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Items (112)
Caravan Adventures
Created by iforgotmysocks
Caravan Adventures aims to transform traveling around the world into a real adventure by providing new features to replace the annoying micromanagement, make traveling more fun and give you a sense of purpose doing so. Quick heads-up, about 25% of this mod...
Caravan Adventures - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Caravan Adventures. Caravan Adventures (远行大冒险)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -不完全汉化,设置部分作者未给出翻译接口。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 工坊评价非常高的大型拓展类mod。 此mod提升了大地图远行的趣味性,让环游世界变成了一场真正的冒险。 作者对远行队系统做了许多优化,增加了大地图快速建立营地、远行队连夜赶路...
Zoological Trader Caravans
Created by sjaak31367
Adds zoological trader caravans! Buying and selling all animals! (Like shepherds but with more than just sheep, or like Shaman Merchants, ye! Like that! But now buying/selling more (kinds) of animals!) (Note: Doesn't add new animals, but does add a trading...
Caravan Mood Buff
Created by Syrus
Description Have you ever been annoyed by caravan pawns immediatly going full mental the moment they enter a caravan site? Ever felt that any normal person would realize they can't expect to be pampered when traveling the world? Thought that winning a batt...
Caravan Mood Buff 简繁中文汉化 远征队情绪BUFF
Created by 云无意
简介:给远行队提供心情增益。远行事件、途中、归来、战斗胜利都有。 效果可自行设置。 欢迎留言反馈错译漏译,如果好用还请点赞收藏。 这只是一个语言包,你可以在右边找到mod主体。 This is just a language pack ,you can find main mod by right link. 汉化自用,一切权利属于原作者。欢迎原作者内置该语言文件。 Just a language pack . All copyrights belong to the original author. Al...
Caravan Item Selection Enhanced
Created by Kopp
Description: Personally I think one of the most user-unfriendly parts of the game is managing caravans. This mods aim is to improve one aspect of it: The selection of the items/pawns when forming a caravan (or splitting a caravan or loading transport pods)...
Caravan Item Selection Enhanced-汉化
Created by 苍白而蔷薇
远行队界面选择扩展 ↑机翻+脑补+意译的汉化标题 ~模板1.4.1版~ 注1:我所有的汉化翻译都是机翻+意译+脑补,肯定比不上专业的,只能说勉强能用 注2:繁体翻译是用简体翻译机翻转换的...(看得懂繁体不会繁体表达的我) MOD译文: 简介: 远行队(或拆分远行队或装载运输舱)界面可以有更详细的分类(也可以自己设置) 可以添加新选项卡(原版只有三个选项卡:人和动物,远行物资,物品)、重命名选项卡、更改它们的位置等等。 可以将子类别添加到选项卡(在原版中,只有人和动物选项卡具有子类别:殖民者、囚犯、动物……...
Treasure Hunter: The Forbidden Caravan
Created by velcroboy333
Rumors throughout The Rim tell about a clan of legendary adventurers who've dedicated their lives to traveling the galaxy in search of rare and exotic riches... Adds a wandering Treasure Hunter faction who will show up occasionally with one or two high val...
Treasure Hunter: The Forbidden Caravan - 简繁中文汉化包
Created by 鲜芋仙
Treasure Hunter: The Forbidden Caravan(寻宝猎人:禁忌商队)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译人员: -简体中文:鲜芋仙 -繁体中文:鲜芋仙 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介 边缘世界里流传着一个传说,讲述了一个传奇的冒险家族,他们毕生致力于在银河系中寻找稀有和奇异的财宝…… 添加一个流浪的寻宝猎人派系,他们偶尔会带着一两件高价值的商品出现,商品从“不可交易”、“不可购买”或“仅任务奖励”的物品中选择。 寻宝猎人不像普通的商队那样经常出现,...
Caravan Formation Improvements
Created by Kopp
A few features that should help forming/managing a caravan. Features: Change the caravan formation spot: Essential if your caravan needs to load stuff from stockpiles that are not close to each other. Let them load stuff at a spot, then switch the spot. Th...
