Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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GOND_CITY_2023,05.19 One click
Elemek (357)
Készítette: 听风说雨
桑園自動車学校(SOEN DRIVING SCHOOL) by 听风说雨 这次制作的是位于日本札幌桑園駅旁边的一座带有楼顶驾校的大型超商,同样的,为了让它更适合于天际线,我对原建筑进行了一定的简化修改,本次建筑的主体部分并没有用到submesh或者sub building,所以你可以对他进行PO修改等操作,当然,透明玻璃部分依旧只能使用sub来实现,建筑总面数约为30000面,贴图大小约为2K多一点,我之后估计也会发布一个低分辨率的版本,若您需要的话请关注我,能实时获取相关动态,如果您有任何关于日本建筑的有...
대한민국 우체국 Korea Post for CitiesOn
Készítette: TAEMIN B
대한민국 우체국 Korea Post for CitiesOn 대한민국 우체국 Korea Post for CitiesOn 이 애셋은 실제 대한민국의 우정사업본부, 지방우정청 산하의 우편취급국, 우체국을 모방하여 만들어 졌습니다. 공원 탭에 있으며, 한국 최고의 시티즈: 스카이라인 카페인 시티즈온에서 공식적인 BI 라이선스를 인정받아 차용한 애셋입니다. 자세한 정보는 시티즈온 카페에서 확인하세요! This...
대한민국 지방우정청 Korea Post regionalHQ
Készítette: TAEMIN B
대한민국 지방우정청 Korea Post regionalHQ 대한민국 지방우정청 Korea Post regional Headquarter 이 애셋은 실제 대한민국의 우정사업본부 산하에 관할 우편취급국, 우체국을 관리하는 지방 우정청을 모방하여 만들어 졌습니다. 1단계 유니크빌딩 탭에 있으며, 한국 최고의 시티즈: 스카이라인 카페인 시티즈온에서 공식적인 BI 라이선스를 인정받아 차용한 애셋입니다. 자세한 정보는 시티즈온 카페에서 확인하세요! http://ca...
주공 LH B
Készítette: Shindosi
LH도색 주공아파트입니다 RICO enabled Housing Project in Korea...
주공 LH
Készítette: Shindosi
LH도색 주공아파트입니다 RICO enabled Housing Project in Korea...
주공 LH C
Készítette: Shindosi
LH도색 주공아파트입니다 RICO enabled Housing Project in Korea...
지하철 광고 세트(KR subway billboard set)
Készítette: SCAR
한국 지하철역에 있는 와이드칼라 광고들입니다. 목록 대한항공 국립현대미술관 블루 아카이브 우마무스메 병원 These are the wide-collar advertisements at the Korean subway station. list korean air MMCA blue archive umamusume hospital subwaybil...
커버 로고(COVERlogo)
Készítette: SCAR
버츄얼 유튜버 그룹 hololive 프로덕션 및 관련 프로젝트를 총괄하는 VR 회사인 커버의 로고입니다. It is the logo of Cover, a VR company that oversees virtual YouTuber group hololive production and related projects. tag: hololive, v...
한국전력 사옥(KEPCO)
Készítette: sebong
한국전력 사옥(KEPCO) no sign version by sebong 한국전력 삼성동 사옥 입니다. 현재는 철거되어 존재 하지않습니다. 이 버전은 간판이 설치되지 않은 버전입니다. 필요에 따라, 간판은 추가로 prop을 구독 및 move it을 이용하여 직접 달아주셔야 합니다. * 본 에셋은 간판이 설치되지 않은 버전으로서, 링크되어 있는 간판prop은 필수가 아닌 선택사항 입니다. This is KEPCO's Samseong-dong office b...
홀로라이브 로고(hololivelogo)
Készítette: SCAR
This is the logo of HoloLive, a famous Japanese virtual YouTuber group. 일본의 유명 버추얼 유튜버 그룹인 홀로라이브의 로고입니다. hololivelogo by SCAR tag: hololive, vtuber, 버튜버,...
1-Lane One-Way Bus-Only Road
Készítette: Delta 5-1
You need a mod for the road to be fully functional To make the road behave as a bus-only road, you need to be using either: Bus-Only Road Enabler or TM:PE (road restrictions need to be set manually) Please note that the two mods are mutually incompatible. ...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with bike lanes in both directions. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ c...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Grass
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanil...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (Both Sides)
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on both sides. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (One Side)
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on one side. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lane Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Trees
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads i...
1-Lane One-Way Road without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collecti...
112 Police Substation
Készítette: Uniform006
112 Police Substation. It's a Korean police Substation. 4x4 If you like an asset, you can donate it through PayPal. kakaobank 3333-13-2041673 후원 감사합니다...
119안전센터 (2)
Készítette: 붉은토마토
119안전센터 by 붉은토마토 면적 3×2 한국의 119안전센터 입니다. 소방차 : 3대 Fire House in Korea Fire Trucks : 3...
119안전센터 (1)
Készítette: 붉은토마토
119안전센터 by 붉은토마토 면적 5×4 한국의 119안전센터 입니다. 소방차 : 4대 Fire House in Korea Fire Trucks : 4...
119안전센터 (3)
Készítette: 붉은토마토
119안전센터by 붉은토마토 면적 2×2 한국의 119안전센터 입니다. 소방차 : 2대 Fire House in Korea Fire Trucks : 2...
119안전센터 (4)
Készítette: 붉은토마토
119안전센터 by 붉은토마토 면적 4×2 한국의 119안전센터 입니다. 소방차 : 3대 Fire House in Korea Fire Trucks : 3...
119 Fire Station
Készítette: Uniform006
119 Fire Station. It's a Korean fire station. 8x10 If you like an asset, you can donate it through PayPal. kakaobank 3333-13-2041673 후원 감사합니다...
19 Hyundai New Premium Universe Space Elegance CNG GBUS
Készítette: K_Green
현대 뉴 프리미엄 유니버스 엘레강스 2019년식 경기도버스 Hyundai New Premium Universe Elegance 2019 Gyeonggi-do bus 에셋 제원 Asset Specification 승객정원 Passenger capacity : 45 최고속도 Max speed : 120km/h 색상변경 Color variation : 가능 AVAILABLE 모델 제원 Model Specification - Main modeling : 5682...
1x4 Parking Lot Left
Készítette: JCity
A smaller piece of my 2x4 parkinglot. It has half of the stats as the 2x4 one. This is the left side version. A part of my modular parking set:
1x4 Parking Lot Right
Készítette: JCity
A smaller piece of my 2x4 parkinglot. It has half of the stats as the 2x4 one. This is the right side version. A part of my modular parking set:
2-Lane Avenue with Grass and Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way avenue with decorative grass and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass Parking lanes 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check ...
2-Lane Avenue with Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way avenue with parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collect...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Bus Lane
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with a bus lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lane & bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collectio...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Offside Tram Lane without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with an offside tram lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Dedicated tram lane Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other ro...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Tram Lane without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with a dedicated tram lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Dedicated tram lane Bus stop road markings All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, che...
2-Lane One-Way Bus-Only Road
Készítette: Delta 5-1
You need a mod for the road to be fully functional To make the road behave as a bus-only road, you need to be using either: Bus-Only Road Enabler or TM:PE (road restrictions need to be set manually) Please note that the two mods are mutually incompatible. ...
2-Lane Avenue with Trees and Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass and trees Parking lanes 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this ro...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with bike lanes in both directions. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ coll...
2-Lane Two-Way Bus-Only Road
Készítette: Delta 5-1
You need a mod for the road to be fully functional To make the road behave as a bus-only road, you need to be using either: Bus-Only Road Enabler or TM:PE (road restrictions need to be set manually) Please note that the two mods are mutually incompatible. ...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Bike Lanes
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with painted median and bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Bike lanes 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out other road...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with painted median and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Trees
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with painted median and decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check o...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Median without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with painted median, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the...
2023 Hyundai UNIVERSE FCEV Police Bus.
Készítette: Uniform006
2023 Hyundai UNIVERSE FCEV Police Bus. It is a transport bus of the Korean police. It consists of 3 assets. Bus Prisoner Transport Bus (After Dark DLC) Prop If you like an asset, you can donate it through PayPal. kakaobank 3333-13-2041673
2x4 Parking Lot - Lights Version
Készítette: JCity
Almost the same version as my 2x4 Parking Lot but with lights. The stats are also different removing the entertainment value. Takes up 2x4 squares. A part of my modular parking set: I will pro...
2x4 Parking Lot v2.0
Készítette: JCity
A simple parkinglot for your city! Takes up 2x4 squares. Updated values so tourists do not visit it. This version will overwrite the old one since they have the same name! A part of my modular parking set:
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way road with bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection. https://...
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Road with Bus Lane
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way road with bus lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lane and bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Tram Lane without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with a dedicated tram lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Dedicated tram lane Bus stop markings All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check ...
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Road with Grass
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in my col...
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Road with Trees
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other road...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Grass
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verge Bus bays Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you like this roa...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with bike lanes in both directions. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection....
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Grass
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with painted median and decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out other ro...
4-Lane (1+3) Two-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, asymmetrical (1+3), two-way road with bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ co...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Trees
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verge with trees Bus bays Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you li...
4-Lane (1+3) Two-Way Road with Grass
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, asymmetrical (1+3), two-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. ...
4-Lane Avenue with Grass (without Parking)
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way avenue with decorative grass (without parking spaces). Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other road...
4-Lane Avenue without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way avenue without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection.
4-Lane Avenue with Trees (without Parking)
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees (without parking spaces). Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass and trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out ...
4-Lane One-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with bike lanes in both directions. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ col...
4-Lane Avenue with Bus Lanes (without Parking)
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way avenue with bus lanes, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lanes and bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in my coll...
4-Lane (1+3) Two-Way Road without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, asymmetrical (1+3), two-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you like this road...
