Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Items (723)
панелька by БУБУНЕГР...
お祭り屋台 - YATAI -
Created by [JP]@sayaka
お祭り用のPropです。 ・たこ焼き屋台 - TAKOYAKI - ・わたあめ屋台 - Cotton Candy - ・焼きそば屋台 -YAKISOBA- ・金魚すくい屋台 -KINGYO- 一応、夜間照明も設定してあります。 ※アセット制作 初心者の為 不慣れなので少しずつ作っています。 今後、少しずつ屋台の種類を追加する予定です。 Rezしたときにrandomでlightのcollarが変化します。  ※不具合あったらコメントでもいいので教えてください!        If there are any ...
アトレ川越 atre building (RICO)
Created by TOKACHI269
川越駅前にあるatre川越です。ペデストリアンデッキはついていません。 <mesh info> main triss : 4731 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 59 texture size : 256x256 (defuse,illumination) atre building by TOKACHI269...
イトーヨーカドー Japanese commercial building
Created by TOKACHI269
イトーヨーカドーです。 川崎港町店がモデルです。,139.7189158,225a,35y,39.46t/data=!3m1!1e3?dcr=0 RICO commercial high Size : 14x21 workplaces : 140 construction-cost : 40000 <mesh info> main triss : 9099 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,n...
イベント用テント Japanese Event Tents
Created by TOKACHI269
イベント用テント Japanese Event Tents イベント用のテントです。白色のみです。 Japanese tent for events. Only white. <Mesh info> Main triss : 528, 1000 tex size : 512x512, 320x512 (d, n, s, a) LOD triss : 14 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 Am...
シャポー船橋南館_Shapo Funabashi
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 2018年に船橋駅の南口側に建設されたシャポー南館を再現してみました。 駅アセットが多く存在しますが、駅ビルが圧倒的に少ないため制作。 In 2018 I tried reproducing the Chapo South building which was built on the south exit side of Funabashi station. There are many station assets, but because the station build...
ニコニコレンタカー看板 niconico rent a car billboard大阪 日本 Osaka Japan
Created by やばい
ニコニコレンタカー niconico rent a car by やばい ヨシモトビル屋上の看板です。 This is a signboard on the roof of Yoshimoto Building. 道頓堀 大阪 日本 Dotonbori Osaka Japan...
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 北海道札幌市北区に本社を置く家具小売り企業。 社名のとおり、創業者の名前は似鳥昭雄。 アメリカでは下の名前をとって「Aki-Home」である。 「おねだん以上。ニトリ」のキャッチコピーは有名ですが、「お値段異常」と揶揄されることもあります。 Furniture retailing company "Nitori" headquartered in Kita Ward, Sapporo City, Hokkaido. As the company name, the founder...
ハチ公像  Hachiko statue (shibuya station series)
Created by やばい
ハチ公像 Hachiko statue by やばい ハチ公物語が大好きです This Akita dog came to Shibuya Station everyday to meet his master, a professor, returning from work. After the professor died in 1925, Hachikō continued to come to the station daily until his own death nearly 10 year...
フェンスパック Japanese Fences Pack
Created by TOKACHI269
日本のフェンスです。まだまだ追加する予定あり。ほしいフェンスがあればコメントで教えてくれるともしかしたら作るかもしれません。 Japanese fences pack.There are plans to add more. <Contents> フェンス(1,2,3、門) ネット(白、緑) 橋 学校 線路わきの柵 ブロック(ノーマル、低、透かしブロック、門) アコーディオンフェンス 追加:ブロック2、入口、柵板杭1、2 追加2:16m ver 追加3:8m ver <Mesh info> main tri...
ブックオフ四街道店(R)_BOOK OFF Yotsukaido
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 四街道市に実在する「ブックオフ」です。 "BOOK OFF" that exists in Yotsukaido-shi, Chiba prefecture. ■メモ(Memo) 日本のごみ処理施設は設置場所が限られており、ゲームのように乱立していません。 そこでブックオフをリサイクル施設として機能させ、街の美観を損ねないようにしたかったのが、作成したきっかけです。 The installation place of the garbage disposal facility i...
Created by hakurai
昔作ったやつ マツモトキヨシ by hakurai...
メッツホテル Mets hotel
Created by やばい
メッツホテル Mets hotel by やばい 渋谷駅新南口プラットフォームなし、たったメッツホテルです Shibuya Station new south entrance without platforms, only Mets Hotel 渋谷 東京 日本 Shibuya Tokyo Japan ...
ヨシモトビル yoshimoto biru 大阪 日本 Osaka Japan
Created by やばい
ヨシモトビル  yoshimoto biru by やばい ヨシモトビルです、使ってくれてありがとうございます! This is yoshimoto biru,hope you guys enjoy and take care. 道頓堀 大阪 日本 Dotonbori Osaka Japan...
ワクワク看板 waku waku billboard
Created by やばい
ワクワク看板 waku waku billboard by やばい 運命の出会いアプリ ワクワク看板です。 次のビルで使う看板です。 This is wakuwaku billboard, I will use in my next building. Hope you guys enjoy and take care. 道頓堀 大阪 日本 Dotonbori Osaka Japan ...
中式高层公寓 ChineseStyle Mansion
Created by amamIya
中式高层公寓 ChineseStyle Mansion by amamIya Real Glass Model: Main:23604 Glass:2210 SubMesh:12248 Lod: Main:1952 Others:0 Texture: Main:1024 Others:256 Lod:64...
国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building
Created by TAEMIN B
国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building 国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. it is called by 'Kokkai gijidō'. It is a house of councillors, National diet building of Japan. It is in tokyo, Around of imperial(royal) palace. And it's popular landma...
国鉄EF65形電気機関車 - JR貨物タキ1000形貨車
Created by TOKACHI269
Engine 国鉄EF65形電気機関車 Freight car JR貨物タキ1000形貨車 EF65はTORAKICHI-WORKS様から許可をいただき、RailSimのプラグインからコンバートして制作しました。 TORAKICHI-WORKS <Mesh info> EF65 : Main triss : 4470 texture size : 1024x2048 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD Triss : 14 texture size ...
國民革命忠烈祠 National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine
Created by Emperor Li
國民革命忠烈祠 位於臺北市圓山的一座忠烈祠,是中華民國全國崇祀國殤位階最高的場所。於1969年完工,建築型式仿北京故宮太和殿。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 預覽圖片中的牌樓在這裡。 歡迎使用First Person Camera: Updated 進來參觀。:) 感謝您的訂閱! 国民革命忠烈祠 位于台北市圆山的一座忠烈祠,是中华民国全国崇祀国殇位阶最高的场所。于1969年完工,建筑型式仿北京故宫太和殿。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 预览图片中的牌楼在这里。 欢迎使用First Person Camera: Update...
大外ビルscreen 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
大外ビルscreen by やばい 影像はwarming up Tokyo 2020の一部です。これも今度のアセットで使うprop です。 The vedio is from warming up Tokyo 2020, it will also be used in the next Shibuya building. 渋谷 東京 日本 Shibuya Tokyo Japan update log: add 9 frames to smooth the vedio ...
姬路城 ひめじじょう Himeji Castle
Created by TAEMIN B
姬路城 ひめじじょう Himeji Castle 姬路城 ひめじじょう Himeji Castle 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. it is called by 'Himeji Castle'. It is in Japan and it was a fort, and now it is popular landmark building to Japanese for real. Especially this is an important, UNESCO internationa...
寺院 Japanese temple
Created by TOKACHI269
It will be added to level1 unique buildings. 日本でよく見かける寺院です。 ユニーク施設レベル1に追加されます。 自由な配置にしたい方は検索MODでtempleと調べてください 。 <mesh info> 本堂 triss : 1642 tex : 1024x1024(d) 山門 triss : 454 tex : 512x256(d,n) 石灯籠 triss:136 tex : 64x256(d.n) 鐘楼 triss : 734 tex : 512x512(d...
日本の警察署 (Japanese police station)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本の警察署です。目白警察署がモデルです。 <mesh info> main triss : 2470 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 89 texture size : 128x128 (defuse,illumination) ...
日本住宅パック Japanese low residential house pack
Created by TOKACHI269
日本住宅パック Japanese low residential house pack ファイルサイズが大きいですが、Loading Screen Modを使えば同じテクスチャのものはスキップしてくれるのでそこまでメモリーは消費しないと思います。 Although the file size is large, if use Loading Screen Mod, I will skip the same texture thing, so I think that memory will not be c...
Created by TOKACHI269
It will be added to level6 unique buildings. 東京スカイツリーです。現実の3分の2の大きさです。 ユニーク施設レベル6に追加されます。 <mesh info> main triss : 22554 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 4748 texture size : 512x512 (defuse,normal,specurar,ill...
東京タワー Tokyo Tower
Created by HOON
東京タワー Tokyo Tower by HOON...
東横イン Japanese Business Hotel
Created by Krakow131
日本の駅前でよく見かけることのできるビジネスホテルです、観光特化地区に2x2のサイズで出現します。 RICOへの対応方法は他サイト参照 ...
松の落葉 PROP Pine fallen leaves
Created by TOKACHI269
松の落葉 Pine fallen leaves 松の落葉です。Propなのでdecalと重ねてもチカチカすることはありません。 Pine leaves. Because it is a Prop, it will not flicker even if it is overlapped with decal. <Mesh info> Main triss : 32, 40 tex size : 256x512, 512x512 (d, n, s, a) LOD triss : 4 tex size : 64...
柴山第六~七ビル_Shibayama 6~7th Building
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 宮城県仙台市青葉区国分町にあるクライスビルがモデルとなっています。 実際の写真がないため、テナントや階数などはディフォルメされております。 The model is the Krys Building in Kokubuncho, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. Since there are no actual photos, tenants and floors are deformed. ■メモ(Memo) 作成したきっかけ...
渋谷駅 新南口 Shibuya station new south entrance(Shibuya station series)
Created by やばい
渋谷駅 新南口 Shibuya station new south entrance by やばい お久しぶりです! 遅くなってすみません。今度のアセットは渋谷駅新南口です、お楽しみください。 次のアセットは渋谷東急です。 ご注意ください: すべてのプラットフォームを使われるために,Advanced Stop Selection (ex MTSE)を使ってください。 This is shibuya station new south entrance.Just in case, I don't have a...
渋谷109 shibuya109
Created by やばい
渋谷109 shibuya109 by やばい お久しぶりです、今回作ったアッセとは渋谷109です、お楽しみください。 Hi, guys, this is shibuya109, one of the famous building in Shibuya area, hope you guys enjoy and have fun! 渋谷 東京 日本 Shibuya Tokyo Japan update log: LED light for calzedonia shop...
石橋斎場_Ishibashi Funeral Hall
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 茨城県つくばみらい市谷井田にあるセレモニー石橋会館です。 遺族部屋11畳バス・トイレ完備、霊安室完備で比較的新しい施設です。 Ceremony Ishibashi Kaikan in Taniida, Tsukuba Mirai, Ibaraki Prefecture. Survivor's room 11 tatami bath and toilet fully equipped, it is a relatively new facility with a complete ...
Created by KEL
爱群大酒店 by KEL 爱群大酒店(爱群大厦)位于中国广州市沿江西路,是广州市旅游局属下的一间三星级酒店。爱群大厦在1937年至1967年作为“广州第一高楼”的地位保持了整整30年。 The Aiqun Hotel or Oi Kwan Hotel (Chinese: 爱群大酒店) is a hotel in Guangzhou, China. At 64 meters tall with 15 floors, it surpassed the neighboring Nanfang Building t...
自動改札機 ticket gate pack(shibuya station series)
Created by やばい
自動改札機 ticket gate pack by やばい 3種類の自動改札があります:JREM製のEG2 IC専用方、切符·IC共用方と東京メトロ方。 各種類には、開いた状態と閉じた状態の2つの状態があります。 There are 3 type ticket gates in this pack:JREM EG20 IC only type,common type and Tokyo metro type. Each type has two states:open and closed. Hope yo...
雑居ビル併設地下鉄駅 Subway Station with Office Building
Created by n_mosimo
After Dark 対応版はこちら/For After Dark ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 東京のある駅を元にした地下鉄駅です。性能はデフォルトのままです。 The subway station base...
🎍門松🎍 Kadomatsu
Created by TOKACHI269
Kadomatsu 門松 門松です。おまけでのぼりもついています。 Kadomatsu is the New Year’s decorative pine branches. a little something extra Banner. <Mesh info> Main triss : 314 tex size : 256x512, 320x512 (d, n, s, a) LOD triss : 12 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 http...
( RICO ) JP Country elevator / カントリーエレベーター
Created by koma
Japan's country elevators are facilities for storing rice harvested by farmers. RICO set. It's 4 × 9 sizes. 日本のカントリーエレベーターは農家が収穫した米を貯蔵する施設です。 RICO設定済み。4×9マスです。 ...
(U) 680 5th Ave
Created by Prosper
RICO / Commercial High / level 3 / 4x4 / 1024x1024 / 4167 tris / LOD 512x512 / 94 tris Unique Building / level 4 For corner placement. Based on 680 5th Ave, New York, USA (service data: (U)5Ave680) ...
100 North Main Street
Created by KingLeno
100 N Main Street by KingLeno An office tower in downtown Memphis, TN. The large "UP Bank" sign was removed in 2005 when Union Planters bank which was headquartered in Memphis was acquired by Regions. Model Triangles 6731 Texture 1024x1024 Custom LOD Lot s...
100 St Georges Terrace (RICO) Australia
Created by Crazyglueit
As Requested 100 St Georges Terrace, located in Perth, Western Australia. This building started renovation in 2006 and was completed in 2009. Currently Perth's 8th tallest building. Use MrMiyagi's Perth, Western Australia map to go with it! Scale - 1:1 Siz...
109 men's 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
109 men's 渋谷 東京 by やばい 2011年、「109-2」が名前を変え、メンズファッションビルとしてリニューアル。渋谷駅のハチ公口のスクランブル交差点を渡ってすぐに立ち、地下2階から地上7階に、アパレルだけでなくアクセサリーや雑貨など、オトコの渋谷系ファッションに欠かせない全50ブランドが軒を連ねる。 The building, located just across the street from Shibuya Station, opened in April 1979. The arch...
109 men's screen 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
109 men's screen by やばい 109 men's screenです、ビデオはPerfumeさんのMVです、これは次のアセットで使うpropです、お楽しみにしてください。 This is 109 men's screen, the vedio is from japanese girl group perfume's mv, and this prop will be used in the next Shibuya building. Enjoy^_^ update log: detail...
Created by 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-464-A20-N2 by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions an...
111 South Main (RICO) Salt Lake City
Created by Crazyglueit 111 South Main, located in Salt Lake City, Utah, is one of the skylines newests buildings. Completed in 2016, this buildings uses a unique support system, the Hat Truss-System. This method allows structural engineers to suspe...
111 Wall Street (Citibank), Lower Manhattan, New York, New York, USA
Created by Cleavus
111 Wall Street (Citibank), Lower Manhattan, New York, New York, USA The Citibank Building is located on 111 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005 at the corner of Wall Street and Front Street. Completed in 1966, the building stands at 24 floors tall and feature...
112 & Hauptfeuerwache logos
Created by SvenBerlin
112 & Hauptfeuerwache logos by SvenBerlin These are 2 logos for my "Hauptfeuerwache Mannheim" Asset tris each 2...
14-storey nursing home
Created by Junna
Requires Senior citizen nursing home mod. 900 tris (I think it was). The roof texture is low-resolution (I had to resize it to fit the others at acceptable resolution), 1024x1024 t...
136 South Temple (RICO) Salt Lake City
Created by Crazyglueit 136 South Temple, located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Completed in 1966 at a height of 274ft (84m). This 25-story building was originally named the University Club Building. Scale - 1:1 Plot Size - 6x6 Main - Tris 4,692 / Textur...
1920s American Highrise
Created by Smilies
Meant to look like a generic 1920s highrise that you'd find in pretty much any North American city 4x2 corner office L3 growable 10030 tris 1024x2048 textures diffuse, color, spec, illumination and normal maps custom LOD 36 tris LOD baked 256x256 textures ...
1930's Barn lamp
Created by Evangeline
A very common lamp in the 1930's, these could be found anywhere, ranging from industrial buildings in the city, to sawmills, barns and train stations in the rural countryside. This works as a lamp, and is a required item for most my future building assets....
1990s Korean Apartment buildings
Created by ***** Architecture
1990s Korean Apartment buildings...
2 Commerce Square
Created by KingLeno
2 Commerce Square by KingLeno Plain boring generic midrise concrete office building. 4x4 but includes RICO settings. ******** If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee to show support and appreciation by making a small donation vi...
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art
Created by 910095247
The 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa is a museum of contemporary art located in Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan. The museum was designed by Japanese architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa of the architectural office SANAA in 2004. In Octobe...
22 battery street (Lvl 3 commercial 3x4)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 3x4 high commercial lvl 3. About the model There's not a lot of quality buildings in the commercial category. I made this, because I needed a nice filler for this size and category. You can always f...
2L JP road KT01 (Basic Road)
Warning! Be sure to backup the saved data before use. Saved data may be corrupted due to bugs, etc., and it may not be possible to use it. caution ! : The asset for left-hand traffic ! 日本風の2車線道路です。 Japanese style 2 lanes road (β)の正式版とお考えください。 ご注意ください! 警告! ...
2x4 Kyoto Block #1 (Lv3 High Density Commercial)
Created by BachToBaroque
(03/Dec/2016): This is was my first asset. I've updated it & made some improvements. If the existing old building disappears I apologize in advance. Special thanks to Temple Of Doom a.k.a /u/kalimashookdeday for his tutorial vids. Model Stats: - 2 x 4 Grow...
3 Commerce Square
Created by KingLeno
3 Commerce Square by KingLeno A midrise office building. A slightly less boring and generic 2 Commerce Square. Half the height, same amount of concrete. Triangles: 491 Texture 1024x2048 Custom LOD 40 workplaces with RICO mod. ******** If you like my assets...
3 way interchange #10 (two level)
Created by 3nƒ0я¢3я
3 way interchange #10 (two level) Cost: 13,340 Upkeep: 143 / week -> mirror version <-...
4L JP road KT01 (Medium Road)
Warning! Be sure to backup the saved data before use. Saved data may be corrupted due to bugs, etc., and it may not be possible to use it. 日本風の4車線道路です。 高架のLOD不具合を修正しました ご注意ください! 警告! : 使用にあたってセーブデータを必ずバックアップしてください。 バグなどによってセーブデータが破損、使用できなく恐れがあります。 当アセットを使用し...
55 Hudson Yards
Created by _luminou_
55 Hudson Yards 55 Hudson Yards (originally known as One Hudson Yards or One Hudson Boulevard) is a skyscraper being built in the neighborhood of Hudson Yards, Manhattan, New York City, just outside the Hudson Yards Redevelopment Project. It and 50 Hudson ...
5x8 Big Parking Lot By ehni55
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this asset. It was created by ehni55 All I did was create a custom Thumbnail and Tooltip Image for the in game toolbar. I did reach out to people to ask them to update but I just don't feel like waiting months for them to be updated or pos...
60 Degree Mixed-Use Corner
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Modular RICO mixed-use commercial and residential pack 6x5 commercial base and residential top Mesh 1 base 1621 tris LOD 50 tris Mesh 2 top 1705 tris LOD 101 tris 1024...
650 California Street
Created by Jerenable
650 California Street: A 142m tall L A R G E B O X boring building from the finacial district of San Francisco to house you salary workers. Brought to you by Jerenable™ I used this building for my youtube video on modernism The look of the building says it...
8x6 Big Parking Lot By Froggy_NL
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this asset. It was created by Froggy_NL All I did was create a custom Thumbnail and Tooltip Image for the in game toolbar. I did reach out to people to ask them to update but I just don't feel like waiting months for them to be updated or ...
A Baseball Field
Created by ekagaming
Just telling you something, if it says the bleachers are not connected to the road, just make a square around the baseball field, then it will be fixed, anyways This is a regular baseball field, i know i know it doesn't have a parking lot but it is just st...
a small house
Created by XDBX
a small house1 by XDBX 在公园一栏中可以找到 这是会所qq群推出的一个开源资产,来方便一些制作资产的初学者 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XDBX’都市天际线资产娱乐会所: Welcome to XDBX‘s G...
Ability to Read
Created by REV0
Only modders will understand. Feel free to use in your mods as a required item. Provides 10K entertainment bonus. Only visible in Asset Editor....
AC Units
Created by Emperor Li
3 AC Units Required props for my taiwanese commercial buildings. 模型資料 | model infos: Tris: 16-20 maps: 128x64 (d,a,i,s,c) LOD tris: 12 LOD maps: 64x32 (d,a,i,s,c) Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Activated sludge process tank
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on An activated sludge process tank modelled after the ones at Mariagerfjord Rensningsanlæg in Denmark. It creates noise pollution and garbage to mimic the smell and sludge waste it creates. I've tried to balance the...
Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance
Created by BloodyPenguin
Prevents large props (like planes, containers etc.) from disappearing on zooming out. Adjusts LOD distance for trees depending on their size. The larger is prop/tree, the further it is visible! For small props visibility distances should remain the same as...
Additive Shader
Created by Ronyx69
Allows to use the soft additive particle shader (used for light effects) for props and vehicle sub meshes. It's also possible to use custom on/off time of day. Required for assets using the additive shader. Building, sub building, and sub mesh support is n...
Advanced Toolbar
Created by CWMlolzlz
Advanced Toolbar introduces new functionality to the toolbar including an expandable asset panel and auto icon centre. Too many icons on your bar? Center them all by enabling Auto Centre in the options. This will shift them so they are easier to access. Th...
AFL Stadium
Created by BadPeanut This is an AFL Stadium that uses the free Match Day DLC mechanics. With a capacity of 2000, the stadium is well suited to large cities. As a plop and go asset all you need to do is connect paths to the colonnades to allow pe...
Air Condition Unit
Created by clus
description is coming later ......
