Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Alan Collection
Alan collection with my best mods, residential and all elements
Items (858)
«Родина-мать зовёт!» - Мамаев курган, г.Волгоград
Created by The_Ping
____________________ "Вечная память Героям павшим в боях за свободу и независимость нашей родины !" Их подвиг велик! ___________________________________________________________________________________________ +Общие данные+ высота — 52 метра, длина руки — ...
Église catholique - FRENCH
Created by S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Original mod and Model entirely custom made by jw84 all credits goes to him. I take no credits for translation and some comestic changes. Mod Church Minimal cosmetics changes and balanced to my taste, description added in french. Modèle original entièremen...
Деревенский домик
Created by Garakiro
Деревенский домик by zakirov.edgar...
Закрытый забор
Created by Garakiro
Закрытый забор by zakirov.edgar...
747 BA Passenger
Created by UK122
747 BA Passenger by UK122 This is a fully working version and will fly in to your airports, its low poly so not pretty close up but looks great landing at your airport. The wheels are now fixed!!!! Hooray (had to remove 2) New LOD more ci...
Created by Pashka2125
ПАЗ-3205 - советский и российский автобус малого класса. Самый массовый автобус на постсоветском пространстве. Часто используется в качестве маршруток, а в небольших городах и селах составляет большую часть автобусного парка. Вместимость - 20 Автор исходно...
Строительный забор
Created by Garakiro
Строительный забор by zakirov.edgar...
Created by Garakiro
Хрущевка by zakirov.edgar...
Created by Garakiro
Хрущевка by zakirov.edgar...
Created by The_Ping
うきょち劇場 Ukyochi-atre
Created by m_riwo
Eng: - This is something like drive-in theater. Something means ... I made this for Ukyochi who is a Japanese broadcaster. Of course, I'm very glad that you use this asset, even if you don't know Ukyochi. - You should add the following 3 props to display t...
Created by m_riwo
うーちゃん☆わ~るど市長選ポスター掲示板です。 公園の項目に追加されます。 --【注意】--------------------------------- 使用するには下のアセットもサブスクライブしてください。 単体でも設置はできますが、掲示板が表示されません(多分)。 うーちゃん☆わ~るど市長選ポスター掲示板 -----------------------------------...
Created by m_riwo
うーちゃん☆わ~るどカントリーサインです。 公園の項目に追加されます。 お借りした絵↓ ・看板の位置を道路側にずらしています ・そのため道路によっては路上駐車がつっこんできます ・ずれているので、看板の位置をクリックしても選択できません ・情報ビューで「レジャー施設」を表示させると、設置されているマスが分かりやすいです [検索用] うきょち・大福...
Created by m_riwo
うーちゃん☆わ~るど市長選ポスターver.2です。 このアセットは単体で設置できます。 ----------------------- 2015/04/19のlv218071835にて、 立候補らしきコメントが確認できた、 うぐいすさんと、みなみちゃんさんを勝手に追加しました。 問題があれば消します。 もし漏れた方がいたらごめんなさい。 また立候補しーてね。 ...
Created by m_riwo
うーちゃん☆わ~るど市長選ポスター掲示板のpropです。 --【注意】 --------------------------------- 単体では街に設置することができません。 設置したい場合、下のアセットもサブスクライブしてください。 うーちゃん☆わーるど市長選ポスター掲示板 ----------------------------------- お借りした絵↓ http://...
Created by kei_em
ある程度以上の年齢の方にはお馴染みの下宿屋さんです。高密度住宅区画レベル1で出現します。 This prop was created by Mr. 551 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 551さんが作成したものです。 #更新# パッチ 1.2.0 (After Dark) に対応しました。...
Created by 龙潜渊
友邻公园 by 龙潜渊...
大きい駐車場  羽田風 ver0.1 /Large Parking
Created by relativity
羽田空港にある駐車場を参考に作成したものです。再現ではないので色々と違いがあります。 また未完成なのであしからず...
日本の近郊小学校(夜間照明対応版) Japanese Suburban Elementary School for AFTER DARK DLC
Created by n_mosimo
夜間照明の変更に対応しました。Updated for After Dark. 480人の子供が学習可能。プールはありません。 480 ppls of children can study. Swimming pool for education is not installed in the facility. ゲームでは9年制みたいですが、建物および人数は6年制で設計されています。 A structure and capacity is designed on the Japanese 6 grades ...
日本 村田町・柴田町・大河原町
Created by pentliumee
日本 宮城県の村田町・柴田町・大河原町のマップです。...
Created by S.Shines
逆L字型橋脚No.01 - side pillar [dark 1-elevated]
高架用の橋脚です. 高さ:1段階 NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillar asset for overpass. height:1-elevated You need "NoPillars" MOD. please put it anywhere you want to do, and Construct "...
門型橋脚No.01 - gate pillars [H1xW2]
高架用の橋脚です. 高さ:1段階 幅:2レーン道路(2マス) NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillar asset for overpass. height:1-elevated width:2grid 2-lane road can pass under it. its height is for 1-ele...
門型橋脚No.02 - gate pillars [H1xW3]
高架用の橋脚です. 高さ:1段階 幅:高速道路(3マス) NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillar asset for overpass. height:1-elevated width:3grid highway can pass under it. its height is for 1-elevated ...
門型橋脚No.03 - gate pillars [H1xW4]
高架用の橋脚です. 高さ:1段階 幅:6レーン道路(4マス) NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillar asset for overpass. height:1-elevated width:4grid 6-lane road can pass under it. its height is for 1-ele...
高架用 門型橋脚 side pillars for overpass [1elevated]
高架用の橋脚です. NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillars asset for overpass. You need "NoPillars" MOD. please put it anywhere you want to do, and Construct "floating road". You can ...
Lost Island w Optional Terrain Colors of the South Pacific
Created by MrMiyagi
I just finished binge watching the TV show "Lost"... and really liked the green mountains... so I found the actual film locations on Oahu, Hawai'i and made a small set of textures to make the tropical map look like a lush, green-mountain South Pacific isla...
高架道路用 逆L字型橋脚 side pillar [2elevated]
高架用の橋脚です. NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillar asset for overpass. You need "NoPillars" MOD. please put it anywhere you want to do, and Construct "floating road". You can f...
"Oostenrijker" passenger car [unsupported]
Created by Acc3ss Violation
This is old and not updated anymore. For an update version, see:
(1:1) Parliament of Canada
Created by APeeler
This is a 1:1 scale replica of the Centre Block of the Canadian Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, Canada. It is a symbol of national pride. Now with full After Dark support! Please Note: This is an experimental asset that requires the Larger Footprints Mod i...
(1:1) Rogers Centre [RUSH HOUR]
Created by APeeler
This is a 1:1 scale replica of the Rogers Centre (formerly known as the SkyDome) in Toronto, Canada. It is the home of the Toronto Blue Jays MLB Team. Now with Rush Hour support! Please Note: This is an experimental asset that requires the Larger Footprint...
1 lane Security Barrier (Prop)
Created by chenobble
1 lane Striped pole security barrier prop - a smaller version for smaller gates...
1*1 small stone lino
Created by dabaofu
small stone lino by dabaofu unique Space:1*1 Cost: 600 Electricity:5 Maintenance: 50...
1000 de la Gauchetière
Created by Koesj
Updated LOD! Landmark Building Cost: 225,000 Upkeep: 448 / week Size: 10x10 units Height: 206 meters (some shenanigans going on with me measuring the building's base XD) Fluff My very first building asset for Cities: Skylines! Which means that you can fire...
1000 de La Gauchetiere (1:1 Scale)
Created by P4ranoia
1000 de la Gauchetiere is the tallest building of Montreal. It rises to the maximum height approved by the city(the elevation of Mount Royal) at 205 m(673 ft). 1:1,5 Version => ========info===...
1000 de La Gauchetiere (1:1,5 Scale)
Created by P4ranoia
1000 de la Gauchetiere is the tallest building of Montreal. It rises to the maximum height approved by the city(the elevation of Mount Royal) at 205 m(673 ft). 1:1 Version => ========info=====...
Created by kei_em
一部の地方ではおなじみのスガキヤが、Cities: Skylines に進出です。低密度商業区画レベル2を指定してあります。 このアセットのモデルは、 の「Cities: Skylines 10タイル目」の 749 さんが作成したものです。 #更新# パッチ 1.2.0 (After Dark) に対応しました。...
新築の相対式近郊駅(夜間照明対応版) Newly Suburban Station and Facing Platform for AFTER DARK DLC
Created by n_mosimo
夜間照明に対応しました。Updated for After Dark. 2010年以降に立て替えられた、という設定の近郊地域駅です。 性能はデフォルトの鉄道駅と変わりません。 サイズは12x4ですが、デフォルトの車両は全両収まります。 ホームのそばに通過線を設置するといったギミックも可能です。 A suburban station in Japan, like a rebuilt one in 2010's. All capacity is not changed. Size is 12 x 4, so a...
雑居ビル併設地下鉄駅(夜間照明対応版) Subway Station with Office Building for AFTER DARK DLC
Created by n_mosimo
夜間照明に対応しました。Updated for After Dark. 東京のある駅を元にした地下鉄駅です。性能はデフォルトのままです。 The subway station based on a station of Tokyo. All capacity is not changed. 商業・オフィスの機能はありません。 It does not work as a commercial or an office building. 注意 Attention 斜面に設置した場合、土地の傾斜に沿ってビルが大...
#TEMPTED Antwerp Central Station 1/2
Created by axel.kiebooms
#TEMPTED Antwerp Central Station 1/2 by axel.kiebooms...
09' Ford E-350 Super Duty (Realistic Version)
Created by Balthoraz
FORD E-350 SUPER DUTY (Realistic version) The Ford Super Duty is a line of trucks (over 8,500 lb (3,900 kg) GVWR) that were launched by Ford in early 1998 for the 1999 model year. The F-250 to F-550 Super Duties are assembled at the Kentucky Truck Plant in...
12 Place Vendome
Created by salutolive
The Place Vendôme in Paris has been renowned for its fashionable and deluxe hotels. N°12 is the famous "Chaumet" art jewelry. Commercial high density H2. Completely new asset. Visit our french fan site
1966 Cadillac Hearse
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
NEW : Updated with nightlights Now your CIms can die with style... Send them see their Daddy in a Caddy... Here's a 1966 Cadillac hearse for your deathwaves (Ok some elements come from a '67 actually, hey... do you think it's easy finding replacement parts...
1995 Stock (Line Colour)
Created by shreeyam
This version has line colouring. If you'd prefer no line colouring, use this instead: London Underground S Stock as used on the Metropolitan, Circle, and District lines: Solid: http://steamcom...
25m pool
Created by Tomas13TO
25m swimming pool INFO maps - d,n,s (1024x512) triangles - 638 LOD triangles - 10 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 4x2 ploppable anywhere...
3 floor European Row House Plopable
Created by kowkamurka
Plopable version of 3-floor tenement, based on building from S-Petersburg, Russia. Growable versions fo residental and commerce zones are also available....
3x3 House replacement
Created by Silberhase
3x3 House replacement by Silberhase...
3x4 Polytunnel
Created by Althomir
Grow your plants under plastic to protect them from the weather. Growable agriculture field...
432 Park Avenue [Ploppable]
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
432 Park Avenue, NYC, USA Version 1.2 Ploppable version ------------------------ Update March 27, 2015 Version 1.2 - fixed small error with the UVs ------------------------ Update March 27, 2015 Version 1.1 - added custom LOD - vastly improved textures ---...
432 Park [Spawnable]
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
432 Park Avenue, NYC, USA Version 1.2 Spawnable version ------------------------ Update March 27, 2015 Version 1.2 - fixed small error with the UVs ------------------------ Update March 27, 2015 Version 1.1 - added custom LOD - vastly improved textures ---...
Created by core79
45°Park by core79 Costs/Kosten : 800 Maintenance/Unterhalt : 16 This is my second version without tunnel ! Hier könnt ihr euch m...
4x4 Polytunnel
Created by Althomir
Grow your plants under plastic to protect them from the weather. Growable agriculture field...
50 meter Yacht
Created by gido505
Yes mayor the image was taken while it is still on land, but once you push it in water.. or rather plop it in water, it's good to go.. I mean it's there, it won't run like the liner but you could show it to your affluent friends, wealthy benefactors and po...
5 Floor Block Tenement
Created by kowkamurka
5 Floor Russian Tenement, serial project 111-83. It is one of the most common panelbau buildings in Russian cities. You can see in in such cities as Volgograd, Rostov-na-Donu, Kaluga, Tula, Solicamsk etc. The model is very detailed and neat. In game it is ...
500 Place D'arme (1:1 Scale)
Created by P4ranoia
500 Place D'arme is an International style building on the historic "Place D'Arme square" in Old Montreal quarter of Montreal. It's the 13th tallest building of Montreal. 1:1,5 version => ====...
500 Place D'arme (1:1,5 Scale)
Created by P4ranoia
500 Place D'arme is an International style building on the historic "Place D'Arme square" in Old Montreal quarter of Montreal. It's the 13th tallest building of Montreal. 1:1 version => ======...
601 Lexington 1:1.5
Created by MadCat3D
Status: Built 601 Lexington Avenue ,or the Citigroup Center, is one of the tallest buildings in New York City. It was built in 1977 and is one of the most recognizable due to its 45° roof and a stilt-style base. 1:1 Version can be found here Stats: scale 1...
700 de la gauchetiere (1:1 Scale)
Created by P4ranoia
The tower is currently home to offices of actuarial, Aon Corporation and the headquarters of the "Angence métropolitaine de transport". National Bank Tower => 1:1,5 Version => http://steamcomm...
New Era building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 2 High commerical 2x3 growable based on the New Era building in New York on 495 Broadway, 9 stories tall. About the model The first remodel from my Soho, Noho and Nolita series. This ...
5 floor Tenement with yard
Created by kowkamurka
5 Floor Russian Tenement, serial project 111-83. It is one of the most common panelbau buildings in Russian cities. You can see in in such cities as Volgograd, Rostov-na-Donu, Kaluga, Tula, Solicamsk etc. The model is very detailed and neat. In game it is ...
700 de la gauchetiere (1:1,5 Scale)
Created by P4ranoia
The tower is currently home to offices of actuarial, Aon Corporation and the headquarters of the "Angence métropolitaine de transport". National Bank Tower => 1:1 Version => http://steamcommun...
747VA Passenger
Created by UK122
747VA by UK122 This is a fully working version and will fly in to your airports, its low poly so not pretty close up but looks great landing at your airport. The wheels now fixed (sort of) only way I could do this one was to reduce the number of wheels by ...
742 Evergreen Terrace (AD update)
Created by kurtus_mob
edit 09.27 : now fixed and updated to be compatible with After Dark ! And now, something completely different : 742 Evergreen Terrace by kurtus_mob The simpsons home, of course. 3*4 growable low density residential, level 2. Here comes the new neighbors ! ...
7th Island
Created by JS GAME
"According to the old legend... Earth Goddess shed tears grieving Is said that her tears were born the seventh '7th Island' at the moment falling to the ground." Welcome to 7th Island Here you can be a trade by taking a variety of natural resources To buil...
8 Canada Square
Created by Post
8 Canada Square by THis is a shamefull display...
8-Track-Station (really easy to use!)
Created by Elias
I used this station to create Cities Skylines' first 8-track-station. Thank you so much for the model, SoJiro! IT IS A 4-TRACK-STATON, SO YOU NEED TO BUILD IT TWICE! USE MY GRID FOR THE BEST RESULTS! ----- As you can see in the pictures, it fits perfectly ...
97th Avenue
Created by tjarker
97th Avenue by SgTrEXu5...
=K= Apple Store (ND)
Created by Kimchi
Original model from HIST0R moved custom props with lights....
Gran's Lawn
Created by Kookas
Gran's Lawn is a modern terraced house of the sort often found in the UK. Roughly based on Gras Lawn in Exeter, this particular house sports a slight curvature to it, giving its residents that community feel. This does make liberal use of props by rik4000,...
Abandoned Bicycle Shelter 01
古びた自轉車置き場です。 廢驛の自轉車置き場01 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Abandoned Bicycle Shelter 02
ちょっと大きめです。 廢驛の自轉車置き場02 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Abandoned Garbage Can
吸ひ殼入れです。 廢驛の吸ひ殼入れ by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Puck building (4x4 High res Growable lvl 3)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 4x4 high res lvl 3 building. About the model One of the first buildings I made and put on the Workshop were the three instances of the Puck Building. I've started to update it quite a few...
Bayard-Condict building 65 Bleecker St (4x3 H commercial lvl 3)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 4x3 high commercial lvl 3 growable. About the model This was one of my first models and in dire need of an update, my modelling skills were not that great a year ago. ;') For details look below. IMO...
Puck Grand entrance building (2x4 High Comm lvl 3)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x4 high commercial lvl 3 About the model One of the first buildings I made and put on the Workshop were the three instances of the Puck Building. I've started to update it quite a few ti...
ADRIA A320 prop
Created by SvenBerlin
ADRIA A320 prop by Svenpotsdam...
Created by SvenBerlin
ADRIA A320 by Svenpotsdam after dark updated...
Abandoned Light
電氣は點きません。 廢驛の電燈 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Abandoned Telephone Box
錆びついとる。 廢驛の電話ボックス by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
AEC Routemaster Left Side Entry
Created by Sparky66
Bus for left side driving cities (the proper side!). Converted from Cities in Motion, with a number of model and texture improvements to make it suitiable for Cities Skylines. Fully working colour variations and lights. Default suspension values halfed to ...
Aeration basin
Created by Kollati
Aeration basin by Kollati Cleans out the city sewage and convets it to fresh water. Cost: 6500 Upkeep: 480/week Water pumping capacity: 40000m3/week Sewage pumping capacity: 80000m3/week Creates moderate noise. Needs clean groundwater! No garbage no proble...
Created by SvenBerlin
AEROFLOT A320 by Svenpotsdam after dark updated All stuff is free of course and if you like that stuff maybe you would like to donate for all the time I invested to reskin this aircraft Thank you very much.
AEROFLOT A320 prop
Created by SvenBerlin
AEROFLOT A320 prop by Svenpotsdam...
Agave Plant
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
Agave Plant Triangles:248 Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I would be very grateful if you could support me with a little donation. http...
Agriculture Field 1x4 Tree Farm #1 by BumpaNiggl
Created by BumpaNiggl
Agriculture Field 1x4 Tree Farm #1 by BumpaNiggl This is made to fit along with my other agricultural fields so you can easily make big fields which look more authentic. Enjoy. =]...
Created by ExM
Agua by Edge...
Created by R V N A R
Ahrensruhe, which translates into Eagles Rest, is my take on a large german city. The map is fictional but based on heightmaps from the confluence of the Ob and Tom rivers. The map features the two rivers and their confluence that creates a few islands at ...
Air Canada Billboard v2 (AD)
Created by BaskB
Air Canada Billboard v2 by BaskB ******** Updated for After Dark ******** As requested by Bowserking123 Full credit to kurtus_mob for the Model. Please check out his other great items
Air Canada Billboard v1 (AD)
Created by BaskB
Air Canada Billboard v1 by BaskB ******** Updated for After Dark ******** As requested by Bowserking123 Full credit to kurtus_mob for the Model. Please check out his other great items
Air Con Prop 1
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
Air Con 1 by ryanjamesoflondon...
Created by SvenBerlin
AIR FRANCE Aircraft LOD 465 tris after dark updated All stuff is free of course and if you like that stuff maybe you would like to donate for all the time I invested to reskin this aircraft Thank you very much.
Aircanada Aircraft 737-800
Created by SvenBerlin
Aircanada Aircraft 737-800 LOD 465 tris after dark updated All stuff is free of course and if you like that stuff maybe you would like to donate for all the time I invested to reskin this aircraft Thank you very much.
aircanada aircraft prop
Created by SvenBerlin
aircanada aircraft prop by Svenpotsdam...
Aircraft Carrier
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this model, it's a free model from googles 3D Warehouse You can see the original listing Here I did however edit the file by moving textures, making custom normal map, and added some planes. I also used free models from the 3D warehouse fo...
airfrance A320
Created by SvenBerlin
airfrance A320 by Svenpotsdam after dark updated All stuff is free of course and if you like that stuff maybe you would like to donate for all the time I invested to reskin this aircraft Thank you very much.
airfrance A320 prop
Created by SvenBerlin
airfrance A320 prop by Svenpotsdam...
airfrance A380
Created by SvenBerlin
airfrance A380 by Svenpotsdam after dark updated If you like that airplane, feel free to make a donation for the time I invested to make the skin for that aircraft. Thanks a lot.
airfrance A380 prop
Created by SvenBerlin
airfrance A380 prop by Svenpotsdam If you like that airplane, feel free to make a donation for the time I invested to make the skin for that aircraft. Thanks a lot.
AIRFRANCE aircraft prop
Created by SvenBerlin
AIRFRANCE aircraft prop by Svenpotsdam...
Airport Roads
Created by SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) Fixed version of Runways and Taxiways mod. Adds runways and taxiways to the airport menu. Runway has the same cost as Highway road. Taxiway has the same cost as Small road. This mod doesn't change the p...
Airport Billboard - BA (AD)
Created by BaskB
Airport Billboard - BA by BaskB ********* UPDATED with Floodlight for After Dark ******** Full credit to kurtus_mob for the Model. Please check out his other great items Edi...
Airport Terminal Building
Created by Zoki
Airport Terminal Building colosal order version,this is NOT scenic nor cosmetic its a working terminal same as the baskb version that you connect via the airport roads mod and watch em come. Update 25.02.2015 Forgot to include a change log so here it is. O...
