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Items (206)
Created by Arti Strelkov
Что может пойти не так с обычным исследователем глубин? Хах, я знаю, много чего... К счастью, наши инженеры позаботились о вашей безопасности! Капитанский модуль способен отстыковаться от основного корабля и доплыть до станции! https://steamuserimages-a.ak...
Created by 魂魄妖梦
地点:无光海原73区 地点:奇迹之海仅存的一处未被联盟发现的船厂-没落莱茵河 奇迹之海与联盟对峙时,一艘新式舰船即将下线,由游隼带来的实验结果以及各种实验数据以及雨燕的设计优点而结合的新式舰船,奇迹之海舰船识别码: Eagle-00 (加密) 虽然舰船被涂装为整体涂装为黑色,但从船厂驶出时仍被联盟巡逻的船队发现。“报告 ,疑似发现暴风雨燕,但不能确认”,“保持距离尾随不要打草惊蛇”,联盟某处作战指挥室内“奇怪,雨燕怎么会出现在这个地方”,某指挥官打量着航图思考着 “全速前进,我们得拦下联盟的舰队,尽可能给莱...
"Cold Star" Class Advanced Scout Ship
Created by Zyleand
All Language Supported! well, mostly If you like it, please give me a thumb up! thank you! Intro This mod contains 2 ships, of which the + version is a new generation of super OP ship, of course, as usual, Not recommended to players who expect a full game ...
(OUTDATED) Taehoon
Created by ⛧Zaphyra⛧
This version is no longer functioning due to changes in updates, and since i've stopped playing Barotrauma, i do not intent do update it any further. Feel free to update it, since credit is given to me. ░▒▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ EN/US ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓▒░ -----------...
Barsuk 3.1 (T3 Attack)
Created by NotWendy
13ARSUK (or Barsuk 3.1) is an obscenely cheap and very compact Tier 3 submarine, created by heavily modifying a Barsuk vessel. It has everything a submarine of its tier could need, in theory. Barsuk 3.1's compact layout is both its strength and its weaknes...
Abyssal Wasp AT-II
Created by MØNØĿi†H
Attack Submarine. General information Type: Attack Tier II Price: 22000mk Size: 42*12m Cargo capacity: 28 crates Recommended crew size: 4-8 Features: • Stealth mode. • Double strength walls. • Navigation terminal whith mineral scanner. • Ballast Flora Cuto...
Created by rav2n
ENG Contrary to expectations about the weak armament of scout submarines, R-12 "Acacia" is capable of causing trouble for any opponent caught under fire by an extremely powerful laser. Although the main trump card of this submarine is its silent engine wit...
Created by Angelica
Fighting spirit, attitude, determination, tenacity and professionalism are all commendable feats expected of an Admiral, and this mech offers nothing less. This is the Admiral, a true solo mecha submarine/drone/shuttle for ultimate bravery. Gimmick: If all...
Alicorn2 Stealth Light Cruiser
Created by Zyleand
All Language Supported! If you like it, please give me a thumb up! thank you! Intro This is a sub with extremely high strength (seriously, very seriously), all features are totally vanilla. It’s NOT recommended to use this sub (Alicorn2+) if you want a ful...
Created by aaron.golder
Disclaimer: This mod is a fixed version of the "ALIEN - XENOMORPH" mod made by harrixon and rickashell. All credit for sprites and the original script goes to them. I only made the fix and changed the project structure. If the creators have a problem with ...
ALIENS: Clothing, Weapons & Armour
Created by Rat_
Disclaimer: This was made using support, and the content of the Colonial Marines mod. This mod intends to improve, and fix that mod as it is currently broken. Me and the developer of the Colonial Marine mod from 2019 have been working together. And will ho...
Apo-4A "Saber"
Created by 江奈
Now support: 简繁中文 English Russian Japanese (Translated by Arkblade) Polski (translated by Frosteusz) But the broadcasting system is still in Chinese. Localization will be ignored when the signal is transmitted to the chat box 如果你喜欢这艘潜艇,请给个赞,这对我很重要,谢谢你们! If...
Apo-5 "Chainsaw"
Created by 江奈
For everyone having issues with pulse cannon while using Performance Fix - just add memorycomponent to the Client High Priority Items. It might help. Supported languages for now: 简体中文 繁体中文 English Русский Polski (translated by Frosteusz) 日本語(translated by ...
Created by uberdrück
Tier III Scout / Exploration Cruiser A heavy, yet surprisingly nimble vessel, designed for exploration and prospecting missions in the rougher parts of Europa's oceans. Its purpose-built primary weapon also makes it interesting for wealthy deep-sea hunters...
Created by SlipWhenWet
"The Atolla 'Jellyfish' Research Vessel is designed for ruin exploration and artifact containment." Great for traitor rounds or extended exploration with crews of 4-10. Includes a remote controlled coilgun armed drone for further exploration fun. Features ...
ATK-89 "Sardine"
Created by Doge the biologist
ATK-89 "Sardine" Technical details TYPE: ATTACK Tier II PRICE: 11000mk SIZE: 34 m * 8 m CARGO: 10 crates RECOMMENDED: 4-7 crews, experienced Weapon systemis (probably the only thing) what makes you feel so safe on this ship. With three coil gun and a rail ...
Created by ПΛПО Dragoon
Description: This is going to be the Alien (xenomorphs, engineers, etc) side of the AVP universe. This mod would not be possible without the community and is still active. The mod hosts a huge selection of xenomorphs from movies to games. They will show up...
Created by LeDoux
Hello there ! This mod add 8 different backpacks : - Backpack : 15 slots (regular items) - Heavy Backpack : 3 slots (large items) + 3 slots (for toolbelt and similar) + 3 slots (regular items) - Medical Backpack : 8 slots + 16 slots (medical items) + Boost...
Beacons Extended
Created by Sneaky Hermit
Welcome to the Beacons Extended mod page! The purpose of this mod is to make beacon missions less repetitive by adding new beacons from various authors in addition to the vanilla beacons. The mod currently consists of 56 beacons The current list of beacons...
Created by soft
Built for 3 - 7 players, the Beluga is a tier 3 scout-class submarine intended for campaigns. Despite it's relatively small size it comes with a deconstructor and fabricators, plenty of storage space for all needs and purposes, and dedicated rooms for all ...
Created by Angelica
Ever felt like this game lacked something? Me too, introducing Bepis Perfect for casuals, perfect for roleplay, perfect for sadness, shipped directly from Europa factories right to your hatch The cold, refreshing taste of Bepis can be useful against sick b...
Bernkastel A50
Created by thatcodyguy
In-Game Description: The A50 Deep Sea Cruiser 'Bernkastel', was originally a transport ship, hauling minerals to the surface. When rebuilt into a concept military vessel, the engineers was able to use the existing loading drones and the pressure resistant ...
Black Sea's Armory(BWeapons)
Created by Bodevarc
Fixed,if you find any bug please let me know! Now with four language,English,Traditional Chinese,Simplified Chinese,Russian!Special thanks to Cain. Inspired by EK,i made this mod. Powerful Fractalguardian New Job with unique items: Iron Rider Weapons: Euro...
