Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Para Bellum - Campaign
Bigmini10 5 Jul @ 7:12am 
it is normal that the AI pays no upkeep for his troops?
ILKAY 4 Jul @ 8:37am 
battles are so hard why?
xxJD190xx 23 Jun @ 1:14pm 
Is there a sub mod that uses the IA map on Grand Campaign?
laztoledo 21 Jun @ 11:28am 
Seems like my armies run out of supplies in a turn or 2. What is the fix to this? Also, can velites and levy have skirmish mode?
Vanchino 16 Jun @ 11:49am 
loving the mod, but I got one issue with population, when I conquer a settlement the population decline as hell and the settlements that I started with, the population barely grows and also decline very much, while I got the right buildings,food surplus and public order stable.

So am I doing something wrong here or is the population mod not working as it should?
⚜ Gabriel G.N ⚜ 7 Jun @ 9:51am 
I must have all of the dlc's of the game to play all of the scenarios that the mod has to offer? Because for me, it's only available the vanilla ones, i want to play as sulla and it's unavailable for me. Someone can answer this question?
xxJD190xx 4 Jun @ 11:25pm 
Is there a submod where I can use the IA map on grand campagin?
Urethra Scuba Diver 9 May @ 11:15pm 
Can you make it that you can build the coliseum and the Circus Maximus?
ThorinCatt 9 May @ 5:07pm 
Is it normal for battle maps to be so flat? Since not having more diverse terrain with forests, mountains, etc... takes away the tactical part of the terrain. 30 Apr @ 7:04am 
Rome faction: There is big difference between easy mode and normal. In easy mode other factions will attack you and but up a fight but you can beat them easily without much difficulty. Normal mode is like the whole world hates you and will declare war on you. Battles are hard and require you to have use tactics especially against hoplites. Flanking works just like the Romans did IRL.
Ultralex 20 Apr @ 5:17pm 
my multiplayer game with my friend crashes when he or I click "END TURN" DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO HELP ME
BrianGeneral 30 Mar @ 12:37pm 
also: can someone explain exactly how the supply system works? how long can an army be in foriegn territory befroe atrition begins? it seems random in my game. one army lasted three turns, another got it immediately
BrianGeneral 30 Mar @ 8:48am 
like the mod so far, jumped back into it after about a year of not playing total war games at all... anyway, I would vote that any subsequent version allow for supply of armies in allied territory, and definitely for faster naval movement. Though, I understand why the naval movement is slow, to avoid the AI spamming naval invasions across the map in one turn...but still...
RALLEMANDEN132 17 Mar @ 1:33pm 
why are my units walking so fkn slow
Samurai 8 Mar @ 10:34pm 
How the hell do I get ambushed by an enemy army, while he isn't in an ambush stance, and while i'm not in a stance that would allow me to get ambushed? This happened while it was the enemies turn. They ambushed me while it was their turn, while their army was in full view of my army.
PhatDuck 28 Feb @ 6:33pm 
@metal They have less ammo, but they are more destructive, especially when fighting any eastern or Celtic forces. Cavalry is less effective against them. Accuracy should be low and armor/shields should have a great impact
qwerty 25 Feb @ 1:44am 
any news on the AOR ??
stacho.jr 23 Feb @ 8:29am 
Oh and one more thing.
IRL moving an army by sea was faster than marching by land, so it really doesn't take a year to sail from Greece to Crete
stacho.jr 23 Feb @ 8:18am 
I'm sorry to say this but I hate this stupid food system that someone here invented and now all the mods are copying it. I have 4 territories in 1 province, 2 territories have farms and the province has an edict for +5 food and I go from +10 to -5 food for no reason, no event, nothing at all, while the AI doesn't have to deal with food at all.

Also, Rome became the Etruscan League in a few turns, so the main factions won't last until the late game.

And still not solved the problem of the base game where I have to face a plague every 5 turns.

