Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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HL2 - Roleplay Props, Weapons and replacements.
These addons work well together and provide a nice HL2 thingie wingy
Föremål (337)
!REPLACEMENT!HL:Alyx Metropolice
Skapad av カルト_くん
Replaces default metrocops with Alyx ones You need main addon to make it work....
Additional Animations for Metro Police
Skapad av gfront55
This modifies police animations files to make Civil Protection compatible with shotguns and other weapons. This makes it so you can spawn metro police with shotguns, AR2 and other weapons without worrying about them t-posing. This mod works for any model t...
Bullet Tracer Effects (HL2:MMOD)
Skapad av Dopey
Hello, everyone! A nice little effect pack that aims to recreate the bullet effects of the popular HL2 Mod: MMOD! NOTE: THIS ADDON IS NOT ORIGINALLY MINE! THE CODE BELONGS TO THE AWESOME USER RadicalMeat, CREDIT GOES TO HIM FOR THE ORIGINAL ADDON FOUND HER...
Combine Refractive Force Field [Reskin]
Skapad av KosterZetro
Reskins HL2 Combine Force Field on Refractive Force Field Original: Credits: Key Authors: GeneralEcchi: Editor. Valve: Base texture + auDIO. ...
Combine Turret Remake
A brand NEW Combine Floor Turret! A remake of Combine's Floor Turret, after 9000 years in development, finally arrived at the end of the year... This mod is a REPLACER! HL2 mod Features: Floor turret NPC REPLACER EP2 rebel variants EP2 gibs EP2 animations ...
Death Perception
Skapad av John Helldiver
Causes your senses (sight, sound) to cut out when you die. Can be used for realism, or for comedic effect. Also allows slower, more dramatic deaths, with any combination of blur/colors/overlays etc. Inspired by blnk's Instant Death Screen, found here: http...
Combine Interface Remake [REPLACER]
Skapad av Riggs
Replacement of the original Half-Life 2 combine consoles and monitors models by the new models from Half-Life 2: Remade Assets Definitive Edition Packs. Half-Life 2: Remade Assets is a community driven project to remake the missing Half-Life 2 assets for H...
Dynamic Flashlight
Skapad av Riggs
Dynamic Flashlight Dynamic Flashlight is a tool designed to enhance the original flashlight from Garry's Mod or the Half-Life 2 base engine, making it fully dynamic. This upgrade allows the flashlight to emit light that glows from the player's position and...
Dynamic Metro Police Ear Glow
Skapad av gfront55
This basically makes it so that the glow on the metro police ear goes off when he is killed or just a ragdoll (if you spawn ragdolls his ear will be dark no matter what). It replaces the default glow so it actually glows in the dark. There is a rare yellow...
Dynamic Weapon Reverb
Skapad av relaxtakenotes
DWR V3 If your weapons sound too dull or boring, this mod is just for you! This addon brings more or less realistic weapon reverb into the game that is complemented by these features: Outdoors/indoors state checks Distance checks Ammo type checks Bullet cr...
Enhanced Blood Splatter System
Skapad av Zippy
Enhanced Blood Splatter System: This is a complete overhaul of the blood splatter system that tries to make blood more realistic. Blood splatters will no longer appear instantly on surfaces, they will instead travel as physical particles that eventually la...
Fire Sound FIX
Skapad av Markus Fandom
Этот мод заменяет старые звуки огня на более реалистичные! This mod replaces the old sounds of the fire more realistic!...
Half-Life 2: MMod - Weapon Replacements Redux
Skapad av c4sual
Improved Half-Life 2: MMod Weapons Pack RESTART YOUR GAME AFTER INSTALLING THE ADDON! This addon replaces every default Garry's Mod weapon with improved high-quality weapons on Half-Life 2: MMod animations. It also includes sounds from this mod as well. Th...
Half-Life 2: MMod NPC Sound Pack
Skapad av gfront55
Replaces: -Combine soldier radio, gear footstep, rappel sounds -Hunter Chopper sounds -Metropolice gear footsteps -Sniper sounds -Turret shoot sounds -Zombie sounds -Zombine sounds (only a couple) -Expanded combine soldier / metro police sounds (optional, ...
HD 4k Vortigaunt Textures
Skapad av Vuthakral
This is a relatively simple thing I did in about a day. The higher-resolution textures were made by starting with an AI upscaling program, and then going in to manually clean up any inconsistencies, noise, or etc that it produced. 4096px diffuse, 4096px no...
HD Props Overhaul Part 1
Skapad av Rymd
PLEASE REMEMBER TO SUBSCRIBE TO ALL THREE PARTS TO MAKE IT WORK PROPERLY What is this ? Big Overhaul of the Half-Life 2 props that comes with Garry's Mod. Features Hi-res textures Normal maps Overhauls nearly all the props in Half-Life 2 Credits Models: Va...
HD Props Overhaul Part 2
Skapad av Rymd
PLEASE REMEMBER TO SUBSCRIBE TO ALL THREE PARTS TO MAKE IT WORK PROPERLY What is this ? Big Overhaul of the Half-Life 2 props that comes with Garry's Mod. Features Hi-res textures Normal maps Overhauls nearly all the props in Half-Life 2 Credits Models: Va...
HD Props Overhaul Part 3
Skapad av Rymd
PLEASE REMEMBER TO SUBSCRIBE TO ALL THREE PARTS TO MAKE IT WORK PROPERLY What is this ? Big Overhaul of the Half-Life 2 props that comes with Garry's Mod. Features Hi-res textures Normal maps Overhauls nearly all the props in Half-Life 2 Credits Models: Va...
HD Remake Medkit & Battery [EN]
Skapad av MrBond
Replaces Medkit & Battery on the HD version in English with see-through Medkit flask. Know Issues When using a Health kit swep, the textures can be broken Credits JersonGaming - Models, UV, Textures, Screenshots A-06 - Original skin MrBond - Upload to Garr...
HL2: RA - APC (Port & Replacement)
Skapad av jQueary
APC from "Half-Life 2 Remade Assets: Part 2' Features: Metallic shaders Replacement for all APC models in HL2 Clean, normal, worn, and burned skins APC destroyed Gibs 4K textures Credits: jQueary - Porting & Burned material RetroBoy (Twitter) - Model and m...
HL2: RA - Citadel (Port & Replacement)
Skapad av jQueary
Citadel from "Half-Life 2 Remade Assets: Part 1' Features: Metallic shaders Citadel replacement 4k Textures Credits: jQueary - Porting RetroBoy (Twitter) - Model and materials Dyna (Twitter) - Various technical assistance Extraction Tools: RED_EYE, VRF Mod...
HL2: RA - Combine Dispenser (Port & Replacement)
Skapad av jQueary
Combine Dispenser from "Half-Life 2 Remade Assets: Part 2' Features: Metallic shaders Combine Dispenser replacement Emissive 4k Textures Credits: jQueary - Porting RetroBoy (Twitter) - Model and materials Dyna (Twitter) - Various technical assistance Extra...
HL: Alyx - Manhack Sounds
Skapad av ['Lia]
Replaces the sounds from Manhacks to the ones from HL:A I suggest to use it with the HLA skin replacement...
HL:Alyx - Strider Replacement (11/09/21 Updated)
Skapad av ['Lia]
Replacement for the HL2 Strider Original mod by Bennyfagor: /! The Episodic Animation Fixes can break this mod !\ Huge thanks to jqueary for porting the original model — — 11/09/21 UPDATE — — Updated to a less buggy vers...
HL:Alyx Metropolice *UPDATED*
Skapad av カルト_くん
You are dirty poor pleb if you dont have vr - hl:Alyx review (I dont have VR myself btw) Replacement mod here SFM mod here What you get: * PM model * NPC Hands need a bit of work, it will be done a bit later Credits and permisions: Ported and made possible...
Hunter Chopper Remake
Yeah whatever Mod features a single NPC and a bunch of Gibs. This mod is a REPLACER! Not a standalone model/prop or whatever. Install manually if workshop doesn't work for you. Manual Install+HL2 version (use MEGA-folder links) Credits: ShadowRUN 幸運な - Por...
JersonGaming's Model/Real RNG Ammo Boxes
RNG Replaces ammo boxes with JersonGaming's custom (old) models featuring RNG™ DOES NOT AFFECT AMOUNT OF AMMO IN THE BOXES! Also make sure that your shader setting is set to HIGH. This mod REPLACES the following items/entities: 357 Ammo (Model RNG) with 3 ...
Manhack Remake
A scary flying meat grinder, but remake. All new HD manhack with custom gibs and some fancy effects. Replaces Manhack NPC! Get Half-Life 2 mod HERE Features: HD model 4k materials (they're quite heavy) Illumination effect similar to MMod's combine soldiers...
Skapad av Rama
A small addon that lets ragdolls shoot their guns after they die. Compatible with both TFA and VJ Base weapons, if there is a problem with some specific pack let me know and I'll try to fix it. There's a settings menu under the Utilities tab where you can ...
Shmovment: Simple Headbob, Better Firstperson
Skapad av lucas_
When Half-Life 2 released in 2004 the script that ran the way the player saw out the eyes of Gordan Freeman hadn't changed in 8 years. Its 18 years later. First person games have evolved, and the lack of "game feel" in Half-Life 2 only becomes more present...
View Model Bump
Skapad av xdshot
Adds bumping animation to weapon's view model when approaching directly to wall. For little more immersion. Includes options in Tools menu: Options --> Player --> View Model Bump Settings NOTES: This mod is completely client-side. It will work online if se...
Viewmodel Stains
Skapad av Krede
Description One thing I've always wanted out of Black Mesa (which they have since removed) was the ability to stain your weapons in different ways. It's a subtle but immersive way of showing damage and other effects that bring the world to life. Shoot some...
Extended Render Fix Brightness
Skapad av Siknesd This addon only set brightness in "0" for default Original addon: 13/08/21 -I uploaded this cuz' for some reason i haved problems setting this value in 0 for ...
[Extended Render] Glow eyes REUPLOAD
Skapad av icewallowp1ss
Uploaded with gmpublisher Originial addon got deleted idk why Reupload of original Extended Render dont ask me to add more stuff i just reupload...
Black Mesa North
Skapad av shortnamesalex
Once a research station owned by Black Mesa, it is now occupied by the Resistance in their efforts to aid Gordon and Alyx in their search for the Borealis and further eliminate the remaining Combine forces on Earth. The air is fresh and the sights are pret...
Fading Wounds Fix
Skapad av Zippy
You can now shine your flashlight on NPCs and ragdolls without their wounds fading/disappearing! Small issues: - It might cause slight performance drops while your flashlight is active and there are many NPCs/ragdolls nearby - Wounds might not get applied ...
