Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

282 ratings
Pegasus I & II - Mexico, DF
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5.576 MB
16 Sep, 2019 @ 7:10am
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Pegasus I & II - Mexico, DF

This is a set of two statues of four, which are situated in front of the famous Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City. Adamo Boari, the architect of Bellas Artes comissioned the catalan sculptor Agustín Querol y Subirat to realize four pegasus sculptures in bronze.

In the original design of the building, Boari planned the Pegasus to be the frame of the exterior scene. In 1911 the sculptures came via the port of Veracruz and stayed on the placa of Bellas Artes for almost one decade. In 1921 the administration of president Álvaro Obregón moved the sculptures to the four corners of Plaza de la Constitución. The decision was formaly taken, cause the weight of the sculptures were suposed to be responsible for the sinking of Palacio de Bellas Artes (cause Mexico City is built on swamp lands), but the people took it as a homage to the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz. Anyway the Pegasus stayed on the Zócalo of the capital until 1928, by curiosity the same year that Boari died.

In 1930, when they started again with the construction of Bellas Artes, architect Federico Mariscal, who was now in charge of the project, decided, that the Pegasos should return to the exterior plaza infront of Bellas Artes.

The Base was made by me. Credits for the fantastic statues go to Miguel Bandera who was so kind to put it on free access on sketchfab:

You can find it in game via FindIt! mod by searching for "pegasus" or "mexico".

The monument is a unique building and has nearly the same stats than the fountain of life. The only difference is, that it doesn't need electricity nor produces pollution. Enjoy and have fun!

Pegasus I:

Tris: 10.6k
Verts: 5.5k
Texture: 1024x1024,_d,_n

Pegasus II:

Tris: 9.0k
Verts: 4.7k
Texture: 1024x1024,_d,_n



FrijoleroDeNexacca 25 Jan @ 2:45pm 
puedes hacer la estatua de Pancho Villa
@R+5 12 May, 2024 @ 3:29pm 
si quisiera modificar un poco el color de la escultura para que se viese un poco más clara y sea más fácil distinguir los detalles, como podrìa hacerlo?

si la solución es inecesariamente complicada, recomiendas algun mod de luces que pueda servir para lograr un efecto similar?
SERGIO 14 Jul, 2022 @ 6:32pm 
hazte el ángel de la independencia, perro
samuelcp09 14 Jul, 2021 @ 2:50pm 
Si no fuera por vos mi ciudad se viera tan blanda, son muy pocos los assets que podemos considerar como Latinoamericanos. Solo pasaba para dar las gracias :)
PeterBar  [author] 28 May, 2021 @ 2:27pm 
@theraphosa: mas altura? Es la altura original. Y si lo quieres mas alto, usas PO y ya.
mauricio_lorenzo_oliva 18 May, 2021 @ 5:35pm 
Esto es un oasis, después de tantos comentarios en inglés, un abrazo paisanos :´)
theraphosa 30 Nov, 2020 @ 10:33am 
Porfa actualiza para que tenga más altura
sodastereolab 11 Jul, 2020 @ 5:38pm 
Oh por dios... Comentarios en español :0
[(°7@X°)] 1 Jul, 2020 @ 9:02am 
Me siento en casa al fin comentarios en Español....
jackygaymingttv 27 Nov, 2019 @ 11:47pm 
ojala y sigan con cosas de mexico , tan bonito que esta T:T