...
Cay Community Pack
Skapad av Tomas13TO
Hello all, Another asset from Palm Beach Series is Cay Community pack. There are seven assets in the pack (three condos, community center, reception, garages and pool). It is based on Mariner's cay condos and townhomes from Hypoluxo, FL. Don't forget to us...
CBD Industrial Commonwealth Motors RICO
Skapad av trist14222
From a series of non-polluting Industrial RICO buildings for your City Centre/Downtown Fabric District or light industrial fringe. Commonwealth Motors is an art deco motorcycle showroom All my assets are free for you to use, and it's payment enough just se...
CEDET Central Department Store in Warsaw
Skapad av Robal
Zenit Central Department Store in Warsaw, Poland. Now it's commerical and office building Cedet. Back half is changed, so its more useful in game. Front half is almost 1:1. Designed by Zbigniew Ihnatowicz and Jerzy Romański, built in 1951. Building also kn...
Ceiling Light
Skapad av ManuRamos
Ceiling Light I implemented this lamp to be able to use it in my pedestrian tunnels It is located 3.5m from the ground Highly recommended MOD,s: - Find It! - Prop & Treee Anarchy - Prop Precision - Move It! - Prop Snapping I...
Cement Sidewalk Curb Props
Skapad av KingLeno
Cement Sidewalk Curb Props by KingLeno A set of props using the cement texture that I use in a lot of my assets. I wanted to keep the triangle count low (<170) and the surface visually flat, so they can only be minimally intersected with each other before ...
Centre Videotron - Quebec (Canada) [DLC CAMPUS]
Skapad av _luminou_
Centre Videotron - Quebec (Canada) The Centre Vidéotron is a sports centre located in Quebec City on the "Expocité" site in the borough of "La Cité-Limoilou", just next to the "Colisée de Québec". Its construction took place from 2012 to 2015; it was inaug...
CHI Health Center
Skapad av 听风说雨
CHI Health Center by 听风说雨 制作不易,多多点赞!!! 这次制作的是位于美国内布拉斯加州奥马哈的一座大型综合表演场馆,同样的,为了让它更适合于天际线,我对原建筑进行了一定的简化修改,建筑占地面积为440m×112m,占地面积约为50000平米,建筑总面数约为10000面,贴图大小为512×8192,我的作品向来按高分辨率制作,酌情订阅,但别忘了点点赞,若想能实时获取相关动态,请一定要关注我,谢谢支持! This production is a large-scale comprehen...
Chicago Corner Flats
Skapad av honker
This is a 3x4 low density housing asset based on the many 3-story brick corner buildings throughout Chicago's neighborhoods. Made circa 1920, these are a staple of the metropolitan area and pair nicely with the Two Flat, Greystone, Bungalows, and Six Flat....
Chicago Apartments
Skapad av DieHardHunter
A modular apartment complex inspired by a real building in Chicago, IL. Building Tris: 1432 Textures: 1024x1024 Model info: - You can combine multiple units into larger complexes. - No color variations - Auto-generated LOD - Model created with SketchUp and...
Chicago Porches
Skapad av honker
4 Chicago-style back porches, 2 for a 2-story building and 2 for a 3-story building....
Skapad av Darf
Chimney Prop...
Chinese Railway Station Prop Pack-II
Chinese Railway Station Prop Describe: The content of this asset package is Chinese Railway Station Prop Pack. And this is Part 2. Included: Two types awning. Two types indicators, one for blue and other one for black. Three fixed format indicators ,they a...
Chinese style the door
Skapad av kaikai0706
中式Chinese style the door...
CIMEx Logistics Prop Pack
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
Ninja's CimEX Logistics Props Are Here This prop pack will contain all the vehicles that I made with the CIMEx Logistics Design. Props are located in the COMMON Category. Use Prop And Tree Anarchy Mod to place anywhere. Anarc...
Skapad av Palm'sTime
CIMPOVAC Box by Palm'sTime Prop Info: It's fictional company brand. Just made for fun ;) Texture Size 256 x 256 Donations If you like my works, please consider a small donation by following the platform link I provided below. Support on Patreon: https://ww...
Circular Quay Wharves
Skapad av Robert
NOTE - Difficult to use, watch tutorial. Short version: people get out in the wrong direction, you need to use move it to select the generated ferry lanes on either side and swap and adjust them for good results. Are you liking the City Wharves pack, but t...
Circular Quays 2
Skapad av Robert
16m wide, up to 15m tall. Contains two pedestrian lanes. Waterfront quay network resembling the western end of Circular Quay, Sydney. Concrete slabs. Brick pathway with a sawtooth pattern. Less nodes the better, tbh! Includes two textures (for the wall and...
Circular Quays 3
Skapad av Robert
This one is not a network, but a ploppable building. It's an original mesh and texture but shout out to Avanya for their modular piers pack, and their implementation (templating it as a static ship, basically). It is 64m long and 16m wide. The piles extend...
Cities Merchant Bank
Skapad av Khrysler
A corner bank building with heavenly facade and stunning ceiling height. It is based on 650 West Hastings Street ,Canadian Bank of Commerce in Vancouver, Canada (I believe it's a retail store now) I blindly started building 2x3 Level 3 corner office withou...
