Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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Items (91)
Created by 露滴麦浪摇
需要“风云变幻”DLC,没有DLC可能进不去!!!!! 然后加载可能需要点时间............. 文明:天翼种 特殊能力:精灵回廊:所有种族力量的源泉,而天翼种能从中获得更多的优势。(所有槽位转化为通配符槽) 领袖:吉普莉尔 特殊能力:1、对于以弑神为目标的天翼种来说,杀戮就是本能。(没有厌战情绪,没有占领处罚) 2、年龄六千四百零七岁,能够运用十六种族的全部语言,更精通异世界语与古语等七百种以上的语言及其知识,却仍旧渴望未知。(文化产出+20%) 区域:阿邦特·赫伊姆 属性:天翼种的住所,是漂浮在...
【GS】Sword Art Online
Created by 千古歌
English text is added in game. Please check it when you play. Thanks!...
【R-18】《In the Name of Eiko》in Civilization 6 —— Make a Succubus civilization in Civilization 6
【Civilization 6 project maiden work of Himewaka Kawano ——Succubus civilization.】 {Warning: The image material and text description used in this mod are not suitable for users under 18 years old to watch, and as the first work of the author, there may be ma...
Created by 千古歌
抽奖时间到了! 整合了所有能抽的往世乐土领袖特性。 城市的产能条上会有两个按钮,一个用于单位抽奖,一个用于特性抽奖,均为文明的特色内容。 单位抽奖耗费200金币,特性抽奖耗费2000金币。...
Created by 千古歌
此模组不支持联机。 功能整合了自动循环项目。现在点击项目可以重复运行了。 无限能力详见往世乐土:逐火十三英桀的置顶帖说明...
明日方舟 幽灵鲨
Created by 悸动战士
本mod内容两个鲨鱼 幽灵鲨(归溟) 拥抱自我: 拥有军营且没有剧院广场的城市+20%生产力,该城市的深海猎人据点+2生产力,生产的海军单位+1移速和10生命恢复;拥有剧院广场且没有军营的城市+20%文化,该城市的深海猎人据点+2文化,雕塑+2文化和100%旅游业绩 血脉相连:解锁建造者建造深海猎人据点的能力 故乡歌谣:游戏开始时获得4名阿戈尔遗民,这些移民携带了幽灵鲨喜欢的阿戈尔艺术品 幽灵鲨(疯狂) 破碎思维: 每过25个回合,都会获得一个负面效果和一个正面效果,持续至200回合;每回合获得一个药剂;每...
Created by 夕墨岚
声明: 该mod主要灵感来源于《明日方舟》同时使用的图片大部分均来自游戏,部分来自网络,如有不妥,请联系我,我马上进行修改 这个mod没有平衡性可言,对平衡有要求的请谨慎订阅 再次声明这是一个用脚写数值和效果的文明,作为我的第一个精二干员,还是有特殊感情在里面的虽然做着做着效果就写偏了,有建议可以在留言区提出,我看到后会回复并第一时间进行修改 更新日志: 6 月 20 日 上传mod进行私人测试 6 月 28 日 修正部分内容后正式发布 7 月 19 日 加入一位新领袖:早露,并修正了文本错位与文明百科 1...
毛泽东与中国共产党 | Mao Zedong and the Communist Party of China
This mod added a new leader Mao Zedong and the Communist Party of China(1929) under his lead. Require Expansion: Rise and Fall and Expansion: Gathering Storm. A brief description: Civ: Communist Party of China Ability: The Bugle from Gutian All land units ...