Airport Terminal by BaskB Discontinued
Created by Zoki
Working Terminal,planes will dock with this when connected via taxiway and runway have fun let me know if you like it. Added Lights. Fixed Blur. Docking issue still remains....
Alaska 737-800
Created by SvenBerlin
Alaska 737-800 by Svenpotsdam Not really perfect under the airplane but on the sides and top I think for free it's okay after dark updated All stuff is free of course and if you like that stuff maybe you would like to donate for all the time I invested to ...
AKB 48 Theather
Created by Lot Creator
This little upload has been sitting around on my hard drive for quite a while now. It's probably surpassed 4 or so months from the time I had finished it. A week ago I had finished the rather dubious night light work. I still need work and help on that sin...
Alaska 737-800 prop
Created by SvenBerlin
Alaska 737-800 prop by Svenpotsdam...
Albert Heijn (Growable, 4x4)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Albert Heijn (Growable, 4x4) by BumpaNiggl Uploaded for Froggy_NL "Albert Heijn B.V. is the biggest Dutch supermarket chain founded in 1887 in Oostzaan, Netherlands. It is named after Albert Heijn, Sr., the founder of the first store in Oostzaan. Albert He...
Albert Heijn XL (Ploppable, 6x7)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Albert Heijn XL (Ploppable, 6x7) by BumpaNiggl "Albert Heijn B.V. is the biggest Dutch supermarket chain founded in 1887 in Oostzaan, Netherlands. It is named after Albert Heijn, Sr., the founder of the first store in Oostzaan. Albert Heijn is the oldest o...
Alitalia A320
Created by SvenBerlin
Alitalia A320 by Svenpotsdam after dark updated All stuff is free of course and if you like that stuff maybe you would like to donate for all the time I invested to reskin this aircraft Thank you very much.
Alitalia A320 prop
Created by SvenBerlin
Alitalia A320 prop by Svenpotsdam...
All Spaces Unlockable
Created by Klyte45 What it does All 25 areas can be purchased (per default only 9 out of 25 can be purchased). Anyway, i...
allotment - rows of salad
Created by dazflint
allotment - rows of salad by dazflint...
Aloe Vera Plant
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
Aloe Vera Plant Triangles:696 Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I would be very grateful if you could support me with a little donation. ...
American "1900" : LaFayette Building (2)
Created by Attercap
This a new building. I have to delete the old Lafayette : doesnt want to grow since After Dark !! American medium commercial building - Low density - Lvl 2 2x3 or 2x4 (with a small garden). The main model is 969 triangles, 813 edges, 298 faces ; the LOD is...
American "1900" : The Burnham Building.
Created by Attercap
A small american commercial building - Low density - 2x2 - Lvl 2 corner. The main model is 715 triangles, 575 edges, 228 faces ; the LOD is 159 triangles. Main Model with specular, normal, illumination, diffuse and colormask ; LOD with specular, alpha, col...
American "1900" : The Morgan Building
Created by Attercap
American medium commercial building - Low density - Lvl 1 3x2 or 3x3 or 3x4 (with a small or bigger garden). The main model is 914 triangles, 736 edges, 276 faces ; the LOD is 102 triangles. Main Model with specular, illumination, normal, diffuse and color...
American "1900" : The Daisy Building
Created by Attercap
American small commercial building - Low density Lvl 2 1x2 - 1x3 - 1x4 (building ; building + backyard ; building + backyard + garden.) Building with color variation system and prop probability changer mod. The main model is 853 triangles, 625 edges, 195 f...
American "1900" : The Hoffmann Building
Created by Attercap
American medium commercial building - Low density - Lvl 2 2x3 - 2x4 (with a small garden.) The main model is 1132 triangles - 926 edges - 326 faces ; the LOD is 34 triangles. Main Model with specular, normal and diffuse ; LOD with specular, alpha and diffu...
American "1900" : The Pitt Building
Created by Attercap
American small commercial building - Low density - Lvl 1 1x2 or 1x3 or 1x4 (with a small or bigger garden). The main model is 302 triangles, 304 edges, 107 faces ; the LOD is 82 triangles. Main Model with specular, normal, diffuse, illumination, and colorm...
American "1900" : The Rochester Building
Created by Attercap
American medium commercial building - Low density - Lvl 2 3x2 or 3x3 or 3x4 (with a small or bigger garden). The main model is 1160 triangles, 1015 edges, 367 faces ; the LOD is 148 triangles. Main Model with specular, normal, diffuse and colormask ; LOD w...
American Air Landing Bay Lite
Created by brendan.rnp
NOTE: Please check Illuminated Landing Bays collection for required props. This is a 10x10 illuminated landing bay with the fence facing the road....
American "1900" : the Steinman Building
Created by Attercap
American small commercial building - Low density - Lvl 2 1x3 or 1x4 (with a small garden). Main model is 776 triangles, 660 edges, 239 faces ; LOD is 61 triangles. Main Model with specular, normal and diffuse ; LOD with specular, alpha and diffuse. All tex...
american airlines 737-800
Created by SvenBerlin
american airlines 737-800 by Svenpotsdam after dark updated All stuff is free of course and if you like that stuff maybe you would like to donate for all the time I invested to reskin this aircraft Thank you very much.
american airlines 737-800 prop
Created by SvenBerlin
american airlines 737-800 prop by Svenpotsdam...
American Airlines Billboard (AD)
Created by BaskB
American Airlines Billboard by BaskB ******** Updated with Floodlight for After Dark ******** Full credit to kurtus_mob for the Model. Please check out his other great items
American Classic #1
Created by moxiecrimefighter
2x2 Level 2 High Density Residential 31m Height 1299 Tris...
American Classic #2
Created by moxiecrimefighter
2x2 Level 3 High Density Residential 41.4m Height 1568 Tris...
American Flag for Walls
Created by jaspinko
Here is an American flag prop for decorating your buildings. The flag is approximately 3ft by 5ft (1 meter by 1.5 meters), and the pole is approximately 2 meters long. Rotate the flag by holding right click down and dragging your mouse left or right. Pleas...
American Freight Train - Long Coal
Created by bsquiklehausen
The largest, most complete set of modern, American freight trains on the workshop! A modern American freight train for your city! Includes multiple custom freight cars, and is set up to feature automatic weathering, realistic nod and tilt levels, and more!...
American Freight Train - Long Mixed
Created by bsquiklehausen
The largest, most complete set of modern, American freight trains on the workshop! A modern American freight train for your city! Includes multiple custom freight cars, and is set up to feature automatic weathering, realistic nod and tilt levels, and more!...
American Freight Train - Long Stack
Created by bsquiklehausen
The largest, most complete set of modern, American freight trains on the workshop! A modern American freight train for your city! Includes multiple custom intermodal freight cars, and is set up to feature automatic weathering, realistic nod and tilt levels...
American Freight Train - Short Tank
Created by bsquiklehausen
The largest, most complete set of modern, American freight trains on the workshop! A modern American freight train for your city! Includes multiple custom freight cars, and is set up to feature automatic weathering, realistic nod and tilt levels, and more!...
American Freight Train - Short Mixed
Created by bsquiklehausen
The largest, most complete set of modern, American freight trains on the workshop! A modern American freight train for your city! Includes multiple custom freight cars, and is set up to feature automatic weathering, realistic nod and tilt levels, and more!...
Amsterdam (European map)
Created by Kliekie
Amsterdam on an European map. All canals are laid down to get that sweet Amsterdam look. It's 1:1 scale with some slight adjustments to keep every island useful. Has all resources and maximum amount of transport in/out. Enjoy! Tags: europe, netherlands, am...
Amsterdam (European)
Created by Dortmondo
A map of Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. Please have a look at this map of Amsterdam for the updated version! :) Features of this map: -European theme -Scale about 1:1.3 -Typically Dutch flatlands -Simplified representation of the monumental can...
Aogashima -青ヶ島-
Created by oitan
Aogashima -青ヶ島- Aogashima is a volcanic Japanese island in the Philippine Sea. The island is administered by Tokyo and located approximately 358 kilometres (222 mi) south of Tokyo and 64 kilometres (40 mi) south of Hachijō-jima. It is the southernmost and ...
Aparment block II-57 (High density L1 4x4) [+AD]
Created by AleX_BY
Aparment block II-57 by AleX_BY High density 4x4, Level 1 II-57 - series of soviet block houses. It was massively built in Moscow and Kharkiv. Visit to for more mods by russian community! :) Блок серии II-57 (12-этажный). Высокая ...
Apostel Paulus Kirche( Broken)
Created by jens
updated version ( ) Located in Berlin-Schöneberg this gothic revival church was built in 1894 ( I discovered ...
Aqua Fun Park
Created by bennymedia
Aqua Fun Park by bennymedia (Updated V 1.3, ready for After Dark) The Aqua Fun Park provides huge bathing and swimming fun for everyone. Aqua Fun Park Park Info:13x8 plots Construction cost : 9500 Maintenance cost : 220 Electricity consumption : 5 Garbage:...
Archipel des Faunes
Created by Fen
Archipel des Faunes...
Arcadia Lighthouse
Created by Zatline
2x2 (circular, unlinked) Properties: Construction Cost: 1700 Maintanence Cost: 400 Attractivness Accumulation: 12 Entertainment Accumulation: 72 Entertainment Radius: 2000 --- This is my 2nd asset for you guys and again it's based and inpired on Life Is St...
ARD - Atocha Station
Created by aradras
The Atocha Station (Madrid, Spain) works as a terminal passenger station and can be found in the transportation menu, under the train tab. Please note that I haven't found an alternative way yet fo...
ARD - Barcelona Post Palace
Created by aradras
Level 2 Unique Building. Inspired in the Post Palace at Plaça de Antonio Lopez, Barcelona....
ARD - Circulo de Bellas Artes
Created by aradras
ARD - Circulo de Bellas Artes by aradras...
ARD - San Jose Church
Created by aradras
ARD - San Jose Church by aradras...
Created by brendan.rnp
This is a height map of Arnprior, Ontario about 45 minutes west of Ottawa. Here is the bounding box if you want to get the osm -76.268098,45.496308,-76.498779,45.334611 It's not a faithful reproduction, I moved the highway and added another to Quebec. I al...
Art Deco Office Tower (Growable)
Created by moxiecrimefighter
An Art Deco skyscraper, based off the countless number of towers in the same style found throughout New York City. 4x4 Growable Level 3 Office Building 123.4m Height 1103 Tris, Custom LOD 92 Tris...
Created by kaeru
Art-moving-truck Car model : ISUZU Elf 5th(1993-2006) Payload : 3t アート引越しセンタートラック いすゞ エルフ 第5世代 Other model is here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Updated AD and some of the texture. ADに対応しました。フロント・リアのライトのテクスチャを変更し...
Astronomical Clock
Created by Tomas13TO
Astronomical Clock from Prague (Czech Republic). The Prague astronomical clock, or Prague orloj (Pražský orloj), is a medieval astronomical clock located in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. The clock was first installed in 1410, making it the thi...
Atlas auto parts & Salvage
Created by nekote
ハリウッドにある自動車修理工場(というか解体屋) 24等の舞台になった…が、日本では別のムービーで人気である。 おっほっほっほ~現地だ(^ω^) テクスチャが鏡文字なのは完全なミスなので、後日修正致します。 Growable Industrial Low LV1 3x4 工業地区に建ちます。...
Auchan [LDC Lvl 3]
Created by Khopa
Auchan Now updated for day/night cycle ! Description (Wikipédia) Groupe Auchan SA is a French international retail group and multinational corporation headquartered in Croix, France. It is one of the world's principal distribution groups with a presence in...
AUDI R8 + LMS BodyKit
Created by CityOfTokyo
AUDI R8 + LMS BodyKit It is an original specification equipped with aerokit of the R8-based FIA GT3 class of the stock car. Triangle : 14009 Texture : 512 x 256 ☆☆☆ NOTICE ☆☆☆ In the case of the PC environment that the performance of the graphics board suc...
Austin FX4
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I did not make this model, I found it on the 3D Warehouse by Tecno-Cronoz (Paulo Ricardo). View Original Listing Here I had to re-map and re-texture. Color variations come in Turquoise, Maroon, White, and Tan. Total Tris = 1,928 512 x 512 Maps Lod Tris = 6...
Austin FX4 Taxi
Created by Sparky66
Taxi cab - REQUIRES AFTER DARK DLC. Converted from Cities in Motion, with a number of model and texture improvements to make it suitiable for Cities Skylines. Default suspension values halfed to reduce unrealistic leaning effect. Updated for After Dark wit...
Austin Mini
Created by Sparky66
Residential car. Converted from Cities in Motion, with a number of model and texture improvements to make it suitiable for Cities Skylines. Fully working colour variations and lights. Default suspension values halfed to reduce unrealistic leaning effect. U...
Austrian Train Station (micro)
Created by SoJiro
Build space: 16x4 Tris: 3999 Tex: 512x384 (d,i,s) LOD Tris: 246 Tex: 128x128 (d,s) If you like our work please consider a donation on patreon
Austrian Train Station 4T (S)
Created by SoJiro
Traffic++ is required to use this station. Press while editing a transport line to snap to the track. 16x8 Tris: 3161 Tex: 512x384 (d,i,s) LOD: 266 Tex: 128x128 (d,s) If you like our work please consider a donation on patreon
Auto Line Color
Created by enkafan
Automatically picks colors and names for bus, metro and train lines. Compatible with Extended Public Transport UI After Dark Updates Bug fixes and features have been pushed! Thanks to techfreek you can set the options in the regular Options dialog. There w...
BA747 (ploppable)
Created by UK122
BA747 by UK122 This should be ploppable anywhere on your airport, low poly so its not pretty close up. Available in transport/plane with icon British Airways...
Avro Arrow Plane (ploppable)
Created by APeeler
This is a ploppable model of the CF-105 Arrow – arguably Canada’s most famous plane. The model is 5:1 scale in order to blend in with the larger in-game passenger jets. Cost: 10,000 Upkeep: 96/week Service: Level 4 Unique Building Cells: 4x4 Model: 1,411 t...
Bamboo - TPB Nature Series
This is intended for use in small detailing work for landscaping in small areas. Do NOT plant this like crazy with the brush tool. Unless you got a powerful machine. 1440 Tris. 512 texture. No dirt patch. Credit and many thanks for these beautiful models a...
Bamboo Tree
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
This is a model that I got from the 3D Warehouse. I changed the trunks to geometric cylinder and re-textured everything. I also remodeled this skinny version re-arranging the leave pattern. You can find the original listing here... https://3dwarehouse.sket...
Bamboo Tree Cluster
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up! Thanks :) This is a model that I got from the 3D Warehouse. I changed the trunks to geometric cylinder and re-textured everything. You can find the original listing here...
Banana tree
Created by Miskale
banana tree by M1sk4 This tree colors may look different with color corrections. If you like voting or share, please do it using:
Bare Tree A
Created by MrMaison
Bare Tree A by MrMaison Not all trees have leaves. This is the first of what I call the "Sticks 'n' Twigs" series of bare trees. These bare trees will be released in alphabetical order....
Ale House corner 4x3 LCD building 2 level
Created by kowkamurka
4x3 corner low density commerce building now adapted to AD....
American "1900" : The Petersborough Building.
Created by Attercap
A small american commercial building - Low density - Lvl 1 2x3 or 2x4 (with a small backyard). The main model is 679 triangles, 574 edges, 204 faces ; the LOD is 130 triangles. Main Model with specular, normal, diffuse, illumination and colormask ; LOD wit...
American Dream
Created by Kliekie
Typical American home to support 1 family. Will show up as a lvl 1 low residential building on a 2x3 plot with an expandable backyard. 1 Parking spot included. Comes in 4 colors: beige, brown, green and blue. 1533 Polys 3039 Tris 2024 Verts 512x512 Texture...
Created by PatchBox20
A 4x4 amphitheater park. No one will necessarily perform on stage, but people will congregate on stage and the steps and make it a lively place. I'm still figuring out how below-ground buildings work. Sometimes people appear to be standing or walking in mi...
Amsterdam House
Created by Blast_Rutger
I modded some Dutch Architecture in game, more updates/houses will follow....
ARD - Royal Spanish Academy
Created by aradras
Royal Spanish Academy (Madrid) by aradras Works as a High School (for 50 students only) - Can be found under the Education menu
Bare Tree B
Created by MrMaison
Bare Tree B by MrMaison This is the second tree of the "Sticks 'n' Twigs" series of bare trees....
Bare Tree C
Created by MrMaison
Bare Tree C by MrMaison This is the Third bare tree of the "Sticks 'n' Twigs" series....
Created by robert
Barrier-Prop by Tauro...
Created by SvenBerlin
Barrikade by Svenpotsdam prop...
Basílica de Santa Maria del Mar (1383), Barcelona
Created by rhvjay
Basílica de Santa Maria del Mar by rhvjay...
T-Ball Field
Created by Bfb Da Packman
0.7 MB - Custom asset with no 3D model Source Collection: Better Baseball Fields and Stadiums Statistics: Triangles/LOD Triangles - NA/NA Category - Park Size - 8x8 Electricity - 32 KW Construction Cost - $7,000 Maintenance Cost - $80/week Fire Hazard - 1 ...
Little League Baseball Field
Created by Bfb Da Packman
0.6 MB - Custom asset with no 3D model Source Collection: Better Baseball Fields and Stadiums Statistics: Triangles/LOD Triangles - NA/NA Category - Park Size - 12x11 Electricity - 96 KW Construction Cost - $13,000 Maintenance Cost - $160/week Fire Hazard ...
Large Little Baseball League Field
Created by Bfb Da Packman
0.5 MB - Custom asset with no 3D model Source Collection: Better Baseball Fields and Stadiums Statistics: Triangles/LOD Triangles - NA/NA Category - Park Size - 12x11 Electricity - 96 KW Construction Cost - $28,000 Maintenance Cost - $310/week Fire Hazard ...
Minor League Baseball Stadium
Created by Bfb Da Packman
12,137 Tris / 8.9 MB - Based on original 3D Model: Baseball Stadium by OniDisco Source Collection: Better Baseball Fields and Stadiums Statistics: Triangles/LOD Triangles - 12,137 / 811 Category - Level 6 Unique Size - 12x12 Electricity - 1,600 KW Construc...
Baseball Field
Created by Dutch
Baseball Field Size: 10x10 Construction Cost: 7500 Fire Hazard: 0 Fire Tolerance: 20 Garbage Accumulation: 2 Maintenance Cost: 500 Electricity Consumption: 4 High Wealth Tourists: 50 Low Wealth Tourists: 50 Medium Wealth Tourists: 50 Sewage Accumulation: 0...
Baseball Park
Created by Galaxy5000
Baseball Park 12x12 Park Construction Cost 8000 Fire Hazard 0 Fire Tolerance 30 Garbage Accumulation 10 Maintenance Cost 800 Electricity Consumption 30 Entertainment Accumulation 125 Entertainment Radius 423...
Basketball Court
Created by Galaxy5000
Basketball Court by Galaxy5000...
Basketball Outdoor Court
Created by Team Pinpin.gEnEsis
Basketball Outdoor Court by ... Here the new version of my Outdoor Basketball Court ! Changed done : fixed the LOD error fixed the "flatten land" problem add fences and here are the details : Construction cost : 7000 MaintenanceCost : 100 Size : 4x3 Eletri...
BBQ Grill
Created by ReticentDaikaiju
An outdoor grill where Cims can cook while picnicking in the park. Custom built model created by ReticentDaikaiju....
Beach Kite Prop
Created by Lord Rato
Kite prop tied to a plank, bounces with the wind....
Beach Park 6x6
Created by Bluemoon
Beach Park 6x6 by Bluemoon...
Beach Resort
Created by Tomas13TO
Beach resort It's time to summer holiday so I decided to create a beach resort. Enjoy INFO maps - d,n,s,a (2048x1024) triangles - 9962 LOD triangles - 177 It is located in unique buildings (level 4) 10x13...
Beach Tools - Design Your Own Beach - 3 Chairs + Sandbox
Created by Lord Rato
As a part for my mod collection, to create your own designed beaches. This asset features a Umbrella with 3 chairs and a playground/sandbox. Model consists of a Umbrella, three chairs and a playground/sandbox. Ploppable anywhere, rotateable with custom ico...
Beach Tools - Design your own beach - Beach Kite
Created by Lord Rato
As a part for my mod collection, to create your own designed beaches. This asset features a Beach Kite. Model consists of a Umbrella, two chairs and the Kite itself. Ploppable anywhere, rotateable with custom icon ingame. Make sure to download the collecti...
Beach Tools - Design Your Own Beach - Big Event Tent
Created by Lord Rato
As a part for my mod collection, to create your own designed beaches. This asset features a Big events tent. Model consists of a Big events tent, with tables, chairs, Grills and Coke machines. Ploppable anywhere, rotateable with custom icon ingame and prop...
Beach Tools - Design Your Own Beach - Big Party Tent With Pool
Created by Lord Rato
As a part for my mod collection, to create your own designed beaches. This asset features a Big Party Tent. Model consists of a Big tent with chairs a pool a few surfboards and grills. Ploppable anywhere, rotateable with custom icon ingame and proper LODs....
Beach Tools - Design Your Own Beach - Lifeguard Tower
Created by Lord Rato
As a part for my mod collection, to create your own designed beaches. This asset features a Lifeguard Tower. Model consists of a Lifeguard Tower and a Chair. Ploppable anywhere, rotateable with custom icon ingame and proper LODs. Make sure to download the ...
