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Items (282)
“兰屿”级武装侦查舰 - 第一届蓝海重工造船大赛
Created by Zyleand
本船是蓝海重工第一届造船大赛参赛作品 item数:1260(母舰)+163(无人机)=1423 barotrauma蓝海重工交流群:333500142 蓝海重工第一届造船大赛的作品合集 -------------<以下是泽兰船坞自动播放的广告>-------------- 恭喜您购买了泽兰船坞(ZyleandShipyard)“兰屿”(OrchidIsland™)级武装侦查舰!兰屿,让你感受如同旧地球般的温暖! 本舰所配置基本功能如下: 标准的舰内制造系统,帮助您随时补给航行物资。 自动化双模式反应堆及备用...
“罗盘”级快速反应舰艇 "Compass" class fast picket submarine
Created by Zyleand
三联装激光炮台在这个版本不兼容ai,请等待官方修复 现在作者用极其绿皮的方法修复了这个问题,现在ai能使用三联装炮塔了,就是有点怪...... 本来有个辣眼睛的封面,想了想还是换掉了...... “罗盘”(Compass)级侦查舰原属于欧罗巴第5科考舰队,由泽兰船坞(Zyleand Shipyard)设计制造。由于在任务中表现出的出色的机动性能,“罗盘”级也得到了木卫二联盟军方高层的重视,使得它也成为许多前哨站的制式侦查/执法舰船。 这艘“罗盘”级经过了大量激进的改造,使得它获得了远超其设计指标的性能。 "...
【T.S.M】山河无恙 日月重光
Created by Lerentine
''如果九州都在沉睡,那么就让我们来做这第一声惊雷'' 背景介绍 重光是奇迹之海创立之初,为了应对外部势力组织的威胁而建造的打击舰,于甲乾33年,在奇迹之海重工建造改造完成。 重光从服役之初就不设立舰长,设立都尉这一职位,重光最高指挥权归都尉所有,仅次于奇迹之海总部。起初服役于红绯雨第一舰队,由于探渊者行动导致红绯雨第一舰队覆灭后,奇迹之海开始了整合运动,原先的九州第三舰队更改为九州第一舰队,残存的重光被划分到九州第一舰队。因其特殊的职能,所以她隶属于九州舰队但又脱离舰队,驻扎在无光海原86区,成为九州第一...
"Opportunity" //////////////UNDER A REWORK//////////////////////////
Created by Nekolay
Nox Shipyard present you .... Dont let the dim lights, rust and dirt scare you! This Military grade submarine is well equipped to face dangers of Abyss and fauna of Europa, while being optimized for campaign to have better experience. NOTE: This submarine ...
Created by Zyleand
EN Translation Included ! 大家好,我是张家辉。贪玩潜渊症,这是你没有玩过的船新版本,只需体验三巡回,你就会跟我一样,爱上这款游戏,装备回收,交易自由,砍怪一二三四五,站点个十百千万氧气瓶回收秒到账,回收上万随便浪。贪玩潜渊症,你想象不到的开船游戏,进来就开轮椅(bushi),和蠕虫女妖一起开,来到就是赚到,系兄弟就来一起来木卫二砍我……(This part is mostly Chinese internet meme so I can't make a proper transl...
红霞级攻击潜艇 Koka Class nuclear attack submarine [Outdated]
Created by Zyleand
冰洋之下的传奇舰艇,“红霞”(Koka)级攻击潜艇由反抗军从一艘废旧的“鲫鱼”(Remora)级潜艇经过大幅改装而来,是原木卫二联盟反抗军“红色”旅的旗舰。 相比于前身“鲫鱼”,“红霞”级攻击潜艇继承了“鲫鱼”级优质的结构钢材,使得它拥有不亚于深潜型的性能;此外还整合了原先吊装式压载舱,升级了动力系统和指挥系统,并加装了令人畏惧的火力以及一艘小型突袭无人机,使得它能够胜任旗舰的角色,前往冰洋的任何地方。 “红霞”级最让人影响深刻的地方是其位于舰艏的电热激发的激光主炮,这也是“红霞”级最强大的火力。传言其主炮...
Astral-class Battlecruiser
Created by Sampsa
Vessel Information ! Fully vanilla ! A spaceship pretending to be a submarine. High-tech features and a sleek, futuristic design are sure to impress, with barebones starting equipment and balance geared towards campaigns (modded or not). Comes in a neutral...
Amethyst Geode Exotic Warship 紫晶洞级异界战舰
Created by Zyleand
CN+EN Supported! 写在前面/Intro 封面标语“你若恐惧深渊,我便使深渊降临与你”改变自(据说是)圣经中的一段话 简单测试了一下能够适应新版本 推荐配合高难度mod使用,如Barotraumtic RisingTide compatible It is recommended to use with mod that increase game difficulty, like Barotraumatic. 背景故事/Background Story “紫晶洞”级异界战舰是一艘由未知团体改...
Alicorn2 Stealth Light Cruiser
Created by Zyleand
All Language Supported! If you like it, please give me a thumb up! thank you! Intro This is a sub with extremely high strength (seriously, very seriously), all features are totally vanilla. It’s NOT recommended to use this sub (Alicorn2+) if you want a ful...
Alarms Extended
Created by Melsie
Overview This mod adds forty new alarms to the game without overwriting the vanilla ones. Check above for a YouTube demonstration. In the demonstration video, the first two alarms you'll hear are the vanilla ones, in order to give a reference point. The al...
Created by Angelica
Fighting spirit, attitude, determination, tenacity and professionalism are all commendable feats expected of an Admiral, and this mech offers nothing less. This is the Admiral, a true solo mecha submarine/drone/shuttle for ultimate bravery. Gimmick: If all...
Abyssal Warsuit
Created by Yak'All
Yup. You guessed it. Not a replacer "Fear not the creatures of the abyss, for they also can bleed" UnderEuropanSeaMarineCorps Europa changed: Deep caves, multiple outpost have lost coms, nightmarish roars from the depths. Adapt or die, this is how life goe...
Abyssal armory - Reinforcements
Created by Yak'All
TL;DR Section provided as always Weapon breakdown: The A.R.C. Assault rifle The A.R.C. is the main focus for the wardens at MarineCorps. This fast shooter rifle kills its victim when it just barely realized it was being attacked. It holds an advanced 50 ro...
Bermuda Class Old Frigate “百慕大”号双桅纵帆船
Created by Zyleand
All Language Supported! 写在前面/Intro 感觉好久没在工坊上看见复古的敞篷船了,所以整了这艘船,适合多人游戏,理论上单人开也没问题。 虽然是敞篷,但是应该足以应付原版的难度,想要更刺激的游戏体验最好打一些高难度mod It has been a long time not seeing old-fashioned ship in the workshop, so I made this one. It’s better played in multiplayer mode, bu...
Berilian Cruiseliner
Created by Anikyte
The original Berilia was one of the largest cargo ships in this branch of the solar system, outclassing even the deep space freighters who supplied its materials. The Cruiseliner is one of the many options available for 2nd Generation Berilia class ships, ...
Barotrauma 40K
Created by Альфарий
WARNING! THIS MOD IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE USED WITH OTHER MODS! DO IT ON YOUR OWN RISK AND FEAR. As example: What you can use without any issues: What I highly DON'T recommend to use with this...
BaroDrama V5
Created by Jsoull
Take your one-way ticket to the bottom of the Europan Seas in Style, with this collection of brand new Diving Suits built to fulfill essential roles on-board your submarine. Each suit is lovingly crafted with both personality and function, helping to disti...
ATK-89 "Sardine"
Created by Doge the biologist
ATK-89 "Sardine" Technical details TYPE: ATTACK Tier II PRICE: 11000mk SIZE: 34 m * 8 m CARGO: 10 crates RECOMMENDED: 4-7 crews, experienced Weapon systemis (probably the only thing) what makes you feel so safe on this ship. With three coil gun and a rail ...
Created by SOFA
TANG diving suit sprites by Jazzman adds 30! new dive suits This mainly aims to add more variety for dive suits. 17 are made with original textures by me and the others are from HD legacy diving suit and vanilla textures Most suits are crafted, bought or f...
Better Glass
Created by Zenmetsu
Stronger than normal glass(50 health) but a bit less durable(180) than regular hulls(200). Supports MORE angles (Angles in 15 degree increments) plus vanilla glass shells! Hitboxes are bigger on vanilla shells for less gaps. Includes: 6 rescaleable tiles -...
Created by ПΛПО Dragoon
Bioshock, Bioshock 2. Adds Little Sisters, Big Sisters, Big Daddies (Bouncer,Rosie, Lancer, Alpha), Splicers (both as creatures and pirates). And adds 4 types of plasmids. Incinerate!, Electro Bolt, Sonic Boom, and summon crawler swarm. With varying levels...
Black Sea's Armory(BWeapons)
Created by Bodevarc
Fixed,if you find any bug please let me know! Now with four language,English,Traditional Chinese,Simplified Chinese,Russian!Special thanks to Cain. Inspired by EK,i made this mod. Powerful Fractalguardian New Job with unique items: Iron Rider Weapons: Euro...
Created by Cryostasis
Gigantic submarine - bigger, than Berillia! Features: - 2 big engines - max speed 59 kph - 9 ballast pumps in 8 ballast rooms - max dive speed 24 kph - 8 coilguns - 5 railguns - 2 depth charge tubes - Remote control drone with railgun - 10 fully controllab...
Created by Sebe
A.I AND NPC FRIENDLY SHIP! WAYPOINTS AND SPAWNPOINTS INCLUDED! Hey you! Looking for the right fit? Colossus-9 wants you! 25,000 MARKS - Recommended Crew Size = 1 - 15 Colossus-9 is one of the few colony sized ships to brave Europas' deadly waters. But some...
DA-漩流级 战列巡洋舰 DA-Maelstrom Class Battlecruiser
Created by Zyleand
CN+EN supported! 写在前面 封面舰娘图来源:远行星号吧 因为是坟贴所以没有问作者要授权,感谢作者不杀之恩 建议多人游玩 Recommend to play in multiplayer mode 背景介绍 / Background Story 本船原型来源于“远行星号”恶魔航电mod的同名战舰-“漩流”级战列巡洋舰,是经过了缩小和改装的版本。因为没有人想开一艘竖着的船所以我把它横过来了(捂脸) This ship is created from a ship in Diable Avioni...