4-Lane (1+3) Two-Way Road with Trees
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, asymmetrical (1+3), two-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vani...
4-Lane One-Way Road with Bus Lane
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with a bus lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lane All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection. https://...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Bike Lanes
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median and bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in t...
4-Lane One-Way Road with Grass
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you like this roa...
4-Lane One-Way Road with Trees
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you li...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection. https://i....
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Bus Lanes
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median and bus lanes, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Bus lanes & bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, ch...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Trees
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median and decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Grass verges with trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check o...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Grass
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median and decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Grass verges Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other ro...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Parking lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roa...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my ...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you like this road...
5-Lane (2+3) Two-Way Road with Grass
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A five-lane, asymmetrical (2+3), two-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my coll...
5-Lane (2+3) Two-Way Road with Bus Lanes
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A five-lane, asymmetrical (2+3), two-way road with bus lanes, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lanes & bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other ...
5-Lane (2+3) Two-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A five-lane, asymmetrical (2+3), two-way road with bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection. ...
5-Lane (2+3) Two-Way Road with Trees
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A five-lane, asymmetrical (2+3), two-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads...
5-Lane (2+3) Two-Way Road without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A five-lane, asymmetrical (2+3), two-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection. http...
5-Lane One-Way Road with Grass
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A five-lane, one-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection....
5-Lane One-Way Road with Trees
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A five-lane, one-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ col...
5-Lane One-Way Road without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A five-lane, one-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection....
6-Lane (2+4) Two-Way Road with Grass
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, asymmetrical (2+4), two-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my colle...
6-Lane (2+4) Two-Way Road with Trees
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, asymmetrical (2+4), two-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads ...
6-Lane (2+4) Two-Way Road without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, asymmetrical (2+4), two-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection. https...
6-Lane Avenue with Grass and Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, two-way avenue with decorative grass and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Median with grass Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out oth...
6-Lane Avenue with Trees and Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Median with grass and trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, che...
6-Lane One-Way Road without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, one-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection.
6-Lane Two-Way Road with Bus Lanes (without Parking)
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, two-way road with bus lanes, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lanes and bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collect...
8-Lane Avenue with Grass without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
An eight-lane, two-way avenue with decorative grass, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass 100% vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 km/h (~37 mph) If you like this road, check out ot...
6-Lane Avenue with Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, two-way avenue with parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection....
6-Lane Two-Way Road without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, two-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection.
8-Lane Avenue with Trees without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
An eight-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass and trees 100% vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 km/h (~37 mph) If you like this road, ch...
8-Lane Avenue without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
An eight-lane, two-way avenue without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants 100% vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 km/h (~37 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection....
ACME 0.6.5
Készítette: algernon A camera mod, with new features being added. New in 0.6 Customizable shadow calculation parameters - distance and sharpness. Stepped rotation hotkeys at 15-degree increments: Control-X and Control-Y (Shift to reverse directi...
Advanced Building Level Control 1.3.2
Készítette: algernon Enables fine-grained control of growable building levels New in 1.3: Support "true random" selection of building appearance when changing building levels (by default, the game will always use the same model for each level of...
Adaptive Networks (AN) V3.18 (STABLE)
Készítette: Chamëleon TBN Adaptive Networks STABLE formerly known as Adaptive Roads (AR). As a lot of new functions will be released in future that also include other networks we decided to rename Adaptive Roads (AR) to Adaptive Networks (AN) and als...
Adidas Shibuya (Tokyo)
Készítette: Stringer Bell
This is a 3x3 straight (non-corner) L1 high density commercial building based on the Adidas Brand Core store in Shibuya, Tokyo. I really like the facade of the store but in real life it does not occupy the whole building so I took a bit of artistic license...
Ability to Read
Készítette: REV0
Only modders will understand. Feel free to use in your mods as a required item. Provides 10K entertainment bonus. Only visible in Asset Editor....
AD Cloud Replacer
Készítette: neinnew/네인
AD Cloud Replacer This mod has been upgraded from enabler to replacer! Now you can replace the clouds Available clouds pack in Workshop What is the AD cloud? It is old cloud that came with After Dark DLC, but disappeared due to Snowfall DLC and weather upd...
Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.1
Készítette: macsergey Overview This mod allow to select certain platform for public transport with pressing Shift it is revisited version of BloodyPenguin's mod Main changes Plazas & Promenades DLC support. Support If you have any problems with m...
Air ducts 1
Készítette: Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Air ducts 2
Készítette: Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Advanced Vehicle Options
Készítette: Tim
Advanced Vehicle Options 1.9.12 Hubs & Transports DLC Mod Compatibility and Loading Issues If you have any issues with the new Treasure Hunt DLC, please be sure to read Avanya's support discussi...
Air duct 4
Készítette: Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings A straight piece of air duct to match my others and Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop - and this time I was awake enough to not spell "duck" :P Model Tris: 84 Texture: 5...
Air ducts 3
Készítette: Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Anime Female Citizens Pack 1
Készítette: stockjr97
Remodeled (and new) anime-styled female citizens. Males here: Details: 1400~1700 tris each (LOD: 900~700 tris) 1024x1024 textures (LOD: 128x128) Color maps applies to clothes for young adult...
Aircraft Warning Lights / 航空障害灯
Készítette: Ryuichi Kaminogi
Aircraft warning lights to be installed on the roof or in the middle of a high-rise building. I used Custom Effect Loader to get brighter and more realistic than traditional lights. Custom Effect Loader has good performance, it does not slow down your game...
Készítette: Ronyx69
Includes 4 antennas. Found in industrial props. Originally made for the japanese fire department, but usable for anything. Main: 59 - 150 tris 64x256 LOD: 8 - 12 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Ass...
[RICO] Residences at RCMI_V2_100_Medium
Készítette: Reaper
Residences at RCMI_V2_100M_from Toronto by Reaper Category : Residential lvl 5 Do not forget to visit my site every month with exclusive content. Thank you all for your support.
[RICO] Residences at RCMI_V1_145_Medium
Készítette: Reaper
Residences at RCMI_V1_145_from Toronto by Reaper Category : Residential lvl 5 Do not forget to visit my site every month with exclusive content. Thank you all for your support.
[RICO] 엘지2차 / LG APT Phase II (25)
Készítette: Shindosi
LG APT II 25 by Shindosi RICO 모드 적용 레벨 2 Residential 50 세대 RICO enabled Level 2 residential 50 Homes Tris - 4127 1024x1024 Custom LOD Tris - 145 256x256 90년대 복도식 아파트입니다 좋아요와 뎃글 부탁합니다 저와 같은 어셋 제작자들을 응원해주세요! 90s style Korea Residential block by LG Constructi...
[KOREA] Korea New town Elementary School
Készítette: Snowsign
Korea style New City Elementary School Since the elementary school office on the 5th floor of the building at night and only let a certain area lighting did. 한국 신도시 스타일 초등학교입니다. 5층 건물에 초등학교이므로 야간에는 교무실과 특정구역만 조명이 들어오게 했습니다. SIZE 6 X 6 Education Accumulatio...
[Korea] 서울시 버스정류장 Seoul Bus stop prop
Készítette: 시린시
서울에 위치한 버스정류장 프롭입니다. 단일 구성으로 버스정류장 제거모드와 함께 사용하시면 됩니다....
Készítette: Snowsign
Korea brand apartment SK VIEW 4*4 size Level5. SK E & C Korea Apartments brands. 29 floor tower apartment building It can make production more apartments Assets Okay, Please click rating. --------------------------------------------------------------------...
[PROP] KORAIL RDC Mugunghwa-ho DMU
Készítette: PC28K
prop of RDC...
[Korea] 다이소 Daiso market
Készítette: 시린시
Daiso market 4X2 한국식 상가...
Zoning Adjuster 1.6
Készítette: algernon A tool to adjust and fine-tune zoning grids Yes, the one-sided and remove zoning functions of this mod work happily alongside those introduced in the base game in 1.17 - you can use either or both. Remember that this mod doe...
Xi apartment_Growable 4x4
Készítette: Memories
Xi is the apartment of Korea. Growable 4x4 Level 3 Model Tris 5345 Lod Tris 188 Model Texture 2048x2048 Lod Texture 256x256 After Dark Update! ...
xi apartment type B
Készítette: YOGURT
반포 자이 아파트를 모티브로 제작했습니다. 타입A는 26층의 아파트 입니다. 타입B는 30층의 아파트입니다. 둘 다 받으시는걸 추천해드립니다~ Type A
xi apartment type A
Készítette: YOGURT
반포 자이 아파트를 모티브로 제작했습니다. 타입A는 26층의 아파트 입니다. 타입B는 30층의 아파트입니다. 둘 다 받으시는걸 추천해드립니다~ Type B
Wall-mounted Lights for signs / 広告看板用のライト
Készítette: Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is Japanese wall-mounted lights for signs and billboards. 広告看板用などに使われるライトです。 Tris: 52 Texture: 64x64...
Vehicle Selector 1.4.4
Készítette: algernon Select which vehicles can spawn from any building Adds a Vehicle Selector button to the building info panel for supported buildings. Press the button to open the mod's vehicle selection panel, which enables you to choose whi...
Visibility Control 0.9.5
Készítette: algernon A mod providing custom shader support and adjustable LOD (Level of Detail) rendering range support. Provides: Additive shader, for assets using that shader to apply lighting effects to buildings, vehicles, and props (includi...
Vanilla Overpass Project Two-Lane
Készítette: allegro
Two-Lane road for Vanilla Overpass Project. ...
Vanilla Overpass Project Six-Lane (2-2-2)
Készítette: allegro
This project can allow you to build overpass/underpass(two lane) on vanilla six-lane road. This can reduce traffic jam and also can make your city more realistic. Follow steps at uploaded video or pictures above. ...