Created by 摸鱼办主任
嗨嗨嗨,萌新的第三个mod 其实早就做得差不多了,但是最近沉迷星穹铁道一直没找人帮我测,所以晚发了好久,现在朋友帮我测完了我也就姑且相信万事俱备了,出问题了再反馈叭 嘿嘿,青雀,嘿嘿 嘿嘿,黑塔,嘿嘿 嘿嘿,佩拉,嘿嘿 嘿嘿,白露,嘿嘿 嘿嘿,银狼,嘿嘿 嘿嘿,素裳,嘿嘿 嘿嘿,艾丝妲,嘿嘿 嘿嘿,克拉拉,嘿嘿 嘿嘿,杰帕德,嘿嘿 总体简介: 一个出色的evp文明,游玩过程中发现存在该文明请立刻消灭它,消灭支配之律者,人人有责 领袖能力:一人的舞台,千人的剧场 “欢迎来到!支配剧场!” 建造城市时会赠送一个...
Created by 千古歌
First curtain Unlock from wonders discovery. Effect just like the Minerva. Second curtain Unlock from Era Classical. "Golden Courtyard" replaces amphitheater. It makes theater produce gold equal to culture. Third curtain Unlock from Era Medieval. +1 diplom...
Anime CityStates:动画角色城邦
Created by Wach
将部分动画角色MOD领袖变成城邦,派遣使者、成为宗主国可以获得原始领袖的能力。 当您拥有以上 Wach Anime Project合集 中的领袖MOD时,会拥有相应的城邦。 向该城邦派遣使者、成为该城邦宗主国会获得更强力的能力,比如: 梅普露城邦: ----派遣了8位使者:通过城邦获得的外交支持+100%。 ----成为该城邦宗主国:每个派向城邦的使者提供1 金币与1 信仰。 ----成为该城邦宗主国且派遣了6位使者:战斗单位防御时+10 战斗力,每回合回复20生命值。 ----成为该城邦宗主国且派遣了10...
Created by Kotomi
Replace the selection interface, loading interface, head portrait and diplomatic interface leaders in game with animation images Dynamic Leader needs to be turned off, otherwise you won't see the replaced diplomatic interface! Mainly includes some personal...
Auto Record Goody Huts
Created by wltk Auto record your goody hut rewards with a map tack. I noticed that some streamers like placing map tacks to track what they get from the goody huts, for their viewers and their own purposes. Therefore I made this mod to make...
Azur Lane · Sakura Empire - [Ayanami, Yukikaze, Yuudachi, Shigure]
Created by Kevin Liu
This Mod brings you the Sakura Empire (Juuyo) from Azur Lane, and its four leaders: Ayanami, Yuudachi, Shigure, and Yukikaze. All characters are fully voiced ☆ The unique infrastructure of Sakura Empire is the Cerise Imperial Dockyard (replaces Shipyard), ...
Better Builder Charges Tracking
Created by wltk This mod can help displaying Builder's current build charges on the side of unit flag for easier tracking, so you don't have to select each Builder to check. ...
Better City States (UI)
Created by infixo
Enhanced City States screen. This mod integrates and improves the screen from the Concise UI (which I've always considered to be the best improvement of the CS window), some functionality from CQUI and adds my own improvements (spies, resources). Everythin...
Better Civilization Icons Lite
Created by janboruta
This mod replaces a number of civilization and city-state icons with more historically accurate variations, while preserving a more vanilla feel compared to the main BCI mod. Some vanilla icons have been tweaked or emboldened for a fresher look. Changed ci...
Better Deal Window
Created by gliding
***Compatibility confirmed with all updates to date (Feb 2024)*** Features Deal history panel, listing previous deals with the selected civilization, from the current gameplay session. Any ongoing multi-turn deals found from your last gameplay session will...
Better Espionage Screen
Created by astor
Introduction This is my third UI mod (after Better Trade Screen and More Lenses). The main purpose is similar to the other two, to add Quality of Life features and improve the Civilization VI UI. Here the Espionage Screens are overhauled to reduce the numb...
Better Loading Screen (UI)
Created by infixo
New v1.9 as of 15.04 - option to turn OFF Dawn of Men speech. Displays detailed information about uniques on the loading screen. No more annoying laconic "unique unit". You can also turn off the Dawn of Men audio if you've heard it enough ;) Works with the...
