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【震旦天朝】更好的敕令 Grand Cathay-Better royal decree
2024.4.12更新 削弱了强度 玉龙敕令:移除减少建筑时间、削弱建筑收入、建筑成本以及发展 飙龙敕令:削弱近战攻防和武器威力、移除远程格挡概率 烛龙敕令:移除全局招募加成 冥龙敕令:削弱港口收入和可贸易资源量 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.22更新 削弱了强度 玉龙敕令:减少所有建筑时间的生效范围由全派系改为所在行省 飙龙敕令:近战攻击8,武器威力10,腐蚀-8,...
中文汉化合集 汉化说明 汉化合集中的mod按需订阅,不必全部订阅 最近更新内容请查看这里 功能性小型模组汉化列表请查看这里〖 重要!〗 This mod is a Chinese translation compilation of English mods, so non-Chinese users do not need to subscribe 注意事项 Unique Steam Tanks 会将“皇帝盛怒号(蒸汽...
全派系筛选初始特性【震旦天朝】All Factions Filter Innate Character[Cth]
Created by TravellerL
———————— Intro ———————— This mod is a single-faction version. This mod replaces the initial characters of lords of most factions with generic/factional unique characters that I personally find useful. It completely removed most of the lord characters that ...
Created by 清轩易浅
这个mod添加的所有神器都是以战略和军队加成为主,有一些还会有负面效果,算是对之前神器mod全是个人加成的补足。 神器品质方面,这个mod只添加了神器和名器两种品质,一共添加了70件神器以上品质的装备,以及一个特殊的随从,这个随从想合出来只能打随从可合成的mod了。 这70件装备里,有10件我特别制作的装备,这10件装备可以允许你在战斗中召唤一些传说生物,比如『极寒虚空之子』弗里戈斯忒、『霜寒吐息』拉穆勒、烈焰之母等。我将这些装备称为魂器,我觉得这个设定可能会让游戏更有趣一些。 由于一些法师装备都有增加法强...
动态天灾 + MCT中文汉化(Dynamic Disasters + Mod Configuration Tool)99%
Created by 冰之玄月
感谢早期汉化与原作者的辛苦劳动,订阅本体mod,排序请将汉化置于本体之上开启 B站: 冰之玄月 求求关注!!! B站直播间: 喜欢的话,可以支持一下我,请我喝瓶可乐!或者大餐!
Created by 清轩易浅
喵影本身的兵牌和头像我个人感觉不是很好看,就将喵影的兵牌和头像替换成封面的样子,但是实在技术力有限,不是很懂建模,喵影模型和3D动图没东西替换,妙影美化只能做到这了。 这个mod只修改了妙影兵牌和2D头像,与所有mod兼容,如果同时使用其他美化喵影的mod,把这个mod排序放上面即可。...
Created by 南霞
恐震天舟,震旦加强,Dreadquake Sky Junk
Created by 贱鼠宝宝
在51劳动节当天,喵影在勤劳的兽人苦工兵工厂里缴获了冤种混矮的弹药和恐震臼炮科技,现在天舟不仅弹药和输出翻倍,还拥有了恐震臼炮的效果,yes!yes! ps:实测反步效率和恐震臼炮半斤八两,风格算是各有千秋吧 由于震旦派系基本上要50回合才能5本,为了前期过渡不那么难受(混矮不到30回合可以5本),加强了雷铳和鹤铳, 后期的肉搏单位巨龙马骑兵和陶俑也增加了肉体蛮力和属性 加强的单位都增加了招募和维护费用,对应实力,但震旦富得流油,其实影响不大 On Labor Day 51, Miaoying seized...
Created by Luke_Grand Master
此MOD对震旦原版的领主与英雄进行了不同程度的强化,以使其能更好的参与到战斗中 一、经略使 1、经略使战斗能力大幅提升,现在个人战斗能力与帝国的帝国将军类似,成为正式的重甲近战单位; 2、新增坐骑天舟,可通过技能点”宁和通制”获得,可在战略地图显示,经略使天舟的弹药经过特殊调整,精度会比普通天舟弹药略高; 3、启迪系列技能,全部改为全图范围全友军生效,但一次只能开启一种(类似于瘟医费斯图斯的药水技能); 4、经略使技能树里新增了六个职位技能点,当经略使满20级以后可以六选一,六种职位参考中国古代”六部”制度...