Caravan Formation Improvements-汉化
Created by 苍白而蔷薇
远行队组建改进 ↑机翻+脑补+意译的汉化标题 ~模板1.4.2版~ 注1:我所有的汉化翻译都是机翻+意译+脑补,肯定比不上专业的,只能说勉强能用 注2:繁体翻译是用简体翻译机翻转换的...(看得懂繁体不会繁体表达的我) MOD介绍: 添加了一系列有关于组建远行队的mod设置,以帮助更好的组建远行队 性能应该绝对没有问题,只在远行队组建时启用一次相关代码 限制: 当远行队中有倒地的殖民者时,如果他们已经被带到地图边缘时,但你改变了出口位置,倒地的殖民者将自动从远行队中移除。 到达时套索:如果没有围栏/拴点,动...
Caravan Activities Framework [Discontinued for now]
Created by Bambaryła
Feel free to join my discord if you want to drop some thoughts: https://discord.gg/uQzpnCdBPS Welcome to Caravan Activities Framework! It's an easy to use XML-based framework that allows you to add Caravan Activities by adding simple XML objects. For addin...
Caravan Activities Framework-汉化
Created by 苍白而蔷薇
远行队行动框架 ↑机翻+脑补+意译的汉化标题 ~模板1.4.5版~ 注1:我所有的汉化翻译都是机翻+意译+脑补,肯定比不上专业的,只能说勉强能用 注2:繁体翻译是用简体翻译机翻转换的...(看得懂繁体不会繁体表达的我) MOD简介译文: 欢迎使用远行队行动框架! 这是一个易于使用的基于XML的框架,允许您通过添加简单的XML对象来添加远行队行动。如果要添加新内容,请参阅现有的行动以及文件夹里的FrameworkGuide.txt。 框架可能性: 您可以定义远行队在世界地图上执行的行动 每个新行动都会添加一个...
Go Explore!
Created by Albion
Go Explore! - A new event mod This mod provides new events and exciting opportunities for exploration. Go explore ancient cities and try to capture a space ship. New Events Lost City An ancient city got somehow destroyed. You can travel there and loot reso...
Go Explore! - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Go Explore! (去探索!)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg,Biscuit -繁中:leafzxg,Biscuit 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: 此Mod提供了一系列大地图事件,主题是探索内容。包括: ———————————— -失落城市 一个古老的城市被某种方式摧毁。 你可以去那里抢劫资源和物品,但要注意危险! 目前有3个不同类型的“失落城市”:剧毒城市、虫灾城市、废墟城市,等你去探索。 —————————— -启动的飞船反应堆 原版是你启动...
Mo'Events (Continued)
Created by Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of ilawz mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=835151481 - Almost all of the update-work done by Taranchuk - Strings opened for translation - Added settings where you can change the trigger-chance...
Mo'Events - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Mo'Events (Mo事件扩展)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 新增了一系列很有创意的随机小事件,增添游戏的细节真实性(比如小人受伤康复后会有充满活力的buff)随机性(增添了与部落的互动,你可以帮助部落治愈他们无法治疗的疾病,他们也会投桃报李)和乐趣,强烈推荐,其他很多具体内容请进入游戏体验,就不剧透了。 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.10 202...
Real Ruins
Created by MR. TETEREW
"Everyone is dead or gone. This story is over. Perhaps someone else will find a use for the ruins of this place." Have you ever wondered who might be that person which will find a use for those ruins? With this mod it might be you, or any other RimWorld pl...
RimStory (Continued)
Created by Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of Khaligufzels mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1713190031 Version 1.1 and 1.2 update by m1st4x https://github.com/m1st4x/RimStory - Spanish translation added, thanks El Bongo! - Updated Rus...
RimQuest (Continued)
Created by Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of Jecrells mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1354114366 - Added support for the new QuestScriptDef-type as well as the old IncidentDef - Added support for guest-groups from Orions Hospitality...
RimQuest - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
RimQuest (边缘任务)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: 玩家可以从商队/访客那里获取到世界地图的任务。 玩家可以自行设定任务的给予者(既绿色的感叹号) 在安装MOD后,来访的NPC里面会有一定概率带有一个绿色叹号的小人,选中你的一个殖民者,对其右键接受任务,就能看到他所列出的任务列表(其实就是原版的几个全球事件),玩家只能选择一个任务调查,并且要支付一定额度的小费。买下这...
[SR]Realistic Ore Generation
Created by Shadowrabbit
Realistic Ore Generation ID:2604132286 Author:Shadowrabbit Support Version: 1.3, 1.4 Github: https://github.com/Shadowrabbit/RealisticOreGeneration Support Languages: English, Chinese(简体中文), ChineseTraditional (繁體中文) Description Did you ever used the vanil...
