Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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【中华秦淮】南阳市 Nanyang City (河南省)
Creato da 十一月的雨
南阳市位于南阳盆地北部,秦岭余脉伏牛山系南麓,白河穿城而过,地形西高东低,以平原为主。 宁西铁路与焦柳铁路在此交汇,郑渝高速铁路经此,并在城区东部设站。 六向放射形高速与绕城高速组成交通枢纽节点。 南阳市 V2.0已失效)...
【流浪地球】行星发动机(16000功率核电站版本)Planetary Engine (16000 Power Nuclear Power Plant Version)
Creato da 六六
行星发动机核电站 by Acolasia丶六六 图中有部分参数 说实话,这个模型还是有点简陋的,作为天际线搞怪系列的超大作品,这是一个尝试 原先我按照原始比例,这座行星发动机高达11000m,很无奈,天际线装不下,甚至读取不出 起初缩小了十倍,可以读取,但是无法保存,也可能是我内存不够 最终比原先缩小了十五倍,就是现在的大小 我删除了光柱,本来是有的,但是鉴于缩小后大小够不着天空,也担心整体 体积过大导致莫名错误,就阉割了 如果各位需要一个光柱请留言,我会考虑发布一个增加版本 顺便这里打个广告 我创建了一个...
Creato da TOMMIVS
福州国货立交,福建省规模最大的公路立交。 需要订阅首都高系列,配合Intersection Marking Tools 以及 TM:PE使用。...
Creato da 党和政府
Chenggong, Kunming, Yunnan , China...
Creato da Slicky
北京市第三区交通委提醒您 【显示牌晚上带夜光的】...
Creato da 魔芋爽
一国两制统一中国 by 无番和 原型为福建省厦门环岛路正对金门县的大标语, 占地2×12格,三角形面数2438,LOD模型三角形面数797。 订阅后你可以在等级4的独特建筑下找到它。 ———————— One country, two systems. Reunification of the country. The prototype is the big slogan of Huandao Road facing Jinmen County in Xiamen, Fujian Province, Ch...
Creato da aneitan
Creato da 贺磊
Creato da zo'o'o'o'o'o'o
by zo'o'o'o'o'o'o...
三沙,海南,中国(Sansha, Hainan, China)
Creato da 76561198830532695
三沙市,海南省地级市,辖西沙群岛、中沙群岛、南沙群岛的岛礁及其海域,陆地面积20多平方公里,总面积200多万平方公里。永兴岛,又名“林岛”,因岛上林木深密得名,面积3.16平方公里,平均海拔5米。2020年4月18日,海南省三沙市设立西沙区、南沙区。西沙区人民政府驻永兴岛。 本地图主要范围为三沙市永兴岛地区及其附近岛礁景观。地图不含外接高速路和铁路,仅含三沙永兴机场、飞行航线和轮船航线,按照实际地图规划。石油、煤矿、沃土等资源少而齐全。 Other Keywords: Paramiko https://st...
三潭印月 Three Pools Mirroring the Moon
Creato da hikke
杭州西湖十景之一 三潭印月 在交通工具 船 的菜单里 --------------------------------------------- in "ship" menu Three Pools Mirroring the Moon. There are islands in the lake and there are lakes on the islands. On the south side of the largest of the three manmade islands in the O...
Creato da 红米先生
上海交银金融大厦 Bank of communications
Creato da CM.
上海交银金融大厦 Bank of communications by CM. 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到 You can find it in the third level of special buildings 此建筑是我在作者joues的原版交通银行大厦建模上做的一些修改,由于是从游戏中导出的模型,模型面数过多,很多地方对我而言实在无法理解,又出现了类似于镜像的建筑翻转,无奈之下就删除了裙楼,便只修改了贴图,重做了lod,并做了夜景。 This building is some modifica...
上海人民英雄纪念塔 Shanghai Round Hero Memorial Towe
Creato da CM.
可以在公园建筑中找到(Can be found in the park) 上海市人民英雄纪念塔建筑面积1.6万平方米,建成于1993年,是为了缅怀自1840年以来为解放上海而献出生命的革命先烈而建成的纪念性建筑。她位于外滩黄浦公园内,在黄浦江与苏州河的交汇处。 三根拔地而起的擎天巨柱,宛若无言的丰碑,追念着由1840-1921年、1921-1949年以及1949年为上海解放而英勇献身的革命先驱。三根巨柱象征着永垂不朽,这是根据上海市政府为书写碑文而定的。粗壮的塔身巍峨雄伟,每当人们置身塔下,仰望塔顶,一根跟...
上海全高架地图( Shanghai , China )
Creato da 狼少
/2019.3.30/ 由于MOM/NE2经常出错,此地图需要修理..... Because some mod's bug,this map will be repaired,please wait...... 10.12更新: 1.新增地铁5号线 2.新增地铁6号线高架段 3.新增长江路隧道及港城路 4.修改外高桥区域的高速入口 5.重修延安路隧道入口设计,并增加外滩隧道匝道 6.修改徐浦大桥为斜拉桥 7.修改闵浦大桥为双层斜拉桥【两端建议用TMPE去红绿灯以及修改道路箭头 8.修改S4和G1501立交 ...
上海光明金融大楼 ShangHai Guangming Fiancial Building
Creato da CM.
你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third level of special buildings. 光明大厦位于金陵东路外滩,地上三十二层,地下二层。外观挺拔雄伟,气势非凡,是外滩沿江地区有史以来唯一的一幢超高层涉外商务楼,是该地区醒目建筑物之一。 Guangming building is located on the Bund of Jinling East Road, with 32 floors above ground and 2 floors un...
上海华能联合大厦 Hua Neng Union Tower
Creato da CM.
你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到它(You can find it in the third-level special building) 华能联合大厦位于陆家嘴环路与东城路交汇口,是中国华能集团在浦东的标志性建筑物。华能联合大厦外立面由玻璃幕墙构成,楼体方正,造型美观大方,西面与外滩隔江相望,正向面对陆家嘴10万平方米的中央绿地,视野开阔,为选择商务办公的上乘之地,楼高188米,总建筑面积73,000平方米。这是一座5层裙房、33层标准写字层及3层地下停车库组成的5A级智能型办公综合楼。 Huaneng U...
上海和平饭店shanghai peace Hotel
Creato da CM.
上海和平饭店shanghai peace Hotel by CM. 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third level of special buildings. 和平饭店是上海市地标性建筑,位于上海黄浦区南京东路20号,是上海近代建筑史上第一幢现代派建筑,拥有最具特色的九国式特色套房及众多别具特色的餐厅、宴会厅、多功能厅、酒吧、屋顶观光花园等。 和平饭店是中国首家世界著名饭店,2005年的营业额达到1.88亿元,创利6668万元,接待宾客101468人次...
上海商城 Shanghai Center
Creato da KimuXY
上海商城(Shanghai Center)位于上海市静安区中心、坐落于南京西路上,是上海展览中心与外资合办的一座集办公,剧院,酒店和商场为一体的综合性建筑。大楼由美国建筑大师约翰·波特曼设计,故大楼也被人称为波特曼,它是一座大型公共服务性的建筑物。外墙不加粉刷,保持水泥本色,呈现光泽。主楼高164.8米,东西公寓大楼高111.5米。整个建筑面积为18.5万平方米,呈现”山”字形。其高度为上海之冠,面积居上海之首。波特曼大楼的特点是追求空间含蕴,体现中西交融。...
Creato da 鹿糜
Shanghai Convention and Exhibition Center,The Expo is held here every year 上海国家会展中心,每年都在此举办进博会 by 鹿糜...
上海国际会议中心(Shanghai International Convention Center)
Creato da CM.
可以在三级建筑中找到(Can be found in a tertiary building) 上海国际会议中心位于浦东滨江大道,与外滩建筑群隔江相望。她与东方明珠、金茂大厦一起组成陆家嘴地区的一道著名的景观。上海国际会议中心总建筑面积达11万平方米,拥有现代化的会议场馆:有4300平方米的多功能厅和3600平方米的新闻中心各1个,可容纳50-800人的会议厅三十余个;豪华宾馆客房,有总统套房、商务套房、标准间近270套;还有高级餐饮设施、舒适的休闲场所和600余个车位。1999年9月,20世纪最后一次“财...
上海地铁一号线AC01(ShangHai Metro Line 1 AC01 Train)
AC01 is a kind train used in ShangHai Metro Line 1. This is improved version. ----------------------------------------------------- AC01是一种应用于上海地铁一号线的列车。 这是改进过后的版本。...
上海市震旦国际大楼 Shanghai Aurora Plaza Pudong
Creato da CM.
目前这只是第一个版本,无LED版,后面还会有更新,可能会出LED版本,具体还要看情况! At present this is only the first version, there is no LED version, there will be updates later, LED version may be released, depending on the situation! 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到它。 You can find it in the third-level specia...
Creato da CM.
上海市震旦国际大楼LED by CM. 此建筑是led版本,但是制作过程中因为bug过多不得不去掉了很多细节,整体来说影响不大。 This building is a led version, but due to too many bugs during the production process, many details have to be removed, and the overall impact is not significant. 注:想要原版细节的最好方法是放一个原版再放一个led版...
上海招商局广场 Shanghai Merchants Plaza
Creato da KimuXY
上海新世界大丸百货 Shanghai New World Daimaru
Creato da KimuXY
上海新世界大丸百货是黄浦区国资控股与日本著名老字号百货公司大丸松坂屋合作打造的高端精品百货店,位于南京路步行街东段与河南中路交汇处,毗邻外滩,地理位置得天独厚。2015年5月15日正式开业。   上海新世界大丸百货分为地上六层和地下五层,停车泊位300余个,总建筑面积达11.8万平方米。拥有十二部升龙旋转电梯,与众不同的开合式玻璃穹顶和巨型LED屏幕,超大中庭商业空间,及各类人性化的服务设施等。商场内云集了众多国内外知名品牌,包括GUCCI、Tiffany & Co、Bottega Veneta、Salva...
上海明天广场(shanghai tomorrow square)
Creato da CM.
无裙楼(No podium) 你可以在六级建筑中找到它。You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 明天广场位于上海市南京西路399号,南京西路与黄陂北路口。基地总面积约664平方米。总建筑面积127400平方米,建筑总高度283米,地下3层,地上58层,总投资约28亿人民币。既有商业用房、公寓,酒店、商场、风味餐厅又有会议中心及宴会厅和健康设施,五十七至五十八层还设置为总统套房。是上海第六高的摩天大楼。地上60层,地下3层,高约2...
上海汇丰银行大楼 HSBC Bank building
Creato da CM.
你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third price special building. 上海汇丰银行大楼,在上海外滩中山东一路12号,又名市府大楼,1925年建造,今天是上海浦东发展银行的总部驻地。汇丰在1990年代曾经与上海市政府接触,想购回大楼,但最终因价格原因没有实现。汇丰银行大楼除了华丽,这还是一幢充满历史感的建筑,汇丰银行,市政府和浦东发展银行曾先后使用过此楼。 Shanghai HSBC Bank building, also known as...
上海港汇恒隆广场Shanghai Grand Gateway66
Creato da CM.
这算是一个迟来的新年礼物,一个大型综合体,结合了上海港汇恒隆广场最早的旧设计方案和现在的新设计方案,但是占地面积比较大,会超出原有地块,但还是希望大家喜欢。 This is a late new year's gift. It is a large complex, which combines the earliest old design scheme and the current new design scheme of huihenglong square in Shanghai port. Ho...
Creato da 红米先生
上海白玉兰大楼 by 红米...
上海白玉兰广场 Shanghai Siner Mas Center
Creato da CM.
由于有三个建筑,所以文件大小有点大(File size is a bit large due to three buildings) 第一次做LED,也是第一次用3Dmax里面的真实玻璃,效果很不理想但是也找到了一些方法,希望下次能更好。 I made LED for the first time and also used the real glass in 3Dmax for the first time. The effect is not ideal, but I also found some m...
Creato da 红米先生
上海火车站站(Shanghai Railway Station Station),位于中国上海市静安区上海站附近,是上海申通地铁股份有限公司管辖的地铁车站,也是上海地铁1号线、上海地铁3号线和上海地铁4号线的换乘站 。 上海火车站站于1995年4月10日通行上海地铁1号线 ;于2000年12月26日通行上海地铁3号线 ;于2005年12月31日通行上海地铁4号线 。 据2022年1月上海地铁官网显示,上海火车站站共开放有10个出入口,1号线站层为地下二层岛式站台,3号线、4号线站层为地上一层岛式站台 。 据...
上海虹桥综合交通枢纽-transportation hub
Creato da hikke
作品介绍: 上海虹桥综合交通枢纽是我国首个集航空、铁路、公路长途客运(已预留出入口)、地铁、城市公交、磁悬浮(游戏和现实里都没)等多种运输方式为一体,集交通功能、商务功能等为一身的大型、综合化、立体式的综合客运枢纽。该枢纽位于上海市中心城区西部,距市中心人民广场约12公里,其立足上海市,辐射长三角,面向全世界,对引导和促进区域性资源要素的有序流动与高效聚集具有重要作用。 作者发言~: 大家好~~本次作品制作参考对象为虹桥综合交通枢纽,当然也有一定的修改~~ 制作断断续续花了二周时间完成~耗时较长(中途懒癌发...
Creato da 红米先生
Creato da sato
下川岛(Xiachuan Island)
Creato da Save the people?
1:1实例地图 下川岛(Xiachuan Island) 隶属于中国广东省江门市台山市川岛镇,位于珠江口西侧,地处台山市的西南部,镇内的地形是两头小,中间大,东西宽12多公里,南北长约23公里,总面积98.685平方公里。 Xiachuan Island belongs to Chuandao Town, Taishan City, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China. Located on the west side of the Pearl River Es...
东云火车站 DongYun railway station
Creato da 魔芋爽
东云火车站 by 无番和 这是一个三线六站台高架火车站,其中含有过路铁路,站台长度为游戏原版长度。有前后两个旅客出入通道,可以轻松搭建火车站附属的南北(或东西)广场。 模型面数为2700左右。 “东云”只是给这个资产起的用于标识名字,没有特地模仿某个现实中的火车站建筑,但总体上还是按照现代中式火车站风格做的,适应了游戏的实际情况。 这是我第一次制作较大型的综合功能建筑,可能在一些细节上会存在一些小问题,敬请多多理解。 火车站实体上方也并没有“东云站”的大字牌,是我自己额外加的。当然,如果你需要定制有关自己城...
东方明珠广播电视塔 pearl tower
Creato da CM.
东方明珠广播电视塔 pearl tower by CM. 这是我做的一个新版本的东方明珠,主要着重于东方明珠底部的制作,只为了更好的去还原它。 This is a new version of the Oriental Pearl that I made, mainly focusing on the production of the bottom of the Oriental Pearl, only to better restore it. 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到! You can find...
东环路立交桥DONGHUANLU Overpass
Creato da 靓仔
需要CSUR模组。 做一个自己家乡的,原型为南阳市正在修建的东环路与鼎盛大道交叉口的立交桥,官方还未进行命名。...
Creato da qingfxq
东甲立交桥(1:1) by qingfxq...
东莞国贸T2 修复版
Creato da Zmax
东莞国贸 修复版 由于之前有部分人反映游戏找不到此资产 因此对该资产进行修复...
Creato da Zmax
东莞民盈T1 by Z...
Creato da man what can i say
Creato da 红米先生
中国上海浦东恒生银行 by 白米...
Creato da 红米先生
中国浦东海关大楼 by 白米...
Creato da 红米先生
中国上海银行大厦 by 白米...
Creato da 尹水涯
中国优秀旅游城市标志 TOP TOURIST CITY OF CHINA 关键词:立马滚蛋 铜奔马 马踏飞燕 马超龙雀 旅游城市标志 原型来自于位于四川省绵阳市(Mianyang City)绵阳站广场的中国优秀旅游城市标志,该标志由中华人民共和国国家旅游局(NATIONAL TOURISM ADMINISTRATION OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA)颁发,目前全国约有300余城市获得。 标志物主体由长城烽火台、地球和中国旅游业标志三部分组成。标志物的下面为铜质镀金的长城...
Creato da 红米先生
中国内蒙古锡林浩特政府大楼《现实原型大楼,略有差异,基本相同。 此建筑属于独特建筑类目,占地约25X18格子,大约为200x150米左右大小。贴图通过SUB分组子建筑组合而成,不影响建筑摆放,贴图大小为1024x1024,面数总数控制在1.2万以内。...
中国国家游泳中心-水立方China National Aquatics Center - Water Cube
Creato da 六六
中国国家游泳中心-水立方 China National Aquatics Center - Water Cube 资产介绍: 国家游泳中心又称"水立方"(Water Cube)位于北京奥林匹克公园内,是北京为2008年夏季奥运会修建的主游泳馆,也是2008年北京奥运会标志性建筑物之一。 国家游泳中心规划建设用地62950平方米,总建筑面积65000-80000平方米,其中地下部分的建筑面积不少于15000平方米,长宽高分别为 177m ×177m ×30m。 国家游泳中心是北京2008年奥运会主要比赛场馆之...
Creato da 76561198218544267
中国广西文化艺术中心China Guangxi Culture and Art Center
Creato da 忆起时
中国广西文化艺术中心坐落于南宁市五象新区邕江之畔,与青秀山隔江相望。中心总净用地面积244亩,总建筑面积约39.88万平方米,由文化艺术中心、水系景观及配套工程三大部分构成。本次竣工的文化艺术中心部分用地104亩,建筑面积约11.48万平方米,建筑规模名列同类建筑的全国第四,主要建设内容为一个1800座的大剧院、一个1200座的音乐厅、一个600座的多功能厅;水系景观用地43亩,主要建设人工景观湖。是广西自治区内目前规模最大、设备最优、功能最全的文化活动殿堂,项目实现了多个国内一流和国际领先。 China ...
中国昆明(2024更新)|Kunming 2020年终特别版
Creato da EAFreddie
该地图现已更新至2024版,地形复刻全面提升,欢迎下载使用: 最新地图链接: —————————————————————————————— 昆明地图2020年终特别版 设计不易,满意请给好评,如有修改建议欢迎留言,谢谢 本次更新更加贴实际地图比例,重点对上一版翠湖,盘龙江,滇池草海位置进行修正 增加眠山,长虫山,金殿,棋盘山等外围地形景观 --------------还原地图-...
中国灾难响应直升机 Z9-Disaster Response Helicopter
Creato da RAY 中国灾难响应直升机 哈航集团于2000年研制成功Z9系列警用直升机。这一新机型选装了国内外 性能先进的警用设备和武器系统,具有速度快、机动性强的特点和独特的空中优势,对加速我国警用装备现代化和提高公安系统装备水平具有重要作用。 Z9系列警用直升机为8-14座,具有全天候执行任务的能力,主要用于反恐防暴、缉私缉毒、警务执法、紧急医疗救护、搜索救援、交通疏导、空中指挥及公务飞行等领域。根据用户要求,哈航集团此次交付给南京市公安局的警用直升机在基本型...
Creato da Deja Vu
包含京沪高速,常台高速,南环快速路,东环路高架,北环快速路,西环快速路。 友新立交,东南环立交,官渎里立交,苏州北枢纽 比例1:1 B站:天际线筱朋...
中国荆州 1.5比例 China JINGZHOU 1:1.5
Creato da Admiral Ed Baldwin
有京广 沪渝两条高速经过荆州,长江航运和太湖航运,铁路方面则有汉宜高铁和正在施工之中的蒙华铁路。按照荆州市城区地图设计,比例1.5。荆州护城河,中山公园,江津湖都做了一定程度的还原。地图范围主要是荆州城区和沙市城区,还有一部分长江对岸的埠河镇。...
Creato da CASILLAS
中国路牌-风雨彩虹,一路有你,FM93浙江交通之声 by CASILLAS...
Creato da 对面五个儿子
中国Z9 PAP医疗直升机 Z9-PAP-Medical Helicopter
Creato da RAY 中国Z9 PAP医疗直升机 哈航集团于2000年研制成功Z9系列警用直升机。这一新机型选装了国内外 性能先进的警用设备和武器系统,具有速度快、机动性强的特点和独特的空中优势,对加速我国警用装备现代化和提高公安系统装备水平具有重要作用。 Z9系列警用直升机为8-14座,具有全天候执行任务的能力,主要用于反恐防暴、缉私缉毒、警务执法、紧急医疗救护、搜索救援、交通疏导、空中指挥及公务飞行等领域。根据用户要求,哈航集团此次交付给南京市公安局的警用直升机...
Creato da 红米先生
临街底商3 by 红米 每栋出门面牌内容不一样,其他均一样,此建筑是参考安徽省铜陵市第二中学对面商铺楼而制作完成。细节没有那么多,都是已经高清贴图为主 SUB(5个子建筑合并) 面数500左右一个, 4X4格子, 贴图分辨率1024X1024...
中式农村自建房 Chinese Rural House| Volume 2
Creato da LyonXIII
中式农村自建房 Chinese Rural House| Volume 2 Enjoy!...
中式商业街, Chinese-style commercial street
Creato da 常山`白云 都市天际线交流群祝大家新年快乐! Happy Chinese New Year 中式商业街(Chinese-style commercial street) 本资产分为七个民国风仿古单独建筑 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 If y...
Creato da 红米先生
中式大门6 by 红米...
中式快速路龙门架 China Urban Expressway Prop V2.0
Creato da 狼少
China Urban Expressway Prop Pack V2.0 This is China Urban Expressway Prop Pack This pack includes: CN Urban Expressway Portal frame 2 lanes CN Urban Expressway Portal frame 3 lanes CN Urban Expressway Portal frame 4 lanes CN Urban Expressway Portal frame 5...
中式欧款住宅楼Chinese style European style residential building
Creato da 红米先生
中式欧款住宅楼Chinese style European style residential building 住宅楼属性...
Creato da 红米先生
中式现代小学 by 红米...
Creato da often
本套资产包括8个建筑,资产名字:zb3_4,zb3_5,zb3_6,zb4_4,zb4_5,zb5_4,zb5_5,zb5_6。 This assets includes 8 buildings, asset Name: zb3_4,zb3_5,zb3_6,zb4_4,zb4_5,zb5_4,zb5_5,zb5_6. 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,商业,住宅,广西 Tags:Chinese,self-built building,self-built houses,Commercial,Residential...
Creato da often
本套资产包括10个建筑,资产名字:zb1,zb2,zb3_4_c,zb3_5_c,zb3_6_c,zb4_4_c,zb4_5_c,zb5_4_c,zb5_5_c,zb5_6_c。 This assets includes 10 buildings, asset Name: zb1,zb2,zb3_4_c,zb3_5_c,zb3_6_c,zb4_4_c,zb4_5_c,zb5_4_c,zb5_5_c,zb5_6_c. 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,商业,住宅,广西 Tags:Chinese,self-built...
Creato da often
本套资产包括4个建筑,资产名字: zb21,zb22,zb23,zb24。 This assets includes 4 buildings, asset Name: zb21,zb22.zb23.zb24. 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,商业,住宅,广西 Tags:Chinese,self-built building,self-built houses,Commercial,Residential,Guangxi,growable
Creato da often
中式自建房prop包 3个太阳能热水器,资产名字:swh1,swh2,swh3 2个水箱,资产名字:lishi,woshi 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,住宅,广西,太阳能热水器,水箱,储水罐,水塔 Tags:Chinese,self-built building,self-built houses,Residential,Guangxi,solar water heater,tank,water tower
中鋼總部大樓 China Steel Corporation Headquarters
Creato da flycenter
China Steel HDQ Building, Kaohsiung, TW This building is built for China Steel Corporation Headquarters. Building stands in Asia's New Bay Area in Kaohsiung. Construction started in 2008 and completed in 2012. This building has 29 floors and the facade cha...
临河区,巴彦淖尔市,中国 Linhe,Inner Mongolia,China
Creato da WeiJeef
临河区,巴彦淖尔市,内蒙古自治区,中国 Linhe District,Bayannaoer,Inner Mongolia,China...
乌鲁木齐中天广场 Urumqi Zhongtian Square
Creato da CM.
你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到它 You can find it in the sixth level special building 新疆乌鲁木齐中天广场,是位于中国新疆乌鲁木齐市新华北路的新疆大酒店(原东南假日大酒店)旁、红山新世纪广场对面的一座公寓/写字楼建筑,投资企业为新疆广汇实业投资 (集团)有限责任公司。拥有1400平方米的前厅大堂,有4300余平米的国际品牌精品廊,36层逾67000平方米的甲级5A写字楼,豪华风尚餐饮娱乐酒店、旅游观光厅。 Xinjiang Urumqi Zhongtian...
乐山大佛Leshan Giant Buddha
Creato da MC100
乐山市(Leshan City in China)
Creato da Save the people?
欢迎来到乐山市! 乐山,四川省辖地级市,古称嘉州,有“海棠香国”的美誉。位于四川省中部,四川盆地的西南部,地势西南高,东北低,属中亚热带气候带。乐山是四川省重要工业城市、成都经济区南部区域中心城市、重要枢纽城市、成渝城市群重要交通节点和港口城市。成昆铁路、成贵高铁贯穿全境。乐山三江汇合。大渡河,青衣江在乐山大佛脚下汇入岷江。 乐山是国家历史文化名城,国家首批对外开放城市、全国绿化模范城市、中国优秀旅游城市、国家园林城市、全国卫生城市。乐山有世界级遗产三处—世界自然与文化遗产峨眉山和乐山大佛、世界灌溉工程遗产...
九江浔阳-Jiujiang Xunyang
九江浔阳-Jiujiang Xunyang(长江可流动)...
乡村住宅 rural house
Creato da yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
乡村住宅10 rural house
Creato da yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
乡村住宅12 rural house
Creato da yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
乡村住宅21 rural house
Creato da yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
乡村住宅26 rural house
Creato da yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
乡村住宅3 rural house
Creato da yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
乡村住宅30 rural house
Creato da yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
二郎桥立交桥ERLANG Overpass
Creato da 靓仔
Creato da picq
Creato da 1170193657
人民大会堂the Great Hall of the People
Creato da MC100
中华人民共和国中央政府人民大会堂位于中国北京市天安门广场西侧,西长安街南侧。人民大会堂坐西朝东,南北长336米,东西宽206米,高46.5米,占地面积15万平方米,建筑面积17.18万平方米。这个资产和现实中比较起来因为一些原因它的长度和宽度可能要短一些,但是不影响使用。请不要在评论区谈论有关政治的话题,就把它当作城市的一栋建筑就好了。最后不要忘记点个赞哦! First of all, I made this asset just for fun and entertainment, not for any...
仿中山公园站 zhong shan park station
Creato da hikke
感谢 午夜の夕阳X 帮忙测试~ 车站介绍: 中山公园站位于上海长宁区中山公园附近,是上海轨道交通2号线、3号线和4号线(3、4号线共线)的换乘站。其中2号线车站是地下岛式车站,3、4号线车站是高架车站。3号线以前叫长宁路(Changning Rd) 作品介绍: 这次的作品是模仿上海地铁中山公园站,首次采用实景贴图~~ 主要为外观墙面模仿,车站为跨路式样 站台以上包括顶棚为另外设计的 位置在 火车菜单里 模型信息: 三角形计数:976 贴图:1024X1024 欢迎批评和讨论~ 如果喜欢本作品 请支持我 点赞...
仿汶水路站 wen shui Rd. station
Creato da hikke
车站介绍: 上海地铁1号线的一座高架车站。位于上海市静安区共和新路汶水路,在1号线上编号是20,于2004年12月28日试运营并投入使用。 作品介绍: 这次的作品是模仿上海地铁1号线汶水路车站 这个车站是在城市高架路与地面之间,有点特色~所以就照样子大概做了一下~ 位置在 火车菜单里 模型信息: 三角形计数:4300 贴图:1024X1024 欢迎批评和讨论~ 如果喜欢本作品 请支持我 点赞 谢谢~~ =====================================================...
伊春V2.0 Yichun,China
Creato da Alanbai
更好的河流,路网 伊春是位于我国黑龙江省的地级市,是重要的森林资源城市,素有“祖国林都”之美誉。 Yichun is a city in Heilongjiang,China,it is an important city because it has lots of woods.Yichun also called"Forest Capital". 伊春 Yichun,China...
Creato da BLOOreki
伪惠州-地图 by CHANG2 应网友要求发布地图。并不还原.........
体育馆 gym
Creato da qiaokes
体育馆 原型为江苏省昆山中学的体育馆,最底层为车库,暂不清楚游戏里的车会不会停进去,最后那张图的车是我摆进去的prop。你可以在独特建筑中找到它。 The original building is the gym of Kunshan High School of Jiangsu Province. The ground floor is a parking lot and I don't know whether cars in the game will pull up. Cars in the las...
Creato da 972879039
这是作者发布的第一张自定义地图👉广东省佛山市三水区西南街道及周边地图。历时一年终于力所能及地完善地图里的所有细节,并且根据作者本人的想法对现实地图作出一些修改,让地图更符合游戏的玩法。 游戏地图和真实地图是1:1的比例大小,北江干流水道将地图分成西南片区和南岸片区,由两座大桥三水大桥和三水二桥连接着两岸。游戏内对显示的西南城区主要干道也仔细地复原,包括:广海大道,健力宝路,三达路,一环中路,南丰大道,二广高速,321国道,324国道等。 游戏地图中有作者虚构的两座峰,位于西南城区平原的北面,用以抵挡北方的冷...
佛山世纪莲体育馆 Foshan Century Lotus Gymnasium
Creato da Zmax
佛山世纪莲体育馆 Foshan Century Lotus Gymnasium 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 If you want more projects to support Chinese cit...
佛山世纪莲比赛版 Foshan Century Lotus Competition Edition
Creato da Zmax
佛山世纪莲比赛版 Foshan Century Lotus Competition Edition 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 If you want more projects to support C...
佛山保利中心 Foshan Poly Center
Creato da Zmax
佛山保利中心 Foshan Poly Center 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 『han823zhi』 独资 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 If you want more projects to support Chinese ci...
佛山保利广场 Foshan Poly Plaza
Creato da Zmax
佛山东平保利广场——保利商业在佛山的第二个大型购物中心。 佛山东平保利广场总面积逾8万㎡,地下一层,地上五层,特色中庭跨四层飞天梯设计,倾力打造时尚逛街圣地,在“年轻、时尚、潮流、品位”的品牌定位基础上,融合了众多创新休闲元素,打造佛山新城“时尚奇趣生活中心”。 Foshan Dongping Poly Plaza – Poly Commercial's second large shopping mall in Foshan. Foshan Dongping Poly Plaza has a total ...
Creato da Zmax
佛山宗德服务中心 Foshan Zongde Service Center 由3个文件组成 自行查找...
佛山苏宁广场 FoshanSuning Plazza
Creato da Zmax
佛山苏宁广场位于广东佛山新城中央商务区核心地段(CBD核心位置) 高度318m Foshan Suning Square is located in the core area of the central business District (the core location of CBD) It is 318 meters high...
佳木斯 Jiamusi
Creato da 独孤狗剩
中国黑龙江省佳木斯市 Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province, China...
Creato da 红米先生
保利花苑 by 红米...
Creato da kaikai0706
地图来自河南省信阳市明港镇,在现实地图的基础上按照自己的想法略微修改了一下,第一次做地图,有什么意见或建议欢迎提出。 A map from Minggang,a little town of China. On the basis of the real map, I slightly modified it according to my own idea.It is my first time to make a map.Any comments or suggestions are welcome....
八一飞行表演队 J-10A Chengdu J10A China-Bayi-prop
Creato da 尹水涯
八一飞行表演队 J-10A Chengdu J10A China-Bayi-prop 关键词:中航 成飞 J10 成都 战斗机 猛龙 PLA 飞机 战机 中国 八一飞行表演队 该资产原型为服役于八一飞行表演队的第三代战斗机 歼10A(中文名:猛龙)。 本版本在游戏中为 道具(prop)版本,使用 find it 搜索时需输入 J10A 或者 Chengdu(成都)亦或者Bayi(八一)。 你可以在此找到 普通涂装的 J-10A 道具(prop)版本
Creato da Peng
兰州小西湖立交 by Peng 其中辅路应到到实际场景可以再连接...
Creato da CASILLAS
兰州拉面 by CASILLAS...
Creato da Sylveon着急
可用Find it搜索“gx"即可找到,模组资产有什么问题请私聊我谢谢 by whale′s hope...
凤凰县 1:1 Fenghuang, China without roads
Creato da Ajax
凤凰,隶属于湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州,地处湖南省西部边缘,湘西土家族苗族自治州的西南角,东与泸溪县接界,北与吉首市、花垣县毗邻,南靠怀化地区的麻阳苗族自治县,西接贵州省铜仁地区的松桃苗族自治县。 凤凰古城,位于湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州的西南部,土地总面积约10平方千米。2010年底约5万人口,由苗族、汉族、土家族等28个民族组成,为典型的少数民族聚居区。 本存档包括凤凰古城、凤凰县城、廖家桥镇、黄土溪等地,适合建筑地较少,适合低配造景党练习使用,不含任何道路。...
Creato da 刀徒哥哥
Creato da 尹水涯
勇士越野车2008款 关键词:勇士 北汽 吉普 军车 越野 中国 CHINA 该资产原型北京汽车制造厂生产的2008款勇士越野车。 此资产在游戏中为 车辆(Vehicle)+道具(prop)使用 find it 搜索时需输入 勇士 或者 越野。 上方合集有我做的其他国内特种载具,感兴趣的可以订阅 》》》资产数据统计《《《 顶点:10339 面:8144 三角形:18647 贴图尺寸:1024x1024 如有问题可私信我,谢谢! Ps. 1.感谢 benlotelli & whale′s hope 提供的游戏...
Creato da 红米先生
北京三里屯太古里 by 红米 想要做资产的可以联系我,定制资产有偿制作,加Q281775129...
北京中央电视塔 Beijing Tower
Creato da CM.
该资产中包含之前还原武汉计划视频中的武汉龟山电视塔。 The asset includes the Guishan TV Tower in Wuhan, which was previously restored in the video of Wuhan plan. 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到(两个资产) You can find it in level 6 special buildings (two assets) 因为工作等原因,现在做资产的时间并不多,这次的资产也只是自己抽空做的,在细节等方面...
