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Items (207)
Перевод мелких модов
Created by Gosudar
Это сборник переводов небольших модов. Вам необязательно подписываться на все представленные ниже моды, если желаете установить перевод одного из перечисленных модов Lore Series: Hertz Province Patrols - Это мод, который призван оживить кампании, добавив н...
Перевод мода Elon's Greybeard's Prospectors
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Elon's Greybeard's Prospectors - Faction Overhaul. Данный мод перерабатывает фракцию Горняки Сероборода, полностью изменяя её. Гномы этого Карака специализируются на дальнем бое и фракция имеет различные пути развития. Особенности: - новый...
Перевод мода compilation events thanos_ball
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода compilation events thanos_ball. Это скриптовый мод, добавляющий в игру череду сюжетных ивентов-вторжений на протяжении всей кампании, призванных развеять сонную покраску карты середины и конца игры. Эти ивенты гарантируют, что ни одна обла...
Перевод мода Dwarf Brewmaster
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Dwarf Brewmaster. Этот мод добавляет нового героя для фракций гномов, а именно гнома-пивовара. Он собственные уникальные навыки, позволяющие ему исцелять раненых союзников и усиливать их в бою. Если есть ошибки, опечатки, предложения о том...
Перевод мода Bregonne Faction Overhaul
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Bregonne Faction Overhaul. Этот мод добавляют бретонскую фракцию Брегон в Люстрию. Этот мод призван предоставить игрокам Бретонии уникальный опыт. Будучи недавно основанной колонией, Брегон зависит от поддержки других бретонских герцогств....
Перевод мода Empire Master Engineers II
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Empire Master Engineers II. Этот мод добавляет нового героя для фракций Империи с уникальными транспортными средствами и способностями. Особенности мода Три набора оружия, каждое со своими навыками, включая совершенно новые навыки: Многоза...
Перевод мода Gods of Dark Elves
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Gods of Dark Elves. Этот мод добавляет в навыки лордов тёмных эльфов возможность посвятить их одному из эльфийского пантеона с присущими каждому богу бонусами. Особенности Добавляется возможность выбрать в окне навыков одного из пантеона к...
Перевод мода Flamboyant's - Events Compilation
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Flamboyant's - Events Compilation.Это модов на события. Он добавляет множество новых событий после захвата и удержания некоторых поселений для различных фракций, а также вторжения гномов Хаоса и миграции огромных племён ночных гоблинов. Ес...
Перевод мода End Game Crises - Beyond the Chaos Invasion
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода End Game Crises - Beyond the Chaos Invasion . Этот мод, вдохновлённый кризисами средней и поздней игры из Stellaris, добавляет механнику различных вторжений. На данный момент существует 6 вида вторжений/кризисов и 4 вторжения на среднем эт...
Перевод мода Expanded Roster - Amazons
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Expanded Roster - Amazons. Этот мод добавляет в игру амазонок. Их ростер включает в себя лучшие отряды, исходя из разнообразия, полезности на поле боя. Авторами было создано огромное количество контента, включая пользовательские модели, сп...
Перевод мода Kaylica's Lahmians【Neferata's Ambitions】
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Kaylica's Lahmians【Neferata's Ambitions】 . Этот мод изменяет фракцию Сёстры Лахмии, добавляя первого вампира царицу Лахмии Неферату. Также существует адаптация для SFO. Особенности мода Добавление фракционных эффектов Сёстрам Лахмии. Цариц...
Перевод мода Kaylica's Strygos【Rebuild the Strygos Empire】
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Kaylica's Strygos【Rebuild the Strygos Empire】. Этот мод изменяет фракцию Империя Стригос, добавляя Ворага и Ушорана. Особенности мода - Империя Стригос теперь контролирует Крепость Ворага. - Добавлены фракционные эффекты для Империи Стриго...
Перевод мода Legendary Lore
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Legendary Lore. Этот мод добавляет в игру текстовые события при соблюдении определенных условий, которые расскажут вам немного о истории персонажей в повествовательной форме. Внимание Перевод этого мода не закончен. Периодически я его буду...
Перевод мода Landmarks of Legend
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Landmarks of Legend. Этот мод добавляет множество новых достопримечательностей по всему Старому и Новому Свету, а также уникальные отряды, а также несколько отрядов из различных других модов. Особенности мода В настоящее время, в моде прис...
Перевод мода Kaylica's Necrarchs【The Return of W'soran】
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Kaylica's Necrarchs【The Return of W'soran】. Этот мод изменяет фракцию Братство Некрарха, изменяя В'Сорана и добавляя его ученика Мельхиора. Также существует адаптация для SFO. Особенности моды: Некрарх Мельхиор появляется в Остланде Добавл...
Перевод мода Legions of Nagash
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Legions of Nagash. Этот мод добавляет уникальную фракцию Легионы Нагашиззара, имеющую уникальные механики, отряды и геймплей. Особенности мода Новая фракция, Легионы Нагашиззара, со смешанными поселениями и геймплеем орды. Новый легендарны...
Перевод мода Lily's Bretonnia Overhaul + Unit Pack: Definitive Edition
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Lily's Bretonnia Overhaul + Unit Pack: Definitive Edition. Этот мод был разработан, чтобы сделать Бретонию более интересной, предлагая больше стилей игры и вариантов отрядов, при этом стараясь не разрушить первоначальный замысел фракции. О...
Перевод мода Loading Lore
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Loading Lore . Этот мод позволит вам оставаться в курсе событий мира Warhammer Fantasy Battles, пока загружается ваша игра. Извиняюсь за местами корявый перевод из книг, если есть ошибки и предложения как улучшить его, пишите в комментария...
Перевод мода Lord Mortkin - Norscan Legendary Lord
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Lord Mortkin - Norscan Legendary Lord. Этот мод добавляет Морткина, в качестве Легендарного Лорда Норски, который возглавлит фракцию Падший Легион в кампанию Смертных Империй, эта фракция займёт место племени Громадных Гор. Узнать больше о...
Перевод мода Lore Names: Renamed Factions & New Evolving Names
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Lore Names: Renamed Factions & New Evolving Names. Этот мод изменяет название многих фракций и продолжает изменять их по мере роста фракций. Особенности: - Стартовые названия фракций отражают их текущее положение, а так же их расу и конкре...
Перевод мода Lore Names: Renamed Unique Lords & Heroes Names
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Lore Names: Renamed Unique Lords & Heroes Names. Этот мод изменяет имена большинства именных персонажей, подчёркивая их титулы. Пример в исходом виде: Бальтазар Гельт Унгрим Железный Кулак Луан Леонкур Имрик Архан Чёрный Сеттра Бессмертный...
Перевод мода Mixu's Legendary Lords 2
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Mixu's Legendary Lords 2. Этот мод добавляет новых легендарных лордов и героев разным расам. Лидеры фракций Высшие эльфы Беланнаэр Мудрый , Сафери Корхил , Крейс Людоящеры Владыка Xyинитенучли, Ксланхуапек Тетто'эко , Тлакстлан Темные эльф...
Перевод мода Moulder's Menagerie
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Moulder's Menagerie. Этот мод добавляет для скавенов крысиных химер, аберраций, бронированных крысоогров, гигантских крыс, туннельных бегемотов и штормдемонов. Особенности мода Крысиные химеры - монстры-одиночки сильные против пехоты, кото...
