Arma 3
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Эта сборка рассчитана на максимальный реализм (во всем) и максимальную хардкорность, при создании этой сборки я руководствовался лишь одним правилом, показать войну такой какая она есть. Да через монитор вы не прочувствуете запаха пороха и проржавевшей крови, но зато вы вдоволь сможете настреляться из миномета используя реальные формулы и системы, или понять что такое сидеть в окопе и наблюдать как голову вашему товарищу раздробил снаряд (и все это с новой графикой и анимациями как в таркове).


Нюансы сборки:
1) В ней полностью вырезана выносливость во время бега, причиной этому послужило то что ее ванильная эпостасия не имеет не чего общего с реальностью, солдаты не выдыхаются после минуты бега! А иных вариаций реализации выносливости совместимых с ACE я не нашел.
2) Во время игры изредка могут вылазить ошибки, и пока что регулярно вылезет одна ошибка в главном меню. Стоит понимать что они не критичны, и я уже работаю над их исправлением.
3) Из за обширности сборки она очень долго запускается, (вплоть до 15 минут). Винда может жаловаться на то что" приложение Arma 3 не отвечает", игнорируйте это сообщение и просто ждите, тоже самое и с 3х минутным черным экраном после запуска, (вылечить это можно только более мощным железом).
4) Одиноким любителям авиации рекомендуется дополнительно поставить мод Pylon Manager ( ), он совершенно не реалистичный но зато удобный для сингла.
5) Я не стал убирать баллистические компьютеры на минометах, так как это могло создавать ошибки с прочей артиллерией. Хардкорным игрокам советую просто отключить их в настройках ACE.

Порядок установки:
1) Скачайте Arma 3
2) Скачайте TeamSpeak
3) Найдите сборку PWR в мастерской steam и нажмите кнопку подписаться на все
4) Перейдите по следующему пути: (Место где у вас установлен Steam)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@Task Force Arrowhead Radio (BETA!!!)\teamspeak
5) Установите task_force_radio.ts3_plugin
6) Скопируйте содержимое папки "teamspeak" (которая находится в папке "@Task Force Arrowhead Radio (BETA!!!)") в корневую папку TeamSpeak
7) Зайдите в TimSpeak, перейдите во вкладку "Инструменты", затем во вкладку "Опции", в открывшемся меню включите плагин Task Force Radio
8) Закройте TimSpeak
9) Полностью выйдете из стим
10) Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на ярлыке, через который вы входите в Steam, перейдите во свойства, в открывшемся окне перейдите в раздел совместимость, выберите "запускать от имени администратора"
11) Запустите TeamSpeak (перед каждым новым запуском Arma 3 необходимо запускать TeamSpeak)
12) Подключитесь к любому серверу в TeamSpeak (или создать свой собственный и подключитесь к нему, для этого необходимо скачать с официального сайта TimSpeak server и запустить его).
13) Откройте Steam
14) Запустить лаунчер Arma 3
15) Перейдите в раздел моды
16) В правом верхнем углу вы найдете меню предварительных настроек, в нем вы должны создать 2 присета, один со всеми модами (назовите его как хотите), во втором вы должны отключить MCC, Moral Systems и все моды серии Lambs (назовите его Antistasi , он будет использоваться для игры в этом режиме)
17) Выберите присет и запустите Arma 3
18) Запустите в редакторе любой сценарий или миссию
19) Откройте настройки, перейдите в раздел назначение клавиш и настройки дополнений (они в разделе назначения клавиш) (Если настрой не прогрузились ждите 10 мин)
20) Назначьте клавиши
21) Закройте Arma 3
22) Перезагрузите компьютер

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Базовое управление: (в моей сборке есть еще доп клавиши но их вы назначаете сами)
Лучший гайд по арте:
Гайд на пилоны:
Гайд на пилоны 2:
Инструменты карты:
Стрельба из джавелина :
Настройка оптики:
Антистаси гайд:

Приятной игры!

Przedmioty (385)
Броне экраны / Cage Mod
Autor: Chupior
Мод добавляет в игру 2 новых объекта, модель броне экранов для БМП - 3 и БТР - 80/82А. Объекты доступны в редакторе под именами "cage_(btr/bmp)". Часто задаваемые вопросы: 1.Броне экраны защищают от снарядов? - Нет, на данный момент это всего лишь объекты ...
ЧВК Вагнер | PMC Wagner | 2022
Autor: ArxGame
ЧВК Вагнер | 2022 / PMC Wagner | 2022 Discrod server code: MSxa4pUze5 В данном дополнение вы увидите детализированных наёмников чвк "Вагнер", . Именно данные солдаты с таким же вооружением участвую в войне в Украине. Каждый солдат сделан лично мною из двух...
СпР : Специальные подразделения России
Autor: avezd77
Специальные подразделения России — специальные подразделения и части различных специальных органов (спецслужб) Российской Федерации, Вооружённых сил и полиции, а также антитеррористические подразделения, предназначенные для обезвреживания и уничтожения тер...
(CAG) Toyota Land Cruiser - Battle Worn
Autor: Anytature
Artworks by : DemonDogZZ, YungRussian, Japonica & Smith (CAG) Toyota Land Cruiser A request made by Smith This vehicle is fully functional / Any weapons hanging on the vehicle can be taken and used / I did test runs multiple times and so far i found no una...
(MW Series) Call of Duty Factions [RHS]
Autor: Spear
Modern Warfare Series Faction Pack All Credit to the relevant mod makers for all of the gear, I just made the loadouts and faction setup. Overview:- - Faction pack based on CoD: Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3. - Minimal mod list, meaning less file s...
2035: Russian Armed Forces
Autor: Deathstruck
IMPORTANT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24.2.2022 Our mod is strictly a fan made work. It is not affiliated with, nor does it support Russia's current aggressive and expansionist war an...
БМП 3 Решётки / Bmp 3 Cage
Autor: Chupior
Композиция использующая Cage Mod для создания БМП-3 с броне экранами. Экраны не имеют способности противостоять кумулятивным снарядам и на ДАННЫЙ момент, являются косметическими. ОБЪЯСНЕНИЕ РАБОТЫ СКРИПТА КОТОРЫЕ ИСПОЛЬЗУЕТСЯ В КОМПОЗИЦИИ: call BIS_fnc_att...
Autor: Bref
After two and a half years of work, I present you the Šumava terrain for Arma 3. Notes: Please report any issues to this workshop page comments, or preferably the Discord. You can also consider supporting my bad habits via Ko-Fi: D...
2035: Russian Armed Forces - CBA Rail Compatibility Patch
Autor: Apricot_ale
This addon unlock Sights from "2035: Russian Armed Forces" to CBA rail. Included file of this addon are completely same as the optional pbo of original mod. This add-on was created for who wanted to avoid manually installing the CBA compatibility enablemen...
3CB BAF Equipment
Autor: 3cb.mods
Introduction Equipment of the British Royal Marines Commandos and other UK Armed Forces. By 3 Commando Brigade Want to find out more about 3 Commando Brigade? Interested in joining us? Visit us on Discord Description The modern Royal Marines Commando or Br...
3CB BAF Units
Autor: 3cb.mods
Introduction Units representing British Army Soldiers, Royal Marine Commandos and Support Elements in Arctic, Desert (DDPM), MTP, Temperate (DPM), Tropical (DPM) and Woodland (DPM) camouflage patterns By 3 Commando Brigade Want to find out more about 3 Com...
3CB BAF Units (RHS compatibility)
Autor: 3cb.mods
Introduction RHS compatibility for units adds the faction specific RHS dependant vehicles (e.g. Hercules and Chinook) as well as the Cold War units By 3 Commando Brigade If you're over 17 and would like to try these mods on a MP server, our public server i...
3CB BAF Vehicles
Autor: 3cb.mods
Introduction Vehicles of the British Royal Marines Commandos and other UK Armed Forces. By 3 Commando Brigade Want to find out more about 3 Commando Brigade? Interested in joining us? Visit us on Discord Contents Bulldog - Armoured Personnel Carrier Coyote...
3CB BAF Units (ACE compatibility)
Autor: 3cb.mods
Introduction ACE compatibility for the BAF Units By 3 Commando Brigade If you're over 17 and would like to try these mods on a MP server, our public server is open 24/7. Description Provides ACE compatibility to the BAF Units. This is included as an option...
Autor: Chupior
Композиция использующая Cage Mod для создания Бтр-82АТ, путём добавления к Бтр-80А/Бтр-82А броне экранов. Экраны не имеют способности противостоять кумулятивным снарядам и на ДАННЫЙ момент, являются косметическими. ОБЪЯСНЕНИЕ РАБОТЫ СКРИПТА КОТОРЫЕ ИСПОЛЬЗ...
3CB BAF Vehicles (RHS reskins)
Autor: 3cb.mods
Introduction BAF Chinook and RAF Hercules for the British Royal Marines Commandos and other UK Armed Forces. By 3 Commando Brigade If you're over 17 and would like to try these mods on a MP server, our public server is open 24/7. Description BAF Chinook an...
3CB BAF Vehicles (Servicing extension)
Autor: 3cb.mods
Introduction Servicing extensions for vehicles of the British Royal Marines Commandos and other UK Armed Forces. By 3 Commando Brigade If you're over 17 and would like to try these mods on a MP server, our public server is open 24/7. Description Provides s...
3CB BAF Weapons
Autor: 3cb.mods
Introduction Weapons of the British Royal Marine Commandos and other UK Armed Forces. By 3 Commando Brigade Want to find out more about 3 Commando Brigade? Interested in joining us? Visit us on Discord Description This pack now contains almost all of the r...
3CB Factions
Autor: 3cb.mods
Introduction The primary purpose of this mod is to complement RHS mods to allow 3CB mission makers, and the wider community, to add extra units, vehicles, and weapons to their missions. By 3 Commando Brigade Want to find out more about 3 Commando Brigade? ...
3CB BAF Weapons (RHS ammo compatibility)
Autor: 3cb.mods
Introduction RHS ammo compatibility for weapons of the British Royal Marine Commandos and other UK Armed Forces. By 3 Commando Brigade If you're over 17 and would like to try these mods on a MP server, our public server is open 24/7. Description Provides R...
3DMA - Alpha Group Equipment
Autor: Luca
Discord: To ask questions, give feedback and stay updated with the mod please consider joining our Discord Server. You can purchase the models in this mod for your own use over here: 3DMA Shop Description: "Alpha Group Equipment" (short AGE) is a work-in-p...
82mm mortar round for RPG-7
Autor: Sam
Dear players, We, along with DarkBall, are ceasing support for all our mods and will no longer release new ones. All existing mods will remain available in the Workshop. We are removing all licensing restrictions from our mods. They are now fully open for ...
90's Chernarus Conflict
Autor: Sir Kydric
Introduction: Greetings and welcome to the 90's Chernarus Conflict mod based on RHS. The mod aims to represent the factions of a conflict escalation in the 1990's, in which the Chernarussian military would be involved in, whether it be in Chernarus itself,...
Autor: Slide
DRAG_BODY MOD #THIS MOD REQUIRES ACE MENU. Mod created to allow you to drag dead bodies. TUTORIAL - 1. Ace Interact Menu - Dead body Interaction - Drag Body. 2. Drag the body 3.Ace Self Interact - Actions - Release Body. Enjoy If you liked this Mod Donate...
Aaren's Sound Core
Autor: [TW]Aaren
Updates - Fix no Entry of CRAM Tail SoundCurve - Increase GAU-8 Volume 2 => 3 ,and make Tail Sound much audible What Does It Do? mainly making this is for mods integration Smooth Transition Sound Function -For jets Volume Controller (works for my Mods only...
Autor: acemod
Advanced Combat Environment 3 (ACE3) ACE3 is the collaborative efforts of the former AGM and CSE teams, along with many of the developers from Arma 2's ACE2 project. This mod is entirely open-source (we are hosted on GitHub), and ev...
ACE 3 Extension (Placeables)
Autor: Kola
This AddOn adds the ability to place Objects via ACE 3 Interactions Menu. !!=This AddOn is made by KokaKolaA3=!! To everyone who's still interested, I'm currently working on an complete overhaul of the Animations mod, there will be an overhaul for this mod...
ACE 3 Extension (Animations and Actions)
Autor: Kola
This AddOn adds the ability to perform new Actions and Animations via ACE 3 Interactions Menu. !!=This AddOn is made by KokaKolaA3=!! BI Forum Link: Credits: Thank...
ACE Interaction Menu Expansion
Autor: Chum Bucket
Important ACE (official or custom versions that includes ace interact menu) is required. ========================================================== If you play with ACE mod you've probably felt the annoyance more or less when the ACE interaction menu and v...
ACE NLAW Seeker Fix
Autor: naPalm
This mod fixes the ACE NLAW's top-down attack behavior by allowing it to hit the top of a tank's turret when hitting from the tank's frontal arc (160deg frontally). Previously in ACE the NLAW would detonate too early, resulting in the shaped charge hitting...
Acoustic Guitar Mod
Autor: Hubix
Description This mod is a port of Acoustic Guitar Mod for Arma 2 Made by USSRsniper . I think that this will be a good addition to immersion and roleplay in the game. Also I've added options in Ace3 self interaction menu for turning on/off the guitar playi...