Beach Tools - Design Your Own Beach - Smalltent 3 Chairs + Table
Created by Lord Rato
As a part for my mod collection, to create your own designed beaches. This asset features a Smalltent. Model consists of a Smalltent with 3 chairs and a table. Ploppable anywhere, rotateable with custom icon ingame and proper LODs. Make sure to download th...
Beach Tools - Design Your Own Beach - Smalltent + Playground + Grill
Created by Lord Rato
As a part for my mod collection, to create your own designed beaches. This asset features a Small Tent. Model consists of a Small Tent a grill and a playground. Ploppable anywhere, rotateable with custom icon ingame and proper LODs. Make sure to download t...
Beach Tools - Design Your Own Beach - Smalltent Beach Store
Created by Lord Rato
As a part for my mod collection, to create your own designed beaches. This asset features a Smalltent and a store. Model consists of a Smalltent with a junk food store. Ploppable anywhere, rotateable with custom icon ingame and proper LODs. Make sure to do...
Beach Tools - Design Your Own Beach - Smalltent Surfstore
Created by Lord Rato
As a part for my mod collection, to create your own designed beaches. This asset features a Smalltent with a Surfstore. Model consists of a Smalltent and a surfstore with a chair. Ploppable anywhere, rotateable with custom icon ingame and proper LODs. Make...
Beach Tools - Design Your Own Beach - Umbrella + Playground
Created by Lord Rato
As a part for my mod collection, to create your own designed beaches. This asset features a Umbrella with a playground. Model consists of a Umbrella a few chairs and a playground. Ploppable anywhere, rotateable with custom icon ingame and proper LODs. Make...
Beach Tools - Design Your Own Beach - Umbrella 3 Chairs + Grill
Created by Lord Rato
As a part for my mod collection, to create your own designed beaches. This asset features a Umbrella with 3 chairs. Model consists of a Umbrella, and three chairs and a grill. Ploppable anywhere, rotateable with custom icon ingame and proper LODs. Make sur...
Beach Tools - Design Your Own Beach - Umbrella 3 Chairs + Surfboards
Created by Lord Rato
As a part for my mod collection, to create your own designed beaches. This asset features a Umbrella with Surfboards. Model consists of a Umbrella, three chairs and three surfboards. Ploppable anywhere, rotateable with custom icon ingame and proper LODs. M...
Beach Tools - Design Your Own Beach - Umbrella with 4 Chairs
Created by Lord Rato
As a part for my mod collection, to create your own designed beaches. This asset features a Umbrella with 4 chairs. Model consists of a Umbrella, and four chairs. Ploppable anywhere, rotateable with custom icon ingame and proper LODs. Make sure to download...
Created by Tianlein
Beach_Volleyball by Tianlein Hello, here is my new creation:) I thought it suits nice to my public pool:) The fence is custom made and you can get it here: Greetings Tianlein...
Beavertails and Smoke's Poutine
Created by Room360
BeaverTails and Queues de Castor are a Canadian-based chain of pastry stands operated by BeaverTails Canada Inc. The chain's namesake product is a line of fried dough pastries, individually hand stretched to resemble a beaver’s tail. Smoke's Poutinerie is ...
Bell Center (1:1 Scale)
Created by P4ranoia
The Bell Center, formely know as the Molson Centre, is a sports and entertainment complex in Montreal.It is best known as the home of the National Hockey League's Montreal Canadiens ice hockey team. 1:1,5 Version =>
Bell Center (1:1,5 Scale)
Created by P4ranoia
The Bell Center, formely know as the Molson Centre, is a sports and entertainment complex in Montreal.It is best known as the home of the National Hockey League's Montreal Canadiens ice hockey team. 1:1 Version =>
Berlin Cornered Tenement Grunewald Str. L1
Created by jens
Level 1 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4300 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Cornered Tenement Grunewald Str. L3
Created by jens
Level 3 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4300 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Cornered Tenement Grunewald Str. L4
Created by jens
Level 4 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4300 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Cornered Tenement Grunewald Str. L2
Created by jens
Level 2 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4300 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Cornered Tenement Kreuzberg L1
Created by jens
Level 1 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2000 triangles, building size is 4x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Cornered Tenement Kreuzberg L3
Created by jens
Level 3 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2000 triangles, building size is 4x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Cornered Tenement Kreuzberg L2
Created by jens
Level 2 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2000 triangles, building size is 4x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Cornered Tenement Kreuzberg L4
Created by jens
Level 4 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2000 triangles, building size is 4x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Inspired Buildings [AD district style]
Created by jens
Berlin Inspired Buildings. I was requested to make a district style of the Berlin Tenement Collection which now has about 105 single assets based on 25 d...
Berlin Tenement Eisenacher Str. L1
Created by jens
Level 1 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 1500 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Tenement Eisenacher Str. L3
Created by jens
Level 3 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 1500 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Tenement Eisenacher Str. L4
Created by jens
Level 4 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 1500 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Tenement Eisenacher Str. L5
Created by jens
Level 5 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 1500 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Tenement Prenzlauer Allee L2
Created by jens
Level 2 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2000 triangles, building size is 3x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Tenement Prenzlauer Allee L3
Created by jens
Level 3 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2000 triangles, building size is 3x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Tenement Prenzlauer Allee L4
Created by jens
Level 4 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2000 triangles, building size is 3x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Tenement Prenzlauer Allee L5
Created by jens
Level 5 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2000 triangles, building size is 3x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Better Bulldozer [Park Life Compatible]
Created by rollo
It's now working with Park Life. Latest update is sponsored by -> History: Recompiled for parklife by BloodyPenguin Updated with fix for latest patch thanks to BloodyPenguin...
Bicycle parking (park) 2x1
Created by stmSantana
Bicycle parking (park) 2x1 by stmSantana -------------------------------------------------- 832tris 128x128px (except bicycle props) Required assets: - Prop Bicycle 00 - - bicycle-prop01 - htt...
Bicycle parking - CL 2x1
Created by stmSantana
Bicycle parking - CL 2x1 by stmSantana -------------------------------------------------- growables Commercial Low 2x1. level1. 832tris 128x128px (except bicycle props) Required assets: - Prop Bicycle 00 -
Big Ben
Created by UK122
Houses of Parliament, London, UK Find it in Unique Buildings It's Level 5 (Ploppable) only one allowed per city I know its not true to scale, but if it was it would just be too big in the game, lol Cost €100,000 Maintenence cost €500 Usage: electricity 12,...
Created by pastuh
Name: Big_2A_Tenement_4x4_P Size: 4 x 4 Level: 3 Class: Growable Theme: Tropical Rotation: Left-90 Asset: H3_4x3_Tenement04a...
Billboard 727 Cosmetics
Created by Yamato007
Billboard 727 Cosmetics (Japanese Company) You can build in any place. Use from Electric icon....
Biogas V5
Created by smile.j
Biogas V5 by Joachims Smaler Version 5*4 In real world this is using corn to produce gas and the gas is converted to electricity by a generator...
Black Cab (After Dark Version)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Model by Tecno-Cronoz (Paulo Ricardo) from 3D Warehouse. Original Here I re-mapped and textured. I added a taxi logo on top of the car. Strictly Black Version. No Yellow This Time! Also Improved the Lod. Functions as one of the new Taxis! Total Tris = 1,92...
Blue 1
Created by ExM
Blue 1 by Edge...
Blue Roof 1
Created by ExM
Blue Roof 1 by Edge...
BMW 325i (2002)
Created by Jones
Stats: 902 tris 512x512 textures Lod: 50 tris 64x64 textures Changelog: 21/7/2015 - Fixed scale and LOD 4/10/2015 - After Dark Update...
College Baseball Stadium
Created by Bfb Da Packman
7,574 Tris / 3.0 MB - Based on original 3D Model: Baseball Field by Dutch Source Collection: Better Baseball Fields and Stadiums Statistics: Triangles/LOD Triangles - 7,574 / 181 Category - Level 2 Unique Size - 10x10 Electricity - 320 KW Construction Cost...
Baseball Stadium
Created by OniDisco
Baseball Stadium by OniDisco Level 6 unique building Stats: 4,792 polys 9,800 tris Diffuse, Specular and Illumination texture 1024x2048 (I removed the normal texture as it as not really needed) LOD model with 512x512 texture. Same in-game stats as the Spor...
BC Transit Enviro 500 Bus (Vancouver Island, Canada)
Created by Windows 95
This a reskin (and a slight modification) of my KMB Enviro 500 Bus. BC Transit (which runs much of Vancouver Island's public transit system), was the first to bring double decker busses onto North American shores. The busses are mostly identical to their E...
Benihana Japanese Restaurant
Created by Tair
Benihana Japanese Restaurant by Tair Heres a 3x3 Growable Low Density Commerecial asset. Benihana Japanese restaurant,so your cims have some variety, and not only burgers and pizza! Enjoy! If you feel like it support me at
Berlin Cornered Tenement Grunewald Str. L5
Created by jens
Level 5 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4300 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Cornered Tenement Kreuzberg L5
Created by jens
Level 5 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2000 triangles, building size is 4x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Tenement Eisenacher Str. L2
Created by jens
Level 2 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 1500 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Berlin Tenement Prenzlauer Allee L1
Created by jens
Level 1 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2000 triangles, building size is 3x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Bicycle Shelter
Created by chenobble
Bike Shelter prop to decorate your office or school...
BMW Dealership
Created by Tomas13TO
It is located in unique buildings (level 5) 5x6 cells maps - d,n,s,i (1024x1024) triangles - 1257 LOD triangles - 98...
Boat Trailer
Created by lopiv2
Boat Trailer by lopiv2...
Created by lopiv2
BMW E90 by lopiv2 4 Colors, White, Red, Blue and Grey If you like my work, please consider to donate ...
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner ANA
Created by CityOfTokyo
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner ANA The next-generation medium-sized jetliner that Boeing of the United States of America performs development and production of the Boeing 787 dream liner. The color becomes the thing of All Nippon Airways of the launch customer. P...
Created by DelicateDelegate
Versatile machine for personal or commercial use. Info: ~500 tris ~28 tri LOD Complete with LOD, normal, spec, etc Goes well with BP's More Beautification mod, or you can go ahead and put it in your own lot assets....
Bora Bora - Vaitape Island (v6)
Created by Pr0f4zok3
Bora Bora - Vaitape Island v6 Thank you all for comments and for feedback. Have fun and thumbup if you like my work! ---- other maps DUBAI - The Palm Jumeirah GALAPAGOS - Isla Isabela http://s...
Created by Khopa
Boulanger Boulanger is a french electronics and household applicances retailer. Growable version : Game Info - 3x3 Low Density Commercial - Level 3 Technical Infos : - 981 tris - 2048px Diffus...
Boulanger [LDC Lvl 3]
Created by Khopa
Boulanger Now updated for day/night cycle ! Boulanger is a french electronics and household applicances retailer. Ploppable version : Game Info - 3x3 Low Density Commercial - Level 3 Technical...
Bovenkade, Willemstad, the Netherlands
Created by EerieEden
Level 1 2x1 Low Density Growable. Extends back yard to 2x2, 2x3 and 2x4. After Dark compatible. 2288 tris. 1024x1024 diffuse, specularity and normal maps. With custom LOD (113 tris). If they spawn next to each other, the sides of these houses align, creati...
boxtruck prop
Created by Zombiedragon
Prop version of my 90's boxtruck, perfect for use on industrial and some other lots....
Br 52 + Umbauwagen
Created by Acc3ss Violation
The german Br 52 series steamengines are a wartime development of the Br 50 series using less parts and a simpler design to increase production. After the war many engines were used by railroads in various countries, including Poland, Russia, Austria, Turk...
Brighton Painted Terrace A
Created by dazflint
Brighton Painted Terrace A by dazflint...
Breakwater Hotel (High Commercial)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Click Here for Toursim Version! My First Building Release! Based on the Art Deco Miami South Beach Breakwater Hotel. Check out reference photo shots of the real thing here. Original Building Great flower assets by Breeze & Cypress tree by ryanjamesoflondon...
Bridge by VIP( only water)
Created by Vip
UPGRADE to After Dark I'm sorry, but due to the upgrade, the bridge can be put only on the water. *****IMPORTANT***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I as...
Brighton Painted Terrace B
Created by dazflint
Brighton Painted Terrace B by dazflint...
Brighton Painted Terrace C
Created by dazflint
Brighton Painted Terrace C by dazflint...
Brighton Painted Terrace F
Created by dazflint
Brighton Painted Terrace F by dazflint...
Brighton Painted Terrace E
Created by dazflint
Brighton Painted Terrace E by dazflint...
Brighton Painted Terrace H
Created by dazflint
Brighton Painted Terrace H by dazflint...
Brighton Painted Terrace G
Created by dazflint
Brighton Painted Terrace G by dazflint...
Brinks Armored Car
Created by Kliekie
The well known armored car to transport money and other valuable items. This car is uploaded as a industrial vehicle so it will travel between industrial and commercial area's. 513 Polys 1068 Tris 614 Verts 512x512 Texture Tags: Brinks, Armor, car, blue, t...
British Airways A320
Created by SvenBerlin
British Airways A320 by Svenpotsdam after dark updated All stuff is free of course and if you like that stuff maybe you would like to donate for all the time I invested to reskin this aircraft Thank you very much.
British Airways A320 prop
Created by SvenBerlin
British Airways A320 prop by Svenpotsdam...
British Airways A380
Created by SvenBerlin
British Airways A380 by Svenpotsdam after dark updated If you like that airplane, feel free to make a donation for the time I invested to make the skin for that aircraft. Thanks a lot.
British Black Cab (Taxi)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I did not make this model, I found it on the 3D Warehouse by Tecno-Cronoz (Paulo Ricardo). View Original Listing Here I had to re-map and re-texture. I also added a taxi logo to the top of the car. I set 2 of the color variations to Black and 2 of them to ...
british frigate
Created by OI MATE SWISS
Hi everyone. I present you my model of a british frigate. The model is based upon plan material of the HMS Surprise. The model can be placed on Water or on Land (however remember it is a ship :D) I have made a custom made lod which is very low poly so it s...
British Police Box - 1x1
Created by TheLGR
Inspired by the idea of police boxes from SimCity Societies and those in Britain. And yes, Doctor Who as well. If you need a reduction in crime in a small area, but don't need a giant police station, just place this instead! Provides 1 police car to patrol...
British Rail Class 378
Created by shreeyam
Class 378 as used on the London Overground. This is the 5 car version with the same capacity and speed as the default trains. Line coloured version:
British Point Block
Created by Junna
Tower block now with night-light 900 tris. Level 4, 4x4 high density residential....
British Rail Class 43 Trainset (Intercity 125 Livery)
Created by Windows 95
After taking a short break from modding I'm back with another low poly but decent looking train mod! This time it's the British Rail Class 43 Set known for it's yellow and blue coloured British Rail theme. Assignable colours as per my other trains. Like my...
British Rail Class 43 Trainset (Swallow Livery)
Created by Windows 95
As Requested, this is a reskin of my Intercity 125 (blue/yellow livery) train available here: =============================================== Updates: October 06 2015: Updated for After Dark J...
British Telecom, London
Created by UK122
The British Telcommunications Tower, London, England. (Now updated for After Dark) All stats are in the pics. The BT Tower is a communications tower located in Fitzrovia, London, owned by BT Group. It has been previously known as the Post Office Tower, the...
Buckingham Palace (100%)
Created by UK122
Buckingham Palace (100%) by UK122 Full size 1:1 so overhangs the maximum size for the game slightly (the black bits when placing) Find it in unique buildings menu. If you want the flag to fly, you need this:
BT Tower
Created by Enos Shenk
The BT Tower from London. 5x5 L2 Momument ploppable, get your telecom on....
Building Eyedropper Tool
Created by hyperdrive_engage
Adds a hotkey (T key) to copy ploppable buildings. To use, press T when hovering over a building. Press T again when done to finish copying. If copying a growable, the copy must be placed in an area zoned as the correct type (ie if copying an office buildi...
Building Theme: American Trailer Homes
Created by boformer
Adds an American low-density homes building theme. You will find it in the 'Themes' policy tab. This theme only contains low-density residential buildings. Nothing will grow in commercial/industrial/office/high-density zones with only this theme enabled! D...
Building Theme: Brighton Painted Terraced Houses
Created by boformer
Adds a British row houses building theme. You will find it in the 'Themes' policy tab. This theme only contains low-density residential buildings. Nothing will grow in commercial/industrial/office/high-density zones with this theme enabled! Dependencies Th...
Building Theme: Brooklyn - Update: Industrial L1
Created by Feindbold
This is not a vanilla style! Adds a Brooklyn building theme. You will find it in the 'Themes' policy tab. This theme only contains low-density residential, commercial and Industrial buildings. Nothing will grow in office/highresidential zones with this the...
Building Theme: Edinburgh Row Houses
Created by boformer
Adds a Scottish row houses building theme. You will find it in the 'Themes' policy tab. This theme only contains high-density residential buildings. Nothing will grow in commercial/industrial/office/low-density zones with this theme enabled! It is one of t...
Building Theme: Stockholm Larger Row Houses
Created by Ullstrumpan
***Updated: windows now light up at night!*** Adds a Swedish building theme consisting of slightly larger row/terraced and link-detached houses, to be used in conjunction with boformer's Building Themes mod. Please note that this mod does not include neith...
Building Theme: UK Terraced Housing
Created by boformer
Adds a British row houses building theme. You will find it in the 'Themes' policy tab. This theme only contains low-density residential and commercial buildings. Nothing will grow in industrial/office/high-density zones with this theme enabled! Dependencie...
Building Themes
Created by boformer
This mod makes possible to apply building themes to a district or the whole city. Only buildings which are contained in one of the selected themes will grow in a district. You can subscribe to theme mods from the workshop, or create your own themes in the ...
buke yashiki(Growable)
Created by bozekj0803
base :L3 4*4 Detached07 モデルその物は と同じです。 木はエディタ内でランダム生成されるので多少違います。...
Burger King (Growable, 4x4)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Burger King (Growable commercial, 4x4) Description: Growable, larger version of my, for the workshop created Burger King. I do not own any rights on Burger King and have only made this for free, non-commercial public use. If you would like to have the smal...
BUS Rural Transit Center
Created by CityOfTokyo
BUS Rural Transit Center I changed the bus terminal of the base to the English version. Asset Info: ConstructionCost: 3500 MeintenanceCost: 250 EducatedWokers: 2 HighEducatedWokers: 0 UneducatedWokers: 1 WellEducatedWokers: 2 Original 3D Model from Sketchu...
Bush #4 (4.4 m ~ 6.6 m) (by Breeze)
Created by Breeze
It made for me.And it made for us. 'Bush#3' and 'Bush#4' Both are good tune. Download both. :) Please press the rating button. It will be a big help to me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name ...
Brighton Painted Terrace D
Created by dazflint
Brighton Painted Terrace D by dazflint...
British Dustbin Lorrys
Created by Sam_
British Dustbin Lorry by Sam_ A simple little mod that changes the colour of the Dustbin Lorrys to the colours you see in the UK! Red - Biffa Lorrys Green - Recycling Blue - Scotland's Colour Yellow - Construction Waste Distribution is completely random an...
British Airways A380 prop
Created by SvenBerlin
British Airways A380 prop by Svenpotsdam If you like that airplane, feel free to make a donation for the time I invested to make the skin for that aircraft. Thanks a lot.
Brownstones L1 4x3
Created by kenopsia
A row of brownstones. 2760 triangles, texture size 1024x1024. Uses diffuse, normal, specular, alpha, illumination and color mask. Comes with a custom lod of 134 tris. Rather high amount, I know, but the building has a tricky shape due to all those stairs a...
Building Theme Finnish Type Houses
Created by Tero
A collection of typical Finnish type houses mostly built between 1940-1970s. Many suburbs in Finland still mainly consist of these buildings. Over 20 level 1 buildings with custom props to create more authentic feeling. Be sure to download the collection, ...
Created by dazflint
b_and_b bed and breakfast sign by dazflint...
Cabbage (キャベツ) - Prop
Created by kei_em
a cultivated plant eaten as a vegetable, having thick green or purple leaves surrounding a spherical heart or head of young leaves. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD...
Cabbage Patch (キャベツ畑)
Created by kei_em
キャベツ畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Cabbage patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD ...
Cadillac Brougham Hearse
Created by Sparky66
For collecting your dead citizens. Converted from Cities in Motion, with a number of model and texture improvements to make it suitiable for Cities Skylines. Cities in Motion doesn't actually have a hearse model but I wanted something to replace the defaul...
Cadillac Deville 1999
Created by OI MATE SWISS
Cadillac Deville 1999 by Swiss Features: -low poly model -482 tris -custom LOD -53 tris -working lights & indicators -color variation -low res textures Hi this is a realy simple model of a cadillac, it might not compare to some really higy poly cars out th...
Cadillac Escalade
Created by Archie Cuntingham
ERMAHGERD MPG Updated for After Dark. Thought I'll convert something else than GT models, so here is actually my mod for Insane that was never finished model: 1376 tris 512x512 textures lod: 30 tris 64x64 textures...
Caldera (Tropical)
Created by Bugfix
Caldera is a tropical volcanic island archipelago. There is one large main island and a few smaller ones. The main island contains a huge (inactive) volcano. It's perfect for building your own little island nation. Characteristics - There is only one highw...
Café 3 x 4
Created by core79
Café 3 x 4 by core79 Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine Parks benutzt habe
Calm Air Dornier 328 Jet
Created by [Delta ²k5]
This is the last large airplane manufactured in germany in some canadian livery :) The 328 Jet can transport up to 30 cims to your city. Specs: 1983 Tris, Res: 1024 x 1024 Lod: 126 Tris, Res: 512 x 512. WARNING: This plane has custom acceleration and brake...