Перевод мода New Legendary Lord Artefacts
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода New Legendary Lord Artefacts. Этот мод добавляет новые легендарные артефакты для всех легендарных лордов их около 200. Он также усиливает несколько довольно слабых артефактов из оригинала. Особенности мода Новые предметы выбираются на экра...
Перевод мода New Lore Friendly Climates
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода New Lore Friendly Climates . Этот мод добавляет несколько новых климатических зон для кампании Вихря и Смертных Империй, увеличивая их до 24, вместо 10 стандартных. Если есть ошибки или опечатки или предложения о том, как можно улучшить пе...
Перевод мода Parte Legendary Lords - Revived and Kemmler
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Parte Legendary Lords - Revived and Kemmler . Этот мод добавляет множество Легендарных Лордов для фракций гномов, а так же для зеленокожих и тёмных эльфов. Список персонажей 1. Королева-ведьм Малида - лидер фракции Каронд-Кар 2. Алрик Рану...
Перевод мода OvN Lost Factions
Created by DarkSnowder
Это перевод мода OvN Lost Factions. Этот мод добавляет новые и интересные расы на карту кампании, играть за которые вы сможете с помощью Mixu's Unlocker. Добавленные расы и фракции доступны как кампании Вихря, так и в Смертных Империй. Вы можете отключить ...
Перевод мода Petr von Stolpe: Count of Leicheburg
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Petr von Stolpe: Count of Leicheburg. Этот мод добавляет Империи много новых возможностей, среди которых главная особенность этого мода - граф Питер фон Штольп, граф Лейхебургский. Особенности мода Новая фракция: Великое графство Сильвания...
Перевод мода Unique Steam Tanks III
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Unique Steam Tanks III . Этот мод добавляет восемь (девять?) новых имперских паровых танков (все они доступны в единичном экземпляре) Список добавленных танков АЛЬТЕР КАМЕРАД Альтер Камерад («Старый друг» или «Старый товарищ» на рейкшпиле)...
Перевод мода Regiments of Renown - Compilation
Created by Gosudar
Это перевод мода Regiments of Renown - Compilation. Этот сборник модов от разных авторов, который добавляет множество знаменитых отрядов для разных рас. Добавлено отрядов 10 отрядов графствам вампиров 9 отрядов племенам зверолюдов 9 отрядов воинам Хаоса 8 ...
(Mixu's Unlocker Support) Landmarks of the Old World
Description This is the Mixu's Unlocker compatible new version of amazing Landmarks of the Old World mod, originally made by The Mall of America. Unfortunately, due to being busy with real life, he is not longer able to support his mods, so we decided to r...
(SFO Grimhammer Submod) Hounds of Kurnous
Created by HashutChampion
Adjusted Stats and Give Hounds Unbreabkle and Perfect Vigour since they are Hounds of Kurnous aka Orion's give them Orions skill tree stuff from SFO ============================== Thanks to Grimhammer Team for Amazing Overhaul Thanks to Flamboyant for Teac...
(SFO Grimhammer Submod) Animal Keeper
Created by HashutChampion
Adjusted Stats and added SFO Grimhammer Skills stuff for Calm&Normal's Animal Keeper ============================== Thanks to Grimhammer Team for Amazing Overhaul Thanks to Flamboyant for Teachings of Submod makings And Finally Thanks to Calm&Normal for An...
(SFO Grimhammer Submod) Wildwood Warden
Created by HashutChampion
Adjusted Stats and added the SFO generic skills ============================== Thanks to Grimhammer Team for Amazing Overhaul Thanks to Flamboyant for Teachings of Submod makings And Finally Thanks to Calm&Normal for Wildwood Wardens...
(SFO Submod) Animals for Wood Elves
Created by HashutChampion
This is basicially SFO Submod for Animals for Wood Elves ------- Thanks to Calm for allowing me making this Submod Thanks to Venris and his Team for SFO Grimhammer Thanks to Flamboyant for Advices and teachings and thanks to Modding Den for assets on Origi...
Allow Landmark Unit Recruitment for Kislev (Submod for LoL and KR)
Created by The_Inquisitor
A submod to my Landmarks of Legend mod and Dindi's Kislev Reborn mod. Allows all Kislevite factions from his mod to have the ability to recruit units from specific landmarks added by my mod. For more info on the units and landmarks visit LoL mod page. Requ...
AI General II: Spectator Mode Advanced
Created by Decomposed Warning: This mod is not compatible with Spectator Mode II. You will have to choose one or the other. Fully supports Vandy's Mod Configuration Tool! AI General for A Total War Saga: TROY here! Ini...
Amazons Expanded Roster - SFO
Created by bainb132
This is the updated version to Flamboyant Schemer's SFO submod for the Amazons. All unit stats have been, to the best of my ability, balanced for SFO but of course any suggestions for balance are always welcome. *Important* To disable amazon units for liza...
Alternate Shadowdancers
Created by Calm&NormalTime
Features Gives an alternate look to the Shadowdancers from Mixu's Tabletop Lords. This submod also makes shadowdancers recruitable for Drycha in custom battles and campaign
Amazons for Amazons (Amazons Expanded Roster and OvN Lost Factions submod) V2 (see description)
Created by sandalfon74
WARNING: My previous submod broke for reasons unkown to me and no matter what I try nothing seems to fix it. If you have already started a campaign with the old version do not change it as it will probably break your saves. If you want to start a fresh cam...
Animal Keepers
Created by Calm&NormalTime
Features Adds a new hero for Wood Elves: the Animal Keeper Recruited from tier 3 of the animal building (from my animals mod) Tier 4 adds plus 1 cap Required Mods Mixu’s Unlocker Animals for Wood Elves About the Hero All keepers share the same appearance w...
Animal Keepers Rus
Created by Д.Р.У.И.Д.
russian patch...
Animals for Wood Elves Rus / Русификатор к моду
Created by Д.Р.У.И.Д.
Требуется оригинальный мод: Данный русификатор переводит оригинальный мод на русский язык Ставить русификатор выше оригинального мода Описание Добавляет во фракцию новых юнитов под видом дик...
Animals for Wood Elves
Created by Calm&NormalTime
Pleased to present my first mod. After playing clan moulder I felt the forces of nature could do with a bit more beast variety. Screenshots taken using a reshader called Velowar's Preset Features Replaces the flying building with a 5 tier animal building. ...
Battle Chants
Created by Boo!
                                                                                         Support me by rating this mod up! Battle Chants is a lightweight mod that simply adds battle ch...
Bregonne Faction Overhaul [SFO Submod]
Created by Ubermorgen
SFO Submod for my Bregonne Faction Overhaul mod. Please refer to the original mod for more information, screenshots etc. Requires Mixu's Unlocker or Crynsos' Faction Unlocker to be able to play as Bregonne. As i don't play much with SFO myself, i am not to...
Bregonne Faction Overhaul - New playable Bretonnia Faction
Created by Ubermorgen
This overhaul aims to provide a unique experience for Bretonnia players. Being a newly founded colony, Bregonne depends on the support of the other Bretonnian Dukedoms. Increase your favour with different Dukes to receive stronger supply units and strength...