Creato da 红米先生
人民日报社总部大楼可谓自2008年北京奥运会之后北京最重要的建筑物之一,于2010年完成施工图设计,同年大楼开始建造,并于2015年建造完成,建筑高度:179.7米、首先,人民日报社是中国级别最高、影响力最大的报社媒体,其次大楼位于北京核心区,是未来北京发展最主要的区域 人民日报社总部大楼位于北京市朝阳区金台西路2号,用地面积:88 856 m~2建筑面积:13.84万m~2建筑层数:地上33层,地下3层建筑结构 ...
北京內城城牆 (模塊化) | 北京内城城墙 (模块化) | Beijing Inner City Wall (modular)
Creato da Emperor Li
******2018-04-18****** There is a newer draggable version available in the workshop. I recommand to use the newer one, because cims can walk on the wall now and it's easier to place. ****************** 明清北京內城城牆(english description at the bottom) 中國歷史上最後兩代王...
Creato da jdsxk
BUCT by jdsxk...
北京四合院 beijing Courtyard
Creato da dabaofu
si he yuan Courtyard by dabaofu ,A siheyuan is a historical type of residence that was commonly found throughout China, most famously in Beijing. L1 3x4...
Creato da 红米先生
北京国贸三期A座 by 红米...
北京国贸三期A座,Beijing CWTC Tower III A
Creato da RAY
北京国贸三期A座 『han823zhi』 独资订制,红米制作。 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入“都市天际线交流群!” 群内 1.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 2.资产拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.提早体验免费资产。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 Beijing International Trade Center Phase III Tower A 『 Han823zhi』 Custom made, made by 红米 . Interested...
Creato da 红米先生
北京国贸三期A座 by 红米...
北京国贸三期B座,Beijing CWTC Tower III B
Creato da RAY
北京国贸三期B座 『han823zhi』 独资订制,红米制作。 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入“都市天际线交流群!” 群内 1.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 2.资产拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.提早体验免费资产。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 Beijing International Trade Center Phase III Tower B 『 Han823zhi』 Custom made, made by 红米 . Interested...
Creato da 听风说雨
北京银泰中心(BEIJING YINTAI CENTRE) by 听风说雨 tips: 该资产是为了尽可能完整的表现出原建筑外貌而做的,因此尽可能使用了大面数以及高分辨率贴图,最终文件也很大,如果对您造成了困扰了的话在此我感到很抱歉,目前没有很好的方式进行优化,但如果您喜欢我做的建筑资产的话,不妨给我留下一个小小的赞,非常感谢!如果您认可我的作品的话,也可以给我提供一点小小的赞助,您的支持是我继续的动力! tips: This asset was made to show the appearance of...
北京鼓楼 Beijing Drum Tower
Creato da MC100
北京鼓楼是坐落在北京市南北中轴线北端的一组古代建筑,位于北京东城区地安门外大街北端。是全国重点文物保护单位。在原有现存的鼓楼中,北京鼓楼是体量最大的(考虑到凤阳鼓楼城楼部分是现代修建的)气势雄伟,巍峨壮观,高度的技术水平和不朽的艺术价值,充分显示出了古代汉族劳动人民的智慧和力量 。北京鼓楼坐北朝南,为重檐三滴水木结构楼阁建筑,通高46.7米。楼身坐落在4米高的砖砌城台之上,东西长约56米,南北宽约33米,体量与法国凯旋门相当。台上四周围以宇墙。钟鼓楼作为元、明、清代都城的报时中心,是古都北京的标志性建筑之一...
北京,中国(Beijing / Peking, China)
Creato da Paramiko 北京市,古称燕京、北平,是中华人民共和国的首都、直辖市、国家中心城市、超大城市,中国的政治中心、文化中心、国际交往中心、科技创新中心。 本地图按照约1:3的比例,主要还原了北京六环内/附近的区域,相当于真实地形60km×60km范围,包括北京城区,以及大兴区(黄村、大兴新城)、顺义区、通州区、房山区(良...
北京 天安門包 Beijing Tiananmen Package
Creato da TAEMIN B
北京 天安門包 Beijing Tiananmen Package 北京 天安門包 Beijing Tiananmen Package 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. Tiananmen is most popular landmark building in P.R. China, and for Chinese. It is in Beijing, China and it's a main gate of imperial palace, Forbidden city. #天安門 #...
北京 天安門 Beijing Tiananmen NEW
Creato da TAEMIN B
北京 天安門 Beijing Tiananmen NEW 北京 天安門 Beijing Tiananmen NEW 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. Tiananmen is most popular landmark building in P.R. China, and for Chinese. It is in Beijing, China and it's a main gate of imperial palace, Forbidden city. #天安門 #紫禁城 #故宮博物院...
北京LG双子大厦, Beijing LG Twin Towers
Creato da RAY 都市天际线交流群祝大家新年快乐! Happy Chinese New Year 北京LG双子大厦 Beijing LG Twin Towers han823zhi独资订制 Independent sponsorship of han823zhi. RichardShi模型制作 RichardShi model making. LG Twin Towers is located on East Chang'an Avenue, in the bu...
Creato da 魔芋爽
Beidaihe 原型为河北省秦皇岛市北戴河区 地势平坦,为了适应游戏对地形、道路、水源等做了修改。 绝大多数的道路和铁路是高架。 玩的愉快。 ———————— The prototype is Beidaihe District, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, China. The terrain is flat, and the terrain, roads, water sources and so on have been modified to adapt t...
Creato da VailOY
南京路网Nanjing road network CSUR2.0
Creato da scratchivsky
~Not the final edition of the file,I will release one or more later. ~Not sure about whether can play without DLCs. ~NOT COMPATIBLE WITH VANILLA ROADS. Please subscribe CSUR Reborn before you subscribe this file.
南京,江苏,中国(Nanjing, Jiangsu, China)
Creato da 76561198830532695
南京是中华人民共和国江苏省省会,位于长江下游,是中国历史文化名城,享有“六朝古都”的美誉。 本地图(81格范围)按照1:2还原南京地区部分地形、水系和基础设施,以南京内环、大校场机场、南京南站等地为中心,西起浦口区,东至栖霞区、小茅山,南抵将军山、牛首山和方山风景区,北达长江观音景区、八卦洲(六合区)。 Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu province, People’s Republic of China. Located in the lower reaches of...
Creato da York Lee
南京.NANKING --------------------------------- 中国江苏省南京市 覆盖大市区主要地区,包括浦口、南京长江大桥、南京港、南京火车站、鼓楼、玄武湖、紫金山、新街口、莫愁湖、秦淮河、夫子庙、南京南站、雨花台等。 满意请给好评,欢迎大家订阅! --------------------------------- Nanking City,Jangsu Province,China Covering the main areas of the city,include Puko...
南充市阆中市(Nanchong City ,Langzhong City)
Creato da 十一月的雨
南大立交桥 Nanda Interchange
Creato da MorinagaP
仿建位于海南省海口市的南大立交桥 Copy of Nanda Interchange in Haikou, Hainan Province. 无mod,需要《公共交通》DLC No mod used. Need "Mass Transit" DLC....
Creato da 汉斯圆溜溜
南宁CSUR路网,涵盖了主城区大部分还有各大立交,快环部分改造了友爱立交,邕武立交,大学路立交等。机场部分机场火车站用了浦东磁浮站魔改出来的。 细节部分大家可以慢慢改。...
Creato da 忆起时
南宁凯旋一号住宅楼 中式住宅楼...
南宁国际会展中心|Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center
Creato da yamei
南宁国际会展中心位于广西壮族自治区首府南宁市发展迅速的青秀区中心地带,总建筑面积约48万平方米,包含了18个大小不同的展览大厅,标准展位5500个。 设有可容纳1000人的多功能大厅3个,100人以上的会议室5个,各种标准的会议室8个,并配备餐厅、新闻中心等配套用房。项目于2001年动工兴建,2003年一期工程投入使用,二期工程于2005年竣工。南宁国际会展中心于2014年底启动了升级改造工程,2018年工程完工后,会展中心在展览面积、配套功能、服务设施、车辆停放、智能化建设等基础设施方面得到全面提升,形成...
Creato da Mnir
关于建筑 南宁地王大厦(也称地王国际商会中心)位于金湖广场北面,2006年投入使用,是金湖CBD的核心建筑,也是南宁市的地标性建筑之一,楼高276m。 说明 占地面积:6x6 贴图:2048x2048 LOD贴图:256x256 高模三角形数量:6240 LOD三角形数量:848 你可以在第5级独特建筑找到它。 About this building Nanning Diwang Tower (Diwang International Commerce Center) is located in the n...
Creato da 忆起时
南宁地铁五号线 by 随风一御...
Creato da 忆起时
南宁幸福里小区住宅楼 中式住宅楼 by 随风一御 参照南宁幸福里小区建模,有修改 包含两栋住宅楼,50层和六十层。...
Creato da 夏末秋凉
南日岛(Putian,Fujian)位于福建省莆田市东南部 兴化湾,是南日群岛的主岛,福建省第三大岛,莆田市第一大岛。 Nanri island is located in the southeast of Putian, Fujian Province, Xinghua Bay, is the main island of Nanri archipelago, the third largest island in Fujian Province, the largest island in Putian...
南湖名都大酒店 Mingdu Lakeside Hotel
Creato da Mnir
关于建筑 南湖名都大酒店位于广西壮族自治区南宁市青秀区双拥路30号,总建筑面积约31万m²,楼高为215m,地上主体结构共48层。 说明 占地面积:6x10 贴图:2048x2048 LOD贴图:256x256 高模三角形数量:1440 LOD三角形数量:854 你可以在第6级独特建筑找到它。 About this building Mingdu Lakeside Hotel is located at No.30 shuangyong Road, Qingxiu District, Nanning, Gu...
南澳岛 Nan'ao Island
Creato da GLI
Not completely imitate map. 并非完全还原的地图 About Nan'ao Island Nan'ao Island is the only island county in Guangdong Province, with a total area of 113.8 square kilometers. It is composed of Nan'ao Island and 37 surrounding islands, including 111.44 square kilom...
南禅寺大殿Main Hall of Nanchan Temple
Creato da MC100
南禅寺大殿Main Hall of Nanchan Temple by MC100 南禅寺大殿,中国现存最早的木结构建筑。位于山西省五台县城西南22千米的李家庄。始建年代不详,重建于唐建中三年(782)。南禅寺大殿是我国现存三个半唐代木构中的一个,是正宗的唐代建筑。大殿面阔、进深各3间,平面近方形,单檐歇山灰色筒板瓦顶。檐柱12根,其中3根抹棱方柱当是始建时遗物。殿前有宽敞的月台,殿内无柱。殿内有泥塑佛像17尊,安置在凹形的砖砌佛坛上,佛坛上后部正中为释迦牟尼塑像,庄严肃穆,总高近4米,基本保存了原有风貌,...
Creato da 红米先生
厦门世茂海峡大厦(Xiamen Shimao Strait Tower),位于福建省厦门市思明区演武西路180-188号 ,是集酒店、写字楼、SOHO办公,以及观光旅游、购物、休闲、娱乐、餐饮等于一体的城市综合体 厦门世茂海峡大厦占地面积约为3万平方米,地上建筑面积27万平方米,总建筑面积约为33万平方米 ;其中A塔地上64层,B塔地上55层,高度均为300米;裙房6层,地下3 。 本资产共计2个,一个底商+一个高层写字楼,因为是双子塔,所有玩家可在游戏中复制一个即可。最后三个资产需要自己拼接,具体如何拼接...
Creato da kami❀
厦门 Xiamen
Creato da Seadon
厦门岛地图 厦门市是中国东南部福建省下属的一个美丽的海岛城市。Xiamen is a beautiful island city in Fujian Province in southeast China. 适合25格土地建设者。Recommended for 25 tiles users. Road: 3/4 Train: 2/4 Ship: 3/4 Plane: 4/4...
厦门 Xiamen / Amoy, China
Creato da Luckykoala
Xiamen, also historically known as Amoy, is a major city on the southeast coast of China. Basic highway network is premade using Network Extensions....
Creato da Hayden
原版高速2019年3月12日(非1:1)版本,需要Network Extensions 2依赖,我的模拟厦门是在此基础上搭建,相关截图请查看我的图片墙 地图主题会提示缺失,不影响正常使用,主题可根据喜好自由搭配 March 12, 2019 (not 1:1) vanilla road v...
Creato da aujack2017
新建资产 by aujack2017...
Creato da nidege
Creato da CASILLAS
台州银行广告牌 by CASILLAS...
Creato da Voyage
Creato da kaikai0706
Creato da 875639863
吉林省保险大厦 Jilin Insurance Building
Creato da Trent
吉林省保险大厦 by Och 天际线中式老城区造景必备 吉林省保险大厦位于长春市朝阳区西安大路CBD,是中国人民保险长春市分公司所在地。 由于顶部素材不足和技术有限,会与现实略有差异。...
Creato da 耶斯瑷度
四平2.0 带环路 25格内带环路 机场在25格外四平是东北军事重地,被誉为吉林省的“南大门”。四平曾获国家卫生城市、国家园林城市、全国城市社区建设示范市、全国双拥模范城市、全国精神文明建设先进市等称号,是中国最具投资潜力中小城市20强、第五批中国金融生态城市、全国首批成长型创业之城, 东北三大粮仓之一。四平是多民族聚居城市,是满族的发祥地之一。四平还是一座“英雄城”,解放战争中,“四战四平”战役名遐中外,四平被誉为“东方马德里”,是红色旅游第26条线路的第1站...
Creato da 浪子丶
呼和浩特【1.5】版本如期和大家见面了 简介: 此次更新为大家带来了比1.0版本更完善的【呼和浩特】地图的线路网,为大家了解呼和浩特有了更多的信息来源,我会接着把这个系列做下去并且更加完善,如果有什么问题可以在下方留言。 这次更新内容如下 1.二环路快速路的精细化 2.S104省道的修建,S101省道的修建,S103的省道修建,110国道的修建 3.新华大街的修建,中山路的修建,昭君路的修建 4.二环路立交桥修建内容: 土默特立交桥,鄂尔多斯立交桥,公主府北立交桥,天骄立交桥,察哈尔立交桥,科尔沁南立交桥 ...
Hohhotzhenhuaapartment by 失去梦想的咸鱼...
呼和浩特振华广场,Zhen Hua Plaza, Hohhot
Zhen Hua Plaza, Hohhot by 失去梦想的咸鱼 该建筑高165.4m,宽大约145m,为商业公寓综合体。位于呼和浩特市新华广场南侧。 商场南侧有两栋全公寓高层,也已制作完成,并已发布...
MallCity by 失去梦想的咸鱼...
呼和浩特火车站,Hohhot Train Station
Hohhot Train Station by 失去梦想的咸鱼...
呼和浩特(Hohhot roads only)
Lakedale by 失去梦想的咸鱼 This saving game will takes about 10GB Memory. 这个游戏存档会占用大约10GB的内存空间。 ...
Creato da 小猕猴桃
哈尔滨大剧院(英语:Harbin Grand Theatre )坐落于中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市松北区的文化中心岛内,该建筑采用了异型双曲面的外型设计,是哈尔滨的标志性建筑。2016年2月,哈尔滨大剧院被ArchDaily评选为“2015年世界最佳建筑”之“最佳文化类建筑”。 请注意:本资产面数非常多,40000+,且由于本人技术太渣,不会做夜景贴图,模型也有很多瑕疵,各位大哥大姐对付着看吧。夜间灯光可以考虑在建筑里放几个小灯。...
哈尔滨略图 Harbin.Heilongjiang.China
Creato da PLA171034
唐山 Tangshan China
Creato da Polon
唐山 Tangshan China,基本囊括主城区相关地形,路南、路北、开平、丰润、丰南(北部)、古冶(部分)...
喀什发展大厦完整版 kashi development building
Creato da CM.
你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到它。 (You can find it in the sixth-level special building.) 喀什发展大厦又名喀什双子塔大厦,地处新疆维吾尔族自治区喀什经济开发区深喀大道北侧占,总建筑面积514943.8平方米,由裙房和两栋塔楼组成,建筑高度为268米,是喀什第一高楼。 (Kashi Development Building, also known as the Kashi Twin Tower Building, is located on the nor...
Creato da Solaire
Creato da Cold_Rain67
四川蓬溪金仙寺大殿 Main Hall of Jinxian Temple
Creato da 硬施德Ngenschde
Creato da Ximu_Luya
此地图直接取材于内江地形,但由于内江地区多为丘陵地带,地形极为不平整,所以做了一定处理,并自己创造了边缘地区的一部分山,内江的核心城区和沱江(甜城湖)按照地形绘制。高速路与铁轨并未严格按照地图所示绘制,不过部分还原了内江高速公路出口附近的立交桥。 推荐我自己使用的Realistic颜色校正和地图主题。铁轨使用资产为“中国高铁”(因为比较好看),若有使用问题,我会替换为普通铁轨解决兼容问题。 地图使用若有问题或有任何建议请留言或者联系我,第一次发工坊作品,若有问题还请见谅。 This map is direc...
国产直升机直8J(医疗救护涂装) PLA NAVY Z-8J-Medical Helicopter
Creato da 尹水涯
国产直升机直8J(救护涂装) PLA NAVY Z-8J-Medical Helicopter 原型来自于服役于PLA的直-8(中国代号:Z-8,英文:Changhe Z-8,中文命名:“神雕”-8)直升机 ,是中国在20世纪90年代以法国SA321直升机(“超黄蜂”直升机)为基础仿制改进的13吨级多用途直升机。 直-8是单旋翼带尾桨多用途直升机,在标准状态下有较大的功率储备,具有飞行性能好、使用寿命长,飞行安全,操纵容易,使用维护方便,应急时可在水面起降等特点。 该机型由中国航空工业中国直升机设计研究所和...
国产直升机直8J(海军涂装) PLA NAVY Z-8J-Disaster Response Helicopter
Creato da 尹水涯
国产直升机直8J(海军涂装) PLA NAVY Z-8J-Disaster Response Helicopter 原型来自于服役于PLA的直-8(中国代号:Z-8,英文:Changhe Z-8,中文命名:“神雕”-8)直升机 ,是中国在20世纪90年代以法国SA321直升机(“超黄蜂”直升机)为基础仿制改进的13吨级多用途直升机。 直-8是单旋翼带尾桨多用途直升机,在标准状态下有较大的功率储备,具有飞行性能好、使用寿命长,飞行安全,操纵容易,使用维护方便,应急时可在水面起降等特点。 该机型由中国航空工业中...
国产直升机直8J(海军涂装PROP) PLA NAVY Z-8J-Navy NFH
Creato da 尹水涯
国产直升机直8J(海军涂装PROP) PLA NAVY Z-8J-Navy NFH 原型来自于服役于PLA的直-8(中国代号:Z-8,英文:Changhe Z-8,中文命名:“神雕”-8)直升机 ,是中国在20世纪90年代以法国SA321直升机(“超黄蜂”直升机)为基础仿制改进的13吨级多用途直升机。 直-8是单旋翼带尾桨多用途直升机,在标准状态下有较大的功率储备,具有飞行性能好、使用寿命长,飞行安全,操纵容易,使用维护方便,应急时可在水面起降等特点。 该机型由中国航空工业中国直升机设计研究所和昌河飞机工业...
国产075型两栖攻击舰(海上电力建筑) CHINA PLA TYPE 075 LHD(Electricity Building)
Creato da 尹水涯
国产075型两栖攻击舰(海上电力建筑) CHINA PLA TYPE 075 LHD(Electricity Building) 原型来自于服役于PLA的075型两栖攻击舰(英文:Type 075 Landing Helicopter Dock),是中国设计的首艘大型两栖作战舰船。2021年4月23日,首艘075型两栖攻击舰海南舰入列。 本作为我外购授权模型,自己处理后上传,特此祝贺建军95周年!!! 本版本在游戏中为 海上电力建筑(Electricity Building),使用 find it 搜索时需...
国内警车-帕萨特 VW Passat 2019 Police Car 021 CHINA SHANGHAI
Creato da 尹水涯
国内警车-帕萨特 VW Passat 2019 Police Car 021 CHINA SHANGHAI 关键词:上汽 大众 帕萨特 警车 国产 中国警车 警察 该资产原型为上汽大众帕萨特(VW Passat)2019,涂装为警务用车,上海市局。 本版本在游戏中为 警车(Police Car)+prop,使用 find it 搜索时需输入Passat或021(上海区号)。 该资产由 西瓜萨克 出资,已授权发工坊,在此特别感谢。 我为其添加了 国内警车(china) 警报声音,音效文件采自网络 其需要订阅以...
图木舒克市气象塔Tumushuk City Meteorological Tower
Creato da CM.
图木舒克市气象塔位于新疆维吾尔族自治区图木舒克市,高68米,是图木舒克市地标建筑之一。图木舒克市是新疆维吾尔族自治区直辖县级市,2002年建市,现行政区划面积2003平方公里,总人口17万,,其中少数民族占63%。由于本人第一次做资产,各方面都还不足,第一个就希望做一个家乡的建筑和大家分享,虽然不好,但是也是第一次在创意工坊上看到了家乡的身影。The Tumushuk City Meteorological Tower is located in Tumushuk, Xinjiang Uygur Auton...
國民革命忠烈祠牌樓 Entrance Gate of the National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine
Creato da Emperor Li
國民革命忠烈祠牌樓 位於臺北市圓山的一座忠烈祠,是中華民國全國崇祀國殤位階最高的場所。 資產可置於任何地方,請使用任何含無碰撞的Mod(NoPillars / Sharp Junction Angles / Fine Road Anarchy)放置。 主建築在這裡。 感謝您的訂閱! 国民革命忠烈祠牌楼 位于台北市圆山的一座忠烈祠,是中华民国全国崇祀国殇位阶最高的场所。 资产可置于任何地方,请使用任何含无碰撞的Mod(NoPillars / Sharp Junction Angles / Fine Road ...
國民革命忠烈祠 National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine
Creato da Emperor Li
國民革命忠烈祠 位於臺北市圓山的一座忠烈祠,是中華民國全國崇祀國殤位階最高的場所。於1969年完工,建築型式仿北京故宮太和殿。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 預覽圖片中的牌樓在這裡。 歡迎使用First Person Camera: Updated 進來參觀。:) 感謝您的訂閱! 国民革命忠烈祠 位于台北市圆山的一座忠烈祠,是中华民国全国崇祀国殇位阶最高的场所。于1969年完工,建筑型式仿北京故宫太和殿。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 预览图片中的牌楼在这里。 欢迎使用First Person Camera: Update...
圓山大飯店牌樓 Grand Hotel Gateway
Creato da Emperor Li
位於臺北市中山區劍潭山的中國風飯店,於1973年落成,是臺北市的著名地標之一。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 本建築在這裡。 感謝您的訂閱! The Grand Hotel is a Chinese classical style building located at Yuanshan in Zhongshan District, Taipei, Taiwan. It was completed in 1973 and one of the famous landmark in Taipei.(from: wik...
城市内轻轨站(电车轨道)tram station
Creato da hikke
这个是电车轨道版本,模型基本没有变化, 增加了一些小装饰,自动售票机~ 需要下雪DLC支持~ 喜欢的请点赞,谢谢~~ 火车轨道版本在这里: 哪位英语大神有空的话帮忙翻译~~不胜感激~~ @霸王自摸西 @Claude_Speed ~~` 感谢 霸王自摸西 翻译~~ -------------------------------------------------------------...
城市内轻轨站(铁路轨道)train station--4 car only
Creato da hikke
作品介绍 市内通勤轻轨站(铁路轨道) 车站长度是按照四节编组的列车设计的,所以不适合游戏原始火车的长度,建议做为城市内通勤用,不要接入城际列车 推荐X61系列(搜索) 列车资产 车站类型是金鸡独立型 三角形计数:964 贴图:1024X1024 过几天会推出电车轨道版本~~请大家支持~~ 有英文好的大神 帮忙翻译 先谢过~ 感谢 Claude_Speed 翻译~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------...
复星外滩中心 Fosun Center V2.0
Creato da Aurouscia
更新了贴图,塑料感减少 复星外滩中心是一对位于武汉的双子塔,目前还没动工,其建成后将取代吉隆坡石油双子塔成为世界上最高的双子塔。由于网上资料极为稀缺,只能照着仅有的几张图片做出来,可能不太准确。高度并非真实高度。谢谢大家的支持。 如果订阅之后找不着,请尝试点击各个“已修建”的建筑图标...
大台中市 Greater Taichung v1.1
Creato da Edson
台中的前瞻計畫夠不夠前瞻,由你來決定! 注意: 如開啟地圖後有斷層、錯誤訊息等任何問題,請確認是否已安裝: Network Extensions 2 81 Tiles 簡介:   這是一座因鐵道誕生的城市。   1900年日本頒布台中市區改正計畫,將今日中區仿造京都設...
Creato da Kiddle
这是我做的第一个资产——一个特别大号的中华门匾额,放在城墙上会显得有些违和。稍后会做一个小一点的。 这是南京的中华门,匾额上的题字是当时的国民政府主席蒋中正在1931年的双十节前夕所题。 This is the first asset I made—a particularly large Chinese gate plaque, and a smaller one later. This is the Zhonghua Gate in Nanjing. It was written on the eve ...
Creato da 老杨爱看妞
大新竹 Realistic Hsinchu
Creato da pause582 あゆき
◆ 前言 Preface 雖然工作坊上已有人製作新竹地圖,但可惜不是真實比例,平原地區也比較顛簸。因此本人另外製作了真實比例的新竹,針對山區地形增幅,柔化平原地區,並且重現多條河川。 Although there have been a map of Hsinchu in the workshop, unfortunately it is not a true scale, and the plain area is also quite bumpy. Therefore, I made a real sc...
大雁塔 Great Wild Goose Pagoda
Creato da hikke
大家好 这次制作的是西安的大雁塔 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ 资产背景介绍: 大雁塔位于唐长安城晋昌坊(今陕西省西安市南)的大慈恩寺内,又名“慈恩寺塔”。唐永徽三年(652年),玄奘为保存由天竺经丝绸之路带回长安的经卷佛像主持修建了大雁塔,最初五层,后加盖至九层,再后层数和高度又有数次变更,最后固定为今天所看到的七层塔身,通高64.517米,底层边长25.5米。 Background introduction: Great Wild Goose Pagoda or Big Wild Goose Pago...
天津之眼 The Tientsin Eye
Creato da HooHeeHaa
Briefing Tianjin Eye, the official name The Tientsin Eye, is a 120-meter (394 ft)-tall giant ferris wheel built above the Yongle Bridge over the Hai River in Tianjin, China. Construction started in 2007, with completion of the main body on 18 December 2007...
Creato da glory s mine
by PeachJelly 还没有贴图...
天津大学齐园15斋,15th dormitory Tianjin University
Creato da x903046855
天津大学齐园15斋,15th dormitory Tianjin University...
Creato da Deja Vu
b站:天际线筱朋 谢谢大家支持...
天津,中国(Tianjin / Tientsin, China)
Creato da 76561198830532695
天津是中华人民共和国华北地区超大城市之一,环渤海地区经济中心。自明永乐二年(1404年)正式筑城,经清朝末年西方列强设立租界,六百余年的历史造就了天津中西合璧、古今兼容的独特城市风貌,素有“九河下梢”“河海要冲”之称。 本地图按照1:3还原天津市区、武清区的自然地理风貌和部分交通设施。以河北区、北辰区为中心,地图西起西青区、石各庄互通立交,东至东丽区、东丽湖,北抵武清区市区,南达津南区、天津大学北洋园校区、南开大学津南校区。高速公路包括京沪高速、京津塘高速、津蓟高速、津晋高速、滨保高速等,天津站、天津北站、...
Creato da machyue
太原TaiYuan China
太原TaiYuan China...
奉国寺大殿Main Hall of Fengguo Temple
Creato da MC100
奉国寺大殿Main Hall of Fengguo Temple by MC100 "千年国宝,无上国宝,无上的宝物。" -----------梁思成 "Millennium national treasure, supreme national treasure, paramount treasure." -----------Liang Sicheng(the father of modern Chinese architecture) 奉国寺位于辽宁锦州义县 奉国寺大雄宝殿,又称七佛殿、奉国寺大雄殿以...
Creato da 红米先生
妇幼保健院 by 红米...
威海市环翠区(Weihai,Shandong Province,China)
Creato da 薛定猫不饿
Weihai,Shandong Province,China 原版道路,带有高速一小段,以及三条省道用高速对外链接 青荣城际铁路与桃威铁路均使用原版道路...
Creato da 小月半
宁国市,古称宁阳,安徽省辖县级市,由宣城市代管。位于安徽省东南部,总面积2487平方千米。 截至2019年,宁国市常住人口39.9万人 ,辖6个街道、8个镇、5个乡 。 宁国市意取《易·乾卦》 “首出庶物,万国咸宁”之意,是“中国山核桃之乡” 、“中国元竹之乡”、“中国前胡之乡”。是全国综合实力百强县市 、国家生态文明建设示范市县 、全国文明城市。...
宁波中心大厦A座,Ningbo Center A
Creato da RAY
宁波中心大厦A座 宁波中心是中国浙江宁波市一座正在建设的摩天大楼。 『余之恩』独资订制,红米制作。 赞助后,可优先体验『阪急百货』! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入『都市天际线交流群!』 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 Ningbo Center Ningbo Center is a skyscraper under construction i...
宁波中心大厦B座,Ningbo Center B
Creato da RAY
宁波中心大厦B座 宁波中心是中国浙江宁波市一座正在建设的摩天大楼。 『余之恩』独资订制,红米制作。 赞助后,可优先体验『阪急百货』! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入『都市天际线交流群!』 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 Ningbo Center Ningbo Center is a skyscraper under construction i...
Creato da CASILLAS
宁波银行招牌 by CASILLAS...
Creato da 红米先生
Creato da 嗨皮熊
地图介绍: What’s content 本地图是以安庆地图(土路版)为基础重新制作。 游戏本体土路版地图:安庆,可以订阅:; The basic version map of "Anqing" can be found here :; 新增CSUR...
安庆(Anqing City)
Creato da 嗨皮熊
采用真实地形和1:1真实比例制作,配合81格MOD食用效果更佳 基本覆盖城区所有交通路网,使用游戏本体土路代替,方便玩家自行更换道路 另有一条单向高速从大渡口贯穿至西北向,建议玩家使用工坊【狼少】的道路资产China Expressway 4 LanDouble (进行替换 另宁安高铁线路安庆段、合安高铁安庆段线路均已铺设 ...
Creato da 水色酒杯
Creato da 小翔xiang
封闭式电动三轮车 交通工具 by 小翔xiang 新资产来啦,该资产为中式电动三轮车(封闭式) 原型和贴图取自淮海电动车 注意!!! 此资产为vehicle(交通工具) 贴图大小:1024 x 1024 lod:64 x 64 三角形数量:700 lod:50 如有任何问题请在评论区留言或私信本人b站账号...
Creato da Kiddle
这是一个正常尺寸的的中华门匾额,放在城墙上不再会显得违和了。先前做了一个大一号的,可以按自己喜好来选择。 这是南京的中华门,匾额上的题字是当时的国民政府主席蒋中正在1931年的双十节前夕所题。 This is a normal-sized plaque for the China Gate, and it will no longer look out of place on the wall. I made a bigger one before, you can choose according to ...
Creato da CASILLAS
小吃街江西小炒 by CASILLAS...
Creato da 魔芋爽
小型中式学校操场-重置版 by 无番和 中式小型学校操场贴图重置版,更新了更加真实的贴图。 过去的版本在原版滤镜下饱和度过高了,显得和城市格格不入。这是重置贴图后的版本,欢迎大家订阅使用! 长9格,宽7格。包含主席台、观礼台、200m田径跑道、小足球场。通常我们将这个放置在小学校园中。 订阅后你可以在“公园”目录下找到它。 注意,你需要同时订阅我之前发布的资产“照明灯具组合套装1”才能正常使用其照明用品。 —————— Chinese school playground(small) reset versi...
Creato da Winvypussal
山高水長是臨沂(临沂)市人民廣場上的一座雕塑,也是臨沂市的城市標誌。 可惜的是,我沒有把握好顏色的深度,所以在使用濾鏡時會出現巨大的色差。...
岳阳楼Yueyang Tower
Creato da MC100
“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”————范仲淹《岳阳楼记》 "Be the first one of the country to show concern and the last to enjoy oneself"-------Fan Zhongyan "Memorial to Yueyang Tower " “朝晖夕阴,气象万千”————范仲淹《岳阳楼记》 "With the sun shining brightly, then dusk’s mists falling, at every turn...
Creato da 晴天
蝴蝶形三层五向互通立交——琵琶王立交 by 晴天 城建爱好者,纯属自娱。在游戏资产管理器一切正常,上传到创意工坊有些部分(尤其是弯道顺滑度和桥墩)就崩坏了。。多次尝试未能解决, 建议下载 “Move it” 微调...
岳阳 Yueyang
Creato da Xiokaijuu
2022.02.22 更新 此次更新完全重绘了所有水体、道路、航路等,详见本次更新日志。 注意!由于地图编辑器内无法建造隧道,本地图内铁路部分路段会出现极其夸张的陡坡,请各位游玩中自行改建为隧道。 如果您喜欢本地图,望您能为其点下推荐,谢谢! 本地图基于湖南省岳阳市城区实际地形制作。地图比例为现实1:2大小。全图包含:岳阳楼区全境、云溪区云溪街道、松杨湖街道、陆城镇、路口镇、君山区柳林洲街道、临湘市横铺乡、岳阳县麻塘镇、新开镇、湖北省荆州市监利县三洲镇、尺八镇、柘木乡、白螺镇。81格建筑区域北至云溪区白泥湖...
巴中 Bazhong
Creato da 独孤狗剩
中国四川省巴中市 Bazhong City ,Sichuan Province ,China 除了Network Extensions 2以外其他MOD都不是必须的 In addition to the Network Extensions 2 other MOD is not a must...
Creato da FeitryTC
广东省鹤山市地图(HokShan/HeShan,Guangdong,China) ps:之前做的那个比较丑,然后现在做了个新的,1:1的地图比例,增加了了部分沙坪街道及古劳,雅瑶等周边镇区路网。 鹤山市,属江门市代管市,地处广东省中南部,珠江三角洲西南部,西江下游右岸。地处北回归线以南,属亚热带季风气候,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑。清雍正十年(1732年)从新会划出古劳、新化、遵名三个都及开平的双桥都全部,古博都的部分地方,新置鹤山县。1958年11月,鹤山县与高明县合并,称高鹤县。1981年12月恢复鹤山、高明两...