Fumble Footsteps - Diverse Footstep Audio
Skapad av CturiX
Lua-based fumbling with subtle footsteps, A very simple and subtle modification to your footstep audio, including prop/physical footsteps Complete with a small .lua string to give sounds of clothing fumbling etc. The fumbling is not part of the actual foot...
Gmod Legs 3
Skapad av Valkyrie
Gmod Legs Works with most custom playermodels Actively maintained since 2012 Like this addon? Award it! and checkout my GmodRPG im working on This will allow you to see your legs in first person, just like in Left 4 Dead or any modern FPS Info: Hold you co...
Half Life 2 Props Extended
Skapad av Donald
Half Life 2 Props Extended Will update when i add more Mod is unfinished! Some Props have skins (and will get more eventually), just to clear the confusion! Features lots of random props. Hope you like it. May require HL2 or EP1, EP2 if i add new variants ...
Half-Life 2 Entities +PLUS+
Skapad av filz0
Garry/Garry's Mod Team please add ammo crates ;_; What is this Just another effect of being bored. Buch of hl2 entities (from large ammo packs to ammo crates) ready to use. How To Use Spawn it................................................ ||Q --> Entitie...
Half-Life 2 Tools
Skapad av Rubat
A set of Half-Life 2 inspired/themed tools. Fully compatible with duplicator. Tool list Headcrab canister tool ( sbox_maxenv_headcrabcanisters ) Ammo crate tool ( sbox_maxitem_ammo_crates ) Item crate tool ( sbox_maxitem_item_crates ) Thumper tool ( sbox_m...
Immersion Sounds - Realistic Bullet Cracks and Whips
Skapad av Carbine-Crazy
IF YOU ARE DOWNLOADING WHILE PLAYING, YOU WILL NEED TO RESTART YOUR GAME BEFORE CHANGES WILL TAKE EFFECT. This mod is a sound replacer for the bullet whizzes which are triggered when a round passes close-by your character when under fire. It replaces these...
Insurgency Blood Wounds [Upscaled]
Skapad av Super Chief
Updated Upscaled decals to higher resolution. Read before commenting! Other blood decal addons may conflict with this addon. (The ones that have custom wounds) Blood mods that affect only wall splatters or the effects do not, and should not conflict with t...
mighty foot engaged
the smod kick of theseus, made to be actually maintained and improved as time goes on originally grew from a dissatisfaction of what was available and a striving to improve (and everyone says its kinda like maximum action i guess and its true it was inspir...
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPS - Assault Rifles
Skapad av Viper
Join the Discord server! Join the steam group to follow development! A comprehensive weapon pack highlighting the assault rifles of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019, bundled with customization options and fast paced gunpla...
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPS - Pistols
Skapad av Viper
Join the Discord server! Join the steam group to follow development! A comprehensive weapon pack highlighting the sidearms of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019, bundled with customization options and fast paced gunplay. htt...
Modern Coalfare Base
Skapad av Viper
Join the Discord server! Join the steam group to follow development! This base addon includes all shared things across the weapons. credits: Activision, Infinity Ward, Ben Garnell, Peter Chen, Ben Turner, Mike Velasquez, Jeremy Thurman, Alexandr Khaliman, ...
Player Based NPC Relations
Skapad av Funni Taco
-- UPDATE AS OF 2017/01/1 -- Oh boy, I left this thing alone for FAR too long. Looking back on my old code, I was quite dissapointed in myself, and how I did things, so I rewrote the entire addon from the ground up, conveniently releasing it on Janurary Fi...
Player Speeds Changer 2.0 [REUPLOAD]
Skapad av ☮shift☮
i did not make this and i offer no support all credit goes to the original creator i think this addon is very useful it was gone for some reason so decided to reupload it :P cant find it ? try restarting your game with the addon enabled or check for confli...
Realistic Inertial Redux
Skapad av PhillModder
Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel If you want more stuff like this join my steam group for exclusive news about upcoming mods! Blood deca...
Rebel/Combine/Metrocop Footsteps
Skapad av Jai "Choccy" Fox
IMPORTANT I do not work on Garry's Mod add-ons anymore. It's too difficult balancing life stuff with projects like this. I highly recommend looking at alternatives if you have any issues. Rebel/Combine/Metrocop Footsteps Remember back in the days of Half-L...
Silent Weapon Switch
No Weapon Switching Sound ...
vFire - Dynamic Fire for Garry's Mod
Skapad av Vioxtar
64 Bit Branch Support Fixed! Apologies for the month late fix. Thank you for bringing the issue to my attention in the comments/discussions, and thank you Ickycoolboy for making a fix available. vFire development is dormant. Still, efforts will be made to ...
TFA Base
Skapad av YuRaNnNzZZ
Frequently Asked Questions Documentation for Developers Community Translations (and how to make one yourself) (all links dubbed in changelog tab above) For users: -A rich, thoroughly tested feature set including: Holographic HUD, reminiscent of FA:S2 Viewb...
Suppression (Revisioned) (Remastered)
Skapad av relaxtakenotes
All of my mods are playtested on the x64 branch. Therefore install that if you experience any weird, unexplainable issues! Originally made by Revisioned by "a cat" Remastered by me Frequent Errors: - lua/autorun/client/suppression.lua:53: atte...
Sninctbur's Artificial Intelligence Improvements
Skapad av GaussTheWizard
End of Support: This addon will no longer be updated. Intelligence to a new level! Sninctbur's Artificial Intelligence Improvements, or SAII for short, is a powerful AI improvement modification for Half-Life 2 NPCs, designed as a more mod-compatible altern...
Viewpunch Viewbob
Skapad av relaxtakenotes
All of my mods are playtested on the x64 branch. Therefore install that if you experience any weird, unexplainable issues! Features: Viewbob when you walk, land, jump, crouch/uncrouch. Viewbob when you take damage. Viewbob when you just stand still. (proba...
[Half-Life: Alyx] Forcefield Replacement
Skapad av «Dagger»
— I want to immediately inform you that this is just a replica of an addon from a well-known site... So that people can use the official format from the Steam Workshop. In order for me not to have problems with the author, I post a link with the original a...
[MW Unofficial] AR2
Skapad av thatrtxdude
Requires MW Base & MW Assault Rifles Change your firemode to use the alt-fire! Hold mouse1 down to fire. The Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle (OSIPR), also known as Pulse Rifle or AR2 (Assault Rifle 2; stemming from a development codename), is a Dark E...
[TFA] Realistic Muzzleflashes 3.0
Skapad av YanKy03
Description Realistic Muzzleflashes 3.0 a mix of Insurgency 2 and Firearms Source 2 Assets, 90% done without Internet and 100% done in a Intel Notebook. Contains NPCs Particles too, also after a long research now special installation to replace TFA Base ef...
[TFA] Screen Shake
Skapad av GroveZ
TFA Screen Shake Optional screen shake for use with TFA Base. It was originally conceived as TFA Base-only screen shake because TFA Base don't have any. If you need a universal screen shake, use this one instead. ConVars: cl_tfa_screenshake_enabled (1 by d...
[TFA] [AT] Project HL2 MMod Pack
Skapad av thatrtxdude
Requires TFA Base DO NOT ASK FOR AN REPLACEMENT, I WON'T DO IT. Project HL2 Guns for GMod. Self explanatory, right? Features: Auto Reload Function (Except RPG) Inspect Animation (Hold R to play it) Vanilla-ish Weapon Sway Bu...
2001 Beta Canals Merged || Half-Life 2 Beta
Skapad av UmaruFullich
On this map you can go all the way from City 17 to the quarry. All maps were taken ir WC mappack and slightly edited by me. I plan to update this map in the future. Write about wishes and bugs, if any....
2001 Quarry Town [Half Life 2 Beta]
Skapad av MishaUltraSex
This is quarry_town03 from "hl2 wc map pack". Peculiarities: - Ported materials; - Grass detail; - Improved geometry; - No HDR. Navmesh: Restored brickwall045 materials by Klow from: https://...
2001 Wasteland Depot [Half Life 2 Beta]
Skapad av MishaUltraSex
This is wasteland_depot map from "hl2 wc map pack". Exist Combat with original campaign and Sandbx. Peculiarities: - Ported materials; - Improved geometry; - No HDR. tags: hl, hl2, hl2b, hl2beta, half life 2, half life 2 beta, depot, wasteland, wasteland_d...
2003 Beta Citizen Animation Replacement
Skapad av ADODSER
This mod ports over the 2003 citizen animations (most of them) It only works on male citizens and is compatible with any model or NPC that uses the male_shared.mdl If you want beta weapons to go along with this mod:
2Fort 2003 | BETA LEAK +extended ver. for Sandbox
This is a Beta Leak map from TF2Alpha with the codename "Invasion" which i fix and port for new Source Engine. ! CONTENT NOT REQUIRED ! About Team Fortress 2 Invasion from wiki: When the Half-Life 2 source tree was leaked in late 2003, two models of the Te...
3D2D Textscreens
Skapad av James
Create 3D2D text anywhere in the world. This addon is now open source! Contribute to development of this addon on GitHub. All pull requests are welco...
Advanced Light Entities
Skapad av tau
2017/3/2 Added "new" versions of the projected light and expensive light that use client-side objects instead of networked entities. They have a few missing features, but are less network-intensive and possibly less expensive. This Addon adds six simple en...
Advanced Particle Controller
Skapad av no loafing
A tool that lets you spawn and control particle effects. Features: Particles are used for all sorts of different special effects, from explosions and fire to weather effects, electricity, bullet tracers, smoke, beams and more! You can attach them to models...
airex_start - Half-Life 2 Beta
Skapad av MonarchMonk
Author: Valve & Neo Content Required: None. This map is a restoration of one of the many unfinished AireX Exchange maps featured in the leaked version of the Half-Life 2 Beta and the WC Map Pack. Many of the problems with the map have been fixed and missin...
AirEx industrial tower
Skapad av zinsea
Airexchange Industrial Tower Part of HL2 Beta Airexchange chapter, industrial tower, which i made in standalone map using beta assets and imagination. it's not what it should have been, this is my interpretation. skybox based on map "temp3.vmf" and other r...
AutoIcons - weapon select & kill icon generator
Skapad av Joker Gaming
This addon will automatically make weapon select icons and killicons matching the vanilla HL2 styles very closely. This addon will make all SWEPs look like HL2 weapons in the weapon selector. By default it will replace all weapon selection icons to create ...
Beta Combine Units Pack
Skapad av Evil Garlic
Pack includes models from Half-life 2 Beta concept arts. Synth soldier: + Updated model + Redone textures + Improved shading + Two skins (standart/arctic) + Posable fingers + Switchable hair bodygroup + Switchable gun bodygroup + High-poly version Elite sy...
Borealis [Half-Life 2 Beta]
Skapad av Toha3673 gm_borealis_full This map was ported in Gatty's Mod by me from Half-Life 2 Beta during 1999-2000 years. Features: -3D skybox -No NPCs - no events -the ...