Cities Skylines Fire Department (Pierce White) Prop Pack
Skapad av ninjanoobslayer
Cities Skylines Fire Department CSFD Props Are Here This used to be the prop pack for the post concerts vehicles, but because they had been reorganized by departments, this is now the Prop Pack for the CSFD. That is the Whit...
Citroen C1 PROP
Skapad av PALiX
This is a prop version of my Citroen C1 car mod. It contains of two different color sets (same as car mod), so it means it contains two assets, that's why file size is over 5 MB. NOTE: In the props list, thumbnail is the same for both assets (color sets), ...
City Gate Cleyra Edition
Skapad av DeCzaah
City Gate Cleyra Edition by DeCzaah This asset is part of the the Cleyra - Custom Assets collection! This is the cleyra gate, a bent concrete sculpture with integrated spotlights, specially made for creativeDEX' Cleyra project. It is made out of concrete a...
City Sign Cleyra Edition
Skapad av DeCzaah
City Sign Cleyra Edition by DeCzaah This asset is part of the the Cleyra - Custom Assets collection! This is the cleyra sign, a modern and minimalistic city sign with illuminated and colored parts, specially made for creativeDEX' Cleyra project. It is made...
City Synagogue
Skapad av trist14222
A Synagogue for both reform and othodox jews living in your city. Based loosly on the East Melbourne Hebrew Congregation in Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne's oldest surviving Synagogue built in a Classical Revival style in 1877. "East Melbourne shul’s hist...
City Wharves
Skapad av Robert
A sequel to my River Wharf release, the City Wharves pack contains two double-sided ferry piers, based off the wharves in Circular Quay, Sydney, and ten props great for use around wharves, which are also placed around the buildings. These wharves are gener...
Skapad av Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on It's a clarifier - not much more to say about it. :P It isn't modelled after one specific clarifier, unlike most of my buildings in this collection. It creates noise pollution and garbage to mimic the smell and sl...
Classic Grey Detail Rocks
Skapad av Greyflame Introduction This pack is the final counterpart to the giant modular rocks I released, intended to provide much smaller models for detailing. It's comprised of two halves: first, 4 new single rocks originally modeled by IceK...
Classic Grey Modular Rocks 1K
Skapad av Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 26 unique rock models. These are huge assets suitable for covering mountains and creating cliff faces. These were originally modeled by IceKazim. I licensed them through CGTrader, reduced the t...
Classic Grey Modular Rocks 2K
Skapad av Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 26 unique rock models. These are huge assets suitable for covering mountains and creating cliff faces. These were originally modeled by IceKazim. I licensed them through CGTrader, reduced the t...
Classic Grey Surface Rocks
Skapad av Greyflame Introduction These are a reconfigured and recolored pack of Owl's popular Surface Rock assets. This Set These are close to Owl's original colors, but modified slightly to be closer to the Park Life rocks so they'll fit with ...
Classic Grey Vanilla Cliffs Part 1
Skapad av Greyflame Introduction These are a reconfigured and recolored vanilla "areas", caves, and cliffs #10-12. Classic Grey Classic Grey is my name for the coloration of the vanilla rocks. I've left the vanilla textures in this set (mostly)...
Classic Grey Vanilla Cliffs Part 2
Skapad av Greyflame Introduction These are a reconfigured and recolored vanilla cliffs. This pack includes the flat topped ones, #1 through #9. The rest are available in the collection above. Classic Grey Classic Grey is my name for the colorat...
Classic Grey Vanilla Rocks
Skapad av Greyflame Introduction These are a reconfigured and recolored vanilla rocks. Classic Grey Classic Grey is my name for the coloration of the vanilla rocks. I've left the vanilla textures in this set (mostly) unaltered, and did my best ...
Classic Mossy Modular Rocks 1K
Skapad av Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 26 unique rock models. These are huge assets suitable for covering mountains and creating cliff faces. These were originally modeled by IceKazim. I licensed them through CGTrader, reduced the t...
Classic Mossy Modular Rocks 2K
Skapad av Greyflame Introduction This is a pack of 26 unique rock models. These are huge assets suitable for covering mountains and creating cliff faces. These were originally modeled by IceKazim. I licensed them through CGTrader, reduced the t...
Skapad av creativeDEX
Cleyra - Map by Dexter How to use? Required Items Subscribe to all Assets in the Cleyra - Map Collection. Activate the Required Mods: Network Extensions 2 Unlimited Trees Mod Optional Mods for optimized Look Prop & Tree Anarchy Enable the setting: "Anarchy...
Cleyra - Color Correction
Skapad av creativeDEX
Cleyra - Color Correction by Dexter Hi everyone, here is the Color Corection for my project Cleyra. The Color Correction is created for my Cleyra Map Theme and Map. Its a temperate sunny lightning with high contrasts and less saturation for more realistic....
Cleyra - Map Theme
Skapad av creativeDEX
Cleyra - Map Theme by Dexter Hi everyone, here is the Map Theme for my Cleyra project. This is a theme for temperate maps. All textures use a high resolution(4k) and gives cities/maps a better and sharper look. The style is created with natural and realist...
