Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

项目 (109)
Unofficial Patch
创建者: Kazarion
** This mod MUST be the first in your mods list** If you have other mods, loading this mod MUST BE at the very top => Because of the nature of this mod, I have to edit base game file, this is the source of many conflict with other mods editing the same fil...
Anime Core Lib
创建者: alexis_stukov
用于在CK3实现纸片人肖像 附有完整教程和python自动处理脚本,理论上只需要抠图然后写个trigger。 如果你增加了新的条目,请把你的trigger放在评论区而不是覆盖接口文件。我会把这些trigger加入这个mod。 自定义角色需要设置光头、无胡须 For English user: This mod is a solution and interface for 2D portrait in Crusader Kings III, you can use it to add characters ...
誓约,看板&罗马医院 Hunjian, Secretary & Lesbian Birth
创建者: Saltfish
不玩纸片人只用女同功能的话不需要任何前置,并建议放在顶部。 现已支持RUI(自制兼容版本) RUI (Unofficial support version) is supported now. 这是维堡出品的某些二刺螈MOD的依赖MOD。 维堡二刺螈mod(二向箔,誓约,HMI,GF,AL,女仆)之间现已实现随便乱摆。不要再问排序了 包含屏幕下方纸片人看板、台词和语音的API。 引入了一个“誓约”的新脚本关系,以及麻瓜也可用的女同性恋生育的功能(规则可限制仅玩家)(懒得模拟遗传所以有点滥强) 关于兼容性: ...
幻萌入侵 Hm Invasion 立绘与角色包
创建者: 文月瑠衣
本mod是幻萌入侵的立绘包,包括最基本的获得舰娘,与舰娘誓约 和舰娘生小舰娘的内容,可以与大部分mod进行共存 并不影响主要的游戏体验 必须订阅二向箔和誓约MOD 如果想体验完整的幻萌宗教政体等其他内容,请订阅本mod依赖的幻萌入侵故事与机制拓展mod MOD群775821108 HM的信徒们,你们有福了,可以在CK3里见到自己的老婆(们) 二刺猿爱好者们,你们有福了,上百个萌妹供你娶回家 地图填色爱好者们,你们有福了,艾拉神选将粉碎所有敌人,让你三天之内重建罗马 大奸大恶爱好者,你们有福了,对着原版模型冲...
战舰少女语音包/Warship Girl Voice
创建者: 文月瑠衣
但是谁不喜欢语音包呢 Voice Pack For WSG mod...
幻萌入侵 一年战争异闻录(故事与机制扩展)
创建者: 文月瑠衣
English Patch: 本mod是幻萌入侵的事件与机制包,目标是在近似原版环境下深化游戏体验,主要包括以下内容: 1 全新的幻萌宗教 2 进行改革以唤醒沉睡的幻萌世界 3 全新的港区制政体 4 与神秘势力取得联系并获得超越时代的魔法 5 复刻ck2的法律体系 6 使用总督和帝国体制管理 你的封臣 7 与反幻萌势力展开恶战,并解放中世纪的诸多名城 8 全新的历史幻萌角色和相...
HMI extra unit
创建者: シロ(shiro)
如果觉得hmi本体战斗过于简单且其他兵种mod强度不和幻萌本体匹配降低游玩体验可以考虑本mod内容有大量新兵种以及部分原版兵种立绘替换. 保留多兵种类型克制的同时下调了幻萌以及反寨兵种的属性克制系数(也有碧蓝航线兵种)以求更接近原版数值防止地域文化单位以及一些其他mod单位失去存在价值。现在游戏过程中绝大部分兵种的总克制系数都是1-2之间。即如果一个单位克制三种兵种的话可能每种兵种克制系数只有0.5。长枪兵会较多2以上总克制系数。 相比于原版HM反寨势力会更加强大 神选召唤部队控制台代码是effect = ...
创建者: 文月瑠衣
重新优化后的东方王朝兼容mod 预计会增加新剧本...
Oriental Empires
创建者: Chillshadow
New Bookmark in 1178, Try New Characters in Genpei War, Goryeo Musin Regime, seeing the Rise of Gengis Khan, Jayavarman VII, and Javanese! Try New Functions in Developer Edition This Mod has both Chinese and English language, and we truly need more help fr...
Celestial & Illusion Flavor Pack
创建者: IU
当前版本简介: 【兼容内容】 兼容《东方王朝》(OE),若发生闪退,请排查error log文件。 兼容《变身大明》 本Mod不依赖OE本体,可单独使用。 若要完整展现本Mod的全部功能,本Mod的排序应该在《东方王朝》《A GRANDER Building Compatch》的下方 不兼容其他对地产GUI改动的MOD,已涵盖当前所有地产相关功能,详见下列新增内容介绍 已包含且仅包含《奇迹之城》的所有建筑,调整了对应中文本地化的建筑名称,调升了建筑的花费、调升建筑的建造条件 兼容《A GRANDER Bui...
