Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Items (410)
[Milgram]Shenzhen Bay Sports Center 深圳湾体育中心
Created by XDBX
ShenzhenBaySportsCenter 深圳湾体育中心 深圳湾体育中心位于中国广东省深圳市南山区后海湾畔,占地30.774公顷,是深圳湾绵延15公里海滨休闲带上的一个地标性建筑,因主体使用白色巨型钢结构网架将“一场两馆”及其他商业设施整合为一体而被称为“春茧”,与称为春笋的中国华润大厦互相呼应。 2011年第26届世界大学生运动会开幕式在这里举行。 Shenzhen Bay Sports Center (Simplified Chinese: 深圳湾体育中心), nicknamed Spring C...
杭州国际博览中心, Hangzhou International Expo Center
Created by RAY 杭州将于2023年9月举办亚运会,因此杭州游戏资产将会有一系列的计划! 2023年亚运会,正式名称为第19届亚运会,也称为杭州2023年,将在中国浙江省杭州市举行的综合性体育赛事。杭州将成为继1990年北京和2010年广州之后第三个举办亚运会的中国城市。 Hangzhou will host the Asian Games in September 2023, so there will be a series of plans for Han...
重庆解放碑国泰艺术中心 || Chongqing Art Center
Created by Same old
重庆解放碑国泰艺术中心 by Same old 重庆国泰艺术中心位于重庆市渝中区,由国泰大戏院和重庆美术馆组成,是重庆市首个集“展示、戏剧、娱乐、商业”为一体的多功能艺术中心。 Located in Yuzhong District, Chongqing, Chongqing Guotai Art Center consists of Cathay Theatre and Chongqing Art Museum, and is the first multi-functional art center i...
Hangzhou International Conference Center & Hangzhou Grand Theater
Created by XDBX
by XDBX Hangzhou International Convention Center ( located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China), is a large-scale comprehensive building integrating conference, catering and accommodation, and the half-moon Hangzhou Grand Theater forms the "Sun and Moon ...
人民大会堂the Great Hall of the People
Created by MC100
中华人民共和国中央政府人民大会堂位于中国北京市天安门广场西侧,西长安街南侧。人民大会堂坐西朝东,南北长336米,东西宽206米,高46.5米,占地面积15万平方米,建筑面积17.18万平方米。这个资产和现实中比较起来因为一些原因它的长度和宽度可能要短一些,但是不影响使用。请不要在评论区谈论有关政治的话题,就把它当作城市的一栋建筑就好了。最后不要忘记点个赞哦! First of all, I made this asset just for fun and entertainment, not for any...
井冈红旗 Red Flag Jinggang China
Created by 尹水涯
井冈红旗 Red Flag Jinggang China 关键词:纪念碑 军旗 红旗 红军 工农红军 江西 井冈山 长征 中国 该资产原型位于江西省吉安市井冈山市茨坪镇井冈山风景名胜区321省道南。 为了纪念井冈山革命历史和英雄事迹,井冈山市政府在2015年委托北京工艺美术大师张建国设计并创作了一座高12米的“井冈红旗”雕塑。该雕塑由钢材制成,外形呈现出一面飘扬的红色旗帜。2015年9月30日,在中国共产党成立94周年之际,“井冈红旗”雕塑正式揭幕。自“井冈红旗”雕塑建成以来,它已经成为中国革命文化的代表性...
鸟巢 Bird's Nest
Created by wings
Beijing National Stadium, or the Bird's Nest, as it has become known, is the world's largest steel structure and the most complex stadium ever constructed....
Minecraft House by Hoster Nelson || Minecraft Nelson 合辨伺服器 - 伺服主官邸
Created by NelsonAdmiral
Minecraft Sandlifts' X Nelson Server - Server Hoster House ====================================================== English Translated Description : *Sorry for my bad English. This is a house constructed by the server hoster (as know as the creator of this b...
stadium ---重庆大田湾体育场
Created by Same old
重庆大田湾体育场 by Same old 需要定制资产的可以加QQ3569874860...
Created by 29724548
重庆大剧院广场平台 by 29724548...
上海五卅运动纪念碑 Monument to the May 30th Movement in Shanghai
Created by KimuXY
五卅运动纪念碑,位于上海市黄浦区南京西路、西藏中路西南侧绿地。 1985年,中共上海市委、市政府、市总工会决定在人民公园建五卅运动纪念碑。1985年5月奠基,1990年5月落成。 主体雕塑“五卅魂”是从“五卅”两字变化而来,高15.6米,宽21米,重50吨,似鲲鹏展翅,似烈焰奔腾。中间是一座由两个不屈不挠的工人形象组成的青铜圆雕,高3米,宽4米,重3吨多,表现了中国工人阶级前仆后继、英勇斗争的革命精神。南北两侧的两块碑体,背面各有一组展现五卅斗争历史的青铜浮雕,分别高4米,宽 12米。碑体、地坪、道路和基座...
HKUST Statue 香港科技大學雕塑
Created by HooHeeHaa
Symbolic statue of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Created with Blender & Substance Painter. Model info Tri count: 1408 Texture Size: 1024x1024 LOD Tri count: 280 LOD Texture Size: 64x64 Display image credits to @ccy016 ...
上海东方之光雕塑 Shanghai The light of the East Sculpture
Created by KimuXY
东方之光(英语:The light of the East),是位于我国上海市世纪大道的著名外设雕塑,是法国设计师夏邦杰先生创意,由北京的年轻雕塑家仲松设计,并由北京中神亚雕塑有限公司制作的大型景观雕塑,其以跨世纪的重大时间为主题,并且具有计时功能,由于其设计精巧,计时准确而受到好评。成为世纪大道的又一标志性建筑。 ...
Created by ldbc
by ldbc.Peanutinugat.修了点bug...
公园广场9×9 by 梁派少林形意拳...
Created by shyx007
飞机公园,奇奇怪怪的东西 by shyx007...
China transport 20y20 cargo aircraft中国运20Y20货运飞机
Created by 红米先生
备注:飞机是可以正常起飞停靠 运-20(中国编号:Y-20,绰号:鲲鹏,英文:Xian Y-20),是中国研究制造的新一代军用大型运输机,于2013年1月26日首飞成功 。 该机作为大型多用途运输机,可在复杂气象条件下,执行各种物资和人员的长距离航空运输任务。与中国空军现役伊尔-76比较,运-20的发动机和电子设备有了很大改进,载重量也有提高,短跑道起降性能优异。 运-20飞机研发参考俄罗斯伊尔-76的气动外形和结构设计,融合美国C-17的部分特点。运-20采用常规布局,悬臂式上单翼、前缘后掠、无翼梢小翼 ...
Created by A1-Xin
Created by A1-Xin
Community Park小区公园
Created by 红米先生
Community Park小区公园 by 红米...
站前广场Station Square
Created by 红米先生
想要做资产的可以联系我,定制资产有偿制作,加Q281775129 共计两个资产,属性同属公园类目,占地大小在16X10格,高度0.02米左右, 分辨率2K, LOD:只用了1000左右,因为就是一个平面铺砖形式,一张完整的铺砖地砖贴图而已,自己可以在上面添加任何物件,其中有一个广场铺砖带有两个地下坑,可供玩家自己摆放电梯商铺等物件,另外整个资产大小可以通过魔物模组任意改变大小。 There are two assets in total, belonging to the same category of ...
Tsuzumimon Gate (鼓門)
Created by christinayan
Tsuzumimon Gate by christinayan01. Traditional musical instrument motif large gate, in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa, Japan 金沢駅にある鼓門です。 Prop is here. プロップ版作りました。 ** Referenced building ** 【建築】Kana...
Created by 倾城@帆
公园14*8 by 倾城@帆...
Beijing courtyard house Type 3 3x5 Lv1-5 [RICO] 標準三進院四合院
Created by Emperor Li Beijing courtyard house or Siheyuan is a historical type of residence that was commonly found throughout China, most famously in Beijing and rural Shanxi. In ancient times, a spacious siheyuan would be occupied by a single, ...
中国传统民居Traditional Chinese Bungalow
Created by MC100
中国传统民居Traditional Chinese Bungalow by MC100 This asset contains 2 buildings, one is park building, the other one is Residential building. 2X2大小 size:2X2...
Hadron Collider de Leslie
Created by HANDSKAR | FADE
Hadron Collider de Leslie by Leslieghf...
Old Medical Center
Created by GON0
Old Medical Center by GON0...
Super Ultra Hadron Collider
Created by Bulldog
*************************************** * A capacity to educate 1 million. * ***************************************...
Higher radius medical center
Created by THEcatcake
An improved version of this is now uploaded: Low cost Medical Center Higher radius medical center by THEcatcake...
北京內城城牆 (模塊化) | 北京内城城墙 (模块化) | Beijing Inner City Wall (modular)
Created by Emperor Li
******2018-04-18****** There is a newer draggable version available in the workshop. I recommand to use the newer one, because cims can walk on the wall now and it's easier to place. ****************** 明清北京內城城牆(english description at the bottom) 中國歷史上最後兩代王...
Lna Park 1
Created by oleunclelar
Lna Park 1 by oleunclelar...
T22 Parking Lot +Trees 4x1
Created by T22Gaming
T22 Parking Lot +Trees 4x1. Filler park for useless spaces. No Special Effects. Reduced Damage. Cost - 100 Maintenance - 10 No Tourism Effect No Fire Hazard & Garbage Accumulation No Water & Electricity Consumption Has tooltip with Name and Size label...
Narrow path park (2x8)
Created by Richard Cephal
A 2x8 narrow park that fits neatly across the 8 cell buildable area in your grids. Costs 1,500 credits 60 entertainment value (50% of high value vanilla parks) 200 radius (50% of normal vanilla parks) ...
Woody path park (8x8)
Created by Richard Cephal
A 8x8 park that fits neatly across the 8 cell buildable area in your grids. This park has more trees compared to the other 8x8 park. Costs 10,000 credits 125 entertainment value (same as high value vanilla parks) 400 radius (normal)...
Plaza park (4x8)
Created by Richard Cephal
A 4x8 plaza park that fits neatly across the 8 cell buildable area in your grids. Costs 15,000 credits 125 entertainment value (same as high value vanilla parks) 400 radius (normal)...
Spiral park (8x8)
Created by Richard Cephal
A 8x8 spiral park that fits neatly across the 8 cell buildable area in your grids. Costs 10,000 credits 125 entertainment value (same as high value vanilla parks) 400 radius (normal)...
Fountain plaza (8x4)
Created by Richard Cephal
A 8x4 fountain plaza park that fits neatly into the 8 cell buildable area in your grids. Perfect for placing on one side of a road and not interfering with buildings on an adjacent road. Costs 5,000 credits 125 entertainment value (same as high value vanil...
Medium Agricultural Field 2
Created by Jesper107
A field with no upkeep or park attraction that can be placed in your farming areas. Add some trees around for a nice look! Price: Nothing Upkeep: Nothing Type: Park Tourism & recreation: Nothing...
Small Agricultural Field 1
Created by Jesper107
A field with no upkeep or park attraction that can be placed in your farming areas. Add some trees around for a nice look! Price: Nothing Upkeep: Nothing Type: Park Tourism & recreation: Nothing...
Neo-Romanesque Church
Created by GDuath
A medium-sized church in Neo-Romanesque style commonly built throughout continental central Europe in the mid- and late 1800s. Often combined with market places, they typically form the central parts of small and medium towns or suburbanized districts of l...
Spiral underground parking (small road version)
Created by vilgard92
Spiral underground parking (small road version) by vilgard92 A 100% functional underground parking with real parking lots. Cars take the spiral ramp to get in and out of the underground car park and pedestrians access it via the central lift. A small park ...
Air-Supported Sports Park
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, cheaper than a solid hall, faster and easier to constuct. Even the costs of maintenance are comfortable. In addition, air domes look kinda nice. The "heart" of an air dome asset is obviously the hull texture. I've already made another version...
National Taichung Theater
Created by bartz!
The National Taichung Theater is an opera house from my home city - Taichung (the third largest city in Taiwan). The building was designed by Japanese architect Toyo Ito. The opera house will officially open in 2016. ● 20473 tris custom model ● Custom LOD ...
Low Pedestrian Overpass - 4 to 6 Lanes (Overhang)
Created by Orchid
This asset has been updated, so the ones you have built in your cities will disappear. You have to re-plop them. I have revisited the model, and its triangle count falls to 5k. This lot uses an overhanging model, so it suits any 4-cell-wide road. It is pla...
spiral underground parking lot
Created by ELVIS
This spiral simcity 4 styled underground parking lot has unique style. Made by Elvis, subscribe and thumbs up please. Not working It's just modular park facilities, based on sunken plaza template -714tris 1024tex res -custom lod 256*512 tex res...
Large Tennis Club (grass version)
Created by Tomas13TO
Large Tennis Club (grass version) for your city. INFO maps - d,n,s,a,i (1024x1024) triangles - 7652 LOD triangles - 146 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 10x13 ...
