Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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エスカレーター & 階段パック / escalator & stair pack
Created by kasasasa
I use elevator asset in this pack. by 001HANNO エスカレーターと階段がセットになっているアセットです。 ペデストリアンデッキに接続して使用することを想定しています。 2F部分の高さが6mであり、ほかの方が作成されたペデストリアンデッキプロップとある程度の互換性があります。 This asset is a set of escalat...
コンクリート製側溝蓋 / gutter cover
Created by kasasasa
コンクリート製側溝蓋のプロップです。 側溝のない道路やploppable asphalt に片側だけ置くなどしてメリハリをつけることができます。 三叉路など交差点にて側溝が消えたところに置いてカモフラージュもできます。 This is a prop for concrete gutter covers. It can be placed only on one side of a road without gutters or on a ploppable asphalt to add a sense of...
ゴミ収集所 / JP Garbage dump
Created by koma
This is a garbage collection station that can be installed in residential areas. 1×1 size. A prop version is also included in the package. You can use whichever one you prefer. ※ The prop version does not have the garbage disposal function. 住宅街などに設置出来るゴミ収集...
シャポー船橋南館_Shapo Funabashi
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 2018年に船橋駅の南口側に建設されたシャポー南館を再現してみました。 駅アセットが多く存在しますが、駅ビルが圧倒的に少ないため制作。 In 2018 I tried reproducing the Chapo South building which was built on the south exit side of Funabashi station. There are many station assets, but because the station build...
Created by kei_em
一部の地方ではおなじみのスガキヤが、Cities: Skylines に進出です。低密度商業区画レベル2を指定してあります。 このアセットのモデルは、 の「Cities: Skylines 10タイル目」の 749 さんが作成したものです。 #更新# パッチ 1.2.0 (After Dark) に対応しました。...
タイル舗装道路 / Interlocking block road
Created by kasasasa
必須mod / Required mods network tiling or network anarchy 制作においてnetwork tiling を使用していますが、同様の機能を内包するnetwork anarchy においても動作することを確認いたしました。使用者様の環境に合わせて前提modをご利用ください。 We use network tiling in production, but we have confirmed that it also works with network anar...
ダイハツ ハイゼットカーゴ Daihatsu Hijet Cargo(+内装)Building version
Created by kizuri
Vehicle版: Main Tris: 3571 Texture: 1024x1024 Lod Tris: 220 Texture: 64x64 Tags: Van, JP, Japanese, Kei, 軽バン,ワゴン,商用車 ダイハツ ハイゼットカーゴ Daihatsu Hijet Cargo(+内装)Building by Ezoshika...
ダイハツ ハイゼットカーゴ Daihatsu Hijet Cargo Prop
Created by kizuri
Vehicle版: Main Tris: 2718 Texture: 1024x1024 Lod Tris: 220 Texture: 64x64 Tags: Van, JP, Japanese, Kei, 軽バン,ワゴン,商用車 ダイハツ ハイゼットカーゴ Daihatsu Hijet Cargo Prop by Ezoshika...
トヨタ ハイエース 消防指揮車
Created by kizuri
Emergency Lights Manager V2で赤色灯にできます Link: Tris: 3631 Texture: 1024x1024 Prop版: アセット制作の discord: ...
トヨタ ハイエース 消防指揮車 Prop
Created by kizuri
Tris: 3631 Texture: 1024x1024 Vehicle版: アセット制作の discord: Tags: Fire, 緊急車両, 日本風, Japanese, Emergency, トヨタ ハイエース 消防指揮車 Prop by Ezoshika...
トヨタ ハイエース 福祉車両 Toyota HiAce Welfare Van
Created by kizuri
日本財団が助成事業として寄付している福祉車両です。 This is a welfare vehicle donated by the Japan Foundation to nursing homes as a charity. Prop version: Main Tris: 1836 Texture:1024x1024 Lod Tris: 50 Texture: 256x2...
Created by curr66
ヒューリック三田ビル by curr66 2K: 基本描述: 该建筑的原型是位于日本東京港区三田三丁目的一座带有底商的办公楼。内容发布的是1K版本的,如果你们有需要的话我也可以发布2K版本的。同时这也是一座自长建筑,你也可以通过"find it"找相关关键词找到它。 Basic description: The prototype of the building is an o...
Created by kei_em
ある程度以上の年齢の方にはお馴染みの下宿屋さんです。高密度住宅区画レベル1で出現します。 This prop was created by Mr. 551 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 551さんが作成したものです。 #更新# パッチ 1.2.0 (After Dark) に対応しました。...
Created by curr66
三井住友銀行神田駅前ビル by curr66 懒得写简介和放图片了,想订阅就订阅吧 I’m too lazy to write the introduction and release the picture, just subscribe if you want 紹介文を書いて写真を公開するのが面倒です。購読したい場合は、購読してください。...
三田ネクサスビル 8階
Created by curr66
三田ネクサスビル 8階 by curr66 基本描述: 该建筑的原型是位于日本東京港区二丁目的一座带有底商的办公楼。内容中有加入额外的props,可在必要内容中订阅,如果你不想要这些props,也可以不订阅它们,也不会影响你的使用,同时这也是一座自长建筑,你也可以通过"find it"找相关关键词找到它。 Basic description: The prototype of the building is an office building with a business floor in 2-chom...
低層雑居ビル / JP L Tenant Building
Created by koma
It is a four-story miscellaneous building. The retail space on the first floor is set to be tenant-occupied. Growable commercial low 1×2. ※ The glass part will disappear if you convert it with Procedural Objects.   Please be careful and understand. 4階建ての雑居...
列車接近掲示器/Train Approaching Board
Created by CHARI
Thank you for watching my contents! This is a prop about one of the Japanese Station. 日本の駅で見かけるLED式列車接近掲示器です。 「電車が」と「来ます」を50 回/分で交互に表示します。夜間照明にも対応しています。 秋葉原駅京浜東北線ホームにあった東邦電気工業株式会社製を参考にしました。
北条鉄道北条線長駅 / JP Osa Station
Created by koma
This is Osa Station on the Hojo Railway Hojo Line, located in Nishiosacho,Kasai City, Hyogo Prefecture. The station building, built in 1915, was registered as a "Tangible Cultural Property of Japan" on April 25, 2014. --------------------------------------...
和風住宅 4パック
Created by koma
A pack of old Japanese style houses. Growable Residential Low Lv.2 JP Old house 20 Tris 2455 Texture 1024×512 Lodtris 135 Lodtexture 64×64 JP Old house 21 Tris 2819 Texture 1024×512 Lodtris 218 Lodtexture 64×64 JP Old house 20 B Tris 3035 Texture 1024×512 ...
国鉄EF65形電気機関車 - JR貨物コキ100形貨車 + PROP
Created by TOKACHI269
VehicleとPropバージョンのセットです。 Engine 国鉄EF65形電気機関車 Freight car JR貨物コキ100形貨車 EF65はTORAKICHI-WORKS様から許可をいただき、RailSimのプラグインからコンバートして制作しました。 TORAKICHI-WORKS コンテナのテクスチャはryo5861様が製作したものです。 <Mesh info> EF65 : Main triss : 4470 texture size : 1024x2048 (defuse,normal,al...
国鉄EF65形電気機関車 - JR貨物タキ1000形貨車
Created by TOKACHI269
Engine 国鉄EF65形電気機関車 Freight car JR貨物タキ1000形貨車 EF65はTORAKICHI-WORKS様から許可をいただき、RailSimのプラグインからコンバートして制作しました。 TORAKICHI-WORKS <Mesh info> EF65 : Main triss : 4470 texture size : 1024x2048 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD Triss : 14 texture size ...
地下鉄トンネル Metro Track Tunnel
Created by Nigorilla
このアセットはトンネル単体です。線路は別途必要となります! This is Tunnel only.Tracks are required separately! 地下鉄風のトンネルです。剛体架線も設置しています。ネットワークタイプのアセットなので、線路に重ねて使用してください。なお、このアセットを線路に重ねて設置するためには以下のMODが必要です。 必須MOD Fine Road Anarchy
多度津駅前タクシー乗り場 / JR Tadotsu - Taxi stand
Created by koma
2020/05/19 タクシー乗り場の看板なしのタイプを追加しアップデートしました。 JR四国多度津駅前にあるタクシー乗り場です。 支援 / Donate 愛のご支援をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 アマゾン欲しいものリスト アマゾンギフト券→ JR Tadotsu - Taxi stand by koma...
大型車用洗車機 / JP Large car wash
Created by koma
2022.04.12 Updated to add fixed car wash. This is a car wash for large vehicles such as buses and trucks. Please use it to decorate garages of transportation companies and bus offices. -----------------------------------------------------------------------...
小さなガソリンスタンド / JP S-Gasstation ENEOS
Created by koma
It is a small 1 x 1 sized gas station. It would look great in a suburban or rural area. This work was created with reference to the ENEOS Oami Shirasato SS in Chiba Prefecture. Growable commercial low 1×1. --------------------------------------------------...
小学校 JP Elementary School
Created by TOKACHI269
小学校 JP Elementary School 小学校です。本校舎、副校舎、職員室は共通のテクスチャを使っており、ひとまとめのものと個別のものが含まれています。 Find it!でJPESと検索してください。 It is elementary school. The main school building, the secondary school building, and the staff room use a common texture. and include collective and ...
Created by SH4MO-ji
小田急電鉄の主力車両である3000形です。10両固定編成です。 種別は快速急行となります。 音は出ますが調整はガバガバなのでゆるしてください。 車両数の変更は個人で行ってくれたらうれしいです。 This is Odakyu's main train "3000 series". 3000_10cars by SH4MO-ji...
島原鉄道 島原船津駅 / JP Shimabarafunatsu St
Created by koma
(Warning.) This asset is a station building only. To make it function as a train station, you will need to build your own station track and platform separately. This is Shimabara Funatsu Station on the Shimabara Railway Line, located in Tsu-machi, Shimabar...
川崎市 ゴミ収集車 Kawasaki Garbage Truck
Created by TOKACHI269
I am fixing the illumination texture with the cooperation of Moofers. thanks! Kawasaki Garbage Truck 川崎市環境局のごみ収集車です。音楽はなりません。聞こえた人は病気です。 <Mesh info> Main triss : 2046 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specular,illumination) LOD triss : 18 texture...
店舗併設マンション / JP Apartment with stores
Created by koma
This is a type of apartment where a store occupies the first floor space. Growable Residential High 4×2. Three types of buildings are included in the package. 2-A Osteopathic clinic, cram school 2-B Coin Laundry, Osteopathic Clinic, Hair Salon 2-C Pharmacy...
Created by p.poti1990
We have created variations of the previously published "Machiya". There are six types including "2a" mentioned above, with different eave heights, with or without udatsu, and with or without depth, depending on the width. For example, the wide type is for ...
日本の歩道橋(japanese footbridge)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本の歩道橋です。 propなので人は通りません。 tris : 1008 textures size : 512x512 (defuse,normal,specular,color,alpha) footbridge by TOKACHI269...
日本の環境音 Japan Ambient Sound Pack
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の環境音MODです。Ambient Sound Tuner 2.0必須です。 サイレンや環境音など36種類の音を収録しています。 音量や音の切り替えは各自で行ってください。 Japan Ambient Sound Pack. Needs Ambient Sound Tuner 2.0 to activate. 36 Japan-themed custom sounds including ambient and siren etc... 支援/Donate 作品が気に入りましたら以下のリンクよりご支援い...
日本の警察署 (Japanese police station)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本の警察署です。目白警察署がモデルです。 <mesh info> main triss : 2470 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 89 texture size : 128x128 (defuse,illumination) ...
日本の近郊小学校 Japanese Suburban Elementary School
Created by n_mosimo
After Dark 対応版はこちら/For After Dark ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 480人の子供が学習可能。プールはありません。 480 ppls of children can study. ...
日本の4階建てアパート_Japanese apartment 1
Created by アザラシくん
This is a 4-story apartment in Japan. 日本の4階建てアパート_Japanese apartment 1 by アザラシくん...
日本住宅パック Japanese low residential house pack
Created by TOKACHI269
日本住宅パック Japanese low residential house pack ファイルサイズが大きいですが、Loading Screen Modを使えば同じテクスチャのものはスキップしてくれるのでそこまでメモリーは消費しないと思います。 Although the file size is large, if use Loading Screen Mod, I will skip the same texture thing, so I think that memory will not be c...
Created by 听风说雨
日本生命梅田ビル by 听风说雨 该建筑的原型是日本大阪梅田的一座带底商的办公楼,我贴图的制作原则上按2K的标准绘制,但上传工坊的版本以1K为主。模型总面数为8000面,整体还原度90%,如果你喜欢我的作品,请给我点赞,谢谢! The prototype of the building is an office building with a basement in Umeda, Osaka, Japan. In principle, the production of my textures is dra...
日産 VY11 ADバン / Nissan VY11 AD Van(NV150)
Created by kizuri
3代目 Y11型(1999年 - 2008年)のADバンです。 PROP版→ Main Tris: 2556 Texture: 1024x1024 LOD Tris: 50 Texture: 64x64 アセット制作のdiscord: Tags: Van, Industry, 商用バン, Commercial, 日本風, J...
日産 NV150AD バン 産業/商業版
Created by kizuri
Nissan NV150 AD Van (Industrial version) Tris: 3499 Texture: 1024x1024 Lod Tris: 104 Texture: 64x64 自家用車版(private car version): PROP版:
日産 NV150AD バン 自家用車版
Created by kizuri
Nissan NV150 AD Van (Private car version) Tris: 3499 Texture: 1024x1024 Lod Tris: 104 Texture: 64x64 産業版(industry version): PROP版:
柴山第二~三ビル_Shibayama 2~3 Building(Fictitious)
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 柴山第二~三ビル 今回のビルは、新宿歌舞伎町にありそうな建蔽率80%、容積率800%を目一杯利用したペンシルビルです。 幅7m、奥行29m、高さ31mサイズで、ゲーム内で1×4マスとなります。 小柄ながらも、ベンチ、看板、貯水槽、換気フード、段ボール、雨除け、ペントハウス、物置小屋、避雷針、灰皿、TVアンテナにもこだわっております。 柴山第二ビルは、テナントがほとんど入っていない雑居ビルです。 一階の書店と四階の興信所のみしか入居しておらず、屋上看板も撤去されております。労働人口...
柴山第六~七ビル_Shibayama 6~7th Building
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 宮城県仙台市青葉区国分町にあるクライスビルがモデルとなっています。 実際の写真がないため、テナントや階数などはディフォルメされております。 The model is the Krys Building in Kokubuncho, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. Since there are no actual photos, tenants and floors are deformed. ■メモ(Memo) 作成したきっかけ...
柴山第四~五ビル_Shibayama 4~5th Building
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 柴山第四~五ビル 第二~三ビルタイプを低くしたもので、正面以外は大きく変わりません。 テナントは1990年頃の大阪の恵美須町を想定しています。 懐かしいと思っていただければ幸いです。 柴山第四ビルは、テナントが多い雑居ビルです。 小さいながらも郵便局と電器店が入居しています。労働人口15名(RICO) 縦型屋上看板_Vertical rooftop sign をいれなくても、屋上がさみしくなるだけなのでお好みでどうぞ。 柴山第五ビルは、何が入っているかよくわかりませんので、繁華街...
Created by 听风说雨
这是我的第一个建筑 这个建筑是位于大阪梅田的一座高层写字楼,对楼顶的刻画比较写实。但由于不知道楼顶的具体情况,所以有一部分通过自己的想象进行建模。如果有人能指出真实样貌,这里可以进行改进。 感谢curr66所作的模型和贴图给我提供的帮助! 该建筑在游戏中占地7×7格,高度约为130m,贴图大小为1024×5120,希望大家多多支持! English: This is my first building This building is a high-rise office building located ...
横浜 木村ビル / JP Yokohama Kimura Building
Created by koma
Kimura Building The Kimura Building is located in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture. It is a 3×3 cell for corner lots, and the category is high-density commercial, level 2. Due to production reasons, some parts of the building may differ from the actual b...
歩道橋 モジュールセット / Japanese Pedestrian bridge Module set
Created by Momisuke
国道などでよく見かける歩道橋をモジュール化しました。 道幅に合わせ自由に歩道橋を構築することが可能です 配置には「Move It!」が必要です 同梱パーツ ・歩道橋_L型 ・歩道橋_T型 ・歩道橋_階段 ・歩道橋_柱 ・歩道橋_直線2m ・歩道橋_直線5m ==================================================================== The pedestrian overpass across which I often come on the J...
段差スロープ Safety Slopes
Created by TOKACHI269
段差スロープ Safety Slope 段差用のスロープです。高さが10cmと15cmのものが含まれており、10cm verは紺野つかささんが制作された JP 4m Tiny Roads KT201 用に調整してあります。 他に必要なものがあれば言ってくれれば10%くらいの確率で採用するかも。 Slope for the step. 10cm and 15cm heights are included, and the 10cm ver is adjusted for JP 4m Tiny Roads KT...
消防団詰所 2Packs
Created by koma
Fire brigade station It's a fire brigade station. Both are 1×1 squares. We have one fire truck set up. 消防団詰所です。 どちらも1×1マスです。 消防車は1台の設定にしています。 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse アマゾンギフト券 JP Fi...
消防署分署 / JP Fire station branch
Created by koma
This is a branch of a Japanese fire station. Size is 6x4. There are four fire trucks in the setup. A fire watchtower (Building) is also included in the package. You can set it up anywhere you like. Please search "fire" for Find it! This asset was created w...
漁港 (Japanese Fishing harbor)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本によくある漁港です。工業propのタブに追加されます。 <mesh info> ship main triss : 2584 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,) LOD triss : 70 texture size : 128x128 (defuse,) ship(small) main triss : 1116 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar) LOD ...
田んぼパック Rice field packs
Created by TOKACHI269
Rice fields 4種類の田んぼアセット(3色)、休耕地、あぜ道、用水路、橋などを追加します。遠景でも表示されます。 add four types of Rice fields (three colors), fallow land, Rice field footpath, irrigation canal, bridge and so on. displayed in the distant view. 地面が貫通してしまうときはClipping Networkをお使いください。 Please u...
Created by curr66
神田鍛冶町千歳ビル by curr66 基本描述: 该建筑的原型是位于日本東京千代田区須田町一丁目的一座办公楼。这次的底商贴图处理的比较满意,整体效果也不错,同时这也是一座自长建筑,你也可以通过"find it"找相关关键词找到它。 Basic description: The prototype of the building is an office building located in 1-chome, Sudacho, Chiyoda District, Tokyo, Japan. This ti...
隙間ビル / slim building
Created by kasasasa
街を作る際に生じる微妙な隙間を埋めることを目的に作成しました。 幅は全て4mです。 ビル本体6種と看板プロップ9種があります。 It was created to fill in the subtle gaps that arise when building a city. All widths are 4 meters. There are 6 building bodies and 9 sign props. special thanks 今回アセットを作成するにあたって001HANNO様に看板を制作...
