Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

113 ratings
Ford Focus 2013
Assets: Vehicle
File Size
781.281 KB
30 Mar, 2016 @ 2:21pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Ford Focus 2013

The item belongs to ramoncontell, i just added lights. Thumbnail, colors and everything else was kept. WARNING: By request of the original author this asset can be removed from workshop unannounced.

ramoncontell's original Ford Focus 2013 link:

¬ Diffuse map.
¬ Specular map.
¬ Illumination map (turning, braking signals and headlights).
¬ Alpha map.
¬ Color Mask (4 colors).
¬ Normal map.

¬ 918 tri.
¬ LOD 70 tri.

¬ textures 512x512.
¬ LOD textures 64x64.

My Workshop:

Placeholder TRAIN STATION:
Reserve space needed for the Train Station, allowing city planning ahead. (under construction version)

Placeholder TRAIN STATION:
Reserve space needed for the Train Station, allowing city planning ahead. (with full rail version)
RED /(Weber)\ 18 Dec, 2016 @ 11:20pm 
I really do appreciate that you updated these thanks
SL33PW4LK  [author] 21 Apr, 2016 @ 4:38am 
Sorry @Hitchman, i do not have much time. But I would not mind if someone did and I think that asset owner ramoncontell also would not mind. Perhaps someone from the community wants to do this, it would be a good addition.
Hitchman 21 Apr, 2016 @ 4:30am 
hey any chance you could make this into a UK police car?
SL33PW4LK  [author] 3 Apr, 2016 @ 5:57pm 
Welcome @Oprama and thanks to ramoncontell too.
Oprama 3 Apr, 2016 @ 12:22pm 
Thank you! I've been waiting to see his models updated with lights.
Froggy_NL 30 Mar, 2016 @ 11:29pm 
With compliments added to the Steam Workshop Ford Collection