Cities: Skylines
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Colombo Urban Mapping Project
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A collection of mods that we're using to try and remake Colombo in CS.
Предметы (967)
Создатели: YpsilonEule
Ångpannehus Location: Sweden Type of Building: Unique Building Effects: Tourism, Attractiveness Menu location: Unique Buildings Level 2 Costs: 20.000 once, 160 per Week Model: 3196 Tris Lod: 106 Tris...
Șchei Gate, Brașov
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background information and guides on how to use the building. This is the Schei Gate from Brașov The Schei Gate (Poarta Șchei) is an old city gate in the old town of Brașov, Romania. It was built in 1827 in classic style, its de...
オフィスビル with コンビニ / JP Office Bld with 7-11&FamilyMart
Создатели: koma
1階にコンビニエンスストアが併設されているオフィスビルです。 2種類の建物を同梱しています。 JP Office Bld with 7-11 JP Office Bld with FamilyMart ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 支援 / Donate ご支援をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 アマゾン欲しいものリスト https://...
三角汇大楼 Triangle Plaza
Создатели: amamIya
三角汇大楼 Triangle Plaza by amamIya Unique Building Real Glass AnimUV Model Tris: main:1630 Glass:9944 SubMesh:11529 LOD: Main:826 Others:0 Texture: Main: 1024 Others:256 LOD:64...
上海医药大厦 Shanghai Pharmaceutical Building
Создатели: KimuXY
上海华旭国际大厦 Shanghai Huaxu International Building
Создатели: KimuXY
上海博银国际大厦 Shanghai Boyin International Building
Создатели: KimuXY
上海博银国际大厦位于淮海中路与陕西南路的交汇处,坐拥淮海中路商圈的繁华商机。铂金地段彰显您的尊贵与高度,真正的髙大上。银国际大厦办公楼地上50层、地下4层、高度144米,淮海中路核心CBD商圈! 高端智能化写字楼,智能5A科技独特的建筑。...
上海恒基688广场 Shanghai Hengji 688 Plaza
Создатели: KimuXY
上海德必外滩WE Shanghai DOBE Bund WE
Создатели: KimuXY
上海汇丰银行大楼 HSBC Bank building
Создатели: CM.
你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third price special building. 上海汇丰银行大楼,在上海外滩中山东一路12号,又名市府大楼,1925年建造,今天是上海浦东发展银行的总部驻地。汇丰在1990年代曾经与上海市政府接触,想购回大楼,但最终因价格原因没有实现。汇丰银行大楼除了华丽,这还是一幢充满历史感的建筑,汇丰银行,市政府和浦东发展银行曾先后使用过此楼。 Shanghai HSBC Bank building, also known as...
上海新茂大厦 Shanghai Xinmao Building
Создатели: KimuXY
上海汇金大厦 Shanghai Huijin Building
Создатели: KimuXY
汇金大厦位于上海市中心繁华高贵地段-黄浦区汉口路515号,东邻外滩,西接人民广场,南靠福州路,北近南京东路,环境极为优越。附近有多条交通线路贯穿浦西,连接浦东,延安路高架及隧道近在咫尺,地铁一号线及地铁二号线。 汇金大厦地上共二十层,地下为两层,每层面积938平方米,总建筑面积18000平方米。 汇金大厦底层开设银行营业所,二至六层为农行,七至二十层为高级写字楼,可随意组合分割,每套设有独用卫生间,住办皆宜;地下两层停车库为入住客户提供充裕车位。...
上海港泰广场 Shanghai Gangtai Plaza
Создатели: KimuXY
上海迎龙大厦 Shanghai Yinglong Building
Создатели: KimuXY
上海经纬公寓 Shanghai Jingwei Apartment
Создатели: KimuXY
上海黄金地段的豪华住宅小区. 位于新天地版块,据淮海路仅一步之遥,到人民广场也只有十分钟,周边布满了数十条公交线路及地铁一号线,交通十分便利....
上海金陵大厦 Shanghai Jinling Building
Создатели: KimuXY
金陵大厦 淮海路与人民广场商圈之间,背靠延安东路绿地,环境优雅,是现代化高级办公楼,金陵大厦位于市区繁华地段,地理位置优越交通便利,租金合理,设施齐全,装修现代...
上海金鹰国际购物广场 Shanghai Golden Eagle International Shopping Plaza
Создатели: KimuXY
上海金融博物馆 Shanghai Financial Museum
Создатели: KimuXY
2016年2月5日,金融博物馆暨银行博物馆在上海正式开馆。该博物馆位于上海市黄浦区复兴中路301号原上海律师公会原址,展览面积近4000平方米,展出各类珍贵金融历史文物5000余件,是国内馆藏最丰富、珍稀文物最多的金融行业博物馆。 金融博物馆暨银行博物馆的前身上海银行博物馆于2000年正式开馆,是中国工商银行创办的全国首家金融行业博物馆。展览以中国的近代银行发展史为主线,全景再现中国百年金融风云,典藏中国深厚的金融文化底蕴。...
上海雅居乐国际广场 Shanghai Agile International Plaza
Создатели: KimuXY
Создатели: 听风说雨
區役所 by 听风说雨 该建筑的原型是日本名古屋市的北区区役所,我贴图的制作原则上按2K的标准绘制,但上传工坊的版本以1K为主。模型总面数为10000面,整体还原度90%,如果你喜欢我的作品,请给我点赞,谢谢! The prototype of the building is the Kita Ward Office in Nagoya City, Japan. In principle, the production of my textures is drawn according to the 2K ...
广州珠光新城国际中心Guangzhou Zhuguang New City International Center
Создатели: 左耳日hachi
广州珠光新城国际中心Guangzhou Zhuguang New City International Center 坐落于珠江新城心脏地带,完美辐射珠江新城、琶洲会展、金融城三大商圈,项目位于地铁5号线潭村站上盖,多条公交线路聚集,覆盖外籍人士活动最密集区域,是数十万国际租客的首选居所,当之无愧的国际精英圈层生活主场。作为珠江新城第一座,也是最后一座拥有公园复式产品的项目。尽揽珠江公园一线景观,执掌CBD生态景观和国际时尚的双重价值核心,为广州带来真正意义上的中央公园生活。 制作by 忆起时...
市役所(Japanese City Office)
Создатели: hakurai
人口5万人くらいの市の市役所をイメージして制作しました。 Unique Building Level5 Please set CityOfficeRoof and CityOfficeSign by yourself. 市役所(Japanese City Office) by hakurai...
广州珠光国际·翡丽商务大厦Guangzhou Philippe Business
Создатели: 左耳日hachi
广州珠光国际·翡丽商务大厦Guangzhou Philippe Business 坐落于珠江新城心脏地带,完美辐射珠江新城、琶洲会展、金融城三大商圈,项目位于地铁5号线潭村站上盖,多条公交线路聚集,覆盖外籍人士活动最密集区域,是数十万国际租客的首选居所,当之无愧的国际精英圈层生活主场。作为珠江新城第一座,也是最后一座拥有公园复式产品的项目。尽揽珠江公园一线景观,执掌CBD生态景观和国际时尚的双重价值核心,为广州带来真正意义上的中央公园生活。 制作by 忆起时...
Создатели: PeeKyboo
成都·两江国际-公寓楼 by PeeKyboo 祝大家新年快乐!!!!!!! 听雨YYDS!!!XDBX YYDS!!!红米YYDS!!!...
Создатели: 红米先生
海府一号A1 by 红米...
Создатели: 红米先生
长兴县博物馆即长兴太湖博物馆,成立于1976年7月19日。原馆址在长兴县雉城镇县前西街99号,现址位于浙江省长兴县太湖新城中央大道与滨湖大道交叉口南侧,由美国建筑师马歇尔·斯特拉巴拉设计。 2000年长兴县政府投资6000万元在雉城镇人民广场新建长兴会展中心,其中博物馆拥有馆室3500平方米,于2002年元旦正式对外开放。2003年博物馆又在浙江省县级博物馆中率先对外免费开放。 资产贴图:2K LOD:1500, 占地:10X8 高度:8层楼高...
石家庄燕华大厦 Shijiazhuang Yanhua Building
Создатели: 常山`白云
石家庄燕华大厦 by 常山`白云 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 抖音号定期推送新资产推荐情报 抖音号:38721588633 If you want more projects to support Chinese cities, you can download QQ fr...
省老年人体育活动中心 Sichuan Senior Citizens Sports Center
Создатели: 尹水涯
关键词:中国 四川 成都 老年人 建筑 现代建筑 当代建筑 体育馆 该资产原型为四川省老年人体育活动中心,位于成都市四川体育职业学院华西坝校区,共7层。中心可开展适合老年人体育健身的网球、门球、乒乓球、羽毛球、气排球、柔力球、台球、保龄球、桌上冰壶球、沙弧球、太极拳(剑)、健身球操、健身秧歌、健身腰鼓、桥牌、中国象棋、围棋、竞技麻将、模拟高尔夫、飞镖、舞蹈、时装模特、唱歌等23个项目。 建筑总高:未知 建筑面积:1.8万平米 设计单位:未知 完成年份:2019年 在游戏中他的性质为 体育馆与健身房 ,你可使...
Создатели: PeeKyboo
腾讯成都大厦位于四川省成都市高新区天府三街,天府大道与益州大道之间,在高层密集的城市街区显得内敛而姿态分明,在立面设计中,外围设置立面、平面两个方向的波浪变化,使立面呈现流动的感觉,在内庭院也设置了波浪变化的出挑阳台,进一步加强动态感受。立面设计简洁、流畅,展现出数码时代的微妙渐变的审美特点,展现出互联网企业的数码特质。 ...
Создатели: Mr. Dragons
郑州升龙广场3号楼A座 by Mr. Dragons 升龙广场是升龙集团继金水区的燕庄、凤凰台城中村改造、二七区的小李庄城中村改造及中原区的小岗刘城中村改造项目后精心打造的又一高端项目。项目位于郑州市郑东新区东风东路与商鼎路交汇口,郑州市综合交通枢纽西广场的南侧,紧邻郑州新客站交通枢纽中心,与中原第一高绿地双子塔遥街相对,是省重点工程——郑州综合交通枢纽中心城市高铁的重要配套工程。 郑州资产 郑州中原福塔(大)、 郑州中原福塔(小)、 郑州大玉米、 郑州二七塔、 郑州火车站(独特建筑)、 郑州火车站(车站)...
Создатели: Mr. Dragons
郑州升龙广场3号楼B座 by Mr. Dragons 升龙广场是升龙集团继金水区的燕庄、凤凰台城中村改造、二七区的小李庄城中村改造及中原区的小岗刘城中村改造项目后精心打造的又一高端项目。项目位于郑州市郑东新区东风东路与商鼎路交汇口,郑州市综合交通枢纽西广场的南侧,紧邻郑州新客站交通枢纽中心,与中原第一高绿地双子塔遥街相对,是省重点工程——郑州综合交通枢纽中心城市高铁的重要配套工程。 郑州资产 郑州中原福塔(大)、 郑州中原福塔(小)、 郑州大玉米、 郑州二七塔、 郑州火车站(独特建筑)、 郑州火车站(车站)...
郑州奥体中心(体育馆)50% Zhengzhou Olympic
Создатели: Mr. Dragons
河南郑州奥体中心(体育馆)50% 郑州奥林匹克体育中心为2019年在郑州市举行的中华人民共和国第十一届少数民族传统体育运动会的主办场地。设体育场1座,可容纳6万名观众,规模为河南省最大;甲级体育馆1座,总坐席数1.6万个;甲级游泳馆1座,设固定坐席3000个 。郑州地铁14号线及郑州地铁6号线也将在民运会开幕前通车,直达奥体中心,方便观众前往赛场 。 资产详情 格子:9×11(Width×Length) 用电量:180(Electricity Consumption) 施工成本:140000(Constru...
郑州奥体中心(游泳馆)50% Zhengzhou Olympic
Создатели: Mr. Dragons
河南郑州奥体中心(游泳馆)50% 郑州奥林匹克体育中心为2019年在郑州市举行的中华人民共和国第十一届少数民族传统体育运动会的主办场地。设体育场1座,可容纳6万名观众,规模为河南省最大;甲级体育馆1座,总坐席数1.6万个;甲级游泳馆1座,设固定坐席3000个 。郑州地铁14号线及郑州地铁6号线也将在民运会开幕前通车,直达奥体中心,方便观众前往赛场 。 资产详情 格子:7×11(Width×Length) 用电量:180(Electricity Consumption) 施工成本:140000(Constru...
한국거래소(Korea Exchange, KRX )
Создатели: sebong
한국거래소(Korea Exchange, KRX )...
한국전력 사옥(KEPCO)
Создатели: sebong
한국전력 사옥(KEPCO) no sign version by sebong 한국전력 삼성동 사옥 입니다. 현재는 철거되어 존재 하지않습니다. 이 버전은 간판이 설치되지 않은 버전입니다. 필요에 따라, 간판은 추가로 prop을 구독 및 move it을 이용하여 직접 달아주셔야 합니다. * 본 에셋은 간판이 설치되지 않은 버전으로서, 링크되어 있는 간판prop은 필수가 아닌 선택사항 입니다. This is KEPCO's Samseong-dong office b...
"The Candle" 4x4 Level 3 Growable Office
Создатели: beowulfxph
The Candle is a custom building made with 3DS Max and GIMP It's a 4x4 level 3 growable office with vanilla props. Main Model: 2156 tris, 1024x1024 texture map LoD Model: 154 tris, 128x128 texture map Feedback and bug reports are most welcome. Edit: Added n...
"The Zipper" 4x4 Level 2 Growable Office
Создатели: beowulfxph
The Zipper is a custom building made with 3DS Max and GIMP It's a 4x4 level 2 growable office with color variations and vanilla props. Main Model: 1964 tris and 1024x1024 textures LoD Model: 100 tris and 128x128 textures Feedback and bug reports are most w...
(G) Baxter Loft
Создатели: Prosper
Residential High / level 1 / 4x2 / 1024x1024 / 2496 tris / LOD 256x256 / 234 tris Update 22.11.2016: Residential High / Corner / level 4 / 4x2 / 2048x1024 / 1387 tris / LOD 256x256 / 80 tris + RICO ready (8 "homes") ...
(G) Duncan House
Создатели: Prosper
RICO / Residential High / level 2 / 3x2 / 1024x1024 / 3105 tris / LOD 256x256 / 10 tris Unique Building / level 4 Update 22.11.2016: Growable now Residential High / Corner / level 3 / 2x3 / 1024x1024/ 657 tris / LOD 128x128 (AUTO) / 10 tris + RICO ready (8...
(G) Greeley Square Building
Создатели: Prosper
Growable / Residential High / level 5 / 4x4 / 2048x2048 / 6013 tris / LOD 256x256 / 140 tris 25-story Renaissance-revival office building. Built in 1927. 875-881 6th Avenue. ...
广州珠光国际·美林基业大厦Guangzhou Meilin Foundation Building
Создатели: 左耳日hachi
广州珠光国际·美林基业大厦Guangzhou Meilin Foundation Building 坐落于珠江新城心脏地带,完美辐射珠江新城、琶洲会展、金融城三大商圈,项目位于地铁5号线潭村站上盖,多条公交线路聚集,覆盖外籍人士活动最密集区域,是数十万国际租客的首选居所,当之无愧的国际精英圈层生活主场。作为珠江新城第一座,也是最后一座拥有公园复式产品的项目。尽揽珠江公园一线景观,执掌CBD生态景观和国际时尚的双重价值核心,为广州带来真正意义上的中央公园生活。 制作by 忆起时...
(G) McCartney Court
Создатели: Prosper
Residential High / level 3 / 2x3 / 1024x1024 / 3097 tris / LOD 256x256 / 62 tris Update 22.11.2016 Residential High / level 5 / 2x4 / 1024x1024 / 2004 tris / LOD 256x256 / 27 tris + RICO ready (10 "homes") ...
(G) Parker Loft
Создатели: Prosper
Residential High / level 3 / 4x3 / 1024x1024 / 2699 tris / LOD 512x512 / 28 tris Update 22.11.2016 Residential High / Corner / level 4 / 4x3 / 2048x512 / 1110 tris / LOD 256x256 / 20 tris + RICO ready (9 "homes")...
(G) The Court Building
Создатели: Prosper
Office / level 1 / 2x2 / 1024x1024 / 2649 tris / LOD 256x256 / 84 tris Update 09.11.2020: Actual scale, new textures, more details Office / level 3 / corner / 3x3 / 2048x1024 / 3539 tris / LOD 256x256 / 38 tris Based on beaux-arts office building on 123 NW...
(RICO) ELVIS Shinhan bank
Создатели: ELVIS
에셋 소개 신한은행은 대한민국의 은행이자 신한금융그룹의 계열사 은행입니다. 서울에 본사를 두고 있으며 여러분의 도시에 신한은행을 설치함으로서 시민들에게 금융서비스와 일자리를 제공하세요! 에셋정보 ● ELVIS Shinhan bank.crp └Tris 4,558 └lod 224 └Texture 1024x1024 256x256 총 용량 : 3.242MB 본 에셋은 RICO모드를 필요로 합니다. 도움 신한은행은 ELVIS GAMES의 ELVIS가 제작하였습니다...
(RICO) NS Tower 1
Создатели: ELVIS
포함콘텐츠 NS tower 1.crp 도움 NS Tower 1은 엘비스 게임즈의 도브가 제작하였습니다. 에셋 이미지 촬영 또한 도브가 하였습니다. 후원 평점과 구독 잊지 마세요 또한, 페트론이 되어 얼리 엑세스, 후원자용 에셋 등의 특권을 누리세요! Asset info NS tower 1.crp Support NS Tower 1 is made b...
(U) USA apartments 15
Создатели: Prosper
RICO / Residential High / level 2 / 3x2 / 1024x1024 / 3679 tris / LOD 256x256 / 66 tris Unique Building / level 4 For corner placement. ...
(RICO) Luxury Office with Shops
Создатели: Meteor Daddy
This is a RICO of Luxury Office with Shops by Vexcarius Only 600+ Tris...
1 Broadway, Bowling Green, Lower Manhattan, New York, USA
Создатели: Cleavus
1 Broadway (International Mercantile Marine Company Building) Bowling Green, Lower Manhattan, New York, USA Co-ordinates Geo Tracking Here The International Mercantile Marine Company Building, also known as One Broadway and the "United States Lines-Panama ...
1-Lane Highway Ramp with Sound Barriers
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A one-lane, one-way highway ramp with sound barriers. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Sound barriers (ground level only) Width: 1.5 squares (12m) Speed limit: 70 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection....
1-Lane One-Way Bus-Only Road
Создатели: Delta 5-1
You need a mod for the road to be fully functional To make the road behave as a bus-only road, you need to be using either: Bus-Only Road Enabler or TM:PE (road restrictions need to be set manually) Please note that the two mods are mutually incompatible. ...
1-Lane Highway with Wide Hatched Shoulder
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A one-lane, one-way highway with wide, hatched shoulder. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Wide shoulder with hatched markings Aligns with the Mass Transit 2-Lane Highway – so you can do your lane arithmetic in style. Width: 2 squares (1...
1-Lane One-Way Narrow Country Lane
Создатели: Delta 5-1
The Narrow Country Lane is designed to carry low traffic volumes in one direction, at speeds up to 50 km/h (30 mph), while allowing pedestrian access and zoning. Details (this and related roads) ✔️ Narrow Country Lane ✔️ Country Lane Country Road Lanes 1 (...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with bike lanes in both directions. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ c...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Grass
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanil...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Tram Track and Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with tram track and parking spaces on both sides. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Tram track Bus bays and tram bulbs 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If ...
Создатели: kaikai0706
1-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (Both Sides)
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on both sides. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (One Side)
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on one side. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lane Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Trees
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads i...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Tram Track without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with tram track, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Tram track Bus bays Tram stop markings 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road,...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with trolleybus wires, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Trolleybus wires Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road, check ...
1-Lane One-Way Road without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collecti...
1-Lane One-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires and Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A single-lane, one-way road with trolleybus wires and parking spaces on both sides. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Trolleybus wires Parking lanes Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 30 km/h (~20 mph) If you...
100 St Georges Terrace (RICO) Australia
Создатели: Crazyglueit
As Requested 100 St Georges Terrace, located in Perth, Western Australia. This building started renovation in 2006 and was completed in 2009. Currently Perth's 8th tallest building. Use MrMiyagi's Perth, Western Australia map to go with it! Scale - 1:1 Siz...
1-Way Neighbourhood St with Tram
Создатели: Blackwolf (Frdm920)
This is Urbanist's One Way Neighbourhood Street modified by me to feature Trams. For the fancy sales speak go check out the original asset! Uploaded with permission from Urbanist. Note 1: By default this road uses a vanilla tree. In order to get something ...
100m Highrise Condo
Создатели: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 growable high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 13319 tris 1024x512, LOD 128 tris 256x256, submesh 3240 tris, glass...
111 South Main (RICO) Salt Lake City
Создатели: Crazyglueit 111 South Main, located in Salt Lake City, Utah, is one of the skylines newests buildings. Completed in 2016, this buildings uses a unique support system, the Hat Truss-System. This method allows structural engineers to suspe...
111 South Wacker
Создатели: honker
111 South Wacker is a 51-story glass office tower in Chicago's Loop. Just two doors down from the Sears (Willis) Tower, this modernist monolith went up in the mid 2000s at the same time as its nextdoor neighbor, the Hyatt Center (not on the workshop yet), ...
111 Wall Street (Citibank), Lower Manhattan, New York, New York, USA
Создатели: Cleavus
111 Wall Street (Citibank), Lower Manhattan, New York, New York, USA The Citibank Building is located on 111 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005 at the corner of Wall Street and Front Street. Completed in 1966, the building stands at 24 floors tall and feature...
1114 6Ave
Создатели: Jetengine@2049
Hey guys, I just made this asset to help enhance the WR Grace Building, as its right next to it. it's also the HQ for HBO, and I think they have GOT gift shop there. It's also one of the entrances to the 42-Bryant Park station, so enjoy !!!! Plz gives it t...
12 Place Vendôme 2.0
Создатели: Lost Gecko
This asset is an updated version of salutolive's "12 Place Vendome". All credits go to the original asset creator. 31/10/19 update: file name changed (and more importantly, improved texture brightness). As a result, the asset might have disappeared from yo...
12 Walnut Bend
Создатели: KingLeno
Lot Size (5x5) Level 5 RICO with 4 households Triangles (1755) Texture (512x512) d,n,i,s,c If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by making small donation as a token of appreciati...
120 Degree Commercial Corner
Создатели: Smilies
RICO commercial 3x3 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 1271 tris, LOD 19 tris 64x64 Custom foundation for gentle slope tolerance looks best when placed with move it mod 4 color variations Asset shares textures with Old Montreal 1...
1175 Park Ave
Создатели: Prosper
RICO / Residential High / level 5 / 4x6 / 4096x1024 / 5626 tris / LOD 256x256 / 116 tris Based on co-op apartment building at 1175 Park Avenue, NYC. Built in 1925. ...
120 Degree Mixed-Use Corner
Создатели: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Modular RICO mixed-use commercial and residential pack 6x4 commercial base and residential top Mesh 1 base 698 tris LOD 19 tris Mesh 2 top 612 tris LOD 35 tris Glass b...
123 Wacker
Создатели: honker
At a mere 30 stories, 123 North Wacker is a modest edition to the Chicago Loop. Its architectural style keeps it quiet while differentiating it from both the gleaming glass obelisks and the art deco artifacts that are its surroundings. It came up in the 19...
123 Wacker (4x3 growable)
Создатели: honker
Scaled down version of 123 Wacker. 4x3 level 3 growable office....
1330 Post Oak Boulevard
Создатели: Koesj
This building is RICO enabled but the mod’s not needed to enjoy it! Get the Ploppable RICO mod here and these Uniques will function just like growables. Landmark Building Cost: 95000 Upkeep: 304 / week Size: 8x8 units Height: 128 meters Fluff Coming up in ...
135 Degree Tudor Corner RICO High
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) Placement Because props will disappear if they are too far away from the actual lot, it was nessesary to move that watertower a little bit (so it is on another position than in the screenshots) ....
135 Degree Euro Corner 1 RICO High
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -Level 3 high residential ploppable 135 corner -2273 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024x512 each) -68...
136 South Temple (RICO) Salt Lake City
Создатели: Crazyglueit 136 South Temple, located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Completed in 1966 at a height of 274ft (84m). This 25-story building was originally named the University Club Building. Scale - 1:1 Plot Size - 6x6 Main - Tris 4,692 / Textur...
16m Small Avenue with Parking Pack
Создатели: Urbanist
UPDATE I've remade this with my new skills and knowledge - check it out! The small avenue with parking is similar to Network Extensions' small road with median but with parking spaces. This is a pack of 2 median variants - concrete and grass. They are text...
15 Walnut Bend
Создатели: KingLeno
15 Walnut Bend by KingLeno, a luxury high level mansion/single family house Level 5 Low Density Residential with RICO mod. Lot size 5 x 6 Triangles 1682 Texture 512x512 d,n,i,s,c 4 color variations yellow, blue, white, red Props included in the screenshot ...