雑居ビル 6Pack
Created by koma
It is a six-pack of four- and five-story, miscellaneous buildings that could be anywhere in Japan. JPMT Mizuki-A,B,C JPMT Origin bento JPMT Raffine JPMT Rengatei The category Growable commercial low 1×2. Find it!" search for "JPMT". ( JP Multi tenant ) Miz...
Created by curr66
青木第一ビル by curr66 制作不易,帮忙点点赞吧! 基本描述: 该建筑的原型是位于日本松山市松山城附近的一座办公楼。本次制作主要刻画了底商的街景以及位于楼顶的广告牌,同时这也是一座自长建筑,你也可以通过"find it"找相关关键词找到它。 Basic description: The prototype of the building is an office building located near Matsuyama Castle in Matsuyama City, Japan. This...
( RICO ) JP Country elevator / カントリーエレベーター
Created by koma
Japan's country elevators are facilities for storing rice harvested by farmers. RICO set. It's 4 × 9 sizes. 日本のカントリーエレベーターは農家が収穫した米を貯蔵する施設です。 RICO設定済み。4×9マスです。 ...
1997 Nissan Rasheen 日産 ラシーン
Created by EXYN4
90's compact SUV. Prop included....
1x1 building with DOUTOR
Created by Takouma
1x1 Low commercial building with DOUTOR coffee shop on the first fioor. This asset is based on default building: L3 1x1 shop01...
2019 Toyota Alphard トヨタ アルファード
Created by EXYN4
Toyota's luxury minivan Alphard. Prop included. Tris: 1299 Textures: 1024x1024...
4 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl1
Created by stockjr97
This is a 1x1 version of my Narrow Suburban House Collection. The houses are mades shorter and slightly modified....
Created by Tomitetsu
◆This train is a 485 series vehicle that was active as a limited express Super Raicho. ◆This train has been retired and is now run by the limited Express Thunderbird. ◆This vehicle is a narrow gauge with 7 cars. ◆I would be grateful if you could let me kno...
4x4 Cargo yard
Created by zach813
4x4 Cargo yard Generic industry Follow me for more!! Plan on creating a lot this year!! Made by zach813 There are props needed to make this work:
6 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl1
Created by stockjr97
This is the 1x1 version of the sixth house for the upcoming narrow suburban house collection. Details: Level 1 Lot size: 1x1 Tris: 508 1024x1024 JPG Textures...
6 Narrow Suburban House lvl1
Created by stockjr97
This is the sixth house for the upcoming narrow suburban house collection. Details: Level 1 Lot size: 1x2 Tris: 520 1024x1024 JPG Textures...
A320 All Nippon Airways
Created by Krakow131
全日本空輸(全日空)は1952年に設立され現在では日本航空と並び日本を代表する航空会社です All Nippon Airways(ANA) is one flag carrier of Japan. SKYTRAX and ANA website SKYTRAX ANA SKY WEB Special Thanks This asset was made using vasimr22 templete, you can found it here ...
Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance
Created by BloodyPenguin
Prevents large props (like planes, containers etc.) from disappearing on zooming out. Adjusts LOD distance for trees depending on their size. The larger is prop/tree, the further it is visible! For small props visibility distances should remain the same as...
Advanced Toolbar
Created by CWMlolzlz
Advanced Toolbar introduces new functionality to the toolbar including an expandable asset panel and auto icon centre. Too many icons on your bar? Center them all by enabling Auto Centre in the options. This will shift them so they are easier to access. Th...
Advanced Vehicle Options
Created by Tim
Advanced Vehicle Options 1.9.12 Hubs & Transports DLC Mod Compatibility and Loading Issues If you have any issues with the new Treasure Hunt DLC, please be sure to read Avanya's support discussi...
AEON Logo Sign/AEON_RenewalMainLogo
This is the sign of Aeon. I think there used to be one, but it's gone now, so I'm releasing it. I don't know why it's not there (sigh) The back of the sign has feet, which makes it easy to mount on the wall. It is available in two magenta and one white col...
Ambient Sounds Tuner 2.0
Created by BloodyPenguin
Tune your ambient sounds volumes individually This mod is a fixed version of original Ambient Sounds Tuner mod. Read description there. In particular, you may be interested in how to create a sound pack You MUST unsubscribe original Ambient Sounds Tuner be...
ANA Air Japan B 767
Created by SvenBerlin
ANA Air Japan B 767 by SvenBerlin...
ANA Air Japan B 767 prop
Created by SvenBerlin
ANA Air Japan B 767 prop by SvenBerlin...
ANA Komatsu WT500E pushback pack
Created by BentPixel
Pack of ANA Komatsu WT500E airport pushbacks. Contains 3 versions: Equipped with GPU Equipped with extra weight "Stock" The Komatsu WT500E pushback can be found at almost every Japanese airport and is the latest conventional pushback from the Komatsu Ltd g...
Animated Sea Foam
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 3 variations of animated sea coast foam buildings and also a beach darkening decal. Video: To make it look reasonable you need a very flat, shallow and steady coastline. Main: 1706 tris 1024x512 Twitch YouTu...
Animated Waterfall
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Let's get a feel for nature. By using Procedural Objects to change the size, you can create a wider range of waterfalls. Due to the AnimUV specification in the game, the waterfall stops in the distant view. By using the Ultimate Level Of Detail, you can ma...
Apple Store
Created by HIST0R
In every great city, there is at least one Apple store. Detailed electronics shop with the latest Apple devices on the shelves(rather tables :) ) Level 2 (2x4) commercial building. Polycount: 4300 1024x1024 300dpi 16bit textures -Diffuse -Specular -Alpha -...
Atlas auto parts & Salvage
Created by nekote
ハリウッドにある自動車修理工場(というか解体屋) 24等の舞台になった…が、日本では別のムービーで人気である。 おっほっほっほ~現地だ(^ω^) テクスチャが鏡文字なのは完全なミスなので、後日修正致します。 Growable Industrial Low LV1 3x4 工業地区に建ちます。...
Created by 听风说雨
ATT新館 by 听风说雨 1K: 这是我第一次尝试制作中型办公楼类型的资产,希望你们喜欢 这个建筑位于日本东京都港区赤板区2丁目的ATT办公楼,实际上内部还设有一个银行和一个餐厅,实际建筑规模要大于我所做的,但为了适合天际线,我做了自己的修改让它更好的适配天际线,建筑侧方开有一个地下口,实际上应该是一个地铁出入口,你可以搭配无地上建筑的地铁资产去搭配它,我就不单独做一个地下鉄的...
B777 Japan Airlines (Classic Liverie)
Created by Krakow131
日本航空(JAL)は1954年の創業以来常に日本の航空業界のトップに君臨し、リードしているメガキャリアです。 国内・国際線共にとても幅広く運航しており全日空と並ぶネットワークを保有しています。 Japan Airlines(JAL) is one flag carrier of Japan. SKYTRAX and JAPAN AIRLINES website SKYTRAX JAPAN AIRLINES Special Thanks This asset was made using vasimr22 t...
Ball Fence / 防球ネット
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
※日本語の説明は下にあります。 2019.08.23 UPDATED Improved bad colors and view from far. ---- Soft fence to prevent balls. Good to place them around Japanese schools like the screenshot. Including 2 versions : Normal / Joint. Put version in every 8m with PLT. W: 8m / H: ...
Benihana Japanese Restaurant
Created by Tair
Benihana Japanese Restaurant by Tair Heres a 3x3 Growable Low Density Commerecial asset. Benihana Japanese restaurant,so your cims have some variety, and not only burgers and pizza! Enjoy! If you feel like it support me at
Big Decal Road Damage
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal Sea Foam
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Bento Factory
Created by Accapulco
Japanese style industry. It uses bakery base, employs 100 and causes 0 pollution. Main / LOD 1570 - 2048x512 40 - 128x128...
Big Decal Water Stream
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
BigCity (25 tiles mod)
Created by frost
Allows cities to be 25 tiles big instead of only 9 Summary By default the game only allows you to purchase up to 9 tiles. This mod sets the limit of purchasable tiles to 25, so that you can still expand more once the last milestone has been reached. FAQ Th...
BOB, the Tree and Prop Replacer 1.0.1
Created by algernon Beautify Our Builds (BOB). OR Universal Beauty Manager Tool To Change Ugly Props And Trees Or Bury Them (UBMTTCUPATOBT). More details on usage you'll find in the basic BOB guide. New in 0.9.4 New feature: ability to add new ...
Boeing 767-300ER Japan Airlines (JAL)
Created by KriZ
Information This is a pack of both vehicle and prop. Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL group operations include scheduled and non-scheduled international and domestic passenger and cargo services...
Boeing 777-200ER - Japan Airlines
Created by Konkku
Japan Airlines Boeing 777-200ER by Konkku Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL and its subsidiaries operate to 220 destinations in 35 countries worldwide. Original 777-300ER model by vasmir22. The -...
Boeing 777-200ER - Japan Airlines Prop
Created by Konkku
Japan Airlines Boeing 777-200ER Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL and its subsidiaries operate to 220 dest...
Boeing 777-300ER - Japan Airlines
Created by Konkku
Japan Airlines Boeing 777-300ER by Konkku Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL and its subsidiaries operate to 220 destinations in 35 countries worldwide. This asset was made using vasimr22's fantas...
Boeing 777-300ER - All Nippon Airways
Created by Konkku
ANA - All Nippon Airways Boeing 777-300ER by Konkku All Nippon Airways aka. ANA is the largest airline in Japan. ANA's main hubs are at Narita International Airport outside Tokyo and Kansai International Airport outside Osaka. This asset was made using vas...
Boeing 777-300ER - Japan Airlines Prop
Created by Konkku
Japan Airlines Boeing 777-300ER Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL and its subsidiaries operate to 220 dest...
Boeing 777F ANA Cargo
Created by KriZ
Information This is a prop. If you like this model, be sure to give it a thumbs up and favourite! :D All Nippon Airways is the largest airline in Japan on the basis of fleet size. It operates services to both domestic and international destinations and had...
Boeing 787-8 - All Nippon Airways
Created by Konkku
ANA - All Nippon Airways Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner by Konkku All Nippon Airways aka. ANA is the largest airline in Japan. ANA's main hubs are at Narita International Airport outside Tokyo and Kansai International Airport outside Osaka. This asset was made us...
Boeing 787-8 - Japan Airlines
Created by Konkku
Japan Airlines Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner by Konkku Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL and its subsidiaries operate to 220 destinations in 35 countries worldwide. Japan Airlines is one of the largest...
Boeing 787-8 - Japan Airlines Prop
Created by Konkku
Japan Airlines Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner Prop Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL and its subsidiaries operate to 220 ...
Boeing 787-9 - Japan Airlines
Created by Konkku
Japan Airlines Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner by Konkku Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL and its subsidiaries operate to 220 destinations in 35 countries worldwide. Japan Airlines is one of the largest...
Boeing 787-9 - Japan Airlines Prop
Created by Konkku
Japan Airlines Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL and its subsidiaries operate to 2...
Boley Building [re-upload]
Created by NameInvalid
Why re-upload? The last one stuck in eternal Steam automated verification. Cross all my fingers & toes this one don't stuck again... ✅ If you somehow have access to the stuck copy, only subscribe one, preferably this re-upload version. (they are exactly th...
BOOKOFF 秋葉原駅前店
Created by curr66
BOOKOFF 秋葉原駅前店 by curr66 我同时还发布有1K大小的贴图的版本,如果你觉得2K贴图太大的话,就点击这个链接进行订阅 I also released a version with 1K stickers. If you think 2K stickers are too big, just click this link to subscribe https://...
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
BrokenHill Australia
Created by pdelmo
Made for two dollars twenty Youtube MUST- Made with relight without daylight classic and Ultimate Eyecandy. TEMPERATE BASE THEME
Bubble Era Apartments (バブル時代マンション)
Created by stop it D
Some smaller apartment buildings for smaller neighborhoods with smaller rooms. A quick diversion to recycle pieces from my Nanao Clinic that quickly got out of hand. I'd like to do more but I truly need to finish what I've been working on already. 小さな地域のため...
Building Theme:Japanese low residential theme
Created by TOKACHI269
Japanese low residential theme...
buke yashiki(Growable)
Created by bozekj0803
base :L3 4*4 Detached07 モデルその物は と同じです。 木はエディタ内でランダム生成されるので多少違います。...
Burger King (Growable, 4x4)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Burger King (Growable commercial, 4x4) Description: Growable, larger version of my, for the workshop created Burger King. I do not own any rights on Burger King and have only made this for free, non-commercial public use. If you would like to have the smal...
Cabbage Patch (キャベツ畑)
Created by kei_em
キャベツ畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Cabbage patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD ...
Camera Positions Utility
Created by Katalepsis
What? Why? I've always been annoyed by the fact that the game doesn't remember your camera position when you save a city. Similarly, when making assets, I often found it tedious to line up the camera for identical screenshots across bundles of assets (eg. ...
Cargo Industrial 4x4 #02
Created by dfurball
Cargo Industrial 4x4 #02 by dfurball ---------------------------------------------------- Updated version of a standard 4x4 Industrial Cargo Building. -Includes a peremeter fence, additional cargo containers, a parking lot, a lamp and additional constructi...
Cargo Train Terminal Template (for assets creators)
Created by BloodyPenguin
Cargo Train Terminal Template for those who want to try to create custom cargo train stations WARNING: this is an asset, not a mod! If you're a regular player, please, don't subscribe this. It's only for assets creators! Please don't unrate this simply bec...
Catenary Replacer Updated
Created by cylis How it works The mod will include several 'Styles' you can choose from in the Mod Options. You can change this in-game. The mod will then replace all vanilla props with custom props. Another option is to remove the wires com...
Chalet Building Theme
Created by Tomcat
UPDATE: 8. building is added. (Chalet 2D) 13.6.2016 Chalet theme collection: This theme was planned to be shared about 4 months ago but anyways here it is with 8 different buildings. There are...
Chizu Express HOT7000 Series
Created by =P
This is an asset of the HOT 7000 Series. It connects Tottori and Osaka in 2.5 hours as the limited express "Super Hakuto". 【This asset includes the following】 prop included. prop anarchy and Vehicle Effects are required. If ...
Clouds & Fog Toggler
Created by BloodyPenguin Disable clouds and distance fog that blocks your view when zooming out. Also allows to disable industrial smog and edge fog. (configurable) I made this mod because clouds & fog rendering changed in After Dark update complete...
CNL Japanese Localization Name Lists
Created by stmSantana
このMODは自動生成される道路名、地区名、人名、住宅名、外部接続名、を日本風の名前(漢字)に変えます。 ※その後は自分で選んでリネームもできます。 ※MOD導入以前に自分で名付けたものはそのまま残ります。 ------------------------------ 2018/10/28更新……外部接続名を日本の名前にしました。 ------------------------------ 使い方 *このMODは 'Custom Name Lists' Modの為の設定ファイルだけです。単体では働きません。...
Cobblestone Surfaces
Created by Lost Gecko
Pack of 6 cobblestone surfaces fitting with the Paris 1900 roads and decorative networks. Includes 3.5m, 7m and 14m variations of both square and circular surfaces. These props don't follow the 8m base rule because the texture they're based on would look o...
Created by kei_em
おなじみのココイチが、Cities: Skylines に進出です。低密度商業区画レベル2を指定してあります。 このアセットのモデルは、 の「Cities: Skylines 10タイル目」の 749 さんが作成したものです。 #更新# パッチ 1.2.0 (After Dark) に対応しました。...
Concrete Pedestrian Path Set
Created by neinnew/네인
Concrete Pedestrian Path Set It's a concrete tiled sidewalk And rendered tunnel, also 1m version useful in a small space! In addition, its invisible versions: Information Ground version conf...
Control Building Level Up v0.5 (Industries)
Created by boformer
This is a fixed version of DirtyDan's mod Unsubscribe the old mod before you get this one! This mod enables you to control your city development by preventing buildings from upgrading to a certain level. Simple select a (growable) building of your choice a...
Corner Building / 角地の商業ビル(第一日比谷ビル)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is the building where the steakhouse “Volks” is located in Shimbashi, Tokyo. Volks is famous for becoming the first steakhouse to import salad bars in Japan, and offers high-quality beef at a low price. Volks in Shimbashi is officially called “Volks S...
Cubemap Replacer (Read description!)
Created by BloodyPenguin
Replaces daytime skybox & reflections in windows and water surfaces. Photorealistic clouds without Photoshop, yay! NOTE: To see sky texture change like on screenshot you must have Daylight Classic installed with 'Classic fog effect' option enabled! That mo...
Curb Props
Created by Like_Mike
The first curb props I uploaded. They are nonconforming so they can be elevated. Includes curb/planters in 6 different sizes and shapes. Textures updated for 2018! Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see how I create assets.
Custom Animation Loader (CAL)
Created by boformer Buildings with custom animations! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! This mod is required for building assets with custom animations. It sets up and enables the animations of t...
Custom Effect Loader
Created by boformer
This mod is required for props and vehicles with custom light effects. It sets up and enables the effects on level load. Just install and enable the mod and enjoy the lights :) Cool assets with custom effects! Get them! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.n...
Daihatsu Hijet (Prop)
Created by Ronyx69
Prop - Daihatsu Hijet - Japanese Kei Car / Pickup Truck Color variations: White / Off-white / Gray / Blue Main: 1299 tris 1024x512 LOD: 56 tris 128x128 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests Don...
Custom Namelists
Created by Markus
Are you bored of building beautiful towns, only to have their districts named "Elm Hills", "Lake Square", "Pine Park" or other generic hogwash? Are you too lazy to go through each road, each building, each cim even, to give them more exciting names? Then t...
Daihatsu Hijet (Vehicle)
Created by Ronyx69
Residential Vehicle - Daihatsu Hijet - Japanese Kei Car / Pickup Truck Color variations: White / Off-white / Gray / Blue Main: 1299 tris 1024x512 LOD: 56 tris 128x128 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Ass...
Daihatsu Hijet Industrial (Prop)
Created by Ronyx69
Prop - Daihatsu Hijet - Japanese Kei Car / Pickup Truck (with bed cover) Color variations: Light Green / Dark Green / Blue / Gray Main: 1392 tris 1024x512 LOD: 51 tris 128x128 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/...
Daihatsu Hijet Industrial (Vehicle)
Created by Ronyx69
Industrial Vehicle - Daihatsu Hijet - Japanese Kei Car / Pickup Truck (with bed cover) Color variations: Light Green / Dark Green / Blue / Gray Main: 1392 tris 1024x512 LOD: 51 tris 128x128 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tuto...
Daylight Classic
Created by BloodyPenguin Brings back original daylight color and fog settings from pre-After Dark versions of C:S IT'S A MOD, NOT A LUT! This mod doesn't require After Dark DLC! Are you annoyed with that yellow tint that turns days into permanent ev...
Decal Prop Fix (deprecated)
Created by boformer
This mod is for players who want to use decal assets with a size larger than 8x8m and/or tiled decals. Make sure that the mod is enabled! This mod does not mess with save files, simulation or the user interface. It is safe to use and can be disabled at any...
