Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Koiree's cyberpunk cities collection
Items (640)
アトレ川越 atre building (RICO)
Created by TOKACHI269
川越駅前にあるatre川越です。ペデストリアンデッキはついていません。 <mesh info> main triss : 4731 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 59 texture size : 256x256 (defuse,illumination) atre building by TOKACHI269...
ブックオフ四街道店(R)_BOOK OFF Yotsukaido
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 四街道市に実在する「ブックオフ」です。 "BOOK OFF" that exists in Yotsukaido-shi, Chiba prefecture. ■メモ(Memo) 日本のごみ処理施設は設置場所が限られており、ゲームのように乱立していません。 そこでブックオフをリサイクル施設として機能させ、街の美観を損ねないようにしたかったのが、作成したきっかけです。 The installation place of the garbage disposal facility i...
中国国家游泳中心-水立方China National Aquatics Center - Water Cube
Created by 六六
中国国家游泳中心-水立方 China National Aquatics Center - Water Cube 资产介绍: 国家游泳中心又称"水立方"(Water Cube)位于北京奥林匹克公园内,是北京为2008年夏季奥运会修建的主游泳馆,也是2008年北京奥运会标志性建筑物之一。 国家游泳中心规划建设用地62950平方米,总建筑面积65000-80000平方米,其中地下部分的建筑面积不少于15000平方米,长宽高分别为 177m ×177m ×30m。 国家游泳中心是北京2008年奥运会主要比赛场馆之...
中鋼總部大樓 China Steel Corporation Headquarters
Created by flycenter
China Steel HDQ Building, Kaohsiung, TW This building is built for China Steel Corporation Headquarters. Building stands in Asia's New Bay Area in Kaohsiung. Construction started in 2008 and completed in 2012. This building has 29 floors and the facade cha...
Created by 红米先生
城市雕塑1 by 红米...
Created by UNFU
广州大剧院是广州新中轴线上的标志性建筑之一,是目前华南地区最先进、最完善和最大的综合性表演艺术中心。坐落于珠江新城花城广场旁,以璀璨的文化地标身份,为中国大胆探索着剧院经营管理新模式和改革发展道路。 广州大剧院由第一位获得“普利兹克建筑奖”的女性、英籍伊拉克设计师扎哈·哈迪德设计,是她进入中国的处女作和成名作 。广州大剧院宛如两块被珠江水冲刷过的灵石,奇特的外形充满奇思妙想。全球顶级声学大师哈罗德·马歇尔博士,为广州大剧院精心打造的声学系统,达到世界一流水平,使其传递出近乎完美的视听效果,获得全球建筑界及艺...
Created by 大郎唠叨
在原有作品的基础上降低了价格修改了属性。如有侵权请联系删除。请支持原作者: 如提示需要供暖,请开启用电供暖法令可解决此BUG。...
新上海中心大厦 shanghai tower 1:1
Created by CM.
上海中心大厦 shanghai tower 1:1 by CM. 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in level 6 special buildings. 注:该建筑会有报错 The building will report an error 现实中上海中心大厦隐约能够看到其内部的构造,我为了能够还原它想了不少办法,包括了最常用的真实玻璃,但是真实玻璃一离远就会消失,仍旧难让人满意,后来自己想到了一种玻璃幕墙的制作方式,虽然复杂了一点,但是最起码达到了效果,只是建筑的优化...
柴山第六~七ビル_Shibayama 6~7th Building
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 宮城県仙台市青葉区国分町にあるクライスビルがモデルとなっています。 実際の写真がないため、テナントや階数などはディフォルメされております。 The model is the Krys Building in Kokubuncho, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. Since there are no actual photos, tenants and floors are deformed. ■メモ(Memo) 作成したきっかけ...
Created by 红米先生
现代步行街一期 by 逍遥子掌门人 本资产共计9栋资产建筑,每个建筑之间保持在5-6米距离,可供玩家自行画道路,另外您可以在每个建筑上自行画质过路天桥用来模拟显示天桥通道。 本资产占地340X180米,是一个超大型商业性质的步行街。 LOD:2000左右 2K分辨率 Leader of the first phase of modern pedestrian street There are 9 asset buildings in total. The distance between each buil...
渋谷109 shibuya109
Created by やばい
渋谷109 shibuya109 by やばい お久しぶりです、今回作ったアッセとは渋谷109です、お楽しみください。 Hi, guys, this is shibuya109, one of the famous building in Shibuya area, hope you guys enjoy and have fun! 渋谷 東京 日本 Shibuya Tokyo Japan update log: LED light for calzedonia shop...
苏州东方之门LED版 The Gate of the Orient LED
Created by CM.
苏州东方之门LED版 The Gate of the Orient LED 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到它。 You can find it in the third level special building. 东方之门是位于中国江苏省苏州市的一座301.8米高的摩天大楼。苏州工业区双塔规划的核心建筑,它不仅代表着苏州的新大门,而且也是世界看中国的新大门。这座伟岸而优雅的标志性建筑位于苏州工业园区CBD轴线的末端,东临星港街及波光粼粼的金鸡湖,西面为国际大厦及世纪金融大厦。 The Gate Of t...
苏州中南中心 Suzhou South Central Center
Created by CM.
可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 Can be found in Level 6 Special Buildings 苏州中南中心位于苏州金鸡湖湖西CBD核心区,是湖西CBD城市天际线的中心和制高点,与东方之门、苏州中心广场组成一个整体,形成风格统一的面向金鸡湖的城市建筑群形象。项目总建筑面积约50万平方米,地上138层,地下5层,檐口高度598米,塔冠最高点729米,成为全国在建第一高楼。项目以打造绿色、生态、智慧、高效、多功能复合的超高层综合体为理念,建成集观光、七星级酒店、顶级公寓、国际5A级写字楼、世界顶...
郑州东站(站房建筑) Zhengzhou East Railway Station(Building)
Created by 大鼎
郑州东站(站房建筑) Zhengzhou East Railway Station(Building) 测试资产,仅为建筑模型,无站台及停靠设站功能 Test assets, only for building model, without platform and transport function 贴图精度不高,后续有时间会更新,无夜晚发光贴图 The texture mapping is not very clear, it will be updated in the future, and th...
雪麒麟不发光版本The snow unicorn does not emit light
Created by 六六
雪麒麟不发光版本 The snow unicorn does not emit light by Acolasia丶六六...
雪麒麟发光版本Snow kirin light version
Created by 六六
雪麒麟 Snow kirin light version by Acolasia丶六六...
"Aeolus" Wind Turbine
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Large radius wind turbine with a wind lens. It behaves exactly like the standard wind turbine in that it faces into the wind and produces variable amounts of energy (I added a video above with the animation). It produces up to 9.5x the energy of a standard...
"Mightwatch" Kläranlage
Created by Enfindos
"Mightwatch" Kläranlage by Enfindos A better sewage plant by "Mightwatch". This sewage plant has the most advanced technology and can the water pollution reduce to 99%. Data: - Electricity: 1120 KW - Flow rate: 160.000 m³/Week ---------------------- Costs:...
"Tilted Box" Rehab Center
Created by Lemire
"Tilted Box" Rehab Center by Lemire Taken almost as is from one of my old uni projects, which you could also check out here: Thank you for playing my assets. If you really like my creations, please don...
109 men's 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
109 men's 渋谷 東京 by やばい 2011年、「109-2」が名前を変え、メンズファッションビルとしてリニューアル。渋谷駅のハチ公口のスクランブル交差点を渡ってすぐに立ち、地下2階から地上7階に、アパレルだけでなくアクセサリーや雑貨など、オトコの渋谷系ファッションに欠かせない全50ブランドが軒を連ねる。 The building, located just across the street from Shibuya Station, opened in April 1979. The arch...
1x2 Rainbow HighHorse LvL5
Created by Dr Kreuzer
1x2 Rainbow HighHorse LvL5 by Dr Kreuzer...
27 x H3 Commercial Generic Futuristic Blocks [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default these assets are H3 commercial growables. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . -- Important -- These are 27 different H3 commercial growables, but they all use the same texture maps for their main m...
27 x H3 Office Generic Futuristic Blocks [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default these assets are H3 office growables. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . -- Important -- These are 27 different H3 office growables, but they all use the same texture maps for their main mesh. Tha...
27 x H5 Residential Generic Futuristic Blocks [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default these assets are H5 residential growables. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . -- Important -- These are 27 different H5 residential growables, but they all use the same texture maps for their main...
2x1 Kyoto Block #2 (Lv 1 High Density Commercial)
Created by BachToBaroque
2nd attempt at this asset creation thingy. Getting a better understand on texture maps at least. Dimensions seems kinda off, especially the height. Oh well. Model is based on this building. 2x1 Level 1 High Density Commericial, Growable: -357 Tris main mod...
Created by CR
3階建て by STE AM...
3 villages - La Défense / PARIS [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
3 villages - La Défense / PARIS Also called "Les Villages de l'Arche". Forming a suite of enclosed spaces, the buildings house a covered round square, another semi-circular square – with a mineral tendency – and a vegetated oval square. A perfect combinati...
3x3C Kyoto Block #6 (Lv1 Office)
Created by BachToBaroque
'Tamaribuchi Heavy Manufacturing Concern' office branch & 7Eleven on the ground floor. Tamaribuchi was once a joint venture company with Matsumura Fishworks but decided to split after a sharp decline in sales worldwide over their bestselling product, Mr.Sp...
81 Tiles 2
Created by algernon Overview A rewrite of the old '81 tiles' mod to increase performance and resolve bugs. Enables unlocking (and building on) all map tiles, not just the 25 in the middle. Includes optional Remove Need for Power Lines, Remove N...
ABC Elementary
Created by gido505
Model : 1514 tris . lod 160 tris . 8x4 . stats double (x2) as vanilla Texture Maps : alpha . color . diffuse . specular . 1024 . lod 128 To change color Stripe - go to TOOLS -> click ASSET EDITOR -> click LOAD -> select theme - select the asset name to loa...
ABC Elementary Annex A
Created by gido505
Model : 600 tris . lod 168 tris . 4x4 . stats difference to vanilla below Texture Maps : alpha . color . diffuse . specular . 1024 . lod 128 Vanilla vs Annex A Cost 10,000 vs 15,000 Maintenance 160 /wk vs 240 /wk Student Count 300 vs 500 Electricity 480 kW...
ABC Elementary Annex B
Created by gido505
Model : 380 tris . lod 108 tris . 4x4 . stats same as vanilla Texture Maps : alpha . color . diffuse . specular . 1024 . lod 128 To change color Stripe please refer to the main elementary building. ABC Elementary Building -
AC Hab V3a
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
AC Habitation Dome V3a by Stonedmonkeyboy. 1x1 cell V-3a of my Small habitation Dome's. Tired of your colonists dying due to suffocation? Running low on duct tape supplies? Here's your solution small habitation domes. Screenshots to follow....
AC Hab V3b
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
AC Habitation Dome V3b by Stonedmonkeyboy. 2x1 cell V-3b of my Small habitation Dome's. Tired of your colonists dying due to suffocation? Running low on duct tape supplies? Here's your solution small habitation domes. Screenshots to follow. 2 variations of...
AC Hab V3c
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
AC Habitation Dome V3c by Stonedmonkeyboy. 2x3 cell V-3c of my Small habitation Dome's. Tired of your colonists dying due to suffocation? Running low on duct tape supplies? Here's your solution small habitation domes. Screenshots to follow. 2 variations of...
AC Units
Created by Emperor Li
3 AC Units Required props for my taiwanese commercial buildings. 模型資料 | model infos: Tris: 16-20 maps: 128x64 (d,a,i,s,c) LOD tris: 12 LOD maps: 64x32 (d,a,i,s,c) Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
AC_Home Ina Dome-v2
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
AC_Home Ina Dome-v2 by Stonedmonkeyboy. 2x2 lvl 2 low residential...
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
AC_Palace This was to see if submeshes worked better than props it turned out ok for a test I think. (Ididnt look exactly as this was a just to see what it would turn out lie project) Total triangle count 5000 and something uses 3 meshes 1024x1024 images x...
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
AC_Recycling-V2 by Stonedmonkeyboy. Recycling Truck...
Ad Zenith Extra-Atmospherics
Created by Whipplesnoodle
So yeah... It's quite tall. 8x8 Unique. Hipoly: 2.1k tris, 2048x1024 diffuse, illumination, specular, normal and color maps. LOD: 900 tris, 512x512 (darn my shortcut methods) diffuse, illumination, specular and color maps. Uses the base template for the CO...
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
Small Billboard Intended as a prop for an asset im still working on....
Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance
Created by BloodyPenguin
Prevents large props (like planes, containers etc.) from disappearing on zooming out. Adjusts LOD distance for trees depending on their size. The larger is prop/tree, the further it is visible! For small props visibility distances should remain the same as...
Additional Pylon
Created by gido505
You must construct additional pylons! Based on Wind Turbine. Can be placed anywhere 1x1. Cost 20,000. Upkeep 80/week. No Noise pollution so can be placed near residential places with good wind speeds. Produces 32MW of electricity on a 10 wind speed. ...
Created by m4gic
Eons ago, orbiting a dwarf white star in the depths of space, a stargate was anchored. Through that gate came beings so advanced that they constructed a planet-sized machine: AEON. It suffered some internal cataclysm in the distant past, when the sea of ch...
Additive Shader
Created by Ronyx69
Allows to use the soft additive particle shader (used for light effects) for props and vehicle sub meshes. It's also possible to use custom on/off time of day. Required for assets using the additive shader. Building, sub building, and sub mesh support is n...
[TOKYO-III] NCH Structure
Created by CityOfTokyo
Nerv Central Hospital Structure NERV center Hospital of the original was Building No. 1, a building consisting of Building No. 2, but misappropriated another building because there was not the document except the central roofed passage connecting buildings...
[RICO] Japanese Department Store / 駅前ファッションビル・デパート
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
----- 26 Oct 2019 UPDATED Fixed brightness and normal map. ----- Building of Japanese department store. This is very typical shape so please decorate with props and make it your own department store. Recommended Prop Japanese Department Store Signs / 日本のデパ...
[REP] Japanese Style Warehouse
Created by -ReputationUh-
做的第一个房屋资产,质量保证再能力范围内最大化了,快来订阅下载吧。 This is the first building asset I tried to make. Subscribe now!...
Created by stmSantana
VBike-01 by stmSantana It's a Electric bicycle! This is a Repainted asset. Vehicle,Scooter. Max speed 20. (Vanilla scooter : 20) "Original Asset by stmSantana VBike00" ...
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
The Chunichi Shinbun is a daily newspaper published by the Japanese newspaper company Chunichi Shimbun in the Tokai region. New Aichi and Nagoya Shimbun merged during the wartime integration. As a result, the two-owner system of the Oshima family and the O...
[mxmm] 1x1 Small House
Created by Max Mustermann
Just a small 1x1 House. Stats: Low Residential Level 1 Files: mxmm01.crp mxmm01.fbx (140 Triangles) mxmm01_d.png (Diffuse Texture, 512x512px) mxmm01_i.png (Illumination Mask, 512x512px) mxmm01_n.png (Normal Mask, 512x512px) mxmm01_s.png (Specular Mask, 512...
[Milgram]Shenzhen Bay Sports Center 深圳湾体育中心
Created by XDBX
ShenzhenBaySportsCenter 深圳湾体育中心 深圳湾体育中心位于中国广东省深圳市南山区后海湾畔,占地30.774公顷,是深圳湾绵延15公里海滨休闲带上的一个地标性建筑,因主体使用白色巨型钢结构网架将“一场两馆”及其他商业设施整合为一体而被称为“春茧”,与称为春笋的中国华润大厦互相呼应。 2011年第26届世界大学生运动会开幕式在这里举行。 Shenzhen Bay Sports Center (Simplified Chinese: 深圳湾体育中心), nicknamed Spring C...
[Korea] Villa1 한국식 상가빌라
Created by 시린시
한국형 상가빌라입니다. 주거용 건물이며 상가는 지원하지 않습니다. villa1 ...
[AD]Inactive Atlantis Stargate by Morsh
Created by Morsh
This is the Inactive Atlantis Stargate from Stargate Atlantis In Cities Skylines it functions as a Park, since it is inactive and doing it as Metro would be a bit strange. People can still hang out around it! ;) Check my Workshop for more Design variety of...
Created by cupoftea
The Zephyrometer is a public sculpture by Phil Price in Evans Bay, Wellington. The work was installed in 2003. It is a kinetic sculpture consisting of a concrete cylinder holding a 26m tall needle which sways in the wind The Zephyrometer asset is a tree so...
Zero point energy battery
The zero point energy battery is an ideal solution. inspired by the technology seen in district 9. this is my first mod. model specifications: Tris: 1610 Verts: 837 Texture: 1024 x 1024 d / s / n LOD: Texture 128 x 128 d / s / n...
Zoning Adjuster 1.6
Created by algernon A tool to adjust and fine-tune zoning grids Yes, the one-sided and remove zoning functions of this mod work happily alongside those introduced in the base game in 1.17 - you can use either or both. Remember that this mod doe...
Created by waya
wy-JP-ComplexBuilding-SUN by waya Support my work on PayPal ! Donate:
Created by waya
wy-JP-ComplexBuilding-SK by waya...
XYZ High
Created by gido505
Model : 1674 tris . lod 198 tris . 4x8 . stats double (x2) as vanilla Texture Maps : alpha . color . diffuse . specular . 1024 . lod 128 To change color Stripe - go to TOOLS -> click ASSET EDITOR -> click LOAD -> select theme - select the asset name to loa...
WOORI BANK(우리은행 본점)
Created by sebong
WOORI BANK(우리은행 본점)...
Widow Balloons
Created by Budelbert Calypso
2539 Tris Developed for the Boom Box. See Ingame-Pictures there. These will be too big for common use. Maybe later I'll share balloons of proper size and more lively colours as long as there are none yet. Screenshots of you keeping the Boom Box story alive...
Wings of Authority
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Level 4 unique. Uses Oppression Office template, with some reasonably increased stats across the board (about 50% more workers, cost, energy usage, waste production etc.) An attempt at an eclectic transition from brutalist, through nigh neo-brutalist and s...
Watson Tower - Cyberpunk 2077
Created by nardo Highway Building - Watson Drive through and enjoy the Scrolling sign above you! This Asset includes: Watson Building - Cyberpunk 2077 Enjoy this Asset! https://i.img...
VNlowres4 1x3
Created by Tuanpetit
Vietnamese Townhouse Low density Size 1x3...
Vibrant Lighthouse LUT
Created by Jimmytrouser
This is a clean, crisp LUT with Vibrant colors. The night-lights sparkle and the sunrises and sunsets are rich and glorious. If you want a little more color in the day and sparkle in the night-time then try this LUT. This LUT was designed using the Boreal ...
Vertical Forest Industry 2 CC
Created by CushyCrux
Vertical Forest Industry 2 CC Because the Future is Green. It need some tris, because of its complexity. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! 1838 Polys 3196 Tris 1865 Verts 2048 Texture Maps (with baked AO and GI!) The ...