Cleyra Hiking Path Signs
Skapad av DeCzaah
Hiking path Signs by DeCzaah This asset is part of the the Cleyra - Custom Assets collection! These are hiking path signs, inspired by the „Guter Rat Weg“ in Germany. These two props were made after Brandon asked about hiking path signs. The white parts ar...
Cleyra Signs Pack
Skapad av DeCzaah
Highway Freeway Signs Pack Cleyra Edition by DeCzaah This asset is part of the the Cleyra - Custom Assets collection! These are highway and freeway signs, made specially for CreativeDEX' Cleyra map. With subscribing to these, you'll get: - 3x floor sign (H...
Cliffsides pack - White
Skapad av Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A pack of cliffside rocks to decorate those near-vertical slopes, where you can't put much else. They're made to handle stretching pretty well and conform to the terrain. This pack contains 3 large cliff faces and...
clinical centre Schwarzwald Baar
Skapad av SvenBerlin
clinical centre Schwarzwald Baar by SvenBerlin This should be a replica of the Clinical centre Schwarzwald Baar. It looks different because in the front normally it has only 2 floors in the lower part and not 3. In real the ground has different heights. Th...
[DEPRECIATED] Cloverstack A52/A61
Skapad av creativeDEX
Cloverstack A52/A61 by Dexter Hi everyone, here is my Cloverstack Interchange A52/A61. It is a realistic build, you can see this in Mönchengladbach, Germany. Note: For better placement make sure that the ground are flat enough and don't forget to activate ...
Cluster of green Shrubs
Skapad av pdelmo
Cluster of green Shrubs by pdelmo 660tri / 256x256 Texture...
Clyde Quay Wharf Apartments
Skapad av mayorwont Built along a prominent north-south heritage finger wharf in Wellington, Clyde Quay Wharf is a luxury residential development with retail and office spaces, built from the former Overseas Passenger Terminal. Working on this ...
Coastal LUT
Skapad av Ronyx69
Color correction to go along with the Coastal map theme. Balanced for Relight recommended & default settings, but sun intensity 5.6. Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests Donate CSLModding.INFO...
Cobblestone Decals
Skapad av Lost Gecko
Pack of 6 cobblestone decals fitting with the Paris 1900 roads and decorative networks. Includes 3.5m, 7m and 14m variations of both square and circular decals. These decals don't follow the 8m base rule because the texture they're based on would look over...
Coastal Rocks
Skapad av Ronyx69
Rocks to go along with the Coastal map theme. Main: 762 - 1243 tris 1024x1024 LOD: 35 - 109 tris 128x128 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests Donate CSLModding.INFO ...
Cobblestone Surfaces
Skapad av Lost Gecko
Pack of 6 cobblestone surfaces fitting with the Paris 1900 roads and decorative networks. Includes 3.5m, 7m and 14m variations of both square and circular surfaces. These props don't follow the 8m base rule because the texture they're based on would look o...
Coca Cola Classic Logo Billboard
Skapad av Alexander Pas
Coca Cola Classic Logo Billboard The Billboard can be found in-game under Landscaping in the Parks tab....
Cologne/Köln v2 - detailed, hand drawn map
Skapad av johanneseckert
This is an updated version to the very detailed, very realistic map of Köln (Cologne), Germany started off a heightmap from, the rhine river, all large lakes and highways have been constructed using openstreetmap data and finetuned by hand. t...
Colorables Lines Network
Skapad av ManuRamos
CLN: COLOREABLE LINES NETWORKS Pack of eight (now twelve) different colorable lines networks. With this article, I wanted to rebuild my STRIPPED LINES and STRIPPED LINES DECAL to replace them using the same concepts as my RSKL ROAD SKIN LINES, that is, gro...
Colossal Industries Generic Signs
Skapad av LoneBear
Add a splash of modern illuminated signage to your Industrial Areas. This pack contains 3 Signs in a generic style for Forestry, Oil and Ore under the name of Colossal Industries....
Cluster of shrubs light
Skapad av pdelmo
Cluster of shrubs light by pdelmo 660tri / 256x256 texture...
Colossal Waste Recycling
Skapad av Avanya
A sign I created for my recycling facilities (coming up soon). The white lights up day and night. You can find it in the category with the other 3d logos. :) Model Tris: 82 Texture: 256x256 (d, i, a & s) LOD Tris: 28 Texture: 64x64 (d, i & s) Disclaimer Fo...
Columbia apartments (3 buildings, high res growable)
Skapad av Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 3x3 high res lvl 3 growable. About the model These are some typical New York type apartments. Hope you like them as a filler in your cities. :) I still needed some more filler buildings in my cities so I decid...
Columbia Center
Skapad av ExtraNoise
This is the updated asset with optimized textures and night lights enabled! If you have a moment, please rate this asset! About The Columbia Center is Seattle’s most iconic building. Constructed between 1982 and 1985, it still claims the title of tallest b...
Common Tree Set
Skapad av pdelmo
A set of 4 generic trees to suit most environments. Each Tree has its own unique form. Designed the trees to be placed in the city parks and suburbs. added a lot more branches and better bark textures to hopefully make them more natural looking I work hard...