Double bridge
Created by The_Ping
Double bridge by The_Ping information Textures: _d_n_s_a +lod_d 3d tri 4196 tex 1024x1024 lod 1076 tex 128x128 понравилась данная работа просьба поддержать like this work please support if you see flaws in my work, please tell him I fixed the work. to make...
Elevated railway concrete prop pack
Elevated railway concrete prop 高架線路の壁とコンクリートの床です。...
Dynamic Resolution (Fixed for 1.9!)
Created by Gradius Twin
NOW WORKING IN 1.9 GREEN CITIES! KNOWN ISSUE - MAC OS X: This mod is currently broken on the Mac. Installing this mod on a Mac will result in the blank sky bug. Removing (or disabling) it and restarting the game will fix the problem. I would love to suppor...
Emergency Lights Changer Plus
Created by stmSantana
This mod is a spinoff of the original (Boformer's) Emergency Lights Changer. All credit goes to boformer, the original creator. Source code Now, The better Mod is it, ★ Emergency Lights Manager V2
Employ Overeducated Workers
Created by Akira Ishizaki
Compatible with patch 1.4.0-f3 (SnowFall). This mod aims at helping low-level buildings to employ overeducated workers. Highly educated people will work in indusries without minding it! 高学歴でも低レベルの工場などで普通に働いてくれるようにするのが目的のMODです。 In this mod, highly educated ...
Environment Changer (+ Improved Theme Selection )
Created by BloodyPenguin Allows to change a saved game's, map's or theme's environment. It also decouples environment selection from custom theme selection. This mod allows to change environment of an existing save game. It adds a drop down to main ...
ESSO gas station growable
Created by SvenBerlin
ESSO gas station growable by Svenpotsdam Commercial L1 4x4 triangles 1950 lod 295 unique version: ploppable version: If you li...
Extended Asset Editor 0.7.6
Created by Acc3ss Violation
Adds some stuff to the asset editor for dealing with vehicles. (And perhaps more asset types in the future) Trailer variation loader requirement This is needed if you want to see the effects of changing the Variation fields of submeshes in-game. If you don...
Extra Landscaping Tools
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
Extra Train Station Tracks ( ETST )
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds more train station track assets for custom train stations. This mod was created before custom network assets were a thing and is still needed for stations created with its tracks. These tracks are only available to asse...
Factory Hall 1 (RICO)
Created by Avanya
A large factory hall for your CIMs to work in. It's made to fit the Miyagi Motors plant style, but it can also be used on it's own. The walls touch the edges on 3 sides, so you can easily have them in clusters. Stats Level 2...
FamilyMart and DOUTOR building
Created by Takouma
Low 3x2 commercial building with FamilyMart and DOUTOR coffee shop as tenant shop. This asset is based on default building: L3 2x2 shop03....
Find It! 2
Created by sway
This mod allows you to search, filter, select, and place assets. It also provides some extra info that are usually not available in vanilla game. Unsubscribe the BETA version before you use this mod! This mod was forked from...
First Person Camera: Updated
Created by tony56a
An update of nlight's First-person camera! Also: a fix for the light flickering issue when following a vehicle/pedestrian. adjustable vehicle camera offset positioning increased field of depth options for a more "isometric camera"-y feel ( reduce field of ...
Flood Damage Control [BETA]
Created by Katalepsis
If you like this mod, please take a moment to rate+, it really helps me stay motivated to continue creating mods for the community. Also, if you have abundance in your life, consider making a small donation. While not required, it is always a great incenti...
Fog Controller
Created by neinnew/네인
Fog Controller This mod adjusts the fog. Note As I said before, I have no knowledge of modding :q I just wanted to control Color Decay, so I made this mod. (This value has a significant effect on color tone) Pressing the reset button does not change the di...
Force Level Up
Created by BloodyPenguin
Adds a button to building info panel's header that makes a buildng level up when you want it to Allows to manually level up an individual building or the whole distict even if it doesn't meet level up requirements. Be carefull with land value and 'No High ...
Forsmark reactor nr: 2
Created by ehrlund
Forsmark2 by ehrlund: Number two of total three nuclear power plants, representing Forsmarks all reactors. Because CS keeps crashing when I try to open the model in the asset editor to find out the data, this is this the only info about the building I got ...
Forsmark reactor nr: 3
Created by ehrlund
Forsmark3.1 by ehrlund: This is the last nuclear power reactor of a total of three, representing Forsmarks all reactors in Sweden. (The 3.1 is just because of a minor tweak.) Because CS keeps crashing when I try to open the model in the asset editor to fin...
Game Center / タイトーステーション秋葉原
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese game center inspired by "Taito Station Akihabara" in AKIBA, Tokyo. Since the game center has ATM, visitors can play games without worrying about money( at that time). Grow-able Buildings: Commercial High-density, Level 3 Tris: 1954 ( LOD: 39) Text...
Generic Office Tower (Growable)
Created by moxiecrimefighter
A 4x3 Growable Level 3 Office Building A Generic Office Building, similar to those built in the US in the 1960s and 70s. 78m Height 125 Tris, Custom LOD 50 Tris Updates: Updated for After Dark! Updated textures: more detail, more accurately scaled windows ...
Gentlemen's Club (growable)
Created by bennymedia
Gentlemen's Club (growable) by bennymedia (Updated V 1.1, ready for After Dark) This little commercial building seems to be absolutly usual. But in it's backyard you can find the "Gentlemen's Club". I don't know exactly what it's about. But it seems to bel...
Grass Embankment
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
These are three sets of grass embankments in a network format. It contains three sets of grass embankments: one with grass, one without grass (Naked), and one with grass only (Grass Only). Please use them widely for riverbeds, railroads and roads. About th...
Gula's Starbucks Coffee
Created by Gula
Level 1 Commercial (2x4) coffee shop growable in the commercial zone! Updated for After Dark Sherlocks Coffee... Iced two-pump cinnamon dulce americano with cream 787 Tris 512 Texture res - for releases! https://www.patreo...
Gula's StarTrust Office
Created by Gula
Level 3 Office (4x4) Growable in the Office zone! Updated for After Dark In every great city, there are recognizable structures that define the city’s character, shape its skyline and make it distinct from all other cities. In Tampa, that landmark is the S...
H2 雑居ビル01 Japanese Commercial Building 01
Created by TOKACHI269
雑居ビルです。 Japanese Commercial Building 01 by TOKACHI269...
H2 雑居ビル02 Japanese Commercial Building 02
Created by TOKACHI269
雑居ビルです。 Japanese Commercial Building 02 by TOKACHI269...
Hankyu Railway 1000Series
Created by SanTen
This is an asset of Hankyu Railway 1000Series. Type ・Hankyu1006:Local/Osaka Umeda⇔Local/Hibarigaoka hanayashiki ・Hankyu1011:Limited Exp./Osaka Umeda⇔Limited Exp./Shinkaichi ・Hankyu1305:Local/Osaka Umeda⇔Local/Takatsukishi Acknowledgments This asset was par...
Created by SanTen
The only difference is the destination display. Type ・Hankyu9005:Local/Osaka Umeda⇔Local/Hibarigaoka hanayashiki ・Hankyu9008:Limited Exp./Osaka Umeda⇔Limited Exp./Shinkaichi ・Hankyu9301:Limited Exp./Osaka Umeda⇔Limited Exp./Kyoto Kawaramachi ・Hankyu9306:Lo...
Hanshin Railway 1000 Series
Created by SanTen
This is an asset of Hanshin 1000 Series. Sounds included. Type ・Hanshin1213:Direct Ltd. Exp.(Yellow)/Osaka-Umeda⇔Direct Ltd. Exp.(Yellow)/Himeji ・Hanshin1210+1604:Rapid Exp./Nara⇔Rapid Exp./Kobe-Sannomiya ・Hanshin1603+1607+1608:Local/Higashi-Hanazono⇔Local...
Hanshin9201Hanshin Railway 9000 Series
Created by SanTen
This is an asset of Hanshin 9000 Series. Sounds included. Type ・Hanshin9201:Direct Ltd. Exp.(Red)/Osaka-Umeda⇔Direct Ltd. Exp.(Red)/Himeji ・Hanshin9207+1609:Rapid Exp./Nara⇔Rapid Exp./Kobe-Sannomiya ・Hanshin9209:Express/Osaka-Umeda⇔Express/Nishinomiya Plea...
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
hearse02 century MIYAGATA
"MIYAGATA" is traditional japanese hearse センチュリーベースの宮型霊柩車です。 ...
Created by nekote
日本の有名な玩具店。 現在は全店舗閉鎖&他の業種へと変更されていますが、 特徴的な城壁を模した建造物は一目で見てわかる形状をしております。 Growable Commercial Low LV1 2x3 2x4 低密度商業区に自動的に建つようになっております。...
Hide It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to hide unwanted things in the game. NEW IN 1.28 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.27 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.16.1-f2 (Hubs & Tr...
Hide TM:PE Unconnected Tracks
Created by kian.zarrin Hides tracks that are unconnected by TMPE lane connector tool. Instructions: 1- subscribe to and enable this mod and TMPE. 2- use TMPE lane connector to connect tracks. 3- unconnected tracks will disappear (see limitations)....
Hide TMPE crosswalks V3.2 [stable]
Created by kian.zarrin link to Experimental Mod! CLICK HERE to understand where are the log files and how to upload them. ** Migrating between mods? (true for any mod) you must exit to desktop AFTER you have unsubscribed from the old version. ** N...
High School Football Stadium
Created by KingLeno
High School Football Stadium by kingleno A small high school football field with track, stands, small concessions area. The team name/mascot has 10 random variations when plopped. If you don't want a name, keep plopping until an empty one shows up. Only 4 ...
Hopper Tower - Growable 4x4Lvl5 H Residential
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NEW : UPDATED for After Dark Nighttime Need some more variety in your high density residential districts ? Want to offer your wealthy cims a nice place to live ? The Hopper tower is here for you. It's a level 5 high density residential building and will gr...
Improved Transport Manager 0.2 (beta 2)
Created by Klyte45 This mod is designed to be a replacement for both Transport Lines Manager and Improved Public Transport 2, the two public transport mods that shares the prefere...
Created by Takouma
InstantFamilyMart prop (AD update) Example of use:
Created by Takouma
InstantSevenEleven prop (AD) Example of use:
Intersection Marking Tool 1.14.4
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allows you to quickly create road markings at intersections. This is for detailing and aesthetics ONLY and WILL NOT tell your traffic where to go. If you want to control traf...
Invisible Pedestrian Path
Created by ako_ako
歩行者用の舗装路から舗装・橋桁・柱を除いた、見えない歩行者パスです。 TOKACHI269氏のペデストリアンデッキとの使用を想定しています。 発想次第では他にも使い道があるのではと思います。 This is an invisible pedestrian path. I removed pavement, girder and pillar from Pavement Path. You can use it together with Pedestrian Deck props by TOKACHI269...
Invisible Pedestrian Path 16m ++REVISED++
Created by speedtraxxdj
++ INVISIBLE PEDESTRIAN PATH ( 16m ) ++ Dies ist ein unsichtbarer Fußweg. Es wurden Pflaster, Träger und Pfeiler vom Gehweg entfehrnt Benutze die Mod "Find It" um den Weg zu finden! Das ist e...
Izukyu 8000 Series
Created by =P
This is the assets of Izukyu train. They were used at Tokyu. 【This asset includes the following】 ・Izukyu 8000 Series ・Izukyu 8000 Series (unpaint) ・Izukyu 8000 Series (kabuki) ・Izukyu 8000 Series (old) Special Thanks This asset is a modified version of "To...
JAL Komatsu WT500E pushback pack
Created by BentPixel
Pack of JAL Komatsu WT500E airport pushbacks. Contains 3 versions: Equipped with GPU Equipped with extra weight "Stock" The Komatsu WT500E pushback can be found at almost every Japanese airport and is the latest conventional pushback from the Komatsu Ltd g...
Japan 500kV Powerline 日本の高圧送電線
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の高圧送電線です。 モデル 東京電力 印旛線 仕様 電圧:500 kV 回線:2回線 高さ:72 m 土台の寸法:14 m x 14 m 以下の4種類の送電鉄塔と電線を同梱しています。 JP 500kV Powerline A N w - 通常バージョン Type A JP 500kV Powerline A RW w - 紅白バージョン Type A JP 500kV Powerline B N w - 通常バージョン Type B JP 500kV Powerline B RW w - 紅白バージョ...
Japan Supermarket ベイシア スーパーマーケット
Created by OSARUSAN
北関東を代表するスーパーマーケットチェーン、ベイシアです。 Ploppable、看板を同梱しています。 モデル 埼玉県加須市琴寄 ベイシアフードセンター 大利根店 仕様 幅:82 m 奥行:60 m 高さ:11 m Supermarket "Beisia" in Japan. Ploppable, 1 sign building is included. Specification Width: 82 m Depth: 60 m Height: 11 m 支援/Donate 作品が気に入りましたら以下のリン...
Japanese ambulance "PARAMEDIC2"
Created by RonSatoyan
Speaking of Japanese ambulances, it is said to be "Toyota's Himedic" or Nissan's "Paramedic". Paramedic is based on Elgrand, and has reached the present without being fully remodeled for nearly 20 years since its appearance. Isuzu Motors also manufactured ...
Japanese Apartment 12
Created by nob50506000
level 3 high density residential 庶民的な都市型マンションです。 RICO設定があります。MODを導入していない場合はユニークビルディングから選択してください。 Japanese 日本 アパート 日式 住宅楼 일본 아파트...
Japanese Apartment 14
Created by nob50506000
level 3 high density residential ちょうどいい感じの中規模マンションです。 RICO設定があります。MODを導入していない場合はユニークビルディングから選択してください。 Japanese 日本 アパート 日式 住宅楼 일본 아파트 ...
Japanese Apartment 3 Pack / マンションパック(GROW)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Typical Japanese apartment Vol.3/4/5 pack. * Vol.1 * Vol.2 Growable Buildings: Residential High, Level 2. Screenshots are taken using some mods, LUTs. Donate: ----- 典型的な日本のマンションが3つ入ったお得なパックです。 2000年台に建った量産型の普通のマンションをイメージしました。...
Japanese Apartment A / マンションA
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical apartment. In Japan, we call these apartments "Mansion". It's so strange. RICO / Residential High L2. 日本の典型的なマンションです。RICO対応。高密度住宅L2として利用可能です。 Tris: 4208 / 194(LOD) / Texture: 4096x4096, 256x256 (LOD)...
Japanese Apartment B / マンションB(RICO)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Typical Japanese apartment Vol.2 ( Vol.1 ). RICO Required: Residential High, Level 3 / 12 homes. You can arrange this by my Instant Commercial Props like the picture. Screenshots are taken using some mods, LUTs. 典型的な日本のマンションVol.2 ( Vol.1 )です。RICO対応。レベル3の高密...
Japanese Cafe "HIUN-AN" 飛雲庵 (growable CL L1 2x2)
泉州航空神社の付屬施設を移植したもの。 Building Info 1x1 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 2048x2048 御茶處 飛雲庵 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Canal
Created by Ronyx69
A 10m wide and 4m deep canal inspired by suburban/urban japan. Includes a version with and without walls. Found in landscaping paths menu. Also includes small vegetation props. The actual width is 22m, but it's covered by a pavement "skirt" to hide the cli...
Japanese Citizens Pack
Created by stockjr97
A set of Japanese citizens for your Japan builds! Comes with 2 extra highschool uniforms each for male and female teenagers! Details: 1700~2300 tris each (LOD: 500~800 tris) 1024x1024 textures (LOD: 64x64) Do you like my work? Donate to my Paypal! Tags: Ja...
Japanese Covered Walkway / 商店街の屋根
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese covered walkway in shopping streets. Place them on the sides of roads. 日本の商店街にありがちな屋根のついた歩道です。道路わきに設置してください。 Tris: ~100 / Textures: 256x256 (128x128 LOD), d/n お布施をいただけるとやる気が出ます。 Donate:
Japanese Department Store Signs / 日本のデパートの看板
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Signs of Japanese department stores. Good for decorating with my "Japanese Department Store" Quick Usage: Search "JPSS" on Find it!. This pack includes 7 props: - Atre - Opa 1 / 2 - PARCO - ...
Japanese dining kinugawa
Created by nekote
日本風味の食堂。 モデルにしたのは東京都台東区にある食堂。 安価でボリュームも多く、近所の人の評判も良い食堂である。 しかし不定休なので注意が必要。 ぶた肉ととん汁でぶたがダブってしまった。 Growable Commercial Low L1 1x2~4 低密度商業区に自動的に建つようになってますが、 小型なので狙わないと厳しいかもしれません。...
Japanese Elementary School
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Japanese High School
Created by Ronyx69
Very simple japanese high school. Stats probably the same as vanilla high school. This asset is quite old, but I had never released it. The building doesn't fit in 16x8 properly, so it overlaps the road a bit Just move it or delete the road. Main: 6146 tri...
Japanese High-Rise Apartment
Created by nob50506000
日本の新しいタイプの中高層マンションです。 少しお家賃が高そうなファミリー向けの物件になります。 jp_apt15 Lv.3 3×3 jp_apt16 Lv.4 4×3 jp_apt17 Lv.3 3×3 追記 ライトが強すぎたようなので修正しました。...
Japanese House 01 民家(growable RL L4 4x3)
泉州航空神社の付屬施設を移植したもの。 Japanese House 民家 Building Info 4x3 Category :Residential Low Level4 Texture : 1024x1024 日本民家4x3 L4 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese House A ( 3 Colors )/ 日本の住宅A 3色セット[GROW]
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical house with traditional style. Inspired from 1980s style. There are no fences for convenience: we can place them everywhere. Also, you can decorate them with various props into urban-style or country-style. There are 3 color-variations in e...
Japanese KARAOKE Building and Prop Pack
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese Karaoke building ( 4 variants ) + Prop Pack. Specifications 4 unique buildings + 20props for these shops - BIGECHO - Karaoke Kan - Banban - Manekineko Textures: 512x512 ( LOD: 128x128 ) Tris: ~100 * Supposed to be used with Loading Screen Mod Abou...
Japanese Liquor Store - YaMaYa
Created by YODOH
This is repainted Asset. Original template by @shibakata. If RICO enabled, Level 1 Low Commercial. Screenshot by @atagonoumi ( )...
Japanese Localization Mod (日本語化MOD)
Created by kei_em
Japanese Localization Mod Final version - 日本語 #更新# パッチ 1.17.1-f2 (Hotels and Retreats) への対応。 このMODは、日本語ロケールファイル Final 版 を自動でインストールします。 日本語ロケールファイルは、Discord - Cities: Skylines Japan サーバーの有志によって作成されました。 注意: 日本語ロケールファイルは、サブスクライブを解除しても自動では削除されません。日本語ロケールを完全に削除...
Japanese Multi-tenant Building / 日本風雑居ビル[RICO]
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese commercial building inspired from Akihabara in Tokyo. RICO / Commercial High / Level 3 / 10 employee 日本風の雑居ビルです。秋葉原にある某ビル群をモチーフにしていますが、寸法などの関係でアレンジ仕様になっています。 Tex: d/i/s 2048x2048 (LOD:256x256) / Tris: 1123 (LOD:392)...