Air ducts 1
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Air ducts 2
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Air ducts 3
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Aircraft Warning Lights / 航空障害灯
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Aircraft warning lights to be installed on the roof or in the middle of a high-rise building. I used Custom Effect Loader to get brighter and more realistic than traditional lights. Custom Effect Loader has good performance, it does not slow down your game...
Airport Roads
Created by SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) Fixed version of Runways and Taxiways mod. Adds runways and taxiways to the airport menu. Runway has the same cost as Highway road. Taxiway has the same cost as Small road. This mod doesn't change the p...
Airport Runway Marking Pack
Created by vasimr22
Basic Info This is a pack of runway markings for airport runways. They are all geometry, and do have sides, to prevent any weird shadow issues. Additionally, all of the models do have proper LODs. All of the screenshots shown are with vanilla graphics (no ...
AKB 48 Theather
Created by Lot Creator
This little upload has been sitting around on my hard drive for quite a while now. It's probably surpassed 4 or so months from the time I had finished it. A week ago I had finished the rather dubious night light work. I still need work and help on that sin...
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store (Growable Lv2 3x2)
Created by Emperor Li
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store アキバ☆ソフマップ1号店 Akiba Sofmap 1st store in Akibahara, Tokyo. This was made more than a year ago, when I started to model for Cities Skylines but never published it because the tris count was way too high. I optimized it recently and deci...
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store (Ploppable RICO)
Created by Emperor Li
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store アキバ☆ソフマップ1号店 Akiba Sofmap 1st store in Akibahara, Tokyo. This was made more than a year ago, when I started to model for Cities Skylines but never published it because the tris count was way too high. I optimized it recently and deci...
All Easy
Created by mjayberlin
All Easy is a map I designed to offer all playing options to everyone. It can be played with 9 tiles (though you might have to make some hard decisions then) or on 25 tiles. Even for the 81 tile players, there should be some additional places to find to ma...
All Spaces Unlockable
Created by Klyte45 What it does All 25 areas can be purchased (per default only 9 out of 25 can be purchased). Anyway, i...
AnimUV Params
Created by Ronyx69
While previously created props still require the AnimUV Params mod, a new method for saving shader parameters by boformer has removed the requirement for a mod. See the AnimUV Shader article:
antenna for firestation prop
Created by SvenBerlin
antenna for firestation prop by SvenBerlin this antenna is a prop and is only for decoration. I made it for my upcoming firestation asset. 1190 tris...
Any Road Outside Connections
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds outside connections to all roads This mod adds outside connections to roads that didn't have them. Remember that in order to build outside connections for zonable roads outside of unlocked tiles you need to temporarily ...
Astana 7F complex A1
Created by AliTarGz
Hi, everybody! It's my new project. This building of a housing estate, called - Family, stood in the city of Astana. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Verts = 6544 Edges = 11539 Tris = 1...
Created by Cristolisto
Because the Houston Astros won the 2017 world series I decided to model the Astrodome! The Astrodome was the home of the Astros from its opening in 1965 to 1999. Roy Hofheinz envisioned the Astrodome so baseball fans could escape the heat and rain outs. Ma...
Bank of America Tower HK 香港美银中心 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
bankofAmerica by XDBX You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到...
Barry Plaza
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A mid 1980's boxy (large floorplate) skyscraper, a staple of any successful city skyline Stats:- Growable 4x4 Level 3 Office Building *NEW MODEL* Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion ...
Bauhaus Signs
Created by Ronyx69
Bauhaus Signs for the Bauhaus Dessau:
Benauge Fire station
Created by Gruny
The Benauge fire station is located on the right bank of the city of Bordeaux. It was built by architects Claude Ferret, Yves Salier and Adrien Courtois between 1950 and 1954. Specs 2 Fire stations Texture - 1024x2048 | D / N / I / S / C (same texture map ...
Bento Factory
Created by Accapulco
Japanese style industry. It uses bakery base, employs 100 and causes 0 pollution. Main / LOD 1570 - 2048x512 40 - 128x128...
BIG Commercial AC
Created by BenTracker
BIG Commercial Air Conditioner 58 Tris / 256 x 256px LOD: 32 Tris / 32 x 32px...
Blooming Jacaranda
Created by MrMaison
Blooming Jacaranda by MrMaison Introducing a Blooming Jacaranda tree! It's native to Tropical and Sub Tropical regions. This is my first flowering tree. Use this to add color to your foliage areas or for decoration. There are actually 49 species of Jacaran...
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner ANA
Created by CityOfTokyo
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner ANA The next-generation medium-sized jetliner that Boeing of the United States of America performs development and production of the Boeing 787 dream liner. The color becomes the thing of All Nippon Airways of the launch customer. P...
bollards with chains
Created by DᴇRᴀɴɢA
Triangles: 156 / LOD 76 Textures: 128x128 D, A / LOD 32x32 This prop can be found in the asset editor under Common - Common Streets and in game if you use the More Beautification Mod....
Bombardier INNOVIA 300 Abstract (6Cars)
Created by REV0
Abstract, V2.0 - 420 passengers Bombardier’s INNOVIA Monorail 300 vehicles provide an efficient and cost-effective solution to growing cities. A passenger favouri...
Boston Residence
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, after some residential tests in the last few months, I made a small bundle of assets to publish. A modern looking residence and a matching semi-sunken garage. Maybe this is the beginning of a small series of residential buildings. Have some i...
Bow Valley Square [RICO]
Created by JSF-1
Bow Valley Square is a large office complex located in Calgary Alberta, Canada. The complex opened in 1981 an consists of 4 towers at 17, 32, 37, and 39 floors respectively. RICO MOD: This asset is RICO compatible and functions as a Level 3 Office. Cost to...
Bratke Corporate
Created by Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Bridge building station 168m
Created by konfox0527
Ver.4 update (2018 10/21) LODモデルの追加 ポリゴン数削減  維持費の変更(少なすぎたため)(2500) Add LOD model Correct Reduce polygon Change running cost Increase (2500) -入口が橋上にある駅です。プラットホームの有効長は168mまで対応しています。 道路に関係なく自由な位置に設置できる駅です。2セル道路を接続して使用してください。 Fine Road Anarchyを作動させてから設置してください。...
Bridge building station+passJP1L
Created by konfox0527
橋上駅橋上入口通過線付きJP1L 注意 Attention! -内装道路が変更されてます。 -Move It!で駅を動かさないでください。 激重やクラッシュの危険性あり。 -It was changed the incrude road to KT 4m road. -Do not move use with Move It! It may be crash! 概要 overview -橋上駅橋上入口通過線付きのJP1L station track KT21G版です。 入口が橋上にある駅です。プラットホーム...
American Football Stadium
Created by --JR--
An American football stadium. Original asset by Salmon Le Bon I just added lights and parking....
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 4 antennas. Found in industrial props. Originally made for the japanese fire department, but usable for anything. Main: 59 - 150 tris 64x256 LOD: 8 - 12 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Ass...
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - Avenue 5 in Astana city. This complex will consist of several buildings. For people who has a problem with road connection. You just need to draw roads on all four...
Bauhaus Dessau
Created by Ronyx69
This asset marks the one year anniversary of my asset creation adventures. Bauhaus Dessau, Germany Walter Gropius, 1925 1925-1932: School of Design 1945: Partial destruction due to bombing 1972: First R...
Boeing 777-300ER - All Nippon Airways
Created by Konkku
ANA - All Nippon Airways Boeing 777-300ER by Konkku All Nippon Airways aka. ANA is the largest airline in Japan. ANA's main hubs are at Narita International Airport outside Tokyo and Kansai International Airport outside Osaka. This asset was made using vas...
Bonn Center
Created by clus
Hello all together ! :) My current upload is al litte bit different compared to the others... but I guess, you`ve already seen that. ;) As you can see, its just an ugly and boring office building ... ;) About the building: There is (was) a role model for t...
Brookfield Place Tower 2 (Bay Wellington Tower)
Created by JSF-1
The Bay Wellington Tower is the second tower that makes up the Brookfield Place complex along side the TD Canada Trust Tower. Tower 2 is 49 floors and was completed in 1992 to be part of the world headquarters for the Canada Trust bank. Cost to Build: $150...
Brooks building (lvl 3 high commercial corner)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 4x4 high commercial lvl 3corner. About the model The high commercial category in the workshop was in dire need of some love and I was looking for an excellent example of the chicago style for a mode...
Building Theme:Japanese low residential theme
Created by TOKACHI269
Japanese low residential theme...
Building Themes
Created by boformer
This mod makes possible to apply building themes to a district or the whole city. Only buildings which are contained in one of the selected themes will grow in a district. You can subscribe to theme mods from the workshop, or create your own themes in the ...
Bus Station
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, actually I just wanted to try out how to use the rotor shader. And suddenly, a new asset was born :) Have fun! Special thanks go out to Ronyx69, who discovered the use of the rotor shader for asset creations. That offers completely new possib...
CAF Urbos 3 Utrecht Uithof Tram
Created by Jerenable
CAF Urbos 3 Utrecht Uithof Tram by Jerenable Yeah yeah I know full well the actual tram is an Urbos 100 but thats just a glorified Urbos 3 whatever it is its in C:S now enjoy!! Its not a train, bus, car, van, tiger, boat or superman its a tram ok, OK! You ...
Caio Millenium IV
Caio Millenium IV by metaloziel...
Carlton Centre
Created by Shubz26
Carlton Centre, South Africa by Shubz26 Carlton centre is a 50 storey office building located in downtown Johannesburg, which features an observation deck on the 50th floor. It was the tallest building in Africa from its completion in 1974 until it was sur...
Carnel Tower
Created by Zatline
8x6 - Carnel Tower This building is based of an asset back from Sim City 4 by Superstar - Origin; I remade it from scretch and tried to make it look as close as possible as the original. :) Gameplay Proper...
Cartier Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x3 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Cartier flagship store in Ginza, Tokyo. It is meant to be a 2x3 corner building, but to avoid potential confusion that arises when players plop the building on non-corner tiles and the buildin...
Cedar Valley 4K
Created by MarkFire
After almost 2 weeks of work we are pleased to release 4k version of Cedar Valley map theme. Let your creativity run wild with great looking sharp textures. This theme is for the "Temperate Climate" and the screenshots above were taken with the Evergreen! ...
Central Station (in the Style of Berlin Central Station)
Created by Emperor Li
There are some issues with this station which need to be fixed. Please do not subscribe until I have the time to fix the station!!! ***UPDATE 2018-10-17*** reduce loading time, fix sub-buildings. ****************************** A perpendicular central stati...
Created by Shindosi
CGV IMAX by Shindosi...
Changi Airport ATC tower
Created by szewee
Changi International Airport ATC tower The Changi Control Tower is located at the eastern part of Singapore. The iconic tower is situated between Changi International Airport 2 runways and stands at about 81 m Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL) Tris count : 1252 ...
Chaomenlond Bridge
Created by Jerenable
Chaomenlond Bridge by Jerenable This Bridge was made on request of a Friend/trusty twitch vieuwer of mine. This bridge is inspired by The Chaotianmen Bridge in Chongqing, China. The bridge is as the real one a stacked highway bridge, that means one ontop o...
Charleston W.V. - Warehouse 1
Created by eMJay
Inspiration - Charleston W.V. - CAMC Document Center Googlemaps size 7x10 triangles 1738 Textur 1024x1024 d,s,i,n LOD - Automatically generated triangles 20 Textur 128x128 RICO ready Category: Industrie level: 2 workplacs: 100 (10, 30, 30, 30) Donate...
Chauncy house
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 2x4 High residential corner lvl 4. About the model The Fifth building of my New England series, this building is located in Boston, Mass. After having a look in Chinatown this building st...
Chiap King Industrial Building
Reference Chiap King Industrial Building 114 King Fuk Street, Sanpokong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Introduction 114 King Fuk Street, Sanpokong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 24 floors   - Size: 2x4   - Level 3 growth   - After Dark ready   - 6775 tris, 1024 x 512 texture ...
China flag
Created by SvenBerlin
China flag by SvenBerlin...
China Resources Building1:1.5
Created by XDBX
China Resources Building1:1.5 by XDBX 一比一比例 1:1scale version:
Chinese Restaurant Wang Chun
Created by Emperor Li
Chinese Restaurant Wang Chun (Growable Lv2 3x3) Nothing really new actually, just slightly modify my old Chinese Restaurant Chang Chun to make another Lv2 restaurant. I also make another one with level 3 (Chinese Restaurant Xiao Chun). All 3 restaurants sh...
Christmas Special Pedestrian/Shared Street
Created by Urbanist
Merry Christmas! Bring a touch of magic to your Cims' Christmas shopping experience with this cobblestone pedestrian/shared street lavishly decorated with festive props by Titan and MrMaison. Looking for the regular version? About Required Items This asset...
Christophe Colomb (Les Saules,Orly, France)
Created by lansMosta
Christophecolomb by lansMosta Voici le batiment Christophe colomb de la cité des saules plus grand que les autres je les remi j'ai vue que j'avai fait quelque erreur voila et toujour pareil le probleme avec rico le nombre d'habitant désolé.. Here is the bu...
Citadis 302 Barcelona style tram
Created by AleX_BY
Alstom Citadis 302 is a French low-floor tram. This tram has livery and facemask based on Barcelona trams. Tram change color by line. Capacity: 110 (you can change it with IPT) See also: Alstom Citadis 302 Flexity Berlin GT6 Flexity Berlin GT8 Flexity Berl...
City Palace
Created by Radevere
City Palace by logaruja...
Cleyra - Map Theme
Created by creativeDEX
Cleyra - Map Theme by Dexter Hi everyone, here is the Map Theme for my Cleyra project. This is a theme for temperate maps. All textures use a high resolution(4k) and gives cities/maps a better and sharper look. The style is created with natural and realist...
Clouds & Fog Toggler
Created by BloodyPenguin Disable clouds and distance fog that blocks your view when zooming out. Also allows to disable industrial smog and edge fog. (configurable) I made this mod because clouds & fog rendering changed in After Dark update complete...
Concrete Pump / Betonpumpe
Created by CcampoO
Mercedes Benz Arocs as a concrete pump for your Construction Sites. It comes in 2 Variants: - The folded in / parked-variant - The extended / working-variant Tris: ~ 2500...
Concrete Retaining Wall network
Created by Lost Gecko
Network version of the Concrete Retaining Wall Prop based on the vanilla Castle Walls ruins (currently found in the water structure tab - to be fixed) Height: 2m by default. Can be raised up to 32m with the Move It! mod (link below). Follows the terrain bu...
Construction Site V.2 by Morsh
Created by Morsh
Shoutout to Steam User Iceman380 for giving me this nice idea! :) This is a Highrise building that is still under construction! In the Game it is to be found as a Park. It doesnt have capabilities to have citizens inside (its not done yet guys!). but also ...
Consulting Tower Hannover | Hannover, Germany
Created by Toyota Hilux
Office Highrise from Hanover, Germany CONTAINS TWO SEPERATE BUILDINGS The smaller one is the Original. The bigger one is improved. Google Maps Tower 1 | Tris: 1460 | LOD-Tris: 165 | _d, _n, _s, _i Tower 2 | Tris: 1056 | LOD-Tris: 165 | _d, _n, _s, _i Tags:...
Container Port (Animated)
Created by jc21539
Container Port by johncomerford The only donation I ask for is a thumbs up vote! ^_^ NEW: Industries DLC warehouse version: I repurposed various parts from the default cargo harbor and cargo...
Cosmo Oil Truck Prop
Created by jaijai
Oil Truck Cosmo prop by jaijai...
Cosmopolitan Portland
Created by Smilies
7x7 rico level 4 high density residential 7987 tris 1024x512 texture custom LOD 52 tris 256x256 baked texture glass balcony submesh 516 tris 128x64 texture original model by UrbanArchit Based on Cosmopolitan at the Park in Portland https://commons.wikimedi...
coupang logistics
Created by YOGURT
리코모드 사용 시 자동 적용됩니다. 산업 건물 탭에 있습니다. 쿠팡 차량 쿠팡차량 프롭형
Crocus City_D1
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Crocus City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of several buildings. Do not be surprised that the building has an ending-D1 in the title. Later, the build...
Cubemap Replacer (Read description!)
Created by BloodyPenguin
Replaces daytime skybox & reflections in windows and water surfaces. Photorealistic clouds without Photoshop, yay! NOTE: To see sky texture change like on screenshot you must have Daylight Classic installed with 'Classic fog effect' option enabled! That mo...
Custom Animation Loader (CAL)
Created by boformer Buildings with custom animations! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! This mod is required for building assets with custom animations. It sets up and enables the animations of t...
Daiwa securities billboard 大和証券 看板
Created by やばい
Daiwa securities by やばい 大和証券渋谷支店の看板でございます This is the billboard of Daiwa Securities Shibuya store. 渋谷 東京 日本 Enjoy^_^ Shibuya Tokyo Japan...
daiwa securities shibuya 大和証券 東京
Created by やばい
daiwa securities shibuya 大和証券 by やばい 大和証券渋谷支店でございます。 This is daiwa securities shibuya branch. Enjoy^_^ 渋谷 東京 日本 Shibuya Tokyo Japan A special thank to @AmiPolizeiFunk, helped me fixing the lod issue! update log: texture upgraded roof billboard removed...
DAQ Offices Q4
Created by DawiD
4th of 5 buildings that will be created for DAQ Office Complex. Oldest of whole DAQ Offices complex. Themed to be kind of forgoten, and useless. Most likely rented to other companies for office and comercial space. My plan is to make: * 1 skyscraper (~200m...
Dead Malls (Abandoned Department Stores)
Created by KingLeno
Dead Malls by King Leno Includes abandoned versions of: Macy's Dillard's CJ Nickels (JC Penney) Abandoned so they have now functions. Triangles/textures roughly equivalent to original assets. ...
Decal Prop Fix (deprecated)
Created by boformer
This mod is for players who want to use decal assets with a size larger than 8x8m and/or tiled decals. Make sure that the mod is enabled! This mod does not mess with save files, simulation or the user interface. It is safe to use and can be disabled at any...
Department of Archives
Created by honker
F-UCK ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a 9x12 RICO-ready office building based on one in downtown Chicago. It's over a century old, one of the oldest in the city. This is an example of the Chicago school style of architecture, with...
DEPRECATED: Shinkansen Track 非推奨: 新幹線の線路
Created by ako_ako
Shinkansen Track V2を使用してください。 New version is available. Shinkansen Track V2. 新幹線の線路です。 レール部分はBetter Vanilla Tracksの物を使用しています(承諾済み)ので、スムーズに接続出来ます。 架線柱はCatenary Replacer付属の物を選択していますので、表示させる場合はそちらのサブスクライブが必要となります。 This is a track used in japanese Shinkansen. ...
Deutsche Bank Place (Sydney, Australia)
Created by Robert
126 Phillip Street, or Deutsche Bank Place, is the third tallest building in Sydney at 240m. When it was completed in 2005, it was the second tallest building in the world with under 40 floors. It's original size was cut down to ensure afternoon sun would ...
Doctor's Office
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, I wanted to create some assets with interior, because using the advantage of transparency is such a cool thing. It's a way to give Cities Skylines assets a bit more depth. I know it increases the tris count and it needs additional texture map...
Double cargo hub
Created by vilgard92
Double cargo hub by vilgard92 Upgraded version of the vanilla hub. The quay is wider and the railroad track is no longer glued to the water which is much more realistic than the original. I added a second larger crane. The main building has also been sligh...
ELVIS Lotte Department Store (롯데백화점) Rico
Created by ELVIS
엘비스의 롯데백화점이 출시되었습니다! 이 백화점은 서울특별시 노원구에 위치해 있습니다. 이제 리코모드가 사용가능합니다!! 저의 모딩에 도움을 주시고 싶으시다면 페이팔을 통해 기부 부탁드립니다 그리고 평점과 구독 잊지마시고요! ELVIS Lotte Department store is now available. This Department is located in Nowon, Seoul Now RICO Available!! If you want to help...
emart 24
Created by YOGURT
리코모드 사용시 자동 적용됩니다. com high emart 24...
Environment Changer (+ Improved Theme Selection )
Created by BloodyPenguin Allows to change a saved game's, map's or theme's environment. It also decouples environment selection from custom theme selection. This mod allows to change environment of an existing save game. It adds a drop down to main ...
Esplanade Apartments 2
Created by honker
Second tower of the two. First is here - Created in the 1950s by prolific architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, these apartments are historic to Chicago's downtown. They directly over look Lake ...
Eunha Apartment 은하맨숀아파트
Created by TDB Eunha Mansion Apartment The opening of Yeouido. 은하맨숀아파트 1세대 한국 고층아파트를 만나다. Informations Main Model: 3126 Tris LOD Model: 50 Tris #Eunha #Apartment #은하아파트 #아파트 #Seoul #서울 #Korea #한국
Extra Landscaping Tools
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
Extra Train Station Tracks ( ETST )
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds more train station track assets for custom train stations. This mod was created before custom network assets were a thing and is still needed for stations created with its tracks. These tracks are only available to asse...
Förderturm Radbod V RICO coal mine
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -custombuilding -Triangles: 5,9k, 223 LOD -Textures: 1024x1024, 256x256 LOD texture -RICO: Ore section, 100 Jobs -Find it: Search for "Turm" I love to model buildings but it takes a lot of time, ...
[Abandoned] F-16C Falcon (Parklife)
Created by Beckler OM
F-16C Falcon is as deadly as ever and can now to be displayed within your Parklife park area or along roadside. Let all of your cims experience the excitement of this monster of the sky. This asset is found under Amusement Park area and functions just like...
FarEastFinanceCenter(1:1)香港远东金融中心 HK hong kong
Created by XDBX
FarEastFinanceCenter(1:1) by XDBX...
Factory Hall 2 (RICO)
Created by Avanya
As indicated by Factory Hall 1 I planned on another and here it is. Fits the Miyagi Motors plant style, but it can also be used on it's own. The walls touch the edges on 3 sides, so you can easily have them in clusters. Stat...
