Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Глобальная русификация модов Global rus
Dibuat oleh Nightmare73rus
Вашему вниманию представляю список переведенных модов (в алфавитном порядке для упрощения). За основу взял Мод The15karat, дополнив его своими переводами и подправив неточности. Список посто...
'49 Dodge Power Wagon Crew Cab
Dibuat oleh KI5
First generation Dodge Power Wagon is a legend among pickup trucks. It is big, powerful and reliable. And if that is not enough for you, there is an Apocalypse variant that is even bigger and even more powerful, there is also a Police variant. All variants...
'67 Shelby GT500 + Eleanor
Dibuat oleh KI5
Classic machine featuring an iconic modification. Both GT500 and Eleanor variants share most of the parts, only exception is the hood. Multiple armor parts, roofrack and many other parts give you the ability to customize any of the variants. They are both ...
'70 Dodge Challenger
Dibuat oleh KI5
How about some muscle in Kentucky? A lot of power and even more noise, Dodge Challenger! Now with 5 variants, with a lot of distinctive features, something for everyone! It has a full set of armor and a bunch of parts to customize it. It's fast but it lack...
'82 Oshkosh M911 + Military Semi-Trailers
Dibuat oleh KI5
So you want to move your whole base to another location, or you want to hoard all the gas in Knox County, maybe you just want to steal all the fridges and get them to your super secret base, you do you, I'm just here to help. M911 was the workhorse of US A...
'84 Mercedes Benz W460
Dibuat oleh KI5
First generation G-Class, boxy, underpowered and not so legal in the US. But it was still possible to import one, so try to find one in Kentucky! 3 Chassis variants, 30+ skins, craftable full armor, roofrack, multiple bumpers/bullbars, bodykit and 3 sets o...
'86 Ford Econoline E-150 + Pop Culture vans
Dibuat oleh KI5
Lloyd and Harry took a wrong turn and ended up in Kentucky! Try to find their Mutt Cutts van or just enjoy the space and adaptability of Ford Econoline with 3 different chassis types, full craftable armor set and up to 6 seats to bring the whole crew on th...
'86 Ford Econoline E-150 Lore-Friendly Skin
Dibuat oleh PZ
Thank you 'KI5' for allowing this mod. Original Required : This mod adds E-150 vehicles from companies in the game. Workshop ID: 2964003061 Mod ID: 86fordE150LFS Mod ID: 86fordE150LFS_NoVanilla...
'86 Oshkosh P19A + Military Trailers
Dibuat oleh KI5
It's the end of the world, food, fuel and beer are running low, zombies are ruining every base you make, it's time to go full nomad. Move from place to place, loot all the places and move on. P19A is the perfect vehicle for that. Built to last for decades ...
'88 Chevrolet S10
Dibuat oleh KI5
Chevy S10, one of the most popular pickups of the 80s, this variants comes with many features to expand it, some will require you to choose, some will be available at the same time. It's part of my 80s Pickups set that has compatible tires, armor, seats, r...
'88 Volvo 740 Sedan (744)
Dibuat oleh mentalista666
Who doesn't like old Volvo's? Here I bring to you the first fully animated, customizable and most complete car mod of a classic Volvo. The 740 (sedan version). This is my second mod, the first one with animations and other new features. It has took me almo...
'89 Dodge Caravan
Dibuat oleh KI5
Wood panelling and that 80s minivan look, what else could you need in the apocalypse? It comes in 3 flavours: Stock with 4 seats and ok trunk space, LE variant with more power and 6 seats but low trunk space and the Nomad with raised ride height, optional ...
'91 Geo Metro
Dibuat oleh KI5
A perfect starter car! Small, easy to maintain and armor up with some common materials. Grab some planks, nails and screws and build your little crappy wooden fortress on wheels. The wood will not be able to take much punishment but it will be enough to ke...
'91 RANGE ROVER Classic
Dibuat oleh KI5
Iconic SUV from 1991, perfect fit for your post apocalyptic world of project ZOMBOID. It now comes with a full set of armor, roofrack and many extras to explore and use. Have fun! Main features: 2 chassis variants with their unique pros and cons 3 front Bu...
'92 AM General M998 + M101A3 Cargo trailer
Dibuat oleh KI5
And now... for something completely different, fully animated M998 HMMWV! I've been asked many many times to make this thing and I refused for many reasons but the time was right and it seemed like a great candidate for a test. A concept to see what PZ can...
'92 Ford Crown Victoria
Dibuat oleh KI5
It's the 90s Crown Vic, with some useful features, full set of armor and some flashing lights! Trunk is big, seats are huge and there is even a gun rack inside. It comes in 3 variants, normal police chassis, taxi and the unmarked car with some cosmetic dif...
41.78+ Propane Torch Fix [B42 Supported]
Dibuat oleh Drazion
Now works in B42 This mod is meant to readjust the capacity of the propane torch in the 41.78 and 42 builds from 10 back to 100 IF YOU ADD THIS MOD MID-GAME YOU WILL HAVE TO REFILL YOUR ALREADY SPAWNED TORCHES AT LEAST ONCE TO SEE THE NEW VALUES This fix w...
Add More Map Symbols (AMMS)
Dibuat oleh Golem
Add More Map Symbol (AMMS) Version for build 42. The mod for build 42 is different from the one for 41, because it uses a tab system that the developers added. Therefore, at the moment it should not conflict with any other mods. Currently 3 tabs are availa...
Advanced trajectory
Dibuat oleh 喵了个球
Advanced trajectory This Mod modifies the ranged weapons and throwed weapons. Ranged weapon: 1.You can see the trajectory of bullets. 2.You can shoot the head, body and feet of zombies through the crosshair. (It is not perfect yet) 3.Your aiming skill leve...
Alternative Inventory Rendering
Alternative Inventory Rendering 41.71 Tested This mod replaces existing Inventory Rendering Code with Alternative Rendering Code to get more FPS. Also it comes with some new features that could be useful for your Zomboid Run. This mod does not requires new...
Ammunition of Box & Cardboard Case MOD for build 41
Dibuat oleh Alec
2022-01-04 Updated! Version 1.03 Fix with multiplayer version update. Supported Languages English Japanese Spanish Supported version IWBUMS build 41.65 or higher Description This is a mod to put Ammo boxes and Ammo into cardboard cases. Ten ammunition boxe...
An Exhilaratingly Organized Literature Mod
Dibuat oleh Oh God Spiders No
For a truly superlative book sorting experience Some features only available in English for now, looking for translators to help. Don't like pictures? Here's a written description of the mod.
Arithmechick's Screams of Pain
Dibuat oleh Arithmechick
Description Causes your character to scream out loud when they're in extreme pain. The character also has a chance of audibly wincing in pain when an injury occurs. The loudness and sound radius are affected by the severity of the injury (This feature can ...
Arsenal[26] GunFighter Mod [2.0]
Dibuat oleh Arsenal[26]
Welcome to Arsenal GunFighter Mod HERE IS THE OFFICIAL GUNFIGHTER MOD GUIDE - Do NOT run Old or Multiple Versions of GunFighter Mod - You MUST Update Brita's Weapon Pack, GunFighter Requires Most Recent Version - Single-Player Still Requires ModOptions - M...
Dibuat oleh Kahj
A small town called Ashenwood. The town grew fast as people wanted to settle somewhere outside of the city but still have all the service and entertainment of the big cities. More and more houses popped up as well as a few small businesses that decided to ...
Authentic Animations
Dibuat oleh Ravenim
Edits Emote Radial Menu to Do Animations - Hold "Q" to start! No further installation required. hit subscribe, enable, and play! ALL ANIMATION ASSETS ARE CREATED BY THE GREAT MARTIN OF TIS Credit also goes to ibRus some code fixes. Yes this mod works with ...
Authentic Z
Dibuat oleh Authentic Peach
Want a FUN and REALISTIC zombie outfit distribution mod? This mod is for you! This mod adds a variety of zones into the game which gives zombies outfits to match their surroundings. It also adds over 150 custom outfits which are appropriately placed on zom...
Auto Mechanics B41
Dibuat oleh Tchernobill
So you are here ? Ah.. you wanna play with cars but you lack experience. You've come to the right place. At least if you are using B41 or previous versions. The version for B42 and further versions if here. All questions that are not answered below will be...
Autotsar Motorclub
Dibuat oleh iBrRus
This day has come! Autotsar Inc. together with KI5-Production, are pleased to present the new vehicles: ______________ 1984 BWM R80/7 Monolever - Class...