Creato da 红米先生
广州侨鑫国际底座版 by Redmi(红米)...
Creato da 忆起时
广西壮族自治区高级人民法院 该建筑按照广西壮族自治区高级人民法院建模,稍有修改。 20000+三角面,1024x1024贴图...
Creato da 76561198218544267
广西金融广场 Guangxi Financial Square
Creato da Mnir
关于建筑 广西金融广场位于广西壮族自治区南宁市青秀区中柬路和中越路交汇处,占地面积19605m²,楼高300m,长、宽均为42m。主体结构地下四层、地上68层,是一栋集办公、酒店、休闲娱乐一体化的综合性超高层建筑。 说明 占地面积:6x6 贴图:2048x2048 LOD贴图:256x256 模型三角形数量:988 LOD三角形数量:604 你可以在第5级独特建筑找到它。 这是我第一次制作资产,如果您有任何需要反馈的建议,请在下方留言。 6.19更新: 1.修复了贴图显示错误的问题 2.降低了贴图饱和度 6...
应县木塔The Sakyamuni Pagoda of Fogong Temple
Creato da MC100
"今天正式的去拜见佛宫寺塔, 绝对的Overwhelming, 好到令人叫绝, 喘不出一口气来半天!这个塔真是个独一无二的伟大作品. 不见此塔, 不知木构建筑的可能性达到了什么程度. 我佩服极了. 佩服建造这塔的时代, 和那时代里不知名的大建筑师, 不知名的匠人。" -----------梁思成 "Today I officially went to visit the Sakyamuni pagoda of Fogong temple. It's absolutely Overwhelming and s...
廊坊Langfang, Hebei, CN(原版基础路网vanilla basic road network)1:1.5
Creato da NineSTao0316
廊坊市是中华人民共和国河北省下辖的地级市,位于河北省中部。廊坊处于北京、天津两大直辖市之间,环渤海经济区腹地。距离北京市区和天津市区40公里和60公里,中心城区人口1147591人,市政府驻广阳区。(Wikipedia) Langfang (Chinese: 廊坊) is a prefecture-level city of Hebei Province, which was known as Tianjin Prefecture until 1973. It was renamed Langfang Pr...
Creato da 红米先生
德阳城南五洲广场公寓楼 by 红米...
Creato da 红米先生
德阳城南五洲广场写字楼-1 by 红米...
Creato da 红米先生
德阳城南五洲广场公寓楼-2 by 红米...
Creato da 猪星驰
户部巷牌坊The Memorial Archway of Hubu Lane
Creato da MC100
户部巷牌坊The Memorial Archway of Hubu Lane by MC100 这个资产是我很早以前做的,大概是在武汉疫情那段时间做的,但是一直没有发布。封面图也是去年做的,所以看起来一股廉价感哈哈哈哈哈。 考虑到我很久没有更新了,就放出来一些吧。 This asset was made last year. I haven't submitted it to workshop until now. The memorial archway of Hubu Lane is a small l...
Creato da 呦呦呦
1:2地图 含扬州邗江区、广陵区、江都区,镇江京口区、润州区 绕城高速:启扬、扬溧、新扬、沪陕、京沪 铁路系统:宁启:扬州 - 扬州北 - 江都 连镇:扬州东-镇江 北沿江:扬州东 航道:长江、京杭运河 航空:YTY by:kaciyo...
Creato da 924432257
拉萨,西藏,中国(Lhasa, Tibet, China)
Creato da 76561198830532695
拉萨市是中华人民共和国西藏自治区首府,是西藏的政治、经济、文化和科教中心,也是藏传佛教圣地。 本地图以拉萨市区(布达拉宫等地)为中心,西起堆龙德庆区,东至达孜区,南抵拉萨直升机场(25格内)、柳梧乡,北达色拉寺、娘热乡。地图对外通道主要为林拉公路、机场高速(贡嘎机场不在地图范围内)等公路设施,以及青藏线、拉日线等铁路设施。拉萨站(25格内)、拉萨西站(25格外)位置已标出。 Lhasa is the capital of Tibet Autonomous Region, People’s Republic ...
揭阳,广东,中国(Jieyang, Guangdong, China)
Creato da 76561198830532695
揭阳市,广东省东部地级市,广东省历史文化名城,全国著名侨乡,海陆丰革命老区之一。潮汕地区素有“海滨邹鲁”之称,揭阳作为潮汕三城之一,是潮汕文化的主要发源地之一。 本地图按照1:2还原揭阳市区及周围郊区的自然地貌和部分交通设施。地图以榕城区、揭阳古城为中心,东起潮汕站(25格外)、揭阳潮汕国际机场(25格内),西至揭阳站(25格内)、S17潮惠高速,南抵湖心立交、潮阳站(25格外),北达揭阳南站(25格内)、黄岐山以北的山区。水系包括榕江、榕江北河、枫江、新西河水库、翁内水库等。 Jieyang, locat...
Creato da momo21
斜向式全互通立交#1 by chiachiun21...
新上海中心大厦 shanghai tower 1:1
Creato da CM.
上海中心大厦 shanghai tower 1:1 by CM. 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in level 6 special buildings. 注:该建筑会有报错 The building will report an error 现实中上海中心大厦隐约能够看到其内部的构造,我为了能够还原它想了不少办法,包括了最常用的真实玻璃,但是真实玻璃一离远就会消失,仍旧难让人满意,后来自己想到了一种玻璃幕墙的制作方式,虽然复杂了一点,但是最起码达到了效果,只是建筑的优化...
新上海中心大厦1:1.5 shanghai tower 1:1.5
Creato da CM.
上海中心大厦 shanghai tower 1:1.5 by CM. 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in level 6 special buildings. 现实中上海中心大厦隐约能够看到其内部的构造,我为了能够还原它想了不少办法,包括了最常用的真实玻璃,但是真实玻璃一离远就会消失,仍旧难让人满意,后来自己想到了一种玻璃幕墙的制作方式,虽然复杂了一点,但是最起码达到了效果,只是建筑的优化却成了最大的问题,工坊上所发布的仍旧是阉割版本,完全版本的内存更大,所以电脑运行内存...
Creato da amamIya
新上海国际大厦 New Shanghai International Tower by amamIya...
Creato da 红米先生
新中式大门景观墙 by 红米...
Creato da 红米先生
新中式大门 by 红米...
Creato da 龙魂·恋/博
Creato da 复方坑货颗粒
新兴大厦 Emerging Tower
Creato da Mnir
关于建筑 新兴大厦位于广西壮族自治区南宁市青秀区民族大道93号,总建筑面积约56000m²,楼高110m。 说明 占地面积:4x4 贴图:2048x2048 LOD贴图:256x256 高模三角形数量:2891 LOD三角形数量:936 你可以在第6级独特建筑找到它。 About this building Emerging Tower is located at No.93 Minzu Avenue, Qingxiu District, Nanning, Guangxi, China, with a to...
Creato da 红米先生
新农村房屋 by 红米...
新疆乌鲁木齐二道桥清真寺 Erdaoqiao mosque in Urumqi
Creato da CM.
乌鲁木齐二道桥清真寺 Erdaoqiao mosque in Urumqi 你可以在第四级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in level 4 special buildings. 二道桥清真寺,位于新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市天山区解放南路二道桥,总面积约为2400平方米,是一座伊斯兰教清真寺,2004年,作为新疆国际大巴扎的旅游项目之一,二道桥清真寺正式对外开放,游客可以购票进入参观。这是当时乌鲁木齐市惟一一家对外开放的清真寺。 Erdaoqiao mosque, located in...
Creato da kom3017320
新疆伊宁 本图为中国新疆伊宁及其周边地区的地图(不包含路网,我只做了对外连接的高速公路和铁路) This map is a map of Yining and its surrounding areas in Xinjiang, China (excluding the road network, I only made expressways and railways connected to the outside world) 伊宁市(维语:غۇلجا, 拉丁维文:Ghulja),是伊犁自治州的地级行...
Creato da CM.
你可以在第三级独特建筑中找到(You can find it in the third level of unique architecture.) 新疆喀什市中坤观光塔,是新疆维吾尔族自治区喀什地区喀什市的第一高塔,高度160米(524.9343832英尺)与喀什古城相互辉映形成一道靓丽的风景线。(The Zhongkun Sightseeing Tower in Kashgar City is the first tallest tower in Kashi City, Kashgar, Xinjian...
Creato da zyt
高速-城市主干道之间的四向互通立交,参照现实世界中的广汇立交桥(新疆乌鲁木齐)建成 长95 u,宽 45 u...
Creato da zyt
高速-城市主干道之间的四向互通立交,参照现实世界中的燕儿窝南立交(新疆乌鲁木齐)建成 长116 u,宽105 u...
Creato da 76561198822036937
无锡东站(Wuxidong Railway Station),位于中国江苏省无锡市,是隶属于中国铁路上海局集团有限公司的铁路车站,是京沪高速铁路上的中间站。 2010年10月20日,无锡东站开工建设; 2011年6月30日,无锡东站正式启用。 截至2011年6月,无锡东站总建筑面积为12.58万平方米; 截至2019年4月站台规模为2台6线...
Creato da wu_cheng1
Creato da zfy1994
昆明恒隆广场Kunming Henglong Plaza
Creato da 忆起时
昆明恒隆广场 中式建筑 昆明恒隆广场(Spring City 66)总用地面积为56042.97平方米(84.06亩)昆明恒隆广场建设主要以现代风格的高层建筑为主,定位为高档购物中心、5A商务写字楼、城市公寓聚集,集金融、商务、居住等功能为一体的新兴城市综合体。 by 忆起时...
Creato da Laszlo
杭州上德立交 HangZhou ShangDe flyover(update)
Creato da saoj
杭州上塘高架与德胜快速路的互通立交,两个方向左转会在匝道交汇。非环岛立交 已修复匝道断开的问题...
杭州世茂智慧之门,Hangzhou Wisdom Tower
Creato da CSCA
Hangzhou Shimao wisdom gate 272.6m × 2\61F × two The plot is located in the landmark position of Binjiang District government, close to the Olympic Sports Expo City, with a total construction area of 372138 square meters and a total floor area of 33857 squ...
杭州东站--Hangzhou East Railway Station
Creato da hikke
作品介绍: 这次的作品是杭州东站 这次是纯车站 无广场 有什么问题留言 楼主要出差三天 回来后再看 喜欢的请点赞支持我~~ 模型信息: 三角形计数:8067X4+4210X4 贴图:1024X1024 LOD:198X4+230X4 LOD贴图:256x256 未经本人同意 严禁转载腾讯平台 =================================================== hi everyo...
杭州凱悅酒店 Hangzhou Grand Hyatt
Creato da RAY
杭州凱悅酒店 Hangzhou Grand Hyatt 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 杭州高端小区有兴趣的话可以加入贊助并提早使用哦!! 四座楼一个大门接待厅两个道具 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资...
杭州奥体中心体育场 1:1 (Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium)
Creato da PeeKyboo
本资产为2022亚运会杭州奥体中心体育场 1:1 模型。由于占地过大的问题导致未设置灯光,玩家可自行DIY灯光夜景效果。PS:建议提高ULOD模组的建筑可视距离。 建筑体量:330m*280m*60m find it搜索:杭州奥体主场馆、HZ OSC Stadium 杭州奥体中心体育场 又称“大莲花”,为2022年杭州亚运会主会场举办开闭幕式。 杭州奥体中心体育场外形似莲花,造型动感飘逸,其造型取意于杭州丝绸纹理与纺织体系,建筑体态源于钱塘江水的动态,拥有简洁的花瓣单元,犹如一朵美丽的莲花绽放于钱塘江畔。 ...
杭州奥体中心体育场 1:2 (Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium)
Creato da PeeKyboo
本资产为2022亚运会杭州奥体中心主场馆1:2模型。由于占地过大的问题导致未设置灯光,玩家可自行DIY灯光夜景效果。PS:建议提高ULOD模组的建筑可视距离。 建筑体量:765m*140m*30m find it搜索:杭州奥体主场馆、HZ OSC Stadium 杭州奥体中心体育场 又称“大莲花”,为2022年杭州亚运会主会场举办开闭幕式。 杭州奥体中心体育场外形似莲花,造型动感飘逸,其造型取意于杭州丝绸纹理与纺织体系,建筑体态源于钱塘江水的动态,拥有简洁的花瓣单元,犹如一朵美丽的莲花绽放于钱塘江畔。 20...
杭州市桐庐县分水镇(1:1)/ Fenshui Town,Tonglu,Hangzhou
Creato da Rua!
--------------简介----------- 分水镇为浙江省杭州市桐庐县下辖镇,位于杭州——千岛湖——黄山的黄金旅游线上,地处桐庐、富阳、临安、淳安四县(区)交汇腹地,是桐庐县的副中心、浙江省首批小城市培育试点镇,镇区坐落于分水江两岸。分水镇为原分水县人民政府所在地,始建于公元621年,历史悠久、人文底蕴深厚,曾涌现出施肩吾、徐凝等一批名士先贤,有“状元故里、进士之乡”之美誉。1958年并入桐庐。 ----------地图概况---------- 地形:丘陵河谷地形(镇区已整平,水岸、陡崖已柔化)...
Creato da 红米先生
杭州平海旺角1 by 红米...
Creato da 红米先生
杭州平海旺角2 by 红米...
Creato da 红米先生
杭州湖滨银泰in77-B by 红米...
杭州石石立交Hangzhou ShiShi flyover
Creato da saoj
Creato da 六六
杭州西湖保俶塔 by Acolasia丶六六...
Creato da 狼少
*注意*第一次进地图大约会需要20分钟或以上,这个地图第一次进很吃配置,保存后再进会好很多,请不要再评论进不去了,会被统一清理 10.10更新: 1.新增西湖大道中河高架立交 2.中河路改建为单条8车道【反正东边是河,没有建筑 3.新增德胜快速路和S2高速立交 4.德胜快速路和秋石快速路立交改建 5.改建彭埠大桥 6.改建西湖隧道 7.新增一个不标准的麦岭沙立交 8.微调部分道路的桥隧情况 【以后可能会增加武杭高铁和预留杭州西站位置】 9.22特大更新: 1.暴-力-拆-卸-所-有-的-桥,大部分重修改为1...
杭州1:1 ( Hangzhou 1:1 Scale , Zhejiang , China )
Creato da 狼少
杭州1:1地图,需要13件订阅,也可以进入以下合集一键订阅↓↓↓↓↓ Hangzhou 1:1 Scale Map,it needs 13 assets,you can click this link to SUB them↑↑↑↑↑ Necessary assets: *****CUE Series****** B-2、B-4、R-2、R-4D、Y-4、Y-4B、Y-8、Y-...
杭州UDC时代大厦 Hangzhou UDC times building
Creato da 蓝血JS
杭州UDC时代大厦 Hangzhou UDC times building UDC时代大厦A栋 by LANXUEJS 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 杭州高端小区有兴趣的话可以加入贊助并提早使用哦!! 四座楼一个大门接待厅两个道具 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天...
東京タワー tokyo tower 东京铁塔
Creato da CM.
你可以在第三级别建筑中找到。 You can find it in level 6 special buildings. 东京塔(日语:东京タワー;英文:Tokyo Tower),正式名称为日本电波塔,又称东京铁塔,位于日本东京都港区芝公园,是一座是以巴黎埃菲尔铁塔为范本而建造的红白色铁塔,但其高332.6米,比埃菲尔铁塔高出8.6米。1958年10月竣工,此后一直为东京第一高建筑物,直至2012年2月东京天空树(634米)建成而退居第二位。 Tokyo Tower (Japanese: ; 东京タワー;E...
Creato da 2227817689
枭龙战斗机(客机版本) Chengdu FC-1/JF-17 fighter aircraft (passenger plane)
Creato da 尹水涯
枭龙战斗机 Chengdu FC-1/JF-17 fighter aircraft (passenger plane) 原型来自服役于Pakistan Air Force的JF-17枭龙战机,并未包含泄密内容,涂装为黑蜘蛛中队(Black Spider)涂装。 枭龙战斗机,巴基斯坦编号:JF-17,绰号:Thunder,译文:雷电。是20世纪90年代末期中国和巴基斯坦共同投资,成都飞机设计研究所研制,巴基斯坦空军参与开发的单发、单座、全天候多用途战斗机,已批量装备巴基斯坦空军。 本版本在游戏中为 客机,使用...
枭龙战斗机 Chengdu FC-1/JF-17 fighter aircraft (prop)
Creato da 尹水涯
枭龙战斗机 Chengdu FC-1/JF-17 fighter aircraft (prop) 原型来自服役于Pakistan Air Force的JF-17枭龙战机,并未包含泄密内容,涂装为黑蜘蛛中队(Black Spider)涂装。 枭龙战斗机,巴基斯坦编号:JF-17,绰号:Thunder,译文:雷电。是20世纪90年代末期中国和巴基斯坦共同投资,成都飞机设计研究所研制,巴基斯坦空军参与开发的单发、单座、全天候多用途战斗机,已批量装备巴基斯坦空军。 本版本在游戏中为 prop ,使用 find it...
Creato da 忆起时
柳州地王大厦雄居柳州市最繁华的旺地核心区域——五星商圈,地处曙光路与解放南路步行街交汇处,整个城市人流量的集中点,商圈中的五星街是柳州市商业不可动摇的制高点。是中侨房地产开发有限责任公司投资的商业价值极高、具备先天区位和地段优势的一大商业力作。————摘自百度百科 欢迎订阅和点赞哟!...
Creato da JARODYI
Creato da 忆起时
Creato da 忆起时
Creato da 忆起时
桂平高铁站Guiping railway Station
Creato da 忆起时
桂平高铁站 by 随风一御 桂平站,站址在广西壮族自治区下辖县级市桂平市西山镇长安工业集中区附近的西长村,是南广高铁广西段的一个站点,隶属中国铁路南宁局集团有限公司玉林车务段管辖的铁路车站。 该车站是一个小型高铁站,三个站台,做了些内饰。由于用了2048x2048贴图,导致文件变大了,小伙伴们看着订阅吧。 另外,我没咋做夜景,大家可自行添加灯装饰。 this station is a small high-speed rail station with three platforms and some in...
Creato da 红米先生
共计两辆车:分辨率2K LOD:分别占用2200 车载属性。...
正陽門城樓 | 正阳门城楼 | Zhengyangmen Gate Tower
Creato da Emperor Li
******2018-04-18****** There is a new version available in the workshop. This one is compatible with the modular city wall . The newer one has new wall texture and compatible with the draggable city wall . I recommand to use the newer one, because cims can...
正陽門箭樓 | 正阳门箭楼 | Zhengyangmen Archery Tower
Creato da Emperor Li
******2018-04-18****** There is a new version available in the workshop. This one is compatible with the modular city wall . The newer one has new wall texture and compatible with the draggable city wall . I recommand to use the newer one, because cims can...
武汉站—wuhan train station
Creato da hikke
作品介绍: 大家好 这次带来的作品是武汉火车站 因为这个车站的造型挺好看的 所以就做了一个~~ 晚上的侧透光 感觉非常好~ 霸气侧漏 有木有! 感谢喜欢我作品的人一如既往的支持 喜欢的点赞哦~~ 这是crh动车组资产配合食用更佳 -------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 三角形计数:4220+500...
武汉绿地中心 Wuhan Greenland Center
Creato da CM.
前面那个版本出了点问题被我修复了,但是不知道为什么不能更新,所以只能另外开新的一页了。 这是一座已经被阉割的武汉绿地中心。 This is a castrated Wuhan green center. 武汉绿地中心是武汉绿地国际金融城项目的核心部分,位于武昌滨江商务区,是中部特大城市武汉新一轮城市发展的重点区域。金融城总建筑面积约300万平方米,总投资超500亿元。绿地中心是武昌滨江商务区“武汉国际金融城”率先开工的单体项目,建成后将成为一个集超五星级酒店、高档商场、顶级写字楼和公寓等于一体的超高层城市综...
武汉绿地中心V1.0 Wuhan Greenland Center
Creato da Aurouscia
武汉绿地中心没阉割之前的版本,高度不太准确请用魔物调整,有问题请在贴吧或者评论区反应,谢谢订阅。做资产不易,喜欢请点个赞。 如果游戏里找不到资产,这是常见的bug,可以试试点那些显示“已经建造”的图标,肯定可以找到...
武汉路网 Wuhan - 2nd Ring Road Map V0.1.1
Creato da PianoPrince
武汉二环内路网(带道路命名) 简介: 工坊目前没有较为全面的武汉路网地图,该存档尽可能使用【少的资产和模组】搭建武汉的主路路网。因此采用Intersection Marking Tool (IMT)和Node Controller (NC3)以及原版道路资产完成绝大部分的立交桥,不考虑使用CSUR等配置要求高的资产、模组。限于地图大小原因,立交桥比现实比例会大,细路网和名称也并不是100%还原还请大家见谅 二环以内的路网基本铺设在25格范围之内,如果担心81格出bug也可以尝试用25格mod打开 - - -...
Creato da 左耳日hachi
武汉长江中心高端公寓楼,高度140米,如果出现漂浮屋顶订阅prop anarchy 制作by红米 更多中式高层住宅搜红米~...
武汉(Wuhan) V1.2
Creato da NIDIDAKE
武汉(Wuhan) 3th Ring Completed. 原始的地图,地形上留了主要路网和进入25格区域以内的放射线路的入口。可以下载81tiles的MOD,编辑外部区域。...
歼-15 "飞鲨"舰载机 J-15 Feisha Carrier Aircraft
Creato da 尹水涯
关键词:J15 歼15 航空母舰 NAVY 航母 CV 海军 中国 PLA 舰载机 辽宁号 山东号 飞鲨 原型为中国沈飞等研制的舰载机,于2009年8月31日首飞成功。 本版本在游戏中为 道具(prop),共拥有折叠机翼和未折叠机翼两个版本 使用 find it 搜索时需输入J15 或 Feisha。 此资产不包含航母,需订阅相应航母资产! 你可以在此找到 福建号航空母舰(003) CHINA NAVY CV FUJIAN (floating)
歼10-A 猛龙战斗机 Chengdu J10A China-prop
Creato da 尹水涯
歼10-A 猛龙战斗机 Chengdu J10A China-prop 关键词:中航 成飞 J10 成都 战斗机 猛龙 PLA 飞机 战机 中国 该资产原型为服役于PLA的第三代战斗机 歼10(中文名:猛龙),本作为其中J10A子型号。 本版本在游戏中为 道具(prop)版本,使用 find it 搜索时需输入 J10A 或者 Chengdu(成都)。 你可以在此找到以此资产为基础的 八一飞行表演队 涂装
歼20隐形战斗机-CHINA Chengdu PLA J-20-camouflage(prop)
Creato da 尹水涯
歼20隐形战斗机-CHINA Chengdu PLA J-20-camouflage(prop) 原型为中航工业成都飞机设计研究所研制歼-20(英文:Chengdu J-20,代号:威龙)隐形第五代制空战斗机,现服役于PLA 。 本版本为prop版本,使用 find it 搜索时需输入 J-20 为保证一定的细节,故面数较多,约5w,但并未包含泄密内容,所以想赚50w的没机会啦,哈哈 你可以在此找到它的前辈 J8Ⅱ 歼击机,当然一样是prop版本
歼8Ⅱ 歼击机 81192 王伟烈士纪念(prop) Shenyang J-8Ⅱ
Creato da 尹水涯
歼8Ⅱ 歼击机 81192 王伟烈士纪念(prop) Shenyang J-8Ⅱ 早上才记起今天是4月1日,所以做了这个模型,因为时间有限,所以贴图很是粗糙,抱歉 此资产属个人怀念,将不开放评论,谢谢 by 尹水涯...
水城绍兴,中国浙江 The City on water--shaoxing,CHN
Creato da babyfacer
无路网版 近期会上传路网存档,修改部分河流,敬请期待...
永安 Yongan
Creato da MyGO.高松灯
Creato da Save the people?
欢迎来到汉源! 汉源县,四川省雅安市辖县,位于四川省境西部偏南,地理坐标介于东经102°16′—103°00′,北纬29°05′—29°43′之间。属亚热带季风性湿润气候,冬暖夏凉,四季分明。 城市建造难度(The difficulty of building a city):★★★ 交通方面:此地图已1:1刻复主要道路布局。 ●高速公路:2条(G5京昆高速、S66隆汉高速) ●铁路:1条(另加的,现实中铁路未在城内) ●飞航:1条 ●船道:1条 另:高速路服务区3个,全互通立交桥2个,收费站3个(游戏时,...
汐止 Xizhi, New Taipei
Creato da welly8918
古稱水返腳的汐止,歷經了清朝的繁盛貿易、日治的工業礦區, 現今則是一座座落在台北與基隆兩大都會中的小城, 坐擁兩條高速公路、縱貫鐵路等精華位置,優良的交通區位是汐止興盛的命脈, 卻也是最致命的雙面刃,帶來了交通壅堵的弊病。 如何聯結被高速公路、基隆河切割的四分五裂的汐止地區? 各個地區如何安排土地使用? 在山坡上蓋山莊還是河邊蓋大樓? 興建民生汐止線還是基隆輕軌來解決交通問題? 發展礦物工業、輕工業還是高科技產業來創造經濟? 這一次,讓汐止不再依賴台北和基隆; 長期不被市政府重視的汐止,由你來讓她改頭換面!...
汕头市1:1 CSUR市区路网复刻存档
Creato da sbplayer
CSUR合集↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ 需要订阅的资产合集↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ 需要订阅的Mod合集↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ 制作背...
汕头,广东,中国(Shantou, Guangdong, China)
Creato da 76561198830532695
声明:本地图非原创(NOT ORIGINAL),修改自amamlya早期发布的汕头地图(Shantou City): 地图介绍 汕头市是广东省地级市,经济特区,是东南沿海重要港口城市、海上丝绸之路重要门户、粤东中心城市,广东省域经济强市和副中心城市。汕头港于1860年开埠,素有岭东门户、华南要冲、海滨邹鲁、美食之乡的美称。 本地图1:1还原汕...
Creato da GIN
江苏镇江 Zhenjiang, Jiangsu
Creato da Stephen.Liu
本地图包括镇江市区的核心部分以及扬州市靠近长江的部分地区 地形图导入自terrain.party中的真实镇江地图,比例尺为1:1。导入后由于精度问题经过手工平整地形和修复,因此和现实地图并不完全一致。 城市的出入主干道参照现实中的润扬大桥,与之十字相接的参照现实中的长江路。...
Creato da Yeahz
Yichun Jiangxi China 江西省宜春市地图...
江门市地图(Jiangmen; Koogmoon)
Creato da bingobing
Creato da lalila35
沈海中山出入口 by lalila35...
Creato da X永不言败
Creato da X永不言败
Creato da X永不言败
沈阳方圆大厦 by 80843700...
Creato da X永不言败
沈阳(Shenyang , Liaoning , China )
Creato da 狼少
9.17 更新: 1.全面修整二环,三环,四环,大部分桥高减小至12-15m【四环懒得修。。。。。很多还是15/18m】,并且修整双向高度使其水平 2.增加多个三环高速预留出口 3.修整浑河桥梁高度【游轮还是会撞桥...请自行订阅小游轮 4.推倒五爱立交桥重修 5.修整南北快速路隧道,使其规整 6.修整浑南电车道路使其规整【由于天际线一个路口最多连8个路,所以个别路口略作调整 7.修整往北京方向火车道路 8.重修望花立交桥 9.重修202国道方向 10.重修一些高速入口 11.增加电车掉头灯泡线【实际上是方...
沈飞J35型舰载机 J35 Fighter Shenyang
Creato da 尹水涯
关键词:J35 歼35 航空母舰 NAVY 航母 CV 海军 中国 PLA 舰载机 辽宁号 山东号 J31 原型为中国沈飞在研的J35(暂定名)型舰载机。 本版本在游戏中为 道具(prop),共拥有折叠机翼和未折叠机翼两个版本 使用 find it 搜索时需输入J35 或 Shenyang。 你可以在此找到 福建号航空母舰(003) CHINA NAVY CV FUJIAN (floating)
Creato da zl19933777129
河源,广东,中国(Heyuan, Guangdong, China)
Creato da Paramiko 河源市,别称“槎城”,广东省辖地级市。河源是岭南文化发祥地之一,自秦代至晋代均属古龙川县地,归南海郡管辖。明洪武元年(1368年),改属惠州府辖。1988年1月,河源设为地级市。 本地图按照1:2(36km×36km)还原河源自然地貌和基础交通设施等。以河源市源城区为中心,本地图西起万绿湖风景区(新丰江...
Creato da Aurouscia
Creato da Mike Rogers
泰安市地图包含经纬度117.252554,36.311337,116.918115,36.041843区域。 此地图交通线京台高速泰安段、青银高速泰安段、京沪高铁泰安段(由于地图编辑外部连接上限京沪高铁南部需玩家手动添加连接)、京沪铁路泰安段。 注意由于初始地块无高速经过游戏开始前请务必订阅25格或81格模组。 若想完整复刻可配合OverLayer v2模组对卫星图投影建造,如需卫星图私信我。...
Creato da 啥也不会
洛阳永宁寺塔Yongning Temple Pagoda, Luoyang
Creato da MC100
永宁寺塔Yongning Temple Pagoda by MC100 永宁寺塔,北魏洛阳城内佛寺建筑,始建于孝明帝熙平元年(公元516年),由笃信佛法的灵太后胡氏主持修建,规模之宏大为洛阳千寺之冠。修建成的永宁寺塔是一座以佛塔为中心的佛寺,是专供皇帝、太后礼佛的场所。关于塔的高度,文献记载不一,有说塔高九层,一百丈,百里外都可看见,也有说塔高四十九丈或四十余丈,合今约 136.71米,加上塔刹通高约为147米,是我国古代最高的佛塔。这次资产采用的高度为147米(不含基座), 基座边长38.2米,高2.2米...
Creato da 玛卡巴卡
洛阳(Luoyang)1.1.2 - 根据地图添加了5个高速接口,位置并不精确 Update 5 new highway entrances according to map (similar, not exactly) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 洛阳(Luoyang)1.1.0 - 更新了新的地图 Update new map - 更新了铁轨和高速 Update railway & highway...
Creato da Roger Wang
济南恒大国际金融中心位于济南市槐荫区体育公园东地块,北至威海路、南至日照路、东至潍坊路、西至东营路,位于西客站规划中轴线上。济南恒大国际金融中心是恒大集团在济南斥资数百亿重点打造的大型城市综合体项目,规划用地面积10.86公顷,地上规划总建筑面积76万平方米、地下规划总建筑面积约35万平方米。项目规划业态为酒店、公寓、写字楼及大型商业项目,定位为山东区域总部经济基地,是将来济南市商业核心。 本项目对济南恒大国际金融中心实施高频天平测力风洞试验,通过风洞试验和结构风振分析确定主体结构设计所需的等效静风荷载以及...
Creato da 89282179
山东济南,在3DM看到的游戏地图,分享上来 非原创,家乡的地图,感谢3DM会员dogdog666制作地图 以下是原帖地址:
济南(jinan, Shandong province, China)
Creato da 薛定猫不饿
济南市1:2地图,内包含了高速路以及大量高架快速路网,全图使用CSUR2.0制作,请务必订阅全套CSUR2. 0,另外高速出城口较多,可以选订unlimited outside,顺便致谢CSUR的创作者们! The map is Jinan city, 1:2, there are lots of highway, all CSUR 2. 0 in this map. So you need CSUR 2. 0 If u like this, introduce it please . Thanks!...
Creato da MZ
Creato da 铭铭铭233
Creato da ChiangKai-shek
Creato da 红米先生
温州置信广场高层 by 红米...
Creato da CASILLAS
温州银行广告牌 by CASILLAS...
Creato da Semper fidelis
欢迎来到温州! 这是基于中国浙江省温州市的真实地形地图。地图大小为60km × 60km。建议开启完整81格。 行政区:鹿城区,瓯海区,龙湾区,洞头区,瑞安市区,乐清市区,永嘉县城,平阳昆阳镇 高速公路:沈海高速,金丽温高速,诸永高速 铁路:金温货线,甬台温铁路,温福铁路,新金温铁路 欢迎点赞收藏订阅! ------------------------ Welcome to Wenzhou! This map is based upon a heightmap of Wenzhou, Zhejiang Pr...
港府总部大楼 Central Government Offices
Creato da Milgram
政府总部(英语:Central Government Offices),是香港特别行政区政府总部的所在地,位于香港岛金钟添马添美道2号,分为东翼及西翼两座,而东翼前地是政府总部的正门。政府总部是添马舰发展工程的三组建筑之一,其东北为立法会综合大楼,其西北则为行政长官办公室,亦是香港行政会议举行的所在地,三组建筑之间的绿化带辟作添马公园,让公众举行活动及集会,亦不时会摆放艺术品作展出用途,如2018年的“天问”作品。 The Central Government Complex has been the he...
Creato da Kaeru教信者
Creato da Cc
本图包括沪渝高速,三峡高速,沪蓉高速,鸦宜高速,翻坝高速,岳宜高速,呼北高速。铁路宜万线,汉宜线,焦柳线,呼南高铁,沿江高铁,长江航线。水系有长江、清江、柏临河、黄柏河。在不按1:1情况下可以做出宜昌市区及其下辖所有县城主城区。如需游玩此地图建成部分(目前除兴山县外),请订阅该合集的另一部分。 ...
湖北省宜昌市 Yichang Hubei China
Creato da 没喝几口水
宜昌市位于湖北省西南部,长江中上游分界处,是国家区域中心城市,是三峡大坝、葛洲坝所在地,被誉为“世界水电之都”。 这个版本的宜昌地图主要是宜昌市主城区,即西陵区、伍家岗区、点军区、猇亭区、夷陵区、高新区部分区域。地图包含长江、黄柏河、柏临河、宜昌运河四条河流;沪渝(汉宜)、三峡、翻坝、荆宜四条高速公路;汉宜、鸦宜、宜万三条铁路。 由于作者制图时技术不佳,因此该地图有点粗糙,介意细节的朋友可以期待以后制作的更精细的宜昌地图哦。 最后感谢大家支持~~ Located in Hubei Province, Chi...