More Crashed Ship Parts
Created by Ataman
For people who haven't had enough dangerous stuff on the rim yet. This mod implements additional mechanoid ship parts coming down on your head. They have the same drop chances as the vanilla ones. Fair warning about the red one: If Randy hates you enough t...
More Crashed Ship Parts - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
More Crashed Ship Parts (更多飞船部件)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:jessefjxm,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 新增更所类型(危险)的坠毁飞船部件。 更新日志: 2022.1.26-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.07 2020.8.16-1.2-1.2.0-2020.8.02 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边缘汉化组”,获取更多汉化发布、更新...
Dynamic Diplomacy
Created by NilchEi
This mod allows NPC faction to interact with each other without any player input. These events operate on independent timer and do not affect frequency of other events. It is also possible to enable/disable any event added by this mod to better fit player'...
Dynamic Diplomacy 动态外交 简繁汉化包
Created by Shavius
目前1.5版本的Dynamic Diplomacy已经内置了汉化,此mod不再必要,本汉化包仅供旧版使用 1.5版指路:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3220299022 汉化了Dynamic Diplomacy这个mod,它使用随机事件让派系之间的关系动态变化以及让NPC攻城略地...
Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod
Created by Albion
Sparkling Worlds - Glittertech on the Rim The main features of this mod is to increase the ability to craft advanced Glittertech items and introduce some new advanced weapons, items and buildings from Glitterworlds without breaking the game or deviating to...
Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod (闪耀世界)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RS-CZH,leafzxg -繁中:RS-CZH,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 注意!此mod非闪耀科技! 添加了有关闪耀世界的一系列事件,科技与武器等内容。 平衡良好 更新日志: 2022.12.27-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.11 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.20 2020.11.01-1.2-1.2.0...
Loot Boxes [CONTINUED]
Created by ♡ Pustalorc ♡
THIS IS A CONTINUED VERSION OF LOOT BOXES TO WORK WITH 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3. You can find the original mod here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1560291802 All credit goes to the original creator. I only grabbed the project, revived it and...
Loot Boxes - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Loot Boxes . Loot Boxes (战利品宝箱)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 向游戏中添加了各种各样的战利品宝箱,你可以从里面开出许多稀奇有用的物品,甚至是启灵装置。 如果你对自己的欧皇血统有信心的话,可以尝试开宝箱来一夜暴富! 战利品宝箱可通过任务、商队等方式获得,不过你也可以在基地里建造一个神秘的红色宝箱,用黄金、白银...
Loot Boxes retexture
Created by MrKociak
A simple retexture for the loot boxes mod. I wanted to make it look more vanilla-ish and I guess I got somewhat close to that. Load after the loot boxes mod, otherwise the textures won't be replaced. There shouldn't be any incompatabilities, there are no d...
Loot boxes - no crafting patch
Created by MrKociak
Removes the red chest and crafting recipes for loot boxes. Safe to add mid-save (just remove the bills), the patch doesn't completely remove the box, just its place in the architect menu, making it impossible to build. If both my retexture and More Archote...
[FSF] Better Pawn Lending Quest
Created by FrozenSnowFox
Description The Pawn Lending Quest in Royalty is a nice quest however for whatever reason the game places very little value on your colonists and their time. This mod changes a number of things with the quest to make it more viable. It also increases the s...
[FSF] Better Ancient Complex Loot
Created by FrozenSnowFox
Description The new quest to raid ancient complexes is interesting and exciting. You avoid traps, kill insects and mechanoids, fight off raiders and plunder crytosleep caskets. If you've raided them you were probably getting excited thinking you'll find so...
[FSF] Better Camp Loot Classic
Created by FrozenSnowFox
Announcement The Classic version of this mod is discontinued and will no longer be updated. You can find the new version of the mod here. Description This mod overhauls the mapgen loot table used for storage areas which is used for Bandit Camps (Possibly o...
Better Quest Rewards
Created by theothersteve7
Modifies quest rewards to focus heavily on items that cannot be crafted. This mod adds no new items. Safe to add or remove at any time. Will affect any quests generated while it is active. Does not retroactively change rewards. Quests generated while this ...
Let's Trade! [1.4+]
Created by zhrocks11
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif - Updated for 1.4 - 10/27/2022 - Updated to 1.3 Supports Rimworld Versions: B18, B19, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, Royalty and All DLC Trader Expansion Mod 'Let's Trade!' adds more variety to RimWorld traders. A total of 25 new trade...