VC Lakefront Seawall
Készítette: VecchioChristo
VC Lakefront Seawall by VecchioChristo This Quay was developed for my new map of Lake Thun area of Switzerland. You can follow the development of this map on my youtube channel I highly recommend thi...
VC Quay on Aare
Készítette: VecchioChristo
VC Quay on Aare by VecchioChristo Called Quay on Aare because it is made to go with the Lake Thun map I'm building and it is modeled after a quay in central Thun that lies on the Aare river. Also please see the VC Quay on Aare Abutment, made to be used wit...
Vanilla Overpass Project Six-Lane (1-4-1)
Készítette: allegro
This project can allow you to build overpass/underpass(four lane) on vanilla six-lane road. This can reduce traffic jam and also can make your city more realistic. Follow steps at uploaded video above....
Vanilla Overpass Project Four-Lane
Készítette: allegro
Four-Lane road for Vanilla Overpass Project....
Upgrade Untouchable 1.1: Convert stations
Készítette: Klyte45 This new mod brings a totally new way of changing segment types of buildings, without needing to deform them "making the segments touchable", as like Touch This! Mod used to do. So, it allows ...
Uijeongbu LRT - VAL208 (2 car)
Készítette: zkfkrhsel
의정부경전철 U100호대 전동차 Uijeongbu LRT - VAL208 car : 2...
TW Conventional Train Tracks
Készítette: 標小黑
Rail road for Taiwan Conventional Rail This asset is modified from Konno Model's JP 2L rail KT01 and use the same track and catenary cable, Thanks for the permission !!! >Take the new ballastless track in Taiwan Railway Grade Separation Project as referenc...
Truck and Bus Parking lot
Készítette: Uniform006
truck and bus parking lot. 8x2 It is a small parking lot where large vehicles such as trucks and buses can park diagonally. You can arrange the vehicle using props. It is recommended to use it on flat ground, not on uneven terrain. If you like an asset, yo...
TW Simple Catenary Pole
Készítette: 標小黑
TW Simple Catenary Pole by 標小黑...
Uri dongne Hospital
Készítette: Uniform006
Uri dongne Hospital. This is a Korean style regional hospital. If you like an asset, you can donate it through PayPal. kakaobank 3333-13-2041673 후원 감사합니다...
TrailerVariation Loader
Készítette: Acc3ss Violation
Allows the use of variations for custom vehicle assets, like truck trailers and cargo wagons. Think empty vs. loaded log trucks. This mod is required for end users (and asset creators) that want to use custom assets using this feature. Submesh variation ma...
Tokyo 電通本社ビル
Készítette: 听风说雨
Tokyo 電通本社ビル by 听风说雨 制作不易,多多点赞!!! 这次制作的是位于日本港区汐留的一座大型商务中心电通本社大厦,同样的,为了让它更适合于天际线,我对原建筑进行了一定的简化修改,本次建筑的的透明玻璃部分用到submesh,建筑总面数约为10000面,贴图大小为2048×4096,我的作品向来按高分辨率制作,酌情订阅,但别忘了点点赞,若想能实时获取相关动态,请一定要关注我,谢谢支持! This time I made Dentsu Headquarters Building, a large b...
Train Station Display (single)
Készítette: boformer
Train Station Display (single) by boformer This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ...
Train Station Display (dual)
Készítette: boformer
Train Station Display (dual) by boformer This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ...
Train Converter
Készítette: BloodyPenguin With this mod you will be able to automatically convert existing 'metro'-trains into real metro trains without content creators remaking their assets. Which is especially important since Sunset Harbor patch now added ground ...
TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition)
Készítette: Krzychu1245
Improve lane and parking usage. and customise junctions, roads, and rails! This is the stable release with tested features. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀User Guide⠀⠀⠀⠀Report Bugs⠀⠀⠀⠀Discord Chat Vehicles despawning ...
Tiny 2-Lane Two-Way Road without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
This road requires a third-party mod to function as intended This road is 1-square wide, which the unmodded game does not fully support. In order for zoning to snap to the road, you need to be using either: Zoning Adjuster by algernon (recommended), or Net...
Tiny 2-Lane Two-Way Bus-Only Road
Készítette: Delta 5-1
You need mods for the road to be fully functional Bus-only restrictions To make the road behave as a bus-only road, you need to be using either: Bus-Only Road Enabler or TM:PE (road restrictions need to be set manually) Please note that the two mods are mu...
Tiny 2-Lane One-Way Road without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
This road requires a third-party mod to function as intended This road is 1-square wide, which the unmodded game does not fully support. In order for zoning to snap to the road, you need to be using either: Zoning Adjuster by algernon (recommended), or Net...
Tiny 1-Lane One-Way Road without Parking
Készítette: Delta 5-1
This road requires a third-party mod to function as intended This road is 1-square wide, which the unmodded game does not fully support. In order for zoning to snap to the road, you need to be using either: Zoning Adjuster by algernon (recommended), or Net...
Tiny 2-Lane One-Way Bus-Only Road
Készítette: Delta 5-1
You need mods for the road to be fully functional Bus-only restrictions To make the road behave as a bus-only road, you need to be using either: Bus-Only Road Enabler or TM:PE (road restrictions need to be set manually) Please note that the two mods are mu...
Tiny 1-Lane One-Way Road with Trees
Készítette: Delta 5-1
This road requires a third-party mod to function as intended This road is 1-square wide, which the unmodded game does not fully support. In order for zoning to snap to the road, you need to be using either: Zoning Adjuster by algernon (recommended), or Net...
Tiny 1-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (One Side)
Készítette: Delta 5-1
This road requires a third-party mod to function as intended This road is 1-square wide, which the unmodded game does not fully support. In order for zoning to snap to the road, you need to be using either: Zoning Adjuster by algernon (recommended), or Net...
Tiny 1-Lane One-Way Road with Grass
Készítette: Delta 5-1
This road requires a third-party mod to function as intended This road is 1-square wide, which the unmodded game does not fully support. In order for zoning to snap to the road, you need to be using either: Zoning Adjuster by algernon (recommended), or Net...
Ticket Vending Machines with Touchscreen [Pack]
Készítette: Polygon] Some tags: TVM, Ticket Vending Machine, Apple, Loki...
Tiny 1-Lane One-Way Bus-Only Road
Készítette: Delta 5-1
You need mods for the road to be fully functional Bus-only restrictions To make the road behave as a bus-only road, you need to be using either: Bus-Only Road Enabler or TM:PE (road restrictions need to be set manually) Please note that the two mods are mu...
Tatra KT8D5 Repaintable Livery
Készítette: komurka
Another version of my Tatra KT8D5 articulated tram - now with repaintable livery and Scharfenberg couplings. In realylity the only car with such gear runs in Vologograd, Russia. But You may multipy it. If You like it and want some more, You can always make...
Sunken Plaza
Készítette: psixovaniy
Sunken Plaza with shops. Commercial building. Type: Commercial high Lot size: 4 x 4 Level: 1 Main model: 698 tris with 512 x 1024 textures. LOD model: 92 tris with 128 x 128 textures....
Sunken Island & Bypass Station Train Tracks
Készítette: Klyte45 Adds new models of sunken train station tracks, useful to customize the Sunken Plaza Metro Station and other sunken stations found in Train Stations DLC. Also can be used to create new station...
Spotlights prop pack
Készítette: Armesto Pack of prop spotlights. Currently using 14 vanilla effects: Upwards neutral Upwards warm Upwards cold Upwards yellow Downwards neutral Downwards warm Downwards...
Spiral underground parking (small road version)
Készítette: vilgard92
Spiral underground parking (small road version) by vilgard92 A 100% functional underground parking with real parking lots. Cars take the spiral ramp to get in and out of the underground car park and pedestrians access it via the central lift. A small park ...
Spiral underground parking (large road version)
Készítette: vilgard92
Spiral underground parking (large road version) by vilgard92 A 100% functional underground parking with real parking lots. Cars take the spiral ramp to get in and out of the underground car park and pedestrians access it via the central lift. A small park ...
Standard Parking Garage
Készítette: Badi_Dea
All I ask is for a slab of concrete, and a car to park on it. This Parking Garage will unlock with Parks, and can be found in the Roads menu under the Maintenance tab. This structure will function as a park, increasing land value and happiness of nearby bu...
Solstice Map Theme
Készítette: neinnew/네인
Solstice Map Theme Temperate theme based on bright summer Information most textures are 2048x screenshot was taken with some visual mod. Relight (see screenshot) Ultimate Eyecandy *Global light 6.0 *Tonemapping off Render It - day *Neutral Color Grading on...
SMRT 7000 6 CAR
Készítette: Shindosi
SMRT 7000 6 CAR by Shindosi The rolling stock for lines 7, 8 of Seoul 6 Car configuration Custom LOD 최근 시티즈 복귀하면서 늦게나마 올리는 6량구성 차량입니다 ...
sk building
Készítette: YOGURT
군더더기 없는 설계미학...오래될수록 빛 발하는 '클래식의 멋' ‘오래 보아야 예쁜’ 건축물 ‘곡선 없이 꼿꼿’ 오피스 건축의 전형 준공 19년 지나도 세련된 매력 여전 서울경제 신문 중 - 종로에 위치한 sk 서린빌딩을 모티브로 제작하였습니다....
Készítette: CoarzFlovv
Mod to avoid train collisions on single tracks 2 ways from BloodyPenguin mod One-Way Train Tracks. How does this mod work? It is simple. Before entering on a single track section, a train will check if there is already anoth...
Sinpyeong_Car_Depot sinpyeong-busan-korea yunseul
Készítette: yunseul
Sinpyeong_Car_Depot100 by yunseul Recommendation -SingleTrainTrackAI-
Signal Bridge | 1 | Green
Készítette: theFich
- Signal Bridge - Grey - 1 Signal - Green - custom LOD ...
shop apartment
Készítette: YOGURT
크기가 그렇게 크지 않습니다....