Black Steel Bloody Swallow
Created by useless man
血燕子不属于任何正式编级的潜艇,她是一艘高度火力特化的改装“金燕子”。 金燕子链接 定制的客户隐瞒了一切信息,只能知晓反复提到过复仇这个词语。 明显我们为了丰厚的酬金和实验目的也没兴趣去了解,但可能在原船的终端上保留了个人日志。 数据库检测不到的潜艇型号:血燕子 警告:您无权查////////////////////////// 基础数据 长:22m 高:...
Bronze Age 1.0.0
Created by Doge the biologist
Bronze Age/青铜时代 General information/基本信息 Tier III Scout / 探索型 Size: 29 x 6 m / 尺寸:29 x 6 米 Firepower: coil-gun x 2, rail-gun x 1, discharge x 3, depth charge / 火力配置:线圈炮 x 2,轨道炮 x 1,放电线圈 x 3,深水炸弹投放器 3-6 players / 适合3-6人 Fully vanilla / 纯原版 Bronze Age is a s...
Bull Shark GS-4
Created by Xephyr
Built around its spinal railgun/airlock system, the GS-4 features tough armor and decent speed. Earning its nickname during border patrol and anti-piracy actions within the Coalition, most GS-4s now sit derelict as cheaper and more reliable designs take th...
Black Steel Lobster
Created by useless man
女士们,先生们,欢迎来到黑钢船坞的新船发布会! 今天带来的是,由著名赛博精神病,黑钢船坞的技术天花板,全木卫二最棒的游轮的设计师,USE先生带来的新一代的革命性电动力船! 粉-红-皮-皮-虾-号!! 让您体验无核反应堆供电的,木卫二之旅! 因此,哪怕拥有黑钢优秀工匠们所设计的厚实装甲与强大火力,您也必须不得不寻找散落在冰洋深处的“充电桩”们,包括但不限于,站点,沉船,信标站等常见设施,感受前所未有的航行体验! 或许有朋友会好奇,明明图片上是红色的,为什么要叫粉红皮皮虾号,那是因为红色的只是基础款!只有万中无...
Created by Mour
Prometheus shipyards here, introducing our newest product. The Bullfish is a tier 2 light transport submarine that excels in salvaging operations of all kinds, even those that get someone killed! GENERAL INFORMATION: Class: Transport Tier: 2 Length: 40 m S...
Capelin MkV
Created by SlipWhenWet
"Capelin patrol vessels serve as a workhorse in securing the waters between outposts. Small, simply designed, and efficient to build; a small crew can cover great distances and overpower most threats using this old but reliable model."...
Created by rav2n
ENG If not for the gluttonous reactor, the small-sized submarine R-19 "Catfish" could be considered the best in its class. Price: 6800 Class: Scout Crew: 3-5 Dimensions: 32x8 Detailed documentation on the submarine in Russian and English is in the captain'...
Cast Iron
Created by Doge the biologist
Cast Iron General information: SUB type: Attack Tier III Dimensions: 46*10 m Cargo capacity: 20 crates Recommended crew number: 6-10 (including bots) Price: 21000mk Cast Iron was primarily designed as a i...
Created by Mour
Prometheus Shipyards here, introducing the Centurion light gunship. In this ship you are either qualified or dead. Centurion's agility and stealth are the only things keeping you alive, use them. The heavy chaingun will take care of the rest... GENERAL INF...
Created by Wenza
CH-1A Chelonia Whiskey Echo Shipyards : CH-1A Chelonia was originally designed for Coalition Navy operations, providing a heavily armoured platform intended to haul large amounts of ammunition supplies between outposts; with crew space on board to host a s...
Created by the rat
Summary Frustrated with the state of submarines in the Europan seas, an enterprising designer set out to make a compact vessel that would let his small crew fully exploit the depths. A few self infliced wounds from a dementonite wrench and a half dozen bot...
Created by Sebe
A.I AND NPC FRIENDLY SHIP! WAYPOINTS AND SPAWNPOINTS INCLUDED! Hey you! Looking for the right fit? Colossus-9 wants you! 25,000 MARKS - Recommended Crew Size = 1 - 15 Colossus-9 is one of the few colony sized ships to brave Europas' deadly waters. But some...
Creatures of the Depth
Created by CrusaderOfLight
Hey fellas! I quit gaming and will no longer be updating this mod, feel free to use it for any projects you wish! Mod filled with creatures from the deep. Currently featuring 9 creatures (A few W.I.P), creatures that are done and balanced will be able to s...
CrouchHarder [Discontinued]
Created by Was it ever thus?
Well, what is it? This mod makes your character crouch HARDER, so now you can actually gunfight in tight corridors in tandem (one guy is crouching and another guy is shooting over his head). Crouch walking animation is a bit junky, but nothing big. THIS MO...
Custom Icons
Created by GophTheGreat
Bunch of icons. They are all under "Decorative" in the editor. Required for all of my subs. Feel free to use 'em for yours too....
Cyclops Mk-III
Created by ignis
The Cyclops Mk-III is an improved version of the galaxy's most popular and reliable deep-sea submersible. It has good maneuverability, great flooding resistance and a powerful arsenal which can repel hostile creatures attacking from any side. Smart systems...
Dead Space
Created by Kamikaze Airlines
Dead Space Mod for Barotrauma! There are now more developers working on this mod. Hopefully we can bring you more content soon! Currently this mod includes; - Unitologist faction - Dead Space monsters - Weapons such as the Plasma Cutter and Pulse riifle - ...
Deep Sea Alcohol
Created by Doctor What
Mod that adds alcoholic beverage to your submarine's bar The pack curently contains: -Stolichnaya (Regular Russian Vodka) -Beer -Corona Beer (Handy if you need husk eggs in exchange for cyanide) -Honkmother's Energy Drink (Gives you speed yet slowly drives...
Created by soft
Designed for singleplayer experiences, the Dolphin is a tier 1 scout-class submarine. It provides a resource scarce challenge to both one-off missions and the start of campaigns, placing decision making and responsibility on it's sole inhabitant. "Dolphin ...
Created by tehswordninja
Numerous wrecks lie in the depths of Europa, and many of these wrecks are Barsuks and Dugongs. It wasn't long before lesser off submarine captains collected the wrecks of the two classes and merged them together, combining the reliability of the Dugong wit...
Dugong Ultimate
Created by SweetPotato
An advanced and modified deep diving & attack submarine. Price: 9800 Tier 3 Made on Dugong's base. List of features: Decent weaponry Turret sensors Perimeter lights and Auto/manual discharge coils Auto/manual doors Double hull armor Twin engine with manual...
Created by MasonMachineGuns
ATTENTION Please read the description as it contains important information about features, patches and incompatibilities! Please be aware that in very rare cases a level might not generate a path to your destination. Please read this discussion HERE to hel...
Created by Kazet
A submarine designed to be maneuverable by three crew members. The Eel is nonetheless equipped to accomplish its duty....