Vertical Farming Industry CC
Created by CushyCrux
Vertical Farming Industry CC Because the Future is Green. It need alot tris, because of its complexity and still the poly limit makes it look a bit jaggy. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! 13320 Polys 13704 Tris 6799 ...
Venturo CF-45
Created by nekote こちらは旧バージョンです、上記リンクからサブスクライブして下さい。 It has been updated. To subscribe from the link above....
Venting 2
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A venting system for rooftops Triangles: 336 Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I would be very grateful if you could support me with a li...
V- Neo'N Urban Plaza 16x8 - V
Created by Vander
Neo'N Urban Plaza is 16x8 sized park. A normal park. Its more future design "like cyberpunk". Triangels : 3.747 - 425 -AFTER DARK - optimized- 16x8 Cost: 27000 Maintenance: 388.41 per week ----------------------------------------- Electic Consum: 15 Fire H...
Utopia 7b [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Utopia 7 version b - RICO (office) Unique Building Level 1 Size: 5x4 Triangles : 7.604 / 142 Weight: 38.28 / 0.72 Texture: 1024x512 / 256² Contain all texture and lod file. no color change RICO setting Office - Level 3 Workplaces: 50 Cost: 30.000...
Utopia 4 [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Utopia 4 - RICO (Office) Unique Building Level 1 Size: 5x5 Triangles : 5.255 / 70 Weight: 31.01 / 0.42 Texture: 512² / 256² Contain all texture and lod file. no color change RICO setting Office Level 3 Workplaces: 100 Cost: 50.000...
Utopia 5 [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Utopia 5 - RICO (Commercial) Unique Building Level 1 Size: 5x5 Triangles : 7.120 / 208 Weight: 50.52 / 1.5 Texture: 512² / 256² Contain all texture and lod file. no color change RICO setting Commercial High - Level 3 Workplaces: 100 Cost: 50.000...
Utopia 6 [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Utopia 6 - RICO (Commercial) Unique Building Level 1 Size: 4x8 Triangles : 3.844 / 156 Weight: 30.46 / 1.26 Texture: 512² / 256² Contain all texture and lod file. no color change RICO setting Commercial High - Level 3 Workplaces: 100 Cost: 50.000...
Utopia 7 [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Utopia 7 - RICO (commercial) Unique Building Level 1 Size: 5x4 Triangles : 7.342 / 110 Weight: 37.65 / 0.59 Texture: 1024x512 / 256² Contain all texture and lod file. no color change RICO setting Commercial High - Level 3 Workplaces: 50 Cost: 30.000...
Utopia 2 [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Utopia 2 - RICO (High Density Residential) Unique Building Level 1 Size: 5x6 Triangles : 7.224 / 158 Weight: 44.99 / 0.98 Texture: 512² / 512² Contain all texture and lod file. no color change RICO setting Residential High Density Level 5 Homes: 20 Cost: 5...
Utopia 3 [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Utopia 3 - RICO (High Density Residential) Unique Building Level 1 Size: 4x6 Triangles : 7.396 / 274 Weight: 49.48 / 1.85 Texture: 512² / 512² Contain all texture and lod file. no color change RICO setting Residential High Density Level 5 Homes: 20 Cost: 5...
Urban Pumping Station
Created by ManuRamos
Small Pump by PelusoNN Small urban pumping station, without noise and pollution. Capacity 64000/week ...
Upgraded University
Created by MarshallSK
Upgraded University by MarshallSK...
University Geology building
Created by Robconstrictor
University Geological Science building Inspired by the GEO1 Building of the Westfälische Wilhelms University in Münster / Germany Model details: Triangle count: 6960...
University 101
Created by gido505
Model : 1686 tris . lod 198 tris . 8x8 . stats same as vanilla Texture Maps : alpha . color . diffuse . specular . 1024 . lod 128 To change color Stripe - go to TOOLS -> click ASSET EDITOR -> click LOAD -> select theme - select the asset name to load under...
University Engineering Building
Created by Bfb Da Packman
1,838 / 198 Tris / 3.1 MB - Based on original 3D Model: University 101 by gido505 Description: The Engineering Building was constructed during the cold war for nuclear weapons research. Now it's used to train Transportation Engineers due to all the traffic...
University - Architecture 7x7
Created by uwe
University - Architecture 7x7 values ​​halved compared to standard universities....
Ultra Modern City Toilet CC (Park)
Created by CushyCrux
Ultra Modern City Toilet CC (Park) This is a 1x1 Park with a Toilet to place. Based on real Zurich Toilets. Because Civs need to pee too! Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! 78 Polys 200 Tris 106 Verts 1024 Maps Normal:...
Ultima Thule
Created by m4gic
After the Kuiper Wars and the destruction of Earth most of humanity set adrift, searching for new worlds to colonize. We went into the plot our revenge. After many decades of searching we have found our new home. This planet is...habitable but...
Tyrell Corporation Pyramid
Created by Ninja_Thomek
- There is a wasp crawling on your arm.. The Tyrell Corporation building from Blade Runner. This is a more sinister science building. Enjoy :) PS: I know scale is too small, try to see if Procedural Objects mod works for scaling it bigger! You can also try...
Twi'lek Dancer
Created by m4gic
On the move to the next gig. Do not get in her way. Uses the young adult female armature. Star Wars universe-inspired fan art....
Tris Roof Eldercare (住宅型有料老人ホーム蛇)
Created by christinayan
Tris Roof Eldercare by christinayan01. Impressive timber triangle-roofs which look like a snake. いわゆるひとつの住宅型有料老人ホームです。最近のバージョンアップから増えた施設ですね。 Inspiration from Kengo Kuma's works "Kyushu Geibun Kan Museum". 参考:隈研吾建築都市設計事務所設計の九州芸文館. **Stats** Template : Healt...
Tri-Force Park 4x2 AD Ready
Created by Spectra Tri-Force Park 4x2 by bullettMAGNETT Hello everyone, here is a little something for the Zelda Fans :) Golden Tri-Force Park 92 tris 4x2 Tiles 512 maps Enjoy! :) Rele...
Created by Whiteshark
Treatment by yves.dewit...
Trailer Stack L1 03
Created by Xuesheng
THE STACKS Low residential building (3x2) inspired by "ready player one". ideal for dystopian or cyberpunk themes. model: 1.154 tri + 1024x1024 texture lod: 410 tri + 64x64 texture The model was done following this good tutorial:
trailer stack L1 02
Created by Xuesheng
THE STACKS Low residential building (2x1) inspired by "ready player one". ideal for dystopian or cyberpunk themes. model: 1.154 tri + 1024x1024 texture lod: 376 tri + 64x64 texture The model was done following this good tutorial:
Tokyo Olympic Stadium - Zaha Hadid Project
Created by _luminou_
Tokyo Olympic Stadium - Zaha Hadid Project Following the news in 2012 that Zaha Hadid Architects had won a competition to design the 80,000-seat Tokyo National Stadium as a centerpiece for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Japan’s Prime Minister has announced that ...
Tokyo Big Sight (Conference Tower)
Created by Nasvic
Tokyo Big Sight (東京ビッグサイト Tōkyō Biggu Saito) is the popular nickname for the Tokyo International Exhibition Center (東京国際展示場 Tōkyō Kokusai Tenjijō), a Japanese convention center that opened in April 1996. Located in the Ariake district on Tokyo Bay, the cen...
Created by Whiteshark
University by yves.dewit...
The Wing 4x4
Created by isdraken
The Wing 4x4 by isdraken New lighting effects during the day and night hours. Will reflect the surroundings and traffic correctly....
Created by Xuesheng
THE STACKS Low residential building (1x1) inspired by "ready player one". ideal for dystopian or cyberpunk themes. model: 2.412 tri + 1024x1024 texture lod: 618 tri + 64x64 texture The model was done following this good tutorial:
The First Alien War Memorial
Created by mickthemage
The First Alien War Memorial (X-COM) X-COM and XCOM inspired memorial for your city. :-) Plopable 7x7, level 2 building....
Created by Whipplesnoodle
After an awesome idea from the Great Radzinsky. "The BPOD" AKA The Blue Pillar of Death. 10x10 Paragon of Dread, Cyber Monstrosity. It eats electricity. 120 wind turbines /24 coal /6 solar /1.5 nuclear power plants should do the trick. It is prone to fires...
Tethered Wind Turbine
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Tethered Wind Turbine. Or the Gulper, as I like to call it. Run out of free land? Skyscrapers taking up every bit of your county? Not enough open water? Are tourists complaining about those advanced wind turbines covering every inch of your your precious (...
Tamurakoma Office
Created by Ronyx69
Tamurakoma (textile and garment trading company) office in Tokyo, Japan. RICO: $20K / L2 Office / 100 jobs Oddly shaped lot. The signage is optional. Main: 6094 tris 2048x1024 LOD: 296 tris 25...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 3x3 Corner #3 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 3x3 Corner #3 馬辣頂級麻辣鴛鴦火鍋(漢口店) A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 3 3x3 Corner #3 等級3 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台北市萬華區西寧南路30號) in Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). 4種(少許)不一樣的牆色 If you ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 3x3 Corner #2 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 3x3 Corner #2 A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 3 3x3 Corner #2 等級3 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台北市萬華區西寧南路62號) in Taipei. (馬辣用過了,所以改成對面的熊一燒肉) It has four color variations (but only slightly). 4種(少許)不一樣的牆色 If ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 3x3 Corner #1 Pants Kingdom 台灣商業大樓 褲子大王
Created by Emperor Li
「再大的鳥都裝得下」 "Even the biggest of birds can fit in our pants" ------------------------------------------------------------------------褲子大王 Pants Kingdom A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 3 3x3 Corner #1 等級1 3x3 轉角 If you want to use it as generi...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 1x2 #1 台灣商店
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 3 1x2 等級3 1x2 If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommended mods: - Find it! (keywords: "Taiwan") - Plop the Gr...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 3x3 Corner #3 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 3x3 Corner #3 馬辣頂級麻辣鴛鴦火鍋(漢口店) A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 3x3 Corner #3 等級2 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台北市萬華區西寧南路30號) in Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). 4種(少許)不一樣的牆色 If you ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 3x3 Corner #2 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 3x3 Corner #2 A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 3x3 Corner #2 等級2 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台北市萬華區西寧南路62號) in Taipei. (馬辣用過了,所以改成對面的熊一燒肉) It has four color variations (but only slightly). 4種(少許)不一樣的牆色 If ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 3x3 Corner #1a 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2020-06-26*** add two new variations ****************************** 3 growable taiwanese commercial buildings Level 2&3 3x3 Corner 等級2&3 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台中市中區中山路2號) in Taichung, Taiwan. If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 2x3 Corner #2 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 2x3 Corner #2 等級2 2x3 轉角 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 2x3 Corner #1 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 2x3 Corner 等級2 2x3 轉角 Based on this buildingin Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density co...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 2x3 #2 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 2x3 #2 等級2 2x3 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommende...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 2x3 #1 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 2x3 #1 等級2 2x3 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommende...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 1x2 #1 台灣商店
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 1x2 If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommended mods: - Find it! (keywords: "Taiwan") - Plop the Growables ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #2 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #2 A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 3x3 Corner #2 等級1 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台北市大安區敦化南路一段) in Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). 4種(少許)不一樣的牆色 If you want to make it R...
Aerotrain Pack - Networks/Rings
Created by nardo Aerotrain Rings through which the Aerotrain runs. Fly through them! This Pack includes: Wide Ring Ground - AETR Pack Has Ground & Tunnel Meshes Wide Ring Floating - AETR Pack Wide Ring Free - AETR Pack Wide Ring Right - AETR...
Aerotrain Pack - Props
Created by nardo Aerotrain Ring Props place em tilt em! This Pack includes the Props of: Wide Ring Ground - AETR Pack Wide Ring Floating - AETR Pack Wide Ring Free - AETR Pack Wide Ring Right - AETR Pack Wide Ring Left - AETR Pack Single Rin...
Aerotrain Pack - Station
Created by nardo Aerotrain Elevated Station in Cyberpunk Style Hop on or Hop off! This Asset includes: Aerotrain Station - AETR Pack This Station is completely of my own Design with slight inspiration from the Cyberpunk Aesthetic. Enjoy this...
Air Con Prop 1
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
Air Con 1 by ryanjamesoflondon...
Air Road
Created by originalbassbass
An air road for your futuristic city! One way two lane road. I just used the invisible road by nico_oas (all credit to him) and add a few lights with the road editor. LIGHTS APPEAR ONLY WHEN ELEVATED MODE IS ENFORCED!! USE FINE ROAD TOOL FOR THAT WHEN VERY...
AK Police Department
Created by k.puanpinta
AK Police Department Size 10x4 Electricity Consumption 160 Construction Cost 100,000 Fire Hazard 1 Fire Tolerance 20 Garbage Accumulation 20 Maintenance Cost 10,000 Sewage Accumulation 150 Water Consumption 50 Uneducated Workers 10 Educated Workers 50 Well...
AKB 48 Theather
Created by Lot Creator
This little upload has been sitting around on my hard drive for quite a while now. It's probably surpassed 4 or so months from the time I had finished it. A week ago I had finished the rather dubious night light work. I still need work and help on that sin...
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store (Growable Lv2 3x2)
Created by Emperor Li
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store アキバ☆ソフマップ1号店 Akiba Sofmap 1st store in Akibahara, Tokyo. This was made more than a year ago, when I started to model for Cities Skylines but never published it because the tris count was way too high. I optimized it recently and deci...
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store (Ploppable RICO)
Created by Emperor Li
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store アキバ☆ソフマップ1号店 Akiba Sofmap 1st store in Akibahara, Tokyo. This was made more than a year ago, when I started to model for Cities Skylines but never published it because the tris count was way too high. I optimized it recently and deci...
Akirov Tower
Created by Kliekie
Based on the real Akirov Towers: Requested by Antoni Skrzypek High residential, fits a 3x3 grid with an expandable front yard (which is filled with parking spots). Level 5, can spawn in 4 diffe...
Al Rostamani Maze Tower 1:1 Scale
Created by Bibel Gurra
Al Rostamani Maze Tower is a 210 meters tall skyscraper located along Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai, UAE. 1:1 scale and a complete replica of the tower maze. This 57 floor Residential / Office building really comes to life at night . building: 12,981 triangle...
Alien Cybertech
Created by m4gic
What an amazing find! Not one but two sentient alien "life forms"! One is an advanced cyborg; whether designed initially by another intelligence or self-generated, we do not yet know -- and may never find out. Our deep imaging scans of the cybernetic hulk ...
Alien Desert Moon
Created by m4gic
This theme takes your city to an alien desert moon orbiting a green gas giant....
Alien Narcissus Escape Shuttle
Created by DTOX
Alien Narcissus Escape Shuttle by DTOX FTW<----- Prop version is available here. Every futuristic and/or scifi city needs a spaceship! Several more spacecrafts in my workshop. Enjoy! :) "The Narcissus was a modified Lockmart...
Alien Queen (Xenomorhp) [6x8]
Created by Egorklimoff
The Queen is the most intelligent alien species, which is very different from other species. It has a pair of extra arms growing out of the chest, and a wide ridge running along the skull. The Queen is able to engage in battle with formidable opponents, bu...
Alien Snow World
Created by m4gic
Rocky, cold, and bleak world with a cracked and fiery moon. Perfect place to found a new city, no?...
Alien Vehicles
Created by m4gic
3 Alien Vehicles: The Reaver; a slow, methodical search and destroy drone. The Reaper; a marauder capable of capturing or eliminating any target. The Spider; an agile and extremely fast ship-to-ship fighter. Function as vanilla citizen cars in-game. *** No...
Allen Lewis Fountain (animated)
Created by Robert
This fountain caps the roundabout at the end of Macquarie Street, Sydney. It's my second attempt at creating animated fountains for the game. The animated portion does not require any mods to function. I hope you don't mind the considerable triangle count,...
Alpha Colony Basic Pressurised Domes
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Basic Pressurised Domes by Stonedmonkeyboy 3 domes in this pack varying sizes Find in electric buildings cell size is 1x1 domes are slightly larger :-)...
Alpha Colony Fusion Reactor_(Resubmition)
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Fusion Reactor by Stonedmonkeyboy Resubmitted after an account hack....
Alpha Colony Habitation Dome-MKI (Medium)
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Habitation Dome-MKI (Medium) by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Alpha Colony Recycling
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
AC_Recycling by Stonedmonkeyboy Screenshots to follow Recycling building. ...
Alpha Colony Secondry School
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Secondry School by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Alpha Colony Small Dome 7x7 Park
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Small Dome 7x7 Park by Stonedmonkeyboy Use road anarchy to place path within the dome once placed. Or fill it your self in the asset editor :-)...
Alpha Colony Tower 2 (Re-upload)
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
AC Residential Block Lvl2 by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Alpha Colony Police Headquarters
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Police Headquarters by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Alpha Colony Tower 1 (Re-upload)
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Tower 1 by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Alpha Colony Ice Mine
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
AC_IceMine by StonedmonkeyboyGround water extractor best placed in non polluted area :-)ound water extractor best placed in non polluted area :-)...
Alpha Colony Medical
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Medical by Stonedmonkeyboy Uses base game hospital stats...
Alpha Colony Tower 3 (Re-upload)
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Tower 3 by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Alpha Colony Tower 4 (Re-upload)
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Tower 4 by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Alpha Colony Tower 5 (Re-upload)
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha Colony Tower 5 ...
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
AlphaColonyRecyclingV1 by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Alpha_Colony_PCx1 Personal Trans
Created by Stonedmonkeyboy
Alpha_Colony_PCx1 Personal Transport by Stonedmonkeyboy...
Alpine Fresh LUT
Created by Jimmytrouser
Alpine Fresh LUT was designed to bring a little freshness and magic to the winter map theme. The colors are crisp, clean and bright with a fresh dash of saturation. The daytime is bright and clear and the nightime auroras are incredibly vibrant giving a ma...
Alstom Loop tram
Created by AleX_BY
Alstom Loop is a French futuristic concept tram. This concept was designed by Alex Nadal in 2011. Model was created by Vanyfilatov for Cities in Motion. Updated and optimised for Cities: Skylines by me. Capacity: 75 (you can change it with IPT.) See also: ...
Animated MARS Algae Oxygen Generator (Sewage)
Created by citywokcitywall
Welcome to Cities Skylines: MARS! This Algae Oxygen Generator (technically a sewage treatment building) is used in CityWokCityWall's MARS YouTube Series. MAIN BUILDING 684 Tris Texture: 1024x512 D / S / I / N MAIN BUILDING LOD 46 Tris Texture: 128x64 D ANI...
Animated MARS Hologram (CAL)
Created by citywokcitywall
Welcome to Cities Skylines: MARS! This Mars Hologram (modeled and textured by Nardo and animated by KortoVos) is used in CityWokCityWall's MARS YouTube Series. 1008 MAIN / NO LOD || 1024x512 MAIN / NO LOD Additive Shader mod is required to make it look lik...
Animated Triangelsculpture Hologram L
Created by KortoVos
triangelsculpture_l by KortoVos...
Animated Triangelsculpture Hologram M
Created by KortoVos
triangelsculpture_m by KortoVos...
Animated Triangelsculpture Hologram S
Created by KortoVos
triangelsculpture by KortoVos...