Better Religion Window (UI)
Created by infixo
Enhanced Religion Window. Helps managing religious campaigns. Compatibility Works with the base game, Rise & Fall, Gathering Storm, CQUI, CQUI-Lite. Supported languages: English, 한국어/조선말 (Korean), polski (Polish). German translation CivFanaticsGitHub (BRW)...
Better Report Screen (UI)
Created by infixo
New v7.0 as of 23.05 - Major technial redesign and several new features, improvements and fixes. Detailed information on the Change Notes tab. More information in the Report Screen. New tabs: units, deals, policies, minors. Compatibility Works with the bas...
Better Trade Screen
Created by astor
Introduction The goal of this mod is to improve the trade screens in Civilization VI and help manage and monitor running trade routes. NOTE CQUI AND HBUI USERS: This mod is already included in them, and may cause issues if you also use this mod. Main Featu...
Better World Rankings (UI)
Created by infixo
More information in the World Rankings screen. Compatibility Works with the base game, Rise & Fall, Gathering Storm, CQUI, CQUI-Lite. Not compatible with: scenarios (they usually modify this screen). Supported languages: English. German translation CivFana...
City Canal Rework
Created by Rdner
Removes the canal graphic in directly coastal cities. Coastal city centers often show a canal graphic where it's sometimes undesirable and out of place. This mod removes the graphic and only shows it when necessary. Occasionally the canal graphic can be a ...
Civ6 Plus: Harmony in Diversity v1.3.9
Created by D
Introduction Harmony in Diversity (HD) is a large-scale mod that made systematic improvements over Civilization VI: Gathering Storm. You would experience a brand new game where civilizations would develop in a more natural and historical way. Our goal is t...
City Sprawl Graphics
Created by Hiraeth
Big thank you to JNR for fixing the mod so it actually works on the workshop. Messes around with CityGenerators.artdef to make (more) buildings appear on the outskirts of districts. ATTENTION - BUILDINGS ONLY APPEAR ON OUTSKIRTS OF DISTRICTS PLACED ADJACEN...
Colorized Historic Moments
Created by MiniRagnarok
Replaces the historic moment art with colorized art. +250 moments have been colorized! The mod can be enabled or disabled without corrupting your save. Colorized Fog Of War GITHUB PROJECT ht...
Custom Notifications
Created by qqqbbb
With this mod you get notifications when city borders expand, when city population grows, when your trade deal expires, when religion you founded becomes dominant in a city and when your religion stops being dominant. After starting a game, click notificat...
Date.A.Bullet-WhiteQueen Reloaded
Created by IthildinX
Civilization: The Third Domain Unlock the featured strategic resource, Spirituality, and a series of featured items using Spirituality. Bomb of the Onion: +7 combat power to all current military units for 9 turns. Sword of the Golden Calf: Get the correspo...
Date.A.Live-ItsukaKotori Reloaded
Created by IthildinX
Civilization: Scorched Annihilation +10% gold to all cities; +10% gold to the capital. +1 gold to all trade routes, +1 gold for each additional follower of your religion in your city. +2 coins for strategic resources. Allow to buy areas with gold coins. Im...
Date.A.Live-IzayoiMiku Reloaded
Created by IthildinX
Civilization: Broken Army Singer City +10% culture value, double bonus in peace. Happy cities +2 major musician points for each theater square they have. Cities with ecstatic happiness receive a double bonus. When you are a suzerain, each city-state under ...
Date.A.Live-Mayuri Reloaded
Created by IthildinX
Civilization: Thunder Sanctuary +7 combat power when military units fight with more advanced units. Unlock special items that increase or decrease era points. Unlock historical moments with two or more era points and gain 1 additional era point when gainin...
Date.A.Live-Sonogami Rinne, Rio Reloaded
Created by IthildinX
Civilization: Foul Playground City +15% food. Farms and plantations +1 food. Cities with granaries +2 satisfaction. Whenever you are not at war with any civilization, the maintenance cost is reduced. When your military units die, all remaining units regain...