EK Berith Mk-IV
Created by Videogames
Berith Mk-IV Deep Diver The Berith class submarine is a rugged expedition vessel with a focus on long endurance and crew survivability. The Berith is capable of carrying large reserves of supplies and ammunition, key structural areas have been reinforced, ...
EK Carlos Mk-II
Created by Videogames
Carlos Mk-II Utility Shuttlecraft This is a standalone upload of the shuttle from Huxley Mk-V The Carlos is a lightweight shuttlecraft designed for short-range mining operatons and crew tran...
EK Gladius Mk-II
Created by Videogames
Gladius Mk-II Independent Military Vessel The Gladius class attack submarine was designed by the Europan Independent Marine as an escort and long-duration patrol vessel. The hullform features a prominent ramming prow with an experimental spinal heavy pulse...
EK Marauder Mk-VII
Created by Videogames
Marauder Mk-VII Renegade Vessel Once a feared warship under another name, this vessel was stolen by the europan separatists while undergoing decommissioning at a local dock. With some moderate refurbishment the newly christened Marauder is now a powerful t...
EK Huxley Mk-V
Created by Videogames
Huxley Mk-V Light Long-Haul Tanker The Huxley is a highly advanced light tanker vessel. Designed to transport biofuel or machine oil over extremely long distances and through remote areas; the Huxley contains many features of a fully self-sufficient expedi...
EK Kira Mk-V
Created by Videogames
Kira Mk-V Multipurpose Vessel The Kira class submarine is the first of a series of next-generation multipurpose hulls. Designed for capability and versatility, nearly every aspect of the program has been designed from the ground up to produce a highly effe...
EK Matriarch Mk-VII
Created by Videogames
Matriarch Mk-VII Attack Carrier The Matriarch is a carrier vessel for force-projection and wide-area patrol operations. It is equipped with the standard compliment of coilgun defenses and a moderately powerful single-turbine engine, but the Matriarch's tru...
EK Nurse Shark Mk-VI
Created by Videogames
Nurse Shark Mk-VI Small General-purpose Vessel A rather economical multipurpose vessel with exceptional reliability but limited range. It is built mostly from readily-available systems and carries a smaller reactor class than most vessels of its size, inst...
EK Skipper Mk-IV
Created by Videogames
Skipper Mk-IV Scout The Skipper is a compact scout vessel designed to be relatively cheap while still maintaining robust systems functionality. A modular 'all in one' reactor system provides electricity for the entire vessel in a relatively small package. ...
EKM Myrith Mk-VI
Created by Videogames
Myrith Mk-VI Independent Military Vessel The Myrith class gunboat is a mass-produced patrol vessel built around a powerful nose-mounted railgun, allowing the Myrith to contend with other hostile subs often much larger than itself. Originally designed for s...
EKM Stiletto Mk-V
Created by Videogames
Stiletto Mk-V Heavy Combat Vessel The Stiletto class submarine is an advanced attack vessel with heavy armament for its size and many cutting edge systems. Its main battery consists of two heavy railgun turrets equipped with instrument assisted fire contro...
Created by Cakner
High tech deep diver, 100% vanilla. Use high powered energy weapons to defend yourself from the abyss but make sure the ship doesn't light on fire. 4 Pulse lasers and 16 Shock Coils demands a lot of power, lots of power requires lots of fuel. Coils can be ...
Created by PsykokiN
Europalines is a public transport company. Their fleet of transport shuttles forms a network between Europa stations. Despite a high accident rate due to the local wildlife, Europalines is still the most popular and cheaper way to travel for the settlers. ...
Created by Explorer
For those looking to explore the secrets of Europa. These ships are equipped with a variety of automated systems that provide comfort and safety to you and your crew during any mission. Some of these systems are: - Module for automated reactor deactivation...
Fat Fish
Created by Doge the biologist
Fat Fish Tier III attack Fat Fish is a bulky-shaped attack submarine, which was designed for small teams from 5 to 10 members. This ship is both defensive and offensive, therefore good for those who want to challenge some hard-core mods. Compared with my p...
Created by Vootfer
The Vortex is an attack vessel designed to be tough and capable of safely deploying a small strike or dive team. Armed with multiple turrets, It can provide heavy overwatch to deployed troops, clearing a safe zone for extraction. It is brought to you by Fr...
Created by Vootfer
The Vulture is a small patrol vessel designed to be fast and nimble while having enough firepower for even the most dangerous creatures of Europa. Great sub for starting your adventure or continuing one... Brought to you by Frontier Shipyards! Stats: Class...
Created by Doge the biologist
Flatfish General information Attack (Tier II) Price 7000 mk Size 40*13 m Cargo capacity 8 crates Recommended crew size 5-10 Read the manuscript before using Flatfish is a tier-2 attack submarine with limited inner space, ordinary speed and firepower. In or...
FlatNose exploration sub
Created by SOFA
This is a solo sub. and when i say solo i mean NO BOTS. Also my personal sub i like to use...
Fortunate Worm
Created by Rey
Some folks are born, made to wave the flag Updated for Barotrauma 1.0! Sick of hearing your crew whine and beg for their lives as you're trying to kill some big ass alien bastards? Well, that Endworm just swallowed a radio, and when its jaws smash through ...
Galdur Scout Pod
Created by Kerbarian
Galdur Scout Pod The Galdur Pod is both a shuttle and a drone (onboard or remote control). It's mainly intended to be added to other subs in the sub builder, but it's actually a lot of fun to drive around by itself on a mission! Or as a (very crowded) resp...
Genes+ Revived and Expanded
Created by Noble
Works in 1.0 Languages: EN,CN,PTBR The NEW update is here! Added 24 more gene splicers! Have fun! (will lock crafting later) Feedback much appreciated! Original mod If Original mod author does not want to have this mod up, gonna delete it Description! Curr...
Ghost Manta
Created by RainDreamer
An experimental stealth submarine commissioned by a smuggler with deep pocket, the Ghost Manta is designed to sneak around any sort of danger posed in the depth of Europa with its silent running mode. It is lightly armed but highly maneuverable, and also e...
Golden mice
Created by Doge the biologist
Golden mice General information Attack (Tier II) Price 12000 mk Size 39*15 m Cargo capacity 8 crates Recommended crew size 4-7 One day I decided to do a submarine with a little steam punk style, and in the end this little thing was built. This is a super s...
Gumivene V2
Created by MAT
Loiskekuja shipyards is proud to present Gumivene V2! Gumivene V2 is an scout class submarine rated for tier 3. It is equipped with 2 large turrets and 3 small ones, all of them are changeable. -48 cargo slots -lots of space for all your items -both mechan...
GunLights Remade [deprecated]
Created by Totalnugget
A simple mod that adds flashlights to the front many weapons: - Revolver - SMG - Shotgun - Harpoon - grenade launcher - Deadeye Carbine - Boom Stick - autoshotgun - assaultrifle - nucleargun - handcannon - Alienpistol - ancientweapon source code Original m...
Created by Cryostasis
Enormous and quirky tier 3 attack submarine with isolated capitan's bridge. Equipped with 6 nuclear torpedoes - torpedoes controlled via periscope - automatic ballast flora removal - automatic discharge coils - support drone and a shuttle - turret control ...