Autotsar Trailers
Dibuat oleh iBrRus Autotsar Trailers Inc. - the best trailers in Kentucky! Do you work on a construction site and your tool no longer fits into the car? Tired of running ...
Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Jaap Wrungel [TUNING 2.0]
Dibuat oleh iBrRus To access the tuning menu, use the "V" key while standing beside the car and select "Modifications" (the dash key icon with the plus sign). Autotsar is...
Azakaela's Mountain Tiles -- AND MULTI LEVEL FORAGING
Dibuat oleh Erin Azakaela Redfire
Ever thought that PZ needs an elvation element? Well your prayers are answered. With these tilesheets you can achieve it through mapping! All assets are included in the mod as well as the properties that work the best. Feel free to adjust, tweak or edit th...
Azakaela's Playable Guitar (Version 0.2)
Dibuat oleh Erin Azakaela Redfire
"Without music, life would be a mistake.”" -Friedrich Nietzsche To play guitar, you must have an acoustic guitar in your inventory. Hit the Home Button on your keyboard to enable guitar mode (You won't be able to walk around or use the keyboard normaly aga...
Backpack Borders [b41]
Dibuat oleh Notloc
THIS IS VANILLA AS OF B42 Backpack Borders is a small UI tweak that adds a background and border to the container buttons in Zomboid's inventory windows. The change makes it easier to see each individual button, particularly when the player is using dark c...
Beds Have Blankets
Dibuat oleh gunslinger
Working for B41 and B42 Build 42 update There are issues with blanket pattern sprites that will be worked out in the future. Sandbox options have been added that will allow you to choose your sprite preference. A basic description of what the sandbox optio...
Better Masks
Dibuat oleh NukeMandu
New Update (05-28-2022 GMT): - Added new face masks and respirators. - The rarity of the mask has been changed to be more realistic. Now, finding masks is more difficult than ever before, but you can still find many medical masks in hospitals and pharmacie...
Better Towing (Work in SP/MP 41.71+)
Dibuat oleh Aiteron
Initially, this mod added its own towing physics with a rope and a rigid hitch. But the developers liked this mod and they added the towing option to the game! ( link to development blog ) Mod expands and improves towing, which is added to the game. Suppor...
Big Bear Lake
Dibuat oleh Petrovick
Made for the Sunday Drivers community! All updates are balanced around the SD community. Download at your own risk. 16,23 17,23 18,23 19,23 20,23 21,23 22,23 16,24 17,24 18,24 19,24 20,24 21,24 22,24 16,25 17,25 18,25 19,25 20,25 21,25 22,25 16,26 17,26 18...
Big Size Spice : Bigger Salt & Pepper
Dibuat oleh BLUmountain
Currently working on update for B42 Please standby What is this mod? Made for users who are always suffering from salt and pepper shortages. Just add more Bigger Salt, Pepper, Sugar...etc It much better use with other Cooking mod. Such as Sapph's Cooking &...
Body Remodel - FINGERS.
Dibuat oleh Akyet
Adds Fingers to the characters in Project Zomboid! Works for Male and Female characters. Mod comes with two seperate files for Male and Female versions, both can be active at the same time. Due to the fact that zombies use the same body models as the playe...
Boots Expanded 11 for B41 and B42
Dibuat oleh Mark IV
Version 11 for B41 and 0.4 BETA for B42 Adds 3D models to all vanilla shoes, plus adding many different new shoes and skins, including very rare boots that deals massive stomp damage. Tried to keep everything consistent with the kind of shoes and sneakers ...
Boredom Tweaks
Dibuat oleh Jon
Something I found when playing Zomboid was that the Boredom moodle was always a bit frustrating to manage. The way it functions in vanilla, any time you are indoors you are slowly gaining boredom, and it is slightly slower while reading. If you are in mult...
Braven's Throwables
Dibuat oleh Braven
Throwables are here! As far as I know, only molotovs are throwable in PZ. I am hereby changing that! This mod makes a lot of items throwable. They can be used as a distraction, to break windows, etc. Full list of throwables: All bottles, cans, mugs, cups, ...
Braven's Utilities
Dibuat oleh Braven A set of tools This simple "mod" adds basic functionality I tend to use in my actual mods. This is absolutely necessary for some of my mods. Click here to see the full list. Free to Use Anyone is hereby granted ...
Brita's Weapon Pack
Dibuat oleh BRITA
We are trying to fix the mod, no promises....Many of the work-around methods that allow the features of this mod to work have been shut-down and disabled by B42. Some are recoverable, some may not be, some will not be. Everything was affected, and not one ...
Brita-Workshop Compatibility Patch
Dibuat oleh DarkJarris
Patches The Workshop to be able to break down Brita guns for parts Patches these two mods to work together: Brita's Weapon Pack The Workshop TODO: - Stop it eating your equipped weapons - Add Brita Magazines recipe If you wish to support me financially, ho...
Cheat Menu: Rebirth
Dibuat oleh RelationLife
There is an update for multiplayer users who disabled DoLuaChecksum. Check out the multiplayer section or changelogs for details. Please READ this description first BEFORE ...
Clean Ashes
Dibuat oleh inject
Bring sweeping into the 21st century and (partially) free yourself from the tyranny of the context menu. You must have a broom or shovel (thanks for pointing that out Derrick da Fox) in your inventory. Right click any ashes on the ground, select Clear Ashe...
Clean dirt
Dibuat oleh God's Will
WILL NOT BE UPDATED, SHOULD BE PART OF VANILLA GAME IN B42 Clean up your room before fighting zombie invasion! This mod allows you to clean dirt and graffiti from walls and floors with bleach and mop/towel. Should be savegame and MP compatible. Google tran...
Coavins Firearm Repair (OUTDATED)
Dibuat oleh Akemi
This mod has been moved: Please see the new version: This version will no longer receive updates. ⚠ Please don't reupload this mod to the Steam workshop, either on its own or as part of a pu...
Combat Text (B40+B41+B42)
Dibuat oleh Rezistor
Show health bar above zombie heads and damage dealt Health bar features: shown when player hit zombie for first time and health bar is not visible (100% = current zombie health) health loss is animated (orange part of bar) bar will hide itself after 10 in-...
Common Sense
Dibuat oleh Braven It's something so simple, but PZ lacks it sometimes. This mod solves this issue by adding many Quality of Life improvements to the game. I plan to continuously update this mod, adding more and more common sense...
Dibuat oleh KI5
This time something for base builders out there! ISO Containers! Containers are perfect for storing heavy things, vehicles parts, unused furniture etc... Gas tanks have all the functions of a gas tanker trailer. Perfect for large backups of gas in your bas...
Crossroads Checkpoint
Dibuat oleh Mad_Max_000
Military checkpoint surrounding the crossroads south of Muldraugh. Single cell at 35x37 Features: Multiple buildings with appropriate loot (military). Integrated military vehicle spawns with Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars! Vehicle crashes/traffic jams. Small...
Daddy Dirkie dirks tiles
Dibuat oleh Daddy Dirkie Dirk
A collection of tiles, this mod as a standalone will not have any effect on the game. This mod simply does the behinds the scenes magic to make all the tiles function as intended. Now, if you are not making maps/mods and are simply using this mod as it is ...
Draw On The Map - Free Hand Drawing [B42/41]
Dibuat oleh Notloc
Draw On The Map adds a new free hand drawing tool to the game map! This tool allows you to freely draw lines of any shape. You can customize how thick and filled out the line is, allowing for bold full lines, thin dotted lines, and everything in-between! A...
Drink 6 pack and 12 pack MOD for build 41
Dibuat oleh Alec
2022-08-01 Updated! Version 2.05 Fix with Russian translation. Supported Languages English Japanese Russian Italian French Spanish Chinese Simplified Chinese Supported version IWBUMS build 41.65 or higher Description This mod packs 6 or 12 bottles of beer,...
Dylan's Tile Pack
Dibuat oleh Dylan
Will be working on bugs and fixes for B42, potential name change for the tile pack too. The mod will continue to have a B41 option as well. Adds custom tiles to map mods. To server owners, feel free to add our mods to your modpacks. We grant permission to ...
Driving Skill
Dibuat oleh Afterworlds
WARNING: THIS MOD IS UNDER ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT. NON-ESSENTIAL UPDATES WILL BE ON SATURDAYS. Thanks to HypnoToadTrance for adapting More traits to work with this mod! Very cool! Driving Skill Adds a new Passive Skill called Driving. As you drive, you will ju...