Bring the Boys Home - No Endless Wars
Created by Jadawin
TWW2 is no longer getting patches or DLC, so my mods are also considered final and will not receive any more updates. Therefore I disabled comments on all of them to avoid constantly getting notifications for the same dumb questions that have been answered...
Campaign Day\Night Cycle
Created by Mazisky
This is a lighting rework for the campaign map which introduce a Day\Night cycle along with colors and fog adjustements. What it does: -The Campaign Map now has a Day\Night cycle. -Nights last around 5 minutes, Days last 8 minutes. -The duration has its ow...
Cataph's High Elf Sea Patrol
Created by Cataph
Warhammer3 port There are all kinds of scoundrels and, worse, Druchii in the sea these days. And what does the Asur fleet do about it? Nothing! Today the High Elf fleet says get off my lawn! Ocean. Whatever. This pack introduces ship-building (hybrid horde...
*Updated* New Lore Friendly Climates
Created by Brosh
This mod is now updated for the Something and the Something Else. This mod creates several new climate categories for both the Mortal Empires and Vortex campaigns (24 in total) expanding upon the original ten found in the vanilla game. Each faction has new...
Cataph's High Elf Sea Patrol - SFO - Last Kiss
Created by Ero-sennin
An updated version of Flamboyant Schemer61's SFO patch for Cataph's High Elf Sea Patrol Thanks to Flamboyant for the original submod, as well as Cataph for Cataph's High Elf Sea Patrol, and Venris and the SFO team for SFO...
Cataph's Kraka Drak: the Norse Dwarfs 2.0
Created by Cataph
WH3 version here. ==Chatty blog post about latest changes!== Try it with our Closer to Tabletop overhaul!|| Here we go again. Another roster expansion, new techs, characters, skills, just like with the Southern Realms, but with less plumes and more beards....
Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB) 2.0
Created by Cataph
- WH3 port. Latest blog posts: - Visual Updates!. - NEW UNITS! Thanks to ChaosRobie, Tortoise Tanks and their fancy ROR version! You know Da Vinci’s tank? Yeah, SURPRISE! with extra wack. ||Try it with our Closer to Tabletop overhaul!|| Southern Realms is ...
compilation events thanos_ball
Created by Thanos_Ball
Ce mod est une compilation de tous mes mods évents sub mod for Russian sub mod for English Nagashizzar FR Events Thanos_Ball...
Creepy Drycha
Created by Calm&NormalTime
Features Alters Drycha's model and animations. Gives her antlers and makes her levitate. The antlers are coloured according to GunKing’s fantastic HD Drycha textures, the one I used in the screenshots above, so I recommend using that. Isn't Drycha already ...
Darker and Deeper Sea
Created by (WTH) Attila
As the title says, Mod' purpose is giving much more darker yet vivid and contrast sea texture for a better visual experience, (Vortex and Mortal Empires Campaigns) For the Main Mortal Empires...
Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB) 2.0 assets
Created by Cataph
Heavy duty pack for the main TEB mod. Required to use it, on pain of spooky invisible models. This allows me to update the main mod in a timely manner, instead of having to wait until my challenged update bandwidth can tackle hundreds of MBs. NOTE: this pa...
Desync Skeleton Movement
Created by Red Duke
This mod stops Vampire Counts skeletons from all marching together. It changes them from puppets dancing at a necromancer's strings to an army of darkness with independent movement. It also stops that weird shield flickering thing they do where you can see...
Dwarf Brewmaster SFO
Created by *ACE*
Standalone - Original mod not required All credit goes to ClayChuang for his Dwarf Brewmaster mod
Dwarf Thunderbarge
Created by ChaosRobie
This mod adds in Thunderbarges for the Dwarfs. Description Thunderbarges are giant, flying, ranged, single-entity units. They're pretty strong, so they are limited by a unit cap. They are recruited from the tier-5 engineering building. The same building up...
Dwarf Thunderbarge SFO
Created by bainb132
Balances the Dwarf Thunderbarge mod for SFO Changes - Strong vigour and fire resistance added to Thunderbarges - Stats balanced for SFO - Malakai gained maintenance trait (haven't given him any of the SFO generic traits since his skill tree is quite beefy ...
Elon's Greybeard's Prospectors - Faction Overhaul (Updated)
Created by Elon
A new Karak has been established in the Southlands and it is up to you to shape their leader and the direction the Karak takes. Will you alienate your fellow Dawi with forbidden research or respect traditions? Updated for Silence&Fury - Fixed a bug that pr...
Elon's Greybeard's Prospectors - SFO SUBMOD(UPDATED)
Created by Inquisitor233
This mod is based on Viking Blood's SFO SUBMOD:!). I updated it and modified some data of Greybeard's new units. Elon's Greybeard's Prospectors - Faction Overhaul: https://steamcomm...
Empire Master Engineers II
Created by ChaosRobie
This is a continuation of ZombieFlander's Empire Master Engineer mod. That mod has been retired. Emperor Magnus the Pious famously said that three things make the Empire great: faith, steel, and gunpowder. In the Total War: Warhammer games, the Empire has ...
Empire Master Engineer - Mechanical Steed Effects
Created by zombieflanders
This is a submod for the Empire Mechanical Engineer mod that adds a lightning effect around the hooves of the Mechanical Steed mount (model by ChaosRobie, model modder extraordinaire). It's a separate mod due to the fact that it's a "movie" type pack file,...
Empire Master Engineers II - SFO
Created by Maal
A patch to adjust ChaosRobie's & Zombieflanders' Empire Master Engineers II for SFO. Quick summary of tweaks: Adjusted stats, attributes and abilities so they are closer to SFO's equivalent. Gave them SFO's single entities/characters nerf abilities/skills....
End Game Crises - Beyond the Chaos Invasion
Created by Leadbelcher Bill "The Twin Tailed Comet blazed across the sky, visible to every creature in the world, both living and unliving. Witnessing its passage is a once in a generation event. All who see it interpret its omens differently, but none...
ER: Kislev Reborn
Created by Decomposed Welcome to Expanded Roster: Kislev Reborn. This ambitious project aims to complete and expand the official Kislev lore while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We have created tons of content includin...
ER: Kislev Reborn RUS
Created by DarkSnowder
Полноценный перевод мода ER: Kislev Reborn от Decomposed. Обо всех найденных недочётах - ошибках смело пишите, будем обновлять и фиксить при первой же возможности. ВНИМАНИЕ: приоритет перевода в лаунчере должен стоять выше самого ER: Kislev Reborn, иначе в...
ER: Kislev Reborn - SFO - Last Kiss
Created by Ero-sennin
An updated version of Flamboyant Schemer61's SFO patch for Kislev Reborn Thanks to Flamboyant for the original submod, as well as the Expanded Roster team for Kislev Reborn, and Venris and the SFO team for SFO...
Expanded Event Art Compilation
Created by GunKing
Compilation featuring expanded campaign event art for Greenskins, Wood Elves, Beastmen, Bretonnia, Vampire Counts, Dwarfs and The Empire. These illustration expansions have NOT replaced all of the original vanilla art assets, they exist alongside each othe...