东方王朝文化兵种扩展 Orient Empires Expansion of cultural customs
创建者: KAHN
东方王朝文化兵种扩展 mod 本mod的所有文本都有标注并且十分简单,欢迎感兴趣的小伙伴自行英语本地化 All the text in this mod is annotated and very simple, so you are welcome to localize it yourself #有什么好点子可以私信我,我会给你做出来的鸥Q3Q# QQ群号:902225782 启动器内黄色三角不要紧,不影响游玩,亲测有效 请勿与hoc兵种mod一起使用,hoc里面有的内容本mod后续会酌情增加,优化和改...
Azur Lane/碧蓝航线:风暴将至
创建者: 文月瑠衣
请订阅二向箔mod Anime Core Lib 哦...
Girls' Frontline/少女前线
创建者: 文月瑠衣
English Patch: 据说在古老而繁荣的过去,曾经有完全同人类相似的人偶“人形”服务自己的君主,为旧日的人类带来了繁盛的文明,但是在一场旷日持久的仙界之战中,最南方的大国与最北方的国家同归于尽,从此世界就失去了火焰的指引。然而,天宝年间,一支由范阳节度使安禄山资助的探险队在华亭县,一个名叫北兰岛的荒芜岛屿上找到了已经不知道封存了多久的旧日遗迹,探险队领导者史朝义不下心触...
Project Neural Cloud
创建者: accelerator560
“警告!致命错误:系统完整性严重损坏……” 这是一场威胁人形存亡的空前危机, 面对强劲的敌人和未知的前路, 散落各地的人形们正凭各自的意志咬牙挣扎,寻求渺茫的希望。 发现了“云图计划”尘封秘密的您, 义无反顾踏入了这片未知的土地, 集结人形并建立“流亡者”队伍,成为他们的领导者, 探索这个世界的秘密,找寻脱离绝境的方法, 揭开事件背后的真相…… 。。。。 该mod基于云母组手游《云图计划》创作。 请将本mod放置在Anime Core Lib之下。 。。。。 萌新的一个小mod,可能会有ooc,数值破坏平衡...
蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive
创建者: 大英帝国的幸运E
这是一个基于韩国Nexon公司出品的游戏《Blue Archive》(别称:ブルーアーカイブ)所做的mod。 本mod的内容有: 1、碧蓝档案学生立绘和好感度系统及其对应的赠送爱用品互动 2、特殊宝物“什亭之匣”及其内涵的包括学生招募、学生羁绊、学校建筑等趣味机制,和学生们愉快玩耍吧! 3、基沃托斯风格的特殊文化传统(通过抽卡获得或选择初始文化),以及特殊的建筑和学院相关的专属决议。 4、新的剧本,可以扮演不同学院的学生。 之后小更新将放在改动说明之中 QQ交流群:518853470 有什么疑问或者建议可以...
Shadow Verse/影之诗
已适配1.12.*新版本 本mod基于Cygames旗下游戏《影之诗》进行二次创作 理论上和大多数mod不会有兼容问题 现在需要二向箔核心库作为前置,但理论上仍然不会出现较大的兼容问题,除非该mod不与二向箔核心库兼容 mod内容: -新的文化 -新的传统 -专属地产 -专属建筑 -纸片人 本mod新增文化可在新的影之诗文化组中找到 以影之诗角色/世界为基础的文化与传统,目前完成: 纳塔拉文化(森罗咆哮、纳塔拉的崩坏、物语重归) 埃亚隆文化(钢铁反叛者、纳塔拉的崩坏、物语重归) 伊兹尼亚文化(扭曲次元、物语...
女仆之国/Maid Universalis
创建者: 文月瑠衣
English Patch: 女仆之国是来自群星的臭狗授权的一款青春战术类十字军之王模组,玩家将可以通过招募拥有独特立绘的女仆为自己的孩子获得更好的教育,并逐步接近那接近整个欧洲的乌云的真相 和合集中的HMI Al GF联动:可以获取对应mod的女仆角色 请订阅二向箔mod Anime Core Lib 哦 mod讨论群组:672678613(二向箔相关mod讨论群)...
明日方舟重制版 Arknights Reworked
创建者: 文月瑠衣
二向箔是必须的,秘书舰托盘目前暂时是非必需的可选项。 重新制作了模组机制和代码,加入了新的干员。 目前包括的内容:游戏内的全部313个(含异格和升变)可抽干员的获取(不会抽出已有),种族、遗传学和生殖隔离、源石病,罗德岛和相应的旅行选项。 TODO:源石技艺、角色模板完善、换装、精英化、升变 与秘书舰托盘一起开启时可以调出自选角色,并可于托盘中显示台词。 维堡二刺螈MOD讨论QQ群:672678613 Anime Core Lib is required, Secretary adds more featu...