2x4 Parking Lot v2.0
Created by JCity
A simple parkinglot for your city! Takes up 2x4 squares. Updated values so tourists do not visit it. This version will overwrite the old one since they have the same name! A part of my modular parking set:
Fontaine Du Palmier / Palmier Fountain
Created by Gèze
Informations: The Fontaine du Palmier (1806-1808) or Fontaine de la Victoire is a monumental fountain located in the Place du Châtelet, between the Théâtre du Châtelet and the Théâtre de la Ville, in the First Arrondissement of Paris. Additional informatio...
Sunken Plaza
Created by KingLeno
Sunken City Hall Plaza by KingLeno...
Big Cinema
Created by BenTracker
Big Cinema Size: 8x12 Construction cost: 150.000 Maintenance Cost: 12.000 Entertainment accumulation: 150 Entertainment radius: 8.000 Consumption Electricity: 45 Water: 10 ---------------------------------------- 1261 Tris / 2048 x 2048px LOD: 397 Tris / 2...
SHELL gas station ploppable
Created by SvenBerlin
SHELL gas station ploppable by Svenpotsdam Sorry for spamming SHELL gas stations, but i didnt realize that a park version is easier for everyone to plopp it anywhere you want. With unique you have workers with park only tourists. Have fun unique version: h...
Large Cinema
Created by Treythepunkid
Large Cinema by Treythepunkid UPDATE 01/18/2019 -Improved performance drastically by redoing LOD -Updated thumbnail icons UPDATE 10/07/2017 -Updated asset to take advantage of After Dark features (New lights, glowing glass, ect) -Updated stats based on fee...
1920s Bauhaus Settlement Pack 1 RICO
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) -custombuildings -Triangles: Vary, but nothing too crazy -Textures: 1536x768, 256x128 LOD texture -RICO: 6 high reisdential buildings, 10-30 households -Find it: Search for "Bau" -These buildings...
Small Modern Memorial
Created by BachToBaroque
This was actually one of my private assets I used personaly, but decided to make it public. It's a small 3x3 futuristic looking multi-purpose memorial, It's up to you what this memorial should dedicate to. Or you could even treat it as an Art installation....
Park 001
Created by Valex
Lowry Avenue Bridge
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Introducing the Lowry Avenue Bridge! A steel tied-arch bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minnesota, completed in October of 2012. After browsing through many types of bridges I found this wonderfully lit up bridge and definitely wanted to s...
Cobblestone Plaza
Created by GCVos
This city square will attract a large crowd. It works seamlessly with the Path and Canal Blocks. This asset can be customized and redecorated if you want to make it look more fancy! Service: Park Cost: 800 Upkeep: 32/week Entertainment: 60 Range: 200 Size:...
Quad's Floating Plazas
Created by Quad Rioters
Come hydroelectricity or high water. Assets: 3 - Floating Plaza 1F - Floating Plaza 2F - Floating Plaza 3F Attribute: All - Size: 4x4, anywhere, water - Type: Park > Plaza - Main Tri: 560 / 1,224 / 1,720, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 24 / 54 / 92, 128x128 - Descri...
ESSO gas station ploppable
Created by SvenBerlin
ESSO gas station by Svenpotsdam park 4x4 , tourists yes, workers no :-) triangles 1950 lod 295 unique version : growable version:
Hot Air Balloon Park
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Hot Air Balloon Park Big Beautiful Balloon for your viewing enjoyment! More Colors/Patterns to Come! Be sure to follow! :) Total Tris for Main Model = 1,804 1024x1024 Maps Lod Tris = 228 128x128 Maps
Cynth's Gas Station (ploppable)
Created by Cynth
!This asset recives no further updates and support! /// Compatibility for any DLC andOr Addon since After Dark isn't guaranteed \\\ Cynth's City Gas Station (ploppable Park) Finally the ploppable version of the Gas Station. You'll find it in the Park-categ...
Australian Football Field
Created by HisArmada
Type: Park Size: 8x10 Construction Cost: 6000 Fire Hazard: 0 Fire Tolerance: 30 Garbage Accumulation: 15 Maintenance Cost: 600 Electricity Consumption: 0 High Wealth Tourists: 0 Medium Wealth Tourists: 5 Low Wealth Tourists: 10 Sewage Accumulation: 10 Wate...
Andrew's 1x1 Swing Park
Created by trip
Be nice to your citizens and plop down this small 1x1 swing park to increase happiness around your city! This small park attracts many Low and Medium wealth citizens as well as some High wealth....
Basketball Courts
Created by DieHardHunter
This pack contains 4 different versions of basketball courts. Version #1 & #2 Tris:2430 Textures: 1024x512 Version #3 & #4 Tris:500 Textures: 1024x512 Model info: - Vanilla Small Park template - It contains 4 different versions (no color variations) - Auto...
Kentucky Fried Chicken (Ploppable 4x4)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Kentucky Fried Chicken by Bumpa♥♥♥♥l (ploppable) A tribute to a beautiful person. :] This is a makeover of a modern type KFC in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. I do not own any rights on Kentucky Fried Chicken and have only made this for free, non-commercial pub...
18 Hole Golf Course
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Hello Everyone, I have been working on this Golf Course the last 2 weeks and put in over 60 hours into it. It is based off of the Steyn City Golf Course which you can see the main image I used as a template to create these golf greens with. I looked for go...
Park with Ferris Wheel
Created by ReticentDaikaiju
Finally updated with lights for the After Dark expansion! An 8x5 park featuring a ferris wheel ride. Custom built model created by ReticentDaikaiju. Part of my Amusment Park set. Check out the other rides and attractions here:
25m pool
Created by Tomas13TO
25m swimming pool INFO maps - d,n,s (1024x512) triangles - 638 LOD triangles - 10 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 4x2 ploppable anywhere...
Self Storage Units
Created by Spence!
Updated 14/9/2017 - added a version of the locker with open doors (so you can put boxes and stuff inside), and changed the building AI from Park to Common which should get rid of the seagulls. Open locker version shares textures with the closed version if ...
Waterfront Walkway
Created by Tair
Waterfront Walkway by Tair Wow,thanks for the amazing feedback and support people! I've seen some really cool stuff you made with it! Keep going! Like Tuesdae Suggested try if you ...
Public Ice-Skate Rink
Created by bennymedia
Public Ice-Skate Rink / Eislaufbahn by bennymedia (ready for After Dark) I'am sure winter will come back one day. Let your citizens enjoy the pleasure of ice-skating. Public Ice-Skate Rink Park Info:8x6 plots Construction cost : 2500 Maintenance cost : 80 ...
Haikjeften Concert Stage
Created by KingLeno
Haikjeften by KingLeno An outdoor stage/amphitheater in Narvik Norway. Lot size: 7 x 6. The speakers and lights props in the screenshots are from the Concerts DLC and are not included on the asset. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook ...
Beach v 3 6x8
Created by Nox Oculis
Beach v 3 6x8 by Nox Oculis it is always repeatable to form a long beach, long beach like it !! :) street lights and umbrellas other are arranged manner to remain at the same distance always whenever you put him no slope problem for the beach it adapts to ...
Falling Pillars Plaza [Park]
Created by Spectra Falling Pillars Plaza by bullettMAGNETT Hello everyone, i hope you enjoy this small park for office and commercial areas. Info: Plopable park 162 Tris 1024x1024 maps...
Park People Generator +Plus (Pack)
Created by stmSantana
It is fun to put props in the game and decorate, But exclude benches and tables that no one sits... This is based on Park People Generator Pack (PPG) (by Mark Fire). I made some items not included in his PPG, some kind of bench, table, chair etc. * These a...
modular tram stop (props)
Created by Titan
Watch the YouTube video for the best information and impressions - A video shows more than 1000 pictures. These are props to build better tram stops Props with which you can build better tram stops than those boring vanilla ones. contains: fences with a le...
[AD]Drosovilas Sunken Library
Created by Drosovila
A sunken Library for your cims to learn. -4x4 park -Conforms to terrain so I wouldn't build it on too steep terrain. -870 tris, 1024 texture res, custom LOD(100 tris, 256x texture res)....
Bamboo Bench Pack (Reuploaded)
Created by marconok19
1.Smaller file size! 2.Functional version I reupload this bamboo bench pack which i adjusted the texture size of the main mesh and the LOD mesh for reducing the file sizes two times!. Btw, i hope you still love this pack and use this to create your own mod...
City High School Gym
Created by KingLeno
City High Gym by KingLeno Main building If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by making small donation as a token ...
Modular Parks Parking
Created by Populous
Modular Parks Parking by Populous What if you could build your park in any combination you want? Oh, you can with these 1x4 parks (Parking is 2x4) that work together to form you Favorite Park. you can lay out tables, BBQ, umbrellas, trees, parking any way ...
Quad Floating Beacon
Created by Quad Rioters
Intensifying light trajectory. Attribute - Size: 4x4, anywhere, water - Type: Park > Plaza - Main Tri: 1,228, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 140, 128x128 - Description: A futuristic light house on water. Stats - Cost: 8,000 - Upkeep: 96/week - Visitors: 0/0/0/0 - En...
Lowry Ave Bridge Neutral
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Introducing the Lowry Avenue Bridge! A steel tied-arch bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minnesota, completed in October of 2012. After browsing through many types of bridges I found this wonderfully lit up bridge and definitely wanted to s...
Zolotoy Bridge (Vladivostok, Russia)
Created by Jerenable
Zolotoy Bridge from Vladivostok, Russia; Владивосток, Русия by Jerenable I made this bridge per request of Bloody Penguin, thank you for your amazing mods! The Zolotoy Bridge (Russian: Золотой мост - Golden Bridge) is cable-stayed bridge across the Zolotoy...
Indoor Track & Field Facility
Created by jaspinko
Modeled after the Armory Building at the University of Illinois, this premiere facility offers a full size indoor track for athletic events and ROTC training. -= Game Stats =- Type: Park/Recreation Size: 12x8 Cost: 20,000 Maintenance Cost: 1,200 Tourists: ...
City Hall Plaza
Created by KingLeno
City Hall Plaza by KingLeno A large quick easy park with tiles to plop. No decals, trees or other props included other than lights, tables, benches, and crowd gathering markers. Also includes pedestrians paths. Empty area in the middle that you can customi...
Andrew's 6x6 Working Car Park (FIXED AND UPDATED!)
Created by trip
THIS VERSION OF XB92AI'S 6x6 WORKING CAR PARK IS THE LATEST VERSION, IT HAS BEEN FIXED, UPDATED AND RE-DESIGNED! Thank you for all of the continued feedback and help! This is a 6x6 fully working car park for your city! - All parking spaces CAN and WILL be ...
Low Pedestrian Overpass - 2 Lane (Fixed) [Deprecated]
Created by Orchid
5-meter-high overpass for your citizens. Below it is a 4.2m-high clear area for vehicles. For all users: because I renamed the asset file, this lot will disappear when you load your saved game. Some road segment connected with it will get destroyed too. Yo...
City of the Seas Cruise Ship (Ploppable)
Created by MobiusOne
Ploppable "City of the Seas" Cruise Ship based on the Allure of the Seas Royal Caribbean ship, which along with the Oasis and the Harmony, are the 3 largest cruise ships in the world and almost identical. It's modeled to real world scale making it large (3...
Five-a-side Soccer Pack
Created by vitusweb
This pack contains five-a-side football pitches in 3 different styles: - outdoor with artificial grass (4x7, construction cost 750$) - outdoor with hard court (4x7, construction cost 500$) - indoor with parquetry (6x7, construction cost 1000$) Most texture...
Relaxation pool
Created by Tomas13TO
Relaxation pool INFO maps - d,n,s (1024x512) triangles - 426 LOD triangles - 10 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 3x2 ploppable anywhere...
Andrew's 1x1 Max Entertainment Park!
Created by trip
This TINY park is only 1x1 in size but size does not matter! It will generate HUGE amounts of entertainment value within an enormous radius. This 1x1 park has now been updated - tourists will flock to it, allowing this park to look alive in your game. Ther...
Star Monument
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Sewage plant park
Created by Avanya
A 12x1 park made to fit my sewage treatment facility. Doesn't attract turists or provide entertainment - it's just decorative. Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinion...
Waterside Plaza
Created by Cateinum
A 121m (400 ft) tall residential tower located on the East River, New York City. Real life stats Years: 1971-1974 Floors: 41 Coordinates: 40°44'12"N 73°58'26"W In-game stats Footprint: 5x5 Main model: 2904 tris, 2048x1024, d/n/s/i maps. LOD: 270 tris, 256x...
Quad's Cat Park (with cats)
Created by Quad Rioters
The ultimate answer to the dog park. No dogs, no masters. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Park - Park - Main Tri: 2,183, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 102, 128x128 - Description: Cat park attracts cats around the neighborhood to come together and plan something quest...
Quad's Cat Park 2
Created by Quad Rioters
No dogs, no masters, no owners. Yes, freedom. Food please. Attribute - Size: 4x4 - Type: Park - Park - Main Tri: 1,520, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 110, 128x128 - Description: A small cat shelter, cat park and cat cafe, all in one. Stats - Cost: 10,000 - Upkeep: ...