19 Walnut Bend
Создатели: KingLeno
19 Walnut Bend by KingLeno, a luxury high level mansion/single family house, using an existing asset as a guide to create model. Level 5 Low Density Residential with RICO mod. Lot size 5 x 6 Triangles 1367 Texture 512x512 d,n,i,s,c 4 color Props included i...
1920s Bauhaus Settlement Pack 1 RICO
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -custombuildings -Triangles: Vary, but nothing too crazy -Textures: 1536x768, 256x128 LOD texture -RICO: 6 high reisdential buildings, 10-30 households -Find it: Search for "Bau" -These buildings...
1930s Modernist Housing Pack
Создатели: Lichwiarz
Good evening! These models are based on two houses from Bydgoszcz, Poland. Couldn't find much information about these ones, but I'm almost certain that these were built somewhere in the 1930s; style of facades is typical for Polish interwar modernism. The ...
1930 Modernist Housing Pack 2
Создатели: Lichwiarz
Good evening! These models are based on an apartament complex from Gdynia, Poland. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------Technial details are in the lower section of the description------------- ...
1937 Stalinka [RICO]
Создатели: eligios⚡ STALINKA 2022 - Two-storey, two-entrance residential building of the Stalinist period. Houses built in the USSR are usually called by the name of the leader ...
1950s Shopset + Modular RICO buildings
Создатели: Feindbold
Next person who asks about the building in the background will be blocked from using any of my assets! Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) The set contains 7 Buildings: 1 standalone cornerversion + 1 mirror 1 Modular cornerversion ...
Создатели: Feindbold
camin1_100cm by Feindbild...
Создатели: Feindbold
camin1_250cm by Feindbild...
Создатели: Feindbold
camin2_150cm by Feindbild...
1French Chimneys [Prop Pack]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a prop pack containing typical french chimneys. Additional informations: Model tris: Low enough to make this pack less than 2MB. Texture size: Small. I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le dernier, don...
2 Commerce Square
Создатели: KingLeno
2 Commerce Square by KingLeno Plain boring generic midrise concrete office building. 4x4 but includes RICO settings. ******** If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee to show support and appreciation by making a small donation vi...
2 Broadway, Manhattan
Создатели: honker
2 Broadway, AKA Home of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, every New Yorker's absolute favorite way to get to work. This modernist behemoth was constructed in the late 50s near the southern tip of Manhattan and merges the "wedding cake" style of Ne...
2-Lane Avenue with Bike Lanes
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of November 2022 (patch 1.15.1), an equivalent road has been added to the After Dark DLC. Notable differences: Minor styling A two-lane, two-way avenue with bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes 100% vanilla style W...
2-Lane Avenue with Grass and Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way avenue with decorative grass and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass Parking lanes 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check ...
2-Lane Avenue with Grass without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: This road has bus bays. A two-lane, two-way avenue with decorative grass, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel vari...
2-Lane Avenue with Trees and Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass and trees Parking lanes 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this ro...
2-Lane Avenue without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: This road has bus bays. A two-lane, two-way avenue without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays 100% vani...
2-Lane Avenue with Trees without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: This road has bus bays. The median is covered with grass instead of tilled soil. A two-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees, without parking...
2-Lane Avenue with Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way avenue with parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collect...
2-Lane Highway with Wide Hatched Shoulder
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way highway with wide, hatched shoulder. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Wide shoulder with hatched markings Aligns with the vanilla 3-Lane Highway – so you can do your lane arithmetic in style. Width: 2.75 squares (22m...
2-Lane One-Way Bus-Only Road
Создатели: Delta 5-1
You need a mod for the road to be fully functional To make the road behave as a bus-only road, you need to be using either: Bus-Only Road Enabler or TM:PE (road restrictions need to be set manually) Please note that the two mods are mutually incompatible. ...
2-Lane One-Way Country Road
Создатели: Delta 5-1
The Country Road is designed to carry moderate traffic volumes, at speeds up to 80 km/h (50 mph), while allowing pedestrian access and zoning. The one-way version is ideal for dual carriageways and roundabouts. Details (this and related roads) Narrow Count...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with bike lanes in both directions. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ coll...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Bus Lane
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with a bus lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lane & bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collectio...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Contraflow Tram Lane without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with a contraflow tram lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Dedicated contraflow tram lane Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Contraflow Tram Lane and Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with a contraflow tram lane and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Contraflow tram lane Bus bays and tram bulbs All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like th...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Offside Tram Lane and Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with an offside tram lane and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Dedicated tram lane Bus bays and tram bulbs All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this ...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Offside Tram Lane without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with an offside tram lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Dedicated tram lane Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other ro...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (One Side)
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on one side. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lane Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ colle...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Tram Lane and Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with a dedicated tram lane and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Dedicated tram lane Bus and tram bulbs All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Tram Lane without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with a dedicated tram lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Dedicated tram lane Bus stop road markings All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, che...
2-Lane One-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, one-way road with trolleybus wires, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Trolleybus wires Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 square (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out ...
2-Lane One-Way Road without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. A two-lane, one-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 The road is desig...
2-Lane Two-Way Bus-Only Road
Создатели: Delta 5-1
You need a mod for the road to be fully functional To make the road behave as a bus-only road, you need to be using either: Bus-Only Road Enabler or TM:PE (road restrictions need to be set manually) Please note that the two mods are mutually incompatible. ...
2-Lane Two-Way Country Road
Создатели: Delta 5-1
The Country Road is designed to carry moderate traffic volumes, at speeds up to 80 km/h (50 mph), while allowing pedestrian access and zoning. Details (this and related roads) Narrow Country Lane Country Lane ✔️ Country Road ✔️ Lanes 1 (One-Way) 2 (Two-Way...
2-Lane Two-Way Highway with Median
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way highway with painted median. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Width: 2.5 squares (20m) Speed limit: 100 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you like this road, c...
2-Lane Two-Way Highway with Median and Sound Barriers
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way highway with painted median and sound barriers. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Sound barriers (ground level only) Width: 2.5 squares (20m) Speed limit: 100 The road is designed to blend in as much as...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Bike Lanes
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with painted median and bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Bike lanes 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out other road...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Grass
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with painted median and decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out other ro...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with painted median and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Trees
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with painted median and decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check o...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Median without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with painted median, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with One-Way Tram Track and Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with a single, one-way tram track and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes One-way tram track Bus bays & tram stops All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like ...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with One-Way Tram Track without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with a single, one-way tram track, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants One-way tram track Bus bays & tram stops All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Tram Tracks without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with tram tracks, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Tram tracks Bus bays & tram stops All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads ...
2-Lane Two-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A two-lane, two-way road with trolleybus wires, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Trolleybus wires Bus bays 100% vanilla style Width: 2 square (16m) Speed limit: 40 km/h (~25 mph) If you like this road, check out ...
2-Lane Two-Way Road without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. A two-lane, two-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 The road is desig...
20 East 74th Street
Создатели: Prosper
RICO / Residential High / level 5 / 4x5 / 3072x1024 / 7009 tris / LOD 256x256 / 284 tris Based on co-op apartment building at 20 East 74th Street, NYC. Built in 1947. ...
2020 W Baltimore
Создатели: Lightfooted
Part of Kansas City's historic Crossroads district, 2020 W. Baltimore was once prime warehouse space directly adjacent to incoming and outgoing freight lines. With the decline in rail transport during the late twentieth century, the building has since been...
200 South Wacker (RICO) Unique
Создатели: Crazyglueit
200 South Wacker, Located in Chicago, Illinois. Completed in 1981 with 41 floors and a heights of 500ft(152m). 1:1.5 Scale Version found here. For those who prefer to have the other scale. (Both RICO compatable together!) Scale - 1:1 Plot Size - 7x7 Main -...
2301 Contemporary office RICO
Создатели: IceTeaKiwi
2301 Contemporary office - RICO Ready Mesh Info 1.3.3 Triangles Weight Texture 12,037 94.18 2048x2048 ...
251 East Ohio, Indianapolis
Создатели: ElTofu974
251 East Ohio, Indianapolis, USA. This building is a 5x9 Unique Building, to place anywhere in your downtown ! ;) - Unique ploppable building - 200 jobs - Cost Construction : 20000 Main mesh : 1822 tris, 1024 x 1024 texture Lod : 136 tris, 256 x 256 textur...
27 x H3 Office Generic Futuristic Blocks [RICO]
Создатели: Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default these assets are H3 office growables. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . -- Important -- These are 27 different H3 office growables, but they all use the same texture maps for their main mesh. Tha...
266 Summer Street
Создатели: Prosper
Office / level 1 / 3x3 / 1024x1024 / 2587 tris / LOD 256x256 / 128 tris Update 03.06.2020: New model, new textures Office / level 3 / 3x4 / 2048x2048 / 6755 tris / LOD 256x256 / 46 tris Based on commercial office at 266 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts...
27 x H3 Commercial Generic Futuristic Blocks [RICO]
Создатели: Teldaril
My workshop: Teldaril's Workshop By default these assets are H3 commercial growables. The tag is only relevant if you use the RICO mod . -- Important -- These are 27 different H3 commercial growables, but they all use the same texture maps for their main m...
2x1 Kyoto Block #2 (Lv 1 High Density Commercial)
Создатели: BachToBaroque
2nd attempt at this asset creation thingy. Getting a better understand on texture maps at least. Dimensions seems kinda off, especially the height. Oh well. Model is based on this building. 2x1 Level 1 High Density Commericial, Growable: -357 Tris main mod...
2x1 Kyoto Block #5 (Lv1 HD.Comm)
Создатели: BachToBaroque
Here you go, a building that actually relates to the title :P This was orginally intended for a corner-lot but I can't get it to work properly, frustration caught up & I decided to screw that & just make it a regular 2x1 lot. I suggest you treat these as c...
2x4 Kyoto Block #1 (Lv3 High Density Commercial)
Создатели: BachToBaroque
(03/Dec/2016): This is was my first asset. I've updated it & made some improvements. If the existing old building disappears I apologize in advance. Special thanks to Temple Of Doom a.k.a /u/kalimashookdeday for his tutorial vids. Model Stats: - 2 x 4 Grow...
2x3 Kyoto Block #3 (Lv2 Office)
Создатели: BachToBaroque
This buiding was really testing my 3d modelling skills but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it, and with the help I got over at Simtropolis forum I present to you my third asset. - 2 x 3, Level 2 Growable Office. - Main model: 1474 Tris. 1024x1024 D...
3 Commerce Square
Создатели: KingLeno
3 Commerce Square by KingLeno A midrise office building. A slightly less boring and generic 2 Commerce Square. Half the height, same amount of concrete. Triangles: 491 Texture 1024x2048 Custom LOD 40 workplaces with RICO mod. ******** If you like my assets...
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Highway
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of March 2023 (patch 1.16.1), an equivalent road has been added to Mass Transit DLC. A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way highway. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Width: 2.5 squares (20m) Speed limit: 100 The road is designed t...
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Highway with Sound Barriers
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of March 2023 (patch 1.16.1), an equivalent road has been added to Mass Transit DLC. A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way highway with sound barriers. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Sound barriers (ground level only) Width: 2....
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Road with Bus Lane
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way road with bus lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lane and bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other...
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way road with bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection. https://...
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Road with Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way road with parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection. h...
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Road with Trees
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other road...
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Road with Grass
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in my col...
3-Lane (1+2) Two-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, asymmetrical (1+2), two-way road with trolleybus wires, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Trolleybus wires Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, che...
3-Lane Highway with Wide Hatched Shoulder
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way highway with wide, hatched shoulder. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Wide shoulder with hatched markings Aligns with the Mass Transit 4-Lane Highway – so you can do your lane arithmetic in style. Width: 3.25 squar...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with bike lanes in both directions. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection....
3-Lane One-Way Road with Grass
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verge Bus bays Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you like this roa...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Bus Lane
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of March 2023 (patch 1.16.1), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: This road has bus bays, which prevent stopped buses from blocking other buses using the bus lane. A three-lane, one-way road with a bus lane, without ...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (Both Sides)
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on both sides. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collectio...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Tram Lane without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with a dedicated tram lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Dedicated tram lane Bus stop markings All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check ...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Tram Track without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with a tram track, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Tram track Bus bays and tram stop markings All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you like this road, check out ...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (One Side)
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on one side. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lane Bus bays Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you li...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Trees
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verge with trees Bus bays Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you li...
3-Lane One-Way Road without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: This road has bus bays, which prevent stopped buses from blocking other traffic. A three-lane, one-way road without parking spaces. Features: Grou...
3-Lane Two-Way Road with One-Way Tram Lane
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, two-way road with a dedicated one-way tram lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Dedicated tram lane Tram stop road markings Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 If you...
300 North LaSalle (RICO) Unique
Создатели: Crazyglueit
AD UPDATE 300 North LaSalle located in Chicago, Illinois. Scale 1:1 RICO CategoryOffice Jobs80 Plop Cost30000 Level3 More info soon... I did not create this model. This is an asset I have enjoyed and seemed abandoned. Original Creator's Asset here ...
311 South Wacker (RICO) Chicago
Создатели: Crazyglueit
311 South Wacker is located in Chicago, Illinois and completed in 1990. This 65-story building was the tallest building known by its address until 432 Park Avenue in New York City was finished in 2015. Standing at 961 ft (293m), this building is the 7th ta...
333 Commerce Street
Создатели: Opals25
About 333 Commerce Street also known as The AT&T Building or colloquially known as the Batman Building is a 617 ft (188 m), 33-story skyscraper completed in August 1994 and located in Nashville, Tennessee. The structure is designed as an office tower capab...
32 Avenue of the Americas
Создатели: Cateinum
aka AT&T Long Distance Building or 32 Sixth Avenue is a massive 27-story Art Deco skyscraper located in Tribeca neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City. History The building was designed by Ralph Walker who also designed the Western Union Building locat...
340_Onehunga Mall
Создатели: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a 340_Onehunga Mall. RICO - residential high, level 4. Type of building: RICO - Residential High. Construction cost: 12000 Color varitions: no --------------------------------------------------- 340_Oneh...
386 Wabasha St
Создатели: hamma085
This time it's a smaller office building located in Saint Paul! About the building 386 Wabasha St was a small office building that was a part of Ecolab, one of the many Fortune 500 companies headquartered out of the Twin Cities. The building was purchased ...
38m Midrise Condo 4x4
Создатели: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 1 growable high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 38m 5133 tris, LOD 128 tris 256x256, glass awning 20 tris, ...
3x4 Residential Building Yorckstraße
Создатели: jens
located in Berlin Kreuzberg Yorckstraße 81 & 82 L1-5 As always: If you like what I do, support me: Thank you very much!...
Создатели: phx254
A 3x2 low residential building level 3 inspired by an existing building at 4 Rue Viala in Avignon, France This is a wall to wall building that will work well in a European style city...
3x3C Kyoto Block #6 (Lv1 Office)
Создатели: BachToBaroque
'Tamaribuchi Heavy Manufacturing Concern' office branch & 7Eleven on the ground floor. Tamaribuchi was once a joint venture company with Matsumura Fishworks but decided to split after a sharp decline in sales worldwide over their bestselling product, Mr.Sp...
3-Lane One-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A three-lane, one-way road with trolleybus wires, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays Trolleybus wires Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 40 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanill...
4-Lane (1+3) Two-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, asymmetrical (1+3), two-way road with bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ co...
4-Lane (1+3) Two-Way Road with Grass
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, asymmetrical (1+3), two-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. ...
4-Lane (1+3) Two-Way Road with Trees
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, asymmetrical (1+3), two-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vani...
4-Lane (1+3) Two-Way Road with Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, asymmetrical (1+3), two-way road with parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. I...
4-Lane (2+2) Two-Way Highway
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of March 2023 (patch 1.16.1), an equivalent road has been added to Mass Transit DLC. A four-lane, two-way highway. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Width: 3 squares (24m) Speed limit: 100 The road is designed to blend in as much as p...
4-Lane (1+3) Two-Way Road without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, asymmetrical (1+3), two-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you like this road...
4-Lane (2+2) Two-Way Highway with Sound Barriers
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of March 2023 (patch 1.16.1), an equivalent road has been added to Mass Transit DLC. A four-lane, two-way highway with sound barriers. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Sound barriers (ground level only) Width: 3 squares (24m) Speed l...
4-Lane Avenue with Bus Lanes (without Parking)
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way avenue with bus lanes, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lanes and bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in my coll...
4-Lane Avenue with Grass (without Parking)
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way avenue with decorative grass (without parking spaces). Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other road...
4-Lane Avenue with Parking and Trees
Создатели: Delta 5-1
If vanilla isn't vanilla enough for you... This roads is identical to the vanilla avenue with trees except: The median is covered with grass instead of dirt. A four-lane, two-way avenue with parking spaces and decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elev...
4-Lane Avenue with Trees (without Parking)
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees (without parking spaces). Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass and trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out ...
4-Lane Avenue with Trolleybus Wires (without Parking)
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way avenue with trolleybus wires, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Trolleybus wires Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads ...
4-Lane Avenue without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way avenue without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection.
4-Lane One-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with bike lanes in both directions. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ col...
4-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (Both Sides)
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on both sides. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ c...
4-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (One Side)
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on one side. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lane Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you lik...
4-Lane One-Way Road with Bus Lane
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with a bus lane, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lane All vanilla style Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection. https://...
4-Lane One-Way Road with Trees
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you li...
4-Lane One-Way Road without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: Speed limit: 50 (this road) vs 40 (vanilla) This road spawns traffic lights by default. A four-lane, one-way road without parking spaces. Features...
4-Lane One-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with trolleybus wires, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Trolleybus wires Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. I...
4-Lane One-Way Road with Grass
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, one-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you like this roa...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection. https://i....
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Bus Lanes
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: Speed limit: 50 (this road) vs 40 (vanilla) This road spawns traffic lights by default. A four-lane, two-way road with bus lanes, without parking ...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Bike Lanes
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median and bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in t...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Grass
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of March 2023 (patch 1.16.1), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. A four-lane, two-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Bus Lanes
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median and bus lanes, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Bus lanes & bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, ch...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Grass
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median and decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Grass verges Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other ro...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Parking lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roa...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median and Trees
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median and decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Grass verges with trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check o...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Median without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with painted median, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Painted median Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my ...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. If you like this road...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Tram Tracks
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of November 2022 (patch 1.15.1), an equivalent road has been added to the Snowfall DLC. Notable differences: Speed limit (this road: 50, vanilla: 40) This road spawns traffic lights by default. Tram stops on this road come with road markings (as opposed...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Tram Lanes
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of November 2022 (patch 1.15.1), an equivalent road has been added to the Snowfall DLC. Notable differences: Speed limit (this road: 50, vanilla: 40) This road spawns traffic lights by default. Tram stops on this road come with road markings (as opposed...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Trees
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of March 2023 (patch 1.16.1), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. A four-lane, two-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: ...
4-Lane Two-Way Road with Trolleybus Wires
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A four-lane, two-way road with trolleybus wires, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Trolleybus wires Width: 2 squares (16m) Speed limit: 50 The road is designed to blend in as much as possible with vanilla roads. I...
400 Main St.
Создатели: Prosper
Office / level 1 / 2x3 / 1024x1024 / 2500 tris / LOD 256x256 / 36 tris Update 21.10.2020: Actual scale, new textures, more details Office / level 2 / 3x4 / 1024x1024 / 3124 tris / LOD 256x256 / 34 tris Based on 400 Main Street, Davenport Built in 1890. ...
429 Murray Street - Alexandria Tower (LA) [RICO]
Создатели: _luminou_
429 Murray Street - Alexandria Tower (LA) "This Postmodern structure stands out in Alexandria's downtown landscape due to its unique exaggerated, sculptural design, conceived by the architectural firm of Barron, Heinberg, and Brocato. The two story portion...
45° Corner Victoria
Создатели: jens
Stats: Mainmodel: 4962tris, Tex:1024² Lod:439tris, 256² Rico settings: residential lvl 3, 20 homes For better placement use Move it and for the surfaace use Surfacepainter. If you like my work any support is gratefully accepted! ...
45° Corner Riga Office
Создатели: Lost Gecko
45° corner free-placement contemporary RICO office buiding inspired from a project in Riga, Latvia. Without the RICO mod, this asset is a park witout stats. It still requires road access. Has 4 colour variations. Map theme: New Caledonia - LUT: Colorful Su...
4x4 commercial building Kurfürsten
Создатели: jens
located in Berlin Kurfürstendamm 234 L1-3 As always: If you like what I do, support me: Thank you very much!javascript:ValidateForm()...
4x4 Modern Office Tower
Создатели: engelmanna
Summary L1 Office Building Size: 4x4 Tiles Height: 60 Meters Model:2215 triangles | 1024x1024 textures Custom LOD: 112 triangles | 128x128 textures Description A modern 20 story office building. The building features 3 interlocking circular towers that fla...
4x4 Residential Building Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz
Создатели: jens
Building from Berlin Schöneberg L1 -L5...
4x4C Kyoto Block #4 (Lv2 HD.Commercial)
Создатели: BachToBaroque
I hope the black wall textures aren't too flat or too dark for some players, maybe I'm not skilled enough but I had difficulty replicating a mattish-plaster wall texture. I'd also strongly recommend using the Daylight classic Mod by Bloody Penguin, otherwi...
5-Lane (2+3) Two-Way Road with Bike Lanes
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A five-lane, asymmetrical (2+3), two-way road with bike lanes. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bike lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection. ...
5-Lane (2+3) Two-Way Road with Bus Lanes
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A five-lane, asymmetrical (2+3), two-way road with bus lanes, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lanes & bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other ...
5-Lane (2+3) Two-Way Road with Grass
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A five-lane, asymmetrical (2+3), two-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my coll...
5-Lane (2+3) Two-Way Road with Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of March 2023 (patch 1.16.1), an equivalent road has been added to Mass Transit DLC. Notable differences: Speed limit: 60 (this road) vs 50 (vanilla). This road has the exact same styling as other 2+3 Vanilla+ roads (trees, grass, bus lane, bike lane an...
5-Lane (2+3) Two-Way Road without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A five-lane, asymmetrical (2+3), two-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection. http...
5-Lane (2+3) Two-Way Road with Trees
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A five-lane, asymmetrical (2+3), two-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads...
5-Lane One-Way Road with Grass
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A five-lane, one-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection....
5-Lane One-Way Road with Parking (Both Sides)
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A five-lane, one-way road with parking spaces on both sides. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ c...
5-Lane One-Way Road without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A five-lane, one-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection....
50 N Front Street
Создатели: KingLeno
50 N Front Street by KingLeno I started working on this building as early as December 2016 and it's finally made it to the workshop. Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. Triangles 2525 ...
50s Soviet Tenement longer version [RICO]
Создатели: kowkamurka
Longer (3 doors) Soviet brick tenement, based on the real building built in the middle of 1950s on the central squere of Losinoostrovsk/Babuškin city (from 1960s is a part of Moscow as Babuškinski district). You can use Google maps to campare it with origi...
50s Soviet Tenement [RICO]
Создатели: kowkamurka
Short soviet brick tenement, based on the real building built in the middle of 1950s on the central squere of Losinoostrovsk/Babuškin city (from 1960s is a part of Moscow as Babuškinski district). You can use Google maps to campare it with original: 55.861...
55 Water Street (plaza)
Создатели: Zatline
6x10 - 55 Water Street (plaza) the 2nd part of the 55 Water Street complex, the wedge shaped building can be easily aligned with the tower, but if you however prefer it without tower you can just use it as a standalone. 55 Water Street is a 687-foot-tall (...
55 Water Street (tower)
Создатели: Zatline
7x13 - 55 Water Street (tower) the 55 Water Street complex is quite huge which is why I seperated "tower" and the "plaza" as two standalone assets, but they can be combined very easily if wanted. 55 Water Street is a 687-foot-tall (209 m) skyscraper in the...
590 Madison_growable_offv3_90M
Создатели: Reaper
590 Madison_growable_offv3_90M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
6-Lane (2+4) Two-Way Road with Grass
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, asymmetrical (2+4), two-way road with decorative grass. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my colle...
6-Lane (2+4) Two-Way Road with Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, asymmetrical (2+4), two-way road with parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collec...
6-Lane Avenue with Trees (without Parking)
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: This road has a wider median. This road's median is covered with grass instead of tilled soil. A six-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees (w...
6-Lane Avenue with Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, two-way avenue with parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection....
6-Lane (2+4) Two-Way Road without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, asymmetrical (2+4), two-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection. https...
6-Lane (2+4) Two-Way Road with Trees
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, asymmetrical (2+4), two-way road with decorative trees. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Grass verges with trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads ...
6-Lane Avenue with Grass (without Parking)
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: This road has a wider median. A six-lane, two-way avenue with decorative grass (without parking spaces). Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunn...
6-Lane Avenue with Trees and Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Median with grass and trees Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, che...
