Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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A New Sensible Family 2
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A New Sensible Family 2

An updated version, A New Sensible Family 3, has been created by the talented Rylock.
I highly recommend either their stand-alone version of A New Sensible Family 3 or their more elaborate (and personally recommended) Love Marriage Family mod.

Rylock's updates maintains the vast majority of Sensible Family 2's framework, but also provides additional options, such as the option of integrating into a larger, already existing dynasty, the option to make half-siblings, start as a peasant leader, generate a spouse, and name your family members as you create them.

I will keep this mod up, but will no longer maintain it, as Rylock's version if far superior and highly recommended. If you prefer A New Sensible Family 2 instead, I believe it will likely weather the majority of updates from Paradox, unless there is serious coding changes.

A New Sensible Family 2 - For CK3 1.9
The mod from CK2 makes its debut return!

Tired of starting off an orphaned, only-child without any recollection of who your parents once were? Wouldn't you like some company as you begin your world-conquering? Maybe an older sister, your best friend, but may have been responsible for the assassination of your father? Or a little brother with a claim on your title to serve as your heir, at least until you have children of your own? Heck, who wants to start a medieval intrigue game without a mother?!

What does it do?
A New Sensible Family 2 adds in a decision event series (Reflect on Family) at the start of any game for any playable character. If your character already has a father, it will skip his creation, and allow you to start with your mother instead. Likewise, if your character already has a mother, it will skip her creation, and allow you to start with your siblings. If you already have siblings, you will be able to add more.

All family members will look like you and their ages all dynamically adjust to yours, regardless if you start at 30, 20, or 10. If you create a sibling that is the same age as you, you will both gain the twin trait. You may "reroll" every created family member and then further adjust their traits, should you wish to. Additionally, with siblings, you can adjust their parentage, potentially creating bastard and half siblings.

All family members generated through the event will use your main character's DNA as a base, while a number of subtle changes are imposed on their portrait, which should help prevent making a family of clones. Identical twins will, however, share your DNA.

The event encourages you to have your father die, so there are no complications when it comes to inheritance, but you are not required to. If you want to keep him around and not worry about inheritance, select the depose option at the end, and he should be prevented from gaining your titles on your death.

Unfortunately, if you do not already have a historical father, you will need to join your father's house when you create him (or your mother's, if you'd prefer), adopting his house motto and coat of arms (which you can modify as of 1.5). This is necessary to make sure that any siblings you create show up properly on the Dynasty Tree page. If you do not join your father's (or mother's) dynasty, and you create siblings (that you also make part of your house), they will float in the Dynasty Tree and not appear connected to you.

The event does not block you from using it, even when it wouldn't make sense, such as being a newborn, a venerable senior (thus having potentially 100+ year old parents) or already having a massive, complicated historical family. My design philosophy was to let players be the ultimate judge of what is and is not appropriate for their game. I do not plan on adding game rules, as it is a one-time event and not in need of game-lasting rules.

You are not limited to the number of siblings you can create, though you won't be able to make multiple sets of twins. I do not recommend more than 2 siblings, but that is my personal taste. There is no mechanical or game reason you cannot have more, though your dynasty tree is might become a quick, hot mess.

1. Is this compatible with X mod?

Almost certainly. I cannot think of a reason why this mod would interfere or conflict with another mod. It modifies no vanilla files. The only situation I could think of is a mod that set ups complicated families to begin with, but I cannot see why you'd want to use this mod in such a case.

2. Why are my siblings not connected to me in the Dynasty Tree?!

I already answered this in the Limitations section. This happens when there is not already a historical father established in game. You have to join your father's house (or your mother's) in order for siblings (that are part of your house) to show up properly.

3. Can this be used in multiplayer?

Yep. I use it personally all the time.

4. Is this save game compatible?

It should be. But the event only shows up once per game.

5. Will you add more family member options, like grandparents, aunts, nephews, and cousins?

All of that is possible, but goes beyond the scope of the mod I originally envisioned. This is meant to be a starting point of your dynasty, to give you some kind of origin story for custom or ahistorical characters. However, if anyone wants to take a look at the code and create an expansion that also includes these extra family members, feel free to do so! And let me know so I can post a link to your mod.

6. Why do all my sisters appear so masculine?

All of your family members inherit your character's DNA, which is then just slightly altered so that they look related, rather than identical. However, if you have extremely masculine traits, such as a thick neck, square jaw, etc. you'll inevitably end up with sisters and a mother that also share these masculine features, sometimes comically so. No real way around this without creating random family members, which would not look like your character at all. Until Paradox expands modding capabilities, this is an unfortunate limitation.

7. Can I integrate this mod into my own or use it as a base for another mod?

Absolutely. Make it even better and let me know so I can link it here!
Popular Discussions View All (3)
16 Mar, 2022 @ 4:32pm
CaL aMi Ty
12 Sep, 2023 @ 3:07am
Traduction française - A New Sensible Famile 2
29 Mar, 2022 @ 9:24am
Change Parents?
TheHalf12 16 Aug @ 7:10pm 
Mod is not updated apparently, change to New Sensible Family 3
Jet 21 May @ 10:50pm 
whatever happened to A New Sensible Family 1?
TacticalDadBod 3 Mar @ 11:10pm 
Just FYI to all of those looking at this, as of this date it is no longer MP compatible. It will stop your game after booting the other player(s) due to difference in the "LivingCharacters" state. Then, when you try and have the other player rejoin it will crash your game.
Jet 4 Oct, 2023 @ 12:06am 
what does a sensible family 3 do different? ive had no issues running this mod on the latest version
ScorpionariusDK 3 Oct, 2023 @ 11:02pm 
Works fine for me
Rylock 2 Oct, 2023 @ 6:22pm 
For those wanting an updated version of this mod, but who don't want the rest of the tweaks applied in Love Marriage Family, you can get a current-patch compatible version in A New Sensible Family 3 .

Happy to take it down, if Olympia ever returns and decides to continue developing their mod. It's there simply for those who wish to access it.
Golden 1 Oct, 2023 @ 1:43am 
still not updated
Horatio Fellatio 29 Sep, 2023 @ 11:45pm 
Anyone else having long or infinite loads with this mod?
spunkyp 29 Sep, 2023 @ 9:54am 
Is it possible to have this for your custom created spouse/wife too?
Rylock 19 Sep, 2023 @ 2:46am 
Hi! I've included (and updated/streamlined) ANSF2 into Love Marriage Family , along with some new features like naming your family members. Letting you know, as asked! Thank you so much.