Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Items (404)
Created by 煌煌煌煌上
如果觉得还可以,希望帮忙点个赞👍 大小为【88U*88U】,桥面高度【12m】,【无掉头车道】。 If you think it is OK, I hope to help click "like" 👍 The size is 【88U*88U】, the height of the bridge is 【12m】, and there is 【no U-turn lane】. 关联词:煌煌煌煌上、枢纽、Junction of road、ramp、road、interchange...
Created by 红米先生
中式小区住宅楼第8层 by Redmi(红米) 共计两栋建筑分别25层一栋(85米高) 8层一栋(30米高),颜色由淡黄色+灰白色搭配 纯中式风味,楼顶带阳台柱子 LOD:1200 分辨率2K 属性:高密度住宅楼...
Created by Damien大米
三层立交 ,非常省地,显示中很常见于城区之中。 这个立交 需要配合tm这个插件。更改红绿灯及车道, 造景玩家,也需要自己准备沥青覆盖 画线...
仿中山公园站 zhong shan park station
Created by hikke
感谢 午夜の夕阳X 帮忙测试~ 车站介绍: 中山公园站位于上海长宁区中山公园附近,是上海轨道交通2号线、3号线和4号线(3、4号线共线)的换乘站。其中2号线车站是地下岛式车站,3、4号线车站是高架车站。3号线以前叫长宁路(Changning Rd) 作品介绍: 这次的作品是模仿上海地铁中山公园站,首次采用实景贴图~~ 主要为外观墙面模仿,车站为跨路式样 站台以上包括顶棚为另外设计的 位置在 火车菜单里 模型信息: 三角形计数:976 贴图:1024X1024 欢迎批评和讨论~ 如果喜欢本作品 请支持我 点赞...
日本住宅パック Japanese low residential house pack
Created by TOKACHI269
日本住宅パック Japanese low residential house pack ファイルサイズが大きいですが、Loading Screen Modを使えば同じテクスチャのものはスキップしてくれるのでそこまでメモリーは消費しないと思います。 Although the file size is large, if use Loading Screen Mod, I will skip the same texture thing, so I think that memory will not be c...
Created by cxpcy
you need: MOD: Movie it! Fine road anarchy Fine road tools Surface Painter Network Skin need:Cities Skylines Urban Expressway
Created by 小乎乎
该立交由原版游戏自带的单车道与三车道高速公路制作而成。 结构十分紧凑,占用面积小,适合在城市内建设。 如果觉得还不错,麻烦帮忙点个赞👍点点收藏⭐,你的支持就是我继续更新的动力。 游戏交流QQ群:310833313...
Created by 红米先生
吾悦华府高端住宅楼 by 红米...
Created by 小乎乎
该立交由原版游戏自带的单车道与三车道高速公路制作而成。 如果觉得还不错,麻烦帮忙点个赞👍点点收藏⭐,你的支持就是我继续更新的动力。 游戏交流QQ群:772021579 It is made up of the game's own single-lane and three-lane highways. You don't need additional DLC or road assets to use it. If you like it, please give me a thumbs-up👍....
Created by Sylveon着急
文件过大,为了您的电脑安全,请谨慎订阅!!! 此资产一共有36栋建筑,住宅16栋,商业20栋,用Find it搜索zbgl即可找到,为啥我今天才发?因为今天28是作者的出生日期,祝大家有美好的一天,跟提前的说一声元旦快乐,新年新气象,感谢大家订阅,资产有啥问题的话请私聊或者下方评论,谢谢。...
Created by 红米先生
中式品字形住宅楼 by 红米...
Created by 小乎乎
该立交由原版游戏自带的单车道与三车道高速公路制作而成。 如果觉得还不错,麻烦帮忙点个赞👍点点收藏⭐,你的支持就是我继续更新的动力。 游戏交流QQ群:772021579 It is made up of the game's own single-lane and three-lane highways. You don't need additional DLC or road assets to use it. If you like it, please give me a thumbs-up👍....
上海淮海南丰荟 Shanghai Huaihai Nanfenghui
Created by KimuXY
Created by 小乎乎
该立交由原版游戏自带的单车道与三车道高速公路,六车道绿化带公路,四车道普通公路制作而成。 在此感谢玩家 故宫的大G 的大力支持! 无需dlc,无需道路资产,如果订阅了TMPE会更好,因为我已经将车道限制画好。 如果觉得还不错,麻烦帮忙点个赞👍点点收藏⭐,你的支持就是我继续更新的动力。 游戏交流QQ群:772021579 It is made up of the game's own single-lane and three-lane highways and Six - lane green belt r...
Created by 红米先生
杭州平海旺角2 by 红米...
上海八仙商务楼 Shanghai Baxian Business Building
Created by KimuXY
Created by 左耳日hachi
武汉长江中心高端公寓楼,高度140米,如果出现漂浮屋顶订阅prop anarchy 制作by红米 更多中式高层住宅搜红米~...
Created by 红米先生
仿 深圳润府三期住宅楼 深圳华润城润府坐落于南山科技园,此次带来的是60层高的住宅楼版本。每层6户,RICO建议设置150人容积,可搭配工坊其他万象城资产使用。...
Created by 红米先生
新中式住宅楼26层 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
特色中式住宅楼32层 by 红米...
热带群岛(Tropical islands) by 小乎乎
Created by 小乎乎
4月份的新地图来啦! 本地图参考中国台湾省西部的澎湖列岛,地图为群岛,有一个主岛以及几个小岛,可建设面积不大,风景优美。 全图覆盖高速路网,共有一个高速出入口与一条火车路线,有需要可以自行增加,拥有完善的船舶路线,各个海域均可建设港口,适合建设船舶交通。 全图有丰富的资源可建设工业DLC内容,也可发挥自己的想法进行建设。 图中可建设港口,渔村,沙滩,森林公园等景点。 地图中若有不足之处请联系我进行优化。 如果你喜欢这幅图,请给我点个赞👍。 如果你在4/29之前订阅了该地图,遇到没有火车的问题,是因为地图入口...
Created by 红米先生
现代高层住宅楼27层 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
猎德小区住宅楼 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
特色中式住宅楼32层-2 by 红米...
瀬谷駅 (seya station)
Created by TOKACHI269
相鉄線-瀬谷駅 2面4線です。周辺を平らにしてから置かないと高確率で車両が暴れます。 update: 3/19 fixed LOD. 10/1 added illumination. triss : 5217 texture size : 2048x2048 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 182 texture size : 128x128 (defuse) seya station by TOKACHI269...
河源,广东,中国(Heyuan, Guangdong, China)
Created by Paramiko 河源市,别称“槎城”,广东省辖地级市。河源是岭南文化发祥地之一,自秦代至晋代均属古龙川县地,归南海郡管辖。明洪武元年(1368年),改属惠州府辖。1988年1月,河源设为地级市。 本地图按照1:2(36km×36km)还原河源自然地貌和基础交通设施等。以河源市源城区为中心,本地图西起万绿湖风景区(新丰江...
Created by 红米先生
现代风格高层住宅楼 by 红米...
DF5-1371 货运火车(10car) China Railway DF5 Cargo Train
Created by 尹水涯
关键词:东风 内燃机车 火车 铁路 调机 中国铁路 货运 资产原型为 东风5-1371 DF5-1371 成局贵段 东风5型柴油机车(DF5),是中国铁路使用的柴油机车车型之一。东风5型柴油机车是主要用于调车和小运转作业用机车,适用于编组站和区段站进行调车作业,也可做为小运转及厂矿作业的牵引动力。 生产厂商:唐山|大连|四方 机车用途:调机 机车轴式:Co Co 运用轨距:1,435mm 机车长度:18,000mm | 18,400mm 机车宽度:3,285mm 最高速度:80km/h | 100km/h ...
Created by 红米先生
现代高端住宅楼样式1 by 红米...
District Styles Plus
Created by meda22
BE AWARE - THIS IS STILL quite ALPHA version Note: As you can see there is no progress with new features I thought I would add to this mod - simply, because I don't have any time to do that. Therefore I am looking for somebody who would like to take over. ...
dp - Stores & Offices
Created by jorge.puerta dp - Stores & Offices Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 3, high density commercial building, 18 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Commercial H...
71-619 / KTM-19 Tram + Multiple unit
Created by AleX_BY
Model created by Eugene (Transport Games community) for Cities in Motion. 71-619 / KTM-19 - russian tram. Made in 1999 for replacement KTM-8. In use in a lot of cities of Russia and CIS. Asset include stand alone tram and multiple unit (KTM-19 x 2). Note: ...
Created by 城西呀
Created by jorge.puerta dpstores - commercial Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 3x4 - Level 3, high density commercial building, 6 floors. MixComplex B2 Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type:...
Ability to Read
Created by REV0
Only modders will understand. Feel free to use in your mods as a required item. Provides 10K entertainment bonus. Only visible in Asset Editor....
4 Lane Road with dedicated LRT Tram
Created by clus Hello all together ! Here you can find a 4 lane road with dedicated tram lanes. Part of the LRT - series. You can find the whole collection above.
27 x H3 Commercial Generic Futuristic Blocks [RICO]
Created by Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default these assets are H3 commercial growables. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . -- Important -- These are 27 different H3 commercial growables, but they all use the same texture maps for their main m...
Art Deco Office 4x4
Created by Lokon
Art Deco Office by Lokon L3 4x4 size 4257 triangles 512x512 texture Donate If you like my maps/models/mods:
Dubai Tram - Generic Livery
Created by Nostrix
Dubai Citadis 402 Tram - Generic Livery The Dubai Tram is a modern low-floor tram based on the Alstom Citadis 402/XO2 family. The network is the fourth tramway project in the world to be powered by the Alstom APS ground-based electric supply system, althou...
Clifford Woodward Building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 4 (3x4) high commercial corner. Work on recreating Detroit continues. This building was commissioned by NicoCO. Become a Patron and support my work! If...
Chongqing Rail Transit Station [Metro]
Created by RichardShi
This is a metro station with glass wall and nice look entrance. About the Station This asset is a classic station of Chongqing Rail Transit System. Chongqing Rail Transit operates nine lines by May 2021, two of which will be monorails with a total length o...
Edifício Hayat
Created by Smilies
Requested by Bastet69 Modern condo in Curitiba, Brazil 4x4 high density residential 1024x1024 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 3462 tris, LOD 185 tris 256x256, glass balcony 153 tris 4 colour variations h...
Eco Commercial 2
Created by Twink315
Eco Commercial 2 by Twink315 High Density Lvl 3 Commercial! Size 4x4 Vanilla Pimped model to fit with thee green cities theme! Feel Free to leave a comment!...
Dutch apartment complex
Created by Earlyrave
Details Dutch apartment Complex Main: Textures 2048x512 d,n,i,s Tris: 4477 LOD Tris: 69 Texture 1024x256 Gamestats The Apartment Complex will work as a lvl 3 4x4 High Residential Search 'Dutch', 'Apartement' or 'Complex' in Find it to find the asset....
Edifício Hayat 82m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 82m version of a modern condo in Curitiba, Brazil 4x4 high density residential main mesh 7196 tris, LOD 185 tris 256x256, glass balcony 292 tris 1024x1024 diffuse, nor...
E-Class Tram Melbourne
Created by benbanderas
Yarra Tram's E-Class, developed by Bombardier, is the newest generation tram in service in Melbourne, Australia. Capacity: 210 Speed: 80km/h For more Melbourne feeling: Z-Class Tram X'Trapolis...
Edificio Alto Peru, Paraguay
Created by NameInvalid
commissioned by Bastet69 A residential building located in Asunción, Paraguay. Building type : high rise residential level 1 dimension : 4x4 ✅ keyword (for Ploppable RICO Revisited) : edificio, alto, peru ✅ contain 4 default color variations - white, grey,...
EL Train
Created by Eyegis-Garr
EL Train by Sergeant Potato Peeler (IGB44). This train will not replace other trains, spawns randomly. Will only spawn in one color (I will add more colors possibility later) Can transport 200 passenger....
Dual Island Train Station Elevated
Created by rcost
I was gonna wait to release this but gosh darn it I was just sooooo tickled to see it actually working! I have been informed that these are possibly MOM compatible, which would honestly be astounding. I had not planned that because I figured it would take ...
重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(4节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (4car)
Created by Kaeru教信者 载具信息 Information: 名称 Name 重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(4节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (4car) 重慶軌道交通3号線モノレール電車(4両編成) 类型 Vehicle Type 跨座式单轨列车 Straddle monorail train 速度 ...