Japanese Low Commercial Buildings Pack / 日本風低層商業ビルパック
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical commercial buildings. 3 buildings included. Grow-able Buildings: Commercial Low High, Level 2 (ALL) Quick search: "ja low com" Tris: 370,470,570 (LOD : 10-20 ) / Textures: 512x512 d/i/n/s/a Can you support my work? Donate: https://www.payp...
Japanese Noise Barrier (JPNB)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a type of road noise barrier (Network) that is often seen on Japanese expressways. The motif is based on the TOKYO-GAIKAN Expressway, Tomei Expressway, and Hanshin Expressway. The curved wall has a special light attached to it. This is a great way ...
Japanese Nursing home
Created by Hibuna93
Japanese Nursing home Asset information Size 6x4 Construction Costs 10000 Capacity100 Maintenance costs 660 Model information Mein Mesh tris6333 texture1024x1024 Lod Mesh tris84 texture128x128 Contact twitter...
Japanese radish Patch (大根畑)
Created by kei_em
大根畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Radish patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD fac...
Japanese Residential Props
Created by Ronyx69
Props for my modern japanese houses. Found in industrial props menu or search "r69 jp res prop". Some of the props are random prop variations of an empty container prop, however you can still plop individual props. Main: 10 - 64 tris 32x32 - 512x256 LOD: 1...
Japanese Road Arrows Replacer
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is the first MOD I've ever created. By activating this MOD, the arrows displayed at the intersection will be replaced by Japanese style ones. I'm sure you are tired of the intellectual work of just putting arrows on the road. Of course, this is not co...
Japanese Retaining Walls Network / 日本の擁壁
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese retaining walls made with stones. "Retaining wall" means artificial angled wall. There are 2 variations: With Fences and Without Fences. With Fences version is for roads and tracks near mountains or hills, the other is for multi purpose (see examp...
Japanese Road Marking Collection for IMT (Basic)
Created by adon
English instructions (use DeepL & Google Translate) About the Basic Marking Pack This asset will be a marking pack for IMT, for use on Japanese roads. We have put together a Basic Template with 78 Types for various patterns. Simply specify the template for...
Japanese Road Marking Collection for IMT (Ver' Text)
Created by adon
English instructions (use DeepL & Google Translate) About the Basic Marking Pack This asset will be a marking pack for IMT, for use on Japanese roads. We have put together a Vertical-Text Template with 80 Types for various patterns. Simply specify the temp...
Japanese road markings
Created by Lambchop_1020
Japanese road markings by Lambchop_1020 The word "カーブ" indicates that there is a curve ahead. A "ゾーン30" indicates that the speed limit for the area is 30 km/h. A "止まれ" sign indicates that the vehicle stops at that location....
Japanese road markings (single character)
Created by Lambchop_1020
日本の道路標示(単字) by Lambchop_1020...
Japanese Road Markings Pack / 日本の道路標示
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
----------------------------- UPDATE: 2020/5/11 Added 1 decal. - Left and Right arrow ----------------------------- ----------------------------- UPDATE: 2019/10/27 Added 3 decals. - Orange line compatible with Konno Model's new roads - Orange turning lane...
Japanese Sea Defenses Network / 日本の堤防
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese angled walls(dikes) to prevent waters. We can see them around seasides in Japan. You can find this at canal tools. 2 variations are contained: with terrain / without terrain. Recommended Mods: Move it Quay Anarchy Height: 1.5m ( up tp 20m ) * Disc...
Japanese Shopping Mall
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Station-front Shopping mall named "Green Plaza Takatsuki" in Osaka. 3 variants included. Variant B is good to connect with my pedestrian deck. Do not forget to subscribe the necessary assets! Specification Variants: A: decorated, without pedestrian deck B:...
Japanese Simple Tollgate
Created by Krakow131
This tollgate is only accept electronic toll collection system payment, It is desirable to add an highway exit to the rest area and install it at the intersection in the suburbs. ☆Donate ☆Model info Polygon 454 Texture 512x512 (...
Japanese Sushi-Bar Azumasushi
Created by nekote
日本風味の寿司屋。 モデルにしたのは東京、下北沢…というより北沢にあった寿司屋。 閑静な住宅街にある事から、住人の評判は良かった…かと思われる。 だが2006年頃に惜しまれつつ閉店してしまった。 此方にお邪魔の際は黒塗りの高級車に衝突しないように注意しよう。 Growable Commercial Low L1 1x2~4 低密度商業区に自動的に建つようになってますが、 小型なので狙わないと厳しいかもしれません。...
Japanese Traffic Lights (LHT) 日本風信号機MOD (左側通行用)
Created by ako_ako
This mod is WORKING with Sunset Harbor update! 信号機を日本風に置き換えるMODです。 BloodyPenguin/Matt Crux氏のAmerican Traffic LightsからPropを置き換えたものになります。 このMODは左側通行用となります。右側通行用はこちら。 仕様 ディフューズ色が発光するので、現実だと黒である部分にも色が入っているように見えます。順光だと特に顕著です。 極端に鋭角/鈍角な交差点だとそっぽを向くかもしれません。 赤から青に戻...
Japanese Urban High School 1
Created by Auchmial
This is a high school based almost exactly on this elementary school in Tokyo. I am planning to make an elementary school to go with this one, but since this building took me quite a while to make, I imagine its partner will as well. The building in real l...
Japanese Urban School 1 Props
Created by Auchmial
This is a set of props for my building Japanese Urban High School. The set includes: Wall: 12 tris Shared texture with school: 1024 x 2048 Planter: 48 tris Shared texture with school: 1024 x 2048 Solar Panel: 240 tris 128 x 256...
JNR Kiha 30 (General color)
Created by ron_fu-ta
国鉄キハ30(一般色) 定員:120名 速度:100km/h Japanese National Railways Kiha 30 (General color) Capacity : 120 person Speed : 100km/h ...
JNR Kiha 30 + 35 (General color)
Created by ron_fu-ta
国鉄キハ30+キハ35(一般色) 定員:360名 速度:100km/h Japanese National Railways Kiha 30 + Kiha35 (General color) Capacity : 360 person Speed : 100km/h...
JNR Kiha 35 (General color)
Created by ron_fu-ta
国鉄キハ35(一般色) 定員:240名 速度:100km/h Japanese National Railways Kiha 35 (General color) Capacity : 240 person Speed : 100km/h...
JNR/JRE 485 Series: Kaminuttari Livery
Created by Chitoge
■Introduction Kami-Nuttari is the old name of Niigata Rail yard, As of 2014, it was the largest number of 485 series in the JR group. There was a wide range of operations such as being in charge of all trains of the limited express "Inaho", "Hokuetsu", rap...
JNR/JRW 419 Series "Toast bread"
Created by Chitoge
■Introduction The 419 series was an electric multiple unit (EMU) train type introduced in 1985 by Japanese National Railways (JNR), and later operated by West Japan Railway Company (JR-West) on local services along the Japan Sea coast of Japan until March ...
Created by RonSatoyan
It is made as Vehicle Effects and Extra Vehicle Effects compatible version. I has released the second installment . I have reproduced "115 1000 series DC train" which runs the local city suburbs . The color of this train is that the Shonan livery, to repro...
JNR_117 series_SunLiner
Created by RonSatoyan
Japanese National Railways train for suburban express which was developed in the 1970 year-end. Paint is San liner that is no longer seen most is now being operated by Sanyo-Line. With 4 Vehicle Effects and Extra Vehicle Effects, I could light 4 headlights...
JP スロープ付き階段 / stair with slope
Created by kasasasa
高低差のある住宅街に使える階段をイメージしました。 自転車を押して通れる階段スロープ付きです。 ほぼすべてに手すりありverとなしverを用意してます。 I image stairs that can be used in a residential area with difference heights. These have a slope that you to push your bicycle. Almost all have whit a handrail version and no han...
JP 1+2L Basic Roads KR3101
JP 1+2L Basic Roads KR3101 by Konno Model...
JP 1way 5m Tiny Road KR1101
JP 1way 5m Tiny Road KR1101 by Konno Model...
JP 1way Small Roads KR1102
JP 1way Small Roads KR1102 by Konno Model...
JP 2+3L Medium Roads KR5101
JP 2+3L Medium Roads KR5101 by Konno Model...
JP 2+3L Medium Roads KR5102
JP 2+3L Medium Roads KR5102 by Konno Model...
JP 1+2L White Line / 1+2車線道路(中央線が白線)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
紺野つかささんのJP 1+2L Basic Roads KR3101の黄色い中央線を白線にリペイントしただけの道路です。 型番は「KMR3202」となっています。 A road with a white center line modified from JP 1+2L Basic Roads KR3101 named "KMR3202"...
JP 2L 1way Basic Roads KR2151
JP 2L 1way Basic Roads KR2151 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Road KT201MU
歩道がマウントアップタイプの二車線道路です。 ElevatedとBridgeで微妙に仕様が違います。 また、橋桁が赤色になっています。 歩道面が+0.0105m 車道面が-0.045m 車道面からの縁石の高さが0.15m です。 紺野に無駄遣いをさせる。(Donate) 紺野にお金をあげる ...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2101
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2101 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2102
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2102 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2103
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2103 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2104
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2104 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2105
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2105 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2106
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2106 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2107
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2107 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2108
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2108 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2109
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2109 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2121
JP 2L Small Roads KR2121 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2122
JP 2L Small Roads KR2122 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2124
JP 2L Small Roads KR2124 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2125
JP 2L Small Roads KR2125 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2131
JP 2L Small Roads KR2131 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2133
JP 2L Small Roads KR2133 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2134
JP 2L Small Roads KR2134 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2132
JP 2L Small Roads KR2132 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2135
JP 2L Small Roads KR2135 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2141
JP 2L Small Roads KR2141 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2142
JP 2L Small Roads KR2142 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2143
JP 2L Small Roads KR2143 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2144
JP 2L Small Roads KR2144 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2151
JP 2L Small Roads KR2151 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2152
JP 2L Small Roads KR2152 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2153
JP 2L Small Roads KR2153 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2154
JP 2L Small Roads KR2154 by Konno Model...
JP 3+4L Medium Roads KR7102
JP 3+4L Medium Roads KR7102 by Konno Model...
JP 3+4L Medium Roads KR7101
JP 3+4L Medium Roads KR7101 by Konno Model...
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4102
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4102 by Konno Model...
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4103
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4103 by Konno Model...
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4104
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4104 by Konno Model...
JP 4L Medium Roads KT201SF+20
JP 4L Medium Roads KT201SF+20 by Konno Model...
JP 5m Tiny Roads +ped KT203
マウントアップ型の歩道がついた車道幅5mの道路です。 路地等でよく見かけるタイプの道路かと思います。 縁石の高さは車道面からみて10cmです。...
JP 5m Tiny Roads KT202
JP 5m Tiny Roads KT202 by Konno Model...
JP 6L Large Roads KT201SF+20
JP 6L Large Roads KT201SF+20 by Konno Model...
JP 6L Medium Roads KR6101
JP 6L Medium Roads KR6101 by Konno Model...
JP 6L Medium Roads KR6103
JP 6L Medium Roads KR6103 by Konno Model...
JP 6L Medium Roads KR6102
JP 6L Medium Roads KR6102 by Konno Model...
JP Aeon big
Created by koma
Japanese discount store,Aeon big. It is set rico. Commercial high Lv.2 9×7. ディスカウントストア、イオンビッグです。 RICO設定済み。9×7マスです。...
JP Angled Buildings(30/45)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
They are typical buildings in Japan, but these buildings are angled. Most of the buildings in the actual city are angled, but I think that there are still few in CSL. I have a 30 degree optician store and a 45 degree pastry shop. The signboards are attache...
JP Apartment
Created by nob50506000
日本中の都市にありそうな新築マンションです。 レベル4に設定しています。 Japanese style apartments 现代日式住宅楼...
JP Apartment
Created by nob50506000
小規模な中層マンションになります。 6階建てマンション3棟が入っています。 都会から地方まで幅広く使えるサイズです。 Lv.2 jp_apt30~32...
JP Apartment 7~11
Created by nob50506000
level 4 high density residential 中~高層の都市型マンションです。 Japanese 日本 アパート 日式 住宅楼 일본 아파트 ...
JP Breakwater 防波堤セット
Created by Takamon27
It is a breakwater in Japan. There are two types, shapes A and B, and 4m and 6m are included, respectively. The shape is asymmetric, but when installed in the same direction, one side wall surface is aligned. 防波堤のネットワークタイプのアセットです。 AとB二種類の形状、それぞれ4m6mの幅の4つが同...
JP Apartment with stores / 店舗併設のマンション
Created by koma
It is an apartment with a store on the first floor. Four types are included in the package. Growable Residential High Lv.1&Lv.2  4×2 The store portion is not functional. Please enjoy the scenery and atmosphere. 1階部分に店舗を併設するマンションです。 4種類同梱しています。 店舗部分は機能しません。...
JP Breakwater lighthouse 防波堤灯台セット
Created by Takamon27
This asset is a set of Japanese breakwater lighthouses. Includes two lighthouses, starboard and port lighthouses, and props for each LED light. 防波堤灯台のセットです。 右舷灯台(赤灯台)左舷灯台(白灯台)それぞれのLED灯器のプロップも同梱しています。 それぞれの設置されている位置は、沖から港を見て右側が赤灯台、左側が白灯台になります。...
JP Commercial High 1 「LAWSON」
Created by wilmanwdk 🌸
JP Commercial High 1 「LAWSON」 Inspired by this building in Tokyo:,139.7743325,3a,67y,127.21h,106.51t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sClTA34oJB4Ok--m1kDkA1A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 Move It! is recommended for placing this in dense area...
JP Corner Building / コーナー用雑居ビル
Created by koma
It is a multi-tenant building that can be installed at the corner of crossroads and T-shaped roads. Two types are included. 十字路、T字路などのコーナー部分に設置出来る雑居ビルです。 2種類同梱です。 If the direction of the building is wrong, Move it! Please correct it using. 建物の向きがおかしい場合はMov...
JP Disaster Speaker 防災行政無線
Created by EXYN4
Japanese emergency broadcast system speaker. 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙙𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣. 𝙉𝙤 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙,𝙉𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝘿𝙇𝘾 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮. ...
JP Fishing Port Quay 漁港の岸壁
Created by Takamon27
It is a quay in a Japanese fishing port. There are two types: quay only and quay with fenders and bollards. Includes fender, car stop, fence prop and breakwater 2m network. Adjust the segment length to 16m using the NodeSpacer MOD to even out the fenders. ...
JP Fishing Port Quay For maps of right-hand traffic 右側通行マップ用
Created by Takamon27
This asset is for the "right -hand traffic map" of the quay of the fishing port. 右側通行マップ用の漁港の岸壁です。...
JP High-Rise Apartment
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese high-rise apartment inspired from Kawasaki city. This large residence would be one of the symbol in your city. Thanks to Additive Shader, we can see the beautiful window illuminations at night. Specifications 47stories, 150m height, 6x6 Residentia...
JP Highway (JPHY)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a Japanese expressway asset that can be used to create two-lane or three-lane roads. The models are around Ise Bay Expressway, Shin Meishin Expressway, and Joban Expressway. In order for this road to work properly, you must subscribe to the essenti...
JP Ice Storage 製氷貯蔵庫
Created by Takamon27
It is an ice making storage facility in a Japanese fishing port. A cooling tower prop is included. 漁港にある製氷貯蔵庫です。 冷却塔のプロップを同梱しています。...
JP Low Hedge Network
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a network of low (about 70cm) plants that can be found on the sides of roads and parking lots in Japan. Since they do not follow the ground, you can place them wherever you want. Three patterns are included: with curb, without curb, and with curb o...
JP Modern Clinic Pack
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
It is a modern Japanese clinic pack, with three buildings and a sign prop attached. まいわ歯科医院 (Maiwa Dental Clinic). This is an asset of the dental clinic. It has zero ambulances, but is cheaper to set up and offers a wider range of health bonuses than vanil...
JP Modern Condo (Apartment)
Created by nob50506000
テナント付きのマンションになります。 jp_apt18 8×4 ResHigh Lv.2 RICO RICOを導入していない場合ユニーク建物になります。...
JP Large City Road Pack
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a series of large roads with three or more lanes, useful for creating well-planned, well-formed urban areas in Japan, with support for Adaptive Network and easy switching between median planting, fences, sidewalks, Braille blocks, and other decorat...
JP Modern Condo
Created by nob50506000
日本の現代的なマンションです。 apartment アパート 住宅楼  Lv.4 Rsidential high RICO ...
JP Office 梅田UNビル
Created by curr66
JP Office 梅田UNビル by curr66 基本信息: 这是位于大阪梅田5丁目的一座办公楼,这次我想比较好地做出屋顶空调机组,所以面数可能比较多。你可以通过“Find it!”搜索“JP office”或者其他关键词来找到它。同样的它也是可自长的办公楼建筑。 Basic information: This is an office building located in Meitian, Osaka. I want to make a better roof air conditioning un...
JP Office (株式会社コムコシステム)
Created by curr66
JP Office (株式会社コムコシステム) by curr66 基本描述: 这是一座位于东京JR 品川駅附近的办公楼,你可以通过“find it” 输入“JP Office”或者其他关键词来找到它。同样的它也是可自长的办公建筑。 Basic description: This is an office building near JR Shinagawa Station, Tokyo. You can find it by entering "JP Office" or other keywords t...
JP Old house 25 ~ 29
Created by koma
Wahoo! Japan This is a 5-pack of Japanese style houses. It is 1 x 1 1×2 2×1 square size. Japanese style houses in 1×1 and 2×1 sizes are also scheduled to be shown. 和風住宅5パックです。 1 x 1 1×2 2×1 マスサイズです。 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse https://...
JP Old Train Approach Indicator (not animating) 列車接近表示機
Created by EXYN4
Japanese Old Train Approach Indicator. Used as an alarm for railroad crossings in stations. Including lighting version and off version. Tris: 64 Texture: 256x256 LOD Tris: 34 LOD Texture: 64x64...
JP Platform Extension Pack - Utilities -
Created by hanamaru
日本の在来線プラットフォーム / 拡張パック - ユーティリティ - Generic platform in Japan / Extension Pack - Utilities - ■Items - JP Platform Asphalt 1x1 - JP Platform Asphalt 1x2 - JP Platform Asphalt 2x2 - JP Platform Asphalt 1x8 - JP Platform Asphalt 1x24 - JP Platform Wall 1M - JP...
JP Railway Crossing Props
Created by EXYN4
Including 1 sign and optical sensor....
JP Restaurant “GUSTO”
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Gusto is a famous “family restaurant” in Japan owned by SKYLARK GROUP. “Family restaurant” is a Japanese word which means casual and family-style restaurant. Gusto is my most visited restaurant. Thanks to waya, I retextured and remodelled from his Denny’s ...
