Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

719 평점
Para Bellum - Campaign
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태그: mod, Campaign
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69.515 MB
2020년 2월 29일 오후 3시 19분
2023년 12월 22일 오후 4시 45분
변경 사항 41개 ( 보기 )

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Para Bellum - Campaign

AveMetal님의 1 모음집
Para Bellum - Official Mods Collection
아이템 11개
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
If you want peace, prepare for war.

This mod collection is a total conversion for Rome II with a historical approach, keeping a balance with the gameplay, and aiming for a more challenging and epic experience.

Para Bellum - Steam group
Para Bellum - Discord server[]
Para Bellum - Official Mods Collection
Para Bellum submods & Compatible mods
FAQ for Para Bellum

Para Bellum - Campaign

Focused on realism
- Challenging mid-late campaign: the superpowers prevail in later phases of the game.
- Construction of buildings and technology research times increased to fit more accurately the time frame of the campaigns and the historical events. Regarding this, the research buildings and character skills become more important to shorten the times.
- Balanced diplomacy: more reasonable deals and reliable allies, but bad relationships can end up with bitter enemies...
- Reworked economy, to guarantee powerful enemies and a chance to face them, if managed correctly...
- More open field battles, with bigger battlefields and wider deployment areas.
- Custom deployable sets for the different factions, with adjusted durability for more realistic results.
- Realistic armies compositions for all factions.

Better AI
- Active campaign AI with adjusted priorities and different profiles according to the faction (aggressive, balanced, defensive, expansive or naval).

New game mechanics
- Seasonal conditions for all DLC campaigns, adding a wide variety of effects, reflected in the public order, morale of the troops, the economy and other decisive factors.
- War Weariness: Whilst you are at war with other factions war weariness will increase. A higher war weariness leads to reduction in public order across your provinces. Though can be reduced by winning battles or signing peace treaties, losing battles will increase it.
- Omens: Every season the omens will influence the spirit and state of your troops, so they will be a key factor to take into account before engaging in battle.
- Rebellion chance can be checked by hovering over the 'Current public order:' text in the Province Details panel.
- Supply system, whereby your land armies on your own territories will gain supply, but will lose in unowned land regions. Once their supplies run out they will start to take attrition, so this needs to be taken into account when planning your campaigns.

Includes also:
- Better cameras.
- 22 new edicts (8 or 11 per faction).
- Many other mechanics, tweaks and details to improve the experience. Check the credits below for more details.

Installation instructions
Subscribe and place the different parts of the mod in alphabetical order in the Mod Manager:

1. Para Bellum - Campaign (includes specific instructions and translation files)
2. Para Bellum - Combat
3. Para Bellum - Effects (includes specific instructions)
4. Para Bellum - Factions
5. Para Bellum - Interface
6. Para Bellum - Population (includes specific instructions)
7. Para Bellum - Units (requires the other Para Bellum - Units parts)
8. Para Bellum - Units II (requires the other Para Bellum - Units parts)
9. Para Bellum - Units III (requires the other Para Bellum - Units parts)
10. Para Bellum - Weather (includes specific instructions)

Though I recommend to use all the modules together, they can work separately so you can apply what you want, but keeping the order regardless of the number of subscribed parts.

Para Bellum - Campaign specific instructions:

1. Go into Options-> Mods in the game menu and enable the use of user Script mods.

If you have a good rig I recommend to include 30 or 40 units per army. In this video you can see how:

Language translation files:
-> click to download[]
Place your languaje file in the "data" folder of the game directory, located in: \Steam\steamapps\common\Total War Rome II\data.
If you want to collaborate to make a better translation in your language contact me, it is very easy ;)

- As a total overhaul, Para Bellum is only compatible with the mods included in the Para Bellum submods & Compatible mods Collection.

- Multiplayer compatibility only if both players have exactly the same contents (mods and/or GEMFX installed and subscribed). Also the Para Bellum Multiplayer patch is highly recommended (contained in the Para Bellum submods Collection).

- Compatible with all DLC campaigns and contents.

- Ancestral Update (Patch 20) compatible.

Credits and acknowledgments
This mod would have not been possible without the modders who very kindly gave me permission to use their terrific content in this project. My sincerest thanks and appreciation of incredible hours of hard work and dedication, goes to:

Amarok_Noire - German translation (WIP)
Dresden - Character Overhaul, Diplomatic options, 4 turns per year, Season effects, Banditry & Plagues
Minion-J - Wonders of the Ancient World
Skidvar - script mods: Random Personalities, Starting Ranks, Changing Capitals and Supply lines
TheOneWhoKnocks - Regional Settlements & Colonization
Wild - Supply Lines & Logistics

Do you like the mod? Ratings help people find this content.
If you have any comments or suggestions, you are welcome.

If you appreciate my mods, you can support my developments at:

인기 토론 모두 보기(22)
2024년 4월 27일 오후 3시 06분
Supply system & Supply units & rework and/or suggestion for possible 'improvement'
2022년 11월 3일 오후 11시 09분
고정됨: Clean mods installation-> try in case of CTD or mods conflict
2023년 9월 15일 오전 3시 23분
댓글 1,223
Bigmini10 2024년 7월 5일 오전 7시 12분 
it is normal that the AI pays no upkeep for his troops?
ILKAY 2024년 7월 4일 오전 8시 37분 
battles are so hard why?
xxJD190xx 2024년 6월 23일 오후 1시 14분 
Is there a sub mod that uses the IA map on Grand Campaign?
laztoledo 2024년 6월 21일 오전 11시 28분 
Seems like my armies run out of supplies in a turn or 2. What is the fix to this? Also, can velites and levy have skirmish mode?
Vanchino 2024년 6월 16일 오전 11시 49분 
loving the mod, but I got one issue with population, when I conquer a settlement the population decline as hell and the settlements that I started with, the population barely grows and also decline very much, while I got the right buildings,food surplus and public order stable.

So am I doing something wrong here or is the population mod not working as it should?
⚜ Gabriel G.N ⚜ 2024년 6월 7일 오전 9시 51분 
I must have all of the dlc's of the game to play all of the scenarios that the mod has to offer? Because for me, it's only available the vanilla ones, i want to play as sulla and it's unavailable for me. Someone can answer this question?
xxJD190xx 2024년 6월 4일 오후 11시 25분 
Is there a submod where I can use the IA map on grand campagin?
Urethra Scuba Diver 2024년 5월 9일 오후 11시 15분 
Can you make it that you can build the coliseum and the Circus Maximus?
ThorinCatt 2024년 5월 9일 오후 5시 07분 
Is it normal for battle maps to be so flat? Since not having more diverse terrain with forests, mountains, etc... takes away the tactical part of the terrain. 2024년 4월 30일 오전 7시 04분 
Rome faction: There is big difference between easy mode and normal. In easy mode other factions will attack you and but up a fight but you can beat them easily without much difficulty. Normal mode is like the whole world hates you and will declare war on you. Battles are hard and require you to have use tactics especially against hoplites. Flanking works just like the Romans did IRL.