AnimUV Params
Created by Ronyx69
While previously created props still require the AnimUV Params mod, a new method for saving shader parameters by boformer has removed the requirement for a mod. See the AnimUV Shader article:
Apex Hotel (unique)
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Ploppable 4x4 (unique) tourist Hotel. (Growable version here) A lot of curves. 1917 tris high detail, 1024x diffuse, illumination, specular, normal and color maps. 512 (!!!) tris lod model, 256x diffuse, illumination, specular and color maps....
Arasaka residential [CYBERPUNK 2077]
Created by eligios⚡
Arasaka residential complex. You are already annoyed by: the densely populated City Center and Heywood; heat (due to lack of space even for wind); distance from Arasaka production? Then Arasaka presents you a comfortable apartment 5 minutes from work, or e...
Arasaka Tower - Cyberpunk 2077
Created by nardo Arasaka Tower - Night City Let's commit Patricide! - Yorinobu Arasaka This Asset includes: Arasaka Tower - Cyberpunk 2077 Enjoy this Asset!
Arcade Machines 8-Prop Pack
Created by cyberglum
Arcade Machines 8-Prop Pack Pack A pack of 4 classic arcade machines along with 4 pinball machines Thanks to the members of the CSFC Discord Server for their help and feedback.
Amu plaza Kagoshima Growable アミュプラザ鹿児島
Created by shimatarou
It is the Kagoshima Chūō Station building in the region of Japan. There is Tokyu Hands as a core tenant. This is a Growable version. The RICO ploppable version is here. - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zon...
Created by m4gic
Almost human. Sheathed in carbon fiber and faintly illuminated at night for safety and visibility. Functions as a male tourist....
Arpeje (France
Created by lansMosta
Arpeje by lansMosta Voici un pack de 4 batiments 1 petite tour de 4étages et 3 batiments de 2 étages. Here is a pack of 4 buildings 1 small tower of 4 floors and 3 buildings of 2 floor...
Arrow Plaza - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Good day Cimtizens ! Loads of people still play SC4... A few ones still play SimCity 3000, and I'm one of them. I still enjoy the relative simplicity of it and the toyish and friendly look it has... I wanted to remake a growable from SC3, prepare for some ...
Asphalt Circle Decals
Created by cbudd
Just two decals that I made ages ago for a project that will take ages to come. Been using them ingame recently, so I thought it was time to finally release them. I quite like that brutalist and grungy feeling of the decals. Search for PacSci Decal if you ...
AV Landing Pad - Cyberpunk 2077
Created by nardo AV Landing Pad Metallic and Shiny like the Corpo Chrome Skin. This Asset includes: A Version with Lights A Version without Light Cyberpunk 2077, including its visual components, characters, storylines, artwork, animations, d...
Azadi Tower
Created by Ronyx69
Azadi Tower - Tehran, Iran Found in unique buildings. Main: 14311 tris 1024x1024 LOD: 284 tris 256x256 Commision for alborzka Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests Donate CSLModding.INFO ...
B1 Battle Droid
Created by Bloodshed216
Roger Roger...
Azure Hotel
Created by Cyberlink
Azure Hotel by Azure (Jay)...
Bank of China Tower With LED
Created by XDBX
注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 无“Additive Shader”版本由此去 No "Additive Shader" version : 香港中银大厦 Bank of China Tower HK Hong Kong 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制...
Bank of communications building(Reprint) 上海市交通银行大厦(转载)
Created by CM.
此建筑并非我本人制作,最早由作者joues于2015年3月18日发布于模拟城市中文网,是当时非常少见的国人资产,其质量在当年也并不算差,只可惜没有人将它转载至steam创意工坊,现在模拟城市中文网衰落,知道此建筑的人更少了,这次就将它转发在创意工坊,让更多人知道这五年前的国人精品资产。 This building was not made by me. It was first published by the author joues on the Chinese website of SimCity o...
Baur-Areal Flats
Created by The Lost Cake
Two modern lowrise residential buildings from the Baur-Areal in Stuttgart-Berg. 4x2/2x2 3738/1868 Tris 2824/1436 Vertices 512x512 Both of them use the same 512x512 texture and have custom LODs (58 and 130 tris) with 64x64 textures. They have a color map so...
Billboards Circle [CYBERPUNK 2077]
Created by eligios⚡
Cyberpunk 2077 Billboards Circle A set of 2 large circle light billboards....
Billboards [CYBERPUNK 2077]
Created by eligios⚡
Cyberpunk 2077 Billboards A set of 5 large light billboards measuring 15x5 meters: 1. Lizzies bar 2. MIXIT UP 3. MIXIT UP 4. BROSEPH 5. Buxom Betty's...
Black Snail Offices
Created by DawiD
My own design. Inspired by those hated by many, disgusting for some people animals. Black Snail! Its dynamic form standing in contrary to its speed of movement is what pushed me to making this odd structure. Perhaps it is as weird as animal itself, but sti...
Blade Runner Police Tower
Created by creepyeyes
"You're in a desert, walking along in the sand, when all of a sudden you look down..." This asset is a recreation of the police tower from the classic cyberpunk film Blade Runner. The tower's exterior only appears briefly in the film, and even then only th...
Block Services - Cemetery
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Cemetery by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't fou...
Block Services - Child Health
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Child Health by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't...
Block Services - Death
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Death by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found ...
Block Services - Eldercare
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Eldercare by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't fo...
Block Services - Electricity
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Electricity by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Elementary School
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Elementary School by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or ha...
Block Services - Entertainment
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Entertainment by Naylin PLEASE NOTE: This block is on a 1x2 area plot in order for the crowd spawn to work properly. All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rath...
Block Services - Fire
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Fire by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found o...
Block Services - Garbage
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Garbage by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't foun...
Block Services - Health
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Health by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found...
Block Services - Hot Water
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Hot Water by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't fo...
Block Services - High School
Created by Naylin
Block Services - High School by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Library
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Library by Naylin *** NOT Campus DLC version *** All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either ...
Block Services - Post Office
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Post Office by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Water
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Water by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found ...
Blue Wall Light Tile
Created by B.A.F
Blue Light Tiles for Dark Canal...
Bottom commercial network
Created by RyanCat
Bottom commercial network by RyanCat This is a network biulding,using the new concourse shader. Thanks to BadPeanut for the informations about that new shader...
Block Services - Sewage
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Sewage by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found...
Bombardier INNOVIA 300 Monorail
Created by REV0
Monorail is here. Bombardier’s INNOVIA Monorail 300 vehicles provide an efficient and cost-effective solution to growing cities. A passenger favourite, these award-winning vehicles offer comfortable mass transit capacity. INNOVIA Monorail 300 vehicles run ...
BTB Rehab Clinic
Created by BachToBaroque
Figured some Cims really need some therapy especially when their lives are being controlled by their Schadenfreude-mayor. Basic Stats: Size - 6 x 6 Cost - 35 000 Upkeep - 200 /week Power Consumption - 382KW /week Water Consumption - 160m3 /week Curing Rate...
Burj Dubai (Burj Khalifa) [HD]
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
Special thanks to Ray Fleury a.k.a. Fury from Skyscrapercity for providing some top notch data! ------------------------ Burj Dubai (Burj Khalifa), Downtown Dubai, Dubai, UAE Version 1.0 This version goes to all detail-fanatics and those who appreciate acc...
Cam Key Mansion
Reference Cam Key Mansion Introduction Cam Key Mansion 489-495 Shanghai Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 9 floor   - Level 2 growth   - After Dark ready   - 1245 tris, 1024 x 512 texture RICO is ready   - Size: 2x...
Canberra Townhouse 1 Variation
Created by stevieb
I'm sorry to say it, but in the 120 years since terrace houses were developed in what is now our inner city suburbs, Australia has done medium density housing very badly. One notable exception though, are the townhouses designed by Willemsen Architects in ...
Ceiling Light
Created by ManuRamos
Ceiling Light I implemented this lamp to be able to use it in my pedestrian tunnels It is located 3.5m from the ground Highly recommended MOD,s: - Find It! - Prop & Treee Anarchy - Prop Precision - Move It! - Prop Snapping I...
Canton Tower - 广州塔
Created by Miskale
Canton Tower - 广州塔 by M1sk4 Canton Tower (Chinese: 广州塔), formerly known as Guangzhou TV Astronomical and Sightseeing Tower (Chinese: 广州电视台天文及观光塔) and also known as Guangzhou Tower (Chinese: 广州塔), is a 600-metre (1,969 ft) tall multi-purpose observation tow...
Carbonite Prisoners
Created by m4gic
3 Prisoners in Carbonite Each a 1x1 circular building. Use Move-It to position them as you like. Low tri-count. 512 textures, default LODs Star Wars universe-inspired fan art....
Central Space Agency HQ
Created by APeeler
The Central Space Agency HQ is my contribution to the Alienware Shape the Horizon Contest. The Central Space Agency was founded in 1951 and has been protecting Earth’s Citizens from Extraterrestrial threats ever since! The building is nearly 300 meters tal...
China Resources Building 香港华润大厦 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
华润大厦 China Resources Building ———————————————————————————————— 此资产有两个,一个是原版(不需要任何MOD),另一个是“Additiv shader”版(需要“Additiv shader”才能使用) There are two assets, one is the original (does not need any MOD), and the other is the "Additiv shader" version (requires "...
Clone Trooper (Police Officer)
Created by m4gic
Works as a Police Officer in-game, but there are a couple small issues with the way the mesh warps when it moves at the knees and hips. Not huge issues, and the asset will be very small in-game, so I am posting it as-is for now and may edit it later. Also,...
College of Science CS24
Created by gido505
Model : 946 tris . lod 106 tris . 4x8 . stats about half as vanilla university Texture Maps : alpha . color . diffuse . specular . 1024 . lod 128 College of Science is a university with stats about half of vanilla which can accept 2000 university students....
Combine Citadel
Created by WormSlayer
Combine Citadel by WormSlayer Works as a very high radius police station with zero electricity consumptiuon, but very high water requirement. Also employs quite a few people. Details: Cost: 250k Fire Hazard: 1 Fire Tolerance: 100 Garbage Accumulation: 50 M...
Clone Troopers
Created by m4gic
Clone Troopers (3 Male and 3 Female Tourists) Orange, Red, Blue; with data pad, blaster rifle, or empty-handed. Star Wars universe-inspired fan art Not my original model - found online with the following license information: Model Information: * title: Sta...
Cyber Building
Created by Hyena
Cyber Building Unic building --Tris-- Model: 1060 Lod: 780 Update: Light fixed....
Created by cash
CYBER KIT 01 A set of 6 props that can be attached to existing buildings to "CYBERPUNKIFY" them Preferably you would use the the Procedural Objects Mod to scale, rotate and mirror to fit your build. TRIS: 32-2004 / 1024x1024 d,c,n AUTOGENERATED LODS nardo'...
Cyberpunk - 4 Pack Ad. Kiosk Props
Created by cyberglum
4 Pack Ad. Kiosk Props A Pack of 4 Kiosks designed as scatter props for street, markets, malls etc. 2 x Basic Advert Kiosk 1 x Delamain Cab Company Kiosk 1x Street Lavatory (Out of Order) Kiosk
Cyberpunk - G-Systems Lobo Crusier
Created by cyberglum
G-Systems Lobo Crusier A cyberpunk/sci-fi replacement for the basic civilian car. Thanks to the members of the CSFC Discord Server for their help and feedback. ...
Cyberpunk - Holo Van
Created by cyberglum
Cyberpunk - Holo Van I just thought it would be good to have holos moving around the city's streets. Acts as an Industrial Delivery Vehicle. Thanks to the members of the CSFC Discord Server for their help and feedback. ...
Cyberpunk - Flying Turtle Noodle Bar
Created by cyberglum
The Flying Turtle Noodle Bar Blimp Drawing inspiration from various sci-fi sources I designed The Flying Turtle Noodle Bar to bring some cyberpunk flavour to your city. It acts as a Blimp in-game with a slightly slower movem...
Created by cash
CYBER SCREENS A pack of 8 cyberpunk styled monitors and two server racks (props) TRIS: 44-432 / 512X1024 d,c,n,i,a AUTOGENERATED LODS nardo's cyberpunk discord CYBERPUNK SCI-FI FUTURISTIC DYSTOPIAN COMPUTERS SCREEN HACKER cash...
China pavilion at Expo 2010
Created by dabaofu
China pavilion at Expo 2010 by dabaofu unique Space:10*10 Cost: 250000 Electricity:0 Maintenance: 0 ...
Cloud Bush
Created by bigriver76
Cloud Bush for my Above the Clouds map...
Created by Finwickle
Get the new version! This version is outdated, and can't check any mods - so unsubscribe! ...
CTCN Transport - Blimp
Created by creepyeyes
The CTCN Transport hovers over the city, humming as it drifts through the rain and fog, protecting its passengers within from the pollution and elements outside. It's back! And this time it's functional! You may remember my old CTCN Transport asset, a simp...
Cubicare Clinic
Created by funker
The Cubicare Clinic by funker A little side project until something bigger is coming to you. Just a little neighborhood clinic for your sick cims. You can use it in every theme, even as a wall 2 wall clinic in your european citys. It might look good as wel...
Custom Animation Loader (CAL)
Created by boformer Buildings with custom animations! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! This mod is required for building assets with custom animations. It sets up and enables the animations of t...
Cyberpunk - Delamain Cab Company
Created by cyberglum
Delamain Cab Company Delamain was an AI that took control over a failing taxi business within Night City. After a few changes and the incorporation of AI driven cabs, Delamain turned the business into one of the city's most ...
Cyberpunk 2077 Vending Machines
Created by nardo
Back from a loooong Hiatus.. Sorry about that. These Brands are represented in this Asset: - Shwab Fried Ants - Tiancha Kumquat Tea Drink - Mixitup! - Burritoxxl - Orgiatic Food Goo Happy to have these decorate your Futuristic City. More Cyberpunk2077 Asse...
Cyberpunk Mars Board
Created by nardo
Really having fun creating assets lately.. Anyways, Enjoy!...
Cyberpunk Softsys Plaza
Created by Harbinger57
Softsys Plaza by Harbinger57 Nonexistent building inspired by Cyberpunk 2077's aesthetics. In a future where the earth is 10 degrees celcius hotter than it currently is, windows are no longer something we see on skyscrapers. Instead, dark, almost opaque pa...
Cyberpunk style Animated Signs, PACK of 3 (REGULAR SIZE)
Created by Jimbo_WestCoast
Three signs, two are scrolling LEDs with various real and fake company logos. They are around 8m in size (largest dimension). One scrolls vertically, other horizontally. Both have a curve shape to wrap around corners. The third is Atari which has animated ...
Cyberpunk style Warning Signs, Double-Sided, Two Languages, Animated with Flashing - PACK of 4 signs
Created by Jimbo_WestCoast
Keep your citizens safe, secure, and obedient with these double-sided animated WARNING signs. Security Level Bio Security Level Air Quality Water Rationing Level Find these in your inventory with FindIt mod, search for cybersign_warning_...
Cyberpunk Tower 20A
Created by Jimbo_WestCoast
This is a very tall dark but well-lit and menacing Cyberpunk building. It serves no purpose in the game, just purely for looks. The ground floor isn't decorated, I suggest you add some life to it by using one of my Cyberpunk Storefronts with it - You can f...
Cyberpunk - Kaneda's Bike - Vehicle
Created by cyberglum
Shotaro Kaneda's Bike from the movie Akira Kaneda's futuristic motorcycle has become an iconic feature of the series. As the group's leader, Kaneda is entitled to have the most technologically and aesthetically advanced bike...
Cyberpunk2077 Benches Pack
Created by Elektrotek
Cyberpunk2077 Benches by Elektrotek...
Dark Matter Power Station
Created by Alucard
Power station in sci-fi style. Main tris: 2,114 LOD tris: 26 Texture size: 1024x1024 Upkeep: 672 Cost: 460,000 Power Output: 1920 MW...
Destiny Wander CER
Created by DTOX
Destiny Wander CER by DTOX FTW<----- Prop version is available here. Futuristic Spaceship from the game Destiny. The original designs are of course property of the Developer, Bungie. Check out other items in my workshop! :) ...
Disorderly wire \ 混乱电线
Created by 黑桃A
There are 22 kinds of wire props in this package , 7 Horizontals & 8 Verticals & 3 Corners & 4 Grounds. The wire will swing , Need to subscribe to flag params of R69 , Support conversion to Procedural Objects. tag: Disorderly wire -------------------------...
District 9 Dropship
Created by DTOX
District 9 Dropship by DTOX FTW<----- Prop version is available here. Every futuristic and/or scifi city needs a spaceship! Several more spacecrafts in my workshop. Enjoy! :) "The Drop-ship was the command module to the Moth...
DR 232 Demag Molten Iron (5Cars)
Created by REV0
DBAG, DEMAG Jünkerath Molten Steel/Iron The DR 130 family of locomotives comprises the DR Class 130 (DBAG Class 230), DR Class 131 (DBAG Class 231), DR Class 132 (DBAG Class 232 as well as Classes 233, 234 and 241 produced through modifications) and DR Cla...
Double bridge
Created by The_Ping
Double bridge by The_Ping information Textures: _d_n_s_a +lod_d 3d tri 4196 tex 1024x1024 lod 1076 tex 128x128 понравилась данная работа просьба поддержать like this work please support if you see flaws in my work, please tell him I fixed the work. to make...
Don Quijote - Kabukicho
Created by Skoots
Inspired by the Don Quijote in Kabukicho Japan. Created for a friend using Blender 2.8 by Skoots...
CyberPunk 2077 Car
Created by haddenj
Not mine, I found this on a 3d model website (forgot the creators name, im hoping it will pop up somewhere)...
District Style: Cyberpunk
Created by m4gic
A set of futuristic cyberpunk buildings in a growable style as well as an assortment of ploppable buildings in the Collection above. **** Perfect for (and images from) the maps Ultima Thule (
DMATHS SmallPoliceStationPrefab
Created by DMATH
Im sick of counting polys so it's under 400 i guess, tris, faces, edges, all that nonsence, under 400. Texture is 1024 and png because of reasons -Goes great with my police cars i made. -There are two props you need or want, depends really,a police sign an...
Created by DMATH
Just a prop for stuff....
Created by DMATH
Will fix it up proper one day. I haz work to goto -Is low cost to run, OP. But it's alot of money to buy -It's a police station but a tower! -I am running out of words -Model is under 980 for everything (i think?) ...
Created by DMATH
Just a prop...
Created by DMATH
Just a prop. Wanted to make it animate buuuuuuuttttttttt...
DR 232 Demag Molten Iron (3Cars)
Created by REV0
DBAG, DEMAG Jünkerath Molten Steel The DR 130 family of locomotives comprises the DR Class 130 (DBAG Class 230), DR Class 131 (DBAG Class 231), DR Class 132 (DBAG Class 232 as well as Classes 233, 234 and 241 produced through modifications) and DR Class 14...
Drosos Digital Beijing Building
Created by Drosovila
IRL The digital beijing building was used as a datacentre during the olympia 2008 and now serves as a museum about technology and stuff. Ingame -Based off of the "Science Center" so its a Level 5 unique building. -16x8 size The Model Main: -1600 tris -1024...