JP Rural elementary school / 田舎の小学校
Created by koma
2020.01.05 UPDATED I added a prop of the school gate. 校門のプロップを追加しました。 It is an elementary school with a Japanese wooden school building. It was created with the image of elementary schools in rural mountain areas and port towns where schools have been clos...
JP Saiki Building 佐伯ビル
Created by Nabezow
A commercial building that actually exists in downtown Oita City,Japan. Building type : Commercial Low 3x3 L1. 大分市の繁華街にあるビルがモデルです。 ビル裏の駐車スペースが少し寂しいので、お持ちのイカしたprop達でゴチャゴチャにするといいでしょう。 ...
JP Shinkin bank / 信用金庫
Created by koma
This is a Japanese shinkin bank. Growable comlow 3×3. Three types of signs are included. 日本の信用金庫です。 看板は3種類同梱しています。 JP Shinkin bank by koma...
JP Tokyo Fire Department Ambulance
Created by Osacania
Toyota HiMedic Ambulance The most typical Ambulance in Japan. prop included. Asset info Main mesh Tris: 2,593 Textures: 1024x512 LOD Tris: 50 Textures: 128x128 Other version of this truck is available for Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube channel membership. Twit...
JP Tokyo Fire Department Pumper
Created by Osacania
Hino Ranger Pumper The Japanese fire engine called "普通ポンプ車 (literally means nomal pump truck)" that carries no water. prop included. Asset info Main mesh Tris: 5,895 Textures: 1024x512 LOD Tris: 74 Textures: 128x128 Other version of this truck is available...
JPCS Modern Japanese Style Street / 和風の街路
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Overview Modern Japanese-style 2-lane roads placed around temples and shrines in Japan. There are ground and bridge models in this asset. Nicely compatible with Konno's JP Roads and vanilla roads besides some road types. You can make Japanese traditional l...
JPEH - JP Easy House
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is an asset pack for easily installing a finely decorated Japanese house. Until now, in order to create a realistic house, it was usually necessary to place fences, outbuildings, trees, etc. one by one, but this would have taken about a billion years ...
JPHY Japanese Highway Tool Booth
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Toll booths on Japanese highways (e.g., Expressway Expressway). It actually works as a toll booth asset and can collect tolls. I made this because no one else did. Please note that the traffic will be congested near the toll booths unless ETC is enabled by...
JPPO Roof Props
Created by Ronyx69
Includes an AC, an electricity box and a vent. Made for the Japanese Post Office. Very generic, can be used for whatever you want. Main: 110 - 386 tris 512x256 LOD: 10 - 22 tris Twitch YouTube...
JPRC 日本の踏切用小物 Japan Railway Crossing Props
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の踏切用小物です。 6種類のPropを同梱しています。 制限高標識はPOを使って幅を調整できます。 Japan Railway Crossing Props. 6 props are included. You can adjust width of Height Limit pole by PO. 支援/Donate 作品が気に入りましたら以下のリンクよりご支援いただければ幸いです。 If you like my works, please consider a small donation by f...
JPSM Shopping Mall Signs
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Signs from Japanese typical shopping malls. They are reversible and there are 16 props and 31 signs in this pack. Specifications * They are all props 001 Loft - Knick-nack daily necessities / Loft - Knick-nack daily necessities 002 Seria - 1 coin shop / Se...
JP_Apartment B 都市型のマンション
Created by アザラシくん
This is a real apartment building in Tokyo, Japan. It is an eight-story apartment building. JP_Apartment B by アザラシくん...
JP_Apartment C Urban condominium
Created by アザラシくん
It is a nine-story urban condominium in Tokyo, Japan. JP_Apartment C by アザラシくん...
jp_co1 (Nozawa Building)
Created by nob50506000
Level 2 low density commercial 2x3 東村山駅前にある雑居ビルです。 看板は実物と違います。 看板ありとなしの2種類があります。 It is the building which is near Higashi-Murayama Station of Tokyo....
JP_Gate (工場や物流施設などのゲート)
Created by T.K.
工場や物流施設などで見かけるゲートです。 縁石の切り欠きが逆のバージョンを同梱しています。...
JR四国予讃線 下灘駅 / JP Shimonada Station
Created by koma
Shimonada Station is a station on the Shikoku Railway Company's (JR Shikoku) Yosan Line, located in Okubo, Futami-cho, Iyo-shi, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. The station is located in Okubo, Futami-cho, Iyo City, Ehime Prefecture, at an elevation of 11 m above ...
JR四国 多度津駅 / JR Shikoku - Tadotsu station
Created by koma
On December 7, 2022, a vanilla station truck version was added. 2022年12月7日、バニラのステーショントラック版を追加しました。 香川県仲多度郡多度津町栄町三丁目にあるJR四国多度津駅です。 1889年にこの地を起点に四国初の鉄道が開業したことから、 四国鉄道発祥の地とされています。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
JR Central / JNR Kiha 30
Created by ron_fu-ta
JR東海 / 国鉄キハ30 定員:120名 速度:100km/h Central Japan Railway / Japanese National Railways Kiha 30 Capacity : 120 person Speed : 100km/h JR Central Kiha 30 : JR logo on side body. JNR Kiha 30 : No JR logo...
JR Central 313 Series (2/6/8 Cars)
Created by InHailt
Contains 3 different configurations! Overview The 313 series is a DC suburban electric multiple unit (EMU) train type operated by Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central) in Japan since 1999. The design was introduced from spring 1999 to replace older 11...
JR Central Kiha 40-3000 (2 Cars)
Created by ron_fu-ta
JR東海キハ40 3000番台 (2両) 定員:240名 速度:100km/h Central Japan Railway Kiha 40-3000 (2 Cars) Capacity : 240 person Speed : 100km/h...
JR Central Kiha 40-3000 (3 Cars)
Created by ron_fu-ta
JR東海キハ40 3000番台 (3両) 定員:360名 速度:100km/h Central Japan Railway Kiha 40-3000 (3 Cars) Capacity : 360 person Speed : 100km/h ...
JR East 209-2100 Series (4 Cars)
Created by InHailt
Preserved Asset from Shibakata. Reuploaded with permission...
JR East 209-500 Series (6/10 Cars) (Sobu Line)
Created by InHailt
Preserved Asset from Shibakata. Reuploaded with permission...
JR East E217 Series (11 Cars)
Created by InHailt
Preserved Asset from Shibakata. Reuploaded with permission...
JR East E217 Series (15 Cars)
Created by InHailt
Preserved Asset from Shibakata. Reuploaded with permission...
JR East E331 Series (10 Cars)
Created by InHailt
Features: Light effects, line colored, for modded stations! I would appreciate it if you rate this train. This helps me a lot! Overview The E331 series was a prototype train developed by JR East for testing various new technologies. One of these was articu...
JR East E331 Series (14 Cars)
Created by InHailt
Features: Light effects, line colored, for modded stations! I would appreciate it if you rate this train. This helps me a lot! Overview The E331 series was a prototype train developed by JR East for testing various new technologies. One of these was articu...
JR East E331 Series (8 Cars)
Created by InHailt
Features: Light effects, line colored, compatible for vanilla! The E331 series was a prototype train developed by JR East for testing various new technologies. One of these was articulated bogies. The train ran revenue service only in the weekend on the Ke...
JR East E657 Series (10 Cars)
Created by InHailt
Overview The E657 series is an AC/DC dual-voltage electric multiple unit (EMU) train type operated by East Japan Railway Company in Japan on limited express services between Ueno in Tokyo and Iwaki on the Joban Line since March 2012. The trains replaced th...
JR East Kiha E130-0 (2 Cars)
Created by ron_fu-ta
JR東日本キハE130 0番台 (2両) 定員:240名 速度:100km/h East Japan Railway Kiha E130-0 (2 Cars) Capacity : 240 person Speed : 100km/h...
JR East Kiha E130-0 (3 Cars)
Created by ron_fu-ta
JR東日本キハE130 0番台 (3両) 定員:360名 速度:100km/h East Japan Railway Kiha E130-0 (3 Cars) Capacity : 360 person Speed : 100km/h...
JR East Kiha E130-100 (2 Cars)
Created by ron_fu-ta
JR東日本キハE130 100番台 (2両) 定員:240名 速度:100km/h East Japan Railway Kiha E130-100 (2 Cars) Capacity : 240 person Speed : 100km/h...
JR East Kiha E131/132-0
Created by ron_fu-ta
JR東日本キハE131/132 0番台 定員:240名 速度:100km/h East Japan Railway Kiha E131/132-0 Capacity : 240 person Speed : 100km/h...
JR East series 205-600
Created by ron_fu-ta
JR東日本205系600番台 定員:480名 速度:100km/h East Japan Railway series 205-600 Capacity : 480 person Speed : 100km/h...
JR East Series Kiha110-200
Created by Ao15G
The Kiha110-200 series is used by JR East Japan. It have 20m class Body and two doors at one side. Max speed 100km/h passenger capacity 119/1car acceleration 0.1 braking 0.2...
JR West 221 Series / JR西日本221系電車 ( 4 / 6 / 8 cars)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
JR West 221 Series is a suburban EMU train type operated by West Japan Railway Company since 1989. The train was originally called "amenity liner" but it didn't really spread. However, the cars were once used as "Special Rapid Service" mainly in the Keihan...
JR WEST 681・683 Series "THUNDERBIRD"
Created by =P
Thunderbird connects Osaka to Kanazawa in 2 hours and 31 minutes at the fastest. 【This asset includes the following】 ・JR683-0 (W31 old) -THUNDERBIRD- (6cars) ・JR683-0 (W35 new) -THUNDERBIRD- (6cars) ・JR683-0 (W31 old+V36 old...
JR WEST 681・683-2000 Series "SHIRASAGI"
Created by =P
Series 683-2000 operated between Nagoya and Toyama until 2015. With the opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen, the operating section was reduced to Kanazawa, and Series 681 and Series 683-8000, formerly used for the "Hakutaka", are currently in operation. 【Th...
JR West Kiha 126 (1st Gen)
Created by ron_fu-ta
JR西日本キハ126 (1次車) 定員:240名 速度:100km/h West Japan Railway Kiha 126 (1st Gen) Capacity : 240 person Speed : 100km/h...
JR WEST Kiha 187 Series
Created by =P
This is an asset of the Kiha 187 series. This pendulum tilting train was introduced for the San-in region to replace the aging Kiha 181 series diesel trains and to compete with highway buses. Each car is equipped with two 450ps engines, and the design says...
JR West series 321
Created by ron_fu-ta
JR西日本321系 ゲームのプラットホームが短い為、編成を短くしてあります。 定員:720名 (120名/両) 速度:100km/h West Japan Railway series 321 Station platform is short in this game. For this reason, it has been short train formation. Capacity : 720 person (120 person/car) Speed : 100km/h ...
JR WEST/Hokuetsu Express 681・683-8000 Series "Hakutaka"
Created by =P
Hakutaka operated between Echigo-Yuzawa and Kanazawa at 160 km/h, the fastest speed among conventional limited express trains, until the Hokuriku Shinkansen started service in 2015. 【This asset includes the following】 ・Hokuetsu 683-8000 (N03+N13) -HAKUTAKA...
JR-West 115 series (G organization)
Created by RonSatoyan
Since it became possible to turn on the head light and the tail lamp with MOD I made it as Vehicle Effects and Extra Vehicle Effects compatible version. It is a car running on JR Hakubi Line. The painting of the model is now "the Kansai update" color which...
[OLD ASSET] JR-West 225-0 Series(+α ver)
Created by SanTen
OLD ASSET It works fine, but I do not recommend it because of its low quality. I have released a remake version, so please use these.
[OLD ASSET] JR-West 225-0 Series
Created by SanTen
OLD ASSET It works fine, but I do not recommend it because of its low quality. I have released a remake version, so please use these.
[OLD ASSET] JR-West 225-100 Series
Created by SanTen
OLD ASSET It works fine, but I do not recommend it because of its low quality. I have released a remake version, so please use these.
JR-West 225-5000 Series
Created by SanTen
This is an asset of JR-West 225-5000 Series. Type ・225-HF405 (4cars):Local/Otori⇔Local/Tennoji ・225-HF423+HF411 (4+4cars):Airport & Kishuji Rapid Service/Osaka Loop Line ・225-HF428+HF439 (4+4cars):Airport & Kishuji Rapid Service/Osaka Loop Line HF439 is 22...
JR-West 225-5100 Series
Created by SanTen
This is an asset of JR-West 225-5100 Series. Type ・225-HF443+434(4+4cars): Airport & Kishuji Rapid Service/KIX Wakayama⇔Airport & Kishuji Rapid Service/Osaka Loop Line ・225-HF602(6cars): Regional Rapid Service/Kumatori⇔Regional Rapid Service/Tennoji ・225-H...
JR-West 225-6000 Series
Created by SanTen
This is an asset of JR-West 225-6000 Series. Type ・225-ML03 (6cars):Regional Rapid Service/Osaka⇔Regional Rapid Service/Fukuchiyama ・225-MY01+223 (4+4cars):Tambaji Rapid Service/Osaka⇔Tambaji Rapid Service/Fukuchiyama ・225-MY02+MY03 (4+4cars):Tambaji Rapid...
Created by RonSatoyan
EH500 (tertiary type, AC operation) is a formation that pulls 20 "Koki". Appearance rate of container organization ・ 20% … All kinds of jumbled organization ・15%・・・Privately owned containers other than 12ft containers ・10%・・・Kangaroo Liner ・10%・・・Fukuyama ...
Created by RonSatoyan
The EH500 (tertiary type) of DC operation pulls 20 "KoKi". Appearance rate of container organization ・ 20% … All kinds of jumbled organization ・15%・・・Privately owned containers other than 12ft containers ・10%・・・Kangaroo Liner ・10%・・・Fukuyama Rail Express ・...
Created by RonSatoyan
There have been requests from before, but it has finally been completed. This asset is a specification that can reproduce the actual (existing) regional color by playing with the line color.For example, yellow found in the Sanyo region, green found in the ...
K4 B777 - ANA
Created by Klapaucius IV Do you like this addon? please rate up! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As imagens mostram o modelo no jogo (A...
KEIKYU N1000-1890 series
Created by sukajun5314
KEIKYU N1000-1890 series is an EMU commuter train in Japan. Formation: 4 or 8(4+4) cars Capacity: 130(4 cars), 260(8 cars) Speed: 120 km/h 53A: Wing(Cross seat mode) 99C: Beer train(Long seat mode) Textures are optimized for Loading Screen Mod....
Kiha 40 (2000 series,JR West, Japan Metropolitan area livery)
Created by RonSatoyan
Along with upgrading the original home version, I tried making an appearance of a single wire non-electrified rail. In 1977, it was developed to revamp the domestic diesel, which became obsolete. The number of production exceeds 800. However, although the ...
Kiha47 (0&1000 series,JR West, Okayama livery)
Created by RonSatoyan
Type that used Kiha 40 as a single cab. Naturally it was developed for more than two operational purposes. The type that made it as a single cab has Kiha 47 (for some cold areas) and Kiha 48 for cold weather. These forms and derived types are collectively ...
Kiha58 Japanese National Railway(JNR) (4 and 7Cars)
Created by Mu.So.
This is a Kiha 58 series diesel train of Japan National Railways. I reproduced the condition of each car at the time of 1960s, but Some of the details of them were produced by guesswork, as there was not enough information to serve as a reference. If you s...
KihaE120(Kokutetsu)1Car JR只見線キハE120形国鉄色
Created by SemiRapid/準 快
内容物 只見線キハE120-2 国鉄色 1両 別途modを入れることで走行音が鳴ります なぜかvehicle effectからエラーメッセージが表示される場合がありますが、問題なく走行音・排気ガスが出ます。 通常色はこちら 連結Verも作る予定ですが最近忙しいのでしばらく未定です。ご了承ください。 もしよければお布施をご検討ください。少額でも泣いて喜びます。/If you would like, please make a donation to me.
Kinky's Pole Dancing Bar
Created by Kinkster
Pole Dancing Bar by KinkyPervyMind I thought I would have a go at building a pole dancing bar, with the focus on being able to see inside of it, and hence doing away with windows for the time being. It's my first real attempt at a model and I used a combin...
Kiyo-tokyo building / 紀陽東京ビル
Created by koma
The Kiyo Tokyo Building is located in Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Growable commercial high 3×3. 東京都千代田区神田の紀陽東京ビルです。 JP Kiyo-tokyo building by koma...
L3 3x4 shop03 with LAWSON
Created by Takouma
This asset is based on default low commercial building : L3 3x4 shop03. There is convenience store LAWSON on the 1st floor as tenant shop. ...
Large water pumping station
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural LUT The last water pumping station is done! This one is modelled after Lindholmen water works in Sweden and supplies a city of about 50.000 cims. Like the medium sized one it needs a road connection and e...
Lifecycle Rebalance Revisited 1.6.8
Created by algernon Using Game Anarchy? Be sure to DISABLE Game Anarchy's "Maximize education coverage" option. New in 1.6 MAJOR NEW FEATURE: realistic early life ageing and progress, from early childhood to young adult (optional, customizable)...
Lights On
Created by Krzychu1245
Turn on the lights on demand Info Simple mod which helps you to force turn all the lights on demand (checkbox in the mod options) regardless of daynight time You can also turn off the lights at night :) Compatibility The mod...
Line Decal Networks
Created by Ronyx69
Includes white and yellow line decal networks and the line decals used for them. Found in landscaping paths menu. You can save on the prop limit by using these instead of decals, but don't overdo it, as there are segment, node and lane limits as well. You ...
Loading Screen Mod Revisited 1.1.9
Created by algernon A replacement for, and continuation of, thale5's original Loading Screen Mod. Includes improved performance and compatibility with other mods, as well as some new features: Skip network and tree prefabs (in addition to the o...
Created by Nasvic
This is Level 1 growable Low Commercial building(3×4). 大手外食チェーン店第3弾です。メニューも調味料も充実しているので迷ったらここにします。 このアセットについて問題があればお知らせください。 Updated for After Dark! (And fixed some Textures) AD対応しました! イルミネーション以外のテクスチャも手直ししています 。...
Created by lopiv2
McDonalds by lopiv2 Low Commercial Growable If you like my work, please consider to donate ...
McRonald's with Drive-In and Cafe (Growable Shop H1 4x4)
Created by BumpaNiggl
McRonald's with Drive-In and Cafe (Growable Shop H1 4x4) by BumpaNiggl Mc Donald's makeover. This is the growable version with darker windows and changed illumination map, scaled down to fit a 4x4 high density zone. The object has all maps. Placed ingame t...
Mod: Nursing Homes for Senior Citizens
Created by BoostHungry
Eldercare --- No longer supported, but comments claim this still works. Post your experience in the comments so others know the state of this mod --- NOTE: Don't forget to subscribe to additional Nursing Home Assets linked below Save game compatible, add/r...
Modular Platform Screen Doors
Created by meshd
made for people who've got too much free time Prebuilt version is also available here if you're not crazy enough to make one from scratch. Assets Included: Modular PSD Door Modular PSD Door Glass Modular PSD Barrier 1 Modular PSD Barrier 1 Glass Modular PS...