City Hall
Created by KingLeno
City Hall by KingLeno This is based on Memphis City Hall, a modernist-style building constructed in 1967. It appears to wear its skeleton on the exterior and is located in the center of Civic Center Plaza. It can be used as a generic office building. It do...
Cleyra - Color Correction
Created by creativeDEX
Cleyra - Color Correction by Dexter Hi everyone, here is the Color Corection for my project Cleyra. The Color Correction is created for my Cleyra Map Theme and Map. Its a temperate sunny lightning with high contrasts and less saturation for more realistic....
Concrete Planters
Created by KingLeno
kl-planter by KingLeno set of 3 concrete planters...
Cosmopolitan, Warsaw, Poland
Created by DawiD
Real life building from Warsaw, Poland - Cosmopolitan I decided to put this on top of a page, as noone is scrolling down :'< Pls send help, student needs moneyz. From wikipedia: Cosmopolitan T...
Curb Props
Created by Like_Mike
The first curb props I uploaded. They are nonconforming so they can be elevated. Includes curb/planters in 6 different sizes and shapes. Textures updated for 2018! Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see how I create assets.
Custom Effect Loader
Created by boformer
This mod is required for props and vehicles with custom light effects. It sets up and enables the effects on level load. Just install and enable the mod and enjoy the lights :) Cool assets with custom effects! Get them! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.n...
DEPRECATED: Shinkansen Station Track
Created by ako_ako
Shinkansen Station Track V2を使用してください。 New version is available. Shinkansen Station Track V2. 新幹線の線路の駅用線路です。 鉄道をしっかり使ってくれるマップが手元に無く、十分にテスト出来ていません。 使用の際はバックアップを取るなど留意してください。 分岐器がないのは仕様です(今の所) This is a station track of Shinkansen Tracks. I don't have the mas...
DeWitt Building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 3x4 High Ress lvl 5 About the model The thirteenth building of my New England series. The building is a stretched version of the DeWalt building I uploaded earlier, it has a flat roof. I´...
Dynamic Resolution (Fixed for 1.9!)
Created by Gradius Twin
NOW WORKING IN 1.9 GREEN CITIES! KNOWN ISSUE - MAC OS X: This mod is currently broken on the Mac. Installing this mod on a Mac will result in the blank sky bug. Removing (or disabling) it and restarting the game will fix the problem. I would love to suppor...
Entry Doors
Created by Like_Mike
Entry Doors by michael.warrenii...
European elevated station
Created by ron_fu-ta
ヨーロッパの高架駅 European elevated station 平らな地面に設置してください。 Please place on a flat terrain....
[DEPRECATED] Extra Vehicle Effects (Plugin for Vehicle Effects Mod)
Created by Thaok
README This mod is deprecated and does not properly work with the current game version. Use this updated version instead. Original description This mod is an expansion pack for Vehicle Effects mod. Ready for game version 1.9 (Green Cities) New effects summ...
First Skyline Bank
Created by KingLeno
First Skyline Bank by KingLeno To see this asset in-game, check out the video above or just click here! Level 2 Office with RICO settings Lot size: 6x6 Triangles: 542 Texture: 2048* d,n,s,i Custom LOD 48 triangles, 512x256 If you like my assets, consider b...
First-person Auto-walking 1.0
Created by ✅iinsnian
1.7.2-f1-compatible Is new version mod of first-person walk mode and citizen / vehicle follow mode. WARNING: This mod is Incompatible with all other first-person camera mods. such as: Enhanced Zoom / First-person camera. You must be use this mod with all o...
China Southern B787-8
Created by abuchou
China Southern B787-8 中国南方航空 波音787-8 Other China's plane 其他中国航空公司 Air China 中国国际航空787 Hainan Airlines 海南航空787 Xiamen Air 厦门航空787...
Corner Building / 角地の商業ビル(第一日比谷ビル)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is the building where the steakhouse “Volks” is located in Shimbashi, Tokyo. Volks is famous for becoming the first steakhouse to import salad bars in Japan, and offers high-quality beef at a low price. Volks in Shimbashi is officially called “Volks S...
Daylight Classic
Created by BloodyPenguin Brings back original daylight color and fog settings from pre-After Dark versions of C:S IT'S A MOD, NOT A LUT! This mod doesn't require After Dark DLC! Are you annoyed with that yellow tint that turns days into permanent ev...
Fluorescent light KEIKOUTOU
Fluorescent light KEIKOUTOU by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
Football/Soccer Asset Pack
Created by DeCzaah
Modular Football/Soccer Asset Pack by DeCzaah AdBoards: Video: This is an modular asset pack with different football (soccer, Fußball, piłka nożna or whatever you ...
French Résidence Apartments
Created by nutty crunch
This late 20th century French résidence is an eight-storey residential block of flats. These apartments have a 1970's/1980's style and fit a 3x2 grid. The apartments fit in almost any city, including European, American and International cities. This block ...
Galgenwaard Office tower (plop RICO compatible)
Created by Jerenable
Galgenwaard Office tower (plop RICO compatible) by Jerenable This building is now RICO enabled, you don´t need the mod for the building to work, get it though its great!! Get the Ploppable RICO mod here and this building will work like any growable office....
Game Center / タイトーステーション秋葉原
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese game center inspired by "Taito Station Akihabara" in AKIBA, Tokyo. Since the game center has ATM, visitors can play games without worrying about money( at that time). Grow-able Buildings: Commercial High-density, Level 3 Tris: 1954 ( LOD: 39) Text...
Gas Company Tower - Los Angeles [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Gas Company Tower - Los Angeles The Gas Company Tower is a skyscraper located in Los Angeles, California, USA. Its height is 228 m and it has 52 floors. The construction was completed in 1991 and was led by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP, the main architec...
Generic office #4
Created by Jerenable
Generic office #4 by Jerenable This is a smaller version of my generic office #3 This asset uses the Plopable RICO mod and can be found in the office tab without this mod the building is an unique and can be found in that tab. You can donate if you want to...
glass color
Created by やばい
glass color by やばい...
Glass Gate
Created by Like_Mike
Glass Gate that conforms to terrain....
glico screen 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
glico screen 渋谷 東京 by やばい glico screenです、ビデオは「東京喰種√A」ノンテロップOP映像österreich/無能です、これも次のアセットで使うpropです、お楽しみにしてください。 This is glico screen, the vedio is from Tokyo ghoul season 2 op österreich, and this prop will also be used in the next Shibuya building. Enjoy^_...
Goelet Building (4x4 high res corner lvl 3)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a 4x4 high res lvl 3 corner. About the model When I first saw this building I knew it would be excellent for C:S. Quite detailed, but also very paterned and colorfull. Also 10 stories tall,...
Grande Avenida Building (RICO Compatible)
Created by Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Grassalkovich Palace
Created by Tomas13TO
Grassalkovich Palace from Bratislava,(Slovakia). The Grassalkovich Palace (Slovak: Grasalkovičov palác) is a palace in Bratislava and the residence of the president of Slovakia. It is situated on Hodžovo námestie, near the Summer Archbishop's Palace. The b...
Guggenheim Museum (New York)
Created by Kliekie
It's done! The well known Guggenheim Museum is now available for your lovely Cims. The museum is a lvl 3 Unique Building, no special requirements. Fits on a 8x5 grid. "The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, often referred to as The Guggenheim, is an art museum ...
Great Eagle and Harbour Centre, HK 1:1
Created by Pirazel
Great Eagle and Harbour Centre 1:1, Hong Kong SAR HK A office complex with shopping centre and public car park in Wan Chai. Location: 23 Harbour Road Architekt: Paliburg Development Consultants Limited Completed: 1983 Hight: 146 m ----In game Info---- Uniq...
H1 2x3 Chinatown Temenent
Created by Bad Tempered Raven
H1 2x3 Chinatown Temenent by Batardio...
H2 雑居ビル01 Japanese Commercial Building 01
Created by TOKACHI269
雑居ビルです。 Japanese Commercial Building 01 by TOKACHI269...
H2 雑居ビル02 Japanese Commercial Building 02
Created by TOKACHI269
雑居ビルです。 Japanese Commercial Building 02 by TOKACHI269...
Hang Seng Bank, HK 1:1
Created by Pirazel
Hang Seng Bank 1:1, Hong Kong, SAR HK This middle sized Skyscraper hosts the headquarters of the Hang Seng Bank. The Hang Seng Bank is best known for creating the Hang Seng Index in 1969. Footbridges (Not included in the model!) connect this building with ...
Golden Mile Complex
Created by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
Golden Mile Complex by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) Golden Mile Complex (Chinese: 黄金坊) is a high-rise commercial and residential building on Beach Road in...
Gap Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Gap store in Ginza, Tokyo. It can be placed on straight tiles but works better as a corner building, which the real building is. It is part of my Flagship Store collection. Please support the ...
glass no color
Created by やばい
glass no color by やばい...
Hauptfeuerwache Mannheim / Main Fire station Natural Disasters Version
Created by SvenBerlin
Hauptfeuerwache Mannheim / Main Fire station Natural Disasters Version by SvenBerlin This is a replica of the "Hauptfeuerwache" (main fire station) in Mannheim. To use this asset you need the NATURAL DISASTERS DLC, because 1 subbuilding is a Disaster Respo...
Hauptfeuerwache Mannheim / main firestation Mannheim
Created by SvenBerlin
Hauptfeuerwache Mannheim by SvenBerlin This is a replica of the "Hauptfeuerwache" (main fire station) in Mannheim. tris count 10593 seems high but the complex is 13X19 cells LOD 147 1 subbuilding 0 tris, 1 main building 0 tris model as a subbuilding 10593 ...
Hayes Elementary School
Created by KingLeno
Hayes Elementary by KingLeno See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. Texture 1024x1024 Lot size: 11 x 7 Double the in-game stats of vanilla elementary school Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. King...
HDB 640489
Created by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 640489 (Jurong West Ave 1) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This is a 4x2 Level 2 high residential based on Singapore HDB style building. Correctly Sca...
HDB 640833
Created by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 640833 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! HDB 640833 (Jurong West St 81) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) 15-Story Building - Level 3 Growable - After Dark ready - ...
HDB 640834
Created by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 640834 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! HDB 640834 (Jurong West St 81) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This building is not a grow-able! It requires RICO Mod to ...
HDB 652445
Created by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 652445 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! HDB 652445 (Bt Batok West Ave 8) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) West Crest @ Bukit Batok is bounded by Bukit Batok Road ...
Heavy Truck 6x2 Prop
Created by jaijai
This is a prop version of Heavy Truck 6x2. Opened is here...
HeavyTruck 8x4 Prop (Opened)
Created by jaijai
prop version HeavyTruck 8x4 Triangles: 917 Texture: 1024 x 512 LoD Triangles: 70 LoD Texture: 32 x 32 (auto generate) Closed Style is here...
Helicopter Square Marking
Created by vasimr22
Square helicopter landing marking prop. The pad corresponds to a 58ft square pad....
High School Football Stadium
Created by KingLeno
High School Football Stadium by kingleno A small high school football field with track, stands, small concessions area. The team name/mascot has 10 random variations when plopped. If you don't want a name, keep plopping until an empty one shows up. Only 4 ...
high-rise apartment building 30 超高层住宅30层
Created by XDBX
high-rise apartment building 30 超高层住宅30层 这是一个公园,为了方便重复建造。 This is a park for repeated construction. 你可以在“公园”的“广场”一栏中找到它。 You can find it in the "Plaza" column of the "Park" 你也可以为它设置RICO,让它变成真正的住宅。 You can also set RICO for it to make it a real apartment. 因...
high-rise apartment building 40 超高层住宅40层
Created by XDBX
high-rise apartment building 40 超高层住宅40层 这是一个公园,为了方便重复建造。 This is a park for repeated construction. 你可以在“公园”的“广场”一栏中找到它。 You can find it in the "Plaza" column of the "Park" 你也可以为它设置RICO,让它变成真正的住宅。 You can also set RICO for it to make it a real apartment. 因...
HK-styled Prop
Created by XDBX
HK-styled Prop by XDBX...
Hong Kong 1:1 Version
Created by Combostar
This is a relistic city of Hong Kong Pop: About 900,000 How to get all the mods and assets I used? 1. Subscribe this savegame and click 'rate' on the workshop page 2. Enter game and open the content manager 3. Find this savegame and cilick 'subscribe all' ...
Hong Kong housing block "Harmony 2" (RICO)
Created by Junna
"Harmony 2" was a standard design of 35-storey tower blocks built by the Hong Kong Housing Authority in the first half of the 1990's. About 2000 tris. Occupies 7x7 tiles. 270 household capacity; with realistic population -- 306. Adapted from 3d warehouse m...
Hong Kong Housing block "Linear" (RICO)
Created by Junna
Hong Kong Housing Authority standard block "Linear 1" deck-acess block for redeveloped resettlement estate sites; 26-storey version; 250 dwelligs (roughly the same with realistic population mod)--. Roughly 2000 tris, 2048xX texture. Default lod....
Hotel (Monaco)
Created by furious
Hello! I made random building from Monaco. Please use it with RICO mod. Without RICO it's unique building with default parameters without workplaces and homes. In game: - commercial - tourist; - $150K; - custom lod; - 35 workplaces; - after dark; Please su...
Hotel Blu
Created by KDS Woods
Hotel Blu is a ploppable unique resort which attracts tourists and employs 24 citizens. This large resort fits perfectly within a city, or as a destination location for your citizens. This large structure offers many opportunities for props to help build o...
Hotel The Designers Seoul Korea
Created by TAEMIN B
Hotel The Designers Seoul Korea Hotel The Designers This asset means a kind of Korean hotel building for real. 'Hotel The Designers' is a name of this building and it is in Seoul, Republic of Korea. skyscraper, office, hall, center, centre. Tris : about 24...
HSBC Building, Singapore
Created by EndlessFtw
HSBC Building is a skyscraper located in the Central Business District of Singapore. Check out my collection (link above or click the sentence) for more Singaporean skyscrapers like the Republic Plaza and the Marina Bay Sands complex. My aim is to make as ...
HVACR systems pack
Created by Prosper
Pack of HVACR units. It will be replenished. The LOD is autogenerated....
Hwl tower HK 和记黄埔大厦 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
Hwl tower by XDBX You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 1:1.5versions
Icebox Industries
Created by honker
I made this because it's been really cold where I live and I like these boxy suburban offices. It's based on 555 West Monroe in Chicago. Thanks Tris - 2.9k / 90 Textures - 1024² x 128² 9 x 5 x 54m RICO ready - 65 offices consider following me on Twitter co...
IKEA Mannheim (ploppable RICO)
Created by SvenBerlin
IKEA Mannheim by SvenBerlin tris count 2935 LOD tris 156 commercial low level 3 200 workers cost 1200000 600 ...
Industrial stairs
Created by Avanya
Prop stairs! I made these mainly for some of my oil tanks, but hopefully they can find other uses too. For a prop they're in the high end when it comes to triangles, but they're also fairly large (just under 20m tall). Model Tris: 618 Texture: 512x256 LOD ...
Industry Area Ore - Residential District
Created by _luminou_
Industry Area Ore - Residential Disctrict Block of 3 buildings for Workers Size: 13 x 8 This asset doesn’t include props, no RICO Contain all textures and LOD files Triangles: 6.062 / 408 Texture: 512² / 128² Contain all texture and LOD files Available in ...
Initial D FujiwaraTofu Spec AE86
Created by CityOfTokyo
Initial D FujiwaraTofu Spec AE86 Donut van is a base. It’s a low volume high speed delivery specification. A chief character appearing in comics initial D is AE86 model (HACHI ROKU) TOYOTA Sprinter Trueno which "Takumi Fujiwara" handles. "藤原とうふ店(Fujiwara T...
J1C Peterson Office
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
This is the third (in a series of 3) 9-story office building based on ///Еurasia///'s Savelovsky City skyscrapers. To continue the lovely idea of naming the building after jazz greats, this one is named after the original "OP" -- dexterous jazz pianist Osc...
jamsil apartment C type
Created by YOGURT
A타입은 33층 아파트입니다. B타입은 27층의 아파트입니다. C타입은 22층의 아파트 입니다. A type : B type : C type :
Jamsil Olympic Main Stadium
Created by ELVIS
The Seoul Olympic Stadium, also known as Jamsil Olympic Stadium (formerly romanised as Chamshil) is located in Seoul, South Korea. It is the main stadium built for the 1988 Summer Olympics and the 10th Asian Games in 1986. It is the centrepiece of the Seou...
Japan Post Signs
Created by Ronyx69
Includes the Japan Post logo and a central post office sign. Made for the Japanese Post Office. Can be used for any japanese post office. Main: 46 - 76 tris 256x256 LOD: 10 - 36 tris Twitch Yo...
Japan Style Elementary School 1
Created by JSF-1
The first in a series of Elementary and High Schools based around designs used in Tokyo Japan. For those doing Japan styled cities or just want schools that blend in with high density areas, I hope that this asset and the ones that follow will fulfill thos...
Japan Style Elementary School 2
Created by JSF-1
The second in a series of Japan themed schools. Like the others this school is a good fit for high density neighborhoods and japan styled cities. Like the other it is also based off a real elementary school in Tokyo Japan. PS: It's fun to watch the A.I pat...
Japan Style Elementary School 3
Created by JSF-1
The third in a series of Japan themed schools. Like the others this school is a good fit for high density neighborhoods and japan styled cities. Like the other it is also based off a real elementary school in Tokyo Japan. Cost to build: 18,000 Upkeep: 288 ...
Japan Style High School
Created by JSF-1
Another school from Japan. Like the others this one is based on a real school in Tokyo. This is also the first High School in this series. Like all other schools in the collection this one is built in the mid-density style that fits well among your apartme...
Japan Style Elementary School 4
Created by JSF-1
An elementary school based off a design located in Tokyo Japan. Cost to build: $14,000 Upkeep: $1,400 Size: 12x6 Student Population: 500...
Japan Style High School 4
Created by JSF-1
A large high school facility based off of a real school in Tokyo Japan. Cost to Build: $35,000 Upkeep: $3,500 Size: 7x8 Student Population: 1,600 ...
Japan tokyo tower
Created by dabaofu
tokyo tower by dabaofu unique Space:6*6 Cost: 50000 Electricity:5 Maintenance: 1000 sewage accumulation:10 waterconsumption:10...
Japanese Apartment 3 Pack / マンションパック(GROW)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Typical Japanese apartment Vol.3/4/5 pack. * Vol.1 * Vol.2 Growable Buildings: Residential High, Level 2. Screenshots are taken using some mods, LUTs. Donate: ----- 典型的な日本のマンションが3つ入ったお得なパックです。 2000年台に建った量産型の普通のマンションをイメージしました。...
Japanese Apartment B / マンションB(RICO)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Typical Japanese apartment Vol.2 ( Vol.1 ). RICO Required: Residential High, Level 3 / 12 homes. You can arrange this by my Instant Commercial Props like the picture. Screenshots are taken using some mods, LUTs. 典型的な日本のマンションVol.2 ( Vol.1 )です。RICO対応。レベル3の高密...
jamsil apartment A
Created by YOGURT
A타입은 33층 아파트입니다. B타입은 27층의 아파트입니다. C타입은 22층의 아파트 입니다. A type : B type : C type :
jangmi apartment
Created by YOGURT
리코모드 사용시 자동 적용 됩니다....
Japan Center (Frankfurt) RICO
Created by Jerenable
Japan Center (Frankfurt) by Jerenable This building is now RICO enabled, you don´t need the mod for the building to work, get it though its great!! Get the Ploppable RICO mod here and this building will work like any growable Highrise. Japan Center is a hi...
Hyundai Apartment - 4x3 Growable
Created by Memories
Hyundai Apartment of Korea Size 4x3 Level 3 Growable Polys: 4392(Tris 11,162) Lod Polys: 343(Tris 916) Texture Size 1024x1024 Lod Texture 512x512 After Dark Update! ...
Japanese Beverage Vending Machine PACK
Created by CityOfTokyo
Japanese Beverage Vending Machine PACK DESCRIPTOPN Drink vending machines appeared in Japan in the middle of the Meiji era, and the number of installed drink vending machines is now about 2.5 million units nationwide. ASSET LIST Coca-Cola (Japan) Company, ...
Japanese Bus Stop 日本のバス停
Created by Dyglone
A typical Bus stop sign prop in Japan.(Cubic style) Not include roof.Category is Industrial prop. You must allso check my Japanese Bus Stop Roof! 日本のよくある直方体型のバス停プロップです。 屋根はついていません。工業プロップの欄に追加さ...
Japanese Castle
Created by Optron Warrior
**03/10/2015 V1.5:Updated to include night lighting for After Dark expansion. I managed to update this asset directly so no need to re-sub :-)! Description: A Large Japanese Castle based in part on Karumoto Castle bat for SC4 as reference, as well as real ...
Japanese Citizens Pack
Created by stockjr97
A set of Japanese citizens for your Japan builds! Comes with 2 extra highschool uniforms each for male and female teenagers! Details: 1700~2300 tris each (LOD: 500~800 tris) 1024x1024 textures (LOD: 64x64) Do you like my work? Donate to my Paypal! Tags: Ja...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 1
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 2
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 3
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1a
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1ab
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 2
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 3
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 3b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Elementary School
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Japanese Fire Station
Created by Ronyx69
Japanese Fire Station / Department based on Kamo Fire Union Office:,137.0064379,67a,35y,312.66h,54.07t/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en Antennas are optional. Main: 3193 tris 1024x1024 LOD: 194 tris 256x256 Twitch YouTube Twitter...
Japanese High School
Created by Ronyx69
Very simple japanese high school. Stats probably the same as vanilla high school. This asset is quite old, but I had never released it. The building doesn't fit in 16x8 properly, so it overlaps the road a bit Just move it or delete the road. Main: 6146 tri...
Japanese House A ( 3 Colors )/ 日本の住宅A 3色セット[GROW]
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical house with traditional style. Inspired from 1980s style. There are no fences for convenience: we can place them everywhere. Also, you can decorate them with various props into urban-style or country-style. There are 3 color-variations in e...