Deep Sea Alcohol
Created by Doctor What
Mod that adds alcoholic beverage to your submarine's bar The pack curently contains: -Stolichnaya (Regular Russian Vodka) -Beer -Corona Beer (Handy if you need husk eggs in exchange for cyanide) -Honkmother's Energy Drink (Gives you speed yet slowly drives...
Detectable Alien Materials 可探测的异星矿物!
Created by Zyleand
这个mod只做了两件微小的工作:让异星矿物能够被矿物探测器探测到,以及让它们在黑暗中发光,使其更容易被玩家发现。可以兼容已有存档 This mod does only two simple things: made alien materials detectable to mineral scanner, and made them glow in the dark so that them can be easily found. Should be save to install/remove on ...
[Legacy] EK | Armory
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, fortifications, and research centers; and many items to craft includi...
EK Matriarch Mk-VII
Created by Videogames
Matriarch Mk-VII Attack Carrier The Matriarch is a carrier vessel for force-projection and wide-area patrol operations. It is equipped with the standard compliment of coilgun defenses and a moderately powerful single-turbine engine, but the Matriarch's tru...
[Legacy] EK | Dockyard
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces a bunch of new structures and functional machines to build submarines or roleplay maps with. Diesel Generator Variants Reactor Varia...
[Legacy] EK | Gunnery
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces new types of armaments and defensive capabilities for the submarine. Ship ammunition & turrets balanced for vanilla Bonethresher, Ch...
[Legacy] EK | Utility
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, mines, and research centers; and many items to craft including place-...
Created by Cakner
High tech deep diver, 100% vanilla. Use high powered energy weapons to defend yourself from the abyss but make sure the ship doesn't light on fire. 4 Pulse lasers and 16 Shock Coils demands a lot of power, lots of power requires lots of fuel. Coils can be ...
Enhanced Armaments
Created by SCP-966-1
A Heavily Armed Europa, para bellum. . . A large mod primarily focused on the instruments of death, from firearms to chemical and radiological weapons (and the equipment to protect against such instruments). https://i.imgur....
Exoskeleton Equipment [Outdated]
Created by Kano
Currently outdated. Please download the fixed version made by DankWraith. Link is in down below. Fixed version made by DankWraith: Adds a poorly made exoskeleton suit to the game. Inspired b...
Created by Vootfer
The Vortex is an attack vessel designed to be tough and capable of safely deploying a small strike or dive team. Armed with multiple turrets, It can provide heavy overwatch to deployed troops, clearing a safe zone for extraction. It is brought to you by Fr...
Genes+ Revived and Expanded
Created by Noble
Works in 1.0 Languages: EN,CN,PTBR The NEW update is here! Added 24 more gene splicers! Have fun! (will lock crafting later) Feedback much appreciated! Original mod If Original mod author does not want to have this mod up, gonna delete it Description! Curr...
Gunnarsson MS1 Modular Gunship
Created by ArchCrusader
Description A Gunnarsson with a late-production workshop and medbay module attached to the back. This allows the sub to effectively function for long campaigns at the cost of protection and manouverability. Properties Designation: Tier II Attack (Modular G...
Halo Armors
Created by 月目巳
新增物品 Ⅰ.盔甲 1. Gen2雷神之锤动力突击护甲:斥候型(可以放入潜水服柜) 2. MARK VI雷神锤动力突击护甲(可以放入潜水服柜) 3.ODST战斗服(BDU) Ⅱ.物品 为雷神锤护甲供能 1.unsc_armorbattery1(UNSC护甲驱动电池) 普通的驱动电池,可以充电。 2.unsc_armorbattery_super(新一代UNSC护甲驱动电池) 加强版驱动电池,可以充电。 3.unsc_armorbattery_explode 特殊的试作型驱动电池,比普通驱动电池强,但不及 新...
Halo Weapons(UNSC)
Created by 月目巳
 Halo Weapons(UNSC)  The First part . Introduction Ⅰ. Most of the content of this module comes from the weapons and firearms of the UNSC troops in the game Halo, which belong to the fan works of Halo. Ⅱ. Previously, because items were added frequently, it ...
Created by Cryostasis
!! Updated for 1.0 !! Deadly medium-sized submarine with a huge laser gun. Built for diving into the abyss. Great for solo campaign - Huge laser against really big targets - 5 coilguns + 2 railguns - 5 automatic discharge coils - Shuttle with both remote a...
Herja PVP
the herja fitted out with everything needed for pvp purposes. guns, meds, diving gear, tools, and toolbelts, are all supplied. the herja has 1 chaingun, 1 railgun, and 2 coilguns, all have extra ammo....
Created by Hyper075
FOR ANYONE STILL INTERESTED IN THIS MOD:The mod has been moved into Life of a Sailor located here: , no further updates or support will be provided for this mod as any future updates will ha...
Into The Abyss: Campaign Overhaul for Seaworthy Men
Created by Udrakan Into the Abyss v0.15.13.0-r3.40 (chlorine) UPDATED FOR THE "AMONG THE ANCIENTS" UPDATE Languages: 中文(繁體), 中文(简体), Русский, Castilian Spanish, Japanese, English (contact me if you want to do translation) Notice I have paused ...
Iron Cavalry Prototype Gunship
Created by Zyleand
All Language Supported! If you like it, please give me a thumb up! thank you! Intro This mod contains two vessels, the normal “Iron Cavalry” fits campaign mode and the “Iron Cavalry 2” fits PVP mode. I haven’t played PVP before so I’m not sure if it an int...
Created by MasonMachineGuns
Works in 1.5.7 Announcement! - First beta for 1.9, LUA removed, ID cards use variant cards for ease of play and not needing lua. Captain types are all captains Heads are whatever their department is. No special or cross cards. -Skills and talents are based...
Lua For Barotrauma
Created by Evil Factory
Updated for the v1.5.9.1 Summer Update + Hotfix + Hotfix 2 Discord: Consider supporting the project: This is a Barotrauma modification that adds Lua modd...
Gene Splicer+ [New Genes]
Created by The Nugget
Current Features IF THE NEW CONTENT IS NOT LOADING PLEASE REINSTALL THE MOD FROM IN GAME AND RESTART. + All genetic material is removable without destroying it. +Adds two new gene splicers with far more capacity than the vanilla ones. +Omega Gene Splicer 8...
Life Of A Sailor [Garden Under Maintenance]
Created by Hyper075
The Life of a Sailor really is a hard one isn't it? Let me give you the quick rundown of what is new in Europa sailor. Alcoholic drinks brewed to soothe a sailors nerve. Life of a Sailor contains a unique multistep alcohol brewing system that works through...
Martial-01D + Drop Pod
Created by Sebe
A.I FRIENDLY SHIP! IT HAS WAYPOINTS AND SPAWNPOINTS Overview: Martial-01D Overview: 20,000 MARKS - Recommended crew size = 3-9 Marital-01D--pronounced "Marshal"--was a cargo submarine mainly doing outpost to outpost travel near the surface. It consists of ...
[Legacy] Meaningful CPR
Created by Videogames
A mod which seeks to improve the realism and skill ratio consistency of CPR. CPR now stabilizes and recovers oxygen slowly over time instead of being a russian-roulette instant heal button. Higher medical skill will result in more effective oxygen recovery...
Created by Newt
Medusa 100% vanilla balanced Medium sized submarine designed for campaign, comes with adjusted bot way-points for solo play and is newbie friendly, submarine is fairly minimalistic with components so the sub has very good performance whilst maintaining nic...
Movable and Sellable Wrecks
Created by Evil Factory
Movable and Sellable Wrecks This mod introduces the capability to move and sell wrecks from any mod, including the base game. It also provides a heavy industrial hook for lifting wrecks in situations where you lack a lower docking port or the wreck isn't r...
Navalon Class Prototype Combat Cruiser 纳瓦隆级试做型战斗巡洋舰
Created by Zyleand
CN+EN Supported! 写在前面/Intro 推荐配合高难度mod使用,如Barotraumtic 推荐mod:高难狩猎 It is recommended to use with mod that greatly increase game difficulty, like Barotraumatic. 基本信息/Basic Information item数:1350(母舰)+103(无人机)=1453精罗落泪 售价:7000mk,应该不止这个价 大小:69*20m(实际尺寸60*10m) 武...
New Wrecks For Barotrauma (With sellable wrecks)
Created by heheboi
New Wrecks for Barotrauma Expand and enhance the world of wrecked ships with this high-quality mod. Discover 18 new wrecks and their variants. Encounter unique and perilous traps. Dock with any wreck, even those not from this mod. Experience more challengi...
Created by Rocket
Formerly a design for stealth class midget submarines, the Paraki has been retooled for work on Europa. While sacrifices are made with manufacturing and weapons, this is made up for in stealth, speed, and adaptability. A battery centric design is supported...
Pet Mudraptor - Holiday Update Hotfix
Created by Tuxlion
I'm planning on a big update here. For now, I've provided a quick little one. KNOWN BUG: The mudraptor will not eat when in a crowded room. I know it's something to do with their priorities and I've been trying to fix it for a while now. Just bring them to...
Playable Mudraptor (Magenta Mix)
Created by Magenta
This is my own mix/take on Elly's Playable Mudraptor Job which can be found here!: Chinese Localisation Patch can be found here:
Project HALO
Created by noctis
Update 2 : Project is on indefinite hiatus. My life has changed and I no longer have the time for this , though I may return. INFO ────────────────────────────────────── Project HALO is a revived version of my old mod , Project UNSC. This mod aims to adds ...
Project-705k Lyra
Created by Asadgunz
At the height of the Cold War NATO submariners found themselves confronting a Soviet submarine which not only greatly out-performed their own boats, but which could operate beyond the reach of their weapons. This untouchable submarine was designated the A-...
