Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Items (957)
L'Église de la Madeleine [PARIS | FR]
Created by Filippos
I used to have a relatively long description in here largely taken from wikipedia. Instead of that I urge you to check the wikipedia page for the asset to discover its fascinating history and the details behind the building. I would have written something ...
Пассажирское автотранспортное предприятие (Bus garage).
Created by EminaTenone
ПАТП - Пассажирское автотранспортное предприятие. (Bus garage) 16 х 8 Для того, чтобы на заднем дворе появились автобусы нужно подписаться на этот предмет от Pashka2125 ) Если Вам понравилось,...
中车智轨列车 CRRC Autonomous rail Rapid Transit
Created by Go!Vnian
中车智轨列车 类型:公交车 编组:3 载员:150人 速度:70km/h ★ 推荐采用 Improved Public Transport 2 指定线路所用车型 ★ 推荐采用BRT运行模式 CRRC Autonomous rail Rapid Transit(ART) Type:Bus Formation:3 Capacity:150 Speed:70km/h ★ It works better with Improved Public Transport 2...
ÖBB Headquarter
Created by SoJiro
EN Headquarter of Austrian rail company ÖBB located at Vienna Central Station DE Zentrale der österreichischen Bundesbahnen am Standort Wien Hauptbahnhof Scale: 1:1 Tris: 4911 Tex: 512x320 (a,i,d,s) LOD Tris: 76 Tex: 64x64 (a,i,d,s) If you like our work pl...
中国高铁单根版 China highspeed track single
Created by 狼少
speed limit:625km/h Track Gauge:1435mm Can change catenary by network skin in game!!!!!!! 游戏内可以随意更换接触网架!!! Thank you for rating this road/leaving your comments and impressions ❤ 请点个赞~~谢谢❤ 高铁主线:
Üstra Busdepot
Created by Toyota Hilux
Üstra Betriebshof Vahrenwald >>> Ingame Busdepot,9.7365836,148m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=de It is supposed to be orange like in real. This Building is from Hannover, Germany 2048x2048 _i, _n, _d, _s Still new to Blender and 3...
光影 · 南京:Nanjing - Sunlight & Shadow
Created by 76561198830532695
南京是中华人民共和国江苏省省会,位于长江下游,是中国历史文化名城,享有“六朝古都”的美誉。存档(81格范围)按照1:2还原古城墙及其内的现代南京,建邺区、雨花台区部分组团,以及地图范围内运行中和规划中的全部地铁线路。下面介绍存档还原的主要地标、景点和市政设施。 秦淮风光带,包括大报恩寺、中华门、雨花门、武定门、老门东、夫子庙、江南贡院、愚园、白鹭洲公园等。 鼓楼-新街口,包括孙中山大铜像、金陵饭店、德基广场、金鹰中心、全民健身中心、紫峰大厦、鼓楼市民广场、鼓楼公园、鼓楼医院、南京大学等。 大行宫地铁站周遭,...
北京 天安門包 Beijing Tiananmen Package
Created by TAEMIN B
北京 天安門包 Beijing Tiananmen Package 北京 天安門包 Beijing Tiananmen Package 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. Tiananmen is most popular landmark building in P.R. China, and for Chinese. It is in Beijing, China and it's a main gate of imperial palace, Forbidden city. #天安門 #...
國民革命忠烈祠 National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine
Created by Emperor Li
國民革命忠烈祠 位於臺北市圓山的一座忠烈祠,是中華民國全國崇祀國殤位階最高的場所。於1969年完工,建築型式仿北京故宮太和殿。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 預覽圖片中的牌樓在這裡。 歡迎使用First Person Camera: Updated 進來參觀。:) 感謝您的訂閱! 国民革命忠烈祠 位于台北市圆山的一座忠烈祠,是中华民国全国崇祀国殇位阶最高的场所。于1969年完工,建筑型式仿北京故宫太和殿。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 预览图片中的牌楼在这里。 欢迎使用First Person Camera: Update...
国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building
Created by TAEMIN B
国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building 国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. it is called by 'Kokkai gijidō'. It is a house of councillors, National diet building of Japan. It is in tokyo, Around of imperial(royal) palace. And it's popular landma...
地铁站样式2 metro-s2
Created by hikke
大家好~ 第二个小清新地铁站, 希望大家喜欢 未经本人同意 严禁转载企鹅平台 模型信息: 三角形计数:1896 贴图:1024X1024 ====================================== Hello everyone~~ This is a metro station~ if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: Tris: 1896 Texture: 1024x1024 ---------------------------------...
大阪城 おおさかじょう Osaka Castle
Created by TAEMIN B
大阪城 おおさかじょう Osaka Castle 大阪城 おおさかじょう Osaka Castle 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. it is called by 'Osaka Castle'. It is in Japan and it was a fort, and now it is popular landmark building to Japanese for real. and it began to build in 16 century. So it's an impor...
广州国际金融中心/International Finance Center GuangZhou
Created by UNFU 广州IFC国金中心,即大家熟知的西塔。为了体现此楼“通透水晶”的特性,使用了真实玻璃并制作了内部结构以达到更好的视觉效果喔!注册为RICO办公。 广州国际金融中心位于中国广东省广州市天河区珠江新城西南部,毗邻花城大道和珠江西路,是珠江新城七大地标建筑之一。它由套间式办公楼、裙楼和主塔楼三部分组成,建筑总面积约44.8万平方米,是集办公、酒店、休闲娱乐为一体的综合性商务中心。 广州国际金融中心有437.51米高,103层,在建成当年成为仅次于上海...
北京 天安門 Beijing Tiananmen NEW
Created by TAEMIN B
北京 天安門 Beijing Tiananmen NEW 北京 天安門 Beijing Tiananmen NEW 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. Tiananmen is most popular landmark building in P.R. China, and for Chinese. It is in Beijing, China and it's a main gate of imperial palace, Forbidden city. #天安門 #紫禁城 #故宮博物院...
杭州东站--Hangzhou East Railway Station
Created by hikke
作品介绍: 这次的作品是杭州东站 这次是纯车站 无广场 有什么问题留言 楼主要出差三天 回来后再看 喜欢的请点赞支持我~~ 模型信息: 三角形计数:8067X4+4210X4 贴图:1024X1024 LOD:198X4+230X4 LOD贴图:256x256 未经本人同意 严禁转载腾讯平台 =================================================== hi everyo...
浦东一号停车场 PVG T1 Parking
Created by amamIya
浦东一号停车场 PVG T1 Parking by amamIya...
Created by UNFU
广州大剧院是广州新中轴线上的标志性建筑之一,是目前华南地区最先进、最完善和最大的综合性表演艺术中心。坐落于珠江新城花城广场旁,以璀璨的文化地标身份,为中国大胆探索着剧院经营管理新模式和改革发展道路。 广州大剧院由第一位获得“普利兹克建筑奖”的女性、英籍伊拉克设计师扎哈·哈迪德设计,是她进入中国的处女作和成名作 。广州大剧院宛如两块被珠江水冲刷过的灵石,奇特的外形充满奇思妙想。全球顶级声学大师哈罗德·马歇尔博士,为广州大剧院精心打造的声学系统,达到世界一流水平,使其传递出近乎完美的视听效果,获得全球建筑界及艺...
现代艺术馆 Modern Art Museum
Created by amamIya
现代艺术馆 Modern Art Museum Unique Building Level 5 Real Glass AnimUV Model: Main: 18670 Submesh: 14146 Glass: 4209 Lod: Main: 2102 Submesh: 352 Glass: 0 Texture: Main: 512*512 Submesh: 256*256 Glass: 256*256...
首尔 景福宫/한국 경복궁/Kyeongbokgung Palace.Korea
Created by 한양
景福宫 (朝鲜王朝王宫) 景福宫(Gyeongbokgung Palace),是朝鲜半岛历史上最后一个统一王朝——朝鲜王朝(李氏朝鲜)的正宫(法宫)。位于朝鲜王朝国都汉城,又因位于城北部,故又称“北阙”,是首尔五大宫之首,朝鲜王朝前期的政治中心。 景福宫始建于1395年(太祖洪武二十八年),历经多次破坏和重建。王宫得名于《诗经》中“君子万年,介尔景福”中“景福”二字。王宫面积与规制严格遵循与宗主国中国的宗藩关系,为亲王规制的郡王府,所有建筑均以丹青之色来区别于中国皇宫的黄色。占地面积占地12.6万坪(57....
Created by KEL
深圳北铁路枢纽 by KEL 广深港高铁深圳北站 20线11站台,两个高架地铁站(高度为20m)与一个地下地铁站(高度为-18m) 西广场位于地面,站台为下沉式,轨道高度为-9m,东广场高度同样为-9m 注意:建造前请平整地形,并设置Station Depth为18,Station Angle为0 Shenzhen North Transport Hub by KEL Shenzhen North Railway Station is a key station on the Guangzhou-Shenz...
黃鶴樓 | 黄鹤楼 | Yellow Crane Tower
Created by Emperor Li
斷斷續續的做了好幾個月終於完成了... 断断续续的做了好几个月终于完成了... After several months of off and on works it's finally finished... (english description at the bottom) 黃鶴樓 位於中國湖北省武漢市武昌蛇山上,江南四大名樓之一,共5層,高50.4米。始建於三國時代吳黃武二年(公元223年),歷代屢修屢毀,現在的黃鶴樓是於1985年重建的。更多資訊請參見: 維基百科 如果您喜歡,請參觀我的工作坊物...
鸟巢 Bird's Nest
Created by wings
Beijing National Stadium, or the Bird's Nest, as it has become known, is the world's largest steel structure and the most complex stadium ever constructed....
가상국가공유(VNS) 1# 아레시 연방 도시국
Created by TAEMIN B
가상국가공유(VNS) 1# 아레시 연방 도시국 This is not a public asset for everyone. These are only for Virtual Nations of Cities On, Korea. 이 애셋은 모두를 위한 애셋이 아닙니다! 이 애셋은 가상국가공유 프로젝트의 일환으로, 네이버 시티즈온 카페에서 활동하는 가상국가들을 위해 제작된 애셋들입니다. 가상국가의 재외공관을 짓고 가상국가의 항공기가 드나들며 우리는 실제로 작동하는 ...
경복궁 강녕전 Korean Palace
Created by TAEMIN B
경복궁 강녕전 Korean Palace 경복궁 강녕전 Korean Palace 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선의 법궁이였던 경복궁에서 중요한 건물 중 하나인 강녕전입니다. 경복궁의 내전이자 임금의 침실이였던 강녕전은 오늘날에 이르러 문화 유산으로서 서울의 명소로 자리매김하고 있습니다. This building is called by Gangnyeongjeon and it was a one of popular buildings in G...
경복궁 수정전 Korean Palace
Created by TAEMIN B
경복궁 수정전 Korean Palace 경복궁 수정전 Korean Palace 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선의 법궁이였던 경복궁에서 중요한 건물 중 하나인 수정전입니다. 세종대왕 재위 당시 집현전이였던 수정전은 오늘날에 이르러 문화 유산으로서 서울의 명소로 자리매김하고 있습니다. This building is called by Sujeongjeon and it was a one of popular buildings in Gyeong...
경복궁 근정문 Korean Palace
Created by TAEMIN B
경복궁 근정문 Korean Palace 경복궁 근정문 Korean Palace 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선의 법궁이였던 경복궁에서 중요한 건물인 근정전의 정문, 근정문입니다. 경복궁과 함께 서울의 명소로 자리매김하고 있습니다. This gate is called by Geunjeongmun and it was a best important gate in Gyeongbokgung, Korean palace. This royal ga...
경복궁 전각 세트 Korean Palace Package
Created by TAEMIN B
경복궁 전각 세트 Korean Palace Package 경복궁 전각 세트 Korean Palace Package 조선의 법궁이였던 경복궁의 여러 전각들을 간략하게 구성한 패키지입니다. 5가지 궁궐 한옥으로 구성된 전각 세트로 좀더 현실에 가까운 근정전과 강녕전 사정전, 그리고 경회루 인근 지역을 비롯한 경복궁 전체를 만들 수 있습니다. 이 패키지는 대단히 자유롭기 때문에, 조선의 궁궐뿐만 아니라, 여러분만의 궁궐도 창조해 보세요! This is a pa...
경복궁 경회루 Korean Palace
Created by TAEMIN B
경복궁 경회루 Korean Palace 경복궁 경회루 Korean Palace 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선의 법궁이였던 경복궁에서 가장 아름다운 건물 중 하나인 경회루입니다. 임진왜란으로 소실되었던 경회루는 고종 대에 재건되었고 그 아름다움은 오늘날에 이르러서도 서울의 명소로 자리매김하고 있습니다. This building is called by Gyeonghoeru and it was a one of most popular bu...
경복궁 행랑 세트 Korean Palace Package
Created by TAEMIN B
경복궁 행랑 세트 Korean Palace Package 경복궁 행랑 세트 Korean Palace Package 조선의 법궁이였던 경복궁의 행랑과 회랑, 복도각 등으로 구성된 패키지입니다. 17조각으로 구성된 행랑 세트로 좀더 현실에 가까운 근정전과 강녕전 사정전, 그리고 경회루 인근 지역을 비롯한 경복궁 전체를 만들 수 있습니다. 이 패키지는 대단히 자유롭기 때문에, 조선의 궁궐뿐만 아니라, 여러분만의 궁궐도 창조해 보세요! This is a pack...
경복궁 NEW 근정전 Korean Palace
Created by TAEMIN B
경복궁 NEW 근정전 Korean Palace 경복궁 NEW 근정전 Korean Palace 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선의 법궁이였던 경복궁에서 가장 중요한 건물인 근정전입니다. 임진왜란으로 소실되었던 근정전은 고종 대에 재건되었고 그 숭고함은 오늘날에 이르러서도 서울에서 웅장하게 후손들을 맞이하고 있습니다. 근정전은 이미 만들어져 있으나 리메이크된 버전으로, 좀더 좋은 퀄리티를 갖게 되었습니다만 용량이 무거워졌습니다. 이 건물은...
내각종합청사 Workers Party N. Korea
Created by TAEMIN B
내각종합청사 Workers Party N. Korea 내각종합청사 Workers Party North Korea This asset means a Headquarters of Workers party of North Korea for real. This building is a one of top famous landmarks in Kim il sung square, Pyongyang, North Korea, Democratic People's Repub...
대장금파크 인정전 Korean Palace Studio
Created by TAEMIN B
대장금파크 인정전 Korean Palace Studio 대장금파크 인정전 Korean Palace Studio 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 이 전각은 조선시대 전각이 아니며, 경기도 용인에 위치한 대장금파크의 대전 역할을 하고 있는 인정전입니다. 방송 촬영용으로 지어진 건물로, 수많은 드라마에서 왕의 정전으로 등장합니다. This building is not Korean Kingdom, Joseon's building. But it's...
대한민국 국립현충원 장군묘역 KOR N' Cemetery
Created by TAEMIN B
대한민국 국립현충원 장군묘역 KOR N' Cemetery 대한민국 국립서울현충원 장군묘역 Korea National Cemetery 이 애셋은 조국을 위해 목숨을 받친 호국영령과 순국선열을 기리는 영예로운 현충원을 구성하는 애셋입니다. 이 못난 후대가 감히 위대한 선대 영웅들을 기릴 수 있어 영광스럽게 생각합니다. 우리의 자랑스러운 호국영령의 묘지들은 여러분의 도시에서도 위대한 영혼들을 기릴 것입니다. 자세한 정보는 시티즈온 카페에서 확인하세요! http...
대한민국 국립현충원 장병묘역 KOR N' Cemetery
Created by TAEMIN B
대한민국 국립현충원 장병묘역 KOR N' Cemetery 대한민국 국립서울현충원 장병묘역 Korea National Cemetery 이 애셋은 조국을 위해 목숨을 받친 호국영령과 순국선열을 기리는 영예로운 현충원을 구성하는 애셋입니다. 이 못난 후대가 감히 위대한 선대 영웅들을 기릴 수 있어 영광스럽게 생각합니다. 우리의 자랑스러운 호국영령의 묘지들은 여러분의 도시에서도 위대한 영혼들을 기릴 것입니다. 자세한 정보는 시티즈온 카페에서 확인하세요! http...
대한민국 국립현충원 현충문 KOR Natl Cemetery
Created by TAEMIN B
대한민국 국립현충원 현충문 KOR Natl Cemetery 대한민국 국립서울현충원 현충문 Korea National Cemetery 이 애셋은 조국을 위해 목숨을 받친 호국영령과 순국선열을 기리는 영예로운 현충원을 구성하는 애셋입니다. 이 못난 후대가 감히 위대한 선대 영웅들을 기릴 수 있어 영광스럽게 생각합니다. 우리의 듬직한 현충문은 여러분의 도시에서도 위대한 영혼들을 기릴 것입니다. 자세한 정보는 시티즈온 카페에서 확인하세요! http://cafe....
대한민국 청와대 본관 The Blue House main
Created by TAEMIN B
대한민국 청와대 본관 The Blue House main 대한민국 청와대 본관 The Blue House main 이 애셋은 대한민국 서울 경복궁 뒤에 위치한 한국 대통령 관저 청와대를 의미합니다. 여러분의 도시에 예쁘고 명예로운 청와대를 건립해 보세요! 자세한 정보는 시티즈온 카페에서 확인하세요! This asset means an official residence of Korean Presiden...
덕수궁 중화전 Korean Palace
Created by TAEMIN B
덕수궁 중화전 Korean Palace 덕수궁 중화전 Korean Palace 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선, 그리고 대한제국의 궁궐인 덕수궁에서 가장 중요한 건물, 중화전입니다. 중화전은 본디 경복궁의 근정전과 같이 2층으로 되어 있었지만 화재로 중화전을 잃은 고종은 자금의 부담으로 중화전을 중건하되 1층으로 중건하였습니다. 중화전은 비록 조선왕조 500년 멸망의 순간에 태어났지만 중화전은 오늘날에 이르러 서울의 문화 유산으로 당...
세종대왕동상 Statue of king Sejong
Created by TAEMIN B
세종대왕동상 Statue of king Sejong 세종대왕동상 Statue of king Sejong 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 대한민국 서울을 대표하는 장소인 광화문 광장에 위풍당당히 조성되어 있는 세종대왕 동상입니다. It is called by Statue of King Sejong the great. King Sejong lived in 15 century and he cared subjects and made korean ...
조선 종묘 Korean Royal Shrine
Created by TAEMIN B
조선 종묘 Korean Royal Shrine 조선 종묘 Korean Royal Shrine 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선 왕조 왕실의 신위를 봉안한 사당으로 국가적인 제사를 지냈던 종묘 정전입니다. 종묘는 오늘날에 이르러 유네스코가 인정한 세계적인 문화 유산으로 명맥을 이어가고 있습니다. 자랑스러운 세계적 문화 유산을 여러분의 도시에 지어보세요! This building is called by Jongmyo and it was a...
숭례문(남대문) Sungnyemun Gate
Created by TAEMIN B
숭례문(남대문) Sungnyemun Gate 숭례문(남대문) Sungnyemun Gate 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선의 수도 한양의 남쪽 대문이였던 숭례문입니다! 15세기 준공된 숭례문은 조선 왕조 500년뿐만 아니라 지금에 이르기까지 그 아름다움을 간직하며 소중한 문화유산으로 자리매김하고 있습니다. This gate is called by Sungnyemun and it was a best important south gate ...
Created by Shindosi
오리지널 도색 주공아파트입니다 RICO enabled Housing Project in Korea...
주공아파트 B
Created by Shindosi
오리지널 도색 주공아파트입니다 RICO enabled Housing Project in Korea...
주공아파트 C
Created by Shindosi
오리지널 도색 주공아파트입니다 RICO enabled Housing Project in Korea...
주공 LH
Created by Shindosi
LH도색 주공아파트입니다 RICO enabled Housing Project in Korea...
주공아파트 D
Created by Shindosi
오리지널 도색 주공아파트입니다 RICO enabled Housing Project in Korea...
주체사상탑 Juche Tower North Korea
Created by TAEMIN B
주체사상탑 Juche Tower North Korea 주체사상탑 Juche Tower This asset means a Juche Tower for real. This tower is a one of top famous landmarks in Kim il sung square, Pyongyang, North Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Communism, Kim's kingdom, Jong un, ru...
주공 LH C
Created by Shindosi
LH도색 주공아파트입니다 RICO enabled Housing Project in Korea...
충무공 이순신 동상 Statue of Yi Sunshin
Created by TAEMIN B
충무공 이순신 동상 Statue of Yi Sunshin 충무공 이순신 동상 Statue of Yi Sunshin 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 대한민국 서울을 대표하는 장소인 광화문 광장에 위풍당당히 조성되어 있는 충무공 이순신 동상입니다. It is called by Statue of Yi Sunshin. Yi Sunshin lived in 16-17 century and he was a hero in Japanese invasion...
황룡사 구층목탑 Korean Temple Tower
Created by TAEMIN B
황룡사 구층목탑 Korean Temple Tower 황룡사 구층목탑 Korean Temple Tower 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 7세기, 신라 진흥왕에 의해 실제로 준공되었던 황룡사 구층목탑입니다! 신라인들은 불교 사찰로 지은 황룡사에 구층 목탑을 세워 나라의 안녕을 기원했는데, 높이가 무려 90미터에 달하는 보기 드문 마천루로, 우리의 선조들은 이미 1400년전 목재로 마천루를 지을 수 있는 능력을 갖고 있었습니다. 에셋의 높이는...
"CNIT", Paris by Drosovila
Created by Drosovila
Im not good with those messages, so here is my little tribute to the amaying city (and people) of Paris. My heart goes out to all those who are suffering. The CNIT Technology center, hotel, business school and mall from La Defense in Paris -12x12 size. How...
"7 Bets" Casino Resort
Created by Stanley
"7 Bets" Casino Resort by Stanley Hello everybody! I'm happy to present the first item of "Luxury and Pleasure" collection. This building design was made under the inspiration of casino buildings design in Las Vegas, but I didn't want just copy one of them...
주공 LH B
Created by Shindosi
LH도색 주공아파트입니다 RICO enabled Housing Project in Korea...
"Cubista" Tower CC
Created by CushyCrux
"Cusbista" Tower CC Because Artists create Art. It needs some tris. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 5 / 4x4 4300 Polys 4300 Tris 2888 Verts 2048 Texture Maps (with baked AO and GI!) My Workshop Stuff http://st...
"Kisho" Apartment Tower CC
Created by CushyCrux
"Kisho" Apartment Tower CC User "alborzka" ask me to create this wonderful Thing. It's based on a Idea of a modular Tower by Kisho Kurokawa, as a part of "Helix City". And because Artists create Art. It needs !some! Tris. The lowest LOD Can't work and look...
"Pent a Gon" Futuristic Tower CC
Created by CushyCrux
"Pent a Gon" Futuristic Tower CC ------------------------------------------ Because Artis create Art. No, no, this Building doesn't have an Elevator (We will beam in the Future so...). ;0) Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank...
(1:1) Chicago Board of Trade Building
Created by jaspinko
The Chicago Board of Trade Building is a 44-story art deco skyscraper that was built in 1930 to house the world's oldest futures and options exchange. It features a 31 foot (9.5 meter) tall statue of the Roman Goddess Ceres at its pinnacle. The building's ...
세종 아파트 정문
Created by dove
세종 아파트 정문...
(1:1) Trump International Hotel & Tower (Chicago)
Created by jaspinko
The Trump International Hotel & Tower is, as of this posting, the second tallest building in Chicago, Illinois, at a mere 90 feet less than the Sears Tower. This 93-story supertall was completed in 2008. Its lower levels house retail and a high end hotel, ...
(1:1.5) Trump International Hotel & Tower (Chicago)
Created by jaspinko
The Trump International Hotel & Tower is, as of this posting, the second tallest building in Chicago, Illinois, at a mere 90 feet less than the Sears Tower. This 93-story supertall was completed in 2008. Its lower levels house retail and a high end hotel, ...
(G) Greeley Square Building
Created by Prosper
Growable / Residential High / level 5 / 4x4 / 2048x2048 / 6013 tris / LOD 256x256 / 140 tris 25-story Renaissance-revival office building. Built in 1927. 875-881 6th Avenue. ...
(1:1.5) Aon Center
Created by jaspinko
The Aon Center is, as of this posting, the third tallest building in Chicago, Illinois. The 83-story supertall has gone by many names since its completion in 1973: The Standard Oil Building, The Amoco Building, and The Aon Center. This is the 1:1.5 Scale v...
(RICO) ELVIS GS Caltex Gas Station
Created by ELVIS
ELVIS GS Caltex Gas Station is now availabe. If you want more information about my asset's NEWS, Please Follow my facebook. If you want to help my modding,Please Donate here!! or and don't forget to rate and subscribe!! 엘비스의 GS칼텍스 주유소가 지금 이용가능합니다. 만약 에셋소식에...
(RICO) ELVIS Jamsil Lotte world (롯데월드)
Created by ELVIS
엘비스의 잠실 롯데월드가 출시되었습니다 이제 많은 사람들이 이 거대한 테마파크에서 즐기기 위해 모여들 것입니다 1989년 완공된 대한민국 서울 잠실에 위치한 롯데그룹의 대규모 테마파크입니다 *이 건물은 지하철역을 포함하고 있습니다 따라서 여러분은 근처에 지하철역을 따로 배치할 필요가 없습니다 저의 모딩에 도움을 주시고 싶으시다면 페이팔을 통해 기부 부탁드립니다 그리고 평점과 구독 잊지마시고요! ELVIS's Jamsil Lotte World is real...
Created by ELVIS
ELVIS Nudle HQ part 1 is now availabe. Now I started Silicon valley project. Maybe Nudle,Tidis or real HQ such as Microsoft,facebook or NVIDIA If you want more information about my asset's NEWS, Please Follow my facebook. If you want to help my modding,Ple...
(RICO) ELVIS Kyobo life tower
Created by ELVIS
머리말 ELVIS Kyobo life tower는 벽돌로 만들어진 반구형 타워입니다. 이 교보 타워를 여러분의 도시 모퉁이에 세움으로 남은 공간을 활용하세요! ELVIS Kyobo life tower 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Kyobo life tower.crp 도움 ELVIS Kyobo life tower 는 엘비스게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. 에셋 이미지 촬영은 SomeHQ님이 해주셨습니다. 후원 평점과 구독 잊지 마세요 또한, 페트론이 되어...
(RICO) ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City
Created by ELVIS
에셋 소개 엘비스의 센텀시티 신세계 백화점입니다. 이 백화점은 전세계에서 가장 큰 백화점으로, 내부에 골프장, 영화관, 쇼핑몰과 같은 다양한 시설들로 구성되어 있습니다. 백화점과 센텀시티몰을 잇는 구름다리가 연결되어 이동을 편리하게 해줍니다. 에셋정보 ● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City.crp └Tris 2 └lod 0 ● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City_1.crp └Tris 5,067 └lod 1,743 └Textur...
(RICO) Luxerion Shopping Center by Vexcarius
Created by Meteor Daddy
THUMBS UP AND RATE IF YOU LIKE IT RICO Luxerion Shopping Center by Vexcarius Lvl3 Commercial RICO Building Tris: Only 1800+ for a big unique building (Building 1k; Letterings 800 tris) I wanted to create commercial spaces like this one since the first day ...
(RICO) NS Tower 1
Created by ELVIS
포함콘텐츠 NS tower 1.crp 도움 NS Tower 1은 엘비스 게임즈의 도브가 제작하였습니다. 에셋 이미지 촬영 또한 도브가 하였습니다. 후원 평점과 구독 잊지 마세요 또한, 페트론이 되어 얼리 엑세스, 후원자용 에셋 등의 특권을 누리세요! Asset info NS tower 1.crp Support NS Tower 1 is made b...
(Ricoable) ELVIS SimArt HQ
Created by ELVIS
머리말 네이버 카페 심아트의 탄생 10주년을 기념한 심아트 본사 에셋입니다. 도시 건설 시뮬레이션의 발전과 함께해온 심아트의 새 사옥은 여러분의 도시에 큰 명소가 될 수도 있고, 시민들에게 일자리를 제공할 수도 있습니다. (RICO 이용 시) ELVIS SimArt HQ 입니다! 에셋정보 네이버 카페 심아트의 미래지향적인 디자인을 반영한 이 건물은 너무 크지도 않고, 작지도 않은 규모를 가진 사옥입니다. 이 사옥은 친환경적인 에너지 소비량과 깔끔한 디자인...
(Toronto) Chester Subway Station
Created by JSF-1
Chester Station is a small subway station located in Toronto Ontario, Canada. It opened with the original section of Line 2 in 1966 and holds the distinction as being the only station in the city not served by a daytime bus route. Cost to build: 15,000 Upk...
(Toronto) Dupont Subway Station
Created by JSF-1
Dupont station is a small Subway station located in Toronto Ontario, Canada. The station opened with the "Spadian Extension" of Line 1 in 1978. Cost to build: 15,000 Upkeep: 1,500 Size: 3x2...
(Toronto) Summerhill Subway Station
Created by JSF-1
Summerhill Station is a small Subway station located in Toronto Ontario, Canada. It opened with original section of Line 1 in 1954. Cost to build: 15,000 Upkeep: 1,500 Size: 3x2...
(TTC) Downsview Park Station (Metro/Train Interchange)
Created by JSF-1
Downsview Park Station is a new intermodel station being built in Toronto Ontario, Canada. The station features a Metro station and a train station. ADVISORY: The game only semi recognizes the train platform as a train station. You can only use the train p...
(TTC) Finch West Subway Station
Created by JSF-1
Finch West Subway Station is a station being built in Toronto for the "Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension" owned and operated by the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC). The station will also serve as the eastern terminus of the "Finch West LRT". This stat...
(TTC) Keele Subway Station
Created by JSF-1
Keele Subway Station is a station located in Toronto Ontario, Canada and is owned and operated by the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC). The station opened in 1966 as the terminus of the Bloor-Danforth subway. It held this position until 1968 when the line ...
(TTC) McCowan RT Station (MOM)
Created by JSF-1
This asset is of McCowan Station located in Toronto Ontario, Canada; owned and operated by the Toronto Transit Commission. The station opened in 1985 as the terminus of the Scarborough RT line. METRO OVERHAUL MOD: The Metro Overhaul mod is MANDATORY as thi...
(TTC) Pioneer Village Subway Station
Created by JSF-1
Pioneer Village Subway Station is a station being built in Toronto Ontario as part of the "Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension"; owned and operated by the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC). The station was originally named "Steeles West" however its name ...