MUKASHIN the Wagashi shop Izumisano store (growable CH L2 1x4)
向新泉佐野店。 Building Info 1x4 plots Category : Commerical High Level2 Texture : 1024x1024 向新、泉佐野店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
MUKASHIN the wagashi shop Kaizuka store (growable CL L1 3x3)
向新貝塚店。 Building Info 3x3 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 1024x1024 ☆平成二十七年十一月十三日 指摘に從ひ芝生の色合ひを修正したけれど、更新の方法不明に就き何如ともし難し。 向新、貝塚店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
MUKASHIN the Wagashi shop Kishiwada store (growable CL L1 3x1)
向新岸和田店。 Building Info 3x1 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 1024x1024 向新、岸和田店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Multi-tenant Building (2type-5colors) / 雑居ビル(2種類5色)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Multi-tenant building in Japan what is called "Zakkyo-buil / 雑居ビル". This is so boring building that it can be placed anywhere. This pack contains 2 models: - Simple and 4 colors - Decorated and 1 color Subscribe now to make typical boring common cities in ...
Created by Nasvic
This is Level 1 growable Low Commercial building(3×4). 大手外食チェーン店第4弾です。製作中はなか卯の店内BGMが頭から離れませんでした。 このアセットについて問題があればお知らせください。 Updated for After Dark! (And fixed some Textures) AD対応しました! イルミネーション以外のテクスチャも手直ししています 。...
Narrow Suburban House 2 1x1 lvl1
Created by stockjr97
This is a 1x1 version of my Narrow Suburban House Collection. The houses are mades shorter and slightly modified....
Narrow Suburban House 3 1x1 lvl1
Created by stockjr97
This is a 1x1 version of my Narrow Suburban House Collection. The houses are mades shorter and slightly modified....
Move It
Created by Quboid
Move It 2.10.7 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.1 (12th June Update) New in 2.10.7: - Auto-connect roads! If you paste a copied road over the top of an existing one, Move It will automatically connect the nodes. This can be turned off by clicking on th...
Narrow Suburban House 5 1x1 lvl1
Created by stockjr97
This is a 1x1 version of my Narrow Suburban House Collection. The houses are mades shorter and slightly modified....
Negi Patch (ネギ畑)
Created by kei_em
ネギ畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Negi (green onion) patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skyl...
Network Anarchy
Created by Quboid
Network Anarchy 3.2.5 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update) This mod adds additional options when building networks (roads, quays, etc) and provides game-wide anarchy to let you break the placement rules. Ne...
Network Multitool 1.3.5
Created by macsergey Overview This mod provides many different tools for working with networks What’s Included Add node mode: add node to exist segment Remove node mode: remove node and join segments Union nodes m...
Network Skins
Created by boformer Change the visual appearance of roads, train tracks and pedestrian paths per segment. This is an improved version of the well-known Network Skins mod, developed by TPB and boformer. Disable the other Network Skins mod before...
Network Tiling
Created by Ronyx69
Loads custom tiling values for network segment and node textures. The mod is required for people who want to use networks which depend on this mod. Makes it easier for asset creators to texture networks (roads, walls canals etc.) by allowing to control the...
NIPPON EXPRESS (日本通運 トラック)
Created by subway
Japanese Truck NIPPON EXPRESS Template using 日本通運 トラック by subway...
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
ARIYAは、日産自動車が2021年中頃の発売を予定しているクロスオーバーSUVタイプの電気自動車である。 世界戦略車として欧州、北米、中国での発売も予定している。 日産自動車初のクロスオーバーSUVタイプの電気自動車として、2020年7月15日に発表された。 「ニッサン インテリジェントモビリティ」と呼ばれる考え方に基づいたデザインや技術を多数投入している。 例えば、モダンな日本らしさを表現したデザイン言語「タイムレスジャパニーズフューチャリズム」、 前後2基のモーターを緻密に制御して高い走行性能をもたら...
Nissan Gloria Y32
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
The Gloria is a luxury sedan manufactured and sold by Prince Motor Co. and Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. from 1959 to 2004. In the Y32 type, which is this model, the body has become number 3 in response to the passage of time, and models equipped with the VG30DET...
NISSAN GT-R R36 Ver.398
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
The GT-R is a notchback coupe-type luxury sports car (passenger car) manufactured and sold by Nissan Motor since 2007 (Heisei 19). The Tochigi Plant is in charge of all production, regardless of the destination. It is the successor to the Skyline GT-R, whi...
Nissan LEAF ZE1
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
Nissan's newest leaf will appear in Cities Skylines. It is a specification that the grill is strangely too blue. This car is an electric car. We recommend the introduction of DLC "GREEN CITIES"....
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
KICKS is a CUV produced and sold by Nissan Motor since 2016. The design team was set up by the "Nissan Global Design Center (NGDC)" in Japan. After that, the American "Nissan Design America (NDA)" and the Brazilian "Nissan Design American Rio (NDA-R)" merg...
Nissan MAXIMA (A36)
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
MAXIMA is a sedan manufactured by Nissan Motor and sold in North America, Mexico and Dubai. Although it was once sold in Japan, the model with the same brand name was discontinued in 1994 and became an overseas exclusive model, but from October 2019, Impal...
Nissan Nobilis (C36)
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
Nobilis is a fictitious EV saloon introduced to the Cities: Skylines market by Japanese automobile manufacturer Nissan Motor as a hardtop model, and is the successor model to the "Laurel". Cities: Skylines Sold exclusively in the market, not sold in realit...
Nissan Note e-POWER (E13)
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
NOTE is a hatchback type B-segment passenger car manufactured and sold by Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. The 3rd generation has narrowed down the powertrain to e-POWER only, and in Japan, it has shifted to the e-POWER exclusive model next to the 2nd generation Kic...
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
The SERENA is a minivan manufactured and sold by Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Its roots go back to the Datsun Sunny Cab / Nissan Cherry Cab, which appeared between 1969 and 1970. Nissan's passenger cars usually have an odd number in the tens digit of the vehicle...
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
The Silvia is a coupe / convertible / hatchback passenger car produced and sold by Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. The first generation is Datsun Fairlady, and the second and subsequent generations are Sunny-based specialty cars. The drive system of the base Sunny ...
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
The X-TRAIL is a middle-sized SUV-type passenger car that Nissan Motor has been selling since 2000. The production is handled by Nissan Motor Kyushu, which was spun off from Nissan in August 2011. The X-TRAIL is a car that was exhibited at the 32nd Tokyo M...
No Abandonment
Created by Katalepsis
Disable Building Abandonment This mod disables abandonment in your game. Useful for people who like to play in complete sandbox mode and not worry about their carefully placed buildings being abandoned. Already abandoned buildings are not affected. Enjoy! ...
No Fires
Created by Katalepsis
Disable Fires This mod provides a option to disable/enable buildings catching on fire. Useful for people who like to play in complete sandbox mode and not worry about their carefully placed buildings burning down. All it does it set a boolean to true/false...
No Radioactive Desert And More!
Created by BloodyPenguin
Brings sanity to ground color and makes trees lush green no matter how much pollution there (Configurable) IT'S A MOD, NOT A THEME! YOU CAN USE IT WITH ANY THEME YOU LIKE In addition to pollution and shoreside colors this mod can disable natural resources ...
Node Controller Renewal 3.5
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allows you change node type and shape This is renewal version of original Node Controller by kian.zarrin with improved UI/UX. The new UI allows you to make the perfect inters...
Nook's Cranny タヌキ商店 (growable CL L1 1x1)
あの胡散臭い狸がやってきた。これであなたも借金生活。 Tanuki Variety Store タヌキ商店 (growable CL L1 1x1) Building Info 1x1 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 1024x1024 タヌキ商店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
NZ Altus factory
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new great project New Zealand Pack. This building was made at the request of MaxRax2 (Reddit). This is RICO version is made as a type - factory. Made at the request of the subscriber. :) You should ...
No Vanilla Citizens
Created by BloodyPenguin Prevents vanilla citizens from spawning. Don't forget to enable in Content Manager after subscribing! Should be compatible with all other mods and won't break your save games :) Important: If the mod finds no custom citizens...
One-Way Train Tracks
Created by BloodyPenguin
Provides single & double one-way train tracks, single station tracks and two-way single tracks This mod was created at a time when neither custom network assets nor single train tracks were supported by the game. I keep this mod to support the existing sav...
Osaka JP Office A 大阪第一生命
Created by Sparks
Osaka JP Office A 大阪第一生命ビル The official website: Model INFO Tris 11280 Textures 1024×1024×2(sub1024)/Lod256×256 (a/d/s/i) Size 6×4 Height 82m (20storeys high) Instructions This building is located in front of Osaka station ...
Otaku Shop / トレーダー秋葉原3号店
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Otaku shop inspired from TRADER3 in Akihabara, Tokyo. This shop accepts all kind of otaku. Waya, the great asset creator said, "I can stay at that store all day long". Floor Guide: 1F: Consumer Games / Anime 2F: Trading Card Games 3F: For Sellers 4F: Henta...
Parallel Road Tool
Created by S__T Road Toolhelps you easily drawing parallel and stacked networks.Main features are: Limitless parallel/stacked configurations: you can choose any network (not only roads!) and distances (both horizontal and vertical) ...
Parking Lines (White)
Created by DeCzaah
Pavement Markings & Line Painting This decal & prop pack is designed as a one stop shop for all your pavement needs. We took a look at what was currently in the workshop and realized there were many diverse parking layouts without a great amount of conform...
Patch (畑)
Created by kei_em
作物が植えられる前の畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Empty patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines ...
Patch Loader Mod
Created by Krzychu1245
Core dependency of FPS Booster New in 2.1.2, 30/Nov/2021 bugfix: problem with detection of -noWorkshop and -disableMods command line flags, improvement: local mods directory path detection on MacOS v2.1.1, 6/Aug/2021 fixed c...
Pedestrian Deck Fence Network
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a high railing (fence) with handrails that can be used on a pedestrian deck. A total of three types are included: two metal ones (brown and silver) and one made of glass. The glass one is an asset for advanced users because it is technically extrem...
Phoenix Tower - Growable 4x4Lvl5 H residential
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
I proudly present you my first released building ever... The Phoenix Tower. The tower is a 27 floors - 91 meters tall habitation building. It's standing on a 4x4 parcel and is at Level 5. The building is about 720 triangles and has a custom LOD (with custo...
Pipes props pack
Created by Avanya
8 props for all your above ground pipe needs! They can be used to decorate assets or placed in your city with Find It. They work just fine on slopes (as long as they're not crazy steep). For detailed stats see the last picture, but note that the one crossi...
Pizza Hut
Created by Waffledog
Pizza Hut by Waffledog "These beautiful structures, most likely now devoid of the table-top Pac Man machines, dot the American landscape. Some provide ethnic food, some, used cars, and a rare few are now municipal buildings. Whatever their current purpose,...
Plain Road ( No Line ) / 線のない道路 / JPR-20G
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Plain road ( 2-way ) which has no line inspired from Japanese old street. No more decal work? Yes, this road has cracks and stains decal for lazy city builders. Also, It's time to say good-bye to the vanilla 30cm height roads. This road has only 5cm curb! ...
Plop the Growables
Created by Katalepsis
Allows you to manually plop growable buildings with Find It! and having them remain where you put them. In essence this mod removes the "Demolish me" signal growables normally send to the game when they are not in a zoned area or not in the correct distric...
Ploppable Asphalt
Created by Ronyx69
13 ploppable asphalt props: Square4, Square8, Square16, Square32, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, SSquare32, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Transition (sunken to plain road) Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tuto...
Ploppable Asphalt +
Created by Ronyx69
Allows using road shaders on props for ploppable asphalt, pavement, cliff, grass, gravel surfaces. Also includes legacy asphalt props, they are outdated but still work fine if you used them before, from now on I recommend using the new set. http://steamcom...
Ploppable Cliff
Created by Ronyx69
7 ploppable cliff props: Square4, Square8, Square16, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests My Discord Donate CSLModding.INFO ...
Ploppable Grass
Created by Ronyx69
10 ploppable grass props: Square4, Square8, Square16, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests My Discord Donate CSLM...
Ploppable Pavement
Created by Ronyx69
12 ploppable pavement props: Square4, Square8, Square16, Square32, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, SSquare32, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Request...
Ploppable Asphalt + [Loading time Fix]
Created by Masaki Kimura
This mod improves your loading time when using PloppableAsphalt + mod. This mod will decrease your loading time dramatically if you subscribe thousands of assets with loppableAsphalt + mod. Important! This fixed mod doesn't include original props. If you m...
Ploppable Gravel
Created by Ronyx69
12 ploppable gravel props: Square4, Square8, Square16, Square32, (sunken) SSquare4, SSquare8, SSquare16, SSquare32, Angled45, Angled30, Circle8, Circle16, Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests ...
Ploppable Pavement (old props)
Created by Ronyx69
This is a legacy pack for users/maps/saves that used them, they still work perfectly fine but I made a new fuller pack: ...
Ploppable RICO Revisited 2.5.6
Created by algernon Check out the wiki page for additional information, descriptions, guides and FAQ. New in 2.4: Configurable cost overrides. Option to automatically lock the building level of plopped growables (requires Advanced Building Leve...
Ploppable Surface Pack
Created by DeCzaah
Ploppable Surface Pack by DeCzaah This asset is part of the the Cleyra - Custom Assets collection! This is a pack of 7 ploppable surfaces (4x prop, 3x park), you can use for a maximum creativity! CreativeDEX had this awesome idea for that. Looking forward ...
PO font - Japanese Font Pack (jpGothic1 only)
Created by Pekora
Description Please Read Description in PO font - Japanese Fonts Pack PO font - Japanese Font Pack (jpGothic1 only) It contains only one font that "jpGothic1" Full Japanese Fonts Pack is HERE → PO font - Japanese Fonts Pack If you subscribed full version, D...
PO font - Japanese Fonts Pack
Created by Pekora
2021/04/17 文字の間隔を修正しました。 2021/04/16 一部のフォントで、特定の文字が正しく表示されないバグを修正しました。 If you like this pack, please rate it !!!! Description PO font - Japanese Fonts Pack It contains 5 different Japanese fonts, and 5 English alphabet fonts. I added a fonts table on works...
Portions of stations from Railroads of Japan
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This pack has the modified stations from the ]content creator pack Railroads of Japan for Steam Workshop users. In this third pack, I have compiled 13 individual props for station stairs, platforms, corridors, etc. This can be used to customize and create ...
Precision Engineering
Created by Simie Precision Engineering augments Cities: Skylines by adding angle snapping, guidelines and additional information to assist you when building roads, train lines, pipes and power lines. Installatio...
Prefab Hook (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer
This mod is used as a bridge between different mods (for better compatibility). Using Harmony for redirection. Note: If you are a mod creator, consider using Harmony instead to add prefixes/postfixed to InitializePrefab! This mod was created before the exi...
Prince Tower - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 H commercial
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NEW : UPDATED for After Dark Nighttime Add (some) variety to your High density Commercial zones... with the Prince Tower 20 floors 88 meters high Growable commercial. It's standing on a 4x4 parcel and is at Level 3. The building is about 970 triangles and ...
Procedural Objects
Created by Simon Ryr
Procedural Objects mod Made by Simon Royer from the #FrenchCityDesigners community. Version 1.7.8 compatible with Cities:Skylines 1.14.5-f1 (Airports) and all expansions. No expansion required. The Procedural Objects mod adds a vertex customization tool di...
PROP 鉄道駅のベンチとICカードリーダー
Created by koma
Two types of benches at railroad stations and a prop for IC card readers. These are props of the parts of the railroad station that were previously released. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 鉄道駅のベン...
Prop & Tree Anarchy
Created by BloodyPenguin
Place props & trees wherever you like With this mod enabled you can place props & trees: - under water - on roads - within building's footprint This is useful when placing props with More Beautification mod. I also recommend to use Prop Snapping to snap pr...
Prop Anarchy temporary fix
Created by algernon WARNING: UNSTABLE. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW GAMES. This mod has a number of bugs and stability issues, and is not recommended for new games. It is provided here as an attempt to help players with existing cities using Extende...
Prop JNR Kiha 30 (General color)
Created by ron_fu-ta
国鉄キハ30(一般色) Prop Japanese National Railways Kiha 30 (General color) Prop...
Prop JNR Kiha 35 (General color)
Created by ron_fu-ta
国鉄キハ35(一般色) Prop Japanese National Railways Kiha 35 (General color) Prop...
Prop JR Central Kiha 30
Created by ron_fu-ta
JR東海 / 国鉄キハ30 Prop Central Japan Railway / Japanese National Railways Kiha 30 Prop...
Prop JR Central kiha40-3000
Created by ron_fu-ta
JR東海キハ40 3000番台プロップ Prop JR Central kiha40-3000 ...
Prop Line Tool [PLT] (vAlpha)
Created by Alterran
Prop Line Tool Draw lines of props and trees like how you draw roads! This mod will save you time by placing items one by one for you! Compatible with Campus DLC and Patch Concerning Campus Update I've tested this mod with Campus patch and everything is in...
Prop Painter: Revisited 1.3
Created by Quistar
This mod functions exactly the same as the original Prop Painter, and it allows you to recolor your props. I wrote this super small and lightweight mod because the original Prop Painter is broken, and can not be run with my Tree Anarchy mod, as well as hav...
Prop Precision
Created by SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) This mod allows props to be placed much more precisely. This is not a new tool but allows existing tools to place props with a lot more precision. It saves additional data to preserve the precision of t...
Prop Snapping
Created by BloodyPenguin Allows to snap props to buildings and elevated roads - just like in asset editor! This mod does the same job as Tree Snapping, but for props. This mod won't break your save games, and can be safely disabled at any time. But ...
PropRotating Params
Created by Ronyx69
While previously created rotating props still require the PropRotating Params mod, a new method for saving shader parameters by boformer has removed the requirement for a mod. See the PropRotating Shader article:
Pumpkin Patch (カボチャ畑)
Created by kei_em
カボチャ畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Pumpkin patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD ...
Quad's Headquarters
Created by Quad Rioters
Shady. Stand up. - Size: 4x4 - Type: Office Generic Level 3 - Main Tri: 870, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 168, 512x256 - Description: Headquarters. - Source: Simcity 2000. Updates - v9: Overhauled the asset, now resembling SC2K building. - Don't forget to Like, Fa...
Quad's Trance
Created by Quad Rioters
The science gets done. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zoning > Office Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 2,397, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 334, 128x128 - Description: A laboratory office. Updates - v7: Unknown origin. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Tha...
Railway - Gravel Network
Created by REV0
Bare Gravel Network Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Gravel network that can be used on railyard to fill the gap, or construction sites. Gravel is used on Railway Narrow networks. Part...
Railway 1 Lane Elevated Station Tracks (Gravel-Concrete)
Created by REV0
1 Lane Elevated Station track pack with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Part of Railway project Package Content 6 types of station tracks with gravel surface and concrete sleeper type: Wir...
Railway 1 Lane Elevated Station Tracks (Pavement-Concrete)
Created by REV0
1 Lane Elevated Station track pack with concrete sleepers on pavement surface. Part of Railway project Package Content 6 types of station tracks with concrete surface concrete sleeper type: Wir...
