Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Недостатньо оцінок
Моды из третьего сезона прохождения на канале murzilka9
До улюбленого
В улюблених
Здесь собрано множество интересных модов для интересной игры, не все моды в списке я использовал во время летсплея, но это не значит что они плохие.
Предмети (985)
Fortschritt ZT 300
Автор l0ddar Ready *without tipper animation* -Rotation of the wheels when turning The ZT300 is a tractor that was built 72,000 times at the VEB Tractor plant Schönebeck on the Elbe near Magdeburg in the GDR between 1967-1984. Different variants: tipper with 2x...
Балтийский вокзал [Без надписей]/ St. Petersburg-Baltiysky railway station [unmarked]
Балти́йский вокза́л — один из старейших вокзалов Санкт-Петербурга. Современное здание вокзала построено в 1855—1858 годах архитектором А. И. Кракау. Прототипом вокзала послужил Восточный вокзал в Париже. По бокам здания располагались двухэтажные флигели, л...
Архипелаг 1.1
Автор Di Ravello
Архипелаг с вулканом - теплое место для республики. Туристам будет приятно побывать тут....
Автор Tesmio
Местность карты базируется на регионе вокруг реки Амур (Координаты 50.692509, 137.350375). По просьбам игроков сделал вариант без населенных пунктов. Карта точно такая же как старая по ландшафту, добавлен боксит, работает только на 0.8.3+ Исходная: https://...
Автомобильное КПП (Car Checkpoint)
Автор Tesmio
Автомобильное КПП с коннектами для заборов для новой версии игры ( Теперь оно не костыль, а самый настоящий элемент инфраструктуры) Car checkpoint with connections for fences for the new version of the game ( only). Now it is not a crutch...
Автор Mauser_NATO
АТ-Т Тяжолый тягач на базе танка Т-54, Также на базе тягача Инжинерная машина БАТ-М. 1- Бульдозер 2- С закрытым кузовом 3- Лесовоз 4- Бульдозер для уборки снега Года выпуска 1950 - 1979 ---------------------------------------------- AT-T Heavy tractor base...
Škoda 1202 Czechoslovak Police skin
Автор Toman
Old Czechoslovak Police skin on Škoda 1202 ambulance...
ZSD Nysa 522 Emergency skin pack
Автор Elektrofumigator
A skin pack for in-game Nysa 522 Ambulance. Pack consists of: - Regular tricolor scheme for Polish EMS - Bicolor scheme for early (up to 70s) Polish EMS - Milicja Obywatelska scheme (Polish pre-1989 police) Militia station used in 2nd shot: https://steamco...
ZIS-150 pack part1
Автор Storm_
Среднетоннажный грузовой автомобиль ЗиС-150 производился на заводе имени Сталина с 1947 по 1957. Всего было выпущено 771 883 экземпляра ЗиС-150 всех модификаций. Кроме того, конструкторская документация на эту машину была передана Кутаисский автозавод, где...
ZIL-164 pack part1
Автор Storm_
Среднетоннажный грузовой автомобиль ЗИЛ-164 производился на заводе имени Лихачёва с 1957 по 1964. ЗИЛ-164 стал результатом модернизации ЗИС-150 и широко применялся до 70-х годов XX века. Всего с 1957 года по 1964 год был выпущен 385691 автомобиль в более ч...
Автор Tugan
Добавил крытую версию зил133, а так же 3 варианта с прицепами. Added a covered version of zil133, as well as 3 options with trailers. 1966-1999 80km/h 9-14t...
ZIL-130 Kolhoznik
Автор KsenoN
В данном моде представлен автопоезд (зерновоз) для ваших Совхозов. ЗИЛ-130 — советский и российский грузовой автомобиль разработки и производства автомобильного завода имени Лихачёва в Москве. Один из самых массовых автомобилей в истории советского автопро...
Баркассы (longboats)
Автор Mauser_NATO
3 небольших открытых баркаса. 1 для открытых грузов. 2 для ссыпучих грузов. 3 для общих грузов Валюта RUB года выпуска 1941 1973 Инфраструктуру для мелкого водного транспорта позже сделаю. ------------- 3 small open longboats.. 1 for open cargo. 2 for bulk...
Бетономешалка/small concrete plant
Автор Lexii
Бетономешалка/ small concrete plant Самое лучшее для начала игры и постройки за ресурсы Поддержи автора
Вокзал | Rail station
Автор Podolskiy
Раздел: Станция / остановка Вместимость - 3500 Длина - около 150 метров Есть возможность добавить своё название станции ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ 15.01.2021 - Проведена работа с текстурами (добавлен мипмап, заменена текстура платформы); - Оптимизация модели (вместо 178 т...
Вологодский вокзал / 'Vologda' railway station
Вологда 1 (до 1926 года — Вологда-Город) — железнодорожная станция в Вологде. Расположена на 494 километре от Ярославского вокзала Москвы и 597 километре от Ладожского вокзала Санкт-Петербурга. У этого вокзала есть 5 ж\д путей: 4 длинные и 1 укороченный. V...
Временное жильё (temporary housing)
Автор Mauser_NATO
Сборник малого дешового жилья в виде строительных вагонов и домов на колёсах. Также есть сопуцтвующия инфраструктура. Присуцтвует: 15 видов жилья. Малая пристань для грузов. Малая пассажирская пристань. Кинотеатр. Электрогенератор на бинзине. Полевой медиц...
Вспомогательные службы АЛК (Support services for Factory)
Автор Tesmio
Support me: Вспомогательные службы для стабильного функционирования алюминиевого комбината. - Стройконтора на 10 машиномест - Две автобазы на 7 и 14 машиномест - Автодепо на 7 машиномест - Снегоуборочная служба на 7 машиномест...
ГАЗ-13 Чайка (GAZ-13)
Автор Mauser_NATO
Газ-13 Чайка. Членовоз министерского уровня. 7 посадочных мест 6 цветов Выпускался 1959 1981 --------------------- GAZ-13 Seagull (GAZ-13) Gas-13 Seagull. Nomenclature transport ministerial level. 7 seats 6 colors Issued 1959 1981...
ГАЗ-51. Часть 1 | GAZ-51. Part 1
Автор dimndroll
RUS ГАЗ-51 – самый массовый советский грузовик 50х-70х. Модель начали разрабатывать ещё до войны, но в серийное производство она была запущена только в 1946 году. По лицензии машину производили в Польше (Lublin-51), в Китае (Yuejin NJ130) и в КНДР (Sungri-...
ГАЗ-51. Часть 2 | GAZ-51. Part 2
Автор dimndroll
RUS ГАЗ-51 – самый массовый советский грузовик 50х-70х. Модель начали разрабатывать ещё до войны, но в серийное производство она была запущена только в 1946 году. По лицензии машину производили в Польше (Lublin-51), в Китае (Yuejin NJ130) и в КНДР (Sungri-...
ГЭС-27 | Hydro electro power station '27
Автор dimndroll
RUS Для тех, кто не может дождаться появления ГЭС от разработчиков — этот мод. Он основан на легендарной Волховской ГЭС, одной из первых советских гидроэлектростанций. Её строительство началось почти сразу после революции, но было прервано из-за гражданско...
Garages of special equipment
Автор Tesmio
And again, a modular mod designed to once and for all solve the problems with snowplow and supply of enterprises. Garages for special equipment! Due to the lack of collision during construction, you can place them close to each other in as many as you like...
Глиноземный цех АЛК (Alumina Plant)
Автор Tesmio
Support me: Глиноземный цех алюминиевого комбината. Это не первая стадия обработки, но это первое здание, на которое упал мой вгляд при просмотре устройства ЗАлК. Здесь в концентрированном растворе щелочи при высокой температу...
ГорТранс. (city transport infrastructure)
Автор Mauser_NATO
Мод на разные станции, полустанки, депо, и прочее. Mod to different stations, stop stations, depots, and more. !!!! The use of mod materials is prohibited. !!!!...
Гостиница | Hotel
Автор Podolskiy
Прототип реальной гостиницы в городе Вологда, Россия. Тип постройки: Гостиница Рейтинг: 4.2 / 5 Рабочие - 40 Максимум туристов - 200 Другие мои работы: ===============...
Дворец Культуры | Palace of Culture
Автор dimndroll
RUS Дворец культуры в стиле поздних 70-х. В таких зданиях в советское время проходили концерты, выступления, лекции, танцы, показывали кино, туда приезжали на гастроли театры. В игре здание работает как кинотеатр. Максимум работников: 30 Максимум посетител...
Дворец культуры
Дворец был построен в начале 70-х годов для посетителей Припяти и Чернобыльской АЭС. «Энергетик» являлся частью целого комплекса городских центральных зданий, куда входили сам дом культуры, универмаг, гостиница «Полесье», ресторан, кухня для детей, кинотеа...
Деревня | Village
Автор dimndroll
RUS Для тружеников села в первом выпуске "Сельской жизни" представлена традиционная русская деревня. Это 64 уникальных дома: 16 отдельных участков и 16 сельских улиц, по 3 участка. Дома относительно уютные, качество жилья — 55-65%. Для строительства нужны ...
Древняя тайга
Автор WitcherShade
Равнинная местность покрытая густыми лесами и кратерами. Нужно будет проверить есть ли в них что-то полезное. Есть небольшая деревня со всем необходимым для старта....
Дом партийной элиты
Автор Billman007
Приветствую! Представляю Вам, жилой дом повышенной комфортности. Данное жилое здание является модернизацией жилых домов серии 114-71. Оригинальное здание находится в городе Мурманск, и построено в 1995 году. В реалиях игры этот дом стоит рассматривать как ...
Железоплавильный цех
Автор Tesmio
Это второе здания из комплекса завода тяжелого машиностроения. Завод по переплавке железной руды в железо. Завозить можно непосредственно поездами - есть два пути, либо конвеерами со складов. Рабочие: 180 Вместимость 100 тонн. Комплекс зданий ЗТМ (завода т...
Жилой дом в стиле 'Сталинский ампир' / Stalin Empire style house
Ста́линская архитекту́ра — обобщающий термин для архитектуры в СССР, начиная с начала 1930-х годов (конкурса Дворца Советов) до середины 1950-х, представляющей собой характерное узнаваемое сочетание нескольких архитектурных стилей и отличающейся от предшес...
Автор Mauser_NATO
ЗИМ или ГАЗ-12 Членовоз Есть13 расцветок 2 варианта Личный транспорт Скорая помощь Вместимость 6 чел. Года выпуска 1949 - 1962 ------------------- ZIM or GAZ-12 Member carrier There are 13 colors 2 options Personal transport Ambulance Capacity 6 people Yea...
Заводоуправление и четыре новых цеха ЗТМ
Автор Tesmio
Сразу четыре новых типовых промышленных здания из комплекта завода тяжелого машиностроения. - Центральная заводская лаборатория(химический завод небольшой производительности) - Сборочный цех(автозавод) - Гальванический цех(завод электроники) - Электромехан...
Запорожець ЗАЗ - 968М (ZAZ - 968M)
Автор Mauser_NATO
Роки виробництва 1979 - 1994...
Запорожець ЗАЗ - 968 (ZAZ - 968)
Автор Mauser_NATO
Роки виробництва 1971 -1979...
ИКИ АН СССР (Space Research Institute)
Автор Tesmio
ИКИ АН СССР - головной академический институт по исследованию и использованию космического пространства в интересах фундаментальных наук. ИКИ выполняет экспериментальные научные работы по таким направлениям космической физики, как астрофизика, физика плане...
ИЦРТВ (Induction Coal\Iron Processing Plant)
Автор Tesmio
ИЦРТВ - Индукционная центрифуга разделения твердых веществ. Под воздействием индукционных токов смесь расплавляется до гомогенного жидкого состояния. После этого под воздействием центробежной силы расплав разделяется по плотностям, в результате чего возмож...
Каменная шахта с дробильной установкой (Big Gravel Mine )
Автор Tesmio
Stone mine with built-in crushing apparatus. At the exit, you immediately get gravel. Included in the ZTM complex. 100 Workers Productivity 13 tonn\day Excavators 3 things ------------------------ Каменная шахта с встроенным дробительным аппаратом. На выхо...
Квас | Kvass
Автор Podolskiy
Две бочки: с квасом и пивом. Рабочие - 3 Вместимость - 0.9 т Раздел: бар и монумент ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ 07.02.2021 - Убрана необходимость в отоплении у бочек типа "бар"; - Убрана коллизия у бочек типа "монумент"; - Произведена оптимизация мода (вес стал меньше в 3 ...
Автор Tesmio
Местность окрестностей Керчи. В наличии город и несколько деревень. Достаточное количество ресурсов позволит вести безбедное существование. Полностью ванилла, три КПП, и только одно с Ж\Д Надейтесь больше на себя! Обновление 9.09.20: Изменено количество ле...
Кузнечно-прессовый цех
Автор Tesmio
Первое здание из нескольких цехов завода тяжелого машиностроения. Это сталелитейный цех. Работает в принципе как обычный сталелитейный завод, только чуть с меньшей производительностью. Не бывает таких заводов, чтобы все делалось в одном цехе! Рабочие: 200 ...
Ленинградские серии домов
Мод добавляет в игру несколько типов ленинградских домов.Таких как Жилые: 1ЛГ-507-64 1ЛГ-606В 1ЛГ-606M 8613-1 Это ранняя версия мода. Пак будет пополняться,наверно,не только ленинградскими зданиями. The mod adds several types of Leningrad houses to the gam...
ЛуАЗ-969М (LuAZ-969M)
Автор Mauser_NATO
ЛуАЗ-969М "Волинянка" Лёгкий многоцелевой внедорожник. Есть 8 разновидностей: 1,2,3 - Пассажирские версии. 4 - Самосвал. 5 - Открытый кузов. 6 - Закрытый кузов. 7 - Автоцистерна. 8 - Бетономешалка. 16 расцветок. Года произвоцтва: 1972 - 2002 --------------...
МАЗ-537 (MAZ-537)
Автор Mauser_NATO
Четырёхосный седельный тягач разработки Минского автомобильного завода. 1 - МАЗ_537 с ТЗ-60 2 - МАЗ-537 с ЧМЗАП-5247М Года выпуска 1959—1989 3 цвета ------------ Four-axle truck tractor developed by the Minsk Automobile Plant. 1 - MAZ_537 with TZ-60 2 - MA...
Малое торговое судно (small merchant ship)
Автор Mauser_NATO
Валюта RUB Года выпуска 1960 - 1987 --------------- Currency RUB Year of release of 1960 - 1987...
Машиностроительный цех
Автор Tesmio
Третий цех из комплекта "Завод Тяжелого Машиностроения". Собственно это - головной цех производства. На входе сталь, на выходе высокотехнологичные механические детали для вашей республики! Внимание! Это вам не лопатой махать! Для точной работы станков треб...
НПП Пульсар (Pulsar - Electrodetail Factory)
Автор Tesmio
Support me: НПП "Пульсар" – научно-производственный центр, специализирующийся на производстве изделий СВЧ-электроники на основе кремния, кремний-германия и широкозонных полупроводниковых материалов. НПП «Пульсар» основан в 195...
Набор магазинов - Pack of stores.
коллекция магазинов. store collection...
Острова (islands)
Автор sporfire
Islands (острова)...
Острова (Islands)
Автор Tarankul
Good day, comrades! Created a map for myself, now I decided to put it in the workshop. On the map there are quite a lot of resources, there are ravines, low mountains and a lot of space for the construction of a well-planned republic. ������ ����, ��������...
ПАНЕЛЬКИ (Panel houses)
Автор Mauser_NATO
Набор из десяти панельных домов. Идеально подойдут к прибрежной застройке. Использование материалов мода запрещено. ---------------------------------------- A set of ten panel houses. Ideal for coastal developments. the use of mod materials is prohibited....
ZIL-164 pack part2
Автор Storm_
Среднетоннажный грузовой автомобиль ЗИЛ-164 производился на заводе имени Лихачёва с 1957 по 1964. ЗИЛ-164 стал результатом модернизации ЗИС-150 и широко применялся до 70-х годов XX века. Всего с 1957 года по 1964 год был выпущен 385691 автомобиль в более ч...
ZIL-118K Yunost
Автор kndrju
ZiŁ 118K Yunost (ros. ЗИЛ 118K Юность) ZiŁ-118K to mikrobus zbudowany przez Zakłady im. Lichaczowa. Prototyp powstał w 1961 roku z własnej inicjatywy fabryki, a nie jak to zazwyczaj było w ZSRR z rozkazu partii. Wersja "K" Była zmodernizowaną wersją modelu...
Zastava 850 FICA
Автор jarzomb
Zastava 850 is an modernized in Kragujevac, Yugoslavia Fiat 600 with more powerful 850cc engine! Available from 1955 to 1985...
Zapad Tower (Cityhall)
Автор Benco54
Zapad Tower is a huge Cityhall with more than 150m hight. - it has 4 pedestrian connections - needs 80 Employees -looks perfect for your city skyline When you have some problems or issues please let me know ;) Please check our discord server: https://disco...
Автор SerpPort
The map is dedicated to the former military facility of the USSR - Yeniseisk-15. This facility was dismantled a long time ago (with the collapse of the union, and under pressure from our Western “partners”). Despite this, people continue to live there, in ...
Yard heating plant
Автор Raysione
A small boiler room that can supply your buildings. It can be put right in the yard, it does not spoil the view, the pollution is very small. + you won't need pipes around the city;) Characteristic. 10 workers Max. productivity 100 MJ water heater 500 m3 s...
WWII Obelisk 'Heroic City'
Автор Vikom
An obelisk inspired by a real life obelisk in Kyiv, Ukraine. The original one is located at "Ploshcha Peremohy" (Victory Square) in Kyiv. It was built in 1982, it is a "Monument To the Heroic City of Kyiv" and it is 43 meters tall. The architects are V. La...
Автор wild
каМаз 6520 цестерна можно приобрести за рубли Годы производства 2007 — настоящее время грузо подъёмность 14 тонн самосвал 20 тонн бортой 20 тонн 2 вида кран Ивановец и Челябинец 40т 2я цестерна 20 тонн Грузоподъемность по бетонной смеси — 18 тонн добавил 2...
Пельменная | Dumpling
Автор dimndroll
RUS По просьбам трудящихся спроектирована типовая советская пельменная 70-х. Работает как маленький магазин еды. Максимальное количество продавцов: 5 Максимальное число посетителей: 18 У здания нет заводских соединений, а склад всего на полтонны. Поэтому р...
Плакучая Ива
Ресторана «Плакучая ива»,на самом деле не существовало, его соорудили в павильоне на киностудии Мосфильм,специально для этого фильма. Restaurant...
Поликлиника | Polyclinic
Автор Podolskiy
Вологодская детская поликлиника №1. Не рассчитана на транспортировку больных, но в игровой версии были добавлены кареты скорой помощи. Рабочие - 40 Доктора - 40 Транспортных средств - 5 ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ 28.09.2020: Добавлена стоянка для карет скорой помощи Рабоч...
Поликлиника | Polyclinic
Автор dimndroll
RUS Районная поликлиника – медицинское учреждение для оказания амбулаторной помощи больным на приёме. Поэтому службы «скорой помощи» здесь нет. Пациенты добираются на приём пешком или на общественном транспорте. Персонал: 10 Врачи: 30 Максимальное число па...
Почтовое отделение | Post office
Автор dimndroll
RUS Теперь для граждан республики доступна почта (в комплекте киоск “Союзпечать” и старый советский уличный телефон). Поскольку в игре нет почтовой инфраструктуры, это здание работает как кинотеатр. Сотрудники: 30 Посетители: 68 В качестве бонуса киоск “Со...
Простой баркас.
Автор Mauser_NATO
Была моделька баркаса. Вот решил попробывать сделать мод с водным транспортом. грузовой баркас. Года выпуска 1951 - 1977...
Рабочие с лопатами (Workers with shovels)
Автор Storm_
Первая асфальтовая дорого была проложена во Франци, Париж, в 1832 году. С того момента и по настоящее время самым незаменимым устройством для укладки асфальта являестся лопата. 4 рабочих с лопатами по производительности заменяют 12 человек без лопат. Самос...
Распределительный центр / Distribution Center
Автор Vilaxe
________ Распределительный центр _________________________ !!Склад!! Вместительность: 7750 тонн + 355 тонн (Хранение мяса) ✅ Без коллизии. Соединение с зданием: пешеходные дорожки/заводские соединения/дорожные соединения. !!"Открытое" хранилище!! Вместител...
СОВХОЗ / Real soviet farm
Автор Benser
СОВХОЗ / FARM Новый Совхоз в советсом стиле. Техника - 18 мест Хранилище - 350 т New Farm in real soviet style. $WORKING_VEHICLES_NEEDED 18 $STORAGE_EXPORT RESOURCE_TRANSPORT_COVERED 350 26/12/2020 add version without rail and with 12 vehicles Другие мои р...
Сельский магазин | Village shop
Автор Podolskiy
Сельский магазин Рабочие - 3 Максимум посетителей - 20 =========================================================================== Village shop Workers - 3 Maximum number of visitors - 20 ====================================================================...
Серия 121 60 25 В
Серия 121-60-25 – крупнопанельные дома, распространенные в городах, строившихся в качестве обеспечения жилой инфраструктуры крупных энергетических объектов (ГЭС, ГРЭС, АЭС). Дома имеют специфический внешний вид, в связи с крестообразной планировкой этажа. ...
Склады ЗТМ
Автор Tesmio
Склады в стиле зданий ЗТМ четырех видов для стройматериалов и ценных предметов. - Склад стройматериалов на 2000 тонн. - Производственный склад на 2000 тонн. - Склад стройматериалов на 4000 тонн. - Производственный склад на 4000 тонн. Warehouses in the styl...
Социалистическая стройка (Socialist construction) PART - 1
Автор Mauser_NATO
"Социалистическая стройка" Сборник разных зданий в стиле "Советский модерн" Это 1я часть Socialist construction. Collection of different buildings in the style of "Soviet Modern" Part 1 PART 2
Социалистическая стройка (Socialist construction) PART - 2
Автор Mauser_NATO
"Социалистическая стройка" Сборник разных зданий в стиле "Советский модерн" Socialist construction. Collection of different buildings in the style of "Soviet Modern" PART 1
Углеочистный цех
Автор Tesmio
Это четвертый цех из комплекса завода тяжелого машиностроения. Завод по очистки угольной руды от шлаков. Завозить либо непосредственно поездами - есть два пути, либо конвеерами со складов. Рабочие: 180 Вместимость 100 тонн. Комплекс зданий ЗТМ (завода тяже...
Угольная & Железная шахты ЗТМ
Автор Tesmio
Современные добывающе-обогатительные комплексы завода тяжелого машиностроения теперь доступны для вас! Продолжайте строить ваш завод в едином стиле! Современное оборудование позволяет работать большему числу рабочих с увеличенной производительностью труда!...
Спорт | Sport
Автор Podolskiy
Стадион 1 Рабочих - 10 Посетителей - 120 Стадион 2 (2 версии) Рабочих - 15 Посетителей - 210 Баскетбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих - 3 Посетителей - 24 Волейбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих - 3 Посетителей - 18 Футбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих...
Стела универсальная | Stela universal
Автор Podolskiy
Стела универсальная Подходит для названия города, производства и т.д. Находится в разделе: монумент. ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ 21.12.2020 - Добавлены 4 маленькие стелы. Другие мои работы:
Автор Tesmio
Теплоэлектроцентраль (ТЭЦ) — разновидность тепловой электростанции, которая не только производит электроэнергию, но и является источником тепловой энергии в централизованных системах теплоснабжения (в виде пара и горячей воды, в том числе и для обеспечения...
УАЗ - 452 (UAZ - 452)
Автор Mauser_NATO
УАЗ 452 Буханка Грузовой вариант Автобус Личный транспорт Амбулатория 22 расцветки Параметры: Буханка Скорость: Буханка! Вместимость - Буханка!!!! Грузоподьёмность - БУХАНКА!!! Прочее: БУХАНКААА!!!! Года производства: 1965 - тепловая смерть вселенной ...
Автор Benser
Универмаг / Store Оригинальная модель/model from: 17.09. update textures $WORKERS_NEEDED 25 $CITIZEN_ABLE_SERVE 12 $STORAGE_DEMAND_ADVANCED RESOURCE_TRANSPOR...
Универсам | Universam (grocery supermarket)
Автор dimndroll
RUS Универсам (универсальный магазин самооблуживания) – это один из первых советских супермаркетов в современном понимании слова. Правда, в отличие от универмагов, там продавали исключительно продукты и хозяйственные товары. Такие магазины массово строилис...
Университет | University
Автор Podolskiy
Прототип настоящего здания (Дворец творчества детей и молодёжи) Игровая модель Тип: университет Рабочие - 20 Профессора - 20 Максимум студентов - 300 Доступны исследования технического университета Другие мои работы:
Харьковские панельки (Kharkiv panel houses.)
Автор Mauser_NATO
Панельные жилые дома Харьковского образца. Присутствуют 4 типа зданий: 111-162-1п 111-162-2п 111-162-3п Проэкт 480 Харьковского типа. А также 6 вариантов их постройки. ( использовать материалы из мода в других модах не разрешается ) -----------------------...
ЦЗЛ, НИО, Цех РЭО ЗТМ (Administrative Pack)
Автор Tesmio
Три новых здания из комплекта завода тяжелого машиностроения v2. Центральная заводская лаборатория - в незначительных количествах потребляет железную руду, производит немного железа и химикатов. Научно-исследовательский отдел - университет, технический. Це...
Чернобыльская Зона Отчуждения
Автор 76561198125092019
Чернобыль - Чернобыль расположен на реке Припять, недалеко от её впадения в Киевское водохранилище. Население 690 человек (2017) Известен из-за аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС. Припять - покинутый город в Киевской области Украины. Население 0 человек (2019) До...
Школа | School
Автор Podolskiy
Это прототип настоящей школы в Вологде, Россия. Я учился в ней и теперь ваши товарищи тоже смогут. Рабочие - 20 Учителя - 30 Максимум учеников - 300 Также, это мой первый мод, так что я надеюсь, он вам понравится) P.S.: Если вам не нравится асфальтная площ...
ШАХТЫ (Mine)
Автор Mauser_NATO
Шахты и сопутствующие объекты. Буду сюда кидать сюда здания горной промышленности когда они будут готовы. Mines and related facilities. I’ll throw here mining buildings when they are ready....
Автор Shotkey
This Leningrad series of residential buildings is a 12-story gray brick building. The houses are equipped with two passenger elevators and a garbage chute. All flats have loggias or balconies. On the 13th floor there is a service room, according to the pro...