(TTC) Victoria Park Subway Station
Created by JSF-1
Victoria Park Subway station is a station located in Toronto Ontario, Canada and is owned and operated by the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC). The station opened in 1968 with the eastern extension of the Bloor-Danforth subway to Warden Station. The statio...
(TTC) Rosedale Subway Station (MOM)
Created by JSF-1
Rosedale Station is a subway station located in Toronto Ontario, Canada; owned and operated by the Toronto Transit Commission. It is one of the original subway stations, opening in 1954 as part of Toronto's first subway. The station is well known for its o...
(U) 680 5th Ave
Created by Prosper
RICO / Commercial High / level 3 / 4x4 / 1024x1024 / 4167 tris / LOD 512x512 / 94 tris Unique Building / level 4 For corner placement. Based on 680 5th Ave, New York, USA (service data: (U)5Ave680) ...
(UPDATED) Commerce Court West [RICO]
Created by JSF-1
Commerce Court West is a 57 story office tower located in Toronto Ontario Canada. It is the world headquarters of the "Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce" (CIBC) as well as many other companies. The building is part of the "Commerce Court" office block whi...
(UPDATED) First Canadian Place [RICO]
Created by JSF-1
First Canadian Place is a large office tower located in Toronto Ontario. Completed in 1975 First Canadian Place (FCP) was built to be the world headquarters of the Bank of Montreal (BMO). The tower itself is the tallest office tower in Canada at 72 floors....
(UPDATED) Royal Bank Plaza [RICO]
Created by JSF-1
Located in Toronto Ontario, the Royal Bank Plaza complex is the world headquarters of the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). The complex is split into two towers, a 26 floor tower and 41 floor tower with a large atrium between the two. A point of interest for thi...
(UPDATED) TD Bank Tower [RICO]
Created by JSF-1
The TD Bank Tower (formerly the Toronto-Dominion Bank Tower) is the tallest tower in the Toronto Dominion Centre standing at 56 floors. It is also the first to be built, being completed in 1967. Like all the other buildings in the complex it was designed b...
(UPDATED) Scotia Plaza [RICO]
Created by JSF-1
Scotia Plaza is a large office tower located in Toronto Ontario, Canada. Completed in 1988 it is the second tallest office tower in Canada and Toronto standing at 68 floors with 6 basements. The building itself is covered in Red Napoleon Granite. The build...
(UPDATED) TD Ernst & Young Tower [RICO]
Created by JSF-1
The TD Ernst and Young tower is the shortest tower in the Toronto Dominion Centre standing at 31 floors. It is also the newest addition to the complex being completed in 1991. The Tower also has TD Banks flagship branch attached o it and the original entra...
(UPDATED) TD North Tower [RICO]
Created by JSF-1
The TD North Tower (formerly Royal Trust Tower) is the second tallest tower in the Toronto Dominion Centre standing at 46 floors. It is also the second tower to be built being completed in 1969. UPDATE: Completely remade textures, added a custom LOD and ma...
(UPDATED) TD South Tower [RICO]
Created by JSF-1
The TD South Tower (formerly TD Waterhouse Tower) is the third tallest building in to Toronto Dominion Centre standing at 36 floors. It was the fourth to be built, being completed in 1985. UPDATE: Completely remade textures, added a custom LOD and made the...
(UPDATED) TD West Tower [RICO]
Created by JSF-1
The TD West Tower (formerly Canadian Pacific Tower) is the fourth tallest building in the Toronto Dominion Centre, standing at 32 floors. It is the third tower to be built, being completed in 1974. UPDATE: Completely remade textures, added a custom LOD and...
(UPDATED) Toronto Aura Tower [RICO]
Created by JSF-1
The Aura Tower is a large condominium located in Toronto Ontario, Canada. Aura is holds the title of tallest residential tower in Canada and Toronto and the 4th tallest tower overall in Toronto. Aura is also ranked as the 6th tallest residential tower outs...
(UPDATED) Toronto Exchange Tower [RICO]
Created by JSF-1
The Toronto Exchange Tower (Exchange Tower for short) is a 36 story office tower located in Toronto Ontario, Canada. Opened in 1981 the tower is home to the Toronto Stock Exchange. UPDATE: Fixed textures, added a custom LOD and made the asset RICO compatib...
*Exhibition Stadium
Created by DimeBag
*This is not being posted looking to take credit for someone elses work, this is soley for people who downloaded "Dime's Lakewood Phase 2". Changed name,cost, and props. *Only to be used with "Dime's Lakewood Phase 2" ....
1 lane Security Barrier (Prop)
Created by chenobble
1 lane Striped pole security barrier prop - a smaller version for smaller gates...
1 New York Plaza, Manhattan, New York, USA
Created by Cleavus
1 New York Plaza is an office building in New York City's Financial District, built in 1969 at the intersection of South and Whitehall Streets. It is the southernmost of all Manhattan skyscrapers. The building is 640 feet (195 m) tall with 50 floors. The b...
10 Hudson Yards - New York [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
10 Hudson Yards 10 Hudson Yards, also known as the South Tower, is an office building that was completed in 2016 in Manhattan's West Side. Located near Hell's Kitchen, Chelsea and the Penn Station area, the building is a part of the Hudson Yards urban rene...
100 North Main Street
Created by KingLeno
100 N Main Street by KingLeno An office tower in downtown Memphis, TN. The large "UP Bank" sign was removed in 2005 when Union Planters bank which was headquartered in Memphis was acquired by Regions. Model Triangles 6731 Texture 1024x1024 Custom LOD Lot s...
1000 de la Gauchetière
Created by Koesj
Updated LOD! Landmark Building Cost: 225,000 Upkeep: 448 / week Size: 10x10 units Height: 206 meters (some shenanigans going on with me measuring the building's base XD) Fluff My very first building asset for Cities: Skylines! Which means that you can fire...
111 Huntington Avenue
Created by jc21539
111 Huntington Avenue by johncomerford The only donation I ask for is a thumbs up vote! ^_^ This building had me at "R2-D2". 111 Huntington Avenue is a Boston skyscraper. Located on Huntington Avenue, it ...
111 South Main (RICO) Salt Lake City
Created by Crazyglueit 111 South Main, located in Salt Lake City, Utah, is one of the skylines newests buildings. Completed in 2016, this buildings uses a unique support system, the Hat Truss-System. This method allows structural engineers to suspe...
111W57 Tower - New York [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
111W57 Tower - New York The Steinway Tower is an American skyscraper built at 111 West 57th Street in New York. Construction begins in July 2015 and is scheduled to end in 2019. With a total height of 438 meters, the building will become one of the highest...
1175 Park Ave
Created by Prosper
RICO / Residential High / level 5 / 4x6 / 4096x1024 / 5626 tris / LOD 256x256 / 116 tris Based on co-op apartment building at 1175 Park Avenue, NYC. Built in 1925. ...
12 Lane Arterial Road
Created by BadPeanut
Find me on Twitter: @CS_badpeanut I make my decision on what to create next by how popular it is on steam - RATE up each road if you like it otherwise I will presume no-one likes 64m wide roads :( And all my effort was wasted. You can rate the collection a...
1330 Post Oak Boulevard
Created by Koesj
This building is RICO enabled but the mod’s not needed to enjoy it! Get the Ploppable RICO mod here and these Uniques will function just like growables. Landmark Building Cost: 95000 Upkeep: 304 / week Size: 8x8 units Height: 128 meters Fluff Coming up in ...
136 South Temple (RICO) Salt Lake City
Created by Crazyglueit 136 South Temple, located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Completed in 1966 at a height of 274ft (84m). This 25-story building was originally named the University Club Building. Scale - 1:1 Plot Size - 6x6 Main - Tris 4,692 / Textur...
15 Broad Street, NYC
Created by iommi99
15 Broad Street, New York City Formerly home of Morgan Guaranty Trust Company, predecessor of J. P. Morgan Chase Company. French designer Philippe Starck redesigned this building converting it to apartments. About the model Source: 3D Warehouse SketchUp Au...
15 Hudson Yards - New York [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
15 Hudson Yards ..."Designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro in collaboration with Rockwell Group, Fifteen Hudson Yards’ 88-story tower features an elegant silhouette, formed by four graceful arcs of glass, located on the High Line and adjacent to The Shed"......
16MW Waste to Energy Incinerator
Created by Dorfs
The Jorfik Trashblaster 16K will incinerate up to four times the waste of the standard incinerator. More efficient than the standard incinerators, with cheaper running costs and lower water consumption per unit of waste processed, but a higher up front cos...
180m long end multi platform train station
Created by konfox0527
This train station is more longer train station track use Move it!.(180m station track.) This station has +12m limit length longer than through train station. This asset is can use mass transit dlc. Move It!を使用して駅のホームを延長したアセットです。頭端式ホームのためプラットホーム長の限界が12m長くな...
1990s Korea Urban Railway Station
Created by ***** Architecture
1990s Korea Urban Railway Station 1990년대 수도권+광역시 도시철도 전철역사 ...
Created by Feindbold
camin1_100cm by Feindbild...
Created by Feindbold
camin1_250cm by Feindbild...
Created by Feindbold
camin2_150cm by Feindbild...
2 Commerce Square
Created by KingLeno
2 Commerce Square by KingLeno Plain boring generic midrise concrete office building. 4x4 but includes RICO settings. ******** If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee to show support and appreciation by making a small donation vi...
2 New York Plaza (125 Broad St.) with 4 FDR Drive, Lower Manhattan, New York, USA
Created by Cleavus
2 New York Plaza (125 Broad St.) with 4 FDR Drive, Lower Manhattan, New York, USA 125 Broad Street, formerly 2 New York Plaza, is a 40-story office building located at the intersection of Broad and South Streets, New York. Built in 1971, its construction w...
2 Platforms Cross (4 Tracks) Metro Station
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station with 2 platforms, which run orthogonally as a cross, where one platform is on a lower level. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosing the tracks. Hori...
2 Platforms Cross 45 Degree (4 Tracks) Metro Station
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station with 2 platforms, which cross each other in an angle of 45 degree, where one platform is on a lower level. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosing th...
2 Platforms Cross Diagonal (4 Tracks) Metro Station
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station with 2 platforms, which run orthogonally as a diagonal cross, where one platform is on a lower level. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosing the tra...
2 Platforms Parallel (4 Tracks) Metro Station (orthogonal to entrance) | fits on vanilla station
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station with 2 parallel platforms. Tracks are orthogonal to the entrance. You can replace the standard metro station with this station. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shi...
2 Platforms Parallel (4 Tracks) Metro Station (parallel to entrance)
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station with 2 parallel platforms. Tracks are parallel to the entrance. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosing the tracks. The station is a refresh of my ol...
2-spurige Einbahn-Bus/Taxi
Created by Akira Nagasaki
zur 1-spurigen Einbahn-Bus/Taxi unter folgendem Link:
2-Tracks SouthWest Trains Station
Created by CityOfTokyo
2-Tracks SouthWest Trains Station The height of the track is 9m. Original model is made by reconinator. *** NOTICE *** Prefab Hook is necessary from Ver3.0. Size : 16 x 8 Gameplay common:...
200 Greenwich Street - New York [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
200 Greenwich Street - New York WTC2 - New York Designed by British architect Lord Norman Foster, Tower Two will rise 78 stories (1,254 feet), and stand out for its distinct cruciform core and diagonal roof that slopes toward the WTC Memorial plaza. The to...
2012 CIMU Ford E350 Type III Ambulance
Created by ninjanoobslayer
A Unique Ambulance for a Premier Hospital As the hospital of choice in Skylines Nation, the Cim University Hospital is the place to go when you have rare ailments, difficult births, or a seriously difficult surgery. In North...
2016 Ford Escape aka Kuga Taxi
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Newly Approved NYC SUV Cab As the taxi of tomorrow program died, NYC recently released a list of vehicles that can be used for taxis. On the list includes the 2016 Ford Escape, now newly approved to roam the streets of New Y...
2012 Mercedes E Class Taxi
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Luxury Mercedes Taxi - Actually in Service New York also has one Mercedes E Class taxi in service. This is part of their "premium" taxi offering, for cabbies who want a nice vehicle to own in addition to work. Also, if you'r...
2016 International Dump Truck [ORE]
Created by ninjanoobslayer
American Dump Truck The Terrastar has found use in almost all fields of industry. Thus, seeing a Terrastar dump truck, while rare in real life, is nothing of a shocker for your fellow Cims. These vehicle transports raw mater...
2016 International Flatbed Truck [Ind]
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Have Flatbed/Rollback Trucks Rolling Through Your Industrial Zones Maybe you're too stingy with your money to have a city funded maintenance service. Maybe you're against big government and only want private companies. Or ma...
2017 Airport MCI D4505 Coach
Created by ninjanoobslayer
An Airporter Coach If your Cims want to go to the airport and don't want to deal with the traffic, they now have the option of taking an Airporter Bus. SKYFLY is proud to add the airport coach service to their expanding ambu...
2017 Dodge Charger Taxi
Created by ninjanoobslayer
An American Muscle Taxi Despite not being in service in NYC, the Charger is in service as a taxi in places such as Las Vegas and San Francisco. While decidedly less popular than the Camry (the 2018 version is coming to patro...
2017 Dodge Charger Undercover
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Backup Needed, Suspect Fleeing Scene DHS agents need a fast efficient way to get to a crime scene. What is better than the 2017 Dodge Charger? Efficient, fast, and powerful, it is the vehicle of choice for your federal agent...
2017 Ford Explorer Undercover
Created by ninjanoobslayer
State of the Art Detective Vehicle It's time to upgrade the DHS fleet to include the latest version of the Ford Police Interceptor Utility. Modeled after the concept model, with fully functional flashing foglights, this vehi...
2017 Mercedes Metris Taxi
Created by ninjanoobslayer
German Van As a Taxi More commonly used as an Uber Vehicle, the Metris is Mercedes's first attempt at making a van for the American market. It is marketed as the Vito in every other country, but because I make American-sold ...
2017 NYPD Dodge Charger
Created by ninjanoobslayer
NYPD Speed Pursuit Sedan Typically used in Highway Patrol, the 2017 NYPD Charger has been re-adapted for normal precinct patrol in Skylines. This way, even suspects in the congested city center will be at the mercy of the po...
2017 NYPD Ford Explorer
Created by ninjanoobslayer
NYPD Speed Pursuit SUV Typically used in Highway Patrol, the 2017 NYPD Explorer has been re-adapted for normal precinct patrol in Skylines. This way, even suspects in the congested city center will be at the mercy of the pow...
2018 Airport Police Chevrolet Tahoe
Created by ninjanoobslayer
The All New 2018 Tahoe is Ready to Patrol Your Airports As airports became more complex, officials decided that they need to carry even more tools and equipment in their vehicles. The only way to upgrade from a regular SUV i...
2017 SKYEMS Mercedes Sprinter Type II Ambulance
Created by ninjanoobslayer
A Mercedes Type II Ambulance Mercedes Sprinter Ambulance is among the most commonly used ambulance in the world. With a legendary durability and a well established reputation, it's sure to serve well in the SKYEMS fleet. As ...
2018 Airport Police Dodge Charger
Created by ninjanoobslayer
A Rapid Response Airport Police Sedan With the increased number of threats in the modern world, speed becomes essential to responses. The Charger Pursuit Edition, outfitted with a powerful V8 Hemi engine, will get the securi...
2018 Airport Police Ford Explorer
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Regular Patrol SUV For Your Airports The front line defense in modern airports is still the regular law enforcement officers who are at the terminals, the checkpoints, and around the facility. They drive the same vehicles as...
2018 Airport Police Ford F250
Created by ninjanoobslayer
A Ford Super Duty Pickup Truck For Patrolling Your Airports Help secure the runways and carry aviation equipment at the same time with an Airport Police Ford F250. Based off of a conceptual livery for the Huntington Airport,...
2018 Chrysler Pacifica Taxi
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Brand New Yellow Van Taxi While the Pacifica is not approved as a taxi, it doesn't make sense for there to not be a yellow version! Give your Cims a new hybrid minivan (MPV) to shuttle them to their destinations! Also, if yo...
2018 CIMU Ford Explorer
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Campus Police SUV Patrolling Your School A suspicious person has been spotted on campus! Let's send an officer in an Explorer SUV to determine the person's true intentions. Universities across the nation have their own polic...
2018 Jeep Cherokee Taxi
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Futuristic Looking SUV Taxi Cab The Cherokee is in service as a taxi in only a few cities, but it doesn't hurt to include it in the CIMTaxi fleet. This is the last taxi that will be released before 2019, the 2019 Camry, 2019...
2018 CIMU Ford Taurus
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Secure Your Campus with an University Police Sedan Have drunk college students to escort home? The officers of Cim University are here to help! Securing the campus is their main role, as they have limited jurisdiction outsid...
2018 NYPD Chevrolet Tahoe
Created by ninjanoobslayer
A Full Size Highway Patrol NYPD SUV Today, I'd like to pay respect to the countless first responders and brave citizens whose actions shone seventeen years ago when tragedy hit America. I'd also like to pay respect to the co...
2019 Red Rosenbauer Panther ARFF
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Red Colored Modern Airport Fire Fighting Truck These few weeks, I've been out of town preparing for the next chapter in my life. This is actually the first weekend I'm free in a while! This is the latest generation of the Ro...
3 Commerce Square
Created by KingLeno
3 Commerce Square by KingLeno A midrise office building. A slightly less boring and generic 2 Commerce Square. Half the height, same amount of concrete. Triangles: 491 Texture 1024x2048 Custom LOD 40 workplaces with RICO mod. ******** If you like my assets...
3 Platforms Parallel (6 Tracks) Metro Station (orthogonal to entrance)
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station with 3 parallel platforms, where the middle platform is on a lower level. Tracks are orthogonal to the entrance. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choos...
2019 Lime Rosenbauer Panther ARFF
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Lime Colored Modern Airport Fire Fighting Truck These few weeks, I've been out of town preparing for the next chapter in my life. This is actually the first weekend I'm free in a while! This is the latest generation of the R...
3 Platforms Cross (6 Tracks) Metro Station
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station with 3 platforms, where 2 parallel platforms run orthogonally to the one platform on the lower level. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosing the tra...
3 Platforms Parallel (6 Tracks) Metro Station (parallel to entrance)
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station with 3 parallel platforms, where the middle platform is on a lower level. Tracks are parallel to the entrance. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosin...
3 Platforms Star (6 Tracks) Metro Station | fits on vanilla station
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station with 3 platforms, where each platform runs in an angle of 60 degree to its next platform as a star. Each platform is on another level. You can replace the standard metro station with this station, because the first platform has the ...
30 Hudson Yards - New York [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
30 Hudson Yards - New York 30 Hudson Yards (also the North Tower) is a super-tall mixed use building under construction in the West Side area of Manhattan. Located near Hell's Kitchen, Chelsea, and the Penn Station area, the building is part of the Hudson ...
311 South Wacker (RICO) Chicago
Created by Crazyglueit
311 South Wacker is located in Chicago, Illinois and completed in 1990. This 65-story building was the tallest building known by its address until 432 Park Avenue in New York City was finished in 2015. Standing at 961 ft (293m), this building is the 7th ta...
33bits GTM Office [level VI]
Created by Linotype
NOTE: this is a reupload, to fit it into right category. This is an original building i made for my community (33 Bits) and my main magazine (Games Tribune Magazine), both from Spain. It's an original model for Cities Skylines, some kind of modern and fant...
35 Hudson Yards
Created by _luminou_
35 Hudson Yards 35 Hudson Yards (also Tower E or Equinox Tower) is a mixed-use building in Manhattan's West Side and is slated to be composed of apartment units and a hotel. Located near Hell's Kitchen, Chelsea, and the Penn Station area, the building is a...
3x4 Lv3 Growable GreenHotel (After Dark)
Created by bartz!
● Custom Model ● 766 Tris, Diffuse, Spec, Alpha ● Commercial, High ● 3x4 ● Level 3 ● Temperate ● 1 Entrance...
3x4 Lv3 Growable GreenHotel by bartz!
Created by bartz!
After Dark version: ● Custom Model ● 766 Tris, Diffuse, Spec, Alpha ● Commercial, High ● 3x4 ● Level 3 ● Temperate ● 1 Entrance...
4 Platforms Star (8 Tracks) Metro Station | fits on vanilla station
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station with 4 platforms, where each platform runs in an angle of 45 degree to its next platform as a star. Each platform is on another level. You can replace the standard metro station with this station, because the first platform has the ...
4 Track Cargo Station by Drosovila
Created by Drosovila
Just a little high-techy cargo station, also also is a little teaser for an upcoming collection of high-tech industry ploppables that you cant see in the background of some of these images :) Big thanks to bloodypenguin for making the creation of this asse...
4-Tracks Elevated Station
Created by CityOfTokyo
4-Tracks Elevated Station This is 4-Tracks Elevated Station. 4 trucks need Multi Track Station Enabler to use it. You must need BloodyPenguins Elevated Station Track Mod. Known bug: When a car pa...
4-Way Rail and 4-Way Highway Interchange
Created by Impact
4-Way Rail and 4-Way Highway Interchange, the cars / trains can go to all sides. Very useful if you use the train rails next to the highways. It's Super-Expensive, so think twice before you plop it :) Upkeep 1,339 / week Cost 112,240 ...
432 Park Avenue - New York [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
432 Park Avenue - New York The building possesses a height about 426 mètres, 1.147 apartments in co-ownership and is this day one of the highest buildings of the United States, the highest residential skyscraper of the world, as well as the highest buildin...
432 Park Avenue [Ploppable]
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
432 Park Avenue, NYC, USA Version 1.2 Ploppable version ------------------------ Update March 27, 2015 Version 1.2 - fixed small error with the UVs ------------------------ Update March 27, 2015 Version 1.1 - added custom LOD - vastly improved textures ---...
4x1 Parking Lot
Created by Lazarus
4x1 Parking Lot by Lazarus...
4x4 metro
Created by Stryder
4x4 metro by Stryder...
5 Platforms Cross (10 Tracks) Metro Station
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station with 5 platforms, where 2 platforms run orthogonally to the other 3 platforms, which are on a lower level. To use all tracks easily, please subscribe the "Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0" mod and push "Shift" while choosing th...
51 Walsh Road
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a 51 Walsh Road. Type of building: Growable - residential low, level 5. A small residential building located in the suburb of Auckland - Papakura, New Zealand. For the convenient construction of building...
50 Hudson Yards
Created by _luminou_
50 Hudson Yards 50 Hudson Yards is a 58-story and 1,011 ft tall building being planned as part of the Hudson Yards Redevelopment Project in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan. The planned building is to be located to the north of 30 Hudson Yards, and on the east si...
53W53 - Tower Verre [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
53W53 - Tower verre - New York (by French Architect Jean Nouvel) 53W53, also called “Glass Tower”, is an American skyscraper of 320 meters construction in New York. Drawn by Jean Nouvel’s studios, its delivery is planned for year 2018. Adapted for the game...
55 Hudson Yards
Created by _luminou_
55 Hudson Yards 55 Hudson Yards (originally known as One Hudson Yards or One Hudson Boulevard) is a skyscraper being built in the neighborhood of Hudson Yards, Manhattan, New York City, just outside the Hudson Yards Redevelopment Project. It and 50 Hudson ...
55 Water Street (tower)
Created by Zatline
7x13 - 55 Water Street (tower) the 55 Water Street complex is quite huge which is why I seperated "tower" and the "plaza" as two standalone assets, but they can be combined very easily if wanted. 55 Water Street is a 687-foot-tall (209 m) skyscraper in the...
590 Madison_growable_offv2_120M
Created by Reaper
590 Madison_growable_offv2_120M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by btwist.inf
California_555 by btwist.inf...
590 Madison_growable_offv3_90M
Created by Reaper
590 Madison_growable_offv3_90M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by Reaper
590_Madison_Avenue_IBM by Reaper unique building with lod scale 1:1 compatible with After Dark 3569 highpoly tex resolution 2048 85 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below...
747 BA Passenger
Created by UK122
747 BA Passenger by UK122 This is a fully working version and will fly in to your airports, its low poly so not pretty close up but looks great landing at your airport. The wheels are now fixed!!!! Hooray (had to remove 2) New LOD more ci...
781 5th Avenue NYC (RICO)
Created by pauljchris
781 5th Avenue NYC by pauljchris This is a model that I built from scratch based upon the The Sherry Netherland Hotel and apartments at 781 5th Avenue NYC . The building is a wall to wall residential building designed to work best when placed in a corner p...
79 Washington (Strand ballroom)
Created by tomzako
ABOUT THE BUILDING Only found some information about theatre in building The Strand Ballroom & Theatre (formerly the Paramount Theatre, Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel and commonly The Strand) is a live music venue located in downtown Providence, Rhode Island. The...
8 Canada Square
Created by Zatline
9x9 - 8 Canada Square Hope you enjoy it, feedback is highly appreciated! :) 8 Canada Square (also known as HSBC Group Head Office or HSBC Tower) is a skyscraper located at Canary Wharf, London More Information Gameplay Properties: Constraction Cost: 118000...
63 Square Building
Created by Kugisa
Korean 63 Square Building by Kugisa Type : Unique Building level 6 Update : Include LOD , Modify colors and size Object statistics: 1178 Triangles UV Map: 1024x1024 Size: 8x7 Build Cost: 60000 Maintainance Cost: 1200 AD version here https://steamcommunity....
90 Deg Rotated Lower Level (-16) Metro Station
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station whose platform is rotated 90 degree in comparison to the standard metro station and on a lower level (-16). The platform runs parallel to the entrance. This station was wished by Paps....
8X8 Big Contemporary Square
Created by yannleo
8X8 Big Contemporary Square by 112946833...
90s Korean Apartment - 15 storey
Created by ***** Architecture
90s Korean Apartment - 15 storey by JEMI...
90 Degree Rotated Platform Metro Station
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station whose platform is rotated 90 degree in comparison to the standard metro station. The platform runs parallel to the entrance. You can replace the standard metro station with this station at crossroads, because the platform has the sa...
90s Korean Apartment - 15 storey
Created by ***** Architecture
90s Korean Apartment - 15 storey 1990년대 대한민국 1기신도시 아파트 15층 타입 ...
90s Korean Apartment - 18 storey
Created by ***** Architecture
90s Korean Apartment - 18 storey 1990년대 대한민국 1기신도시 아파트 18층 타입 ...
90s Korean Apartment - 24 storey
Created by ***** Architecture
90s Korean Apartment - 24 storey 1990년대 대한민국 1기신도시 아파트 24층 타입...
9X9 Big Contemporary Square
Created by yannleo
9X9 Big Contemporary Square by 112946833...
90s Korean Apartment - 26 storey
Created by ***** Architecture
90s Korean Apartment - 26 storey 1990년대 대한민국 1기신도시 아파트 26층 타입 ...
A4 Parclo w/ roundabouts
Created by Pamani
A4 Parclo w/ roundabouts This partial cloverleaf interchange is based on the one between the N249 and D160 in Cholet, France. It's an A4 parclo with roundabouts for the intersections. The cross street is a 4-lanes national road at ground level, the highway...
ABC Offices
Created by DawiD
Ah... after long break, im back with this simple yet kind of cute colorful building. It's offices again... Yeah, that is still there, waiting for YOU! :| Info Model: 6317 tris Texture: 256 x 1...
Abeno Harukas - Osaka, Japan
Created by Jerenable
Abeno Harukas, or known as the Abenobashi Terminal Building. “Harukas” is an old Japanese expression meaning “to brighten, to clear up.” The buildings name might mean the clear up but my ever huge list of stuff to do fix etc. doesn't. But here it is The AL...
Ability to Read
Created by REV0
Only modders will understand. Feel free to use in your mods as a required item. Provides 10K entertainment bonus. Only visible in Asset Editor....
Abstract Art Parks 2
Created by Althazar
TRUE ART TAKES FOREVER TO MAKE. Sorry for the delays, real life got in the way for a while. Just when you thought the incomprehensible art world had vanished from the cityscape forever, it suddenly pops back up for more! Introducing FIVE more "abstract" pa...
Abner Hood Chemical CO
Created by Lightfooted
A five-story masonry building designed by architect Adriance VanBrunt. Constructed in 1902. Abner Hood, along with many other chemical companies supplied fertilizers, pesticides and other agricultural chemicals throughout the heartland. STATS: MODEL - 493 ...
Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance
Created by BloodyPenguin
Prevents large props (like planes, containers etc.) from disappearing on zooming out. Adjusts LOD distance for trees depending on their size. The larger is prop/tree, the further it is visible! For small props visibility distances should remain the same as...
Acacia Tree
Created by MrMaison
Acacia Tree by MrMaison This is a generic Acacia tree, a first of my acacia series. I actually arived at this trying to make a Monkeypod tree. There are many species in the acacia species family from Africa to Australia mainly in tropical to subtropical cl...
Activated sludge process tank
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on An activated sludge process tank modelled after the ones at Mariagerfjord Rensningsanlæg in Denmark. It creates noise pollution and garbage to mimic the smell and sludge waste it creates. I've tried to balance the...
ADI Rollercoaster #TEMPTED [AD]
Created by AllDangerInc
a Rollercoaster by AllDangerInc. ************************************************************************* Twitch: ''''''''''''''' Youtube : '''''''''''''''''' **************...
ADI Rollercoaster 2 - The Twister [AD]
Created by AllDangerInc
After a long time here is my second rollercoaster :3 Sorry that it took so long :c Now you have more rollercoasters for your park, plus improved the details. ************************************************************************* Twitch:
Adlershof - Station
Created by clus
Adlershof Prolog Hi Cities Community ! This one is another elevated Metro Overhaul Mod Station for you to use in your cities ... :) About the building There is a role model for this station. It is the S - Bahn station "Adlershof" in Berlin. The station is ...
Advanced Brick Bus Station
Created by Populous
Advanced Brick Bus Station by Populous Features: - Door Markers and gathering areas make this bus station more active - Better building lends to reduced noise levels - 1 more highly educated Office Manager required specializing in lowering maintenance cost...
Advanced Incineration Plant
Created by Fishbus
Advanced Incineration Plant: An expensive but efficient incinerator that causes light pollution while producing more power from burning more garbage. Footprint: 6x6 Cost: 75000 Upkeep: 1600/week Garbage Capacity: 500000 Garbage Processing: 59200/week Garba...
Agrar grain Mill 2
Created by Ferkel vom Spahn
Industrial Farming Size 4 x 4 New variety for agriculture. Enjoy farming and animal husbandry....
AIA Central 香港友邦经融中心 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
AIA Central 友邦金融中心 No LED AIA Central located at No. 1 Connaught Road Central, Central, Hong Kong, AIA Central is 185 meters high and looks like a traditional Chinese sailing boat. AIA Centr...
