74 ratings

Ⅰ.马雷基斯MOD:从开头→Malekith But Cool
  1. Malekith's True Phoenix King campaign 马雷基斯晋升凤凰王机制(强烈推荐和下面2个MOD一起使用)
  2. Malekith Ulthuan Dilemma 马雷基斯开局可出生在奥苏安,通过征服可强制合邦其他精灵派系
  3. Additional Malekith Items 为马雷基斯添加7件独特物品,需要占领某地获得的,都是下回合才会得到
Ⅱ.莫拉丝MOD:从Cult of Pleasure mechanics→Beautiful Morathi
  1. Cult of Pleasure mechanics for Morathi 莫拉丝“色孽教团”机制,在相应派系建立地下色孽教团可招募对应派系被腐蚀的兵种,共50多种被腐蚀的新兵种,如:巨龙马骑兵(被腐蚀)、天廷龙弩手(被腐蚀)
  2. Morathi Can Seduce Units 莫拉丝派系可使用色孽的诱惑机制
  3. Seductive Influence *all races 莫拉丝可诱惑所有种族
  4. Morathi Simple Slaanesh Expansion 莫拉丝可招募部分诺斯卡兵种和几乎所有色孽兵种(暗精法师领主和事务官可使用色孽系法术)
  5. Misao's Huge Morathi (恶搞)莫拉丝模型巨大化,身高接近佣士禁卫
Ⅲ.功能性MOD:从Rakarth's Bestial→黑暗精灵科技购买
  1. Rakarth's Bestial Enhancements 暗精拉卡斯的科技拓展(可驱使更多野兽)
  2. Rakarth Bigger Monster Pen for WH3 为拉卡斯添加13种新的可捕捉怪物
  3. Malus Darkblade Books Campaign 给马鲁斯添加纳迦什之书机制
  4. Malus Darkblade - New Skills & Tech 专属马鲁斯的新技能、新科技
  5. Vampire Coast features for Lokhir Fellheart 章鱼脸获得吸血鬼海岸机制(效果不同)
  6. Black Ark Flagship for Lokhir Fellheart 章鱼脸开局在黑色方舟上
  7. Dark Elves Landmarks Overhaul 新增10个暗精的专属地标,非常推荐!
  8. Dragon Mounts for Dark Elves Legendary Lords 所有暗精传奇领主获得黑龙坐骑
  9. Elf God:Khaine 暗精传奇领主化身凯恩大开杀戒!
  10. YourMother's Horde (i.e. Black Arks) for Dark Elves 暗精全员游牧(都坐黑方舟)
Ⅳ.新兵种&新角色:从Singe's Unit Compilation→金花兵种拓展
  1. Singe's Unit Compilation 为战锤所有派系添加新兵种,7个暗精新兵种【黑暗飞马枪骑兵、步行恐惧骑士、黑暗行者、死亡午夜女巫、恐惧骑士 (骑枪)、巫灵 (血矛)、沸腾血池】
  2. Rayes Extended Rosters Complete Edition 共36个多派系新兵种【其中3个暗精的:黯影 (持盾)、纳加隆德黑守卫 (剑盾)、纳加隆德黑守卫 (双持武器)】
  3. Malekith Black Guard - Dark Elves 暗精16个新兵种【黑暗飞马骑手、黑守卫 (持槌)、黑守卫弩炮、黑守卫蝎尾狮骑士、黑守卫 (巨剑)、黑守卫 (连发弩)、黑守卫 (持矛)、黑守卫冷蜥骑士、黑守卫 (持戟)、黑守卫 (持剑)、黑守卫 (混合武器)、黑守卫骑手、黑守卫 (长枪)、黑守卫冠军、黑守卫龙骑士、黑守卫多头蛇战车】
  4. Expanded Roster - Dark Elves 4个新兵种(塔主、安埃斯·莱玛猎人『建模和兵牌都非常清凉』、岩浆龙和湮灭领主『4个模组都骑着黑龙!』)
  5. Regiments of Renown - Compilation 精英兵拓展:黑暗燃烧骑士团 (冷蜥骑士)、尖晶弩兵 (黑锐连弩手)、颅骨之魂团 (黑色方舟海盗)、奥西恩守卫 (哈尔·冈西刽子手)、无言者 (恐惧矛手)和乌黑之矛骑士团 (黑暗骑手 持盾)
  6. Drakemasters and Big Bird Riders 为三个精灵种族添加共16个怪兽骑兵【其中暗精的:黑龙弓骑手、黑龙骑士、蝎尾狮骑士、巫灵蝎尾狮骑手】
  7. LnS Hydras, Hydras, Hydras!!! 6个新怪兽兵种(湮魔战争多头蛇、皇家战争多头蛇、老兵战争多头蛇以及它们的精英版)
  8. Darkborn Elves - Unit Pack 12个新兵种:暗夜骑士、暗夜长矛手、暗夜战士、暗夜弩手、暗夜弓箭手、暗夜守卫、暗黑圣骑士、暗夜剑圣、暗黑骑士、暗黑骑士 (持盾)、暗黑战士 (持剑)和暗黑战士 (持矛)
  9. Cult of Pleasure - Unit Pack 5个新兵种:欢愉冷蜥骑士、混乱姐妹 (飞马骑士)、巫灵 (持弓)、欢愉剑士和欢愉守卫
  10. Johnny's Artillery Pack 2个新弩炮(龙喉炮和戈隆德弩炮)
  11. Elven Artillery 暗精火炮【亡霖火箭炮、恐惧炮】
  12. Lores of magic for dark elfes 为黑暗精灵添加生命系、天堂系、金属系和光明系的法师领主与英雄
  13. Druchii 2个新兵种(影焰守卫和无尽)两者对标原版的黑守卫和刽子手
  14. Dark Elf Unit Pack 暗精3个新兵种:黑暗飞马骑手 (连发弩)、凯恩之怒弩炮和步行恐惧骑士
  15. Preytons 飞行怪兽兵种:仇天鹿
  16. Merwyrms, Sea Dragons, and Lothern Skycutters 4个新怪兽兵种(海龙、地狱海龙、远古域龙和远古潜龙)
  17. Zealots of Slaanesh 为纳卡里、莫拉斯、恶魔亲王、比拉克、美人、艾查恩和阿扎泽尔派系添加以下兵种:色孽天使长、色孽狂热者(地狱长鞭)、神尊色孽狂热者、色孽侍从与色孽侍从(混合武器)
  18. Araveena Custom Legendary Lord 新派系:枯木哨兵(新领主:阿拉维娜;新远程怪兽:阿拉西丝『美杜莎』)
  19. Medusa Hero: One of the Girls 新英雄【美杜莎】
Ⅴ.美化及无汉化MOD:从Dark Elves Reborn→最后
  1. Spooky's Dark Elves Compilation 事务官变体美化大合集,及一些新事务官

  • 暗精常见称呼:
Items (151)
Global Recruitment and Encampment for Dark Elves
Created by 泡泡茶壶
What this does? Make Dark Elf can use Global Recruitment and Encampment Stance. Compatible with almost everything. Check out my another Dark Elves mod:
Names of Power:Dark Elf Legendary Lords
Created by 泡泡茶壶
What this does? Make Dark Elf Legendary Lords can have "Names of Power" Save game compatible Inspired by Choose: Names of Power , really recommend to use with it....