Apartment Set
Created by NameInvalid
Commission work for Bastet69 --- If you uses darker LUT and find this set too dark, use the other brighter texture set. Don't subscribe to both at the same time, as these are identical set except just texture adjustment. --- A set of 8 apartment blocks bas...
Created by Reaper
AMP_Centre_growable_offv3_97M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
ACME 0.6.5
Created by algernon A camera mod, with new features being added. New in 0.6 Customizable shadow calculation parameters - distance and sharpness. Stepped rotation hotkeys at 15-degree increments: Control-X and Control-Y (Shift to reverse directi...
西安中铁中心, Xi'an China Railway Center
Created by RAY
西安中铁中心 中文名:中铁西安中心 其他名:Xi'an Center 国家:中国 城市:西安 开发商:中铁置业集团 竣工年份:2016 状态:建成 Name: China Railway Xi'an Center Chinese names: 中铁西安中心 Country: China City: Xi'an Developer: China Railway Real Estate Group Completion Year: 2016 Status: built
"The Zipper" 4x4 Level 2 Growable Office
Created by beowulfxph
The Zipper is a custom building made with 3DS Max and GIMP It's a 4x4 level 2 growable office with color variations and vanilla props. Main Model: 1964 tris and 1024x1024 textures LoD Model: 100 tris and 128x128 textures Feedback and bug reports are most w...
Created by 红米先生
粤式住宅楼B by 红米 两种不同颜色住宅楼属性资产: 占地4X5格,贴图:2K LOD:3000 SUB方式导入。楼层高90米,共计30层。...
Affaria and Cavalcanti Condos
Created by Casia Loopy
2 growable Brazilian condos commissioned by Bastet. They share a texture, are colourable, and they can be elevated to create a security wall, and ground facilities. If you want to show appreciation with your disposable income: Paypal Donation brazil, recif...
Apple Store San Francisco
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Apple Store at Union Square, San Francisco. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection by giving it a thumbs up! Main Model: 6,984 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / diff...
4x4 office lv1
Created by huangjoyce102
4x4 office lv1 Office corner building built between 1960's to 1970's. Default numbers of workers is 8 to 9 without mod from steam workshop....
重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(8节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (8car)
Created by Kaeru教信者 载具信息 Information: 名称 Name 重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(8节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (8car) 重慶軌道交通3号線モノレール電車(8両編成) 类型 Vehicle Type 跨座式单轨列车 Straddle monorail train 速度 Speed 20 (游戏单位 Game Unit) 定员 Capacity...
81 Tiles 2
Created by algernon Overview A rewrite of the old '81 tiles' mod to increase performance and resolve bugs. Enables unlocking (and building on) all map tiles, not just the 25 in the middle. Includes optional Remove Need for Power Lines, Remove N...
4x4C Kyoto Block #4 (Lv2 HD.Commercial)
Created by BachToBaroque
I hope the black wall textures aren't too flat or too dark for some players, maybe I'm not skilled enough but I had difficulty replicating a mattish-plaster wall texture. I'd also strongly recommend using the Daylight classic Mod by Bloody Penguin, otherwi...
38m Midrise Condo 4x4
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 1 growable high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 38m 5133 tris, LOD 128 tris 256x256, glass awning 20 tris, ...
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store (Ploppable RICO)
Created by Emperor Li
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store アキバ☆ソフマップ1号店 Akiba Sofmap 1st store in Akibahara, Tokyo. This was made more than a year ago, when I started to model for Cities Skylines but never published it because the tris count was way too high. I optimized it recently and deci...
Created by 小乎乎
该立交由原版游戏自带的单车道与三车道高速公路,六车道绿化带公路,四车道普通公路制作而成,立交大小为40U,设有专用左转车道,十字路口由红绿灯控制直行及右转。 再次感谢玩家 故宫的大G 的大力支持! 无需dlc,无需道路资产,如果订阅了TMPE会更好,因为我已经将车道限制画好。 点赞满25出新立交!!! It is made up of the game's own single-lane and three-lane highways and Six - lane green belt road and f...
2 Commerce Square
Created by KingLeno
2 Commerce Square by KingLeno Plain boring generic midrise concrete office building. 4x4 but includes RICO settings. ******** If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee to show support and appreciation by making a small donation vi...
Advanced Building Level Control 1.3.2
Created by algernon Enables fine-grained control of growable building levels New in 1.3: Support "true random" selection of building appearance when changing building levels (by default, the game will always use the same model for each level of...
Created by Californianyt
Chelsea, Manhattan 551 West 21st street is a luxury residential tower located in Downtown Manhattan. Developed by Scott Resnick of SR Capital and designed by Norman Foster, the 19-story building encompasses 44 individual apartments, each filled with natura...
26 floors residential La Habana
Created by лд чонгука
Cuban 18 floors residential Soviet public housing residential on Havana, Cuba. Additive shader! Best option: Prop anarchy _____________________________________________________ Level 3 growable
Created by jorge.puerta BellyMall - commercial Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 3, high density commercial building, 6 floors. MixComplex B1 Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type...
CAF Urbos 3 Utrecht Uithof Tram
Created by Jerenable
CAF Urbos 3 Utrecht Uithof Tram by Jerenable Yeah yeah I know full well the actual tram is an Urbos 100 but thats just a glorified Urbos 3 whatever it is its in C:S now enjoy!! Its not a train, bus, car, van, tiger, boat or superman its a tram ok, OK! You ...
Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.1
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allow to select certain platform for public transport with pressing Shift it is revisited version of BloodyPenguin's mod Main changes Plazas & Promenades DLC support. Support If you have any problems with m...
590 Madison_growable_offv3_90M
Created by Reaper
590 Madison_growable_offv3_90M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Central Station (in the Style of Berlin Central Station)
Created by Emperor Li
There are some issues with this station which need to be fixed. Please do not subscribe until I have the time to fix the station!!! ***UPDATE 2018-10-17*** reduce loading time, fix sub-buildings. ****************************** A perpendicular central stati...
Cleyra - Map Theme
Created by creativeDEX
Cleyra - Map Theme by Dexter Hi everyone, here is the Map Theme for my Cleyra project. This is a theme for temperate maps. All textures use a high resolution(4k) and gives cities/maps a better and sharper look. The style is created with natural and realist...
Bahnhof Alexanderplatz 2023
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
This is a simple update of the 2019 station version to remove the dependency on the elevated station tracks from ETST mod. In recent months, Colossal Order has added elevated station tracks to the basegame, which are used by this 2023 version. I decided to...
Benetton Foggia
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x4 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the United Colors of Benetton building in Foggia, Italy. It works best as a wall-to-wall building. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection and this as...
Additive Shader
Created by Ronyx69
Allows to use the soft additive particle shader (used for light effects) for props and vehicle sub meshes. It's also possible to use custom on/off time of day. Required for assets using the additive shader. Building, sub building, and sub mesh support is n...
Elevated - Glass - Station
Created by clus
Prolog Hello all together ! I proudly present you the continuation of my Glass - Metro - Station. As you can see in the pictures, it comes with a similar design. This time, there is some kind of a role model for that build. ;) Credits I want to thank Emper...
Advanced Vehicle Options
Created by Tim
Advanced Vehicle Options 1.9.12 Hubs & Transports DLC Mod Compatibility and Loading Issues If you have any issues with the new Treasure Hunt DLC, please be sure to read Avanya's support discussi...
Bulldoze It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to automate the bulldozing of residential, industrial, commercial and offices buildings if they become abandoned, burned down, collapsed or flooded. NEW IN 1.8 - Recompiled for C...
Bombardier INNOVIA 300 Monorail
Created by REV0
Monorail is here. Bombardier’s INNOVIA Monorail 300 vehicles provide an efficient and cost-effective solution to growing cities. A passenger favourite, these award-winning vehicles offer comfortable mass transit capacity. INNOVIA Monorail 300 vehicles run ...
Architect 002 - High Density Residential 4x4 Level 5 [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Architect 002 - High Density Residential 4x4 Level 5 Contain all textures and LOD files, no color change Triangles: 6.242 / 242 Texture: 1024x512 / 512² My Workshop: Follow me: Follow me: http...
Burberry Chicago
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x2 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Burberry building in Chicago. It works best as a corner building though with two sides facing the streets. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection...
重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(6节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (6car)
Created by Kaeru教信者 载具信息 Information: 名称 Name 重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(6节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (6car) 重慶軌道交通3号線モノレール電車(6両編成) 类型 Vehicle Type 跨座式单轨列车 Straddle monorail train 速度 ...
Arrow Plaza - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Good day Cimtizens ! Loads of people still play SC4... A few ones still play SimCity 3000, and I'm one of them. I still enjoy the relative simplicity of it and the toyish and friendly look it has... I wanted to remake a growable from SC3, prepare for some ...
AIA Kowloon Financial Centre
Reference AIA Kowloon Financial Centre is a commercial building in Hong Kong. Introduction It is located at No. 712, Prince Edward Road, San Po Kong. It is a 28-storey building and was completed in 2009. 28 floors   - Size: 2x4   - Level 3 growth   - After...
City Tram Depot
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, I'm under the impression that using trams in CS is not very popular. They are loud, slow and way too expensive, compared to a working metro network. That is why I made the settings more user-friendly. For example, I decreased the maintenance ...
Bombardier Flexity Classic tram
Created by AleX_BY
This model was made by Alterr, converted to Cities in Motion by ista011 and now converted to Cities: Skylines by me. :D Bombardier Flexity Classic is german low-floor tram. In use in Germany, Sweden, Poland and Australia. One of closest competitors for Als...
Apple Store Bangkok
Created by Modocero
Apple Store Comercial HIGH 4x4 Asset Info Main Tris: 4678 Faces: 2086 Texture: 1024x1024, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, Ilumination LOD Tris 375 Faces 125 Texture Lod: 256x256 Diffuse Submesh Glas Tris: 202 Faces: 10 Tags: Appl...
Condo Eco Vita Ideale
Created by Casia Loopy
Contains 2 Level 4 3x3 variants of the condo building, and a seperate PLAENGE sign. Buildings have colour changable sections. This condo is heavily based on one in Cuiabá, Brazil.,-56.0851959,190a,35y,356.44h,49.6t/...
2-Track Elevated Station
Created by CityOfTokyo
2-Track Elevated Station This is 2-Track version of 4-Tracks Elevated Station. Size : 16 x 4 Gameplay common: Construction Cost: 35000 Maintenance Cost: 2500 Electricity Consumption : 35 Water: Sewage Accumulation: 25 Water Consumption: 25 Workers: Educate...
Condo 73m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 4 4x4 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 7023 tris LOD 184 tris 128x128 glass balcony 1092 tris 4 color variations Asse...
Cargo transfer station (cargo station)
Created by Evangeline
This is an old cargo transfer station, made for easy transfer of goods between trucks to trains and reversed. while quite old and small it still functions properly and makes great infrastructural addition to your city. functions as a cargo station. !!!!IMP...
Brazilian Apartments L2M5
Created by Othercakes
Special thanks to Bastet69 for the commission! And another thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work...
Alder Living - Residential
Created by jorge.puerta Alder Living - Residential Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 5, residential building, 26 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - aval...
Commuter Destination 0.5.0
Created by jkm
See the destination of all passengers waiting at a public transport stop. Useful for fixing overcrowded stops. Requires Harmony. Compatible with: Improved Public Transport 2 Transport Lines Manager 14.4 How to use Open publi...
Condo 54m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 4 4x4 high density residential shorter version of the 73m Condo 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 5081 tris LOD 184 tris 128x128 glass balcony ...
Condomínio Edifício Elza Chadadi
Created by NameInvalid
commissioned by Bastet69 A residential building located in Parque Industrial, São José do Rio Preto, Brazil Building type : high rise residential level 1 dimension : 4x3 ✅ keyword (for Ploppable RICO Revisited) : edificio, elza, chadadi ✅ 4 color variation...
Corner Building Office b [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Corner Building Office b - CBO b Perfect Office building to use for corner, or install 4 time on 8x8 area !! Office 4x4 Level 3 Ideal to build with this another building: Collection: http://s...
Chongqing Rail Transit Station Entrance
Created by RichardShi
This is my first asset. I created it with the help of Ryancat About the Station Entrance This asset is a classic look at the entrance of Chongqing Rail Transit Station. Chongqing Rail Transit operates nine lines by May 2021, two of which will be monorails ...