Created by SinerSAMA
Enhanced version of PUCS, which greatly improves combat effectiveness, reduces oxygen consumption, and can resist radiation and fire hazards, and has built-in advanced drug injection, noise reduction, thrusters and sonar systems, which can Give users stron...
R-29 MKII 多功能母舰
Created by Zyleand
萌新的第一艘船,翻新过一次了 本船已经不再进行维护了,如果有需要,请在评论区留言...
Created by ArchCrusader
DISCLAIMER: this sub can be VERY taxing on your system. Expect low FPSs, especially with bots. Included in the package is a lite version ("Revenant - L") with a less demanding amount of components. Description The Revenant is an immense battleship that act...
SMS Olympus
Created by Sny_Vs_Spyper
Welcome aboard the Olympus superheavy mobile station! LIST OF CONTENTS: -a ballast/fish tank big enough to comfortably fit 3 dugongs inside it -20 coilguns -4 railguns -3 depth charge launchers -2 high powered reactors -a mass surveillance network so secur...
Created by SOFA
This is really just a personal mod for a cave thing i was making. Heres the sub-cave-thing: Another example: If yo...
Created by Anikyte
The Deepsea UNderwater BAThyscaphe, or DUNBAT, is a medium-sized submersible made to endure the overwhelming pressure of the abyss. This one's not a mockingbird. We swear. For all you SOMA fans out there, here is my best recreation of the DUNBAT you 'acqui...
Super Plague Rat
Created by Doge the biologist
Super Plague Rat Tier III attack The successor of the prototype Plague Rat, is a more powerful and deadly stealth attacker under the cold sea. Fitted with a smarter power system, it could go farther in its silence mode. But keep in mind that this ship is a...
T.I.T.A.N. ₂.₀
Created by L0St
Это обновленная и отполированная версия мода T.I.T.A.N. power suit с визуальными улучшениями, полной переработкой звуков вооружения и небольшими правками в балансе Содержание мода Новый бронескафандр класса Т.И.Т.А.Н. созданный для сдерживания большого уро...
T.I.T.A.N. power suit V2
Created by Yak'All
"When all hope seems lost, just don't forget: Aim for their head" "As always, this is NOT a replacer" "Community update. Quality of life improvements!" From: Head designer Matthias To: Bnllzmcdq Ktbhzm Latest ongoing project report: 'T.I.T.A.N.' With the r...
Telecommunications Mod
Created by Evil Factory
This mod requires you to have Lua For Barotrauma installed or set as your Core Content Package. Sprites by Vertigo PvP gamemode not supported This mod adds a way to sabotage radio communications, radio voice chat and text radio chat will stop working when ...
Created by Cryostasis
!! Updated for 1.0. - Made monorails slower, so it won't slam into the ship even at high map entity update divider - Added drone, shuttle and monorail files to the mod Very quirky large-sized submarine with two monorails. Designed for multiplayer. Can be u...
The Cephalopod [BROKEN]
Created by Mour
The Cephalopod, one of the first attempts to utilize the barely understood but powerful alien machinery retrieved from ruin excavation sites. This ship is both stealthy and agile but initially lacks in major firepower.You will pilot a scout made to travers...
The Red Planet
Created by Evergreen 5 cave systems to explore, mine in, loot and discover many secrets... A chinese and US base, each has a different play style and goal. Abandoned bases to repair. Working solar panels that are in need of constant repair. Abil...
The Thingy!
Transparent Diving Helmets
This mod is purely cosmetic and adds transparency to the glass visors of the diving suits available as of the "Holiday" update. Features: Ability to see the fear in your crew-mates eyes as you abandon them to their fate in a thresher nest. No more games of...
Trieste - WWII Assassin Given New Life (Goph Commission)
Created by GophTheGreat
Please leave a like if you enjoy the sub! 4 - 8 Crewmen recommended AI tested! Only costs 8499 marks so it's selectable in single-player (Waypoints by Bengamillen) Build timelapse (37 hours at 50x speed): Commissioned by Angelh...
Very Long Levels [OUTDATED]
(There may be errors, since I use a translator.) This mod increases some parameters of level generation by 3 times (horizontal size, number of wrecks, caves, alien ruins, etc.) In Cold caverns now you need to walk 2-3 thousand meters. In the European ridge...
Warden job
Created by Yak'All
The Warden is here, and no monster is safe After many weeks of research and development, The warden is now finally able to join the fight! Using three of my previously posted mods, this one makes sure you get the most out of each item. The warden is a powe...
Wolfrum MkVI
Created by DragonWolf569
-TRANSPORT SUB-(TIER III) -------------------------------------------------- PRICE: 22,325 mk Dimensions: 63x20m Recommended crew size: 4-9 Recommended crew experience: experienced Max horizontal speed: (Manual) 20Km/h (Autopilot) 13Km/h Max vertical speed...
Zyleand Shipyard Drone Collection
Created by Zyleand
MOD Introduction This collection contains three periscope-controlled drones: the general-purpose combat drone "Lumen", the nuclear detonator drone "Radiant" and the cave cooperation drone "Glimmer", In addition, the demo site also contains the drone instal...
[AA] Aquatic Arsenal
Created by Spazz (Rafał)
**What's Aquatic Arsenal - Lead Diver Job?** It's a mod that adds a Lead Diver job that fills the role of Security specialized in diving and exploration missions. The role is balanced for vanilla although I made some compromises where the job excels more t...
[AH] Armageddon Battlecruiser
Created by Malakra
LORE The Imperium of Man tries to stabilize control of Europe after decades of disconnection. The titanic combat ship "Armageddon" crosses the oceans of Jupiter's satellite with this objective, trying to strengthen the colonies of the local government of t...
Created by Noking
Food 食物模组 CN/EN(基础代码来自于HungerLK) “民以食为天” ●●●简介●●● 1.添加饥饿值属性,随时间逐渐增加,低饥饿时不显示图标 2.需要使用食物减少饥饿值,非玩家角色不会饥饿 3.通过加工台或医疗加工台制造高级食物,或者在怪兽身上获得 4.不同食物会有正面增益或负面增益 5.有些食物也可以在站点购买或是在沉船中找到 6.电脑玩家设置治疗会自动喂食 ●●●食物●●● 1.糖水罐头:无法制作,但可以在站点购买或沉船找到。使用后留下一个空罐子,可以分解得到锡 2.腌肉罐头:藻鬓爬行者的...
[BS-S]Tacit Ronin 沉默浪人
Created by AKA-蠢脸螈宝
背景故事 “当第一次袭击来袭,我们整整花了三天三夜,损毁了无数的潜艇,才将它拦截下,结束后,我们哀悼遇难者,之后,生活回归平静,六个月后,第二次袭击横扫了五号军事坞站,随后是第三次袭击三号居民点,随后是第四只,之后我们明白,这一切不会停止,反而是刚刚开始,我们需要新的武器,全联盟开始联手集中资源,为了共同利益努力,为了击败深渊,我们打造了自己的怪兽,猎人计划,就此诞生,起初也有挫折,各方舆论压力,资源无法供应,但是我们做到了,我们开始取胜,猎人战舰在各地打败异兽,驾驶员成为了大明星,危机变成了宣传手段,而异...
Created by Jade Phoenix
*背景故事/Предыстория/BACKSTORY* ◆某座废弃前哨站船坞中遗弃的潜艇,原型来自百年前古代地球的科幻小说,直到探险队抵达这里发现并改装后焕发新生。 ◆An abandoned submarine in a derelict outpost dockyard, The prototype referred to a science fiction from ancient Earth centuries ago, has been brought to life after an expe...
[VH] The Iroh
Created by Quint
Valhalla Shipyards™ is proud to present its new flagship, The Iroh. This all-purpose technological wonder is well equipped to face any danger presented by the seas of Europa, while leaving space for customization to progress with its crew. NOTE: The Iroh i...
Created by Lerentine
精简平衡版请搜索 九州武库 群号:713011672 有问题尽量群里问,因为我很多时候没有办法在steam上回复...
(vanilla)Exterior turrets
Created by Garother
Something seems to work not as intended? Report it in comments please, i will fix it with any free time. Various turrets for use outside of the submarine, made from vanilla parts. Note: this is not a mod. This is item assembly, vanilla stuff to use in subm...
Created by mad scientist
"Intended to satisfy the hunger of Europa's scattered outposts, this massive farming complex contains everything needed to produce and deliver a steady supply of nutricious meals. With its partially automated systems and spacious crew accomodations you can...
Created by Garother
WARNING: This sub was made for experienced players first. May have: outside placed engines, some automatic that not works if reactor fails, fuel-hungry-and-not-really-efficient reactor, etc. May NOT have: auto-reactor, guns-around-all-sub-with-no-blind-spo...
Class A Station
Created by Solbusaur
A standard small outpost. Usually found near facilities, this outpost is the usual hub for trading, resupplying, meetings and other activities. Remastered for steam...
Convict Station
Created by Solbusaur
A remote facility for temporary containment of small groups of convicts. Two docks are reserved for incoming and outgoing prison buses. Mod comes with a renewed E.P.D Prison Bus. Prisoner mod is not required, the assistants are substitutes for the prisoner...
Dorsz (Codfish)
Created by MacG88
My first sub, the AI may act a bit buggy but managable. Max speed Horizontal:~ 30km/h Vertical: ~25km/h Armament: 4 coilguns 2 railguns 4 discharge coils Rooms and equipment: Sub has a medbay, lab, fabricator: all stuff required to be self sufficient. Ther...
Let Them All In
Created by heheboi
Creature Boarding Enhancement This mod makes the creatures of any size able to board submarine. Any creatures, be they modded or vanilla. Client-Side Lua is required for it to work on singleplayer. Both Server-Side and Client-Side Lua is required for it to...
Mining Station A
Created by Solbusaur
A small outpost constructed on the edge of the Europan Ridge, perfect for digging through untapped caves. This station houses top-tier resources from scavenging remains of nearby ruins, and stripping away the layers of rock and ice with the "SB Shellfish" ...