Drosovilas modern theatre.
Created by Drosovila
Drosovilas modern theatre. Nothing too flashy, but I need it for rebuilding my hometown and figured, I'd share :) -level 6 unique building (stats based off of "theatre of wonders) -740 tris, 1024 texture res. custom LOD(256x textures, 100 tris)...
DT&R Ad Ship Cyberpunk 2077
Created by nardo DT&R Ad Ship Nothing like the fresh smell of Rocket Exhaust in the Morning.. This Asset includes: Blimp version Individual Props Cyberpunk 2077, including its visual components, characters, storylines, artwork, animations, ...
Cyberpunk Tower 20B
Created by Jimbo_WestCoast
Last (?) in my series of large Cyberpunk style buildings. See my workshop for the other towers, if you like this one. This building serves no function in the game. File size is a bit large due to fine details in the mesh, and 2K texture size....
Cyberpunk Tower 20D
Created by Jimbo_WestCoast
This is the second in the series after "20A". This is a very tall dark but well-lit and menacing Cyberpunk building. It serves no purpose in the game, just purely for looks. The ground floor isn't decorated, I suggest you add some life to it by using one o...
Cyberpunk Tower 20E
Created by Jimbo_WestCoast
Third in a series of very tall Cyberpunk-style buildings. This building serves no purpose, it's just . . . there . . . Many of the signs are animated (scrolling)....
Cyberpunk-style Neon signs, PACK of 13
Created by Jimbo_WestCoast
These signs are all animated, and have larger then usual poly/tri count because each sign is a mesh. There are two packs of 13, this is the second one. To find them in your inventory, use FindIt mod and search for cybersign_neon_...
Cyberpunk-style Shopfront Facades - PACK of 8
Created by Jimbo_WestCoast
These are 8 props (not buildings), some with animated signs. You can find them in your inventory by using FindIt mod, search for cyberpunk_shopfront File size is a bit high due to high mesh detail and 1024x2048 texture sizes...
Cyberpunk2077 Video Ad Billboards (FOOD) (animated) - PACK of 7
Created by Jimbo_WestCoast
These are billboards seen in the game Cyberpunk2077. They are animated, and a bit larger than some signs due to 4096x256 texture size and detailed frame mesh. There is another pack of signs from the same collection, with mostly NON-FOOD Ads. In this pack a...
Cybertech Doorways
Created by m4gic
Two cybertech doors - one solid and one with a holo-shield....
Cynth's Modern Subway Station (deprecated)
Created by Cynth
!This asset recives no further updates and support! /// Compatibility for any DLC andOr Addon since After Dark isn't guaranteed \\\ Get the updated version from Jiangtan of the Modern Subway Station here:
Dark Modern House CC
Created by CushyCrux
Dark Modern House CC Including normal maps. Because Artists create Art. It uses the 2x2 Level 5 Slot, there are too much ugly buildings. Highly opimized Tris Account (Low End PC performace friendly). Send me a money giftcard via paypal to cushycrux@hotmail...
Demag Molten Iron Ladle Car (Prop Pack)
Created by REV0
DEMAG Jünkerath Molten Iron Torpedo cars are used to carry molten pig iron and steel. Sometimes, depending the factory, torpedo cars are used to carry hazardous material and any used dangerous liquid used in steel production operations. Prop pack consists ...
Desert Moon of Mons Mensa Prime
Created by m4gic
Nothing but sand, rocks, uranium ore and a naturally-occurring mineral sludge. This desolate desert moon circles a green gas giant and bakes under a sweltering alien sun. If it weren't for the nightlife there would be no life on this dusty rock. * * * * Hi...
Destiny Black Peregrine
Created by DTOX
Destiny Black Peregrine by DTOX FTW ---- new Prop version is now included ---- UPDATE DEC 2022: I've updated the model and textures and it now includes the new prop version The original designs are of course property of the Developer, Bungie. Every scifi, ...
Destiny Echo Zero
Created by DTOX
Destiny Echo Zero by DTOX FTW<----- Prop version is available here. Futuristic Spaceship from the game Destiny. The original designs are of course property of the Developer, Bungie. Check out other items in my workshop! :) h...
Dysto-Guy Cyberpunk advert PACK 1
Created by Dysto-Guy
Here's a pack of 4 cyberpunk themed advert art that I have made myself. They come in 2 variation: -horizontal -vertical (with few change to the AD themself to make them look good in both format).
Dystopia LUT
Created by Domattee
I was upset that crime and disease ridden superfund sites looked all cheery and colorful. They are less so with this LUT. I might have overdone it with the darkness! This is the brick building seen in the first and the last screenshot: http://steamcommunit...
Evelyn Grace Academy (London, UK)
Created by Lemire
Evelyn Grace Academy by Zaha Hadid Architects Evelyn Grace Academy (EGA) is a non-selective, coeducational secondary school within the English Academy programme, in Brixton, London. The Academy opened in September 2008 in temporary accommodation admitting ...
Ebisu East Gallery 1.1
Created by Paradox
Ebisu East Gallery in Japan. Restaurant, banquet hall. Same stats as Courthouse mostly, for balance. 4x4 size, unique level 3 building. update: added reflections to windows....
Marked Incompatible ]  [DEPRECATED] Extended Managers Library 1.0.3
Created by Quistar
UNSUBSCRIBE this Mod and use algernon's version instead! I'm an avid detailer, and the primary source of limitation when I build my city is the prop limit. That's when I finally decided to create this mod, instead of going a...
Extra Jois & more Holos
Created by nardo
Turns out im way too much of an imbecile to update my already existing workshop item :s...
Falling Pillars Plaza [Park]
Created by Spectra Falling Pillars Plaza by bullettMAGNETT Hello everyone, i hope you enjoy this small park for office and commercial areas. Info: Plopable park 162 Tris 1024x1024 maps...
Federal Corp
Created by Flash Player
Federal Corp by Flash Player This is the monumental headquarters of the Federal Land and Sea Corp., a global shipping and logistics company. The shape of the office block cantilevered over the parking deck is reminiscent of the bow of a boat. The company u...
FBS Airport Control Tower
Created by bsquiklehausen
You're cleared for take-off! Originally posted for the 1 year anniversary of the FBS Finale stream, you can now place the control tower used in FBS for your airport! This tower was based off an amalgamation of several different ATC towers from all over the...
Fifth Element Civilian Car A
Created by creepyeyes
This flying civilian vehicle is taken a modified form of the Police Car from the film The Fith Element, with five alternate colorations. Now your cims can travel in style and comfort! Too bad you can't fly over all that traffic, goodness knows they won't t...
Fifth Element Civilian Car B
Created by creepyeyes
This flying civilian vehicle is taken a modified form of the taxi from the film The Fith Element, with five alternate colorations. Now your cims can travel in style and comfort! Too bad you can't fly over all that traffic, goodness knows they won't try cha...
Fifth Element Police Car
Created by creepyeyes
“You wanna play it soft. We'll play it soft. You wanna play it hard. We’ll play it hard.” – Korben Dallas This asset is a police cruiser from the 1997 movie Fifth Element. This police cruiser appears many times throughout the movie in NYC. It is just as fa...
Fifth Element Taxi
Created by creepyeyes
“Listen lady, I only speak two languages: English and bad English.” – Korben Dallas This asset is a Taxi from the 1997 movie Fifth Element. Before he flew a taxi, Korben Dallas was a Fighter-Pilot. More than that, Korben Dallas was a Special Forces soldier...
Find It! 2
Created by sway
This mod allows you to search, filter, select, and place assets. It also provides some extra info that are usually not available in vanilla game. Unsubscribe the BETA version before you use this mod! This mod was forked from...
Fire House FDNY277
Created by Kliekie
Ever noticed all fire departments look the same? Boring old style red bricks.. It was driving me crazy, there was no alternative for modern cities.. So behold, my preciousss! Ok I might love this Fire house a bit too much.. The small modern fire house unlo...
Firefly Altrans - Hover Cargo Train (8Cars)
Created by REV0
Altrans Hover Train - 8 Car Altans Hover Train that was featured in second episode of Firefly series. I created the 3D model myself, textures came from rendered train, which was released by the ex-crew of the series. Technical Details Line Colored Cargo tr...
Future Building
Created by flores_sj
Check my YouTube video of all my assets here Cyberpunk Future World City Future Building by Javier Flores 11x6 construction cost 100 workers 50 of each category attractiveness 500 electricity consumption 10 maintenance cost 10...
Future capsule apartment(open)未来风格胶囊居住舱(打开状态)
Created by 黑桃A
Because the Assets tag is a building, it now has a random night scene glow map, but it can no longer float like prop. There are two ways to float. The first way is to subscribe to Building Anarchy to separate the ground from the building. After separation,...
Future Capsule Apartment Frame \ 未来胶囊公寓支架
Created by 黑桃A
Future Capsule Apartment Frame , the frame can be stacked seamlessly. tag:Future Capsule Apartment Frame -------------------------------------------------- 未来胶囊公寓支架,可以无缝的堆叠起来。 标签:Future Capsule Apartment Frame...
Fusion Incinerator
Created by _luminou_
UPDATE: new evolution below ; ) Fusion Incinerator by luminou You meet problems with your waste, the solution is in the Fusion Incinerator !! Have a look at screenshots to see its capacities, ...
Funerary of CITIES
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
It is a crematorium with amazing performance. It is a setting to set up a waiting room in the basement....
Future Club
Created by flores_sj
Check my YouTube video of all my assets here Cyberpunk Future World City Future Club by Javier Flores...
Future Police Headquarter(未来派警署)
Created by Henry Suen
Future Police Headquarter by Book Sun 这是我做的第一个旋转的资产,为了实现旋转,它基于水利发电机,所以并不是真正的警署,你需要在“电力”里找到它。 它可以防置在任何位置。如果头上有个道路未接通的标志,你最好用move it 去移动它来解决。 希望大家喜欢,你的点赞和收藏是我最大的动力。 This is my first asset that revolves itself. This asset is based on Advanced wind power plant...
Futuristic Apartment Tower 2 CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Apartment Tower 2 CC Because Artists create Art. It needs some Tris. Please vote and write a comment if you like. I think this is the best building I ever made. Don't know how to top that. ;) Send me a money giftcard via paypal to cushycrux@hotm...
Futuristic Apartment Tower 3 CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Apartment Tower 3 CC Because Artists create Art. This Building has three light color variants and pure white. It needs !some! Tris. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank ...
Futuristic Apartment Tower CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Apartment Tower CC Because Artists create Art. It needs some tris. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 5 / 4x4 2158 Polys 4062 Tris 2504 Verts 2048 Texture Maps (with baked AO and GI!) My Workshop Stuff...
Futuristic Crematorium (Better Crematorium)
Created by Sezze
Futuristic Crematorium - Twice as powerful, twice as compact. The Futuristic Crematorium is in no way overpowered, since it's twice as effective (range+capacity), but also twice as expensive. The only reason you'd want this is if you want to save some spac...
Futuristic Elementary School
Created by Rainbow
Futuristic Elementary School by Rainbow...
Futuristic Fire Station (Tuas View) CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Fire Station CC The Idea of this Building is based on the "Tuas View Fire Station" from Singapore ( ). And because the Future is Green and Artist create Art. Can you see the "hidden" symbolic Firefig...
Futuristic Urban Train
Created by Xeno
A modern low-flor train, ideal for urban and suburban transportation. The stripe on the side of the train is recolorable. Comes with proper LOD models and textures. Max Speed: 45 Passanger Capacity: 255 I made the model in blender3D, it's my own design ins...
Futuristic House L5 4x4
Created by BenTracker
Futuristic House L5 4x4 by BenTracker -------------------------------------------------------- 1284 Tris 1024 x 1024px Texture LOD Model 395 Tris 256 x 256px Texture...
Futuristic Shopping Tower CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Shopping Tower CC Because Artists create Art. It needs *!some!* Tris (2000 Tris over count). Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 3 / 4x4 8736 Polys 17354 Tri...
G-Systems - Firefly 3000 Fire Truck
Created by cyberglum
G-Systems Firefly 3000 A cyberpunk/Sci-Fi replacement for the based games Fire Truck Vehicle. Thanks to the members of the CSFC Discord Server for their help and feedback. ...
G-Systems - BoB Delivery Van
Created by cyberglum
G-Systems B.O.B.Delivery Van G-Systems B.o.B. or (Beast of Burden) is a cyberpunk/Sci-Fi Delivery Van. Works the same as any other vanilla delivery vehicle. Has colour variations enabled. Thanks to the members of the CSFC Discord Server for their help and ...
G-Systems Obsidian Thunderchild
Created by cyberglum
G-Systems Thunderchild Obsidian Edition A variant edition of the G-Systems Thunderchild Grav Bike. Thanks to the members of the CSFC Discord Server for their help and feedback. ...
Created by CushyCrux
GDMPAPC CC Yea, this is the "Greebly Dark Matter Particle Accumulation Power Converter" for more Power directly streamed from the Center of the Universe. 0.o Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! ;) Because the Future is ...
Gas EXCH TX Truck en route
Created by Russt_Bucket
CIV Gas EXCH TX Truck en route by Russt_Bucket Same model of the prop version but this is a vehicle version that utilizes the BUS properties in order to create a guided route for the trucks to take... its a bus, but pretend it isn't. PO and Painter/Repaint...
Galaxy Tower
Created by MrMaison
Galaxy Tower by MrMaison Introducing an Alienware office Tower. I made this tower originally to be entered into the Alienware contest but just missed the deadline due to technical difficulties so it is not in the running for a prize. It is uploaded in supp...
Galaxy Soho - Beijing (CHINA)
Created by _luminou_
Galaxy Soho - Beijing (CHINA) Create by the Anglo-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid, Galaxy Soho is an architectural exploit characterized by its complexity and its fluidity. Unique Building Level 6 Over size: 30x18 - 1 main building - 1 sub-building (glass: fenc...
Gelida Tau
Created by m4gic
Almost an exo-planet....this alien iceworld would be absolutely worthless if not for its past; when it was closer to its sun. Eons ago it was temperate, and may have sustained life, but some unknown force caused its orbit to elongate and, eventually, it br...
Gas EXCH TX Truck
Created by Russt_Bucket
CIV Gas EXCH TX Truck by Russt_Bucket The Heavily Automated Gas Exchange Transport Truck or GETT for short, is a versatile system that can be useful for refueling argon tanks for welding, or carrying highly compressed air for long term storage. With full a...
Geth Tourist
Created by Bloodshed216
Geth by Bloodshed216...
Girls' Frontline Dinergate
Created by FlyingSenbei
Triangles:265 Texture size:256x256...
GiTS Huge Office Building(ID#04) 14x11 Lvl 6 Unique Building
Created by Eacon&Bggs
GiTS Huge Office Building(ID#04) by Eacon&Bggs 14x11 Lvl 6 Unique Building From the Ghost in the Shell Buildings Project collab by EaconNBggs and Haruban Collection Link here: Foreword --------...
GiTS Mega Office Bldg (ID#05) 14x11 Lvl 6 Unique Building
Created by Eacon&Bggs
GiTS Mega Office Bldg (ID#05) by Eacon&Bggs From the Ghost in the Shell Buildings Project collab by EaconNBggs and Haruban Collection Link: Foreword & Description ================== Hi again p...
GiTS Office Tower (ID#02) 7x5, Lvl 5 Unique Building
Created by Eacon&Bggs
From the Ghost in the Shell Buildings Project collab: by EaconNBggs & Haruban *Edit* Collection now created; link here : Foreword -------------------------------- Hello Peeps, This is the very...
GiTS Office Tower (ID#02b) 7 x 5 Lvl 5 Unique Building
Created by Eacon&Bggs
GiTS Office Tower (ID#02b) by Eacon&Bggs From the Ghost in the Shell Buildings Project collab: by EaconNBggs & Haruban Collection Link here: Foreword ---------------------- Hi all, This is the...
GiTS Small Office Bldg (ID#06) 11x4 Lvl5 Unique Building
Created by Eacon&Bggs
GiTS Small Office Bldg (ID#06) 11x4 Lvl5 Unique Building by Eacon&Bggs From the Ghost in the Shell Buildings collab by EaconNBggs and Haruban. GiTS Building Collab Collection Link here: http://here:http://steamcom...
GiTS Yellow Plated Office Tower (ID#03) 14x7 Lvl 5 Unique Building
Created by Eacon&Bggs
GiTS Yellow Office Tower (ID#03) by Eacon&Bggs From the Ghost in the Shell Buildings Project collab by EaconNBggs and Haruban Collection link here: Foreword ----------------- Hello again Peopl...
Grand Buddha
Created by jinnivan_TH
Grand Buddha by jinnivan_TH...
Guetto Appart
Created by Rsk
Guetto Appart by Koba...
Gula's Evil Geniuses High School
Created by Gula
Gula's Evil Geniuses High School (8x8 Circular) "Bleed Blue" Updated for After Dark On August 8, 2015, Evil Geniuses beat CDEC Gaming to win The International, securing a first-time championship and winning a total of $6,616,014.
GT_Tower Growable version
Created by Ikky_Ric
This is the growable and smaller version of my model GT Tower. You can check the 1:1 scale on my workshop items. GT Tower by Ikky_Ric G.T. International Tower is an office skyscraper located in Makati, Philippines. The "G.T." in the name stands for George ...
Gula's Slothingham Place (4x3 HD Com Growable - L3)
Created by Gula
Level 3 - High Density Commercial Growable (just zone for HD Com after subscribing) 3 wide by 4 deep ---------------- I thought that my city could use some tall commercial buildings that are perhaps something like a gigantic 30 story supermall or a chain f...
Great Golden Buddha
Created by jinnivan_TH
พระประธาน พระพุทธมหาศาสดาโลวโพลีกอน เป็นพระปางมารวิชัย หน้าตัก 4 unit คาดว่าสร้างขึ้นตั้งแต่สมัย Cities skylines patch 1.2 เป็นพระเนื้อทองคำน้ำ 4 ซึ่งรวบรวมจากชาว CIM ผู้มีอันจะกินในเขตเมืองร่วมกันสร้างถวายเป็นพุทธบูชา ...
Grand Library
Created by Zelghradis
Grand Library by Zelghradis, same properties as the normal building, added parking spaces and greenery...
H2C 3x3 Lackluster Lettings
Created by Whipplesnoodle
A level 2 3x3 High Density Commercial (extended front yard). High poly: 1600 tris, LOD: 140 tris. Sorry, not a tall building this time! My aim is to make a reasonable collection of all sorts of buildings that make at least an OK futuristic theme together, ...
H.A.V. Scorpion Heavy Loader
Created by Russt_Bucket
CIV Heavily Automated Vehicle SCORPION Heavy Loader by Russt_Bucket 2 PROPS for industrial / construction sites. One with the bucket lowered and one with it raised. H.A.V. Scorpion is directly based off of Volvo's concept vehicle Zeux PO and Painter/Repain...
h 1
Created by joaquim79
h 1 by joaquim79...