6-Lane Avenue without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of September 2022 (patch 1.15.0), an equivalent road has been added to the base game. Notable differences: This road has a wider median. A six-lane, two-way avenue without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All...
6-Lane Two-Way Road with Bus Lanes (without Parking)
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, two-way road with bus lanes, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus lanes and bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collect...
6-Lane One-Way Road without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, one-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection.
6-Lane Two-Way Road without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, two-way road without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out other roads in my collection.
60° Mixed Use Corner 112m
Создатели: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Contains only the tower, requires the base commercial model 5x5 RICO high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination assets share textures...
60° Mixed Use Corner 67m
Создатели: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Contains only the tower, requires the base commercial model 5x5 RICO high density residential assets share textures, use Loading Screen Mod to enable texture sharing 1...
60°/90° Parking Road 2L Suburban Zonable
Создатели: Urbanist
Big thanks to Badi_dea for the support and encouragement! Check out the urban version! - no grass at the sides, darker asphalt and more line markings Introduction This is a zonable 32m/4-tile wide suburban two-lane road with space for Badi_dea's parking lo...
60° Mixed Use Corner 84m
Создатели: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Pack contains a commercial base and residential tower, turn on road anarchy to plop them on top of each other. 5x5 RICO high commercial and high density residential as...
60 Degree Mixed-Use Corner
Создатели: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Modular RICO mixed-use commercial and residential pack 6x5 commercial base and residential top Mesh 1 base 1621 tris LOD 50 tris Mesh 2 top 1705 tris LOD 101 tris 1024...
650 California Street
Создатели: Jerenable
650 California Street: A 142m tall L A R G E B O X boring building from the finacial district of San Francisco to house you salary workers. Brought to you by Jerenable™ I used this building for my youtube video on modernism The look of the building says it...
70° Corner Office (RICO ready)
Создатели: Waluter
About this asset This is a modern mid-rise office building, wihich is loosely based on "Plantation Place South" in London. You need Ploppable RICO Revisited to make this asset function as intended. If you're using Ploppable RICO in conjunction with Realist...
741 St Nicholas Ave
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) Had this one in my moddingfolder for almost 2 years,... -growable (of course) -L1 office building -custombuildings -triangles: yes -textures: yes -This building is from New York -In case you dont...
60°/90° Parking Road 2L Urban Zonable
Создатели: Urbanist
Big thanks to Badi_dea for the support and encouragement! Check out the suburban version! - this road's more laid-back cousin with grass and trees at the sides, more worn-out asphalt, and less road markings. Introduction This is a zonable 32m/4-tile wide u...
785 8th Avenue NY Apartments Reworked
Создатели: Kridershot
Complete overhaul of my old asset that was created about 5 years ago. It's 785 8th or 306 W 48th avenue Apartments buildings in New-York. I found more references on the internet, especially on the roof of this building so now the model looks exactly like i...
8-Lane Avenue with Grass without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
An eight-lane, two-way avenue with decorative grass, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass 100% vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 km/h (~37 mph) If you like this road, check out ot...
8-Lane Avenue with Tram Lanes
Создатели: Delta 5-1
As of November 2022 (patch 1.15.1), an equivalent road has been added to the Snowfall DLC. Notable differences: Speed limit (this road: 60, vanilla: 50) Minor styling An eight-lane, two-way avenue with dedicated tram lanes, without parking spaces. Features...
8-Lane Avenue with Trees without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
An eight-lane, two-way avenue with decorative trees, without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Median with grass and trees 100% vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 km/h (~37 mph) If you like this road, ch...
8-Lane Avenue without Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
An eight-lane, two-way avenue without parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants 100% vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 km/h (~37 mph) If you like this road, check out other roads in the Vanilla+ collection....
81 Tiles 2
Создатели: algernon Overview A rewrite of the old '81 tiles' mod to increase performance and resolve bugs. Enables unlocking (and building on) all map tiles, not just the 25 in the middle. Includes optional Remove Need for Power Lines, Remove N...
86 weybosset street
Создатели: tomzako
ABOUT THE BUILDING Providence building on the 86 weybosset street. ABOUT THE MODEL: Main model tris 1512 LOD model tris 5 Main texture 2048x2048 LOD texture 512x512 IF YOU WANT SUPPORT ME (my mum account :D) https://i.imgur....
900 North Michigan
Создатели: honker
900 North Michigan, located on Chicago's Magnificent Mile, is the city's eighth tallest building. It clocks in at 871 feet, keeping pace with its neighbors, Water Tower Place and the John Hancock Center. This art deco revival, clad in tan marble and intric...
Ad Zenith Extra-Atmospherics
Создатели: Whipplesnoodle
So yeah... It's quite tall. 8x8 Unique. Hipoly: 2.1k tris, 2048x1024 diffuse, illumination, specular, normal and color maps. LOD: 900 tris, 512x512 (darn my shortcut methods) diffuse, illumination, specular and color maps. Uses the base template for the CO...
A Monument / EIn Monument
Создатели: Titan
!!!Deutsche Beschreibung weiter unten!!!! This is a big monument. Perfect for an old city. It's inspired by The Monument in London. Details: Footprint: 8x8 Coast: 25,000 Maintenance Coast: 2500 Workers: Uneducated: 5 Educated: 0 Well Educated: 0 High Educa...
A gaming office
Создатели: stormpony654
A gaming office by stormpony678...
ABC Offices
Создатели: DawiD
Ah... after long break, im back with this simple yet kind of cute colorful building. It's offices again... Yeah, that is still there, waiting for YOU! :| Info Model: 6317 tris Texture: 256 x 1...
Acciaio Offices [Growable]
Создатели: Terterman
Acciaio is a 22 meters office building (1x1 office Growable L3) 1039 tris on the model with (1024x1024) texture res. 26 tris Custom LOD with (256x256) texture res. hope you like it. Thanks...
6-Lane Avenue with Grass and Parking
Создатели: Delta 5-1
A six-lane, two-way avenue with decorative grass and parking spaces. Features: Ground-level, elevated and tunnel variants Parking lanes Median with grass Bus bays All vanilla style Width: 4 squares (32m) Speed limit: 60 If you like this road, check out oth...
Adam Tower ( ploppableRICO ready )
Создатели: SvenBerlin
Adam Tower by SvenBerlin This is the A´dam Tower from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The tower is about 100 meters tall. in game the plot size is 9x6 Because of all these windows I could reduce a lot of tris but finally there are : tris 12274 LOD 293 with pai...
administration building Dresden
Создатели: SvenBerlin
administration building Dresden by SvenBerlin this is an old industry building now used as a administration and commercial building, including a fitness center of the McFit company. size 8x12 cells tris 5535 LOD 216 office level 2 cost 100000 workers 120 h...
administrative building_32
Создатели: The_Ping
Информация / information administrative building Textures: objects 4 -_d,_n,_s,_a + lod_d Assembly objects 5/1/2/4/5 _d,_n,_s+ lod_d 3d Part 5/1 objects_1 tri 596 tex 1024x1024 lod 100 tex 128x128 Part 5/2 objects_2 tri 424 tex 512x1024 lod 60 tex 128x128 ...
Adamowicz offices
Создатели: Zhubathan
An armoured office building inspired by the concepts made by Adam Adamowicz for Fallout 3. The man defined a very distinctive visual personality for that game and produced many fascinating designs for both pre and post nuclear war America. This building is...
Affaria and Cavalcanti Condos
Создатели: Casia Loopy
2 growable Brazilian condos commissioned by Bastet. They share a texture, are colourable, and they can be elevated to create a security wall, and ground facilities. If you want to show appreciation with your disposable income: Paypal Donation brazil, recif...
Al Habtoor business tower 1:1 Scale ( RICO ready )
Создатели: Bibel Gurra
A 152m tall office tower located in Dubai Marina. It was opened in 2009 and has 40 floors. RICO stats: service="office" sub-service="none" level="3" workplaces="150" homes="0" construction-cost="20000" ui-category="office"> technical info : building: 892 t...
Создатели: Yosh
AlexOffices by Yosh Office and commercial building. The ground floor is occupied by retail and gastronomy. The upper floors represent office use. This is my first building based on my own architectural design. Although I used texture elements from existing...
Allcon Office (RICO)
Создатели: SZyMeX
Gdańsk Allcon Office by SZyMeX RICO compatible ...
Alcoa modular factory
Создатели: Evangeline
The rattle and the clatter of that old fast freight. This is the Alcoa modular factory created way back in 2016 by five tons of flax: Reworked to be more up to date to today's quality standar...
Altenburg station
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for further informations of the asset and how to place it! This is the modular station of Altenburg, Germany Station building and modular platforms of the Altenburg station in Thuringia, a state of Germany. First and middle platform...
Altes Museum
Создатели: felixandre.hupka
This is the Old Museum of the Berlin Museums Island. It was build by Friedrich Schinkel and finished 1830. 'Das Alte Museum' was the first museum on the island. Its also a museum ingame, has 7600 tries and a diffuse of 1024x2048, spec and normal...
Altes Stadthaus
Создатели: AmiPolizeiFunk
The Altes Stadthaus ("Old City Hall") in Berlin was designed by Ludwig Hoffmann and constructed between 1902 and 1911. The front facade is topped by a dome and bronze statue with a height of around 80m, while the main floors fill an entire city block creat...
AMA Plaza (RICO) Unique
Создатели: Crazyglueit
AMA Plaza, Located in Chicago, Illinois, next to the Chicago River. Formerly known as the IBM Plaza or IBM Building before the building was sold in 1996. Built in 1973 at 52 floors and a height of 695ft(211m). Designed by Ludwig Mies can der Rohe, a famous...
Ambulance Station (Undecorated)
Создатели: threeleggedshrew
Hey! This the undecorated version for the guys who like customise buildings with their own props. As in this is just the Fire Station building (see last image). You found my Ambulance Station - thanks for downloading & rating! This building is a mix of Bri...
Ambulance Station
Создатели: DieHardHunter
This is a small ambulance station that can provide healthcare for citizens too. It's inspired by the many volunteer and paramedic stations that you can find in small towns and rural areas. Stats: Tris: 286 Textures: 1024x1024 Model info: - Medical clinic t...
American Apartments C1 (Single Building)
Создатели: KingLeno
Ploppable RICO is essential for this asset to work properly. This is a single American apartment building. The only prop that is essential for the building is the Picketdreams white fence (which makes up the balcony). I've also uploaded the apartment compl...
American Hotel
Создатели: Epic Lurker
Enjoy your stay in this luxury hotel that is an Amsterdam landmark. It will look best placed next to a public square or park. The American Hotel first opened in 1881 at the Leidseplein in Amsterdam, but the building quickly proved too small and was replace...
American Suburban Customized 1
Создатели: Pop Smoke
American Suburbs Home #2
Создатели: DieHardHunter
This is the second house of my collection American Suburbs! These are the typical houses you can find in a wealthy american suburbs. They all have their own style but at the same time they can be used to create a very good looking and homogeneous neighborh...
American Suburbs Home #4
Создатели: DieHardHunter
Here it is another house of my new collection American Suburbs! New high quality roof textures. Many other houses are coming soon! Stay tuned! Stats: Polys 1840 Tris 1840 Edges 5520 Verts 1889 Textures: 1024x1024 LOD: auto-generated Size: 4x3 Level 3 Model...
American Suburbs Home #5
Создатели: DieHardHunter
American Suburbs Home #5 New high quality roof textures. Stats: Polys 1145 Tris 1145 Edges 3435 Verts 1000 Textures: 1024x1024 LOD: auto-generated Size: 3x4 Level 3 Model info: - READ THIS: No props/decals/vehicles/flags included. Only the building. - Mode...
American Suburbs House #6
Создатели: DieHardHunter
American Suburbs Home #6 New high quality roof textures. Stats: Polys 1024 Tris 1024 Edges 3072 Verts 1032 Textures: 1024x1024 LOD: auto-generated Size: 3x4 Level 3 Model info: - READ THIS: No props/decals/vehicles/flags included. Only the building. - Mode...
Ameritech Building (RICO) Unique
Создатели: Crazyglueit
Ameritech Building, located in Chicago, Illinois. Completed in 1965 with 31 floors at 427ft(130m). Designed by Holabird &Root. Scale - 1:1 Plot Size - 8x6 Main - Tris 2,421 / Texture 1024 / Weight 71.03 LOD - Tris 22 / Texture 512 / Weight .09 RICO Categor...
AmorePacific HQ (Remake Version)
Создатели: Jskang46
서울시 용산구 한강로동에 위치한 한국의 화장품 회사 아모레퍼시픽의 본사입니다. This is the Headquarters of AmorePacific, a Korean cosmetics company, located in Seoul Yongsan-gu. Additive Shader 모드로 조명을 구현하였습니다. 모드 사용을 권장합니다. Lighting is implemented by Additive Shader Mod. Recommend you to u...
Создатели: Reaper
AMP_Centre_growable_offv3_97M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Amsterdam Canal House Corner Row
Создатели: Lennep
Row of three Amsterdam buildings with corner piece. Level 4 residential, 3x2...
Amsterdam Central Station
Создатели: Epic Lurker
Description Travel in style with this large 6 track European Station. Platforms are covered by two large arched canopy roofs. This train station served its first passengers in Amsterdam in 1889 and today serves 260,000 passengers per day. Designed by Pierr...
Amsterdam Rijksmuseum
Создатели: Epic Lurker
The famous Amsterdam Rijksmuseum as a level 4 unique building. Add some culture to your city with this museum filled with paintings from the dutch masters! There is a fully functional pedestrian underpass through the middle of the building. 15x9 plot size....
Amsterdam Shopping Arcade
Создатели: Epic Lurker
A set of 5 commercial buildings with some old city style where you can shop protected from the elements by an arcade that covers the sidewalk. They will look at home in any european style city. The straight, corner and centerpiece buildings are growables. ...
Amsterdam classy residence
Создатели: Epic Lurker
A place where the posh people in your euro wall to wall city can live. Growable, 2 x 4 plot size, level 5 high density residential. In the back, a beautifully manicured garden is maintained by the handsomely paid staff. The rich occupants will love viewing...
Angelhearth's: L1 Office 01
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L1 Office 02
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L1 Office 03
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L1 Office 06
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L1 Office 05
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L1 Office 04
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L1 Office 07
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L1 Office 08
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L1 Office 09
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L1 Office 10
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L2 Office 01
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L1 Office 11
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L2 Office 02
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L2 Office 03
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L1 Office 12
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L2 Office 04
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L2 Office 05
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L2 Office 06
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L2 Office 07
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L2 Office 08
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L2 Office 09
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L2 Office 10
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L2 Office 11
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L2 Office 12
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L3 Office 01
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L3 Office 02
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L3 Office 03
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L3 Office 04
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L3 Office 05
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L3 Office 06
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L3 Office 07
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L3 Office 08
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L3 Office 10
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L3 Office 09
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L3 Office 11
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Angelhearth's: L3 Office 12
Создатели: Angelhearth
Converted from Cherrybear's high density commercial buildings....
Anhalter Bahnhof
Создатели: jens
Building Information: 3 Subbuildings: Part1, Part2, Glas Plattforns:5, 3 on ground, 2 underground As always: If you like what I do, support me: Thank you very much!...
Antares Tower (L3 Office Growable)
Создатели: Visu
High-density office tower. Complete with LoD model....
Aon Center (RICO) Growable
Создатели: Crazyglueit
This may be my first asset of a new series that will contain Mini-Landmark Growables. Aon Center, located in Chicago, Illinois. This modern skyscraper has 83 floors and stands at 1,136 ft(346m). At the time of its completion in 1973, this building was the ...
Angers Shop 2 [France]
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Traditional 3-storeys wall-to-wall stone town house from Angers, France. Level 5 2x2 low-density residential. 4 brightness variations on the roof. Curtains illumination textures kindly shared by Macwelshman. This is an upgraded version of Gèze's French Fla...
Aon Center Chicago (RICO) Unique
Создатели: Crazyglueit
NEW MODEL AND TEXTURE Aon Center, located in Chicago, Illinois. This modern skyscraper has 83 floors and stands at 1,136 ft(346m). At the time of its completion in 1973, this building was the tallest in Chicago and fourth tallest in the world, but it would...
Apostel Paulus Kirche
Создатели: jens
Updated Version! the Old version is broken( ) Located in Berlin-Schöneberg this gothic revival church was built in 1894 (
Apollo House
Создатели: Epic Lurker
Built just before the second world war, this office building is a rare art deco high rise in Amsterdam. A design of Dirk Roosenburg, its elegant lines earned it the nick name 'de oceaanstomer' (the ocean liner). Be sure to place it on a corner! It is a lev...
Aqua Tower (RICO) Unique
Создатели: Crazyglueit
AD UPDATE Aqua Tower, Located in Chicago, Illinois. Completed in 2009 with 87 floors and a height of 859ft (261.8m). Currently is the 10th tallest building in Chicago. Scale1:1 Size6x8 Tris ???/ Texture 1024x1024 RICO CategoryOffice Jobs65 Plop Cost30000 L...
Archiepiscopal general vicariate Paderborn
Создатели: Yosh
Archbishop General Vicariate Paderborn Administration-building from 1910. It is located in Paderborn (Germany) on the Domplatz, at the back of the cathedral. The building was built in the style of the so-called functionalism. "Form follwos function" is its...
Aris Apartments
Создатели: Tomas13TO
Aris Apartments. You need to use the Ploppable RICO Mod by AJ3D, BloodyPenguin, boformer and Tailgunner to function as intended. Otherwise it's unique building (level 2). INFO - residential-high - level 4 - 46 homes - 92 000 construction cost - 4 color var...
Architect 010 HDR 4x4 lvl 5 - RICO
Создатели: _luminou_
Architect 010 HDR 4x4 lvl 5 by luminou RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha and Illumination (no color mask) Triangles: 7.456 / 212 Weight : 65.87 / 1.91 Texture: 1024x512 / 256²...
Armitage Courtyard Apartments
Создатели: honker
The courtyard apartment - Chicago's workhorse. Based on a building very similar to the one that yours truly may or may not live in on the North Side. Tris - 9k / 200 Textures 1024² / 256² (color variations in earth tones) 4 x 6 x 12m RICO ready - 24 high d...
Arrow Plaza - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 Office
Создатели: tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Good day Cimtizens ! Loads of people still play SC4... A few ones still play SimCity 3000, and I'm one of them. I still enjoy the relative simplicity of it and the toyish and friendly look it has... I wanted to remake a growable from SC3, prepare for some ...
Armesto - Thiers Corner #1
Создатели: Gruny
ANY similarity to an actual creator (like Armesto) is PURELY coincidental. 😏 This corner building includes a Galician restaurant. Its narrow angle will be particularly suitable for two lanes at 40°. Architecture inspired by Bordeaux city In particular, you...
Art Deco classic office 8x4 RICO
Создатели: Lokon
Art Deco classic office 8x4 RICO by Lokon RICO version: Office 360 workers 8x4 size 13896 triangles (its a lot, because model is pretty big and detailed) 1024x1024 texture Custom LOD - best performance and quality Donate If you like my maps/models/mods: ht...
Art Deco Housing Pack
Создатели: Mntoes
A Collection of Five Art Deco Houses by Mntoes Included:- Building one:- Origin Brixham, Devon, UK Building two:- Origin Glouscester, Gloucestershire , UK Building three:- Origin Auckland, New Zealand. Building four:- Origin Frinton-on-Sea, Essex,UK Buildi...
Art Deco Office Tower (Growable)
Создатели: moxiecrimefighter
An Art Deco skyscraper, based off the countless number of towers in the same style found throughout New York City. 4x4 Growable Level 3 Office Building 123.4m Height 1103 Tris, Custom LOD 92 Tris...
Ashburnham Terrace
Создатели: Khrysler
Ashburnham Terrace by Khrysler Attractive Victorian brick terrace "not a row house" with some heritage and possible hidden history. Inspired by row houses can be found in Back Bay area in Boston Massachusetts. Asset Info: Growable - 1x3 - Level 4 High Dens...
Art Deco Housing Pack Two
Создатели: Mntoes
My second Collection of Five Art Deco Houses. Pack one, houses one to five can be found here:- Included Building Six :- Origin Earl Shilton, Uk Building Seven:- Origin Goring by Sea , UK Bui...
Aspin tower
Создатели: Bibel Gurra
If you like my work and want to support me; Twitter:
Art Deco Office Tower (Remixed) - Model by Koodoo25
Создатели: Leo Mystic Magic
I did not model or make the textures for this. It was created by Koodoo25 and here is the link to the original asset. Art Deco Office Tower (Growable) I asked if he could make an improved lod for the model because it looked as if he was using an auto gener...
Aspin tower - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 office scale 1:1
Создатели: Bibel Gurra
A 1:1 scale version of the 250 meters tall office/Residential building in Dubai. Aspin tower is a 60 storey tall skyscraper located in 104 Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai. technical info : building: 364 triangles and 2048x2048 texture custom LOD: 42 triangles and...
Astergea Flats 1
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Set of flats for Yuttho's excellent Astergea YouTube series.While they are inspired by an existing comtemorary project, they are meant to be sustainable futuristic mixed-use buildings. As such, they feature public terrasses/rooftop vegetable gardens. Conta...
ATL Semi Detached House #1
Создатели: BachToBaroque
American style semi detached houses based on homes in Atlanta. These are basic homes that will pretty much fit in any type of surroundings. Made a few more with slight variations as well: -ATL Semi Detached House #2 -ATL Semi Detached House #3 -ATL Semi De...
ATL Semi Detached House #2
Создатели: BachToBaroque
American style semi detached houses based on homes in Atlanta. These are basic homes that will pretty much fit in any type of surroundings. Made a few more with slight variations as well: -ATL Semi Detached House #1 -ATL Semi Detached House #3 -ATL Semi De...
ATL Semi Detached House #3
Создатели: BachToBaroque
American style semi detached houses based on homes in Atlanta. These are basic homes that will pretty much fit in any type of surroundings. Made a few more with slight variations as well: -ATL Semi Detached House #1 -ATL Semi Detached House #2 -ATL Semi De...
ATL Semi Detached House #Corner
Создатели: BachToBaroque
American style semi detached houses based on homes in Atlanta. These are basic homes that will pretty much fit in any type of surroundings. Made a few more with slight variations as well: -ATL Semi Detached House #1 -ATL Semi Detached House #2 -ATL Semi De...
Atlantic Huis (plop + RICO)
Создатели: Dutchmountain
This asset is based on the Atlantic huis (Atlantic house) apartments in Rotterdam (Netherlands). An Art-Deco style residential built between 1928 and 1930. It is my third building creation of my "Rotterdam build" series. It is a 4x3 building (U-shaped), pl...
Aus City L2 1x3 curtain wall Office
Создатели: trist14222
a 1950's Curtain wall office building with rooftop employee area, based on the Allans Building on Collins Street, Melbourne Australia...
Создатели: 听风说雨
ATT新館 by 听风说雨 1K: 这是我第一次尝试制作中型办公楼类型的资产,希望你们喜欢 这个建筑位于日本东京都港区赤板区2丁目的ATT办公楼,实际上内部还设有一个银行和一个餐厅,实际建筑规模要大于我所做的,但为了适合天际线,我做了自己的修改让它更好的适配天际线,建筑侧方开有一个地下口,实际上应该是一个地铁出入口,你可以搭配无地上建筑的地铁资产去搭配它,我就不单独做一个地下鉄的...
Aus Corner Pub -Exford Hotel
Создатели: trist14222
The Exford Hotel, a landmark pub in Chinatown, Melbourne Australia. with a license dating back to 1854, the present pub was rebuilt c. 1913, and to this day offers a traditional pub atmosphere, backpacker rooms upstairs, Indie Disco events, as well as a 24...
Aus Corner Pub- Napier Hotel
Создатели: trist14222
The Napier Hotel opposite Fitzroy Town Hall is an Edwardian pub with a classic pub interior and outdoor seating. a more quite venue for your cims quick lunchbreak pint...
Aussie Cottage L1 2x4 (Growable)
Создатели: hemeac
A 2x4 growable level 1 residential property. The trim has colour variation. You can find all of the required props in the collection above. Asset Stats: Main Mesh: 1207 Tris Custom LOD Mesh: 87 Tris Main Textures: 2048x1024* Custom LOD Texture: 64x64* Maps...
Australian City 1x3 +1x4 L1 Office
Создатели: trist14222
A 1950's tiled office building based on one on Lonsdale Street, Melbourne Australia. comes with 1x3 and 1x4 growable versions...
Australia Square tower
Создатели: Robert
Not sure what happened to the description on this one :( Anyway I have updated it to fix the auto-baked LOD with my own. Also seems like I lost the concrete and the light props at some point.. these have been restored....
Australian City 2x4 L1 Office
Создатели: trist14222
The State Savings Bank of Victoria, on the corner of Little Bourke and Swanston St, Melbourne Australia, a curtain wall mid-century office tower with modular windows...