Compact Bike Lane Markings
Skapad av Delta 5-1
Vanilla-style bike lane markings suitable for narrow (1m wide) bike lanes. By default, the prop will only appear in the Asset Editor. Designed for Vanilla+ Roads....
Concrete barrier - 01
Skapad av jPRO93 Concrete barrier - 01 Elevatable: concrete_barrier_01_E Terrain conforming: concrete_barrier_01 Happy Creators Discord Twitter Youtube
Concrete barrier - PACK
Skapad av jPRO93 Concrete barrier - PACK As addition to DeCzaah's barriers Elevatable: concrete_barrier_3m_E concrete_barrier_12m_E concrete_barrier_48m_E concrete_barrier_end_E Terrain conforming: concrete_ba...
Concrete Barriers
Skapad av NameInvalid
commission work for Martines91 --- Concrete Barrier Pack keyword : concrete, barrier Update - added 40m and 80m version for intermediate pieces, textures are shared - added 1 network version of intermediate C va...
Concrete Bunker Wall - Prop
Skapad av David
A standard concrete bunker wall, for use in creating new assets. This prop can be found under the Park > Park Equipment category. This prop can be used in the creation of the following asset types: Parks, Buildings. A concret...
Concrete Bunker Walls - Prop
Skapad av David
A standard array of concrete bunker walls, for use in creating new assets. This prop can be found under the Park > Park Equipment category. This prop can be used in the creation of the following asset types: Parks, Buildings....
Concrete Blocks
Skapad av DeCzaah
Concrete Blocks 8x8 and 32x8 by DeCzaah This asset is part of the the Cleyra - Custom Assets collection! This is an asset pack, with simple concrete blocks in two size variations. Also, it was a special CreativeDEX request. the concrete block is placed at ...
Concrete quay
Skapad av Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A simple quay with texture like my overpass supports. By itself it's just a quay and works like the default one, but with Quay Anarchy mod you can use it as a retaining wall on land making it much more useful. A s...
Concrete Retaining Wall network
Skapad av Lost Gecko
Network version of the Concrete Retaining Wall Prop based on the vanilla Castle Walls ruins (currently found in the water structure tab - to be fixed) Height: 2m by default. Can be raised up to 32m with the Move It! mod (link below). Follows the terrain bu...
Concrete Retaining Wall Prop
Skapad av Lost Gecko
Pack of 2 stone retaining wall props for all sorts of landscaping needs. Idea from one of Crumbs McGee's YouTube Video. That's as basic as it gets: a cube with a seamless stone texture. Stone version here. How to use it?: By default, the wall is 10cm above...
Concrete Tiles 01 Pack
Skapad av Beardmonkey
Concrete Tiles 01 Pack by Beardmonkey This pack contains three concrete tiles decals: Concrete Tiles 01 - 8x8 m: Texture: 1024x1024 px Concrete Tiles 01 - 4x4 m: Texture: 512x512 px Concrete Tiles 01 - 4x2 m: Texture: 512x256 px Find all my decals in this ...
Concrete Tiles 02 Pack
Skapad av Beardmonkey
Concrete Tiles 01 Pack by Beardmonkey This pack contains three concrete tiles decals: Concrete Tiles 02 - 8x8 m: Texture: 1024x1024 px Concrete Tiles 02 - 4x4 m: Texture: 512x512 px Concrete Tiles 02 - 4x2 m: Texture: 512x256 px Find all my decals in this ...
Concrete Wall #1 (Short) (4m)
Skapad av Macwelshman
Concrete Wall #1 Series Props created for this series have been put together in the 'UK Housing Props: Concrete Wall #1' and 'UK Housing Props: Walls' collections. A short 4 metre long concrete wall. Created to be plopped right at the edge of the asset spa...
Concrete Wall Cleyra Edition
Skapad av DeCzaah
Concrete Curve (colored) by DeCzaah This asset is part of the the Cleyra - Custom Assets collection! This is the concrete curve (colored version), specially made for creativeDEX' Cleyra project. This object is about 10 meters high, about 50 meters long, an...
Condo 41m
Skapad av Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 3 4x4 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 6464 tris LOD 262 tris 128x128 glass balcony 708 tris Asset shares textures wi...
Skapad av jPRO93 Cone - PACK Elevatable: cone_50cm cone_75cm cone_100cm cone_light Happy Creators Discord Twitter Youtube
Connector Bridge
Skapad av OhadH
- An enclosed bridge (Skybridge) designed to connect any two buildings - Inspired by BJC connector bridge in St. louis, Missouri ...
Connel bridge
Skapad av Jerenable
Connel bridge by Jerenable and Armresto The Connel Bridge is a cantilever bridge that spans Loch Etive at Connel in Scotland. The bridge takes the A828 road across the narrowest part of the loch, at the Falls of Lora.The bridge was opened in 1903 for railw...
Condo 8x5 55m
Skapad av Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above This is a heavier model with a lot of tris and submeshes; might not be ideal for weaker computers or for plopping in large quantities, use at your own discretion 8x5 R...
