Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Items (889)
Хрущевка 10 этажей
Created by Garakiro
Хрущевка10 by zakirov.edgar...
Хрущевка 5 этажей
Created by Garakiro
Хрущевка 5 этажей by zakirov.edgar...
《你的名字》糸守町 《Your name》 Itomori Town
Created by psnxbox
《你的名字》糸守町 《Your name》 Itomori Town 上次发的帖子 用都市天际线Cities: Skylines做了一张系守镇的地图 在修改了一个月之后。。。其实都是在WOT和舰C。。。反正用了游戏时间30多个小时,做出了完成版。 最花时间的就是地形还有河流,路网是用贴图MOD,将官方MV里的地图截图放大后直接对齐、套入画的,河流是实在造不出小桥流水那样的感觉,只能做成大河一样。。。 然后最大的问题是地图编辑器里面编辑地图不能画高速公路之外的道路,也不能画隧道,所以完成体的地图其实是做成了存...
Хрущевка 5 этажей
Created by Garakiro
Хрущевка 5 этажей by zakirov.edgar...
Created by m_riwo
うーちゃん☆わ~るど市長選ポスター掲示板です。 公園の項目に追加されます。 --【注意】--------------------------------- 使用するには下のアセットもサブスクライブしてください。 単体でも設置はできますが、掲示板が表示されません(多分)。 うーちゃん☆わ~るど市長選ポスター掲示板 -----------------------------------...
Created by m_riwo
うーちゃん☆わ~るどカントリーサインです。 公園の項目に追加されます。 お借りした絵↓ ・看板の位置を道路側にずらしています ・そのため道路によっては路上駐車がつっこんできます ・ずれているので、看板の位置をクリックしても選択できません ・情報ビューで「レジャー施設」を表示させると、設置されているマスが分かりやすいです [検索用] うきょち・大福...
Created by m_riwo
うーちゃん☆わ~るど市長選ポスターver.2です。 このアセットは単体で設置できます。 ----------------------- 2015/04/19のlv218071835にて、 立候補らしきコメントが確認できた、 うぐいすさんと、みなみちゃんさんを勝手に追加しました。 問題があれば消します。 もし漏れた方がいたらごめんなさい。 また立候補しーてね。 ...
お祭り屋台 - YATAI -
Created by [JP]@sayaka
お祭り用のPropです。 ・たこ焼き屋台 - TAKOYAKI - ・わたあめ屋台 - Cotton Candy - ・焼きそば屋台 -YAKISOBA- ・金魚すくい屋台 -KINGYO- 一応、夜間照明も設定してあります。 ※アセット制作 初心者の為 不慣れなので少しずつ作っています。 今後、少しずつ屋台の種類を追加する予定です。 Rezしたときにrandomでlightのcollarが変化します。  ※不具合あったらコメントでもいいので教えてください!        If there are any ...
アーケードつき個人商店(Japanese low building)
Created by chivicvtec
アトレ川越 atre building (RICO)
Created by TOKACHI269
川越駅前にあるatre川越です。ペデストリアンデッキはついていません。 <mesh info> main triss : 4731 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 59 texture size : 256x256 (defuse,illumination) atre building by TOKACHI269...
イトーヨーカドー Japanese commercial building
Created by TOKACHI269
イトーヨーカドーです。 川崎港町店がモデルです。,139.7189158,225a,35y,39.46t/data=!3m1!1e3?dcr=0 RICO commercial high Size : 14x21 workplaces : 140 construction-cost : 40000 <mesh info> main triss : 9099 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,n...
イベント用テント Japanese Event Tents
Created by TOKACHI269
イベント用テント Japanese Event Tents イベント用のテントです。白色のみです。 Japanese tent for events. Only white. <Mesh info> Main triss : 528, 1000 tex size : 512x512, 320x512 (d, n, s, a) LOD triss : 14 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 Am...
ガードパイプパック Japanese guard pipe fence pack
Created by TOKACHI269
ガードパイプパック Japanese guard pipe fence pack 日本でよく見られるガードパイプのセットです。ローポリなのでPCに優しいアセットとなっております。 気が向いたらロングverもつくるかも。 <Mesh info> Main triss : 230, 392, 158, 213, 230 tex size : 128x128 (shared) LOD triss : 10 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 https://...
Created by hakurai
2.00m間隔での設置を推奨します ガードパイプ by hakurai...
Created by hakurai
2.00m間隔での設置を推奨します ガードパイプ(ブラウン) by hakurai...
コスモス薬品_Discount Drag Cosmos
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 福岡県福岡市に本社を置くドラッグストア。 食品を多数取り扱っていることや徹底したドミナント戦略を行い急成長。 わずか2年でマザーズから東証1部へ昇格した。 Drug store "Cosmos" in Fukuoka city, Fukuoka prefecture. Large number of foods and do a thorough dominant strategy and grow rapidly. He was promoted from Mothers to...
コンビニの看板 - Convenience Store Signs -
Created by [JP]@sayaka
セブン&ローソンのポール看板です。 写真は、Ryuichi Kaminogi さんに撮ってもらいました。 by @sayaka ※不具合あったらコメントでもいいので教えてください!        If there are any problems, please point them out. 支援 Donate:
シャポー船橋南館_Shapo Funabashi
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 2018年に船橋駅の南口側に建設されたシャポー南館を再現してみました。 駅アセットが多く存在しますが、駅ビルが圧倒的に少ないため制作。 In 2018 I tried reproducing the Chapo South building which was built on the south exit side of Funabashi station. There are many station assets, but because the station build...
Created by kei_em
一部の地方ではおなじみのスガキヤが、Cities: Skylines に進出です。低密度商業区画レベル2を指定してあります。 このアセットのモデルは、 の「Cities: Skylines 10タイル目」の 749 さんが作成したものです。 #更新# パッチ 1.2.0 (After Dark) に対応しました。...
タイムズ駐車場 parking decoration pack
Created by TOKACHI269
日本でよく見かけるタイムズ駐車場の装飾プロップです。 左側通行用 <mesh info> parking gate triss : 826 tex : 512x512(d) parking adjustment machine triss : 286 tex : 256x256(d) parking times triss:130 tex : 512x512(d) parking guide1 triss : 30 tex : 128x256(d) parking guide2 triss : 28 tex...
タクシー乗り場(大・小)&バス乗り場_Taxi Stand (Big&Small) & Bus stand prop
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 日本のタクシー乗り場が全く存在しないために作成しました。 ※そもそもほとんどタクシー乗り場がない。 バス乗り場はデジタルサイネージ型のデザインです。 propです。 Created because there is no Japanese taxi stand. * There are almost no taxi ranks in the first place. This bus stop has a digital signage design. prop. ■メモ(Mem...
ニコイチモータース (japanese)
Created by hakurai
ニッポンレンタカー(Japanese Car Rental Shop)
Created by hakurai
Commercial Low Level1(2×2) 不具合や気になる点、要望等がございましたらこちらへ ニッポンレンタカー by hakurai08...
ネットワーク法面 Network JP retaining wall
Created by TOKACHI269
アップデートでMODが必要になりました。サブスクお願いします。 右側通行だとEnd部分がおかしくなるかも。8mの高さで設置されます。 Wall01 right by TOKACHI269...
ネットワーク路面標示 Network road marking
Created by TOKACHI269
日本住宅パック Japanese low residential house pack ゼブラの路面標示のネットワークバージョンです。Decal verと合わせて使うことがおすすめです。 It is a network version of Zebra's road marking. It is recommended to use it together with Decal ver. アップグレードモードで右クリックすると斜線の向きを変えることができます。 Right click in upgrade ...
バス停屋根 Bus stops
Created by TOKACHI269
バス停屋根 bus stops 2種類のバス停を追加します。一つはbus stop roofの作り直しです。骨組みとガラス部分は別プロップになっていますのでMove it!のスナップ機能で一箇所にまとめてから設置してください。 add two bus stops.One is remake of bus stop roof. Since the skeleton and the glass part are separate props, please set it up in one place with...
フェンスパック Japanese Fences Pack
Created by TOKACHI269
日本のフェンスです。まだまだ追加する予定あり。ほしいフェンスがあればコメントで教えてくれるともしかしたら作るかもしれません。 Japanese fences pack.There are plans to add more. <Contents> フェンス(1,2,3、門) ネット(白、緑) 橋 学校 線路わきの柵 ブロック(ノーマル、低、透かしブロック、門) アコーディオンフェンス 追加:ブロック2、入口、柵板杭1、2 追加2:16m ver 追加3:8m ver <Mesh info> main tri...
ブックオフ四街道店(C)_BOOK OFF Yotsukaido
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) フリーマーケット用のアプリに押されがちな「ブックオフ」ですが、秋葉原と比較して書籍やDVDなどの購入価格の差はなくなりつつあります。 ただ、中古の買取価格は、新作を除いて1円が多く、古い本の価値はあまり重視されておりません。 エコリユースファクトリを謳っていますが、古い書籍の処分量は業界で群を抜いています。 店頭の在庫量によって値付けも変わりますが、100円で売ってる商品の99円が利益です。 Although it is "book off" which tends to be ...
ブックオフ四街道店(R)_BOOK OFF Yotsukaido
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 四街道市に実在する「ブックオフ」です。 "BOOK OFF" that exists in Yotsukaido-shi, Chiba prefecture. ■メモ(Memo) 日本のごみ処理施設は設置場所が限られており、ゲームのように乱立していません。 そこでブックオフをリサイクル施設として機能させ、街の美観を損ねないようにしたかったのが、作成したきっかけです。 The installation place of the garbage disposal facility i...
Created by hakurai
幅員のとれない道路の中央分離帯に使用できる、車両用防護柵です。 ボックスビーム by 白籟...
Created by hakurai
昔作ったやつ マツモトキヨシ by hakurai...
マンホール Japanese Manholes
Created by TOKACHI269
7種類のマンホールを追加します。 tex : 256^2 ~ 512^2 Manholes by TOKACHI269...
メッツホテル Mets hotel
Created by やばい
メッツホテル Mets hotel by やばい 渋谷駅新南口プラットフォームなし、たったメッツホテルです Shibuya Station new south entrance without platforms, only Mets Hotel 渋谷 東京 日本 Shibuya Tokyo Japan ...
井戸&浄化槽_Well&Septic tank
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 上水道があまり整備されていない地区に水道(井戸小屋)と下水(浄化槽)を供給します。 We supply water (well huts) and sewage (septic tanks) to areas where water supply is not well maintained. ■メモ(Memo) 本物は、井戸ポンプと浄化槽のブロワに電源が必要ですが、ゲーム性を重視して不要としました。 もちろん、浄化槽に道路接続とゴミ処理車を必要としません。 自分で街を作ろうとし...
Created by kei_em
ある程度以上の年齢の方にはお馴染みの下宿屋さんです。高密度住宅区画レベル1で出現します。 This prop was created by Mr. 551 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 551さんが作成したものです。 #更新# パッチ 1.2.0 (After Dark) に対応しました。...
企業ロゴセット_Corporate Logo Set
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 第一弾として、産業ごとに合計で横長タイプ68個作成しました。 容量が大きいため、使わないロゴは削除してください。 また、看板ではなくてロゴのため、自発光しません。 プロップの照明を併用してください。 要望等は受けておりません。 As the first step, we have created a total of 68 horizontally long types for each industry. Because the capacity is large, pleas...
Created by hakurai
一階が商店となっている戸建住宅です。商店は廃業しているのでResidential Low (Level1)扱いとなっております。 住宅A by hakurai...
函館(Hakodate) - Hokkaido, Japan
Created by holic.seiji
This map is based on the real city in Japan. Most of the map is realistic but some part isn't. ---- Hakodate city(函館市) is located in the south of Hokkaido island, known for its beautiful night view fron Mt.Hakodate-yama. The old star-shaped fort is called ...
北九州市 東部 Kitakyushu ,Fukuoka,JAPAN
Created by Aki2716
初めてMapを作ってみました。地元のMAPです。よろしくおねがいします。 The first    time i made a map. This is my local. thank you...
Created by hakurai
最も新しい地方銀行であり北九州市に本店を置く北九州銀行の支店をアセットにしてみました。 Office4×4(Level 2) 北九州銀行 by hakurai...
和風ショップ ×2
Created by koma
There are 2 types of Japanese style (Japanese style) shops. Growable Comlow 2×3. 和風(日本風)のショップ2種類です。 JP Lawson - JS by koma JP Misato by koma ...
商店 A (Japanese Rural Shop A)
Created by TOKACHI269
低クオリティのためずっと公開しないでいましたが少しでもアセットの足しになればと思い公開に踏み切りました。 裏面のクオリティが低いのでうまく隠してください。 <Mesh info> Main triss : 569 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar) LOD Triss : 13 texture size : 32x64 (defuse,specurar) Japanese Rural Shop A by TOKACHI269...
国鉄EF65形電気機関車 - JR貨物コキ100形貨車 + PROP
Created by TOKACHI269
VehicleとPropバージョンのセットです。 Engine 国鉄EF65形電気機関車 Freight car JR貨物コキ100形貨車 EF65はTORAKICHI-WORKS様から許可をいただき、RailSimのプラグインからコンバートして制作しました。 TORAKICHI-WORKS コンテナのテクスチャはryo5861様が製作したものです。 <Mesh info> EF65 : Main triss : 4470 texture size : 1024x2048 (defuse,normal,al...
国鉄EF65形電気機関車 - JR貨物タキ1000形貨車
Created by TOKACHI269
Engine 国鉄EF65形電気機関車 Freight car JR貨物タキ1000形貨車 EF65はTORAKICHI-WORKS様から許可をいただき、RailSimのプラグインからコンバートして制作しました。 TORAKICHI-WORKS <Mesh info> EF65 : Main triss : 4470 texture size : 1024x2048 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD Triss : 14 texture size ...
墓地 Japanese Cemetery
Created by TOKACHI269
日本の墓地です。 <mesh info> Cemetery triss : 1194, 1010, 1065, 1112, 1058 tex : 512 x 512(d,a) Cemetery(single) triss : 116, 92, 1065, 1112, 1058 tex : 512 x 512(d,a) Stone Paving triss : 10 tex : 256 x 256(d,n) Japanese Cemetery by TOKACHI269...
大きい駐車場  羽田風 ver0.1 /Large Parking
Created by relativity
羽田空港にある駐車場を参考に作成したものです。再現ではないので色々と違いがあります。 また未完成なのであしからず...
大きい駐車場  羽田風 ver1.0 /Large Parking
Created by relativity
羽田空港にある駐車場を参考に作成したものです。再現ではないので色々と違いがあります。 LODの設定、大きさの調整、after darkへの対応を行ないました...
Created by chivicvtec
高密度住宅で追加されます   初投稿ですのでクオリティーはよくないですが ぜひ使ってやってください...
大きい駐車場  羽田風2 ver1.0 /Large Parking
Created by relativity
羽田空港にある駐車場を参考に作成したものです。再現ではないので色々と違いがあります。 照明を追加しただけの手抜きです...
Created by torugatoru
富士山 (Fujiyama),(Fudziyama-(Latin) /map
Created by The_Ping
The main problem of this card is that the editor to restrict the height of the so sorry that I can not convey the beauty 富士山 (Fujiyama),(Fudziyama-(Latin) <<<The card does not require mods>>> 富士山(ふじさん、英語:Mount Fuji)は、静岡県(富士宮市、裾野市、富士市、御殿場市、駿東郡小山町)と、山梨県(富士吉田...
奥日光ver1.0(Oku nikkou Japan 13km x 13km h:1000-2500m)
Created by 青7号
奥日光の標高1000mくらいから上を再現した日本風マップです。第1いろは、第2いろは、金精峠のカーブもほぼすべて再現しています。第一はかなり無理がありましたが。13km四方で標高が3分の2ですので、かなり横に広いですがかなり再現できるのではないかと思います。81Tileや木の無限modを入れてください。 日本庭園テーマでやってますけどいいですね。 I reproduced the altitude of 1,000 m to 1,500 m at Oku-Nikko. Below 1000 m is in ...
寺院 Japanese temple
Created by TOKACHI269
It will be added to level1 unique buildings. 日本でよく見かける寺院です。 ユニーク施設レベル1に追加されます。 自由な配置にしたい方は検索MODでtempleと調べてください 。 <mesh info> 本堂 triss : 1642 tex : 1024x1024(d) 山門 triss : 454 tex : 512x256(d,n) 石灯籠 triss:136 tex : 64x256(d.n) 鐘楼 triss : 734 tex : 512x512(d...
Created by 白鷺
幅の狭い小さな踏切道です。 種類→(?) 線路間の道路→踏切板 線路への道路→踏切道 で登録してあります。 ☆第四種踏切のprop
小型公園 1x2 -Small Park-
Created by oitan
-Small Park- 小型の公園です -タグ変更のため上げ直しました-...
小学校 JP Elementary School
Created by TOKACHI269
小学校 JP Elementary School 小学校です。本校舎、副校舎、職員室は共通のテクスチャを使っており、ひとまとめのものと個別のものが含まれています。 Find it!でJPESと検索してください。 It is elementary school. The main school building, the secondary school building, and the staff room use a common texture. and include collective and ...
屋上看板セット_Rooftop sign set
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) そろそろ屋上看板のラインナップが欲しくなってきたので30個作りました。 日本の動画サイトの屋上プロップは、私が独占しますよ。 I've started to want a lineup of rooftop signs, so I made 30. I'm monopolizing the rooftop props of Japanese video sites. ■メモ(Memo) 夜は点灯します。照明は上に設置したので、地上に設置しても問題無いデザインです。 少しサイズを小...
川崎市 ゴミ収集車 Kawasaki Garbage Truck
Created by TOKACHI269
I am fixing the illumination texture with the cooperation of Moofers. thanks! Kawasaki Garbage Truck 川崎市環境局のごみ収集車です。音楽はなりません。聞こえた人は病気です。 <Mesh info> Main triss : 2046 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specular,illumination) LOD triss : 18 texture...
工事現場 PROP PACK (japanese Construction prop pack)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本の工事現場を再現するためのpropです。 コーンバーやフェンス等はPLTで違和感なく引くことが出来ます。 内容 コーン、 コーンバー、矢印プレート、ユニットハウス、仮設トイレ、敷き鉄板、仮設パネル、A型バリケード、パイプバリケード、足場、ネット、看板 お題箱(asset request) 工事現場 PROP PACK (japanese Construction prop pack) by TOKACHI269...
市役所(Japanese City Office)
Created by hakurai
人口5万人くらいの市の市役所をイメージして制作しました。 Unique Building Level5 Please set CityOfficeRoof and CityOfficeSign by yourself. 市役所(Japanese City Office) by hakurai...
Created by haou1945
店先の商品棚セット Product shelf pack
スーパーやドラッグストアによくある商品棚です。 店先に置くと良い感じになります。 店先商品棚00 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
新潟市再現マップ Niigata City v1.2
Created by takkerue
Niigata is the capital city of Niigata Prefecture, Japan. The Shinano River and Agano River flow through the city. 新潟市の中心部 約10km四方の地形を再現しました。 スタート地点は新潟中央ICのあたり。 道路は高速道路と新潟BP、R116、県道2号線が予め用意されています。 鉄道はJR信越線・白新線・越後線・上越新幹線と、新潟交通電車線。...
新築の相対式近郊駅 Newly Suburban Station and Facing Platform
Created by n_mosimo
After Dark 対応版はこちら/For After Dark ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010年以降に立て替えられた、という設定の近郊地域駅です。 性能はデフォルトの鉄道駅と変わりません。 サイズは...
新築の相対式近郊駅(夜間照明対応版) Newly Suburban Station and Facing Platform for AFTER DARK DLC
Created by n_mosimo
夜間照明に対応しました。Updated for After Dark. 2010年以降に立て替えられた、という設定の近郊地域駅です。 性能はデフォルトの鉄道駅と変わりません。 サイズは12x4ですが、デフォルトの車両は全両収まります。 ホームのそばに通過線を設置するといったギミックも可能です。 A suburban station in Japan, like a rebuilt one in 2010's. All capacity is not changed. Size is 12 x 4, so a...
日本のパーキングチケット発給機 Parking Meter Jp01
Created by stmSantana
* Japanese asset 路上駐車場(時間制限駐車区間)用チケット発券機パーキングメーター Cities:Skylinesの一般道路にはパーキングメーターPropがあるのを知っていますか? (街路樹付き道路などには駐車禁止の標識が立っていて、パーキングメーターは出てこない) このPropは日本...
Created by koma
It's a 3-pack of Japanese shops. Kobayashi Cycle and Chuka Narimitsu are for corner lot. Move it! Please adjust the setting with. 日本の商店3種パックです。 小林サイクル、中華成光は角地用です。Move it! で調整して設置して下さい。 JP Shop kobayashi 小林サイクル JP Shop narimitsu 中華成光 JP Shop shimofusaya 下総屋...
日本の歩道橋(japanese footbridge)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本の歩道橋です。 propなので人は通りません。 tris : 1008 textures size : 512x512 (defuse,normal,specular,color,alpha) footbridge by TOKACHI269...
日本の現代的消防署 Japanese Modern Fire Station
Created by n_mosimo
昭和の高度成長期の香りがまだ漂う、古臭い消防署です。 性能はデフォルトと変わりません。また、旗はなびきません。 The quaint fire station with 1960's Japanese architecture. All efficiency is not changed, and flags cannot flutter. 旗がないバージョンはこちら No-Flags Version is here
日本の現代的消防署(国旗なし) Japanese Modern Fire Station (without Flag)
Created by n_mosimo
パソコン等にも優しいバージョンです。性能に差異はありません。 For PC. There's no different from
日本の街頭消火器 Shoukaki Jp01
Created by stmSantana
* Japanese asset 日本の街角にある消火器、街頭消火器というらしいです。 設置している自治体などによりデザインが違うようで、都内でも区によって様々みたいです。(参考:東京いろんな消火器めぐり) この赤箱一眼一本足のものは世田谷や品川、目黒で見かけます。避難先の表示シールは目黒区の中でもシンプルなデザインものにしました。 ============================================= Polygon: 26 (LOD 16 ) Texture: 512x512 px ...
日本の現代的警察署 Japanese Modern Police Station
Created by n_mosimo
普段の作り方と変えたために窓のテクスチャがとても汚いですが、どうかご容赦ください。 I apologize for very disgraceful window textures because I've changed a method of making and missed for the Render Baking on Blender. I'm so sorry. -------------------------- 都内のある警察署を基にした、現代的な警察署です。 職員数・警察車両・水道・電力...
日本の路側式標識 Japanese Traffic Sign Pack
Created by Krakow131
サブスクライブ非推奨 本アセットは移行しました、これよりサブスクライブされる方は下記のアセットを推奨します
日本の警察署 (Japanese police station)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本の警察署です。目白警察署がモデルです。 <mesh info> main triss : 2470 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 89 texture size : 128x128 (defuse,illumination) ...
日本の近郊小学校 Japanese Suburban Elementary School
Created by n_mosimo
After Dark 対応版はこちら/For After Dark ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 480人の子供が学習可能。プールはありません。 480 ppls of children can study. ...
日本の近郊小学校(夜間照明対応版) Japanese Suburban Elementary School for AFTER DARK DLC
Created by n_mosimo
夜間照明の変更に対応しました。Updated for After Dark. 480人の子供が学習可能。プールはありません。 480 ppls of children can study. Swimming pool for education is not installed in the facility. ゲームでは9年制みたいですが、建物および人数は6年制で設計されています。 A structure and capacity is designed on the Japanese 6 grades ...
日本の高速道路標識 Japanese Roadside Sign For Highway
Created by Nigorilla
高速道路向けの大きめの警戒標識10種と、その他の標識4種のセットです。前者は高速道路向きのサイズで作ってるので一般道路にはサイズが合わないと思いますが、後者は、一般道路でも中央分離帯などに設置して使えるかと思います 警戒標識 JPTS_R400L 左屈曲あり(補助看板付) JPTS_R400R 右屈曲あり(補助看板付) JPTS_Syasengensyo_H 左から車線数減少(補助標識付) JPTS_SyasengensyoR_H 右から車線数減少(補助標識付) JPTS_GoryuariL 左から合流交通...
日本住宅パック Japanese low residential house pack
Created by TOKACHI269
日本住宅パック Japanese low residential house pack ファイルサイズが大きいですが、Loading Screen Modを使えば同じテクスチャのものはスキップしてくれるのでそこまでメモリーは消費しないと思います。 Although the file size is large, if use Loading Screen Mod, I will skip the same texture thing, so I think that memory will not be c...
日本 村田町・柴田町・大河原町
Created by pentliumee
日本 宮城県の村田町・柴田町・大河原町のマップです。...
東横イン Japanese Business Hotel
Created by Krakow131
日本の駅前でよく見かけることのできるビジネスホテルです、観光特化地区に2x2のサイズで出現します。 RICOへの対応方法は他サイト参照 ...
松の落葉 PROP Pine fallen leaves
Created by TOKACHI269
松の落葉 Pine fallen leaves 松の落葉です。Propなのでdecalと重ねてもチカチカすることはありません。 Pine leaves. Because it is a Prop, it will not flicker even if it is overlapped with decal. <Mesh info> Main triss : 32, 40 tex size : 256x512, 512x512 (d, n, s, a) LOD triss : 4 tex size : 64...
柏崎市 - Kashiwazaki City, Japan
Created by koinu
Kashiwazaki-shi Niigata Pref. Japan - LATEST VERSION! - There are 0.6 millions of trees in this map. It may causes lower-FPS. - There is not Highway connection in your first tile. 2017/02/28 Rev.2: Now, trees and the mountains are little more realistic. Th...
柴山第二~三ビル_Shibayama 2~3 Building(Fictitious)
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 柴山第二~三ビル 今回のビルは、新宿歌舞伎町にありそうな建蔽率80%、容積率800%を目一杯利用したペンシルビルです。 幅7m、奥行29m、高さ31mサイズで、ゲーム内で1×4マスとなります。 小柄ながらも、ベンチ、看板、貯水槽、換気フード、段ボール、雨除け、ペントハウス、物置小屋、避雷針、灰皿、TVアンテナにもこだわっております。 柴山第二ビルは、テナントがほとんど入っていない雑居ビルです。 一階の書店と四階の興信所のみしか入居しておらず、屋上看板も撤去されております。労働人口...