Avent Residential
Создатели: =D= Comrade Intense
Avent Residential Variation 1 Stats: Name: Tris: Textures: Texture Size: Footprint: Level: Avent Variation 1 2957 _d , _s, _a, _n, _i 1024x1024 4x4 3 Avent Variation 1 LOD 38 _d, _s, _i 256x256 - - Search words: Avent, intense All the other variations shar...
Australian Design for Place House
Создатели: Palm'sTime
Australian Design for Place House By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Info: Type Low density residential house. Size 2 x 4 Storey & Heights 1 Storey | 4.45 M. Tris 1,082 (Main) | 117 (LOD) Texture Size 1,024 x 1,024 (Main) | 128 x 128 (LOD) Scale 1:1 RICO Ready No (...
Avenue Foch Sunken Station [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a sunken train station based on the old station of the Petite Ceinture Railway located on Avenue Foch in Paris. The surface part is a replica of the building, but due to the game limitations, the sunken part is not exactly like in rea...
Aviation club reworked
Создатели: Evangeline
When the sun goes down A retextured version of the Sunset Harbor Aviation club building that also includes a standalone decorative version. I removed the weird blue window bevels, as well as the modeled lettering, and thick staircases, and replaced the bri...
Axel Springer publishing house (ploppable RICO ready)
Создатели: SvenBerlin
Axel Springer publishing house by SvenBerlin feel free to decorate it by yourself. Axel Springer SE is the largest digital publishing house in Europe, with numerous multimedia news brands, such as Bild, Die Welt, and Fakt and more than 15,000 employees. It...
Büssing1 RICO
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot,.. -custombuilding -RICO industrial corner, no pollution (forestry) 100 jobs -3683 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, specularmap, illuminationmap 2048x1024 each) -219 triangles LOD (diffusemap, norm...
Baden-Baden Railway Station
Создатели: jens As always: If you like what I do, support me: Thank you very much!...
Создатели: AmiPolizeiFunk
The Berlin Bahntower is a 103m tall steel and glass skyscraper that looks over Potsdamer Platz and the Tiergarten in Berlin. It was designed by Helmut Jahn and completed in the year 2000. Along with its two wedge-shaped neighbors, Kollhoff Tower and Piano ...
Bajaj Biru (Indonesian Tuk Tuk)
Создатели: AhmadWalker commissioned by MZR311 Bajaj Biru (Indonesian Tuk Tuk) Vehicle vehicle located in Jakarta, Indonesia Tags: Bajaj, Jakarta, Indonesia, Ahmad Walker Asset Info There are 3 types of Bajaj, Bajaj ...
Baltic Apartments
Создатели: jorge.puerta Baltic Apartments Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 2x4 - Level 5, low density residential building, 4 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Residential Low. ...
Banco Continental - Avenida Mariscal Lopez
Создатели: Watermelon!
Banco Continental - Asunción, Paraguay I hope you liked it as much as i did! Info: 5,914 Tris Texture size 1024x2048_px Made by Watermelon! Commisioned by Bastet69, thanks for your support! Unique building ===== BANCO CONTIN...
Banco do Brasil 120° corner
Создатели: Robal
Props used: Banco do Brasil 120° corner Office building from Juiz de Fora, Brazil. It was designed by Oscar Niemeyer followi...
Banhammer Regional Office
Создатели: Koesj
This building is now RICO enabled but the mod’s not needed to enjoy it! Get the Ploppable RICO mod here and these Uniques will function just like growables. Previous update: I've redone the windows and nightlights, toned down the saturation of the colors, ...
Bank Of Skylines
Создатели: Senfkorn
Hi community, I was highly motivated to create a skyscraper these days. I wanted to realize several things, for example, a nice and contemporary shape that provides a cool looking mirror map ingame, and plenty of braces which draw the surface. During the c...
Bankhaus Wertheim
Создатели: N2J
Level 3 Office RICO This is a complete overhaul of my German Blockhouse #2. New model, new textures and now accurately scaled - which means it no longer fits the grid. The building is from Braunschweig (Brunswick), built in 1905, based on its pre WWII appe...
Barn 05 - RICO
Создатели: Beardmonkey
Barn 05 - RICO by Beardmonkey Tris: 694 Texture: 512x1024 px Tris LOD: 50 Texture LOD: 128x128 px RICO ready. RICO settings Service: industrial Sub-service: farming Level: 1 Workplaces: 2 Construction cost: 150 Growable version here: http://steamcommunity....
Basic Mid-Rise Office (RICO)
Создатели: Waluter
About this asset This is a fairly generic mid-rise office building in the style of 1970s Brutalism. You need Ploppable RICO Revisited to make this asset function as intended. If you are using Ploppable RICO in conjunction with Realistic Population 2, make ...
Baroque Buildings District Style
Создатели: Titan
With this district style you can create beautiful baroque cities. Make sure that you have downloaded all the needed assets. From time to time some more buildings will be added to enhance the variety. So stay tuned. :) Mit diesem District Style lassen sich ...
Basic Commercial & Office Lots
Создатели: BachToBaroque
For those who are missing pieces: I reuploaded the exact same unchanged files and see if that helps. If not go to your content manager and see if ALL 6 are there and ALL 6 are enabled(must enable all even though if you plan to use some, that;s how the game...
Basic Nursing Home - (4 Star) (Requires Related Mod)
Создатели: BoostHungry
This functional Nursing Home requires the SeniorCitizenCenterMod by BoostHungry to function properly. This is a basic 4 star nursing home with 45 rooms for Senior Citizens. Only Senior Citizen...
Basic Nursing Home - (2 Star) (Requires Related Mod)
Создатели: BoostHungry
This functional Nursing Home requires the SeniorCitizenCenterMod by BoostHungry to function properly. This is a basic 2 star nursing home with 40 rooms for Senior Citizens. Only Senior Citizen...
Basic Senior Citizen Residential Home (Requires Related Mod)
Создатели: BoostHungry
This functional Nursing Home requires the SeniorCitizenCenterMod by BoostHungry to function properly. This is a basic 2 star Residential Building for Senior Citizens only. This building can ho...
Bauhaus Signs
Создатели: Ronyx69
Bauhaus Signs for the Bauhaus Dessau:
Bauhaus Dessau
Создатели: Ronyx69
This asset marks the one year anniversary of my asset creation adventures. Bauhaus Dessau, Germany Walter Gropius, 1925 1925-1932: School of Design 1945: Partial destruction due to bombing 1972: First R...
BB Chase Building - Growable 2x2 Lvl3 Office
Создатели: tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Greetings Skyliners ! What do we want? Variety! When do we want it? Now ! Have you ever wondered how many buildings were in the game for certain levels and sizes ?? Take the Level 3 offices on 2x2 lots... there are TWO different buildings for this size and...
Becquerel Building
Создатели: creepyeyes
The Becquerel Building is a Level 2 1x1 office building. After spending a whole month on my last asset, I wanted to prove to myself that I could make a decent asset fairly quickly, and so I challenged myself to make this asset in a single day. I felt that ...
Создатели: jorge.puerta Bellyshops - commercial Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 3, high density commercial building, 5 floors. MixComplex B3 Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Typ...
Beneficial Financial Group Tower (RICO) Salt Lake City
Создатели: Crazyglueit Beneficial Financial Group Tower, located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Built in 1998 with 20 floors and a height of 335ft(102m). Scale - 1:1 Plot Size - 7x4 Main - Tris 4,433 / Texture 2048x1024 / Weight 23.59 LOD - Tris 370 / Te...
Beresford Hotel Glasgow, UK
Создатели: Mntoes
The Beresford Hotel Glasgow UK by mntoes The Beresford is a former hotel situated at 460 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, Scotland. It opened in 1938 to provide accommodation for those attending the city's Empire Exhibition and was often described as Glasgow's...
Berlin 135 corner RICO
Создатели: Feindbold
Use some kind of anarchy mod to prevent this building from destroying anything around it when placed. Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -custombuilding -Level 4 high residential rico building -3525 triangles (diffusemap, normalma...
Berlin Cornered Tenement Grunewald Str. L3
Создатели: jens
Level 3 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4300 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Cornered Tenement Kreuzberg L5
Создатели: jens
Level 5 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2000 triangles, building size is 4x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Firestation Rankestr.
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot,.. Facade is from the real building, the rest is "fantasy" -custombuilding -3x7 firestation -did not change any numbers from the vanilla firestation. deal with it. -3696 triangles (diffusemap, norma...
Berlin Inspired Buildings [AD district style]
Создатели: jens
Berlin Inspired Buildings. I was requested to make a district style of the Berlin Tenement Collection which now has about 105 single assets based on 25 d...
Berlin Residential Pack - L5
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -10 L5 high residential buildings -custombuildings -triangles: yes -textures: yes 1024² + 256² everything is shared, so the actual filesize that is loaded into your RAM is a...
Berlin Style Elevated Metro Station (MOM)
Создатели: JSF-1
An elevated station based on the style found in Berlin Germany. This station specifically is heavily inspired by Bülowstraße Station on the U2. Metro Overhaul Mod: This mod is mandatory for this asset. Cost to build: 15,000 Upkeep: 1,500 Size: 14x2...
Berlin Tenement Eisenacher Str. L3
Создатели: jens
Level 3 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 1500 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Tenement Prenzlauer Allee L1
Создатели: jens
Level 1 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2000 triangles, building size is 3x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berliner Dom
Создатели: felixandre.hupka
Berlin Cathedral by felixandre.hupka This is my model of the Berliner Dom. Its in education and has 250 students, 13x12. 9200 tris, 170 tris lod, 1024x2048, spec and normal. Its my first asset for this game :)...
Berliner Bauakademie - University Building
Создатели: Feindbold
"The building of the Building Academy (Bauakademie) built between 1832 and 1836 (later known as Schinkel's Bauakademie), is considered one of the forerunners of modern architecture due to its hithertofore uncommon use of red brick and the relatively stream...
Berliner Dom 2020
Создатели: AmiPolizeiFunk
The Berlin Cathedral (Berliner Dom) sits directly on the Spree river in the middle of Berlin. The first church in that location was begun in 1536. The current building was begun in 1894 and completed in 1905, but was heavily damaged in World War 2. The top...
Biała Tower
Создатели: DawiD
Own design. Bigger and smoother version of one of my buildings. I mean only the bend is simmilar, but yeah. It's 193m to the top. Tallest mast is 30m high. Pls gib money for my work :C Info Mo...
Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Создатели: _luminou_
Bibliotheque Nationale de France The Bibliothèque nationale de France (Bnf), so named since 1994, is the national library of the French Republic, inaugurated under this new name on 30 March 1995 by the President of the Republic, François Mitterrand. Heir t...
Big Ben, London
Создатели: Armesto Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London and is usually extended to refer to both the clo...
Big Office Building
Создатели: BenTracker
Big Office Unique Building L6 compatible with RICO RICO Office L3 Construction Cost: 60.000 Workplaces: 73 -------------------------------------------------------- Badajoz s.XXI inspired building View 2094 Tris / 2048 x 2048 px LOD: 432 Tris / 512 x 512px ...
Binet Business Center 2
Создатели: phx254
Second of three modules based on the Binet Business Center in Paris by AZC Architectes Can be used together with module one or by itself Mod “Move It” recommended...
Biohazard Research Center [RICO]
Создатели: _luminou_
Biohazard Research Center 75 ambulances, being able to treat 800 patients. Building with 3 parts in specific shape builds around a central staircase with a glass transparent cage. A road allows to enter directly the building (who can be equipped with a bus...
Bitexco Financial Tower
Создатели: Fly54
Standing at a height of 262.5 m, the Bitexco Financial Tower was built in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. With construction reaching completion in 2010, this building became the tallest tower in Ho Chi Minh City, second tallest in Vietnam, and 124th in the worl...
Black Snail Offices
Создатели: DawiD
My own design. Inspired by those hated by many, disgusting for some people animals. Black Snail! Its dynamic form standing in contrary to its speed of movement is what pushed me to making this odd structure. Perhaps it is as weird as animal itself, but sti...
Block Services - Algae Farm
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Algae Farm by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't f...
Blacksmith shed
Создатели: Evangeline
ride this train to roseburg oregon, now there's a town for you. A small wooden shed used by the sawmill's blacksmith to maintain and repair any logging equipment used by the lumberjacks at the mill About this asset 1024x1024 textures shared across all buil...
Block Services - Bus Terminal
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Bus Terminal by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't...
Block Services - Cemetery
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Cemetery by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't fou...
Block Services - Child Health
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Child Health by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't...
Block Services - Eldercare
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Eldercare by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't fo...
Block Services - Death
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Death by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found ...
Block Services - Electricity
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Electricity by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Entertainment
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Entertainment by Naylin PLEASE NOTE: This block is on a 1x2 area plot in order for the crowd spawn to work properly. All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rath...
Block Services - Elementary School
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Elementary School by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or ha...
Block Services - Ferry Depot
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Ferry Depot by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Fire
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Fire by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found o...
Block Services - Fish Factory
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Fish Factory by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't...
Block Services - Fish Farm
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Fish Farm by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't fo...
Block Services - Fish Market
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Fish Market by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Fishing Harbor
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Fishing Harbor by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven...
Block Services - Fishing Harbor Anchovy
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Fishing Harbor Anchovy by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset ...
Block Services - Fishing Harbor Tuna
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Fishing Harbor Tuna by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or ...
Block Services - Fishing Harbor Shellfish
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Fishing Harbor Shellfish by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asse...
Block Services - Garbage
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Garbage by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't foun...
Block Services - Fishing Salmon
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Fishing Harbor Salmon by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset o...
Block Services - Health
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Health by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found...
Block Services - High School
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - High School by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Hot Water
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Hot Water by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't fo...
Block Services - Library
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Library by Naylin *** NOT Campus DLC version *** All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either ...
Block Services - Metro Station
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Metro Station by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven'...
Block Services - Park Maintenance
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Park Maintenance by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or hav...
Block Services - Police
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Police by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found...
Block Services - Post Office
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Post Office by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Road Maintenance
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Road Maintenance by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or hav...
Block Services - Seaweed Farm
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Seaweed Farm by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't...
Block Services - Sewage
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Sewage by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found...
Block Services - University
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - University by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't f...
Block Services - Waste Process
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Waste Process by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven'...
Block Services - Waste X-fer
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Waste X-Fer by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't ...
Block Services - Water
Создатели: Naylin
Block Services - Water by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or haven't found ...
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Создатели: honker
With neighbors like the Aon Center, the Prudential buildings, and 340 on the Park, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Tower stands at the forefront of Chicago's skyline. It was originally only 33 stories tall, but after about ten years its owners built another 24 ...
Создатели: Ligne 7
BNU-Strasbourg. by Ligne 7 Bibliothèque nationale universitaire or national and universitary library is a institution of Strasbourg. Craeted in 1871-72 when Alsace becomes German again. The building is buil in 1890-1893 in the district "Neustadt". In 1918 ...
Boiler house
Создатели: Evangeline
Boy ask a whistlepunk, i dont know. A simple boilerhouse, used to generate power and provide warm water to the sawmill complex, consists out of a boiler house and a small power station About this asset 1024x1024 textures shared across all buildings. two bu...
bollard black
Создатели: Sparks
bollard black by Sparks...
Boley Building [re-upload]
Создатели: NameInvalid
Why re-upload? The last one stuck in eternal Steam automated verification. Cross all my fingers & toes this one don't stuck again... ✅ If you somehow have access to the stuck copy, only subscribe one, preferably this re-upload version. (they are exactly th...
Bonded Warehouse
Создатели: Starshall
Bonded Warehouse by Starshall Level 1 Generic Industrial growable Bonded Warehouse (4x4 lot size). Yeah, the tris got away from me a bit on this one… sorry. Check out the fourth screenshot for ‘Mesh info’. A lot of my previous industrial assets have been l...
Bonn Center
Создатели: clus
Hello all together ! :) My current upload is al litte bit different compared to the others... but I guess, you`ve already seen that. ;) As you can see, its just an ugly and boring office building ... ;) About the building: There is (was) a role model for t...
Bordeaux Corner 1
Создатели: Gruny
This corner building is inspired by the architecture of Bordeaux. Specs Level 3 high density commercial - growable Main building : tris 4646 / 107 (lod) Submeshes (shops) : 305 tris Texture - 1024x2048 | D / N / I / S / C / A Lod Texture - 128x256 | D / N ...
Bordeaux Corner 2
Создатели: Gruny
This corner building is inspired by the architecture of Bordeaux. Specs Level 3 high density commercial - growable Main building : tris 6671 / 107 (lod) Texture - 1024x2048 | D / N / I / S / C / A Lod Texture - 128x256 | D / N / I / S / C This asset don’t ...
Bordeaux Corner 3
Создатели: Gruny
A corner building from Bordeaux. Specs Level 3 high density commercial - growable Main building : tris 3755 / 109 (lod) Texture - 1024x2048 | D / N / I / S / C / A Lod Texture - 128x256 | D / N / I / S / C This asset don’t include props Suggested mods Find...
Bordeaux Flat 1 corner [France]
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Traditional 3-storeys wall-to-wall stone city flat from Bordeaux, France. Level 3 high-density commercial growable. This majestic corner building houses the Strechnitz Bank, named after my awesome Patron Strechnitz! Model main model tris: 4521textures: 102...
Bordeaux Thiers - Pack #1
Создатели: Gruny
5 different historical limestone buildings inspired from the city of Bordeaux In particular, you can vary the roofs (3 variations) using the 'Building Variations' mod Specs Level 2 low density houses - growables Texture - 2048x1024 | D / N / I / S / C (sam...
Bordeaux Narrow 1
Создатели: Gruny
This narrow building is inspired by the architecture of Bordeaux. It includes a cocktail bar (submesh). You can remove it by changing the name in game. Specs Level 3 high density commercial - growable Main building : tris 1417 / 26 (lod) Texture - 1024x204...
Boston Residence
Создатели: Senfkorn
Hi community, after some residential tests in the last few months, I made a small bundle of assets to publish. A modern looking residence and a matching semi-sunken garage. Maybe this is the beginning of a small series of residential buildings. Have some i...
Boulangerie de l'Opera
Создатели: Gruny
The Boulangerie de l'Opera is a typical french bakery with kneaded bread on site every day. Specs Commercial 1x2 - level 2 Tris 604 / 16 (lod) Texture - 512x1024 | D / I / S / C / N Lod Texture - 64x128 | D / C This asset doesn’t include props Suggested mo...
Bordeaux Flat 2 corner [France]
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Pack of 2 mirrored traditional 3-storeys stone corner flats from Bordeaux, France. Level 3 high-density commercial growable. As those buildings are part of a monumental waterfront complex with more typical and messy buildings stuck on the back, those asset...
Bourges House 1 [France]
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Traditional 2-storeys wall-to-wall plastered town house from Bourges, France. Level 4 2x3 low-density residential. Colour variations on the plaster. Narrower than 2 cells, aligns only on the right side of the footprint. Use Move It! for a complete wall-to-...
Bourges Shop 1 [France]
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Traditional 3-storeys wall-to-wall half-timbered town house from Bourges, France with a shop on the ground floor. Level 2 1x2 low-density residential. Colour variations on the rear façade planks. Narrower than a cell, aligns only on the right side of the c...
Bourges Corner Shop 1 [France]
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Traditional 4-storeys half-timbered corner town house with a restaurant on the ground floor from Bourges, France. Level 3 2x2 low-density RICO commercial corner. 4 brightness variations on the roof. The building is narrower than its footprint (8x9m out of ...
Bourges House 2 [France]
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Traditional 2-storeys wall-to-wall plastered town house from Bourges, France. Level 2 1x2 low-density residential. Colour variations on the plaster. Narrower than 1 cell, aligns only on the right side of the footprint. Use Move It! for a complete wall-to-w...
Bratke Corporate
Создатели: Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Brazilian Apartments 48m
Создатели: Smilies
Commissioned by Bastet69 4x4 high density residential 48m and 31m Brazilian assets share textures, use Loading Screen Mod to enable texture sharing 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination 4 colour variations main mesh 6666 tris LOD 111 tris 128...
Brick Condo Corner 70m
Создатели: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above high density residential building 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination 13150 tris, LOD 184 tris 256x256 asset share textures with Modular Brick Condo Se...
Brazilian Evian office
Создатели: alexvibel
This office is located in Campinas / SP. Brazil. Office R.I.C.O ready. Texture 1024x2048 Tris 1848...
brick house 1
Создатели: Sparks
retextured brick house 1 by Sparks RICO lowres lvl1 AD Original model by False Lucidity
brick house 2
Создатели: Sparks
retextured brick house 2 by Sparks Original model by False Lucidity
brick house 3
Создатели: Sparks
retextured brick house 3 by Sparks Original model by False Lucidity
Brick Office 02
Создатели: KingLeno Brick Office 02 by KingLeno 5x5 Level 2 Office with RICO Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you like my assets, consi...
Brick Office 03
Создатели: KingLeno
Brick Office 03 by KingLeno 2 x 2 level 2 Office: simple small brick office building Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter ...
Brick office building
Создатели: TRXVI$ JXCOB
A large brick building in downtown, Brick office has bult in 1970, this place is a mixed-use development for many companies and residents. Made by TRXVI$ JXCOB...
Brick Office 01
Создатели: KingLeno Brick Office by KingLeno Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you like my assets, consider showing your support by maki...
Brick Slaughterhouse
Создатели: jens
Old slaughterhouse building that also may be some kind of industrial storage building. In-game: Added as a slaughterhouse for the farming district and a generic industrial RICO bulilding. Enjoy! As always, if you like what I do, consider supporting me on: ...
Brick Street
Создатели: Urbanist
A herringbone red brick street great for small town main streets, historic neighbourhoods, new developments and anything up to your imagination. Don't want road markings? Get the unmarked suburban/residential version here! 22m Badi_dea parking lot version ...
Brick Substation (Functional)
Создатели: Spence!
A small brick building which functions as an electrical substation. A bit dilapidated and overgrown, but it will still produce some power for your city! It's just a building, without props or extra details. If you want to build a substation or transformer ...
Brick Suburban Street
Создатели: Urbanist
A herringbone red brick suburban street suitable for affluent neighbourhoods, public housing complexes and anything in between. Want it with road markings? Get the original version here! 22m Badi_dea parking lot version also in the works! Features Two-way,...
BrickSupermarketMBS [MiBrickTown]
Создатели: Sasha3261
BrickSupermarkMBS by sasha_3261 !!!Обязательно использовать PloppableRICO! Без PloppableRICO Работать не будет!!! !!! Be sure to use PloppableRICO! Without PloppableRICO will not work !!! Details: Tris : 1489 Texture : 2048x1024 _d _n _s _i Workers: 11 Par...
BrickCentreMBC [MiBrickTown]
Создатели: Sasha3261
BrickCentreMBC by sasha_3261 !!!Обязательно использовать PloppableRICO! Без PloppableRICO Работать не будет!!! !!! Be sure to use PloppableRICO! Without PloppableRICO will not work !!! Details: Tris : 1693 Texture : 2048x1024 _d _n _s _i Workers: 31 Parkin...
Broadway Centre (RICO) Salt Lake City
Создатели: Crazyglueit Broadway Centre located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Completed in 1992 with 14 floors and a height of 196ft(60m). Scale - 1:1 Plot Size - 10x7 Main - Tris 9,527 / Texture 1024 / Weight 48.91 LOD - Tris 153 / Texture 512 / Weight ...
Bronx Co-op City Tower
Создатели: Exusa
Co-op City, Bronx: Tower Building Co-op City (short for Cooperative City), located in the Baychester section of the borough of the Bronx in northeast New York City, is the largest cooperative housing development in the world. (Wikipedia) Plopable RICO buil...
Bronx Co-op City Chevron
Создатели: Exusa
Co-op City, Bronx: Chevron Building Co-op City (short for Cooperative City), located in the Baychester section of the borough of the Bronx in northeast New York City, is the largest cooperative housing development in the world. (Wikipedia) Plopable RICO bu...
Brooklynn building (2x4 growable office corner)
Создатели: Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 2x4 growable office corner. About the model The original of this building was made by Adel. You can find it here: This building was quite an oldi...
Brunswald - European Mansion #2
Создатели: DieHardHunter
I've recreated this asset in collaboration with TazerHere for his amazing YouTube series Brunswald. A small mansion, built in a typical northern european style with a nice terrace and a unique carved door. Building Tris: 4315 Textures: 1024x1024 Model info...
Brunswald - European Mansion #1
Создатели: DieHardHunter
I've recreated this asset in collaboration with TazerHere for his amazing YouTube series Brunswald. An impressive $3,800,000 mansion, built in french chateau style located in Malmo, Sweden. The property, which was built in 1912 and stands on a 1,854 acre p...
Brunswald - European Mansion #3
Создатели: DieHardHunter
I've recreated this asset in collaboration with TazerHere for his amazing YouTube series Brunswald. This magnificient villa is one of Malmö's best locations. The building, of almost 800 square meters, was erected in 1921 and here you can still meet a feeli...
Brussels House 1
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Traditional plastered wall-to-wall city house from Brussels, Belgium. 1x2 level 3 high-density residential. 4 plaster color variations Part of a collection of traditional buildings from Belgium. No props included for more freedom Map: Merchants Bay - Map t...
