Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

651 ratings
Great Person Recruited Notification
File Size
5.936 KB
17 Apr, 2021 @ 3:53am
19 Jun, 2021 @ 1:42am
5 Change Notes ( view )

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Great Person Recruited Notification

Display a notification when any great person is recruited by another player. Clicking the notification opens the Great Person window.

Compatible with existing save games and multiplayer games.

Known Bugs
* None at the moment
Amroth 12 Sep @ 2:35am 
To elaborate on Cuntism's comment;

If anyone would like to disable to alert sounds, go to the mod's folder (steamapps\workshop\content\289070\2459772036).

Open NotificationPanel_GreatPersonRecruited.lua with a text editor and find "g_notificationHandlers[otherPlayerRecruitedGreatPersonNotificationHash].AddSound = "ALERT_NEUTRAL" on line 54.

You don't have to delete it, you can simply add "--" in front of it, which will skip that line.
Cuntism 15 Aug @ 1:35am 
If you want to remove the noise before it drives you up the wall and you smash your speakers in, delete line 54 lol

g_notificationHandlers[otherPlayerRecruitedGreatPersonNotificationHash].AddSound = "ALERT_NEUTRAL"

I have extra great people so they're recruited a lot, that sound going off all the time was giving me an eye twitch!

Aside from that love the mod bud haha
Obb 19 Jun @ 12:47pm 
Some GP class added by mods are named by their code string instead of their name in the notification, is it something that can easily be solved ? It’s not a huge deal otherwise.
Thanks for the mod, very nice !
YU=OO 5 Jan @ 5:29am 


已知 Bug
* 目前没有
wy3814654 14 May, 2023 @ 9:14am 


* 暂无
aalimaye 8 Apr, 2022 @ 6:52pm 
Can you also inform about which great person is the replacement for the one recruited, so I know if I want to go after that one or not.
Java 6 Apr, 2022 @ 5:25pm 
This mod with some other UI mods, possibly 6T Grand Eras or Concise UI is preventing me from accessing the "Make a Dedication" panel.
LongNeks :) 8 Jul, 2021 @ 5:59pm 
What an amazing mod! I hated it when I did repeat projects only to realize after 10 additional turns that I'm wasting turns for nothing. Great mod and nice work! :lunar2019grinningpig:
Yokuyin  [author] 19 Jun, 2021 @ 1:43am 
@DestrockQc: Thanks for the heads up. We changed the name in the next version:

v1.4 has been released. It fixed the in-game name to 'Great Person Recruited Notification' from 'Notify Great People'.
Yokuyin  [author] 8 May, 2021 @ 3:25am 
@Angeln9ner @Adraiman Thanks for the bug report, we found the cause and fixed it:

v1.3 has been released. It fixed a bug that caused notifications to be displayed for each Great Person on the map when you load the game.