Consulting Tower Hannover | Hannover, Germany
Skapad av Toyota Hilux
Office Highrise from Hanover, Germany CONTAINS TWO SEPERATE BUILDINGS The smaller one is the Original. The bigger one is improved. Google Maps Tower 1 | Tris: 1460 | LOD-Tris: 165 | _d, _n, _s, _i Tower 2 | Tris: 1056 | LOD-Tris: 165 | _d, _n, _s, _i Tags:...
Skapad av Boaz
Hello everyone, Here is a container i've build... If you want to you can use it for on a ship or just as storage for example... Have a wonderful day! And i really appreciate it if you let me know your thoughts about this asset!! Greetings from Boaz!! Don't...
Container "DHL" 40ft.
Skapad av Sidai
Container "DHL" 40ft. by Rödelpopp Many thanks to Avanya and her guide "Make your own brand":
Container "PowerBox" 20 ft.
Skapad av Sidai
Container "PowerBox" 20 ft. by Rödelpopp Emergency Power Generater in a Container. Many thanks to Avanya and her guide "Make your own brand":
Container - PACK
Skapad av jPRO93 Containers - PACK Elevatable: container container_yellow container_green container_blue Happy Creators Discord Twitter Youtube h...
Container Crane
Skapad av redem
Model by cyricc Made a little smaller so two can fit side by side on a 4x4 asset. ...
Container Feeder Ploppable - pack 2
Skapad av Lee Towers
Ploppable version of my OWL Grover. Same model and textures as the vehicle, so use Loading Screen Mod with texture sharing. Can be found under transport > ships menu. Rename the ship once you've plopped it to remove the containers!...
Container Feeder Ship
Skapad av Lee Towers
The Cimskip Innovator will provide all your ports and harbours with goods. It tranpsorts containers of three companies: Cimskip (my own brand, based on Samskip), CIM (by Avanya) and Generic Industries (upcoming, by Beardmonkey). The ship is slightly larger...
Container gantry crane
Skapad av Pirazel
Rubber tired container gantry crane Wide and tall enough for 5x5 40ft container. Building based object that stays visible zoomed out. Object tris: 4614 texture: 256 x 512 LOD tris: 152 texture 64 x 64...
Container pack 1 - Large
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A pack of 40 ft containers including 5 variations of 4 brands, including Cargo in Motion (CIM), CIMSKIP (by Lee Towers), Generic Industries Ltd. (by Beardmonkey) and a new giant in the shipping business KALMAR...
Container pack 1 - Small
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A pack of 20 ft containers including 5 variations of 4 brands, including Cargo in Motion (CIM), CIMSKIP (by Lee Towers), Generic Industries Ltd. (by Beardmonkey) and a new giant in the shipping business KALMAR...
Container pack 2 - Large
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A pack of 40 ft containers including 5 variations of shipping brands, including ATYS CGM, AZURE, BMSC, OWL and PDXCO. This asset takes advantage of random prop feature added to the asset editor in patch 1.6 an...
Container pack 3 - Large
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A pack of 40 ft containers including 4 variations of shipping brands, including BPCL, MIYAGI, Schmidt-Lönne and TPB. This asset takes advantage of random prop feature added to the asset editor in patch 1.6 and...
Container pack 3 - Small
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A pack of 20 ft containers including 4 variations of shipping brands, including BPCL, MIYAGI, Schmidt-Lönne and TPB. This asset takes advantage of random prop feature added to the asset editor in patch 1.6 and...
Container pack 4 - Large
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A pack of 40 ft containers with all your favorite brands by bsquiklehausen. Visit his workshop for freight trains and props matching these containers. This asset takes advantage of random prop feature added to...
Container pack 5 - Large
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A pack of 40 ft containers including 6 variations of leasing container brands, including Geo, DUGONG, NEPTUNE, ICL, STEX and OceanBox. This asset takes advantage of random prop feature added to the asset edito...
Container pack 6 - Large
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Did we need more container brands? Ofc we did! In preparation for my new stacks to include bsquiklehausen's containers, I tweaked the original pack and added the new brands he created. Visit his workshop for f...
Container Port (Animated) - Warehouse Version
Skapad av jc21539
Container Port (Animated) - Warehouse Version by johncomerford The only donation I ask for is a thumbs up vote! ^_^ The Industries DLC version of my animated container port (non-industries version found here:
Container pack 5 - Small
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A pack of 20 ft containers including 5 variations of leasing container brands, including Geo, DUGONG, NEPTUNE, ICL, STEX and OceanBox. This asset takes advantage of random prop feature added to the asset edito...
Container Rail Cars - Pack 1
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Container rail cars with 5 variations of 4 brands, including Cargo in Motion (CIM), CIMSKIP (by Lee Towers), Generic Industries Ltd. (by Beardmonkey) and a new giant in the shipping business KALMAR. The rail c...
Container Rail Cars - Pack 2
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Container rail cars with variations of 5 brands, including ATYS CGM, AZURE, BMSC, OWL & PDXCO. The rail car itself is by Tim the Terrible, who graciously let me use it for my containers - check out his awesome...
Container Rail Cars - Pack 3
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Container rail cars with 5 variations of 4 brands, including BPCL, MIYAGI, Schmidt-Lönne and TPB. The rail car itself is by Tim the Terrible, who graciously let me use it for my containers - check out his awes...
