Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Japan Collection 1.0
A collection of Japanese / Japanese inspired assets. Created so that I don't lose them after I unsub from them.
Items (956)
どこでも商店プロップ 7packs
Created by koma
I made a prop out of the parts of the store part of the sign architecture that I released before. Seven types are included in the package. For diorama players who care about scenery. -------------------------------------------------------------------------...
イトーヨーカドー Japanese commercial building
Created by TOKACHI269
イトーヨーカドーです。 川崎港町店がモデルです。,139.7189158,225a,35y,39.46t/data=!3m1!1e3?dcr=0 RICO commercial high Size : 14x21 workplaces : 140 construction-cost : 40000 <mesh info> main triss : 9099 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,n...
エアコン室外機 / JP AC Units
Created by koma
This is a prop for the outdoor unit of an air conditioner. 16 types are included in the package. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- エアコンの室外機のプロップです。 16種類同梱しています。 ---------------------------...
エスカレーター & 階段パック / escalator & stair pack
Created by kasasasa
I use elevator asset in this pack. by 001HANNO エスカレーターと階段がセットになっているアセットです。 ペデストリアンデッキに接続して使用することを想定しています。 2F部分の高さが6mであり、ほかの方が作成されたペデストリアンデッキプロップとある程度の互換性があります。 This asset is a set of escalat...
ゴミ収集所 / JP Garbage dump
Created by koma
This is a garbage collection station that can be installed in residential areas. 1×1 size. A prop version is also included in the package. You can use whichever one you prefer. ※ The prop version does not have the garbage disposal function. 住宅街などに設置出来るゴミ収集...
バス停屋根 Bus stops
Created by TOKACHI269
バス停屋根 bus stops 2種類のバス停を追加します。一つはbus stop roofの作り直しです。骨組みとガラス部分は別プロップになっていますのでMove it!のスナップ機能で一箇所にまとめてから設置してください。 add two bus stops.One is remake of bus stop roof. Since the skeleton and the glass part are separate props, please set it up in one place with...
Created by curr66
ヒューリック三田ビル by curr66 2K: 基本描述: 该建筑的原型是位于日本東京港区三田三丁目的一座带有底商的办公楼。内容发布的是1K版本的,如果你们有需要的话我也可以发布2K版本的。同时这也是一座自长建筑,你也可以通过"find it"找相关关键词找到它。 Basic description: The prototype of the building is an o...
ビニールハウス / JP Green house s
Created by koma
It's that thing you often see in the countryside. It's in the category Buildong, 1×1 cell size. Search for "JP Green house" at Find it! Tile-independent assets. You can adjust the position of the asset by clicking on "Move it! 田舎でよく見かけるアレです。 カテゴリーはBuildong...
フウキドウ / JP Fukidou
Created by koma
Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture, selling lamps and other interior goods. ''fuki dou" sells interior goods such as lamps. This is a 1×2 size Growable Commercial Low. It is designed for diorama play and is supposed to be placed in a corner. However, it may ...
フェンスパック Japanese Fences Pack
Created by TOKACHI269
日本のフェンスです。まだまだ追加する予定あり。ほしいフェンスがあればコメントで教えてくれるともしかしたら作るかもしれません。 Japanese fences pack.There are plans to add more. <Contents> フェンス(1,2,3、門) ネット(白、緑) 橋 学校 線路わきの柵 ブロック(ノーマル、低、透かしブロック、門) アコーディオンフェンス 追加:ブロック2、入口、柵板杭1、2 追加2:16m ver 追加3:8m ver <Mesh info> main tri...
ヘアーサロン大仏 / JP Hair daibutsu
Created by koma
Hair Salon Daibutsu is located in Kamagaya City, Chiba Prefecture. Growable commercial low 1×2. The JP rotating sign prop that suginoko has published rotates. Please subscribe and use it together. JP rotating sign prop
ホームセンター用資材セット (DIY Store Material sets)
Created by にる~ niroo
ホームセンター用資材セット (DIY Store Material sets) ホームセンターにある屋外資材をまとめてみました。 内容物は以下の通りです。 ・角材(Material square lumber) ・・・・2種 ・板材(Material board)・・・・・・・・3種 ・ラック内資材(rack & Materials) ・・・9種 是非、郊外型ショッピングセンター【ルナパーク原戸】とあわせてお使いください↓
三田ネクサスビル 8階
Created by curr66
三田ネクサスビル 8階 by curr66 基本描述: 该建筑的原型是位于日本東京港区二丁目的一座带有底商的办公楼。内容中有加入额外的props,可在必要内容中订阅,如果你不想要这些props,也可以不订阅它们,也不会影响你的使用,同时这也是一座自长建筑,你也可以通过"find it"找相关关键词找到它。 Basic description: The prototype of the building is an office building with a business floor in 2-chom...
上海西岸诺布中心, Shanghai Norbul Land
Created by RAY Norbul Land is made by LANXUEJS 1:诺布中心大厦位于徐汇滨江“西岸传媒港”的核心区域,东至龙腾大道,西至云锦路。总建筑面积约100万平米,入驻企业包括腾讯、诺布置业、湘芒果、 游族网络、大众交通等。周边地铁11号线,公交700路、89路等多条线路汇聚于此,交通便捷,畅通无阻,将成为“西岸传媒港”内集时尚、绿色、环保、科技、创意于一体的超高层现代商务总部办公楼宇。 2: 诺布中心大厦整体设计简洁大气,三个公共中庭置...
中国传统民居Traditional Chinese Bungalow
Created by MC100
中国传统民居Traditional Chinese Bungalow by MC100 This asset contains 2 buildings, one is park building, the other one is Residential building. 2X2大小 size:2X2...
墓地 Japanese Cemetery
Created by TOKACHI269
日本の墓地です。 <mesh info> Cemetery triss : 1194, 1010, 1065, 1112, 1058 tex : 512 x 512(d,a) Cemetery(single) triss : 116, 92, 1065, 1112, 1058 tex : 512 x 512(d,a) Stone Paving triss : 10 tex : 256 x 256(d,n) Japanese Cemetery by TOKACHI269...
官公庁の銘板 Japanese Government Office Sign asset
Created by Nigorilla
官公庁の看板セットです JP_GOS1...裁判所 JP_GOS2...地方合同庁舎 JP_GOS3...検察庁 JP_GOS4...県庁 JP_GOS5...市役所 JP_GOS6...県警察本部 JP_GOS7...地方総合庁舎...
工事現場 PROP PACK (japanese Construction prop pack)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本の工事現場を再現するためのpropです。 コーンバーやフェンス等はPLTで違和感なく引くことが出来ます。 内容 コーン、 コーンバー、矢印プレート、ユニットハウス、仮設トイレ、敷き鉄板、仮設パネル、A型バリケード、パイプバリケード、足場、ネット、看板 お題箱(asset request) 工事現場 PROP PACK (japanese Construction prop pack) by TOKACHI269...
換気塔 Ventilation Tower
Created by TOKACHI269
東京湾トンネルにある換気塔(13号地換気所)のアセットです。 <Mesh info> Main triss : 678 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar) LOD Triss : 18 texture size : 128x128 (defuse) Ventilation Tower by TOKACHI269...
日本の歩道橋(japanese footbridge)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本の歩道橋です。 propなので人は通りません。 tris : 1008 textures size : 512x512 (defuse,normal,specular,color,alpha) footbridge by TOKACHI269...
日本の環境音 Japan Ambient Sound Pack
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の環境音MODです。Ambient Sound Tuner 2.0必須です。 サイレンや環境音など36種類の音を収録しています。 音量や音の切り替えは各自で行ってください。 Japan Ambient Sound Pack. Needs Ambient Sound Tuner 2.0 to activate. 36 Japan-themed custom sounds including ambient and siren etc... 支援/Donate 作品が気に入りましたら以下のリンクよりご支援い...
日本中型公寓A(ミディアムアパートメント A)
Created by curr66
日本中型公寓A(ミディアムアパートメント A) by curr66 基本描述: 该建筑的原型是位于日本福冈的一家中餐店,但我依旧将它作为一座住宅建筑。内容中有加入额外的props内容,一个自助售货机和一些花卉,可在必要内容中订阅,如果你不想要这些props,也可以不订阅它们,也不会影响你的使用,同时这也是一自长建筑,你也可以通过"find it"找相关关键词找到它。 Basic description: The prototype of the building is a Chinese restauran...
日本中型公寓B(ミディアムアパートメント B)
Created by curr66
日本中型公寓B(ミディアムアパートメント B) by curr66 基本描述: 该建筑的原型是位于日本東京都港区東麻布2丁目的一座带有底商的住宅楼。内容中有加入额外的props,可在必要内容中订阅,如果你不想要这些props,也可以不订阅它们,也不会影响你的使用,同时这也是一座自长建筑,你也可以通过"find it"找相关关键词找到它。 Basic description: The prototype of the building is a residential building with a bott...
日産 VY11 ADバン / Nissan VY11 AD Van(NV150)
Created by kizuri
3代目 Y11型(1999年 - 2008年)のADバンです。 PROP版→ Main Tris: 2556 Texture: 1024x1024 LOD Tris: 50 Texture: 64x64 アセット制作のdiscord: Tags: Van, Industry, 商用バン, Commercial, 日本風, J...
Created by karu-8
歩道などにある植樹帯です。 サイズが合わないときはProcedural Objectsで調整してください。 It is a tree planting zone on the sidewalk. If the size doesn't fit, adjust it with Procedual objects. ...
段差スロープ Safety Slopes
Created by TOKACHI269
段差スロープ Safety Slope 段差用のスロープです。高さが10cmと15cmのものが含まれており、10cm verは紺野つかささんが制作された JP 4m Tiny Roads KT201 用に調整してあります。 他に必要なものがあれば言ってくれれば10%くらいの確率で採用するかも。 Slope for the step. 10cm and 15cm heights are included, and the 10cm ver is adjusted for JP 4m Tiny Roads KT...
消防署分署 / JP Fire station branch
Created by koma
This is a branch of a Japanese fire station. Size is 6x4. There are four fire trucks in the setup. A fire watchtower (Building) is also included in the package. You can set it up anywhere you like. Please search "fire" for Find it! This asset was created w...
Created by 辉煌时刻
Huaihai Campaign Martyrs Memorial Tower is located at No.2 Jiefang South Road, quanshan district, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, at the east foot of Phoenix Mountain. Huaihai Campaign Martyrs Memorial Pagoda is surrounded by cloisters and corner pavilions....
焼肉特急 池田駅
Created by koma
This is the "Yakiniku Tokkyu Ikeda Station" in Ikeda City, Osaka Prefecture. A signboard is included in the package. 大阪府池田市にある「焼肉特急池田駅」です。 看板も同梱しています。 Growable comlow 4×3 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse アマゾンギフ...
田んぼパック Rice field packs
Created by TOKACHI269
Rice fields 4種類の田んぼアセット(3色)、休耕地、あぜ道、用水路、橋などを追加します。遠景でも表示されます。 add four types of Rice fields (three colors), fallow land, Rice field footpath, irrigation canal, bridge and so on. displayed in the distant view. 地面が貫通してしまうときはClipping Networkをお使いください。 Please u...
Created by curr66
神田鍛冶町千歳ビル by curr66 基本描述: 该建筑的原型是位于日本東京千代田区須田町一丁目的一座办公楼。这次的底商贴图处理的比较满意,整体效果也不错,同时这也是一座自长建筑,你也可以通过"find it"找相关关键词找到它。 Basic description: The prototype of the building is an office building located in 1-chome, Sudacho, Chiyoda District, Tokyo, Japan. This ti...
繁華街プロップ_Bustling street Prop
Created by shibakata
■セット内容 2vs1 wall sign_2対1型壁面看板 001~021 3vs2 wall sign_3対2型壁面看板 001~006 A type sign_A型看板 001~010 Beer Case_ビールケース Made by Kaminogi Financial sleeve sign_金融袖看板 001~013 Garbage collection site_ゴミ集積場 Illumination sign_電飾看板 001~010 Illumination sign2_電飾看板 001~0...
鉄道駅の古い蛍光灯 / JP Old Platform Light(K-Lamp)
Created by koma
These are old fluorescent lamps installed in railroad stations. Custom Effect Loader Mod is required. Please subscribe and turn it on in the content manager to use it.
Created by curr66
青木第一ビル by curr66 制作不易,帮忙点点赞吧! 基本描述: 该建筑的原型是位于日本松山市松山城附近的一座办公楼。本次制作主要刻画了底商的街景以及位于楼顶的广告牌,同时这也是一座自长建筑,你也可以通过"find it"找相关关键词找到它。 Basic description: The prototype of the building is an office building located near Matsuyama Castle in Matsuyama City, Japan. This...
@Wish Yamaha Nagasaki
Created by Sakura I am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then. Patreon Beta Notes Thank you to all my Patreon supporters for supporting m...
Aircraft Warning Lights / 航空障害灯
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Aircraft warning lights to be installed on the roof or in the middle of a high-rise building. I used Custom Effect Loader to get brighter and more realistic than traditional lights. Custom Effect Loader has good performance, it does not slow down your game...
Created by 听风说雨
ARK MORI BLDG by 听风说雨 这个建筑位于日本东京都港区一座大型综合体,包括右侧写字楼、左侧的酒店以及底部的裙楼,实际上整个建筑的完整体量远不止于此,单位了让它更适合于天际线,我做了删减和修改,实际上位于中建路口的地下车库通道我直接做成了地面部分的中控通道,如果你想完美实现实际的样貌的话需要稍加调整,这个版本的建筑我用的是低分辨率的版本,高分辨率的我暂时不打算放到工坊里,该资产的贴图大小为2K。如果你喜欢我的建筑,务必给我点点赞,谢谢! This building is located in ...
Ark Mori prop
Created by 听风说雨
Ark Mori prop by 听风说雨...
Ball Fence / 防球ネット
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
※日本語の説明は下にあります。 2019.08.23 UPDATED Improved bad colors and view from far. ---- Soft fence to prevent balls. Good to place them around Japanese schools like the screenshot. Including 2 versions : Normal / Joint. Put version in every 8m with PLT. W: 8m / H: ...
Buildings Around Japan (Setback Apartment)
Created by stop it D
A setback building small enough for your narrow roads. This one can hug the curb even in a 4m wide alley and not blot out the sunlight. Based on a building near Yanaka Ginza, a shopping street in Arakawa, Tokyo. 狭い道でもOKな小さなセットバックビル。これなら幅4mの路地でも縁石が近いことができ、日...
Buildings Around Japan (Shibukawa Commercial)
Created by stop it D
The first part of a "shiny series" featuring buildings with a plastic-like sheen. This building resides in Shibukawa, Gunma on the shopping street near Shibukawa Station. Currently no signage is included but I may fix that in the future. Find it in game as...
Cartier Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x3 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Cartier flagship store in Ginza, Tokyo. It is meant to be a 2x3 corner building, but to avoid potential confusion that arises when players plop the building on non-corner tiles and the buildin...
Chanel Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x4 straight (non-corner) L1 building based on the Chanel flagship store in Ginza, Tokyo, featuring a massive screen in its front facade. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection and this asset by giving it a thumb...
Cyberpunk 2077 Japantown Hologram pack
Created by Elektrotek
Cyberpunk 2077 Japantown Hologram X6...
Dior Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x3 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Dior building in Ginza, Tokyo It is part of my Flagship Store collection Model: 2,289 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / Diffuse, illumination, specular, alpha maps Custom LOD: 26 tris / 256x256 textu...
Fluorescent light KEIKOUTOU
Fluorescent light KEIKOUTOU by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
Future capsule apartment(open)未来风格胶囊居住舱(打开状态)
Created by 黑桃A
Because the Assets tag is a building, it now has a random night scene glow map, but it can no longer float like prop. There are two ways to float. The first way is to subscribe to Building Anarchy to separate the ground from the building. After separation,...
Future Gadget Laboratory (Steins;Gate)
Created by Auchmial
This is the fictional Future Gadget Laboratory building in Akihabara from the anime Steins;Gate. Now Hououin Kyouma can protect your city from a two-fold attack by SERN and The Organization! There is nothing anime about the design of this building, however...
Gap Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Gap store in Ginza, Tokyo. It can be placed on straight tiles but works better as a corner building, which the real building is. It is part of my Flagship Store collection. Please support the ...
Gangnam Street Media Pole Prop
Created by TDB Gangnam Street Media Pole Prop Are you ready to join Gangnam style? Youtube Channel Informations H 12m Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea Prop (Includes five types) #Korea #Seoul #Gangnam #Media #Pole #Light #한국 #서울 #강남 #미디어폴 https://...
Giorgio Armani Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 straight L1 Commercial High building based on Armani Ginza Tower in Tokyo. It is meant to be a 2x4 corner building, but I have been getting questions from players with my other assets about why they disappear after being plopped and turns out...
GiTS Office Tower (ID#02) 7x5, Lvl 5 Unique Building
Created by Eacon&Bggs
From the Ghost in the Shell Buildings Project collab: by EaconNBggs & Haruban *Edit* Collection now created; link here : Foreword -------------------------------- Hello Peeps, This is the very...
GiTS Small Office Bldg (ID#06) 11x4 Lvl5 Unique Building
Created by Eacon&Bggs
GiTS Small Office Bldg (ID#06) 11x4 Lvl5 Unique Building by Eacon&Bggs From the Ghost in the Shell Buildings collab by EaconNBggs and Haruban. GiTS Building Collab Collection Link here: http://here:http://steamcom...
Givenchy Seoul
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x2 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Givenchy building in Seoul. It works best as a corner building. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection and this asset by giving it a thumbs up! M...
Golden Mile Complex
Created by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
Golden Mile Complex by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) Golden Mile Complex (Chinese: 黄金坊) is a high-rise commercial and residential building on Beach Road in...
Government Primary School (Type B) - Hong Kong [English Description]
Created by Dennie Mok
Language: English | 繁體中文 | 簡体中文 Abstract: This is an ideal primary school for your city! With high capacity and coverage! http...
Gucci Seoul
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x2 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Gucci flagship store in Cheongdam, Seoul. It is a stand-alone building, but it can also work wall-to-wall with the help of mods. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please ...
Guanyin \ Avalokitesvara Statue
Created by 黑桃A
6*6 grid, Assets: Building, Unique Building ULOD LOD Vertices 6542 1324 Edges 18612 3742 Faces 12070 2418 Triangles 13040 2606 tag: 观音 \ Guanyin \ Kannon \ Bodhisattva \ Avalokitesvara by 黑桃A...
H&M Seoul
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x2 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the H&M building located at the center of the busy Hongdae shopping district in Seoul. It works best as a corner building. I've tried to figure out how the roof glass canopies work 'c...
Gyoumu super
Created by ZZA
"Gyoumu super" Japanese wholesale market. 3×2 Low commercial building. Suits for Japanese suburban area. This contains a street sign prop and you can prop it along the street. This attached parking is a little small so you can add yourself. tags : japan, j...
HK Rice barrels
Created by Uncle Misha
Barrels with rice for ground floor shops in Hong Kong. Four variations. All variations: Model: 54 tris, 128x128 px. LOD: 13 tris, 32x32 px. ...
HK Plastic bottle crates
Created by Uncle Misha
Plastic bottle crates with bottles, 1970s. Three variations. Variation 1: Coca Cola and 7 Up. Variation 2: Tsingtao and Blue Girl. Variation 3: Kirin and San Miguel. All variations: Model: 222 tris, 256x256 px. LOD: 10 tris, 32x32 px. ...
HK Mark I block laundry racks
Created by Uncle Misha
A laundry rack for Mark I and Mark II resettlement estates in Hong Kong. Four variations. Variation 1: Model: 555 tris, 512x256 px. LOD: 48 tris, 128x64 px. Variation 2: Model: 548 tris, 512x256 px. LOD: 53 tris, 128x64 px. Variation 3: Model: 464 tris, 51...
HK Cardboard fruit boxes
Created by Uncle Misha
Cardboard boxes with fruits, 1970s. Three variations. Variation 1: Duckwall pears and Diamond apples. Variation 2: Taiwan guava and Sunkist oranges. Variation 3: Taiwan mango and Nordic apples. Variation 1: Model: 298 tris, 256x256 px. LOD: 10 tris, 64x64 ...
Hong Kong Residential - HR3 3x3 1 | 香港私樓
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Residential - High Density Residential Level 3 3x3 1 香港住宅 - 高密度民居 等級三 三乘三 一 Description A Hong Kong-style residential building. With various shops and a small shopping mall at the bo...
Hong Kong Residential - HR5 3x3 1 | 香港私樓
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Residential - High Density Residential Level 5 3x3 1 香港住宅 - 高密度民居 等級五 三乘三 一 Description A Hong Kong-style residential building. This building is based on Oceanic View on Tung Chau St...
Hong Kong Residential - HR5 3x3 2 | 香港私樓
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Residential - High Density Residential Level 5 3x3 2 香港住宅 - 高密度民居 等級五 三乘三 二 Description A Hong Kong-style residential building. This building is based on Hey Home on Yee Kuk Street, ...
Hong Kong Tenement - HR1 1x3 2 | 香港唐樓
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 1 1x3 2 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級一 一乘三 二 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. There are hardware shops on the shop floor. This building is...
Hong Kong Tenement - HR1 1x3 3 | 香港唐樓
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 1 1x3 3 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級一 一乘三 三 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. There is a jewelry shop and a jade shop on the shop floor. T...
Hong Kong Tenement - HR1 1x3 CL 1 | 香港唐樓
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 1 1x3 Corner Left 1 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級一 一乘三 左角 一 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. The shops on the shop floor are altered versi...
Hong Kong Tenement - HR1 1x3 CR 1 | 香港唐樓
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 1 1x3 Corner Right 1 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級一 一乘三 右角 一 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. The shops on the shop floor are altered vers...
Hong Kong Tenement - HR2 1x3 1 | 香港唐樓
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 2 1x3 1 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級二 一乘三 一 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. There is a siu mei (roasted meat) shop and a fishball noodle...
Hong Kong Tenement - HR2 1x3 2 | 香港唐樓
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 2 1x3 2 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級二 一乘三 二 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. There is a pharmacy and a hardware store on the shop floor. ...
Hong Kong Tenement - HR2 1x3 3 | 香港唐樓
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 2 1x3 3 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級二 一乘三 三 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. There is a property agency and a textile shop on the shop fl...
Hong Kong Tenement - HR3 3x3 CL 1 | 轉角舊樓
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 3 1x3 Corner Right 1 香港住宅 - 高密度民居 等級三 二乘三 左角 一 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. This building is based on Mong Kok Building ...
Hong Kong Tenement - HR3 3x3 CR 1 | 轉角舊樓
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 3 1x3 Corner Right 1 香港住宅 - 高密度民居 等級三 二乘三 右角 一 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. This building is based on Mong Kok Building ...
Instant Commercial 11 Props Pack / Shops everywhere
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Instant commercial props. Place them on any buildings to decorate your Japanese downtown. Use closed entrance(shutter) to fill the blank spaces if you need. いろいろな建物に店を生やすことができるPropです。 シャッターがついているPropを使うことで隙間を埋めることもできます。 テナント+シャッター11個入。 Texture: 512-1024(d/...
j.p - District Cultural Center
Created by jorge.puerta j.p - District Cultural Center Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 6x4 - This new cultural center has permanent exhibition halls, reading rooms and a fascinating restaurant on the roof. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Te...
j.p - High School
Created by jorge.puerta j.p - High School Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 7x4 - High School. Provides education for teenagers citizens. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Description -Type: High School. -Cost:...
j.p - Local Clinic
Created by jorge.puerta j.p - Local Clinic Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 2x4 - Minimal range clinic. It will provide your citizens with basic health services. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Description -...
Jamsil laru station
Created by YOGURT
Jamsil laru station Google Map Recommended to use Railway Replacer When connecting track, you must use Find road Anarchy Railway Replacer 사용을 권장합니다. 로닉스 선로에 최적화되어 있습니다. 선로를 연결하실 때 로드 아나키를 키신후에 연결하셔야 합니다. 오류나 문제 있으시면 댓글 부탁드립니다. 2048*1024 x2 1024*512 x2 http...
Japan 1000kV Power Line Type B 日本の超高圧送電線 B
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の超高圧懸垂型送電線です。 Type Aは こちら 。 Type AとType Bは接続可能です。 モデル 東京電力 西群馬幹線 西群馬開閉所と東山梨変電所間を結ぶ1000KV設計送電線です。 1000KV設計ですが500 kVで暫定的に運用されています。 また、実際は8導体の電線ですがモデルの簡略化のため4導体に省略してあります。 仕様 電圧:1000 kV 回線:2回線 高さ:120 m 土台の寸法:24 m x 24 m 以下の2種類の送電鉄塔を同梱しています。 JP 1000kV Powerli...
Japan 275kV Power Line 2
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の鉄塔送電線です。 超狭線間・狭根開鉄塔です。 紅白バージョンは こちら 。 モデル 神奈川県横浜市都筑区荏田南1丁目 港北線 38号鉄塔 仕様 電圧:275 kV + 66 kV 回線:2回線 + 2回線 高さ:72 m 土台の寸法:7 m x 7 m Steel tower power transmission line in Japan. Here is the link for Red-white Painted Version . Specification Voltage: 275 kV +...
Japan flag
Created by SvenBerlin
Japan flag by Svenpotsdam...
Japan Hardware Store コメリ ハード&グリーン
Created by OSARUSAN
コメリ ハード&グリーンです。 Ploppable、2つの看板を同梱しています。 モデル 栃木県さくら市喜連川 コメリ ハード&グリーン 喜連川店 仕様 幅:57 m 奥行:27 m 高さ:32 m Hardware store "Komeri Hard & Green" in Japan. Ploppable, 1 sign building and 1 sign prop are included. Specification Width: 57 m Depth: 27 m Height: 32 m 支...
Japan Old Shed 2 蔵
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の蔵(土蔵)です。 3つの蔵を同梱しています。 Old shed "Kura" in Japan. 3 props are included. See following link for detail of "Kura". 支援/Donate Paypal OFUSE...
Japan Ramen Shop ラーメンショップ
Created by OSARUSAN
ラーメンショップです。 Growable、看板はこちらです。 モデル 茨城県坂東市中里 ラーメンショップ 坂東店 仕様 幅:19 m 奥行:9 m 高さ:5 m Ramen Shop in Japan. Growable, sign board is here. Specification Width: 19 m Depth: 9 m Height: 5 m 支援/Donate 作品が気に入りましたら以下のリンクよりご支援いただければ幸いです。 If you like my works, please co...
Japan Shed 1 納屋
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の納屋です。 3つの納屋を同梱しています。 Shed in Japan. 3 props are included. 支援/Donate Paypal OFUSE...
Japan Shed 2 納屋
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の納屋です。 3つの納屋を同梱しています。 Shed in Japan. 3 props are included. 支援/Donate 作品が気に入りましたら以下のリンクよりご支援いただければ幸いです。 If you like my works, please consider a small donation by following the platform link below. Support on Twitter Support on YouTube Support on Paypal Su...
Japan Tabacco International
Created by _luminou_
Japan Tabacco International Signed by the London office of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Inc. (SOM), including the One World Trade Center in New York City and the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the building was designed to integrate seamlessly into the surrounding l...
japan theme LUT
Created by comcom ED75
4つのLUTを同梱しています。 jp_temperate、jp_natural、jp_cool、jp_black...
Japanese Parking Garage
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese parking garage inspired from the one around Shizuoka Station in Japan. 2 sizes included and 4 color variants. Since this is a functional parking lot, CIMs can park their cars on every floors. Too big vehicle like vanilla pickup trucks or camping v...
Japanese Apartment 12
Created by nob50506000
level 3 high density residential 庶民的な都市型マンションです。 RICO設定があります。MODを導入していない場合はユニークビルディングから選択してください。 Japanese 日本 アパート 日式 住宅楼 일본 아파트...
Japanese Apartment 13
Created by nob50506000
level 4 high density residential 中規模のミドルハイクラスマンションです。 RICO設定があります。MODを導入していない場合はユニークビルディングから選択してください。 Japanese 日本 アパート 日式 住宅楼 일본 아파트...
Japanese Apartment 14
Created by nob50506000
level 3 high density residential ちょうどいい感じの中規模マンションです。 RICO設定があります。MODを導入していない場合はユニークビルディングから選択してください。 Japanese 日本 アパート 日式 住宅楼 일본 아파트 ...
Japanese Apartment 3 Pack / マンションパック(GROW)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Typical Japanese apartment Vol.3/4/5 pack. * Vol.1 * Vol.2 Growable Buildings: Residential High, Level 2. Screenshots are taken using some mods, LUTs. Donate: ----- 典型的な日本のマンションが3つ入ったお得なパックです。 2000年台に建った量産型の普通のマンションをイメージしました。...
Japanese Beverage Vending Machine PACK
Created by CityOfTokyo
Japanese Beverage Vending Machine PACK DESCRIPTOPN Drink vending machines appeared in Japan in the middle of the Meiji era, and the number of installed drink vending machines is now about 2.5 million units nationwide. ASSET LIST Coca-Cola (Japan) Company, ...
Japanese Block Fence ブロック塀
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
日本風のブロック塀です。住宅街にご活用ください。 Width:2m Height: 2m Japanese block fence. Good for placing at residential areas. ...