Riebi's Tennis Stadium
Created by Riebi
The Vessel - New York
Created by _luminou_
"The Vessel" - New York (Hudson Yards park) Vessel is a public structure and landmark that was built as part of the Hudson Yards Redevelopment Project in Manhattan, New York City, New York. The concept for Vessel was revealed in 2016. Construction started ...
寺院 Japanese temple
Created by TOKACHI269
It will be added to level1 unique buildings. 日本でよく見かける寺院です。 ユニーク施設レベル1に追加されます。 自由な配置にしたい方は検索MODでtempleと調べてください 。 <mesh info> 本堂 triss : 1642 tex : 1024x1024(d) 山門 triss : 454 tex : 512x256(d,n) 石灯籠 triss:136 tex : 64x256(d.n) 鐘楼 triss : 734 tex : 512x512(d...
Elevator for Underground Passages (with fences, 2x2)
Created by REV0
Say goodbye to ugly tunnel ends. As title suggests, this is a ground to tunnel connector for underground pedestrian paths. Game uses badly modeled tunnel ends for ground connection, this assets replaces those ends and serves multiple purposes. What does it...
Quad's Ecodome
Created by Quad Rioters
Standing against the test of time. - Status: Somewhat experimental. Attribute for 1/4 of the dome - Size: 2x2 (20x20 for the out-of-bound radius) - Type: Park - Others - Main Tri: 3205, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 793, 1024x1024 - Sub-building: Ecodome Glass (aes...
Market Tower of Luckenwalde
Created by SvenBerlin
Market Tower of Luckenwalde by Svenpotsdam This is the market tower of my birthplace Luckenwalde. The tower is nearly 60 meters high. It is standing in the center of the city. Tris 626 LOD 73% less updated: not so dark than before. It was looking to dark w...
4-Lane Pedestrian Bridge
Created by Tair
4-Lane Pedestrian Bridge by Tair A 4 or 6 lane road pedestrian bridge,enjoy! For the 2 lane version go to Instructions. 1. Delete a section of the road you want to put the bridge on 2. Select...
Quad's Crystal Pillars
Created by Quad Rioters
Light the path for the newcomers! Attribute - Park: Plaza - 6x6 (Circular) (Freeform) - Tri: 584 - LOD Tri: 200 - Note: This building can be placed anywhere like the Water Tower. Updates - v3: The building no longer requires road connection, Added the vari...
Quad's Sanctuary Peak
Created by Quad Rioters
Press the serpent. Attribute - 12x12 - Park: Others - Sub-buildings: Park - Tri: 5004 (I know) - LOD Tri: 468 - Description: A massive landmark tower. Stats - Cost: 80000 - Upkeep: 1280 per week - Visitors: 80/80/80 - Entertainment: 200 - Radius: 1500 - Su...
Quad's Sanctuary Canal 4x4
Created by Quad Rioters
Mean, green, unseen. Attribute - 4x4 - Park: Others - Tri: 826 - LOD Tri: 88 - Description: A small futuristic park over a canal. Updates - v2: Improved models and textures, changed the category to Park: Others, adjusted stats Stats - Cost: 5000 - Upkeep: ...
[AD]Drosovilas Disco
Created by Drosovila
Hyped for After Dark ? Well I certainly am so here's some nighlife to warm up. I present: Drosovilas Disco ft. DJ Diesel (Who makes some nice cities skylines LP's, shoutout to him :D) -Actually lit up -Park 4x3, stats based off of the botanic garden. -928 ...
Kiosk (Park Version)
Created by Waluter
About this asset This is a simple old kiosk offering snacks and drinks. It makes use of a colour map, which can be adjusted to your liking with Repaint. It does not require a road connection. I also published a growable low density commercial version of th...
The Bean from Chicago
Created by Drosovila
The Bean by Drosovila. 5x5 park based on the planthouse thingy very few tris and low texture resolution....
Park with Roller Coaster
Created by ReticentDaikaiju
Finally updated with lights for the After Dark expansion! A 14x6 park featuring a wooden roller coaster. Custom model created by ReticentDaikaiju. Part of my Amusment Park set. Check out the other rides and attractions here:
McDonalds Ploppable
Created by lopiv2
McDonalds Ploppable by lopiv2 If you like my work, please consider to donate ...
Creek/Stream/River with bridge
Created by Tianlein
Creek with bridge by Tianlein A small creek (5x2) surrounded by trees and benches and a bridge. You can connect this one with the "creek asset" and you can create a creek :) With Pond Lily and Pond Rose i created some starting/end points:) Important: Place...
Biergarten/beer garden
Created by bennymedia
Biergarten/beer garden by bennymedia (Updated V 1.1, ready for After Dark) Biergarten Park Info: 5x5 plots Construction cost : 2000 Maintenance cost : 120 Electricity consumption : 3 Garbage: 2 Water Consum/Sewage : 2/2 Tourists High/Med/Low : 250/250/250 ...
Pop Stage
Created by Valex Pop Stage by Valex...
Luxor Obelisk [4x4]
Created by Ignus
The Luxor Obelisk was originally located at the Luxor Temple in Egypt and is over 3000 years old. It was gifted to France in the 1830s by Muhammad Ali of Egypt. It is currently located at the Place de la Concorde, in Paris. While not an exact representatio...
Quad's Gaias Sky
Created by Quad Rioters
These worlds are yours. Attribute - Size: 10x10 - Type: Park > Others - Main Tri: 3,981, 1024x1024 - LOD Tri: 401, 128x128 - Description: A vertical farm. Stats - Cost: 50,000 - Upkeep: 240/week - Entertainment: 150 - Radius: 600 - Summary: Is expensive, c...
Quad's Architecture + Growable Ploppable Mod
Created by Quad Rioters
...or Quadchitecture if you will. Updates - v3: Removed road connection requirement, Relocated UI category to Park: Plaza. - v2: Added thumbnails for all the glowable assets. New Additions - Industrial: Reactor - Residential: Aspect - Industrial: Tech Arma...
Johann Strauss Memorial - Vienna
Created by PeterBar
Johann Strauss Monument from 1921 in the Vienna City Park. The gilded bronze statue on a marble pedestal shows the King of the Viennese Waltz standing - without the dense sideburns - with a violin in his hand in front of a marble arch relieved with leaves ...
Skatepark - Bowl
Created by Mr.PoopyPants
Skatepark - Bowl by Opikus Hello everyone! My new asset is a concrete bowl skatepark for skaters and bikers in your cities. I hope you like it! Model specs: 4558 tris, 2048x2048 texture LOD: 312 tris, 128x128 texture...
人行天桥 ( Pedestrian bridge )
Created by LIME
Pedestrian bridge to update optimization...
Created by cbudd
Guess what my new project is? The main buildings are going to follow, though I didn't start them by now. This concrete-arch is one of five similar arches that were built on the Pacific Science Center campus in Seattle, Washington for the World's Fair in 19...
Quad's Stardeck Tower
Created by Quad Rioters
Make it slow. Attribute - Park: Others - 8x8, No-clipping part - Tri: 686 - LOD: 166 Updates - v3: Fixed flattening terrain. - v2: Improved model and textures. Stats - Cost: 7000 - Upkeep: 64/week - Summary: Is a visual module for Stardeck. Has 24 car park...
Quad's Sanctuary Canal 12x12
Created by Quad Rioters
Nobody here but us trees. Attribute - 12x12 - Park: Others - Sub-buildings: Park - Tri: 3378 (I know) - LOD Tri: 330 - Description: A massive futuristic park over a canal. Updates - v2: Improved models and textures, changed the category to Park: Others, ad...
[AD]Suburban Church by Morsh
Created by Morsh
This is a Church for your Suburban areas complete with normal,illumination and specular map! This Object is Ploppable and can be found under Parks&Plazas in the Decoration roster For more Stuff feel free to follow me! ;) ...
US Billboard Collection
Created by conno
My latest collection of American themed billboards. I remastered most of my old textures from my earlier packs and included plenty of new ones. I would highly recommend unsubscribing from those and just use this pack instead, as I am much happier with the ...
Functional Subway Elevator Pack
Created by Rocket
Information: This pack includes a Bowling Green elevator variant and a blank version, an invisible pedestrian path to connect underground and the glass used on the elevators. Usage: The elevators are best used to connect to an underground pathway or to a M...
[AD]Drosovilas Air Controll Tower(ploppable)
Created by Drosovila
Drosovilas Air Controll Tower no.2 because the old one sucks. -Ploppable everywhere(even water lol), no maintenance, no atractivity. just asthetics. -800 tris, 2048x1024 texture res, custom LOD(180 tris, 512x256 texture res) -Heavily inspired by the ACT fr...
Gula's Statue of Hamster
Created by Gula
Gula's Statue of Hamster Updated for After Dark 3x3 tile park -- THAT WAY YOU CAN HAVE LIKE 8,000 OF THEM! Changed stats are listed here, unchanged stats ignored Construction Cost: 12555 Fire Tolerance: 25 (up from 10) Maintenance: 500 (up from 100) Electr...
Stave Church
Created by sukritact
Adds a Stave Church as a ploppable building in the game. It can be found under the "Parks" category. A Scandinavian mast-framed steep-roofed church o...
Regional Public Soccer Field
Created by Bfb Da Packman
2,710 Tris / 3.5 MB - Based on original 3D Model: UK Football Stadium - Small Generic 1 by rik4000 Original Author's Paypal Donation Link Source Collection: Better Soccer Fields and Stadiums Statistics: Triangles/LOD Triangles - 2,710 / 241 Category - Park...
Footy Oval
Created by Aetos
AFL (Australian Rules Football) Sport Oval Park Aussie This is my first ever 3D modeling project, I've had to learn to use Blender to make this. It's pretty simple shapes, but just trying to get myself familiar with the program and Cities Skylines modeling...
Water Slide 1
Created by Checo Mx
Model Information Tris: 10,600 Textures: 512 x 256 ( D - S - N ) You can search for this pack with the "Find It" mod with the name “Water Slide 1" and you can move it with "Move It ". This asset is the first of several water slides I made a long time ago, ...
Quad Skyward Dome
Created by Quad Rioters
Hope above the burnt ground. __________________ __________________ - Size: 4x4 - Type: Park, Others - Main Tri: 7xxx (quite high), 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 1xxx, 512...
Big Billboard B
Created by GCVos
This triangular billboard will surely convince cims to buy more stuff they don't need. You will find it under parks. Each billboard has three different pictures. This asset can be rotated and plopped anywhere except on water. Service: Park Cost: 250 Upkeep...
Llama Advisor Statue - Simcity 4 20th Anniversary
Created by Kridershot Today Simcity 4 celebrated its 20th anniversary. I decided not to ignore it and make an unusual statue that will remind you of old times and inspire you in the development of your own city. The asset doesn't have custom props,...
Bumpa's (Bowling,Darts,Pool,Bar)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Bumpa's (Bowling,Darts,Pool,Bar) by BumpaNiggl A tribute to a beautiful person. :] This is the place where your Cims can go bowling, throw a few darts, play some pool or just hang out at a huge bar with party and dance area, headbanging to some Strapping Y...
Urban Sculpture II ("Albertus Magnus")
Created by GDuath
Small urban statue / sculpture based on "Albertus Magnus" by Gerhard Marcks located in Cologne, Germany. Model is 500 tris with 512x512 textures (d + n) and uses a 1x1 lot....
Created by IanKellyArt
This lighthouse is based on the Morris Island and Bodie Island Lighthouses of the Carolinas, and is ploppable on a road as a park for multiple instances. Expect this model to be refined in the future. Current Version: v1.0 Cost: 500 Upkeep: 8 per week Capa...
circular park 10 tiles diameter
Created by Tuck Davis
A circular roundabout filler for 10 tiles inner diameter roundabout. Entertainment: 250 Radius: 300 Tourists: 50/50/50 It will fit in the games own item "small roundabout". Have fun with it. :)...
Charging Bull New York
Created by SvenBerlin
Charging Bull New York . The model is from a free 3D model-website. I had to reduce the polygones and to make a baseplate . after dark updated ...
Commercial Air Transport
Created by creepyeyes
The Commercial Air Transport is a long-distance science-fiction aircraft that transports your cims across the world. It has at least four stories of cabins, plus amenities and utilities for the passengers. I was inspired by Shroomblaze’s Hot Air Balloon an...
Stop Traffic Jams - Gap-Fill Steetside Park
Created by llamadrama
Gap-Fill Steetside Park Traffic Jams?? Stop it, well more like stop all selfish people that do a right at a junction and stop immeadiatly. Everytime a truck delivers to shops, ambulances hold or somebody is transported to the hearse, the whole queue cant m...
Ville Portal Entrance
Created by naokika
A landmark representing the entrance of your village/city, aimed for residential areas. Using german buildings as inspiration, this park/entrance/landmark provides a nice aesthetic look for those who want to build an authentic european village. = About @@@...