Created by Blackoutsider
为震旦增加了两个怪物骑兵单位: 青玉狮骑和墨玉狮骑 狮子使用他们自己的动画和视觉特效,此外,墨狮骑手可以投掷标枪 可在震旦3级和5级骑兵建筑招募 玉狮骑士偏向于对抗大型单位(也可以创死步兵),并通过近战提供魔法之风 墨狮骑士偏向拦截对面的大型单位,以及围攻敌人的施法者 吃双狮和玉勇枪骑兵的加成 喜欢请点赞 这两个兵种已包含在万世天朝mod中,链接在下方,请不要同时订阅: 喜欢也...
装备掉落+50%,装备缴获+50%(Equipment drop +50%, equipment seized +50%)
Created by 一战无痕
装备掉落+50%,装备缴获+50%(Equipment drop +50%, equipment seized +50%)...
长牙之路/混沌矮人车队,商队可招募/可交换(caravan/convoy recruitable/exchangeable)
Created by 一战无痕
//2023年5月2日19:04:50 添加混沌矮人的车队可招募/交换 我把这个功能从我的【震旦资料扩充包】里面独立了出来 震旦资料扩充包(中文版) *注意事项* 1、第一个电脑给的商队无效,重新招募第二个及之后的商队才有效。 2、中途加入MOD的话也是如此,新的商队才生效。 兼容问题: 1、如果已经安装了【震旦资料扩充包】,那么不需要加载此MOD。 2、如果没有安装的话,那么...
Created by 砂糖多多です
一.传奇角色可处决 ⭐ 增加了仅限处决自己的不朽领主或者英雄的选项(对mod角色也生效) 在小地图下方挂件处选择角色然后处决 处决派系领袖可能会导致一系列Bug. 二.可以交易任意城镇 ⭐可以赠送盟友城镇并增加关系 ⭐可以交易不相邻的城镇了 ⭐交易城镇得来的多余外交点数也会转换成关系了 具体在左上角处点击交易城镇图标即可 三.更好的盟友 ⭐1. 更多盟军单位:盟军单位上限从4增加到20,食人魔雇佣兵也是。 ⭐2. 更多恩惠点数:每回合产生双倍外交点数,最大外交点数从100增加到500。 ⭐3.更长时间借用军...
震旦单位升级 / Zhendan unit upgrade
Created by Dawn
给震旦添加类似绿皮的废料升级,升级花费金币,兼容旧档。(只支持原版单位) Add a waste upgrade similar to Green Skin to Zhendan, which costs gold coins and is compatible with old files. (Only original units are supported) ------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Reasonable Cathay Enhance
Created by 腿毛长身体壮
1.妙影领主效果加强,加了12补员 2.三龙龙形态加强,攻防武器威力移速护甲小幅上升,获得15反大和15物抗。元伯龙形态可使用刽子手技能 3.战鼓BUFF加强,全方面的小幅强化防御和攻击 4.三龙神器加强,在原有属性上增强到合理数值 5.玉狮吐息有少量破甲,玉狮和墨狮提高血量 6.昊天将军骑狮子能力提升,狮子与月鸟提高血量 7.震旦建筑与戒律略微加强 8.巨龙马获得反步和少量破甲,精英巨龙马获得反大 以上加强都在合理区间,旨在加强游戏体验而非强无敌...
Created by 沙条爱歌
震旦国是系统提供的城寨,市肆等效果常驻话,削弱了加成但是可以进行叠叠乐。 The effect of the castle, shop permanent words, weakened the addition but can be stacked music...
Created by 沙条爱歌
该mod提供额外科技树,全新的完善体系兵种单位,全新的阴阳法系事务官,解锁商队招募,强大的商队部队,兵种废料升级与精英部队等。 这个mod为震旦天朝额外增加了一组相对强力科技树,你需要通过金钱和时间来解锁这些强大对的科技,并且这些科技不会影响阴阳宁和。 这个mod新增了大量基础单位与精英单位,这些兵种可以更好的完善震旦的战略体系,丰富玩法,例如火枪、喷火器、反步部队、巨兽与各种引擎等,这些单位都享受对应的科技与红线加成,怪兽单位享受骑兵类别加成。 同样,解锁了商队招募功能,不过你必须位于本土才可以,昭明与妙...
震旦战帮精英升级/Upgrade units of Grand Cathay to RoR by Warband
Created by yuudachi
为震旦兵种解锁精英兵种战帮升级 需要“Warband Upgrade Ultimate”mod的支持 You can upgrade units of Grand Cathay to RoR by warband. This mod need “Warband Upgrade Ultimate” to get basic support....