ACSTG AI Cannot See Through Grass
Autor: claudiopolez
With this mod the AI will lose sight of the player if its line of sight (LOS) is obstructed by grass. Unlike with Real Engine and Dynamic Camo mods, this means you can be hidden while on tarmac, bare ground, with wrong camouflage, you can be prone, crouchi...
Additional Air Weapon
Autor: [TW]Aaren
New Updates Clean up Un-needed Cfgs Bring back the MOD icon What does it do? I make all versions of vanilla unguided rockets(airweapons) like DAR, Skyfire etc. Add Cluster (No UXOs), AP-MINE, AT-MINE, Smoke(white) rockets. Add White Phosphorus Add Napalm A...
Advanced Equipment
Autor: y0014984
Advanced Equipment - v0.5.3 released on 2023-08-05 Advanced Equipment is a mod for Arma 3, that is still under development. I wanted to create a mod, that allows you to really use a lot of the vanilla equipment like laptops and lamps. This project is entir...
Advanced Pickup Rope
Autor: Dash
Advanced Pickup Rope Advanced Pickup Rope allows you to request a pickup rope to a helicopter in the air. Once the rope is taken, you can climb up to the helicopter or travel hanging. It is easy to use, you just have to load the mod, look at a helicopter i...
Advanced Rappelling
Autor: duda
Adds support for helicopter rappelling. SP & MP Compatible. Completely optional, but if you want to give back for any of my addons, I would greatly appreciate Donations! Want more? Check out my ...
Advanced Rappelling - Reworked
Autor: Sindeg
Mod no longer supported. This mod contains: Advanced Rappelling (author: duda) A small fix of the mod for correct work with Enhanced Movement (solves the problem when the cable suddenly breaks during the descent). It also works with ACE. Now, for a player,...
Advanced Sling Loading
Autor: duda
SP & MP Compatible. Full replacement for in-game sling loading. Completely optional, but if you want to give back for any of my addons, I would greatly appreciate Donations! Want more? Check out my latest mods!
Advanced Towing
Autor: duda
Adds support for towing vehicles using ropes. Works in both SP and MP. Watch the video for directions. Completely optional, but if you want to give back for any of my addons, I would greatly appreciate Donations! Want more? Check out my latest mods! https://...
Advanced Vault System: Remastered
Autor: WebKnight
Advanced Vault System, but smoother, better and cooler. Version: 1.2 IF YOU GET STUCK IN OBJECTS WHENEVER YOU VAULT, MAKE SURE YOU ENABLE WMO But from now on WMO will not be a dependency. Space ...
Advanced Urban Rapelling v2 (remade)
Autor: markooff
Information about the mod: ** NEW ** during last few mounths I've been working hard on few of my other mods (PGM Logistic Mod, Desant Vehicles PGMLS Compat and PGM Factions & Equipment) and the work I've put into it completely comsumed my free time. But as...
Advanced Weapon Mounting
Autor: mharis001
Advanced Weapon Mounting Advanced Weapon Mounting, also known as AWM, completely overhauls the weapon attachment system by adding animations and sounds in order to improve the realism and authenticity of ARMA 3. Optionally, when ACE3 is loaded, ACE3 Intera...
Advanced Zipline
Autor: Dash
Advanced Zipline - Content & Features Advanced Zipline adds a new round of grenade launcher that allows you to deploy an harpon with a rope. Once the harpon hits somewhere, it allows several players to slide down the rope and overrun valleys, buildings, or...
Air Support Plus
Autor: Phenosi
Current State: STABLE Adds an expanded air support module into ArmA 3 ZEUS This is a client-side mod This mod will add a new Air Support module that will allow you to use any Aircraft with any Weapon for any of your CAS purp...
Airburst Shells
Autor: Dankan37
Airburst shells Airburst shells are artillery shells that are designed to explode in mid-air, releasing a burst of shrapnel that can cover a wider area than a ground burst. They are typically used to target enemy troops or vehicles that are in cover or hid...
Airburst shells RHS compatibility patch
Autor: Dankan37
This is a compatibility patch for my Shrapnel mod Find the mod here: Right now RHSUSAF and RHSRF are supported, I plan on adding the other factions soon. Currently only 40mm grenades for the...
Al-Fallujah v 1.3 [Rebuild + Interiors]
Autor: Ю'стум
Особенности карты Al-Fallujah ___________________ Автор: shezan74; Ребилд: Ю'стум. -------------------------------- - Оптимизация карты - Замена некоторых зданий - Изменено глобальное освещение - Оптимизация растительности - Некоторые исправления ---------...
Autor: LAxemann
-Reuploading this mod is _not_ permitted- Mainly, it's a mod for all the other enthusiasts out there. One thing that always bothered me was the way your character _instantly_ aligns the sights perfectly straight. Also, when looking through your sights, it ...
Autor: armamodfrance Le contenu est protégé par la licence APL-ND, Tout contrevenant s'expose à un DMCA pour le contenu dérobé. - APL-ND - Attribution - You must attribute the material in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not i...
Ample Camo Pack
Autor: Seb
Ample Camo Pack Full Contains 101 camos for 154 items, for a total of 15554 new pieces of equipment This mod will use Grave's Modular Carrier Remake to if it is enabled. This mod is highly modular. Each camo set is its own PBO, so you can pick and choose t...
Animated Grenade Throwing
Autor: Cucumber
The mod has a system of different grenade throws. As well as the effect of initiating a grenade. Features: High throw - for throws over fences Middle throw - the main type of throw Lower throw - room clearing throw Preliminary initiation of a grenade - you...
Animated Recoil coefficient changer
Autor: Cucumber
The mod changes the behavior of weapons. Now it feels alive in your hands, the cardboard effect disappears. The mod contains: Animated weapon recoil. Animated entry into aiming mode. Animated change of fire modes. Adjust recoil coefficient. Adjustment of r...
Aiming Deadzone Fix
Autor: Pritchard
Aiming Deadzone Fix Demonstration Video This small script mod ties the player's horizontal rotation to their mouse again while using the game's Aiming Deadzone feature. The exact behavior can be customized in a CBA Settings menu (Addon Options on the pause...
Antistasi Plus VLK Factions
Autor: VELKA
Description in english: This modification is based on Antistasi Plus 2.3.2 from Soctates. This modification does not add any new maps with certain fractions, but adds custom fractions separately, usually in variations for temperate and desert climates, and...
ArmA 3 Constructor
Autor: Leon
Друзья! Рад представить Вам своего помощника по созданию миссий. В Арма 3 я выпустил более 120 сценариев и понял, что зачастую типичные операции приходится повторять из раза в раз. На это уходит много времени. Чтобы ускорить производство сценариев для Арма...
Anime Patches
Autor: Logan
This mod currently adds 111 patches from a lot of anime including patches from: - Angel Beats - Girls und panzer - Tengen toppa Gurren-Lagann - Kara no Kyoukai - Mangaka-san to assistant-san to - Monogatari series (bakemonogatari,nisemonogatari,etc...) - N...
Arma 3 Vanilla vehicles with Shrapnel mod
Autor: Dankan37
This composition includes all vanilla vehicles but I've included my "Airburst shells" script. This way you don't need the mod to use airburst shells and have a 100% vanilla experience. To use the airburst shells go into the gunner seat of any vehicle and u...
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀    ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀        Here is the mod of the regular army of Ukraine in alpha version. This mod is the result of a year of work, aiming to accurately represent Ukraine's ...
Armed Forces of Ukraine 2020 (CUP)
Autor: Svarog
Modification contains re-textured CUP vehicles, weapons and units. Modification adds to the game some Ukrainian types of camouflage and uniforms. Version 1.02 Модифікація являє собою ретекстур юнітів, озброєння та транспорту з моду CUP. Додає до гри деякі ...
Automatic Warning Suppressor
Autor: skirmish_uk
Useful for developers when using mods with annoying warning messages that require user interaction to continue NOTE: Use the -nologs command line parameter instead if you are not a developer. This mod is helpful for those who would like a faster developmen...
AVON FM12 Respirator Pack
Hello! This relatively small mod contains 3 variants of the FM12 CBRN respirator by AVON rubber. Used by many different military and civilian forces all over the world, you probably recognize it from somewhere, and for good reason: it looks rad. It's also ...
BackpackOnChest - Redux
Autor: mjc4wilton
BackpackOnChest - Redux An official rewrite and continuation of the original BackpackOnChest mod by DerZade. This mod allows you to have a backpack on your chest and on your back at the same time, with movement penalties. Great for parachutes! Improvements...
Better Inventory
Christmas Update 22.12.2023 I wish everyone happy Holidays and have fun with Stack Moving and fixes. Are you also annoyed to switch between Uniform, Vest and Backpack? Here is the solution to this madness. Features: - Changed Inventory Layout - Contents of...
Blind Fire
Autor: Ampersand
Point and shoot around corners and over walls! Keybinds in Options > Controls > Blind Fire Default: Blind FIre (Toggle): Alt + B Aim Left: Alt + Q Aim Right: Alt + E Works with rifle, launcher, and pistol. Ammo count, nght vision, IR lasers, and flashlight...
Boxloader - ACE compatability
Autor: vurtual
ACE compatability for Boxloader, currently only changes repair/refuel/reammo boxes into ACE versions....
BoxLoader - Vehicle in Vehicle loading
Autor: vurtual
BoxLoader is a mod based around Arma 3's Vehicle in Vehicle loading, adding actions to support loading of ammoboxes and containers into vehicles with Vehicle in Vehicle transportation space. Boxloader works with both vanilla and mod vehicles that are prope...
Bug Fix [4] by Ibragim
Autor: Ibragim
Description: 1. Bug of recognition of the mine owner. Have you ever noticed that the AI ​​enemies blowing up on a mine placed by you telepathically "recognize" where you are hiding and start attacking you, even if you are behind a mountain? Now the knowled...
Bullet Casings
Autor: Hortzy
This is a simple mod I created because of a request that I read on the forums. What does this mod do? - Simply adds bullet casings to the ground for fired/empty rounds - The sole purpose of this mod is just to add that little extra bit of immersion -------...
Bullet in the Chamber v 1.2
Autor: Gunner
This mod adds simulation for the extra bullet in chamber after tactical reloading. Not mine mod. original autor gpgpgpgp. Link ...
Bunker Mod
Autor: Ю'стум
Mod adds new Bunkers (Towers) N1, N2 and N3. "Iustum_bunker_1", "iustum_bunker_2", "iustum_bunker_3" "Iustum_bunker_sand_1", "Iustum_bunker_sand_2", "Iustum_bunker_sand_3", "Iustum_bunker_winter_1", "Iustum_bunker_winter_2", "Iustum_bunker_winter_3" "iustu...
Caucasus Insurgency
Autor: Fingolfin_A3
This add-on depicts generic North-Caucasian rebel forces in different types of clothing and equipment and Russian special and regular forces (Army, VDV, MVD and OMON) based on the mods done by the Red Hammer Studios. The aim is to have an enemy faction for...
Autor: CBATeam
CBA: Community Based Addons for Arma 3 What does the name Community Base Addons mean? It is a system that: Offers a range of features for addon-makers and mission designers. Aims to have community wide acceptance and to be used as much as possible by commu...
CE: Movement
Autor: Tapawingo
Cluster Enhancements: Movement (CE:M) CE:M is the collaborative effort of the Cluster Community Mod team. It is a part of a broader collection of mods designed to enhance the experience of players in our community. This addon is entirely open source and al...
Charlieco89's Mods Pack
Official mod pack from Charlieco89's Mods More than 800 vehicles available in this pack with different french services an different brand vehicles. All these mods are royalty free, you can use it for you and your server. Templates have been created to modi...
Chernobyl Zone Building
Autor: Dim Rutagan
Модели зданий Чернобыльской зоны. Некоторые здания сделаны в оригинальной планировке. Разрешаю переупаковывать, перезаливать и изменять мод без разрешения. Models of buildings of the Chernobyl zone. Some of the buildings have original layouts. It is allowe...
CIS Additional Items
Autor: siegmeyer
Что это такое? CISAI - Аддон с некоторыми объектами городской среды со всех территорий постсоветской России. Изначально создан специально для карты Догечня, но вы можете использовать и изменять содержимое по своему усмотрению. Постепенно будет добавляться ...
Civil aviation mod V3.0
Autor: Juri Gagarin
Добрый день,выпускаем долгожданное обновление мода от AndromeNic'a №3. -Улучшены все самолеты визуально. -Новая аэродинамика. -Улучшенное управление. -Новый самолет ЯК40 ! ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ! -Новый свс ветерок ! ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ! -Добавлена форма пилотов. -Новые салоны. ...
Combat Drones Expansion
Recreates the combat use of drones with attached explosives/grenades widely seen in Ukraine-Russian war. USE >= HIGH OBJECTS VIDEO SETTINGS TO SEE ATTACHED AMMO/OBJECTS TO DRONE (Arma 3 limitation) Supported UAVs: - AR2 Darter - Mavick UAV by SAM Features:...
Commander Turret Override
Autor: Seb
Commander Turret Override FEATURES: - Allows a commander to force the turret of their vehicle to look a certain way - Works for AI, Players or Empty vehicles - Fully signed - Works for modded vehicles - Gunners may lock their turret to disable override. - ...