明日方舟-铃兰宗教Suzuran Religion 1.12 HM compatible versions
创建者: 长者夸我跑得快
Mod Content 1. New faith: Suzuran Religion, with three new core doctrines and new holy places. After possessing one of the holy place and meeting certain conditions, the summoning ceremony of the Suzuran God can be carried out, using one's own body as the ...
创建者: spanti
1.添加了新的马克思宗教组 2.默认的宗教信仰:正统派 3.目前共计8个新的核心教义 4.一些特殊决议 注:使用决议改信共产主义信仰 本mod完成度较低,需要补充内容 9.24添加内容: 革命威慑度,腐败度机制 ,两种数值的高低影响同信仰下人物获得的buff 公国解放战争(圣战的加强版) 10.2添加内容: 新的信仰:安那其派,妥协派 新的制度:革命官僚制(马克思宗教组) 特区:基于你的需求设定特区类型:经济特区,整合区,扶贫特区... 10.4添加 常委选举制(条件:革命官僚制,至少为王国级头衔,共产主义...
Cults of Egypt
创建者: GarfieldHub
"They are religious beyond all other Men" Cults of Egypt is a religion mod which seeks to represent vast and colourful expanse of Ancient Egyptian theology. I undertook this project as both a personal test and due to dissatisfaction of how Kemeticism was r...
创建者: 伊恩
对古埃及宗教(凯迈特多神教)模组的汉化 以及对MOD本体原版教义缺失问题的修复(如,尼扎里耶派没有菲达因教义,只有两个核心教义) 对原作者其他模组的汉化: 古罗马宗教汉化...
Cults of Rome
创建者: GarfieldHub
"It was divine nature which gave us the country, and man's skill that built the cities." The Cults of Rome mod attempts to represent the breadth of Roman Religion. Going beyond representing the diverse religious landscape of Rome with a single religion, th...
Cults of Rome CN
创建者: 伊恩
罗马古代宗教(古罗马多神教)MOD的汉化和对MOD本体原版教义缺失的补全(如,尼扎里耶派没有菲达因教义,只有两个核心教义) 对原作者其他模组的汉化: 埃及宗教汉化...
Touhou Cultural Traditions
创建者: 亞特拉斯
This mod is based on the world view of Touhou Project series STG games. At present, simplified Chinese and English are supported. The main contents of this mod include: 1. At present, there are 59 cultural traditions based on the characters of Gensokyo. Al...
创建者: 丶未来科技丿
创建者: 丶未来科技丿
停更说明 触手天灾mod创立之初的目的是进行蝗灾的模拟,注重于模拟而忽视可玩性。触手题材属于是个人的癖好,但是随着开发的进行,触手与天灾之间的矛盾愈发明显,阻碍了Mod的进一步发展。为此我决定停更此mod,将精力投入到新mod的制作中去。还请大家期待。 …… 欢迎大家在本mod的基础上进行再创作或是引用本mod的代码。如果有任何问题或者有接坑的意向,请加群:839209339 …… MOD内容: MOD构思并制作了一种生活习性类似于蝗虫的特殊人群,让玩家能够体验蝗灾的生成机制。 1.邪恶的异界怪物在世界上传...
征召兵加强(Enhance Levies )
创建者: subai
游戏里面征召兵太弱了,一队重骑能创死一条街,这个MOD加强了征召兵。现在征召兵拥有45伤害 25坚韧。普通兵士没有建筑加成甚至打不过征召兵。推荐搭配NO MORE LEVIES 使用。显示韧性27是因为用来测试的多毛者军事能力加了两点韧性 Enhanced Levies in the game,damage = 45 toughness = 25...
更有存在感的征召兵(better levies)
创建者: TWJK
一个简单的小MOD。增加了多种提升征召兵战斗力的方式,并结合不同政体的动员方式进行相应的加成。 一,封臣的政体增加民兵属性: 1.封建制增加征召兵防御(不同契约加成不同) 2.神权制增加征召兵攻击 3.氏族制增加征召兵掩护 4.部落制增加征召兵追击 5.共和制增征召兵攻城能力 二,相对成熟的封建政体其直辖的城堡建筑也能提供征召兵的防御 三,大国君主更具有优势,大国并不急于建立一直精锐部队,从而使其拜摆脱军团上限带来的限制。 其庞大且有效的征召兵一样可以胜任前期的作战任务。 A simple little M...
更沉浸的骑士与侍从 More Immersive Knight and Squire
创建者: Kenshin
本MOD已委任给TWJK负责更新,beta版内容见他的更沉浸的侍从与骑士update 功能介绍 你是否觉得原版游戏中的骑士太过无足轻重,为你打几十年烂仗还记不住他们的名字?这个MOD聚焦于解决这个问题。 本MOD添加了一套类似于AGOT的骑士侍从机制,现在,只有具有骑士或侍从特质的角色才能被任命为作战的骑士(每10年可授予一次特别军事许可以任命姬骑士)。只有具备骑士特质的角色才能被任命为勋号骑士。 游戏开始时,会根据剧本初始人物的勇武、性格、地位初始化骑士或者侍从特质。 册封骑士需要消耗可观的威望,对象是平...