震旦石狮骑兵 Guardian lion riders of Cathay
Created by whc2024
·这个mod为震旦添加了两种种怪兽骑兵——石狮骑兵和玉狮骑兵 ·在震旦的传说中,这些铁石或宝玉铸成的镇宅巨兽能够祛邪除恶,保卫屋宅免受邪魔侵扰。事实上正是如此,每逢外敌入侵,这些屹立宅门的石像将会被激活,与俑士禁卫一同构筑震旦的钢铁长城。在战场上,由身披重甲的勇士骑乘的它们将会无往不利。 ·早在锤三发售前,画师Cobol Yu笔下的震旦兵种形象就已经广为流传,很多兵种细节比ca的设计还有特色,其中的石狮子骑兵便是本mod的设计思路来源,在此向他表示感谢。 ·右侧的英文翻译mod并非必需,非英语玩家不用订阅 ...
震旦种族特性可升级 cth passive characteristics update
Created by Midnight sun
为震旦添加了7个科技,三个阳系科技可以升级“武道宁和:阳”,三个阴系科技可以升级“武道宁和:阴”,还有一个终极科技。 每次升级不改变原有属性,只是新增属性,变化值之展示新增属性;人物新增加的技能不吃宁和。 Seven technologies have been added to the Cathay, three Yang technologies can upgrade "Battle Harmony: :Yang", three Yin technologies can upgrade "Battle...
Created by 北门吹雪
冰冻吊坠:+20特殊保护,+冰雪系被动,+冰雪女王之镜(基斯里夫引擎),绑定风爆术。 光明魔乘镜头:当地-100火抗,绑定火球术,本队霜火攻击,火焰攻击,+技能防护光环。 扎尔雕像:混沌腐蚀+0,+10特殊保护,免疫接触效果,-25技能冷却速率,哈苏特系被动。 狮鹫军团骑枪:20个人冲锋加成,部队骑兵+25%冲锋加成,部队骑兵+12%武器威力,+100破甲杀伤。 冯卡斯坦因之剑:吸血鬼腐蚀+0,+20近战攻击,+250破甲杀伤,+10特殊保护,+狂暴,+重生,+饥渴,+攻击造成灵魂榨取效果,魔法攻击。 珠宝...
Created by Merkatorque
CA抠抠搜搜,既想给龙形态人形态两重定位让玩家能合理使用变龙技能,又不给龙形态合理的数据,导致龙形态几乎没人使用。 既然如此,我准备在不改变CA对龙子两种形态的基本定位——即人形态法师/龙形态巨兽——的前提下,大幅加强龙形态的面板,让玩家在魔法之风已经枯竭的情况下依旧能让神龙发挥出顶级巨兽的战力,让两种形态都能充分发挥作用。 具体修改如下: 1.大幅提高震旦神龙的龙形态近战攻防,使他们的龙形态达到顶级飞行巨兽领主水平; 2.给龙形态增加15点反大加成,让他们成为真正的“巨兽杀手”; 3.给龙形态单独增加20...
魔法之风消耗降低50%(Mana Wind cost reduced by 50%)
魔法之风消耗降低50%(Mana Wind cost reduced by 50%)...
+25% more range [Player Only]
Created by Nomad1988
Increase increase range of all range units by 25% Support us here
-BR- More Beautiful Miao Ying! 皇后
Created by Black Rabbit - Fixed an issue where Miao was rendered mute in original files. - Temporary fixed hair until I figure out how to make ...
Ability Icons Rearrange
Created by sudkks
This mod lets each row only have a maximum of 10 ability icons, and the excess will be moved to the next row, to prevent multiple icons from squeezing into one row. Not compatible: Just Good UI Mod, Helper UI...
Actually Auto Resolve All Quest Battles (Immortal Empires!)
Created by Emlyn
Updated for 5.0 Sick and tired of fighting quest battles? Well now you don't have to. Auto resolve all quest battles, just like every other battle. Works with Immortal Empires and Forge of Souls....
Agent Hero Forever - Gotrek & Felix + Ulrika
Created by Backmechuisa
Gotrek and Felix now become agents of hero forever. They grow level up, acquire items, recover after being injured and return to the battlefield. Yes. I know. this is a master piece of gotrek and felix mod. Look at that lovely move of Karl Franz. Seems so ...