Japanese Canal
Created by Ronyx69
A 10m wide and 4m deep canal inspired by suburban/urban japan. Includes a version with and without walls. Found in landscaping paths menu. Also includes small vegetation props. The actual width is 22m, but it's covered by a pavement "skirt" to hide the cli...
Japanese Citizens Pack
Created by stockjr97
A set of Japanese citizens for your Japan builds! Comes with 2 extra highschool uniforms each for male and female teenagers! Details: 1700~2300 tris each (LOD: 500~800 tris) 1024x1024 textures (LOD: 64x64) Do you like my work? Donate to my Paypal! Tags: Ja...
Japanese Country House
Created by Sakura am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then.What is this and why do I need it:A small traditional looking Japanese count...
Japanese Covered Walkway / 商店街の屋根
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese covered walkway in shopping streets. Place them on the sides of roads. 日本の商店街にありがちな屋根のついた歩道です。道路わきに設置してください。 Tris: ~100 / Textures: 256x256 (128x128 LOD), d/n お布施をいただけるとやる気が出ます。 Donate:
Japanese Fire Station
Created by Ronyx69
Japanese Fire Station / Department based on Kamo Fire Union Office:,137.0064379,67a,35y,312.66h,54.07t/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en Antennas are optional. Main: 3193 tris 1024x1024 LOD: 194 tris 256x256 Twitch YouTube Twitter...
Japanese Foods Vending Machine PACK
Created by CityOfTokyo
Japanese Foods Vending Machine PACK DESCRIPTOPN It is a food vending machine installed in offices and drive-in. ASSET LIST Curry Toast CupNoodle Tenpurasoba & Ramen NITIREI FOODS Pastry ...
Japanese Graffiti and Wall Art
Created by Sakura I am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then. What is this and why do I need it: Japanese Graffiti and wall art asset pa...
Japanese High School
Created by Ronyx69
Very simple japanese high school. Stats probably the same as vanilla high school. This asset is quite old, but I had never released it. The building doesn't fit in 16x8 properly, so it overlaps the road a bit Just move it or delete the road. Main: 6146 tri...
Japanese High-Rise Apartment
Created by nob50506000
日本の新しいタイプの中高層マンションです。 少しお家賃が高そうなファミリー向けの物件になります。 jp_apt15 Lv.3 3×3 jp_apt16 Lv.4 4×3 jp_apt17 Lv.3 3×3 追記 ライトが強すぎたようなので修正しました。...
Japanese KARAOKE Building and Prop Pack
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese Karaoke building ( 4 variants ) + Prop Pack. Specifications 4 unique buildings + 20props for these shops - BIGECHO - Karaoke Kan - Banban - Manekineko Textures: 512x512 ( LOD: 128x128 ) Tris: ~100 * Supposed to be used with Loading Screen Mod Abou...
Japanese LED/Neon Signs (Animated) - PACK of 8 signs
Created by Jimbo_WestCoast
IMPORTANT - These signs use the same texture files, so use the Loading Screen Mod to reduce the total file size by almost 8X ! These signs are animated video-style. Except Cup-o-Noodles has "steam", and Pocari Sweat has no animation. To find these in your ...
Japanese Low Commercial Buildings Pack / 日本風低層商業ビルパック
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical commercial buildings. 3 buildings included. Grow-able Buildings: Commercial Low High, Level 2 (ALL) Quick search: "ja low com" Tris: 370,470,570 (LOD : 10-20 ) / Textures: 512x512 d/i/n/s/a Can you support my work? Donate: https://www.payp...
Japanese Low-rise Apartment
Created by nob50506000
3階建てのシンプルなアパートです。 jp_apt23a jp_apt23b jp_apt23c jp_apt23d...
Japanese Low-rise Apartment
Created by nob50506000
Low Density Residential Level.1 日本風の低層アパートです。 8種類入ってます。...
Japanese Multi-tenant Building / 日本風雑居ビル[RICO]
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese commercial building inspired from Akihabara in Tokyo. RICO / Commercial High / Level 3 / 10 employee 日本風の雑居ビルです。秋葉原にある某ビル群をモチーフにしていますが、寸法などの関係でアレンジ仕様になっています。 Tex: d/i/s 2048x2048 (LOD:256x256) / Tris: 1123 (LOD:392)...
Japanese Narrow Apartment Building
Created by Auchmial
This is a residential building based on a student residence in Osaka. Based on the height of the setback, it should be placed on a two lane street. Please check out the other buildings in this collection! Main: 12 522 tris 1024x1024 LOD: 186 tris 256x256...
Japanese Plain Parking Lots / 日本風の普通の駐車場
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical parking lots without fences or signs. You can connect these assets because they are flat and plain. There are 4 variants included. 2x2, 2x4, 4x4 and 4x4L for splitted lands. They appear as low density commercial buildings. Search "plain pa...
Japanese Post Box No.13 郵便ポスト(郵便差出箱13号)
Created by ako_ako
郵便ポスト(郵便差出箱13号)のPropです。 Search Box Modで「Post Box」と検索すると出てきます。 ゲーム中で配置する場合、下記のmodが必要です。 ・More Beautification ・Prop & Tree Anarchy This is middle size Post Box well used in japan. I recommend using with Search Box Mod to find this prop.(search with "Post Box...
Japanese Residential Props
Created by Ronyx69
Props for my modern japanese houses. Found in industrial props menu or search "r69 jp res prop". Some of the props are random prop variations of an empty container prop, however you can still plop individual props. Main: 10 - 64 tris 32x32 - 512x256 LOD: 1...
Japanese Retaining Walls Network / 日本の擁壁
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese retaining walls made with stones. "Retaining wall" means artificial angled wall. There are 2 variations: With Fences and Without Fences. With Fences version is for roads and tracks near mountains or hills, the other is for multi purpose (see examp...
Japanese Road Decal - 3 Way Intersection
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - 3 Way Intersection Angled (Left)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - 3 Way Intersection Angled (Right)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - 4 Way Intersection
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - 4 Way Intersection Angled
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Bike Lane
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Bike Lane Crossing
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Bike Stop Warning
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Caution Lines
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) Lane
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Giveway/Yield Warning
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Guide Lane Arrows
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - No U Turn
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Outlined Manhole
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Pedestrian Crossing Warning
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Slow Lane
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Slow Lane Arrows
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (100)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (40)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (50)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (60)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (70)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (80)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (90)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Stop
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Roadside Signs ( Welcome and Road Safety ) / 日本のようこそ看板と交通安全標語
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical roadside signs meaning "Welcome to our town" and "Road Safety". In rural areas and sightseeing spots ,there are many unique welcome signs. We can see road safety signs along major roads as well. There are 3 variants of welcome signs : an O...
Japanese Sea Defenses Network / 日本の堤防
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese angled walls(dikes) to prevent waters. We can see them around seasides in Japan. You can find this at canal tools. 2 variations are contained: with terrain / without terrain. Recommended Mods: Move it Quay Anarchy Height: 1.5m ( up tp 20m ) * Disc...
Japanese Shopping Mall
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Station-front Shopping mall named "Green Plaza Takatsuki" in Osaka. 3 variants included. Variant B is good to connect with my pedestrian deck. Do not forget to subscribe the necessary assets! Specification Variants: A: decorated, without pedestrian deck B:...
Japanese Signs and Lanterns, many are animated. PACK of 18 items
Created by Jimbo_WestCoast
Use the LOADING SCREEN MOD, since many of the signs use the same texture files. Probably the actual total memory size is closer to 15MB. In this pack you get multiple animated signs and 8 animated lanterns (4 big, 4 normal size). Note that the animated Koi...
Japanese Simple House
Created by nob50506000
Low Density Residential 日本風住宅7セット シンプルで小さめな家です。 ご支援いただけると嬉しいです。↓
Japanese Suburban House
Created by nob50506000
様々なサイズの戸建住宅です。 jp_re92~98...
Japanese suburban house
Created by nob50506000
Japanese suburban house
Created by nob50506000
日本風住宅4棟です。 Find it!ではjp_re【number】で出てきます。...
Japanese suburban house 6packs
Created by nob50506000
low density residential - growable jp_re19~jp_re24 level3 日本の郊外によくあるタイプの住宅です。...
Japanese Telephone Booth
Created by Auchmial
This is a modern NTT Telephone Booth which I made primarily as part of my new building - Osaka Setback Office 5. It is a building instead of a prop so that it can have both a solid and a translucent texture with the Rotors Shader. It does not, however, nee...
Japanese Under Highway Tunnel (S)
Created by MEDURO
Japanese Under Highway Tunnel (S) by MEDURO...
Japanese Urban High School 1
Created by Auchmial
This is a high school based almost exactly on this elementary school in Tokyo. I am planning to make an elementary school to go with this one, but since this building took me quite a while to make, I imagine its partner will as well. The building in real l...
Japanese Urban School 1 Props
Created by Auchmial
This is a set of props for my building Japanese Urban High School. The set includes: Wall: 12 tris Shared texture with school: 1024 x 2048 Planter: 48 tris Shared texture with school: 1024 x 2048 Solar Panel: 240 tris 128 x 256...
Japanese_Parking Gate Set2 駐車場と駐輪場の機械セット(JPPG)2
Created by sanyu321
日本でよく見る駐車・駐輪場の機械セット②です。 Search "JPPG" on Find It! (There is a Japanese name and English translation in the photo.) 駐車場と駐輪場の機械セット(JPPG)↗️と一緒に使うことがおすすめします! 説明 駐車場を作る途端に、やはり3mのが欲しかったから作りましたw JPPG1をアップデートのはちょっと面倒くさいかな?と思ってそのまま2として公開します。A型とB型のサイズが少し違う?気にしますが......
Japantown Statue - Cyberpunk 2077
Created by nardo Japantown Buddhist Monk Statue Follow the Cybernetic Dharma🙏 This Asset includes: japantown_statue_cyberpunk77 Enjoy this Asset! htt...
Jimbocho Book Center
Created by curr66
Jimbocho Book Center by curr66 制作不易,帮忙点点赞吧! 基本描述: 该建筑的原型是位于日本东京市九段下附近的一座一二层是书店的办公楼。本次制作主要刻画了底部书店以及附带的自行车停车区域,同时这也是一座自长建筑,你也可以通过"find it"找相关关键词找到它。 Basic description: The prototype of the building is a one- or two-story bookstore office building located nea...
JP 宅配便ロッカー / delivery locker
Created by kasasasa
オープン型宅配便ロッカーであるPUDOステーションです。 駅やスーパー、コンビニ、ドラッグストアに設置されており、24時間いつでも荷物の受け取ったり送ったりすることが可能となります。 あなたの街に設置することでより生活感を表現することができるかもしれません。 大小2つのロッカーが同梱されています。 This is a PUDO station which is an open-type parcel delivery locker. Installed in stations, supermarkets, ...
JP Apartment
Created by nob50506000
小規模な中層マンションになります。 6階建てマンション3棟が入っています。 都会から地方まで幅広く使えるサイズです。 Lv.2 jp_apt30~32...
JP Apartment with stores / 店舗併設のマンション
Created by koma
It is an apartment with a store on the first floor. Four types are included in the package. Growable Residential High Lv.1&Lv.2  4×2 The store portion is not functional. Please enjoy the scenery and atmosphere. 1階部分に店舗を併設するマンションです。 4種類同梱しています。 店舗部分は機能しません。...
JP Bicycle Parking Lot
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.1.1 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本の駐輪場です。 ・Japanese bicycle parking lot. ●ベースは廃墟なので自由に配置できます。 ・The base is a ruin and can be placed freely. ●以下の6種類が同包されています。 ・The following 6 types are included. Img
JP Bicycle PROP 3packs
JP Bicycle PROP 3packs texture : 512*256...
JP Building Material Shop Signs 建材店の看板
Created by EXYN4
Japanese building material shop(factory/office) sign pack. ・LIXIL ・Sankyo Aluminium ・TOTO ・YKK ap ・Takara Standard...
JP Cafe Isamiya
Created by koma
I made this work with reference to a certain cafe in a certain place. Please note that the appearance of the building is different from the actual building. 某所にある某カフェを参考に制作させていただきました。 実在の建物とは外観に相違があります。ご了承ください。 JP Cafe Isamiya by koma...
JP Car Shutter
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.1.1 ■ 日本のカーシャッターです。 ▪ Japanese car shutter. ■ 以下の21種類が同包されています。 ▪ The following 21 types are included. C_Shutter-CA1P×1 C_Shutter-CA2P×1 42 256×256/a/c/d/n/s
JP commercial A
Created by curr66
基本描述: 这是一座位于东京Shimbashi Station(新橋駅)附近的商务楼,里面包含两栋建筑,一栋是带有广告牌的,一座是没有的,你可以通过“find it” 输入“JP commercial”来找到它。同样的它也是可自长的商业建筑。 Basic description: This is a commercial building near Tokyo's Shimbashi Station. There are two buildings in it. One is with a billboar...
JP Commercial Corner Building
Created by kostas667
I wanted to make some Japanese building, so I found a completely random one on Google maps and made it. This is how this building looks in reality:,139.7772422,3a,75y,224.26h,111.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sd-CvAkEywgntrv...
JP Commercial High 1 「LAWSON」
Created by wilmanwdk 🌸
JP Commercial High 1 「LAWSON」 Inspired by this building in Tokyo:,139.7743325,3a,67y,127.21h,106.51t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sClTA34oJB4Ok--m1kDkA1A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 Move It! is recommended for placing this in dense area...
JP Distribution warehouse / 物流倉庫2種
Created by koma
A distribution warehouse is a warehouse that stores products and performs various services such as sorting and delivery. The category is a unique building. If you want to use it as an industrial facility, please introduce and set up Ploppable RICO. Truck p...
JP Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Created by itsKAZU0
Based on the fictional Fujiwara Tofu Shop in Gunma from the manga and anime series Initial D. Not 100% acurate to the original design, as it changes subtly almost every episode. In-game specifications: Type: Commercial Low (Plop the Growables recomended) S...
JP Guard Pole
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.2.1 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本のガードポールです。 ・Jpanese guard pole. ●支柱は25cm分埋まっています。 ・The strut is buried 25cm. ●このアセットは鎖が揺れます。 ・This asset chain sways. ●以下の22種類が同包されています。 ・The following 22 types are included. Img Name Tris
JP High School Student KT01
JP High School Student KT01...
JP Hoshino Coffee / 星乃珈琲店
Created by koma
Hoshino Coffee has a chain of more than 150 stores nationwide. Growable comlow 2×3. A signboard is also included. Please place it in your favorite place. 日本全国に150店舗以上チェーン展開する星乃珈琲店です。 看板も同梱しています。お好きな場所に置いて下さい。 JP Hoshino Coffee JP Hoshino Coffee sign by kom...
JP Industrial Set 1
Created by stop it D
UPDATE 7/24: Fixed texture size issue that was causing distorted textures. Lesson: Double check your texture sizes before getting too deep into your work, especially if you liked 1080 Snowboarding as a kid. My industrial areas were lacking in variety so I ...
JP Industrial Set 2
Created by stop it D
Some more industrial assets. These buildings are cleaner and nicer than the last but still have a little of that industrial grunge. Contains 4 ploppables and 3 growables (level 2). The ploppables have color variations for the roof. 工業アセットをさらにいくつか。これらの建物は前作...
JP Light Pole
Created by SUGINOKO ver.1.1 モデル情報/Model info ●日本のライトポールです。 ・Japanese light pole. ●支柱は55cm分埋まっています。 ・The strut is buried 55cm. ●このアセットは光ります。 ・This asset giows. ●以下の14種類が同包されています。 ・The following 14 types are included. Img Name Tris https://i.imgu...
JP M Bicycle Parking Lot
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.2.0 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本のコインサイクルパーキングです。 ・Japanese metered bicycle parking lot. ●以下の5種類が同包されています。 ・The following 5 types are included. Img Name...
JP Mini Supermarket Prop Pack
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
There are three types of Prop: small supermarkets that are fitted into the ground floor of condominiums and other areas. JP ASP Seijo Ishii Japanese Supermarket "Seijo Ishii" JP ASP Coop mini Japanese Supermarket "Coop mini" in Osaka, Kobe JP ASP My Basket...
jp modern commercial
Created by nob50506000
上部がアパートになっている小さな店舗ビルになります。 Lv.2 Commercial Low jp_co5 jp_co6...
JP Monthly Parking Lot Pack / 月極駐車場パック
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Functional monthly parking lot. This pack includes 3 variants: 2x2, 2x4, 4x4(L). The 4x4 is L-shaped. You can place some buildings manually in front. Use TM:PE's realistic parking AI to park cars automatically. This parking lot can be placed on embankment ...
JP MS Parking Lot Custom
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.2.0 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本の機械式立体駐車場です。 ・Japanese mlti-story parking lot. ●支柱から2.5cm分上げています。 ・2.5cm fried from the strut. ●ベースは廃墟なので自由に配置できます。 ・The base is aruin and can be placed freely. ●以下の15種類が同包されています。 ・The following 15 types are included. I...
JP Narrow Buildings
Created by stop it D
Zoned neighborhoods feeling claustrophobic? Awkward gap in your street and nothing small enough to fill it? No longer! This is a collection of 3 growable buildings with a width narrower than 1 tile. All 3 buildings are recreations of buildings from Fujisaw...
JP Narrow Buildings 2
Created by stop it D
3 more skinny growables for your cities. Wait, is it 3? Buildings 1a and 1b are two pieces of the same building, but since a double-sided building isn't all that useful, I split it in two. Does this make this a 3-pack, 4-pack, or 3.5-pack? The buildings ca...
JP Office 梅田UNビル
Created by curr66
JP Office 梅田UNビル by curr66 基本信息: 这是位于大阪梅田5丁目的一座办公楼,这次我想比较好地做出屋顶空调机组,所以面数可能比较多。你可以通过“Find it!”搜索“JP office”或者其他关键词来找到它。同样的它也是可自长的办公楼建筑。 Basic information: This is an office building located in Meitian, Osaka. I want to make a better roof air conditioning un...
JP Office (株式会社コムコシステム)
Created by curr66
JP Office (株式会社コムコシステム) by curr66 基本描述: 这是一座位于东京JR 品川駅附近的办公楼,你可以通过“find it” 输入“JP Office”或者其他关键词来找到它。同样的它也是可自长的办公建筑。 Basic description: This is an office building near JR Shinagawa Station, Tokyo. You can find it by entering "JP Office" or other keywords t...
JP office A (Osaka 西梅田オフィスビル)
Created by curr66
JP office A (Osaka 西梅田オフィスビル) by curr66 基本信息: 这是位于大阪梅田2丁目的一座办公楼,地面以上九层,由于我想比较好地刻画广告牌,所以用sub建筑导入。你可以通过“Find it!”搜索“JP office”或者其他关键词来找到它。同样的它也是可自长的办公楼建筑。 Basic information: This is an office building located in Mei Tian, Osaka, with nine floors above the gr...
JP Parking Lot Custom
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.3.1 ■ 日本の駐車場です。以下の102種類が同梱されています。 ▪ It is a Japanese parking lot. The following 102 types are included. ■ このアセットは作成者の意向によって変更する場合があります。 ▪ This asset is subject to change at the discretion of the author. https://i.imgur.c...
JP Parking Lot Easy
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.2.1 ■ 日本の駐車場です。以下の22種類が同梱されています。 ▪ It is a Japanese parking lot. The following 22 types are included. ■ 名前を変更すると囲いを削除することができます。 ▪ You can remove the enclosure by renaming it. ■ このアセットは作成者の意向によって変更する場合があります。 ▪ This asset is subject to change at the disc...
JP Parking Lot Light
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese light for parking lots inspired from Panasonic's one. 2 props are included. One is double-side, the other is single-side. You can use them for station squares or parks as well. Specifications 4.8m height Tris Main(LOD): 66(48), 98(64) Textures Mai...
JP Post Office (日本橋郵便局)
Created by curr66
JP Post Office (日本橋郵便局) by curr66 基本描述: 这座建筑的原型是位于日本东京江户桥立交旁的日本桥邮局,我将日本桥相关的特征logo都删除了,只留下了和邮局相关的特征logo,方便大家在游戏中摆放和diy修改,同样的,这也是一座独特建筑,你可以通过find it搜索相关关键词找到它。 Basic description: The prototype of this building is the Nihonbashi Post Office located next to th...
JP Recycle Box
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.1.0 ■ 日本のリサイクルボックスです。以下の5種類が同梱されています。 ▪ It is a Japanese recycling box. The following 5 types are included. ■ このアセットは作成者の意向によって変更する場合があります。 ▪ This asset is subject to change at the discretion of the author. https://i.img...
JP Rental Garage
Created by jaijai
Rental Garage Asset Details Category: Park Size: 2x2 Triangles: 958(include all submeshes) Texture: 512x512 LoD Triangles: 28 LoD Texture: 64x64 The texture is optimized for LSM....
JP Restaurant “GUSTO”
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Gusto is a famous “family restaurant” in Japan owned by SKYLARK GROUP. “Family restaurant” is a Japanese word which means casual and family-style restaurant. Gusto is my most visited restaurant. Thanks to waya, I retextured and remodelled from his Denny’s ...
JP Rock shed ロックシェッド
Created by にる~ niroo
日本風ロックシェッドです 右側、左側、中間部分の3パーツに分かれています。(画像1~3枚目参照) Move itなどを使用されることをお勧めします。 find it では、rockで検索してみてください。 This is Japanese Rock shed. This prop is divided into three parts: right, center and left.(see 1~3 images) I recommend using MOVE IT. To find it, do a se...
JP Shopping Street Light 商店街の街灯
Created by EXYN4
Japanese classic shopping street light. Network Skins 2 ready. Tris: 824 Texture: 256x256 LOD Tris: 94 LOD Texture: 64x64 Tags: japan jp 日本 商店街 街灯...
JP Staircase
Created by newp
Staircase based off one in Yanaka Ginza District. There are two different versions of the staircase, one with pots and one without the pots. I dont know how to describe the size measurements so I included a few pictures to show its size in relation to the ...
JP Starbucks
Created by sway
Japanese suburban style Starbucks 2x2 level3 commercial low growable RICO commercial low version can be found here: I wanted to make it more flexible so most sign props are not included in t...
JP Starbucks props
Created by sway
Japanese style Starbucks sign props Screenshots taken with Realistic V1.2 LUT, Cleyra map theme, and Daylight Classic. Name Description Tris Tex jp_starbucks_sign1 Black/green IN box 60(12) 512*512(64*64) jp_starbucks_sign2 Black drive-thru pole 212(46) 51...
JP Style Curb Pack
TOKT Curb 1m by Konno Model...
JP Suburban House
Created by nob50506000
80年代くらいの日本風一戸建てです。 Lv.1 jp_re118~120...
JP Suginoko Nursery School
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.1.2 モデル情報/Model info ●日本の保育園です。 ・Japanese nursery school. ●このアセットの保育園はランダムで色が変わります。 ・Nursery school of this asset changes color randomly. ●埼玉県新座市の社会福祉法人シンエイ福祉会すぎのこ保育園を参考にしています。 ・Google Map ●以下の2種類が同包されています。 ・The following 2 types are included. Img Name...
JP U Bicycle Parking Lot
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.1.0 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本の機械式地下立体駐輪場です。 ・Japanese underground bicycle parking lot. ●支柱から2.5cm分上げています。 ・2.5cm fried from the strut. ●ベースは廃墟なので自由に配置できます。 ・The base is a ruin and can be placed freely. ●Giken株式会社のエコサイクルシリーズです。 ・Google Map ●以下の4種類が同...
JP Under rail decoration assets / 高架下装飾アセット
Created by koma
An asset, such as equipment, that is installed in a space under an elevated railway. Six types are included. Please use this with a shop asset under the elevated track. 高架下のスペースに設置する設備などのアセットです。 6種類同梱しています。高架下ショップアセットと共にお使い下さい。 JP uter equipment c1 高架下設備1 ...
JP Under-Construction Building
Created by newp
(FIXED) Under Construction building based off a building in Tokyo that used to be under construction, I often realised that the buildings in cities skylines just get built immediately so having one building that is under construction might add to realism. ...
JP Vending Machine - Foundation -
Created by [JP]@sayaka
日本の自動販売機 - JP Vending    Machine Foundation - 1. Coke 2. Dydo 3. Asahi 4. KIRIN 5. SUNTORY - extra item - * small coke VendingMachine * Recycle Box @sayaka TamakiMiyamae ※不具合あったらコメントでもいいので教えてください!        If there are any problems, please...
JP Will Coffee&Bar
Created by koma
Will COFFEE&BAR is located in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. It is 1×2 size, Growable Commercial Low. It is designed to be placed on a corner lot for diorama play, but it may grow on a lot other than a corner lot because it is growable. -------------...
JPPO Roof Props
Created by Ronyx69
Includes an AC, an electricity box and a vent. Made for the Japanese Post Office. Very generic, can be used for whatever you want. Main: 110 - 386 tris 512x256 LOD: 10 - 22 tris Twitch YouTube...
JPRL-2 アーム型道路灯
Created by hakurai
BROWN Ver.も同封しています。 またTOKACHI269氏よりScreenshotsを提供していただきました。 JPRL-2 アーム型道路灯 by hakurai...
JPSM Shopping Mall Signs
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Signs from Japanese typical shopping malls. They are reversible and there are 16 props and 31 signs in this pack. Specifications * They are all props 001 Loft - Knick-nack daily necessities / Loft - Knick-nack daily necessities 002 Seria - 1 coin shop / Se...
Created by hakurai
Main model Tris: 943 Texture size: 512x512 LOD model Tris: 99 Texture size: 64x64 donate PayPal ofuse JP_corner_building_1A by hakurai...
Created by sutaxa
日本のアパートとかにおいて有りそうなごみ収集箱です。アパートの近くにおいてあげて下さい。 住宅街にあいそうなものが見つけられなかったのでとりあえず作ってみました。 日本の、と言っても貼ってある紙が日本語なだけなんで特に強調する理由はないです。 反射のテストだったりで作ってみたものなのでいろいろと反省… いずれもっと軽い、さらにサイズ違いのバリエーションも含め作りたいなあと思います。 It is a garbage collection box that seems to be in Japanese apa...
Kikuchi River - Japan | Vanilla & Mass Transit
Created by The L Train
Kikuchi River - Japan | Vanilla & Mass Transit While searching Google Earth for an area on which I could build my own Japanese city, I found this relatively rural river valley along the Kikuchi River. It has everything you could want for a Cities: Skylines...
Kiyo-tokyo building / 紀陽東京ビル
Created by koma
The Kiyo Tokyo Building is located in Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Growable commercial high 3×3. 東京都千代田区神田の紀陽東京ビルです。 JP Kiyo-tokyo building by koma...
Komyo Building
Created by creepyeyes
The Komyo Building is a 12x13 level 5 Unique Building. I wanted to try my hand at creating a skyscraper entirely from my own imagination, and wanted to make something with a bit of a chamfered look. I also wanted to make something with a bit of a more deta...
Korean Lights
Created by TDB Korean Lights Feel the mood. 한국 조명 분위기를 가속화하다. Informations Cheongsachorong Modern Street 6m Yeosu Odongdo Seawall Lighting #Korea #Light #Street #Cheongsachorong #Lantern #한국 #조명 #가로등 #청사초롱
Korean Speed Limit Road Decal Pack
Created by TDB Korean Speed Limit Road Decal Pack Enjoy Korean style in your city. Informations 4m x 4m 256 x 256 Texture Prop (Includes nine types) #Korea #Speed #Limit #Decal #Road
MIXUE ICE CREAM & TEA Commercial building cold (drink store)
Created by 布摇沙窝
Thank you very much for the help and support of 布摇沙窝, this time I have brought you low-density commercial facilities. I've been thinking a lot about what would happen to Chinese food brands around the world if they went abroad? I first chose the familiar m...
Modern Japanese Houses
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 3 sets of 2+2 small modern japanese residential houses - 12 variations total. If you subscribe to the prop pack (optional) you will see a lot of variations because of random props - mailboxes, plants, solar panels, vents, clothes racks... I think ...
Muji Shibuya (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Muji building in Shibuya, Tokyo. I really like the simplistic facade and color scheme that match the aesthetics of the brand. The real building has a super massive roof structure ...
OCBC Centre | 华侨银行大厦
Created by KaipingNo1
华侨银行大厦,官方名称为华厦,位于新加坡珠烈街65号,世界著名建筑大师贝聿铭先生在新加坡的第一个经典设计——OCBC Center 华侨银行大厦。 这个1976年建成的大厦楼高197.7米,共52层楼。曾经是新加坡及东南亚最高的摩天大楼,这也奠定了它“新加坡金融区的地标建筑”的地位。 基于Drosovilas做的模型,在此基础上增加了幕墙的细节使其更接近现实的模样。 OCBC Centre is a 197.7 m (649 ft), 52-storey skyscraper in Singapore. S...
OCB High School
Created by O.C.B.
OCB High School I missed some more variety of style in high school options. Let me know if you'd like to see even more high school variety. Have fun! 8 x 12 High School. 1024 x 1024px Textures, 6073 tris...