Mad Scientist's Creations
Created by mad scientist
This is a collection of cool stuff I thought people might enjoy using for their submarines. Included are: - External Engine Nascelles - 2.5 - d rooms - Automated Hydroponics Bay - Quarantine Bay - Interactable Armory - Cooler Diving Suit Lockers - Brig - S...
Refuelling Outpost
Created by Solbusaur
An outpost with the purpose of refuelling or recharging vessels in between distant destinations, harbouring large quantities of oxygen and diesel, and a few spare uranium rods. To sustain itself, the crew is supplied with the basic necessities for resource...
Research Station Pack
Created by Solbusaur
This pack has been a long time in the making, with station A being an experiment in the beginning, which I learnt mistakes from. From there, I made station B which fixed most of these flaws, and was generally much better. After I finished most of B, I deci...
Created by Lerentine
Created by Lerentine
Machine translation 英语不好,所以英语部分是机翻 有些mod会导致声纳面板(大小调为0.2)、轨道炮(大小调为0.3)和潜望镜大小(大小调为0.4)、电磁线圈耗能(耗能调为100)变回原来的参数,进编辑器手动调一下就好了 Some mods will cause the sonar panel (size to 0.2), rail gun (size to 0.3) and periscope size (size to 0.4), electromagnetic coil power...
Created by Lerentine
T.S.M-日暮山工程 战斗演示视频: 规格:43*11 装载量):20 上浮下潜最大速度:17 常规火力配置:三门无需蓄能连射炮+两门标准型轨道炮+一门脉冲式自动防卫炮(已安装NEX自动火控) 特殊火力配置:船头布置奇迹之海热熔型主炮系统+折镜型无人机 常备:冲击点引擎+全覆盖电磁线圈 建议配合BaroTraumatic Nightmare、高难狩猎等食用 如果你喜欢我的作品请多多点赞+评论,这些会成为我前进的动力,谢谢! 鱼雷来自https://steamco...
Vanilla Torpedoes
Created by Garother
Something seems to work not as intended? Report it in comments please, i will fix it with any free time. Various torpedoes built with in-game components to use in submarine editor. (This is not a mod, its a set of separate shuttles-torpedoes. Torpedo launc...
Wading Saria
Created by Solbusaur
Scout submarine intended for a medium sized crew. Includes the "Saria Drone" file in mod. Designed to look and feel like a vanilla submarine. The ORSC-07 had previously belonged to a civilian provisions shipping company. It was purchased by a former employ...
The Unnamed EK Version(Finnal)
Created by Pamakla
The Unnamed was Hated station from all but in here you can find bed and more,Outside garden and Artefact holder,Gulag for treators,Prison,full material supply,escape shuttle crew quarters Emergancy Massige system and still more wading for you to explore it...
【聚爆Implosion】战神机甲阿瓦隆Avalon 无人驾驶
如题,这是以《聚爆Implosion》中的远程操控机甲 阿瓦隆为原型制作的无人机。配备电刀和爆破冲锋枪。本体实际上很小,可以用于摧毁巢穴,探索洞窟等。...
一台机甲。 A MECH. 主要武器为一门10联装的镭射狙击炮。 The main weapon is a 10 unit laser sniper gun. 次要武器为双手的机枪与背部副炮。 The secondary weapons are two handed machine guns and back auxiliary guns. 自带逃生舱与熔毁自爆系统。 Equipped with escape pod and fusion self explosion system. 逃生舱配备了独立光源和...
Created by ИMSS
This mod is mainly focused on small rebalance of medicals ingame. Instead of carrying around dozens of items, you could just craft them into one (cool looking, btw) item. "Do you ever got yourself overencumbered while playing medic? All those morphine vial...
Created by Evergreen
Bomber Tuff
Created by ⛧Zaphyra⛧
░▒▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ EN/US ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓▒░ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomber Tuff is a Deep Diver class submarine, made to be versatile and efficient at any enviroment in Europa, it's design is based on a art...
Bring Back Old Voice Button [Obsolete]
Created by Evil Factory
Brings back the old V/B voice buttons, this mod can be used in any server that you join. V button = Radio B button = Local Requires Client-Side Lua for it to work. How to install Client-Side Lua:
Admundsen - Solo Fighter
Created by Maxyall
NOT A SHUTTLE! Want to fly solo without the burden of crew mates? This ship is for you! Want to 1v1 with friend but want something new? This ship is for you! Want to chip away at pirate ship while doing some fancy maneuver shits? This ship is for you! You ...
新版在这里/new version is here 野 兽 觉 醒 外形参考了光环(HALO)里的巴黎级 为了开个大船,为了能让我的渣机和渣服务器能跑动,被我使劲压item的船 虽然最后还是跑不动 为了节省ITEM给大部分门都是手动门,没有任何自动化 有两个版本,一个是没物资的极致简约版本(约1.7kitem),另一个是有物资的全装版本(约2.5kitem) 因为多联装不同炮的问题,给所有小炮都是无限弹...
[Discontinued] EK Armory CN Patch
Created by Logic_530
原模组 EK Armory ...
[Discontinued] EK Dockyard CN Patch
Created by Logic_530
原模组 EK Dockyard ...
[Discontinued] EK Gunnery CN Patch
Created by Logic_530
原模组 EK Gunnery ...
CyberHuman [abandoned]
Created by HappyRoach
A major mod that adds a lot of items, weapons, artifacts and 1 profession with talents. In it, you can become an android and fully customize its features. The android can be an auxiliary and quickly fix everything, or heal the crew just by being nearby. Or...
Created by BravoSixGoingDark
The External Mining and Maintenance Apparatus is a high mobility, attack resistant, one-man submersible designed to lower the mortality rates amongst mining, maintenance and salvage crews, as well as to extend the operational range of mining and salvage ex...
Event Horizon
Created by Sla
Судно созданно для Midora RUS RP Если у вас есть желание поиграть с нами, заходите в Дискорд - - У нас регулярные игры каждый день на 16 человек! - Свой интересный лор - Уникальные игры с крутым сюжетом, которые делает админис...
Ghost Manta
Created by RainDreamer
An experimental stealth submarine commissioned by a smuggler with deep pocket, the Ghost Manta is designed to sneak around any sort of danger posed in the depth of Europa with its silent running mode. It is lightly armed but highly maneuverable, and also e...
Created by Blacklight
Created by Blacklight
UPDATED: 02/11/2024 Updated pathing for AI compatibility. INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! THE IMC EXECUTOR MKII The EXECUTOR MKII is a vast improvement over th...
Created by Blacklight
INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! The IMC MONITOR DRONE ASSEMBLY - Micro-Drone The IMC MONITOR DRONE is a complete exploration and support module that is a welco...
Created by Blacklight
UPDATED: 06/02/2022 (Tuned Capacitors) Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are Vanilla and use no Mods MC TRADE OUTPOST The IMC Trade Outpost is the first publicly released IMC Outpost. Custom designed with features not...
Created by Blacklight
Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! Update wiped out the description .. will update description soon....
Hira LSV
Created by RainDreamer
The Hira-class Logistic Support Vessel is a versatile shuttle of the Europan Navy Engineering Corps designed for the variety of missions in the trecherous water of Europa, from cargo transportation, cave exploration, to even Thalamus wreck salvage. While i...
ITA No Role Balance
Created by Koventry
Removes Role Balance from Into the Abyss Jobs.xml file, allowing you to choose whichever role you'd like but still including the starting gear from "Into The Abyss" For best results, load this plugin but not the vanilla "No Role Balance" plugin, as they wi...
K-07 Kasatka
Created by Doomich
Updated Mk II version: Well, it's here, and only thanks to the baro discord community again! Hope you can give me feedback on balance, design issues and bugs so that I can improve it for you...
Created by Hippi
An A-class submarine with a separate command section separated by a monorail car. Has a scouting drone, and impressive speeds....
Kirstwo better
Created by Emzet
The Kirstu MKII, more commonly known as the 'K2', Is a more modern version of the orginal Kirstu, with back up battery systems and massive buffer batteries, four ballasts, for guass guns, a rail gun, and many more features. The K2 is good for hunting, divi...
Created by Evergreen
Welcome to landfall. Husk reached earth and the bombs dropped over 100 years, your settlement has stood the test of time and endured much over its existance. Will it continue to thrive? Features: - A unique rpg experience featuring a map 63 times as large ...
Created by Chaoswsm
1. General appearance. The exterior of the design is unique, with its inspiration coming from the biblical beast, Leviathan. The outer shell uses a large amount of ore as peripheral illumination, while the mouth nibbles on the shuttle. In fact, the origina...
Maverick Interceptor
Created by BravoSixGoingDark
Hello! This project has been discontinued as I no longer have time to work on it. However! You are welcome to download this build, modify it to your liking and re-upload it however you like. There is no need to ask for permission to redistribute, as long a...
Created by Lightning
Description The M4-R3 'Mayari'-class carrier was reared to counter the increasing dangers of the Europan sea. She is heavily gunned, but her true power to trample enemies lies in her herd of gunboat shuttles. A large crew is needed to fully harness her str...
Created by Fat Ugly Bastard
Summary The Mazara is a high-tech, high-security attack submarine for captains that are unable to trust their own crew. The vessel is split into two modules: the command module in the front which houses the navigation systems, and the service module in the...
Mercurial - Wandering Hospital
Created by Lightning
The Mercurial is a mobile hospital, with expanded medical facilities and a fast rescue shuttle, she is an welcome vessel at any port on Europa. She requires a large crew to man the many gun controls and facilitate repairs for her large hull at the same tim...
Created by Lightning
Mooncrusher. Mobile Weapons and Mining Platform. Original plans used an asteroid mine as a base, the mobilization of the station added drives, converted cargo bays into ballasts, thickened armor platings, and the installation of gun turret mounts and rocke...
Created by Ma'am
okay, i changed my mind. this mod will now be receiving updates whenever i feel like it. which very well may be never again. who knows though, really. it's a free mod. Neurotrauma completely revamps the health of humans. This mod adds a lot of depth to the...