AI General 3
Created by paperpancake
Delegate control of some or all of your units to an AI General during battle. You can select which units AI General should control. Tested in single-player. What about Multiplayer? AI General 3 is not as polished in multiplayer as it is single player, and ...
Created by 小铭
此模组为所有派系添加了加速建筑的功能,可以选择花费1000货币x回合数 立刻完成建造。 要注意的是,大部分纳垢建筑、食人魔营地和游牧建筑不受此影响。ai不会使用该功能。 理论上兼容所有其他模组 ...
Created by 4rk_W0n
一、整体理念: 该MOD的数据调整内容,主要面向的是原版风格的PVE战役内容,同时也不追求绝对的战役强度平衡。总体来说是秉持着“优先突出特色兵种,适当补强弱势兵种,维持原版种族特色,参考世界观的种族强度。”的理念,对各个种族的兵种数据进行调整的。 具体来说,该MOD的数据调整会存在以下几个特点: 各种族的兵种体系特性,基本保持原版风格——例如帝国、巴托尼亚相对弱势的扛线兵种,震旦天朝的叠BUFF体系,蜥蜴人的巨兽大队等。 弱势的兵种类别会有一定的属性补强——例如中高阶的步兵、射手以及马骑兵,乃至具体的各种“...
Artists' Guild - CHS
Created by endofanty
Introduction Add a forge for all factions that vanilla game exist, to get all transferrable items that vanilla game allows. It is a way to get vanilla items, instead of I made these itmes. The "I,II,III" prefix indicates which game the item came from, the ...
Better Alliance
Created by BAGHolder
(Updated to 5.0) Features: 1. More Allied Units: Allied unit cap increases from 4 to 20, so is Ogre mercenary. 2. More Favor Points: Doubled favor generation per turn, with max favor increased to 900 (from 100). 3. Borrow Army Longer: Ally army can be borr...
Better Camera Mod
Created by kam2150
Hello, Famous mod from Warhammer 1 & 2 is back! This simple mod allows both closer and further camera heights, more suitable for better screenshots and nicer view of the battlefield. Press "K" to turn off UI for more cinematic view, Press "N" in order to z...
Building Slots Extended
Created by Myxameno
IMPORTANT: This mod was made to be compatible with Mixu's Unlocker and won't work without it! This mod works with ChaosRobie's Immortal Empires Expanded and The Old World campaigns! Are you tired of huge cities of High Elves or the Empire having just a cou...
Buy xp
Created by Garry Mctwaty
Simple mod that add a button to buy xp /!\ DON’T SPAM CLIC Because the UI in character panel don’t update as the same rate than the campaign UI, it won’t show the xp gain unless you exit or select the character again. It will update when you gain a level t...
Cataph's Comfy Encamp
Created by Cataph
"jee wiz, I sure wish we were in hostile territory to recoup our losses better!" said nobody ever in the history of saying dense stuff. This mod makes most encamp stances provide replenishment regardless of where the army is. Let me explain: - CA changed t...
Cavalry Gain 3 Cavalry-tic Abilities
Created by sgssk
If you need an EN ver you can use this : 前2个技能强调骑兵在战斗中的 功能性 ——机动牵制能力,对脆弱后排的杀伤能力; 第3个技能 仅在战斗胜利时的追逃阶段生效 。 具体效果见图。 前2个技能对 所有骑兵、怪兽骑兵 有效,对 领主与英雄 无效,因为有些领主能骑巨兽,而我不太想影响巨兽领主的战力平衡。理论上也可以加给领主,同时单独把巨兽领主...
Change Faction Capital
Created by sudkks
Add a relocation button to the right of the rename settlement button. Click to change the faction capital to the selected settlement, which is also valid for AI factions. You can change the faction capital to any settlement owned by this faction anytime an...
Climate Adaptation - Faster Version
Created by Alex Zhao
This is a faster adaption version of this Climate Adaptation mod. Please don't use both mods at the same time. This mod will allow a faction to gradually adapt a region's unsuitable climate, and slowly reduce the debuff every turn until it is completely re...
Climate Suitability Map
Created by sudkks
Display the climate suitability of the region In the map of the Legendary Lord selection interface, with green is complete suitable, orange is unsuitable, and red is uninhabitable; If the mouse is placed on the climate icon below, the climate region can be...