AIA Kowloon Financial Centre
Reference AIA Kowloon Financial Centre is a commercial building in Hong Kong. Introduction It is located at No. 712, Prince Edward Road, San Po Kong. It is a 28-storey building and was completed in 2009. 28 floors   - Size: 2x4   - Level 3 growth   - After...
Ahmed Abdul Rahim Al Attar Tower 1:1 Scale ( RICO ready )
Created by Bibel Gurra
Ahmed Abdul Rahim Al Attar Tower is a 342m supertall located on Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE. It's currently under construction and will be the 11th tallest building in Dubai when completed, The crown and white detailing is something I've made based of th...
Air Canada Centre Lite [RUSH HOUR]
Created by APeeler
This is a low-poly version of the original Air Canada Centre asset. Not only does it have a lower tris count, but it also has a smaller footprint and uses smaller textures. Now with Rush Hour support! Service: Level 6 Unique Building Cost: $100,000 Upkeep:...
Air Canada Centre [RUSH HOUR]
Created by APeeler
This building is based on the real-life Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Canada with full After Dark support. It is by far my best asset to date. It is a Level 6 Unique Building and shares many of its attributes with the vanilla Stadium. If you like this buil...
Air Canada Hanger - Plane (AD)
Created by BaskB
Air Canada Hanger with Plane by BaskB **** Now with After Dark lighting **** 12x8 Large Maintenance Hanger in Air Canada Livery. Plane is optional Download. Must be placed roadside (Hanger rear) as workers/garbage collection required. Please check out the ...
Air ducts 1
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Air ducts 2
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Air-Supported Sports Park
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, cheaper than a solid hall, faster and easier to constuct. Even the costs of maintenance are comfortable. In addition, air domes look kinda nice. The "heart" of an air dome asset is obviously the hull texture. I've already made another version...
Air ducts 3
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Airbus A320-214 Finnair
Created by KriZ
Information This is a pack of both vehicle and prop. A320 Family is the first to feature the all new A320 by Bsquiklehausen. Fin...
Airbus A321-231SL Finnair
Created by KriZ
Information This is a pack of both vehicle and prop. A320 Family is the first to feature the all new A320 by Bsquiklehausen. Fin...
Airbus A350-1000 Asiana Airlines
Created by Leeijo
This is a pack with both vehicle and prop! Asiana Airlines Inc. is one of South Korea's two major airlines, along with Korean Air. Asiana has 10 A350-1000 currently on order. All credit goes to vasmir22 for the amazing model! Adjustments were made to make ...
Airbus A380-800 Asiana Airlines
Created by KriZ
Information This is a pack of both vehicle and prop. Asiana Airlines is one of South Korea's two major airlines, along with Korean Air. As a member of Star Alliance, it operates 14 domestic and 90 international passenger routes, and 27 cargo routes through...
Aircraft_carrier_class_Nimitz (CVN-77)
Created by The_Ping
Aircraft_carrier_class_Nimitz information this model does not bear any functions , but only is a good decoration for your port . Installed freely ( without binding to anything ) Textures: _d,_n 3d tri 2897 tex 1024x2048 lod 270 tex 128x256 thank you)...
Airbus A380-800 Korean Air
Created by KriZ "Excellence in Flight" Information This is a pack of both vehicle and prop. Also note that this is a 1:1 scale version of the A380! Even more images, you can find here. Korean Air is the largest airline and flag carrier of So...
Airport Blast Shoulder Pack
Created by MobiusOne
Pack comes with 6 roads meant to be used as taxiway and runway blast shoulders. 3 with lines and 3 with none. *These have a duplicate asset warning. It's unfortunate, though harmless. Credit for the idea goes to Strictoaster, Fluxtrance, and bsquiklehausen...
Airport Fire Truck Pack
Created by MobiusOne
3 Oshkosh Striker Airport Fire Truck Vehicles and their associated Props...
Airport Hangar
Created by Ronyx69
Includes an airport hangar and door props. The doors are as seperate props so you can choose how open they are. Made by editing my logistics warehouse a bit. Main: 5448 tris 1024x1024 LOD: 56 tris 256x256 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Si...
[DEPRECIATED] Airport Interchange
Created by creativeDEX
Airport Interchange by Dexter Hi everyone, here is my Airport Interchange from my Lindblum International Airport. It is a 5 Ramp Partial Cloverleaf Interchange. A nice design highlight in this interchange are the circle roads in the loop ramp. You can use ...
Airport Marking Lines Pack
Created by MobiusOne
A Pack of 5 airport marking networks to help save on prop count. These are color matched to the vanilla taxiway centerline and contain no props, just plop them down like roads! Move-it is highly recommended though not technically required. *Some people usi...
Airport Roads
Created by SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) Fixed version of Runways and Taxiways mod. Adds runways and taxiways to the airport menu. Runway has the same cost as Highway road. Taxiway has the same cost as Small road. This mod doesn't change the p...
Airport Service Road Pack
Created by MobiusOne
Pack contains 6 airport service road types found around large airports. These are fully textured, there are no imbedded props. Due to the nature of the road texture mapper, line lengths may vary depending on segment length and can be tweaked to your liking...
Airport terminal module (Glass)
Created by Zoki
A Modular terminal building i made for myself but wanted to share with the community. Yes its funcional. As this is my first real hand made asset and i love airports naturaly it had to be airport related. Its loosely based on the terminal module by ron_fu-...
Airport with Metro Station
Created by Axu
An airport with a metro station conveniently built underneath the terminal building. Requires: - No DLC - No Mods - No Props It's slightly more expensive than the standard airport and metro station combined. It also employs more people than a normal airpor...
Al Habtoor business tower 1:1 Scale ( RICO ready )
Created by Bibel Gurra
A 152m tall office tower located in Dubai Marina. It was opened in 2009 and has 40 floors. RICO stats: service="office" sub-service="none" level="3" workplaces="150" homes="0" construction-cost="20000" ui-category="office"> technical info : building: 892 t...
Al Rostamani Maze Tower 1:1 Scale
Created by Bibel Gurra
Al Rostamani Maze Tower is a 210 meters tall skyscraper located along Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai, UAE. 1:1 scale and a complete replica of the tower maze. This 57 floor Residential / Office building really comes to life at night . building: 12,981 triangle...
Alexandria Tower (L5 Residential Growable)
Created by Visu
Level-5 Residential Growable - luxury real estate. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
Allen Lewis Fountain (animated)
Created by Robert
This fountain caps the roundabout at the end of Macquarie Street, Sydney. It's my second attempt at creating animated fountains for the game. The animated portion does not require any mods to function. I hope you don't mind the considerable triangle count,...
Alienware Arena Center
Created by Zatline
8x7 - Entry for Alienware's "Shape the Horizon Contest" Hello there, this is my entry for the Alienware Modding contest, if u are a fan of Alienware products this is your opportunity to get some Alienware into your Skyline. Since the contest has its focus ...
Allianz Arena After Dark
Created by MatzeS.
Allianz Arena Allianz Arena is one of the most beautiful stadiums in the world and home of FC Bayern Dimension: 258 m x 227 m x 50 m Orginal 1912 Poly. Lod. ca.200 Poly. Bevor you build it delete the Trees in the Area...
Alstom ETR 610: Cleyra (7Cars)
Created by REV0
Cleyra International (7 Cars) The New Pendolino is a class of high-speed tilting trains built by Alstom Ferroviaria for Trenitalia, SBB, Renfe, and PKP, known as the ETR 600 / 610, RABe 503, Avant S-114 and ED250 respectively. They represent a further deve...
Alstom AGV - NTV Italo (7Cars)
Created by REV0
AGV - Italo: 360 passengers Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Alstom offers the AGV in configurations from seven to fourteen carriages, seating 245 to 446 persons. The trains are constr...
Alstom ETR 610: SBB (7Cars)
Created by REV0
Swiss Federal Railways (7 Cars) The New Pendolino is a class of high-speed tilting trains built by Alstom Ferroviaria for Trenitalia, SBB, Renfe, and PKP, known as the ETR 600 / 610, RABe 503, Avant S-114 and ED250 respectively. They represent a further de...
Alstom ETR 610: SBB Trinationale (7Cars)
Created by REV0
Trinationale - 25th Year Anniversary of ICE (7 Cars) Trinationale Livery Anniversary livery of 25 years of ICE connection between Frankfurt, Luzern and Milan. Combination of handmade and photoreal textures, taken on real-lif...
Alstom ETR 610: Trenitalia (7Cars)
Created by REV0
Trenitalia (7 Cars) The New Pendolino is a class of high-speed tilting trains built by Alstom Ferroviaria for Trenitalia, SBB, Renfe, and PKP, known as the ETR 600 / 610, RABe 503, Avant S-114 and ED250 respectively. They represent a further development of...
Alstom Euroduplex - TGV Rhin-Rhone (6Cars)
Created by REV0
Rhin-Rhone Inaugural Train - 6 Car Part of Alstom "Euroduplex" Collection: Technical Details Line Colored Animated Jacobs bogies 280 passengers 320km/h Max. Speed 1024^2048 textures Custom LOD End car is set to engine, no ad...
Alta Tower (L5 Residential Growable)
Created by Visu
Level 5 residential growable - luxury condo tower....
Altes Museum
Created by felixandre.hupka
This is the Old Museum of the Berlin Museums Island. It was build by Friedrich Schinkel and finished 1830. 'Das Alte Museum' was the first museum on the island. Its also a museum ingame, has 7600 tries and a diffuse of 1024x2048, spec and normal...
Alstom Euroduplex - TGV SNCF (6Cars)
Created by REV0
SNCF - 6 Car set: 2nd class car only Part of Alstom "Euroduplex" Collection: Technical Details Line Colored Animated Jacobs bogies 240 passengers 300km/h Max. Speed 1024^2048 textures Custom LOD End car is set to engine, no ...
Amadeus Tower
Created by hqsouza
An office building of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Height: 90m 22 floors Model with 834 triangles. LOD with less then 100. It's located in unique buildings level 3. Updated 23/10/2015 Nightlights and better LOD and textures....
Amber Arena
Created by p0ppy
Based on Stadion Energa Gdańsk , formerly known as PGE Arena Gdansk. The name Amber Arena was used during the design stage. The scale is 1:2, but IMHO this size fits rest of the buildings in CS. ...
American Football Field Props
Created by KingLeno
American Football Field by KingLeno This is a prop version of Football Field Decals so they won't disappear when zooming out. Slightly updated textures. Football field posts by ThatEvan can be found here! *********************************** If you like my ...
American High School Football Stadium
Created by Cristolisto
Update 2/23/2022: My second asset has been updated to current model standards. Crazy to see how I started. Pretty much everything has been remade but the name, asset size, asset stats remain the same. Ready for the Friday night lights? This stadium is perf...
American Towers Condos (RICO) Salt Lake City
Created by Crazyglueit American Towers Condos, located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Completed in 1982 with a North and South Tower. Each containing 26 floors and a height of 324 ft (98.8m). Scale - 1:1 Plot Size - 8x12 Main - Tris 1,256 - Texture 1024 ...
Created by dfurball
Amphitheater by dfurball ----------------------------------- An updated version of the monument Theater of Wonders. -Now includes 8 access points, a large parking lot, a vending machine, park benches, trash cans, trees, and a lounging area on the second fl...
Amphitheater (Big Size)
Created by koxx
- Small Size = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Amphitheater (Big) by bisabeols : 11x11 size , Park - Prop : Amplifier pro...
Amphitheater (Small Size)
Created by koxx
- Big Size version (11x11) = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Amphitheater (Small) by bisabeols : 8x8, Park - Prop : Amplifier prop / Loud S...
Created by Reaper
AMP_Centre_growable_offv3_97M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Created by My Tag Gone
This is a RICO version of a Unique building created by Reaper , It is in his Skyscraper_by_Reaper collection. Full creation credit to Him :) Will behave as Unique if RICO mod not installed. Will behave as High Commercial if RICO mod installed. Commercial s...
Amsterdam Zuid Station
Created by Albertobalsalm
Amsterdam Zuid Station by GeneralDismay This is still a work in progress (and my first attempt at any 3d modeling) so any help or advice on improvements are always welcome. My plan is to add the glass shaders and a few more final touches in the near future...
Amsterdam Central Station
Created by Epic Lurker
Description Travel in style with this large 6 track European Station. Platforms are covered by two large arched canopy roofs. This train station served its first passengers in Amsterdam in 1889 and today serves 260,000 passengers per day. Designed by Pierr...
Angel Hearth Columbarium Updated
Created by Populous
Angel Hearth Columbarium: Updated: by Populous Angel Hearth is a large, mechanized Columbarium (organized, sanitary, remains storage and retrieval system/facility). A real world technology that is the first of it's kind brought to Cities Skylines. The buil...
Angsana Hotel Tower
Created by 752811818
Angsana Hotel Tower-Dubai Damas塔楼-迪拜 50层 50 story by 752811818...
Anhalter Bahnhof
Created by jens
Building Information: 3 Subbuildings: Part1, Part2, Glas Plattforns:5, 3 on ground, 2 underground As always: If you like what I do, support me: Thank you very much!...
AnimUV Params
Created by Ronyx69
While previously created props still require the AnimUV Params mod, a new method for saving shader parameters by boformer has removed the requirement for a mod. See the AnimUV Shader article:
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 4 antennas. Found in industrial props. Originally made for the japanese fire department, but usable for anything. Main: 59 - 150 tris 64x256 LOD: 8 - 12 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Ass...
Any Road Outside Connections
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds outside connections to all roads This mod adds outside connections to roads that didn't have them. Remember that in order to build outside connections for zonable roads outside of unlocked tiles you need to temporarily ...
Aon Center (RICO) Growable
Created by Crazyglueit
This may be my first asset of a new series that will contain Mini-Landmark Growables. Aon Center, located in Chicago, Illinois. This modern skyscraper has 83 floors and stands at 1,136 ft(346m). At the time of its completion in 1973, this building was the ...
APM Stop Track
Created by amamIya
APM Stop Track by amamIya...
Apex Hotel (growable)
Created by Whipplesnoodle
Growable 4x4 tourist Hotel. (Unique version here) A lot of curves. I'll start off with a BIG WARNING!!! And some apologies. The LOD model is kinda excessively high on tris, even for my assets! It's a hotel, I myself don't ever have very many of them in my ...
Apollo Hotel
Created by Visu
Supertall hotel complex (level-5 unique building) - employs about 750. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
Apostel Paulus Kirche
Created by jens
Updated Version! the Old version is broken( ) Located in Berlin-Schöneberg this gothic revival church was built in 1894 (
Apple Campus - Mothership [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Apple Campus - Mothership The Mothership is the main buiding of the Apple Campus 2 Apple Park, named Apple Campus 2 during its construction, is the headquarters of Apple located in Cupertino, California since April 2017 replacing Infinite Loop, the former ...
Apple Campus - Parking
Created by _luminou_
Apple Campus - Parking Part of the complex "Appel Campus - Cupertino" This parking is established of a set of 7 sub-buildings Size: 8 x 60 Each part contains all textures and LOD files. The ce...
Apple Campus - RD building
Created by _luminou_
Apple Campus - RD building by luminou In fact, the real building is a gigantic parking lot. For the game, to being able to be installed alone, I transformed him into university This buiding can be used as a university building, but it is meant to be part o...
Apple Store
Created by HIST0R
In every great city, there is at least one Apple store. Detailed electronics shop with the latest Apple devices on the shelves(rather tables :) ) Level 2 (2x4) commercial building. Polycount: 4300 1024x1024 300dpi 16bit textures -Diffuse -Specular -Alpha -...
Apple Store Fifth Avenue
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Apple Store San Francisco
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Apple Store at Union Square, San Francisco. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection by giving it a thumbs up! Main Model: 6,984 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / diff...
Approach Light System (Realistic)
Created by Haweiko
This Approach Light System is originally by Karaya2. I just added the lights, so at night it will work. If you like more my old version, here you go: Also check out my YouTube channel: https://...
AQ Dome Water Pumping Station
Created by creepyeyes
AQ Enterprises is proud to offer your city their state of the art ground-water pumping stations. These bad boys are the next generation in state-of-the-art water pumping, and have quadruple the output of the those water towers of yesteryear. The AQ Dome Wa...
Aqua Fun Park
Created by bennymedia
Aqua Fun Park by bennymedia (Updated V 1.3, ready for After Dark) The Aqua Fun Park provides huge bathing and swimming fun for everyone. Aqua Fun Park Park Info:13x8 plots Construction cost : 9500 Maintenance cost : 220 Electricity consumption : 5 Garbage:...
Aquarium Rhodes
Created by Accapulco
Kalimera friends! Leaving the floodlands for a while and moving to the mediterranean for a bit :) The Aquarium of Rhodes is a modernist/art deco structure in the island of Rhodes, Greece. You could use it as something cool along the beach or even a coast g...
Created by Mik_Kael
Aragon Hello Je pense que plus ç'est vert mieux ç'est C'est une Map qui ressemble a la Norvege il y a une riviere et des collines et beaucoup de forets il y a toutes les ressources, ideal pour l'industrie mais pas obligatoire merci et bon jeu Hello I think...
Architect 001 High Density Residential Level 5 - 4x4
Created by _luminou_
Architect 001 High Density Residential Level 5 - 4x4 RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha, ColorMask and Illumination Triangles: 3860 / 122 Weight : 52.08 / 1.67 Texture: 1024² / 512²...
Arc de Triomphe, Paris
Created by Armesto Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile, the Triumphal Arch of Paris, is one of the most famous monuments in Paris, standing at the western end of the Champs-Élysées at the...
Architect 002 - High Density Residential 4x4 Level 5 [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Architect 002 - High Density Residential 4x4 Level 5 Contain all textures and LOD files, no color change Triangles: 6.242 / 242 Texture: 1024x512 / 512² My Workshop: Follow me: Follow me: http...
Architect 003 High Density Residential 4x4
Created by _luminou_
Architect 003 High Density Residential 4x4 level 5 RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha, ColorMask and Illumination Triangles: 13.529 / 551 Weight : 180.62 / 7.46 Texture: 2048x1024 / 512²...
Architect 004 High Density Residential 4x4 - lvl 5
Created by _luminou_
Architect 004 High Density Residential 4x4 - lvl 5 RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha, ColorMask and Illumination Triangles: 2.730 / 496 Weight : 25.19 / 4.66 Texture: 1024x512 / 512² ...
Architect 006 Low Density Residential 4x4 level 5
Created by _luminou_
Architect 006 Low Density Residential 4x4 - lvl 5 RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha, ColorMask and Illumination Triangles: 2005 / 200 Weight : 31.74 / 3.3 Texture: 1024x512 / 512²...
Architect 005 Low Density Residential 4x4 lvl 5
Created by _luminou_
Architect 005 Low Density Residential 4x4 - lvl 5 RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha, ColorMask and Illumination Triangles: 1.276 / 144 Weight : 23.75 / 2.79 Texture: 1024x512 / 512²...
Architect 009 HDR 4x4 lvl 5
Created by _luminou_
Architect 009 High Density Residential 4x4 - lvl 5 rido setting - high residentiel level 5 - cost : 1000 - homes: 10 Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha, ColorMask and Illumination Triangles: 4480 / 133 Weight : 56.34 / 1.75 Texture: 1024x512...
Architect 009b HDR 4x4 lvl 5
Created by _luminou_
Architect 009b HDR 4x4 lvl 5 Update 2020-02-04 - optimization of the vectices number, - best illumination file rendering, - file weight reduction. Triangles: 6.745 / 240 Weight: 71.35 / 2.65 Texture: 1024*512 / 512² Rico Setting Residential High Density Le...
Architect 009c HDR 4x4 lvl 5
Created by _luminou_
Architect 009c High Density Residential 4x4 - lvl 5 RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha, ColorMask and Illumination Triangles: 11.049 / 804 Weight : 102.96 / 7.62 Texture: 1024x512 / 512²...
Architect 011 HDR 4x4 lvl 5 - rico compatible
Created by _luminou_
Architect 011 HDR 4x4 lvl 5 by luminou RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha and Illumination (no color mask) Triangles: 10.842 / 10 Weight : 64.45 / 0.06 Texture: 1024² / 512²...
Architect 010 HDR 4x4 lvl 5 - RICO
Created by _luminou_
Architect 010 HDR 4x4 lvl 5 by luminou RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha and Illumination (no color mask) Triangles: 7.456 / 212 Weight : 65.87 / 1.91 Texture: 1024x512 / 256²...
Architect 012 HDR 4x4 lvl 5 (RICO)
Created by _luminou_
Architect 012 HDR 4x4 lvl 5 by luminou RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha and Illumination (no color mask) Triangles: 2.386 / 71 Weight : 43.57 / 1.33 Texture: 1024x512 / 512²...
Architect 013 - HDR lvl 5 - 4x4 [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Architect 013 - HDR lvl 5 - 4x4 Contain all texture and LOD file, no color mask Triangles: 3.015 / 339 Texture: 1024² / 512² My Workshop: Follow me: Follow me: ...
Architect 014 - High Density Residential lvl 5
Created by _luminou_
Architect 014 High Density Residential 4x4 lvl 5 Contain all texture and LOD files Triangles : 2.001 / 160 Texture: 1024² / 128 RICO setting Residential Level 5 Homes: 30 Construction Cost: 10.000 My Workshop: Follow me: Follow me:
Architecture Plaza
Created by Nei
Arcitecture Park by Nimit (Near Limit) Ps: It looks s bit nicer in-game than on the picture. And please rate, but only if you like it. ;)...
Architect 012c HDR 4x4 lvl 5 - [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Architect 012c HDR 4x4 lvl 5 by luminou RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha, Illumination and color mask Triangles: 2.386 / 71 Weight : 43.57 / 1.33 Texture: 1024x512 / 512²...
ARD - Barcelona Post Palace
Created by aradras
Level 2 Unique Building. Inspired in the Post Palace at Plaça de Antonio Lopez, Barcelona....
Arisandi Interchange V.3
Created by Arisandi
not from google map or anywhere. my own design this is medium size interchange. my last update. minor fixed with move it by Arisandi...
Arrow Plaza - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Good day Cimtizens ! Loads of people still play SC4... A few ones still play SimCity 3000, and I'm one of them. I still enjoy the relative simplicity of it and the toyish and friendly look it has... I wanted to remake a growable from SC3, prepare for some ...
Art Plaza
Created by Nei
Art Park by Nimit (Near Limit) Ps: It looks s bit nicer in-game than on the picture. And please rate, but only if you like it. ;) Thank you for over 400 subscribers!...
Ares Tower
Created by Visu
Office complex that employs several thousand. This building is gigantic, almost 1 km tall. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
Art School Deluxe
Created by Loopman
The best place to go if you wanne learn everything about art. The largest art school in the world. It has a big radius but it needs more workers. Enjoy By Loopman...
Ashley HomeStore
Created by KingLeno
Thanks for helping me make 2,000 subscribers on YouTube! I making a different furniture/home decor store (some new, some updates) to reward and encourage more subscribers to my YouTube channel including at home, Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel, Pier 1, and IK...
Ashton Asoke
Created by Palm'sTime
Ashton Asoke By Palm'sTime (armsplams) WARNING: This building will be affect performance. Building Info: Type High-rise residential building. Size 11 x 3 Storey & Heights 50 Storey | 192.95 M. Tris 12,894 (Main) | 673 (LOD) Texture Size 1024 x 2048 (Main) ...
Aspendale Residence Non RICO
Created by Kookess
Aspendale Residence -Low Residential Level 5, Size 4x4 -Growable Version only -With Lights and 4 Color Variations Made with ArchiCAD and Blender Here you can find the RICO Version: Mesh Info: ...
at home
Created by KingLeno
Home Decor store formerly known as Garden Ridge. Lot size (10x14) Triangles - 3103 Texture (1024x512) d,n,i,s RICO Level 2 low-commercial If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by...
Asymmetrical 2+1 Bus Road
Created by Blackwolf (Frdm920)
Don't you just hate it when your one-way road system stuffs up your public transport plans? Well no longer! Now you can have your buses travel in both directions while ordinary traffic is still confined to one-way. This is Mass Transit's Asymmetrical 2+1 r...
Audi car dealership(Ploppable RICO ready)
Created by SvenBerlin
Audi car dealership by Svenpotsdam Audi Nashville inspiration a little big at the end. 7x11 tris 928 LOD 160 TOYOTA car dealership: FORD car dealership:
Atlas Monument
Created by Bad Tempered Raven
Specs Prop Base Mesh Tris: 3050 LOD tris: 332 Diffuse: 512x512 LOD Diffuse: 128x128 Thanks for take a peek! some feedback would be very nice!...
Australian Design for Place House
Created by Palm'sTime
Australian Design for Place House By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Info: Type Low density residential house. Size 2 x 4 Storey & Heights 1 Storey | 4.45 M. Tris 1,082 (Main) | 117 (LOD) Texture Size 1,024 x 1,024 (Main) | 128 x 128 (LOD) Scale 1:1 RICO Ready No (...
Aurora Town Hall
Created by JSF-1
The Town Hall for the Town of Aurora Ontario. The building opened November 24th 1991. Cost to Build: $20,000 Upkeep: $320 Size: 7x9 Level 3 Monument...
Automatic Bulldoze v2
Created by Лысый Пёс
Automatic Bulldoze v2 automatically destroys abandoned and burned buildings. This mod is a spinoff of the original Automatic Bulldoze mod by Sadlers. The diffrents between this and the old one: * It supports Natural Disasters DLC (and all other DLC of cour...
Avalon Hotel
Created by Visu
Level-5 Unique Building - Complete w/ LoD model. Employs 375....
Avenue Foch Sunken Station [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: This is a sunken train station based on the old station of the Petite Ceinture Railway located on Avenue Foch in Paris. The surface part is a replica of the building, but due to the game limitations, the sunken part is not exactly like in rea...
Aviation/Century Station [MOM]
Created by Polygon About this station Aviation/Century is an under-construction elevated light rail station in the Los Angeles County Metro Rail system. It will be served by the Crenshaw/LAX Line and the Green Line. This model doesn’t show how ...
Badu Gili - Sydney Opera House prop pack
Created by Robert
READ THIS FIRST This requires a bit of finesse to place. You will need the Prop Snapping mod, which allows you to place props onto buildings the same way you can in the asset editor. The 'pivot' or center of the prop is offset from the display. Once you ha...
Created by KingLeno
balcony-black by KingLeno...
Created by KingLeno
balcony-short by KingLeno...
Balenciaga Shop
Created by Raccoon
Balenciaga Shop Information: Balenciaga is a luxury fashion house founded in Spain by Cristóbal Balenciaga, a designer born in the Basque Country, Spain. The brand is now owned by the French multinational company Kering. Balenciaga had a reputation as a co...
Created by KingLeno
Bally by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! Bally is a Swiss luxury fashion company founded as "Bally & Co" in 1851 by Carl Franz Bally and his brother Fritz. Based on store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Triangles 864 Texture 1024x102...
Banhammer Regional Office
Created by Koesj
This building is now RICO enabled but the mod’s not needed to enjoy it! Get the Ploppable RICO mod here and these Uniques will function just like growables. Previous update: I've redone the windows and nightlights, toned down the saturation of the colors, ...
Bank Of America Tower - NY [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Bank Of America Tower - NY The Bank of America Tower (BOAT) at One Bryant Park is a 1,200 ft (365.8 m) skyscraper in the Midtown area of Manhattan in New York City. It is located on Avenue of the Americas, between 42nd and 43rd Streets, opposite Bryant Par...
Bank of America Plaza
Created by david__dylan
After Dark version here: 1:1 1:1.5 Currently the tallest building in Dallas. It was originally planned to be accompanied by a tw...
Bank of America Tower HK 香港美银中心 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
bankofAmerica by XDBX You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到...
Bank of China Tower With LED
Created by XDBX
注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 无“Additive Shader”版本由此去 No "Additive Shader" version : 香港中银大厦 Bank of China Tower HK Hong Kong 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制...
Bank Of China Tower:Remastered香港中银大厦重制版hong kong HK
Created by XDBX
Bank Of China Tower:Remastered 香港中银大厦重制版 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了玻璃 Recreated glass 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the lights 重新制作了底座 Recreated the model You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到 ...
Bank of SimCity Plaza (Future Supertall Edition)
Created by geecko
Please don't forget to rate and subscribe. Click here for Joerg's original size. Origin: SimCity, Maxisland, SimNation Modeled after Joerg's SimCity 4 BAT from Simtropolis. Special thanks to Joerg for making this awesome building back in the day for the be...
Barnes and Noble Booksellers
Created by KingLeno
Barnes and Noble Booksellers is an american bookstore chain, by KingLeno, all of my buildings support RICO unless otherwise noted.
Bank of SimCity Plaza (Standard Joerg Edition)
Created by geecko
Please don't forget to rate and subscribe. Click here for Futuristic variant. Origin: SimCity, Maxisland, SimNation Modeled after Joerg's SimCity 4 BAT from Simtropolis. Special thanks to Joerg for making this awesome building back in the day for the best ...
Bartle Hall
Created by Lightfooted
The expansion of Bartle Hall was a significant technical challenge. Construction of the additional convention space was built over a continuously open six-lane freeway, which runs underneath the convention center. Construction required the installation of ...
Basílica de Santa Maria del Mar (1383), Barcelona
Created by rhvjay
Basílica de Santa Maria del Mar by rhvjay...
Bank Of Skylines
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, I was highly motivated to create a skyscraper these days. I wanted to realize several things, for example, a nice and contemporary shape that provides a cool looking mirror map ingame, and plenty of braces which draw the surface. During the c...
Banana Tree
Created by MrMaison
Banana Tree by MrMaison Introducing a young Banana tree (not actually a tree). This is my first tropical plant. There will be another version with fruit. This Banana tree is good for making plantations as well as decorating your landscape mixing with other...
Baseball Field
Created by Dutch
Baseball Field Size: 10x10 Construction Cost: 7500 Fire Hazard: 0 Fire Tolerance: 20 Garbage Accumulation: 2 Maintenance Cost: 500 Electricity Consumption: 4 High Wealth Tourists: 50 Low Wealth Tourists: 50 Medium Wealth Tourists: 50 Sewage Accumulation: 0...
Baseball Stadium
Created by OniDisco
Baseball Stadium by OniDisco Level 6 unique building Stats: 4,792 polys 9,800 tris Diffuse, Specular and Illumination texture 1024x2048 (I removed the normal texture as it as not really needed) LOD model with 512x512 texture. Same in-game stats as the Spor...
Basic Commercial & Office Lots
Created by BachToBaroque
For those who are missing pieces: I reuploaded the exact same unchanged files and see if that helps. If not go to your content manager and see if ALL 6 are there and ALL 6 are enabled(must enable all even though if you plan to use some, that;s how the game...