Nova VX
Created by RainDreamer
Repurposed from a failed line of luxury submarines, the Nova VX is everything a captain wants - if they never plan to take the submarine out of docking port. Its sleek design include wide open floor plan that cause heavy flooding on leak and lack safety fe...
Panzerkampfwagen 3000 v3.0
Created by ✌S-klass­⑬™
В набор входит: Глубоководная субмарина - Panzerkampfwagen 3000 v3.0 Многоцелевой шаттл (Краб) - Pzkpfw krabben 3000 v2.1 Разведывательный дрон (Креветка) - Pzkpfw krevette 3000 v2.1 Краб может управляется удаленно. Есть возможность включать/отключать пита...
Performance Fix
Created by Evil Factory
This mod will work in any vanilla or modded server that you join, regardless the server having the mod on or off What is this This is a very experimental Lua mod, so expect that things may break. This is mod can greatly improve performance, it works by dec...
N.C.D Iracundia {OUTDATED}
Created by SP00KY_T1M3
Designed, and manufactured by Citadel Shipyards, CF, Europa. Citadel Shipyards are delighted to bring the formidable military submarine crews of the harsh Europan seas the N.C.D Iracundia! Designe...
RNR - Radioactive Nuclear Reactor
Created by Yakuzashi
Reactor constantly emits radiation. If you want to survive near the reacotr then you will need Hazmat Suit (Nuclear Engineer Uniform) and Lead placed inside of the suit....
Scorpio 9
Created by Lightning
Description Scorpio-class Submarines are easily identified by their curved tail and railgun. They boast exceptional strike capabilities and above average agility. However, their dual reactor systems often lead to electrical instability. Data Model: SCR-P10...
ROVER Drone Type B
Created by BravoSixGoingDark
OUTDATED Attention: There is currently a bug with the periscope that may interfere with camera navigation in multiplayer games. If the drone does not respond properly to camera inputs, please switch to steering via nav terminal. Here is a Kastrull with the...
Sellable Pirates
Created by heheboi
Sellable Pirate Vessels Transform pirate vessels into marks and xp, just like in Movable and Sellable Wrecks. Client-Side Lua is required for singleplayer functionality. For multiplayer, both Server-Side and Client-Side Lua are essential. Ensure all player...
Station Aquila Rift (RP, SCP, Prison)
Created by Sla
Станция создана для Midora RUS RP Если у вас есть желание поиграть с нами, заходите в Дискорд - - У нас регулярные игры каждый день на 20 человек! - Свой интересный лор - Уникальные игры с крутым сюжетом, которые делает админи...
天赋增强 - Talent Enhancement[CN-EN-RU-FRN]
Created by SinerSAMA
#天赋树修改-和其他修改天赋树的MOD互相冲突: #Talent tree modifications - and other mods that modify the talent tree conflict with each other: #Модификации дерева талантов - и другие моды, изменяющие дерево талантов, конфликтуют друг с другом: 通用天赋学习一个就可以解锁下一行,三条线的所有天赋都可以学习并且...
The Exxcelent
Created by Twingo
Well rounded medium sized submarine capable of dealing with most situations. The submarine is layed out with the reactor as it's center, making meltdowns easy to deal with and the duel engines are placed in a seperate compartment that requires you to leave...
The Patchwork Minelayer MK. II
Created by dado
Brand new submarines are expensive. Cost efficient people just use whatever lies on the ocean floor. This one is made of a Humpback, a Typhon and a Dugong, with just a touch of Remora. It carries five remote-controlled nuclear mines with a homing functiona...
Traitor Submarine: Gamble.sub
Created by Tegji
ДОРОГИЕ СЛАВЯНЕ Для вас есть группа ВК, в которой всё расписано на русском языке, Добро пожаловать: Description You know, I almost always saw a terrible imbalance against traitors on the servers, which inspi...
(Broken 14-12-2022) All Talents Unlockable
Created by SVX-8
This mod unlocks the whole Talent sub-tree once you hit the Tier 4 talent, just like All-Seeing Eye does for the Engineer. All classes have their sub-trees unlocked once they hit their respective Tier 4 talents. At first I thought about making it just for ...
Unlocked Captain Talents
Created by The Paragon
Finally, you can be the Captain your crew needs you to be! What This Mod Does: This mod is very simple: the final talent in each of the Captain talent trees now has an additional effect, unlocking all talents in their respective trees. This makes sense, at...
Wanted Alive
Created by Medium B*t The Europa Coalition has started a program to reward crews that bring in pirates and other dissidents alive. In short, this mod adds in a single use badge that can be b...
[Mortifia] showel
Created by mortifia
FAST VESSEL (85KM/H) ans 4 shuttle for minning separate. this ship is very good for traitor...
[PESD] Scarlet
Created by Onyx
"Do not be revolted. Some parasites may benefit their host.. teeth sharper than your own." -Xol Low item count, small size, simple build and simple functionality. The "Scarlet" is an attempt by Phoenix Enterprises Submarine Development to harness the power...
Extract It!
Created by Lagmanor
/// If this doesn't work in your game, it is most likely due to the file conflict with the other mods you're using — see "Compatibility" for more info!!! /// Your medical cabinet is filled with bloodpacks and you don't use pulse laser, so alien blood is ba...
Aegir Mark III
Created by Solbusaur
A bulky, old submarine that has been gradually modernized during the decades it has served the fleet. Rebuilt from scratch with steam version parts. For this to be playable in steam version, some changes had to be made so it was more fair on the player, su...
Created by Electricpika
The Steal Snapper is named after the American Snapping Turtle, due to its slow, heavy and thick-hull nature. Its got a thick hull consisting of steel, titanium, aluminum, and kevlar. With five guns in total, this baby can take chunks out of whatever may op...
EFSC Valiant Exploration XDS
Created by MOSEF
LORE The Europa Free Science Coalition: Valiant Exploration eXperimental Design Submersible - or simply the EFSC Valiant Exploration XDS, was requisioned by the Europan concil of scientists, with the purpose of creating a mobile base of operations for scie...
Created by Blacklight
UPDATED: 09/09/2023 INTERSTELLAR MINING CORPORATION Search for IMC on the Workshop to see our other designs! All IMC Vessels are completely Vanilla! IMC ENFORCER - Light Cruiser The Enforcer is the largest IMC patrol vessel assigned to secure the valuable ...
HMS TERROR - Icebreaker Class
Created by Tea and Crumpets
HMS TERROR Ship Class - Icebreaker Expedition 314 - Chart a route to the resource-rich core of Jupiter's moon, Europa. Distance from Earth - 628.3 million km Armaments: Broadside Cannons, Ball Turret, Gun Deck, Aft Repeater, Depth Charge Launcher Shielding...
Grande Fiesta
Created by KARIN
完全版v1.1 Super cruise ship隶属于超级游艇 欢迎来到木卫二上最宏大的庆典!在接下来的短暂的航行中,希望您能无视众多的安全隐患和混入的恐怖分子,享受最优质的深海旅行服务。考虑到这很有可能是您人生中最后一段时光,您可以大方挥霍您的mk了。试玩强大的舰载武器,骑上地球进口的街机摩托,购买神奇的异星礼品,或是享用特殊的料理…… 或许您想认识一下同行的旅客?告诉您,船上都是人才(沉船里的尸体也是),包括最有钱的船东,最厉害的船长,和最倒霉的机修工。因为她13792512的容积和121.14m的总...
Nanite Integration
Created by DemonX3
How come humanity is on Europe for so long and the technology is so scuffed? Being a submarine crew, you surely suffered a lot of minor and major injuries, perhaps even traitorship, so you surely will find use to those little nanobots. In this mod, there a...
Created by Solbusaur
A fast and compact vessel with two front-mounted railguns, and one rear coilgun. Based off of the Nehalennia from Legacy Barotrauma, built with updated pieces and some slight adjustments to docking...
Odysius MK II (Modded)
Created by Der Ubermensch
Included Hydroponics Room for Scientists, Mods; Hydroponics, and Hydroponics Patch Required. Lab section copied from Atolla Sub....
PN-21 Colossus Mobile Station
Created by Hirohito
Welcome aboard PN-21 Colossus Mobile Station! Data: Class - Deep Diver Role - Heavy Mobile Station Size - 216mx43m Recommended Crew: 20-128 Crafting stations: 3 fabricators, 3 deconstructors, 2 medical fabricators Maximum speed - 22km/h Price - 134767 Arna...
Týr Class Battleship [cn][en]
Created by FreeRider
The Lite version has been released! Your identity information has been approved, and all permissions in the driver's cab have been opened to you! Welcome aboard, Captain! Tyre (Týr) The USS is an experimental space/deep-sea dual-use vessel that the Allianc...
The Oceania - Industrial Titan
Created by Sapply
FOR A SOCIALIST EUROPA "The Oceania" is based on the world of "1984" a Brutal Ultra-fascist regime. It belongs to the "IngSoc fleet" one of the most deadliest and formidable fleets in Europa, beloging to one of the biggest established Empires that have for...
Z86 MK1
Created by Chino 这首潜水艇修改自:The Nautilus Mk2,因为原作者太久没维护了。 This submarine is modified from: The Nautilus Mk2, because the original author has not maintained it for a long time. 这首潜水艇包含多种高科技功能: 1、在船长室和枪炮室的敌对生物定位器; 2、所有门都使用高级自动门(自动开关,在遇到水后将改为手动开关...
Zhakarov Research Vessel
Created by The Flaming Pike
TIER 3 SUBMARINE. The Zhakarov is a science vessel majorly aimed to please RP players. On this ship, the medics should be on top the of hierarchy and the captain second. The "medbay" located at the center of the ship is a complete laboratory and can only b...
Zhakarov Science Shuttle
Created by The Flaming Pike
This small shuttle has absolutely no defense besides a harpoon gun and a few other items and was made to go along with the Zhakarov Research Vessel, a much bigger sub. The shuttle can communicate with the sub with a wi-fi terminal. There are also a few ite...
[AP] Salut11
Created by rundoomer
One of the rejected variants of the Typhon submarine with increased combat potential. Old guns, a voracious reactor, low speed combined with high survivability, a large number of guns, reliable and proven systems, a "Kleber" class shuttle will allow you to...