Trade Ships Drop Spot
Created by Smash Phil
Control where Trade Ships drop your items with a placeable marker in Misc. (similar to party and caravan packing spots). Drop Pods and Animal Pens Vanilla picks spots outside of pens by design, I've decided to keep in line with vanilla so if you see your i...
Trade Ships Drop Spot - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Trade Ships Drop Spot (空投点)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233 -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 指定轨道交易物资的空投地点,不会影响其他空投舱事件和空袭。 更新日志: 2022.11.5-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.22 2021.7.30-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.24 2020.3.17-1.1-1.1.0-2020.3.03 ————————————————————————...
Trader ships
Created by AUTOMATIC
Adds trader spaceships to the game. Ships will visit your colony, preferring landing pads (either from royalty expansion, or landing zone designation added by this mod), and trade with you just like visiting caravans, without the need for trade beacons or ...
Trader ships - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Trader ships (贸易飞船)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:Vaniat,手闲脚痒,leafzxg -繁中:Vaniat,leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 在游戏中添加贸易商船。船只将拜访你的殖民地,如果有着陆点会优先选择着陆点,像商队一样与你进行 贸易,而无需贸易信标或通讯控制台。贸易商船可以代替轨道贸易商,也可以将两者都设置为激活状态。 更新日志: 2022.12.22-1.4-1.4.0-2022.11.21 2021.7.30-1...
Zoological Orbital Traders
Created by sjaak31367
This mod adds a new orbital trader to the game, who will buy your animals, no matter how unusual they are. They will also sell some animals, kibble, animal products (including eggs) and animal furniture. Development & Updating ╔ Unfortunately my interests/...
Dismiss Trader (Continued)简繁汉化
Created by Zephyr
赶走交易者。只需点击一个按钮,就可以摆脱那些在你殖民地里游手好闲的商人。送走交易者,让他们离开。 请排序在原mod后 这个汉化以前是整合在原mod里的,但原mod里的汉化不知为何变成了乱码。 更多详情请看原mod 本mod仅为汉化包,不包含mod本体。加载在原mod后 PS. This is just a language pack ,you can find main mod by right link....
Created by ♫LP
https://i.imgur.com/OO1XpGk.png This is a Vanilla modification, which means no new items or perks are added to the games. MultipleTraders adds a variety of traders both from the Orbital or the Caravans. Also acts as a Wealthy Traders or More Silvers for al...
Created by ASAVIKLE
请在原MOD之后加载 英文名:MultipleTraders 中文名:多样的贸易商 简介 为游戏内添加了多种类型的贸易远行队与轨道贸易商。(如:资源贸易商,药品贸易商,动物贸易商等) 翻译人员 简体中文:asavikle 繁体中文:asavikle 注意事项 本汉化由asavikle出品,未经允许禁止转载。 如在游戏过程中发现了翻译错翻、缺失等问题,可以评论指出,翻译人员看到后会进行检查改正。 如果您喜欢本汉化,可以点赞收藏订阅。 祝您游戏愉快。 ...
We Had a Trader? (Continued)
Created by Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of Electric_Knards mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=865395290 - Added time left on orbital traders - Added support for Trader ships-mod - Added option to ignore visitors, this also includes g...
Galactic Grocers
Created by Radiation Emperor
Changelog Updated to 1.4. All future updates will be a part of Duality Overhaul. Removed sale categories and added one major category to cover all foods, including ones from mods. Initial upload. Summary This mod adds an orbital trader from which to purcha...
Metals Trader
Created by Big Veech
Adds Orbital Metals Trader to aid with late game steel problems. Thumbnail by Max McLaughlin. Copy editing by Austin Tindle. Open Source Project Link: https://github.com/veech/orbital-metals-trader/...
Basic Material Trader Ship
Created by Feng Xinzi
增加了一种携带大量基础材料的轨道贸易商。 现在你可以放开手脚玩SOS2了。 Add a trader ship loaded with tons of basic materials. Now you can let go and play SOS2. ...
[KV] Call Trade Ships [1.4]
Created by Taranchuk
An updated version from KV. Original mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2431840021 Will take it down if requested by the original author. ===== Call for trade ships for a price from a Comms Console. The price can be adjusted in the...
Created by joseasoler
TraderGen is a mod focused on improving trader variety and mod compatibility. Every trader will feel different and unique! Orbital trader specializations: Orbital traders get a random specialization. In addition to their normal stock, they will have extra ...