Container Rail Cars - Pack 5
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Container rail cars with 6 variations of brands, including DUGONG, GEO, ICL, NEPTUNE, OceanBox and STEX. The rail car itself is by Tim the Terrible, who graciously let me use it for my containers - check out h...
Container stack 1
Skapad av Avanya
I really hate how props disappear when you zoom out, so I grabbed the container stacks from the cargo train station and turned them into two plop anywhere buildings. Nothing fancy at all. I didn't put any props down or give them stats, but I figured someon...
Container stacks 2
Skapad av Avanya
I really hate how props disappear when you zoom out, so I grabbed the container stacks from the cargo train station and turned them into two plop anywhere buildings. Nothing fancy at all. I didn't put any props down or give them stats, but I figured someon...
Container storage stacks - Large pack 1
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings Feel like your harbor is a bit empty? Got some empty space near your industrial area? Then why not fill it with containers! This pack contains 4 buildings that function as wa...
Container storage stacks - Large pack 2
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings Feel like your harbor is a bit empty? Got some empty space near your industrial area? Then why not fill it with containers! This pack contains 4 buildings that function as wa...
Container storage stacks - Large pack 3
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings Feel like your harbor is a bit empty? Got some empty space near your industrial area? Then why not fill it with containers! This pack contains 4 buildings that function as wa...
Container storage stacks - Large pack 4
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I wouldn't be right not to add bsquiklehausen's brands to these new stacks, so there they are! Besides the 7 brands you're used to from pack 4 are 4 new containers of his, no...
Container Straddle Carrier
Skapad av cyricc
Part of the Cargo Container Assets collection. 1262 tris. As with all custom props, this can be found in the asset editor under Parks > Park Equipment....
Container trailer - empty (Prop)
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on An empty container trailer prop, because some times they just don't have a container on there! ;) Tris is a bit high for a prop, but it seemed too much of a shame to get rid of more detail. A special thank you...
Container trailers - Pack 1 (Prop)
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Containers on a trailer containing 5 variations of 4 brands, including Cargo in Motion (CIM), CIMSKIP (by Lee Towers), Generic Industries Ltd. (by Beardmonkey) and a new giant in the shipping business KALMAR. ...
Container trailers - Pack 2 (Prop)
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Containers on a trailer containing variations of 5 brands, including ATYS CGM, AZURE, BMSC, OWL & PDXCO. This asset takes advantage of random prop feature added to the asset editor in patch 1.6 and will cycle ...
Container trailers - Pack 5 (Prop)
Skapad av Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Containers on a trailer containing variations of 6 brands, including DUGONG, GEO, ICL, NEPTUNE, OceanBox & STEX. This asset takes advantage of random prop feature added to the asset editor in patch 1.6 and wil...
Control It!
Skapad av Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to control network traffic and some visual appearance to the main menu. NEW IN 1.5 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). - Fixed issue with renamed pane...
Conveyor belt - small
Skapad av Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A small conveyor belt prop. This is pretty much the conveyor belt used in my recycling center buildings, but now as a prop so you can connect all sorts of buildings with it. It has a minimum height to allow vehicl...
Cooling pipe
Skapad av Darf
Cooling pipe for on top of building...
Copenhagen Metro 6-car (Metro)
Skapad av meshd
AnsaldoBreda Driverless Metro - Copenhagen Metro Asset Name Copenhagen_Metro_6-car_Metro Front Car Mid Car Capacity 100 80 560 total Tris 1841 698 LOD 150 106 Speed 16 (80 km/h) 16 (80 km/h) Acceleration 0.2 0.2 Brake 0.2 0....
Copenhagen Metro Roof Shelter [Prop]
Skapad av meshd Keyword for Find It: "CPH metro roof" i just don't bother writing down the rest of the description. go enjoy yourself some platform glass roof canopy shelter thingy. if the shape of the props don't fit with your build, be a ...
Copper Creek
Skapad av Scotland Tom
Update, September 30, 2018: While I still love the look of this map it has long been reported that I failed in my testing duties before its original release. There is not enough water flow through the rivers to provide a city beyond about 50k population wi...
Cornell Village
Skapad av Prosper
RICO / Residential High / level 3 / 8x3 / 2048x2048 / 4783 tris / LOD 512x512 / 138 tris Update 17.05.2020: Actual scale, more detailed RICO / Residential High / level 4 / 10x5 / 2048x2048 / 6835 tris / LOD 256x256 / 146 tris Working underground car Park f...
Cosco Container 40 ft.
Skapad av Sidai
Cosco Container 40 ft. by Rödelpopp My first try on a Container, from COSCO Shipping Lines. Many thanks to Avanya and her guide "Make your own brand":
Cosmopolitan Portland
Skapad av Smilies
7x7 rico level 4 high density residential 7987 tris 1024x512 texture custom LOD 52 tris 256x256 baked texture glass balcony submesh 516 tris 128x64 texture original model by UrbanArchit Based on Cosmopolitan at the Park in Portland https://commons.wikimedi...
Countdown Kerikeri
Skapad av ReviLoxilef
Countdown Kerikeri Please give a thumbs up if you like the asset. :) The Building This asset is based on the Countdown Supermarket in Kerikeri, New Zealand. The asset isn't quite to scale, in fact it is a bit longer than the original and it represents the ...
