Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

Оцінок: 2,373
JFD's Civilisations
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A collection of new Civilizations, with contributions from various talented lads.

Предмети (148)
America (Franklin Roosevelt)
Автор JFD
AMERICA (FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT) UA: NEW DEALMerchant and Engineer Specialists provide a burst of their respective Great People Points whenever you adopt a new Social Policy. +2 Culture from Customs Houses and Manufacturies. UB: ASSEMBLY PLANT (FACTORY)The Ass...
Anglo-Norse (Canute)
Автор JFD ======================== INSTALLATION ======================== Steam Install Select "Subscribe" above. Start the game up and hit Mods Enable the mod Click Next and begin a game. Direct Installation Download 7zip (it's freewa...
Aquitaine (Eleanor)
Автор JFD
======================== OVERVIEW ======================== Adds Aquitaine under Eleanor to the game. ======================== LINKS ======================== Home Page Direct Download ======================== DISCLAIMER ======================== I will not b...
Armenia (Tiridates III)
Автор JFD
ARMENIA (TIRIDATES III) UA: THE ILLUMINATION OF TIRIDATESYour Capital converts to the first Religion founded and receives half the Holy City's Faith Per Turn whilst following it. Converting conquered cities to this Religion eliminates their occupied Unhapp...
Austria (Joseph II)
Автор JFD AUSTRIA (JOSEPH II) Unique Trait: Josephinian Enlightenment Each new Social Policy Branch increases Golden Age length by +10%. Great People Points also contribute toward Golden Ages. Unique Building: Realschule A unique Publi...
Babylon (Hammurabi)
Автор JFD
======================== OVERVIEW ======================== Adds Babylon under Hammurabi to the game. This mod does not replace Nebuchadnezzar, but does alter his UA. ======================== USER OPTIONS ======================== Vanilla Leaders can be disa...
Belgium (Leopold II)
Автор JFD
BELGIUM (LEOPOLD II) UA: CONGO FREE STATEPlantation Resources within two tiles are improved when a city is founded. Gold from Plantations worked outside the Capital is added to the Palace. Spending Gold on Buildings generates GA Points. UU: FORCE PUBLIQUER...
Brazil (Pedro I)
Автор JFD
BRAZIL (PEDRO I) UA: INDEPENDENCE, OR DEATHReceive Great General Points based upon Excess Happiness whenever a war breaks out. Enemy units beginning their turn adjacent to a Great General begin with only half their normal Movement. UU: CANHONEIRA (IRONCLAD...
Brittany (Nominoe)
Автор JFD
BRITTANY (NOMINOE) Unique Trait: Carolingian Annals Purchased units can pillage at no Movement cost. Combat Units generate local Influence when stationed on a pillaged Tile within City-State borders. Unique Unit: Machtiern The Machtiern is Brittany's uniqu...
Byzantium (Alexios I)
Автор JFD
BYZANTIUM (ALEXIOS I) UA: KOMNENIAN RESTORATION A 5-turn Golden Age begins upon the outbreak of war with a major Civilization, the length increasing for each of your cities under their control. +100% City Strength during Golden Ages. UU: LANTERNAS (GALLEAS...
Byzantium (Justinian I)
Автор JFD
======================== OVERVIEW ======================== Adds Byzantium under Justinian I to the game. This mod does not replace Theodora, but does replace her Cataphract UU with the Stoudion UB. ======================== USER OPTIONS ====================...
Canada (Mackenzie King)
Автор JFD
CANADA (MACKENZIE KING) UA: VOLUNTEER SPIRITGain up to three Trade Route slots whilst one of your Friends is at war. Cities with a Trade Route have increased Military Unit Production (+10%). UB: MERCHANT SHIPYARD (SEAPORT)The Merchant Shipyard is Canada's ...
Central Africa (Bokassa I)
Автор JFD
CENTRAL AFRICA (BOKASSA I) Unique Trait: Emperor By The Will Of The People Spending Gold on Buildings in the Capital begins a WLTKD. Whilst the Capital is celebrating a WLTKD, -15% Gold Purchase Costs in all cities. Unique Unit: Mbaika Imperial Guard The M...
Egypt (Tutankhamun)
Автор JFD EGYPT (TUTANKHAMEN) UA: LIVING IMAGE OF AMUNDuring WLTKDs, Faith increases Building Production. If a Building is completed during a WLTKD, other cities receive progress toward that Building. UB: MORTUARY TEMPLE (TEMPLE)The u...
England (Henry VIII)
Автор JFD
ENGLAND (HENRY VIII) Unique Trait: Dieu et Mon Droit A WLTKD begins in all cities when you capture an enemy Capital or complete a Social Policy Branch. Cities celebrating a WLTKD always follow your main Religion and have increased Great People generation (...
England (Richard I)
Автор JFD
ENGLAND (RICHARD I) Unique Trait: Crusader King Faith Per Turn directly compensates Gold based on Unit and Courthouse Maintenance costs. Units at sea receive +1 Moves whenever you capture an enemy city; doubling if it follows a foreign Religion. Unique Uni...