Osaka JP Office A 大阪第一生命
Created by Sparks
Osaka JP Office A 大阪第一生命ビル The official website: Model INFO Tris 11280 Textures 1024×1024×2(sub1024)/Lod256×256 (a/d/s/i) Size 6×4 Height 82m (20storeys high) Instructions This building is located in front of Osaka station ...
office construction siteA
Created by yamei
office construction siteA The first office building site in the new site series, number A. The design height of the office building is 250 meters, and the current building height is about 70 meters In the future, more styles and heights of construction sit...
Osaka Setback Apartment 1
Created by Auchmial
I have noticed a lack of sloped-roof setback Japanese buildings in the workshop and so I have begun to create a small collection of them. This is an apartment building modelled after a real building in Osaka. The sloped roof allows this building to conform...
Osaka Setback Apartment 2
Created by Auchmial
I have noticed a lack of sloped-roof setback Japanese buildings in the workshop and so I have begun to create a small collection of them. This is an apartment building modelled after a real building in Osaka. The sloped roof allows this building to conform...
Osaka Setback Apartment 3a
Created by Auchmial
This is another apartment building modeled after a real building in Osaka. The real building is directly adjacent to my other asset Apartment 3b. The sloped roof allows this building to conform to Japanese setback laws. Based on the height of this building...
Osaka Setback Apartment 3b
Created by Auchmial
This is another apartment building modeled after a real building in Osaka. The real building is directly adjacent to my other asset Apartment 3a. The sloped roof allows this building to conform to Japanese setback laws. Based on the height of this building...
Osaka Setback Office 4
Created by Auchmial
This is an office building modeled after a real building in Osaka. The sloped roof allows this building to conform to Japanese setback laws. Based on the height of this building, it should be built on a road that is 12m wide including sidewalks, however, a...
Osaka Setback Office 5 (NTT Telephone Exchange)
Created by Auchmial
I guess this technically doesn't have a sloped roof like the other buildings in this collection, but it does have a setback, so I think it counts. This is an NTT telephone exchange based on a real building here in Osaka. Main: 12 112 tris 2048x1024 LOD: 27...
Otaku Shop / トレーダー秋葉原3号店
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Otaku shop inspired from TRADER3 in Akihabara, Tokyo. This shop accepts all kind of otaku. Waya, the great asset creator said, "I can stay at that store all day long". Floor Guide: 1F: Consumer Games / Anime 2F: Trading Card Games 3F: For Sellers 4F: Henta...
Overpass Supports
Created by NameInvalid
commission work for Martines91 --- Concrete retaining wall support. Contain 3 styles: - plain concrete - interlock pavement - stone wall item of the same style share texture. All 3 styles contain 3 size: - 35 meter width, suitable for vanilla road overpass...
Traction Power Substation
Created by REV0
Electricity - Substation Brig, Switzerland Portfolio on: Support via: Support via: Follow me on: Request, contact https://i.imgu...
Warehouse Hangar
Created by =D= Comrade Intense
Industrial hangar warehouse. The building is quite tall, but fits well in industrial areas. Works as industrial building ingame. Find it by searching "warehouse intense" Model info: Tris: 506 Texture: 1024x1024...
Large Downtown Parking Garage
Created by Gaseous Stranger
Large Downtown Parking Garage Bring a bit of the 'Burgh to your city This parking garage is part of One Oxford Center in Pittsburgh, PA. With 840 parking spaces on its 8 floors, it serves the nearby offices and retail spaces with covered parking accessible...
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 3 types of smokestacks in 2 sizes. Found in parks. No functionality, props, lights, smoke. Add your own. Main: 504 - 1176 tris 1024x512 LOD: 40 - 64 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset R...
Toronto Fire Station 445
Created by JSF-1
A Fire Station located in Toronto Ontario Canada. This station opened in 1960 as "Etobicoke Fire Department, Station 3" and served as the headquarters of the Etobicoke Fire Department until Toronto's amalgamation in 1998. The real life station has 2 trucks...
Toronto Fire Station 231
Created by JSF-1
A Fire Station located in Toronto Ontario, Canada. This station opened in 1960 originally as "Scarborough Fire Department, Station 7". The station at the time also served as the headquarters for the Scarborough Fire Department until Toronto's amalgamation ...
Toronto Fire Station 341
Created by JSF-1
A Fire Station located in Toronto Ontario, Canada. This station opened in 1967 as "York Fire Department, Station 1". The real life station has 2 trucks (Rescue 341, Aerial 341). Cost to Build: $9000 Upkeep: $240 Size: 5x6 Fire Trucks: 4...
Large water pumping station 2
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings While I ended up keeping the color scheme of the original, I really liked these new textures, so I decided to release it as a separate asset. If you've missed my water pumpin...
Large water pumping station
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural LUT The last water pumping station is done! This one is modelled after Lindholmen water works in Sweden and supplies a city of about 50.000 cims. Like the medium sized one it needs a road connection and e...
Under Highway Tunnel Pack
Created by MEDURO
Under Highway Tunnel Pack by MEDURO. Including 3cell(L), 2cell(M), 2cell(S) road sizes....
Large Natural Gas Power Station
Created by Badi_Dea
This power station is a recreation of a plant located in Forney, Tx. I thought it looked cool after it was mentioned in the thread for my previous Natural Gas Generating Station. This asset contains two buildings: a combined-cycle generator fed by waste he...
Toronto Style Elementary School 4
Created by JSF-1
The fourth elementary school in my series of Schools from Toronto Ontario, Canada. This is a recreation of J.S.Woodsworth Senior Public School (7-8). This is another one that is actually a Middle School, however since C:S doesn't have middle schools this i...
Freight Terminal
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, the Freight Terminal works exactly like the cargo station - without brightly coloured containers. That was important for me :) Subscribing to this asset brings you two assets, the Freight Terminal and a matching storage hall (for fans of bigg...
Police Station
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, for all who like my Police Headquarters, I made a matching Police Station. I used the texture sheet of the Police HQ, so this one is also made for fans of 4K assets. Have fun! You like my assets and want to support my work? That's cool! Thank...
Police Headquarters
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, order the brand new police headquarters, including much more comfortable workplaces, improved spy technologies, two heli pads and a close partnership with the best donut store intown. You like what you see? Then take a look at my matching Pol...
SONY logo
Created by SvenBerlin
SONY logo by SvenBerlin triangles 712 LOD 2...
Hanging Street Lights
Created by ar
Hanging Street Lights - My first 3d model, but i didn't import it to C:S for a long time. This asset doesn't have light effects but we can see glow at night. Will be nice decoration for quays, paths and buildings! Main Information: Texture: 256x128 - Diffu...
Roadblock and Barrier Props
Created by Spence!
Roadblock and concrete barrier props, most of which display some degree of weathering or damage. 20 different assets included in total. Full credit and thanks are due to the creators of the original models, linked below. Every model was released for free u...
Antenna / Cell / Radio Tower
Created by NameInvalid
Note : this prop is NOT required by Edificio China building...
RTW Tiled Quay 2
Created by ManuRamos
RTW Tiled Quay 2 This new installment constitutes the set of elements that were missing to complete my Tiled Quay project. It simply consists of a new quay (NETWORK) and two fence sections (PROPS): RTW Tiled Quay 2 RTW Fence x8 RTW Fence x4 Tiled Quay 2 sh...
Terraforming Network Extended (pack)
Created by Sp3ctre18
IF YOU LIKE IT, RATE UP, PLEASE! Helps more people find this, too THESE DON'T REPLACE NORMAL TERRAFORMING TOOLS. IF YOU DON'T GET WHY, READ THIS DESCRIPTION COMPLETELY. Menu location: Landscaping, water structures (where canals are). Find It: Type Sp3 or t...
2 Way Driveway
Created by Champ_Chimp
Made with Road Builder v1.4.1 You can use BOB to change vanilla props to something nicer or just remove them You can use Adaptive Networks to customize this road even more You can also use I...
Grass Rural Road
Created by Ronyx69
A simple rural grass road based on the vanilla gravel road. Includes a lane prop with 5 variations and an extra prop. The transitions to any other roads will look awful, hide it with props and decals or something. Main: 8 - 128 tris 512x1024 + 256x256 LOD:...
Privacy Fence
Created by Badi_Dea
Just your standard suburban privacy fence. I just wanted to mess around with the new fence shader for networks, it's okay. You can find this in-game in the beautification menu, under the Walls and Fences tab. 632 Tris - A/D/N 256x512 LOD 24 tris - D 64x128...
Curb - Concrete
Created by jPRO Curb - Concrete Elevatable: curb_concrete_E Terrain conforming: curb_concrete Happy Creators Discord Twitter Youtube https://i.i...
Curb - Black/Yellow
Created by jPRO Curb - Black/Yellow Elevatable: curb_black_yellow_E Terrain conforming: curb_black_yellow Happy Creators Discord Twitter Youtube
Weathered Concrete Retaining Wall
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
As a Christmas gift from me, I am sending you two types of flimsy concrete retaining walls, made dimensionally aligned with Lost Gecko's Retaining Wall, so they can replace each other's networks. I hope you enjoy your Christmas and have fun building your c...
Tiny Narrow Alley
Created by RyanCat
2 lane 2 way tiny narrow alley. Similar to NE2 2 way alley but without the hump. Plant the trees on your own Lane width: 2.5m Pavement width: 2m (0.5m facilities,1.5m pedestian) Sunken: 0.1m The sunken amount is different from those of vanilla roads but co...
Grass Embankment
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
These are three sets of grass embankments in a network format. It contains three sets of grass embankments: one with grass, one without grass (Naked), and one with grass only (Grass Only). Please use them widely for riverbeds, railroads and roads. About th...
Network Fences - Safety Decoration Pack
Created by Badi_Dea
Here are some Safety Fences, made as network fences. Fences were officially added in the Parklife expansion, though you don't need to own the expansion to use them! There are 6 Network Fences included in this pack: Chainlink - A standard chainlink fence st...
Pedestrian Path #01
Created by clus
Pedestrian Path #01 Prolog Hello all together ! So ... here are the pedestrian pathways, which are finally finished ! Greta would love them ! ;) Its another "recycling - project. :D These pathways uses the same textures, whi...
Pedestrian Path #03
Created by clus
Pedestrian Path #03 Prolog Hello all together ! So ... here are the pedestrian pathways, which are finally finished ! Greta would love them ! ;) Its another "recycling - project. :D These pathways uses the same textures, whi...
Industrial quay
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Since we got networks added to the editor I've wanted to make this to give harbors a more industrial feel. Due to the shape of it the tris is a bit higher than the default quay, but...
Created by waya
JP-VendingMachine-36kinds Most of them are 160x160 24 triangles,Thank you for the photo support of Mr. Kaminogi, Mr. Shibakata and Mr. Koma....
ガードパイプパック Japanese guard pipe fence pack
Created by TOKACHI269
ガードパイプパック Japanese guard pipe fence pack 日本でよく見られるガードパイプのセットです。ローポリなのでPCに優しいアセットとなっております。 気が向いたらロングverもつくるかも。 <Mesh info> Main triss : 230, 392, 158, 213, 230 tex size : 128x128 (shared) LOD triss : 10 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 https://...
Cherry Blossom Petal Decals
Created by EXYN4
Including 2 types. Requires Decal Prop Fix or Prop Anarchy ....
Cherry Blossom 2
Created by MrMaison
Cherry Blossom 2 by MrMaison Introducing a 2 piece set of Cherry Blossoms based on the Prunus serrulata or Japanese cherry tree. This tree have it's roots in Japan, China and Korea and is introduced all over the world as an ornamental tree. More info in th...
JP Shop under the elevated railway / 高架下ショップ
Created by koma
It is an asset that places a shop in an empty space under the elevated railway track. a1-a9 are 3 x 1 and 2 x 1 sizes. b1-b9 are 1x1 sizes. Categories are unique buildings. If you want to use it as a commercial facility, please install and set up Ploppable...
株)サカイ引越センター函館支社 / JP Sakai Moving Center
Created by koma
Hakodate Branch Office of Sakai Moving Center Co. 6x8 cell, category is Unique Building. The truck in the screenshot is here↓. Vehicle Prop
低層雑居ビル / JP L Tenant Building
Created by koma
It is a four-story miscellaneous building. The retail space on the first floor is set to be tenant-occupied. Growable commercial low 1×2. ※ The glass part will disappear if you convert it with Procedural Objects.   Please be careful and understand. 4階建ての雑居...
株)金澤運送冷凍冷蔵庫 / JP Kanazawa Transport
Created by koma
Kanazawa Transport Refrigerator and Freezer Ltd. in Hakodate, Hokkaido. 5x8 cells, category is Unique Building. 北海道函館市の株式会社金澤運送冷凍冷蔵庫です。 5×8セル、カテゴリーはユニークビルディングです。 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse アマゾンギフト券 f0501a...
JPEH 低密度住宅 4-3 level 5
Created by koma
皆さんこんにちは! 暑い日が続いて大変ですね。熱中症にはくれぐれもご注意くださいね。 さて、私が以前公開している JPEH 低密度住宅シリーズに新たなアセットが追加されます。 日本のお金持ち(地主・豪商・豪農など)が住んでそうな和風住宅です。 Growable(自然発生タイプ)、4×3マス、レベル5の設定ですので、あなたの街に建つまで 少し時間が掛かるかもしれません。 ジオラマプレイをされている方は秒速で建物を置いて景観をお楽しみ下さい。 支援 / Donate 愛のご支援をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。...
(PROP) 野立(のだて)セット
Created by koma
Nodate is a tea ceremony where tea or powdered green tea is prepared and enjoyed outdoors. The term "nodate" is used when tea is served outdoors, especially in the tea ceremony, but it is also used when the tea ceremony follows the ancient Japanese style, ...
THE昭和の飲食街 / JP Restaulant district pack
Created by koma
This is an asset pack for creating a restaurant district (bar district). The category is Unique Buildings, and the size is 1 x 1. The pack contains 10 types of buildings and stairs on both sides, for a total of 12 types of assets. Please make sure to place...
新鳥栖道の市場 Prop 6pack
Created by koma
JP Shintosu Table by koma...
Ornamental Pear Tree
Created by MrMaison
Ornamental Pear Tree by MrMaison Introducing a 3 piece set of Spring bloom Ornamental Pear trees based on the "Callery Pear" species. A mature version and 2 young versions. The 2nd young version have less flowers with darker leaves. These particular trees ...
Cherry Blossom
Created by MrMaison
Cherry Blossom by MrMaison Introducing a Cherry Blossom to celebrate this spring season! This flowering tree type is very popular in Japan and around the world. There are many species and I do plan on making more in the future. I could not choose which one...
CoCo壱番屋 松屋 すき家 吉野家
Created by koma
A pack of four types of Japanese food chains. 日本の飲食チェーン店4種類のパックです。 CoCo壱番屋 JP Cocoichi 松屋 JP Matsuya すき家 JP Sukiya 吉野家 JP Yoshinoya A signboard is also included. 看板も同梱しています。 看板  JP Cocoichi sign JP Matsuya sign 1 2 JP Sukiya sign JP Yoshinoya sign Growable...
Katsuya illumination light
Katsuya illumination light...
JP Idemitsu usami ss / 出光宇佐美SS
Created by koma
It is a gas station likely to be along the national roads and prefectural roads of Japan. Growable comlow 4×4. A signboard and a flag are also included.Please place it anywhere you like. JP Idemitsu usami ss 出光宇佐美サービスステーション JP Idemitsu sign 1 出光宇佐美看板1 JP I...
JP-Business street items【一】
Created by waya
Business street items【一】...
JP Apartment 4packs / 日本のアパート4種
Created by koma
This is a package of 4 kinds of apartments that seems to exist all over Japan. Growable Residential Low 2×2. Maison du Motomachi's exterior walls are random in four colors. Otherwise, the roof is random for four colors. 日本各地にありそうなアパート4種パックです。 Growable Resi...
イベント用テント Japanese Event Tents
Created by TOKACHI269
イベント用テント Japanese Event Tents イベント用のテントです。白色のみです。 Japanese tent for events. Only white. <Mesh info> Main triss : 528, 1000 tex size : 512x512, 320x512 (d, n, s, a) LOD triss : 14 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 Am...
JP Tax office / 税務署
Created by koma
Tax Office. I made it because there was no Japanese style. Categories are unique buildings. That's all. 税務署です。 日本風がなかったので製作しました。 カテゴリーはユニークビルディングです。 以上です。 JP Tax office by koma...
JP Johshuya / 上州屋
Created by koma
It is a retail store of fishing gear, outdoor and leisure goods in Japan. Growable Commercial low 4×3 日本の釣り具、アウトドア、レジャー用品の小売店です。 JP Johshuya by koma...
Created by waya
wy-JP-BALUKO-Matsunoya-A by waya...
野立て看板 [01-05] signboard_[01-05]
Created by Gozy
野立て看板 signboard_ ロードサイドの野立て看板です。 ・5つの看板がセットになっています。 ・サイズはH2700×W5400 ・脚の部分の高さはデフォルトでは2500になっていますが、+1000までは伸ばせるようになっています。 ・Japanese advertising board ■検索用────── ・野立て看板 ・案内 ・billboard ・Signboard ────────── ■日本の看板一覧はこちら
野立て看板 [06-10] signboard_[06-10]
Created by Gozy
ロードサイド用の野立て看板です。 ・5つの看板がセットになっています。 ・サイズはH2100×W3600 ・[01-05]よりも一回り小さいサイズになっています ・脚の部分の高さはデフォルトでは2500になっていますが、+1000までは伸ばせるようになっています ・Japanese advertising board ■検索用────── ・野立て看板 ・案内 ・billboard ・Signboard ────────── ■日本の看板一覧はこちら
野立て看板 [11-15] signboard_[11-15]
Created by Gozy
ロードサイド用の野立て看板です。 ・5つの看板がセットになっています。 ・サイズはH2100×W3600 ・[01-05]よりも一回り小さいサイズになっています ・脚の部分の高さはデフォルトでは2500になっていますが、+1000までは伸ばせるようになっています ・Japanese advertising board ■検索用────── ・野立て看板 ・案内 ・billboard ・Signboard ────────── ■日本の看板一覧はこちら
野立て看板 [16-20] signboard_[16-20]
Created by Gozy
ロードサイド用の野立て看板です。 ・5つの看板がセットになっています。 ・サイズはH2100×W3600 ・[01-05]よりも一回り小さいサイズになっています ・脚の部分の高さはデフォルトでは2500になっていますが、+1000までは伸ばせるようになっています ・Japanese advertising board ■検索用────── ・野立て看板 ・案内 ・billboard ・Signboard ────────── ■日本の看板一覧はこちら
野立て看板 [21-25] signboard_[21-25]
Created by Gozy
ロードサイド用の野立て看板です。 ・5つの看板がセットになっています。 ・サイズはH2100×W3600 ・[01-05]よりも一回り小さいサイズになっています ・脚の部分の高さはデフォルトでは2500になっていますが、+1000までは伸ばせるようになっています ・Japanese advertising board ■検索用────── ・野立て看板 ・案内 ・billboard ・Signboard ────────── ■日本の看板一覧はこちら
野立て看板 [26-30] signboard_[26-30]
Created by Gozy
ロードサイド用の野立て看板です。 ・5つの看板がセットになっています。 ・使い勝手の良い、店名の入っていない「お客様専用駐車場」の看板が2つ入っています ・サイズはH2100×W3600 ・[01-05]よりも一回り小さいサイズになっています ・脚の部分の高さはデフォルトでは2500になっていますが、+1000までは伸ばせるようになっています ・Japanese advertising board ■検索用────── ・野立て看板 ・案内 ・billboard ・Signboard ────────── ...
JP 公民館  Public hall
Created by にる~ niroo
JP 公民館  Public hall 日本の公民館です。 田舎のをモデルにしたので、広場がかなり広くなっています。 ギャラリー画像は、kaminogiさんに頂きました!ありがとうございます! Photo by kaminogi ↓建物のみVer. ↑Only Building Ver. Polygon 5,157 Texture size 1,024×...
柴山第二~三ビル_Shibayama 2~3 Building(Fictitious)
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 柴山第二~三ビル 今回のビルは、新宿歌舞伎町にありそうな建蔽率80%、容積率800%を目一杯利用したペンシルビルです。 幅7m、奥行29m、高さ31mサイズで、ゲーム内で1×4マスとなります。 小柄ながらも、ベンチ、看板、貯水槽、換気フード、段ボール、雨除け、ペントハウス、物置小屋、避雷針、灰皿、TVアンテナにもこだわっております。 柴山第二ビルは、テナントがほとんど入っていない雑居ビルです。 一階の書店と四階の興信所のみしか入居しておらず、屋上看板も撤去されております。労働人口...
Created by waya
wy-JP-CoCoyifanwu-A by waya...
JP Old house 03
Created by koma
Japanese Old house 03 Residential low LV.1 日本の郊外、田舎にありそうな住宅です。 屋根は4色ランダムです。...
JP Old house 02
Created by koma
Japanese Old house 02 Residential low LV.1 1×1. 日本の郊外・田舎にありそうな住宅です。 屋根は4色ランダムです。...
JP Old house 01
Created by koma
Japanese Old house 01 Residential low LV.1 1×1. 日本の郊外・田舎にありそうな住宅です。 屋根は4色ランダムです。...
Created by waya
wy-JP-ComplexBuilding-SK by waya...
Created by waya
Notice that it also has a three-story building...
Parking Lot Signs JP-1
Created by Spence!
Signs from a car park in Tokyo. Includes all 3 props, use Find It! mod to search for them. ----------------------------------------- Sign 1a - 172 tris Sign 1b (without smaller LED sign) - 152 tris Sign 1c (information sign) - 32 tris Shared 512x256 textur...
Created by hakurai
幹線道路によく設置されている門型タイプの進行方向通行区分標識のプロップです。駐車スペース無しの片側4車線道路向けに設計しております。 This is a Japanese traffic sign for traveling direction indicator. It is designed for four lane roads. 進行方向別通行区分 by hakurai08...
Japanese Advertising Boards 10 Pack / 日本の看板広告セット(10個入)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
※日本語の説明は下にあります。 Advertising Boards that we can see near the station. It's good to place some boards in front of the platform like the picture. You can find them in the prop menu or just type "JPAD" in search mods. W: 4m / H: 3.7m / Tris: 44 / Texture: 1024...
Information Sign / エリアマップ [PROP]
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese information sign inspired from Tokyo's one. This is essential around pedestrians walk, avenues and parks. Containing local area map and directions to the stations. 千代田区仕様のエリアマップです。道路や公園、広場などにご利用ください。 Tris: 42 / 42 Tex: 512x512 / 128x128 ...
Thai General Hospital
Created by Palm'sTime
Thai General Hospital By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Info: Contains 3 buildings – Main building (Capacity: 500) – Patient building with 2 styles (Capacity: 150 and 250 for 8 Storey) Type Healthcare. Storey Main building: 4 Storey | Patient building: 6-8 Storey ...
Tamurakoma Office Signs
Created by Ronyx69
Includes the Tamurakoma logo and sign. Made for the Tamurakoma Office. Main: 28 - 324 tris 128x512 + 512x64 LOD: 2 - 8 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutor...
Tamurakoma Office
Created by Ronyx69
Tamurakoma (textile and garment trading company) office in Tokyo, Japan. RICO: $20K / L2 Office / 100 jobs Oddly shaped lot. The signage is optional. Main: 6094 tris 2048x1024 LOD: 296 tris 25...
Shinjuku Washington Hotel
Created by Sakura I am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then. Patreon Beta Notes Thank you to all my Patreon supporters for supporting m...
Sensō-ji Main Hall
Created by Emperor Li Main Hall of Sensō-ji (Asakusa Kannon Temple), a famous ancient Buddhist temple located in Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan.( wikipedia ) This is the Parklife version. Can be found under Parks & Plazas \ City Park. related Buildings: K...
Sensō-ji Five-Story Pagoda
Created by Emperor Li Originally located on the east side of the Sensō-ji temple ground. After its destruction during the Great Kanto earthquake in 1923, it was rebuilt in 1973 on the west side. ( wikipedia ) This is the Parklife version. Can be ...
Sasebo JP Apartment A
Created by Sparks
Sasebo JP Apartment A by Sparks The apartment is located in Sasebo, Nagasaki prefecture, Japan. It's part of my sasebo plan. I am committed to restoring the landscape around Nagasaki and sasebo, so I will produce and upload local buildings from time to tim...
浅草 神谷ビル / JP Kamiya Building
Created by koma
東京都台東区浅草の「神谷ビル」を参考に制作しました。 バー、レストラン、割烹料理店が入るビルです。 神谷バーは日本で最初のバーであり、ブランデーベースのカクテルである電気ブランが有名です。 浅草で最古の鉄筋コンクリート造であるこのビルは、2011年に国の登録有形文化財に登録されています。 ゲーム向けに制作しているため、外観が多少異なります。 Growable Commercial Low 3×3 Lv.3 ---------------------------------------------------...
オフィスビル with コンビニ / JP Office Bld with 7-11&FamilyMart
Created by koma
1階にコンビニエンスストアが併設されているオフィスビルです。 2種類の建物を同梱しています。 JP Office Bld with 7-11 JP Office Bld with FamilyMart ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 支援 / Donate ご支援をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 アマゾン欲しいものリスト https://...
JP Medium Shrine 中型神社
Created by TOKACHI269
JP Medium Shrine 中型神社 神社アセット第二弾として中型の神社を制作しました。市街地の中に設置しても違和感のない大きさとなっております。装飾済みのものとプレーンのものが含まれます。10MBありますが、本堂以外のテクスチャは公開されてる神社のPROPと共通のものを使っているのでLSMを仕様していれば3ぶんの1ほどのメモリ消費で済んでいると思います。 A medium-sized shrine was created as the second Japanese shrine asset. Ev...
JP Shrine Props 神社用小物
Created by TOKACHI269
Japanese Shrine Props Make your own shrine! Shrine assets by four Japanese asset creators. The main shrine modeled after Katori Jingu Shrine, 6 types of buildings, and 37 types of Props. Katori Jingu Shrine is an ancient shrine in Chiba Prefecture that is ...
JP_JMOD Ichigaya Area Pack:Main Gate 防衛省市ヶ谷地区:正門護衛所
Created by sanyu321
It is the Main Gate in the Ichigaya Area of Japan Ministry of Defense. Explanation Search "Ichigaya" or "JMOD" on Find It! Prev:Ichigaya Memorialt↗️ Next:Building A↗️ The Main Gate is the second work of the Ichigaya Area of JMOD set. I think the Ichigaya a...
jp_apt3 (apartment)
Created by nob50506000
3×3 level 4 high density residential 白黒デザインの現代風の集合住宅です...
JPCC - Japanese Custom Castle
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a set of parts for building a Japanese castle. The set includes stone walls and turrets. You can create a magnificent castle by combining it with the main building, or you can create a castle ruins by leaving only the stone walls and walls. It can ...
JP Karaoke Buildings
Created by EXYN4
Including 2 types(Jankara, Mega Big)...
jangmi apartment
Created by YOGURT
리코모드 사용시 자동 적용 됩니다....
Buildings Around Japan (Arakawa Corner)
Created by stop it D
UPDATE: Added a more versatile, rectangular version as an office growable. Also made a few minor tweaks to the original model. Another piece from Arakawa City, Tokyo, less than a kilometer away from my previous "Buildings Around Japan" work. This office si...
門司電気通信レトロ館 / JP Moji Retro museum
Created by koma
This is the Moji Telecommunications Retro Museum in Kitakyushu City, It was built in 1924 as a building for the telephone section of the Moji Post Office of the Ministry of Communications. NTT West cooperated with Kitakyushu City's Mojiko Retro Project to ...
Created by nob50506000
サンドラッグ / JP Sundrug
Created by koma
Sundrug, a drugstore chain with headquarters in Futyu City, Tokyo. Two types of signage are included in the package. 東京都府中市に本社を置くドラッグストアチェーン「サンドラッグ」です。 看板2種類同梱しています。 Growable comlow 4×4 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse
みやさん食堂 / JP Miyasan Diner
Created by koma
This is Miyasan Diner in Nishi-ward, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture. 1×1 Cell, Growable Commercial Low 広島県広島市西区の、みやさん食堂です。 1×1セル、Growable Commercial Low 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse アマゾンギフト券 f0501amb@...
Hotel Monterey La Soeur Osaka
Created by 听风说雨
Hotel Monterey La Soeur Osaka by 听风说雨 制作不易,多多点赞!!! 这次制作的是位于日本大阪中央区的一座四星级酒店ホテルモントレ ラ スール,同样的,为了让它更适合于天际线,我对原建筑进行了一定的简化修改,本次建筑的的透明玻璃部分用到submesh,建筑总面数约为20000面,模型为2K贴图,若想能实时获取相关动态,请一定要关注我,谢谢支持! This time, I made a 4-star hotel ホテルモントレラスール located in the centra...
Taiwan truck - Small Truck A
Created by YufuCharioteer
台灣小型貨車A 常見的三噸半,從個人到企業均有使用的小型貨車,主要用於物流與商店補貨,這輛車使用堅達系列(四期)的底盤與訂製的車廂,車廂上的行號我隨意取的,若有同名行號純屬巧合 :3 本車是用 kazuma76的Fuso Canter PAINTABLE Truck 修改而來,感謝他提供的車輛模板 道具版本 : here Taiwan truck - Small Truck A A common style of minivans in Taiwan, using the CANTER series cha...