Choose: Names of Power
Information Original mod is back and it's better than before! - It now cuts down on the amount of skills needed from 9 to 6. You can find the original mod here The mod can safely be added to an ongoing campaign although any lord that has already been recru...
[FIX] Choose: Names of Power
Created by iDon'tSpeakRussian!
Post 4.2 patch Patch is completed to work on game version 4.2, it may or may not work on 5.0 however I will not continue working this mod as I am taking a break from modding. Should there be an issue you experienced while playing only with this mod + requi...
Malekith's True Phoenix King campaign
Created by Rhox
Description This mod gives various effects to the Malekith according to his position on the Ulthuan. Since the base structure is from Alarielle, there are 3 phases for this effect. Phase 1: Malekith controls less than 10 settlements in the outer ring of Ul...
Malekith Ulthuan Dilemma + Forced Confederation
Created by Kriega1
Adds a new alternate start dilemma on campaign start for Malekith, giving the option for a start on Ulthuan, outside Eagle gate, reminiscent of the events of The End Times - Khaine / Curse of Khaine. Additionally, Malekith can now also force confederate an...
Additional Malekith Items
Created by Kriega1
Adds the following unlockable items (including some from tabletop) for Malekith when playing as Naggarond, to supplement his journey towards the Phoenix Throne and eventually becoming Eternity King: Hand of Khaine (from Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves (6th Ed...
Malekith Royal Reskin
Created by Kriega1
Malekith dons a new outfit for his final invasion of Ulthuan to take the throne and assume the mantle of Phoenix King. (Changes the red cape / cloth colours on Malekith and on his shield from red to purple). Recommended to use with my Naggarond Recolour mo...
Malekith the Eternity King, Incarnate of Shadow Reskin
Created by Kriega1
With the Rhana Dandra looming, Teclis intended to grant Malekith the power of fire through the unbinding of the Great Vortex. Alas, Malekith was bound to the shifting power of shadow, Ulgu, and a darker path now awaits him. Yet, Malekith still fights to sa...
Malekith But Cool.
Created by Oombrella
Tired of golden masks and the ugly snarl? Made fun of my other mods for Malekith despite them being genuine? Then boy do I have the thing for you! Edits Malekiths head to no longer have the mask, but instead placed a void in its place. Combined with the tw...
Cult of Pleasure mechanics for Morathi
Created by Ulrik H.D
What does this mod do This mod gives the faction Cult of Pleasure the Seductive Influence mechanic, a custom cult and a new custom hero. Seductive influence thresholds for the various races have been ~doubled to compensate for having more tools to influenc...
Morathi Can Seduce Units
Created by Sosvo
Morathi and her faction (Culf of pleasure) can now use the pre-battle seduce mechanic from slaanesh. I may add skills and/or technologies to increase the cap and reduce the cost like the other LL using this mechanic. Compatible with everything. Save game c...
Better Morathi
Created by ArchAnge1LT
This mod adds these benefits: Morathi faction effect gives additional 20% Phys resist to Witch elves, Daemonettes, Medusae, Doomfire Warlocks and Shades. Morathi favorite assets skill gives att and def buffs to Witch elves, Daemonettes, Medusae and Doomfir...
Seductive Influence *all races
Created by Ulrik H.D
This mod adds the current races to the pool of races that can be seduced and vassalised via the seductive influence mechanic. Daemons of Chaos Nurgle Khorne Tzeentch Ogres Dwarfs Chaos Dwarfs Skaven Greenskins Vampire Counts Vampire Coast Tomb Kings Rogue ...
Morathi Simple Slaanesh Expansion - Cult of Pleasure Can Recruit Slaanesh Daemons
Created by Morven
Morathi Simple Slaanesh Expansion Morathi's Cult of Pleasure can now recruit all Slaanesh's daemons, fight with or face a combined Dark Elf and Slaanesh daemon roster as devastating flankers join repeater crossbows to dominate Naggaroth, Ulthuan, Lustria, ...
Created by 泡泡茶壶
本合集已停止更新,请移步至 此处 订阅二代后,本mod就不需要再订阅了 《汉化目录》 通用MOD Guv's Expanded Faction Frontend Mod 将游戏内隐藏的派系效果完整显示出来 More Character Names 大众脸更多样化的名字 Emissaries of Diplomacy 外交大使, 五回合后收到外交任务 Drink It III 物品主动技能变成被动技能 Tra...
The Cult of Slaanesh 中文汉化
Created by 泡泡茶壶
简介 为莫拉丝添加一系列色孽兵种和机制,并强化了原版莫拉丝派系的暗精兵种 (莫拉丝 + 色孽 →本MOD) 特色介绍 现在领主只能招募“高阶女术士”,且为高阶女术士添加色孽系法术(莫拉丝派系现在不能招募恐惧领主和高阶驯兽师了,且将英雄“死亡魔女”替换为“色孽狂信徒”) 女术士英雄可使用色孽系法术,且拥有补员和加行动力两个版本的色孽狂信徒英雄 新兵种:冷蜥恐惧骑士(骑枪);并能招募大部分色孽兵种,并且现在莫拉丝可以全局招募了 色孽印记:现在大部分黑暗精灵原版兵种及事务官都会带有"(印记)"后缀,意思是带有色孽...
Lazy's Morathi Ascension Stage 2 (5.0)
Created by LazyIcarus
Reskin of Morathi that comes with a unit card and 2D porthole. For progression gameplay (advancing through stages with extensive effects), and later stages, join the discord in my profile. Features 4k new body (armor separated from body and also increased ...
[LIG] Reskin - Morathi
Created by Less Is Good
Description Simple reskin for Morathi, ported from WH2 features fair skin and shorter hair Level of nudity is not much different from vanilla, So hopefully it won't be problem Compatiblity Compatible unless changing Morathi's appearance If you use somethin...
Misao's Huge Morathi
Created by Misao
Changes this mod makes to Morathi & Sulephet ~ increased size ~ increased campaign size ~ now a large entity ~ mass increased ~ base speed increased ~ base hp increased ~ base missile resistance increased Load order ~ works with any of Lazyicarus Morathi r...
Beautiful Morathi
Created by The Rogue Roman
Warhammer III version of my Warhammer II mod. Morathi, Sorceress of Ghrond, pale and feminine and beautiful like she ought to be. Textures are in 4K resolution. Partial credit for the textures goes to Black Rabbit and Shepard Commander. This mod reuses She...
Rakarth's Bestial Enhancements
Created by VoRt-lol
Rakarth's Bestial Enhancements As an avid Druchii enjoyer, I wasn't exactly overjoyed with Hellebron, Malus, or Rakarth's faction mechanics. So I've attempted to rectify the issue with Rakarth, and tried to keep it somewhat loreful and at least a little bi...