Den Drommel -Z-
Created by Zakerias
Coastal Map: Den Drommel A happy new year to you all! To celebrate I've made a brand new map. It's an idea that I've been working on for the past month. The map is split between a large open and flat area for your metropolis and a more rural area to the no...
Automatic Pedestrian Bridge Builder V2.0 [Beta]
Created by kian.zarrin Automatically builds pedestrian bridges over and also tunnels under junctions/roundabouts/roads. (and disables pedestrian zebra crossings if TMPE is present). Also able to connect alleys to main roads (see screenshots). Usag...
CRT Monorail Station Detailed
Created by RichardShi
This is a monorail station asset. About the Station The prototype of this station is the Gailanxi station of Chongqing Rail Transit Line 9. The part of the roof absorbs its design elements. I designed and modified other parts. Triangle count: 18780 You can...
Auto Line Color
Created by enkafan
Automatically picks colors and names for bus, metro and train lines. Compatible with Extended Public Transport UI After Dark Updates Bug fixes and features have been pushed! Thanks to techfreek you can set the options in the regular Options dialog. There w...
Created by Shindosi
CS$$$ CGV TYPE II by Shindosi...
CSL Show More Limits
Created by knighthawkGP
CSL Show More Limits v1.7.0_f5 Build_01 Purpose Basically an enhanced version of emf's mod Show Limits This one shows a few more items and corrects a few short comings I found in the original as well as providing the optional ability to log or record the i...
Chongqing Interchange Station [Metro]
Created by RichardShi
This is my second asset. I created it with the help of Ryancat About the Station This is a metro station with glass wall and nice look entrance. The two platforms are on different planes and can transfer. This asset is a classic station of Chongqing Rail T...
Danhai LRT station
Created by
Danhai Light Rail It is a light rail route in operation in New Taipei City, Taiwan route code is V is part of the New Taipei MRT there are three routes: Green Mountain Line, Blue Sea Line and Sanzhi Extension Line. The station is mainly divided into elevat...
3x4 Lv3 Growable GreenHotel by bartz!
Created by bartz!
After Dark version: ● Custom Model ● 766 Tris, Diffuse, Spec, Alpha ● Commercial, High ● 3x4 ● Level 3 ● Temperate ● 1 Entrance...
CS$$ 4x4 Glass Commercial BLDG
Created by Shindosi
CS$$ Glass Commercial 4x4 by Shindosi...
Elevated Stops Enabler Revisited 2.1
Created by macsergey Overview Allows to place bus and tram stops on elevated versions of roads it is revisited version of BloodyPenguin's mod Support If you have any problems with mod or errors occur, you should describe your problem as much det...
Created by jorge.puerta Bellyshops - commercial Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 3, high density commercial building, 5 floors. MixComplex B3 Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Typ...
Deco Stores
Created by Cateinum
This is a pack of 4 Streamline Moderne / Art deco buildings inspired by Asian, South American and European 1930s architecture. Streamline Moderne is one of the first truly international styles, so buildings like these can be found in almost any city that e...
Condominio Aguas do Caiua,Brazil
Created by Mntoes
Condominio Aguas do Caiua,Brazil by Mntoes Features Farmacias Brasi & Hirota food espress High density residential level 2, 4 x 3 Maps:- main-model d,i,n,a & s Maps:- lod - d & i Tris Main building 7,143 Tris Lod 347 This asset has been commissioned by Bas...
Chanel Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x4 straight (non-corner) L1 building based on the Chanel flagship store in Ginza, Tokyo, featuring a massive screen in its front facade. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection and this asset by giving it a thumb...
Daylight Classic
Created by BloodyPenguin Brings back original daylight color and fog settings from pre-After Dark versions of C:S IT'S A MOD, NOT A LUT! This mod doesn't require After Dark DLC! Are you annoyed with that yellow tint that turns days into permanent ev...
DF4B-3389 货运火车(10car) China Railway DF4B Cargo Train
Created by 尹水涯
关键词:东风 内燃机车 火车 铁路 调机 中国铁路 货运 资产原型为 东风4-3389 DF4-3389 成局重段 东风4B型内燃机车(DF4B)是中国铁路使用的一种干线客、货运用内燃机车,也是中国铁路第二代电传动内燃机车的代表车型。1984年,大连机车车辆厂开始批量生产东风4B型内燃机车,资阳内燃机车厂和大同机车厂也于1986年加入生产行列,已生产了超过4500台东风4B型内燃机车,成为中国铁路史上产量最大、运用最广泛、技术最成熟的内燃机车车型之一。 生产厂商:大连|资阳|大同|四方 机车用途:客|货运 ...
Bombardier INNOVIA 300 Monorail (3Cars)
Created by REV0
Monorail is here. Bombardier’s INNOVIA Monorail 300 vehicles provide an efficient and cost-effective solution to growing cities. A passenger favourite, these award-winning vehicles offer comfortable mass transit capacity. INNOVIA Monorail 300 vehicles run ...
Elevated Over Road Train Station 路上高架車站
Created by Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2017-07-28*** fix pedestrian path; no more "distance too short" error message ****************************** Elevated Over Road Station I wanted to make something with semi-transparent glass and animated escalator, like BadPeanut's Sotunder Sunke...
Bombardier Movia C951 with Interior [Train]
Created by meshd
Looking for other variants? Bombardier Movia C951 with Interior Bombardier Movia C951 with Interior Bombardier Movia C951 with Interior Bombardier Movia C951 without Interior Bombardier Movia C951 without Interior Bombardier Movia C951 without Interior Tec...
Clouds & Fog Toggler
Created by BloodyPenguin Disable clouds and distance fog that blocks your view when zooming out. Also allows to disable industrial smog and edge fog. (configurable) I made this mod because clouds & fog rendering changed in After Dark update complete...
Danhai LRT station elevated 淡海輕軌車站 高架站 (vanilla track)
Created by Phantom Xiang
I recommend using this "real" elevated tram station track instead: =========================================================================================== 淡海輕軌車站 高架站 by 耀 without custom ...
Corner Building Office [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Corner Building Office - CBO Perfect Office building to use for corner, or install 4 time on 8x8 area !! Office 4x4 Level 3 Collection: Triangles: 1.044 / 146 Weight: 8.8 / 1.25 Texture: 1024...
Elevated Train Station Nußdorfer Str. (Model by Ninja_Thomek)
Created by boformer
Nußdorfer Straße is a station on Line U6 of the Vienna U-Bahn. It is located in the Alsergrund District. It opened in 1898. This model was created by Ninja_Thomek, the final touches and train station setup were done by me. Plot Size: 16x4 Track Height: 9m ...
Elevated Train Building
Created by Modocero
Elevated Train Building Redisential HIGH 4x4 Asset Info Main Tris:11628 Faces: 5182 Texture: 2048x1024, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, Ilumination, Alpha Submesh LOD: Tris 637 Faces 304 Texture Lod: 256x256 Is not a train station, is just a residential high wi...
CS$ 4x3 - Caffe Bene
Created by Shindosi
CS$ caffe bene 4x3 by Shindosi...
Colombian office 75m #1
Created by Robal
Colombian office 75m Ofice building from Medellin, Colombia. asset info Office growable 4x4 3lvl color map on windows d,n,s,i,c, 6000 tris / 512/2048 auto lod - game baked it well commisioned by Bastet Thanks to patrons: Bonicheque Instagram Patreon Follow...
Control It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to control network traffic and some visual appearance to the main menu. NEW IN 1.5 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). - Fixed issue with renamed pane...
Enoshima Electric Railway series 300 train "305"
Created by konfox0527
江ノ島電鉄/江ノ電300形電車305 Enoden 305 Tram version >>> !!Attention!! This train car's maximum speed is 60km/h in game. You have to setting exclude from intercity train. Recommend AVO IPT. This asset...
Elevated Train Stop (Read Description pls)
Created by jens
Important: You will need BloodyPenguins Elevated Station Track Mod for this to be properly working otherwise they ground will rise up to the tracks and make it look like wtf. It's also not clear ...
CSL Map View
Created by Gansaku
CSL Map View (Current version 4.4.7) This mod draws a image of map. Exactly, it is another external executable (CSLMapView.exe; bundled with the mod) to draw the map. The mod only outputs data file for that. If mod or viewer don't run, send comment with co...
Environment Changer (+ Improved Theme Selection )
Created by BloodyPenguin Allows to change a saved game's, map's or theme's environment. It also decouples environment selection from custom theme selection. This mod allows to change environment of an existing save game. It adds a drop down to main ...
Euro Modern High Res. 1
Created by Zeno
Euro Modern High Res. 1 by Zeno A modern high residential condo from somewhere in Southern Europe. Follow me on instagram @zeno_citiesskylines --> Special thanks to Xebasto for the screenshots! Italy Italian M...
DF5-1091 货运火车(10car) China Railway DF5 Cargo Train
Created by 尹水涯
关键词:东风 内燃机车 火车 铁路 调机 中国铁路 货运 资产原型为 东风5-1091 DF5-1091 抚矿(东露天矿) 东风5型柴油机车(DF5),是中国铁路使用的柴油机车车型之一。东风5型柴油机车是主要用于调车和小运转作业用机车,适用于编组站和区段站进行调车作业,也可做为小运转及厂矿作业的牵引动力。 生产厂商:唐山|大连|四方 机车用途:调机 机车轴式:Co Co 运用轨距:1,435mm 机车长度:18,000mm | 18,400mm 机车宽度:3,285mm 最高速度:80km/h | 100k...
Brooks building (lvl 3 high commercial corner)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 4x4 high commercial lvl 3corner. About the model The high commercial category in the workshop was in dire need of some love and I was looking for an excellent example of the chicago style for a mode...
Extended Managers Library temporary fix
Created by algernon WARNING: UNSTABLE. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW GAMES. This mod has a number of bugs and stability issues, and is not recommended for new games. It is provided here as an attempt to help players with existing cities using Extende...
Fairfield Station
Created by hemeac
I'm very proud to present Fairfield Station (or a relatively close approximation of it). This is a two-platform station along with the Edwardian Signal Box. I've extended the platforms in order to accommodate my 7-car HCMT which will presumably actually ha...
First Person Camera v2.2.0
Created by Asu
Cities: Skylines - First Person Camera mod v2.2 * Please refer to the GitHub page for change notes, source, discussions, etc. * Please refer to the Wiki page for more comprehensive Guide. * Consider submitting your issues or suggestions on the Issues page....
Elevated Train Hub
Created by SergJack
UPDATE: THANKS TO @Nickayz FOR FIXING SPAWN POINTS ON THE STATION. IT SHOULD WORK NOW. Elevated train hub with 6 tracks - 4 train tracks on the lower level, and 2 metro tracks on the upper level. The track elevations are +10 and +20 meters, respectively. T...
Elevated Tram Station
Created by Cpt.Roberto
I was working on a sky-tram system and for that I re-purposed the monorail station as an Elevated Tram Station (haven't seen a mod about this on the workshop, thought it might be useful. You will need the "Elevated Stop Enabler" mod to place a Tram Stop in...
Extra Landscaping Tools
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
Extra Train Station Tracks ( ETST )
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds more train station track assets for custom train stations. This mod was created before custom network assets were a thing and is still needed for stations created with its tracks. These tracks are only available to asse...
Find It! 2
Created by sway
This mod allows you to search, filter, select, and place assets. It also provides some extra info that are usually not available in vanilla game. Unsubscribe the BETA version before you use this mod! This mod was forked from...
flat map
Created by m_masashi0201
flat map...
Fire Department 17
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, here is it, the worst nightmare of all pyromaniacs: the new Fire Department 17. You like what you see? Then take a look at my matching Fire Station. Have fun! You like my assets and want to support my work? That's cool! Thank you. PayPal Abou...
Flat Beach | Big Flat Areas!
Created by akina
Thanks for visiting my first map! I hope it's good :) I spent some time on this map and hopefully its perfect for building! If you find anything that could improve feel free to comment down below to let me know what you want me to edit. Again, thanks for v...
Flat Dream
Created by Blackorder
Flat Dream...
Flat Island
Created by Scane
A completely flat island with a beach , 2 rivers and 2 lakes . All outside connections are available ....
Gula's Adam Highrise (Growable)
Created by Gula
Gula's Adam Highrise (4x4 Residential Growable) Updated for After Dark Why have 4 sides when you can have 9? High density residential building. Just zone high density residential and get to the highest tier of growth. ----- 4458 tris on the main model 1024...
Flat Walley
Created by Jonna
Flat Walley...