Easy Heater Repair
Dibuat oleh PipMagnet
Gives the player the ability to repair the vehicle heater and glove box. Repairing vehicle heaters is accomplished as normal, using small metal sheets and a propane torch. For repairing glove boxes there are three available repair options. The duct tape an...
Dibuat oleh eris
eris_food_expiry Displays expiration date of food as inventory bar + tooltip. Requires Nutritionist trait to see exact stale and rot timer. (Optional) Idea is based on an existing mod, food expiry date. Features Exact food expiry time for packaged foods. (...
Dibuat oleh eris
eris_nightvision_goggles Item artwork by Lith @ TheGoodOldDayz server. Adds working night vision goggles. B41 IWBUMS compatible. Midnight and midday screenshots shown above. Screenshots were taken with maximum nvg brightness setting (100%), default night d...
Essential Crafting
Dibuat oleh spoon
This mod addresses the need for vanilla friendly crafting additions - such as refilling lighters, improvised can opening/rock crushing/fire making, weapon fixing, making raw tailoring materials, carving, tailoring and many others quality of life methods to...
Everything Has a Name
Dibuat oleh Arendameth
Description Feeling lonely amidst the apocalypse? Now you can rename everything -literally- and have your own recognized buddies of inanimate items and vehicles! ... or you can just rename your containers like any sane survivor and keep your base neat and ...
[B41] Expanded Helicopter Events
Dibuat oleh shark
This mod replaces the vanilla helicopter event with a more dynamic suite of events which are both challenging and fair. Furthermore, the mod is designed as a framework and can be easily expandable and modifiable in itself.*
Extended 1993-2001 Cassettes
Dibuat oleh Titanape
This mod is a continuation of my previous Lore Friendly Music packs. After growing absolutely tired of the same music you end up with in your typical lore packs, I decided on working on something a little bit more fresh, a pack that takes music from up to ...
1992 Subaru Legacy Wagon (Unsupported)
Dibuat oleh ExtraNoise
Attention: This mod is now obsolete and has been deprecated! You should not subscribe to it. Please use my combined vehicle pack to subscribe to this vehicle. Thank you! Workshop ID: 3006885016 Mod ID: en91Legacy...
ExtraNoise's Newburbs Tiles
Dibuat oleh ExtraNoise
Standardized suburban development exploded in popularity in the 1980s and 1990s and continues to this day. The kind of communities where all the houses look a little too similar, where the sprawl stretches for miles in all directions. This is a collection ...
[B41/B42] Faster Hood Opening
Dibuat oleh TehaGP
Faster Hood Opening Makes the Hood Opening be almost instant instead of taking some a few seconds. Build 42 Compatible! Build 41 Compatibility Remains!
[B42/B41] The Motorious Zone Vehicle Pack
Dibuat oleh fhqwhgads
This mod will add several vehicles to the game. The vehicles are vanilla-styled (including lore-friendly names, or optional real names), era appropriate (1993 and earlier), and support all the features of vanilla vehicles. The pack will be a variety pack, ...
Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars!
Dibuat oleh Filibuster Rhymes
Hey dudes, the comments are disabled because it's just Russian spam now, haha. Once build 42 is out and stable, I'll update this version and re-enable comments. Until then, if you need any help with it, feel free to join the discord. You should also check ...
Fitness & Workout Overhaul
Dibuat oleh Codename280
Description Don't like how the fitness system works ? Too unrealistic ? Too slow ? Too fast ? Updates how much exp is gained based on some realistic inspired parameters. Adds 2 new workout options: a working treadmill and functioning bench-press (bring you...
Fix Capacity Overlap
Dibuat oleh Js
Works on 41.78.16 SP/MP Safe to add to/remove from existing saves The text of container name will now dynamically change its position to leave space for displaying the weight and capacity. Especially useful for big font size (2x, 3x, 4x). Only loot invento...
Fix floor
Dibuat oleh God's Will
OBSOLETE, FOR B42 USE MOD: Skizot's zRe Fix Floor Extended This mod allows you to fix ugly cracks in wooden or tiled floor. You need a hammer and carpentry level 5 or handy trait. Should be savegame and MP compatible. English, Russian, French, German, Span...
Fluffy Hair [B41 & B42]
Dibuat oleh Scavenger
This mod will add for almost all hats new adjusted hair models for the default hairs to keep their original shape when wearing something on the head. No more Ponytails or flat hairs! You can still turn your hair into ponytail if you wish so. (Also i improv...
FOOL's New Containers
Dibuat oleh FOOL
Need a model of your own? Send me a message on Discord at foolandfolly. A collection of 100ish item and water containers with 3D models, animations (for some but not all), and icons. Included is a lore-friendly loot table, and sandbox options to change how...
Fuel Side Indicator
Dibuat oleh kabaww
EXCITING NEWS! The latest blog post by The Indie Stone ( seems to hint that they will add a fuel-side indicator to the vanilla game on Build 42. I'm so happy that the developers noticed this smal...
Dibuat oleh KONIJIMA
Features - Sandbox Settings. - Can store fuel into barrels. - Large Gas Can, can also store water into it. - Barrel can spawn with random amount of fuel. Latest Update The mod has been updated for 41.72. Great news, this game patch have integrated most of ...
Generator Time Remaining
Dibuat oleh Undefined
A simple mod that displays the days and hours left before a generator runs out of fuel. Features NOTE: To configure the options, Mod Config Menu is required (link)Option to convert in-game time to real time (Default is In-Game Time) Option to set minimum E...
Grapeseed [B42 Unstable Remake]
Dibuat oleh Dylan
Disclaimer: This is an unstable release. For Grapeseed-related issues, please use the bug report section—do not contact Indie Stone. A big thank you to Indie Stone for reigniting our passion for mapping, Build 42 is truly incredible! Grapeseed is a map mod...
Greenhouse Building Set
Dibuat oleh Birget
Hello! With this mod you can build walls, roofs, doors, fences and curbs for imitation of a greenhouse. No special greenhouse features or any farming affection added. 17.01.2024 changed requirements for walls and recipe for glass panel. If you use Improvis...
Harry's Hair
Dibuat oleh harrycheez
B41 Simply Adds new hairstyles and natural hair colors. It also replaces the hair textures with one that cooperates with hair colors better. Most of these were done for my friends and people who have helped me a lot with modding. These all have hat variati...
Harry's Tow Truck - Chevalier Rhino (Fixed 41.66+)
Dibuat oleh Enobdercas
Adds the Chevalier Rhino tow truck to the game! This is a replacement for the broken mod: Harry's Functional Tow Truck - Chevalier Rhino My changes to the mod itself: - Removed dependency of the broken Better Towing Mod - Removed any functionality connecte...
Half Skimask pack
Dibuat oleh BongoRaccoon32
Describtion Hello, this rather simple mod adds a half ski mask or half balaclava (or whatever you wanne call it) to the game. Due to the simple natur of this mod, its also kind of a base for other people who want to make reskins of my mod. Also I might add...
Herbal Medicine Plus
Dibuat oleh spoon
Simple and effective Craft your own herbal vitamins, painkillers and antibiotics with high level medicine skills and with some stuff from the forest. Good for roleplay when XP multiplier is set very low and you can have characters with different set of ski...
Honda CR-V '95
Dibuat oleh Nick(Noob)
This mod adds Honda CR-V to the game. This first gen. compact SUV was built using a Honda Civic platform and marketed as a "sport utility vehicle". It turned out to be a major success domestically and outside of the Japanese market; therefore, it became a ...
[B41/B42] I Don't Need A Lighter
Dibuat oleh Fingbel
What is this mod ? So you're telling me that people can't light a cigarette while sitting in front of a campfire or while driving around in a 90's car ? Well this is over with this mod. You now have access to a car-lighter within every car and you can also...
Immersive Overlays Retexture
Dibuat oleh ܟܟܓ
This is a retexture and integration of two mods: -Immersive Overlays -ImmersiveOverlaysExtanded The .lua scripts are NOT created by me! I just redone the overlay textures for both of them and I couldn't find a way to replace only the textures files, both o...
Improved Build Menu [Build 41]
Dibuat oleh Vaileasys
This is a quality of life mod with the main goal of tidying up the build menu for both Carpentry and Metalworking. Some new buildables from the base game are also added. Packaged with 3 versions Enable the appropriate version for your game. If unsure which...
Improved Hair Menu
Dibuat oleh duckduckquak
Replaces the hairstyle, skin color and clothing dropdowns with a 3D preview. Also changes the in-game haircut menu. Usage     Drag the preview to rotate the model     Click to select     Arrows switch pages Compatibility The mod uses a copy of the vanilla ...