Japanese Low Commercial Buildings Pack / 日本風低層商業ビルパック
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical commercial buildings. 3 buildings included. Grow-able Buildings: Commercial Low High, Level 2 (ALL) Quick search: "ja low com" Tris: 370,470,570 (LOD : 10-20 ) / Textures: 512x512 d/i/n/s/a Can you support my work? Donate: https://www.payp...
Japanese Medium Post Office
Created by hakurai
中規模の集配局です。 前原郵便局、直方郵便局、筑紫郵便局、飯塚郵便局、北九州中央郵便局、葛飾郵便局、米子郵便局、札幌西郵便局を参考に制作しました。 6×5 unique building Main model Tris: 2200 Texture size: 1024x1024 Texture types:diffuse,alpha,specular,illumination&normal map LOD model Tris: 209 Texture size: 128x128 Texture types...
Japanese Multi-tenant Building / 日本風雑居ビル[RICO]
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese commercial building inspired from Akihabara in Tokyo. RICO / Commercial High / Level 3 / 10 employee 日本風の雑居ビルです。秋葉原にある某ビル群をモチーフにしていますが、寸法などの関係でアレンジ仕様になっています。 Tex: d/i/s 2048x2048 (LOD:256x256) / Tris: 1123 (LOD:392)...
Japanese Plain Parking Lots / 日本風の普通の駐車場
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical parking lots without fences or signs. You can connect these assets because they are flat and plain. There are 4 variants included. 2x2, 2x4, 4x4 and 4x4L for splitted lands. They appear as low density commercial buildings. Search "plain pa...
Japanese Residential Props
Created by TOKACHI269
日本住宅パック用のプロップです。 Japanese Residential Props by TOKACHI269...
Japanese Residential Props
Created by Ronyx69
Props for my modern japanese houses. Found in industrial props menu or search "r69 jp res prop". Some of the props are random prop variations of an empty container prop, however you can still plop individual props. Main: 10 - 64 tris 32x32 - 512x256 LOD: 1...
Japanese Retaining Walls Network / 日本の擁壁
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese retaining walls made with stones. "Retaining wall" means artificial angled wall. There are 2 variations: With Fences and Without Fences. With Fences version is for roads and tracks near mountains or hills, the other is for multi purpose (see examp...
Japanese Station Entrance v2
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is the new version from my old Station Entrance. You can make custom stations with other large buildings. There are 3 props in this asset: 1) JR EAST style module 2) No station sign module 3) No sign, no pillars module ( for connecting ) This modules ...
Japanese temple prop pack
Created by TOKACHI269
Temple stone lantern 石灯籠 by TOKACHI269...
Japanese Warehouse01
Created by TOKACHI269
Japanese Warehouse01 by TOKACHI269...
Japanese Warehouses 2
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Jardine House, HK 1:1
Created by Pirazel
Jardine House, Hong Kong SAR HK, 怡和大廈 Location: 1 Connaught Place Completed: 1972 Hight: 178.5m This iconic building was once the tallest skyscraper in Hong Kong. Build on reclaimed land it can easily spotted in the skyline. A special deal was made so that...
JMA - 気象庁
Created by Moofers
Japan Meteorological Agency Headquarters Based on the JMA Headquarters located in Tokyo, Japan. This is a disaster headquarters and will spawn emergency response helicopters and vehicles. -
JMA - 気象庁 Rico Ploppable Office
Created by Moofers
Japan Meteorological Agency Headquarters Based on the JMA Headquarters located in Tokyo, Japan. This is a Rico ploppable Office building, this requires Rico to function properly. Office workplaces: 250 -
International Airport
Created by Polygon Ready for take-off? Please read the description first! This is an International Airport Terminal with six gates and one metro station. You have to build taxiways and runways by yourself! Airport Roads is the only mod you defi...
Joffrey Tower
Created by honker
Based on the Joffrey Tower building in the Chicago Loop, a 32-story condo building and home of the Joffrey Ballet. Tris - 8.3k / 100 Textures - 1024x2048 / 256² 7 x 4 x 127m RICO ready - 140 homes consider following me on Twitter or Instagram consider a sm...
JP 1*2 house001 L1~L3
JP 1*2 house 004 L1~L3 set 4 random wall colors 1x2サイズの日本風家屋L1~L3のセットです。 4つのランダムな壁の色 1x2日本家屋アセット第1弾です。 某アニメ主人公の家がモデルです。 更新予定はありませんので、アセットエディタで 好みのprop等を設置してお使いください。...
JP 1L station track KT21
単線の駅用線路です。 敷設する方向の右側に方向用通路を設定しました。 間違えると空中で人が待つのでお気を付け下さい。 ホームの高さを1.1mにすると最適になります。 高架用はPage Up Page Down で上げ下げ可能になりました。 アセット名後端のアルファベット解説 G:地上用 E:高架用 R:敷設した方向の右側が乗客動線 L:敷設した方向の左側が乗客動線(制作していません。要望等ありましたらコメントください) NC:架線が出ません 例:JP 1L station tracks KT21NCGR =...
JP 1L station tracks KT01E
JP 1L station track for elevated ⚠️ station track ⚠️ Since it is not a normal elevated track, it can not be raised and lowered by page Up etc. Please lay the elevated track on the vanilla line etc. and replace it with this asset. 単線の駅用線路 高架用です。 ⚠️ 駅用線路です。ご...
JP 2*2 house 005 L1
JP 2*2 house 005 L1 by 紺野 Konno 2x2サイズの家です。 L1~L3のセットです。...
JP 2L rail KT921 Extra
JP 2L rail KT21 のおまけバージョンです。 地上=架線柱なし 高架=架線柱、高架脚なし 鉄橋=トラスなし+新規架線柱 トンネル=垂直の壁に丸い穴が開いている仕様のアレ Donate ...
JP 2L Small Roads KT222
JP 2L Small Roads KT222 by Konno Model...
JP 2L Small Roads KT244
JP 2L Small Roads KT244 by Konno Model...
JP 2L station tracks KT01E
JP 2L station track for elevated ⚠️ station track ⚠️ Cross points are not displayed when connecting to multiple lines. Since it is not a normal elevated track, it can not be raised and lowered by page Up etc. Please lay the elevated track on the vanilla li...
JP 2L station tracks KT21
複線の対式ホーム駅用線路です。地上用、高架用がセットになっています。 ホームの高さを1.1mにすると最適になります。 高架用はPage Up Page Down で上げ下げ可能になりました。 アセット名後端のアルファベット解説 G:地上用 E:高架用 P:両渡りポイントが出ます NC:架線が出ません 例:JP 2L station tracks KT21GP = 地上用のポイントが出る線路...
JP 4m Tiny Roads KT201
幅員4mの道路です。 日本の住宅街等でよく見られるものです。 車道面+0.005m 縁石+0.105m です。 紺野に無駄遣いをさせる。(Donate) 紺野にお金をあげる ...
JP Apartment / 日本風アパート3Packs
Created by koma
This is a package of 3 kinds of apartments that seems to exist all over Japan. Growable Residential Low 日本各地にありそうなアパート3種パックです。 JP Apartment km A 3 × 2 JP Apartment km B 2 × 4 JP Apartment km C 2 × 3 JP Apartment km A B C by koma...
JP catenary pillar KT03
JP catenary pillar KT03 by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
JP catenary pillar KT03-A
JP catenary pillar KT03-A by Konno Model...
RICO 対応の団地アセットです。 設置する方向に注意してください 募金をすると、紺野の無駄遣いが捗ります。(Donate)
RICO 対応の団地アセットです。 設置する方向に注意してください 募金をすると、紺野の無駄遣いが捗ります。(Donate)
RICO 対応の団地アセットです。 設置する方向に注意してください 募金をすると、紺野の無駄遣いが捗ります。(Donate)
JP Distribution warehouse / 物流倉庫2種
Created by koma
A distribution warehouse is a warehouse that stores products and performs various services such as sorting and delivery. The category is a unique building. If you want to use it as an industrial facility, please introduce and set up Ploppable RICO. Truck p...
JP Hotel dormy inn
Created by koma
It is a Japanese business hotel, hotel dormy inn. tourism area. 4×4size. 日本のビジネスホテル、ホテル ドーミーインです。 観光特化地区 4×4サイズです。...
JP Hotel Route inn
Created by koma
It is a Japanese business hotel, hotel route inn. It is built in 4x3 size in the tourism special area. 日本のビジネスホテル、ホテルルートインです。 観光特化地区に4×3サイズで建ちます。...
JP Medium Shrine 中型神社
Created by TOKACHI269
JP Medium Shrine 中型神社 神社アセット第二弾として中型の神社を制作しました。市街地の中に設置しても違和感のない大きさとなっております。装飾済みのものとプレーンのものが含まれます。10MBありますが、本堂以外のテクスチャは公開されてる神社のPROPと共通のものを使っているのでLSMを仕様していれば3ぶんの1ほどのメモリ消費で済んでいると思います。 A medium-sized shrine was created as the second Japanese shrine asset. Ev...
JP Old house 02
Created by koma
Japanese Old house 02 Residential low LV.1 1×1. 日本の郊外・田舎にありそうな住宅です。 屋根は4色ランダムです。...
JP Road Pillar KT203
JP Road Pillar KT203 by Konno Model...
JP Road Pillar KT204
JP Road Pillar KT204 by Konno Model...
JP Shrine Buildings 神社の建物
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
日本の神社を再現するために必要な様々な建物がパッケージになったセットです。 神社用小物 JP Shrine PropsのPropと合わせてお使いください。 Find It 等で「JPCS」と検索すると、すべてのアセットが表示されます。 配置の方法や使い方はガイドをご覧ください。 This is a package with various buildings to make shrines in Japan. Please use this buildings with 神社用小物 JP Shrine Pr...
JP Shrine Props 神社用小物
Created by TOKACHI269
Japanese Shrine Props Make your own shrine! Shrine assets by four Japanese asset creators. The main shrine modeled after Katori Jingu Shrine, 6 types of buildings, and 37 types of Props. Katori Jingu Shrine is an ancient shrine in Chiba Prefecture that is ...
JP Tax office / 税務署
Created by koma
Tax Office. I made it because there was no Japanese style. Categories are unique buildings. That's all. 税務署です。 日本風がなかったので製作しました。 カテゴリーはユニークビルディングです。 以上です。 JP Tax office by koma...
JPCS Modern Japanese Style Street / 和風の街路
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Overview Modern Japanese-style 2-lane roads placed around temples and shrines in Japan. There are ground and bridge models in this asset. Nicely compatible with Konno's JP Roads and vanilla roads besides some road types. You can make Japanese traditional l...
JPN apartment 01-2
JPN apartment 01の壁色変更バージョンです。 4色(グレー、濃い緑、ブルーグレー、茶色)のはずですが、茶色が出ません。...
Japanese style bus. model is Hino Blue Ribbon City. 日野 ブルーリボンシティ 都営色です。 その他の事業者も後日アップ予定。 2017-07-03更新 ①テールライトおよびリアウインカーの位置が   上下逆になっていたものを修正。 ②みんくるの背景色を路線色と同期するようにしました。  (フロントのみ)...
jp_apt3 (apartment)
Created by nob50506000
3×3 level 4 high density residential 白黒デザインの現代風の集合住宅です...
JPRL-2 アーム型道路灯
Created by hakurai
BROWN Ver.も同封しています。 またTOKACHI269氏よりScreenshotsを提供していただきました。 JPRL-2 アーム型道路灯 by hakurai...
jp_apt4 (Apartment)
Created by nob50506000
3×3 level 3 high density residential 7階建と14階建の二種類がございます. ...
jp_co1 (Nozawa Building)
Created by nob50506000
Level 2 low density commercial 2x3 東村山駅前にある雑居ビルです。 看板は実物と違います。 看板ありとなしの2種類があります。 It is the building which is near Higashi-Murayama Station of Tokyo....
jp_re4 (Japanese house)
Created by nob50506000
Low Density Residential 2×2 Level 3...
jugong2 [ RICO ]
Created by YOGURT
jugong2 by YOGURT...
Kachidoki Bridge (Tokyo, Japan)
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Kemper Corporation (RICO)
Created by honker
The Kemper Building stands at a prime spot on the Chicago riverfront in the downtown Loop area. It went up in the 1960s to house the Kemper Life Insurance company, and was at the time the tallest marble-clad building in the city. For perspective, it's now ...
Khovrino hospital
Created by AliTarGz
UPDATE! I fixed the "not found asset name" error =================== Hello, my dear subscribers and all fans of Cities: Skylines! :)) For a long time I did not upload anything new to the workshop. And so, after a long time, I finally found the time and com...
Khovrino hospital billboard
Created by AliTarGz
This prop for those who have an error about its absence....
King Leno's Glass Props
Created by KingLeno
not much to see here, but this will be a collection of custom glass props that I will use for future assets. If you follow me or subscribe to any of my assets, you'll want to go ahead and subscribe to this one in advance....
Komyo Building
Created by creepyeyes
The Komyo Building is a 12x13 level 5 Unique Building. I wanted to try my hand at creating a skyscraper entirely from my own imagination, and wanted to make something with a bit of a chamfered look. I also wanted to make something with a bit of a more deta...
Korea Commercial Sign Collection
Created by Shindosi
by Shindosi A collection of 97 signs 2D and 3D All optimized with custom LOD Requirement for my CS building collection ...
Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4
Created by CityOfTokyo
Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Middle model It was made until model, 2013 when it appeared after Lamborghini became the subsidiary of Audi and boasted of the Lamborghini's greatest unit sales. Triangle : 12329 Texture : 512 x 256 ☆☆☆ NOTICE ☆☆☆ In the case o...
Lantana 2
Created by MrMaison
Lantana 2 by MrMaison Here is the second version of my Lantana series. This is a new improved model with leaves at a better scale that gives a more lush look and better street level views. This ia a 2 piece set including one with flowers (Lantana Bloom) an...
JP Tokyo Cathedral
Created by にる~ niroo
Tokyo Cathedral (Catholic Sekiguchi Church) Church in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. Designer:Kenzo Tange Completion year:12,1964 Unique building size:15*9 _________________________________________ 東京カテドラル(カトリック関口教会) 所在:東京都文京区関口3丁目16番15号 設計:丹下健三 竣工年:1964年12月 ユニーク施設 サ...
JPCS Ploppable Shrine 装飾済の神社
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
JPCSシリーズのPropや建物を使って制作された、Unique Buildingとして配置可能な神社です。 カスタマイズの必要なく簡単に神社を置くことができます。 Unique Buildingなので、複数配置する場合には Not So Unique Buildingsを利用してください。 This is a unique building ( park ) using JPCS props and buildings. You can place a shrine easily without cust...
jr shibuya station sign 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
jr shibuya station sign by やばい jr渋谷駅の看板です 渋谷 東京 日本 Shibuya Tokyo Japan update log: color modified...
Key Bank Tower (RICO) Salt Lake City
Created by Crazyglueit Key Bank Tower, located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Built in 1976 with 27 floors and a height of 107m. Scale - 1:1 Plot Size - Main - Tris 8,052 - Texture 1024 - Weight 38.25 LOD - Tris 64 - Texture 512 - Weight 0.31 RICO Catego...
jp_apt2a (Apartment)
Created by nob50506000
high Density Residential 4×3 Level 4 街の中心街にありそうな大型の集合住宅です。 8階建て、14階建てをご用意しております。...
Created by hakurai
Main model Tris: 943 Texture size: 512x512 LOD model Tris: 99 Texture size: 64x64 donate PayPal ofuse JP_corner_building_1A by hakurai...
Large oil tank
Created by Avanya
I had always planned on making some larger oil tanks and now Ngon took his tanks down I figured now was as good a time as any to make this. It fits the rest of my tanks, but it's just for decoration. If you'd like it to function, you can set up local RICO ...
Large Water Pumping Station
Created by Fishbus
Large Water Pumping Station: The perfect solution for serving large volumes of water to your citizens. Stats: Footprint: 8x6 Cost: 17500 Upkeep: 560/week Pumping Capacity: 384000/week Power Usage: 960KW Noise Pollution: 50 Noise Radius: 110 ---------- 大型抽水...
LaSalle National Bank
Created by honker
This art deco colossus is one of Chicago's oldest and boldest. It stands 45 stories tall, on the site of the world's very first skyscraper, the Home Life Insurance building in the heart of Chicago's Loop. It went up in 1934 as the Field Building, and was t...
Le Millefiori
Created by Ionwind
Is your city filled with glass exteriors? Wouldn't it be nice to have some cool modernist concrete buildings also? Worry not! Le Millefiori is a 37-storey residential building that gives your neighborhood some nice Côte d'Azur vibes straight from the 1969!...
Le Port-Royal (1:1,5 Scale)
Created by P4ranoia
Le Port-Royal is an apartment building in the Golden Square Mile district of Montreal, Canada. 1:1 Scale => =========================Info width- 4 cells depth- 3 cells Models -> 788 triangles...
Le Reve-Dubai
Created by 752811818
Le Reve-Dubai by 752811818 Le Reve大厦-迪拜 six level of unique building 第六级特殊建筑 217m 51 floor 217米 51层...
Leafy Tree Set
Created by pdelmo
Set of 4 Leafy green generic trees 1024x1024 textures with colour and normal maps Leafy Tend 512tri Leafy Regular 966tri Leafy Full 426tri Leafy split trunk 953tri Shoutouts for some screenshots Hotkettle
LEDioc ROAD(6m)
Created by hakurai
LEDioc ROAD(6m) by hakurai...
LI20 High Residential
Created by Gregor Vukasinovic
Liège is in many ways the Belgian equivalent of Duisburg, only in a much more pittoresque setting. Another difference is the attempt they made in the 70's to turn their downtown into Manhattan. That left the city with a wild mishmash of often very rundown ...
Linden Trees
Created by MrMaison
Linden Trees by MrMaison Introducing a set of Linden Trees. Kinda generic but inspired by those found in Europe particularly Germany. The Linden is part of the Tilia family which have 30 species in Europe where they are called "Linden", North America where...
Little Leafy Bush.
Created by pdelmo
Little Leafy Bush. by pdelmo. A must have asset. Full detail minamal poly and texture . No need to use the vanilla bushes 109 Polygons 256X256 Texture...
Little Singer building
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote if you download! This is a 2x4 high commercial lvl 3 building based on the The Little Singer Building in New York, at Broadway. You will need a lvl 1 and 2 of the same size in your building theme About the model I decided to look for a ...
Marked Incompatible ]  Loading Screen Mod
Created by thale5
Update May 22, 2021 Support for the new DLCs. Update Oct 31, 2020 Support for the Chinese language. My thanks to @Yuuki for the translation! Update Sep 23, 2019 New Safe Mode loading options. Read here. Update Jul 28, 2019 New feature: Optimize thumbnails ...
LOD Toggler (deprecated)
Created by boformer
LOD Toggler is officially deprecated. Use my new mod Ultimate Level Of Detail instead! Press CTRL + '.' to toggle the LOD distance check. This has several effects: Increases the building LOD render distance Increases the tree LOD render distance Increases ...
Logistics Warehouse
Created by Ronyx69
Includes a 12x18 back piece and a 10x18 front piece which can also be used as a middle extension piece. RICO: $10K / L2 Industrial / 50 jobs (for each piece) Solar panel props are optional. Ma...
Logistics Warehouse Solar Panels
Created by Ronyx69
Solar panel prop for the Logistics Warehouse: Main: 689 tris 256x128 LOD: 96 tris 32x32 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests Do...
Logo Deloitte (for the "Gas Company Tower" - L.A.)
Created by _luminou_
Logo Deloitte for the building "Gas Company Tower" Pack of 2 logos "Deloitte" - Logo "curve", especially realized for the top of the "Gas Company Tower". - Logo "straight", design for all building you want ; ) "Logo Deloitte (Curve)" Triangles: 781 / 136 W...
Longxin Electronic隆鑫电子
Created by amamIya
Longxin Electronic隆鑫电子 by amamIya...
Lounge Furniture Pack
Created by Polygon This pack contains four modern outdoor furniture props. I think there is not much modern furniture to find yet. So I was encouraged to create some for my new apartment building. Note: the last four pictures are blender renders....
Lufthansa Cargo B 747 1:1 prop
Created by SvenBerlin
Lufthansa Cargo B 747 1:1 prop by SvenBerlin as a prop it looks bad so i decided to make it as a building.
Lumber transfer station
Created by Evangeline
Heard the oregon timber calling me. A special building designed specifically for the purpose to load boxcars or flatcars with the lumber planks produced at the sawmill, very handy to transport your goods from mill to buyer. About this asset 1024x1024 textu...
Macy's Department Store
Created by KingLeno
Macy's Department Store by KingLeno Huge older department store. Lot size is 13 x 19. The Macy's logo will illuminate only at night with the Additive Shader mod. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Chan...
MAGLEV Station Track
Created by REV0
MAGLEV Station Tracks MAGLEV Station Tracks for networks involving MAGLEV and stations. Can be used by creators to make MAGLEV stations or regular users who want to create custom MAGLEV stations. First station that use MAGLEV station track: Emperor Li's Sh...
McGill Building Montreal
Created by Smilies
Based on McGill Building in Montreal - built 1912 4x3 office 4048 tris 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, illumination custom LOD 26 tris custom foundation and stairs for gentle slope tolerance the side is only 20m wide, use move it mod for the best wall-to-w...
Vent prop 3 - Medium chimney/vent
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings Inspired from one of the vanilla factories, though the model and texture are my own creation. It sticks through the roof a bit, so it looks just fine on sloped roofs. Note: I...
Medium Parking Garage / Multi-storey Car Park
Created by GCVos
A streamlined prefab parking structure for all modern cities. This one has a 12x4 footprint which makes it more easy to use than the large one I published before. There's entrances on three sides as well as a pedestrian path running through the elevator ar...
Medium Warehouse四海仓库
Created by amamIya
Medium Warehouse四海仓库 by amamIya...
Mercedes Star
Created by clus
Hello everybody ! This one is an upload for the next "thing" I am doing. The prop will be used in my new creation which will be released in the next days. But you can of course use it independently if you like it. ;) About the prop: As you have already see...