湖南国贸中心Hunan International Trade Center
Creato da MC100
湖南国贸中心Hunan International Trade Center by MC100 湖南国贸中心,又叫湖南国贸大酒店,是长沙市的最有名的标志性建筑之一,地处长沙市芙蓉广场,楼高170米,顶楼建有直升机,有"三湘第一楼"的美誉。该资产大小为13X8.可以在独特建筑中找到这一资产。如果不能,用“find it”搜“湖南”即可。 Hunan International Center,also called Hunan Fowin Hotel, is one of the most famous lan...
Creato da 红米先生
湖州从长兴紫金大酒店 by 红米...
Creato da 牛腩
湖州市, city of Huzhou
Creato da MoonharryWG
湖州市, City of Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, P.R China...
Creato da 红米先生
长兴县博物馆即长兴太湖博物馆,成立于1976年7月19日。原馆址在长兴县雉城镇县前西街99号,现址位于浙江省长兴县太湖新城中央大道与滨湖大道交叉口南侧,由美国建筑师马歇尔·斯特拉巴拉设计。 2000年长兴县政府投资6000万元在雉城镇人民广场新建长兴会展中心,其中博物馆拥有馆室3500平方米,于2002年元旦正式对外开放。2003年博物馆又在浙江省县级博物馆中率先对外免费开放。 资产贴图:2K LOD:1500, 占地:10X8 高度:8层楼高...
Creato da 红米先生
湖州长兴皇冠假日大酒店 by 红米...
湛江三帆(Zhanjiang Sanfan)
Creato da amamIya 湛江“三帆”是位于湛江市乐山路-人民大道环岛中的雕塑。它建成于1990年,占地面积约5000平方米,高30米,广场四周铺设水泥砖3458平方米,绿化面积达7846平方米。对于1990年的湛江,“三帆”雕塑寓意有三:一是寓意湛江在改革开放中勇立潮头的气势,如同航船扬帆,乘风破浪;二是寓意开发区的地位,湛江...
湛江,广东,中国(Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China)
Creato da 76561198830532695
湛江市是中华人民共和国广东省地级市,是中国大陆最南端的沿海城市,拥有优良深水港,是改革开放首批沿海开放城市之一,北部湾中心城市,南海舰队司令部驻扎地。 本地图按照边长1:4,面积1:16的比例还原湛江市海陆分布,并将兰海高速、沈海高速、汕湛高速、化廉高速、东雷高速等公路交通,水上和空中航线以及铁路线按实际情况还原。地图西起湛江西站以西,东达鉴江入海口(南三水道),南至雷州南渡河、硇洲岛南面海域,北抵遂溪和湛江合山国际机场。 Zhanjiang is a city of Guangdong (Canton) ...
Creato da 莉可丽丽丝
Creato da 龙猫L1uzzz
烟台 Yantai
Creato da Seadon
烟台市区地图 涵盖福山区、芝罘区、莱山区和牟平区 烟台市是中国北方的美丽海滨城市。坐落于山东半岛东北部。由于位于西北季风迎风坡,烟台每年冬天都有大量降雪,因而被称为“雪窝”。所以创建了这个冬季主题烟台市地图。 Yantai is a beautiful coastal city in northern China. Located in the northeast of Shandong Peninsula. Because it is located on the northwest monsoon wi...
燕山立交 Yanshan Flyover Jinan
Yanshan Flyover Jinan by 皮皮柏w...
玉函立交 Yuhan Flyover Jinan
玉函立交 Yuhan Flyover Jinan by 皮皮柏w...
Creato da 忆起时
玉林福绵机场(Yulin Fumian Airport),位于中国广西壮族自治区玉林市福绵区石和镇旺久村,北距玉林市中心21千米,为4C级中国国内支线机场、中国首个EPC工程机场. {该机场需搭配停机坪使用}...
王国中心大厦 kingdom center
Creato da CM.
王国中心大厦 kingdom center 此楼没有裙楼。(This building has no podium) 你可以在第六级地标建筑中找到。(You can find it in the sixth-level landmark building) 王国大厦是沙特的标志性建筑。王国大厦在建筑设计上与当地的气候特点非常契合,中间的圆拱型空洞设计能抵抗当地频发的沙尘暴,减少飓风对建筑物的影响,在沙漠腹地建起这样的高层建筑本身就是一个奇迹。 王国大厦由来自明尼苏达州的Ellerbe Becket设计。为这...
Creato da 红米先生
现代新中式住宅楼A by Redmi(红米) 新式现代住宅楼共计2栋,一栋为30层,另外一栋20层,属性是普通住宅楼属性 占地6X3格子 LOD:2000 分辨率:2K...
Creato da 红米先生
现代新中式住宅楼A by Redmi(红米) 新式现代住宅楼共计2栋,一栋为30层,另外一栋20层,属性是普通住宅楼属性 占地6X3格子 LOD:2000 分辨率:2K...
Creato da 红米先生
现代新式公寓楼30层 by Redmi(红米) 纯中式沙黄色外墙,楼层高92米,层高30层 ,占地2X3格...
Creato da 红米先生
现代综合实验小学 by 红米...
Creato da zapline
珠海 Zhuhai
Creato da Seadon
珠海市地图 涵盖了广东省珠海市以及澳门特别行政区(Macao) 推荐25/81格土地建设者。Recommended for 25/81 tiles users. Road: 4/4 Train: 1/4 Ship: 4/4 Plane: 4/4...
田んぼパック Rice field packs
Creato da TOKACHI269
Rice fields 4種類の田んぼアセット(3色)、休耕地、あぜ道、用水路、橋などを追加します。遠景でも表示されます。 add four types of Rice fields (three colors), fallow land, Rice field footpath, irrigation canal, bridge and so on. displayed in the distant view. 地面が貫通してしまうときはClipping Networkをお使いください。 Please u...
Creato da 小智
Welcome to subscribe!!! It`s a China small city. 泾河因航运需求水量及河道都有放大,希望大家理解! 地图制作视频发布于哔哩哔哩, 详见
琅岐岛 (Fuzhou,Fujian)
Creato da 夏末秋凉
琅岐岛 (Fuzhou,Fujian) 琅岐岛素称闽江口的明珠,位于福州市马尾区。为福建省第四大岛,中国第二十一大岛。琅岐岛为亚热带海洋性气候,四季分明,田园风光。自然条件非常优越,是旅游观光休闲的好去处。 Langqi island is known as the Pearl of Minjiang estuary, located in Mawei district of Fuzhou City. It is the fourth largest island in Fujian Province an...
电视铁塔 TV Tower
Creato da CM.
有大概七年没有回过自己出生的地方了,这次难得回来,做一个这里的地标建筑吧。 此电视塔位于新疆生产建设兵团第三师图木舒克市,塔高120米是图木舒克市最高的建筑。 这个建筑不高,但是要做一些小城市,或者高楼不多的城市绝对适用。 I haven't been back to the place where I was born for about seven years. It's rare to come back this time. Let's be a landmark here. The TV Towe...
皇冠大酒店 Crown Hotel
Creato da CR
皇冠大酒店是云南省烟草旅游总公司等单位合资兴建的云南省地州级首家三星级酒店。位于风光秀丽、景色迷人的西双版纳旅游度假区,占地六十余亩,颇具傣乡风情的别墅式客楼内含108间档次各异的标准间和套房,店内配设进口名牌洁具、空调、卫星电视系统等现代化设施。酒店园林的珍稀植物、奇花异草为来店宾客观赏亚热带风光、旅游、度假提供了温馨的环境,配套的娱乐设施让众多宾客流连忘返。 酒店自年开业以来,先后接待过党和国家领导人,四十多个国家驻华使节、东南亚部分国家元首及其亲属,同时为本地和兄弟地州培训输送旅游饭店管理、服务人员千...
Creato da zyt
高速-高速四向互通立交。参照现实世界中四十铺立交(安徽阜阳)建成 长123u,宽80u...
Creato da 南城五里
1、本资产参考重庆黄桷湾立交(即盘龙立交)建设 2、本资产需要使用【CSUR】道路资产才能在游戏里面使用 3、请放置于平整地型,若放置于非平整地型会出现断路情况...
Creato da 李佳乔
Creato da PeeKyboo
石家庄新百广场 Shijiazhuang Xinbai Plaza 、 动态LED版本,全天发光,动态炫彩LED。包含新百广场A,B两栋建筑,连廊以及门头共四个资产。 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 目前中国石家庄项目-民族路商业步行街12个建筑资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 如果对石家庄其他资产有兴趣的可以入群赞助! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体...
Creato da PeeKyboo
石家庄新百广场 Shijiazhuang Xinbai Plaza 、 静态LED版本,LED夜晚自动发光。包含新百广场A,B两栋建筑,连廊以及门头共四个资产。 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 目前中国石家庄项目-民族路商业步行街12个建筑资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 如果对石家庄其他资产有兴趣的可以入群赞助! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产...
石家庄中商大厦 Shijiazhuang Zhongshang Building
Creato da RAY
石家庄中商大厦 Shijiazhuang Zhongshang Building 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 目前中国石家庄项目-民族路商业步行街12个建筑资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 如果对石家庄其他资产有兴趣的可以入群赞助! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资...
石家庄开元金融中心(希尔顿酒店) Kaiyuan financial center(Hilton) (china hebei shijiazhuang) 1:1
Creato da 喜多郁代
开元金融中心位于中国河北省石家庄市长安区,是一栋钢结构综合体,建筑的总高度约245米,是省内最高的超高层建筑。 开元金融中心总建筑面积约17.8万平方米,地上53层,其中酒店部分占28层,写字楼部分占22层,另还有3个设备/避难层。 地下4层为停车场,有500余个停车位。 你可以在 等级5的独特建筑 找到它。 补充 此资产作者为 红米 我是找红米大佬定制的,有定制资产需要的欢迎联系红米。 Kaiyuan financial center is located in Chang'an District, Sh...
石家庄中央商务区展示中心, Shijiazhuang Central Business District Exhibition Center
Creato da RAY 都市天际线交流群祝大家新年快乐! Happy Chinese New Year Shijiazhuang Central Business District Exhibition Center The exhibition center of Shijiazhuang CBD is located at the core of the culture and Tourism Central District of CBD, covering a...
石家庄开元金融中心, Shijiazhuang Kaiyuan financial center
Creato da 蓝血JS
石家庄开元金融中心 简介:开元金融中心 位于中国河北省省会石家庄城市核心位置,西临东大街、南临方北路、北距石家庄中轴线——中山东路150米,河北省科技馆南邻,与河北博物院、河北省图书馆一路之隔。 为石家庄市政府规划中央商务区核心、文化交流中心、涉外酒店服务中心、中央政务中心,占尽地利优势,具备强大的外围资源,周边行政、金融、交通、旅游、购物、休闲氛围成熟,是石家庄市最核心的商务舞台和商圈领地。 开元金融中心是一栋钢结构综合体,建筑的总高度约245米,是省内最高的超高层建筑。 开元金融中心总建筑面积约17.8...
石家庄旧车站(现解放纪念馆), Shijiazhuang Railway Museum
Creato da RAY
石家庄旧车站(现解放纪念馆), Shijiazhuang Railway Museum 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 目前中国石家庄项目-民族路商业步行街12个建筑资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 如果对石家庄其他资产有兴趣的可以入群赞助! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制...
Creato da 红米先生
石家庄未来时间商务大厦 by 红米...
石家庄电视塔,SHIJIAZHUANG TV-Tower,(China HeBei ShiJiaZhuang)
Creato da RAY 石家庄电视塔 石家庄电视塔,位于河北省石家庄市世纪公园内,始建于1997年1月,2000年10月1日正式对外开放,塔高280米。 它是石家庄市标志性建筑之一。 『常山`白云』独资订制。 赞助后,可优先体验更多石家庄资产! Shijiazhuang TV Tower Shijiazhuang TV Tower, located in Century Park, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, was buil...
Creato da 沙皮NO.1
祈年殿 Qiniandian
Creato da wings
祈年殿 Qiniandian by 357995474...
Creato da Featherbrain
福建号航空母舰(003) CHINA NAVY CV FUJIAN (floating)
Creato da 尹水涯
关键词:003 18 航空母舰 NAVY 航母 CV 海军 中国 PLA 福建 原型为中国船舶集团有限公司江南造船厂建造的中国人民解放军海军福建舰,舷号为“18”,简称福建舰,满载排水量8万余吨,于2022年6月17日命名下水。 本版本在游戏中为 浮动建筑(floating),使用 find it 搜索时需输入003 或 福建。 航母本身未搭载任何舰载机,需订阅相应舰载机资产 你可以在此找到 空警600预警机(KJ-600 AWACS)
Creato da ZEIR
FOTON-BJ6180YC-ZEIR by ZEIR 关键词:福田客车、中国、宁夏、银川、BRT 分类:载具+摆件 类型:公交车 品牌:福田 系列:BJ6180 涂装:银川公交 颜色:可变 载客量:200 Category: Vehicle+Prop Type: Bus Brand: FOTON Series: BJ6180 Skin: Yinchuan Bus Color: Change Color Passenger capacity: 200 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If ...
科技大学校门University gate
Creato da 魔芋爽
科技大学校门 by 无番和 其原型为武汉科技大学(黄家湖校区)西大门,模型三角形面数约为3170,自动生成的LOD。 左右两个门可以设置为进出的单行道,就像我在展示图里展示的那样。 同时我还做了一个6*8格的校园广场(点进我的列表中可以找到),适合搭配这个资产使用。 订阅后你可以在等级2的独特建筑下找到它。 —————— The gate of the University of Science and Technology The prototype is the west gate of Wuhan U...
空警600预警机(机翼折叠版本) PLA KJ-600 AWACS Fold (prop)
Creato da 尹水涯
空警600预警机(机翼折叠版本) PLA KJ-600 AWACS Fold (prop) 原型来自PLA 在研的空警600(KJ-600)预警机,该型号预警机暂未服役,并未包含泄密内容。 本版本在游戏中为 机翼折叠prop 版本,使用 find it 搜索时需输入KJ或600。 你可以在此找到 prop 版本 你可以在此找到 轻型飞机版 (Light Aircraft) 版本...
空警600预警机(轻型飞机版) PLA KJ-600 AWACS (Light Aircraft)
Creato da 尹水涯
空警600预警机(轻型飞机版) PLA KJ-600 AWACS (Light Aircraft) 原型来自PLA 在研的空警600(KJ-600)预警机,该型号预警机暂未服役,并未包含泄密内容。 本版本在游戏中为 轻型飞机 (Light Aircraft) ,建造航空俱乐部即可使用 使用 find it 搜索时需输入KJ或600。 你可以在此找到 机翼折叠prop(Wing Fold prop)版本
空警600预警机 PLA KJ-600 AWACS (prop)
Creato da 尹水涯
空警600预警机 PLA KJ-600 AWACS (prop) 原型来自PLA 在研的空警600(KJ-600)预警机,该型号预警机暂未服役,并未包含泄密内容。 本版本在游戏中为 prop 版本,使用 find it 搜索时需输入KJ或600。 你可以在此找到 机翼折叠prop(Wing Fold prop)版本 你可以在此找到 轻型飞机版 (Light Aircraft) ...
竹筏bamboo raft
Creato da MC100
图片提供Picture Provided:夕林樱花(Adonis1060748914) 竹筏是一种常见的中国传统水上交通工具,其中以阳朔的竹筏最为出名(毕竟是印上了人民币的)这次的竹筏资产总共做了3个版本,一个是载具版本,还有两个是building版本的,替换的是阿妈的郑和宝船。因为一些原因不能做成prop版本只好这样了,但是使用起来没有很大区别(除了不能摆在陆地上)。building版本也有两种,一种是和载具版本一样的带棚子的游船版本,还有一个就是一个人民币上的那种,没有什么棚子凳子的装饰的。感谢夕林樱花...
绍兴路网2020版 shaoxing with roads
Creato da babyfacer
绍兴拥有东方威尼斯的美誉,城内水网密布,桥梁众多。 本存档地图包含绍兴老城区以及部分镜湖、柯桥、兰亭、平水的主要道路,还原度90%以上。众多古桥由于游戏和时间限制,未能一一制作,感兴趣的可以搜索“八字桥”、“广宁桥”、“谢公桥”、“光相桥”、“春波桥”等绍兴著名古桥,增加挑战难度。 建议订阅ifriqiya的六车道合集...
Creato da Damien大米
羊卓雍措,西藏山南,中国(Yamdrok Tso, Lhoka, Tibet, China)
Creato da 76561198830532695
羊卓雍措,藏语意为“碧玉湖”,它与纳木错、玛旁雍错并称西藏三大圣湖,是喜马拉雅山北麓最大的内陆湖泊,湖光山色之美,冠绝藏南。羊卓雍措位于拉萨西南约90公里处,主要隶属于西藏自治区山南市浪卡子县,中段在浪卡子县与贡嘎县之间。 本地图包括羊卓雍措主要水域及其附近高原山地,浪卡子镇城区位于地图西侧(25格外),建议游戏时开启81格。 Yamdrok Tso, which means ‘Jade Lake’ in Tibetan, is one of the three holy lakes in Tibet, t...
职业中学教学楼1 Middle school building1
Creato da 魔芋爽
职业中学教学楼1 by 无番和 原型为武汉科谷技工学校,因为有现成的效果图,房屋结构也很简单,就拿来练练手。 本系列共有教学楼1和教学楼2两个资产。 教学楼1占地5*7格,三角形面数2070,自动生成的LOD。可容纳中学生200人。 订阅后你可以在中学目录下找到这个建筑。 —————— Vocational middle school teaching building 1 The prototype is Wuhan Kegu Technical School. Because of the ready-...
职业中学教学楼2 Middle school building 2
Creato da 魔芋爽
职业中学教学楼2 by 无番和 原型为武汉科谷技工学校,因为有现成的效果图,房屋结构也很简单,就拿来练练手。 本系列共有教学楼1和教学楼2两个资产。 教学楼2占地4*11格,三角形面数2844,自动生成的LOD。可容纳中学生300人。 订阅后你可以在中学目录下找到这个建筑。 —————— Vocational middle school teaching building 2 The prototype is Wuhan Kegu Technical School. Because of the ready...
Creato da 红米先生
凯虹广场于2011年12月1日开张营业,隶属于浙江舟山凯虹集团,是浙江省舟山市东港街道一个集百货、餐饮、娱乐、休闲文化、观光于一体的大型购物中心,是高档次、高品位商业旗舰。凯虹广场经营理念深化购物中心核心的主题:时尚、休闲、人性化。 此资产为独特建筑大型商场,占地16X16,高度相当于5层楼高, 贴图分辨率2k, LOD:2000.配带LED彩色夜景 ,可PO放大缩小。...
良乡,北京房山,中国 (Liangxiang, Fangshan, Beijing, China)
Creato da 76561198830532695
良乡位于中华人民共和国北京市西南方,隶属于北京市房山区,是北京14个卫星城之一。 本地图以昊天公园、良乡塔为中心,地图南抵南六环高速路,北达青龙湖(西北)和稻田地铁站(东北),西起大石河东面的星城、阎村地铁站,东到永定河西面的京深路。水系方面,地图还原了大石河、青龙湖(崇青水库)、刺猬河、虻牛河、小清河、大宁水库、永定河等。 Liangxiang Town is one of the 14 satellite towns of Beijing, People’s Republic of China. It ...
Creato da CM.
艾提尕尔清真寺 Etigal Mosque此建筑只是艾提尕尔清真寺的寺门塔楼,非整个清真寺。(This building is just the temple gate of the Etigal Mosque, not the entire mosque.)可以在地标建筑中找到它!(You can find it in the landmark building!)艾提尕尔清真寺(维吾尔语:ھېيتگاھ مەسچىتى Héytgah Meschit),又译为“艾提尕”“艾提卡尔”。坐落于新疆维吾尔自治...
Creato da kaikai0706
Creato da 冷拥丶
Creato da kaikai0706
Creato da kaikai0706
Creato da kaikai0706
花园酒店/Garden Hotel
Creato da Friedrich
花园酒店/Garden Hotel by Friedrich 原型:中国广东省佛山市三水区花园酒店 Prototype: Garden Hotel, Sanshui District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China ———————————————————————— Size: 4x4 Main Model: 24000 tris Texture 2048 x 2048 d, s, i...
苏州东方之门LED版 The Gate of the Orient LED
Creato da CM.
苏州东方之门LED版 The Gate of the Orient LED 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到它。 You can find it in the third level special building. 东方之门是位于中国江苏省苏州市的一座301.8米高的摩天大楼。苏州工业区双塔规划的核心建筑,它不仅代表着苏州的新大门,而且也是世界看中国的新大门。这座伟岸而优雅的标志性建筑位于苏州工业园区CBD轴线的末端,东临星港街及波光粼粼的金鸡湖,西面为国际大厦及世纪金融大厦。 The Gate Of t...
苏州中南中心 Suzhou South Central Center
Creato da CM.
可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 Can be found in Level 6 Special Buildings 苏州中南中心位于苏州金鸡湖湖西CBD核心区,是湖西CBD城市天际线的中心和制高点,与东方之门、苏州中心广场组成一个整体,形成风格统一的面向金鸡湖的城市建筑群形象。项目总建筑面积约50万平方米,地上138层,地下5层,檐口高度598米,塔冠最高点729米,成为全国在建第一高楼。项目以打造绿色、生态、智慧、高效、多功能复合的超高层综合体为理念,建成集观光、七星级酒店、顶级公寓、国际5A级写字楼、世界顶...
苏州中南中心1:1.5 Suzhou South Central Center 1:1.5
Creato da CM.
苏州中南中心1:1.5 Suzhou South Central Center 1:1.5...
Creato da 910095247
苏州站公交亭 by 910095247...
Creato da 红米先生
蓝顶小楼房2 by 红米,这里我是截图的,没有P过的,订阅后就看到了,空调啥的都有...
茂名,广东,中国(Maoming, Guangdong, China)
Creato da 76561198830532695
茂名市位于广东省西部,以炼油、乙烯生产为龙头的石油化工工业在全国占有重要位置,是广东省重要的能源、原材料和重化工业基地,故有“南方油城”之美誉。 本地图以茂名市茂南区为中心,东起包茂高速,西至茂化快线,南达电白区水东港和吴川市(属于湛江),北抵高州站。水系包括袂花江、小东江及其支流等。新修的汕湛高速、旧有铁路和新修动车轨道等交通设施铺设完备。 Maoming is located in the west of Guangdong (Canton) Province. Maoming's petrochemi...
Creato da Winvypussal
Creato da machyue
虹桥综合枢纽机场组件 PART 2
Creato da hikke
虹桥综合枢纽机场组件 具体介绍请看 part 1 LINK:
Creato da machyue
Creato da dx992m
蜀都 CDK6126ZCNG-银川
Creato da ZEIR
SHUDU-CDK6126ZCNG-银川 by ZEIR 关键词:蜀都客车、中国、宁夏、银川 分类:载具 类型:公交车 品牌:蜀都 系列:CDK6126 涂装:银川公交 颜色:可变 载客量:90 Category: Vehicle Type: Bus Brand: SHUDU Series: CDK6126 Skin: YinChuan Bus Color: Yes Passenger capacity: 90 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel good, you c...
Creato da 武悼天王
襄阳 Xiangyang
Creato da 独孤狗剩
中国湖北省襄阳市 Xiangyang city,Hubei province,China 城墙换成中国式的效果会更好 The wall is better in Chinese style
西宁 Xining-青海 Qinghai-中国 China
Creato da marsgarfield
Map of 西宁 Xining-青海 Qinghai-中国 China...
西宁 Xining
西宁市 青藏高原最大的城市 深居内陆 山脉众多 市区处于河谷之中 本地图1:1再现了西宁这座城市...
Creato da 丶狂拽酷霸叼
西安二环辛家庙立交xian by 丶狂拽酷霸叼...
Creato da 红米先生
西安交通大学附属中学起源于1896年建立的交通大学前身南洋公学及其中院,1981年恢复重建,1991年被命名为陕西省、西安市两级重点中学,2009年被评为陕西省首批七所示范高中之一,并先后获得 “全国青年文明号”、“全国创新型学校”、“全国科研兴校示范基地”、“首批全国中小学知识产权教育示范学校”、“全国体育工作示范学校”、“全国青少年校园篮球特色学校”、“全国青少年校园足球特色学校”、“全国学校艺术教育先进单位”、“陕西省文明校园”、“西安市普通高中课程改革先进单位”等荣誉称号。 The Affiliat...
Creato da 红米先生
西安交大附小航天校区钟楼 by 红米...
Creato da 红米先生
西安交大附小航天校区 by 红米...
Creato da 绿箭口香糖
西安北二环朱宏路四向立交 by 绿箭口香糖...
西安半坡 四向立交
Creato da 绿箭口香糖
西安半坡四向立交 by 绿箭口香糖...
Creato da 76561198822036937
Creato da 丶狂拽酷霸叼
西安大兴立交xian by 丶狂拽酷霸叼...
Creato da 绿箭口香糖
西安大兴路立交 by 绿箭口香糖...
Creato da 丶狂拽酷霸叼
西安太白立交xian by 丶狂拽酷霸叼...
西安建筑科技大学研究生公寓(Master Apt. of XAUAT)
Creato da PeeKyboo
这是我第一次学习建模,感谢@听风说雨大佬 在建模过程中对我的指导!!!!!! 如果有色彩或者模型问题记得给我反馈,尤其是原版无滤镜下可能会导致颜色鲜艳或者失真。 由于三角形数超过限制,所以进游戏可能会有提示,可以选择不管他...
Creato da 丶狂拽酷霸叼
西安未央立交 by 丶狂拽酷霸叼...
Creato da 绿箭口香糖
西安穆蒋王立交 by 绿箭口香糖...
西安,陕西,中国(Xi'an, Shaanxi, China)
Creato da 76561198830532695
西安是中华人民共和国陕西省省会,关中平原城市群核心城市,陆上丝绸之路起点城市,以及“一带一路”核心区。西安建市有着悠久历史,中国历史上有许多朝代在此建都,最早可追溯到西周镐京,汉唐两朝称为长安,故西安有“十三朝古都”之称。 本地图以西安市未央区为中心,东起骊山,西至咸阳(在25格外),南抵秦岭,北至西安咸阳国际机场(在25格内)、泾阳县、三原县等地。在交通方面,地图中铺设了西安绕城高速、京昆高速、沪陕高速、延西高速和包茂高速(北段两者合并)、连霍高速等公路设施,以及必要的铁路设施、飞行航线等。在水源方面,地...
解放碑 JieFangBei
Creato da 猫砂居士
解放碑 by GCQ_Zhang 解放碑全称“人民解放纪念碑”,位于重庆市渝中区商业区中心部位,民族路、民权路、邹容路交汇处,是重庆标志性建筑之一,是抗战胜利和重庆解放的历史见证,是全国唯一一座纪念中华民族抗日战争胜利的国家纪念碑。 解放碑于1940年3月由国民政府兴建,高26米(七丈七尺,象征“七七”抗战),意指坚决抗战的精神丰碑,命名“精神堡垒”。抗日战争胜利后,国民政府在“精神堡垒”原址上修建了“抗战胜利纪功碑”,1950年由刘伯承改题“人民解放纪念碑”,简称“解放碑”。解放碑特有的历史内涵,牵动着人...
诺德金融中心Nord financial center
Creato da 红米先生
天津诺德金融中心Nord financial center by Redmi(红米) 位于天津滨海新区核心CBD,楼房高220米,占地13x13格 LOD:2000 分辨率:2K 建筑属性:独特建筑类型...
Creato da LING水
Creato da 真虾头
黔春立交 by Rambo...
Creato da Fork丶陌侬
赣州机场立交是赣州市迎宾高架路与飞翔高架路的交汇点,是河套老区与西城区通往黄金机场与赣州西站的疏散点 本资产需要订阅首都高。...
轰6-K 战略轰炸机 Xi'an H6-K Bomber (prop)
Creato da 尹水涯
轰6-K 战略轰炸机 Xi'an H6-K Bomber (prop) 关键词:六爷 轰6 H6-K 西安 西飞 轰炸机 飞机 中国 PLA 解放军 该资产原型为服役于PLA的轰-6K型中远程轰炸机(中文名:战神),是PLA重要的空基远程打击力量,具备远距离奔袭、大区域巡逻、防区外打击能力。 本版本在游戏中为 客机(Aircraft),使用 find it 搜索时需输入H6K或XIAN(西安)。 你可以在此找到 客机(Aircraft)
轰6-K 战略轰炸机(客机) Xi'an H6-K Bomber(Vehicle)
Creato da 尹水涯
轰6-K 战略轰炸机(客机) Xi'an H6-K Bomber(Vehicle) 关键词:六爷 轰6 H6-K 西安 西飞 轰炸机 飞机 中国 PLA 解放军 该资产原型为服役于PLA的轰-6K型中远程轰炸机(中文名:战神),是PLA重要的空基远程打击力量,具备远距离奔袭、大区域巡逻、防区外打击能力。 本版本在游戏中为 客机(Aircraft),使用 find it 搜索时需输入H6K或XIAN(西安)。 你可以在此找到 prop 版本
Creato da 2227817689
Creato da Ryan Yang
Creato da 独孤狗剩
中国四川省通江县Tongjiang County, Sichuan Province, China 应网友要求制作,几乎没有平地、难度极高,轻易不要使用! Made at the request of net friend There's hardly any flat land Difficulty is extremely high Don't use it casually!...
Creato da 流徙哦
郑州东站(站房建筑) Zhengzhou East Railway Station(Building)
Creato da 大鼎
郑州东站(站房建筑) Zhengzhou East Railway Station(Building) 测试资产,仅为建筑模型,无站台及停靠设站功能 Test assets, only for building model, without platform and transport function 贴图精度不高,后续有时间会更新,无夜晚发光贴图 The texture mapping is not very clear, it will be updated in the future, and th...
Creato da K动画的雷子
需要 Additive Shader 作者:K动画的雷子...
郑州新郑国际机场-GTC换乘中心 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Ground Traffic Center
Creato da 大鼎
郑州新郑国际机场-GTC换乘中心 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Ground Traffic Center...
郑州东站(站房字体) Zhengzhou East Railway Station(Sign)
Creato da 大鼎
郑州东站(站房字体) Zhengzhou East Railway Station(Sign)...
郑州新郑国际机场-T1航站楼 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 1
Creato da 大鼎
郑州新郑国际机场-T1航站楼 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 1...
郑州新郑国际机场-T1-2连廊 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 1-2 Bridge
Creato da 大鼎
郑州新郑国际机场-T1-2连廊 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 1-2 Bridge...
郑州新郑国际机场-T2航站楼 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 2
Creato da 大鼎
郑州新郑国际机场-T2航站楼 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 2 贴图有一些扭曲,一周内会修复这个问题 The texture is a little bit twisted,I'll fix it in a week....
郑州新郑国际机场-T4航站楼 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 4
Creato da 大鼎
郑州新郑国际机场-T4航站楼 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 4...
郑州新郑国际机场-T4-2连廊 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 4-2 Bridge
Creato da 大鼎
郑州新郑国际机场-T4-2连廊 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 4-2 Bridge...
郑州绿地中心双子塔-北塔 Zhengzhou-Greenland Center Twin Towers-North Tower
Creato da 大鼎
郑州·绿地中心双子塔-北塔 Zhengzhou-Greenland Center Twin Towers-North Tower...
郑州绿地中心双子塔-南塔 Zhengzhou-Greenland Center Twin Towers-South Tower
Creato da 大鼎
郑州绿地中心双子塔-南塔 Zhengzhou-Greenland Center Twin Towers-South Tower ...
Creato da 忆起时
贵阳喜来登贵航酒店 动态led版 中式酒店 hotel by 忆起时...
Creato da 忆起时
贵阳喜来登贵航酒店led版 中式酒店 hotel by 忆起时...
Creato da PeeKyboo
由于编辑器里限制prop数量,导致灯光道具不足,可以自行补充灯光。 项目位于重庆市渝中区民权路,解放碑CBD中心,民权路、中华路交汇处,步行街出入口,十字金街龙眼。项目根据解放碑CBD商务办公特性,通透大气,采光视线均好,为商务企业提供更具灵活性的办公空间。楼宇外立面借鉴吸收国内外流行元素,以水平和竖向线条为主,体形简洁,造就了整栋建筑的恢弘气势。同时以优美的“竹节” 为寓意塑造建筑物形体,彰显积极向.上的动势,使原本已高大的建筑体更具震撼力,并使边角每三层为一个“斗”斜切角,逐级叠加而成,立面构成别致而丰...
Creato da 沙溪沟张学友
CSUR ChongQing Erlang Interchange
Creato da 朝歌CQA
中国重庆二郎立交 by 929595647...
Creato da 红米先生
重庆广发银行 by 红米...
重庆市盘龙立交(黄桷湾5向立交)无MOD版本【Chongqing Panlong 5-way interchange without MOD】
Creato da LaneWang
如果喜欢的话请点个赞,(๑′ᴗ‵๑)I Lᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ❤! Please like if you like it,(๑′ᴗ‵๑)I Lᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ❤! 更新: 1.降低立交整体高度,5层立交高度分别为0m,12m,24m,36m,48m。 2.重新调整节点,去掉穿模桥墩。 updates: 1. Reduce the overall height of the interchange. The height of the five storey interchange is 0m, 12M, 24m, 36...
Creato da 29724548
Creato da 忆起时
重庆英利国际金融中心Yingli Tower
Creato da Same old
需要重庆资产的找我或者flandre QQ3569874860 &2301694887目前有重庆来福士,重庆世贸大厦,重庆长江国际,重庆联合国际,重庆塔,重庆陆海国际中心,重庆华润万象城,重庆光环购物中心,重庆江北嘴部分大厦。欢迎订阅及联系 重庆英利国际金融中心 by lyh不错吧 If you need Chongqing assets, please contact me or Flandre QQ3569874860 & amp; 2301694887. Currently, there are Ch...
Creato da KimuXY
Creato da RichardShi
重庆解放碑CHONGQING MONUMENT by RichardShi...