Builders Pack V3 Props (LEGO + Extras)
Skapad av Warhawk
Builders Pack V3 contains a large number of props designed for building construction. They come in various types, shapes, and sizes. It includes: walls, floors, ceilings, doorways, window frames, pillars, ramps, geometric shapes, giant LEGO pieces, trick H...
Bullet Light
Skapad av Dishings
ConVars: Bullet_Light (0-1) Bullet_Light_Red (0-255) Bullet_Light_Green (0-255) Bullet_Light_Blue (0-255) Bullet_Light_Range (0-2147483647) Convars will save. Convars can only be changed by whoever is running the server. Yes it works on singleplayer too lo...
City Terminal [Build 2001]
Skapad av MishaUltraSex
Required Content: Half Life 2, Half Life 2 Episode 1, Half Life 2 Episode 2 This is port of small map from Build 2001 mod for Half Life 2 Episode 2. well what else i need say - cubemaps - ai nodes - dark - gritty Source: Build 2001 -
City 27
Skapad av Fregiscard Disclaimer and first hand informations: The map have every content packed, and compressed, meaning there are no content requirement to play. The loading time might be longer than any other maps, this is all due to the compre...
City 17 Rebellion: Streets
Skapad av Gusdon
City 17 Streets during Uprising Atmospheric map with all the Uprising Elements, from destroyed buildings filled with combine technology,to a citadel that is just a few minutes before Gordon makes "His Work" there! Everything in general, which logically app...
Skapad av ritardo milos
A night version of my other map: Citizen_tech01_day Includes some lighting fixes and stuff. DISCLAIMER: The map itself is taken from HL2 Beta WC Map Pack. This map is just a modified version,...
Skapad av ritardo milos
One of the maps from HL2 WC pack. Fixed and edited to look a little bit better than it is. Previous version of the map was broken, and i didn't have the source for it, so if you encounter any errors it might be due to the decompilation process. If you do e...
Cinematic Air Exchange
Skapad av shortnamesalex
And if you see Dr. Breen, tell him I said, "Fu*** ****led"! I can explain. So I was watching Radiation Hazard (peak channel by the way) and I was reminiscing on Cinematic Mod. Coincidentally, I came across his videos on Cinematic Mod, specifically one abou...
Chairs Extended
Skapad av Donald
Chairs Extended This mod adds more Chair's from various Source Games such as Half Life 2, Counter Strike Source etc. All Chairs come with skin support of up to 6 for building in sandbox etc including default chairs. This adds seats such as crane seats, car...
C17_trainstaion 2001 concept art version
Skapad av Gürayidməmət
2001 trainstation according to the concept art has been slightly modified...
c17_outside - Half-Life 2 Beta
Skapad av MonarchMonk
Author: Valve & HGrunt. Content Required: None. c17_outside is a restoration of the WC mappack map of the same name found in the Half-Life 2 Beta. The map takes place during the Canals & Wasteland parts of the original storyline where Gordon Freeman escape...
Combine Beta Units
Skapad av Zippy
8 Unique Beta NPCs: Green Elite - Equipped with a spear weapon: a standard variant or a devastating shotgun variant - Throws pulse grenades - Dodges by rolling - Executes stabs with the spear - Armored bodyparts enhance durability against bullets Brown Eli...
Combine Beta Animations Replacement
Skapad av kenni
Tired of those boring, static animations from the soldiers? Well... This addon is a replacement for the animations of combine soldiers. Those animations will now be replaced with their beta animations from the Half Life 2 Beta. This will replace animations...
Combine Ball Light
Skapad av Dishings
ConVars: Combine_Ball_Light (0-1) Combine_Ball_Light_Red (0-255) Combine_Ball_Light_Green (0-255) Combine_Ball_Light_Blue (0-255) Combine_Ball_Light_Range (0-2147483647) Convars will save. Convars can only be changed by whoever is running the server. Yes i...
Combine Assassin
Skapad av Schwarz Kruppzo Combine Assassin WORK IN PROGRESS! This is under development release and supposed to be for developer usage: it means that NOT ALL features available at moment. It also may contain several amount of bugs or unfinished work. ...
Combine Advisor SNPC
Skapad av Zippy
Overview: A fully working Half-Life 2 custom advisor AI. Adds a classic advisor, and two episode 2 variants (one without arms) to the spawnmenu. Features: - The episode 2 advisor variant has the iconic tongue ability (not the one without arms though) - Epi...
Construction 2001
Skapad av Swampdonkey
A particularly dusty map found in the oldest parts of the WC mappack, this particular map has only one known iteration that is still accessible in the files, dating back to 2001. The map includes a large construction zone, which would have served as an int...
Zippy's Library
Skapad av Zippy
Also known as Convenience/CONV! 'Zippy's Library' is a GLua library required for my addons! Join the discord server (by clicking the image below) if you want to discuss my addons! Check out my new NPC Base! https://steamcomm...
Combine VOX Pack [TFA-VOX]
Skapad av YuRaNnNzZZ
This is a VOX pack that was previously taken down by it's creator (The Forgotten Architect), enhanced with more sound lines and updated to work with latest version of TFA-VOX. To add support for Combine playermodels other than included by default in Garry'...
Crabby's Combine NPCs
Skapad av Crabby_Souls
This is the non-replacement version of my combine main version: If there are any issues or suggestions you have, please feel free to comment them. ...
Skapad av jQueary
This map was originally made by Valve© and was ported from HL2: Beta (Leak) into GMOD. Some textures, errors and scripted sequences were removed since they were lacking elements. The map still contains minor issues beyond the boundaries where the player sh...
d4_palace_01 - Half-Life 2 Beta
Skapad av MonarchMonk
Author: Valve & HGrunt Content Required: Half-Life 2: Episode 2 d4_palace_01 is one of the maps featured in the Half-Life 2 Beta that takes place during the original storyline. It was meant to take place right after the "Weather Control" portion of the gam...
d4_streetwar_01 - Half-Life 2 Beta
Skapad av MonarchMonk
Author: Valve & HGrunt. Content Required: None. d4_streetwar_01 is one of the maps featured in the Half-Life 2 Beta that takes place during the original storyline. It was meant to take place just after exiting the Skyscraper in the "Vertigo" section of the...
DrGBase | Nextbot Base
Skapad av Dragoteryx DrGBase is built on top of the default nextbot base to add stuff that you usually have to code yourself when creating a nextbot, such as AI behaviour or a relationship system. It also comes with a built-in possession system ...
Door STool
Skapad av maesles
==== END OF SUPPORT ==== I am no longer putting time into this addon. Feel free to pick up development on your own. Link to source: http:// /va1h ==== END OF SUPPORT ==== Version: 1.7 (fixed for gmod 13, by me) Not originally my work, made by High6....
Skapad av Finnsohn
Information Original map: HL2 2003 Leak Atmosphere of 2003 year :questions: AI nodes?-No Cubemap?-Yes ✔️ HDR?-Yes ✔️ Original HL2 Deadmatch weapons,info_start,respawn props?-Yes✔️ 🗺️Map made for deadmatch Comment on my work Contact-
Depot [HL2RP]
Skapad av Zak
The Depot from HL2 Beta in a single large map. The map features the following: - A prison building with dozens of usable cells - Higher-quality prison cells with attached cafeteria one building over - A large, open courtyard (with working basketball net!) ...
DarkRP Keys for SandBox (any gamemode)
Skapad av Nathaan
This doesn't include door ownership or anything. That just allow locking and unlocking doors fastly. Doesn't support vehicules at this moment. Animations are working. R for knock (Should work in any gamemode) Added Battering Ram and Lockpick!...
e3_depot - Half-Life 2 Beta
Skapad av MonarchMonk
Author: Valve & HyperJag3. Content Required: None. e3_depot is one of the demos that was meant to be presented at e3 2002 but was cancelled due to the game not being shown and with Valve not being personally impressed with the trailer they revealed to the ...
e3_c17_02 - Half-Life 2 Beta
Skapad av MonarchMonk
Author: Valve, Loki & BigDog Content Required: None e3_c17_02 is a map that was featured at E3 2003 when Valve decided to show off Half-Life 2 to the world. The map featured Gordon Freeman roaming around a part of City 17 that consisted of a number of Rebe...
e3_seafloor - Half-Life 2 Beta
Skapad av MonarchMonk
Author: Valve, Loki & BigDog Content Required: None e3_seafloor is a map that was featured at E3 2003 when Valve decided to show off Half-Life 2 to the world. The map featured Gordon Freeman roaming around a coastline in a Jeep whilst being chased by a Com...
e3_terminal - Half-Life 2 Beta
Skapad av MonarchMonk
Author: Valve & The Missing Information Team. Content Required: None. e3_terminal is one of the demos that was meant to be presented at e3 2002 but was cancelled due to the game not being shown and with Valve not being personally impressed with the trailer...
Easy Animation Tool
Skapad av Rubat
A tool that allows easy animation playback for all entities that have animations. This will not work on Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, Portal 2, CS:GO models, it's a problem with Garry's Mod, not this mod. Please note that not all models have animations. This tool o...
Easy Bodygroup Tool
Skapad av Rubat
An improved bodygroup tool, also supporting skins! And it works on effects too! Usage Right/Left click on an entity to select it. Reload to select yourself If the entity is highlighted with halo effect, then open context menu and make changes. Everything i...
Easy Bonemerge Tool
Skapad av Rubat
An improved bonemerge tool. Features: * Support for effects * Proper undo system * Ability to remove already merged props * Ghost preview * Duplicator support * Ability to bonemerge props to yourself * Is not limited to props at all. You can use ANY entity...
Easy Entity Inspector
Skapad av Rubat
A developer tool that lets you easily see most information about the selected entity. To select previous Inspection Mode, use Right Click + Use To select next Inspection Mode, use Right Click. To select yourself, use Reload. To select your view model, use ...
Empty Hands Swep
Skapad av Tatrabbit
Hands by your side for roleplaying, movie making, and when you just gotta put your crowbar away! The functionality is pretty minimalist by necessity, but I've tried very hard to have a nice icon for the swep and everything, to match the theme of the HL2 we...
Erie Canal
Skapad av shortnamesalex
Erie Canal resides in one of the industrialized districts of City 17. What used to be water is now replaced with toxic sludge, trash and gravel. Probably from one of the AirEx's nearby. People that have fled the urban sectors now sleep here, either in the ...
Explosion Light
Skapad av Dishings
ConVars: Explosion_Light (0-1) Explosion_Light_Red (0-255) Explosion_Light_Green (0-255) Explosion_Light_Blue (0-255) Explosion_Light_Range (0-2147483647) Convars will save. Convars can only be changed by whoever is running the server. Yes it works on sing...