Gustave-Roussy Subway Station
Created by _luminou_
Gustave-Roussy Subway Station Inspired by the future metro station "Gustave-Roussy". With its 50 meters deep separating the city from the platforms, this station will become the deepest in France. The construction site is scheduled to end in 2023 and is lo...
GiTS Office Tower (ID#02c) 7x5 Lvl 5 Unique Building
Created by Eacon&Bggs
GiTS Office Tower (ID#02c) 7x5 Lvl 5 Unique Building by Eacon&Bggs From the Ghost in the Shell Buildings Collab by EaconNBggs and Haruban Collection Link: Foreword & Building Description ------...
GT Tower ver. 3
Created by Ikky_Ric
GT Tower by Ikky_Ric *3rd version* This version contains a LOD model, which will make the model look better at a distance. This will be the final revision for this model. TRIS: 348 Verts: 172 UVs: 309 Edges: 310 G.T. International Tower is an office skyscr...
Created by m4gic
Passenger helicopter for your Cyberpunk, Steampunk and Fantasy builds...
Firefly Wall Murals
Created by MrMiyagi
A pack of quality painted wall murals inspired by the fan-favorite space western series Firefly. Each mural comes in large and small sizes, so if you use Loading Screen Mod, the file size will be halved. This project by BrowncoatTrekky and Mr Miyagi brings...
Flag Params
Created by Ronyx69
While previously created flag props (and vehicle sub meshes) still require the Flag Params mod, a new method for saving shader parameters by boformer has removed the requirement for a mod. See the Flag Shader article:
H3 2x4 Industrial Unit Funnel [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable level 3 generic industry 2x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . There is still indispensible dirty industry in the green future. This funnel condenses the exhaus...
H3 4x4 Commercial Hive One [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable high density level 3 commercial 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . A sprawling hive of all commercial activties. Service droids for all your needs, indoor pa...
H3 4x4 Commercial Hive Three [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable high density level 3 commercial 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . The future of commerce. The contrast between the lush green open spaces to dwell and the e...
H3 4x4 Commercial Hive Two [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable high density level 3 commercial 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . The futuristic commercial node in the network of a city of tomorrow. Don't forget to rest ...
H3 4x4 Industrial Unit Alpha [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable level 3 generic industry 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . The future is green and this industrial skyscraper achieves this vision by stacking huge factory ...
H3 4x4 Industrial Unit Beta [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable level 3 generic industry 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . The factory of tomorrow rises into the sky to save valuable green space. Parking lots for electri...
H4 1x1 Streetside Bliss A
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Level 4 1x1 Residential. The shortest of my 1x1 filler set "Streetside Bliss". I don't really like the way tall 1x1 buildings, and 1x1 buildings in general, look in the game. Some of the default ones and custom ones look like they are part of a larger stru...
H3C 4x4 5031
Created by Whipplesnoodle
4x4 Level 3 Commercial highrise. High poly: 346 tris, 1024x diffuse, specular, illumination, bump and color maps. Low poly: 131 tris, 256x diffuse, specular, illumination and color maps. Similar style, but I got a lot of requests for a commercial highrise....
H5 10206
Created by Whipplesnoodle
4x4 level 5 residential (again). Hipoly 521 tris, 1024x diffuse, specular, illumination, bump and color maps. LOD 171 tris, 256x diffuse, specular and illumination maps. I hope you're not all getting tired of all these glass towers! I'm pretty happy with t...
H5 1x1 Streetside Bliss C
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 1x1 Residential. The second tallest of my 1x1 filler set "Streetside Bliss". This one, together with "D" will appear at level 5. I don't really like the way tall 1x1 buildings, and 1x1 buildings in general, look in the game. Some of the default one...
H5 1x1 Streetside Bliss D
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 1x1 Residential. The tallest of my 1x1 filler set "Streetside Bliss". The taller level 5 version. I could not aesthetically justify making it any taller than this, sorry if I've disappointed anyone! I don't really like the way tall 1x1 buildings, a...
H4 1x1 Streetside Bliss B
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Level 4 1x1 Residential. The second shortest of my 1x1 filler set "Streetside Bliss". This one is basically just a slightly taller version of "A" I don't really like the way tall 1x1 buildings, and 1x1 buildings in general, look in the game. Some of the de...
H5 2x4 0711
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 2x4 Residential. Hi-poly: 525 tris, 1024x diffuse, specular illumination and bump maps. LOD: 80 tris, 256x diffuse, specular and illumination maps. One of the two residentials I'm releasing today. This one only grows on 2x4 lots (2 blocks on the ro...
H5 2x4 Starward Gaze
Created by Whipplesnoodle
2x4 Level 5 Residential Highrise. Growing my assets I found that I need some more fillers for the smaller lots. I hope this does the job satisfactorily. Alternatively you could of course just force 2x4 lots, or edit this building to grow on a 3x4 lot in th...
H5 3x4 Decadent Discourse
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 Residential Highrise. Hipoly: 980 triangles, 1024x1024 textures. Diffuse, normal, specular, illumination and color maps. LOD: 181 triangles, 256x256 textures with diffuse, specular, illumination and color maps. Color variation changes light bar, an...
H5 4032
Created by Whipplesnoodle
4x4 Level 5 Residential Continuing a similar style to my last upload. LOD 111 tris, 256x diffuse, specular and illumination Hipoly 503 tris, 1024x diffuse, specular, illumination and bump maps....
H5 4x2/3/4 0711
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 4x2 Residential, also grows on 4x3 and 4x4. Hi-poly: 525 tris, 1024x diffuse, specular illumination and bump maps. LOD: 80 tris, 256x diffuse, specular and illumination maps. One of two same-model residential lots. This one grows on 4x2 (4 on the r...
H3 4x4 Office Horizon [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable level 3 office 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . The future of cooperation between machine intelligence and human intelligence is met in this office. The in...
H3 4x4 Office Skyward [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable level 3 office 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . This futuristic skyscraper reaches for the sky. Not just because of it's height but because of it's technol...
H3 4x4 Office Sphere [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default this asset is a growable level 3 office 4x4 building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . The office of tomorrow for the cities of tomorrow. Asset: - Size: 4x4 - Main Tris: 358, 512x512 - LOD Tris:...
H3 6x8 Office Arcforge Industries [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop Huge thanks to Ronyx69 who took the time to guide me through the use of the shader! By default this asset is a 6x8 unique building. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . Arcforge Industries is a pioneer in secr...
H3 Office 2x4 (Growable)
Created by hqsouza
Building based on an office tower called All Business Center in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The building has 24 floors and has around 85m of height. The model has 532 triangles and the lod has 76. The model and lod has diffuse, specular and illumination textur...
H5 3x3 5022
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 3x3/3x4 Just-or-maybe-just-not highrise residential. Attempt at an Anno 2205 style growable. Because I wanted a very specific look, I actually did the texturing the proper way for once. I did not get anywhere near the quality I wanted to see, but I...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1c 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 3x3 Corner #1c 等級1 3x3 轉角 A variation of my Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1b 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 3x3 Corner #1b 等級1 3x3 轉角 A variation of my Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 3x3 Corner #1 等級1 3x3 轉角 Based on this buildingin Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 2x3 Corner #1 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 2x3 Corner 等級1 2x3 轉角 Based on this buildingin Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density co...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 2x3 #1 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 2x3 #1 等級1 2x3 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommende...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 1x2 #1 台灣商店
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 1x2 If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommended mods: - Find it! (keywords: "Taiwan") - Plop the Growables ...
Taipei Metro Nanjing Fuxing Station 南京復興站
Created by Emperor Li
Taipei Metro Nanjing Fuxing Station is a station of Brown Line and Green Line located on the border between Songshan and Zhongshan districts, Taipei, Taiwan. This is a metro station with transparent glass and entrances/exits at both side of the avenue. It'...
Suspended Monorail Wide Station
Created by Ronyx69
Includes a wide suspended monorail station. Simple suspended monorail station: Found in monorail menu. Can be plopped on the side of a road, fits some 4 cell roads under it - use anarchy or m...
H5 4x4 8001
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 4x4 Residential highrise. Hipoly 483 tris, 1024x diffuse, specular, illumination, bump, color and alpha maps. LOD 87 tris, 256x diffuse, specular, illumination and color maps. Another one. Very similar to my last one, I'm really happy with the way ...
H5 4x4 Cordial Exception
Created by Whipplesnoodle
H5 4x4 Residential Highrise. 2400 tris, 1024x1024. LOD 140, 256x256. Again, you can change the light bar colors to anything you want. If the lighting is too much you can turn it off by changing all color variations to black in the asset editor. For the sak...
H5 4x4 Graey Plaza
Created by Whipplesnoodle
H5 4x4 Graey Plaza. Level 5 Residential Highrise. 2200 Triangles. Custom LOD, 220 triangles, with LOD diffuse, specular and illumination maps. I thought my previous building was a bit zealous with the light bars, so this time anyone can change the color of...
H5 4x4 Full Spectrum Tower
Created by Whipplesnoodle
H5 4x4 Full Spectrum Tower by Whipplesnoodle 1499 tris Using skylines' default LOD model because in this case it does not look bad at all. ...
H5 4x4 Horizon Longing
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 4x4 Residential Highrise. Hipoly: 1045 tris, 1024x1024 diffuse, illumination, specular, normal and color maps. LOD: 304 tris (sorry), 256x256 diffuse, illumination, specular and color maps. I LOVE doing this, and will try to keep making stuff. It d...
H5 4x4 Pharos
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 Residential Highrise. 4x4. 1340 tri hi poly, 312 tri low poly model. 1024x diffuse, illumination, specular, normal and color maps. 256x lod diffuse, illumination, specular and color maps. ...
Suspended Monorail Station
Created by Ronyx69
Includes a simple suspended monorail station. Wide suspended monorail station: Found in monorail menu. Can be plopped on the side of a road, fits a 2 cell road under it - use anarchy or move ...
Suspended Monorail Shonan 500 Series
Created by Ronyx69
Includes a suspended monorail engine and passenger car. Use Improved Public Transport 2 to set the train for your monorail line. Main: 1389 - 1674 tris 1024x512 LOD: 18 - 35 tris 128x128 Twitc...
Surface Painter temporary fix
Created by algernon
BLOODYPENGUIN HAS RETURNED TO US! And, more importantly, he's updated the original with the fixes that were in this temp fix version. Therefore, this is no longer needed. UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS, AND SUBSCRIBE TO THE ORIGINAL SURFACE PAINTER INSTEAD https://...
Suspended Monorail
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 2 double tracks, a oneway track, 4 station tracks for asset creators, 4 pillar props, 3 pillars and a lane prop. Tracks found in monorail menu. Search "susp mono" in Find It! to find props and pillars. Use anarchy and disable collision to plop tra...
Strogg incineration facilities [Quake II]
Building inspired by the saga of Quake II and Quake 4. Recommendation: The color correction of the base game is a bit bad so the colors may have a different appearance than the original design, for this reason I recommend the use of color correction mods. ...
Strange Alien World
Created by m4gic
The entire planet seems to be made of algae and fungus. The seas are milky-white. The atmosphere is dense, the sky hued in teals and storm-clouds by day, while nights pass beneath strong magnetic-field light shows and three small moons locked in tandem orb...
Star Wars Razor Crest
Created by DTOX
Star Wars Razor Crest by DTOX FTW<----- Prop version is available here. Every futuristic and/or scifi city needs a spaceship! Several more spacecrafts in my workshop. Enjoy! :) "A former military craft used to patrol local t...
Star Wars Sandcrawler
Created by KDS Woods
One man's trash is another Jawa's treasure. Collect your city trash by making use of the Jawa Sandcrawler. This garbage truck automatically spawns for trash collection....
Star Wars Delta 7
Created by DTOX
Star Wars Delta 7 by DTOX FTW<----- Prop version is available here. Every futuristic and/or scifi city needs a spaceship! Several more spacecrafts in my workshop. Enjoy! :) "These wedge-shaped one-man starfighters were built...
Star Monument
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
St. Mary's Cathedral, Tokyo
Created by nilepereiraa
God is in his heaven. All is right with the world St. Mary's Cathedral, also known as the Sekiguchi Catholic Church, is a Catholic church located in the Sekiguchi neighbourhood of Bunkyo, Tokyo in Japan. It was designed by Kenzo Tange and was completed in ...
Spectra W Conduit [Water] AD Ready
Created by Spectra Spectra W Conduit by bullettMAGNETT Hello everyone, i hope you enjoy the replacement i made for the water pump. Following always the Spectra Tech line. Leave feedbac...
Spectra Turbine A [energy]
Created by Spectra ST Spectra Turbine A by bullettMAGNETT Info: 996 Tris 296 LOD Tris 1024x1024 maps Size 6x3 tiles Press Release: ""Spectra Technologies Inc. Spectra Technologies prou...
Spectra Table Set
Created by Spectra ST Table Set by bullettMAGNETT Info: 304 Tris 180 LOD Tris 256x256 maps Press Release: ""Spectra Technologies Inc. Spectra Technologies proudly introduces a new tech...
Spectra Purifier [Water] AD Ready
Created by Spectra Spectra Purifier by bullettMAGNETT Hello everyone, Here is the replacement for the Water treatment plant i made. I hope you enjoy it! & remember if there is somethin...
Spectra Superconductor Mk2 [energy]
Created by Spectra ST Superconductor MK2 by bullettMAGNETT Hello everyone, I always wanted to re-do the Spectral Superconductor, so here it is :) ""Spectra Technologies Inc. Spectra Te...
Spectra Pergola [asset]
Created by Spectra ST_Pergola by bullettMAGNETT Info: 72 Tris 53 LOD Tris 256x256 maps Size -x- tiles Press Release: ""Spectra Technologies Inc. Spectra Technologies proudly introduces...
Spectra Omni Power Relay L [energy]
Created by Spectra Spectra Omni Relay by bullettMAGNETT Hello everyone, this is a simple building, you can place it anywere and it will act as a wireless energy relay. This building wi...
Spectra Highend Bench
Created by Spectra ST Highend Bench by bullettMAGNETT Info: 60 Tris 36 LOD Tris 256x256 maps Press Release: ""Spectra Technologies Inc. Spectra Technologies proudly introduces a new te...
Spectra Garbage Atomizer [Garbage] AD Ready
Created by Spectra ST Garbage Atomizer by bullettMAGNETT Info: 726 Tris 1024x1024 maps Size 6x7 tiles Press Release: ""Spectra Technologies Inc. Spectra Technologies proudly introduces...
Spectra Evaporator [Meta]
Created by Spectra Spectra Evaporator Meta by bullettMAGNETT Leave feedback or let me know if something is wrong. Info: Tris 1080 / LOD 370 1024x1024 maps Size: Large Press Release: "S...
Spectra Fountain [asset]
Created by Spectra Quick Notice: Updated Textures, Added LOD, Fixed Ilumination Map. I messed up the textures(not iluminating) with this one and forgot to add the LOD model >_< will be...
Spectra Beer Garden Bench
Created by Spectra ST Beer Garden Bench by bullettMAGNETT Info: 188 Tris 108 LOD Tris 256x256 maps Press Release: ""Spectra Technologies Inc. Spectra Technologies proudly introduces a ...
Spectra Beacon [Energy] AD Ready
Created by Spectra Spectra Beacon by bullettMAGNETT Hello everyone, the Spectra Beacon is basically a miniaturization of the Spectral Super Conductor. Info: 448Tris /LOD 136 1024x1024 ...
Spectra Aeternum [deathcare]
Created by Spectra ST Spectra Aeternum by bullettMAGNETT Info: 2170 Tris 564 LOD Tris 1024x1024 maps Size 5x7 tiles Press Release: ""Spectra Technologies Inc. Spectra Technologies prou...
SP Water Pumping Station
Created by StupeadPenguin
Unfortunately, I'm pretty awful at 3D modeling and Photoshop. Please do not expect much from this asset, because I'm only making them available as a courtesy. Finally, the triangle count for both the main and LOD models may be on the high end; however they...
Small Stylish Hospital
Created by Tomcat
I tried to make different asset than ATC Towers :) Here is a small stylish ( may be ?) hospital for your small cities. Heavily inspired by Communication Building Sto from Germany. 900 tris model and 106 tris lod model. It has diffuse, specular, illuminatio...
Spectral Superconductor [Energy] v2.3 AD Ready
Created by Spectra Spectral Superconductor v2.3 by bullettMAGNETT Hello everyone, i hope you enjoy this Energy Plant. (Need opinion on the Stats below, leave comments) Thanks :) ""Spec...
Spectra X6 Series Car Pack [hover] 2019
Created by Spectra SM Spectra X6 by bullettMAGNETT Main: Around 662 Triangles LOD: Around 189 Triangles Press Release: "Spectra Motors Inc, Spectra Technologies & Spectra Motors proudl...
Spectra Water Conduit XL[Water]
Created by Spectra
ST Water Conduit XL by bullettMAGNETT ST Water Conduit XL by bullettMAGNETT ""Spectra Technologies Inc. Spectra Technologies proudly introduces a new technological a...
Spectra V7 Limited SUV [Hover]
Created by Spectra
Spectra V7 Limited SUV by bullettMAGNETT Spectra V7 Limited SUV by bullettMAGNETT Stats Main: Around 464 Triangles LOD: Around 80 Triangles Press Release: "Spectra M...
Spectra P5 Pickup [Hover]
Created by Spectra
Spectra P5 Pickup by bullettMAGNETT Spectra P5 Pickup by bullettMAGNETT Stats Main: Around 1026 Triangles LOD: Around 54 Triangles Press Release: "Spectra Motors Inc...
Spectra Omni Relay W
Created by Spectra ST Omni Relay W by bullettMAGNETT Hello everyone, this is a simple building, you can place it anywere and it will act as a wireless energy relay. This building will ...
Spectra HQ
Created by Spectra SpectraHQ by bullettMAGNETT Unique Building Category No milestone lock More info later Tris :16782 LOD :1080 Enjoy and Happy Gaming! Feedback is always welcomed, and...
Spectra Happy Holidays Park
Created by Spectra
ST Holidays Tree by bullettMAGNETT All rights reserved. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), 2015-present ...
Spectra Conduit M [Water]
Created by Spectra Spectra W Conduit M by bullettMAGNETT Leave feedback or let me know if something is wrong. Info: Tris 770 / LOD 178 1024x1024 maps Size 7x7 tiles Press Release: "Spe...
Spectra Bio-Reactor [Landfill] AD Ready
Created by Spectra ST Spectra Bio-Reactor v1.32 by bullettMAGNETT Info: 330 Tris LOD 94 tris ( Finally working :D ) 1024x1024 maps Size 13x12 tiles Press Release: ""Spectra Technologie...
Spectra Ascension Park [park]
Created by Spectra ST Ascension Park by bullettMAGNETT Info: Plopable park 1968 Tris 504 LOD Tris 1024x1024 maps Size 4x4 tiles Stats Details (soon) Stats might change due to balance. ...
SP Water Reservoir
Created by StupeadPenguin
Unfortunately, I'm pretty awful at 3D modeling and Photoshop. Please do not expect much from this asset, because I'm only making them available as a courtesy. Finally, the triangle count for both the main and LOD models may be on the high end; however they...