重庆轨道交通1号线地铁车辆(6节编组) Chongqing Metro Line 1 train (6car)
Creato da CR
重庆轨道交通1号线地铁车辆(6节编组) Chongqing Metro Line 1 train (6car) by CRT...
重庆轨道交通1号线地铁车辆(6节编组) Chongqing Metro Line 1 train (6car) 2.0
Creato da CR
更新模型 修复电弓位置错误 增加细节 模型比例1:1 支持车辆定制 QQ交流群:675852520...
Creato da CR
重新制作模型 修改电弓位置 添加细节 比例1:1 感谢订阅! 如果喜欢 请点个赞 手头宽裕的也可以赞助一下 资产制作不易 CRT...
重庆轨道交通2号线车辆(4节编组) (6节编组) Chongqing Monorail Line 2 train (4car) (6car)
Creato da CR
此版本为CRT-monorail track (Tunnel version)专用车辆! This version is dedicated to CRT monorail track (tunnel version)!...
Creato da 龘龖
重庆黄桷湾立交桥1:1 by 李慢慢...
Creato da 黑泽露比
重庆黄桷湾立交 by 黑泽露比...
重庆,Chongqing China,with highways, rail lines and streams
Creato da Bobcat123
Located in the southwest,Chongqing is the largest municipality of China. The main urban area is warped by two mountain chains. The two rivers divide the city into many parts. With the population over 10 millions, the city of river and mountain shows the ra...
Creato da 一帆残月
重庆-海峡路大石路立交 Interchange
Creato da 查看我的钱包
重庆-海峡路大石路立交 Interchange by 查看我的钱包...
重庆-陈家坪立交桥(Chenjiaping Flyover of Chongqing China)
Creato da YuAnsett
重庆-陈家坪立交桥 by mytime0317...
金门 (Quanzhou,Fujian)
Creato da 夏末秋凉
金门 (Quanzhou,Fujian) 金门县(英语:Kinmen County)隶属福建省泉州市,实际由台湾当局管辖,是台澎金马地区所谓“福建省政府”、福建高等法院金门分院所在地,辖区由金门岛、小金门岛(烈屿)、大担岛、二担岛、东碇岛、北碇岛等12个岛屿组成,总面积151.656平方公里。 Kinmen, which is under the jurisdiction of the Taiwan authorities, is the so-called "Fujian Provincial Gover...
Creato da 红米先生
铜陵恒玖金山广场大厦 by 红米 大型商场,商住楼,占地比较大,有100多米长宽度25米,高度70米,共计20层左右。...
Creato da 狼少
铜陵地图参上~~~~~~ 9.17更新: 增加G236与沪渝高速出入口立交桥 现有1:1版本的地图可以订阅~~【北到朱永路,南到横港,西到长江,东到车管所】,再也不怕市中心地盘不够了~~ PS:1.本图矿产在山上,全图沃土,江南鱼米之乡嘛,你懂的 2.喜欢的话就赞一个 PS:1.minerals in this map------>Mountains 2.Please rate it if you like this map:)))))))) 本图YY成分比较多【可能是家乡的缘故吧】, 目前图中G3替代桥省...
铜陵1:1 by 狼少
Creato da 狼少
铜陵1:1版本 9.17更新:增加了G236高速入口立交 ...
长剑-10A 巡航导弹(原木运输车)CJ-10A-Cruise Missile(Forestry)
Creato da 尹水涯
长剑-10A 巡航导弹(原木运输车)CJ-10A-Cruise Missile(Forestry) 原型来自服役于PLA的长剑-10A 巡航导弹,并未包含泄密内容 本版本在游戏中为 林业/原木运输车 ,使用 find it 搜索时需输入CJ 你可以在此找到 prop 版本 下方合集有我做的其他国产装备,感兴趣的可以订阅 我为什么做长剑10-A,而不是其他? 主要是它比较方正,比...
长剑-10A 巡航导弹(prop)CJ-10A-Cruise Missile(prop)
Creato da 尹水涯
长剑-10A 巡航导弹(prop)CJ-10A-Cruise Missile(prop) 原型来自服役于PLA的长剑-10A 巡航导弹,并未包含泄密内容 本版本在游戏中为 prop ,使用 find it 搜索时需输入CJ 你可以在此找到 林业/原木运输车 版本 下方合集有我做的其他国产装备,感兴趣的可以订阅 我为什么做长剑10-A,而不是其他? 主要是它比较方正,比较好做,哈...
Creato da 1392925919
长沙三一大道立交桥 by 1392925919...
Creato da 1392925919
长沙金桥枢纽立交 by 1392925919...
Creato da LRicky
Creato da DioTon
长沙IFS国金中心 by 1402880468 第一次做资产,谢谢大家支持 以后会给大家带来更高质量的资产的 建议大家关闭滤镜使用喔o(><;)oo...
Creato da yw022059
Creato da cit400b
Located in the south of Guangdong Province, Yangjiang city is a beautiful place. It is a coastal city. The scope of the city can be built in the local plan is the urban area of Yangjiang (including the yangdong part), as far east as Yangdong Industrial Par...
陶朱隱園 Agora Garden V1.1 (bug fixed)
Creato da 超究武神千千
Find it : AGO 舊版的使用了一個不必要且不穩定的mod,強烈建議取消訂閱舊版換上此版本 The old version required Larger Footprints Mod which is not stable. I recommend unsubscribe the old one and subscribe this one >修正了舊版 bug >改採用較小的樹 (Western Redcedar Pack Remastered) > Fix old version bug > ...
雨港基隆 Keelung,Taiwan
Creato da RightTurnFans
基隆,一座多山的城市,曲折的海岸線所形成的天然港口促成了他的誕生,卻也限制住他的發展 崎嶇的地勢,將使得建設這座城市變得更加具有趣味 覺得一片平坦的地圖玩起來太過於無聊嗎? 那就來挑戰如何在充滿山坡的地形上發展大城市吧! 特色: 1. 預先載入國道一號、國道三號、台62線快速公路、台62甲線快速公路、縱貫線鐵路、宜蘭線鐵路 2. 深入港灣內部的航線,可以直接於港灣內設置港口與輪渡站 3. 一比一實際比例,給予完整的腹地建設市區,並可將地圖延伸發展至萬里、瑞芳、汐止等地 Keelung, a mountain...
雷峰塔 Leifeng Pagoda
Creato da Emperor Li
雷峰塔(english description at the bottom) 西湖十景之一(「雷峰夕照」)。建於975年,傳說是吳越王錢弘俶為慶祝寵妃黃氏得子而建,昔日亦稱黃妃塔,因為塔建於西湖南岸夕照山的雷峰之上,民間稱之為雷峰塔。明嘉靖年間,倭寇放火燒掉了雷峰塔木質結構,只留下了磚體塔身,後來,由於傳說雷峰塔的塔磚可以用來驅病強身或安胎,許多人就從塔磚上磨取粉末、挖取磚塊。1924年9月25日下午,幾乎挖空的塔基再也不堪重負,突然全部崩塌。2002年新雷峰塔重建於舊雷峰塔的原址之上,塔座部分成為遺址的展...
Creato da 红米先生
青岛五四广场雕塑 by 红米...
Creato da 蓝血JS
卓越世纪中心综合体位于青岛市市北区CBD,本资产为综合体的T1主塔,总高度281米。未来将会发布综合体的剩余部分,敬请期待(本版本为无LOGO版) The excellence Century Center complex is located in the CBD of Shibei District, Qingdao. The asset is the T1 main tower of the complex, with a total height of 281 meters. The rest of...
Creato da 红米先生
青岛百盛购物商厦 by 红米...
Creato da AutoCide
Creato da Vincent_SW
顺德市,1:1地图,中心25格包含大良新城区、容桂大部分。路网:三车道高速,建了G105国道,碧桂路,广珠西线,不存在的西环(广珠西线容桂段自己改动了,避开和碧桂路重合)。火车只有一条广珠城轨线,水陆健全。贪心的我,还加了飞机航线,经过大良逢沙。 通过 导出制作的,高度图过去粗糙,自己手动修改。因此地图比较粗糙,顺峰山还是在的(放心好了)。喜欢就凑合用吧,欢迎改进。...
饶平 Raoping
Creato da Seadon
饶平 Raoping 广东省潮州市下属的饶平县,潮州港口所在地,个人设想中可建成美丽的海边城市。 Raoping County, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province, China. Where Chaozhou Port is located, I personally imagine it can be a beautiful seaside city. Recommended for 25 tiles users. Road: 2/4 Train: 2/4 Ship: 2...
香港 垃圾筒(垃圾處理建築創作) || Garbage Processing Module (Inspired by Hong Kong Garbage Bin)
Creato da NelsonAdmiral
Garbage Processing Module (Inspired by Hong Kong Garbage Bin) English Translated Description : *Sorry for my bad English. "Create intention": The density of garbage bin in Hong Kong, is the most in Asia. A huge number of orange public bins can find on the ...
香港新世界大厦K11 Bank of Shanghai Headquarters Buliding K11
Creato da CM.
可以在第六级建筑中找到 Can be found in Level 6 buildings 上海香港新世界大厦由香港新世界集团开发建设,由英国A+U建筑规划公司设计总监郑翊(现上海尧舜设计总监)亲自设计,为淮海中路商圈地标性建筑。 The Hong Kong New World Building was developed and constructed by Hong Kong New World Group. It was designed by Zheng Ai (now Shanghai Yao S...
Creato da Godfrey
Creato da 红米先生
马鞍山海外海集团综合楼 by 红米...
马鹦路立交桥MAYINGLU Overpass
Creato da 靓仔
高架电车站 tram station
Creato da hikke
首先感谢Lost丶青柠给予的帮助~~,在导入编辑阶段遇到很多麻烦,多亏Lost丶青柠帮忙,不然搞不定~~ 第二就是 右边组件不要忘记了~~ 这是我第一个车站作品,做的不好的地方请多包涵~~ 最后点赞让我上热门吧~~ 位置在:公园的其他类 thanks for "@526219502" English translation~~~ This is a (Chinese)tramstaion fits in ELEVATED (tram)railway. ----------------------------...
Creato da Henry_tw
高雄輕軌 by henrytw...
高雄 85大樓 Kaohsiung 85 Sky Tower(1:1)
Creato da Ven
85 Sky Tower, formerly known as the T & C Tower or Tuntex Sky Tower (Chinese: 高雄85大樓), is an 85-story skyscraper located in Lingya District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The structure is 347.5 m (1,140 ft) high. An antenna increases the pinnacle height to 378 m (1,2...
鸟巢 Bird's Nest
Creato da wings
Beijing National Stadium, or the Bird's Nest, as it has become known, is the world's largest steel structure and the most complex stadium ever constructed....
Creato da 小猕猴桃
鸡西市中心塔,又名鸡西市建市纪念塔,是一座曾位于黑龙江省鸡西市的建筑物。 1957年鸡西建市,同年该塔于中心大街落成。(一说该塔为苏联红军解放鸡西阵亡将士纪念塔,来源为百度贴吧,真实性存疑。)该塔曾为鸡西的标志性建筑,是一代鸡西人的美好回忆。 该塔于1998年拆除,取而代之的是一个高21米的高杆灯,寓意为迎接21世纪。 图片来源:鸡西市志. 方志出版社 , 1996 占地面积:2x2 三角面:19582 顶点:9881 注意:本资产无夜间灯光,请在游戏中自行添加光源。 由于本人未见过该塔,该资产为本人参考照...
Creato da Aliboke
丹东市附近中朝边境鸭绿江畔 缩小比例的鸭绿江,推荐使用25格或81格地图进行游戏。 Yalu River on the border between China and North Korea, near Dandong. Reduced proportion of the real world, 25 or 81 tiles are recommended. 如果有需要改进的地方请联系我或下方留言 Contact with me or leave comments below if improvement...
Creato da Sylveon着急
柳州鹿寨县飞鹿大道路灯,灯顶上面的小鹿也会亮哦,资产有什么问题的话请私信我 by whale′s hope...
黃鶴樓 | 黄鹤楼 | Yellow Crane Tower
Creato da Emperor Li
斷斷續續的做了好幾個月終於完成了... 断断续续的做了好几个月终于完成了... After several months of off and on works it's finally finished... (english description at the bottom) 黃鶴樓 位於中國湖北省武漢市武昌蛇山上,江南四大名樓之一,共5層,高50.4米。始建於三國時代吳黃武二年(公元223年),歷代屢修屢毀,現在的黃鶴樓是於1985年重建的。更多資訊請參見: 維基百科 如果您喜歡,請參觀我的工作坊物...
Creato da DouYuTV-LaoYao
黄山北站 Huangshanbei Railway Station
Creato da hikke
作品介绍: 这次的作品是黄山北高铁站 集成了火车站 公交 地铁 停车场为一体 有有什么问题留言 我要出去11天旅游哈 回来后再看 祝大家春节快乐~ 喜欢的请点赞支持我~~ 新的一年里请大家继续支持我哈~ 未经本人同意 严禁转载企鹅平台 =================================================== hi everyone This is asset china Huangshanbei Railway Station Integrated railway statio...
Creato da 小猕猴桃
龙塔,即黑龙江省广播电视塔,位于中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区。是哈尔滨的标志性建筑。塔高336米,亚洲著名高钢塔。2008年11月8日钢塔(龙塔)被正式批准加入世界高塔协会。 注意: 1.该资产约有34000个三角面。(本人记性不好,资产编辑器提示的时候那个数我没记下来......) 2.由于本人偷懒了,所以还是没有夜景贴图(其实就是不会,哪位大哥教教我啊),lod贴图也是白模,以后技术提高了有空重制。 3.本模型比实际的龙塔高出去几米(主要是天线没做好,枯了),勉强算是一比一。 题外话:小时候去过一次龙塔,...
Creato da 二维码君
Creato da 97441616
(CSUR)hongkong-香港2.0地图,mod 只要订阅了CSUR2.0的基本道路就可以了!...
Creato da WahBun.Tse
Creato da DouYuTV-LaoYao
''Admiral Kuznetsov''Prop
Creato da The_Ping
Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser (TAVKR) "Admiral Kuznetsov" Информация / information данная модель не несет каких то функций , а только является хорошим украшением вашего порта . Устанавливается свободно ( без привязки к чему либо ) this model does not bea...
Creato da DouYuTV-LaoYao
( PROP ) 和風公衆トイレ / JP JS Public toilet
Creato da koma
This is a prop of a public restroom that might be found in a tourist spot in Japan. The color of the roof can be changed. 日本の観光地などにありそうな公衆トイレのプロップです。 屋根の色を変更可能です。 JP JS Public toilet by koma...
(1:1) Chicago Board of Trade Building
Creato da jaspinko
The Chicago Board of Trade Building is a 44-story art deco skyscraper that was built in 1930 to house the world's oldest futures and options exchange. It features a 31 foot (9.5 meter) tall statue of the Roman Goddess Ceres at its pinnacle. The building's ...
055型驱逐舰 Type 055 Destroyer PLA NAVY
Creato da 尹水涯
关键词:055 驱逐舰 万吨大驱 导弹 南昌 中国 PLA 解放军 感谢来自 余之恩 伙伴的打赏。 该资产原型为服役于PLA的055型导弹驱逐舰。 055型驱逐舰(英文:Type 055 destroyer,北约代号:Renhai-class ,译文:刃海级)是由中国船舶重工集团701研究所设计的新型舰队防空驱逐舰。首舰南昌舰(舷号101)由上海江南造船厂承建,2017年6月28日下水,2019年4月23日参加海上阅兵正式公开亮相,2020年1月12日正式入列服役。 注:该资料来自于网络。 本版本在游戏中为...
055型驱逐舰-南昌舰 Type 055 Destroyer-Nanchang(Transport ship)
Creato da 尹水涯
055型驱逐舰-南昌舰 Type 055 Destroyer-Nanchang(Transport ship) 关键词:055 驱逐舰 万吨大驱 导弹 南昌 中国 PLA 解放军 感谢来自 余之恩 伙伴的打赏。 该资产原型为服役于PLA的055型导弹驱逐舰。 055型驱逐舰(英文:Type 055 destroyer,北约代号:Renhai-class ,译文:刃海级)是由中国船舶重工集团701研究所设计的新型舰队防空驱逐舰。首舰南昌舰(舷号101)由上海江南造船厂承建,2017年6月28日下水,2019年...
092型战略核潜艇 (prop) PLA 092 XIA-CLASS Strategic nuclear submarine (prop)
Creato da 尹水涯
092型战略核潜艇 (prop) PLA 092 XIA-CLASS Strategic nuclear submarine (prop) 原型来自服役于PLA的战略核潜艇092,并未包含泄密内容,所以想赚50w的没机会啦,哈哈 因今天是海军节,匆忙做了一个简模致敬,资产的具体细节后期会更新 prop貌似只能放陆地上,如何把它放水里就看小伙伴们自己琢磨了(* ̄︶ ̄) 此版本在游戏中为 prop 版本,使用 find it 搜索时需输入092或者PLA 你可以在此找到 客运轮船 版本 https://stea...
092型战略核潜艇 PLA 092 XIA-CLASS Strategic nuclear submarine
Creato da 尹水涯
092型战略核潜艇 PLA 092 XIA-CLASS Strategic nuclear submarine 原型来自服役于PLA的战略核潜艇092,并未包含泄密内容,所以想赚50w的没机会啦,哈哈 因今天是海军节,匆忙做了一个简模致敬,资产的具体细节后期会更新 此版本在游戏中为客运轮船版本,使用 find it 搜索时需输入092或者PLA 你可以在此找到 prop版本 p...
1:1 景德镇市 JingDeZhen,JiangXi,China
Creato da Octopus524
1:1 景德镇市 JingDeZhen 中国瓷都 China 高速公路 立交 铁路 高铁路线 都已铺设 请使用81格mod 进行更多道路铺设...
Creato da 红米先生
18层中式经典住宅楼 by 红米...
Creato da XDBX
香港中环中心大厦修正了外墙灯光,外墙颜色,比上一个版更精致 这个版本是1:1.5大小,1:1大小可以在我的工坊里看到This is a 1:1.5 scale version, 1:1 scale version see my other works....
2014 Toyota Corolla
Creato da ninjanoobslayer
A Economical Japanese Compact Sedan When it comes to having a compact reliable Japanese sedan, the two options that first come to mind (in the US) are the Corolla or the Civic. Having already made the Civic, I now present th...
2017 Honda Civic
Creato da ninjanoobslayer
Japanese Sport Sedan For Your Adrenaline Filled Cims Chase the road in the all new 2017 Honda Civic Sedan! This sporty car is the number one seller in the compact car category since its release. Featuring a modern forward lo...
2021 Hyundai Elantra
Creato da LinkingDan
The brand-new generation of this model has transformed the sedan into a four-door-coupe look, being a little bigger tnan the previous generation. It's powered by a 2.0-liter MPI Atkinson Cycle engine that generates up to 147 hp . You can join my Patreon to...
2x4 Parking Lot v2.0
Creato da JCity
A simple parkinglot for your city! Takes up 2x4 squares. Updated values so tourists do not visit it. This version will overwrite the old one since they have the same name! A part of my modular parking set:
3x4 Lv3 Growable GreenHotel (After Dark)
Creato da bartz!
● Custom Model ● 766 Tris, Diffuse, Spec, Alpha ● Commercial, High ● 3x4 ● Level 3 ● Temperate ● 1 Entrance...
3x4 Lv3 Growable GreenHotel by bartz!
Creato da bartz!
After Dark version: ● Custom Model ● 766 Tris, Diffuse, Spec, Alpha ● Commercial, High ● 3x4 ● Level 3 ● Temperate ● 1 Entrance...
4x4 Container Park
Creato da Daydream#
Container-Park to make your Trade Facilities look more like actual Tradeports. Enjoy Tobsi#...
62 Sai Yeung Choi St S, Mong Kok .Hong Kong 西洋菜南街62號
Creato da t1993810
suggestion to use mod of Ploppable RICO Prop Snapping Prop & Tree Anarchy AC Units...
69th Cangbai Rd,Chongqing (2K)
Creato da RyanCat
Located at Cangbai Road,Chongqing,China,the Soviet Embassy Military Attache Office was originally the Mansion of Shen Zhiren,which was built in the early years of the Republic of China.With the move of the Soviet Embassy into Chongqing,its military attache...
81 Tiles 2
Creato da algernon Overview A rewrite of the old '81 tiles' mod to increase performance and resolve bugs. Enables unlocking (and building on) all map tiles, not just the 25 in the middle. Includes optional Remove Need for Power Lines, Remove N...
8x8 lionpark with fountain
Creato da OlexX
8x8 lionpark with fountain, follows terrain. For best results flatten the terrain before setting this park. Have fun with it....
99A式主战坦克 ZTZ 99A TANK
Creato da 尹水涯
关键词:军事装备 中国 PLA 坦克 99A 装甲车 军队 军事 国产 TANK 资产原型为服役于PLA的99A式主战坦克。 订阅后你的游戏中将会出现 prop+灾难救援车辆 两个版本 ① prop使用 find it 搜 99A 或 TNAK 即可调用 ② 在城市遇到 陨石、飓风、海啸登情况,而你又建立了灾难救援中心时,99A的灾难救援车辆即可出动实施救援 ps.其实还有家用车版本,但我发现满大街坦克很奇怪,所以没上传,想使用的可私信我。 上方合集有我制作的其他国内军事装备,喜欢的小伙伴可以订阅 具体数据...
ACME 0.6.5
Creato da algernon A camera mod, with new features being added. New in 0.6 Customizable shadow calculation parameters - distance and sharpness. Stepped rotation hotkeys at 15-degree increments: Control-X and Control-Y (Shift to reverse directi...
AD Cloud Replacer
Creato da neinnew/네인
AD Cloud Replacer This mod has been upgraded from enabler to replacer! Now you can replace the clouds Available clouds pack in Workshop What is the AD cloud? It is old cloud that came with After Dark DLC, but disappeared due to Snowfall DLC and weather upd...
Adaptive Networks (AN) V3.18 (STABLE)
Creato da Chamëleon TBN Adaptive Networks STABLE formerly known as Adaptive Roads (AR). As a lot of new functions will be released in future that also include other networks we decided to rename Adaptive Roads (AR) to Adaptive Networks (AN) and als...
Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance
Creato da BloodyPenguin
Prevents large props (like planes, containers etc.) from disappearing on zooming out. Adjusts LOD distance for trees depending on their size. The larger is prop/tree, the further it is visible! For small props visibility distances should remain the same as...
Additive Shader
Creato da Ronyx69
Allows to use the soft additive particle shader (used for light effects) for props and vehicle sub meshes. It's also possible to use custom on/off time of day. Required for assets using the additive shader. Building, sub building, and sub mesh support is n...
Adidas Shibuya (Tokyo)
Creato da Stringer Bell
This is a 3x3 straight (non-corner) L1 high density commercial building based on the Adidas Brand Core store in Shibuya, Tokyo. I really like the facade of the store but in real life it does not occupy the whole building so I took a bit of artistic license...
Advanced Building Level Control 1.3.2
Creato da algernon Enables fine-grained control of growable building levels New in 1.3: Support "true random" selection of building appearance when changing building levels (by default, the game will always use the same model for each level of...
Advanced Road Tools
Creato da pcfantasy
This Mod can build more complex curve to help build a interchange quickly. 这个mod可以画出一些复杂曲线,帮助快速修立交 !!!!! Tools will still detect your real cash amount even when you use unlimited money. If you want to build roads for free, you can click a option in mod`s o...
Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.1
Creato da macsergey Overview This mod allow to select certain platform for public transport with pressing Shift it is revisited version of BloodyPenguin's mod Main changes Plazas & Promenades DLC support. Support If you have any problems with m...
Advanced Toolbar
Creato da CWMlolzlz
Advanced Toolbar introduces new functionality to the toolbar including an expandable asset panel and auto icon centre. Too many icons on your bar? Center them all by enabling Auto Centre in the options. This will shift them so they are easier to access. Th...
Advanced Vehicle Options
Creato da Tim
Advanced Vehicle Options 1.9.12 Hubs & Transports DLC Mod Compatibility and Loading Issues If you have any issues with the new Treasure Hunt DLC, please be sure to read Avanya's support discussi...
AIA Kowloon Financial Centre
Reference AIA Kowloon Financial Centre is a commercial building in Hong Kong. Introduction It is located at No. 712, Prince Edward Road, San Po Kong. It is a 28-storey building and was completed in 2009. 28 floors   - Size: 2x4   - Level 3 growth   - After...
Air ducts 1
Creato da Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Aeration basin
Creato da Kollati
Aeration basin by Kollati Cleans out the city sewage and convets it to fresh water. Cost: 6500 Upkeep: 480/week Water pumping capacity: 40000m3/week Sewage pumping capacity: 80000m3/week Creates moderate noise. Needs clean groundwater! No garbage no proble...
Air ducts 2
Creato da Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Air ducts 3
Creato da Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Airport City PEK - Vanilla Map
Creato da Ls1960
Beijing Capital International Airport Map (Vanilla)by Ls1960 This is the vanilla version of my airport city pek map, only use vanilla road system and has true PEK airport t3 layout with basic runway and just need to put the t3 terminal assets ...
Airport City PEK - Modded Map
Creato da Ls1960
Beijing Capital International Airport Map (Modded)by Ls1960 (This is what you can achieve with this map) Give a thumbs up if you like my work, thanks! This map is mainly based on CSUR Reborn road system. I also released a ma...
Airport Hangar
Creato da Ronyx69
Includes an airport hangar and door props. The doors are as seperate props so you can choose how open they are. Made by editing my logistics warehouse a bit. Main: 5448 tris 1024x1024 LOD: 56 tris 256x256 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Si...
Airport Roads
Creato da SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) Fixed version of Runways and Taxiways mod. Adds runways and taxiways to the airport menu. Runway has the same cost as Highway road. Taxiway has the same cost as Small road. This mod doesn't change the p...
Airport Terminal
Creato da SamsamTS
Default airport terminal without runways. Works in CS 1.4 Planes will land if connected properly with Airport Roads. It may take some time until planes start to come (~a month of in-game time)....
Airport Terminal Building
Creato da Zoki
Airport Terminal Building colosal order version,this is NOT scenic nor cosmetic its a working terminal same as the baskb version that you connect via the airport roads mod and watch em come. Update 25.02.2015 Forgot to include a change log so here it is. O...
Airport terminal module
Creato da ron_fu-ta
複数組み合わせて使用する空港ターミナルビルです。 滑走路と誘導路は付属しないため設置が必要です。 場合によって到着機と出発機が詰まる場合があります。 (しばらくすると自動で消えます。) Airport terminal building to be used in combination. Taxiway and runway must be placed. There are cases where arriving aircraft and departing aircraft is clogged b...
Alishan National Scenic Area (WIP) v0.005 mod
Creato da 73313WS
Alishan National Scenic Area (WIP) need mod to play this is middle Taiwan mountains map water area water resource (very tiny) h...
All 25 Areas purchasable
Creato da tomdotio
What it does: All 25 areas can be purchased (in Vanilla only 9 can be purchased). The last Milestone (number 13) allows you to buy area 10 to 25. Milestones 1-12 remain unchanged. Installation: To install just subscribe to the mod and activate it in the Mo...
Amber Arena
Creato da p0ppy
Based on Stadion Energa Gdańsk , formerly known as PGE Arena Gdansk. The name Amber Arena was used during the design stage. The scale is 1:2, but IMHO this size fits rest of the buildings in CS. ...
American Flag for Walls
Creato da jaspinko
Here is an American flag prop for decorating your buildings. The flag is approximately 3ft by 5ft (1 meter by 1.5 meters), and the pole is approximately 2 meters long. Rotate the flag by holding right click down and dragging your mouse left or right. Pleas...
American Freight Train - Long Mixed
Creato da bsquiklehausen
The largest, most complete set of modern, American freight trains on the workshop! A modern American freight train for your city! Includes multiple custom freight cars, and is set up to feature automatic weathering, realistic nod and tilt levels, and more!...
amusement park and stop car
Creato da cyt
scope 6x4 have a park of car and amusement park feature cost 500 maintain 16 pollution 0 entertainment 30 Stop the car and make a friend...
Anadolu Isuzu Citibus 9,5mt
Creato da CemBSRN
Anadolu Isuzu Citibus 9,5mt by CemBSRN 9,5 meters capacity: 69 Isuzu İsuzu Citibus City Bus 9 meters ...
Animated K-Pop LED Screen: TWICE- “Feel Special”
Creato da kimoz17
Animated K-Pop LED Screen: TWICE- “Feel Special” by kimoz17 Are you a ONCE? Do you want your city to look and feel special? Try placing this fancy animated LED screen featuring Kpop’s top girl group TWICE and your cims would surely love you more & more. Wa...
Animated Sea Foam
Creato da Ronyx69
Includes 3 variations of animated sea coast foam buildings and also a beach darkening decal. Video: To make it look reasonable you need a very flat, shallow and steady coastline. Main: 1706 tris 1024x512 Twitch YouTu...
Apple Billboard
Creato da Hafiz
Apple Billboard by H4F1Z...
Apple Store Fifth Avenue
Creato da Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Creato da VailOY
Creato da VailOY
Creato da VailOY
Aqua Fun Park
Creato da bennymedia
Aqua Fun Park by bennymedia (Updated V 1.3, ready for After Dark) The Aqua Fun Park provides huge bathing and swimming fun for everyone. Aqua Fun Park Park Info:13x8 plots Construction cost : 9500 Maintenance cost : 220 Electricity consumption : 5 Garbage:...
Architect 001 [RICO]
Creato da _luminou_
Architect 001 by luminou rico setting - residential low - level 5 - homes : 2 - cost : 10.000 My Workshop Follow me Follow me Donate
Architect A-000
Creato da _luminou_
Architect A-000 by luminou - Low density residential, - Villa Level 4, - 4x4, RICO compatible Update for "Architect A-000" New version, integrate _i _s _c and LOD files 1100 faces (17 faces for the LOD file, LOD_d :256x256 11.7Ko) ...
Art Deco Office Tower (Growable)
Creato da moxiecrimefighter
An Art Deco skyscraper, based off the countless number of towers in the same style found throughout New York City. 4x4 Growable Level 3 Office Building 123.4m Height 1103 Tris, Custom LOD 92 Tris...
Asphalt Rural Road
Creato da Ronyx69
A simple rural asphalt road based on the vanilla gravel road. Includes 3 decals and a prop as well. The transitions to most other roads will look pretty bad, transitioning to the basic 2 lane road on a straight looks reasonable. Main: 4 - 128 tris 1024x102...
Audi A4
Creato da aries
Audi A4 civil/passenger version is here for your cities, in 4 color variations! Have Fun! more by Aries here! *** *** *** Want to know whats next? Be UpToDate and join aries_discord or aries_facebook ...
Audi A7 2018
Creato da brunna
Audi A7 2018 Wiki: Not recommended for a Pc with low config!!! Depending on the graphical performance of a computer the speed may decrease!!!...
Automatic Bulldoze v3
Creato da live627
Automatically destroys abandoned and burned buildings You have to click the bulldoze button (or B by default) and then click automatically bulldoze abandoned buildings from the buttons that show up next to the bulldoze button The buttons are green to indic...
Back-and-Forth 2 Module [PO]
Creato da 98ColdDew
ANNOUNCEMENT Actually, this PO module is not a successful item. But hey guys I have a gift for you : I will release a new module, called "Motion Module ", in this month(2023.07). The new module uses a keyframe list to achieve multi-segment motion and it is...
Back-and-Forth Module [PO]
Creato da Simon Ryr
Back-and-forth behaviour module for Procedural Objects Made by Simon Royer from the #FrenchCityDesigners community Compatible with Procedural Objects version 1.7 and above. Adds the ability to animate PO objects back-and-fourth between 2 points of your cho...
Automatic Pedestrian Bridge Builder V2.0 [Beta]
Creato da kian.zarrin Automatically builds pedestrian bridges over and also tunnels under junctions/roundabouts/roads. (and disables pedestrian zebra crossings if TMPE is present). Also able to connect alleys to main roads (see screenshots). Usag...
Baishazhou Yangtze River Bridge [S]
Creato da Kaeru教信者
Baishazhou Yangtze River Bridge (武汉白沙洲长江大桥), a.k.a. the Third Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, is a highway bridge over the Yangtze River in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Serves as a major passage for the Third Ring Road of Wuhan. If you like my works, please r...
Baksaeg city, Guangxi, China - 中国广西百色城区
Creato da Sokavski
中国广西百色城区,包括主城区、龙景(那毕)、百东新区(四塘镇)。 真实地形投影,不过福禄河与右江下游水域部分失真,右江满足通航需求。 能力所限,道路并不完全仿真,所以有需要的父老乡亲自行修改。 初始地块在火车站,建到百色城可能需要81格mod 地图有铁路、水运、航线,右江基本满足通航需求。 Baksaeg city, Guangxi, China 🚆 √ 🚢 √ ✈ √...
Bank of china building , Shanghai 上海中国银行大楼
Creato da CM.
你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third level special building. 中国银行上海分行早先是使用汉口路3号原户部银行行址办公,1923年迁至仁记路(今滇池路)22号原德国总会大楼内办公。这是一幢三层楼的巴洛克式建筑,由德国在沪侨民集资建于1908年,砖木结构,由倍高洋行设计,楼顶由南北两个不同形状的巴洛克式塔楼,中间屋面上有山墙。二、三层有内阳台,门窗为券式。从1908年到1917年的十年间,他是在沪德国侨民娱乐、聚会的场所。 The B...
Bank of China Tower Shanghai
Creato da XDBX
Bank of China Shanghai 上海中银大厦 You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到 —————————————————————————————— 上海中银大厦位于中国上海浦东新区陆家嘴金融贸易区,是中国银行上海分行的总部。上海中银大厦于1999年建成,总建筑高度为226米,包括地面53层和地下3层。 大厦业主为上海浦东国际金融大厦有限公司,投资总额为2亿美元。 Shanghai Zh...
Bank of Communication Tower, HK 1:1
Creato da Pirazel
Bank of Communication Tower, Hong Kong 1:1, SAR HK This Skyscraper is used by the Bank of Communication. It was formerly known as Lippo Protective Tower. The small footprint makes it very useful to fill gaps in your Skyline. Location: 231-235 Gloucester Ro...
Bank of communications building(Reprint) 上海市交通银行大厦(转载)
Creato da CM.