France (Louis XVI)
Автор JFD
FRANCE (LOUIS XVI) UA: LETTERS OF CONVOCATIONGain Faith and Gold based on Global Happiness and GA Points/Nationalism based on Local Happiness upon adopting a new Social Policy. UB: PARLEMENTReplaces Constabulary. +1 Local Happiness. Adds double the city's ...
Francia (Charlemagne)
Автор JFD
FRANCIA (CHARLEMAGNE) UA: LAUDES REGIAEEarn Faith from city conquests, increasing with your total Faith output. Great Prophets spawned with Faith do so with free Combat Units. UB: PALACE SCHOOL (UNIVERSITY)The Palace School is the unique University replace...
Great Britain (Winston Churchill)
Автор JFD
GREAT BRITAIN (WINSTON CHURCHILL) UA: PAX BRITANNICA+5% Air and Naval Unit Production for each Pledge of Protection with City-States (up to 50%). +1 Production from Lighthouses, Harbors, and Seaports. UU: ADMIRAL-CLASS (BATTLESHIP)The Admiral-class is a re...
Great Jin (Shizong)
Автор JFD
GREAT JIN (SHIZONG) Unique Trait: Jurchen Empire +50% Tile expansion whilst constructing Defensive Buildings. Completing a Defensive Building grants +1 Moves, +25 HP, and +5 XP to all current Units. Unique Unit: Jurchen Horse Archer The Great Jin Jurchen H...
Great Liao (Shengzong)
Автор JFD
GREAT LIAO (SHENGZONG) Unique Trait: Five Circuits +15% Building Production in Connected cities and +20 XP in unconnected ones. Capital receives both if there are two of each. Unique Unit: Khitan Hunter The Khitan Hunter is the unique replacement for the C...
Great Ming (Yongle)
Автор JFD
GREAT MING (YONGLE) Unique Trait: Imperial Eunuchs Specialists generate +2 Great People Points in cities with a Spy. Receive a Spy when you meet 50% and then 100% of all City-States. Unique Unit: Shenji Musketeer The unique Shenji Musketeer is the Musketma...
Great Qing (Cixi)
Автор JFD
GREAT QING (CIXI) Unique Trait: Self-Strengthening Reforms Combat Units yield Culture when promoted and are upgraded for free as new Social Policies and Branches are adopted. Unique Unit: Peking Field Force The unique Peking Field Force replaces the Great ...
Greater Armenia (Tigranes II)
Автор JFD ======================== INSTALLATION ======================== Steam Install Select "Subscribe" above. Start the game up and hit Mods Enable the mod Click Next and begin a game. Direct Installation Download 7zip (it's freewa...
Hawai'i (Lili'uokalani)
Автор JFD
HAWAII (LILIUOKALANI) UA: ALOHA OENational Wonders with a Great Work yield +1 Point toward all Cultural Great People. Cultural Great People Points from Buildings add to Culture. UU: KAIMILOAReplaces Ironclad. Can enter rival territory. Begins with bonus Mo...
Hungary (Stephen I)
Автор JFD
HUNGARY (STEPHEN I) UA: APOSTOLIC MAJESTYClearing Barbarian Encampments grants Faith. Spending Faith converts nearby cities to your Religion, triggering WLTKD turns per existing followers. UB: VEGVAR (CASTLE)The Vegvar is the Hungarian replacement for the ...
Indo-Greeks (Menander I)
Автор JFD
INDO-GREEKS (MENANDER) UA: DHARMIKASACity conquests spread the Religion of the conquered city to your founded cities. Culture and Faith in conquered cities add to GA progress. UB: ROYAL SILVERSMITHReplaces Mint. +1 Culture and +2 Faith if the city is Conne...
Italy (Benito Mussolini)
Автор JFD
ITALY (BENITO MUSSOLINI) UA: MARE NOSTRUMAcquiring coastal cities awards Golden Age Points. +15% Production toward Buildings that already exist in the Capital during a Golden Age. UU: CARABINIER (INFANTRY)The unique Carabinier unit is only available to Ita...
Saxony (Frederick Augustus I)
Автор JFD SAXONY (FREDERICK AUGUSTUS I) Unique Trait: Jewel of Europe 50% of Tourism contributes directly to the construction of National and World Wonders. Free Great Artist with each National Wonder constructed. Unique Unit: Carabini...
Japan (Jimmu)
Автор JFD
JAPAN (JIMMU) UA: NIHON SHOKHIFaith increases Production toward Settlers. Settlers grant +15% Combat Strength to nearby Units and begin with extra Movement within two tiles of a Mountain or Natural Wonder. UI: TORII+2 Faith. +1 Faith per adjacent Mountain ...
Japan (Meiji)
Автор JFD
CIVILIZATION: JAPAN (MEIJI) TRAIT: IMPERIAL REVERENCE +20% Culture and Production during Golden Ages. Combat Units trained in a Golden Age begin with +15 XP. UNIQUE UNIT: DAIMYO (GREAT GENERAL) The Daimyo is the unique Great General replacement for Meiji's...
Japan (Tojo)
Автор JFD
CIVILIZATION: JAPAN (TOJO) TRAIT: EMPIRE OF THE PACIFIC Gain Science for each new Coast or Ocean Tile acquired; doubled in conquered cities. Produce Naval Units 50% faster in conquered cities. UNIQUE UNIT: ZERO (FIGHTER) The Zero is the Japanese unique uni...