Tech Compatibility - Rakarth's Bestial Enhancements
Created by VoRt-lol
This is the Technology Compatibility version of my Rakarth's Bestial Enhancements mod. All it does is bump the position of the technologies in this mod further down the tech tree, making it more likely to be compatible with other Druchii tech tree mods. It...
Rakarth Bigger Monster Pen for WH3
Created by Wahnnou
Presentation This mod add new monsters to Rakarth Mmonster Pen. The new monsters can be captured from raid or settlement atack. New Raid Monsters The Salamander Pack - DLC Requiered - Raiding in a Savannah climate - 30% - Raiding in a Jungle climate - 30% ...
Malus Darkblade Books Campaign Overhaul- Artefacts of Tz'arkan 中文汉化
Created by 泡泡茶壶
简介 为“暗精马鲁斯”添加寻找纳迦什之书(扎坎神器)的任务机制 注意事项 由于修改了纳迦什之书的文本,建议只在玩马鲁斯时订阅此mod,也不建议与其他添加纳迦什之书的mod一起用,如: Books of Nagash for Teclis 这个为泰格里斯添加找书的mod 推荐与 Malus Darkblade - New Skills & Tech 、 Dark Elves Technology Expanded 搭配使用 ...
Malus Darkblade Books Campaign Overhaul- Artefacts of Tz'arkan
Created by Dioltas
Malus Darkblade undertakes 8 lore friendly missions (reworking Nagash mechanic), including retrieving 5 powerful Artefacts of Tz'arkan, and other lore items as he cuts a bloody path through the Chaos Wastes and home of the Dark Elves to save his soul and c...
Malus Darkblade - New Skills & Tech
Created by Dioltas
Adds new range focused Faction & Legendary Lord Traits, Skills, and 14 new Technologies to research. As with WH2, this simple mod aims to make Malus a more fun starting Legendary Lord. The buffs are comparable to the likes of the 'ShadowDart' trait which u...
Malus Darkblade Skills & Tech | Tech-Tree Compilation compatibility patch
Malus Darkblade Skills & Tech | Tech-Tree Compilation Bringing some love to Malus. This mod establishes compatibility between Malus Darkblade - New Skills & Tech and Tech-Tree Compilation. Basic Changes Moved all additional ...
Malus in the Eastern Colonies - Start Position Change
Created by Porkenstein
This mod moves Malus Darkblade from the Chaos Wastes to the Eastern Colonies near Tor Elasor. Back in Warhammer 2, Malus had a dual start between the Sea of Dread and Hag Graef. This restores his old starting position from the Vortex campaign and gives him...
Tzarkan Whispers Revamped
Created by diagonal_zero
Explanation and reason for this mod to exists Did you know that Malus Tzarkan Whispers Missions have over 20 unique ancillaries and followers that you can gain through the whispers mechanic that really complement Malus faction making it one of the stronger...
Vampire Coast features for Lokhir Fellheart (Requires Vampire Coast DLC)
Created by Rhox
Description This mod adds Vampire Coast's certain mechanics to Lokhir Fellheart. these include: Infamy ranking and Shanty: In addition to Vampire Coast's basic ranking and shanty system, bestowing loot to your underling corsair will reduce the infamy you h...
Black Ark Flagship for Lokhir Fellheart
Created by Rhox
Description This mod adds Black Ark as a flagship (Vampire Coast's mechanic) to the Lokhir Fellheart. Here is what it adds: Lokhir will have Black Ark as his flagship. His ship model will be a unique one. His flagship can build the landmark 'The Tower of B...
Dark Elves Technology Expanded
Created by Dioltas
Adds 31 new additional technologies for all Dark Elves factions to research. Aims to keep relatively inline with vanilla tech tree, lore, and to offer more variety and benefits similar to WH3 races. The new additional technologies largely complement the ex...
Dark Elves Landmarks Overhaul [REUPLOAD] [4.2.2]
Created by pyromaniac7777
This is a reupload of Dark Elves Landmarks Overhaul by の力 暗闇 which you can find here: I don't know if this properly fixed whatever issues it had, I just opened RPFM and fixed...
Dragon Mounts for Dark Elves Legendary Lords
Created by Master Fuch
This mod is intended to work for both Vanilla and SFO / radious What it does This mod adds Black dragon mounts for all Dark elves legendary lords ( Morathi, Malus Darkbalde , Crone Hellebron ), by adding a new mount unlocked at lvl18, as well as adjusting ...
Elf god:khaine
Created by Maoting
khaine, the god of the elves, now decides to punish the enemies of the elves and satisfy his bloodthirsty desire. Now the related legendary lords can become Kane in the battlefield and defeat the enemy! 2022.10.06: Updated the picture of the pawn card, and...
Better Bolt Thrower
Created by highman
I guess it has a damage increase effect of about 20-25%. add Dwarfs to multi shot Dwarfs are shorter and weaker than elves, but more accurate. And all runes are also affected. 24.08.30 dwf multi shot amount 16 -> 8 ...
Dragon Breath Wind Spells
Created by [-ODM-] Loupi
This little mod increases the effective range and damage of Dragons breath attacks by creating a wind spell that propagates from the point of impact in the direction of the breath attack. This gives the effect of the Dragon fire "bouncing" off the ground i...
Loyalty Removed
Created by Dehaka
You may now trust even yourself, and skaven piles are (relatively) safe. Mostly just made as an alternate option to a tweaked loyalty system, this mod removes it entirely from Skaven, VCoast, and Dark Elves. There's not much else to the mod, loyalty's just...
Soul's Forge Mod Compilation CN
Created by Tutur
Soul的锻造合集 Soul's Forge Mod Compilation 汉化 描述概览 为以下种族提供制造物品/战旗机制 高等精灵 黑暗精灵 绿皮兽人 斯卡文鼠人 ...
Soul's Forge Mod Compilation - Crafting Mods
Created by Mr.Soul
Compilation of all the crafting mods I've made thus far. The Changer of Ways sat upon his throne, his laughter echoing through the twisted halls of his innermost sanctuary. The god's countless eyes flickered across the shimmering visions before him, reveal...
大仙-蜥蜴人Lizardmen 暗精 Dark Elves 偏门汉化合集(更新了战争多头蛇)
Created by 鱼大仙
安·泽莱齐 煌奇之牙 蜥蜴人各派系包含MIXU开局可雇佣 可当救火队和专精招募 蜥人和灵蜥加成 Son of Gargantulzan (Gor rok mount White Version) - WH3 Port 哥罗克18级暴龙的汉化 Buff for Gor-Rok 哥罗克 神器加强 六合一之佑 Fix for the Mace of Ulumak Quest 原版好像有BUG,改变了哥罗克锤子的获取方式 Landmark Spawnings 更新好了 地标兵种 每回合8%几率赐福孵化 Dark E...