Extended Properties
Skapad av Rubat
This addon adds a lot of properties to Half-Life 2 and Garry's Mod entites such as turrets, rollermines, suit chargers, flashlights, dynamites, NPCs and anti-antlion thumpers. There are over 72 different actions for different entites and NPCs. UsageHold C ...
Extended Spawnmenu
Skapad av Rubat
A small script that extends abilities of your spawnmenu: * Allows you to browse through Garry's Mod 12 / Legacy addon models * Allows you to browse through Game, Addon, Legacy Addon materials and sounds * Gives you detailed information on installed Worksho...
Fading door tool
Skapad av Panthera Tigris
A tool that makes anything into a fadable door. Features - Can select material. - Can select sounds. - Wire support. - Can make NPC's, vehicles and props into a fadable door. Authors: Conna, Lexi and Panthera Tigris ID: 115753588...
Fire Light
Skapad av Dishings
ConVars: Fire_Light (0-1) Fire_Light_Players (0-1) Fire_Light_Red (0-255) Fire_Light_Green (0-255) Fire_Light_Blue (0-255) Fire_Light_Range (0-2147483647) Convars will save. Convars can only be changed by whoever is running the server. Yes it works on sing...
Fixed "city_test03"
Skapad av Fredbob
Heres a fixed version of the map "city_test03" from the WC Mappack. Things that have been fixed/changed: -textures from the leak added and fixed where necessary -skybox from the leak added and fixed -models from the leak -ai nodes -color correction -ambien...
Flame Light
Skapad av Dishings
ConVars: Flame_Light (0-1) Flame_Light_Red (0-255) Flame_Light_Green (0-255) Flame_Light_Blue (0-255) Flame_Light_Range (0-2147483647) Convars will save. Convars can only be changed by whoever is running the server. Yes it works on singleplayer too lol. In...
Flashlights with Lightspill
Skapad av hurter
20+ Custom flashlights with lightspill (light from the flashlight spreading and lighting up the room). Huge thanks to Defrective. TUTORIAL/HOW TO USE: In case you can't or won't watch the video tutorial, go to the options tab, click on flashlight textures ...
Half-life 2 Propper models
Skapad av Ratatouille
A bunch of meshes from half-life 2 turned into props, around 140. You should expect a lot of differents kinds of barricades and stuffs. Sorry for the model path name, i've made it for an old community of mine No credits or whatever, its literally parts of ...
Half-Life 2 Entities++
Skapad av LegAz
Yet another successor of poorly written in 2015 addon. Previous one is finally no more. Info The page you're on is the result of my attempt to heavily modify and improve very old addon by filz0. The reason behind this is that I was shocked to see such and ...
Half-Life 2 Beta: Air Exchange
Skapad av F
Overview The Air-Exchange , also known as the Airex or Air-Conditioner , is a cut Half-Life 2 chapter taking place at a combine facility. The location was of great importance for much of Half-Life 2's existence, being one of the oldest concepts created for...
Half-Life 2 Beta Mappack 2 (Reupload)
Skapad av -『VRJoJoFan』-
NOTE: This is a reupload of an addon that was removed from the workshop. If the original creator wants this taken down please contact me on my main profile: LINK TO MAPPACK 1:
Half-Life 2 Beta Mappack 1 (Reupload)
Skapad av -『VRJoJoFan』-
NOTE: This is a reupload of an addon that was removed from the workshop. If the original creator wants this taken down please contact me on my main profile: LINK TO MAPPACK 2:
Half Life 2 Leak - Combine Soldiers 2003 Style.
Skapad av P0dC3der
The title says it all. This is a pack of almost fully custom combine soldiers, 2003 leak style. Normal maps (Normal maps are textures that create depth to a model, they are not actual playable maps.) are almost fully done by me, spec's and diffuse textures...
Grunt Hill
Skapad av shortnamesalex
Grunt Hill is a recreation of a Half-Life map created by fellow modder and otter, Fesiug . It was created over the course of a single day as I battled through yet more Hammer spaghetti. In a way, it is a spiritual successor to Weapon Depot, only with more ...
Grenade Light
Skapad av Dishings
ConVars: Grenade_Light (0-1) Grenade_Light_Red (0-255) Grenade_Light_Green (0-255) Grenade_Light_Blue (0-255) Grenade_Light_Range (0-2147483647) Convars will save. Convars can only be changed by whoever is running the server. Yes it works on singleplayer t...
Skapad av Ragsimier
Support me on boosty or just visit it for sneakpeaks Join my discord for sneak peaks: A medium sized sandbox map, meant to be a trainstation, suitable for anyt...
Skapad av vraimax
Half-Life 2 Very Improved Map NAVMESH and IA nodes included ! Perfect map for servers, playing with friends, nextboxs, npcs... Contains lots of rooms (The map takes place before the uprising, for Half-Life2 fans) Enjoy it, this map is very special. -------...
gm_hyperborea (Half-Life 2 Leak)
Skapad av Outland Predator
This is a conversion of the map nov_bor_001, present in the WC Map pack that was leaked in 2003. The map itself was last edited on 1/5/2001, and is one of the oldest maps available in the pack. This conversion uses a fix of the map for as a bas...
Skapad av egglord
If you enjoy my work, consider leaving me a donation! Important: Garry's Mod is an old game, and this map has a high level of detail, so it is known to crash on the default branch due to its limited RAM usage. As a result, t...
Skapad av Gunslinger ☢
Lost in the fumes I managed to find this still in my addon directory unlike BetaC17, yet again another HL2 Beta Jackathan/Jaycie map recovered, this map is mainly a merge of Citadel maps in the WC Mappack, fixed and ported to the retail version of Source. ...
Skapad av Finnsohn
Information Main map:proto_c17inner01 WCMAPPACK 2001 Content and atmosphere taken from the mod: Dark Interval RU: Переделанная карта proto_c17inner01 из WCMAPPACK пака,карта по hl2 beta примерно в период 2001 года. Карта маленькая но надеюсь вам понравитьс...
Skapad av Jack Ingof
This is a project I have been working on, on-and-off, for around 6-7 months. This was originally supposed to be a 2001-2002 Half-Life 2 Beta themed HL2RP map centered around the Terminal, Industrial, and Commercial Zones of City 17. Unfortunately, I became...
Skapad av Gunslinger ☢
NOW ARRIVING: CITY 17 Needs both HL2 Episodes mounted to Gmod to have no errors. A re-upload of a well made map by Jackathan/Jaycie, a assorted mix of WC map-pack and custom geometry both based and inspired by the early concepts of HL2, as it would seem th...
gm_arctic (Half-Life 2 Leak)
Skapad av Outland Predator
This is a conversion of the map demo_arctic, present in the WC Map pack that was leaked in 2003. The map itself was last edited on 9/6/2001, however the original map is missing quite a few textures on the Hyperborea (Old name for the Borealis) So this conv...
Skapad av collacot
gm_alleyb17 A map set in a small section of a Half-Life 2 beta influenced City 17. A combination of HL2, HL2 beta, and custom assets are used in this map. Features: Many different areas and rooms to explore Baked detail shadows for that extra spice Custom ...
Skapad av Finnsohn
Information Air exchanger from the game hl2 beta, with changes. Content and atmosphere taken from the mod: Dark Interval RU: Воздухообменник из игры hl2 beta,карта была сделанна с изменениями под релизный стиль hl2. На карте есть:Каньон,сам воздухообменник...
Half-Life 2: 2002 HUD
Skapad av DyaMetR
( Report an issue ) ( Source code ) This addon attempts to replicate the Heads Up Display feature from the 2002 development build of Half-Life 2. How to access the configuration Tool menu (Q by default) > Utilities > Half-life 2: 2002 HUD Third party suppo...
Half-Life 2 Vehicles Extended
Skapad av Donald
Half-Life 2 Vehicles Extended This mod adds 40 variants to the Jeep, 5 to the Charger and 9 to the Airboat. Also comes with 2 Bikes and a Truck. 40 Variants for the Jeep / Scout Car / Buggy 9 Variants for the Airboat 5 Variants for the Charger / Jalopy 2 V...
Half-Life 2 Tools Extras
Skapad av Spirit
Adds extra tools under the category 'Half-Life 2' - Turn a prop into a fully custom adjustable mapping-like brush trigger.. A trigger can fire the inputs from another entity when touched by a player, npc or prop. - Spawn a fully custom adjustable Headcrabc...
HL2 Beta: Kleiner's Lab
Skapad av Keithy
PLEASE READ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING BEFORE COMMENTING!!! To launch the map, go to the "Other" category and look for "Kleiner". --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here it is! Kl...
HL2 Beta: Eli's Den
Skapad av Keithy
PLEASE READ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS PLEASE!! The map can be found in the "Other" section of maps titled "proto_eliden003". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
HL2 Beta proto_core Redux
Skapad av bjokey
An old map from the HL2 Beta, re-compiled to work with Garry's Mod's version of source, and bundled with the required textures. Small changes have been made, simply for compatibility. Fun fact: If you hit T-posed Alyx, you will unleash her inner disco danc...
HL2 Beta Kraken Base Revamp
Skapad av Corporal Dunn
This is the old Kraken Base map originally uploaded to, but revamped. Changes: Extensions to each previously unopenable door Infirmery Security Room Storage Room Couple of extra darker rooms Upstairs area Kleiner Life Reference New Flood Feat...
hl2 beta e3 industrial map
Skapad av Akis_02
the e3 industrial map now in the workshop i am still surprised how nobody upload it :D ------known bugs-------- when you turn the flashlight on the skybox comes closer to you so dont use the flash light when you play too much in the map you pc/laptop freez...
Half-Life 2: Survivor - Combine Soldier Male NPC
Skapad av Shiny_Emerald
If you aren't familiar with Half-Life 2: Survivor, boy are you in for a ride. Half-Life 2: Survivor is a Japanese arcade port of Half-Life 2 with some rather interesting oddities. Among content too weird or unworldly to fit in with half-life's actual canon...
Half-Life 2: Survivor Combine Models
Skapad av Revenant100
The Combine player models from Half-Life 2: Survivor. This pack includes: Engineer (Male and Female, three head variations for each) Ranger (Male and Female, three head variations for each) Sniper (Male and Female, three head variations for each) Soldier (...
Half-Life 2: Survivor Gordon Freeman Model
Skapad av Revenant100
The Gordon Freeman model from Half-Life 2: Survivor....
Half-Life 2: Survivor Miscellaneous Models
Skapad av Revenant100
The miscellaneous models from Half-Life 2: Survivor. This pack includes: Small Green Jewel (with animated real-time refractions!) Medium Red Jewel (with animated real-time refractions!) Large White Jewel (with animated real-time refractions!) Clock Censore...
Half-Life 2: Survivor Resistance Models
Skapad av Revenant100
The Resistance player models from Half-Life 2: Survivor. This pack includes: Engineer (Male and Female, three head variations for each) Ranger (Male and Female, three head variations for each) Sniper (Male and Female, three head variations for each) Soldie...