Game Anarchy 1.2
Created by Mbyron26
Overview Extends and optimize game's functions. New in version 1.2 Updated to CSShared framework. Updated localization. Contains Functions: GA has a control panel in the game, use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+G or the UUI button ...
FPS Booster
Created by Krzychu1245
Increases in-game frame rate, but... results may vary because there are many factors like CPU/GPU speed, RAM usage, current in-game scene complexity etc. Disclaimer: you need good and efficient GPU cooling, because this mod may force your GPU run at full s...
Gap Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Gap store in Ginza, Tokyo. It can be placed on straight tiles but works better as a corner building, which the real building is. It is part of my Flagship Store collection. Please support the ...
Futuristic Shopping Tower CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Shopping Tower CC Because Artists create Art. It needs *!some!* Tris (2000 Tris over count). Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 3 / 4x4 8736 Polys 17354 Tri...
Glad Shopping Center
Created by CushyCrux
Glad Shopping Center 1518 Tris 2048 Texture Maps This Building is based on the real "Glatt Shopping Center" in Switzerland. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! LUT used for Screenshots:
Globiz Shopping Center
Created by CushyCrux
Globiz Shopping Center, based on the Globus Building in Zurich, Switzerland. My 2nd Building and Game Object ever. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Stats: Polys: 1252 Tris: 4036 Verts: 1996 Texture: 2048 Jobs: 38 Wor...
Green Elevated Station [Train]
Created by Polygon Take a ride on the green side To accelerate your cims' transition with sustainable transport - saving the environment. Earth will thank you! Requirements Only two mods are required: Fine Road Tool Extra Train Station Tracks I ...
Glass narrow station 2 tracks
Created by vilgard92
Glass narrow station 2 tracks (with underground passage) by vilgard92 Here is my new glass narrow station. Very small size (16x2) I've chosen a very aerated design with transparent roofs and barriers and purified benches. The station is equipped with an un...
Green Sunken Train Station
Created by Polygon Take a ride on the green side To accelerate your cims' transition with sustainable transport - saving the environment. Earth will thank you! For metro version click here. How to connect the statio...
Gula's Slothingham Place (4x3 HD Com Growable - L3)
Created by Gula
Level 3 - High Density Commercial Growable (just zone for HD Com after subscribing) 3 wide by 4 deep ---------------- I thought that my city could use some tall commercial buildings that are perhaps something like a gigantic 30 story supermall or a chain f...
Growable Office 02
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
Version 1.0 -------------------------- Stats Size: 4x4 Type: Office H3 ------------------------ About the building Status: Fiction Height: 82.00 m...
Givenchy Seoul
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x2 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Givenchy building in Seoul. It works best as a corner building. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection and this asset by giving it a thumbs up! M...
Gula's Privet (4x4 HD Residential)
Created by Gula
Gula's Privet Updated for After Dark --------- 4x4 Residential High Density Growable This building is Level 5 and will not show up in zones with high-rise ban "Privet is Russian for Hi!" 2940 tris 83 tris LOD 1024 map 4 color variations --------- Other bui...
Futuristic Green Office Tower CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Green Office Tower CC Because Artists create Art. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 3 / 4x4 1714 Polys 4390 Tris 2478 Verts 2048 Texture Maps (inlc. normal...
Giorgio Armani Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 straight L1 Commercial High building based on Armani Ginza Tower in Tokyo. It is meant to be a 2x4 corner building, but I have been getting questions from players with my other assets about why they disappear after being plopped and turns out...
Hankyu 6300 series (6 Cars)
Created by ron_fu-ta
阪急6300系 (京都線 6両編成) ゲームのプラットホームが短い為、編成を短くしてあります。 定員:600名 速度:100km/h Hankyu 6300 series (Kyoto line 6 Cars) Station platform is short in this game. For this reason, it has been short train formation. Capacity : 600 person Speed : 100km/h このアセットは以下のMODを使用して制作...
Forest Brush Revisited v1.4.10
Created by Sleepy Features Forest Brush lets you paint realistic and varied forest, grasslands, gardens or just patches of plants with ease and convenience. Background This is an update to the amazing Forest Brush mod by TPB. Unfortunately he...
Hans H. Residence - L4 4x4 HR
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Hi Skyliners ! After a few old buildings updates, it's time for some new content... This one is a remake of a SimCity 3K building, from the enropean set, the "Hans Hanelore" (pics of the original : ) I made it into a level 4 ...
Header Building A - Offices
Created by jorge.puerta Header Building A - Offices Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 3, office building, 31 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Office. -Level: 3. -Cos...
high rise glass office level3
Created by kenrio
building office level3 growable 4*4 very light : 581 polys 120 meters...
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
Hide TMPE crosswalks V3.2 [stable]
Created by kian.zarrin link to Experimental Mod! CLICK HERE to understand where are the log files and how to upload them. ** Migrating between mods? (true for any mod) you must exit to desktop AFTER you have unsubscribed from the old version. ** N...
High Office #2 by Ozo
Created by Ozoft
A 4x4 High Density Office building. - High Office - 4x4 - Level 3 - Custom Model - Tri: 600, - Texture: 1024x1024, Diffuse, Specular, Illumination - After Dark ready - Custom LOD (72 verts) & LOD textures (128x128px)....
Hide It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to hide unwanted things in the game. NEW IN 1.28 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.27 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.16.1-f2 (Hubs & Tr...
Hugo Boss Barcelona
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Hugo Boss store in Barcelona. It works best as a wall-to-wall building. It is part of my Flagship Store collection. Please support the collection by giving it a thumbs up! Main Model: 3,549 tr...
Ichimatsu Building (RICO)
Created by christinayan
Ichimatsu Building (市松のブティック) by christinayan01. Inspiration from Jun Aoki' works "Louis Vuitton Ginza Boutique". **Stats** Template : RICO, Commercial High, Level 5. Tris : 1030 (LOD: ) Texture : 1024px Diffuse, Specular, Illumination map. Size: 3 x 3 gri...
Infinite Goods
Created by Googen
Stock your commercial buildings, power plants, industry and shelters with an infinite amount goods. Get rid of industry and traffic! UPDATED: Now supports power plants and service points! See change log for details. What it does Commercial buildings have i...
Hong Kong-styled commercial High 港式高密度商业区
Created by XDBX
HK commercial high by XDBX 本合集一共包括7棟樓,在高密度商業區. This collection includes a total of 7 buildings in a high-density commercial area.
Highrise Hotel (Growable)
Created by moxiecrimefighter
A 4x4 Level 3 High Density Commercial Building. Growable. 107m Height Tris: 271 ...
Islington House
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A market building found in most cities, built in 1904. A growable, high density, level 1 commercial building, size 4X4 *NEW MODEL* Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If ...
Modern Condo
Created by Smilies
4x4 L2 high density residential growable 1024x512 diffuse, spec, normal, color, illumination main 7145 tris balcony submesh 992 tris 256x128 diffuse, spec, color, alpha custom LOD 123 tris baked textures 256x256 4 different color variants Models and textur...
Japanese Beverage Vending Machine PACK
Created by CityOfTokyo
Japanese Beverage Vending Machine PACK DESCRIPTOPN Drink vending machines appeared in Japan in the middle of the Meiji era, and the number of installed drink vending machines is now about 2.5 million units nationwide. ASSET LIST Coca-Cola (Japan) Company, ...
Invicta Monorail
Created by meshd
Description Invicta Monorail A monorail vehicle for the YouTube series Skylines Invicta by CityWokCityWall and Skibitth. Design based on a concept art by Phill Seagram. Technical Details Assets Included Invicta Monorail Invicta Monorail Prop https://i.imgu...
Modern Brick Office
Created by Modocero
Modern Brick Office Office Asset Info Main Tris: 5895 Faces: 2822 Texture: 1024x1024, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, Alpha, Ilumination LOD: Tris 763 Faces 336 LOD Texture 256x256, Difuse, Ilumination Tags: Office, Modern, Brick
Japanese Commercial Building 03 ~ 09
Created by TOKACHI269
9種類の斜線制限のある建物を追加します。奥行1.5マスです。 add 9 kinds of building with hatched limits. The depth is 1.5 square. Japanese Commercial Building 01 Japanese Commercial Building 02 <Mesh info> Main triss : 766, 984, 661, 655, 912, 756, 715 texture size : 512 x 512 (defuse...
Japanese suburban house 5packs
Created by nob50506000
low density residential - growable jp_re14 jp_re15 jp_re16 level3 jp_re15 jp_re16 level4...
Japanese High-Rise Apartment
Created by nob50506000
日本の新しいタイプの中高層マンションです。 少しお家賃が高そうなファミリー向けの物件になります。 jp_apt15 Lv.3 3×3 jp_apt16 Lv.4 4×3 jp_apt17 Lv.3 3×3 追記 ライトが強すぎたようなので修正しました。...
Modern Condo Highrise 75m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 4 high density residential Main mesh 5944 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination glass balcony 324 tris Custom LOD 76 tris 128x128 4...
JP Karaoke Buildings
Created by EXYN4
Including 2 types(Jankara, Mega Big)...
Modern Highrise Condo
Created by Smilies
4x4 L3 high density residential 4655 tris LOD 91 tris 512x1024 diffuse, color, spec, normal and illumination maps 256x256 baked custom LOD texture maps custom foundation with stairs for gentle slope tolerance glass balconies sub mesh 32x32 texture 4 color ...
Johnnie Walker Seoul
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x2 straight (non-corner) L1 high density commercial building based on the Johnnie Walker House in Seoul. I have no idea why I keep making the interiors of buildings, maybe I should go outside to the beach or something. It is part of my Flagship ...
Intecons Office
Created by Modocero
Edificio Oficinas Intecons Office Building Intecons Buenos Aires, Argentina Building: Intecons Size: 4x4 Tris: 3812 Textures: 1024 x 1024 D, I , S, A Imagen del Edificio Real Building Photos Tags: Office, Intecons, Buenos Ai...
JP Suburban House
Created by nob50506000
日本風のRC造一戸建てになります。 1970~1980年代頃に建てられた大きなテラスの付いたのデザインになります。 It will be a Japanese-style RC detached house. It will be a design with a large terrace built around the 1970s and 1980s. Lv.1 jp_re116,jp_re117...
JR East EF65-500 + 12 series (6 Cars)
Created by ron_fu-ta
JR東日本EF65 500番台+12系客車 (6両) 定員:496名 速度:110km/h East Japan Railway EF65-500 and 12 series. (6 Cars) Capacity : 496 person Speed : 110km/h <Note> この列車は標準の長さのプラットフォームには収まりません。 This train does not fit on a standard length platform....
Monorail Rollercoaster
Created by AquilaSol
A fully functional rollercoaster, made out of the Mass Transit monorail. Complete with space for two monorail stations. It's an intersection, so you'll find it under Roads > Intersections. Props in the screenshots are not included; decorate to your own tas...
Modern Platform Modules [Modular Station Project]
Created by Titan
This is a set of free to place modular station platforms Long awaited, now I finally was able to release them. This set includes a bunch of platforms with a modern design. This design is used by the Deutsche Bahn from Germany. However, it still is generic ...
Modular European Main Station
Created by Titan
This is a set for building a main station like it's typical for Europe, but especially for Germany. This station is made after the main station of Magdeburg (Germany). The modification ETST is necessary for these assets. They aren't useable without this mo...
KR Office Building4
Created by Leaf
60º의 코너에서 이용할 수 있는 사무용 건물입니다. 강남구 논현로85길 28(역삼동)에 있는 을 참고하여 제작하였습니다. 현재는 에서 전층을 임대하여 사용하고 있습니다. 무브잇 모드와 파인드잇 모드를 함께 이용하여 코너를 다채롭게 꾸며보세요! 감사합니다:) 4X4 사무용 건물 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Kaohsiung LRT Love pier Station
Created by
Kaohsiung LRT Introduction Kaohsiung MRT Loop Light Rail generic name Kaohsiung Light Rail,Original plan:Kaohsiung MRT Lingang Light Rail,The Kaohsiung City under construction Kaohsiung MRT Light Rail,Taiwan's first light rail transportation system opened ...
Modern Office Tower
Created by KingLeno
Modern Office Tower by KingLeno 4x4 Level 3 Office Building Textures: 1024 x 1024 d,n,i,s,a Triangles: a few Placement: Corner...
Monorail station 单轨车站
Created by hikke
大家好~ 这次的作品是单轨车站 运用了玻璃和滚动扶梯技术 希望大家喜欢 继续支持我~ 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== Hello everyone~~ This is a two-story Monorail station ~ The bottom can be placed according to the player preferences prop this station Use a black glass effect a...