ЭМТОУ (Iron Processing Plant)
Автор Tesmio
Высокоэффективная электромагнитная термическая установка обогащения железной руды. Поступающая руда нагревается электрическими нагревателями до расплава, а затем под воздействием магнитного поля на периферии расплава концентрируется чистое железо. Благодар...
ЭС1П Ласточка
Автор Vilaxe
ЭС1 (ЭС1П) / ЭС2Г (ЭС2ГП) (Электропоезд Сименс, 1-й / 2-й тип, Городской, «Премиум») — семейство пассажирских электропоездов с общим коммерческим названием «Ласточка». ( Мод состоит из: * локомотив, вместительностью 89. * локомотив в обратном...
Электролизный цех АЛК(Electrolysis Shop)
Автор Tesmio
Support me: Электролизный цех АлК - сердце алюминиевого комбината. В десятках электролизных ванн под воздействием чудовищной температуры и силы тока происходит разделение оксида алюминия на шлак и чистый алюминий. В полтора ра...
Я люблю Вологду / I love 'Vologda'
Этот небольшой монумент специально создан для вологодского вокзала ССЫЛКА: This small monument was specially created for Vologda railway station LINK: https://steamcommunity....
производсва древесного угля
Автор Дима
A Norwegian soviet republic (Sørfjord soviet republic)
Автор Siriza
A Norwegian styled map. The actual map is called Sørfjord soviet republic, do you have what it takes to develop this sparsly populated map with poor infrastructure to a nice soviet republic to live in? This map contains sparse settlments which gives a chal...
Автор Niss Tagm
Adolph Bergs Vei Skins
Автор Brammered
Additional skins for the Adolph Bergs Vei Social Housing. Pack contains Yellow, Red, Blue and white!...
"Stalinist" houses series II-18
Автор Raysione
This mod adds 8 options for brick plastered houses of type II-18: 1-5 sectional nine-story buildings and 1-3 sectional five-story buildings. Unlike the first version of these houses, brick is used in the construction. The houses themselves are joked and qu...
"Stalinist" houses series II-18
Автор Raysione
This mod adds 8 options for large-block houses of type II-18: 1-5 sectional nine-story buildings and 1-3 sectional five-story buildings. I must say right away that my houses are not those richly decorated palaces for workers, but Stalin's of the late perio...
"Prasiatko" by 4smiler
Автор 4smiler
The "Piggy" engine locomotive, known as T 211.0 and later as the class 700, is a small two-axle locomotive with mechanical power transmission designed for shifts in depots, sidings and stations. In fact, this locomotive has been gradually upgraded from cla...
Affordable starting ships
Автор Sepis
There are 3 types of ships: Open Cargo (1054 tons of cargo) Oil Tanker (1454 tons of liquid) Aggregate (1357 tons of ore) All of them cost ~250,000 rub to buy, for each one. If you buy licence to buy one of them, other licences will cost ~80% less. Note: O...
Compact Connection Extender
Автор Twiggy
This is a factory connection extender option with a compact middle junction. ...
JAWA 250 + 350 pack
Автор Vikom
A pack of four Czechoslovak motorcycles JAWA. In particular, models 250/353, 350/354, 250/559, 350/360. The 250/353 and 350/354 models are the older generation nicknamed "kejvačka" (the swinging motorcycle), they are available between 1954 and 1963*. The 2...
KAMAZ 5320 reskin
Автор dimndroll
RU Оранжевая кабина для самосвала КАМАЗ. Такая окраска была наиболее распространённой в СССР. Оригинальный мод был создан пользователем kuzya07 и опубликован на портале Transport Games:
Kindergarten pr. 212-2-66
Автор Gerbilskij
Project 212-2-66 kindergarten were built across the USSR since the mid '70s. Stats are 80% more than the original kindergarten: 18 staff / 180 kids max; in real life, it accommodates around 280 kids. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "C...
kraz 222
Автор bacr1492
KrAZ 222 produced: 1959 - 1966 maximum speed 55 km / h engine power 132kw empty weight 11300kg The capacity is 12000kg....
Kolhoz Market / Колхозный Рынок
Автор Benser
Крытый рынок по мотивам Житнего рынка в г. Киев Update 23/08/2020, fix construction Covered market based in Kyiv , Ukraine. $ATTRACTIVE_SCORE 2.5 Другие мои работы/ More my mods:
Large cargo stations
Автор Raysione
Large cargo stations have 4 different variations, designed for 2, 4 parking spaces. Unlike vanilla stations, they do not create traffic jams in front of the building. If you are tired of traffic jams in front of freight stations, subscribe :) Large Asphalt...
Large liquid cargo stations
Автор Raysione
Large liquid stations have 3 different variations, designed for 2, 4 cars. Unlike vanilla stations, they do not create traffic jams in front of the building. If you are tired of traffic jams in front of freight stations, subscribe :) Large Asphalt Plants: ...
Lenin Technical University
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Based on a real building at the Krasnoyarsk hydro-electric power station, which I have repurposed (with a little artistic license) into a Technical University for up to 100 students....
Sea cargo port
Автор SerpPort
Hello everyone! For quite a long time I was hatching an idea and implementing this project. Of course, it turned out not quite what I wanted, but still good enough. So, I present to your attention a set of buildings for the implementation of the carriage o...
Автор robs074 Slaughterhouse based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 100 workers. Requires 25 t of livestock and produces 10 t of meat per day when fully...
Small mechancial component workshop
Небольшой цех механических деталей. Не требует исследования для постройки. Small mechanical component workshop. Requires no research to build....
Small town Stalinka
Автор Comrade Joe
This 1940s-1950s residential is inspired from an existing pair of mirrored buildings in the mining town of Minyar, located in the Urals. The courtyard side facades and entrances are improvised. Self-heating is available. Has 3 pedestrian connections, place...
silo 650t
Автор Lac_M
Little smaller grain silo with 650 ton capacity. 3D model and texture from vanilla animal farm...
Soviet tenement 1-235-1
Автор Gerbilskij
Post WW2 Soviet aparment building (Series 1-235-1) typical of the late Stalin era. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me. All credit for the 3d art goes to Pashka2125. STATS...
Stops for trams
Автор BORO
Остановки для трамваев. В двух вариантах исполнения. 1 – одно железнодорожное полотно. 2 – два железнодорожных полотна. Stops for trams. In two versions. 1 - one railway track. 2 - two railway tracks. ...
Tiny kindergarten (50s)
Автор robs074 Tiny kindergarten based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 100 children. Bardzo małe przedszkole wzorowane na pr...
Workers' barracks 03
Автор Gerbilskij
An aparment building for workers typical of the Stalin era. It is cheaper than other brick buildings as it uses a higher amount of wood for its constuction. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "S...
Television tover
Автор Sahsa_STALKER
Television tower...
Workers' barracks 02
Автор Gerbilskij
An aparment building for workers typical of the Stalin era. It is cheaper than other brick buildings as it uses a higher amount of wood for its constuction. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "S...
Workers' barracks 01
Автор Gerbilskij
An aparment building for workers typical of the Stalin era. It is cheaper than other brick buildings as it uses a higher amount of wood for its constuction. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "S...
Workers Island
Автор Roves
After 13 years of territorial dispute between two countries, peoples were fed up with it. They had sparked an uprising that resulted in the People's Republic of Workers' Island. Here it is! Welcome to the Worker's Island. You can find some resources useful...
Workers wooden house
Автор Comrade Joe
Re-skinned apartments house using the residential brick house #1 as model, inspired from typical old Russian/early Soviet dwellings found from Western Russia to Siberia. Requires more wood and less bricks to be built, and costs ~40 percent less than the va...
Wooden Apartments
Автор Ternet18
Very cheap wooden apartments for 56 workers. If youre on a strain for resources and money this monstrosity is just perfect for your cheap dwelling! 56 workers 68% quality self-heating 5.4t of gravel 16t of boards 1t of steel 190 workdays...
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Upgraded the woodcutting post to have an extra factory connection for easier connectivity and a footpath for the peeps No heating requirement...
Wood Heat Plant
Автор Benco54
This is the wood heat plant which is based on the original one in Zurich, Switzerland. here are some facts about the work: Wood is considered a non-fossil, climate-neutral raw material and only releases as much CO2 as it previously bound. This means that t...
Wine&vodka shop 52-165
Автор Raysione
Wine and vodka shop series 52-165 Greetings! This mod contains a rural wine and vodka shop. store of the 52-165 series with the apartment of the manager in 1952. Very similar to the series 53-46 store CHARACTERISTIC Building type - bar 3 workers Serves at ...
Wind turbine
Автор Nyxyx
Wind Turbines! Generate small amounts of power with the energy of the wind; Now with a medium on-shore unit for 1995+. UPDATE: Added Medium Wind Turbine; tweaked values again. Small Turbine stats: (1980) About 4,200P, $5,300 Produces 14MWh per workday. Med...
Автор olDen
Gaz M20 Pobeda(Warszawa) MOVEMENT_SPEED 105 AVAILABLE 1946-1058(1973) adapted by denizabr...
Watch Tower
Автор archiver213
Wooden Watch Tower completed with grateful assistance from RyanTheSkinny....
Автор painkillerlexar
Колесо обозрения Работает как элемент культуры , заменяет кинотеатр Работники - 3 максимум посетителей - 88 Ferris wheel type in game - cinema Workers - 3 maximum visitors - 88...
Water Tower
(En) You can use this as a warehouse, or as an element of decor, at your discretion....
Автор Sausage and mash
--- WARSTALENSK --- (original version) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LESS-RESOURCES-VERSION- ------------------------...
VW Beetle 1960s
Автор Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ VW Beatle 1960s /rework of original game model (to do this mod was per request one o...
Vulykh tower block
Автор Gerbilskij
A 14-storey brick residential building, originally designed by Soviet architect E. Vulykh (officially: series II-67). A modernised variant with white tiles and slightly higher quality of flats is also included. This model was originally developed by Pashka...
Volunteer Fire Department Medium, 3 fireengines
Adds a building inspired by volunteer firestations in east Berlin. Can hold 3 fire engines. Quickly built and cheap. Can be placed really near a living quarter to feed with workers....
Автор painkillerlexar
TrainStation 4 lines Medium Size , 3000 pass ...
VVER-1000 V-320 nuclear power plant
Автор DirrrtyDirk
VVER-1000 V-320 nuclear power plant. I tried it do design it as close as possible to the original units, so some things like the personal need is close to the original amount needed to run the VVER-1000. The main carachteristics of the plant are as follows...
Tiny Iron Works
Автор Novu
A tiny iron works for processing small amounts of iron ore into pig iron. Employs only 10 workers. Comes in two versions. One with train and one with no train connection. Customize your old city downtown with this and other mods coming soon. Residential ht...
Tiny Iron Mine
Автор Novu
A tiny iron mine designed for smaller mining operations and easier placement in tight spaces. Employs only 20 workers....
Tiny Coal Processing Plant
Автор Novu
A tiny coal processing facility for refining coal ore into purified coal. Employs only 10 workers. Comes in two versions, one with rail connection and one with no rails. Customize your old city downtown with this and other mods coming soon. Residential htt...
Tiny Coal Mine
Автор Novu
A tiny coal mine designed for smaller mining operations and easier placement in tight spaces. Employs only 20 workers....
VL19 & VL22m
Автор oleksii.kapustin
RU: ВЛ19 (Владимир Ленин, 19 — нагрузка от движущих осей на рельсы в тс) — советский магистральный грузопассажирский электровоз постоянного тока, выпускавшийся с 1932 по 1938 год. Является первым электровозом, конструкция которого была создана в Советском ...
Автор oleksii.kapustin
ВЛ8 (Владимир Ленин, 8-осный; до 1963 — Н8 — новочеркасский) — советский магистральный грузовой электровоз постоянного тока с осевой формулой 2о+2о+2о+2о, выпускавшийся с 1953 по 1967 год. До 1961 года (до появления ВЛ10 и ВЛ80) был сильнейшим локомотивом ...
Автор oleksii.kapustin
RU: ВЛ60 (Владимир Ленин, тип 60, до января 1963 — Н6О, — Новочеркасский 6-осный Однофазный) — первый советский магистральный грузо-пассажирский электровоз переменного тока, запущенный в крупносерийное производство. В 1960-х наравне с ВЛ8 и ТЭ3 являлся одн...
tiny cargo station
Автор Lac_M
If You don't have much space to fit regular sized cargo station, and need more trucks waiting to unload in shop...
The Republic of Rikeri
Автор Don't_tell_us
From the sea and beyond... The glorious country of Rikeri was devastated by a civil war betwen the corrupt Democrats and the pure Socialists. In the end the socialist won and its your job to modernise and rebuild the nation. Geography: The country is divit...
Vilnius- railway station (without inscription
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains the Vilnius station building without an inscription. I made this building especially for the capital of the republic, such a station will look good in the ensemble of the Stalinist Empire style. CHARACTERISTIC Station_Belsk_ (W...
The Model-3, Public Facilities
Автор ryantheskinny
Public Restroom Model-3, prefab, with tile and metal roof. This glorious apex in the evolution of public facilities will help ease the burden of your citizens in the city. Its stylish brutalist architecture will compliment all your other soviet buildings c...
The Centipede House SE
Автор Akira43
This is a version of The Centipede House that requires no road connection to function properly. It has the exact same look, stats and costs of the original mod. What is the difference and why 2 versions? The original version needs to have a road connection...
The Centipede House
Автор Akira43
This is a residential building based on a real life one built in the 80s on Begovaya Street in Moscow. It has been nicknamed Centipede because of the 40 leg shaped high pillars the structure stands on. It is also known as The House On Legs and The House of...
TH type 765 and 866
Автор Wild Bunny
project 765 (general cargo, aggregate and waste) Capacity: 600t speed: 9kn available from 1956 to 1990 for ₽ project 866 (Tanker) Capacity: 600t speed: 9kn available from 1963 to 1990 for ₽ for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Stepeniste Building
Автор Benco54
Stepeniste Residental Building 322 residents cool design 2 doors and connections for pedestrians...
Village Hotel
Автор Vikom
Village hotel "Kaolinka" Built in one village near Brno between 1982 and 1986. Serves as a small, relatively cheap hotel with small capacity. Same stats as the small hotel but employs only 5 employees and has a smaller storage....
Автор SerpPort
Attention!!!!!!! Mod in development !! There will be updates, changes, there are still many problems. Write everything that you find, all the problems that you see (the problem with the light at night, and I know with the exhaust, it is not essential yet, ...
Steel Mill V3(The electric furnace steel mill)
Автор 他敬爱的琛爸
半自动化电炉炼钢厂,提取地下矿床中的铁矿到仓库中,通过电炉消耗巨大的电能炼制成钢,不再直接需要煤炭作为生产原料,但还是需要工人。 一定要放置在铁矿资源区才有产出,产量取决于原料质量(机制类似于铁矿),百分之百质量时每人每天产量约为0.4吨,为原版钢厂的5倍。耗电量极大,满负荷生产约为69mw左右。也就是说,必须直接接4个及以上电厂才能保证生产。 (无情的工业机器.jpg) 在部分丘陵地图可能不方便使用,但是可以通过产量来弥补。 分类在矿井标签下,而不是工厂。 有意见或建议可以写在评论区。 The semi-...
Starter Houses
Автор Fiend
Small wooden houses that can be self-built early in the game. Models are from the default houses in the game....
Stationary post of GAI (Police)
Автор BORO
Стационарный пост ГАИ. Тип здания – Милицейский участок. Тип здания – депо автотехники. Стоянки для машин - 2 Милиционер - 2 Следователь - 2 Stationary post of GAI. Type of building - Police station. Type of building - Road vehicles depot. Parking for cars...
Vegetable Gardens / Oгород
Автор EZ88
In Soviet times, a large portion of food was grown by the people themselves at their seasonal home(also called a dacha) or at their vegetable garden. Here you have three different aesthetic options, where your workers can grow food in exchange for wood. Do...
VDNH (Expocentre of the republic)
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a pack of buildings with which you can build your expo center of your republic. All pavilions have the names and styles of a certain branch of the gaming industry, for example, "metallurgy" or "agriculture". The mod is based on...
Standalone street lights
Автор Comrade Joe
A basic lamp post that offers some lighting outside of the narrow constrain of the 'high-end' paved road with sidewalks, ie., in more modest, rural, or industrial settings. ...
Автор frostsey
VAZ-2121 Niva
Автор KsenoN
Нива (известна под названиями ВАЗ-2121 «Ни́ва» и LADA 4x4) — советский и российский автомобиль повышенной проходимости — внедорожник малого класса с несущим кузовом и постоянным полным приводом. Серийно производится с 5 апреля 1977 года по настоящее время ...
Stalinka variant of Type 1-447
Автор Comrade Joe
This mod is a reskin of the type 1-447 5-storey apartment buildings made by Comrade kostas667, in the style of Muscovite stalinkas. Credit for the 3D work and unwrapping goes to Comrade kostas667, and it is posted with his permission. All stats are the sam...
Автор Admiral_Mar_Denzis
VAZ-2104 "Zhiguli" (LADA 2104 — is a Soviet and Russian rear-wheel drive car of the III group of small class with a station wagon body. Developed at the Volga Automobile Plant. It was produced from July 2, 1984 to September 17, 2012. Year of issue: 1984 – ...
Stalinist Empire style stations
Автор Raysione
This mod contains 13 options for stops in the Stalinist Empire style: BUS: Single one-sided room - 150 people Double one-sided - with a capacity of 300 people Single two-sided - with a capacity of 300 people Double sided - with a capacity of 600 people + b...
National Museum
Автор Benser
ДЕКОММУНИЗИРОВАНО! А так все прежнeе:) Рабочий и колхозница» — памятник монументального искусства. Представляет собой скульптурную группу из двух фигур, мужской и женской, которые устремлены вперёд. После декомуннизации с тризубом, так как серп и молот в У...
Stalinismus UVKS
Автор Ternet18
PART 1: This model was created by frostsey on Profile: Model: Different function given and turned into a worksho...
Updated textures of Kharkov panels
Автор Raysione
Panel residential buildings of the Kharkov sample (updated textures from Raysione) There are 4 types of buildings: 111-162-1p 111-162-2p 111-162-3p Project 480 Kharkov type. And also 6 options for their construction. This mod ONLY UPDATES the texture of th...
Stalingrad: Don and Wolga Region
Автор KArantukki
Between Don and Wolga: Stalingrad Balanced map, based on the region between the river Don and the river Wolga. This region includes the famous city of Stalingrad/Wolgograd....
Construction offices pack
Автор Gerbilskij
We cater for all sizes: this package conveniently includes the updated versions of all my construction offices. Main changes are updated models, lighting and texture mappings, plus other small fixes. UPDATED 02/08/2023 using new 3D Models from vanilla COs ...
Stalin style school
Автор Benser
Школа в сталинском стиле с парковкой для автобуса. Stalin style school with bus parking place, more workers, serve more citizen (retexture WR version)....
Автор painkillerlexar
Stadium Sport Complex for your Comrads...
Автор robs074 University based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a medical university. Employs 75 workers with basic education and 75 lecturers. Educate...
St. Marxin Island (populated)
Автор GoTo-Jericho
- With Population - Comrades! This Island is based on St. Martin Island which is located in the carribean sea. The map has no outside connections, so the export via ship needs to be developed early urgently. As this is my first map let me know if or how I ...
St Olaf`s church
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains the Church of St. Olaf from Tallinn (Estonia). This is a historical building of the XIII century, which is the architectural dominant of the Old Town and a popular observation deck. According to some reports, in the 16th-17th c...
Автор frostsey
Squares, lawns, flower beds
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains 21 lawn areas, squares and flower beds. You can beautifully decorate your cities by placing such objects on squares, avenues, in courtyards. Attention! I have no collision objects, so I recommend leveling the surface before pla...
Автор frostsey
The Store Supermarket. At the heart of the mechanics of the store...
Underground Heating Pumping Station
Автор HardCore Gaming
Modded Heating Pumping Station with Six Underground Connections. Five versions up to 1000m underground pipes. The cost of construction includes the base building and underground pipes. Therefore, only an advanced republic can afford such object. You can bu...
Sports playgrounds with fences
Автор robs074 Additional variants of my sports playgrounds with fences. They work as building skins....
Underground Heat Lines
Автор painkillerlexar
Underground Heat lines 3 type 100 meters 200 meters 300 meters Work like Heat Swich. Yes its looking no soo nice , ans some cheat, however, it can save your city from a web of pipesyes. for now, maybe, its only decision. work correct only with flat surface...
Sports playgrounds
Автор robs074 Sports playground based on real objects in Lublin, Poland. Includes: - a volleyball court, - a basketball court, - a basketball + volleybal court, - a ...
Sports hall
Автор robs074 Sports hall based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 70 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with score...
Typical rural school
Автор Raysione
Typical rural school Greetings! This mod contains a typical rural school, I have met this school project more than once, because most likely this school is typical. I don’t know the series numbers, but it looks quite interesting. CHARACTERISTIC Building ty...
Автор painkillerlexar
Living 9 floor bricks build type 164-80-4 by LexaR...
Spire Houses
Автор Benser
Два отдельных жилых дома в стиле Cталинский ампир со шпилем в городе Киев. Жители - 250 чел Two separate houses in Stalin ampir style,based in Kyiv Ukraine Residents 250 Update 23/08/2020, fix , heating Другие мои работы/ More my mods: https://steamcommuni...
Small Theatre 2
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Based on a small building in Nerekhta, Kostroma Oblast, Russia. The Museum Of Local Lore. Acts as a small cinema/theatre for up to 30 people....
Small Theatre
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A small Theatre which acts as a Cinema for up to 30 people....
Special machinesy USSR
Автор Sahsa_STALKER
Special equipment will be laid out here. Watch for updates...
type IV
Автор Wild Bunny
also called Frieden built in Rostock (GDR) 15 ships were built from 1957 - 1961 General Cargo Ship capacity: 10000 t speed: 14 kn available from 1957 to 1980 for ₽ for more content from me my workshop...
Small technical university
Автор robs074 Small technical university based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 lecturers. Educates about 60 stud...
Small Technical Offices
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
TEST BRANCH ONLY 3 small technical offices for 1, 3 or 5 snow ploughs. Available in a choice of 4 colours each. No heating requirement...
Type 1-447C33 redbrick
Автор Comrade Joe
Red brick variant of the Type 1-447C33 apartment building, initially posted by Comrades Gerbilskij and Pashka2125, reproduced with permission. It requires less asphalt and concrete, and more bricks, for construction. Apartment quality lowered at 80 percent...
Two mini pumps
Two mini pumps, one input, three outputs, and three inputs, one output....
Small tank, tank duo, and 4 tank farm (4 tanks, 1 building)
Автор Comrade Sky
One small tank with 120 tons of storage space, one 2 x 120 tank farm, and one 4 x 120 ton tank farm, so you can store different liquids in the same building. When connected to a production facility, the tanks fill in order (so one tank will fill before sta...
Small tank storage
Автор Gerbilskij
A smaller tank storage, made from existing ingame models, edited and adjusted. Capacity: 300t Original 3dArt: 3Division...
Type 1-447 variants
Автор Comrade Joe
Variant of the type 1-447C-8 apartment buildings originally created by Comrades Gerbilskij and Pashka2125 (original mod: Stats are the same. Special thanks to Gerbilskij for assisting in t...
Small Storage for Shop and Pub
Автор Igi_PL
Small Storage for Shop and Pub. Base on default meat storage. You can use a road or a pedestrian path (sufficient during construction and in case of fire) - the choice is yours. I tried to create modded Pub with a factory connection, but it is not possible...
Twin Rail + No Rail Large capacity Open Storage
Автор Twiggy
This will add 2 Large and 2 Medium large capacity open storage units. One Large and Medium with rail. One Large and Medium with no rail. Large storage has a capacity of 2500 12 factory connections 2 road connections 4 vehicle stations Medium storage has a ...
Small Steel Mill
Кирпичный чугуноплавильный завод Сбалансированный мод, отлично подойдет в начальном этапе игры или для тех, кто постепенно развивает свой регион. Максимальный выпуск стали — 14т (15т версия с рельсами) Максимальное количество рабочих — 200 (220 версия с ре...
Twin nuclear pressurized water reactor
Автор Benco54
Pressurized water reactors (PWRs) constitute the large majority of the world's nuclear power plants (notable exceptions being Japan and Canada) and are one of three types of light-water reactor (LWR), the other types being boiling water reactors (BWRs) and...
Small Shop
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A small shop based on a design from the Institute for State trade and public catering. Designed in 1955....
Small Shop
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A small decorative shop....
TV tower
Автор dassakuya
Yerevan TV tower,Armenia This model is still in the preliminary stages of completion and will be subject to minor modifications. It's monument....
Small Secret Police
Автор KArantukki
Small Secret Police Station - 20 (high educated) Workers - 6 Cars...
Small school
Автор Gerbilskij
A small school buiding, with reduced personnell requirements and capacity compared to the original one (5/8). This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 as an admin building for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with...
TV station - skins
Автор robs074 Skins for my TV station. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small Rural Store
Автор Amotax
(PL) Mały wiejski sklep spożywczy z okresu PRL (1947-1989). Tego typu sklepy o nazwie „GS Samopomoc Chłopska” były powszechne na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce. Mały, słabo zaopatrzony, głównie z podstawowymi produktami. (ENG) Small rural grocery from PRL ( ...
Small Refinery
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A Small Oil Refinery for fledgling Republics Maximum Workers 50 Oil consumption 10t per day Produces Fuel 5t/day and Bitumen 3t/day No heating requirement...
TV station
Автор robs074 Regional television station based on a real building in Wrocław, Poland. Employs 75 workers with basic education and 45 actors. Regionalna stacja telewizyjna wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku we Wrocławiu. Zatrudnia 75 pra...
Small Red Star
Автор KArantukki
Red star monument made out of steel....
Tu-154 Aeroflot CCCP
Tupolev Tu-154 Aeroflot CCCP-85412...
Small Rail Infrastructure Pack
Автор Mayor__Defacto
This pack includes two structures; a small Rail Construction Office, and a small Tram Depot. Items include a few objects and textures by Ryantheskinny and Blue_Bro....
Small radio station
Автор Vanok [RUSMNB]
Compact building of a regional radio station. Drawn from the head, real prototypes are missing. Maybe someone will find her too small, but it suits me perfectly. In addition, until inspiration came to me to draw a normal antenna, I might fix it later. Para...
Автор painkillerlexar
Type 144 86 and Type 144 86 18 Thanks kowkamurka for model!...
Trolleybus depots - skins
Автор robs074 Skins for my trolleybus depot. Includes seven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small processing plant
Два маленьких обогатительных завода угля и железа. Дешевый и малопродуктивный завод. Требует 10 работников Производит 1.2 т угля | 1т железа Потребляет 2 т угля | 1.8т железа Two small iron and coal processing plant. Cheap and weak factory. Requires 10 wor...
