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Cities: Skylines

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洛阳永宁寺塔Yongning Temple Pagoda, Luoyang
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洛阳永宁寺塔Yongning Temple Pagoda, Luoyang

In 1 collection by MC100
华风夏韵Ancient China
474 items
永宁寺塔Yongning Temple Pagoda by MC100
永宁寺塔,北魏洛阳城内佛寺建筑,始建于孝明帝熙平元年(公元516年),由笃信佛法的灵太后胡氏主持修建,规模之宏大为洛阳千寺之冠。修建成的永宁寺塔是一座以佛塔为中心的佛寺,是专供皇帝、太后礼佛的场所。关于塔的高度,文献记载不一,有说塔高九层,一百丈,百里外都可看见,也有说塔高四十九丈或四十余丈,合今约 136.71米,加上塔刹通高约为147米,是我国古代最高的佛塔。这次资产采用的高度为147米(不含基座), 基座边长38.2米,高2.2米
孝文帝迁都洛阳后,大规模兴建佛寺,使得洛阳的佛寺数量剧增,当时的洛阳城"招提栉(zhì)比,宝塔骈(pián)罗",辉煌壮丽,无与伦比。永宁寺塔是北魏洛阳的制高点,在这座塔的注视下,当时的洛阳城好比梵天佛国。永熙三年(公元534年)永宁寺塔被大火焚毁, 雷电击中永宁寺塔引发大火,可叹木塔从建成到被焚毁,仅仅16年。

The Yongning Pagoda or Yongning Temple (simplified Chinese: 永宁寺; traditional Chinese: 永寧寺; pinyin: Yǒngníng Sì) in Luoyang was one of the tallest buildings of the world from 516 AD to 534 AD. The wooden pagoda was built during the Northern Wei in 516 AD but is no longer extant. Some sources suggest that it may have been 147 metres high, making it the tallest building in the world at that time and the tallest pagoda ever built until the completion of the Tianning Temple (Changzhou) in 2007. According to evidence unearthed by modern archaeological excavation, the pagoda had a square foundation of rammed earth with a width of 38.2 meters. The earthen foundation was covered by a 2.2 meter thick layer of limestone bricks. Pillar bases have been discovered at each corner of the pagoda. According to Yang Xuanzhi who lived in Luoyang in the year 520, the pagoda could be seen from as far as 50 kilometers. The Yongning Pagoda was destroyed in 534 when it was struck by lightning and caught fire.
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Away 11 Aug, 2021 @ 7:25pm 
MC100  [author] 6 Jul, 2021 @ 5:38am 
@tiendoan.toti : Seems that there's something wrong with LOD, but does it affect your use in game? Can you still build this pagoda in game? If not, just ignore it. If does, I'm gonna fix it.
tiendoan.toti 6 Jul, 2021 @ 3:43am 
it has an error when I subscribe this asset:

Broken assets:

zhuti: LOD has too many vertices
hillfanthomlike10 28 Feb, 2021 @ 9:29am 
thank you
CathayCity 12 Jan, 2021 @ 2:46pm 
MC100  [author] 23 Nov, 2020 @ 5:33am 
@AyyLeMao : 我也想做明堂,但是我现在手头上还有宋代资产和大明宫没出完,万象神宫得等明年了
AyyLeMao 23 Nov, 2020 @ 5:21am 
CatgirlEltra 24 Jul, 2020 @ 9:05pm 
nice one
MC100  [author] 22 Jul, 2020 @ 12:05am 
@秦山慢度 : 谢谢支持
MC100  [author] 22 Jul, 2020 @ 12:05am 
@jeremy.satchell :Is there any problem with this asset ? If there is, please feel free to tell me, for example, it can't be used in game or without light etc.