Brutalist Office
Создатели: The Lost Cake
Another concrete office building from Stuttgart 3x2 2817 Tris 1504 Vertices 1024x1024 Follow me on Twitter for updates on the assets i'm working on....
BTB Caisses Sociales De Monaco (Office)
Создатели: BachToBaroque
This asset is made for & part of PugGaming's 'Project Monaco'. More info here (Video) Based on the actual building located in Monaco(La Condamine). The building is not an exact replica, it has been modified to fit into the maximum 4x4 zoning. Info: - filen...
BTB Le Cirius (Office+HRes)
Создатели: BachToBaroque
This asset is made for & part of PugGaming's 'Project Monaco'. More info here (Video) Based on the actual building located in Monaco(La Condamine). The building is not an exact replica, it has been modified to fit into the maximum 4x4 zoning. Includes two ...
BTB Le Suffren (Office+HRes)
Создатели: BachToBaroque
This asset is made for & part of PugGaming's 'Project Monaco'. More info here (Video) Based on the actual building located in Monaco(La Condamine). The building is not an exact replica, it has been modified to fit into the maximum 4x4 zoning. Includes two ...
Buenos Aires Mansion
Создатели: Karnak207
Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires This french styled mansion was located in the Retiro neighborhood until the year 1992, when a suicide bombing attack destroyed the building leaving behind 29 civilians killed and 242 additional civilians injured. The buildin...
Building 05
Создатели: ilikemoney
Building 05 Building 05a Building 05b Ploppable Rico settings Type: Residential High Level: 5 Cost:1000 Work/Home count : 174 Stats Height : 118m Tris : 19751 Tris lod : 66 Texture size : 512×1024 Texture size lod : 256×256 ...
Building 06
Создатели: ilikemoney
Building 06 Ploppable Rico settings Type: Residential High Level: 5 Cost:1000 Work/Home count : 60 Stats Height : 58m Tris : 8947 Tris lod : 28 Texture size : 512×1024 Texture size lod : 512×256 ...
Building 12
Создатели: ilikemoney
Building 12 Ploppable Rico settings Type: Residential High Level: 5 Work/Home count : 16 Stats Height : 32m (105ft) Tris : 8,693 Tris lod : 87 Texture size : 1024×2048 Texture size lod : 128×128 ...
Building 13
Создатели: ilikemoney
Building 13 Ploppable Rico settings Type: Residential High Level: 4 Work/Home count : 86 Stats Height : 66m (217ft) Tris : 14,151 Tris lod : 174 Texture size : 512×1024 Texture size lod : 128×128 ...
Building 17
Создатели: ilikemoney
Building 17 Use the Repaint mod to change the color of the concrete Ploppable Rico settings Type: Office Level: 3 Work/Home count : 48 Stats Height : 26m (84ft) Tris : 10,136 Tris lod : 138 Texture size : 512×1024 ...
Building 15
Создатели: ilikemoney
Building 15 Ploppable Rico settings Type: Office Level: 3 Work/Home count : 80 Stats Height : 35m (115ft) Tris : 13,553 Tris lod : 48 Texture size : 1024×2048 ...
Building 16
Создатели: ilikemoney
Building 16 Ploppable Rico settings Type: Office Level: 3 Work/Home count : 180 Stats Height : 80m (261ft) Tris : 24,329 Tris lod : 82 Texture size : 1024×2048 ...
Building 18
Создатели: ilikemoney
Building 18 Use the Repaint mod to change the color of the windows Stats Height : 120m (194ft) Tris : 18,512 Tris lod : 108 Texture size : 512×1024 ...
Building 19
Создатели: ilikemoney
Building 19 Use the Repaint mod to change the color of the concrete Ploppable Rico settings Type: Residential High Level: 5 Work/Home count : 16 Stats Height : 54m (177ft) Tris : 23,674 Tris lod : 248 Texture size : 512×1024
Building 20
Создатели: ilikemoney
Building 20 Ploppable Rico definition Type: Residential High Level: 5 Work/Home count : 46 Stats Height : 43m (142ft) Tris : 27,676 Tris lod : 44 Texture size : 512×1024 ...
Building 19a
Создатели: ilikemoney
Building 19a Use the Repaint mod to change the color of the concrete Ploppable Rico settings Type: Residential High Level: 5 Work/Home count : 16 Stats Height : 54m (177ft) Tris : 21,086 Tris lod : 248 Texture size : 512×1024
Building Control 1.1.3
Создатели: algernon
Building anarchy and other functions When placing buildings, allows the user to select: Placement mode - such as being able to change restrictions about placing on roads, water, etc. Terrain surface - pavement, gravel, or no surface. Terrain flattening - f...
Building 23
Создатели: ilikemoney
Building 23 Ploppable Rico definition Type: Residential High Level: 5 Work/Home count : 90 Stats Height : 99m (326ft) Tris : 28,123 Tris lod : 38 Texture size : 512×1024 ...
Building of France 1
Создатели: Don B
Hello folks, If you like my work, don't forget to rate and feel free to comment, your feedbacks are very important to me. This time it's a building, you can use it in your european or french cities. In the 19th century, the Baron Haussmann, through his urb...
Buildings Around Japan (Arakawa Corner)
Создатели: stop it D
UPDATE: Added a more versatile, rectangular version as an office growable. Also made a few minor tweaks to the original model. Another piece from Arakawa City, Tokyo, less than a kilometer away from my previous "Buildings Around Japan" work. This office si...
Buildings Around Japan (Minuma Office 3)
Создатели: stop it D
A shiny office from Higashi-omiya, one I've had sitting around half finished for a while now. Perfect for suburbia and smaller wall-to-wall districts. The facade defaults to white but can be recolored. 東大宮のピカピカのオフィス、ここしばらく半完成状態で置いてあったものです。郊外や壁一面の街並みにぴったりです...
Bunbury Tower (Remastered)
Создатели: TurboCobra
A strange office building built in 1986 in Bunbury WA it's appearance has earned it the nick-name "The Milk-Carton", can't blame them :) Specs: LVL 3 Unique Building 5x5 Tris:1745 Tex:1024x512 Lod: Tris:30 Tex:512x128 Remastered to have better textures and...
Building of France 2
Создатели: Don B
Hello folks, If you like my work, don't forget to rate and feel free to comment, your feedbacks are very important to me. Another building that you can use in your european or french cities. The Art Deco movement of architecture and design appeared in Pari...
Bus-Only Road Enabler
Создатели: Delta 5-1 FAQ The Plazas & Promenades DLC added some functional bus-only roads. Do I still need this mod? 1) Are you subscribed to, and intend to use, any bus-only roads published on the Workshop before the P&P DLC release? Yes ➔ Read...
Business Park (Administration)
Создатели: Senfkorn
Hi community, working on a business park these days. The plan is to create it as a building kit with a great choice of matching buidings. All of them can get stitched easily into each other. I split this project in two parts, an administration and a labora...
Buildings Around Japan (Minuma Office)
Создатели: stop it D
A clean and bright office building to spice up a trendy neighborhood or add a little light to an aging suburban thoroughfare! This Bubble Era (?) beauty resides near Higashi-Omiya Station in the Minuma Ward of Saitama. The panoramic front windows are model...
Bussing2 RICO
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot,.. -custombuilding -RICO industrial row, no pollution (forestry) 60 jobs -1226 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, specularmap, illuminationmap 2048x1024 each) -127 triangles LOD (diffusemap, normalma...
Bussing3 RICO
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot,.. -custombuilding -RICO industrial corner, no pollution (forestry) 100 jobs -3683 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, specularmap, illuminationmap 2048x1024 each) -219 triangles LOD (diffusemap, norm...
Bussing4 RICO
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot,.. -custombuilding -RICO industrial row, no pollution (forestry) 30 jobs -894 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, specularmap, illuminationmap 2048x1024 each) -43 triangles LOD (diffusemap, normalmap,...
Butler Brothers Warehouse
Создатели: hamma085
Back at it, with more Minneapolis assets! About the building Constructed from 1906 to 1908, the Butler Brothers Warehouse was once of the largest warehouses in the country, and the largest west of Chicago (at the time). It is a takes up half of an entire c...
Bussing5 RICO
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot,.. -custombuilding -RICO industrial row, no pollution (forestry) 60 jobs -1117 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, specularmap, illuminationmap 2048x1024 each) -105 triangles LOD (diffusemap, normalma...
BVG logo
Создатели: SvenBerlin
BVG logo by SvenBerlin 3D BVG logo BVG is one of the public transportation companies in Berlin I used it for my BVG office building Berlin Thanks to Yosh for the screenshot...
BVG Office Berlin
Создатели: SvenBerlin
BVG Office Berlin by SvenBerlin This is the administrative building of the BVG. BVG is one of the public transportation companies in Berlin. I made the following settings for the ploppable RICO mod office building, level 2, 100 workers, price 120.000$ plot...
Bydgoszcz House 3x3 lvl 1
Создатели: Lichwiarz
A growable tenement from the beginning of the XX-th century, from Bydgoszcz, Poland. Size 3x3, lvl 1. Model info; Main model 2166 tris, lod 95 tris. Textures 1024x1024, lod 128x128. Avalible in some color variations. A tenement for European themes. Archite...
Cafe "Raduga"
Создатели: Cristiano Monroe
Для работы необходим RICO, иначе здание будет отображаться как достопримечательность....
Bydgoszcz House 4x2 lvl 5
Создатели: Lichwiarz
A 19-th century, growable tenement from Bydgoszcz, Poland. Size 4x2, lvl 5. Model info; Main model 2687 tris, lod 97 tris. Textures 1024x1024, lod 128x128. Designed for European themes. Architectural style is eclecticism....
Cafe Pekora (Corner Building Small 1) (Updated)
Создатели: Pekora
Description Cafe Pekora (Old name: Corner Building Small 1) is Parisian Style Small(1x1) Corner Building. Growable high density commercial. It is my first 3D work... so, not good quality...😅 It was my first 3D work. and I updated it 😏 If you like this asse...
California Plaza
Создатели: Cristolisto
California Plaza is a class A+ office building with 10 floors. Built in 1988, California Plaza is located in Walnut Creek, California in the San Francisco Bay Area. The building has seen renovations in 2002, 2014, and 2017 to include many amenities such as...
Cannstatt 45° High Residential
Создатели: The Lost Cake
A 45° corner apartment building with a restaurant at the bottom floor from Bad Cannstatt 2x2 2664 Tris 1631 Vertices 1024x1024 Includes a custom LOD with 47 tris and 128x128 textures Follow me on Twitter for updates on the assets i'm working on....
Capella Tower [RICO] Adjacent Building
Создатели: _luminou_
Capella Tower Adjacent Building This building is created to accompaigned the "Capella Tower" but can be used alone On a straight road, place the main tower at first, then place the adjacent building The design is carried out in such a way that the two buil...
Cargo Terminal Station
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot,.. -custombuilding -This was possible thanks to BloodyPenguins double track cargo station -Its a terminal station, spawning trains might clip through the building, depending on how long they are! -t...
Casimirianum, Coburg
Создатели: Titan
The Casimirianum from Coburg, Germany The Casimirianum is a high school in a splendid Renaissance building in Coburg. The school was founded in 1605 having served as such for over 400 years continous existence. This Workshop item offers the building as a h...
Cathedral of St. Peter, Bautzen
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for the best information and impressions - A video shows more than 1000 pictures. This is the Cathedral of St. Peter from Bautzen Bautzen is a regional capital with a long history - and this is its cathedral. It is a gothic hall chu...
Catherine's Gate, Brașov
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background information and guides on how to use the building. This is Catherine's Gate from Brașov Catherine's Gate (Poarta Ecaterinei) is a former city gate in the old town of Brașov, Romania. It counts as the town's only survi...
Cement Sidewalk Curb Props
Создатели: KingLeno
Cement Sidewalk Curb Props by KingLeno A set of props using the cement texture that I use in a lot of my assets. I wanted to keep the triangle count low (<170) and the surface visually flat, so they can only be minimally intersected with each other before ...
CEMIG headquarters (RICO)
Создатели: hqsouza
Built in 1984, it houses the CEMIG headquarters, the state owned energy company. The building is located in Belo Horizonte, Brazil and its real name is Edifício Julio Soares. It has 24 floors and around 96m of height. The model has a footprint of 6x5 and 3...
Cemetery Pack
Создатели: BachToBaroque
Create a more 'believable' looking cemetery / graveyard with this pack, which includes all the basic stuff you'll need. Complement this with amazing workshop items from other creators, such as decals, paths, trees, churches, statues, more wall prop varieti...
Centro Empresarial Ana Costa
Создатели: Modocero
Centro Empresarial Ana Costa, Sao Paulo, Brazil Comercial High 3x4 You can see the real building: here Asset Info Main Tris: 6.2 k Texture: 1024x2048, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, Alpha, Ilumination LOD: Tris 478 LOD Texture 512x512, Difuse, Ilumination This...
Century 21
Создатели: infinitesworld
Century 21 Realty Office by Infinitesworld Century 21 Real Estate LLC is an American real estate agent franchise company founded in 1971. The system consists of approximately 6,900 independently owned and operated franchised broker offices in 78 countries ...
CenturyLink Building (RICO) Salt Lake City
Создатели: Crazyglueit CenturyLink Building Located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Formaly Qwest Building. This office was built in 1980 with 15 floors at 209ft (64m). Scale - 1:1 Plot Size - 8x6 Main - Tris 743 / Texture 1024 / Weight 4.29 LOD - Tris 84...
CENU North Tower (RICO)
Создатели: hqsouza
Office building of São Paulo, Brazil. It's a landmark of the city. It's part of the CENU(United Nations Business Center - in portuguese) complex. The building is one of the tallest of Brazil. It has 158m and 38 floors. The model has 1790 triangles. The LOD...
Châtelaudren Shop 1 [France]
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Traditional 3-storeys wall-to-wall stone town house with a shop on the ground floor from Châtelaudren, France. Level 2 1x2 free-placement low-density RICO commercial. 4 brightness variations on the roof. The building is narrower than a cell and the front f...
Char. Palace-East passage
Создатели: tobse
Charlottenburg Palace-East passage East passage element Charlottenburg Palace (German: Schloss Charlottenburg) is the largest palace in Berlin, Germany. It is located in the Charlottenburg district of the Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf borough. The palace was ...
chengdu IFS
Создатели: 513751247
chengdu IFS by 513751247...
Chase Tower (RICO) Unique
Создатели: Crazyglueit
Chase Tower, Located in Chicago, Illinois. Completed in 1969 at 60 floors and a heights of 850ft(259m). It is the 11th tallest building in Chicago and the tallest building inside the Chicago Loop tracks. 1:1.5 Scale Version found here. For those who prefer...
Chauncy house
Создатели: Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x4 High residential corner lvl 4. About the model The Fifth building of my New England series, this building is located in Boston, Mass. After having a look in Chinatown this building st...
Chicago Savings Bank Building (lvl 3 office corner 4x2)
Создатели: Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 4x2 office lvl 3 corner. About the model First of all, you need a lvl 1 and 2 building of the same plotsize for this to grow. Here are 2 buildings for these levels: Star Trust Insurance: ...
Chimney Prop Pack
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) Titan asked for a Propversion of my Bauakademie Chimneys... so I made one. -customprops, 6 Props in total, 2 different meshes 3 different brickcolors -Triangles: triangles are so meaningless that...
Children's Hospital
Создатели: KingLeno
LeBonheur Children's Hospital is located in Memphis, TN. This building functions of course as a normal hospital, 40 ambulances, 700 pt capacity, other stats same as standard in-game hospital. Triangles (2699) Texture (1024x1024) d,i, s If you like my asset...
Chirp X Administration Building
Создатели: Ignus
Where the managers, engineers, technicians, contractors, astronauts, test subjects, genetic muta-- ahem... etc. meet and work to make space flight possible. Based heavily on the new NASA headquarter building. Model Stats: Main model: 1294 tris Main texture...
Chinese Small Office Building中式小型办公楼
Создатели: Pika今天不开心哩
中式小型办公楼 by Pika今天不开心哩 This is the first asset I made.. I really hope you can put forward some valuable suggestions to help me improve the quality of my follow-up works. Thank you for your subscription. 这是Pika制作的第一个资产 我非常希望大家能够提出一些宝贵的建议来帮助我提升后续作品的质量 感谢大家的订阅...
Chirp X Vehicle Assembly Building
Создатели: Ignus
Based on NASA's Vehicle Assembly building at Kennedy Space Center, where the Saturn V and Space Shuttle among others were prepared for their missions. Model Stats: (Main building+3 sub-buildings) Total tris: 2111 (455 LOD) Textures: 1024x1024 (x2) - 1024x5...
Chirpigroup Center
Создатели: Koesj
This building is now RICO enabled but the mod’s not needed to enjoy it! Get the Ploppable RICO mod here and these Uniques will function just like growables. Landmark Building Cost: 150,000 Upkeep: 1,280 / week Size: 8x8 units Height: 188 meters Fluff Next ...
Christmas Special Pedestrian/Shared Street
Создатели: Urbanist
Merry Christmas! Bring a touch of magic to your Cims' Christmas shopping experience with this cobblestone pedestrian/shared street lavishly decorated with festive props by Titan and MrMaison. Looking for the regular version? About Required Items This asset...
Church of Francis of Assisi Prague
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for the best information and impressions - A video shows more than 1000 pictures. This is the Church of Francis of Assisi, Prague It is a small but beautiful baroque church located directly next to the Charles Bridge in the Old Town...
Church of our lady Dresden
Создатели: Titan
This is the Church of our lady from Dresden (Germany). It is a Lutheran church. It was built in the 18th century. After the fateful night of the 13. February 1945 it chrushed down. It was rebuild in 2005 with some original stones and parts. Details: Footpr...
Church of Saint-Germain [Rennes]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: The Church of Saint-Germain was started in the XVth and finished in the XVIIth century, owns the oldest stained glass window in Rennes, France. Some facts: 1.The tower didn't originally belong to the church itself, but the city guard, hence t...
Church Office Building (RICO) Salt Lake City
Создатели: Crazyglueit
NEW MODEL - TEXTURES - LOD (5/6/17) Church Office Building, located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Main office for the LDS Church. Completed in 1972, at 28 stories, this building is the 2nd tallest in Utah at 420ft(128m). Often mis...
CimU Prop Pack
Создатели: ninjanoobslayer
Cim University Vehicle Props Are Here This prop pack will contain all the vehicles that I make to supplement the Chirper University by Bennetto Props are located in the COMMON Category. Use the More Beautification Mod to plac...
Cities Merchant Bank
Создатели: Khrysler
A corner bank building with heavenly facade and stunning ceiling height. It is based on 650 West Hastings Street ,Canadian Bank of Commerce in Vancouver, Canada (I believe it's a retail store now) I blindly started building 2x3 Level 3 corner office withou...
City Center Square
Создатели: honker
Based on an office building in downtown Kansas City. Tris - 2.7k / 600 Textures - 1024x2048 / 256² 10 x 10 x 126m RICO ready - 95 offices consider following me on Twitter or Instagram consider a small donation on Paypal request an asset at honker3d(at)gmai...
City Commons Building 2
Создатели: KingLeno
City Commons 2 by KingLeno City Commons Condos by KingLeno Triangles = 2400 Texture = 512x512 d,n,i,s Lot Size = 4 x 3 RICO Compatible...
Cities: Skylines Multiplayer (CSM) [Beta]
Создатели: xylisn
Please Note: If you have any issues or comments, Discord is the preferred feedback medium: Due to the early state of this mod, not everything works. You can see an example on what is synced on the GitHub. Cities: Skylines Multipl...
City Commons Building 3
Создатели: KingLeno
City Commons 3 by KingLeno City Commons Condos by KingLeno Triangles = 2400 Texture = 512x512 d,n,i,s Lot Size = 4 x 3 RICO Compatible If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by ma...
City Commons Condos
Создатели: KingLeno
City Commons Condos by KingLeno Triangles = 2400 Texture = 512x512 d,n,i,s Lot Size = 4 x 3 RICO Compatible If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by making small donation as a to...
City Hall - Londres [RICO]
Создатели: _luminou_
City Hall - Londres City Hall is the headquarters of the Greater London Authority (GLA), which comprises the Mayor of London and the London Assembly. It is located in Southwark, on the south bank of the River Thames near Tower Bridge. It was designed by No...
City Palace separate Wings
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background information and guides on how to use the building. This is the City Palace from Eisenach Eisenach's City Palace was finished in 1748. It's Rokoko styled facade marking the heart of the city. It is one of the more impo...
City Palace, Eisenach
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background information and guides on how to use the building. This is the City Palace from Eisenach Eisenach's City Palace was finished in 1748. It's Rokoko styled facade marking the heart of the city. It is one of the more impo...
Clocktower University Building
Создатели: Bfb Da Packman
22,689 Tris / 10.8 MB - Based on original 3D Model: Blackwell Academy by Zatline Description: The Clocktower Building was built over 100 years ago and is the original university. The annex building was added in the 1980s. It has a fairly small student capa...
Citygate Stuttgart
Создатели: The Lost Cake
A modern highrise office from Stuttgart-Mitte. 6x8 19054 Tris 12651 Vertices 512x1024 Includes a custom LOD with 65 tris and 128x128 textures RICO is recommended, otherwise it will only be a unique building. Follow me on Twitter for updates on the assets i...
Club Building
Создатели: SvenBerlin
Club Building by SvenBerlin This is a small club building requested by Chamëleon RICO settings , commercial low 2 , 30000$ , 12 workers 6X3 cells You dont need to subscribe to the light. I used it on both sides of the building....
CMSystems - Offices
Создатели: jorge.puerta CMSystems - Offices Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 3x2 - Level 3, office building, 10 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Office. -Level: 3. -Cost: $58.0...
CNA Center (RICO) Unique
Создатели: Crazyglueit
AD / RICO UPDATE CNA Center Located in Chicago, Illinois. Built in 1972 and has 44 stories(600ft/183m). This buildings color makes it an eye popper amongst the skyline. (new stats are in bold) Stats Scale1:1 Triangles1,123/866 Texture2048x2048 Weight4.03/4...
CMA CGM - Central Building [RICO]
Создатели: _luminou_
CMA CGM - Central Building Extract from the "Complexe CMA CGM", office building (17x8) Unique building level 6 Contains minimum of prop, each can so decorate it as he wishes it Triangles: 5.678 / 269 Weight: 33.63 / 1.60 Texture: 1024² / 512² Contains all ...
CMA CGM - East Building [RICO]
Создатели: _luminou_
CMA CGM - East Building Extract from the "Complexe CMA CGM", small office building (6x4) Unique building level 6 Triangles: 2.992 / 79 Weight: 30.74 / 0.84 Texture: 1024² / 512² Contains all texture and LOD files Rico settting - Service : Office level 3 - ...
Cobalt Tower
Создатели: Visu
Level-5 Unique Building - employs about 500. Complete with LoD model....
Cobblestone Lane (1-tile wide)
Создатели: Urbanist
Bring back the charm and elegance of the Old World with this delightful little cobblestone lane. This road was created at the request of Strictoaster - if you haven't checked out the awesome Nydal series, you should! Big thanks to Ronyx69 and AmiPolizeiFun...
Cobblestone Pedestrian/Shared Street
Создатели: Urbanist
UPDATE: Recommended to use Swanky Street by MrMiyagi instead It works properly Inspired by the Via Dante pedestrian street in Milan, Italy, this elegant cobblestone pedestrian / shared stree...
Cobblestone Straight Alternate
Создатели: Urbanist
Features 16m (2 tiles) wide right-of-way with 2 vehicle lanes, parking spaces and pedestrian pavement Costs $50/cell, upkeep $0.40/cell, speed limit 40 km/h Found under small roads, look for straight cobblestone road ALT icon Custom model and LOD model for...
Cobblestone Straight Small Road
Создатели: Urbanist
Custom Model and Textures + no dependencies required + better performance vs. decal props Alternate Variant Using Default Pavement Texture If you'd rather have game default sidewalks, use this:
Cobblestone Wavy Alternate
Создатели: Urbanist
Features 16m (2 tiles) wide right-of-way with 2 vehicle lanes, parking spaces and pedestrian pavement Costs $50/cell, upkeep $0.40/cell, speed limit 40 km/h Found under small roads, look for wavy cobblestone road ALT icon Custom model and LOD model for gro...
Cobblestone Wavy Small Road
Создатели: Urbanist
Custom Model and Textures + no dependencies required + better performance vs. decal props Inspired by cobblestone roads in Rome. Alternate Variant Using Default Pavement Texture If you'd rather have game default sidewalks, use this: https://steamcommunity....
College of Media & Journalism, Phoenix, AZ
Создатели: Samness
Modeled off the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism in the Downtown Phoenix campus of Arizona State University. LINK TO THE REAL BUILDING Click HERE for the custom stairwell prop that helps this asset really pop. This College is the architectural masterwo...