Date.A.Live-TokisakiKurumi Reloaded
Created by IthildinX
Civilization: Carved Emperor Unlock time for special strategic resources, and a series of special items that use the time. One's bullet: +1 movement for military units currently located in the city's territory. Second bullet: -1 movement for enemy military...
Date.A.Live-YamaiSisters Reloaded
Created by IthildinX
Civilization: Hurricane Knight-Connector +1 Culture for domestic trade routes; +1 Tech for international trade routes for each featured area in the destination city +1 Culture for other civilizations traveling to the Hurricane Knight's trade route; +1 Tech...
Detailed Appeal Lens
Created by D
Show the exact appeal of each tiles based on the original Appeal Lens. Thanks Leugi for the Appeal Icon from Appeal, Loyalty and Prestige (Diplo VP) Font Icons. P.S. Thanks for your interest! I also worked with several other people on a large-scale Gamepla...
Detailed Map Tacks
Created by wltk Introduction Are you tired of calculating adjacency bonuses for your districts? This mod can help you plan the placement of your districts by calculating the potential yields and adjacency bonuses on your behalf. Simply add ...
Elysian Realm:Flame Chaser
Created by 千古歌
English text is added now....
Elysian Realm: Pantheon
Created by 千古歌
If you like it, please rate it to encourage us to make better. 「Reverie」+13 gold per turn and +13% gold for your cities. 「Vicissitude」units grant more 30% exp from battle ,+1 movement. +50% production for Encampment. 「Stars」plot with 4 appeal and more +...
Enhanced Camera
Created by DahakaMVl
Increases camera zoom ranges and adjust tilt and fog curves. Changes Significantly increases zoom ranges at min and max Adjusts tilt curves to have a more perpendicular camera angle in the middle and flatter at the most zoomed in for screenshots Adjusts fo...
Enhanced Mod Manager
Created by FinalFreak16
Enhanced Mod Manager This mod overhauls the mod manager screen primarily by splitting the single default mod list into two. Now mods are displayed either on the left (disabled) or right (enabled) making it easy to see which mods are active. It also include...
Envoy Quest List
Created by Stack Man Prime
Adds a screen that organizes and lists available City-State quests, available from a new launch bar button in the top left portion of the screen. Compatible with Unique District Icons. ...
Extended Policy Cards
Extended Diplomacy Ribbon
Created by Aristos UP TO DATE WITH APRIL 2021 "NOTHING" PATCH! COMPATIBLE WITH VANILLA, RISE & FALL AND GATHERING STORM ! WORKS IN MULTIPLAYER. Do you want to up your Diplomatic Game to the next level without getting an Accountant degree? Woul...
Great Person Recruited Notification
Created by Yokuyin
Display a notification when any great person is recruited by another player. Clicking the notification opens the Great Person window. Compatible with existing save games and multiplayer games. Known Bugs * None at the moment...
Great Works Viewer
Created by peter.spjuth
Improves the Great Works view by: Sort by building type to get similar works close to each other. Expand view to your screen size. Filter on work slot type. Themeing helper. Thanks to eudamonia and Concise UI for the Themeing helper....
Greatest Cities
Created by Technoluddite
The World's Greatest Cities now, and at the end of each era Updated 2021-10-02 New: Translations (see all changes) Earlier Civ games had a list of the worlds top cities and world wonders, which added a nice bit of flavour, and an interesting way of seeing ...
Hayase Yuuka intelligence officer voice
Created by Flactine
You need subscribe Red Alert 2 & 3 intelligence officer voice first. Based on "Red Alert 2 & 3 intelligence officer voice", Added Hayase Yuuka's voice for game. You can select intelligence officer of the game in Advanced Setup - Advance Options. Special Th...
Hillier Hills (Colder Tundra Edition)
Created by Deliverator23
Hillier Hills combined with Leugi's Colder Tundra! COMPATIBLE MODS Environment Skin: Sid Meier's Civilization V Vegetation Variety INCOMPATIBLE MODS Hillier Hills - this mod includes the new Hills heightmap Leugi's Colder Tundra - this mod includes the new...