Half-Life 2: Survivor Weapon Models
Skapad av Revenant100
The weapon models from Half-Life 2: Survivor. This pack includes: Stunstick (Red and Blue team skins) Charge Bow Sniper Rifle (Red and Blue team skins) Decoy Energy Drink (Mind Drink, Power Drink, and Energy Drink skins) Energy Injection Grenade (Fire, Poi...
Half-Life: Alyx style elite metrocop PM & Ragdoll
Skapad av Sgt. Tinfoil
My remake of the elite metrocop from the Half-Life 2 beta in Half-Life: Alyx's artstyle. CREDITS: Valve Software - Original model and textures from HL:A. Me - Mask mesh & textures, texture edits to the body. Features: 4k Textures PBR Materials Full biped s...
More Post Processing Effects
Skapad av Rubat
This addon adds 5 post processing effects. Some of them can add a nice new feeling to the game, others are mainly a hack / developer tool. Effect list: Advanced Light RaysMotion BlurLightBokeh DOF ( Since 19 June 2013 )Vignette ( 25 December 2014 )...
Combine Soldier Remake Pack
Skapad av _Nemez_
Greeting Hello everyone, this is Nemez I want to present the result of the joint efforts of my friends. The whole pack introduces never-seen-before skins and models. All soldiers have been remodeled and textured from scratch. I hope you enjoy our pack! FEA...
Protodel (Beta Inspired Map)
Skapad av shortnamesalex
"You might be the first person capable enough for the job, since anyone who has tried to enter the area never came back. I even organised a small group of experienced members to intercept it. They also never returned. But what I do know is this: During the...
Skapad av Praisemantas
You. Hey, you. Did you ever want to drive around in an oddly blocky looking City 17? This is the proto_c17map from the HL2 Beta. Save for the texturework, sidewalks, an improved skybox and a few hastily placed props, the map is largely unaltered from the o...
proto_citadel_incinerator - Half-Life 2 Beta
Skapad av MonarchMonk
Author: Valve & HGrunt. Content Required: None. proto_citadel_incinerator is a restoration of the WC mappack map of the same name found in the Half-Life 2 Beta. The map takes place in an unknown part of the Citadel, presumably at the lower levels. It's unk...
Raising The Bar: Redux - Combine Voice Replacement
Skapad av anemoia
This addon replaces the voicelines and radio sounds of Civil Protection. All the sounds have been extracted from Raising The Bar: Redux. I DID NOT CREATE THESE SOUNDS. Download Raising The Bar: Redux here:
Roleplay Model Pack
Skapad av idk
--I did not make this addon, I'm only supporting the community by adding it to the Gmod 13 workshop.-- *Original Author: Splaynirk...
Roleplay Props
Skapad av Radray
A compilation of props suitable for decorating houses and setting up roleplays. I take no credit for any of the models or materials included in this addon. Server Convars: rpprops_hide 0/1 (Default: 0, setting this to 1 will disable automatically adding th...
Roleplay Props Extended
Skapad av Aldric
Here is the new version of the famous realistic object pack "Roleplay props". This version was built for and by the community, not being the original creator of this project that I have only enriched. This pack contains about 224 props. The majority of the...
Skapad av Steel_Tsunami
A half life 2 beta styled rp map. Materials and some models used from the cremation mod (great mod btw) Sections: Mine Village Destroyed city Train station open wasteland Valleys ______________________ Fixed HDR issue I should've fixed the content issue if...
Skapad av Finnsohn
на карте был использован контент из мода Dark Interval, за что им отдельная благодарность RU: Карта каналы из WC MAPPACK hl2 beta сделанные под рп карту,на карте есть: Два лагеря беженцев Большой лагерь беженцев Зен фауна Карту можете спокойно брать и изме...
Skapad av Steel_Tsunami
THUMBNAIL DOES NOT REPRESENT MAP GMPU DID NOT ACCEPT THE THUMBNAIL I MADE FOR IT. This is a heavily edited city11 map themed after half life 2 beta concept art. Features: -New factory -Connected rooftops -Expanded sewers -New rebel base -Old rebel base now...
Skapad av Commander™ The map name in game is: rp_city2_v4_finalb Welcome to rp_city2_v4, the final instalment of City2 for a while (Until I complete other projects). All bugs should be patched in this instalment and it should run very smoothly! E...
Rocket Light
Skapad av Dishings
ConVars: Rocket_Light (0-1) Rocket_Light_Red (0-255) Rocket_Light_Green (0-255) Rocket_Light_Blue (0-255) Rocket_Light_Range (0-2147483647) Convars will save. Convars can only be changed by whoever is running the server. Yes it works on singleplayer too lo...
Soft Lamps
Skapad av Piggo
Here it is. You ever go on the Artwork or Screenshots section and wonder how on earth people get their amazing lighting? Its all this, the soft lamps tool. Created by Vioxtar and NeatNit, all credit goes to them, i'm simply the uploader. This is the latest...
Stacker STool
Skapad av maesles
==== END OF SUPPORT ==== I am no longer putting time into this addon. Feel free to pick up development on your own. Link to source: http:// /va1g ==== END OF SUPPORT ==== Fixed for GM13, with other minor tweaks, by me. Not originally my work. Fixes:...
Standing Pose Tool
Skapad av Winded
This small tool can pose a ragdoll to it's model pose, which usually is a standing pose for ragdolls. It does not work properly with all ragdolls, but for most of them it does....
Skapad av zinsea
This map was in hl2 beta leak and was called "subt" i fixed it and added things that was hidden in visgroups it's kinda scary to walk on There is info_nodes and navmesh Detailed the street a bit, you can’t legally get there (I was bored) This map was somew...
Testroom Wasteland [Half Life 2 Beta]
Skapad av MishaUltraSex
This is testroom_wasteland and a piece of rock_forms05 map from "hl2 wc map pack". Peculiarities: - Ported materials; - Improved geometry; - No HDR. tags: hl, hl2, hl2b, hl2beta, half life 2, half life 2 beta, testroom, wasteland, testroom_wasteland...
Skapad av YuRaNnNzZZ
TFA-VOX is a framework for player callouts played on certain actions. It works on a pack-per-player basis, which means each playermodel needs to have a VOX pack installed and assigned for it to play the voice lines. TFA-VOX is modular and every module can ...
Skapad av Swampdonkey
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A deathmatch-styled map based on Valve's early blockouts for City 17, frequently referred to as "urb" in the older files of the Half-Life 2 beta. Much of...
Vertigo View
Skapad av shortnamesalex
"They call him the Consul now. It worked fine for him. He speaks for the Combine; he shares in their power. As for the rest of us..." This was fun to make. I wanted to make an original map based on the Half-Life 2 Leak for the longest time now, yet I haven...
Vertigo [Half-Life 2 Beta]
Skapad av Toha3673 gm_vertigo_full This map was ported by me from Half-Life 2 Beta during 1999-2001 years in Garry's Mod. Features: -3D skybox -No NPCs - no events -the a...
Smooth Scroll
Skapad av Minbirdragon
Just makes scroll smooth! This addon make all scroll panels have smooth scroll. That's all. Also see on the Github. Please report bugs and errors to me....
Skapad av
This is a client-side tool for building contraptions with extreme precision, aligning objects for either aesthetic or functional perfection. To accomplish this task a grid is projected onto the object you are pointing at and by pressing the use-button your...
Smart Remover Tool
Skapad av nrlulz
Ever shoot something with the remover then go, "SHIT, I DIDN'T MEAN TO REMOVE THAT!"? Then this tool will come in handy for you! Select individual entities, whole contraptions, or an entire radius, all before actually confirming removal. Especially handy w...
Smart Freezer Tool
Skapad av nrlulz
Instantly freezes or unfreezes entire contraptions. Especially handy for trying to recover a spazzing contraption or for build server admins to determine who's contraption is causing lag....
small half life 2 beta wasteland map
Skapad av juice demon
it ain't much, but it's honest work. - Consul Gaming (real), 2021. welcome to my half life 2 beta wasteland map it's small but you can do something with it maybe for example build something (kinda hard tho since the terrain is all bumpy) make a machinima m...
Simple Dirty Lens Effect
Skapad av Arifuwu
Dirtying your screen with dust and debris. What is this? Lens dirt or a dirty lens in photography refers to any particles, smudges, or imperfections present on the lens surface. These can include dust, fingerprints, water spots, or other debris. While in t...
Simple Chromatic Aberration Filter
Skapad av Arifuwu
Adding Chromatic Aberration to your gmod. What is this? "In optics, chromatic aberration (CA), also called chromatic distortion and spherochromatism, is a failure of a lens to focus all colors to the same point. It is caused by dispersion: the refractive i...
Ruins C17Beta
Skapad av Finnsohn
A map made from a cut out part of the HL2 game. The map is a ruined city 17 from half-life 2 beta 2001. The alliance is fighting against the rebels in the city, the sounds of battles are heard. The map has: 1.cubemap nodes 3.HDR Discord--- https://dis...
Description A roleplay map developed according to the existing assets and concepts of Dark Interval 1.2 and other parts of the Half-Life 2 mod. Accordingly designed for gaming on Half-Life 2 RP. Required external content: Counter-Strike: Source, HL2 Episod...
Skapad av Finnsohn
RU ---- Карта пустоши из hl2beta сделанная под рп карту,карта не в точности построенна как в hl2 beta,а приблизительно. На карте присутствует: 1-база повстанцев 2-2 лагеря повстанцев 3-скрытый бар 4-мини пищера 5-3 мини админ базы Лимиты карты:brushsides-3...
Skapad av Finnsohn
RU: Карта из hl2 beta 2001 года,карты взяты с WC MAPPACK.Основных изменений нету,карта сделанна в сторону рп и добавленно лишь блоки,офис гср,НН,и так далее. Лимиты карты:64000brushsides,8200 brush P.S Карту можете брать спокойно и изменять для себя или дл...
Improved Vanilla Combine + Dynamic Glow
Skapad av 󠀡󠀡
This add-on is a comprehensive re-texture pack for vanilla Combine NPCs in Garry's Mod with fixes, additions including merging some features from: pre-release, new and old Source engine, and Half-Life 2: Survivor. To ensure proper functionality, disable an...
IK Foot
Skapad av Fraddy15
This addon simulates Inverse Kinematics algorithm for player legs, like on NPC legs. Features Realistic legs behavior Сompatibility with any animations. Client console commands player_ik_foot - enable/disable inverse kinematic for foot. 1 – on, 0 – off (de...
Joint Tool
Skapad av Coverop
ORIGINAL CREATOR: Gmod4ever I TAKE NO CREDITS FOR UPLOADING THIS. RESPECT HIS WORK. Provides Source Filmmaker-like bone control in Garry's Mod. Allows the rotation, translation. Allows the rotation, translation (moving), and scaling of any bone that does N...