柴山第四~五ビル_Shibayama 4~5th Building
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 柴山第四~五ビル 第二~三ビルタイプを低くしたもので、正面以外は大きく変わりません。 テナントは1990年頃の大阪の恵美須町を想定しています。 懐かしいと思っていただければ幸いです。 柴山第四ビルは、テナントが多い雑居ビルです。 小さいながらも郵便局と電器店が入居しています。労働人口15名(RICO) 縦型屋上看板_Vertical rooftop sign をいれなくても、屋上がさみしくなるだけなのでお好みでどうぞ。 柴山第五ビルは、何が入っているかよくわかりませんので、繁華街...
柴山第六~七ビル_Shibayama 6~7th Building
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 宮城県仙台市青葉区国分町にあるクライスビルがモデルとなっています。 実際の写真がないため、テナントや階数などはディフォルメされております。 The model is the Krys Building in Kokubuncho, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. Since there are no actual photos, tenants and floors are deformed. ■メモ(Memo) 作成したきっかけ...
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
横浜青葉JCT風JCT by adlert33096r...
止まれ Decal
Created by MakuraKuu
止まれ(STOP) Decal_japanese road marking...
段差スロープ Safety Slopes
Created by TOKACHI269
段差スロープ Safety Slope 段差用のスロープです。高さが10cmと15cmのものが含まれており、10cm verは紺野つかささんが制作された JP 4m Tiny Roads KT201 用に調整してあります。 他に必要なものがあれば言ってくれれば10%くらいの確率で採用するかも。 Slope for the step. 10cm and 15cm heights are included, and the 10cm ver is adjusted for JP 4m Tiny Roads KT...
法面 (Wall01)
Created by TOKACHI269
埋まった状態で設置されるのでmove itでちょうどいい高さに上げてお使いください。 Wall01 by TOKACHI269...
渋谷駅 新南口 Shibuya station new south entrance(Shibuya station series)
Created by やばい
渋谷駅 新南口 Shibuya station new south entrance by やばい お久しぶりです! 遅くなってすみません。今度のアセットは渋谷駅新南口です、お楽しみください。 次のアセットは渋谷東急です。 ご注意ください: すべてのプラットフォームを使われるために,Advanced Stop Selection (ex MTSE)を使ってください。 This is shibuya station new south entrance.Just in case, I don't have a...
漁港 (Japanese Fishing harbor)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本によくある漁港です。工業propのタブに追加されます。 <mesh info> ship main triss : 2584 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,) LOD triss : 70 texture size : 128x128 (defuse,) ship(small) main triss : 1116 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar) LOD ...
田んぼパック Rice field packs
Created by TOKACHI269
Rice fields 4種類の田んぼアセット(3色)、休耕地、あぜ道、用水路、橋などを追加します。遠景でも表示されます。 add four types of Rice fields (three colors), fallow land, Rice field footpath, irrigation canal, bridge and so on. displayed in the distant view. 地面が貫通してしまうときはClipping Networkをお使いください。 Please u...
Created by hakurai
異常気象時通行規制標識 by hakurai...
直根島 Naone Island
Created by TOKACHI269
直根島 Naone Island 以前使ったマップですがセーブデータが読み込めなかったので作り直しました。高速道路は適当なのである程度開発したら引き直してね。瀬戸内海の直島をベースですが一部改変しています。3枚のスクショは完成参考図です。 Although it was a map used before, the saved data could not be read, so it was remade. The highway is Sloppy, so please redraw it after ...
石橋斎場_Ishibashi Funeral Hall
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 茨城県つくばみらい市谷井田にあるセレモニー石橋会館です。 遺族部屋11畳バス・トイレ完備、霊安室完備で比較的新しい施設です。 Ceremony Ishibashi Kaikan in Taniida, Tsukuba Mirai, Ibaraki Prefecture. Survivor's room 11 tatami bath and toilet fully equipped, it is a relatively new facility with a complete ...
Created by 白鷺
日本のローカル線などにある警報機のないタイプの踏切です。 ×の表示、簡易的な遮断機、注意喚起の標識の3点セットです。 修景と災害内の(?)の項目を漁るか、「第四種踏切」で検索をすれば出てきます。 幅の狭い踏切道のpropはこちら
簡易改札Simple ticket gate
Created by やばい
簡易改札Simple ticket gate by やばい 簡易改札出場型と入場型です。 Simple ticket gate entrance type and exit type. 熊本 日本 Kumamoto Japan updated log: \出場型text color corrected...
縦型屋上看板_Vertical rooftop sign
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 屋上で見かける縦型の看板です。 今回からディテールを正しく表現することにしました。 H型鋼、ブレース、プレート、照明計画、LODデータ 看板の種類は10種類あります。 Vertical signboard seen on the roof. I decided to express the details correctly from this time. H-shaped steel, brace, plate, lighting plan, LOD data There ar...
繁華街プロップ_Bustling street Prop
Created by shibakata
■セット内容 2vs1 wall sign_2対1型壁面看板 001~021 3vs2 wall sign_3対2型壁面看板 001~006 A type sign_A型看板 001~010 Beer Case_ビールケース Made by Kaminogi Financial sleeve sign_金融袖看板 001~013 Garbage collection site_ゴミ集積場 Illumination sign_電飾看板 001~010 Illumination sign2_電飾看板 001~0...
自動改札機 ticket gate pack(shibuya station series)
Created by やばい
自動改札機 ticket gate pack by やばい 3種類の自動改札があります:JREM製のEG2 IC専用方、切符·IC共用方と東京メトロ方。 各種類には、開いた状態と閉じた状態の2つの状態があります。 There are 3 type ticket gates in this pack:JREM EG20 IC only type,common type and Tokyo metro type. Each type has two states:open and closed. Hope yo...
瀬谷駅 (seya station)
Created by TOKACHI269
相鉄線-瀬谷駅 2面4線です。周辺を平らにしてから置かないと高確率で車両が暴れます。 update: 3/19 fixed LOD. 10/1 added illumination. triss : 5217 texture size : 2048x2048 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 182 texture size : 128x128 (defuse) seya station by TOKACHI269...
蒼穹のファフナー(soukyuu no Fafner)竜宮島 (tatsumiya Island)
Created by nakanokouga
色丹島 Шикотан
Created by Komichi Aya
色丹島 Шикотан...
逆L字型橋脚No.01 - side pillar [dark 1-elevated]
高架用の橋脚です. 高さ:1段階 NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillar asset for overpass. height:1-elevated You need "NoPillars" MOD. please put it anywhere you want to do, and Construct "...
逆L字型橋脚No.02 - side pillar [dirty 1-elevated]
高架用の橋脚です. 高さ:1段階 NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillar asset for overpass. height:1-elevated You need "NoPillars" MOD. please put it anywhere you want to do, and Construct "...
Created by hakurai
幹線道路によく設置されている門型タイプの進行方向通行区分標識のプロップです。駐車スペース無しの片側4車線道路向けに設計しております。 This is a Japanese traffic sign for traveling direction indicator. It is designed for four lane roads. 進行方向別通行区分 by hakurai08...
Created by hakurai
幹線道路によく設置されている逆L型タイプの進行方向通行区分標識のプロップです。片側3車線道路向けに設計しております。 This is a Japanese traffic sign for traveling direction indicator. It is designed for three lane roads. 進行方向別通行区分2 by hakurai08...
Created by hakurai
進行方向別通行区分3 by hakurai08...
Created by hakurai
進行方向別通行区分4 by hakurai08...
Created by hakurai
進行方向別通行区分5 by hakurai08...
野立て看板 [01-05] signboard_[01-05]
Created by Gozy
野立て看板 signboard_ ロードサイドの野立て看板です。 ・5つの看板がセットになっています。 ・サイズはH2700×W5400 ・脚の部分の高さはデフォルトでは2500になっていますが、+1000までは伸ばせるようになっています。 ・Japanese advertising board ■検索用────── ・野立て看板 ・案内 ・billboard ・Signboard ────────── ■日本の看板一覧はこちら
野立て看板 [06-10] signboard_[06-10]
Created by Gozy
ロードサイド用の野立て看板です。 ・5つの看板がセットになっています。 ・サイズはH2100×W3600 ・[01-05]よりも一回り小さいサイズになっています ・脚の部分の高さはデフォルトでは2500になっていますが、+1000までは伸ばせるようになっています ・Japanese advertising board ■検索用────── ・野立て看板 ・案内 ・billboard ・Signboard ────────── ■日本の看板一覧はこちら
門型橋脚No.01 - gate pillars [H1xW2]
高架用の橋脚です. 高さ:1段階 幅:2レーン道路(2マス) NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillar asset for overpass. height:1-elevated width:2grid 2-lane road can pass under it. its height is for 1-ele...
門型橋脚No.02 - gate pillars [H1xW3]
高架用の橋脚です. 高さ:1段階 幅:高速道路(3マス) NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillar asset for overpass. height:1-elevated width:3grid highway can pass under it. its height is for 1-elevated ...
門型橋脚No.03 - gate pillars [H1xW4]
高架用の橋脚です. 高さ:1段階 幅:6レーン道路(4マス) NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillar asset for overpass. height:1-elevated width:4grid 6-lane road can pass under it. its height is for 1-ele...
Created by asdfghjkl
門型_トンネル by asdfghjkl...
関門海峡「北九州・下関」Kitakyushu-Shimonoseki area
Created by Axo to the Maxo
関門海峡(かんもんかいきょう)は、本州の下関市(山口県)と九州の北九州市(福岡県)を隔てる海峡 - Wikipediaより Kanmon Staight is a straight that seperates the Islands Honshu (Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi prefecture) and Kyushu (Kitakyushu, Fukuoka prefecture) in Japan. このゲームの中にトンネルとかあってほしいいな。。。 Have Fun!...
Created by miyabin_3
雑居ビル併設地下鉄駅(夜間照明対応版) Subway Station with Office Building for AFTER DARK DLC
Created by n_mosimo
夜間照明に対応しました。Updated for After Dark. 東京のある駅を元にした地下鉄駅です。性能はデフォルトのままです。 The subway station based on a station of Tokyo. All capacity is not changed. 商業・オフィスの機能はありません。 It does not work as a commercial or an office building. 注意 Attention 斜面に設置した場合、土地の傾斜に沿ってビルが大...
雑居ビル併設地下鉄駅 Subway Station with Office Building
Created by n_mosimo
After Dark 対応版はこちら/For After Dark ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 東京のある駅を元にした地下鉄駅です。性能はデフォルトのままです。 The subway station base...
電柱 Draggable utility poles
Created by TOKACHI269
電柱が消えるバグを修正しました デフォの電線のように自由に引けるタイプの電柱です。道路の上に引きたい場合はFine Road Anarchyを導入する必要があります。広告付きのものとそうでないもの2種類あり。 Fine Road Anarchy: utility pole(no AD) by TOKACHI269...
首都高拡張 SHUTO EXPWY Extensions
Created by TOKACHI269
For Elite players only! Please let me know if you need anything else. 設置がとても大変なので操作になれている人向けです。白線はこれで頑張ってください。他に必要なものがあったら教えてね。 sound barrier, curve arrow, indivisible lane, no function Elevated SHUTO EXPWY by TOKACHI269...
首都高情報板_Shuto Expressway sign
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 東京都にある首都高速道路の混雑状況を説明する情報表示板です。 こちらは高速道路ではなく、一般道路に設置されているタイプです。 Information display board explaining the congestion situation of the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway in Tokyo. This is not an expressway, but a type installed on a general road. 2パタ...
首都高標識 SHUTO EXPWY Signs
Created by TOKACHI269
SHUTO EXPWY Signs 2車線, 2+2車線, 3車線 <Mesh info> Main triss : 372 texture size : 512 x 256 (defuse,normal,specurar) SHUTO EXPWY sign by TOKACHI269...
首都高速 標識 (shuto express highway guide sign)
Created by TOKACHI269
首都高速の看板です。往復2車線用です。高架高速に設置するときはmove it!で調整してください。 triss : 396 texture size : 512x512 (defuse,normal) shutoko guide sign by TOKACHI269...
高架用 門型橋脚 side pillars for overpass [1elevated]
高架用の橋脚です. NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillars asset for overpass. You need "NoPillars" MOD. please put it anywhere you want to do, and Construct "floating road". You can ...
高架道路用 逆L字型橋脚 side pillar [2elevated]
高架用の橋脚です. NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillar asset for overpass. You need "NoPillars" MOD. please put it anywhere you want to do, and Construct "floating road". You can f...
Created by hakurai
Main model Tris: 720 Texture size: 256x256 LOD model Tris: 162 Texture size: 32x32 donate PayPal ofuse 高欄_kouran by hakurai...
경복궁 행랑 세트 Korean Palace Package
Created by TAEMIN B
경복궁 행랑 세트 Korean Palace Package 경복궁 행랑 세트 Korean Palace Package 조선의 법궁이였던 경복궁의 행랑과 회랑, 복도각 등으로 구성된 패키지입니다. 17조각으로 구성된 행랑 세트로 좀더 현실에 가까운 근정전과 강녕전 사정전, 그리고 경회루 인근 지역을 비롯한 경복궁 전체를 만들 수 있습니다. 이 패키지는 대단히 자유롭기 때문에, 조선의 궁궐뿐만 아니라, 여러분만의 궁궐도 창조해 보세요! This is a pack...
(PROP) JP Store flag pack
Created by koma
It is a "nobori flag" that is likely to be found in Japanese shopping areas and sightseeing spots. 11 types included. 日本の商店街、観光地などにありそうな「のぼり旗」です。 11種類同梱。 The design of the flag is original. The sense is bad, but please use it if you like. 旗のデザインはオリジナルです。セン...
"Love" Sculpture
Created by Giggle Pudding
"Love" sculpture is an iconic pop art piece designed by Robert Indiana seen all over the world. This asset is a park with two benches and two hang around zones. 1x1 100k to build 100 for low, med, and high wealth tourists. Entertainment accumulation is 100...
( PROP ) JP Rural bus stop / 田舎のバス停
Created by koma
It is a bus stop that seems to be located along the country road. Three types are included. 田舎の道路沿いにポツンとありそうなバス停です。 3種類同梱。 JP Rural bus stop 01 ~ 03 by koma3 ...
( PROP ) JP Roadside station prop / 道の駅プロップパック
Created by koma
It is a prop pack such as a toilet in a roadside station. Three kinds of signboards are included. Please use the signboard you like. 道の駅のトイレなどのプロップパックです。 看板は3種類同梱しています。お好みの看板をお使い下さい。 JP Roadside station toilet / トイレ JP EV Charge stand / EV充電スタンド JP tssign ...
( PROP ) JP Suburb shop pack
Created by koma
It is a prop that can set up a store in various buildings. 15 types included. いろいろな建物に商店を設置できるプロップです。 15種類同梱。 JP prop cherry  スナック チェリー JP prop ekimae  駅前調剤薬局 JP prop fukuda  福田泉月堂 JP prop ichiryu  中華料理 一龍 JP prop kaminoyu  上の湯商店 JP prop kudo  工藤畳店 JP prop...
🎍門松🎍 Kadomatsu
Created by TOKACHI269
Kadomatsu 門松 門松です。おまけでのぼりもついています。 Kadomatsu is the New Year’s decorative pine branches. a little something extra Banner. <Mesh info> Main triss : 314 tex size : 256x512, 320x512 (d, n, s, a) LOD triss : 12 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 http...
( PROP ) JP Garage 01~04 pack / 車庫4種パック
Created by koma
It's a garage prop. 4 types included. For housing in suburbs and vacant space in densely populated area. 車庫のプロップです。4種類同梱。 郊外の住宅や、住宅密集地の空きスペースなどに。 If grass grows on the ground after installing a garage, please use either Mod. 車庫を設置した際、地面に草が生える場合はどちらかのModをご利...
( PROP ) Transportation business logo / 運送業ロゴ
Created by koma
It is a prop of the transportation business logo. Includes 6 types. Please use it for distribution warehouses and others. JP Logo Daiichi-kamotsu 第一貨物 JP Logo Fukuyama 福山通運 JP Logo Tonami トナミ運輸 JP Logo Seino 西濃運輸 JP Logo Senko センコー JP Logo Yamato ヤマト運輸 運送業...
( PROP ) JP Suburb shop pack 2
Created by koma
It is a prop that can set up a store in various buildings. Add 10 types. いろいろな建物に商店を設置できるプロップです。 10種類を追加します。 JP prop ai ビューティーサロン あい JP prop amano おみやげ 天野商店 JP prop bisyodo 美粧堂 JP prop choju 長寿庵 JP prop dynamic ダイナミック産業 JP prop kimagure 喰い処 きまぐれ家 JP prop m...
( PROP ) JP Various Signboard / 町内会掲示板・看板各種
Created by koma
It is a bulletin board and a signboard of the neighborhood association which seems to be in a residential area in Japan. There are 2 kinds of bulletin boards and 17 kinds of signboards. 日本の住宅街にありそうな町内会の掲示板と看板です。 掲示板2種類、看板17種類です。 6/22 I added two kinds. 6/2...
( RANDOM ) JP Random shop pack
Created by koma
When installing, stores will be displayed randomly. The move adjustment with Move it! Is easy, so I think you can create a store smoothly. shop A ~ D 4 types included. The same shop prop may be displayed in succession. Please note. 設置する際、店舗がランダムに表示されます。 Mo...
( RANDOM PROP ) JP Random shop prop pack
Created by koma
It is a prop that can set up a shop randomly in various buildings. 4 types included. The same store may be displayed continuously. Please note. いろいろな建物に商店をランダムに設置できるプロップです。 4種類同梱。 同じ店舗が連続して表示されることもあります。ご了承ください。 We received tips and advice from TOKACHI 269 ...
( RICO ) JP Country elevator / カントリーエレベーター
Created by koma
Japan's country elevators are facilities for storing rice harvested by farmers. RICO set. It's 4 × 9 sizes. 日本のカントリーエレベーターは農家が収穫した米を貯蔵する施設です。 RICO設定済み。4×9マスです。 ...
[Deprecated] Curve Arrow Signs
Created by Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Curve Sign - Left
Created by Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Lane Ends Sign - Left
Created by Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Curve Sign - Right
Created by Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
[Deprecated] Lane Ends Sign - Right
Created by Spence!
This asset and more can now be found in the DOT Collection. Please check it out! I think you'll prefer to subscribe to the assets there instead....
(JP-Asset No.2)パーキングメーター
Created by hakurai
(JP-Asset No.3)Japanese Medical Clinic
Created by hakurai
ありそうで無かった日本の診療所のアセットです。 Spec Electricity Consumption 30 Construction Cost: 10000 Fire Hazard: 1 Fire Tolerance: 20 Garbage Accumulation: 10 Maintenance Cost: 3000 Water Sewage Accumulation: 20 Water Consumption: 20 Workers Uneducated: 8 Educated: 17 Well E...
(JP-Asset No.5)Japanese Route number information sign
Created by hakurai
幹線道路によくあるヤツです(適当) 不具合や気になる点、要望等がございましたらこちらへ
Created by MakuraKuu
売り地の看板っぽいのです。industrialタブに入ります。 空き地などにどうぞ。 japanese Selling billboard. texture 512x512...
Created by hakurai
(JR E235系) JR East E235 Series
Created by JSF-1
The E235 Series are one of Japan Rail East's newest fleet of trains. Introduced in 2015 these trains are replacing the old E231-500 series. These trains can be frequently found on Tokyo's Yamanote Line brandishing the lines signature Green colour. NEW! E23...
(OLD ver)Utsunomiya ver0.001 Japan tochigi pref.
Created by mikaduki
new version This map is made for myself. Utsunomiya is my hometown. Utsunomiya is located nearly 100 km north of Tokyo and nearly 40 km southeast of Nikko. this map includes ,,,. this map Does...
Created by Konno Model
(prop) CROWN COMFORT taxi The prop with the height of -30 cm is also enclosed. クラウンコンフォートのタクシープロップになります。 道路上に置いても浮かないよう、高さを-30cmしたモノも同封しております。 1000ポリゴン以内に収めるのは意外と難しいですね。...
(PROP) Toyota Tercel 1
Created by Archie Cuntingham
Solid colour variant...
(PROP) Toyota Tercel 2
Created by Archie Cuntingham
2-Tone variant...
(Random prop) JP Random japanese style shop prop
Created by koma
It is a prop that can set up a shop randomly in various buildings. 2 types included. いろいろな建物に商店をランダムに設置できるプロップです。 2種類同梱。...
(Random) JP Random japanese style shop
Created by koma
When installing, stores will be displayed randomly. shop JS-A ~ JS-D 4 types included. Please go to the hot spring area and sightseeing spots. 設置する際、店舗がランダムに表示されます。 shop JS-A~JS-D 4種類同梱。 温泉街や観光地などにどうぞ。...
-BROKEN- Godzilla 1998 Cities Protector
Created by pepezilla
English Godzilla 1998 Cities Protector by Pepezilla One of your citizen has adopted a new pet, you don't fear of his shadow ? You win a good protector, if you have lot of fish ! 3D model of Zilla is me, please to say if you want share a other version . (th...
1 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3
Created by stockjr97
Level 3 version....
1 Narrow Suburban House lvl3
Created by stockjr97
Level 3 version....
109 men's 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
109 men's 渋谷 東京 by やばい 2011年、「109-2」が名前を変え、メンズファッションビルとしてリニューアル。渋谷駅のハチ公口のスクランブル交差点を渡ってすぐに立ち、地下2階から地上7階に、アパレルだけでなくアクセサリーや雑貨など、オトコの渋谷系ファッションに欠かせない全50ブランドが軒を連ねる。 The building, located just across the street from Shibuya Station, opened in April 1979. The arch...
109 men's screen 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
109 men's screen by やばい 109 men's screenです、ビデオはPerfumeさんのMVです、これは次のアセットで使うpropです、お楽しみにしてください。 This is 109 men's screen, the vedio is from japanese girl group perfume's mv, and this prop will be used in the next Shibuya building. Enjoy^_^ update log: detail...
10A-464D83-2P-V5 (RICO version)
Created by 10Avoid
10A-464D83-2P-V5 by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. Typical soviet building 464D series. Info Residential High Level - 3 Size - ...
10A-464D86-4P-9E-V1 (RICO version)
Created by 10Avoid
10A-464D86-4P-9E-V1 by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. Typical soviet building 464D86 series. Info Residential High Level - 3 Si...
10A-HR-CP-335-N4-HR by 10Avoid
Created by 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-335-N4-HR by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and...
Created by 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-464D80-N1 by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and...
111-83 9 floor Row Tenement for RICO
Created by kowkamurka
Use this with RICO mod, otherwise this asset would be just an useless monument! 111-83 row Soviet plattenhouse. INFO HDR 3 level 3x2 11 households Costs 20000 Doesn't change color. Uses custom LOD. ...
Created by 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-464D80-N2 by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and...
167m Long train station (Mass transit support ver)
Created by konfox0527
This train station is +47m more longer train station track use Move it!. (167m station track.) This asset is can use mass transit update ver. Move It!を使用して駅のホームを延長したアセットです。 Mass transitアップデートに対応したバージョンです。 Station track can most long length is 167m. Cant mo...
12m height JP1L JP2L Elevated station module V2 set
Created by konfox0527
12m高架駅モジュールJP1L JP2L V2 セット 注意 / Attention -Fine road anarchyを作動させてから設置してください。 -JP1L station track KT21とJP2L staion track KT21を必ずサブスクライブしてください。 -ED3及びED3Xの拡張タイルが発生しなくなってます。お手数ですがMoveItで動かしてくるか建設用道路を使って建ててください。 -Please use Fine road anarchy in build this st...
16m height JP1L JP2L Elevated station module V2 set
Created by konfox0527
16m高架駅モジュールJP1L JP2L V2 セット 注意 / Attention -Fine road anarchyを作動させてから設置してください。 -JP1L station track KT21とJP2L staion track KT21を必ずサブスクライブしてください。 -ED3及びED3Xの拡張タイルが発生しなくなってます。お手数ですがMoveItで動かしてくるか建設用道路を使って建ててください。 -Please use Fine road anarchy in build this st...
Created by LIME
Asset Type: Prop Thanks for the core79 plan Use of assets:
1x1 building with DOUTOR
Created by Takouma
1x1 Low commercial building with DOUTOR coffee shop on the first fioor. This asset is based on default building: L3 1x1 shop01...
2 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3
Created by stockjr97
Level 3 version....
2 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl2
Created by stockjr97
This is a 1x1 version of my Narrow Suburban House Collection. The houses are mades shorter and slightly modified. More props added for lvl2....
2 Narrow Suburban House lvl2
Created by stockjr97
This is the second house for the upcoming narrow house collection. More houses are to come. Details: Level 2 Lot size: 1x2 Tris: 612 1024x1024 JPG Textures ...
2 Narrow Suburban House lvl3
Created by stockjr97
Level 3 version....
那珂ちゃんのファンやめます。 2 Oil Drum,4 Cannonball & 11 Iron Ingot ↓CS動畫上げてます。 燃2弾4鋼11 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Created by Konno Model
2003 LINCOLN TOWN CAR 4 types of colors.(White, Black, Beige, Dark Blue) リンカーン タウンカーです。 白、黒、紺、ベージュの4色になります。 4色目は本当はゴールドのつもりですが、ベージュにしか見えないです。 ...
2017 Honda Civic
Created by ninjanoobslayer
Japanese Sport Sedan For Your Adrenaline Filled Cims Chase the road in the all new 2017 Honda Civic Sedan! This sporty car is the number one seller in the compact car category since its release. Featuring a modern forward lo...
2L Japanese Wide Width Road[β]
Created by Yoshino NY
Japanese style two-way road with a little wide lane.(No parking space) features -Original tunnel model of Semi-circular cross-section. -Original elevated model. -Real texture of Japanese style street gutters. Based for Two-Lane Road.So,This road width is t...
2x1 Kyoto Block #2 (Lv 1 High Density Commercial)
Created by BachToBaroque
2nd attempt at this asset creation thingy. Getting a better understand on texture maps at least. Dimensions seems kinda off, especially the height. Oh well. Model is based on this building. 2x1 Level 1 High Density Commericial, Growable: -357 Tris main mod...
2x1 Kyoto Block #5 (Lv1 HD.Comm)
Created by BachToBaroque
Here you go, a building that actually relates to the title :P This was orginally intended for a corner-lot but I can't get it to work properly, frustration caught up & I decided to screw that & just make it a regular 2x1 lot. I suggest you treat these as c...