Created by NotOzark
The HeadHunter Series Skiff was primarily a gunship produced by Io Heavy Industries Ltd, possessing numerus utilitarian variations. Designed to be nimble and compact, it can supplement a wide range of roles within a flotilla, from scouting to Strafing targ...
Hira LSV
Created by RainDreamer
The Hira-class Logistic Support Vessel is a versatile shuttle of the Europan Navy Engineering Corps designed for the variety of missions in the trecherous water of Europa, from cargo transportation, cave exploration, to even Thalamus wreck salvage. While i...
Created by Mose
-This is a really old mod and it probably doesn't work anymore- Have your medics been yelling at you about not having enough opium to feed your crew's severe addictions? Are you out of bandages because you have a clown running around with a diving knife? R...
Hydroponics Patched with Cigarettes
Created by Dahitman
Concept Grow and craft your own usable tobacco, coffee, marijuana, magic mushrooms, and cocaine in the forms of smokables, beverages, edibles and medical syringes. Now with realistic overdose/withdrawal/addictions and balanced afflictions with unique buff/...
Created by Shafuteensky
Your own cozy icebreaker. Features onboard 2 small turrets (+1 vacant), 1 large turret, 2 discharge coils, periscope controlled depth charge bomb tube, automatic supercapacitors, fabricators and deconstructors, vending machine, cabins with bar and disco la...
Created by Blacklight
Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! Update wiped out the description .. will update description soon....
Improved Husks
Created by The Ninja Scout
Improved Husks The Improved Husks mod aims to improve and expand the influence of the mysterious "husk parasite" in the world of Barotrauma in many ways. Core Features -Almost every single biological creature in the game can now be turned into a husk. This...
R-28 Indra
Created by rav2n
RUS Недорогая цена, мощные двигатели, грозная огневая мощь и узнаваемый силуэт многими ветеранами сражений между Коалицией и Сепаратистами. Это неполный список достоинств, делающих R-28 "Индра" хорошим выбором для небольших экипажей и настоящей классикой с...
Into The Abyss: Campaign Overhaul for Seaworthy Men
Created by Udrakan Into the Abyss v0.15.13.0-r3.40 (chlorine) UPDATED FOR THE "AMONG THE ANCIENTS" UPDATE Languages: 中文(繁體), 中文(简体), Русский, Castilian Spanish, Japanese, English (contact me if you want to do translation) Notice I have paused ...
Iron Cavalry Prototype Gunship
Created by Zyleand
All Language Supported! If you like it, please give me a thumb up! thank you! Intro This mod contains two vessels, the normal “Iron Cavalry” fits campaign mode and the “Iron Cavalry 2” fits PVP mode. I haven’t played PVP before so I’m not sure if it an int...
Iron Lung
Based on the rickety rust bucket from the game Iron Lung (All rights reserved to David Szymanski). This mod includes the SM-13 as both a submarine, a shuttle, and a wreck. Though not a perfect copy, I tried to mimic the Iron Lung as faithfully as possible ...
JC-04 Arkalys
Created by Javik
Recommended experience level: Intermediate Recommended players: 1-6, Bot-friendly The Arkalys, a high-tech scout submarine ideal for salvage expeditions in dangerous regions. It comes with voice warning messages for broken systems and hostiles, a shuttle c...
K-03 Reaper
Created by Doomich
Tier 2 Attack class for 5-8 players. Bots friendly. Traitor friendly. This is a rework of my previous submarine which was made for pirate missions. Submarine has almost all components set to default values. - An important feature is the nine compartments w...
K-07 Kasatka
Created by Doomich
Updated Mk II version: Well, it's here, and only thanks to the baro discord community again! Hope you can give me feedback on balance, design issues and bugs so that I can improve it for you...
K-28 Alligator
Created by Doomich
The Alligator is an attack class submarine based on the K-24 Crocodile transport submarine. Bots friendly. I would appreciate your feedback, feel free to report any bugs or strange things. A good layout with a single main deck, but with inconvenient joints...
(Not Maintained) Kaskara-class Assault Cruiser (Goph Original Ship)
Created by GophTheGreat
I am aware that the sub may be nonfunctional due to changes in the game since its creation. This item is no longer being maintained. Please leave a like if you enjoy the sub! Kaskara: As the separatist movement ramped up its efforts, the Coalition's Specia...
Keep you down
*I am tentatively removing the requirement of SWW from Keep You Down, you should get a single error about the divinghelmet_wrecker not having a variant. This appears to do nothing substantial. As always I respond to most comments on the mod so if there's a...
Created by Windows XP
*02/10/2021 updated for latest patch* Lots of major improvements over the older and no longer downloadable version of this such as a trash chute, more storage, better junction box utilization, a "how f*cked are we" meter and much more. The Kessel is a smal...
Created by Renko
This submarine is 100% vanilla, and compatible with the mod BAROSOMBRA. It is Among the Ancients and campaign ready ! It is also very performance-friendly (no detectors, no wifi...) Submarine specs Price : 8.500 mk Recommended crew : 2 - 6 Crew level : Int...
Lemma I
Created by Rancher_Ma
Preface T1 Scout Submarine, version 4.2 (stable). If you enjoy my work, please give me a thumbs up. Thank you! Lemma II & III and Corollary II are also available. The lemma series was initiated after the Probe Series and designed to replace various outdate...
Kingfisher Expedition/cargo vessel
Created by dictator putski
Whether your moving heavy or dangerous cargo on long voyages throughout those frigid waters, looking for an adventure to scoop up some alien artifacts, or just wanna go out and blast some sealife silly, look no further than: THE KINGFISHER This one-of-a-ki...
Lemma II
Created by Rancher_Ma
Preface T2 Scientific Research Scout Submarine, version 4.2 (stable). If you enjoy my work, please give me a thumbs up. Thank you! Lemma I & III and Corollary II are also available. The lemma series was initiated after the Probe Series and designed to repl...
Created by Cutter
Basic information Reconnaissance submarine Weapon armament: Lime "Lime" UAV 3 battery guns 3 gun mounts and 3 automatic coils Recommended crew: 2~4 people online, maximum capacity of 11 people Maneuvering data: horizontal 27KM/H (no afterforce, no upgrade)...
Created by Cutter
This little cheap combat submarine is UMI's new design. It has powerful battery arrays and drones, but lacks firepower because of its size limitations, and has a noisy engine.Also four bad-tempered junction boxs. EN ----------------------------------------...
LRHI-Shadowsong 影歌 [EN/CN]
Created by 二十二度幻月
影歌战斗潜艇 适用于多种任务的潜艇,搭载一艘小型武装穿梭艇 潜艇自带中英双语翻译文档 Shadow Song Battle Submarine Submarine suitable for multiple tasks, carrying a small armed shuttle boat Submarine comes with bilingual translation documents in Chinese and English 穿梭艇操控方式 ①只能由玩家进入驾驶,不允许远程控制 ②有外壳,1...