Metro Sky Prachachuen (Tower A)
Created by Palm'sTime
Metro Sky Prachachuen (Tower A) By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Building Info: Type High-rise residential building. Size 9 x 3 Storey & Heights 24 Storey | 101.25 M. Tris 4,743 (Main) Texture Size 4096 x 2048 Scale 1:1 RICO Ready Yes (Residential Level 5) Filena...
Metro+Train Station [MOM]
Created by Jjnq5
Metro+Train Station by tarzan85000 Pedestrian Connections only exist at the end of the platforms. Based on Suburb Train Station 4-Track by CityOfTokyo....
Metropolitan University - Wing B
Created by Mythyc
Hello guys, here's the second piece of a 6 (possibly 7) piece set for a modular education system. This asset is to be used in conjunction with this asset for a fully modular experience! It is inspired by the Sir George Williams campus (Concordia University...
Created by Moch
Miko_prop by Moch The Miko works in japanese shrines and mainly refers to women who support the Shinto priest. It is a prop of the Miko. 8 poses included. This is props. It doesn't move. Please use the scenery of the shrine. My Cities:Skylines items...
Ministry of Education
Created by Lichwiarz
You feel that the education system in Your city is outdated and broken? Build the Ministry of Education and show Your population what does it mean to be "enlightened"! -Shape and front of the model are based on the building of Ministry of National Educatio...
Minor League Baseball Stadium
Created by Bfb Da Packman
12,137 Tris / 8.9 MB - Based on original 3D Model: Baseball Stadium by OniDisco Source Collection: Better Baseball Fields and Stadiums Statistics: Triangles/LOD Triangles - 12,137 / 811 Category - Level 6 Unique Size - 12x12 Electricity - 1,600 KW Construc...
Mixed Plant Clusters
Created by pdelmo
3 Different mixed clusters. Smaller scale for around town. Good for making gardens or over grown areas in the suburbs Clusters included Bushes 622 tri 1024x1024 texture Wild Flowers 384 tri 1024x1024 texture Wild Plants/weeds 616 tri 1024x1024 texture My T...
Mixed-Use 60 Degree Corner 65m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Modular RICO mixed-use residential tower, needs the commercial base listed in the requirements 6x5 commercial base and residential top Mesh 3753 tris LOD 101 tris 1024...
Mixed-Use Corner 89m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Modular RICO mixed-use commercial and residential pack 5x8 commercial base and residential top Mesh 1 base 1750 tris LOD 69 tris Mesh 2 top 7603 tris LOD 150 tris subm...
Miyagi Motors Logo
Created by Avanya
Miyagi Motors Logo by Darf to decorate the main office of the Miyagi Motors complex - a collaboration between Darf, AJ3D and me. Model Tris: 230 Texture: 256x256 LOD Tris: 86 Texture: 64x64 Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Ord...
Miyagi Motors Main Office
Created by Avanya
By Darf A large office building for the Miyagi Motors complex made by the talented Darf (all I did was tweek the colors so everything fit together). It requires the RICO mod to function as intented (otherwise it's just a park that doesn't do anything) and ...
Modern Cube Office | Berlin, Germany
Created by Toyota Hilux
Just a Modern Office Cube. One night job. The white part is colourable with the painters mod. Use Loading Screen mod for the half space needed in your RAM Contains: - Unique Building Version (1.5mb) - Growable Office Version (1.5mb)
Modern Japanese Houses
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 3 sets of 2+2 small modern japanese residential houses - 12 variations total. If you subscribe to the prop pack (optional) you will see a lot of variations because of random props - mailboxes, plants, solar panels, vents, clothes racks... I think ...
Modern Midrise Condo
Created by Smilies
same textures as my previous modern highrise condo, use the loading screen mod to prevent duplicates and save RAM 8x5 level 3 RICO residential ploppable main model 6275 tris LOD 134 glass bal...
Modular Cargo Centre - KLM Pack
Created by BaskB
Modular Cargo Centre - KLM Pack by BaskB So tonight I bring you the first of my Modular Cargo Centre Packs. I've got 4 of these done so far that I intend to release within the next 24hrs. Pack I hear you say? Yes thats right, clicking subscribe will downlo...
Modular Through Station | Modern Central | BadPeanut
Created by BadPeanut
Now with a transparent roof! No Mods are required - Don't forget to Rate up if you like it! This is a modular through station consisting of three assets: Module 1 Metro, Module 2 and Module 3 Busport. No mods are required for this to work. Keep reading the...
No Deathcare
Created by BloodyPenguin
Dead citizens despawn like Obi-Wan and Yoda With this mod, no hearses will ever spawn in your city. Which means no deathwaves and more available agents. Please note that this mod affects only newly dead people. All existing dead bodies must be collected. T...
Noble Recole
Created by Palm'sTime
Noble Recole By Palm'sTime (armsplams) WARNING: This building will be affect performance. Building Info: Type High-rise residential building. Size 3 x 5 Storey & Heights 30 Storey | 103.95 M. Tris 19,965+62 (Main + Sub-mesh) | 56 (LOD) Texture Size 2048 x ...
NoPillars ( v1.1+ compatible )
Created by BloodyPenguin Its name says everything about it This is my fixed and improved version of some danny's excellent NoPillars mod.Original mod seems to be abandoned and I've adopted it. This version of NoPillars is compatible with European Bu...
Not So Unique Buildings
Created by BloodyPenguin
Now you can plop unique buildings and wonders (a.k.a monuments) as many times as you wish This mod doesn't unlock any landmarks, it just allows them to post them more than one time. GitHub repository This mod uses Harmony ve...
Nova City_A
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Nova City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of three buildings. <============Attention! Read it!==========> I created two identical buildings, but with o...
Nova City_C
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Nova City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of three buildings. <============Attention! Read it!==========> I created two identical buildings, but with o...
NTT Data Building
Created by BachToBaroque
A simplified, modiefied and signage-free version of the actual building located in Nagoya, Japan. Lot Info: Filename: - btb-nttfushimi.crp Assetname: - NTT Data Building Lot Size: 7x6 Unique Building Tab 3 Stats: Same as 'Colossal Order Office' monument. M...
NTT Docomo Yoyogi Building
Created by dezimoll
This is NTT Docomo Yoyogi Building in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. 東京都渋谷区にあるNTTドコモ代々木ビルです。( 通称ドコモタワー ) 2018/09/24 LODが雑過ぎたので修正しました。 2019/06/02 底面積が違うような気がしたので高さは変えずに幅を変えました。アセットが占めるセルの数は変えていません。...
Oasis Tower-Dubai
Created by 752811818
Oasis Tower-Dubai by 752811818 Oasis 大厦 迪拜 six level of unique building 第六级特殊建筑 32 floors 121m 32层 121米...
Office Building 004
Created by Valex L3 4x4 Office Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Stone Stream" (Ekaterinburg, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Oil Tank (prop)
Created by _luminou_
Oil Tank (prop) Triangles : 7.906 / 336 Weight : 97.14 / 4.29 Texture : 1024² / 512² My Workshop: Follow me: Follow me: Donate: ...
Old brick warehouse (RICO)
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on My old bus depot turned into an old brick warehouse! Ofc it turned out not to be as easy as it sounds. :P This is scaled down a bit compared to the bus depot (this is 5x7 squares), but getting it just right was a ...
One Boston Place
Created by Burr
One Boston Place by Burr A 41 story Bostonian skyscraper. 1074 tris 82 tri LOD 1024 maps It uses the same stats as the Skyline Tower....
Sasebo JP Apartment A
Created by Sparks
Sasebo JP Apartment A by Sparks The apartment is located in Sasebo, Nagasaki prefecture, Japan. It's part of my sasebo plan. I am committed to restoring the landscape around Nagasaki and sasebo, so I will produce and upload local buildings from time to tim...
Sasebo JP Apartment B
Created by Sparks
Sasebo JP Apartment B This is a beautiful building, but also a complex building. The main building is surrounded by layers of balconies. This is a two-in-one building. (複合建築) Some bugs generated by it: Night scene has some bugs. Do not copy it with MOVE IT...
Sasebo JP Apartment C
Created by Sparks
Sasebo JP Apartment C Tris 39000/ Lod 130 Textures 2048×2048/Lod 258×258 (d/s/i) Size 4×4 (32m×27m) Height 46m (15 storeys high)(15階建て) ------- ------- This is part of my Sasebo Plan. It‘s located in sasebo, Nagasaki prefecture, Japan. This is the last ass...
Sasebo JP Office C 太陽生命/太阳生命
Created by Sparks
Sasebo JP Office C | 太陽生命佐世保ビル 太阳生命官网/太陽生命の公式サイト/The official website of 太陽生命 Tris(三角面数) 5940 Textures(贴图) 1024×1024/Lod 256×256 (a/d/s/i) Size(大小) 3×3 (18.5m×24m) Height(高) 36m (8 storeys high)( 8階建て) ------- ------- 谷歌街景地址/引用する/Fro...
Created by creativeDEX
Satellite by Dexter Hi everyone, How to use a Color Correction/LUT? Change the Color Correction/LUT every time you want in the graphic settings of the game. This change the lightning, coloring, saturation and contrasts. this LUT comes with a high white lig...
Satellite Dish Pack
Created by Beardmonkey
Satellite Dish Pack by Beardmonkey This pack contains five roof top satellite dishes. Tris: 185–211 Texture:128x128 px Custom LOD:s....
SC Tower
Created by Palm'sTime
SC Tower By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Building Info: Type Office building. Size 4 x 6 Storey & Heights 24 Storey | 104 M. Tris 6,547 (Main) | 294 (LOD) Texture Size 1,024 x 2,048 (Main) | 512 x 1,024 (LOD) Scale 1:1 RICO Ready Yes (Office Building) Filename &...
Parking Lot Roads
Created by Badi_Dea
I can't drive 55 - no really, I can't, it's a parking lot... Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several functional parking lot markers specially crafted to work with these(and other) roads. Everything in this p...
Parkquartier Apartments 1
Created by The Lost Cake
A midrise apartment building located in Stuttgart-Berg 3x4 4688 Tris 2987 Vertices 1024x1024 Follow me on Twitter for updates on the assets i'm working on....
Created by Lost Gecko
Simple wood and metal pergola to decorate public spaces. Comes in 2 parts (normal + 45° angle). Map Theme: New Caledonia - LUT: Colorful Summer Day Model (normal-45°) main model tris: 160-106 textures: 512x128 (diffuse-normal-specular) LOD tris: 46-32 UI p...
Perth CitiBank House (Growable) Australia
Created by Crazyglueit
As Requested the CitiBank House, located in Perth, Western Australia and completed in 1963. This 18 storey building stands at 224ft(68m) and was the tallest building in Perth until 1970. Currently is the 26th tallest in Perth. Use MrMiyagi's Perth, Western...
Perth CitiBank House (RICO) Unique
Created by Crazyglueit
CitiBank House, located in Perth, Western Australia and completed in 1963. This 18 storey building stands at 224ft(68m) and was the tallest building in Perth until 1970. Currently is the 26th tallest in Perth. Use MrMiyagi's Perth, Western Australia map to...
Pipes props pack
Created by Avanya
8 props for all your above ground pipe needs! They can be used to decorate assets or placed in your city with Find It. They work just fine on slopes (as long as they're not crazy steep). For detailed stats see the last picture, but note that the one crossi...
Plain Road ( No Line ) / 線のない道路 / JPR-20G
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Plain road ( 2-way ) which has no line inspired from Japanese old street. No more decal work? Yes, this road has cracks and stains decal for lazy city builders. Also, It's time to say good-bye to the vanilla 30cm height roads. This road has only 5cm curb! ...
Muji Shibuya (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Muji building in Shibuya, Tokyo. I really like the simplistic facade and color scheme that match the aesthetics of the brand. The real building has a super massive roof structure ...
Mulch Props
Created by KingLeno
Mulch Props by KingLeno Asset includes 5 props: -small mulch mound -medium mulch mound -small, medium, and large decal The mounds are designed to fit with most of the older Curb Props and Curb Props 2. The decals borrow the alpha map from boformer's Fallen...
Multi-tenant Building (2type-5colors) / 雑居ビル(2種類5色)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Multi-tenant building in Japan what is called "Zakkyo-buil / 雑居ビル". This is so boring building that it can be placed anywhere. This pack contains 2 models: - Simple and 4 colors - Decorated and 1 color Subscribe now to make typical boring common cities in ...
Network Extensions 2
Created by sniggledigit
Now Using Harmony 2.2 What's New (v. Updated for Hotels & Retreats (v. Now compatible with Better Education Toolbar (v1.2.0.0) Updated for compatibility with Plazas & Promenades Source:
Network Tiling
Created by Ronyx69
Loads custom tiling values for network segment and node textures. The mod is required for people who want to use networks which depend on this mod. Makes it easier for asset creators to texture networks (roads, walls canals etc.) by allowing to control the...
Ploppable Bulk Dry Cargo Ship
Created by MobiusOne
Ploppable Cargo Ship for your port. Pro Tip: If you want your boats/ships to rock less, keep your marinas/ports shallow Tris: 1990 LOD: 490 The ship is modeled to real world scale (274m) so it's... large. Vehicle version here:
Plop the Growables
Created by Katalepsis
Allows you to manually plop growable buildings with Find It! and having them remain where you put them. In essence this mod removes the "Demolish me" signal growables normally send to the game when they are not in a zoned area or not in the correct distric...
Ploppable Maersk Line Cargo Ship
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Ploppable version of the Maersk Line Carho Ship vehicle I released. This can be found in the Public Transportation Ships menu but it is considered a park. -----Asset Details----- 16 x 5 Land Space that extends past that. Cost 125,000 100 Entertainment 600 ...
Ploppable RICO
Created by AJ3D
Updated for Industries DLC by Bloody Penguin. This mod will allow you to plop buildings that function as: Residential Industrial Commerical Office The Ploppable RICO mod will convert any compatible ploppable asset to a RICO building. For example, parks can...
POC Underground Train Station
Created by BloodyPenguin
This is a proof of concept train station that looks and behaves like a metro station but only for trains. This is just a proof of concept and I don't recomment you to use trains instead of metros. Better wait for my elevated metro mod ;) Personally I prefe...
Police Station (medium-sized)
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, you don't want to place small police stations everywhere to your city? And having more than one police department makes no sense to you? Then this medium-sized police station may be a solution. My plan for this asset was to give a police stat...
Ponderosa pine tree
Created by Evangeline
In the pines, in the pines, where the sun never shines... The Pinus Ponderosa, or Ponderosa pine, Or western yellow pine, is a large species of coniferous trees thats found widely across North America, its the most common pine tree in america, asides from ...
Porsche Macan E
Created by Ironhospital
Porsche Macan E by Ironhospital...
MOM bridge building 2island 4track station
Created by konfox0527
メトロ橋上駅(橋上入口)2面4線 This is MOM mod Metro station It is not train station. 注意 attention -路線設定ができない場合、Advanced Stop Selection (ex MTSE)をサブスクライブしてShiftキーを押しながら路線設定をしてください。 -Move It!で駅を動かさないでください。最悪ゲームが強制終了します。 -路線設定時に●がホーム側につくようにしてください。 -製作の都合上地下鉄タグではなく鉄道タグ になっ...
Monadnock Building (north side)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a lvl 3 RICO office based on the northside of the Monadnock Building in Chicago. Become a Patron and support my work! If you want to see new releases and upc...
Monolyth 004 - Office lvl 3, 4x4 [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Monolyth 004 - Office lvl 3, 4x4 Triangles: 2.620 / 71 Weight: 15.75 / 0.46 Texture: 1048x256 / 256² Contain all texture and LOD files RICO name: Mono 004 Office Level: 3 workplaces: 50 price: 10.000 My Workshop: Follow me: Follow me: Donate: https://i.img...
Monroe Plaza
Created by honker
The spiritual successor to the Monroe Center, Monroe Plaza is a mixed use skyscraper with a sleek black facade, sloped roofs, and a lobby sheathed in glass rings. 26 stories of prime real estate fit for shopping sprees and corporate headquarters alike. Tri...
Move It
Created by Quboid
Move It 2.10.7 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.1 (12th June Update) New in 2.10.7: - Auto-connect roads! If you paste a copied road over the top of an existing one, Move It will automatically connect the nodes. This can be turned off by clicking on th...
One Commerce Square
Created by KingLeno
One Commerce Square To see this asset in-game, check out the video above or just click here! May have problems with Rico settings. I've noticed that whenever I include a prop that has a name that comes alphabetically before the asset name of the building, ...
One Canada Square
Created by Zatline
9x10 - One Canada Square Hope you enjoy it, feedback is highly appreciated! :) One Canada Square (also known as Canary Tower) is a skyscraper in Canary Wharf, London. More Information Gameplay Properties: Constraction Cost: 138000 Maintenance Cost: 2760 if...
ONE Office Building (ploppable RICO ready)
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, the ONE Office Building is a brand new business center and offers flexible space solutions both for larger companies and companies that are still in the start-up process. Your company can grow with great potential in a creative environment wi...
One Union Square
Created by Jetengine@2049
Having focused on New York for quite a while, I decided to shift my focus away from NYC for some time. I want to focus on buildings that are a little more generic, cuz I think there's a lack of office buildings in the workshop. This is the One Union Square...
Onitsuka Tiger Store
Created by SheenaBanana
Polys: 1,134 Maps: D, I, N, S Ploppable RICO Note: Inspired by Onitsuka Tiger in Omotesando, Tokyo. Let me know if you encounter any issues using this. Thanks!...
Oslo 1930s Pack 2
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -custombuildings -growable L3 high residential -Triangles: ok -Textures: 1536x768, 256x128 LOD texture -Find it: Search for "Oslo" -These buildings are from Oslo, build in 1938 I love to model bu...
Otaku Shop / トレーダー秋葉原3号店
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Otaku shop inspired from TRADER3 in Akihabara, Tokyo. This shop accepts all kind of otaku. Waya, the great asset creator said, "I can stay at that store all day long". Floor Guide: 1F: Consumer Games / Anime 2F: Trading Card Games 3F: For Sellers 4F: Henta...
Oxford Tower, Warsaw
Created by DawiD
Real life building from Warsaw, Poland - Oxford Tower Pls send help, student is starving. From wikipedia: The Oxford Tower is a skyscraper located in Warsaw (formerly known as Twardej or Elekt...
Created by CityOfTokyo
PAGANI Zonda R It is the vehicle which Italian Pagani Automobili produced until 2010. The model for exclusive use of the circuit run that release was started in 2009. It was produced with a limitation of 15. It was equipped with M120 type V12 made in unit-...
Palais Garnier - Opera [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: I consider this asset to be by best one so far, also the biggest and most detailed one. It's one of my most favourite buildings in Paris. Consider this a "1K followers special" :) The Palais Garnier is a 1,979-seat opera house, which was buil...
Palais Garnier Lantern Pack [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: This is a pack of lanterns that belong to the Ceinture de la Lumiere (Belt of Light) around the Palais Garnier in Paris. These lanterns are a total "Must Have" for the Opera! Additional informations: The pack includes: -Lampadaire -Candelabre...
Pants Kingdom's Props
Created by Emperor Li
Pants Kingdom's Props Props for my Taiwanese commercial building level 3 3x3 corner Pants Kingdom If you want to use it as generic building, you don't need to subscribe them. ...
MOM Metro bridge building station 1island 2track
Created by konfox0527
メトロ橋上駅(橋上入口)1面2線 This is MOM mod Metro station It is not train station. 注意 attention -路線設定ができない場合、Advanced Stop Selection (ex MTSE)をサブスクライブしてShiftキーを押しながら路線設定をしてください。 -Move It!で駅を動かさないでください。最悪ゲームが強制終了します。 -路線設定時に●がホーム側につくようにしてください。 -製作の都合上地下鉄タグではなく鉄道タグ になっ...
planter square x4
Created by Sparks
planter square x4 by Sparks Original model by Soldyne
parc one tower B
Created by YOGURT
층수가 기존보다 낮은 버전입니다. 리코모드는 따로 적용하셔야합니다....
Parking lot pack
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic As promised a pack of parking lots (parks) using my parking spot dots. All you need to do is place these in game and cars will park there (if citizens can be bothered to park their cars ofc)! And you can place any de...
Optimised Outside Connections
Created by Quboid
Optimised Outside Connections Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update) Sick of 7% full cargo trains clogging up your rail network? Got a queue of near-empty cruise ships clogging up your harbours? Optimised Outside Connections reduces the num...
NTT電話局 Japanese Telephone office
Created by TOKACHI269
NTT電話局 Japanese Telephone office <Mesh info> Main triss : 5109 tex size : 1024x1024 (d, n, s, a, i) LOD triss : 117 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 Amazon gift → NTT電話局 Japanese...
[RICO] Tours Villette 1-3 (Aubervilliers, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Cité Villette, Aubervilliers, 93 Seine-Saint-Denis Construits en 1970, Apparence avant rénovation de 2001. Built in 1970, Appearence before renovation of 2001. Architect/es: Michel Holley Pack de 3 Bâtiments Pack of 3 Buildings High Residential Tower Lot s...
[RICO] Barre Verlaine B (La Courneuve, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Cité des 4000 Nord, La Courneuve, 93 Seine-Saint-Denis Construit en 1963, Apparence avant la rénovation de 1997. Built in 1963, Appearence before the renovation of 1997. Architect/es: Clément Tambuté, Henry-Charles Delacroix Pack de 4 Bâtiments Pack of 4 B...
Created by CityOfTokyo
BX293A PEN2 A new variety of hot spring penguin. The official name "BX293A PEN2." The sex is male. He live in the house of Misato and am given a refrigerator-shaped living room. Liquor can drink and loves a hot spring and a bath. Utterance seems to underst...
[TOKYO-III] Comfort 17 Mansion Residential High
Created by CityOfTokyo
Comfort 17 Mansion Residential High The 11-story apartment where Misato, Shinji, Asuka and PENPEN do cohabitation. Their room seems to be fully occupied until a southwestern corner, the third angel(SACHIEL) invasion in a 11-A-2 room, but most rooms move in...