Trade Price Fix
Created by Farmer Joe
Trade Price Improvement Fix in 1.3 no matter how high a pawn Trade Price Improvement is, anything above 50% won't take effect. essentially cap the buy and sell price at 50% of the market value. but now in 1.4, the cap for TPI has been removed, and TPI abov...
Tradable Meals
Created by meow
Allows bulk goods trade ships to buy and sell meals again....
Auto Seller
Created by Supes
This Rimworld mod adds the ability to Auto Sell items from the trade window using a set of editable rules. These rules can be created and edited via the Autosell Tab. So, you've been hoarding a ton of weapons and apparel you've been hoping to sell, or you'...
Sell Of Minerals
Created by 没话说
You can use the comms console to sell the scanned minerals to your allies in exchange for the corresponding minerals. The value can be changed in the settings. Language: ChineseSimplified; English. ...
Sell Prisoner With No Guilt(patch method)
Created by velcroboy333
Forked version of Selling Prisoners With No Guilt. Uses XML Patch method vs. rewriting Vanilla Def Selling prisoners does not make colonists sad unless they are "Kind". Original mod by: GassyTaco https://i.imgur.com/ByrCFk7.png ...
Full Gun Sell Price
Created by bdew
Removes reduced sell price multiplier for weapons. ...
Tradable Stone Blocks
Created by meow
Allows bulk goods trade ships to buy stone blocks again....
Trading Control
Created by Tad
What it does. This allows you to designate where you want Trade Caravans and Guests to set up shop, then lets you tell the Traders when to move on! No more trampling around inside your workshops or through your bedrooms in the middle of the night! Bonus - ...
Trading Control汉化
Created by _duosha_
Trading Control的简体中文汉化...
Trading Options
Created by joseasoler
Customize your trading experience! With this mod you can easily change: • How frequently caravans, orbital traders or visitors will arrive at the colony. • Change restock frequency of settlements. • Change the departure time of caravans, visitors and orbit...
Trading Options-汉化
Created by 苍白而蔷薇
定制贸易商队 ↑机翻+脑补+意译的汉化标题 ~模板1.4.1版~ 注1:我所有的汉化翻译都是机翻+意译+脑补,肯定比不上专业的,只能说勉强能用 注2:繁体翻译是用简体翻译机翻转换的...(看得懂繁体不会繁体表达的我) MOD简介译文: 定制您的交易体验! 您可以轻松更改: •商队、轨道贸易商或访客到达殖民地的频率。 •访问并与其它派系定居点贸易后定居点补货的频率。 •商队、轨道贸易商或访客到达殖民地后停留的时间。 •任何类型商队,轨道贸易商的携带白银。 •任何类型商队,轨道贸易商的物品种类和数量。 •如果你...
[GMT] Trading Spot
Created by Grizzle
https://i.imgur.com/JQzUJ9N.png This is an update to Trading Spot so that it works with 1.4. This version of the mod will work with previous versions of the game too as the files for prior versions were untouched. Added a texture for the trading post so it...
Settlement Inventory
Created by GimmeYoCookiez
Features Adds an extra window that will show you what a settlement will sell to you. Without having to go all the way there to check. It has options to require a first visit to the settlement or to have a comms console before it can be viewed. These can be...
Incident Tweaker
Created by AUTOMATIC
Allows the player to enable/disable incidents and tweak their chances. To disable the incident, set its multiplier to 0. The checkmark in UI means that the value is altered. Limitations: - this mod only lets you tweak the likelihood of an incident to happe...
Incident Tweaker 简繁中文汉化 事件几率调节
Created by 云无意
简介: 继承蛤皮的呱呱的1.2汉化,润色修改。 玩家可以在设置菜单里调节大部分原版与mod事件的几率。 左边的绿色对勾可以恢复原始设定。 作为休闲党,改剧本设定很麻烦,这个mod还挺方便的。 配合剧本设定,游戏节奏可以收放自如。 欢迎留言反馈错译漏译,如果好用还请点赞收藏。 这只是一个语言包,你可以在右边找到mod主体。 This is just a language pack ,you can find main mod by right link. 汉化自用,一切权利属于原作者。欢迎原作者内置该语言文件...