LRHI-Super Blueberry 超级蓝莓 [EN/CN]
Created by 二十二度幻月
超级蓝莓小型战斗潜艇 以人少易用为目的进行狂暴改造过的蓝莓,实际上除了大体外形外和蓝莓已经没什么关系了。 潜艇自带中英双语翻译文档 探路者穿梭艇 潜艇尾部附带一艘镜控单人穿梭艇 本舰镜控系统 潜艇本身就带有镜控系统,经过仔细校调后手感拔群,建议配合木萌的高级手持声纳使用 镜控系统的操作方式和穿梭艇保持一致 自适应高机动引擎 超级蓝莓的引擎在小范围机动时效果非常强劲,而且自动适应引擎升级,在初次加速后引擎会记住配置自动调整,升级引擎可以大幅度提高操作手感 注意:高机动引擎同时适配声纳终端手动模式和镜控模式,但...
Lua For Barotrauma
Created by Evil Factory
Updated for the v1.5.9.1 Summer Update + Hotfix + Hotfix 2 Discord: Consider supporting the project: This is a Barotrauma modification that adds Lua modd...
Created by InitialDesu
Class: Attack Price: 22 727 Tier: III Recommended crew size: 5 - 12 Dimensions: 94x24m Some of the features: Combat shuttle Light cargo shuttle Elevator (monorail) - stable version by Cryostasis Pneumatic pipes (item transfer system) Suck energy from outpo...
Created by ReFlax
Cigarettes and cigarettes pack from legacy version of Barotrauma Extended (without sound) Ah malborasek. Kiedy ostatnio miałem cię w ustach?...
Martial-01D + Drop Pod
Created by Sebe
A.I FRIENDLY SHIP! IT HAS WAYPOINTS AND SPAWNPOINTS Overview: Martial-01D Overview: 20,000 MARKS - Recommended crew size = 3-9 Marital-01D--pronounced "Marshal"--was a cargo submarine mainly doing outpost to outpost travel near the surface. It consists of ...
MECH D4U-2 (Military Inc.) by OO
Created by W13
MECH D4U-2 Dive into the future with the awe-inspiring Underwater Armored Mech—a marvel of technological ingenuity and aquatic prowess. With its sleek design, impenetrable armor, and swift propulsion systems, this colossal mech dominates the depths, protec...
Created by Newt
Medusa 100% vanilla balanced Medium sized submarine designed for campaign, comes with adjusted bot way-points for solo play and is newbie friendly, submarine is fairly minimalistic with components so the sub has very good performance whilst maintaining nic...
MN Creatures
Created by Morphine
Mod development has been discontinued, the details are at the bottom of the description. Creatures description: Europan Trout The most harmless creature on Europa. Small packs of these will follow your submarine. It serves as a "decoration" for a variety. ...
Modular Backpack
Created by LeDoux
Hello there! This mod adds a modular backpack customizable at a fabricator with up to 43 combinations possible! Items and customization: - Modular Backpack: Simple backpack with 9 slots for items - 4 pouch: Medical, Ammo, Mining and Tools adding 6 slots fo...
Moloch Milk
Created by Working Joe Moloch Milk This mod adds to the game that what players have been wanting for a long time: Moloch Milk. The liquid item giving slight, long-lasting buffs in a well polished mod based on the Barotrauma lore. Includes a number...
More Alarm Sounds
Created by GophTheGreat
Adds new (currently 6) alarm items with different sounds to the game. These are in addition to the vanilla asset; they do not replace the original alarm or siren. Alarm Buzzer (wupwup): (recommended as a less-grating flood a...
More Unique Weapons (v1.1) [ENRU]
Created by amphibian
Adds more variants of the vanilla weapons in an effort to extend the existing collection of unique weapons and make searching wrecks and abandoned outposts more rewarding. Each weapon is grouped under one of the many factions of Europa.
Created by SOFA
The vulture of the sea. This sub has a moon pool, And a large ballast mounted on the top instead of the bottom. This unique design makes it very efficient at wreck salvage. MP-DD-1 MoonPool-DeepDiver-1 Yeah very creative name... Anyway made this sub becaus...
Movable and Sellable Wrecks
Created by Evil Factory
Movable and Sellable Wrecks This mod introduces the capability to move and sell wrecks from any mod, including the base game. It also provides a heavy industrial hook for lifting wrecks in situations where you lack a lower docking port or the wreck isn't r...
Murdak (legacy)
Created by Kafson
N.C.D Iracundia {OUTDATED}
Created by SP00KY_T1M3
Designed, and manufactured by Citadel Shipyards, CF, Europa. Citadel Shipyards are delighted to bring the formidable military submarine crews of the harsh Europan seas the N.C.D Iracundia! Designe...
Created by Noest
视频介绍: N42部件标准化计划: 只使用原版默认数据,不改变部件比例,不重叠设备摆放。 电路减少自动化,每型号保留一种特色电路。 Hemulen-N42L: 300+物品组件 22x7m 1x大型炮台 1x小型炮台 1x大型水泵 2x小型水泵 2x小型引擎 21km/h下沉速度 45km/h基础航速 12货位 T1侦察型 3500mk 特点:高速机动,被动反丘脑压载舱 Dugong-N42M: 500+物品组件 38x1...
Created by MØNØĿi†H
What if I told you, you can pilot the mighty Nebuchadnezzar from The Matrix? Join this flagship crew to explore the depths of Europa. General information Type: Scout Tier II Price: 11000mk Size: 43*14m Cargo capacity: 16 crates Recommended crew size: 4-8 F...
NT Cybernetics
Created by Ma'am
Neurotrauma Cybernetics is an expansion for Neurotrauma that focuses on mechanical body modifications and augmentation. It currently adds: - Cyberarms - Cyberlegs - Custom damage types for mechanical limbs - Custom hit sounds for cyberlimbs ...thats about ...
Neurotrauma in-game guide
Created by ZorenZal
Complete Neurotrauma in-game guide "Neurotrauma Guide" adds a complete guide named as "MedAssistant" to the game, including cross links and back button support. This guide is an exact copy of the official Neurotrauma Guide, which can be found at GUIDE LINK...
Created by Ma'am
okay, i changed my mind. this mod will now be receiving updates whenever i feel like it. which very well may be never again. who knows though, really. it's a free mod. Neurotrauma completely revamps the health of humans. This mod adds a lot of depth to the...
New Wrecks For Barotrauma (With sellable wrecks)
Created by heheboi
New Wrecks for Barotrauma Expand and enhance the world of wrecked ships with this high-quality mod. Discover 18 new wrecks and their variants. Encounter unique and perilous traps. Dock with any wreck, even those not from this mod. Experience more challengi...
Created by Survivalist64
Northumberland Tier II - Scout The Northumberland class research frigate could be most accurately described as a research laboratory with a submarine attached. Designed to bring sophisticated scientific equipment to isolated regions far away from stations....
Created by SOFA
Inspired by ALIEN...
Nova VX
Created by RainDreamer
Repurposed from a failed line of luxury submarines, the Nova VX is everything a captain wants - if they never plan to take the submarine out of docking port. Its sleek design include wide open floor plan that cause heavy flooding on leak and lack safety fe...