So yes, the mod fixes some elements of the game, but in principle it is no different from other mods and does not significantly surpass them in anything.
Metal Izanagi 15 Feb @ 2:51pm 
@PhatDuck Ranged units seem to have a lot less ammo than in vanilla, and once they're out of ammo they're pretty vulnerable to just getting charged by an actual melee unit. I've literally let my Hastati sit and tank slingers while approaching, and then charge to take them down.

The only way ranged units should be doing the kind of damage you're talking about to any shielded units is if you're keeping your back or non-shielded side to them, in which case it's just a positioning issue that can be resolved easily enough.
PhatDuck 8 Feb @ 4:55pm 
Missile units are so ridiculously over powered. Please, adjust this as soon as possible. slingers, archers, javelinmen, they are all over powered. when both sides engage, essentially 50% is ranged or killed by ranged units. They are a necessary compliment, but they never cause this level of damage on a true battle field.
Sunbird 5 Feb @ 10:29am 
Love this mod.

But from me also a Vote for that allied cities supply units.
PhatDuck 28 Jan @ 12:23am 
Ill be straightforward here, as someone who has played this game for 2k + hours. We all know the game cheats, this mode continues to allow it but boosts you ability to combat it. is not a safeguard. the game cheats, save your time.
Anonymous 23 Jan @ 9:24am 
Hey AveMetal. A small request: Would it be too much to ask to get a small submod from your team where it's possible to play with the normal military camps again? Even if it's not realistic, I had a lot of fun with it and I guess you would make one or the other fan of your mod very happy. Alternatively, I offer you to describe me how I can modify it myself. Many thanks in advance.
Smiling Knight 19 Jan @ 2:39pm 
Game doesn't respond in one save and I have no idea why :(
Maybe some update broke it? Also game asks to turn your mod off because "it is outdated", tho it's not true :steamsad:
Plagaeis_The_Wise 15 Jan @ 2:16pm 
I wish that the supply system could be turned off, or maybe you could purchase supplies from an ally city. or have sitraps's and client states give supplies to your army. I am trying to build a client state kingdom but my armies are just attrition-ed. this is my favourite mod and have enjoyed many hours on here, thank you. the supply addition had me quite for months though, but i can't go back to vanilla because it is boring.
Smiling Knight 11 Jan @ 4:55pm 
This mod is Great! Thank you a lot for making it! Playing Crysis of the Third Age and absolutely love those roman helmets on all units :bust::roman_shield::Hercules:
HeMan 9 Jan @ 1:07pm 
I really love this modpack. Where can I find the concept art loading screen images? They are beautiful but I cant find them on discord or anywhere else.
Apollyon 26 Dec, 2023 @ 10:58pm 
Absolute banger of a mod.
However, I am not a fan of the supply system. I want to fight wars on my allies territory, to make sure the enemy doesnt reach my borders, and I cant, cause my armies run out of supply 3 turns in.:steamsad:
Would be nice if armies didnt lose supplies while in ally/puppet territory, or maybe just have a tiny little submod that removes it entirely.
NoMalarkey 25 Dec, 2023 @ 2:12pm 
In the Punic War campaign the supply mechanic is oppressive. It can take you 2-3 turns to traverse an Allie's territory and by then you are out of supplies. Basically the only way the supply mechanic works is to map paint.
Oda_sw-Mag1str 23 Dec, 2023 @ 12:53pm 
мод вылетает как только заканчиваешь делать ход , в сетевой компании, подскажите что может быть ? и есть ли русификатор ?
AveMetal  [author] 22 Dec, 2023 @ 4:55pm 
Campaign update:

- The rosters of Cyrenaica and Cyprus were expanded, to make these factions more interesting to play and differentiate them more between them and with Egypt, but maintaining a slight influence for historical reasons.
- Additionally, the bug where Egypt could not recruit war elephants was fixed.
AveMetal  [author] 22 Dec, 2023 @ 4:55pm 
Updated effects:

- Now you can spark the buildings with the incendiary artillery, and they will burn with big flames and smoke columns. In addition, depending on the material they can end up with a nice deflagration.
- The effects of artillery hits on terrain have been improved, with a new artillery impacts texture and raising dirt. Also the incendiary artillery effects on the terrain are improved, with the terrain burning, etc.
- The properties of many particles has been enhanced: now the blood will remain the whole battle duration; the smoke and fire effects, the dust raised by the troops, the desert wind or the snow in the blizzard, are no longer limited by the rendering distance.
- The dust effects now are adapted to each type of terrain (snow, grass, mud, desert).
- Volcanic eruptions on the campaign map.
- No FPS impact noticed, in comparison with the previous version.
AveMetal  [author] 22 Dec, 2023 @ 4:55pm 
IMPORTANT: This update requires to redownload and replace the Para Bellum - Effects movie.pack file of your Rome II data folder, available through the link in the Steam Workshpo mod description. It is required to update this file in the case you use any of these mods:
Para Bellum - Collection
Para Bellum - Effects
Rivers of Blood - Gore Edition
Rivers of Blood - Realistic Edition
barryrlmurphy 4 Dec, 2023 @ 12:37pm 
What is up with rebellions? Basically rebels every turn even though the public order is +30 etc
Seems to be a game breaking bug. Pity because it looks like a really good mod other than that
Hellen 2 Dec, 2023 @ 12:04pm 
at this point might as well call it para rebellion. Please tweak the rebellion chance, it is not fun this way.
Calima 29 Nov, 2023 @ 8:23pm 
How to stop the game from asking me to move my capital every time my leader move to a city?
Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm II 16 Nov, 2023 @ 12:44pm 
@mudbane stop being autistic as fuck and look at the fucking mod load order you stupid peice of shit
qwerty 22 Oct, 2023 @ 5:21am 
will you add AOR to this mod ? it would be amazing
sup 14 Oct, 2023 @ 6:10am 
Also if its ok can you guys make all the satraps part of the sassanid empire in empire divided?
sup 14 Oct, 2023 @ 5:54am 
Can i just use the factions one and keep it in the same order(4) with other mods or should i just use all parabellum
AveMetal  [author] 14 Oct, 2023 @ 2:26am 
@ Mudbane: The mod works fine and is updated, if you have issues follow the Clean mods installation thread above, in the Pinned discussions.

@ defilippis.francesco: That is an automatic message of the Mod Manager that happens with all the mods, but Para Bellum and my other mods are updated to the latest game version.

@ dw97: It is explained in the installation instructions in the description.

@ Palps667 & Micahpro: Check the Para Bellum Multiplayer patch and its description info.

@ djilek: There is no such submod -_-

@ Barras: Answered in the FAQ link in the description.

@ Phyuck Yiu: You don't need to finish the prologue, but the campaign names are changed, check the FAQ link in the description for more info.
Mudbane 1 Oct, 2023 @ 12:51am 
This games dead af sad af... This mod crashes too after a couple turns along with dei... mods are dead fuck.
defilippis.francesco 30 Sep, 2023 @ 12:18am 
came back to this after some months: when I try to start the game, it just doesn't. Steam says the installed mods are out-dated. I wonder if this is related to last ga,e update they made in June.
dw97 29 Sep, 2023 @ 8:22am 
Hey, kann mir jemand genau erklären, wie ich die deutsche Sprachdatei im richtigen Ordner platziere?
Vielen Dank im Voraus!
JewJitsu 27 Sep, 2023 @ 7:56pm 
I can agree, it crashes after 3 minutes in multiplayer campaign, we have all the para bellum mods installed, and all the specific instructions installed too.
Palps667 27 Sep, 2023 @ 7:50pm 
MP campaigns seemed to be bugged crashes on turn end
djilek 24 Sep, 2023 @ 5:02pm 
Is there a 1 turn per year submod? It would be nice to have slightly more historic dates for my Rome campaigns :D
Barras 24 Sep, 2023 @ 11:05am 
What is the recommended difficulty?
Phyuck Yiu 24 Sep, 2023 @ 10:35am 
Quick question, do i have to finish the prologue to unlock grand campaign ? I dont see the option to pick it anywhere