2x3 Kyoto Block #3 (Lv2 Office)
Created by BachToBaroque
This buiding was really testing my 3d modelling skills but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it, and with the help I got over at Simtropolis forum I present to you my third asset. - 2 x 3, Level 2 Growable Office. - Main model: 1474 Tris. 1024x1024 D...
2x4 Kyoto Block #1 (Lv3 High Density Commercial)
Created by BachToBaroque
(03/Dec/2016): This is was my first asset. I've updated it & made some improvements. If the existing old building disappears I apologize in advance. Special thanks to Temple Of Doom a.k.a /u/kalimashookdeday for his tutorial vids. Model Stats: - 2 x 4 Grow...
3 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl2
Created by stockjr97
This is a 1x1 version of my Narrow Suburban House Collection. The houses are mades shorter and slightly modified. More props added for lvl2....
3 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3
Created by stockjr97
Level 3 version....
3 Narrow Suburban House lvl1
Created by stockjr97
This is the level 1 version of the narrow house so that the collection can be appropriate for district styles....
3 Narrow Suburban House lvl2
Created by stockjr97
This is the third house for the upcoming narrow house collection. More houses are to come. Details: Level 2 Lot size: 1x2 Tris: 646 1024x1024 JPG Textures...
3 Narrow Suburban House lvl3
Created by stockjr97
Level 3 version....
Created by LIME
未经同意,禁止搬运,如有搬运追究责任 ...
3x2 Kyoto Block #7 (Lv2 HD.Comm)
Created by BachToBaroque
Two small buildings in one lot- A domino's pizza & a generic office, great for using as 'fillers'. The domino's model is based off a mcdonalds and the office is just some random building i picked, both within kyoto city of course. This will be the last gro...
3x3C Kyoto Block #6 (Lv1 Office)
Created by BachToBaroque
'Tamaribuchi Heavy Manufacturing Concern' office branch & 7Eleven on the ground floor. Tamaribuchi was once a joint venture company with Matsumura Fishworks but decided to split after a sharp decline in sales worldwide over their bestselling product, Mr.Sp...
4 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl2
Created by stockjr97
This is a 1x1 version of my Narrow Suburban House Collection. The houses are mades shorter and slightly modified. No added props added for lvl2....
4 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl1
Created by stockjr97
This is a 1x1 version of my Narrow Suburban House Collection. The houses are mades shorter and slightly modified....
4 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3
Created by stockjr97
Level 3 version....
4 Narrow Suburban House lvl2
Created by stockjr97
This is the fourth house for the upcoming narrow house collection. More houses are to come. Details: Level 2 Lot size: 1x2 Tris: 405 1024x1024 JPG Textures...
4 Narrow Suburban House lvl3
Created by stockjr97
Level 3 version....
4 Narrow Suburban House lvl1
Created by stockjr97
This is the level 1 version of the narrow house so that the collection can be appropriate for district styles....
Created by LIME
4x4 SAKURA park
Created by zerosuke
upkeep high tourist 15-15-18(h-l-m) entertainment 120 redius 150 no electricity&water tree -Japanese Cherry Blossom Sakura thanks! If you encounter any issues please report them here ...
4x4 Rusty Warehouse 2 - Growable + RICO
Created by tentman
4x4 Rusty Warehouse 2 - with Color Variations - Screenshots were taken with Daylight Classic and Realistic II LUT. In-Game Asset - Generic Industrial Level 1 - Supports Color Variations, but they are subtle, and painted on the concrete, along with subtle s...
4x4C Kyoto Block #4 (Lv2 HD.Commercial)
Created by BachToBaroque
I hope the black wall textures aren't too flat or too dark for some players, maybe I'm not skilled enough but I had difficulty replicating a mattish-plaster wall texture. I'd also strongly recommend using the Daylight classic Mod by Bloody Penguin, otherwi...
5 Narrow Suburban House lvl3
Created by stockjr97
Level 3 version....
5 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3
Created by stockjr97
Level 3 version....
6 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl1
Created by stockjr97
This is the 1x1 version of the sixth house for the upcoming narrow suburban house collection. Details: Level 1 Lot size: 1x1 Tris: 508 1024x1024 JPG Textures...
6 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl2
Created by stockjr97
This is the 1x1 version of the sixth house for the upcoming narrow suburban house collection. Details: Level 2 Lot size: 1x1 Tris: 508 1024x1024 JPG Textures...
6 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3
Created by stockjr97
Level 3 version....
6 Narrow Suburban House lvl1
Created by stockjr97
This is the sixth house for the upcoming narrow suburban house collection. Details: Level 1 Lot size: 1x2 Tris: 520 1024x1024 JPG Textures...
6 Narrow Suburban House lvl2
Created by stockjr97
This is the sixth house for the upcoming narrow suburban house collection. Details: Level 1 Lot size: 1x2 Tris: 520 1024x1024 JPG Textures...
6 Narrow Suburban House lvl3
Created by stockjr97
Level 3 version....
7 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl1
Created by stockjr97
This is the seventh house for the upcoming narrow house theme. Details: Level 1 Lot size: 1x1 Tris: 596 1024x1024 JPG Textures...
7 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl2
Created by stockjr97
This is the seventh house for the upcoming narrow house theme. Details: Level 2 Lot size: 1x1 Tris: 596 1024x1024 JPG Textures...
7 Narrow Suburban House lvl1
Created by stockjr97
This is the seventh house for the upcoming narrow house theme. Details: Level 1 Lot size: 1x2 Tris: 662 1024x1024 JPG Textures...
7 Narrow Suburban House 1x1 lvl3
Created by stockjr97
This is the seventh house for the upcoming narrow house theme. Details: Level 3 Lot size: 1x1 Tris: 596 1024x1024 JPG Textures...
7 Narrow Suburban House lvl3
Created by stockjr97
This is the seventh house for the upcoming narrow house theme. Details: Level 3 Lot size: 1x2 Tris: 662 1024x1024 JPG Textures...
7 Narrow Suburban House lvl2
Created by stockjr97
This is the seventh house for the upcoming narrow house theme. Details: Level 2 Lot size: 1x2 Tris: 662 1024x1024 JPG Textures...
7-11 Crematorium
Created by [TW]EvanHsu
7-11 Crematorium Version2.0.1 by evansh In fact, It's a Crematorium in the city everywhere! Just like the convenience store. Biulding Type: Deathcare Crematorium...
71-608KM / KTM-8KM Tram
Created by AleX_BY
Model created by Eugene for Cities in Motion. КТМ-8КМ is soviet and russian tram. Made for replacement KTM-5 in soviet cities....
71-619 / KTM-19 Tram + Multiple unit
Created by AleX_BY
Model created by Eugene (Transport Games community) for Cities in Motion. 71-619 / KTM-19 - russian tram. Made in 1999 for replacement KTM-8. In use in a lot of cities of Russia and CIS. Asset include stand alone tram and multiple unit (KTM-19 x 2). Note: ...
8m height JP1L JP2L Elevated station module V2 set
Created by konfox0527
16m高架駅モジュールJP1L JP2L V2 セット 注意 / Attention -Fine road anarchyを作動させてから設置してください。 -JP1L station track KT21とJP2L staion track KT21を必ずサブスクライブしてください。 -ED3及びED3Xの拡張タイルが発生しなくなってます。お手数ですがMoveItで動かしてくるか建設用道路を使って建ててください。 -Please use Fine road anarchy in build this st...
8 Narrow Suburban House 1x1
Created by stockjr97
This is the eight house for the upcoming narrow house theme. All levels included in one workshop subscription to avoid workshop cluttering. Details: Levels: 1-3 Lot size: 1x1 Tris: 491 1024x1024 JPG Textures...
9 Narrow Suburban House 1x1
Created by stockjr97
This is the ninth house for the upcoming narrow house theme. All levels included in one workshop subscription to avoid workshop cluttering. Details: Levels: 1-3 Lot size: 1x1 Tris: 454 1024x1024 JPG Textures...
Created by LIME
Abandoned Bicycle Shelter 02
ちょっと大きめです。 廢驛の自轉車置き場02 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Abandoned Hut 01
かなりガタがきてます。 廢驛の小屋02 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Abandoned Light
電氣は點きません。 廢驛の電燈 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Acetylene Acylinder
Created by CityOfTokyo
Acetylene Acylinder by CityOfTokyo...
Created by samksy
7-11 by samksyuen...
Abandoned Bicycle Shelter 01
古びた自轉車置き場です。 廢驛の自轉車置き場01 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Aircraft Warning Lights / 航空障害灯
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Aircraft warning lights to be installed on the roof or in the middle of a high-rise building. I used Custom Effect Loader to get brighter and more realistic than traditional lights. Custom Effect Loader has good performance, it does not slow down your game...
Airplane Line Tool 1.2
Created by Klyte45 Airplane Line Tool 1.2 - Based on Transport Lines Manager Allows to create airplane lines around city. Recommended for 81 tiles users. In case of "Path not found" error, check if you have plane routes around the airport. Tak...
Abeno Harukas - Osaka, Japan
Created by Jerenable
Abeno Harukas, or known as the Abenobashi Terminal Building. “Harukas” is an old Japanese expression meaning “to brighten, to clear up.” The buildings name might mean the clear up but my ever huge list of stuff to do fix etc. doesn't. But here it is The AL...
Airport Roads
Created by SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) Fixed version of Runways and Taxiways mod. Adds runways and taxiways to the airport menu. Runway has the same cost as Highway road. Taxiway has the same cost as Small road. This mod doesn't change the p...
Akashi Kaikyō Bridge (Kobe, Japan)
Created by Jerenable
Akashi Kaikyō Bridge by Jerenable about the bridge: This is an 1:1 scale remake of some sort of the Akashi Kaiyo bridge from Japan. The bridge being about 4 km long (thats like 2 C:S map tiles) in real life and in C:S makes this bridge huge ingame and when...
Additive Shader
Created by Ronyx69
Allows to use the soft additive particle shader (used for light effects) for props and vehicle sub meshes. It's also possible to use custom on/off time of day. Required for assets using the additive shader. Building, sub building, and sub mesh support is n...
akatsuki LADY
Created by 勞鼠
akatsuki_(kantai_collection) kancolle LADY 曉 Anime Animation...
AKB 48 Theather
Created by Lot Creator
This little upload has been sitting around on my hard drive for quite a while now. It's probably surpassed 4 or so months from the time I had finished it. A week ago I had finished the rather dubious night light work. I still need work and help on that sin...
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store (Growable Lv2 3x2)
Created by Emperor Li
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store アキバ☆ソフマップ1号店 Akiba Sofmap 1st store in Akibahara, Tokyo. This was made more than a year ago, when I started to model for Cities Skylines but never published it because the tris count was way too high. I optimized it recently and deci...
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store (Ploppable RICO)
Created by Emperor Li
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store アキバ☆ソフマップ1号店 Akiba Sofmap 1st store in Akibahara, Tokyo. This was made more than a year ago, when I started to model for Cities Skylines but never published it because the tris count was way too high. I optimized it recently and deci...
ALPICO BlueRibbon KV290N
Created by YODOH
セレガもセットでいかがですか? HINO S'elega HD - ALPICO Other LV290,KV290 Buses are here! ↓↓ Category: Bus Capacity: 75...
Ama Quay 9m
Created by amamIya
Ama Quay 9m by amamIya...
Amanohashidate (天橋立)
Created by Nordhal Lelandreau
Amanohashidate is one of the three scenic views of Japon. It's on the north of the Kyoto prefecture. It contains sea/air connexion, an highway and 2 separates train tracks connexion (one for passengers and one for fret, but you do what you want) you will n...
Amu plaza Kagoshima Growable アミュプラザ鹿児島
Created by shimatarou
It is the Kagoshima Chūō Station building in the region of Japan. There is Tokyu Hands as a core tenant. This is a Growable version. The RICO ploppable version is here. - Size: 4x4 - Type: Zon...
Amu plaza Kagoshima RICO アミュプラザ鹿児島
Created by shimatarou
It is the Kagoshima Chūō Station building in the region of Japan. There is Tokyu Hands as a core tenant. This is a RICO ploppable version. The Growable version is here. - Size: 4x4 - Tri: 1521...
Animated Excavator アニメーションユンボ
Created by TOKACHI269
Animated Excavator アニメーションユンボ It is a moving excavator. As I made animation for the first time, there is place which I abandoned in part in technical aspect, but there is coarse. I made a lot of animated construction site assets and tried to make them publ...
Animated Blinker Lights 点滅するブリンカーライト
Created by ako_ako
ブリンカーライトのPropです。交互に点滅します! 正しく動かすためには、Ronyx69氏のAnimUV Paramsをサブスクライブする必要があります。 This is a blinker light props pack. They are blinking! You have to subscribe Ronyx 69's mod "AnimUV Params". Including BlinkerLight(Normal) : 通常版 BlinkerLight(Normal)_Low : 通常版。M...
Animated Fish carp ss pack
Created by stmSantana
Animated fish (rotate prop/sway tree) pack, for my animated fountain asset. to keep fish. Animated Fountain w/Fish ss01 Animated Fountain RBP2steps
AnimUV Examples
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
AnimUV Params
Created by Ronyx69
While previously created props still require the AnimUV Params mod, a new method for saving shader parameters by boformer has removed the requirement for a mod. See the AnimUV Shader article:
Anywhere White Bench
Created by stmSantana
This park is a asset for placing my prop in-game directly, Without using asset editor. Required prop White bench prop (sitting feature) ============================================= (Step1) Pl...
Aogashima -青ヶ島-
Created by oitan
Aogashima -青ヶ島- Aogashima is a volcanic Japanese island in the Philippine Sea. The island is administered by Tokyo and located approximately 358 kilometres (222 mi) south of Tokyo and 64 kilometres (40 mi) south of Hachijō-jima. It is the southernmost and ...
Aogashima Japan
Created by Captain Can Spell
Aogashima Japan...
Aomori, Japan - 青森市
Created by Rasseru
Aomori, Japan 青森市, 日本 Map Scale: 18 km Aomori is situated on the northernmost tip of Honshu facing Hokkaido, with Tsugaru Strait in between. This map is mostly flat in the center and mountains on the edge. I made the highways, railways and rivers to their ...
Aparment block II-57 (High density L1 4x4) [+AD]
Created by AleX_BY
Aparment block II-57 by AleX_BY High density 4x4, Level 1 II-57 - series of soviet block houses. It was massively built in Moscow and Kharkiv. Visit to for more mods by russian community! :) Блок серии II-57 (12-этажный). Высокая ...
Apple Store
Created by HIST0R
In every great city, there is at least one Apple store. Detailed electronics shop with the latest Apple devices on the shelves(rather tables :) ) Level 2 (2x4) commercial building. Polycount: 4300 1024x1024 300dpi 16bit textures -Diffuse -Specular -Alpha -...
Applebee's [RICO]
Created by conno
"Eatin’ Good in the Neighborhood" Applebee’s is an American restaurant chain with over 1800 locations globally. This was loosely based off the Applebee’s in Ajax, ON. Asset Tris Weight Texture Outback Restaurant 8659 134.80 1024x1024 Sign (Tall) 1022 24.75...
Applestore - small
Created by de_shimmy
Apple Store (small) 2x3 and 2x4 low-density commercial growable (Level 3) In three different colors (orange, purple and white). DONATE VIA PAYPAL Thanks for supporting my work! ...
Created by kaeru
Art-moving-truck Car model : ISUZU Elf 5th(1993-2006) Payload : 3t アート引越しセンタートラック いすゞ エルフ 第5世代 Other model is here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Updated AD and some of the texture. ADに対応しました。フロント・リアのライトのテクスチャを変更し...
Asahikawa On/Off Ramp (Outdated)
Created by Wolfhund
Another replicated Hokkaido Expressway toll entrance. This one is located in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan. Much like the Takikawa ramp, I question its ability to handle heavy traffic but it should work just fine with rural and suburban commuters. ...
au shop(Japanese Cell Phone Store)
Created by hakurai
Commercial Low Level1(2×4) au shop by hakurai08...
AUDI R8 + LMS BodyKit
Created by CityOfTokyo
AUDI R8 + LMS BodyKit It is an original specification equipped with aerokit of the R8-based FIA GT3 class of the stock car. Triangle : 14009 Texture : 512 x 256 ☆☆☆ NOTICE ☆☆☆ In the case of the PC environment that the performance of the graphics board suc...
Automatic Bulldoze v2
Created by Лысый Пёс
Automatic Bulldoze v2 automatically destroys abandoned and burned buildings. This mod is a spinoff of the original Automatic Bulldoze mod by Sadlers. The diffrents between this and the old one: * It supports Natural Disasters DLC (and all other DLC of cour...
Ball Fence / 防球ネット
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
※日本語の説明は下にあります。 2019.08.23 UPDATED Improved bad colors and view from far. ---- Soft fence to prevent balls. Good to place them around Japanese schools like the screenshot. Including 2 versions : Normal / Joint. Put version in every 8m with PLT. W: 8m / H: ...
Created by MrMaison
Bamboo by MrMaison Introducing a 3 piece Bamboo set. Included are a straight Bamboo tree, a bendy one and a little shrub cluster. Bamboo trees are actually in the grass family and considered the most primitive grasses. They are some of the fastest growing ...
Bamboo - TPB Nature Series
This is intended for use in small detailing work for landscaping in small areas. Do NOT plant this like crazy with the brush tool. Unless you got a powerful machine. 1440 Tris. 512 texture. No dirt patch. Credit and many thanks for these beautiful models a...
Bamboo Tree
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
This is a model that I got from the 3D Warehouse. I changed the trunks to geometric cylinder and re-textured everything. I also remodeled this skinny version re-arranging the leave pattern. You can find the original listing here... https://3dwarehouse.sket...
Bamboo Tree Cluster
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up! Thanks :) This is a model that I got from the 3D Warehouse. I changed the trunks to geometric cylinder and re-textured everything. You can find the original listing here...
Bay Bridge Network - Draggable Double Deck Suspension Bridge
Created by bsquiklehausen
Check out the tutorial linked above for best bridgelaying results! A network based large suspension bridge and other associated network toys! This bridge is a replica of the San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge (altered slightly for C:S network compatibility...
Created by jaijai
Tokyo Bay City Koutsu 東京ベイシティ交通 Category: Bus Capacity: 75 Model: ISUZU ERGA HYBRID...
Created by honker
Used on the Blue Cross Blue Shield Tower -
Big Decal Farm
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Decal More Stains
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Big Pichon-kun / 大ぴちょんくん
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Pichon-kun is a mascot from DAIKIN Corporation which is famous for air conditioners in Japan. This Big Pichon-kun is placed on a building around Osaka station. It shows temperature and humidity with animation. Comission This asset is sponsored by 超社畜級のゲーマー...
Big Retaining Walls
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Billboard 727 Cosmetics
Created by Yamato007
Billboard 727 Cosmetics (Japanese Company) You can build in any place. Use from Electric icon....
BKM-802 Tram
Created by AleX_BY
BKM-802 - Belarusian two-sided tram. Based on three-sections model BKM-843. Capacity: 45 (you can change it with IPT). Donate please if you like it! :)
Blinker Light ブリンカーライト
Created by Dyglone
This light warn the position of road's median. We often see this at avenue. Sadly,this prop doesn't illuminate at night.Sorry:< Category is Industrial props. 中央分離帯の位置などを示してくれる警告灯です。 二車線以上の道路でよく見かけます。 残念ながら光りません。 工業プロップの欄に追加されます。...
BMW 325i (2002)
Created by Jones
Stats: 902 tris 512x512 textures Lod: 50 tris 64x64 textures Changelog: 21/7/2015 - Fixed scale and LOD 4/10/2015 - After Dark Update...
BMW Dealership
Created by Tomas13TO
It is located in unique buildings (level 5) 5x6 cells maps - d,n,s,i (1024x1024) triangles - 1257 LOD triangles - 98...
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner ANA
Created by CityOfTokyo
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner ANA The next-generation medium-sized jetliner that Boeing of the United States of America performs development and production of the Boeing 787 dream liner. The color becomes the thing of All Nippon Airways of the launch customer. P...
Boeing 777-300ER - All Nippon Airways
Created by Konkku
ANA - All Nippon Airways Boeing 777-300ER by Konkku All Nippon Airways aka. ANA is the largest airline in Japan. ANA's main hubs are at Narita International Airport outside Tokyo and Kansai International Airport outside Osaka. This asset was made using vas...
Bottle car 01 KIRIN
Created by Konno Model
Bottle car 01 KIRIN ver KIRINカラーのボトルカーです。 自販機は、他の製作者様のものです。...
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Bridge building station 168m
Created by konfox0527
Ver.4 update (2018 10/21) LODモデルの追加 ポリゴン数削減  維持費の変更(少なすぎたため)(2500) Add LOD model Correct Reduce polygon Change running cost Increase (2500) -入口が橋上にある駅です。プラットホームの有効長は168mまで対応しています。 道路に関係なく自由な位置に設置できる駅です。2セル道路を接続して使用してください。 Fine Road Anarchyを作動させてから設置してください。...
Bridge building station 2island 4track
Created by konfox0527
-入口が橋上にある駅です。プラットホームの有効長は168mまで対応しています。 2面4線の駅です。単線station track4本を使用しています。 道路に関係なく自由な位置に設置できる駅です。2セル道路を接続して使用してください。 Fine Road Anarchyを作動させてから設置してください。 Move it で動かすの禁止。 Move It!を使用した際にソフトが停止する可能性あり。 -It station has entrance on the bridge and 168m platform...
Bridge building station+pass168m
Created by konfox0527
Update Ver.1.1 照明のpropを間違えたので修正Correction illumination prop -入口が橋上にある駅です。プラットホームの有効長は168mまで対応しています。 2面4線の通過線付きの駅です.。 道路に関係なく自由な位置に設置できる駅です。2セル道路を接続して使用してください。 Fine Road Anarchyを作動させてから設置してください。 Move it で動かすの禁止。 Move It!を使用した際にソフトが停止する可能性あり。 -It station has...
Buddha XL prop
Created by robert
Buddha XL prop by Tauro...
buke yashiki(Growable)
Created by bozekj0803
base :L3 4*4 Detached07 モデルその物は と同じです。 木はエディタ内でランダム生成されるので多少違います。...
Burger King - RICO
Created by barcasam7
Burger King by barcasam7. RICO Building low commercial. 10 workers. LOD 48 tirs - d,i 1678 tris for main building - d, i This is my first asset so criticism is welcome. Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more coming soon. RICO is required for this asset. A q...
BUS Rural Transit Center
Created by CityOfTokyo
BUS Rural Transit Center I changed the bus terminal of the base to the English version. Asset Info: ConstructionCost: 3500 MeintenanceCost: 250 EducatedWokers: 2 HighEducatedWokers: 0 UneducatedWokers: 1 WellEducatedWokers: 2 Original 3D Model from Sketchu...
bus stop roof
Created by TOKACHI269
モデリングを初めた頃に作ったものなのでクオリティは低めですがよろしければどうぞ。 tris ; 280 texture size : 512x512(defuse,normal) bus stop roof by TOKACHI269...
Cabbage Patch (キャベツ畑)
Created by kei_em
キャベツ畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Cabbage patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD ...
Cabbage (キャベツ) - Prop
Created by kei_em
a cultivated plant eaten as a vegetable, having thick green or purple leaves surrounding a spherical heart or head of young leaves. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD...
CAR FERRY A (Ferry,Japanese, 1,300 G/T type)
Created by RonSatoyan
I made a medium size ferry that once used to be anywhere in Japan. In Japan, while disappearing due to sluggish demand such as crosslinking, Some vessels are paid down and others are sending a second life in a foreign country. Since Flag of Japan is not fr...
CAR FERRY A (Ship Passenger,Japanese type, 1,300 G/T type)
Created by RonSatoyan
It was delayed by the original home update. Uploaded "Ship Passenger" version with popularity. I made a medium size ferry that once used to be anywhere in Japan. In Japan, while disappearing due to sluggish demand such as crosslinking, Some vessels are pai...
car wash machine 02
Created by Konno Model
car wash machine prop English version texture = 512 x 512 ガソリンスタンド等によくある洗車機のpropになります。 日本人が考えたアメリカンな仕様です。 テクスチャサイズは512x512にて作成しております。...
Created by Konno Model
CARAVAN Police car by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
car wash prop ARAI
Created by Konno Model
car wash machine prop ARAI Japanese style car wash machine ガソリンスタンド等によくある洗車機のpropになります。 洗車機アライさんです。 テクスチャサイズは512x512にて作成しております。...
Cargo transfer station (cargo station)
Created by Evangeline
This is an old cargo transfer station, made for easy transfer of goods between trucks to trains and reversed. while quite old and small it still functions properly and makes great infrastructural addition to your city. functions as a cargo station. !!!!IMP...
Cart (荷車) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A wooden cart. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
CCTV Security Camera (Right)
Created by chenobble
CCTV Camera pointing right. Places on the side of buildings for that extra-secure look....
Caulford Estate LowRes L5 2x3
Created by Kookess
Caulford Estate -Low Residential Level 5, Size 2x3 -Growable and RICO -With Lights and 4 Color Variations Made with ArchiCAD and Blender If that one is not working for you, try the Growable only Version:
Cement Barrier & Steel Pipes (Aligned with terrain Edition)
*** Update v1.0.1 2017/08/23 *** * Upload Image, fix some wrongly written character * Cement Barrier & Steel Pipes Aligned with terrain Edition For Highway Bridge: Cement Barrier & Steel Pipes (Elevated Edition) Recommend Mod: Prop Line Tool contain 8 diff...
Central of Yokohama City
Created by kaito3desuyo
Central of Yokohama City - 横浜市中心部 日本有数の港町、横浜市の中心部を忠実に再現しました。 地形はもちろん、東海道線から首都高速道路の各JCTまで再現済みです。 現実の交通網をなぞりながら作るもよし、既存交通網をぶち壊して一から作り直すもよし。 あなただけの横浜市をあなたの手で作り上げてください。 This is Skylines map of the Yokohama City Japan. Enjoy! ...
Checker Cab CrownSedan
Created by CityOfTokyo
Checker Cab CrownSedan SuperSaloon The crown sedan is the sedan type car which Toyota Motor Corporation produces. It is a model for public car, company car, car for hire, individual, corporation taxi, business uses such as the instruction car, but the purc...