SP Geothermal Heating Plant
Created by StupeadPenguin
Unfortunately, I'm pretty awful at 3D modeling and Photoshop. Please do not expect much from this asset, because I'm only making them available as a courtesy. Finally, the triangle count for both the main and LOD models may be on the high end; however they...
Solar Network
Created by Nickayz
This is a 64 metres (8 units) wide solar network, which actually generates energy. You can find it unter the "Small Roads" tab. Each segment generates 10 MW of energy. You can place it on water. It has no props. No mods needed. Use Elektrix's Road Tools 2....
Sith Lord
Created by m4gic
Yessssssss.......subscribe to the Dark Side! (and give it a thumbs up!) Uses educated male armature. 666 tris. Star Wars universe-inspired fan art...
Simple train station
Created by ron_fu-ta
シンプルな2線式の駅です。コストはデフォルトの駅より低くなっています。 2 tracks simple train station. Cost is lower than the default station....
SM Spectra XS5 Prototype [hover]
Created by Spectra SM Spectra XS5 Prototype by bullettMAGNETT 100 tris Press Release: "Spectra Motors Inc, Spectra Technologies & Spectra Motors proudly introduces a new technological ...
Slow Paths - Invisible Pedestrian Paths
Created by citywokcitywall
All credit goes to ako_ako's Invisible Paths - this is just a modified version of them that's used in combination with normal paths and sidewalks to force pedestrians to walk a different route, even if that route is physically longer. Comes with 4m, 8m and...
Created by DMATH
Just a prop for stuff....
Shoji Amusement Park (障子天国)
Created by christinayan
Shoji Amusement Park by christinayan01. Required DLC "After Dark". Japanese "Yukaku" building. It is legal red-light district for adult. What kind of party are they playing, is completely secret. 大人のアミューズメント施設。どんな遊びが行われているかを知りたいならばオトナになってから。 **Stats** Temp...
Shizuoka Press and Broadcasting Center - Ginza, Tokyo
Created by nilepereiraa
This is the Shizuoka Press and Broadcasting Center located in Ginza, Tokyo. Built in 1967, the building was the first spatial realization of Tange’s Metabolist ideas of organically-inspired structural growth, developed in the late 1950s. Asset Details 3x2 ...
Shinkansen 500 'Nozomi' - JR West (4Cars)
Created by REV0
JR West, 320 passengers Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Big in Japan. The 500 series (500系 500-kei) is a Shinkansen high-speed train type operated by West Japan Railway Company (JR-We...
Shinkansen E5 Series (6 Cars) Bullet Train
Created by REV0
Big in Japan. The E5 series (E5系) is a Japanese Shinkansen high-speed train type operated by East Japan Railway Company (JR East) on Tohoku Shinkansen services since 5 March 2011 and on Hokkaido Shinkansen services since 26 March 2016. A total of 59 10-car...
Shinkansen E5 Series (10 Cars) Bullet Train
Created by REV0
Big in Japan. The E5 series (E5系) is a Japanese Shinkansen high-speed train type operated by East Japan Railway Company (JR East) on Tohoku Shinkansen services since 5 March 2011 and on Hokkaido Shinkansen services since 26 March 2016. A total of 59 10-car...
shibuya ekimae biru 渋谷駅前ビル 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
shibuya ekimaiei biru 渋谷駅前ビル by やばい 大外ビルと渋谷駅前ビルです この二つのビルは有名だと思うが、ネットからの情報はちょっと少ないです。 I didn't find many informations of these two buildings, they are also next to the famous Shibuya Scramble Crossing. Enjoy^_^ 渋谷 東京 日本 Shibuya Tokyo Japan Just found some ...
Seigyo Building
Created by creepyeyes
Clearly the Seigyo Group must be quite wealthy to afford such a grand skyscraper all to themselves, but you've never seen them referenced on TV or the news, and you've definitely never seen their products in the store. Who is the Seigyo Group? What role do...
Segway Personal Transporter by B1337
Created by B1337
A stylish Segway in 4 different variations (white, grey, yellow, turquoise). Works as bicycle - After Dark required. 108 Tris - 256*256 Texture v1.1 slimmer tires, properly sitting on the road now v1.2 front light sits correctly now, thanks to the great wo...
Created by pdelmo
Seaweed by pdelmo. Is there something missing from your coastline? - Don't put plants in the water, use seaweed! pdelmo's seaweed is low poly, which is easy on your system, it won't chug your fps....
Sculpture - Menger Cube
Created by KitchenDon
A classic fractal shape as a large-scale public sculpture. This is a prop, not a building. A fairly efficient model with approx 1500 tris and a 128x128 texture....
Sculpture - Crabstract
Created by KitchenDon
Dazzling colors light up this alien exoskeleton. This is a large-scale public sculpture suitable as a centerpiece for a park or plaza. Find this prop in the Asset Editor un der the Parks and Park Equipment tab. About 2500 tris with 256x256 texture and norm...
Sculpture - Crystal Pollen
Created by KitchenDon
A large public art piece featuring a geometric shape derived from fractal math. This is a prop, not a building. Lots of tris in this one, about 7000. :) I'll try to to trim it down a bit in a future update. Texture is small, though, at only 128x128....
São Paulo Museum of Art
Created by Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Roadwhale: Double Decker Bus (2Car)
Created by REV0
The whale takes the road Roadwhale is a modification over the popular double decker tram, Railwhale. It's the first double decker articulated bus, offering high transportation capacity, for cities that can not sustain nor build a metro network. Depending t...
Riverside Museum (Glasgow, Scotland)
Created by Lemire
Riverside Museum by Zaha Hadid Architects If you like this asset, please rate it up, it literally takes you 1 click! :) The Riverside Museum is the location of the Glasgow Museum of Transport, at Pointhouse Quay in the Glasgow Harbour regeneration district...
Riot Building - Cyberpunk 2077
Created by nardo Riot Nightclub Japantown weeee color changing!! This Asset includes: Riot Building - Cyberpunk77 Enjoy this Asset!
RICO AKIBA Zone Building
Created by Lot Creator
Coming back at you at the speed of Summer break! This little building was in prealpha phase since the start of summer but wasn't finished until the end of summer due to uni. LiThor Productions is proud to annouce the release of another asset. This building...
Research Facility
Created by creepyeyes
This research facility was loosely inspire by the Kenbishi Research Facility and Proving Grounds from the tv show “Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex” (episode 2.) I’d like to imagine they’re researching cyborg technology in there, but ultimately it’s...
Replication Center CC
Created by CushyCrux
Replication Center CC ------------------------------ Because Artists create Art. From the side it is always just a cube. With even better night lightning. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to cushycrux@hotmail...
Quezon Memorial Shrine
Created by Shredra
Quezon Memorial Shrine 3D Model Created by: Gilbert Roy Alva Textured By: Shredra Gaming Manuel Luis Quezon was born on 19 August 1878 in Baler, Tayabas (present-day Aurora). He completed his studies at the Colegio de San Juan de Letran and pursued a law d...
Quad's UNCF Division 1
Created by Quad Rioters
United Nations of Cims Force established. Assets: 3 - UNCF Gestalt - UNCF Peacekeeper - UNCF Vertigo Attribute - Type: Prop - Bench Icon > Sub-Bench Icon - Main Tri: 1,458 / 1,962 / 1,596 - LOD Tri: 108 / 150 / 92 - Description: UNCF Gestalt is a successor...
Quad's Solution
Created by Quad Rioters
Red, Green, Blue, Dark Grey, Purple, Yellow, White. Attribute - Size: 6x8 - Type: Unique Level 3 - Main Tri: 3,462, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 391, 256x128 - Description: Logistic warehouse. Stats - Cost: 48,000 - Upkeep: 77/week - Workers: 18/18/18/18 - Attract...
Quad's Skyline Serpent
Created by Quad Rioters
In the pipe, five by five. Assets: 2 - Skyline Serpent - Skyline Serpent (color variants, check the 7th screenshot on the second row) Attribute - Type: Vehicle - Passenger Plane - Main Tri: 3,184, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 172, 256x127 - Description: A futurist...
Quad's Science Facility
Created by Quad Rioters
Explorers, reporting. - Education: University - 8x10 - Tri: 2530 - LOD Tri: 300 - Description: The new science frontier awaits. Science Facility offers degrees and education equivalent to and beyond any university. - Update (v3): Improved model, Improved t...
Quad's Pyroclastic
Created by Quad Rioters
Don't eat plasma fire. Attribute - Size: 8x8 - Type: Heating Utility - Main Tri: 3,768, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 256, 128x128 - Description: Pyroclastic Plasma Plant takes the advantage of plasma power to accelerate pyroclastic flow, generating massive amount ...
Quad's Plasma Core
Created by Quad Rioters
Welcome to 2020 when color blue is everywhere. Attribute - Industrial: Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 1964 - LOD Tri: 184 Updates - v5: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v4: Added night light, Fixed smooth model, Reduced LOD tris. Don't for...
Quad's Overwatch Beacon
Created by Quad Rioters
Kokal'tulah! Assets: 2 - Overwatch Beacon - Overwatch Beacon's Levitator Attribute: Overwatch Beacon - Size: 4x4 (intrusive) - Type: Police > Police Helicopter Depot - Tri: 4,920 - LOD Tri: 458 - Texture Size: 2048x1024 - LOD Texture Size: 256x128 - Descri...
Quad's Overwatch
Created by Quad Rioters
Watching. Judging. Negotiating. Invading? Attribute - Assets: 2 = Overwatch, Overwatch's Levitator - Park: Others - 1x1 (anywhere) (circular) (noclip), 1x1 (anywhere) (circular) (noclip) - Tri: 4920 / 1662 - LOD Tri: 458 / 124 Stats: Overwatch - Cost: 5000...
Quad's Liberty Tower
Created by Quad Rioters
None will ever take it away from us. Attribute - Size: 6x6 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 3,446, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 507, 256x256 - Sub-building: Liberty Tower Glass (aesthetic-only) - Description: A modern architecture headquarters. The glass serves ...
Quad's Liberator
Created by Quad Rioters
How can we help? Attribute - Size: 6x4 - Type: Fire Department - Main Tri: 1,793, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 150, 128x128 - Description: Liberator Response Unit is a group made up of trained men and women to respond to emergency situations. Stats: All - Cost: 80...
Quad's Leviathan
Created by Quad Rioters
Class-10 - Size: 8x7 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 3,514, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 720, 1024x1024 - Description: Space elevation hqs - Stats: Common. Updates - v5: Overhauled the asset. Gratitute - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you ...
Quad's Gauss
Created by Quad Rioters
Prepare for the rolling blackouts. Attribute - Size: 4x6 - Type: Power Utility - Solar Power Plant - Main Tri: 2,422, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 194, 256x128 - Description: Gauss operates as a clean and highly-effective power plant utilizing state-of-the-art ele...
Quad's Futuristic Goods Vehicles
Created by Quad Rioters
Too late to look back. Assets: 2 - Pack Mouse - Cyber Buffalo Attribute: Pack Mouse - Type: Vehicle - Commercial Van - Main Tri: 972, 512x512 - LOD Tri: 32, 64x64 - Description: A futuristic commercial van. Stats: Pack Mouse - Spawn Point: Generic industri...
H5 4x4 Platinum
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 residential. 4x4 lot only. 810 tris, 1024x diffuse, illumination, bump and specular maps. LOD: 106 tris, 256x diffuse, illumination and specular maps. My profound apologies for the nightlights, the window lights are a tad small compared to normal c...
H5 4x4 Utopia
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Level 5 Residential Highrise. No lighting artifacts, and LOD and hipoly have the same random (no pattern) windows lit! I hope you like this one, as the style is slightly different, it is notably lighter in color than my previous buildings. The color variat...
Half-Life 2 Combine Police Helicopter (Corrected Lights + Prop Version)
Created by citywokcitywall
All credit goes to Dreidman's HALF-LIFE 2 | Combine Helicopter | Police - this is just a modified version of it that fixes an issue with light placement, and comes with an additional prop version....
HALF-LIFE 2 | Combine Helicopter | Police
Created by StBlse
HL2 Combine Helicopter: The Hunter-Chopper is a Combine rotorcraft used to provide heavy fire support for Combine Overwatch forces. Like the Combine APC, this vehicle is a conventional human design re-engineered by the Combine using their technology. Origi...
Hanging Cables PACK of 8 cable bundles
Created by Jimbo_WestCoast
Each bundle has 3-4 cables in it. The Flag Shader was used so the cables with sway in the wind, just a little. There's a total of 8 unique assets here....
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
Health Center
Created by BenTracker
Health Center The health center is an average installation between the clinic and the hospital. -------------------------------------------------------- Based on Instituto de Medicina Legal de Badajoz...
Created by Alfred_Meyer
Heian-Saiten_Kasugano by Alfred_Meyer This asset simulates the Funeral Home "Heian-Saiten" at Kasugano in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture. Funeral Home "Heian-Saiten" at Kasugano was opened in October 1990. It has passed the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake and ...
Hexa Structure
Created by _luminou_
Hexa Structure Multiple purpose structure on 3 feet, adjustable in height with the mod "Move it" Could be placed everywhere you want, and produce one little quantity of electricity. Specially Design for: Parking Lot Roads - Poorly Maintained Parking and Pa...
Heydar Aliyev Centre by Zaha Hadid
Created by Macwelshman] Heydar Aliyev Centre by Zaha Hadid The Heydar Aliyev Centre is an award winning arts and cultural complex in Baku, Azerbaijan designed by Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid and noted for its distinctive architecture and flowi...
Hi-Tech Industry Tower CC
Created by CushyCrux
Hi-Tech Industry Tower CC After a break I am back. A big 4x4 H3 Bumerang shaped Green Tower with a lot Glass. Because Artists create Art. Have fun! (Buro version will come soon if requested) Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, tha...
High school I-1577A (Moscow) [Russia]
Created by Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Старшая школа серии И-1577А (Версия 1) 4 этажа High school I-1577A (Version 1) 4 floors Расцветка: Белые и цветные панели (красный, оранжевый, зеленый, голубой) Color: White and colored panels (red, ...
Hispeed Ai Shuttle Bus CC
Created by CushyCrux
Hispeed Ai Shuttle Bus CC ------------------------- Because in the Future Busdrivers have more free time. And because Artist create Art. 50 Passengers, Max Speed 1000 mph (will never happen). Will be colored like the line color. Send me a money giftcard vi...
Created by m4gic
Indapni's hologram cyberprisons in red and green. Small jails for your futuristic city build. Thank you, Jimbo WestCoast, for assisting! Note: Plazas and Promenades has broken AnimUV mod. Once repaired these will have scrolling animation, but for now they ...
Holo Fish XL BLUE - Cyberpunk 2077
Created by nardo Holographic Goldfish Blubbing their way across Cyberspace.. This Asset includes: Goldfish XL BLUE PLEASE SUB TO GOLDFISH XL ORANGE Enjoy this Asset! https://i.imgur....
Holo Fish XL ORANGE - Cyberpunk 2077
Created by nardo Holographic Goldfish Blubbing their way across Cyberspace.. This Asset includes: Goldfish XL ORANGE PLEASE SUB TO GOLDFISH XL BLUE Enjoy this Asset! https://i.imgur....
Holo Fish L ORANGE - Cyberpunk 2077
Created by nardo Holographic Goldfish Blubbing their way across Cyberspace.. This Asset includes: Goldfish L ORANGE PLEASE SUB TO GOLDFISH L BLUE Enjoy this Asset! https://i.imgur.c...
Holo Fish L BLUE - Cyberpunk 2077
Created by nardo Holographic Goldfish Blubbing their way across Cyberspace.. This Asset includes: Goldfish L BLUE PLEASE SUB TO GOLDFISH L ORANGE Enjoy this Asset! Cyberpunk 2077, including its visual components, characters, storylines, artw...
Holografic Information Prop
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop All your informations and news from the future for you today! Notes: The Additive Shader mod is required. The Additive Shader mod removes lod's. (because it doesn't work for lod's) Thus it will be rendered even at lod dista...
HOI POI Capsule House L1 2x2
Created by BenTracker
Building based on Dragon Ball HOI POI Capsule No. 1 Residential Low L1 2x2 -------------------------------------------------------- 1579 Tris 1024 x 1024px Texture *LOD Model soon...
Holographic Logo pack 1 - China \ 全息标志 - 中国包
Created by 黑桃A
Holographic Logo pack 1 - China It contains 10 logos. -Respectively Acfun \ Alipay \ Bilibili \ BOE \ DJI \ JD \ Lenovo \ Tencent \ Tiktok \ WeChat ------------------------------------------ 全息标志 - 中国包 包含了10个熟悉的标志logo -包含有 A站、支付宝、B站、京东方、大疆、京东、联想、腾讯、抖音、微信 t...
Hover Car (the Fifth Element)
Created by joemama
This is one of the Hover Cars from the Movie "The Fifth Element"! Enjoy!...
Hyperboloid Water Tower
Created by 220hertz
Very loosely based on the Ciechanow water tower in Poland. A friend commented that it's sort of got a Fallout vibe, and I can dig that. About the asset Main mesh is 2438 tris LoD is 134 Textures are 1024 and 256. No props, DLC or dependencies - this is jus...
Hyperion Classic Hover V3
Created by LealMafor
Hyperion Classic Hover V3 Hover car V3 created for my new series of futuristic Cities Skylines called Hyperion. Design inspired by the Anthony Sixto PKD hero car. If you like my work please give me a upvote. This means a lot to me. If you have any question...
Quad's Gameplay
Created by Quad Rioters
Is this easy mode? Attribute - Size: 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4 - Type: Zoning > Commercial High - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,600, 512x512 - LOD Tri: 182, 64x64 - Description: A downtown game center. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you an...
Quad's Futuristic Air Service (Prop)
Created by Quad Rioters
Still awaiting launch orders. Warning - These are big-file-sized props. Use them considerably. Assets: 3 - Parked Ion Osprey - Parked Sleeping Owl - Parked Gravity Wasp Attribute and Stats: Ion Osprey - Type: Props - Parks - Main Tri: 5,364, 1024x1024 - LO...
Quad's Futuristic Air Service
Created by Quad Rioters
They are awaiting launch orders. Assets: 3 - Ion Osprey - Sleeping Owl - Gravity Wasp Attribute Requirement: Mass Transit DLC Attribute and Stats: Ion Osprey - Type: Vehicle - Blimp - Main Tri: 5,364, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 383, 256x256 - Description: A futu...
Quad's Explicit
Created by Quad Rioters
Rap riot roll. Attribute - Size: 3x3, 3x4 - Type: Commercial High Level 3 - Main Tri: 1,986, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 166, 128x128 - Description: Explicit vertical mall. Update -v8: Overhauled the asset. - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank y...
Quad's Darco
Created by Quad Rioters
Architectural nightmare. Attribute - Size: 12x12 - Type: Unique Level 3 - Main Tri: 5,219, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 635, 512x512 - Description: De-Urbanized Arcological Construct is a reactionary response to the rigid archetypal Arcologies. - Source: Darco Arc...
Hyperion Tesla Hover V3
Created by LealMafor
Hyperion Tesla Hover V3 Hover Tesla V3 created for my new series of futuristic Cities Skylines called Hyperion. Design inspired by Fábio Martins - Tesla Pod. If you like my work please give me a upvote. This means a lot to me. If you have any questions ple...