Taiwan truck - Small Truck C
Created by YufuCharioteer
台灣小型貨車C 常見的三噸半,從個人到企業均有使用的小型冷藏貨車,主要用於生鮮產品的運送,這輛車使用堅達系列(四期)的底盤與訂製的車廂,車廂上的行號我隨意取的,若有同名行號純屬巧合 :3 本車是用 kazuma76的Fuso Canter PAINTABLE Truck 修改而來,感謝他提供的車輛模板 畜牧業版本 : here 漁業版本 : here 道具版本 : here Taiwan truck - Small Truck C A common style of minivans in Taiwan, ...
Food Kiosk
Created by Accapulco
Food Kiosk by Accapulco. A little fast food kiosk to put around town. 200 tris on 256x256 textures....
Porirua_coffee kiosk
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a Porirua coffee kiosk. Type of building: Growable - commercial low. level 3. Color varitions: no I fixed LOD texture sizes --------------------------------------------------- Porirua_coffee kiosk Model ...
Hong Kong Neon Sign - Ki Chan Tea Company | 祺棧茶行霓虹招牌
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Neon Sign - Ki Chan Tea Company 香港霓虹招牌 - 祺棧茶行 Introduction Hong Kong's neon signs, liting up the night sky of this bustling city, once created the world known iconic image of Hong Ko...
Hong Kong Neon Sign - Mak Man Kee Noodle Shop | 麥文記霓虹招牌
Created by Jeremychit Hong Kong Neon Sign - Mak Man Kee Noodle Shop 香港霓虹招牌 - 麥文記麵家 Introduction Hong Kong's neon signs, liting up the night sky of this bustling city, once created the world known iconic image of Ho...
Cherry Blossom Tree Adult
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Cherry Blossom Tree Adult by Shroomblaze 310 Tri's / 48 Polys Child Version Located Here - Be sure to follow me to see new stuff first! Thanks :) http://i.imgur....
Japanese Shrine
Created by Wisp
Japanese Shrine (assets by kei_em)...
Japanese Commercial Building A 日本の商業ビル
Created by アザラシくん
Tenants include a real estate agent, a hair salon, and an esthetic salon. Japanese Commercial Building A by アザラシくん...
Generic Japanese Temple Building
Created by Sakura
30/06/2020 - Updated roof texture and 3D map This is my first ever building. Made to be placed in my Shimayama series. Coming soon. As this is my first I will be updating it as I get better and better. Updates coming soon. 1. New LOD model. So please feel ...
Japan Airlines 737-800
Created by SvenBerlin
Japan Airlines 737-800 by Svenpotsdam after dark updated All stuff is free of course and if you like that stuff maybe you would like to donate for all the time I invested to reskin this aircraft Thank you very much.
Floating Japanese fishing boat
Created by PentalimbedP
TOKACHI269's fishing boats from his fishing harbor asset pack made floating. All credits to the original author....
Red Bridge Minoo Park, Japan
Created by citywokcitywall
Welcome to Kobayashi Island! This decorative bridge is based off of the Minoo Park's famous red bridge outside the Ryuanji Temple in Japan. MAIN: 4590 Tris 1024x512 Texture D / S / N LOD: 390 Tris 128x64 Texture D / S...
Japanese Apartment 日本のアパート
Created by Sakura I am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then. What is this and why do I need it: Japanese Apartment building based on th...
Shinjuku Park Tower (Tokyo) reupload
Created by Maurice Skyliners
Skyscraper located in Tokyo, Japan, asset originally created by Aitortilla01, unfortunately the account in question has been deleted, the reuploaded asset will be here until further notice...
Tokyo JP Office Bldg C (No Sign)
Created by Sparks
Tokyo JP Office Bldg C (No Sign) by Sparks This is the no-sign version. Here's the main link (Normal version):
TKD_Tokyo Dome (1988)
mcw_TKD_Tokyodome by MARCOWWINE TKD_Tokyo Dome 1988 Size is 1:1 (202m structural length, 116460m2) Based on the 1988 Tokyo Dome design, air-supported PTFE membrane structure stadium. Modifications were made for CSL. reference data source: http://www.tensin...
Created by jaijai
Mizuki Unyu Kogyo Heavy Truck 6x2 This asset is a revamped of my first full-scratch asset. It is inspired by the 80' in Japan. This livery was created for Mizuki City, a fictional city created by Ryuichi Kaminogi. Asset Details Category: Industry Capacity:...
ZLC Heavy Truck
Created by jaijai
Zennoh-butsuryu 全農物流 Category: Industry Farming 3D Model: Heavy Truck 6x2 This asset was made by using Heavy Truck Template. Prop is here....
NITTSU Heavy Truck
Created by jaijai
Nippon Express 日本通運 3D Model: Heavy Truck 8x4 This asset was made by using Heavy Truck Template. Prop is here....
Heavy Truck 8x4
Created by jaijai
Heavy Truck 8x4, Low floor, Wing body This is a heavy truck common in Japan. It has high stability and large loading capacity. This is not based on the real manufacturer's vehicle. However, this was made referring to Hino Profia and Fuso Super Great. Asset...
Heavy Truck 6x2
Created by jaijai
Heavy Truck 6x2, Wing body Asset Details Category: Industry Capacity: 10,000 Triangles: 1026, Texture: 1024x512 LoD Triangles: 44, LoD Texture: 64x64 The 8x4 version is here. Prop is here....
j.p - Metropolitan Library
Created by jorge.puerta j.p - Metropolitan Library Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 6x6 - Public Library. A large place for general education that will attract many tourists and citizens. Texture 1024x1024 (d-...
JP Community Center
Created by sway
Japanese suburban style community center(kominkan). RICO 3x4 RICO office level 2, 10 workplaces, 0 construction cost It would function as a small playground if you don't have the required RICO mod The rooftop is left empty and plain on purpose. You can add...
Decal Concrete Slabs
Created by Skibitth.YT
DESCRIPTION: ► This DECAL can be used to create more realistic plazas in your cities! ► The color or the lightning might be different depending on your LUT as you can see in one of the pictures. I used Relight MOD (Warm one) OPTIONAL: ► You should use the ...
MCH - Wide Leaf Plants
Created by Shannanigan
These plants were designed to be used with the structural planters built into my Mid-Century Homes. They aren't exactly accurate to the real plants, I chose the different leaf designs because they were interesting. I'm sure that will make you Horticultural...
Planters & Curbs
Created by GDGAMER777
Planters & Curbs by Tomas I AM LEGEND Prop pack with: -6 planters non- conforming. Triangles 10-38-58-78-170 | Textures d,n -2 curbs non-conforming -30 cm (30x40x100 & 30x40x300) *UI Priority: 50000005 - 50000012 Mod required to use props in-game: -Find it...
Station Bench (NS)
Created by Tim The Terrible
This bench is a common sight on most Dutch train stations. They are property of the Dutch National Railways (Nederlandse Spoorwegen)
City Filler - Bench v3
Created by Skibitth.YT
DESCRIPTION: ► This ASSET can be used to fill in the empty spaces in your city to make it look more realistic! ► The ASSET contains: ● 2xStation Benches by Tim The Terrible ● 8xPlanter by Tomas & Agusingnavy ● 4x Leaf Plants by Pdelmo ► It works as a Park ...
Five Story Pagoda
Created by PandaYoume
Ancient Building Type: Park Size: 2.91mb Texture: 1024 x 1024 Triangles: 3032 Construction cost: 15000 Maintenance cost: 250 Electric/Water: 0 Non illumination *Pagoda...
Monument to the 80 Years of Japanese Immigration
Created by Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Robal's apartments #2 [2 versions]
Created by Robal
Robal's apartments #2 6x2 and 2x6 units I upgraded textures but also keep it as simple and basic as possible. Generic apartments building with loggias, roof entrance, roof grass really c00l Notes Rico with 30 homes includes rotated version Mesh, textures m...
Star Monument
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
metal wood table set less triangle count
Created by SvenBerlin
metal wood table set low by SvenBerlin I reduced the tris count from 1492 to 796 for the table set ( 1 table, 2 chairs ) table single now 244 chair single now 276 ingame LOD...
restaurant umbrella Heineken
Created by SvenBerlin
restaurant umbrella Heineken by SvenBerlin size of the umbrella is 4x4 meters the height around 3.1meters tris 387 because of the struts LOD 62...
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Mt. Fuji Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. And also it’s the symbol of Japan. This Mt.Fuji is a 1:5 scaled asset, but it still brings us a impact. Place it far from your city and it will be fine with your city. There is a cube inside the mountain,...
樱花停车场2x3 P3
Created by 落花随心
樱花停车场2x3 P3 by 落花随心...
Terraced Planter Network - Concrete
Created by Avanya
A planter network for ultimate flexibility! It makes for some really cool decorative areas! The tree can be replaced using the vanilla tree replacer while you're stuck with my choice of bushes. But there's also an empty version included if you want to deco...
Park 公园 10+1 by 轩总
Created by Mr. Xuan
Park 公园 by 轩总 比例(proportion): 10 * 1 交流Q群:640841678 请务必订阅右侧前置物品 关注我,第一时间获取更新内容 非常抱歉,由于模组原因.之前所制作的公园树木会丢失.所以删除了之前的公园资产.非常抱歉...目前已经测试正常! 可放心订阅哦! 如果觉得还不错,麻烦帮忙点个赞👍 点点收藏⭐ 你的支持就是我继续更新的动力。 Park by Mr. Xuan Proportion: 10 * 1 Please make sure to subscribe to the f...
Prop Pack: C:SII Planters
Created by Avanya
This is the prop versions of my planters shaped as the Cities: Skylines II logo. These are not used in the parks below, but they offer an undecorated version for anyone wanting that. Park versions
Prop pack: Hexagon planters
Created by Avanya
Hexagon planter props. These aren't used in my parks, but just available for anyone wanting to create their own planters on the fly. This pack contains all 3 variations of texture and shape, so a total of 6 assets sharing 3 different textures sets with the...
Park 公园 2+8 by 轩总
Created by Mr. Xuan
Park 公园 by 轩总 比例(proportion): 2 * 8 交流Q群:640841678 请务必订阅右侧前置物品 关注我,第一时间获取更新内容 如果觉得还不错,麻烦帮忙点个赞👍 点点收藏⭐ 你的支持就是我继续更新的动力。 Park by Mr. Xuan Proportion: 2 * 8 Please make sure to subscribe to the front item on the right Follow me and get updated content as soon a...
Rubik's Cube Park
Created by Checo Mx Model Information Tris: 3,400 Textures: 1024 X 1024 ( D – S) You can search for this pack with the "Find It" mod with the name “Rubik's Cube Park” and you can move it with "Move It ". It is a ...
Garden Cluster_Royal Purple
Created by pdelmo
Garden Cluster_Royal Purple by pdelmo DUBAI Special
1x1 filler roadless RoyalPurple and Tree
Created by OlexX
1x1 filler planter pot with Garden Cluster Royal Purple and a Regular Tree. You can place it anywhere without the need for a road connection. And that's why it has no entertainment and does not attract tourists. It works like a park and you can set it how ...
Community Square
Created by 红米先生
现代小区公园 长度95米 宽度40米 面数11000 低模2600 公园属性,可以魔物 Modern community park 95 meters in length and 40 meters in width 11000 faces, 2600 low modulus Park attribute, can be magical...
Mozaika Park 12x4
Created by dante_alighieri
Mozaika Park 12x4 by dante_alighieri...
Administration and laboratory
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on So I decided to make a modular sewage treatment facility. This is the administration and laboratory building. It does treat a bit of sewage, but I mainly made it as decoration. It employs a few people (16) of diff...
Large pile of bauxite
Created by Avanya
Update 24/7-16: Gave it a better texture and moved it to the industrial prop category. Large pile of bauxitre ore roughly 5x7 squares (so there's room for stuff round it on a 6x8 :P ) - scales a bit down for variation. Tris: 276 LOD: 90 Disclaimer For full...
Bike Alley (Rural Germany)
Created by Mike Builds
Ground version only! Be advised: This Bike Alley can only be found with the mod Find it! 2!. Type Mike or German in the Find it mod search bar. This is NOT a path, but a BIKE ROAD. So in order for you to have Cyclists using it, you must connect it to a Str...
Bike Sign
Created by Mike Builds
A simple Bike Sign prop that is used in: Mike's German Bike Alley Check out my other creations. If you would like to support my work, and help me get through the long nights working at this: Enjoy...
Small Narrow Street with Bike Lanes V2 (No P&P)
Created by Mike Builds
Ground version only! This is a Vanilla...ish Narrow, One Unit, One Way Road, with a Bike Lane that goes both Ways. Unlike V1, this road does not contain the fancy Light Bollards from the P&P DLC. If you want to have visible Crosswalks and Bollards, the onl...
Japanese Cushion Drums クッションドラム
Created by ako_ako
道路脇によくあるアレです。道路工事のお供にもどうぞ。 Propの工業カテゴリに表示されます。 This is a japanese style impact attenuator. This pack includes 6 props show in the picture. These props are in the under of the Industrial props. Recommended Mod More Beautification Prop Precision Prop Line To...
JP Wider 2 lane roads
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This pack contains wider two-lane roads from Konno's KR series. Since the position for vehicle traffic is set closer to the center, it is possible to recreate a road with a lot of street parking, for example, by placing a car prop on the edge. It can be us...
II-68 Glass Balcony
Created by лд чонгука
Update 31.07.2021 -better illumination texture -better balconies texture -better roof texture !! Ability to switch balconies version to no balconies version through rename building. Balconies disappear when the name of the building is NOT original Example:...
UK Brutalist House
Created by Brammered
What’s this?: Making a city, but lack those ambitious brutalist projects the local council undertook in the 60s/70s? Well, look no further than this, the UK Brutalist House. This building comes straight from Camden’s own Alexandra and Ainsworth Estate. Des...
Brutalist Office
Created by The Lost Cake
Another concrete office building from Stuttgart 3x2 2817 Tris 1504 Vertices 1024x1024 Follow me on Twitter for updates on the assets i'm working on....
Created by waya
wy-JP-Mansions-MC-AB by waya...
JP FamilyMart C / ファミリーマート
Created by koma
It's Family Mart, a convenience store with eat-in space on the second floor. Growable Commercial Low 2×2. 2階にイートインスペースがあるコンビニエンスストア、ファミリーマートです。 JP FamilyMart C by koma ...
国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building
Created by TAEMIN B
国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building 国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. it is called by 'Kokkai gijidō'. It is a house of councillors, National diet building of Japan. It is in tokyo, Around of imperial(royal) palace. And it's popular landma...
Criminal Courts Building
Created by Cateinum
Back to NYC! This is an absolute monstrous Art Deco / Streamline Moderne-style municipal building located in The Civic Center, New York City, NY. Completed in 1940, it houses the Criminal and Supreme Courts, Legal Aid, offices for the New York City Police ...
Art Deco light
Created by Cateinum
This is a simple art deco / streamline wall light. I'm going to use it in my future projects, but maybe you will find it useful too. Stats: texture 128x256 d/i, lod 32x32 d, mesh ~40 tris...
医院急救中心 - Emergency Center Hospital
Created by fangtangdeyu
资产名称:医院急救中心 资产位置:医疗保健 简介:一栋独特的21层中型医院建筑,底部带有医疗中心,尽情去治疗你们的刁民吧,希望你会喜欢这栋建筑,欢迎点赞支持。 Asset Name: Emergency Center Hospital (医院急救中心) Asset Location: Healthcare Introduction: A unique 21 story medium-sized hospital building with a medical center at the bottom. Fe...
j.p - Metropolitan Hospital
Created by jorge.puerta j.p - Metropolitan Hospital Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 6x4 - A new large health facility, 8 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Description -...
Tokyo Monorail 10000 Series
Created by JSF-1
The Tokyo Monorail 10000 Series is the newest fleet of vehicles to enter service on the Tokyo Monorail line; entering service in July 2014. The actual trains run in 6 car sets, however due to the short length of the stations in the game I have reduced the ...
Tokyo Metro 08 series
Created by ron_fu-ta
東京メトロ08系 ゲームのプラットホームが短い為、編成を短くしてあります。 定員:720名 (120名/両) 速度:100km/h Tokyo Metro 08 series Station platform is short in this game. For this reason, it has been short train formation. Capacity : 720 person (120 person/car) Speed : 100km/h このアセットは以下のMODを使用して制作し...
Tokyo Waterfront Area Rapid Transit Rinkai Line 71-000 Series
Created by =P
This train is going to be introduced in 2025. 【This asset includes the following】 ・TWR 71-000 Series (10cars,Rapid)  Local Shin-kiba (Next Tokyo Teleport) - Rapid Kawagoe (Next Kokusai-tenjijo)
Tram: EVAG B100S CE 2x
Created by Gregor Vukasinovic
Essen's EVAG, along with the transit operators from Cologne and Bonn, was among the launch customers of the B100 LRV. Until today they have not retired any of their B100 and continue to run them in various states of modernisation. This mod depicts the B100...
Tram: EVAG B100S CE
Created by Gregor Vukasinovic
Essen's EVAG, along with the transit operators from Cologne and Bonn, was among the launch customers of the B100 LRV. Until today they have not retired any of their B100 and continue to run them in various states of modernisation. This mod depicts the B100...
LRT Tram Depot
Created by clus
LRT Tram Depot Prolog Moin folks ! That might be something you could need, if you´re using the LRT tracks already. ;) About the model A depot for your trams ! It might not be as nice as other creations, but I thinks it looks ok. ;) The model has about 4500...
LRT - Tram Tracks - Prop Pack
Created by clus
Announcement Hello everybody ! This Prop Pack is the main dependency for all LRT - Tram tracks. That includes the first upload ( ) "LRT - Tram - Tracks" as well. I am going to correct my big...
Single - Tram Tracks - Concrete
Created by clus Hello all together ! This is a Single Tram Track - Network on Concrete. Basically the same as Vanilla. Different Versions available:
Bus and Tram -Shelters
Created by clus
Bus and Tram - Shelters Prolog Hello community ! These little package consists of 2 shelters which will be used within my road assets as a replacement for the vanilla shelters. You can decide yourself if you want to use these shelters or just detail the bu...
Tram and Bus Stop Sign (Dependency)
Created by Pewex
Hi all, This is a set of two signs made as a dependency as per the request of clus. If you want the full pack (which has been designed with PO in mind so you can customise your individual stops, and has two extra signs), please check the original asset her...
LRT - Light Prop
Created by clus
Narrow Tram Track - Concrete
Created by clus Hello all together ! This is a Double Tram Track - Network on Concrete. Basically the same as Vanilla. Different Versions available:
ANA Billboard
Created by Hafiz
All Nippon Airways Billboard by H4F1Z...
AFC Adboards Pack
Created by Hafiz
AFC Adboards Pack by H4F1Z. Brands included: - Asahi - Continental Tyres - Emirates - Epson - Family Mart - Hyundai Heavy Industries - Kirin - Konica Minolta - Makita - Nike Football - Nikon - Qatar Gas - Qatar Petroleum - RasGas - Saison Card - Samsung - ...
Kyuden Nagasaki Office
Created by Sakura I am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then. Patreon Beta Notes Thank you to all my Patreon supporters for supporting m...
KR Office Building4
Created by Leaf
60º의 코너에서 이용할 수 있는 사무용 건물입니다. 강남구 논현로85길 28(역삼동)에 있는 을 참고하여 제작하였습니다. 현재는 에서 전층을 임대하여 사용하고 있습니다. 무브잇 모드와 파인드잇 모드를 함께 이용하여 코너를 다채롭게 꾸며보세요! 감사합니다:) 4X4 사무용 건물 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Yokohama Landmark Tower
Created by Sakura I am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then. Patreon Beta Notes Thank you to all my Patreon supporters for supporting m...
Created by 听风说雨
Created by 听风说雨
NTT DOCOMO by 听风说雨 1K: 这个建筑位于日本東京都渋谷区的NTT办公楼,也是东京的地标建筑之一,本次制作的作品是对工坊原有的资产的重置,重新建模以及绘制贴图,时钟也相应会随着时间而转动,该版本是2K贴图的版本,如果您需要低分辨率的版本,请点击上方的链接进行订阅,如果你喜欢我的作品,请不要吝啬你的点赞,谢谢! This building is located in...
三井住友銀行横浜支店 / JP Mitsui Sumitomo Bank
Created by koma
"Mitsui Sumitomo Banking Corporation", Yokohama Branch. This building was constructed in 1931 and is still used as a bank branch. Unique Building 6×4 cell. Support / Donate If you can support us, please consider it. Ofuse Amaz...
JP Suburban House
Created by nob50506000
日本風のRC造一戸建てになります。 1970~1980年代頃に建てられた大きなテラスの付いたのデザインになります。 It will be a Japanese-style RC detached house. It will be a design with a large terrace built around the 1970s and 1980s. Lv.1 jp_re116,jp_re117...
JP_JMOD Ichigaya Area Pack:Building D 防衛省市ヶ谷地区:D棟
Created by sanyu321
This is Building D in the Ichigaya Area of Japan Ministry of Defense. Explanation Search "Ichigaya" or "JMOD" on Find It! Prev:Building A↗️ Next:Building B↗️ This is the fourth D building in the Ichigaya area of the Defence Province. There is a back entran...
瑞城OPA / JP Mizuki-OPA
Created by koma
JP Mizuki-OPA is a large shopping mall. The size is 8x8 and the category is Unique Building. It was created in reference to Akita OPA in front of Akita Station, Akita Prefecture. The building opened in 1974 as the JUSCO Akita store, and has undergone sever...
Roppongi Hills Complex-Mori Tower
Created by UNFU 六本木新城(日语:六本木ヒルズ/ろっぽんぎヒルズ Roppongi hiruzu 英语:Roppongi Hills),又称六本木之丘,是位于日本东京六本木的都市复合开发区,由森大厦主导开发,是日本规模最大的都市更新计划之一。设计者为入江三宅设计事务所。 此资产为六本木之丘综合体的主体部分:森大厦。地上54层,地下6层,内有东京君悦酒店( グランドハイアット東京;Grand Hyatt Tokyo)、森美术馆、六本木新城TOHO影城等设施。雅虎...
General-purpose asset pack Vol.08 Gas station
Created by 001HANNO
General-purpose asset pack Vol.08 by 001HANNO These assets will be signs (blue signs, etc.) and signs based on the fictional city "Mizuki City" that appears in Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube video "Mizuki City Live" series. Some notations do not reflect Mizuki...
JHTS 首都高 道路情報板 Road Info Board
Created by OSARUSAN
首都高の道路情報板です。 6種類を同梱しています。うち5種類がPO用になります。 POでTextureの1, 2の部分に記入することでオリジナルの道路情報板を作成できます(4枚目の画像参照)。 Shutoko (Japan Metropolitan Expressway) Road Info Board. 6 props included. You can make your original info board with PO by inputting letter in 1 and 2 shown o...
JP Shrine Buildings 神社の建物
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
日本の神社を再現するために必要な様々な建物がパッケージになったセットです。 神社用小物 JP Shrine PropsのPropと合わせてお使いください。 Find It 等で「JPCS」と検索すると、すべてのアセットが表示されます。 配置の方法や使い方はガイドをご覧ください。 This is a package with various buildings to make shrines in Japan. Please use this buildings with 神社用小物 JP Shrine Pr...
JPCS Ploppable Shrine 装飾済の神社
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
JPCSシリーズのPropや建物を使って制作された、Unique Buildingとして配置可能な神社です。 カスタマイズの必要なく簡単に神社を置くことができます。 Unique Buildingなので、複数配置する場合には Not So Unique Buildingsを利用してください。 This is a unique building ( park ) using JPCS props and buildings. You can place a shrine easily without cust...
Tokyo Office Building A "CJ Building" / 東京のオフィスビルA「CJビル」
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
2 Office buildings inspired from "CJ Building" in Shimbashi, Tokyo, Japan. The small one is from the real one. The large one is fictional. Thanks to Waya, I used his textures for the convenience store. Specifications ■ CJ Building 4x4 Growable Level 3 Offi...
Tokyo Office Building B "Oda Kosan Building"
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Office building inspired from "Oda Kosan Building" in Shimbashi, Tokyo, Japan. Specifications 1x3 Growable Level 3 Office Tris: 4183+props (LOD: 46) / Textures: 1024x1024 (LOD: 256x256) d/n/s/i/a About the production request I can accept asset request with...
Ex_TokyoMetro02 Re_build car
Created by konfox0527
元東京メトロ02系譲渡改造車 Ex_TokyoMetro02 Re_build car 概要 Overview もし02系が譲渡されて活躍してたら…というのを想定した電車です。 18m車2両編成で最高速度は80km/hです。 Additive Shaderに対応(行先表示機、前灯、尾灯) Propが付属します。 This is the If version of TokyoMetro 02 series train is rebuild for local railway. It is 18m length...
dp - Stores & Offices
Created by jorge.puerta dp - Stores & Offices Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 4x4 - Level 3, high density commercial building, 18 floors. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Commercial H...
Downtown Parking Garage
Created by KingLeno Downtown Parking Garage by KingLeno Huge 19 x 11 parking garage. Works like every other parking garage on the workshop, which is not really. Some cars will park, some will fly, etc. Mostly used for decoration and not for fun...
City Wharves
Created by Robert
A sequel to my River Wharf release, the City Wharves pack contains two double-sided ferry piers, based off the wharves in Circular Quay, Sydney, and ten props great for use around wharves, which are also placed around the buildings. These wharves are gener...
Car Transporter Ver.2
Created by kazuma76
Car Transporter Ver.2 Type : Generic Industry Triangle Polygon Count Tractor Head : 2465 , Lod : 26 Trailer : 6346 , Lod : 54 Support Ofuse (Donation)...
Bratke Corporate
Created by Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Anzac Bridge
Created by Robert
PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION, BECAUSE BRIDGES ARE WEIRD I'm not clever enough to figure out network bridges yet (bridges that are dragged like roads), so I've settled for the older method of custom frames that you thread a road through and delete default pi...
Aloha Gas Station
Created by meshd
Description Aloha Gas Station This building is based on a real life gas station in Honolulu. Details Includes: Aloha Gas Station Aloha Gas Station Undecorated Aloha Gas Station Prop Alo...
Affaria and Cavalcanti Condos
Created by Casia Loopy
2 growable Brazilian condos commissioned by Bastet. They share a texture, are colourable, and they can be elevated to create a security wall, and ground facilities. If you want to show appreciation with your disposable income: Paypal Donation brazil, recif...
130, Korean Low Commercial
Created by neinnew/네인
130, Korean Low Commercial 한국 시티빌더 커뮤니티 플레이시티 Level 2 Low Commercial 4 × 3 Unit 26.88 × 21.65 × 13.2 Meter Name Tris Texture Maps Texture Size 130 Korea Low Commercial 1293 _d, _s, _n, _i 1024×512 ...
首都高情報板_Shuto Expressway sign
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 東京都にある首都高速道路の混雑状況を説明する情報表示板です。 こちらは高速道路ではなく、一般道路に設置されているタイプです。 Information display board explaining the congestion situation of the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway in Tokyo. This is not an expressway, but a type installed on a general road. 2パタ...
白天鹅宾馆 The White Swan Hotel
Created by HooHeeHaa
The White Swan Hotel is a 28-story luxury hotel in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, located on Shamian Island, overlooking the Pearl River and facing the White Swan Pool. The hotel is reached by its own private 635 metres (2,083 ft) causeway. The hotel opened ...
渋谷109 shibuya109
Created by やばい
渋谷109 shibuya109 by やばい お久しぶりです、今回作ったアッセとは渋谷109です、お楽しみください。 Hi, guys, this is shibuya109, one of the famous building in Shibuya area, hope you guys enjoy and have fun! 渋谷 東京 日本 Shibuya Tokyo Japan update log: LED light for calzedonia shop...
消防団詰所 2Packs
Created by koma
Fire brigade station It's a fire brigade station. Both are 1×1 squares. We have one fire truck set up. 消防団詰所です。 どちらも1×1マスです。 消防車は1台の設定にしています。 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse アマゾンギフト券 JP Fi...
横浜 木村ビル / JP Yokohama Kimura Building
Created by koma
Kimura Building The Kimura Building is located in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture. It is a 3×3 cell for corner lots, and the category is high-density commercial, level 2. Due to production reasons, some parts of the building may differ from the actual b...
小さなクリニック / JP Clinic (small)
Created by koma
It is a small clinic that seems to be located in a residential area. Seven different signs are included. The walls of the building are 4 random colors. - sign - JP Clinic sign 01 ( 耳鼻咽喉科 まつだクリニック ) JP Clinic sign 02 ( 歯科 おおたにデンタルクリニック ) JP Clinic sign 03 (...
Created by 红米先生
中式地下停车场 by 红米...
シャポー船橋南館_Shapo Funabashi
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 2018年に船橋駅の南口側に建設されたシャポー南館を再現してみました。 駅アセットが多く存在しますが、駅ビルが圧倒的に少ないため制作。 In 2018 I tried reproducing the Chapo South building which was built on the south exit side of Funabashi station. There are many station assets, but because the station build...