Railway Generic Elevated (Wired)
Created by Ronyx69
Wired generic elevated tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway 1 Lane Elevated Station Tracks (Gravel-Wood)
Created by REV0
1 Lane Elevated Station track pack with wooden sleepers on gravel surface. Part of Railway project Package Content 6 types of station tracks with gravel surface and wooden sleeper type: Wired a...
Railway Generic Elevated (Wireless)
Created by Ronyx69
Wireless generic elevated tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Green Elevated (Wired)
Created by Ronyx69
Wired green elevated tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Green Elevated (Wireless)
Created by Ronyx69
Wireless green elevated tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Truss Bridge (Wired)
Created by Ronyx69
Wired generic truss bridge tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Truss Bridge (Wireless)
Created by Ronyx69
Wireless generic truss bridge tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Gravel-Concrete Tracks (Wired)
Created by Ronyx69
Wired tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Gravel-Concrete Tracks (Wireless)
Created by Ronyx69
Wireless tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Gravel-Wood Tracks (Wireless)
Created by Ronyx69
Wireless tracks with wooden sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Narrow - Eglisau Truss Bridge
Created by REV0
Narrow Gauge Network - Eglisau, Switzerland Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Railway Narrow is an extension of Railway project, this time featuring 1067mm narrow gauge with custom grav...
Railway Narrow - Gravel Concrete
Created by REV0
Narrow Gauge Network Package Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Railway Narrow is an extension of Railway project, this time featuring 1067mm narrow gauge with custom gravel texture and ...
Railway Narrow - Bare Networks
Created by REV0
Narrow Gauge Network Package - Bare Networks Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Railway Narrow is an extension of Railway project, this time featuring 1067mm narrow gauge with custom gra...
Railway Gravel-Wood Tracks (Wired)
Created by Ronyx69
Wired tracks with wooden sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Narrow - Gravel Concrete Station Tracks (Wired)
Created by REV0
Narrow Gauge Network Package - Station Tracks Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Railway Narrow is an extension of Railway project, this time featuring 1067mm narrow gauge with custom gr...
Railway Narrow - Gravel Concrete Station Tracks (Wireless)
Created by REV0
Narrow Gauge Network Package - Station Tracks Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Railway Narrow is an extension of Railway project, this time featuring 1067mm narrow gauge with custom gr...
Railway Narrow - Props
Created by REV0
Prop pack that is being used by Railway Narrow. Check collection for details....
Railway Narrow - Rural Station Tracks
Created by YODOH
Station tracks of RWY-Narrow Rural 1 lane, left side boarding, ground 1 lane, right side boarding, ground 1 lane, both side boarding, ground 2 lane, both side boarding, ground 2 lane, both side boarding, ground, no switch 1 lane, left side boarding, elevat...
Railway Narrow - Rural tracks
Created by YODOH
Railway Narrow - Rural tracks is an extension of Railway Narrow, featuring 1067mm narrow gauge with custom tunnel, viaduct, bridge, and sleepers. Gravel texture depends on the map theme. memo: Do not make junction in Tunnel. In the front and back of the tu...
Railway Old Truss Bridge (Wireless)
Created by Ronyx69
Wireless old truss bridge tracks with wooden sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Old Truss Bridge (Wired)
Created by Ronyx69
Wired old truss bridge tracks with wooden sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Pavement-Concrete Tracks (Wired)
Created by Ronyx69
Wired tracks with concrete sleepers on pavement surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Pavement-Concrete Tracks (Wireless)
Created by Ronyx69
Wireless tracks with concrete sleepers on pavement surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Props
Created by Ronyx69
Basic set of props used for all Railway releases. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Replacer
Created by Ronyx69
Railway Replacer is developed by Simon Royer, Egi and Ronyx. The mod is responsible of two major tasks; replacement of station tracks on train stations and prop customisation/styling of rail networks that are part of RAILWAY ecosystem. Network and Style Pa...
Random Train Trailers 2.4.1
Created by Acc3ss Violation
What it is Random Train Trailers is a mod that can randomize the spawning of vehicle trailers. This increases the variety of vehicles in your city without actually needing more assets. How it works A config file contains the vehicles for which the trailers...
Railway Signal Pack / 日本風鉄道信号機
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese railway signal props pack. There are 3 signals in this pack: Block Signal, Home Signal and Departure Signal. The departure signal have 2 variations ( Green and Red ). This pack also includes a cabinet ( tool box ) , a beacon for signalling system ...
Forsmark reactor nr: 1
Created by ehrlund
Forsmark1 by ehrlund: This is the first nuclear power reactor of a total of three, representing Forsmarks all reactors in Sweden. Because CS keeps crashing when I try to open the model in the asset editor to find out the data, this is this the only info ab...
Real Time
Created by dymanoid
Welcome to Real Time! Are you wondering why your Cims never sleep and keep working and studying all night long? Do you also think that the "days" flying by on the time bar are not so real? A fully-crowded bouncy castle park ...
Realistic Population 2 2.2.4
Created by algernon Formerly Realistic Population Revisited Key features: Provides a more realistic simulation and gameplay experience Realistic calculatrion of building populations - no more single suburban houses with half-a-dozen families an...
Created by Ronyx69
--- UPDATE JULY 2023: This mod is old, Nyoko and algernon made a new mod which includes Relight's features and more called Lumina: --- Rebalanced and customizable lighting and tonemapping. A...
Remove Decoration Sprites ("Grass" and "Rocks")
Created by Katalepsis
If you are like me and dislike the games "decorative" grass and rock sprites, this mod is for you. With this mod enabled no decoration sprites will be rendered in the game, possibly even saving on some FPS and making the game nicer to look at from first pe...
Real Train Sound V2
Created by MANGOTRIO
This is the second generation of Real Train Sound Mod Real Train Sound V2 provide a more realistic train sound. Mod changes passengers and cargo trains. The new generation of RTS high quality sounds fit the real railway much better, than the old version. A...
Realistic Walking Speed
Created by egi
Adjusts pedestrian walking speeds to realistic values. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Long description This mod fixes the unrealistic vanilla citizen walking speed that bothered me fro...
Remove Need For Pipes
Created by Overhatted
This mod removes the need to place pipes all over your city. If you also don't want to waste time building power lines you can use my Remove Need For Power Lines mod. How it works This mod works simply by storing the water, sewage and heating produced in s...
Remove Need For Power Lines
Created by Overhatted
This mod removes the need for power lines. If you also don't want to waste time laying down pipes you can use my Remove Need For Pipes mod. How it works This mod works simply by storing the energy produced in a small buffer and then distributing it to buil...
Residential complex2 3x3 L4
Created by rtgstream
Residential complex2 3x3 L4 by rtgstream designer labels and titles ...
Resize It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to resize the scrollable panels in-game to match your style of play. NEW IN 1.16 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.15 - Recompiled for Citi...
Repaint 1.7.4
Created by algernon A fork of TPB's Painter mod, updated to work with Harmony 2, fix bugs, and add extra features. 100% backwards-compatible with the original. New in 1.7: Add vanilla highway texture replacement option Add option to colorize al...
Remove Street Arrows
Created by Simon Ryr
Remove Street Arrows mod by Simon Royer from the #FrenchCityDesigners community Removes arrows on all roads (but ONLY VISUALLY) In the option panel, you can choose to remove the arrows on roads, bike paths and/or tram tracks. Arrow props placed manually (w...
RICO Japanese Small Post Office 小さな郵便局
Created by ako_ako
Industries DLC版はこちら / Industries DLC version is HERE! 集配を行わない、小さな郵便局のアセットです。 Ploppable RICOが無い場合は、レベル1低密度商業として出現します。 ATMの看板以外のPropは含まれていませんので、好きなものを追加してください。 This is a japanese small post office that non-collection/non-delivery. If you don't use Ploppable ...
RICO Settings for Modern Japan CCP
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
RICO Settings for the Modern Japan Community Creators Pack (CCP) This is a settings file for my Modern Japan CCP buildings, to be used with Ploppable RICO. All the buildings in the CCP are Unique Buildings because I didn't intend for them to automatically ...
Riebi's Burger King
Created by Riebi
This is my Burger King model. It is a lvl 1 growable low commercial building (4x3). *updated version! decreased saturation to fit with other buildings Check out my new Park: Riebi's Tennis Stadium!!!
River Residence - Growable 4x4 Lvl4 H residential
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Add (some) variety to your Level4 residential neighbourhoods... with the River Residence The residence is a 10 floors - 40 meters tall habitation building, it has been designed to fit well into the existing ingame buildings of this level. It's standing on ...
Roof Surface Networks
Created by Ronyx69
6 styles of roof surface networks in small and large sizes. Also includes a tiny decal for each style. Since they are networks, you can place decals on them as well. Can be used ingame to cover up bad low resolution roofs. Asset creators can also use this ...
ROTTERdam: Road Texture Terrain Edge Remover
Created by xlf1024 Hides the ugly black shadows that appear on roads when placed too close at different heights. Because I can't fix the shader itself, this works by making the road believe the terrain underneath was flat. This works by provid...
Roundabout Roads
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a road pack for roundabouts. There are three types of roads: one-way with the curb on the left, one-way with no markings, and two-way with no markings. About the production request I can accept asset request with commissions. You can request trains...
Sampola School
Created by Ionwind
A modernist modular high school that can be used in a 70° corner. Please read the description. Background The modernist building designed by Timo Penttilä and Kari Virta was opened in 1960. Sampola was originally an adult education centre. Nowadays the bui...
Sasebo JP Office C 太陽生命/太阳生命
Created by Sparks
Sasebo JP Office C | 太陽生命佐世保ビル 太阳生命官网/太陽生命の公式サイト/The official website of 太陽生命 Tris(三角面数) 5940 Textures(贴图) 1024×1024/Lod 256×256 (a/d/s/i) Size(大小) 3×3 (18.5m×24m) Height(高) 36m (8 storeys high)( 8階建て) ------- ------- 谷歌街景地址/引用する/Fro...
Sasson automobile transportation truck (札樽自動車運輸  トラック)
Created by subway
It is a delivery truck. Familiar in Hokkaido as the second series, sasson automobile transportation truck. We hope you'll use. Template using
Scania P250 4x2 Delivery
Created by ron_fu-ta
スカニアP250 4x2 配送トラック 速度 : 100km/h 貨物搭載量 : 8000 Scania P250 4x2 Delivery truck Speed : 100 km/h Cargo capacity : 8000...
Scania P250 4x2 FedEx (Post)
Created by ron_fu-ta
スカニアP250 4x2 FedEx (郵便トラック) 速度 : 100km/h 郵便搭載量 : 50000 Scania P250 4x2 FedEx (Post truck) Speed : 100 km/h Mail capacity : 50000...
Scania P250 4x2 Post
Created by ron_fu-ta
スカニアP250 4x2 郵便トラック 速度 : 100km/h 郵便搭載量 : 50000 Scania P250 4x2 Post truck Speed : 100 km/h Mail capacity : 50000...
Scania P320 6x2*4 Refrigerated (Fish 2)
Created by ron_fu-ta
スカニアP320 6x2*4 冷蔵トラック(魚、ロゴ無し) 速度 : 100km/h 貨物搭載量 : 8000 貨物が空の時はリフトアクスルが上昇します。 Scania P320 6x2*4 Refrigerated truck (fish, No logo) Speed : 100 km/h Cargo capacity : 8000 When the cargo is empty, the liftaxle will rise....
Scania P320 6x2*4 Refrigerated (Fish)
Created by ron_fu-ta
スカニアP320 6x2*4 冷蔵トラック(魚) 速度 : 100km/h 貨物搭載量 : 8000 貨物が空の時はリフトアクスルが上昇します。 Scania P320 6x2*4 Refrigerated truck (fish) Speed : 100 km/h Cargo capacity : 8000 When the cargo is empty, the liftaxle will rise....
Created by matamihu
This is Level 1 growable Low Commercial building(3×4). " Seicomart " is familiar convenience store in Hokkaido 道民お馴染みのセイコーマートを作りました! 処女作ということもあり、色々粗いところがありますので、不具合などがあればご報告お願いしますm(_ _)m 4/10 セイコーマート同士が隣り合わせになると柵が重なってしまったので 後ろの柵を消去し、3x4にしました...
Created by Nasvic
”Seiyu(西友)” is grocery store in Japan. This is Level 2 growable Low Commercial building(4×4). 西友はお店ごとずいぶんデザインが違うので、それらしく見えるか心配ですがどうでしょう。 今回は屋上駐車場を設けてみました。一応駐車はしてくれますが、車はスロープを走行せず1F入り口の自動ドアに突っ込んでいきます・・ Updated for After Dark! (And fixed some Textures) AD対応し...
Created by Nasvic
This is Level 1 Low-Density Commercial building(3×4). Original 3D Model made by noboru from Sketchup 3D Warehouse . 某コンビニエンスストアです。 レベル1の低層商業地区に建ちます。 オリジナルはSketchup 3D Warehouse...
SHELL gas station growable
Created by SvenBerlin
SHELL gas station by Svenpotsdam commercial L1 4x4 growable triangles 2569 3D Shell logo takes some of them LOD 284 triangles unique version: ploppable version:
Shadow Strength Adjuster
Created by Ronyx69
Allows to change the strength of shadows that objects cast using a slider, saves and loads the value next time. It doesn't load the slider position visually, but the actual shadow value loads correctly. The slider can be found in the options - mods setting...
Created by Nasvic
”Fashion Center Shimamura(ファッションセンター しまむら)” is low price clothing store in Japan. This is Level 1 growable Low Commercial building(3×4). みんなだいすき、しまむらです。 Updated for After Dark! (And fixed some Textures) AD対応しました! イルミネーション以外のテクスチャも手直ししています 。...
SHINJYUKU MITSUI Building (Growable Office)
Created by CityOfTokyo
SHINJYUKU MITSUI Building ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ You were not able to update it, please use this which improved newly. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ It becomes one of the skyscrapers to carry...
ShinjyukuCenterBuilding (Growable Office)
Created by CityOfTokyo
Shinjyuku Center Building (Growable Office) It becomes one of the skyscrapers to carry the group of the Shinjuku high-rise building street. Building Info Level: 3 Tile: 4x4...
skybridge decoration building
Created by SvenBerlin
skybridge decoration building by SvenBerlin This is the skybridge which I used for my Hotel Seilet + Svommehall asset. Some users requested to release it as a standalone asset. I made it as ...
SOMPO JAPAN Building (Growable Office)
Created by CityOfTokyo
SOMPO JAPAN Building It becomes one of the skyscrapers to carry the group of the Shinjuku high-rise building street on in a headquarters building of the Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. Original 3D Model from Sketchup 3D Warehouse
Speed Slider [v2]
Created by Rojoss
Adds a slider to your UI to modify the entire game speed. This does make your entire game run faster or slower including thngs such a the camera. See the FAQ below to understand better how this works. It's mostly used by people that want to make the game g...
SpringHill Suites by Marriott
Created by KingLeno
Spring Hill Suites by Marriott Hotel by KingLeno You can see this asset in-game by clicking here. Or just watch the video above. Please rate and Subscribe! SpringHill Suites a brand of hotels operated by Marriott International. The chain is geared toward t...
Standard Road Marking Collection for IMT (Basic)
Created by adon
English instructions (use DeepL & Google Translate) About the Basic Marking Pack This asset will be a Marking Pack for IMT that will match the design of each road in the Base-Game/Major DLC. We have compiled 50-Types as an Basic Pack of Templates, mainly f...
Station Entrance (Prop)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese station entrance prop inspired from JR East stations. You can put it with any buildings, and the building will be a station. 日本風の駅入り口Propです。JR東日本仕様。 いろいろな建物にくっつけることで、簡単に駅ビルにできます。...
Streamline school
Created by Cateinum
This is a sleek looking school located in the Bronx, NY. It was build as a laundry in 1931 and later converted into a school. I really like buildings with rounded corners and I think we need more of them! Also there is a significant lack of historical scho...
Subway Restaurant
Created by lopiv2
Subway Restaurant by lopiv2 Low Commercial Building Growable If you like my work, please consider to donate ...
Created by Nasvic
This is Level 1 growable Low Commercial building(3×4) . 大手外食チェーン店第2弾です。新とりそぼろ丼が安くて好きです。 このアセットについて問題があればお知らせください。 Updated for After Dark! (And fixed some Textures) AD対応しました! イルミネーション以外のテクスチャも手直ししています 。...
Super Demand
Created by Klyte45 Make all demands stay high forever. Works with new and previous-saved cities. The Cims even don't care about basic items (water, sewage, etc) before construct their buildings by consequence of it. Enjoy! WARNING: This mod do...
Surface Network
Created by neinnew/네인
I released Double-sided Surface Network Surface Network surface network(grass, asphalt, pavement, gravel, ruin(cliff)), also includes clip networks. Information They all have versions of 4m, 8m, 16m, 32m. For clip networks, however, length means the half-w...
Surface Painter
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to change terrain surface Are you tired of endless list of filler assets cluttering your parks panel and exhausting your buildings limit? Then this mod is for you! This is a plugin for my Extra Lanscaping Tools mod th...
Tenguya Tackle Shop (てんぐや釣具店)
Created by stop it D
Though I left empty handed today, fishing is something I'll never give up! Tenguya (てんぐや) is a fishing supply store located in Ashikita, Kumamoto prefecture. Not just a bait and tackle, the store also offers services such as ferry rides and fishing tours. ...
Terraforming Network
Created by Ronyx69
An invisible functionless thin network for terraforming. You can raise it up with page up but you can't sink it so just use Move It! to lower it. You are still always limited by the resolution of the terrain mesh though. Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis ...
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
The Office. level 2 (growable)
Created by Vip
Update to After Dark The Office. level 2 by vip Tris - 750 Png - 1024/1024 Will make a variety of offices in 2 levels. )))) P.S. If you liked my building, put please Like. ...
The Spring Shopping Mall
Created by NameInvalid
After 6 years, finally found a sliver of motivation to roll out my first Cities Skylines asset... //-- Alternate version without parking space: //-- Col...
Theme Mixer 2
Created by Katalepsis
Lets you load, mix and customize Map Themes It's finally here, at long last. This is a complete re-make of the original Theme Mixer mod. Features Change map themes directly in-game. Select map theme "parts" from different map themes (Atmosphere, Structures...
Created by nekote
日本の靴屋 元々玩具店だった店舗を別業種として再度活用された業態 なので特徴的な塔のような形状はそのまま残り、広告塔となっている。 Growable Commercial Low LV1 2x3 2x4 低密度商業区に自動的に建つようになっております。...
Times Square Building
Created by Ramio83
After Dark- Time Square Building by rameyelali Check out my SECOND building in this collection: L4X3 Ploppable building...
TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition)
Created by Krzychu1245
Improve lane and parking usage. and customise junctions, roads, and rails! This is the stable release with tested features. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀User Guide⠀⠀⠀⠀Report Bugs⠀⠀⠀⠀Discord Chat Vehicles despawning ...