此建筑并非我本人制作,最早由作者joues于2015年3月18日发布于模拟城市中文网,是当时非常少见的国人资产,其质量在当年也并不算差,只可惜没有人将它转载至steam创意工坊,现在模拟城市中文网衰落,知道此建筑的人更少了,这次就将它转发在创意工坊,让更多人知道这五年前的国人精品资产。 This building was not made by me. It was first published by the author joues on the Chinese website of SimCity o...
Bank of Guangzhou
Creato da 红米先生
Bank of Guangzhou广州银行 by Redmi(红米) SUB方式导入多个子建筑,最后组合在一起,总计面数1200个。LOD:600个面数,贴图分辨率1024x1024, 在独特建筑倒数第二个类目里,也可直接搜索名称。占地7X7格,楼房高度201米,共计57层,位于广州珠江新城CBD附近...
Bank Of Skylines
Creato da Senfkorn
Hi community, I was highly motivated to create a skyscraper these days. I wanted to realize several things, for example, a nice and contemporary shape that provides a cool looking mirror map ingame, and plenty of braces which draw the surface. During the c...
BankOfChinaTower(1:1)香港中银大厦 HK hong kong
Creato da XDBX
BankOfChinaTower(1:1) by XDBX...
Baohedian PR China 保和殿
Creato da TAEMIN B
Baohedian PR China 保和殿 Baohedian, 保和殿 This traditional unique building is an important landmark building of Forbidden City, P.R. China, and for Chinese. This is in Beijing, and it's a one of main imperial palace of the forbidden city. 保和殿, 紫禁城, 故宮博物院, 北京, ...
Barry Plaza
Creato da ryanjamesoflondon
A mid 1980's boxy (large floorplate) skyscraper, a staple of any successful city skyline Stats:- Growable 4x4 Level 3 Office Building *NEW MODEL* Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion ...
Baseball Field
Creato da Dutch
Baseball Field Size: 10x10 Construction Cost: 7500 Fire Hazard: 0 Fire Tolerance: 20 Garbage Accumulation: 2 Maintenance Cost: 500 Electricity Consumption: 4 High Wealth Tourists: 50 Low Wealth Tourists: 50 Medium Wealth Tourists: 50 Sewage Accumulation: 0...
Basket Sofa & Cocktail Table Pack
Creato da marconok19
Basket Sofa & Cocktail Table Pack These props were requested by my friend on facebook. He lit up my idea about basket sofa for hotel and pool decoration. This pack contains basket sofas which is a wicker and fabric version. Each version has 4 different col...
Basketball double court
Creato da kocyk74
Basketball double court by kocyk74...
Bay Bridge Network - Draggable Double Deck Suspension Bridge
Creato da bsquiklehausen
Check out the tutorial linked above for best bridgelaying results! A network based large suspension bridge and other associated network toys! This bridge is a replica of the San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge (altered slightly for C:S network compatibility...
Beauty of Hunan, Huaihua City (锦绣潇湘之:怀化市)
Creato da centaurA
This map covers 30*30 km area near the city center of Huaihua, Hunan, China. 本地图包含中国湖南省怀化市市中心30*30千米范围内全部区域。 Outline: 概要 Railways: 铁路: Huaihua is know as a "city on the trains". Ever since the earliest industrialization in China, the city's location has be...
Beijing Bell Tower
Creato da MC100
My new work: The bell tower is located on Di'anmen Outer Street, Dongcheng District of Beijing, where the northern end of the Beijing axle line is. It is to the north of Beijing Drum Tower, a...
beijing Courtyard Unique Building ploppable
Creato da dabaofu
beijing Courtyard Unique by dabaofu Changed to unique architectural 8 * 4...
Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3
Creato da amamIya
BCIA Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3 Beijing Capital International Airport (IATA: PEK, ICAO: ZBAA) is the main international airport serving Beijing. It is located 32 km (20 mi) northeast of Beijing's city centre, in an enclave of Chaoyang...
Creato da RichardShi
包括北京万达中心A,B座两座建筑。 Contains two buildings : A, B Tower. 此资产为 用户“H z 929” QQ:1647716479 的定制资产。经其授权发布于创意工坊。若有更多北京资产需要的伙伴可以联系他。...
Creato da 江鹅鹅
BEIJING2022冬奥会 by 1145768310...
Beijingxi Railway Station
Creato da kaikai0706
Beijing West Station is on Lianhuachi Donglu in Fengtai District. Beijing West Station opened in 1996 and is China's largest railway station and monolithic in size. Trains for Vietnam, Tibet, Guangzhou and Hong Kong leave from Beijing West Station. Situate...
Bell Tower
Creato da RyanCat
Bell Tower by RyanCat Located at Luzhou China. Rebuilt in 1912, 27m in height. The clock is synchronized with the game time. Tris: Main 7357 lod 38 Textures: Main: 1024x4096 d,s,n,i lod: 128x128 d,s...
Better Train Boarding
Creato da Vectorial1024
Unlock the peak efficiency of trains/metros by fixing boarding behavior. 中文名:火車上車易 Quick info Requires Harmony Load after IPT2; more details in FAQ Passengers board trains and metros by preferring the closest available trailer (Clarify) Passengers board tr...
Bicycle Parking Bluestone 1x1
Creato da Larry Skylines
Add some detail to the look of your new Plazas and Promenades with this little bicycle parking lot. It has no requirements so you can use Move It to move it anywhere you like. 1x1 For prop bicycles in the racks, Bicycles by Ronyx69 is required. Otherwise y...
Creato da Ronyx69
Includes 5 different bikes - both vehicle and prop versions. Found in industrial props. The pedals spin (it's set as a wheel) but they will rarely match with the cim pedaling animation, as different cims have different animations and positions. Main: 914 -...
Big Decal Farm
Creato da Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal More Dirt
Creato da Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
BMW 325i (2002)
Creato da Jones
Stats: 902 tris 512x512 textures Lod: 50 tris 64x64 textures Changelog: 21/7/2015 - Fixed scale and LOD 4/10/2015 - After Dark Update...
BOB, the Tree and Prop Replacer 1.0.1
Creato da algernon Beautify Our Builds (BOB). OR Universal Beauty Manager Tool To Change Ugly Props And Trees Or Bury Them (UBMTTCUPATOBT). More details on usage you'll find in the basic BOB guide. New in 0.9.4 New feature: ability to add new ...
Brazilian modern house 2
Creato da alexvibel
Modern brazilian house level 3. 2x4. Growable. Tris 635 Texture 512x1024 * How to use this asset: you need to subscribe to Ploppable RICO Revisited mod (or Plop the Growables mod) and check "make all historical" to not change its appearance when leveling u...
Brazilian Prop 3 - Trash Bin
Creato da Redoze
Please, rate my work :) Support Do you want more jobs like this? Support me. Basic information Decorative asset, has no functional properties. Name Color variation Brazilian Prop 3 Trash Bin Y...
Brick laying style
Creato da 红米先生
现代铺砖,地砖,商业人形砖,共计6个,占地5X5格 属性:prop物件类,可PO魔物 分辨率:1024 LOD: 40 可以放在任何地方,专用放在办公楼,CBD写字楼商业区,作为大厦底座铺砖使用 There are 6 modern paving tiles, floor tiles and commercial humanoid tiles, covering an area of 5x5 squares Property: prop object class, which can be used to ...
Bridal Tea House Hotel HK
Creato da Lim Dzhy Gen
Bridal Tea House Hotel is located in Kowloon, Hong Kong. It`s pretty tall building but it`s classic height for places like Hong Kong. I think this apartment will fit perfectly in chinese or dystopian, cyberpunk themed cities Some info: Lvl 5 Residential Hi...
Bulldoze It!
Creato da Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to automate the bulldozing of residential, industrial, commercial and offices buildings if they become abandoned, burned down, collapsed or flooded. NEW IN 1.8 - Recompiled for C...
Bund Center SH 上海外滩中心
Creato da XDBX
Bund Center Shanghai 上海外滩中心 by XDBX 海外滩中心(英语:Bund Center, Shanghai),是上海知名建筑群,地址为延安东路222号,座落于上海黄浦区外滩的黄金地带,毗邻黄浦江,延安东路高架和上海自然博物馆。其包括外滩中心商务楼和外滩中心威斯汀大饭店两部分,商务楼共50层高198米,分立商务楼西南、西北位置的两栋威斯汀大饭店为26层,总建筑面积约190000平方米。外滩中心建成于2001年,由波特曼建筑设计事务所负责设计,其商务楼顶部别具一格的菠萝造型成为其最具标...
Burberry Luxury Store
Creato da SheenaBanana
"The British fashion house has opened a new flagship in Shanghai, its eighth location in the city and the largest so far. The store is outfitted like a Best Buy employee's dream, with 40 video screens and 130 speakers placed throughout and an illuminated f...
Bus Terminal | 重庆菜园坝汽车站
Creato da RichardShi
Bus Terminal | 重庆菜园坝汽车站...
C-WFC Chongqing 重庆环球金融中心
Creato da RyanCat
New version here! Chongqing World Financial Center 2.0 Chongqing World Financial Center in the Downtown ,339 meters in height. L6 unique building or u can use "find it"...
C:SII Planter - Wood
Creato da Avanya
I just had to. I mean, we can never have enough planters, and the Cities: Skylines II logo offers a perfect opportunity! Credit to @lovechillcities on Instagram for inspiring me to make these! They share textures with my other planters, and also come in a ...
Caiyuanba Bridge | 菜园坝大桥
Creato da RichardShi
重庆菜园坝大桥连接了重庆渝中区和南岸区,是一座车辆量很大的桥梁。她点缀着长江,是山城重庆的一道风景线。 重慶菜園壩大橋連接了重慶渝中區和南岸區,是一座車輛量很大的橋樑。 她點綴著長江,是山城重慶的一道風景線。 Caiyuanba bridge in Chongqing connects Yuzhong District and Nan'an District of Chongqing. It is a bridge with a large number of vehicles. Dotted with t...
Cam Key Mansion
Reference Cam Key Mansion Introduction Cam Key Mansion 489-495 Shanghai Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 9 floor   - Level 2 growth   - After Dark ready   - 1245 tris, 1024 x 512 texture RICO is ready   - Size: 2x...
Camellia Shrubs
Creato da MrMaison
Camellia Shrubs by MrMaison Introducing a 2 piece set of Camellia Shrubs. One with red flowers and the other with peachy flowers. These are generic Camellia plants in the spirit of the many Camellia species that are reported up to 300. Camellias can grow a...
Cable Car | 重庆长江索道缆车
Creato da RichardShi
Cable Car | 重庆长江索道缆车 感谢QQ用户【Say&Say】提供的文件,使得我能够发布这个资产。 感谢您的订阅。 Wihtout the files that QQ user provides, I could not publish this asset.Great thank to him. Thank you for your subscription....
Camp Nou
Creato da Salmon Le Bon
Camp Nou by Salmon Le Bon. A compact likeness to the home of Barcelona football club, measuring 14x11 squares. New, full scale version available, please see bottom of description below. Uses the same statistics as the games default stadium. I've left it fr...
Campus Library (No DLC Required)
Creato da RichardShi
This is a library assets. about Library The prototype of this library is the Huxi Campus Library of Chongqing University. The red brick wall and square appearance of the sign make it conspicuous by the lake. Its attribute is university. Please find it in t...
Canary Island Date Palm
Creato da MrMaison
Canary Island Date Palm by MrMaison I present to you a Canary Island Date Palm tree. This is good for decoration and any tropical scenes. This is a 2 piece set including small and tall versions. I plan to make other types of Date palm trees in the future. ...
Candler building 220 West 42nd St. (3x4 growable high comm lvl 3)
Creato da Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 3x4 high commercial building lvl 3 based on the Candler Building in New York, at 42nd street. This building is part of a 42nd street series. Expect many theatres and other leisure buildings when Collosal Order...
Canton Tower广州塔(1:1比例)
Creato da 红米先生
广州塔高楼LED版本,总高度600米。杆子高度146米,塔楼454米,夜晚带LED,另外附加底商(底座还原显示底盘,占地30格左右,由于广州塔占地面积大,需要后期配合道路无碰撞模组,在塔或者底座内部穿擦一条道路即可实现正常运营。 真实还原度为:95%,楼顶和底商(底座)可带行人站台观光。 Led version of Guangzhou tower tower, with a total height of 600 meters. The height of the pole is 146 meters, ...
Canton Tower with animated LED
Creato da HooHeeHaa
Can be found at panel: Unique Building Level 2 The Tower consists of two separate assets: Canton Tower without lights + LED lights of the tower, given the incompatibility between Additive Shader (which automatically controls when the light should be on) an...
CCTV Headquarters 中央电视台总部
Creato da HAIKUI
中央电视台总部大楼 北京最COOL的建筑 THE BIG BOXER SHORT ==== The CCTV Headquarters is a 234 m (768 ft), 44-story skyscraper on East Third Ring Road, Guanghua Road in the Beijing Central Business District (CBD). The tower serves as headquarters for China Central Televisio...
Cenotaph Hong Kong
Creato da Pirazel
Cenotaph, Hong Kong The Cenotaph in Hong Kong ---In game Info--- 5 x 7 park No props! Decorate it the way you like. ---Model info--- tris1555 texture 1024 x 2048 lod: tris 62 texture 128 x 128 See my other works...
Central Plaza, HK 1:1
Creato da Pirazel
Central Plaza, Hong Kong SAR HK, 中環廣場 This futuristic looking building is king in Wan Chai and a stunner at night. The Triangular shape was supposedly chosen to increase the office area that can enjoy the harbour view. Today‘s standard, but at that time un...
Central Plaza, HK 1:1,5
Creato da Pirazel
Central Plaza, Hong Kong SAR HK This futuristic looking building is king in Wan Chai and a stunner at night. The Triangular shape was supposedly chosen to increase the office area that can enjoy the harbour view. Today‘s standard, but at that time uncommon...
Ch‘in-chou Bay,China-钦州湾
Creato da 0ran9e
Welcome to Ch'in-chou Bay! This is part of the Beibu Gulf of the South China Sea, located in the south of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It starts from Yingluo Port of Hepu in the East and goes West to Beilun Estuary of Dongxing in the west. It mainly c...
Changchun Railway Station South Building
Creato da yamei
Changchun Station, located in Kuancheng District, Changchun City, Jilin Province, China, is a special-class station under the jurisdiction of China Railway Shenyang Bureau Group Co., Ltd. and an important transportation hub in Jilin Province. On November 3...
Changde , Hunan,China 常德,湖南,中国
Creato da miliMoses
Changde , Hunan,China 常德,湖南,中国 A city located in the west of Dongting Lake,called city in Taohuayuan (like orient Utopia)....
changsha by TeamMeD.Skyline 以20km尺寸实际地图制作,制作了地形和必要的环线、高速,仿城党的福利,一起建设星城长沙。...
Chaomenlond Bridge
Creato da Jerenable
Chaomenlond Bridge by Jerenable This Bridge was made on request of a Friend/trusty twitch vieuwer of mine. This bridge is inspired by The Chaotianmen Bridge in Chongqing, China. The bridge is as the real one a stacked highway bridge, that means one ontop o...
Charlson Marina
Creato da jorge.puerta Charlson Marina Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 3x11 - Marina. New Marina dock with more capacity for boats. Texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Texture LOD 256x256 (d-c-s-n-a-i) Description -Type: Marina. -Cost: $15.000...
Cherry Blossom 2
Creato da MrMaison
Cherry Blossom 2 by MrMaison Introducing a 2 piece set of Cherry Blossoms based on the Prunus serrulata or Japanese cherry tree. This tree have it's roots in Japan, China and Korea and is introduced all over the world as an ornamental tree. More info in th...
Cheung Kong Center(1:1)长江集团中心 HK hong kong
Creato da XDBX
Cheung Kong Center(1:1) by XDBX...
Cheung Kong Center(1:1)
Creato da 楠依依
Cheung Kong Center(1:1) by 2862219411...
CHI Health Center
Creato da 听风说雨
CHI Health Center by 听风说雨 制作不易,多多点赞!!! 这次制作的是位于美国内布拉斯加州奥马哈的一座大型综合表演场馆,同样的,为了让它更适合于天际线,我对原建筑进行了一定的简化修改,建筑占地面积为440m×112m,占地面积约为50000平米,建筑总面数约为10000面,贴图大小为512×8192,我的作品向来按高分辨率制作,酌情订阅,但别忘了点点赞,若想能实时获取相关动态,请一定要关注我,谢谢支持! This production is a large-scale comprehen...
Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall 中正紀念堂 (building)
Creato da victor86520
Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall is one of the most famous sites in Taiwan. it located in Taipei city and build in 1980. Please give me five star if you like it, thanks! you can find it form Lv.1 building or RICO "cks Memorial Hall" 中正紀念堂是台灣最有名的建築之一,位於台灣台北市,並...
CheungKongCenter(1:1.5)长江集团中心 hk hong kong
Creato da XDBX
CheungKongCenter(1:1.5) by XDBX...
Chiap King Industrial Building
Reference Chiap King Industrial Building 114 King Fuk Street, Sanpokong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Introduction 114 King Fuk Street, Sanpokong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 24 floors   - Size: 2x4   - Level 3 growth   - After Dark ready   - 6775 tris, 1024 x 512 texture ...
china Chongqingbei Railway Station
Creato da kaikai0706
Chongqingbei Railway Station, located in Yubei District, Chongqing city, China, is a Railway Station under the jurisdiction of China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Co., LTD. It is one of the major Railway hubs in China and a comprehensive transportation hub ...
China Expressway Prop Pack 1
Creato da 狼少
PROP ANARCHY IS NOT REQUIRED IF YOU SUBS MY DOUBLE EXPRESSWAY BIG prop WARNING!! All things ----->2K texture 请注意:资产都是2K贴图【LOD也是】,所以会很大 LOD LOWWWWWWWWWW TRIS This is China Expressway Prop Pack 1【2->
China fishery administration marine police Marine Surveillance Vessel 中国渔政海警海监船只
Creato da 红米先生
备注:此船可以在河面上航行 中国海警船为2018年成立的中国人民武装警察部队海警总队(即中国海警局)所统辖的海上执法船只,船身统一采用白色船体,船上涂有红蓝相间条纹、中国海警徽章和“中国海警 CHINA COAST GUARD”标志。 中国海警船配备有自卫武器,主要职能为开展海上维权和执法,维护国家海洋主权和打击海上违法犯罪活动。中国海警船曾多次配武器赴中国南海和中国钓鱼岛领海内执法、巡航。...
China Flag [Dynamic Flag]
How to make your own Flag step by step Guide Waving Flag of China This Flags are waving. Both Flags use the same Texture. Use Loading Screen Mod for the half needed RAM. The Original Flag by APF Find the Flags by typing FFLGH in the Find it search bar. Fla...
CHINA FOXCONN factory building中国富士康工厂厂房
Creato da 红米先生
富士康工厂厂房 by 白米...
china fuzhou 福州站
Creato da kaikai0706
福州站 china fuzhou 福州站...
china huzhoutower
Creato da kaikai0706
china huzhoutower...
China pavilion at Expo 2010
Creato da dabaofu
China pavilion at Expo 2010 by dabaofu unique Space:10*10 Cost: 250000 Electricity:0 Maintenance: 0 ...
China Resources Building Qingdao
Creato da XDBX
China Resources QD by XDBX Roof Objects Pack : 屋顶摆件不是必备物品,可以自行添加。 2 crps: ——China Resources QD asset 6,740 kb ——China Resources logo prop 795 kb ---------------------------------------------...
China transport 20y20 cargo aircraft中国运20Y20货运飞机
Creato da 红米先生
备注:飞机是可以正常起飞停靠 运-20(中国编号:Y-20,绰号:鲲鹏,英文:Xian Y-20),是中国研究制造的新一代军用大型运输机,于2013年1月26日首飞成功 。 该机作为大型多用途运输机,可在复杂气象条件下,执行各种物资和人员的长距离航空运输任务。与中国空军现役伊尔-76比较,运-20的发动机和电子设备有了很大改进,载重量也有提高,短跑道起降性能优异。 运-20飞机研发参考俄罗斯伊尔-76的气动外形和结构设计,融合美国C-17的部分特点。运-20采用常规布局,悬臂式上单翼、前缘后掠、无翼梢小翼 ...
China tulou Annular Residential
Creato da dabaofu
fu jian tu lou by dabaofu Fujian Tulou is a type of Chinese rural dwelling of the Hakka is in the mountainous areas in southeastern Fujian, China. They were mostly built between the 12th and the 20th centuries unique Space:6*6 Cost: 1 Electricity:1 Mainten...
China's super project Three Gorges Dam中国之超级工程三峡大坝
Creato da 红米先生
使用方法很简单:由于大坝巨大且按1:1比例制作,所有我将模型分成三部分,用字母标注,分别为zhong.zuo,you,中文意思是中间部分,另外两部分分别放置在中间部分的两侧一边是左(zuo) ,另一边是右(you),可用moit it调节位置和高度,大坝可以发电,中间部分发电量为20万瓦。 如果发现订阅显示不了,请重新订阅两个MOD支持超大建筑 Larger Footprints (Snowfall) Sub-Buildings Enabler (DEPRECATED) 三峡大坝,位于中国湖北省宜昌市三斗坪...
China's Taiwan Taipei Nan Shan Plaza
China's Taiwan Taipei Nan Shan Plaza...
Chinese Commercial Sign - Lanzhoulamian (Small) / 中国商业广告牌-兰州拉面(小)
Creato da 环球影业
订阅后用 Find it 搜索“CN Sign”即可,可作为门市房的招牌。 配图仅供展示尺寸,本资产只是一个独立的广告牌,不包括建筑。 这是小尺寸的广告牌,需要大尺寸请订阅这个: ...
Chinese Commercial Sign / 中国商业广告牌 重庆小面
Creato da 环球影业
订阅后用 Find it 搜索“CN Sign”即可,可作为门市房的招牌。 配图仅供展示尺寸,本资产只是一个独立的广告牌,不包括建筑。...
Chinese Commercial Sign - Lanzhoulamian (Large) / 中国商业广告牌-兰州拉面(大)
Creato da 环球影业
订阅后用 Find it 搜索“CN Sign”即可,可作为门市房的招牌。 配图仅供展示尺寸,本资产只是一个独立的广告牌,不包括建筑。 这是大尺寸的广告牌,需要小尺寸请订阅这个:
Chinese Commercial Sign / 中国商业广告牌 老四川麻辣烫
Creato da 环球影业
订阅后用 Find it 搜索“CN Sign”即可,可作为门市房的招牌。 配图仅供展示尺寸,本资产只是一个独立的广告牌,不包括建筑。...
Chinese Scholars Garden 4x4
Creato da MrMiyagi
Be sure to sign up for required items and the Cities:Skylines Pearls of the East DLC - listed on the right of this page. This is a highly detailed, 4x4 park inspired by the Suzhou School of Chinese traditional Scholar's Gardens, recognized at the 21st UNES...
Chinese Style Freeway Speed Limit Sign (100km/h 3 lines)
Creato da Yanchen
Speed limit sign for Chinese freeways. 100km/h 3 lines Please "Like" if you like :)...
Chinese style gate guard room中式大门门卫室
Creato da 红米先生
Chinese style gate guard room中式大中式大门门卫室 by 白米 本大门时候放置小区门口、政府办公楼门口、医院、警察局、消防局、工厂等,可作为门口大门使用,另外需要订阅32X32的提示不兼容不要管,不影响游戏体验。...
Creato da 深圳刘德华
Chongqing World Financial Center 2.0
Creato da RyanCat
Chongqing World Financial Center 2.0 by RyanCat An update of my former work Chongqing World Financial Center,with much more detailed textures and much better optimization. This 78 floor building is the tallest one in Chongqing,China,which is 339 meters in ...
Chongwen Pagoda
Creato da MC100
Chongwen pagoda is situated in Jingyang County in Xianyang,China. It used to be in a temple called Tiefo (Iron Buddha). An inscription on a tablet erected beside the pagoda says that construction of the pagoda started in 1591 and one storey was built each ...
Church of St. Ludmila
Creato da Tomas13TO
Church of St. Ludmila from Prague,(Czech Republic). The Church of St. Ludmila (Czech: Kostel svaté Ludmily) is a typical neo-Gothic church at Náměstí Míru (Peace Square) in Prague's Vinohrady, built on plans of Josef Mocker in 1888–1892. It is named in hon...
Cinematic Camera Extended
Creato da SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) Capture different camera positions and play a cinematic transition between them. Extended version of Cinematic Camera by Icob. Instruction Click on the clapboard icon (can be moved with right mouse butt...
CIRC - Lyon
Creato da _luminou_
CIRC - Lyon (France) The "Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (CIRC), (International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), is an intergovernmental cancer research agency, created in 1965 by the World Health Organization (WHO) of the Nations uni...
CITIC Tower 北京中信大厦
Creato da XDBX
2022全新版本: CITIC Tower Beijing 北京中信大厦 你可以在第六集特殊建筑中找到哟 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level.
CITIC Tower 2022
Creato da XDBX
CITIC Tower 2022 by XDBX 北京中信大厦 中国尊 高度:528m 全新重制,remake。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 友情链接 欢迎加入 !更多惊喜!获得私人定制资产!都市天际线游戏交流大QQ群!:463898434...
CITIC Tower Beijing noled and CITIC Tower Beijing 1:1.5
Creato da XDBX
CITIC Tower Beijing noled by XDBX CITIC Tower Beijing 1:1.5 by XDBX...
City of Nine Rivers, China 中國九江與廬山
Creato da HooHeeHaa
Create your city on the foot of Lushan Mountains and along the beautiful shore of Poyang Lake, the biggest fresh water lake of China! The Yangtse River flows across the map and meets the lake in the northeast corner. The map also features vegetation that v...
Clock Tower
Creato da UK122
Elizabeth Tower Added this by request, Its the Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben) from the Houses of Parliament building here: Makes a nice landmark, if not real. The Elizabeth Tower (previously called...
Clothes Line
Creato da creepyeyes
This clothes line prop is for a building theme I'm working on, but it's ready now, so why not release it early?
Clouds & Fog Toggler
Creato da BloodyPenguin Disable clouds and distance fog that blocks your view when zooming out. Also allows to disable industrial smog and edge fog. (configurable) I made this mod because clouds & fog rendering changed in After Dark update complete...
Clouds & Fog Toggler 去云雾开关 Sakuya16个人汉化版
Creato da Izayoi _Sakuya16
Clouds & Fog Toggler 原作者链接: Clouds & Fog Toggler 去云雾开关 Sakuya16个人汉化版 汉化mod交流群:938052880 汉化了MOD主菜单...
CNPC building Beijing
Creato da abuchou
China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is an integrated international energy company. The CNPC Building of China is contained four L-shaped office buildings with 22 floors,90m height. In side of these buildings,the two buildings is connected. The main...
Community Tennis Club
Creato da Aethe
Community Tennis Club by Aethe...
Community Center (ploppable RICO ready)
Creato da Senfkorn
Hi community, for you and your cims. The Community Center. Enjoy! This asset comes without foliage (as seen in the screenshots). If you don't use Ploppable RICO, you will find this building in your Unique Building panel. Have fun! You like my assets and wa...
Concrete barrier - 01
Creato da jPRO Concrete barrier - 01 Elevatable: concrete_barrier_01_E Terrain conforming: concrete_barrier_01 Happy Creators Discord Twitter Youtube
Concrete barrier - 02
Creato da jPRO Concrete barrier - 02 Elevatable: concrete_barrier_02_E Terrain conforming: concrete_barrier_02 Happy Creators Discord Twitter Youtube
Concrete Ped Overpass Pack
Creato da Rollermine Coaster
Concrete Ped Overpass Pack by Rollermine Coaster Description This type of overpass/footbridge is commonly seen in Hong Kong. Assets in this pack: Road: Asset Tris Texture Name: Concrete Ped Overpass Main: 448-1460 Main: 1024...
Construction site network
Construction site network by MARCOWWINE 2 versions: with props(beams) & no props with the no prop version u could use it as metro/dry dock/sunken plaza or whatever else. asset list: mcw_con_site_network.(network) mcw_con_site_network_noprop.(network) mcw_c...
Construction Site Non RICO
Creato da Kookess
Construction Site -Low Residential Level 5, Size 3x2 -Growable Version only Made with ArchiCAD and Blender Here you can find the RICO Version: Mesh Info: -Triangles: 1696 / 154 -Weight: 43.82 ...
Construction Site V.2 by Morsh
Creato da Morsh
Shoutout to Steam User Iceman380 for giving me this nice idea! :) This is a Highrise building that is still under construction! In the Game it is to be found as a Park. It doesnt have capabilities to have citizens inside (its not done yet guys!). but also ...
Control It! 中文版
Creato da NIP.f0rest
This is a Chinese translation version based on The original author: keallu...
Control Tower
Creato da Raxell
Madrid airport traffic control tower. Cost: 30.000 Maintenance: 160/week Extras: 240 KW 80 m3 ...
Covered Parking
Creato da funker
Covered Parking (4x3) My first asset with transparency. A small covered parking lot. Located in the parks menu. You can put more of them together to get a bigger covered parking lot. Best results, when placed on flat terrain. Tris: about 400 / Lod less YOU...
CRS: Street Sign Pack
Creato da Silicon14
CRS: Street Sign by Zuke_Hardcore...
CRT-马王场站 (Mawangchang Station)
Creato da CR
马王场站 (Mawangchang Station) 是重庆轨道交通2号线(单轨)中一座车站,位于重庆市九龙坡区,是重庆轨道交通(集团)有限公司管辖的车站,建于2006年。 中文名 :马王场站 外文名 : Mawangchang Station 启用时间 : 2016年 车站编号 : 2/15 车站地址 : 重庆市九龙坡区 运营机构 :重庆轨道交通(集团)有限公司 马王场站为高架单轨站,站内布局为两条股道,两座侧式站台,股道位于两站台之间。 Mawangchang station is a station ...
CRT- crt station
Creato da CR
CRT- crt station by CRT 重庆轨道交通3号线(Chongqing Rail Transit Line 3),是重庆市第三条建成运营的城市轨道交通线路,识别色为琉璃蓝。重庆交通大学至江北机场T2航站楼段于2011年12月30日开通试运营;鱼洞至重庆交通大学段于2012年12月28日开通试运营;碧津至举人坝段于2016年12月28日开通试运营。 重庆轨道交通3号线大致呈南北走向,南起鱼洞站,途经巴南区、南岸区、渝中区、江北区、渝北区,北至江北机场T2航站楼站;重庆轨道交通3号线北延伸段(重...
CS2 Building
Creato da Checo Mx
Model Information Tris: 2,828 Textures: 1024 - 1024 (D – I – S - N) LOD You can search for this pack with the "Find It" mod with the name “CS2 BUILDING” and you can move it with "Move It ". This unique building is inspired by the CS2 logo, it does not come...
CSUE Tianxingzhou Yangtzu Bridge
Creato da amamIya
CSUE Yangtzu Bridge by amamIya...
CSUR四向立交 大碶特大桥枢纽
模仿浙江省宁波市甬台温高速与穿山疏港高速交汇处大碶特大桥枢纽四向立交桥,并用csur2进行建造。 占地面积较大,使用时用TMPE对车道进行设置以及对限速的调整。...
CSUR NODE PACK 3 | CSUR 节点路 高架道路 合集3
Creato da RichardShi
CSUR NODE ROAD PACK 1-4 LANES | CSUR 节点路 合集3 重庆风1-4单车道 这是CSUR的无偏移道路,重庆城市道路风格的外观,基于CSUR Reborn的模型和贴图,对node处进行了调整。使用起来和原版道路一样可以高架直接连接。 需要注意的是此款道路仅有高架模式。 如果你喜欢我的作品,感谢你的点赞!
CSUR2.0 扬州(1:1)
Creato da 呦呦呦
CSUR2.0扬州 yangzhou 完成了内环(运河/南快/润扬/江平+万福/金湾)+环城高速及各主次干路的路网。 扬州站--宁启/+ 扬州东站--连镇/北沿江/+ 需要CSUR全套(除了B、M6、M21) 以及CSUR配套MOD,进入后需要 TMPE 用 ctrl+g 连线 传送门:CSUR2.0合集, 喜欢的话,点个赞呗 by kaciyo...
Curb Network
Creato da KingLeno
Curb Network by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset functioning in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. A network curb asset for decoration and use with Curb Props 2. Thanks to everyone that helped me out witthis in...
Curb Props
Creato da Like_Mike
The first curb props I uploaded. They are nonconforming so they can be elevated. Includes curb/planters in 6 different sizes and shapes. Textures updated for 2018! Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see how I create assets.
Curb Props 2
Creato da KingLeno
Curb Props 2 A set of planters for all your parking lots and landscaping needs. This is follow-up to the older Curb Props. Which apparently a lot of people already have. Watch the attached video to see how these compare to when I first made them. I think t...
Curb Props Extensions
Creato da KingLeno
Curb props extensions by KingLeno see demonstration/explanation of asset here in this video...
Custom Animation Loader (CAL)
Creato da boformer Buildings with custom animations! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! This mod is required for building assets with custom animations. It sets up and enables the animations of t...
Custom Effect Loader
Creato da boformer
This mod is required for props and vehicles with custom light effects. It sets up and enables the effects on level load. Just install and enable the mod and enjoy the lights :) Cool assets with custom effects! Get them! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.n...
Cyberpunk - Kaneda's Bike - Vehicle
Creato da cyberglum
Shotaro Kaneda's Bike from the movie Akira Kaneda's futuristic motorcycle has become an iconic feature of the series. As the group's leader, Kaneda is entitled to have the most technologically and aesthetically advanced bike...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Citaro C (O530) '2011
Mercedes-Benz Citaro C (O530) '2011 standard 12m twin-axle 3 doors capacity 75 applies the color line Other works ... Donate with PayPal...
Creato da YQbhw
濠江区,旧行政区划名,原位于广东省汕头市东南部,西与河浦区、潮阳市接壤,北隔石海与市北区相望,东南濒临南海,濠江蜿蜒贯穿全境。总面积99.3平方公里。辖4个街道,共42个居委会和2个渔业联社。 2003年1月29日,国务院决定调整汕头市行政区划,撤销汕头市达濠区、河浦区,设立汕头市濠江区。 ------百度百科...