Community Factions Project (CFP)
Autor: AuburnAlumni
INTERESTED IN HELPING ON CFP OR PROVIDING ASSISTANCE ON FACTIONS/RESEARCH? JOIN OUR DISCORD HERE: "On behalf of the CFP team we are extremely excited to announce a new community mod designed to bring a rich and diverse set of fac...
Chemical Warfare
Autor: Assaultboy
If you would like ownership of this mod, leave a comment This mod adds Chemical Warfare to Arma III. Github Link Summary I noticed a lack of any chemical warfare mods and I decided to fill the void the best I could. This mod will allow simulation of a batt...
Cope Cage T-72
Autor: Uniban
Cope Cage for the Russian T-72. Version 1.7 My first ever composition, don't expect anything huge (it's meant only as a joke in the first place). The cope cage *does* move with the tank. If anybody has any ideas for improvements, feel free to share. Change...
Cope Cage T-72B3
Autor: Per_von_Harke
Comments were not disabled or hidden by me. Pros: - Protects against FGM-148 Javelin missile - Gives shade - Protects from rain - Cope Cage rotates with the tank turret so you can use it while actually playing a mission. Kons: - Looks a bit laggy when driv...
Country of Heroes
Autor: Billy Bones
Это коллекция модов, объединенных в один целостный пакет, содержит ретекстуры из других модов (форма, жилеты, шлемы). Поддержать проект можете по ссылке , Спасибо! Коллекция рассчитана на игру с теми модами, что...
CSAT-R (Revenant Division)
Autor: Kishki
CSAT-R (Revenant Division) "REQUIRES ARMA 3 APEX" This Elusive and sovereign Spetsnaz division has been deployed to Altis, Takistan, Chernarus and now Tanoa. When a swift and efficient end is needed Whilst being a Sovreign and Independent fighting force it...
CUP Terrains - Core
Autor: CUP Team
CONTENT This is the TERRAINS - CORE pack, the successor of "A3MP" and "All in ArmA - Terrain Pack (AiA TP)". It contains all the core data for maps from Arma1, Arma 2, expansions and DLC's. This pack contains: all terrains core data like models and configs...
CUP Terrains - CWA
Autor: CUP Team
CONTENT This is the CWA TERRAINS pack. It contains 5 maps from Arma: Cold War Assault and the expansion: - Everon - Malden - Kolgujev - Nogova - Desert Island For credits and other information, see our web page. This pack contains: terrains from previous a...
CUP Terrains - Maps
Autor: CUP Team
CONTENT This is the TERRAINS pack, the successor of "A3MP" and "All in ArmA - Terrain Pack (AiA TP)". It contains 16 maps from Arma: Arma: Armed Assault and the expansion, Arma 2 and the expansion and DLC's. For credits and other information, see our web p...
CUP Terrains - Maps 2.0
Autor: CUP Team
CONTENT This is the Maps 2.0 pack, the successor of "CUP Terrains - Maps". It will contain all upgraded CUP Terrains. For credits and other information, see our web page. This pack contains: Chernarus 2020 ISSUES THIS WORKSHOP PAGE IS NOT MONITORED BY THE ...
CUP Units
Autor: CUP Team
CONTENT This is the Units pack. It contains all the units of the original Arma 2 and Arrowhead as well as the DLC. Right now, there are a lot of placeholder units that do not look like the original ones but are instead stand-ins using default Arma 3 unifor...
CUP Vehicles
Autor: CUP Team
CONTENT This is the VEHICLE pack. It contains all the vehicles from Arma 2 and the expansion and DLC's. All vehicles are ported with Arma 3 standarts and features. For credits and other information, see our web page. This pack contains: almost all vehicles...
CUP Weapons
Autor: CUP Team
CONTENT This is the WEAPONS pack. It contains all the weapons, assault rifles, machine guns, shotguns, grenade launchers, pistols, sniper rifles, and whatever else goes "boom" in Arma 2 and the expansion and DLC's. All weapons are stripped of their attachm...
DEGA: ArmA 2 V-22 Modification
Autor: Deltagamer
DEGA: ArmA 2 V-22 Port v1.0 Located Nato > Plane > V-22 Osprey (Variant name) Nato (Pacific) > Plane > V-22 Osprey (Variant name) AAF > Plane > V-22 Osprey (Variant name) Features Vanilla Textures Armed & Infantry / Vehicle Transport Versions Updated VTOL ...
Dogechnya 0.30
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW IN ADVANCE: Is this a release? This is an open alpha test. The map is not finished and is under development. What's included in version 0.25? Currently the south-eastern part of the map is ready, which is approximately 25%. This includ...
Doomer and Russian War Songs
Autor: Vanderman
Songs for a Zeus Music Module and Triggers (For now) Tracks: Molchat Doma - Filmy Molchat Doma - Kletka Molchat Doma - Kommersanty Molchat Doma - Sudno Molchat Doma - Toska Molchat Doma - Volny Nürnberg - Žorstka Nürnberg - Valas Lyube - Soldat Lyube - Kom...
Drone Landing Fix
Finally, after 10 years, you can get rid of the biggest ArmA 3 bug, which prevents drones from flying again after they land on a LAND waypoint. This could have been released as a $15 DLC, but in honor of the new year, this is a gift for you. (just a joke)N...
Drongos Active Protection System
Autor: Drongo
Discord for my mods My Artillery/Cruise Missile/Loitering Munition mod My Air Support mod DAPS expansion by HBAOplus with support for more mods KEYS: ALT-A: APS menu (can be changed under CBA settings) DAPS is an SP/MP mod for Arma 3 that adds Active Prote...
Drongo's Better AI Gunners
Autor: Drongo
tl;dr Better AI gunners in player vehicles (SP/MP) DEFAULT KEYS Designate target: space Suspend system: shift+space Become commander: alt+space There is a detailed README in the mod folder. Check my profile for a link to my Discord. Discord for my mods My ...
Drongos Active Protection System compat
Autor: HBAOplus
Modified from DAPS for Operation Trebuchet (template), so all credit goes to Drongo Compat classnames can be found in "DefineVehicles.sqf" stored in the mod folder. Old list can be found her...
Dynamic Camo System
Autor: ThomasAngel
Dynamic Camo System A lightweight mod that makes your uniform choice actually matter. If your uniforms colours match the ground, you will be less visible to AI. The mod does this by comparing the uniforms average colour to the ground textures average colou...
Dynamic Civil War Kunduz
Autor: Bidass
Dynamic Civil War (Version beta) Singleplayer scenario The MP version Cooperative (2-6) needs a bit more work to be effectively playable... This scenario is still WIP. A group of Royal Marines is holding the east side of the airport road. Your mission is t...
Dynamic Civil War Livonia
Autor: Bidass
Informations Map : Livonia (Enoch) Type : Singleplayer/Coop(1-8) Languages supported : English and french Mission objective Fully dynamic mission with one objective : find and kill the enemy commander located somewhere on the map. To collect information ab...
Dynamic Civil War Lythium
Autor: Bidass
Disclaimer I've ported the Malden 2035 version to Lythium. In order to gain performance, the area of operation has been a bit reduced. Only the Lythium terrain is required to make it work. The Malden version is located here :
Dynamic Civil War Malden
Autor: Bidass
The new Lythium version is here : Objective Fully dynamic mission with one objective : find and kill the enemy commander located somewhere on the map. To collect information about his possib...
DynaSound 2
Autor: LAxemann
-Reuploading this mod is _not_ permitted- If you enjoy our content, feel free to Donate <- (Click). Donations will be shared 50/50 with jokoho. :) What is DynaSound 2.0? DynaSound 2.0 is a sound modification for ArmA3 and all of it's DLCs. It mainly focuse...
dzn Weapon Holders Carryable
Autor: Buzzil
Adds ability to carry/drag weapon holders (bunch of items dropped to the ground) via ACE3 interaction menu. Version: 1 Requirements: CBA_A3, ACE3 Features: - Make weapon holders carryable and draggable - Number of items that can be carried may be limited i...
Eden Animals
Autor: EO
Place dogs, goats, hens and sheep anywhere in Eden. Rooftops, camps, compounds, outposts. etc. Find them under Props>Animals>Terrestrial Animals are fully animated and follow their own behaviours. Server Key included. For Zeus compatibility check out my An...
Enhanced GPS
Autor: Hoplite
Makes the Arma 3 vanilla GPS readable and suitable for use. Adds a High contrast version for helicopters and planes, to see obstacles clearly and dodge them easily. On the High contrast version, powerlines are marked in green. Terrain at your altitude leve...
Enhanced Movement
________________________________________ Enhanced Movement - BETA ________________________________________ DONATE: ________________________________________ TO LEARN HOW TO B...
Enhanced Map Ace Version
Autor: Hoplite
Makes the Arma 3 map looks like a real Topographic map. Other changes include better Satellite view, better colors and enhanced readability. This version requires Ace to work. For the non Ace version, go here :
Enhanced Movement Rework
Autor: Sceptre
CURRENT VERSION: 1.0.4 Enhanced Movement Rework is a ground-up rework of BadBenson's "Enhanced Movement." This strictly uses the animations with new lightweight scripts. The goal of the mod is to simplify the functions, expand functionality, and get rid of...
Enhanced Soundscape
Autor: LAxemann
-Reuploading this mod is _not_ permitted- If you enjoy our content, feel free to Donate <- (Click). Donations will be shared 50/50 with jokoho. :) What is Enhanced Soundscape? Enhanced Soundscape is a sound enhancement modification for ArmA3. It adds addit...
Enhanced Soundscape Plus
Autor: ThomasAngel
Makes Enhanced Soundscape work with every weapon. This is a patch that allows Enhanced Soundscape to work with every weapon paired with a modern optimization pass for all the functions present in Enhanced Soundscape. Also included are compatibility patches...
Esseker Fixed
Autor: irokez61rus
Just fixed all errors for original Esseker...
Faction Plus
Autor: OrkunHub
A complementary mod that aims to improve Vanilla - RHS -3CB factions and add new and unique factions --Factions-- -Russia MSV -Russia VDV -Russia Alpha Group -Russia FSB -Ukranian Armed Forces & Foreign Legion -USA Army -USA Delta Force -USA 75th Ranger Re...
Faction Armee Francaise
Autor: Meds
Ce mod ajoute une faction francaise à partir du mod AMF AIO Toutes les unités peuvent être trouvées dans la faction "Armée Francaise" dans l'éditor La faction contient tout les kits basiques d'infanterie, les véhicules ainsi que des groupes basés sur les g...
Field Artillery Radar Aistyonok by Nerexis
Aistyonok Radar Mod for Arma 3 (BETA) Overview Inspired by the Aistyonok radar system used by the Russian Armed Forces, this mod introduces a portable counter-battery radar for detecting and calculating the trajectory of incoming projectiles. Developed by ...
Autor: Savelli
This is an Arma extension which lets you store and read data in files from SQF. Important: at 22 Jan. 2022 Linux support was added, thanks to user More information at: Setup guide GitHub page...
Fire on my shot! Engage mode
Autor: Ibragim
Description: Do you need your units to open fire at the same second and not wait for the player to scroll with the mouse, select the Open fire order and shout the command? This mod adds a new fire mode in which the group ceases fire and opens it only after...
Fire Support Plus
Autor: Phenosi A mod that adds more Fire Support modules into ArmA 3 Zeus STATUS: STABLE This mod will add more different fire support modules as well as Barrages for ease of use during your operations. You can run these modules through Fu...
FIREWILL Aviation Pack (Complete)
Autor: RotarRooter
First and foremost: I DID NOT create any of this. All of this awesome content was created by FIREWILL. Here is a link to his mods page: *NEWS FOR Helicopter Enthusiasts My sandbox mission ...
Fluid/incremental door opening
Autor: Tenga
What is this? This addon enables you to hold a key, then roll your mouse wheel to incrementally open doors and hatches. How do I install it? Currently the only way to launch addons from the Steam Workshop is to launch the game through the Arma 3 Launcher. ...
FPV Drone Crocus
Dear players, We, along with SAM, are ceasing support for all our mods and will no longer release new ones. All existing mods will remain available in the Workshop. We are removing all licensing restrictions from our mods. They are now fully open for editi...
FT-2 Platform
Autor: Hi,A3 Project
FT-2 RHS is a PvP (TvT) multiplayer game mode with an intensive large scale battles of two sides for strategic key locations. Over 100 playable locations brings the core of teamwork and individual gameplay, with one major task in hand - make your team win!...
Geran-2 & Shahed-136
Autor: Sam
Dear players, We, along with SAM, are ceasing support for all our mods and will no longer release new ones. All existing mods will remain available in the Workshop. We are removing all licensing restrictions from our mods. They are now fully open for editi...
G.O.S Leskovets
Autor: GOS_Makhno
G.O.S Leskovets is a 400 km² map of rural farmland featuring 40 villages. It's mostly inspired from the landscape of Southern Burgundy's "bocage" with hedgerows enclosed fields, many wooded areas and some open fields, but with eastern european/baklanic nam...
G.O.S Al Rayak
Autor: GOS_Makhno
The map is 20 x 20 km, and aims at loosely representing a middle-eastern country. 40 km of coastline, 7 cities, 3 seaports, 2 main rivers, 4 airfields, about 100 villages, many bridges, and far more trees than would be here in reality. Changelog V0041: Cor...