Improved Model Sewing Kit
Dibuat oleh Dante271
It did not seem very logical to me to put a box as the icon and have the model be scissors and thread, so I recreated the box in the icon to fix it. This mod gives an aesthetically better model that is the same as the icon, increases the capacity from 5 to...
Improvised Glass
Dibuat oleh Orc
You've survived the apocalypse. You've memorized the Wood Time TV Jingle. You've stolen countless cars, survived endless nights and you've scavenged your little heart out and yet, that elusive windshield or home window eludes you. Not anymore! Introducing ...
Inspect Weapon
Dibuat oleh leScepter
About Tired of scrolling to your equipped section of the inventory to check your weapon's status and attachments? This mod allows you to inspect your currently equipped weapon on your primary hand at anytime, by: - Hold down the reload button and choose "I...
Insurgent - Black Ops Profession
Dibuat oleh Mr Sunshine
Thanks to Spyjack for the Insurgent concept from Facility-7! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------...
Item Condition Indicator
Dibuat oleh opsedar
Item Condition Indicator Addon to NoctisFalco Weapon Condition Indicator to also show colors for Items. Problem NoctisFalco Weapon Condition Indicator mod covers weapon, water & lightsource. Drainable items like blowtorch/painkillers has no color when equi...
Build 42+ UNSUPPORTED - Item Tweaker API
Dibuat oleh DarkSlayerEX
Workshop ID: 566115016 ModID: ItemTweakerAPI --EDIT 3 - End of Support -- I thank you all who have subscribed, and with these numbers am humbled. I am aware this mod no longer works for build 42. I am okay with this, and in fact am glad, as this mod was ho...
[OBSOLETE] ItemTweaker Extra Clothing Option Addon
Dibuat oleh Delran
Spongie's Open Jackets doesn't require this mode anymore, you can remove it from your modlist. ItemTweaker Addon, Extra Clothing Options This addon add allows to easily add multiple extra clothing options, such as "Open Jacket" or "Down Hoodie" to modded i...
jigga's Green Fire (Build 40 & Build 41+ MP/Solo)
Dibuat oleh jiggawutt
⚡ Adds marijuana and loose tobacco (including farming) to the game to spice up smoking in Zomboid. ⏰UPDATES EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY @ 2:00AM PST ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🔥EXPANSION: Introducing the Addictions & Withdrawals Mod! Now you can g...
Just Throw Them Out The Window
Dibuat oleh co`
What is this about? This mod is meant to address a single problem. You all know too well that awkward moment when the upper levels of your base get invaded by zombies. If you're lucky enough to survive this, you end up with piles of corpses all around the ...
Key Blank
Dibuat oleh Haras
Have you become attached to your vehicle and no longer want it to be hot-wired? With this mod you can undo the hot-wire and create a key for your vehicle. This mod is based on the "Harder Hotwire" mod made by "rez" and "outdead" and you can find it here: (...
Dibuat oleh Tchernobill
Details kills by weapon category and by weapon in a new dedicated tab of character window. Adds to the genuine character panel the number of Z that died of other things than player weapon. Technical details Total number of kills can be exported (if selecte...
Kilometers Per Hour
Dibuat oleh Braven Kilometers Per Hour Are you part of 98% of the world? Do you get confused with "MPH"? Are you annoyed that you can set temperature to celsius, clock to 24h but can't change a simple speedometer? Then this mod is...
Less Saturated Lumberjack Shirts
Dibuat oleh dziewucha
This mod changes the oversaturated colors of vanilla lumberjack shirts. Works with Spongie's Open Jackets. Workshop ID: 2904102009 Mod ID: lumberjackshirtsrecolored...
[B42/B41] Lexus LS400 Redux
Dibuat oleh fhqwhgads
This mod adds the Lexus LS400 as a standalone vehicle. It includes full animations, interior, engine bay, trunk, and extra customization parts. If you use Motorious Zone, this LS400 will automatically spawn in place of the one included in the pack, and it ...
Light-Switch Overhaul
Dibuat oleh Nippytime
You walk over to your Light-Switch and as you flick it you think.. Why can't I change my lightbulbs? Why can't I obtain the skills needed to place a lightswitch in my own player-made base?! NO MORE! It's our Light-switch and we shall do with it what we wan...
Little Township
Dibuat oleh Saltamontes
Little Township is a small community in the middle of Knox County near Pony Roam-O. Made for 41.60+ Q: Does it... A: Yes it works in MP, yes it works with the new map, yes it works on any MP server rented or otherwise. No I am not going to help you with re...
[B41 / B42] Load All Magazines
Dibuat oleh Foteq
PRESS ESCAPE TO CANCEL IN ANY SITUATION Adds an option to the right click context menu to load/unload all magazines of the selected type. Does not effect radial menu reloading. Modifies ISInventoryPaneContextMenu.doMagazineMenu, so will be incompatible wit...
Long Range Remote
Dibuat oleh darkmoriarti
The forth tier of crafted remotes. This time using a radio as an ingredient. Works at maximum distance the game allows, which is just shy of a full zoom out & looking all the way to the screen edge. To go hand in hand with Big Noise Generator but it's not ...
Loot Tables Fixed [41.78]
Dibuat oleh Champy
This mods fixes many typos in the distributions. List of typos fixed : CrateCompactDisks -> CrateCompactDiscs BakeryDonuts -> BakeryDoughnuts CrateSandbags -> CrateSandBags SportsStoreSneakers -> SportStoreSneakers PlankStashWeapon -> PlankStashGun Electro...
MaD's Awesome Zombie Loot
Dibuat oleh MaDeAbU
Makes zombies drop awesome (basic) loot like other survival games. Adjust your zombie loot drops as you like! Make your own apocalipse! https://i.posti...
Melos Tiles for Miles Tilepack
Dibuat oleh melos_tiles
Notice: This tilepack only works properly in B41 and is not suitable for B42! (I will eventually update it as soon as TIS releases the offical tools to do so!) 24.12.2024 Update: - Lots of new tiles, especially for the new map "Shortrest City" to work prop...
[B41/B42] Mini Health Panel
Dibuat oleh Speedy Von Gofast
A minimalistic wounds display without the need to open the health panel. Can be disappeared when no wound need to be treated. Updated for Build 42 The add-on has been updated for Build 42 while a separate version for Bu...
Moar Can Openers
Dibuat oleh NoctisFalco
Open any canned food with short and long-bladed weapon (even modded) or stone. No more need to carry a heavy can opener. Features Short blades (e.g. knives), long blades (e.g. machetes), stone can be used to open canned food in addition to a can opener. We...
Mod Manager
Dibuat oleh NoctisFalco
Improved mods selection screen. UPDATE 2022-02-05 - "Disable all" and "Disable all (except favorites)" options will not disable Mod Manager when editing the default mod list. - Fixed an error when changing the screen resolution. If you appreciate my work, ...
Mod Manager: Enhanced Load Order
Dibuat oleh Panopticon
This mod adds onto Mod Manager and Mod Manager: Server to make the mod load order window much more bearable to use. By adding the options to move mods at greater increments, it reduces the number of clicks you need to move through those big modlists you ha...
Mod Manager: Server
Dibuat oleh NoctisFalco
An extension for Mod Manager that makes the process of editing server mod lists much easier and faster. Now you will never forget to add required mods to your server's config! If you appreciate my work, please support me: ht...
Mod Options (Build 41)
Dibuat oleh star
ModOptions WIP (paused)! Allows other mods to be customized. Any mod author can add custom options to their mod. Requirements (!) THIS MOD IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH BUILD 41 (!) For Build 42 see here. Steam Workshop Issues 1. Quit the game. 2. Unsubscribe. W...
Monkey's Library
Dibuat oleh Monkey
Answers for FAQs This mod is REQUIRED by some of my other mods Mod is tested only in Singleplayer and Dedicated Server. COOP compatibility is not guaranteed. This mod works as intended as of 41.73. Mod is still in active development, so expect updates. Rec...
Monkey's Out Of Breath Moodle
Dibuat oleh Monkey
Adds an Out Of Breath moodle that is displayed a bit before the Moderate Exertion moodle kicks in. This moodle doesn't add any other effects and serves only as a warning that the player is approaching moderate exertion. Configurable through sandbox options...
