Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

378 ratings
Coca-Cola Semi Truck B (Generic Industry)
Assets: Vehicle
File Size
3.914 MB
23 Jul, 2015 @ 5:57am
28 Sep, 2015 @ 11:26pm
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Coca-Cola Semi Truck B (Generic Industry)

In 2 collections by Leo Mystic Magic
118 items
Real Shipping Container Series
48 items
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This truck is used in Generic Industry Areas.
4 Color Variations as shown above.

Truck Cab
Total Tris = 826
1024x1024 Textures
Lod Tris = 90
64x64 Textures


Total Tris = 340
1024x512 Textures
Lod Tris = 30
128x64 Textures

lostintwilight 12 Jun, 2017 @ 1:59pm 
Is there a way to limit the number of trucks in the city? I love seeing the truck for realism, but there are just waaaaaay too many of them.
nsg 6 Dec, 2016 @ 4:09pm 
Hey, I hope not to bug you but your mod is broken in the new update.
bestter 28 Aug, 2016 @ 7:16am 
Sorry for the stupid questions: HOW can I see it? Zoom to the street level at any place and wait for it, or you have a better way?
Saplaiceen 22 Mar, 2016 @ 3:11pm 
I saw this truck drive by without its trailer. Is that normal?
Cosmopygian 2 Mar, 2016 @ 11:42am 
What is this with free advertising
Miskale 29 Nov, 2015 @ 12:07pm 
Looks good!
Leo Mystic Magic  [author] 4 Nov, 2015 @ 12:04am 
I tried fixing, even asked 2 of the top modders for help. It's not fixable that I know of so far. I'm not changing them from general industry, I want them as generic industry vehicles. It would make no sense for them to become a ore, forestry, or oil truck just for the sake of making the heavy traffic ban work.
DRen72 3 Nov, 2015 @ 11:47pm 
+1 for harag's comment about these not following the Heavy Traffic Ban rule. I'm pretty sure this can be fixed.
Leo Mystic Magic  [author] 28 Sep, 2015 @ 11:28pm 
Just Updated the Lights for After Dark and fixed the non spinning wheels problem.
i have no ass and i must shit 27 Sep, 2015 @ 8:26am 
Fair enough, I don't exactly celebrate Christmas either, but I just thought it would be a nice and festive addition.