Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

590 ratings
Mod: Nursing Homes for Senior Citizens
File Size
306.022 KB
13 Nov, 2015 @ 7:29pm
28 May, 2019 @ 12:18pm
27 Change Notes ( view )

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Mod: Nursing Homes for Senior Citizens


--- No longer supported, but comments claim this still works. Post your experience in the comments so others know the state of this mod ---

NOTE: Don't forget to subscribe to additional Nursing Home Assets linked below

Save game compatible, add/remove from any existing save game as you please. (See warning below though about how to sub/unsub)

Warning: I do not recommend running a game with this mod Subscribed but Disabled in game, always either run Enabled or Unsubscribed. You can safely Unsubscribe to remove Nursing Homes from Save Games, but do not try to simply Disable this mod and then load a Save Game. This mod should be 100% Save Game Safe and can be Unsubscribed at any time.


This mod is designed to give your Seniors a place to live comfortably (or not) after they have retired which will free up valuable real estate allowing for the next generation to move in to your city.

This mod should help alleviate the "Senior Waves" and "Death Waves" by allowing you to proactively prepare for such situations.

Check out the videos above for a demonstration. (Note: Videos are of an older version, Nursing Homes now have their own Menu Tab in the Healthcare Services Menu)

Customizable Menu Options
There are currently two key areas of this mod you can customize:
  • Capacity - Increase or Decrease the capacity of your Nursing Homes to fit your play style
  • Income - Nursing Homes can earn income for your city from the Seniors living in them, you can customize how much or turn it off

Please don't forget to rate this mod and if you're feeling particularly kind, a small donation would be very much appreciated!


Important Notes
This mod provides the functionality needed by supported Assets. To actually place Nursing Homes you need to subscribe to one or more Nursing Home Assets (see below)

Nursing Home Assets will show up under their own tab in the Healthcare Services Menu in game.

What does a Nursing Home do?
Nursing Homes will:
  • Identify Senior Citizens within their operational radius
  • Offer the Senior Citizen the opportunity to move into the Nursing Home (dynamic probability)
  • Act as a fully fledged residential building for the Senior Citizens living there

Other Details:
  • If there are multiple Senior Citizens in a family, then all or none of them will move to the Nursing Home
  • Seniors can be pulled out of a family with other members like Adults, but the presence of Adults in a family reduce the chances of a Senior moving to the Nursing Home
  • Seniors will not move if there are children without an Adult left to take care of them
  • Nursing Home Assets can be made by anyone (see below)
  • Nursing Homes can come in 6 qualities (0-5)
    • 0-1 quality NHs are seen as negative and may cause a bit of unhappiness
    • 2-5 quality NHs are increasingly more luxurious
    • Each Asset should specify their quality level

What are the chances a Senior will move to a Nursing Home?
This is based on multiple factors including citizen's age, wealth, distance from the NH, quality of the NH, and family status.

For a complete overview of the probability algorithm, check out the Probability Algorithm discussion.

Known Assets

Nursing Facilities

Special Shout-Out to Populous for contributing a number of awesome assets!

Senior Residential Homes (great for Senior Communities)

If anyone has any input on the cost and maintenance of the assets, please let me or the asset owner know so they can be adjusted based on feedback.

Known Issues
  • Nursing Homes are treated as "Deathcare" in game. The Nursing Homes will not actually provide death services (at this time), but they may show as coverage for Deathcare when placing them.
  • Text is currently English only.

Generating Assets
I'm not great with Assets so I'm counting on the community to make some cool Nursing Home Assets!

Check out the 2nd Video above for a demo on creating compatible Assets.

Important Notes if you will be creating an Asset:
  • Keep the Capacity of your asset realistic for its size, people can scale the capacity by using the Mod's Menu Options.
  • Please specify the quality (as a star rating) in your Asset's description

There are two options for creating compatible Assets:
  • Option 1 (from an existing NH):
    1. Ensure this mod is enabled
    2. Just use an existing functional Nursing Home Asset as a template

  • Option 2 (from scratch):
    1. Ensure this mod is enabled
    2. Create a New Asset
    3. Name and Save the Asset with "NH123" somewhere in the file name
    4. Quit to Main Menu
    5. Create a second New Asset using the first Asset as a template (your first one will always show under Healthcare Services, even if you started with something else)
    6. Confirm Nursing Home Properties show in Asset Editor (IE: Number of Rooms and Quality)
    7. Continue building your asset

Source Code
Git Hub Repository:

BoostHungry  [author] 2 May, 2023 @ 7:28pm 
Sorry, I didn't see the PR. Forking the mod, modifying it however you wish, and reuploading it is perfectly fine.
Chamëleon TBN 1 May, 2023 @ 8:58am is since a way longer time out there as a replacement of this mod.
iwarin123 28 Apr, 2023 @ 6:57am 
Nursing Homes for Senior Citizens Fix - Hubs & Transport (1.16.1-f2)
Fixed errors to make it work. It can be used in place of this mod.
iwarin123 27 Apr, 2023 @ 10:18am 
I have made a pull request to the author with modifications to work with the "Hubs & Transport" spec changes.
If there is no response from the author for a long time, I can release a modified version instead.
PsychoactiveSushi 4 Jan, 2023 @ 5:39pm 
i think i get an error from this modd...
Marquillotuca89 14 Sep, 2022 @ 10:31am 
Today's update is causing this mod to constantly throw exceptions once you hit play

TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Problem'.
at ThreadingWrapper.OnUpdate (Single realTimeDelta, Single simulationTimeDelta) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at SimulationManager.FpsBoosterUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at BehaviourUpdater.Updater.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)

Here's the output log
TechiCat 9 May, 2022 @ 11:18am 
I did. I had to unsubscribe everything and follow the directions for the Nursing Homes with Eldercare Mod. Some of these nursing homes still work with that other mod, but not all. Sadly, this mod is incompatible. I wish there were more Nursing Homes that would work so I could make a huge community.
BoostHungry  [author] 4 May, 2022 @ 5:03pm 
Just for completeness @TechiCat, you're sure you have this mod and assets both subscribed on Steam and enabled in game?
TechiCat 3 May, 2022 @ 9:44pm 
This no longer works. I'm playing right now, and the only thing that shows Under the Eldercare Tab is the Eldercare facility. None of the nursing home facilities show up anymore. :steamsad:
Bad Apple 1 Feb, 2022 @ 10:02pm 
@Dimensional One That was a big benefit of the updated mod, the buggy tab from this one would often hang or even crash your game when opening the Healthcare menu.