Expanded Event Art Compilation Vol. II
Created by GunKing
Expands the variety of event illustrations seen in the campaign of the High Elves, Dark Elves, Lizardmen, Skaven and Tomb Kings. These event images exist ALONGSIDE all the pre-existing work, no piece of vanilla art was completely removed! In some cases, I ...
Expanded Roster - Amazons
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This mod aims to complete and expand the official Amazons lore while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We tried to choose the best units based on diversity, usefulness on the battlefield a...
Expanded Roster - Chaos Dwarfs
Created by Decomposed DESCRIPTION This mod aims to complete and expand the official 5th/6th edition Chaos Dwarfs army book by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. I tried to choose the best units ba...
Expanded Roster Chaos Dwarves SFO and OVN version
Created by bainb132
This is a version of the Expanded Roster Chaos Dwarves that is designed for use with SFO and OVN. If you are not using OvN please use Maal's SFO version, as this one will cause crashes without the required mods. In short this is a combination of Flamboyant...
Faster End Turn Camera
Created by Vanishoxyact
Simple mod to speed up the camera used to move around the map during the end turn phase, as I found it was too slow. Should be compatible with every other mod, unless it also changes this camera. Save game compatible. If you would also like a higher campai...
Faction dependent loading screens
Created by Sigmap
At first I made this little mod for myself, but I'm sure some people here will appreciate some new loading screens. Update : now almost all of the legendary lords have unique loading screens, and I even made a little montage which allowed me to use portrai...
Female Waystalkers
Created by Calm&NormalTime
Features Splits Waystalkers into male and female subtypes. Both called Waystalkers. Both subtypes differ only slightly in stats. 5 Variants:
Female Waystalkers Rus / Русификатор к моду
Created by Д.Р.У.И.Д.
Требуется оригинальный мод: Данный русификатор переводит оригинальный мод на русский язык Ставить русификатор выше оригинального мода Новый герой Следопыт - ловкость и лёгкость живут в гармо...
Flamboyant's - Events Compilation
IMPORTANT!! ABOUT GREY-OUT BUG It's an old bug that NOONE can solve except CA (we had it in wh1 too), I'm sorry. It's probably happening more on low end systems because the game is getting messed up on start of the turns with events and dilemmas. There are...
Gates of Chaos (Updated)
Created by DrunkFlamingo
What it Does When chaos armies raze a region, they leave behind a portal to the warp. In vanilla, this doesn't do much. In this mod, however, those portals gain the ability to spawn armies of chaos. This makes chaos ruins much more dangerous. Compatibility...
GCCM2: Custom Assets
Created by Frodo45127
What is this? This is a compilation that includes: 50 buildings restored from TW:W1 that CA only included partially in TW:W2. Collection of custom decals made by Maruka. 5 custom buildings by Frodo45127 (those flammenwerfer gates are one of them). 64 Kisle...
GCCM: Main mod
Created by Maruka
BEFORE COMPLAINING IT DOESN'T WORK, PICK THE GOLDEN BOI AND ATTACK EITHER GRIMHOLD OR KARAK HIRN. What´s this? This is GCCM, or "Grand Campaign Custom Maps". It's a mod that brings custom maps to the campaign, with the goal of increasing visual and gamepla...
Female Waystalkers - SFO Submod
Need original mod and credit to Calm&NormalTime: Changes - Stats balanced for SFO - Added SFO related skills Feel free to give feedback....
Gods of Dark Elves
Created by highman
Give Dark Elves to Cytharai Pantheon skill Cytharai(elven under ground god) used to ask for more than their favor. So I designed it to give a penalty along with a bonus. Units that are already strong enough have no bonus or offered indirect bonuses. and no...
GCCM: Unique Faction Capitals
Created by Maruka
Update2020-07-09 SMall update to make the mod compatible with our Tiny Little Cities mod. Settlement growth & unique look This mod adds unique settlement skins for the faction capitals, which change and grow based on the settlement level Each settlement le...
GR Re-upload, Less Blood, Less Gore 2
Created by Green Raven
All credit to bigsur! This mod tones down the bloodbath to something more believable....
Greybeard's Prospectors Climate Overhaul
Created by Elon
This mod is meant to be used togheter with my Greybeard's Prospectors Faction Overhaul , but will work fine for the vanilla faction without it too. While I personally like the additional challenge of starting surrounded by unpleasant terretory, I do unders...
Grimgor Ironhide - Da Alpha Orc
Created by Fröb DESCRIPTION I know, I know… this is already my fifth visual overhaul for Grimgor. But back in the day there was no such thing as the Asset Editor by h3ro. So, thanks to the many new possibilities I decided to give our favour...
Handsome Vlad Von Carstein
Created by Bonsai
NOW AVAILABLE FOR WARHAMMER 3: The Vampire Counts Armybook 5th Edition and 7th Editions describe Vlad Von Carstein as: “Vlad was a towering figure of a man, with a mane of black hair and pie...
Hellebron's Death Night Appearance (Should work)
Created by Mixu
Should work again! This mod changes Hellebron's appearance in the campaign depending on her death night mechanic, so during the death night she will look young with red glowing eyes (inspired by official artwork) and when her powers starts to drain she wil...
High Resolution UI Improvements
Created by prop joe
Resizes or adjusts the following UI screens: unit recruitment screen diplomacy screen lord/hero recruitment screens lists of equippable items on characters objectives screen enemy and ally army view if there are multiple enemy/ally armies splits the abilit...
Hooveric Reskin
Created by hooveric
On January 22, 2022, all data were updated after being newly created. So it's a little different from the previous version. Also there are some incomplete units, but they will be updated in the future. About Hooveric Reskin This is a unit reskin mod as kno...
Hooveric Reskin SFO submod
Created by hooveric
This is a submod that makes Hooveric Reskin and SFO: Grimhammer II compatible. Mod priority : (This mod) Hooveric Reskin SFO: Grimhammer II ...
Hooveric Reskin VFX submod
Created by hooveric
Changed vanilla VFX effects for some units. This is an additional mod to support Hooveric Reskin mod. It's optional, but if you're using Hooveric Reskin, I recommend to subscribe this mod. Here is the list that changes: Cairn Wraith - Reduced the intensity...
Hounds of Kurnous
Created by Calm&NormalTime
Features Adds four unique lords available to all wood elf factions. Ceol, B'yalten, Luunis and Ibalba. The four Hounds of Kurnous
Hounds of Kurnous Rus
Created by Д.Р.У.И.Д.
russian version...
Imperial Banner (Submod)
Created by Xoudad
Hello there, this mod adds the Imperial Banner to Ludwig Schwarzhelm model, as a submod to my Swords of the Empire mod (which is required). This mod is the work of 3 modders : Marthenil for the 3D model and animation, variation of his Animated Banner for R...
Kaylica's Lahmians【Neferata's Ambitions】
Created by Kaylicaaa
The ancestor of the vampire, Queen Neferata, now reappears. She have stepped down the Silver Pinnacle with her servants, trying to invade the Old World and establish her own kingdom. At the same time, Neferata's most loyal daughter, Naaima, ​​with the supp...
Kaylica's Lahmians - SFO - Last Kiss
Created by Ero-sennin
An updated version of Kaylicaaa's SFO patch for Kaylica's Lahmians Thanks to Kaylicaaa for the original submod and Kaylica's Lahmians, as well as Venris and the SFO team for SFO...