Community Bug Fix Mod - Game v5, Batch 4
Created by Groove Wizard
Community Bug-Fix Mod Welcome to the CBFM Steam page! You're probably here because you like playing TWWH and want to have a slightly better time at it. Us too. Mostly. This mod, as you may have assumed from the title, is a collection of bug fixes developed...
Confederate with Faction Effect 合邦获得派系效果
Created by < blank >
Update in 5/2/24: I have updated this mod, but I don't have time to check all effects now, so I only remove those faction effects which are clearly achieved by scripts. It's possible to have some dummy effects. This mod will trigger an incident when you co...
Console Commands (Modding Tool), the mod works 100000% please just use it and enable the script break warning
Created by prop joe
Adds a bunch of commands that help with mod making and testing. Type the command into a text box that is opened using a new button in the top left (see screenshot). Press the button to the right to execute the typed-in command. List of DB keys and how to f...
Decline Diplomacy
Created by Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD Kostaltyn is pestering you again? No more! Adds a UI button next to the existing pause and fast forward buttons that will automatically decline any incoming diplomatic actions towards the player, and close all the relevant menus, so ...
Disable startup splash screens / intros
Created by Aexrael
Just a quick a dirty mod that overwrites the various splash screens, epilepsy warnings and the intro movie that shows before the main menu. This lets you go directly from starting the game to the main menu. Note: The Tome of Fates video cannot be played fr...
Disable Tunnelling through Forts&Gates 禁止地道穿越要塞和长垣
Created by < blank >
CA fixed the tunnelling excluded regions outside the bastion in the recent update, so this mod now only add some tunnelling excluded regions inside the empire forts. CA在最近的更新中修复了长垣外的禁止地道穿越的地区,所以这个mod现在只是给帝国要塞增加了一些禁止地道穿越的地区。...
Double Skill Points & Skill Dump For Lords
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod lets lords get 2 skill points per level and provide a skill dump that increase the character's hit point 1% per skill level. Suggest to start a new campaign and affect AI. Will conflict with other mod that edited character_experience_skill_tiers_t...
Drink It III
Created by Wallets
Sick of clicking the eight active buffs each of your characters gets from items? This mod makes the active abilities from non-unique items and skills into passive abilities, so that your heroes can decide for themselves when to drink their potions. Changes...
Dynamic Post-battle Replenish
Created by sgssk
In vanilla post-battle replenishment gives low cap, which give player really little help. This mod give higher cap, as well as applying lower "efficiency". In total you can have higher replenishment, as long as you persuiting routings. TL;DR: Post-battle r...
Easier Confederations & Vassals
Created by VanguardMk1
Annoyed that your best buddies don't like to confederate you for whatever reason? This mod significantly increases your chances of confederation and vassalage when you're best friends (150+ relations). This should help AI factions confederate each other mo...
Enhance CTH ANCILLARY and Banners强化震旦随从和旗帜
Immortal Empires update: up to date and running correctly as before Enhanced certain unique ancillaries and banners of Cathay only. Including ancillary and banner SETS. 增强震旦专属随从,套装和旗帜,包括科技旗帜和跑商道具。 Enhancements are as bellow (in addition to or override vani...
Enhanced Cavalry Breakthrough
Created by endofanty
The cavalry in the Total War series is generally underwhelming, but also very cheap (you can even recruit cavalry for free in Total War: Three Kingdoms). It is equivalent to reducing the price, but it is also a kind of disabled cavalry. Modify collision da...
Execute (useless) Lords & Heroes
Created by Freiya
This mod adds ui elements that allow the player to "execute" (useless) lords and heroes - even if they are immortal ! First of all, this is the Warhammer 3 port of the mod created by sm0kin for TWW 2. He started working on this version and accepted to let ...
Factionwide Resource Bonuses Enhanced
Created by Commisar Jon Fuklaw
Introduction Resources, they're good for trading, right? Wrong! Resources have many more applications than just throwing them at other people. This mod teaches you how to actually use resources, rather than leaving it to the AI to figure out. Features Reso...
Frodo's Dynamic disasters
Created by Leo
NOTE TO ALL Development of this mod has been ended, so I made some modifications for new version. What's this mod? TL;DR: Campaign may go from cakewalk to hell on earth. Also, beware of the Green Shine of Morrslieb. Not TL;DR: This mod is an extensible fra...
Great Bastion Takes No Attrition [EoM]
Created by Wolfy
Announcement of End of Maintenance Hi everyone, I have an announcement to make, and it is that, after seven years of modding, I have decided it is time for me to step aside. My personal situation has changed a lot since I started, and sadly, I do not have ...