[1001]More Precious Minerals (Continued)
Created by The
This mod allows you to find larger mineral lumps using Long Range Mineral Scanner. By default, minerals will appear %50 more (Configurable 0 - 500% in mod settings). Like my mod? Donate at: https://ko-fi.com/papercrane1001 I use the MIT license: https://op...
Simple Warrants
Created by Cleverics
https://i.imgur.com/pLo0xmx.gif We have a dual responsibility to serve you as the player while enhancing your gameplay experience and help you exploit advantages provided and extend your colony development capabilities. The capability to project power acro...
Simple Warrants - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Simple Warrants,you can find main mod by right link. Simple Warrants (简易悬赏令)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 向游戏中加入了“悬赏令"功能。 你可以通过完成其它派系发布的悬赏令来赚取报酬,或自行发布悬赏令来让其它派系为你寻找某样神器、干掉/俘获某人或捕...
[SYR] Set Up Camp
Created by Syrchalis
Set up camp, once again! https://i.imgur.com/s8csNp7.png For all your caravan managing needs, you can now set up camp anywhere. This let's you travel to hunt, forage and mine without having to 'settle' every time. https://i.imgur.com/eiAAg6q.png Settings: ...
Set Up Camp - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Set Up Camp(露营地)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:BOXrsxx -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品。 简介: A16世界地图出现后崛起,知名度最高的大地图类mod。国民级mod。使远行队能够在没有其他据点的地区位置建立临时定居点。新维护者对其进行了优化,设定更合理,并有更多内容可以自行设置。 是否兼容已有存档:可以 强度及特点: 综合正义度:中等(4 开启露营地事件,设定停留时间)- 正义(14 关闭露营地所有事件,无限时间) 特点:使远行队能...
Hire Empire
Created by Broms
Use the comms console to hire pawns from the Empire faction just like how you can hire Pirates from Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates. Empire: Common Laborer: 30 silver a day. Great with mining, construction, animals, and planting. Mid range skill in all...
Hire Empire 简繁中文汉化 雇佣帝国
Created by 云无意
简介:可以向帝国雇佣工作人员。需要原版拓展框架和皇权dlc前置。 欢迎留言反馈错译漏译,如果好用还请点赞收藏。 这只是一个语言包,你可以在右边找到mod主体。 This is just a language pack ,you can find main mod by right link. 汉化自用,一切权利属于原作者。欢迎原作者内置该语言文件。 Just a language pack . All copyrights belong to the original author. Also welcom...
Miscellaneous 'CORE'
Created by Haplo_X1
*** This mod contains various core functions for other Miscellaneous parts. *** *** It must be loaded before the other parts! *** The following video shows all that Miscellaneous can add to your game: Miscellaneous Showcase by Soapie Plays It also comes wi...
Misc. MapGenerator
Created by Haplo_X1
- Blueprint MapGenerator This will create some more detailed ruins on map creation. Some are simple, some complex, some come with items, some with mechanoids,... You can also add your own ruin blueprints to the collection. (Note: This mod only works when y...
Misc. MapGen FactionBase
Created by Haplo_X1
Blueprint MapGenerator for Faction Bases This will sometimes create faction bases from the available blueprints. To make it not too predictable there are chances based on the count of blueprints to alternately still use the vanilla generator. (85%-50% chan...
Misc. MapGen Xtension 'Urban Biome'
Created by Haplo_X1
*** You must load Miscellaneous MapGenerator BEFORE this to work! *** This will create some urban ruin biomes, which will use the blueprints provided in Misc MapGenerator. Note: You can increase the occurence of urban ruins in the mod settings of Misc. Map...
Created by leafzxg
Haplo_X1的Misc.全系列Mod的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -原Mod内置的汉化已过于落后(近一半没汉化),本汉化包已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:风之起灵,Ten Moe-天萌,leafzxg -繁中:leafzxg 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 适用于以下Mod:(选择你需要的Mod,不必全部加载) -Miscellaneous 'CORE' -Misc. Bees'n'Honey -Misc. Endgame -Misc. Incidents -Misc. MapGenerator...
Large Faction Bases
Created by newcolonist
Generate larger faction bases. Their size and manpower evolve with time. It also factors in the difficulty level, and some randomness. A high-risk, high-reward challenge. Safe to add/remove in-game. For compatibility with other mods changing faction bases,...
Choose your enemy base
Created by BrokenBed
This mod was created for compatibility of two mods: - Large Faction Bases - Misc. MapGen FactionBase By default, this mod will use only vanilla map generation, so you need to select them in the mod settings. There are other options for a map generation, bu...