NT Pharmacy
Created by Ma'am
Neurotrauma: Pharmacy is a neurotrauma expansion that adds custom pill fabrication. The official guide can be found here. If you wanna ask questions, do it on the neuro discord...
NT Surgery Plus [busted [stop using me]]
Created by Ma'am
unsubscribe please, thanks this mod is unlisted and broken and i hate it. stop using it. This mod is kinda bad don't use it thanks oh and it also crashes if you select the first medic loadout for some reason so dont do that and surgery books dont give skil...
Created by Sny_Vs_Spyper
A micro shuttle pod used aboard the SMS Olympus for small scale cargo transfer, crew shuttling, search and rescue missions. Doubles as an effective escape shuttle if needs be....
Created by amphibian
the osmiri is a submarine that has been fitted with hydroelectric generator instead of a reactor originally created for beacon station maintenance workers, the submarine can generate and store large amounts of electricity with a standalone generator, allow...
Performance Fix
Created by Evil Factory
This mod will work in any vanilla or modded server that you join, regardless the server having the mod on or off What is this This is a very experimental Lua mod, so expect that things may break. This is mod can greatly improve performance, it works by dec...
Pirates Ahoy!
Created by _]|M|[_
Updated for 1.0 ATTENTION: Pirates Ahoy! is officially integrated into DynamicEuropa. So if you're planning on playing with DynamicEuropa, simply install it and you'll have Pirates Ahoy! already installed in there! This here is the original standalone vers...
PN-21 Colossus Mobile Station
Created by Hirohito
Welcome aboard PN-21 Colossus Mobile Station! Data: Class - Deep Diver Role - Heavy Mobile Station Size - 216mx43m Recommended Crew: 20-128 Crafting stations: 3 fabricators, 3 deconstructors, 2 medical fabricators Maximum speed - 22km/h Price - 134767 Arna...
Created by ПΛПО Dragoon
Yaujta have decided this a good world to hunt upon. This mod adds Yautja to several parts of Europa's seas. They are tough, with decently strong weapons. If you encounter them prepare for a fight, if you beat them, you secure yourself their armor and weapo...
Raptor MK3
Created by Charles J Winslow
With the bloody conflict on Europa, the combatants on both sides of the conflict were severely reduced. In order to ensure the integrity of the underwater combat force, Coalition introduced an integrated AI-assisted combat system. In addition to greatly si...
Created by Mour
The need of mercenaries is ever present, even under the icy crust of Europa. Here in Prometheus Shipyards we wont question your morals. We are however going to provide you with a ship worthy of getting the job done. The aptly named ''Privateer'' is made fo...
Created by Waylone
Levers for gen 02 and drive. Reserve batteries only for pumps, drive,capacitors and terminals. Turrets slower then vanilla. unusial lockers -- check all "look likes" containers. Sub have autodoors(if room have water - autoopen is disabled).You can disabale...
Created by amphibian
named after its distinctive markings, the redline is an acclaimed custom-built submarine that was designed for the now defunct sport of submarine racing a sleek design, powerful engine and quick pumps allow it to remain nimble while traversing the europan ...
Saber Armaments (OLD - v0.13.0.11)
Mod not working? Potential fix: ("A note about the patch: Unfortunately, there may still be some issues with mods. If a mod fails to update automatically, please head to the in-game Steam Workshop menu and click "reinstall" next to the mod in question. If ...
Salty Dogs
Created by Scale
Tame the Europan Abyss with the aid of loyal canine companions! This mod is a remaster of Barotrauma Extended's Guard Dog -- now featuring 3 types of dogs that can be bought at outposts. UP NEXT: Improvements to behavior as the base game is developed, and ...
RS-1050 'The Charlatan'
Created by Jam
The RS-1050. This design was originally created by the Europan Coalition as a research platform to both imitate, and study Molochs up close, all while in a protective shell. This submarine, however, had been captured by the Jovian Separatists and has been ...
Created by Arlither ( Being tweaked and updated - suggestions and feedback welcome! ) The Saluki is a Tier 2 Scout Submarine originally designed to piggyback on larger vess...
Sand Shark
Created by amphibian
The Sand Shark was created by the coalition as a military salvage vessel capable of reaching distress signals quickly, featuring an open layout for quickly draining water in the event of a hull breach, and a decently sized cargo hold for the sake of storin...
Created by Survivalist64
Scarborough Tier I - Attack A curious attack submarine that calls back to a lost era. As wrecks pile up on the ocean floor, the increasing need to salvage these hulks has become every day. Spend any time with submariners who have traveled the harrowing cav...
SCP-682 "The Reptile"
Created by ashibot Adds a fearsome monster knows as the Hard-To-Destroy Reptile. Also adds a custom monster mission to kill the Reptile. If you find any bugs or want to suggest something please do. How to spawn it in (needs to have cheats enab...
Shapeshifter (mobile turrets)
Created by FLX
-=BACKGROUND STORY=- XSSN-842 "Shapeshifter" development began just before the end of the war following a requirement to produce an attack submarine that would be faster and better armed yet manned by a smaller crew than the traditional designs due to manp...
Created by Doge the biologist
Shiftless General information Transporting Tier III Price 15000mk (if you think it is too expensive or cheap, use your editor for a better one) Size 57*14m Cargo capacity 96 crates Recommended crew size 5-10 This is just a very normal ship with large hauli...
Slippery When Wet
Submarine water blues got you down deep? Cracking under the pressure? Can you not hulled on any longer? Lets seal that broken ego with.. Slippery When Wet: Water Hazard Update A separation of the diving mechanics from my other overhaul Keep You Down has be...
Shipwrecks Extended
Created by rav2n
Welcome to the Shipwrecks Extended mod page! This mod adds many new wrecks in addition to vanilla ones to the game. Some of them are more dangerous than others while others are completely harmless and useless. To some of them you can even dock! Happy salva...
SMS Olympus
Created by Sny_Vs_Spyper
Welcome aboard the Olympus superheavy mobile station! LIST OF CONTENTS: -a ballast/fish tank big enough to comfortably fit 3 dugongs inside it -20 coilguns -4 railguns -3 depth charge launchers -2 high powered reactors -a mass surveillance network so secur...
Created by SOFA Made by MIRROR ^ This mod is mainly for practice. As i haven't used the creature editor much a lot of these creatures are pretty jank to be honest. You can try to use Barotraumatic for the creatures to spawn in game. But it'...
Stations from beyond
Created by rundoomer Description Are you tired of the monotonous outpost modules? Or do you just want to add some variety to your adventure? This modification expands the number of modules found at stations. There are more than 100 new variation...
Created by Red9
Red Sun Over Paradise "Log 42, Doctor Frank Marcos Signing in. I've been accounted as chief medical officer in a new prototype vessel "The Sundowner", seems like normal outpost folk don't quite make the cut for the type of crew the S.B.M.C are looking for....
Super Plague Rat
Created by Doge the biologist
Super Plague Rat Tier III attack The successor of the prototype Plague Rat, is a more powerful and deadly stealth attacker under the cold sea. Fitted with a smarter power system, it could go farther in its silence mode. But keep in mind that this ship is a...