Go Go Go & Move Faster Modes
Autor: Ibragim
Update: Added a similar function to the Move menu. Units move faster and do not react to enemy fire. Acceleration stops when the stamina ends or the enemy totally suppresses the unit with their fire. Description: Have you ever had cases when you need to ab...
Green Sea Battalion Gear 2019
Autor: [GSB] Kappo32
Check out this new Version/Update/Expansion of the mod! The Green Sea Battalion gear mod contains various combat fatigues, vests, equipment and other sorts of gear. This pack also contains various vehicles from armored personal carriers, Infantry Fighting ...
Green Sea Terrain
Autor: Midgardsorm
Map size: 20480x20480 m Fragments from 5 maps were used for map creation: Chernarus, Napf, Caribou Frontier, Utes, Podagorsk. The authors of the original fragments are BIS, FDF team, RHNET team, NAPF team. On all land fragments objects from Arma 1 and 2 ha...
Grozny,1994. (WIP)
This is a mod trying to recreate Grozny, before its assault in 1994. In the creation of Grozny, real maps and photographs of those years were used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Gruppe Adler Trenches
Autor: Salbei
Gruppe Adler Trenches (short: GRAD Trenches) retextures ACE trenches based on the ground texture. Consequently, the trenches seem more natural and blend in with the environment. Features: - Camouflage your trench with small bushes - Place trenches in 3DEN ...
GSB Armbands
Autor: [GSB] Kappo32
just those ugly armbands...
Helicopter Turbulence
Autor: Seb
Helicopter Turbulence As featured in Helisimmer: FEATURES: - Adds random atmospheric turbulence forces to all helicopters. - Works with any modded helicopter, RHS, CUP etc compatible! - Includes s...
Hellenic Armed Forces Mod (HAFM) - NAVY (discontinued)
Autor: Aplion
After long period of efforts finally HAFM Naval mod came to a point that I and my friend Devastator_cm dreamed. Version 2.0 practically is a totally new mod replacing the previous 1.5 version (in case both versions will be used at same time there will be i...
Hellenic Armed Forces MOD - Submarines (discontinued)
Autor: Aplion
This is version 2.0 of a completely working Submarines set for ArmA 3. A long time effort for a MilSim part that I believe that was missing from this game and which would not been possible to be achieved without my friend Devastator_cm which did all script...
HAFM NAVY Core & Weapons part - (discontinued)
Autor: Aplion
A requirement for HAFM submarines and Ships mods (not to be downloaded individually). Current version 2.0 Main MOD (Ships) : Operations manual (also included) external link: https://www.drop...
High Explosive AR-2 FPV Kamikaze Drone
Autor: s3raph
High Explosive AR-2 Darter drone, explodes on impact. You can find it under Backpacks→UAV Bag (AR-2, HE) or in Virtual Garage→AR-2 Darter (HE) UAV. Fast and deadly, it will make quick work out of infantry and light armored vehicles. Given the correct place...
HQ Van - scripted
Autor: ASIM0
The composition contains a van that can be packed and unpacked with the button (at the back of the van). This Van is fully functional and can be used as a headquarters for your operations. No mod required - Vanilla...
Improved Melee System
Autor: WebKnight
Improved Melee System (or IMS:Remastered) is a mod that will allow you to fight with melee weapons, bayonets etc. Lambs compat patch - Version: 1.3 Halo Related Weapons: https://...
Insurgency 1996
Autor: Baton
Insurgency 1996 . COOP/SP low scale insurgency style mission in Chechen War setting on Chernarus map. You will play as Russian MVD/Internal troops against local insurgents. Your objective is to locate and destroy all enemy supply points in the AO . FEATURE...
Interiors for CUP
About This small add-on replaces many CUP buildings with their equivalents from the Contact DLC, meaning many buildings on terrains using CUP buildings now have interiors. We have found that it completely changes how we play on terrains that we've known fo...
Isla Duala
Autor: IceBreakr
Isla Duala: one of the most played islands since Arma2 release. Version: 3.9.5 El Diablo, IceBreakr and Tourist Board of Afrene are inviting you to visit a paradise on Earth - Isla Duala. Tropical forests, sandy beaches, wild savannah, clear water and... n...
ITC Air Systems
Autor: Yax
ITC Aircraft Improvements ITC Air is the standalone release of an in-house mod that aims to realistically expand the toolset of CAS pilots and JTACs. The mod's full documentation is available here. The documentation both has user manuals and configuration ...
Ivory Car Pack [Official] [OUTDATED]
Autor: dezkit
* The development of this mod has been halted until Arma 4 release * Ivory Car Pack by Max Kit This is the official page for the Ivory Car Pack. Features • 25+ Vehicles, with some vehicles having police/ems versions • High fidelity models • Realistic physi...
Izdelie-305 TV Missile The light multipurpose guided missile (LMGM) "305" or "Product 305" is a Russian guided air-to-surface missile belonging to the class of high-precision weapons. Technical specifications: - Maximum flight range - 14 km, - Fli...
Autor: M1lkM8n
Jbad is an addon created by Smokedog and M1lkman for Arma 3 which currently includes many structures and objects upgraded from Arma 2. Eventually it will include our own Jalalabad terrain as well. This is a very early alpha release. We are just uploading h...
JCA - QOL Essentials V1
Autor: Grave
Main Information Weapons: E22 Essentials is a collection of QOL changes and features to Arma 3 and it's DLC that were previously (And currently) included and forced into use within all E22 Projects. E22 Essentials has been created for multiple reasons; The...
Interrogation System
Autor: J3FF
Interrogation System This mod introduces a module that adds the ability to interrogate a unit during gameplay. The module lets you add intel that can be learned from the interrogation, as well as other things like difficulty and the amount of times the uni...
JCA - QOL Essentials V2
Autor: Grave
JointCom Armoury - Quality of Life Essentials Version 2 DESCRIPTION: JCA - Quality of Life Version 2 seeks to bring some minor and some larger quality of life updates to Arma 3 while also throwing in some little additions to go with it, we hope you enjoy. ...
JCA - UH-80 FFV Patch
Autor: Grave
JointCom Armoury - UH-80 FFV Patch The second mod in the JCA Standalone mod selection, the UH-80 FFV Patch. This mod is designed to make the UH-80 Ghost Hawk more versatile by adding the ability for two passenger seats to open/close the cargo doors and giv...
Autor: LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD A sound mod for ArmA3 . My personal creation of a new audiovisual direction. With more than a few thousand new sound effects JSRS SOUNDMOD provides a powerful and new sound experience, fr...
Autor: LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD - CUP Weapons Mod Support A sound mod for CUP Weapons Mod. My personal creation of a new audiovisual direction. With more than a few thousand new sound effects JSRS SOUNDMOD provides a po...
Autor: LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD - CUP Vehicles Mod Suppport A sound mod for CUP Vehicles Mod. My personal creation of a new audiovisual direction. With more than a few thousand new sound effects JSRS SOUNDMOD provides a...
JSRS SOUNDMOD - Dependency Fixes
Autor: LordJarhead
This is a small selection of each JSRS-Soundmod Patch that was made. When ever you have safed a mission, safed a game or what ever you do with JSRS being loaded and then maybe try to load it with a newer version of JSRS or play without JSRS even, and one o...
JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS AFRF Mod Pack Sound Support
Autor: LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS AFRF Mod Support A sound mod for RHS AFRF Mod. My personal creation of a new audiovisual direction. With more than a few thousand new sound effects JSRS SOUNDMOD provides a powerful...
JSRS SOUNDMOD - Reloading Sounds
Autor: LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD A additional mod for JSRS Soundmod. With this small addon you can enable the JSRS Soundmod reload and handling sounds for all weapons. My JSRS compat files...
JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS GREF Mod Pack Sound Support
Autor: LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS GREF Mod Support A sound mod for RHS GREF Mod. My personal creation of a new audiovisual direction. With more than a few thousand new sound effects JSRS SOUNDMOD provides a powerful...
Autor: LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS SAF Mod Support A sound mod for RHS SAF Mod. My personal creation of a new audiovisual direction. With more than a few thousand new sound effects JSRS SOUNDMOD provides a powerful a...
Kamikaze Drone (FPV drones)
Autor: Dankan37
Kamikaze drones This mod adds a new AR-2 with a RPG rocket attached. The ammunition can be triggered either by ramming an enemy vehicle or manually (via left click). You can find the backpack with the drone in the arsenal or the drones in the "drones" tab ...
JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS USAF Mod Pack Sound Support
Autor: LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS USAF Mod Support A sound mod for RHS USAF Mod. My personal creation of a new audiovisual direction. With more than a few thousand new sound effects JSRS SOUNDMOD provides a powerful...
JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS AiO Mod Pack Sound Support
Autor: LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS All in One Mod Support A sound mod for the complete RHS Mod collection. Please do NOT use this AiO version with the single packed versions of my RHS compat mods! This version uses t...
KAT - Advanced Medical
Autor: Tomcat
KAT Advanced Medical introduces a whole new world to the ACE medical system. We make medical personnel matter while not hindering the medical experience for regular soldiers. KAM adds more realism with simulating airways, breathing and circulation with dif...
Autor: Vectif
Korsac is a 64 km² fictional terrain located in the greater Green Sea region. Inspired by Chernarus, Livonia, and the conflict of the Green Sea region, Korsac is a terrain that aims to provide a modern take on the eastern european setting with the quality ...
Autor: Temppa
Fictional africa/middle east themed terrain 50 villages Two uncovered sand airfields 20km long river v 0.51 Size: 16km x 16km Cell size: 4 1.7 million objects Need Cup terrain core License: APL-SA:
Kunduz, Afghanistan
Autor: Half Halo
With over one year of work and many failed attempts I'd like to thank Bohemia Interactive, contributors and the Arma 3 terrain modding community for their part in the successful completion of Kunduz. The goal was to create a detailed real world Afghani gre...
Kolibri Pistol
Autor: Sam
Dear players, We, along with DarkBall, are ceasing support for all our mods and will no longer release new ones. All existing mods will remain available in the Workshop. We are removing all licensing restrictions from our mods. They are now fully open for ...
Kyklop's Electronic warfare
Autor: KyklopCZ
This mod tries to add basic electronic warfare capabilities into Arma. I'm aware that some of the icons look absolutely stupid, but I'm no artist so just deal with it. Current features TFAR radio jamming (Compatibility available here) ACRE radio jamming (C...
Ladder Tweak Remastered
Remastered Ladder Tweak, with a surprise. This Mod changes the ladder movement speed. This Mod also offers you to slide down the ladder. Full Description Credits Cascadeur - animations APL-SA. Keys included. Client side but everyone should have this Mod to...
Autor: nkenny
A considerable expansion of vanilla Danger.fsm. Added are features which extend the enemy response and reaction to fire. Reuploading to Steam Workshop is not permitted. Summary The overall goal is to make buildings part of the AI's available terrain. The A...
Autor: nkenny
LAMBS RPG This mod is a config level tweak shoulder fired launchers and SPG9 vehicle mounted recoilless cannon. The AI will act more aggressively when equipped with these weapons. RPG7 weapon and ammunition configs are tweaked to allow the AI to target air...
Autor: nkenny
OUTDATED! While the mod may still be used stand-alone, the main mod LAMBS_RPG will automatically handle modded content. LAMBS RPG RHS This is the RHS edition of LAMBS RPG. It enables RPG7 equipped soldiers to prefer shooting infantry and aircraft with the ...
Autor: nkenny
LAMBS Suppression This is a small mod which alters Arma AI Brain config settings to create an AI more susceptible to suppression and stress. The overall goal is to increase durations of fire fights without sacrificing first hit deadliness. Changes * Soldie...
Lancet loitering munition [Obsolete]
Autor: Sam
Don`t use this mod with new Lancet/izdelie53 mod together! Lancet launch takes place from a tripod. You can find it under OPFOR/Spetsnaz/Turrets - "Lancet Tripod Launcher". Take the gunner's place at tripod and launch Lancet. After firing Lancet, an action...
Autor: nkenny
LAMBS TURRETS This mod tweaks many turret based weapons (including static HMGs) to increase dispersion, especially at shorter ranges. ...
Lancet-3 & Izdelie-53
Autor: Sam
Dear players, We, along with SAM, are ceasing support for all our mods and will no longer release new ones. All existing mods will remain available in the Workshop. We are removing all licensing restrictions from our mods. They are now fully open for editi...
LAxemann's Environment Ducking
Autor: LAxemann
Re-Uploading the mod is NOT permitted! Whot does it do? Using a very old audio system, Arma 3 has no means of making sure that environment sounds don't overpower shooting. Until now! The mod "simply" reduces the volume of ambience sounds when shooting depe...
Legacy Main Menu [ACE Version]
Autor: Freddo
Brings back the old pre-apex main menu, and background. Surely I can't be the only one who misses it? In order to get the Stratis background, launch with the parameter -world=stratis; Github BI forums Non-ACE Version
Lethal Darter (Drone with grenade)
Autor: Dankan37
any grenade can be attached to the drone now, even modded ones, smoke grenades, chemlights, flares.... Main This mod allows you to attach grenades to the AR-2 drone and the AL-6, moreover it adds 2 new drones, an AR-2 with a grenade and the AR-4 Colibri, a...