Checker Cab
Created by CityOfTokyo
TOYOTA Crown Comfort Checker Cab It is the car of the sedan type which Toyota Motor Corporation where I appeared in December, 1995 produces. Such as having been developed assuming using it as a taxi, and a thing and the muffler which the sash of the rear s...
Cherry Blossom
Created by MrMaison
Cherry Blossom by MrMaison Introducing a Cherry Blossom to celebrate this spring season! This flowering tree type is very popular in Japan and around the world. There are many species and I do plan on making more in the future. I could not choose which one...
Cherry Blossom Tree Adult
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Cherry Blossom Tree Adult by Shroomblaze 310 Tri's / 48 Polys Child Version Located Here - Be sure to follow me to see new stuff first! Thanks :) http://i.imgur....
Cherry Blossom Tree Child
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Cherry Blossom Tree Child by Shroomblaze 310 Tri's / 48 Polys Adult Version Located Here - Be sure to follow me to see new stuff first! Thanks :) http://i.imgur....
Chinese corridor
Created by LIME
Polygon:1005 triangle:1084 side:2969 Map:1024 X 1024 LODMap:128 X 128 Asset type:Prop This asset has a different combination, I will release one by one 禁止企鹅转载 ...
Chinese corridor Corner
Created by LIME
Polygon:850 triangle:1066 side:2430 Map:1024 X 1024 LODMap:128 X 128 Asset type:Prop This asset has a different combination, I will release one by one 禁止企鹅转载 ...
Chirpy Tram (3 car)
Created by ron_fu-ta
Chirpy Tram (3 car) 定員:115名 速度:80km/h Chirpy Tram (3 car) Capacity : 115 person Speed : 80km/h DLC "Snowfall" が必要です。 DLC "Snowfall" is required. このアセットは以下のMODを使用して制作しています。(使用する際、MODは不要です.) This Asset has produced using this MOD. (MOD is not required in ord...
Chirpy Tram (5 car)
Created by ron_fu-ta
Chirpy Tram (5 car) 定員:160名 速度:80km/h Chirpy Tram (5 car) Capacity : 160 person Speed : 80km/h DLC "Snowfall" が必要です。 DLC "Snowfall" is required. このアセットは以下のMODを使用して制作しています。(使用する際、MODは不要です.) This Asset has produced using this MOD. (MOD is not required in ord...
Chirpy Tram (7 car)
Created by ron_fu-ta
Chirpy Tram (7 car) 定員:205名 速度:80km/h Chirpy Tram (7 car) Capacity : 205 person Speed : 80km/h DLC "Snowfall" が必要です。 DLC "Snowfall" is required. このアセットは以下のMODを使用して制作しています。(使用する際、MODは不要です.) This Asset has produced using this MOD. (MOD is not required in ord...
Chofu Intersection
Created by toru_kard
Chofu Intersection, Japan...
Chozu (手水) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A place where visitors purify their hands with water. This prop was created Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。...
Created by hakurai
CityOfficeRoof by hakurai...
Created by hakurai
CityOfficeSign by hakurai...
Cluster of bushes
Created by pdelmo
cluster of bushes by pdelmo. Seven bushes in the cluster. 3 big and 4 small. Triangles is 3130. (for all 7) Texture is 1024 ...
Created by kei_em
おなじみのココイチが、Cities: Skylines に進出です。低密度商業区画レベル2を指定してあります。 このアセットのモデルは、 の「Cities: Skylines 10タイル目」の 749 さんが作成したものです。 #更新# パッチ 1.2.0 (After Dark) に対応しました。...
CO-OP Sapporo (コープさっぽろ トドックトラック)
Created by subway
It is a delivery truck. I do not know whether there is a demand, but I tried to create as the first step! We hope you'll use. Template using
Color_edit Bus(色変えバス)
Created by kaeru
Color_edit Bus Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Star Bus Type:K Eco Hybrid Non-step Low-Floor Max speed:20 capacity:60 -------------------------------------------------------- 色変えバス 三菱ふそう エアロスター バス K型 エコハイブリッド 都市型超低床バス 最高速度:20 積載人数:60 色変えに対応したバスです。 ///////////////////...
Commercial signage complex 郊外の商業看板
國道沿ひにありがちな看板。 商業看板_大 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Created by nekote I failed to fix... The modified version was uploaded to the address above. アップデートミスにより新たに修正版をアップロードし直しております、 申し訳ございませんが上記リンクより再度ダウンロードして下さいorz...
Concrete Electric Pole (電柱)
Created by kei_em
This asset is a concrete electric pole. This donesn't generate electric power but has an area with power feeding so can transfer electricity. コンクリート製の電柱です。発電はしませんが、給電エリアを持っているため、並べると電気を遠くへ伝えることができます。 This prop was created by Mr. 371 at "Cities: Skylines MO...
Concrete/Grass - Tram Station Track #01
Created by Clus
Concrete/Grass - Tram Station Track #01 Prolog Hey all ! These are two station tracks, which will be used for some transport stations. They´re pratically the same tracks as the already released concrete- and grass tram roads. Therefore they use the same te...
Corner Building / 角地の商業ビル(第一日比谷ビル)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is the building where the steakhouse “Volks” is located in Shimbashi, Tokyo. Volks is famous for becoming the first steakhouse to import salad bars in Japan, and offers high-quality beef at a low price. Volks in Shimbashi is officially called “Volks S...
Created by LIME
Cosmo Oil Truck Prop
Created by jaijai
Oil Truck Cosmo prop by jaijai...
Costco (RICO)
Created by Crazyglueit
Costco Wholesale Corporation is the largest American membership-only warehouse club that provides a wide selection of merchandise. This Workshop Item Contains 5 Seperate Assets Build it big or small. Costco (Main) - 2.2KB Size - 10x9 Main - Tris 5,111 / Te...
Crossing sandwiched station 168m long
Created by konfox0527
注意 attention Move It!で駅を動かさないでください。最悪ゲームが強制終了します。 Do not move this station use Move It!. It possibility stop the cities skylines. 2018/4/7 -歩行者パスの変更。片側のホームで乗客の乗降がない現象の解決(したはず) -Change pedestrian pass. fix problem no passenger ride train one side pratform. ...
Created by Konno Model
CROWN COMFORT TAXI 01 クラウンコンフォートのタクシー第一弾です。 ...
Created by Konno Model
CROWN COMFORT TAXI 02 東京無線 by Konno Model クラウンコンフォートとJPN TAXI のセットです。 ナンバープレート作成に以下のサイトを利用させて頂きました。商用利用は禁止です。 ミニチュアカー ミュージアム...
Created by Konno Model
CROWN COMFORT TAXI 02 PROP by Konno Model クラウンコンフォートとJPN TAXI のPROPセットです。 ナンバープレート作成に以下のサイトを利用させて頂きました。商用利用は禁止です。 ミニチュアカー ミュージアム...
Created by Spectra
Update: I've just pushed a new version that re-enables the Harmony-based implementation, this time using the CitiesHarmony compatibility layer. Hopefully this will improve interaction with other mods without breaking stuff using older Harmony versions. I k...
Created by Konno Model
CROWN SEDAN TAXI PROP クラウンセダンのタクシープロップバージョンです。 ポリゴン多いです。...
Created by Konno Model
CROWN SEDAN TAXI 01 ふくねこタクシーアセットです。 10系クラウンセダンのタクシー第一弾です。...
CrownSedan Green Cab
Created by CityOfTokyo
CrownSedan SuperDeluxe Green Cab The crown sedan is the sedan type car which Toyota Motor Corporation produces. It is a model for public car, company car, car for hire, individual, corporation taxi, business uses such as the instruction car, but the purcha...
CSL Stats Panel
Created by Operation40
Adds a move-able, re-sizable stats window to Cities Skylines. Objectives Provide any statistic a player might want to see, but manage the layout and configuration in such a way as to never obstruct more play area than desired. Eliminate need to cycle throu...
Custom Effect Loader
Created by boformer
This mod is required for props and vehicles with custom light effects. It sets up and enables the effects on level load. Just install and enable the mod and enjoy the lights :) Cool assets with custom effects! Get them! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.n...
Created by pekorin
D'station-Japanese-PACHINKO&SLOT SIZE 4x3 It will be a pachinko parlor of the asset of Japan . Please be built in the plane ! There is a possibility that the building may collapse . Gambling is sparingly ... 日本のD'stationのアセットになります。 平面に設置してください!建物が崩れる可能性があり...
D3S Mercedes-Benz Sprinter High Roof Van (W906) '2006
Created by DANZ | D3S DESIGN®
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter High Roof Van (W906) '2006 Standart base High roof Cargo capacity 3000 Other works ... //////.......................................................
DAF XF Agricultural
Created by Sparky66
Agricultural delivery truck. Converted from Cities in Motion, with a number of model and texture improvements to make it suitiable for Cities Skylines. The trailer is also converted from Cities in Motion and is a more realistic length the the default Citie...
DAF XF Lumber
Created by Sparky66
Lumber delivery truck. Converted from Cities in Motion, with a number of model and texture improvements to make it suitiable for Cities Skylines. It uses the default Cities Skylines log trailer as it is not yet possible to add your own trailers with empty ...
Created by Sparky66
Oil delivery truck. Converted from Cities in Motion, with a number of model and texture improvements to make it suitiable for Cities Skylines. The trailer is also converted from Cities in Motion and is a more realistic length the the default Cities Skyline...
Created by Sparky66
Ore delivery truck. Converted from Cities in Motion, with a number of model and texture improvements to make it suitiable for Cities Skylines. The trailer is also converted from Cities in Motion and is a more realistic length the the default Cities Skyline...
Daihatsu Hijet (Prop)
Created by Ronyx69
Prop - Daihatsu Hijet - Japanese Kei Car / Pickup Truck Color variations: White / Off-white / Gray / Blue Main: 1299 tris 1024x512 LOD: 56 tris 128x128 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests Don...
Daihatsu Hijet (Vehicle)
Created by Ronyx69
Residential Vehicle - Daihatsu Hijet - Japanese Kei Car / Pickup Truck Color variations: White / Off-white / Gray / Blue Main: 1299 tris 1024x512 LOD: 56 tris 128x128 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Ass...
Daihatsu Hijet Industrial (Prop)
Created by Ronyx69
Prop - Daihatsu Hijet - Japanese Kei Car / Pickup Truck (with bed cover) Color variations: Light Green / Dark Green / Blue / Gray Main: 1392 tris 1024x512 LOD: 51 tris 128x128 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/...
Daihatsu Hijet Industrial (Vehicle)
Created by Ronyx69
Industrial Vehicle - Daihatsu Hijet - Japanese Kei Car / Pickup Truck (with bed cover) Color variations: Light Green / Dark Green / Blue / Gray Main: 1392 tris 1024x512 LOD: 51 tris 128x128 Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tuto...
Daihatsu Midget
Created by Sparky66
Residential car. Converted from Cities in Motion, with a number of model and texture improvements to make it suitiable for Cities Skylines. Fully working colour variations and lights. Default suspension values halfed to reduce unrealistic leaning effect....
Created by CityOfTokyo
DAIHATSU MIDGET MP4 The midget is the tricar which Daihatsu Motor produced. Midget was named with small size, the thought called the short car by the word of the meaning "micro-mini" in English. *** Change Log *** 24/June : Reduction of the number of the p...
Daikoku JCT/PA/IC by nowaki
Created by nowaki
This imitates Daikoku Junction(Bayshore Route(B), Route K5 Daikoku Line(K5)) in Kanagawa, Japan. A Junction and Parking Area, an access, an exit set this. I think that it is smaller than a scale (four for 341 compact cars, large car 59, people with a physi...
Daiwa securities billboard 大和証券 看板
Created by やばい
Daiwa securities by やばい 大和証券渋谷支店の看板でございます This is the billboard of Daiwa Securities Shibuya store. 渋谷 東京 日本 Enjoy^_^ Shibuya Tokyo Japan...
Datsun 240Z
Created by Archie Cuntingham
The japanese sports car I originally made this model for Insane, polycount has been reduced slightly and textures reworked. model: 2064 tris 512x256 textures lod: 18 tris 64x32 textures...
DDeLorean DMC-12 JP licence PROP
Created by Konno Model
DDeLorean DMC-12 JP licence PROP by Konno Model デロリアンの日本ナンバー仕様 PROP版 です。 ナンバープレート作成に以下のサイトを利用させて頂きました。商用利用は禁止です。 ミニチュアカー ミュージアム...
Decal Farm 01
Created by Beardmonkey
Decal Farm 01 by Beardmonkey...
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up Thanks! Original Model by lkraan from Turbo Squid. Original Listing Here I redid most of the textures to be sharper, made proper masks for turn signals. Comes in Grey, Blue, Red & Yellow! Goes 88 Miles Per Hour Total Tris = 857 512x512 Maps ...
Den-en-chofu Train Station(Ver.3)
Created by ragutaro
Den-en-chofu Train Station by ragutaro 東京都大田区にある田園調布駅です。 Den-en-chofu station is located in Ota, Tokyo, Japan. *Update 2015/09/26 Ver.3 After Dark用に作り直した。 Recreated for After Dark. 2015/05/23 Ver.2 ツールチップ画像を追加した。 Added a tooltip image. Building Name : Den-...
Decal Prop Fix (deprecated)
Created by boformer
This mod is for players who want to use decal assets with a size larger than 8x8m and/or tiled decals. Make sure that the mod is enabled! This mod does not mess with save files, simulation or the user interface. It is safe to use and can be disabled at any...
DEPRECATED: Shinkansen Station Track
Created by ako_ako
Shinkansen Station Track V2を使用してください。 New version is available. Shinkansen Station Track V2. 新幹線の線路の駅用線路です。 鉄道をしっかり使ってくれるマップが手元に無く、十分にテスト出来ていません。 使用の際はバックアップを取るなど留意してください。 分岐器がないのは仕様です(今の所) This is a station track of Shinkansen Tracks. I don't have the mas...
Diamond JCT 1(北港ジャンクション)
Created by YAGI-is-GOD
Hokukou JCT in Osaka, Japan as reference. 北港ジャンクションっぽい形の4層ダイヤモンド型ジャンクション...
Double Decker Bus
Created by nekote
Double Decker Bus Note: nine years and is not in front of a work of so good can. passenger= 80 大型の2階建てバスです。 ネオプランが販売していたN128/4をモデルとしています。 注意:9年前に製作したモデルをインポートしたので、 モデル、テクスチャともに余り良い出来では御座いません。 今後修正するかと思いますので、気長にお待ちください。 また、乗客数80名と相当大きな設定なのでご注意下さい。...
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 26 dock / seawall / harbor / port / pier assets: 1 dock surface prop 6 main dock pieces 2 edge and 2 corner pieces 3 concrete blocks 2 curbs 2 railings 3 tie poles 2 bumpers 1 ladder 1 grate 1 water level marker Found in parks and industrial props...
Dowdy Bench
普通のベンチ。デフォルトのは御洒落すぎたので……。 廢驛のベンチ by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Eastern Red Cedar
Created by MrMaison
Eastern Red Cedar by MrMaison Introducing Juniperus viriniana AKA the Eastern Red Cedar tree. This is a 2 piece set with Mature and young versions.It is a native of Eastern North America from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. The berries on these trees are edi...
Ebina JCT by nowaki
Created by nowaki
This imitates Ebina Junction (TOMEI EXPWY, KEN-O EXPWY) in Kanagawa, Japan. In the Ebina junction, there are structurally many people thinking to Atsugi Interchange and a set in approximately 1km west.I make divergence, junction to conclude only in Ebina J...
Ebisu East Gallery 1.1
Created by Paradox
Ebisu East Gallery in Japan. Restaurant, banquet hall. Same stats as Courthouse mostly, for balance. 4x4 size, unique level 3 building. update: added reflections to windows....
Echizen-Оno, Fukui, Japan
Created by Flamm
Echizen-Оno, Fukui, Japan inspired map....
Eddie Stobart Scania
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up If You Like! Thanks :) Introducing a new truck model for the Real Shipping Container Series. Model Scania R Streamline Cab by Onionjack_ & Trailer + Graphics by Shroomblaze. This truck is used in Generic Industry Areas. No Color Variations. ...
Edo Castle 江戸城
Created by hkhrm2003
Edo Castle (Kan'ei Era) Original 3D Model made by SeaGate from Sketchup 3D Warehouse Converted, modified and adapted for C:S by hkhrm2003...
Created by airking7
EdoBashi-JCT by airking7 首都高速道路の江戸橋ジャンクションのアセット This asset is Edobashi-junction of the Metropolitan Expressway in Tokyo. Tokyo , Metropolitan Expressway , Japan...
Created by RonSatoyan
Currently ( September 2016 ) , is an electric locomotive and container wagons that are operated by the main trunk line . It was created in the last minute of the organization the number of container wagons 8 cars that can be departure from the freight stat...
Created by kaeru
Engine EF65(1965–1979) Cargo Train コキ(KOKI)107 Cargo#1 12Feet JRF Red Container Cargo#2 12Feet JRF Red Blue Container Cargo#3 20Feet Nittsu Seino Container Cargo#3 20Feet Sagawa Kuroneko Container Cargo#5 31Feet Wing Container Cargo#6 31Feet Wing Container...
Created by kaeru
Engine EF65(1965–1979) Cargo コキ(KOKI)107 Cargo#1 12Feet JRF Blue Container Cargo#2 12Feet JRF Red Blue Container Cargo#3 12Feet JRF Red Blue Container Cargo#4 12Feet JRF Green White Cargo#5 12Feet JRF Green White Cargo#6 20Feet JRF Tank Cargo#7 20Feet JRF ...
Created by kaeru
Engine EF65(1965–1979) Cargo Train コキ(KOKI)107 Cargo#1 31Feet DHL K-Line Container Cargo#2 31Feet DHL K-Line Container Cargo#3 31Feet EVERGREEN MAERSK Container Cargo#4 31Feet EVERGREEN MAERSK Container Cargo#5 12Feet JRF Red Blue Container Cargo#6 12Feet ...
Created by kaeru
Engine EF65(1965–1979) Cargo Train コキ(KOKI)107 Cargo#1 20Feet Nittsu Seino Container Cargo#2 20Feet Nittsu Seino Container Cargo#3 20Feet Sagawa Kuroneko Container Cargo#4 20Feet Sagawa Kuroneko Container Cargo#5 31Feet Wing Container Cargo#6 31Feet Wing C...
Created by kaeru
Engine EF65(1965–1979) Cargo Train コキ(KOKI)107 Cargo#1 Tank Cargo#2 Tank Cargo#3 Tank Cargo#3 Tank Cargo#5 Tank Cargo#6 Tank Cargo#7 Empty コキ107の実物はもっと長いのですが、ゲーム用に短くしています。 それでもゲーム内のデフォルトモデルより長いです。そこでホーム長を考え 編成数を通常の9→7にしています。編成が短いので積載できる荷物量も若干少なめです All trai...
Eiden 900 series (green)
Created by ron_fu-ta
叡山電鉄900系(メイプルグリーン) 定員:160名 速度:100km/h Eiden 900 series (Maple green) Capacity : 160 person Speed : 100km/h メイプルレッド Maple red このアセットは以下のMODを使用して制作しています。(使用する際、MODは不要です。) This Asset has produc...
Eiden 900 series (orange)
Created by ron_fu-ta
叡山電鉄900系(メイプルオレンジ) 定員:160名 速度:100km/h Eiden 900 series (Maple orange) Capacity : 160 person Speed : 100km/h メイプルレッド Maple red このアセットは以下のMODを使用して制作しています。(使用する際、MODは不要です。) This Asset has produ...
Eiden 900 series (red)
Created by ron_fu-ta
叡山電鉄900系(メイプルレッド) 定員:160名 速度:100km/h Eiden 900 series (Maple red) Capacity : 160 person Speed : 100km/h メイプルオレンジ Maple orange このアセットは以下のMODを使用して制作しています。(使用する際、MODは不要です。) This Asset has produ...
Elevated railway concrete prop pack
Created by Konno Model
Elevated railway concrete prop 高架線路の壁とコンクリートの床です。...
Electricity Pylon
Created by Zuben
Electricity Pylon by Zuben A tall structure built to support an overhead power line. * No power lines. Height : 103m Tris : 5583 1:1.5 Size ----------------------------------------------------...
ELVIS ctOS security camera
Created by ELVIS
Asset Description The central operating system, ctOS, is a city-controlled system of Bloom Corporation. It makes your life faster, more convenient, and safer. This security camera at ctOS collects your personal information without permission. Keep everythi...
ELVIS korean style apartment (RICO)
Created by ELVIS
80~90년대 한국식 아파트입니다. 리코모드가 호환되는 이 아파트를 여러분의 도시에 도입해보세요 머리말 서울시 대여 자전거 따릉이 자전거와 프롭, 그리고 거치대가 출시되었습니다. 여러분의 도시에 대여 자전거 시스템을 도입하여 여러분의 시민들이 자전거를 이용하는 모습을 확인하세요! 많은 좋은 혜택이 되리라고 장담합니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS korean style apartment.crp 도움 ELVIS korean style apartment는 엘비스 게...
ELVIS Lotte Department Store (롯데백화점) Rico
Created by ELVIS
엘비스의 롯데백화점이 출시되었습니다! 이 백화점은 서울특별시 노원구에 위치해 있습니다. 이제 리코모드가 사용가능합니다!! 저의 모딩에 도움을 주시고 싶으시다면 페이팔을 통해 기부 부탁드립니다 그리고 평점과 구독 잊지마시고요! ELVIS Lotte Department store is now available. This Department is located in Nowon, Seoul Now RICO Available!! If you want to help...
Ema (絵馬) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A picture tablet for the realization of visitors' wishes. This prop was created by Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。 ...
EMU103 passenger train
Created by FlyingSenbei
EMU103 passenger train Includes: Lowcab Linecolor (3,4,5,6cars) Highcab Linecolor (4,6cars) Lowcab Linecolor Type2 (4,6cars) Spec: Capacity(per car):136, 144 Vmax:100km/h Acceleration:0.3 Brake:1.0 Texture size:1024*1024 Mesh triangles(per car):1158 - 1663...
ENEOS Oil Truck
Created by jaijai
JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation ENEOS is known as the name of the retail brand. Category: Oil Capacity: 8,000 (same as the default) Model: Oil Truck 6x2F2. Prop is here....
ENEOS Oil Truck (Semi-Trailer)
Created by jaijai
JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation Category: Oil Capacity: 11,000 Tractor and Trailer Prop is here....
EF65形電気機関車 PROP
Created by TOKACHI269
EF65形電気機関車のPROPバージョンです。 EF65はTORAKICHI-WORKS様から許可をいただき、RailSimのプラグインからコンバートして制作しました。 TORAKICHI-WORKS <Mesh info> EF65 : Main triss : 4470 texture size : 1024x2048 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD Triss : 14 texture size : 32x32 (defuse,illumi...
Enoshima Electric Railway series 300 train "305"
Created by konfox0527
江ノ島電鉄/江ノ電300形電車305 Enoden 305 Tram version >>> !!Attention!! This train car's maximum speed is 60km/h in game. You have to setting exclude from intercity train. Recommend AVO IPT. This asset...
ERGA bus prop 01
Created by Konno Model
ERGA bus prop 01 by 紺野 Konno エルガ都バスのプロップです。方向幕は表示なしです。 路上に置いても浮かない-30cm仕様も同封しております。...
ERGA SE(西鉄高速路線)
Created by hakurai
jaijai氏が公開されているエルガのテンプレート を使って作成した先代エルガに設定のあったSE仕様風の嘘バス(西鉄近距離高速路線塗装)です。 西鉄バスでエルガSEといえば400番の印象が強いですが毎日乗っていた筑豊特急にしました。 ERGA SE(西鉄高速路線) by hakurai...
ESSO gas station 2 unique (ploppable RICO)
Created by SvenBerlin
ESSO gas station 2 unique by SvenBerlin The position of the pumps were changed and also the price display to the right side triangles 1880 LOD 262 size 5x4 this is 1st version
ESSO gas station ploppable
Created by SvenBerlin
ESSO gas station by Svenpotsdam park 4x4 , tourists yes, workers no :-) triangles 1950 lod 295 unique version : growable version:
ESSO gas station growable
Created by SvenBerlin
ESSO gas station growable by Svenpotsdam Commercial L1 4x4 triangles 1950 lod 295 unique version: ploppable version: If you li...
ESSO gas station unique (Ploppable RICO ready)
Created by SvenBerlin
ESSO gas station unique by Svenpotsdam unique building 4x4 with "not so unique building"- mod you can build it more than one time. with unique building you have both, tourists and workers. triangles 1950 lod 295 ploppable version:
etorofu winter
Created by anji89
択捉島   冬...
Euromodale Scania R (Generic Industry)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up If You Like! Thanks :) Introducing a new truck model for the Real Shipping Container Series. The Scania R Streamline Cab by Onionjack_ & Trailer by Shroomblaze. This truck is used in Generic Industry Areas. 4 Color Variations as shown above....
Evangelion 01 Shogoki 初号機
Created by hkhrm2003
Evangelion Test Type Unit-01(Shogōki: 初号機) Original 3D Model made by Katase from Sketchup 3D Warehouse Converted and adapted for C:S by hkhrm2003...
Evangelion Mark.06
Created by CityOfTokyo
Evangelion Mark.06 The black giant of the moon that appears in the last scene of: "Evangelion YOU ARE (NOT) ALONE." was built on the base. Masked giant head under construction is very similar to that of the second Angel Lilith of the TV version. Gendo says...
Evangelion Mark.09
Created by CityOfTokyo
EVANGELION Mark.09 DESCRIPTOPN Evangelion, fictional weapons that appeared in the TV anime "Neon Genesis Evangelion". The official name is a general-purpose humanoid battle weapons artificial human Evangelion. Armor specifications · Coloring closely resemb...
Evangelion Mark.09 Adams
Created by CityOfTokyo
Evangelion Mark.09 Adams of the vessel DESCRIPTOPN Evangelion, fictional weapons that appeared in the TV anime "Neon Genesis Evangelion". The official name is a general-purpose humanoid battle weapons artificial human Evangelion. With the awakening of EVA-...
Evangelion Production Model Custom Type-08 β
Created by CityOfTokyo
Evangelion Production Model Custom Type-08 β Evangelion, fictional weapons that appeared in the TV anime "Neon Genesis Evangelion". The official name is a general-purpose humanoid battle weapons artificial human Evangelion. Which is a general-purpose human...