Modular Piers - Beaux-Arts Arch
Created by Avanya
Made for bsquiklehausen's Presidio Bay series. Ever wanted piers like San Francisco in your city? Then this pack is for you! It's a set of decorative but modular assets, which lets you create a unique waterfront! All buildings are found in the Ship categor...
European Victory Statue
Created by egiptologo91
European Victory Statue by egiptologo91...
Monument to the 80 Years of Japanese Immigration
Created by Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Roundabout Globe 12x12
Created by Elias
This unique building was my base-modell. Thanks to the creator. I reduzed the size of the building a lot, so the original unique building will still look impressive and unique in your city! As you can see in the pictures, you can plop this roundabout-park ...
Wat Phra Kaeo Don Tao (Lampang, Thailand)
Created by Palm'sTime
Wat Phra Kaeo Don Tao Notice about the model This model is adapted version from Vihara and Cetiya. Made by Painya A. Full credit goes to original creator! To be honest, This is the first model that I tried, and it feels the hardest I've ever done. Look lik...
Five Story Pagoda
Created by PandaYoume
Ancient Building Type: Park Size: 2.91mb Texture: 1024 x 1024 Triangles: 3032 Construction cost: 15000 Maintenance cost: 250 Electric/Water: 0 Non illumination *Pagoda...
Little Lake Park
Created by niis-ku
Little Lake Park is a 4 x 4 park with a little lake / pond. No custom assets or mods are needed. The park is lit up at night, but the After Dark DLC is not needed. I made the park for the Europe theme, but it works with other themes as well (looks a bit sa...
Populous Park... my favorite (Updated)
Created by Populous
Populous Park... my favorite (Updated) by Populous Now After Dark Friendly You really have to see this park working in your city because honestly it is my favorite park. The park is very CIM active. I was trying to come up with a park to fit with another a...
Roundabout Spiral Globe 6x6
Created by Elias
This Unique Building was my Base-Model All thanx go to the original creator as well. You can plop this roundabout-park everywhere (it comes along without the roads and is circular). It doesn't need to be attached to a road and that's why I kept it from pro...
ABC Gas Station (Ploppable)
Created by ravenz
ABC-chain is part of Finnish S-group. This station is one of the smaller ABC stations and is located in Rauma, Finland. Has restaurant, small market, gas station and car wash. This version is ploppable and found under Parks. Growable version can be found h...
The Fun Zone
Created by ReticentDaikaiju
A family entertainment center featuring arcade games, a go-kart track, laser tag, and batting cages. Ploppable as a 10x10 park. Custom built model created by ReticentDaikaiju. Part of my Amusment Park set. Check out the other rides and attractions here: ht...
2302 Parking garage
Created by IceTeaKiwi
2302 Parking garage Mesh Info 1.3.3 Triangles Weight Texture 10,176 53.86 2048x2048 ...
Created by Cleavus
Cleopatra's Needle in New York City is one of three similar named Egyptian obelisks (One in London and Paris) and was erected in Central Park (at 40°46′46.67″N 73°57′55.44″W, just west of the Metropolitan Museum of Art) on 22 February 1881. It was secured ...
Roundabout Fountain 6x6
Created by Elias
I took this fountain and remodelled it to make it ploppable in the center of roundabouts. As you can see in the pictures, you can plop this roundabout-park everywhere. It doesn't need to be attached to a road and that's why I kept it from producing garbage...
Japanese Immigration Memorial
Created by hqsouza
The monument-museum celebrates the friendship between Japan and the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. THe building represents the connection between both places and the lake represent the ocean that separates them. Designed by Gustavo Penna and Associates it ...
Created by LIME
都市天际线中文网 志同道合者的聚集地,更加专业更加开放的交流乐园...
Wall of art replay
Created by X20AthiNN3R
Wall of art replay by X20AthiNN3R version without props, 6X1 Paintings mix; some of my favourite painters; Enrico Bay, Keith Haring, Karl Horst Hödicke, Jean-Michel Basquiat, James Brown, Jannis Kounellis, Mario Schifano, Hans-George Baselitz, A. R. Penck,...
The Olympic Rings
Created by Tomas13TO
I was just watching the Rio olympic opening ceremony so I decided to create the olympic rings. You can find three variations under parks and plazas/other parks. INFO maps - d,s (256x128) triangles - 1190, 1166, 872 LOD - auto-baked ploppable anywhere...
Design Steel Bridge
Created by funker
Design Steel Bridge by funker Just a little side project. Nothin special. I call it boredom-project. A Design Steel Bridge for your parks, cities, neighborhoods. Works also fine in the Manhattan Collection by Feindbild (I think it does). There is a pedestr...
dutch bridge
Created by dazflint
dutch bridge by dazflint A traditional Dutch drawbridge as seen in Amsterdam (Holland) and throughout the Netherlands. Known in Dutch as an Ophaalbrug, and in French as a Bascule. This asset is modelled to fit nicely over the new in-game canals - but you c...
classic bridge
Created by OI MATE SWISS
classic bridge by Swiss This is a very basic but common bridge. You can place it anywhere and build roads over it if you have the no pillar mod This mod has a custom made lod I hope you like it and if you have questions feel free to write them in the comme...
5.18 Memorial Tower, Gwangju S.Korea
Created by Kaeru教信者
In Memory of Gwangju Minjung in May 18 Democratic Uprising HOMINES POSSUNT HISTORIAM CONDONARE, SED DEUS NON VULT. This Memorable Plaza Asset is one part of my 5.18 Uprising Collection, basic on main tower of South Korea's National Cemetery for the May 18t...
ELVIS RTX2080 Statue
Created by ELVIS
머리말 엔비디아의 최신 플래그십 그래픽 카드인 RTX2080의 공개에 앞서 획기적인 게임용 GPU의 탄생을 기념한 3년만에 돌아온 그래픽 카드 기념비입니다. ELVIS RTX2080 Statue 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS RTX2080 Statue.crp 도움 ELVIS RTX2080 Statue은 엘비스게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. 에셋 이미지 촬영은 도브님이 해주셨습니다. 후원 평점과 구독 잊지 마세요 또한, 페트론이 되어 얼리 엑세스, 후원자...
streamline ceiling-s3 张拉膜结构样式3
Created by hikke
大家好 这次的作品是张拉膜结构 我会制作一个系列 这是第三个~ 希望大家喜欢 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is Tensioned Membrane structure I plan to release an entire series. if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look last page
Created by Vander
Normal Park 8x16 Triangels : 2.036 - 282 Compatible with all addons Cost: 33750 Maintenance: 400 -------------------------------------------------. Electic Consum: 10 Fire Hazard: 0 Fire Toleranz: 20 Garbage Accumultaion: 6 Sewage: 1 Water: 4 Ent. Accum: 7...
Created by Checo Mx Model Information Triangles: 2,100 Vertices: 1,100 Textures: 1024 x 1024 ( _d, _i , _s ) Prop Version.
[AD]Aperture Statue by Morsh
Created by Morsh
This is a Landmark honoring the great Aperture Science Center! Let your Cims enjoy the sight and relax from the last 10 days they were probably stuck in traffic (admit it!) This Park is Stat-identical with the Paradox Plaza. This is the Portal-free version...
Footbridge (Pedestrian Overpass)
Created by Acrivec
Working pedestrian footbridge for 2x2 or 3x3 roads, original credits to mrfun93 (asset disappeared from workshop)....
Super Tree Grove 2x2
Created by jinnivan_TH
Park 2x2 Supertree Grove The Supertrees are home to enclaves of unique and exotic ferns, vines, orchids and also a vast collection of bromeliads such as Tillandsia, amongst other plants. They are fitted with environmental technologies that mimic the ecolog...
Water Slide 2
Created by Checo Mx Model Information Tris: 6,800 Textures: 512 x 256 (D – N - S) You can search for this pack with the "Find It" mod with the name “Water Slide 2" and you can move it with "Move It ". Description: This asset is the second of se...
Vertical Drop Ride
Created by Didactic
Theme Park Asset 14m x 9m x 25m Vertical Drop Ride Main: size 2 x 2 – 6289 Tris – Textures 1024 x 1024 D,N,A,S & I LOD: Tris 258 – Texture 512 x 512 D This Asset is placed under the ‘PARK’ tab For best placement try the following MODS More Beautification h...
Aircraft carrier USS Gerald Ford
Created by Shibuya
This is an upload version of my aircraft carrier, texture is fixed and should appear in 2000 k Asset Details This is an asset of the USS Gerald R. Ford, the lead ship of the new Gerald Ford Class of US navy aircraft carriers. This asset was encouraged by t...
Modular Parks Trees
Created by Populous
Modular Parks Trees by Populous What if you could build your park in any combination you want? Oh, you can with these 1x4 parks that work together to form you Favorite Park. you can lay out tables, BBQ, umbrellas, trees, parking any way you want. The parks...
Modular Parks Grassy Area
Created by Populous
Modular Parks Grassy Area by Populous What if you could build your park in any combination you want? Oh, you can with these 1x4 parks that work together to form you Favorite Park. you can lay out tables, BBQ, umbrellas, trees, parking any way you want. The...
Steel Stairs for 9m elevated Road/Tram tracks Right
Created by halotherobot
Stairs for 9m elevated Road/Tram tracks. No mod is required. Then, pedestrians can access to elevated roads. But Elevated Stops Enabler is highly recommended. Now, pedestrians can access to elevated BUS/TRAM STOPS. You can construct elevated BRT/LRT and hi...
Women's bridge
Created by Franks
Pedestrian bridge from Buenos Aires "El puente de la mujer" (Women's bridge) by Franks or at least inspired by that... This version is Roadside, I think maybe I'll do a version ploppable everywhere. You'll need the "move it" tool and "Road anarchy" or "Sha...
Steel Stairs for 12m elevated Road/Tram tracks Left
Created by halotherobot
Stairs for 12m elevated Road/Tram tracks. No mod is required. Then, pedestrians can access to elevated roads. But Elevated Stops Enabler is highly recommended. Now, pedestrians can access to elevated BUS/TRAM STOPS. You can construct elevated BRT/LRT and h...
North Christian Church
Created by jerominome
Eero Saarinen-designed church in Columbus, Indiana. Model is a somewhat loose recreation of Saarinen's 1964 Modernist church. Expansive Dan Kiley landscape not included... Church can be found in the parks menu. Some brief stats: Size: 7 x 9 Construction Co...
Large Park 12x12
Created by Avanya
Large Park 12x12 by Avanya Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributions to the community reflect my own views and interests, and are not create...
Abstract Art Parks 2
Created by Althazar
TRUE ART TAKES FOREVER TO MAKE. Sorry for the delays, real life got in the way for a while. Just when you thought the incomprehensible art world had vanished from the cityscape forever, it suddenly pops back up for more! Introducing FIVE more "abstract" pa...
Micro-park A (1x1)
Created by ELES
Seats + vending machine. Weaker than the average park but much smaller and cheaper. __________________________________ Has lights Has in-game thumbnail Attracts a very small number of visitors (1/10th compared to the average park) Increases land value by a...
1x1 Park
Created by xBlackTamarski
1x1 Park by GamingShadow91 Perfekt geeignet für kleine Lücken in Wohngebieten. Gerne dürft ihr auch Kommentare hinterlassen, würde mich freuen. MFG euer GamingShadow91...
Golden Gate Bridge
Created by OI MATE SWISS
Golden Gate Bridge by Swiss This Bridge is representing the Goldan Gate Bridge. And is probably the largest asset for Skyline yet. It is however not 1:1 scale but rather around 1.0 : 1.5 scale. It is meant to have a 6 lane Road on it. It requires the no pi...
Percent Plaza
Created by neinnew/네인
Percent Plaza For Sale, Discount ASSET INFO Size : 5x5...
Small park 2x2
Created by Avanya
Small park 2x2 by Avanya Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributions to the community reflect my own views and interests, and are not created ...
[MLP][Park]Garden of Heartstrings [4x4]
Created by Fast
Garden of Heartstrings by Fast...
Washington Monument
Created by andrewmanq
Washington Monument Park by andrewmanq. So you can show your support to 'Murica! It can also double as your average obelisk if you want....
[AD]Inactive Atlantis Stargate by Morsh
Created by Morsh
This is the Inactive Atlantis Stargate from Stargate Atlantis In Cities Skylines it functions as a Park, since it is inactive and doing it as Metro would be a bit strange. People can still hang out around it! ;) Check my Workshop for more Design variety of...
Rockery landscape假山景观
Created by 红米先生
Rockery landscape假山景观 by Redmi...
Aircraft Carrier
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this model, it's a free model from googles 3D Warehouse You can see the original listing Here I did however edit the file by moving textures, making custom normal map, and added some planes. I also used free models from the 3D warehouse fo...
Azalea Park
Created by Checo Mx Model Information Triangles: 8,100 Vertices: 4,100 Textures: 1024 x 1024 (D - I - S - N) You can search for this pack with the "Find It" mod with the name “Azalea Park” and you can move it wit...