Shimanto River -Japan
Készítette: aya
This map is Shimanto River of Japan's Shikoku Kochi Prefecture . around 18km x 18km Highway is 1 train lines is 1 Train lines and highways of unconnected located on the left, right, and bottom of the MAP. The ship will have to pass by the River . Image use...
Shady Bush Bloom
Készítette: MrMaison
Shady Bush Bloom by MrMaison It's Spring Time again (In the Northern Hemisphere) and to celebrate, I made a set of 5 bushes with various flowers. The set is to cut down on workshop item bloat. The set includes: Violet Flowers Red Roses Pink Roses Orange Fl...
Seoul Metro Line 5 prop Pack
Készítette: K_Green
서울교통공사 5호선 차량 프롭 팩 Seoul Metro Line 5 Prop Pack Contents VVVF 1세대 VVVF 1st generation train ... and COMING SOON Train Set for Reference 1. VVVF 6 Cars : Tc-M-Mp-T-Mp-Tc 8 Cars : Tc-M-Mp-T-T-M-Mp-Tc Creator's blog : 구독 전 좋아요와...
Seat Site (PROP)
Készítette: ManuRamos
I apologize, but I must separate "SeatSite Pack" into two parts: Prop and Park. Because For some obscure reason I can't understand, after hundreds of checks on my computer the pack works, but when I share it it stops working, again and again. this is Seat ...
Készítette: creativeDEX
Satellite by Dexter Hi everyone, How to use a Color Correction/LUT? Change the Color Correction/LUT every time you want in the graphic settings of the game. This change the lightning, coloring, saturation and contrasts. this LUT comes with a high white lig...
Roof Objects Pack 屋顶填缝套装
Készítette: XDBX
by XDBX ------------------------------------------ All 26 objects -5 Air Conditionings -5 Electric box -4 Antennas -2 powerrooms -2 radars -2 water tanks -3 Signal towers -1 roof -1 lightning rod -1 Steel plate ------------------------------------------ mo...
S. Korea Traffic Lights (RHT)
Készítette: Zuben
S. Korea Traffic Lights (RHT) This mod is for Right-Hand Traffic. Left-Hand Traffic mod > Here. It is traffic light using general LED of Korea. The bottom LED tile works in conjunction with the signal. It is a newly applied system. The counter arrows that ...
Repaint 1.7.4
Készítette: algernon A fork of TPB's Painter mod, updated to work with Harmony 2, fix bugs, and add extra features. 100% backwards-compatible with the original. New in 1.7: Add vanilla highway texture replacement option Add option to colorize al...
Render It!
Készítette: Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to change render processing. NEW IN 1.37 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). - Updated to latest YamlDotNet version. NEW IN 1.36 - Recompiled for Citi...
Railway Props
Készítette: Ronyx69
Basic set of props used for all Railway releases. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Replacer
Készítette: Ronyx69
Railway Replacer is developed by Simon Royer, Egi and Ronyx. The mod is responsible of two major tasks; replacement of station tracks on train stations and prop customisation/styling of rail networks that are part of RAILWAY ecosystem. Network and Style Pa...
Railway Generic Truss Bridge (Wireless)
Készítette: Ronyx69
Wireless generic truss bridge tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Truss Bridge (Wired)
Készítette: Ronyx69
Wired generic truss bridge tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Elevated (Wireless)
Készítette: Ronyx69
Wireless generic elevated tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Elevated (Wired)
Készítette: Ronyx69
Wired generic elevated tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Decorative Networks
Készítette: Ronyx69
Decorative wire and elevated border networks. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Green Elevated (Wired)
Készítette: Ronyx69
Wired green elevated tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Generic Green Elevated (Wireless)
Készítette: Ronyx69
Wireless green elevated tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway 1 Lane Elevated Station Tracks (Gravel-Wood)
Készítette: REV0
1 Lane Elevated Station track pack with wooden sleepers on gravel surface. Part of Railway project Package Content 6 types of station tracks with gravel surface and wooden sleeper type: Wired a...
Raemian T type
Készítette: YOGURT
T자 형태의 아파트입니다. 리사자적...
Raemian F type
Készítette: YOGURT
ㄱ자 모양의 아파트입니다. T자형과 많이 다릅니다. 리사자적...
Prop SBB Eaos
Készítette: ron_fu-ta
Prop SBB Eaos 2 types of wagon and cargo. Wagon : gray, pink Cargo : scrap, sugar beet...
Railway Catenaries (Swiss)
Készítette: Ronyx69
Catenaries - Railway Swiss Style Props. Also includes special catenaries and a prop pack to build your own. Read description of the Railway collection:
Prop Coil wagon (green)
Készítette: ron_fu-ta
Prop Coil ransport wagon (green)...
Prop C-wagon K LINE 40ft
Készítette: ron_fu-ta
Container freight wagon K LINE 40ft Prop ゲーム中に設置するには以下のMODが必要です。 To put in the game requires the following MOD. More Beautification NoPillars
Procedural Objects
Készítette: Simon Ryr
Procedural Objects mod Made by Simon Royer from the #FrenchCityDesigners community. Version 1.7.8 compatible with Cities:Skylines 1.14.5-f1 (Airports) and all expansions. No expansion required. The Procedural Objects mod adds a vertex customization tool di...
Prefab Hook (Mod Dependency)
Készítette: boformer
This mod is used as a bridge between different mods (for better compatibility). Using Harmony for redirection. Note: If you are a mod creator, consider using Harmony instead to add prefixes/postfixed to InitializePrefab! This mod was created before the exi...
Precision Engineering
Készítette: Simie Precision Engineering augments Cities: Skylines by adding angle snapping, guidelines and additional information to assist you when building roads, train lines, pipes and power lines. Installatio...
Prop C-wagon MAERSK 40ft
Készítette: ron_fu-ta
Container freight wagon MAERSK 40ft Prop ゲーム中に設置するには以下のMODが必要です。 To put in the game requires the following MOD. More Beautification NoPillars
Prop JNR Kiha 35 (General color)
Készítette: ron_fu-ta
国鉄キハ35(一般色) Prop Japanese National Railways Kiha 35 (General color) Prop...
Prop Control 1.0
Készítette: algernon A lightweight alternative for Prop Anarchy for those who don't want to (or can't) use Prop Anarchy or Extended Managers Library. Written with an emphasis on stability, to avoid the current issues with Prop Anarchy/Extended M...
Prop Coil wagon (red)
Készítette: ron_fu-ta
Coil transport wagon (red) Prop ゲーム中に設置するには以下のMODが必要です。 To put in the game requires the following MOD. More Beautification NoPillars
Better Vanilla Tracks
Készítette: Jerenable
Better Vanilla Tracks Tracks by Yours Truely IMPORTANT!!!!! I uploaded both tracks seperately wich should fix most of the problems CO caused with my tracks thanks to CO for making a flawless implementation of something again good going. THE HIGHSPEED TRACK...
BM - Station Track Lights
Készítette: Clus
Boeing 777-200ER - Korean Air Prop
Készítette: Konkku
Korean Air Boeing 777-200ER Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Korean Air is the largest airline and flag carrier of South Korea. The airline flies to over 100 destinations in 50 countries. Original 777...
bollard black
Készítette: Sparks
bollard black by Sparks...
Building Spawn Points 1.4.1
Készítette: macsergey Overview This mod allows you change and add building points where spawn vehicles What’s Included Change position of existing spawn points Add additional spawn points Spawn vehicles from any si...
Business Park (Administration)
Készítette: Senfkorn
Hi community, working on a business park these days. The plan is to create it as a building kit with a great choice of matching buidings. All of them can get stitched easily into each other. I split this project in two parts, an administration and a labora...
CNL Korean Names
Készítette: Zuben
CNL Korean Names Description Using Korean place names, unique names, and pure Korean, It is a mode that randomly sets citizens' names, area names, road names, and building names. After you must subscribe to the mod 'Custom Namelists'. Activate it and use t...
Készítette: YOGURT
상업지로 운송하는 차량이 스폰됩니다....
Skyve v3.3.2.1 [Stable]
Készítette: Chamëleon TBN
Skyve is the fresh re-make of the previous Loading Order Mod 1/2 & Compatibility Report. It features a completely new and slick UI, integrated & real-time compatibility management, advanced filtering, dark mode, Find It! custom tags, Linux & macOS Compatib...
CSL Map View
Készítette: Gansaku
CSL Map View (Current version 4.4.7) This mod draws a image of map. Exactly, it is another external executable (CSLMapView.exe; bundled with the mod) to draw the map. The mod only outputs data file for that. If mod or viewer don't run, send comment with co...
Custom Effect Loader
Készítette: boformer
This mod is required for props and vehicles with custom light effects. It sets up and enables the effects on level load. Just install and enable the mod and enjoy the lights :) Cool assets with custom effects! Get them! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.n...
Custom Namelists
Készítette: Markus
Are you bored of building beautiful towns, only to have their districts named "Elm Hills", "Lake Square", "Pine Park" or other generic hogwash? Are you too lazy to go through each road, each building, each cim even, to give them more exciting names? Then t...
Készítette: CHAIRMAN
차량사업소(소형) Depot(Small) NOTE 이 애셋은 차량기지용입니다.(회차 가능) This asset is for train depot. (Return possible) 이 에셋은 업데이트가 안될 수 있습니다! This asset MAY NOT BE updated! 그럼에도 불구하고 저를 후원하시고 싶다면 하세요? By the way, if you want to donate me?
Doosan APT 두산아파트 [RICO]
Készítette: Shindosi
Doosan APT by Shindosi Optimized with custom LOD RICO enabled with 50 Households...