Trolleybus depots
Автор robs074 Trolleybus depot based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Comes in two versions: for 14 and 26 vehicles. Requires version or newer. Zajezdni...
Transition stations pack
Автор Shotkey
OBSOLETE MOD - CHECK UPDATED VERSION: The modification includes various transition points (TP), which allow you to convert overhead power lines (OHL) into cable (CL) realistically, and two 110 kV substations with cable sleev...
Small PrefabPanel Factory (Brickstone)
Автор KArantukki
Small prefabricated panel factory - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - place for 40 workers...
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Transformer with altered connections to provide a high power throughput...
Tram stops
Автор Vikom
THE MOD IS NOW OBSELETE, THE STOPS CONNECT ONLY TO TRAIN TRACKS. This mod adds a tiny tram stop for 100 passengers. It's very small and it comes in three versions. Without a road, with a road, with a trolleybus road, so it's perfect for your cities. The va...
Tram & Trolleybus (Duo Sets)
Автор Tigrovica
Mod idea requested by "Jaguaro" Adds these vehicles in couple: Tram T3 (Tram) Tram T6B5 (Tram) Skd 8T (Trolleybus) ZiU-682 (Trolleybus) ZiU-682-83 (Trolleybus) Trams are mainly as decorations. Have same effect like when you connect 2 trams together. Just a...
Small Polish Orthodox Church
Автор Comrade Sky
This is an Orthodox church from Białystok, PL/PRL (Cerkiew prawosławna pw Św. Jana Teologa). I have to take new pictures of the windows and doors next week in order to get a high quality, authentic appearance, and I'll add two more connections then. Capaci...
Train Diesel Station 4PC
Автор Igi_PL
Default train diesel station with two additional pipeline connections...
Small Open Storage
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A small open storage facility, available in 4 colours....
Train Yard
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A production facility for rail vehicles. Much smaller and cheaper than the vanilla factory but also slower and less productive. PLEASE NOTE: Due to the length of the storage area you will need 3 free empty spaces if you build a train set. This is mainly in...
Small medical university
Автор robs074 Small medical university based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers with basic education and 25 lecturers. Serves about 75 students...
Town hall
Автор robs074 Town hall based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers. Mały urząd miasta wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrudnia 20 pr...
Skins Industrial Embankment package 2
Автор BORO
Скины «Промышленная набережная» пакет 2 Эти скины, позволяют прятать отдельные элементы на построенной набережной. Skins «Industrial Embankment» package 2 These skins allow you to hide individual elements on the built embankment....
Skins Industrial Embankment package 1
Автор BORO
Скины «Промышленная набережная» пакет 1 Эти скины, позволяют прятать отдельные элементы на построенной набережной. Skins «Industrial Embankment» package 1 These skins allow you to hide individual elements on the built embankment....
Skins for - Posters, flags, street clocks
Автор BORO
Скины для - Плакаты, флаги, уличные часы – Пакет скинов, для маленького флага. Флаги республик СССР. Skins for - Posters, flags, street clocks - Skin pack for a small flag. Flags of the republics of the USSR. ...
Town Hall
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A new town hall/city hall. Inspired by the abandoned Palace Of Culture, Rubizhne, Ukraine...
Town hall
Автор Raysione
In this work, a slide is presented, made according to the type of the palace of culture in Ukraine, the village of Rubezhnoe. The model is taken from the OffTheRailsGaming mod: I made the te...
Skins for - Posters, flags, street clocks
Автор BORO
Скины для - Плакаты, флаги, уличные часы – Пакет скинов, для маленького флага. Флаги организации Варшавского договора плюс флаг России. Skins for - Posters, flags, street clocks - Skin pack for a small flag. Flags of the Warsaw Pact organization plus the f...
Town hall
Автор robs074 Town hall loosely based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 40 workers. Urząd miasta luźno wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrud...
Skins for - Posters, flags, street clocks
Автор BORO
Скины для - Плакаты, флаги, уличные часы – Пакет скинов, для вертикальных флагов. Флаги организации Варшавского договора плюс флаг России. Skins for - Posters, flags, street clocks - Skin pack for vertical flags. Flags of the Warsaw Pact organization plus ...
Tourist Hike
Автор SerpPort
I want to walk all over the earth in sneakers, See in person what is in the distance. And you write letters to me in small handwriting, Since there is not enough space in the backpack .... - Leonid Derbenev So, comrades, take sleeping bags, tents, backpack...
Toprus' Warehouses Pack
Автор Toprus100
Hi! This small pack includes 5 warehouses with track connection. They range from very small to very large ones. They are loosely inspired by the storages in the following towns (in order): -Czarna Woda -Potęgowo -Slavošovce -Szczecin -Wrocław You can easil...
Skins for - Posters, flags, street clocks
Автор BORO
Скины для - Плакаты, флаги, уличные часы – Пакет скинов, для плакатов. На плакатах - Ленин, Сталин, Маркс, Энгельс. Skins for - Posters, flags, street clocks - Skin pack for posters. On the posters - Lenin, Stalin, Marx, Engels. ...
SKhTZ 15/30
Автор oleksii.kapustin
RU: СХТЗ 15/30 — колёсный трактор, выпускавшийся с 1930 года Сталинградским тракторным заводом и с 1931 года Харьковским тракторным заводом. Всего было выпущено 390 500 тракторов, на тракторостроительных заводах производство тракторов было свёрнуто в 1937 ...
Автор olDen
Kolos SK-6 SPEED 20 SKILL HARVESTING 31 AVAILABLE 1971 2000 the model is adapted by Inknown...
Toprus' T458 Pack
Автор Toprus100
Hi comrades! This is a very small pack of two reskins for the class T458 locomotive, which is the in-game CME2. The two skins look very simmilar however, if you look close enough, you'll see the differences. As always here are the skins included: T458-509 ...
Toprus' Szklarska Poreba Srednia station
Автор Toprus100
Hi! I welcome you back in another mod of mine! My second station - this one is based on Szklarska Poręba Średnia, a station in south - western Poland between Jelenia Góra and Szklarska Poręba. It has one platform, two tracks and a building. The connections...
Single car garage
Автор Brisketa
Prefabricated concrete garage for one car! The model is based on garage made by company PREFA in Czech Republic....
Toprus' Smolna 8 Hammer highriser
Автор Toprus100
Hi guys! After a long pause in building mods, here's a big project I've been working on for quite a while. The building at Smolna 8 in Warsaw, nicknamed Hammer (because of its characteristic shape). The construction was finished in 1976. originally, it was...
Schwerlasttransport teil2
Автор l0ddar
Fahrzeug Leergewicht Nutzlast Motorleistung in KW Baujahr IFA H6Z 6,65t 6,5t 110 1952-1959 Skoda 706 RTTN 8,2t 5,7t 118 1959-1985 Tatra 813 4x4 TP 8t 8,6t 199 1974-1996 IFA W50 L/Z 5,2t 4,8t 92 1962-1989 Fortschritt ZT300 4,3t - 66 1967-1984 ...
Toprus' Small Railway Storage
Автор Toprus100
Hi! Today I want to present to you my first building that is not a passenger station - it's actually a small brick storage. I wanted to create this for people, who want to roleplay on their republics. The inspiration was the system used in Poland untill la...
Toprus' Polish Trackside Signs Pack
Автор Toprus100
Hi! This one is kind of a different pack and it may actually be the first one of its kind on the steam workshop. I present to you the pack of Polish trackside signs. Trackside signs are used to inform the driver of the train about the situation on the trac...
Автор painkillerlexar
School Medium Size , bricks , 300 students ...
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
2 small schools for up to 40 pupils. Inspired by and using the murals from a couple of Soviet era school entrance facades in Kiev, Ukraine....
School series 2-02-30
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a school made according to the project 2-02-30 (U-1) SAKB APU Mossovet. Approved by the Moscow City Executive Committee on May 26, 1954. Such a school is worthy of the capital of your republic! And this is so, because the build...
School fance
Автор BORO
Забор школы и ворота для него. Забор можно строит в любом месте. Построенные здания и дороги мешать не будут. School fence and gate for him. The fence can be built anywhere. The constructed buildings and roads will not interfere. Модель основана на советск...
School Atrium
Автор phx.Ham
School based on the TS Magdeburg Atrium from DDR. This type was build in the years 1970 - 1980 You can finde these schools in Saxony-Anhalt Mostly used as Main / secondary school. During the years 1955 - 1990 the DDR build 2.500 schools with 50.000 classro...
School (80s)
Автор robs074 School from the 80s based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Employs 35 workers with basic education and 35 teachers. Educates about 420 pupils. The ...
Toprus' OSP Skrzynka Fire Station
Автор Toprus100
Hi! So this is just a small project I made over the course of last evening. A fire station located in southern Poland, in the village of Skrzynka. OSP stands for Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna, which roughly translates to Volounteer Firefighters. It is a thing i...
Toprus' Gdynia Harbour Refridgerated Storage
Автор Toprus100
Hello! This is one of my largest projects so far. I have recreated (to a certain degree :p) the refridgerated storage of Gdynia Harbour. The building is designed, as the main meat storage for your entire republic, because guess what? IT HOLDS 15,5k TONNES ...
School (60s, 4-storey)
Автор robs074 School from the 60s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers with basic education and 25 teachers. Educates about 300 pupils. The...
School (70s)
Автор robs074 School from the 70s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 teachers. Educates about 240 pupils. The...
School (60s)
Автор robs074 School from the 60s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 teachers. Educates about 240 pupils. The...
Toprus' Electric Substations Pack
Автор Toprus100
Hi! This is a small pack of substations over the course of the last few days. The point of this pack was to make some smaller ones and make them have a different position of connections relative to eachother compared to the default substation. The pack con...
Toprus' Brick Houses Pack
Автор Toprus100
Hello there! This is my small project I wanted to do for a while now. I have missed these in the game. The pack includes 8 different buildings from the Polish suburbs and rural areas. They are classics. The best part about them, is that they are made of br...
School (50s, 3-4 storey)
Автор robs074 School from the 50s loosely based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 teachers. Educates about 240 pup...
Toprus' Bąk Railway Station
Автор Toprus100
Hi yall! Today I present you my very first model I made myself from scratch, textured and scripted to work in Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic. It is a rough recreation of a railway station in northern Poland - Bąk. It is positioned in the middle of ...
Toprus Heating Infrastructure Pack
Автор Toprus100
Hi! With the release of the new beta testing, come new possibilities! It's propably the first mod related to the new beta test branch! Here's a pack I prepared for yall, it contains 4 pieces of heating infrastructure! 3 Heating plants and 1 forwarding heat...
Toprus Dąbrowy Station
Автор Toprus100
Hi guys! After a long pause, I'm back with another item. This time, it's a railway station. This one is located in Dąbrowy in northern Poland. It has 1 platform and 1 track. Besides that, you have a vehicle station if you want to also use it as a bus stati...
School (50s)
Автор robs074 School from the 50s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 teachers. Educates about 240 pupils. Szk...
Распространенная типовая постройка школы A common standard building of a school ...
Автор robs074 Sawmill based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 30 workers. Requires 270 t of wood produces 210 t of boards per day when fully staffed. Tar...
San-epidem Station 2-05-27
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains several hospital buildings made according to the project 2-05-27 GIPROZDRAV (Kiev branch). Approved August 16, 1954 CHARACTERISTIC The main building Building type - hospital 14 teachers 10 workers Serves at least 54 visitors Se...
San-epidem station 2-05-26
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains several hospital buildings made according to the project 2-05-26 GIPROZDRAV. Approved August 16, 1954 CHARACTERISTIC The main building Building type - hospital 18 teachers 10 workers Serves at least 67 visitors Service building...
Автор paster88
Стела самаписка =))) stele with the ability to change text...
Toprus Charcoal Burners
Автор Toprus100
HI! This is a small rural building I have made over the course of a few days but haevn't bothered converting it to Workers and Resources. It isn't really suited for mass production, just to supply your smaller industry like bricks and others. The building ...
Sakhalin Island Streams
Автор Blackholesatrap
This map represents the terrain of Sakhalin Island, in the Russian Far East, a land criss-crossed by streams, hills, and fir forests. Sakhalin Oblast is a land of unrealised potential comrade. Our prospectors have discovered vast oil and coal reserves in a...
Toprus Cargo railway pack
Автор Toprus100
Hi! This is a quick project that I made for all you guys who want more variety in cargo stations and storages. This pack contains a few different ramp/platform models that are put in the game as: -open storage -aggregate storage -cargo station The pack con...
Ryan's Urban Assets Pack
Автор ryantheskinny
BETA - Package of Urban and heavy industrial Buildings...
Tiny University for villages and small towns
Автор precum baby
A little quality of life mod enabling you to maintain university education population levels in villages cut off from society or little towns that don't fit large unis to prevent lack of doctors and teachers. It's really annoying when you have to micromana...
Tiny Steel Plant
Автор Novu
A tiny steel plant for manufacturing relatively small amounts of bessemer steel. Employs up to 35 workers. Customize your old city downtown with this and other mods coming soon. Residential ...
Tiny kindergarten (80s) - skins
Автор robs074 Skins for my tiny kindergarten. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Ryan's Rural Assets Pack
Автор ryantheskinny
BETA - Package of Rural and light industrial Buildings. Special thanks to: Paradoxbound - testing wHAT - fuel station pump mesh Gerbilskij - the original scripting for the rural fuel station and the support of the modders community warning - the 4 slot roa...
Ryan's Transport Pack
Автор ryantheskinny
1. medium aggregate unloader, similar to the vanilla unloader 2. small aggregate unloader. 3. petroleum terminal for trucks 4. a single and dual track locomotive fuel station...
Tiny kindergarten (80s)
Автор robs074 Tiny kindergarten based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 12 workers and serves about 120 children. Bardzo małe przedszkole wzorowane na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrudnia 12 pracowników i obsługuje oko...
Автор frostsey
Ryan's Farm Fields Pack
Автор ryantheskinny
three new square fields and one massive test size...
Technical University
Автор Benco54
This is a technical university. it is based on the 3division model with the textures. a few informations: requires 105 workers and 90 professors it trains many people to become academics there is a pass for 2 streets. my idea would be to have a large stree...
Ryan's Farm Buildings Pack
Автор ryantheskinny
Another pack from yours truly. This time i got a pack of large silo's losely based on the famous grain elevator located in Stalingrad (now Volgograd) i made it suitable for the game with six truck slots all with the coding for flowing traffic and also two ...
Ryan's and Mayor__Defacto's Rural America
Автор ryantheskinny
Pack includes: * medium farm (red barn) with space for six vehicles * large livestock yard with built in train loading/unloading and 4 non_blocking vehicle stations model and code by - Mayor__Defacto textured by - Ryantheskinny...
Rural Waterfront
Автор Fiend
Rural buildings for positioning at the waterfront, plus some other inland ones. Cafe, Pub, Shop, Seawall, Aggregate Dock, Aggregate Store, Covered Store. The cafe, covered and aggregate store can be resupplied by boat. Now includes general purpose small do...
Rural typical canteen
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a small dining room. I met such a building and others like it in many places, an example in the screenshot. CHARACTERISTIC. 3 workers serves minimum 18 people There are two options: works as a shop and a bar Such a small dining room will ...
Rural School series 1976
Автор Raysione
Rural school № 1976 Greetings! This mod contains a rural school, made according to the model design TsITP №1976 1952. It is small and will fit well in your village. CHARACTERISTIC Building type - school 3 workers, 5 workers with higher education Serves a m...
Rural school series 1482
Автор Raysione
Rural school № 1482 Greetings! This mod contains a rural school, made according to the model project TsITP №1482 1953. The building is not small, although it is one-story. (in reality, the project was envisaged for construction in Central Asia in areas wit...
Technical university
Автор robs074 Technical university based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 50 workers with basic education and 50 lecturers. Serves about 150 students. A...
Rural school
Автор Raysione
Rural school Greetings! This mod contains a rural school, made according to a project from the 1950 album of rural and collective farm construction projects. Therefore, this school is ideal for rural construction in the period 1945-1965. CHARACTERISTIC Bui...
Rural hospital series 993-2
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a typical 993-2 hospital made exactly according to the 1948 project CHARACTERISTIC. 3 workers 2 workers with higher education serves at least 12 people Such a rural hospital will perfectly fit into any of your villages, subscribe :)...
Tatra 815 road cranes
Автор Gerbilskij
The Tatra T815 is a truck family, produced by Czech company Tatra as a successor to Tatra T813. It uses the traditional Tatra concept of rigid backbone tube and swinging half-axles giving independent suspension. This pack includes three road cranes of diff...
Tanker Wagon
Автор βlu∃_βrO
Large tanker wagon for liquids. 150t carrying capacity (can be subject to balancing, for being longer than normal wagons). Available from 1965 and costs 8300 rubles. Diffuse for the cisterns has been reused from original wagon files, otherwise its my origi...
Rural Building Collective
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of small rural industrial buildings. Available in two textures, old stone and red brick. Includes: Farm: Space for 4 vehicles Bakery: 30 staff - Produces up to 6t of Food Brewery: 30 Staff - Produces up to 2.3t of Alcohol Textile Mill: 50 staf...
Tank wagons skin pack
Автор Frantic_Monkey
Skin pack for vanilla tank wagons: 2 for 15-1443 and 2 for 15-1547, including one in the corporate livery of Russian Railways (RZD) since 2007. Created by Old, Ural02 and me....
Taiga republic
Автор SerpPort
The third remake of the Murmansk map -------------------------------------------------- ------- Taiga is the “green” Siberian “sea”. A completely wild and inhospitable place, esp...
Run-of-river hydroelectricity
Автор Benco54
Run-of-river hydroelectricity (ROR) or run-of-the-river hydroelectricity is a type of hydroelectric generation plant whereby little or no water storage is provided. Run-of-the-river power plants may have no water storage at all or a limited amount of stora...
Ruegen Map
Автор Paulski
An Island in the northeast of Germany. Its my first map, what do you think about it?...
Adds a table tennis plate / ping pong table to the game. Employes 2 people, serves approximately 6 people. It MUST employ people to function correct. :-(...
Автор Benco54
Eastern Gate of Belgrade (Istočna kapija grada or Rudo Buildings, named after a Bosnian Town) is a complex of three large buildings, each with from 27 to 28 floors and over 100 meters in height and is located in Konjarnik (an urban neighbourhood of Belgrad...
T3 Skin Pack
Автор Tigrovica
Small Skin Pack For Tatra T3, all designs are based on real designs, that were used in other cities...
Rušeň 361, ZSSK
Автор 4smiler
UPDATE: Scale has been adjusted because the original model was much larger than real life locomotive. Plows are swapped, active pantographs were switched from the front do the back one. Plus a few small changes. This is a redesigned model of the original L...
T138 Skin Pack Part [2/2]
Автор Bref
Having too many T138s driving around your totally-soon-to-be-asphalt dirt roads? Having problems to identify those trucks from one another? Not anymore! This mod/addon is second part of the T138 Skin Pack. The first part can be found at: https://steamcommu...
T-34 Monument
Автор KArantukki
Monument of the famous soviet T34 tank....
Автор WitcherShade
Радиоизотопный термоэлектрический генератор. Работает на ядерном топливе, полной заправки хватает примерно на 50 реальных часов при максимальном ускорении. На выходе 0.3 мегаватта. Обновление v1.1: - добавлено подключение линии электропередач - полный рете...
SZ-Class Ferry
Автор Wild Bunny
a small polish passenger ferry Capacity: 120 Passengers speed: 16kn available from 1961 to 1981 for ₽ for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Rotunda Theatre
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A small round decorative theatre inspired by a building at the Wünsdorf Military Base, headquarters of the Soviet forces in East Germany during the communist era. Capacity of up to around 60 people....
Rooftop Landing Pads
Автор Novu
Helicopter landing pads for rooftops. Did you plan your infrastructure without consideration for helicopters? This mod is for you. With no collision enabled these heliports can be constructed on top of existing buildings. Fitted for the vanilla firestation...
Super Kzh
Автор Fiend
Extended version of the Kzh 461 railway crane, with extra trailer. Slightly slower max speed because it has more weight, but it can theorectically* carry twice the cargo, so fewer trips are required. * Unfortunately the rail contruction yard will only load...
Автор frostsey
THE STORE SUPERMARKET.The mod is based on the store: Shop_Prior. The number of platforms for unloading goods has been increased to three. All other parameters of the original store were not changed....
Sunrize Island
Автор DobermaNLeXXX
Sunrise Island. A group of islands, probably of volcanic origin, with moderately mountainous terrain and plains near the bays. Very rich resource mining, but all are located not in the most easily accessible places, and in different sides of the map. Only ...
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod consists of 12 custom-made houses and series 1-104. Such houses have a rather unusual urban look, so you can place them in the suburbs, or on the main streets of the village. The projects are dated 1949, they have a lot of decor, comfor...
Rock Crusher
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
The Rock Crusher. A small inexpensive gravel processing facility that will provide up to 8t of gravel per day. Takes up to 5 workers. No heating requirement...
RoadRail Station
Автор r63Slam
3 in 1. Bus, trolleybus and rail station. Add 2 pedestrian connection. 500 passanger....
Substation x3 input
Автор Fiend
Electric substation with three inputs. Credit to Jaykray for the original idea....
Substation 1950s №2
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a transformer box, in the style of the late 1950s. This is a prototype of a real building (see screenshot) located somewhere in St. Petersburg. Such a transformer box will ideally fit into your microdistricts of late Stalinist ...
Substation 1950s
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a transformer box, which is very unusual, in the style of the Stalinist Empire. This is a prototype of a real building (see screenshot) located somewhere in Moscow. Such a transformer box will ideally fit into your microdistric...
Student residence halls - skins
Автор robs074 Skins for my student residence halls. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Road Sing Pack
Package of traffic signs. Priority. One-way road. Service Signs. Prescriptive Signs...
Road Markings Pack
Автор Lex713
Information Let me introduce you to my brand new idea that I've already spoilered in one of my workshop item's comment section: Road Markings Pack! Now you can decorate your republic even more! There is total of 28 different road markings from East Europe ...
Soviet tenement 1-228-3
Автор Gerbilskij
Aparment building typical of the late Stalin era. The Series 1-228-3 were built during the late '40s and'50s all over the USSR. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me. All cr...
Student residence halls
Автор robs074 Student residence halls based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. They house 90-120 students. Akademiki wzorowane na prawdziwych budynkach w Lublinie....
Road Building Pack (1931-Present)
Автор CrowdSceneExtra
This pack adds more road building vehicles available for dollars to the game, allowing players to build gravel roads from 1931 to present day, and asphalt roads from 1936 to present day. Note that you will need to change the start year of your save game or...
Soviet Palace of Sports
Автор Brammered
What’s this?:This is a Soviet Palace of Sports, based on the building that sits in central Kaliningrad. It’s function is as a host of sporting events, and it’s artistic mural outside the entrance depicts this. Front and rear windows all have security bars,...
Student Halls
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
4 Small brick student houses to make your own campuses. They're in the mods residential category....
Soviet Island
Автор KArantukki
Isolated empty Island in the middle of the sea. The only connection to the outside are the ships....
Road Barriers Pack
Автор Lex713
Information Let me show you my new road barriers pack as a continue of my previus publication - road markings pack. Again it's purpose is pure decoration of your roads, industrial arreas and so on. Pack includes total of 8 barriers, which is: >Concrete bar...
Soviet advertising posters
Автор Raysione
This mod contains 15 different advertising and campaign posters: from advertising pate to campaigning for elections. In general, I think it will be enough :) Such posters can be placed, for example, near a highway, as was done in the USSR (see screenshot!)...
River Station (Riga)
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains the building of the river station from Riga (Latvia). The prototype for all river stations of that time was the luxurious northern station of Moscow, the capital of the USSR, built in 1933-37. Its architecture with galleries of...
Автор painkillerlexar
Rinok FoodMarketplace 300 Persons KolhozMarketplace...
Socialist Republic Of Omanara
Автор MicrosoftAccess2007
The Socialist Republic Of Omanara is a fictional country... and i think thats all. This is also my first map so if you want to suggest any changes i will be thankful....
Snowplow station
Автор MTandi
Small technical services building with 3 parking slots for snowplowers. Textures by 3division....
Две малые шахты по добыче угольной и железной руды. Все характеристики в трое ниже, чем у ванильной. Two small coal and iron ore mines. All characteristics are three times lower than vanilla mine....
Small warehouse
Автор Raysione
Small warehouse Such a small warehouse will be very useful for you to expand a warehouse for a store, an example in the photo. Also I think it is suitable for storing small amounts of goods. Of course, in the style of the 50s :) Has no collision Characteri...
Riga Technical University
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains the old building of the Riga Technical University from Riga (Latvia). This university is also designed in the "Baltic style", like my previous buildings. The building is well optimized, although it has many details. Unfortunate...
Retro gas station V.2
Автор Benser
RETRO GAS STATION / АЗС Бензин АЗС из кинофильма Королева бензоколонки (3 версии), который снимался в городе Пирятин, Украина. 17.01.2021 полностью обновленный мод, все машины могуть заежать на станцию Gas station from the movie "The Queen of Gas Station "...
Small warehouse
Автор Gerbilskij
A small warehouse, may be useful as a storage for consumers' goods and/or to connect to department stores. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full permission from th...
Small Transformer and 4 way Switch
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Two cut down versions of the power transformer. One with High Voltage throughput, 2 High Voltage and 2 Medium Voltage connections. And one with 4 Medium Voltage connections. Larger version with High Power throughput also available - https://steamcommunity....
Retro Airport Pak
Автор Nyxyx
A huge airport pack of 12 totally custom, bespoke models and textures. All of this pack is hand-made, not ported into the game from free model sites. Contains Several large retro terminals based on Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow, two old wooden cargo termi...
Small Train Depot
Автор CrowdSceneExtra
A small train depot suitable for early game or isolated spur lines with a single non-passable rail connection. 2 road connections and 4 pedestrian connections are available to help facilitate construction and firetruck access. Due to how the game renders t...
Small kindergarten (70s)
Автор robs074 Small kindergarten based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 15 workers and serves about 150 children. Małe przedszkole wzorowane na prawdziw...
Retextured: platforms
Автор Raysione
Updated texture mod from Mauser_NATO Some comrades did not like the texture of its construction, but I, perhaps, did not want to download it at all. But thanks to my corrected textures, you can see clean buildings in this mod, they will become even better!...
Restaurant series 51047
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a typical restaurant 51047 made exactly according to the 1952 project CHARACTERISTIC. 15 workers serves at least 150 people (tourist restaurant has 3.8 * attractiveness) There are two options: works as a restaurant (for tourists) and a ba...