Countdown Kerikeri Prop Pack
Skapad av ReviLoxilef
Countdown Kerikeri Please give a thumbs up if you like the asset. :) Prop Pack This pack is needed for the Countdown Kerikeri asset. Model Stats Wall Sign Texture: 1024 x 1024 (a/c/d/i/n/s) | 128 x 128 (a/c/d/i/n/s) LOD Tris: 1268 | 2 LOD Advertisement Boa...
CR400AF“复兴号”高速动车组(High Speed train)
Skapad av Go!Vnian
CR400AF “复兴号” 高速动车组 编组:拖+动+拖+动+拖(2动3拖) 载员:430人 速度:350km/h ★ 推荐采用 Improved Public Transport 2 指定线路所用列车 CR400AF "Fu Xing Hao" High Speed Train Formation:2 Motor cars + 3 Trailer cars Capacity:430 Speed:217.5mph ★ It works better with Improved Public Transpor...
Cracks dark
Skapad av Avanya
Inspired by the wonderful decals by Ronyx69 I've got a little pack of 3 decals for you guys for those old worn roads or paved areas. These darker ones fit roads/pavement darker than the vanilla road texture like in the Realistic Temperate Theme or my Wet T...
Cracks light
Skapad av Avanya
Inspired by the wonderful decals by Ronyx69 I've got a little pack of 3 decals for you guys for those old worn roads or paved areas. These ones fit the vanilla roads/pavement as well as lighter ones like in the Temperate Coast Theme. Darker version here Te...
CRC (ploppable RICO ready)
Skapad av Senfkorn
Hi community, I think unity of teaching and research is the most important thing in the world. So make your city ready for the best medical care and order the Cancer Research Center. Exclusivly for your cims. If you don't use Ploppable RICO, you will find ...
CreativeDEX Cube
Skapad av DeCzaah
CreativeDEX Cube by DeCzaah This asset is part of the the Cleyra - Custom Assets collection! This is the illuminated creativeDEX Cube, specially made for creativeDEX' Cleyra project. This object is about 5m x 5m x 5m. The model contains 30 tris, same for t...
Crossing decal
Skapad av Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A crossing decal made to fit the tiny roads from NExt and up. These are only visual, cims won't actually cross them unless the road has a crossing point there. They're intended for those road textures without cros...
CROWN COMFORT TAXI 02 東京無線 by Konno Model クラウンコンフォートとJPN TAXI のセットです。 ナンバープレート作成に以下のサイトを利用させて頂きました。商用利用は禁止です。 ミニチュアカー ミュージアム...
CRTM full version Intersection Marking Tools Templates
Skapad av Vax丶浪子鸢
Collection of Chinese road traffic marking templates This version has all the Chinese-style road marking templates that can be solid-lined using IMT, which helps to facilitate the construction of more realistic urban roads. Basic version: https://steamcomm...
Crude oil desalter
Skapad av Jerenable
Crude oil desalter by Jerenable just the same thing as the asset I released a while ago but with the new industries DLC stuff old asset: here You can donate if you want to support me ...
Crude oil desalter
Skapad av Jerenable
Make a refinery complex with desalters, simple! We’re building an oil refinery! See the progress here: Lets make an oil refinery : Simtropolis stats: tris: 4690 tex: 1024^2 tris: 932 tex 256^2 Note: The bulk of each asset is round piping; because of this, ...
Crude Oil Storage (No Fences)
Skapad av Chef Boyardee
If you want to a vast oil storage facility, but it's ruined by the fences in between every tank, This asset is for you! ...
Skapad av Mic CrossHill
Builds for the Cities: Skylines: Project: Monaco by PugGaming Cruiseship Looking for a nice time for vacation? Lets make a Cruise-trip. Take this Ship to visit all places you ever want to see. ;) Part of the Monaco Build by PugGaming. Watch the Monaco Seri...
Curb - Concrete
Skapad av jPRO93 Curb - Concrete Elevatable: curb_concrete_E Terrain conforming: curb_concrete Happy Creators Discord Twitter Youtube https://i.i...
Curb Network
Skapad av KingLeno
Curb Network by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset functioning in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. A network curb asset for decoration and use with Curb Props 2. Thanks to everyone that helped me out witthis in...
Curb Props
Skapad av Like_Mike
The first curb props I uploaded. They are nonconforming so they can be elevated. Includes curb/planters in 6 different sizes and shapes. Textures updated for 2018! Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see how I create assets.
Curb Props 2
Skapad av KingLeno
Curb Props 2 A set of planters for all your parking lots and landscaping needs. This is follow-up to the older Curb Props. Which apparently a lot of people already have. Watch the attached video to see how these compare to when I first made them. I think t...
Curb Props Extensions
Skapad av KingLeno
Curb props extensions by KingLeno see demonstration/explanation of asset here in this video...
Curbless Road
Skapad av neinnew/네인
Roads for detailed place You can do more free detailing with curbless road and curb-only road. This was made by assuming a replacement for invisible roads. Information Elevated version does not modify the terrain, so manual clip placement will be required ...