Týr Class Battleship [cn][en]
Created by FreeRider
The Lite version has been released! Your identity information has been approved, and all permissions in the driver's cab have been opened to you! Welcome aboard, Captain! Tyre (Týr) The USS is an experimental space/deep-sea dual-use vessel that the Allianc...
Sweet Pea
Created by SlipWhenWet
"Capable of exploring the narrow crags and caverns of Europa which larger ships cannot, the Sweet Pea is often used for small crew exploration, rescue, and salvage missions." A very small sub ideally for a crew of 2-4. It features solid coilgun coverage bu...
T.I.T.A.N. power suit V2
Created by Yak'All
"When all hope seems lost, just don't forget: Aim for their head" "As always, this is NOT a replacer" "Community update. Quality of life improvements!" From: Head designer Matthias To: Bnllzmcdq Ktbhzm Latest ongoing project report: 'T.I.T.A.N.' With the r...
T30-Void Voyager
Created by Tupler(pos4/5) Would appreciate your feedback or a bug report. English is not my first language, so I'm sorry that I can only choose machine translation for the following content: There are countless dangers hidden under the cold ice of Ga...
R-26 Tara
Created by rav2n
ENG Designed for courier transportation and searching for resource deposits, inexpensive small-sized R-26 "Tara" submarines are exactly those submarines on which captains make their first capital with a plasma cutter. And also submarines of this type have ...
The Cephalopod [BROKEN]
Created by Mour
The Cephalopod, one of the first attempts to utilize the barely understood but powerful alien machinery retrieved from ruin excavation sites. This ship is both stealthy and agile but initially lacks in major firepower.You will pilot a scout made to travers...
The Deep Manatee
Created by Doge the biologist
The Deep Manatee General information Type: SCOUT Tier I Size: 12*5 m Cargo capacity: not at all Crew size: 1-3 people Price: 1000 mk, cannot be any cheaper. The Deep Manatee, based on The Deep Manatee fro...
Created by SOFA
This unique ice berg seems to have some kind of internal Eco system Also i recommend using the commands (lockx) and (locky) Note: very experimental ...
The Initiatior
Created by Crumpaloo
The Initiatior series of submarines are often remarked for their quick agility and for their easy to remember layout. However, due to the weight of additional cannons and a shuttle being added after its manufacturing, this particular vessel speed pales in ...
The Narwhal
Created by arufa
WH4-L8 Narwhal The WH4-L8 'Narwhal' is a tiny patrol sub intended to be operated by a single person. Conceptualized as a support vessel for the larger Humpback, the cost of making such a small vessel capable of engaging in combat alongside the Humpback led...
The Nomad
Created by BravoSixGoingDark
Look pal, I know you're desperate to sell this hunk of junk for some easy marks but you really expect me to believe that an old earther ship just dropped out of thin air in front of your face? I dunno what you're playing me for but I got a nagging feeling ...
The Peregrine
Created by BravoSixGoingDark
A top of the range assault corvette, the A-12 Peregrine is the newest competitor to the market of Coalition strategic defense contracts. Equipped with both heavy firepower and manoeuvrability, the Peregrine is suited for heavy duty reconnaissance, fast ass...
The Pilgrim
Created by Sebe
The Pilgrim is a retrofitted version of Barotrauma's vanilla submarine "R-29". For 20,000 Marks The Pilgrim is the perfect choice to sail into the heart of Europa. It is designed to be efficient and comforting against the rogue waters of the moon we all ca...
The Plague Rat
Created by Doge the biologist
Tier II scout Tiny ship for 3-5 players, also need proper teamwork and cooperation. The Plague Rat, a small ship designed for multiple purpose, is a good choice for captains of all colonies under the ice layer. You can use it as a starter for your adventur...
The Stromson
Created by gigantic dad pants
The Stromson Background: The Stromson (EUCO-2788) is part of The Europa Coalition's newest line of TRCC-8G2B attack class vessels. Built-in the year 2381, The Stromson is the pinnacle of military submarine design. Sporting eight turret hardpoints, the Stro...
"Originally commissioned as an attack class, the Themisto was drafted as a combat drone carrier. Due to doctrine shifts and a forward section vulnerable to Europan fauna, the configuration quickly became unpopular. The Themisto class was converted into an ...
各位木卫二超人们,你们好!我是天秤,这是我造船的第5年了,希望你们喜欢。 0. 建议人员配置:6个安全官,4个机修工,2个工程师,2个助手,1个医生,1个船长 1. 尺寸70m x 16m 2. 采用双引擎,前后速度30km/h 3. 上升速度-18,下降速度22,7个压载舱提供强劲的机动 4. 4门大炮和6门小炮 5. 附带穿梭机 6. 附带自动线圈 7. 核心舱室集中于正中央,且舱室的布局四通八达 8. 所有物品数值没有魔改 9. 单人和多人都可玩 10. ***所有用电器采用电池缓冲,意味着绝对稳定的...
Created by Skelefied
Designed and manufactured by OceanGate, the Titan is an elegant work of engineering. With its small size and impressive manoeuvrability, it can explore anywhere under the Europan ice. The Titan is one of the safest vessels on the market. Some may even call...
Typhon III
Created by Zlewozmywak
Ultimate submarine. It has it all. It was build for campaign on highest difficulty for 4-8 experienced players. The ship was created to combine all known solutions in one. Currently, it only supports the Polish version and is mainly aimed at friends. If it...
Created by 198xAD
Introduction: Under construction....
U-571 Type VIIC 'GreyWolf'
Created by Ankhimas
U-571 Type VIIC 'Greywolf' U-572 Type VIIC/41 'RedFist' U-573 Type VIIC 'Wolfpack' *In Final Testing* U-571 Greywolf Drone Presenting the latest addition to my 'Nuclear U-571' series, U-571 Type VIIC 'Greywolf'. This time I did my best to get the Aesthetic...
Created by MidnightShadow
The Ulysses was a submarine vehicle from the surface world. It was developed by Whitmore Industries to serve as the primary transportation vessel in the expedition to find the fabled ruins of Atlantis. Equipped with two rail guns, six coil guns, and a depl...
ULYSSES II (Atlantis the lost empire)
Created by Vive la Raclette
Built by the Raclette Shipyard Inc. This second version of the Ulysses (from the movie Atlantis the lost empire) fix most of the issues of the first one. /!\ Please remember, due to the unique aspect of some features (exposed turrets, the command bridge, t...
Unoculus (Subtitles & Real Silent Update)
Created by - ̗̀ Milix ̖́-
UPDATE 1.6 OUT NOW Subtitle system and a real functional silent running mode! Checkout the changelog for more ;) (due to unfortunate circumstances (Barotrauma/Steam workshop upload sucks) I had to seriously downgrade the quality of the preview image) https...
UNS Khopesh
Created by BravoSixGoingDark The Orbital Deployment Ship Destroyer was the result of a multilateral effort across the major member states of the United Nations Colonial Authority to counter the problematic rise of the Europan Coalition...