Restaurant series 51046
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a typical restaurant 51046 made exactly according to the 1952 project CHARACTERISTIC. 15 workers serves at least 150 people (tourist restaurant has 4.8 * attractiveness) There are two options: works as a restaurant (for tourists) and a ba...
Small kindergarten (70s)
Автор robs074 Small kindergarten based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 14 workers and serves about 140 children. Małe przedszkole wzorowane na prawdziw...
Автор frostsey
Small Houses
Автор Fiend
Small houses using the models from the default prepopulated map. These buildings require no concrete, asphalt, or steel; so can be self-built early in the game....
small Firestation, 1 fireengine
Adds a very small firedepartment for rural areas of your town. Can hold only 1 fireengine. Quickly built and cheap. Not heated....
Автор frostsey
Small fire station
Автор robs074 Small fire station based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Can be equipped with 3 fire engines. Heating requirement disabled. Mała remiza strażacka...
Автор frostsey
Small Fire Station
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A small rural fire station for up to 3 vehicles. No heating requirement...
Автор frostsey
Small fire station
Автор robs074 Small fire station based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Can be equipped with 2 fire engines. Heating requirement disabled. Mała remiza strażacka...
Автор frostsey
Small Farm Collective
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A small farm, storage barn, food factory and micro-brewery. No heating requirement...
Автор frostsey
Small farm - Polish Stodoła
Автор RED
Small and cheap agricultural building straight out of Eastern Europe. Almost every homestead around Poland has one. Vehicles - 3 Storage - 32 tonnes...
Residential buildings type 75 (9-12 floors)
Автор Billman007 Description I present you the second part of the set, panelized residential buildings series 75. Residential buildings of this series were built in many cities in Russia (Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk, Togliatti)...
Small Electric Heater
Автор Laserzwei
Small Electric Heater. Produces 8GW of heat for 48MWh with 10 workers and a 80m³ Tank. Original models from the base game and the property of 3Division....
Residential buildings type 75 (5-6 floors)
Автор Billman007 Description I present to you, panelized residential buildings series 75. Residential buildings of this series were built in many cities in Russia (Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk, Togliatti), in the period from 197...
Residential buildings type 1-464А
Автор Billman007 Description I present to you one of the most common series of standard residential buildings in Russia and the CIS countries. Buildings of this series in various modifications were built in many cities of the USSR in the per...
Small Distribution Offices
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
3 small distribution offices for 1, 3 or 5 vehicles. Available in a choice of 4 colours each. No heating requirement...
Small cold storages
Автор Gerbilskij
Pack of small sized cold storages, ideal to place next to shops or shopping centres. Includes: Extra small cold storage unit Capacity: 4t (meat) Small cold storage in two color variants Capacity: 16t (meat)...
Small Clothing Factory
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
4 small clothing factories in white or red brick with mirrored versions for easy placement. Much smaller than the vanilla clothing factory with a reduced capacity. No heating requirement...
Residential buildings from the 50s
Автор robs074 The pack includes 9 residential buildings from the 50s: - two 4-storey oblong blocks of flats (75 workers), - two 5-storey oblong blocks of flats (95 w...
Residential buildings (121 series)
Автор Holodets
A set of 9-storey panel buildings with a different number of entrances. Buildings can be built close to each other, thus creating a line of buildings of different curves. Unfortunately, due to the mechanics of the game, some buildings can not be placed clo...
Small clinic ('50s)
Автор Gerbilskij
A small clinic building, in a typical Soviet style from the '50s. It also has a backyard parking for a couple of ambulances. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full ...
Small clinic
Автор robs074 Small clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 7 workers with basic education, 7 doctors and serves about 20 patients. Can be equippe...
Small Churches
Автор Fiend
Religion is incompatible with Marxism and religion was suppressed by the Soviet Union, but religion is not necessarily incompatible with socialism, so if you want to put churches in your socialist state, here are three you can use. They are based on the on...
Small Cement Silos
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of small cement silos. 75 tonne capacity. One parking space, one way in and out. 4 colours with mirrored versions for easy placement....
Regional radio station
Автор robs074 Regional radio station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 50 workers with basic education and 25 actors. Regionalna rozgłośnia radiowa...
Автор Okota Harinezumi
Standard refrigerator with the addition of railway track. UPD 04/25/2020: Increased storage capacity up to 1000 tons...
Small clinic
Автор robs074 Small clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 5 workers with basic education, 5 doctors and serves about 15 patients. Can be equippe...
Republic of Fjordland
Автор Amur4ick
Balanced map with mountains, open spaces and islands (you can actively use water transport) Based on the map with same name from Cities: Skylines -
Real cars and trucks names
Автор Artwert
A modification that returns the real names to in-game cars and trucks. --------------------------------------------------- The author of the modification does not claim authorship of brands of equipment, the mod is free, therefore, their names are presente...
Reading pavilion
Автор Raysione
Reading pavilion series 2-06-43 Greetings! This mod contains the reading pavilion series 2-06-43. Such a small building will meet the cultural needs of your citizens. It is convenient to place the pavilion in the courtyard so as not to build many large cin...
Small Cement Plant (Brickstone)
Автор KArantukki
Small cement plant made of brickstone and steel - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - place for 15 workers...
Small Cement Plant
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
An old aging cement plant. Takes up to 20 workers and produces up to 12t of cement per day. About a third of the size and cost of the vanilla version. No heating requirement...
Автор Lac_M
Rail yard for parking cargo trains, based on rail cargo station It act like cargo station, because there is limitation in train depot code Not recommended to use as regular station. There are no factory connections, and only 2 road connections without park...
Автор Akira43
Small pass through road cargo station with small footprint and 6 factory connections. It has the exact same work properties as the ingame road cargo staion. It is already electrified to allow troleys to go through. Keep in mind that it would be a really ba...
Small cargo station
Автор Lac_M
rearanged cargo station from game to fit into modified gas station script...
Railroad Management
Автор SerpPort
The mod is represented so far by two stations: a Large Freight Station (functions are the same as those of a railway freight station) and a Power Supply Station (analogous to a traction substation in the game). I haven't edited the models, because I don't ...
Автор Lac_M
railroad crossing trough factory connection need forklifts to work road crossing here:
Small BUS station
Автор Lac_M
Small BUS station children of vanilla bus stop and gas station paths made by Akira43 added trolleybus version another variants of bus stops/stations here:
Small Brick Works
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Small wood fired brick kilns. Can produce up to 6t of bricks per day from 20t of wood, requires up to 10 workers. No heating requirement...
Railway metal gate
Автор BORO
Железнодорожные металлические ворота. Тип здания – монумент. Подключение к железной дороге - да. Подключение к пешеходной дорожке - да. Не воспламеняется. Railway metal gate. Type of building - monument. Rail connection - yes. Connection to the footpath - ...
Rail station PACK
Автор Benser
PACK провинциальных жд станций. Первая станция двухколейная, остальные одноколейные. PACK of provincial railway stations from Ukraine. The first station is two-track, the rest are single-track. Другие мои работы/ More my mods:
Small Brick Factory / Малый Кирпичный Завод
Автор EZ88
A small brick factory with a "classic" look. Produces a smaller amount of bricks than the regular factory but needs less workers. Workers needed: 30 Consumption: 9 ton coal per work day Production: 15 ton bricks per work day Небольшой кирпичный завод с «кл...
Small admin building
Автор Gerbilskij
A small administrative buiding, functioning as a town hall with reduced personnell requirements comapred to the original one. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full...
Radio Transmitter
Автор Nyxyx
This tall (~510m) longwave radio mast will allow your republics' signal to be heard around the world, literally! However, it draws 5MW of power, and the irrational fears of high power RF cause nearby citizens to get sick with stress, so plan accordingly....
Shushi Monument
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A recreation of a Soviet era monument in Shushi, Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. A second alternative texture is now available, texture courtesy of Alex Dad. Due to the shape of the model I have had to put the footpath at the back but this is only needed if you...
Radio Tower #2
Автор Mayor__Defacto
The second in my series of Radio Towers, 98m tall. Like the first, it does not do anything on its own Now with night lights!....
Shopping mall
Автор Benser
ЦУМ (Центральный универсальный магазин) Киева — один из крупнейших магазинов Киева, расположенный в центре города. ЦУМ - первый торговый объект формата department store в Украине построен в 1939 году. $ATTRACTIVE_SCORE 3.5 Игровые характеристики как у мага...
Radio Tower
Автор Mayor__Defacto
This is a Radio Tower. Add Sophistication to your Republic!...
Автор Raysione
A small shop, made exactly according to a real building, located in my city, I really like it. I tried very hard to make the store what it was in the 50s of the last century, so to speak, restored. Characteristic. 4 workers serves minimum 75 people...
Автор olDen
project_r168 SPEED 10 uzlov CAPACITY 1410 AVAILABLE 1959 1997 the model is created by Iniknown...
Pyramiden Barracks
Автор Comrade Joe
For some reason this description has been reset to the placeholder text. I don't remember what I had written when I posted it, but in a nutshell this is a reskinned version of one of the games vanilla houses, meant to resemble the ones that can be still se...
Public transport stops
Автор BORO
Остановки общественного транспорта. Три остановки без подземного перехода. Четыре остановки с подземными переходами (подземный переход декоративный) Public transport stops. Three stops without underpass. Four stops with underpasses (decorative underpass) Н...
Public Sauna PACK / БАНИ
Автор Benser
ПОШЛИ В БАНЮ!:) Баня всегда была больше чем баней. Не только «помывочным местом» и цирюльней, «второй матерью» и праздником души и тела, но и этаким клубом для дружеских посиделок и пиршеств. ПАК состоит из трех типов бань: 1. баня - больница (1 машина) 2....
Severnoye Iskopayemoye
Автор Verter
Severnoye Iskopayemoye (eng. Northen Fossil) is fictional map of a SSR based between seas. It has everything you need for creating a prospering republic! However it won't be easy! Most of eastern penisula is mountains and hills but there are most of resour...
Set of small playgrounds (kindergarten)
Автор Vanok [RUSMNB]
A set of small playgrounds in three variations. Each playground includes a sandbox, a bench and a swing. The models are extremely compact and will fit even in small yards. They work like monuments. It is built from a small amount of resources - boards, ste...
Series 1-201-2
Автор Comrade Joe
This mod proposes the Soviet series 1-201-2 post-WW2 four-appartment design in a small variety of colors/textures. It is suitable for villages/low-density urban zones, as it houses up to 12 adults only (80% quality). I tried to stay loyal to the initial ar...
Автор frostsey
Public Housing Cooperative
Автор Novu
A large water front building used for public housing. Holds 400 workers and has a boat access pier. Added Small Housing Cooperative Added Medium Housing Cooperative Added Cooperative Housing Block (Land) Added Housing block cooperative (Land)...
Selski Stadion
Автор Benco54
This is the selski stadion (selski means rural in balkan language), but the stadion has nothing to do with something rural. This stadion is for a big city, maybe your capital town in your country where you football team will play against other countries....
Projects 1-447c 1 and 6
Автор Gerbilskij
Project 1-447C-1 and 6 Soviet are (three floors) apartment blocks part of the first generation of the 447C series. They were built across the USSR from the late '50 to the mid '60s. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", an...
Автор frostsey
Selmag shop 53-46
Автор Raysione
Selmag series 53-46 Greetings! This mod contains a village store of the 53-46 series with the apartment of the head of 1955. Such a small cute store will fit well into your village. CHARACTERISTIC Building type - shop 3 workers Serves at least 45 buyers Yo...
Secret police - skins
Автор robs074 Skins for my secret police. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Secret police
Автор robs074 Secret police loosely based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 40 workers and can be equipped with 9 vehicles. Gmach służby bezpieczeństwa l...
Lenin Statue
Автор Brammered
NOW UPDATED WITH LOYALTY STATS! What’s this?:A blackened bronze statue of Russian Revolutionary Vladimir I Lenin on a granite stand. The monument, based on the many similar busts erected across the globe, shows the statemen’s name in Cyrillic. Credits for ...
Pristak-/-No Population-/OLD\-
Автор Pingu's Revenge
¸¸.•*¨*•⚠️¸¸.•*¨*•⚠️¸¸.•*¨*•⚠️¸¸.•*¨*•⚠️¸¸.•*¨*•⚠️¸¸.•*¨*•⚠️¸¸.•*¨*• ¸¸.•*¨*•⚠️¸¸.•*¨*•⚠️¸¸.•*¨*•⚠️¸¸.•*¨*•⚠️¸¸.•*¨*•⚠️¸¸.•*¨*•⚠️¸¸.•*¨*• Aktualisierte Version der Karte! updated version of ...
Adds a laundry place for your socialistic neighbourhoods. Why is it a kindergarden? The idea was not mine, but I liked it alot! Laundry places are a good place to hold a chat, and do homework while looking over (your) children. Employes 2, watches over 6 i...
Latvian Academy of Sciences
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains the building of the Latvian Academy of Sciences from Riga (Latvia). It is made in the "Baltic style", which I really like, because I really liked the architectural style of the Baltic cities and most likely this is not the last...
Pripyat (Chernobyl) ferris wheel
Автор Comrade Sky
Soviet ferris wheel based off of the famous Pripyat (Chernobyl) ferris wheel. It serves as culture building. I also included a recolored version by Comrade Joe The asset is designed for animations, so once animations are implemented, I will add animations,...
Large vehicle + Small combined vehicle storage
Автор Twiggy
This will add 2 Large vehicle storage units and a Small combined cargo + vehicle storage. One Large Storage is (ALLOWPASS) traffic drive through. Both Large vehicle storage units have, 12 factory connections 2 road connections 2 rail lines 4 vehicle statio...
Large Storehouse (Brickstone)
Автор KArantukki
Large storehouse made of brickstones - 650t capacity...
Large School
Автор KArantukki
Large Schoolbuilding...
Large Rail Depot
Автор Fiend
The default rail depot is fine for trams, but larger trains would not fit. This one is more than twice the size. Updated to support long trains. I have added a new version, with 5 connections, properly spaced to match the standard rail alignment. It also h...
Primorje / Blanc
Автор Новичок
The map contains mountains, highlands, valleys, plains, sea, islands and more picturesque places waiting to be domesticated. Also chek out inhabited map:
Large Rail Construction Office
Автор Fiend
Larger rail construction office with double the capacity for resources....
Large Plastic Factory
Автор KArantukki
Large Plastic Factory - 250 workers - 1 road connection - 1 pipeline input - 2 factory connections - 3 pedestrian connectionsN...
Автор frostsey
Small powerplant coal...
Power Ship Peter Adam
Автор Benco54
This is the Power Ship called Peter Adam. Its my first Power Ship (modeling by benco54, textures by 3Division) - It need water access - production of 350 MWh - consumption: 28t of fuel per day - capacity: 80t of fuel Its a cool way and something other to t...
Posters, flags, street clocks
Автор BORO
Плакаты, флаги, уличные часы. Тип здания – монумент. Размещаются в любом месте. Posters, flags, street clocks. Building type - monument. You can build anywhere. Часы, маленький флаг, средний флаг можно построить только за деньги. Остальное можно построить ...
Large Oil Well
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A large Oil Well, which started out as a bit of an experiment in Blender. I liked how it came out so I thought I'd share it. More expensive than the vanilla oil well but also about 70 percent more productive. This is in the mod category as a mine, I can't ...
Large Oil Storage V2
Автор Okota Harinezumi
Large Oil storage by Sam Change the input / output connection of pipelines....
Large metal gate
Автор BORO
Большие металлические ворота. Ворота можно строит в любом месте. Построенные здания и дороги мешать не будут. Large metal gate. The gate can be built anywhere. The constructed buildings and roads will not interfere. Тип здания - завод. Подключение к дороге...
Large oil storage
Резервуар на 12.000 единиц топлива Oil storage for 12.000...
Pontalba Buildings New Orleans
Автор Ternet18
Pontalba Buildings New Orleans The Pontalba Buildings form two sides of Jackson Square in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana. They are matching red-brick, one-block-long, four‑story buildings built in the late 1840s by the Baroness Micaela Almone...
Large cargo station
Автор Raysione
Large cargo stations have 4 different variations, designed for 1, 2, 4, 6 parking spaces. Unlike vanilla stations, they do not create traffic jams in front of the building. If you are tired of traffic jams in front of freight stations, subscribe :) Large A...
Polytechnische Oberschule (School)
Автор KArantukki
Polytechnische Oberschule / GDR School...
Polyester and Nylon Factory
Автор Novu
A polyester and nylon factory. Converts oil and chemicals into fabric. Added water front version....
Polish State Railways Pack 1.0
Автор mattslodki
Polskie Koleje Panstwowe (eng. Polish State Railways) Big thanks to: LovelyPL, Forged73, ((Toprus, ryantheskinny, CZsfPurplik. I'm an example that you can learn how to mod, so please check Still work in progress, need to add some lod1.nmf fi...
Large Capacity Distribution Open Storage
Автор Twiggy
This will add a Large Capacity modified open storage to your game. Included > 10 Factory connections. 8 Rail Lines. 2 Visual cargo bays. 4 Vehicle stations. 2 Road connections. And also a central Distribution capacity of 25000 tons. Putting your'e grass de...
Large asphalt plants
Автор Raysione
Large asphalt plants have 8 different variations, designed for 1-3 cars. Unlike vanilla factories, they do not create traffic jams in front of the building. If you are tired of traffic jams in front of asphalt plants, subscribe :) Large concrete plants: ht...
Landscaping Blocks - Grass
Автор Lex713
Information Requested mod - landscaping blocks aka curbs. Nothing innovative but significantly expands the possibilities of landscape design. In couple with my other mod - Ploppable Asphalt you can make fancy squares, parks or just decorate your road sides...
Polish Shops (Part 2)
Автор robs074 The pack includes 5 Polish shops, based on real buildings in Lublin: - small shop (10 workers, 70 customers, 15t closed storage - clothes and electroni...
Автор frostsey
Автор painkillerlexar
Kukuryza Prototype was build in 1989 in Poland little bit problems with build visualisation , but all work :)....
Polish Shops (Part 1)
Автор robs074 The pack includes 7 Polish shops: - small grocery store (10 workers, 70 customers, 6t of food, 1.5t of meat), - medium grocery store (15 workers, 105 c...
Poliklinika pr. VII-40
Автор Gerbilskij
Soviet medical building project VII-40, originally designed in 1963, it was built until the early 1980s. Generally used as a local medical clinic, in game it works as a smaller hospital. The main model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skyl...
Police Central
Автор Ternet18
Large Police Central Outside the legacy hospital version it now contains an actual police and secret police variant as well. ...
Ploppable street lamps
Автор Comrade Sky
This is a pack of ploppable street lights. It includes: - Comrade Joe's classic lamp (with lights and blown) - Old PRL prefab lamp (with light and blown) - Old PRL double prefab lamp (with light and blown) - New PRL prefab lamp (with lights) - New PRL doub...
Kruskin Building (Cityhall)
Автор Benco54
Kruskin Building is a Cityhall/Office - it has 6 pedestrian connections - needs 60 Employees - looks also perfect for your city skyline When you have some problems or issues please let me know ;) Please check our discord server:
Playground Collection
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of 5 small, inexpensive wooden playgrounds which act as kindergartens. Playgrounds 1-3 can have 3 staff and up to 18 kids. Playgrounds 4 and 5 are slightly larger and can have 5 staff and up to 30 kids. No heating requirement...
Plattenbau (HAL IW70 P2-11 Halle-Unterplan)
Автор Brammered
What’s this?: From Cities Skyline Creator MeisterMonis, this is the modified version of the normal P2-11, only to be seen at Halle Unterplan, in the DDR. This block has been planned and built in Halle, hence the first three letters "HAL". "IW" stands for "...
Klidné údolí
Автор Tomas7523
................Moje mapa...................... Tomas7523 ...
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
The Planetarium. A cultural centre for your people to wonder at the stars. Works as a cinema for up to 250 people....
Ploppable Asphalt [Obsolete]
Автор Lex713
Smallest mod I ever made and probably one of the simpliest on workshop. As said in title, this adds ploppable asphalt. It is purely cosmetic and was intended to allow players make big areas of flat asphalt without placing bunch of roads. The only purpose o...
Kirovets K-700 pack
Автор oleksii.kapustin
«Кировец» К-700 — советский колёсный трактор общего назначения повышенной проходимости, тяговый класс 5. Мощность двигателя 220 лошадиных сил. Первый трактор покинул сборочный цех и вышел на поля страны 13 июля 1962 года. В 1975 году Кировский завод начал ...
Plain Concrete Fence
Автор βlu∃_βrO
Plain version of my barbed wire fence without the barbed wire, so not so suitable for protection but only for sepataration of your land or buildings. Comes in a set of 1, 3 and 10 pieces for easy placement. Planá verzia môjho ostnatého plota, tentokrát bez...
Pipeline overpass 2
Автор BORO
Трубопроводная эстакада 2. Тип здания – конвейер / трубопровод. Не воспламеняется. Pipeline overpass 2. Type of building - conveyor / pipe engine. Not flammable. Сделано на основе насосной станции. Требует подключение электроэнергии. В данной версии арка р...
Автор robs074 Typical Polish kiosks, working as monuments. In version or newer they also slightly increase people's loyalty in the neughbouring area by selli...
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a kiosk made exactly from a photo from around the early 1950s CHARACTERISTIC. 2 workers serves at least 12 people There are two options: works as a shop, bar Such a kiosk in the style of the Stalinist Empire will perfectly fit into any of...
Pipeline overpass
Автор BORO
Трубопроводная эстакада. Шесть арок для автомобильных дорог. Шесть арок для железных дорог. Тип здания – конвейер / трубопровод. Pipeline overpass. Six arches for highways. Six arches for railways. Type of building - conveyor / pipe engine. Не воспламеняет...
pile of gravel and 5 stacks of wood
Автор Lac_M
small non effective pile of gravel + tiny useless open storage + little low-cost bus stop (60 passengers) added heliport connection to gravel and bus stop heliport connected to bus stop work only with Heli-CO, can't be assigned to passenger helicopter rout...
Kino International (Cinema)
Автор KArantukki
Kino International (Berlin) The Kino International is a film theater in Berlin, built from 1961 to 1963. It is located on Karl-Marx-Allee in former East Berlin. It hosted premieres of the DEFA film studios until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989....
Pig Farm
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A small Pig Farm. Provides a small amount of meat in return for grain. Connect three of them together and you can deliver to and collect from the middle one. No heating requirement. If you would like to help support my work, you can make a donation here - ...
Pier 84
Автор Benco54
this is Pier 84 it offers various attractions such as a ferris wheel, a roller coaster and a carousel. there are also various stalls selling things and attracting tourists. 20 workers can work here...
Old house 1
Автор Admiral_Mar_Denzis
NOTE (IMPORTANT): This is my first 3D model of a building. Before that, I only made cars. So I decided to try my hand at creating a building. Please do not judge my work strictly. Of course, this is only a model, which does not pretend to be as realistic a...
Petroleum HQ
Автор ryantheskinny
Headquarters of the Republic's petroleum industry functions like a soviet university (partyHQ) idea - Voyevode model and coded by - Lexar uploaded by -Ryantheskinny...
Kamaz 5320 Army
Автор Gerbilskij
Third set of skins for the Kamaz 5320, generic army skins including construction vehicles for army sappers/engineers. In detail, this pack includes: Kmz 5320 Covered - army olive green Kmz 5320 Open - army olive green Kmz 5320 Tanker - army olive green Kmz...
KamAZ 5320
Автор KapgaH
Skins KamAZ 5320. Only original colours. Шкурки для КамАЗ 5320. ТОлько заводские окраски....
K700 series
Автор Sulphart
Kirovets K700 Series. 2 Dumper versions: 6x6 Dumper (16t capacity) Loader (7t) 1 6x6 Cargo (16t) 1 6x6 Open hull (16t) 1 Tractor 1 Wood logger (7t) 1 Snowplow 1 Base version (as personnal car, for production and...
Perpendicular Parking ||
Автор Holodets
Parking for 20 places. Travel through it through (people and cars can pass through it). It is possible to do modular Parking near the plant like I have in the screenshot....
Perpendicular Parking
Автор Holodets
Perpendicular Parking along the road. Takes up little space, 2 connections for pedestrians. Cars can drive through it. 10 seats...
Janáček Theater
Автор Vikom
The National Theater of (Leoš) Janáček is one of main theaters in Brno, named after the famous composer. It was built between 1960 and 1965. The main architect was Jan Víšek. This building is inspired by this theater. It attracts tourists and it works as a...
People's Theater
Автор Comrade Joe
Old-fashioned/early-Soviet theater building that offers an alternative to the concrete-based cinema cube. More adapted for older settlements and/or small towns. Employs 20 people and has a max capacity of 200 (if I understand how that works correctly). The...
Peoples Palace Flats
Автор Ternet18
Comrades of our great socialist paradise! A new super-luxurious mega project has arrived from our architects Ryan and Ternet! 840 people living in what they described as a Glorious 92% quality flats! The price lies up there at roughly 140 000 Rubles but wh...
Peoples Palace Flats - Washed out
Автор Ternet18
Our Great Mega-Housing project has been standing for quite a while now and, as time fies, got a bit washed out! The quality now sits at only 68%, however, the number of inhabitans rose to 960. Enjoy!...
Industrial Embankment
Автор BORO
Промышленная набережная. 23 элемента для постройки набережной. Эти элементы можно размещать не только у воды. Тип здания – монумент. Industrial embankment. 23 elements for building an embankment. These elements can be placed not only near water. Building t...
Ikarus GDR Textures
Adds striped colored and fully colored Ikarus 260/280 Busses like they where used in GDR (German Democratic Republic) times. All contents so far: Ikarus 260/280 - striped color blue, orange, red - fully colored blue, orange, yellow, red...
People's Prewar and Recovery Farming Machinery (1919-1959)
Автор Comrade Sky
This pack contains 2 vehicles from the base game, but adjusted. They are available from 1920 to 1959 (the day of availability is random). The CK4 is used as the combine, somewhat jokingly renamed the People's Prewar Harvesting Machine. It is lighter, cheap...
Pedestrian crossings
Pedestrian crossings, above ground and underground....
IFA w50 Увеличенная кабина (Enlarged Cabin)
Автор Mauser_NATO
IFA w50 Увеличенная кабина (Enlarged Cabin) Я заметил что тягачи с открытым и закрытым прицепом имеют короткую кабину, но топлевный тягач имеет увеличенную кабину. Я сделал простой мод добавляющий тягачи IFA 50 с открытым и закрытым прицепом с увеличенной ...
Автор MTandi
A small-class bus for regional and suburban routes. Available in the beginning of the game (1960 start) until 1968 when replaced by its successor, PZ-672 (orange vanilla bus). Stats: Passanger capacity: 30 Top speed: 80 km/h Engine power: 66 kW (90 hp) Ava...