Kleiner Lab Beta
Skapad av Finnsohn
🗺️ Information Content and map taken from the mod: Dark Interval Contacts: VK- Discord-Finnsohn#9936 Tags: Hl2 Beta, Half-Life 2 Beta, Hal...
Laser Light
Skapad av Dishings
ConVars: Laser_Light (0-1) Laser_Light_Red (0-255) Laser_Light_Green (0-255) Laser_Light_Blue (0-255) Laser_Light_Range (0-2147483647) Convars will save. Convars can only be changed by whoever is running the server. Yes it works on singleplayer too lol. In...
Magna Vitae
Skapad av shortnamesalex
Near the south border between City 17 and City 16 is Magna Vitae. Similar to Nova Prospekt, it was once a high security prison that was converted to a processing plant where prisoners are turned into Stalkers or Combine Soldiers. The place was taken over s...
Metal Detector
Skapad av heitz
Information Did you ever think how to protect yourself from bad boys with guns? Then this mod is for you. Metal Detector detects players that have weapons on them and sound an alarm! Features This mod adds a metal detector entity, which detects any weapons...
Message Board - Simple Roleplay Addition
Skapad av *ricky
A simple, yet amazing addition to any roleplay server to add more realism for players to enjoy. Helps player to roleplay anywhere from closing a road down for construction, to a police checkpoint. If you like or have enjoyed this addon, leave a like and fa...
Volumetric Lighting / Fog
Skapad av Meetric
Volumetric Lighting Adds a volume_cloud entity to your game. The entity can be spawned by going to Entities->Volumetrics->Volume Cloud Open the context menu (hold C) and right click on the effects halo to change its properties. Please Note: - I suggest usi...
wasteland - Half-Life 2 Beta
Skapad av MonarchMonk
Author: Pan Zwieracz Content Required: Half-Life 2: Episode 2 wasteland is a short map inspired by Viktor Antonov, created by Pan Zwieracz. Its an in game take on a piece of concept art that Viktor created for the development of Half-Life 2. The depot foun...
Wasteland Railbridge
Skapad av BaconBacoon
A short map from 2001 HL2 Beta changed up a bit to feel like a "complete storyline" map. You can get the 2001 mappack here:;sa=view;down=242 Tags: HL2B, Half-Life 2 Beta, HL2 Beta, HL2 Leak, Half Life Leak, HL...
Skapad av WireTeam
A collection of entities connectable by data wires, which allows for the creation of advanced contraptions. Wiremod Landing Page: Github: Discord: Ultimate Guide to Fixing Wiremod: ht...
XPGUI Library
Skapad av crester
A VGUI Library made for XenPare projects and subprojects. Subscribe only if it's a requirement for an addon or if you at least understand what it is made for. Available on GitHub Join our Discord...
Skapad av Zippy
Get addons that run on ZBASE! Hey there, Kids! Welcome to ZBase! Why ZBase? - ZBase features high quality, feature rich AI that behaves like you would expect it to, anything from simple human NPCs to advanced SNPCs! - It utilises the source engine's AI sys...
Zombie Town [Half Life 2 Beta]
Skapad av MishaUltraSex
This is zombie_town02 from "hl2 wc map pack". Peculiarities: - Ported materials; - Grass detail; - Improved displacement; - No HDR. tags: hl, hl2, hl2b, hl2beta, half life 2, half life 2 beta, quarry, quarry town, wasteland...
Skapad av Combine Elite
"What are the odds two people survive this crash?" -MetroPolice officer This is a small Zombie survival map based off of the Vertigo/palace chapters of the Half-Life 2 beta. It has 5 sigil locations around the map: -In-development museum room -Electrical r...
Skapad av Combine Elite
This is a redone version of the original canals map I made a while ago. I decided to remake it as I felt the original map didn't capture much of the hl2 beta canals aesthetic The map includes 7 sigil spots located around the map There are 3 events that can...
Skapad av Combine Elite
This is an updated version of reactor_v2c. This updated map includes another side to the map which connects the two z spawns to allow for better co-ordination. There are also 3 new sigils placed into the map to fill out the other side. The event has been a...
[ArcCW] AR-2
Skapad av Red Fruit
"Overwatch, UNIT has an unregistered rifle" -Features- Just an AR-2, nothing else to fill out this section. -Credits- Valve - Models/Textures Juniez - AR-2 Model StarFreak22 - AR-2 Retexture Shadow_Run - Rerigging Anims MMOD Team - Animations Palindrone - ...
[ArcCW] Arctic's Customizable Weapons (Base)
Skapad av Arctic
"A weapon isn't good or bad, depends on the person who uses it.” -- Jet Li You asked for it, you're getting it - the ultimate customizable GMod weapon base, featuring procedural recoil, PiP scopes that finally don't suck or eat your framerate, full NPC sup...
[ArcCW] Half-Life Weapons
Skapad av GoodFishMan
A addon used for my friends RP server, these weapons are just converted to ARCCW and they are buffed slightly, also heads up their is a lot more to be worked on so expect that in the future, like black mesa. we hang out at the discord:
[ArcCW] Firearms: Source 2
Skapad av mytton
arccw updates has fucked with this mod so a lot of feature has been messed with and no longer works: UI update- pistol optic flag no longer works ADS update- zooming is a lot closer so clipping issue when firing general base update - lots of feature such a...
[ArcCW] [Beta] Firearms: Source 2 (FA:S 2.0)
Skapad av Joni
This is a port of official and custom weapons for Firearms: Source 2. Each weapon was carefully built from scratch on ArcCW to improve your gaming experience. No c_hands included! Our custom features Weapons malfunction animations New attachments Custom we...
[ArcCW] [UC] Commons & Attachments
Skapad av slipperrk1cks
Requirement addon for Urban Coalition addons to function properly. Also includes bunch of universal attachments for any ArcCW weapons. Join our Discord server to ask questions or follow up on new content! Universal attachments list Underbarrels: - Knight's...
Skapad av slipperrk1cks
Read through the end for an important announcement. An officially produced Urban Coalition singleton: a highly customizable pistol trusted by law enforcement everywhere. Tailor this famous piece of German engineering to your needs, and it will never let yo...
[DRG]Scene NPC
Skapad av YongLi
simple drgnpc made for fun they'll react to gunshot and other npcs feature 8 different voices 4 male 4 female all voice files are ported from Ready or Not camera mod related in the showcase:
[For Developers] Local Viewpunch
Skapad av relaxtakenotes
All of my mods are playtested on the x64 branch. Therefore install that if you experience any weird, unexplainable issues! Adds a new global function Viewpunch(angle) clientside that imitates how viewpunch works serverside. Why do this if it's also availab...
[Half-Life 2 Beta] city17_04demo - Cremation
Skapad av orangepaprika67 Map already has ai nodes and navmesh, and you do not require CSS nor HL2 EP1/EP2. YOUR FPS MIGHT BE LOW DUE TO THE NATURE OF DECOMPILED MAPS! Credits to all the Cremation devs for the original creation of this map. https://w...
[Half-Life 2 Beta] Combine Street - Cremation
Skapad av orangepaprika67 This map already has navmesh and ai nodes, and you do not require CSS nor HL2-EP1/EP2. YOUR FPS WILL BE LOW DUE TO THE NATURE OF DECOMPILED MAPS! Credits to all the Cremation devs for the original creation of this map. https...
[Half-Life 2 Beta] Raising The Bar Redux - The Terminal
Skapad av orangepaprika67 Credits to Raising The Bar - Redux for the original creation of this map. Note This map is fully noded for AI and has navmesh support. You do not require CSS nor H...
[Half-Life 2 Beta] Raising The Bar: Redux - Free TV
Skapad av weistel
RAISNG THE BAR: REDUX You Can Support Me #rtbr #raisingthebar #ртбр #hl2beta #beta #halflife2beta...
[Half-Life 2 Beta] The Canals - Cremation
Skapad av orangepaprika67 This map contains fully noded AI and navmesh. You do not require HL2/EP1/EP2 nor CSS. YOUR FPS WILL BE LOW DUE TO THE NATURE OF DECOMPILED MAPS! Credits to all the cremation devs for the making of this map. https://www.moddb...
[LVS] - Framework
Skapad av Jinxit
This is Luna's Vehicle System. It's purpose is to get all the different vehicle systems running on one and the same base so you don't have to code all the basic things over and over again such as seat switcher, damage system, exit scripts, weapon systems, ...
[HEXED] Citizens Mega Pack
Skapad av Wolf󠀡
A Mega pack of citizen models, these works as playermodels too! This pack contains a total of 6 female player models and 41 male player models. The male models have a total of 23 different skins and the female playermodels has a total of 29 different skins...
[PM] Transition Period Combine Soldier
Skapad av gus
TheParryGod's imagining of the Overwatch Soldiers between the times of Half-Life: Alyx and Half-Life: 2 Unsubscribe from the original ragdoll-only version to avoid issues! Player-model Featu...
[simfphys] Half-Life 2 Vehicles Extended
Skapad av 𝓒𝓣𝓥
Info The Half-Life 2 Extended Vehicles pack converted to simfphys by me. This is my first simfphys conversion done 100% by me. ONLY THE 4-WHEELED VEHICLES ARE INCLUDED. There are no plans to add airboat support using the float base. There are also no plans...
[simfphys] LUA Vehicles - Base
Skapad av Jinxit Original Description from 2016: After a long time i have finally converted my vehicle handling E2 to Lua and decided to share it with everyone. This addon will give you a very new feel of driv...
[vFire] Simfphys Support
Skapad av NotAKid
Adds vFire support to Simfphys This removes Simfphys client side fire and instead uses vFire. Works on all Simfphys vehicles! Please keep in mind vFire spreads, it may cause problems for sever owners. (CHECK vFIRES ADDON PAGE FOR CONSOLE COMMANDS) ________...
Scene Builder
Skapad av Aphrodite
Scene Builder The scene builder, in its current state, is a collection of props found within the Q-menu under addons > Scene Builder. These props were created for the purpose of cutting down on entities and allowing the user to quickly construct modular sc...
Skapad av Commander™ Another edited map that was origionaly created by Dave Brown and edited by me, Commander. I have fixed multiple RP problems such as no doors on shops and adding all of the textures you need. There is a full list below. As alw...
NPC Weapon Picking
Skapad av Limakenori
Hello there! Welcome to NPC Weapon Picking addon This addon adds ability for NPCs to pick up weapons and medkits Features: Settings Animations(if NPC has "combat_stand_to_crouch" or "pickup" animations) Medkits and medvials picking Metrocops won't pick sho...