Evangelion ProtoType-00 KAI
Created by CityOfTokyo
Evangelion ProtoType-00 KAI Evangelion, fictional weapons that appeared in the TV anime "Neon Genesis Evangelion". The official name is a general-purpose humanoid battle weapons artificial human Evangelion. Which is a general-purpose humanoid battle weapon...
Evangelion Production Model-03
Created by CityOfTokyo
Evangelion Production Model-03 Evangelion, fictional weapons that appeared in the TV anime "Neon Genesis Evangelion". The official name is a general-purpose humanoid battle weapons artificial human Evangelion. Which is a general-purpose humanoid battle wea...
Expressway joints
Created by TOKACHI269
鋼製フィンガージョイントタイプの高架の高速道路のつなぎ目です。 下記首都高のサイズに合わせてあります。 Elevated expressway joint by TOKACHI269...
Expressway Lane Props
Created by Ronyx69
Lane Props (for decorating undersides) for Expressway:
Extra Landscaping Tools
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
Factory Hall 2 (RICO)
Created by Avanya
As indicated by Factory Hall 1 I planned on another and here it is. Fits the Miyagi Motors plant style, but it can also be used on it's own. The walls touch the edges on 3 sides, so you can easily have them in clusters. Stat...
Extra Train Station Tracks ( ETST )
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds more train station track assets for custom train stations. This mod was created before custom network assets were a thing and is still needed for stations created with its tracks. These tracks are only available to asse...
Fall Young Trees
Created by MrMaison
Fall Young Trees by MrMaison The Young Trees don't stay green forever. I took the 3 pack Young Trees and made Fall versions out of them. The original summer versions can be found here STATS:...
FamilyMart and DOUTOR building
Created by Takouma
Low 3x2 commercial building with FamilyMart and DOUTOR coffee shop as tenant shop. This asset is based on default building: L3 2x2 shop03....
Created by kaeru
FamilyMart-truck Car model : ISUZU Elf 5th(1993-2006)       Reefer Container model Payload : 3t ファミリーマート配送トラック 冷蔵コンテナ いすゞ エルフ 第5世代 Other model is here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Updated AD and some of the text...
Created by RonSatoyan
Japanese fire truck It was created because there was no asset of Japan of the fire engine. It is a standard fire engine in Japan. Those of the standard called ”CD-Ⅰ”, truck has to model the Hino ”Dutro”. Performance such as fire fighting capacity is the sa...
Filardi Semi Truck (Generic Industry)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up If You Like! Thanks :) The Scania R Streamline Cab by Onionjack_ & Trailer by Shroomblaze. This truck is used in Generic Industry Areas. 4 Color Variations as shown above. Scania Cab Total Tris = 1414 1024x512 Textures Lod Tris = 72 32x32 Te...
Find It! 2
Created by sway
This mod allows you to search, filter, select, and place assets. It also provides some extra info that are usually not available in vanilla game. Unsubscribe the BETA version before you use this mod! This mod was forked from...
Fine Road Anarchy - Ending
Created by Klyte45 This place used to be the old remake from Fine Road Anarchy based on SamSamTS. Use Network Anarchy from Quboid instead. ...
Five Story Pagoda
Created by PandaYoume
Ancient Building Type: Park Size: 2.91mb Texture: 1024 x 1024 Triangles: 3032 Construction cost: 15000 Maintenance cost: 250 Electric/Water: 0 Non illumination *Pagoda...
Fixed roof oil tank - Shell (Ploppable)
Created by Avanya
A ploppable/park version of my updated Shell oil tank growable. It has 4 color variations changing the dirt/grunge/leaking. It doesn't increase land value or attract turists, it's purely for decorating.
Fluorescent light KEIKOUTOU
Created by Konno Model
Fluorescent light KEIKOUTOU by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
Ford Focus 2013
Created by SL33PW4LK
The item belongs to ramoncontell, i just added lights. Thumbnail, colors and everything else was kept. WARNING: By request of the original author this asset can be removed from workshop unannounced. ramoncontell's original Ford Focus 2013 link: http://stea...
FTP Hawthorn Bush
Created by Tero
Hawthorn Bush used in Finnish Type Houses building theme Be sure to download the collection, which holds all the required props and other houses included in the theme: Finnish Type Houses col...
Fuji Fire billboard 富士火災 豊田
Created by やばい
Fuji Fire billboard 富士火災 豊田 by やばい 富士火災海上保険豊田支店の看板でございます。 The Fuji Fire and Marine Insurance Toyota branch billboard. Enjoy^_^ 豊田 愛知 日本 Toyota Aichi Japan Lod fixed Guys, sorry for deleting the old version,because I don‘t know how to update an asset correc...
Created by hakurai
昔作ったやつなのでポリゴン数が多くクオリティも低いです FUKUOKA EXPWY Entrance Sign by hakurai...
Fukuoka, Japan
Created by Shirokuro
Version 1.1. 福岡, Japan 18km x 18km map. Google Map Outside Connections: Highways - 福岡都市高速 Train tracks - 山陽新幹線, 鹿児島本線, 西鉄天神大牟田線 Ship path - 博多港 Airplane path - 福岡空港 ...
FUKUTSU Heavy Truck
Created by jaijai
Fukuyama Transporting 福山通運 Asset Details Category: Industry Capacity: 10,000 Triangles: 1036, Texture: 1024x512 LoD Triangles: 38, LoD Texture: 32x32 (auto generated) This asset was modified based on Heavy Truck 6x2. Prop is here....
FUKUTSU Heavy Truck Prop
Created by jaijai
This is a prop version of FUKUTSU Heavy Truck....
Created by jaijai
Fukuyama Transporting 福山通運 Industory Farming version is here. This asset use the paintable Truck template by stmSantana. Truck Ad - Paint It Yourself Also use Texture Template....
FUKUTSU Truck (farming)
Created by jaijai
Fukuyama Transporting 福山通運 Category: Industory Farming Industory General version is here. This asset use the paintable Truck template by stmSantana. Truck Ad - Paint It Yourself Also use Texture Template. ...
FUSO Dump Truck
Created by kazuma76
FUSO Super Great Dump Truck Type : Ore Truck Triangle Polygon Count Main : 3928 Lod : 58 Support Ofuse (Donation)...
Created by kaeru
Tokyu Bus Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Star Bus Type:K Eco Hybrid Non-step Low-Floor Max speed:20 capacity:60 -------------------------------------------------------- 東急バス 三菱ふそう エアロスター バス K型 エコハイブリッド 都市型超低床バス 最高速度:20 積載人数:60...
Created by Noto
Game Center / タイトーステーション秋葉原
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese game center inspired by "Taito Station Akihabara" in AKIBA, Tokyo. Since the game center has ATM, visitors can play games without worrying about money( at that time). Grow-able Buildings: Commercial High-density, Level 3 Tris: 1954 ( LOD: 39) Text...
Gate Tower Building - Osaka, Japan (LHD)
Created by Moofers
Gate Tower Building - Osaka, Japan - for LHD. This version has the expressway road going through it, this is for left hand drive players....
Gate Tower Building - Osaka, Japan (RHD)
Created by Moofers
Gate Tower Building - Osaka, Japan - for RHD. This version has the expressway road going through it, this is for right hand drive players. This version RHD has the road facing it's real life equivalent, which in Japan is Left Hand Drive. -- The LHD version...
Generic office #4
Created by Jerenable
Generic office #4 by Jerenable This is a smaller version of my generic office #3 This asset uses the Plopable RICO mod and can be found in the office tab without this mod the building is an unique and can be found in that tab. You can donate if you want to...
Giant Pokeball
Created by buddyg987
Giant Pokeball by buddyg987...
Glass- Cube- Metro- Station 2.0
Created by clus
Glass- Cube- Metro- Station 2.0 Prolog Hello again ! It seemed to me, that a lot of you liked the last "update" ... Therefore I decided to do another one ... ;) This is the updated version of my Glass Cube Station,
glico screen 渋谷 東京
Created by やばい
glico screen 渋谷 東京 by やばい glico screenです、ビデオは「東京喰種√A」ノンテロップOP映像österreich/無能です、これも次のアセットで使うpropです、お楽しみにしてください。 This is glico screen, the vedio is from Tokyo ghoul season 2 op österreich, and this prop will also be used in the next Shibuya building. Enjoy^_...
Godarville tram
Created by AleX_BY
Typical tram car early 20th century. Made in Belgium, used in a lot of countries of Europe. This wagon has livery of Odessa tram (Russian Empire), but it typical for those years too. Capacity: 30 Tris count: 4654 Support me please if you like my models and...
GODZILLA Second Form
Created by CityOfTokyo
GODZILLA Second Form Shin Godzilla is a living organism that appeared in Japanese cinema of the public July 29, 2016. Form began to adapt to the land environment. The head is similar to the frill shark of deep-sea fish, is the neck seen the gills is a remn...
GODZILLA Fourth form
Created by CityOfTokyo
GODZILLA Fourth form Shin Godzilla is a living organism that appeared in Japanese cinema of the public July 29, 2016. Suddenly it appeared giant unknown organisms in Tokyo Bay. Its identity is the presence of ancient marine life caused ingested ecological ...
Godzilla Second Form Style2
Created by CityOfTokyo
Godzilla Second Form Style2 Shin Godzilla is a living organism that appeared in Japanese cinema of the public July 29, 2016. Form began to adapt to the land environment. The head is similar to the frill shark of deep-sea fish, is the neck seen the gills is...
Goodwill Gate larger version 大善鄰門
Created by Emperor Li
A fictional larger version of Yokohama Chinatown's Goodwill Gate. The building is placeable anywhere. Please use any mod with Road Anarchy (NoPillars/Sharp Junction Angles) to place the gate on top of the street. The distance of the pillars is 22.5m. origi...
Greater Tokyo
Created by shockiii
Map of the greater Tokyo area, 120x120km². Based on a heightmap, I tried to put as many rivers as I could and keep something realistic and playable. Terrain has been smoothed and rivers are smaller to fit the scale of the map. You'll need to work on the ri...
Green Ginkgo Tree
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Green Ginkgo Tree by Shroomblaze 310 Tri's / 48 Polys I also removed the dirt patch at the bottom of the tree, I took the screenshots before I edited the .crp file. You will see in game that the dirt patch is no more! Enjoy Please be sure to rate it up & f...
Great Gas Scania (Oil Industry)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up If You Like! Thanks :) The Scania R Streamline Cab by Onionjack_ & Trailer by Shroomblaze. More Tankers of Various Kinds to Come Soon! :) This truck is used in Oil Industry Areas. Only 1 Color Variation as shown above. Scania Cab Total Tris ...
guard pipe with concrete(red)
Created by Konno Model
guard pipe with concrete(red) 日本中至る所で見ることができる、簡易設置型ガードパイプ(赤)です。 通常設置用と路上設置用に高さを低く設定している2種類のセットとなります。...
guard pipe with concrete(green)
Created by Konno Model
guard pipe with concrete(green) 日本中至る所で見ることができる、簡易設置型ガードパイプ(緑)です。 通常設置用と路上設置用に高さを低く設定している2種類のセットとなります。...
Guard pipe(red)
Created by Konno Model
Guard pipe(red) 日本中至る所で見ることができる、埋め込み型ガードパイプ(赤)です。 通常設置用と路上設置用に高さを-30cm低く設定している2種類のセットとなります。...
Created by E_kamu
---English--- *Recently, several better assets created by other creators are now available on the workshop. I recommend using them. This is a prop of Cable barrier (one of the traffic barriers). It is used and called "Guard Cable" in Japan. Pole span : 4m ...
GuardCable_4mR (4m and Rightmost GuardCable)
Created by E_kamu
---English--- This is a prop of Cable barrier (one of the traffic barriers). It is used and called "Guard Cable" in Japan. * alpha version Pole span : 4m+1.5m (Rightmost prop) Pole : 3 poles Color : Grey ---日本語--- ガードケーブルのプロップです。 βバージョンです 支柱間隔:4m+1.5m(一番右端...
GuardCable_L (Leftmost GuardCable)
Created by E_kamu
---English--- This is a prop of Cable barrier (one of the traffic barriers). It is used and called "Guard Cable" in Japan. * β version Pole span : 1.5m (Leftmost prop) Pole : 2 poles Color : Grey ---日本語--- ガードケーブルのプロップです。 βバージョンです 支柱間隔:1.5m(一番左端のプロップです) ポー...
Guardrails PACK
Created by BenTracker
Required MODs: - More Beautification - Prop & Tree Anarchy - Prop Line Tool (vAlpha) - Prop Precision Recommended MODs: - Farther Zoom (full zoom in) - Move it! -------------------------------------------------------- 12 Assets (Industrial Props): Guardrai...
Gula's Starbucks Coffee
Created by Gula
Level 1 Commercial (2x4) coffee shop growable in the commercial zone! Updated for After Dark Sherlocks Coffee... Iced two-pump cinnamon dulce americano with cream 787 Tris 512 Texture res - for releases! https://www.patreo...
GUNMA - Japan 群馬県
Created by aya
This is the Gunma Prefecture map in nearly in the center of Japan . Around the sea is really all land . There northwest traditional monster of Gunma , is Gunma chan .,139.1283427,9.75z/data=!...
Created by Konno Model
GZG50 CENTURY TOYOTA Japanese chauffeur driven. 4996cc, V12engine. 4 types of colors.(Black, Dark blue, Dark gray, Silver) using Advanced Vehicle Options (AVO) you can change it to your favorite color. 50系センチュリー生産終了追悼アップロード 2/4をもって販売を終了した50系センチュリー を追悼し 作成、...
Created by りな
G_Hoihoi by rekeena...
H2 雑居ビル01 Japanese Commercial Building 01
Created by TOKACHI269
雑居ビルです。 Japanese Commercial Building 01 by TOKACHI269...
H2 雑居ビル02 Japanese Commercial Building 02
Created by TOKACHI269
雑居ビルです。 Japanese Commercial Building 02 by TOKACHI269...
Hachijō-jima - 八丈島
Created by ustaritz
Hachijō-jima Hachijō-jima (八丈島?) is a volcanic Japanese island in the Philippine Sea. The island is administered by Tōkyō and located approximately 287 kilometres (178 mi) south of the Special Wards of Tōkyō. It is the southernmost and most isolated of the...
Created by jellyjoker
Hachijo Island is a volcanic Japanese island in the Philippine Sea. The island is administered by Tokyo and located approximately 178 miles south of the Special Wards of Tokyo. It is the southernmost and most isolated of the Izu Seven Islands group of the ...
Created by KGSupreme
Hachijō-jima - Based loosely on the Japanese Island, added water stream and small resevoir for building a dam. Very rich in resources....
Haiden (拝殿) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A house for worship in Japanese shirines. This prop was created by Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。 ...
Hakata Nishitetu Bus(博多西鉄バス)
Created by kaeru
Hakata Nishitetu Bus Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Star Bus Type:K Eco Hybrid Non-step Low-Floor Max speed:20 capacity:60 -------------------------------------------------------- 博多西鉄バス 三菱ふそう エアロスター バス K型 エコハイブリッド 都市型超低床バス 最高速度:20 積載人数:60 色変えに対応したバスを作成しました。 ///////...
Hakodate 函館
Created by xanthar4242
Hakodate Can you recreate the quaint beauty of Hokkaido's second city? Or will you build it into the northen metropolis?...
Created by wowwow19
Created by ALICE
Hakozaki Junction
Created by moncat
This is Japanese junction....
Hakozaki(箱崎) JCT v2
Created by MEDURO
Hakozaki(箱崎) JCT, Japan (ver2) @35.681381, 139.786531 Fix version. 修正バージョン。 Needs to be placed on flat land. 平坦な場所が必要です。...
Created by airking7
Hakozaki-JCT by airking7 首都高速道路のジャンクション第二弾 箱崎ジャンクションのアセット No Pillar MOD を使用して製作してあります。 アセットの作成サイズから、ジャンクション全体が入りきっていませんので、接続を各自で行ってください。(後日修正の可能性アリ) This asset is Hakozaki-junction of the Metropolitan Expressway in Tokyo. From creating the size of the asse...
hamanako3 浜名湖 japan
Created by X-Japa man
Hankyu 6300 series (4 Cars)
Created by ron_fu-ta
阪急6300系 (嵐山線 4両編成) 定員:400名 速度:100km/h Hankyu 6300 series (Arashiyama line 4 Cars) Capacity : 400 person Speed : 100km/h このアセットは以下のMODを使用して制作しています。(使用する際、MODは不要です。) This Asset has produced using this MOD. (MOD is not required in order to use.) "Extended Ass...
Hankyu 6300 series (6 Cars)
Created by ron_fu-ta
阪急6300系 (京都線 6両編成) ゲームのプラットホームが短い為、編成を短くしてあります。 定員:600名 速度:100km/h Hankyu 6300 series (Kyoto line 6 Cars) Station platform is short in this game. For this reason, it has been short train formation. Capacity : 600 person Speed : 100km/h このアセットは以下のMODを使用して制作...
Hankyu 8000 Series / 阪急8000系電車
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is the Hankyu Series 8000 series, one of the symbolic vehicles of Hankyu Railway, which celebrated its 30th anniversary this year. Series 8000 is used on the Kobe Line and Takarazuka Line, and is operated in all types from limited express to local. It...
Hankyu 8300 Series (阪急電鉄8300系)
Created by JSF-1
You get 2 Trains with this asset! > Hankyu 8300 Series (Standard Version) > Hankyu 8300 Series Special (Special livery version) The Hankyu 8300 Series have been in service since 1989 on the Kyoto Main Line, Senri Line, and Osaka Metro Sakaisuji Line. Passe...
Hankyu bus / 阪急バス
Created by Craft967
<English> Hankyu_bus is route bus in Osaka, Hyogo and Kyoto of Japan. This asset is ISUZU ERGA LV290 of Hankyu_bus. -Information- Max speed 100km/h capacity 86 This model was made by jaijai. ISUZU LV290 <日本語> 関西を中心として路線を展開している、阪急バスのいすゞ エルガ LV290 です。 - 概要 -...
Created by YODOH
Hanshin Railway connects Osaka and Kobe,Japan. This is repainted asset. Original Model by jaijai Category: Bus Capacity: 75 ↓↓Other KV&LV290 repainted Assets↓↓
Hanshin Railway Prop Pack
Created by YODOH
Hanshin Railway Prop Pack by YODOH...
Hanshin series 5500
Created by ron_fu-ta
阪神電鉄5500系 車体の色はラインカラーで変化します。 定員:400名 (100名/両) 速度:100km/h Hanshin Electric Railway series 5500 The color of the body will change by Line color. Capacity : 400 person (100 person/car) Speed : 100km/h ...
Hanshin series 5500 (Old Livery)
Created by YODOH
Hanshin5500 by YODOH...
Hanshin series 8000 (New Livery)
Created by YODOH
Hanshin8000 NewLivery by YODOH...
Hanshin series 9000 (New Livery)
Created by YODOH
Hanshin9000 NewLivery by YODOH...
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
HDB 390012
Created by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 390012 (Dakota Cres) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! The 3rd Dakota Cres building in the series. A 2-story building. The first story was commercialized and used as shop houses, while the second story was residential. If you like this, please give it a 👍, it real...
Heavy Truck 6x2
Created by jaijai
Heavy Truck 6x2, Wing body Asset Details Category: Industry Capacity: 10,000 Triangles: 1026, Texture: 1024x512 LoD Triangles: 44, LoD Texture: 64x64 The 8x4 version is here. Prop is here....
hearse02 century MIYAGATA
Created by Konno Model
"MIYAGATA" is traditional japanese hearse センチュリーベースの宮型霊柩車です。 ...
Heavy Truck 6x2 Prop
Created by jaijai
This is a prop version of Heavy Truck 6x2. Opened is here...
HDB 390010
Created by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
HDB 390010 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! This is the 4th and last Dakota Cres building type in the series that I know of (via google street view). I am not sure if the buildings has been demolished but i am glad that Dakota Crescent buildings are somewhat preserve...
Heavy Truck 6x2 Prop (Opened)
Created by jaijai
Heavy Truck 6x2 Prop Triangles: 836 Texture: 1024x512 LoD Triangles: 46 LoD Texture: 32x32 Closed is here. The vehicle is here. ...
Heavy Truck 8x4
Created by jaijai
Heavy Truck 8x4, Low floor, Wing body This is a heavy truck common in Japan. It has high stability and large loading capacity. This is not based on the real manufacturer's vehicle. However, this was made referring to Hino Profia and Fuso Super Great. Asset...
HeavyTruck 8x4 Prop (Opened)
Created by jaijai
prop version HeavyTruck 8x4 Triangles: 917 Texture: 1024 x 512 LoD Triangles: 70 LoD Texture: 32 x 32 (auto generate) Closed Style is here...
Heian Jingu Great Torii (平安神宮大鳥居)
平安神宮の應天門から300メートル南の神宮道に在る巨大な鳥居である。 昭和四年四月十日に創建され、鉄筋コンクリートとモルタルと云ふ近代的な素材によって作られた。 Heian Jingu Great Torii (平安神宮大鳥...
Created by nekote
日本の有名な玩具店。 現在は全店舗閉鎖&他の業種へと変更されていますが、 特徴的な城壁を模した建造物は一目で見てわかる形状をしております。 Growable Commercial Low LV1 2x3 2x4 低密度商業区に自動的に建つようになっております。...
Highway Median Tram Station
Created by JSF-1
As its name implies this is a tram station that sits in the center of a Highway median. Just place the station down next to a road then connect your tram tracks and highway to the station. That's all. Obviously this stations use is very situational but som...
Created by Zaslon553
A small park from well known ad (especially in JP) This park has smaller radius and high effect. なんとかハウスの例の建物です....
Created by Colin969
Based on the Himeji area....
Created by KINYENO
HINO Blue Ribbon KV290
Created by jaijai
Hino Blue Ribbon KV290Q1 What is Blue Ribbon? In a word, its the same as ISUZU ERGA LV290. This bus is a one-product of two manufacturers. Those buses are produced by the J-BUS LTD, founded by Isuzu and Hino. After all, this asset is an alternative skin of...
HINO Blue Ribbon KV290 LHD
Created by jaijai
Hino Blue Ribbon KV290Q1 LHD Category: Bus Capacity: 86 See RHD for the more info. Prop is here....
HINO RANGER Agriculture Reefer-Van Prop
Created by jaijai
Hino RANGER Agriculture Prop by jaijai...
HINO RANGER Forestry Truck
Created by jaijai
Hino RANGER GK Forestry Truck Truck Hino Ranger PK-GK8JRFA TADANO Cargo Crane TM-ZR504 Asset Details Category: Forestry Capacity: 8,000 (same as the default) Triangles: 2038/1926, Texture: 1024x512 LoD Triangles: 129/117, LoD Texture 64x32 Supports transit...
HINO RANGER Forestry Truck Prop
Created by jaijai
This is a prop version HINO RANGER Forestry Truck. This asset contains two props: Standard and Extended. Asset Details Standard Triangles: 1926, Texture: 1024x512 LoD Triangles: 117, LoD Texture 64x32 Extended Triangles: 1986, Texture: 1024x512 LoD Triangl...
Hino Ranger KONOIKE Prop
Created by jaijai
Ranger FD KONOIKE Prop by jaijai...
HINO RANGER Reefer-Van Prop
Created by jaijai
Hino RANGER Reefer-Van Prop by jaijai...
Created by jaijai
Hino RANGER FD Wing-Van Truck Hino Ranger 2013 TKG-FD7JLAG Ranger is a medium-duty commercial vehicle produced by Hino Motors. It's one of the most popular medium trucks in Japan. Ranger is also called Hino 500. Asset Details Category: Industry Capacity: 8...
HINO S'elega HD - ALPICO (Prop)
Created by YODOH
Selega HD ALPICO Prop by YODOH...
Created by YODOH
A big transport company in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. ↓Fit with my KV290 local Bus ↓ This is repainted asset ,Template from REV0. Capacity : 38 Passengers (Less than Generic due to toilet and...
HINO S'elega HD - JR Kanto
Created by REV0
High Decker, JR Kanto - 60 passengers, Right Hand Drive Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact The Hino S'elega (kana:日野・セレガ) is a heavy-duty bus produced by the Japanese manufacturer J-Bus....
HINO S'elega HD - Hankyu (Prop)
Created by YODOH
Selega HD Hankyu Prop by YODOH...
HINO S'elega HD - JR Kanto (Prop)
Created by REV0
JR Kanto, Prop Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Technical Details PROP Custom LOD Recommended Mods Find It, to find and use props in-game. search tag: "REV0, REVO, bus, hino, selega, j...
HINO S'elega HD - Nihon Kotsu
Created by YODOH
Thank you for REV0 & Ryuichi_Kaminogi ! This is repainted asset ,Template from REV0. Capacity : 60 Passengers Speed : 140Km/h REV0`s Selega Collection is here Twitter :
HIRODEN Blue Ribbon KV290
Created by jaijai
Hiroshima Dentetsu 広島電鉄 Hiroshima Dentetsu is a transit company in Hiroshima, also called Hiro Den. Those buses are operated by a bus department of Hiroshima Electric Railway Co., Ltd. Hiroden is well-known as a tramway service company in Hiroshima. Catego...
Hiroden Type 1000 GreenMoverLEX
Created by Takouma
Hiroden Type 1000 is the latest car of Hiroden. They are low-floor trams developed by Mitsubishi, Kinki-Sharyo and Toyo-denki. Though, these trams are based on GreenMover by Siemens AG in Germany. Capasity: 90...
Hiroden Type 1000 PICCOLO
Created by Takouma
Hiroden Type 1000 is the latest car of Hiroden. They are low-floor trams developed by Mitsubishi, Kinki-Sharyo and Toyo-denki. Though, these trams are based on GreenMover by Siemens AG in Germany. Capasity: 90...
Hiroden Type 5100 GreenMoverMax
Created by Takouma
Hiroden Type 5100 GreenMoverMax is a low-floor tram. It is really similar to Type 1000, and both of them are based on Green Mover by siemens. Type 5100 is 5 cars type. Capasity: 150...
Created by jaijai
Hiroshima Kotsu 広島交通 Hiroshima Kotsu is a bus transit company in Hiroshima. It is also called Hiro Ko. Category: Bus Capacity: 86 Model: ISUZU ERGA LV290...