Live Map (Whiteboard)
Autor: Z.A.M. Arma
Live Maps These in-game maps use the UI2Texture feature to create a map texture that updates every tenth of a second. Perfect for briefings or showing off your beautiful artwork! How to Use: This is a scripted composition, not a mod! To use this, place it ...
Autor: Green_Beret
-- VERSION OFICIAL 1.1 -- After more than 3 years of development, we present the map of Lythium. Description The map replicates the intense and most tribal areas of Afghanistan, crossed by a long valley along the map. You will find two main cities, apart f...
Looting Enhanced
Primarily designed for resource gathering game modes like Antistasi, Looting Enhanced provides a customizable ACE3 Interaction which enables looting people and containers. This mod focuses on empowering players to move loot however they want without fear o...
Magazine Simulation A3
Autor: damdatriver
Open-source mod for magazines simulation in ARMA3: Using BIS' super-simple objects method mixed with various SQF code tricks; a magazine model will spawn around hands of subject after mag pulled out, fall with physics simulation. ** Simulation only happens...
MapTools Remastered
Remastered MapTools - allows you to navigate anywhere anytime. This Mod adds some tools to navigate yourself in your Map. Full Description APL-SA. Keys included. Client side....
Mavic 3
Dear players, We, along with SAM, are ceasing support for all our mods and will no longer release new ones. All existing mods will remain available in the Workshop. We are removing all licensing restrictions from our mods. They are now fully open for editi...
Mavic 3 drop mod
Autor: Sam
Dear players, We, along with SAM, are ceasing support for all our mods and will no longer release new ones. All existing mods will remain available in the Workshop. We are removing all licensing restrictions from our mods. They are now fully open for editi...
MCC Sandbox 4 - Mission Making The Easy Way
Autor: shay_gman
Join our Discord Channel and our server MCC Wikia page So what is MCC Sandbox exactly? "A powerful tool that takes control of any mission you’re running." - Rock, Paper, Shotgun - ...
LOAD Mission Module
Tired of all your work being erased after each session? Worry no more! Now you can save the unique missions you create in Zeus and load them again when you encounter a new player-base. I hope this inspires mission-makers and Zeuses to put additional effort...
Military Gear Pack
Autor: Adacas
This is a personal project of mine for Arma 3 community. I aim to bring additional assets for character customization in Arma 3. This mod will cover new uniforms, vests, headgear and other related stuff. I will be making completely new models and also port...
Momo's Syrian Rebel Factions Project : Hell Cannon Mod
Autor: Not Momo
The long awaited Hell Cannon mod. (Do you like cannons? Do you like turning the lives of your enemies into hell? Then you will like the hell cannon). Histroy: "Appearing initially in Idlib province, as early as 2012 (disputable- the first reports don’t app...
MrSanchez' Headlamps
Autor: Sanchez
This mod gives you two functioning headlamps as well as functional helmet mounted flashlights. Works with ArmA 3 v1.68+ Features: - Two functioning headlamps - Functional helmet mounted flashlights (vanilla helmets) - Ability to change lamp colours - Abili...
Multi - Patches
Autor: Xitech
This is a mod that contains multiples patch from Video Games, Anime series and other places. In total there are more than 140 patches from: // Video Games // - Call Of Duty - Dark Souls -Ghost Recon -Girls Frontline -Halo -Neptune (series) -Nier:Automata -...
MSW Russian Uniforms Теги/Tags: 2022; Россия; Война; Гостомель; Украина; Вагнер; ДНР; ЛНР; ВДВ; Азов; Мариуполь; Америка; Военные; Униформа; Танк; Донецк; ВСУ; ЗСУ; Z; 2014; Чечня; ...
Multiple Drones in Inventory
Autor: Reeveli
Carry multiple recoverable drones in your inventory. This mod adds inventory items that allows you to carry multiple drones in your inventory. No longer do you have to sacrifice your backpack for a drone. You are also able to recover used drones (this can ...
Oznaczony jako niezgodny ]  NAPF Island
Autor: coldze
Napf Island A3 by Momo & ANixon This is a ported version of the Napf Island for Arma 2: OA by #momo#. After 2.5 years of work, I finally finished my Napf Island. It is a terrain for Arma2 OA that is 20.4km on 20.4km in size. While the norh part is rather f...
New Esseker
Autor: Malcain
Welcome to New Esseker. This is a reworked version of Esseker terrain. Redesigned using new assets and custom lighting+weather. All vegetation, grass, clutter, textures, lighting e.t.c. have been overhauled and replaced. Some buildings and objects have bee...
NFST Grenade Selection Wheel - ACE integrated
Autor: Kerpollo
Description This mod adds a grenade selection wheel so you don't have to tediously cycle through all of your frags to change the active throwable. Select frags easily and intuitively! The mod is client-side, and comes with a customizable keybinding (under ...
Naval Legends
Autor: Sabre
Naval Legends Arcade naval addon for the enthusiast. Together with Flying Legends and Secret Weapons Reloaded you can see this is a reboot and expansion of the original Secret Weapons addon. Currenty included: Akagi, Fubuki, Mutsuki, Foxhound, Dido, Ark Ro...
NSS Admin Console
Autor: MAD T
Title: NSS Admin Console Version: 1.73 Author: MAD T Description: This is an Administrating / Debugging / Mission development tool i wrote long ago for the NSS Gamers community.There was soon not much need for it anymore so it was released to the public an...
OPCOM - Operations Command
Autor: KingOfNuthin
OPCOM: OPERATIONS COMMAND Version: WHAT TO EXPECT: OPCOM is a "see what you get" menu with lots of customization and settings. No modding or deep editor knowledge required. It takes just a few clicks to set up your single-player scenario, op...
Orion UAV
Dear players, We, along with SAM, are ceasing support for all our mods and will no longer release new ones. All existing mods will remain available in the Workshop. We are removing all licensing restrictions from our mods. They are now fully open for editi...
Autor: XArgument5.45
Post apocalyptic maps Requirements: CUP core, CUP maps, CUP CWA SP missions pack
Orlan UAV
Autor: Sam
Dear players, We, along with SAM, are ceasing support for all our mods and will no longer release new ones. All existing mods will remain available in the Workshop. We are removing all licensing restrictions from our mods. They are now fully open for editi...
Plane Turbulence
Autor: Seb
Plane Turbulence FEATURES: - Adds random atmospheric turbulence forces to all planes. - Works with any modded plane, RHS, CUP etc compatible! - Includes serverkey - Scales based on weather (overcast and windspeed both generate more severe turbulence) - Lar...
PMK-1 Gas mask
3d model,texture by Lil_Benny. Porting by Me. ENG Anyone can add this mod to their mod pack. RUS Любой может добавить этот мод в свой аддон. Author of this mod ...
POLPOX's Base Functions
This is the base functions used around my MODs and other works. You are free to use everything in this MOD. Currently, there's no tutorials available. I'll make it sometime after. Showcase mission:
Pook ARTY Pack
Autor: hcpookie
The Pook Artillery pack brings a variety of Soviet-based conventional artillery (2S1, 2S3, 2S5, 2S19, A222) and rocket artillery vehicles (3K60, 4K51, 9K58, 9K72, 9K720, TOS-1A, K-300, 9K57, 9K57M, and 9K52). Now includes NATO M-777 and BGM-109 land-based ...
Pook ATGM Pack
Autor: hcpookie
Requires my pook_Camonets mod! Soviet-heritage ATGM's: - 9K11/9M14 'Malyutka' ('Little One') (NATO: AT-3 'Spandrel') - 9K11P/9M14P 'Malyutka' ('Little One') (NATO: AT-3C 'Spandrel') - 9K111 'Fag0t' ('Bassoon') (NATO: AT-4 'Spigot') - 9K113 'Konkurs' ('Cont...
Pook Boat Pack
Autor: hcpookie
After a 3 year hiatus all the boats are back! Nautical mines, nautical barricades, Nautical Minefields supporting editor / script placement, SOC-R special operations boats, and the tugboat and freighter. Freighter also has a vehicle-in-vehicle configuratio...
Pook Boat Pack (CUP)
Autor: hcpookie
CUP version of the Pook Boat Pack! Requires baseline Pook Boat Pack (and CUP of course)!...
POOK Camonets
Autor: hcpookie
POOK Camonets. POOK_Camonets is the basis for many of my other mods due to the sheer amount of content in this mod which saves overall mod space and provides mission makers and server admins greater flexibility to work with my mod packs with a minimum of s...
Pook Heavy Weapons Pack
Autor: hcpookie
At long last this made it into Arma 3! This mod was originally started in 2012 for Arma 2 (!!!), and has finally been converted to support Arma 3. Yep, it took me that long to get around to it! Contents: ----------------- RPO-A thermobaric (FAE) launcher M...
Pook Soviet Air Force Pack
Autor: hcpookie
After (literally) years of work this is finally ready for play time. This is an amalgamation of my previous Soviet AF mods - my Bomber Pack and Flankers pack, and some Rangemaster aircraft together with some A2 stuff, all up to Jets DLC standards. Sources ...
Portable drone
Autor: Pastoman1
Drone that fits inside backpack, so you no longer need to carry those big, unpractical backpacks. This mod contains BLUEFOR, OPFOR and INDEPENDENT versions of AR-2, AL-6 drones and Remote Designator. WARNING!!! Drones do not work correctly in virtual arsen...
Project OPFOR
Autor: Keeway
The Project OPFOR brings you new factions and armies, which were/are involved in recent military events in past few yearrs. For now to use this mod you only need three mods made by Red Hammer Studio - Armed Forces of Russian Federation, United States Armed...
Project SFX: Footsteps
Autor: WebKnight
More beefier, military styled footsteps. I did it for myself and my boys, cause we didnt liked vanilla and modded footsteps sounds. So here it is. I am uploading it mostly for my group, but you can use it as well if you like it. It has footsteps for 90% of...
Pylon Manager
Autor: GENIX
Discord Description: This is a mod I created for players to customize their pylons on Planes, Helicopter and UAV's. Pylon Manger is dynamic so it should work with any plane or helicopter mod as well. How to use: The action will show u...
Project SFX: Remastered
Autor: WebKnight
Footsteps: (Originally wanted to make them part of Project SFX, but decided to make them separate, cause not everyone will like them) Project SFX: Remastered is an extension of audio element...
Pook ARTY Pack - CUP Edition
Autor: hcpookie
The Pook Artillery pack brings a variety of Soviet-based conventional artillery (2S1, 2S3, 2S5, 2S19, A222) and rocket artillery vehicles (3K60, 4K51, 9K57, 9K58, 9K72, 9K720, K300P, TOS-1A). This is the CUP version and requires the baseline mod for 'vanil...
RDS Civilian Pack
Autor: szlojma
A2 Eastern Themed Civilian Pack which contains different vehicles & characters: Ikarus 260 Skod 1203 Skoda Octavia II 2.0 TDI VW Golf IV 1.9 TDI (I know in fact it's 1.6 FSI but I like that version :P) VAZ-2103 GAZ-24 Zetor Tractor Yamaha TT-650 Jawa 353 2...
Realistic Auto Pilots
Autor: Blockdude
Adds a scirpt-based autopilot to all aircraft in a mission for clients running the mod! Have you ever wanted to be able to actually scan the ground for a target while your plane makes sure you don't die? Well now you can with this simple-to-use autopilot m...
Realistic Drones
Enhances drones/UAVs/UGV/radars objects: - makes them all targetable by manpads including AR-2 Darter - makes them not visible on map to enemy units by removing map marker/icon (still leaves circle for players able to connect to drone in UAV Terminal) ...
Remote EDs Separate Detonation
Autor: Ibragim
Description: This mod allows the player to detonate remotely activated explosive devices one at a time, rather than all at once. Vanilla and mods supported TeamSwitch and join friendly The player can detonate not only those Remote EDs that his unit has put...
RHS AirPlanes Sound Improve
Autor: [TW]Aaren
New Updates Fix missing Component (Make sure SoundCore is Up to date) What Does It Do? This MOD improves All RHS AirPlanes (Planes,jets,etc) and A-10 Gun run sounds NO UAV!! I make Them More Louder And More Realistic Add G-Force Breathing Sound Effect Add ...
Present to your attention the BTR-82 in two variations: BTR-82 (with KVPT) and BTR-82a (with autocannon) The BTR-82 is a further modification of the BTR-80. The engine was replaced with a more powerful one, because the armor of the APC became thicker.The n...
RHS Mixed Magazines
Autor: Georg Ravioli
Overview: A lightweight mod adding mixed tracer/ball magazines and AP ammo types for RHS rifles and carbines. These provide a more immersive/realistic way to point out targets for your comrades, and increase lethality against RHS armor vests. Features: Mix...
RHS: CUP Weapons Compatibility All-In-One
Autor: SaberSnack
Provides compatibility between CUP and RHS weapon magazines, and fixes issues with 5.45x39 and 7.62x39 in the old version of the mod. Also adds 40 round 7.62x39 mags for AKs and RPKs....