Icy Alien World
Created by m4gic
Part of a solar system -- yes -- but so far from the center that it is frozen over and the sun appears tiny, providing only light. This icy rock has no moon. At night a nearby nebula is visible through the light effects of the planet's magnetosphere....
Illuminated Bare Trees
Created by MrMaison
Illuminated Bare Trees by MrMaison Let there be light....on Bare Trees! Introducing a 4 piece Illuminated Bare Tree set. These trees are in prop form and my first illuminated nature assets. There will be more to come including tropical plants and trees. Th...
Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer
Created by BadPeanut
I obviously do not own anything to do with star wars, this is a fun fan recreation. Thanks to ImperialJedi for the inspiration. This is a decoration asset found in the parks menu. If you have a low end computer, use with caution, it has 4k textures - acros...
indoor swimming pool
Created by SvenBerlin
indoor swimming pool by SvenBerlin This is the "moldebadet" indoor swimming pool in Molde , Norway. Users wanted it as a standalone asset. Normaly its part of my "Hotel Seilet + Svommehall" asset
Institute of Cybernetics
Created by Ninja_Thomek
Institute of Cybernetics by Ninja_Thomek This is based on the real thing, standing in St. Petersburg, Russia. "Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics" Designed by architects B. I. Artiushin and S. V. Savin. I plan to add more eastern european buil...
International Space Elevator - Powerplant Only Version
Created by Grunder Industries
Announcement I've been able to create a fully functioning version of this asset, which includes 6 functioning cargo ports. Redirect for Port & Powerplant Version ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Quad's Conundrum
Created by Quad Rioters
Like the universe itself. Attribute - Commercial: High, Level 3 (highest) - 4x4 - Tri: 1342 - LOD Tri: 154 Updates - v7: Improved model, Improve textures, Desaturated textures. - v6: Added the thumbnail for Ploppable RICO version. - v5: Improved model, Imp...
Quad Vault Post-war
Created by Quad Rioters
I heard of another settlement that needs our help. - Size: 2x2, circle, freeform - Type: Props > Ruins - Main Tri: 2,058, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 226, 128x128 - Description: A decomissioned Vault. Perhaps, one day, a sole survivor will rise from his or her sl...
Quad Vault
Created by Quad Rioters
Modding community never changes. - Size: 2x2, circle - Type: Fire Station > Disaster Prevention - Main Tri: 2,058, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 226, 128x128 - Description: Vault is capable of sheltering a hundred of people for an event of a nuclear strike. The cos...
Quad UNCF Division 2
Created by Quad Rioters
Target designated. Assets: 3 - UNCF Gemini: Medium combat tank. - UNCF Raptor: Anti-air mech, rocket artillery. - UNCF Cicada: Interceptor. Attribute - Type: Prop - Park (Bench Icon) - Main Tri: 1,630 / 1,862 / 1,466 - LOD Tri: 192 / 196 / 108 Tips - Use M...
Quad Tsetelix Ancient Ruins
Created by Quad Rioters
All Come to Ruin. - Asset Count: 12 --- Tsetelix Tower Tall (Elite dwelling) --- Tsetelix Tower Med (High-class dwelling) --- Tsetelix Tower Short (Middle-class dwelling) --- Tsetelix Aquaduct Tall --- Tsetelix Aquaduct Short --- Tsetelix Building Med --- ...
Quad Tiberium
Created by Quad Rioters
Infestation does have its strength, you know. - Asset Count: 12 ----- 2 Blossom Trees (Trees) ----- 4 Green Tiberium Ores (Ruins) ----- 4 Blue Tiberium Ores (Ruins) ----- 1 Empty Tiberium Pod (Ruins) ----- 1 Tiberium Vinifera (Ruins) - Size: 1x1, circle, f...
Quad Supercooled Unit
Created by Quad Rioters
Reporting dimensional containment system failure. - Size: 1x4 - Type: Industrial Level 3 - Main Tri: 1070, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 244, 128x128 - Description: Super...
Quad Solipsist
Created by Quad Rioters
About loving like we do. - Size: 13x12 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 10,982, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 664, 1024x1024 - Description: Like Launch arcology, Solipsist is designed to be a long-distance space colony and deep space relay. Its ultimate goal is t...
Quad Singularity
Created by Quad Rioters
Readjusting space and time. - Size: 8x16 - Type: Power - Nuclear Power Plant - Main Tri: 8,962, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 838, 1024x1024 - Description: Singu...
Quad Prism
Created by Quad Rioters
Reflecting your sense of the new. Attribute - Size: 12x12 - Type: Unique Level 5 - Main Tri: 2,504, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 552, 5126x256 - Description: Prism Convention Center Stats - Cost: Not too cheap, not too expensive. - Note: Common unique building. Ti...
Quad Plymouth
Created by Quad Rioters
The oasis in the stack. Attribute - Size: 12x12 - Type: Unique Level 3 - Main Tri: 7,766, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 323, 512x512 - Description: The Plymouth arcologies are solid as a rock and designed to support heavy industries. - Source: Plymouth Arcology (Si...
Quad Panopticon
Created by Quad Rioters
And from that throne, they shall watch over you. - Size: 12x12 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 6xxx, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 9xx, 1024x1024 - Description: Elite class arcology. Stats - Cost: 300,000 - Upkeep: 2400 - Entertainment: 150 - Entertainment Radiu...
Quad Oyan
Created by Quad Rioters
But hey, at least there's a friendly face here. This asset is dedicated to Oyan, a riotous, settlement-loving, thicc orange cat of a friend that has passed away in the last few weeks. We loved to banter and discuss regarding of his riot-ness over the past ...
Quad Night Corp
Created by Quad Rioters
Wake up, Skyliners. We have a city to mod. __________________ __________________ - Asset: 2 Night Corp Dystopia Night Corp Utopia - Size: 9x9 - Type: Unique Leve...
Quad Locale
Created by Quad Rioters
Analogous system set. - Size: 3x4 - Type: Commercial High Generic Level 3 - Main Tri: 4,398, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 448, 256x256 - Description: Locale commercial logistics inc. Author Note - I know I have been slow. Next week's release will be an industrial ...
Quad Haywire
Created by Quad Rioters
Who said anything about cake? Attribute - Size: 6x16 - Type: Unique Level 5 - Main Tri: 1,940, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 164, 512x256 - Description: Haywire digital processing hub. Stats - Cost: 70,000 - Upkeep: 1,120/week - Workers: 5/5/10/10 - Attractiveness:...
Quad Hatchery
Created by Quad Rioters
Spawning more overlords. __________________ - Size: 6x6 (12x12 in visual size) - Type: Props > Ruins - Main Tri: 6888, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 611, 256x256 - Descri...
Quad Eye Monster
Created by Quad Rioters
The hour the cims stood still. Attribute - Size: 1x1 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 5,098, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 874, 512x256 - Description: Real deal or a prop? - Source: Monster (Simcity 2000) Stats - Cost: 100,000 - Upkeep: 160/week - Workers: 0/0/0/...
Quad Energy Tear
Created by Quad Rioters
You never know what you have opened. - Size: 8x8 - Type: Power - Nuclear Power Plant - Main Tri: 7,104, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 988, 1024x1024 - Description: Electromagnetic energy power plant. Stats - Cost: 300,000 - Upkeep: 8000 - Fire Tolerance: 40 - Elect...
Quad Eminence
Created by Quad Rioters
The end is at hand. - Size: 13x12 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 9,726, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 972, 1024x1024 - Description: Eminence is an alternative colony model of Solipsist. It prides itself and dark energy, ensuring the last long trip in the vast o...
qfront 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
qfront 渋谷 東京 by やばい Qfront by やばい 渋谷駅ハチ公口前の道玄坂下のスクランブル交差点前に立地する。1960年から1998年まで同地に存在していた「峰岸ビル」というテナントビルを建て替え、東急百貨店さっぽろ店などの不動産を管理する同社子会社の札幌プラザ株式会社が事業主となり1999年12月に竣工した。 A staple of the Shibuya landscape, QFRONT is hard to miss. Staring down over the scramblin...
Qfront screen 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
Qfront screen by やばい QFRONTのアートビジョンです、ビデオは大原櫻子さんのMVです。この数日のうちにQFRONTを作りたいと思います。 ご注意ください! アニメアセットはlodファイルをサポートしていません、だから、mod adaptive prop visibility は必ず必要です、さもないと、遠くから見ると、アセットは消えてしまいます。  This is the QFRONT building's huge screen,the building is situated in...
Prop Anarchy temporary fix
Created by algernon WARNING: UNSTABLE. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW GAMES. This mod has a number of bugs and stability issues, and is not recommended for new games. It is provided here as an attempt to help players with existing cities using Extende...
Post-Apocalypse FutureCapsuleApartment L1 3x2
Created by m4gic
Not my model. Used a Future Capsule Apartment and Frame by 黑桃A (Jiang) to create growable assets. Post-Apocalypse Future Capsule Apartment L1 3x2 High Density Residential....
Poseidon Tower
Created by Visu
Level-5 Unique Building - complete w/ 1.5k-tri LoD model. Employs 425. No custom items....
Police SHARC Interceptor
Created by gido505
=========================================== -- WARNING -- This asset might break your saved game when you unsubscribe. Please read the comments below on the problem this might cause. And also refer to these reddit post for further info. https://www.reddit....
Police Raptor Patrol AV
Created by cyberglum
Police Raptor Patrol AV - Police Helicopter A Cyberpunk/Sci-Fi replacement for the Police Helicopter with a few tweaks. The Raptor Patrol AV is a fast response vehicle utilising the latest in Thermo-Grav technology. Can carry a crew of 3 along with 2 passe...
Plunky's Diner
Created by bigmoodenergy
Level 1 diner (2x2) growable in light commercial zone. Some classic mainstreet Americana in all of it's chrome brushed, greasy, space age glory. 1599 polys 1024x1024 texture sheets (diffuse, normal, spec) Support future assets:
Plop the Growables
Created by Katalepsis
Allows you to manually plop growable buildings with Find It! and having them remain where you put them. In essence this mod removes the "Demolish me" signal growables normally send to the game when they are not in a zoned area or not in the correct distric...
PKX Airport 北京大兴国际机场
Created by UNFU
For English Description Please Scroll Down. 全球最大航站楼----北京大兴国际机场 北京大兴国际机场(IATA代码:PKX;ICAO代码:ZBAD)是中华人民共和国北京市大兴区正在建设的北京第二座国际机场。北京大兴国际机场一期工程按2025年旅客吞吐量7200万人次、货邮吞吐量200万吨、飞机起降量62万架次的目标设计,飞行区等级指标为4F,工程总投资799.8亿人民币。 机场定位为大型国际航空枢...
Pipe Multi
Created by Atys
Multi pipe for detailing made by Atys for the Athalassya Youtube series. More about Athalassya here: Join our new Discord Server ► Patreon ► Twitter ►
Personal Pylon
Created by gido505
You must construct your personal pylons! Your very own personal pylon, smaller than the additional pylon. Put it on the back of your house as personal power source to charge all your personal and mobile devices. Based on Wind Turbine. Can be placed anywher...
Pedestrian Sidewalk
Created by Badi_Dea
This network is expiremental, there is a bug where the networing may sink into the ground; this occurs under seemingly random conditions, and is related to the 'flatten terrain' attribute. This network will not be removed from the workshop, as doing so may...
Parallel Road Tool
Created by S__T Road Toolhelps you easily drawing parallel and stacked networks.Main features are: Limitless parallel/stacked configurations: you can choose any network (not only roads!) and distances (both horizontal and vertical) ...
Palapas Motel - Cyberpunk 2077
Created by nardo Las Palapas Motel Ideal if u dont have many Eurodollars.. This Asset includes: Palapas Motel - Cyberpunk77 Enjoy this Asset!
P-A Future Capsule Apartment L2 3x2
Created by m4gic
Not my model. Used a Future Capsule Apartment and Frame by 黑桃A (Jiang) to create growable assets. Post-Apocalypse Future Capsule Apartment L2 3x2 High Density Residential. Concerts DLC is only for some lights - not necessary but nice to have....
P-A Future Android SC 2x2 L1C
Created by m4gic
One of the few standing relics from the time before The Disasters - this old building is largely intact. It's the perfect spot for an android sex club, and that's just what the cartel has opened here. Try it! You'd never know it wasn't the real thing. Uses...
OverLayer v2 [Unmaintained]
Created by princekolt
Stop using this mod There are much better and newer alternatives. Try: this one. OverLayer v2.0 OverLayer draws a high resolution picture over your map which follows the terrain surface. To enable/disable the overlay, click the round button with an exclama...
Otaku Shop / トレーダー秋葉原3号店
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Otaku shop inspired from TRADER3 in Akihabara, Tokyo. This shop accepts all kind of otaku. Waya, the great asset creator said, "I can stay at that store all day long". Floor Guide: 1F: Consumer Games / Anime 2F: Trading Card Games 3F: For Sellers 4F: Henta...
Ospedale San Raffaele di Milano - Covid-19 Donation Project
Created by Zarrix
LAST UPDATE: I have donated all the funds! Here is the letter from the Hospital. Hello fellow Cities Skyliners, today I present you the Hospital of San Raffaele of Milano This is a non profit project to make donations to the...
One Thousand Museum (rico)
Created by _luminou_
One Thousand Museum "One Thousand Museum" est un batiment créé par l'architecte Zaha Hadid, adapté pour le jeu Cities Skylines (ce batiment est en cours de construction à Miami, en floride) Version Residentiel Haute Densité
One Thousand Building (rico) High Density Residential Level 5, 4x4
Created by _luminou_
One Thousand Building (rico) High density Residential Level 5, 4x4 Adapatation de l'asset "One Thousand Museum" en batiment Residentiel Haute Densité 4x4 Level 5 "One Thousand Museum" est un batiment créé par l'architecte Zaha Hadid, adapté pour le jeu Cit...
Omicron Draconis
Created by m4gic
A very strange alien world... Three small moons locked in its orbit. There is liquid on this planet - but it isn't water. It isn't exactly toxic, but I would stick to drinking the water we produce in our moisture farms if I were you. Still; there is an abu...
Oil Refinery Delayed Coker
Created by Badi_Dea
Make a refinery complex, simple! A delayed coker is a type of coker whose process consists of heating a residual oil feed to its thermal cracking temperature in a furnace with multiple parallel passes. This cracks the heavy, long chain hydrocarbon molecule...
Oblivion OB49 - Mid Rize [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Oblivion OB49 - Mid Rize Adaptation for CitiesSkylines of the Sky Tower From the film "OBLIVION". This asset exist in 3 versions: - "Low Rize" - "Mid Rize" - "High Rize" Collection available with the 3 models Asset build with one sub-building (glass) Conta...
Oblivion OB49 - High Rize [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Oblivion OB49 - High Rize Adaptation for CitiesSkylines of the Sky Tower From the film "OBLIVION". This asset exist in 3 versions: - "Low Rize" - "Mid Rize" - "High Rize" Collection available with the 3 models Asset build with one sub-building (glass) Cont...
Oblivion OB49 - Ground Zero [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Oblivion OB49 - Ground Zero (Low Rize) Adaptation for CitiesSkylines of the Sky Tower From the film "OBLIVION". This asset exist in 3 versions: - "Low Rize" - "Mid Rize" - "High Rize" Collection available with the 3 models Asset build with one sub-building...
NTE - Hammer - Sea Wind Turbine - Black - 28 MWh
Created by spinoza73
The hammer from NT Energy. An horizontal floating sea wind turbine equipped with an electromagnetic rotor. A monster machine! Attached to the bottom of the sea instead of having regular pillars, it is 25% less expensive to build for an incredible productio...
NTE - Brutus Incinerator & Recycling Center All-in-One!
Created by spinoza73
Take care of your garbage in a modern way! Incinerator and recycling center all-in-one! The brute force of two waste monsters combined for increased efficiency. And yet, you'll have better installation that will not afraid your citizens and will be profita...
Nova Offices
Created by DawiD 186m high skyscraper inspired by Wrocław Skytower. Info Model: 1306 tris Texture: 2048 x 2048 LOD: 280 tris LOD texture: 512 x 512 Hope you like it!...
NTE - Phoenix Crematorium
Created by spinoza73
When a wave of mortality occurs, the Phoenix by NTE is the solution. 3X times more of everything! Thanks to the synergy of two crematoriums and the use of the latest technologies, everything is better and faster. Thanks to them, our chimney emits only stea...
Nova City Primary School
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Nova City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of three buildings. And this is a primary school, which I made at the request of one of my subscribers. :) <=...
Nova City High School
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Nova City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of three buildings. And this is a high school, which I made at the request of one of my subscribers. :) <====...
Nova City Fire_Station
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a Nova City Fire Station. But it is not a common fire station. For use this asset you need a Natural Disasters DLC. It is a not real building, I came up with it. :) Main building: 7 firetrucks Left side ...
Night City (CyberPunk 2077)
Created by RobberCat
A Night City map (CyberPunk 2077). Resources are scarce, so you'll have to be creative. It's Cyberpunk after all, right? Enjoy! :) Overlay: 1- Night City overlay: 2- Subscribe to "Overlayer V2":
Night city
Created by Outcast
My take on Night City from Cyberpunk 2077. Done with the ingame map, has the spaceport/airport island and covers all of the badlands. Use 81 tiles to build everywhere....
Created by B.A.F
NHB Water Pumping Station
Created by rawberth
Economic, quiet, high volume water pumping station. This station costs twice that of the in-game asset, but pumps four times the water, emits less noise pollution, and requires less maintenance for the volume it pumps. Do you like my assets? Please donate!...
Network Anarchy
Created by Quboid
Network Anarchy 3.2.5 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update) This mod adds additional options when building networks (roads, quays, etc) and provides game-wide anarchy to let you break the placement rules. Ne...
Nardo's Hologram Megapack
Created by nardo
This pack includes Holograms varying from 1000 tris up to 4000, primarily corporation and company themed, featuring many bright neon colors! ...
Nanjing Zifeng tower紫峰大厦
Created by York Lee
绿地广场·紫峰大厦(Greenland Square Zifeng Tower)简称紫峰大厦或紫峰,位于南京市鼓楼区鼓楼广场,是江苏第1、中国第6、世界第10高楼。(截至2016年8月)。 紫峰大厦东至中央路,西至北京西路,周边区域有玄武湖、北极阁、鼓楼、明城墙等历史文物古迹;该地段是南京主城区的中心点及城市的制高点,周边远景尽收眼底:东可眺望紫金山、西可望长江、南有雨花台、北有幕府山。 中文名称:绿地广场·紫峰大厦 外文名称 Greenland Square Zifeng Tower 地理位置:南京市鼓楼...
Created by 910095247
Deji Plaza Shopping Center is located in the northeast corner of Nanjing, Jiangsu's Xinjiekou, “China’s first business district”. This asset occupies an area of 8*10u You can find it in unique building level Ⅰ. Contact me if you have any questions. 德基广场塔楼 ...