[EMS] Prometheus Station
Created by DraconicRenegade
Description Originally built by E.M.S. to be a mining outpost, Prometheus found it's true purpose as its location was in a perfect spot between multiple other cities and stations. Those travelling through their waters would stop by at Prometheus to rest an...
[EMS] The Black Bass (ORIGINAL)
Created by DraconicRenegade
Description The Black Bass (AKA The Florida Bass) is a medium-sized sub made for the purpose of taking down large threats with ease while also being a 'comfortable' home for crews on long transport missions. It also features a compartment for flushing out ...
Created by DraconicRenegade
Description After the quick failure of the original Juno submarine, the E.M.S. team decided to revisit the drawing board in an attempt to fix the number of issues that the original contained. It now carries not one, but two modified selkies in the double b...
[EMS] The Whale Shark (ORIGINAL)
Created by DraconicRenegade
Description A large and formidable sub, The Whale Shark is used for a variety of purposes. It is mainly run as a research and transport submarine, but it has been used for deep sea mining and monster hunting jobs. A large crew is needed due to the frequent...
[UES] The HMS Winchester
Created by ๖Un1ty
Overview Originally built as one-off vessel for a tour line of the settled regions of the Europan ocean, this vessel now spends it's days ferrying clients and important cargo from station to station, traversing the Europan depths in style. For many a stati...
Created by 竹下千霖
巨兽级战列巡洋舰是目前是科普卢星区人族最常见的战舰规格,虽然仍采用了次代钢作为装甲,但是其武器系统却装备上了激光阵列和备用核弹头。虽然火力强劲,但巨兽级战舰仍有不足之处。 尽管有这样那样的缺点,巨兽级战舰还是被证实为不朽的设计:周期性的可升级性让它们跟上了时代,舰首锤头般的设计成为未来规格的模板。尽管更多更高级的战列舰被开发了出来,但军队的主流仍是巨兽级巡洋舰。 船壳及装饰部分由useless man大佬提供 重要更新: 激光阵列不再使用AI引导聚焦,现在可直接在火控室导航终端上进行操控,火控室...
*Automated* Husk Waves
Created by jimmyl
IMPORTANT LuaForBarotrauma needs to be set as the core content package. Husks will spawn randomly at unseen points... However barotrauma AI controller barely ever works so i cant direct them to the survivors. They can hear the survivors just fine though. T...
Arty's Captain Sword
Created by GHOST_ECHO
A sword fit for a Admiral!...
Atlantic Pride
Welcome to my first sub ever! I put a lot of hours into creating this, so please enjoy! This sub is first and foremost designed for campaign and should be fully compatible with the AI. ///////////////////////// The Atlantic Pride is a heavy-duty cargo vess...
Axiom Remastered
Created by ADHarper
Previous Version The Axiom, which bears almost no resemblance to its predecessor except for the shell, is now on sale! The formerly scattered ballast tanks were consolidated into three conti...
Created by LeDoux
Hello there ! This mod add 8 different backpacks : - Backpack : 15 slots (regular items) - Heavy Backpack : 3 slots (large items) + 3 slots (for toolbelt and similar) + 3 slots (regular items) - Medical Backpack : 8 slots + 16 slots (medical items) + Boost...
Barracuda II Escort Corvette
Created by ArchCrusader
Description A more compact version of the Barracuda with no oxygen generator and less batteries but with more ammunition and a more powerful (albeit less efficient) reactor. This version's railgun has enough space to fit a small motor so it can aim slightl...
Created by CryptoSporidium1 Combine Assault is a total conversion mod based on Half Life 2 set in an underwater city. Multiple new roles and teams, each with their own objectives A hunger, sleep and thirst system as well as overhauled crafting Retextured...
Command and Conquer: Red Alert Submarines
Created by SMurs
Adds a total of 4 submarines from the beloved CnC Red Alert series. Includes the Akula submarine (Scout class), the Yari mini-submarine (Shuttle class) from Red Alert 3, and the Boomer submarine (Deep Diver class) and the Typhoon submarine (Attack class) F...
CVF - Kaiman
Created by Cynder Of Scalitz
Kaiman is a heavy carrier vessel. Designed for long-range operations in the aquatic depths of Europa. With this submarine you can feel yourself safe as on the outpost. Comes equipped with numerous automatic systems and a powerful reactor, but suffers from ...
Drunken Sailor (OUTDATED - CHECK DESC)
Created by Hyper075
FOR ANYONE STILL INTERESTED IN THIS MOD:The mod has been moved into Life of a Sailor located here: , no further updates or support will be provided for this mod as any future updates will ha...
Duffle Bag 2.0, Backpack & WaistBelt
Created by IAMAPEX
Latest game update - I've updated the mod to work with the latest update (updating after 2 years) however, whilst everything is seemingly working again, the sprites need repositioning. the backpack is working perfectly but the duffel bag position in the ha...
Dz6 Carousel of Clowns
Created by DazeyDream
Another off-the-records ship sold to childeren of the honkmother. Shortly after its sale, alarming reports of many submarine crews going missing hit the news, and a distinct absence of clowns on stations. Clowns vs everyone else. Captain, security, enginee...
E.A.D.D. V1
Created by Lord Animal Chin
This sub is design to work alongside the base game and is completely lore/campaign friendly. The E.A.D.D. Sub is design to be a complete all-rounder sub, providing ample storage for any exploration or salvage missions as well as boasting an imtimidating 5 ...
ECS Potemkin Mk. I
Created by Twingo
Europan Coalition Ship (ECS) Potemkin Mk. I is a large deep diver class submarine used by the Europan Coalition for research purposes. The star feature of the submarine is the command module which is capable of detaching from the submarine and being used a...
EK for HuskWaves patch
Created by jimmyl
Needs to be BELOW the HuskWaves mod....
Extra Clothes (Discontinued)
Created by Tactical Goldfish
This mod does not work with current version of Barotrauma, and I will not be updating it until the developers fix the fabricator's ability to support mod items. I am referring to the bug that has existed since the introduction of fabrication, and has been ...
Created by washedAwry
You're gonna have to bury them again. IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR MODDERS Please politely ask me before you use any assets from this mod in your own mod, please. I can't enforce this by any means, but I implore you to do so. This mod is my baby. Campaign spawning...
Half-Life Combine Module Pack
Created by SloppyTrainyard
Universal Union now visited Europa, because they can Adds various items and structures related to Combines from Half-Life game series Includes Outfits, with custom footsteps...
Created by Mose
-This is a really old mod and it probably doesn't work anymore- Have your medics been yelling at you about not having enough opium to feed your crew's severe addictions? Are you out of bandages because you have a clown running around with a diving knife? R...
Hydroponics Patched with Cigarettes
Created by Dahitman
Concept Grow and craft your own usable tobacco, coffee, marijuana, magic mushrooms, and cocaine in the forms of smokables, beverages, edibles and medical syringes. Now with realistic overdose/withdrawal/addictions and balanced afflictions with unique buff/...
Hyperius Asperis Station
Created by Solbusaur
Hyperius Asperis station is a repurposed research station, now serving as a hotspot for employment in a range of fields, also providing accomodation for its inhabitants. The outpost is divided into departments, only accessible by keycard access, such as a ...
Improved Husks
Created by The Ninja Scout
Improved Husks The Improved Husks mod aims to improve and expand the influence of the mysterious "husk parasite" in the world of Barotrauma in many ways. Core Features -Almost every single biological creature in the game can now be turned into a husk. This...
K-01 Nautilus
Created by Doomich
note: Double walls don't break AI except for a tiny section of the inner wall above the door to the engine - had to turn on "No AI Target" for those pieces, but Huge Monsters can still break it and bots can fix it. I would appreciate your feedback and opin...
KSE - Community Mod
Created by KSE
Die KSE Community Mod Die KSE Community Mod ist das Herzstück der KSE Barotrauma Spielergemeinschaft. Unser Ziel ist es das ohnehin tolle Spielerlebnis von Barotrauma durch eine etwas militärischere Ausrichtung noch immersiver zu gestalten und den Spielern...
Created by 狼狼
初始最高水平速度:19km/h,最高上浮速度:18km/h,最高下潜速度13km/h。坚韧级武装采掘平台是为高效挖掘深海矿物而设计的庞然大物。模块化及内凹船体的特别设计、更多的潜水设备、穿梭艇以及大型激光切割器让深渊挖掘任务变得容易。需要注意的是,你需要大量人员,且该船火力偏弱——因为她实在是太大了!因此,大公司有时会有让其他潜艇护航。Type Indomiatable are artifical behemoths designed for ore mining.Deep sea mining missi...
Magnus Research Carrier
Created by Scribbles
Hey Captain, this attack sub was refurbished into a research vessel. I can't bother getting a picture, so you're going to have to do with my description. It has every room a crew might need, including a door lock for the captain's room. Oh, and the armory ...
Mark Currency Mod
Created by Kaito Darksnow
Got Money? Now you do! This money can now be used to exchange between your digital and physical balance! What is it for? This mod adds a fun RP Currency to the game and a wallet to carry it in, along with an ATM to exchange your money. I originally created...
Large Small STONE
Created by WWWALEXC
某天 木衛二造船廠開出了一艘龐然大物 黑色的船身 巨大的尾翼 無一不讓人驚嘆 當大家還在觀賞時 造船廠的老闆走了出來: 這艘船叫石頭號(STONE) 因為它配有小型無人船(Small stone) 所以簡稱LS STONE 優秀的火力 厚重的裝甲......誰要競拍? 12000馬克開始喊價! 現場頓時熱鬧了起來...
Created by ReFlax
Cigarettes and cigarettes pack from legacy version of Barotrauma Extended (without sound) Ah malborasek. Kiedy ostatnio miałem cię w ustach?...
Created by Tharsis
The Mazara V2 is a high-tech, high-security attack submarine for captains that are unable to trust their own crew. The vessel is split into two modules: the command module in the front which houses the navigation and camera systems, and the service module ...