Dark Elf Overhaul - Druchii Ritual & Edict Overhaul
Created by Aatrocy Druchii Ritual & Edict Overhaul is a overhaul mod that changes how you manage and interact with the dark elf ritual and edict system RECOMMENDED MOD TO PLAY WITH • Druchii Building & Slave Overhaul • Druchii Stance FEATURE •...
Dark Elf Overhaul - Druchii Stance
Created by Aatrocy Adds two Stances to all Dark Elf Factions "Druchii Strike": with permission to use custom icon made by for the SFO Mods "Raiding Camp Stance": based on MrSoul's Druchii Raiding Camp Stance RECOMMENDED MOD TO PLAY WITH • Druc...
Gods of Dark Elves (5.0 update)
Created by highman
Give Dark Elves to Cytharai Pantheon skill This Mod give dark elves similar worship skills as high elves do. Cytharai(elven under ground god) used to ask for more than their favor. So I designed it to give a penalty along with a bonus. Units that are alrea...
Dark Elf Overhaul - Druchii Building & Slave Overhaul
Created by Aatrocy Druchii Building & Slave Overhaul is a overhaul mod that completely changes how you manage and interact with the dark elf slave and building system Custom icons are made by for the SFO Mods RECOMMENDED MOD TO PLAY WITH Druch...
Yukino Def Garrison mod
2023/10/04: Hi everyone (๑╹ ๑╹ ╹)ノ "I am the author (Yukino), daily updates and maintenance (no changes) : Tip: This mod is only compatible with the original game and does not support SFO! First of all: I want the Halberds and Swords to be like the Chaos C...
Unity Of Elves!
Created by Wyccc
It's time for the elves to unite! High Elves/Dark Elves/Wood Elves can recruit each other's units through special buildings. All units will receive skill/technology effect bonus. EN Patch SFO Patch Possible things to do in the future: agent recru...
暗精天灾黑暗精灵天灾(黑色血潮)——Dark Elf endgame scenario(Bloody Ocean)
Created by ReRenaissance
At Turn 3,this endgame will be triggered,a bunch of elite Dark Elves armies will be spawned near the Narggalonde Meanwhile human player can play as Witch King this faction to destroy the world. 在第3回合,这个结局将被触发,一群精英暗精军队将在纳加隆德附近诞生,巫王的部队 同时,人类玩家可以扮演巫王派系来摧毁世界。 ...
合邦就能用 confiderating you can get 5.2
Created by sun2003shy
由于ca内部的机制,部分按钮会在合邦后下一回合显示,以防止一些不必要的bug。 是的,战锤2的合邦就能用回来啦,你可以合邦相应的派系就能获得该派系的特殊内容。目前正在一个一个特性移植中,下面是目前的移植列表: 2022.11.1 新增史库里的禁忌工坊(只有伊克特利爪和工程大术士可以获得燃料) 2022.11.1 蛇身小卖部可以合邦使用啦 2022.11.2 伊姆瑞克巨龙狩猎合邦就能用啦 2022.11.4 铁眉的神器藏库合邦就能用啦 2022.11.5 戴斯的锻炉合邦就能用啦 2022.11.5 斯洛特的腐...
全派系筛选初始特性 All Factions Filter Innate Character
Created by TravellerL
———————— Intro ———————— This mod replaces the initial characters of lords of most factions with generic/factional unique characters that I personally find useful. It completely removed most of the lord characters that I find useless in case you cannot get ...
Created by 清轩易浅
给黑暗精灵派系加了十条科技线,每个科技线10个科技,每个科技加成很少,但是可以慢慢叠。 可叠的科技加成有:领导力、近战攻击、近战防御、物抗、射程、建筑产值、移动速度、补员速率、护甲、本地招募数量。...
黑暗精灵科技购买 Dark Elf Technology purchase(支持sfo)
Created by 沙条爱歌
这个mod为黑暗精灵派系增加了额外科技购买。 This mod adds additional technology purchases to the Dark Elf Faction. 注意:如果度过回合时你的财政不足以支付科研费用那么就无法继续研发哦。 Note: If you don't have enough money to cover your research expenses during the round, you won't be able to continue research. ...
Singe's Unit Compilation
Created by Singemeister
More units for all, rejoice and be happy! I'll be giving them a slightly more egotistical set of names this time, just for the sake of findability. As per usual, all images are in the provided links. Note on Cultist units: All cultist units are exclusive t...
The Zerg Collection Volume I 中文汉化
Created by 泡泡茶壶 注意: 1.只需要订阅第一个必需物品,不要订阅除了第一个之外的任何一个 2.原mod的必需物品栏有个Local Recruitment for Warriors of Chaos,并不强制订阅,这个是允许混沌勇士本地招募的MOD 下面是合集中包含的兵种列表 基斯里夫 3个: 哥萨火枪手、哥萨猎人、哥萨线列步兵、披甲哥萨(手枪&双刃剑) 帝国 8个: 民兵弓箭手、弓箭手常备队、精锐弓箭手、阿尔道夫长弓队 西格...
The Zerg Collection Volume I
Created by zerg93
A collection that will progressively integrate all of my (eligible) released mods until the release of the next volume. >>*Do NOT use this mod along any of the mods already integrated in this collection: if you have any doubts consult the mod list, please....
City Guard & City Commander for Dark Elves 中文汉化
Created by 泡泡茶壶
暗精新兵种 & 新领主 城市守卫、城市统帅 简介 城市守卫:类似于高精中洛瑟恩海卫的定位,持矛 & 连发弩的万金油兵种:拥有反大和远程破甲 城市统帅:普通的恐惧领主增加了”冷蜥战车“坐骑,改名为”城市统帅“...
City Guard & City Commander for Dark Elves
Created by [PuB] Axlegolas
PLEASE help promote and leave a LIKE, if you SUBSCRIBE ---------------------------- Tested with Patch: 4.2 ---------------------------- This mod brings the Dark Elf City Guard to WH3, mentioned in the Chronicles 2003 and listed as missing unit in the commu...
Rayes Extended Rosters Complete Edition
Created by Iareshawn
Note for my fellow modders in the community. Steam workshop does not allow reusing of a mod creator's original assets used in any workshop mod, that being said, you all have my blessing to take from this mod's data tables if you wish to re-upload this mod,...
Malekith Black Guard - Dark Elves
Created by Hsueh
Malekith Black Guard: 01.Black Guard (Manticore Knight) 02.Black Guard (Maces) 03.Black Guard (Pegasus Rider) 04.Black Guard (Thrower) 05.Black Guard (Greatsword&Crossbow) 06.Black Guard (Crossbow) 07.Black Guard (Spear) 08.Black Guard (Coldone Knight) 09....
Expanded Roster - Dark Elves
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variety, ...
Regiments of Renown Compilation
Created by Decomposed
DESCRIPTION This series of mods adds loreful Regiments of Renown to various races in the game. We try to choose the best units based on variety, usefulness on the battlefield and overall fun. **SFO Submod** BEASTMEN Frederhei...