Camaro SS 1967
Created by OI MATE SWISS
Camaro SS 1967 by Swiss features: -detailed model 1498 tris -custom made LOD 277 tris -detailed texture 512x512 -working indicators&headlights -reflection on windows&Car -detailed normal map ...
Camp Nou
Created by Salmon Le Bon
Camp Nou by Salmon Le Bon. A compact likeness to the home of Barcelona football club, measuring 14x11 squares. New, full scale version available, please see bottom of description below. Uses the same statistics as the games default stadium. I've left it fr...
Camp Nou (1:1 scale)
Created by Salmon Le Bon
Camp Nou (1:1 scale) by Salmon Le Bon A likeness to the home of Barcelona football club, measuring 30x26 squares. Uses the same statistics as the games default stadium. I've left it free of any props so people can dress it to their own liking in the asset ...
Camping De La Sunshine Extension by BumpaNiggl (working, ploppable, votes appreciated)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Camping De La Sunshine Extension by Bumpa♥♥♥♥l (working, ploppable) Camping lot held in an italian flair like you find them near Lake Garda or Venice. Custom made by me as a tribute to my sunshine. :] Double checked and placed ingame to make sure it works;...
Camping De La Sunshine with hotel by BumpaNiggl (updated, color corrected, working, ploppable, votes appreciated)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Camping De La Sunshine with hotel by Bumpa♥♥♥♥l (updated, color corrected, working, ploppable) Camping lot held in an italian flair like you find them near Lake Garda or Venice. Custom made by me as a tribute to my sunshine. :] Double checked and placed in...
Canada - Grimsby, Ontario
Created by Badabam
Canada - Grimsby, Ontario v. 0.2 Based off real heightmap data and slightly modified to allow for a fun gameplay experience. (AKA the map is not 100% accurate but pretty close landscape wise but not really to scale.) Build above or below the famous Niagara...
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Created by Room360
The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, commonly known as CIBC, is one of Canada's chartered banks, fifth largest by deposits. The bank is headquartered at Commerce Court in Toronto, Ontario. 4 x 4 Level 3 Commercial 1024 Map 558 Tris This is the 10th buil...
Canadian Tire
Created by Room360
Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited is a Canadian retail company which sells a wide range of automotive, sports and leisure, and home products. Its head office is in Toronto, Ontario. 16 x 6 Unique Construction Cost: $1,000 Maintenance Cost: $0 Tourists: 0 ...
Canal Block 12x4
Created by GCVos
These European style canals work a lot like Lego blocks. There's no need for terraforming or water management, and the terrain does not have to be flat. The blocks are setup to skyrocket land value within a very limited range. Assuming you have your regula...
Canal Block 4x4C
Created by GCVos
These European style canals work a lot like Lego blocks. There's no need for terraforming or water management, and the terrain does not have to be flat. The blocks are setup to skyrocket land value within a very limited range. Assuming you have your regula...
Canal Block 16x4
Created by GCVos
These European style canals work a lot like Lego blocks. There's no need for terraforming or water management, and the terrain does not have to be flat. The blocks are setup to skyrocket land value within a very limited range. Assuming you have your regula...
Canal Block 4x4T
Created by GCVos
These European style canals work a lot like Lego blocks. There's no need for terraforming or water management, and the terrain does not have to be flat. The blocks are setup to skyrocket land value within a very limited range. Assuming you have your regula...
Canal Block 8x4
Created by GCVos
These European style canals work a lot like Lego blocks. There's no need for terraforming or water management, and the terrain does not have to be flat. The blocks are setup to skyrocket land value within a very limited range. Assuming you have your regula...
Canal Wall 1x2
Created by GCVos
These walls are intended for waterways, canals and docks with functional water simulation. Unlike the Blocks, these are for terraforming only! Please refer to 8x2 page for more info....
Car Wash (Growable)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I orginally made a larger "Foam N' Go" car wash and basically took part of that and made it a simpler growable. Here's the original asset Linked here
Caravan prop
Created by Archie Cuntingham
A caravan trailer prop...
Carcassonne 4X1
Created by salutolive
Simple medieval wall. - 4X1 - road is not necessary to build it. No garbage, water or electricity. Custom asset and custom LOD. Part of the Carcassonne collection Ingame screen are from SeizHe...
Carcassonne avenue access
Created by salutolive
An avenue entrance - 6X1 - road is not necessary to build it. No garbage, water or electricity. Custom asset and custom LOD. Part of the Carcassonne collection Ingame screen are from SeizHeurD...
Carcassonne inner L corner 45
Created by salutolive
Inner corner at 45°. - 3X2 - road is not necessary to build it. No garbage, water or electricity. Custom asset and custom LOD. Part of the Carcassonne collection Ingame screen are from SeizHeu...
Carcassonne inner R corner 45
Created by salutolive
inner corner at 45°. - 3X2 - road is not necessary to build it. No garbage, water or electricity. Custom asset and custom LOD. Part of the Carcassonne collection Ingame screen are from SeizHeu...
Carcassonne left corner 90
Created by salutolive
Corner at 90°. - 3X2 - road is not necessary to build it. No garbage, water or electricity. Custom asset and custom LOD. Part of the Carcassonne collection Ingame screen are from SeizHeurDuMat...
Carcassonne outer L corner 45
Created by salutolive
outer corner at 45°. - 3X2 - road is not necessary to build it. No garbage, water or electricity. Custom asset and custom LOD. Part of the Carcassonne collection Ingame screen are from SeizHeu...
Carcassonne outer R corner 45
Created by salutolive
outer corner at 45°. - 3X2 - road is not necessary to build it. No garbage, water or electricity. Custom asset and custom LOD. Part of the Carcassonne collection Ingame screen are from SeizHeu...
Carcassonne simple road access
Created by salutolive
A road entrance - 6X1 - road is not necessary to build it. No garbage, water or electricity. Custom asset and custom LOD. Part of the Carcassonne collection Ingame screen are from SeizHeurDuMa...
Carcassonne tower
Created by salutolive
A lsimple tower without wall - 2X2 - road is not necessary to build it. No garbage, water or electricity. Custom asset and custom LOD. Part of the Carcassonne collection Ingame screen are from...
Cargo ship for HarborPack by --VIP--
Created by Vip
Cargo ship by vip Sin was not to make such a ship as transportation in the game. ))))) In general, something like this. I hope you like my mod. If you like my fashion, please put me a good evaluation. So find out more about them people. )))) Most of these ...
Carrefour market (Ploppable RICO ready)
Created by SvenBerlin
Carrefour market by Svenpotsdam french company unique building 8*9 level III 3753 triangles because of the letters with custom LOD (19.97 % from 100%) after dark updated If you like my assets you can support me with a donation. Thanks a lot.
Cart (荷車) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A wooden cart. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Casino Hotel
Created by Scanners
Casino Hotel by Scanners Loosely based on the Mirage Casino in Las Vegas. 2,888 Tris 96 Tris LOD Stats Cost - $250,000 Upkeep - $1,120 Electricity - 240 Water - 240 Pollution - 0 Noise Pollution - 75 In Unique Buildings - Landmarks...
Casino Strip Sign
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
After releasing several casino assets for Skylines, it was time to build an entrance to the perfect casino strip! See the image showing how best to place the lot. Can't be bothered to download all the props? Subscribe to my PROP COLLECTION and you'll never...
Created by Khopa
Castorama Castorama is a French retailer of DIY and home improvement tools and supplies founded in 1969. 103 stores in France, 50 in Poland, and 20 in Russia. The brand is owned by UK based company Kingfisher, and that's why Castorama stores are somewhat s...
Castorama [LDC Lvl 3]
Created by Khopa
Castorama Now updated for day/night cycle ! Castorama is a French retailer of DIY and home improvement tools and supplies founded in 1969. 103 stores in France, 50 in Poland, and 20 in Russia. The brand is owned by UK based company Kingfisher, and that's w...
Created by dazflint
cat_black_freaked by dazflint...
Created by dazflint
cat_ginger_tom_purring by dazflint...
Created by Der Gulliver
Legendary Home of Punk Rock and New Wave in NYC I think without this legendary Club the Music Scene would have lacked several excellent Bands. R.I.P. Hilly Cheers^^ ...
Cebu City - Tropical
Created by pieuponieu
Welcome to Cebu City, a beautiful port city of the Philippines. This island paradise has abundant resources, but only 2 highway connections and 3 rail connections. However, there are multiple prime locations for seaports and harbors to move goods and touri...
Central Park small A1, v1.0
Created by ocmey
Central Park small A1, v1.0 by ocmey Work with Central Park small A1 to A6 an B1 to B6 for create a big park....
Central Park small A2, v1.0
Created by ocmey
Central Park small A2, v1.0 by ocmey Work with Central Park small A1 to A6 an B1 to B6 for create a big park....
Central Park small A4, v1.0
Created by ocmey
Central Park small A4, v1.0 by ocmey Work with Central Park small A1 to A6 an B1 to B6 for create a big park....
Central Park small A5, v1.0
Created by ocmey
Central Park small A5, v1.0 by ocmey Work with Central Park small A1 to A6 an B1 to B6 for create a big park....
Central Park small B1, v1.0
Created by ocmey
Central Park small B1, v1.0 by ocmey Work with Central Park small A1 to A6 an B1 to B6 for create a big park....
Central Park small B4, v1.0
Created by ocmey
Central Park small B4, v1.0 by ocmey Work with Central Park small A1 to A6 an B1 to B6 for create a big park....
Central Park small B5, v1.0
Created by ocmey
Central Park small B5, v1.0 by ocmey Work with Central Park small A1 to A6 an B1 to B6 for create a big park....
Central Park small B2, v1.0
Created by ocmey
Central Park small B2, v1.0 by ocmey Work with Central Park small A1 to A6 an B1 to B6 for create a big park....
Central Park small B6, v1.0
Created by ocmey
Central Park small B6, v1.0 by ocmey Work with Central Park small A1 to A6 an B1 to B6 for create a big park....
Central Woodwork Semi Truck (Forestry Industry)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up If You Like! Thanks :) This truck is used in Forestry Industry Areas. 4 Color Variations as shown above. Truck Cab Total Tris = 826 1024x1024 Textures Lod Tris = 90 64x64 Textures --------------------------- Trailer Total Tris = 340 1024x512...
Centrum Casino
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A stylish, compact skyscraper casino, for smaller footprints or urban settings. The Centrum Casino will pull in tourists from across the county. Can't be bothered to download all the props? Subscribe to my PROP COLLECTION and you'll never have to download ...
Cessna 172 - Blue & White
Created by jaspinko
This is a scale model of a Cessna 172 for use in all of your airport related assets. It is a prop, so you will find it in the asset editor along with the benches (for some reason, that's where all custom props are thrown). Please let me know what you think...
Cessna 510 Citation Mustang
Created by [Delta ²k5]
The smallest plane for Skylines for now! The Mustang can transport 4 cims and arrives in four colors. Specs: 2834 Tris, Res: 1024 x 1024 Lod: 106 Tris, Res: 512 x 512. Have fun! :)...
Charging Bull New York
Created by SvenBerlin
Charging Bull New York . The model is from a free 3D model-website. I had to reduce the polygones and to make a baseplate . after dark updated ...
Cheap residental complex L4 3x3
Created by rtgstream
Cheap residental complex L4 3x3 by rtgstream designer labels and titles ...
Checker Cab
Created by CityOfTokyo
TOYOTA Crown Comfort Checker Cab It is the car of the sedan type which Toyota Motor Corporation where I appeared in December, 1995 produces. Such as having been developed assuming using it as a taxi, and a thing and the muffler which the sash of the rear s...
Checker Cab CrownSedan
Created by CityOfTokyo
Checker Cab CrownSedan SuperSaloon The crown sedan is the sedan type car which Toyota Motor Corporation produces. It is a model for public car, company car, car for hire, individual, corporation taxi, business uses such as the instruction car, but the purc...
Cherry Blossom Tree Child
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Cherry Blossom Tree Child by Shroomblaze 310 Tri's / 48 Polys Adult Version Located Here - Be sure to follow me to see new stuff first! Thanks :) http://i.imgur....
Cherry Blossom Tree Adult
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Cherry Blossom Tree Adult by Shroomblaze 310 Tri's / 48 Polys Child Version Located Here - Be sure to follow me to see new stuff first! Thanks :) http://i.imgur....
Chevrolet Astro
Created by lopiv2
Chevrolet Astro by lopiv2...
Chevrolet Astro with Boat
Created by lopiv2
Chevrolet Astro with Boat by lopiv2...
Chevrolet Camaro Z28
Created by Archie Cuntingham
Another Gran Turismo conversion, this one has slightly modified model and bigger textures. Updated for After Dark. model: 604 tris 512x512 textures lod: 46 tris 128x128 texture...
Chevrolet TrailBlazer
Created by wooderCZ
2k polygons base model, 70 polygons LOD model, 4 colors...
Chioggia, Italy
Created by sonicnurse
Chioggia is based on a real island in North-Italy not far from Venice. The islands are completely flat but crossed with plenty of canals. Outside connections are a highway, two train paths, multiple ship routes and a airplane way. Resources are limited, th...
Chiquita Semi Truck (Farming Industry)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I bought the Truck from Turbosquid for $3. It's a high quality truck with low Tri count. View the original here. I am using it to upload trucks with many shipping container brands and colors. This is the beginning of a container series I have been working ...
chitzen itza
Created by MikaelSeidler
chitzen itza needs to be in your city. bring in the tourist with this wonder....
Chozu (手水) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A place where visitors purify their hands with water. This prop was created Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。...
Church of St. Ludmila
Created by Tomas13TO
Church of St. Ludmila from Prague,(Czech Republic). The Church of St. Ludmila (Czech: Kostel svaté Ludmily) is a typical neo-Gothic church at Náměstí Míru (Peace Square) in Prague's Vinohrady, built on plans of Josef Mocker in 1888–1892. It is named in hon...
Cities Pride Stadium
Created by pborn
Hello folks! This is the "Cities Pride Stadium" As you can see it is a small fictional stadium that should house your citys home football team. Now here is the gag: Its customizable (regarding color). You can submit, enter the game and change the color the...
Citigroup centre ( Canary Wharf ) 1:1 scale
Created by Post
Citigroup centre in Canary Wharf This is only the tower section of the building (25 Canada Square) as the rest of citigroups building would not have fit withing the space given buy the game perfect for downtown financial districts About : 25 Canada Square,...
CitizenTracker v0.11
Created by CNightwing
CitizenTracker lets you follow the lives of your favourite citizens! UPDATE v0.11 *Bug fix: the mod will now function for version 1.3.0-f4, thanks to Shotyme for spotting and fixing the error UPDATE v0.1 *Bug fix: the mod will no longer cause issues in the...
Citroen H Van
Created by Sparky66
Commercial delivery van. Converted from Cities in Motion, with a number of model and texture improvements to make it suitiable for Cities Skylines. Fully working colour variations and lights. Default suspension values halfed to reduce unrealistic leaning e...
City Car Park
Created by Gillesbreton
City Car Park by Remove Kebab. Currently this is purely for aesthetic looks. Typical London or New York inner city car park. Found in game under 'Garbage' menu....
City Hospital
Created by Tomas13TO
City Hospital for your Cims. INFO maps - d,n,s,a,i (2048x1024) triangles - 3835 LOD triangles - 171 It is located in healthcare section 13x12 ...
City Park - 6x6 (rest benches)
Created by Vander
The City Park - 6x6 (rest benches) : Here you can settle down. Rest benches for nice quiet moments. Triangels : 1.593 - 130 "AFTER DARK - optimized" 6x6 Cost: 4500 Maintenance: 43,20 per week ------------------------------------------------- Tourists High:...
City Police Headquarters : After Dark
Created by OWL
City Police Headquarters by owolow: For the Police Chopper please subscribe the link below: They are here to serve you! I hope works just fine. Optimized at 3.2K triangles. Took more than 24 h...
City Sightseeing Bus
Created by SvenBerlin
UPDATED: the front of the bus now is not so flat. rebuild the bus completly. now tris 1547 LOD 102 City Sightseeing Bus by Svenpotsdam...
City Statistics Easy Access
Created by Satsui no Himbo
Adds a button to the UI for simpler access to the City Statistics graphs. --- NOTE REGARDING THE NEWEST EXPANSION: Hi folks! I haven't verified that this works in the new expansion myself yet, but I would be beyond shocked if it did not. The small amount o...
City Vitals Watch
Created by Rob
Adds a configurable panel to display vital city stats at a glance. Features - Displays real-time stats on service usage, citizen safety, and more (see full stat list below) - Select the stats you want to watch with the settings panel (click the gear button...
CKD T-669 (ЧМЭ3)
Created by AleX_BY
CKD T-669 (ЧМЭ3). Czech diesel loco, manufactured for Czech State Railways, Soviet Railways and railways in Poland, Albania, India, Iraq and Syria. Model was created by Old for Train Fever. ЧМЭ3 - ч...
Class 375/6 (Southeastern)
Created by Acc3ss Violation
Class 375 passenger train. This is a dual-voltage train from the UK that is capable of using either a third rail or an overhead wire. - 320 passengers - Southeastern livery Made possible thanks to this mod:
Class 377/2 (Southern)
Created by Acc3ss Violation
Class 377 passenger train. This is a dual-voltage train from the UK that is capable of using either a third rail or an overhead wire. - 320 passengers - Southern livery Made possible thanks to this mod:
classic bridge
Created by OI MATE SWISS
classic bridge by Swiss This is a very basic but common bridge. You can place it anywhere and build roads over it if you have the no pillar mod This mod has a custom made lod I hope you like it and if you have questions feel free to write them in the comme...
Classic Semi-Trailer Truck
Created by kurtus_mob
Classic Semi-Trailer Truck by kurtus_mob Add some horsepower to your deliveries ! Based on the vanilla cargo truc, comes in 4 colours ! Include specular, illumination and colour map. Very low poly, so performance-friendly. Enjoy and rate ! ...
Clear Sea Tropican Home
Created by ExM
Clear Sea Tropican Home by Edge...
Clock Tower
Created by UK122
Elizabeth Tower Added this by request, Its the Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben) from the Houses of Parliament building here: Makes a nice landmark, if not real. The Elizabeth Tower (previously called...
Coal Power Plant
Created by Kollati
Coal Power Plant by Kollati Cost: 100.000 Upkeep: 1600/week Power Output 192 MW ...
Cobblestone Plaza
Created by GCVos
This city square will attract a large crowd. It works seamlessly with the Path and Canal Blocks. This asset can be customized and redecorated if you want to make it look more fancy! Service: Park Cost: 800 Upkeep: 32/week Entertainment: 60 Range: 200 Size:...
Coca-Cola Semi Truck A (Generic Industry)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up If You Like! Thanks :) This truck is used in Generic Industry Areas. 4 Color Variations as shown above. Truck Cab Total Tris = 826 1024x1024 Textures Lod Tris = 90 64x64 Textures --------------------------- Trailer Total Tris = 340 1024x512 ...
Coca-Cola Semi Truck B (Generic Industry)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up If You Like! Thanks :) This truck is used in Generic Industry Areas. 4 Color Variations as shown above. Truck Cab Total Tris = 826 1024x1024 Textures Lod Tris = 90 64x64 Textures --------------------------- Trailer Total Tris = 340 1024x512 ...
Cold Drinks Vending Machine - Prop
Created by David
A generic cold drinks vending machine. This prop can be found under the Park > Park Equipment category. This prop can be used in the creation of the following asset types: Parks, Buildings. Possible Uses: Everywhere including...
Created by kei_em
おなじみのココイチが、Cities: Skylines に進出です。低密度商業区画レベル2を指定してあります。 このアセットのモデルは、 の「Cities: Skylines 10タイル目」の 749 さんが作成したものです。 #更新# パッチ 1.2.0 (After Dark) に対応しました。...
Colonne de Juillet
Created by salutolive
Perfect for places or roundabout - Level 2 4x4. 1400 poly - 16 Mb. History : The July Column is a monumental column in Paris commemorating the Revolution of 1830. It stands in the center of the Place de la Bastille and celebrates the Trois Glorieuses — the...
Color_edit Bus(色変えバス)
Created by kaeru
Color_edit Bus Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Star Bus Type:K Eco Hybrid Non-step Low-Floor Max speed:20 capacity:60 -------------------------------------------------------- 色変えバス 三菱ふそう エアロスター バス K型 エコハイブリッド 都市型超低床バス 最高速度:20 積載人数:60 色変えに対応したバスです。 ///////////////////...
Colossal Mills Cereal Factory
Created by MrMaison
Colossal Mills by MrMaison Now Updated for After Dark! This is my first building for this game. Give your industrial area a boost with this factory/tourist attraction. History: Colossal Mills is the largest cereal factory in the region founded 50 years ago...
Commerce Building N. Novgorod
Created by kowkamurka
Growable Old House from Nizhniy Novgorod City, Russia (grows on 3 level commerce zone, takes 2x2) p.s. plopable version is also available: Growable домик, очень похожий на дом из Нижнего Новго...
Created by nekote I failed to fix... The modified version was uploaded to the address above. アップデートミスにより新たに修正版をアップロードし直しております、 申し訳ございませんが上記リンクより再度ダウンロードして下さいorz...