Basketball Outdoor Court
Created by Team Pinpin.gEnEsis
Basketball Outdoor Court by ... Here the new version of my Outdoor Basketball Court ! Changed done : fixed the LOD error fixed the "flatten land" problem add fences and here are the details : Construction cost : 7000 MaintenanceCost : 100 Size : 4x3 Eletri...
Battery Park Corner, Manhattan, New York, USA
Created by Cleavus
Battery Park Corner, Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States of America by Cleavus 17 State Street, 1 State Street Plaza, 1 Battery Park Plaza, Our Lady of the Rosary All on one Lot No Dependencies Night Life Dynamic Lighting Each window light lo...
Bauhaus Market Köln-Porz ( ploppable Rico)
Created by SvenBerlin
Bauhaus Market Köln-Porz by SvenBerlin tris 5103 LOD 419 commercial low level 3 workers 170 cost 150.000 size 25x14 cells Bauhaus extra prop pack original
BB Chase Building - Growable 2x2 Lvl3 Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Greetings Skyliners ! What do we want? Variety! When do we want it? Now ! Have you ever wondered how many buildings were in the game for certain levels and sizes ?? Take the Level 3 offices on 2x2 lots... there are TWO different buildings for this size and...
Bedok MRT Station (one-way roads)
Created by EndlessFtw
IMPORTANT: This asset has no lights (does not light up at night) due to errors preventing me from placing any form of props. If you know what is going on, please make a comment. This is a classic metro station in Singapore located on the east side of the i...
Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3
Created by amamIya
BCIA Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3 Beijing Capital International Airport (IATA: PEK, ICAO: ZBAA) is the main international airport serving Beijing. It is located 32 km (20 mi) northeast of Beijing's city centre, in an enclave of Chaoyang...
Beijing courtyard house Type 3 3x5 Lv1-5 [RICO] 標準三進院四合院
Created by Emperor Li Beijing courtyard house or Siheyuan is a historical type of residence that was commonly found throughout China, most famously in Beijing and rural Shanxi. In ancient times, a spacious siheyuan would be occupied by a single, ...
Bellevue Theater
Created by Accapulco
Art Deco style Theater from Amsterdam. Sorry to the 33 people subbed to the first version, I've made it LowCom RICO, change to leisure if you have AD. Main/LOD 1770 - 256*2048 180 - 256*256...
Bench #5 (Marble)
Created by targa
Bench with support sitting feature. Marble bench for parks and plazas. Main model 192 tris 256x128 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD model 26 tris 128x64 texture -------------------------------------------------- To gain access to this asset in-game, not only i...
Berlin’s Federal Ribbon · Paul-Löbe-Haus · Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus
Created by martinAusBerlin
First of all, thank you AmiPolizeiFunk for all your help and patience on this one year journey. Warning This asset is not easy to place. Please follow the instructions and remember to use CTRL-A to plop it. Berlin’s government buildings form a bridge over ...
Beneficial Financial Group Tower (RICO) Salt Lake City
Created by Crazyglueit Beneficial Financial Group Tower, located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Built in 1998 with 20 floors and a height of 335ft(102m). Scale - 1:1 Plot Size - 7x4 Main - Tris 4,433 / Texture 2048x1024 / Weight 23.59 LOD - Tris 370 / Te...
Berlin Hauptbahnhof (Berlin Central Station)
Created by martinAusBerlin
UPDATE 2016-07-27 Fixed dependency to Metro Overhaul Mod (MOM), can be used with and without MOM now UPDATE 2016-07-26 This is version 2 of the asset. I've changed/fixed the following items: #1 road access is now needed like for vanilla stations, this fixe...
Berlin Brandenburger Tor 1:1
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
The Berlin Brandenburg Gate is a neo-classical arch that was completed in 1791 at the request of Prussian king Frederick William II after he helped to put down the Batavian Revolution in Holland. The gate represented a door to the west, specifically to Bra...
Berlin Reichstag
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk There are 3 structures in Berlin that I absolutely love -- Brandenburger Tor, the Fernsehturm, and the Reichstagsgebäude. The latter best represents Berlin's tumultuous history. The Reichstag was constructed in 1894, burned ...
Berlin Style Elevated Metro Station (MOM)
Created by JSF-1
An elevated station based on the style found in Berlin Germany. This station specifically is heavily inspired by Bülowstraße Station on the U2. Metro Overhaul Mod: This mod is mandatory for this asset. Cost to build: 15,000 Upkeep: 1,500 Size: 14x2...
Berlin Treptowers
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
Berlin's Treptowers is a modern office complex on the Spree river commissioned by Allianz SE. The buildings were completed in 1998 and feature a 125m tower which is the second tallest skyscraper in Berlin (not counting the TV and radio towers). After start...
Berlin TV tower
Created by tobse
After Dark - UPDATE Berlin TV tower by Tobse The Berlin TV tower or "Berliner Fernsehturm" is a television tower in central Berlin, Germany. The TV Tower is easily visible throughout the central and some suburban districts of Berlin. With its height of 368...
Berlin Wall Memorial part 1
Created by SvenBerlin
Berlin Wall Memorial part 1 of 2 situated at Bernauer Str. by Svenpotsdam The second one is a information building and a platform to have an overview of the wall area and is placed on the oposite side of the street. I used a lamp from the Network Skins Mod...
Berlin Wall Memorial part 2
Created by SvenBerlin
Berlin Wall Memorial part 2 by Svenpotsdam That is part 2 of my Berlin Wall Memorial situated in Berlin-Wedding , Bernauer Str. I am looking for a good solution for the platform. The tourists are flying up to the platform, is anybody here who knows how i c...
Better Bulldozer [Park Life Compatible]
Created by rollo
It's now working with Park Life. Latest update is sponsored by -> History: Recompiled for parklife by BloodyPenguin Updated with fix for latest patch thanks to BloodyPenguin...
Better Planes Pack 3.0 | Mainline Jets (PROPS INCLUDED) - MD80, 737, A32X, 757
Created by bsquiklehausen
Improve your airports with the Better Planes Pack! This pack includes several narrowbody mainline jets to add realistic variety to your airports. This pack includes 10 different plane types and 15 total liveries. Each plane has a custom LOD to ensure accur...
Better Planes Pack | Jumbo Jets (PROPS INCLUDED) - MD-11, 747, A380
Created by bsquiklehausen
Improve your airports with the Better Planes Pack! This pack includes several massive jumbo jets to add realistic variety to your biggest international airports. This pack includes 3 different plane types and 11 total liveries. Each plane has a custom LOD ...
BIFC (1:1.5)
Created by koxx
BIFC (1:1.5) by bisabeols - BIFC : Size 7x8 / 1:1.5 Scale : Unique 3 ...
Big Ben
Created by UK122
Houses of Parliament, London, UK Find it in Unique Buildings It's Level 5 (Ploppable) only one allowed per city I know its not true to scale, but if it was it would just be too big in the game, lol Cost €100,000 Maintenence cost €500 Usage: electricity 12,...
Biff Tannen's Pleasure Paradise
Created by Crazyglueit
Back to the Future Part II (1989) Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to Biff Tannen's Pleasure Paradise! Dedicated to Hill Valley's number-one citizen. And America's greatest living folk hero. The one and only Biff Tannen. Of course we've all heard the legend, ...
Big Ben, London
Created by Armesto Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London and is usually extended to refer to both the clo...
Big central Park
Created by Dynavee
Central Park for the whole city...
BIG Commercial AC
Created by BenTracker
BIG Commercial Air Conditioner 58 Tris / 256 x 256px LOD: 32 Tris / 32 x 32px...
Big Decal Road Damage
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
big generic warehouse (ploppable, RICO compatible)
Created by sonicnurse
Another warehouse for your industrial areas! You can find it under transport->ship and it costs 20000. It's also RICO compatible (level 2; workers: 9,2,2,1) Stats: tris count is 259 with a 512x512 texture (d,n,i) custom lod is tiny (18 tris) and has a 256x...
Big Nuclear Power Plant (Basic)
Created by SpeisCheese
A bigger powerplant producing enough energy for an entire capital city. Actually, it's just 2 powerplants in one, meaning that they operate also separately....
Big Office Building
Created by BenTracker
Big Office Unique Building L6 compatible with RICO RICO Office L3 Construction Cost: 60.000 Workplaces: 73 -------------------------------------------------------- Badajoz s.XXI inspired building View 2094 Tris / 2048 x 2048 px LOD: 432 Tris / 512 x 512px ...
Big Smooth Interchange
Created by Ecumenopolitan
This is a large and realistic 4-way motorway junction. It's somewhat loosely based on the interchange of routes E4 and E16 near Gävle, Sweden. It can handle heavy traffic quite smoothly. The lower highway is at c. -6m and the higher one at c. 6m. No DLC or...
BigCity (25 tiles mod)
Created by frost
Allows cities to be 25 tiles big instead of only 9 Summary By default the game only allows you to purchase up to 9 tiles. This mod sets the limit of purchasable tiles to 25, so that you can still expand more once the last milestone has been reached. FAQ Th...
Big Stack Interchange
Created by badmasterc32
Big Stack Interchange by badmasterc32...
Biogas Plant - Main
Created by Accapulco
The main building for the biogas plant containing the generator. Burns the methane accumulated from waste into electricity. Although this building is what actually produces all the energy I made the digester higher so you need to collect garbage for it to ...
Blackwell Academy
Created by Zatline
13x8 Properties: Construction Cost: 21000 Maintanence Cost: 2700 Education Accumulation: 100 Education Radius: 1640 Student Count: 750 Notice: Blackwell Academy is a private school for high school seniors! --- This is my first ever created model, I worked ...
blackwiddow Spiral Highway Exit RHD
Created by blackwiddow
Spiral Highway Exit by blackwiddow - Right Hand Drive version :) All my assets can be found here: Designed to act as a roundabout highway exit that also looks nice in full f...
Created by KingLeno
Bloomingdale's is an upscale department store owned by Macy's, Inc. It was founded in 1861. (Wikipedia) Triangles 1980 Texture 1024 x 512 d,n,s Level 3 Ploppable RICO High Density Commercial with 30 jobs. This model is based by the Macy's at the Aventura M...
Blossoming Tower CC
Created by CushyCrux
Blossoming Tower CC -------------------------- Your Christmas present! Because Artists create Art. The LOD can cause nightmares. I tried hard to create one for hours, no chance to create it with under 4000 Tris, so sorry. Please vote and write a comment if...
BMW 5-Series Saloon (G30) Luxury Line
Created by Ma7heus
2017-2020 BMW 5-Series Saloon (G30) Luxury Line Asset's 3D and Textures Info (Main | Custom Lod): Tris: 2481 | 52 Textures: 1024x1024 | 64x64 In-Game Info: Name: BMW 5er G30 Luxury Line Top Speed: 200 Km/h >> PROP Version Here << Support my works: https://...
BMW 5-Series Saloon (G30) iPerformance 530e [EV Ingame]
Created by Ma7heus
2017 - Present BMW 5-Series Saloon (G30) iPerformance 530e Hybrid* "In purely electric mode the vehicle achieves a range of up to 45 km with a top electric speed of 140 km/h". *Although it's hybrid in real life, in game I set it to be recognized as EV, so ...
BMW 5-Series Saloon (G30) M Sport
Created by Ma7heus
2017-2020 BMW 5-Series Saloon (G30) M Sport Asset's 3D and Textures Info (Main | Custom Lod): Tris: 2715 | 60 Textures: 1024x1024 | 64x64 In-Game Info: Name: BMW 5er G30 M Sport Top Speed: 250 Km/h >> PROP Version Here <<
BMW 5-Series Touring (G31) Luxury Line
Created by Ma7heus
2017 - Present BMW 5-Series Touring (G31) Luxury Line Asset's 3D and Textures Info (Main | Custom Lod): Tris: 2420 | 44 Textures: 1024x1024 | 64x64 In-Game Info: Name: BMW 5-Series G31 530i Top Speed: 200 Km/h >> PROP Version Here << https://live.staticfli...
BMW 5-Series Touring (G31) Unmarked Police - Type 1
Created by Ma7heus
2017 - Present BMW 5-Series Touring (G30) Unmarked Police - Lights Type 1 A Brief Description Of These New Unmarked Police BMW Versions: Emergency Lights Type 1 (G30) - (G31) Only LEDs flashing around the car (Grille, windshield and rear glass) The positio...
BMW Dealership RICO
Created by My Tag Gone
BMW Dealership RICO version by My Tag Gone. Original Asset created by Tomas13TO, full credit to him, this and his other assets including some amazing Mansions are here . 5x6 cells Maps - d,n,s,i (1024x1024) Triangles - 1257 LOD triangles - 98 Will behave a...
BMW Tower, MUNICH 14x9
Created by Maihess
Original model by Morsh, re-sized and landscaped by me. What I tried to do here was replicate the plaza that is out the front of the tower in Munich. Using Google Maps, I looked at the aerial view of the site and picked out the defining features and tried ...
Boeing 747-400 Delta
Created by Leeijo
This is a pack with both vehicle and prop! Also note that this is a 1:1 scale version of the B747-400! Delta Air Lines, Inc. is a major American airline, with its headquarters and largest hub at Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport in Atlanta, ...
Boeing 747-400 Korean Air
Created by KriZ "Excellence in Flight" Information This is a pack of both vehicle and prop. Also note that this is a 1:1 scale version of the B747-400! Korean Air is the largest airline and flag carrier of South Korea based on fleet size, in...
Boeing 2707-100 Pan Am
Created by Evangeline
I'm leaving on a jetplane. The Boeing 2707-200 is one of three aircraft designs that would have been ''America's concorde'' the 2707-200 is the second SST design boeing made, which is not much different from the 2707-100 exept it had a pair of canards. in ...
Boeing 777-300ER - Korean Air
Created by Konkku
Korean Air Boeing 777-300ER by Konkku Korean Air is the largest airline and flag carrier of South Korea. The airline flies to over 100 destinations in 50 countries. This asset was made using vasimr22's fantastic Boeing 777 template which can be found here....
Bombardier C20 Metro (6Cars)
Created by REV0
Metro, 6Cars The Bombardier C20 is a type of subway train used in the Stockholm Metro, Sweden. The C20 is a completely new design and therefore is not compatible with other train types in the system. To save cost and weight, each unit has only four bogies....
Bonn Center
Created by clus
Hello all together ! :) My current upload is al litte bit different compared to the others... but I guess, you`ve already seen that. ;) As you can see, its just an ugly and boring office building ... ;) About the building: There is (was) a role model for t...
Boston fire museum (Leisure growable)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 1x3/4 leisure growable. About the model This is part of a small of a mini update of leisure growables. Make sure to get the Majestic theater and the BAM harvey theater as well! You can always follow...
Bottega Veneta
Created by KingLeno
Bottega Veneta by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. High end boutique retail based on store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Triangles Texture 1024x1024 Lot size: 1x4 Level ...
BR 187 - DBAG/TANOOS Crop Cargo (8Cars)
Created by REV0
TRAXX 3 / BR 187 - DBAG with TANOOS trailer pack My Discord Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Ahead of its time, the innovative TRAXX 3 platform's energy efficiency and proven ability t...
BR 187 - DBAG/ZACNS Dummy Cargo (12Cars)
Created by REV0
TRAXX 3 / BR 187 - DBAG with ZANCS trailers My Discord Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Ahead of its time, the innovative TRAXX 3 platform's energy efficiency and proven ability to pul...
BR 187 - DBAG/ZACNS Dummy Cargo (6Cars)
Created by REV0
TRAXX 3 / BR 187 - DBAG with ZANCS trailers My Discord Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Ahead of its time, the innovative TRAXX 3 platform's energy efficiency and proven ability to pul...
BR 187 - RAILPOOL/TANOOS Cargo (8Cars)
Created by REV0
TRAXX 3 / BR 187 - RAILPOOL with TANOOS pack My Discord Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Ahead of its time, the innovative TRAXX 3 platform's energy efficiency and proven ability to pu...
BR 187 - Wiener Lokalbahnen Cargo (12Cars)
Created by REV0
TRAXX 3 / BR 187 Wiener Lokalbahnen with ZACNS pack My Discord Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Ahead of its time, the innovative TRAXX 3 platform's energy efficiency and proven abilit...
BR 187 - Wiener Lokalbahnen Cargo (8Cars)
Created by REV0
TRAXX 3 / BR 187 Wiener Lokalbahnen Cargo with ZACNS pack My Discord Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Ahead of its time, the innovative TRAXX 3 platform's energy efficiency and proven ...
Brampton City Hall
Created by JSF-1
*This is a remake of my old Brampton City Hall Asset. If you are using the old version, unsubscribe to it and use this one instead. Brampton City hall opened in the 1990's and was designed by Robert Posliff. The building has since been expanded twice first...
Bratke Corporate
Created by Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
BR 187 - RAILPOOL/Mixed Cargo (12Cars)
Created by REV0
TRAXX 3 / BR 187 - RAILPOOL with TANOOS pack My Discord Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Ahead of its time, the innovative TRAXX 3 platform's energy efficiency and proven ability to pu...
Brick Walls: The KL Version (Revised)
Created by KingLeno
Brick Walls: The King Leno Version A set of brick walls that includes...a brick wall, a brick wall, a brick wall, and a brick wall with fence :-) Can be customized to make parks and pavilions. The brick wall with fence samples from Soldyne's Iron Fence. Al...
Brick Herringbone Tile Decals
Created by KingLeno
Brick Herringbone Tile Decals by KingLeno asset includes 1x1 Brick Herringbone Decal 1x1 Brick Herringbone Decal - Light Orange-ish 1x1 Brick Herringbone Decal (with rounded corner) 1x1 Brick Herringbone Decal - Light Orange-ish (with rounded corner) 1/4 B...
Bridge resort building B (Sochi, Russia)
Created by furious
Hi again. I glad to present you my new asset from Sochi (Krasnodar Region), a city of XXII Olympic winter games. New asset based on building B of Bridge Resort - huge hotel complex of Sochi.
Bridge building station JP2L
Created by konfox0527
橋上駅(橋上入口)JP2L -橋上駅(橋上入口)のJP1L station track KT01G版です。 入口が橋上にある駅です。プラットホームの有効長は168mまで対応しています。 道路に関係なく自由な位置に設置できる駅です。2セル道路を接続して使用してください。 Fine Road Anarchyを作動させてから設置してください。 Move it で動かすの禁止。 Move It!を使用した際にソフトが停止する可能性あり。 -Bridge building station's JP2L station...
Bravo military airbase
Created by guerreironj2014
Bravo military airbase by guerreironj2014...
Bridge Resort main building (Sochi, Russia)
Created by furious
Hi again. I glad to present you my new asset from Sochi (Krasnodar Region), a city of XXII Olympic winter games. New asset based on main building of Bridge Resort - huge hotel complex of Sochi.
Bridge Resort modules (Sochi, Russia)
Created by furious
Hi again. I glad to present you my new asset from Sochi (Krasnodar Region), a city of XXII Olympic winter games. New asset based on satellite buildings of Bridge Resort - huge hotel complex of Sochi. These modules are residential.
British Telecom, London
Created by UK122
The British Telcommunications Tower, London, England. (Now updated for After Dark) All stats are in the pics. The BT Tower is a communications tower located in Fitzrovia, London, owned by BT Group. It has been previously known as the Post Office Tower, the...
Broadway Centre (RICO) Salt Lake City
Created by Crazyglueit Broadway Centre located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Completed in 1992 with 14 floors and a height of 196ft(60m). Scale - 1:1 Plot Size - 10x7 Main - Tris 9,527 / Texture 1024 / Weight 48.91 LOD - Tris 153 / Texture 512 / Weight ...
Brooks building (lvl 3 high commercial corner)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 4x4 high commercial lvl 3corner. About the model The high commercial category in the workshop was in dire need of some love and I was looking for an excellent example of the chicago style for a mode...
Brookfield Place Tower 2 (Bay Wellington Tower)
Created by JSF-1
The Bay Wellington Tower is the second tower that makes up the Brookfield Place complex along side the TD Canada Trust Tower. Tower 2 is 49 floors and was completed in 1992 to be part of the world headquarters for the Canada Trust bank. Cost to Build: $150...
Brownrock Building
Created by Zatline
10x10 - Brownrock Building A very own handcrafted skyscraper, hope you enjoy it! :) Gameplay Properties: Constraction Cost: 52000 Maintenance Cost: 4900 Mesh Infos: Main Model: 3452 Tris, 2048x2048px LOD Model: 136 Tris, 1024x1024px Construction Details Fl...
Bs Cheap High School
Created by Beth2020
Bs Cheap High School by HGscMENTOR Just created this for the cities in my Islands gamesave, but you are welcome to use it if you like. It is waaayyyyy cheaper to place in-game and waaayyyyy cheaper to maintain. Enjoy. :^)...
Created by Beth2020
Bs CONDO HI-RISE NO-RICO 02 by HGscMENTOR Level 5 High Residential Building I created this from a Vanilla asset - just for my own use - and to put on the collection for my gamesave, but you are all welcome to use it any way you like. It has 25 households b...
Created by Beth2020
Bs CONDO HI-RISE NO-RICO 05 by HGscMENTOR Level 5 High Residential Building 25 households when NOT Rico 60 households (on my computer, at least, via ingame Rico Settings icon) with RICO Created for my use and to put on the collection for my gamesave, but y...
Created by Beth2020
Bs CONDO HI-RISE NO-RICO 09 by HGscMENTOR Level 5 High Residential Building I created this from a Vanilla asset - just for my own use - and to put on the collection for my gamesave, but you are all welcome to use it any way you like. It has 25 households b...
BTB City Recycle
Created by BachToBaroque
Welp I got bored and started to doodle with assets again. Here's a mid sized recycling center suitable for low population cities. Unrealisticaly clean super-efficient, low noise/power/water consumption, and cheap to build. Basic Stats: Size - 10 x 8 Cost -...
BTB Community College
Created by BachToBaroque
Starpoint Community College offers Technical Degrees & General Education Certs for drop-outs. The building also shares with a 24hr gym & a sushi bar. Basic Stats: Size - 8 x 5 Cost - 75 000 Upkeep - 880 /week Power Consumption - 448KW /week Water Consumpti...
Bs Cheaper Passenger Harbor
Created by Beth2020
Bs Cheaper Passenger Harbor by HGscMENTOR Just created this for the cities in my Islands gamesave, but you are welcome to use it if you like. It is waaayyyyy cheaper than the Vanilla gamepiece to place and to maintain....
Buckingham Palace (100%)
Created by UK122
Buckingham Palace (100%) by UK122 Full size 1:1 so overhangs the maximum size for the game slightly (the black bits when placing) Find it in unique buildings menu. If you want the flag to fly, you need this:
Bud Light Props
Created by KingLeno
Bud Light Props by KingLeno...
Buddha Shakyamouni park
Created by vilgard92
Buddha Shakyamouni park by vilgard92 This big park is dedicated to the Buddhism and to the meditation to reach the nirvana and to find the peace of mind. Gautama Buddha (c. 563/480 – c. 483/400 BCE), also known as Siddhārtha Gautama, Shakyamouni Buddha, or...
Building Decoration Prop Pack
Created by bak90
This is a pack of five props used to decorate my Konzerthaus Berlin asset. They are not terribly detailed, but should be sufficient except for extreme close-up shots. As I will likely use them for other buildings in the future, I may refine them and/or add...
Building Theme: Manhattan - Update added a few 6 stories
Created by Feindbold
Adds a Manhattan building theme. You will find it in the 'Themes' policy tab. This theme only contains High-density residential buildings. Nothing will grow in industrial/office/low-density zones with this theme enabled! Level 1 is released Dependencies Th...
Building Themes
Created by boformer
This mod makes possible to apply building themes to a district or the whole city. Only buildings which are contained in one of the selected themes will grow in a district. You can subscribe to theme mods from the workshop, or create your own themes in the ...
Burberry Shop
Created by Raccoon
Burberry Shop Information: Burberry Group PLC is a British luxury fashion house headquartered in London, England. Its main fashion house focuses on and distributes trench coats (for which it is most famous), ready-to-wear outerwear, fashion accessories, fr...
Burj Al Arab
Created by Fly54
Designed by Tom Wright of WKK Architects, the Burj Al Arab is the pinnacle of luxury, boasting 202 suites, with a top price of a little over $18,000 per night. Catering to the rich and powerful, and touted as the worlds only 7 star hotel, this masterpiece ...
Burger King
Created by KingLeno
Burger King by KingLeno This is basically a Burger King prop pack that includes: Burger King pole, logo, and circle sign. The building used is from University City Content Creator Pack, which is required if you want the building. If you just want the props...
Burj Dubai (Burj Khalifa) [HD]
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
Special thanks to Ray Fleury a.k.a. Fury from Skyscrapercity for providing some top notch data! ------------------------ Burj Dubai (Burj Khalifa), Downtown Dubai, Dubai, UAE Version 1.0 This version goes to all detail-fanatics and those who appreciate acc...
Burj Dubai/Khalifa - After Dark updated.
Created by aPOTalypticH1GH
First asset. Original model by DubaiSkyscraper Beautiful, highly detailed model. Added flood lights on terrace levels for lighting effects. Make sure there is enough space arou...
Burj Khalifa After Dark by Marculini
Created by Marculini™
Burj Khalifa After Dark by Marculini™ Update february 16, 2016: What's the new? - Added new decorations in the main entrances. - Added new lights in the main entrances for better illumination in the night. - People now can enter and leave the building. ***...
Burj Vista 1:1 Scale ( RICO Ready )
Created by Bibel Gurra
A 71 storey skyscraper located in Downtown Dubai, UAE. These towers are under construction and pretty soon topped out. As this building has some pretty unique balconies on the front, the tris-count might be a bit higher than recommended. Hopefully you can ...
Burj Vista tower 2, 1:1 Scale ( RICO Ready )
Created by Bibel Gurra
A 27 storey skyscraper located in Downtown Dubai, UAE. These towers are under construction and pretty soon topped out. RICO-stats; service="residential" sub-service="high" level="5" workplaces="0" homes="170" construction-cost="100000" ui-category="reshigh...
Burnaby City Hall
Created by JSF-1
Burnaby City Hall opened on June 22, 1956 and replaced the old Municipal Hall that opened in 1911. The building was constructed in the geographic center of the City of Burnaby and feature sweeping views of Burnaby Lake and the rocky mountains. Cost to Buil...
Bus Road 2-way
Created by SolarCola
Bus Road 2-way, requires traffic president. Default speed limit is 80....
Bus Station
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, actually I just wanted to try out how to use the rotor shader. And suddenly, a new asset was born :) Have fun! Special thanks go out to Ronyx69, who discovered the use of the rotor shader for asset creations. That offers completely new possib...
Bus Terminus 14x1 (AD)
Created by BaskB
Bus Terminus 14x1 by BaskB *** Update 19/06/2015 *** - Due to popular request will now show under Bus Section NOT Airport Something a little different from me, Bus Terminus in my Large Airport Terminal Livery. Could be used also as an ingame Bus station if...
Bus Station building #2
Created by Drosovila
A 100% visual bus station building, based off of the bus station in my hometown. -The roads around it are NOT part of it. Its just the building itself -Located in the decoration tab, the one with the rocks -I strongly recommend you get the road/prop anarch...
Bus Garage
Created by michaelobu
Bus Garage by michaelobu...
Bus Terminus 5x1 (AD)
Created by BaskB
Bus Terminus 5x1 by BaskB *** Update 19/06/2015 *** - Due to popular request will now show under Bus Section NOT Airport Something a little different from me, Bus Terminus in my Large Airport Terminal Livery. Could be used also as an ingame Bus station if ...
Bus Metro Hub Deluxe
Created by Loopman
Best City Builders This is Bus Metro Hub Deluxe. Your inhabitans can switch between Metro and multiple buslines. It has a small noise radius and it need some workers ideal for your public trasnportation tranzit. Enjoy, By Loopman (Please have a Look at my ...
Bus Terminus 9x1 (AD)
Created by BaskB
Bus Terminus 9x1 by BaskB *** Update 19/06/2015 - Due to popular request Item now appears under Bus section not Airport section *** Something a little different from me, Bus Terminus in my Large Airport Terminal Livery. Could be used also as an ingame Bus ...
BUS-Station&STOP by thiago.feranova...
Created by seba1998 [PL/GER]
BUS-Station&STOP by seba1998 ...
busstation + inbuild metro (4tracks)
Created by Slachy
this is the original bus station from afterdark white 2 metro stations inbuild so now you see a lott of cims moving all over this station ______________________________________ fully tested before upload all bus platform works and the 2 metro stations too ...
BW Barracks
Created by Ironhospital
BW Barracks by Ironhospital...
Byars Hall (Female Dormitory)
Created by KingLeno
BYARS RESIDENCE HALL DORMITORY Byars Hall Dormitory is a residence hall for your Cims that provides 65 dorm rooms (Level 2) with the RICO mod. The Male dorm and the Female dorm are the same model except ONE IS THE MIRROR OF THE OTHER.This allows you to pla...
Bypass Passenger Station
Created by pumba
The Bypass Passenger Station is a modified version of the in game passenger train station. It replaces some of the (extensive) car parking with an underground rail bypass which you can connect to. The underground bypass track is separate from the station t...
Byars Hall (Male Dormitory)
Created by KingLeno
BYARS RESIDENCE HALL DORMITORY Byars Hall Dormitory is a residence hall for your Cims that provides 65 dorm rooms (Level 2) with the RICO mod. The Male dorm and the Female dorm are the same model except ONE IS THE MIRROR OF THE OTHER.This allows you to pla...
C-WFC Chongqing 重庆环球金融中心
Created by RyanCat
New version here! Chongqing World Financial Center 2.0 Chongqing World Financial Center in the Downtown ,339 meters in height. L6 unique building or u can use "find it"...
C751B Singapore MRT
Created by szewee
Kawasaki Heavy Industries & Nippon Sharyo C751B The C751B are one of Singapore's original Mass Rapid Transit network, operating on the North South Line and the East West Line since early 2000. Type : train line ( not tram line ) Capacity : 360 Tris count E...
Cabana Furniture
Created by KingLeno
Cabana Furniture by King Leno Click here to see this asset in-game. Or just watch the video above. Includes various poolside/resort furniture props: Cabana Chair, Cabana Sofa, Cabana Lounge, Cabana Stool, Cabana Table, Cabana End Table, Cabana Bed, and Cab...
Caliban Tower (L5 Residential Growable)
Created by Visu
Highrise apartment complex - high-value real estate. Complete with LoD model for viewing at a distance....
Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) Headquarters
Created by JSF-1
This facility was built in 1995 in Ottawa Ontario, Canada to house the main administrative branch of Canada's primary national intelligence service CSIS. The facility was expanded in the mid 2000 adding in the tower structure at the front. The CSIS facilit...
Canadian Tire
Created by Room360
Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited is a Canadian retail company which sells a wide range of automotive, sports and leisure, and home products. Its head office is in Toronto, Ontario. 16 x 6 Unique Construction Cost: $1,000 Maintenance Cost: $0 Tourists: 0 ...
Canal Block 12x4
Created by GCVos
These European style canals work a lot like Lego blocks. There's no need for terraforming or water management, and the terrain does not have to be flat. The blocks are setup to skyrocket land value within a very limited range. Assuming you have your regula...
Camp Nou (1:1 scale)
Created by Salmon Le Bon
Camp Nou (1:1 scale) by Salmon Le Bon A likeness to the home of Barcelona football club, measuring 30x26 squares. Uses the same statistics as the games default stadium. I've left it free of any props so people can dress it to their own liking in the asset ...
Cabana Furniture - White/Color Variations
Created by KingLeno
Cabana Furniture by KingLeno These are all the props included with Cabana Furniture but in default white color with appropriate color map. It does not include the tables since they don't change color. Includes various poolside/resort furniture props: Caban...
Canal Block 16x4
Created by GCVos
These European style canals work a lot like Lego blocks. There's no need for terraforming or water management, and the terrain does not have to be flat. The blocks are setup to skyrocket land value within a very limited range. Assuming you have your regula...
Canal Block 4x4
Created by GCVos
These European style canals work a lot like Lego blocks. There's no need for terraforming or water management, and the terrain does not have to be flat. The blocks are setup to skyrocket land value within a very limited range. Assuming you have your regula...
Canal Block 4x4T
Created by GCVos
These European style canals work a lot like Lego blocks. There's no need for terraforming or water management, and the terrain does not have to be flat. The blocks are setup to skyrocket land value within a very limited range. Assuming you have your regula...
Canal Block 4x4C
Created by GCVos
These European style canals work a lot like Lego blocks. There's no need for terraforming or water management, and the terrain does not have to be flat. The blocks are setup to skyrocket land value within a very limited range. Assuming you have your regula...
Canal Block 4x4Ti
Created by GCVos
These European style canals work a lot like Lego blocks. There's no need for terraforming or water management, and the terrain does not have to be flat. The blocks are setup to skyrocket land value within a very limited range. Assuming you have your regula...
Canal Block 4x4X
Created by GCVos
These European style canals work a lot like Lego blocks. There's no need for terraforming or water management, and the terrain does not have to be flat. The blocks are setup to skyrocket land value within a very limited range. Assuming you have your regula...
Canal Block 8x4
Created by GCVos
These European style canals work a lot like Lego blocks. There's no need for terraforming or water management, and the terrain does not have to be flat. The blocks are setup to skyrocket land value within a very limited range. Assuming you have your regula...
Canal Lock 4x8 [Asset]
Created by GCVos
A Parisian style two-way lock with 20m steel gates for large amounts of rowboat traffic. This asset transitions Canal Blocks into deeper water. Use the Terraform Tool to connect your rivers or lakes. This is the most expensive and powerhungry Block so far ...
Canal Lock 4x8 [Prop]
Created by GCVos
A Parisian style two-way lock with 20m steel gates for large amounts of rowboat traffic. This asset transitions Canal Blocks into deeper water. Use the Terraform Tool to connect your rivers or lakes. This is the prop only. It's a requirement for the asset ...
Canal Wall 1x2
Created by GCVos
These walls are intended for waterways, canals and docks with functional water simulation. Unlike the Blocks, these are for terraforming only! Please refer to 8x2 page for more info....
Canal Wall 8x2
Created by GCVos
These walls are intended for waterways, canals and docks with functional water simulation. Unlike the Blocks, these are for terraforming only! When you first place one of these assets (on flat terrain) you may think you are seeing glitches or bugs. The mod...
Canary Island Date Palm
Created by MrMaison
Canary Island Date Palm by MrMaison I present to you a Canary Island Date Palm tree. This is good for decoration and any tropical scenes. This is a 2 piece set including small and tall versions. I plan to make other types of Date palm trees in the future. ...
Candler building 220 West 42nd St. (3x4 growable high comm lvl 3)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 3x4 high commercial building lvl 3 based on the Candler Building in New York, at 42nd street. This building is part of a 42nd street series. Expect many theatres and other leisure buildings when Collosal Order...
Cannburg Tower
Created by DawiD
My own design. Tower created for my own city that you can check out at forum Here: You will have to use chrome translator to understand anything if you dont speak Polish... https://i.i...
Canton Tower
Created by sean.stephens2
Beijing Torch by sean.stephens2...
Canvas Art
Created by KingLeno
Canvas Art by KingLeno...
Cargo Hub L-to-R one way
Created by elijah82
Cargo Hub L-to-R one way by elijah82...
Cargo Ship (PIL)
Created by azaza
The 3d model is dump from "Avanya's Cargo Collection", thank him. *** PIL is a big shipping lines compeny from Singapore....
Cargo Ship (YANGMING)
Created by azaza
The 3d model is dump from "Avanya's Cargo Collection", thank him. *** YM is a big shipping lines compeny from taiwan....
Cargo Ship (COSCO)
Created by azaza
The 3d model is dump from "Avanya's Cargo Collection", thank him. ***COSCO is a big shipping lines compeny from China....
Cargo ship for HarborPack by --VIP--
Created by Vip
Cargo ship by vip Sin was not to make such a ship as transportation in the game. ))))) In general, something like this. I hope you like my mod. If you like my fashion, please put me a good evaluation. So find out more about them people. )))) Most of these ...
Cargo Hub R-to-L one way
Created by elijah82
Cargo Hub R-to-L one way by elijah82...
Cement Sidewalk Curb Props
Created by KingLeno
Cement Sidewalk Curb Props by KingLeno A set of props using the cement texture that I use in a lot of my assets. I wanted to keep the triangle count low (<170) and the surface visually flat, so they can only be minimally intersected with each other before ...
Carrefour city
Created by Raccoon
Carrefour city Information: Carrefour City is a chain of proximity convenience stores created in 2009 by the Carrefour Group with locations in three countries,France, Spain and UAE. Carrefour City stores are convenience stores in city centers, all of these...
CCTV Camera Pole [Prop]
Created by chenobble
CCTV Camera Pole prop for enhanced building security...
Cargo Terminal Station
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot,.. -custombuilding -This was possible thanks to BloodyPenguins double track cargo station -Its a terminal station, spawning trains might clip through the building, depending on how long they are! -t...
Castle of Celje
Created by 50keda
The Castle of Celje is an old castle ruin located on three hills to the Southeast of Celje, Slovenia. In 14th cetury it was the seat of the Counts of Celje and was the largest fortification on Slovenian territory. Nowadays the castle is in the process of r...
Cement Bags Prop 2
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Cement Bags Prop 2 by Shroomblaze Total Tris = 511 1024 x 1024 Maps Lod Tris = 211 128 x 128 Maps
Cenotaph Hong Kong
Created by Pirazel
Cenotaph, Hong Kong The Cenotaph in Hong Kong ---In game Info--- 5 x 7 park No props! Decorate it the way you like. ---Model info--- tris1555 texture 1024 x 2048 lod: tris 62 texture 128 x 128 See my other works...
CEMIG headquarters (RICO)
Created by hqsouza
Built in 1984, it houses the CEMIG headquarters, the state owned energy company. The building is located in Belo Horizonte, Brazil and its real name is Edifício Julio Soares. It has 24 floors and around 96m of height. The model has a footprint of 6x5 and 3...
Central Elementary School
Created by niis-ku
Central Elementary School is large educational building for up to 1000 students. The vanilla elementary school can only educate 300 students, so my purpose is to provide a bigger alternative. The architecture is inspired by lego bricks and tetris :) Most i...
Central - Train - Station
Created by clus
Hello everybody ! This one is another station I have created and compared to the ones before, this is a big one. ;) The station itself has no real role model. Its just something that "came into my mind" ;). There are three train tracks and two metro tracks...
Central Metro Station v1
Created by deathangel
Central Metro Station, improves transport performance. This metro contains 2 routes under the ground that allows a good flow and performance to your city. with one of the best styles in building, starts connecting cities and releases traffic congestions. P...
Central Plaza, HK 1:1
Created by Pirazel
Central Plaza, Hong Kong SAR HK, 中環廣場 This futuristic looking building is king in Wan Chai and a stunner at night. The Triangular shape was supposedly chosen to increase the office area that can enjoy the harbour view. Today‘s standard, but at that time un...
Central Plaza, HK 1:1,5
Created by Pirazel
Central Plaza, Hong Kong SAR HK This futuristic looking building is king in Wan Chai and a stunner at night. The Triangular shape was supposedly chosen to increase the office area that can enjoy the harbour view. Today‘s standard, but at that time uncommon...
Central Space Agency HQ
Created by APeeler
The Central Space Agency HQ is my contribution to the Alienware Shape the Horizon Contest. The Central Space Agency was founded in 1951 and has been protecting Earth’s Citizens from Extraterrestrial threats ever since! The building is nearly 300 meters tal...
Central Station (in the Style of Berlin Central Station)
Created by Emperor Li
There are some issues with this station which need to be fixed. Please do not subscribe until I have the time to fix the station!!! ***UPDATE 2018-10-17*** reduce loading time, fix sub-buildings. ****************************** A perpendicular central stati...
Century Tower (Sydney, Australia)
Created by Robert
Century Tower is a residential high rise on Pitt Street in Sydney's CBD. From 1997-2002 it was the highest residential building in Australia at 183m. It's a 4x4 level 5 high-density residential building, it isn't RICO enabled by default. Use plop the growa...
Centre hospitalier
Created by LeBlackDragon
Centre hospitalier by LeBlackDragon Bâtisse créer par Quad Rioters ajouts d'objets par LeBlackDragon....
CENU North Tower (RICO)
Created by hqsouza
Office building of São Paulo, Brazil. It's a landmark of the city. It's part of the CENU(United Nations Business Center - in portuguese) complex. The building is one of the tallest of Brazil. It has 158m and 38 floors. The model has 1790 triangles. The LOD...
Chanel Shop
Created by Raccoon
Chanel Shop Information: Chanel S.A. is a French, privately held company owned by Alain Wertheimer and Gérard Wertheimer, grandsons of Pierre Wertheimer, who was an early business partner of the couturière Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel. Chanel S.A. is a high fa...
Changi Airport ATC tower
Created by szewee
Changi International Airport ATC tower The Changi Control Tower is located at the eastern part of Singapore. The iconic tower is situated between Changi International Airport 2 runways and stands at about 81 m Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL) Tris count : 1252 ...
Charite Hospital
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
Berlin's Charité Hospital "Bettenhochhaus" was completed in 1982 and was cleaned and renovated in 2016-2017. It is around 87m tall and Germany's largest hospital. It dominates the skyline at the Mitte Campus, nestled right in the middle of the city near th...
Charleston Fire Department No.1
Created by eMJay
Charleston Fire Department No. 1 Hi Comunity, hear is my first building: Charlseton Fire Deparment No.1 The same values as the Skylines fire watch. ASSET INFOMATION Size : 9 x 5 MODEL INFOMATION Triangles : 718 Texture : 1024 x 1024 with Illumination and S...
CHEATREE (+1,000,000₡/BUILD)
Created by neinnew/네인
CHEATREE (+1,000,000₡/BUILD) by 네인 Nein CHEATREE is a tree that controls the cost of cities. construction cost -1000000...
Chelsea Tower 1:1 Scale ( RICO ready )
Created by Bibel Gurra
Chelsea Tower is a 49 storey, 250 m tall skyscraper located on Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai, UAE. Chelsea tower was completed in 2005 and is currently the 46th tallest residential skyscraper in the world. And if people really would interested in supporting m...
Chemical Plant
Created by Althazar
New heavy industry opens up in the city, providing many jobs to citizens... Okay, so it's not really a refinery, but it sure looks like one. I mean, it doesn't actually turn crude oil into many of the products we use everyday, but it does take oil products...
Cheung Kong Center Remastered长江集团中心:重制版Hong kong HK
Created by XDBX
Cheung Kong Center is located at the junction of Garden Road and Queen's Road Central.,and it was built in December 1995 and completed in 1999. 长江集团中心位处花园道及皇后大道中交界,于1995年12月兴建,1999年落成 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了玻璃 Recreated glass 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the ...
China Resources Building 香港华润大厦 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
华润大厦 China Resources Building ———————————————————————————————— 此资产有两个,一个是原版(不需要任何MOD),另一个是“Additiv shader”版(需要“Additiv shader”才能使用) There are two assets, one is the original (does not need any MOD), and the other is the "Additiv shader" version (requires "...
Children's Hospital
Created by KingLeno
LeBonheur Children's Hospital is located in Memphis, TN. This building functions of course as a normal hospital, 40 ambulances, 700 pt capacity, other stats same as standard in-game hospital. Triangles (2699) Texture (1024x1024) d,i, s If you like my asset...
China Resources Building HD
Created by XDBX
China Resources Building HD 華潤大廈高清版 加入高清材質 加入透明玻璃 加入更多的細節 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 我還是做了很久的, 別噴我炒冷飯 最近學校活動比較多,又臨近期末考試,我暫時先不做資產了,等到放假了俺再回來做資產。 对了,我创了个组,要是想和我唠唠嗑,拉拉家常,开开荤段子可以加入,关于我的资产的一些问题可以来跟我反映。 XDBX’都市天际线资...
Chirp X Administration Building
Created by Ignus
Where the managers, engineers, technicians, contractors, astronauts, test subjects, genetic muta-- ahem... etc. meet and work to make space flight possible. Based heavily on the new NASA headquarter building. Model Stats: Main model: 1294 tris Main texture...
Chirp X Vehicle Assembly Building
Created by Ignus
Based on NASA's Vehicle Assembly building at Kennedy Space Center, where the Saturn V and Space Shuttle among others were prepared for their missions. Model Stats: (Main building+3 sub-buildings) Total tris: 2111 (455 LOD) Textures: 1024x1024 (x2) - 1024x5...
Chirp-Tec Vault 111 Entrance (Fallout 4)
Created by KNJGH
Chirp-Tec Vault 111 (Fallout 4) Bunker Entrance...
Chirpy Metro 4 tracks elevated station
Created by ron_fu-ta
Chirpy Metro 4 tracks elevated station (for Metro Overhaul Mod) 外側路線の停止位置は内側を選択してください。(上記スクリーンショットを参照) Please select inside for stop position of outside line.(See above screenshot) 上記スクリーンショットの路線配置例。同一方向の対面乗り換え。 Examples of routes in the above screenshots....
Chlorine Treatment Plant - 0% Pollution! - Updated for Natural Disasters
Created by Captain Aubergine
Chlorine Treatment Plant Water treatment plant that releases no water pollution. This is the new version (1.2) of my original mod that was broken by the Natural Disasters update - Costs 35000...
Chung-Ang University Central Library / 중앙대학교 중앙 도서관
Created by Lt.Tasteless
중앙대학교 중앙 도서관입니다....
Church of Saint-Ambroise [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: The church of Saint-Ambroise is located in the 11th arrondissement of Paris. It was named after its neighborhood, the quartier Saint-Ambroise. It was built between 1863 and 1868, shortly after the construction of the new Boulevard du Prince-E...
Church of Saint-Germain [Rennes]
Created by Gèze
Informations: The Church of Saint-Germain was started in the XVth and finished in the XVIIth century, owns the oldest stained glass window in Rennes, France. Some facts: 1.The tower didn't originally belong to the church itself, but the city guard, hence t...
Church of St. Ludmila
Created by Tomas13TO
Church of St. Ludmila from Prague,(Czech Republic). The Church of St. Ludmila (Czech: Kostel svaté Ludmily) is a typical neo-Gothic church at Náměstí Míru (Peace Square) in Prague's Vinohrady, built on plans of Josef Mocker in 1888–1892. It is named in hon...
Church Office Building (RICO) Salt Lake City
Created by Crazyglueit
NEW MODEL - TEXTURES - LOD (5/6/17) Church Office Building, located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Main office for the LDS Church. Completed in 1972, at 28 stories, this building is the 2nd tallest in Utah at 420ft(128m). Often mis...
Cim - Art - Gallery
Created by clus
Prolog Hello all together ! This one is a little side project between the bigger ones. :) I really don`t know if somebody is still using "regular" park assets... but this one is just a "park". About the building I called it art gallery because the building...
Cirque de la Ville (Circus Pack)
Created by BadPeanut Here's what you get in this Circus Pack! As usual, No mods are required All these assets are located under the amusement park tab, in the Park areas menu. Blue and Yellow Circus Red and White ...
Citadel of Lille
Created by Raymond Pelletier
#FrenchCityDesigners The Citadel of Lille (French: Citadelle de Lille; Dutch: Citadel van Rijsel) is a pentagonal citadel of the city wall of Lille, in France. It was built between 1667-1670. It hosts the Corps de réaction rapide France. Dubbed "Queen of t...
Cities On GCC 시티즈온 세계커뮤니티센터
Created by TAEMIN B
Cities On GCC 시티즈온 세계커뮤니티센터 Cities On Global Community Center 시티즈온 세계커뮤니티센터 이 애셋은 가상으로 창조된 마천루이며, 대한민국 최고의 시티즈: 스카이라인 카페인 시티즈온에서 공식적인 라이선스를 인정받아 BI를 차용하여 T4L가 만든 창작물입니다. 자세한 정보는 시티즈온 카페에서 확인하세요! This is a created virtual skys...
Cities Pride Stadium
Created by pborn
Hello folks! This is the "Cities Pride Stadium" As you can see it is a small fictional stadium that should house your citys home football team. Now here is the gag: Its customizable (regarding color). You can submit, enter the game and change the color the...
City Center Square
Created by honker
Based on an office building in downtown Kansas City. Tris - 2.7k / 600 Textures - 1024x2048 / 256² 10 x 10 x 126m RICO ready - 95 offices consider following me on Twitter or Instagram consider a small donation on Paypal request an asset at honker3d(at)gmai...
City Commons Building 2
Created by KingLeno
City Commons 2 by KingLeno City Commons Condos by KingLeno Triangles = 2400 Texture = 512x512 d,n,i,s Lot Size = 4 x 3 RICO Compatible...
City Commons Building 3
Created by KingLeno
City Commons 3 by KingLeno City Commons Condos by KingLeno Triangles = 2400 Texture = 512x512 d,n,i,s Lot Size = 4 x 3 RICO Compatible If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by ma...
City Commons Condos
Created by KingLeno
City Commons Condos by KingLeno Triangles = 2400 Texture = 512x512 d,n,i,s Lot Size = 4 x 3 RICO Compatible If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by making small donation as a to...
City Fountain 3x3
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Start of the Fountain Series. The City Fountain is a 3x3 asset that can be placed anywhere without the need of a roadside connection. Make your own little or big park for your cims to enjoy some nature and flowing water. Feel free to edit it in the asset e...
City Fuel Supply
Created by KingLeno
Seenu City Fuel Supply Triangles 5102 Texture 512 x 512 Custom LOD Lot size 3 x 3 Level 1 low density commercial with RICO If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee to show support and appreciation by making a small donation via P...
City Hall
Created by KingLeno
City Hall by KingLeno This is based on Memphis City Hall, a modernist-style building constructed in 1967. It appears to wear its skeleton on the exterior and is located in the center of Civic Center Plaza. It can be used as a generic office building. It do...
City Hall
Created by Commando630
It is the Oppression Offices but I managed to style it in the looks of a City Hall. Perfect for a city....
City Hall - Londres [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
City Hall - Londres City Hall is the headquarters of the Greater London Authority (GLA), which comprises the Mayor of London and the London Assembly. It is located in Southwark, on the south bank of the River Thames near Tower Bridge. It was designed by No...
City Hall Plaza
Created by KingLeno
City Hall Plaza by KingLeno A large quick easy park with tiles to plop. No decals, trees or other props included other than lights, tables, benches, and crowd gathering markers. Also includes pedestrians paths. Empty area in the middle that you can customi...
City High School
Created by KingLeno
City High School by KingLeno If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by making small donation as a token of appreciation.
CITIC Tower 香港中信大厦 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
CITIC Tower 香港中信大厦 Located at 1 Tim Mei Avenue, Admiralty, Hong Kong, it was completed in 1997. It is also one of the participating buildings of the Symphony River in Victoria Harbour. 位于香港金钟添美道1号,于1997年落成,亦是在维多利亚港举行的幻彩咏香江的参与建筑物之一. You can find it in the s...
City High School Gym
Created by KingLeno
City High Gym by KingLeno Main building If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by making small donation as a token ...
City Palace, Eisenach
Created by Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background information and guides on how to use the building. This is the City Palace from Eisenach Eisenach's City Palace was finished in 1748. It's Rokoko styled facade marking the heart of the city. It is one of the more impo...
City Park Main Gate
Created by KingLeno
City Park Main Gate by KingLeno Main gate for generic city park. Almost same stats as default.. Fine Road Anarchy is listed because it does not include a starting path, so that you can choose whatever path you want, but you will need anarchy to drag path t...
City Pavilion (Park Version)
Created by KingLeno
Please a like on this asset if you enjoy this building, and the many...many that I've posted, and follow some of the links below to show support! City Pavilion (Park Version) by KingLeno 5x4 Brick Pavilion originally made as a park gate for the Park Life D...
City Station
Created by funker
City Station by funker THANK YOU FOR OVER 100.000 SUBSCRIBERS! My first (and last) train station is online. It has a build-in subway station, which is crossing the railway station. The subway station is at -16m to allow some other tunnel to pass the statio...
City Terminus Platform.
Created by Yamashta
I have recreated my original station to take advantage of the "rotor shader" discovered by Ronyx69 . This new version now needs no other mods to be placed or to function although " prop and tree anarchy " is highly recommended so that you can place your ow...
City Vitals Watch
Created by Rob
Adds a configurable panel to display vital city stats at a glance. Features - Displays real-time stats on service usage, citizen safety, and more (see full stat list below) - Select the stats you want to watch with the settings panel (click the gear button...
CityBus Depot
Created by Accapulco
Small Art Deco bus garage based on a Greyhound one from Ohio, USA. Scenery by notDONEyet. Main/LOD 1030 - 256x1024 46 - 128x128...
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on It's a clarifier - not much more to say about it. :P It isn't modelled after one specific clarifier, unlike most of my buildings in this collection. It creates noise pollution and garbage to mimic the smell and sl...
Clarion Hotel Copenhagen
Created by SvenBerlin
Clarion Hotel Copenhagen by SvenBerlin this is a rebuild of the Clarion Hotel very close to the airport of Copenhagen, Denmark tris 3186 LOD 112 size 12x11 cells ploppable RICO commercial high level 2 cost 95000
Class 172 West Midlands Railway 2 Car
Created by DV64MLO
BR Class 172 WMR 2 Car I dont do trains but here i am. A thumbs up would be nice if you like my repaints. A big thank you to the original model creators. With out their foundation model i would have nothing to repaint. Repaint by DV64MLO Original Model by ...
Classical Crematorium
Created by r3load3d
Advanced crematorium with about twice the stats of the default crematorium. Reupload of a crematorium from Sir Samson, because the original was removed a while ago from the workshop. It had the "high-poly LOD error" so I created a custom LOD and adjusted s...
Cleopatra's Toothpick
Created by Zhubathan
**Please note that it is one of the first assets I submit to the workshop. As such, I'm still getting used to the editing process. I will provide a clean description and links as soon as possible ! I hope the quality of this asset meets your expectations :...
Club Alpha
Created by funker
Club Alpha is coming to your town. Drink, dance and party all night long. Works best in your leisure quarters with it's fancy neons. If you like the Club Alpha, you might like the Green Man Crew, too.
CMA CGM - Central Building [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
CMA CGM - Central Building Extract from the "Complexe CMA CGM", office building (17x8) Unique building level 6 Contains minimum of prop, each can so decorate it as he wishes it Triangles: 5.678 / 269 Weight: 33.63 / 1.60 Texture: 1024² / 512² Contains all ...
CMA CGM - East Building [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
CMA CGM - East Building Extract from the "Complexe CMA CGM", small office building (6x4) Unique building level 6 Triangles: 2.992 / 79 Weight: 30.74 / 0.84 Texture: 1024² / 512² Contains all texture and LOD files Rico settting - Service : Office level 3 - ...
CMA CGM - Main Building [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
CMA CGM - Main Building Extract from the "Complexe CMA CGM", main building (15x8) Unique building level 6 Contains minimum of prop, each can so decorate it as he wishes it ; ) Triangles: 3.486 / 130 Weight: 10.72 / 0.4 Texture: 2048² / 512 Contains all tex...
CN-High-speed rail(中国高铁)
Created by LIME
Chinese high speed rail Ballastless track is mostly used in China's high speed railway. Ballastless track is composed of rail, fastener and unit plate, which can reduce shock absorption and reduce pressure. The sleeper of the ballastless track itself is po...
CMA CGM - Warehouse [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
CMA CGM - Warehouse Extract from the "Complexe CMA CGM", warehouse building (17x8) Unique building level 6 Contains minimum of prop, each can so decorate it as he wishes it ; ) Triangles: 7.171 / 212 Weight: 33.35 / 1.00 Texture: 1024²/ 512² Contains all t...
Cobblestone Plaza
Created by GCVos
This city square will attract a large crowd. It works seamlessly with the Path and Canal Blocks. This asset can be customized and redecorated if you want to make it look more fancy! Service: Park Cost: 800 Upkeep: 32/week Entertainment: 60 Range: 200 Size:...
Coit Tower, San Francisco | Anrv
Created by Anrv
Completed in 1933 in the art deco style, it is named after Lillie Hitchcock Coit, a wealthy socialite and philanthropist. Designed by the architecture firm of Arthur Brown Jr., standing at 210 ft (64m), it is a slender white column constructed at the peak ...
Collao Bus Terminal [BUS DEPOT]
Created by rsepsot
Collao Bus Terminal by rsepsot Original location: Concepción, Chile. Inspired by the main bus terminal in Concepción, Chile's second largest city. It is specifically made according to the real behavior of the city, number of employees and size. Chile is a ...
College of Engineering
Created by KingLeno
College of Engineering by KingLeno...
College of Media & Journalism, Phoenix, AZ
Created by Samness
Modeled off the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism in the Downtown Phoenix campus of Arizona State University. LINK TO THE REAL BUILDING Click HERE for the custom stairwell prop that helps this asset really pop. This College is the architectural masterwo...
College Soccer Stadium
Created by Hawk Tuah
22,893 Tris / 6.4 MB - Based on original 3D Model: Public Soccer Field by Ngon Source Collection: Better Soccer Fields and Stadiums Statistics: Triangles/LOD Triangles - 22,893 /80 Category - Level 3 Unique Size - 13x9 Electricity - 320 KW Construction Cos...
Colossal Order Broadcasting (RICO Ploppable)
Created by BachToBaroque
Colossal Order Broadcasting or COB, is a building based on the TBS building at Wiiliams St in Atlanta, GA. Subscribe to the latest Ploppable RICO1.6(works for me) if you want this to function as an office otherwise It will be just a monument building witho...
Columbia apartments (3 buildings, high res growable)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 3x3 high res lvl 3 growable. About the model These are some typical New York type apartments. Hope you like them as a filler in your cities. :) I still needed some more filler buildings in my cities so I decid...
Columbia Center
Created by ExtraNoise
This is the updated asset with optimized textures and night lights enabled! If you have a moment, please rate this asset! About The Columbia Center is Seattle’s most iconic building. Constructed between 1982 and 1985, it still claims the title of tallest b...
Comcast Center
Created by Raxteran
At 974ft and 58 stories, the Comcast Center is the tallest building in Philadelphia and in Pennsylvania. It was completed in 2008 at a cost of $540 million and is one of the tallest LEED certified buildings in the United States. This is a 1:1 scale model c...
Commerce Court Complex [RICO]
Created by JSF-1
Commerce Court is a large office block located in Toronto Ontario and serves as the Headquarters of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC). The first building (now Commerce Court North) opened in 1931 as the Headquarters of the "Canadian Bank of Com...
Commerce Court North [RICO]
Created by JSF-1
Commerce Court North is a large office tower located in Toronto Ontario, Canada and makes up one of 4 buildings in the Commerce Court Complex. The tower opened in 1931 as the headquarters of the "Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce" (CIBC). From 1931 to 196...
Created by bennymedia
Commerzbank-Tower by bennymedia (Updated V 1.3, ready for After Dark) Building Info: 8x7 plots Level 6 unique building Construction cost : 250000 Maintenance cost : 1200 Electricity consumption : 25 Garbage: 5 Water Consum/Sewage : 10/10 Tourists High/Med/...
Common Standard 23 Depot Painted
Created by Lilithvia
Version of the CS23 Depot that is Asset Painter friendly. Design based on Southern Pacific standardized depots. Station has two platforms, and does behave with trains well. Be sure to give this an upvote, as there has been a downvote fairy going around! ...
Commercial Revolving Door
Created by geecko
Commercial revolving door for office buildings, hotels, malls, airports, etc. Because sometimes a door is not just a door: it's a revolving door! STATS Base Model - Tris: 262 - Verts: 218 - Textures: 256x256 (Diffuse and Specular) Custom LOD Model - Tris: ...
Community Center (ploppable RICO ready)
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, for you and your cims. The Community Center. Enjoy! This asset comes without foliage (as seen in the screenshots). If you don't use Ploppable RICO, you will find this building in your Unique Building panel. Have fun! You like my assets and wa...
Compact Metro Station
Created by CitizenWMustache
A 1x1 underground metro station with its model based on the vanilla one. Compared to the vanilla 2x2 station, it's 5% cheaper in construction and maintenance costs, produces half the noise accumulation, produces 25% less garbage and employs 3 less workers....
College Baseball Stadium
Created by Hawk Tuah
7,574 Tris / 3.0 MB - Based on original 3D Model: Baseball Field by Dutch Source Collection: Better Baseball Fields and Stadiums Statistics: Triangles/LOD Triangles - 7,574 / 181 Category - Level 2 Unique Size - 10x10 Electricity - 320 KW Construction Cost...
Complexe CMA - CGM [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Complexe CMA - CGM Inspired by the real place in Marseilles (France), this complex countain 4 building. The Tower CMA CGM is the biggest high-rise office building with use of the city of Marseille. Situated in the business district Euroméditerranée and in ...