[TOKYO-III] NCH Structure
Created by CityOfTokyo
Nerv Central Hospital Structure NERV center Hospital of the original was Building No. 1, a building consisting of Building No. 2, but misappropriated another building because there was not the document except the central roofed passage connecting buildings...
[UPDATED] Elevator Parking / エレベーター型立体駐車場
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
2019/04/21 UPDATED! I reduced texture sizes and added 1 more version. 悪評だった4096x4096テクスチャを廃止し1024x512のリーズナブルなものに改善。NPC(日本パーキング)版のバリエーションを1つ追加しました。 ------ Elevator Parking Tower in Japan. We can find them in the downtown. ------ 日本でよくあるエレベーター式の立体駐車場です。繁華街など...
St.Hermalin High School V2
Created by JSF-1
St.Hermalin High School is the main high school the cast attends in the JRPG Persona 1. Cost to Build: $30,000 Upkeep: $3,000 Size: 12x17 Student Population: 1,500...
Standard Parking Garage
Created by Badi_Dea
All I ask is for a slab of concrete, and a car to park on it. This Parking Garage will unlock with Parks, and can be found in the Roads menu under the Maintenance tab. This structure will function as a park, increasing land value and happiness of nearby bu...
Station Pedestrian Overpass Pack / 日本風の跨線橋
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This pack includes Japanese-style pedestrian overpass props. This is supposed to be used with konfox0527's platforms, but I believe there're many uses as well. Package: 1) Stair 2) Walkway (8m) 3) Walkway (21m) 21m walkway can across the 2-lane track and c...
Stone Bollards Prop Pack
Created by Lost Gecko
Pack of 3 cast stone bollard props to structure and decorate public spaces. The mesh goes slightly underground to fit on slight slopes. Models (cubic-cylindrical-spherical) main model tris: 30-78-156 textures: 256x256 (diffuse-normal-specular) LOD tris: 10...
Created by stockjr97
Tired of entry doors not touching the ground? With this prop, you'll be able to create a stoop that makes contact with both the ground and the door. The prop is under the park items category. Step 1: Hang the stoop on the wall. Step 2: Lower the stoop to j...
Straddle Carrier (Large Version) Prop
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
This is Originally created by cyricc who did the original container assets. I wanted to continue to use his creation for my own container props but it was too small for what I made so I decided to extract the model and change the size a little bit to match...
Six-Lane Road with Bike Lanes and Decorative Grass
Created by ifriqiya
A large avenue, decorated with grass, with reserved lanes for bikes on its sides. Decorations lower noise pollution and increase the land value. Characteristics Available in Large Road after your town has reached a population of 5,000 cims. Size: 32m wide ...
Six-Lane Road with Bike, Bus and Tram Lanes
Created by ifriqiya
A large avenue with parking spaces and reserved lanes for bikes, buses and trams on its sides. Characteristics Available in Large Road, Bus and Tram tabs, after your town has reached a population of 5,000 cims. Size: 32m wide (4 cells). Top speed: 60 km/h....
SkyTrust Bank
Created by KingLeno
SkyTrust Bank by KingLeno...
Vent prop 4 - Small ac/vent
Created by Avanya
This one I extracted from one of the factories in the game. Sometimes I find the default ones too big for a building, so I grabbed this one. It isn't animated, but still adds a bit to an empty roof. As seen in the picture it works fine on roofs sloping a b...
Vent prop 2 - Small chimney/vent
Created by Avanya
Another little prop for roofs. It's very simple but makes roofs look a little bit less naked. As the other chimneys it sticks through the roof and works well on most, if not all, types of roofs. Note: It can be found in the same prop category as the defaul...
Small Juniper
Created by pdelmo
Small Juniper by pdelmo As requested 497tri 512x512 texture...
Set of Ground Stations
Created by BadPeanut
Set of Ground Stations Here's what you get in this Ground Station Pack! As usual, No mods are required All these assets are located under the train tab, in the Public Transport menu. Stations:
Set of Single Track Station Tracks
Created by BadPeanut
This is a set of single track train station tracks. Ground and Elevated. To be used by creators to make their own stations with dual islands, and to be subscribed by users of those stations. Does not require any mods. Troubleshooting Follow These steps if ...
Shadow Strength Adjuster
Created by Ronyx69
Allows to change the strength of shadows that objects cast using a slider, saves and loads the value next time. It doesn't load the slider position visually, but the actual shadow value loads correctly. The slider can be found in the options - mods setting...
shibuya 駅前ビル看板 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
shibuya 駅前ビル看板 by やばい 看板の内容は日本ダービー JRA 2017年の広告です。 この看板は次のアセットで使うpropです。 The content of this billboard is from 2017 Japan Racing Association's ad. This billboard will be used in the next Shibuya building. Enjoy^_^ 渋谷 東京 日本 Shibuya Tokyo Japan...
shibuya eki 看板 pack (shibuya station series)
Created by やばい
shibuya eki 看板 one と two by やばい 渋谷駅で使うpropです 大人より 大きくなりたいとLisa best の看板です I will use these two billboards in shibuya station. Enjoy^_^ 渋谷 東京 日本 Shibuya Tokyo Japan...
shibuya ekimae biru 渋谷駅前ビル 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
shibuya ekimaiei biru 渋谷駅前ビル by やばい 大外ビルと渋谷駅前ビルです この二つのビルは有名だと思うが、ネットからの情報はちょっと少ないです。 I didn't find many informations of these two buildings, they are also next to the famous Shibuya Scramble Crossing. Enjoy^_^ 渋谷 東京 日本 Shibuya Tokyo Japan Just found some ...
Residential Building 023
Created by Valex L4 4x4 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Sunflowers" (Moscow, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
RH5 - Residence Soleil (4x4)
Created by Mythyc
Hey guys, First time creating an asset for skylines. I inspired myself with a building near where I live, called Residences Soleil. It's a growable Residential High building, level 5, 4x4 plots. Specs: Model has 9059 tris 1024x1024 textures (illum, spec, n...
Residential Props 2
Created by KingLeno
Residential Props 2 by KingLeno A new collection of loosely associated small props to use in future assets. Right now, it just consists of: Driveway Prop - similar to sidewalk props, but can be overlapped multiple times with no/minimal z-fighting. 1x2 conc...
RICO Corner building01
Created by TOKACHI269
30°のコーナ用の建物です。 triss : 6530 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 61 texture size : 256x256 (defuse)...
RICO AKIBA Zone Building
Created by Lot Creator
Coming back at you at the speed of Summer break! This little building was in prealpha phase since the start of summer but wasn't finished until the end of summer due to uni. LiThor Productions is proud to annouce the release of another asset. This building...
RICO Russian office building: Savelovskiy_City_Shopping center
Created by Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Бизнес центр "Савеловский-Сити (Shopping center)" 2 этажей Office building "Savelovskiy-City (Shopping center)" 2 floors Расцветка: Кирпичный фасад песочного цвета C...
Port Crane Prop B
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Port Crane Prop B by Shroomblaze Original Model From 3D Warehouse Total Tris = 928 1024 x 1024 Maps Lod Tris = 692 256 x 256 Maps http://i.imgur....
PostProcessFX v1.9.0
Created by MazK
Enable additional post processing effects such as bloom, lensflare, different anti aliasing options and ambient occlusion. Bloom and lensflare Can be fully controlled with the ingame UI with the following settings: - Enable Bloom: Enables the bloom effect....
Power Relay
Created by SamsamTS
Did you ever wanted to get rid of those ugly power lines? Then this asset is for you. The power relay is very small and can easily be hidden, under some trees for example. It emits a very tiny bit of noise, is a bit more expensive to place and is meant as ...
Prague Office
Created by Ronyx69
A RICO Office based on Greenline Kačerov:,14.4568258,124a,35y,70.95h,48.01t/data=!3m1!1e3 Main(exterior+ducts+glass+dirt+gravel for main and sub-building): 8052 tris 1024x1024 + 256x512 + 32x32 + 512x512 + 512x512 + 64x6...
Prefab Hook (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer
This mod is used as a bridge between different mods (for better compatibility). Using Harmony for redirection. Note: If you are a mod creator, consider using Harmony instead to add prefixes/postfixed to InitializePrefab! This mod was created before the exi...
Prop & Tree Anarchy
Created by BloodyPenguin
Place props & trees wherever you like With this mod enabled you can place props & trees: - under water - on roads - within building's footprint This is useful when placing props with More Beautification mod. I also recommend to use Prop Snapping to snap pr...
Prop Line Tool [PLT] (vAlpha)
Created by Alterran
Prop Line Tool Draw lines of props and trees like how you draw roads! This mod will save you time by placing items one by one for you! Compatible with Campus DLC and Patch Concerning Campus Update I've tested this mod with Campus patch and everything is in...
Props for Japanese Style Roads / 和風道路小物
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
和風の道路に必要なProp類です。 Contents / 内容物 JP Traditional Bridge Pole / 橋の欄干 Tris: 92 (LOD: 40) JP Traditional Road Pole / 道路に立ってる柱 Japanese style bollard Tris: 92 (LOD: 40) Tris: 10 Textures: JP Traditional Planter Random / 橋で使っている植木鉢 3 variants randomly appear. 3種...
Public Parking Sign
Created by Like_Mike
Public Parking Sign by michael.warrenii...
qfront 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
qfront 渋谷 東京 by やばい Qfront by やばい 渋谷駅ハチ公口前の道玄坂下のスクランブル交差点前に立地する。1960年から1998年まで同地に存在していた「峰岸ビル」というテナントビルを建て替え、東急百貨店さっぽろ店などの不動産を管理する同社子会社の札幌プラザ株式会社が事業主となり1999年12月に竣工した。 A staple of the Shibuya landscape, QFRONT is hard to miss. Staring down over the scramblin...
Pyramides (France)
Created by lansMosta
Pyramides by lansMosta...
Qfront screen 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
Qfront screen by やばい QFRONTのアートビジョンです、ビデオは大原櫻子さんのMVです。この数日のうちにQFRONTを作りたいと思います。 ご注意ください! アニメアセットはlodファイルをサポートしていません、だから、mod adaptive prop visibility は必ず必要です、さもないと、遠くから見ると、アセットは消えてしまいます。  This is the QFRONT building's huge screen,the building is situated in...
Quad's Central World Series 2
Created by Quad Rioters
But it feels so empty, without me. Assets: 2 - Central World Sector D (Groove & CPN Office) - Central World Sector E (Convention Center) Attribute and Stats: Central World Sector D - Size: 12x12 - Type: Unique Level 6 - Main Tri: 6,207, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri...
Public Library
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, it is a great pleasure for me to announce you the completion of the new public library. In a combination of literature and relaxation, enthusiastic readers will find comfortable reading zones on all four floors. As an emergent venue, the libr...
Vents ComLow L3 4x3 (Prop)
Created by DanDeKalb
Vents ComLow L3 4x3 from vanilla building...
Vents Office L1 3x3 (Prop)
Created by DanDeKalb
Vents Office L1 3x3 from vanilla building...
W96th street 41 (high res growable lvl 4)
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download! This is a 2x3 high res lvl 4 growable. About the model This is a another filler for my New York apartments collection. I made these, because there's almost no 60m+ apartment buildings on the workshop. My lvl ...
Wall-mounted Lights for signs / 広告看板用のライト
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is Japanese wall-mounted lights for signs and billboards. 広告看板用などに使われるライトです。 Tris: 52 Texture: 64x64...
Walt Whitman Bridge
Created by donoteat
God hates the Schuylkill Expressway. Opened 1967, the Walt Whitman Bridge spans the Delaware River, linking the Schuylkill Expressway (I-76) to the New Jersey Turnpike and other local destinations in New Jersey. It has a main span of 2,000 feet (610 meters...
Warehouse 2
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A generic warehouse for all your warehouse needs! It's a fully functional warehouse able to store all the same goods and resources as the default ones. Stats Cost: 3500 Upkeep: 56 / week Capacity: 100,000 Trucks: ...
Warehouse 3
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Another generic warehouse, because they come in so many shapes and sizes! This one has color variations around the edges and near the rollup doors - it's pretty subtle, but it's there. It's a fully functional ware...
Unlimited Trees Mod v1.12
Created by DRen72
UNLIMITED TREES MOD v1.12 Current code by BloodyPenguin and mod site hosted by DRen72 Latest Code Update: May 24, 2018 (Compatible and tested with v1.12.2 and Campus DLC) This mod unlocks the games limitation of 262,144 tree...
Unlock All + Wonders & Landmarks
Created by BloodyPenguin This mod unlocks all from beginning, including all Wonders (a.k.a. Monuments ), Unique Buildings Levels I-VI, European biome Landmarks, (if you have Deluxe Edition) Deluxe Edition Landmarks + DLC specific unique buildings an...
Utrecht Central Station (new beta version on the workshop)
Created by Jerenable
I have release a new beta version: That version fixes most problems except the one the game makes. Utrecht Central Station by Jerenable Firstly this has been one hell of a project for me and...
Vancouver Scotia Tower
Created by Milgram
Vancouver Scotia Tower by Milgram ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Variable Props - Garage-3
Created by Bfb Da Packman
Large 5-level parking garage Source Collection: Variable Props - Parking Original 3D Model: Large Parking by relativity Modifications Made: Color variation was added. The color of the garage will vary slightly each time it's placed. Some of the parking spa...
Tamurakoma Office
Created by Ronyx69
Tamurakoma (textile and garment trading company) office in Tokyo, Japan. RICO: $20K / L2 Office / 100 jobs Oddly shaped lot. The signage is optional. Main: 6094 tris 2048x1024 LOD: 296 tris 25...
Tamurakoma Office Signs
Created by Ronyx69
Includes the Tamurakoma logo and sign. Made for the Tamurakoma Office. Main: 28 - 324 tris 128x512 + 512x64 LOD: 2 - 8 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutor...
Tempus tower
Created by Milgram
Tempus Tower is one of the tallest blocks of apartments within the city center,with over 15 floors of luxury apartments. Each one is fitted with full length windows of lounge,from witch to admire the stunning views across the impressive landscape. The apar...
Thai General Hospital
Created by Palm'sTime
Thai General Hospital By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Info: Contains 3 buildings – Main building (Capacity: 500) – Patient building with 2 styles (Capacity: 150 and 250 for 8 Storey) Type Healthcare. Storey Main building: 4 Storey | Patient building: 6-8 Storey ...
The Montgomery
Created by honker
This is based on a 28-story building in Chicago's Near North Side neighborhood (just northwest of the Loop, a mile west of the Hancock Center). This international style condo building, which started life in the 1970s as the headquarters of the Montgomery W...
Created by TOKACHI269
東京都中央区勝どきにある高層マンションです。58階建て。 model : GoogleMap wikipedia 航空障害灯は本来は点滅しますが技術的問題により再現できませんでしたのでご了承ください。 こちらはツインタワーバージョンです。シングルバージョンは こちら 。 This is a twin tower version. Single version is here . RICO residential high Citizen : 500 construction-cost : 40000 <Me...
Created by TOKACHI269
東京都中央区勝どきにある高層マンションです。58階建て。 model : model model : wikipedia 航空障害灯は本来は点滅しますが技術的問題により再現できませんでしたのでご了承ください。 シングルバージョンです。ツインバージョンは こちら This is a single tower version. twin version is here. RICO residential high Citizen : 250 construction-cost : 20000 <Mesh inf...
Prop Precision
Created by SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) This mod allows props to be placed much more precisely. This is not a new tool but allows existing tools to place props with a lot more precision. It saves additional data to preserve the precision of t...
Prop Snapping
Created by BloodyPenguin Allows to snap props to buildings and elevated roads - just like in asset editor! This mod does the same job as Tree Snapping, but for props. This mod won't break your save games, and can be safely disabled at any time. But ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1c 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 3x3 Corner #1c 等級1 3x3 轉角 A variation of my Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #2 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #2 A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 3x3 Corner #2 等級1 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台北市大安區敦化南路一段) in Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). 4種(少許)不一樣的牆色 If you want to make it R...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 2x3 #1 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 2x3 #1 等級2 2x3 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommende...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 2x3 Corner #1 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 2x3 Corner 等級2 2x3 轉角 Based on this buildingin Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density co...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 2x3 Corner #2 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 2x3 Corner #2 等級2 2x3 轉角 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 3x3 Corner #1a 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2020-06-26*** add two new variations ****************************** 3 growable taiwanese commercial buildings Level 2&3 3x3 Corner 等級2&3 3x3 轉角 Based on this building(台中市中區中山路2號) in Taichung, Taiwan. If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can...
Tokyo Office Building B "Oda Kosan Building"
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Office building inspired from "Oda Kosan Building" in Shimbashi, Tokyo, Japan. Specifications 1x3 Growable Level 3 Office Tris: 4183+props (LOD: 46) / Textures: 1024x1024 (LOD: 256x256) d/n/s/i/a About the production request I can accept asset request with...
Tokyo Opera City Tower
Created by Zatline
8x8 - Tokyo Opera City Tower My first skyscraper of this size and one of four buildings that add up my first real city themed asset bundle "Tokyo Asset Pack #1" Hope you enjoy it, feedback is highly appreciated! :) Tokyo Opera City Tower (東京オペラシティ) is a sk...
Tokyo Police Headquarters
Created by JSF-1
NOTE* This asset does have a higher than normal tri count so bare that in mind! The headquarters of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Located in Chiyoda Tokyo, Japan. Cost to Build: $80,000 Upkeep: $1,600 Size: 14x7 Police Cars: 25 Prison Capacity:...
TONAMI Heavy Truck
Created by jaijai
TONAMI Transportation トナミ運輸 Truck Asset Details Category: Industry Capacity: 10,000 Prop is here....
Torii Gate v2
Created by Optron Warrior
This is the latest version of my Torii Gate, I re-modelled the original prop which was my first ever 3d creation for Skylines. It is slightly more detailed and can be used to re-decorate any assets you have used the Torii gate in. Also due to the improvmen...
Toronto Police Headquarters
Created by JSF-1
WARNING: This asset is a little heavy on the tri's (15,944) so if you plan on using this, keep in mind it may not play nice with weaker computers. This is a remake of an old asset I created in 2016! If you were subscribed to that one, you can unsubscribe t...
Toronto Union Prop Pack
Created by REV0
Toronto Union Prop Pack...
[RICO] Tour Peguy (Stains, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Cité Clos Saint Lazare, Stains, 93 Seine-Saint-Denis Construit en 1968, Apparence de la tour après la rénovation de 1987 jusqu'en 2003. Built in 1968, This is the appearence of the tower after the renovation of 1987 untill 2003. Avant/Before 1987 Architect...
Seagram Building
Created by TDB 한국인은 다음 링크에서 지원받을 수 있습니다: Seagram Building Be aesthetic. World's most prominent instance of corporate modern architecture. 시그램 빌딩 모던 건축의 미학 Informations Main Model: 2268 Tris LOD Model: 60 Tris ...
Marked Incompatible ]  Search Box Mod
Created by CWMlolzlz
Enables a search box to browse placeable assets ingame. Buildings, props, growables all appear in searches. This includes assets in other mods. As of Update 1.2, this mod supports favourite assets. Update 1.2 New - Assets can be favourited. This is done by...
Sensō-ji Kaminarimon (Thunder Gate) 浅草寺-雷門
Created by Emperor Li The Kaminarimon (Thunder Gate) is the outer gate of Sensō-ji (Asakusa Kannon Temple), a famous ancient Buddhist temple located in Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. With its lantern and statues, it attracts tourists from around the worl...
Seongsan Girder Pillar
Seongsan Girder Pillar by altmxjflgbajs...
Set of Bypass Station Tracks
Created by BadPeanut
This is a set of bypass train station tracks. Ground and Elevated. To be used by creators (stop trying to use them as normal players then b i t c hing about it not working, seriously for god's sake) to make their own bypass stations, and to be subscribed b...
Set of Dual Island Platform Station Tracks
Created by BadPeanut
This is a set of dual island platform train station tracks. Ground and Elevated. To be used by creators to make their own stations with dual islands, and to be subscribed by users of those stations. Does not require any mods. Troubleshooting Follow These s...
Set of Elevated Stations
Created by BadPeanut
Set of Elevated Stations Here's what you get in this Elevated Station Pack! All four of these assets are located under the train tab, in the Public Transport menu. Stations: These stations are...
Set of Single Island Train Station Track
Created by BadPeanut
This is a Train Station Track with an Island platform. Please subscribe if you're using any train stations that utilize this network. This is NOT a normal train track, nor will I be making one as they would not be visually supported by the vanilla game - t...
road pillar KT01
road pillar KT01 by 紺野 Konno...
Rooftop Hvac System A
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Rooftop Hvac System A by Shroomblaze Main Model = 204 Tris 512x512 Textures D,N,S Lod Model = 80 Tris 64x64 Textures D,N,S
Roppongi Hills Complex-Mori Tower
Created by UNFU 六本木新城(日语:六本木ヒルズ/ろっぽんぎヒルズ Roppongi hiruzu 英语:Roppongi Hills),又称六本木之丘,是位于日本东京六本木的都市复合开发区,由森大厦主导开发,是日本规模最大的都市更新计划之一。设计者为入江三宅设计事务所。 此资产为六本木之丘综合体的主体部分:森大厦。地上54层,地下6层,内有东京君悦酒店( グランドハイアット東京;Grand Hyatt Tokyo)、森美术馆、六本木新城TOHO影城等设施。雅虎...
Sapporo Station [札幌駅]
Created by JSF-1
***READ FIRST*** 1: If you encounter trouble placing this station it is probably because the road is intersecting the building on the left which comes out a little further than the rest of the building. If so just shorten the road you are connecting the st...
Regular bushes
Created by pdelmo
3 pack small tri 116 medium tri 358 large tri 818 textures are d,c,a @256x256 snowfall...
Residential Building
Created by Tomas13TO
Another residential building is here. You need to use the Ploppable RICO Mod by AJ3D, BloodyPenguin, boformer and Tailgunner to function as intended. Otherwise it's unique building (level 4). Thanks to rafko99 for screenshots. Another similar building http...