Concourse King Tower
Created by outstandinggamer
Concourse King Tower Download the Queen Tower Now : Details 8X8 Unique Building Level - 3 Cost - 125K Maintenance - 7500 Info about building can be found here
Concrete Electric Pole (電柱)
Created by kei_em
This asset is a concrete electric pole. This donesn't generate electric power but has an area with power feeding so can transfer electricity. コンクリート製の電柱です。発電はしませんが、給電エリアを持っているため、並べると電気を遠くへ伝えることができます。 This prop was created by Mr. 371 at "Cities: Skylines MO...
concrete slab1
Created by sebateva
concrete slab1 by sebateva...
Created by Djelle
I made this because the original conifer was only available under the boreal theme. And I need it in the temperate. Silly game :) Diffuse texture: 256 x 256 px Alpha texture: 256 x 256 px Tris: 196 Poor little tree has been through so much though ;) The fi...
Conifer (Small)
Created by Djelle
I made this because the original conifer was only available under the boreal theme. And I need it in the temperate. Silly game :) Diffuse texture: 256 x 256 px Alpha texture: 256 x 256 px Tris: 196 Poor little tree has been through so much though ;) The fi...
Construction Site V.2 by Morsh
Created by Morsh
Shoutout to Steam User Iceman380 for giving me this nice idea! :) This is a Highrise building that is still under construction! In the Game it is to be found as a Park. It doesnt have capabilities to have citizens inside (its not done yet guys!). but also ...
Container Flat 2x4, High Res, Level 1
Created by apeiron91
Salam/Hi, Too many containers in your city? turn it into a flat and GO GREEN! Inspired by the real container flat located in France, this building is 3 storeys high and has its own green rooftop garden for barbeque and a swimming pool! I hope you guys will...
Container 2-stack B
Created by cyricc
Part of the Cargo Container Assets collection. 12 tris. As with all custom props, this can be found in the asset editor under Parks > Park Equipment....
CoolBoxx Semi Truck (Generic Industry)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I bought the Truck from Turbosquid for $3. It's a high quality truck with low Tri count. View the original here. I am using it to upload trucks with many shipping container brands and colors. This is the beginning of a container series I have been working ...
Cordyline Cherry Sensation
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Cordyline Australis Cherry Sensation Mediterranean Plant 1024x512 Texture Main = 746 Triangles Lod = 32 Triangles 3 Meters in Height with variations of 1.2 Max Scale & .85 Min Scale.
Cosmos-Multi Brush(1 of 2) (by Breeze)
Created by Breeze
File name : Cosmos-Medium (by Breeze) Category : Tree Height : Only : 1.2m Tris : 170 Texture : 256 x 256 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decorate nicely with their own ideas. Did you like it? Pleas...
Cosy Farmstead (growable)
Created by bennymedia
Cosy Farmstead/gem. Bauernhof by bennymedia (Updated V 1.1, ready for After Dark) This is a cosy farmstead and grows on industrial farming at 4x4 plots. 1024x1024 Texture map, 862 Tris, LOD Feel free to check out the rest of my workshop: http://steamcommun...
Cottage Outhouse
Created by Ullstrumpan
A handy shed/privy combo that fits both idyllic cottage gardens and muddy backyards. Stats: Prop Has in-game icon and tooltip image Main model: 168 triangles Custom LOD: 26 triangles Main texture: 512x512 px LOD texture: 64x32 px...
Cow (Eating / static)
Created by Simon Ryr
Cow (Eating / static)...
Creek / Stream / River
Created by Tianlein
Creek by Tianlein A small creek (5x2) surrounded by trees and benches. You can connect this one with the "creek with bridge asset"and you can create a creek :) With my Pond Lily and Pond Rose you have now a starting/end for the creeks too. Important: Place...
Cricket Park
Created by Aetos
Cricket Park Second model i've made so far. I'm still running into the same issue I had with my first creation, but otherwise it works well for now. This is pretty heavily based around the AFL footy ground I made earlier, just reworked the texture slightly...
Cross The Line
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to build your infrastructure (e.g. highways) outside of city limits You need this mod if you want to edit highways, railways, trees, electricity lines and water/sewage lines outside of city limits and/or 25 tile area. This mod also allows you to pla...
Crossrail Semi Truck (Generic Industry)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I bought the Truck from Turbosquid for $3. It's a high quality truck with low Tri count. View the original here. I am using it to upload trucks with many shipping container brands and colors. This is the beginning of a container series I have been working ...
Cynth's Gas Station (Growable)
Created by Cynth
Cynth's City Gas Station (4x4 Low Commercial Growable) Grows on level 2 low commercial zones and takes 4x4 fields. Every car needs fuel! :) PLOPPABLE VERSION: Update: 12.10.15 - After Dark upd...
Cynth's Gas Station (ploppable)
Created by Cynth
!This asset recives no further updates and support! /// Compatibility for any DLC andOr Addon since After Dark isn't guaranteed \\\ Cynth's City Gas Station (ploppable Park) Finally the ploppable version of the Gas Station. You'll find it in the Park-categ...
Cypress Tree
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A simple cypress tree...
Cypress Tree
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A new version of my Cypress Tree, matching existing assets more closely. It has lower triangle count (262), and custom thumbnail. Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If y...
D3S Ford Crown Victoria NYPD '1998
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Ford Crown Victoria NYPD '1998 Other works ... //////................................................................................................/////// Donate with...
D3S Ford Crown Victoria OPP '1998
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Ford Crown Victoria OPP '1998 Other works ... Donate with PayPal ...
D3S Ford Crown Victoria RCMP '1998
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Ford Crown Victoria RCMP '1998 Other works ... //////................................................................................................/////// Donate with...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Sprinter High Roof Van TNT (W906) '2006
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter High Roof Van TNT (W906) '2006 Standart base High roof Cargo capacity 3000 Other works ... //////...................................................
D3S Mercedes-Benz Sprinter NLAmbulance (W906) '2006
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter NL Ambulance (W906) '2006 Standart base High roof Other works ... //////............................................................................
D3S Mercedes-Benz Sprinter RUSAmbulance (W906) '2006
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter RUS Ambulance (W906) '2006 Standart base High roof Other works ... //////...........................................................................
D3S Mercedes-Benz Sprinter UKPolice (W906) '2006
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter UK Police (W906) '2006 Standart base High roof Other works ... //////...............................................................................
D3S Mercedes-Benz Sprinter UKAmbulance (W906) '2006
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter UK Ambulance (W906) '2006 Standart base High roof Other works ... //////............................................................................
Created by CityOfTokyo
DAIHATSU MIDGET MP4 The midget is the tricar which Daihatsu Motor produced. Midget was named with small size, the thought called the short car by the word of the meaning "micro-mini" in English. *** Change Log *** 24/June : Reduction of the number of the p...
Created by CityOfTokyo
DAIHATSU Midget MP4 It is the tricar which Daihatsu Motor produced....
Created by Khopa
Darty (Ploppable version) Darty is a multinational consumer electronics retailing company headquartered in UK. Darty stores branded as this one can be found accross Europe in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal & Turkey. Level II Unique building Size : 4x3 Stat...
David Florence , Italy
Created by SvenBerlin
The statue of David from Michelangelo. The model I have from archiv 3D. I only made the pedestal. after dark updated reduced tris from over 14000 to 4787 LOD tris 492...
De Voortuin -Z- (European)
Created by Zakerias
Coastal Map: De Voortuin This map has a smooth landscape with rolling hills and two rivers. Along the borders of the map are lakes, ridges and a few islands. The large central island lies between the rivers and has a highway cutting through it. Infrastruct...
Created by Khopa
Decathlon : Decathlon is a french sport retailer founded in 1976. Growable version link : Game Info : - Found under park section - Based on botanical garden Technical infos : - 626 tris - 1024...
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up Thanks! Original Model by lkraan from Turbo Squid. Original Listing Here I redid most of the textures to be sharper, made proper masks for turn signals. Comes in Grey, Blue, Red & Yellow! Goes 88 Miles Per Hour Total Tris = 857 512x512 Maps ...
Delta Airlines Aircraft
Created by SvenBerlin
Delta Airlines Aircraft LOD 465 triangles after dark updated...
Den-en-chofu Train Station(Ver.3)
Created by ragutaro
Den-en-chofu Train Station by ragutaro 東京都大田区にある田園調布駅です。 Den-en-chofu station is located in Ota, Tokyo, Japan. *Update 2015/09/26 Ver.3 After Dark用に作り直した。 Recreated for After Dark. 2015/05/23 Ver.2 ツールチップ画像を追加した。 Added a tooltip image. Building Name : Den-...
Desert Oasis with dunes
Created by Whiskey
A desert oasis with large sand dunes, train tracks and well functioning water flow. Playtested and everything seems to be working fine. Get the custom color lookup table to go with this map (also works on any Tropical region):
Derelict Water tower
Created by ArakanI
An old derelict water tower. Will be made into a working water tower when its possible....
Detached garage
Created by EerieEden
If you're worried about the cleanliness of your cims' cars, this prop is for you! 182 tris, 512x512 texture maps (diffuse, specular, normal). Now with custom LOD (16 tris, 128x128 textures)! You can place a parking space (asset editor) in the garage to mak...
DH-1 "Wadloper" (Double)
Created by Acc3ss Violation
DH-1 "Wadloper" diesel passenger train, previously used by the Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Railways). Carries 130 passengers at 100km/h. Well suited for rural or less used lines. Subscribe to Vehicle Effects to get diesel sound!:
DH-1 "Wadloper" (single)
Created by Acc3ss Violation
DH-1 "Wadloper" diesel passenger train, previously used by the Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Railways). Carries 65 passengers at 100km/h. Well suited for rural or less used lines. Subscribe to Vehicle Effects to get headlights for both directions and diese...
Direct Semi Truck (Generic Industry)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I bought the Truck from Turbosquid for $3. It's a high quality truck with low Tri count. View the original here. I am using it to upload trucks with many shipping container brands and colors. This is the beginning of a container series I have been working ...
DH-2 "Wadloper"
Created by Acc3ss Violation
DH-2 "Wadloper" diesel passenger train, previously used by the Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Railways). - 130 passengers Subscribe to Vehicle Effects to get diesel sound!: Other variants: DH-1 (S...
DK-H3 2x4 Harriman Office Building NYC 39 Broadway
Created by DethKwok
A Wall to Wall Office Building that grows at Level 3 Will update when I can figure out if Jobs can be changed. This is an art Deco building located in NYC, at 39 Broadway. ------------------------------------------------- DK-H3 2x4 Harriman Office Building...
DK-L1 1x2 USA Trailer House 1
Created by DethKwok
DK-L1 1x2 USA Trailer House 1 by DethKwok Details: Custom Building Model, Made in Blender Growable Lot Sizes: 1x2, 1x3, 1x4 Construction Time: 30 Recolorable: Comes in Beige, White, Dark Red and Light Green NOTES: This is hard to grow out of large zones. T...
DK-L1 1x2 USA Trailer House 2
Created by DethKwok
DK-L1 1x2 USA Trailer House 2 by DethKwok Details: Custom Building Model, Made in Blender Growable Lot Sizes: 1x2, 1x3, 1x4 Construction Time: 20 +Normal Map Recolorable: Comes in Light Blue, Beige, Light Green and White NOTES: This is hard to grow out of ...
DK-L1 2x2 USA Trailer House 2
Created by DethKwok
DK-L1 2x2 USA Trailer House 2 by DethKwok Details: Custom Building Model, Made in Blender Growable Lot Sizes: 2x2, 2x3, 2x4 Construction Time: 20 +Normal Map Recolorable: Comes in Red, Brown, Torquise, White For this building to grow more often, download t...
DK-L1 2x2 USA Trailer House 1
Created by DethKwok
DK-L1 2x2 USA Trailer House 1 by DethKwok Details: Custom Building Model, Made in Blender Growable Lot Sizes: 2x2, 2x3, 2x4 Construction Time: 30 Recolorable: Comes in Blue, White, Red and Brown To increase the chance to grow this building, check out the o...
DK-L1 2x2 USA Trailer House 3
Created by DethKwok
DK-L1 2x2 USA Trailer House 3 by DethKwok...
DK-L1 3x3 American Trailer House 2
Created by DethKwok
DK-L1 3x3 American Trailer House 2 by DethKwok Details: Custom Building Model, Made in Blender Growable Lot Sizes: 3x3, 3x4 Construction Time: 20 +Normal Map Recolorable: Comes in Red, Blue, Green, and White For this building to grow more often, download t...
DK-L1 3x3 USA Trailer House 1
Created by DethKwok
DK-L1 3x3 USA Trailer House 1 by DethKwok Details: Custom Building Model, Made in Blender Growable Lot Sizes: 3x3, 3x4 Construction Time: 30 Recolorable: Comes in White, Green, Red and Beige 2x2 version:
DK-L1 3x3 USA Trailer House 3
Created by DethKwok
DK-L1 3x3 USA Trailer House 3 by DethKwok...
Dodge Magnum
Created by
Dodge Magnum by My daily driver! Hope you enjoy it. 1052 tris Autogenerated lod and textures Some known issues -Odd texture issues caused by normals not being quite right,...
DK-TV Antenna 1 Prop
Created by DethKwok
DK-TV Antenna1 by DethKwok...
Dog house (犬小屋) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A dog house. This prop was created by Mr. 551 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 551さんが作成したものです。 ...
Domino's Pizza (Volkswagen Caddy)
Created by Kliekie
Pizzatime! \o/ I guess you could say I like weird cars :D This time a Volkswagen Caddy (2000) and will be most likely reused with different textures in the future. Counts as an industrial vehicle so it will drive around between industrial and commercial zo...
Donkin' Donuts by BumpaNiggl (growable H1)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Donkin' Donuts by BumpaNiggl (growable, working) Because one or two or three donut dealers in town are not enough. Placed ingame to check if it works; and it dunkin does. :] Description: Type: Commercial Level: H1 Size 4x4 Construction time: 30 Ground offs...
Dortmunds Department Store
Created by bigmoodenergy
Level 2 department store (2x1) growable in light commercial zone. Dortmund's Department Store has been a staple of Main Street for decades, sponsoring the football team, providing Santa's suit each winter, and weathering the storm when other businesses shu...
Double Decker Bus
Created by nekote
Double Decker Bus Note: nine years and is not in front of a work of so good can. passenger= 80 大型の2階建てバスです。 ネオプランが販売していたN128/4をモデルとしています。 注意:9年前に製作したモデルをインポートしたので、 モデル、テクスチャともに余り良い出来では御座いません。 今後修正するかと思いますので、気長にお待ちください。 また、乗客数80名と相当大きな設定なのでご注意下さい。...
Dream BioGas Plant 10x10
Created by Fr3dTP
After Dark ready. Now with LOD. ---------------------------------------------------------- TRIS = ~7500 TEXTURE = 512x512px SIZE= 10x10 blocks (80m x 80m) COST= $45000 UPKEEP= $720/week POLLUTION=0 POLLUTION NOISE= 1 PRODUCTION= 288MW WATER CONS.= 1200m3 /...
Dream Crane [PROP]
Created by Fr3dTP
TYPE: PROP TRIS:3263 TEXTURE: 256x256 LOD: 341 TRIS LOD Texture: 128x128 Other: Dream Tower Under Construction
Dream Guard Shack 02 [PROP]
Created by Fr3dTP
Working in 1.1.1c Version 2 Improvements in this version: - Roof texture (Normal Mask); - Glass door and windows with reflections (Specular Mask); - Color variations only in the walls (Color Mask). Type=PROP Use=Asset Editor only Color Variations=Yes(4) Us...
Dream Tower Under Construction
Created by Fr3dTP
Working 1.1.1 Type=Park Cost=$1500 Upkeep=$80/week Water Cons.=32m3/week Eletricity Cons.=16kw Tourists=70/30/10...
Dream Wood House [PROP]
Created by Fr3dTP
Working in 1.1.1c Type=PROP *3D Model & Texture by animatedheaven in
DSB Info Board
Created by Djelle
Info Board made for Aarhus H - Part 2. Tris: 108 Texture (d, s): 512 x 125 px ...
Dump National Hotel
Created by BoldlyBuilding If you'd like to support me and my work and help me become very very rich so I can build my own chain of fake gold-encrusted ...
Dutch Canal House
Created by Kliekie
A typical dutch canal house, based on an existing National monument: Herengracht 203 in Amsterdam. Currently on the market for € 3.250.000 if you're intrested ;) It's a level 5 high density building, fits on a 1x4 grid, can fit up to 7 households. 1971 Tri...
Dutch house V1.1
Created by andysave92
Dutch house V1.1 by andysave92...
Dutch school (2x3)
Created by andysave92
Dutch school for dense development of the European ______________________________________________ If you like the model - donate of more effective work Donate with PayPal ...
Dutch Housing: Terrace #1
Created by Macwelshman
A small Dutch red roofed terraced house. Asset Details Type : Growable Size : 1x2 layout Density : Low Residential Level : 1 Model Details Tris: 484 Texture: 1024x1024 LOD Tris: 88 LOD Texture: 128x128
Dutch Windmill #TEMPTED
Created by SimoG
A classic Dutch Windmill. Offer an Holiday Farm. It's a perrfect location to take evocative pictures....
Dutch Windmill (LoM) [ELEC]
Created by LegionOfMe
Original model: Dutch Windmill - Dutch Landmarks by Bonzodoggie The change: The original is a Unique Building. I thought this is way too beautiful to have it only once in my city, so I made it into a working Windmill that actually produces power. Features:...
DutchHousingTheme L1 2x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L1 2x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L1 4x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L1 4x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L2 1x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L2 1x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L2 4x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L2 4x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L3 1x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L3 1x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L3 1x1 B
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L3 1x1 B by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L3 3x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L3 3x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L3 3x1 B
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L3 3x1 B by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L3 4x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L3 4x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L4 1x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L4 1x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L4 3x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L4 3x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L4 4x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L4 4x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L5 1x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L5 1x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L5 1x1 B
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L5 1x1 B by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L5 2x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L5 2x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L5 2x1 B
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L5 2x1 B by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L5 2x1 C
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L5 2x1 C by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L5 3x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L5 3x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L5 3x1 B
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L5 3x1 B by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L5 4x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L5 4x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L5 4x1 B
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L5 4x1 B by Kliekie...
Created by Khopa
E.Leclerc Hypermarket (Version 2) Level II Unique Building Size : 6x7 Stats : Same as the Moderation Mall E.Leclerc is a french hypermarket chain founded in 1949. E.Leclerc Hypermarkets can be found in the following European countries : France, Spain, Port...
E.Leclerc Hypermarket
Created by Khopa
E.Leclerc Hypermarket Improved version : Level II Unique Building Size : 6x7 Stats : Same as the Moderation Mall E.Leclerc is a french hypermarket chain founded in 1949. E.Leclerc Hypermarkets...
easyjet Aircraft 737-800
Created by SvenBerlin
easyjet Aircraft 737-800 LOD 465 tris after dark updated All stuff is free of course and if you like that stuff maybe you would like to donate for all the time I invested to reskin this aircraft Thank you very much.
easyjet aircraft prop
Created by SvenBerlin
easyjet aircraft prop by Svenpotsdam...
Ebisu East Gallery 1.1
Created by Paradox
Ebisu East Gallery in Japan. Restaurant, banquet hall. Same stats as Courthouse mostly, for balance. 4x4 size, unique level 3 building. update: added reflections to windows....
Eddie Stobart Scania
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up If You Like! Thanks :) Introducing a new truck model for the Real Shipping Container Series. Model Scania R Streamline Cab by Onionjack_ & Trailer + Graphics by Shroomblaze. This truck is used in Generic Industry Areas. No Color Variations. ...
Eating Cow (static) Prop version
Created by Simon Ryr
Eating Cow (static) - NO "RUINED" TEXTURE ONCE DOwNLOADED §...
Eddie Stobart Trailer - Prop
Created by BaskB
Eddie Stobart Trailer - Prop by BaskB With the UK retail units and housing now avaliable I figured was time to add another iconic brand in from the UK in the form of a stobart trailer. Built the model myself and will also be adding it to my distribution ce...
Edificis Trade (1966), Barcelona
Created by rhvjay
Trade Buildings (1966), Barcelona. Realistic model scale 1:1 Barcelona’s Trade Buildings were built between 1966 and 1968 from a project drawn up by the architects Josep Antoni Coderch de Sentmenat and Manuel Valls i Vergés. They comprise four tall offices...
Edinburgh Row House Corner Level 2, with pub. 4x4
Created by Sir__Smeg
Here you go, Edinburgh junkies. Uh... not literally junkies of Edinburgh. Though of course you guys are more than welcome to download this asset if you find it ^^ Level 2 corner building, with pub, for some variety on your Edinburgh level 2 corners. The pu...
Edinburgh Corner Pub L1 4x4
Created by Sir__Smeg
I've always wanted to name a pub. Now I've had my chance, and I've outdone myself. Every good corner ought to have a pub on it, and often does. I'd love to make a unique pub name for every corner in your city, but perhaps the Steam workshop doesn't want to...
Edinburgh Row House Corner Level 3, with Pub. 4x4
Created by Sir__Smeg
The level 3 corner pub is a work of art. The windows look a little odd, being higher detail than the windows on the upper floors, but who's looking that closely, eh? The photos of the doors and windows at the pub were personally taken by me, after a very p...
Edinburgh Row House Corner1 4x4
Created by Sir__Smeg
Finally, something to cap off those long rows of Edinburgh houses. This model is a 4x4 that fits snugly at the end of a row. Due to amateurish 3D skills, there are probably too many polys, so don't go too crazy with this one. Future work will be much more ...
Edinburgh Row House L1 'A' 2x4
Created by Sir__Smeg
The first of a hopefully large collection of Edinburgh inspired Row Houses. Ah, Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, and full of dour stone architecture. I'm surrounded by it daily, and I never tire of it, so here's my virtual tribute. I plan to create a go...