Complexe Maisonneuve (RICO)
Created by Crazyglueit
Complexe Maisonneuve located in Montreal, Canada. Built in 1983. This complex consists of two buildings, the National Bank Tower and 700 de La Gauchetière. 700 De La Guachetiere Plot Size -13x10 Main - Tris 580 / Texture 1024x512 / Weight 2.01 LOD - Tris 7...
Concrete Planters
Created by KingLeno
kl-planter by KingLeno set of 3 concrete planters...
Commercial L3 District Style by Luurt
Created by Wibbert
This is a District style that only contains Level 3 high density commercial buildings, I chose to make this because most commercial districts level up to level 3 quite easilly but once at that level I felt that the amount of different buildings was to smal...
Concrete quay
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A simple quay with texture like my overpass supports. By itself it's just a quay and works like the default one, but with Quay Anarchy mod you can use it as a retaining wall on land making it much more useful. A s...
Conference Center (LDS Church)
Created by dereck4
The conference center completed construction in 2000 by the Mormon church and is located in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. It is the largest auditorium ever built, and seats up to 21,000 people. The building is so large in fact, that it occupies an entire ...
Connecticut Financial Center
Created by jc21539
Connecticut Financial Center by johncomerford The only donation I ask for is a thumbs up vote! ^_^ The Connecticut Financial Center is a postmodern 26 floor, 383 ft office tower located in New Haven, Connecticut. It is the tallest building in New Haven and...
Conoco Tower Station
Created by KingLeno
Conoco by KingLeno...
Conrad Seoul (1:1.5)
Created by koxx
Conrad Seoul (1:1.5) by bisabeols...
Conrad Hong Kong 香港港丽酒店 HK
Created by XDBX
ConradHK 香港港丽酒店 You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到...
Consolidated High School
Created by Cristolisto
If your city has a nice climate, why not let your high school students enjoy it with an open air school? Consolidated high school is a collection of high school buildings so you can design your campus style high school. Network Extensions 2 or NExt2 Based ...
Container Feeder Ship
Created by Lee Towers
The Cimskip Innovator will provide all your ports and harbours with goods. It tranpsorts containers of three companies: Cimskip (my own brand, based on Samskip), CIM (by Avanya) and Generic Industries (upcoming, by Beardmonkey). The ship is slightly larger...
Container Port (Animated)
Created by jc21539
Container Port by johncomerford The only donation I ask for is a thumbs up vote! ^_^ NEW: Industries DLC warehouse version: I repurposed various parts from the default cargo harbor and cargo...
Container Terminal Gantry Crane
Created by fml
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Container Terminal Gantry Crane ---------------------------------------------------------------------- As being a part of my Container-Harbor Assets, this crane is used to transfer cont...
Contemporary Low-Rise Apartments
Created by nutty crunch
This modern low-rise apartment block is a four-storey residential block of flats. These apartments have a contemporary & modern style and fit a 3x3 grid. The apartments fit in almost any city, including European, American and International cities. This blo...
Contemporary Low-Rise Apartments 3
Created by nutty crunch
This asset is the third asset of my "Contemporary Low-Rise" series of apartments which include, Contemporary Low-Rise Apartments (1) and (2). This is a pack of high residential apartment block with 6/7 storeys, 9/10 households and fitting a 4x4 grid. The f...
Coral Sky Amphitheatre
Created by DieHardHunter
Coral Sky Amphitheater is a 20,000 seat open air venue located outside of West Palm Beach, FL. Its most known for hosting larger summer touring acts such as Dave Matthews Band, Vans Warped Tour, Drake, Ozzfest, Kings Of Leon, Florida Georgia Line, Linkin P...
Cordyline Australis
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Cordyline Australis Mediterranean Plant 1024x512 Texture Main = 746 Triangles Lod = 32 Triangles 3 Meters in Height with variations of 1.2 Max Scale & .85 Min Scale.
Cordyline Cherry Sensation
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Cordyline Australis Cherry Sensation Mediterranean Plant 1024x512 Texture Main = 746 Triangles Lod = 32 Triangles 3 Meters in Height with variations of 1.2 Max Scale & .85 Min Scale.
Corner Building Office b [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Corner Building Office b - CBO b Perfect Office building to use for corner, or install 4 time on 8x8 area !! Office 4x4 Level 3 Ideal to build with this another building: Collection: http://s...
Corner Building Office c [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Corner Building Office c - CBO Perfect Office building to use for corner, or install 4 time on 8x8 area !! Office 4x4 Level 3 Ideal to build with this another building: http://steamcommunity....
Cornus Tree (Mediterranean)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Mediterranean Tree Model Tris = 1,450 1024x1024 Textures D,A Tree Height = Around 16 meters Max Scale = 1 Min Scale = .5 Max Brightness = 1.25 Min Brightness = .9
Corrigan Station
Created by Lightfooted
The 10-story building was built in 1921 by the four daughters of building contractor and real estate developer, Thomas Corrigan. Corrigan was pivotal in funding Kansas City's early street railway lines. From 1927 to 1948, the Donnelly Garment Company took ...
Cosco tower HK 香港中远大厦 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
Cosco tower 中远大厦 注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 中远大厦位于香港上环皇后大道183号,建于1998年。 COSCO Tower is located at 183 Queen's Road, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. It was built in 1998. You can find it in the special building of the first le...
Cosine Building (ploppable RICO ready)
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, for all curve-loving guys out there: The Cosine Office Building. Enjoy! If you don't use Ploppable RICO, you will find this building in your Unique Building panel. Have fun! You like my assets and want to support my work? That's cool! Thank y...
Cosmopolitan, Warsaw, Poland
Created by DawiD
Real life building from Warsaw, Poland - Cosmopolitan I decided to put this on top of a page, as noone is scrolling down :'< Pls send help, student needs moneyz. From wikipedia: Cosmopolitan T...
Courtyard by Marriott Hotel
Created by KingLeno
Courtyard by Marriott Hotel by KingLeno You can see this asset in-game by clicking here. Or just watch the video above. Please rate and Subscribe! SpringHill Suites a brand of hotels operated by Marriott International. The chain is geared toward the upper-...
Court House
Created by Lennep
Hexagonal Court House vanilla building, scaled down by around 30% and retextured Unfortunately the file size is bigger than optimal...
Covfefe Museum
Created by Lost Gecko
Great museum, it's the best museum you've ever seen. Tremendous green façade, in fact it's the most ecological building, could you believe it. It's full of things, the greatest things. You can visit for free, even if you're from Paris. It's named after a w...
Contemporary Low-Rise Apartments 2
Created by nutty crunch
This asset is a continuation of the style I used for my previous asset, Contemporary Low-Rise Apartments (1). It is a high residential apartment block with 4 storeys, 5 households and fitting a 2x2 grid, the ground floor has a covered parking for cars whic...
Crématorium d'Amiens Métropole
Created by Kliekie
The building is an actual crematorium in Amiens, France, however the garden is improvised because the original one way way to big for in-game. This is the first time I actually also modeled an environment with the building, normally I just use standard pro...
Crate & Barrel
Created by KingLeno
Crate & Barrel by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. Crate & Barrel is a chain of retail stores in US and Canada, based in Northbrook, Illinois, specializing in housewares, f...
Crate Prop Pack
Created by Feindbold
Its a pack of crates, 6 different props, search for crate in find it Triangles: Its crates, its not an horrible high amount Textures: Small I love to model buildings, if you really like my buildings/mods and you are feeling generous you can donate me a few...
CRC (ploppable RICO ready)
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, I think unity of teaching and research is the most important thing in the world. So make your city ready for the best medical care and order the Cancer Research Center. Exclusivly for your cims. If you don't use Ploppable RICO, you will find ...
Crematorium and Funeral Home
Created by Populous
Crematorium and Funeral Home by Populous “Dear Populous, I love your Crematorium and Funeral Parlor, but can you build something comparable and much different looking so we have different building types to choose from” ~GrinDox I hope you enjoy this full-s...
Cross The Line
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to build your infrastructure (e.g. highways) outside of city limits You need this mod if you want to edit highways, railways, trees, electricity lines and water/sewage lines outside of city limits and/or 25 tile area. This mod also allows you to pla...
Crossing sandwiched station 168m long
Created by konfox0527
注意 attention Move It!で駅を動かさないでください。最悪ゲームが強制終了します。 Do not move this station use Move It!. It possibility stop the cities skylines. 2018/4/7 -歩行者パスの変更。片側のホームで乗客の乗降がない現象の解決(したはず) -Change pedestrian pass. fix problem no passenger ride train one side pratform. ...
Crossing sandwiched Station 85m short
Created by konfox0527
注意 attention Move It!で駅を動かさないでください。最悪ゲームが強制終了します。 Do not move this station use Move It!. It possibility stop the cities skylines. 2018/4/7 -歩行者パスの変更。片側のホームで乗客の乗降がない現象の解決(したはず) -Change pedestrian pass. fix problem no passenger ride train one side pratform. ...
Crown Hall
Created by 910095247
Crown Hall is located at Illinois Institute of's a work of Mies van der Rohe This asset covers an area of 14*10u Two kinds of glass can be found in this asset. Subscribe it if you like it . Be free to contact with me Ⅰ Barcelona Pavilion http...
Crystal Tower Madrid
Created by BenTracker
The Crystal Tower (Torre de Cristal) is a skyscraper in the Cuatro Torres Business Area (CTBA) in Madrid, Spain, completed in 2008. With a final height of 249 metres. More info -------------------------------------------------------- Unique Building L6 Com...
Crystal Tower Rochaverá
Created by hqsouza
Crystal Tower Rochaverá is an office building located in São Paulo, Brazil. It has 33 floors and 136m of height. It's part of the complex Rochaverá Corporate Towers. The building model has 622 triangles and the lod has less than 100. The texture of the mod...
Created by amamIya
CSUR St 10DR by amamIya...
CTNX - Data Center Upgrade Segment
Created by GCVos
Intradat Systems proudly presents the ultimate solution in IT infrastructure, data security and power management. This Tier IV Gold certified facility is completely self-reliant and will safeguard your city during DDoS attacks, power outages, hurricanes an...
CTNX - Tier IV Data Center
Created by GCVos
Intradat Systems proudly presents the ultimate solution in IT infrastructure, data security and power management. This Tier IV Gold certified facility is completely self-reliant and will safeguard your city during DDoS attacks, power outages, hurricanes an...
Cube 003 [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Cube 003 Low Density Residential Level: 5 Size: 4 x 4 Contain all texture and LOD files, no color change Rico Setting Residential Low Density Homes: 2 Cost: 10.000...
Cube design
Created by _luminou_
Cube design 002 Low Density residential lvl 3 3*3 Contain _d _i _s and LOD files...
Cubique 001 - Low Density Residential - lvl 4 (4*4) (rico compatible)
Created by _luminou_
Cubique 001 - Low Density Residential building lvl 4 (4*4) RICO Compatible Inspired by Le Corbusier Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye is located in Poissy, 30 kilometres from Paris. Commissioned by the Savoye family as a weekend retreat, the villa was built betw...
Cubique 003 - Office - Plastimold
Created by _luminou_
Cubique 003 - Plastimod by luminou Contains _d _i _s _c and LOD files RICO compatible...
Cubus resident
Created by Glugeck
Cubus resident rico plopable low residental cost 3000 A modern tenement building. I hope you can use it. ...
Cupertino Apple Campus
Created by _luminou_
Cupertino Apple Campus by luminou Based on the real building "Apple Campus" For problems out of size, the scale of the building was reduced and possesses only just 2 floors (the truth has 3 of it!) Properties: Education, University (13x12) Construction Cos...
Curb Props
Created by Like_Mike
The first curb props I uploaded. They are nonconforming so they can be elevated. Includes curb/planters in 6 different sizes and shapes. Textures updated for 2018! Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see how I create assets.
Curb Props 2
Created by KingLeno
Curb Props 2 A set of planters for all your parking lots and landscaping needs. This is follow-up to the older Curb Props. Which apparently a lot of people already have. Watch the attached video to see how these compare to when I first made them. I think t...
Cynth's Modern Subway Station (deprecated)
Created by Cynth
!This asset recives no further updates and support! /// Compatibility for any DLC andOr Addon since After Dark isn't guaranteed \\\ Get the updated version from Jiangtan of the Modern Subway Station here:
Cynth's Lighthouse "Roter Sand"
Created by Cynth
!This asset recives no further updates and support! /// Compatibility for any DLC andOr Addon since After Dark isn't guaranteed \\\ Cynth's Lighthouse "Roter Sand" AD Wikipedia about "Roter Sand": Roter Sand is a lighthouse in the North Sea, in the Weser e...
Cynth's Pearl Tower (Residential Growable)
Created by Cynth
Cynth's Pearl Tower (3x4 / 3x3 Residential Growable) Modern panorama skyscraper for everyone who dislikes edges :) Grows on level 5 high residential zones and takes 3x3 or 3x4 fields. Version 1.4 release - mesh overhaul - texture improvements - multi color...
Created by Mic CrossHill
Builds for the Cities: Skylines: Project: Monaco by PugGaming Cruiseship Looking for a nice time for vacation? Lets make a Cruise-trip. Take this Ship to visit all places you ever want to see. ;) Part of the Monaco Build by PugGaming. Watch the Monaco Seri...
Cypress Tree
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A new version of my Cypress Tree, matching existing assets more closely. It has lower triangle count (262), and custom thumbnail. Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If y...
D-I-Y Spy Agency
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
Germany's Bundesnachrichtendienst (Federal Intelligence Service, or "BND" for short) just got a new massive headquarters right smack in the middle of Berlin. The complex has enough office space to fill an estimated 35 football fields, and will eventually s...
D3S MAN Lion's City
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
MAN Lion's City standard 12m twin-axle 3 doors capacity 75 applies the color line Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S MAN Lion's City G
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
MAN Lion's City G 18m tri-axle articulated 4 doors capacity 115 applies the color line Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S MAN Lion's City M
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
MAN Lion's City M 10.5m twin-axle 3 doors capacity 60 applies the color line Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Econic 2635 FAUN Variopress '2013
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Econic 2635 FAUN Variopress '2013 Garbage truck Cargo capacity 25000 Other works ... //////..................................................................
D3S Mercedes-Benz Sprinter DE Prison (W906) '2006
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter DE Prison (W906) '2006 Standart base High roof Other works ... Donate with PayPal
D3S Mercedes-Benz Sprinter High Roof Van (W906) FedEx '2006
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter High Roof Van (W906) FedEx '2006 Standart base High roof Cargo capacity 20000 Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Sprinter High Roof Van (W906) TNT '2006
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter High Roof Van (W906) TNT '2006 Standart base High roof Cargo capacity 20000 Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Sprinter LWB Box Van '2018
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter LWB Box Van '2018 Long base Cargo capacity 4500 Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Sprinter LWB Extra High Roof Van '2018
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter LWB Extra High Roof Van '2018 Long base Extra High roof Cargo capacity 4000 Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Sprinter LWB High Roof Van '2018
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter LWB High Roof Van '2018 Long base High roof Cargo capacity 3200 Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Sprinter MWB High Roof Van '2018
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter MWB High Roof Van '2018 Standart base High roof Cargo capacity 3000 Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Sprinter MWB Pickup '2018
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter MWB Pickup '2018 Standart base Cargo capacity 2500 Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Sprinter RUSAmbulance (W906) '2006
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter RUS Ambulance (W906) '2006 Standart base High roof Other works ... //////...........................................................................
D3S Mercedes-Benz Vito Taxi (W447) '2014
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Vito Taxi (W447) '2014 Standart base Other works ... Donate with PayPal
D3S Volvo 7900 Electric
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Volvo 7900 Electric non Green Cities version Silent,clean and safe standard 12m twin-axle 3 doors capacity 70 applies the color line Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Volvo 7900 Electric Hybrid
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Volvo 7900 Electric Hybrid non Green Cities version Silent,clean and safe standard 12m twin-axle 3 doors capacity 70 applies the color line Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Volvo 7900 Hybrid '2011
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Volvo 7900 Hybrid '2011 standard 12m twin-axle 3 doors capacity 70 applies the color line Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
D3S Volvo 7900 Hybrid AVL
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Volvo 7900 Hybrid AVL standard 12m twin-axle 3 doors capacity 70 Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
Daegu.Korea /대구/大邱 1:4 Version
Created by 한양
This is a relisic city of Daegu,Republic of Korea. 韩国大邱广域市的模拟,人口规模大约是十五万. population:about 150,000. Because population pressure is low, there is no need to worry about computer configuration. 因为本次存档严格将人口控制在了十五万之内,所以订阅后不用过于担心电脑配置问题,祝大家能度过愉快的中秋假期。 이번 저장 대구시티...
D3S Volvo 7900 Hybrid Rogis
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Volvo 7900 Hybrid Rogis standard 12m twin-axle 3 doors capacity 70 applies the color line Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
Dark Modern House CC
Created by CushyCrux
Dark Modern House CC Including normal maps. Because Artists create Art. It uses the 2x2 Level 5 Slot, there are too much ugly buildings. Highly opimized Tris Account (Low End PC performace friendly). Send me a money giftcard via paypal to cushycrux@hotmail...
Data Mining Agency
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, we catch every single byte and create trends and statistics from this data. From your favourite homemade hot dog chili sauce to your neighbours secret rocket construction materials, nothing can escape the critical eyes of our high-quality dat...
DB BR 101 - Intercity (12Cars)
Created by REV0
InterCity The DB Class 101 is a class of three-phase electric locomotives built by Adtranz and operated by DB Fernverkehr in Germany. 145 locomotives were built between 1996 and 1999 to replace the 30-year-old and aging Class 103 as the flagship of the DB ...
DB BR 101 - Intercity (6Cars)
Created by REV0
InterCity The DB Class 101 is a class of three-phase electric locomotives built by Adtranz and operated by DB Fernverkehr in Germany. 145 locomotives were built between 1996 and 1999 to replace the 30-year-old and aging Class 103 as the flagship of the DB ...
Dark Asphalt Parking
Created by KingLeno
Dark Asphalt Parking by KingLeno includes 4 functional lots: 4x5 parking 4x5 parking with handicap 2x3 parking 2x3 parking with handicap You will probably have to use MoveIt to adjust lot to be even with the surface. This is a "building" so decals cannot b...
DB BR 101 - Intercity (8Cars)
Created by REV0
InterCity The DB Class 101 is a class of three-phase electric locomotives built by Adtranz and operated by DB Fernverkehr in Germany. 145 locomotives were built between 1996 and 1999 to replace the 30-year-old and aging Class 103 as the flagship of the DB ...
DC Tower 1 | Vienna, Austria [RICO]
Created by Toyota Hilux
The DC Tower 1 form Vienna: This is my first building with a handmade LOD.,16.412849,203m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=de Main Building: _d, _i, _n, _s, _c, _a Tris - 7217 1024 x 4096 LOD: ...
Decal Prop Fix (deprecated)
Created by boformer
This mod is for players who want to use decal assets with a size larger than 8x8m and/or tiled decals. Make sure that the mod is enabled! This mod does not mess with save files, simulation or the user interface. It is safe to use and can be disabled at any...
Decorated quay
Created by ron_fu-ta
デフォルトの岸壁にプロップを追加したものです。 歩道としては機能しません。 Default quay with props. Not function as waikway. DLC "Green Cities" が必要です。 DLC "Green Cities" is required....
Decal Slabs
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Decorative Tree (Buildings) CC
Created by CushyCrux
Decorative Tree (Buildings) CC It's a version made for the Towere of Trees (very small):: Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! ...
Delta Center Salt Lake City
Created by Crazyglueit "One of the loudest places in sports." Delta Center, Home of the Utah Jazz NBA basketball team in Salt Lake City. Giving rise to NBA greats such as John Sockton and Karl Malone (Nicknamed "The Mailman"). John Stockton is rega...
Delta Toronto Hotel
Created by JSF-1
The Delta Toronto Hotel is one of the newest hotel towers to open in Toronto and serves as the flagship hotel for the Delta Hotel chain in Toronto. The 47 story tower opened in 2014 replacing the Delta Chelsea hotel on Gerrard street. The Delta Toronto Hot...
Department Store
Created by conno
This is an empty department store that be used as a vacant store or whatever else! Find the department store signs here! Find the rest of the Skylines Mall Here! This asset was based off this abandoned Sears location in Toronto, ON. Asset Tris Weight Textu...
Design 007 - Low Density Residential level 5 - 4x4 (RICO)
Created by _luminou_
Design 007 - Low Density Residential level 5 - 4x4 RICO compatible Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, alpha, Illumination and color mask Triangles: 1.748 / 97 Weight : 41.94 / 2.38 Texture: 1024² / 512²...
Decorative Fir (Buildings) CC
Created by CushyCrux
Decorative Fir (Buildings) CC It's a version made for the Towere of Trees (very small):
Deutsche Bank
Created by bennymedia
Deutsche Bank by bennymedia (Updated V 1.3.1, ready for After Dark ) Deutsche Bank Building Info: 13x11 plots Level 5 unique building Construction cost : 300000 Maintenance cost : 1500 Electricity consumption : 30 Garbage: 5 Water Consum/Sewage : 10/10 Tou...
DFL Congress Center
Created by bennymedia
DFL Congress Center by bennymedia DFL Congress Center Building Info: 14x8 plots Level 4 unique building Construction cost : 85000 Maintenance cost : 400 Electricity consumption : 18 Garbage: 7 Water Consum/Sewage : 6/5 Tourists High/Med/Low : 180/150/120 W...
Deutsche Bank Place (Sydney, Australia)
Created by Robert
126 Phillip Street, or Deutsche Bank Place, is the third tallest building in Sydney at 240m. When it was completed in 2005, it was the second tallest building in the world with under 40 floors. It's original size was cut down to ensure afternoon sun would ...
DFW Airport
Created by dfurball
DFW Airport by dfurball ------------------------------------ Updated version of the standard Airport. -Includes 13 access points, a concrete foundation, dumpsters, lamp posts and a dedicated parking area....
DHL Distribution Centre (AD)
Created by BaskB
DHL Distribution Centre by BaskB **** Now with Lighting **** First off credit to rik4000 for the initial model he has created and that I've adapted for use here, pelase check out his great UK retail unit collection here:-
DHL Distribution v2 (AD)
Created by BaskB
DHL Distribution Centre v2 by BaskB First off credit to rik4000 for the initial model he has created and that I've adapted for use here, pelase check out his great UK retail unit collection here:-
Dino Oil
Created by Skill not found
Dino Oil is a new designed oil-factory. If you find bugs please contact me....
Diosouz Tower
Created by Bad Tempered Raven
First Asset! probably something will go wrong, however, i will improve a little more, therefore, some feedback will be appreciated ;) Design entirely made by me, something based on Shanghai Tower thought. Thank you for take a peek!...
Distribution Center
Created by KingLeno
Distribution Center by KingLeno All credit for this asset, model, and textures goes to Avanya. Please see the original version for stats. The buildings are white and have a dirtier roof. Asset includes 2 buildings: the long and short versions. See this ass...
Distribution Center 2 - Medium
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A lighter version of my modular distribution center in anticipation of the Industries DLC. This one works with Ploppable RICO for those who prefer it. Shown here with the Parking Lot Roads - see the last screensho...
Distribution Center 2 - Long
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A lighter version of my modular distribution center in anticipation of the Industries DLC. This one works with Ploppable RICO for those who prefer it. Shown here with the Parking Lot Roads - see the last screensho...
Distribution Center 2 - Small
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A lighter version of my modular distribution center in anticipation of the Industries DLC. This one works with Ploppable RICO for those who prefer it. Shown here with the Parking Lot Roads - see the last screensho...
Distribution Center Cargo Station
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A cargo train station which fits perfectly into my modular distribution center. It's rotated 90 degrees compared to the default one and functions as a terminus, but the track can be extended in both directions if ...
Distribution Center Cargo Station - Mirrored
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on The long awaited and long forgotten mirrored version is finally here! :P A cargo train station which fits perfectly into my modular distribution center. It's rotated 90 degrees compared to the default one and func...
Distribution Center Long
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Ever wanted to build a large distribution center in your city? Here's your chance! Just grab the bits you want (including which company your citizens prefer) and put it together how you'd like! Stats Level 2 gener...
Distribution Center Office
Created by KingLeno
Distribution Center Office by KingLeno Credit for the textures for this asset goes to Avanya. See this asset in game by Clicking here or the video above. If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee to show support and appreciation b...
Distribution Center Short
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Ever wanted to build a large distribution center in your city? Here's your chance! Just grab the bits you want (including which company your citizens prefer) and put it together how you'd like! Stats Level 2 gener...
Distribution Center Small
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A smaller piece to fill in empty areas in your distribution center. It uses the same texture as the long and short parts, which explains the large texture for a smaller building like this. I did this as it's more ...
DIY Concrete Dock (Pack)
Created by Strictoaster
Read me! No, seriously. This is a pack of plain concrete docks that allows you to customize the look and feel by adding your own combination of props and buildings. The pack contains: Functional Cargo Harbor Functional Passenger Harbor Ploppable Dock Prop ...
DK-P Driveway Concrete 3x3m
Created by DethKwok
DK-P Driveway Concrete 3x3m by DethKwok...
DK-P Driveway Concrete 4x4m
Created by DethKwok
DK-P Driveway Concrete 4x4m by DethKwok...
DK-P Path Concrete 1x2m
Created by DethKwok
DK-P Path Concrete 1x2m by DethKwok...
Dnepr Park Main Gate #1
Created by targa
The central entrance to Taras Shevchenko park (Dnipro, Ukraine). Architect Leonid Vetvitsky. The colonnade was built in 1945-1947 during the reconstruction of the park after World War II. After reconstruction in 2012 lost some of the decorations (phials on...
Dnepr Park Main Gate #2
Created by targa
The central entrance to Lazar Globa park (Dnepr, Ukraine). Architect Boris Belozersky. Colonnade built in 1949 during the reconstruction of the park after World War II. Game info park main gate 6x10 lot size $7,000 construction cost Main model 7,824 tris 1...
Dnepr Train Station CRW
Created by targa
A small railway station is made on the basis of the Children's Railway station in Globa Park (Dnepr, Ukraine). The building of this station was built in 1936. This is exactly the train station. There is also a version of this building as a park building. G...
Doctor's Office
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, I wanted to create some assets with interior, because using the advantage of transparency is such a cool thing. It's a way to give Cities Skylines assets a bit more depth. I know it increases the tris count and it needs additional texture map...
Dolce & Gabbana
Created by KingLeno
Dolce and Gabbana by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. High end boutique retail based on store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Triangles Texture 1024x1024 Lot size: 2x4 Lev...
Dome Subway Station - Zero Noise Emission
Created by _luminou_
Dome Subway Station Ideal for your Cities, to install in city center, near constructions or houses. This Subway Station does no release any sound !! Size : 4 x 4 Contain all texture and lod files Triangles: 940 / 248 Weight: 15.29 / 4.14 Texture: 1024x512 ...
Doosan APT 두산아파트 [RICO]
Created by Shindosi
Doosan APT by Shindosi Optimized with custom LOD RICO enabled with 50 Households...
Double Platform Two Levels (4 Tracks) Metro Station | fits on vanilla station
Created by Cyterion
This is a metro station with 2 platforms, where the lower level platform is exactly among the top level platform. You can replace the standard metro station with this station, because the top platform has the same position as the standard metro station. To...
Double Track Cargo Station
Created by BloodyPenguin
Like vanilla cargo train station but with two functional cargo train tracks! This is my experimental multi-track cargo station. Doube fun for x1.25 price! You can use it as the template for your double track cargo train stations. I sligtly changed station'...
DR Byen Station [MOM Edition]
Created by meshd
The platform screen door is optional. Available here PSD for DR Byen Station. Please note! Please subscribe to the prop pack as well, otherwise the glass roof wouldn’t show up in-game. I highly advice to make the metro line the opposite of your traffic ori...
DR Byen Station [120m] [Metro Station]
Created by meshd
Please note! Please subscribe to the prop pack as well, otherwise the glass roof wouldn’t show up in-game. I highly advice to make the metro line the opposite of your traffic orientation. i. e. if your city is right-hand traffic, make the metro line left-h...
DP's Bus Station
Created by Do It Pruett
Enjoy! *This is an improved default game asset*...
DR Byen Station [Prop Pack]
Created by meshd
Make sure that you're subscribed to this asset if you want to use DR Byen Station for your city. Asset list DR Byen_Bench - DR Byen_Billetter - DR Byen_Billetter_Night - DR Byen_Check_Ind - DR Byen_Check_Ind_Night - DR Byen_Check_Ud - DR Byen_Check_Ud_Nigh...
Drosovilas functional Concorde 1.1
Created by Drosovila
Drosovilas Concorde, with the design of the former swissair. NOW WITH 100% LESS BARREL ROLLS -Custom Airplane -Perfect ground and air movements -1000 polys, 1024 texture res, autogenerated LOD -Almost 1:1 -Default stats...
Drosovilas Hockey Stadium
Created by Drosovila
IRL "Ingalls Rink" is the hockey stadium of the yale university, built by finnish architect Eero Saarinen in 1958. Ingame -Level 6 Unique Building -Based off of the Stadium but a bit more moderate -12x6 size The Model Main: -3133 tris -2048x512 Texture res...
Drosovilas Lotte Tower in 1:1,6
Created by Drosovila
Drosovilas Lotte World Premium Tower for my 1:1.6 friends. -1:1.6, 545m height -Unique Building, stats based off of "colossal order offices", 7x7 size -Based off of the, currently in construction, Lotte Premium World tower in seoul -700 tris, 2048x1024 tex...
Drosovilas OCBC centre in 1:1.6
Created by Drosovila
Sorry for taking so long with the 1:1,6 version, due to a new bug I couldn't properly import it's LOD and it took me till now to realise, that I can just rescale the old one. Anyway, here you go. Drosovilas OCBC Centre from SIngapore. -Unique Building Leve...
Drottningholm Palace
Created by YpsilonEule
Drottningholm Palace Location: Sweden Type of Building: Unique Building Effects: Tourism, Attractiveness Menu location: Unique Buildings, Monuments Costs: 250.000 once, 1.200 per Week Model: 9686 Tris Lod: 960 Tris (A bit high but I tried my best to keep t...
DU7C Office
Created by Gregor Vukasinovic
Here's a growable version of the management building of ThyssenKrupp's Bruckhausen steel plant in Duisburg, Germany, which was released yesterday. In it's real-life form, it is way too big to be a growable of course, but the way it is built, consisting of ...
Dubai Eye #TEMPTED
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
#TEMPTED - My submission for the Paradox modeling contest! The Dubai Eye is currently under construction in Dubai and will be the tallest ferris wheel in the world upon completion. NOTE: Unfortunately the wheel is not rotating like the London Eye from the ...