Colombian office 63m #2
Создатели: Robal
Colombian office 63m Ofice building from Medellin, Colombia. asset info Office growable 4x4 3lvl d,n,s,i,c, 4 100 tris / 512/2048 cutom lod commisioned by Bastet Thanks to patrons: Bonicheque Instagram Patreon Follow me on Workshop Reddit Donate with Paypa...
Colombian office 75m #1
Создатели: Robal
Colombian office 75m Ofice building from Medellin, Colombia. asset info Office growable 4x4 3lvl color map on windows d,n,s,i,c, 6000 tris / 512/2048 auto lod - game baked it well commisioned by Bastet Thanks to patrons: Bonicheque Instagram Patreon Follow...
Colorado Tower
Создатели: The Lost Cake
A highrise office building from Vaihingen, the second tallest building in Stuttgart at 73 meters Finally got around to texturing this after 6 months 4x4 4013 Tris 2490 Vertices 1024x1024 Includes a custom LOD with 82 tris and 128x128 textures Follow me on ...
Colossal Order Broadcasting (RICO Ploppable)
Создатели: BachToBaroque
Colossal Order Broadcasting or COB, is a building based on the TBS building at Wiiliams St in Atlanta, GA. Subscribe to the latest Ploppable RICO1.6(works for me) if you want this to function as an office otherwise It will be just a monument building witho...
Colson residence 12
Создатели: jorge.puerta Colson residence 12 Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 2x2 - Level 5, low density residential building, 4 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Residential Low...
Colson Residence 15
Создатели: jorge.puerta Colson Residence 15 Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 2x2 - Level 5, growable low density residential building, 5 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Reside...
Colson Residence 18
Создатели: jorge.puerta Colson Residence 18 Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 2x2 - Level 5, low density residential building, 3 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Residential Low...
Commercial Building 001
Создатели: Valex L3 9x4 Russian Commercial Building by Valex based on Trade Complex (Penza, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Columbian Steel Tank Co
Создатели: Lightfooted
The Columbian Steel Tank Company started as a one-man shop toward the end of the 19th century. The firm expanded until it became a leading manufacturer of tanks ranging from five-gallon cans to 20,000-gallon tanks. It eventualy grew to become the largest m...
Commercial Building 003
Создатели: Valex L3 2x2 Commercial Building by Valex based on Office Centre (Brno, Czech Republic). Ploppable RICO ready....
Commercial Building chausseestraße
Создатели: jens
Is a renewed building Level 1- 3 footprint: 4x4 As always: If you like what I do, support me: Thank you very much!...
commercial building Franz
Создатели: jens
fantasy building L1-3 As always: If you like what I do, support me: Thank you very much!...
Commercial Building Französische Straße
Создатели: jens
Level 1- 3 footprint: 2x2 As always: If you like what I do, support me: Thank you very much!...
Commercial Building Jägerstraße
Создатели: jens
This building is in Berlin in Jägerstraße Level 1- 3 footprint: 1x2 As always: If you like what I do, support me: Thank you very much!...
Commercial Building Scoobydoo
Создатели: jens
Level 1- 3 footprint: 2x2 As always: If you like what I do, support me: Thank you very much!...
Commercial Building Tildmann (l1-3)
Создатели: jens
This Bulding was in the Kronenstraße, Berlin As always: If you like what I do, support me: Thank you very much!...
commercial building Wallstraße
Создатели: jens L1-3 As always: If you like what I do, support me: Thank you very much!...
commercial Hotel Europa (Prague) L1-3
Создатели: jens
Lvl 1-3 As always: If you like what I do, support me: Thank you very much!...
Создатели: bennymedia
Commerzbank-Tower by bennymedia (Updated V 1.3, ready for After Dark) Building Info: 8x7 plots Level 6 unique building Construction cost : 250000 Maintenance cost : 1200 Electricity consumption : 25 Garbage: 5 Water Consum/Sewage : 10/10 Tourists High/Med/...
Community Center (ploppable RICO ready)
Создатели: Senfkorn
Hi community, for you and your cims. The Community Center. Enjoy! This asset comes without foliage (as seen in the screenshots). If you don't use Ploppable RICO, you will find this building in your Unique Building panel. Have fun! You like my assets and wa...
Complexe CMA - CGM [RICO]
Создатели: _luminou_
Complexe CMA - CGM Inspired by the real place in Marseilles (France), this complex countain 4 building. The Tower CMA CGM is the biggest high-rise office building with use of the city of Marseille. Situated in the business district Euroméditerranée and in ...
Complexe Maisonneuve (RICO)
Создатели: Crazyglueit
Complexe Maisonneuve located in Montreal, Canada. Built in 1983. This complex consists of two buildings, the National Bank Tower and 700 de La Gauchetière. 700 De La Guachetiere Plot Size -13x10 Main - Tris 580 / Texture 1024x512 / Weight 2.01 LOD - Tris 7...
Complex Office Building [RICO]
Создатели: _luminou_
Complex Office Building "Unique Building" Version of the NewYork-Presbyterian Lower Manhattan Hospital Scale 1:1 Size: 8x13 Unique building level 6 No DLC and no Mod required Contain all textures and LOD files, no color change (asset file name: Office Buil...
Compact Bike Lane Markings
Создатели: Delta 5-1
Vanilla-style bike lane markings suitable for narrow (1m wide) bike lanes. By default, the prop will only appear in the Asset Editor. Designed for Vanilla+ Roads....
Condo 41m
Создатели: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 3 4x4 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 6464 tris LOD 262 tris 128x128 glass balcony 708 tris Asset shares textures wi...
Condo 54m
Создатели: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 4 4x4 high density residential shorter version of the 73m Condo 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 5081 tris LOD 184 tris 128x128 glass balcony ...
Condo 8x5 55m
Создатели: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above This is a heavier model with a lot of tris and submeshes; might not be ideal for weaker computers or for plopping in large quantities, use at your own discretion 8x5 R...
Condo 90m
Создатели: Smilies
level 3 4x4 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 12022 tris, LOD 410 tris 256x256 All props are optional and are listed in the Modern Condo Collection, pick and choose whatever you want Assets share texture...
Conrad Seoul Hotel (RICO, 1:1)
Создатели: koxx
Conrad Seoul by bisabeols - Conrad Seoul Hotel (The International Finance Center Seoul, Korea) : Size, 10x8 / Scale, 1:1 / Unique level 3 : building height = 200 m : tris = 1579 : texture = 2048x2048px : LOD = 512x512px - RICO Compatible : Office 148 jobs ...
Construction Site LowRes L5 3x2
Создатели: Kookess
Construction Site -Low Residential Level 5, Size 3x2 -Growable and RICO Made with ArchiCAD and Blender If that one is not working for you, try the Growable only Version: Mesh Info: -Triangles:...
Consulting Tower Hannover | Hannover, Germany
Создатели: Toyota Hilux
Office Highrise from Hanover, Germany CONTAINS TWO SEPERATE BUILDINGS The smaller one is the Original. The bigger one is improved. Google Maps Tower 1 | Tris: 1460 | LOD-Tris: 165 | _d, _n, _s, _i Tower 2 | Tris: 1056 | LOD-Tris: 165 | _d, _n, _s, _i Tags:...
Container pack 5 - Small
Создатели: Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A pack of 20 ft containers including 5 variations of leasing container brands, including Geo, DUGONG, NEPTUNE, ICL, STEX and OceanBox. This asset takes advantage of random prop feature added to the asset edito...
Contemporary Apartments 2
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Pack of 4 low-density residential RICO apartment blocks: A 4-storey level 2 and a 5-storey level 3, both in red and white bricks. The balconies are sub-buildings that use the awesome semi-transparent rotor shader discovered by Ronyx69. These assets are RIC...
Contemporary Low-Rise Apartments
Создатели: nutty crunch
This modern low-rise apartment block is a four-storey residential block of flats. These apartments have a contemporary & modern style and fit a 3x3 grid. The apartments fit in almost any city, including European, American and International cities. This blo...
Contemporary Low-Rise Apartments 2
Создатели: nutty crunch
This asset is a continuation of the style I used for my previous asset, Contemporary Low-Rise Apartments (1). It is a high residential apartment block with 4 storeys, 5 households and fitting a 2x2 grid, the ground floor has a covered parking for cars whic...
Contemporary Main Street
Создатели: Urbanist
Get the bicycle lane variant too! Contemporary main street ideal for downtown/uptown/midtown revitalization projects and redeveloped docklands districts. Works best with wall-to-wall or street-facing buildings like the awesome Modern Condo collection by Sm...
Contemporary Main Street with Bicycle Lanes
Создатели: Urbanist
Get the variant without bicycle lanes too! Contemporary main street with bicycle lanes ideal for downtown/uptown/midtown revitalization projects and redeveloped docklands districts. Works best with wall-to-wall or street-facing buildings like the awesome M...
Contemporary Pedestrian Street
Создатели: Urbanist
Designed in the contemporary style of Green Cities, this street is perfect for pedestrianizing your neighbourhoods. Make your shopping districts, office parks or anywhere more walkable and add a layer of sophistication! This is the pedestrian street versio...
Cork Corner Shop 1 [Ireland]
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Traditional 4-storeys wall-to-wall corner house with shops on the ground floor from Cork, Ireland. Level 1 1x2 low-density commercial corner right. 4 colour variations on the plaster façade of the right house. Model main model tris: 1174 textures: 256x1024...
Cork Shop 1 (Ireland]
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Traditional 4-storeys wall-to-wall house with a shop on the ground floor from Cork, Ireland. Level 2 1x2 low-density commercial. Model main model tris: 567 textures: 256x1024 (diffuse-normal-specular-color-illumination) LOD tris: 33 textures: 128x128 (diff...
Cornell Village
Создатели: Prosper
RICO / Residential High / level 3 / 8x3 / 2048x2048 / 4783 tris / LOD 512x512 / 138 tris Update 17.05.2020: Actual scale, more detailed RICO / Residential High / level 4 / 10x5 / 2048x2048 / 6835 tris / LOD 256x256 / 146 tris Working underground car Park f...
Corner 120° - Thiers Corner #3
Создатели: Gruny
This building is inspired by the architecture of Bordeaux. This 120° corner uses the 'Building Variations' mod to give you the possibility to choose among 4 different roofs. Specs Level 3 low density residential - growable Main building : tris 1161 (with s...
Corner Building Office b [RICO]
Создатели: _luminou_
Corner Building Office b - CBO b Perfect Office building to use for corner, or install 4 time on 8x8 area !! Office 4x4 Level 3 Ideal to build with this another building: Collection: http://s...
Corner Building Office c [RICO]
Создатели: _luminou_
Corner Building Office c - CBO Perfect Office building to use for corner, or install 4 time on 8x8 area !! Office 4x4 Level 3 Ideal to build with this another building: http://steamcommunity....
Corner building with variations - Thiers Corner #2
Создатели: Gruny
This building is inspired by the architecture of Bordeaux. This 90° corner has its own particularity since it uses the 'Building Variations' mod to give you the possibility to choose among 4 shops for the ground floor. Specs Level 2 low density commercial ...
Corner Building Office [RICO]
Создатели: _luminou_
Corner Building Office - CBO Perfect Office building to use for corner, or install 4 time on 8x8 area !! Office 4x4 Level 3 Collection: Triangles: 1.044 / 146 Weight: 8.8 / 1.25 Texture: 1024...
Corner Flower Shop
Создатели: BachToBaroque
Trying out modeling some european style buildings. Not as easy as I thought especially when I'm not familiar with european architecture. Perhaps I should make more. Has a big empty space on the facade for those who want to place their own signs. Lot Info: ...
Corrigan Station
Создатели: Lightfooted
The 10-story building was built in 1921 by the four daughters of building contractor and real estate developer, Thomas Corrigan. Corrigan was pivotal in funding Kansas City's early street railway lines. From 1927 to 1948, the Donnelly Garment Company took ...
Cosine Building (ploppable RICO ready)
Создатели: Senfkorn
Hi community, for all curve-loving guys out there: The Cosine Office Building. Enjoy! If you don't use Ploppable RICO, you will find this building in your Unique Building panel. Have fun! You like my assets and want to support my work? That's cool! Thank y...
Council Tower, Sibiu
Создатели: Titan
The Council Tower from Sibiu, Romania The Council Tower from Sibiu is a major landmark in the romanian city. Ist base dates back to the 13th century when it was built as part of the city fortifications. ingame data: footprint: 1x3 construction costs: 31,25...
Courtyard Apartments
Создатели: KingLeno
Lot size (6 x 3) Triangles (2608) Texture (512x512) d, n,i,s LOD Triangles (45) RICO Settings - Level 2 Low Density, 20 households If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by making...
coupang logistics
Создатели: YOGURT
리코모드 사용 시 자동 적용됩니다. 산업 건물 탭에 있습니다. 쿠팡 차량 쿠팡차량 프롭형
Crain Communications Building (RICO) Unique
Создатели: Crazyglueit
Formerly known as Smurfit-Stone Building. Located at the corner of Grant Park in Chicago, Illinois. This postmodern style building was designed by Sheldon Schlegman of A. Epstein and Sons and completed in 1984. With 41 floors, a max height of 575 feet/ 175...
Couvent des Récollets [Belgium]
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Traditional monastery from Nivelles, Belgium. Level 3 unique building. Started over 2 years ago, this building from my hometown is finally finished! The foundation of this convent dates back to the 12th century, and its gothic church was built in the 16th ...
CRC (ploppable RICO ready)
Создатели: Senfkorn
Hi community, I think unity of teaching and research is the most important thing in the world. So make your city ready for the best medical care and order the Cancer Research Center. Exclusivly for your cims. If you don't use Ploppable RICO, you will find ...
Crystal Tower Madrid
Создатели: BenTracker
The Crystal Tower (Torre de Cristal) is a skyscraper in the Cuatro Torres Business Area (CTBA) in Madrid, Spain, completed in 2008. With a final height of 249 metres. More info -------------------------------------------------------- Unique Building L6 Com...
CS2 Building
Создатели: Checo Mx
Model Information Tris: 2,828 Textures: 1024 - 1024 (D – I – S - N) LOD You can search for this pack with the "Find It" mod with the name “CS2 BUILDING” and you can move it with "Move It ". This unique building is inspired by the CS2 logo, it does not come...
Cube Berlin Hauptbahnhof
Создатели: SvenBerlin
Cube Berlin Hauptbahnhof by SvenBerlin This is a replica of the Cube building close to the Berlin Hauptbahnhof (main station) Not 100% the same, but in the main parts ploppable RICO office , level 2 , 100.000$, 85 workers tris count of the building 1703 tr...
Curved Offices
Создатели: KingBob
Merry Christmas guys! This is the office just for your city. In here you will not find Dwight, Jim, Pam, Phyllis and Michael, but im sure there is office-cims just as interesting. This is actually a real-life recreation of the GNB and the 3M buildings in A...
Cunna Center - Commercial
Создатели: jorge.puerta Cunna Center - Commercial Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 2, high density commercial building, 13 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) ...
Custom Zone Mixer 2
Создатели: Klyte45 Remade in 2023 This version is just to not to break older savegames that use this mod. The new version may be or not be compatible with this zone mark Watch the...
D-I-Y Spy Agency
Создатели: AmiPolizeiFunk
Germany's Bundesnachrichtendienst (Federal Intelligence Service, or "BND" for short) just got a new massive headquarters right smack in the middle of Berlin. The complex has enough office space to fill an estimated 35 football fields, and will eventually s...
D.A. Morr Transfer Building
Создатели: Lightfooted
When David Morr's original warehouse burned down in 1904, the need for a sturdier, "Fireproof" warehouse became obvious. In 1906, D.A. Morr Transfer & Storage Co. erected their improved fireproof warehouse adjacent to the Kansas City Freightyards. The buil...
Cynth's Pearl Tower (Residential Growable)
Создатели: Cynth
Cynth's Pearl Tower (3x4 / 3x3 Residential Growable) Modern panorama skyscraper for everyone who dislikes edges :) Grows on level 5 high residential zones and takes 3x3 or 3x4 fields. Version 1.4 release - mesh overhaul - texture improvements - multi color...
daq Offices Q2
Создатели: DawiD
2nd of 5 buildings that will be created for DAQ Office Complex. All of them will have similar design, with that round/buble-like windows on some surfaces. My plan is to make: * 1 skyscraper (~200m) * 2 mid buildings (~50m) * 1 low building (~20/30m) * 1 mi...
daq Offices Q1
Создатели: DawiD
1st of 5 buildings that will be created for DAQ Office Complex. All of them will have similar design, with that round/buble-like windows on some surfaces. My plan is to make: * 1 skyscraper (~200m) * 2 middle buildings (~50m) * 1 low building (~20/30m) * 1...
DAQ Offices Q3
Создатели: DawiD
3rd of 5 buildings that will be created for DAQ Office Complex. All of them will have similar design, with that round/buble-like windows on some surfaces. My plan is to make: * 1 skyscraper (~200m) (this one is 217m) * 2 mid buildings (~50m) * 1 low buildi...
David Stott Building
Создатели: Khrysler
David Stott Bulding is one of the most iconic Art Deco skyscrapers in Detroit. It was named in honor of English-born buisinessman David E. Stott and completed in 1929. (Wikipedia) This is a level 3 corner office building so if you want this building to spa...
Data Mining Agency
Создатели: Senfkorn
Hi community, we catch every single byte and create trends and statistics from this data. From your favourite homemade hot dog chili sauce to your neighbours secret rocket construction materials, nothing can escape the critical eyes of our high-quality dat...
DAQ Offices Q4
Создатели: DawiD
4th of 5 buildings that will be created for DAQ Office Complex. Oldest of whole DAQ Offices complex. Themed to be kind of forgoten, and useless. Most likely rented to other companies for office and comercial space. My plan is to make: * 1 skyscraper (~200m...
De Hoge Dame
Создатели: Jerenable
De Hoge Dame by Jerenable The Hoge Dame is a to be build Office/residential skyscraper in Utrecht te Netherlands. The Building is part of the CU2030 Project that aims to renovate the whole station/citycenter of Utrecht. De Hoge Dame as the building is call...
De Zwarte Juffer
Создатели: Jerenable
De Zwarte Juffer by Jerenable So I commented this: ''I would be a shame if someone were to steal these and make em in a real modelling software :3'' on this video by Silvarret and here it is in all its glory. tris: yes texture: present something something...
Department of Archives
Создатели: honker
F-UCK ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a 9x12 RICO-ready office building based on one in downtown Chicago. It's over a century old, one of the oldest in the city. This is an example of the Chicago school style of architecture, with...
Создатели: Gaseous Stranger
Deutsche Bank
Создатели: bennymedia
Deutsche Bank by bennymedia (Updated V 1.3.1, ready for After Dark ) Deutsche Bank Building Info: 13x11 plots Level 5 unique building Construction cost : 300000 Maintenance cost : 1500 Electricity consumption : 30 Garbage: 5 Water Consum/Sewage : 10/10 Tou...
Desert Spring Medical Center
Создатели: DieHardHunter
Desert Spring Medical Center A small medical center/clinic inspired by southwestern architecture. It acts as the small Vanilla clinic. Building Tris: 1649 Textures: 512x1024 Model info: - Small clinic template - No color variations - game-generated LOD Don...
Deutscher Dom
Создатели: bak90
The New Church on the Gendarmenmarkt in Berlin, colloquially known as "Deutscher Dom" because of the dome on top. The original church building was constructed 1701-1708. In 1780, the tower was added in the same style as the tower of the neighbouring French...
Deutscher Dom Prop Pack
Создатели: bak90
These are some rooftop decorations for my Deutscher Dom asset. Not very detailed, but they should be OK for everything but extreme close-ups. Stats: Spire - 98 tris - 256 x 256 texture Urn - 70 tris - 256 x 256 texture Statue 1 - 73 tris - 128 x 256 textur...
Dijon House 1 [France]
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Traditional 2-storeys wall-to-wall plastered town house from Dijon, France. Level 3 1x2 low-density residential. Colour variations on the plaster. Model main model tris: 529 textures: 1024x512 (diffuse-normal-specular-color-illumination) LOD tris: 27 textu...
Dijon Shop 1 [France]
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Traditional half-timbered house with a restaurant on the ground floor from Dijon, France. Level 2 1x2 low-density commercial. Changes Most importantly: better scaling no more questionable (I mean disgustingly obnoxious) colour variations handmade LOD textu...
Dijon Shop 2 [France]
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Traditional 2-storeys wall-to-wall half-timbered town house from Dijon, France with a shop on the ground floor. Level 1 1x2 low-density commercial. Colour variations on the plaster. Model main model tris: 511 textures: 512x1024 (diffuse-normal-specular-col...
Dime Savings Bank
Создатели: Khrysler
A small Art Deco bank building apparently provides financial services to help grow local businesses and homeowners. I blindly started building 2x3 Level 3 corner office without knowing there's none in vanilla! and I found there's no building look like a ba...
Dime Savings Bank
Создатели: Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a RICO commmercial building(5x6) About the model This is my last release before my holiday. Actually heading to the USA tomorrow. :) So I was looking for something I could do in 2 weeks and...
Distribution Center Office
Создатели: KingLeno
Distribution Center Office by KingLeno Credit for the textures for this asset goes to Avanya. See this asset in game by Clicking here or the video above. If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee to show support and appreciation b...
Dnepr Train Station CRW
Создатели: targa
A small railway station is made on the basis of the Children's Railway station in Globa Park (Dnepr, Ukraine). The building of this station was built in 1936. This is exactly the train station. There is also a version of this building as a park building. G...
Distribution Center Office
Создатели: Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A small modern office building which fits with my distribution center, but can also be used by itself. Stats Level 1 office 7x6 squares Employees 20 Cost 16000 Model Tris: 732 Texture: 1024x1024 LOD Tris: 18 Textu...
DNA Building
Создатели: AhmadWalker This building was commissioned by Bastet69 Thanks for these beautiful captures! DNA Building Unique Building building located in Hagatna, Guam Tags: Guam, Hagatna, Ahmad Walker Asset Info Main...
Doctor's Office
Создатели: Senfkorn
Hi community, I wanted to create some assets with interior, because using the advantage of transparency is such a cool thing. It's a way to give Cities Skylines assets a bit more depth. I know it increases the tris count and it needs additional texture map...
Dorfkirche Altgarbsen
Создатели: jens
Lvl 2 or something As always: If you like what I do, support me: Thank you very much!...
Создатели: jorge.puerta dpstores - commercial Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 3x4 - Level 3, high density commercial building, 6 floors. MixComplex B2 Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type:...
dp - Stores & Offices
Создатели: jorge.puerta dp - Stores & Offices Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 3, high density commercial building, 18 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Commercial H...
Drakensberg Broadcasting Corporation
Создатели: Apiem
The fictional headquarters of the Drakensberg Broadcasting Corporation. This tower is entirely designed by myself and is not a recreation of any real building. Tell me what you think. Main Model Tris: 2898 Main Model Texture: 2048x2048 Lod Model Tris: 626 ...
Drosos Digital Beijing Building
Создатели: Drosovila
IRL The digital beijing building was used as a datacentre during the olympia 2008 and now serves as a museum about technology and stuff. Ingame -Based off of the "Science Center" so its a Level 5 unique building. -16x8 size The Model Main: -1600 tris -1024...
DU7C Office
Создатели: Gregor Vukasinovic
Here's a growable version of the management building of ThyssenKrupp's Bruckhausen steel plant in Duisburg, Germany, which was released yesterday. In it's real-life form, it is way too big to be a growable of course, but the way it is built, consisting of ...
DU7 Office RICO
Создатели: Gregor Vukasinovic
The management building of ThyssenKrupp's Bruckhausen steel plant in Duisburg, Germany. If you use it without having the Ploppable RICO mod installed, it will mimick the High Interest Tower stats-wise. Data Tris: 3308 (LOD:181) Textures: 1024x1024 DISCN Lo...
Dubuque Malting and Brewing Co
Создатели: Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a pack which contains the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Mill, from Dubuque Iowa. Consists of 6 seperate buildings and the full mill. Kindly comissioned by RedRabbit! These all share the same ...
Dutch Bridges
Создатели: Epic Lurker
This pack contains 3 drawbridges, a bridge deck road to use as road surface, and a bunch of props to decorate them. Requires Fine Road Anarchy. To use, first put down the bridge deck where you want to build your bridge. However, the bridge deck by itself w...
Dunder Mifflin Scranton Office
My latest asset; The office off of The Office. Be sure to check it out ASAP as possible. Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, Inc. (Stock Symbol DMI) is a fictional paper company in the television series The Office. The Scranton, Pennsylvania Branch of Dunder Mif...
DU61 High Residential
Создатели: Gregor Vukasinovic
This little building may have taken a long fall from grace, but at least it still stands – which is not all that common in the North of Duisburg where it's from. Also, I doubt whoever knocked off the windowsills has the slightest idea what tris are, but th...
Dutch Housing 02
Создатели: Accapulco
2 Dutch suburban houses. Main/LOD 500-1000 / 30-35 256x1024 Shared Texture First variant has colors but it will be white by default, use Painter to color code your neighborhoods....