Residential Building 003
Created by Valex L4 4x3 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Botanic Garden" (Moscow, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 005
Created by Valex L4 7x3 Russian Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Orange Park" (Kotelniki, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 006
Created by Valex L5 7x3 Russian Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Clover" (Novosibirsk, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 010
Created by Valex L3 8x2 Russian Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Colors of Summer" (St. Petersburg, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Starbucks Prop Pack
Created by DanDeKalb
Starbucks Coffee Shop Starbucks Coffee Shop (RICO) Starbucks prop pack for coffee shop, includes: Starbucks green table and umbrella set Starbucks sign...
SompoJapanBuilding RICO
Created by CityOfTokyo
SompoJapanBuilding RICO In Sompo Japan Nipponkoa headquarters building, it is known as one of the skyscraper to play a group of Shinjuku skyscrapers. In two-tone color of white and brown, building that hem in the form that has spread like a skirt. Some peo...
South Korea Bulguksa 불국사 After Dark Update
Created by kyrilts
Bulguksa is located on the slopes of mount Toham (Jinheon-dong, Gyeongju city, North Gyeongsang province, South Korea). It is a head temple of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism and encompasses seven National treasures of South Korea, including Dabotap and...
Spherical tank (Ploppable)
Created by Avanya
A ploppable version of my spherical tank (growable) - this is just a park with no benefits intented for decoration. If you want a working industry, then click the link above for the growable version. Model Tris: 884 Texture: 1024x1024 LOD Tris: 110 Texture...
Spherical tank stairs
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Curved stairs made for my spherical tanks. Model Tris: 561 Texture: 1024x256 LOD Tris: 146 Texture: 256x64 Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account ...
Spielerheim Building (ploppable RICO ready)
Created by SvenBerlin
Spielerheim Building by Svenpotsdam Als Dank an das Spielerheim Forum, den Gründern und Mitgliedern, haben wir uns gedacht, wir überraschen die Spielerheim-Gemeinde mit einem Gebäude, das zu diesem besonderen Forum passt. Als Vorlage diente das Tech Gate i...
spiral underground parking lot
Created by ELVIS
This spiral simcity 4 styled underground parking lot has unique style. Made by Elvis, subscribe and thumbs up please. Not working It's just modular park facilities, based on sunken plaza template -714tris 1024tex res -custom lod 256*512 tex res...
[RICO] Tour Rodin 1 (Champigny, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Cité Bois l'Abbé, Champigny-sur-Marne, 94 Val-de-Marne Construit en 1969, Apparence avant rénovation de 1992. Built in 1969, Appearence before renovation of 1992. Architect/e: Clément Tambuté, Henry-Charles Delacroix, François Delage, Noël Le Maresquier Ap...
[RICO] Tour Rodin 2 (Champigny, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Cité Bois l'Abbé, Champigny-sur-Marne, 94 Val-de-Marne Construit en 1969, Apparence après rénovation de 1992. Built in 1969, Appearence after renovation of 1992. Architect/e: Clément Tambuté, Henry-Charles Delacroix, François Delage, Noël Le Maresquier Ava...
[Grow+RICO] Tour Rouviere (Marseille, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Valmante-Michelet-Rouvière, Marseille 9e, 13 Bouches-du-Rhône Construit en 1968 Built in 1968 Architect/e: Raoul Guyot High Residential Tower Lot size: 4x4 Residential Level: 4 Avec/With Plopable RICO Homes: 160 Construction Cost: 14000 The color can be ch...
OLD [RICO] Tours Boissiere (Rosny\Bois, France)
Created by Alexgazz
NEW VERSIONS: Tours Boissiere 1-2 Tours Boissiere 3-5 Tours Boissiere 6-7 Tours Boissière, Cité Boissière, Rosny-sous-Bois, 93 Seine-Saint-Denis Construit en 1974 Built in 1974 Pack de 5 Bâtiments Pack of 5 Buildings High Residential Tower Lot size: 4x3 Re...
[Grow+RICO] Tours Helene 1-2 (Montataire, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Cité Helene, Montataire(Creil), 60 Oise Construit en 1974, Apparence avant et après rénovation de 1990 jusqu'en 2018. Built in 1974, Appearence before and after renovation of 1990 untill 2018. Après/After 2018 Pack de 2 Bâtiments Pack of 2 Buildings High R...
[Grow+RICO] Tours Helene 3-4 (Montataire, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Cité Helene, Montataire(Creil), 60 Oise Construit en 1974, Apparence après rénovation de 2018. Built in 1974, Appearence after renovation of 2018. Avant/Before 2018 Pack de 2 Bâtiments Pack of 2 Buildings High Residential Tower Lot size: 4x3 Residential Le...
[RICO] Tours Vaillant 3 (Bobigny, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Cité Paul Vaillant-Couturier, Bobigny, 93 Seine-Saint-Denis Construit en 1968, Apparence après rénovation de 2012. Built in 1968, Appearence after renovation of 2012. Architect/es: Michel Holley, Raymond Lopez Pack de 3 Bâtiments Pack of 3 Buildings High R...
[prop]Station roof & platform
Created by konfox0527
駅用屋根&プラットホーム Station roof & platform Overview 概要 3型モジュール式駅から切り取った屋根のプロップです。 柱の配置とプラットホームの有無で4種類のプロップが付属します。 This is the Type 3 modular station design station roof prop. 4 types prop included....
[Real Glass] Gantanful‘s 1st building 感嘆符的第一栋楼
Created by QQ感嘆符
It's my first building which has a fantastic looking. 这是我的第一个建筑,拥有惊艳的外观。 If you like this building, please click a like, thank you :D 如果你觉得好看,那就请点个赞再走吧www —————————————————————— Unique building, Level 2 这是一个二级地标建筑 Lot 4x4 tri 1000+ texture 2048x2048...
[RICO] 340_on_the_Park_V4
Created by Reaper
340_on_the_Park_V4 by Reaper Category : Residential lvl 5 Do not forget to visit my site every month with exclusive content. Thank you all for your support.
[RICO] 64_Sherbourne_V2_52M from Toronto
Created by Reaper
64_Sherbourne_V2_52M from Toronto by Reaper Category : Residential lvl 5 Do not forget to visit my site every month with exclusive content. Thank you all for your support.
OLD [RICO] Barres Bosquets 2 (Montfermeil, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Cité des Bosquets(Clichy-Montfermeil), Montfermeil, 93 Seine-Saint-Denis Construit en 1965, Apparence après rénovation de 2003. Built in 1965, Appearence after renovation of 2003. Avant/Before 2003 Architect/e: Christian Ottin-Pecchio, Bernard Zehrfuss Pac...
[Grow+RICO] Barres Vergers (Garges, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Barres Vergers/Peupliers, Cité Dame Blanche, Garges-lès-Gonesse(Sarcelles), 95 Val-d'Oise Construits en 1962, détruits en 2004. Built in 1962, destroyed in 2004. Pack de 2 Bâtiments Pack of 2 Buildings High Residential Lot size: 4x2, 8x2(RICO Only) Residen...
[RICO] Cabrini Green 4 (Chicago, USA)
Created by Alexgazz
Cabrini Green Projects, Chicago, Illinois Built in 1962, Destroyed between 2005 and 2011. Architects: Pace Associates High Residential Lot size: 10x4 Residential Level: 2 Homes: 120 Construction Cost: 9000 The color can be changed with Repaint Polygons Tri...
Small Stadium Lights
Created by KingLeno
2 small high school football stadium lights with medium brightness and low (dim) brightness....
Small tanks
Created by Avanya
The tanks from the cargoyard as a prop. Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributions to the community reflect my own views and interests, and a...
Soldyne's Chain Link Fence x4
Created by soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Created by The Governor
Solow by The Governor...
[RICO] ICBC JX 工商银行江西分行
Created by amamIya
ICBC JX 工商银行江西分行 Grids: 15*9 Tris/LOD: 3232/1024 Texture: 2048/128 Rico enabled...
[RICO] Ivory_on_Adelaide_V4_47M
Created by Reaper
Ivory_on_Adelaide_V4_47M from Toronto by Reaper Category : Residential lvl 5 Do not forget to visit my site every month with exclusive content. Thank you all for your support.
[RICO] Japanese Department Store / 駅前ファッションビル・デパート
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
----- 26 Oct 2019 UPDATED Fixed brightness and normal map. ----- Building of Japanese department store. This is very typical shape so please decorate with props and make it your own department store. Recommended Prop Japanese Department Store Signs / 日本のデパ...
[RICO] Kilbourn_Tower_V3_80M
Created by Reaper
Kilbourn_Tower_V3_80M by Reaper Category : Residential lvl 5 Do not forget to visit my site every month with exclusive content. Thank you all for your support.
[RICO] Millennium_Tower_Residences_V4
Created by Reaper
Millennium_Tower_Residences from New York Category : Residential lvl 5 Do not forget to visit my site every month with exclusive content. Thank you all for your support.
[RICO] Residences at RCMI_V2_100_Medium
Created by Reaper
Residences at RCMI_V2_100M_from Toronto by Reaper Category : Residential lvl 5 Do not forget to visit my site every month with exclusive content. Thank you all for your support.
[RICO] Ritz_Carlton_Hotel_V2_medium
Created by Reaper
Ritz_Carlton_Hotel_V2_from New York by Reaper Category : Residential lvl 5 Do not forget to visit my site every month with exclusive content. Thank you all for your support.
[RICO] Tour Fontainebleau 2 (Neuilly/Marne, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Tour Fontainebleau, Cité des Fauvettes, Neuilly-sur-Marne, 93 Seine-Saint-Denis Construit en 1972, Apparence après la rénovation de 1993 jusqu'en 2011. Built in 1972, Appearence after the renovation of 1993 until 2011. Avant/Before 1993 Après/After 2011 Ar...
JPPO Roof Props
Created by Ronyx69
Includes an AC, an electricity box and a vent. Made for the Japanese Post Office. Very generic, can be used for whatever you want. Main: 110 - 386 tris 512x256 LOD: 10 - 22 tris Twitch YouTube...
Port Crane A (Park Version)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Original model comes from the default harbor in game. This Version is a 1x1 park that is visible from any range and has color variations now! Total Tris = 3,646 1024 x 512 Maps Lod Tris = 226 256 x 256 Maps
New Boston
Created by ZeroDivide
Welcome to my first custom map, New Boston! The map started as a copy of the Boston area used in Fallout 4, but I modified it to suit my own game plans, to the point where it no longer resembles Boston, but I kept the name anyway. I wanted a map that was a...
NiSSEKI Oil Truck Prop
Created by jaijai
Oil Truck NISSEKI prop by jaijai...
Tokyo Big Sight (Conference Tower)
Created by Nasvic
Tokyo Big Sight (東京ビッグサイト Tōkyō Biggu Saito) is the popular nickname for the Tokyo International Exhibition Center (東京国際展示場 Tōkyō Kokusai Tenjijō), a Japanese convention center that opened in April 1996. Located in the Ariake district on Tokyo Bay, the cen...
Tokyo City Hall
Created by 非·小天Eggs²
Tokyo City Hall...
Tokyo Fire Department HQ
Created by JSF-1
The Headquarters of the Tokyo Fire Department. Located in Chiyoda Tokyo, Japan. Cost to Build: $16,000 Upkeep: $1,140 Size: 7x6 Fire Trucks: 25...
Tokyo GarbageTruck #05 (AD) 東京ゴミ収集車 容量5倍
Created by stmSantana
*Tokyo 23-ku Garbage Truck (lowpoly) v2.0 Sep 30 - Add: AfterDark lights Category: Garbage Truck Capacity: 100,000 (5 times of a Vanilla(20,000)) Polygons: 966 Tris Texture: 512*256 pixels _c,_d,_i,_n,_s - Tokyo 18km Japan
TOKYO Metropolitan Expressway
Created by aya
This map is Tokyo in Japan. around 21km x 21km. "Metropolitan Expressway Central Circular Route C2" is installed to surround the main city of Tokyo. central small circular route is called C1(Circle 1). outside big circular route is called C2(Circle 2). Pro...
Created by CityOfTokyo
TOKYO MODE COCOON TOWER (Unique Building) I added a dome on making a unique building. Growable Office Version: Building Info: Level: 2 Size: 8 x 7 Electricity Consumption: 60 Construction Cost...
Tokyo Office Building A "CJ Building" / 東京のオフィスビルA「CJビル」
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
2 Office buildings inspired from "CJ Building" in Shimbashi, Tokyo, Japan. The small one is from the real one. The large one is fictional. Thanks to Waya, I used his textures for the convenience store. Specifications ■ CJ Building 4x4 Growable Level 3 Offi...
[DEPRECATED] Suburban Street
Created by Urbanist
DEPRECATED - subscribe to the better new version here A suburban street for the Suburbans of suburbia. Don't want the planting strip? Get the alternate version here 中文: 郊区街道 See this in action SoCal Low Residential Pack two dollars twenty - Drone to Cities...
suica グリーン券専用 ticket machine (shibuya station series)
Created by やばい
suica グリーン券専用 ticket machine by やばい suica グリーン券専用 渋谷駅で使うものです。 今週JR湘南新宿、JR埼京線、JR山手線外回り、JR山手線内回り、東京メトロ銀座線五つの線路及びその線路に接続された建物をリリースされるかもしれません。 お楽しみにしてください。 Ticket machine for liner trains I will also use this ticket machine in shibuya station. I may release th...
Sun Hung Kai Centre 香港新鸿基中心 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
新鸿基中心 Sun Hung Kai Centre 新鸿基中心于1981年落成,为湾仔北最早期发展的甲级商厦之一. Sun Hung Kai Centre is an office skyscraper in Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island。 It was built in 1981. You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 ...
Sunshine 60 RICO
Created by CityOfTokyo
Sunshine 60 RICO Sunshine 60 is a high-rise building at the core of the Sunshine City in Toshima-ku, Tokyo Higashi-Ikebukuro. At that time completed in ground height 239.7 meters the highest in Asia, it is a building that, Inc. Sunshine City is owned and m...
Surface Painter
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to change terrain surface Are you tired of endless list of filler assets cluttering your parks panel and exhausting your buildings limit? Then this mod is for you! This is a plugin for my Extra Lanscaping Tools mod th...
Swiss track D2 (E-Sta_NP)
Created by ron_fu-ta
高架複線、架線柱なし駅レール Elevated double track, No catenary pillar station rail. 高架駅用のレールです。既存の駅レールの置き換えやアセットエディタでご使用ください。 スクリーンショットは使用例です。置き換えはご自身で行ってください。 This is elevated station rail. Please use the station rail replacement or asset editor. Screenshots are examp...
Table 01
Created by Valex Table 01 by Valex...
[OLD] [Korea] 한국형 상가빌라 1
Created by 시린시 새 버전으로 다운로드 권장합니다. Please download the new version. ...
[MB]168m Metro modular station
Created by konfox0527
Modular station user guide 注意 attention -路線設定ができない場合、Advanced Stop Selection (ex MTSE)をサブスクライブしてShiftキーを押しながら路線設定をしてください。 -製作の都合上地下鉄タグではなく鉄道タグ になっています。(詳細下) -This is MOM mod METRO STATION -I...
[Metro] TokyoMetro 02 series train
Created by konfox0527
東京メトロ02系(Metro) Tokyo Metro 02 series train (Metro) ※SHアップデート以降でも使用可能なことを確認済みです。 Train version_ Prop_ ?????????? _ (Commings...
[PROP] Japanese Substation Box 変電設備
Created by n_mosimo
For rooftop. 屋上向け。...
[PROP] Japanese Water Storage Tank 日本風の貯水槽
Created by n_mosimo
For prop. Best for install on the top of Asian buildings or apartment. 東洋的なビルやマンション・アパートの屋上に最適です。...
[PROP] Large Outdoor Unit 大型室外機
Created by n_mosimo
For prop. Best for high-rise buildings. 高層ビルに最適な室外機です。...
[Prop] TokyoMetro 02 series train
Created by konfox0527
東京メトロ02系(プロップ) Tokyo Metro 02 series train (プロップ) MOM metro version_ Train version_ 概要 Overview 東京メトロ02系のプロップです。4種類のプロップが入って...
Warehouse 4 - Blue
Created by Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on Yet another generic warehouse. This one has color variations adding more dirt to the roof. The windows came out great on this one, but that's about the most exciting thing about it. :P It's a fully functional ware...
Washing crane
Created by Bibel Gurra
Washing crane by SUR:(((((ON...
Westly building - 3x4 L2 Office
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
Hi Skyliners !! Many CSL players asked me to update this particular building. It was never updated with nightlights but people still used it since it was useful as a filler. It's not very striking, neither is it very original... it's there and its purpose ...
world mark [ RICO ]
Created by YOGURT
삼각지역에 위치한 오피스텔입니다. 리코모드 사용시 자동 적용됩니다....
world mark2 [ RICO ]
Created by YOGURT
로고가 없고 층수가 기존보다 낮은 버전입니다....
Created by waya
wy-JP-HousingComplex-SHT-ABC by waya...
Created by waya
建物は3つあります。4階、8階、14階です。 There are 3 buildings, 4, 8 and 14 floors...
Track and field
Created by Tomas13TO
Athletics events for your Cims. INFO maps - d,n,s,i (2048x1024) triangles - 5644 LOD triangles - 96 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 12x8 ...
Train hub with tram track
Created by Silverrine
Original asset: City Rail Link 1....
Train Platform Shelter Unit
Created by Simon Ryr
Train Platform Shelter Unit prop Prop made by Simon Royer Requested by HamsterVolant from the #FrenchCityDesigners community More Beautification mod required to plop it directly in game. Mesh infos: TrainPlatformShelterProp 110 tris, LOD 50 tris Diffuse te...
Train Station Display (single)
Created by boformer
Train Station Display (single) by boformer This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ...
Train Station Timetable
Created by boformer
"All information is supplied without guarantee." This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ...
Transparency LODs Fix
Created by Katalepsis
If you like this mod, please take a moment to rate+, it really helps me stay motivated to continue creating mods for the community. Also, if you're feeling generous, consider making a small donation. Even 10 cents can add up to a lot if more people donate....
Shinjuku Center Building
Created by Zatline
9x8 - Shinjuku Center Building My 3rd skyscraper from Tokyo and one of four buildings that add up my first real city themed asset bundle "Tokyo Asset Pack #1" Hope you enjoy it, feedback is highly appreciated! :) The Shinjuku Center Building (新宿センタービル) is ...
Shinjuku Mitsui Building
Created by Zatline
9x8 - Shinjuku Mitsui Building My 2nd skyscraper from Tokyo and one of four buildings that add up my first real city themed asset bundle "Tokyo Asset Pack #1" Hope you enjoy it, feedback is highly appreciated! :) The Shinjuku Mitsui Building (新宿三井ビル) is a ...
Shinjuku Sumitomo Building
Created by Zatline
10x13 - Shinjuku Sumitomo Building My 4th skyscraper from Tokyo and one of four buildings that add up my first real city themed asset bundle "Tokyo Asset Pack #1" Hope you enjoy it, feedback is highly appreciated! :) Shinjuku Sumitomo Building (新宿住友ビルディング)...
Shinkansen Station Track V2β
Created by ako_ako
Shinkansen Track V2の説明文を確認してください。 β版です。使用する際は下記事項を熟読の上、セーブデータのバックアップを取る等十分注意してください。このデータに起因するトラブルには一切責任を取れません。 Read the description of Shinkansen Track V2. I can't take the responsibility of any trouble happen by this track. Be careful when using. Take a b...
Shinkansen Track V2β【新幹線の線路】
Created by ako_ako
This is a new version of Shinkansen Track. You can subscribe together with V1 because they have different name. But they don't have compatibility. I can't take the responsibility of any trouble happen by this track. Be careful when using. Take a backup!!!!...
ShiodomeCityCenter RICO
Created by CityOfTokyo
ShiodomeCityCenter RICO Shiodome City Center is a high-rise office building in Tokyo Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, chome. Mitsui Fudosan and Alderney Investments Pte Ltd. (Government of Singapore Investment Corporation subsidiary) is held. The office tenan...
Singapore Land Tower
Created by EndlessFtw
Singapore Land Tower is a skyscraper located in the Central Business District of Singapore, near Raffles Place MRT station. Check out my collection (link above or click the sentence) for more Singaporean skyscrapers like the...
sk building
Created by YOGURT
군더더기 없는 설계미학...오래될수록 빛 발하는 '클래식의 멋' ‘오래 보아야 예쁜’ 건축물 ‘곡선 없이 꼿꼿’ 오피스 건축의 전형 준공 19년 지나도 세련된 매력 여전 서울경제 신문 중 - 종로에 위치한 sk 서린빌딩을 모티브로 제작하였습니다....
Created by waya
Note: there are three different high-rise buildings in it Support my work on PayPal ! Donate:
Created by waya
Note: there are three different high-rise buildings in it...
Created by waya
wy-JP-Mansions-MC-AB by waya...
Created by waya
Notice that it comes in two types, A and B, with different colors and heights....
Created by waya
Notice that it also has a three-story building...
Created by waya
wy-JP-Mansions-WL-AB by waya...
Two Gecker Corp.
Created by Jerenable
Two Gecker Corp. by Jerenable The Gecker Corporation decided to build and extension to its HQ in 1982 and build 2 Gecker. For the construction they bought another whole city block and build this monolith. I heared yall wanted some more beautifull monolithi...
[B31][B33X][C31][C33XL][C33XR] Type3 Ground Station Module KT track Fullset
Created by konfox0527
3型地上モジュール式駅 JP2L KT21&JP1L KT21 フルセット Type 3 Ground Station Module JP2L KT21&JP1L KT21 track Full set 概要 Overview 内装道路を廃止して地上と水平の高さに線路を設置できるようにした新型地上駅モジュールです。 内装道路がないため建設用道路を引いて建設してください。 6つアセットが入っていて、延長モジュールも付属してます。 This is a new ground station module that...