Hirose Entretainment Yard
Created by Lot Creator
LiThor Studios is pleased to present the second building completed for CSL, welcome to Hirose Entretainment Yard. It provides a significant entretainment boost to the area it is built in and requires an airport to be built in order to plop. The model has t...
Hiroshima - Japan
Created by KINYENO
Hiroshima - Japan Map is not entirely identical. Some of the rivers and transport have been moved to fit into the tiles than going for realism. Map includes plenty of resourse spots. trees. Streams, Road and rail links. Starting tile is in the centre with ...
Created by nov_ring
Created by Shiro1_Ookami
Hiroshima/Miyajima - Japan...
HK Pedestrian overcrossing 港式人行道天桥 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
这里有五条人行天桥,这是其中的第一条,你可以在游戏在带的人行道一栏找到它们 There are five pedestrian bridges here, this is the first one, you can find them in the sidewalk of the game. 全部道路在和集中 All roads in and concentrated 港式人行天桥只包含高架和桥,地面上仍是水泥路,使用的时候请按“PageUp” HK pedestrian overcrossing onl...
HK Pedestrian overcrossing prop
Created by XDBX
HPO by XDBX...
HK pedestrian overcrossing2
Created by XDBX
HK pedestrian overcrossing2 by XDBX 这里有五条人行天桥,这是其中的第二条,你可以在游戏在带的人行道一栏找到它们 There are five pedestrian bridges here, this is the second one, you can find them in the sidewalk of the game. 全部道路在和集中 All roads in and concentrated 港式人行天桥只包含高架和桥,地面上仍是水泥路,使用的时候请按“P...
HK pedestrian overcrossing3
Created by XDBX
HK pedestrian overcrossing3 by XDBX 这里有五条人行天桥,这是其中的第3条,你可以在游戏在带的人行道一栏找到它们 There are five pedestrian bridges here, this is the third one, you can find them in the sidewalk of the game. 全部道路在和集中 All roads in and concentrated 港式人行天桥只包含高架和桥,地面上仍是水泥路,使用的时候请按“Pa...
HK pedestrian overcrossing4
Created by XDBX
HPO4 by XDBX 这里有五条人行天桥,这是其中的第4条,你可以在游戏在带的人行道一栏找到它们 There are five pedestrian bridges here, this is the fourth one, you can find them in the sidewalk of the game. 全部道路在和集中 All roads in and concentrated 港式人行天桥只包含高架和桥,地面上仍是水泥路,使用的时候请按“PageUp” HK pedestrian ov...
HK pedestrian overcrossing5
Created by XDBX
HK pedestrian overcrossing5 by XDBX 这里有五条人行天桥,这是其中的第5条,你可以在游戏在带的人行道一栏找到它们 There are five pedestrian bridges here, this is the fifth one, you can find them in the sidewalk of the game. 全部道路在和集中 All roads in and concentrated 港式人行天桥只包含高架和桥,地面上仍是水泥路,使用的时候请按“Pa...
Created by jaijai
Hokkaido Chuo Bus 北海道中央バス Category: Bus Capacity: 86 Model: HINO Blue Ribbon KV290...
Hokkaido-Chuou Bus(北海道中央バス)
Created by kaeru
Hokkaido-Chuou Bus Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Star Bus Type:K Eco Hybrid Non-step Low-Floor Max speed:20 capacity:60 -------------------------------------------------------- 北海道中央バス 三菱ふそう エアロスター バス K型 エコハイブリッド 都市型超低床バス 最高速度:20 積載人数:60 色変えに対応したバスを作成しました。 ////////...
Holstebro double-track Passenger Trainstation After Dark Update
Created by Lillefod
Holstebro Doubletrack Trainstation 14x10 by conex and SimsFireHouse NOTE: Because the update is based on a new template, it has a different data ID. The game cannot find an asset with the original data ID, so it appears to be deleted. All you need to do is...
Created by CityOfTokyo
HONDA ACTY 4WD Acty is a light car of the commercial van which Honda Motor Co., Ltd. sells and the truck. The body shape is an under-seat engine to a semi-under-seat engine, but there is the engine to the mid ship of the under floor. Therefore I may be sai...
Honda Civic FD
Created by lopiv2
Honda Civic FD 2100 Tris Low Residential Sport Car If you like my work, please consider to donate ...
Honda CRX Si
Created by Archie Cuntingham
My own car :> This is the edm/jdm version 1.6 liter, dual-overhead cammed, 131 horsepowers of fuel-injected vengeance 1610 tris 512x512 textures lod model; 32 tris 64x64 textures...
Created by hakurai
ワンモーションフォルムが美しい先代フィット(前期型)のアセットです。 donate ofuse PayPal HONDA FIT(GE6) by hakurai...
Created by hakurai
ホンダ フィットのプロップです。 vehicle ver. ↓ donate ofuse PayPal HONDA FIT(GE6) PROP by hakurai...
Honda N-Box (1st colorset)
Created by Archie Cuntingham
Tiny japanese microcar! Comes in 4 colours; Pink Light Blue White Cream 1604 tris 512x512 textures lod: 26 tris 64x64 textures...
Honda N-Box (2nd colorset)
Created by Archie Cuntingham
Just another set of colours. Red Copper Gray Dark Purple 1604 tris 512x512 textures lod: 26 tris 64x64 textures...
Honda Stepwgn
Created by Ronyx69
2011 Honda Stepwgn (Step Wagon) Spada ZI First vehicle with an interior and glass. Instead of a prop version, it includes a building version, because props can't have sub meshes, which are used for chrome, glass, and steering wheel and dash. The steering w...
Honda Today JW1
Created by kazuma76
Honda Today JW1 Triangle : 5536 Texture : 1024 x 1024 lod Triangle : 46 Texture : 64 x 64 2016/04/23 lod model & texture fix...
Created by kazuma76
Honda Today Police Car 逮捕しちゃうぞ Second Season version Triangle : 6286 Texture : 1024 x 1024 lod Triangle : 56 Texture : 64x 64...
Honda Today Police Car
Created by kazuma76
Honda Today Police Car 逮捕しちゃうぞ version Triangle : 7690 Texture : 1024 x 1024 lod Triangle : 56 Texture : 64x 64 2016/04/23 lod model & texture fix...
Hyundai Apartment - 4x3 Growable
Created by Memories
Hyundai Apartment of Korea Size 4x3 Level 3 Growable Polys: 4392(Tris 11,162) Lod Polys: 343(Tris 916) Texture Size 1024x1024 Lod Texture 512x512 After Dark Update! ...
Created by CityOfTokyo
MITSUBISHI i-MiEV POLICE CAR It is i-MiEV produced for proof driving tests with the Kanagawa Prefectural Police. Triangle : 2303 Texture : 512 x 512 *** Change Log *** 5/Mar : Add Normal map texture Reduction of the file size....
Ibusuki Peninsula 指宿半島
Created by xanthar4242
Explore the picturesque Ibuski Peninsula...
Ichinomiya JCT / Nishiowari IC
Created by danuki313
Toukai-Hokuriku expwy, Meishin expwy, Ichinomiya JCT and Toukai-Hokuriku expwy Nishiowari IC. by danuki313...
II-57-17 RICO Soviet tenement
Created by AleX_BY
This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a park without any functions and stats. II-57/17 - series of soviet tenements. Info Residential High Level - 3 Size - 4х4 Capacity - 41 households Cost - 75000 News of Russian-speaking communit...
Information Board (観光案内板) - Prop
Created by kei_em
An information board. This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
Information Sign / エリアマップ [PROP]
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese information sign inspired from Tokyo's one. This is essential around pedestrians walk, avenues and parks. Containing local area map and directions to the stations. 千代田区仕様のエリアマップです。道路や公園、広場などにご利用ください。 Tris: 42 / 42 Tex: 512x512 / 128x128 ...
Initial D FujiwaraTofu Spec AE86
Created by CityOfTokyo
Initial D FujiwaraTofu Spec AE86 Donut van is a base. It’s a low volume high speed delivery specification. A chief character appearing in comics initial D is AE86 model (HACHI ROKU) TOYOTA Sprinter Trueno which "Takumi Fujiwara" handles. "藤原とうふ店(Fujiwara T...
Instant Commercial 11 Props Pack / Shops everywhere
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Instant commercial props. Place them on any buildings to decorate your Japanese downtown. Use closed entrance(shutter) to fill the blank spaces if you need. いろいろな建物に店を生やすことができるPropです。 シャッターがついているPropを使うことで隙間を埋めることもできます。 テナント+シャッター11個入。 Texture: 512-1024(d/...
Created by Takouma
InstantFamilyMart prop (AD update) Example of use:
Created by Takouma
InstantLAWSON prop (AD update) Example of use:
Created by Takouma
InstantSevenEleven prop (AD) Example of use:
Ishibei (石塀) Type B - Prop
Created by kei_em
A stone fence. This prop was created by Mr. 551 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 551さんが作成したものです。 ...
Ishidourou (石灯籠) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A lantern for gardens of Japanese shrine or temples. This prop was created Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。...
Created by ustaritz
This is not to scale nor accurate map of Ishigaki in the Japanese southern islands....
Ishigaki Island
Created by Roarzcorp.
Ishigaki Island - Another Japanese Island Lots of land to build upon with challenging hills in the north! With road/train/water connection + all the resources available! Good starting location Recommended play with 25 tile mod! Also Check out: Sint Maarten...
Created by CityOfTokyo
ISUZU ELF LOADING TRUCK A small and medium-sized truck that Isuzu Motors produces the elves and sells. It is placed as representative existence of the Japanese small under-seat engine truck in the world since I took the share top in 2 tons of crust racks i...
Created by jaijai
Isuzu ERGA HYBRID Bus Isuzu ERGA 2018 2SG-HL2ANBD This bus is manufactured by J-BUS, founded by Isuzu and Hino. It is sold as Blue Ribbon Hybrid HL2ANAP by Hino Motors since 2015. The line colored livery is inspired by Kantetsu Bus. Asset Details Category:...
Ishibei (石塀) Type A - Prop
Created by kei_em
A stone fence. This prop was created by Mr. 551 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 551さんが作成したものです。 ...
Ishidatami (石畳) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A path paved with stones....
Created by jaijai
Isuzu ERGA HYBRID LHD See RHD for the more info....
Created by jaijai
Isuzu ERGA LV290Q1 The Isuzu Erga is a heavy-duty bus marketed by the Isuzu Motors Ltd. and introduced in 2000. This asset is the 2nd generation Erga since 2015. This bus has many sheet variations. This asset is one of the largest capacity, and the passeng...
Created by jaijai
Isuzu Erga LV290Q1 LHD See RHD for the more info. Prop is here....
ISUZU GIGA Forestry Truck
Created by jaijai
Isuzu GIGA tractor and a forestry semi-trailer Tractor Isuzu GIGA tractor 6x4. Trailer Forestry Trailer C. Asset Details Category: Forestry Capacity: 11,000 ...
Created by CityOfTokyo
ISUZU ERGA WB-4800 A route, the trailer bus which J-BUS produces Elgar, and Isuzu Motors sells from 2000 for private use. Passengers : 76 *** Change Log *** 23/June : Reduction of the number of the polygons 29/Nov : Supported AfterDark Update custom LOD...
ISUZU GIGA Garbage Truck
Created by jaijai
Isuzu GIGA garbage dump truck Truck Asset Details Category: Garbage Capacity: 22,000 (increased by 10%) The recycling style is here. Prop is here....
ISUZU GIGA Recycle Truck Prop
Created by jaijai
This is a prop version of ISUZU GIGA Recycle Truck....
Created by CityOfTokyo
ISUZU PACCAR By mechanical dust cart spreading most in Japan, 2 tons of cars of the method to hold down with a rotary board are used for collection of household waste. Because I load it onto a box-shaped container while reducing it by press mechanism, I pr...
Itano, Japan
Created by Gregor Vukasinovic
NOTE: REQUIRES NETWORK EXTENSIONS 2!!! The delta of the Yoshino river in Tokushima prefecture, Shinkoku, Japan, comes as a wide valley bordered by mountain ranges to the north and south. I recommend using a mod that opens up the full map for purchase on th...
Itsukushima JinJa Great Torii  (嚴嶋神社大鳥居)
説明不要。最も雄大な鳥居。 一應水に浸して現實の場景を再現できますが、水没アイコンが煩はしいので推獎はしません。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Itsukushima JinJa Great Torii Building Info 1x1 plots Category : Unique building Construction cost : 2800 Maintenance cost : 12...
Itomori (糸守町) - YourName(君の名は。)
Created by Kagami
Brief The living place of Mitsuha Miyamizu (宮水三葉), the heroine in the flim. Inspired from Your Name , the Japanese anime movie which directed by Makoto Shinkai (新海誠). Recently I'm falling in the flim therefore I make this. You may play the map with Natural...
Iwakuni, Japan - 岩国市
Created by Rasseru
Iwakuni, Japan 岩国市, 日本 Map Scale: 15 km Iwakuni is in the eastern part of Yamaguchi Prefecture, bordering the Seto Inland Sea. The river starts as one and then splits near the sea. Great area for a seaport city Easy railway start, highways are limited and ...
Created by Optron Warrior
Japanese Style Grave props for the cemetary...
Created by Optron Warrior
J-graves-b by Optron Warrior...
Created by CityOfTokyo
J-StylePCPillar It is prestressed concrete bridge pier which is common in Japan. Triangle : 350 Texture : 256 x 512...
japan AICHI map
Created by Isiguro san
慣れない操作で初めて作成したmap愛知県の港区を中心に作成してあります。 一部高速片側作成ミスの為追加。...
Japan Airlines 737-800
Created by SvenBerlin
Japan Airlines 737-800 by Svenpotsdam after dark updated All stuff is free of course and if you like that stuff maybe you would like to donate for all the time I invested to reskin this aircraft Thank you very much.
Japan Houses
Created by RaptoR
Japan Houses...
Japan Map 25 tiles v1.00
Created by stmSantana
Japan map for 25 tiles MOD. = Recommend = - All Spaces Unlockable (feel free to choose which one to use.) - All 25 Areas purchasable (feel free to choose which one to use.) http://steamcommuni...
Japan map 81 tiles v1.01
Created by stmSantana
Japan map 81 tiles v1.01 (1.1.1c) *Fix: v1.01: reversed road. = Recommend = - 81 Tiles (Fixed for C:S 1.2+) - Extra Landscaping Tools
Japan Post Sign 1
Created by hakurai
Japan Post Sign 1 by hakurai...
Japan Post Bank Sign ゆうちょ銀行の看板
Created by ako_ako
ゆうちょ銀行の看板のPropです。 Propの共通カテゴリに表示されます。"Japan Post Bank Sign"で検索しても出てきます。 設置したいビルの形状によっては壁との間に隙間が出来る、めり込むことがあります。 その時は、MoveIt!を使用すると綺麗に設置することが出来ます。 ※SSの撮影にBachToBaroque様の「3x3C Kyoto Block #6 (Lv1 Office)」を使用しています。 In picture, using "3x3C Kyoto Block #6 (Lv1 ...
Japan Post Sign 郵便局の看板
Created by ako_ako
郵便局の看板のPropです。 適当なビルに据え付けることで雰囲気を郵便局に出来るかも? 赤とオレンジの2種類が追加されます。 赤いものが現行版、オレンジのものは置き換えされていない旧版のようです。 Propの共通カテゴリに表示されます。"Japan Post Sign"で検索しても出てきます。 Sighboard of Japanese Post Office. Including Red and Orange. Red one is used currently. Recommended Mod More...
Japan Post Signs
Created by Ronyx69
Includes the Japan Post logo and a central post office sign. Made for the Japanese Post Office. Can be used for any japanese post office. Main: 46 - 76 tris 256x256 LOD: 10 - 36 tris Twitch Yo...
Japan Post Van
Created by Moofers
A Suzuki Every in Japan Post Paint Job....
Japan Post Van - Prop
Created by Moofers
Japan Post Van - Prop Version...
Japan Rhine
Created by Metadigital
This map is made from an imported map of the Kiso River near Nagoya, Japan. Its highways were based loosely on the highways in the region. This map boasts a huge amount of fertile land and forests, which combined with an abundance of wind and strong water ...
Japan Rhine 2.0
Created by Metadigital
This map is made from an imported map of the Kiso River near Nagoya, Japan. Its highways were based loosely on the highways in the region. This map boasts a huge amount of fertile land and forests, which combined with an abundance of wind and strong water ...
Japan Style Elementary School 1
Created by JSF-1
The first in a series of Elementary and High Schools based around designs used in Tokyo Japan. For those doing Japan styled cities or just want schools that blend in with high density areas, I hope that this asset and the ones that follow will fulfill thos...
Japan Style Elementary School 2
Created by JSF-1
The second in a series of Japan themed schools. Like the others this school is a good fit for high density neighborhoods and japan styled cities. Like the other it is also based off a real elementary school in Tokyo Japan. PS: It's fun to watch the A.I pat...
Japan Style Elementary School 3
Created by JSF-1
The third in a series of Japan themed schools. Like the others this school is a good fit for high density neighborhoods and japan styled cities. Like the other it is also based off a real elementary school in Tokyo Japan. Cost to build: 18,000 Upkeep: 288 ...
Japan Style Elementary School 4
Created by JSF-1
An elementary school based off a design located in Tokyo Japan. Cost to build: $14,000 Upkeep: $1,400 Size: 12x6 Student Population: 500...
Japan Style High School
Created by JSF-1
Another school from Japan. Like the others this one is based on a real school in Tokyo. This is also the first High School in this series. Like all other schools in the collection this one is built in the mid-density style that fits well among your apartme...
Japan Style High School 4
Created by JSF-1
A large high school facility based off of a real school in Tokyo Japan. Cost to Build: $35,000 Upkeep: $3,500 Size: 7x8 Student Population: 1,600 ...
Japan tokyo tower
Created by dabaofu
tokyo tower by dabaofu unique Space:6*6 Cost: 50000 Electricity:5 Maintenance: 1000 sewage accumulation:10 waterconsumption:10...
Japan, Tokyo, Shinjyuku-ku, Beta
Created by Sheepman65
Japan, Tokyo, Shinjyuku-ku, Beta...
Japanese Parking Garage
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese parking garage inspired from the one around Shizuoka Station in Japan. 2 sizes included and 4 color variants. Since this is a functional parking lot, CIMs can park their cars on every floors. Too big vehicle like vanilla pickup trucks or camping v...
Japanese Add Colors
Created by waya
Please note that this workshop will be updated all the time. If it affects you, please do not subscribe.It just adds color, but the night scene is redone. 19.1.7 Add two colors to MND2. 19.1.8 Add two colors to YM MND2 19.2.2 Add 3 colors MB-C1 HA_A1 HA_C1...
Japanese Advertising Boards 10 Pack / 日本の看板広告セット(10個入)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
※日本語の説明は下にあります。 Advertising Boards that we can see near the station. It's good to place some boards in front of the platform like the picture. You can find them in the prop menu or just type "JPAD" in search mods. W: 4m / H: 3.7m / Tris: 44 / Texture: 1024...
Japanese Ambulance
Created by stockjr97
A vehicle model converted from Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, color, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. Headlights, brake lights and turning signals are functional. I decided to not use the siren beacons since t...
Japanese Apartment 3 Pack / マンションパック(GROW)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Typical Japanese apartment Vol.3/4/5 pack. * Vol.1 * Vol.2 Growable Buildings: Residential High, Level 2. Screenshots are taken using some mods, LUTs. Donate: ----- 典型的な日本のマンションが3つ入ったお得なパックです。 2000年台に建った量産型の普通のマンションをイメージしました。...
Japanese Apartment A / マンションA
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical apartment. In Japan, we call these apartments "Mansion". It's so strange. RICO / Residential High L2. 日本の典型的なマンションです。RICO対応。高密度住宅L2として利用可能です。 Tris: 4208 / 194(LOD) / Texture: 4096x4096, 256x256 (LOD)...
Japanese Apartment B / マンションB(RICO)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Typical Japanese apartment Vol.2 ( Vol.1 ). RICO Required: Residential High, Level 3 / 12 homes. You can arrange this by my Instant Commercial Props like the picture. Screenshots are taken using some mods, LUTs. 典型的な日本のマンションVol.2 ( Vol.1 )です。RICO対応。レベル3の高密...
Japanese Arch Prop
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this model, I got it from a website for free. All I did was add a texture. Here is the original listing... Arch This is a prop so you will need to make your own park/asset using this prop before you can use it in game. Also I reduced the s...
Japanese archipelago(日本列島とその周邊地域、japan)
日本列島マップです。朝鮮半島やロシアの一部も開發可能です。 ↓この動畫のために自作したものです。 タイル擴張MODを入れればかなりの土地を開發できるでせう(MOD導入は自己責任で)。 テストプレイはまだ不完全なので、いろいろと破綻してゐるかもしれません(資源等)。...
Japanese Bamboo Fence
日本を演出する竹柵。多くの場面で使へるでせう。 竹柵 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Beverage Vending Machine PACK
Created by CityOfTokyo
Japanese Beverage Vending Machine PACK DESCRIPTOPN Drink vending machines appeared in Japan in the middle of the Meiji era, and the number of installed drink vending machines is now about 2.5 million units nationwide. ASSET LIST Coca-Cola (Japan) Company, ...
Japanese Block Fence ブロック塀
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
日本風のブロック塀です。住宅街にご活用ください。 Width:2m Height: 2m Japanese block fence. Good for placing at residential areas. ...
Japanese Bridge Guard
Created by YODOH
Screenshot by @Kaminogi ( )...
Japanese Bus Stop 日本のバス停
Created by Dyglone
A typical Bus stop sign prop in Japan.(Cubic style) Not include roof.Category is Industrial prop. You must allso check my Japanese Bus Stop Roof! 日本のよくある直方体型のバス停プロップです。 屋根はついていません。工業プロップの欄に追加さ...
JAPAN-ish [9tiles ver.]
Created by YMD-Ace
***Caution*** Is processing the map, for the game. Some places can not be used, such as Okinawa. Scale is the cause. This is not a precise map of Japan. ************* - Changed the shape, so as to be 9 tiles. - To smooth mountain for development. - All map...
Japanese Bus Stop Roof 日本のバス停の屋根
Created by Dyglone
A typical Bus stop roof prop in Japan. I know that there already exists in workshop, but I just want to make my own. Not include Sign.Category is Industrial prop. My Japanese Bus Stop Sign is here:
Japanese Cafe "HIUN-AN" 飛雲庵 (growable CL L1 2x2)
泉州航空神社の付屬施設を移植したもの。 Building Info 1x1 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 2048x2048 御茶處 飛雲庵 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Canal
Created by Ronyx69
A 10m wide and 4m deep canal inspired by suburban/urban japan. Includes a version with and without walls. Found in landscaping paths menu. Also includes small vegetation props. The actual width is 22m, but it's covered by a pavement "skirt" to hide the cli...
Japanese Castle
Created by Optron Warrior
**03/10/2015 V1.5:Updated to include night lighting for After Dark expansion. I managed to update this asset directly so no need to re-sub :-)! Description: A Large Japanese Castle based in part on Karumoto Castle bat for SC4 as reference, as well as real ...
Japanese cherry
Created by Ston3D
Japanese cherry by Ston3D...
Japanese Cherry Blossom Sakura
Created by Optron Warrior
I love cherry blossoms so I created this version as a tree prop you can place anywhere just like the ingame trees. I love the CO ones but they don't show up for me in the asset editor so these are totally custom trees I created from scratch....
Japanese Citizens Pack
Created by stockjr97
A set of Japanese citizens for your Japan builds! Comes with 2 extra highschool uniforms each for male and female teenagers! Details: 1700~2300 tris each (LOD: 500~800 tris) 1024x1024 textures (LOD: 64x64) Do you like my work? Donate to my Paypal! Tags: Ja...
Japanese Commercial Building 03 ~ 09
Created by TOKACHI269
9種類の斜線制限のある建物を追加します。奥行1.5マスです。 add 9 kinds of building with hatched limits. The depth is 1.5 square. Japanese Commercial Building 01 Japanese Commercial Building 02 <Mesh info> Main triss : 766, 984, 661, 655, 912, 756, 715 texture size : 512 x 512 (defuse...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 1
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 1b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 2
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 2b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 3
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 3b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1a
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1ab
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 2b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 3
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 3b
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 2
Created by stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Covered Walkway / 商店街の屋根
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese covered walkway in shopping streets. Place them on the sides of roads. 日本の商店街にありがちな屋根のついた歩道です。道路わきに設置してください。 Tris: ~100 / Textures: 256x256 (128x128 LOD), d/n お布施をいただけるとやる気が出ます。 Donate:
Japanese Cushion Drums クッションドラム
Created by ako_ako
道路脇によくあるアレです。道路工事のお供にもどうぞ。 Propの工業カテゴリに表示されます。 This is a japanese style impact attenuator. This pack includes 6 props show in the picture. These props are in the under of the Industrial props. Recommended Mod More Beautification Prop Precision Prop Line To...
Japanese Department Store Signs / 日本のデパートの看板
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Signs of Japanese department stores. Good for decorating with my "Japanese Department Store" Quick Usage: Search "JPSS" on Find it!. This pack includes 7 props: - Atre - Opa 1 / 2 - PARCO - ...
Japanese dining kinugawa
Created by nekote
日本風味の食堂。 モデルにしたのは東京都台東区にある食堂。 安価でボリュームも多く、近所の人の評判も良い食堂である。 しかし不定休なので注意が必要。 ぶた肉ととん汁でぶたがダブってしまった。 Growable Commercial Low L1 1x2~4 低密度商業区に自動的に建つようになってますが、 小型なので狙わないと厳しいかもしれません。...
Japanese Directional Signs Pack / 日本の案内標識(青看板)パック
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese common directional signs. There are these blue boards near the intersections. Search "JPTS" on Find It! or find in prop menu. Package: * JPTS-intersection-T-L / T-intersection Left and straight * JPTS-intersection-T-R / T-intersection Right and st...
Japanese Farmer House 1 日本の農家
Created by EXYN4
Japanese rural farmer's house. The roof was thatched but repaired with tin. Low Density Residential Level1 (3x3) Tris: 743 Vertices: 558 Texture: 1024x1024 LOD: auto Tags: japan japanese jp farm rural 日本 農家 田舎...
Japanese Elementary School
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Japanese Farmer House 2 日本の農家2
Created by EXYN4
Japanese rural farmer's house with greenhouse and shack. Low Density Residential Level1 (3x2,3x4) Tris: 943 Texture: 2048x522 LOD Tris: 63 LOD Texture: 64x64 Tags: japan japanese jp farm rural 日本 農家 田舎...