アクティ汐留 Acty Shiodome
Created by Keith3201
This is Based on the Acty Shiodome in Tokyo, Japan. Also called Block H? It is a Ploppable Rico residential building with 175 homes. The asset uses all 1024x1024 textures for the main model and 256x1024 for the lod textures. There is no color choice textur...
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 5 different bikes - both vehicle and prop versions. Found in industrial props. The pedals spin (it's set as a wheel) but they will rarely match with the cim pedaling animation, as different cims have different animations and positions. Main: 914 -...
Created by Ronyx69
FamilyMart Japanese convenience store inspired by this one:,139.7026407,3a,75y,338.8h,98.39t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sI4MMZ3jPaADI7gkP2jUOIA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 It's a growable but I only tested it by plopping it manually, I'm...
Prague Office
Created by Ronyx69
A RICO Office based on Greenline Kačerov:,14.4568258,124a,35y,70.95h,48.01t/data=!3m1!1e3 Main(exterior+ducts+glass+dirt+gravel for main and sub-building): 8052 tris 1024x1024 + 256x512 + 32x32 + 512x512 + 512x512 + 64x6...
The Montgomery
Created by honker
This is based on a 28-story building in Chicago's Near North Side neighborhood (just northwest of the Loop, a mile west of the Hancock Center). This international style condo building, which started life in the 1970s as the headquarters of the Montgomery W...
Multi-tenant Building (2type-5colors) / 雑居ビル(2種類5色)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Multi-tenant building in Japan what is called "Zakkyo-buil / 雑居ビル". This is so boring building that it can be placed anywhere. This pack contains 2 models: - Simple and 4 colors - Decorated and 1 color Subscribe now to make typical boring common cities in ...
JP Tokyo Fire Department Pumper
Created by Osacania
Hino Ranger Pumper The Japanese fire engine called "普通ポンプ車 (literally means nomal pump truck)" that carries no water. prop included. Asset info Main mesh Tris: 5,895 Textures: 1024x512 LOD Tris: 74 Textures: 128x128 Other version of this truck is available...
JP Tokyo Fire Department Ambulance
Created by Osacania
Toyota HiMedic Ambulance The most typical Ambulance in Japan. prop included. Asset info Main mesh Tris: 2,593 Textures: 1024x512 LOD Tris: 50 Textures: 128x128 Other version of this truck is available for Ryuichi Kaminogi's YouTube channel membership. Twit...
Tokyo DMAT Response Vehicle
Created by Osacania
Toyota HiMedic Response Vehicle The Japanese DMAT response vehicle owned by a hospital. This vehicle's behavior is the same as regular ambulances, but it does not transport patients but DMAT doctors irl. prop included. Asset info Main mesh Tris: 2,405 Text...
JP Tokyo Fire Department Ladder
Created by Osacania
Hino Profia 40m-class Ladder The Japanese fire ladder engine that can reach heights of 8-stories. Contains 1 vehicle and 3 props . Asset info Main mesh Tris: 7,408~7,534 Textures: 1024x512 LOD Tris: 54 Textures: 128x128 Other version of this truck is avail...
Created by 听风说雨
區役所 by 听风说雨 该建筑的原型是日本名古屋市的北区区役所,我贴图的制作原则上按2K的标准绘制,但上传工坊的版本以1K为主。模型总面数为10000面,整体还原度90%,如果你喜欢我的作品,请给我点赞,谢谢! The prototype of the building is the Kita Ward Office in Nagoya City, Japan. In principle, the production of my textures is drawn according to the 2K ...
Created by waya
wy-JP-HousingComplex-SHT-ABC by waya...
JPPS_Japanese Police Station Sign(KOBAN) Pack 2 交番の看板セット 2
Created by sanyu321
交番の看板です。(光る看板です) Search "JPPS" or "KOBAN" on Find It! 続編です!光る看板ですが、夜しか電気をつけません。高さは3Mです。柱がない看板は壁に設置して下さい。柱の高さを調整したい場合に、POを使って下さい。05の色は変更が可能です。 おすすめ 前篇(Japanese Police Station Sign(KOBAN) Park):交番の看板↗️ 大阪南警察署高津交番のアセット:高津交番↗️ 同包 以下の4種類が同包されています。 Japanese poli...
Japanese Police Box 大阪南警察署高津交番(KOBAN)
Created by sanyu321
日本大阪南警察署高津交番です。 説明 Search "KOBAN" on Find It! 大阪南警察署高津交番をモデルに作成しました。1x1サイズの交番です。警察用自転車やパトカーなど自分の好みでプロップを配置してください。駐車の機能は付いていません。参考は写真しかありませんので、後ろは想像で作ったものです。 アップデート アップデートしました。詳しい情報は以下です。 *モデルの簡略化 *UV図のサイズは2048→1024に減らす *法線マッピングを増やす *リアルな色に変更 *設定数値の変更 *電気の不...
jp_apt2a (Apartment)
Created by nob50506000
high Density Residential 4×3 Level 4 街の中心街にありそうな大型の集合住宅です。 8階建て、14階建てをご用意しております。...
JP High School Buildings
Created by nob50506000
日本風の校舎になります。高校として機能します。 校舎5棟・昇降口・渡り廊下・体育館が入っております。 建物のみになりますのでMove Itで位置を調整して組み合わせるとリアルになります。 It will be a Japanese-style school building. functions as a high school. It contains 5 school buildings, an entrance, a connecting corridor, and a gymnasium. Only...
JP Housing Complex
Created by nob50506000
少し古めの高層団地になります。 多摩と大阪にある物件をモデルにしています。 ...
石畳セット -Old Stone road-
Created by [JP]@sayaka
・石畳1(大) ・石畳1(小) ・石畳2(大) ・石畳2(小)   4種類入ってます。by @sayaka ※不具合あったらコメントでもいいので教えてください!        If there are any problems, please point them out. 支援 Donate: ...
JP Rural elementary school / 田舎の小学校
Created by koma
2020.01.05 UPDATED I added a prop of the school gate. 校門のプロップを追加しました。 It is an elementary school with a Japanese wooden school building. It was created with the image of elementary schools in rural mountain areas and port towns where schools have been clos...
JP Cosmo Gas Station 2
Created by koma
Japanese Gas Station Cosmo Oil 2. Growable Commercial Low 2×2. 日本のガソリンスタンド、コスモ石油サービスステーションです。 低密度商業区画 2×2サイズです。 ガソリン価格は相変わらず高めです。...
JP APA Hotel / アパホテル
Created by koma
It is a Japanese business hotel, APA hotel. tourism area. 4×3size. 日本のビジネスホテル、アパホテルです。 観光特化地区 4×3サイズです。 JP APA Hotel by koma...
Japanese Medium Post Office
Created by hakurai
中規模の集配局です。 前原郵便局、直方郵便局、筑紫郵便局、飯塚郵便局、北九州中央郵便局、葛飾郵便局、米子郵便局、札幌西郵便局を参考に制作しました。 6×5 unique building Main model Tris: 2200 Texture size: 1024x1024 Texture types:diffuse,alpha,specular,illumination&normal map LOD model Tris: 209 Texture size: 128x128 Texture types...
- JP - Kuroneko Yamato
Created by [JP]@sayaka
クロネコヤマト営業所のアセットです。 ・クロネコ営業所 Kuroneko Office ・クロネコ倉庫  Kuroneko Warehouse ・クロネコ看板  Kuroneko sign ※不具合あったらコメントでもいいので教えてください!        If there are any problems, please point them out. 支援 Donate:
Japanese Garbage can
Created by Krakow131
自動販売機の横などにおけるゴミ箱です デフォルトや既存のアセットのゴミ箱はおしゃれすぎたので取り急ぎ作りました japanese garbage can to throw away plastic bottles....
Road Mirror No Sign 1
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
JP Parking Garage Easy A
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.3.0 ■ 日本の自走式立体駐車場です。 ▪ Japanese parking garage. ■ 以下の12種類が同包されています。 ▪ The following 12 types are included. P_Garage-EA1B24×32 P_Garage-EA1B24×32r 1446 256×1024/a/d/n
JP MS Bicycle Parking Lot
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.1.0 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本の自走式立体駐輪場です。 ・Japanese multi-story bicycle parking lot. ●地面から2.5cm分上げています。 ・2.5cm fried from the under ground. ●埼玉県新座市富士塚自転車駐車場を参考にしています。 ・Google Map ●以下の1種類が同包されています。 ・The following 1 types are included. Imghttps://i.i...
BIG Commercial AC
Created by BenTracker
BIG Commercial Air Conditioner 58 Tris / 256 x 256px LOD: 32 Tris / 32 x 32px...
NTT Data Building
Created by BachToBaroque
A simplified, modiefied and signage-free version of the actual building located in Nagoya, Japan. Lot Info: Filename: - btb-nttfushimi.crp Assetname: - NTT Data Building Lot Size: 7x6 Unique Building Tab 3 Stats: Same as 'Colossal Order Office' monument. M...
mcw_complex2_v1 by MARCOWWINE Based on a Rotterdam complex: 51°55'16.11'' N 4°82'23.30'' E tris: 3197/282 tex: 1024x512/256x128 Unique building by default search by prefix: 'mcw', 'complex'...
YBPC_山梨文化会館 (1966)
YBPC_山梨文化会館 Kofu Yamanashi Press and Broadcasting Center, a pretty iconic Metabolism design. Built in 1966 and the architect is Kenzo Tange. I have wanted to model this for a long time but the shape is amazingly complicated. (now I understand why a megastr...
Japanese_Office 日本の事務所(汎用)
Created by sanyu321
大型車庫付きの事務所アセットです。 Search "Office" or "事務所" on Find It! 説明 最近、台湾消防署のアセットを作っているところで、ふと、日本の会社やオフィスビルに改装できるのではないかなと思いました。 それで、このアセットを完成しました。 もともと消防署だったことで、バス(2階建てバスも)や消防車、大型トラックまで入れる大きな車庫があります。 高さ3.8メートル、長さ12.5メートルの車庫で、いつも車を雨ざらしにして外に置いていた愛車は、快適な空間に駐車できるようになりまし...
飲食店の提灯 / JP Paper lantern
Created by koma
These lanterns are used to decorate the storefronts of restaurants. JP Paper lantern 01~07 7 types are included in the package. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 飲食店の店頭など飾り付けられている提灯です。 JP Paper la...
雑居ビル 6Pack
Created by koma
It is a six-pack of four- and five-story, miscellaneous buildings that could be anywhere in Japan. JPMT Mizuki-A,B,C JPMT Origin bento JPMT Raffine JPMT Rengatei The category Growable commercial low 1×2. Find it!" search for "JPMT". ( JP Multi tenant ) Miz...
JP Car Port
Created by SUGINOKO ver.1.0 モデル情報/Model info ●日本のカーポートです。 ・Japanese car port. ●ベースは廃墟なので自由に配置できます。 ・The base is a ruin and can be placed freely. ●支柱は25cm分埋まっています。 ・The strut is buried 55cm. ●以下の21種類が同包されています。 ・The following 21 types are include...
美容室兼住宅 / JP Hair salon
Created by koma
It is a Japanese residence that combines a beauty salon. Two types are included in the package. The category is Growable Commercial Low Lv1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 美容室を兼ね備えた日本の...
どこでもショップ Prop17Pack / JP aws 01 - 17
Created by koma
This is a prop for a store that might be on the first floor of an apartment building, office building, or other miscellaneous building. 17 types are included in the package. Find it! 2 is searched for "aws" (anyplace shop). --------------------------------...
剪定された木 / pruned oak tree
Created by kasasasa
伸びすぎ防止のために強剪定された木のアセットです。 デフォルトの高さは4,5mです。 まったくの禿とわずかに葉を持つタイプの2種類です。 This is a pruned oak tree. This height is 4.5m. One has no leaf, another has a few leaves. contents ・jp pruned oak ・jp pruned oak with leaf ★寄付・お布施について★ よろしければ下記よりご支援についてもご検討いただければと思います。 ...
渡部医院 / JP Watanabe Clinic
Created by koma
Watanabe Clinic in Furano, Hokkaido, Japan. It is a two-story wooden Western-style building constructed in 1923. It may or may not have appeared in a TV drama set in Furano. Building Healthcare, size is 2x2. ------------------------------------------------...
どこでもドア / JP awd-01~16
Created by koma
These are door props for general housing and offices. 16 types are included in the package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一般住宅や事務所などのドアのプロップです。 16種類同梱しています。 -------------------------------------...
km-streetlight / 街灯用の電球
Created by koma
km-streetlight by koma...
旧函館西警察署庁舎 / JP Hakodate West Police Station
Created by koma
1926(大正15)年、水上警察署として建築され、後に函館西警察署として1984年まで使用されました。 2006年(平成18)に一旦解体されましたが、建築当時の外観を再現した建物に生まれ変わり、 現在は水産・海洋関連事業の技術高度化や水産振興に貢献する研究施設、函館市臨海研究所として 活用されています。 ・・・との事ですが、ゲーム内では現役の警察署として活動していただきます。 サイズは4×4マス、角地用です。 -------------------------------------------------...
角地用店舗 3pack / JP Corner lot
Created by koma
角地用の店舗アセット3種パックです。 JP Corner lot Takaoka sake shop 1×1 (台東区鳥越) JP Corner lot Otakaraya 2×1 (秋田市土崎) JP Corner lot Meat ushigumi 1×1 (横浜市港北区) ※ ゲームの仕様上角地以外にも生える事があります。 ※ 屋根の色を変更出来ます。 ※ サブメッシュを使用していませんので、PO化して設置も可能です。 -----------------------------------------...
Grant Park Village
Created by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Matches the previous Grant Park Village upload, this one features ground level functional parking under the 2nd floor outdoor plaza 8x7 RICO high density residential 1024x512 diffu...
LPG Storage Tank 竪型バルク貯槽
Created by Takamon27
竪型バルク貯槽と消火器格納箱のプロップセットです。 以下の3つのプロップを同梱しています。 竪型バルク貯槽 LPG Storage Tank.crp 消火器格納箱(架台付き) Fire extinguisher storage box.crp 消火器格納箱(壁掛け用) Fire extinguisher storage box 2.crp 移動式粉末消火設備 Fire extinguishing equipment.crp 工場などの敷地内に設置してみてはいかがでしょうか。 A prop set of Ja...
Grill Kakashi (グリルかかし)
Created by stop it D
Grill Kakashi, or the Scarecrow Grill, is a youshoku (western-style) restaurant in Hitoyoshi, Kumamoto prefecture. It is located on National Route 219 on the bank of the Mae River. The building features a striking, asymmetrical design and unusal stilted fo...
JP_Apartment C Urban condominium
Created by アザラシくん
It is a nine-story urban condominium in Tokyo, Japan. JP_Apartment C by アザラシくん...
CHI Health Center
Created by 听风说雨
CHI Health Center by 听风说雨 制作不易,多多点赞!!! 这次制作的是位于美国内布拉斯加州奥马哈的一座大型综合表演场馆,同样的,为了让它更适合于天际线,我对原建筑进行了一定的简化修改,建筑占地面积为440m×112m,占地面积约为50000平米,建筑总面数约为10000面,贴图大小为512×8192,我的作品向来按高分辨率制作,酌情订阅,但别忘了点点赞,若想能实时获取相关动态,请一定要关注我,谢谢支持! This production is a large-scale comprehen...
JA Signboard Clock JA看板時計
Created by Takamon27
JAの看板時計です。 照明にAdditive Shaderを使用しています。 点灯させるにはAdditive ShaderかProp Anarchyが必要です。 It is a signboard clock of JA. I am using Additive Shader for lighting. You need an Additive Shader or Prop Anarchy to turn it on....
Small Bank Office
Created by nob50506000
農協の支店の建物になります。 佐賀県のJAを参考にしています。 Office Lv.1 jabank1...
高岡商工会議所伏木支所 / JP Takaoka Chamber of C and I
Created by koma
The Takaoka Chamber of Commerce and Industry Fushiki Branch Office is located in Fushiki Minatomachi, Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture. It was built in 1910 and used as the former Fushiki Bank head office. Currently, it is designated as a National Tangible ...
Takohigeya Tackle Shop (たこひげや釣具店)
Created by stop it D
Far, far away! The horizon! Takohigeya is a fishing supply store located in the fictional town of Ashikata, featured in the manga and anime series Houkago Teibou Nisshi (Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater). Not just a bait and tackle, the store also offer...
Toyota Crown 220 JP Police Car
Created by Osacania
Toyota Crown police car for patrol duty. Incrudes 3 types of vehicles and 3 types of props. The cars with the mechanically lifted light bar available here. Main mesh Tris: 1,915 Textures: 2048x1024 LOD Tris: 94 Textures: 128x128 Filename Aerial Roof Markin...
Tokyo 電通本社ビル
Created by 听风说雨
Tokyo 電通本社ビル by 听风说雨 制作不易,多多点赞!!! 这次制作的是位于日本港区汐留的一座大型商务中心电通本社大厦,同样的,为了让它更适合于天际线,我对原建筑进行了一定的简化修改,本次建筑的的透明玻璃部分用到submesh,建筑总面数约为10000面,贴图大小为2048×4096,我的作品向来按高分辨率制作,酌情订阅,但别忘了点点赞,若想能实时获取相关动态,请一定要关注我,谢谢支持! This time I made Dentsu Headquarters Building, a large b...
Created by koma
JR四国多度津駅前にある、「セブンイレブンKiosk多度津駅前店」「リトルマーメイド多度津駅店」 「四国鉄道発祥之地」モニュメントです。 カテゴリーは Commercial Low になります。モニュメントは Building (廃墟ベース)です。 セブンイレブンKioskは、JR四国の観光列車「四国まんなか千年ものがたり」のデザインが 外壁にラッピングされています。 リトルマーメイド多度津駅店は、駅舎横にあるパン屋です。 駅舎横に設置する前提で制作していますので、道路から離れた場所に建ちます。 Move ...
Yamada Denki Nagasaki
Created by Sakura I am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then. What is this and why do I need it: The new Yamada Denki Building from Naga...
JP_JMOD Ichigaya Area Pack:Building A 防衛省市ヶ谷地区:A棟
Created by sanyu321
This is Building A in the Ichigaya Area of Japan Ministry of Defense. Explanation Search "Ichigaya" or "JMOD" on Find It! Prev:Main Gate↗️ Next:Buliding D↗️ This is the third work of the set of the Ministry of Defense Ichigaya area. I'm sorry it took me so...
JP Disaster Speaker 防災行政無線
Created by EXYN4
Japanese emergency broadcast system speaker. 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙙𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣. 𝙉𝙤 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙,𝙉𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝘿𝙇𝘾 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮. ...
Hino Poncho Kokoku Bus
Created by EXYN4
KOKOKU BUS Co., Ltd. is a land transportation company that operates a passenger bus business and a charter bus business in the Kohoku region of Shiga Prefecture, Japan. It is a subsidiary of Omi Railway Co. Incruding a prop. Original model Special thanks t...
JP Old Apartment (2x2)
Created by EXYN4
Japanese 1950-60's style apartment. High Density Residential Level1 (2x2) Tris: 1894 Texture: 1024x1024 LOD: auto Tags: japan japanese apartment 日本 アパート...
JP Faucet Pillar & JP Hose Reels 水栓柱とホースリール
Created by Takamon27
蛇口、水栓柱、ホースリールのPropになります。 蛇口1種類、水栓柱3種類、ホースリール2種類を同梱しています。 Prop for faucets, faucet columns, and hose reels. Includes 1 type of faucet, 3 types of faucet pillars, and 2 types of hose reels....
JPEH Components
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Essential Items for JPEH - Japanese Easy House ...
JP Exterior Base A
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.1.1 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本の外構です。 ・Japanese exterior. ●このアセットの外溝はランダムで色が変わります。 ・The exterior of this asset changes color randomly. ●2作目はこちらからどうぞ。 ・Click here for the second work. ●以下の37種類が同包されています。 ・The following 37 types are included. 支援/Donate ...
JPEH Modern 1
Created by EXYN4
A modern Japanese residence with eight houses on one plot. It would be ideal for creating new residential areas. Special thanks to koma and nob50506000 . Tags: Japan JP easy house residential low suburban lot 4x4 level4 日本 家 住宅...
Created by waya
wy-JP-Nightmare-A by waya 資産の入り口は逆です。申し訳ありませんが、方向を変更したからです。_n図でエラー...
JP Modern countryside residential
Created by nob50506000
日本風の大型の住宅4軒です。 建物のみになります。 高級住宅地にも田舎の農家にもありそうな和風なデザインです。 These are 4 large Japanese style houses. This is a building only. They are designed in a Japanese style that could be found in both upscale residential areas and rural farmhouses. jp_re101~104 Lv.2 ご支...
JP Mesh Fence
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.1.0 ■ 日本のメッシュフェンスです。 ▪ Japanese mesh fence. ■ 以下の40種類が同包されています。 ▪ The following 40 types are included. M_Fence-CA1P02b M_Fence-CA1P02c M_Fence-CA1P02d M_Fence-CA1P02g M_Fence-CA1P02w 78 25...
JP Modern Condo
Created by nob50506000
日本の現代的なマンションです。 apartment アパート 住宅楼  Lv.4 Rsidential high RICO ...
JP Block Of Flats
Created by nob50506000
団地風の低層アパートです。幅2マス分で作ってあるので並べると繋がります。 3・4・5階建ての3セットが入ってます。 jp_apt27a~c Lv.1 2×2 ...
japanese office3
Created by アザラシくん
Japanese style office building. You can find it by searching for "japanese office3" on Find It!2. japanese office3 by アザラシくん ...
Boeing 777-300ER - All Nippon Airways
Created by Konkku
ANA - All Nippon Airways Boeing 777-300ER by Konkku All Nippon Airways aka. ANA is the largest airline in Japan. ANA's main hubs are at Narita International Airport outside Tokyo and Kansai International Airport outside Osaka. This asset was made using vas...
宜宾钟鼓楼 Yibin Bell Tower
Created by 尹水涯
关键词:中国 古建筑 历史 传统建筑 钟鼓楼 钟楼 鼓楼 宜宾 叙州 四川 古风 造景 该资产原型位于四川省宜宾市翠屏区中山街142号。 类型:钟鼓楼 材质:砖石木结构 高度:30m 建设年代:1938年 保护级别:宜宾市优秀历史建筑(2011年) 1936年,当时的宜宾县城为川南第一重镇,人口稠密,但是民众的作息时间,没有一个标准,这对市场贸易集会,带来了很多不便,因而在时任县长倡议下,筹建钟楼,以统一民众的作息时间。 钟鼓楼于1936年6月正式开建,共有4万余人次参与,共使用钢筋2吨多、水泥200余桶、...
KR Office Building3
Created by Leaf
우리나라에서 많이 볼 수 있는 소규모 빌딩입니다. 감사합니다. 3X3 사무용건물 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is a small building commonly found in Korea. Thank you. 3X3 Office Building KR Office Building3 by Leaf...
Created by 听风说雨
ATT新館 by 听风说雨 1K: 这是我第一次尝试制作中型办公楼类型的资产,希望你们喜欢 这个建筑位于日本东京都港区赤板区2丁目的ATT办公楼,实际上内部还设有一个银行和一个餐厅,实际建筑规模要大于我所做的,但为了适合天际线,我做了自己的修改让它更好的适配天际线,建筑侧方开有一个地下口,实际上应该是一个地铁出入口,你可以搭配无地上建筑的地铁资产去搭配它,我就不单独做一个地下鉄的...
Created by 听风说雨
大阪市役所 by 听风说雨 制作不易,帮忙点点赞吧! tip: 由于面数很大,加上贴图大小为3K左右,所以源文件比较大,请酌情订阅,见谅! Due to the large number of faces and the map size of about 3k, the source file is relatively large. Please subscribe as appropriate. We apologize! 面数が大きい上に、貼る図の大きさが3 Kぐらいなので、ソースが大きいので、適宜...
JP_Apartment B 都市型のマンション
Created by アザラシくん
This is a real apartment building in Tokyo, Japan. It is an eight-story apartment building. JP_Apartment B by アザラシくん...
コンビニの跡地/Former convenience store site
Created by アザラシくん
This is an asset on the site of a former convenience store. It contains two buildings. Contents Former convenience store (reused) Former convenience store (abandoned) The reused convenience store will be visited by people and the lighting will be illuminat...
垂水会館_Japanese hall
Created by アザラシくん
Common in rural areas of Japan. A building for gatherings. 垂水会館_Japanese hall by アザラシくん...
JP Apartment A
Created by アザラシくん
日本にあるアパートです。 This is an apartment in Japan. JP Apartment A by アザラシくん...
日本の事務所 japanese office2
Created by アザラシくん
Japanese style office building. You can find it by searching for "japanese office2" on Find It!2. japanese office2 by アザラシくん ...
Japanese office
Created by アザラシくん
This is an office in Japan. Japanese office by アザラシくん...
Ambulance & Fire Engine JP_01
Created by RonSatoyan
Ambulance & Fire Engine JP_01 by RonSatoyan 2022...
Yonsei University
Created by newp
SPECS MAIN BUILDING: TRIS: 9,982 TEXTURE: 2048x2048 DORM/SIDE BUILDING TRIS: 4.812 TEXTURE: 2048x2048 thanks for 100 followers...
JP High-Rise Office
Created by newp
Description Japanese High-rise Office or Japanese Skyscraper, building is a unique building. Based off building in Osaka, Japan (couldnt find name) (Japan, 〒530-0005 Osaka, Kita Ward, Nakanoshima, 6-chōme−2−27 中之島センタービル) SPECS TRIS: 10,447 TEXTURE: 2048x20...
Japanese Bank
Created by newp
JP bank based off a bank (商工中金) in Kanazawa, Ishikawa building is best suited to be placed in a commerical zone surrounding (unlike in the photos where its in residental) it can also be displayed or used as a Japanese office building etc SPECS TRIS: 3,372 ...
JP Hotel Route inn
Created by koma
It is a Japanese business hotel, hotel route inn. It is built in 4x3 size in the tourism special area. 日本のビジネスホテル、ホテルルートインです。 観光特化地区に4×3サイズで建ちます。...
縦型屋上看板_Vertical rooftop sign
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 屋上で見かける縦型の看板です。 今回からディテールを正しく表現することにしました。 H型鋼、ブレース、プレート、照明計画、LODデータ 看板の種類は10種類あります。 Vertical signboard seen on the roof. I decided to express the details correctly from this time. H-shaped steel, brace, plate, lighting plan, LOD data There ar...
柴山第四~五ビル_Shibayama 4~5th Building
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 柴山第四~五ビル 第二~三ビルタイプを低くしたもので、正面以外は大きく変わりません。 テナントは1990年頃の大阪の恵美須町を想定しています。 懐かしいと思っていただければ幸いです。 柴山第四ビルは、テナントが多い雑居ビルです。 小さいながらも郵便局と電器店が入居しています。労働人口15名(RICO) 縦型屋上看板_Vertical rooftop sign をいれなくても、屋上がさみしくなるだけなのでお好みでどうぞ。 柴山第五ビルは、何が入っているかよくわかりませんので、繁華街...
アトレ川越 atre building (RICO)
Created by TOKACHI269
川越駅前にあるatre川越です。ペデストリアンデッキはついていません。 <mesh info> main triss : 4731 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 59 texture size : 256x256 (defuse,illumination) atre building by TOKACHI269...
シンプルなガードパイプ Japanese simple guard pipe
Created by Nigorilla
シンプルなガードパイプです。内訳は2種類のものが2色で計4つです Japanese simple guard pipe...
ペットワールドアミーゴ Japanese pet shop
Created by アザラシくん
It is a pet shop in Japan. わんちゃん、ねこちゃんを中心に、小動物、鳥、爬虫類、昆虫、熱帯魚まで扱う総合ペットショップ。 ペットワールドアミーゴ Japanese pet shop by アザラシくん...
マンホール Japanese Manholes
Created by TOKACHI269
7種類のマンホールを追加します。 tex : 256^2 ~ 512^2 Manholes by TOKACHI269...
Created by curr66
三井住友銀行神田駅前ビル by curr66 懒得写简介和放图片了,想订阅就订阅吧 I’m too lazy to write the introduction and release the picture, just subscribe if you want 紹介文を書いて写真を公開するのが面倒です。購読したい場合は、購読してください。...
上海迪美地下购物街主入口 Sunken Plaza / Entrance
Created by KimuXY
上海迪美地下购物街主入口 Sunken Plaza / Entrance...
Created by koma
The Chugoku Bank is a regional bank headquartered in Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture. This model was created with reference to the Tomo branch of the Chugoku Bank in Fuku yama City, Hiroshima Prefecture. The Harato Bank is a fictional bank that replaced t...
公衆トイレ Japanese Public Toillets
Created by TOKACHI269
公衆トイレ Japanese Public Toillets 4種類の日本の公衆トイレです BuildingとPropが含まれます。Buildingバージョンは照明が付きます。 照明の使用上、なるべく平地に設置してください。 Four different types of public toilets in Japan. Building and Prop are included. the Building version has lighting. For lighting purposes, plea...