Kongo (Afonso I)
Автор JFD
KONGO (AFONSO I) UA: APOSTLE OF THE KONGOReceive a copy of any foreign Missionary that begins within your borders. All Missionaries have +2 Movement within your borders and boost nearby city Production when fully expended. UB: KULUMBINI (UNIVERSITY)The Kul...
Laos (Fa Ngum)
Автор JFD
LAOS (FA NGUM) UA: ONE MILLION ELEPHANTS AND A WHITE PARASOLConquering Holy Cities and City-States converts them to your main Religion and grants a free Uparaja. Religious Followers in owned cities increase Growth in the Capital. UU: UPARAJAReplaces Great ...
León (Ferdinand I)
Автор JFD ======================== INSTALLATION ======================== Steam Install Select "Subscribe" above. Start the game up and hit Mods Enable the mod Click Next and begin a game. Direct Installation Download 7zip (it's freewa...
Lithuania (Gediminas)
Автор JFD
LITHUANIA (GEDIMINAS) UA: THE OLD GODSUnits trained in cities following only your Pantheon have doubled Movement in Forest Tiles. Melee Units trained in these cities can capture defeated enemies UB: SACRED GROVE (SHRINE)The Sacred Grove is the unique Lithu...
Malta (Jean Valette)
Автор JFD
MALTA (JEAN VALETTE) UA: GREAT SIEGE OF MALTAConstruct Defensive Buildings and Combat Units 10% faster during war, and +2% faster for each enemy Unit within two tiles of a city. Combat victories in own borders transfers HP and XP from adjacent enemy Units ...
Monaco (Albert I)
Автор JFD ======================== INSTALLATION ======================== Steam Install Select "Subscribe" above. Start the game up and hit Mods Enable the mod Click Next and begin a game. Direct Installation Download 7zip (it's freewa...
New Zealand (Keith Holyoake)
Автор JFD
NEW ZEALAND (KEITH HOLYOAKE) Unique Trait: Steady Does It Gold Buildings increase the amount of Food carried over after a new Citizen is born by 5% and provide +5% Production toward Buildings. Unique Unit: Royal Artillery Regiment The Royal Artillery Regim...
Norway (Haakon IV)
Автор JFD
NORWAY (HAAKON IV) UA: GRAND LEIDANGPopulation Growth adds Production toward Naval Combat Units. Training and promoting Naval Combat Units increases Influence with neutral City-States. UU: SKEID (GALLEASS)The Skeid is Norway's replacement for the Galleass....
Norway (Haakon VII)
Автор JFD
NORWAY (HAAKON VII) UA: ELVERUM AUTHORIZATIONUnits within three tiles of Coast gain increased Movement on the first turn of a DoW. Civilian Units are trained 20% faster in Coastal Cities. UB: VERFTReplaces Military Base. +3 Production. Civilian Units gain ...
Prussia (Frederick II)
Автор JFD
PRUSSIA (FREDERICK II) Unique Trait: Army with a State Great People Points from Specialists increase the starting XP for Land Units and contribute toward generating Great Generals. Enemy Units near your Great Generals have their own Great General bonuses n...
Punjab (Ranjit Singh)
Автор JFD
PUNJAB (RANJIT SINGH) UA: SAKAR-I KALARCities with your Religion enter a WLTKD instead of Resistance when conquered. Conquered cities start with your Religious Building (or a Monastery). UB: PHAUNDARIReplaces Arsenal/Gunsmith. Siege Units trained in this c...
Rome (Caracalla)
Автор JFD Adds Emperor Caracalla of Rome. Trait: Antonine Constitution Conquered Cities benefit from the Local Happiness in the Capital. Courthouses grant +1 Citizen to the city on completion. Unit: Citizen Cavalry The unique Citizen ...
Rome (Julian)
Автор JFD
ROME (JULIAN) UA: PHILOSOPHICAL DIVINITYGreat Prophets can be upgraded into Great Scientists. Expending a Great Scientist removes all Religious Followers, granting Golden Age Points for each one removed. UB: SACELLUMReplaces Shrine. Local Happiness is adde...
Rome (Julius Caesar)
Автор JFD
CIVILIZATION: ROME (JULIUS CAESAR) TRAIT: DICTATOR PERPETUO +25% Combat Bonus vs. Barbarian Units and earn Great General Points from defeating them. Receive Culture when a Great General is born. UNIQUE UNIT: PRAETORIAN (SWORDSMAN) The Praetorian is the eli...
Siam (Rama V)
Автор JFD SIAM (RAMA V) UA: MONTHON REFORMS Adopting new Social Policies expands the borders in connected cities and grants Production for the Capital based on those cities' Population size. UB: SANITARY DISTRICT (HOSPITAL) The Sanita...
Soviet Union (Joseph Stalin)
Автор JFD
SOVIET UNION (JOSEF STALIN) UA: WARSAW PACTEnemy units may take extra damage in your borders, or in the borders of allied City-States, or Civilizations with whom you share an Ideology. Earn Influence per turn with City-States from which you could demand tr...