Japanese Ferry Terminal
Created by hakurai
岸壁のテクスチャがかなりお粗末なのでRonyx69氏のDocksで飾りつけることをおすすめします。 Japanese Ferry Terminal by hakurai...
Japanese Fire Hydrant Sign 日本の消火栓標識
Created by Dyglone
This is a typical japanese "fire hydrant sign(Shokasen Hyoshiki)" prop. Because of Japan's narrow land,most fire hydrants are constructed under the roads. This sign may help japanese firefighters to find them! Category is Industrial prop. 日本のよくある「消火栓標識」です。...
Japanese Fire Station
Created by Ronyx69
Japanese Fire Station / Department based on Kamo Fire Union Office:,137.0064379,67a,35y,312.66h,54.07t/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en Antennas are optional. Main: 3193 tris 1024x1024 LOD: 194 tris 256x256 Twitch YouTube Twitter...
Japanese Foods Vending Machine PACK
Created by CityOfTokyo
Japanese Foods Vending Machine PACK DESCRIPTOPN It is a food vending machine installed in offices and drive-in. ASSET LIST Curry Toast CupNoodle Tenpurasoba & Ramen NITIREI FOODS Pastry ...
Japanese Garbage can
Created by Krakow131
自動販売機の横などにおけるゴミ箱です デフォルトや既存のアセットのゴミ箱はおしゃれすぎたので取り急ぎ作りました japanese garbage can to throw away plastic bottles....
Japanese Garden - Map theme
Created by Anoo
Japanese Garden - Map theme For the assets check my Japanese Garden - Asset collection: ------------------------------------------------- Screenshots were taken with the following mods/LUTs enabl...
Japanese Green Fence
Created by ako_ako
※tokachi氏製作のフェンスパックにも緑のフェンスが含まれています。 こちらのフェンスは網目の綺麗さなどに問題もあるので、今後はtokachi氏のフェンスの使用をおすすめします。 緑のフェンスです。日本だと緑をよく見る気がします(気のせいかもしれない)。 Propの工業カテゴリに表示されます。"Japanese" や "fence" で検索しても出てきます。 Prop Line Toolのフェンスモードでの使用を推奨します。 新品のバージョンと錆びたバージョンがあります。 This is green f...
Japanese High School
Created by Ronyx69
Very simple japanese high school. Stats probably the same as vanilla high school. This asset is quite old, but I had never released it. The building doesn't fit in 16x8 properly, so it overlaps the road a bit Just move it or delete the road. Main: 6146 tri...
Japanese Hot Spring
Created by Jessica
Japanese Hot Spring by venera Added steam marker to the zen garden to create a hot spring for your Cims...
japanese house 01
Created by TOKACHI269
update : Imploved roof color and add color variation. japanese house 01 by TOKACHI269...
Japanese House 01 民家(growable RL L4 4x3)
泉州航空神社の付屬施設を移植したもの。 Japanese House 民家 Building Info 4x3 Category :Residential Low Level4 Texture : 1024x1024 日本民家4x3 L4 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese House A ( 3 Colors )/ 日本の住宅A 3色セット[GROW]
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical house with traditional style. Inspired from 1980s style. There are no fences for convenience: we can place them everywhere. Also, you can decorate them with various props into urban-style or country-style. There are 3 color-variations in e...
Japanese Kataashi Torii (鳥居)
このアセットを使ふために、以下のアセットをサブスクライブしてください。 In order to use this asset, please subscribe to the following asset. 長崎に在る山王神社の二の鳥居です。 原子爆彈の凄まじさを物...
Japanese Localization Mod (日本語化MOD)
Created by kei_em
Japanese Localization Mod Final version - 日本語 #更新# パッチ 1.17.1-f2 (Hotels and Retreats) への対応。 このMODは、日本語ロケールファイル Final 版 を自動でインストールします。 日本語ロケールファイルは、Discord - Cities: Skylines Japan サーバーの有志によって作成されました。 注意: 日本語ロケールファイルは、サブスクライブを解除しても自動では削除されません。日本語ロケールを完全に削除...
Japanese Liquor Store - YaMaYa
Created by YODOH
This is repainted Asset. Original template by @shibakata. If RICO enabled, Level 1 Low Commercial. Screenshot by @atagonoumi ( )...
japanese low building
Created by chivicvtec
japanese low commercial building 1x1...
Japanese Low Commercial Buildings Pack / 日本風低層商業ビルパック
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical commercial buildings. 3 buildings included. Grow-able Buildings: Commercial Low High, Level 2 (ALL) Quick search: "ja low com" Tris: 370,470,570 (LOD : 10-20 ) / Textures: 512x512 d/i/n/s/a Can you support my work? Donate: https://www.payp...
Japanese Medium Post Office
Created by hakurai
中規模の集配局です。 前原郵便局、直方郵便局、筑紫郵便局、飯塚郵便局、北九州中央郵便局、葛飾郵便局、米子郵便局、札幌西郵便局を参考に制作しました。 6×5 unique building Main model Tris: 2200 Texture size: 1024x1024 Texture types:diffuse,alpha,specular,illumination&normal map LOD model Tris: 209 Texture size: 128x128 Texture types...
Japanese Mitsubishi iMiEV Police Car (Nerfed)
Created by MightyOwl
After Dark Compatible. This is a nerfed version of CityOfTokyo's Japanese Mitsubishi iMiEV Police Car. Original asset here. After Dark Compatible? Yes Other Mods/Assets Required? No Triangles 2303 Texture 512x512 Max Speed 40 Crime Capacity 25000 Criminal ...
Japanese Multi-tenant Building / 日本風雑居ビル[RICO]
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese commercial building inspired from Akihabara in Tokyo. RICO / Commercial High / Level 3 / 10 employee 日本風の雑居ビルです。秋葉原にある某ビル群をモチーフにしていますが、寸法などの関係でアレンジ仕様になっています。 Tex: d/i/s 2048x2048 (LOD:256x256) / Tris: 1123 (LOD:392)...
Japanese Myojin Torii(鳥居,park)
☆26/7/2015 Thumbnail image,Tooltip image fixed 一般的な朱い明神鳥居です。 とある美人姉妹を祀ってゐます。 This is a general Torii of Japan. Phrase sisters have been enshrined. ↓CS動畫上げてます。 ↓Prop Version
Japanese Myojin Torii(鳥居,prop)
一般的な朱い明神鳥居です。 とある美人姉妹を祀ってゐます。 This is a general Torii of Japan. Phrase sisters have been enshrined. ↓CS動畫上げてます。 Park Version 明神鳥居(朱) by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Onion Hut -EMPTY- (たまねぎ小屋)
日本の農村には必ずあるやつ。 空っぽの玉葱小屋 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Onion Hut -FULL- (たまねぎ小屋)
日本の農村には必ずあるやつ。 滿杯の玉葱小屋 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Parking 1x1
Created by ばみっと
パーク24株式会社が展開する駐車場です。 余った土地があれば、どんな所にでも開設することが可能です。 ドライバーから駐車料金を頂戴して、事業拡大していきましょう。 ここ最近、料金を踏み倒す輩が多いようです。 踏み倒しが多い地域は、住民税を爆上げしてあげましょう。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Japanese Parking 1x2
Created by ばみっと
パーク24株式会社が展開する駐車場です。 余った土地があれば、どんな所にでも開設することが可能です。 ドライバーから駐車料金を頂戴して、事業拡大していきましょう。 土地が余っていない? 安心してください。そこの建物を取り壊してスペースを作りましょう。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PAR...
Japanese Plain Parking Lots / 日本風の普通の駐車場
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical parking lots without fences or signs. You can connect these assets because they are flat and plain. There are 4 variants included. 2x2, 2x4, 4x4 and 4x4L for splitted lands. They appear as low density commercial buildings. Search "plain pa...
Japanese post 詰め所A
Created by TOKACHI269
Japanese post 詰め所A 線路脇にありそうな建物です。 <Mesh info> Main triss : 1102 tex size : 512x512 (d, n, s, a, i) LOD triss : 20 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 Amazon gift → Japanese post 詰め所...
Japanese Post Box No.13 郵便ポスト(郵便差出箱13号)
Created by ako_ako
郵便ポスト(郵便差出箱13号)のPropです。 Search Box Modで「Post Box」と検索すると出てきます。 ゲーム中で配置する場合、下記のmodが必要です。 ・More Beautification ・Prop & Tree Anarchy This is middle size Post Box well used in japan. I recommend using with Search Box Mod to find this prop.(search with "Post Box...
Japanese Prop - Island Curb
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find It" Mod =======...
Japanese Prop - Lane Splitter
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find It" Mod =======...
Japanese Propeller Torii(鳥居,prop)
實在しなささうで實在する鳥居。 泉州航空神社にある。 泉州航空神社鳥居 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese radish Patch (大根畑)
Created by kei_em
大根畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Radish patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD fac...
Japanese Railway Crossings 日本風踏切MOD
Created by ako_ako
This mod is WORKING with Sunset Harbor update! 踏切を日本風に置き換えるMODです。 仕様 動きません!(固定式Propです。オプション画面で遮断棒の上げ下げを設定出来ます。) 点滅しません!!(電車が通る時、片方のライトは光ります。) 音も鳴りません!!! ※右側通行で使用する時は、オプション画面でチェックを入れてください。 ※おまけで道路カテゴリごとの踏切非表示機能もあります。 対応している道路 デフォルトの道路(高速道路を除く) Network Exten...
Japanese Railway Speed Limit Sign 日本風鉄道速度制限標識
Created by Nigorilla
日本風の鉄道の速度制限標識です。Find itではJPRPと検索してください Posted 2019/10/31 以下の7種を作成、投稿しました JPRP_35km/h JPRP_45km/h JPRP_60km/h JPRP_85km/h JPRP_95km/h JPRP_120km/h JPRP_Seigenkaijo 35km/45km/60km/85km/95km/120kmとおまけに制限解除標識の7セットです。左右分岐用の標識は今はありません。ごめんなさい Updated 2019/11/3 以下...
Japanese Residential Props
Created by TOKACHI269
日本住宅パック用のプロップです。 Japanese Residential Props by TOKACHI269...
Japanese Residential Props
Created by Ronyx69
Props for my modern japanese houses. Found in industrial props menu or search "r69 jp res prop". Some of the props are random prop variations of an empty container prop, however you can still plop individual props. Main: 10 - 64 tris 32x32 - 512x256 LOD: 1...
Japanese Retaining Walls Network / 日本の擁壁
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese retaining walls made with stones. "Retaining wall" means artificial angled wall. There are 2 variations: With Fences and Without Fences. With Fences version is for roads and tracks near mountains or hills, the other is for multi purpose (see examp...
Japanese Road Decal - 3 Way Intersection Angled (Left)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - 3 Way Intersection Angled (Right)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - 3 Way Intersection
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - 4 Way Intersection Angled
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - 4 Way Intersection
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Bike Lane
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Bike Lane Crossing
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Caution Lines
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) Lane
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Giveway/Yield Warning
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Guide Lane Arrows
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Bike Stop Warning
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Lane Stripes (Blue)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Lane Stripes (Red)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - No U Turn
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Outlined Manhole
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Pedestrian Crossing Warning
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Slow Lane
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Lane Stripes (White)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Slow Lane Arrows
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (10)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (100)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (110)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (120)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (20)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (30)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (40)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (50)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (60)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (70)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (80)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Speed Limit (90)
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Decal - Stop
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Line Tool Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find ...
Japanese Road Light Pack
Created by hakurai
日本各地に設置されている道路灯!!岩崎電気PAZU、co-PAZU(歩道、自転車道向け)のアセットパックです。 同封品一覧 PAZU(10m) co-PAZU(5m) PAZU-GREEN(10m) co-PAZU-GREEN(5m) PAZU-BROWN(10m) co-PAZU-BROWN(5m) PAZU by hakurai08...
Japanese Roadside Signs ( Welcome and Road Safety ) / 日本のようこそ看板と交通安全標語
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical roadside signs meaning "Welcome to our town" and "Road Safety". In rural areas and sightseeing spots ,there are many unique welcome signs. We can see road safety signs along major roads as well. There are 3 variants of welcome signs : an O...
Japanese Rural Bus Stop (田舎のバス停) - Prop
Created by kei_em
A Japanese rural bus stop. This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
Japanese Rural Shops
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 5 japanese rural shops. Low Density Commercial Level 1 Main: 584 - 1078 tris 1024x512 LOD: 25 - 71 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help) Asset Requests Donate CSLModding.INFO ...
Japanese rural train station
Created by meckey
This is a train station of the common type in rural area of Japan. 日本の田舎でよく見かけるタイプの木造駅です。対向ホームの屋根だけは改築されて新しくなっています。 サムネイルの電車は含まれていません。 3200 triangles / LOD 241 triangles....
Japanese Rural Shrine (神社)
Created by kei_em
A Japanese rural shrine placed in Park category. This 3D model and related props were created by Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on 3Dモデル、および関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。 #UPDATE# Now compatible wit...
Japanese Ryobu Torii(鳥居,park)
一般的な朱い両部鳥居です。 とある美人姉妹を祀ってゐます。 彌彦神社の鳥居がモデルです。 This is a three-dimensional Torii of Japan. Phrase sisters have been enshrined. Torii of Yahiko-Jinja is the model. ↓CS動畫上げてます。 ↓Prop Version
Japanese Ryobu Torii(鳥居,prop)
一般的な朱い両部鳥居です。 とある美人姉妹を祀ってゐます。 彌彦神社の鳥居がモデルです。 This is a three-dimensional Torii of Japan. Phrase sisters have been enshrined. Torii of Yahiko-Jinja is the model. ↓CS動畫上げてます。 ↓Park Version
Japanese Schoolgirls Poses (Prop) / 日本の女子高生ポーズ集(Prop)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Props of Japanese high school girls. Each 3 girls have 3 poses = 9 props included. When taking a video or screenshot, placing people in the scene can create a story in the scene and make it more dramatic. Enjoy a lot of wonderful scenes using this props. I...
Japanese Sea Defenses Network / 日本の堤防
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese angled walls(dikes) to prevent waters. We can see them around seasides in Japan. You can find this at canal tools. 2 variations are contained: with terrain / without terrain. Recommended Mods: Move it Quay Anarchy Height: 1.5m ( up tp 20m ) * Disc...
Japanese Shimmei Torii(鳥居,park)
一般的な石製の神明鳥居です。 とある美人姉妹を祀ってゐます。 This is a simple Torii of Japan. Phrase sisters have been enshrined. ↓CS動畫上げてます。 ↓Prop Version 神明鳥居(石) by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying...
Japanese Shimmei Torii(鳥居,prop)
一般的な石製の神明鳥居です。 とある美人姉妹を祀ってゐます。 This is a simple Torii of Japan. Phrase sisters have been enshrined. ↓CS動畫上げてます。 ↓Park Version 神明鳥居(石) by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying...
Japanese Shopping Mall
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Station-front Shopping mall named "Green Plaza Takatsuki" in Osaka. 3 variants included. Variant B is good to connect with my pedestrian deck. Do not forget to subscribe the necessary assets! Specification Variants: A: decorated, without pedestrian deck B:...
Japanese Small Pond (Prop)
Created by CityOfTokyo
Japanese Small Pond by CityOfTokyo...
Japanese Small Post Office 日本の小さな郵便局
Created by ako_ako
小さな郵便局のIndustries DLC版です。 Industries DLC version of Japanese Small Post Office. Asset Info Same as Vanilla Small Post Office. Mesh Info Tris: 1141 Texture: 1024 x 1024 (d/n/s/i) Related Assets Japan Post Sign 郵便局の看板
Japanese Sound MOD
Created by Konno Model
Japanese Sound MOD made by Konno Japanese Sound MOD です。 第一回目のアップロードは、緊急車両のサイレン音がメインとなっており、 パトカー、消防車、救急車のサイレンがそれぞれ2種類ずつ。 そして、住宅街と駅の環境音がデフォルトから変更となります。 この音をこういう感じに変えて欲しい。など要望ございましたら、遠慮なく コメント下さい。対応するかは分かりませんが考慮させていただきます。 必ずお読み下さい(セーブデータを開けなくなる恐れあり) 当サウンドMODを...
Japanese Spirit House Garden
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up! Thanks Attention! You will need to subscribe to the requirements for this to show up properly! Known Issue - The Zen Garden sand will either be dark or light colored based on how you place it. I did not make these models, I found them as fr...
Japanese Station Entrance v2
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is the new version from my old Station Entrance. You can make custom stations with other large buildings. There are 3 props in this asset: 1) JR EAST style module 2) No station sign module 3) No sign, no pillars module ( for connecting ) This modules ...
Japanese Subway Entrance (PROP)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese subway entrance prop. Good for placing near avenues. 日本風の地下鉄入口PROPです。駅としては動作しません。 大通りの近くに置くとリアルになります。 ...
Japanese Sushi-Bar Azumasushi
Created by nekote
日本風味の寿司屋。 モデルにしたのは東京、下北沢…というより北沢にあった寿司屋。 閑静な住宅街にある事から、住人の評判は良かった…かと思われる。 だが2006年頃に惜しまれつつ閉店してしまった。 此方にお邪魔の際は黒塗りの高級車に衝突しないように注意しよう。 Growable Commercial Low L1 1x2~4 低密度商業区に自動的に建つようになってますが、 小型なので狙わないと厳しいかもしれません。...
Japanese Temple v1.5.2
Created by Optron Warrior
Updated on 27th May 2018: I have made some minor changes to this asset and added trees from CO taking advantage of the many new props added to the game by collosal order. Added: Asian style lamps New Trees Shroomblazes trees are no longer in this asset as ...
Japanese temple prop pack
Created by TOKACHI269
Temple stone lantern 石灯籠 by TOKACHI269...
Japanese Stone Fence
日本を演出する石塀。多くの場面で使へるでせう。 石塀 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Traditional TAKO Park
Created by Konosaki
Japanese Traditional TAKO Park by Konosaki L'em @ 此野咲れむ...
Japanese Traffic Lights (LHT) 日本風信号機MOD (左側通行用)
Created by ako_ako
This mod is WORKING with Sunset Harbor update! 信号機を日本風に置き換えるMODです。 BloodyPenguin/Matt Crux氏のAmerican Traffic LightsからPropを置き換えたものになります。 このMODは左側通行用となります。右側通行用はこちら。 仕様 ディフューズ色が発光するので、現実だと黒である部分にも色が入っているように見えます。順光だと特に顕著です。 極端に鋭角/鈍角な交差点だとそっぽを向くかもしれません。 赤から青に戻...
Japanese Traffic Lights (RHT) 日本風信号機MOD (右側通行用)
Created by ako_ako
More information is in LHT version page. This mod will replace Traffic Lights more Japanese looking. I edit sourcecode from American Traffic Lights by BloodyPenguin/Matt Crux. This mod is for Right-hand Traffic. Left-hand Traffic version is here. 詳細な情報は左側通...
Japanese Traffic Lights Arrow Props
Created by ako_ako
矢印信号機Propのパックです。動作しません(重要) 必要ない物は、コンテンツマネージャーから削除してください。 Propの工業カテゴリに表示されます。"JPTLProp"で検索しても出てきます。 This is a JPTL Arrow Signal Prop pack.They are NOT functional. They are in the under of the Industrial props. Also you can search with "JPTLProp". If you don...
Japanese Traffic Lights Blinking Signal 一灯点滅式信号機
Created by ako_ako
一灯点滅式信号機のPropです。赤と黄が交互に点滅します! 正しく動かすためには、Ronyx69氏のAnimUV Paramsをサブスクライブする必要があります。 このパックには7個のPropが入っています。 This is a blinking signal props. They are blinking! Normary, they are used in low traffic intersections. You have to subscribe Ronyx 69's mod "AnimUV P...
Japanese Traffic Lights Decoration Props
Created by ako_ako
信号機を装飾するPropのパックです。 画像にあるPropが追加されます。必要ない物は、コンテンツマネージャーから削除してください。 Propの工業カテゴリに表示されます。"JPTLProp"で検索しても出てきます。 This is a JPTL Decoration Props pack. They are in the under of the Industrial props. Also you can search with "JPTLProp". If you don't need some pr...
Japanese Traffic Lights Static
Created by ako_ako
現示が固定された信号機のPropです。トンネルの入口などに使えるかもしれません。 Propの工業カテゴリに表示されます。"JPTLProp"で検索しても出てきます。 このパックは8つのPropを追加します。必要ない物は、コンテンツマネージャーから削除してください。 This is a Static Japanese Traffic Lights Props pack. They are in the under of the Industrial props. Also you can search wit...
Japanese Warehouse 1A
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Japanese Warehouse 1B
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Japanese Warehouse01
Created by TOKACHI269
Japanese Warehouse01 by TOKACHI269...
Japanese Warehouses 2
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Created by CityOfTokyo
JapaneseStyleApartment It is the general Apartments in Japan. Wooden or lightweight steel frame two-story low-rise housing. Level : 3 size : 3 x 4 Triangle : 1284 Texture : 512 x 512 *** Update Log *** 15/Oct : Add Color...
Created by hakurai
日本のパーキングエリアのアセットです。tobu氏が制作されたモデルにスペキュラマップとイルミネーションマップ、ノーマルパップを追加して公開させていただきました。 Japanese_Parking_Area by tobu isesaki...
Created by Konno Model
This is bus asset. It is a bus that appears in TV anime "Kemono Friends". It should work with either right-hand traffic or left-hand traffic. Capacity : 8 TVアニメ「けものフレンズ」に登場するバス、ジャパリバスのバスアセットです。 右側通行、左側通行のどちらでも機能すると思われます。(私の環境でテスト済み) 定員は8名で見た目も相まって使いづらいアセット...
JAPARI BUS taxi asset
Created by Konno Model
This is taxi asset. It is a bus that appears in TV anime "Kemono Friends". Capacity : 8 TVアニメ「けものフレンズ」に登場するバス、ジャパリバスです。 バスですがタクシーアセットになりますのでご注意ください。...
JCAB Airport Runway Cleaner Prop
Created by jaijai
Japan Civil Aviation Bureau Runway Cleaner 国土交通省航空局路面清掃車 This prop is based on Howa Machinery Road Cleaner. Airport Snowplow is here....
Jeren's Greater Osaka
Created by Jerenable
Jeren's Greater Osaka its Osaka Like The title says, Osaka on Google maps,135.4078697,10z The map is made on a 1:2 scale, otherwise most of the city wouldnt fit....
JK 女子高生 Japanese Teenager Female
Created by TOKACHI269
更新: Mochさんの協力により大幅にクオリティが上がりました!ありがとうございます! JKだよ ポリゴン数削減のため顔が残念な感じだけど許してね。 <Mesh info> Main triss : 881 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,color) LOD Triss : 36 texture size : 32x64 (defuse) JK by TOKACHI269 ...
JMA - 気象庁 Rico Ploppable Office
Created by Moofers
Japan Meteorological Agency Headquarters Based on the JMA Headquarters located in Tokyo, Japan. This is a Rico ploppable Office building, this requires Rico to function properly. Office workplaces: 250 -
Created by RonSatoyan
Hello.I for the first time , has released the asset . I was able to attain to the public and doing repeated trial and error . What is updated 1. Deletion of extra aspect thoroughly. There is a sense of sheer sheer through depending on the viewing angle, an...
Created by RonSatoyan
It is made as Vehicle Effects and Extra Vehicle Effects compatible version. I has released the second installment . I have reproduced "115 1000 series DC train" which runs the local city suburbs . The color of this train is that the Shonan livery, to repro...
Created by RonSatoyan
It is made as Vehicle Effects and Extra Vehicle Effects compatible version. It will be 115 -1000 series DC train Yokosuka livery ( Suka livery) . Once it was running in the Tokyo metropolitan area suburbs . That's right no longer is little seen in the now ...
JNR_117 series_SunLiner
Created by RonSatoyan
Japanese National Railways train for suburban express which was developed in the 1970 year-end. Paint is San liner that is no longer seen most is now being operated by Sanyo-Line. With 4 Vehicle Effects and Extra Vehicle Effects, I could light 4 headlights...
JOMO Oil Truck
Created by jaijai
Japan Energy Corporation ジャパンエナジー JOMO is the name of the retail brand used by Japan Energy until 2010. It merged with Nippon Oil Corporation to become JXTG. they use ENEOS currently. Tractor The tractor was changed from GIGA to Quon. http://steamcommunity...
Created by jaijai
JOTETSU じょうてつ Jotetsu is a transit company in Sapporo, Hokkaido. Category: Bus Capacity: 86 Model: ISUZU ERGA LV290...
JP 公民館  Public hall
Created by にる~ niroo
JP 公民館  Public hall 日本の公民館です。 田舎のをモデルにしたので、広場がかなり広くなっています。 ギャラリー画像は、kaminogiさんに頂きました!ありがとうございます! Photo by kaminogi ↓建物のみVer. ↑Only Building Ver. Polygon 5,157 Texture size 1,024×...
JP 1L NO Wall Elevated rail KT21
Created by Konno Model
JP 1L NO Wall Elevated rail KT21 交互通行の単線高架線路です。壁と高架脚、架線柱が出ません。 ジオラマプレイで景観に特にこだわる人向けです。...
JP 1L Oneway rail KT21
Created by Konno Model
JP 1L Oneway rail KT21 一方通行の単線線路です。...
JP 1L rail KT21
Created by Konno Model
jp 1L railway track KT01 のディテールを上げたものになります。 少々重くなっているかもしれません。 鉄橋は何も変わっていません。 高架橋脚はセグメントにしてみました。削除できません。 可処分所得が乏しい紺野に救いを。(Donate) 紺野にお金をあげる ...
JP 1L railway track KT01 B
Created by Konno Model
JP 1L railway track NO point NO bridge NO underground 複線に接続した際にポイントが出ない単線線路です。 容量節約のため、鉄橋、地下の設定を削除しています。...
JP 1L station track KT21
Created by Konno Model
単線の駅用線路です。 敷設する方向の右側に方向用通路を設定しました。 間違えると空中で人が待つのでお気を付け下さい。 ホームの高さを1.1mにすると最適になります。 高架用はPage Up Page Down で上げ下げ可能になりました。 アセット名後端のアルファベット解説 G:地上用 E:高架用 R:敷設した方向の右側が乗客動線 L:敷設した方向の左側が乗客動線(制作していません。要望等ありましたらコメントください) NC:架線が出ません 例:JP 1L station tracks KT21NCGR =...