Drakemasters and Big Bird Riders - End TImes Escalation Units
Created by Pwner1
*UPDATE* units for dark and wood elves. Two manticore riders for dark elves and two black dragon riders. First mod in series of what I have christened End Times Escalation units. Adds units that are less game balance and more unstoppable doomstack provided...
LnS Hydras, Hydras, Hydras!!! (Griselfang and Snarlclaw UPDATE) (5.2.2 Update)
This is my first ever uploaded mod and I think it's of decent quality. This mod adds 6 new hydras into the game for the Dark Elves, and gives some nice new abilities for the Chill of Sontar ROR. Spellthirster Hydra Weaker in many aspects but comes with a m...
Darkborn Elves - Unit Pack
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below before you ask questions or request updates etc. If you like the mod you are welcome to press the "thumbs up" but...
Cult of Pleasure - Unit Pack
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below before you ask questions or request updates etc. If you like the mod you are welcome to press the "thumbs up" but...
Johnny's Artillery Pack
Created by Johnny
Hello! this is my first custom unit mod and I am excited to share it with the community. what does this mod do? - adds new artillery units to the game for custom battle and campaign. - see below for which races are currently affected (i will be making more...
Elven Artillery
Created by Lord of the Stew
Why? I am a huge fantasy fan, my favorite race being the elves. I got into the Warhammer fantasy setting with this game and I love it’s take on the race. However, I noticed a major issue, in my opinion, all elven races are technologically outclassed by mos...
Lores of magic for dark elfes
Created by frozentreasher
This my mod from TWW2 that adds missing from 8 winds of magic lores to dark elves Supreme Sorceress and Sorceress ported to TWW3. Since Immortal Empires still in Beta, there are will be changes, balance issues and other staff with this mod....
Lores of Magic for Dark Elfes (Variant Selector Submod)
Created by RobertX13
This is a submod of frozentreasher's: "Lores of Magic for Dark Elfes", It adds compatibility with Variant Selector enabling the player to choose between different variants of Supreme Sorceresses and Sorceresses and fixes some grammatical errors in the mod....
Bolt Thrower damage fix for Dark Elf and High Elf (5.2 Ready)
Created by GOW LIKE A BOSS
A very small mod that boosts the damage of the High Elf and Dark Elf bolt throwers' multi arrow attack. Each arrow was originally about half the damage of a tier 1 archer arrow, making the machines effectively useless. I have brought the damage up for the ...
Created by Xoudad
"There are not enough words in your simple tongue to express our hatred for them, Human. Killers, despoilers, slavers and thieves we name them, but not one of these oft-earned titles begins to describe the depths of their depravity. They have neither mercy...
Dark Elf Unit Pack
Created by SteelBlood
Please read Notes section Units: Dread Knight Infantry - High tier shield infantry Dark Pegasus Riders (Repeater Crossbows) - Lesser version of Raven Heralds RoR Khaine's Fury Bolt Thrower - Enrages enemies on contact. Credit to Uncertainity's Warhammer 2 ...
Created by ChaosRobie
This mod adds in Preytons for the Beastmen. Description A Preyton is an anti-large, single-entity flying unit. It's got vanguard deploy and frenzy. Preytons benefit from the same skills as the Jabberslythe. And they benefit from the "Gaze of the Dark Gods"...
Merwyrms, Sea Dragons, and Lothern Skycutters
Created by ChaosRobie
This mod adds in Merwyrms, Sciowyrms, and Lothern Skycutters for the High Elves and Pagowyrms, Sciowyrms, Sea Dragons, and Helldrakes for the Dark Elves. Description Wyrms Merwyrms and Sciowyrms are recruitable at ports for all High Elf factions. Merwyrms ...
Zealots of Slaanesh | Unit Mod
Created by JFred
This mod adds five new units to N'kari, Morathi , Daemon Prince, Sigvald, Azazel, Archaeon and Belakor: - Acolytes - Acolytes (Hybrid) - Zealots (Hellscourges) - Exalted Zealots - Archangel In order to access the units for the Warriors of Chaos, you need t...
Araveena Custom Legendary Lord / Anarsis Bloodwrack Medusae Legendary Hero - Dark Elves - Deadwood Sentinels [REUPLOADED]
Created by LuminousClarity
First of all, Thank you to JillSandwich for letting me keep this alive. I've added her front ui model and fixed her skills. I will do a bit more fixing later, but she's working for now. Link to the original mod. Go read her lore!
Hagqueens and Female Masters (WH3)
Created by gooboo
Converted from WH2 to WH3. This mod adds Hag Queens as a recruitable lord type for all Dark Elf factions, as well as female variants of masters, to complete your gothy elf-girl armies. According to the lore, Hellebron was the first and most prominent Hag Q...
Manticore Mounts for Dark Elves
Created by Master Fuch
This mod is intended to work for both Vanilla and SFO / radious What it does This mod adds Manticore Mount to DE Master, Sorceress, Death Hag and Dreadlord For the heroes a new mount is added, unlocked at level 18. For the Dreadlord it replaces the Dark Pe...
Medusa Hero: One of the Girls
Created by Bastilean
Notification: This mod REQUIRES Mixu's Unlocker! because it adds a new Medusa agent type to Dark Elves. See REQUIRED ITEMS at the right hand of the screen. This mod also requires the The Shadow The Blade DLC. This little mod has been a passion and learning...
Druchii female soldiers 暗精女兵(中文)
Created by Druchii
2024.1.20 主要是美杜莎的远程射击更新了,这个mod里把它提升了点。 杜鲁齐侍女的长矛模型比以前更长了。。 兵牌确实不好看,等我有空了把它们精修一下吧。。。 等过年的时候可能再添加一些新兵种,或者我会发新mod。高精女兵和色孽女兵 2023.4.14 混沌矮人3.0版本能用,后续会进一步测试 2023.2.17:mod运行没问题 更新不影响 该mod新添了多个暗精小姐姐兵种: New female soldiers for Druchii~~ the English version is follo...
Created by 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,给暗精增加了许多种坐骑和将领卫队 讲道理坐骑类mod好像也没啥好介绍的总感觉俺越来越敷衍了 反正都是做,就顺手加了一堆 English Version → SFO子模组 → 暗精的刺客事务官和两个恐惧领主一直处于很尴尬的位置。 凯...
Created by biubiu~biubiu^
2024年3月9日更新 新增蝎尾狮骑士,数据和塔尔盖沃骑士一致 2023年11月15日更新,稍微更新了一下攻击特效,稍微修改了一下模型 Add 3 new units ------------------------------------------------------------------- Eye of Khaine(Sisters of Avelorn) Unit Category:Magic Archer Campaign bonus:the same as Shades ---------...
Created by Dawn
杀戮造诣持续时间改为与杀戮专精一致的120s,杀戮专精增加25%近战破甲伤害 ...
Created by 理塘珍珠宝莉
将杀戮造诣改为120s,增强效果数值,达到杀戮值时额外获得10%杀伤抗性与10%移动速度 杀戮专精持续时间为无限,增强效果数值,达到杀戮值时额外获得20%杀伤抗性与20%移动速度...