创建者: TWJK
这是原“更沉浸的骑士与侍从”的扩展的BETA 实验性质的内容在此更新。 本mod 更新内容: 1.增加了册封骑士的难度和收益,现在没有足够的侍从经验的人更难以胜任骑士的头衔与责任。而经过侍从训练后的骑士将更加强大。 2.受封骑士只是开始,骑士的荣耀需要不断的战斗来证明,现在骑士在战斗中每次获胜都会获得极少量的赏金与威望,更重要的是会积累骑士的经验,从而磨炼成更加强大且荣耀的骑士。 3.现在侍从生涯将是一名骑士一生中最宝贵的财富,即在受封骑士后,侍从生涯特质并不会消失。 1.12.5更新: 1.优化游戏体验。...
创建者: Kenshin
★ 动态支持系统 领主可以征求封臣的支持,换取为期5年的封臣同盟,并维系与封臣之间的关系。低好感封臣会提前中止这种支持并结束同盟,过低好感会加剧这种倾向。 封臣同盟可以被召唤加入领主的战争,封臣同盟又会召唤下一级封臣同盟加入战争,但封臣不能被召集加入反抗领主暴政战争和自由派系战争。 玩家召唤封臣参战需要花费威望,AI无偿。AI会更倾向于与强力封臣结盟,这会加强国家韧性。 最大结盟封臣阈值,超过吃接受度惩罚: 公爵:2 国王:3 皇帝:3(电脑角色4) 两个帝国头衔:6 三个帝国头衔:9 ★ 厌战系统 加入战...
创建者: Kenshin
该MOD最近一次更新由1332187556负责,接下来也可能由他接手,任何相关问题请联系他,不要联系原作者 功能介绍 这个MOD允许你通过独立的宣战互动,使用特殊的CB——特洛伊战争来掠夺敌对统治者的配偶和廷臣,甚至通过战争直接成为他或她的情人(1.如果你的头衔高于对方,会强制附庸;2.如果对方是非独立统治者,会帮助其独立)。 你可以通过决议菜单开关上述CB,并在金钱、威望和虔诚三个选项中切换你的战争花费。...
更佳婚姻同盟 Better Marriage Alliances
创建者: Kenshin
An updated version of No Marriage Alliance compatible with 1.12.5(Scythe) ★ 功能介绍 婚姻不同盟改为停战(你与其近亲、其与你近亲、双方直系血亲的姻亲关系可用于同盟谈判) 近亲:至亲和三代以内的旁系血亲直系血亲:父母、子女、兄弟姐妹 更真实的婚姻接受度参数AI会更多考虑门当户对的婚姻,更容易和所在地区AI结盟抱成一团,甚至世代交好。婚姻拉人玩法更受限,只能拉到流浪者和不重要的廷臣。 ★ Credit No Marriage Allia...
Let's raid
创建者: Hunter
Let's raid!!! Version: 1.0 viking longboat update: delete lifestyle - 'raider' now the decision will unlock raid oversea and a new type of men-at-arms - 'viking raiders' Main content add a new decision to make a plunder permit (but you claim that the plund...
The Road of God [超能之路]
创建者: a839139610
What does this mod add? The Road of God is a mod centered around an expansion of the skill tree, including new traits, military types, decisions, events, treasures, schemes, and religious doctrines. A Whole New Skill Tree and 42 New Skills Through the Know...
创建者: Awakened
Translated by Google Overview Some interesting decisions/events/traits/nickname/buildings/character interactions Front row reminder: This is my first work, this mod is more for entertainment, and the values ​​are not in line with the vanilla version. If yo...
Chat GPT Standalone Expansion
创建者: One Proud Brazilian NEWS: Mod Version 2.0 - Inner Circle! Short Description: -> This mods adds 5 Traits with a total of 38 Tracks -> There are plans to expand this mod with flavor events -> This mod works independently of Chat GPT Flavor Pa...
Chat GPT Flavor Pack (Lite)
创建者: One Proud Brazilian NEWS: Mod Version 4.x This is the Lite Edition of the mod. Chat GPT Flavor Pack - Complete Edition also introduces balance changes and a more challenging and strategic relevant gameplay. -> The impact of mini-events a...
Chat GPT Flavor Pack (Complete)
创建者: One Proud Brazilian NEWS: Mod Version 4.8 - Legitimacy! Standalone Expansion Released! -> The goal is to add more complex and advanced features to the game! -> The Expansion is optional and works independently! ATTENTION: Complete Editio...
Chat GPT Language Pack Addon (Outdated)
创建者: One Proud Brazilian NOTE: The Language Pack is a Work in Progress! -> Missing or incorrect text and strange formatting are to be expected -> Help to improve the localization for your native language! -> This Language Pack works for Compl...