IFA L60 semitrailer
Автор Gerbilskij
This pack features a tractor-trailer variant of the L60 which, unlike its predecessor W50, never reached mass production. The cabin is a modified version of the small sleeper cab from the vanilla W50 oil tanker semitrailer. Base model and textures by 3Divi...
Party HQ
Автор robs074 Party HQ based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 40 workers with basic education and 40 lecturers. Serves about 120 students. Siedziba part...
Автор Gerbilskij
Additional car parks with 12, 14, 20 and 32 parking spaces. The first is based on the small parking, while the other on the vanilla medium parking, with rearranged access and dimensions. UPDATE: Large car parking is now passable, I also removed collision f...
Автор Gerbilskij
IFA L60 (1218) pack, including seven variants (at the moment). Developement of the IFA L60 (source: Wikipedia) After the launch of the W 50, IWL undertook development work to increase engine power and reduce fuel consumption, reduce empty weight and increa...
Park Monuments and Buildings
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of monuments and buildings to add some decoration to your cities, towns and park areas. Pack includes: Trimuphal Arch, 2 Flags, Obelisk, Red Star Monument, Clock Tower, Amphitheatre, Pavilion, Greenhouse, a selection of fountains and urns and ...
Adding IFA G5 to the game. Including: fireengine, oil tanker (MINOL), covered&open&gravel version in colors red, yellow, blue and TIEFBAU New: added snowplow-version (07/02/2020) Trivia: IFA G5 was produced 1952 - 1964 IFA W50 (allready ingame) was produce...
Park Inn Hotel
Автор Benco54
The Park Inn**** by Radisson Berlin Alexanderplatz is the tallest building and the eleventh-tallest structure in Berlin and the 29th-tallest building and tallest hotel-only building in Germany. The 37-floor high-rise is in the northeast of Alexanderplatz i...
IFA "Tiny Boi" M25
Автор RED
This mod adds M25 Multicar as "forklift" option. Let's appreciate our tiny boi and let him do some good work....
Автор painkillerlexar
И-700 серия i-700 series 3 вида 3 type И-700A И-700Н И-700Я Серийные дома серии И-700 – это панельные здания башенного типа. Строилась серия в Москве на протяжении десяти лет в период с 1980 по 1990 год. The serial houses of the I-700 series are tower-type...
Автор painkillerlexar
I-447c различных версий 9 ти этажные жилые здания качество 85 количество рабочих- от 120 до 2000 I-447c various versions 9 floor residential buildings quality 85 workers - 120-2000 ...
Park asset pack 1
Автор Comrade Sky
Basic set of things you might find in a city park. Most are based off real things in Polish parks, but are rather universal. NO buildings allow cranes, which means NO building can burn. This will make the amphitheater take longer to build, but you can remo...
I-447 5 storey
Автор kostas667
I-447 is the most massive series of brick houses, which was built throughout the USSR from the late 1950s to the mid 1960s, and modifications by the end of the 1970s. In this mod there are two-section, three-section and four-section versions of this buildi...
Panel houses 6 (legacy)
Автор robs074
Please unsubscribe from this mod, the updated version can be found here:
I-447 4 storey
Автор kostas667
I-447 is the most massive series of brick houses, which was built throughout the USSR from the late 1950s to the mid 1960s, and modifications by the end of the 1970s. In this mod there are two-section, three-section and four-section versions of this buildi...
I-447 3 Storey
Автор kostas667
I-447 is the most massive series of brick houses, which was built throughout the USSR from the late 1950s to the mid 1960s, and modifications by the end of the 1970s. In this mod there are two-section and three-section versions of this building Two-section...
Panel houses 5 (legacy)
Автор robs074
Please unsubscribe from this mod, the updated version can be found here:
Hunting Tower / Охотничья башня
Автор EZ88
A hunting tower where 3 workers can hunt the local wild life. Generates meat. Охотничья башня, где 3 рабочих могут охотиться на местных диких животных. Генерирует мясо....
Panel houses 1 (5 storey)
Автор robs074 Prefabricated blocks of flats, housing 50-75 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Bloki z wielkiej płyty, mieszcz...
Panel houses 1 (12 storey)
Автор robs074 Prefabricated blocks of flats, housing 120-180 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 89%. Bloki z wielkiej płyty, miesz...
Автор frostsey
House series 101 GAM
Автор Raysione
House series 101 GAM Greetings! This mod consists of 6 houses made according to the projects of the 1-101 GAM series. Such houses do not have a rich facade and great amenities: the project does not provide for central heating, small rooms, and a courtyard ...
House series 1-994 Part 2
Автор Raysione
House series 1-994. Part 2 Greetings! This mod consists of 6 houses, made according to the projects of the series 1-994 Giprograzhdanpromstroy (part 2). The houses are different from the previous ones. They are large-block, quickly erected, their designs w...
Huge Fabric Factory (NEW)
Автор KArantukki
Huge Fabric Factory Based on a cotton mill in Leipzig (east Germany). - 2 railroad connections - 2 road connection - 500 places for workers...
House series 1-994 Part 1
Автор Raysione
House series 1-994. 1 part Greetings! This mod consists of 5 houses made according to the projects of the 1-994 series of Giprograzhdanpromstroy. The houses are different from the previous ones. They are large-block, quickly erected, their designs were app...
House series 1-216 & 1-164
Автор Raysione
I decided to make several simple houses in the late Stalinist style (series 1-164 was approved in 1954, and 1-216 in 1957, that is, after Khrushchev's decree in 1955 to eliminate architectural excesses) as well as some decor for them. The houses of the 1-1...
Panel house 9
Автор robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 145 workers, based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Quality of flats: 90%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, miesz...
House series 1-138 GAM
Автор Raysione
House series 1-138 GAM Greetings! This mod consists of 6 houses made according to projects of the 1-138 GAM series. Such houses, in contrast to the previous pack, are much better decorated and have many amenities: thick walls, large rooms, sewers, so that ...
Panel house 8
Автор robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 50 workers, based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszc...
Panel house 7
Автор robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 165 workers, based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszczący...
House of culture Pod Akacją
Автор robs074 Small house of culture based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 50 people. Mały dom kultury wzorowany na prawdzi...
House of culture Maki
Автор robs074 Small house of culture based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 6 workers and serves about 30 people. Mały dom kultury wzorowany na prawdziw...
House of culture (Belorechensk)
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a house of culture located in Belorechensk and built around 1948-1955 Unfortunately, this building is an example of how the post-Soviet space does not value their architecture. It has changed its appearance many times. At first...
Panel house 4
Автор robs074 Prefabricated blocks of flats, housing 50-105 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 90%. Bloki z wielkiej płyty, mieszc...
Hotel Rodina****
Автор Benco54
HOTEL RODINA **** A great luxury hotel for tourists with money. The hotel needs 53 workers, but offers a large car park in front of the building and an outside terrace at the rear. have fun...
Panel house 3
Автор robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 120 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszczący ...
Hotel Continental
Автор Vikom
Hotel Continental, a luxurious 12-floors hotel with a heliport (just a decoration), inspired by a real life Hotel Continental in Brno, which was built between 1961 and 1964 (opened on 4th May 1964). Architects: Zdeněk Řihák, Alois Semela, Vladimír Kovařík....
Hotel Commissar**
Автор Benco54
This is my Hotel Commissar ** Height: 74m Needed workers: 50 Attractive Score: 2.5 The Hotel Commissar ** is a real soviet/yugoslawia prefab style building. Enjoy it! ...
Panel house 2
Автор robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 185 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszczący ...
Hotel and Pub Salyut
Автор Benser
Гостиница "Салют" построена в 1984 году в городе Киеве. «Салют» стал одним из самых необычных построек минувшей эпохи. «Салют» в игре работает как бар и как отель. PUB $WORKERS_NEEDED 15 $CITIZEN_ABLE_SERVE 30 $ATTRACTIVE_SCORE 4.9 $ATTRACTIVE_SCORE_ALCOHO...
Palast der Republik (Party HQ/Attraction)
Автор KArantukki
Palast der Republik / Palace of the Republic The Palace of the Republic was a building in Berlin that hosted the Volkskammer, the parliament of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany or GDR), from 1976 to 1990. It serves as a party university just li...
Palace of Soviet
На разработку этого моего первого мода ушли много времени, для меня было непросто и хочу выразить огромную благодарность мододелам, которые сотрудничали и давали советы: (По алфавитному порядку) Akira43, comrade Dimitry, LexaR, ProToType, Raisyone, Ryanjev...
Hotel (4 stars) - skins
Автор robs074 Skins for 4-star hotel. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Palace of Culture and Science
Автор Raysione
Greetings! In this fashion, I created the Palace of Culture and Science, a real building located in Warsaw. This is one of the tallest and most famous buildings in Europe. I tried to model the building for the game as accurately as possible, but some decor...
Hotel (4 stars)
Автор robs074 Hotel based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 45 workers and houses about 135 tourists. Base tourist score: 4 stars. Hotel wzorowany na pra...
Hospital [FasterOriginal]
Автор RapidFire
This is an original hospital!.. But! Now without traffic jams! Thanks to additional driving courses, more than one ambulance can move around a hospital. The courses are free, so you can successfully use this hospital instead of the native one. However, the...
Автор LM25SD
Pak updated texture. Пак обновлённых текстур Pak updated texture. Обновлённые текстуры: 1. Луговая земля, перекопная земля. 2. Грунтовая, щебёночная, асфальтовая, асфальтовая-городская, ж/д дороги. 3. Соединительные складские дороги. 4. Текстура щебня. 5. ...
Hospital with helipad
Автор Gerbilskij
Edited vanilla hospital buiding with integrated functioning helipad. It is more expensive to build due to the additional structures and reinforcing, and has an additional parkiing slot for the helicopter. All other stats remain the same as the default buil...
Pak wooden buildings
Автор Raysione
Pak wooden buildings Are you missing cheap buildings to start the game? Couldn't find buildings for felling? Then this mod is for you :) He will add 14 different buildings and residential and infrastructure, which will be perfectly compatible with each oth...
Pak supermarkets
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains 4 department store buildings (grocery + department store), made according to projects: 51033, 51034 SoyuzGiproTorg (Approved by the Ministry of Trade of the USSR on February 14, 1952) and 53-122, 51-41 Center-Union (Approved on...
Pak stalinist posters
Автор Raysione
This pack of Stalinist posters, dating back to the late 40s and early 50s, was created especially for those who wish to build a real republic with a personality cult of the great and brilliant comrade Stalin :) Radius 80 Loyalty 5 Textures, model are taken...
Hospital series 2-05-30
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains several hospital buildings made according to the project 2-05-30 GIPROZDRAV. Approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on August 16, 1954. CHARACTERISTIC The main building Building type - hospital 16 teachers 36 workers Serves at...
Pak of portraits of Soviet leaders
Автор Raysione
A pack of portraits of Soviet leaders, as well as Comrade Zyuganov, the leader of the Communist Party of Russia, who could have been the next secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, and also Marx and Engels, the founders of the communist movement. And, of...
Hospital (VII-70)
Автор kostas667
The city hospital, massively built in Moscow from the late 1970s to the late 1990s. The project was developed by the Moscow Research and Design Institute of Culture, Health and Sports. Architects V. Fursov, I. Abaev, I. Moseshvili, E. Chuchmareva. Workers ...
Hospital (with Helipad)
Автор Benco54
Hello, this is my hospital. It requires 90 employees and 40 doctors, so it can also accommodate many patients. It offers space for 4 vehicles and from now on 1 for helicopters at the roof! there is a vehicle connection and 4 pedestrian connections as a sma...
Pak buildings: Planetarium
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains the Volgograd Planetarium built in 1954. He became a gift from the GDR to the Soviet people on the eve of Stalin's 70th birthday. In addition to the planetarium itself, the mod also contains an observatory and a transformer sta...
Pak fire stations 50s
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains 4 fire stations of the 4-16 series (Central design office of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs approved in 1955) for 1, 2, 4, 6 parking spaces CHARACTERISTIC Building type - fire department Options for 1, 2, 4, 6 cars No he...
Holden Station
Автор Fiend
My interpretation of the kind of station that Charles Holden might have come up with if he had lived in the Soviet Union. Capacity 4000 4 tracks Three versions included, with the road on the right or the left, and a smaller two-track one with no road conne...
Pack of Stalinst buildings
Автор Raysione
The pack of vanilla Stalinist buildings includes 13 variations of air-conditioned and glazed balconies. With these buildings, you can easily make a densely populated residential area in the Stalinist Empire style. So if you started playing before the 1960s...
High voltage railroad electric connection
Автор Emhyr var Emreis
This mod allows you to connect high voltage (power up to 13MW) to your rail system. Trains propel all Soviet republics! This mod allows you to power them up properly, comrade. Using default railroad electric connection our construction bureau was able to p...
High Flow Oil Rig
Автор Twiggy
Not getting enough from your Oil Rigs ? Well this is for you! This will enhance your max extraction of Oil to 30 tons per Workday which will give you better extraction when placed on Small or Large Deposits. Also with larger internal storage of 50 tons. ...
Heating Plants
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of small heating plants. Available in 4 sizes: X Small - 4 staff - 12 Gj of heat - 60m3 - No Pipes Small - 6 staff - 24 Gj of heat - 120m3 - No Pipes Medium - 8 staff - 40 Gj of heat - 200m3 - 2 Small Pipes Large - 10 staff - 70 Gj of heat - 3...
Hardau Pack
Автор Benco54
The Hardau building pack include the 4 High-rise buildings from Zürich, named Hardau building. You have all 4 original size buildings in this pack. Additional i made an extended version with 187m hight (inclusiv antenna) for tall building lovers. Its one o...
Heat exchanger
Автор robs074 Heat exchanger based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Includes two variants: with a pedestrian connection and with a road one. Capacity: 300 m3. W...
Pack of Stalinist buildings 2
Автор Raysione
The pack of vanilla Stalinist buildings includes 13 variations of air-conditioned and glazed balconies. With new textures, unlike my other mod. Thanks to Benser for the textures :) With these buildings you can easily make a densely populated residential ar...
Hammer and Sickle Monument
Автор Brammered
NOW UPDATED WITH LOYALTY STATS What is this? A modernist looking Hammer & Sickle Monument for your nation...because this game needs more monuments, and more Hammers & Sickles. Item in game is a Monument. Like what I've done? Hey, if you like this thing, it...
P-43 16 storey
Автор kostas667
P-43 is a tower type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the mid 1980s. Number of residents - 206 Quality of life - 87%...
HAL IW84 WBS70 (Plattenbau)
Автор Brammered
Model and Texture by the wonderful MeisterMonis. Converted for Workers & Resources by me. What’s this?: Made from blueprints of the original buildings, this is a collection of 5 and 6-floor, filler and end block buildings from Halle (Saale) from Cities Sky...
P-30 14 storey
Автор kostas667
P-30 is a project of prefabricated residential buildings from isolated block sections, developed by the design institute MNIITEP in the early 1970s. These houses were mainly built in Moscow. There are three buildings with different colors: blue, brown and ...
P-30 12 storey
Автор kostas667
P-30 is a project of prefabricated residential buildings from isolated block sections, developed by the design institute MNIITEP in the early 1970s. These houses were mainly built in Moscow. There are three buildings with different colors: blue, brown and ...
Gym(nasium/Sportshall) - GDR like
Adds a gym, working like a normal football field, but serving much more people. Employes 5 people, serves approximately 35 people....
P-3 9 storey
Автор kostas667
P-3 is the type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the end of the USSR. These houses were pretty comfortable for that time. There are two buildings with different colors: red and blue Number of residents -...
Gym 1950s style
Автор Raysione
This mod contains 3 gym buildings (small, medium, large). I just took such buildings out of my head, unlike previous mods CHARACTERISTIC. Small: 4 workers serves at least 42 people Average: 6 workers serves minimum 62 people Large: 8 workers minimum servic...
P-3 4 storey
Автор kostas667
P-3 is the type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the end of the USSR. These houses were pretty comfortable for that time. There are two buildings with different colors: red and blue Number of residents -...
Автор painkillerlexar
Greenhouse 2 type of greenhouse complex Use Coal for Warm Electro for light Chimical for save growing Greenhouse Complex for your Comrades Warning! Now in balancing resources!...
Granite embankment
Автор BORO
Гранитная набережная. 21 элемент для постройки набережной. Эти элементы можно размещать не только у воды. Granite embankment. 21 elements for building an embankment. These elements can be placed not only near water. 1. Набережная 12 метров (спортивная площ...
Grain Silo Multi
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A grain silo with multiple factory connections....
Grain hopper wagon
Автор Frantic_Monkey
Hopper wagon is a self-unloading railroad freight car used to transport loose bulk commodities; main carriage for grain transportation. Before the appearance of hoppers in the USSR in 1975, grain was transported in ordinary covered wagons, filling it throu...
Gradski Stadion
Автор Benco54
the Gradski football stadium holds almost 13,000 people. It has a conventional floodlight system and a well-designed cloakroom for the club's respectable players. There are 4 grandstands, one of which is the main grandstand, hard to miss! The stadium has a...
Overpass of a big heating pipe
Автор BORO
Эстакада большого теплопровода. Девять арок для автомобильных дорог. Девять арок для железных дорог. Тип здания – теплопередаточный пункт. Overpass of a big heating pipe. Nine arches for highways. Nine arches for railways. Building type - heating transfer....
P-3 17 storey
Автор kostas667
P-3 is the type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the end of the USSR. These houses were pretty comfortable for that time. There are two buildings with different colors: red, blue and yellow Number of res...
Outhouse Model-2
Автор ryantheskinny
Outhouse Model-2, Tin with wood frame. acts as a monument, so a decorative piece for your rural communities and worksites....
Outhouse Model-1
Автор ryantheskinny
Outhouse Model-1, Wood with tin roof. acts as a monument, so a decorative piece for your rural communities and worksites....
GDR HAL IW70 P2/11 Plattenbau skin
Автор Genosse_Domi
Hello my dear comrades, today I present you a skin for the east german prefab HAL IW70 P2/11 made by Brammered and MeisterMonis. This skin makes some slight texture adjustments so it fits in well among the very popular robs' buildings. Also it adds 3 colou...
Overpass of a big heating pipe 2
Автор BORO
Эстакада большого теплопровода 2. Тип здания – теплопередаточный пункт. Не воспламеняется. Overpass of a big heating pipe 2. Building type - heating transfer. Not flammable. Сделано на основе теплопередаточного пункта. Требует подключение электроэнергии. В...
GDR Texture Set Tiefbau (Construction Office)
Adds texture variants for the construction office (civil engineering) of the former german democratic republic (GDR). New for update 18th July: - Barkas B1000 Microbus added - Tatra texture improved New for update 31th July: - Stalinec bulldozer added - Ka...
Outdated: Farm Fueling Station Pack
Автор ryantheskinny
A collection of farm themed fueling stations, in green, reds, yellow and the old white color scheme. new items for updated game mechanics (building skins)
GDR "realistic"
Автор Michael
The GDR was founded on October 7, 1949. According to Russian sources, more than 3,000 factories in the Soviet occupation zone were dismantled as reparations and brought to the Soviet Union. This made it impossible for the GDR to keep up with the developmen...
Автор paster88
Avtobusnayi ostanovka...
Автор KsenoN
ГАЗ-14 «Чайка» — советский представительский легковой автомобиль большого класса, ручная сборка на Горьковском автомобильном заводе c 1977 по 1988 год. Всего было изготовлено 1 114 автомобилей этой модели. Первый экземпляр вишнёвого цвета был собран в конц...
Ostankino Television Tower
Автор phx.Ham
Based on Ostankino Television Tower Buildingtime 1963–1967 originally 537 meters high. This Objekt has the original hight with 537 meter. Have fun. ...
Orthodox Cathedral 2
Автор Rat
The Cathedral of the Archangel is a Russian Orthodox church dedicated to the Archangel Michael. It is located in Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin in Russia between the Great Kremlin Palace and the Ivan the Great Bell Tower. It was the main necropolis...
Orthodox Cathedral
Автор Rat
Kazan Cathedral, formally known as the...
Автор gachimuchiman
ГАЗ-АА - советский грузовой автомобиль грузоподъемностью 1,5 тонн. Производился на Горьковском Автозаводе с 1932 по 1938 год, когда после серьезных изменений стала производиться модификация ГАЗ-ММ. Так же, с 1934 года был начат серийный выпуск грузового ав...
Ortachala Firestation
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Inspired by Ortachala Fire Station in Tiblisi, Georgia. Capable of using up to 10 fire engines....
GAZ M20 Pobeda Police
Автор MBELA3858
Hello, this is police car GAZ M20 Pobeda with circular police beacon. Vehicle you can find in the section for ambulance vehicles in the DEPO, or Hospital....
Автор BORO
Сторожка. Можно строит в любом месте. Построенные здания и дороги мешать не будут. Gatehouse The constructed buildings and roads will not interfere. Can be built anywhere. Тип здания – завод. Подключение к дороге - нет. Подключение к пешеходной дорожке - д...
Автор Sahsa_STALKER
Soviet grocery store...
OneWay Cargo Stations
Автор Henning
OneWay Cargostation and one way Gravel Loading station....
Автор frostsey
Old Town Residential Blocks
Автор baronjutter
A delightful palette of old town buildings to create charming perimeter blocks for your historic Soviet Republic. This is the residential set, featuring a collection of blocks, strips, and individual buildings to create many configurations. I hope to add s...
Old Style Industry Pack
Автор Mayor__Defacto
Old Style Industry Pack - Much thanks to Ryantheskinny for miscellaneous industrial items (Crates, Fuel Tank), and Comrade Joe (Texturing for Large Rail-Connected Warehouse). Building models and Clothing Factory textures by Mayor__Defacto This pack current...
Old Town Hall
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains the old town hall from Riga (Latvia). You can place it on the city square of your old city and it will perfectly complement the ensemble of old Baltic architecture from my other mods. I want to say thanks to the creator of this...
Gas Station Pack (Hardau Style)
Автор Benco54
This is my gas station pack with the famous hardau style, it contains 14 different gas stations. The textures were taken over by the developer. I hope you can customize your game perfectly so that not every gas station looks the same. Please check our disc...
Gas Station Pack
Автор Benco54
This is my gas station pack, it contains 14 different gas stations. The textures were taken over by the developer. I hope you can customize your game perfectly so that not every gas station looks the same. Please check our discord server: https://discord.g...
Gas station with connection
(En) A gas station with piping, for four cars, in the Soviet style....
Gas (fuel) power plant
Автор Comrade Sky
This is an advanced NG/PG power plant that burns the lightest and cleanest fossil fuels in the motherland (and on the planet), but it is expensive to build and requires engineers to maintain the advanced equipment that prevents the release of most toxic po...
Old school - project 222
Автор Gerbilskij
Project 222 is a typical Soviet school buiding from the late stalinist period, it was built from the late 1940s to the 1950s. Stats are the same as the vanilla school. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been ada...
Автор MBELA3858
Real socialist garages for comrade's cars. With 3, 6 and 12x slots for cars. In the past wer used in the all socialist countries in the eastern europe and yugoslavia. Enjoy it Comrades!...
Old merchant ship
Автор Mauser_NATO
Старое торговое судно Года выпуска 1941 - 1968 Валюта USD ----------------------- Year of production 1941 - 1968 USD currency...
Автор BORO
Гаражи для личного транспорта. На 8, 16 и 32 машины. Тип здания – стоянка Garages for personal vehicles. On 8, 16 and 32 cars. Type of building - parking Дорога транзитная. При большом трафике машин, могут появиться пробки на дороге. The road is transit. W...
Frostsey's Updated Village house 2
Автор Ternet18
Small village house with a field, a fence and a greenhouse. Its an updated version of Frostsey's original building, with some quality of life improvements and balance. Created by Frostsey:
Frostsey's Updated Village house 1
Автор Ternet18
Small village house with a field and a fence. Its an updated version of Frostsey's original building, with some quality of life improvements and balance. Created by Frostsey: Model from...
Frostsey's Stalinist Services
Автор Ternet18
This pack contains several variations of the same model. -City hall (side road access) -City hall (front road access) -Hospital -Medical University Created by Frostsey: Model from his m...
Old General Cargo Ship Pack
Автор Wild Bunny
collection of Old General Cargo Ships includes: Motorschooner capacity: 150 speed: 6kn available from 1901 to 1957 for $ Kitesch capacity: 1890 speed: 9kn available from 1929 to 1976 for ₽ Frankfurt-Klasse capacity: 9690 speed: 13kn available from 1928 to ...
Frostsey's Stalinist Apartments Corner
Автор Ternet18
City corner apartment block built in Stalinist style. Its an updated version of Frostsey's original building, with some quality of life improvements and balance. Party HQ University variant here:
Frostsey's Stalinist Apartments
Автор Ternet18
City apartment block built in Stalinist style. Its an updated version of Frostsey's original building, with some quality of life improvements and balance. Includes 2 variants: -House -Student Hostel Created by Frostsey:
Frostsey's Restaurant
Автор Ternet18
Frostsey's Bar and Restaurant. Its an updated version of Frostsey's original building, with some quality of life improvements and balance. Created by Frostsey: Model from his mod: https...
Frome Russia with Love - Export
Автор Salty
Continuation of a series of mods dedicated to military construction units of the Soviet Army. The mod gives your republic the opportunity to establish the production and export of automotive, construction and special equipment from modification packages:...
Foxies Socialist Romanian Collection
Автор ryantheskinny
Currently includes a 'Station in a style common in transilvania' It holds 150 people and is very easy to build original model, scripting and textures by: theFox18 uploaded for him by yours truly...
Old classic cars
Автор Sahsa_STALKER
Старые классические автомобили Автор 3D-моделей-не я, имя автора не удалось найти. Все автомобили протестированы и работают без ошибок. Год выпуска приблизительно к реальному....
Oil and wood boiling stations (heating plants)
Автор Comrade Sky
Three small old heating stations: bitumen – 110m3 of hot water and enough storage for a whole winter worth of warmth, but it produces a lot of pollution LPG – 95m3 of hot water with a little less storage space and LPG is slightly more expensive to build, b...
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Offstravia is an original map I made for a playthrough series on my YouTube channel 'Off The Rails' Maximum population at start - circa 10,000...
Fountain Lenin with simulated water
Автор tomtomtotal
Support ME > < Support ME Decoration Monoment Fountain Lenin with simulated water if you like it give me a like :) ...
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
An aquarium for your people to marvel at the wonders of the deep blue sea. Works as a cinema for up to 250 people....