Rim War
Created by Torann
**Rim War is still it BETA and it's likely to encounter bugs or incompatibilities; if you're looking for a well balance and polished playthrough then it's recommended to wait for the 1.0 release. However, if you're interested in the concept and want to con...
Rim War - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Rim War (边缘战争)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:RicoFox233,MZM_GOW -繁中:leafzxg,MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 你可以在边缘世界里玩钢铁雄心。 更新日志: 2022.11.6-1.4-1.4.0-2022.10.22 2021.7.31-1.3-1.3.0-2021.7.26 2020.10.30-1.2-1.2.1-2020.10.21 2020.9.14-1.2-1.2.0-2020.9.14 ———...
Jelano Retexture - Rim War
Created by Jelano
https://i.imgur.com/g14QiUH.png The Jelano retexture series aims to improve textures both from the original game and from community mods. This mod retextures the UI from the popular "Rim War" mod by Torann. I made sites images on the world map more minimal...
Friendly Hostile Factions (Continued)
Created by Zaljerem
Original mod by syzal https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2171818469 If the original author requests it, I will remove this update. Currently incompatible with: Vanilla Races Expanded - Phytokin -- Added support for Ideology (Cannibal Tr...
Created by LimeTreeSnake
https://i.imgur.com/JXUhRvZ.png https://i.imgur.com/RGhIPSh.png https://i.imgur.com/iMPn1au.png Systems is a framework that contains code that are used by many of my mods, other modders can also utilize this framework if they wish. Feel free to contact me ...
[LTS]Tenants - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Tenants,you can find main mod by right link. Tenants (租客)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 经过原作者重写的新租客mod。 向游戏中加入了房屋租赁与租客系统。 和访客mod不同,租客基本是以单人形式出现的。租客会花费白银在殖民地里租房暂住一定天数,并与你签订租赁合同。租客不会为殖民地做...
Smarter Visitors
Created by Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/iCj5o7O.png Since visitors decide when they want to leave, it may not always happen at the best time. This mod checks the map when visitor-groups decide to leave and can delay this from happening. Included in the mod is also a Visitor-s...
Smarter Visitors - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Smarter Visitors,you can find main mod by right link. Smarter Visitors (更智能的访客)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 你是否曾因为访客选择在袭击或其他威胁事件发生时离开而感到难绷?或许这个mod能帮你解决问题。 本mod对访客的一些机制作出了更人性化的改...
Disable Automatically Select Travel Supplies
Created by RavenousEye
Makes "Automatically Select Travel Supplies" option off by default. Just a simple quality of life change to prevent unnecessary suffering. Also the game likes to lag a LOT late-game when the auto-supplies option is enabled. This mod will prevent just that....
Just Put It Over There
Created by Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/iCj5o7O.png When making a trade-deal with a caravan, they will now try to place your bought items in storages instead of just dropping it on the ground. If there are no available storage space that they can reach the items will be left ...
Not My Fault
Created by Vesper
Introduction Picture this - You get a new notification, a trade a caravan! How exciting! Except... No, guys, please don't walk through the cave filled to the brim with angry genetically engineered insects... Aaaand your visitors are all dead. And now their...
Better Beggars - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by MZM_GOW
A Chinese language pack of Better Beggars,you can find main mod by right link. Better Beggars (更好的行乞者)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:MZM_GOW -繁中:MZM_GOW 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载和用于AI训练。 简介: 此mod对文化DLC的行乞者任务进行了一定程度的修改与扩充。 除了增加几种新的行乞者任务外,鉴于原版的行乞者过于狮子大开口(行乞?明抢!),你可...
Call For Intel
Created by GwinnBleidd
This is a reupload of 8Z's mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2240610130 Changes and fixes: Updated to 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and fixed broken defs Support of worksites quests Support of quests from Vanilla Factions Expanded - Ancients (2 qu...
Call For Intel简中汉化
Created by BUyue
Call For Intel的汉化,这个mod允许你通过消耗好感度向盟友请求情报,包括事件点以及任务。 ...
Spread The Word
Created by Crazedmonkey231
A couple of simple harmony patches that aims to convert other factions to your ideoligion. Each factor can be controlled in settings. The conditions that must be met is anything the game considers eligible for goodwill currently this is medical treatment/r...