Edinburgh Row House L1 'B' 2x4
Created by Sir__Smeg
The second in my Edinburgh Row Houses collection. Just for a little variety. Ah, Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, and full of dour stone architecture. I'm surrounded by it daily, and I never tire of it, so here's my virtual tribute. I plan to create a g...
Edinburgh Row House L2 'A' 2x4
Created by Sir__Smeg
Bridging the gap between fancy bits and none, the level 2 Edinburgh inspired houses! Still kinda Easter-Road/Upper Leith style, these are basically level 1s with bay windows sticking out of them. A nice long row of L1 and L2 Houses would probably look pret...
Edinburgh Row House L2 'B' 2x4
Created by Sir__Smeg
Another level 2 Easter Road Style house. To create long rows of this building (And its brothers and sisters when they're ready) the building eyedropper tool is very useful: To keep this buildi...
Edinburgh Row House L2 'C' 2x4
Created by Sir__Smeg
The 'C' version of the level 2 Edinburgh Row House. This one has partially formed bay windows, and a ground floor of smooth stone cladding. To create long rows of this building (And its brothers and sisters when they're ready) the building eyedropper tool ...
Edinburgh Row House L3 'B'
Created by Sir__Smeg
So here they are; Edinburgh style row houses for mid-level residents. These are a bit more interesting to look at than the level 1s, with bay windows, turrety bits and other fancy bits of pointy architecture. They are inspired mostly by the Bruntsfield are...
Edinburgh Row House L3 'C' 2x4
Created by Sir__Smeg
After a small delay, here is the final one of my 'Bruntsfield' (Level 3) collection. It's a nice complement to the 'A' variant, because it has the bay window in the same style (Turret!), but on the opposite side. The front garden is a bit more green and lu...
Edinburgh Row House L3 Filler 1x4
Created by Sir__Smeg
Another little filler piece for the level 3 buildings. For those awkward, difficult to reach 1x4 slots. I put in a skylight as a little bonus!...
Edinburgh Row House Level 2 Corner 4x4
Created by Sir__Smeg
I work slowly, but I do work! Here at last is a level 2 corner Row House for the ends of level 2 Edinburgh Streets. To ensure this building goes where you want the building eyedropper tool is very useful:
Edinburgh Row House Level 2 Filler 1x4
Created by Sir__Smeg
Hey guys, I finally made you a level 2 filler house, just to simplify the making of those lovely rows. This one requires all the same mods and props as the others. Sorry it wasn't done sooner - I've been moving house, but I should be back in the game now t...
Edinburgh Row House Level 1 Filler 1x4
Created by Sir__Smeg
Just because there are sometimes some awkward gaps that need filling, this is an 8m wide variant on my level 1 Edinburgh Row houses. Should make building just a little easier. There's nothing really special about this one - it's just a nice filler....
Edinburgh Row House Level 3 Corner 4x4
Created by Sir__Smeg
A quiet, leafy suburban street in Edinburgh's Bruntsfield. That's what you can finally finish off with this 4x4 level 3 corner building. What more can I say than, 'I'd like to live here'. To ensure this building goes where you want the building eyedropper ...
Edo Castle 江戸城
Created by hkhrm2003
Edo Castle (Kan'ei Era) Original 3D Model made by SeaGate from Sketchup 3D Warehouse Converted, modified and adapted for C:S by hkhrm2003...
Created by kaeru
Engine EF65(1965–1979) Cargo Train コキ(KOKI)107 Cargo#1 12Feet JRF Red Container Cargo#2 12Feet JRF Red Blue Container Cargo#3 20Feet Nittsu Seino Container Cargo#3 20Feet Sagawa Kuroneko Container Cargo#5 31Feet Wing Container Cargo#6 31Feet Wing Container...
Created by kaeru
Engine EF65(1965–1979) Cargo コキ(KOKI)107 Cargo#1 12Feet JRF Blue Container Cargo#2 12Feet JRF Red Blue Container Cargo#3 12Feet JRF Red Blue Container Cargo#4 12Feet JRF Green White Cargo#5 12Feet JRF Green White Cargo#6 20Feet JRF Tank Cargo#7 20Feet JRF ...
Created by kaeru
Engine EF65(1965–1979) Cargo Train コキ(KOKI)107 Cargo#1 20Feet Nittsu Seino Container Cargo#2 20Feet Nittsu Seino Container Cargo#3 20Feet Sagawa Kuroneko Container Cargo#4 20Feet Sagawa Kuroneko Container Cargo#5 31Feet Wing Container Cargo#6 31Feet Wing C...
Created by kaeru
Engine EF65(1965–1979) Cargo Train コキ(KOKI)107 Cargo#1 31Feet DHL K-Line Container Cargo#2 31Feet DHL K-Line Container Cargo#3 31Feet EVERGREEN MAERSK Container Cargo#4 31Feet EVERGREEN MAERSK Container Cargo#5 12Feet JRF Red Blue Container Cargo#6 12Feet ...
Created by kaeru
Engine EF65(1965–1979) Cargo Train コキ(KOKI)107 Cargo#1 Tank Cargo#2 Tank Cargo#3 Tank Cargo#3 Tank Cargo#5 Tank Cargo#6 Tank Cargo#7 Empty コキ107の実物はもっと長いのですが、ゲーム用に短くしています。 それでもゲーム内のデフォルトモデルより長いです。そこでホーム長を考え 編成数を通常の9→7にしています。編成が短いので積載できる荷物量も若干少なめです All trai...
Extra Train Station Tracks ( ETST )
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds more train station track assets for custom train stations. This mod was created before custom network assets were a thing and is still needed for stations created with its tracks. These tracks are only available to asse...
Elevated Train Stop (Read Description pls)
Created by jens
Important: You will need BloodyPenguins Elevated Station Track Mod for this to be properly working otherwise they ground will rise up to the tracks and make it look like wtf. It's also not clear ...
Ema (絵馬) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A picture tablet for the realization of visitors' wishes. This prop was created by Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。 ...
Empire State Building (FINAL)
Created by Codeweep
There will be NO After Dark update to this model! Sorry! VERSION 1.4 : Now with working LoD. Feedback and Ratings are appreciated! The Empire State Building: Size: 12x6 Noise: 50 (Radius: 20) Entertainment: 120 (Radius: 400) Scale: ~1:1,5...
Empire State Building Bigger
Created by lopiv2
Empire State Building by lopiv2. Now bigger version, again....
empty farmland/field
Created by Tianlein
Empty farmland without any decoration. You can find in my Workshop other versions with plants,fences: I just uploaded this version too since someone asked for it:) Greetings Tianlein ...
Empty Gas Holder (lvl3 Industry) (Growable)
Created by Post
Full Gas Tower lvl3 - based on real gas holders in the UK this building sits on a bed of water allowing high presure gas to be supplied to all your cims so they can cook to their heats content. also avalible in colours blue, red and yellow. Please rate and...
Epernay Station (France)
Created by Simon Ryr
Epernay Station (France) TO DO / A faire : * Roof is orange / le toit est orange ...
Erasmuspoort -Z- (European)
Created by Zakerias
Typical Dutch Landscapes: Erasmuspoort I wanted to make a region that has the properties of my Rotterdam map, but with less complex waterways. The Erasmuspoort landscape is therefore heavily inspired by coast of the South-Holland povince, but I added a bit...
Esco Island
Created by aaffonso
A new map a made especially to play with AfterDark, but of course works fine with vanilla game. Beaches, large open flat areas and geographical accidents. This map has all four types of connections set. Tropical template Find all 14 maps I have make here: ...
Esztergom Basilica
Created by Tomas13TO
The Primatial Basilica of the Blessed Virgin Mary Assumed Into Heaven and St Adalbert from Esztergom,(Hungary). It is the biggest building in Hungary. Its inner area is 5,600 m2. It is 118 m long and 49 m wide. It has a reverberation time of more than 9 se...
Euro Blockhouse HighDen 1 level
Created by kowkamurka
I have some troubles with the game right now, so it would be difficult to update my older building... But as I remember many of you wanted this house in High density residental zone! So - here it is with nigh mod and so on. It takes 2x2 lots. Available in ...
Euro Blockhouse HighDen 2 level
Created by kowkamurka
I have some troubles with the game right now, so it would be difficult to update my older building... But as I remember many of you wanted this house in High density residental zone! So - here it is with nigh mod and so on. It takes 2x2 lots. Available in ...
Euro Corner Block House with Tower (commerce) (AD)
Created by kowkamurka
3 level 3x3 high dencity growable corner house for all regions. This house is based on the fotoes made in Prague, Czech Republic, and my own fantasy....
Murka's Corner Cat-house HR 4 level (AD)
Created by kowkamurka
4 level high dencity growable corner residental block house for all regions. Takes 3x3 corner lot This house is based on the photos made in Prague, Czech Republic, and my own fantasy....
Euro-Haus 2 x 3
Created by core79
Euro-Haus 2 x 3 by core79 HERE IS A AFTER DARK VERSION : Dies ist ein 2 x 3 Wohnhaus aus dem Standard Europaket für Level 1 Cims. Es gibt 4 verschiedene Farbvariationen (grün, schwarz, rot und...
Euromodale Scania R (Generic Industry)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up If You Like! Thanks :) Introducing a new truck model for the Real Shipping Container Series. The Scania R Streamline Cab by Onionjack_ & Trailer by Shroomblaze. This truck is used in Generic Industry Areas. 4 Color Variations as shown above....
Europcar rent a car unique rental car
Created by SvenBerlin
Europcar rent a car unique by Svenpotsdam rental car building unique building Level 4 3x3 after dark updated If you like my work I would be happy about a donation. Thanks for that.
European Apartment-House by B1337
Created by B1337
- H5 High density - 2x3 European Set - Growable - 4 colours (dark red, light yellow, light blue, grey) - 2300 tris + Props - 1024 map made in Blender & Gimp -------------------------- v2 - UV-fixes, correct floor height, prop-tuning, new roof material and ...
European Row House as Residental
Created by kowkamurka
3x2 Row Residental House from Brno, Czech Republic. Low dencity, 4 level....
European Row House Plopable
Created by kowkamurka
Classic prewar european row house from Brno (Czech republic), a plpable monument on III level. This house is still has scars it'd gained in WWII, but as for me, it only makes it more beautyful. Growable version is also available. Классический довоенный евр...
European Well-Yard Row House (Commerce)
Created by kowkamurka
Remastered and set to be a growable 3 level Commerce building (low dencity) European Well-Yard house, based on houses from the city of Saints Petersburg, Russia. Улучшенный и настроенный как коммерческое здание низкой плотности 3го уровня дом из города С-П...
Eurostar 373 Trainset (Western Europe)
Created by Windows 95
Here's the Eurostar 373 Trainset in it's original launch livery (old waves logo) Default capacity is 275, but you can easily change that AND the speed with the Advanced Vehicles Mod. Assignable Line colours represented by the yellow accents in the power ca...
eu_bridge (water only)
Created by OI MATE SWISS
so you want more bridges.. well i agree here have a new one this one should also make no issues with the water what so ever but you can only place it on water .. soo yeah sorry about that. hope you can use it well somewhere. Also all you people out there c...
Created by OI MATE SWISS
eu_house3 by Swiss...
Evergreen Semi Truck (Generic Industry)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I bought the Truck from Turbosquid for $3. It's a high quality truck with low Tri count. View the original here. I am using it to upload trucks with many shipping container brands and colors. This is the beginning of a container series I have been working ...
Executive Hotel
Created by Alvin
Note: This asset does not have proper lighting texture / lights. Unfortunately I don't have the resources to update this model anymore. ====================================== Executive Hotel by x3 This is an original skyscraper model. A tall, five-star lux...
Extended Building Information
Created by emf
Sorry, mod is no longer being mantained. This seems like a good alternative. Detailed building service information and level up progress. Also adds additional random building names and company descriptions. This mod should not conflict with any other mod s...
Extended Modular Docks
Created by Lord Rato
Extended Docks to go along with your Fishing Docks. You can place them at the shore, its best to pause the game before doing that, its pretty simple to get them connected. Has ingame icon and lod. hope you guys enjoy. For the other assets: Fisherman Docks:...
Extended Public Transport UI (Obsolete)
Created by AcidF!re
Obsolete With the newest Patch/DLC EPTUI has become obsolete. All functionality has been integrated into the base game by Colossal Order - and some! The mod will stay up, as it might be useful for reference; finally a thanks to all subscribers for their tr...
Extended Road Upgrade
Created by Wiliz
Updated for the After Dark and Snowfall expansions! NOTE: This mod was originally created before the ability to upgrade between one- and two-way roads was added into the game itself, so it is no longer essential, but it's available for those who prefer its...
Created by BB|JoJoPuppe
Fachwerkhaus_v01 by JoJoPuppe...
Created by BB|JoJoPuppe
Fachwerkhaus_v2_LD_2x3_L2 by BB|JoJoPuppe...
Created by kaeru
FamilyMart-truck Car model : ISUZU Elf 5th(1993-2006)       Reefer Container model Payload : 3t ファミリーマート配送トラック 冷蔵コンテナ いすゞ エルフ 第5世代 Other model is here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Updated AD and some of the text...
Fan Palm Tree
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A normal looking fan palm tree, with shedding leaves. 2885 tris (down from 10000) Custom Thumbnail Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I wo...
FA's District Courthouse
A real project - Modern District Courthouse design I did back in Architecture School. Hope someone out there likes it. by Forerunner Architect...
Farm Windmill
Created by Kailen_
Farm windmill supplies a small amount of water for a small amount of money, no electricity required very little noise Warning: the outlet for water services seems to be buggy, this item cannot be placed directly on a preexisting water line. (it can but wil...
Farnborough ATC Tower
Created by Tomcat
Farnborough Airport Air Traffic Control Tower. My 2'nd ATC Tower. Cannot upload images here (dont know why i got error message) so ingame images are here: Improvements: 1. Better textures than JFK ATC model. 2. With specular map ...
FedEx 777 (flyable)1
Created by UK122
FedEx 777 (flyable)1 by UK122 Requested. Carries passengers, not cargo unfortunately Improved engines and custom LOD added (LOD has no wheels so gives the impression of lifting gear after take-off or on landing if viewed from the ground)...
FedEx A380
Created by SvenBerlin
FedEx A380 by Svenpotsdam after dark updated If you like that airplane, feel free to make a donation for the time I invested to make the skin for that aircraft. Thanks a lot.
FedEx aircraft
Created by SvenBerlin
FedEx aircraft by Svenpotsdam after dark updated All stuff is free of course and if you like that stuff maybe you would like to donate for all the time I invested to reskin this aircraft Thank you very much.
FedEx Landing Bay Lite
Created by brendan.rnp
NOTE: Please check Illuminated Landing Bays collection for required props. This is a 16 x10 illuminated landing bay with the fence facing the road....
Fern - TPB Nature Series
798 Tris 1024x512 texture. No dirt patch at base when plopped. Credit and many thanks for these beautiful models and textures goes to Nobiax, thank you for letting me use your models man. Ported and modded by me. HD Screenshot by Jenkins. Donations always ...
Fern 1
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A large fern for placing in gardens Triangles : ~612 Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I would be very grateful if you could support me w...
Ferry Ship
Created by OI MATE SWISS
Ferry Ship by Swiss hi there, here is another passanger ship it features: -low poly mesh (1298 tris) -very low poly LOD (93 tris) -custom made texture -specular map -color variation The model is fictional, but is heavily inspired from real-ferrys which are...
Feyenoord Football Stadium (Stadion van de Kampioen van Nederland)
Created by CaptainFidus
Feyenoord Football Stadium by Long Long 龙龙 Wow, much tri, much modeling noobage by me, so it's probably not recommended for people who already have trouble running the game. Having said that I'm running this on a laptop and it works okay for me in a medium...
Fiat 500 2008
Created by Jones
Stats: 964 tris 512x512 textures Lod 52 tris, 32x32 textures Changelog: 21/7/2015 - Fixed scale and diffuse texture. 4/10/2015 - After Dark update....
Filardi Semi Truck (Generic Industry)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up If You Like! Thanks :) The Scania R Streamline Cab by Onionjack_ & Trailer by Shroomblaze. This truck is used in Generic Industry Areas. 4 Color Variations as shown above. Scania Cab Total Tris = 1414 1024x512 Textures Lod Tris = 72 32x32 Te...
Fire Hydrant
Created by error_37
A small plopable fire hydrant which increases firedepatment efficency in its immediate area. My first attempt at asset creation in Cities Skylines, expect more to come. If you like this, comment below and let me know! Want to see something specific? Let me...
Marked Incompatible ]  First-person camera
Created by nlight
Fisherman Docks
Created by Lord Rato
Fisherman Docks, for your fishermen village, with 4 parking lots. Comes with an ingame icon, and LOD. Enjoy. Attetion: If you dont like the boat, i created a version without it, you will find it in one of the links below. Thanks. For the other assets: Fish...
Fisherman Docks
Created by Lord Rato
Fisherman Docks by Lord Rato...
Fishing Vessel
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this model, it's a free model from You can see the original listing here... ---- Asset Details ---- Total Tri's = 2,166 Lod Tri's = 228 It's listed under the Park category and can ...
Flag - Canada (CAN)
Created by Mark
The Canadian flag on a white flagpole. This is a fairly average-sized poly model, and this is also my first ever mod! I'll be releasing a lot more flags (different texture) on the same model, so stay tuned for those! If you have any requests feel free to c...
Flag - England (ENG)
Created by Mark
The England flag on a white flagpole. This is a fairly average-sized poly model, and this is also my first ever mod! I'll be releasing a lot more flags (different texture) on the same model, so stay tuned for those! If you have any requests feel free to co...
Flag - Europe (EUR)
Created by Mark
The European flag on a white flagpole. (This was requested, request your own by commenting!) This is a fairly average-sized poly model, and this is also my first ever mod! I'll be releasing a lot more flags (different texture) on the same model, so stay tu...
Flag - Italy (ITA)
Created by Mark
The Italian flag on a white flagpole. This is a fairly average-sized poly model, and this is also my first ever mod! I'll be releasing a lot more flags (different texture) on the same model, so stay tuned for those! If you have any requests feel free to co...
Flag - Netherlands (NL)
Created by Mark
The Dutch flag on a white flagpole. This is a fairly average-sized poly model, and this is also my first ever mod! I'll be releasing a lot more flags (different texture) on the same model, so stay tuned for those! If you have any requests feel free to comm...
Flag - Russian Federation (RUS)
Created by Mark
The Russian Federation flag on a white flagpole. This is a fairly average-sized poly model, and this is also my first ever mod! I'll be releasing a lot more flags (different texture) on the same model, so stay tuned for those! If you have any requests feel...
Flag - Spain (ES)
Created by Mark
The Spanish flag on a white flagpole. This is a fairly average-sized poly model, and this is also my first ever mod! I'll be releasing a lot more flags (different texture) on the same model, so stay tuned for those! If you have any requests feel free to co...
Flag - United Kingdom (UK)
Created by Mark
The United Kingdom flag on a white flagpole. This is a fairly average-sized poly model, and this is also my first ever mod! I'll be releasing a lot more flags (different texture) on the same model, so stay tuned for those! If you have any requests feel fre...
Flag - United Nations (UN)
Created by Mark
The United Nations flag on a white flagpole. This is a fairly average-sized poly model, and this is also my first ever mod! I'll be releasing a lot more flags (different texture) on the same model, so stay tuned for those! If you have any requests feel fre...
Flag - United States (USA)
Created by Mark
The United States of America flag on a white flagpole. This is a fairly average-sized poly model, and this is also my first ever mod! I'll be releasing a lot more flags (different texture) on the same model, so stay tuned for those! If you have any request...
FlamingRingWings #1 (Medium) by BumpaNiggl
Created by BumpaNiggl
FlamingRingWings #1 (Medium) by BumpaNiggl Base used: L3 4x3 Shop10 Actual size: 4x4 Construction time: 30 Everything else was left at basic settings. Includes hangout areas, building entry points and car parking marks (last applies to 90 percent ob my obj...
[DEPRECATED] Flag of Canada
Created by APeeler
A Canadian Flag Prop that can be placed alongside your assets. This mod is deprecated, please subscribe to the Canadian Flags Mod instead....
Flatiron Building
Created by RoiboschT
Some information about the building in real life: The legendary Flatiron Building from New York City. Located at the meeting point of the Fifth Avenue, Broadway and East 22nd Street, with 23rd Street grazing the triangle's northern peak. It is one of the o...
Flatiron Building (for Plaza)
Created by RoiboschT
Some information about the building in real life: The legendary Flatiron Building from New York City. Located at the meeting point of the Fifth Avenue, Broadway and East 22nd Street, with 23rd Street grazing the triangle's northern peak. It is one of the o...
Florist's Field 2x2 Agriculture
Created by kinnikinnik
Using ReticentDaikaiju's flower patches for a agriculture field. Grows in agriculture industry zone....
Foam 'N Go Car Wash
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Subscribe to all the required Assets by clicking the Collection link above Please Rate Up if you Like! Thanks for the Support! I'll start off by saying that I used a lot of models found on the 3D Warehouse but I also put in a lot of work modifying, creatin...
Food Cart
Created by ReticentDaikaiju
A food cart apparently selling hot dogs. Use it as a decoration in a park, or use make it part of a building using the asset editor....
Created by bruch_luc_fx
Footballfield_small by framedvfx find it under unique buildings Im working on a Park version but it's a bit buggy at the moment...
Ford Country Squire
Created by Archie Cuntingham
Hope you have big parking squares Updated for After Dark. My mod for Insane, modified a bit to work with Cities. 1838 tris 512x512 textures lod 32 tris 64x64 textures...