Offshore Wind farm (2005)
Автор Nyxyx
Modern Offshore wind farm: Generate a large amount of power (1000MWh/workday) for the modest price of about 250,000 1980 Rubles. Competetive with coal! -By Nyxyx...
Forklift Road Crossing
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
You can now cross the road with your forklift connections, allowing for much better planning. Vehicle clipping will occur, this I can't change. Rail crossing available here -
Forklift garage S + XL
Автор Lac_M
Small forklift garage for 2 forklifts forklift garage from game after reduction diet. And extra large for 8 forklifts...
Forklift Garage
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Forklift garage for 8 vehicles and a separate parking space for fuel deliveries. At the moment the garage menu only displays 4 vehicles, although 8 work fine without any issues. I have contacted the dev's and they are going to get it fixed soon....
Foreign Embassy
Автор Nyxyx
Embassy: Comes in two variants: a smaller variant with no grounds, and a larger variant with some landscaping. Now functions as a Hotel...
Ford LTD Crown Victoria Police Unit
Автор Lex713
Information Ford LTD Crown Victoria 1985 Police Interceptor - Full-size RWD car that was manufactured and marketed by Ford Motor Company from 1980 to 1991 Feautures: 6 skins: -County Sheriff; -Highway Patrol; -State Trooper; -Patrol Unit; -Unmarked Unit (W...
Football Stadiums
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A medium sized football stadium in a choice of 4 colour options. 30 staff - up to 600 visitors. If you would like to help support my work, you can make a donation here -
Food factory
Автор robs074 Food factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 90 workers. Requires 22 tons of crops and produces 10 tons of food per day when fully ...
FMZ Bizon Z040/50/56/56-7
Автор xlimeee
FMŻ Bizon combine harvester pack with different paintjobs. Harvesting skill ranging from 25 to 32, cost is simmilar to E512 Paczka kombajnów zbożowych FMŻ Bizon Z040/50/56/56-7. Szybkość koszenia od 25 do 32, koszt podobny co E512 Z040 Z050 Z056 Z056-7 poz...
Flats 9&13 st
Автор painkillerlexar
9 & 13 floor Flats Qual 97 workers 9 st- 120 13st- 160 13st 2t- 288 13st 3t- 400 9 - 13 st living Builds 5 variations...
Автор Nyxyx
Six flag options: -Small Flying -Small Still -Med Flying -Med Still -Large Flying -Large Still Each individiual version can be retextured by simply changing the in the mod folder. Find it under: Program Files(x86)/Steam/steamapps/workshop/cont...
Obninsk Nuclear Power Station
Автор Novu
The Obninsk Nuclear power station was the world's first nuclear power plant. Operated by the USSR it first opened in 1954 and was decommissioned in 2001. Employs 20 workers and 15 engineers and only produces 300MWh of electricity on a 5MW circuit breaker. ...
Fjordska Skins
Автор Brammered
Skins for the Fjordska: The Democratic People's Republic of Fjordland's answer to a housing shortage. 4 skins included in pack: - A red version of the default - A brown pebble dash and tile version - A white and blue tile version - A white and red tile ver...
Fjordska - Low Residential Housing
Автор Brammered
A MASSIVE thank you to Nibula on the W&R Discord, who helped correct some texture errors, which have made these buildings look 1000% better! What’s this?: In 1969, the government of the People’s Democratic Republic of Fjordland agreed on the development of...
Fixed fields
Автор MTandi
This mod adds copies of vanilla fields with a few fixes: 1. The road connections are exactly in the middle of the field side 2. The field is shown as a box, instead of a plane during the construction, so you can tell where the fences will be placed 3. The ...
Fishing Lighthouse
Автор Nyxyx
Fish industry: requires the lighthouse to be staffed, and ships to pick up the fish. This version has been modified for extra remote locations, with a helipad, GPS beacons, and an internal RTG; meaning it needs no external power. I am not responsible for a...
Nuclear water cooling
Автор Benco54
Nuclear water cooling plant. Now you can replace the cooling tower for your nuclear plant with my new mod. It need acess to water because it works with water :P The rest works like the cooling tower....
Nuclear Storage / Ядерное хранилище
Автор EZ88
A repurposed missile silo that can be used as Nuclear Storage facility. Small in size as the containers are stored underground. Has room for 26 containers. Переназначенный ракетный бункер, который можно использовать в качестве хранилища ядерных материалов....
Fisher house
Автор teeadm
Дом рыбака. Производит мясо из воды. Имеет 3 грузовых дока. Для работы требует 12 душ...
Fish Farm
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Fish Farm. Produces a small amount of meat in return for supplies of grain (to feed the fish) and wood (fuel for the smoker). Must be partially placed over the water (the side with the blue dots). Pre-levelling is definitely recommended as they can be a qu...
Nuclear Reprocessing Plant
Автор Benco54
This is the recycling plant for nuclear waste. It requires a lot of chemicals and, of course, nuclear waste for reprocessing. This will then produce the UF6 for nuclear fuel fabrication. Nuclear fuel was recycled in the USSR. Mainly in the so-called RT-1 p...
Nuclear Cooling and Spray Ponds
Автор Nyxyx
This set contains a cooling pond pump station, and a spray pond pump station. Rather than use gigantic cooling towers and the atompshere for heat recovery in your nuclear plants, use huge lakes of naturally cold water as your thermal heat sink! You will ne...
Northern Canada
Автор [FIRE] L4z0rr0b0tz
PLEASE SUPPORT IF YOU LIKE: Somewhere in Northern Canada, 1960... The resources of this wooded archiplago are plentiful, but most of the oil and iron is located in the more isolated reaches the region. You may begin by trading with Ru...
Fire station 4-16-21
Автор Gerbilskij
Model project 4-16-21 was a typical Soviet fire station built between the '50s to the mid '60s. It comes in two variants, one with a plaster facade and a brick one (updated). This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has b...
FIAT DUCATO ambulance
Автор Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other fiat ducato mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ map layout is kept same as my first ducato maxi version so your own skin...
Fire station
Автор robs074 Fire station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 5 fire engines. Remiza strażacka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublin...
Fences and arches
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a pack of fences and arches: Yard fence 1, 3, 8 sections + arch to it. Park fence 1, 3, 8 sections + arch to it. With the help of my mod, you can perfectly decorate courtyards and parks with these lovely 1950s style fences. P.S (arches an...
Fence PO-2/Забор ПО-2
Widespread in the USSR concrete fence PO-2. Fence sections fit well together. If you decide to fence off any building with this fence, then from the beginning put a fence, and only then connect the building to the road. The fence does not interfere with th...
Farm Fuel Tank
Автор Doristela
Fuel oil reserve for refueling your Kolkhoz vehicles. 3 tanks of 8 m3 = 20t of fuel. Functions as a service station, must be refueled. Should be placed on a flatened ground....
Farm Assets
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of small decorative items for your farming areas. Pack includes: Wooden Cart Grain Silo Old Barn 2 Windmills Fences 10m, 20m, 40m Fences with gates 10m, 20m, 40m All these are coded as monuments and serve no purpose other than purely for aesth...
Ферма для засеивания и собирания урожая, имеет малое хранилище зерна на 30т, дешевая для возведения. Farm for sowing and harvesting, has a small grain storage for 30 tons, cheap for construction....
Fance panel PO-2
Автор BORO
Железобетонная панель ограды. Забор можно строит в любом месте. Построенные здания и дороги мешать не будут. Reinforced concrete fence panel The fence can be built anywhere. The constructed buildings and roads will not interfere. Модель точно повторяет раз...
Factory Watch Tower (Заводская вышка)
Автор Tesmio
Заводская смотровая вышка. Тип здания - завод. Требуется электричество и 1 рабочий, чтобы зажечь фонарь. Factory observation tower. Building type - factory. It requires electricity and 1 worker to light the lantern....
Автор Alexander
This is my second attempt to mod a vehicle to this game. Thanks to all guides and authors in W&R Community! I created this mod for early steam locomotive for my personal use and decided to share. Note: this is not a realistic representation of an actual hi...
Extra-Long Vehicle Depot
Автор Fiend
My original long vehicle depot was meant to be this, but the game didn't support more than 8 parking spaces. Now that the game has been updated, I can release this one. Space for 16 vehicles. Update: Added a distribution office version. Also changed the fe...
New year's square
Автор Holodets
Playground with a Christmas tree. at night, everything glows beautifully. It works as a movie theater with low traffic. It can work without seasons. the texture of the barrel was taken from the game heating is not required...
New Textures
This Mod change some textures and icons. (all changes create in max graphic) ...Tip from me.... Turn of the grassanimation, not necessary with this mod. -colorized worker/students/child icons -road -grass -rail -different trees -industrie connetion -some o...
Extra Barbed Wire Fence
Автор βlu∃_βrO
Another version of my barbed wire fence, this time with extra barbed wire coil going in the middle. 6m high, suitable for any kind of building worth protecting in your humbble, peaceful rebuplic. Comes in a set of 1, 3 and 10 pieces for easy placement. Ďal...
Автор Chestir
Мод с экскаваторами: Французский POCLAIN 115P Максимальная скорость 24 км/ч Заменяет 28 работников Доступен 1974-1982 Японский KATO HD-1500GYS Максимальная скорость 3 км/ч Заменяет 40 работников Доступен 1978-1987 Добавлен: Советский ЭО-2621 Максимальная с...
Eternal flame
Вечный огонь — постоянно горящий огонь, символически знаменующий собой торжественную память народа о павших героях, борцах за свободу, за честь Родины. Eternal flame-a constantly burning fire, symbolically marking the solemn memory of the people of the fal...
Estuary - Porto Alegre
Автор Elessar_warrior
Map with 5 rivers and a big estuary, ideal for ships and helicopters. Resources localized to encourage a more spread out gameplay. There are lots of flat land. Southeastern portion is mountanous and full of resources. Middle has some marshes. This is based...
Extra Large Grain Elevator
Автор Pyro
An even larger grain elevator built from prefab panels. It stores 48,000 tons of grain. Check out my smaller grain elevator here https://steamcommunity...
New one way road way!
Автор Raysione
New one-way road marking! Many people do not like the current texture of a one-way road, and I thought: maybe the old road marking is suitable for marking one-way roads? Installation: (It is recommended that you back up so that you can delete the mod) 1. S...
Ernst Thälmann Monument
Автор Brammered
NOW UPDATED WITH LOYALTY STATS What’s this?: Found in Ernst Thälmann Park in East Berlin, this Bronze Bust to the late Communist Party Leader, with a height of 14 m (46 ft) was created by Soviet sculptor Lev Kerbel between 1981 and 1986. Some plaques with ...
New Customs
Автор SerpPort
I still cannot work with 3D models (my monitor does not allow working normally in building editors), but I can correct the parameters of the original buildings, in my opinion. Whoever likes it - subscribe !!! So, I added 5 new customs posts to the game. Th...
New Checkpoints
Автор Tesmio
КПП - контрольно-пропускной пункт для транспорта, направляющегося на режимный объект. Создан в кооперации с Blue_Bro специально для его забора. В игре представлен как остановка. Checkpoint - a checkpoint for vehicles heading to a secure facility. Created i...
Electronics Assembly Hall v2
Автор Novu
Same as standard Eletronics factory but does not require researching circuitry to build. Assemble electronics as your first industry to make the big bucks....
New Bus Stations V2 Pack
Автор Akira43
This is a pack of 4 new bus stations all using advanced pathing to allow multiple vehicles to go into and out of the station at the same time. The pack includes: 1- A new medium bus station (V2 - 3 vehicle stations) based on the vanilla Cargo staion. 2- A ...
Electronic Components Factory v2
Автор Novu
Same as standard electronic component factory but does not require researching semiconductors to build....
Автор paster88
Монумет Наука monument glory to Soviet science...
Electrical Organizers
Автор Nyxyx
A set of equipment for more organized electrical grids. The combs are especially useful for powerplants. Edit: So it turns out the game has some dumb restriction where buildings cannot route more than a total of 19MW through them. I don't know why the deve...
EJ 460 by 4smiler
Автор 4smiler
Electric multiple unit 460 is designed for operation on tracks with 3 kV DC traction supply system. Two electric units coupled together with 2 or 3 passanger wagons were typical for intercity transportation in ČSR (Czechoslovak Socialist Republic). They we...
Music School
Автор Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Всем привет! Соскучились по моим модификациям? Я тоже соскучился! Описание: Усадьба, выполненная дореволюционном стиле, дожившая до современности. Сейчас в этом здании располагается — музыкальная школа. Подобных роскошных зданий на территории России и стра...
Eastern Sayan and Yenisei Mountains (SSHPP)
Meet the MAIN map update: - An extra river in the North has been removed -The mountains in the upper left corner were removed and replaced with a plain without a forest (steppe) -Roads were built outside the republic - The location of the Yenisei in the No...
Music School
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Small school of music. Acts as a normal school for up to 50 students. The rear of the building houses a mosaic copied from the Tchaikovsky Almaty School of Music in Kazakhstan. Original mural by Evgeny Sidorkin, Genrikh Danderfer and Oleg Bogomolov 1969-70...
Museum SNP
Автор βlu∃_βrO
Built in 1967, Musuem SNP is a memorial and museum situated in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia. Its main purpose is to remember those fallen in WW2. Its a bigger version of one already in game. Building stastics are the same as Pyramid Museum. Postavená v roku 1...
Multirail high voltage connections
Автор almensky
Multirail high voltage connections This mod allows you to connect high voltage (power up to 14MW) lines to your rail system. Electric substation for railway with high-voltage connection. Version for 4, 6 and 8 tracks available....
Multilevel Garage (45 places)
Автор Holodets
Garage box for 45 cars. Very well suited for residential areas away from shops, cinemas, schools and so on. It is not suitable for the last places, as it can form a cork and hang the machine. cars should not get stuck. This bug is gone. Try it, but be care...
Eastern Baltic lowland (Medium Blank)
Автор drek150
The greatest wealth of the eastern Baltic lowlands are fertile land and Dense Forests ane not much more. ...
Early start Mack AC Megapack
Автор βlu∃_βrO
As always, huge thanks goes to ryantheskinny for comissioning me to make this awesome, lovely early start pack! We are happy to release what was 2 months work in progress, a huge pack of 19 uniquely styled vehicles for all your early start needs. This pack...
Multifunctional Buildings
Автор HardCore Gaming
Do you want to organize a shop, pharmacy, bar, library on the ground floor of a residential building? Or should we also place a bar with a cinema in the same building of a large shopping center? Now this is not a problem! This mod allows you to connect sma...
Early soviet EMUs
Автор ZIMA
Baku–Surachany EMU This is the first electric multiple unit produced in the USSR. It was intended for Baku–Sabuntschi–Surachany (Azerbaijan) and produced by Mytischtschinsjy Wagon Plant. This plant had no any experience in EMU, but have been one of the mai...
Early soviet dumpcars
Автор ZIMA
Ранние советские вагоны-самосвалы Вагоны-самосвалы (думпкары) это грузовые вагоны, оборудованные устройством для механизированной разгрузки сыпучих грузов. Они предназначены для перевозки различных руд, вскрышных пород и полезных ископаемых по магистралям ...
DZ 143
Автор vinnikandry
Mountains and Valleys
Автор Saxon
The breakaway province from an empire that fell to the revolution. It consists of large, fertile. populated valleys seperated by steep mountains. While there are few passes to the abroad, these are connected by an old railway line, spanning almost all impo...
Multi Rail Large Capacity Open Storage
Автор Twiggy
Large and Small Open Storage with Double Rail on Both Sides. Large Storage has a capacity of 2500, 4 Rail lines 12 factory connections, 2 road connections. 4 vehicle stations Small storage has a capacity of 1250, 4 Rail lines 8 factory connections, 2 road ...
Автор vinnikandry
Автор KsenoN
ДТ-75 (75М) — гусеничный сельскохозяйственный трактор общего назначения. В 2013 году Волгоградский тракторный завод отметил полувековой юбилей со дня начала производства ДТ-75. Трактор приобрёл хорошую репутацию благодаря удачному сочетанию высоких эксплуа...
Drive Through Stations
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Drive through bus stations which allow regular traffic to pass. Sending too many vehicles through these will still likely cause traffic jams as the buses will queue to enter the station platforms, this I can't do anything about....
Downtown Tourism
Автор Novu
Touristy buildings designed for urban downtown areas. Includes Downtown Brick hotel and and Indoor hotel pool. More buildings to come later. Compatible with Mixed Use Urbanism shops. Added Outdoor Pool Added Garden Hotel Added road connections to Hotels...
Double Unit Nuclear Heating Plant
Автор DirrrtyDirk
Nuclear Heating Plant with a heating power of 2040 GJ/day. With it's 34 big heat pipe connection, it can feed a large city with district heating. Nuclear Heating Plants are not cheap, using the special integral thermal reactor AST-500, which also companies...
Motor Works
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A small vehicle manufacturing plant. Works at 1/10th the rate of the vanilla facility, although much smaller and much cheaper. Under the mod category Production Line. Available in two colours, white tiles or red brick and with mirrored versions for easy pl...
Double Barbed Wire Fence
Автор βlu∃_βrO
I am happy to present to you what is likely the last addition to my (concrete) fence collection. Its a fence with extra layer of barbed wire in fron of it for times, when you are oversupplied with iron or being invaded by bears. No pedestrian connection, c...
Автор painkillerlexar
Monument of MotherlandCalls...
Mosaic Achievements of the National Economy
Автор Raysione
This mod will add to the game two versions of a mosaic depicting the achievements of the national economy and a happy Soviet life. Subscribe to this mod if you want to portray your achievements in the republic and the happy life of citizens :) P.S I took a...
Morgenrot (Populated)
Автор KArantukki
Balanced map with a three towns and several smaller villages. Ressources are evenly distributed....
DODGE Tradesman VAN (1971)
Автор Mauser_NATO
First generation minibus from Dodge. Produced from 1971 to 1978. 8 options: 1 - Passenger. 1 - Open. 2 - Covered. 1 - Refrigerator. 2 - Ambulance. 1 - Police 1 - Police bus 20 colors. Currency USD....
Dizel elektro stanciay
Автор paster88
Дизель электро станция diesel power plant...
Monuments from the world of stalker
Автор Sahsa_STALKER
Monuments from the world of stalker....
Автор Benser
New monuments:(WWII small memorial, Stylized wheat ear, new one - sputnik) 27.10.2021 add for all monuments $MONUMENT_GOVERNMENT_LOYALTY_RADIUS 250 $MONUMENT_GOVERNMENT_LOYALTY_STRENGTH 4.5 Другие мои работы/ More my mods:
Distribution offices & techical services
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains 6 buildings of car depots (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 32 parking spaces) and 3 buildings of technical services (4, 8, 12 parking spaces). Such buildings have no analogues, I came up with it myself :) The same buildings that act as const...
Distillery / Спирткомбинат
Автор Benser
Лохвицкий спиртовой комбинат (ЛСК) — предприятие спиртовой промышленности в городе Заводское Полтавской области Украина. Производил спирт, ликеро-водочную продукцию и биотопливо. Lokhvitsky alcohol plant is a factory of the alcohol industry in Zavodske tow...
(рус)________________ Депо железнодорожного транспорта, длинные поезда не поддерживает. (en)________________ Railway depot, long trains are not supported....
Victory Memorial Museum
Автор SerpPort
Apple and pear trees blossomed Mists floated over the river. Katyusha went ashore, On a high bank, on a steep one. Happy Victory Day!!!!!!!!!! --------------------------------------------------------- Katyusha Appeared during the Great Patriotic War of 194...
Modular Farm PGR LEGACY
Автор neigabZkezoJ
Modular Polish farm PGR (State Agricultural Farm) avaiable modules: Farm Cow farm Pig farm Chicken farm Big silo Fruit orchard ...
Modified Hospital-2Roads
Автор Akira43
The original hospital from the game modded to allow 2 road entrances for more in/out flexibility and 8 parking slots. All other stats are same as original. Hopefully it will cut down those ambulance queues a bit (At the very least they will get distributed...
Modified Agro Farms
Автор Twiggy
This will add 2 Modified Agro Farms which include > 2 with 24 Mechanism slots. 2 with 2 Road connections. 1 with 10 Factory connections. 1 with 8 Factory connections. 1 with 2 Rail lines. 2 with 6 Vehicle stations. And also a larger internal capacity of 20...
Decorative Slag Pots
Автор melcalcio
Thanks to the help of the W&R modding community, I can finally publish my first mod. Here is a collection of slag pots. You can use them as decorative items for steel mills due to the fact that there's no slag in game. The mod is located under monuments. P...
Department Stores 2-07-11/12
Автор Raysione
This mod contains two typical department stores of series 2-07-11 (frontal) and 2-07-12 (corner) made exactly according to these 1952 projects (see screenshots). CHARACTERISTIC. 60 workers Minimum service 324 people Food storage 35 tons Such department sto...
Decor for the Palace of Culture and Science
Автор Raysione
Greetings! Did you miss the decor for the Palace of Culture and Science? Me too, that's why I decided to make this mod. This is a small addition to my previous mod, in which I made the Palac...
Modern Storage Pak
Автор Nyxyx
The final word in storage. I take no responsibility for any loss of framerate. Open storage: 35,000t of steel Coolstore: 13,500t of meat General storage: 7,200t of crops Vehicle storage: lots...
Decor elements
(Рус) Элементы декора для оформления тротуаров и площадей. Установка в любом месте. Дорожка прокладываеться до или после декора. Замена асфальтных площадей под зданиями, тротуарной плиткой. Отдельное спасибо BORO, за помощь в создании мода. (En)Decor eleme...
Автор BORO
Дебаркадер Debarkader Речной вокзал --- River Station Кино - Театр --- Cinema - Theater Ресторан --- Restaurant Гостиница --- Hotel Ко всем зданиям может причаливать пассажирский водный транспорт. To all buildings can moor passenger water transport. 1 – Ре...
Mirrored stalinka
Автор Raysione
Just a mirrored stalinka with a clean facade, no air conditioning, nothing more...
MN TG 18.4
Автор 3division
Transport capacity: 21 tons Empty Weight: 7.5 tons Engine Power: 320 KW Transport type: Covered Country: Germany Available: 2000 - present Available for purchase for dollars...
Minol Gasstation (DDR/GDR)
Автор KArantukki
Minol Gas Station Minol gas station of the german democratic republic. - 2 road connections - 6 vehicle slots...
Deadlock 2
Автор Tesmio
In the original game there are no beautiful railway dead ends for the design of railways. This mod fixes the situation. It is a monument and requires very little resources. --- This is a revised version of a previous item, configured from scratch. Now it i...
Ministry of Finance
Автор KArantukki
Ministry of Finance This serves as party HQ/university in the game. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
Ministry of Education
Автор KArantukki
Ministry of Education This serves as party HQ/university in the game. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
Автор Søgaard
This is a map that contains a large flat area with a river that splits in two and a swamp like area. The map also contains some big majestic mountains with a large lake that has access to the border so you can use ships. this is the second map i have made,...
Csepel D750
Автор Gerbilskij
The Csepel D750 truck series was introduced in 1978, it was essentially an improved upgrade of the previous D730 and D740 series. This truck is visually similar to the Polish Jelcz, as it uses its tilt cab, which was also used for the previous D730, D740 a...
Ministry of Culture
Автор KArantukki
Ministry of Culture This serves as party HQ/university in the game. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
Автор Augusto_Panalitico
In English Monument to Minin and Pozharsky. The monument to Minin and Pozharsky is a sculptural monument dedicated to the leaders of the Second national militia in 1612, as well as to the end of the time of Troubles and the expulsion of Polish intervention...
Country club series 2-06-40
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a typical club 2-06-40 made exactly according to the project around 1954-1956 CHARACTERISTIC. 3 workers serves at least 100 people Such a village club will ideally fit into any of your village, subscribe :)...
Country club series 093
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a typical village club series 093 made exactly according to the 1954 project CHARACTERISTIC. 7 workers serves at least 200 people Works like a movie theater Such a small club in the Stalinist Empire style will perfectly fit into any of yo...
Mill-Tower (grain storage)
Автор Benco54
This is the mill tower, it based on the real exist mill tower in Zurich, Switzerland. Wikipedia: It has the original size and the real storage volume: 60'000 tons When you have some problems or issues please let me k...
Military construction unit of the Ministry of defense of the USSR Part 2
Автор Salty
Continuation of a series of mods dedicated to military construction units of the Soviet Army. I thanks everyone who points out the shortcomings and shortcomings in the work of the modification. Together we will make the mod even better. Peace to all. ...
Cooperative school series
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a cooperative school made according to project No. 52-07 (CITP No. 1071) CenterUnion. Approved on September 16, 1952. Such a small building can be conveniently located in a village or city to provide residents with a higher edu...
Cooling towers
Автор Comrade Joe
This mod proposes a cooling tower alternative in the style of power plants found in various parts of the USSR, in industrial centers like Tolyatti, Samara, Novosibirsk, and Irkutsk, among many others. Typically smaller than the big concrete ones, these coo...
Mig 21 Monument
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Mig 21 Monument. My own version of other similar Soviet era monuments. Due to the shape of the model I have had to put the footpath at the back but this is only needed if you want to build it with a construction office. Monuments serve no purpose other tha...
Conveyor towers
Автор MTandi
An alternative to the standard conveyor engine that makes your conveyor spaghetti better organized. Differences: - All conveyor attachments are elevated - Has 2 footpath connections that can be used instead of road connection after construction is complete...
Military construction unit of the Ministry of defense of the USSR Part 1
Автор Salty
Military construction unit of the Ministry of defense of the USSR Part 1 This mod is a set of objects of the field camp of the military construction detachment of the Ministry of defense of the USSR. An attempt was made to recreate the structures and struc...
Conveyor Road & Rail Crossings
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Easily connect up your conveyor belts over the top of roads and rails. 6 roadside towers with a combination of inputs and outputs and 10 crossings with 3 inputs and 3 outputs, all are symmetrical so can be placed either way round. Includes roadside towers ...
Mid Height Conveyor Set
Автор Twiggy
Easy to connect Mid Height Conveyors. With added Pass Through road connections...
Mi-2 skin pack
Автор Gerbilskij
Skin pack for the Mi-2 helicopter, including both realistic and generic semi-fictional liveries. At the moment the pack includes the following liveries: - Air ambulance 1 (generic, inspired by the Mi-17-18 A expo livery) - Air ambulance 2 (yellow with red ...
MHD zastávky BA
Автор Lac_M
Replacement for vanilla bus and trolleybus stops. + one side bus stop + small trolleybus stop + small bus station + small trolleybus station I will add more variants later. 3D model by: ryantheskinny...
Автор HardCore Gaming
Ability to build Metro Station and Metro Tunnels in your Republic! Please see video to know how it works. You need some additional ground works :) Locate Metro station at Passenger stations and Tunnels at Forklift Garage mod menu. As bonus you can build ot...