Vengeance Mk. III
Created by JAD War Machine
Vengeance Mk. III If you're having stability issues with the Mk. III please use the Mk. II variant that is included. Also getting the mod Performance Fix can help too. The Vengeance was buil...
Created by JAD War Machine
Vindicator The Vindicator is a standard medium sized attack sub comparable in size to the Dugong. She can be run with very little crew. She is armed with 4 coilguns, one top mounted rail gun and a depth charge launcher. She features a Brig and shares many ...
Created by JAD War Machine
Warthog The meme, the myth, The Warthog is a specialized medium sized (Dugong sized) attack sub. She is designed to take out large enemies and other submarines. She features a state of the art fixed forward firing Rotary Coil Gun that will shred Molochs an...
Created by Doge the biologist
Wellerman General information Transporter (Tier I) Price 6000mk Size 42*11m Cargo capacity 40 crates Recommended crew size 3-5 Wellerman is a light transporter originally designed and put into service by Weller tra...
Wolfrum MkIII
Created by DragonWolf569
-TRANSPORT SUB-(TIER III) -------------------------------------------------- PRICE: 21,200 mk Dimensions: 62x17m Recommended crew size: 4-8 Recommended crew experience: experienced Max horizontal speed: (Manual) 20Km/h (Autopilot) 13Km/h Max vertical speed...
Wreck Corpses
Created by SOFA
Ever been bothered by the corpses in the wrecks for the fact they look fresh? No? Well too bad i made this mod anyways. Makes wreck corpses look rotted and ancient. For my own personal use. as i always hated the fact the corpses look fresh even though they...
Created by Doge the biologist
Wyvern General information: ATTACK TIER III Price 25000mk Dimension 64*43m Cargo capacity 32 crates Recommended crew size 6-20 Basic layout: Three large hardpoints (left-up, left-down, right-middle) Two small...
X-WT Kakodis卡柯蒂斯
Created by Fruit milk
简体中文 English 《这是 DA-漩流级 战列巡洋舰 DA-Maelstrom Class Battlecruiser 为基础的二改潜艇》 概述 一艘宇航战舰改装过来的潜艇,船外可见改装后一些机械暴露在外,她用于联盟的运输补给各站点的任务,为了减轻船体重量增加载货量,船上大部分武器被拆除仅保留部分轻武器防御,同时也运输核武器并且能在紧急情况下可以使用的唯一致命手段,拥有强大的反应堆和超速推进器可在短时间内机动回避。 规格 类型:运输型 价格:8500mk 尺寸:65x24 载货:76箱 水平速度:22...
XanMonsters Creature Pack
Note: if you're using an addon that overrides location types like ITA, watch out for the load order, as the new location of this pack doesn't spawn if its being overriden by another addon, so make sure using the console(F3) that the overrides happen BEFORE...
The Tools High-Precision Multitool Use it to slowly repair robots, uses batteries to function( both fulgurium and standard ones Meta-material Patch Single use item that once used on a robot will immediately repair some damage, and then start healing it ove...
XanMonsters Volume 2 Creature Pack
Note: if you're using an addon that overrides location types like ITA, watch out for the load order, as the new location of this pack doesn't spawn if its being overriden by another addon, so make sure using the console(F3) that the overrides happen BEFORE...
Zidrom Stripped
Created by DragonWolf569
-ATTACK CLASS SUB-(TIER III) -------------------------------------------------- PRICE: mk 29000 Dimensions: 96x24m Recommended crew size: 5-16 Recommended crew experience: intermediate Max horizontal speed: (Manual) 18Km/h (Autopilot) 17Km/h Max vertical s...
ZU-B Freighter "Zubmarine"
Created by Fox
Description The ZU-B Freighter is a civilian cargo transporter submarine. It has a large cargobay that can be used for carrying both smaller and larger deliveries between outposts. The ZU-B Is only lightly armed as a result of an after market modification ...
[ACE] Gadus
Created by ACE Black market... The Pirate Syndicate often sells rare submarines and this moment was no exception... Abandoned Coalition Project... "GADUS" or "Object №33" - was de...
Zidrom MKVI
Created by DragonWolf569
-DEEP DIVER CLASS SUB- -ATTACK CLASS SUB-(TIER III) -------------------------------------------------- PRICE: mk 37000 Dimensions: 96x24m Recommended crew size: 5-16 Recommended crew experience: intermediate Max horizontal speed: (Manual) 18Km/h (Autopilot...
[ACE] Kol
Created by ACE "KOL" - is a highly modified fishing submarine of an unknown model. Currently used by pirates to smuggle and attack small cargo ships in the waters of the "Coalition" This small ship has gained considerable respe...
[ACE] The Old Clown
Created by ACE (If there are errors in the text, please correct me) This submarine ended up at the shipyards under strange conditions. The SOS signal was sent from the "Mi-Sa" sta...
[EMS] Prometheus Station
Created by DraconicRenegade
Description Originally built by E.M.S. to be a mining outpost, Prometheus found it's true purpose as its location was in a perfect spot between multiple other cities and stations. Those travelling through their waters would stop by at Prometheus to rest an...
[Legacy] EK | Armory
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, fortifications, and research centers; and many items to craft includi...
[Legacy] EK | Dockyard
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces a bunch of new structures and functional machines to build submarines or roleplay maps with. Diesel Generator Variants Reactor Varia...
[Legacy] EK | Gunnery
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces new types of armaments and defensive capabilities for the submarine. Ship ammunition & turrets balanced for vanilla Bonethresher, Ch...
[Legacy] EK | Utility
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, mines, and research centers; and many items to craft including place-...
[Legacy] Meaningful CPR
Created by Videogames
A mod which seeks to improve the realism and skill ratio consistency of CPR. CPR now stabilizes and recovers oxygen slowly over time instead of being a russian-roulette instant heal button. Higher medical skill will result in more effective oxygen recovery...
Meaningful Upgrades
Created by Videogames
A mod which improves the existing upgrade system and adds new ones. Upgrade cost scales more linearly with what you are paying for. More incentive to max out an upgrade category instead of buying a different sub. Some Items can be upgraded to +50% or +100%...
[RH] Bivot+
Created by Rehex
(Translation Friendly/翻译友好) The Mission version specifically is more stocked with 12 Diving suits instead of 9, it is less balanced The Bivot is a deep diver made specifically for reaching further ...
[VH] The Iroh
Created by Quint
Valhalla Shipyards™ is proud to present its new flagship, The Iroh. This all-purpose technological wonder is well equipped to face any danger presented by the seas of Europa, while leaving space for customization to progress with its crew. NOTE: The Iroh i...
[VH] The Stoick
Created by Quint
The Stoick is a medium-sized, well rounded ship presented to you by Valhalla Shipyards™. It's an all purpose ship that, with the right crew, can take on any kind of danger. Notable Features Thoroughly decorated ship - presenting machinery and cargo transpo...
[Outdated] Cyclops Mk-II
Created by HalfdeadKiller
Real Life has caused me to be super busy and pretty uninterested in maintaining this submarine. Eventually I will update it, but I have no time frame on that due to real life circumstances. I am sorry. The Cyclops Mk-II is an armed and improved version of ...