Ford F150
Created by lopiv2
Ford F150 by lopiv2...
Forklift Prop
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this. I found it on Originally created by Tim Fullwood. I adjusted colors and remade the steering wheel to be lower tri count. Total Tris = 1,856 1024x1024 maps Lod Tris = 201 64x64 maps
Ishibei (石塀) Type A - Prop
Created by kei_em
A stone fence. This prop was created by Mr. 551 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 551さんが作成したものです。 ...
Intercity (NS) Extra Long
Created by Tim The Terrible
After Dark ready! Warning: may behave strange due to the lenght of the train! My re-texture of the Traxx Locomotive (ron-fu_ta) and ICR wagons (Acc3s Violation) Credits to these authors. The train consists of 2x Traxx and 2x first class and 3x second class...
Intercity (NS) Standard
Created by Tim The Terrible
Works with After Dark! This is my first train made to work with After Dark, so let me know if anything is wrong. My re-texture of the Traxx Locomotive (ron-fu_ta) and ICR wagons (Acc3s Violation) Credits to them! The train consists of 1x Traxx and 1x first...
Initial D FujiwaraTofu Spec AE86
Created by CityOfTokyo
Initial D FujiwaraTofu Spec AE86 Donut van is a base. It’s a low volume high speed delivery specification. A chief character appearing in comics initial D is AE86 model (HACHI ROKU) TOYOTA Sprinter Trueno which "Takumi Fujiwara" handles. "藤原とうふ店(Fujiwara T...
Information Board (観光案内板) - Prop
Created by kei_em
An information board. This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
Info View Button Enabler
Created by Zuppi
PLEASE NOTE: This mod is no longer maintained. It may or may not work with future patches. Use with caution. Info view buttons always stay enabled. If you reach a milestone while the info view menu is open and some of the buttons become disabled, close and...
Flag - France (FR)
Created by Mark
The France flag on a white flagpole. This is a fairly average-sized poly model, and this is also my first ever mod! I'll be releasing a lot more flags (different texture) on the same model, so stay tuned for those! If you have any requests feel free to com...
Flag - Portugal (PT)
Created by Mark
The Portugese flag on a white flagpole. (This was requested, request your own by commenting!) This is a fairly average-sized poly model, and this is also my first ever mod! I'll be releasing a lot more flags (different texture) on the same model, so stay t...
Florence Cathedral
Created by dabaofu
Florence Cathedral by dabaofu unique Space:8*13 Cost: 1 Electricity:1 Maintenance: 1...
Flower-Orange (6 of 7) (by Breeze)
Created by Breeze
Updates @ Fixing the size of the flower to 1.8 m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name : Flower-Orange (by Breeze) Ui priority : 336 Height : Only 1.8 m Tris : 40 -------------------------------...
Ford Crown Victoria
Created by lopiv2
Ford Crown Victoria by lopiv2...
French Policestation
Created by apsyl
Just a model for a policestation. Stats same as the standard one....
FTP Boulder
Created by Tero
Boulder used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses collectio...
FTP Boulder 02
Created by Tero
Boulder used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses collectio...
FTP Flowerbed
Created by Tero
Flowerbed used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses collect...
FTP Hawthorn Bush
Created by Tero
Hawthorn Bush used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses col...
FTP Hawthorn Bush 4m
Created by Tero
Hawthorn Bush 4m used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses ...
FTP Outlight Classic 01
Created by Tero
Outlight used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses collecti...
FTP PostBox
Created by Tero
PostBox used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses collectio...
FTP Rainwater Barrel
Created by Tero
Rainwater Barrel used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses ...
FTP Stone path
Created by Tero
Stone path used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses collec...
FTP Trash Can
Created by Tero
Trashcan used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses collecti...
FTP TV Antenna
Created by Tero
TV Antenna used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses collec...
FTP Vegetable Garden
Created by Tero
Vegetable Garden used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses ...
FTP Yard Swing Shadeless
Created by Tero
A Shadeless Yard Swing used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type H...
FTP YardSwing
Created by Tero
YardSwing used used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses co...
Full Gas Holder (lvl 3 industry) (Growable)
Created by Post
Full Gas Tower lvl3 - based on real gas holders in the UK this building sits on a bed of water allowing high presure gas to be supplied to all your cims so they can cook to their heats content. also avalible in colours blue, red and yellow. Please rate and...
Future Shop
Created by Room360
Future Shop was a Canadian electronics store chain. First established in 1982 by Hassan Khosrowshahi, by 1990, the chain had become the country's largest retailer of computer and consumer electronics. As of January 2013, the company operated 139 locations ...
Created by James Nuts
GameMania_LV1 by Nuts Studios...
Garden Fence (Brown)
Created by rik4000
Garden fence prop Brown garden fence mostly seen around various front and back gardens across the UK. This has been frequently used in my UK Terraced Residential / Commercial project. Where can i find this prop in game? This prop can be found in the asset ...
Garden Fence (Grey)
Created by rik4000
Garden fence prop Grey garden fence mostly seen around various front and back gardens across the UK. This has been frequently used in my UK Terraced Residential / Commercial project. Where can i find this prop in game? This prop can be found in the asset e...
Garden Fence (Panel)
Created by rik4000
Garden fence prop Panel garden fence mostly seen around various front and back gardens across the UK. This has been frequently used in my UK Terraced Residential / Commercial project. Where can i find this prop in game? This prop can be found in the asset ...
Garden Wall (Brick)
Created by rik4000
Garden wall prop Brick garden wall mostly seen around various front and back gardens across the UK. This has been frequently used in my UK Terraced Residential / Commercial project. Where can i find this prop in game? This prop can be found in the asset ed...
Gate Tower Building - Osaka, Japan (LHD)
Created by Moofers
Gate Tower Building - Osaka, Japan - for LHD. This version has the expressway road going through it, this is for left hand drive players....
Gate Tower Building - Osaka, Japan (RHD)
Created by Moofers
Gate Tower Building - Osaka, Japan - for RHD. This version has the expressway road going through it, this is for right hand drive players. This version RHD has the road facing it's real life equivalent, which in Japan is Left Hand Drive. -- The LHD version...
GAZ 24 Volga taxi
Created by wooderCZ
Low poly model. Model: 1758 triangles LOD: 90 triangles Taxi texture from FDS paper model...
GE Building
Created by Simon Ryr
(GB/US) The GE Building from the New York Rockefeller Center (FR) Le GE Building du Rockefeller Center à New York (DE) Das GE Building von der Rockefeller Center in New York 30 Rockefeller Plaza...
Ghostbusters Firehouse AD
Created by Momma Moo
Note: I lost my original asset save, so I can no longer update the old Ghostbusters Firehouse that's on the workshop. This is just a new workshop, and updated version of Who you gonna call? Th...
GM New Look (2004 TTC Rebuild)
Created by Ranting Rodent
Main model: 531 tris, 512x512 texture Auto-gen LOD: 70 tris, 32x32 texture Includes all texture maps Does not take the line colour Passengers: 30 Speed: 20 ----- The GM New Look bus, also commonly known by the nickname "Fishbowl" (for its six-piece rounded...
General Motors TDH-3610 Bus
Created by kowkamurka
Classical GM Old-look Bus built in USA from mid 30s to late 60s. Also was imported to some European states and built via license in USSR (named ZiS-154). The current model is TD-3610. In game model is fully stable, all-working: Sterreng and turning wheels ...
GMC Vandura (Short Wheel Base)
Created by
Classic north american work van. custom model and textures. Enjoy!...
GO Bus Enviro 500 (GTA, Canada)
Created by Windows 95
Here is a skin of my Alexander Dennis Enviro 500 Bus model. This time in the GO Train feeder bus livery. Used primarily in the Greater Toronto Area, the GO Bus network acts as a feeder system for the region's GO Train commuter train network (also available...
Created by pih
Simple football/soccer goalposts without the net. My first attempt at 3D modeling. Can be used as a prop in asset creator under 'Park > Bench.'...
Grain silo
Created by ArakanI
A grain silo as a unique building. Helps to spice up the farming industry zone....
Grass #2 (Low saturation) (by Breeze)
Created by Breeze
I made the grass before. But this was too much polygons. So did it again. I hope all of you satisfied. Please press the rating button. It will be a big help to me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fi...
Green Ginkgo Tree
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Green Ginkgo Tree by Shroomblaze 310 Tri's / 48 Polys I also removed the dirt patch at the bottom of the tree, I took the screenshots before I edited the .crp file. You will see in game that the dirt patch is no more! Enjoy Please be sure to rate it up & f...
Greenhouse 1x1 (growable farming plot)
Created by Kliekie
Typical Dutch greenhouse with expandable front yard, comes in 4 colors. Made by Kliekie. 99 Polys 196 Tris 130 Verts 512x512 Texture Tags: glass, house, green, greenhouse, vegetable, fruit, plant, grow, dutch, westland, glazen stad, kas, tuin. Like my work...
Greenhouse 2x2 (growable farming plot)
Created by Kliekie
Typical Dutch greenhouse with expandable front yard, comes in 4 colors. Made by Kliekie. 201 Polys 402 Tris 256 Verts 512x512 Texture Tags: glass, house, green, greenhouse, vegetable, fruit, plant, grow, dutch, westland, glazen stad, kas, tuin. Like my wor...
Greenhouse 3x3 (growable farming plot)
Created by Kliekie
Typical Dutch greenhouse with expandable front yard, comes in 4 colors. Made by Kliekie. 347 Polys 696 Tris 514 Verts 512x512 Texture Tags: glass, house, green, greenhouse, vegetable, fruit, plant, grow, dutch, westland, glazen stad, kas, tuin. Like my wor...
Greenhouse 4x4 (growable farming plot)
Created by Kliekie
Typical Dutch greenhouse with expandable front yard, comes in 4 colors. Made by Kliekie. 548 Polys 1100 Tris 648 Verts 512x512 Texture Tags: glass, house, green, greenhouse, vegetable, fruit, plant, grow, dutch, westland, glazen stad, kas, tuin. Like my wo...
Guinness Semi Truck (Generic Industry)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up If You Like! Thanks :) This truck is used in Generic Industry Areas. 4 Color Variations as shown above. Truck Cab Total Tris = 826 1024x1024 Textures Lod Tris = 90 64x64 Textures --------------------------- Trailer Total Tris = 340 1024x512 ...
Gula's Bantam Football Park (14x9)
Created by Gula
Special thanks to mvincent17781 for the use of his old football field prop. May it forever rest in peace, in this brand new park! Unfortunately, the park is not actually used as a football field, it is only aesthetic, but lets just use our imaginations. Sh...
Gula's CN Tower
Created by Gula
Gula's CN Tower (5x5 monument) Updated for After Dark "The 3rd tallest tower in the world and remains the tallest free-standing structure in the Western Hemisphere, a signature icon of Toronto's skyline, and a symbol of Canada, attracting more than two mil...
Gula's Gibson Guitar Factory
Created by Gula
Based off the building in Memphis, TN, USA. Updated for After Dark "#25. Many of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s classics were written by Gary Rossington on his red ’61 Gibson SG Standard...
Gula's In-and-Out Burger (3x3)
Created by Gula
Gula's In-and-Out Burger (Level 1 growable!) Updated for After Dark Down and out, In and out, whatever you call it, this lovely burger pit is yours for the taking. 1024 Maps ~2700 Tri count This mod coexists with the L1 Commercial buildings on the 3x3 tile...
Gula's Leadenhall Cheesegrater
Created by Gula
Update: a 50% scale version can be found here: Thanks for teh feedbackzsdz!!1!! ----------- Updated for After Dark Designed by Graham Stirk of Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners and developed by ...
Gula's Leadenhall Cheesegrater 50% scale
Created by Gula
By popular demand, you can now have either size, or both! Same stats as the 1:1, but now at half the size. This model will not be part of the Gula Architectural Designs pack. Original 1:1 can be found here:
Gula's Modern Greenhouse
Created by Gula
Loosely based on the greenhouse from The Chiswick House Updated for After Dark Chiswick House is a Palladian villa in Burlington Lane, Chiswick. Arguably the finest remaining example of Neo-Palladian architectur...
Gula's MR ROBOT Electronics
Created by Gula
Gula's MR ROBOT Electronics Updated for After Dark --------- 2x3 Commercial High Density Growable level 1 Check out the TV show "MR ROBOT" on USA (a station in America). The show is great and its scoring feedback similar to the reception of Breaking Bad......
Gula's Privet (4x4 HD Residential)
Created by Gula
Gula's Privet Updated for After Dark --------- 4x4 Residential High Density Growable This building is Level 5 and will not show up in zones with high-rise ban "Privet is Russian for Hi!" 2940 tris 83 tris LOD 1024 map 4 color variations --------- Other bui...
Gula's Starbucks Coffee
Created by Gula
Level 1 Commercial (2x4) coffee shop growable in the commercial zone! Updated for After Dark Sherlocks Coffee... Iced two-pump cinnamon dulce americano with cream 787 Tris 512 Texture res - for releases! https://www.patreo...
Gula's Taco Bell KFC
Created by Gula
3x2 low density commercial L1 4 Color variations 1807 tris 1024 texture res LOD 98 tri ----------- Twitter @GulaGames ...
Gula's Tall Grass 01 (Prop)
Created by Gula
"Always greener on the other side." 228 Tris 512 Texture res --------------- Note: The self-shadowing is sometimes a bit intense, hopefully allows us to disable this feature per prop in the future. If you notice your bushes are a bit dark, its because of t...
Gula's Walgreens (3x3 LD Com)
Created by Gula
Gula's Greenwalls Walgreens (3x3 low density commercial) "The Walgreen Company (Walgreens) is the largest drug retailing chain in the United States. As of May 31, 2014, the company operated 8,217 stores in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Ri...
H1 4x4 Cornered Office Building Schönhauser Allee
Created by jens
Level 1 Cornered Office Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4600 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 1x1 Residential Building Ackerstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 600 triangles, building size is 1x1 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 2x2 Commercial Building Brunnenstr.
Created by jens
Level 1 Commercial Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 800 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 2x2 Cornered Residential Building Wilmersdorf
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3700 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 2x2 Office Building Brunnenstr.
Created by jens
Level 1 Office Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 800 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 2x3 Commercial Building Kastanienallee
Created by jens
Level 1 Commercial Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2200 triangles, building size is 2x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 2x3 Office Building Kastanienallee
Created by jens
Level 1 Office Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2800 triangles, building size is 2x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 2x3 Residential Building Wittstockstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 1600 triangles, building size is 2x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 3x3 Cornered Office Building Invalidenstr.
Created by jens
Level 1 Cornered Office Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3000 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 3x3 Residential Building Invalidenstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3600 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 3x3 Residential Building Riwastr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3000 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 3x3 Residential Building Winterfeldtstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 1700 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 3x4 Residential Building Schöneberg
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2800 triangles, building size is 3x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 4x2 Cornered Residential Building Goldstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2500 triangles, building size is 4x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 4x4 Cornered Commercial Building Brunneck
Created by jens
Level 1 Cornered Commercial Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4000 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 4x4 Cornered Residential Building Schönhauser Allee
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4600 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 4x4 Residential Building Christburger Str.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2900 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 Cornered Residential Building Potsdamer Str.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4300 triangles, building size is 4x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 Office Building 1x1 Ackerstr.
Created by jens
Level 1 Tenement made with photoreal textures. Model density about 600 triangles, building size is 1x1 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 1x1 Office Building Ackerstr.
Created by jens
Level 2 Office Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 600 triangles, building size is 1x1 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 2x2 Commercial Building Brunnenstr.
Created by jens
Level 3 Commercial Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 800 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 2x2 Commercial Building Brunnenstr.
Created by jens
Level 3 Commercial Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 800 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 2x2 Cornered Residential Building Wilmersdorf
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3700 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 2x2 Office Building Brunnenstr.
Created by jens
Level 2 Office Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 800 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 2x3 Office Building Kastanienallee
Created by jens
Level 2 Office Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2800 triangles, building size is 2x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 2x3 Residential Building Wittstockstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 1600 triangles, building size is 2x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 3x4 soviet apartment 90-05
Created by Pashka2125
H2 3x4 soviet apartment 90-05 Use the soviet antenna Жилой многоквартирный дом серии 90-05 В моде используется антенна из реквизита
H2 3x3 Cornered Office Building Invalidenstr.
Created by jens
Level 2 Cornered Office Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3000 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 3x3 Residential Building Invalidenstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3600 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 3x3 Residential Building Riwastr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3000 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 3x3 Residential Building Winterfeldtstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 1700 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 3x4 Residential Building Schöneberg
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2800 triangles, building size is 3x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 4x2 Cornered Residential Building Goldstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2500 triangles, building size is 4x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 4x4 Cornered Commercial Building Brunneck
Created by jens
Level 2 Cornered Commercial Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4000 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 4x4 Cornered Commercial Building Chausseestr.
Created by jens
Level 2 Cornered Commercial Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3500 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 4x4 Cornered Office Building Schönhauser Allee
Created by jens
Level 2 Cornered Office Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4600 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 4x4 Cornered Residential Building Schönhauser Allee
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4600 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 Cornered Office Building Wilmersdorf
Created by jens
Level 2 Cornered Office Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3700 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 1x1 Office Building Ackerstr.
Created by jens
Level 3 Office Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 600 triangles, building size is 1x1 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 1x1 Residential Building Ackerstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 600 triangles, building size is 1x1 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 2x2 Cornered Office Building Wilmersdorf
Created by jens
Level 3 Cornered Office Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3700 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 2x2 Cornered Residential Building Wilmersdorf
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3700 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 2x2 Office Building Brunnenstr.
Created by jens
Level 3 Office Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 800 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 2x3 Commercial Building Kastanienallee
Created by jens
Level 3 Commercial Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2200 triangles, building size is 2x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 2x3 Office Building Kastanienallee
Created by jens
Level 3 Office Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2800 triangles, building size is 2x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 2x3 Residential Building Wittstockstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 1600 triangles, building size is 2x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 3x3 Cornered Office Building Invalidenstr.
Created by jens
Level 3 Cornered Office Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3000 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 3x3 Cornered Residential Building Invalidenstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3600 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 3x3 Residential Building Riwastr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3000 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 3x3 Residential Building Winterfeldtstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 1700 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 3x4 Residential Building Schöneberg
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2800 triangles, building size is 3x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 4x2 Cornered Residential Building Goldstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2500 triangles, building size is 4x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 4x4 Cornered Commercial Building Brunneck
Created by jens
Level 3 Cornered Commercial Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4000 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 4x4 Cornered Commercial Building Chausseestr.
Created by jens
Level 3 Cornered Commercial Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3500 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 4x4 Cornered Office Building Schönhauser Allee
Created by jens
Level 3 Cornered Office Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4600 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 4x4 Cornered Residential Building Schönhauser Allee
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4600 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 4x4 Residential Building Christburger Str.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2900 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H3 Cornered Residential Building Potsdamer Str.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4300 triangles, building size is 4x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H4 1x1 Residential Building Ackerstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 600 triangles, building size is 1x1 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H4 2x2 Cornered Residential Building Wilmersdorf
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3700 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H4 2x3 Residential Building Wittstockstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 1600 triangles, building size is 2x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H4 3x3 Cornered Residential Building Invalidenstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3600 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H4 3x4 Residential Building Schöneberg
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2800 triangles, building size is 3x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Industry Air Liquide
Created by kenrio
Industry level 3 growable 3*3...
Industrial Elevated Station
Created by BadPeanut
This station can be placed along a road as seen above. Same prices and specs as default station. BadPeanut modelled and created this asset BloodyPenguin created and maintains the mod required. If you get a "broken asset: netinfo missing" error it means you...
Industrial Air Liquide
Created by kenrio
Industrial Air Liquide level 2 3*4 growable 946 poly - 1024*1024 map soon level 3 associate...
Illuminated Living (Growable)
Created by Domattee
4x4 High Density Residential Lvl 4 Custom Model 2911 Tri 1k Maps LOD is autogenerated and good enough given the small size of the building Has the most impact if you have districts with the highrise ban policy enabled. The building is facing the wrong way ...
IKEA Truck by Ozo
Created by Ozoft
IKEA Truck/Trailer Trailer: Tris: 728 Texture: 512x512 Truck: This is the base truck seen in-game....
IKEA by Ozo
Created by Ozoft
IKEA by Ozo Landmark Building Level: 3 Cost: 45.000 Maintenance cost: 320 Custom model Tris: 2745 Textures: 2048x2048, Diffuse, Specular...
Ikarus 260 (USSR)
Created by AleX_BY
Ikarus 260 (USSR) Models was created by Denisdo for Cities in Motion. Bus do not change color, only orange. In this color this buses was used in USSR. Capacity: 30 Все новости русскоязычного сообщества Cities: Skylines - на нашей странице ВКонтакте: http://...
Ikarus 260
Created by AleX_BY
Ikarus 260 Hungarian city bus. Model was created by Denisdo for Cities in Motion. Capacity: 30 Все новости русскоязычного сообщества Cities: Skylines - на нашей странице ВКонтакте:
Ice Machine
Created by Petreak
This is an Ice storage freezer. Bags of ice are kept in this machine for people needing ice. These machines are usually found at convenient stores, gas stations or super markets. This model is made by me using Blender. Tris: 300 Lod: 48 You can find this i...
Iberia Aircraft A320 prop
Created by SvenBerlin
Iberia Aircraft A320 prop by Svenpotsdam...
Iberia Aircraft A320
Created by SvenBerlin
Iberia Aircraft A320 by Svenpotsdam after dark updated All stuff is free of course and if you like that stuff maybe you would like to donate for all the time I invested to reskin this aircraft Thank you very much.