Refugees Welcome Roundabout
Created by bennymedia
Refugees Welcome Roundabout by bennymedia (ready for After Dark) This asset could be a nice addition for upcoming addon which officially supports different building themes on a map and allows us to built multicultural and more organic cities. The Asset is ...
[AD] Modern Suspension Bridge
Created by xHOOLIGANx
Updated with lights for After Dark. Original model:
1x1 Park
Created by Sir 5w30
1x1 Lot sized park for your cities. - Fill those small gaps with parks instead of concrete and steel! - Stats are low so, you can place lots of them and see little effect. - Not a cheat item, cosmetic item. - General Stats are 3 Tourists for each tile and ...
Hesburger Hamburger Restaurant (ploppable)
Created by ravenz
A Hesburger hamburger restaurant from Rauma, Finland. Hesburger is the biggest fast-food chain in Finland for those wondering. This building is ploppable and classified as park. Don't forget to vote! :) Some building info (These values are from the asset e...
Architecture Plaza
Created by Neimit
Arcitecture Park by Nimit (Near Limit) Ps: It looks s bit nicer in-game than on the picture. And please rate, but only if you like it. ;)...
Buddha Taking Bath (入浴大仏殿)
Created by christinayan
Buddha Taking Bath by christinayan01. Inspiration from Tadao Ando's works "Hill of the Buddha(頭大仏殿)", Japan. 北海道にある安藤さん設計のあれです。 **Stats** Template : Park. 公園. Tris : 13644. (LOD: .) Texture : 1024px Diffuse, Normal, Specular maps. Size: 16 x 8 grid (Requir...
Small barge [plop]
Created by Ploefke
This is the ploppable version a small bulk barge like the type that was common in the smaller canals in Europe 50 yeras ago. The type is called Péniche, or Spits in dutch, which was designed to fit in narrow canals. This one is a bit longer then the origin...
Moby Dick (1976) Pier
Created by Cykoop
There were automatically the hearts Dick made if I write the letters D, i, c and k. Why??? :-D This asset is a park. There is also the Moby Dick (1976) as vehicle and a Ferry Stop of Moby Dick (1976) which requier the Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit DLC Mo...
Monument to the Revolutionary Action in Rzeszów, Poland
Pomnik Czynu Rewolucyjnego w Rzeszowie History A Monument to the Revolutionary Action in Rzeszów, Poland. The originators of the monument were leaders of the regional branch of the Polish United Workers' Party (communist). The project phase began back in 1...
Ameba Pergola (アメーバパーゴラ)
Created by christinayan
アメーバパーゴラ by christinayan01, As a park. Inspiration from SANAA's works. Japan. 公園扱い。細い構造体が特徴的なパーゴラ。...
Created by 小翔xiang
世纪风雕塑 by 小翔xiang 世纪风雕塑原型为德州世纪广场标志性建筑--世纪风主题雕塑。 三角形面数:623,贴图512 x 512 lod:三角形面数:65,贴图64 x 64 可在公园选项中找到此物品 如果喜欢的话记得点赞订阅,方便第一时间获取资产。 如有任何问题请在评论区留言...
Plaza 3x3 I
Created by daze_n
Of course you have to download the sculpture before you can use the plaza. Without downloading there is only an ugly empty space :-). You can find the scultpures here: Plaza 3x3 I by daze_n - Con...
Torres de Satelite
Created by Huevoasesino
The Torres de Satélite are a group of sculptures located in the Ciudad Satélite district of Naucalpan, State of Mexico. One of the country's first urban sculptures of great dimensions, had its planning started in 1957 with the ideas of renowned Mexican arc...
Created by KimuXY
福建号航空母舰(003) CHINA NAVY CV FUJIAN (floating)
Created by 尹水涯
关键词:003 18 航空母舰 NAVY 航母 CV 海军 中国 PLA 福建 原型为中国船舶集团有限公司江南造船厂建造的中国人民解放军海军福建舰,舷号为“18”,简称福建舰,满载排水量8万余吨,于2022年6月17日命名下水。 本版本在游戏中为 浮动建筑(floating),使用 find it 搜索时需输入003 或 福建。 航母本身未搭载任何舰载机,需订阅相应舰载机资产 你可以在此找到 空警600预警机(KJ-600 AWACS)
山东号航空母舰 CHINA PLA.NAVY ShanDong CV17
Created by 尹水涯
关键词:17 航空母舰 NAVY 航母 CV 海军 中国 PLA 山东 原型为中国船舶集团有限公司大连船舶重工集团有限公司建造的中国人民解放军海军山东舰,舷号为“17”,简称山东舰,满载排水量约6万余吨,于2017年4月26日下水,2019年12月17日服役。 本版本在游戏中为 海上电力建筑,使用 find it 搜索时需输入 CV17 或 山东。 航母本身未搭载任何舰载机,需订阅相应舰载机资产 你可以在此找到 空警600预警机(KJ-600 AWACS)
长剑-10A 巡航导弹(prop)CJ-10A-Cruise Missile(prop)
Created by 尹水涯
长剑-10A 巡航导弹(prop)CJ-10A-Cruise Missile(prop) 原型来自服役于PLA的长剑-10A 巡航导弹,并未包含泄密内容 本版本在游戏中为 prop ,使用 find it 搜索时需输入CJ 你可以在此找到 林业/原木运输车 版本 下方合集有我做的其他国产装备,感兴趣的可以订阅 我为什么做长剑10-A,而不是其他? 主要是它比较方正,比较好做,哈...
Chinese copcars
Created by 言绥
CNPD by 飞行的荷兰人 已修复车身闪烁问题...
Created by 76561198320233901
迷你公园 by AiiiiLiKr!...
1x1 娱乐值公园
Created by 李太白诗集
1x4 娱乐值公园
Created by 李太白诗集
Created by Piledriver Sensie
3*8的公园停车场 by 威尼斯调教师...
Created by 教皇
4×4樱花小型公园 by 教皇...
Created by lwm009
小明-公园-park-5x5 by lwm009...
4*4典范公园 by あなたの目が見えなく...
4*4典范公园 by あなたの目が見えなく...
Created by 褶裂
Created by cb225371
小型综合公园 by cb225371...
Created by 匿名
Created by Piledriver Sensie
8*8的公园停车场 by 威尼斯调教师...
Created by 落花随心
喷泉樱花公园8x8 by 落花随心...
Created by 123795856
1x4人行道公园 by 123795856...
小型社区公园v2 3*5(24m*40m) 可4个一组组合成8*8公园 反向版本:
小公园带停车位 1×4
Created by 3177559698
小公园带停车位 1×4 by 3177559698...
杭市 by 眼睛里的郁金香...
Created by lwm009
小明-组合公园-park-2x4-A1 by lwm009...
Created by lwm009
小明-组合公园-park-2x4-A3 by lwm009...
Created by lwm009
小明-组合公园-park-2x4-A2 by lwm009...
bamboo park 竹园
Created by 村东头の狗子
新建资产 by 马克中肯...
Pedestrian bridge Pack
Created by 听风说雨
Pedestrian bridge Pack by 听风说雨 这个天桥包类似于kaminogi的天桥包 但内容较少适合于搭建一些普通的天桥也可以适配于我发布的那一个福冈的建筑,相当于天桥包的一些皮肤替换。如果你喜欢的话就请帮我点点赞,谢谢支持! This Pedestrian bridge Pack is similar t...
Monument People's Heroes 人民英雄紀念碑
Created by TAEMIN B
Monument People's Heroes 人民英雄紀念碑 Monument People's Heroes, 人民英雄紀念碑 This monument is real popular landmark in PR China, and for Chinese. This unique building is in front of Forbidden City, Tiananmen square of Beijing. 天安門, 紫禁城, 故宮博物院, 北京, 中國. 천안문, 인민영웅기념비, ...
Created by 红米先生
道路天桥大门版本 by 红米 类似PROP方式一样摆放即可,请开启道路无碰撞摆放安全。门型中间宽度为45米,适合超宽道路或者高速道路使用。...
Created by amamIya
千厮门大桥 by amamIya...
成都如意桥 Chengdu Ruyi Bridge
Created by 尹水涯
关键词:人行天桥 天桥 四川 成都 如意桥 排箫 该资产原型位于 四川省成都市高新区天府二街临近剑南大道路口,华润凤凰城南侧。 天桥跨越天府二街,主桥正对大源中央公园绿道。主桥2跨跨过天府二街,人行道边设置1:4~1:12的螺旋梯道,方便行人过街,为连接街道两侧绿道,主桥两端设置1:12的推行坡道,桥梁连接了南侧大源公园与北侧城市空间及绿地,人行步道及自行车绿道得以连接和延续。2016年5月此桥从属于“成都高新区重大景观提升工程”被多家媒体报道,正式命名为“如意桥”。 建筑师: 成都中筑华恺建筑设计 面积:...
Animated Waterfall
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Let's get a feel for nature. By using Procedural Objects to change the size, you can create a wider range of waterfalls. Due to the AnimUV specification in the game, the waterfall stops in the distant view. By using the Ultimate Level Of Detail, you can ma...
Created by 红米先生
中式现代中学 by 红米...
Created by Nasvic
”Seiyu(西友)” is grocery store in Japan. This is Level 2 growable Low Commercial building(4×4). 西友はお店ごとずいぶんデザインが違うので、それらしく見えるか心配ですがどうでしょう。 今回は屋上駐車場を設けてみました。一応駐車はしてくれますが、車はスロープを走行せず1F入り口の自動ドアに突っ込んでいきます・・ Updated for After Dark! (And fixed some Textures) AD対応し...
Strip neon sign B 5m (Prop)
Created by stmSantana
Strip neon sign B 5m (Prop) ======================================== The older version strip sign got "incompatible" flag. The new version wears clothes. 旧バージョンのネオンが、裸のせいか?「非対応」フラグを付けられたので作りなおしました。 ↓にプロップの使用例として、サンプルのクラブを作ったものがあります。 * Sample shop asset : c...
Created by 红米先生
足球场 by 红米...
Gas Station Sinopec
Created by azaza
growabled 3X4 China Petrochemical Corporation is Asia's largest oil refining and petrochemical enterprise, administered by SASAC for the State Council of the China. 中石化加油站 Gas Station Sinopec by azaza...
一汽大众捷达中国警车 FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Chinese Police Car
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
一汽大众捷达中国警车 FAW-Volkswagen Jetta Chinese Police Car Model Information Tris: 2348/281 Textures: 512*512/128*128...
Created by 513751247
杭州奥体中心体育场 1:1 (Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium)
Created by PeeKyboo
本资产为2022亚运会杭州奥体中心体育场 1:1 模型。由于占地过大的问题导致未设置灯光,玩家可自行DIY灯光夜景效果。PS:建议提高ULOD模组的建筑可视距离。 建筑体量:330m*280m*60m find it搜索:杭州奥体主场馆、HZ OSC Stadium 杭州奥体中心体育场 又称“大莲花”,为2022年杭州亚运会主会场举办开闭幕式。 杭州奥体中心体育场外形似莲花,造型动感飘逸,其造型取意于杭州丝绸纹理与纺织体系,建筑体态源于钱塘江水的动态,拥有简洁的花瓣单元,犹如一朵美丽的莲花绽放于钱塘江畔。 ...
Created by 红米先生
中国国徽 by 281775129...
四川省图书馆 Sichuan Provincial Library
Created by 尹水涯
四川省图书馆 Sichuan Provincial Library 关键词:中国 四川 成都 天府广场 图书馆 四川省图书馆 四川 建筑 现代建筑 当代建筑 该资产原型位于四川省成都市青羊区天府广场。 四川省图书馆外观设计以四川地区富于特色的汉代石阙为形体塑造的原型,取样于四川汉代石阙、木作斗拱等传统建筑语汇,展现出川蜀文明的源远流长,通过端庄典雅的方正体量,通过严谨对称、端庄雅致的体量,体现恢宏大气的天府之国形像。 设计单位:中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司 项目设计&完成年份:2010 & 2012 建筑...
上海迪美地下购物街主入口 Sunken Plaza / Entrance
Created by KimuXY
上海迪美地下购物街主入口 Sunken Plaza / Entrance...
TeaShop 奶茶店 | 商业建筑 Commercial | 蜜雪冰城
Created by RichardShi
TeaShop奶茶店 蜜雪冰城 中式奶茶店 奶茶 底商 商铺 中式城市 Tea 你爱我🎵我爱你🎵蜜雪冰城🎵甜蜜蜜🎵 你爱我🎵我爱你🎵蜜雪冰城🎵甜蜜蜜🎵 你爱我呀🎵我爱你🎵 你爱我🎵我爱你🎵蜜雪冰城🎵甜蜜蜜🎵...