Modern Office
Created by KingLeno Modern Office by KingLeno Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you like my assets, consider showing your support by mak...
K4s Passenger Train
Created by donoteat
The Pennsylvania Railroad K4s was the standard locomotive of the Standard Railroad of the World. Throughout their careers, these locomotives could be found in almost every role, from the Broadway Limited to the lowliest of branchlines, to fast freights and...
Leica Los Angeles
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 straight (non-corner) L1 high density commercial building based on the Leica Gallery / Store in Los Angeles. I have no idea why I keep making the interiors of buildings, maybe I should go outside to the beach or something. It is part of my Fl...
KVB Building - 4x4 Lvl3 Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
*cough cough* What is sadder than Leonardo DiCaprio without an oscar ? Buildings without nightlights. Here's an update to an old building, this beauty was never updated but now it is. The old pre-AD version is here :
Li Liu Lew & Associates
Created by BachToBaroque
**Re-working this building to a better scale/size & texture. Will update soon, however the existing building will likely disappear from your city.** Tried to replicate a SimCity3000 Unlimited building as best I could. This one is from the east-asian tilese...
Network Anarchy
Created by Quboid
Network Anarchy 3.2.5 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update) This mod adds additional options when building networks (roads, quays, etc) and provides game-wide anarchy to let you break the placement rules. Ne...
MTR M-Train [Train]
Created by meshd Looking for other variants? MTR M-Train MTR M-Train MTR M-Train Rolling Stock Details Manufacturer Metro-Cammell (Refurbished by United Goninan) Class/Name M-Train, Metro-Cammell EMU (DC), 港鐵現代化列車 Operator MTR Traction Elect...
Lexus Buenos Aires
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x4 straight (non-corner) L1 building based on the Lexus "Takumi" showroom in Buenos Aires. I don't know why I keep doing the interiors of buildings. I guess stores just look nicer with real interiors, but I should try to quit this habit before i...
Longyang Road Station (Elevated Train Station Version) 龍陽路站 (高架火車站版)
Created by Emperor Li
Longyang Road Station (Elevated Train Station Version) 龍陽路站 (高架火車站版) Elevated train station version of my Shanghai Maglev Longyang Road Station The station is longer than the maglev station, Station track height is 9m, length 18 tiles (144m). If you get th...
Kress energy center (3x4 lvl 2 comm corner)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 3x4 high commercial lvl 2 corner. About the model Thanks for Matthias for pointing me at this beatifull little building. Easy to model and with a nice distinctive look. :) You can always follow my a...
Loading Screen Mod Revisited 1.1.9
Created by algernon A replacement for, and continuation of, thale5's original Loading Screen Mod. Includes improved performance and compatibility with other mods, as well as some new features: Skip network and tree prefabs (in addition to the o...
Marc Jacobs Hong Kong
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 straight L1 Commercial High building loosely based on the Marc Jacobs store in Hong Kong. The real building is part of a shopping complex but I think the facade is so nice it deserves its own building (and extension by a couple of stories!). ...
LRT - Tram Tracks
Created by clus Hello all together ! This network is (kind of) a complete overhaul of the tram network. Its called "LRT - trams". You can find all related networks/assets in the collection above. This was the...
Network Multitool 1.3.5
Created by macsergey Overview This mod provides many different tools for working with networks What’s Included Add node mode: add node to exist segment Remove node mode: remove node and join segments Union nodes m...
Mediterranean HR 4
Created by Zeno
Mediterranean HR 4 by Zeno Mediterranean style high residential building Main: 512x4096px - 5980tris LOD: 32x256px - 808tris...
Marine Side - Offices
Created by jorge.puerta Marine Side - Offices Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 3, office buiding, 19 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Office. -Level: 3. -Cost: $110...
Metro Over Road Tracks
Created by Coldrifting
Place Metro tracks over any roads you want, no mods required! This set of networks includes 16m and 32m wide elevated vanilla style metro tracks that can be placed over any roads. You can also find an over road friendly station to go with them here. Inspir...
Metro Station Tracks Below Ground - Vanilla style set
Created by DenRic
Metro Station Tracks Below Ground - Vanilla style set For the asset creator and assets that need it Inspired by Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Train Stations Compatible with MOM inspired tracks by cylis The set contains 5 tracks: Single - varies ...
Metro Station Hub - Anno 2205
Created by DenRic
Metro Station Hub - Anno 2205 style Inspired by Train Stations CCP and Anno 2205 There has long been a desire to create or adapt buildings from Anno 22...
Metro Overhaul Mod (MOM)
Created by sniggledigit Version 11 (11.0.0) Thank you for scoping out the Metro Overhaul Mod. The main goals of this mod are: NEW Integrate and extend the functionality and versatility of the existing metro network. ...
LG U+ Growable 4x4
Created by Memories
LGU + is a telecommunications company in Korea. Growable 4x4 Level 3 Tris 4,255 Lod Tris 344(update) Texture 1024x1024 Lod texture 256x256(update) After Dark Update! ...
Marsh building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x4 High comm lvl 1. About the model The Ninth building of my New England series, this building is also located in New London, Ct., which I visited on the way during our drive from New Yo...
Mid Rise Studio Apartment
Created by BachToBaroque
:) HRLv3 3x4 1332/140. 1024x512/128x128....
Modern Condo
Created by Smilies
4x4 L2 high density residential growable 1024x512 diffuse, spec, normal, color, illumination main 2639 tris balcony submesh 112 tris 256x128 diffuse, spec, color, alpha custom LOD 34 tris baked textures 256x256 4 different color variants Models and texture...
Metropolitan Depot
Created by MrMaison
Metropolitan Depot by MrMaison Thank you for your patience. Introducing the Metropolitan Depot! It's a depot/shop giving your new metro trains a home as they now can see the light of day with the new Metro Overhaul Mod. This is a great centerpiece for a me...
Modern Lowrise Condo
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Same as my previous version with no glass covered restaurant outside 4x4 level 3 high density residential 2036 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illum...
Modern Condo Tower
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 4 high density residential 6300 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 802 tris Custom LOD 104 tris 128x128 4 ...
Highrise Condo 93m 8x4
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Taller version of the 34m Condo, but this one has different shopfronts with glass awnings instead of canvas awnings 8x4 RICO high density residential 1024x512 diffuse,...
Modern Lowrise Condo
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 3 high density residential 2236 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 240 tris Custom LOD 72 tris auto baked ...
Mint Office - L3 3x4 Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Hi Skyliners !! Here's a new Office building for more diversity in your cities. It's at the same time neutral... and still stands out a bit (hmmm... does it make sense ???.). Technical facts : The building is 97m high It stands on a 3x4 lot, and is a level...
Modern Low-Rise Living #1
Created by Kliekie
Modern Low-Rise Living #1 I love modern apartments but C:S really lacks low-rise buildings. So this might be the first of a collection. What do you guys think, do we want more like this? Original concept by Design Nvisage Architects. Stats High Residential...
Modern Japanese Houses
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 3 sets of 2+2 small modern japanese residential houses - 12 variations total. If you subscribe to the prop pack (optional) you will see a lot of variations because of random props - mailboxes, plants, solar panels, vents, clothes racks... I think ...
Modern Lowrise Set
Created by Smilies
Pack of 8 generic mixed-use style lowrise buildings with undecorated stores on the bottom floor and residential on top. Could also be converted to offices with RICO Revisited. Glass awning in the front overhangs the lot by several feet, recommend they're p...
Modern Platform Props [Modular Station Project]
Created by Titan
This is a set of props to equip your platforms Long awaited, now I finally was able to release them. This set includes a bunch of props with a modern design. This design is used by the Deutsche Bahn. However, it still is generic enough to be used everywher...
WELCOME to MOSSISSOBO !!! Mossissobo is a awesome flat river territory with high mountains in the background. This map has: 77 % buildable area 164,000 trees and 10,000 props. 2 highway connections 4 ship connections 2 rail connections 2 plane connections ...
Police Headquarters
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, order the brand new police headquarters, including much more comfortable workplaces, improved spy technologies, two heli pads and a close partnership with the best donut store intown. You like what you see? Then take a look at my matching Pol...
Muji Shibuya (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Muji building in Shibuya, Tokyo. I really like the simplistic facade and color scheme that match the aesthetics of the brand. The real building has a super massive roof structure ...
New York City Holiday Train - Vanilla and MOM Compatible
Created by bsquiklehausen
Bring a New York tradition to your city! Every year, the New York Transit Museum runs a special vintage train throughout the holiday season, typically using their "Arnine" trains. For the first time, you can now bring the special holiday cheer to your unde...
Network Extensions 2
Created by sniggledigit
Now Using Harmony 2.2 What's New (v. Updated for Hotels & Retreats (v. Now compatible with Better Education Toolbar (v1.2.0.0) Updated for compatibility with Plazas & Promenades Source:
Network Skins
Created by boformer Change the visual appearance of roads, train tracks and pedestrian paths per segment. This is an improved version of the well-known Network Skins mod, developed by TPB and boformer. Disable the other Network Skins mod before...
Nightlights updated! Midrise Office Level 2 Corner
Created by Feindbold
-growable (of course) -working cornerbuilding ( works on all biomes!) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -4x4 Level 2 office building -2869 triangles -74 triangles LOD -12 storys -diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap -custom LOD wit...
Move It
Created by Quboid
Move It 2.10.7 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.1 (12th June Update) New in 2.10.7: - Auto-connect roads! If you paste a copied road over the top of an existing one, Move It will automatically connect the nodes. This can be turned off by clicking on th...
Precision Engineering
Created by Simie Precision Engineering augments Cities: Skylines by adding angle snapping, guidelines and additional information to assist you when building roads, train lines, pipes and power lines. Installatio...
Nightlights updated! Office01 4x4 Corner Level 1
Created by Feindbold
-growable (of course) -working cornerbuilding ( works on all biomes!) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -4x4 Level 1 office building -1854 triangles -68 triangles LOD -9 storys -diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap -custom LOD with...
No mod elevated station with a metro station
Created by hakomikan
This elevated station with a metro station works without any mod. Passengers can use all six entrance. You need not connect the central road. You can delete the road after you set the station. The central road can not be deleted. model data 3112 tris 2048x...
Nike NYC
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Nike "House of Innovation" building on 5th Avenue, New York City. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection by giving it a thumbs up! Main Model: 2,625 tris / 1,02...
Node Controller Renewal 3.5
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allows you change node type and shape This is renewal version of original Node Controller by kian.zarrin with improved UI/UX. The new UI allows you to make the perfect inters...
Quad Connecting Station Track Set
Created by rcost
Bypass and Dual Island Station Tracks with connections for Quad Train Tracks. Requires the listed Quad Train Tracks for the bypass catenary. I’ve added a separate Dual Island ground segment and Bypass elevated segment in an attempt to achieve MOM compatibi...
Quad's Complex
Created by Quad Rioters
223 - Size: 4x4 - Type: Commercial High Generic Level 3 - Main Tri: 1,514, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 208, 512x256 - Description: Complex commercial. Update - v8: Overhauled the asset. - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy. - Suppo...
Created by Reaper
First_Canadian_Place_offv1_182M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark 7920 highpoly tex resolution 1024 343 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal e...
Nu-Vulton Store - Commercial
Created by jorge.puerta Nu-Vulton Store - Commercial Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 2x2 - Level 3, high density commercial building, 6 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Commer...
Office building (A1)
Created by psixovaniy
Office building. Lot size: 4 x 4 Level: 3 Main model: 1084 tris with 1024 x 1024 textures. LOD model: 26 tris with 128 x 128 textures....
Created by Reaper
First_Canadian_Place_offv3_106M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark 6470 highpoly tex resolution 1024 343 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal e...
Oceanview Limited Streamlined Passenger Train
Created by bsquiklehausen
The Most Beautiful Train in the World comes to the most CPU-heavy game in the world! Crusing the California coast between Los Angeles and San Fransisco, (or whatever their fictional equivalents are) the Oceanview Limited was the premiere passenger train of...
Created by Reaper
One_Chase_Manhattan_offv2_125M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Railway 1 Lane Elevated Station Tracks (Gravel-Concrete)
Created by REV0
1 Lane Elevated Station track pack with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Part of Railway project Package Content 6 types of station tracks with gravel surface and concrete sleeper type: Wir...