DR Byen Station [Prop Pack]
Készítette: meshd
Make sure that you're subscribed to this asset if you want to use DR Byen Station for your city. Asset list DR Byen_Bench - DR Byen_Billetter - DR Byen_Billetter_Night - DR Byen_Check_Ind - DR Byen_Check_Ind_Night - DR Byen_Check_Ud - DR Byen_Check_Ud_Nigh...
Double Track Cargo Station
Készítette: BloodyPenguin
Like vanilla cargo train station but with two functional cargo train tracks! This is my experimental multi-track cargo station. Doube fun for x1.25 price! You can use it as the template for your double track cargo train stations. I sligtly changed station'...
DTRO3000 (ColorVariable Version)
Készítette: K_Green
대구도시철도3호선 (색상가변) DTRO Series 3000 (Color Variable Version) 승객정원 : Mc 126명, M 146명 Passenger Capacity : Mc 126, M 146 최고속도 : 70km/h Max Speed : 70km/h 이 아이템이 마음에 드신다면 후원을 해주세요! 여러분의 후원이 더 나은 에셋을 만들어 갑니다. If you like this item, please support me! Your suppor...
DX Line D000Series EMU
Készítette: CHAIRMAN DX Line D000호대 1세대 전동차 DX Line D000Series 1st Generation EMU 이 에셋의 구성요소(Contents) 6량 6cars 차량편성(Formation of the Train) 6량(6cars)3M3T Tc - M' - M' - T - M' - Tc 승객정원(Passenger Capacity) Tc : 148명 M, M', T, T1 : 160명 6량(6cars) ...
Drawn Out Track
Készítette: CHAIRMAN
인상선(유치선) Drawn Out Track NOTE 이 애셋은 차량기지용입니다.(회차 가능) This asset is for train depot. (Return possible) 이 에셋은 업데이트가 안될 수 있습니다! This asset MAY NOT BE updated!...
emart 1.40 이마트 _ growable 수정버전 (fix ver.)
Készítette: yunseul
---------------------------------------- 저밀도 상업구역에서 스폰되는 에러가 있어서 수정하였습니다...
Eunha Apartment 은하맨숀아파트
Készítette: TDB Eunha Mansion Apartment The opening of Yeouido. 은하맨숀아파트 1세대 한국 고층아파트를 만나다. Informations Main Model: 3126 Tris LOD Model: 50 Tris #Eunha #Apartment #은하아파트 #아파트 #Seoul #서울 #Korea #한국
Evo's Korean Sound Overhaul [v0.1d]
Készítette: 하율
ATTENTION! Don't expect any new content soon. As I stated, this mod is mainly created for my Korea recreation project and the sound design is a rather minor part that will come once the foundation of the project is stable. Until then customizing assets, cr...
Entrance/exit road with barrier
Készítette: jPRO93
Entrance/exit road I added centered barrier for entrance/exit road. Edited lanes for vehicles and pedestrian traffic (to avoid going throw barrier) Vanilla props deletedt. Custom thumbnail - easy to choose Lowered speed Hope you appreciate! Special thanks ...
Extra Train Station Tracks ( ETST )
Készítette: BloodyPenguin Adds more train station track assets for custom train stations. This mod was created before custom network assets were a thing and is still needed for stations created with its tracks. These tracks are only available to asse...
Extra Landscaping Tools
Készítette: BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
Find It! 2
Készítette: sway
This mod allows you to search, filter, select, and place assets. It also provides some extra info that are usually not available in vanilla game. Unsubscribe the BETA version before you use this mod! This mod was forked from...
Fire Substation (1x2)
Készítette: Zuben
Fire Substation (1x2) by Zuben Republic of Korea style. - Size: 1x2 cells - Texture: 512x512 - LOD: Auto Apply illumination map. (For After-Dark) cost information, see screenshots. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- i...
Football club
Készítette: vilgard92
Football club by vilgard92 Welcome to the football club ! A low tris fenced football club illuminated at night with a covered grandstand (with real seating), visitor parking, goal cages. There are also 4 color variations to vary the pleasures ;) Invisible ...
Fluorescent light KEIKOUTOU
Készítette: 紺野つかさ(Konno)
Fluorescent light KEIKOUTOU by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
FPS Booster
Készítette: Krzychu1245
Increases in-game frame rate, but... results may vary because there are many factors like CPU/GPU speed, RAM usage, current in-game scene complexity etc. Disclaimer: you need good and efficient GPU cooling, because this mod may force your GPU run at full s...
Készítette: K_Green
FX116 하모니 대원고속 FX116 Harmony Daewon Express Contents - FX116 Harmony DE(SH) (INTERCITY) - FX116 Harmony KD - FX116 Harmony KD prop (prop) Asset Specification 승객 정원 : 45명 Passenger Capacity : 45 최고 속도 : 100km/h Max Speed : 100km/h 색상 변경 : 불가능 Color change :...
Funeral home
Készítette: Uniform006
Funeral home. 장례식장 입니다. If you like an asset, you can donate it through PayPal. kakaobank 3333-13-2041673 후원 감사합니다...
Genshin Impact: Lumine Citizen
Készítette: stockjr97
Lumine from Genshin Impact arrives! Commissioned by EvametryE Useful Notes: She spawns as a female young adult. Details: 4054 tris (LOD: 951) 1024x1024 textures (LOD: 64x64) Do you like my work? Donate to my Paypal! Tags: anime, Genshin Impact, Lumine, cit...
Game Anarchy 1.2.1
Készítette: Mbyron26
Overview Extends and optimize game's functions. New in version 1.2.1 Fixed serialization exception issues. Contains Functions: GA has a control panel in the game, use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+G or the UUI button to invoke! Fa...
Generic Tree pack
Készítette: Lost Gecko
Pack of 6 generic filler trees for all sorts of rural areas, highway sides or anywhere some random trees are needed. Map Theme: New Caledonia - LUTs: Cleyra/Colorful Summer Day Models main models tris: 332 - 374 - 438 - 504 - 814 - 878 textures: 512x512 (d...
Green Sunken Train Station
Készítette: Polygon Take a ride on the green side To accelerate your cims' transition with sustainable transport - saving the environment. Earth will thank you! For metro version click here. How to connect the statio...
Green Sunken Metro Station
Készítette: Polygon Take a ride on the green side To accelerate your cims' transition with sustainable transport - saving the environment. Earth will thank you! For train version click here. How to connect the statio...
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Készítette: boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
Hazukuri Station Nameplate
Készítette: Muska
하즈쿠리역용 역명판 프롭파일입니다. Nameplate prop for Hazukuri station. 初作駅用の駅名板プロップファイルです。...
Hazukuri Station
Készítette: Muska
두 개의 단선 승강장과 중앙에 통과선을 위한 공간이 있는 일본 스타일 역입니다. 중앙에 통과선을 까시려면 'Road Anarchy 모드'가 필요하며 통과선과 대피선을 연결하실 때는 조금 힘드실 수 있습니다. This Japanese style train station has 2 single track platforms and space for bypass track in middle. You need 'Road Anarchy Mod' to drag byp...
Heavy Repair Depot
Készítette: CHAIRMAN
차량사업소(중수선) Depot(Heavy Repair) NOTE 이 애셋은 차량기지용입니다. This asset is for train depot. 이 애셋과 차량사업소(소형)를 같이 써주세요.. Use Depot(small) with this asset. 이 에셋은 업데이트가 안될 수 있습니다! This asset MAY NOT BE updated! 그럼에도 불구하고 저를 후원하시고 싶다면 하세요? By the way, if you want to don...
Hide It!
Készítette: Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to hide unwanted things in the game. NEW IN 1.28 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.27 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.16.1-f2 (Hubs & Tr...
Hide TM:PE Unconnected Tracks
Készítette: kian.zarrin Hides tracks that are unconnected by TMPE lane connector tool. Instructions: 1- subscribe to and enable this mod and TMPE. 2- use TMPE lane connector to connect tracks. 3- unconnected tracks will disappear (see limitations)....
Hide TMPE crosswalks V3.2 [stable]
Készítette: kian.zarrin link to Experimental Mod! CLICK HERE to understand where are the log files and how to upload them. ** Migrating between mods? (true for any mod) you must exit to desktop AFTER you have unsubscribed from the old version. ** N...
Police Box (1x2)
Készítette: Zuben
Police Box (1x2) by Zuben Republic of Korea style. - Size: 1x2 cells - Texture: 512x512 - LOD: Auto Apply illumination map. (For After-Dark) cost information, see screenshots. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if you...
Ploppable RICO Revisited 2.5.6
Készítette: algernon Check out the wiki page for additional information, descriptions, guides and FAQ. New in 2.4: Configurable cost overrides. Option to automatically lock the building level of plopped growables (requires Advanced Building Leve...
PoC Underground Train Station v2
Készítette: sway
Proof-of-concept underground train station. Modified from Bloody Penguin's original POC Underground Train Station which has become broken for a while. Sunset harbor update breaks pretty much every underground train station because it would force a tunnel e...
PESA FOKSTROT — Part generic
Készítette: eligios⚡
Tram Fokstrot (Twist) by PESA A low-floored tram made for Eastern Europe markets. "The thing that distinguishes Fokstrot from the rest of our trams is a modern design of bodywork and the use of composite materials. The tram has been constructed with utiliz...
Platform Light ( Lamp )
Készítette: Ryuichi Kaminogi
Realistic fluorescent light that glows beautifully and lightly. Find It! -> "KEIKOUTOU" "platform light"...
Parking Lot Snapping
Készítette: [SSU]yenyang Step 1: Watch the video above. Also available on Youtube. Step 2: Read this description: Parking Lot Snapping swaps the default AI for the Parking Space Assets (abbreviated PSA) created by others with a custom built AI. The ...
PAZU[10m] (高圧ナトリウム道路灯)
Készítette: hakurai
岩崎電気PAZUの高圧ナトリウム照明(10m)です。従来のPAZUシリーズのアセットからモデルを大幅に改善しました。 PAZU(高圧ナトリウム道路灯) by hakurai...