Home Region Movement Bonus +25%
Created by devon752
What does it do? Increases campaign movement range for armies in their own regions by 25%, works for Player and AI. Compatibility Compatible with most mods (as long as they don't change the same things as this mod) Works with ongoing campaigns but one turn...
High Resolution UI Improvements
Created by prop joe
Still works, I'm not updating it until it actually requires an update. If the launcher warning bothers you use a mod manager. Resizes or adjusts the following UI screens: unit recruitment screen (for 1440p+) diplomacy screen lord/hero recruitment screens o...
Immortal Empires Expanded 中文汉化
Created by Tutur
This is a translation mod !! →和重返旧世界MOD不兼容,两者只能开其一 ←!! !! →必须开启MIXER ←!! 常见问题 关于有AI MOD的情况下,AI表现怪异:原作者C...
Immortal Empires Expanded [Requires Mixer!]
Created by ChaosRobie
THIS MOD REQUIRES MIXER! This mod expands and fills-out the Immortal Empires map: Ind, Khuresh, Nippon, the Lost Isles of Elithis, the Eastern Steppes, several smaller islands, and that part that looks like Korea which I've named Ihan. AND MORE! Descriptio...
Immortal Landmarks
Created by Heimdal
UPDATED FOR 5.0 The mod will run without Mixu, but you'll be missing a bunch (~80%) of the landmarks. Adding landmarks requires startpos modding, Mixu's Unlocker = common startpos framework that keeps mods compatible. KEY FEATURES
Remove characters traits limit
Created by Mordy
Remove characters traits limit Patch 5.1 compatible This simple mod removes the default (40) character trait limit.  EVERY character in the game can now have an INFINITE number of traits. You will never have to worry about not getting a trait because you a...
landmark immortal Chinese 凡世地标汉化
Created by VA11-HAll--AA
这是急急急急急急版 只适合你真的很想要个中文,再加上能忍受奇怪的文本自己联想使用 对了小提示 卡洛斯和我说了一个小秘密 选中间 我翻译了得有五个小时后受不了直接怼进翻译器的产物 我之后会校对加修错,但是我得先缓会儿 已经要yue了,奸奇腐蚀太恐怖了...
Landmarks of Legend
Created by The_Inquisitor
OVERVIEW Landmarks of Legend adds many landmarks to locations all over the Warhammer world, with some landmarks granting access to special units and Regiments of Renown. Currently, there are landmarks for the following factions: - Grand Cathay - Kislev - K...
Less Lethal Autoresolve
Created by Selnath
TL;DR: Autoresolve is less likely to kill units when the army isn't being wiped out. No other changes. Do you hate how autoresolve will frequently kill units in your army, even in decisive victories? I DO. How much do I hate it? Enough to learn how to mod ...
Military Buildings add Garrisons / 军事建筑增加驻军
Created by losrt
Compatibility: Can be added mid-campaign Compatible with most mods Takes effect with Radious Description: All military recruiting buildings can add 1~3 garrisons to towns (The number and quality of troops depends on the level of the building) ·All wh1, 2, ...
MIXER - Mixu's Unlocker
Created by Mixu
The newest version of MCT is recommended to be used with this mod. It will work without it, but your save files will be bigger. This is a startpos mod that unlocks all factions in Realms of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns. Building slot submod has bee...
Mixu's Legendary Lords
Created by Mixu
About the Mod Some of you may remember this and this from Total War Warhammer II. Well, this mod is simply a combination of those two mods, with some new faces added. This mod adds Legendary Lords, Legendary Heroes and some new units. This mod does not tou...
Mixu's Legendary Lords: Asset Pack
Created by Mixu
This is a required asset pack for Mixu's Legendary Lords mod. You should subscribe to it if you use it, otherwise you'll get missing character models n other fun stuff....
Mod Configuration Tool - v0.9 Beta
Created by Groove Wizard The Mod Configuration Tool is a user interface, and a rich backend system, which enables modders to create settings for their mods, which can be edited within the Mod Configuration Tool. In short, if a mod you use doesn't us...
More Ancillary Equipment Slots
Created by Alex Zhao
This simple mod increased the ancillary slots for all character from 6 to 8 just like dwarf's characters. Should be compatible with everything. ...
No Confederation Penalty
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod disabled all races' confederation penaly. Should be compatible with everything....