Swedes (Erik)
Автор JFD ======================== INSTALLATION ======================== Steam Install Select "Subscribe" above. Start the game up and hit Mods Enable the mod Click Next and begin a game. Direct Installation Download 7zip (it's freewa...
Switzerland (Henri Dufour)
Автор JFD
SWITZERLAND (HENRI DUFOUR) UA: SONDERBUND WARDoubled Great General rate in own borders. Forts and Citadels generate Great Engineer Points during peace and heal adjacent Units during war. UB: KASERNE (MILITARY ACADEMY)The Kaserne is the unique Military Acad...
The Anglo-Saxons (BNW + Denmark DLC)
Автор JFD
This mod adds the Anglo-Saxons under Alfred the Great to the game. Please read the description before commenting! The Anglo-Saxons The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Golden Age progress is impeded by 33% less Unhappiness. Social Polic...
Iceland (Ingolfur Arnarson)
Автор JFD
ICELAND (INGOLFUR ARNARSON) Unique Trait: Age of Settlement Earn Great Writer Points for the Capital from discovering Civilizations and founding new cities. Cities founded with Skalds or on foreign continents begin with a free Monument and bonus Population...
The Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania (BNW)
Автор JFD
This mod adds the Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania under Sigismund II to the game. Please read the description before commenting! The Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania Noble Republic Happiness co...
The County of Flanders (BNW)
Автор JFD
Overview: Adds Flanders led by Robert III as a playable civilization. For full support, please see CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years, please consider donating to Paypal. Any support would go toward su...
The Dominion of New Zealand (Seddon)
Автор JFD Adds the Dominion of New Zealand led by Richard Seddon as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding...
Burgundy (Philip III)
Автор JFD
BURGUNDY (PHILIP III) Unique Trait: Northern Renaissance Friendly and Allied City-States contribute Cultural Great People Points to the Capital based on their trait.* +2 Gold from Great Works. *Cultural and Religion: Writer, Mercantile and Maritime: Artist...
The Duchy of Milan (BNW)
Автор JFD
Adds Milan led by Visconti as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years and wish to see more, please consider donat...
Normandy (William I)
Автор JFD
NORMANDY (WILLIAM I) Unique Trait: Doomesday Survey Courthouses are automatically built in conquered cities if you possess the original owner's Capital. After peace is declared, all cities captured from the opponent grant a burst of Gold. Unique Unit: Chev...
Afghanistan (Ahmad Shah Durrani)
Автор JFD
AFGHANISTAN (AHMAD SHAH DURRANI) Unique Trait: Graveyard of Empires Enemy Units in your borders take damage when in Hills or next to Mountains. This and combat victories in Friendly Territory produce Great Writer Points. Unique Unit: Jezailchi The Jezailch...
Great Britain (Victoria)
Автор JFD
GREAT BRITAIN (VICTORIA) Unique Trait: Sun Never Sets Can use Great Admirals to begin a Golden Age. During a Golden Age, Naval Units have +2 Movement and can heal outside friendly borders. Unique Unit: Redcoat The Redcoat is the unique Rifleman replacement...
The Empire of Rome (Constantine)
Автор JFD
Adds Rome led by Constantine as a playable civilization. Does not replace Augustus' Rome. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. !!!IMPORTANT!!!: This mod works best with the lastest beta of Gazebo's Community Patc...
Russia (Alexander I)
Автор JFD RUSSIA (ALEXANDER I) Unique Trait: Holy Alliance When declaring friendship, Russia and their friend hasten Resistance turns and have increased religious pressure. Units fighting in land belonging to a friend earn +30% more XP...
The Empire of Russia (Nicholas II) (BNW)
Автор JFD Installation Requires Brave New World Steam Install Select "Subscribe" above. Start the game up and hit Mods Enable the mod Click Next and begin a game. Direct Installation Download 7zip (it's f...
The Empire of Russia (Peter the Great) (BNW)
Автор JFD
Adds Russia led by Peter the Great as a playable civilization. Does not replace Catherine's Russia. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the year...
The Empire of Serbia (Stefan Dusan)
Автор JFD Adds the Serbian Empire led by Stefan Dusan as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the y...
The Empire of Spain (Philip II)
Автор JFD
Adds the Empire of Spain led by Philip II as a playable civilization. Renames Isabella's Spain to Castile. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. !!!IMPORTANT!!!: This mod works best with the lastest beta of Gazebo...
Sweden (Karl XII)
Автор JFD
SWEDEN (KARL XII) Unique Trait: Indelningsverk Whenever a new Citizen is born, Food carried over is also added to the production of all available Melee and Gun Units. Citadels built within range of a city increase the amount of Food carried over by 10% (up...
The Germans (BNW)
Автор JFD
This mod adds the Germans under Arminius to the game. Please read the description before commenting! The Germans Legacy of Teutoburg Forest Begin at peace with Barbarians. When war is declared, ...
The Grand Principality of Muscovy (Ivan IV)
Автор JFD Adds the Grand Principality of Muscovy led by Ivan IV as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding ...
Ireland (Brian Boru)
Автор JFD
IRELAND (BRIAN BORU) Unique Trait: Book of Armagh Gain Influence with City-States when conquering cities (more with Religious and Militaristic). Your choice of Great Work slot on capturing a Capital. Unique Unit: Fili The Fili is one of two Irish unique un...