上海市政府人民大厦 Shanghai People's Building
Created by KimuXY
上海人民大厦,位于上海市黄浦区人民大道200号,地处上海人民广场南北轴线的北端,是中共上海市委、上海市人大常委会、上海市人民政府的主要办公场所;前身是市人大常委会办公楼,始建于1964年;1995年7月1日,上海市人民政府由中山东一路12号迁入上海人民大厦办公。 上海人民大厦由上海民用设计院设计,总建筑面积约87700平方米,主楼高72.5米、地上共19层,属现代摩天大楼建筑风格;造型既庄重大方,又新颖美观,具有时代性、历史性和地方特色,体现了上海特有的海派文化,是上海市标志性建筑之一。...
Created by KimuXY
Chinese style large parking lot中式大型停车场
Created by 红米先生
四川建院风雨操场 SCAC Gymnasium
Created by 尹水涯
关键词:中国 德阳 现代建筑 当代建筑 大学 学院 四川 建院 体育馆 公共建筑 操场 风雨操场 SCAC 该资产原型为四川建筑职业技术学院风雨操场(Sichuan College of Architectural Technology Gymnasium)。 建筑高度:未知 建筑面积:未知 建筑层数: 设计单位:未知 竣工日期:未知 四川建筑职业技术学院,是由四川省人民政府举办的全日制普通高等职业院校,四川省住房和城乡建设厅与德阳市人民政府共建高校。学院源起于1956年成立的成都城市建设工程学校,1958...
Created by 尹水涯
关键词:中国 古建筑 历史 传统建筑 塔 白塔 大旺寺 眉山 四川 东坡 古风 造景 该资产原型位于四川省眉山市东坡区金花乡白塔村大旺寺。 该塔现已经修复涂白,我参考的是修复前照片制作。 类型: 塔身形制:密檐式穹隆顶 塔身材质:空心砖塔 高度层数:45.1米13层 塔身切面:呈正四边形,底边宽6.1米 建设年代:清穆宗同治4年(1865年) 保护级别:四川省文物保护单位(2007年) 清咸丰初年,州官犹自东,根据原塔址规模,集绅士,筹集资金,刚建成三级,因去职而停止。12年后,州人刘崇德等乃募集资金续修,...
Created by 尹水涯
关键词:中国 沈阳 现代建筑 当代建筑 大学 东大 东北大学 体育馆 公共建筑 该资产原型为东北大学刘长春体育馆(Northeastern University Liu Changchun Gymnasium)。 建筑高度:未知 建筑面积:11000m² 建筑层数: 设计单位:未知 竣工日期:2008年6月14日 刘长春(1909年11月25日—1983年3月25日),辽宁省大连市甘井子区人。1927年底就读于东北大学体育系,1932年毕业。1932年7月8日,参加了在美国洛杉矶举行的第10届奥运会,成为第...
大明宫唐风大殿Tang Dynasty Style Hall
Created by MC100
大明宫唐风大殿Tang Dynasty Style Hall by MC100 久违的大明宫系列回来了!!!这次的唐风大殿是拿丹凤门的城楼部分改的,也就是说这个资产是在为丹凤门资产做铺垫。大殿贴图配色参考了古建筑吧小吧“吾汉万年”的大明宫作品以及B站UP主“国风小宇宙”的“瑰丽大唐”系列,同时加入朱白彩绘,虽然细节上不是很严谨,但还是尽量突出“唐风”的感觉。 注意:本资产不自带灯光,夜景图片仅供参考展示,灯光需要自己手动添加。 面数tris: 30,000+ LOD: 2000+ This is an an...
055型驱逐舰 Type 055 Destroyer PLA NAVY
Created by 尹水涯
关键词:055 驱逐舰 万吨大驱 导弹 南昌 中国 PLA 解放军 感谢来自 余之恩 伙伴的打赏。 该资产原型为服役于PLA的055型导弹驱逐舰。 055型驱逐舰(英文:Type 055 destroyer,北约代号:Renhai-class ,译文:刃海级)是由中国船舶重工集团701研究所设计的新型舰队防空驱逐舰。首舰南昌舰(舷号101)由上海江南造船厂承建,2017年6月28日下水,2019年4月23日参加海上阅兵正式公开亮相,2020年1月12日正式入列服役。 注:该资料来自于网络。 本版本在游戏中为...
055型驱逐舰-南昌舰 Type 055 Destroyer-Nanchang(Transport ship)
Created by 尹水涯
055型驱逐舰-南昌舰 Type 055 Destroyer-Nanchang(Transport ship) 关键词:055 驱逐舰 万吨大驱 导弹 南昌 中国 PLA 解放军 感谢来自 余之恩 伙伴的打赏。 该资产原型为服役于PLA的055型导弹驱逐舰。 055型驱逐舰(英文:Type 055 destroyer,北约代号:Renhai-class ,译文:刃海级)是由中国船舶重工集团701研究所设计的新型舰队防空驱逐舰。首舰南昌舰(舷号101)由上海江南造船厂承建,2017年6月28日下水,2019年...
Created by 酸浆果
大公园 by 酸浆果...
国产052D型驱逐舰 CHINA PLA.NAVY DDG120
Created by 尹水涯
关键词:120 成都舰 052D NAVY 驱逐舰 DDG 海军 中国 PLA 原型为中国人民解放军海军成都舰,舷号为“120”,该舰于2016年8月下水、2019年11月21日正式在旅顺军港服役于北海舰队某驱逐舰支队,长157米、宽19米,满载排水量7500吨。 本版本在游戏中为 海上电力建筑,使用 find it 搜索时需输入 052D 本身未搭载任何舰载直升机,需订阅相应资产 你可以在此找到 直8J直升机(Z-8J-Navy NFH)
12x4 Beach with Playground
Created by clownsgalore
A 12x4 beach to be placed on sand with a playground and a grill. Construction cost: 600 Entertainment Accumilation: 75 Entertainment radius: 400...
Acacia Tree
Created by MrMaison
Acacia Tree by MrMaison This is a generic Acacia tree, a first of my acacia series. I actually arived at this trying to make a Monkeypod tree. There are many species in the acacia species family from Africa to Australia mainly in tropical to subtropical cl...
Spherepark 8 x 10
Created by core79
Spherepark 8 x 10 by core79 Costs/Kosten : 500 Maintenance/ Unterhalt : 16 Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine Park...
8x8 lionpark with fountain
Created by OlexX
8x8 lionpark with fountain, follows terrain. For best results flatten the terrain before setting this park. Have fun with it....
Amphitheater (4x4)
Created by Richard Cephal
A 4x4 amphitheater park that fits neatly into the 8 cell buildable area in your grids. Perfect for placing on one side of a road and not interfering with buildings on an adjacent road. There is a lack of cultural facilities for your sims aspiring actors an...
Created by cherrymae87
Aqua Fun Park
Created by bennymedia
Aqua Fun Park by bennymedia (Updated V 1.3, ready for After Dark) The Aqua Fun Park provides huge bathing and swimming fun for everyone. Aqua Fun Park Park Info:13x8 plots Construction cost : 9500 Maintenance cost : 220 Electricity consumption : 5 Garbage:...
Banana Tree
Created by MrMaison
Banana Tree by MrMaison Introducing a young Banana tree (not actually a tree). This is my first tropical plant. There will be another version with fruit. This Banana tree is good for making plantations as well as decorating your landscape mixing with other...
Created by MaYHem5900
Beach by fuckitdude...
Beach5 8x6
Created by jackta
Beach5 8x6 by jackta...
Beach6 8x6
Created by jackta
Beach6 8x6 by jackta...
Brazil flag
Created by SvenBerlin
Brazil flag by SvenBerlin...
Bridgestone Container
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Bridgestone Container by Shroomblaze Total Tris = 10 1024 x 512 Maps Lod Tris = 10 128 x 64 Maps
Bush #8 (by Breeze)
Created by Breeze
You get the tree brush mod, which I recommend. ▼ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name : Bush #8 (by Breeze) Category : Tree Ui pr...
California Fan Palm Pack
Created by Endoraan
"It never rains in California", but there are tons of palm trees. And what would California be without the California fan palm? I hope you enjoy this pack of palm trees as much as I do. ----- Washingtonia filifera, the California fan palm, California palm ...
Camellia Shrubs
Created by MrMaison
Camellia Shrubs by MrMaison Introducing a 2 piece set of Camellia Shrubs. One with red flowers and the other with peachy flowers. These are generic Camellia plants in the spirit of the many Camellia species that are reported up to 300. Camellias can grow a...
Canary Island Date Palm
Created by MrMaison
Canary Island Date Palm by MrMaison I present to you a Canary Island Date Palm tree. This is good for decoration and any tropical scenes. This is a 2 piece set including small and tall versions. I plan to make other types of Date palm trees in the future. ...
Cay Community Pack
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Another asset from Palm Beach Series is Cay Community pack. There are seven assets in the pack (three condos, community center, reception, garages and pool). It is based on Mariner's cay condos and townhomes from Hypoluxo, FL. Don't forget to us...
Closed parking lot
Created by CUDA
Closed parking lot by CUDA...
Dubai Eye #TEMPTED
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
#TEMPTED - My submission for the Paradox modeling contest! The Dubai Eye is currently under construction in Dubai and will be the tallest ferris wheel in the world upon completion. NOTE: Unfortunately the wheel is not rotating like the London Eye from the ...
ferris wheel Spreepark Berlin
Created by SvenBerlin
ferris wheel Spreepark Berlin by SvenBerlin I named it ferris wheel Spreepark Berlin, but its a mix with also the Giant Wheel from Cedar Point in Ohio a lot of tris : 22.305 LOD: 232 You can change the colour of the steel beams, including the bottom part o...
Grass Tile
Created by Populous
Grass Tile by Populous The best thing since... well Grass. Made by special request and long, long, over due reaching Cities Skylines. Found under Residential Tiles Features - Buildings no longer have to be paved corner to corner to look great... simply add...
Generic Tree pack
Created by Lost Gecko
Pack of 6 generic filler trees for all sorts of rural areas, highway sides or anywhere some random trees are needed. Map Theme: New Caledonia - LUTs: Cleyra/Colorful Summer Day Models main models tris: 332 - 374 - 438 - 504 - 814 - 878 textures: 512x512 (d...
Gazebo & Pergola - Pack
Created by Bibel Gurra
A christmas miracle, a gazebo and a pergola in the same pack? whaaaat! Will be used in a future upload, keep an eye out ;)...
Garden Pocket [5x6]
Created by Memrie
A simple garden pocket park to serve the local area. Vanilla, Base Game (Uses the Free Content Creator Pack from recent update) Cost: 1,350 Upkeep: 28/week Entertainment: 55 Visitor Capacity: 45 Radius: 55 Electricity: 16kw Gathering Locations: both locati...
Garden Park [10x10] VPK
Created by Memrie
A park with a circular path and gardens. Cost: 6,000 Upkeep: 44/week Entertainment: 125 Visitor Capacity: 150 Radius: 475 Electricity: 48kw Gathering Locations: 3, randomly placed along the paths Curious how these stats are calculated? I give a bit more de...
Fountain 12.23 (Animated)
Created by neinnew/네인
Fountain 12.23 Fountain 12.23 in Gwanghwamun Plaza, a landmark in Seoul, honors Admiral Yi Sun-shin. AnimUV animated, no requires mod. In fact, there is a statue of Admiral Yi Sun-shin at that location, but it was not included in the assets. So I recommend...
Fountain Park [7x8] VPK
Created by Memrie
A park with a fountain centerpiece and fenced paths. Note: This park will flatten the terrain where placed to prevent issues with the curves of the path. Cost: 2,800 Upkeep: 32/week Entertainment: 75 Visitor Capacity: 75 Radius: 425 Electricity: 16kw Gathe...
Football club
Created by vilgard92
Football club by vilgard92 Welcome to the football club ! A low tris fenced football club illuminated at night with a covered grandstand (with real seating), visitor parking, goal cages. There are also 4 color variations to vary the pleasures ;) Invisible ...
Container stack 1
Created by Avanya
I really hate how props disappear when you zoom out, so I grabbed the container stacks from the cargo train station and turned them into two plop anywhere buildings. Nothing fancy at all. I didn't put any props down or give them stats, but I figured someon...
Container stacks 2
Created by Avanya
I really hate how props disappear when you zoom out, so I grabbed the container stacks from the cargo train station and turned them into two plop anywhere buildings. Nothing fancy at all. I didn't put any props down or give them stats, but I figured someon...
Container Port (Animated)
Created by jc21539
Container Port by johncomerford The only donation I ask for is a thumbs up vote! ^_^ NEW: Industries DLC warehouse version: I repurposed various parts from the default cargo harbor and cargo...
Container pack 5 - Small
Created by Avanya
All screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A pack of 20 ft containers including 5 variations of leasing container brands, including Geo, DUGONG, NEPTUNE, ICL, STEX and OceanBox. This asset takes advantage of random prop feature added to the asset edito...
Container Crane
Created by redem
Model by cyricc Made a little smaller so two can fit side by side on a 4x4 asset. ...
Construction Equipment props pack
Created by Tomas13TO
Construction Equipment props pack All stuff you can find under industrial structures tab. Recommended mods More Beautification Mod by BloodyPenguin which allows you to place props in game. Prop Anarchy (& Tree Anarchy) Mod by BloodyPenguin which allows you...