Dali, China 中國大理
Creato da HooHeeHaa
Re-create the famous Chinese touristic city-Dali on the feet of Cangshan Mountains and along Erhai Lake! Diancangshan Mountains, with the maximum height of 4122m, are ideal for cablecars in Mass Transit DLC. 在蒼山麓洱海邊創造中國著名的旅遊城市——大理。最高海拔4122米的點蒼山是Mass Transi...
dalian 大连
Creato da Goxini
dalian 大连...
Daming Pagoda
Creato da MC100
Daming tower is located in liaozhongjing site, Nancheng village, Tianyi Town, Ningcheng County, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. Liaozhong capital was one of the five capital cities of the Liao Dynasty(Khitan). It was the capital of t...
Dav118's - Bank of China, HK (1:1) - After Dark
Creato da Dav118
As requested by a few people, here is the iconic Bank of China in Hong Kong at the proper 1:1 scale with the new illumination map. In game this can be found in Tier 6 section and has a footprint of 10x12 squares. The model is using Diffuse, Spec, illuminat...
Dav118's - Shanghai Tower, Shanghai (Scale 1:2)
Creato da Dav118
Here is the Shanghai Tower, Shanghai at 1:2 scale (50% smaller). A lot of people have been asking for this, so now you have the Shanghai Trio! :) In game this can be found in Tier 6 section and has a footprint of 8x9 squares. The model is using Diffuse, Sp...
Dav118's - World Finance Centre, Shanghai (Scale 1:2)
Creato da Dav118
Here is the iconic World Finance Centre, Shanghai at 1:2 scale In game this can be found in Unique Buildings -> Tier 6 section and has a footprint of 7x8 squares. The model is using Diffuse, Spec, illumination and Normal maps. The model also has it's own L...
Daylight Classic
Creato da BloodyPenguin Brings back original daylight color and fog settings from pre-After Dark versions of C:S IT'S A MOD, NOT A LUT! This mod doesn't require After Dark DLC! Are you annoyed with that yellow tint that turns days into permanent ev...
DD Catalonia Trim
Creato da CrazyZ
Catalonia Trim by CrazyZ...
DD Catalonia Water
Creato da CrazyZ
Catalonia Water by CrazyZ...
Creato da Ronyx69
Allows having props & trees which can be color matched to your map theme grass color. Also allows custom lod/max render distances for props. Press Shift+Alt+D to toggle the props on/off, it's just a shortcut for render distance 0/1. (trees won't be hidden)...
DHL Distribution Centre (AD)
Creato da BaskB
DHL Distribution Centre by BaskB **** Now with Lighting **** First off credit to rik4000 for the initial model he has created and that I've adapted for use here, pelase check out his great UK retail unit collection here:-
District Styles Plus
Creato da meda22
BE AWARE - THIS IS STILL quite ALPHA version Note: As you can see there is no progress with new features I thought I would add to this mod - simply, because I don't have any time to do that. Therefore I am looking for somebody who would like to take over. ...
Creato da Ronyx69
A ditch network including a fake water prop, and detail props for algae, grass, cattails. Found in walls & fences menu. You can create intersections but they will look terrible and you will need to manually place the fake water props. (approx per segment i...
DK-H3 2x4 Harriman Office Building NYC 39 Broadway
Creato da DethKwok
A Wall to Wall Office Building that grows at Level 3 Will update when I can figure out if Jobs can be changed. This is an art Deco building located in NYC, at 39 Broadway. ------------------------------------------------- DK-H3 2x4 Harriman Office Building...
Creato da 金轮哥哥
Dongguan 道滘立交 by 怡红院的红皮鸭子...
Double cargo hub
Creato da vilgard92
Double cargo hub by vilgard92 Upgraded version of the vanilla hub. The quay is wider and the railroad track is no longer glued to the water which is much more realistic than the original. I added a second larger crane. The main building has also been sligh...
Drill Tower
Creato da Mikan
** This asset includes only the tower shown in the above screenshots. ** Introduction This is a drill tower that can be found in fire stations in Hong Kong. In real life, this multi-storey tower simulates the environment of high-rise buildings for firefigh...
Drosos Digital Beijing Building
Creato da Drosovila
IRL The digital beijing building was used as a datacentre during the olympia 2008 and now serves as a museum about technology and stuff. Ingame -Based off of the "Science Center" so its a Level 5 unique building. -16x8 size The Model Main: -1600 tris -1024...
Drosovilas ELEVATED & 4TRACK Trainstation.
Creato da Drosovila
REQUIREMENTS -You need BloodyPenguins awesome "Elevated Trainstation" Mod DOWLOAD HERE -You also need the "Multitrack Station Enabler" to use all 4 tracks. without it you will only be able to use 2 of the 4 train tracks! DOWLOAD HERE Stats & Stuff -Require...
Drosovilas Olympiastadium from Berlin, Germany.
Creato da Drosovila
DEPENDENCIES ! You need this mod (click me) to place the asset, afterwards you can remove it but why would you :p This is due to the huge size (300x230m) so its split into 8 parts but you can place it like any other asset. (the ground has to be completely ...
Dynamic Resolution (Fixed for 1.9!)
Creato da Gradius Twin
NOW WORKING IN 1.9 GREEN CITIES! KNOWN ISSUE - MAC OS X: This mod is currently broken on the Mac. Installing this mod on a Mac will result in the blank sky bug. Removing (or disabling) it and restarting the game will fix the problem. I would love to suppor...
Duanmen Beijing PR China 端門
Creato da TAEMIN B
Duanmen Beijing PR China 端門 Duanmen, 端門 Duanmen is popular landmark building in P.R. China, and for Chinese. This unique building is similar with the 'Tiananmen' and it's in Beijing, in front of Wumen that it's a main gate of Forbidden city. 端門, 紫禁城, 故宮博物院...
EdTheTruth 4x4 park luxury lido swimming pool
Creato da EdTheTruth
Want to add a little luxury for your Cims? Then here’s a 4x4 park that will fill those spaces the standard 5x5’s wont and add an air of class to your city. Only slight change was to tourists – see below LW – 30 MW – 55 HW – 65 The cost and maintenance are ...
Effects Module [PO]
Creato da Simon Ryr
Particle effects module for Procedural Objects Made by Simon Royer from the #FrenchCityDesigners community Compatible with Procedural Objects version 1.7 and above. Adds the ability to add customizable particle effects to POs. They are only visual animated...
Electricity Company Highrise
Creato da Grandyy
Level 3 unique building,attractiveness 75, plus 100 jobs. size:4x5 model stats: tris:866 textures:4096x4096 LOD textures:512x512 Model height:113m Made of a similar building in reality. I failed to make proper illumination texture, so I placed some light g...
Elevated Train Stop (Read Description pls)
Creato da jens
Important: You will need BloodyPenguins Elevated Station Track Mod for this to be properly working otherwise they ground will rise up to the tracks and make it look like wtf. It's also not clear ...
ELVIS BRT Prop (Base prop)
Creato da ELVIS
머리말 안녕하십니까, 엘비스입니다. 이 항목은 엘비스 BRT의 정류장을 게임에서 볼 수 있게 하는 필수 프롭세트입니다. ELVIS BRT Prop (Base prop) 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 -krbusdecal_prop.crp -krbusdecal_prop_2.crp -krbusstop_prop.crp -krbusstop_glass_prop.crp -intlbusdecal_prop.crp -intlbustop_prop.crp -intlbustop_glass...
Emblem of China of Tiananmen (Big)
Creato da TAEMIN B
Emblem of China of Tiananmen (Big) This is a prop and big version on tiananmen, beijing. This prop means realistic emblem of P. R. China You have to subscribe a mod 'More Beautification' first. Thanks....
Emblem of China of Tiananmen (Small)
Creato da TAEMIN B
Emblem of China of Tiananmen (Small) This is a prop and small version on tiananmen, beijing. This prop means realistic emblem of P. R. China You have to subscribe a mod 'More Beautification' first. Thanks....
Extended Managers Library temporary fix
Creato da algernon WARNING: UNSTABLE. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW GAMES. This mod has a number of bugs and stability issues, and is not recommended for new games. It is provided here as an attempt to help players with existing cities using Extende...
Extra Landscaping Tools
Creato da BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
Environment Changer (+ Improved Theme Selection )
Creato da BloodyPenguin Allows to change a saved game's, map's or theme's environment. It also decouples environment selection from custom theme selection. This mod allows to change environment of an existing save game. It adds a drop down to main ...
Extra Train Station Tracks ( ETST )
Creato da BloodyPenguin Adds more train station track assets for custom train stations. This mod was created before custom network assets were a thing and is still needed for stations created with its tracks. These tracks are only available to asse...
Fall Tree
Creato da pdelmo
Low Tri...
Fangcheng Seaport,China-防城港市
Creato da 0ran9e
Welcome to Fangcheng Seaport, a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, a city surrounded by Beibu Gulf Urban Agglomeration. It is a coastal city, a border city and a port city located at the southwest end of the c...
Fantastic Fountain 5x5
Creato da AmiPolizeiFunk
This is an up-scaled version of Colossal Order's "Fantastic Fountain" with less props and a smaller, circular footprint....
FarEastFinanceCenter(1:1)香港远东金融中心 HK hong kong
Creato da XDBX
FarEastFinanceCenter(1:1) by XDBX...
Fern 1
Creato da ryanjamesoflondon
A large fern for placing in gardens Triangles : ~612 Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I would be very grateful if you could support me w...
ferris wheel Spreepark Berlin
Creato da SvenBerlin
ferris wheel Spreepark Berlin by SvenBerlin I named it ferris wheel Spreepark Berlin, but its a mix with also the Giant Wheel from Cedar Point in Ohio a lot of tris : 22.305 LOD: 232 You can change the colour of the steel beams, including the bottom part o...
Feyenoord Football Stadium (Stadion van de Kampioen van Nederland)
Creato da CaptainFidus
Feyenoord Football Stadium by Long Long 龙龙 Wow, much tri, much modeling noobage by me, so it's probably not recommended for people who already have trouble running the game. Having said that I'm running this on a laptop and it works okay for me in a medium...
Filler Bushes
Creato da pdelmo
Filler Bushes Clover Green 3 sizes If you want to donate to the pdelmo plant factory
Find It! -汉化版
Creato da Catnip.
This is the Chinese version!...
Find It! 2
Creato da sway
This mod allows you to search, filter, select, and place assets. It also provides some extra info that are usually not available in vanilla game. Unsubscribe the BETA version before you use this mod! This mod was forked from...
Fine Road Anarchy 汉化版1.3.5
Creato da Timiy
Fine Road Anarchy 汉化版 官方最新版同步汉化 作者版本1.3.5 汉化版本1.3.5 使用方法 订阅后找到该MOD启用即可 如有更新请留言,谢谢 原作者连接: 感谢作者的开源...
Fire escape - 4 story - black - customprop
Creato da Feindbold
-customprop, model and textures done by myself -ment to fit 4 story buildings -206 triangles (diffusemap, alphamap 512² each) -52 triangles LOD (diffusemap, alphamap 256² each) Prop for my Brooklyn Theme...
First Person Camera v2.2.0
Creato da Asu
Cities: Skylines - First Person Camera mod v2.2 * Please refer to the GitHub page for change notes, source, discussions, etc. * Please refer to the Wiki page for more comprehensive Guide. * Consider submitting your issues or suggestions on the Issues page....
First-person Auto-walking 1.0
Creato da ✅iinsnian
1.7.2-f1-compatible Is new version mod of first-person walk mode and citizen / vehicle follow mode. WARNING: This mod is Incompatible with all other first-person camera mods. such as: Enhanced Zoom / First-person camera. You must be use this mod with all o...
Fishing Trawler Ship
Creato da Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this model, It's a free model from archive3d... Original Model -
Fishing Vessel
Creato da Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this model, it's a free model from You can see the original listing here... ---- Asset Details ---- Total Tri's = 2,166 Lod Tri's = 228 It's listed under the Park category and can ...
Fish factory
Creato da down4th
Size:8x8 Truck:16 Noise:0 Cost:2,500 Upkeep:40...
Flag - Hong Kong (HK)
Creato da Mark
The Hong Kong flag on a white flagpole. This is a fairly average-sized poly model, and this is also my first ever mod! I'll be releasing a lot more flags (different texture) on the same model, so stay tuned for those! If you have any requests feel free to ...
Flag of the Shanghai Pact, waving
Creato da vitalii201
Флаг: - Шанхайской организации сотрудничества (ШОС) на флагштоках 11м и 22м. Flag: - Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (Шанхайская организация сотрудничества) (SCO) on flagpoles 11m and 22m. Flags fluttering in the wind. No additional mods are required for...
Flatiron Building
Creato da RoiboschT
Some information about the building in real life: The legendary Flatiron Building from New York City. Located at the meeting point of the Fifth Avenue, Broadway and East 22nd Street, with 23rd Street grazing the triangle's northern peak. It is one of the o...
Floating Chinese Pagoda
Creato da BachToBaroque
Hello. This pagoda is based on the Sun & Moon Pagodas in GuiLin, China. My version is a mash-up of the two pagodas. It stands at around 36m and 16.5m diameter, place on water. I hope the tri count is not too high for a small model. In-game stats: - Unique ...
Flower Apartment [RICO] (花のマンション)
Creato da christinayan
Flower Apartment by christinayan01. 躯体もマーガレットのような形状をしていて、かつルーバーが花柄模様という女性向けマンション。 **Stats** Template : RICO. Residence. High, Level 3 (RICO。高密度。LV3). Tris : 4966. Texture : 1024px Diffuse, Specular, Alpha, Illumination maps. Size : 4x4 grid. ** 3D model **...
Football field / Soccer field
Creato da Gruny
Even small teams are allowed to have their own field. Here is another football field equipped with a locker room, guardrails around the field and protective netting behind the goals. The colormap is defined for the lawn of the field, you can freely adapt i...
Forbidden City 5 Buildings 故宮博物院
Creato da TAEMIN B
Forbidden City 5 Buildings 故宮博物院 Forbidden City 5 Buildings 故宮博物院 There are 5 buildings in this package. These chinese traditional buildings mean real palaces of Forbidden City of Beijing, PR China. Use something correct that you want freely! So you can ma...
Forest Apartment (RICO)
Creato da christinayan
Flower Apartment by christinayan01. Inspiration from UCX Architects' works "Urban Cactus". **Stats** Template : RICO, Residence High, Level 5. Tris : 11794 (LOD: ) Texture : 1024px Diffuse, Normal, Specular, Illumination map. Size: 4 x 4 grid. ** 3D model ...
Forest Brush Revisited v1.4.10
Creato da Sleepy Features Forest Brush lets you paint realistic and varied forest, grasslands, gardens or just patches of plants with ease and convenience. Background This is an update to the amazing Forest Brush mod by TPB. Unfortunately he...
Foshan Dongping Bridge 佛山东平桥
Creato da Zmax
建议搭配Procedural Objects使用 由于资产面熟为4000+ 因此没做lod Recommended to use with Procedural Objects Since the asset surface is 4000+, it does not do lod...
Foshan Tower Theater佛山坊塔大剧院
Creato da Zmax
佛山市公共文化综合体位于佛山市东平新城核心区,东临世纪莲体育馆与佛山公园的轴线空间,定位为市级公共文化中心。坊塔是佛山市公共文化综合体的标志性建筑,其独特的外框设计别具特色,由底部四个方体组成裙楼,支托上部五个方体交错叠合成一个外形时尚独特的塔楼,总高度为153.6m Foshan Public Cultural Complex is located in the core area of Dongping New Town, Foshan City, with the axis space of Cent...
Foshan Zhongying Shengda 佛山中盈盛达
Creato da Zmax
中盈盛达国际金融中心位于佛山新城CBD一期,总高度198米,打造标志性“鼎”造型的甲级写字楼 Zhongying Shengda International Finance Center is located in the first phase of the CBD of Foshan New Town, with a total height of 198 meters, creating a Grade A office building with the iconic "Ding" shape...
Fountain jet props
Creato da Robert
A set of animated fountain jets, exported at 3 different scales - ~7m, ~14m, and ~20m (same mesh and texture) They run non-stop, no needs. It's just the nozzle and the water, and a 'pool steam' effect. Place them in existing pools or bodies of water (with ...
Fountain Park 7x3 Updated
Creato da yao_zhou
Overview Fountain Park 7x3 Updated A park with animated fountain jets which is designed by yao_zhou. Update! · Removed unnecessary props and changed some. · Fixed the missing concrete barrier by the pool. · Adjusted the positions of the tile decals for bet...
Fountain Park [7x8] VPK
Creato da Memrie
A park with a fountain centerpiece and fenced paths. Note: This park will flatten the terrain where placed to prevent issues with the curves of the path. Cost: 2,800 Upkeep: 32/week Entertainment: 75 Visitor Capacity: 75 Radius: 425 Electricity: 16kw Gathe...
Frank's Fish Sticks Sign
Creato da Larry Skylines
Made to go with the Original Frank's Fish Sticks restaurant. Sign prop was made using stmSantana's Paintable Sign ...
Fountain Plaza Park Set
Creato da Larry Skylines
The Fountain Plaza Park Set includes two identical looking plazas of fountains, both 1 wide by 8 deep. The first - Fountain Plaza 1x8 - has the minimum electricity requirement so you can use it to move power, attracts tourists, and has a minimal maintenanc...
Foxiangge Beijing PR China 佛香阁
Creato da TAEMIN B
Foxiangge Beijing PR China 佛香阁 Foxiangge, 佛香阁 Foxiangge is an one of popular landmark buildings in P.R. China, and for Chinese. This unique building is in a mountain called Wanshoushan of Beijing, China and it's a imperial sacred palace for buddhism. 佛香阁, ...
FPS Booster
Creato da Krzychu1245
Increases in-game frame rate, but... results may vary because there are many factors like CPU/GPU speed, RAM usage, current in-game scene complexity etc. Disclaimer: you need good and efficient GPU cooling, because this mod may force your GPU run at full s...
Frank's Gourmet Fish Sticks Restaurant
Creato da Larry Skylines
Frank's expansion into the hip new part of the city required some upgrades to the style of his restaurant to meet city code. Frank serves up the fish sticks as "gourmet" at a higher price here, but it’s really just a fancier presentation and the same old f...
Freight Terminal
Creato da Senfkorn
Hi community, the Freight Terminal works exactly like the cargo station - without brightly coloured containers. That was important for me :) Subscribing to this asset brings you two assets, the Freight Terminal and a matching storage hall (for fans of bigg...
Creato da 江鹅鹅
FUJIAN武夷山 by 1145768310...
Full Sound Barrier Road
Creato da Kaeru教信者 READ DESCRIPTION! UPDATE 2018.11.24 Fix some errors mentioned in comments. ------------------------- A six-lane road with full sound barrier. Low noise accumulation, but much expensive. Bas...
Futsal Street Arena
Creato da Modocero
Futsal Street Arena Park Asset Info Main Tris: 836 Texture: 512x1024 Diffuse, Normal, Specular, Alpha LOD Tris 112 Texture 128x128, Diffuse Special Thanks to RemgGaming for screenshoot you can see your work here Tags: ...
Creato da 江鹅鹅
FUZHOU镇海楼 by 1145768310...
Creato da 江鹅鹅
FUZHOU鼓山 by 1145768310...
Creato da Maurice Skyliners
Fuzhou (chinois : 福州市 ; pinyin : Fúzhōu shì ; Wade : Fu-chou ; EFEO : Fou-Tchéou), anciennement Hougouan est la capitale de la province chinoise du Fujian. La ville-préfecture comptait, lors du recensement de 2010, 7 115 370 habitants dont 4 408 076 habita...
Game Anarchy 1.2.1
Creato da Mbyron26
Overview Extends and optimize game's functions. New in version 1.2.1 Fixed serialization exception issues. Contains Functions: GA has a control panel in the game, use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+G or the UUI button to invoke! Fa...
Creato da 黑虎阿福
Ganzhou City by JXUST 城建系
Creato da 真新镇小智
千里赣江第一城、江南宋城、红色故都、客家摇篮、世界橙乡、世界钨都、稀土王国和世界风水堪舆文化发源地。 赣州河套老城区、章江新区及蓉江新区一部分的地形。...
Garden Clusters Pack.
Creato da pdelmo
Garden Clusters> 7 diffrent variations, Rate if you like ! HOME OF THE LEAFY GARDEN IHXAI special Includes Just green no flowers Red PinK Yellow White Pale Purple And Muliti colour 352 Tri for the fl...
Galaxy Soho - Beijing (CHINA)
Creato da _luminou_
Galaxy Soho - Beijing (CHINA) Create by the Anglo-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid, Galaxy Soho is an architectural exploit characterized by its complexity and its fluidity. Unique Building Level 6 Over size: 30x18 - 1 main building - 1 sub-building (glass: fenc...
Garden Cover Flowers
Creato da pdelmo
Garden Cover Flowers in a mix off colours Smaller scale for better upclose shots, Nice size for easy gardens 7 crp files including--- None flowering, Red, Yellow, Pink, Purple, White, Blue Larger green cover is 430tri at 512x512 texture Flower cover plants...
Garden Flowers
Creato da pdelmo
Pack of 5 different colours Low poly small texture flowers made for the Vanilla+ modded player Good for parks or around the suburb gardens with good detail when zoomed out ...
Garden Prop Pack 02
Creato da Beardmonkey
Garden Prop Pack 02 by Beardmonkey This is a pack of eight garden props. Most assets in this pack has custom LOD:s. If you use the Find It! mod by SamsamTS search for BM for easy access. Get Find It! here:
Creato da 听风说雨
GARND NIKKO TOKYO DAIBA by 听风说雨 这个建筑位于日本東京都港区台场的日航大酒店,是一座四星级酒店,为了最好的适应天际线,我对原建筑进行了一定的修改,整体还原度比较高,如果你喜欢我的作品,请不要吝啬你的点赞,谢谢! 建筑中所使用的树木资产如果你不需要可以不用订阅,不影响使用。 This building is located in the Nikko Hotel in Daiba, Minato District, Tokyo, Japan. It is a four-star h...
Gate of China (Zhonghuamen)
Creato da Emperor Li Former southern gate of the Imperial City during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Built in the Yongle period of the Ming dynasty, the gate was originally named the "Great Ming Gate". Its name was then changed to the "Great Qing ...
Gate of Divine Might 神武門
Creato da Emperor Li ***UPDATE 2020-06-01*** Roof color changeable with painter 屋頂顏色可用painter 改 ****************************** Also called Gate of Divine Prowess, the Gate of Divine Might is the northern gate of the Forbidden City and was built ...
Generic Tree pack
Creato da Lost Gecko
Pack of 6 generic filler trees for all sorts of rural areas, highway sides or anywhere some random trees are needed. Map Theme: New Caledonia - LUTs: Cleyra/Colorful Summer Day Models main models tris: 332 - 374 - 438 - 504 - 814 - 878 textures: 512x512 (d...
Genesis Beijing 北京启皓大厦1:1
Creato da abuchou
Genesis Beijing is located in the core zone of Sanyuan Bridge and Lufthansa Business Circle, and within the 2nd and 3rd embassy areas - the most unique and historically valued zone in Beijing. Home to 103 embassies and consulates, headquarters and offices ...
Creato da eligios⚡
White-metal fins form abstract exterior of Büro Ziyu Zhuang's Chamber Church German-Chinese architecture practice Büro Ziyu Zhuang has completed a church in Qingdao, China, featuring walls an...
GHQ Grand Theatre
Creato da XDBX
GHQ Grand Theatre by XDBX --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 应投资方要求,删去浮雕艺术字,上传工坊。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 感谢玩家“直男哥”的大力资助。 -----------------...
Glass fences
Creato da Jerenable
Glass fences by Jerenable...
Google Billboard
Creato da Hafiz
Google Billboard by H4F1Z...
Goldin Finance 117 - 596m (Tianjin, China)
Creato da Jerenable
Goldin Finance 117 by Jerenable ITS BIG MAN. updated entrance to be more pretty! Goldin Finance 117, also known as China 117 Tower, (Chinese: 中国117大厦) is a skyscraper under construction in Tianjin, China. The tower is expected to be 596 m (1,959 ft) with 1...
Gravity Module [PO]
Creato da 98ColdDew
Gravity Module for Procedural Objects Made by 98ColdDew Compatible with Procedural Objects version 1.7 and above Other PO modules : Modules for Procedural Objects If you like this workshop item, please upvote ! 2021.10.05 Add translation : fr (Français) / ...
Great Eagle and Harbour Centre, HK 1:1
Creato da Pirazel
Great Eagle and Harbour Centre 1:1, Hong Kong SAR HK A office complex with shopping centre and public car park in Wan Chai. Location: 23 Harbour Road Architekt: Paliburg Development Consultants Limited Completed: 1983 Hight: 146 m ----In game Info---- Uniq...
Great Parking lot Pack
Creato da Kalmi X
Standalone parking lots pack for vanilla Cities:Skylines. Does not require mods, no extra assets are needed! Is space tight? Are there too many cars parked on the street? Is there an empty field nearby? Build huge parking areas for 40-50 or even 100 cars! ...
Creato da Dreamchaser
Guangxi Investment Center
Creato da Apiem
This is a 1:1 scale version of the Guangxi Financial Investment Center. This building is 88 floors and a total of 352 meters tall. If you like my work, please take a moment and give a positive rating or post a comment. This is also by no means my last uplo...
Creato da 红米先生
guangzhou广州城区 1:1城区地图,17.28X17.28公里范围主要呈现广州主要城区范围。需要路网图的可以微信扫一扫右下角二维码,即可获取广州真实路网图,可下载,保存到电脑桌面后,通过订阅真实路网模组来导入下载好的路网图,具体路网图如何操作可以去biubiu站上查阅相关视频教程。...
Guangzhou Garden Hotel
Creato da 红米先生
Guangzhou Garden Hotel by redmi Guangzhou Garden Hotel, one of the best in the business circle, has enjoyed a good reputation both at home and abroad since its opening in 1985 Guangzhou Garden Hotel Guangzhou Garden Hotel (10) Ten years is the largest five...
Guiyang City:2022Version
Creato da Dismo
2022版本贵阳城 之前在工坊里看大伙都是比较远古的时候做的图,灰度图精度有点太糙了,于是自己上手撸了一个。 比例1:1,因此没有把龙洞堡机场和全部的观山湖放进来(只放了观山湖公园以东的部分) 高速路网链接刻意避开了真实二环,想做二环的可以自己撸,初始进城向是解放路的图云关匝道。 地图25格外未经测试,如果玩81格建议订阅Move it更改25格外的魔改立交桥。...
guiyangcity 贵阳城1:1 GYC
Creato da yuanZ95
贵阳1:1 老城 南明 云岩 两区!观山湖区只有北站等部分,未来方舟 龙洞堡等已经超出地图!!各路网 山脉 水源 等1:1修建!!以2环线为绕城高速,1.5环超出地图边缘的已修,地图内的1.5环及高速没有修建 因为涉及到隧道 岔道口 高架桥需自行修建 !!建议用81格mod!...
Gula's CN Tower
Creato da Gula
Gula's CN Tower (5x5 monument) Updated for After Dark "The 3rd tallest tower in the world and remains the tallest free-standing structure in the Western Hemisphere, a signature icon of Toronto's skyline, and a symbol of Canada, attracting more than two mil...
Gula's Adam Highrise (Growable)
Creato da Gula
Gula's Adam Highrise (4x4 Residential Growable) Updated for After Dark Why have 4 sides when you can have 9? High density residential building. Just zone high density residential and get to the highest tier of growth. ----- 4458 tris on the main model 1024...
Gula's Privet (4x4 HD Residential)
Creato da Gula
Gula's Privet Updated for After Dark --------- 4x4 Residential High Density Growable This building is Level 5 and will not show up in zones with high-rise ban "Privet is Russian for Hi!" 2940 tris 83 tris LOD 1024 map 4 color variations --------- Other bui...
Gula's StarTrust Office
Creato da Gula
Level 3 Office (4x4) Growable in the Office zone! Updated for After Dark In every great city, there are recognizable structures that define the city’s character, shape its skyline and make it distinct from all other cities. In Tampa, that landmark is the S...
Haiyin bridge in Guangzhou广州海印大桥
Creato da 红米先生
Haiyin bridge in Guangzhou广州海印大桥 by Redmi 共做两个版本,一个是水面上放置版本,另外一个是地面可放置版本...
Half Chase Manhattan - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 Office
Creato da tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Good day Skyliners !! After two recreations (SC3K and SC4 buildings) it was time for some original content... and I chose to reproduce an existing building (so long for "original"). I took a nice looking NYC skyscraper and reduced it to make it fit as a gr...
Hall of Supreme Harmony PR China 太和殿
Creato da TAEMIN B
Hall of Supreme Harmony PR China 太和殿 Hall of Supreme Harmony, 太和殿 This traditional unique building is a most popular landmark building in Forbidden City, P.R. China, and for Chinese. This is in Beijing, China and it's a main imperial palace of the forbidde...
Hang Seng - IFC Bridge, HK
Creato da Pirazel
Hang Seng IFC Bridge, Hong Kong This bridge is part of the Central elevated Walkway system. It connects the Hang Seng Bank to the IFC One. This is a decorative building! -No function! -No walk paths! -No connection or services needed! Use the "move it!" mo...
Hang Seng Bank, HK 1:1
Creato da Pirazel
Hang Seng Bank 1:1, Hong Kong, SAR HK This middle sized Skyscraper hosts the headquarters of the Hang Seng Bank. The Hang Seng Bank is best known for creating the Hang Seng Index in 1969. Footbridges (Not included in the model!) connect this building with ...
Harbin Vientiane哈尔滨万象汇
Creato da 红米先生
大型购物商场:原名哈尔滨华润万象汇购物中心 独特建筑商场类型 占地32X16格 建筑分SUB方式导入,无法PO, LOD:3500 高模分辨率:2K,1080P, 256,LED夜景...
HarborPack by --VIP-- (building №1)
Creato da Vip
UPGRADE to After Dark HarborPack by vip I looked that few people engaged in upgrading ports. And I decided to create a major mod that would diversify. For a long time I was out, and not just. Created a lot of work, I decided not to lay out one by one and p...
Harbour Plaza Condos, Toronto
Creato da Supernova
Harbour Plaza Residences is a mixed-use development in the South Core district of Toronto, Ontario. It consists of 63 and 67 storey condominium towers and 200,000 square feet of retail space. The two residential towers, rising to 237M (778ft) and 228M (748...
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Creato da boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
HarborPack by --VIP-- (building №2 Ship )
Creato da Vip
UPGRADE to After Dark HarborPack by vip I looked that few people engaged in upgrading ports. And I decided to create a major mod that would diversify. For a long time I was out, and not just. Created a lot of work, I decided not to lay out one by one and p...
Harmony Housing Block
Creato da Junna
Finally with bearable textures. 2043 tris, Level 5, 4x4 high-density residential (there is a slight overlap of the lot due to the size of the building). Textures have been redone and now look okay at least (previously they were hideously blurred). The buil...
Hasuna WII Cargo Ship
Creato da Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this model, it's a free model from googles 3D Warehouse You can see the original listing here... I did however edit the file by reducing some Tri's and getting ...
Hazel Trees
Creato da pdelmo
Turkish Hazel(Corylus colurna,) Set of 4 trees and 2 Bushes (all same texture) Made for AmiPolizeiFunk and His new map. Big thanks If you want to donate to the pdelmo plant factory
HDB Red Brick Street with Double Yellow Lines
Creato da Urbanist
Big thanks to Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! for working together on this and taking these awesome screenshots! Check out his HDB flats that pair with this street and other work here! This variant has no-parking double yellow lines. Get the variant with a solid white ...
HDRI Haven Cubemap Pack
Creato da Ronyx69
1K cubemap pack using images from I didn't make the images, I only edited and converted them. Converted using HDRI to CubeMap converter by MateuszWis: The n...
HDRI Haven Cubemap Pack 2
Creato da Ronyx69
2K cubemap pack using images from I didn't make the images, I only edited and converted them. Read the description of the first pack: Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropoli...
HDRI Haven Cubemap Pack 3
Creato da Ronyx69
2K cubemap pack using images from Converted using HDRI to CubeMap converter by MateuszWis: I didn't make the images, I only edited and converted them. I am disappointed in the quality of s...
Hedge Prop.
Creato da pdelmo
Hedge Prop. 3d Plant Prop for People that detail only. Includes one tall 8mtr hedge terrain conforming Short 7mtr hedge conforming and non-conforming Made using bilboaring leaves has double sided mesh as its a prop. So has twice the triangle count as a tre...
Hide TMPE crosswalks V3.2 [stable]
Creato da kian.zarrin link to Experimental Mod! CLICK HERE to understand where are the log files and how to upload them. ** Migrating between mods? (true for any mod) you must exit to desktop AFTER you have unsubscribed from the old version. ** N...
Highrise Hotel (Growable)
Creato da moxiecrimefighter
A 4x4 Level 3 High Density Commercial Building. Growable. 107m Height Tris: 271 ...
highway-sidewall 高速公路护坡
Creato da hikke
大家好 这次的作品高速公路护坡 根据游戏自带的护坡进行编辑 制作出了这个 中式护坡 特点是和游戏的一样 可以自己拉弧度 在也不用一个个扑通了~ 如果你觉得好 请给我点赞 支持我~~ ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is highway-sidewall I used the road editing function to make Characteristics and the game is the same as qu...
HK Neon Sign: Hing Tak Seafood Neon Sign
Creato da alexyapsl
Neon sign commonly found in Hong Kong with Chinese characters. Custom LOD included (but not sure if it is good, I am a novice) Happy to hear feedback....
HNA-Poly Center (HCC) 重庆海航保利中心
Creato da RyanCat
Hainan Airlines-Poly Center (HCC)in downtown Chongqing. I don't know why it's"HCC" not "HPC" It's a Unique II building....
HohhotSubwayStation, 呼和浩特地铁站第二版
这一版本增加了玻璃效果,并且外形更加贴近真实。 欢迎大家订阅。HohhotSubwayStationV2 by 失去梦想的咸鱼...
HKUST Statue 香港科技大學雕塑
Creato da HooHeeHaa
Symbolic statue of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Created with Blender & Substance Painter. Model info Tri count: 1408 Texture Size: 1024x1024 LOD Tri count: 280 LOD Texture Size: 64x64 Display image credits to @ccy016 ...