NPC Grenade Throwing
Skapad av Limakenori
Hello there! Welcome to NPC Grenade Throwing addon This addon adds ability for NPCs to throw grenades Note: Zombie, vortigaunt and hunter that were shown in the gifs aren't supported by default. You should add them yourself using commands! Features: Settin...
No Collide Everything
Skapad av ...YEAR OF AOKO?
Make an object have no collisions with everything including or except the world. This tool can also disable self-collision on ragdolls and other objects with multiple collision meshes. -----------------------------------------------------------------------...
Global NPC Hearing System
Skapad av Zippy
Global NPC Hearing System NPCs are no longer deaf. They will react to any sound produced by a potential enemy realistically, and will approach the location of the sound. Features: - Should work on any NPC or SNPC - NPCs first turn towards the sound source,...
Enhanced PlayerModel Selector
Skapad av LibertyForce
It's the playermodel selector from Sandbox... but better! And available everywhere! Like your playermodel? Want to easily use it in all gamemodes? Annoyed that nowadays even maps overwrite it and block the spawnmenu? Then stop reading, you're in the right ...
DSS For Combines
Skapad av Limakenori
THIS ADDON REPLACES "models/combine_soldier_anims.mdl" AND "models/police_animations.mdl" SO ANY ADDON THAT REPLACES THEM(any combine/metrocop animations replacement) WILL CONFLICT WITH THIS ONE! Hello there! Welcome to Dynamic Surrendering System For All ...
Dynamic Interactions
Skapad av Limakenori
Hello there! Welcome to Dynamic Interactions addon Dynamic interactions allow NPCs to kill(or just push) enemies with more action way using specific animations. This addon adds dynamic interactions from Half-life 2: Episode 2 and Entropy : Zero 2 Enable Ke...
Dynamic NPC Squads
Skapad av StrawWagen
Automatically shunts npcs into valve's squads. Extra features! Npcs will chatter when they do any custom behaviour! When a squad starts losing members, they'll cry for backup! Entire system is based on disposition, so custom factions wont break it! Idle sq...
Dynamic Surrendering System
Skapad av Limakenori
THIS ADDON REPLACES "models/humans/male_postures.mdl" AND "models/humans/female_postures.mdl" SO ANY ADDON THAT REPLACES THEM WILL CONFLICT WITH THIS ONE! Hello there! Welcome to Rebel Surrendering System This addon simply adds surrendering from Entropy : ...
Damage Based Disarm
Skapad av Cubic_llama
Damage based disarm allows you to shoot weapons right out of people's hands! Pacify someone with careful aiming! Settle a duel with style! Any shot that hits your hand (assuming it's involved in holding the weapon) with enough force will cause the weapon t...
Collision Resizer (ENHANCED)
Skapad av tau
MASSIVE UPDATE October 31st, 2015 Physics now work on the client! Resizing is now compatible with HL2/engine saves! Resizing is now fully compatible with demo recordings! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Advanced Camera
Skapad av NeatNit
Do you find the default camera tool unsatisfactory? Is it just too basic and doesn't offer you the flexibility you need to create amazing pictures and elaborate poses? Introducing Advanced Cameras! Using Advanced Cameras, you can now edit a camera's proper...
Accurate Collision Models Pack (Half-Life 2, Episode 1, Episode 2)
Skapad av Rapthos
Accurate collision models for Half-Life 2 props. What does it do? This addon replaces only physical model for props from list (.phy). Is this causing lags? I dont think so. Does this work with "Props HD Overhaul" or any other retexture addons? Yes. List: H...
Skapad av N!kO
The Actors Addon allows video creation using the Garry's Mod's NextBot system, with it it's possible to use a NPC/Player Model or a workshop model as an Actor, using its animations and other functions that this addon has. Attention ! Watch the Actors Addon...
【OF】Lambda UI : A Half-Life Style UI
Skapad av 晦涩弗里曼
The screenshot is in Chinese, but this addon is friendly to English and other languages! A Half-Life style (maybe Black Mesa style) UI by 晦涩弗里曼(also known as Obscure Freeman,you can call me OF) This addon is inspired by Osha UI by gabeeeboii,and this UI is...
Catmull-rom Cinematic Cameras
Skapad av FreezeBug
Re-introducing the Catmull-Rom Cinematic cameras by Lua Pineapple There were quite a few hacky fixes in this version, beware! Yes, ive asked LuaPineapple (though it was a while ago) If i can re-upload this, and was approved to do so as long as I provided p...
Cinematic Letterbox overlay
Skapad av Dobrodushnyy
This is why the "Cinematic Mailbox Overlay" is a set of cinematic fields designed to be viewed on the screen. Perhaps this was due to the fact that we may not have noticed people, and also because our angle did not go into the video editor. Is an exclusive...
ARC9 Weapon Base
Skapad av Arctic
"The conqueror is always a lover of peace; he would prefer to take over our country unopposed." -- Carl Von Clausewitz The next generation of Garry's Mod weapon bases. Join the OFFICIAL Discord server here: Preamble Once upon a t...
AI Upscaled C17 buildings textures
Skapad av Zonnero
Updated C17 buildings textures to HD with AI Upscaling I’ve upscaled the building textures, refinery, and skybox coast mountain model to higher resolutions using AI. The textures are now more detailed and sharper. Includes: upscaled buildings (flats and sm...
Advanced Settings
Skapad av Dopey
Greetings, everyone! I reuploaded this old forgotten mod that I have been using for quite some time. I don't remember the author of it, but he has removed it from the Workshop years ago, and I had a bunch of old addons including this on an old external HDD...
Combine Tracers Rework
/////////NON CLIENTSIDE///////// Replaces default combine's tracers to more cinematic ones. You can hide energy ball effect by "cmb_tracers_energyball 0" and restart map. If you experience FPS issues, you can try lower bullet tracer frequency by Bullet Ove...
Dynamic Blood Placement
Skapad av GroovyBruce
08/29/2022 - I'd like to suggest that players try out Zippy's 'Enhanced Blood Splatter System' addon. It's essentially what I envisioned for Dynamic Blood Placement 2.0, and it's far better than this version. Hey Crunchy, what is this? Hey Person, this is ...
Disable Kill-Feed
Skapad av Nickolay
Does as it says, disables your kill feed, either on singleplayer or multiplayer. Errors? Post in the comments. Disclaimer: It was never meant to disable the console logs, solely the HUD. ...
Enhanced Audio Resources: Vehicles
Skapad av Kel Enhanced Audio Resources is a sound pack for the source engine that aims to completely overhaul the hl2_sound_misc_dir.vpk file that most games and mods that run the source engine run. The results? A...
Enhanced Audio Resources: Player - Legacy Edition
Skapad av neptune
The Enhanced Audio Resources - Player sound replacement mod, but before the creator replaced the sounds with Metal Gear sounds. Its pretty much the same as the other just with the original sounds it had. Sounds reverted : -Main menu buttons -Weapon Selecti...
Enhanced Audio Resources: Physics
Skapad av Kel Enhanced Audio Resources is a sound pack for the source engine that aims to completely overhaul the hl2_sound_misc_dir.vpk file that most games and mods that run the source engine run. The results? A...
Enhanced Audio Resources: NPCs
Skapad av Kel Enhanced Audio Resources is a sound pack for the source engine that aims to completely overhaul the hl2_sound_misc_dir.vpk file that most games and mods that run the source engine run. The results? A...
Enhanced Audio Resources: CS:S
Skapad av Kel Enhanced Audio Resources is a sound pack for the source engine that aims to completely overhaul the hl2_sound_misc_dir.vpk file that most games and mods that run the source engine run. The results? A...
Enhanced Audio Resources: Ambient Part 3
Skapad av Kel Enhanced Audio Resources is a sound pack for the source engine that aims to completely overhaul the hl2_sound_misc_dir.vpk file that most games and mods that run the source engine run. The results? A...
Enhanced Audio Resources: Ambient Part 2
Skapad av Kel Enhanced Audio Resources is a sound pack for the source engine that aims to completely overhaul the hl2_sound_misc_dir.vpk file that most games and mods that run the source engine run. The results? A...
Enhanced Audio Resources: Ambient Part 1
Skapad av Kel Enhanced Audio Resources is a sound pack for the source engine that aims to completely overhaul the hl2_sound_misc_dir.vpk file that most games and mods that run the source engine run. The results? A...
Episodic Combine Radio
Skapad av Blixibon
If you installed this while playing Garry's Mod, you MUST restart the game for the changes to be made. You do not need any of the Half-Life 2 episodes in order to use this mod. If you've played Half-Life 2 and its episodes enough, you may notice a differen...
EuphoRedo (Ragdoll Physics Overhaul)
Skapad av Horned⁧Overlord long story short it changes the ragdoll physics IT NOT A FIVE NIGHTS A FREDDYS MODEL!!! CHECK OUT MY NEW RAGDOLLL MOD! P.S. ...
Enhanced PlayerModel Selector Fesiug's Edit
Skapad av Fesiug
Incompatible with the original. Unsubscribe from it if you install this one. If you can't see the hands tab, you have the original mod installed. Comments are disabled because people can't read this part!! Sorry. Select your hands separately from your play...
Fedhoria - Active Ragdolls
Skapad av Rama
The budget version of euphoria, feature ragdolls stumbling, flailing etc. Hope you enjoy :) Requires "Keep corpses" to be enabled to get the effect on NPCs BIg thanks to Ragdoll Nation and Bluxyblue for the videos and Froggy for the screenshots. Compatible...
Flashlight Sound Overhaul.
Skapad av Vinavil
Flashlight Sound Overhaul Flashlight Sound Overhaul is an overhaul of the original unrealistic old and boring sound from HL2, this sound is higher quality since it has been recorded with high end gear, taking the sound samples from a real flashlight. the s...
Gravity/Physgun Remaster
Skapad av BlueFlytrap
Before you ask yes there is a Hl2 version. Check the thread linked below. Updated January 22th -Substantially reduced normalmap aliasing -Lowered memory a little Golly I sure do love animating everything multiple times. Especially when the physgun will jus...
GoPro\FishEye Camera Effect
Skapad av [CFS] FosterZ
Main console command: pp_fz_fisheye_enable 1/0 (1 - enable, 0 - disable ) ...
Half-Life 2 Phone Remake Clean [ENG] [Replacement]
Skapad av KosterZetro
Replace HL2 Phone on Phone Remake Clean Original: Credits: Key Authors: roariasperez: Model and textures source Volkolak: Porting, modeling Special Thanks: Just Jacob: For Tutorials ...
Half-Life 2 Leak Props: Complete
Skapad av CrazyBubba
Ever wanted over 1200 semi-useful props? This is the solution for you! HALF-LIFE 2 LEAK PROPS: COMPLETE After a summer of porting tons of models, I've gotten most (at least 90%!) of EVERY SINGLE WORLD PROP in the Half-Life 2 leak ported to retail! In addit...