Cruiseferry Silja Europa
Created by Ionwind
Silja Europa as a ploppable quayside asset. Background Silja Europa is one of the largest cruiseferries in the world. Currently the ship sails between Helsinki and Tallinn, carrying both passengers and cars across the Gulf of Finland. Earlier routes includ...
DIY Concrete Dock (Pack)
Created by Strictoaster
Read me! No, seriously. This is a pack of plain concrete docks that allows you to customize the look and feel by adding your own combination of props and buildings. The pack contains: Functional Cargo Harbor Functional Passenger Harbor Ploppable Dock Prop ...
Downtown Parking Garage
Created by KingLeno Downtown Parking Garage by KingLeno Huge 19 x 11 parking garage. Works like every other parking garage on the workshop, which is not really. Some cars will park, some will fly, etc. Mostly used for decoration and not for fun...
District Park [11x13] VPK
Created by Memrie
A small district park for your cims to take their families. Watch the kiddos play of gather at a picnic table. Vanilla, Base Game Cost: 10,010 Upkeep: 52/week Entertainment: 150 Visitor Capacity: 225 Radius: 525 Electricity: 64kw Curious how these stats ar...
[AD]Drosovilas Stadium (ploppable)(1:1)
Created by Drosovila
Just a multipurpose Stadium called "Arena Stožice" from slovenia in 1:1. For jan from (Check out their currated mod list yo). -Ploppable anywhere -Unique Building level 5, stats based off of "expo centre" -Bigger than the default 16x8 size lim...
Jahn Sportpark Sunken Stadium
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark is a Berlin neighborhood sports complex that was built in 1952. The GDR National Team played many international matches on this football pitch. Its iconic floodlight structures have become a landmark for Prenzlauerberg -- th...
International Police Office
Created by Fun Noober
International Police Office by Fun Noober This item is a modified version of a default unique building The Game Needed a police office because a police head quarters is not enough. You only need two of these for a city and it is always unlocked. I DID NOT ...
Japan Style Elementary School 2
Created by JSF-1
The second in a series of Japan themed schools. Like the others this school is a good fit for high density neighborhoods and japan styled cities. Like the other it is also based off a real elementary school in Tokyo Japan. PS: It's fun to watch the A.I pat...
Japanese_Suzukaze-Class Patrol Craft すずかぜ型巡視艇 CL-137(みおかぜ) PROP
Created by sanyu321
すずかぜ型巡視艇CL-137みおかぜです。 Vehicleはこちら↗️。 説明 Search "CL-137" on Find It! すずかぜ型巡視艇(Suzukaze-class patrol craft)は、海上保安庁(Japan Coast Guard)の巡視艇の船級。区分上はCL型、公称船型は20メートル型。CL-137みおかぜを設定しました。改装したので、本物と違い所があります。ご了承ください。 命名 Suzukaze-class patrol craft すずかぜ型巡視艇CL-137みおかぜと...
Mini Soccer Field
Created by Tomas13TO
Mini Soccer Field for your Cims. INFO maps - d,n,s,a (1024x1024) triangles - 2901 LOD triangles - 72 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 4x7 ...
Medium Parking Lot
Created by Magellan
Medium Parking Lot...
Star Balls
Created by Cykoop
The Star Balls was created by the famous and powerful artist Cykoop. It brings the stars to your city. Originally the name should be Space Balls. But Space Balls is a funny movie. For this reason these are the Star Balls. Watch Space Balls! I like this mov...
High School
Created by Valex 7x7 High School by Valex...
High School Football Stadium
Created by KingLeno
High School Football Stadium by kingleno A small high school football field with track, stands, small concessions area. The team name/mascot has 10 random variations when plopped. If you don't want a name, keep plopping until an empty one shows up. Only 4 ...
High School Soccer Field
Created by KingLeno
High School Soccer Field by KingLeno A small high school field for soccer/aka football (i don't watch or gaf about either :- ) Just includes the stands and the field. Lot size 10 x 10 Triangles 7631 Texture 512/1024x2048 ***color of the field changes color...
Highbrook Senior Public School
Created by JSF-1
Highbrook Senior Public School was a middle school in Scarborough Ontario, Canada. The school opened in 1968 serving students in Grades 7 and 8. The school was closed in the 1980's and repurposed as an adult education centre. First as the Alternative Secon...
Modern Art Plaza
Created by Fishbus
Gaze upon the modern art. Try to analyze the modern art. Get frustrated at the modern art and go home. Modern art! Stats: Size: 6x6 Cost: 5500 Maintenance cost: 60 Tourist draw: 60 Ent Accum: 150 Ent Radius: 300...
Modern High School
Created by niis-ku
Modern High School is slightly smaller than the vanilla high school. It helps to add variety to your educational buildings, with very simple modern architecture. Type: Education, high school Footprint: 4x6 Student count: 600 Construction cost: 10 000 Maint...
Modern Lighting Pack - 2020 Edition
Created by GCVos
This pack adds 27 new street lights and lamps to your game. These props can be used for assets and can be placed ingame using Network Skins 2 and More Beautification. Content as of May 2020: + Suspended Street Light + Suspended Avenue Light + Stainless Str...
Office of Federal President
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
The Office of the Federal President (Bundespräsidialamt) is an elliptical building in Berlin that was completed in 1998. The President's staff of around 200 people work in this glass and granite office, located conveniently next to the Presidential Palace ...
Paradise House 4
Created by Modocero
Paradise House 4 Residential Low Asset Info Main Tris:1555 Lod Tris 263 Tags: Paradise, House, Beach Discord: Modocero#5931
Parking area
Created by mcmen6
Parkplatz by mcmen6...
Lift&Stairs 06L for PedOP
Created by stmSantana
Lift&Stairs 06m for Pedestrian Overpass                           ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator and stairs for 06m Pedestrian overpass (deck). Pedestrians can access to elevated pavement path. * L=Left, R=Right,...
Lift&Stairs 06R for PedOP
Created by stmSantana
Lift&Stairs 06m for Pedestrian Overpass                           ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator and stairs for 06m Pedestrian overpass (deck). Pedestrians can access to elevated pavement path. * L=Left, R=Right,...
Lift&Stairs 09B for PedOP
Created by stmSantana
Lift&Stairs 09m for Pedestrian Overpass                           ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== This is different shapes of following assets. The function of this is the same as the following. Lift 09mR for Pedestrian Ov...
Police station v1
Created by luis26G
This commissary is a building with a good style giving a Buna appearance to your city you will also have a wide coverage in the city. this building has the capacity multiplied by 2 of the original building, to convenience to a better fit in your city. It h...
Perth Council Building (RICO) Australia
Created by Crazyglueit
As requested the Perth Council Building on St Georges Terrace in Perth, Western Australia. Completed in 1963 and opened by The Queen. This 13-storey office building, 47.9-metre (157 ft), was designed by Howlett and Bailey Architects and mostly serves as th...
Parking for 58 cars
Created by Sam Jarry ♔
A place where residents can leave their cars busy at work or shopping.Also give a small increase in the value of the land around....
Octagon Pocket [3x3] VPK
Created by Memrie
A small seating area outlined by flower boxes and a small fountain at its center. Note: flower beds will randomly generate different colors for each park placed, as is the default behavior for this item. Vanilla, Base Game Cost: 405 Upkeep: 28/week Enterta...
Office building (A1)
Created by psixovaniy
Office building. Lot size: 4 x 4 Level: 3 Main model: 1084 tris with 1024 x 1024 textures. LOD model: 26 tris with 128 x 128 textures....
Office Lvl2 Rotunda
Created by Elias
This Unique Building was my Base-Model All thanx go to the creator of this wonderful building! Tris: 4055 / LOD-Tris: 156 (--> really performance friendly) There aren't many circular buildings in this game, so I changed this Unique Building and made a 4x4 ...
Statue Park [12x8] VPK
Created by Memrie
A park with a statue in the middle and plenty of benches along the way. Cost: 4,800 Upkeep: 36/week Entertainment: 105 Visitor Capacity: 105 Radius: 450 Electricity: 32kw Curious how these stats are calculated? I give a bit more detail on the Vanilla Parks...
Modern sculpture prop
Created by niis-ku
Prop version for decorating parks and plazas. Same model as in Sculpture Square, just smaller. The statue is about 6-7 metres tall. Model: 4202 tris, texture 256x256 _d The statue is based on this really beautiful model published by Eliza Galeman in 3 D Ar...
Parking lot
Created by umetakeme99
Parking lot by umetakeme99...
Parking Lot
Created by Ec.Co.
Parking Lot by Ec.Co....
Parking lot 1
Created by rklpl
Parking lot 1 by radziup990...
Paradise House 1
Created by Modocero
Paradise House #01 Residential Low 3x3 Asset Info Main Tris: 1575 Texture: 1024x1024 Diffuse, Specular, Normal, Ilumination Custom LOD Tags: Paradise House, Residential, Residential Low, Beach House Discord: Modocero#5931 ht...
Pegasus I & II - Mexico, DF
Created by PeterBar
This is a set of two statues of four, which are situated in front of the famous Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City. Adamo Boari, the architect of Bellas Artes comissioned the catalan sculptor Agustín Querol y Subirat to realize four pegasus sculptures ...
Palm Planters Set
Created by MrMaison
Palm Planter1 by MrMaison This is a 2 piece prop set of palm planters for decoration. I made these props as one of my first steps to set off my new Botanic Garden series where they will be required assets in the future. But you can use them for whatever yo...
Created by KingLeno
Pergola by KingLeno...
Pass-Through Park [4x12] VPK
Created by Memrie
Neither remarkable nor memorable, but rather useful. Vanilla, Base Game Cost: 2,400 Upkeep: 20/week Entertainment: 25 Visitor Capacity: 225 Radius: 25 Electricity: 16kw Smaller Version: 4x8 Curious how these stats are calculated? I give a bit more detail o...
City Fountain 3x3
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Start of the Fountain Series. The City Fountain is a 3x3 asset that can be placed anywhere without the need of a roadside connection. Make your own little or big park for your cims to enjoy some nature and flowing water. Feel free to edit it in the asset e...
Old Cooling Tower (Powerplant)
Created by Feindbold
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :) Its a powerplant, stats are the same as the vanilla coal plant. -custombuilding -Triangles: haven´t checked, dont care -Textures: 2048x512, 512x512 LOD texture -Find it: Search for "Tower" -This ...
Natural Parking Lot
Created by Jerayz
Natural Parking Lot...
HAM backyard Park (dead-end)
Created by Hamstertje
This park is designed to "interact" with the buildings adjacent to it. The hedges overextend the edge of the park, so they will touch the buildings you place next to it. As a result it looks like the buildings in your city have a backyard! Complete with cu...
Oil Tanker Ship (Park)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this model, I got it from the 3D Warehouse, you can find the original listing here... I did however edit the file by adding a lot of cool features and totally ...
Prop Chirpy S-Bahn train B
Created by ron_fu-ta
Chirpy S-Bahn train (trailer car) Prop ゲーム中に設置するには以下のMODが必要です。 To put in the game requires the following MOD. More Beautification NoPillars
Prop Chirpy S-Bahn train A
Created by ron_fu-ta
Chirpy S-Bahn train (front/end car) Prop ゲーム中に設置するには以下のMODが必要です。 To put in the game requires the following MOD. More Beautification NoPillars
Prop Chirpy S-Bahn train C
Created by ron_fu-ta
Chirpy S-Bahn train (trailer car with pantograph) Prop ゲーム中に設置するには以下のMODが必要です。 To put in the game requires the following MOD. More Beautification NoPillars
Research Facility
Created by creepyeyes
This research facility was loosely inspire by the Kenbishi Research Facility and Proving Grounds from the tv show “Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex” (episode 2.) I’d like to imagine they’re researching cyborg technology in there, but ultimately it’s...
Ramsey Fire Station
Created by JamieRamsey2005
The Ramsey Fire Station is a tweaked and improved version of the vanilla Fire Station. The coverage has been increased (2.8km or 100% of a tile). Some extra fire trucks were also added (36 fire trucks). The foot print hasn't been changed. I added decoratio...
Radio Telescope for Maps
Created by markg
This is a modified version of the Deep Space Telescope from the Natural disasters DLC. All utility and employee requirements have been removed as to not unbalance gameplay. This is intended to be used as a prop in custom maps, see example in the photo. I c...
Quad's World's Biggest Armilla
Created by Quad Rioters
If this was the Earth, we would have been lying. Attribute - Size: 12x12 - Type: Unique Level 3 - Main Tri: 4,048, 2048x2048 - LOD Tri: 314, 256x256 - Description: If this was the Earth, we would have been lying. Stats - Cost: 100,000 - Upkeep: 160/week - ...
Roundabout park prop
Created by Jerenable
Roundabout park by Jerenable No trees and flowers are included, its only a prop...
Silex 3 - LYON (France) [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Silex 3 - LYON Silex 3 is located in Lyon in the heart of the Part-Dieu district, the city’s business centre. This complex consists of an existing renovated tower, its extension adjoined to the North façade and a building that connects with its neighbour S...