Kaylica's Strygos【Rebuild the Strygos Empire】
Created by Kaylicaaa
Ghoul King Vorag Bloodytooth have led his army to build a strong fortress in the Plain of Bones. Hearing of Vorag’s achievements, King Ushoran saw the hope of rebuilding his empire, he returned again, and finally recovered Morgheim. Let the two armies work...
Kaylica's Strygos - SFO - Last Kiss
Created by Ero-sennin
An updated version of Kaylicaaa's SFO patch for Kaylica's Strygos Thanks to Kaylicaaa for the original submod and Kaylica's Strygos, as well as Venris and the SFO team for SFO...
Kaylica's Necrarchs - SFO - Last Kiss
Created by Ero-sennin
An updated version of Kaylicaaa's SFO patch for Kaylica's Necrarchs Thanks to Kaylicaaa for the original submod and Kaylica's Necrarchs, as well as Venris and the SFO team for SFO...
Kraka Drak SFO Submod
Created by bainb132
This mod is an update to the old version of the submod. All units are balanced to SFO standards. I haven't changed much from the outdated SFO submod, but here is a quick summary of what I have done. - Fixed the skill trees for the Kraka Drak heroes and lor...
Landmarks of Legend
Created by The_Inquisitor
OVERVIEW I've been working on this mod for a few months now and I'm finally able to release it! This mod adds over 50 new landmarks throughout the Old and New World accompanied by over 30 unique units and a few units from various other mods as well. The fu...
Legendary Heroes for Reikland - SFO
Created by Maal
A patch to adjust 99Kingcarl's Legendary Hero(es) for Reikland for SFO. You need all of the (released) Ubersreik 5. General balance of numbers / skills so they match SFO and gave them attributes based on their hero type. Gave Victor SFO's spy hero skill li...
Kaylica's Necrarchs【The Return of W'soran】
Created by Kaylicaaa
Kaylica's Necrarchs【The Return of W'soran】 I, W'soran, the ancestor of Necrarchs, has recovered my body and is now resurrected. Wait and see, you rude people who disturb the Master of the Dark Arts's meditation on necromancy, you will eventually become the...
Legendary Lore
Created by IfThenOrElse This mod adds a little flavour to your campaigns by adding text events to the game when certain conditions are met, which will tell you a little of that character's lore in a narrative form. h...
Lily's Bretonnia Overhaul + Unit Pack: SFO Standalone Mod
Created by ★Lily
Now Updated for the latest version of SFO! (as of 07/02/2022) - Well met noble knights... - Lily's Bretonnia Overhaul + Unit Pack: Definitive Edition IS NOT required. Just use this with SFO. Lily's Bretonnia Overhaul + Unit Pack: SFO Submod combines my Bre...
Legions of Nagash
Created by Belisarian
NAGASH, SUPREME BONE DADDIO AND MAD HATTER, HATH COME. AND HE DOTH SPEAK IN CAPS LOCK. And he needed an absolutely soul-stealing amount of work, the narcissistic bastard. A due premise: we could have added Nagash as a lord somewhere, instead we chose to do...
Lord Mortkin - Norscan Legendary Lord
Created by Kolsveinn
Adds in Lord Mortkin as a playable LL for Norsca, leading his own faction - the Fell Legion - that takes up residence where the Goromadny used to be. Has access to a fully fleshed out skill-tree, unique rites, army abilities, a Horde mechanic, unique Legen...
Loading Lore
Created by Thundergun
A simple mod that lets you stay up to date on the lore of Warhammer Fantasy while you wait for your battles to load. From quotes to pieces of lore, it's contained in this very mod....
Lord Mortkin - SFO Grimhammer Compatible Version
Created by Kolsveinn
A clean slate update of my Lord Mortkin mod for use with SFO Grimhammer. Contains all the Lords and features from the Vanilla mod. Units are rebalanced to Grimhammer gameplay changes. Black-Iron Reavers integrated to Unit Cap function. ...
Lords of the Night - Konrad & Sylvanian Levy
Created by Xoudad
"Awake O Dead, for there can be no rest for ye beneath the earth. Let the splintered bones burrow from the grave pall. Let cold fingers grip time-worn blades, and unseeing eyes survey the fields of slaughter. For your time has come once more. And the dead ...
Lords of the Night - Konrad & Sylvanian Levy-SFO the last kiss
A fix and reblance for SFO-the last kiss。 This mod was made when I thought the original mod had not been updated. Since someone has taken over, the mod will stop updating Please subscribe to this:
Lore Names: Renamed Factions & New Evolving Names [Updated for the S&F DLC]
Created by NordenBear
WARHAMMER 3 MOD: The mod for WH3 are now live and well! :P You can find it over here: Hello there! Welcome to our complete rename mod. This mod is aimed at im...
Lore Names: Renamed Unique Lords & Heroes Names [Updated for S&F]
Created by NordenBear
WARHAMMER 3 MOD: The mod for WH3 are now live and well! :P You can find it over here: Hello there! Welcome to our complete rename mod! A mod aimed at making the immersion even better for you...
Lords of the Night - Konrad & Sylvanian Levy Rus / Русификатор к моду
Created by Д.Р.У.И.Д.
Требуется оригинальный мод: Для раннего появления Конрада можно поставить данный мод, не дожидаясь смерти Влада - отца Конрада ...
Loreful Diplomacy (Updated - Final W2 Edition)
Created by Jim
Introduction This is an update of Crynsos' excellent Loreful Diplomacy mod. Updated with my own additions, permissions granted. ----- Information What does this mod do? It modifies the number of diplomatic actions a faction,...
Matched Combat
Created by [-ODM-] Xiphos
Hello everybody, We are proud to finally release an early version of this project that will bring many matched combat and sync kills between the characters in Total War Warhammer. This early version contains animations bewteen most empire, bretonnia, vampi...
Loreful Great Power
Created by IfThenOrElse
This mod replaces Great Power, with something that makes more sense in a lore friendly way for both the player and the AI. UPDATE: The mod now supports the MCT, which allows you to select the diplomatic penalty values, as well as the hardcore mode of makin...
Miscast Mod - Big Loud Exciting Miscasts
Created by Morven
Miscast Mod - Big Loud Exciting Miscasts Miscasts will no longer be the forgotten mechanic you scroll past on character screens, or only notice in fine-tooth combed reviews of battle replays. Out from underneath the hood and on to centre stage, Miscast Mod...
Mixu‘s Legendary Lord 1 - SFO submod (2022)
Yaaaay!! More Mixu submods on the workshop :) Changes from previous submods - Fixed Torgovann's Wood Elf White UI bug, and linked in the Sisters battle resources and rites for him - Added SFO agents to recruitment pools for Empire/Bretonnia and Wood elfs T...
Miscast Mod - SFO - Jack's Rebalance (2022)
So from going on the hard work of Morven and Saebbi, I've rebalanced the SFO submod slightly more after comparing the SFO tables again. Changed stats to match SFO's miscast chances: - Removed -15 max mana that miscast added - Increased abilty duration dela...
Mixu‘s Legendary Lord 2 - SFO submod (2022)
Yaaaay!! More Mixu submods on the workshop :) Changes from previous submods - Implemented SFO mechanics for Wood Elves, Lizardmen, Chaos and Dark Elf factions (still more to do) - A bunch of bug fixes that were missed from previous mods - Some rebalancing ...