Dubai Pearl 1:1 scale
Created by Bibel Gurra
IMPORTANT This building need "Sub-Buildings Enabler" Mod (This mod is only needed to place the asset, and can be disabled at any time without causing broken saves or missing assets.) Dubai Pearl is a 300 m (984 ft), tall skyscraper under construction along...
Dubai-Fountain views
Created by 752811818
The Address Residence - Fountain Views 迪拜喷泉景观综合体 The Address Residence - Fountain Views I & II 279.9 m 71 floors The Address Residence - Fountain Views...
Duchère Tower - 4x4 High lvl5 residential
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Good day Skyliners ! I'm back... again... again (oh, I don't know actually how many times I left and came back...) Real life you know... real problems sometimes ;) First let's talk about the bad things... for the first time I will ask your support if you l...
Drosos Digital Beijing Building
Created by Drosovila
IRL The digital beijing building was used as a datacentre during the olympia 2008 and now serves as a museum about technology and stuff. Ingame -Based off of the "Science Center" so its a Level 5 unique building. -16x8 size The Model Main: -1600 tris -1024...
Dump National Hotel
Created by BoldlyBuilding If you'd like to support me and my work and help me become very very rich so I can build my own chain of fake gold-encrusted ...
Durham Regional Headquarters
Created by JSF-1
This building is located in Whitby Ontario (just east of Toronto) and houses the Government offices for the "Regional Municipality of Durham". Cost to Build: $30,000 Upkeep: $320 Size: 7x11 Level 3 Monument...
E 494 - 'La Locomotiva'/TANOOS (8Cars)
Created by REV0
TRAXX 3 / E 494 'La Locomotiva' with TANOOS pack My Discord Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Ahead of its time, the innovative TRAXX 3 platform's energy efficiency and proven ability t...
E 494 - 'La Locomotiva'/TANOOS (12Cars)
Created by REV0
TRAXX 3 / E 494 'La Locomotiva' with TANOOS pack My Discord Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Ahead of its time, the innovative TRAXX 3 platform's energy efficiency and proven ability t...
E 494 - Mercitalia/HBBILLS Cargo (8Cars)
Created by REV0
TRAXX 3 / E 494 - Mercitalia with HBBILLS trailer pack My Discord Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Ahead of its time, the innovative TRAXX 3 platform's energy efficiency and proven abi...
East-European Train Station
Created by AleX_BY
South Train Stations from Kharkiv, Ukraine. It was built in 1952. Info: 3 train tracks; Plot size: 16x15 Construction cost: 120.000 Maintenance cost: 1.600\week Triscount: 32.107 (814 lod) Thanks to BloodyPenguin for help with import. :) Please, support me...
East York Civic Centre
Created by JSF-1
The East York Civic Centre was the City Hall for the former Borough of East York. The facility was constructed in 1990 and served as City Hall until 1998 when East York was merged into Toronto. Today the building houses offices for the City of Toronto. Upd...
Ebony Tower Rochaverá
Created by hqsouza
Ebony Tower Rochaverá is an office building located in São Paulo, Brazil. It has 18 floors and 80m of height. It's part of the complex Rochaverá Corporate Towers. Also knows as Tower A. The building model has 554 triangles and the lod has less than 100. Th...
ECO Office
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, in some cities you can find some nice buildings with fabric facades. I like that so much, it looks great. So I tried to make a fabric cladding using the rotor shader again. Another thing I wanted to realize was to have an asset with a bustlin...
Eco-Friendly Incineration Plant
Created by Lion
With this helpful Incineration plant, you can bulldoze all of those old, nasty facilities, and plop a few of these thing down! PLEASE NOTE: This plant burns a very large amount of garbage at one time, so it may appear as if it is not functioning (this is t...
Edificis Trade (1966), Barcelona
Created by rhvjay
Trade Buildings (1966), Barcelona. Realistic model scale 1:1 Barcelona’s Trade Buildings were built between 1966 and 1968 from a project drawn up by the architects Josep Antoni Coderch de Sentmenat and Manuel Valls i Vergés. They comprise four tall offices...
Edmonton City Hall
Created by JSF-1
Opening in 1992 this facility was built to replace Edmonton's old City Hall which was built on the same site. It was designed by Dub Architects. Cost to build: $40,000 Upkeep: $640 Size: 14x9 ...
Efficient Cargo Harbor
Created by GS96|GamerChick
Just a cargo harbor with a 1 way 6 lane street. I figured I would improve upon the cargo harbor since it always causes traffic problems. This one came out nice with the custom assets! Important Stats: Construction Cost: 120,000 (More than the regular cargo...
Ekaterinburg Circus
Created by Bilderbuch
Ekaterinburg Circus is a entertainment building for 2600 spectators in Russia. Circus has a lattice steel dome with a distinctive shape, which makes one of the Yekaterinburg's landmarks. It was built in 1980 on the right bank of Iset river. Сharacteristics...
Electric Roads Mod 2023 - Final
Created by Klyte45 NOTICE: 81 tiles 2 support now available! This mod turns all roads in the city into electric conductors. So, you won't need anymore to pass power poles around t...
Electricity Pylon 1:1.5
Created by Zuben
Electricity Pylon 1:1.5 by Zuben A tall structure built to support an overhead power line. * No power lines. Tris : 5967 / 137 1:1 Size --------------------------------------------------------...
Elevated 4 tracks design station
Created by vilgard92
Elevated 4 tracks design station by vilgard92 Upgraded version of the Modern elevated 4 tracks station by ron_fu-ta. Credit to him This station is an improved and fully functional version (the 4 tracks work) of the original version. I redid all pedestrian ...
Elevated Over Road Train Station 路上高架車站
Created by Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2017-07-28*** fix pedestrian path; no more "distance too short" error message ****************************** Elevated Over Road Station I wanted to make something with semi-transparent glass and animated escalator, like BadPeanut's Sotunder Sunke...
Elstree Building - Unique and RICO Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Greetings Skyliners ! Let me present you the Elstree Building. It's a fictional building that I named after the village of Elstree in England, best known for the Elstree Film Studios, where many famous films and television series were made. I tried to keep...
ELVIS 10 lane BRT Platform (Single-segment designed)
Created by ELVIS
머리말 안녕하세요! 엘비스 게임즈의 10차선 BRT의 반쪽 플랫폼 도로 세그먼트가 출시 되었습니다. 이 도로는 기존의 10차선 도로에서 여러분이 4개의 플랫폼을 지정하고 싶은 지역에 노선 설정을 할 수 있게 해주는 도로입니다. 엘비스10차선 BRT 플랫폼 입니다! 엘비스 10차선 BRT 플랫폼은 8차선 대로에 양쪽 가변 버스정류장과 중앙정류장을 포함하고 있어, 여러분의 도시에 최대한 원활한 교통을 도우며 교통체증을 해소할 것입니다. 이 모델은 하나의 파트...
ELVIS Avengers Tower
Created by ELVIS
The tower formerly as Avengers Tower is a high-rise building complex located in Manhattan, New York City. The building, owned by Stark Industries, has been used as the Avengers headquarters since S.H.I.E.L.D disbanded. Place this skyscraper with a future-o...
ELVIS BRT Prop (Base prop)
Created by ELVIS
머리말 안녕하십니까, 엘비스입니다. 이 항목은 엘비스 BRT의 정류장을 게임에서 볼 수 있게 하는 필수 프롭세트입니다. ELVIS BRT Prop (Base prop) 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 -krbusdecal_prop.crp -krbusdecal_prop_2.crp -krbusstop_prop.crp -krbusstop_glass_prop.crp -intlbusdecal_prop.crp -intlbustop_prop.crp -intlbustop_glass...
ELVIS BRT System (korea)
Created by ELVIS
머리말 안녕하세요! 엘비스 게임즈의 기나긴 프로젝트 BRT 1차가 마무리 되었습니다. 추가적으로 더 많은 BRT 차선과 여러 시설들은 추후 다시 재개될 BRT의 베타를 통해 다시 공개될 예정입니다. 오늘의 에셋입니다. 엘비스 BRT 한국버전 입니다! 엘비스 BRT는 4차선 대로 중앙에 BRT시스템이 구현되어 있는 형태로 가변정차와 중앙정류장 정차 모두가능한 시스템입니다. 무작정 중앙으로 모아버린다면 버스지옥이 되는 상황이 벌어질 수 있지만 양옆의 가변 정...
ELVIS BRT System (international)
Created by ELVIS
머리말 안녕하세요! 엘비스 게임즈의 첫 도로모드인 ELVIS BRT의 국제버전이 4일 일찍 출시되었습니다. 이번 출시가 일부 앞당겨진 이유는 한국식 BRT를 출시할때의 버그테스트 혹은 베타등을 테스트하기 위함으로 이에 대해 이해해주시기 바랍니다. 오래 기다리셨습니다... 엘비스 BRT 입니다! 엘비스 BRT는 4차선 대로 중앙에 BRT시스템이 구현되어 있는 형태로 가변정차와 중앙정류장 정차 모두가능한 시스템입니다. 무작정 중앙으로 모아버린다면 버스지옥이 ...
ELVIS 10 lane BRT
Created by ELVIS
머리말 안녕하세요! 엘비스 게임즈 BRT의 2차 베타가 시작되었습니다. 베타는 계속 진행중이나 10차선의 BRT도로는 완성되었기 때문에 여러분께 이렇게 내놓게 되었습니다. 엘비스10차선 BRT 입니다! 엘비스 10차선 BRT는 10차선의 일반도로와 2개의 버스 중앙차선 도로로 많은 차량을 한번에 수용할 수 있는 무시무시한 도로입니다. 후에 추가될 8차선 중앙차로도로와 더불어 여러분의 도시의 교통을 씹어먹을 어마어마한 존재가 될 것입니다. 에셋정보 ● EL...
ELVIS ctOS_Sever farm & Blume HQ (RICO)
Created by ELVIS
Now sub-buillding enabler is offically supported, So you don't need it Watchdogs's company Blume's CSL HQ is now available If you want to help my modding,Please Donate here!! and don't forget to rate and subscribe!! 이제 Sub-building enabler가 공식지원되서 깔 필요 없습니...
Created by ELVIS
The Federal Investigation Bureau Headquarters is a skyscraper in Grand Theft Auto V located on Power Street and San Andreas Avenue in Pillbox Hill, Downtown Los Santos. The building is located next to the International Affairs Agency headquarters, and is t...
ELVIS Genesis EQ900L
Created by ELVIS
머리말 EQ900L은 현대 자동차의 고급세단 제네시스의 EQ900의 리무진 버전입니다. 많은 고급 인사들과 기업 회장들이 타고 다니는 이 럭셔리를 시티즈에서도 체험하세요. ELVIS Genesis EQ900L 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Genesis EQ900L.crp ELVIS Genesis EQ900L prop.crp 도움 ELVIS Genesis EQ900L은 엘비스게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. 에셋 이미지 촬영은 SomeHQ님이 해주셨습니다...
ELVIS George Bush center for intelligence-A part (CIA HQ) (RICO)
Created by ELVIS
ELVIS George Bush center for intelligence (CIA HQ) is now available! If you want to help my modding,Please Donate here!! and don't forget to rate and subscribe!! 엘비스의 조지 부시 센터 포 인텔리전스 (CIA HQ)가 이제 이용가능합니다. 저의 모딩에 도움을 주시고 싶으시다면 페이팔을 통해 기부 부탁드립니다 그리고 평점과 구독 ...
ELVIS Hongik University gate
Created by ELVIS
머리말 ELVIS Hongik University gate는 대한민국 서울에 있는 홍익대학교의 정문인 홍문관입니다. 기네스북에 가장 큰 대학교 정문으로 등재되어 있는 건물입니다. 여러분이 이 대학교 건물을 통해 여러분의 도시에 교육 학구열을 불어넣으세요! 또한 엘비스 게임즈의 대학교 첫 프로젝트를 즐겁게 만끽하세요! ELVIS Hongik University gate 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Hongik University gate.crp 도움 EL...
ELVIS Incheon International Airport (인천국제공항)
Created by ELVIS
ELVIS Incheon International Airport is now available This is an International Airport Terminal with over than 20gates and one metro station. You have to build runways by yourself! The International Airport can only build on flatten terrain. Placing the air...
ELVIS korail resistance type metro
Created by ELVIS
엘비스의 코레일 지하철이 리마스터 되었습니다. 기차버전입니다. ELVIS Korail metro has beend remastered. Train version...
ELVIS Korea convenience Store GS25
Created by ELVIS
Donation If you liked the Asset, please up rate it. Support ELVIS' more creative activities through donation. 후원 에셋이 마음에 드셨다면 좋아요를 부탁드립니다. 후원을 통해 엘비스의 더 많은 창작 활동을 지원해 주세요.
ELVIS Korean Large Toll Gate
Created by ELVIS
머리말 도시의 관문인 톨게이트. 기존보다 더 큰 메트로폴리탄에 어울리는 이 대형 톨게이트는 여러분의 도시의 웅장함을 자랑하며 여러분의 도시의 관문 역할을 할 것입니다. ELVIS Korean large Toll Gate 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Korean large Toll Gate.crp 도움 ELVIS Korean largel Toll Gate 는 엘비스게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. 에셋 이미지 촬영은 도브님이 해주셨습니다. 후원 평점과 구...
ELVIS Hanbyul power plant
Created by ELVIS
머리말 ELVIS Hanbyul power plant는 대한민국 원전 재난 영화 판도라(2016)의 한별 원전을 엘비스 스타일대로 창작한 버전입니다. 이 원전은 실제 고리원전을 모티브로 하여 제작되었습니다 ELVIS Hanbyul power plant 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Hanbyul power plant.crp ELVIS Hanbyul building 2.crp ELVIS Hanbyul building 3.crp ELVIS Hanbyul bu...
ELVIS Korean President residence (청와대)
Created by ELVIS
머리말 청와대는 대한민국 대통령과 관계된 행정기관이자 집무공간이며 동시에 대통령 관저입니다. 위 건물은 본관건물이며 메인 게이트를 통해 들어 오면 바로 보이는 건물입니다. ELVIS Korean President residence (청와대) 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Korean President residence (청와대).crp 도움 ELVIS Korean President residence (청와대) 는 엘비스게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. 에...
ELVIS Korean PRUGIO apartment
Created by ELVIS
ELVIS PRUGIO apartment is now availabe. If you want to help my modding,Please Donate here!! or and don't forget to rate and subscribe!!\ 엘비스의 푸르지오 아파트가 이용가능합니다! 저의 모딩에 도움을 주시고 싶으시다면 페이팔을 통해 기부 부탁드립니다 그리고 평점과 구독 잊지마시고요!...
ELVIS Korean small Toll Gate
Created by ELVIS
머리말 도시의 관문인 톨게이트가 여러분의 도시에 생겼습니다. 이 톨게이트는 여러분의 도시에 조금 더 한국적인 느낌을 가져다 줄 것입니다. 각 방향에 1개의 하이패스 차선과 2개의 일반 요금 차선이 있습니다 ELVIS Korean small Toll Gate 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Korean small Toll Gate.crp 도움 ELVIS Korean small Toll Gate 는 엘비스게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. 에셋 이미지 촬영은 도...
ELVIS korean style apartment (RICO)
Created by ELVIS
80~90년대 한국식 아파트입니다. 리코모드가 호환되는 이 아파트를 여러분의 도시에 도입해보세요 머리말 서울시 대여 자전거 따릉이 자전거와 프롭, 그리고 거치대가 출시되었습니다. 여러분의 도시에 대여 자전거 시스템을 도입하여 여러분의 시민들이 자전거를 이용하는 모습을 확인하세요! 많은 좋은 혜택이 되리라고 장담합니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS korean style apartment.crp 도움 ELVIS korean style apartment는 엘비스 게...
ELVIS Lotte Department Store (롯데백화점) Rico
Created by ELVIS
엘비스의 롯데백화점이 출시되었습니다! 이 백화점은 서울특별시 노원구에 위치해 있습니다. 이제 리코모드가 사용가능합니다!! 저의 모딩에 도움을 주시고 싶으시다면 페이팔을 통해 기부 부탁드립니다 그리고 평점과 구독 잊지마시고요! ELVIS Lotte Department store is now available. This Department is located in Nowon, Seoul Now RICO Available!! If you want to help...
ELVIS PRUGIO apartment [푸르지오] (RICO)
Created by ELVIS
ELVIS PRUGIO apartment is now availabe. Now you can see it in RICO tab. Growable version link If you want to help my modding,Please Donate here!! or and don't forget to rate and subscribe!!\ 엘...
ELVIS Raemian Apartment 1 (Rico)
Created by ELVIS
머리말 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 1 (Rico)는 대한민국 아파트 브랜드인 래미안 아파트를 창작한 버전입니다. 타워형인듯 판상형 같은 이 아파트는 실제 아파트와는 다르게 디자인적인 요소를 바탕으로 제작되었습니다 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 1 (Rico) 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 1 (Rico).crp 도움 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 1 (Rico)는 엘비스 게임즈의 엘...
ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico,Growable)
Created by ELVIS
머리말 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico)는 대한민국 아파트 브랜드인 래미안 아파트를 창작한 버전입니다. 이 아파트는 실제 판상형 아파트들을 모티브로 하여 제작되었습니다 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico) 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico).crp ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2.crp 도움 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico)는 ...
ELVIS KTX high-speed train
Created by ELVIS
머리말 엘비스 라이프 유튜브 채널이 구독자 600명을 달성하면서 풀리게 된 새로운 에셋 ELVIS KTX high-speed train입니다. 페트론 전용으로만 있던 이 고속열차를 이제 앞으로 여러분의 도시에 도입하여 철도의 폭을 넓혀 가세요. 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS KTX train eng_prop.crp ELVIS KTX train front_prop.crp ELVIS KTX train pass_prop.crp ELVIS KTX high-speed tr...
ELVIS Raemian Apartment 3 (Rico)
Created by ELVIS
머리말 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 3 (Rico)는 대한민국 아파트 브랜드인 래미안 아파트를 창작한 버전입니다. 이 아파트는 실제 타워형 아파트들을 모티브로 하여 제작되었습니다 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 3 (Rico) 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 3 (Rico).crp 도움 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 3 (Rico)는 엘비스 게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. 에셋 이미지 ...
ELVIS RTX2080 Statue
Created by ELVIS
머리말 엔비디아의 최신 플래그십 그래픽 카드인 RTX2080의 공개에 앞서 획기적인 게임용 GPU의 탄생을 기념한 3년만에 돌아온 그래픽 카드 기념비입니다. ELVIS RTX2080 Statue 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS RTX2080 Statue.crp 도움 ELVIS RTX2080 Statue은 엘비스게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. 에셋 이미지 촬영은 도브님이 해주셨습니다. 후원 평점과 구독 잊지 마세요 또한, 페트론이 되어 얼리 엑세스, 후원자...
ELVIS Sarang Church
Created by ELVIS
머리말 서울, 아니 어쩌면 한국에서 최대 규모일지도 모르는 서초동 사랑의 교회가 시티즈 스카이라인에 출시되었습니다. 많은 유명인사들의 만남의 광장인 이 교회를 여러분의 도시에 배치하고 관광객을 끌어모으세요. ELVIS Sarang Church 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Sarang Church.crp ELVIS Sarang Church_main.crp ELVIS Sarang Church_under.crp ELVIS Sarang Church under ...
ELVIS Seoul Cityhall
Created by ELVIS
머리말 서울 시청이 5년만에 새롭게 단장했습니다. 새로운 서울시청과 함께 여러분의 도시를 꾸며보세요 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Seoul Cityhall.crp 도움 ELVIS Seoul Cityhall는 엘비스 게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. 에셋 이미지 촬영또한 엘비스가 하였습니다. 후원 평점과 구독 잊지 마세요 또한, 페트론이 되어 얼리 엑세스, 후원자용 에셋 등의 특권을 누리세요! http://i...
ELVIS Simcity University
Created by ELVIS
머리말 심시티 2013에서 나왔던 대학교가 시티즈 스카이라인에도 등장했습니다. 기존 도시에 있던 대학보다 더 효율이 좋은 심시티 2013의 대학교로 여러분의 대학교를 교체하세요! ELVIS Simcity University 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Simcity Universitycrp 도움 ELVIS Simcity University 는 엘비스게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. 후원 평점과 구독 잊지 마세요 또한, 페트론이 되어 얼리 엑세스, 후원자...
ELVIS special BRT road 1
Created by ELVIS
머리말 안녕하십니까, 엘비스입니다. 엘비스 BRT의 파생된 커스텀 BRT를 여러분께 소개해 드릴 수 있어서 기쁩니다. 이 커스텀 BRT는 Laurence Barnes님의 커미션 요청으로 제작되었습니다. 총 4개의 도로가 제공될 예정이며 앞으로 추후 업로드될 예정입니다. ELVIS special BRT road 1 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 -ELVIS special BRT road 1.crp 위 에셋을 사용하려면 추가로 필요 혹은 권장하는 모드가 있습니다. <창...
ELVIS special BRT road 2
Created by ELVIS
머리말 안녕하십니까, 엘비스입니다. 엘비스 BRT의 파생된 커스텀 BRT를 여러분께 소개해 드릴 수 있어서 기쁩니다. 이 커스텀 BRT는 Laurence Barnes님의 커미션 요청으로 제작되었습니다. 본 도로는 총 4개의 도로 중 2번째 도로입니다. ELVIS special BRT road 2 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 -ELVIS special BRT road 1.crp 위 에셋을 사용하려면 추가로 필요 혹은 권장하는 모드가 있습니다. <창작마당에 필요 항목...
ELVIS Tower Sky
Created by ELVIS
머리말 ELVIS Tower Sky는 대한민국 고층 건물 화재 재난 영화 타워(2012)의 타워 스카이 빌딩을 제작하였습니다. 이 건물은 실제로 존재하는 건물이 아닙니다 ELVIS Tower Sky 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Tower Sky.crp 도움 ELVIS Tower Sky는 엘비스 게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. 에셋 이미지 촬영은 SomeHQ님이 해주셨습니다. 후원 평점과 구독 잊지 마세요 또한, 페트론이 되어 얼리 엑세스, 후원자용 에...
ELVIS Korean Style Metro Station 2
Created by ELVIS
ELVIS Korean Style Metro Station 2 is now available! construction cost : 15,000 maintain cost : 240 This station has 4 metro tracks If you want to help my modding,Please Donate here!! and don't forget to rate and subscribe!! 엘비스의 한국식 지하철역 2가 지금 이용 가능합니다! 건...
ELVIS Underground parking road
Created by ELVIS
ELVIS Underground parking road by ELVIS0529...
ELVIS Yoido Full Gospel Church
Created by ELVIS
ELVIS Yoido Full Gospel Church is now available! If you want to help my modding,Please Donate here!! and don't forget to rate and subscribe!! 엘비스의 여의도순복음교회가 이제 이용가능합니다. 저의 모딩에 도움을 주시고 싶으시다면 페이팔을 통해 기부 부탁드립니다 그리고 평점과 구독 잊지마시고요!...
EMART [이마트]
Created by ELVIS
e-mart is the largest retailer in South Korea. There are 140 stores across the country as of December 2012. It was founded on 12 November 1993 by Shinsegae as the first discount retailer in South Korea. E-Mart is the oldest and largest discount store chain...
Emerald Hotel
Created by Visu
Level-5 Unique Building Hotel - employs 470. Complete with LoD model. Credit to the tree-makers for making the trees. You won't need them to run the asset, but they will look much better with them....
Emerald Park Condominium [RICO]
Created by JSF-1
The Emerald Park Condo's are residential towers located in Toronto Ontario, Canada. The complex consists of 2 towers, one 43 stories and the other 33 stories. The towers sit atop a 3 story podium which houses the complex's amenities and retail space. RICO:...
Emirates tower one (1:1,5 Scale)
Created by Bibel Gurra
A scaled down version of the original 250 meters tall office building is located along Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai UAE. The Emirates Towers is a building complex that contains the Emirates Office Tower and Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel. The 1:1,5 scale off...
Emirates tower one 1:1 scale
Created by Bibel Gurra
This 250 meters tall office building is located along Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai UAE. The Emirates Towers is a building complex that contains the Emirates Office Tower and Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel. The 1:1 scale office scraper is 54 floors and 250 me...
Created by AcePilot
Empire State Plaza Building Pack
Created by Kearsarge
This is a building pack with everything needed to build the Empire State Plaza in Albany, NY. I've shown the buildings mostly in a recreation of their actual configuration, but this pack leaves you the freedom to arrange them however you see fit. Included ...
Emporio Armani
Created by KingLeno
Emporio Armani by KingLeno...
Emporio Armani Shop
Created by Raccoon
Emporío Armani Shop Information: Giorgio Armani S.p.A. is an Italian luxury fashion house founded by Giorgio Armani which designs, manufactures, distributes and retails haute couture, ready-to-wear, leather goods, shoes, watches, jewelry, accessories, eyew...
Empty Modern Platform Modules [Modular Station Project]
Created by Titan
This is a set of free to place modular station platforms Long awaited, now I finally was able to release them. This set includes a bunch of platforms with a modern design. This design is used by the Deutsche Bahn from Germany. However, it still is generic ...
Empty Old Platform Modules [Modular Station Project]
Created by Titan
This is a set of free to place modular station platforms Long awaited, now I finally was able to release them. This set includes a bunch of platforms with an old design. This design was used by the Deutsche Reichsbahn from Germany some 30-70 years ago. How...
Enterprise Park
Created by Arrqh+
Boldly Go.... to the park....
Enterprise rent-a-car
Created by KingLeno
enterprise rent-a-car by KingLeno A rental car facility for your Cims transportation needs. This is a vanilla level 1 commercial building. I tweaked a few things, added the sign. The sign prop is included with the asset, but not used. I also included custo...
Entry Doors
Created by Like_Mike
Entry Doors by michael.warrenii...
Esplanade Apartments 2
Created by honker
Second tower of the two. First is here - Created in the 1950s by prolific architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, these apartments are historic to Chicago's downtown. They directly over look Lake ...
Esplanade Apartments Chicago
Created by honker
Created in the 1950s by prolific architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, these apartments are historic to Chicago's downtown. They directly over look Lake Michigan, located on the inner drive right by the Hancock Tower. This building is in a set of four simila...
Etihad Tower-Abu Dhabi
Created by 752811818
Etihad Tower by 752811818 阿提哈德塔-阿布扎比-阿拉伯联合酋长国 Etihad Towers is a complex of buildings with five towers in Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates. 阿提哈德塔由五座塔楼构成的复杂建筑综合体,位于阿拉伯联合酋长国的首都 阿布扎比 Tower 1: 69 floors, 277 metres Tower 2: 74 floors, 30...
Etobicoke Civic Centre
Created by JSF-1
The Etobicoke Civic Centre was the City Hall for the former City of Etobicoke. The complex was designed by "Shore and Moffat" and constructed in 1958. The facility was originally 2 separate buildings comprised of the municipal offices building and the orig...
Euromarine Tower
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
Version 1.1 -------------------------- Update March 30, 2015 Version 1.1 - vastly improved textures - new LOD - slight color correction; more to follow - more decoration - removed floor subdivision for better facade looks -------------------------- Stats: ...
European Elementary School
Created by Ligne 7
European Elementary School by Ligne 7 This asset is an European elementary school, build in 1872 and recently renovated. She combine the style of 19th century and the contemporary colors. he is adapted for the handicapped. this school is ideal for the rura...
European Main Station
Created by Skotty
History Opened on 23th of April in 1898, Dresden Main Station is located in the district of Südvorstadt in Dresden, Germany. The station is uniquely designed with a central terminal and a station hall in between two mainline platforms that are raised above...
European module elevated station
Created by ron_fu-ta
ヨーロッパのモジュール高架駅 European module elevated station 平らな地面に設置してください。 Please place on a flat terrain. <asset list> European module EL sta main ent (main building) European module EL sta sub ent (sub building) European module EL station S (standard length platfor...
European Parliament - Strasbourg
Created by _luminou_
European Parliament - Strasbourg Louis Weiss Building The European Parliament's Louise Weiss Building, in Strasbourg is opened on 14 December 1999. It houses Parliament's Debating Chamber and the offices of the MEPs This building is adapted for CS, it's co...
European rural 4 tracks station Long
Created by ron_fu-ta
ヨーロッパの4線式田舎駅。(長編成列車用) European rural 4 tracks station. (For long train) 延長ホームは公園カテゴリーです。 Extension platform is park category. ...
European rural station
Created by ron_fu-ta
ヨーロッパの田舎駅。 European rural station....
Event Hall (ploppable RICO ready)
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, we invite you to rent your next special event at the Event Hall, Downtown. Our banquet spaces are ideally suited to make the most successful affairs possible, from the most intimate cocktail reception to the largest seated dinner. Event Hall’...
Etihad Tower V2.0 阿提哈德塔2.0版本
Created by 752811818
Etihad Tower V2.0 Etihad Towers is a complex of buildings with five towers in Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates. Tower 1: 69 floors, 277 metres Tower 2: 74 floors, 305 metres Tower 3: 54 floors, 260 metres Tower 4: 61 floors, 234 metr...
EW27 Boon Lay MRT Station
Created by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
EW27 Boon Lay MRT Station by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! EW27 Boon Lay MRT Station by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This building requires Metro Overhaul Mod . Boon...
Executive Hotel
Created by Alvin
Note: This asset does not have proper lighting texture / lights. Unfortunately I don't have the resources to update this model anymore. ====================================== Executive Hotel by x3 This is an original skyscraper model. A tall, five-star lux...
Expansion 1: Old Brick Module 2 Right by Bad Peanut
Created by BadPeanut
This is the first expansion to my Old Brick Station. You will need the required subscription in the panel on the right >>. This is for all you guys who wish the station was facing the other way :) As always: keep reading for any issues before posting a stu...
Los Angeles Metro Bench Pack
Created by Polygon This prop pack includes two original benches you can find at LA Metro’s Expo Line Stations. Check out my appendant LA Metro Stations & Props. Mesh Info Bench A: 696 tris, 512x256 diffuse, specul...
Los Angeles Metro Prop Pack
Created by Polygon
These props are made for my Los Angeles Metro stations. Currently, this pack contains the following props: Metro Lines Map - NEW! Ticket Machine - NEW! Trash Can Station Display Turnstiles Check out my Los Angeles Metro Bench Pack .
Extra Landscaping Tools
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
Extra Train Station Tracks ( ETST )
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds more train station track assets for custom train stations. This mod was created before custom network assets were a thing and is still needed for stations created with its tracks. These tracks are only available to asse...
[DEPRECATED] Extra Vehicle Effects (Plugin for Vehicle Effects Mod)
Created by Thaok
README This mod is deprecated and does not properly work with the current game version. Use this updated version instead. Original description This mod is an expansion pack for Vehicle Effects mod. Ready for game version 1.9 (Green Cities) New effects summ...