Moodle Framework B41
Dibuat oleh Tchernobill
Makes it easy to add moodles for modders. Moodle Framework Configuration If you want colors to be easier to distinguish, you can set to white the reference color for moodles. This applies to both vanilla and modded moodles. You can also deactivate various ...
More Description for Traits [b42 & b41]
Dibuat oleh Champy
B42 Unstable Update (Former version is still there for b41 compatibility) - Added Mod options - Added Free Recipes What's new in b42 ? Some stuff. A lot of changes to the cost of traits. Like High Thirst now gives only one point Corpse Sickness : Weak Stom...
More Gloves
Dibuat oleh Simsimix
More Gloves!! Have you ever wanted more customization for your dream character? The apocalypse won't be easy if you don't have the right pair of gloves This mod adds up to 16 whole new options with different stats, designed for different roles and occupati...
More Paint and Plaster+
Dibuat oleh Kechna
More Paint and Plaster+ Changes the amount of uses for paint cans, plaster buckets and buckets of concrete until they are depleted from 10, 4 and 4 (respectively) to 20. Affected items: Bucket of Plaster 4 uses -> 20 uses Bucket of Concrete 4 uses -> 20 us...
More Traits
Dibuat oleh HypnoToadTrance
IMPORTANT: Build 41.68 and Higher Due to false-flags for anti-cheat, it is recommended to disable anti-cheat when hosting a server with this mod. You can try enabling some anti-cheats, but your mileage may vary. A Personal Appeal To Decency: Please do not ...
More Vanilla Alcohol
Dibuat oleh Blackbeard
Updated for Build 41.54! What does this mod do? Tired of not finding enough Alcohol? Bars not stocking enough Alcohol? This mod will fix that! This is a simple mod that Increases vanilla Alcohol Spawns. You can find more bee...
More Vehicle Options [41.78 and 42.0]
Dibuat oleh gzeta
More Vehicle Options This mod adds more options for vehicles in Sandbox Settings. Explanation of options: -Super Low Spawn Chance: Makes a very low amount of vehicles appear. Recommended to set "Car Spawn Rate" option to "Very Low". -Vehicle May Be Destroy...
More Zombie Death Sounds
Dibuat oleh Stomno
Smash! This mod adds a few variations of zombie death sounds. Different stab and smash effects for those tired of the same old ones when going on a killing spree or defending your base from hordes. Works in multiplayer (co-op ...
More zoom levels and 360vision
Dibuat oleh 喵了个球
The Mod Including 2 contents. 1.360vision : You can see all around. 2.More scales : Give you more zoom levels that you can set. (goto Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\108600\2895974075\mods\MoreScalesand360vision, then copy and replace same folder in ur ga...
Motorious Zone - RV Interior Addon
Dibuat oleh fhqwhgads
This addon for Motorious Zone will add support for the RV Interior mod to relevant vehicles in the pack, allowing you to enter and customize your vans or buses from MZ you may have collected. It uses interior maps included in the core RV Interiors mod, so ...
Muldraugh Checkpoint
Dibuat oleh CatRaven
This checkpoint station has everything you need for your starter base, located on the outskirts of Muldraugh. **Beginner-friendly Map especially for those who are still new to the game** There's still zombie spawns inside the checkpoint, but it can be easi...
[B42/B41] New Horizon Uniforms
Dibuat oleh User
Description This mod was initially created for a faction on one of the roleplay servers. New Horizon was inspired by Fedra from The Last of Us universe, and the original outfit design was based on Delta Force units from the '90s to stay consistent with the...
Night Vision API
Dibuat oleh ricochete
!!!! NOT BEING SUPPORTED !!!! I'm not sure about the state of this mod, but I'm no longer supporting it. Thank you for the interest Introduction NVAPI is a Night Vision API designed to help modders integrate night vision capability to their assets. Feature...
Night Vision Goggles
Dibuat oleh ricochete
!!!! NOT BEING SUPPORTED !!!! I'm not sure about the state of this mod, but I'm no longer supporting it. Thank you for the interest Dependency this mod now depends on NVAPI. Make sure to install it before Introduction This mod adds a new item called FMA_GP...
Noir Rifle Slings Tweak (Wear 4 slings)
Dibuat oleh space is cool
A little tweak of Noir's Rifle Slings Mod that makes it so that all positions of the slings are wearable. The slings do however take up the Middle Left and Right Fingers and the Ring Left and Right Fingers. So you won't be able to wear rings with them whic...
Noir's Rifle Slings
Dibuat oleh Noir
I asked Akyet if I can upload my own version of his Rifle Slings, he said yes so here's is Features Adds a Sling slot to equip 2h guns/melee weapons Sling can be wear in four positions Slings doesn't worn out Slings keeps position when wearing a backpack S...
Not Useless Things
The mod allows you to use cologne and perfume to disinfect bandages and rags, as well as play with toys that were previously useless, now they can be collected in a pile, as they became useful. Why didn't the developers add this earlier? Cologne and perfum...
Open Ammo Boxes While Walking
Dibuat oleh Zelen
This is a basic mod that edits the crafting recipes for opening ammo boxes to allow you to walk while opening ammo boxes. It also allows you to put ammo back into boxes while walking. Running and sprinting will still interrupt the action. Includes 7 versio...
Over the River
Dibuat oleh Woldren
Hi survivors! I am Woldren and this is my map: Over the River The bridge has a town above it, as in Fallout 3. Warning: place the generator on the roof, check the pictures above to see where it is. The bridge is a giant building, so if you place it on the ...
Over the River - Secondary Road
Dibuat oleh Woldren
Hi! As you've probably noticed, I've updated my map, "Over the River", changing the bridge and replacing the old ship with a new one, much more complete. Since the s...
Padded Armor
Dibuat oleh djvirus
Welcome This mod adds an Armor Padding for both arms to the game! This item act as a shield. Your character will try to block attacks while wearing this. (Does not protect head or legs) To craft this item you need: Half a roll of Ducttape 6 ripped sheets T...
Dibuat oleh Monkey
Disclaimer and FAQs Mod is still in active development, so expect updates. Mod is tested in Singleplayer, Coop and Dedicated Server environments with multiple people. It works. Updates will be deployed on Mondays so it won't ruin anyone's weekend. Please u...
Personalized Zombies
Dibuat oleh hectorzx
This mod allows you to create different types of zombies and modify their statistics, like: speed, hp, strength, etc.. -Custom stats for each zombie -10 different speeds (4 from vanilla + 6 extra) "Shamblers - Vanilla Shamblers" "Shamblers - Slightly Faste...
Dibuat oleh Pertominus
This tile pack has been made available for map makers to use. Some of the tile sheets are within the mod folder itself. The rest will be released when they are properly edited or if requested on the mapping discord. Several room definitions have been added...
Player Traps Mod
Dibuat oleh nolanritchie
This Mod adds a few traps that you can use against other players. These traps are not meant for zombies. Craft a spike trap out of planks and nails The spike trap will give injury to both feet of the one who steps on it, the trap will then have to have mor...
Pomp's Items - Just the Food
Dibuat oleh Pompadour Nautice We've got you covered down here, whether engaging with your sweet tooth or devouring dino nuggets. This addon is a relatively simple mod which adds in additional foods and beverages for your character to gorge themselves on ...
Dibuat oleh 千年纹
A pre-mod for a mod I made. Workshop ID: 2845810596 Mod ID: QNW_QNWLibrary...
Rabbit Hash, KY
Dibuat oleh Haragon
About the Map: A generally quiet river town, Rabbit Hash is known for its iconic General Store. Here, you will find all manner of goodies to help you out on your journey along the rural route to Louisville. Rabbit Hash is a real-world location in KY, altho...
[B41/B42] Rain Cleans Blood
Dibuat oleh Akamir
Tired of zombies splattering their brains all over your pretty lawn? Well no more! Just wait for some rain or snow and watch it all fade away. What does it do? This mod makes it so that when it's raining or snowing, blood will slowly fade away from floors ...
Rain Wash
Dibuat oleh NoctisFalco
Rain washes blood and dirt away. Including the character's body, clothing, equipped bags, equipped and attached weapons, the vehicle your character is in and vehicle attached to it or last used vehicle and vehicle attached to it. How it works Body, clothin...
RC Explosives
Dibuat oleh The Z
RC Explosives by The Z Credits of a dynamite model belongs to Dante271 - Thank You! Why? Because My Art - is an RC Explosion! Brings an insane impact explosions into Project Zomboid C4 explosive - is a tactical tool which could help you to break through po...