Mixu's Curs'd Ettin
Created by Mixu
Hi, this mod adds a Curs'd Ettin unit and Curs'd Ettin Rune-Caller hero to all Norscan factions. Both the unit and a hero are available from Effigies of Chaos building chain. Curs'd Ettin gets buffs from Giant stuff and some of the Throgg's special skills....
Mixu's Legendary Lords 1
Created by Mixu
This mod adds new characters to Empire, Bretonnia, Dwarfs, Wood Elves. Characters will still be spawned without the unlocker, so you will only need the unlocker if you wish to start as them. Characters added: Empire/Kislev Alberich Haupt-Anderssen, Stirlan...
Mixu's Legendary Lords 2
Created by Mixu
This mod adds new characters to various different races. Faction Leaders: High Elves Belannaer the Wise, Saphery Korhil, Chrace Lizardmen Lord Huinitenuchli, Xlanhuapec Tetto'eko, Tlaxtlan Dark Elves Tullaris Dreadbringer, Scourge of Khaine * Unless you're...
Mixu's Mousillon: SFO Submod Updated
Created by bainb132
This mod aims to balance Mixu's Mousillon mod for SFO. I have tried to make it as balanced as possible but as always let me know of any suggestions you have. I have tried to update everything but of course there may be some minor things that have slipped t...
Mixu's Mousillon
Created by Mixu
This mod adds new legendary lords, heroes, units, techs, skills and bunch of other stuff for Mousillon. Features: Added Mallobaude and his gang. Removed access to all vanilla RoR's from Mousillon. Removed access to Vargheists, Hexwraiths, Black Coach and T...
Mixu's Curs'd Ettin-SFO
Reblance for SFO the Last kiss Original version: 只是临时做出来的,可能会有bug或者不平衡的地方,请反馈给我 If have some bug or unblanced please feedback。 ...
Mixu's Tabletop Lords
Created by Mixu
This mod adds various new lords and heroes that have been missing from the vanilla game. Lords & Heroes added Chaos Shaggoth Champion, lord - Limited recruitment; build a tier 2 dragon ogre building and you'll get one Shaggoth Champion Wood Elves Shadowdan...
Mixu's Tabletop Lords - SFO submod (2022)
Yaaaay!! More Mixu submods on the workshop :) If you have any issues with most recent update, feel free to download the previous version from dropbox that will be in the changelog, and replace it with the pack file in the warhammer II/data folder To unlock...
Mixu's Unlocker
Created by Mixu
If you don't see DLC content, try redownloading the mod, deactivate submods and use the latest KMM for fuck sake. This mod is a startpos mod that makes pretty much all factions playable and adds custom slot templates everywhere, allowing stuff like landmar...
Mixu's Unlocker and SFO script compatibility
So SFO has 2 scripts, wh_dlc07_peasant_economy.lua and wh2_dlc11_treasure_maps.lua that has small changes that gets over written by Mixu's Unlocker. All this does is takes those 2 scripts and makes them run after Mixu's mod so that SFO's changes should wor...
Mixu's VFX Pack
Created by Mixu
Hi, this here is a movie mod that will add new vfx things to my mods. I would recommended to use this with my mods, without it some of the vfx things in my mods may not work as intended. You don't need to have all of my mods enabled if you want to use this...
Mod Configuration Tool || The Vandy Library
Created by Groove Wizard
This is a reupload of the Mod Configuration Tool, hopefully temporary. Steam Support ticket is in progress, hoping there's a fix for the original mod. It doesn't look likely that Steam has any intent to respond with my issues beyond prewritten replies to t...
More Animation
Created by Hecleas
Compatible with "Matched Combat" ANIMATION generic_matched_combat_percentage 60 to 100 matched_combat_formed_charge_percentage 20 to 100 matched_combat_formed_vs_formed_percentage 40 to 100 ...
Moulder's Menagerie (Stormfiends, Chimærats, and More)
Created by ChaosRobie
This mod adds in Chimaerats, Aberrations, Armoured Rat Ogres, Giant Rats, Burrowing Behemoths, and Stormfiends for the Skaven. Chimaerats were created as part of the C&C Modding Den's Mod Jam 2020 Extraordinaire. Description Chimaerats are anti-infantry si...
More Trade Resources
Created by prop joe
Adds some new loreful trade resources to the game: Fabric - produced by the Empire Weaving House building chain Cattle - produced by Empire and Bretonnia pastures Flour - produced by Bretonnian Windmill building chain Bretonnian Warhorses - produced by Bre...
Moulder's Menagerie - SFO
Created by Maal
A patch to adjust ChaosRobie's & Skørne's Moulder's Menagerie for SFO. Numbers adjustment and adding it to SFO's cap, swapping the generic regen for SFO's hydra regen and changing the leadership penalty from the breath to SFO's warpfire effect. Added units...
My Warhammer (RUS) - перевод модов (Обновлено для S&F)
Created by Robelt Bobelt
Приветствую, господа и дамы. Миниистория. Изначально, я пользовался существующими переводами модов или самой игры Warhammer Total War II, но мне постоянно чего-то не хватало. Имена, названия, словесные обороты вызывали вопросы, казались безжизненными (Вамп...
Nagash Divinity Rite Corruption Only For Enemies
Created by Ero-sennin
Changes the vampiric corruption from the Dominion Over Divinity rite from the Legions of Nagash mod to only apply to enemy regions and your own regions. This was made as I found managing public order too difficult on very hard difficulty when playing again...
Nagash VFX effects
Created by Belisarian
Nagash VFX effects duh....
Nagash SFO submod
Created by bainb132
Submod by Saebbi and me which balances the nagash mod so the stats are more in line with what SFO units have. IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ: (though I know most of you don't read these mod descriptions anyway) - If you encounter a bug, please report it here first...
Nanu's Active Oceans
Created by Nanu
This mod adds dynamic merchant fleets to the Great Ocean for all your pirate role playing needs! Now as you burn the coastlines as Count Noctilus or pillage Bordeleaux as Aranessa Saltspite you can encounter merchant fleets carrying goods to and from the m...
New Legendary Lord Artefacts Warhammer 2 (Updated for Silence and Fury)
Created by stompie5
**If you are have problems with the mod, try unsubscribing and then resubscribing and then restart Steam** **Updated for Warhammer 3** This mod adds over 200 new Legendary Artefacts for all ...
NNOBBs - Never Obsolete AI Lords
"Ah, finally. I've united Ulthuan and have secured all the port cities. I have raised many powerful armies and Tyrion has all his artefacts. I think I should be quite prepared once I reach the shores of Naggaroth to face my arch-nemesis, Malekith. Oh boy, ...
No Degradation — Persistent Summons
Created by Frosty
Ever wonder why the clanrats who tunnel into the battlefield just collapse and die? Why the same thing happens to the eagles or the zombies summoned to your aid? It's because CA patched in health degradation on summons to curb excessive summoning in ranked...
no light beams
Created by Latex_Warrior
It's an update version of the "no light beams"by @Tetoa ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Simple mod that disables the "light beams" for all Wizards, Lords and Heroes in the game. Good for screensh...