Autor: Sams
ReColor Mod adds customizable color correction and film grain post process effects to any mission. Features: Fully configurable with an in-game dialog. The effects activate automatically when you start a mission. Includes multiple presets provided with the...
# RELEASE 0.5.6: RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation changelog available here - # DISCLAIMER & LICENSE # RE-UPLOADS Re-uploads of any RHS content (in part or in full) on Steam ...
RHS Helicopters Sound Improve
Autor: [TW]Aaren
Updates Fix missing Component "MG8\TWA_SonCore\Configs\Vehicles\VehicleSound_Macro.hpp" (Make sure SoundCore is Up to date) What Does It Do? This MOD Changes All RHS Helis Sounds Gatling Fire Sounds You Will Hear Rotor Sound When You're Turning Hard I make...
# RELEASE 0.5.6: RHS: GREen Forces changelog available here - # REQUIREMENTS RHS: GREF requires 2 mods to run * RHS: AFRF - * RHS: USAF - https://steamc...
Prei Khmaoch Luong is a tiny province in the middle of the South-East Asian peninsula. Situated right on the borders between Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, it has seen a fair share of armed conflicts. Locals use the main river for transport and movement, so t...
# RELEASE 0.5.6: RHS: Serbian Armed Forces changelog available here - # REQUIREMENTS RHS: SAF requires 2 mods to run * RHS: AFRF - * RHS: USAF - https://...
# Release 0.7.0: RHS: Terracore This is the release note accompanying RHS: Terracore release. This mod does not require any other mods to operate. ## Installation ## Steam Workshop Subscribe to the mods of your choice and they will be kept up to date by th...
# RELEASE 0.5.6: RHS: United States Armed Forces changelog available here - # DISCLAIMER & LICENSE # RE-UPLOADS Re-uploads of any RHS content (in part or in full) on Steam Workshop is ...
RKSL Studios - Attachments v3.02
Autor: RKSL-Rock
The RKSL Attachments Pack adds a variety of scope attachments to Arma 3, utilising the game's weapon customisation feature. V3.02c Replaces corrupt uploaded keys V3.02b Server key reupload V3.02a Update to the update - fixes missing logos and corrects the ...
RMTAS: Russian Modern Tank Armor System
Autor: Chupior
About mod: The mod presents modern russian military armor systems to defend tank, for tanks: T-90M Proryv 3, T-72B3M. The following tanks can be found in the TV (Tank Troops) tab of the RHS, where all other RHS tanks are located. There is also support for ...
Rosche, Germany
Autor: WA Lancer
WA Lancer and present Rosche, Germany Rosche is a 236km2 terrain based on the area around the town of Rosche in Lower Saxony. Representing the flat, open plains of northern Germany, Rosche provides for a variety of gameplay from small-...
RPG 29 Vampir
The RPG-29 "Vampir" (Russian for "vampire bat") is a Soviet reusable rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) launcher. Adopted by the Soviet Army in 1989, it was the last RPG to be adopted by the Soviet military before the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. The RPG-...
Autor: Temppa
Ruha 0.12 version Size 8x8km Location Finland Based on real world place but its heavily modifield Need Cup terrains core License: APL-SA: Old version (v.0.11) download link: https://...
RPG-30 Hook
Autor: Sam
Dear players, We, along with DarkBall, are ceasing support for all our mods and will no longer release new ones. All existing mods will remain available in the Workshop. We are removing all licensing restrictions from our mods. They are now fully open for ...
Russian Army Edit: Main Menu Theme
Autor: aLbanetc
автор видео: Eleven_Bravo техническая часть: albanetc...
Russian Helmets Project
Autor: Cucumber
We present to you the project of helmets used in the MVD and FSB of the Russian Federation. We try to make our work as high as possible. Therefore, the process moves very slowly. At the moment, Maska-1 and Altyn helmet with goggles, visor and various cover...
Russian Modern Tank Armor System SUBMOD
Autor: Chupior
Submod for Russian Modern Tank Armor System, to work with Russian Vehicles But With Improved Textures....
Russian police forces
Autor: Temon
Addon contains MVD and Rosgvardiya uniforms, Rosgvardiya special forces , extra-departmental security, and the MVD police units. - Rosgvardiya OMON units in camouflage: kamysh city (3 types), kukla, green kamysh, Gorka-1, Gorka-kukla, black, blue moh. - Ro...
Autor: massi
Description: This addon provide Russian VDV and Russian Marines units to OPFOR side; It adds several new camouflage for uniforms plus custom opscore helmets and retextured bodyarmor in order to represent Russian VDV-Marines units in following factions: - R...
Autor: massi
Description: This addon provide Russian SOF units to OPFOR side; It adds several new camouflage for uniforms plus custom opscore helmets and retextured bodyarmor in order to represent Russian Spetsnaz units in following factions: - Russian Spetsnaz(multica...
S-400 Sam Site
Autor: ミカ [GER]
NEEDS CUP AND RHS This is a Small S-400 Sam Site. I've researched what a S-400 Site looks like and how it's structured. The Site features: 4 Launch Sites 1 Long Range Surveillance Radar 1 Engagement Radar 1 Command Vehicle As well as 5 Launch Vehicles...
S-70 Okhotnik-B UCAV
Autor: Sam
Dear players, We, along with DarkBall, are ceasing support for all our mods and will no longer release new ones. All existing mods will remain available in the Workshop. We are removing all licensing restrictions from our mods. They are now fully open for ...
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Guitar Songs (Mod for Acoustic Guitar Mod)
Autor: D3aThH4wk
Hello Stalker! Are you bored sitting by the fire? Do you only hear the wind and the sounds of mutants? Here is your salvation! Now you can sit by the fire and play guitar! Songs: - He was a good Stalker ...
Autor: jujurat Sa'hatra is 8km (64km2) terrain featuring a small river, dense date palm forests, mountainous zones, agricultural areas/farms, and of course a large city with two adjacent wings, and much more, such as: New cust...
SAVE Mission Module
Tired of all your work being erased after each session? Worry no more! Now you can save the unique missions you create in Zeus and load them again when you encounter a new player-base. I hope this empowers mission-makers and Zeuses to put effort into makin...
Simple Armbands
Autor: Jedi CONTENT This mod adds several colored armbands for team/side identification. Each color comes in different sizes for maximum mod/uniform compatibility. Please note, that there will be clipping on several uniforms. It's an una...
Switchblade Loitering Munition
Autor: naPalm
Switchblade The AeroVironment Switchblade is a miniature loitering munition, designed by AeroVironment and used by several branches of the United States military, British Army and Ukraine defence forces. Small enough to fit in a backpack, the Switchblade l...
Slavyanskiy Battalion Patches
Autor: Aspid
SlavBat Super Patches 2004 ver. 2.2.8 !WARNING! ONLY FOR RUSSIAN PLAYERS PATCHES...
Tank Shell Fly Sound
Autor: {RP}Alan
This mod adds a tank shell fly sound to all tank cannons in all mods. Real tank shells schriek through the air. This mod is a big improvement on the default dry click sound presently in the game. A must for all tank enthusiasts and realism fans. It adds th...
Task Force Arrowhead Radio (BETA!!!)
Autor: Dedmen Miller
This is the ONLY official upload of the TFAR 1.0 beta builds on Steam workshop. Discord server for latest updates and support: This is a beta release! Please keep in mind that Bugs might be more frequent here than on the Stable r...
Theseus Services
Autor: Jonpas Theseus Services is a content mod providing a number of assets for Arma 3, aimed at Private Military Company game style, developed around the needs of Theseus Incorporated community. Starting out as a mod by...
Toyota Land Cruiser 100
Autor: Mayess
Машины UnknownClanGamingп По всем вопросам к разработчику, также можете приобрести для себя свою машину или уже приобрести готовую Тут Разрешено использовать на серверах По поводу исходников обратитесь к автору For all questions to the developer, you can a...
Toyota's Of War (Core)
Autor: Rawr-Tech
This mod is still work in progress. Background: This pack originally aimed to add the legendary 70 series to Arma, however my crippling Toyota addiction has forced my hand to include a more diverse range of vehicles. Information: These vehicles are the bac...
Total Radio Compat Mod [TFAR]
Autor: SuperHind
This Mod adds TFAR Radio Compatibility to Mods/DLCs that don't have it natively. Initially, it was intended to be an internal mod for my unit, the 3rd Shock Army. We've all faced the frustration of wanting to use an era-appropriate radio, only to realize t...
Toyota's Of War (Land Cruiser HZJ76 And VDJ79)
Autor: Rawr-Tech
This mod is still work in progress. Background: This pack originally aimed to add the legendary 70 series to Arma, however my crippling Toyota addiction has forced my hand to include a more diverse range of vehicles. Information: These vehicles are the bac...
Tracer Fires
Autor: ThomasAngel
Tracers can now start fires. Tracer rounds are a firehazard in real life, and now they are a firehazard in Arma as well. When it's dry and tracer rounds are flying about, chances are that a fire will occur. Most of them just tiny burns, but some will grow ...
TV Guided missile (SPIKE NLOS)
Autor: Dankan37
TV Guided missile This mod adds a new feature to Arma 3: TV guided missiles. You can launch these missiles from various platforms and steer them during flight using a camera view. You can also switch between different camera modes, such as thermal or night...
Autor: Mayess
Техническая модификация, набор текстур, звуков, материалов и других файлов для обеспечении робота способности других модификаций для Arma 3. Данный мод представляет собой обязательный набор файлов, предназначенный для обеспечения функционирования модификац...
UAF Vehicles Pack
Autor: Luca
Preface: Like my work? Want to support me? Please support the people of Ukraine instead! - Come back alive - Red Cross Ukraine - NAFO list of charities Description: This mod adds various vehicles used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces to your game. All vehicle...
Ukraine AFU 2022 new
Autor: walidsamour47
This mod features units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, during the 2022 Russo-Ukraine war. All units consist of infantry units armed with missle launchers, machine guns, rifles and sniper rifles. No vehicles in this mod but the vehicles in the ukrainian fa...
Universal Ammo System
Autor: El Berl
The spiritual successor to Joint Ammo & Magazines, Universal Ammo System introduces a cross-compatible ammo suite that works with countless weapon mods. No longer will you have to contend with each weapon mod having different stats for the same cartridges....
USAF Mod - Main
Autor: USAF Mod Team
USAF Mod - Main Pack Welcome everyone to the new official home of the USAF MOD! This is the Main pack which contains the core functionality of the USAF Mod, and it is required by all other USAF packs. This pack contains the weapons, functions, and other co...
UpArmoured T55
Autor: AA 005
Got an outdated T-55? Lets upgrade on a budget. It wont be pretty, but it might just work. First I added some extra armour plating and sandbags on the hull, turret and gun. I added a cope cage because it protects against the sun... AT weapons, not so much....
UpArmoured HMMWV
Autor: AA 005
Got an old open topped Hummer that needs more protection? Grab that welder and duct tape and start slapping on some steel plates. This Hummer is up armoured, up gunned, and has extra ammo to boot. The front passenger has an M240 MG, turret gunner has a MK1...
USS Nimitz
Autor: Rory
The USS Nimitz is a mod for Arma 3. It adds the nuclear powered carrier USS Nimitz to the BLUFOR side. The ship is a static structure, does not move and is not pilotable. It is provided with explicit permission of its creator, Tetet. Features • Full scale ...
Follow me Discord -Véhicule libre d'accès. -Interdiction de changer la plaque ou le nom de l'auteur. -Interdit d'utiliser a des fins commerciaux. -------------------------------------------------------- -Vehicle free of access. -...
USP Patches & Insignias
Autor: DireOne
USP Patches - 4525 Unit Patches & Insignias Required Addons: None Signed: Yes, Server Key included VERSION 1.6 1350 New Patches & Insignias added. 4525 Total. Wait, what?! Steam Workshop?! This isn't where this is supposed to go....awww screw it. Okay, aft...
Vanilla AirPlanes Sound Improve
Autor: [TW]Aaren
New Updates Fix missing Component (Make sure SoundCore is Up to date) Vanilla GAU-8 Sound Mods JSRS 1.4 Semi FullAuto What Does It Do? This MOD improve all Vanilla Aircraft (Vtols,jets,etc) NO UAV!! Gun sounds for XV-44(make it sounds like AC-130) I make T...
Follow me Discord -Véhicule libre d'accès. -Interdiction de changer la plaque ou le nom de l'auteur. -Interdit d'utiliser a des fins commerciaux. -Neon Disponible -Backfire systeme by Ivorie -D'autre ajout a venir ---------------...
Autor: USAF Mod Team
AC-130 BETA Thank you for waiting while we worked on this, and waiting just a bit longer for the full release! It's crazy to think that it's taken over 5 years to get it to this point. Beta means that is this a test release so the public can assist us in f...
Vanilla GAU-8 Sound Improve
Autor: [TW]Aaren
New Updates Small Tweak on Config What Does It Do? This mod only changes Vanilla A-164 Wipout All Sounds(Engine,Canon...) It is compatible with other sound mod(like JSRS...) Compatible With ACE Fire Sound(For Cockpit) Source...
Vanilla GAU-8 Sound Improve (ARMA2 JSRS1.4)
Autor: [TW]Aaren
New Update Small Tweak on Config Fire Echo Sounds(For Ground Troopers) Source From JSRS1.4(ARMA2) I make the sound as nice as I can... Compatible With ACE Client Side Fire Sound(For Cockpit) Source From JSRS2.2 DrangonFyre Add G-Breating Sound If G-Force b...