Real Ladder
Dibuat oleh 千年纹
1. Ladders on the map can now be climbed, and players can also build ladders. 2. Remember to turn off anti cheating when online 3. Press E up and down 4. The ladder can only be a floor 5.We can only sacrifice part of the animation effect so that the player...
Realistic Backpacks
Dibuat oleh MeFeDpOH
Adds four models of backpacks with different variations. Models by Redi4ka His ArtStation Available Russian translate Handmade sack WeightReduction = 60 Weight = 0.5 Capacity = 20 RunSpeedModifier = 0.98 Recipe: RippedSheets = 20 Twine = 2 Rope keep Kitche...
Rebalanced Prop Moving
Dibuat oleh Ludwig Van B.
Do I really need a hammer to move a couch? I wish I could move this desk, but I haven't taken any carpentry classes! This mod removes the nails holding your furniture and appliances to the floor! Details: - Furniture and appliances require no skill/tool to...
Remote Door Control System UI
Dibuat oleh The Z
Remote Door Control System UI Bored of none working remotes? One red button pressing to toggle all around? Beware! Here comes precise High Mobile Remote Door Control System. Requires a core mod: Z Remote Door Control Features User Interface similar to inve...
Remove Debris
Dibuat oleh Chadders
About: Remove that junk ruining the look of your distinguished base. A simple mod that adds the ability to remove stumps, stones and other junk from the world. Just grab a trowel and right click on the bit of debris you want to remove. Requires a working t...
Reorder Containers - Backpack Orders [B42/41]
Dibuat oleh Notloc
Reorder Containers is an inventory mod that allows you to customize the order in which containers and backpacks appear in the inventory. Simply drag and drop the container icons to rearrange them to your liking. They'll even remember their preferred order ...
Reorder The Hotbar [B42/41]
Dibuat oleh Notloc
Reorder The Hotbar is a mod that allows you to customize the order of the items in your hotbar. Simply drag and drop the hotbar slots to rearrange them to your liking. This mod also adds the ability to click on the hotbar slots as an alternative to pressin...
Replace Bandage [B41, B42]
Dibuat oleh Sioyth
Are you tired of the tedious process of removing old dirty bandages and then applying new ones in Project Zomboid? Do you wish there was an easier way to manage your injuries and stay healthy in the game? Look no further than the "Replace Bandage" mod! Wor...
Rideable Truckbed
Dibuat oleh Cooki ♥
Note : This mod uses a very outdated method of physically overriding vehicle files. When I come back to PZ in B42 I will be using a new method that relies more on scripts rather than file overriding. This may not be compatible with new updates of Filibuste...
Riverside Fire Department
Dibuat oleh Myloo
A well equipped fire department to assist with emergencies in Riverside and the surrounding area. It adds the following: Fire Department Camping/Weapons shop Garage storage Gas station Info: Cell 22:17 Game version 41.78 if you like the mod I'm happy about...
Rosewood Expansion
Dibuat oleh pinzdesign
UPDATED: - Minimap! It should be working now, fully regenerated and updated (need to start new game) - Updated core tileset - should resolve at least some of the red question marks issues - Significantly decreased weapon spawns by removing military lockers...
Rosewood VHS & Gun Stores
Dibuat oleh Champy
Since Rosewood is missing a VHS store and a guns store, this mod adds one of each, south of Rosewood. The VHS store is right next to the southern gas station, with an appartment on the second floor. The gun store is quite isolated in the woods, and to get ...
RV Interior
Dibuat oleh Maxwelt
READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE ENABLING THE MOD Simulate interiors of some vehicles. Support over a 100 vehicles. Each vehicle has 25 fully-customizable independent spaces. The power is tied to the car battery. Some trailers have no battery of their own, and...
RV interiors for Special Emergency Vehicles & FBI
Dibuat oleh Asierus24 DONT ASK FOR B42, IT WILL BE UPDATE WHEN ITS DONE, WE DONT EVEN HAVE THE B42 OFFICIAL MAPPING TOOLS TO WORK, PLEASE BE PATIENT This patch adds compatibility for RV interiors and Special Emergency Vehicles & FBI for Filibuste...
Scrap Armor!
Dibuat oleh djvirus
Welcome! This mod adds some new post apocalyptic / homemade Armor! These can be made with various recources and tools you find troughout the world. To craft Armor, check the "Armor" tab in your crafting menu! UPDATE: Added b...
Scrap Weapons!
Dibuat oleh djvirus
Welcome This mod adds a ton of new post apocalyptic / homemade melee weapons! These can be made with various recources and tools you find troughout the world. Most weapons are upgrades from vanilla weapons, so check the new "Weapons" tab in your crafting m...
Dibuat oleh spoon
Zombies both scream with real audio and with hidden attraction sound that can be "heard" by other zombies. FOR TESTING PURPOSES THE SCREAMERS CHANCES WERE RAISED TO 1:2 IN THE VIDEO! Details: Use NORMAL Zombie hearing settings. With every zombie you kill t...
All Shots Fired Increase Aiming XP [B41]
Dibuat oleh SportXAI
What does this mod do? This mod allows you to gain Aiming Skill without the need for each shot to actually hit a zombie. Workshop ID: 2987852081 Mod ID: Shot Add Aiming XP...
Show Exact Level Number
Dibuat oleh Mxswat
This mod shows precisely the level *number* of the skill you select. Works in Single and Multiplayer! Now compatible with "Fix XP View" - YOU MUST LOAD THIS MOD AFTER "Fix XP View" IN THE MOD LOAD ORDER Workshop ID: 2837506142 Mod ID: ShowExactLevelNumber...
Simon MDs Tiles
Some tiles I created initially for my Stalker Stores (only the ones with no loot right now). Tiles will also be used in other mods I am working on. Thanks @Miss Raptor ( for providing your beautiful art so I can integrate t...
Simple Convert Vanilla to Brita 41.78
In brief, this is a simple mod to fix an annoying problem. Occasionally, whether through mods, custom vehicles or some weird happenstance, vanilla firearms will occasionally spawn while using Brita's Weapon Pack. While normally not detrimental to gameplay,...
Sleep On It
Dibuat oleh ArpyClarkson
Life in the apocalypse got you down? Sleep On It! Most problems in life can be solved by sleeping them out- now you can sleep away those feelings of boredom and sadness just like you do in real life! Now when you sleep your boredom and sadness will slowly ...
Sleeping Bags! (B41)
Dibuat oleh PaperWyvern
This Mod Is No Longer Necessary in Build 42 as sleeping bags have been added to the vanilla game. Thanks for all your Support! Adds working sleeping bags to Project Zomboid! Search places you might find a tent for them. Like Self storage and hunting stores...
Small Town First Responders - LEGACY2 - REWRITE OUT NOW!!!
Dibuat oleh Jack Rossman
- COMPLETE REWRITE! - - REWRITE WILL BREAK SAVES! - - A LEGACY VERSION WILL BE AVAILABLE ON THIS MOD PAGE UPON RELEASE! - CLICK HERE! What does this do? This mods adds 29 new, realistic and lore-friendly Federal, State, County, Town and private agency unif...
Smokin' Joe's Coolers
Dibuat oleh Smokin' Joe
Main Features The primary function of this mod is to add working coolers. I recognize there are some solutions for this on the workshop, but none that worked quite the way I wanted. With this mod, adding items to the cooler will change its overall temperat...
[B41/B42]Smoking Sounds Overhaul
Dibuat oleh Frits191
Now updated for B42! Let me know if you run into any problems. The normal smoking sound effect for cigarettes and cigars is kinda underwhelming. This mod adds 6 new smoking sound effects for both genders which includes: a zippo lighter opening/closing, mat...
Soul Filcher's Beautifying Time
Dibuat oleh soulfilcher
Compatible with B41 and B42 New beard options: chin long, chin square, chin square long, chinstrap thin, hollywoodian, horseshoe, lemmy, soul patch. New hair options: chloe, guile, mohawk wide, left parting tall, mohawk wide spiked, power, power big, power...
Soul Filcher's Building Time
Dibuat oleh soulfilcher
Compatible with 41.78 This is my mod for extra options to build your base. I have more things planned for future updates. UPDATE 10/21/2023: -Converted Russian translation files to ANSI encoding. -Disabled the option to build a kiln. MASONRY -Added Mansonr...
Soul Filcher's Cooking Time
Dibuat oleh soulfilcher
Compatible with 41.78 This mod adds more food items and recipes. UPDATE 12/07/2022: -A lot more items can be used in the mod's evolved recipes (Bowl of Icecream, Chili, Hotdog, Juice, Pickles and so on). -Fixed errors with Beans and Pasta recipes (for real...