No Diplomatic Penalty for "Too Many Trade Partners"
Created by DrDCB
By default, the game allows you only 3 trade agreements (plus an additional 0.2 per owned region) before you start incurring a penalty with the negotiating partner (-3 per additional trade agreement over the limit). This is pretty limiting to Kislev and Ca...
No Friendly Damage For Vanilla 无友军远程与法术伤害
Created by The Skg
Vanilla version Cancel damage to allies from ranged ammo and spells (yes yes) You can safely fire and unleash spells at units that attract hatred, but friendly forces will still block the ammunition. It also works for AI Not valid for mods for new ammo typ...
No Lazy Trait 不再获得懒惰特性
Created by < blank >
This mod prevents your lord from getting lazy trait. In original game, the lord will gain lazy trait if he stays in a region with public order over 90 for more than 20 turns. I change the judging criteria that now the lazy trait record can only start count...
No Pinned Missions
Created by DrDCB
Disables "sticky" notifications on the side of the screen for all campaign missions, including character quest battles. You can still manually toggle them on and off as usual via the mission panel. This mod just stops them automatically being pinned when t...
Created by SB-129-2515
This is a simple mod which disables the supply line upkeep penalty. Current Supported Version 4.2.1
Normal Traits Extended
Created by Sir_Isenhart
Updated for 4.1. This mod makes its return from TWW2. It adds an extra layer of gameplay by making most gainable traits have more ranks thus making them a lot stronger. It does not change the traits for defeating Legendary Lords. It is intended for high/le...
One Button Respec
Created by DrunkFlamingo
Features This mod adds a button to the character skills panel which can be used to reset the skills of a character. Each character can only be reset once, and resetting skills costs 1000 gold/favor. Compatibility This mod should be compatible with all othe...
Created by Excaliber
mod名:优化Immortal_Landmarks中震旦地标效果 适用游戏版本: v4.2 mod name: Optimize Immortal Landmark effect in Cathay faction Applicable game version: v4.2 注: 这个mod需要Immortal Landmarks: note: this mod need :Immor...
Quick Building Upgrade
Created by Cpecific
When you have a lot of settlements, it becomes annoying to constantly hover over desired upgrade building level. As there is rarely a choice between what to upgrade, it does bring a question: why is it not in the base game? My Other Mods Skill Queue Traits...
Rayes Extended Rosters Complete Edition
Created by Iareshawn
Are you ready to take your battles to the next level? Look no further than Rayes Extended Rosters Complete Edition, the must-have mod for any true strategist. With over 30 new and unique units added to the game and plenty more to come in the future, this m...
Realistic Public Order (5.0 Ready)
Created by GOW LIKE A BOSS
Latest Updates Update 3.1: Realistic Public Order (as of 07/18/23) is now even more realistic! Please see updated pictures for low control and the relevant section in the Low Control section below. For those who prefer the old version, please subscribe ins...
Rebanner III
Created by Wallets
Ever feel like you're wasting your time deciding which unit to assign +5 leadership to? This mod reworks banners to make them more interesting to use. Changes Most of the game's banners have been modified to make it worth your while to consider what unit c...
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords(汉化)
Created by Ashen One
注意: 1. 该MOD仅为原MOD的汉化,需订阅原MOD再订阅本MOD,汉化MOD排序先于原MOD,同时开启生效。 2. 仅为文本汉化,不涉及功能修改,bug可以在原mod页面反馈。 版本:5.1.x 说明:同一种族派系灭亡后可招募传奇领主的mod。 汉化进度:100% 更新日志: 2023年4月14日:将所有汉化重新润色,减少了语句不通顺和错别字的情况,人物称号统一放在名字前面 2023年9月13日:修改了个别文本错误,重新检查了原MOD文本,没发现DLC领主/英雄文本 2024年2月29日:暂时不随原m...
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords
Created by sm0kin
WH2's Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords ported to Total War: WARHAMMER III – Update 5.1.0 This mod transfers legendary/immortal lords and heroes of defeated factions to factions that are still in play. It works both for the p...
Ruinous Incentive - All Climates for Daemons
Created by Rob
This mod makes it so daemonic factions are incentivised to invade the world. All climates are now marked as suitable for: Khorne Nurgle Slaanesh Tzeentch Legions of Chaos Magical forests, however, are left unchanged; their nature is something different alt...
Storm of Magic for All Regions
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod enabled Storm of Magic for all regions and disabled its passive stat buff, and AI won't use them. Dwarf and Khorne will receive 25% magic resistance during battle. Should be compatible with most mods. Works for a saved game....