Mercedes-Benz W124
Автор Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Mercedes-Benz W124 — серия легковых автомобилей бизнес-класса немецкой торговой марки Mercedes-Benz, которая производилась в 1984—1996 годах. Впервые была представлена в 1984 году и предназначалась для замены моделей серии W123. В 1995 году автомобили W124...
Mercedes-Benz w123
Автор Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ UPDATE: turning wheels MERCEDES - BENZ W123 280E -14 colours -LOD included from 100m...
Container Wagon
Автор βlu∃_βrO
Train production in screenshot made by OffTheRails: Containers kindly provided by Nyxyx :). Brand new redesign of my container wagon with 7 different variations of skins. Ca...
Автор MemaBD
Fictional, mountainous, region with a large complex river system. I would like to read your opinions, so write me in the comments. Have fun and thank you....
Container Terminal
Автор SerpPort
Container terminal is a transport infrastructure facility focused on working with containers. The main operations of a container terminal include transshipment of containers from one type of transport to another (or from one side to another) and temporary ...
Medium Waterfront Store
Автор Fiend
Medium sized store, capacity 600. It has two docking stations for ships, two railway lines, and two vehicle stations....
Container Ship pack
Автор Wild Bunny
Collection of Container ships and Multipurpose Heavy Lift Vessels. This Collection includes: Sietas Typ 178 capacity: 17850t/1082TEU speed: 19kn available from 2008 to 2030 for $ T2-SE-A1 (Ideal X style) capacity: 16300t/86TEU (Oil and Containers) speed: 1...
Medium kindergarten (80s)
Автор robs074 Medium kindergarten based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 18 workers and serves about 180 children. Średnie przedszkole wzorowane na praw...
Construction Prop Pack: Vehicles
Автор Lex713
Information This prop pack includes total of 36 static construction related vehicles from vanilla game for all your decoration needs and it's only first pack of little construction series I'm gonna release for our great republics. Just like all my ploppabl...
Construction Machinery Base
Автор SerpPort
Hello everyone!!! I would like to present to you my next masterpiece. Hope everyone likes it. How many times have you wanted big construction companies? And construction offices that could be put somewhere well, very far away, and quite cheap. Or maybe you...
Автор morcup
Here is another map. For a long time, I thought that the terrain was from somewhere along the Columbia River. Not the case... after two years of wondering, I finally found the location of the map, for those curious: It is Newport, WA, on the border with Id...
Medical university
Автор robs074 Medical university based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 45 workers with basic education and 45 lecturers. Serves about 135 students. Uni...
Concrete Plant (Brickstone)
Автор KArantukki
Concrete plant made of brickstone and steel - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - place for 5 workers...
Meat storage
Автор robs074 Meat storage based on a real building in Krępiec near Świdnik, Poland. Stores 350 t of meat. Magazyn mięsa wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Krępcu pod...
Advanced Grain Silo
Автор PostreDeYogur
Grain Silo/Elevator based on a port building in my city. Holds about 700% more grain than the base one, as it has way more tanks. 2 Industrial connections, one at each side of the elevator itself...
Автор olDen
Maz 200 SPEED 65 WEIGHT 6.5 AVAILABLE 1951 1965 the model is created by Inknown...
MAZ-105 MAZ-107
Автор olDen
MAZ 105 SPEED 85 CAPACITY 160 AVAILABLE 1997 2017 MAZ 107 SPEED 90 CAPACITY 120 AVAILABLE 2001 3000 the model is adapted by denizabr...
Adolph Bergs Vei Social Housing
Автор Brammered
What’s this?: Adolph Bergs Vei, also known as Chicago Blocks/Street, is a residential street in the city of Bergen, Norway. These Social Houses are well known within the city, and feature 4 storey duplex housing. Stats: Building is residential 92% quality ...
MAZ -530
Автор vinnikandry
Soviet heavy-duty dump truck with a 6 ? 4 wheel arrangement, produced serially by the Minsk Automobile Plant and the Belarusian Automobile Plant from 1957 to 1960 and from 1960 to 1963, respectively....
Mayor__Defacto's Universities Collection
Автор Mayor__Defacto
This is a pack that will be updated as I make structures. It presently contains a Small Communist Party HQ, and a Small Technical University. Much thanks to Ryantheskinny for in-game building icons!...
9-storey E93
Автор Gorbachev
9 этажный жилой дом серии Э93. Здание на 63 квартиры (126 рабочих). Годы строительства 1968-2000 Проект создан через стандартный редактор зданий, при использовании текстур Prefab apartments element от 3DVISION 9-storey residential building of the E93 serie...
8 and 5 storey flats prefab
Автор 3division
Two flats prefab buildings 8 storey and 5 storey. For moders: Check source files to see how to place more buildings in the one workshop item. Documentation will follow soon! (works with version and higher)...
Mayor Defacto's New Industry Pack
Автор Mayor__Defacto
This pack is intended to have a variety of industrial buildings, made in a a soviet style, for various purposes....
Massive mining
Автор Kapik1081
The Massive Mining Pack adds a set of miningn buildings that will allow your repbulics mining industry to compete with the rest of the world. This mod adds: >Gigantic coal and iron mines ( 1500 workers, 6300 tons of iron production or 6750 tons of coal pro...
Maritime Infrastructure Pack
Автор Mayor__Defacto
Assorted Harbours to improve maritime infrastructure in your republic. Goes well with my Motor Barges Pack....
Marble County
Автор Lex713
  Information Marble County features semi-fictional region based on real life area in Montana State, USA. While landscape is real, most part of road grid are fictional as well as big National Park in south-east part of the map (In real life it's Bowdoin Na...
Main library
Автор robs074 Main library based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a cinema. Employs 40 workers and serves about 280 people. It also works as a tourist ...
Main Firestation East Germany, 6 fireengines
Adds a building inspired by main firestation east Berlin (Marzahn) and (Bernard Kunze). Can hold 6 fire engines....
50s style airport
Автор Raysione
This mod contains an airport building made in the 1950s style, as well as a distpecher tower. CHARACTERISTIC capacity of 500 people 20 tons of fuel THE AIRPORT IS COMBINED WITH THE DISTRESS TOWER, BUT FOR IT TO WORK YOU NEED TO PLACE AN ASPHALT SITE NEXT T...
5 storey Building 4 entrance
Автор matvey.zi
Этажей - 5. Население 240 качество жилья 50 Panel building. Floors - 5. Population 240 quality of housing 50...
Macau City
Автор Baby Smart
This is the initial version of the Macau City Map, with about 15% complete....
5 Lenin Monuments
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of small Lenin mosaics...
Lyubinsk (Uninhabited version)
Автор PhasyX
The 4-year-long war has finally concluded and our glorious nation has proven victorious. We have "liberated" this country from the abysmal greed of the capitalists and you have been tasked to handle the borough of Lyubinsk. Here are the details: Lyubinsk i...
LSM House of culture
Автор robs074 House of culture based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers and serves about 120 people. Dom kultury wzorowany na prawdziwym budynk...
4 way switch high 2
Автор ⑨汁糖
4 way eletric high output...
4-axle soviet flatcar
Автор ZIMA
4-х-осная платформа для перевозки техники и других грузов. Доступна с 1935 года. Авторы: Old, Alex, Ural_102 Конвертирование: ZIMA 4-axle flatcar for transportation of vehicle and other goods. Available from 1935. Created by Old, Alex, Ural_102 Converted b...
4 Way Train Pumping Stations
Автор Twiggy
This will add 2 Train Pumping Stations with Inputs and Outputs on both sides. Includes/ Original size and Full Train length size. Road position has been moved and another two connections added on the full size station. Both road connections are a pass thro...
Long Vehicle Depot
Автор Fiend
Longer, thinner vehicle depot, for squeezing into narrow spaces. Looks better with smaller vehicles....
4 way switch high
Автор ⑨汁糖
4 point switch high...
long rail depot
Автор BORO
long rail depot Длинное здание железнодорожного депо. В двух вариантах исполнения. 1 - здание без лозунга. 2 – здание с лозунгом «Решения партии в жизнь» На здании без лозунга вы можете написать собственный текст. The long building of the railway depot. In...
Long perpendicular parking
Автор Holodets
Long Parking (perpendicular parking 2) lot along the road. 18 seats. Vehicles and pedestrians can pass through it. It takes up little space, and can be placed in courtyards between houses. 2 version: - parking - parking-trolleybus...
4 apartment building 1-202-1
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a 4-apartment building series 1-202-1 (GorStroyProekt). Approved around 1947. CHARACTERISTIC Brick_house (4_storey) Building Type- Hospital 16 inhabitants 85% comfort You can support the creation of new mods, I will be immensel...
Lokheed C-130H Hercules
Автор Lex713 What's up, Doc? Production: 1964 - nowdays; Manufacturer: Lockheed Martin, USA; Top speed: 700 km/h; Engine: 4 х Allison T56-A-15; Capacity: 22t; Wingspan: 40m; Length: 30m; Height: 11.5m; Takeoff distance: 777m. 12 Skins, 8...
3 Old planes
Автор Mauser_NATO
There were 3 aircraft models. Douglas DC-3 passenger - cargo. 6 colors Junkers Ju 52 passenger. Messerschmitt Me.323 Cargo 2 colors. Termination of release for all in 1963. Currency USD....
Logistic Depot (Distribution Office 32 slots)
Автор Klapaucius IV
DISTRIBUTION OFFICE v2 Trucks capacity: 32 Click on the images to see in full resolution =) About v2 On the actual version you have a single one road entrace to prevent some game bug(vehicles going outside without logistic j...
Logging Camp
Автор RED
Logging camp Building model - base game version Are you tired of plopping trees all the time? Well, your toil is over. I rescripted base woodcutting camp into factory. Now, trees will be supplied in return for food and alcohol. What?! Cutting trees is hard...
Автор Vikom
Does your republic feel festive? The anniversary of the revolution? Does another great leader visit your republic? Do you host an international exhibition? Use these colourful light-girlands to make your city's main street shine! You can place them anywher...
Автор gachimuchiman
ЛиАЗ-677 - советский городской высокопольный автобус, производился на Ликинском автобусном заводе с 1968 по 1982. Появился на смену модели 158 и был заменен модернизированной своей версией 677М. В игре имеет 6 вариантов окраса. ЛиАЗ-677Б - советский пригор...
Liaz 677 skin pack
Автор MC Bonito
Some cool skins for one of the best bus in the world...
3 into 1 Conveyor Transfer
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
3 into 1 Conveyor Engine...
Автор bacr1492
2te10v Diesel locomotive,can working in one secion and two.Available between 1974 - 1981,Power 3000hp,speed 100km/h.Model converted from mod of gta sa.Original model:awaken,RoM,Reskin: BNSF,me.Convert to gta sa:AriaMan,convert to w&r me....
Автор Gorbachev
26 этажный жилой дом жилого комплекса "Строитель". Башня 2. Здание на 306 квартир (612 рабочих). Проект реализован компанией "Спецстрой России" в 2005 году. Проект создан через стандартный редактор зданий, при использовании текстур Prefab apartments elemen...
Автор Gorbachev
25 этажный жилой дом жилого комплекса "Строитель". Башня 1. Здание на 296 квартир (592 рабочих). Проект реализован компанией "Спецстрой России" в 2005 году. Проект создан через стандартный редактор зданий, при использовании текстур Prefab apartments elemen...
Leningradskaya Hotel *****
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a hotel building made from a photo of the Leningradskaya hotel, which is located in Moscow, as well as an additional building (without collisions), which you can insert into your hotel, thereby increasing the number of meters in it. CHARA...
Автор Gorbachev
22 этажный жилой дом серии П4. Здание на 154 квартиры (308 рабочих). Годы строительства 1973-1980 Проектировщики: МНИИТЭП (Московский НИИ типологии и экспериментального проектирования). строились в основном в районах Москвы: Тропарево, метро Юго-Западная, ...
25-storey E93
Автор Gorbachev
25 этажный жилой дом серии Э93. Здание на 175 квартир (350 рабочих). Годы строительства 1968-2000 Проект создан через стандартный редактор зданий, при использовании текстур Prefab apartments element от 3DVISION 25-storey residential building of the E93 ser...
Автор frostsey
Large-block apartment building, Leningrad layout (1980-1992)...
22-storey STROITEL
Автор Gorbachev
please unsubscribe! a new model has been created for this building completely from scratch. look here: this model is ready to give to anyone. пожалуйста отпишитесь! по данному здан...
Large HV switch
Автор VencaCZ
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to game scripting limitations, maximal power capacity is limited to 19MW! I figured it out last day of making this project. Maybe, someday in the future we will be able to change this limitation. With the arrival of new power lines, I i...
21-storey E93
Автор Gorbachev
21 этажный жилой дом серии Э93. Здание на 147 квартир (294 рабочих). Годы строительства 1968-2000 Проект создан через стандартный редактор зданий, при использовании текстур Prefab apartments element от 3DVISION 21-storey residential building of the E93 ser...
Автор painkillerlexar
Ленинградский Спортивно Концертный комплекс имени Ленина Строительство было начато в 1970 году и окончено в конце 1979 года СКК был открыт 19 мая 1980 года Уничтожен в 2020 проек руководитель арх.Чайко Игорь Михайлович арх-ры Чайко И. М., Баранов Н. В., Як...
Large Grain Elevator
Автор Pyro
A large grain elevator built from prefab panels. It stores 24,000 grain tons of grain. - 6 factory connections - 2 road connections - 2 vehicle stations Thanks to the the W&R modders discord for help building and debugging: https://...
21 storey flats prefab
Автор 3division
Sample apartments with 21 storey. Good to save place in your city :-) For moders: Check source files to see how to add your new building Documentation will follow soon! (works with version and higher)...
Large Food Factory
Автор KArantukki
Large Food Factory - 260 workers - 1 road connection - 4 factory connections...
2 and 4-axle soviet tank cars
Автор ZIMA
2 и 4-х-осные цистерны для перевозки жидких нефтепродуктов. Доступны с 1930 и с 1935 года. Авторы: Ural_102, Alex, Old Конвертирование: ZIMA 2 and 4-axle for transportation of liquid petroleum products. Available from 1930 and 1935. Created by Ural_102, Al...
1950s street lights
Автор Raysione
In this mod, I slightly changed the model and texture of the lantern, changed the sidewalk and asphalt on the road. In my opinion, these small changes will make your roads a lot more aesthetic if you played before the 1960s. There is also a lantern that ca...
2 and 4-axle soviet passenger carriages
Автор ZIMA
Стандартный 2-осный пассажирский вагон с рамой длиной 14 метров. Такие вагоны строились на Мытищинском и Брянском заводах с 1914 года. Доступно с 1914 года 4-х осные вагоны с рамой длиной 20,2 метра, традиционно называются типом завода им. Егорова или Егор...
Позначений несумісним ]  Large Farm
Автор KArantukki
Large Farm - 768 tons storage - 24 vehicles - 2 railroad connections - 2 road connections - 5 factory connections...
1930s Vehicle Assembly Line
Автор Comrade Joe
Road vehicle assembly line inspired by the famous Kharkov and Stalingrad tractor works, built in the 1930s. The model and texturing are not very detailed, as both historical buildings were destroyed in WW2, and I had only a couple photographs and a drawing...
1930s workers' apartments
Автор Comrade Joe
Simple apartment building for the early phases of Socialist construction. Although still of average quality (60pc), this cheap building can be ideal to move your workers out of their tents or wooden barracks as your city starts to take shape. Modeled after...
1910 Steam Locomotive 'Le Fusilier'
Автор Calderiaän
This is a semi fictionnal steampunkish steam locomotive Inspired by the French "Du bousquet" model from 1910. Power and speed stats were also taken from this loco. This is a little function over aesthetics project of mine to fill in the lack of locomotive ...
15 Story Panel Apartments
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Inspired by buildings from Sovkhoz imeni Lenina, Moscow Oblast. Available in 3 colours. Capicity 180 Quality 87%...
Large Electronic Component Factory
Автор KArantukki
Large Factory for Electronic Components Inspired by the 'Halbleiterwerk' in Frankfurt (Oder) in east Germany. - 1 Road connection - place for 300 workers...
Large Coal Power Plant
Автор KArantukki
Large Coal Power Plant - Place for 80 workers - up to 5600 MWh energy production - 2 road connections - 6 medium voltage connections - 6 high voltage connections...
Автор Gorbachev
14 этажный жилой дом серии Э93. Здание на 98 квартир (196 рабочих). Годы строительства 1968-2000 Проект создан через стандартный редактор зданий, при использовании текстур Prefab apartments element от 3DVISION 14-storey residential building of the E93 seri...
14-9037 vagon
Автор oleksii.kapustin
RU: Транспортер железнодорожный, модель 14-9037 (Стахановский вагоностроительный завод, Украина), предназначен для перевозки транспортных упаковочных комплектов ТУК-13 (контейнеров с ядерными отходами) по железным дорогам в составе специального грузового п...
Large Clothing Factory (NEW)
Автор KArantukki
Large clothing factory made out of bricks - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - 250 places for workers...
Large City Hall
Автор KArantukki
Large City Hall/Accounting office This building serves as a city hall. It fits perfectly, together with the other buildings of its collection, into a city center surrounded by large blocks of residental houses....
Large Chemical Plant
Автор KArantukki
Large Chemical Plant - 500 workers - 4 railroad connections - 1 road connection...
110kV embranchement
Автор Shotkey
OBSOLETE MOD - CHECK UPDATED VERSION: A more realistic alternative to vanilla switchgear. This pack contains: 2 switchgears: for 1-circuit & 2-circuit lines 8 models of wires to connect power lines of different power - The w...
Автор Gerbilskij
Soviet apartment blocks project 1-447C-8 were part of the first generation of the 447C series, they were built across the USSR from the late '50 to the mid '60s. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted f...
1-235 series
Автор NightWarrior
TYPICAL SERIES OF CINDER BLOCK RESIDENTAL BUILDINGS 1-235 Built since 1951 in various variations In 1954 reworked and standardized by the State Institute of Standard Design and Technical Research The projects were approved on October 9, 1954. Ministry of C...
Large Catholic Cathedral
Автор ryantheskinny
Old fashioned Catholic Cathedral. for those who wish to allow a little (Big) religious freedom to their republic. Idea by Archiver, mesh edited and scripted by Ryantheskinny, original credits for the mesh and texture belong to 3Division...
Krasnozemsky Socialist Federal Republic
(Map without population) Hello comrades! I bring to your attention my first map of the Krasnozem Socialist Federal Republic! Her creation took me a lot of time, I tried to make it as realistic as possible. I can not express gratitude to AlexDad, who throug...
Автор justclimber
Город Красноярск. В моей реализации он слегка более гористый, чем на самом деле (я такой мечтатель...) :) На карту нанесены мосты, некоторые дороги и железные пути по мотивам реальных дорог Красноярска (не все правда). Мосты специально сделаны высокими и б...
1-235 pink
Автор NightWarrior
series 235 pink...
Автор lplandersen
SCENARIO: You have been appointed as governor of the region Krasnojarsk by the central government in Moscow. Your main objective is to reorganize the oil production in the plains and explore the possibilities of extracting the rich ore deposits of the moun...
1-235 grey
Автор NightWarrior
series 235 grey...
Kozara Spomenik
Автор equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Memorijalni kompleks Kozara Memorijalni kompleks Kozara, podignut je na dijelu Nacionalnog parka Kozara pod nazivom Mrakovica, općina Pri...
1-235 green
Автор NightWarrior
series 235 green ...
Kolkhoz club 088
Автор Raysione
Kolkhoz club series 088 Greetings! This mod contains a collective farm club, made according to the standard project 088. Such a club is well suited for the center of your village CHARACTERISTIC Building type - cinema 7 workers Serves 379 visitors You can s...
1-235 blue
Автор NightWarrior
series 235 blue...
Kindergarten 1950s
Автор Gerbilskij
A kindergarten in a typical Soviet style from the '50s (series 2-04-40). Stats are close to the original kindergarten: 9 staff / 90 kids max. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic"...
1-201 series (original silver)
Автор Raysione
SERIES 1-201 VERSION 1950 (original silver) The prerequisites for mass standard housing design and construction in the USSR appeared with the adoption on February 11, 1936, of a decree by the Government and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist ...
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Based on a pre 1950's building plan by architect AP Ivanov, and some examples of derilict buildings. Project no 722/1. A kindergarten for up to 8 staff and 48 children....
1-201 series (original pink peach)
Автор Raysione
SERIES 1-201 VERSION 1950 (original pink peach) The prerequisites for mass standard housing design and construction in the USSR appeared with the adoption on February 11, 1936, of a decree by the Government and the Central Committee of the All-Union Commun...
Автор frostsey
1-201 series (original cany)
Автор Raysione
SERIES 1-201 VERSION 1950 (original cany) The prerequisites for mass standard housing design and construction in the USSR appeared with the adoption on February 11, 1936, of a decree by the Government and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Pa...
Автор phx.Ham
Kindergarten based on the TS 66 from DDR. extended by 2 floors. Since the fifties the architekt Helmut Trauzettel worked on the typing of kindergarten - buildings. The Type 66 was constructed as combined facility. It become the most build type of Kindergar...
Автор painkillerlexar
Kindergarten Детский сад серии VI-52 medium size 360 kinders 30 workers Автор модели: Тимур Самедов (citizensnip)...
1-201 series (original cerulean blue)
Автор Raysione
SERIES 1-201 VERSIONS 1950 (original cerulean blue) The prerequisites for mass standard housing design and construction in the USSR appeared with the adoption on February 11, 1936, of a decree by the Government and the Central Committee of the All-Union Co...
Khrushchovka variant
Автор Comrade Joe
Variant of the game's vanilla Khrushchovka housing building. This reskin uses some elements from the reskin posted by user Raysione on
1-201 series
Автор NightWarrior
SERIES 1-201 VERSIONS OF 1950. The prerequisites for mass model housing design and construction in the USSR appeared with the adoption on February 11, 1936, of the decree of the Government and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on streamlining and reduc...
Khrushchevian Prefab
Автор Ternet18
Frostsey's Khruchevian prefab I updated the road and pedestrian access and altered the stats a little Quality 61% Capacity 91...
(1921-1950) SKhTZ and McCormick-Deering 15-30 Multi-use Tractor
Автор Comrade Sky
This is a pack that contains the American and Soviet version of the 15-30 tractor. The tractor can be used for sowing, snow plowing, bulldozing, hauling, and felling. There are 4 versions: $ The McCormic Deering is available from 1921 to 1934. 1. Sowing/bu...
Балтийский вокзал / St. Petersburg-Baltiysky railway station
Балти́йский вокза́л — один из старейших вокзалов Санкт-Петербурга. Современное здание вокзала построено в 1855—1858 годах архитектором А. И. Кракау. Прототипом вокзала послужил Восточный вокзал в Париже. По бокам здания располагались двухэтажные флигели, л...
Khovrino Hospital
Автор Akira43
An ill fated real life building ( ) adapted as closely as possible to be an in game hospital. It has 2 road connections and parking spaces for up to 15 ambulances and a roof heliport. It has more or less t...
Katowice Tauzen Flats
Автор Koziu UwU
4 colour variants: -yellow -green -magenta -blue 430 workers Quality of living 95%...
Combined Factory's
Автор Twiggy
This contains a selection of 8 Combined Factory's. For these to function you will need to supply all the cargo items needed. If an item is missing it will stop production of all items. The items needed are the same as the original factory's would need apar...
Combined Cargo Storage Set
Автор Twiggy
This will add a Small and 2 Large combined cargo storage units. One Large has Vehicle's storage Both Large have Livestock storage All with Open storage All with Covered storage All with Meat storage Vehicles have their own capacity which is mixed depending...
Collection of Warehouses
Автор Wild Bunny
includes 4 Warehouses of different size and a train cargo station for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Автор frostsey
Типовой аэропорт регионального значения. (Добавил малый аэропорт)...
Class 55 Deltic
Автор Fiend
The English Electric Class 55 'Deltic' is a British diesel locomotive, named after its revolutionary Napier Deltic engine. It pulled express passenger services for British Rail from 1960 to 1981 when they were withdrawn from mainline service. However... ex...
Collection of various cranes
Автор MC Bonito
KB 100.1 (Tower) 1965-1982 RUB Kato NK 200 (Vehicle) 1975-1980 USD KB 504 (Tower) 1976-2000 RUB LG 1280 (Vehicle) 1974-1976 USD RDK 250-2 (Tower) 1980-1991 RUB UPDATE K-161 (Road) 1961-1975 RUB KATO NK-360B 1970-1975 USD KATO NK-1200S 1980-1994 USD Models ...
Airport Pack
Автор Benco54 Hello There! That's my Airport Pack, it icludes: 5 Towers 2 Hangars 2 Cargo Stations 1 Aircraft warning lights You will find the Aircraft Lights in the section "Monument" Enjoy!!...
Автор frostsey
Аэропорт «Сеймчан» — аэропорт малой авиации в северной части Магаданской области, в Среднеканском районе, в пос. Сеймчан. Аэропорт введён в строй в 1942 году при организации воздушной трассы Алсиб, использовавшейся для перегона американских самолётов, пост...
Civil rural building / ПАК сельских зданий
Автор Benser
Пак гражданских обьектов для сел и маленьких городов в стиле второй половины 50 х годов. Состоит из: 1. автобусная остановка с мозаикой 2. 4 памятника: вьездная стелла, чайник, колосья пшеницы и "мой завод моя гордость" $MONUMENT_GOVERNMENT_LOYALTY_RADIUS ...
AlG City Storage
Автор AlGames
AlG City Storage...
Alyosha Monument
Автор Brammered
NOW UPDATED WITH LOYALTY STATS What’s this?: Alyosha is an 11-metre (36-foot) tall reinforced concrete statue of a Soviet soldier on Bunarjik Hill in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The statue tops a 6-metre (20-foot) pedestal lined with granite. The memorial commemora...
Ampir brick houses PACK
Автор Benser
ПАК кирпичных сталинок начала 50-х с высокой детализацией по мотивам серии домов в Дарницком районе, г.Киев, Украина. Состоит из 3 домов: 1. Ampir brick house S - пятиэтажный дом на 100 жителей 3. Ampir brick house М - пятиэтажный дом на 220 жителей 4. Amp...
Ampir house
Автор Benser
Жилой дом в стиле Cталинский ампир в городе Киев. Жители - 300 чел 17/10/2020 добавил зеркальный дом Residental house in Stalin ampir style,based in Kyiv Ukraine Residents 300 Update 23/08/2020, fix construction, heating 17/10/2020 added mirror house Други...