Hydro-Quebec Building (1:1,5 Scale)
Created by P4ranoia
The Hydro-Quebec Building is the headquarter of the national hydroelectric company of Quebec. It's also the Montreal offices of the Premier of Quebec. 1:1 Scale => ==========Info============ 1...
Hydro-Quebec Building (1.1 Scale)
Created by P4ranoia
The Hydro-Quebec Building is the headquarter of the national hydroelectric company of Quebec. It's also the Montreal offices of the Premier of Quebec. 1:1.5 Scale => ==========Info============...
Huygenswaard -Z-
Created by Zakerias
Typical Dutch Landscapes: Huygenswaard As with my other typically Dutch map, Drebbeldam, water plays an important role. This map has a large river crossing nearly the entire playing area. There are many siderivers, creeks and canals. I have made two small ...
House USSR series 464-D.2
Created by EminaTenone
House USSR series 464-D.2 Типовой крупнопанельный жилой дом серии 464-Д...
House of Soviets [+AD]
Created by AleX_BY
House of Soviets by AleX_BY Price: 80k Monument level: 3 Note: in-game description on Russian! More models by russian community on Дом Советов Главное здание любого советского города. Стоимость: 80.000 Уровень монумента: 3 Игровое...
House N. Novgorod (Plopable)
Created by kowkamurka
Plopable Old House from Nizhniy Novgorod City, Russia. p.s. growable version is also available: Плопабельный домик, очень похожий на дом из Нижнего Новгорода. ...
House from VIP 13 (Residential low Growable)
Created by Vip
*NEW MODEL* The new residence level 2. (second version) Many villas are abandoned because of the bankruptcy of their owners. Several families are buying houses and live in them. To your attention this house level 2, replace the boring green house on the la...
House from VIP 14 (Residential low Growable)
Created by Vip
*NEW MODEL* The new residence level 3. Villa middle class. Each brick building picked up in standard sizes in reality. Ceiling height is 2.9 meters. The width of the house - 24 meters. There is a garage for 2 cars. The living area of 168 square meters. The...
House from VIP 12 (Residential low Growable)
Created by Vip
*NEW MODEL* The new residence level 2. Many villas are abandoned because of the bankruptcy of their owners. Several families are buying houses and live in them. To your attention this house level 2, replace the boring green house on the last picture. ))) S...
Hotel Zum Ritter
Created by daemmer
Hotel Zum Ritter by Dammasu-san...
Hotel Ritter (LoM) [COMHL3]
Created by LegionOfMe
Original model: Hotel zum Ritter by Dammasu-san The change: The original is a Unique Building. I thought this is way too beautiful to have it only once in my city, so I made it into a High Commercial Level 3 Building (2x2). Features: o Custom Icon preview ...
Hot Air Balloon Park
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Hot Air Balloon Park Big Beautiful Balloon for your viewing enjoyment! More Colors/Patterns to Come! Be sure to follow! :) Total Tris for Main Model = 1,804 1024x1024 Maps Lod Tris = 228 128x128 Maps
Hokkaido-Chuou Bus(北海道中央バス)
Created by kaeru
Hokkaido-Chuou Bus Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Star Bus Type:K Eco Hybrid Non-step Low-Floor Max speed:20 capacity:60 -------------------------------------------------------- 北海道中央バス 三菱ふそう エアロスター バス K型 エコハイブリッド 都市型超低床バス 最高速度:20 積載人数:60 色変えに対応したバスを作成しました。 ////////...
Coal Power Plant (Med Tech)
Created by Bfb Da Packman
6,160 Tris / 2.8 MB - Based on original 3D Model: Large Coal Power Plant by jens Source Collection: Better Power Plants Description: This is a coal fueled power plant designed to work with my Better Power Plants collection. The Level 2 coal plant generates...
Petrol Power Plant (High Tech)
Created by Bfb Da Packman
829 Tris / 6.4 MB - Based on original 3D Model:Gas Power Station by Noyemi Karlaite Source Collection: Better Power Plants Description: This is a petrol (refined oil) fueled power plant designed to work with my Better Power Plants collection. This plant is...
Coal Power Plant (High Tech)
Created by Bfb Da Packman
3,670 Tris / 2.7 MB - Based on original 3D Model: eRe4s3r's Coal Plant | realistic by eRe4s3r Source Collection: Better Power Plants Description: This is a coal fueled power plant designed to work with my Better Power Plants collection. Level 3 is the high...
Created by Zaslon553
A small park from well known ad (especially in JP) This park has smaller radius and high effect. なんとかハウスの例の建物です....
Created by nekote
日本の有名な玩具店。 現在は全店舗閉鎖&他の業種へと変更されていますが、 特徴的な城壁を模した建造物は一目で見てわかる形状をしております。 Growable Commercial Low LV1 2x3 2x4 低密度商業区に自動的に建つようになっております。...
Heineken Truck
Created by Tomas13TO
Heineken Truck Trailer INFO maps - d,s,i (512x512) triangles - 782 LOD maps -d,i (128x128) LOD triangles - 10 Mercedes Truck INFO maps - d,s,i,n (512x512) triangles - 717 LOD maps - d,i (64x64) LOD triangles - 22 It's generated in the generic industry area...
Heian Jingu Great Torii (平安神宮大鳥居)
平安神宮の應天門から300メートル南の神宮道に在る巨大な鳥居である。 昭和四年四月十日に創建され、鉄筋コンクリートとモルタルと云ふ近代的な素材によって作られた。 Heian Jingu Great Torii (平安神宮大鳥...
HBS One Penn Plaza
Created by Jbte
HBS One Penn Plaza by Jbte...
HBS NewYorkTimes
Created by Jbte
HBS NewYorkTimes by Jbte...
HBS GoldmanSachsTower
Created by Jbte
HBS GoldmanSachsTower by Jbte...
HBS 400FifthAve
Created by Jbte
HBS 400FifthAve by Jbte...
HAWAIIAN B 767 prop
Created by SvenBerlin
HAWAIIAN B 767 prop by Svenpotsdam If you like that airplane, feel free to make a donation for the time I invested to make the skin for that aircraft. Thanks a lot.
Created by SvenBerlin
HAWAIIAN B 767 by Svenpotsdam after dark updated If you like that airplane, feel free to make a donation for the time I invested to make the skin for that aircraft. Thanks a lot.
Haus mit Garage
Created by Killerkartoffel
Haus mit Garage by Micha Small house with garage. Growable low density building. Size 2x2...
Hasuna WII Cargo Ship
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this model, it's a free model from googles 3D Warehouse You can see the original listing here... I did however edit the file by reducing some Tri's and getting ...
Hard Rock Cafe
Created by rolandzz1
Hard Rock Cafe This is a Level 2 Unique Building. * Size: 6x9 * Initial cost is c15,000 with c128/week upkeep * Employs 24 Educated, 24 Uneducated and 12 Well Educated Cims * 100 Each of High, Medium & Low Wealth Tourists * 60 Noise Radius, 40 Noise pollut...
HarborPack by --VIP-- (building №3 Warehouse-right side.)
Created by Vip
UPGRADE to After Dark HarborPack by vip I looked that few people engaged in upgrading ports. And I decided to create a major mod that would diversify. For a long time I was out, and not just. Created a lot of work, I decided not to lay out one by one and p...
HarborPack by --VIP-- (building №3 Warehouse-Center)
Created by Vip
UPGRADE to After Dark HarborPack by vip I looked that few people engaged in upgrading ports. And I decided to create a major mod that would diversify. For a long time I was out, and not just. Created a lot of work, I decided not to lay out one by one and p...
HarborPack by --VIP-- (building №2 Ship )
Created by Vip
UPGRADE to After Dark HarborPack by vip I looked that few people engaged in upgrading ports. And I decided to create a major mod that would diversify. For a long time I was out, and not just. Created a lot of work, I decided not to lay out one by one and p...
HarborPack by --VIP-- (building №1)
Created by Vip
UPGRADE to After Dark HarborPack by vip I looked that few people engaged in upgrading ports. And I decided to create a major mod that would diversify. For a long time I was out, and not just. Created a lot of work, I decided not to lay out one by one and p...
HarborPack by --VIP-- (building №3 Warehouse- left side)
Created by Vip
UPGRADE to After Dark HarborPack by vip I looked that few people engaged in upgrading ports. And I decided to create a major mod that would diversify. For a long time I was out, and not just. Created a lot of work, I decided not to lay out one by one and p...
Hanshin series 5500
Created by ron_fu-ta
阪神電鉄5500系 車体の色はラインカラーで変化します。 定員:400名 (100名/両) 速度:100km/h Hanshin Electric Railway series 5500 The color of the body will change by Line color. Capacity : 400 person (100 person/car) Speed : 100km/h ...
Hanging Wall Ivy 1
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
Ivy to hang over a ledge Triangles: 248 Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I would be very grateful if you could support me with a little ...
HAM University
Created by Hamstertje
I thought I would spice up the appearance of the European University. No changes to the stats of the building. Complete with custom thumbnail icon....
HAM Highschool
Created by Hamstertje
I thought I would spice up the appearance of the European Highschool. The large area at the back of the schools is an ideal place for a nice park No changes to the stats of the building. ...
Halloween in Sleepy Hollow New York
Created by MrMiyagi
LIST OF TREES to the right. Be sure to subscribe to each one. This is a real-life accurate map, blazing in autumn colors. Sleepy Hollow and Tarrytown, New York, are two historic villages first established by the Dutch in 1645 and face the Tappan Zee, a lar...
Halifax N.S Canada
Created by xgamesforlifex
Halifax N.S Canada...
Created by glargl
Halifax. note: Not a realistic depiction of Halifax's roads...
Half Full Gas Holder (lvl 3 industry) (Growable)
Created by Post
Full Gas Tower lvl3 - based on real gas holders in the UK this building sits on a bed of water allowing high presure gas to be supplied to all your cims so they can cook to their heats content. also avalible in colours blue, red and yellow. Please rate and...
Hakata Nishitetu Bus(博多西鉄バス)
Created by kaeru
Hakata Nishitetu Bus Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Star Bus Type:K Eco Hybrid Non-step Low-Floor Max speed:20 capacity:60 -------------------------------------------------------- 博多西鉄バス 三菱ふそう エアロスター バス K型 エコハイブリッド 都市型超低床バス 最高速度:20 積載人数:60 色変えに対応したバスを作成しました。 ///////...
Haiden (拝殿) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A house for worship in Japanese shirines. This prop was created by Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。 ...
H5 4x4 Residential Building Christburger Str.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2900 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H5 4x4 Cornered Residential Building Schönhauser Allee
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4600 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H5 4x2 Cornered Residential Building Goldstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2500 triangles, building size is 4x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H5 3x4 Residential Building Schöneberg
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2800 triangles, building size is 3x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H5 3x4 Cornered Residential Building Potsdamer Str.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4300 triangles, building size is 4x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H5 3x3 Residential Building Winterfeldtstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 1700 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H5 3x3 Residential Building Riwastr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3000 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H5 3x3 Cornered Residential Building Invalidenstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3600 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H5 2x3 Residential Building Wittstockstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 1600 triangles, building size is 2x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H5 2x2 Cornered Residential Building Wilmersdorf
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3700 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H5 1x1 Residential Building Ackerstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 600 triangles, building size is 1x1 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H4 Residential Building Winterfeldtstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 1700 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H4 Residential Building Riwastr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3000 triangles, building size is 3x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H4 4x4 Residential Building Christburger Str.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2900 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H4 4x4 Cornered Residential Building Schönhauser Allee
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4600 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H4 4x3 Cornered Residential Building Potsdamer Str.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4300 triangles, building size is 4x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H4 4x2 Cornered Residential Building Goldstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2500 triangles, building size is 4x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Canal Block 4x4Ti
Created by GCVos
These European style canals work a lot like Lego blocks. There's no need for terraforming or water management, and the terrain does not have to be flat. The blocks are setup to skyrocket land value within a very limited range. Assuming you have your regula...
Canal Wall 8x2
Created by GCVos
These walls are intended for waterways, canals and docks with functional water simulation. Unlike the Blocks, these are for terraforming only! When you first place one of these assets (on flat terrain) you may think you are seeing glitches or bugs. The mod...
Carcassonne right corner 90
Created by salutolive
Corner at 90° - 3X2 - road is not necessary to build it. No garbage, water or electricity. Custom asset and custom LOD. Part of the Carcassonne collection Ingame screen are from SeizHeurDuMat....
Central Park small A3, v1.0
Created by ocmey
Central Park small A3, v1.0 by ocmey Work with Central Park small A1 to A6 an B1 to B6 for create a big park....
Central Park small B3, v1.0
Created by ocmey
Central Park small B3, v1.0 by ocmey Work with Central Park small A1 to A6 an B1 to B6 for create a big park....
Chrysler Building Bigger V2
Created by lopiv2
Chrysler Building Bigger, now with better looking LOD...
H2 4x4 Residential Building Christburger Str.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2900 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 4x3 Cornered Residential Building Potsdamer Str.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 4300 triangles, building size is 4x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 2x3 Commercial Building Kastanienallee
Created by jens
Level 2 Commercial Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 2200 triangles, building size is 2x3 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H2 1x1 Residential Building Ackerstr.
Created by jens
Residential building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 600 triangles, building size is 1x1 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 4x4 Cornered Commercial Building Chausseestr.
Created by jens
Level 1 Cornered Commercial Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3500 triangles, building size is 4x4 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
H1 2x2 Cornered Office Building Wilmersdorf
Created by jens
Level 1 Cornered Office Building made with photoreal textures. Model density about 3700 triangles, building size is 2x2 squares. To download all levels of this building please visit the Berlin Tenement Collection on:
Gulfstream IV G450 (Realistic version)
Created by Balthoraz
GULFSTREAM IV G450 (Realistic version) The G450 is an improved version of the GIV-SP/G400 using technologies from the G500/G550 (an upgrade to the GV). Another exterior difference between the G-IV and G450 is the removal of windshield wipers on the G450. M...
Gula's Pepper's Restaurant (4x3)
Created by Gula
Gula's Pepper's Restaurant (Level 2 Low Density Commercial) Updated for After Dark 2208 tris 1024 texture res 4x3 building Inspired by this American food chain: Chili's is a premier casual dining restaurant company an...
Great Lighthouse #TEMPTED
Created by GDuath
The Great Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world, was the highest lighthouse ever constructed up until the 20th century - between 115 and 160m (377 - 524ft). It was located next to the small island of Pharos outside of the ...
Garden Fence (Grey Alt)
Created by rik4000
Garden fence prop Grey garden fence mostly seen around various front and back gardens across the UK. This has been frequently used in my UK Terraced Residential / Commercial project. This is a slightly different variation to this one Where can i find this ...
FTP Yard Windmill
Created by Tero
A small yard windmill used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Ho...
Fishing Trawler Ship
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this model, It's a free model from archive3d... Original Model -
Fishing Pier
Created by ReticentDaikaiju
A fishing pier to go by the small pond. Full collection here:
FedUp Truck Prop
Created by Petreak
This is just a Prop version of my FedUp Delivery truck. I thought I would upload it in case someone wanted to use it for something. Click the link below to get the vehicle version.
FedEx Truck
Created by Tomas13TO
FedEx Truck Trailer INFO maps - d,s,i (512x512) triangles - 752 LOD maps -d,i (128x128) LOD triangles - 10 Scania Truck INFO maps - d,s,i,a (512x512) triangles - 872 LOD maps - d,i (64x64) LOD triangles - 31 It's generated in the generic industry areas 7.1...
Europcar rent a car
Created by SvenBerlin
Europcar rent a car by Svenpotsdam commercial L1 3x3 growable after dark updated If you like my work I would be happy about a donation. Thanks for that.
Edinburgh Row House L3 'A'2x4
Created by Sir__Smeg
So here they are; Edinburgh style row houses for mid-level residents. These are a bit more interesting to look at than the level 1s, with bay windows, turrety bits and other fancy bits of pointy architecture. They are inspired mostly by the Bruntsfield are...
Edinburgh Row House L1 'C' 2x4
Created by Sir__Smeg
And here's the third - perhaps the plainest of the three, though I did add a snazzy little relief at the front. Good for space filling on the row, this house has simple iron railings and an uncluttered garden. Ah, Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, and fu...
DutchHousingTheme L4 3x2 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L4 3x2 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L4 2x1 B
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L4 2x1 B by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L4 2x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L4 2x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L3 2x1 B
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L3 2x1 B by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L3 2x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L3 2x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L2 3x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L2 3x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L2 2x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L2 2x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L1 3x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L1 3x1 A by Kliekie...
DutchHousingTheme L1 1x1 A
Created by Kliekie
DutchHousingTheme L1 1x1 A by Kliekie...
Dutch Windmill - Dutch Landmarks
Created by Bonzodoggie
Dutch Windmill - Dutch Landmarks by Bonzodoggie Description =========== Windmills are a common sight in the polders. So put on your wooden shoes, grap a tulip and enjoy the wonder of the Dutch windmill. Based on:
Dutch language mod / Mod met Nederlandse vertaling
Created by daniel.mantione
Do you speak Dutch? Would you like to play the game in the Dutch language? Then this mod is something for you, because you can now also play the game in Dutch. Extenstive effort has been made to make sure all translations are natural and fit well during pl...
DSB Info Stand
Created by Djelle
Info Stand made for Aarhus H - Part 2 Tris: 500 Texture (d, i): 256 x 256 px ...
Drosovilas Air Controll Tower no.2 (Park)
Created by Drosovila
Drosovilas Air Controll Tower no.2 because the old one sucks. -Park stats based off of plant house thingy -800 tris, 2048x1024 texture res, custom LOD(180 tris, 512x256 texture res)...
Dream Storage Rice [PROP]
Created by Fr3dTP
After Dark ready....
Dodge Ram 1500
Created by lopiv2
Dodge Ram 1500 by lopiv2...
DK-L1 1x2 USA Trailer House 3
Created by DethKwok
DK-L1 1x2 USA Trailer House 3 by DethKwok...
Detached house (growable)
Created by bennymedia
Einfamilienhaus by bennymedia (Updated V 1.1, ready for After Dark) This is the house where I lived as a teenager, in south-east Berlin. Man, we've got infamous parties there. Was a good time. My mother and brother still living there. Hope she will never s...
Delta Airlines aircraft prop
Created by SvenBerlin
Delta Airlines aircraft prop by Svenpotsdam...
Decathlon [LDC Lvl 2]
Created by Khopa
Decathlon : Decathlon is a french sport retailer founded in 1976. Ploppable version link : Game Info : - 4x4 Low Density commercial building - Lvl 2 Technical infos : - 626 tris - 1024px Diffu...
Datsun 240Z
Created by Archie Cuntingham
The japanese sports car I originally made this model for Insane, polycount has been reduced slightly and textures reworked. model: 2064 tris 512x256 textures lod: 18 tris 64x32 textures...
Darty [LDC Lvl 3]
Created by Khopa
Darty (Growable version) Darty is a multinational consumer electronics retailing company headquartered in UK. Darty stores branded as this one can be found accross Europe in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal & Turkey. Low Density Growable (Level 3) Size : 4x3...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Sprinter High Roof Van TNT New (W906) '2006
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter High Roof Van TNT New (W906) '2006 Standart base High roof Cargo capacity 3000 Other works ... //////...............................................
Cynth's Modern Subway Station (deprecated)
Created by Cynth
!This asset recives no further updates and support! /// Compatibility for any DLC andOr Addon since After Dark isn't guaranteed \\\ Get the updated version from Jiangtan of the Modern Subway Station here:
Created by TuffDallas
A nice place to store your dead people, but underground, taking up much less space than a graveyard. For now it has the same stats as the graveyard, except for the following changes: - Requires 5 well-educated workers - Costs 10,000 to place, and has a 1,3...
Cronos V 1.1
Created by Miraine
As per request, I have *fixed* most of the problems in the old map. I completly destroyed and redid the highway system once I looked back at it and threw up, I also fixed the train rails too. I went over the city building terrain and smoothed it out, but t...
Creek/Stream/River with bridge
Created by Tianlein
Creek with bridge by Tianlein A small creek (5x2) surrounded by trees and benches and a bridge. You can connect this one with the "creek asset" and you can create a creek :) With Pond Lily and Pond Rose i created some starting/end points:) Important: Place...
Cow (static) Prop version
Created by Simon Ryr
Cow (static)...
Cow (static)
Created by Simon Ryr
Cow (static)...
Marked Incompatible ]  Control Building Level Up v0.4
Created by DirtyDan
This mod enables you to control your city development by preventing buildings from upgrading to a certain level. Simple select a (growable) building of your choice and click on one of the level-up progressbars and the building won't exceed over this select...
Consumers Distributing
Created by Room360
Consumers Distributing was a catalogue store in Canada and the United States that operated from 1957 to 1996. At its peak it operated 243 outlets in Canada and 217 in the United States. Its Canadian headquarters was in Mississauga, Ontario 4 x 4 Level 1 Co...
Concessionnaire automobile Pijot - The_Moye
Created by The_Moye
Bâtiment unique de grande taille (6 x 10) représentant un concessionnaire automobile de chez Pijot. Le modèle principale compte 1524 triangles et comporte 3 textures (diffuse, spéculaire et normales) en 2048 x 2048. Le LOD compte 287 triangle et ne comport...
Cordyline Australis
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Cordyline Australis Mediterranean Plant 1024x512 Texture Main = 746 Triangles Lod = 32 Triangles 3 Meters in Height with variations of 1.2 Max Scale & .85 Min Scale.