Border Disputes
创建者: perl
Fight over neighboring contested regions with border disputes! If you want to support me, you can buy me a coffee! This mod adds a new type of casus belli where countries can fight over neighboring territories along the bord...
More Interactive Vassals
创建者: perl
Experience reworked civil wars, vassals that fight alongside their liege, and tons of new customizable game mechanics! If you want to support me, you can buy me a coffee! Customizable Experience More Interactive Vassals is a...
War Veterans (1.5.2) DEPRECATED
创建者: raguel
This mod is a work in progress. Thanks to Stik and Devolvy for helping me create this mod. Thanks to carwash herzen str for the Russian localization. Commanders and knights gain traits based on the number of times they were victorious in battle (5, 10, 20,...
A New Sensible Family 2
创建者: Olympia
An updated version, A New Sensible Family 3, has been created by the talented Rylock. I highly recommend either their stand-alone version of A New Sensible Family 3 or their more elaborate (and personally recommended) Love Marriage Family mod. Rylock's upd...
Quando Sumus - Decisions of CK3
创建者: idm
Compatible with 1.12. Quando Sumus - Decisions of CK3 adds a collection of new decisions to the game designed around reinforcing existing gameplay options and introducing new quality-of-life additions.
More Lifestyles
创建者: Askil
Compatible with CK3 Legends of the Dead & 1.12 "Scythe" Update Feel like having more choice when it comes to lifestyles? More Lifestyles add two new branches with unique perks, focuses and events.
Better Crusader Kings - Lifestyles
创建者: Mateus
Summary This is the separed version of my mod, with only the new lifestyles tree. New Lifestyles Tree Five new lifestyles tree that you can enjoy: Raider (Martial) - Focused on pillage and raiding your enemies; Alchemy (Intrigue) - Alternative way to gain ...
More Dynasty Legacies - Break My Peacock Edition
Upgraded version of More Dynasty Legacies - Break My Gui Edition by our brother in Christ Dr Jimothy. Thanks for allowing me to update your mod :) Original: I recommend you also use Scrollab...
More Legacies
创建者: bravelildragon
Tired of being forced to choose between letting your stockpile of renown go to waste or investing in a legacy that doesn’t mesh with the character you’re roleplaying? Are you a power gamer who has finished all the vanilla legacies and wants more to spend y...
创建者: ryciebani666
Witchcraft Witchcraft mod introduces a lot of new content and an additional layer of gameplay for witch lords. It includes new events, items, decisions, interactions and rules related to the theme of witchcraft, including many fantasy elements and its own ...
创建者: Nyxamos
A simple xianxia-style cultivation mod. Five spiritual roots with varying rarity. Seven cultivation realms from "Qi Gathering" to "Immortal Ascension". The cultivation traits will naturally increase in rank depending on the grade of your spiritual root. Yo...
National Honor of the Trousers
创建者: raguel
This mod currently requires War Veterans (1.5.2) (actually either version of WV should work, but in the future this one may be the only one I update). If the player holds the kingdom of Mali (Manding for Africa Plus) and is of Malinke (or hybridized from M...
Better Executions Updated
创建者: FunGaming44 The original mod has a very old outdated character_interaction_events file which causes missing dialogs in game and missing features and events. Also some events got changed during game update...
Adds 900+ nicknames. Also Includes prefix nicknames such as: "Young" Robert "Big" Alfred "Skinny" Pete all these can appear in your game naturally! (IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT PREFIX NICKNAMES FURTHER BELOW!) Ironman + Achievement compatible Many of the nickname...
More Schemes and Plots
创建者: QQ
More Schemes and Plots - A CK3 mod New Update! -Updated for 1.10 Quill and DLC Introduction More Schemes and Plots tries to remedy the lack of intrigue options for a CK3 playthrough. It does that by adding, well, more schemes and plots. It currently has on...
创建者: I Am Full Truie
UPDATED FOR LEGENDS OF THE DEAD Introduction Ever wanted to feel like rulers would actually react to your expansion ? Then this mod is for you. In essence, it mimics Europa Universalis IV Overextension and Aggressive Expansion game mechanics, but adapted t...
Court Positions +
创建者: I Am Full Truie Introduction This mods adds three tasks to most of the Council Positions of the game. It also reworks the UI a bit, to make it more handy and make things more visible in there. It also slightly increases Court Positions cost...
[KET] Advanced Court
创建者: Ketaros
THANKS FOR THE 15.000 SUBSCRIBERS!!!! This mod creates 35 new Court Positions and improves the Graphics for all the court positions at the game adding offices background, lifestyle development, as torsos instead of potraits, icons, stars, and a lot of fun....