Ampir houses
Автор Benser
Два новых жилых дома в стиле Cталинский ампир с Киева. Дома Башня Жители - 195 чел Жилой дом в стиле Дома со шпилем Жители - 155 чел Two new residential buildings in the Empire style from Kyiv, Ukraine. Tower House Residents - 195 people Residential buildi...
Ananuri Fortress
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Available as a monument or as a church for up to 200 people. Ananuri Fortress is a castle complex on the Aragvi River in Georgia. Dating back to around the 12th century it was originally a hill fort and barrier to the enemy in the Vedzathevi gorge. Legend ...
Animal farms / Коровники
Автор Benser
RU В продолжение сельской темы новый маленький пак с фермами. Состоит из: 1. Ферма 1 производит скот, так как коровы немного пасутся, нужно меньше зерна. 2. Ферма 2 по задумке производит меньше скота,но также производит молочную продукцию, то есть еду. 3. ...
Автор frostsey
City warehouse
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a warehouse similar to the one in my city (see screenshots). Such a warehouse is quite spacious, it can be placed in the city for storing food as a distribution point for food or for other needs (second building). CHARACTERISTI...
Arab/Middle East Building Pack - Shopping stalls Skins
Автор Ternet18
Skins for Arab/Middle East Pack's Shopping stalls...
AP 5 (53213)
Автор vinnikandry
City hotel (4 stars)
Автор robs074 Big hotel based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 50 workers and houses about 200 tourists. Base tourist score: 4 stars. Duży hotel wzorowa...
Arab/Middle East Buildings Pack
Автор Ternet18
Arab/Middle East Buildings Pack Map - Central Asian Steppe by Blackholesatrap Roads - texture pak by LM25SD
Arctic Cathedral
Автор Fiend
The Arctic Cathedral is the popular English name of Tromsdalen Church, the parish church of Tromso in Norway. It was designed in 1965 by architect Jan Inge Hovig. It serves 600 people....
City hotel (3 stars) - skins
Автор robs074 Skins for my city hotel (3 stars). Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview...
Art Deco Miami Buildings
Автор Nyxyx
A series of buildings based on the 1930's Art Deco architecture as seen in Miami, Florida. There are two Hotels, a Bar, and a Open Air theatre. This mod was comissioned by Bertrios. You can comission me too; contact me on Discord at: Nyxyx#3856 -By Nyxyx...
City hotel (3 stars)
Автор robs074 Big hotel based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 50 workers and houses about 200 tourists. Base tourist score: 3 stars. Duży hotel wzorowa...
Assorted parking (dirt, gravel, etc.)
Автор Comrade Sky
This is a pack of alternative parking lots: dirt, gravel, cobblestone, and prefab hexagons. This pack includes 12 lots: - 6x dirt, gravel, cobblestone, and prafab parking lots - 16x dirt, gravel, cobblestone, and prafab parking lots - 30x gravel, cobblesto...
City Hall
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A large City Hall in a neoclassical style. For up to 50 workers. If you would like to help support my work, you can make a donation here -
City hall
Автор robs074 City hall based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 100 workers. Urząd miasta wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrudnia 100 praco...
Automatic Vending Shops
Автор Pyro
This high-tech automated shops dispense goods to citizens in a fast and efficient way. Some workers are still required for maintinance and to provide a friendly human face to greet users. This pack contains two expensive, high capacity small stores. Food s...
Automatic bread factory
Автор MTandi
Automatic bread factory inspired by the Mechanized Bakery #9 in Moscow. Built in 1933 and was capable of producing 190 tons of bread per day (it's only 40 tons in-game). Very expensive to build (needs a lot of mechanical and electric components), but has a...
Automobile troops of the Ministry of defense of the USSR. Part 1
Автор Salty
Continuation of a series of mods dedicated to military construction units of the Soviet Army. The mod contains samples of automotive, construction and special equipment used by the Soviet Army. I thanks everyone who points out the shortcomings and shortcom...
B1000 'Volkspolizei'
Автор California2913
A Barkas B1000 of the German People's Police. The B1000 was used by the People's Police ('Volkspolizei') as accident response vehicle ,as crime scene investigation unit, as prisoner transport and as ambulance of the riot police. This is a recreation of the...
Baťa's half-house type 34
Автор Brisketa
Baťa's half-house is small standardized brick house for two families from city Zlín in the Czech Republic. They were built by Baťa shoe company for the citizens of Zlín so that they don't have to worry about living and focus on working. This is model from ...
Bacan Islands
Автор dayzru
Bacan Islands. - Hard map. - Challenging landscape. - Ready for ships. 2.0 update: - Heightmap redesigned in different scale. - More water for ships. Less land. Ships can go around Islands. - More stone. - Better resources spread (more balanced way). - Add...
Bagger 288 Bucket wheel excavator (Building)
Автор βlu∃_βrO
PLEASE NOTE: If you are not on the beta test branch, the niamtion will be twitchy and after a few degrees of rotation, the arm will snap back to start. This is fixed in the new version, so please be patient until this fix comes to the stable release. Thank...
Cinema Sputnik
Автор Benser
Кинотеатр ангарного типа “Спутник” был построен в Тастаке (Казахстан) на месте старой церкви. Затем в этом здании разместилась 11-ая городская библиотека. Сейчас здесь находится Евангельский центр. The hangar-type cinema "Sputnik" was built in Tastak (Kaza...
Cinema Sojus
Adds a small cinema to the game. The name of the cinema is Sojus, like the soviet space ship. Employes 10 people, serves approximately 100 people....
Автор frostsey
In the USSR, temporary barracks were one of the main types of workers ' housing until the mass housing construction of individual apartments began in the 1960s....
Cinema Series 2-06-19
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a cinema series 2-06-19 (GiproKino approved 1953). A building like this will fit well in your cities. CHARACTERISTIC Building type - cinema 7 workers Serves at least 300 visitors Rating 4.0 You can support the creation of new m...
Автор frostsey
rural grocery store of the 1950s...
Barbed Wire Fence
Автор βlu∃_βrO
Barbed wire fence for your republic! Now with 100% more spikes to intimidate your residents. Comes in sets of 1,3 and 10 fence sections. Plot s ostnatým drôtom. Tento mod zahrňuje sety jedného, troch a desiatich sekcií plotu. Ограждение из колючей проволок...
Автор frostsey
База́р - с минимально оборудованными торговыми рядами, под открытым небом, где присутствует множество продавцов и покупателей и происходит розничная торговля продуктами питания и другими товарами....
Cinema Kosmos
Автор robs074 Cinema based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 70 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with base score...
Church (80s)
Автор robs074 Church from the 80s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Serves 100 believers. Kościół z lat 80. wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Obs...
Chisinau State Circus
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Chisinau State Circus Originally built in 1981, the Chisinau State Circus in Moldova was once a state of the art entertainment venue. It had a capacity of 1900 seats and the ring was over 40 feet across. It was the largest auditorium in Georgia and welcome...
Автор vinnikandry
Serial production of BelAZ 540 was launched at the end of 1965. The main feature of the car is the ability to transport up to 27 tons of cargo (or 15 m3)....
Children`s Hospital series 2-05-22
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains several hospital buildings made according to the project 2-05-22 GIPROZDRAV. Approved August 10, 1953 CHARACTERISTIC The main building Building type - hospital 68 teachers 32 workers 16 parking spaces Serves at least 262 visito...
Chicken Farms
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
2 small chicken farms, mirrored for easy connection. Provides a small amount of meat in return for grain. Requires up to 20 workers. In the mod category Factories. No heating requirement...
Chevrolet BLAZER k5
Автор Mauser_NATO
Шевроле Блезер К5 Внедорожник второго поколения. Производился с 1973 по 1991 год. Присутствует 4 варианта кузова и 20 вариантов раскраски. Валюта USD. ----------------------------- Chevrolet blazer k5 Off-road vehicle of the second generation. Produced fro...
Berlin TV Tower
Автор KArantukki
Berliner Fernsehturm Der Berliner Fernsehturm ist mit 368 Metern das höchste Bauwerk Deutschlands sowie der vierthöchste Fernsehturm Europas. Der Fernsehturm befindet sich im Park am Fernsehturm im Berliner Ortsteil Mitte. Der Fernsehturm im Internationale...
Chemical Plant V2
Автор archiver213
The Chemical Plant V2. x3 production, consumption, and storage....
Chemical Lab
Автор Novu
A scientific labortory able to produce small ammounts of chemicals for research. Produces no polution but requires workers with higher education. Employs 15 workers and 15 professors. Customize your old city downtown with this and other mods coming soon. R...
Better trees mod (Updated)
Автор panserpung
This mod aims to resize foliage, and make it easier decorating your city without covering it in a sea of leaves. Trees and bushes are now of a more realistic size. Installation Instructions: 1. Subscribe and download mod files! 2. \ SteamApps \ common \ So...
Checkpoint N2
Автор BORO
Здание проходной №2. Работает как остановка общественного транспорта. Building checkpoint №2 Works like a public transport stop. В двух вариантах исполнения. 1 – проходная без лозунга. 2 – проходная с лозунгом «Мы придем к победе коммунизма!» На здании без...
Big car dealer
Автор robs074 Big car dealer loosely based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 40 workers and has enough space for 32 cars. Duży motozbyt luźno wzorowany n...
Checkpoint N1
Автор BORO
Здание проходной №1. С открытыми воротами. Работает как остановка общественного транспорта. В двух вариантах исполнения. 1 – проходная без лозунга. 2 – проходная с лозунгом «Слава труду» На здании без лозунга вы можете написать собственный текст. Building ...
Big car dealer - skins
Автор robs074 Skins for my big car dealer. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big clinic
Автор robs074 Big clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education, 20 doctors and serves about 60 patients. Can be equippe...
Big fire station
Автор robs074 Fire station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 7 fire engines. Remiza strażacka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublin...
Checkpoint for Workers
Автор Tesmio
Checkpoint for people. It is also a repository. Front 4 entrances, rear two. Perhaps a hindrance to people. It fits well with fences from other mods. UPD 27.03.20 - Added the ability to stop public transport. The building is now a bus stop with all the ame...
Автор Tesmio
Checkpoint. The game is set like a small warehouse. Not a hindrance to transport. It interacts well with fences from other mods. UPD 28/03/20 - Completely redesigned model of the guardhouse. Контрольно-пропускной пункт. В игре установлен, как маленький скл...
Big sports hall
Автор robs074 Big sports hall based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Employs 35 workers and serves about 245 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with s...
Big kindergarten (80s)
Автор robs074 Big kindergartens based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. They employ 22-27 workers and serve about 220-270 children. Duże przedszkola wzorowane na ...
Big train station
Автор robs074 Passenger train station based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Comes in two versions: with four and with six rail connections. They serve 4000 and 6000 passengers respectively. Pasażerski dworzec kolejowy wzorowany ...
Charcoal Kilns
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Small charcoal kilns which produce coal from wood. Up to 20 staff. 10t of wood > 5t of coal. No heating requirement for Winter....
Big train station - skins
Автор robs074 Skins for my big train station. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Chainlink Fence
Автор βlu∃_βrO
Im bringing you a standard chainlink fence. Fully inlcuded with aplha texture for looking realistic. Unfortunately its not visible from far away, but I cant do much about that. Available in modded->monument section for placement in 1, 3 and 10 piece varian...
Checkpoint for Railway
Автор Tesmio
Checkpoint for trains. The game is presented as a repository. Not a hindrance to transport. Контрольно-пропускной пункт для поездов. В игре представлен как хранилище. Не является помехой для транспорта. ...
Bijlmermeer style blocks
Автор Nyxyx
Bijlmermeer was a neighbourhood in Amsterdam, Netherlands, designed by Siegfired Nassuth and built in 1975. It housed over 50,000 people with over 150 nationalities. It's early implementation was notorious for crime due to the failure of the buildings to a...
Billboard SOV
Автор Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Обыкновенный, стандартный, двухсторонний - билборд. В комплекте их два. Советская тематика. Предполагается индивидуальное использование. Для этого потребуется графический редактор. Просто найдите папку с модом, по адресу: Program Files(x86)/Steam/steamapps...
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
The Biofuel Plant, now you can turn grain into fuel. I repurposed the Concrete Plant model to become a Biofuel Plant instead, with new colours to differentiate them. I will try and improve the pipe connectivity at the back, they do work but you have to pul...
Bitum Powerplant
Автор painkillerlexar
BitumenPowerstantion Bitumen means Mazut ("heavy fuel oil") , we no have no mazut in game but Mazut its close to Bitum so we can have one more resource for get Electricity! ...
Bitumen heating plant
Автор DirrrtyDirk
Large heating plant with 600 GJ/day heating power and 10 big connections. The plant is fueled with Bitumen, consuming maximum 5 tons/day with maximum power and need 50 workers to run. The costs to build it will be around 145.000 RUB without inflation. Gene...
Central Station
Автор Heidong
Central Train Station, 1500 passengers....
Central post and telegraph building
Автор dassakuya
This building was completed in Tbilisi in 1980. Until recently, there were supermarkets and other facilities in the building, but now there are plans to convert it into a hotel. As this is my first film, there are parts of the film that are not working wel...
Black Sea Coast (uninhabited)
Автор KArantukki
Black Sea Coastline A balanced map with rivers, coastline, forests, hills, lakes and mountains....
Central hospital
Автор Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains several buildings for the central hospital. Made on the basis of the hospital GKB 20 in St. Petersburg. I made such a building especially for the capital of the republic, such a chic hospital will look good in an ensemble of th...
Blokovi Pack
Автор Benco54
The Blokovi building pack include some buildings from Novi Beograd, Serbia. These Buildings there called Blokovi. You have 5 buildings in this mod with different sizes. The blokovi xl based on original building in novi beograd. The rest of the buildings ar...
Caucasian Highlands
Автор Blackholesatrap
This map represents the terrain of the Caucasian coastal highlands, in Georgia, Abkhazia and Southern Russia. This area is potentially one of the richest republics in our great union, comrade. The Black Sea coast offers trading ports with our friends in th...
Cattle Ranching
Автор Novu
Grass fed cattle field. No feed lots or crops required. Only cowboy workers to bring the cattle home every night. Comes in small medium and large. For best results build a Livestock hall / range for your central hub and connect the cattle fields to it. Add...
Car dealer PACK
Автор Benser
Магазин "Автомобили" Модель основана на реальном здании. 17.01.2021 обновил мод, немного исправил скрипт и размеры модели. Теперь в моде 3 автомагазина: 1. Магазин "Автомобілі" (назва Українською мовою) 2. Магазин "Автомобили" (название на русском языке, к...
Cargo Trolleybus ZUI 682
Автор Zombiedragon
It's a cargo trolleybus but it's slightly better than the last one. Enjoy the benefits of your electric truck comrade such as: Lower emmissions, Energy independence, More torque and a quicker and slightly less painfull death....
Car dealer - skins
Автор robs074 Skins for my car dealer. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Car dealer
Автор robs074 Car dealer based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers and has enough space for 18 cars. Motozbyt wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w ...
Canteen series 51-239
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a typical 51-239 dining room made exactly according to the 1952 project CHARACTERISTIC. 10 workers serves at least 101 people There are two options: works as a shop and a bar Such a dining room will ideally fit into a village or a small t...
Canteen series 2-07-22
Автор Raysione
This mod contains a typical 2-07-22 dining room made exactly according to the 1953 project CHARACTERISTIC. 5 workers serves minimum 52 people There are two options: works as a shop and a bar Such a small dining room will ideally fit into a village and a sm...
Автор Benser
Автобусная остановка с мозаикой. Busstop mosaic. 12.10.2021 добавил одностороннюю остановку (add version of one way busstop ) Другие мои работы/ More my mods:
Автор Benser
Автобусная остановка с мозаикой (мод, не текстура) Bus station with Ukrainian mosaic (New mod ) (model vanilla version)...
Автор painkillerlexar
Very Small BusStop VilageSmall Busstop some visual problem with Vehicles overcrossing , but work ) Bus stop for vilages where imposible place standart bus station...
Bus/Trolley Combo Stations
Автор Akira43
This is a pack of 4 combined bus/trolley stations all using advanced pathing to allow multiple vehicles to go into and out of the station at the same time. The pack includes: 1- The Large bus station (V2 - 4 vehicle stations) from the vanilla game simply m...
Bus stops
Автор Vikom
Three bus stops from Brno. A duo of two tiny basic structures. A basic structure plus one concrete functionalist building from 60s. A basic structure plus one steel structure. The basic structures are already super rare in Brno. The concrete building is in...
Bureau Of Blueprints
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A small set of offices which allow you to purchase blueprints. With the new update test branch - blueprints no longer expire and these are no longer required, however people said they would still like to use them so I am leaving them as they are. L...
Building II-60
Автор Holodets
Panel house for 190 residents. The series is known for an abandoned house in Pripyat. Tolyatti is also full of them. Creator of the house model: kowkamurka...
Автор painkillerlexar
Build on Stalingradskaya str. Individual City project 1966 Жилое здание по индивидуальному городскому проекту на улице Сталинградской. 1966 год Qual 97 220 Workers...
Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner
Автор Rod.Zam The Boeing 787-9 English The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is a wide-body jet airliner manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes. The program was launched on April 26, 2004, with an order for 50 fro...
Buffer Stop
Автор Doristela
Railway Buffer Stop. How to use : 1. Place buffer stop first ( 2 connections arrow overlaps don't worry) 2. then Connect railway to front connection. 3. It's possible then to connect railway to back connection (if you want) but be aware that train are not ...
Buildable Pipeline Connector
Автор archiver213
Buildable Pipeline Connector Original design by paster88. This version can be built by the Construction Office. thanks to ryantheskinny for assistance. ...
Bucket Dredger
Автор βlu∃_βrO
Instructional video on placement provided. Today I present to you a Bucket Dredger. An excavation boat meants for gravel mining in shallow waters. In game version, it acts as a factory, where you send fuel to power the boat and get gravel out of it. It con...
Brown Brick
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
Residential Brown Brick Re-skin by Off The Rails. This is a re-skin of the in game block of flats that were previously white, picture shows a before and after. Capacity 174. With many thanks for the help I had in making this from Pak Rat...
Bowling Alley
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A small Bowling Alley - Kegelbahn Sports facility for up to 50 people. Kegelbahn is a 9 pin bowling alley, a game developed in Germany which is also known as Skittles. Cheaper to operate and run than 10 pin bowling they were popular across Eastern Europe, ...
Автор Fiend
The Deutsche Reichsbahn's Class 52 is a German steam locomotive widely used throughout the Soviet Union. I did not make the original model - credit goes to Sketchpad user 'accessviolation' who made it freely available. I modified the model to reduce polygo...
Автор Nyxyx
A Custom, totally fictional TV tower for your republic. Requires 80 workers + 27 Professionals....
Brick houses 8
Автор robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 50-125 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 75%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 50-125 robot...
Brick houses 3
Автор robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 100-250 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 100-250 rob...
Brick houses 2
Автор robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 45-125 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 45-125 robot...
Bread factory
Автор Gerbilskij
A medium sized bakery, don't get fooled by its appearance comrades, here we produce only the freshest bread out of the finest chem... WHEAT FLOUR, made from our glorious republic golden fields. Thank you to Ryantheskinny for the help fixing some errors. NB...
Brick block of flats (11 storey) - skins
Автор robs074 Skins for my brick block of flats (11 storey). Includes sixteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick blocks of flats (5 storey) - skins
Автор robs074 Skins for my brick blocks of flats (5 storey). Includes four colour variants as seen in the preview....
Brick Factory (Vanilla Style)
Автор Tesmio
Кирпичный завод, произвольной планировки, не имеет реального аналога. Однако сделан по технологической схеме производства кирпича. Основан большей частью на ванильных текстурах, так как такого давно не хватало. Выглядит аутентично, во отличии от ванильного...
Brick Flats
Автор OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of brick flats in 5 different styles. Available in 3, 4 and 5 stories with single and double length units. 30 buildings in total, ranging from 48-160 capacity....
Brick house 11
Автор robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 50 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 50 robotników, wzo...
Brick houses 1
Автор robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 40-80 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 89%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 40-80 robotni...
Brick houses 4
Автор robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 180-200 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 70%-80%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 180-200...
Brick house 9
Автор robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 180 workers, based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 85%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 180 robotników, ...
Brick house 5
Автор robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 45 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 89%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 45 robotników, wzo...
Brick house 7
Автор robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 150 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 150 robotników, w...
Brick house 6
Автор robs074 Brick block of flats, housing 90 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 75%. Ceglany blok, mieszczący 90 robotników, wzo...
Österreich Small Chapel
Автор Ternet18
Gott erhalte, Gott beschütze Unsern Kaiser, unser Land! Greetings and salutations to you, dear player! This little chapel is the next small step in the Austrian Empire inspired mods. Goal is to make early starts immersive with proper old architecture filli...
Österreich Railway Depot
Автор Ternet18
Gott erhalte, Gott beschütze Unsern Kaiser, unser Land! Greetings and salutations to you, dear player! This Railway Depot is the very first part of a long journey of Austrian Empire inspired building mods, mostly based on buildings from Bohemia. Goal is to...
Аero-auto-railway station
Автор pascha.frolow1990
This building is an aero-auto-railway station. Designed for 5,000 people. Fuel storage for 800 tons. Parking spaces-4 Helipads-3 Railway tracks-2 There are connections for airplanes. The answer to the questions will there be a small railway station, YES TH...
Small Steelmill
Автор KArantukki
A small steelmill. Perfect for an early steel production. - max. 150 workers - 4 vehicle spots - 4 factory connections - 3 conveyor connections - Importstorage: 15t coal / 15t iron - Exportsotrage: 65t steel - consumption: 112t coal / 60t iron per day - pr...
ГАЗ-51. Часть 3 | GAZ-51. Part 3
Автор dimndroll
RUS ГАЗ-51 – самый массовый советский грузовик 50х-70х. Модель начали разрабатывать ещё до войны, но в серийное производство она была запущена только в 1946 году. По лицензии машину производили в Польше (Lublin-51), в Китае (Yuejin NJ130) и в КНДР (Sungri-...
Гусеничный кран СКГ-63/100
Автор Chestir
СКГ-63/100 – кран, который выпускался еще во времена Советского Союза. В зависимости от стрелового исполнения он имеет грузоподъемность 63 или 100 т. Данный кран идеально подходит для крупноблочного строительства и перегрузки крупногабаритных грузов, напри...
ЗиС - 6 "Катюша" / ZiS - 6 "Katyusha"
Автор Ƶh3Ka <3
Расцветали яблони и груши, Поплыли туманы над рекой. Выходила на берег Катюша, На высокий берег на крутой. Apple and Pear tress were a-blomming, Mist creeping on the river. Katyusha set out on the banks, On the steep and lofty banks. РУС ЗиС-6 "Катюша" Одн...
КРАЗ 260 (KRAZ 260)
Автор Mauser_NATO
Украинский многоцелевой тяжелый грузовик двойного назначения Кременчугского автозавода. Выпускался с 1979 по 1993 Представленно 15 вариантов грузовиков: 3 - Закрытый кузов. 4 - Открытый кузов. 2 - Автоцистерны. 1 - Цементовоз 1 - Лесовоз 1 - Бетономешалка....
Отделение милиции | Police station
Автор dimndroll
РУС Типичное советское отделение милиции, в котором могут работать 10 милиционеров и 5 следователей. Во дворе место для 4 милицейских машин. Необходимые ресурсы для строительства: 5,4 тонн досок 16 тонн кирпичей 5,6 тонн стали 7,7 тонн бетона 5,4 тонн досо...
Пак ранних вагончиков
Автор Chestir
Небольшой пак вагончиков для раннего старта. Автор мода Валерий Карпов. Крытый вагон 18 тонн (т.н. нормальный товарный вагон, НТВ) для зерна, одежды и т.д. Вместимость 18 тонн, доступность 1916-1960гг Крытый вагон для цемента на базе НТВ 10т., 1916-1960гг ...
Рабочий и колхозница | Worker and Kolkhoznitza
Автор dimndroll
RUS «Рабочий и колхозница» - один из самых известных советских памятников, символ единства пролетариата и крестьянства. Концепцию и композиционный замысел придумал архитектор Борис Иофан, автором скульптуры стала Вера Мухина. Первоначально статуя была уста...
Стройконтора | Construction office
Автор dimndroll
RUS Стройконтора на 18 единиц техники. Заправка на 30 тонн топлива. Необходимые ресурсы: - 15 тонн бетона; - 13 тонн гравия; - 11 тонн асфальта; - 13 тонн досок; - 15 тонн кирпичей; - 4 тонны стали; - 340 трудодней. Основано на модели alexkovalev. ENG Cons...
УАЗ - 469 (UAZ - 469)
Автор Mauser_NATO
УАЗ - 469 Бобик. 2 варианта 13 расцветок 7 посадочных мест. Производился 1972 - 2003...
Хлебокомбинат - Bakery
рус____________________ рабочие------263 хлеб------------ 63 тонны мука-------------99 тонн eng____________________ workers------263 bread ------------ 63 tons flour -------------99 tons...
Ш-5733/14 + parking
Автор Shotkey
This project was built in Leningrad (74 houses), Moscow region, Ivanovo (2 houses), Sestroretsk (3 houses). It is mentioned that the building structures of this modification are not highly reliable. So, some buildings, erected in 1967, were in disrepair by...
Ш-5733/8 + store
Автор Shotkey
This series was built in Leningrad (31 houses), Rybinsk (2 houses) and, possibly, other cities of the RSFSR. The shape of the building in plan is a long rectangle (the so-called «house-plate»). The outer walls are made of unplastered gray bricks, the width...
комбинат шелковых тканей - silk fabric factory
Рус -------------------------------- Мод вкючает три здания; 1. Административный корпус - ткацкая фабрика 2. Цеха комбината - склад 3. Цеха комбината - швейная фабрика En ------------------------------- The mod includes three buildings; 1. Administrative b...
Автор Shotkey
1Lg-600A is a Soviet series of residential buildings for industrial housing construction, created according to a Polish project revised by the LenZNIIEP Institute in the mid-60s. Initially, the construction of houses was carried out by Avtovsky DSK-3 in Le...
11-630 Mir
Автор RaudUlfur
Perspective low-floor city bus internaionally developed in 1974 by Autokut and GSKB. The serial production never was started. Manufacturer: Soviet Union, Hungarian People's Republic Power: 155 kW (210HP) Mass: 11.5 t Max speed: 100 km/h Capacity: 123 passe...
1930s worker homes from Chelyabinsk
Автор Comrade Joe
A small pack proposing two residential buildings built in the 30s in Chelyabinsk, during the first wave of industrialization of the USSR. They are plain looking, with typical constructivist traits. They are cheap to build, and can host 36 and 30 adults at ...