JP 1Way NO Wall Elevated rail KT
Created by Konno Model
JP 1Way NO Wall Elevated rail KT 一方通行の単線高架線路です。壁と高架脚、架線柱が出ません。 ジオラマプレイで景観に特にこだわる人向けです。...
JP 1L rail KT921 Extra
Created by Konno Model
JP 1L rail KT921 Extra by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
JP 2L Basic Road KT201MU
Created by Konno Model
歩道がマウントアップタイプの二車線道路です。 ElevatedとBridgeで微妙に仕様が違います。 また、橋桁が赤色になっています。 歩道面が+0.0105m 車道面が-0.045m 車道面からの縁石の高さが0.15m です。 紺野に無駄遣いをさせる。(Donate) 紺野にお金をあげる ...
JP 2L Elevated Rail Nowall KT21
Created by Konno Model
JP 2L Elevated Rail Nowall KT21 複線の高架線路です。壁と高架脚、架線柱が出ません。 ジオラマプレイで景観に特にこだわる人向けです。...
JP 2L rail KT21
Created by Konno Model
JP 2L rail KT01 のディテールを上げたものになります。 少々重くなっているかもしれません。 鉄橋は何も変わっていません。 高架橋脚はセグメントにしてみました。削除できません。 60秒間に1分の時間が流れている紺野に救いの手を。(Donate) 紺野にお金をあげる ...
JP 2L station tracks KT21
Created by Konno Model
複線の対式ホーム駅用線路です。地上用、高架用がセットになっています。 ホームの高さを1.1mにすると最適になります。 高架用はPage Up Page Down で上げ下げ可能になりました。 アセット名後端のアルファベット解説 G:地上用 E:高架用 P:両渡りポイントが出ます NC:架線が出ません 例:JP 2L station tracks KT21GP = 地上用のポイントが出る線路...
JP 4L Medium Roads KT201SF+20
Created by Konno Model
JP 4L Medium Roads KT201SF+20 by Konno Model...
JP 4m Tiny Roads KT201
Created by Konno Model
幅員4mの道路です。 日本の住宅街等でよく見られるものです。 車道面+0.005m 縁石+0.105m です。 紺野に無駄遣いをさせる。(Donate) 紺野にお金をあげる ...
JP 6L Large Roads KT201SF+20
Created by Konno Model
JP 6L Large Roads KT201SF+20 by Konno Model...
JP 5m Tiny Roads KT202
Created by Konno Model
JP 5m Tiny Roads KT202 by Konno Model...
JP 6m Tiny Roads KT204
Created by Konno Model
JP 6m Tiny Roads KT204 by Konno Model...
JP 5m Tiny Roads +ped KT203
Created by Konno Model
マウントアップ型の歩道がついた車道幅5mの道路です。 路地等でよく見かけるタイプの道路かと思います。 縁石の高さは車道面からみて10cmです。...
JP APA Hotel / アパホテル
Created by koma
It is a Japanese business hotel, APA hotel. tourism area. 4×3size. 日本のビジネスホテル、アパホテルです。 観光特化地区 4×3サイズです。 JP APA Hotel by koma...
JP Apartment ② / 日本のアパート2種
Created by koma
This is a package of 2 kinds of apartments that seems to exist all over Japan. Growable Residential Low 2×2. 日本各地にありそうなアパート2種パックです。 JP Casa soleil カーサ・ソレイユ Growable Residentisal Low 2×2 JP Luminous ルミナス Growable Residential Low 2×3 Both roofs are random fo...
JP Apartment / 日本風アパート3Packs
Created by koma
This is a package of 3 kinds of apartments that seems to exist all over Japan. Growable Residential Low 日本各地にありそうなアパート3種パックです。 JP Apartment km A 3 × 2 JP Apartment km B 2 × 4 JP Apartment km C 2 × 3 JP Apartment km A B C by koma...
JP Apartment 4packs / 日本のアパート4種
Created by koma
This is a package of 4 kinds of apartments that seems to exist all over Japan. Growable Residential Low 2×2. Maison du Motomachi's exterior walls are random in four colors. Otherwise, the roof is random for four colors. 日本各地にありそうなアパート4種パックです。 Growable Resi...
JP Baskin robbins 31 / サーティワンアイスクリーム
Created by koma
Baskin Robbins (Baskin-Robbins Inc.) is one of the world's largest ice cream parlor chains in the United States and is known in Japan as the Thirty-One Ice Cream. Growable comlow 2×2. This asset was created with reference to a store in Fukuoka Prefecture, ...
JP Bicycle 3 packs
Created by Konno Model
JP Bicycle texture : 512*256...
JP Bicycle PROP 3packs
Created by Konno Model
JP Bicycle PROP 3packs texture : 512*256...
JP Bus stop KT01
Created by Konno Model
japanese bus stop prop...
JP Catenary KT01-3
Created by Konno Model
JP Catenary KT01-3 by Konno Model...
JP Catenary KT01-X
Created by Konno Model
JP Catenary KT01-X by Konno Model...
JP Catenary KT01
Created by Konno Model
Japanese Catenary pillar 架線柱です。ちょっとポリゴン多いです。1200ちょっと...
JP catenary pillar KT02
Created by Konno Model
JP catenary pillar KT02 by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
JP catenary pillar KT03-A
Created by Konno Model
JP catenary pillar KT03-A by Konno Model...
JP catenary pillar KT03-X
Created by Konno Model
JP catenary pillar KT03-X...
JP catenary pillar KT04
Created by Konno Model
JP catenary pillar KT04 by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
JP catenary pillar KT05
Created by Konno Model
JP catenary pillar KT05 by YT140 紺野 つかさ...
JP Convenience Store Parking Board
Created by gatomo
This asset often appears on Japanese convenience stores. The sentences mean: 1. Do not park here if you are not our customer. 2. Turn off engine, car audio and lights. 3. Separate and throw away trash. 日本のコンビニにありがちな看板を作成しました。...
JP Corner Building / コーナー用雑居ビル
Created by koma
It is a multi-tenant building that can be installed at the corner of crossroads and T-shaped roads. Two types are included. 十字路、T字路などのコーナー部分に設置出来る雑居ビルです。 2種類同梱です。 If the direction of the building is wrong, Move it! Please correct it using. 建物の向きがおかしい場合はMov...
JP Cosmo Gas Station 2
Created by koma
Japanese Gas Station Cosmo Oil 2. Growable Commercial Low 2×2. 日本のガソリンスタンド、コスモ石油サービスステーションです。 低密度商業区画 2×2サイズです。 ガソリン価格は相変わらず高めです。...
JP Distribution warehouse / 物流倉庫2種
Created by koma
A distribution warehouse is a warehouse that stores products and performs various services such as sorting and delivery. The category is a unique building. If you want to use it as an industrial facility, please introduce and set up Ploppable RICO. Truck p...
jp Docomoshop ドコモショップ
Created by koma
Japanese commercial store.   NTT DoCoMo's mobile phone dealer. Growable Commercial Low. ドコモショップ市庭図店です。低密度商業地区に建ちます。 ...
JP FamilyMart C / ファミリーマート
Created by koma
It's Family Mart, a convenience store with eat-in space on the second floor. Growable Commercial Low 2×2. 2階にイートインスペースがあるコンビニエンスストア、ファミリーマートです。 JP FamilyMart C by koma ...
JP ENEOS gas station
Created by koma
2020.04.15 UPDATE The textures of the ENEOS gas station published on December 26, 2018 have been darkened and some of the models have been corrected. 2018年12月26日に公開した ENEOS gas station のテクスチャを暗く修正し、モデルの一部を修正しました。 Japanese Gas station ENEOS. Growable commer...
JP Farm market / 農産物直売所
Created by koma
It is a farm stand that seems to be in the suburbs of Japan. If you want to place it away from the road, please place it next to the road and move it! by moving. 日本の郊外にありそうな農産物直売所です。 道路から離れた場所に設置する場合は、道路横に一度設置してからMove it!で移動して下さい。 Here are the assets used ...
JP Gulliver / ガリバー
Created by koma
Used car shop, Gulliver. Growable comlow 4×4. Exhibited cars are not included, so please display your favorite cars. As stated in the screen shot, the vehicle prop is shown in advance. Subscribe and create a showroom asset in the Asset Editor. I recommend ...
JP Hotel dormy inn
Created by koma
It is a Japanese business hotel, hotel dormy inn. tourism area. 4×4size. 日本のビジネスホテル、ホテル ドーミーインです。 観光特化地区 4×4サイズです。...
JP Hotel Route inn
Created by koma
It is a Japanese business hotel, hotel route inn. It is built in 4x3 size in the tourism special area. 日本のビジネスホテル、ホテルルートインです。 観光特化地区に4×3サイズで建ちます。...
JP Idemitsu usami ss / 出光宇佐美SS
Created by koma
It is a gas station likely to be along the national roads and prefectural roads of Japan. Growable comlow 4×4. A signboard and a flag are also included.Please place it anywhere you like. JP Idemitsu usami ss 出光宇佐美サービスステーション JP Idemitsu sign 1 出光宇佐美看板1 JP I...
JP Idemitsu Gas station
Created by koma
Japanese Gas station Idemitsu service station. Growable Commercial Low LV.1 2×2. It is 2 × 2 size so that it can be installed in a narrow space. 日本のガソリンスタンド、出光サービスステーションです。 狭小スペースに設置できるように2×2マスサイズとしました。...
JP Industrial garbage bin 産廃用コンテナ
Created by Nabezow
JP Industrial garbage bin by Nabezow This is garbage bin for Industry. 極貧の地方から蜘蛛の子を散らすように撤退する、中央資本のパチ屋やスーパーの駐車場に置かれているアレです。...
JP Japanese Style Post Office / 和風郵便局
Created by koma
It is a Japanese style post office. 和風の郵便局です。 Unique Building 1×1 JP Post office-JS by koma...
JP Johshuya sign prop pack
Created by koma
It is a signboard prop of Johshuya. Includes 5 types. 上州屋の看板プロップです。 5種類同梱。 JP Johshuya sign prop pack by koma...
JP Johshuya / 上州屋
Created by koma
It is a retail store of fishing gear, outdoor and leisure goods in Japan. Growable Commercial low 4×3 日本の釣り具、アウトドア、レジャー用品の小売店です。 JP Johshuya by koma...
JP Kappa - sushi / かっぱ寿司
Created by koma
It is a revolving sushi chain Kappa-sushi. Growable comlow 4×4. I WANNA EAT SUSHI ! That's all. 回転すしチェーン かっぱ寿司です。 あー 寿司食いたい ! 以上です JP Kappa - sushi by koma...
JP kominka cafe / 古民家カフェ
Created by koma
古民家を改装してつくったカフェです。 It is a cafe that is a renovated old Japanese-style home. Growable Comlow 2×1. Here is the prop used in the screenshot. スクリーンショットで使用しているプロップはこちら JP CSL Cafe by koma JP Caf...
JP Kura-Sushi / くら寿司
Created by koma
It is "Kura Sushi" of conveyor belt sushi chain. Growable comlow 2×3. A signboard is also included. Please place it in your favorite place. 回転寿司チェーンの「くら寿司」です。 看板も同梱しています。お好きな場所に置いて下さい。 JP Kura-Sushi by koma...
JP Local factory 日本のローカル町工場
Created by Nabezow
The model is a factory that actually exists in Oita City, Japan. Garbage bin props are not required item. Building type : Industrial generic 2x3 L1 地元の町工場がモデルです。 実際のモデルは作業場に住居を構えた構造ですが工業アセットとしました。 必要アイテムの産廃ゴミ箱Propは必須ではありません。...
JP Medium Shrine 中型神社
Created by TOKACHI269
JP Medium Shrine 中型神社 神社アセット第二弾として中型の神社を制作しました。市街地の中に設置しても違和感のない大きさとなっております。装飾済みのものとプレーンのものが含まれます。10MBありますが、本堂以外のテクスチャは公開されてる神社のPROPと共通のものを使っているのでLSMを仕様していれば3ぶんの1ほどのメモリ消費で済んでいると思います。 A medium-sized shrine was created as the second Japanese shrine asset. Ev...
JP Monthly Parking Lot Pack / 月極駐車場パック
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Functional monthly parking lot. This pack includes 3 variants: 2x2, 2x4, 4x4(L). The 4x4 is L-shaped. You can place some buildings manually in front. Use TM:PE's realistic parking AI to park cars automatically. This parking lot can be placed on embankment ...
JP MS Parking Lot Custom
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.2.0 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本の機械式立体駐車場です。 ・Japanese mlti-story parking lot. ●支柱から2.5cm分上げています。 ・2.5cm fried from the strut. ●ベースは廃墟なので自由に配置できます。 ・The base is aruin and can be placed freely. ●以下の15種類が同包されています。 ・The following 15 types are included. I...
JP Local transport company 日本のローカル運送会社
Created by Nabezow
The model is a company that actually exists in Oita City, Japan. There are no vehicle or antenna props like the screenshots. Garbage bin props are not required item. Building type : Industrial generic 3x2 L1 大分市に実在する運送会社がモデルです。 スクショのようなトラック、アンテナは付属してません。 必...
JP Old dining hall
Created by koma
Japanese old dining hall,Commercial low 1×2. 日本の古い大衆食堂です。低密度商業区画 Lv.1...
JP Old house 01
Created by koma
Japanese Old house 01 Residential low LV.1 1×1. 日本の郊外・田舎にありそうな住宅です。 屋根は4色ランダムです。...
JP Old house 02
Created by koma
Japanese Old house 02 Residential low LV.1 1×1. 日本の郊外・田舎にありそうな住宅です。 屋根は4色ランダムです。...
JP Old house 03
Created by koma
Japanese Old house 03 Residential low LV.1 日本の郊外、田舎にありそうな住宅です。 屋根は4色ランダムです。...
JP Old house 04
Created by koma
Japanese Old house 04 Residential low LV.1 日本の郊外、田舎にありそうな住宅です。 ...
JP Old house 05~08 pack
Created by koma
Japanese Old house 05~08 pack. Residential low LV.1 It is a Japanese style house 4 pack. 日本の和風住宅4種パックです。...
JP Old house 12~16 pack
Created by koma
It is a package of 5 kinds of Japanese style houses. 14 ~ 16 is the setting of the closed store and house, so the category is Residential. 和風住宅5種パックです。 14~16は廃業した店舗兼住宅の設定ですので、カテゴリーはResidentialとなります。 JP Old house 12~16 pack by koma3...
JP Old house 09~11 pack
Created by koma
Japanese Old house 09~11 pack. Residential low LV.1 2×2 It is a Japanese style house 3pack. 日本の和風住宅3種パックです。2×2マスサイズです。...
JP Old house 17~19 / 和風住宅3種パック
Created by koma
It is a package of 3 types of Japanese style houses. 和風住宅3種パックです。 JP Old house 17 → 2×2 JP Old house 18 → 1×2 JP Old house 19 → 2×2 JP Old house 17~19 by koma...
JP Parking Lot Light
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese light for parking lots inspired from Panasonic's one. 2 props are included. One is double-side, the other is single-side. You can use them for station squares or parks as well. Specifications 4.8m height Tris Main(LOD): 66(48), 98(64) Textures Mai...
JP Pipe Garage 1 パイプ車庫
Created by にる~ niroo
JP Pipe Garage 1 日本のパイプ車庫です。 小さいサイズで、物置やバイク、駐輪場として使われています。 Tris:57 texture:512*512...
JP Retro pachinko parlor / レトロなパチンコ店
Created by koma
It seems to be located in front of the station or along the road in the countryside, and it is a pachinko parlor that is about to close. Growable comlow 2×3. JP Retro pachinko parlor JP Retro pachinko signboard The signboard of the pachinko parlor is also ...
JP Residential Fence 4packs / 住宅塀4種パック
Created by koma
We have found that using this asset in the winter map causes a problem. We have released 5 prop versions of the same assets, so please subscribe to the prop versions and use them if you are concerned. このアセットを冬マップで使用すると不具合が発生することが判明しました。 同じ内容のアセット5種類をプロップ版と...
JP Roadside station / 道の駅
Created by koma
It is a roadside station which seems to be in the suburbs of Japan. Roadside station is the rest house located in the open roads equipped with parking lots,restrooms,restaurants and souvenir shops selling local products. The image shows an example of insta...
JP Ruined gas station
Created by koma
※ This is a prop. It is a gas station which closed and became ruined. 閉店し、廃墟となったガソリンスタンドです。 郊外・田舎の景観作りにどうぞ。 オススメ Dry Hill Grass Big Decal Moss
JP Rural fire department / 消防団
Created by koma
It is a Japanese-style firefighting facility that seems to exist in the countryside and suburbs of Japan. The effect range of the facility is set small. There is one fire engine. 日本の田舎、郊外にありそうな和風の消防団の施設です。 施設の効果範囲は小さめに設定しています。 消防車の数は1台です。...
JP Rural Station Building 1 木造駅舎1 (2x2)
Created by EXYN4
<Attention> This asset is based "Plaza with Tree" and doesn't work as functional train station. If you want to work as train station, you have to build station tracks & platforms yourself . Japanese styled old wooden station building. Tris: 1061 Texture: 1...
JP Shirokiya 白木屋
Created by koma
Japanese tavern chain store Shirokiya. It was created with reference to Hokkaido Wakkanai store, which is said to be the most northern part of Japan, Shirokiya. Growable commercial low LV.1 4×3. 日本の居酒屋チェーン店白木屋です。 日本最北端の白木屋と言われている北海道稚内店を参考に作成しました。 低密度商業区画レベ...
JP Shop under the elevated railway / 高架下ショップ
Created by koma
It is an asset that places a shop in an empty space under the elevated railway track. a1-a9 are 3 x 1 and 2 x 1 sizes. b1-b9 are 1x1 sizes. Categories are unique buildings. If you want to use it as a commercial facility, please install and set up Ploppable...
JP Shrine Buildings 神社の建物
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
日本の神社を再現するために必要な様々な建物がパッケージになったセットです。 神社用小物 JP Shrine PropsのPropと合わせてお使いください。 Find It 等で「JPCS」と検索すると、すべてのアセットが表示されます。 配置の方法や使い方はガイドをご覧ください。 This is a package with various buildings to make shrines in Japan. Please use this buildings with 神社用小物 JP Shrine Pr...
JP Small factory pack
Created by koma
Japanese small factory ( Indusrial Generic ) ・JP Small factory Takeda ( 武田印刷所 ) ・JP Small factory Tamura ( 田村鉄工所 ) It is a pack of Japanese town factories, Takeda Printing Office and Tamura Iron Works. (Both are imaginary factories) 日本の町工場、武田印刷所と田村鉄工所のパックで...
JP store flag-cashless payment
Created by Krakow131
Find it!で"JP store flag"と検索すれば出てきます...
JP Shrine Props 神社用小物
Created by TOKACHI269
Japanese Shrine Props Make your own shrine! Shrine assets by four Japanese asset creators. The main shrine modeled after Katori Jingu Shrine, 6 types of buildings, and 37 types of Props. Katori Jingu Shrine is an ancient shrine in Chiba Prefecture that is ...
JP Style Curb Pack
Created by Konno Model
TOKT Curb 1m by Konno Model...
JP Suburb shop base pack
Created by koma
(PROP) JP Suburb shop pack is an asset for creating a store. By changing the combination of props, you can increase the variation of the store. (PROP) JP Suburb shop packを使用して商店を作るためのアセットです。 プロップの組み合わせを変えることにより、商店のバリエーションを増やすことが出来ます。 Please subscribe and u...
JP Suburb shop pack 1
Created by koma
JP Suburb shop pack 1 Japanese old commercial shop. JP Suburb shop Nakanishi.(中西薬局) Tris : 768 Texture 1024×512 Lod Tris : 98 Texture 64×64 JP Suburb shop Saitou.(斉藤酒店) Tris : 854 Texture 1024×512 Lod Tris : 129 Texture 64×64 日本の郊外・田舎にありそうな古風な店舗パックです。 中西薬局...
JP Suburb shop pack 2
Created by koma
JP Suburb shop pack 2 Japanese old commercial shop. JP Suburb shop Yasui.(安井電器商会) Tris : 815 Texture 1024×512 Lod Tris : 92 Texture 32×32 JP Suburb shop Sasaki.(ささき釣具店) Tris : 731 Texture 1024×512 Lod Tris : 101 Texture 64×64 日本の郊外・田舎にありそうな古風な店舗パックです。 安井電器...
JP Suburb shop pack 5
Created by koma
Japanese old commercial shop pack. ・JP Suburb shop Kanehira ( 兼平サッシガラス店 )   Commercial low Lv.1 ・JP Suburb shop Matsumoto ( 松本洋品店 )   Commercial low Lv.1 ・JP Suburb shop Aoki ( 青木生花店 )   Commercial low Lv.1 ・JP Suburb shop Abe ( 阿部新聞販売店 )   Commercial low ...
JP Suburb shop pack 6
Created by koma
Japanese old commercial shop pack 6. ・JP Suburb shop Kikyo ( スナック 桔梗 )   Commercial low Lv.1 ・JP Suburb shop Akemi ( すなっく あけみ )   Commercial low Lv.1 ・JP Suburb shop Hinode ( 日の出食堂 )   Commercial low Lv.1 The roof is 4 color random. 屋根は4色ランダムです。 Let 's off...
JP Suburb shop pack 7
Created by koma
Japanese old commercial shop pack 7. ・JP Suburb shop Ogawa ( 小河商店 )   Commercial low Lv.1 ・JP Suburb shop Kogane ( こがねちゃん弁当 )   Commercial low Lv.1 The roof is 4 color random. 屋根は4色ランダムです。...
JP Suburb shop pack 8 / コーナー設置用商店4種
Created by koma
Store assets that can be installed at corners such as crossroads and T-junctions. 十字路、T字路などのコーナー部分に設置出来る商店アセットです。 JP Suburb shop Everest ( インド・ネパール料理 エベレスト ) JP Suburb shop Kokakuro ( 台湾料理 紅鶴桜 ) JP Suburb shop Seneido ( お仏壇の千栄堂 ) JP Suburb shop Suzu-Kawa (...
JP Sugi pharmacy / スギ薬局
Created by koma
2020.02.10 Signboard Prop was added. 看板Propを追加しました。 It is a common pharmacy around Japanese hospitals. Growable Commercial Low 2×4 日本の病院の周辺によくある薬局です。 JP Sugi pharmacy by koma...
JP Suburb shop pack 3
Created by koma
JP Suburb shop pack 3 Japanese old commercial shop. JP Suburb shop Yamaguchi.(山口商店) Tris : 1,173 Texture 1024×512 Lod Tris : 91 Texture 32×32 JP Suburb shop Yokoi.(横井文具店) Tris : 683 Texture 1024×512 Lod Tris : 76 Texture 32×32 日本の郊外・田舎にありそうな古風な店舗パックです。 山口商...
JP Suburb shop pack 4
Created by koma
Japanese old commercial shop pack. ・JP Suburb shop Itou ( 伊藤精肉店 )   Commercial low Lv.1 ・JP Suburb shop Takahashi ( 高橋電気 )   Commercial low Lv.1 ・JP Suburb shop Sawada ( さわだ米穀店 )   Commercial low Lv.1 The roof is 4 color random. 屋根は4色ランダムです。 Both are imagi...
JP Tax office / 税務署
Created by koma
Tax Office. I made it because there was no Japanese style. Categories are unique buildings. That's all. 税務署です。 日本風がなかったので製作しました。 カテゴリーはユニークビルディングです。 以上です。 JP Tax office by koma...
JP Toyota Rental Lease トヨタレンタリース
Created by koma
JP Toyota Rental Lease Glow-able Commercial Low 3×3 Tris:1095 Texture 1024×1024 Lod Tris:150 Texture 64×64 トヨタレンタリースです。低密度商業区画レベル1。 駅前近辺などに置いてみてはいかがでしょうか。 Low Qualityですが、よろしければお使いください。 トヨタ車両プロップを置くと雰囲気が出ると思います。 TOYOTA CROWN PROP
JP TRANSPORT Post Truck Prop
Created by jaijai
This is a prop version of JP TRANSPORT Heavy Truck....
JP Tsuruha Drug ( RICO )
Created by koma
Japanese Drugstore 「 Tsuruha Drug 」 Ploppable RICO has been set. 日本のドラッグストア、ツルハです。 Ploppable RICO設定済です。6×7 マスサイズです。 special thanks ( テクスチャ使用許諾 ) TOKACHI269様、shibakata様。 ...
JP Under rail decoration assets / 高架下装飾アセット
Created by koma
An asset, such as equipment, that is installed in a space under an elevated railway. Six types are included. Please use this with a shop asset under the elevated track. 高架下のスペースに設置する設備などのアセットです。 6種類同梱しています。高架下ショップアセットと共にお使い下さい。 JP uter equipment c1 高架下設備1 ...
JP Uniqlo
Created by koma
※ 2019.12.19 Corrected and updated lighting and textures. 照明、テクスチャを修正しアップデートしました。 Japanese Commercial Store Uniqlo 6×7. Ploppable RICO has been set. If RICO mod is not used , it will function as a unique building. 日本のユニクロです。PloppableRICO設定済。 6×7マスの大きさになります...
JP Usedauto Ishikawa / 中古車販売店
Created by koma
Used car dealer and repair shop asset. There are 2 kinds of signboards and prop of sales promotion goods (Arches for display vehicles, 3 types of flag). It is included. Exhibited cars are not included, so please display your favorite cars. As stated in the...
JP Workman
Created by koma
Japanese commercial store Workman. Grow-able commercial low LV.1 4×2. The walls of the store are two randam colors. 現場・工場向けの作業服・関連商品の専門店、ワークマンです。 低密度商業区画レベル1です。 店舗の壁はランダム2色で建ちます。...
Created by suudon3
JP-GEO_Rental_Video_Shop by suudon3 元アルペンのゲオです。 レンタル落ちDVDを買うのが好きなので作りました。 居抜き物件ってヤドカリみたいで可愛いですよね。 以上です。 GEO, Rental video shop in Japan. It's a furnished property that used to be an Alpen. It's cute like a hermit crab. That's all. ...
JP-Business street items【一】
Created by waya
Business street items【一】...