Half-Life 2 HD Enhancement Project
Skapad av Guywhoisguy
Here it is! This is the Half Life 2 HD Enhancement Project created by Munancho INC on Game Banana All credit goes to him, I did not make this, I just made it easy for download for Garry's Mod Link to original: These tex...
HD Water Splash
Skapad av DPh Kraken
This is a simple sprite swap I made for when something splashes in water. Now the particle refracts light for a more realistic effect. This may cause performance drops if your graphics processor is weak, or you fire way too many bullets into water at one t...
Health Based Post Processing 2.0
Skapad av Nasty Ned
I stopped working on Gmod addons a few years ago, so don't expect me to update any of my addons. Thankfully, this addon still works on modern versions of Gmod, so hopefully that won't be necessary. Inspired by this amazing addon's post-processing system, t...
HL2 MMod Footsteps
Skapad av Cpt. Hazama
I'm not making a video. Replaces all of the default player footstep sounds with the ones in the grand-smacking, tasty new Half-Life 2 mod "MMod" Now let's wait for someone to make some delicious MMod SWEPs Credits: KrIsCrEeP - Original sounds Gunship_Mark_...
HD Glass Sounds
Skapad av SophieBaybey
Y'know, I was playing Gmod last night, playing through the Half-Life 2 campaign, and as you do, I threw Doctor Breen's television through a window. And y'know what I thought to myself? That sounded bad. Let's fix that. This addon replaces most glass breaki...
Half-Life: Alyx Texture Replacement
A Big Collection of Textures that Replace The Old Textures With the Half-Life Alyx Textures This includes: bricks buildings concretes graffiti metals models dirt plaster props stone And More... Tags: Alyx HL2 hl2 Half- Life Texture hla HLA Note: Also Cubem...
Half-Life: Alyx Assets in Garry's Mod [Replacement]
Skapad av KosterZetro
Replaces HL2 Props with HL:A ones Original: Credits: Key Authors: Valve Corporation: Original models and textures JersonGaming: Models and textures provider Dynamic_: Tires and bucket collision models Volkolak: Porting Sp...
HLA: Metropolice P.M. and Ragdoll
Skapad av Lenoax
"Pick up that can." -HL Trashman This model is from "Half-Life: Alyx". I ripped this one because out of all of them, this model makes me feel nostalgic the most. Though this won't be the only model I'll port, so watch out. ✓ If you put SPAM in this article...
Improved Blood Textures
Skapad av BakaKemono
Blood decals, wounds ported from some of my other blood mods made for Fallout 4 and Left 4 Dead. Alien blood splatter included but no changes to alien wounds This is mainly a decal replacement, should work with other mods that add more blood and gore. Will...
Improved Water [Reskin]
Skapad av KosterZetro
Reskins HL2 Canals Water, Water Hazard on Improved Water Original: Credits: Key Authors: Corporal_Shephard: Improvements Original Authors: Valve Corporation: Original water ...
Insurgency Sandstorm Blood Mod (NO SHADER VERSION)
Credit: GalaxyHighMarshal (original author)...
Modern Warfare Milsim Playermodels and C_hands
Skapad av 10,000 bees
Join my discord if you would like to request a model Modern Warfare 2019 USEF and Balkan Playermodels/ C_hands. Soon more playermodels will be added Credits: Thatrtxdude for extracting the models Me For helping RTX find the mo...
Patrol Routes STool
Skapad av Max Shadow
This tool allows you to create complex patrol routes for your NPCs. I made it mainly as a complement to my Stealth Mod. You can find it here: . This is my second project in LUA, I still have ...
Quick Slide
Skapad av datæ
Just a simple sliding mod. No bs, just crouch while sprinting. If you have VManip you'll see your hand move but it's not required sv_qslide_duration - Slide duration in seconds (default: 0.75) sv_qslide_speedmult - Slide speed multiplier (default: 1) cl_qs...
Ragdoll Blood Tweaked
Skapad av sadie! <3
Keep corpses MUST be enabled for this to work on NPC ragdolls This is an edited version of Buu342's Ragdoll Blood This mod is for a vanilla look and feel, if you want something flashier use Zippy's Enhanced Blood Splatter System. It is a much better mod th...
Ragdoll Death V2.0
Skapad av critson
About the addon menu: The screenshot is outdated, the settings can be found in the Utilites tab. They are separated to admin-only (server) settings and user specific (clientside) settings. Hello, friends, today we present you an updated version of Ragdoll ...
Razor Train HL2 Remade Assets [Replacement]
Skapad av KosterZetro
Replaces HL2 Razor train with Remade Assets one By Volkolak's (Submitter and Porter) Original Link: Credits: Half-Life 2: Remade Assets Authors: Retro Boy: Assets creator Kube: Assets creator MDDBULLDOGG: Assets creator E...
Realism Gun Sway
Skapad av lily
More Realism gun sway former name: Viewmodel Lagger Remake Can be set to trigger only when aiming (mwbase,tfa,arccw,arc9) Can set floating range, floating speed Can set lagger reverse New lagger animation Tactical Gun Ready (bind key in menu) AimDeadZone !...
Realism Ragdoll
Skapad av PhillModder
🔥🔥FEATURES🔥🔥 ► RagMod compatible ► Fedhoria compatible (i'd say its absolutely a must have, this mod was developed with it in mind) ► Gore mod compatible (50/50, some mods might not work) update 7/4/2021 removed custom model support, the culprit behind cra...
RP_NYCity Day
Skapad av Fishke
This is the day version of RP_NYCity NYCity is an ambitious roleplay map set in a gritty Y2K-era New York City. The map features 2 cities: a miniature version of Manhattan, and Union City, which are connected by a bridge and a subway system. https://i.imgu...
Rust c_hands
Skapad av Darsu
Use to select them seperatly from PM, they are in bottom of list. 3 types of gloves, hoodie and black skin. There is no playermodel and i won't do it. Original weights from rust but they suc...
SharpeYe - No Stamina (deprecated, read description)
Skapad av JusFoNo
NOTE: This iteration of the SharpeYe mod will likely stop functioning in the future. If it still works then great, but be aware that this is unsupported as I'm not a programmer. If this breaks, then chances are that there're fixed versions of the mod on th...
Simple Film Grain Effect
Skapad av Arifuwu
filmgrain effect like those in l4d2. What is this? Filmgrain is often used as a visual effect to emulate the appearance of film photography or to enhance the atmosphere and immersion of a game. It can add a sense of grittiness, realism, or cinematic qualit...
Vending Machine & Soda Can Remake
Skapad av Rymd
What is this? Nothing more than a couple new models and textures for the old Vending Machines and Soda Cans. Features Brand new model replacer for the old ones More accurate collision meshes Bigger textures Normal maps Phong masks Credits Models & Textures...
TFA Insurgency: Shared Parts
Skapad av YuRaNnNzZZ
Sight Replacement Template Includes: 9 Sights 1 Laser w/ 10 model variants 1 Suppressor w/ 6 model variants 4 Extended Magazine variants 2 Underbarrel grenade launchers Laser and Flashlight attachments Automatic viewmodel hands applicator (for viewmodels t...
Skapad av froggy
ViewMod adds multiple options for changing the way you see yourself and your weapons. If you are playing Sandbox, the options can be found in Spawnmenu > Options > Player > ViewMod, or by using the "viewmod_menu" console command. Most viewmodel options don...
Suit & Health Charger Remake [REPLACER]
Skapad av Riggs
Replacement of the original Half-Life 2 Suit & Health Charger model by the new model from Half-Life 2: Remade Assets Definitive Edition Packs. Half-Life 2: Remade Assets is a community driven project to remake the missing Half-Life 2 assets for Half-Life: ...
Texturize PLUS
Skapad av Zonnero
This addon adds over 175 new shaders. ENG The texturize feature is an powerful post process. This can change completely look of what's visible on map. It's realtime, no loadings. How it works? 1.Open spawnlist (default Q)> post process > texturize 2. Selec...
[ArcCW] [UC] Urban Decay
Skapad av slipperrk1cks
Seven high-quality weapons with original assets and the most in-depth customization you will ever see. 14 modders. 10 months. One big project. Developed in close collaboration with the team of developers behind WBTR, Urban Decay is the product of the combi...
[ArcCW] [UC] Urban Renewal
Skapad av slipperrk1cks
"Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day." – 2 Corinthians 4:16 From the creators of Urban Decay comes nine of action culture’s most iconic weapons, crafted with utmost quality and...
[EN]Decals pack in 4k![Part One]
Этот аддон переведен для английского сообщества Garry's Mod. I am not the original author, the original author, the author’s collection for Half-Life 2 and ported to Gmod. The package has a retexture of posters, posters in Russian, now you can read them! S...
[EN]Decals pack in 4k![Part Two]
Этот аддон переведен для английского сообщества Garry's Mod. I am not the original author, the original author, the author’s collection for Half-Life 2 and ported to Gmod. The package has a retexture of posters, posters in Russian, now you can read them! S...
[Half-Life Alyx] Dropship [Replacement]
Skapad av 76561198195710711
================================= this is a replacement model of a half life alyx dropship that i found on and i decided to uploaded it to gmod ok ================================= :CREDITS Valve Corporation Original mod...
[LEGACY] HL2 Pre-war vehicles Reworked
Skapad av SloppyTrainyard
HL2 pre-war vehicles, re-done with better quality such as more proper engine sounds, driving setup, steering wheel range and other small fixes this is not a replacement for simfphys's pack, this is a separate addon --New features-- steering wheels now turn...
[OUTDATED] [ARC9] SCP: 5K Weapons
Skapad av Craft_Pig
Updated SCP: 5K Weapons Requires the ARC9 Base! I also recommend downloading ARC9 Gunsmith Reloaded or ARC9 Escape from Tarkov SHARED for attachments. This addon comes with no attachments! About SCP: 5K Weapons SCP: 5K is a early access title. This tactica...
[TFA] Realistic Muzzleflashes 2.0
Skapad av YanKy03
Minus fire and more smoke, thats are the true essence of the gun muzzle flash in the real life. A "Realistic" (Its not exactly like the real life due engine limitations) Muzzle Flash pack high in performance, created to replace the old default Fire Effects...
Skapad av YuRaNnNzZZ
H&K MP7 ported to GMod from Insurgency and running on TFA Base. Featuring standard INS2 attachments support and high-quality animations. Credits: Mr. Brightside — Animations, texture edits and original INS2 compile Hyper — Models and textures Navaro — Soun...
[TFA][AT] H&K USP Match
Skapad av YuRaNnNzZZ
H&K USP Match ported to GMod from Insurgency and running on TFA Base. Featuring standard INS2 attachments, custom suppressor model and custom skins. Credits: Rymd — Porting and compiling for INS2, Selfillum mask Thanez, Kimono — Models MZK — Animations Mil...