The Kalmar Union (Margarethe I)
Автор JFD Adds the Kalmar Union led by Margarethe I as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the yea...
Khazaria (Bulan)
Автор JFD
KHAZARIA (BULAN) Unique Trait: Khazar Correspondence When a city is conquered, the followers of your main Religion from that city contribute progress toward your Capital's next Citizen. If that city was a Capital, receive Influence with City-States sharing...
Bavaria (Ludwig II)
Автор JFD
BAVARIA (LUDWIG II) Unique Trait: Swan King Culture from World Wonders are added to the city during construction. Cities with a World Wonder receive a free Great Work of Music slot. Unique Improvement: Schloss A Schloss is a unique improvement available on...
The Kingdom of Belgium (BNW)
Автор JFD
Adds Belgium led by Albert I as a playable civilization For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years and wish to see more, please consider dona...
The Kingdom of Bhutan
Автор JFD
Adds the Kingdom of Bhutan led by Jigme Dorji Wangchuck as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. !!!IMPORTANT!!!: This mod works best with the lastest beta of Gazebo's Community Patch. It ...
Bohemia (Vaclav II)
Автор JFD
BOHEMIA (VACLAV II) Unique Trait: The Hussite Wars City-States following your main religion provide a Delegate to the World Congress and have increased Religious Pressure. Religious Units beginning their turn in Bohemian lands have a chance to become Comba...
The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (BNW)
Автор JFD
Overview: Adds Denmark-Norway led by Christian IV as a playable civilization. Does not replace Harald's Denmark. For full support, please see CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years, please consider donatin...
The Kingdom of Egypt (Akhenaten)
Автор JFD Adds Egypt led by Akhenaten as a playable civilization. Does not replace Ramesses' Egypt. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V ...
The Kingdom of Egypt (Djoser)
Автор JFD Adds Egypt led by Djoser as a playable civilization. Does not replace Ramesses' Egypt. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V mod...
The Kingdom of Egypt (Hatshepsut)
Автор JFD Adds the Kingdom of Egypt led by Hatshepsut as a playable civilization. Does not replace Ramesses' Egypt. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you'...
The Kingdom of France (Louis XIV) (BNW)
Автор JFD
Adds France led by Louis XIV as a playable civilization. Does not replace Napoleon's France. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years and w...
The Kingdom of Italy (Victor Emmanuel III)
Автор JFD
Adds the Kingdom of Italy led by Victor Emmanuel III as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. !!!IMPORTANT!!!: This mod works best with the lastest beta of Gazebo's Community Patch. It is ...
Portugal (Afonso I)
Автор JFD
PORTUGAL (AFONSO I) Unique Trait: Miracle of Ourique Defeating units in their lands will convert nearby Citizens to your main religion and damage nearby cities. Courthouses exude +25% religious pressure. Unique Unit: Knight of Aviz The Knight of Aviz is th...
The Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont (BNW)
Автор JFD
Adds Sardinia-Piedmont led by Victor Emmanuel II as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years and wish to see more,...
The Kingdom of Scotland (BNW)
Автор JFD
Adds Scotland led by James VI as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years, please consider donating to Paypal or s...
Two-Sicilies (Ferdinand I)
Автор JFD THE TWO-SICILIES (FERDINAND I) Unique Trait: Pride of Bourbon Sicily Naval Units upgrade automatically as new Technologies are discovered. Receive a free Naval Unit when a Cargo Ship is built or purchased. Unique Unit: Steam ...
The Merchant Republic of Novgorod
Автор JFD
Adds Novgorod led by Aleksandr Nevksy as a playable civilization For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years and wish to see more, please cons...
The Nri Kingdom (Eri)
Автор JFD Adds the Nri Kingdom led by Eri as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years and wis...
Papal States (Pius IX)
Автор JFD
PAPAL STATES (PIUS IX) Unique Trait: Papal Infallability The Faith output of your Capital contributes toward new Social Policies and border expansion. Adopting Policies grants Great Writer Points based on the total followers of your main Religion. Unique U...
The Papal States (Innocent III)
Автор JFD Adds the Papal States led by Innocent III as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the yea...
The Principality of Wallachia (Vlad III Tepes)
Автор JFD Adds the Principality of Wallachia led by Vlad III Tepes as a playable civilization. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V moddi...
The Republic of Carthage (Hannibal) (BNW)
Автор JFD
Adds Carthage led by Hannibal as a playable civilization. Does not replace Dido' Carthage. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years, please...
The Republic of France (Clemenceau)
Автор JFD
Adds the Republic of France led by Clemenceau as a playable civilization. Does not replace Napoleon's France. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. !!!IMPORTANT!!!: This mod works best with the lastest beta of Gaz...
The Republic of France (de Gaulle) (BNW)
Автор JFD
Overview: Adds France led by Charles de Gaulle as a playable civilization. Does not replace Napoleon's France. For full support, please see CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years, please consider donating ...