UK Park Football Pitch
Created by rik4000
UK Park football pitch You can often find about 20 of these next to each other around various large parks across the UK. Please see the example here >> Posts Everywhere Where can i find this asset in game? This asset can be found in the park section. This ...
UK Park Football Posts
Created by rik4000
UK Park Football Posts These can often be found across many parks around the UK, see the example below: UK Football Posts Where can i find this prop in game? This prop can be found in the asset editor under the park bench section....
Ultimate Eyecandy v1.5.2
Created by Judazzz
Hey all, I've been enjoying Cities: Skylines basically since release day, immensely helped by all the awesome stuff the community created. So after so much taking, I figured it was time for a little giving. In real life I'm a web developer (mainly front-en...
Uncovered Boat Dock
Created by MobiusOne
Uncovered Boat Dock to fill you Marinas If placing with Prop Line Tool, the correct spacing is 8.2 m...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 1x2 #1 台灣商店
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 1x2 If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommended mods: - Find it! (keywords: "Taiwan") - Plop the Growables ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 2x3 #1 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 2x3 #1 等級1 2x3 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommende...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 2x3 Corner #1 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 2x3 Corner 等級1 2x3 轉角 Based on this buildingin Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density co...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 3x3 Corner #1 等級1 3x3 轉角 Based on this buildingin Taipei. It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1b 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 1 3x3 Corner #1b 等級1 3x3 轉角 A variation of my Taiwanese Commercial Building L1 3x3 Corner #1 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting ...
[PROP] VHF/UHF Antenna - Tall 大きいテレビアンテナ
Created by n_mosimo
For flat roof or tall building. 平らな屋上やビル向け。...
Radar Tower Scenic (AD)
Created by BaskB
Radar Tower Scenic by BaskB **** Now with After Dark twinkly lights **** Full credit goes to Dorcas Lane for his original model:- This version removes ALL worker, water, electric, road, rubbis...
Radio Mast Pack
Created by Ben
Radio Mast Pack with rusty and new variants of both the classic red and white and also a grey. Same stats as the small pack but with a higher cost and larger happiness area. All are 100 meters tall. Them all share the same 3d model so the loading screen mo...
Raemian Caelitus [ RICO ]
Created by YOGURT
리코모드 사용시 자동 적용 됩니다....
rail pillar KT03
rail pillar KT03 by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
Realistic V1.4.5 European
Created by Captain Soap
Overview, Screenshots, News and More Participate in a quick Survey! Help developing HERE! Realistic V1.4.5 European The Realistic Map Themes This Map Theme is currently available for the base themes: European Temperate Boreal Tropical The Color...
Red and White Antenna
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
Red and white striped antenna prop for your skyscraper rooftops. About 19m tall, with a couple more meters under the surface to allow for adjustments. main TRIS: 358 maps: 256x32 (diffuse, spec) LOD tris: 136...
Marked Incompatible ]  Sharp Junction Angles
Created by Thaok
This mod allows to create junctions with angles sharper than 45° and no bended segments. allows to create close parallel roads and tracks. includes Road and Building Anarchy. (also see BloodyPenguin's Prop and Tree Anarchy) Besides a generally more flexibl...
[RICO] Tour Sapporo (Paris, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Tour Sapporo/Mexico, Les Olympiades, Paris 13e Construit en 1972. Built in 1972. Architect/es: Michel Holley, Michel Proux High Residential Tower Lot size: 5x3 Residential Level: 4 Homes: 200 Construction Cost: 20000 33 Etages/Storeys Polygons Triangles Co...
Residential Building 016
Created by Valex L4 5x5 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Gulf Stream" (Odessa, Ukraine). Ploppable RICO ready.
residential buildin_056_Rico
Created by The_Ping
Информация / information residential buildin Textures: _d,_i _n,_s, + lod_d 3d tri 7.031 tex 1024x1024 lod 554 tex 128x128 Rico hi lvl 2 h 25 paypal thank you) ...
Regular Trees 4 pack
Created by pdelmo
4 Generic shaped trees Stats and info: Textures all are 256x256 Tris Small 380 Columnar 700 Full 928 Crown 800 Smaller Leaves and billbording for a more realistic look...
SC Tower - Parking Glass Facade (Prop)
Created by Palm'sTime
SC Tower - Parking Glass Facade (Prop) By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Model Info: Tris 16 Texture Size 1,024 x 1,024 Filename & Keyword (for searching in Find It! mod) : sc-tower-parking-glass-th Based on SC Tower. Located in Phaya Thai, Bangkok, Thailand Don't...
Scandinavian Apartments 01
Created by Latetzki
Note: This is my first asset for the Cities: Skylines. Constructive criticism is welcome. This building has four color variations (Light grey, yellow, orange and red). - Size 3x4 - Texture size is 1024x1024 px - High density residental I took some inspirat...
Silberturm, Frankfurt 1:1
Created by Pirazel
Silberturm, Frankfurt The Silberturm in Frankfurt was once the tallest building in Germany. It was first used by Dresdner Bank and serves now as office tower for Deutsche Bahn. This early example of Structural Expressionism is a must have for a Frankfurt m...
Stretch Limo
Created by Archie Cuntingham
If a normal car isn't enough, add even more car! Updated for After Dark. Based on a standard car Doesn't replace any stock car, appears as a new car 848 tris 256x128 textures...
Sub-Buildings Enabler (DEPRECATED)
Created by boformer
This mod is now deprecated! The game developers added official support for sub buildings in the asset editor! Sub-buildings are separate building assets which can be used to create assets which are larger than 16x8. For example, the feature is used by the ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 2x3 #2 台灣商業大樓
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 2x3 #2 等級2 2x3 It has four color variations (but only slightly). If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommende...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 3x3 Corner #1 Pants Kingdom 台灣商業大樓 褲子大王
Created by Emperor Li
「再大的鳥都裝得下」 "Even the biggest of birds can fit in our pants" ------------------------------------------------------------------------褲子大王 Pants Kingdom A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 3 3x3 Corner #1 等級1 3x3 轉角 If you want to use it as generi...
Trep Tower Only
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
This is a simple "tower only" version of my Berlin Treptowers, as requested. I hope you find a place for it in your city. Pls don't forget to uprate and it always makes me happy to see pics, so feel free to post links to screenshots. Scale: 1:1 (125m tall)...
Truck - (Peterbilt-Truck) B&D
Created by RaverTiger
Truck - (Peterbilt-Truck) B&D by RaverTiger ====================================== Vehicle details: • Typ: Truck (Industry / Commercial) • Speed: 18 • Cargo Capacity: 12500 • Design: Black & Decker • original Design: - truck:
Twin Corridor Housing Block (RICO)
Created by Junna
Twin corridor was a common type of public housing block built by the Japanese Housing Company 1969 to 1981, as well as countless municipal housing companies in Japan, usually between 11 and 14 storeys tall (an exceptional 25-storey tower was built in Osaka...
ticket machine Deutsche Bahn Fahrkartenautomat
Created by SvenBerlin
ticket machine Deutsche Bahn by Svenpotsdam triangles 154 Lod 26 If you like my assets you can support me with a donation. Thanks a lot.
Tokyo (東京), Japan (日本) Mass Transit
Created by Gaijinman
This is a 1:1.5 scale version of the 23 wards of Tokyo. 1:1 was to small as I would not be able to include all 23 wards. The Borders are, East: Tokyo Disneyland, South: Haneda Airport, North-West: Wakoshi Station. I included every single river and lake on ...
Tokyo - Japan
Created by iEMPTY
Tokyo - ...
Taiwanese Commercial Building L2 1x2 #1 台灣商店
Created by Emperor Li
A growable taiwanese commercial building Level 2 1x2 If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density commercial, add local and save. Recommended mods: - Find it! (keywords: "Taiwan") - Plop the Growables ...
Zero Emission Garbage Center
Created by _luminou_
Zero Emission Garbage Center Perfect for your small residential areas, this garbage center produces no sound polution and zero emission !! ...Isn't it beautiful utopia ? Ideal to handle the local household waste, without disturbance for the population ! Si...
Zions Bank Building (RICO) Salt Lake City
Created by Crazyglueit Zions Bank Building located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Built in 1962 and renovated in 2005-06. Sits at 267ft(81m) with 18 floors. Scale - 1:1 Plot Size - Main - Tris 6,693 / Texture 2048x1024 / Weight 36.70 LOD - Tris 52 / Text...
Created by XDBX
这个资产是我的朋友(无名)建模,然后我打包上传的。他和我的建筑风格有些不同,我喜欢写实一点,他喜欢卡通一点,希望大家喜欢。 This asset is modeled by my friend (Wuming) and then I package it for uploading. He and my architectural style are somewhat different. I like to be realistic. He likes cartoons and hopes that ev...
[B3P] JP2L GP module station
Created by konfox0527
B3P 複線駅モジュール JP2L KT21GP *2019/July/24 Update New track ===============重要なお知らせ=================== ================Attention================ 紺野つかさ氏のJP station trackを使用する駅は新型に置き換える予定です。(一部アセットの統合もあるかも) 速めに新しいStation trackのサブスクライブをお願いします。 I will change to the...
[Building] Large container stacks - Pack 1
Created by Avanya
If you prefer not to use props or just want to save a little on your prop limit, then this is for you! It can be plopped anywhere It's a dummy building, meaning it doesn't do or need anything It's found in the ship category Thanks to the prop you get 5 var...
[Building] Large container stacks - Pack 2
Created by Avanya
If you prefer not to use props or just want to save a little on your prop limit, then this is for you! It can be plopped anywhere It's a dummy building, meaning it doesn't do or need anything It's found in the ship category Thanks to the prop you get 5 var...
[Citizen] Japanese Schoolgirls / 日本の女子高生
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Citizen of Japanese high school girls. It's time to say goodbye to vivid teenagers. They have 3 shapes + color variations. All three have different characteristics, so please find your favorite girl. Surely you won't be able to take your eyes off the stree...
[EB2]ELV JR-slab station module
Created by konfox0527
168mスラブ軌道高架駅モジュール (Shinkansen track) 168m Elevated JR-slab station module (Shinkansen track) Modular station user guide 概要 overview -高架駅モジュールセット内のモジュールをako_ako氏製作のshinkansen station track(JR...
[Ehime] Ehime-Orange TV
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
<< This was made in commemoration of Matsuyama City map release. >> This TV station is a delusional broadcasting station and is a fiction. If I had a TV Tokyo series in Ehime, I made it in a setting. Of course, digital is 7ch....
[EMB]ELV Metro module station
Created by konfox0527
Modular station user guide 注意 attention -路線設定ができない場合、Advanced Stop Selection (ex MTSE)をサブスクライブしてShiftキーを押しながら路線設定をしてください。 -製作の都合上地下鉄タグではなく鉄道タグ になっています。(詳細下) -This is MOM mod METRO STATION -I...
[E]168m Elaveted modular station set
Created by konfox0527
高架駅モジュールセット 168m Elaveted modular station set Modular station user guide 概要 overview -1985年に東京近郊に建設された通勤新線の駅をモデルにしたモジュール式の駅です。168mのホーム有効長があります。3つのアセットが含まれます。 高架駅モジュールの基本となるアセットです。高架駅モジュールが必要...
[Grow+RICO] RDL (Noisy-le-Grand, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Résidence du Lac, Clos Gagneur, Noisy-le-Grand, 93 Seine-Saint-Denis Construit entre 1974 et 1977 Built between 1974 and 1977 Pack de 9 Bâtiments Pack of 9 Buildings High Residential Lots Size: 2x3, 3x3, 4x3 Residential Level: 4 Avec/With Ploppable RICO Ho...
[Grow+RICO] Tour Carreaux A (Villiers-le-Bel, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Cité des Carreaux, Villiers-le-Bel, 95 Val d'Oise Construit en 1960, Apparence avant rénovation de 1990 Built in 1960, Appearence before renovation of 1990. Architect/es: Daniel Badani, Pierre Roux-Dorlut High Residential Tower Lot size: 3x2 Residential Le...
[Grow+RICO] Tour Fauconniere (Gonesse, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Cité La Fauconnière, Gonesse, 95 Val d'Oise Construit en 1962, Apparence avant rénovation de 1992. Built in 1962, Appearence before renovation of 1992. Architecte: Olivier Caplain, Roger Cazaneuve, Emmanuel Peray, Philippe Vuarnesson High Residential Tower...
[Grow+RICO] Tours Locheres (Sarcelles, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Cité des Lochères, Sarcelles, 95 Val d'Oise Construit en 1960-61, Apparence avant rénovation de 2005 et 2018. Built in 1960-61, Appearence before renovation of 2005 and 2018. Architects/es: Roger Boileau, Jacques Henri-Labourdette Pack de 2 Bâtiments Pack ...
[GROW] Danchi Apartment 日本の団地 (4x3 Level 3)
Created by n_mosimo
9918 tris, 512x256 tex; LoD 44 tris, 128x64 tex 少し古めの団地の建物です。高密度住宅地区に建設されます。 平坦な地面であれば、横長のアパートに見せかけることも出来ます。 A Japanese not-so-new public housing. Builds on High-density Residence Zone. On the flat ground, you can connect like a long apartment. ...
Created by 初北
駅や踏切の近く、信号機の横によくある箱です。 2021/05/25 追記 自分(初キタ)へ ・削除禁止。...
Created by waya
Sorry, I've been busy lately. I had to slow it down....
Xberg Tower
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
Here is a blocky 60's style mid-range skyscraper office building in 4 color variations. I've made this to act as two different Berlin buildings: the Postbank Tower near U-Bhf. Möckernbrücke, and Europa-Center on Kurfürstendamm. This asset is a mod of Crazy...
YAMATO Truck (Full-Trailer)
Created by jaijai
Yamato Transport ヤマト運輸 Tractor Isuzu GIGA 2015 KLG-CYJ77C Short Cab Trailer and Body Nippon FRUEHAUF centre-axle van trailer Asset Details Category: Industry Capacity: 17,000 Tractor Triangles: 1540, Texture: 1024x512 LoD Triangles: 46, LoD Texture: 32x32(...
Yodobashi AKIBA
Created by CityOfTokyo
Yodobashi AKIBA Tokyo is Yodobashi Camera Akihabara store in Akihabara. The total sales floor area becomes the huge general electric appliance shop which there is 63,558 m². Building Info: Level: 1 Electricity Consumption: 150 Construction Cost: 45000 Main...
Yodobashi UMEDA
Created by CityOfTokyo
Yodobashi UMEDA Yodobashi Umeda is a commercial complex in Ofukacho, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka (the JR Osaka station square). Including "Yodobashi Camera multimedia Umeda of the major household appliance general merchandising store," a large number of tena...
Vehicle Effects 1.9.5
Created by Acc3ss Violation
Allows effects to be added to vehicles with xml files! Recent features - Load (sort of) custom particleeffects via xml! Check this discussion page on how to do it and for sharing examples! - Load custom sound effects via xml! Check this discussion page on ...
Venting 2
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A venting system for rooftops Triangles: 336 Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I would be very grateful if you could support me with a li...
屋上看板セット_Rooftop sign set
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) そろそろ屋上看板のラインナップが欲しくなってきたので30個作りました。 日本の動画サイトの屋上プロップは、私が独占しますよ。 I've started to want a lineup of rooftop signs, so I made 30. I'm monopolizing the rooftop props of Japanese video sites. ■メモ(Memo) 夜は点灯します。照明は上に設置したので、地上に設置しても問題無いデザインです。 少しサイズを小...
東京タワー tokyo tower 东京铁塔
Created by CM.
你可以在第三级别建筑中找到。 You can find it in level 6 special buildings. 东京塔(日语:东京タワー;英文:Tokyo Tower),正式名称为日本电波塔,又称东京铁塔,位于日本东京都港区芝公园,是一座是以巴黎埃菲尔铁塔为范本而建造的红白色铁塔,但其高332.6米,比埃菲尔铁塔高出8.6米。1958年10月竣工,此后一直为东京第一高建筑物,直至2012年2月东京天空树(634米)建成而退居第二位。 Tokyo Tower (Japanese: ; 东京タワー;E...
柴山第二~三ビル_Shibayama 2~3 Building(Fictitious)
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 柴山第二~三ビル 今回のビルは、新宿歌舞伎町にありそうな建蔽率80%、容積率800%を目一杯利用したペンシルビルです。 幅7m、奥行29m、高さ31mサイズで、ゲーム内で1×4マスとなります。 小柄ながらも、ベンチ、看板、貯水槽、換気フード、段ボール、雨除け、ペントハウス、物置小屋、避雷針、灰皿、TVアンテナにもこだわっております。 柴山第二ビルは、テナントがほとんど入っていない雑居ビルです。 一階の書店と四階の興信所のみしか入居しておらず、屋上看板も撤去されております。労働人口...
柴山第四~五ビル_Shibayama 4~5th Building
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 柴山第四~五ビル 第二~三ビルタイプを低くしたもので、正面以外は大きく変わりません。 テナントは1990年頃の大阪の恵美須町を想定しています。 懐かしいと思っていただければ幸いです。 柴山第四ビルは、テナントが多い雑居ビルです。 小さいながらも郵便局と電器店が入居しています。労働人口15名(RICO) 縦型屋上看板_Vertical rooftop sign をいれなくても、屋上がさみしくなるだけなのでお好みでどうぞ。 柴山第五ビルは、何が入っているかよくわかりませんので、繁華街...
縦型屋上看板_Vertical rooftop sign
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 屋上で見かける縦型の看板です。 今回からディテールを正しく表現することにしました。 H型鋼、ブレース、プレート、照明計画、LODデータ 看板の種類は10種類あります。 Vertical signboard seen on the roof. I decided to express the details correctly from this time. H-shaped steel, brace, plate, lighting plan, LOD data There ar...
繁華街プロップ_Bustling street Prop
Created by shibakata
■セット内容 2vs1 wall sign_2対1型壁面看板 001~021 3vs2 wall sign_3対2型壁面看板 001~006 A type sign_A型看板 001~010 Beer Case_ビールケース Made by Kaminogi Financial sleeve sign_金融袖看板 001~013 Garbage collection site_ゴミ集積場 Illumination sign_電飾看板 001~010 Illumination sign2_電飾看板 001~0...
Euro Police Headquarter
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot,.. "The Mars-la-Tour-Barrack in Brunswiek is the main building of a big complex of barracks from 1892, besides a garage building, it is the only one of these, that survived the devastating airraid o...
Directional Light Bollard
Created by Pixel_monster
Directional Light Bollard by Pixel_monster A Low intensity Street bollard with directional yellow light. Used for my Stonewall Quay Asset. If you like this asset please Subscribe to my workshop and rate this asset and commen...
Fall Tree
Created by pdelmo
Low Tri...
Fine Road Anarchy - Ending
Created by Klyte45 This place used to be the old remake from Fine Road Anarchy based on SamSamTS. Use Network Anarchy from Quboid instead. ...
Fine Road Tool - Ending
Created by Klyte45 This place used to be the old remake from Fine Road Tool based on SamSamTS. Use Network Anarchy from Quboid instead....
Giorgio Armani Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 straight L1 Commercial High building based on Armani Ginza Tower in Tokyo. It is meant to be a 2x4 corner building, but I have been getting questions from players with my other assets about why they disappear after being plopped and turns out...
Created by Milgram
GranTokyo From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search GranTokyo North Tower The GranTokyo (グラントウキョウ, Guran Tōkyō) is a skyscraper located in Marunouchi, Tokyo, Japan. Construction of the 205-metre tower was finished in 2007. The ...
Gwanghwamun KT
Created by YOGURT
리코모드 사용 시 자동 적용됩니다.
PropPlatform ver3
Created by konfox0527
プロッププラットホーム ver3 駅のプラットホームの長さに物足りない人向けのプロッププラットホームの改良型3型です モジュラー式駅と橋上駅橋上入口に対応し、テクスチャーとサイズを合わせたものになります。 3つのアセットが入っています。 This is Prop Platform for train station extention Improved type version 3. It texture update adjust modular station and bridge building s...
Road Decals Pack
Created by ManuRamos
MRF Decals by PelusoNN 16 useful lines, stripes and decals to decorate your roads and streets. If you think there are too many decals, enter your 255710 folders, search it, and remove those you don't need. Highly recommended MOD's: - More Beautification - ...
TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition)
Created by Krzychu1245
Improve lane and parking usage. and customise junctions, roads, and rails! This is the stable release with tested features. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀User Guide⠀⠀⠀⠀Report Bugs⠀⠀⠀⠀Discord Chat Vehicles despawning ...
Tokyo JP Office Bldg A | TOKYO GAS 東京ガスビル
Created by Sparks
Tokyo JP Office Bldg A | TOKYO GAS 東京ガスビル The official website/官网/公式サイト Model INFO Tris(三角面数) 9460(main)+1865(roof tower)+2480(buildingA)+590(buildingB)+622(platform)//lod2400 Textures(贴图) 1024×1024/Lod256×256 (a/d/s/i) Size(大小...
Spotlights prop pack
Created by Armesto Pack of prop spotlights. Currently using 14 vanilla effects: Upwards neutral Upwards warm Upwards cold Upwards yellow Downwards neutral Downwards warm Downwards...
Created by waya
1024 Triangle 4590 Support my work on PayPal ! Donate: 支付宝 Alipay Donate:
Created by waya
1536x1536 Triangular type 4157 Support my work on PayPal ! Donate: 支付宝 Alipay Donate:
TotalyFree Camera
Created by BloodyPenguin
Makes regular camera mode behave like free camera mode (but with UI visible) It should be compatible with all other camera mods (for example, with Enhanced Zoom). This mod uses awesome detours C# library by cope. Without it, this mod would've been impossib...
Tokyo Tower
Created by Kerotan Frog
Tokyo Tower...
[RICO] Tour Tokyo (Paris, France)
Created by Alexgazz
Tour Tokyo, Les Olympiades, Paris 13e Construit en 1976. Built in 1976. Architect/es: Michel Holley, Brandon & Béhar High Residential Tower Lot size: 6x3 Residential Level: 4 Homes: 260 Construction Cost: 26000 32 Etages/Storeys The color can be changed wi...
Linked collections (1)
Contains 675 items