NO MORE STUPID ANIMATIONS FOR ALL RACES (Compatible with Everything Affects Custom Units)
Created by TheLoneCenturion
PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION SO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MOD DOES AND READ UPDATE NOTES DISCUSSION FOR DETAILED LIST OF ALL CHANGES COMPATIBILITY -Save Game: Yes (It can be both added and removed at will with no issues) -Custom Units: Yes -All other mods: Yes >>List ...
No undead fire eyes
Created by Deep echo sound
This mod removes amusing fire from the near eye area of most undead units. This adds really serious and death-creepy looks for these returned horrid monstrosities. Causing true fear and terror in the pitiful minds of those who dares to stand against the en...
Oh Captain My Captain
Created by John Austin
You know those heroes in every garrison - the ones that don't come with a single ability? This mod gives them all the abilities that are rightfully theirs. Warlock Engineers get Doomrockets, Necromancers get Master of the Dead, Tomb Princes get Tombstrike,...
OvN - Lost Factions VFX (Optional Submod)
Created by shaky_rivers
Important - Read Description This is not a normal packfile but a movie file. It will still appear in the vanilla launcher and work like a normal mod. If you are using KMM it will probably autoload and need to be manually deleted to be removed. Lost Faction...
OvN - Chaos Dwarfs (Requires Decos Expanded Roster Mod)
Created by Team OvN
The Dawi-Zharr are an industrious, dark-souled and merciless warrior race of Daemonsmiths, slavers and brutal killers that dominate the dark and cheerless landscape of the Dark Lands. At the centre of the Dark Lands lies a region filled with innumerable bl...
OvN Lost Factions
Created by Team OvN This mod adds new and interesting races to the campaign map and are playable with Mixu's Unlocker (Which is a required mod). This is available in both the Mortal Empires and Vortex campaigns. ...
OvN SFO Submod Updated Version
Created by bainb132
This mod is an updated version of Flamboyant's OvN SFO submod, balanced for the latest OvN and SFO updates. This will be maintained and updated with every new OvN or SFO update. Important: I have done my best with balancing and updating, but it is of cours...
Parte Legendary Lords - Revived and Kemmler [S&F]
Created by HunterGerhart
Mod Description This mod includes 7 lore-friendly custom legendary lords with unique skills & items. Revived some say by the great lichemaster himself, this is a patched version of Parte Legendary Lords to improve compatibility, for us all to enjoy once mo...
Parte & Moon Legendary Lords Revived and Kemmler - SFO
Created by Saebbi
This is an updated version of Flamboyant's previous submod. The changes are minor, but were still needed. If Flamboyant wants to use this to update his own patch, feel free to do so :) I didn't change any of the balance, all i did was delete Naestra, Araha...
Petr von Stolpe: Count of Leicheburg (Revamped)
Created by graetor
This is an reupload of my mod, Petr von Stolpe, with new features. "At the edge of the Haunted Hills by the source of the Black Run River, Leicheberg lives in fear of its neighbour to the east, Sylvania. Its ruler, Count Petr von Stolpe, has faced the Walk...
Realistic Fog of War
Created by Mazisky
INTRODUCTION This mod replaces the look of the fog of war, which I find a bit distracting and confusing, expecially when looking at the global map. It uses a cleaner mist for a better overall look. Gameplay does not change, the mist will still hide the unc...
Rebanner II
Created by Wallets
Ever feel like you're wasting your time deciding which unit to assign +5 leadership to? This mod reworks banners to make them more interesting to use. Changes Most of the game's banners (including gifts and marks of Chaos as well as Dwarf runes) have been ...
Rebanner II - SFO Patch
Created by Ero-sennin
All this mod does is rename one of the tables in Rebanner II so that it overwrites the changes SFO makes. All credit goes to Wallets, the creator of Rebanner II Save game compatible!...
Regiments of Renown - Compilation (SFO: GRIMHAMMER 2 addon) - UPDATED FOR S&F!
This is the compilation of our Regiments of Renown series compatible with SFO: Grimhammer 2. VANILLA VERSION IS HERE: DON'T USE WITH VANILLA VERSION, THIS IS STANDALONE MOD Full units list: ...
Created by Marthenil
--Update 23 Jul. Added new animations for units using hu1_empire_sword_and_pistol --Update 08 Oct. Added a new animation for the Dwarf Thunderers! --Update 25 Sep. Added a new animation for the Gunnery Wight! Adds reloading animations to the following unit...
Restored Faction Intros [Updated for TT]
Created by Mixu
This mod restores those faction intro cutscenes from wh1 that CA "removed" in wh2, available for all factions that have them. Also applies the vortex campaign cutscenes to ME campaign for most factions, few of them don't have it since they don't make that ...
RUS перевод - Cataph's High Elf Sea Patrol
Created by Bruddo
RUS перевод Cataph's High Elf Sea Patrol, также переведен submod SFO к этому моду. SFO - Ставить в списке выше основного и сабмода. ПОЛНОСТЬЮ СОВМЕСТИМ С ЛЮБЫМИ МОДАМИ. ОСНОВНЫЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИ...
Save Camera Settings
Created by sm0kin
Updated for "Total War: WARHAMMER II – The Hammers & Herdstones". You might be aware of the fact that campaign camera settings are saved to your savegames. Which means you have to choose your prefered campaign camera setting...
This is a fix mod for SFO and Mixu's Unlocker. New building lines added by SFO becomes invisible when using Mixu's Unlocker for some provinces and this mod fixes that. Thanks to == Col. Jack O'Neil this now also works for vortex. --------------------------...
SFO_Translate_RUS(update 20.06.22)
Created by Radmir95
UPD 26.01.22. Ребята, спасибо Вам огромное за поддержку! Я не ожидал, что столько людей подпишется на мою работу. Но к сожалению этот проект будет заморожен, в связи с выходом SFO для Warhammer 3. Возможно, займусь его переводом. Обещать пока не буду, т.к ...
Sigmar's Heirs - Textures pack
Created by Xoudad
Eveything is in the title :)...
Sigmar's Heirs - Hooveric submod
Created by Xoudad
This submod applies Dryrain/Hooveric Empire reskins to my Sigmar's Heirs regional units. That's it....
Sigmar's Heirs, an Empire Overhaul
Created by Xoudad
"Aye, together. I cannot do this alone; I need my sword-brothers with me. Swear with me, my friends. Swear that everything we do from this day forth will be in service of this vision of a united empire of man." —Sigmar Heldenhammer, the first Emperor https...
Sons of Asuryan
Created by Xoudad
"We are the chosen of Asuryan, beloved of the gods and heirs to the world. Our armies are the finest in creation; swift where our foes are lumbering, cultured where they are barbaric. Give no thought to failure, nor defeat – we are the Children of Ulthuan ...
Sigmar's Heirs SFO (Last Kiss - Alpha)
Created by Mr.Necrophile
Skip Intro Logos
Created by DaTroll
Last Update: 2021.07.14 Launches the game straight to the main menu. Skips the intro logos (SEGA, Creative Assembly) and the opening cinematic. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want to report bugs....