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER)
Created by iminimi13
A, B and C buildings of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing at the University of Zagreb. Designed by Croatian modernist architect Božidar Tušek and built from 1960 to 1965, the three buildings serve as the basis of the faculty, the most pro...
Faculty Building (University)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a university building. About the model Some people requested a few more buildings for a campus in the comments of Jubilee Hall. Since it was only a minor effort to cut the original up and r...
Far East Finance Center:Remastered远东金融中心:重制版 hong kong hk
Created by XDBX
The Far East Financial Center is a commercial building in Admiralty, Hong Kong. It was completed in 1982 and has a golden glass curtain wall. 远东金融中心是一座位于香港金钟的商业大厦,完工于1982年,外形是金色的玻璃幕墙。 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了玻璃 Recreated glass 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the ...
Faria Lima Station
Created by Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Farmers Guild
Created by Lennep
A new version of Benetto's University Library Building, now repurposed as an office building in case you already have enough university places in your city. Textures have been updated, and a colour map, normal map and illumination map added. Brick colour c...
Farnborough ATC Tower
Created by Tomcat
Farnborough Airport Air Traffic Control Tower. My 2'nd ATC Tower. Cannot upload images here (dont know why i got error message) so ingame images are here: Improvements: 1. Better textures than JFK ATC model. 2. With specular map ...
FBS Airport Control Tower
Created by bsquiklehausen
You're cleared for take-off! Originally posted for the 1 year anniversary of the FBS Finale stream, you can now place the control tower used in FBS for your airport! This tower was based off an amalgamation of several different ATC towers from all over the...
FBI Building
Created by Nicistarful
After watching some Quantico I felt like making an FBI Building Asset. It has the same stats as the Police HQ or Large Police Station....
Federal Building
Created by honker
Based off the Richard Bolling Federal building in downtown Kansas City, this massive government office was made in the 1960s after the boom in government services throughout the country. The building contains 1.2 million square feet, among the largest in t...
Federal Office Building (90 Church Street, Manhattan)
Created by honker
Based on 90 Church Street, the Federal Office Building of lower Manhattan, a 1935 neo-classical monolith that now stands in the shadow of the new World Trade buildings. It serves as a massive post office and was closed for 3 years because of pervasive stru...
FedEx Forum
Created by KingLeno
Smash the Thumbs Up icon! 1 like = 1 day that this asset has been in development (at least 365!) Watch me detailing this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. FedExForum is a multi-purpose arena located in downtown Memphis, Tennessee. It is...
FedEx Forum (Campus DLC)
Created by KingLeno
Fedex Forum by KingLeno Now functions as a basketball arena FedExForum is a multi-purpose arena located in downtown Memphis, Tennessee. It is the home of the Memphis Grizzlies of the NBA and the NCAA Division I men's basketball program of the University of...
FedEx Freight
Created by fatfluffycat
FedEx Freight semi truck Retexture of Avanya's US container truck
FedEx Truck
Created by jaijai
FedEx Express Prop Version 3D Model: Heavy Truck (6x2) This asset was made by using Heavy Truck Template....
Ferdinand Foch Monument [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: This is a monument of Ferdinand Foch located at Trocadéro in Paris. Additional informations: Main models: 1,499 tris LOD models: 76 tris Template used: Plaza; Free placement Stats: Doesn't require anything. I will be making more stuff, so sub...
Figueroa at Wilshire, L.A. 1:1
Created by Pirazel
Figueroa at Wilshire, Los Angeles, California What a great example of postmodern architecture. Unlike international style this office tower has a distinctive base, shaft and crown. Notice the turquoise facade elements. Very typical color for the late 80’s....
Created by bennymedia
FIFA HQ by bennymedia (Updated V 1.4, ready for After Dark) ( Please don't forget to subscribe the other three assets for this building so that FIFA HQ is displayed correctly! ) Building Info: 12x13 plots Level 4 unique building based of Grand Libary. Cons...
FedEx Truck
Created by Tomas13TO
FedEx Truck Trailer INFO maps - d,s,i (512x512) triangles - 752 LOD maps -d,i (128x128) LOD triangles - 10 Scania Truck INFO maps - d,s,i,a (512x512) triangles - 872 LOD maps - d,i (64x64) LOD triangles - 31 It's generated in the generic industry areas 7.1...
Figueroa at Wilshire, L.A. 1:1.5
Created by Pirazel
Figueroa at Wilshire, Los Angeles, California What a great example of postmodern architecture. Unlike international style this office tower has a distinctive base, shaft and crown. Notice the turquoise facade elements. Very typical color for the late 80’s....
Fine Road Anarchy - Ending
Created by Klyte45 This place used to be the old remake from Fine Road Anarchy based on SamSamTS. Use Network Anarchy from Quboid instead. ...
Fine Road Tool - Ending
Created by Klyte45 This place used to be the old remake from Fine Road Tool based on SamSamTS. Use Network Anarchy from Quboid instead....
Firas medical center
Created by MaNtooF
Firas medical center by firassk...
Fire Department 17
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, here is it, the worst nightmare of all pyromaniacs: the new Fire Department 17. You like what you see? Then take a look at my matching Fire Station. Have fun! You like my assets and want to support my work? That's cool! Thank you. PayPal Abou...
Fire escape - 4 story - black - customprop
Created by Feindbold
-customprop, model and textures done by myself -ment to fit 4 story buildings -206 triangles (diffusemap, alphamap 512² each) -52 triangles LOD (diffusemap, alphamap 256² each) Prop for my Brooklyn Theme...
Fire House FDNY277
Created by Kliekie
Ever noticed all fire departments look the same? Boring old style red bricks.. It was driving me crazy, there was no alternative for modern cities.. So behold, my preciousss! Ok I might love this Fire house a bit too much.. The small modern fire house unlo...
Fire escape 1 story extension
Created by Feindbold
1 story extension for future buildings, bigger than 4 storys -customprop, model and textures done by myself -extension, 1 story high -92 triangles (diffusemap, alphamap 512² each) -20 triangles LOD (diffusemap, alphamap 256² each) Prop for my Brooklyn Them...
Fire Station
Created by m.safwan.memon
Fire Station by m.safwan.memon...
Fire Station - Ignis Comenditis
Created by _luminou_
Fire Station - Ignis Comenditis Triangles: 5.626 / 168 Weight: 55.63 / 1.74 Texture: 1024² / 512² Contains all texture and LOD files The asset contains little of prop, leaving free has each to place what he wishes ; ) You love it, rate it !!! thank's ; ) i...
Fire Station 17
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, frechly exported from Blender and imported to Cities Skylines Asset Editor. Enjoy the matching Fire Station according to my Fire Department. Have fun! You like my assets and want to support my work? That's cool! Thank you. PayPal About the as...
First Skyline Bank
Created by KingLeno
Help me get to 2,000 subscribers on YouTube! I was doing a series of American shopping center commercial buildings (some new, some updates) to reward and encourage more subscribers to my YouTube channel. I'm going to finish off this series of shopping cent...
Flat Front School Bus
Created by DieHardHunter
Finally it's ready! This is the vehicle version of my Flat Front American School Bus. Polys 2982 Tris 2982 Edges 8946 Verts 2681 Texture 1024x1024 LOD: auto-generated Category: bus Model info: - All lights are working - No color variations, of course - Mod...
Fixed roof oil tank - Shell (Growable)
Created by Avanya
A growable 4x4 oil tank for your oil industry - this one carrying the Shell logo. Not much else to say about it really - more oil tanks and buildings to follow.
Firestation [dutch]
Created by Robconstrictor
Firestation ...
First Skyline Bank
Created by KingLeno
First Skyline Bank by KingLeno To see this asset in-game, check out the video above or just click here! Level 2 Office with RICO settings Lot size: 6x6 Triangles: 542 Texture: 2048* d,n,s,i Custom LOD 48 triangles, 512x256 If you like my assets, consider b...
Created by Reaper
First_Canadian_Place by Reaper unique building with lod scale 1:1 compatible with After Dark 11052 highpoly tex resolution 1024 727 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 ...
Flowers Square
Created by P_DROXP
Flowers Square by P_DROXP...
Flower-Orange (6 of 7) (by Breeze)
Created by Breeze
Updates @ Fixing the size of the flower to 1.8 m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name : Flower-Orange (by Breeze) Ui priority : 336 Height : Only 1.8 m Tris : 40 -------------------------------...
Flatiron Building
Created by RoiboschT
Some information about the building in real life: The legendary Flatiron Building from New York City. Located at the meeting point of the Fifth Avenue, Broadway and East 22nd Street, with 23rd Street grazing the triangle's northern peak. It is one of the o...
Flower-White (4 of 7) (by Breeze)
Created by Breeze
Updates @ Fixing the size of the flower to 1.8 m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name : Flower-White (by Breeze) Ui priority : 334 Height : Only 1.8 m Tris : 40 --------------------------------...
Flower-Blue (1 of 7) (by Breeze)
Created by Breeze
Updates @ Fixing the size of the flower to 1.8 m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name : Flower-Blue (by Breeze) Ui priority : 331 Height : Only 1.8 m Tris : 40 ---------------------------------...
Flowery passage 01
Created by vilgard92
Flowery passage 01 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night for your residents with his central fountain and benches to rest... Stats :Construction cost : 500 Maintenance cost : 100 Lo...
Football Field Decals
Created by KingLeno
Football Field props by KingLeno If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by making small donation as a token of appreciation.
Created by creepyeyes
A giant, monolithic, sci-fi power generator for your city of tomorrow. How does it work exactly? I'm not entirely positive, I'm no engineer, but I think it has something to do with geothermal energy. Stats are identical to the nuclear power plant. Miniatur...
Floyd Residence - Growable 4x3 Lvl4 H residential
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NEW! Updated with night lights! Add (some) variety to your Level4 residential neighbourhoods... with the Floyd Residence The residence is a 10 floors - 40 meters tall habitation building, it has been designed to fit well into the existing ingame buildings ...
Football club
Created by vilgard92
Football club by vilgard92 Welcome to the football club ! A low tris fenced football club illuminated at night with a covered grandstand (with real seating), visitor parking, goal cages. There are also 4 color variations to vary the pleasures ;) Invisible ...
Fontaine Du Palmier / Palmier Fountain
Created by Gèze
Informations: The Fontaine du Palmier (1806-1808) or Fontaine de la Victoire is a monumental fountain located in the Place du Châtelet, between the Théâtre du Châtelet and the Théâtre de la Ville, in the First Arrondissement of Paris. Additional informatio...
Forever 31
Created by KingLeno
Forever 31 by KingLeno Suburban mall store based on Forever 21.
Forluz Building (RICO)
Created by hqsouza
Tallest building of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. It is the headquarters of the state-owned energy company CEMIG. The building has 130m, with 27 floors. Model has 2018 triangles. The LOD has less than 100. It is located in unique buildings level 6. 29/08/2015: T...
Forte Tower 1, 1:1 Scale ( RICO ready )
Created by Bibel Gurra
A +300m tall, 80 storey tall skyscraper currently under construction in Dubai, UAE. This building is part of the Dubai Opera District that will also include Il Primo, 111 tower, Adress and much more. RICO-stats: service="residential" sub-service="high" lev...
Foellinger Auditorium
Created by jaspinko
Foellinger Auditorium is one of the oldest and most iconic buildings on the University of Illinois' quad. It presently hosts a number of large lectures (mostly foundational economics courses), but doubles as a venue for live entertainment. -= Game Stats =-...
Foster Tower Madrid (Red)
Created by BenTracker
Foster Tower Madrid (Red Lights) > > > White Lights Version Foster Tower is a skyscraper located in the Cuatro Torres Business Area in Madrid, Spain. With a height of 248.3 m (815 ft) and 45 floors. Other names: Torre Repsol, Torre Caja Madrid, Torre Banki...
Forte Tower 2, 1:1 Scale ( RICO ready )
Created by Bibel Gurra
A +200m tall, 41 storey tall skyscraper currently under construction in Dubai, UAE. This building is part of the Dubai Opera District that will also include Il Primo, 111 tower, Adress and much more. RICO-stats: service="residential" sub-service="high" lev...
Fountain 12.23 (Animated)
Created by neinnew/네인
Fountain 12.23 Fountain 12.23 in Gwanghwamun Plaza, a landmark in Seoul, honors Admiral Yi Sun-shin. AnimUV animated, no requires mod. In fact, there is a statue of Admiral Yi Sun-shin at that location, but it was not included in the assets. So I recommend...
Fountain Square
Created by Masteron
Fountain Square by Masteron...
Freight Terminal
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, the Freight Terminal works exactly like the cargo station - without brightly coloured containers. That was important for me :) Subscribing to this asset brings you two assets, the Freight Terminal and a matching storage hall (for fans of bigg...
French Flat 007 [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: This is a typical small French flat. Additional informations: Main model: 5657 tris LOD model: 210 tris Template used: Ploppable Landmark; Free placement (But you need Move It mod); 3x3; Has green and blue restautant variants I will be making...
FTP Stone path
Created by Tero
Stone path used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses collec...
FTP YardSwing
Created by Tero
YardSwing used used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses co...
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
As a result of recently thinking that the monday Drama's is strangely disturbing, I got the asset of this Fuji TV head office. However, since it is a quote from 3D-Warehouse, quality is ponkotu, so do not be afraid....
Full Sound Barrier Road
Created by Kaeru教信者 READ DESCRIPTION! UPDATE 2018.11.24 Fix some errors mentioned in comments. ------------------------- A six-lane road with full sound barrier. Low noise accumulation, but much expensive. Bas...
Futuristic Apartment Tower 2 CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Apartment Tower 2 CC Because Artists create Art. It needs some Tris. Please vote and write a comment if you like. I think this is the best building I ever made. Don't know how to top that. ;) Send me a money giftcard via paypal to cushycrux@hotm...
Futuristic Town Hospital CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Town Hospital CC ------------------------------------- Because the Future is Green and Artists create Art. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Update 16.11.2017: Added working Heli Pad 1894 Polys 3758 Tris 20...
Futuristic Apartment Tower 3 CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Apartment Tower 3 CC Because Artists create Art. This Building has three light color variants and pure white. It needs !some! Tris. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank ...
Futuristic Crematorium (Better Crematorium)
Created by Sezze
Futuristic Crematorium - Twice as powerful, twice as compact. The Futuristic Crematorium is in no way overpowered, since it's twice as effective (range+capacity), but also twice as expensive. The only reason you'd want this is if you want to save some spac...
Futuristic Apartment Tower CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Apartment Tower CC Because Artists create Art. It needs some tris. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 5 / 4x4 2158 Polys 4062 Tris 2504 Verts 2048 Texture Maps (with baked AO and GI!) My Workshop Stuff...
Futuristic Green Apartments 3x3 CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Green Apartments 3x3 CC 3x3 Variant of this Building with soft color tones: Because Artists create Art. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via pa...
Futuristic Green Apartments CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Green Apartments CC Because Artists create Art. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 5 / 4x4 1675 Polys 3466 Tris 1863 Verts 2048 Texture Maps (inlc. normal a...
Futuristic Fire Station (Tuas View) CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Fire Station CC The Idea of this Building is based on the "Tuas View Fire Station" from Singapore ( ). And because the Future is Green and Artist create Art. Can you see the "hidden" symbolic Firefig...
Futuristic Primary School CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Primary School CC Because the Future is Green and Artist create Art. Please vote or write or a comment if you like. And don't forget to download my other buildings, trees and stuff. You can see alot of them in the screenshots of this release. Se...
Futuristic Green Office Tower CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Green Office Tower CC Because Artists create Art. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 3 / 4x4 1714 Polys 4390 Tris 2478 Verts 2048 Texture Maps (inlc. normal...
Futuristic Shopping Tower CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Shopping Tower CC Because Artists create Art. It needs *!some!* Tris (2000 Tris over count). Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 3 / 4x4 8736 Polys 17354 Tri...
Futuristic Town Highschool CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Town Highschool CC Because the Future is Green and Artist create Art. Please vote or write or a comment if you like. And don't forget to download my other buildings, trees and stuff. You can see alot of them in the screenshots of this release. S...
Futuristic Town Museum CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Town Museum CC The Idea of this beautyful Building is based on the "Heydar Aliyev Center" from Azerbaijan. ( ). And because Artist create Art. This was extremly hard to design and to make it fit...
Futuristic Town Police Station CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Town Police Station CC UPDATE 30.10: FIXED PROPS (They disapeard magicly after original upload.) Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Because the Future is Green and Artists create Art. The Prop design is rewo...
Galaxy Soho - Beijing (CHINA)
Created by _luminou_
Galaxy Soho - Beijing (CHINA) Create by the Anglo-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid, Galaxy Soho is an architectural exploit characterized by its complexity and its fluidity. Unique Building Level 6 Over size: 30x18 - 1 main building - 1 sub-building (glass: fenc...
Futuristic Town University CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Town University CC Because the Future is Green and Artist create Art. Please vote or write or a comment if you like. And don't forget to download my other buildings, trees and stuff. You can see alot of them in the screenshots of this release. S...
Galaxy Tower
Created by MrMaison
Galaxy Tower by MrMaison Introducing an Alienware office Tower. I made this tower originally to be entered into the Alienware contest but just missed the deadline due to technical difficulties so it is not in the running for a prize. It is uploaded in supp...
Galgenwaard Office tower (plop RICO compatible)
Created by Jerenable
Galgenwaard Office tower (plop RICO compatible) by Jerenable This building is now RICO enabled, you don´t need the mod for the building to work, get it though its great!! Get the Ploppable RICO mod here and this building will work like any growable office....
Garages Industrial RICO
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -garage doors are much bigger than doors today, as theese buildiings used to be some kind of industrial buildings before. -custombuilding, model and textures done by myself -Level 1 idustrial plo...
Gap Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Gap store in Ginza, Tokyo. It can be placed on straight tiles but works better as a corner building, which the real building is. It is part of my Flagship Store collection. Please support the ...
Garden Conservatory
Created by trist14222
A small flower conservatory in spanish mission art deco style. based loosly on conservatory at Fitzroy Gardens, Melbourne Australia All my assets are free for you to use, but they do take a lot of time to make and upload, so any small donation you might be...
Garden Fence (Brown)
Created by rik4000
Garden fence prop Brown garden fence mostly seen around various front and back gardens across the UK. This has been frequently used in my UK Terraced Residential / Commercial project. Where can i find this prop in game? This prop can be found in the asset ...
Garden Fence (Grey #3)
Created by rik4000
Garden Fence (Grey #3) prop Panel garden fence mostly seen around various front and back gardens across the UK. This fence is a decrotive prop and is best used with the More Beautification Mod, which allows you to place props in game. Where can i find this...
Gare d'Orsay [Parisian Station]
Created by Gèze
Informations: Gare d'Orsay is a former Paris railway station and hotel, built in 1900. It served as a terminus for the Chemin de Fer de Paris à Orléans (Paris-Orléans Railway). It was the first electrified urban rail terminal in the world, opened 28 May 19...
Gas Company Tower - Los Angeles [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Gas Company Tower - Los Angeles The Gas Company Tower is a skyscraper located in Los Angeles, California, USA. Its height is 228 m and it has 52 floors. The construction was completed in 1991 and was led by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP, the main architec...
Garden Fence (Modern #1)
Created by rik4000
Garden Fence (Modern #1) prop Panel garden fence mostly seen around various front and back gardens across the UK. This fence is a decrotive prop and is best used with the More Beautification Mod, which allows you to place props in game. Where can i find th...
Gazebo & Pergola - Pack
Created by Bibel Gurra
A christmas miracle, a gazebo and a pergola in the same pack? whaaaat! Will be used in a future upload, keep an eye out ;)...
Created by REV0
Gate Financial Center 11x11
Created by templeofdoom
Gate Financial Center 11x11 QBL1 by templeofdoom Loosely based off of the Gate Financial Center in Dubai I threw a couple of one way roads in the middle. This is a great building for a "gate" into your financial, of...
Generali Tower - Milan
Created by _luminou_
Generali Tower - Milan The "Generali Tower" or "Torre Hadid" is a 175 meter skyscraper built in 2017 in Milan in Italy It is the second tower of the project CityLife. It will be the Milan's headquarter of the group Generali. Created by "Zaha Hadid Architec...
Created by CushyCrux
GDMPAPC CC Yea, this is the "Greebly Dark Matter Particle Accumulation Power Converter" for more Power directly streamed from the Center of the Universe. 0.o Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! ;) Because the Future is ...
Generic American Station with stairs full platform
Created by Leeijo
Generic American stations and props This asset is part of a modular set of generic looking American stations and props that can be used to build custom stations. The assets themselves are not detailed and are rather basic but when this was uploaded there w...
George Brown College - SJB/C
Created by JSF-1
Building B & C from the George Brown College, St. James Campus in Toronto Ontario, Canada. In the game however it is just known as "The City College" to not conflict with any names you may have for it. It also has a lower student population compared to the...
Georgia World Congress Center Atlanta Segment (Resize)
Created by B4NK35
This is not my design, just a resized building to fit better in my Atlanta city. This is necassary to use my same game. Origional asset:
Geunjeongjeon Hall
Created by Zuben
Geunjeongjeon Hall by Zuben 경복궁 근정전 (대한민국) Geunjeongjeon Hall of Gyeongbokgung Palace (Republic of Korea) Unique Building - Level 6 Tab 1:1 Scale 4798 Tris base model - 3D Warehouse --...
Giorgio Armani
Created by KingLeno
Giorgio Armani by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. High end boutique retail based on store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Triangles Texture 1024x1024 Lot size: 2x4 Level ...
GiTS Office Tower (ID#02) 7x5, Lvl 5 Unique Building
Created by Eacon&Bggs
From the Ghost in the Shell Buildings Project collab: by EaconNBggs & Haruban *Edit* Collection now created; link here : Foreword -------------------------------- Hello Peeps, This is the very...
GL19 Office
Created by Gregor Vukasinovic
Just a plain boring box with offices inside. Comes with an ugly parking lot, ugly sunshades and probably ugly workers too. No wait, I didn't say that... Data: Tris: 1062 (LOD:10) Textures: 1024x1024 DISC Growable Lot: 4x4 Level: 1 Color Variations Original...
Glass - Cube - Metro - Station
Created by clus
Hello folks ! This one is a simple metro station which makes use of the rotor shader. The station itself is, as my central station before, a simple "free creation" of mine without any role model. To the asset: The station can be placed everywhere, but you ...
Glass and Steel Awnings Prop Pack
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
Hello plaza planners! I've seen great screenshots and videos from builders that have been using the two awnings that I included in my Park Inn Prop Pack in all sorts of creative ways. I've gotten requests to expand the idea, and this pack is the result. In...
Glass Gate
Created by Like_Mike
Glass Gate that conforms to terrain....
Glass Terminus Station
Created by dshp01
Modular, glass terminus station in Cities Railways style. This station should be placed end on to a road. The station is one tile wide - multiple instances can be placed next to each other in order to create a larger station. The images above show two asse...
Glencairn Station [MOM]
Created by JSF-1
NOTE* This station MUST be put on flat land. Anything else will cause the asset's appearance to be distorted and unusable. If you wish to move the asset use the Move It mod (
Golden Mile Complex
Created by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
Golden Mile Complex by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) Golden Mile Complex (Chinese: 黄金坊) is a high-rise commercial and residential building on Beach Road in...
Gramercy Commons
Created by KingLeno
Gramercy Commons by KingLeno Low rise medium-density apartment building. High Density Level 3 Residential with 60 homes with RICO mod. *********************************** If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee to show support a...
Gran Casino (RICO)
Created by BenTracker Gran Casino (Ploppable RICO) Casino and 5 Stars Hotel specially designed to occupy a residential area (No noise). Based on GRAN CASINO ...
Glass narrow station [DEPRECATED]
Created by vilgard92
_______________________________________________________ DEPRECATED ! USE Glass narrow station 2 INSTEAD... _______________________________________________________ Glass narrow station by vilgard92 A very narrow station (16x2). The design is simple and mode...
Grand Central Logo
Created by REV0
Grand Central Logo...
Grand Hotel Terminus Saint-Lazare [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: Built in 1889, the Grand Hotel Terminus is a hotel adjacent to the Saint-Lazare station in Paris. It has 4 stars and 268 rooms. Additional informations: Tris: Indeed, it has them. Bit more than my usual amount. Textures: It has those too. Tem...
Grand Hyatt Hotel - RICO
Created by stevieb
If you like the asset, please give the thumbs up! GRAND HYATT - RICO Great 5 star hotels are a must-have for any great city. For high-end tourists, for celebrities, heads of state, executives and politicians travelling on business, flight crews, and for ba...
Grand Mall-Cheaper
Created by Beth2020
Grand Mall-Cheaper by HGscMENTOR--just for my islands city - but you're welcome to use it if you like. To find it, use the SEARCH icon on the toolbar (looks like a magnifying glass) and search for "grand mall". It will pull the expensive vanilla version an...
Grand Theatre(The Bolshoi)
Created by The_Ping
Информация / information Grand Theatre Textures: objects 5 -_d,_i _n,_s,_a + lod_d Assembly objects 5/1/2/4/5 _d,_n,_s+ lod_d 3d Part 5/1 objects_1 tri 7.400 tex 2048x2048 lod 1950 tex 512x512 Part 5/2 objects_2 tri 153 tex 512x512 lod 153 tex 128x128 Part...
Great Eagle and Harbour Centre, HK 1:1
Created by Pirazel
Great Eagle and Harbour Centre 1:1, Hong Kong SAR HK A office complex with shopping centre and public car park in Wan Chai. Location: 23 Harbour Road Architekt: Paliburg Development Consultants Limited Completed: 1983 Hight: 146 m ----In game Info---- Uniq...
Green Campus High School
Created by niis-ku
Welcome to the eco-friendly Green Campus! This high school is slightly (20%) bigger than the vanilla high school. Only the electricity, garbage, and water/sewage stats are slightly lower. Main model 849 tris, textures 1024x1024 d, n, s, i LOD model 121 tri...
Green Garbage burning Facillity, Euro Berlin stye
Created by Feindbold
Why wouldn´t you burn your garbage in a backyard facillity right? Its so convient! Think green, think smart, think local! Reused a facade of mine for this quick Idea Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot,...
Green Man Crew
Created by funker
Green Man Crew The new show sensation from Las Vegas is in town. The famous GREEN MAN CREW. Watch a fantastic show and get wet. Any resemblance to a living person or an existing show is purely coincidental. ;-) Located under unique leisure buildings. Tris:...
Green Office 😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒
Created by Ronyx69
take out your cucumbers lmao 😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒...
Greenhouse 1x1 (growable farming plot)
Created by Kliekie
Typical Dutch greenhouse with expandable front yard, comes in 4 colors. Made by Kliekie. 99 Polys 196 Tris 130 Verts 512x512 Texture Tags: glass, house, green, greenhouse, vegetable, fruit, plant, grow, dutch, westland, glazen stad, kas, tuin. Like my work...
Greenhouse 2x2 (growable farming plot)
Created by Kliekie
Typical Dutch greenhouse with expandable front yard, comes in 4 colors. Made by Kliekie. 201 Polys 402 Tris 256 Verts 512x512 Texture Tags: glass, house, green, greenhouse, vegetable, fruit, plant, grow, dutch, westland, glazen stad, kas, tuin. Like my wor...
Greenhouse 3x3 (growable farming plot)
Created by Kliekie
Typical Dutch greenhouse with expandable front yard, comes in 4 colors. Made by Kliekie. 347 Polys 696 Tris 514 Verts 512x512 Texture Tags: glass, house, green, greenhouse, vegetable, fruit, plant, grow, dutch, westland, glazen stad, kas, tuin. Like my wor...
Greenhouse 4x4 (growable farming plot)
Created by Kliekie
Typical Dutch greenhouse with expandable front yard, comes in 4 colors. Made by Kliekie. 548 Polys 1100 Tris 648 Verts 512x512 Texture Tags: glass, house, green, greenhouse, vegetable, fruit, plant, grow, dutch, westland, glazen stad, kas, tuin. Like my wo...
Grimaldi Forum
Created by Cristolisto
Made for PugGaming's amazing Project Monaco YouTube Series. Grimaldi Forum is a multilevel conference/convention center in Monaco's scenic shoreside. Inside the Forum are four exhibition areas, three auditoriums, and eleven small meeting rooms. The forum w...
Gropius Building
Created by Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Ground Bypass Station
Created by BadPeanut
- Place on roadside - make sure you have the required items>> - 2 station tracks, 2 center express tracks. Troubleshooting Follow These steps if you believe this asset is causing you a problem: 1: Close Cities Skylines (quit...
Growable Office 01
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
Version 1.0 -------------------------- Stats Size: 4x4 Type: Office H3 ------------------------ About the building The model is based on the building "TaunusTurm" in Frankfurt, Germany. It was scaled down to make it growable. I can do a 1:1 replica of Taun...
Growable Office 02
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
Version 1.0 -------------------------- Stats Size: 4x4 Type: Office H3 ------------------------ About the building Status: Fiction Height: 82.00 m...
Growable Office 03
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
Version 1.0 -------------------------- Stats Size: 4x4 Type: Office H3 ------------------------ About the building Status: Fiction Height: 128.25 m...
Growable Residential 01
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
Version 1.0 -------------------------- Stats Size: 4x4 Type: Residential H5 ------------------------ About the building Status: Fiction Height: 172.00 m Inspiration: Building from the movie "Inception"...
Gucci Shop
Created by Raccoon
Gucci Shop Information: Gucci is an Italian luxury brand of fashion and leather goods. Gucci was founded by Guccio Gucci in Florence in 1921. Gucci generated about €4.2 billion in revenue worldwide in 2008 according to BusinessWeek and climbed to 41st posi...
Gula's Adam Highrise (Growable)
Created by Gula
Gula's Adam Highrise (4x4 Residential Growable) Updated for After Dark Why have 4 sides when you can have 9? High density residential building. Just zone high density residential and get to the highest tier of growth. ----- 4458 tris on the main model 1024...
Guggenheim Museum (New York)
Created by Kliekie
It's done! The well known Guggenheim Museum is now available for your lovely Cims. The museum is a lvl 3 Unique Building, no special requirements. Fits on a 8x5 grid. "The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, often referred to as The Guggenheim, is an art museum ...
Gula's CN Tower
Created by Gula
Gula's CN Tower (5x5 monument) Updated for After Dark "The 3rd tallest tower in the world and remains the tallest free-standing structure in the Western Hemisphere, a signature icon of Toronto's skyline, and a symbol of Canada, attracting more than two mil...