Soul Filcher's Drinking Time
Dibuat oleh soulfilcher
Compatible with 41.78 UPDATE 11/20/2022 -Empty Beer Can now holds water. -Updated Fountain Cup with the new model. -Updated Tin Can with Water so it isn't safe to go in microwave ovens. -Updated display category for all items. This is a simple mod so that ...
Soul Filcher's Exploring Time
Dibuat oleh soulfilcher
Compatible with B41 and B42 B42 version does not include the lantern, and the recipe to craft torches can use branches or long sticks. This mod adds Flares, Gas Lanterns and Torches. It also changes Candles so they are visible when holding them. You can fi...
Soul Filcher's Freezing Time
Dibuat oleh soulfilcher
Compatible with 41.78 UPDATE 03/10/2023: -Kettle can now be used to take and melt snow. -Removed test changes that were the source of an error. -Updated Russian translation. -Item currently holding snow in a save may be deleted with this update, it was the...
[B41/B42]Special Emergency Vehicles & FBI for Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars!
Dibuat oleh Asierus24 NO LONGER REQUIRES Requires Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars, CAN BE USED ALONE,AND WITH BOTH Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars VERSIONS, ANIMATED OR NONANIMATED (activate only 1 of them ) Update for B42 is released (unstable), pleas...
Spongie's Clothing
Dibuat oleh spongie
Supports B41 and B42. Works in multiplayer Adds 28 new clothing items Most jackets added can be opened or rolled which will lower their insulation and weather protection. Also unhides sweaters under jackets. The full item list can be found pinned in the di...
Spongie's Hair
Dibuat oleh spongie
Supports B41 and B42. Works in multiplayer Adds 78 new hairstyles for both body types Immersion breaking hairstyles don't spawn on zombies. Full hairstyle list is in the preview images above and the pinned discussion below Recommended Mods: Fluffy Hair - R...
Spongie's Open Jackets
Dibuat oleh spongie
Supports B41 and B42. Should work in multiplayer Open jackets, roll shirts, tie sweaters, tuck pants Adds new ways that clothing items can be worn such as: opening and rolling jackets/shirts, tying sweaters & hoodies, and tucking in pants. Supports almost ...
Stop, Drop 'n Roll (the "Fire Self-Extinguish" Mod)!
Dibuat oleh Jaql
Stop, Drop, and Roll! "Stop, drop, and roll" is a fire-safety technique for when your clothes catch fire. If your clothes catch fire: STOP where are you are! DROP to the ground and cother your nose and mouth! ROLL over back and forth until the flames are o...
Syncing vehicle animations
Dibuat oleh DaNiG
I love animated cars! This is a new level of mods. But there is a problem... Animations are not synchronized with others players on the server, so they don't see, that i opened door or trunk. This mod solves that problem! Now the opened doors/trunk/hood wi...
Tactical Organization Solutions [Commission]
Dibuat oleh FOOL
A collection of Pelican style tactical cases. Includes 3 sizes (small, medium, large) and an admin version, all with 7 colors. They increase in size from 15 to 25 to 50. The "admin" version goes to 100, and is extremely rare. You can find them in most mili...
Take A Bath
Dibuat oleh t10310
內容: 點擊浴缸後可以洗澡並起洗掉身上的污漬及血跡 , 在洗澡過後人物可以稍微降低不快樂以及無聊指數和感冒狀態 在 MOD Options 調整頁面中可以設定要脫下的裝備類型 目前模組只能在單人遊戲中執行 Make the bathtub able to take a bath and clean up the blood and dirt on the body After taking a bath, the character can slightly reduce the unhappiness a...
Tariqs Beards
Dibuat oleh tariqvehab
Adds around 45+ beards and mustaches to the game . Some are references to movie characters . Most are just me messing around . Im fairly new to modeling and modding so if you notice any bugs or anything weird just let me know and I will try and fix the pro...
The Frigate (b41)
Dibuat oleh Gabester
Under the cover of night, the USS Volfram Amorosa docked along the Ohio River. It's mission: infiltrate, investigate, and unravel the chaos that besieges the land. Please Read- Cell 41,21. No known conflicts. But I will add any to the description if they a...
The Workshop
Dibuat oleh djvirus
Welcome! This mod adds more crafting features to the game! With this mod you no longer have to drop your broken tools on the ground. Now you can disassemble them for scrap (screws, metal parts, wood) You can also disassemble any metallic vanilla item in th...
throttlekitty's tiles
Dibuat oleh throttlekitty
This is a collection of world tile sprites I've made to be used as a resource in creating custom maps. Some sprites may have additional functionality, I'll be including lua for those in this mod as needed. I don't plan on making anything here craftable, ho...
Tidy Up Meister
Dibuat oleh PePePePePeil
Overview : Automatically returns to the original equipment when the operation is completed. Confirmed to work with Build 41/42 and also work on MP. Features : When an action that switches equipment when performed, such as dismantle, is completed, the equip...
Trees Have Loot
Dibuat oleh PepperCat
This is a simple mod that will allow the player to interact with the trees to obtain certain items such as branches, bugs, and some other things. Features: Search in tree: This will make the player walk to the tree and start searching in it for items. When...
Tripping Zombies
Dibuat oleh Monkey
Answers for FAQs READ THE DESCRIPTION (CONTENT SECTION IS ENOUGH) BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS. Mod is tested only in Singleplayer. It probably also works in Multiplayer. This mod works as intended as of 41.73. Mod is still in active development, so expect upda...
True Actions. Act 1 & 2 - Sitting & Lying [for MP disable anti-cheat type 12]
Dibuat oleh iBrRus WARNING #To make the mod work in multiplayer in the server config disable anti-cheat protection for type 12. AntiCheatProtectionType12=false Act 2 - Ly...
True Actions. Act 3 - Dancing
Dibuat oleh iBrRus Almost all important events in the life of a primitive man were marked by dancing: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, the healing of the ...
True Actions. Act 3+. Dancing on VHS
Dibuat oleh iBrRus Since the release of our Dance magazine, we have received many letters of appreciation from people in our state. But one day we found a videotape in ou...
True Alert Sounds (no replace)
Dibuat oleh AuD True Alert Sounds Add more surprise sounds (30 sounds + 5 vanilla) similar to the origin Zombie-Alert-Player Violin sounds. Work in: MP/SP/OldSave/SafeToRemove This added jump scare sounds is old school horror...
True Crouching
Dibuat oleh BOBcat
I'll update when B42 stable version is released. While sneaking, crouching animations will be played instead of sneaking animations. In other words, replaces sneaking animations with crouching animations. Includes crouched idle, walking, running, turning a...
True Crouching Addon : Gunfighter
Dibuat oleh lisola
Thanks to B O B c a t for allowing me to uploads the mod. Require True Crouching by B O B c a t Fix compatibility issue with Arsenal Gunfighter. Workshop ID: 3004680063 Mod ID: TrueCrouchingArsenalGFAddon...
True Music
Dibuat oleh iBrRus It's time for true music in Project Zomboid again. The mod allows all users to add their music to the game. In addition, you can add your own vinyl cov...
TryHonesty's Tiles
Dibuat oleh Try Honesty If you're unsure about the terms of use, you can find everything detailed HERE If you'd like to support my work, you can buy me a coffee. Workshop ID: 2844685624 ...
Tsar's Common Library 2.0
Dibuat oleh iBrRus Description Common library for Tsar's Companies. Additional equipment for vehicles: refrigerator, stove, microwave oven, fuel tank, etc (Code modified ...
Turn off the TV/Radio from the context menu. (for Build 41)
Dibuat oleh RH4DB4
ただ電源を切るだけのためにあの操作パネルが必要だと私は思わない。 おまけ:電源を入れることもできます。 Build 41.73で動作確認しました。 他のバージョンで動くかは分かりません。 このModはシングルプレイヤーモード用に作成しました。 マルチプレイヤーモードで動く保証はありません。 I don't think I need that control panel just to turn off the power. Extra: You can also turn on the power. I c...
Vanilla 3D Shoes
Dibuat oleh Mark IV
Makes all Vanilla shoes and boots have 3D models and dozens of variations using the discarded 7.x version of Boots Expanded which looks a bit oversized, but works with custom clothing mods without leaving holes in them. Workshop ID: 2941001102 Mod ID: SM4V...