Created by hakurai
最も新しい地方銀行であり北九州市に本店を置く北九州銀行の支店をアセットにしてみました。 Office4×4(Level 2) 北九州銀行 by hakurai...
商店 A (Japanese Rural Shop A)
Created by TOKACHI269
低クオリティのためずっと公開しないでいましたが少しでもアセットの足しになればと思い公開に踏み切りました。 裏面のクオリティが低いのでうまく隠してください。 <Mesh info> Main triss : 569 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar) LOD Triss : 13 texture size : 32x64 (defuse,specurar) Japanese Rural Shop A by TOKACHI269...
小学校 JP Elementary School
Created by TOKACHI269
小学校 JP Elementary School 小学校です。本校舎、副校舎、職員室は共通のテクスチャを使っており、ひとまとめのものと個別のものが含まれています。 Find it!でJPESと検索してください。 It is elementary school. The main school building, the secondary school building, and the staff room use a common texture. and include collective and ...
川窪書店 / JP Kawakubo Bookstore
Created by koma
山梨県南巨摩郡身延町にある「川窪書店」です。 某ドラマで主人公がアルバイトをしていた書店です。 Growable Commercial Low 3×2 ※注 建物の裏側は想像で制作しています。    実在の建物と異なる部分が多々あります、ご了承ください 支援 / Donate 愛のご支援をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 アマゾンギフト券 アマゾン欲しいものリスト
店舗併設マンション / JP Apartment with stores
Created by koma
This is a type of apartment where a store occupies the first floor space. Growable Residential High 4×2. Three types of buildings are included in the package. 2-A Osteopathic clinic, cram school 2-B Coin Laundry, Osteopathic Clinic, Hair Salon 2-C Pharmacy...
日本のパーキングチケット発給機 Parking Meter Jp01
Created by stmSantana
* Japanese asset 路上駐車場(時間制限駐車区間)用チケット発券機パーキングメーター Cities:Skylinesの一般道路にはパーキングメーターPropがあるのを知っていますか? (街路樹付き道路などには駐車禁止の標識が立っていて、パーキングメーターは出てこない) このPropは日本...
日本の現代的消防署 Japanese Modern Fire Station
Created by n_mosimo
昭和の高度成長期の香りがまだ漂う、古臭い消防署です。 性能はデフォルトと変わりません。また、旗はなびきません。 The quaint fire station with 1960's Japanese architecture. All efficiency is not changed, and flags cannot flutter. 旗がないバージョンはこちら No-Flags Version is here
日本の警察署 (Japanese police station)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本の警察署です。目白警察署がモデルです。 <mesh info> main triss : 2470 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 89 texture size : 128x128 (defuse,illumination) ...
日本の路側式標識 Japanese Traffic Sign Pack
Created by Krakow131
サブスクライブ非推奨 本アセットは移行しました、これよりサブスクライブされる方は下記のアセットを推奨します
Created by TOKACHI269
It will be added to level6 unique buildings. 東京スカイツリーです。現実の3分の2の大きさです。 ユニーク施設レベル6に追加されます。 <mesh info> main triss : 22554 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 4748 texture size : 512x512 (defuse,normal,specurar,ill...
松の落葉 PROP Pine fallen leaves
Created by TOKACHI269
松の落葉 Pine fallen leaves 松の落葉です。Propなのでdecalと重ねてもチカチカすることはありません。 Pine leaves. Because it is a Prop, it will not flicker even if it is overlapped with decal. <Mesh info> Main triss : 32, 40 tex size : 256x512, 512x512 (d, n, s, a) LOD triss : 4 tex size : 64...
松本城 まつもとじょう Matsumoto Castle
Created by TAEMIN B
松本城 まつもとじょう Matsumoto Castle 松本城 まつもとじょう Matsumoto Castle 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. it is called by 'Matsumoto Castle'. It is in Japan and it was a fort, and now it is popular landmark building to Japanese for real. and it was built in 16 century. So it's a...
Created by koma
Hakodate Logistics Center of Nichirei Logistics Corporation in Hakodate, Hokkaido. 12 x 9 cells, category is Unique Building. 北海道函館市の株式会社ニチレイ・ロジスティクス北海道函館物流センターです。 12×9セル、カテゴリーはユニークビルディングです。 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse
漁港 (Japanese Fishing harbor)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本によくある漁港です。工業propのタブに追加されます。 <mesh info> ship main triss : 2584 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,) LOD triss : 70 texture size : 128x128 (defuse,) ship(small) main triss : 1116 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar) LOD ...
皇冠大酒店 Crown Hotel
Created by CR
皇冠大酒店是云南省烟草旅游总公司等单位合资兴建的云南省地州级首家三星级酒店。位于风光秀丽、景色迷人的西双版纳旅游度假区,占地六十余亩,颇具傣乡风情的别墅式客楼内含108间档次各异的标准间和套房,店内配设进口名牌洁具、空调、卫星电视系统等现代化设施。酒店园林的珍稀植物、奇花异草为来店宾客观赏亚热带风光、旅游、度假提供了温馨的环境,配套的娱乐设施让众多宾客流连忘返。 酒店自年开业以来,先后接待过党和国家领导人,四十多个国家驻华使节、东南亚部分国家元首及其亲属,同时为本地和兄弟地州培训输送旅游饭店管理、服务人员千...
Created by 听风说雨
空模型灯光 by 听风说雨...
道路灯3packs / JPRL Streetlights jp
Created by koma
This is a road light that looks like it could be found on a main street in Japan. Three types are included in the package. In order to change the roadway lights you need this mod.
電柱 Draggable utility poles
Created by TOKACHI269
電柱が消えるバグを修正しました デフォの電線のように自由に引けるタイプの電柱です。道路の上に引きたい場合はFine Road Anarchyを導入する必要があります。広告付きのものとそうでないもの2種類あり。 Fine Road Anarchy: utility pole(no AD) by TOKACHI269...
首都高拡張 SHUTO EXPWY Extensions
Created by TOKACHI269
For Elite players only! Please let me know if you need anything else. 設置がとても大変なので操作になれている人向けです。白線はこれで頑張ってください。他に必要なものがあったら教えてね。 sound barrier, curve arrow, indivisible lane, no function Elevated SHUTO EXPWY by TOKACHI269...
首都高標識 SHUTO EXPWY Signs
Created by TOKACHI269
SHUTO EXPWY Signs 2車線, 2+2車線, 3車線 <Mesh info> Main triss : 372 texture size : 512 x 256 (defuse,normal,specurar) SHUTO EXPWY sign by TOKACHI269...
( PROP ) JP Garage 01~04 pack / 車庫4種パック
Created by koma
It's a garage prop. 4 types included. For housing in suburbs and vacant space in densely populated area. 車庫のプロップです。4種類同梱。 郊外の住宅や、住宅密集地の空きスペースなどに。 If grass grows on the ground after installing a garage, please use either Mod. 車庫を設置した際、地面に草が生える場合はどちらかのModをご利...
( PROP ) JP Suburb shop pack
Created by koma
It is a prop that can set up a store in various buildings. 15 types included. いろいろな建物に商店を設置できるプロップです。 15種類同梱。 JP prop cherry  スナック チェリー JP prop ekimae  駅前調剤薬局 JP prop fukuda  福田泉月堂 JP prop ichiryu  中華料理 一龍 JP prop kaminoyu  上の湯商店 JP prop kudo  工藤畳店 JP prop...
( PROP ) JP Suburb shop pack 2
Created by koma
It is a prop that can set up a store in various buildings. Add 10 types. いろいろな建物に商店を設置できるプロップです。 10種類を追加します。 JP prop ai ビューティーサロン あい JP prop amano おみやげ 天野商店 JP prop bisyodo 美粧堂 JP prop choju 長寿庵 JP prop dynamic ダイナミック産業 JP prop kimagure 喰い処 きまぐれ家 JP prop m...
( RANDOM ) JP Random shop pack
Created by koma
When installing, stores will be displayed randomly. The move adjustment with Move it! Is easy, so I think you can create a store smoothly. shop A ~ D 4 types included. The same shop prop may be displayed in succession. Please note. 設置する際、店舗がランダムに表示されます。 Mo...
( RANDOM PROP ) JP Random shop prop pack
Created by koma
It is a prop that can set up a shop randomly in various buildings. 4 types included. The same store may be displayed continuously. Please note. いろいろな建物に商店をランダムに設置できるプロップです。 4種類同梱。 同じ店舗が連続して表示されることもあります。ご了承ください。 We received tips and advice from TOKACHI 269 ...
(PROP) イナバ物置 / JP Inaba strage room A B
Created by koma
「やっぱりイナバ 100人乗っても大丈夫!」 でお馴染みのイナバ物置のプロップです。 2種類同梱しています。 扉のカラーは4色ランダムです。 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse アマゾンギフト券 アマゾン欲しいものリストです。 愛のご支援をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
109 men's 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
109 men's 渋谷 東京 by やばい 2011年、「109-2」が名前を変え、メンズファッションビルとしてリニューアル。渋谷駅のハチ公口のスクランブル交差点を渡ってすぐに立ち、地下2階から地上7階に、アパレルだけでなくアクセサリーや雑貨など、オトコの渋谷系ファッションに欠かせない全50ブランドが軒を連ねる。 The building, located just across the street from Shibuya Station, opened in April 1979. The arch...
109 men's screen 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
109 men's screen by やばい 109 men's screenです、ビデオはPerfumeさんのMVです、これは次のアセットで使うpropです、お楽しみにしてください。 This is 109 men's screen, the vedio is from japanese girl group perfume's mv, and this prop will be used in the next Shibuya building. Enjoy^_^ update log: detail...
那珂ちゃんのファンやめます。 2 Oil Drum,4 Cannonball & 11 Iron Ingot ↓CS動畫上げてます。 燃2弾4鋼11 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
2000 Toyota bB / Scion xB
Created by stockjr97
Another boxy car; a 2000 Toyota bB, or a Scion xB as it's known in American markets. Details: 1514 tris (LOD: 336) 1024x1024 png textures (LOD: 256x256) Do you want to see more? Donate to my Paypal!...
2005 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII MR
Created by letthelordbewithyou
Model Info Main Mesh Tris : 2,797 Texture : 1024 x 512 LOD Tris : 48 Texture : 64 x 64 Prop Included Hope you like it!
2010 Honda Odyssey
Created by Californianyt
A Minivan by the Japanese automaker Honda Honda Odyssey 2010 and Prop Version Originally released for patrons on: December 30, 2020 For the North American market, the Odyssey has been manufactured and marketed by Honda since 1994, now in its fifth generati...
2014 Toyota Camry
Created by ninjanoobslayer
The Bestselling Car for Fourteen Years Straight Introduced to the world in 1983, the Camry quickly became the car of choice for people wanting a simple, utilitarian, and reliable ride. Now, your Cims can finally enjoy that s...
2017 Toyota Rav4
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Bring the most popular Toyota SUV to Your Cims One of my favorite vehicles, the other one being the 2018 Camry (no idea on when release is, haven't even made it yet), the 2017 Rav4 is one of the most popular compact SUVs on ...
2018 Tesla Model 3
Created by LinkingDan
The Model 3 is an electric fastback mid-size four-door sedan which is amongst the first to use full self-driving hardware. Its production started in 2017 and has been the top selling plug-in electric car. Is available on different versions according to the...
2018 Toyota Camry XSE
Created by LinkingDan
The Toyota Camry is a mid-size car currently on its eighth generation known as XV70. It was introduced at the 2017 North American International Auto Show. For the North America market, different trims are available, from the base model "L" up to the more c...
2019 Mazda 3
Created by LinkingDan
The Mazda 3 fourth generation was unveiled in 2018 with new technology which will help MAzda to achieve its vision such as more effective engines and better structural design. Is powered by a wide range of four-cylinder engines of the SkyActiv family, from...
2019 Toyota Camry
Created by ninjanoobslayer
The All New Camry. Indulgence Awaits Inside. In 2018, Toyota redesigned the Camry. The most obvious change is that it no longer carries the boring looks of the Camries of yore. However, under the hood, the vehicle is on a co...
2019 Toyota Corolla Hatchback
Created by nvcks "The Corolla Hatchback replaces the Corolla iM and shares major components with the 2020 redesigned Corolla sedan. The most enjoyable aspect of the Corolla hatchback is how well it tackles curvy roads, exhibiting an athletic...
2020 Toyota Corolla
Created by LinkingDan
The Toyota Corolla is a compact car which is currently on its twelfth generation which was released in 2018 and is available on three different body styles. As of 2020 was the best selling passenger vehicle in the world. It's powered by a wide range of eng...
2020 Toyota Sienna L
Created by Californianyt
A minivan by the japanese brand Toyota Sienna L 2020 This is the standar version of the Toyota Sienna Enjoy!! ;D Tris: 3,728 Texture 1024 x 1024 All shots from my NYC project ;) Visit my Instgram for more amazing pics:
2020 Toyota Sienna SE
Created by Californianyt
A minivan by the japanese brand Toyota Sienna SE 2020 This is the sport edition (SE) of the Toyota Sienna My second vehicle :D Hope you all like it Tris: 4,000 Texture 1024 x 1024 All shots from my NYC project ;) Visit my Instgram for more amazing pics: ht...
2022 Suzuki Jimny (Kei Car)
Created by EXYN4
Suzuki's off-road kei SUV has been a favorite of Japanese car enthusiasts for many years. Prop included....
255 George Street (NAB Building)
Created by Robert
Completed in 1986, 255 George Street was National Australia Bank's primary Sydney office until 2021 (I think it's still a tenant but not the 'anchor' tenant, BOQ took this position in March - the star is no longer on the building). It shares a plaza with S...
2x1 Kyoto Block #2 (Lv 1 High Density Commercial)
Created by BachToBaroque
2nd attempt at this asset creation thingy. Getting a better understand on texture maps at least. Dimensions seems kinda off, especially the height. Oh well. Model is based on this building. 2x1 Level 1 High Density Commericial, Growable: -357 Tris main mod...
2x1 Kyoto Block #5 (Lv1 HD.Comm)
Created by BachToBaroque
Here you go, a building that actually relates to the title :P This was orginally intended for a corner-lot but I can't get it to work properly, frustration caught up & I decided to screw that & just make it a regular 2x1 lot. I suggest you treat these as c...
2x3 Kyoto Block #3 (Lv2 Office)
Created by BachToBaroque
This buiding was really testing my 3d modelling skills but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it, and with the help I got over at Simtropolis forum I present to you my third asset. - 2 x 3, Level 2 Growable Office. - Main model: 1474 Tris. 1024x1024 D...
2x4 Kyoto Block #1 (Lv3 High Density Commercial)
Created by BachToBaroque
(03/Dec/2016): This is was my first asset. I've updated it & made some improvements. If the existing old building disappears I apologize in advance. Special thanks to Temple Of Doom a.k.a /u/kalimashookdeday for his tutorial vids. Model Stats: - 2 x 4 Grow...
Created by Ronyx69
7-Eleven / Seven Eleven / 7-11 Japanese convenience store inspired by this one:,136.8844002,3a,41.1y,304.49h,91.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srEQIGLrQB5XtXtxwp-v4Jg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 It's a growable but sub meshes might not ap...
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store (Growable Lv2 3x2)
Created by Emperor Li
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store アキバ☆ソフマップ1号店 Akiba Sofmap 1st store in Akibahara, Tokyo. This was made more than a year ago, when I started to model for Cities Skylines but never published it because the tris count was way too high. I optimized it recently and deci...
Akita Inu (Pet Dog) 秋田犬
Created by stmSantana
(Translated from Japanese to English) This asset will add a pet dog type to your city. (It's not a prop) 1. Subscribe 2. Enable this asset in the content manager 3. Start the game and wait for a while 4. This dog appears randomly with a vanilla dog The Aki...
Boeing 747-400 Qantas
Created by Leeijo
This is a pack with both vehicle and prop! Also note that this is a 1:1 scale version of the B747-400! Qantas Airways is the flag carrier of Australia and its largest airline by fleet size, international flights and international destinations. All credit g...
Boeing 747-400 United Airlines
Created by Leeijo
This is a pack with both vehicle and prop! Also note that this is a 1:1 scale version of the B747-400! United Airlines, Inc., commonly referred to as United, is a major U.S. airline headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. It is the world's third-largest airlin...
Boeing 777-300ER - Japan Airlines
Created by Konkku
Japan Airlines Boeing 777-300ER by Konkku Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL and its subsidiaries operate to 220 destinations in 35 countries worldwide. This asset was made using vasimr22's fantas...
Boeing 777-300ER - Japan Airlines Prop
Created by Konkku
Japan Airlines Boeing 777-300ER Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL and its subsidiaries operate to 220 dest...
Boeing 787-9 - Japan Airlines
Created by Konkku
Japan Airlines Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner by Konkku Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL and its subsidiaries operate to 220 destinations in 35 countries worldwide. Japan Airlines is one of the largest...
Boeing 787-9 - Japan Airlines Prop
Created by Konkku
Japan Airlines Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner Prop by Konkku THIS IS A PROP NOT A WORKING VEHICLE! For the vehicle version, click here Japan Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Japan and the second largest in the country. JAL and its subsidiaries operate to 2...
Cabbage (キャベツ) - Prop
Created by kei_em
a cultivated plant eaten as a vegetable, having thick green or purple leaves surrounding a spherical heart or head of young leaves. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD...
BTB Cramschool
Created by BachToBaroque
Cram school with a very generic asian style/color. This specific model is based off one in HongKong. Apparently 8 hours of normal school isn't enough so lets add another 5 hours and have dinner there as well. If there's one thing I don't miss about my chil...
Cabbage Patch (キャベツ畑)
Created by kei_em
キャベツ畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Cabbage patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD ...
Cart (荷車) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A wooden cart. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Chozu (手水) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A place where visitors purify their hands with water. This prop was created Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。...
Created by jaijai
Welsh Corgi Asset Details Category: Citizen Dog Triangles: 386, Texture: 256x256 LoD Triangles: 119, LoD Texture: 64x64...
Cosmo Oil Truck
Created by jaijai
Cosmo Oil コスモ石油 Cosmo Oil Company is a Japanese petrochemical company. It is one of three major oil companies in Japan. Category: Oil Capacity: 8,000 Tractor and Trailer Prop is here....
Cosmo Oil Truck Prop
Created by jaijai
Oil Truck Cosmo prop by jaijai...
Crew Police v2
Created by kazuma76
Nissan Crew Police Car ver.2 汎用版にしてちょっとだけ軽量版です。 Triangle : 5468 Texture : 1024 x 1024 lod Triangle : 52 Texture : 64x 64...
CROWN COMFORT TAXI 01 クラウンコンフォートのタクシー第一弾です。 ...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Econic 2635 FAUN Variopress '2013
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Econic 2635 FAUN Variopress '2013 Garbage truck Cargo capacity 25000 Other works ... //////..................................................................
D3S Mercedes-Benz Econic 2635 FAUN Variopress BioFuel
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Econic 2635 FAUN Variopress BioFuel Garbage truck Cargo capacity 25000 Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
Daihatsu Hijet (Vehicle)
Created by Ronyx69
Residential Vehicle - Daihatsu Hijet - Japanese Kei Car / Pickup Truck Color variations: White / Off-white / Gray / Blue Main: 1299 tris 1024x512 LOD: 56 tris 128x128 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Ass...
Ema (絵馬) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A picture tablet for the realization of visitors' wishes. This prop was created by Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。 ...
Created by kaeru
FamilyMart-truck Car model : ISUZU Elf 5th(1993-2006)       Reefer Container model Payload : 3t ファミリーマート配送トラック 冷蔵コンテナ いすゞ エルフ 第5世代 Other model is here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Updated AD and some of the text...
ESSO gas station ploppable
Created by SvenBerlin
ESSO gas station by Svenpotsdam park 4x4 , tourists yes, workers no :-) triangles 1950 lod 295 unique version : growable version:
FedEx Truck
Created by jaijai
FedEx Express Prop Version 3D Model: Heavy Truck (6x2) This asset was made by using Heavy Truck Template....
Fire Station Cum Ambulance Depot #1 - Hong Kong
Created by Dennie Mok Hey! Are you still finding a nice looking but high coverage fire station for your city? This is it! It's the kind of fire station you would expect in an urban setting! Not only it has a big g...
Floating Pier 浮桟橋
Created by Takamon27
It is a floating pier in a Japanese port. Two types of floating pier and connecting bridge props are included. 1 Floating Pier 2 Floating Pier 2 3 Connecting Bridge Flat 4 Connecting Bridge Slope 5 Pillars for Connecting Bridge 浮桟橋のアセットです。 2種類の浮桟橋と連絡橋(フラット...
FUKUTSU Heavy Truck
Created by jaijai
Fukuyama Transporting 福山通運 Asset Details Category: Industry Capacity: 10,000 Triangles: 1036, Texture: 1024x512 LoD Triangles: 38, LoD Texture: 32x32 (auto generated) This asset was modified based on Heavy Truck 6x2. Prop is here....
Gazebo & Pergola - Pack
Created by Bibel Gurra
A christmas miracle, a gazebo and a pergola in the same pack? whaaaat! Will be used in a future upload, keep an eye out ;)...
Generic Office Pack (1x4)
Created by EXYN4
General purpose office packs ranging from 3 to 8 stories. The buildings are typical Japanese buildings, but there are no letters or signs, so I think they can be used in many cities around the world. All are 1x4s, so they are ideal for filling in gaps....
Givenchy Shop
Created by Raccoon
Givenchy Shop Information: Givenchy is a French luxury fashion and perfume house. It hosts the brand of haute couture clothing, accessories and Parfums Givenchy, perfumes and cosmetics. The house of Givenchy was founded in 1952 by designer Hubert de Givenc...
Gucci Shop
Created by Raccoon
Gucci Shop Information: Gucci is an Italian luxury brand of fashion and leather goods. Gucci was founded by Guccio Gucci in Florence in 1921. Gucci generated about €4.2 billion in revenue worldwide in 2008 according to BusinessWeek and climbed to 41st posi...
glico screen 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
glico screen 渋谷 東京 by やばい glico screenです、ビデオは「東京喰種√A」ノンテロップOP映像österreich/無能です、これも次のアセットで使うpropです、お楽しみにしてください。 This is glico screen, the vedio is from Tokyo ghoul season 2 op österreich, and this prop will also be used in the next Shibuya building. Enjoy^_...
GZG50 CENTURY TOYOTA Japanese chauffeur driven. 4996cc, V12engine. 4 types of colors.(Black, Dark blue, Dark gray, Silver) using Advanced Vehicle Options (AVO) you can change it to your favorite color. 50系センチュリー生産終了追悼アップロード 2/4をもって販売を終了した50系センチュリー を追悼し 作成、...
H2 雑居ビル02 Japanese Commercial Building 02
Created by TOKACHI269
雑居ビルです。 Japanese Commercial Building 02 by TOKACHI269...
Haunted Apartment
Created by sabb
2X3 Residential High Spooky Apartment...
HDB 390010
Created by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 390010 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! This is the 4th and last Dakota Cres building type in the series that I know of (via google street view). I am not sure if the buildings has been demolished but i am glad that Dakota Crescent buildings are somewhat preserve...
HDB 390012
Created by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 390012 (Dakota Cres) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! The 3rd Dakota Cres building in the series. A 2-story building. The first story was commercialized and used as shop houses, while the second story was residential. If you like this, please give it a 👍, it real...
HDB 391032
Created by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 391032 (Dakota Cres) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) Dakota Crescent (Chinese: 达哥打弯) is one of Singapore’s oldest housing estates built by Singapore I...
HDB 390028
Created by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 390028 (Dakota Cres) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! Back with another prominent building based on Dakota Cres area that is soon to be extinct. If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) Dakota...
HINO RANGER Agriculture Reefer-Van
Created by jaijai
Truck Hino RANGER FD Asset Details Category: Farming Capacity: 8,000...
Honda Accord
Created by RaeNut
The new aerodynamic Honda Accord. Can fit in pretty much any city. This is one of my early conversions of models made by Marlin-Studios. Before i began doing more original work. -Vehicle Stats- Polys/Tris: 1,790 Texture Res: 1024x1024 Recolorable: Yes...
HONDA CB400SF Saroute
Created by konfox0527
本田技研工業 HONDA CB400SF "セルート"バイク便 400 Inline4 BIG-1 CB400SFは本田技研工業が開発した400cc、4気筒エンジンを搭載したネイキッドタイプの自動二輪車です。 日本においてスタンダードだった丸目ヘッドライトと400cc4気筒エンジンを搭載するスタンダードの中のスタンダードのバイクです。 CB400SFはその耐久性の高さとバランスのとれた車体からバイク便でも多く使われています。 今回、バイク便国内大手のうちの一つ、「セルート」仕様をモデルアップしました。 CB...
HONDA CB400SF Sokuhai
Created by konfox0527
本田技研工業 HONDA CB400SF "ソクハイ"バイク便 400 Inline4 BIG-1 CB400SFは本田技研工業が開発した400cc、4気筒エンジンを搭載したネイキッドタイプの自動二輪車です。 日本においてスタンダードだった丸目ヘッドライトと400cc4気筒エンジンを搭載するスタンダードの中のスタンダードのバイクです。 CB400SFはその耐久性の高さとバランスのとれた車体からバイク便でも多く使われています。 今回、バイク便国内大手のうちの一つ、「ソクハイ」仕様をモデルアップしました。 CB...
Created by hakurai
ワンモーションフォルムが美しい先代フィット(前期型)のアセットです。 donate ofuse PayPal HONDA FIT(GE6) by hakurai...
Honda Jazz 2007
Created by lopiv2
Honda Jazz 2007, also called Fit in some Countries 2080 Tris Low Residential Sport Car If you like my work, please consider to donate ...
Honda Stepwgn
Created by Ronyx69
2011 Honda Stepwgn (Step Wagon) Spada ZI First vehicle with an interior and glass. Instead of a prop version, it includes a building version, because props can't have sub meshes, which are used for chrome, glass, and steering wheel and dash. The steering w...
Hong Kong Basketball Courts Pack
Created by Dennie Mok Hey! Are you still finding a nice looking basketball court for your city? No more hassles! This package is the best answer! It's actually a collection of 7 FIBA...
Hyundai Apartment - 4x3 Growable
Created by Memories
Hyundai Apartment of Korea Size 4x3 Level 3 Growable Polys: 4392(Tris 11,162) Lod Polys: 343(Tris 916) Texture Size 1024x1024 Lod Texture 512x512 After Dark Update! ...
Created by Takouma
InstantLAWSON prop (AD update) Example of use:
Created by Takouma
InstantSevenEleven prop (AD) Example of use:
Created by Takouma
InstantFamilyMart prop (AD update) Example of use:
Ishidatami (石畳) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A path paved with stones....
Ishidourou (石灯籠) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A lantern for gardens of Japanese shrine or temples. This prop was created Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。...
Japan Auto Repair Shop 自動車整備工場
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の自動車整備工場です。 Growable、工業です。 仕様 幅:8 m 奥行:8 m 高さ:7 m Auto repair shop in Japan. Growable, Industry. Specification Width: 8 m Depth: 8 m Height: 7 m 支援/Donate Paypal OFUSE...
Japan Lantern (行灯) (Prop)
Created by christinayan
Japanese style lantern by christinayan01. There is in Kyoto or Ise area. Turn on the light in night. 京都とか伊勢にありそうな行灯です。夜になるとライトも点きます。 It recommend to use with footbridge road. 歩道橋と一緒にどうぞ。 Footbridge Japan (和風な木製の歩道橋)
Japan Post Bank Sign ゆうちょ銀行の看板
Created by ako_ako
ゆうちょ銀行の看板のPropです。 Propの共通カテゴリに表示されます。"Japan Post Bank Sign"で検索しても出てきます。 設置したいビルの形状によっては壁との間に隙間が出来る、めり込むことがあります。 その時は、MoveIt!を使用すると綺麗に設置することが出来ます。 ※SSの撮影にBachToBaroque様の「3x3C Kyoto Block #6 (Lv1 Office)」を使用しています。 In picture, using "3x3C Kyoto Block #6 (Lv1 ...
Japan Post Sign 郵便局の看板
Created by ako_ako
郵便局の看板のPropです。 適当なビルに据え付けることで雰囲気を郵便局に出来るかも? 赤とオレンジの2種類が追加されます。 赤いものが現行版、オレンジのものは置き換えされていない旧版のようです。 Propの共通カテゴリに表示されます。"Japan Post Sign"で検索しても出てきます。 Sighboard of Japanese Post Office. Including Red and Orange. Red one is used currently. Recommended Mod More...
Japan Post Signs
Created by Ronyx69
Includes the Japan Post logo and a central post office sign. Made for the Japanese Post Office. Can be used for any japanese post office. Main: 46 - 76 tris 256x256 LOD: 10 - 36 tris Twitch Yo...
Japan Supermarket ベイシア スーパーマーケット
Created by OSARUSAN
北関東を代表するスーパーマーケットチェーン、ベイシアです。 Ploppable、看板を同梱しています。 モデル 埼玉県加須市琴寄 ベイシアフードセンター 大利根店 仕様 幅:82 m 奥行:60 m 高さ:11 m Supermarket "Beisia" in Japan. Ploppable, 1 sign building is included. Specification Width: 82 m Depth: 60 m Height: 11 m 支援/Donate 作品が気に入りましたら以下のリン...