We Are United
Created by MIS42NE
Unite with others, together We Are United! "We Are United" formerly "Family Reunion" - allows you to recruit pawns who are related to your colonist or has no home. Usage: Right-click on the pawn with selected colonist and 'Ask to unite'. When you 'Ask to u...
We Are United_繁簡漢化包
Created by Alihon
We Are United 的繁簡體漢化,請於原MOD後加載。 我主要以繁體中文為主,簡體的我是直接把翻好的繁體內容直接丟去轉簡體,因此若用字遣詞不符合簡體使用者的習慣,敬請見諒。 Ps:我只漢化了1.4版。 更新日誌: 2023/09/11:首次上傳 ...
A Petition for Provisions (Continued)
Created by Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Update of ToyWalruss mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1904213444 that is no longer being maintained. - Short-hash errors and the infinite caravans should be fixed - The stuff filter should now work ...
I'm off
Created by CrunchyDuck
Let go of colonists with an immersive quest that allows pawns to join other friendly factions permanently. Too often, someone joins your colony, claiming they have nowhere else to go. And because of your Ideology™ (DLC not required), you can't just turn th...
Sleepy's More Permits
Created by Sleepy068
https://i.imgur.com/JDaeY60.png Sleepy's More Permits Modding is easier together, this mod is licensed under CC0 1.0 UNIVERSAL. A simple mod that adds new highly balanced permits to the game to be used by your royals. I love to add content to this game tha...
Sleepy's More Permits汉化
Created by Houzxsh
更多帝国许可,主要是各种你能直接操作的战士 完全汉化,加了前置,如果发现有问题可以直接留言(但是我没有办法回复)或者在其他平台上私信我 还有很多mod在汉化,最重要的是Royal Arsenal的汉化,希望这个大mod不要再撞车,不然真的会爆炸 This is just a translation mod. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it ...
Better Relationship Value
Created by Alfie Brook
Change the way of calculating relationship value.Now the maintenance of faction relationships becomes increasingly important.You won't become hostile to a faction just because of one evil deed, and you can't get friendly with a faction simply by giving awa...
Created by 苍白而蔷薇
更多事件 ↑机翻+脑补+意译的汉化标题 ~模板1.4.5版~ 注1:我所有的汉化翻译都是机翻+意译+脑补,肯定比不上专业的,只能说勉强能用 注2:繁体翻译是用简体翻译机翻转换的...(看得懂繁体不会繁体表达的我) MOD介绍: 向游戏里加入了许多新的事件 可中途加入不需要重新开档 不需要任何DLC CE兼容 具体事件如下 *山风:一股清新的山风。殖民者感觉好多了。 *海风:一股清新的海风。殖民者感觉好多了。 *遥远恒星凋亡:此时此刻,殖民者可以在天空中观察到一幅遥远而美丽的恒星步入恒星生命终点而凋亡的画面,...
[SR]Factional War
Created by Shadowrabbit
VERISON 1.5 VERSION 1.5 IS HERE Factional War ID:2534328163 Author:Shadowrabbit Support Version: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 Github: https://github.com/Shadowrabbit/ModRimWorldFactionalWar Support Languages: Chinese(简体中文), English, French (Français), Japanese (日本語), Pol...
[SR]Raid Extension
Created by Shadowrabbit
Raid Extension ID:2554928098 Author:Shadowrabbit Support Version: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 Github: https://github.com/Shadowrabbit/ModRimWorldRaidExtension Support Languages: Chinese(简体中文), English, ChineseTraditional (繁體中文), French (Français), Russian (Русский), Por...
Joint Battles
Created by SalmonToastie
Your allies call upon you at long last. Finally you can raid enemy bases with some support and ambush enemies in the wilderness. Adds 3 quests, Ally base raid, Ally outpost attack and Ally battlefield. There is three different tiers which effects how many ...
Joint Battles - 简&繁中文汉化包
Created by leafzxg
Joint Battles (加入战斗!)的简/繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之后加载。 -已完全汉化。 翻译: -简中:TrVi -繁中:TrVi 边缘汉化组出品,禁止转载。 简介: 该mod增加三种与友军协同作战的任务,让你的战斗生涯并不孤单。 1. 摧毁哨所任务 2. 摧毁地方派系 3. 局部冲突战场 更新日志: 2021.9.05-1.3-1.3.0-2021.8.29 2021.3.12-1.1-1.2.0-2021.3.07 —————————————————————————— 关注汉化组B站号“边...
We Had A Trader? Zh
Created by TorchGod