Vanilla Ground Vehicles Sound Improve
Autor: [TW]Aaren
Updates Big Changes for pretty much for every vehicles (much fits the environment) Change 3D Processors + Volume Curves Fix Confilction with SoundCore (SoundCore required) What Does It Do? This MOD Change All Vanilla Tanks ,Static Weapons ,Missiles , ARTY ...
Vanilla Helicopters Sound Improve
Autor: [TW]Aaren
New Updates Fix missing Component "MG8\TWA_SonCore\Configs\Vehicles\VehicleSound_Macro.hpp" (Make sure SoundCore is Up to date) What Does It Do? This MOD Change All Vanilla Helis Sounds ,Attack Helis Cannon Firing Sounds ,Gatling Firing Sounds ,And Rockets...
Vanilla Impact Sound Improve
Autor: [TW]Aaren
What Does It Do? This Addon was moved from my Helis Sounds and Planes Sounds Here Is My Work Any Suggestions Tell Me in The Comment ;) Recommend For the best experience DynaSound2 Subscribe My...
Autor: The Planter
Missions remade from VBS2 All the missions are direct remakes from VBS 2 U.S Army 1: Base Defense 2: Chemical Weapons 3: Chinook Rescue 4: Black Market 5: Warrior Defense 6: Election Day 7: Detention 8: Insurgent Search 9: Insurgent supplies 10: Alpha Savi...
Autor: Sam
Dear players, We, along with DarkBall, are ceasing support for all our mods and will no longer release new ones. All existing mods will remain available in the Workshop. We are removing all licensing restrictions from our mods. They are now fully open for ...
Autor: VileAce
This mod will remove all HUD items including; hud, info, radar, compass, direction, menu, group, cursors, and panels. The mod will also hide the crew list when in vehicles on the NAK Altis Server. The default keybinding is "O" (default for watch). If you a...
Virolahti - Valtatie 7
Autor: furean
After years of working on and off with this terrain, I'm pleased to finally be able to tell you: Welcome to Virolahti! This is a fictionalized version of the municipality of Virolahti; which is the southeastern-most municipality of Finland and thus right o...
Virtual Training Facility
A massive sandbox scenario designed specifically for units to run their training exercises on. Both functional and fun, this scenario was designed to be a default mission loaded on milsim servers when there's not a current operation running. Plenty of Virt...
VSM All-In-One Collection
This is the VSM-All-In-One Collection, adding even more gear variety to the game. This Collection has the following mods included as a single download, for making your Arma tactical barbie gear loadouts- VSM Uniforms VSM Vests and Helmets VSM Accessories V...
Wagner Flags
Autor: stez
rus: В этом моде есть все официальные флаги Вагнера и Вагнер Центр, также имеются маленькие флаги для зданий и столбов и т.д. ТЕПЕРЬ РАБОТАЕТ И В ЗЕВСЕ eng: This mod has all the official flags of Wagner and the Wagner Center, also has small flags for build...
Wagner PMC
not good for russian the equipments and weapons,you guys should use this with rhsafrf btw i wont express my political position,this is just a mod man fixed some unofficial stuffs ive deleted brmc for almost 3 months,plz stop repeating this and do something...
VKPO 3.0
В этом моде представлено две версии летней российской униформы ВКПО 3.0: - Форма без перчаток - Форма с перчатками -------------------------------------- В дальнейшем будут добавляться детали всего комплекта ВКПО 3.0. --------------------------------------...
Weather Plus
Autor: Phenosi A mod that adds Weather modules into ArmA 3 Zeus STATUS: FULL RELEASE You can run these modules through Functions in your scripts Github wiki page for all the PLUS mods: Havi...
WMO - Walkable Moving Objects
Autor: Bloodwyn
This Addons makes you be able to walk on driving vehicles without sliding off. I highly recommend BadBensons Enhanced Movement to be able to climb ontop of the vehicles. But it is optional. Notes: - Only the clients need the mod - Every type of vehicle wor...
X-Cam-Taunus (Version 1.1)
Autor: silola
We are pleased to announce that we have completed the second version of the X-Cam-Taunus map. This version is around 96% completed and we want to release the final version later this year. We would like to thank everyone who helped us with more or less wor...
Window Breaker
Autor: Axebeard NOW WITH BIKEY! CLIENTSIDE! Allows you to bind a custom key using CBA to smash windows open with a weapon. Requires you to: -Be standing -Be holding a rifle or handgun -Be conscious -Be not captive -Be alive -Be within arms ...
Autor: Yura_Esin
Copyright ©Yura Esin (YuEmod) 2017 YuEmod is dedicated to the special forces of the RF armed forces. This version includes: camouflage suits "Sumrak" Body armor "Defender 2" mollies and without mollies with RPM "Smersh". Unloading "Smersh" and "Tarzan" Hel...
Zagorsk Quarries
Autor: askanio1
Zagorsk Quarries Version 1.0 This map is a part of Zagorsk map! Others part of big map: Zagorsk Big City Zagorsk Big Lakes Zagorsk Khotkovo Zagorsk Long Lake Zagorsk Countryside Zagorsk Trud Zagorsk Quarries has 35 villages, 1 abandoned military base, 1 ai...
VSM National Gear Pack
This mod is aimed at adding a range of different uniforms from various nations into Arma 3. The mod itself will not be receiving additional updates with new nations or gear, but is here for legacy purposes. With that being said this mod contains the follow...
Zeus Enhanced
Autor: mharis001
Zeus Enhanced Zeus Enhanced, also known as ZEN, is an Arma 3 mod aimed at improving and expanding the functionality of the Zeus real-time editor. Zeus Enhanced is built with communities who use Zeus as their primary mission making tool in mind by enabling ...
[ Fixed ] RHS First chechen war
I do not claim to be the author of this campaign, of the missions, I merely corrected their work!!!! Original (RHS First Chechen War fixed) Campaign Missions: 1: Battle Fo...
[Expansion Mod] CBRN 2035
Autor: Jakes
CBRN Expansion ModThis mod aims to expand the scope of the vanilla game's CBRN assets and provide more options to mission makers and players.Contact / Helicopter / APEX DLC only needed if you use the item that require those DLC's New Features- Press F to c...
[RU] - предметы для ОРЕХ
Autor: Igrik ☆
Это перевод на русский язык мода для миссий OPEX от Gemini : Этот небольшой мод добавляет несколько предметов для миссий OPEX ( Документы, спец.оборудование, еда, вода и прочее... ). Они позв...
[RU] DUWS_X -Gabreta
Autor: Igrik ☆
This is the Russian translation of the mission by Killa Tomata: Map: Gabreta...
[RU] DUWS_X -Kunduz
Autor: Igrik ☆
This is the Russian translation of the mission by Killa Tomata: Map: Kunduz Afghanistan - Fixed Doors...
[RU] DUWS_X -Niakala
Autor: Igrik ☆
This is the Russian translation of the mission by Killa Tomata: Map: Niakala...
[RU] DUWS_X -Playa del Dulce
Autor: Igrik ☆
This is the Russian translation of the mission by Killa Tomata: Map: Playa del Dulce (tropical Chernarus)...
[RU] DUWS_X -Sefrou-Ramal
Autor: Igrik ☆
This is the Russian translation of the mission by Killa Tomata: Map: Sefrou-Ramal...
[RU]OPEX - Altis
Autor: Igrik ☆
This is the Russian translation of the original mission from Gemini. All rights to the mission and acknowledgements belong to Gemini. Link to the original :
[RU]OPEX - Isla Duala
Autor: Igrik ☆
This is the Russian translation of the original mission from Gemini. All rights to the mission and acknowledgements belong to Gemini. Link to the original :
[RU] DUWS_X -Ливония
Autor: Igrik ☆
This is the Russian translation of the mission by Killa Tomata: ...
[RU] DUWS_X -Lythium
Autor: Igrik ☆
This is the Russian translation of the mission by Killa Tomata: Map: Lythium...
[RU]OPEX - Kunduz
Autor: Igrik ☆
This is the Russian translation of the original mission from Gemini. All rights to the mission and acknowledgements belong to Gemini. Link to the original :
[RU]OPEX - Livonia
Autor: Igrik ☆
This is the Russian translation of the original mission from Gemini. All rights to the mission and acknowledgements belong to Gemini. Link to the original :
[RU]OPEX - Stratis
Autor: Igrik ☆
This is the Russian translation of the original mission from Gemini. All rights to the mission and acknowledgements belong to Gemini. Link to the original :
[RU]OPEX - Tanoa
Autor: Igrik ☆
This is the Russian translation of the original mission from Gemini. All rights to the mission and acknowledgements belong to Gemini. Link to the original :
[RU]OPEX - Taunus
Autor: Igrik ☆
This is the Russian translation of the original mission from Gemini. All rights to the mission and acknowledgements belong to Gemini. Link to the original :
Autor: Igrik ☆
This is the Russian translation of the original mission from Gemini. All rights to the mission and acknowledgements belong to Gemini. Link to the original :
[WIP] Anti-Bounce System (ABS)
Autor: Leopard20
This is a simple and lightweight addon that attempts to improve (not fix) the weird PhysX problem where the vehicles bounce up into the air upon contact. All "Land" vehicles are supported (from any mod) ⚠ Warning! This mod is work-in-progress! ⚠ I made thi...
OUTSKIRTS OF BAKHMUT(ARTEMOVSK) ---- Armed Forces of the Russian Federation---- ---- PMCs "Wagner"---- ------ Very difficult------ "And your eye will not regret; but life will go for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot." Deuter...
Autor: Gengu
Тематический мод для URALSERVER66. LICENSE AGREEMENT: ARGM mod ARMA 3 © 2024 by AndyRix (Gengu) & GoodMorning is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit
US66 Addon
Autor: Ю'стум
Uralserver66 Addon: === + Характеристики стрелковых боеприпасов из мода CUP уравнены с такими-же боеприпасами из мода RHS; + Звуки оружия из мода CUP заменены на звуки такого-же оружия из мода RHS; + Для всех модификаций ми-8 (RHS) добавлен сенсер и звуков...
Mull of Kintyre
Autor: Ice
Based "very" loosely on the Mull of Kintyre in Scotland. 24 x 24km 2m Objects !!! New key rof_mok_1.2 !!! You are not allowed to edit or reupload on the workshop or elsewhere. FAQ: Q. Can you remove cup? A. No Q, Can I edit it / reupload? A. No Thanks to: ...
Autor: truck gaming
The powerful RSh-12 assault revolver, manufactured by KBP Instrument Design Bureau, was designed for use by Russian special forces. Despite the powerful 12.7x55 mm caliber, the RSh-12 has less recoil than many other large-caliber revolvers and pistols, sin...
UMB Colombia
Autor: Chaser
Information The map Colombia is based on real satellite data of northern Colombia combined with a free interpretation of a Colombian coastline. It was/is being developed with a strong focus on tactical mil-sim, but should work with most other game modes, t...
Autor: Makarov
RPO 'Shmel' Nothing to DMCA for once so I decided to actually make this public - 3 variants; RPO-A, RPO-Z, & RPO-D - Fully animated model, including "compact" state when carrying on the back - Properly ranged sights to 150, 200, 250, 400, 500, and 600 mete...
Zala Z-16 UAV
Dear players, We, along with SAM, are ceasing support for all our mods and will no longer release new ones. All existing mods will remain available in the Workshop. We are removing all licensing restrictions from our mods. They are now fully open for editi...
Realistic Driving Terrains REWRITE
Autor: R. Gonzalez - Quer um servidor PÚBLICO MilSim, e que use mods de realismo como esse?! Venha conhecer a ForceTac BR, a Comunidade Milsim em estreia no BR! CLIQUE AQUI This is a Rewrite of the amazing origi...
Sania & Volnorez EW
Autor: Sam
Dear players, We, along with SAM, are ceasing support for all our mods and will no longer release new ones. All existing mods will remain available in the Workshop. We are removing all licensing restrictions from our mods. They are now fully open for editi...
Chernarus 2035
Autor: Crazy Mike
This mod is no longer being developed by me. APL-SA Licensed Chernarus 2035 is the Eastern area of the fictional country of Chernarus, the arma 2 map. This mod aims to be a slight ...
Dynamic Recon Ops ACE - Altis
Autor: chazbotic
This is not an official port of Dynamic Recon Ops, original mission credit to mbrdmn. This port is designed to better integrate DRO with ACE3 and requires both CBA and ACE3. Dynamic Recon Ops is a randomized, replayable scenario that generates an enemy occ...
Autor: dead_kennedy
Beketov. Version: 1.0 Location: Central Russia Type of the landscape: rural Map size: 20x20 km (400 km^2) Number of settlements: > 50 Suitable for: individual, squad, platoon or company simulation ========================= I...
Dynamic Recon Ops ACE - Chernarus Summer
Autor: chazbotic
This is not an official port of Dynamic Recon Ops, original mission credit to mbrdmn. This port is designed to better integrate DRO with ACE3 and requires both CBA and ACE3. Dynamic Recon Ops is a randomized, replayable scenario that generates an enemy occ...