Stronger Cathay Provincial harmony 更强大的震旦行省宁和
Created by Luke_Grand Master
对震旦的行省宁和进行了修改,使其更加强大 1、移除了所有宁和负面效果 2、处于”宁和中正”时可以获得少量的阳宁和与阴宁和的加成效果 3、增强了阳宁和与阴宁和的加成效果 Made modifications to Cathay Provincial harmony,Make it more powerful 1. Removed all harmony debuff 2. Improved the effectiveness when harmony in balance 3. Improved the ef...
Surrender Before Death (5.0 Ready)
Created by GOW LIKE A BOSS
Ever wonder why ALL your enemies would ALWAYS rather die than fight another day? Or why you can't save a friendly nation from destruction at the hands of their enemies by offering your protection? This mod solves both problems while still making perfect se...
Trade Any Settlement
Created by Freiya
This mod makes it possible to trade any settlement with any encountered faction as long as you aren't at war with them. To use it, just click on the new "trade settlements" button displayed on the top-left corner of the screen.
Ultimate Formations (DISCONTINUED)
Created by 泡泡茶壶
Still works but will not be updated, If anyone want take this mod over or use anything you want, no need to get my permission , just go wild! Intro Inspired by WHⅡ mod Crynsos's Unit Formations,so this mod finally come out! Want to experience a variety of ...
Unlimited Supplies For Player Faction(Always works)
Created by ReinHarD
This mod adds a effect of unlimited supplies during sieges for the player's faction. It does not require starting a new game. AI will not use it. The mod only works in campaign and immortal empire. It is normal for the panel before entering the battle to d...
Unlock All Skills
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod disabled the mutual exclusion of all skills. AI also will be benefit from this mod and works for saved games....
Variant Selector
Created by Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD! Lets you choose Character Variants (where applicable). Snek's Extra Variants (the whole bunch of them!) are compatible out of the box, thanks to Snek. Other modded variants will need to be made compatible. This means that you simply...
Warband Upgrade Ultimate
Created by BAGHolder
Warband Upgrade for Every Race (Updated to 5.0) --- Upgrade basic units into elite, and swap among unit variants. --- Unique UI + Expanded panel for every race. --- 100% compatible with any mod, save-game, and co-op. --- Submods for RoR, mod compilation, c...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行 地标建筑包(Landmark patch) Intro Mod内容已包含于派系包中,请不要同时订阅启用      本Mod将我为与龙同行制作的派系包中添加的地标建筑物独立出来,以给那些想要...
[DEER24/震旦] 元伯RESKIN Vers2(JADE DRAGON reskin Vers2)
元伯美化      这是我为玉龙元伯制作的另一种新的造型,相比ver1对单位模型进行了更大幅度的改动,以为大家提供更多的选择,你可以通过点击上方的震旦合集来查看我制作的其他震旦MOD一起使用,体验更丰富的震旦内容      I have created a new shape for JADE DRAGON to provide more choices for everyone,You can click on the Cathay collection above to view other Sinia...
[DEER24/震旦] 美化合集 (Cathay Reskin Collection)
龙与凡躯同行 震旦美化合集 Independent version in the link 如果你不想使用与龙同行 请使用独立版本美化: Intro      震旦帝国一直是中国玩家梦寐以求的派系,对我而言也一样,我很高兴看到CA和GW共设计出了如此富有魅力的奇幻东方国度,本美化包提供了一种不同于原版设计的震旦单位样式,以为大家提供更多的视觉体验选择      本mod收录了所有...
[GLF] Ancillaries Remake金花物品重制
Created by 金花
这个MOD不包含语言文本,任何玩家都可以直接使用,也可以随意取消订阅,不影响存档 This MOD does not contain language text and does not require language patches. Any player can use it directly, You can also unsubscribe at will without affecting the archive MOD介绍: 这个MOD计划重新调整所有物品的效果(不包含坐骑、旗帜、随从) 增强...
[HN] Clear Skies
Created by [HN]
Ever wished you could actually see what's going on the map? This mod is made for you! Greatly redu...
[IE] Loreful Strategic Threat
Created by IfThenOrElse
This mod replaces Strategic Threat for IE only, with something that makes more sense in a lore friendly way for both the player and the AI. UPDATE: ported over from Game 2. Big thanks to Vandy for his help with scripted effect bundles! Big thanks to AwwHEE...