Patch Loader Mod
Készítette: Krzychu1245
Core dependency of FPS Booster New in 2.1.2, 30/Nov/2021 bugfix: problem with detection of -noWorkshop and -disableMods command line flags, improvement: local mods directory path detection on MacOS v2.1.1, 6/Aug/2021 fixed c...
Parking Barriers
Készítette: Spence!
A set of props (one- and two-directional barriers, and a booth) for use around parking lots, entrances/exits, etc. Includes two versions of each prop (one with gates open, another with gates closed) and mirrored versions of each for left and right side tra...
Optimised Outside Connections
Készítette: Quboid
Optimised Outside Connections Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update) Sick of 7% full cargo trains clogging up your rail network? Got a queue of near-empty cruise ships clogging up your harbours? Optimised Outside Connections reduces the num...
One-Way Train Tracks
Készítette: BloodyPenguin
Provides single & double one-way train tracks, single station tracks and two-way single tracks This mod was created at a time when neither custom network assets nor single train tracks were supported by the game. I keep this mod to support the existing sav...
Nippon Sharyo DMU UP Express
Készítette: Cristolisto
The Nippon Sharyo Diesel Multiple Unit (DMU) is a passenger train designed for the North American market and comply with EPA Tier 4 emission standards. There are 3 variants: A and B cars are streamlined. The only difference is that A cars have a restroom a...
NEW Super Aero City 2019 GBUS
Készítette: K_Green
현대 뉴 슈퍼 에어로 시티 2019년형 경기도버스 Hyundai New super aero city 2019 Gyeonggi-do color 에셋 제원 ASSET SPECIFICATION 항목 Item / 차량 Vehicle New Super Aero City 2015 New Super Aero City 2015 GBUS New Super Aero City 2019 New Super Aero City 2019 GBUS 인게임 이름 Asset Name NS...
Node Controller Renewal 3.5
Készítette: macsergey Overview This mod allows you change node type and shape This is renewal version of original Node Controller by kian.zarrin with improved UI/UX. The new UI allows you to make the perfect inters...
Network Multitool 1.3.5
Készítette: macsergey Overview This mod provides many different tools for working with networks What’s Included Add node mode: add node to exist segment Remove node mode: remove node and join segments Union nodes m...
Network Skins
Készítette: boformer Change the visual appearance of roads, train tracks and pedestrian paths per segment. This is an improved version of the well-known Network Skins mod, developed by TPB and boformer. Disable the other Network Skins mod before...
New Granbird sunshine Kumho Buslines Color
Készítette: K_Green
기아 뉴 그랜버드 선샤인 금호고색 도색 이 에셋을 사용하려면 선셋 하버 DLC가 있어야 합니다. For using this asset, you need Sunset Harbor DLC. Contents - New granbird sunshine Kumho - New granbird sunshine Kumho prop 에셋 제원 승객 정원 : 45명 Passenger Capacity : 45 최고 속도 : 100km/h Max Speed : 100km/h ...
Nero Claudius Citizen Assets (Snowfall)
Készítette: stockjr97
Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni Tsukimihara wo PADORU PADORU Nero Claudius from Fate/Extra begins her invasion. I should've done this last year. WARNING This set will replace ALL vanilla citizens with this asset (including tourists and pets). If you don't w...
Network Anarchy
Készítette: Quboid
Network Anarchy 3.2.5 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update) This mod adds additional options when building networks (roads, quays, etc) and provides game-wide anarchy to let you break the placement rules. Ne...
Move It
Készítette: Quboid
Move It 2.10.8 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.18.1 (23rd October Update) New in 2.10.8: - Updated for game version 1.18.1 - Added support for Nyoko's Procedural Objects fix This mod allows you to select, move and align various things.
More Relight LUTs
Készítette: Ronyx69
LUT pack including 5 LUTs: Alpine, Lush, North, Natural, Average. The names have the prefix "Relight2". Created for the default and recommended relight settings: Since some people are except...
Modular Through Station | Modern Central | BadPeanut
Készítette: BadPeanut
Now with a transparent roof! No Mods are required - Don't forget to Rate up if you like it! This is a modular through station consisting of three assets: Module 1 Metro, Module 2 and Module 3 Busport. No mods are required for this to work. Keep reading the...
MEGATRUCK(HD120) Arm Roll Truck
Készítette: CHAIRMAN
현대 메가트럭 암롤 트럭 Hyundai Megatruck(HD120) Arm Roll Truck 이 에셋의 성능(Spec.) 바닐라쓰레기차와 동일 Same as Vanilla Garbage Truck NOTE 이 에셋은 업데이트가 안될 수 있습니다! 이 에셋은 Additive Shader 모드를 이용하여 전조등과 후미등 및 방향별 행선기를 재현하였습니다. 모드없이 사용가능하나, 모드 사용을 권장드립니다. These assets have destinatio...
Metro - Underground Station Track #01
Készítette: Clus Hey all ! This is just an underground station track. It comes in the same design as my already published metro tracks. https://s...
Készítette: K_Green
메가트럭 소방차 기반 차량 : 현대 메가트럭 최고속도 100km/h MEGATRUCK Fire Truck Base Vehicle : Hyundai MEGATRUCK Max Speed : 100km/h 구독 전 좋아요 & 댓글 부탁드리겠습니다. Don't forget to like and comment before you subscribe it! 이 에셋이 마음에 드신다면 후원을 해주세요! 여러분의 후원이 더 나은 에셋을 만들어 갑니다. If You lik...
Los Angeles Metro Prop Pack
Készítette: Polygon
These props are made for my Los Angeles Metro stations. Currently, this pack contains the following props: Metro Lines Map - NEW! Ticket Machine - NEW! Trash Can Station Display Turnstiles Check out my Los Angeles Metro Bench Pack .
Loading Screen Mod Revisited 1.1.10
Készítette: algernon A replacement for, and continuation of, thale5's original Loading Screen Mod. Includes improved performance and compatibility with other mods, as well as some new features: Skip network and tree prefabs (in addition to the o...
Lightning Rod Set
Készítette: Shindosi
Lightning Rod Set of 2 sizes 두가지 종류의 피뢰침입니다...
Large Vehicle Parking lot
Készítette: Uniform006
large vehicle parking lot. 15x8 It is a large parking lot where large vehicles such as ordinary vehicles, trucks, and buses can park. You can arrange the vehicle using props. It is recommended to use it on flat ground, not on uneven terrain. If you like an...
KTX EUM - korea high-speed train
Készítette: yunseul
KTX EUM 260 001 by yunseul...
KR police station
Készítette: sebong
KR police station by sebong...
Korean BusStop (with Roof)
Készítette: juni-68
한국식 버스정류장입니다. 정류장은 대치역6번출구/강남국민회관역을 모티브로 제작하였습니다. 사용하실때 필수 구독란에 있는 모드를 이용하셔야 편하게 이용하실 수 있습니다....
Korean Passenger Train Prop Set
Készítette: K_Green
한국철도 여객열차 프롭 세트 Korean Passenger Train Prop Set 안내 : 기존 철도 프롭들의 에러 표출로 다시 제작해서 올리는 에셋입니다. 기존 철도 에셋들을 모두 구독 해재하시고 구독해주시길 바랍니다. NOTICE : This assets are remade and uploaded due to the error of previous rolling stock assets. Please subscribe this assets after...
Korean BRT System (nine-lane)
Készítette: allegro
9차선 중앙버스전용차로입니다. 총 6가지 종류의 도로들로 구성되어 있습니다. Korean 9-lane BRT(Bus Rapid Transit) system. 6 types of road are included in this pack. 주의사항 -메인 도로를 제외한 나머지 도로는 가급적 직선으로 그려주세요. -도로를 연결할때 충분한 길이를 준 상태에서 연결하고 나중에 Move it!모드로 모양 잡는것을 추천드립니다. -TMPE모드를 이용하면 좀 더 원활한 ...
Korean BRT System (six-lane)
Készítette: allegro
대전광역시 중앙버스전용차로입니다. 총 6가지 종류의 도로들로 구성되어 있습니다. Korean BRT(Bus Rapid Transit) system in Daejeon. 6 types of road are included in this pack. 주의사항 -메인 도로를 제외한 나머지 도로는 가급적 직선으로 그려주세요. -도로를 연결할때 충분한 길이를 준 상태에서 연결하고 나중에 Move it!모드로 모양 잡는것을 추천드립니다. -TMPE모드를 이용하면 좀 ...
Korean 6-lane BRT Overpass Expansion pack
Készítette: allegro
왕복 6차선 BRT도로의 고가도로/지하차도를 위한 확장팩입니다. 6-lane BRT expansion pack for elevated/under road for bus lane. 위 사진에 개시된방법 순으로 건설해주세요. Follow steps at uploaded pictures above. 무브잇을 사용하여 모양을 잡아주세요. Use Move It to get in shaped....
Korean 2-lane BRT main road
Készítette: allegro
버스전용 왕복2차선 도로입니다. 2-lane bus-only road. BRT 확장팩과 같이 사용하는 것을 추천합니다. ( ) Recommand using this road with Korean BRT 6-lane extension pack. (
KoreaFireTruckProp(Articulating Ladder)
Készítette: pkbsl
This is korea fire truck prop articulating ladder version....
korea Xi apartment [ RICO ]
Készítette: YOGURT
청담동을 대표하는 랜드마크 자이 아파트를 모티브로 제작한 아파트입니다. 리코모드 고밀도 거주지 탭에서 찾으실수 있습니다. 이름은 xiapartment 입니다....
KoreaFireTruck(Articulating Ladder)
Készítette: pkbsl
This is korea fire truck articulating ladder version....