Dynamic Recon Ops ACE - Chernarus Autumn
Autor: chazbotic
This is not an official port of Dynamic Recon Ops, original mission credit to mbrdmn. This port is designed to better integrate DRO with ACE3 and requires both CBA and ACE3. Dynamic Recon Ops is a randomized, replayable scenario that generates an enemy occ...
Dynamic Recon Ops ACE - Beketov
Autor: chazbotic
This is not an official port of Dynamic Recon Ops, original mission credit to mbrdmn. This port is designed to better integrate DRO with ACE3 and requires both CBA and ACE3. Dynamic Recon Ops is a randomized, replayable scenario that generates an enemy occ...
Dynamic Recon Ops ACE - Chernarus Winter
Autor: chazbotic
This is not an official port of Dynamic Recon Ops, original mission credit to mbrdmn. This port is designed to better integrate DRO with ACE3 and requires both CBA and ACE3. Dynamic Recon Ops is a randomized, replayable scenario that generates an enemy occ...
Dynamic Recon Ops ACE - Malden 2035
Autor: chazbotic
This is not an official port of Dynamic Recon Ops, original mission credit to mbrdmn. This port is designed to better integrate DRO with ACE3 and requires both CBA and ACE3. Dynamic Recon Ops is a randomized, replayable scenario that generates an enemy occ...
Dynamic Recon Ops ACE - Livonia
Autor: chazbotic
This is not an official port of Dynamic Recon Ops, original mission credit to mbrdmn. This port is designed to better integrate DRO with ACE3 and requires both CBA and ACE3. Dynamic Recon Ops is a randomized, replayable scenario that generates an enemy occ...
Dynamic Recon Ops ACE - Tanoa
Autor: chazbotic
This is not an official port of Dynamic Recon Ops, original mission credit to mbrdmn. This port is designed to better integrate DRO with ACE3 and requires both CBA and ACE3. Dynamic Recon Ops is a randomized, replayable scenario that generates an enemy occ...
Dynamic Recon Ops ACE - Stratis
Autor: chazbotic
This is not an official port of Dynamic Recon Ops, original mission credit to mbrdmn. This port is designed to better integrate DRO with ACE3 and requires both CBA and ACE3. Dynamic Recon Ops is a randomized, replayable scenario that generates an enemy occ...
Dynamic Recon Ops ACE - Takistan
Autor: chazbotic
This is not an official port of Dynamic Recon Ops, original mission credit to mbrdmn. This port is designed to better integrate DRO with ACE3 and requires both CBA and ACE3. Dynamic Recon Ops is a randomized, replayable scenario that generates an enemy occ...
KP Liberation Al Rayak
Autor: Wyqer
Version: 0.96.7a Changelog and Wiki This mission is only a continued project based on the original, but most likely abandoned, mission from GreuhZbug. OTHER MAPS: Steam Workshop Collection --- Overview --- The area has fallen to the enemy, and it is up to ...
KP Liberation Chernarus
Autor: Wyqer
Version: 0.96.7a Changelog and Wiki This mission is only a continued project based on the original, but most likely abandoned, mission from GreuhZbug. OTHER MAPS: Steam Workshop Collection --- Overview --- The area has fallen to the enemy, and it is up to ...
KP Liberation Altis
Autor: Wyqer
Version: 0.96.7a Changelog and Wiki This mission is only a continued project based on the original, but most likely abandoned, mission from GreuhZbug. OTHER MAPS: Steam Workshop Collection --- Overview --- The area has fallen to the enemy, and it is up to ...
KP Liberation Livonia
Autor: Wyqer
Version: 0.96.7a Changelog and Wiki This mission is only a continued project based on the original, but most likely abandoned, mission from GreuhZbug. OTHER MAPS: Steam Workshop Collection --- Overview --- The area has fallen to the enemy, and it is up to ...
KP Liberation Chernarus Winter
Autor: Wyqer
Version: 0.96.7a Changelog and Wiki This mission is only a continued project based on the original, but most likely abandoned, mission from GreuhZbug. OTHER MAPS: Steam Workshop Collection --- Overview --- The area has fallen to the enemy, and it is up to ...
KP Liberation Lythium
Autor: Wyqer
Version: 0.96.7a Changelog and Wiki This mission is only a continued project based on the original, but most likely abandoned, mission from GreuhZbug. OTHER MAPS: Steam Workshop Collection --- Overview --- The area has fallen to the enemy, and it is up to ...
KP Liberation Malden
Autor: Wyqer
Version: 0.96.7a Changelog and Wiki This mission is only a continued project based on the original, but most likely abandoned, mission from GreuhZbug. OTHER MAPS: Steam Workshop Collection --- Overview --- The area has fallen to the enemy, and it is up to ...
KP Liberation Takistan
Autor: Wyqer
Version: 0.96.7a Changelog and Wiki This mission is only a continued project based on the original, but most likely abandoned, mission from GreuhZbug. OTHER MAPS: Steam Workshop Collection --- Overview --- The area has fallen to the enemy, and it is up to ...
KP Liberation Taunus
Autor: Wyqer
Version: 0.96.7a Changelog and Wiki This mission is only a continued project based on the original, but most likely abandoned, mission from GreuhZbug. OTHER MAPS: Steam Workshop Collection --- Overview --- The area has fallen to the enemy, and it is up to ...
KP Liberation Tanoa
Autor: Wyqer
Version: 0.96.7a Changelog and Wiki This mission is only a continued project based on the original, but most likely abandoned, mission from GreuhZbug. OTHER MAPS: Steam Workshop Collection --- Overview --- The area has fallen to the enemy, and it is up to ...
Autor: DnA
Tanoa: Altis version: NMD Sandbox is a multiplayer mission focused on allowing players to use all the different assets the game ...
RIS - Chernarus
Autor: Kamen
Immediately jump into random infantry skirmish on random place on the map. You can choose any faction, any weapon and any vehicles and just start fighting. Main features Fast paced, dynamically generated firefight with infantry and land/air vehicles Compat...
RIS - Kunduz, Afghanistan
Autor: Kamen
Immediately jump into random infantry skirmish on random place on the map. You can choose any faction, any weapon and any vehicles and just start fighting. Main features Fast paced, dynamically generated firefight with infantry and land/air vehicles Compat...
RIS - Altis
Autor: Kamen
Immediately jump into random infantry skirmish on random place on the map. You can choose any faction, any weapon and any vehicles and just start fighting. Main features Fast paced, dynamically generated firefight with infantry and land/air vehicles Compat...
RIS - Lythium
Autor: Kamen
Immediately jump into random infantry skirmish on random place on the map. You can choose any faction, any weapon and any vehicles and just start fighting. Main features Fast paced, dynamically generated firefight with infantry and land/air vehicles Compat...
RIS - Isla Duala
Autor: Kamen
Immediately jump into random infantry skirmish on random place on the map. You can choose any faction, any weapon and any vehicles and just start fighting. Main features Fast paced, dynamically generated firefight with infantry and land/air vehicles Compat...
RIS - Malden 2035
Autor: Kamen
Immediately jump into random infantry skirmish on random place on the map. You can choose any faction, any weapon and any vehicles and just start fighting. Main features Fast paced, dynamically generated firefight with infantry and land/air vehicles Compat...
RIS - Module
Autor: Kamen
Module version of Random Infantry Skirmish. Immediately jump into random infantry skirmish on random place on the map. You can choose any faction, any weapon and any vehicles and just start fighting. Main features Fast paced, dynamically generated firefigh...
RIS - Nogova
Autor: Kamen
Immediately jump into random infantry skirmish on random place on the map. You can choose any faction, any weapon and any vehicles and just start fighting. Main features Fast paced, dynamically generated firefight with infantry and land/air vehicles Compat...
RIS - Stratis
Autor: Kamen
Immediately jump into random infantry skirmish on random place on the map. You can choose any faction, any weapon and any vehicles and just start fighting. Main features Fast paced, dynamically generated firefight with infantry and land/air vehicles Compat...
RIS - Takistan
Autor: Kamen
Immediately jump into random infantry skirmish on random place on the map. You can choose any faction, any weapon and any vehicles and just start fighting. Main features Fast paced, dynamically generated firefight with infantry and land/air vehicles Compat...
RIS - Tanoa
Autor: Kamen
Immediately jump into random infantry skirmish on random place on the map. You can choose any faction, any weapon and any vehicles and just start fighting. Main features Fast paced, dynamically generated firefight with infantry and land/air vehicles Compat...
RIS - Zargabad
Autor: Kamen
Immediately jump into random infantry skirmish on random place on the map. You can choose any faction, any weapon and any vehicles and just start fighting. Main features Fast paced, dynamically generated firefight with infantry and land/air vehicles Compat...
TRGM2 - Stratis
Autor: treendy
TRGM2 is a fully randomised mission, no need for mission setup, just press play and go (If you want to customise your settings, there is an easy menu at start where you can adjust mission types and advanced settings) You start the mission at the same base ...
[RU] DUWS_X-Chernarus2035
Autor: Igrik ☆
This is the Russian translation of the mission by Killa Tomata:
Remove stamina
Autor: Muttley
Simple mod which executes "player enableStamina false" each second. Useful when you play CO-OP missions which require a lot of running. CBA_A3 is required
Remove stamina - ACE 3
Autor: Muttley
This mod disables ACE 3 Advanced Fatigue feature. To work as intended it requires the original 'Remove stamina' mod. If you want to use ArmA's vanilla fatigue system in a mission you can load this addon without 'Remove stamina' mod. Public key included Req...
Zagorsk Big City
Autor: askanio1
Zagorsk Big City Version 1.3 This map is a part of Zagorsk map! Others part of big map: Zagorsk Big Lakes Zagorsk Quarries Zagorsk Khotkovo Zagorsk Long Lake Zagorsk Countryside Zagorsk Trud Zagorsk Big City has 1 big city and more than 40 villages, severa...
Arma Realistic Map Assets V2
Autor: GrueArbre
Assets for map generated with GameRealisticMap for Arma 3. Dependencies Dependencies varies upon used content : - Sahel trees requires CUP Terrain Core - Sahel base world (arm_sahel) requires JBad Dependencies have not been set in Workshop to avoid imposin...
Avdiivka Ukraine
Map of Avdiivka in Ukraine. It is 13km x 13km. We appreciate your comments or ideas to implement on the map, we will work to find the best version available! -Avdiivka -Stepov -Coke Plant -Lastochkyne -Sjeverne -Opytne -Zenit -Kruta Balka -Kam Yanka -Mine ...
Autor: Sam Background: The 9P132 missile system was produced in 1966, and "Grad-P" was created in just 10 days at the request of Vietnamese guerrillas. The installation is essentially a single-barrel analog of the MLRS "Grad" and is in...
ACE Trench compat
Autor: ilbinek
Adds compatibility of the newly added ACE trenches (3.16) to the Gruppe Adler Trenches addon. Due to limitations, the trenches can only face the four sides of the world. Digging will fail if there's an object interfering with the trench. Digging time can b...
MT-12 Rapira
Autor: ilbinek
MT-12 or 2A29 is a Soviet smoothbore 100 mm anti-tank gun, which served as the primary towed anti-tank artillery in the Soviet army from the early 1970s to the late 1980s. It is in significant use in the Russo-Ukrainian War (2014–present). The 100 mm anti-...
Autor: ilbinek
The M119 howitzer is a lightweight 105 mm howitzer, used by the United States Army. It is the American licensed version of the British L119 light gun. Max range: 11.500 meters Elevation: -5.625° to +69.975° Traverse: 5.625° left or right Due to the rather ...
2B25 Gall
Autor: ilbinek
2B25 "Gall" is a Russian silent portable mortar. It was developed at the Burevestnik Central Research Institute in Nizhny Novgorod. It was demonstrated to the general public in 2011 at the MILEX-2011 arms exhibition held in Minsk. It is currently being mas...
2B9 Vasilek
Autor: ilbinek
The 2B9 Vasilek (2Б9 "Василёк" - Cornflower) is an automatic 82 mm gun-mortar developed in the Soviet Union in 1967 and fielded with the Soviet Army in 1970. Unlike conventional mortars, the 2B9 can fire in single and automatic mode using four-round clips....
Autor: ilbinek
TBD Mortars are recommended for better gameplay The M1943 Mortar or 120-PM-43 (Russian: 120-Полковой Миномёт-43) or the 120-mm mortar Model 1943 (Russian: 120-мм миномет обр. 1943 г.), also known as the SAMOVAR, is a Soviet 120 millimeter calibre smoothbor...
O&T Expansion Eden
Autor: Trager
Make it easy for yourself to access hidden content and content without classes in configurations. A lot of content created for official missions will be available to you in the Eden editor. Apply hidden objects of very different levels of quality & refinem...
Autor: ilbinek
TBD Mortars This addon is meant to rework the way mortars work, and to try to bring them a bit closer to reality. New models have been created for ammo boxes and shells, in order to try and mimic their real life counterparts. The addon forces the operators...
Turtle Tank (CUP Composition)
Autor: vuo
A turtle / shed tank composition for CUP's T-72. Ideal for disguising yourself in urban areas. Requires CUP Vehicles. Spawn by opening the Eden Editor and navigate to Groups (F2), then select Custom on the top right....
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