Larger MODinUse Area
Created by D
While more and more MODs are used in Civ6, the MODinUse Area become not enough to show the MOD list, here we bring the Larger MODinUse Area, which makes it much larger, so that it will be easier to screenshot and share between peoples. Warming: Please do n...
Laterano Fiammetta
Created by 优昙华院
This is a mod of Laterano Fiammetta, Fiammetta is a character in the mobile game Arknights. Leader: Fiammetta Civilization: Laterano This is my second mod about Laterano civilization (the last one is Archetto), it is a bit bigger than the last one and incl...
Map Search Extension
Created by Zur13
Extends build-in map search panel with search area selection and quick search term selection panels. Now you don't need to use keyboard to search and combine most common search terms. ...
Miguel's SuperTimer
Created by MiguelDirty
This plugin let's you monitor the real-time spent on a Game of Civ, adding a simple on-mouseover icon in the upper-right corner....
Mods Title Localization
Created by D
This mod provides way to localize mod titles based on Enhanced Mod Manager. You can have unified style for mods in the same category (e.g. World Wonders). Currently it has 300+ Mod titles localized in Chinese. Other languages and other mods are welcome. Be...
More Lenses
Created by astor
Introduction The goal of this mod is to add more lenses to the game, that help with empire management and in general quality of life improvements. ATTENTION CQUI AND HBUI USERS: If you have CQUI or HBUI, you don't need to download this. This mod is already...
Policy Change Reminder
Created by FinalFreak16
Policy Change Reminder Ever suddenly realise its been 50 turns since you can remember changing your civilization policy cards? Or maybe you like to keep the current policies active for the rest of the turn but then forget to change them before starting a n...
Notification Log
Created by FinalFreak16
Notification Log Formally known as Combat and Gossip Log. This mod adds a notification log to the World Tracker. Moving all gossip and combat pop-ups notifications to the log panel. The most recent gossip entries and combat results from the past turn or mo...
Prettier Lakes
Created by p0kiehl
Prettier Lakes Prettier Lakes enhances the flat, boring water texture of Lakes, Oases, and a few Natural Wonders to be prettier! What's Changed? The following water textures are updated: Lakes Oases Dead Sea Lake Retba Crater Lake Lake Victoria (Terra Mira...
Quick Deals
Created by wltk Introduction Are you tired of asking each AI's price for your items to see who pays the most? This mod provides you an interface to see all AI's offers for the items you want to trade, in sorted order. Now you only need to c...
Quick Start (Linux, Mac, Windows)
Created by Odin Vex
Description You have seen the intro logos and have accepted the EULA a before. This mod takes you straight to the main menu. It also works with Linux, Mac, and Windows. *** I guess it needed saying for some people: Mods are disabled by default until you en...
Radial Measuring Tool
Created by Zur13
Feel tired selecting the best location for your next city? Still trying to count what cities are in 6 tiles wonder effect radius? The best brand new tool for visual city location estimation and various radius related bonuses measurements is here for you on...
Real *Stylish* Great People
Created by Plati
Replacer of 'Real Great People' mod made by Infixo. While excellent mod, I felt like the icons for great people often were poorly made - blurry, badly cropped or just being poorly chosen images. This mod adresses that with an updated portraits. Due to auth...
Re: Life in a Different World from Zero Witch's Tea Party
Created by IthildinX
Strong Lust Witch: Ekidona Civilization Ability: Book of Wisdom The opening of the game to obtain "Astrology" Eureka. A city with a "Sanctuary" will have the following effects: College and industrial area buildings can be purchased with faith. The city gai...
Real Great People (UI)
Created by infixo
New version 5.0.1 as of 18.12 - Added a new Overview tab. Adds pictures of the real Great People to the game. Improved Great People window including a new Overview tab. Compatibility Works with the base game, Rise & Fall, Gathering Storm, Hero Mode, CQUI, ...