Created by [HAN] YH — 北岛
本MOD赞助者和定制者:螃蟹(感谢支持) 这个MOD新增了一些部队 黑色方舟海盗 连发弩 娜迦隆德黑守卫 魔法连发弩 娜迦隆德黑守卫 剑盾 精锐巫灵 给部分部队调整了数值,杀戮造诣和杀戮专精改为无限时间,新增的远程部队无友伤...
黑暗精灵种族特性可升级def passive characteristics update
Created by Midnight sun
为黑暗精灵添加了四个科技,每次研究科技可以提升杀戮造诣和杀戮专精的效果。因为黑暗精灵的被动效果实在太弱,加成稍微比较高。 Four technologies have been added for the Dark Elf, each research technology can improve murderous prowess and murderous mastery. Because the Dark Elf passive effect is too weak, the bonus is sli...
黑暗精灵兵种扩展(New Drak elf unit)
Created by Lk
8.13更新 新增以下兵种 6.黑檀暴龙 招募建筑:巨龙巢穴、巨龙之塔 初始容量:1【巨龙巢穴增加招募容量】 绑定技能: 灵魂恐惧【被动,50%生命以上触发,降低范围内敌军10护甲,25%基础杀伤和破甲杀伤,20领导力,50%生命以下失效】 暴 怒 【被动,50%生命以下触发,增加自身50%冲锋速度、近战攻击,25%破甲杀伤,20%移动速度,持续回血,持续45秒,50%生命以上失效】 科技树:吃黑龙科技和红线 8.3更新 移除部分技能特效 8.2更新 1、修BUG 2、给黑檀龙骑士新增技能“:契约【陷入近战...
[Zerooz] Def Units Units 黑暗精灵
Created by zerooz
这是我的黑暗兵种mod。如果你喜欢我的mod,可以请我喝杯快乐水。 This is my Dark Elf Units Pack. Ai can hire all the units. If you want to support me you can buy me a cup of coffee
[GLF] Unit Expansion金花兵种拓展
Created by 金花
添加内容: 这个MOD给各个种族新增了许多兵种 这个MOD兼容MCT模块 推荐跟下面这个原版数据大修一起使用 新增兵种加成: 补丁: English Patch: https://steamcomm...
Yukino Better Def economymods
2023/12/23: Hello everyone (๑╹◡╹)ノ”This is Yukino, welcome to use my building effects mod! The following buildings will have effect changes and additions: 1: Urban buildings and basic building effects. 2: Resource building effect and landmark building effe...
Dark Elves Reborn 2.0 | Faction Reskin
Created by JFred Port of my mod from wh2, with some updates here and there. This mod gives the dark elves a "darker" look. Just about every unit has been edited, either through the mesh or texture or both. Portholes/unit car...
[LIG] Reskin - Hellebron
Created by Less Is Good
Description Crone wanted to be young, now she's young. Khaine bless you Also you need to use it with Hellebron's Death Night to make it fully functional Compatiblity with Mixu's mod It is compatible and strongly recommended to use with sEcOnDbOuToFiNsAnItY...
[LIG] Reskin - Sorceress
Created by Less Is Good
Description Sorceress reskin, it means to attain lore identification in cost of faction identification Compatiblity Compatible unless change sorceress's appearance Unlike LL reskin, it's not compatible with Lord&Hero resize mod Issue & extra ** Currently t...
Spooky's Dark Elves Compilation - Expanded Variants
Created by Spooky
My whole collection of Dark Elf Variant mods in one. Subscribe to this if you want to reduce your load order, and also to automatically download updates whenever I release a new dark elf variant.
[FINAL UPDATE] Spooky's Dark Elves Compilation - Expanded Variants
Created by iDon'tSpeakRussian!
Post 5.2 patch Patch is completed to work on game version 5.2, it may or may not work post 5.2 however I will not continue working this mod as I am taking a break from modding. Should there be an issue you experienced while playing only with this mod + req...
[Addon] Choose Names of Power for Spooky's Expanded Variants
Created by iDon'tSpeakRussian!
Choose Names of Power for Spooky's Expanded Variants With my fixes included I would appreciate any issues not found during my limited testing to be left in the comments so Ican look into it. Enjoy :) What this does? Adds Modded Dillema and improvements for...
Supreme Sorceress Variants
Created by Inu
Well, i bet you all thought i was done with doing variants, now did you? I know this is not the promised "Prince and Princess" Variants you were all hoping for, but you might enjoy these in the mean time. Lately in the Legendary Characters i've been making...
Lord of Ruin & Shadow King/ Malus & Alith Reskin
Created by GunKing
This mod is a 4K upscale of two of my mods from WH2. ALSO Alith Anar has had his head resized to be less giant. The runes on Alith's sword now have a small glow to them as well. Alith Anar's look is based off of his artwork and I think more accurately repr...
Tabletop Touches for Elves Reskin
Created by GunKing
This mod reskins various aspects of the Dark/High/Wood Elf armies to adapt more tabletop influences into their looks. It is a direct port of my Tabletop Wood Elf Lord mod but now with other flavors of Elf thrown into the pot. Huge thanks to calm&normaltime...
Amber's Armored Megapack (Reskin comp) (V1.6)
Created by Amber
Amber's Armored Megapack - Currently updated as of 6/24/2024 Hello once again all! This pack is a compilation of all my current *Reskin* mods and will eventually include all future reskins I make as well. This was made as per a request, and should hopefull...
Amanar the ancient merwyrm (in real size) 远古海龙阿玛纳(还原真实大小)
Created by 阿特拉斯Henry
First of all, Big thanks to ChaosRobie who give me the permission to use mod to have a second creation. Original Mod: I only changed the HF faction Amanar's size and sta...
[EoM] Guv's Black and Magenta Hag Graef Recolor Mod (WH3)
Created by Guvenoren
Regarding Don't worry, I am not quitting modding. However, some mods will stop being regularely maintained. And this mod is one of them. Why? Because... well, I simply don't want to anymore. These mods that been tedious to update. Quite simply because They...
DARK ELF RESKIN | Druchii Unit Reskin
Created by Aatrocy
Overhaul to Druchii Units: • Bleaksword • Dreadspear & RoR • Corsair • Darkshard & RoR • Executioner & RoR • Black Guard • Cold One & RoR with Custom Body Assets, Textures, and Custom Weapon Assets for: • Dreadspear & RoR • Black Guard This mod gives the d...
[合集]黑暗精灵女性暗影替换(Dark elf female shadow replacement)
Created by Lk
一直有人问合集就做了,目前应该没什么问题 我只测试了单开这个mod 如果有什么BUG就留言吧。(主要是以前的mod做的太乱了不好整理,索性直接不整了直接强制合并,出了问题再去修吧。) 关于SFO版本的合集也有考虑做,但是由于我不玩SFO所以数据还没改,得等ToolFinn把兵种参数改了才能上,至于多久,应该快了吧。 部分模组素材有借用Lazy's和Pablo两位大佬的 再次感谢大佬...