Japanese Apartment B / マンションB(RICO)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Typical Japanese apartment Vol.2 ( Vol.1 ). RICO Required: Residential High, Level 3 / 12 homes. You can arrange this by my Instant Commercial Props like the picture. Screenshots are taken using some mods, LUTs. 典型的な日本のマンションVol.2 ( Vol.1 )です。RICO対応。レベル3の高密...
Japanese Bamboo Fence
日本を演出する竹柵。多くの場面で使へるでせう。 竹柵 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Bridge Guard
Created by YODOH
Screenshot by @Kaminogi ( )...
Japanese Commercial Building 03 ~ 09
Created by TOKACHI269
9種類の斜線制限のある建物を追加します。奥行1.5マスです。 add 9 kinds of building with hatched limits. The depth is 1.5 square. Japanese Commercial Building 01 Japanese Commercial Building 02 <Mesh info> Main triss : 766, 984, 661, 655, 912, 756, 715 texture size : 512 x 512 (defuse...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 1
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 1b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 2
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 3
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 3b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 2b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1a
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1ab
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 2
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 2b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 3
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 3b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Country House
Created by nob50506000
Low Density Residential 日本風住宅4セット 田舎の大きめな家です。 jp_re41 Level.1 jp_re43,jp_re44 Level.4 jp_re45 Level.3 ご支援いただけると嬉しいです。↓
Japanese Elementary School
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Japanese High-rise Apartment / Citytower Azabu-juban
Created by Pekora
Description Japanese High-rise Apartment / Citytower Azabu-juban Unique, Rico (RICO ready / Residence lv5 / Homes: 200 / Cost : 0) "Citytower Azabu-juban" in Minato, Tokyo, Japan. Japanese style High-rise Apartment *I recommend to use Dynamic Resolution Mo...
japanese house 01
Created by TOKACHI269
update : Imploved roof color and add color variation. japanese house 01 by TOKACHI269...
Japanese Maple Set
Created by MrMaison
Japanese Maple Set by MrMaison Introducing a 3 piece set of Japanese Maple trees. The Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) is native to Japan, Korea, China, eastern Mangolia and southeast Russia. It has around 1,000 cultivars and is grown worldwide for it's larg...
Japanese Onion Hut -EMPTY- (たまねぎ小屋)
日本の農村には必ずあるやつ。 空っぽの玉葱小屋 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese radish (大根) - Prop
Created by kei_em
Japanese radish is good for cooked, boiled, and fried cooking. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Japanese radish Patch (大根畑)
Created by kei_em
大根畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Radish patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD fac...
Japanese Residential Props
Created by TOKACHI269
日本住宅パック用のプロップです。 Japanese Residential Props by TOKACHI269...
Japanese Road Light Pack
Created by hakurai
日本各地に設置されている道路灯!!岩崎電気PAZU、co-PAZU(歩道、自転車道向け)のアセットパックです。 同封品一覧 PAZU(10m) co-PAZU(5m) PAZU-GREEN(10m) co-PAZU-GREEN(5m) PAZU-BROWN(10m) co-PAZU-BROWN(5m) PAZU by hakurai08...
Japanese Rural Shops
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 5 japanese rural shops. Low Density Commercial Level 1 Main: 584 - 1078 tris 1024x512 LOD: 25 - 71 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests Donate CSLModding.INFO ...
Japanese Rural Shrine (神社)
Created by kei_em
A Japanese rural shrine placed in Park category. This 3D model and related props were created by Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on 3Dモデル、および関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。 #UPDATE# Now compatible wit...
Japanese Suburban House
Created by nob50506000
都市部から郊外まで使えるシンプルな一戸建てです。 外壁にカラーマップを設定しているので好きな色に変えられます。 庭はついていません。 Lv.2 jp_re77 jp_re79 jp_re80 jp_re81 jp_re82 jp_re83 jp_re84 jo_re85 jp_re87 Lv.1 jp_re78a jp_re78b...
Japanese suburban house 5packs
Created by nob50506000
low density residential - growable jp_re14 jp_re15 jp_re16 level3 jp_re15 jp_re16 level4...
Japanese Subway Entrance (PROP)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese subway entrance prop. Good for placing near avenues. 日本風の地下鉄入口PROPです。駅としては動作しません。 大通りの近くに置くとリアルになります。 ...
Japanese Supermarket “BELX(ベルクス)”
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
BELX, a specialty supermarket, is located mainly in Tokyo, Chiba, and Saitama. It is a supermarket with a good selection of condiments, good quality of fresh foods, and very competitive prices. Many of the stores are large, and many of them are mall-type s...
Japanese Supermarket FUJI
Created by jaijai
FUJI is a Japanese supermarket. These stores are mainly located in the Shikoku region. This asset was created based on Ryuichi Kaminogi's Japanese Supermarket “BELX(ベルクス)”. Asset Details Category: Unique Building Triangles: 2487(main) + 489(sub) + 10(glass...
Japanese Warehouse01
Created by TOKACHI269
Japanese Warehouse01 by TOKACHI269...
Japanese Warehouses 2
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Japanese_Kimura Clinic 木村医院
Created by sanyu321
It is a clinic in Sakai City, Osaka. Description Search "Kimura Clinic" or "木村医院" on Find It! Next door is the Sakai store of Kureyon Pharmacy. Please use it together. JP_Kimura Clinic 木村医院看板 (PROP) is also included. Kureyon pharmacy is please click here↗️...
Japanese_Police Bus LV290Q 警察人員輸送車(DLC)
Created by sanyu321
よく間違えますが、護送車ではなくて、警察官を大量に運ぶバスだそうです。だけどさ...よく間違えますって、似合うということだよね?なのでこのDLCの護送車バージョンを作りました。w Even though in reality it is a police bus, but not in the game, so I made a prison bus. PROP:こちら↗️ BUS(NO DLC):こちら↗️ 説明 Search "LV290Q" or "人員輸送車" on Find It! 人員輸送車が欲...
JK 女子高生 Japanese Teenager Female
Created by TOKACHI269
更新: Mochさんの協力により大幅にクオリティが上がりました!ありがとうございます! JKだよ ポリゴン数削減のため顔が残念な感じだけど許してね。 <Mesh info> Main triss : 881 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,color) LOD Triss : 36 texture size : 32x64 (defuse) JK by TOKACHI269 ...
Created by Reaper
JK_air_conditioning_office_V2_02 by Reaper...
JOMO Oil Truck
Created by jaijai
Japan Energy Corporation ジャパンエナジー JOMO is the name of the retail brand used by Japan Energy until 2010. It merged with Nippon Oil Corporation to become JXTG. they use ENEOS currently. Tractor The tractor was changed from GIGA to Quon. http://steamcommunity...
Joshin Fushimi Store
Created by curr66
Joshin Fushimi Store by curr66 我同时还发布有1K大小的贴图的版本,如果你觉得2K贴图太大的话,就点击这个链接进行订阅 I also released a version with 1K stickers. If you think 2K stickers are too big, just click this link to subscribe ...
JP シンプルな戸建事務所 / simple office
Created by kasasasa
2階建ての戸建事務所です。 企業のロゴなどのマークが一切ついていないシンプルなものとなっています。 写真1枚目から2枚目のように各々で装飾して使うことを想定しています。 カラーバリエーションがあります。 建物の背面に設置された室外機はサブメッシュにて配置しているため、POで消えるので注意してください。 It is a two-story detached office building. It is simple without any corporate logo or other marks. It i...
JP シンプルな戸建事務所 03 / simple office 03
Created by kasasasa
今回私が飾り付けに使用した看板アセットです。 These are the signage assets I used to decorate this time. 看板類のない戸建の事務所第3弾です。 今回は画像のような駐車場すらないこじんまりとした事務所も作れるほどのサイズとなっています。 住宅街の中に紛れ込ませてアクセントにしてもいいかもしれません。 This is the...
JP 1+2L Basic Roads KR3101
JP 1+2L Basic Roads KR3101 by Konno Model...
Created by TOKACHI269
東京都中央区勝どきにある高層マンションです。58階建て。 model : GoogleMap wikipedia 航空障害灯は本来は点滅しますが技術的問題により再現できませんでしたのでご了承ください。 こちらはツインタワーバージョンです。シングルバージョンは こちら 。 This is a twin tower version. Single version is here . RICO residential high Citizen : 500 construction-cost : 40000 <Me...
Tokyo JP Office Bldg A | TOKYO GAS 東京ガスビル
Created by Sparks
Tokyo JP Office Bldg A | TOKYO GAS 東京ガスビル The official website/官网/公式サイト Model INFO Tris(三角面数) 9460(main)+1865(roof tower)+2480(buildingA)+590(buildingB)+622(platform)//lod2400 Textures(贴图) 1024×1024/Lod256×256 (a/d/s/i) Size(大小...
Tokyo JP Office Bldg B
Created by Sparks
Tokyo JP Office Bldg B by Sparks Model INFO Tris 7360 Textures 1024×1024/Lod256×256 (a/d/s/i) Size 3×4 Height 8 storeys high(29m) Instructions Search word: JP or Tokyo ------- ------- From this,139.741547,3a,75y,97.3...
Tokyo JP Office Bldg C
Created by Sparks
Tokyo JP Office Building C | Kanda Bridge Building by Sparks Model INFO Tris 13472(main8197+stairs3995+vents1280) Textures 1024×1024/Lod256×256 (a/d/s/i) Size 2×4 Height 11 storeys high(43m) Instructions Address:〒101-0054 | 21 − 1, kammachi 1, Kanda, Chiyo...
Tokyo JP Office Bldg C (2K)
Created by Sparks
Tokyo JP Office Bldg C (2K) by Sparks This is the HD 2K version Here's the main link (Normal version):
Mercedes-Benz C-Class (W203)
Created by CityOfTokyo
Mercedes-Benz C-Class (W203) W203 is a code name for the C class for the second generation of Mercedes-Benz. Release was started in September of the year in full model changeover, Japan in 2000. The price in Japan is 4,000,000-9,000,000 yen. A station wago...
Tokyo JP Office Bldg D | Kanda 91 Building
Created by Sparks
Tokyo JP Office Building D | Kanda 91 Building by Sparks Model INFO Tris 15100(main12000+AC2000+fence1100) Lod:1000 Textures main:1024×1024/Lod256×256(d/s/i) submesh:256×256×2/Lod128×128×2 (a/d/s) Size 4×3 Height 8 storeys high(34.6m) Instructions Building...
Tokyo Opera City Tower
Created by Zatline
8x8 - Tokyo Opera City Tower My first skyscraper of this size and one of four buildings that add up my first real city themed asset bundle "Tokyo Asset Pack #1" Hope you enjoy it, feedback is highly appreciated! :) Tokyo Opera City Tower (東京オペラシティ) is a sk...
TOKYO TAXI Vehicle assets
TOKYO TAXI Vehicle assets ナンバープレート作成に以下のサイトを利用させて頂きました。商用利用は禁止です。 ミニチュアカー ミュージアム...
Created by CityOfTokyo
TOYOTA HIACE COMMUTER GL Is a 14-seater specifications of the Toyota Hiace. In Japan, it has been used, for example, mainly pick-up, but in Southeast Asian countries has also been used as a bus. Passengers: 13 Triangle : 3608 Texture : 512 x 512 ...
Created by CityOfTokyo
TOYOTA HIACE H200 The hiace is an under-seat engine-shaped car produced in Toyota Motor Corporation. Besides, it is used the passenger use such as pick-up bus jumbo taxi, the route bus community bus as special use cars such as an ambulance or the sleeping ...
Created by CityOfTokyo
TOYOTA HIACE POLICE VAN A Japanese patrol wagon is a vehicle for the police to transfer a suspect to a police station and District Public Prosecutor's Office, the court, but becomes the vehicle to transfer to the prison in C:S. The vehicle coat color often...
Created by CityOfTokyo
TOYOTA HIMEDIC TRH226S HIMEDIC is the high standard ambulance which Toyota Motor Corporation releases. HIACE (by the combination of super long + both sides slide doors export 200 to the Japanese foreign territory with the setting) becomes the base vehicle ...
Uniqlo Kichijoji (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x3 straight (non-corner, although it looks best when you plop it at a corner) L1 building based on the Uniqlo flagship store in Kichijoji, Tokyo. It is equipped with animated scrolling LED display in the store interior. If you are not using zoni...
Created by CityOfTokyo
BX293A PEN2 A new variety of hot spring penguin. The official name "BX293A PEN2." The sex is male. He live in the house of Misato and am given a refrigerator-shaped living room. Liquor can drink and loves a hot spring and a bath. Utterance seems to underst...
[TOKYO-III] Comfort 17 Mansion
Created by CityOfTokyo
Comfort 17 Mansion The 11-story apartment where Misato, Shinji, Asuka and PENPEN do cohabitation. Their room seems to be fully occupied until a southwestern corner, the third angel(SACHIEL) invasion in a 11-A-2 room, but most rooms move in the sixth angel ...
Created by CityOfTokyo
OKABE SWEET SHOP (TRADITIONAL SWEET SHOP) It's the traditional candy shop which stops that Shinji buys it for a school return with Touji and Shinsuke and eats it, and to do it. The traditional candy shop is a business condition seen universally in the muni...
JP Japanese Electrical Cabinet (JPEC)
Created by takagi
JPEC Electrical Cabinet by takagi This is a cabinet to supply electricity in high voltage (6000V). This cabinet has switches which stop an electrical current. In many cases, electricity is supplied by utility poles in Japan, but it is supplied by undergrou...
jp_re3 (Japanese house)
Created by nob50506000
Low Density Residential 2×2 Level 3...
K4 B777 - Japan Airlines
Created by Klapaucius IV Do you like this addon? please rate up! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As imagens mostram o modelo no jogo (A...
NTT電話局 Japanese Telephone office
Created by TOKACHI269
NTT電話局 Japanese Telephone office <Mesh info> Main triss : 5109 tex size : 1024x1024 (d, n, s, a, i) LOD triss : 117 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 Amazon gift → NTT電話局 Japanese...
Railway Japanese Props
Created by Ronyx69
Railway Japanese Style Props Also includes a bunch of decorative props. Search for "rwyjp" using Find It! Read description of the Railway collection: Select Japanese props in Railway Replace...
RICO Japanese Small Post Office 小さな郵便局
Created by ako_ako
Industries DLC版はこちら / Industries DLC version is HERE! 集配を行わない、小さな郵便局のアセットです。 Ploppable RICOが無い場合は、レベル1低密度商業として出現します。 ATMの看板以外のPropは含まれていませんので、好きなものを追加してください。 This is a japanese small post office that non-collection/non-delivery. If you don't use Ploppable ...
[Citizen] Japanese Schoolgirls / 日本の女子高生
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Citizen of Japanese high school girls. It's time to say goodbye to vivid teenagers. They have 3 shapes + color variations. All three have different characteristics, so please find your favorite girl. Surely you won't be able to take your eyes off the stree...
[GROW] 日本の雑居ビル Japanese Multi-tenants Builidings
Created by n_mosimo
L3 2x2 JPN Multi-tenants ニコイチの雑居ビルです。レベル3の高密度商業地域に建設されます。2x2です。 Multi-tenants buildings. 2 buildings 1 asset. Level 3 High-density Commercial Zone. 2x2....
[PROP] Japanese Substation Box 変電設備
Created by n_mosimo
For rooftop. 屋上向け。...
[PROP] Japanese Water Storage Tank 日本風の貯水槽
Created by n_mosimo
For prop. Best for install on the top of Asian buildings or apartment. 東洋的なビルやマンション・アパートの屋上に最適です。...
[RICO] Japanese Department Store / 駅前ファッションビル・デパート
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
----- 26 Oct 2019 UPDATED Fixed brightness and normal map. ----- Building of Japanese department store. This is very typical shape so please decorate with props and make it your own department store. Recommended Prop Japanese Department Store Signs / 日本のデパ...
Yusen Heavy Truck
Created by jaijai
Yusen Logistics 郵船ロジスティクス 3D Model: Heavy Truck (6x2) This asset was made by using Heavy Truck Template. Prop is here....
Created by Nasvic
This is Level 1 growable Low-Density Commercial building(4×4). おなじみの大手外食チェーン店です。今回はモデリングして仕上げました。 このアセットについて問題があればお知らせください。 Updated for After Dark! (And fixed some Textures) AD対応しました! イルミネーション以外のテクスチャも手直ししています 。...
YAMATO Truck (Full-Trailer)
Created by jaijai
Yamato Transport ヤマト運輸 Tractor Isuzu GIGA 2015 KLG-CYJ77C Short Cab Trailer and Body Nippon FRUEHAUF centre-axle van trailer Asset Details Category: Industry Capacity: 17,000 Tractor Triangles: 1540, Texture: 1024x512 LoD Triangles: 46, LoD Texture: 32x32(...
Created by jaijai
Yamato Multi Charter ヤマトマルチチャーター 3D Model: MEITETSU Truck This asset was made by using Heavy Truck Template. Prop is here....
Created by waya
wy-JP-Yoshinoya-A by waya...
Created by waya
wy-JP-WasedaTrainingDepartment by waya...
Created by waya
Due to insufficient data, I spent a lot of time and released it a little late. It was my first famous building. If it is popular I will consider more akihabara....
Created by waya
I spent all my spare time making them and I hope you'll enjoy them...
Created by waya
wy-JP-SUKIYA-A by waya...
Created by waya
wy-JP-Streetlight 10.27更新 07-09 128x128 07 188t、08 28t、 09 65t...
Created by waya
wy-JP-RamenHidakaya-A by waya...
Created by waya
I did a little building for a while, and the business district was not as big as I thought....
Created by waya
wy-JP-Matsuya-A by waya...
Created by waya
Recently computer poisoning, fortunately the file did not lose -0-...
Created by waya
Sorry, I've been busy lately. I had to slow it down....
Created by waya
Notice that it comes in two types, A and B, with different colors and heights....
Created by waya
Note: there are three different high-rise buildings in it...
Created by waya
建物は3つあります。4階、8階、14階です。 There are 3 buildings, 4, 8 and 14 floors...
Created by waya
wy-JP-LogiThebookstore by waya...
Created by waya
wy-JP-LnstiuteOfLanguage by waya...
Created by waya
It's harder for me to write Japanese ^ ^...
Created by waya
wy-JP-KFC-A by waya...
Created by waya
wy-JP-Gardening by waya...
Created by waya
Congratulations on the new DLC release...
Created by waya
Although it was a two-story building, I was so confused by the details of the product that I almost gave up making it. Fortunately, I finished it....
Created by waya
wy-JP-CoffeeShop by waya...
Created by waya
1536x1536 Triangular type 4157 Support my work on PayPal ! Donate: 支付宝 Alipay Donate:
Wise Tower Office - Seoul
Created by ***** Architecture
Wise Tower Office building in Seoul South Korea 4x4 Office Building ...
Valentino Shop
Created by Raccoon
Valentino Shop Information: Valentino SpA is an Italian clothing company founded in 1960 by Valentino Garavani and part of Valentino Fashion Group, which in turn is owned by the State of Qatar through Mayhoola for Investments S.P.C. Since October 2008, the...
Created by kazuma76
TOYOTA LAND CRUISER 100 Triangle Polygon Count Main : 3284 Lod : 30 Support Ofuse (Donation)...
Toyota Prius
Created by Coldrifting
Couldn't find a decent Prius, so I made one. Default colors are purple, orange, green, and white. Details: Tris: 2,884 (LOD: 74) Texture: 1024 x 1024 (LOD: 128 x 128) Electric Variant: Some ...
Toyota_Mark ll_X90
Created by The_Ping
Toyota_Mark ll_X90 by V.V.Ping...
Toyota Crown RS
Created by Osacania
2018 Toyota Crown 2.0 RS Advance Prop incruded. Main mesh Tris: 1,468 Textures: 2048x1024 LOD Tris: 62 Textures: 128x128...
Toyota Crown 220 JP Traffic Police Car
Created by Osacania
Toyota Crown police car. Two cars for traffic enforcement and a car for special duty. Incrudes 3 types of vehicles and 3 types of props. Main mesh Tris: 1,851 Textures: 2048x1024 LOD Tris: 84 Textures: 128x128 Filename Aerial Roof Marking(callsign) belongs...
TOYOTA CROWN 200 200系クラウンです。 色は白、黒、紺、銀です。...
Toyota Corolla Axio
Created by Krakow131
Japanese compact sedan Prop ver.→ here ☆Donate ☆Change log 15th Sep 2021 Added illumination texture, fixed LOD ☆Model info Tris: Main 1438, LOD 34 Texture: Main1024x1024 (c, d, i, s, n) LOD 256x256(c, d, i)...
TOWN CAR hearse
hearse base TOWN CAR Capacity : 5 リンカーン・タウンカーがベースの洋型霊柩車です。 収棺容量は5です。 参考資料 株式会社トラックス センチュリーベースの宮型霊柩車も作成中です。 ...
Torii (鳥居) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A gate of Japanese shrines. This prop was created by Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。 ...
Tobu Store Billboard Set
Created by Muska
토부 스토어 간판 세트입니다. 2개의 간판이 들어있습니다. This is Tobu Store Billboard Set. It contains two types of billboards. 東武ストア看板セットです。2種類の看板が入っています。...
Tobu Store Lamp
Created by Muska
토부스토어 어셋용 조명입니다. 아직 조명 효과는 없지만 추후 추가 예정입니다. This is lamp prop for my 'Tobu Store Supermarket' asset. It doesn't have light effect yet, but I'll add it later. 東武ストア西川口店用の照明です。まだ照明効果はありませんが、今後追加する予定です。...
Tobu Store Supermarket
Created by Muska
일본의 체인 수퍼마켓 토부스토어 니시카와구치점입니다. RICO 사용하시면 저밀도 상업 건물로 이용하실 수 있습니다. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Tobu Store is Supermarket Chain in Japan. This is Nishikawaguchi branch which is located in Saitama, Japan. If you use RICO you can use it as an low commecial building. =*=*...
Syuto Expressway Light-L(PAZU)
Created by hakurai
Syuto Expressway Light-L(PAZU) by hakurai...
Syuto Expressway Light (PAZU)
Created by hakurai
OKACHI269氏から依頼を受け首都高 SHUTO Expressway向けに制作したものです。その他の道路での使用は想定しておりません。その他の道路で使用したい場合は こちら を使用してください。 Syuto Expressway Light (PAZU) by hakurai...
The Nobori 02
何かの感謝祭だってよ。 幟002 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
suica グリーン券専用 ticket machine (shibuya station series)
Created by やばい
suica グリーン券専用 ticket machine by やばい suica グリーン券専用 渋谷駅で使うものです。 今週JR湘南新宿、JR埼京線、JR山手線外回り、JR山手線内回り、東京メトロ銀座線五つの線路及びその線路に接続された建物をリリースされるかもしれません。 お楽しみにしてください。 Ticket machine for liner trains I will also use this ticket machine in shibuya station. I may release th...
Starbucks Coffee 九段下店
Created by curr66
Starbucks Coffee 九段下店 by curr66 制作不易,帮忙点点赞吧! 基本描述: 该建筑的原型是位于日本东京市九段下附近的一座底部是咖啡店的办公楼。本次制作主要刻画了底部一二两层的星巴克咖啡店,同时这也是一座自长建筑,你也可以通过"find it"找相关关键词找到它。 Basic description: The The prototype of the building is an office building near jiuduanxia, Tokyo, Japan. This ...
SHUTO EXPWY Smooth the confluence road (β)
Created by TOKACHI269
FOR ELITE PLAYERS. βバージョンのため不具合がある可能性があります。セーブデータのバックアップ推奨。 Be sure to backup the saved data before use. 首都高用のアセットです。合流、分岐道路をこの道路に置き換えることで滑らかにすることができます。少々コツがいるので使いながら慣れてください。 It is an asset for the SHUTO expressway. It can be made smooth by replacing mergi...
SHUTO EXPWY markings
Created by TOKACHI269
SHUTO EXPWY marking line 1 by TOKACHI269...
Signboard Light 看板用ライト
Created by Takamon27
Two sign lights with different lengths. Requires Custom Effect Loader mod. 長さの異なる2つの看板用ライトです。 カスタムエフェクトローダーmodが必要です。 ...
Created by TOKACHI269
SHUTO EXPWY 2L TURNOUT 橋にアップグレードすると防音壁付きになります。左側通行用。 Upgrade to a bridge and it will be sound barrier. For left hand traffic. 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 Amazon gift → SHUTO EXPWY 2L TURNOUT...
SHUTO EXPWY 2L slow down
Created by TOKACHI269
SHUTO EXPWY 2L slow down by TOKACHI269...
SHUTO Expressway pillar
Created by TOKACHI269
<Contents> middle middle stack pillar1 pillar2 over SHUTO EXPWY pillar by TOKACHI269...
SHUTO Expressway 4-Lane
Created by TOKACHI269
Be sure to backup the saved data before use. βバージョンのため不具合がある可能性があります。セーブデータのバックアップ推奨。 橋脚の種類を増やしたい方はこちら SHUTO EXPWY 4L by TOKACHI269...
SHUTO expressway 3-Lane (β)
Created by TOKACHI269
Be sure to backup the saved data before use. βバージョンのため不具合がある可能性があります。セーブデータのバックアップ推奨。 橋脚の種類を増やしたい方はこちら <Contents> 1-Lane(4m) 2-Lane(8m) 2-Lane with sound barrier(8m) 2-Lane with sound barrier...
SHUTO expressway 2-Lane with Sound barrier only one side (β)
Created by TOKACHI269
Be sure to backup the saved data before use. βバージョンのため不具合がある可能性があります。セーブデータのバックアップ推奨。 橋脚の種類を増やしたい方はこちら <Contents> 1-Lane(4m) 2-Lane(8m) 2-Lane with sound barrier(8m) 2-Lane with sound barrier...
SHUTO expressway 2-Lane with Sound barrier (β)
Created by TOKACHI269
Be sure to backup the saved data before use. βバージョンのため不具合がある可能性があります。セーブデータのバックアップ推奨。 橋脚の種類を増やしたい方はこちら <Contents> 1-Lane(4m) 2-Lane(8m) 2-Lane with sound barrier(8m) 2-Lane with sound barrier...
SHUTO expressway 2-Lane (β)
Created by TOKACHI269
Be sure to backup the saved data before use. βバージョンのため不具合がある可能性があります。セーブデータのバックアップ推奨。 橋脚の種類を増やしたい方はこちら <Contents> 1-Lane(4m) 2-Lane(8m) 2-Lane with sound barrier(8m) 2-Lane with sound barrier...
SHUTO expressway 1-Lane with Sound barrier (β)
Created by TOKACHI269
Be sure to backup the saved data before use. βバージョンのため不具合がある可能性があります。セーブデータのバックアップ推奨。 bridgeにアップグレードにすると防音壁が片方だけのバージョンに切り替わります。 橋脚の種類を増やしたい方はこちら SHUTO EXPWY 1L SB by TOKACHI269...
SHUTO expressway 1-Lane (β)
Created by TOKACHI269
collection Be sure to backup the saved data before use. βバージョンのため不具合がある可能性があります。セーブデータのバックアップ推奨。 橋脚の種類を増やしたい方はこちら <C...
Showa Shell Oil Truck Prop
Created by jaijai
This is a prop version of Showa Shell Oil Truck....
Showa Shell Oil Truck
Created by jaijai
Showa Shell Sekiyu 昭和シェル石油 This is the brand of Shell in Japan. EU style are here. Category: Oil Capacity: 8,000 (same as the default) Tractor and Trailer Prop is here....
Shinryaku Sign 02
OPの謎看板その1。 海の家れもん侵略看板02 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Shinjuku Sumitomo Building
Created by Zatline
10x13 - Shinjuku Sumitomo Building My 4th skyscraper from Tokyo and one of four buildings that add up my first real city themed asset bundle "Tokyo Asset Pack #1" Hope you enjoy it, feedback is highly appreciated! :) Shinjuku Sumitomo Building (新宿住友ビルディング)...
Shinjuku Mitsui Building
Created by Zatline
9x8 - Shinjuku Mitsui Building My 2nd skyscraper from Tokyo and one of four buildings that add up my first real city themed asset bundle "Tokyo Asset Pack #1" Hope you enjoy it, feedback is highly appreciated! :) The Shinjuku Mitsui Building (新宿三井ビル) is a ...
Shinjuku Center Building
Created by Zatline
9x8 - Shinjuku Center Building My 3rd skyscraper from Tokyo and one of four buildings that add up my first real city themed asset bundle "Tokyo Asset Pack #1" Hope you enjoy it, feedback is highly appreciated! :) The Shinjuku Center Building (新宿センタービル) is ...
Shinhan bank
Created by sebong
Shinhan bank...
Created by kaeru
Seven-eleven-truck Car model : ISUZU Elf 5th(1993-2006) Payload : 3t セブンイレブン配送トラック いすゞ エルフ 第5世代 Other model is here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Updated AD and some of the texture. ADに対応しました。フロント・リアのライトのテクスチャを変更...