Készítette: 와플
Korea Woosung Apartment 한국식 아파트 인천광역시 연수동에 있는 우성아파트 입니다. 원래 두동으로 계획했었지만 실력상 한동으로 내놓습니다. 첫 에셋인 만큼 퀄리티는 많이 떨어지겠으나 많이 사용해주셨으면 좋겠습니다! 우성2차 아파트 204동을 모티브하여 제작하였습니다 - 보완할 점이나 오류가 있으면 꼭 알려주세요. 2020/4.13 업데이트 / 텍스쳐를 수정하였습니다 #Korea #한국 #아파트 #Apartment https://i.img...
Korea Post Office
Készítette: Uniform006
Korea Post Office. If you like an asset, you can donate it through PayPal. kakaobank 3333-13-2041673 후원 감사합니다...
Korea Police Car
Készítette: Memories
Korea Police Car LF Sonata version Model Tris 3672 Lod Tris 72 Texture 1024x1024 Lod Texture 32x32 ...
Készítette: Uniform006
KOREA COAST GUARD STATION. 4x4 If you like an asset, you can donate it through PayPal. kakaobank 3333-13-2041673 후원 감사합니다...
Korea National Railroad 1000Series 2st Generation EMU(2nd edition)(old color)
Készítette: CHAIRMAN 철도청 1000호대 2세대 저항제어 전동차 2차분 (일명 '중저항')철도청 청백도색 Korea National Railroad(KORAIL) 1000Series 2nd Generation EMU(2nd edition)(old color) 이 에셋의 구성요소(Contents) 4량 4cars 1.용산-성북 2.안산-금정 3.안산-인덕원 4.산본-인덕원 6량 6cars 1.청량리-성북 2.인천-구로 3.수...
korea school yunseul 1500student
Készítette: yunseul
1500 Student clear 2020 10/15 21:57 check...
Highspeed Rail vanilla style
Készítette: Jerenable
Highspeed Rail vanilla style by Jerenable IMPORTANT!!!!! I uploaded both tracks seperately wich should fix most of the problems CO caused with my tracks thanks to CO for making a flawless implementation of something again good going. THE NORMAL TRACKS CAN ...
Home plus
Készítette: Memories
The Homeplus is large discount mart in Korea Level6 Unique Building Plop Cost 60,000 Upkeep 192/Week Size 7x11 Model Tris 5499 Lod Tris 230 Model Texture 2048x2048 Lod Textrue 256x256 After Dark Update! Enjoy!...
Hyundai Megatruck 8000L Diesel Tank Truck
Készítette: K_Green
현대 메가트럭 8000L 경유, 등유 유조차 (현대 기본, GS 칼텍스) Hyundai Megatruck 8000L diesel, kerosene tank truck (Hyundai basic, GS caltex color) Vehicle category : Oil truck 포함 항목 Contents - Mega 8000L Tank - Mega 8000L Tank GS 에셋 제원 Asset Specification 적재용량 Tank capacity : ...
Hyundai Megatruck Ref. Van
Készítette: K_Green
현대 메가트럭 냉동탑차 Hyundai HD120(Megatruck) refrigerator van 에셋 제원 ASSET SPECIFICATION Main modeling6896Tris / 1024X1024 LOD122 Tris / 256X256 적재용량 Cargo Capacity9000 Creator's blog : 구독 전 좋아요와 댓글 부탁드리겠습니다. Don't forget to like an...
Improved Public Transport 2
Készítette: BloodyPenguin
Also known as IPT2. Provides improved control of public transportation. Compatible with More Vehicles, TM:PE, Vehicle Selector! YOU MUST DELETE ANY OTHER VERSIONS OF THIS MOD AND RESTART THE GAME BEFORE USING THIS! This is a...
Intersection Marking Tool 1.14.5
Készítette: macsergey Overview This mod allows you to quickly create road markings at intersections. This is for detailing and aesthetics ONLY and WILL NOT tell your traffic where to go. If you want to control traf...
Hyundai NSAC 2008 Low Floor Prop Set
Készítette: K_Green
Hyundai New Super Aero City 2008 prop set 현대 뉴 슈퍼 에어로 시티 저상형 08년식 프롭 포함 항목 Contents 1. NSAC 2008 Low Floor prop 2. NSAC 2008 Low Floor GBUS prop Color variation : AVAILABLE Creator's blog : 구독 전 좋아요와 댓글 부탁드리겠습니다. Don't forge...
Készítette: K_Green
현대 유니시티 경기도도색 Hyundai UNICITY Gyeonggi-do bus color 포함 항목 CONTENTS - Hyundai UNICITY GBUS - Hyundai UNICITY GBUS with RD(Rear Door) 에셋 제원 Asset Specification 승객정원 Passenger capacity : 45 최고속도 Max speed : 100km/h 색상변경 Color variation : 가능 AVAILABLE 모델 제원 Mo...
Islands Brygge Station [Prop Pack]
Készítette: meshd
Make sure that you're subscribed to this asset if you want to use Islands Brygge Station for your city. Asset list Islands Brygge_M Sign - Islands Brygge_Glass - DR Byen_Sign - DR Byen_Sign_Night - ...
jamsil apartment A
Készítette: YOGURT
A타입은 33층 아파트입니다. B타입은 27층의 아파트입니다. C타입은 22층의 아파트 입니다. A type : B type : C type :
Invisible Train Station
Készítette: Acc3ss Violation
Train station that is just the tracks without a station building. Useful for things like sidings. Can be placed freely. - Does not need road, power or water - 100 bucks to build, 5 maintenance...
Japanese Anime Life-Sized Cardboard Cutout 日本アニメの等身大パネル
Készítette: sanyu321
JP_Anime Life-Sized Cardboard Cutout日本アニメの等身大パネル Life-Sized Cardboard Cutout common in activities. Search "Anime" on Find It! Description It includes Chino Kafu/Rize Tedeza of Is the Order a Rabbit?, Shuna of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, Takagi...
Japanese Sound MOD
Készítette: 紺野つかさ(Konno)
Japanese Sound MOD made by Konno Japanese Sound MOD です。 第一回目のアップロードは、緊急車両のサイレン音がメインとなっており、 パトカー、消防車、救急車のサイレンがそれぞれ2種類ずつ。 そして、住宅街と駅の環境音がデフォルトから変更となります。 この音をこういう感じに変えて欲しい。など要望ございましたら、遠慮なく コメント下さい。対応するかは分かりませんが考慮させていただきます。 必ずお読み下さい(セーブデータを開けなくなる恐れあり) 当サウンドMODを...
Japanese_Tamping Machine 近鉄つくつくぼうし保線車両 PROP
Készítette: sanyu321
This is the tamping machine vehicle of the Kintetsu Railway in Japan, called つくつくぼうし (Meimuna opalifera). It looks like it usually stops at the vehicle base next to Yamato Saidaiji Station on the Kintetsu Nara Line. Also known as the doctor of Kintetsu. Se...
JNR Kiha 35 (General color)
Készítette: ron_fu-ta
国鉄キハ35(一般色) 定員:240名 速度:100km/h Japanese National Railways Kiha 35 (General color) Capacity : 240 person Speed : 100km/h...
jamsil apartment B type
Készítette: YOGURT
A타입은 33층 아파트입니다. B타입은 27층의 아파트입니다. C타입은 22층의 아파트 입니다. A type : B type : C type :
jamsil apartment C type
Készítette: YOGURT
A타입은 33층 아파트입니다. B타입은 27층의 아파트입니다. C타입은 22층의 아파트 입니다. A type : B type : C type :
JP Parking Lot Light
Készítette: Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese light for parking lots inspired from Panasonic's one. 2 props are included. One is double-side, the other is single-side. You can use them for station squares or parks as well. Specifications 4.8m height Tris Main(LOD): 66(48), 98(64) Textures Mai...
JP catenary pillar KT03-A
Készítette: 紺野つかさ(Konno)
JP catenary pillar KT03-A by Konno Model...
JP Starbucks
Készítette: sway
Japanese suburban style Starbucks 2x2 level3 commercial low growable RICO commercial low version can be found here: I wanted to make it more flexible so most sign props are not included in t...
JP Starbucks (RICO)
Készítette: sway
Japanese suburban style Starbucks. RICO version. 2x2 RICO commercial low, 12 workplaces, 0 construction cost It would function as a small playground if you don't have the required RICO mod Growable commercial low version can be found here: https://steamcom...
JP High School Buildings
Készítette: nob50506000
日本風の校舎になります。高校として機能します。 校舎5棟・昇降口・渡り廊下・体育館が入っております。 建物のみになりますのでMove Itで位置を調整して組み合わせるとリアルになります。 It will be a Japanese-style school building. functions as a high school. It contains 5 school buildings, an entrance, a connecting corridor, and a gymnasium. Only...
JP Starbucks props
Készítette: sway
Japanese style Starbucks sign props Screenshots taken with Realistic V1.2 LUT, Cleyra map theme, and Daylight Classic. Name Description Tris Tex jp_starbucks_sign1 Black/green IN box 60(12) 512*512(64*64) jp_starbucks_sign2 Black drive-thru pole 212(46) 51...
JR Shikoku Kiha40 series
Készítette: YODOH
original model by RonSatoyan...
King Leno's Glass Props
Készítette: KingLeno
not much to see here, but this will be a collection of custom glass props that I will use for future assets. If you follow me or subscribe to any of my assets, you'll want to go ahead and subscribe to this one in advance....
KORAIL RDC Mugunghwa-ho DMU
Készítette: PC28K
Line color NOT supported This is a KORAIL (Korea Railroad) DMU Train name : RDC (Refurbished Diesel Car) Mugunghwa Train PROP: here I think you need Vehicle Effects mod 3car: Mc - M - Mc 4car: Mc - M - M - Mc Mc is containing driver's room. M is not contai...
KEPCO sign v1
Készítette: sebong
KEPCO chinese and english sign...
KEPCO sign v2
Készítette: sebong
KEPCO Korean sign...