Vanilla DuffelBag Tweak
Dibuat oleh alice
This mod lets you equip the vanilla Duffel Bag on your back or lower back, can be used with any backpacks (modded or not) as this mod only adds an extra option to the vanilla Duffel Bag. You don't need to craft or learn/read anything, just right click your...
Vanilla Vehicle Enhancer
Dibuat oleh Mighty Imp
Vault Over Counters - Re-upload
Dibuat oleh MobileSuitCleb
I AM NOT THE ORIGINAL MOD AUTHOR "it was taken down due to the implementation of allowing you to just teleport through walls as there was no pre-existing check for obstruction between you and counters, so MP became a nightmare. but if you're using it for S...
Vehicle Light Chime
Dibuat oleh Daszh
Lets you know you have your lights on and the engine off by playing a sound Chime does not play if the battery is dead or the engine is fully broken. A current limitation is that it is played as a world sound which is also audible outside the vehicle to ot...
Vehicle Spawn Zones Expanded
Dibuat oleh fhqwhgads
This mod adds new vehicle spawn zones and spawn lists around KY. These new spawn zones range from adding some vehicle spawns to areas that did not have any, to adding new themed spawn areas that provide a more specific set of vehicles. In total, there are ...
Visible Generator Range
Dibuat oleh pwrcosmic
Visible Generator Range aims to get rid of a bit of headache in your day-to-day power needs. Features: Ability to view the effective range of a generator simply by viewing it's corresponding Info menu. Also indicates current power status with color of the ...
Volkswagen Passat B3 '92
Dibuat oleh Nick(Noob)
The mod adds Volkswagen Passat B3 to the game. Volkswagen Passat B3 is a third generation of the Passat line of cars, introduced to the European market in 1988 and was produced until 1993. In hindsight, it is a practical 4 door car, that will get the job d...
Walkie Talkie Models
Dibuat oleh veightyfive
This mod gives the walkie talkies world models instead of just sprites. Also makes them all be the same weight. Workshop ID: 2981314221 Mod ID: WalkieTalkieModelsB41...
Wallpapers and More Paint Options
Dibuat oleh Birget
B42 changes: plastering requires new item called plaster trowel applying wallpapers now uses wallpaper paste instead of glue. Have you ever thought why you can't make your walls look like walls of vanilla houses? With this mod you will have a wide variety ...
Wasteland Canid's Drug Mod [Commission]
Dibuat oleh FOOL
Adds a series of experimental drugs to various medical containers found around Knox County. Collect 'em all! Includes sandbox options. Thanks to Glytch3r for the fantastic injector animations, and help with scripting. Workshop ID: 2993158893 Mod ID: wcdm...
Water Dispenser
Dibuat oleh KONIJIMA
Features In this mod I try to make everything as Vanilla as possible. - Dispenser have 250 unit of water like the vanilla dispenser. - Water Jug can be filled with gasoline for a total of 250 units. - Vanilla Dispenser automatically converted to custom whe...
Weapon Condition Indicator [41.60+]
Dibuat oleh NoctisFalco
The mod shows condition (durability) of a weapon attached to the hotbar (back, belt, holster, etc.) or equipped in the primary hand. And many other useful features. Features - Two types of weapon condition indicators: icon (star or bubble) and progress bar...
WeBuildZ: Barricade
Dibuat oleh Mihail
The ability to build some barricades from the Dylan's Tile Pack textures has been added to construction. At the moment, there are 8 positions of low barricades and 4 high ones in the mod. Each position has 4 textures, on the cardinal points. The low ones h...
Welding Goggles
Dibuat oleh gilbz
What does this mod do? Adds Welding Goggles to Project Zomboid! Features A new item that can be used for Metalworking! Convenient to carry around and fashionable at the same time! Can be found in the same locations as the Welding mask and are slightly more...
West Point Expansion
Dibuat oleh ww2commander
NOTE: West Point Expansion is now included as a community map online at the PZ Map Project. You can explore the map in greater detail here: Tired of vanilla West Point, want more to scaveng...
Working Masks
Dibuat oleh evoc
This Mod attempts to make masks (such as gas masks) affect the sickness gain from corpses. It does not protect against engine fumes inside buildings. Condition of the mask is considered. Gas Masks offer full protection at 100% condition. Other specific mas...
Wring Out Clothing
Dibuat oleh Kelbs
Closed laundromats got you down? Tired of living in pools of sweat? Use that arm-power to twist and squeeze that wetness away! The amount of water than can be removed from clothing and towels is dependent on a character's strength. Strength 10: Wring to 10...
Z Remote Door Control
Dibuat oleh The Z
Remote Door Control Credits to original version of Stig's Remote Door Control Z Remote Door Control mod is an optimized version of Stig's Remote Door Control mod. The idea behind this optimization is not to check all containers in your remote control range...
zRe Better Lockpicking
Dibuat oleh kERHUS
Original mod: Better lockpicking by Aiteron and YingSuHuaKai. All honors and applause to them! TIP: Recomend turn OFF "UI Offscreen Rendering" for better minigame-UI smooth! zReMod: Standalone version ('Profession framework' or original mod not required)! ...
ZuperCart - Carts & Trolleys
Dibuat oleh iBrRus Realistic Carts & Trolleys for best life. Mod adds trolley and shopping cart. Shopping cart capacity - 49. Trolley capacity - 49. There can be only one...
[41] [Unsupported] AnaLGiN's Renewable Food Resources
Dibuat oleh AnaLGiN
Works on 41, Multiplayer Support and development currently discontinued. If you are a mod creator, feel free to fork and publish our mod Github Adds Renewable Condiments, producing by farming, foraging and refine. Currently ready: Yeast, Sugar, Vinegar, Sa...
Dibuat oleh DevoTan
This mod functions as a collection of Shark's (and Peach's) Military and Law Enforcement clothing mods. This mod will be deleted upon the request of Shark. This mod still works on multiplayer and singleplayer as of 41.73.16. Problems with the mod, are most...
Fracture Fraction
Dibuat oleh theworstplayeronearth
Adds a trait that starts off with every single bone in your body completely fractured because why not. Mod Inspired by this video. Trait Points Description Fracture Fraction +20 You survived either a severe car accident, 3 story fall, or fell off multiple ...
March Ridge Spawnpoints
Dibuat oleh Zodiac
March Ridge Nestled in Knox County, Kentucky, is a secure military community within Fort Knox. It offers diverse housing options, from houses to apartments, for dedicated service members and families. Alongside its safety, March Ridge provides entertainmen...
'63 Volkswagen Type 2 Van
Dibuat oleh KI5
It's The Van! No need to introduce it! It has similar stats to the beetle and they share some parts like seats and base tires. This one will give you more storage options and 3 chassis variants, regular van, military flatbed/pickup and an apocalypse beast ...
[OUTDATED] DIY Vehicle Parts for KI5 Vehicles
Dibuat oleh El1oN
WITH THE RELEASE OF KI5'S CRAFTING OVERHAUL, THIS MOD IS NOW REDUNDANT. DIY Vehicle Parts for KI5's vehicles Say goodbye to the frustration of constantly breaking car parts and struggling to find replacements. This mod introduces realistic crafting recipes...
Invisible Clothing Patches
Dibuat oleh Davi
This mod should work with future updates. It's only a minor texture. Just a small mod that hides the clothing patches. Will also hide holes in clothes if they are patched. Works with other clothing mods unless they edit the same textures. Workshop ID: 2464...
Item Stories [beta]
Dibuat oleh Champy
This mod makes buildings more "lived in" by spawning items inside them. It is picking what to spawn randomly from a 'story' system. If you've tried my "'immersive barricaded start" mod , this will spawn items in a similar way, but for every building, and a...
(Reduce Lag)RenderLessZombie
This mod can optimize game lag When there are too many zombies, they will be rendered as texture animations The original version only works with a maximum limit of 510 zombies This mod provides different levels of options (1,25,50,75100150) Players who don...
Craft Menu Lag Reduce
Dibuat oleh MyName
Reduce delay without compromising the basic functionality of the crafting menu. Test version : A mode to fix an invisible problem with a cooking recipe using a dishware. There may be a bug or a lag. 제작 메뉴의 기본 기능을 손상시키지 않고 지연을 줄입니다. 테스트 버전 : 식기를 사용하는 요리 레시피...
Fix Inventory Tooltip lag
Fix Inventory Tooltip lag This mod fixes a performance issue in the game that causes it to freeze up for a period of time, most commonly whenever you rip up clothing. The problem becomes exponentially worse with the more clothing item mods you have, hence ...