Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Headcrab Takeover (Zombie Overhaul)
Gordon? GORDAN! 11 hours ago 
(Also I wonder if you think You could make a separate mod that lets the players be able to cut Valvebiped NPCs in half like you managed to accomplish here with the Bonemerged Zombie Torsoes, but expanded to every enemy with a Valvebiped skeleton so Combine or Rebels aren't safe from being cut in half.)
Gordon? GORDAN! 11 hours ago 
I wonder if you'll make it have compatibility with Limakenori's Entropy Zero 2 SNPCs?

With the ability to turn Vorts into the Zombie Vorts from Entropy Zero?
StrawWagen 10 Jul @ 1:17pm 
[Headcrab Takeover (Zombie Overhaul)] lua/autorun/server/headcrab_takeover.lua:1015: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. GetClass - [C]:-1
2. GetWakeSeq - lua/autorun/server/headcrab_takeover.lua:1015
3. fn - lua/autorun/server/headcrab_takeover.lua:2261
4. unknown - lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
5. FireBullets - [C]:-1
6. PrimaryAttack - lua/weapons/weapon_zbase/sh_internal.lua:91
7. ZBWepSys_Shoot - lua/zbase/npc_base_internal.lua:949
8. ZBWepSys_FireWeaponThink - lua/zbase/npc_base_internal.lua:1201
9. ZBWepSys_Think - lua/zbase/npc_base_internal.lua:1311
10. ZBaseThink - lua/zbase/npc_base_internal.lua:486
11. fn - lua/zbase/sh_hooks.lua:131
12. unknown - lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109 (x6)
StrawWagen 10 Jul @ 1:17pm 
[Headcrab Takeover (Zombie Overhaul)] lua/autorun/server/headcrab_takeover.lua:1015: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. GetClass - [C]:-1
2. GetWakeSeq - lua/autorun/server/headcrab_takeover.lua:1015
3. fn - lua/autorun/server/headcrab_takeover.lua:2261
4. unknown - lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
michaeljduplessis 9 Jul @ 10:38pm 
does anyone know how to make this work with custom headcrabs/zombie animation and models
ThatRussianSoldier91 9 Jul @ 4:26pm 
Realistic headcrab.png
WhatsLeftToScar 8 Jul @ 6:59am 
Nice job
noahgru2012 5 Jul @ 8:17pm 
can you make it to where reskins of the headcrabs will work cause when i use it anytime it gets done wit the hole thing it makes the headcrabzombies head go llloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg
Simon 5 Jul @ 12:04pm 
I dont care what anyone says this mod is awsome.
Dragonwing 190000 4 Jul @ 11:49am 
@SilverTrex i think you can change that in the settings
SilverTrex 4 Jul @ 11:40am 
I wish that it wasn’t a one hit kill
funrobloxgame 4 Jul @ 9:57am 
could you make it so that there's an option to let headcrabs detach from their former host and look for a new one? (it can be a rotting type of thing where the host's body starts rotting and the headcrab has to jump off inorder not to get killed) also add a type of varient of a headcrab zombie which it can puke and kill the headcrab but the body still is alive and tries to attack (this can also be a option if you want this varient to be enabled).
A_Swarm_of_Wasps 4 Jul @ 9:14am 
best mod to ever exist
Dragonwing 190000 4 Jul @ 2:25am 
@CombineElite19 they can one shot NPCs when they are hit with an certain health value, or you can disable that and let them only infect when they kill
CombineElite19 4 Jul @ 12:50am 
I didint launch the mod yet but i need to Ask. Do headcrabs attach to NPCs after they die or do they one shot infect?
TerrAvery | #FixTF2 3 Jul @ 6:24pm 
you didn't have to mention that it was dead
TerrAvery | #FixTF2 3 Jul @ 6:24pm 
cool we don't care
The Real JAKᴱ 3 Jul @ 2:40pm 
dead mod
imtiaz586 2 Jul @ 1:34pm 
When the head crab jumps on a combine soldier it takes multiple shots for the head crab to take over the combine
fast zombies go invisible idk why can you guys tell me if theres a mod compatitability issue or soemthign
Kairi ♡ 29 Jun @ 6:30am 
Addon has issues with some models. For example, headcrab attaching to SNPC from Black Mesa makes frozen double of a zombie appear, that doesn't move but can be killed.