Court Positions Expanded - UPDATED for 1.11
创建者: BeatTh9Meat
This mod is intended to add additional court positions for more realism, roleplay, & atmosphere to the complexities of running realms. My goal for this mod is to eventually develop cultural, language, & religious unique court positions to add unique flair ...
创建者: CaelReader
Counterfactuals for Crusader Kings 3 1.12.* Counterfactuals is a small content mod containing events that react and respond to various ahistorical things that might happen in your game (as well as some historical ones). Currently adds events for the follow...
More Regional Innovations
创建者: Izumi of the Thorns
Overview The More Regional Innovations Mod does exactly what the title says; it adds 6 region specific innovations to each era. The purpose of this Mod is to create a sense of diversity amongst the regions and give the cultures a little bit more character....
HOC updated
创建者: Symons
An updated versions of HOC until the original creator update the original mod. see: Including: - New Men-at-arms for a lot of different culture. - New innovations like for...
arquebus plus
创建者: firespark84
this is an update and expansion to the fantastic Arquebus mod by Xander, with added components from prof. pipilongcocking's MAA Balance X The Arquebus Compatch. What this mod adds from the original: this mod adds the gunpowder cavalry men at arms type form...
Warhammer Units - Redux
创建者: Nobutora
Greetings, I decided to update warhammer units mod made by PRICEless which you can find here: since the author has gone missing the mod wasnt working anymore. New units added: (AI will not b...
battlefield tactics
创建者: firespark84
This mod given the player (ai coming soon) the ability to choose tactics through a decision, giving bonuses to certain men at arms while reducing the effectiveness of others. the mod has several tactics for different cultures, such as english longbow volle...
Better Battles Updated
创建者: Prof.Dr.Max
Important you have to command the army yourselves to get most of the events. Original mod here Warfare, Reinvigorated. Better Battles is a mod that adds a variety of new combat-enriching eve...
Warden Vassal Contract
创建者: perl
Protect the realm with Wardens, vassals with unique obligations! If you want to support me, you can buy me a coffee! A vassal subject to a Warden Contract is afforded many privileges in times of peace, but when the realm is ...
Songs of Kings and Princes (Modcon 3 Modjam Mod)
创建者: cybrxkhan Created during the course of ModCon 3, this mod adds in flavor and mechanics related to the theme of music and troubadours. An all star team of modders took up the challenge to see what they could do in only 3 days! Please n...
创建者: CaelReader
Pillage for Crusader Kings 3 1.12.* The march begins. Out in front are the scouts and incendiaries. After them come the foragers whose job it is to collect the spoils and carry them to the great baggage train. Soon all is tumult. The peasants, having just ...
War Debuffs
创建者: Hustlemaster88
War Debuffs - Version 2.1 The aim of this mod is to let you feel and deal with the troubles of medieval warfare. To achieve this, it makes war more difficult and decisive by adding modifiers for your economy, control and public opinion as well as several w...
Vassals To Arms
创建者: Degreeno
Compatible with version 1.12.* This mod sends an event to the vassals of a defender in a war, if these vassals are somehow affected by this war. They can then decide to join the defender or to not join. A vassal is affected by a war, if he/she would lose l...
Houses Traditions
创建者: Beyond Disbelief
The House Tradition mods creates traditions and values for each house to follow. Ever wanted to see your children behaving more like you? Wanted to roleplay as the Starks of Winterfell but the game's RNG keeps screwing up your family? This mod is for you. ...
Classic Laws
创建者: LNSS
Classic Laws: CK2 Laws & More My obsession with bringing back CK2 into CK3 continues. This mod somewhat restores the law framework from CK2, where Crown Authority was split into several different laws, such as Title Revocation Law, Vassal War Declaration L...
More Legends
创建者: Lybraris
More Legends First of all, the mod is COMPLETELY COMPATIBLE with all mods, no vanilla file has been edited. SAVEGAME COMPATIBLE Inspired by the following mod : Glory of Ancestors Description This mod is meant as an addition for the dlc, it adds several new...
Prisoners of War
Updated for v1.12.* Long gone are the days when prisoners teleported from a siege location deep in enemy territory to your own dungeons ! Prisoners of War is a Mostly Mechanical Mod Prisoners of War adds a new layer of tactical choices : should you siege b...
Trick or Trait
Updated for 1.12.* Want to spice up genetics and childhood gameplay? Trick or Trait will hide inheritable physical traits, until they are revealed through the appropriate childhood events. Trick or Trait is a Mostly Mechanical Mod. Please join us on our di...
Loyal To A Fault
What if loyal vassals rose up with their liege against hostile factions? Loyal To A Fault introduces a new Loyalist Faction, which loyal vassals can join, to deter and defend against hostile factions. Loyal To A Fault is a Mostly Mechanical Mod that aims t...
Foundational Framework
Foundational Framework is a Uniquely Useful Utility mod that aims to enhance mod compatibility, by being to script what UniUI is to GUI. It is required for Prisoners of War, advised for all Mostly Mechanical Mod, and open to include any mod whose author wo...