Rail-Over-Road Train Tracks
Created by BadPeanut
This is a set of 2 train tracks - a 16m wide version for small roads, and a 32m wide version for medium and large roads. These tracks can be placed over any road without the use of mods, and no disappearing pillars! Examples:
Created by Reaper
Torres_El_Faro_offv3_100M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Old Platform Modules [Modular Station Project]
Created by Titan
This is a set of free to place modular station platforms Long awaited, now I finally was able to release them. This set includes a bunch of platforms with an old design. This design was used by the Deutsche Reichsbahn from Germany some 30-70 years ago. How...
Optimised Outside Connections
Created by Quboid
Optimised Outside Connections Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update) Sick of 7% full cargo trains clogging up your rail network? Got a queue of near-empty cruise ships clogging up your harbours? Optimised Outside Connections reduces the num...
Random Office 4x4L3
Created by Drakedge
Random Office 4x4L3 by Drakedge This is a vanilla building, customized to add variety to your city. I hope that you enjoy it! Changelog: V 2.0 Removed parking spots that may have been causing the building to bleed into others....
OMG Office - Growable 4x3 Lvl2 Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NEW : UPDATED for After Dark Nighttime Add more variety to your Office zones... with the OMG Office building. Some stats : Grows on a 4 deep x 3 wide lot 508 tris only - 1024 textures Custom LOD 74 tris - 128 textures Purpose built to take the place of som...
Rebalanced Industries Revisited 0.9.2
Created by Mbyron26
Overview Rebalances Industries DLC, reduce traffic flow, increase cargo loading and more. New in version 0.9.2 Code cleanup. Updated to CSShared framework. Updated localization. Main Functions: Using new algorithm to increas...
OMV Center (growable)
Created by Cynth
Cynth's OMV Headquarter "HOCH ZWEI" Vienna (4x4 High Commercial Growable) Grows on level 3 high commercial zones and takes 4x4 fields. Depending on which side you look at the 80-metre tall, concave-convex building “HOCH ZWEI” from, which is 80 metres tall,...
One-Way Train Tracks
Created by BloodyPenguin
Provides single & double one-way train tracks, single station tracks and two-way single tracks This mod was created at a time when neither custom network assets nor single train tracks were supported by the game. I keep this mod to support the existing sav...
Palm Beach
Created by IhmeHihhuli ™
A completely vanilla map! A tropical coastline waiting to be claimed and utilized - great industrial options available along with a perfect setting for a tourist trap destination. Will you urbanize the location or perhaps preserve the nature of the area an...
Patch Loader Mod
Created by Krzychu1245
Core dependency of FPS Booster New in 2.1.2, 30/Nov/2021 bugfix: problem with detection of -noWorkshop and -disableMods command line flags, improvement: local mods directory path detection on MacOS v2.1.1, 6/Aug/2021 fixed c...
Reflect Building - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Greetings Skyliners ! Many people still think that Simcity 4 is the best citybuilder ever... maybe they're wrong, maybe they're right... but everyone must agree that some of the SC4 buildings were really good looking. I decided to recreate one of them, not...
Rhinestone Island
Created by Flux
Rhinestone Island is a custom map I designed for my YouTube series - this is the empty version of the map prior to begining construction. Enjoy! Things to note: Because this map was designed based around the city I wanted to create here for my YouTube seri...
Paul Smith Los Angeles
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Paul Smith store on Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Model: 2,562 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / diffuse, illumination, specular, alpha maps Custom LOD: 120 ...
Phoenix Tower - Growable 4x4Lvl5 H residential
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
I proudly present you my first released building ever... The Phoenix Tower. The tower is a 27 floors - 91 meters tall habitation building. It's standing on a 4x4 parcel and is at Level 5. The building is about 720 triangles and has a custom LOD (with custo...
Peter Witt streetcar (TTC, tram)
Created by AleX_BY
Peter Witt streetcar was introduced by Cleveland Railway commissioner Peter Witt (1869-1948) who led the transit agency from 1911-1915 and who designed a model of streetcar known by his name, and used in many North American cities, most notably in Toronto ...
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to use the whole wealth of your park buildings as Park Life modules If you want to place your park in campuses, you also need my Campus Parks mod. In options you can check the option to also convert some of vanilla Un...
Created by Quboid
Picker Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update) If you use EML / Prop Anarchy, you must update to Extended Managers Library fix and Prop Anarchy fix! With Picker, you can choose any object placed on the map to ...
Polygon's Train Station (4 tracks)
Created by Polygon This is a modern train station with 4 train tracks. I wanted to create a station where you can watch people going to another platform so far as possible. Check out the 2-track version. Special thanks to BloodyPengiun for his he...
Rich banK
Created by jorge.puerta Rich banK - office tower Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 3, office builging, 27 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Office. -Level: 3. -Cost: ...
Prada Osaka
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Prada building in Osaka. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Model: 4,160 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / Diffuse, illumination, specular, alpha, normal maps LOD: 58 tris / 25...
Polygon's Train Station (2 tracks)
Created by Polygon This is a modern train station with 2 train tracks. I wanted to create a station where you can watch people going to another platform so far as possible. Too many train lines for two tracks? There is also a 4-track version. Spe...
Prince Tower - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 H commercial
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NEW : UPDATED for After Dark Nighttime Add (some) variety to your High density Commercial zones... with the Prince Tower 20 floors 88 meters high Growable commercial. It's standing on a 4x4 parcel and is at Level 3. The building is about 970 triangles and ...
Rhinestone Island LUT V1.5
Created by Captain Soap
Daylight Classic Screenshots took with Classic Sunlight Color option enabled! Overview, Screenshots, News and More Participate in a quick Survey! Help developing HERE! Rhinestone Island LUT V1.5 Created for a tropical biome Cooperation Named af...
Prop Anarchy temporary fix
Created by algernon WARNING: UNSTABLE. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW GAMES. This mod has a number of bugs and stability issues, and is not recommended for new games. It is provided here as an attempt to help players with existing cities using Extende...
Puma Osaka
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x2 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Puma store in Osaka. It can be placed on straight tiles but works better as a corner building, which the real building is. Thanks @cluskillz for the suggestion. It is part of my Flagship Store...
Quad Circuit
Created by Quad Rioters
Nothing wrong with me, 3. - Size: 4x3, 4x4 - Type: Commercial High Generic Level 3 - Main Tri: 1,823, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 169, 256x128 - Description: Circuit tech mall. - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy. https://i.imgur....
Prefab Hook (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer
This mod is used as a bridge between different mods (for better compatibility). Using Harmony for redirection. Note: If you are a mod creator, consider using Harmony instead to add prefixes/postfixed to InitializePrefab! This mod was created before the exi...
Set of Dual Island Platform Station Tracks
Created by BadPeanut
This is a set of dual island platform train station tracks. Ground and Elevated. To be used by creators to make their own stations with dual islands, and to be subscribed by users of those stations. Does not require any mods. Troubleshooting Follow These s...
Quad Crisscross
Created by Quad Rioters
Will not allow the corruption of the garden. - Size: 4x4 - Type: Commercial High Generic Level 3 - Main Tri: 1,808, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 134, 256x256 - Description: Crisscross network company. - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and ...
Quad Train Tracks
Created by rcost
Quad Train Tracks based the vanilla tracks, would not have been possible without Bad Peanut's bypass tracks and quad powerlines, I'm calling this a beta because this is my first asset and improvements must be made. They are, however, functional, so use the...
Ploppable RICO Revisited 2.5.6
Created by algernon Check out the wiki page for additional information, descriptions, guides and FAQ. New in 2.4: Configurable cost overrides. Option to automatically lock the building level of plopped growables (requires Advanced Building Leve...
R69/R0 track 16m height Elevated modular station set
Created by konfox0527
R69/R0 16m高架駅モジュールセット R69/R0 16m height Elevated modular station set 概要 Overview Railway Replacer対応のR69線路モジュール式駅です。線路に調節が入ってます。R69線路の中から一番標準的な線路であるGravel-Concreteをチョイスしてます。 6つのアセットが入っています。 This is modular station with R69 track that can be used in combinat...
Quad's Headquarters
Created by Quad Rioters
Shady. Stand up. - Size: 4x4 - Type: Office Generic Level 3 - Main Tri: 870, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 168, 512x256 - Description: Headquarters. - Source: Simcity 2000. Updates - v9: Overhauled the asset, now resembling SC2K building. - Don't forget to Like, Fa...
Quad's Arcade
Created by Quad Rioters
01001101 01111001 01100011 01100001 01110010 01110101 01100010 01100001 Attribute - Size: 3x3, 3x4 - Type: Zoning > Commercial High - Level 3 (highest) - Main Tri: 1,688, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 92, 128x128 - Description: An urban game center. Updates - v7: U...
Railway Props
Created by Ronyx69
Basic set of props used for all Railway releases. Read description of the Railway collection:
R69/R0 track Elevated modular station set
Created by konfox0527
R69/R0 12m高架駅モジュールセット R69/R0 Elevated modular station set 概要 Overview Railway Replacer対応のR69線路モジュール式駅です。線路に調節が入ってます。R69線路の中から一番標準的な線路であるGravel-Concreteをチョイスしてます。 6つのアセットが入っています。 This is modular station with R69 track that can be used in combination. It mad...
Railway Gravel-Concrete Tracks (Wired)
Created by Ronyx69
Wired tracks with concrete sleepers on gravel surface. Read description of the Railway collection:
Quad's Central World Series 1
Created by Quad Rioters
Thunder roll, sunshine... Keep those on. Assets: 3 - Central World Sector A (Zen) - Central World Sector B (Inner-connection) - Central World Sector C (Isetan) Attribute and Stats: Central World Sector A (Zen) - Size: 12x12 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tr...
Railway Replacer
Created by Ronyx69
Railway Replacer is developed by Simon Royer, Egi and Ronyx. The mod is responsible of two major tasks; replacement of station tracks on train stations and prop customisation/styling of rail networks that are part of RAILWAY ecosystem. Network and Style Pa...
RATP VAL206 A (Monorail)
Created by Alexgazz
RATP Matra VAL206 A 1991 Use: OrlyVal 1991-2019 (Became VAL206 B) 2 Cars (VAL206 A) Capacity: 160 Passengers 3 Cars (VAL206 A 3C) Capacity: 240 Passengers *4 Cars* (VAL206 A 4C, VAL206 A UM) Capacity: 320 Passengers 4 cars version must be use with a custom...
R9 Vintage NYC Subway Train - Vanilla and MOM Compatible
Created by bsquiklehausen
The kings of the IND ride again. These R9 cars represent the last batch of 9 nearly identical car classes (R1 through R9) purchased for the Independent Subway System of New York City from 1930 through 1940. They ran long into the unification and even the M...
Realistic Population 2 2.2.4
Created by algernon Formerly Realistic Population Revisited Key features: Provides a more realistic simulation and gameplay experience Realistic calculatrion of building populations - no more single suburban houses with half-a-dozen families an...
Created by Reaper
Res_dubai_growable_blue_v2_99M by Reaper growable residental 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Spring arcade building (4x4 grow commercial lvl 2)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 4x4 Commercial building lvl 2 About the model Back to LA! While the Penobscot Building destracted me to commence some work on Detroit buildings for a while this was in the works for quite...
Rhinestone Island V1.0.5
Created by Captain Soap
Overview, Screenshots, News and More Participate in a quick Survey! Help developing HERE! Rhinestone Island V1.0.5 Created for a tropical biome Cooperation Named after, created in cooperation with and being used in Fluxtrance's series of Rhines...
Created by Reaper
Res_dubai_growable_blue_v3_85M by Reaper growable residental 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
River Residence - Growable 4x4 Lvl4 H residential
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Add (some) variety to your Level4 residential neighbourhoods... with the River Residence The residence is a 10 floors - 40 meters tall habitation building, it has been designed to fit well into the existing ingame buildings of this level. It's standing on ...
Rogers Offices
Created by jorge.puerta Rogers Offices Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 3, growable high density office building, 21 floors. MixComplex B5 Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: ...
Set of Elevated Stations
Created by BadPeanut
Set of Elevated Stations Here's what you get in this Elevated Station Pack! All four of these assets are located under the train tab, in the Public Transport menu. Stations: These stations are...
Tama Toshi Monorail 1000 Series
Created by JSF-1
The Tama Monorail 1000 Series vehicles were manufactured by the Kawasaki Heavy Industries Rolling Stock Company and are used exclusively on the Tama Monorail line shuttling people between the suburban communities of Higashiyamato and Tama in western Tokyo....