Dark Elf Fire Trebuchet
Created by Forstsack
You need: - Total War Warhammer II - Bretonnia DLC Im not sure if you really need them but i dont think CA likes it when you get units for free! Leave a comment if im wrong...or correct. How do i get Acces to Races:
Dark Elves Executioners
Created by Decky
DESCRIPTION The mod adds 2 new units for the Dark Elves. The units are available in campaign and custom battles. Recuitable at Tier4 building, see picture. Units Executioners (Dual Sword): A anti infatry Unit with good armor, speed, and damage. Spear Hunte...
Hellebron's Death Night: Ultra Lore Purist Edition
Finally, after an anxious wait - and thanks to kind permission from Mixu to port it - I'm happy to present the updated return of Hellebron's Death Night transitions as seen in WH2's workshop. Hellebron's appearance will change depending on the Death Night ...
Naggaroth Rises - Closed Helmets for Dark Elves
Created by Rebendar
A simple, lore friendly visual mod for all Dark Elves factions. What does it do? - It adds closed helmets to dreadspears and bleakswords, alongside some armor for the hands. - Masters have been remodeled and now have full helmets, as every Dreadlord in tra...
Dark Elf War Mammoth
Created by Forstsack
You need: - Total War Warhammer II (cuz Cold One Chariot Animation) - The Shadow and the Blade DLC (cuz Scourgerunner Chariot Animation) - Norsca DLC (guess why you need that one) Im not sure if you really need them but i dont think CA likes it when you ge...
A Curvier Witch Elf Variety Pack
Created by Yogo Pogo
Collects the three Curvier Witch Elf variants into a single pack, for those who prefer a variety. Witch Elf units will use all three variants. Includes the Slightly Curvier Sisters of Slaughter (No other variants of the Sisters) As well as model replacemen...
Sisters of Slaughter Rework - Dance of Death
Created by Bastilean
This is a rework of the Sisters of Slaughter unit. The primary focus of this rework was reintroducing the Sisters' Dance of Death ability from Table Top (TT). See the images above for a full description of the ability implemented as well as the table top r...
Colourless' Dark Elves HD Texture Pack
Created by ColourlessAmoeba
(UPDATED JUNE 12TH, 2024) Welcome everyone, I'd like to present you one of my Warhammer 3 HD Texture packs that I have made over the course of 2 months. All of these were gruelling and exhausting to create, but they're finished now and I can finally rest. ...
LT's Runeforge of Hotek 2.0 - UPGRADE System for ALL Elven Factions!
Created by Lord Torquemado
Hotek, the renegade priest of Vaul, succumbed and he took his secrets to the tomb. For millennia, the mastery to fusion elf enchantments and Dawi Rune Magic was lost. But now, when the Rhana Dandra approaches, the blind smith-priests of different places of...
Dark Elves
Created by Ghildo
This mod expand roster for all faction Dark Elves Bleakgreatswords Black Ark Corsairs (Great Weapons) Black Ark Corsairs (Spear) Witch Elves (Sword & Shields) Witch Elves (Spear & Shields) Witch Elves (Bow) Har Ganeth Executioners (Sword & Shields) Har Gan...
Hellebron protraits
Created by Zoffy_swordman
Cant find any one for her So I made one From AI Cant find the creator at civitai now...
Slave Labour - Quick Construction & Slave Decrees
Created by RagnaroK
Greetings fellow mod enjoyers! I grant to thee - A construction & Decree (Diktats) mod for your collection. Ingame screenshots shows an example of the rush construction mechanic, that was introduced to Chaos Dwarfs and Dark Elves. This mod is based on the ...
Morathi the Phoenix Queen
Created by zeta0080
2024/4/29 update! Change Morathi's mount to white pegasus. Description: A reskin mod that barings Morathi into the light side~ If you want see more mods from me please got to Nexus Warhammer 3 section ~ Don't forget to turn of censorship! Credit: Body reso...
Warrior of Khaine
Introduction This mod is reskin for Dark Elves units. Enjoy this mod and if you find a bugs. send me a message. I am active in the Discord and Gallery listed below. If you would like direct contact, please go in there and call DOVAKIN. Contacts Totalwar DC...
The Black Sun Fleet by Mortrau
Created by Mortrau
Greetings! Finally, my 1.5 years of work has finished and I can present you The Black Sun Fleet – a brand new Black Ark faction. It is fully custom and not presented in lore, but still lore-friendly in my opinion. It is ruled by survived druchii male sorce...
Units of Naggaroth (Dark Elf unit expansion)
Created by Samarai
Description This mod contains 1 generic hero and 5 units for the Dark Elves. They are balanced for vanilla and are designed to reward good micro and synergize well with the rest of the Dark Elf roster. New Hero: Khainite Magister Bring fire to the enemies ...
Malekith The Eternity King Updated
Created by alexscrima
This is simply an updated version of the mod, so that anyone who want to play with it can use it. Of course I'm not the creator of the mod, all credits go to SOCJBY for his great work. This is the link to the original version, go to his mod page and give t...
The Cult of Slaanesh - All Lord Type Submod
Created by Murray222
*Wont apply mid-campaign, need to start a new campaign An all lord type submod as requested, however, I won't be making marked version of those lords atm. Not tested thoroughly, please report any bugs you encountered. Don't need to be updated in theory unl...
[FINAL UPDATE] Morathi Simple Slaanesh Expansion - Cult of Pleasure Can Recruit Slaanesh Daemons
Created by iDon'tSpeakRussian!
Post 4.2 patch Patch is completed to work on game version 4.2, it may or may not work on 5.0 however I will not continue working this mod as I am taking a break from modding. Should there be an issue you experienced while playing only with this mod + requi...
Executioners (Dark Elf)
Created by WGX
This mod only replaces the models of Dark Elves' Executioners with female versions. The main mod
Better Sisters of Slaughter (un-nerfed)
Created by ArchAnge1LT
When sisters of slaughter came out, they had better shield and slightly better stats. Then CA nerfed them a little. This mod reverses the nerfs. My other mods Better dragons Better war lions...
Legendary Dragons
Created by EvilVictor
A buff to dragon units for the Elven factions (Dark Elf, High Elf and Wood Elf) +10% Health +10 Armor +10 Melee Attack +10 Melee Defense x2 Splash attack maximum entities hit (was 8, now 16) +1500 Mass +10% Physical Resistance +50% Fire Resistance for Sun ...
Elven Engineering/Technoheresy
Created by Chapter Serf
Description: Gotten tired of the same old boring bolt throwers for the High Elves and Dark Elves? Ever wanted something more explosive and exciting in your Elven artillery? Look no further! This mod adds 2 new pieces of artillery at tier 4 and 5 for both t...
The Penumbral Rattlers - High Rock Fables
Created by Lt. Rocky Lore: Their lore can be read in the unit description in the Lizardmen or Dark Elves "unit & spell browser" menu in-game, I couldn’t fit it on the Steam Workshop page. One of these days I’ll make t...