Poland (Jozef Pilsudski)
Автор JFD
POLAND (JOZEF PILSUDSKI) Unique Trait: Miracle of the Vistula Combat Units are trained 25% faster and earn 33% more combat experience when fighting against a foe with a greater military force. After Industrialisation, Workers may build weaker Manufactories...
Russia (Vladimir Putin)
Автор JFD
RUSSIA (VLADIMIR PUTIN) Unique Trait: Maskirovka Expanding borders claims an additional tile adjacent. +2 Influence per turn with bordering City-States, which do not enter Resistance if conquered. Unique Unit: Spetsnaz This Russian unique unit replaces the...
The State of Deseret (Brigham Young)
Автор JFD Adds the State of Deseret led by Brigham Young as a playable civilization. Includes Mormonism as a religion. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I h...
The Turks (Mehmed II)
Автор JFD
======================== OVERVIEW ======================== CIVILIZATION - THE TURKS (MEHMED II) TRAIT - TRIBUTE IN BLOOD Receive a free Infantry Unit upon capturing an enemy city for the first time. Military Land Units yield +1 Happiness when garrisoned. U...
Soviet Russia (Vladimir Lenin)
Автор JFD
SOVIET RUSSIA (VLADIMIR LENIN) Unique Trait: Proletarian Revolution Stone Works, Windmills, Forges, and Factories may be constructed in any city regardless of their terrain or resource requirements. These Buildings grant a burst of Culture when completed. ...
The United Kingdom (George V)
Автор JFD
Adds the United Kingdom led by George V as a playable civilization. Does not replace Elizabeth's England. This mod is an adaption of the United Kingdom by Viregel. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. !!!IMPORTAN...
The United Kingdoms of Sweden-Norway (Oscar II)
Автор JFD
Overview: Adds Sweden-Norway led by Oscar II as a playable civilization. Does not replace Gustav's Sweden. For full support, please see CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed the work that I have done for Civ V modding over the years, please consider donating to P...
The United States (Teddy Roosevelt)
Автор JFD Adds the United States of America led by Teddy Roosevelt as a playable civilization. Does not replace Washington's America. For more information, please see the wikia or the mod's homepage on CivFanatics. If you've enjoyed th...
The United States of America (Lincoln) (BNW)
Автор JFD Installation Requires Brave New World Steam Install Select "Subscribe" above. Start the game up and hit Mods Enable the mod Click Next and begin a game. Direct Installation Download 7zip (it's f...
Vandals (Genseric)
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VANDALS (GENSERIC) Unique Trait: Crossing of the Rhine Units start with +1 Moves and ignore borders next to Coastal or River Tiles. Founding or capturing cities has a chance to convert nearby enemy units to your control and grants Gold for each one convert...
Vladimir (Vsevolod)
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VLADIMIR (VSEVOLOD) UA: TALE OF IGOR'S CAMPAIGNGenerate Great Writer Points from combat in owned or City-State borders. Combat Units gain bonus Attacking Strength, Movement, and pillage for free on the turn that a Great Writer is born. UB: WHITE CATHEDRALR...
Yugoslavia (Peter II)
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YUGOSLAVIA (PETER II) UA: EXILE PATRIOTISM+2 Local Happiness per Declaration of Friendship (in order of cities owned). Halved Resistance Turns for you and your DoF partners. UB: BAN'S COURTReplaces Police Station. Bonus Military Unit Production based on Lo...
Great Seljuqs (Nizam al-Mulk)
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GREAT SELJUQS (NIZAM AL-MULK) Unique Ability: Book of Government Your Capital receives Espionage Buildings automatically as they unlock. Other cities with an Espionage Building siphon Great Scientist Points to the Capital according to their effectiveness. ...
Portugal (Manuel I)
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PORTUGAL (MANUEL I) Unique Trait: Renaissance of Fortune Spending Gold on Buildings grants Great People Points from all working Specialists in the city, the amount doubling in the Capital. Unique Unit: Cosmographer The Cosmographer is Portugal's unique rep...
Yakuts (Tygyn Darkhan)
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THE YAKUTS (TYGYN DARKHAN) Unique Ability: Peoples of the Permafrost Production and Gold from worked Resources contribute to a city's Growth when there is otherwise no Food on the Tile. Cities store additional Food after growth in Tundra (10%) and Snow (20...
Aztecs (Isabel Montezuma)
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THE AZTECS (ISABEL MONTEZUMA) Unique Ability: Baptism of Tecuichpochtzin Civilizations with whom you share a DoF passively convert your cities to their Religion. Purchasing a Missionary or Inquisitor from a foreign Religion grants a burst of Gold and Produ...
East Germany (Ulbricht)
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EAST GERMANY (WALTER ULBRICHT) Unique Trait: Economic System of Socialism Constructing Production-yielding Buildings in the Capital passively contributes progress toward those buildings to all other cities. Gain a burst of Science when completing one of th...
England (Henry V)
Автор JFD ENGLAND (HENRY V) Unique Trait: By Justice or By Force Enemy cities take damage for every conquered one you have garrisoned. After assimilating a city, all pillaged Tile Improvements belonging to that city are repaired and y...
Russia (Elisabeth)
Автор JFD RUSSIA (ELISABETH) Unique Trait: Daughter of Peter the Great Cities constructing Great Work or Specialist Buildings have increased Local Happiness equal to a third of their Population. Every non-Military and non-Cultural Gre...