Set of Bypass Station Tracks
Created by BadPeanut
This is a set of bypass train station tracks. Ground and Elevated. To be used by creators (stop trying to use them as normal players then b i t c hing about it not working, seriously for god's sake) to make their own bypass stations, and to be subscribed b...
Sydney Office
Created by Polygon
Information An 84m high office building. I was inspired by the Apple Store Building in Sydney, George Street. Office 4x4 Level 3 Texture: 1024x1024 (diffuse, specular, illumination) Update March 2016 New front and new entrance Changed a few details Reduced...
RTGbuilding6 L3 4x4
Created by rtgstream
RTGbuilding6 L3 4x4 by rtgstream Cool text effects and animation to create online...
Roundabout Builder
Created by Strad
This mod automatically builds roundabouts for you. It clears the area of the roads and snaps them onto the roundabout. Network Anarchy is recommended. VERSION RELEASE 1.9.7 Experiencing issues? Reinstall (resubscribe) the mod If you cannot run this mod at ...
Set of Ground Stations
Created by BadPeanut
Set of Ground Stations Here's what you get in this Ground Station Pack! As usual, No mods are required All these assets are located under the train tab, in the Public Transport menu. Stations:
The Manhasset W108 Broadway (High res corner lvl 4)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 4x4 high res lvl 4 corner. I also released a mirrored version on the workshop. Make sure to get that one as well, for a full 8x4 corner! About the model I wanted to create lvl 4 corner in my series,...
Set of Single Island Train Station Track
Created by BadPeanut
This is a Train Station Track with an Island platform. Please subscribe if you're using any train stations that utilize this network. This is NOT a normal train track, nor will I be making one as they would not be visually supported by the vanilla game - t...
Shortline Mikado logging train
Created by Evangeline
The old log train. This is the 2-8-2 Shortline Mikado working for the Concord lumber company, pulling several flatcars with large redwood logs from or to the sawmills in your city, This locomotive is a true workhorse and an essential for any pre-and postwa...
Skyve v3.3.2.1 [Stable]
Created by Chamëleon TBN
Skyve is the fresh re-make of the previous Loading Order Mod 1/2 & Compatibility Report. It features a completely new and slick UI, integrated & real-time compatibility management, advanced filtering, dark mode, Find It! custom tags, Linux & macOS Compatib...
Set of Single Track Station Tracks
Created by BadPeanut
This is a set of single track train station tracks. Ground and Elevated. To be used by creators to make their own stations with dual islands, and to be subscribed by users of those stations. Does not require any mods. Troubleshooting Follow These steps if ...
Skytrain station
Created by ron_fu-ta
高架鉄道用の駅です。 駅の下に4車線道路を設置できます。(NoPillarsを使用します。) Station for the elevated railway. Pass the 4 lane road to the bottom of the station. (Use the NoPillars.) 使用するには以下のMODが必要です。 Requires the following MOD. Extra Train Station Tracks ( ETST ) http://steamcommunit...
Solar das Flores 34m
Created by Smilies
Requested by Bastet69 4x4 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 34m 4964 tris, LOD 182 tris 128x128 4 color variations, has a color map and can be painted with repaint mod asset shares textures with other So...
Smart-Tower 4x4 [NC]
Created by OwiHH
Smart - Real car. Real life. High Commercial Level 3 Growable 1024x1024 _d _s _i _a 20k Tris - you wouldnt see it much because of level 3 difficult coming update: reducing Graphical artifacts ...
Spawn Points Fix
Created by BloodyPenguin
Automatically places spawn points for custom transport assets I think that's a common situation for many of you: regional trains don't come to custom train stations or planes don't visit custom airports. Aside from obvious pathfinding issues, that happens ...
State Tower - Offices
Created by jorge.puerta State Tower - Offices Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 3, office buiding, 31 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Office. -Level: 3. -Cost: $115...
Simple train station
Created by ron_fu-ta
シンプルな2線式の駅です。コストはデフォルトの駅より低くなっています。 2 tracks simple train station. Cost is lower than the default station....
Seychelles Map Theme
Created by Ronyx69
Map Theme inspired by Seychelles. 2K Textures Seychelles LUT: Seyuba Map: Commission for Arnold J Rimmer. Twitch YouTube Twitt...
Shanghai Maglev Longyang Road Station (Monorail Version) 上海磁浮龍陽路站 (單軌鐵路版)
Created by Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2021-11-19*** fixed pink pedestrian path. ****************************** Shanghai Maglev Longyang Road Station 上海磁浮龍陽路站 Maglev train station in Shanghai, China, where people can take the maglev train to Shanghai Pudong International Airport and b...
Subtle Office Tower 02
Created by O.C.B.
Subtle Office Tower 02 by O.C.B. A subtle office tower of level 3, 4*4 squares. Fits nicely into traditional city blocks, as a standalone or perhaps even in something more cyberpunk themed, comes in four colors, feel free to customize in your editor. No DL...
Tram Interchange
Created by ColoradoGamerZ
Tram Interchange holding 5/6 lines. Connects With tram streets...
Sona Corp - Offices
Created by jorge.puerta Sona Corp - Offices Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 3, growable office building, 32 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Office. -Level: 3. -Co...
Surface Painter
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to change terrain surface Are you tired of endless list of filler assets cluttering your parks panel and exhausting your buildings limit? Then this mod is for you! This is a plugin for my Extra Lanscaping Tools mod th...
Tram L - Opera [Double] [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Tram L - Opera Attelage L tramway from 1930s: Length = 12.292 m Width = 2,000 m Height = 3,000 m Empty weight = 8.8 t Capacity: 34 seats and 26 standing places; access by double bilateral central door; 2 bogies Manufacturer: STCRP at the central workshop o...
St30s - Hotel & Suites
Created by jorge.puerta St30s - Hotel & Suites Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 3, high density commercial buiding, 27 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Commercial H...
Subtle Corner 02
Created by O.C.B.
Subtle Office Corner 02 by O.C.B. A subtle office building corner of level 2, 4*4 squares. Fits nicely into traditional city blocks, comes in one color only, feel free to customize in your editor. No DLC required. Tris: 7103 Textures: 1024 x 1024px Feedbac...
Simple Monorail Station
Created by Kaeru教信者 A simple monorail station for 8-car trains. Recommend Vehicle Asset: 重庆轨道交通3号线单轨车辆(8节编组) Chongqing Monorail Metro Line 3 train (8car) 重慶軌道交通3号線モノレール電車(8両編成):
Theme Mixer 2
Created by Katalepsis
Lets you load, mix and customize Map Themes It's finally here, at long last. This is a complete re-make of the original Theme Mixer mod. Features Change map themes directly in-game. Select map theme "parts" from different map themes (Atmosphere, Structures...
The Simpsons: Springfield Monorail
Created by bsquiklehausen
There's nothing on Earth like a genuine, bona-fide, electrified, 6 car monorail! As featured in one of the all-time best episodes of the Simpsons, the Springfield Monorail is the perfect boondoggle for your small town with a centralized population to spend...
Tram Station
Created by donatosdimas
Tram Station by donatosdimas...
Small Tram Road Monorail Station
Created by Wiwi
Small Tram Road Monorail Station Problem when setting up stops? Read the description (Setting up stops) carefully!! This version includes a small monorail station with a small road and tram tracks underneath. This monorail station extends the functionality...
TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition)
Created by Krzychu1245
Improve lane and parking usage. and customise junctions, roads, and rails! This is the stable release with tested features. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀User Guide⠀⠀⠀⠀Report Bugs⠀⠀⠀⠀Discord Chat Vehicles despawning ...
SHD' s Mk2 Monorail
Created by samsonite
Okay this one's a lot better than my last attempt. Serves as a replacement for the vanilla monorail but is actually significantly less load on your system with less than a third as many polygons. Fits in the vanilla station and carries 240 passengers. Supp...
Station Bench
Created by Takouma
Benchs looks like ones in station....
Sunken Plaza
Created by psixovaniy
Sunken Plaza with shops. Commercial building. Type: Commercial high Lot size: 4 x 4 Level: 1 Main model: 698 tris with 512 x 1024 textures. LOD model: 92 tris with 128 x 128 textures....
The Townsley
Created by Prosper
Growable / Residential High / level 5 / 4x4 / 1024x1024 / 2933 tris / LOD 256x256 / 169 tris Based on high-rise residential building at 245 East 35th Street, NYC. Built in 1964. This is a fairly old asset that I created in 2016. Unfortunately the 1024 x 10...
Torre De Las Americas
Created by Watermelon!
Torre De Las Americas - Asunción, Paraguay I hope you liked it as much as i did! Info: 3,572 Tris Texture size 1024x1024_px Made by Watermelon! Commisioned by Bastet69, thanks for your support! Growable: Office (LVL 3) No se como tomar fotos con la intenci...
Subtle Office Building 3
Created by O.C.B.
Subtle Office Building 03 by O.C.B. A subtle office building of level 3, 4*4 squares. Fits nicely into traditional city blocks, coming in four colour variations. No DLC required. Tris: 8540 Textures: 1024 x 1024px Feedback always welcome...
Tree Anarchy temporary fix
Created by algernon Replaced by Tree Control Development has ceased on this mod; there will be no further bugfixes or features. Not for new users Only existing users of Tree Anarchy should be subscribed to this. New users should use Tree Contro...
Taipei MRT Station 淡水車站(仿)
Created by Emperor Li
An 2-tracks elevated train station, inspired by Taipei MRT Tamsui Station. The station has three exits, two in the centre and one at the far left (see picture above). ! Extra Train Station Tracks (ETST) is required to place the station ! For my other works...
Torre Panamericana Plaza
Created by Modocero
Torre Panamericana Plaza Tower Panamericana Plaza Building In Buenos Aires Argentina Building Office Panamericana Plaza Size: 4x4 Tris: 4554 Textures: 1024 x 1024 D, I , S, A Imagen del Edificio Real Building Photos Tags: Offi...
Train Converter
Created by BloodyPenguin With this mod you will be able to automatically convert existing 'metro'-trains into real metro trains without content creators remaking their assets. Which is especially important since Sunset Harbor patch now added ground ...
Created by My Tag Gone
This is a RICO version of a Unique building created by Reaper , It is in his Skyscraper_by_Reaper collection. Full creation credit to Him :) Will behave as Unique if RICO mod not installed. Will behave as High Commercial if RICO mod installed. Commercial s...
Solar Rivera and Amadeo Modigliani Condos
Created by Casia Loopy
Pair of Brazilian condos. L4,L3 Residential high 2048x512 shared main texture 256x256 pool texture 128x128 lod for each building Buildings are around 30k tris, lods are around 200 tris. Commisioned by Bastet If you want to show appreciation with your dispo...
Tatra T3 Tram
Created by kowkamurka
The most numerous tram car in history (except soviet KTM-5, but who cares?), Tatra T3 was built in Czechoslovenska capital, Praha, from 1962 to 1989 (later versions of this car were built in other factories till 1999) and served on the 1/4 of Earth - from ...
Towa Yaesu Building
Created by Sakura am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then.What is this and why do I need it:Towa Yaesu Building - 3-chōme-4-16 Nihonba...
Undo It!
Created by Strad This mod adds Undo/Redo options to the game! Tools that this mod supports: Building/bulldozing roads, buildings, props and trees The rest is unsupported Warni...
Toggle It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to toggle different visual elements in the game. NEW IN 1.23 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.22 - Fixed issue with Dark Info Views making...
Unlimited Outside Connections Revisited 1.1
Created by algernon Resurrected! BloodyPenguin's original Unlimited Outside Connections mod is no longer functioning as of the 1.15 (Plazas & Promenades) game update. The changes required to fix this were more than simple tweaks, and this mod h...
Train Station RB
Created by Checo Mx Model Information Tris: 5,600 Textures: 1024 x 1024 (D - I – N – S) You can search for this pack with the "Find It" mod with the name “Train Station RB” and you can move it with "Move It ". It...
Urban Park B1
Created by Gruny
Urban Park - building B1 Specs Level 3 high density residential 4x3 - growable Tris 2616 / 62 (lod) Texture - 1024x1024 | D / I / S / C / N Lod Texture - 128x128 | D / I / S / C This asset doesn’t include props. Suggested mods Find It! (Search with 'urbanp...
Vehicle Effects 1.9.5
Created by Acc3ss Violation
Allows effects to be added to vehicles with xml files! Recent features - Load (sort of) custom particleeffects via xml! Check this discussion page on how to do it and for sharing examples! - Load custom sound effects via xml! Check this discussion page on ...