Beautiful Witch Elves
Created by The Rogue Roman
Warhammer III version of my Warhammer II mod. Proper beautiful deadly Witch Elves. Smoother fairer skin, no face tattoos, no gray hair, blue eyes. The Witch Elf regiment of renown (Sisters of Singing Doom) has been reskinned as well. Textures are in 4K res...
Created by Kilin
English Version: 给暗精的所有兵种添加了类似绿皮的废料升级系统 大部分升级使用金钱,部分升级需要少量奴隶 平衡不太好做,硬去平衡就感觉鸡肋,mod嘛,就随意吧 巫灵,杀戮姐妹和刽子手只添加了一种升级,因为是为了适应SFO。 SFO妖婆派系会给巫灵杀戮姐妹和刽子手添加4种升级,不添加UI拉取框的前提下最多只有4种升级,所以这个mod会挤掉一个升级。目前影响最大的是...
Tribes of Man: Cull Brides (Witch Elves reskin)
Created by delcastillokenneth1
Hey, first time modder here. I made this for myself and a story I'm making but wanted to share in case anyone would like. Obviously, this mod is NOT meant to be lore friendly. I used textures from: JFred's "Dark Elves Reborn 2.0 | Faction Reskin" Stratovar...
Black dragon reskin
Created by lacamaca
I converted my wh2 mod to wh3 for a request. I did not edit the textures I used textures that made by kelembribor21. ( The mod contains: - Black dragon unit wit...
Tribes of Man: Cull Brides (Witch Elf reskin) Sadist Edition
Created by delcastillokenneth1
Hey all, I wanted to give the witch elves a darker theme literally and figuratively. It's a reskin of my mod in the workshop. My headcanon is that these cull brides are married to suffering as their form of salvation. They dip their blades in all sorts of ...
Black dragon reskin - Shackolot standalone version
Created by lacamaca
I made this standalone version for Black dragon reskin - Shackolot submod ( for a request. Thanks to Gunking who enabled me to use this textures. ...
Created by taolu666
为高精和暗精替换/添加了几个新兵种模型,模型来自二代real的光与影之歌,和移植三代女荷斯剑圣mod以及warriors of asuryan,因为不太喜欢纯替换,同时高模没有LOD导致很卡所以索性自己做了个mod调整了下模型,并制作了兵牌 添加新兵种: 荷斯守卫:持盾长矛兵种,与荷斯剑圣平级 白塔荷光者:设定为荷斯剑圣上级兵种,白塔执法官,带两发绑定荷斯征战之光(比起光法的多了减疲劳效果) 哈尔冈西审判官:有刽子手就有审判官嘛 哈尔冈西审判官(连发弩):少20人,近战数据和基础版相同,带暗影弩 新兵种均支...
Tribes of Man: The Cull Mother (Crone Hellebron reskin)
Created by delcastillokenneth1
It's time. The Cull Mother isn't satiated with simply drinking the toxins her daughters rely on or even cutting her flesh with toxin-dipped blades. She needs it drained directly into her veins. Her thirst for suffering and pain is unquenchable. This is onl...
Tribes of Man: Torture Maidens (Sisters of Slaughter reskin) Sadistic Edition
Created by delcastillokenneth1
Hey all, This is a reskin of a reskin. If the color scheme isn't your preference, check out the torture maiden mod. It's meant to be used alongside the sadistic cull bride mod. Although the torture maidens worship suffering just as the cullbrides, they do ...
Tribes of Man: Cull Priests (Death Hag reskin)
Created by delcastillokenneth1
I used textures from: JFred's "Dark Elves Reborn 2.0 | Faction Reskin" Stratovarius's "Legendary Characters" This is a reskin of the death hag and should be compatible with other mods unless they override this model. If it doesn't work, please let me know....
Dark Elves Rework
Created by Casualfield
An actual faction rework because the Druchii deserve better than CA's "updates". With well over 2,000 changes, it's now enjoyable and engaging. Anything you thought needed changed has been, so please experiment! Below is just a small fraction of what to ex...
Dark Elves Expanded Hero Skill Trees
Created by maffers
This mod adds some additional skills to each of the Dark Elves Hero's skill trees. It is intended to fill out the skill trees a bit and make them more interesting/loreful. Does not affect Lords. Choose between different specializations for each hero and di...
Witch-king Decrees Mechanic. Supreme Sorceress changes & Others.
Created by Hitokiri
Tl;dr; *Adds mechanic to Naggarond faction. *Changes Supreme Sorceress & Malekith & Moarathi Skill trees *Adds "Undercity" Buildings that khainite assasins can spread. *Adds Seduction mechanic (from slaanesh) to Supreme Socreceress & Morathi armies *Makes ...
Created by 幡沫
本合集将包括黑暗精灵专属的诸多mod汉化 持续征集黑暗精灵中小型mod~(本合集下只可发黑暗精灵mod) Witch-king Decrees Mechanic. Supreme Sorceress changes & Others 巫王政令: 为『纳迦隆德』(马雷基斯)派系添加新的『巫王政令』机制(国是) 可利用全新资源『巫术』(坚钢)与『策略』(顽石)执行政令 匿迹海湾: 允许凯恩刺客在敌方城镇进行『建...
Hellebron's Altar of Khaine
Created by VoRt-lol
Hellebron's Altar of Khaine Within this mod, when playing as Har Ganeth (and The Scourge of Khaine, see below) you gain access to 15 custom rituals through the Altar of Khaine (a copy of the Sotek Sacrifices for Tehenhauin). The rituals have 5 tiers, and t...
Mengil Manhide & The Manflayers by Mortrau
Created by Mortrau
Mengil Manhide is the sadistic, cannibalistic leader of a vicious group of Dark Elf mercenaries known throughout the Old World as The Manflayers. They travel unseen across the lands under the cover of darkness, selling their skills to the highest bidder an...
Balkoth's Dark Elf Smarter Revered Names of Power
Created by Balkoth
TL;DR: You'll always get a useful Revered Name of Power even if it's not ideal, the weaker Revered Names of Power have been buffed, nothing that affects Shades has been buffed. ------------------ The goal of this mod is to make sure that you get SOMETHING ...
Bela's Malus Sexyblade (with UI)
Created by Bela Fox
When Tz'arkan, a Greater Daemon of Slaanesh entered the soul of Malus Darkblade, the latter quickly realised that he doesn't really need armour anymore, because the demon will not let him die or cripple. "Malus does not bleed, nor feel pain. Such expressio...
Expanded Roster Compilation
Created by Decomposed
DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variety, usefulness on the battlefiel...
Bela's High Priest of Slaanesh (Lore-Friendly druchii hero - lore, seduction & more)
Created by Bela Fox Most of Slaanesh worshippers were obliged to flee from Naggaroth after Malekith have started to pull the Dark Elves out of the hedonistic swamp many of them called "life". Those who didn't escape neither to Morathi's domain ...
In 2 collections by 泡泡茶壶
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