Dutch Housing 03
Создатели: Accapulco
2 Dutch suburban houses. Main/LOD 800-900 / 20-30 256x1024 Shared Texture Similar buildings, one has 2nd floor on both sides with color coding set to white. Second has 2nd floor only on one side and color coding set, which you can still change with painter...
Dutch Housing 04
Создатели: Accapulco
Set of a modern style suburban housing project, 3 total with middle and L/R end pieces. Main/LOD 800-1100 / 60-80 256x1024 Texture Shared...
Dutch Housing 05
Создатели: Accapulco
Set of common sausage housing project, 3 total with middle and L/R end pieces. Main/LOD 800-1100 / 50-70 256x1024 Texture Shared...
Dutch Two-Way Residential Street in Red & Gray Brick (Tree Variant)
Создатели: Urbanist
This is the tree variant. Get the base variant too! Inspired by Dutch residential streets, this is a two-way red and gray brick street which supports pedestrian, bicycle and low car traffic, with pedestrian-friendly features such as raised table junctions ...
DUWO The Hague HS Towers
Создатели: Jerenable
DUWO The Hague HS Towers Big Boring student housing towers from The Hague Includes left and right corners, RICO if you have it. You can donate if you want to support me I am now on active on Patreon...
East 1st St Warehouses
Создатели: Lightfooted
19th century industrial warehouses located near the riverfront. Primarily used for storing goods brought by boat and barge. *NOTE* Your gravel colour will vary with the map theme you are using. Gravel shown is from Arrowhead Valley. STATS: MODEL - 692 trai...
Eastern Railways HQ Building
Создатели: Lichwiarz
Good evening! This model is based on a huge building from Bydgoszcz, Poland. According to Wiki; Designed by a Berlin- based architectural firm Gropius & Schmeiden, the construction was completed in year 1889. This huge railway HQ building represents Dutch ...
Ebony Tower Rochaverá
Создатели: hqsouza
Ebony Tower Rochaverá is an office building located in São Paulo, Brazil. It has 18 floors and 80m of height. It's part of the complex Rochaverá Corporate Towers. Also knows as Tower A. The building model has 554 triangles and the lod has less than 100. Th...
ECO Office
Создатели: Senfkorn
Hi community, in some cities you can find some nice buildings with fabric facades. I like that so much, it looks great. So I tried to make a fabric cladding using the rotor shader again. Another thing I wanted to realize was to have an asset with a bustlin...
Eco Office
Создатели: honker
Does your start-up need a new home? Is your data collecting company growing at an unwieldy rate? Are you an aspiring corporate overlord? Well look now further, because the Eco Office is the spot for you. Weighing in at 40 meters tall with a 12x8 footprint,...
Eastern State Penitentiary
Создатели: donoteat
The largest structure of any kind in the new United States when it was completed in the 1830s, Eastern State Penitentiary was a revolutionary attempt at a newer, more humane form of punishment, or penitence. It didn't work. This video represents the "as bu...
Edinburgh Row House L1 'C' 2x4
Создатели: Sir__Smeg
And here's the third - perhaps the plainest of the three, though I did add a snazzy little relief at the front. Good for space filling on the row, this house has simple iron railings and an uncluttered garden. Ah, Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, and fu...
Eco Office 2 (RICO)
Создатели: honker
Here we go again, with another boxy glass office building. Inspired by the mild success of Eco Office, this one is slimmer and taller. 5x9 units, 70 meters tall, all offices, all glass, all the time. Based off another office highrise in downtown Chicago. 1...
Edificio Tiradentes (RICO)
Создатели: hqsouza
Edificio Tiradentes The Edificio Tiradentes (Tiradentes Building) has 26 floors and about 90m high. It is located in Belo Horizonte, Brazil and it's where the offices of the state representatives of Minas Gerais are located. It is an unique building, level...
Edinburgh Town House
Создатели: Noizzer
Inspired by typical town houses found in Edinburgh, Scotland. This is my first 3D asset. If things look a little funky, that's my inexperience shining through. I would like to continue making more assets in the future however, I can't promise when this wil...
Edwin J. Roye Building
Создатели: Checo Mx Model Information Tris: 2,900 Textures: 1024 - 1024 (D-A-N-S-C-I) LOD 256x256 You can search for this pack with the "Find It" mod with the name “EJ Roye Building” and you can move it with "Move It ". The Edward J. Roye Build...
Elevated Train Station
Создатели: Vince
Elevated Train Station (16x8 - Vanilla asset, no mod required) Short description: An elevated train station you can use anywhere. Specifications: electricity: 1200 kW water: 400 m³ / week cost: 47 500 upkeep: 960 / week workers: 60 ( 12 / 18 / 24 / 6 , une...
Elevated Train Station Nußdorfer Str. (Model by Ninja_Thomek)
Создатели: boformer
Nußdorfer Straße is a station on Line U6 of the Vienna U-Bahn. It is located in the Alsergrund District. It opened in 1898. This model was created by Ninja_Thomek, the final touches and train station setup were done by me. Plot Size: 16x4 Track Height: 9m ...
Elevated Train Stop (Berlin)
Создатели: jens
model data: 3 Sub-Buildings: 1: 1929 tris LOD 164 tris 2: 222 tris Glass 3: 596 1tris LOD: 334 tris 1024² textures (d, s, a, n) Foodsize: 2x18 If you like my work any support is gratefully accepted! Thank you!...
Elevated Train Stop (Read Description pls)
Создатели: jens
Important: You will need BloodyPenguins Elevated Station Track Mod for this to be properly working otherwise they ground will rise up to the tracks and make it look like wtf. It's also not clear ...
ELVIS ctOS_Sever farm & Blume HQ (RICO)
Создатели: ELVIS
Now sub-buillding enabler is offically supported, So you don't need it Watchdogs's company Blume's CSL HQ is now available If you want to help my modding,Please Donate here!! and don't forget to rate and subscribe!! 이제 Sub-building enabler가 공식지원되서 깔 필요 없습니...
ELVIS Shinhan bank
Создатели: ELVIS
에셋 소개 신한은행은 대한민국의 은행이자 신한금융그룹의 계열사 은행입니다. 서울에 본사를 두고 있으며 여러분의 도시에 신한은행을 설치함으로서 시민들에게 금융서비스와 일자리를 제공하세요! 에셋정보 ● ELVIS Shinhan bank.crp └Tris 4,558 └lod 224 └Texture 1024x1024 256x256 총 용량 : 3.029MB 도움 신한은행은 ELVIS GAMES의 ELVIS가 제작하였습니다. 후원 엘비스 게임즈에 도움을 주고 싶으...
Elstree Building - Unique and RICO Office
Создатели: tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Greetings Skyliners ! Let me present you the Elstree Building. It's a fictional building that I named after the village of Elstree in England, best known for the Elstree Film Studios, where many famous films and television series were made. I tried to keep...
Emaar Square office #1
Создатели: Jerenable
Emaar Square office #1 by Jerenable stats building main tri: 5952 main tex: 1024*512 lod tri: 84 lod tex: 256^2 This asset uses the Plopable RICO mod and can be found in the office tab without this mod the building is an unique and can be found in that tab...
Emaar Square office #2
Создатели: Jerenable
Emaar Square office #2 by Jerenable stats building main tri: 6320 main tex: 1024*512 lod tri: 84 lod tex: 256^2 This asset uses the Plopable RICO mod and can be found in the office tab without this mod the building is an unique and can be found in that tab...
ELVIS Lotte Finance Tower (LFT)
Создатели: ELVIS
Lotte Finance Tower is the center of Lotte Group, which provides various financial services, and performs financial, insurance, and asset management tasks. In addition, there are various facilities such as commercial facilities, hotels, and convention cent...
Engine shed
Создатели: Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Daylight Classic on A purely decorative engine shed for the rail enthusiasts! This one can be placed anywhere - no road connection needed! No tracks are placed by default as their layout depends on the size of the structure....
Energy Corporation of America -Charleston/Kanawha City [RICO] ready
Создатели: eMJay
Energy Corporation of America -Charleston/Kanawha City ready Inspiration - Charleston/Kanawha City - Energy Corporation of America The grassy areas around the building are my 45deg parking curbs
Entrance for Admiral Builging 5 (Krasnodar, Russia)
Создатели: furious
Entrance for Admiral builging 5. In game: unique building. RICO: office. If you don't have RICO this building will be a monument in game without workplaces and other features. Plea...
Empty Old Platform Modules [Modular Station Project]
Создатели: Titan
This is a set of free to place modular station platforms Long awaited, now I finally was able to release them. This set includes a bunch of platforms with an old design. This design was used by the Deutsche Reichsbahn from Germany some 30-70 years ago. How...
Equanimity Tower
Создатели: Visu
Level-5 unique building supertall. This is a true skyscraper - about 1 km tall. Complete with LoD model. Employs about 600....
Equitable Insurance 45°
Создатели: jens
Stats: Mainmodel: 5662tris, Tex:1024² Lod:483tris, 256² Rico settings: Office lvl 3, 60 workplaces For better placement use Move it and for the surfaace use Surfacepainter. This is a Building from Berlin but it was destroy in WW2 If you like my work any su...
Equanimity Tower (L3 Office Growable)
Создатели: Visu
Supertall level-3 office growable. Complete with LoD model....
Eschebach Factory, Industrial (ploppable RICO)
Создатели: Titan
Modular Eschebach Factory Pack from Dresden, Germany The Eschebach complex is a former industrial factory in Dresden, Germany. Nowadays the buildings are used as offices. The buildings are provided as park in the game. You need algernon’s Ploppable RICO Re...
Euro cubehouse 1 - commercial L1
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 1 low commercial cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow hou...
Euro cubehouse 1 - commercial L2
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 2 low commercial cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow hou...
Euro cubehouse 1 - residential L1
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 1 low residential cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow ho...
Euro cubehouse 1 - residential L2
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 2 low residential cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow ho...
Euro cubehouse 2 - commercial L1
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 1 low commercial cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow hou...
Euro cubehouse 2 - commercial L2
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 2 low commercial cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow hou...
Euro cubehouse 2 - residential L1
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 1 low residential cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow ho...
Euro cubehouse 2 - residential L2
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 2 low residential cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow ho...
Euro Cubehouse 3 - commercial L1
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 1 low commercial cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow hou...
Euro Cubehouse 3 - commercial L2
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 2 low commercial cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow hou...
Euro cubehouse 3 - residential L1
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 1 low residential cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow ho...
Euro cubehouse 3 - residential L2
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 2 low residential cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow ho...
Euro cubehouse 4 - commercial L3
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 3 low commercial cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow hou...
Euro cubehouse 4 - residential L3
Создатели: Titan
A Level 3 low residential cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow houses and acutally have the same beackground - they both were built in the 1800s but t...
Euro cubehouse 5 - residential L4
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 4 low residential cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow ho...
Euro Cubehouse 5 - Residential L3
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 3 low residential cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow ho...
Euro cubehouse 6 - commercial L3
Создатели: Titan
This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow houses and acutally have the same beackground - they both were built in the 1800s but these ones here are more cubes tenemen...
Euro cubehouse 5 - commercial L3
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 3 low commercial cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow hou...
Euro Cubehouse 6 - residential L3
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 3 low residential cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow ho...
Euro cubehouse 7 - residential L3
Создатели: Titan
A Level 3 low residential cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow houses and acutally have the same beackground - they both were built in the 1800s but t...
Euro cubehouse 6 - residential L4
Создатели: Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background and historic information and some impressions A Level 4 low residential cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow ho...
Euro Cubehouse 8 - commercial L3
Создатели: Titan
A Level 3 low commercial cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow houses and acutally have the same beackground - they both were built in the 1800s but th...
Euro cubehouse 7 - commercial L3
Создатели: Titan
A Level 3 low commercial cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow houses and acutally have the same beackground - they both were built in the 1800s but th...
Euro Cubehouse 8 - residential L3
Создатели: Titan
A Level 3 low residential cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow houses and acutally have the same beackground - they both were built in the 1800s but t...
Euro Cubehouse 8 - residential L4
Создатели: Titan
A Level 4 low residential cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow houses and acutally have the same beackground - they both were built in the 1800s but t...
Euro cubehouse 7 - residential L4
Создатели: Titan
A Level 4 low residential cube house This building belongs to a set of buildings. They all are growable buildings. They can be used along with Feindbild's great eurorow houses and acutally have the same beackground - they both were built in the 1800s but t...
Euro Inner Corner - Berlin (RICO)
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -custombuilding, model and textures -Level 4 high residential ploppable building -3030 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024² each) -60 triangles LOD (diffusemap, no...
Euro Police Headquarter
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot,.. "The Mars-la-Tour-Barrack in Brunswiek is the main building of a big complex of barracks from 1892, besides a garage building, it is the only one of these, that survived the devastating airraid o...
Eurocorner 1 L1 2x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x2 Level 1 high residential cornerbuilding -525 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap...
Eurocorner 15 L3 2x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x2 Level 3 high residential cornerbuilding -2335 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationma...
Euro shops
Создатели: Lennep
Euro shops from vanilla tileset, recoloured...
Eurocorner 16 L3 2x3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x3 Level 2 high residential cornerbuilding -1128 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationma...
Eurocorner 2 L1 2x3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x3 Level 1 high residential cornerbuilding -525 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap...
Eurocorner 21 L3 3x3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -3x3 Level 3 high residential cornerbuilding -2251 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024² ea...
Eurocorner 17 L3 3x3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -3x3 Level 3 high residential cornerbuilding -4004 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024² ea...
Eurocorner 24 L4 3x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x2 Level 4 high residential corner building -1902 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationm...
Eurocorner 25 L4 3x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -3x2 Level 4 high residential corner building -1910 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationm...
Eurocorner 27 L5 3x3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -3x3 Level 5 high residential corner building -3241 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationm...
Eurocorner 28 3x3 L3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -3x3 Level 3 high residential corner building -2372 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024x512 each) -36 triangles LOD...
Eurocorner 28 L4 2x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x2 Level 4 high residential corner building -2114 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationm...
Eurocorner 29 3x3 L1 REUP
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -3x3 Level 1 low commercial building -649 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512x256 each) -22 triangles LOD (diffusema...
Eurocorner 31 3x2 L1
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -3x2 Level 1 low commercial building -588 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512x256 each) -22 triangles LOD (diffusema...
Eurocorner 3 L1 2x4
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x4 Level 1 high residential cornerbuilding -1715 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationma...
Eurocorner 34 2x2 L2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -2x2 Level 2 low commercial building -811 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512x256 each) -22 triangles LOD (diffusema...
Eurocorner 34 3x3 L4
Создатели: Feindbold
Kinda forgot to upload these alongside with the L3 versions, now you have em.. Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -3x3 Level 4 high residential corner building -2372 triangles (diffusemap, nor...
Eurocorner 38 2x4 L2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -2x4 Level 2 high residential corner building -1715 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024x512 each) -38 triangles LOD...
Eurocorner 37 2x4 L3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -2x4 Level 3 high residential corner building -2810 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024x512 each) -82 triangles LOD...
Eurocorner 5 L2 2x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x2 Level 2 high residential cornerbuilding -525 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap...
Eurocorner 6 L2 2x3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x3 Level 2 high residential cornerbuilding -525 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap...
Eurocorner 7 L2 2x4
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x4 Level 2 high residential cornerbuilding -1715 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationma...
Eurocorner 8 L2 3x3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -3x3 Level 2 high residential cornerbuilding -1794 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationma...
Europack 2 x 3x4 L5
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) Bigger filesize because it includes a mirrored version! -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -3x4 Level 5 high residential buildings -2182 triangles (diffusema...
Eurodom Osijek Croatia
Создатели: SvenBerlin
Eurodom Osijek Croatia by SvenBerlin Eurodom is a business, shopping and cultural center in Osijek, Croatia. It is named after Eurodom company, which was established in 2002. The whole complex is 85,000 m2 (910,000 sq ft) and it consists of three buildings...
Europack 2x2 + 2x4 L5
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) Bigger filesize because it includes a mirrored version! -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x2 Level 5 high residential buildings -2053 triangles (diffusema...
European 1910s Highrise Office
Создатели: The Lost Cake
A highrise office building from Stuttgart-West that was built in 1911. 4x3 7088 Tris 3826 Vertices 512x1024 Follow me on Twitter for updates on the assets i'm working on....
European Apartment Building #1
Создатели: cbudd
This is an old European building found in Osnabrück, Germany. It's location next to one of the busiest streets of the city has influenced the way this building looks. The exhaust of cars has left black stains all over the facade. Due to the noise pollution...
European School Pack - Elementary + Highschool!
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) This model is based on a School in Berlin (Bouchestr.), because the roof was bombed out and is still somewhat temporary, I reconstructed the roof plus tower based on areafootage from 1928. Pack c...
European Town House
Создатели: Lennep
A Central European style town house. Level 4 residential building on a 4x4 plot. Model obtained (free) from, textures edited and file size optimized by me. Includes colour map for the stucco facade. Subscribe to the prop dependencies if you ...
European High School (small)
Создатели: Lennep
European-style high school which used to be on the workshop and was one of my favourite buildings until it disappeared one day. Now it's back. Apparently it's from Cities in Motion 2. The only other version I could find was double sized: https://steamcommu...
European Town House 2
Создатели: Lennep
Another Central European style building. This one is a 4x2 residential building. Facade colour can be adjusted using the Painter mod. When a darker colour is selected, the facade will appear more aged and patchy. ...
European Water Tower
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -small filesize -same stats as vanilla one, but about 4 times the capacity of the vanilla water tower -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -4560 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, sp...
Eurorow 1 L1 1x1
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -1x1 Level 1 high residential building -261 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512x256 each) -...
Eurorow 10 L2 1x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -1x2 Level 2 high residential building -877 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024x...
Eurorow 11 L2 2x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x2 Level 2 high residential building -1081 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512²...
Eurorow 12 L2 2x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x2 Level 2 high residential building -1015 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512²...
Eurorow 13 L2 3x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -3x2 Level 2 high residential building -302 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512 x...
Eurorow 13 L2 3x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -3x2 Level 2 high residential building -532 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024²...
Eurorow 2 L1 1x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -1x2 Level 1 high residential building -350 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512x2...
Eurorow 26 L3 1x1
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -1x1 Level 3 high residential building -1056 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024...
Eurorow 22 L3 3x4
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -3x Level 3 high residential building -1719 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024x...
Eurorow 21 L3 2x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x2 Level 3 high residential building -1074 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024...
Eurorow 3 L1 1x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -1x2 Level 1 high residential building -877 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024x...
Eurorow 31 L3 1x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -1x2 Level 3 high residential building -1221 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024...
Eurorow 39 L4 1x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -1x2 Level 4 high residential corner building -484 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationma...
Eurorow 35 L3 3x3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -3x2 Level 3 high residential building -1360 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024...
Eurorow 4 L1 2x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x2 Level 1 high residential building -1081 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512²...
Eurorow 41 L4 3x4
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -3x4 Level 4 high residential corner building -2641 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationm...
Eurorow 45 2x2 L3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -2x2 Level 3 high residential building -1140 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024x512 each) -14 triangles LOD (diffu...
Eurorow 43 L5 3x4
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -3x4 Level 5 high residential building -2149 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024...
Eurorow 46 2x4 L3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -2x4 Level 3 high residential building -1286 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024x512 each) -92 triangles LOD (diffu...
Eurorow 45 L5 2x4
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x4 Level 5 high residential building -1746 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024...
Eurorow 5 L1 2x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x2 Level 1 high residential building -1015 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512²...
Eurorow 47 2x2 L1 REUP
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -2x2 Level 1 low commercial building -312 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512x256 each) -20 triangles LOD (diffusema...
Eurorow 52 2x2 L2 low commercial version
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x2 Level 2 low commercial building -1081 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512² e...
Eurorow 54 3x2 L2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -3x2 Level 2 low commercial building -392 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512x256 each) -30 triangles LOD (diffusema...
Eurorow 55 3x2 L2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -3x2 Level 2 low commercial building -628 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512x256 each) -14 triangles LOD (diffusema...
Eurorow 55 1x2 L3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -1x2 Level 3 high residential building -1220 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512² each) -26 triangles LOD (diffusema...
Eurorow 56 1x4 L3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -1x4 Level 3 high residential building -1516 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512² each) -67 triangles LOD (diffusema...
Eurorow 57 1x4 L3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -1x4 Level 3 high residential building -1516 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512² each) -67 triangles LOD (diffusema...
Eurorow 61 3x4 L4
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -3x4 Level 4 high residential building -2060 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024x512 each) -112 triangles LOD (diff...
Eurorow 6 L1 3x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -3x2 Level 1 high residential building -532 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024²...
Eurorow 58 1x2 L4
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -1x2 Level 4 high residential building -1220 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512² each) -26 triangles LOD (diffusema...
Eurorow 63 3x4 L4
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -3x4 Level 4 high residential building -1458 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024x512 each) -116 triangles LOD (diff...
Eurorow 65 3x2 L4
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -3x2 Level 4 high residential building -1788 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 1024x512 each) -66 triangles LOD (diffu...
Eurorow 66 1x1 lowcom L3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) No extra screenshots, this is a commercial reupload! -growable (of course) -custombuilding -1x1 Level 3 low commercial building -1056 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illu...
Eurorow 7 L1 3x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -3x2 Level 1 high residential building -302 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512 x...
Eurorow 72 3x4 L4/5
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding -3x4 L4 and L5 high residential building -Triangles: Yes -Textures: Yes -This building is from Prague I love to model buildings, if you really like my buildi...
Eurorow 70 3x4 lowcom L3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) No extra screenshots, this is a commercial reupload! -growable (of course) -custombuilding -3x4 Level 3 low commercial building -1719 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illu...
Eurorow 8 L2 1x1
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -1x1 Level 2 high residential building -261 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512x256 each) -...
Eurorow 9 L2 1x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -1x2 Level 2 high residential building -350 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationmap 512x2...
Eurorow Pack 2x2 + 2x4 L3
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuildings, model and textures done by myself -contains a 2x2 and 2x4 Level 3 high residential buildings -original facade is from Dresden 2x2: -1943 triangles (diffuse...
Expansion for Central Europe
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) This set contains high residential versions of a group of buildings, that was previously only avaible as a high/low commercial building. Not relevant for Citypainters but it will add some variety...
EverGreen Trees
Создатели: pdelmo
3 Highish Detail Trees Generic to suit most environments. If you want to donate to the pdelmo plant factory
Extra Landscaping Tools
Создатели: BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
Evolution Tower (Moscow) [RICO)
Создатели: The_Ping
thanks for the help - " ///Еurasia/// " Информация / information Многофункциональный комплекс "Эволюция" (ММДЦ Москва-Сити) 255-метровую 52-этажную Multifunctional building "Evolution" (IBC Moscow-City) 255 meters, 52 floors Расцветка Стеклянный фасад зеле...
Eurorow 40 L4 2x2
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -growable (of course) -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -2x2 Level 4 high residential corner building -1459 triangles (diffusemap, normalmap, colormap, specularmap, illuminationm...
Eystrup station/ passenger train station
Создатели: SvenBerlin
Eystrup station by Svenpotsdam Passenger train station inspiration was a model for model railways. I need a tip how I set right the pedestrian pathways for this. because i can see with more network stuff mod 4 different pathways. full length of tracks like...
Förderturm Zeche Friedrich Heinrich
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -custombuilding -Triangles: 2,1k, 50 LOD -Textures: 1024x1024, 256x256 LOD texture -RICO: Ore section, 100 Jobs -Find it: Search for "Turm" -this building is from Kamp-Lintfort I love to model bu...
EZB / European Central Bank
Создатели: bennymedia
EZB by bennymedia (Updated V 1.1, ready for After Dark) EZB / European Central Bank Building Info: 12x12 plots Level 6 unique building Construction cost : 250000 Maintenance cost : 1200 Electricity consumption : 40 Garbage: 8 Water Consum/Sewage : 10/10 To...
Förderturm Radbod V RICO coal mine
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -custombuilding -Triangles: 5,9k, 223 LOD -Textures: 1024x1024, 256x256 LOD texture -RICO: Ore section, 100 Jobs -Find it: Search for "Turm" I love to model buildings but it takes a lot of time, ...
Faculty Building (University)
Создатели: Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a university building. About the model Some people requested a few more buildings for a campus in the comments of Jubilee Hall. Since it was only a minor effort to cut the original up and r...
Faculty Library (Campus life)
Создатели: Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a university Library building. Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to see new releases and upcoming work visit my patreon page https://i.imgur.c...
Family Medicine [CLINIC]
Создатели: DieHardHunter
This asset is intended to be a small clinic for rural towns and villages. It's mainly inspired by the Sage Creek Family Medicine building. With this asset I've tried to use a smaller size for the texture maps (512x512 instead of 1024x1024, as I usually do)...
Farm Shed 01
Создатели: Beardmonkey
Farm Shed 01 by Beardmonkey Tris: 142 Texture: 512x1024 px LOD tris: 40 LOD texture: 64x64 px Use the mod Painter by TPB to change the color of the asset: If you like this asset make sure to...