Created by Hyper075
FOR ANYONE STILL INTERESTED IN THIS MOD:The mod has been moved into Life of a Sailor located here: , no further updates or support will be provided for this mod as any future updates will ha...
Prometheus 05-Delta [Quest Station]
Created by LykosNychi
Originally designed as a mining trawler, the Prometheus developed into a trading & exploration hub. Several years ago, a series of unfortunate and potentially malicious incidents caused this station's evacuation. Despite extensive damage and rumours of gov...
Oasis MK II
Created by BzzSplat
This sub is back in the oceans with a new second version. New stuff is, a bottom airlock, general fixes and added platforms, jail cells, pumps in airlocks, some other things I forgot, possible new terminal commands....
Saber Armaments (OLD - v0.13.0.11)
Mod not working? Potential fix: ("A note about the patch: Unfortunately, there may still be some issues with mods. If a mod fails to update automatically, please head to the in-game Steam Workshop menu and click "reinstall" next to the mod in question. If ...
Schorotes More Content Mod
Created by [bk]schorote
Schorotes More Content Mod for 0.9.7 This Mod Contains all previews Schorote Mods: Food and Hunger, Contraband and Reward, Rank and Uniform, More Variaty latest Changes: Chef and XO working again aswell as the containershelf, Reactor Radiation, Pumps and m...
Saber Personal Protection (OLD - v0.13.0.11)
Mod not working? Potential fix: ("A note about the patch: Unfortunately, there may still be some issues with mods. If a mod fails to update automatically, please head to the in-game Steam Workshop menu and click "reinstall" next to the mod in question. If ...
SCP Pelagic Anomalies -- R&D /Stage 1
Created by Yak'All
For playing at our server. Come join if you are interested in some SCP RP! What's included? Research & development station and items: Research station Centrifuge station Various tools Creatures: SCP 006 SCP 131 SCP 939 SCP 999 Weapons (divided by their amm...
Created by 时光
迷你鲨已经非常过时了,于是研究所成立了新部门SG,SG成立后针对木卫二现在的环境研发出了这艘中型多功能潜艇SG-白鲸号。 规格:49x11m 水平速度:42 垂直速度:-18/14 载货量:38 价格:8000 该舰基础设施齐全 , 拥有小型穿梭机SG-海娥号,探敌雷达,防丘脑水泵,舰首搭载了激光主炮威力巨大。崭新出厂的白鲸号火力并不充足,需要进行升级才能达到正常水平。 适合成员3-6名,老舰长一人出航也行。 不知道什么原因我没办法在评论区留言,有事请在贴吧找我 贴吧里有问题解答!!!...
Skaad’I Siege Cruiser (LTS)
Created by 15.5T
Inspired by Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak This submarine is a parody of Garrison Siege Cruiser (and part of the secondary creation.) Technical Data: Maximum thrust: 1150F Theoretical horizontal speed :-40~40km/h Theoretical vertical speed: -18~17km/h Logist...
Spawner by Aktheon
Created by smiling Aktheon
tech mod that has to be used in quest-type subs. Allows spawning monsters and items You'r free to extend this mod any way you like, due to fact that i've abandoned Bugtrauma. Gl guys and have fun^^...
Created by ApparentlyAlvin
"Designed by Troppo Engineering to serve as a flagship vessel commanded by high ranking Coalition officers, the Squisita was ultimately deemed too ostentatious and the class was decommissioned after its first production run. While widely considered the mos...
Stations from beyond
Created by rundoomer Description Are you tired of the monotonous outpost modules? Or do you just want to add some variety to your adventure? This modification expands the number of modules found at stations. There are more than 100 new variation...
Created by Alto
An A-class submarine with monorail escape vessel for emergencies. Has good weapons and impressive speeds. The captain must press the switch by the escape pod, then hit the button until he is sure that the pod is secure. This may cause lag until pod is secu...
Created by Buzdooko
'Discovered within the journal of a deceased engineer, the Stryker's original blueprints - as jumbled and intelligible as they were- intrigued several admirals within the coalition navy, prompting them to be sent to leading engineers for analysis. Several ...
Tail's Melee Weapons Pack
Created by Freya: Ratted Girl
A collection of 5 melee weapons and some special versions made with exotic materials. Hopefully balenced around the new vanilla weapons and items. You can find them, buy them, craft them, steal them and perhaps find them spawning on your submarine. ...
The Grifter
Created by The Flaming Pike
TIER 1 SUBMARINE. The Grifter is for all of the pirates, bounty hunters, smugglers and mercenaries out there. This sub is fast and agile, perfect for PVP ( 5vs5 or more ). It's also a good campaign sub for a small crew looking for something bigger and bett...
The Peregrine
Created by BravoSixGoingDark
A top of the range assault corvette, the A-12 Peregrine is the newest competitor to the market of Coalition strategic defense contracts. Equipped with both heavy firepower and manoeuvrability, the Peregrine is suited for heavy duty reconnaissance, fast ass...
The Patriarch
Created by Nick
Fun, Easy, Unique, and Campaign Friendly Sub. 11/2/2021: The ship has a V2 version, The old version should not be included in the current uploaded version, I don't know if it will remove old versions automatically, but The Patriarch V2 should be the in gam...
The Wolfshammer
Created by MrSmith
                     “Wolfshammer in motion, king of the ocean” Dimensions: 146x46 Price: 100.000 Class: Attack Recommended Crew Size: Yes Recommended Crew Experience: Experienced Description: Filling both a heavy carrier and battleship role, U-500 “Wolfsh...
USG Chiisaimura
Created by Cogs
The Chiisaimura was originally built as a small-scale (1:21) test bed by the Concordance Extraction Corporation for the hull design of the later USG Ishimura. After the Ishimura was completed, the Chiisaimura continued to be used by the CEC for structural ...
Vodianoi SubStation
Created by tavvy
A sub/station, the Vodianoi can take out any mission with an experienced crew and become an extension of an outpost. Armed with an impressive loadout, the Vodianoi can easily defend itself against any danger of the Europa waters. The Vodianoi comes with a ...
Created by Fogsight
Beginner friendly submarine built for campaign progression with vanilla parts and quality of life features. • Autodetection of station power when docking, turning off reactor automatically. • Quiet running mode. Cuts all the major noises which usually attr...
[AP] Centurio
Created by rundoomer
Pirate submarine that has terrified frontier sectors in the past. After being captured by the PO Apollo, it was decided to partially modernize and put it back in operation. Interesting technical solutions allowed the submarine to attack transport ships wit...
[15 Design Bureau] Phantom_Walker (LTS)
Created by 15.5T
What would you like to wish for? “どうだろう…”(I don’t know...) Then there will be no more video games, anymore. “願い事はいくつ叶う?”(How many wishes do I get?) As many as you want. The more wishes you make, the more magnificent the video games will become. “はて?”(Reall...
[PESD] Altara Station {EK}
Created by Onyx
"Developed as an all-around outpost for basically every possible need, Altara-Neptune Station provides the full stationary experience with a wide array of features to enhance your gameplay. With enhanced defensive weaponry and security measures, along with...
[PESD] Deimos Station
Created by Onyx
A fairly typical outpost used by the "Deimos" faction. Deimos is an advanced corporation which believes in Europan peace, yet is willing to go to great extents to enforce that peace. This unarmed, unassuming station is one of many offices which process the...
[PESD] Eyedrone Pack
Created by Onyx
Small. Nimble. Quick. Best kept out of the line of fire, a pack of four Eyedrone variants....
[PESD] Hub Station
Created by Onyx
Hidden, secretive station built into the ice and loaded with interesting tasks. Just what is its purpose? (Based on Hubert Station) A very large station built into a glacier. It is 140m wide and 92m tall, and contains even more structures than Altara or Pr...
[PESD] LR-Selkie & Quake
Created by Onyx
Both of 's latest shuttle retrofits. The LR-Selkie is rebuilt for long-range expeditions, having a battery life of 33 minutes, increased storage space, and a bunk for two. The Quake is built for missions that will take a while, having a small fusion reacto...
[PESD] Neptune Station
Created by Onyx
Please read the description on the Steam Workshop! In-Game Description: Developed as an all-around outpost for basically every possible need, Neptune Station provides the full stationary experience with a wide array of features to enhance your gameplay. Pl...
[UCS] Ardent II 0.9
Created by Sny_Vs_Spyper
The main command submarine of the United fleet, serving as an advanced military research carrier for deep sea exploration, Designed to be used by expansive crews or highly experienced and specialised teams. Using an advanced battery system it can sustain i...
{IAC} Callistan Bayonet
Created by Callipygian Apricot
{IAC} Callistan Bayonet Basic Stats: Dimensions: 62x18m Max Base Horizontal Velocity: 15km/h Max Supercruise Horizontal Velocity: 23km/h Max Descent Velocity: 12km/h Cargo Capacity: 22 Cost: 18’500mk Recommended Crew Size: 8-14 Features: Vanilla Balance ma...
Created by 獬羽柏N7-Einhorn
Created by 獬羽柏N7-Einhorn
Orca Puls系列-离子鲨(Ion Shark) 原版海盗满足不了我了,我要让海盗用我自己的隐轰船打我自己。...
Created by 獬羽柏N7-Einhorn
Orca Puls系列-离子鲨(Ion Shark) ...
Alpha Zendetta v1.4.2
Created by Snake Oil
Description: Giant Transport / Deep Diving submarine designed to be as equipped as possible for any situation it may face on Europa. With fully equipped medical, storage, and security areas all personnel should dive into the treacherous depths with ease. A...
ALW-325 The sword
Created by -094M
ALW-325 出自HALK船坞 3级科技少物品 中小型(2) 5号深潜潜艇 作为舰队的中坚力量 它拥有不俗的火力 坚硬的外壳 可规避的速度 当作旅行欧罗巴的载具比较合适 作为代价 潜艇的空间较小 (封面什么的我都是乱截图一张的) 基础设备完整 多个空多功能接口 基础防护 部分死角的自动线圈 船头的手动强力电击 护甲 撞击缓冲带 坚硬的船头(400health)船身(320health) 对接舱口左边一小部分较为薄弱的外壳(170) 用于被压死的状态下切开逃生 火力(初期) 3台联装炮台(注:AI可以操作)...