Westly building - 3x4 L2 Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Hi Skyliners !! Many CSL players asked me to update this particular building. It was never updated with nightlights but people still used it since it was useful as a filler. It's not very striking, neither is it very original... it's there and its purpose ...
Tram Station Track
Created by BloodyPenguin
Provides tram station track. It's a mod, not an asset! It has to be activated in the Content Manager in order for the asset it generates to show up in the game The mod was made before CO added the custom network asset functionality and now mostly serves to...
Transfer Manager CE v2.4.23
Created by Sleepy Modifies the vanilla Transfer Manager to prefer closer transfers. ie Garbage trucks will go to nearby buildings first to collect garbage rather than travelling all the way across the city to get the garbage at some distant b...
Union Pacific Cargo Train
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
*****ATTENTION! AFTER DARK UPDATE INFORMATION***** This Train Now Requires Advanced Vehicle Options Mod to get full After Dark Experience! I finally decided to go ahead and update this. I found that it was not possible that I know of to make headlights on ...
Tram L - St Cloud [Double] [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Tram L - St Cloud Attelage L tramway from 1930s: Length = 12.292 m Width = 2,000 m Height = 3,000 m Empty weight = 8.8 t Capacity: 34 seats and 26 standing places; access by double bilateral central door; 2 bogies Manufacturer: STCRP at the central worksho...
Upgrade Untouchable 1.1: Convert stations
Created by Klyte45 This new mod brings a totally new way of changing segment types of buildings, without needing to deform them "making the segments touchable", as like Touch This! Mod used to do. So, it allows ...
Urbania Office
Created by GUIJA
Urbania Office Building This is my very first asset, so please be gentle. I would welcome any bug, mistake or anything I could improve for this asset and other future assets I could create in the future. This is a 4 x 4 Corner Growable Level 2 Office Build...
Västtrafik - M28 Tram
Created by Von Roth
Update: I have re-made this vehicle using BL4CKST4LK3R & BloodyPenguin's Siemens Type R (5-Car Tram version) as a template. This means that this tram now has illuminated windows at night. Description: The M28 tram was built by ASEA and ASJ in 1965-1967 for...
Västtrafik - M28 Tram (Doors on both sides)
Created by Von Roth
Update: I have re-made this vehicle using BL4CKST4LK3R & BloodyPenguin's Siemens Type R (5-Car Tram version) as a template. This means that this tram now has illuminated windows at night. Description: The M28 tram was built by ASEA and ASJ in 1965-1967 for...
Victoria's Secret Dublin
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x2 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Victoria's Secret store on Grafton Street, Dublin. The real building is longer and goes deeper into the block -- I needed to make it shorter otherwise it will go over 4 tiles. It is part of my F...
WDVE Radio
Created by yinzerr
WDVE Radio Office Building located in Green Tree, Pennsylvania. Home of the Pittsburgh Steelers and best damn rock on the radio 102.5 WDVE Pittsburgh! Level 3 Growable Office WDVE Logo built on to asset Tris 1895 / Custom LOD 34 Texture 1024x512 Equivalent...
XBRT Elevated Module(DIY Pedestrian Deck) 厦门BRT
Created by Streamer
Actually elevated bus system. This is an elevated bus station with customizable pedestrian deck. 厦门快速公交高架部分是鲜有的完全独立路权、全程在高架桥上行驶的特色“轨道交通”,其中部分公交高架区间是由普通高架桥改造而来的。 Watch the Tutorial. Lite Version for beginners. I recommend using Xiamen Bus to fit this asset ...
XBRT Elevated Networks(CSUR 2DC Compatible) 厦门BRT
Created by Streamer
Dependency for Elevated BRT System Read descriptions carefully if you want to modify your elevated BRT system. Xiamen BRT Road Have 3 elevations: basic, elevated and bridge. Basic >>Station network designed for Xiamen BRT Station. The PSD will open after p...
YDFpharma Innovation Center - Offices
Created by jorge.puerta YDFpharma Innovation Center - Offices Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 3, office buiding, 9 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Office. -Level:...
Yet Another Toolbar
Created by sway
This mod lets you customize the toolbar panels. Why another toolbar mod? Resize It's panel scaling feature breaks Find It 2 so I was looking for a solution. I contacted the author of Resize It back in mid-2020 but they were ...
[EB31h8] 8m height Elevated modular station
Created by konfox0527
3型高架駅モジュール(ETST線路) 概要 Overview 高架駅モジュールの外観が強化されたリニューアル版です。線路の高さは8mです。 階段が外側に露出してる点に注意してください。 This is a renewed version of the elevated station module with an enhanced appearance. The height of the tracks is 8 meters. Note that the stairs are exposed on the...
Zara Brisbane
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x4 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Zara flagship store in Brisbane. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection and this asset by giving it a thumbs up! Main Model: 3,514 tris / 1,024x1...
[EMB1/12] 168m Elevated Metro Station Module (12m height)
Created by konfox0527
メトロ高架駅モジュール(高さ12m) Sunset harborアップデート時に登場した高架メトロ対応のモジュール式駅です。 Modular station user guide
[AD]Drosovilas New York style housing.
Created by Drosovila
Some mass housing from New York. -Growable high density residental. Level 3, 4x4 -Connects to one building when placed next to each other (visually) -If you want that "grouped together" look, or want to place them wall to wall, you can get the eyedropper t...
[DEPRECATED] Improved Public Transport 2 [1.15.0-f7 FIX]
Created by pickuse
Orginal mod has been updated: Improved Public Transport 2 by BloodyPenguin....
White Harbor - Natural Beauty Theme
Created by pieuponieu
Build a metropolis with an active harbor, Or a quaint village by the mountain lake, How about a large farming community between the hills and the river, A beachside tourist resort, Or all of the above... Welcome to beautiful White Harbor! This map is suita...
[AD] 2x2 LVL4 apartement by Drosovila
Created by Drosovila
A high density, Level 4, 2x2 apartement. 1600 tris, 1024x texture res, customLOD 120 tris 256x texture res....
[Grow+RICO] Tour Triangle 3
Created by Alexgazz
High Residential Tower Lot size: 4x3 Residential Level: 4 Avec/With Ploppable RICO Homes: 114 Construction Cost: 11000 The color can be changed with Repaint La couleur peut être changer avec le mod Repaint Polygons Triangles Count: 5110 Tour Triangle 1 Tou...
[Grow+RICO] Chopin (Les Mureaux, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Cité Des Musiciens, Les Mureaux, 78 Yvelines Construits entre 1973 et 1975, Apparence avant rénovation de 1995. Built between 1973 and 1975, Apprearence before renovation of 1995. Architect/e: Jean Ginsberg Pack de 4 Bâtiments Pack of 4 Buildings High Resi...
[EB31Xh8] type3 Elevated Extension module
Created by konfox0527
3型高架延長モジュール 8m height Elevated modular station用の延長モジュールです。...
[EB33h8][EC33h8][ED33h8]… Type3 8m height modular station KT track set
Created by konfox0527
3型高架駅モジュールセット(KT21線路) 概要 Overview 高架駅モジュールの外観が強化されたリニューアル版です。NE2は不要です。線路の高さは8mです。 階段が外側に露出してる点に注意してください。 建設用道路を引いて駅モジュールを設置してください。 This is a renewed version of the elevated station module with an enhanced appearance. The height of the tracks is 8 meters. N...
[Grow+RICO] Rouget (Les Mureaux, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Cité Des Musiciens, Les Mureaux, 78 Yvelines Construits entre 1973 et 1975, Apparence avant rénovation de 1995. Built between 1973 and 1975, Apprearence before renovation of 1995. Architect/e: Jean Ginsberg Pack de 8 Bâtiments Pack of 8 Buildings High Resi...
[Grow+RICO] Tour Bergame (Paris, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Tour Bergame, Ensemble Masséna, Paris 13e Construit en 1972. Built in 1972. Architect/es: Jean Sebag High Residential Tower Lot size: 3x3 Residential Level: 4 Avec/With Ploppable RICO Homes: 128 Construction Cost: 13000 The color can be changed with Repain...
Zoning Adjuster 1.6
Created by algernon A tool to adjust and fine-tune zoning grids Yes, the one-sided and remove zoning functions of this mod work happily alongside those introduced in the base game in 1.17 - you can use either or both. Remember that this mod doe...
Created by Feeank
Yutaje Residential by Feeank I wanted to test this asset before publishing it but after a week trying I have found zero info on how to do that, so here it goes as is, it should work but I really can't tell, if you find any bug let me know I guess This is b...
[Grow+RICO] Tour Triangle 2
Created by Alexgazz
High Residential Tower Lot size: 4x3 Residential Level: 4 Avec/With Ploppable RICO Homes: 126 Construction Cost: 12000 The color can be changed with Repaint La couleur peut être changer avec le mod Repaint Polygons Triangles Count: 5544 Tour Triangle 1 Tou...
[Grow+RICO] Tour SJ Hachette EX
Created by Alexgazz
Tour (Saint-Jean) Hachette Extended High Residential Tower Lot size: 4x2 Residential Level: 3 Avec/With Ploppable RICO Homes: 84 Construction Cost: 8500 20 Etages/Storeys The color can be changed with Repaint La couleur peut être changer avec le mod Repain...
[Grow+RICO] Tours 4K-8L (Epinay, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Tours 4K-8L, Centre-ville, Epinay-sur-Seine, 93 Seine-Saint-Denis Construits en 1974, Apparence avant rénovation de 1992. Built in 1974, Appearence before renovation of 1992. High Residential Tower Lot size: 4x4 Residential Level: 2 Avec/With Ploppable RIC...
[Growable] Tours Charcot (Argenteuil, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Cité Val d'Argent Sud, Argenteuil, 95 Val d'Oise Construits en 1973, Apparences après rénovation de 1994 jusqu'en 2013. Built in 1973, Appearence after renovation of 1994 untill 2013. Architect/e: Jean Ginsberg Avant/Before 1994 Pack de 2 Bâtiments Pack of...
[Growable] Tour Jaune 2 (France)
Created by Alexgazz
Generic 1970 French Tower High Residential Tower Lot size: 4x3 Residential Level: 3 RICO Version The color can be changed with Repaint La couleur peut être changer avec le mod Repaint Polygons Triangles Count: 4390...
[Metro] TokyoMetro 02 series train
Created by konfox0527
東京メトロ02系(Metro) Tokyo Metro 02 series train (Metro) ※SHアップデート以降でも使用可能なことを確認済みです。 Train version_ Prop_ ?????????? _ (Commings...
[Tram] Enoshima Electric Railway series 300 train "305"
Created by konfox0527
江ノ島電鉄/江ノ電300形電車305 トラム版 Enoden (Enoshima Electric Railway) 305 Tram version Train version is here >>> !!Attention!! This asset color setting for use Color Correction LUT. Enoden train cars m...
Created by kian.zarrin
No longer supported, a new Beta version is worked on that can be subscribed by clicking here. to report problems or ask questions please come to my discord channel: Pl...
[E]168m Elaveted modular station set
Created by konfox0527
高架駅モジュールセット 168m Elaveted modular station set Modular station user guide 概要 overview -1985年に東京近郊に建設された通勤新線の駅をモデルにしたモジュール式の駅です。168mのホーム有効長があります。3つのアセットが含まれます。 高架駅モジュールの基本となるアセットです。高架駅モジュールが必要...
[OBSOLETE] Plattenbau WBS70 PH 12 G
Created by MeisterMonis
This asset has been updated! Find the new version here. Hello Folks, about 4 months have passed since I released my first asset WBS70 Plattenbau Hochhaus . Over the span of these 4 months I learned a lot about asset creating and modeling. The way I model a...
CR-单轨合集包 4.0
Created by CR
此版本不需要任何DLC 属于地铁属性 符合真实单轨下地 模型以重庆轨道交通3号线为原型 ! 已包含重庆轨道交通2号线车辆和重庆轨道交通3号线车辆,无需在订阅 资产制作不易 随手点个赞 有条件的可以赞助一下 你的资产是我们资产制作作者的动力! 微信支付: 谢谢! 资产定制:QQ 2735326625 ...
[Growable] Tour Jaune 1 (France)
Created by Alexgazz
Generic 1970 French Tower High Residential Tower Lot size: 4x3 Residential Level: 3 RICO Version The color can be changed with Repaint La couleur peut être changer avec le mod Repaint Polygons Triangles Count: 4390...