Federal Office Building (90 Church Street, Manhattan)
Создатели: honker
Based on 90 Church Street, the Federal Office Building of lower Manhattan, a 1935 neo-classical monolith that now stands in the shadow of the new World Trade buildings. It serves as a massive post office and was closed for 3 years because of pervasive stru...
Federation Hall
Создатели: Robert
Surrounding the southern side of the Grosvenor Place tower are three heritage listed buildings - Federation Hall, Royal Naval House (collectively occupied by the Sydney Futures Exchange) and the Johnson's Building Group (now The Morrison Bar and Oyster Roo...
Feluy House 1 [Belgium]
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Traditional stone and brick village house from Feluy, Belgium. 1x1 level 2 low-density residential. 4 brightness variations on the roof. This asset has been updated on the 22nd of May 2020. Since the file name is different from the original one, the asset ...
Ferry Building Prop Pack
Создатели: Armesto Ferry Building Prop Pack Required pack of props required for the soon to be uploaded Ferry Building versions, San Francisco (California, USA) Includes: Moving c...
Создатели: stm91
FerraResidentalTower_Lv5 4x2 by stm91 PolyCount ~5500...
Создатели: DawiD
My own design. Based of Fibonacci 1,1,2,3,5,8,etc. math figure. Can be a standalone building, in rows or in a corrner of a street. Pls help me out :C Info Model: 1614 tris Texture: 1024 x 1024...
Ferry Building, 1907
Создатели: Armesto Ferry Building, San Francisco, CA (USA) This version shows the building as it was in 1907, after the damage caused by the earthquake was restored Only includes ...
Find It! 2
Создатели: sway
This mod allows you to search, filter, select, and place assets. It also provides some extra info that are usually not available in vanilla game. Unsubscribe the BETA version before you use this mod! This mod was forked from...
Figueroa at Wilshire, L.A. 1:1
Создатели: Pirazel
Figueroa at Wilshire, Los Angeles, California What a great example of postmodern architecture. Unlike international style this office tower has a distinctive base, shaft and crown. Notice the turquoise facade elements. Very typical color for the late 80’s....
Fine Arts Museum (High School)
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is the building of the Museum of Fine Arts from Rennes, France. I've made it into a high school in game because I think it will have more use than a landmark which we have plenty of on the workshop already. You can use this building as a...
First Bank of the United States
Создатели: donoteat
The First Bank of the United States was the first attempt at central banking in the United States, as its name implies. Chartered in 1791 for a term of 20 years, the First Bank regulated banking and currency in the recently formed nation. Though successful...
FLEX Modern Office
Создатели: cbudd
This is a close copy of the "FLEX Office", finished in early 2020. The real building offers collaborative spaces for multiple companies. A picture of the original building is included above. Ingame, you can plop it as a unique building, with RICO supported...
Floyd Residence - Growable 4x3 Lvl4 H residential
Создатели: tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NEW! Updated with night lights! Add (some) variety to your Level4 residential neighbourhoods... with the Floyd Residence The residence is a 10 floors - 40 meters tall habitation building, it has been designed to fit well into the existing ingame buildings ...
Flinders Street Station by Bad Peanut
Создатели: BadPeanut
A recreation of Flinders Street Station located in Melbourne, Australia as of Dec 2016. By BadPeanut. I hope you all appreciate the difficulty of balancing triangle count and detail. I think i did alright :) I would still recommend using multi track enable...
First Skyline Bank
Создатели: KingLeno
First Skyline Bank by KingLeno To see this asset in-game, check out the video above or just click here! Level 2 Office with RICO settings Lot size: 6x6 Triangles: 542 Texture: 2048* d,n,s,i Custom LOD 48 triangles, 512x256 If you like my assets, consider b...
Focus Apartments Gold Coast
Создатели: TurboCobra
The Focus Apartment building is a residential tower built in 1976, in Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast. It was the tallest building in the city at the time and stands ~103m tall. 5x4 lvl 3 unique (as always lol) Specs: Tris: 17,544 (its round and has balconies...
Forluz Building (RICO)
Создатели: hqsouza
Tallest building of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. It is the headquarters of the state-owned energy company CEMIG. The building has 130m, with 27 floors. Model has 2018 triangles. The LOD has less than 100. It is located in unique buildings level 6. 29/08/2015: T...
Forest Brush Revisited v1.4.10
Создатели: Sleepy Features Forest Brush lets you paint realistic and varied forest, grasslands, gardens or just patches of plants with ease and convenience. Background This is an update to the amazing Forest Brush mod by TPB. Unfortunately he...
Foster Tower Madrid (Red)
Создатели: BenTracker
Foster Tower Madrid (Red Lights) > > > White Lights Version Foster Tower is a skyscraper located in the Cuatro Torres Business Area in Madrid, Spain. With a height of 248.3 m (815 ft) and 45 floors. Other names: Torre Repsol, Torre Caja Madrid, Torre Banki...
Foster Tower Madrid (White)
Создатели: BenTracker
Foster Tower Madrid (White Lights) > > > Red Lights Version Foster Tower is a skyscraper located in the Cuatro Torres Business Area in Madrid, Spain. With a height of 248.3 m (815 ft) and 45 floors. Other names: Torre Repsol, Torre Caja Madrid, Torre Banki...
Freitagh building (2x4 growable office corner)
Создатели: Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 2x4 office lvl 3 building based on the The John Wolfe building. The Freitagh building in Sim City was inspired by the real life John Wolfe building. You will need a lvl 1 and 2 of the same size in your buildin...
French Classic Houses 1
Создатели: cbudd
Continuing my series of assets from Brittany, I am proud to present to you the first pack of classic French style houses that I found in Morlaix, France. No clue how old these houses would be, all I know is that they are quite pretty. This marks the beginn...
French Corner Pack
Создатели: Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -custombuildings -street decoration not included -contains 2 buildings, main + mirror -first building to feature the new standard for roof quality, im sure many will follow, Kappa -Triangles: 6,4...
French Elevated Station [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a metro (in game - train) station based on stations found on the overground part of Line 6 of Parisian Metro. Modelled mainly after Sevres - Lecourbe station and adjusted in size to CSL standards. Additional informations: Main model: ...
French Flat 001 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a typical French flat. Additional informations: Main model: 1163 tris; 1024x1024 LOD model: 156 tris; 256x256 Template used: Growable; 1x2 Level 1 High Residential (Blockhouse) I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated...
French Fire Station [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a fire station based on what you could find in Paris. The entrance textures I used come from a real building, but the rest is fictive. I will recreate a real one in the future. Fire trucks spawn in a wall next to the entrance, but I c...
French Flat 002 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a typical French flat. Additional informations: Main model: 1199 tris; 1024x1024 LOD model: 103 tris; 256x256 Template used: Growable; 1x2 Level 1 High Residential (Blockhouse) I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated...
French Flat 004 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a typical small French flat. Additional informations: Main model: 3837 tris LOD model: 161 tris Template used: Growable; 2x2 Level 1 High Residential (Blockhouse) I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le...
French Flat 003 [Angers]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a typical small French flat. Additional informations: Main model: 1369 tris; 512x1024 LOD model: 71 tris; 128x256 Template used: Growable; 1x2 Level 1 High Residential (Blockhouse) I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay upd...
French Flat 005 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a typical small French flat. Additional informations: Main model: 2322 tris LOD model: 74 tris Template used: Growable; 2x1 Level 1 High Residential (Blockhouse) I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le ...
French Flat 006 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a typical small French flat. Additional informations: Main model: 2672 tris LOD model: 158 tris Template used: Growable; 2x3 Level 1 High Residential (Blockhouse) I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le...
French Flat 007 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a typical small French flat. Additional informations: Main model: 5657 tris LOD model: 210 tris Template used: Ploppable Landmark; Free placement (But you need Move It mod); 3x3; Has green and blue restautant variants I will be making...
French Flat 008 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a typical small French flat. Additional informations: Main model: 1733 tris LOD model: 144 tris Template used: Growable; 1x4 Level 1 High Residential (Blockhouse) I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le...
French Flat 009 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a typical French flat. Additional informations: Main model: 2,164 tris LOD model: 146 tris Template used: Growable; 2x3 Level 1 High Residential (Blockhouse) I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le dern...
French Flat 010 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a typical small French flat. Additional informations: Main model: 2,569 tris LOD model: 155 tris Template used: Growable; 2x3 Level 1 High Residential (Blockhouse) I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas l...
French Flat 011 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a typical small French flat. Additional informations: Main model: 4,202 tris LOD model: 205 tris Template used: Growable; 2x3 Level 1 High Residential (Blockhouse) I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas l...
French Flat 013 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a typical Parisian flat. The shop has four different colours. Additional informations: Main model: 1,329 tris LOD model: 50 tris Template used: Growable; 1x1 Level 1 High Residential (Blockhouse) I will be making more stuff, so subscr...
French Flat 012 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a typical small French flat. Additional informations: Main model: 4,116 tris LOD model: 172 tris Template used: Growable; 2x3 Level 1 High Residential (Blockhouse) I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas l...
French Flat 014 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a typical Parisian flat. Additional informations: Main model: 1.490 tris LOD model: 83 tris Template used: Growable; 1x2 Level 1 High Residential (Blockhouse) I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le der...
French Flat 016 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a typical Parisian flat. Additional informations: Main model: 1,527 tris LOD model: 94 tris Template used: Growable; 1x3 Level 1 High Residential (Blockhouse) I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le der...
French Flat 015 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a typical Parisian flat. Additional informations: Main model: 1,500 tris LOD model: 83 tris Template used: Growable; 1x2 Level 1 High Residential (Blockhouse) I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le der...
French Flat 018 RICO [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a typical 60 degrees angled Parisian flat.. You need "Move It" to place and align it properly with any other building. Additional informations: Main model: 4,266 tris LOD model: 114 tris Template used: (without RICO) 2x2 Park; (with R...
French Flat 019 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: A typical older french flat. Additional informations: Tris: Yes LOD Tris: Also Yes Template used: 2x1 Low commercial I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le dernier, donc oublie pas de t'abonner pour rester au ...
French Flat 020 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: A typical older french flat. Additional informations: Tris: Yes LOD Tris: Also Yes Template used: 2x1 Low commercial I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le dernier, donc oublie pas de t'abonner pour rester au ...
French Flat 021 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: A typical older french flat. Additional informations: Tris: Yes LOD Tris: Also Yes Template used: 2x1 Low commercial I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le dernier, donc oublie pas de t'abonner pour rester au ...
French Flat 022 RICO [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: A typical older french flat. Additional informations: Tris: Yes LOD Tris: Also Yes Template used: 1x1 Park without RICO; 1x1 Low commercial with RICO; It's RICO because doesn't understand how to build 1x1 corners. I will be making more stuff,...
French Flat 023 RICO [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: A typical older french flat. Additional informations: Tris: Yes LOD Tris: Also Yes Template used: 1x1 Park without RICO; 1x1 Low commercial with RICO; It's RICO because the game doesn't understand how to build 1x1 corners. I will be making mo...
French Flat 024 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: A typical older french flat. Additional informations: Tris: Yes LOD Tris: Also Yes Template used: 1x2 High residential I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le dernier, donc oublie pas de t'abonner pour rester a...
French Flat 025 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: A typical older french flat. Additional informations: Tris: Yes LOD Tris: Also Yes Template used: 1x3 High residential I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated! C'est pas le dernier, donc oublie pas de t'abonner pour rester a...
French Flat 053 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This building is located at Rue de Rivoli, near the Louvre in Paris. The shops have colour variations. Additional informations: The footprint of this building is 14m x 10m. That means it doesn't fit the grid. I strongly suggest using Plop the...
French Flat 054 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This building is one of the many brick flats that can be found around Paris. Additional informations: The footprint of this building is 2x2. Flower props and signs are not included with the asset, I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to ...
French Flat 57 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This house is one of the typical older houses in Paris. The original building can be found on Boulevard Saint-Germain. Additional informations: The footprint of this building is 1x1, but it's 6m wide so Move-It is needed to place it correctly...
French Flat 56 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This building is one of the first ones that I will make using patina covered roofing. It's not very common in Paris but I think it adds a bit of spice to the overall look. The original building can be found on 12 Rue Chasseloup-Laubat. Additi...
French Flat 055 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This building is one of the many brick flats that can be found around Paris. Additional informations: The footprint of this building is 2x2. Flower props and signs are not included with the asset, I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to ...
French Flat 58 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
French Flat 58 Technical Details Location: Quai de Valmy, Paris Texture share: Use LSM to optimize loading times and RAM use Custom LOD Additional Information This building doesn't fit the grid, so I suggest using 'Move It' and 'Plop The Growables' to make...
French Flat 60 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
French Flat 60 Technical Details Location: Quai de Valmy, Paris Texture share: Use LSM to optimize loading times and RAM use Custom LOD Additional Information This building doesn't fit the grid, so I suggest using 'Move It' and 'Plop The Growables' to make...
French Flat Pack 01 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a set of flats found around Palais Garnier in Paris. Additional informations: All the assets have custom models and LODs. Templates used: All of the buildings are set to High Commercial. - Corner 3x3 - 2 Straight pieces 2x3 - 2 135d c...
French Flat Pack 03 [Versailles]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a set of flats based on a building found around Versailles. Additional informations: All the assets have custom models and LODs. Templates used: All of the buildings are set to Low Residential. - 1 Straight piece 1x1 - 3 Straight piec...
French Flat Pack 04 [Versailles]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a set of flats based on a building found around Versailles. Additional informations: All the assets have custom models and LODs. Templates used: All of the buildings are set to Low Residential and Low Commercial. - 1 Straight piece 1x...
French Flat Pack 02 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a set of flats based on a building found at Quai Voltaire in Paris. Additional informations: All the assets have custom models and LODs. Templates used: All of the buildings are set to Low Commercial. - 2 Straight pieces 2x3 and 2x4 -...
French Flat Pack 05 [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a pack of 4 flats from Paris found around Les Gobelins metro station. They have slight brightness colour variation. Additional informations: The pack includes: -Straight piece (Right) -Straight piece (Left) -Corner (Right) -Corner (Le...
French House 001 [Versailles]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a stand alone house located in Versailles. Additional informations: Custom textures and LOD. Level 1 Low Residential. Not much more to say. Please rate and comment! It he...
French Suburban House Pack
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Pack of 6 generic French suburban or rural villas. Contains one house of each level (2 level 2s). All 2x2, except the level 4 house that is 1x1 and can be used as a wall-to-wall house. No props. Models main models tris: 184-262-285-301-405-449 textures: 25...
French Neoclassical Palace
Создатели: DieHardHunter
This is a neoclassical building inspired by the french palaces built between the XVIII and the XIX Centuries. Neoclassicism is the name given to Western movements in the decorative and visual arts, literature, theatre, music, and architecture that draw ins...
French Private School [Paris]
Создатели: Gèze
Informations: This is a private school based on the building of the Swiss Embassy in Paris. It's made to fit wall to wall building system, but it also features fully textures back side which can be facing a street, a garden or simply a backside of another ...
Frost Tower
Создатели: Smilies
Undecorated, LED lighting requires either Prop Anarchy by Quistar OR Additive Shader mod. Do not use both. 7x7 unique building with RICO office stats included Frost Bank illuminated prop logo included in the pack 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illuminatio...
Fusiliers' Arch, Dublin
Создатели: Don B
Hello folks, If you like my work, don't forget to rate and feel free to comment, your feedbacks are very important to me. Here for you a new asset, an arch to beautify your cities. Fusiliers' Arch is a monument which forms part of the Grafton Street entran...
Futuristic Green Office Tower CC
Создатели: CushyCrux
Futuristic Green Office Tower CC Because Artists create Art. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 3 / 4x4 1714 Polys 4390 Tris 2478 Verts 2048 Texture Maps (inlc. normal...
Futuristic Green Office Tower 2 CC
Создатели: CushyCrux
Futuristic Green Office Tower 2 CC ---------------------------------------------- Because Artists create Art. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 3 / 4x4 2320 Polys 236...
Создатели: The Lost Cake
A contemporary mid-rise office rental building from Karlsruhe. 7x2 3746 Tris 2111 Vertices 512x1024 RICO is recommended, otherwise it will only be a unique building. Follow me on Twitter for updates on the assets i'm working on....
Galaxy Soho - Beijing (CHINA)
Создатели: _luminou_
Galaxy Soho - Beijing (CHINA) Create by the Anglo-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid, Galaxy Soho is an architectural exploit characterized by its complexity and its fluidity. Unique Building Level 6 Over size: 30x18 - 1 main building - 1 sub-building (glass: fenc...
Fumay House 1 [France]
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Traditional 2-storeys wall-to-wall stone terraced house from Fumay, France. 1x1 level 1 low-density residential. This asset has been updated on the 25th of April 2020. Since the file name is different from the original one, the asset will have disappeared ...
Galgenwaard Office tower (plop RICO compatible)
Создатели: Jerenable
Galgenwaard Office tower (plop RICO compatible) by Jerenable This building is now RICO enabled, you don´t need the mod for the building to work, get it though its great!! Get the Ploppable RICO mod here and this building will work like any growable office....
Game Anarchy 1.2.1
Создатели: Mbyron26
Overview Extends and optimize game's functions. New in version 1.2.1 Fixed serialization exception issues. Contains Functions: GA has a control panel in the game, use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+G or the UUI button to invoke! Fa...
Gasklocka 1
Создатели: YpsilonEule
Gasklocka 1 Location: Sweden Type of Building: Unique Building Effects: Tourism, Attractiveness Menu location: Unique Buildings Level 2 Costs: 150.000 once, 320 per Week Model: 2376 Tris Lod: 360 Tris...
Gate Financial Center 11x11
Создатели: templeofdoom
Gate Financial Center 11x11 QBL1 by templeofdoom Loosely based off of the Gate Financial Center in Dubai I threw a couple of one way roads in the middle. This is a great building for a "gate" into your financial, of...
GCIC Building
Создатели: Kridershot
This asset is comission for Bastet. GCIC Building W Soledad Ave 414 Suite 100, Hagåtña, 96910, Guam Asset is a RICO compatable. Size: 13x4 Type: Office Level: 2 workplaces: 32 Cost: 2000 https://...
Gemini Tower
Создатели: Visu
Supertall office tower - employs about 870. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
Genève - Rue de Lyon 77 [RICO]
Создатели: R. O'Malley
Genève - Rue de Lyon 77 Lyon 77 is the adress of this mixed-use building in Geneva, Switzerland. It was completed in 2020. Asset Details Plot size: 3x7 Height: 49m Scale: 1:1 RICO Setting Office LV3 Workplaces: 140 Construction Cost: 8'000 Model Details Ma...
General Hospital
Создатели: DieHardHunter
General hospital A generic mid-century american hospital. For this building I've used some of the amazing Spence's textures. If you're an asset creator I really suggest you to go check them out at his gumroad web page (for some reason I can't write down th...
Generic Brick Office
Создатели: Lost Gecko
Generic contemporary 3-storey brick office buiding. This is a pack containing 2 level 3 growable office buildings: a standard and a corner version. Both version are perfectly identical and only differ in the place they grow in. Model main model tris: 1142 ...
General Industry Co.
Создатели: Khrysler
General Industry Co. by Khrysler A small factory produces any essential goods in the most inexpensive way possible. The building is based on Columbia Steel & Shafting Warehouse Building on E 55th St. in Cleveland, Ohio USA. The building was probably built ...
Generic Low Commercial 1
Создатели: The Lost Cake
A contemporary restaurant building from Makhachkala, Dagestan. 2x2 875 Tris 481 Vertices 1024x256 It has a color map so it can be painted, but color variations do not appear by default. Follow me on Twitter for updates on the assets i'm working on....
Generic lowrise offices
Создатели: Jerenable
Generic lowrise offices by Jerenable This contains 2 office buildings I hope you like them. This is a sorta original building based again on something IRL but changed some stuff. stats building #1 main tri: 2181 main tex: 1024^2 lod tri: 341 lod tex: 256^2...
Generic office #3
Создатели: Jerenable
Generic office #3 by Jerenable HEY ITS a video of how I made this Its a buiding it has offices its pretty generic this identifies as a description. It was inspiered by the Piet van Dommelenhuis, Utrecht, The Netherlands. stats building main tri: 3541 main ...
Generic office #4
Создатели: Jerenable
Generic office #4 by Jerenable This is a smaller version of my generic office #3 This asset uses the Plopable RICO mod and can be found in the office tab without this mod the building is an unique and can be found in that tab. You can donate if you want to...
Generic Office (Monaco, Le Triton 5)
Создатели: Jerenable
Monaco Le Triton 5 by Jerenable Stats building: main tri: 2468 main tex: 256^1024 lod tri: 12 RICO office or otherwise an unique building in one of those tabs, just use find it or whatever. You can donate if you want to support me ...
Generic Office 1 (Stuttgart)
Создатели: The Lost Cake
A generic office building based on one located in Bad Cannstatt 3x3 918 Tris 476 Vertices 1024x1024 Follow me on Twitter for updates on the assets i'm working on....
Generic Office 5x4
Создатели: KingLeno
Generic Office 5x4 by KingLeno A boring generic brick low-rise office building. Can also be used for a shopping center. Triangles: 528 Texture 512x512 Custom LOD 30 workplaces with RICO mod. ******** If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cu...
Generic Office 3
Создатели: The Lost Cake
An office building from Bad Cannstatt. 6x6 6104 Tris 3321 Vertices 512x1024 RICO is recommended, otherwise it will only be a unique building. Follow me on Twitter for updates on the assets i'm working on....
Generic Office Tower (Growable)
Создатели: moxiecrimefighter
A 4x3 Growable Level 3 Office Building A Generic Office Building, similar to those built in the US in the 1960s and 70s. 78m Height 125 Tris, Custom LOD 50 Tris Updates: Updated for After Dark! Updated textures: more detail, more accurately scaled windows ...
Generic Office Tower Pack
Создатели: Gaseous Stranger
Generic Office Tower (Pack of 5) RE-UPLOADED DUE TO FILE ERROR WITH RICO, APOLOGIES FOR THE INCONVENIENCE This asset pack features 5 generic office towers, great for filling in downtowns to suburban office parks. All variations share the same colorable 512...
Generic Office Pack (1x4)
Создатели: EXYN4
General purpose office packs ranging from 3 to 8 stories. The buildings are typical Japanese buildings, but there are no letters or signs, so I think they can be used in many cities around the world. All are 1x4s, so they are ideal for filling in gaps....
Georgian Terrace
Создатели: Starshall
Genesis Beijing 北京启皓大厦1:1
Создатели: abuchou
Genesis Beijing is located in the core zone of Sanyuan Bridge and Lufthansa Business Circle, and within the 2nd and 3rd embassy areas - the most unique and historically valued zone in Beijing. Home to 103 embassies and consulates, headquarters and offices ...
georgian terrace
Создатели: Sparks
georgian terrace by Sparks...
German Blockhouse 1 (L1-L5)
Создатели: N2J
Loading Screen Mod friendly, all textures are shared! Hello everybody, this is my first asset for Cities Skylines so feedback is greatly appreciated :) It's based on a remodeled building in Braunschweig (Brunswick), Germany. Triangles: 2802, 236 for the LO...
Gerard Doustraat Synagogue
Создатели: jeremy.thunder
Gerard Doustraat Synagogue Background: I was frustrated with both the lack of synagogues and the lack of Dutch assets on the workshop, so I decided to teach myself how to use Blender to make this! It's my first asset, so its a bit rough compared to some mo...
German Blockhouse 10 (L1-L3)
Создатели: N2J
This is a pack of 3 buildings - all textures are shared. Based on a former building in Köln (Cologne). Triangles: 2560 1826, 226 LOD Textures: 1536x1024, 128x128 LOD 1x2 footprint If you like my assets, I'd greatly appreciate a small donation :) Paypal...
German Blockhouse 12
Создатели: N2J
High residential RICO Partly based on the Green Gate in Gdańsk, Poland. Triangles: 3708, 384 LOD Textures: 1024x1536, 128x128 LOD If you like my assets, I'd greatly appreciate a small donation :) Paypal...
German Blockhouse 2 (L1-L5)
Создатели: N2J
Loading Screen Mod friendly, all textures are shared between the 5 buildings! This building is from Braunschweig (Brunswick), built in 1905. Triangles: 3469, 264 for the LOD Textures: 1024x1536, 128x128 LOD ColorMap included...
German Blockhouse 5 (L1-L3)
Создатели: N2J
This is a pack of 3 buildings - all textures are shared. Another asset from Braunschweig (Brunswick). You can use this building in run down areas of your city. The blacked out windows provide much needed privacy for shady businesses and other establishment...
German Blockhouse 4 (L1-L3)
Создатели: N2J
This is a pack of 3 buildings - all textures are shared. This building is from Braunschweig (Brunswick) built in 1708. It's called "Haus zu den Sieben Türmen". Triangles: 2834 3450, 286 LOD Textures: 1536x1024, 128x128 LOD If you like my assets, I'd greatl...