Tokyo 電通本社ビル
Created by 听风说雨
Tokyo 電通本社ビル by 听风说雨 制作不易,多多点赞!!! 这次制作的是位于日本港区汐留的一座大型商务中心电通本社大厦,同样的,为了让它更适合于天际线,我对原建筑进行了一定的简化修改,本次建筑的的透明玻璃部分用到submesh,建筑总面数约为10000面,贴图大小为2048×4096,我的作品向来按高分辨率制作,酌情订阅,但别忘了点点赞,若想能实时获取相关动态,请一定要关注我,谢谢支持! This time I made Dentsu Headquarters Building, a large b...
Tokyo JP Office Bldg A | TOKYO GAS 東京ガスビル
Created by Sparks
Tokyo JP Office Bldg A | TOKYO GAS 東京ガスビル The official website/官网/公式サイト Model INFO Tris(三角面数) 9460(main)+1865(roof tower)+2480(buildingA)+590(buildingB)+622(platform)//lod2400 Textures(贴图) 1024×1024/Lod256×256 (a/d/s/i) Size(大小...
Tokyo JP Office Bldg C
Created by Sparks
Tokyo JP Office Building C | Kanda Bridge Building by Sparks Model INFO Tris 13472(main8197+stairs3995+vents1280) Textures 1024×1024/Lod256×256 (a/d/s/i) Size 2×4 Height 11 storeys high(43m) Instructions Address:〒101-0054 | 21 − 1, kammachi 1, Kanda, Chiyo...
Tokyo 電通本社ビル Full Edition
Created by 听风说雨
Tokyo 電通本社ビル Full Edition by 听风说雨 这个版本是对之前发的电通大厦的补全,这个版本带有一个大型裙楼,附带有下沉广场,文件大小我相应用了低分辨率版本,有需要的自行取舍,该版本不是单独的一个裙楼!而是和电通大厦整个匹配在一起的,也没啥需要去单独摆放,喜欢的别忘了点个赞,谢谢支持! This version is a complement to the Dentsu Building previously released. This version has a large podi...
Tokyo JP Office Bldg D | Kanda 91 Building
Created by Sparks
Tokyo JP Office Building D | Kanda 91 Building by Sparks Model INFO Tris 15100(main12000+AC2000+fence1100) Lod:1000 Textures main:1024×1024/Lod256×256(d/s/i) submesh:256×256×2/Lod128×128×2 (a/d/s) Size 4×3 Height 8 storeys high(34.6m) Instructions Building...
TOKYO MODE COCOON TOWER V3.0 (Growable Office)
Created by CityOfTokyo
TOKYO MODE COCOON TOWER V3.0 (Growable Office) Ver.3.0 RICO Supported. The size of the asset file is big now because texture is not compressed. If a patch is released, I update it. Difference with previous version ・ Made size of the texture half. ・ Add sea...
Tokyo Office Building B "Oda Kosan Building"
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Office building inspired from "Oda Kosan Building" in Shimbashi, Tokyo, Japan. Specifications 1x3 Growable Level 3 Office Tris: 4183+props (LOD: 46) / Textures: 1024x1024 (LOD: 256x256) d/n/s/i/a About the production request I can accept asset request with...
Tokyo Office Building A "CJ Building" / 東京のオフィスビルA「CJビル」
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
2 Office buildings inspired from "CJ Building" in Shimbashi, Tokyo, Japan. The small one is from the real one. The large one is fictional. Thanks to Waya, I used his textures for the convenience store. Specifications ■ CJ Building 4x4 Growable Level 3 Offi...
Tokyu 2000 Series (東急2000系)
Created by JSF-1
The Tokyu Railway 2000 Series was introduced in 1992 by the Tokyu Railway Company in Tokyo Japan. These trains can be found on the Tokyu Den-en-toshi line and the interlined Tokyo Metro Hanzomon Line. Prop Version Here:
Tokyu 5080 Series (6 Cars)
Created by InHailt
Preserved Asset from Shibakata. Reuploaded with permission...
Tokyu 8500 Series (Prop)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Prop version of my Tokyu 8500 Series: 1. Tokyu8500 / Train / Mc1 / PT / Collector / Skirt 2. Tokyu8500 / Train / Mc1 / PT / Collector 3. Tokyu8500 / Train / Mc2 / Skirt 4. Tokyu8500 / Train / Mc2 / PT / Collector 5. Tokyu8500 / Train / M1 / PT / Collector ...
Tokyu Series 8500
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is an asset of the Tokyu 8500 series, which was introduced in 1975 and at one time was the face of Tokyu Corporation. In recent years, the series has been decommissioned and retired, and we will no longer be able to see them, so we created 3D assets t...
Toyota C-HR
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
The C-HR is a coupe SUV manufactured and sold by Toyota Motor Corporation. The Iwate plant of Toyota Motor East Japan (TMEJ) is in charge of production. As Toyota's next-generation global strategic vehicle, it is a compact crossover SUV that is deployed in...
Toyota Coaster Prison Bus トヨタ・コースター 護送車
Created by Takouma
Japanese style prison bus based on Toyota Coaster by Kaminogi. I used template made by him. Thanks Kaminogi-san ;) これまで日本風の護送車アセットがなかったので,神乃木さんのトヨタ・コースターをベースにした護送車を作ってみました. 赤色灯を付けた点以外はほとんど元のまんまです. 皆さんもこの車にはお世話にならぬよう,健全な人生を歩んでいきましょうね(白目) Twitter: https://tw...
Toyota Corolla Axio
Created by Krakow131
Japanese compact sedan Prop ver.→ here ☆Donate ☆Change log 15th Sep 2021 Added illumination texture, fixed LOD ☆Model info Tris: Main 1438, LOD 34 Texture: Main1024x1024 (c, d, i, s, n) LOD 256x256(c, d, i)...
Toyota Corolla Cross
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
The Corolla Cross is a small crossover SUV that belongs to the C segment produced and sold by Toyota Motor Corporation. This model was developed as the first SUV in the Corolla series in response to the recent increase in global demand for SUVs. In Toyota'...
Toyota Corolla Fielder
Created by Krakow131
Japanese compact station wagon. Prop ver.→ here ☆Donate ☆Model info Tris Main 1760, LOD 22 Texture Main1024x1024 (c, d, i, s, n) LOD 256x256(c, d, i)...
Toyota Crown 220 JP Police Car
Created by Osacania
Toyota Crown police car for patrol duty. Incrudes 3 types of vehicles and 3 types of props. The cars with the mechanically lifted light bar available here. Main mesh Tris: 1,915 Textures: 2048x1024 LOD Tris: 94 Textures: 128x128 Filename Aerial Roof Markin...
Toyota Crown 220 JP Police Car with Animation
Created by Osacania
Toyota Crown 220 Police Car Police car with animated flashing lights and hazard warning lights. 4 buildings and 2 props incruded. Vehicle/ Prop version:
Toyota Crown 220 JP Traffic Police Car
Created by Osacania
Toyota Crown police car. Two cars for traffic enforcement and a car for special duty. Incrudes 3 types of vehicles and 3 types of props. Main mesh Tris: 1,851 Textures: 2048x1024 LOD Tris: 84 Textures: 128x128 Filename Aerial Roof Marking(callsign) belongs...
Toyota Crown 220 unmarked police car
Created by Osacania
Toyota Crown RS 2.5 Advance Unmarked Police Car Unmarked police car used by traffic officers and highway police officers in Japan. 2 props included. Props and vehicle do not support color valiations. Asset info Main mesh Tris: 1,468 Textures: 1024x512 Sub ...
Toyota Dyna Double Cab
Created by Osacania
Toyota Dyna Double Cab 2 Ton prop included. Asset info Main mesh Tris: 1,747 Textures: 2048x1024 LOD Tris: 62 Textures: 128x128 Twitter: @osacania If you would like to ask me to create new asset, send me a message on twitter....
Toyota Crown RS
Created by Osacania
2018 Toyota Crown 2.0 RS Advance Prop incruded. Main mesh Tris: 1,468 Textures: 2048x1024 LOD Tris: 62 Textures: 128x128...
Toyota GR Supra
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
It is a Toyota sports car that revived the other day for the first time in 17 years. There are 4 colors available, but it seems that only 24 units will be sold annually, such as that it takes a long time to repaint the gray of the matte color of them....
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
The "GR Yaris" is a hatchback coupe-type sports car produced by Toyota Motor Corporation. This is a model developed by Toyota Gazoo Racing Company, which develops Toyota Motor's sports car specialty brand "GR", and is the second model exclusively for this ...
Toyota GR86 Mk2
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
The GR 86 is a sports car with an FR layout jointly developed by Toyota Motor Corporation with SUBARU (formerly Fuji Heavy Industries). This is Toyota's first horizontally-opposed engine sports car since the Sports 800 (Yotahachi). Subaru BRZ, a brother ca...
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
(Excerpt from Wikipedia) The HARRIER is a luxury crossover SUV manufactured and sold by Toyota Motor Corporation. It was developed as a "crossover SUV that combines the ride comfort and comfort of a luxury saloon," and the first model was released in 1997....
Toyota MR2(SW20)
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
MR2(エムアールツー)は、トヨタ自動車が、日本国内市場向けに1984年(昭和59年)から 1999年(平成11年)までの期間に製造・販売していたクーペ型小型乗用車である。 初代はカローラ/スプリンターベースであったが、2代目はベース車がセリカ/コロナ/カリーナと大型化し、車両型式もSW20に変更された。 エンジンもセリカと同じ直列4気筒の2000ccにターボチャージャーを追加した3S-GTE型と、そのノンターボ版となるスポーツツインカムの3S-GE型が搭載された。 また当時世界初の試みとして、ステアリング...
Toyota Passo "RACY"
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
The PASSO is a hatchback type compact car developed and produced by Daihatsu Motor and sold by Toyota Motor Corporation. This first generation was jointly developed with Daihatsu, with Toyota in charge of planning and marketing, and Daihatsu in charge of d...
Created by Takouma
TOYOTA PRIUS (AD Update) Applied color valiation (white, gray, black and wine red)...
Toyota RAIZE
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
RAIZE is a small crossover SUV sold by Toyota Motor Corporation. Based on the concept of "active, useful and compact", it was developed as a vehicle model that is easy to handle for weekend leisure and everyday use and supports active daily life in various...
Toyota RAV4
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
The latest Toyota car that has re-landed the Japanese market the other day and has become popular as of May 2019. In Japan, it is located midway between the C-HR and the Harrier....
Toyota Yaris
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
The fourth generation Yaris hatchback for the Japanese and European markets had been seen testing in July 2019 at the Nürburgring circuit in Germany. It was unveiled simultaneously on 16 October 2019 in Japan and Amsterdam, Netherlands. It is based on the ...
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
The fourth generation Yaris hatchback for the Japanese and European markets had been seen testing in July 2019 at the Nürburgring circuit in Germany. It was unveiled simultaneously on 16 October 2019 in Japan and Amsterdam, Netherlands. It is based on the ...
TrailerVariation Loader
Created by Acc3ss Violation
Allows the use of variations for custom vehicle assets, like truck trailers and cargo wagons. Think empty vs. loaded log trucks. This mod is required for end users (and asset creators) that want to use custom assets using this feature. Submesh variation ma...
TrainScheduler 0.2.3-alpha
Created by gatomo
This mod is under developing. Not enough for some features especially for setting UI. NOTE: This page is machine-translated. TrainScheduler allows you to set departure times for Cities: Skylines overground railroads. ## Required Mods 1. Harmony https://ste...
Tramrails for IMT
Created by link_0610
Tramrails for IMT This pack contains 3 different assets: Tramrails for IMT (Rail + Wire) Tramrails for IMT (Rail only) Tramrails for IMT (Wire only) All assets are decorative networks therefore you can apply use with the IMT on roads. Many thanks and a big...
Tree & Vehicle Props 2
Created by sway
Caution: Use the Skyve mod to avoid compatibility issues with other mods. If you are not using Skyve, DO NOT use props generated by this mod in other mods such as BOB or Intersection Marking Tool as they may cause some issues and break you save game. -----...
Created by はいそう
Truck SECOMA Painted by hos21st I've seen it anywhere in Hokkaido, Japan a few years ago. Now, You can rarely see this paint. Many of them are Re-painted new design. This aset model and base textures are created by 'stmSantana'. below link. Truck Ad - Pain...
Train Approaching said
Created by SanTen
Train Approaching said TrainApproach-A1 TrainApproach-A2 TrainApproach-B1 TrainApproach-B2 Please support me if you would like to help...!!!
Two Whales Diner (LDC-L2) [re-Release]
Created by Zatline
4x4 - Low Density Commercial - Level 2 Hello there, I sadly had to re-upload this one as well, for the same reasosns. I have no clue why I'm not able to just update/overwrite the original ones ... :( I will remove the old version from the workshop within t...
Ultimate Eyecandy v1.5.2
Created by Judazzz
Hey all, I've been enjoying Cities: Skylines basically since release day, immensely helped by all the awesome stuff the community created. So after so much taking, I figured it was time for a little giving. In real life I'm a web developer (mainly front-en...
Ultimate Level Of Detail (ULOD)
Created by boformer
Make use of your graphics card! Configure the LOD distance of trees, props, buildings and networks. Updated for Campus DLC This mod enables you to increase the render distance of detailed tree, prop, building and network models. Take a look at the mod sett...
Upgrade Untouchable 1.1: Convert stations
Created by Klyte45 This new mod brings a totally new way of changing segment types of buildings, without needing to deform them "making the segments touchable", as like Touch This! Mod used to do. So, it allows ...
Vehicle Effects 1.9.5
Created by Acc3ss Violation
Allows effects to be added to vehicles with xml files! Recent features - Load (sort of) custom particleeffects via xml! Check this discussion page on how to do it and for sharing examples! - Load custom sound effects via xml! Check this discussion page on ...
UNIQLO (ユニクロ) - Growable
Created by kei_em
A clothing mass retailer in Japan. Grown in commercial low density area as a level 2 building. 知らない人はいない日本の衣類量販店です。低密度商業地区レベル2で出現します。 This model was created by Mr. 749 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このアセットのモデルは、 の「Cities: Skyli...
Warehouse 2 (RICO)
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A generic warehouse for all your warehouse needs! It's modular and works with RICO - without it it's just a park. Stats Level 1 generic industry 3x7 squares Employees 20 Cost 15000 ...
Warehouse 3 (RICO)
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Another generic warehouse, because they come in so many shapes and sizes! Also they're pretty easy to model :P This one has color variations around the edges and near the rollup doors - it's pretty subtle, but it'...
Warehouse 4 (RICO)
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Yet another generic warehouse - the last for now. This one has color variations adding more dirt to the roof. The windows came out great on this one, but that's about the most exciting thing about it. :P Stats Lev...
Water Surface Props
Created by Pekora
Description Water Surface Props It is fake water Prop (not Decal! and also, it isn't real water!) I think It will be helpful when you make fountain, pond or reservoir in a very small space. 7 props are included. (8m x 8m / 16m x 16m / 32m x 32m / Round 8m ...
Water Treatment
Created by Ronyx69
Includes a water treatment clarifier and basin. Found in water & sewage. Has same stats as clarifier and basin by Avanya. Clarifier has a moving fidget spinner. (Technically a wind turbine) Water looks weird in the basin because it reuses the same textures...
Watermelon Patch (西瓜畑)
Created by kei_em
西瓜畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Watermelon patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD...
Weathered Concrete Retaining Wall
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
As a Christmas gift from me, I am sending you two types of flimsy concrete retaining walls, made dimensionally aligned with Lost Gecko's Retaining Wall, so they can replace each other's networks. I hope you enjoy your Christmas and have fun building your c...
Workshop version of Railroads of Japan LONG stations
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi, The stations in the content creator pack "Railroads of Japan" modified for Steam Workshop users. The stations included in this second pack are designed for longer trains: the Station Track is 192m long and can accommodate 10 ca...
Workshop version of Railroads of Japan stations
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This pack has the modified stations from the content creator pack Railroads of Japan for Steam Workshop users. Please note that you will need to update the game itself to load it. Railroads of Japan stations are created usin...
Yet Another Toolbar
Created by sway
This mod lets you customize the toolbar panels. Why another toolbar mod? Resize It's panel scaling feature breaks Find It 2 so I was looking for a solution. I contacted the author of Resize It back in mid-2020 but they were ...
Created by Nasvic
This is Level 1 growable Low-Density Commercial building(4×4). おなじみの大手外食チェーン店です。今回はモデリングして仕上げました。 このアセットについて問題があればお知らせください。 Updated for After Dark! (And fixed some Textures) AD対応しました! イルミネーション以外のテクスチャも手直ししています 。...
[AD]Drosovilas Hongkong Style Housings No. 1
Created by Drosovila
Some Honkong stlye housing projects, built by the governement to house as many people possible. -Level 3 high density 3x4 -120m height. If you want that "grouped together" look you can get the eyedropper tool here:
[Citizen] Japanese Schoolgirls / 日本の女子高生
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Citizen of Japanese high school girls. It's time to say goodbye to vivid teenagers. They have 3 shapes + color variations. All three have different characteristics, so please find your favorite girl. Surely you won't be able to take your eyes off the stree...
[JPHY Essential] JPHY Prop Pack
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
日本の高速道路(JPHYシリーズ)の必須アイテム類です。 JPHYシリーズをサブスクする方は必ずサブスクしてください。でないと正しく動作しなくなります。 ---- It is an essential item for JP Highways(JPHY series). If you subscribe to the JPHY series, be sure to subscribe. Otherwise, it will not work properly. ---- 它是日本高速公路(JPHY系列)的基...
[Obsolete] Remove Dirt (Trees and Props)
Created by Katalepsis
THIS MOD IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED, PLEASE USE "HIDE IT!" INSTEAD. Based on hyperdrive_engage's No Tree Dirt, this mod removes the "ruined" dirt from underneath Trees and Props. What does this mod do? It provides options to remove the ruined texture from ben...
Created by Takouma
LAWSON (AD Update) reduce file size...
[GROW] 日本の雑居ビル Japanese Multi-tenants Builidings
Created by n_mosimo
L3 2x2 JPN Multi-tenants ニコイチの雑居ビルです。レベル3の高密度商業地域に建設されます。2x2です。 Multi-tenants buildings. 2 buildings 1 asset. Level 3 High-density Commercial Zone. 2x2....
[RICO] Japanese Department Store / 駅前ファッションビル・デパート
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
----- 26 Oct 2019 UPDATED Fixed brightness and normal map. ----- Building of Japanese department store. This is very typical shape so please decorate with props and make it your own department store. Recommended Prop Japanese Department Store Signs / 日本のデパ...
Created by CityOfTokyo
OKABE SWEET SHOP (TRADITIONAL SWEET SHOP) It's the traditional candy shop which stops that Shinji buys it for a school return with Touji and Shinsuke and eats it, and to do it. The traditional candy shop is a business condition seen universally in the muni...
Created by kian.zarrin
No longer supported, a new Beta version is worked on that can be subscribed by clicking here. to report problems or ask questions please come to my discord channel: Pl...