Korea Broadcasting System (: KBS)
Készítette: koxx
Korea Broadcasting System by bisabeols -Korea Broadcasting System (:KBS) : KBS main building (Korea Broadcasting System, Seoul, South Korea) : Size, 13x11 / Scale, 1:1.5 / Unique level 3 : tris = 9235 : Texture = 2048x2048px : LOD = 512x512px - RICO Compat...
Korail ITX-Saemaul
Készítette: CHAIRMAN 한국철도공사 210000호대 전동차(ITX-새마을) Korea Railroad(KORAIL) 210000Series EMU ITX-Saemaul 이 에셋의 구성요소(Contents) 6cars 차량편성(Formation of the Train) 6량(6cars)3M3T Tc - M' - M - T - M' -Tc 승객정원(Passenger Capacity) Tc : 58명 T : 46명 M' : 74명...
Készítette: ***** Architecture
CN mixed freight train
Készítette: EvametryE
bring in the workers bring in the rails. A mixed freight consist of grain hoppers, boxcars, and container cars, pulled by two engines, a SD45 and a SD40 high hood, for the Canadian National Railroad. About this asset 1024x1024 texture its a freight train. ...
Fences Pack #03 [IMT]
Készítette: clus Hello all togther ! I was asked if I could release the AN - Fences of the "AN Fences Pack #01" as separate versions... ... here they are. :) The Fences are specifically designed to be use with the Intersection Marking Tool b...
Tree Control 1.0
Készítette: algernon A lightweight alternative to Tree Anarchy, with an emphasis on stability and reliability. Provides: Optional expanded tree limit (the default game limit is 262 144; this mod can expand that to over 2 million) Tree Anarchy (A...
Parking Lot Roads
Készítette: Badi_Dea
I can't drive 55 - no really, I can't, it's a parking lot... Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several functional parking lot markers specially crafted to work with these(and other) roads. Everything in this p...
Elevated Stops Enabler Revisited 2.1
Készítette: macsergey Overview Allows to place bus and tram stops on elevated versions of roads it is revisited version of BloodyPenguin's mod Support If you have any problems with mod or errors occur, you should describe your problem as much det...
Line Tool 0.7.1
Készítette: algernon Place props, trees, and/or buildings in a line Still under active and comparatively early development, but already does all the required basics; the UI in particular is a bit under-developed in this version, and will be impr...
UnifiedUI (UUI) 2.2.1 - Continued [BETA]
Készítette: codewitch Unsubscribe from original version before subscribing this version! Note on Load Order Requires Skyve for correct Load Order. Stable release of Skyve. (The Beta was also fine; don't worry about it. Has been fine since Oct 202...
81 Tiles 2
Készítette: algernon Overview Enables unlocking and building on all map tiles, not just the 25 in the middle (replaces the old '81 Tiles' mod). Includes optional Remove Need for Power Lines, Remove Need for Pipes, and Cross the Line functionalit...
Surface Painter
Készítette: BloodyPenguin
Allows to change terrain surface Are you tired of endless list of filler assets cluttering your parks panel and exhausting your buildings limit? Then this mod is for you! This is a plugin for my Extra Lanscaping Tools mod th...
BlueArchive : AbydosHighSchool MainBuilding
Készítette: zkfkrhsel
블루아카이브 : 아비도스 고등학교 - 본관 해당 에셋은 본관만 있으며 섬네일 대로 완성하시고 싶은 분은 하단의 모음집을 확인해주세요 BlueArchive : AbydosHighSchool - MainBuilding This item only exists in the main building. ブルーアーカイブ : アビドス高等学校 - 本館...
City Quay - #01
Készítette: clus Hello all togther ! Here´s another "old" project, which now sees the light ! ;) This quay initially started as different pedestrian pathways, then transformed in to different quays and finally, due to AN, found its way in to...
Regis High School
Készítette: Badi_Dea
Regis High School has been educating young minds since 1877. This latest campus expands that legacy into the suburbs. This building is roughly equivalent to 3 vanilla High Schools. Structure Specific Details Building Template High School Dimensions 14x6 + ...
Railway Narrow - Props
Készítette: REV0
Prop pack that is being used by Railway Narrow. Check collection for details....
Railway Narrow - Rural Station Tracks
Készítette: YODOH
Station tracks of RWY-Narrow Rural 1 lane, left side boarding, ground 1 lane, right side boarding, ground 1 lane, both side boarding, ground 2 lane, both side boarding, ground 2 lane, both side boarding, ground, no switch 1 lane, left side boarding, elevat...
Workshop version of Railroads of Japan stations
Készítette: Ryuichi Kaminogi
This pack has the modified stations from the content creator pack Railroads of Japan for Steam Workshop users. Please note that you will need to update the game itself to load it. Railroads of Japan stations are created usin...
Side Wall-s2 通用型护坡
Készítette: hikke
大家好 这是第二个通用型护坡 既可以作为公路铁路的护坡 也可以作为河岸的护坡 我调整了宽度和护坡角度 看上去更美观 特点是和游戏的一样 可以自己拉弧度 在也不用一个个扑通了~ 如果你喜欢 请给我点赞~~ ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is Side Wall-s2 this sidewall Can be used as road and railway or sea I adjusted the width and an...
Retaining Walls - Pack#01
Készítette: clus
Due to a BUG in CS1, which wont be fixed anymore in CS1s life time, I am going to update these networks AGAIN. If you used them via IMT, these network will vanish after the update. I´ll add a second version of every Network, which will be usable with IMT a...
Fences [and Barriers] - Pack #02
Készítette: clus Hello all togther ! This is the Concrete Highways Fences / Barrier Pack #02. All Fences, Barriers and Walls, used in the Cocnrete Highways - Shoulder Versions, can be found in this Package. It also cointains additional versi...
Tire fenders
Készítette: Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic Tire fenders for my quays. The prop consists of 4 tires. A special thank you To my patron Pasi :D Model Tris: 376 Texture: 256x128 LOD Tris: 88 Texture: 64x32 Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Col...
Road Decorations - Pack #01
Készítette: clus Hello all togther ! This is a little Props Pack which is used for some of my networks. Most Props and Decals in this Pack share Textures, therefore is really lightweight.
3-Lane Two-Way Road with One-Way Tram Lane
Készítette: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, two-way road with a dedicated one-way tram lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Dedicated tram lane Tram stop road markings Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you...
CSL Music Mod - Reupload
Készítette: [OG]CombatMedic02 Reuploaded due to the Unexplained Disappearance of the Original Mod. Mod still appears to work fine but as I am not the original developer I will not be able to support/update the mod in the future. I am just uploading this ...
Blue Archive BGM Collections
Készítette: Johnbee2014
The sound source was created through the following YouTube playlist....
Schale-affiliated Kivotos Student Symphony Orchestra (Blue Archive ost Orchestra ver.)
Készítette: Johnbee2014
This creation was produced and distributed with the permission of the original author. original author (Rhee3) : Playlist :
Building Control 1.1.3
Készítette: algernon Building anarchy and other functions When placing buildings, allows the user to select: Placement mode - such as being able to change restrictions about placing on roads, water, etc. Terrain surface - pavement, gravel, or no...
Azalea Bushes
Készítette: MrMaison
Azalea Bushes by MrMaison Add more color to your landscapes with this 6 pack of generic Azalea bushes. These bushes are versatile and can be used for hedges too. STATS: All 6 bushes are 144 tris each with 1024 textures Strong Suggestions Tree LOD Fix by TP...
Murraya Bushes
Készítette: pdelmo
8 different bushes With and without flowers Tiny to large 1024x512 textures 90tri-1100tri...
High Line - Pillars Pack
Készítette: clus Hello all togther ! This pack will contains mostly pillars for the High Line Networks currently available is one Pillar Type with 5 different sizes and 2 versio...
High Line #01 - Base
Készítette: clus Hello all togther ! Make your City greener and let your Cims walk on repurposed Railway Tracks ! This network was heavily inspired by the High Line in New York City. Its not a copy, only inspired ... ;) https://en.wikipedia....
119 Local Fire Department
Készítette: Uniform006
119 지역 소방대. 119 Lkcal Fire Department. 2x2 If you like an asset, you can donate it through PayPal. kakaobank 3333-13-2041673 후원 감사합니다....
Abydos High School MH-60R (Police Helicopter) - Blue Archive
Készítette: Def2017
Now the Abydos students can protect your city from various evil PMCs! Abydos High School personal helicopter, named Water Cloud by Ayane. Based on the MH-60R SeaHawk helicopter. This is a Police Helicopter Medical Heli Disaster Heli Prop Original model by ...
Abydos High School MH-60R (Prop) - Blue Archive
Készítette: Def2017
Abydos High School Helicopter prop version Based on MH-60R SeaHawk helicopter. Police Heli Medical Heli Disaster Heli Original model by WTigerTw Tags: Blue Archive, ブルアカ, 블루아카이브, Ayane, Abydos, Kivotos, Helicopter, Anime...
Theme Mixer 2․5
Készítette: Nyoko
Easily customize map themes! Theme Mixer 2.5 is a revised version of Theme Mixer 2, featuring new UI icons and numerous bug fixes. Not to be confused with Building Themes and District Styles Plus. htt...
BOB, the Tree and Prop Replacer 1.0.1
Készítette: algernon Beautify Our Builds (BOB). OR Universal Beauty Manager Tool To Change Ugly Props And Trees Or Bury Them (UBMTTCUPATOBT). More details on usage you'll find in the basic BOB guide. New in 0.9.4 New feature: ability to add new ...
First Person Camera - Continued v3.1.3 (STABLE)
Készítette: Will
From v3.1.3 on, there will be a very self-evident notification to help you fix the camera stuck to the ground issue by clicking "Quick Fix". Please UNSUBSCRIBE the incompatible mods listed in the pinned discussion "Mod Compatibility" before subscribing to ...