Sons of Asuryan - SFO
Created by Maal
A re-upload of the patch to adjust Xoudad's and Willemsen's Sons of Asuryan for SFO. It's been a while since I've initially patched this, let's see if I recall what I did... Moved units in the recruitment chains and garrisons to fit SFO's model. Added SFO ...
Sons of Asuryan - Texture pack
Created by Xoudad
"We are a tall and slender people, slight of build and graceful of movement. Our armies, too, move with fluid grace as do our warship and steed. All that we touch is elegant and finely crafted for we are a long lived people who refuse to surrond ourselfs w...
Swords of the Emperor
Created by Xoudad
"There is much wrong in the way that the Empire runs itself, Bloch. Many who rule do not deserve to. Many who are ruled could make a better fist of it. You’re a fighting man. You’ve seen armies commanded by fools and good men led into ruin by them. But the...
Swords of the Emperor - SFO Submod - UPDATED
Created by Rasiel
-- UPDATED FOR SFO LAST KISS -- "They should have killed me. While a breath remains in my body I’ll be too much for them. I’ll raise the country against them. I’ll tear down their walls and shatter their defences. I’ll burn their warped dreams and rip out ...
The Dukes of Bretonnia
Created by Ubermorgen
This mod adds 6 lore friendly Legendary Lords to all Bretonnian factions (custom battles and campaign). They require some small task to be completed before becoming available for recruitment. Each has a custom skill tree, textures and textured mounts (bard...
The Southern Realms: SFO Submod Updated
Created by bainb132
This is an update to the old Southern Realms SFO submod done by Flamboyant Schemer and Venris. Changes: All heroes and lords now have the maintenance skill. All heroes have their relevant generic SFO skill tree. Also fixed the bloody Star Fort bug, so that...
The Dukes of Bretonnia - SFO - Last Kiss
Created by Ero-sennin
An updated version of Flamboyant Schemer61's SFO patch for The Dukes of Bretonnia Thanks to Flamboyant for the original submod, as well as Ubermorgen for The Dukes of Bretonnia, and Venris and the SFO team for SFO...
The Ubersreik 5 All In One (legendary heroes for Reikland)
Created by 99Kingcarl
Oi! We're the bloody Ubersreik five! The legendary Ubersreik 5 from the Vermintide games are now available as legendary heroes for the Reikland in one mod pack. They can be recruited in the Red Moon Inn, the Landmark in Ubersreik and have their own, custom...
UI Performance Patch
Created by Spartan VI
Improves framerate when interacting with UI elements! Improves campaign/strategy map frame rate (fps) and reduces stuttering when interacting with the game's UI. DO NOT USE THIS MOD IF YOU'RE NOT EXPERIENCING PERFORMANCE STUTTERS! What causes the UI to stu...
Ultimate Lighting + Random Weather
Created by Mazisky
INTRODUCTION TW: Warhammer 2 has a beautiful world, varied and detailed environments but they are limited by some unusual choices, like the weird and washed out colours, the lack of weather variety and the absence of night battles. This mod is a complete o...
Unique Faction Currencies
Created by Müsliriegel
Summary Changes the icons of several Factions from the generic treasury icons to something more loreful. Skaven: Warpstone Tokens Lizardmen: Ancient Artifacts Greenskins: Teef Wood Elves: Gifts of the Forest Tomb Kings: Souls Norsca: Plunder Vampire Coast:...
Unique Faction UI
Created by Müsliriegel
Summary This is a UI overhaul giving each faction a unique user interface to increase immersion. This includes campaign UI aswell as battle interface. Most factions use the WH1 UI as a base, as I felt like the stone only really fits the Tomb Kings and Liza...
Unique Faction UI - [HN] Banner Overhaul Patch
Created by Müsliriegel
Compatibility patch in case you want to use my Unique Faction UI together with 's Banner Overhaul....
Unique Faction UI - SFO Patch
Created by Müsliriegel
Compatibility patch in case you want to use my Unique Faction UI together with SFO....
Unique Steam Tanks III
Created by ChaosRobie
This is a continuation of ZombieFlander's Unique Steam Tanks II mod. That mod has been retired. Steam Tanks. Those glorious machines belching smoke and ramming through the hordes of filthy heretics, blasting out cannonballs and scalding steam. But have you...
Unique Steam Tanks SFO Submod Updated
Created by bainb132
This is a submod for Unique Steam tanks 3 that aims to balance the mod for SFO. Credits for original submod goes to Slaanesh - I just fixed it up for the latest patches. Quick note of changes: - Default Steam Tank replaces Emperor's Wrath - Nuln Ironsides ...
This is a reupload of @Kaguya's Von Stolpe SFO submod WITHOUT the garrison changes. It is literally the only change. All credits to: @Kaguya Venris and SFO team @gelatinous...
Victory Conditions Overhaul 2 - Framework
Created by Wolfy Introduction This mod adds a framework to easily add custom victory conditions to the game. Modding victory conditions is notably difficult and time consuming because it requires to create a startpos.esf file each time. This...
Wildwood Wardens
Created by Calm&NormalTime
Features Adds a new hero for wood elves. The Wildwood Warden. Recruitable from the forest spirits building. 4 variants: Required...
Wood Elf Forest Mist
Created by AtticNote
What Does This Do? This VFX mod gives Wood Elf settlements some light grey mist. It also removes the godrays and adds some extra insects which fly around. I cannot add VFX to new places I can only add mist to VFX sites already placed on the map. ✅This mod ...
Wildwood Wardens Rus / Русификатор к моду
Created by Д.Р.У.И.Д.
Требуется оригинальный мод: Данный русификатор переводит оригинальный мод на русский язык Ставить русификатор выше оригинального мода Описание Добавляет во фракцию Лесных эльфов нового лорда «Х...
[HN] Banners - Portraits Remain [SUBMOD] - S& F UPDATED
Created by romavictor
First, thanks to 's marvelous banner mod. I have created a submod here (so you must still sub to his mod) that loads the original portraits first, plus Mixu's Legendary Lords (also updated for W&P updates to his mods.) NOTE: I use Kaedrin's Mod Manager to ...
[SFO] AI increased recruitment funds
Created by Westonsammy
BE AWARE, THIS MOD MAY NOT WORK WITH MOST AI MODS! It is however compatible with my bad guy buffs mod for SFO TL;DR: What does this mod do? Well it's a very simple change with a very big impact: - Gives the AI at all difficulties a 75% recruitment cost red...
Перевод Sigmar's Heirs, an Empire Overhaul
Created by Mr.Stalin
Полный перевод мода Sigmar's Heirs. Перевод должен быть выше основного мода для корректной работы. Рекомендую использовать Kaedrin's Mod Manager. ...
Перевод Mixu's Tabletop Lords
Created by Mr.Stalin
Полный перевод Mixu's Tabletop Lords. Перевод должен быть выше основного мода для корректной работы. Рекомендую использовать Kaedrin's Mod Manager....
Перевод Nanu's Active Oceans
Created by Mr.Stalin
Полный перевод Nanu's Active Oceans. Перевод должен быть выше основного мода для корректной работы. Рекомендую использовать Kaedrin's Mod Manager....
Перевод The Dukes of Bretonnia
Created by Mr.Stalin
Полный перевод The Dukes of Bretonnia. Перевод должен быть выше основного мода для корректной работы. Рекомендую использовать Kaedrin's Mod Manager....