Skapad av Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Custom Animation Loader (CAL)
Skapad av boformer Buildings with custom animations! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! This mod is required for building assets with custom animations. It sets up and enables the animations of t...
Custom Effect Loader
Skapad av boformer
This mod is required for props and vehicles with custom light effects. It sets up and enables the effects on level load. Just install and enable the mod and enjoy the lights :) Cool assets with custom effects! Get them! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.n...
CVGSE(Carrier Ground Support Equipment) prop pack 1
Skapad av WTigerTw
CVGSE Prop pack 1 by WTigerTw Prop pack of 20 props CVGSE means Aircraft Carrier Ground Support Equipment. This prop packs contains 1. Aircraft Tow Tractor (A/S32A-31) 2. Shipboard Aircraft Tow Tractor (STT) 3.Carrier mini Fire Truck 4. Aircraft Tow bar 5....
Cynth's Modern Subway Station (deprecated)
Skapad av Cynth
!This asset recives no further updates and support! /// Compatibility for any DLC andOr Addon since After Dark isn't guaranteed \\\ Get the updated version from Jiangtan of the Modern Subway Station here:
Skapad av ZGreenGaming
Cyperus collection consists of one plant and two props. Cyperus is a large genus of about 700 species of sedge's, distributed throughout all continents in both tropical and temperate regions. They are annual or perennial plants, mostly aquatic and growing ...
Cypress Bayou Mass Transit Decorated Map
Skapad av MrMiyagi
* 4 Trees Required: Local Gulf Coast native trees by MrMaison * Mass Transit Required: specialized highway network made from MT highways, insane maze of rivers and wetlands ideal for ferries!! *No Map Theme assigned: You get to pick!! Tropical map, most pi...
D3S Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor '1998
Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor '1998 Other works ... Donate with PayPal ...
D3S GAZelle NEXT A31R32
GAZelle NEXT A31R32 Long base Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Hochbahn bus props
Skapad av SvenBerlin
D3S Hochbahn bus props These are the Hochbahn bus props from these original vehicle assets created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN® Solaris Urbino 18 Hochbahn Lion´s City Hochbahn https://steamcommunit...
D3S Iveco EuroCargo Post Truck Props Pack
Iveco EuroCargo Post Truck Props Pack 17 Post Truck Included Canada Post Canada Post v.2 DHL DPD DPD Local EMS Post FedEx FedEx Ground PostNL PostNL v.2 Royal Mail RUS Post TNT TNT v.2 UPS UPS v.2 UPS Freight Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S KamAZ-6282 Electric Bus Green belt
KamAZ-6282 Electric Bus Green belt standard 12m twin-axle 3 doors capacity 70 Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S MAN Lion's Coach C R08 Flixbus
MAN Lion's Coach C R08 Flixbus Bus&Intercity version standard 13m twin-axle 2 doors capacity 55 Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S MAN Lion's Coach R09 SVWW
MAN Lion's Coach R09 SV Wehen Wiesbaden Bus&Intercity version standard 13m tri-axle 2 doors capacity 55 Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Actros MP IV '2011 (Agriculture Tandem)
Mercedes-Benz Actros MP IV '2011 Tandem Chassis Cargo capacity 10000 Other works ... //////................................................................................
D3S Mercedes-Benz Actros MP IV '2011 (Forestry Truck)
Mercedes-Benz Actros MP IV '2011 Cargo capacity 8000 Other works ... //////................................................................................................
D3S Mercedes-Benz Actros MP IV '2011 (Oil Truck)
Mercedes-Benz Actros MP IV '2011 Cargo capacity 8000 Other works ... //////................................................................................................
D3S Mercedes-Benz Actros MP IV '2011 (Ore Truck)
Mercedes-Benz Actros MP IV '2011 Cargo capacity 8000 Other works ... //////................................................................................................
D3S Mercedes-Benz Citaro C (O530) '2011
Mercedes-Benz Citaro C (O530) '2011 standard 12m twin-axle 3 doors capacity 75 applies the color line Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Citaro G (O530) '2011
Mercedes-Benz Citaro G (O530) '2011 18m tri-axle articulated 4 doors capacity 115 applies the color line Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Citaro L (O530) Concept
Mercedes-Benz Citaro L (O530) Concept 15m tri-axle 3 doors capacity 95 applies the color line Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Mercedes-Benz eCitaro '2018
Mercedes-Benz eCitaro '2018 standard 12m twin-axle 2 doors / 3 doors capacity 70 applies the color line Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Citaro CapaCity L (O530) Hochbahn '2014 5 doors
Mercedes-Benz Citaro CapaCity L (O530) Hochbahn '2014 5 doors 21m four-axle articulated 5 doors capacity 150 Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
NTE - Collider Fire
Skapad av spinoza73
NTE - Collider Fire by spinoza73...
Manhattan Bridge
Skapad av mr.pixelcat
Rate my work! The Manhattan Bridge is a suspension bridge that crosses the East River in New York City, connecting Lower Manhattan at Canal Street with Downtown Brooklyn at the Flatbush Avenue Extension. Located: electricity For the making of roads, I reco...
Memorial Bridge
Skapad av Lag_Legend
Memorial Bridge by Douglas...