US Bank Stadium - Minnesota Vikings
Created by _luminou_
US Bank Stadium - Minnesota Vikings The U.S. Bank Stadium is a covered American football stadium located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. With a capacity of 65,000 seats, it will host the Minnesota Vikings meetings starting in 2016. Work begins in December ...
Small Square - vanilla park 4x5
Created by Harjawalder
Small Square - vanilla park 4x5 by Harjawalder...
Track and field
Created by Tomas13TO
Athletics events for your Cims. INFO maps - d,n,s,i (2048x1024) triangles - 5644 LOD triangles - 96 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 12x8 ...
Quad's Sanctuary Basin
Created by Quad Rioters
Going mobile. Attribute - 8x8 (Coastal) - Harbor - Tri: 1333 - LOD Tri: 206 - Description: A visual entrance/exit for the city canal and a slick and high-tech seaport. Updates - v2: Improved models and textures. Stats - Cost: 80000 - Upkeep: 960/week - Wor...
Riverport (1:1)
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, my dear subscribers and all fans of Cities: Skylines! This is my new project of a harbor called Riverport. It’s a model of the harbor building of Khanty-Mansiysk (Russia)’s port. It’s located on the bank of Irtysh river. Its distinctive silhouette h...
Soccer Field Adjusted by SacredBongo
Created by sacredbongo
Original Soccer Field by Ngon. Resubmitted with edited stats by SacredBongo to be more balanced in game. Construction Cost: 4000, Maintanance - 180, Electricity - 10, Water - 4, Entertaiment Accumulation - 165, Radius - 450. All credit to original author, ...
Realistic Parking 4x10
Created by vilgard92
Realistic Parking 4x10 by vilgard92 A simple realistic parking with signs of wear and tires and lights for the night. Stats :Construction cost : 200 Maintenance cost : 100 Low wealth tourists : 57 Medium wealth tourists : 57 High wealth tourists : 57 Enter...
Realistic Parking 4x4
Created by vilgard92
Realistic Parking 4x4 by vilgard92 A simple realistic parking with signs of wear and tires and lights for the night. Stats :Construction cost : 200 Maintenance cost : 100 Low wealth tourists : 57 Medium wealth tourists : 57 High wealth tourists : 57 Entert...
Realistic Parking 4x5
Created by vilgard92
Realistic Parking 4x5 by vilgard92 A simple realistic parking with signs of wear and tires and lights for the night. Stats :Construction cost : 200 Maintenance cost : 100 Low wealth tourists : 57 Medium wealth tourists : 57 High wealth tourists : 57 Entert...
Realistic Parking 4x6
Created by vilgard92
Realistic Parking 4x6 by vilgard92 A simple realistic parking with signs of wear and tires and lights for the night. Stats :Construction cost : 200 Maintenance cost : 100 Low wealth tourists : 57 Medium wealth tourists : 57 High wealth tourists : 57 Entert...
Realistic Parking 4x7
Created by vilgard92
Realistic Parking 4x7 by vilgard92 A simple realistic parking with signs of wear and tires and lights for the night. Stats :Construction cost : 200 Maintenance cost : 100 Low wealth tourists : 57 Medium wealth tourists : 57 High wealth tourists : 57 Entert...
Realistic Parking 4x8
Created by vilgard92
Realistic Parking 4x8 by vilgard92 A simple realistic parking with signs of wear and tires and lights for the night. Stats :Construction cost : 200 Maintenance cost : 100 Low wealth tourists : 57 Medium wealth tourists : 57 High wealth tourists : 57 Entert...
Realistic Parking 4x9
Created by vilgard92
Realistic Parking 4x9 by vilgard92 A simple realistic parking with signs of wear and tires and lights for the night. Stats :Construction cost : 200 Maintenance cost : 100 Low wealth tourists : 57 Medium wealth tourists : 57 High wealth tourists : 57 Entert...
Langer Parkweg 13 x 3
Created by core79
Langer Parkweg 13 x 3 by core79 Inc. Thumbnail Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine Parks benutzt habe http://steamc...
Created by kje4391
Fence_4x1 by kje4391...
Hospital Complex (12x12)
Created by _luminou_
Hospital Complex (12x12) by luminou Hospital complex with direct access by the road Surrounded with a big park for the rest of the patients Must be installed on a road with 3 or 4 ways (After installation, roads can be changed) Contain _d _i _s _c and LOD ...
Topiary Tree
Created by KingLeno
Topiary Tree 01 - larger by KingLeno something I randomly decided to try out....
U.S. Capitol
Created by tobse
U.S. Capitol by Tobse The United States Capitol, is the seat of the United States Congress, the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government. It sits atop Capitol Hill, at the eastern end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. ( Description source: ...
UK Village - Primary School #1
Created by rik4000
UK Village - Primary School #1 This is one of a few UK village style buildings I've been creating recently. I have left the asset blank to give you more decorative freedom. The following mods are highly recommended to get the best out of this asset: * Move...
Ultra Mall Lousy
Created by Neydara
Ultra Mall Lousy by Serlyhn D'haerkferin...
T22 Beach Club 4x4
Created by T22Gaming
T22 Beach Club 4x4. Hangout by the beach!...
T22 Beach Club 4x8
Created by T22Gaming
T22 Beach Club 4x8. Hangout by the beach!...
2-Lane Pedestrian Bridge
Created by Tair
2-Lane Pedestrian Bridge by Tair A 2 lane road pedestrian bridge,enjoy! for the 4 or 6 lane one visit Instructions. 1. Delete a section of the road you want to put the bridge on 2. Select the ...
Pretzel Truck
Created by Tair
Pretzel Truck by Tair A 1x1 Park with a Pretzel Truck. Hope you Enjoy it :) If you feel like it support me,at Thanks!...
Pretzel Stand
Created by Tair
Pretzel Stand by Tair A small 1x1 Park with a Pretzel Stand. Hope you ejoy! If you feel like it,support me at Thanks!...
Walkway #5
Created by Tair
Walkway #5 by Tair More Walkway styles to accompany Walkway with Shops and Boardwalk. Hope you like it :) If you feel like it,support me in Thanks!...
Walkway With Shops
Created by Tair
Walkway With Shops by Tair Another Addition to the Walkway This time with small shops and a few parking spaces. Hope you enjoy!. Thanks for the support. If you feel like it,support me further ...
Highway and Rail Country Roads
Created by Populous
Highway and Rail Country Roads by Populous The 90 Degree turn and Straight Highway and Rail Country Roads combine to build a nice country freeway and rail system or passing close to a residential zone for realism. Designed to allow you to lay out clean roa...
Grass Prop
Created by Populous
Grass Prop by Populous The best thing since... well Grass. Made by special request and long, long, over due reaching Cities Skylines. Found under Trees ...
The Metro 6
Created by Populous
The Metro 6 by Populous This Metro 6 was built by request to provide a large metro hub, but reduce land space use. Perfect for island map, off highway and those who don't have room to place my larger Metro assets... or a place that does have room but you w...
Modular Street Parks Trees
Created by Populous
Street Parks Trees by Populous What to do about that area between streets... If only you could build a park in any combination you want? Oh, you can with these 4x2 parks that work together to form your Favorite Park. You can lay out tables, Statues, Pavili...
Modular Street Parks Park Tables
Created by Populous
Street Parks Park Tables by Populous What to do about that area between streets... If only you could build a park in any combination you want? Oh, you can with these 4x2 parks that work together to form your Favorite Park. You can lay out tables, Statues, ...
Modular Street Parks Pavilion
Created by Populous
Between Streets Pavilion by Populous What to do about that area between streets... You may also enjoy these Modular Parks (4x2): Parking Pavilion
Modular Street Parks Rider Statue
Created by Populous
Street Parks Rider Statue by Populous What to do about that area between streets... If only you could build a park in any combination you want? Oh, you can with these 4x2 parks that work together to form your Favorite Park. You can lay out tables, Statues,...
Powered Overpass Medium RD
Created by Populous
Powered Overpass Medium RD by Populous This works like a Power Line, but far more attractive and useful to your Sims. Just connect your medium Road. I just could not get over the roads have lights rigtht? So there must be power. Features: - After Dark... b...
Powered Overpass Large RD
Created by Populous
Powered Overpass Large RD by Populous This works like a Power Line, but far more attractive and useful to your Sims. Just connect your medium Road. I just could not get over the roads have lights rigtht? So there must be power. Features: - After Dark... be...
Lights After Dark Taxi Cab Stand
Created by Populous
Lights After Dark Taxi Cab Stand by Populous Features - Lights After Dark Friendly and more active - White light for a cleaner look - More lights Front and back - Benches and Sim markers so they gather and sit - Reduced space requirement 1x3 Yes, absolutel...
Powered Overpass Small RD and Parking
Created by Populous
Powered Overpass Small RD and Parking by Populous This works like a Power Line, but far more attractive and useful to your Sims. Just connect your Small Road. I just could not get over the roads have lights rigtht? So there must be power. Features: - After...
Pedestrian Overpass - Med Road
Created by Populous
Pedestrian Overpass - Medium Road by Populous There are a series of these that allow you to simply place a pedestrian overpass right over a small, medium or large road :) . Road not included, I hope you enjoy For Small Roads
Blue Water Public Pools
Created by Populous
Blue Water Public Pools by Populous This small and simple public pool serves as a place for your Cims to play. The park looks like a nice clean deep blue pool and not nearly as bright as in this picture. The picture does not do it justice... it is beautifu...
Active Public Parking: The Grill
Created by Populous
Active Public Parking: The Grill by Populous This is a working Public Parking area where people drive in and park and enjoy the best burger in town. Cim markers are set so Cims gather to talk, enjoy a burger, or just sit under the lights and share time mak...
Lights After Dark - Covered Parking
Created by Populous
Lights After Dark - Covered Parking by Populous You are an Amazing City Planner so here is covered parking designed to match the Lights After Dark Taxi Stand and the Lights After Dark Bus Stand in the After Dark Collection! Matching Assets: Updates: - I re...
Pedestrian Zone Crossing Park
Created by Populous
Pedestrian Zone Crossing Park by Populous Cross zones with this is a specially designed park which allows pedestrians to cross from street to street through zones with ease. Also provides a place to relax in a beautiful park If we are to have parks, let’s ...
Corner Park 4 with Underground Pedestrian Traffic Control
Created by Populous
Corner Park 4 with Underground Pedestrian Traffic Control by Populous A corner park with built in pedestrian control for happy Cims that use the underground sidewalks to cross under the road so they do not block traffic... Must now use: Connect underground...
Modular Street Parks Seats and Trees 4x1
Created by Populous
Modular Street Parks Seats and Trees 4x1 by Populous If you want to move a lot of traffic, you are using one way streets going both ways and at least a space between them... Built by request and turned out is a great deal of fun packed into a simple, logic...
Crematorium and Funeral Home
Created by Populous
Crematorium and Funeral Home by Populous “Dear Populous, I love your Crematorium and Funeral Parlor, but can you build something comparable and much different looking so we have different building types to choose from” ~GrinDox I hope you enjoy this full-s...
Metro Station
Created by Populous
Metro Station by Populous A small footprint, well lit and nice looking metro. Bench seats with markers set for Cims to use them. Welcome to your new favorite Metro! Features: - Construction cost: 12'000 - Maintenance cost: 1200 - Electricity Consumption: 2...
Created by 魔芋爽
中式学校操场-重置版 by 无番和 中式学校操场贴图重置版,更新了更加真实的贴图。 过去的版本在原版滤镜下饱和度过高了,显得和城市格格不入。这是重置贴图后的版本,欢迎大家订阅使用! 包含主席台、观礼台、400m标准田径跑道、标准足球场。通常我们将这个放置在中学或大学中,因为这么大的跑道和球场对于小学生来说太大了。 订阅后你可以在“公园”目录下找到它。 注意,你需要同时订阅我之前发布的资产“照明灯具组合套装1”才能正常使用其照明用品。 —————— Chinese school playground rese...
Created by 丶王四季
空中花园11×11 by 丶王四季...
Created by zcz77
国政广场 by zcz77...
Created by imengyu
中式高铁排水渠 by imengyu 高铁护坡排水渠,它是吸附地形的,可以搭配护坡资产使用,来精细调整边坡地形...
人行道-地下-6车道-紧凑 by 中华一条龙Abel SMith...
人行道-地上-6车道-紧凑 by 中华一条龙Abel SMith...
Created by 无悔
无声的单轨公交一体站 by 无悔...
Torus Plaza - City Art Gallery
Created by Vander
The Torus Plaza - City Art Gallery : Artists can exhibit their artworks here. A public building with automatic ticket entry. Safety is guaranteed! Triangels : 6.580 - 834 "AFTER DARK - optimized" 12x12 Cost: 70000 Maintenance : 800 per week Level 2 -------...
Linked collections (3)
Flowery passages
Contains 13 items
Vilgard92 workshop
Contains 127 items