Social Relations Expanded (SRE)
创建者: Big Uncle
Updated for 1.12.*.* Find the relation system to be irrelevant most of the time? This mod aims to make personal/family relations have a more prominent effect on how characters view each other. As a player, your relations and interactions with other charact...
Rescue & Vengeance
创建者: Big Uncle
Updated for 1.12.*.* Frustrated by the lack of options to free those you care about from imprisonment/concubinage by force? Want to avenge the murder & execution of your loved ones? This mod will give you new options to resolve those personal grudges throu...
Dynamic Regency
创建者: Big Uncle
Updated for 1.12.*.* Find Regencies to be disconnected from the rest of the game? Feel like more factors should play a role in determining the power of a regent? This mod dynamically changes the power of a regent based on both parties' military strength, t...
创建者: 牛奶大魔王
有空再补简介 汉化进度100%...
Fog Of War
创建者: I Am Full Truie
UPDATED FOR LEGENDS OF THE DEAD Please report any bug or malfunctions in the Bug Report section. Features Removes Military strength and Economic strength from t...
创建者: 牛奶大魔王
什么!竟然还要介绍,真拿你没办法。 原mod功能 移除人物UI的军事和经济。(只有封臣、近亲、挚友且没有多疑特指才会向你透露) 为间谍首脑增加一项新任务:收集情报。 全新的情报生活方式树 https://s...
Succession Expanded
创建者: Celticus THIS MOD IS 1.12.5 Compatible! Succession Expanded is the second project from the Expanded Mod series which aims to create a more historically authentic experience through the addition of multiple new succession types. From ...
SE CHNlocalization
创建者: Solomon YOOOOO
SE汉化模组 Chinese translation submod for the Succession Expanded(SE) mod by Celticus,TheGib770,UberEpicZach,Emrysvaldr and other contributors:
Renaissance Era
创建者: Julien
This is a lightweight mod that adds an extra era: the Renaissance. I always complete all innovations a century before game end, so I felt that the game lacks an extra final era. That is what this mod does. The Renaissance Era has 4 new military innovations...
Culture Expanded
创建者: Celticus THE MOD IS 1.12.5 COMPATIBLE! Disclaimer - Some screenshots may be out of date for initial release, bear with us as we make up to date ones. Culture Expanded is a map spanning project that aims to expand the culture variety,...
文化拓展汉化 Culture Expanded Chinese translation
创建者: Niamh Chinn Óir
Culture Expanded汉化 仍在进行中 目前进度100% paratranz地址 欢迎有能力者助力 感谢汉化组成员: Chuen0610 (泉) 、Rimorsoer 、mmonimhacker 、Andraste-DK (Andraste)、 HTenshi 、junqingjiuchu (CN_LZY)、AnoldGH 、mengmengtuan、常白、牛奶大魔王、DONGHAIZHIDABIE、51...
Traditional Tenets
创建者: fhqwhgads
Updates 03.04.2024 - Updated for 1.12.1. This update may be unstable. My testing is inconclusive, but I'm doing my best. Should you experience instability, crashing, or strange behavior, please report it and give me whatever details you can on what you thi...
More Traditions v2
创建者: Lost Nomad
More Traditions About This is a continuation of the original More Traditions mod by @eleake71 Sadly they are no longer playing CK3 but felt it important to continue support for the great mod and it's user base so reached out to have another modder continue...
Adoption Options
创建者: pengoyo
This mod enhances adoptions in game with more religion and cultural variation. Adds new doctrines, cultural traditions, and decisions. Depending on your doctrines and traditions you can adopt other characters via an interaction or a decision. The AI is als...
Celebrate Crimes
创建者: pengoyo
This mod allows you to pick and choose what "crimes" you want to celebrate. This mod adds to the 6 existing crime doctrines adding 1 more level to each of them (with kinslaying getting two new levels). Level of the Crime Doctrines (except kinslaying): - Cr...
Deity Doctrine
创建者: pengoyo
This mod adds a doctrine to determine the number deities and adherents relation to them for each faith. This new deity doctrine affects your base hostility towards other faiths. New Doctrines: Deity: Same Religion | Same Religious Family | Other Religious ...
创建者: 牛奶大魔王
工坊内人气超高的教义扩展系列,但由于会覆盖原版官方的教义文本因此拆分制作子mod 简介 收养教义(Adoption Options) 根据宗教文化史实添加收养(游戏规则、互动)等 神祇教义(Deity Doctrine) 添加有关神灵和信徒相关的教义,如一神论、二神对立论等等 庆祝大奸大恶(Celebrate Crimes) 将一些罪行(同性,性变态等)教义丰富化,并添加圣妓、角斗士比赛等决议【需删假中文】 目前汉化进度: ■■■■■■■■■■■100% ...