Assyria (Tiglath-Pileser III)
Автор JFD ASSYRIA (TIGLATH-PILESER III) Unique Trait: Inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser Adopting Social Policies reduces Resistance, heals Units, and damages enemy Cities. Monuments and Military Buildings grant Culture when constructed,...
Royal Hungary (Elizabeth Bathory)
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ROYAL HUNGARY (ELIZABETH BATHORY) Unique Trait: Tigress of Csejthe Cities connected to the Capital suffer no Food penalties from Excess Unhappiness. Stagnant or starving cities contribute Food to the Capital until their status returns to normal. Unique Uni...
Mexico (Maximilian I)
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MEXICO (MAXIMILIAN I) Unique Trait: Stand at Querétaro During war, adopting Social Policies spawns the best available Melee or Gun Unit in all cities. During peace, doing so triggers a WLTKD instead. Unique Unit: Volunteer Corps The Volunteer Corps is the ...
Vatican City (John Paul II)
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VATICAN CITY (JOHN PAUL II) Unique Trait: Universal Call To Holiness Opposing Tourism modifiers increase the religious pressure of your cities and foreign cities where your Religion is the majority. You and your Religious followers share in each others' Ca...
America (Bill Clinton)
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AMERICA (BILL CLINTON) Unique Trait: Comeback Kid During peacetime, Gold and Production modifiers increase city growth equal to half their value. Cities with at least half the Population size of the Capital provide +1 Delegate to the World Congress. Unique...
Portugal (Carlos I)
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PORTUGAL (CARLOS I) Unique Trait: Liberal Regenerator Adopting Social Policies boosts Production progress toward Courthouses, Happiness, Food, or Gold Buildings, depending on the greatest need. If a city has no Building to rush, receive Golden Age Points i...
Bosnia (Tvrtko I)
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BOSNIA (TVRTKO I) Unique Trait: Wealth of Pomojre Conquering a coastal city incurs no Resistance if you have more cities than the original owner. Courthouses grant all available Trade Buildings when built. Unique Unit: Krstjani The Krstjani is the unique B...
Paraguay (Stroessner)
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PARAGUAY (STROESSNER) Unique Trait: Peace, Work, and Well-Being Cities constructing either Espionage or Military Buildings undergo a 'We Love the King Day.' Units receive up to +2 Movement when beginning their turn near a city celebrating a 'We Love the Ki...
Holy Rome (Charles V)
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HOLY ROME (CHARLES V) Unique Trait: Universal Monarchy Excess Influence with Allied City-States converts to Golden Age Points (whilst above 90). Declaring War during a Golden Age grants the stored Faith, Gold, and Military Units of your Allied City-States....
Italy (Umberto I)
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ITALY (UMBERTO I) Unique Trait: First-Born Colonies You and your partner train Settler Units 10% faster for having an Open Borders arrangement (up to 100%). Harbours and Seaports constructed in cities on a foreign continent expand city borders and grant a ...
Cherokee (Moytoy)
Автор JFD CHEROKEE (MOYTOY) Unique Trait: Emperor of the Cherokee Buildings constructed in the Capital are transferred to cities without them so long as they have a Council House. Cities receiving a Building in this way generate a bur...
Netherlands (Wilhelmina)
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NETHERLANDS (WILHELMINA) Unique Trait: Radio Oranje 'We Love the King Days' operating during war do not end until peace is restored. Cities undergoing 'WLTKD' and Units within the radius of a friendly city undergoing 'WLTKD' heal +10 HP per turn. Unique Un...
Hanover (Ernest Augustus)
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HANOVER (ERNEST AUGUSTUS) Unique Trait: Royal Crossways 50% of Capital Production yield modifiers are shared between all cities with a City Connection. 100% of this Production modifier is shared when that Connection is via Railroad. Unique Unit: King's Ger...
Holy Rome (Francis II)
Автор JFD HOLY ROME (FRANCIS II) Unique Trait: European Restoration Half the rate of Espionage Resistance also increases Great People generation rate in a city. For each Social Policy Branch completed, Espionage Resistance is increase...
Fiji (Cakobau)
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FIJI (CAKOBAU) Unique Trait: Destroyer of Bau Clearing Barbarian Encampments yields Food and Influence. Allied Militaristic City-States provide of a copy of any Melee Units they train whilst non-Militaristic City-States provide a copy of any Worker Units. ...
Denmark (Christian X)
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DENMARK (CHRISTIAN X) Unique Trait: Kongemaeket During wartime, cities with a stationed Great General undergo a 'We Love the King Day.' Units trained in a city celebrating WLTKD ignore enemy Zone of Control and, if a Civilian Unit, return to the nearest fr...
British Raj (Mountbatten)
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BRITISH RAJ (MOUNTBATTEN) Unique Trait: Road to Mandalay Production adds to Population growth in both your cities and the cities of your City-State Allies (10%). Global Population count between both increases the Gold bonus of City Connections (up to 50%)....
Japan (Hirohito)
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JAPAN (HIROHITO) Unique Trait: Reign of Enlightened Peace Returning to peace after war with a major Civilization triggers a 'We Love the King Day' in all non-conquered cities. During a WLTKD, city Culture and Science output contributes to Building Producti...