Created by Nasvic
This is Level 1 Low-Density Commercial building(3×4). Original 3D Model made by noboru from Sketchup 3D Warehouse . 某コンビニエンスストアです。 レベル1の低層商業地区に建ちます。 オリジナルはSketchup 3D Warehouse...
Sensyu Aviation Jinja Sign
同神社の看板です。 泉州航空神社看板 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Sasebo JP Office MCT-B
Created by Sparks
Sasebo JP Office MCT-B by Sparks ...
Sasebo JP Office C 太陽生命/太阳生命
Created by Sparks
Sasebo JP Office C | 太陽生命佐世保ビル 太阳生命官网/太陽生命の公式サイト/The official website of 太陽生命 Tris(三角面数) 5940 Textures(贴图) 1024×1024/Lod 256×256 (a/d/s/i) Size(大小) 3×3 (18.5m×24m) Height(高) 36m (8 storeys high)( 8階建て) ------- ------- 谷歌街景地址/引用する/Fro...
Sasebo JP Apartment C
Created by Sparks
Sasebo JP Apartment C Tris 39000/ Lod 130 Textures 2048×2048/Lod 258×258 (d/s/i) Size 4×4 (32m×27m) Height 46m (15 storeys high)(15階建て) ------- ------- This is part of my Sasebo Plan. It‘s located in sasebo, Nagasaki prefecture, Japan. This is the last ass...
Railway Replacer
Created by Ronyx69
Railway Replacer is developed by Simon Royer, Egi and Ronyx. The mod is responsible of two major tasks; replacement of station tracks on train stations and prop customisation/styling of rail networks that are part of RAILWAY ecosystem. Network and Style Pa...
Railway Props
Created by Ronyx69
Basic set of props used for all Railway releases. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Narrow - Rural tracks
Created by YODOH
Railway Narrow - Rural tracks is an extension of Railway Narrow, featuring 1067mm narrow gauge with custom tunnel, viaduct, bridge, and sleepers. Gravel texture depends on the map theme. memo: Do not make junction in Tunnel. In the front and back of the tu...
Railway Narrow - Props
Created by REV0
Prop pack that is being used by Railway Narrow. Check collection for details....
Railway Narrow - Gravel Concrete Station Tracks (Wireless)
Created by REV0
Narrow Gauge Network Package - Station Tracks Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Railway Narrow is an extension of Railway project, this time featuring 1067mm narrow gauge with custom gr...
Railway Narrow - Gravel Concrete Station Tracks (Wired)
Created by REV0
Narrow Gauge Network Package - Station Tracks Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Railway Narrow is an extension of Railway project, this time featuring 1067mm narrow gauge with custom gr...
Railway Narrow - Gravel Concrete
Created by REV0
Narrow Gauge Network Package Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Railway Narrow is an extension of Railway project, this time featuring 1067mm narrow gauge with custom gravel texture and ...
Railway Narrow - Eglisau Truss Bridge
Created by REV0
Narrow Gauge Network - Eglisau, Switzerland Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Railway Narrow is an extension of Railway project, this time featuring 1067mm narrow gauge with custom grav...
Railway Narrow - Bare Networks
Created by REV0
Narrow Gauge Network Package - Bare Networks Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Railway Narrow is an extension of Railway project, this time featuring 1067mm narrow gauge with custom gra...
Railway - Gravel Network
Created by REV0
Bare Gravel Network Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Gravel network that can be used on railyard to fill the gap, or construction sites. Gravel is used on Railway Narrow networks. Part...
Police car 04 200 CROWN
TOYOTA CROWN Police car 200系クラウンのパトカー警視庁仕様です。...
PAZU[10m] (高圧ナトリウム道路灯)
Created by hakurai
岩崎電気PAZUの高圧ナトリウム照明(10m)です。従来のPAZUシリーズのアセットからモデルを大幅に改善しました。 PAZU(高圧ナトリウム道路灯) by hakurai...
Okinawa Apartment
Created by nob50506000
暖かい地域にありそうな低層のマンションになります。 jp_apt20a jp_apt20b jp_apt21a jp_apt21b jp_apt22 ...
Created by jaijai
Nippon Express 日本通運 Truck Hino RANGER FD Asset Details Category: Industry Capacity: 8,000 Prop is here....
NISSAN CEDRIC TAXI 01 セドリックタクシーシリーズ(?)第一弾 個人、宇治松タクシーでございます。 法人タクシーは5ナンバー仕様に作り変えてからとなります。 個人所有仕様(白ナンバー)も近いうちに公開します。...
NISSAN CARAVAN 01 by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
NIKKON Heavy Truck
Created by jaijai
NIPPON KONPO UNYU SOKO 日本梱包運輸倉庫 3D Model: Heavy Truck 8x4 This asset was made by using Heavy Truck Template. Prop is here....
Negi Patch (ネギ畑)
Created by kei_em
ネギ畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Negi (green onion) patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skyl...
Negi (ネギ) - Prop
Created by kei_em
Neri are sometimes used as cold med. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Created by Nasvic
This is Level 1 growable Low Commercial building(3×4). 大手外食チェーン店第4弾です。製作中はなか卯の店内BGMが頭から離れませんでした。 このアセットについて問題があればお知らせください。 Updated for After Dark! (And fixed some Textures) AD対応しました! イルミネーション以外のテクスチャも手直ししています 。...
Natural Slope Profiles
Created by Deeheks
15 assymetrical theme networks to create decorative surfaces at low cost. Introducing transparent networks (ruined = cliff gradient) and surface painter support. _______________________ FEATURES ! -> Fence network (end of Fence menu) or " profile " keyword...
Nakagyo Police Station (8x8)
Created by BachToBaroque
Hello. This Police Station is based on the Nakagyo Police Station in Kyoto, with a reduced size to fit 8 x 8 in-game cell. Originally I had a Japanese flag prop(from BP's more flags mod) there but decided to ditch it anyway because some players might not w...
MUKASHIN the Wagashi shop Wakayama-kita store (growable Cl L1 4x3)
向新和歌山北店。 Building Info 4x3 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 1024x1024 向新、和歌山北店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
MUKASHIN the Wagashi shop Tondabayashi store (growable Cl L1 4x2)
向新富田林店。 Building Info 4x2 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 1024x1024 向新、富田林店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
MUKASHIN the Wagashi shop Kuzunoha store (growable Cl L1 4x2)
向新葛の葉店。 Building Info 4x2 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 1024x1024 向新、葛の葉店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
MUKASHIN the Wagashi shop Kumatori store (growable Cl L2 2x3)
向新熊取店。 Building Info 2x3 plots Category : Commerical Low Level2 Texture : 1024x1024 向新、熊取店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
MUKASHIN the Wagashi shop Iwade store (growable Cl L1 4x4)
向新岩出店。 Building Info 4x4 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 1024x1024 向新、岩出店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Monument Clock Renewal モニュメント時計 リニューアル
Created by Takamon27
以前公開した時計のモニュメントセットをリニューアルしました。 以前のものは時計のPropとモニュメントのPropが別々の為 設置して組み合わせる必要がありましたが 今回は組み合わせる必要はなく設置するだけです。 二面タイプが3種類、三面タイプが3種類の6種類を同梱しています。 また文字盤のタイプは4種類ありランダムで出現します。 サブメッシュを使用しているためPOに変換するとモニュメント部分以外が消えてしまいます。 モニュメント部分はRepaint MODを使用して色を変えることができます。 駅前のロータリ...
Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV 2018
Created by Ma7heus
2018-Present Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Asset's 3D and Textures Info (Main | Custom Lod): Tris: 2088 | 36 Textures: 1024x1024 | 64x64 Submeshes*: 4 Tris / 128x64 (max) Textures *Submeshes only changes the number plate style according to your game's map setu...
Created by kazuma76
MITSUBISHI LANCER Evolution Triangle Polygon Count Main : 1877 Lod : 40 Support Ofuse (Donation)...
Miyagi truck prop
Created by Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Full credit to Onionjack_ for the truck - All I did was modify the wheels and the texture a bit. A prop version of the Miyagi Motors truck I used for my European container trucks. Enjoy! A special thank you To...
Mitsubishi L300 Camper
Created by stockjr97
I sort of like the addition of RVs into the game, though I think more could've been done with them. What I didn't like was that most of them would protrude outside of parking spaces in a really careless way. So I decided to remedy this by making a more com...
Mitsubishi Canter
Created by Ronyx69
1993-1999? Mitsubishi Fuso Canter Includes a bed and a box version. Instead of prop versions, it incudes building versions, as you can't add sub meshes to props. Renaming the building to any custom name will swap the interior to be left hand drive. Main(ex...
Message Board (伝言板) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A message board. This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
megurigaoka hight school prop
This is necessary for megurigaoka hight school asset to use prop. Contents will be prop of gymnasium, solar panel, bicycle parking space, net fence. 巡ヶ丘高校アセットを使用する際に必要なpropです。 内容は、体育倉庫、ソーラーパネル、駐輪場、ネットフェンスのpropになります。...
Mazda2 (Gen.3)
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
MAZDA2は、マツダが製造・販売しているコンパクトカーである。 北米ではサブコンパクトカーに、欧州ではBセグメントに車格がそれぞれ分類されている。 日本国内市場向けにおいては、当初「デミオ」の車名で販売されていたが、 2019年9月12日より発売される3代目(「デミオ」としては4代目)の一部改良モデルから日本国内向け専用のペットネームを廃止し、グローバルで「MAZDA2」の名称で販売されている。 2019年5月、マツダは小型車(欧州規格でいうCセグメント)のアクセラを全面改良するのに合わせ、 日本国内向け...
Mazda Premacy 2001
Created by Lauby
Mazda Premacy 2001 Polycount: 1828 Colors: Silver, Black, Red, Blue Changelog: - Added Mazda Badges - LOD generated by CS...
Mazda CX-30
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
CX-30は、マツダが製造・販売するクロスオーバーSUVである。 MAZDA3に次ぐマツダの新世代商品群の第2弾として位置づけられているSUVで、2019年3月5日に世界初公開され、同年3月7日から開催されたジュネーブモータショーにて一般公開された。 2019年10月24日に日本国内で販売が開始された。 日本市場とヨーロッパ市場を中心にグローバルに展開されている。 なお、CX-3とCX-5の中間的位置づけのモデルとしては中国市場向けのCX-4があるが、CX-4はCX-5のプラットフォームを用いており、 さら...
Market Flowers [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Market Flowers by Gèze...
MAN TGS Tipper (Agriculture)
Created by Oyass3
MAN TGS Tipper This is an agricultural vehicle. After delivering the cargo, the contents will be empty and you will return to the factory. (Transrate by Google) MAN TGS - Tipper (Agriculture) Tris : 2122 Texture : 1024x1024 農産物を積んだ農業トラックだよ! 貨物を届けたら中身が空になって...
Madoka's House
Created by Ruoca
L5 3x4 "Kaname Residence" from Magica Madoka. Want to make a Contract? 〴( ◕‿‿◕ )〵 ...
LSG Sky Chefs Logistic
Created by EnigmataZ
Hi community, i made some custom buildings for my own build. Now it's time to share i hope you like them here is my LSG Sky Chefs Logistics. The LSG Sky Chefs brand is a provider of in-flight catering services for the airline industry. In addition the comp...
LRT Tram Tracks - Without Fences
Created by clus Hello all together ! This network is (kind of) a complete overhaul of the tram network. Its called "LRT - trams". You can find all related networks/assets in the collection above. This wasn´t ...
Little Restaurant
Created by Accapulco
A small restaurant for more detailed areas. The image is just a suggestion, the building only comes with the diner seats, salad bar and the left side is empty so you can put what ever you like there. On the left is a vine rack as well but the current ivy p...
LED Lighting Fixture 天井照明と看板照明
Created by Takamon27
LED lighting fixture and signboard lighting. LED天井照明と看板照明です。 2022.10.21 Update ポリ数を削減し、カスタムエフェクトローダーVerを追加しました。...
Land Cruiser 100 JAF
Created by kazuma76
Toyota Land Cruiser 100 JAF Type : Road maintenance vehicle Triangle Polygon Count Main : 3076 Lod : 30 Support Ofuse (Donation)...
Land Cruiser Road Patrol Car
Created by kazuma76
Toyota Land Cruiser 100 Road Patrol Car Type : Road maintenance vehicle Triangle Polygon Count Main : 3228 Lod : 40 Support Ofuse (Donation) ...
Created by jaijai
Konoike Transport 鴻池運輸 Truck Hino RANGER FD Asset Details Category: Industry Capacity: 8,000...
JR East E657 Series (10 Cars)
Created by InHailt
Overview The E657 series is an AC/DC dual-voltage electric multiple unit (EMU) train type operated by East Japan Railway Company in Japan on limited express services between Ueno in Tokyo and Iwaki on the Joban Line since March 2012. The trains replaced th...
JR Central 313 Series (2/6/8 Cars)
Created by InHailt
Contains 3 different configurations! Overview The 313 series is a DC suburban electric multiple unit (EMU) train type operated by Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central) in Japan since 1999. The design was introduced from spring 1999 to replace older 11...
Japanese style bus. model is Hino Blue Ribbon City. 日野 ブルーリボンシティ 西武色です。...
JPN apartment 02-2
2x2の古いアパート(縦向き)です 鉄道模型TOMIXのアパートストラクチャがモデルです。 RICO対応です。 屋根は3色ランダムです。...
JPN apartment 02
2x1の古いアパート(横向き)です 鉄道模型TOMIXのアパートストラクチャがモデルです。 RICO対応です。 屋根は4色ランダムです。...
JPN apartment 01-2
JPN apartment 01の壁色変更バージョンです。 4色(グレー、濃い緑、ブルーグレー、茶色)のはずですが、茶色が出ません。...
JPN apartment 01
It is based on unique building. It corresponds to RICO MOD and appears in the tab of Residential High. If you do not introduce MOD, I think that it will appear in 3 tabs of unique building. size: 7x4 RICO MODに対応した7x4サイズの5階建てマンションで、アニメ 「小林さんちのメイドラゴン」の3話以降に登...
Created by waya
JP-PhotoGallery by waya...
JP Uniqlo
Created by koma
※ 2019.12.19 Corrected and updated lighting and textures. 照明、テクスチャを修正しアップデートしました。 Japanese Commercial Store Uniqlo 6×7. Ploppable RICO has been set. If RICO mod is not used , it will function as a unique building. 日本のユニクロです。PloppableRICO設定済。 6×7マスの大きさになります...
JP Toyota Rental Lease トヨタレンタリース
Created by koma
JP Toyota Rental Lease Glow-able Commercial Low 3×3 Tris:1095 Texture 1024×1024 Lod Tris:150 Texture 64×64 トヨタレンタリースです。低密度商業区画レベル1。 駅前近辺などに置いてみてはいかがでしょうか。 Low Qualityですが、よろしければお使いください。 トヨタ車両プロップを置くと雰囲気が出ると思います。 TOYOTA CROWN PROP
JP Suburb shop base pack
Created by koma
(PROP) JP Suburb shop pack is an asset for creating a store. By changing the combination of props, you can increase the variation of the store. (PROP) JP Suburb shop packを使用して商店を作るためのアセットです。 プロップの組み合わせを変えることにより、商店のバリエーションを増やすことが出来ます。 Please subscribe and u...
JP Suburban Library
Created by sway
Japanese suburban style public library Inspired by the Sugamo Library in Tokyo, Japan 3x3, same functionality as the vanilla public library The rooftop is left empty and plain on purpose. You can add your favorite air ...
JP Service(三菱重工総合体育館)
Created by curr66
JP Service(三菱重工総合体育館) by curr66 基本描述: 这是位于长崎市内的三菱重工総合体育館,还是挺漂亮的。内容中包含有两座建筑,一座带有三菱重工的logo,一座不带有logo的,我分别给了后缀A和B,建议订阅优化加载的mod,同时这也是一座独特建筑,你也可以通过"find it"找相关关键词找到他们。 Basic description: This is the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Stadium in Nagasaki City, which is...
JP Office (京都アニメーション)
Created by curr66
JP Office (京都アニメーション) by curr66 这是日本的京都动画总部,之后我也会做其他的几个工作室,也为前段时间的纵火事件表示哀悼,希望京阿尼能尽快恢复如初 This is the Kyoto Animation Headquarters in Japan. I will also work in several other studios in the future. I also express my condolences for the arson incident some ti...
JP Modern Condo (Apartment)
Created by nob50506000
テナント付きのマンションになります。 jp_apt18 8×4 ResHigh Lv.2 RICO RICOを導入していない場合ユニーク建物になります。...
JP Kygnus gas station
Created by koma
Japanese Gas Station Kygnus oil SS. Growable Commercial Low 2×3. 日本のガソリンスタンド、キグナス石油サービスステーションです。 低密度商業区画 2×3サイズです。...
JP Irago Cape Lighthouse 伊良湖岬灯台
Created by Takamon27
A white tower-shaped medium-sized lighthouse at the tip of Cape Irago on the Atsumi Peninsula, Aichi Prefecture. It has been selected as one of the 50 best lighthouses in Japan. 愛知県渥美半島にある伊良湖岬の突端に立つ白亜塔形の中型灯台です。 日本の灯台50選にも選ばれています。...
JP House construction site / 建築中の住宅
Created by koma
This is an asset of a general house under construction. The category is a unique building. This asset appears as Unique Building so if you need to place many times, please use Not So Unique Buildings 建築中の一般住宅のアセットです。 カテゴリーは Unique Building です。 Unique Build...
JP Hotel dormy inn
Created by koma
It is a Japanese business hotel, hotel dormy inn. tourism area. 4×4size. 日本のビジネスホテル、ホテル ドーミーインです。 観光特化地区 4×4サイズです。...
JP Fake Bollard&Planter
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.2.4 ■ 日本の擬石ボラードと花壇です。以下の13種類が同梱されています。 ▪ It is a Japanese fake bollard&planter. The following 13 types are included. ■ このアセットは作成者の意向によって変更する場合があります。 ▪ This asset is subject to change at the discretion of the author. FS_B...
JP ENEOS gas station
Created by koma
2020.04.15 UPDATE The textures of the ENEOS gas station published on December 26, 2018 have been darkened and some of the models have been corrected. 2018年12月26日に公開した ENEOS gas station のテクスチャを暗く修正し、モデルの一部を修正しました。 Japanese Gas station ENEOS. Growable commer...
JP Emergency Service Worker Citizen Pack
Created by Osacania
Pack of citizen asset of emergency service workers from Japan. This pack contains police officer, fire fighter, paramedic and prop versions of each citizen asset. KNOWN ISSUE: Vanilla model of paramedic with stretcher will be shown after they come out from...
JP Dummy House Pack
Created by EXYN4
Japanese traditional house pack. These are based on ruins and will not function as residential, would be good to filling in the gaps. 4 types included. Highly recommended mods: Move It and Procedural Objects ...
JP Cosmo Gas Station
Created by koma
Japanese Gas Station Cosmo Oil. Growable Commercial Low 4×3. 日本のガソリンスタンド、コスモ石油サービスステーションです。 郊外の道路沿いにありそうな小規模のSSをイメージしました。 低密度商業区画 4×3サイズです。 未熟な技術のため細部の処理が雑なので「 ココロも満タンに 」出来ないと思いますが、よろしければどうぞ。 おすすめアセット ( jaijai氏の作品です )
JP Bus stop KT01
japanese bus stop prop...
JP Bicycle 3 packs
JP Bicycle texture : 512*256...
JP Angled Buildings(30/45)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
They are typical buildings in Japan, but these buildings are angled. Most of the buildings in the actual city are angled, but I think that there are still few in CSL. I have a 30 degree optician store and a 45 degree pastry shop. The signboards are attache...
JP 6m Tiny Roads KT204
JP 6m Tiny Roads KT204 by Konno Model...
JP 6L Medium Roads KR6103
JP 6L Medium Roads KR6103 by Konno Model...
JP 6L Medium Roads KR6102
JP 6L Medium Roads KR6102 by Konno Model...
JP 6L Medium Roads KR6101
JP 6L Medium Roads KR6101 by Konno Model...
JP 5m Tiny Roads KT202
JP 5m Tiny Roads KT202 by Konno Model...
JP 5m Tiny Roads +ped KT203
マウントアップ型の歩道がついた車道幅5mの道路です。 路地等でよく見かけるタイプの道路かと思います。 縁石の高さは車道面からみて10cmです。...
JP 4m Tiny Roads KT201
幅員4mの道路です。 日本の住宅街等でよく見られるものです。 車道面+0.005m 縁石+0.105m です。 紺野に無駄遣いをさせる。(Donate) 紺野にお金をあげる ...
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4104
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4104 by Konno Model...
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4103
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4103 by Konno Model...
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4102
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4102 by Konno Model...
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4101
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4101 by Konno Model...
JP 3+4L Medium Roads KR7102
JP 3+4L Medium Roads KR7102 by Konno Model...
JP 3+4L Medium Roads KR7101
JP 3+4L Medium Roads KR7101 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2154
JP 2L Small Roads KR2154 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2153
JP 2L Small Roads KR2153 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2152
JP 2L Small Roads KR2152 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2151
JP 2L Small Roads KR2151 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2144
JP 2L Small Roads KR2144 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2143
JP 2L Small Roads KR2143 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2142
JP 2L Small Roads KR2142 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2141
JP 2L Small Roads KR2141 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2135
JP 2L Small Roads KR2135 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2134
JP 2L Small Roads KR2134 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2133
JP 2L Small Roads KR2133 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2132
JP 2L Small Roads KR2132 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2131
JP 2L Small Roads KR2131 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2125
JP 2L Small Roads KR2125 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2124
JP 2L Small Roads KR2124 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2123
JP 2L Small Roads KR2123 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2122
JP 2L Small Roads KR2122 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KR2121
JP 2L Small Roads KR2121 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2109
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2109 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2108
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2108 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2107
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2107 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2106
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2106 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2105
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2105 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2104
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2104 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2103
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2103 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2101
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2101 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2102
JP 2L Basic Roads KR2102 by Konno Model...
JP 2L 1way Basic Roads KR2151
JP 2L 1way Basic Roads KR2151 by Konno Model...
JP 2+3L Medium Roads KR5102
JP 2+3L Medium Roads KR5102 by Konno Model...
JP 2+3L Medium Roads KR5101
JP 2+3L Medium Roads KR5101 by Konno Model...
JP 1way Small Roads KR1102
JP 1way Small Roads KR1102 by Konno Model...
JP 1way 5m Tiny Road KR1101
JP 1way 5m Tiny Road KR1101 by Konno Model...
[UPDATED] Elevator Parking / エレベーター型立体駐車場
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
2019/04/21 UPDATED! I reduced texture sizes and added 1 more version. 悪評だった4096x4096テクスチャを廃止し1024x512のリーズナブルなものに改善。NPC(日本パーキング)版のバリエーションを1つ追加しました。 ------ Elevator Parking Tower in Japan. We can find them in the downtown. ------ 日本でよくあるエレベーター式の立体駐車場です。繁華街など...
Quay Revival Stone FP - 8m
Created by Pixel_monster
Quay Revival Stone Quay with Footpath - 8m Version by Pixel_monster A modern riverside quay ideal for low embankments. Because of the popularity of the previous quays I did , I decided to completely redo the textures and model and make a completely new var...
Washing crane
Created by Bibel Gurra
Washing crane by SUR:(((((ON...
Acura TLX
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
The TLX is a sedan-type passenger car produced by Honda Motor Co., Ltd. and sold under the Acura brand. Integrated successor model of TL and TSX. The TLX prototype was announced at the 2014 North American International Auto Show, aiming for a unique design...
The 80s offices A
Created by RyanCat
One of the 80s offices series. Better maintained version: Main : 1338 tris 1024x1024(d,i,s,n) LOD : 20 tris 128x128(d,i) Support me here...
The 80s offices A(maintained)
Created by RyanCat
The 80s offices series A better maintained version. Worn version: Main: 1338 Tris ,1024x1024 (d,i,n,s) lod : 20 Tris ,128x128 (d,i) Support me here...
Transmission Lines, Green (Network Pack)
Created by REV0
Electricity - Transmission Lines Green, Deutsche Bahn Portfolio on: Support via: Support via: Follow me on: Request, contact htt...
car wash prop ARAI
car wash machine prop ARAI Japanese style car wash machine ガソリンスタンド等によくある洗車機のpropになります。 洗車機アライさんです。 テクスチャサイズは512x512にて作成しております。...
Station Entrance (Prop)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese station entrance prop inspired from JR East stations. You can put it with any buildings, and the building will be a station. 日本風の駅入り口Propです。JR東日本仕様。 いろいろな建物にくっつけることで、簡単に駅ビルにできます。...
4x4C Kyoto Block #4 (Lv2 HD.Commercial)
Created by BachToBaroque
I hope the black wall textures aren't too flat or too dark for some players, maybe I'm not skilled enough but I had difficulty replicating a mattish-plaster wall texture. I'd also strongly recommend using the Daylight classic Mod by Bloody Penguin, otherwi...
3x3C Kyoto Block #6 (Lv1 Office)
Created by BachToBaroque
'Tamaribuchi Heavy Manufacturing Concern' office branch & 7Eleven on the ground floor. Tamaribuchi was once a joint venture company with Matsumura Fishworks but decided to split after a sharp decline in sales worldwide over their bestselling product, Mr.Sp...
3x2 Kyoto Block #7 (Lv2 HD.Comm)
Created by BachToBaroque
Two small buildings in one lot- A domino's pizza & a generic office, great for using as 'fillers'. The domino's model is based off a mcdonalds and the office is just some random building i picked, both within kyoto city of course. This will be the last gro...
Vocational School
Created by BachToBaroque
Vocational / Trade School based on this building & functions as a highschool ingame. It has about half the stats of the vanill highschool but double the education accumulation, of course you can tweak those in asset editor just don't upload it :) This will...
car wash machine 02
car wash machine prop English version texture = 512 x 512 ガソリンスタンド等によくある洗車機のpropになります。 日本人が考えたアメリカンな仕様です。 テクスチャサイズは512x512にて作成しております。...
Created by kaeru
Art-moving-truck Car model : ISUZU Elf 5th(1993-2006) Payload : 3t アート引越しセンタートラック いすゞ エルフ 第5世代 Other model is here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Updated AD and some of the texture. ADに対応しました。フロント・リアのライトのテクスチャを変更し...
Created by jaijai
Sakai Moving Service サカイ引越センター Truck Isuzu Forward FRR 2014 Asset Details Category: Industry Capacity: 8,000 (same as the default) Triangles: 1944, Texture: 1024x512 LoD Triangles: 105, LoD Texture: 64x32 Prop is here....
[EV] 2017 Nissan Leaf Electric
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Japanese Electric Icon A mainstay of the first generation of electric vehicles, the 2017 Nissan Leaf outperforms in its price range. Now, it's even cheaper, thanks to the newer 2018 Nissan Leaf (and a whole bunch of them on ...
UK Road Project: Road Damage Pack
Created by Macwelshman] UK Road Project All assets created for this project have been put together in the 'UK Road Project Collected' collection. Damaged Road Pack IT'S TIME TO MAKE YOUR UK ROADS LOOK BAD Give your roads that authentic UK look with ...
Roof Objects Pack 屋顶填缝套装
Created by XDBX
by XDBX ------------------------------------------ All 26 objects -5 Air Conditionings -5 Electric box -4 Antennas -2 powerrooms -2 radars -2 water tanks -3 Signal towers -1 roof -1 lightning rod -1 Steel plate ------------------------------------------ mo...
Plant package 1-52
Created by waya
这个是用少量三角型制作的树和植物以节约资源。所以它可以大范围的使用。 This is a small number of triangular trees and plants to save resources. So it can be widely used. これは少量の三角型で作られた木と植物で資源を節約している。だから広範囲に使用することができます。 wy-Botany001 128x128 129t wy-Botany002-A 128x128 18t wy-Botany003-A B C 2...
Traffic Lights
Created by clus
Traffic Lights Prolog Hello all together ! I decided to create some traffic lights for my roads ... and here they are. I wanted to have something with the possibility to individualize the roads and that´s not possible with the vanilla traffic lights. I kno...
Station Toilet 02 updated
廢驛に置くことを想定してゐましたが、割と綺麗に仕上ったのでそれ以外にも使へさう。 廢驛の便所02 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Wall Grunge pack #1
Created by Lee the Yote
Wall Grunge This is a pack of 5 props designed to be used with procedural objects and placed on the wall. To find them in find it! search grunge. You can change the colour with procedural objects or prop painter. If you have any suggestions for pack #2 the...
Thai Police Station (Large)
Created by Palm'sTime
Thai Police Station (Large) By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Info: Type Police Department Storey 4 Storey Tris 6,318 (Main) | 144 (LOD) Texture Size 1,024 x 1,024 (Main) | 128 x 128 (LOD) Scale 1:1 Based on real-life police station building. Mostly found in Thail...
[Rep]Modern Green SOHO
Created by -ReputationUh-
RepSOHO: a green architecture design referred to the architectural movement that fused ideas about architectural megastructures with those of organic biological growth in Japan.Support me on:
Rockery landscape假山景观
Created by 红米先生
Rockery landscape假山景观 by Redmi...
Created by -ReputationUh-
PlazaTowerKachidokiプラザタワー勝どき by -ReputationUh-...