Red Alert 2 & 3 intelligence officer voice
Created by Flactine
Added 6 intelligence officer's voice for game. You can select intelligence officer of the game in Advanced Setup - Advance Options. Special Thanks: Westwood Studios, Electronic Arts...
Secret Society: Godly Author - A Thousand Ancient Songs
Created by UFO300
Four ways (sending messengers, discovering natural wonders, gaining tribal village rewards, and clearing barbarian camps) all have the chance to unlock the "Divine Author - A Thousand Ancient Songs" association. This association hidden feature oh, from Ith...
Secretsociety:Live☆Twin Fans
Created by UFO300
which just a junior modder's work. Please give me a rate if you are fun to play. And I will delete it in case of infringement. Unlocked by sending an Envoy to a City-State Secretsociety Upgrade 1. Live☆Start(Unlocked by City-State) Grant a unit named "Evil...
Shiratama Empire
Created by ShiratamaNeko_RUB
A New Civilization: The Empire of Shiratama New Leader: Shiratama New Unit: LOLICON (instead of apostle, has more religious power and more missions) Special Ability Copper smelting: All copper ore in the city will yield 4 additional faith, all jade will yi...
Simplified Combat Reports
Created by FinalFreak16
Simplified Combat Reports Formally known as Improved Combat Reports. This is an Add-On mod for Notification Log. Modifies the combat reports for quicker readability: No fluff, basic information only, your unit vs theirs, what was the result? Colour coded d...
Simplified Gossip
Created by FinalFreak16
Simplified Gossip This mod simplifies the gossip history log in the leader diplomacy view. Unnecessary flavour text is removed and messages are shortened. Each message also has its own icon to categorise each entry and make it easier to see what happened a...
Sukritact's Global Relations Panel
Created by sukritact Please do not integrate/borrow the UI and code from this mod without prior permission. As featured in PCGamesN One problem with Diplomacy in Civilization VI is ...
Sukritact's Simple UI Adjustments
Created by sukritact Please do not integrate/borrow the UI and code from this mod without prior permission. This mod makes simple QoL changes to the UI. It does not aim to be a comp...
Created by 千古歌
English text is added in game. Please check it when you play. Thanks!...
Tech Civic Progress Plus
Created by D
If you think it's useful, please click LIKE to let more people see it. Features Shows precise tech and civic progress in the tool tip of items on Tech and Civic Tree. (Plus Version added) Show estimated tech and civic progress after boosting (extra boost r...
Thrones and Palaces
Created by Technoluddite
A Palace fit for a King Your people are so impressed with your rule that they have offered to make improvements to the Palace or Throne Room! Updated 2021-11-27 New: Localisation Fixes ( see all changes) Upgrade your palace from an unfurnished cave to a gr...
Touhou Project: Main Menu Style of Flandre Scarlet
Created by 姥鲨
If you enable this MOD,then your main menu background will be replaced by live wallpaper of Flandre Scarlet. The main menu music will be replaced by "Opened prisoner". There is no other effect. Flandre Scarlet is a character of Touhou Project. It may confl...
Tsunami Waves: Lite Version
Created by p0kiehl Description Tsunami Waves: Lite Version increases the size of waves in the ocean! This is a toned-down version of Tsunami Waves. This mod does NOT affect saved games, so you can turn it on and off for any game :) Compatibili...
Unique District Icons
Created by Leugi
Replaces the icons for all vanilla, Rise & Fall, Gathering Storm and New Frontier Unique Districts ingame. The Diplomatic Quarter icon of the mod was made before Firaxis made its own icon, and personally I find it more appea...
Useful UI Collections
Created by Jewbery
·Display the progress of wonders ·Beautify the display of loading interface entries in more detail ·Beautify the masterpiece interface ·The loading interface allows the use of mouse wheels ·Resource display bonus value ·Luxury resources display industry ef...