Axolotl MKX
Created by Cynder Of Scalitz
Axolotl is a small carrier submarine, carrying a Zumblefar shuttle, which is intended to be operated by one crew member. While being outdated compared to the newer subs, it still has some tricks up it's sleeve. One of them being the mobile command deck, th...
Basilisk Battlecruiser
Created by Falkner
Hello Captains - I built this after being inspired by the Iroh and all the other amazing workshop content. Thankyou so much for all the technical and artistic ideas you've Inspired in this ship. I hope you have as much fun playing as I did building it. ...
Boneslaw Master Mk IV ii
Created by Reddington
Boneslaw - Assault Class Submarine Version: Master Mk IV 250i Authors: Ecchi'Ki Senpai & Psyduck Most submariners don't live long enough to reach retirement. Their only home and graveyard is a tin can at the bottom of Europa's ocean. They don't know why th...
Boneslaw Master Mk IV ii modpack
Created by Reddington
The required Content Package to play on the Boneslaw Mk IV 250i...
Eremias MKIV
Created by Cynder Of Scalitz
Eremias is a heavy duty shuttle for abyss area exploration and mining expeditions. It offers great firepower, which may come in handy in case of encountering local wildlife. It also provides with plenty of storage space for mined materials, and finally, a ...
Gundam Haro Alarm
Created by WindSheep
Lockon Lockon Lockon Lockon Lockon Lockon Lockon Lockon Lockon Lockon... it's a alarm can do whatever you do to alarm with this haro you can change music sound with gundam CD include some gundam ost inside~♪ 這是一個有哈囉...
Icebox Mining Station
Created by Nobark
WELCOME TO THE STATION! MAKE SURE YOU READ THIS WHOLE DESCRIPTION! Seems The Icebox is your new home for a little while! Reading this short document sh...
Ion Shark/离子鲨—Orca Plus系列
Created by 獬羽柏N7-Einhorn
Orca Puls系列-离子鲨(Ion Shark): -双推引擎+大型核子反应堆 -更多的充电电池/盈余电箱+超级电容器和钢化保险柜 -更舒适的火力覆盖点+磁暴装甲(线圈) -改装的前制3浮厢+船头撞击结构与抽水设计(撞角替换成了磁暴装甲) PS:mod前置并非必要前置,如果您为游戏新人,可以先用无线燃料棒熟悉游戏。 =============================================== -在原版Orca2的基础上,我改进了潜艇。 "On the basis of orca2, I...
Line of sight
Created by -094M
视线 我们将会凝视欧罗巴的每一篇海域 永远 ...
Magic Light(More Lamp)
Created by WindSheep
痛 船 計 畫 1 =x= i make this mod for fun they are all lamps(゚∀。)enjoy it...
Manta Mk2 (discontinued)
Created by Falkner
The manta is an high tech expedition craft able to navigate the smallest tunnels, dual chaingun point defence and sophisticated onboard systems give the expedition crew the best possible chance of survival. It has a Turboprop mode that can exceed 88km/h in...
Created by Jekkt 💀
100 unique pieces of headwear for ye boneheads. Set yerself apart from the rest of the crew. Use "enablecheats" and "spawnitem item_name_here inventory" to get the items or add them as additional cargo when starting a new campaign. You can also put them in...
Created by Tumor
"Mrakobes" is a combat submarine. Dimensions: 34m х 20m. Maximum velocity 20 km/h. Maximum descend speed 12 km/h. Equipped with two drones, which are piloted independent of the main sub and serve both as a cover for submarine's top part and as a full-fledg...
No Role Balance
Created by Mason Rackham
Disables the auto balance between roles, there is no force or limit on any role. Example: You can have 5 captains in the same time. With this mod you don't have to worry about random role spawning anymore! This mod is important for every multiplayer crew w...
Rainbow Laser
Created by WindSheep
Gives you Wings Rainbow 給你一對翅膀~~~ 靠杯這廣告太洗腦了。。。 (っ・Д・)っ i add 7 colors for the laser you can buy the color laser ammo box from stations and put it into turrets just like the normal laser ammo it's realllly expensive but worth a...
Created by Sparks
Every day that this literal pile of scrap metal doesn't fall apart and sink is a blessing. Be sure to watch your step, you'll break more than one limb before you get used to makeshift ladders and vents. Haphazard wiring also proves to be a constant threat ...
Created by 时光
这艘潜艇在z86海域失事了,被打捞上来时全员已经奄奄一息,虽然抢救及时但已经不可能再次从事航行工作。根据日志描述,潜艇遭到了巨兽袭击。 经过修复并加装炮台后,这艘独眼巨人号将重新投入到木卫二的探索事业中。 解锁炮台权限需要密钥请仔细寻找线索。 海娥号mk1有舱门隐形按钮 海娥号mk2是普通按钮门 两者都需要爬隐形梯子才能出舱 The submarine was wrecked in the waters of Z86 and was recovered with its entire crew dying,...
Silent Intensity - MK I
Created by Ricki
A large stealth cruiser. Features: - Bridge with a frontal window - Quarters for crew and captain - Recreation areas and a bar - Cargo bay - Extensive fabrication area with sorting shelves - 3 Airlocks (Top, bottom, shuttle) - Medical Bay and Artifact cont...
Sinners Saloon - For Dry Dock Discord
Created by Crumpaloo
A bar made in large part from derelect submarines being welded together. As a result from its popularity, and lack of armarments, all factions consider this place a neutral structure, however that doesnt stop bar paterons from causing trouble from time to ...
SRI-7 Remora RC/Self-Guiding Torpedo
Created by Rain of Snow
SRI-7/SRI-7A Remora Description The SRI-7 Remora is a remote controlled, impacted-detonated, self-guiding torpedo. With an effective range of 1km, this torpedo will easily dispatch submarines and marine life alike. The SRI-7 is remote con...
Stun Nerf Fix
Created by Captain Eric
Updated for Barotrauma Version: v0.15.12.0 Information This mod changes the Stun effect of items to be closer to how they worked prior to the v0.12.0.0 Stun Nerf. This is intended to increase the viability of non-lethal weapons for dealing with traitors/gr...
The Aeche (III)
Created by Kaileris
The Aeche (III) Welcome back to The Aeche, now bigger, bolder, and more badass. The Aeche submarine is taking on the third remodeling of it's lifetime. This military hive cleaner is ready to tackle on Europa's greatest threat with it's reliable weaponry an...
Tokage Shark Scooter
Created by WindSheep Red is usually the leader (in Super Sentai he can run really fast Yellow can bright you Blue can carry a lot Green can find enemy https://...
Unlimited Fuel Rod
Created by Dewmoont
Unlimited fuel rod for reactor. You can purchase it at any of the outposts. Attention This mod overwrites the reactor code. There may be compatibility issues with other third-party mods for the reactor or with the release of new updates for the reactor fro...
World War II - German Weapons, Equipment & Friends
Created by GreySciTe
This mod includes weapons and equipment of WW2 Germany and some more stuff. All firearms have reload sounds. In addition I implemented a new crafting tree for ammunition and explosives. If you have issues after mod updates, use the ingame 're-install' butt...
Zendetta Cruiser v2
Created by Snake Oil
Ship designed for fighting. Equipped with meds, materials and guns! There are also attack pods equipped with diving gear and 2 depth charges each....
Zublefar MKIII
Created by Cynder Of Scalitz
Zublefar, named after the leopard gecko by the russian-speaking denizens of Europa, is a personal attack shuttle. It is designed so it can be controlled by one person, but dont underestimate it judging by it's size. This vessel can be useful in many scenar...
[AH] Lockpick
Created by Uzric Rash
This mod overrides the vanilla handcuffs. Incompatibilities may arise with other mods that override the very same item. Being handcuffed is no longer the end. Now you can always try to lockpick your way out of your cuffs. To start lockpicking simply crouch...
Created by Wellnachapa
A Austrian woman look the remora and says: what? this is not a good sub, i will make my own submarine and go deeper whit that, shes never came back to say what happened, but, the model was recriated....
Created by L1A1F1
  当联盟注意到科技倒退的现象时就已成定局,但是在木卫二,可没有条件让你拿着木棍和石头去重新发展。   在联盟想方设法解决困境时,一个技术交流的提案得到了重视,并且让他们注意到——来到木卫二的不只有他们。   交流十分顺利,木卫二另一边的人十分慷慨,随行的科学家们获得了大量的先进技术,但是两边的技术代差过大,导致获得的技术无法解决目前的困境,反而还增加了新的烦恼。   依照对方的提议,双方合作改造其中一艘潜艇。   以联盟的潜艇为基础框架,用木卫二另一边的技术升级改造,这艘交流归来的潜艇一直活跃在各大军事基...
Created by AKA-蠢脸螈宝
背景故事 “如陨星般划过,撕裂大气,坠入渊洋” “血色彗星”由位于新上海的“东亚重工”与香港新南昌的“破碎穹顶”合作研发,为了相应木卫二联盟的号召,“血色彗星”级仅仅用了14个月实际上是三个星期半的时间完成研发到制造,其性能也极为优越,更加适合新船长驾驶,而外观方面参考了“宿怨级” 基础参数 定位:单人/多人 价格:4200 规格:41*13m 载货量:60箱 推荐船员数量:3-6 推荐船员经验:初窥门径 最大水平速度:54KM/H 最大下潜速度:21KM/H 最大上浮速度:18KM/H 武器:4+2标准型...
[EA]Girty Lue
Created by WindSheep
Supported languages for now: 繁體中文 English 簡體中文 The Girty Lue is the Earth Alliance(Gundam SEED) flagship of Neo Roanoke's 81st Independent Mobile Battalion, who reports under the code name "Phantom Pain". Girty Lue-class is well armed and can hold itself a...
[PESD] Gemina II
Created by Onyx
Bringing an old experimental line into the modern age with a complete rework is how PESD does business! Redesigned for transport, this submarine is well-armed for carrying valuable cargo - or people - through dangerous territory. Relatively light build, ~1...