MGE MEN 29 Jun @ 1:34am 
Best addon
BrockKids1 27 Jun @ 5:34pm 
this need another update weird things are happening
Kairi ♡ 26 Jun @ 9:43pm 
Interesting side effect - infecting combine soldier with fast headcrab creates fast zombie-zombine, that combines agility of a fast zombie and grenade of zombine.
the funnny 25 Jun @ 9:42pm 
Scout Gaming 25 Jun @ 9:23am 
Kleiner, quickly, delete the stings!
agonfu 25 Jun @ 5:29am 
@WinterSucks WTF
SleepyNotDead 24 Jun @ 4:06am 
some options to set the health and damage of both zombies and headcrabs would be nice, the default HL2 commands are incomplete and not working right, for example i cant set the health for fast zombies and stuff.
Wahfulls11 21 Jun @ 2:50pm 
Do you think you can make the headcrabs de-latch from the hosts when they are low hp and trip just like in half-life 2?
salsa y picante 20 Jun @ 6:01am 
Can you make the maximum transformation time longer?
kladd2007 19 Jun @ 9:15am 
who else is here from necro?
Trappist 18 Jun @ 7:43pm 
All this needs now is some way for the headcrabs themselves to reproduce: maybe after a set amount of time, a zombie will spawn a headcrab up to a max of 2 or 3, perpetuating the infestation as long as new hosts are being infected,
Freaky joe 17 Jun @ 12:54am 
make a HL:A headcrab verison please
☢⨅ᒷᔑꖎ ℸ ̣ || 16 Jun @ 5:13pm 
Um, why the zombine arms and head get stretched badly? Last time I played, everything is still fine
WinterSucks 15 Jun @ 2:00pm 
Good mod. Please add sex.
dosh.ivon 13 Jun @ 4:17am 
this is a very good addon but the thing is i cannot delete this addon at all. i tried literally everything and nothing can delete this addon.
ckammerer0128 11 Jun @ 2:56pm 
hi there. I love this mod! but Wallce Breen can't be taken over and you know how much i want to kill that asshole. thank you!
Marcus 9 Jun @ 6:23am 
Like The Mod But Would it be ok if You Can Please Make This Compatible with The Mod Alien for fast zombie (with sounds) Oh And it also replases fast headcrab to facehugger too.
Farbott 7 Jun @ 5:43pm 
not sure whats going on but every time a player gets taken over theres *massive* blood textures glitching out across the skies
[RD] A_dude 7 Jun @ 1:25pm 
could you make it possible to have a command for players to not get infected
Meeple 7 Jun @ 8:55am 
my fav mod
teddymandaluff1 5 Jun @ 11:25am 
my roblox guy avatar is goofy ahh cursed when it gets infected
captain gurt 3 Jun @ 8:41pm 
i don't know if you're interested in adding new features, but is there a chance you could allow people to be saved? so like if you kill the headcrab fast enough (before it pierces their skull), they'd survive and be able to get back up instead of just dying?
twitchtne 3 Jun @ 8:30pm 
i think this mod has been abondendend there hasent been activity in forever
THE EVANGELIZER 2 Jun @ 10:13pm 
[Headcrab Takeover (Zombie Overhaul)] lua/entities/headcrabbonemerge.lua:235: attempt to index a nil value
1. unknown - lua/entities/headcrabbonemerge.lua:235

Timer Failed! [Simple][@lua/entities/headcrabbonemerge.lua (line 215)]
Talon-1 2 Jun @ 7:10am 
Awesome 10/10
cheese 31 May @ 9:33pm 
why does this fit amazingly well with reagdoll
Pacman09 31 May @ 8:31pm 
Could there be possibly more animations or is there a way to add more yourself?
Kawer 31 May @ 2:10am 
This mod is fun in Ravenholm
lilfella 29 May @ 9:13pm 
Is this mod still being worked on??????????????????????????????????????????