Nakagin Capsule Tower Tokyo Japan
Created by Sakura I am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then. What is this and why do I need it: Nakagin Capsule Tower Building from Tok...
Museum of the ocean
Created by Ankuvio
Find this asset here: Unique building, level 5. Main model: 2019 tris. Textures: 1024x1024 (diffuse, normal, specular, illumination) Custom LOD: 384 tris. Textures: 512x512 (diffuse, specular, illumination) ...
Move It
Created by Quboid
Move It 2.10.7 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.1 (12th June Update) New in 2.10.7: - Auto-connect roads! If you paste a copied road over the top of an existing one, Move It will automatically connect the nodes. This can be turned off by clicking on th...
Created by m4gic
The Motherships have arrived! ~24K tris. Uses base of vanilla lighthouse prop so it has no function in-game. 1x1 footprint size so you can detail its surroundings. Made by m4gic and textured by indapni. Tags: Alien, Dystopian, Cyber, Apocalypse...
Modern Water Tower
Created by SharkNFur
A Water Tower designed to blend in with a modern city. This is my first upload and custom model. Build Cost: 5000 UpKeep: 400 a week Pumping Capacity of 112000 a week. Has very low noise pollution as designed to be used inside the city. Triangles 1812....
modern villa [2x2 updated][low residential]
Created by purplemountain
modern villa 2x2 by purplemountain original version :modern villa Updated version of this original asset. Width changed, 3x3 -> 2x2 Read original version's description. 'Building in these sc...
Modern Science Tower
Created by amamIya
Modern Science Tower by amamIya...
Modern Police HQ
Created by Xeno
A modern Police HQ, an original design inspired by modern architecture. It's about the same size as the vanilla HQ and the stats are slighlty higher. I noticed there is a lack of police stations on the workshop and I'm not really happy with the vanilla mod...
Modern Office
Created by GoodTimeWithGD
Hello! It's me, GD again. Some info about the building. -Level 3, 4x4 office building (so you need to use office zone to get it, or make it rico) -not rico ready -growable -day/night" support"...
Modern Metro Station
Created by Tair
Modern Metro Station by Tair I made the model from scratch in Sketchup. I hope you like it, Any comments and feedback are appreciated....
Modern Lighting Pack - 2020 Edition
Created by GCVos
This pack adds 27 new street lights and lamps to your game. These props can be used for assets and can be placed ingame using Network Skins 2 and More Beautification. Content as of May 2020: + Suspended Street Light + Suspended Avenue Light + Stainless Str...
Modern Home 1x1
Created by dfurball
Modern Home 1x1 by dfurball -------------------------------------------------- A custom 1x1 low residential home with 1 parking space....
Modern Commercial
Created by GoodTimeWithGD
All of the pictures taken with daylight classic on. Hello! It's me, again. Some info ----------------- -Growable hight density commercial -lvl 3 (aka max lvl) -Day/night support -Made in blender (2 days)...
modern art museum
Created by Zelghradis
modern art museum by Zelghradis, same properties as the normal building, added parking spaces and greenery...
Minimalistic Modern House-A-L3
Created by Pixel_monster
Minimalistic Modern House-A-L3 by Pixel_monster A Minimalistic modern house, with Aluminium, recycled wood, and glass facade. the backside has glass sliding doors to access the backyard along with big planter boxes on the terrace. Give your cims a much-nee...
Millenium Obelisk
Created by Armesto Millenium Obelisk, A Coruña. Around 1k tris, custom LOD. It requires Additive shader for night illumination....
Created by
Intended for use with microtech labs asset. MicrotechHologram by
Menger Cube Sculpture (Parklife)
Created by Beckler OM
Menger Cube Sculpture is a departure from departure; a return to the fundamentals of art, if you will. Your cims will enjoy be reminded of the fun that geometry holds. Let your cims examine the many facets created by squares and cubes that are both there a...
Melinh point Saigon
Created by korotovool
Melinh point Saigon by korotovool BIG UPDATE! - due to this type of building and base on its original. Melinh Point Saigon is a prestigious office development in the prime business of Ho Chi Minh City, District 1 - Vietnam...
Megabuilding No.10 [Cyberpunk2077]
Created by Elektrotek
Megabuilding The magebuilding from Cyberpunk2077 Night City, the No.10 build located in Little China district. This is my first asset, a little be clumsy though, and lacking a lot of details. Feel free to subscribe and add it to your cyberpunk city. Mesh I...
Created by cash
MECHMK1 It's a prop robot thingy with guns and what not. TRIS: 1758 / 1024x1024 d,n AUTOGENERATED LODS nardo's cyberpunk discord CYBERPUNK SCI-FI FUTURISTIC DYSTOPIAN SPACE ROBOT HWHWHWHWHAHHAHAHA cash type beat...
MARS Road - Invisible 1 Lane Zonable
Created by citywokcitywall
Welcome to Cities Skylines: MARS! This is a pair of invisible roads used to replace all roads in CityWokCityWall's MARS YouTube Series. Both are derivatives of nico_oas' Invisible 1 Lane Zonable + Sidewalk Road. There are two varieties: - One-Lane, One-Way...
MARS Helicopter - Passenger Transport
Created by citywokcitywall
Welcome to Cities Skylines: MARS! This is a Blimp Vehicle, a Passenger Helicopter Vehicle, and Prop. It's used transport citizens through the air in CityWokCityWall's MARS YouTube series. As an added bonus, there is also an semi-invisible blimp stop buildi...
MARS Helicopter - Medical Vehicle & Prop
Created by citywokcitywall
Welcome to Cities Skylines: MARS! This pack of Helicopter Vehicle + Prop used to replace the vanilla medical helicopter (and ambulance) in CityWokCityWall's MARS. Advanced Vehicle Options is recommended but not required MEDICAL VEHICLE Name: cwcw_marsHelic...
Maman Sculpture
Created by P4ranoia
Maman is a bronze, stainless steel and marble sculpture by the artist Louise Bourgeois. This edition can be found in UK, Canada, Spain, Japan and South Korea....
Luxurious Flat [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Luxurious Flat Adapted from the building : "Best Apartment - Energy Living Medellin" Residential High Density Level 5, Size 4x4 No Mod, No DLC required Rico setting Residential High - Level 5 Homes: 30 Construction Cost: 10.000 Contain all texture and lod ...
Makati Tower 6789
Created by Ikky_Ric
Makati Tower 6789 by Ikky_Ric *With LOD model included* TRIS: 606 Verts: 305 UVs: 606 Edges: 568 Tower 6789, also known as Makati Tower (formerly named Alphaland Makati Tower), is a commercial skyscraper in Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines. With a height ...
Los Angeles River channel network
Created by #Kaiserderklaus
Replica of the Los Angeles River (as usual with artistic freedom of course;) ) Just for the look .. as a Network Of course you have to spruce up the channels with decals or with other great ideas
Loft LD Playa 3X2
Created by NDR [FR]
Loft LD Playa 3X2 by NDR...
Loading Screen Mod Revisited 1.1.9
Created by algernon A replacement for, and continuation of, thale5's original Loading Screen Mod. Includes improved performance and compatibility with other mods, as well as some new features: Skip network and tree prefabs (in addition to the o...
LKG Tower
Created by Ikky_Ric
LKG Tower by Ikky_Ric *With LOD model included* TRIS: 554 Verts: 279 UVs: 489 Edges: 535 The LKG Tower is an office skyscraper located in Makati, Philippines, and is one of the tallest in the city. Standing at 180.1 metres (590.88 feet), the building has 3...
LIMB Clinic
Created by Ryba
LIMB Clinic modeled after Prague version form Deus Ex Mankind Divided. Background: LIMB International (Liberty In Mind and Body International) is the creator of LIMB clinics, a network of augmentation clinics around the world for mechanically-augmented peo...
light artwork sculpture
Created by DeCzaah
English A light artwork called "Bruce", after the artist "Bruce Nauman" (named by @AmiPolizeiFunk), that works fine on plazas, and much more. Features: - specular texture, for a slightly reflecting look - normal map texture, for better bumps and dents - il...
light artwork ring 72 pillars
Created by DeCzaah
This is the 72 pillars version of my sculpture. But it also is the ca. 2000 tris version (about 4 times more than the 36 pillars version!) Also check out the "light artwork pillar fence" based on this artwork! English A light artwork, that shapes an elegan...
Leeza Soho - Beijing [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Leeza Soho - Beijing Replica of the Leeza SOHO (also known as Li Ze Tower) This Skyscraper located in the Lize Financial Business District in Beijing, China. Construction began in 2015 and is set to be completed in 2018. The Leeza SOHO features a huge 190 ...
Lava Hole
Created by Starchild426
Disposes of Garbage from the city, and returns it in geothermal energy. No pollution. by Starchild426...
L3C 3x3 Vinerose Gardening
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Level 3 Commercial., non-highrise, 10 stories, lines up nicely with stock level 3 commercials. Grows on 3x3 and 3x4. Hipoly: 2,600 tris, 1024x1024 diffuse, specular, bump, illumination and color maps. LOD: 260 tris, 256x256 and same maps as hipoly. Light b...
L.A - Residential Skyscraper LT-5 [RICO]
Created by JassBefrold
Legion Armory is a new independent company in the high tech industry. Our focus is on the development of new technologies for the civilian market. Buildings, vehicules and much more in the future. We are proud to present our very first project: the residen...
L.A - Office Skyscraper OFH-3 [RICO]
Created by JassBefrold
Legion Armory is a new independent company in the high tech industry. Our focus is on the development of new technologies for the civilian market. Buildings, vehicules and much more in the future. We are proud to present our second project: the office skys...
KURO Building
Created by creepyeyes
My first building to welcome in the new After Dark expansion, the KURO building is modeled after the creation by KINO Architects of the same name. Found in downtown Tokyo, Japan, this building is a noodle shop on the bottom floor and a residence on the upp...
Created by Milgram
The Ping An International Finance Center (also known as the Ping An IFC) (Chinese: 平安国际金融中心) is a 115-story, 599 m (1,965 ft) supertall skyscraper in Shenzhen, Guangdong. The building was commissioned by Ping An Insurance and designed by the American archi...
Kongresshotel | Chemnitz, Germany
Created by Toyota Hilux
Today Dorint Hotel in Chemnitz, Saxony. Wikipedia Google Maps Tris: 1003 | _d, _s, _i, _a, _n Lod: 338 | _d, _i Kongresshotel Chemnitz by Toyota Hilux Tags: Karl Marx Stadt, Sachsen, Saxony, Deutschland, DDR, GDR, Communism, Soviet, East Germany,...
Komyo Building
Created by creepyeyes
The Komyo Building is a 12x13 level 5 Unique Building. I wanted to try my hand at creating a skyscraper entirely from my own imagination, and wanted to make something with a bit of a chamfered look. I also wanted to make something with a bit of a more deta...
Koban Police Box
Created by Kliekie
More service buildings! This time a small police box, as seen in Japan. It works as a small police station, it's 1/3 of the base game size so the stats are also divided by 3. Fits on a 2x2 grid, no recolors. Model: 2722 tris 1024* texture Custom LOD: 55 tr...
KK100 / 京基100
Created by Rodrigo
KK100 / 京基100 from Shenzhen / 深圳, China / 中国 formerly known as Kingkey 100. I tried to stay reasonably faithful to the real building while also considering performance. The LED screen is animated and resembles what the real one does to the extent that it w...
Kaohsiung music center v.2 (no plarform) / 高雄流行音樂中心無地台版
Created by victor86520
Kaohsiung music center is a music hall in Kaoshiung,Taiwan. You can find it from LV.6 building or RICO( kaoshiung music center v2). This version just remove platform. The other are the same. If you want the platform version. You can find below. https://ste...
Created by cash
KIOSK An empty kiosk that you can decorate yourself. Use prop painter to change the color TRIS: 1002 / 2048x2048 d,c,n AUTOGENERATED LOD CYBERPUNK DYSTOPIAN MWUAHAHAHAHAHA nardo's cyberpunk discord nya...
kani doraku 道頓堀 大阪
Created by やばい
kani doraku by やばい かに道楽道頓堀東店です。 Kani Dōraku (かに道楽) is a Japanese restaurant chain that specialises in crustaceans and other seafood. The restaurants are known for their traditional appearance and the large, mechanical, red crab that moves above the main en...
Created by Golonka
The Kaknäs Tower standing 170 meters tall in the capital of Sweden, Stockholm. This monument was created from scratch in Blender for Skylines in painstaking detail and effort. It has a custom LOD model and texture, as well as all necessary texture maps. **...
Interstellar Ranger One
Created by DTOX
Interstellar Ranger One by DTOX FTW<----- Prop version is available here. Every futuristic and/or scifi city needs a spaceship! Several more spacecrafts in my workshop. Enjoy! :) "The Ranger program began decades ago to prod...
Invaders Props
Created by 220hertz
Because alborzka asked nicely. Four lightweight props with four colour variations each. They light up at night. They're culturally significant. You'll find them in the small billboards section of your prop menus. You may also use Find It and type 'alien' i...
Invicta Monorail
Created by meshd
Description Invicta Monorail A monorail vehicle for the YouTube series Skylines Invicta by CityWokCityWall and Skibitth. Design based on a concept art by Phill Seagram. Technical Details Assets Included Invicta Monorail Invicta Monorail Prop https://i.imgu...
Invisible 1 Lane Highway
Created by nico_oas
Update: I changed a setting for all invisible roads that makes it easier to work with Traffic Manager lane connector. This also makes the transition to normal roads look worse. So after this update, you might have to cover up some more area with ploppable ...
Invisible 1 Lane Zoneable + Sidewalk
Created by nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. This one is different than the invisible highways in the following ways: It has a sidewalk -> You can make bus stops. You can make elevated invisible roads. You can make invisible tunnels (invisible tunnel entran...
Invisible 2 Lane Highway
Created by nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. No textures, no props, no lights, no height offset, just two lanes (4m wide each). The main use for these roads is supposed to be custom intersections/roads. Basically you can place every lane how you want it. Ti...
Invisible 2 Lane Zoneable + Sidewalk
Created by nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. This one is different than the invisible highways in the following ways: It has a sidewalk -> You can make bus stops. You can make elevated invisible roads. You can make invisible tunnels (invisible tunnel entran...
Invisible 4 Lane Highway
Created by nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. No textures, no props, no lights, no height offset, just four lanes (4m wide each). The main use for these roads is supposed to be custom intersections/roads. Basically you can place every lane how you want it. T...
Invisible 5 Lane Highway
Created by nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. No textures, no props, no lights, no height offset, just five lanes (4m wide each). The main use for these roads is supposed to be custom intersections/roads. Basically you can place every lane how you want it. T...
Invisible 6 Lane Highway
Created by nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. No textures, no props, no lights, no height offset, just six lanes (4m wide each). The main use for these roads is supposed to be custom intersections/roads. Basically you can place every lane how you want it. Ti...
Invisible 7 Lane Highway
Created by nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. No textures, no props, no lights, no height offset, just seven lanes (4m wide each). The main use for these roads is supposed to be custom intersections/roads. Basically you can place every lane how you want it. ...
Invisible 8 Lane Highway
Created by nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. No textures, no props, no lights, no height offset, just eight lanes (4m wide each). The main use for these roads is supposed to be custom intersections/roads. Basically you can place every lane how you want it. ...
Invisible 3 Lane Highway
Created by nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. No textures, no props, no lights, no height offset, just three lanes (4m wide each). The main use for these roads is supposed to be custom intersections/roads. Basically you can place every lane how you want it. ...
Invisible 9 Lane Highway
Created by nico_oas
This is part of my Invisible Roads project. No textures, no props, no lights, no height offset, just nine lanes (4m wide each). The main use for these roads is supposed to be custom intersections/roads. Basically you can place every lane how you want it. T...
Invisible futuristic highways with lights
Created by Nickayz
This pack contains three invisible highways with lights: 1-lane 2-lane 3-lane If you want them to be elevated, place a normal highway first and then update it with the invisible version. I made them for my futuristic city, but since some of you asked for t...
Invisible traintrack with lights
Created by Nickayz
Are you fed up with invisible roads and flying stinking cars? Looking for something bigger, faster and environmentally friendly? Make your trains fly and try the invisible traintrack! No tracks = no maintenance = no costs! No mods needed! Important informa...
Invisible Tram Track (1W Pack)
Created by Sp3ctre18
IF YOU LIKE IT, RATE UP, PLEASE! Helps more people find this, too Hey, all, it's not just Sunset Harbor bringing in new transport options. The Sp3ctral Realms have inventions to deliver too! Vanilla 1W tram tracks, visible in bridge mode for placement, but...
Invisible Tram Track (2L2W)
Created by Sp3ctre18
IF YOU LIKE IT, RATE UP, PLEASE! Helps more people find this, too Sp3ctre18's first invisible network! Vanilla tram track, visible in bridge mode for placement, but invisible in all others. No pedestrians either, so you don't have to worry about them peril...
Invisible Tram Track (2L2Ws)
Created by Sp3ctre18
IF YOU LIKE IT, RATE UP, PLEASE! Helps more people find this, too Sp3ctre18's first invisible network! Vanilla tram track, visible in bridge mode for placement, but invisible in others. Supports tram stops on all modes. For no stops, go here: https://steam...
Japan House_01 L1 2x4
Created by [HK]KevKevCHENG
JPhouse L1 2x4 by KevKevCHENG...
Japan Substation Set 1
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の変電所セットです。 以下のアセットを含みます。写真も参照ください。 Substation in Japan. Including following assets. See picture for the detail. See following link for how to place components of substation. 仕様/Specification 1-1: 1回線鉄構/Single Circuit Steel Structure Network 1-2: 2回線鉄構/Do...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 1
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 1b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 2
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 2b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 3
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 3b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1a
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1ab
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 2
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 2b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 3
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 3b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japantown Statue - Cyberpunk 2077
Created by nardo Japantown Buddhist Monk Statue Follow the Cybernetic Dharma🙏 This Asset includes: japantown_statue_cyberpunk77 Enjoy this Asset! htt...
Jedi Knight
Created by m4gic
Let the Light Side of the Force be your guide. Uses educated female armature. Star Wars universe-inspired fan art....
Jedi Temple
Created by engelmanna
Summary University Size: 12x12 Tiles Height: 76 Meters Model:5034 triangles | 1024x1024 textures Custom LOD: Coming soon... Description An alternative university. For those Padawans that want to study the ways of the force....
Jetsons House
Created by Turnpike Theory
Jetsons House by Turnpike Theory Lvl 3 4x4 growable, low density residential. Building overhangs its footprint. Main model: 3416 tris, 1024 * 2048 texture LOD model: 196 tris, 256 texture...
Created by nardo
Recreated the scene from Blade runner plus all the other Models. All the assets have tris that go up to 9000 or 10.000! please wait a few seconds when CONVERTING!! EN(JOI)!...
JP Simple Post Office (Industries)
Created by Koh
Unique Building Version Link Japanese Simple Post Office....
Kabuki Gate - Cyberpunk 2077
Created by nardo Kabuki District Gate / Torii Shrine entrance to the Tech Kami This Asset includes: kabuki gate light - Cyberpunk77 kabuki gate - Cyberpunk77 Enjoy this Asset! https://...