Han (Wu)
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HAN (WU) Unique Trait: Jianyuan Reforms Production, Gold, and Science Yields from Specialists working outside the Capital are added to the Capital instead. In other cities, these Yields are added as Culture. Unique Unit: Qiang Spearman The Qiang Spearman r...
Ottomans (Selim I)
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OTTOMANS (SELIM I) Unique Trait: Servant of the Two Holy Cities Conquering a Holy City captures and ends the Resistance of all cities following its Religion and originally belonging to the Holy City's founder. +33% Religious Pressure in all cities per Holy...
Great Mongolia (Bogd Gegeen)
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GREAT MONGOLIA (BOGD GEGEEN) Unique Trait: Elevated By The Many When a Great Prophet is spawend, Barbarian Units on the same landmass are converted to your control. Cities with a Great Prophet stationed in them convert Faith Per Turn to cultural border exp...
Qin (Zheng)
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QIN (ZHENG) Unique Trait: Hydraulic Despotism Construct Specialist Buildings 50% faster in cities on a river. Occupied cities with at least two working Specialists have no Occupied Unhappiness. Unique Unit: South-pointing Chariot The South-pointing Chariot...
Byzantium (Michael VIII)
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BYZANTIUM (MICHAEL VIII) Unique Trait: Palaeologan Renaissance Naval Combat Units receive a free Siege Promotion when upgraded. Captured cities have no Occupied Unhappiness whilst a Science or Faith Building is under construction. Unique Unit: Lanternas On...
Zaporizhzhia (Ivan Sirko)
Автор JFD ZAPORIZHZHIA (IVAN SIRKO) Unique Trait: Reply of the Zaporizhzhia Cossacks Enemy denunciations trigger a 'We Love the King Day' to start in your cities on the next turn. Melee, Mounted, and Gun Units trained in a city celebrat...
Jordan (Hussein I)
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JORDAN (HUSSEIN I) Unique Trait: The Last Peacemaker Bonus Military Production (+10%) for each Civilization in an active war on your continent. Gain Influence with City-States on your continent when making peace with a major Civilization; more with fewer o...
Afghanistan (Zahir Shah)
Автор JFD AFGHANISTAN (ZAHIR SHAH) Unique Trait: Father of Modern Afghanistan Generate Culture whilst constructing Food- and Production-Yielding Buildings. 10% of Building Maintenance costs are offset by each of your Friends so long a...
Great Britain (Elizabeth II)
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GREAT BRITAIN (ELIZABETH II) Unique Trait: Worthy of Your Trust Each era, your Capital undergoes a WLTKD. Each time the Capital undergoes a WLTKD, it receives a permanent bonus to Culture and, every three times, Happiness, for so long as it has remains und...
Portugal (Couceiro)
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PORTUGAL (COURCEIRO) Unique Trait: Cream of Mushvie Worker Units are passively trained in the Capital during wartime or in cities undergoing Resistance. Generate Culture when defeating an enemy unit within two tiles of a friendly Worker, Missionary, or Gre...
Denmark (Margarethe II)
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DENMARK (MARGARETHE II) Unique Trait: Love of the People, Denmark's Strength< During 'We Love the King Days,' Culture Buildings yield Local Happiness. When Happiness is high, each new Era causes all cities to undergo a WLTKD. Unique Unit: Niels Juel-class ...
America (Norton I)
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AMERICA (NORTON I) Unique Trait: Emperor of these United States During WLTKD, Buildings provide full Happiness regardless of their city's Population size. Happiness provided by city Buildings boosts Great People generation by 10% (up to 100%) Unique Unit: ...
Nepal (Tribhuvan)
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NEPAL (TRIBHUVAN) Unique Trait: Dynasty of Pradhanamantrs Cities stationed with a Rana increase XP and Production bonuses for Land Combat Units by +25%. Cities otherwise exchange half Culture to the Capital for a bonus +15% to Food (if the Capital has no s...
Chile (Balmaceda)
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CHILE (BALMACEDA) Unique Trait: Club de la Reforma Adopted Social Policies boost Building Production based on the Policy Branch focus. For each Policy Branch that shares an even number of adopted Policies with another, +1 Happiness (up to +2). Unique Unit:...
Ecuador (Moreno)
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ECUADOR (MORENO) Unique Trait: Trabajo Subsidario Production, Food, or Gold Buildings yield +10% and +15% of their Yield, respectively, depending on which is lowest in the city. Train Worker units 15% faster in cities not Connected to the Capital. Unique U...
Croatia (Tomislav I)
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CROATIA (TOMISLAV I) Unique Trait: King of the Croats Defense Buildings increase Military Unit Production during wartime and Gold during peacetime by +5% (up to +25%). Each Defense Building grants Great General Points when built; doubled whilst at war. Uni...
Haiti (Papa Doc)
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HAITI (PAPA DOC) Unique Trait: Cult of the Living Ioa During 'We Love the King Days,' Faith Buildings increase the amount of Food stored after growth by 10% each (up to 30%) and Espionage and Military Buildings are automatically constructed using a city's ...