Home [RICO]
Creato da _luminou_
Home 000 (update 20170617) - RICO compatible Update 20170617, now RICO compatible Update file _s _i _n _d My Workshop: Follow me: Follow me: Donate: https://i.i...
Hong Kong Coliseum 香港體育館 | 紅館
Creato da hkhrm2003
Hong Kong Coliseum Original 3D Model made by Vincent WZ FAN from Sketchup 3D Warehouse Converted and adapted for C:S by hkhrm2003...
Hong Kong Crash Cushions [香港風琴式防撞欄]
Creato da yauaa
This prop pack contains a collection of crash cushions in Hong Kong. Currently 2 of the QuadGuard crash cushions are included in this prop pack. 此模組加入了香港常見的兩種風琴式防撞欄。 One of the following mod combinations is REQUIRED for prop placement: 須安裝以下其中一組模組以放置物件: "P...
Hong Kong Flag [Dynamic Flag]
How to make your own Flag step by step Guide Waving Flag of Hong Kong This Flags are waving. Both Flags use the same Texture. Use Loading Screen Mod for the half needed RAM. The Original Flag by APF Find the Flags by typing FFLGH in the Find it search bar....
Hong Kong Flatted Factory Estate (HKHA) | 香港新式工廠大廈 (房委會)
Introduction of the building Since 1957, the Hong Kong government has been building flatted factories until 1984. This building - Sui Fai Factory Estate - in Shatin was established in Sep 1982 and managed by a government department - Hong Kong Housing Auth...
Hong Kong Housing Block "Harmony 1" (RICO)
Creato da Junna
2000 tris; adapted from Sketchup 3D Warehouse model by HKHA 01. Harmony 1 block from the Sau Mau Ping estate. RICO; 270 dwellings (real one between 450 and 650 depending on flat layout options). With realistic population mod -- 290-something....
Hong Kong flag
Creato da SvenBerlin
Hong Kong flag by SvenBerlin...
Hong Kong housing block "Harmony 2" (RICO)
Creato da Junna
"Harmony 2" was a standard design of 35-storey tower blocks built by the Hong Kong Housing Authority in the first half of the 1990's. About 2000 tris. Occupies 7x7 tiles. 270 household capacity; with realistic population -- 306. Adapted from 3d warehouse m...
Hong Kong Housing block "Linear" (RICO)
Creato da Junna
Hong Kong Housing Authority standard block "Linear 1" deck-acess block for redeveloped resettlement estate sites; 26-storey version; 250 dwelligs (roughly the same with realistic population mod)--. Roughly 2000 tris, 2048xX texture. Default lod....
Hong Kong Housing Estate (H-Block) | 香港工字型公共屋邨
This's my first time uploading things to Steam Workshop :D Please inform me if there is any problem. Thx ~ Introduction of the building Introduced in 1976, this H-Block design is used in public housing estates in Hong Kong constructed between 1979 and 1983...
Hong Kong housing block "Trident 4" (RICO)
Creato da Junna
"Trident 4" was the last in a series of Y-plan ('star') tower blocks by the Hong Kong Housing Authority, built from the mid 1980's until the first half of the 1990's, predominantly as for-sale flats but a couple also serving as public rental housing; 35-st...
Hong Kong Museum of Art 香港藝術館
Creato da jonycheng
looking for asset creator...
Hong Kong Passenger Shelter
Creato da Mikan
Description Hong Kong passenger shelters (Type A) are commonly seen at taxi stands, minibus stops and sometimes bus termini. They are built by the government and usually painted with different colours to indicate their use. For example, red colour is used ...
Hong Kong Police Headquarters(1:1.5)
Creato da XDBX
HKPH (Hong Kong Police Headquarters ) 香港警政大厦 1:1 : 这是一个警察总局,你可以在警察局这一栏找到 This is a police headquarters, you can find it in the police station. Tris :4274 Lod‘s tris:1211 2048x2048 256x256...
Hong Kong Road Markings [香港道路標記]
Creato da yauaa
This decal pack contains a collection of road markings in Hong Kong. Currently 29 of the most common road markings in urban area are included in this decal pack. 此模組加入了香港市區常見的廿九種道路標記。 One of the following mod combinations is REQUIRED for prop placement: 須安...
Hong Kong Sign 2 香港招牌
Creato da t1993810
Hong Kong Sign 2 香港招牌...
Hong Kong Traffic Bollards [香港安全島標柱]
Creato da yauaa
This prop pack contains a collection of traffic bollards in Hong Kong. Currently 4 of the most common traffic bollards in urban area are included in this prop pack. There are 3 sign-face variants for each type of bollard. 此模組加入了香港市區常見的四種安全島標柱,每種標柱均有三款交通標誌。...
Hong Kong Space Museum 香港太空館
Creato da jonycheng
looking for creator!! 急: 尋找原創者!!! 請問有人可以上載香港文化中心嗎???...
Hong Kong Sign 1 香港招牌
Creato da t1993810
Hong Kong Sign 1 香港招牌...
Hong Kong Traffic Lights [香港交通燈]
Creato da yauaa
This prop pack contains a collection of traffic lights in Hong Kong. Currently 30 of the most common traffic light arrangements in urban area are included in this prop pack. 此模組加入了香港市區常見的三十種交通燈號。 The following mod or equivalent is REQUIRED for prop replace...
Hong Kong Traffic Signs [香港交通標誌]
Creato da yauaa
This prop pack contains a collection of traffic signs in Hong Kong. Currently 91 of the most common traffic signs in urban area are included in this prop pack. 此模組加入了香港市區常見的九十一種交通標誌。 One of the following mod combinations is REQUIRED for prop placement: 須安裝...
Horizontal and Vertical Inscribed Boards
Creato da Emperor Li
16 horizontal and vertical inscribed boards from the Forbidden City, mainly the boards for the gates. 16個故宮門匾 including: 中華門 Gate of China 大明門 Great Ming Gate 大清門 Great Qing Gate 天安門 Gate of Heavenly Peace 承天門 Gate of Accepting Heavenly Mandate 端門 Gate of ...
Hornbeam Trees
Creato da pdelmo
European Hornbeam (𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑙𝑢𝑠) by pdelmo BIG FLUFFY GREEN BALLS enjoy All same texture about 1.5mb Made for upcoming AmiPolizeiFunk Berlin map. big thanks If you want to donate to the pdelmo plant factory https://paypa...
Hsinchu City, Taiwan
Creato da 中冰紅奶茶
Hsinchu City, the ancient name of bamboo cutting, Taiwan is the center of high-tech foundry industry. The Hsinchu Science Industrial Park, which was established in the early 1980s, has attracted a large number of domestic and international manufacturers' i...
Huawei Billboard
Creato da Hafiz
Huawei Billboard by H4F1Z...
Hualien, Taiwan
Creato da Hank
Hualien, Taiwan...
Huaxin International Plaza——柳州华信国际大厦
Creato da often
资产介绍:华信国际,柳州市仅有的大规模商务建筑综合体之一,雄踞潭中大道与桂中大道交汇处,与人大楼隔路相望,侧邻广电中心,占地面积8000多㎡,总建筑面积50000多㎡,秉承“规划第一,建筑第二”的国际一流城市设计理念,集商业、写字等为一体,打造开放、流动、聚集、可持续发展精神主导下的新一代商务建筑,全玻璃幕墙金属装饰外观,主体建筑层数为20层,高达89米,堪称河东行政中心区的形象新地标。 华信国际大型主题商场、5A专业写字楼、高级写字一体,规模提升效益,价值叠加增长;大型主题商场,最具张力的通透式设计,引领...
Hunan International Finance Building湖南国际金融大厦15X11
Creato da MC100
Hunan International Finance Building湖南国际金融大厦15X11 by MC100 湖南国际金融大厦是一座集金融、贸易、宾馆、办公为一体的现代化建筑综合体。坐落于长沙市中心芙蓉中路,地处长沙市最繁华的中央商务区,毗邻东西主干道五一大道,距长沙黄花国际机场25公里,离长沙火车站仅3公里,离长沙南站武广客运火车站约为10公里,交通十分便利。曾经是长沙的重要地标建筑。建筑总高200m,屋顶高度181.8米,地上层数44楼,地下层数3楼。建成于1998年。 Hunan Intern...
Humen Town 东莞虎门
Creato da Sanshouo
This map is exactly the same as Map "Humen Town, Dongguan City" 本地图与另一地图完全相同。 A small town, known historically by Europeans as the Bocca Tigris or Bogue, is located in the southwest of Dongguan City, Canton, Southern China. the map is on a scale of 1:1. 虎门...
Hyundai Avante AD/Elantra AD 2016
Creato da K_Green
현대 아반떼 AD 2016년형 Hyundai Avante AD(export name : Elantra AD) 2016 포함 항목 Contents - Hyundai Avante AD-1 - Hyundai Avante AD-2 에셋 제원 속도 : 150km/h Tris : 6694 1024X1024 texture NOTICE 이 에셋은 Additive Shader 모드를 이용하여 주간주행등을 재현하였습니다. 모드없이 사용가능하나, 모드 사용을 권장드립니다. ...
ICC_RICO (Hong Kong)
Creato da Henry Suen
ICC_RICO by Book Sun Commercial High Height : around 500 m....
IFC One HK 1:1
Creato da Pirazel
One Internationa Finance center, Hong Kong SAR HK Part of the IFC Complex in Hong Kong. Completed: 1998 Hight: 210 m Floors: 38 ----RICO info---- Office Level 3 60 Worker Tris/Lod: 17.837 / 1040 1:1,5 scale version See my other works...
IFC One, HK 1:1,5
Creato da Pirazel
One Internationa Finance center, Hong Kong SAR HK Part of the IFC Complex in Hong Kong. Completed: 1998 Hight: 210 m Floors: 38 ---in game Info--- footprint: 5x5 ----RICO info---- Office Level 3 60 Worker Tris/Lod: 17.837 / 1040 1:1 scale version See my ot...
IFC Two 1:1,5
Creato da Pirazel
Two international Finance Center, Hong Kong SAR HK Hong Kong's second tallest building. A multi tenant office building on the Victoria Harbour front. Location: 8 Finance Street Architekt: Cesar Pelli Completed: 2003 Hight: 412 m ----In game Info---- Unique...
IFC Two, HK 1:1
Creato da Pirazel
Two international Finance Center, Hong Kong SAR HK Hong Kong's second tallest building. A multi tenant office building on the Victoria Harbour front. Location: 8 Finance Street Architekt: Cesar Pelli Completed: 2003 Hight: 412 m ----In game Info---- Unique...
Illuminated Bare Trees
Creato da MrMaison
Illuminated Bare Trees by MrMaison Let there be light....on Bare Trees! Introducing a 4 piece Illuminated Bare Tree set. These trees are in prop form and my first illuminated nature assets. There will be more to come including tropical plants and trees. Th...
indoor swimming pool
Creato da SvenBerlin
indoor swimming pool by SvenBerlin This is the "moldebadet" indoor swimming pool in Molde , Norway. Users wanted it as a standalone asset. Normaly its part of my "Hotel Seilet + Svommehall" asset
Indra Office - Badajoz
Creato da BenTracker
Indra Office - BadajozUnique building L4 compatible with Ploppable RICO (Office L3) Indra Badajoz in Google Maps -------------------------------------------------------- 2807 Tris / 2048 x 2048px LOD: 126 Tris / 128 x 128px...
Infinite Demand
Creato da μohnytoxic™
Force infinite demand for residential, commercial and industrial zones. You can also disable infinite demand in-game. Open the options, navigate to the "Infinite Demand Mod" settings page and click the checkbox. Please keep in mind that the simulation has ...
Innenhof/park 6 x 10
Creato da core79
Innenhof/park 6 x 10 by core79 Update 13.09.2016 : I have more lights added and replaced the flowers! Costs / Kosten :500 Maintenance / Unterhalt : 16 Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion anse...
Instant Return To Desktop
Creato da Cgameworld
This mod modifies the behavior of the “To Desktop” exit button to terminate the game executable immediately. Helpful for modded games, where the game takes a long time to exit. This mod’s behavior is functionally the same as ending the game process manuall...
Intersection Marking Tool 1.14.4
Creato da macsergey Overview This mod allows you to quickly create road markings at intersections. This is for detailing and aesthetics ONLY and WILL NOT tell your traffic where to go. If you want to control traf...
Japanese Country House
Creato da Sakura am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then.What is this and why do I need it:A small traditional looking Japanese count...
Jardine House, HK 1:1
Creato da Pirazel
Jardine House, Hong Kong SAR HK, 怡和大廈 Location: 1 Connaught Place Completed: 1972 Hight: 178.5m This iconic building was once the tallest skyscraper in Hong Kong. Build on reclaimed land it can easily spotted in the skyline. A special deal was made so that...
Jardine House, HK 1:1,5
Creato da Pirazel
Jardine House, Hong Kong SAR HK, 怡和大廈 Location: 1 Connaught Place Completed: 1972 Hight: 178.5m This iconic building was once the tallest skyscraper in Hong Kong. Build on reclaimed land it can easily spotted in the skyline. A special deal was made so that...
Ji Xian Pavilion 集賢亭 | 集贤亭
Creato da Emperor Li
Ji Xian Pavilion (In Chinese it literally means a place to gather (集 Ji) capable talents(賢 Xian)) located in Hangzhou West Lake, China. It's one of the 18 classic scenes of West Lake in Qing Dynasty (Riding and Shooting at Tingwan). Li Wei, the governor of...
Jiangnan Style Pavilion 江南十字脊歇山閣
Creato da Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! A generic Jiangnan style pavilion building. Based on Woxin Pavilion near Ying'en Gate, Shaoxing, China. A Park Life version and a prop version included. 一座十字脊歇山顶的楼阁建筑,原型是绍兴迎恩门附近的...
Jin Mao Tower
Creato da <3Alex
Jin Mao Tower by <3Alex 28/02/2016: THE LOD PROBLEM IS NOW FIXED. ENJOY THE NEW DLC. THE 1:1 VERSION IS FINALLY HERE. IGNORE HOW LONG IT TOOK AND JUST ENJOY: Yes, I'm aware that the original t...
Jin Mao Tower Shanghai 上海金茂大厦
Creato da XDBX
Jin Mao Tower Shanghai 上海金茂大厦 你可以在第六集特殊建筑中找到哟 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level. ______________________________ 上海金茂大厦,位于上海市浦东新区世纪大道88号,地处陆家嘴金融贸易区中心,东临浦东新区,西眺上海市及黄浦江,南向浦东张杨路商业贸易区,北临10万平方米的中央绿地。 上海金茂大厦占地面积2.4万平方米,总建筑面积29万平方米,其中主楼88层,高度4...
Jinan Evergrande IFC 1:1
Creato da Roger Wang
Jinan Evergrande international financial center is located in the East plot of Sports Park in Huaiyin District of Jinan City, with Weihai Road in the north, Rizhao road in the south, Weifang road in the East and Dongying road in the West. It is located on ...
Jinhu Suning Plaza金湖苏宁广场
Creato da 红米先生
金湖苏宁广场+广场铺砖格。 坐落与江苏省淮安市金湖县,商业核心地段,拥有国内超人气吃喝玩乐一体等大型商场,欢迎您的光临 资产为超大型资产,占地170米X80米,建筑属性:独特性(超大购物商场),贴图分辨率:2K 建筑无法PO,因为面数过多,LOD面数:3000,使用SUB方式组合而成,漂亮的外观,中式现代的风格,让你享受全新的购物天堂。 Jinhu Suning Plaza, located in Jinhu County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, is a comm...
Jining,Shandong Province
Including Rencheng,Yanzhou,Qufu,Zoucheng,Jiaxiang,Wenshang,Jinxiang,Weishan,Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail,Lunan high-speed rail,Beijing-Shanghai line,Xinxiang-Yanzhou-Shijiusuo line,Jining section of the Grand canal. 包含济宁市任城区,兖州区,邹城市,嘉祥县,汶上县,金乡县,微山县全部及部...
Jinzhou City
Creato da waltermitty
锦州市(Jinzhou, Liaoning) 基础地形,基于ASTER GDEM V2制作...
JP Old house 04
Creato da koma
Japanese Old house 04 Residential low LV.1 日本の郊外、田舎にありそうな住宅です。 ...
Joak's Parasol
Creato da Polygon
This is just another modern looking parasol for more variety in game....
JP Parking Lot Light
Creato da Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese light for parking lots inspired from Panasonic's one. 2 props are included. One is double-side, the other is single-side. You can use them for station squares or parks as well. Specifications 4.8m height Tris Main(LOD): 66(48), 98(64) Textures Mai...
JP Staircase
Creato da newp
Staircase based off one in Yanaka Ginza District. There are two different versions of the staircase, one with pots and one without the pots. I dont know how to describe the size measurements so I included a few pictures to show its size in relation to the ...
Creato da Takafumi3ry2ta
JP_Machiya_01 by Takafumi3ry2ta...
Kaohsiung City , Taiwan
Creato da 南方堂果
Kaohsiung City, the largest city in southern Taiwan With the largest port in Taiwan, international airport, large train station, high-speed rail MRT, light rail and other facilities What can you do to build this great plain with mountains and water? Note: ...
Kaohsiung 85 Sky Tower
Creato da Cel
85 Sky Tower, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Level 6 unique building...
Creato da IowaCabbage
A map of Kaohsiung, Taiwan (高雄,台灣) based on the data from Rail and highway locations are as accurate as I could make them....
Kaohsiung Municipal Library
Creato da Kagami
Brief (Photo taken by Wikipedia user -Wpcpey) Kaohsiung Municipal Library is the main library of Kaohsiung City , Taiwan. De...
Kaohsiung music center 高雄流行音樂中心(Building)
Creato da victor86520
Kaohsiung music center is a music hall in Kaoshiung,Taiwan. You can find it from LV.6 building or RICO( kaoshiung music center). It's very hard to make the asset,so if you like it, please give me a thumb. That will super encourage me, thanks! 高雄流行音樂中心位於台灣的...
Creato da Ari
Map Description Welcome to Kenting National Park! This is a map loosely based on the Kenting National Park area of Taiwan. All plant life and terraforming is done in the style of the original landscape, with many modifications to the general heightmap to k...
Creato da Reaper
Kilbourn_Tower by Reaper unique building with lod scale 1:1 compatible with After Dark 4105 highpoly tex resolution 2048 431 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal...
Kirin Island (Pingtan,Fujian)
Creato da 夏末秋凉
麒麟岛,位于福建省平潭综合实验区,为平潭主岛,是全国第五大岛、福建省第一大岛。又称海坛岛,简称岚岛,因为形似麒麟,而被美称为麒麟岛。岛上时常"东来岚气弥漫",简称"岚",别称"东岚",旧称"海山"。 Kirindo, located in Pingtan County, Fujian Province, is the main island of Pingtan County, is the fifth largest island in the country, the largest island in...
Creato da Epic Lurker
The Rotterdam Koninginnebrug (Queen Bridge) will open and close for ship traffic. Place the bridge on top of a ship path or ferry path, and it will open to let them through. You can use the included Koninginnebrug Road and Column to extend the bridge to th...
KPF Forum 66 沈阳恒隆广场
Creato da Railgun
Building Level:Unique building lv5 独特建筑5级 This is the second-generation asset of Shenyang Forum 66, which mainly fixes the problems of fuzzy mapping and night scene of the first 沈阳恒隆广场的二代资产,修复了第一代贴图过黑和顶部夜景缺失的问题 Forum 66 is a multi-phase development that cr...
Kuala Lumpur PNB118
Creato da CM.
Kuala Lumpur PNB118 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in level 6 special buildings. 迪默卡PNB118大楼澳洲墨尔本的Fender Katsalidis建筑公司负责设计,由韩国三星集团负责建设,高644米,整个项目将分3个阶段进行,占地19英亩,估计整个工程于2024年竣工,首期工程将于2020年竣工。而首期工程则是兴建默迪卡PNB118大楼和7层购物中心,耗资50亿令吉。 Fender katsalidis construc...
L4 Apartment tower KOPE80 [+AD]
Creato da AleX_BY
L4 Apartment tower KOPE80 by AleX_BY Living High density Level 4 Soviet and Russian apartment tower, model KOPE 80. Was built in Moscow and Moscow region from 1981. In asset also used Soviet antenna:
Lahr apartment building v.1 [RICO]
Creato da UndeadCookie
Inspired by brutalistic building, constructed in Lahr, Germany. In C:S it is lvl 3 high density residential building. If you have RICO mod, you can find in corresponding section. Otherwise, it will be growable. Size: 4x4 tiles. RICO info: - Level: 3 - Hous...
Lake Tian
Creato da Tianlein
Lake Tian by Tianlein A beautiful lake surrounded by a park(10x10) There you will find trees,benches, a nice wooden terrace with a restaurant. Theres a landing stage with little boats and and small island too. Perfect place to enjoy a day outside. Hope you...
Landmark building——Yunding 云顶大厦
Creato da 啥也不会
云鼎大厦位于山东省济南市高新区汉峪金谷,建筑高度339米。目前属于济南市最高建筑 有偿接受资产定制 Vx:oyhm527 by 筑联建科BIM Yunding Building is located in Hanyu Jingu, Jinan High-tech Zone, Shandong Province, with a building height of 339 meters. It is currently the tallest building in Jinan Paid acceptance...
Langer Parkweg 13 x 3
Creato da core79
Langer Parkweg 13 x 3 by core79 Inc. Thumbnail Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine Parks benutzt habe http://steamc...
Creato da Maurice Skyliners
Lanzhou (兰州 ou 蘭州 ; hanyu pinyin : Lánzhōu ; Wade-Giles : Lanchow ; EFEO : Lan-Tcheou) est la capitale de la province du Gansu en Chine. Lanzhou (Chinese: 蘭州; pinyin: Lánzhōu) is the capital and largest city of Gansu Province in Northwest China. The prefec...
Large Tennis Club (clay version)
Creato da Tomas13TO
Large Tennis Club (clay version) for your city. INFO maps - d,n,s,a,i (1024x1024) triangles - 7652 LOD triangles - 146 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 10x13 ...
Lanzhou Beef Noodles (兰州牛肉拉面)
Creato da WiseClock
Lanzhou Beef Noodles, aka 兰州牛肉拉面. - 1x1 Level 1 Shop. - 1024 Texture....
Large Tennis Park
Creato da Smilies
11x7 park with 6 tennis courts and a pedestrian path down the middle 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination, alpha 2212 tris LOD 20 tris 128x128, 11x7 lot size asset shares textures with previous tennis court assets, use Loading Screen Mod to ...
LaSalle-Wacker Building
Creato da AJ3D
Completed in 1930 by architects Holabrid and Root, this Art Deco masterpiece sits on the corner of Wacker Drive and LaSalle Street in Chicago Ill. Its limestone facade towers 543 feet over the Chicago Loop. Unique Building: -1:1 scale -5x6 plot -1024x512 t...
Leeza Soho - Beijing [RICO]
Creato da _luminou_
Leeza Soho - Beijing Replica of the Leeza SOHO (also known as Li Ze Tower) This Skyscraper located in the Lize Financial Business District in Beijing, China. Construction began in 2015 and is set to be completed in 2018. The Leeza SOHO features a huge 190 ...
Leaky Vancouver Condo
Creato da Smilies
A classic leaky Vancouver condo, only 4 years old and completely riddled with rot, mould and rust. The scaffolding and green safety net is a comforting and very familiar everyday sight for Vancouverites. slight overhang on 1 side, works best when placed wi...
Late Fall Tree
Creato da pdelmo
Smaller fall tree for around built up areas. More for detailing as it has thin branches 808tri 512x512 texture ...
Lenin Statue
Creato da Brammered
What’s this?:A blackened bronze statue of Russian Revolutionary Vladimir I Lenin on a granite stand. The monument, based on the many similar busts erected across the globe, shows the statemen’s name in Cyrillic. Credits for the fantastic statue model go to...
liaodong gulf
Creato da Duke H.F
liaodong gulf (only part of panjin&yingkou)...
Library Proch (No DLC Required)
Creato da RichardShi
This is a library asset. about assets The prototype of the library porch is the porch of the library in Huxi campus of Chongqing University. Triangle count: < 100 where is the main structure of the library? Click here =
Lifecycle Rebalance Revisited 1.6.8
Creato da algernon Using Game Anarchy? Be sure to DISABLE Game Anarchy's "Maximize education coverage" option. New in 1.6 MAJOR NEW FEATURE: realistic early life ageing and progress, from early childhood to young adult (optional, customizable)...
Lighted Tree Plaza
Creato da Larry Skylines
A plaza with illuminated trees and bushes by Mr Maison. This was made for Joy Builds Cities and her 12 Villages of Christmas series on YouTube. ...
Lighting set照明灯具组合套装1
Creato da 魔芋爽
照明灯具组合套装1 by 无番和 照明灯具组合套装1内包含四个灯具: 立式灯柱(小)、立式灯柱(大)、单侧球场照明灯和双侧球场照明灯。 均采用低面模型,因此细节并不多,附带了LOD模型。 订阅后你可以在公园分类-其他物品中找到它们。 —————— Lighting set 1 contains four items: Vertical lamp post (small), vertical lamp post (large), court lighting(one side) and court light...
Lind Entertainment (Growable)
Creato da
Lind Entertainment by It's a level 3 Office I attempted to recreate the Lind Entertainment building from simcity 4, complete custom model, textures and lods. 4348 tris on the base model 1024 texture resolution, LOD texture res at 512 Custom LOD...
Linden Trees
Creato da MrMaison
Linden Trees by MrMaison Introducing a set of Linden Trees. Kinda generic but inspired by those found in Europe particularly Germany. The Linden is part of the Tilia family which have 30 species in Europe where they are called "Linden", North America where...
Line Tool 0.7.1
Creato da algernon Place props, trees, and/or buildings in a line Still under active and comparatively early development, but already does all the required basics; the UI in particular is a bit under-developed in this version, and will be impr...
Creato da 薛定猫不饿
LIppoCentre(1:1)香港力宝中心 HK hong kong
Creato da XDBX
THeLIppoCentre 修正了一下窗户细节...
Liquid Amber (American sweetgum)
Creato da pdelmo
Liquid Amber yellow early fall tree by pdelmo We have a lot of these trees in Australia and we call them Liquid Ambers so thats what i named it :D Game Stats Tris 774 Texture D&A at 512x512 Nice size and perfect LOD Life Stats: Liquidambar styraciflua Amer...
Liuzhou Railway Station柳州站B
Creato da 忆起时
柳州站B,订阅前请确保已经订阅extra train station tracks这个mod...
Loading Screen Mod Revisited 1.1.9
Creato da algernon A replacement for, and continuation of, thale5's original Loading Screen Mod. Includes improved performance and compatibility with other mods, as well as some new features: Skip network and tree prefabs (in addition to the o...
Liuzhou Railway Station柳州站A
Creato da 忆起时
Liuzhou Railway Station柳州站A...
Liquid Amber extra colours
Creato da pdelmo
Liquid Amber red and orange with mixed tones Tris 774 Texture D/A/N/C at 512x512 Nice size and perfect LOD fallen leaves decal
Live Oak Tree
Creato da MrMaison
Live Oak Tree by MrMaison Introducing a basic version of a Live Oak tree. There are many variations of "Live Oak" trees and I do plan on releasing more types including a "Southern Live Oak" with moss which is already in development. This tree is tall, thic...
Creato da Mineiro21
Localiza rent a car por Rai Ranier...
Longyang Road Station (Elevated Train Station Version) 龍陽路站 (高架火車站版)
Creato da Emperor Li
Longyang Road Station (Elevated Train Station Version) 龍陽路站 (高架火車站版) Elevated train station version of my Shanghai Maglev Longyang Road Station The station is longer than the maglev station, Station track height is 9m, length 18 tiles (144m). If you get th...
Luggage carts Prop
Creato da kurtus_mob
Luggage carts by kurtus_mob...
Lounge Furniture Pack
Creato da Polygon This pack contains four modern outdoor furniture props. I think there is not much modern furniture to find yet. So I was encouraged to create some for my new apartment building. Note: the last four pictures are blender renders....
Luxurious Flat [RICO]
Creato da _luminou_
Luxurious Flat Adapted from the building : "Best Apartment - Energy Living Medellin" Residential High Density Level 5, Size 4x4 No Mod, No DLC required Rico setting Residential High - Level 5 Homes: 30 Construction Cost: 10.000 Contain all texture and lod ...
Luxury Pool
Creato da Modocero
Luxury Pool Foot Print 2x4 Search with Find It! "Luxury Pool" Asset Info Main Tris: 3200 Texture: 512x1024, Diffuse, Normal, Specular, Alpha LOD Tris 178 Texture 256x256, Diffuse Tags: Pool, Luxury, Resort Discord: Modocero#5931
Luxury Yacht - Color Changing
Creato da Leo Mystic Magic
I did not make this model. I got it from the 3D Warehouse. You can see the original listing here... I did edit the model to be less Tri's and uvwmapped/re-textured. ---- Asset ...
MAGLEV Tracks: Shanghai
Creato da REV0
Unleash the power of Tesla. Transrapid is a German developed high-speed monorail train using magnetic levitation. Planning for the Transrapid system started in 1969 with a test facility for the system in Emsland, Germany completed in 1987. In 1991, technic...
Malacath Statue
Creato da Sotonian
Malacath Statue from Skyrim...
Creato da 1084238489
中国辽宁省庄河市地形图 1、目前只是完全还原地形...
Marc Jacobs Hong Kong
Creato da Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 straight L1 Commercial High building loosely based on the Marc Jacobs store in Hong Kong. The real building is part of a shopping complex but I think the facade is so nice it deserves its own building (and extension by a couple of stories!). ...
Maverick's New Taipei
Creato da maverick2002
Maverick's New Taipei...
May 4th Square 青岛五四广场
Creato da 红米先生
占地15X8格,长200米,宽120米,此资产为青岛五四广场南片区,与现实中略有差别,属性是公园类属性。 LOD:2300,贴图分辨率2k。 It covers an area of 15x8, 200 meters long and 120 meters wide. This asset is the south area of Qingdao May Fourth Square, which is slightly different from the reality. Its attribute is...
Medium Football Stadium
Creato da pborn
Medium Football Stadium (Millerntor - FC St. Pauli) European style Football Stadium Acts more or less like the standart stadium, you'll get it a little earlier, costs less and is less attractive, smaller influence... everything just a little smaller :) The...
Mercantile Building (Ploppable)
Creato da moxiecrimefighter
7x3 Ploppable Building, 1:1 Scale The Mercantile Building is a 189m (620ft) tall art deco skyscraper built in New York City in 1929. 2048x2048 Textures: Diffuse, Spectral, Illumination, Normal 260 Tris, Custom LOD + Custom LOD Textures...
Meridian Gate
Creato da Emperor Li ***UPDATE 2020-06-01*** Roof color changeable with painter 屋頂顏色可用painter 改 ****************************** The southern and largest gate of the Forbidden City (more informations: Wikipedia ) Vertical inscribed boards is not i...
Creato da LIME
大家好~ V1版本地铁站,仿杭州地铁站 希望大家喜欢 未经本人同意 严禁转载企鹅平台 模型信息: 三角形计数:1236 贴图:1024X1024 ====================================== Hello everyone~~ V1 version of the subway station, imitation Hangzhou subway station~ if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: Tris: 1236 Text...
Mini Soccer Field
Creato da Tomas13TO
Mini Soccer Field for your Cims. INFO maps - d,n,s,a (1024x1024) triangles - 2901 LOD triangles - 72 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 4x7 ...
Minimalistic House E (RICO)
Creato da Pixel_monster
Minimalistic House-E-L4 (RICO) by Pixel_monster The house is located on acreage within the rural community of North Saanich, near Victoria, on Vancouver Island’s southern peninsula. The southwestern coastal climate of warm summers and mild winters is ideal...
Creato da 夜影之风
Minimalistic House-F-L5-3Floor
Creato da Pixel_monster
Minimalistic House-F-L5- 3 floor version by Pixel_monster The building is set on the hillside, surrounded by old village houses. The house is a contemporary answer to the surrounding farmhouses and creates a new building ensemble. Ecological and economic s...
Minimalistic Modern House-A-L3
Creato da Pixel_monster
Minimalistic Modern House-A-L3 by Pixel_monster A Minimalistic modern house, with Aluminium, recycled wood, and glass facade. the backside has glass sliding doors to access the backyard along with big planter boxes on the terrace. Give your cims a much-nee...
Minimalistic Modern House-B-L5
Creato da Pixel_monster
Minimalistic Modern House-B-L5 by Pixel_monster A Minimalistic modern house , with exotic wood, transparent glass railings and glass facade. the backside has glass sliding doors to access the backyard along with garden on the terrace. Give your cims a much...
Minimalistic Modern House-C-L4
Creato da Pixel_monster
Minimalistic Modern House-C-L4 by Pixel_monster After a young family of cims was taken by the idea of a single-family house in the countryside, they found an 80-year-old house with a large garden, in need of rehabilitation. They commissioned an architect a...
Minimalistic Modern House-D-L4
Creato da Pixel_monster
Minimalistic Modern House-D-L4 by Pixel_monster The simplicity of form and colors: the balance of the walls, the natural wood of the blinds and the grey of the floor are a quality that comes through in a project, that is not simple, which indeed requires m...
Miscellaneous Props 一些雜物
Creato da Bathtub
A couple props for my own use. Slightly modified some of Emperor Li's assets: Two (tall & short) version of Imperial City Wall with grey roof instead of yellow Some Beijing props but with green roof and red paint. Beijing Siheyuan (Courtyard) wall network ...
Mod Achievement Enabler [BROKEN, DON'T USE]
Creato da goot loblin
This mod enables achievements when other mods are running! The little trophy icon that shows you whether achievements are enabled when you load the save will still be crossed out, but when the game loads, this mod simply changes a boolean value that turns ...
Mixed Plant Clusters
Creato da pdelmo
3 Different mixed clusters. Smaller scale for around town. Good for making gardens or over grown areas in the suburbs Clusters included Bushes 622 tri 1024x1024 texture Wild Flowers 384 tri 1024x1024 texture Wild Plants/weeds 616 tri 1024x1024 texture My T...