White Eternity Civilization and her leader YukiYuki and Shiraha Yuki
Created by 輪廻-Arrange-
 White Eternity Civilization  this mod need DLC:Gathering StormNow only have chinese language New civilization:White Eternity Civilization ability:Not affected by snowstorm disasters,appear an incredible winter,tundra plot add 2 food and 1 production,snow ...
[Genshin Impact] Liyue & Inazuma Pack (Keqing, Kamisato Ayaka)
↑ Positive rates can be easily given by simply clicking the thumbs up button. Click it and you can encourage us to do better! Community Awards are also welcome~ You need either Rise and Fall or Gathering Storm to use this mod. All gameplay balancing is set...
[Genshin Impact] Sun and Moon of Teyvat Pack (Klee, Nahida)
↑ Give us a positive rate to prevent this mod from leaving mod lists early and help us to decide what to come next. Community Awards are also welcome. You need either Rise and Fall or Gathering Storm to use this mod. All gameplay balancing is set to fit Ga...
[GS]TOUHOU-MOD Hina Kagiyama Leader Pack
Created by 姥鲨
This mod is a fan creation of Touhou Project and may differ from the original game. DLC "Gathering Storm" is needed. I have translated it into English with the help of ChatGPT. If you find any issues, please contact me. You can choose English or Chinese to...
[Princess Connect] 4.5 Years Anniversary of Landosol Leader Pack (Ameth, Explorer Maho, Summer Kyoka)
↑ Positive rates can be easily given by simply clicking the thumbs up button. Click it and you can encourage us to do better! Community Awards are also welcome~ You need the Little Lead-rical Leader Pack and either Rise and Fall or Gathering Storm to use t...
[Princess Connect] Landosol Little Lead-rical Pack (Yuni, Kokkoro, Kyoka)
↑ Positive rates can be easily given by simply clicking the thumbs up button. Click it and you can encourage us to do better! Community Awards are also welcome~ You need either Rise and Fall or Gathering Storm to use this mod. All gameplay balancing is set...
[PR] Campus Metropolis - Mikoto, Misaki and Frenda
Created by Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion, Portugal DLC and Project Rush: Stirring. If there are no new Expansions any more, this will be the Final Version of the Certain Magical Index series mod. Civilization Trait Campus Metropolis - Tree Diagram: Cities wi...
[PR] Project Rush: Stirring
Created by Flactine
It's a Core Mod of Project Rush: Stirring series mods. It not contains any Civilization or Leaders, but it contains the Tables, Luas and Requirements for my mods, which publish after August 18, 2022. Need all official DLCs (except New Frontier Pass & Leade...
[TOUHOU]东方project 番外之页——EX露米娅
Created by 小小淡宵
淡宵出品 合集 点击上方的合集,即可查看TOUHOU MOD列表 很久的卫星终于落地 拥有无尽的成长能力,强度十分爆炸 这么高的强度希望大家可以玩的随性一点。 本MOD具有一定程度二设 本mod新增了妖怪联合,以及领袖EX露米娅。 拥有两个特色区域和配套的六个建筑,一个特色建筑,一个特色单位,一个公用政策卡,以及特色物品的历史时刻插画,百科文本。 BGM已搭载 如果说有各种问题请联系我,比如bug等 附上MOD交流群群号 文明6MOD交流群:519747236 我的个人主页:https://steamcom...
[TouHou Project Mod] Gensokyo Civilization Led by Yukari Yakumo (Continuously updating)
Created by Necrosa
Important: This Mod is a remake of a Mod I made before. Please make sure that the old version of the Mod is not turned on when playing, because there will be conflicts between the two. In addition, this Mod has a high probability of conflicting with other ...
[VUP Derivative work of Civilization] The Eastern Qi-Month Empire —— Zero Moon
Created by GramGao
If you like this civilization, please give this mod a positive comment. Your praise is my greatest support, inspiration and motivation. thank you!!! Tips: This mod needs to rely on Gathering Storm DLC to run normally. Tips:If there are deviations in differ...