Relationships of Weddings Expanded
创建者: cuomo860
This is a partial mod culled from Elzephor and Lord DGP's amazing mod Weddings Expanded While the work goes into that mod to update to it for all the changes to travel events and Grand Weddi...
More Religious Doctrines - Updated By Polytheism Reborn
创建者: Tom5667
Updated by Polytheism Reborn Important: Don't use this mod together with Polytheism reborn as that mod has more doctrines already included All credits go to Scarēlios for making the mod Link to original mod:
More Tenets - Updated by Polytheism Reborn
创建者: Tom5667
More Tenets - Updated by Polytheism Reborn Credits to Karax the original creator and Lucky Leny (Holger) The mod will be updated when needed, next to that it has a build in compatibility with: More doctrines - updated by polytheism reborn More immersive do...
创建者: 牛奶大魔王
风土人情是一个汉化合集包,将专注于人物特质,地图,风味化(以后有其他类似功能的mod也将加入此汉化包除非文本量过大),mod之间可能会冲突【谨慎订阅】,所有汉化会污染原版的文本,如果感觉不适请前往本mod内删除其他文件,仅留你使用的mod 以下是各个mod大概介绍↓ 点我 | 点我 懒狗点上面的图片...
Old Gods Expanded
创建者: Dr. Knevin
New Faiths added: Steppe religions Tengriism, Taltosism and Kuzarism have been added with new tenets. For more details see patchnotes. Background One of my favorite aspects of Crusader Kings 3 is the ability to make your own religions. However, I found tha...
Old Gods Expanded 汉化
创建者: 伊恩
Old Gods Expanded模组汉化,排序时请置于本体下方。 目前汉化进度: ■■■■■■■■■■100% 目前校对进度: □□□□□□□□□□4% 感谢以下汉化组成员 AshesGYXY、洸月、伊恩、小鹿和我玩...
Historic Invasions
创建者: Ramuné
Achievement compatible. NOT save game compatible. If you have any suggestions or encounter bugs, please let me know. With special thanks to the CK3 Mod Co-op Discord and Darknight36! Additional Asian invasions: https://i.img...
创建者: 牛奶大魔王
 兵戈抢攘包是一个汉化合集包,将专注于地区的兴衰崛起(以后有其他类似功能的mod也将加入此汉化包除非文本量过大) 以下是各个mod大概介绍↓ Historic Invasions历史入侵(需要删除假中文) 添加伽色尼 、帖木儿、法蒂玛、塞尔柱、齐亚尔王朝、穆拉比特王朝、穆瓦希德王朝 和古尔王朝等将近二十个入侵事件,分别作为不同时间段的小boss开始征服世界 以及萨拉丁和保加利亚第一帝国、第四次十字军东征事件 游戏规则可自定义新增事件的触发时间和触发方式 Roma Invicta罗马复兴 因污染文本独立拆分为...
Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment (RICE)
创建者: cybrxkhan Current Version: 1.12.2.b Hotfix for "Palermo" (Released 8/31/24, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.12.X) Newest Flavor Pack: Sicily: Where Three Worlds Met Next Flavor Pack: TBA Discord Server for my mods Official Website for...
创建者: 牛奶大魔王
牛奶汉化之RICE 是对 区域沉浸与文化丰富的文本进行汉化,,由于原汉化Jujiote菊苣已经长达一年多没有进行更新所以我接手了他原本的汉化内容并在其基础上更新至最新版本,并在未来会持续更新 12月更新日志 1月更新日志 1.9版本更新日志:
Scrollable Legacies
创建者: Etshy
This mod add a scroll to the legacies list in the house window. I had this idea after enabling a few mods that add legacies and thus break the GUI and hide the legacies button (and the only fix I found was a decision to open your dynasty legacies, making i...
Colored Tiers (Titles) Chinese
创建者: 明月太白故李白
本mod是基于Karax制作的Colored Tiers (Titles)中文适配版。 (本质上是翻译) 本mod可以将人物头衔文本进行不同颜色的高亮。 男爵——红色 伯爵——绿色 公爵——蓝色 国王——金色 皇帝——紫色 目的是为了增加沉浸感,适用于已有存档。 添加解锁男爵、伯爵、公爵子女的称呼。 如小男爵、小女男爵、 小伯爵、小女伯爵 小公爵、公女等称呼 同时强烈建议使用L...
创建者: 牛奶大魔王
简介 本项目将N菌汉化与牛奶汉化全部合并兼更新(部分远古项目与文本过多项目不包含其中,以传送门已汉化项目为准,原汉化仍保留并更新 N菌那边不知道) 感谢一代N菌 他入伍了以及二代N菌kennyS 他摸了的贡献 点我查看 | 如何删除假中文 因为我们收录并修订N菌和汉化合集,所以不建议在游戏中启用此两汉化以免覆盖集成汉化的文本 已经汉化的项目 图片加载不出点这里 你想要请愿汉化的项目 (给你两拳,竟然要奶皇看...
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