Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic 워커스 앤 리소스: 소비에트 리퍼블릭

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic 워커스 앤 리소스: 소비에트 리퍼블릭

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By Alex_K
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Мои моды
아이템 (885)
Österreich Tavern Skins
제작자 Ternet18
Pack of various skins for the Österreich tavern. ...
Đuro Đaković housing settlement Sarajevo
제작자 equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian Paket sadrži: -tri različite zgrade za ravni teren i jednu za padinski teren -samoposlugu -nadstrešnicu -četiri veličine ukrasnog trga Stambeno naselje „Đuro Đaković - Ciglane“ bilo je primjer moder...
Автодром Autodrome
Рус________ Рабочие____2 Посетители_10 Мин. темп +7C En________ Workers____2 Visitors_10 Min. temp +7C...
Österreich Tavern
제작자 Ternet18
Gott erhalte, Gott beschütze Unsern Kaiser, unser Land! Greetings and salutations to you, dear player! Today I have the honour to present you a new tavern building inspired by the opulence and charm of the Austrian Empire. The actual tavern is located in K...
Đuro Đaković housing settlement Skins
제작자 equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian Kolekcija skinova za naselje Đuro Đaković English: A collection of skins for the Đuro Đaković housing settlement...
АКСМ 321
제작자 Дима
Завод-изготовитель Флаг Белоруссии Белкоммунмаш → BKM Holding АКСМ-321 Проект, г. 1999 Выпускался, гг. 2001—н.в. , 2009-2010 (СВАРЗ-6235.01) Экземпляры 2359 (на декабрь 2019) Макс. скорость, км/ч 70 Время разгона до скорости 50 км/ч, c 26 Вместимость, чел....
Агитплакат Propaganda poster
ру_________ Советские плакаты — наглядные пособия, создававшиеся в СССР, направленные к разъяснению определённого вопроса, как, например, отношения советской власти к текущим событиям в доступной форме. Совместно с радио и газетами являлись средствами агит...
Балтийский вокзал [Без надписей]/ St. Petersburg-Baltiysky railway station [unmarked]
Балти́йский вокза́л — один из старейших вокзалов Санкт-Петербурга. Современное здание вокзала построено в 1855—1858 годах архитектором А. И. Кракау. Прототипом вокзала послужил Восточный вокзал в Париже. По бокам здания располагались двухэтажные флигели, л...
Агиткраска Propaganda poster skin
ру_________ Советские плакаты — наглядные пособия, создававшиеся в СССР, направленные к разъяснению определённого вопроса, как, например, отношения советской власти к текущим событиям в доступной форме. Совместно с радио и газетами являлись средствами агит...
Большой цирк | Big circus
제작자 dimndroll
RUS Сегодня и каждый вечер с этого дня! Уникальное представление для жителей и гостей республики! Спешите увидеть в нашем новом Большом Цирке! Основой для мода послужило здание Большого Московского цирка на проспекте Вернадского. Неофициально он называется...
Вологодский вокзал | Vologda station
제작자 Podolskiy
Вологда 1 (до 1926 года — Вологда-Город) — железнодорожная станция в Вологде. Расположена на 494 километре от Ярославского вокзала Москвы и 597 километре от Ладожского вокзала Санкт-Петербурга. Станция открыта 20 июня 1872 года. Вологда стала железнодорожн...
ГЭС-27 | Hydro electro power station '27
제작자 dimndroll
RUS Для тех, кто не может дождаться появления ГЭС от разработчиков — этот мод. Он основан на легендарной Волховской ГЭС, одной из первых советских гидроэлектростанций. Её строительство началось почти сразу после революции, но было прервано из-за гражданско...
ГорТранс. (city transport infrastructure)
제작자 Mauser_NATO
Мод на разные станции, полустанки, депо, и прочее. Mod to different stations, stop stations, depots, and more. !!!! The use of mod materials is prohibited. !!!!...
Дворец культуры
Дворец был построен в начале 70-х годов для посетителей Припяти и Чернобыльской АЭС. «Энергетик» являлся частью целого комплекса городских центральных зданий, куда входили сам дом культуры, универмаг, гостиница «Полесье», ресторан, кухня для детей, кинотеа...
Дом Культуры House of Culture
Ру___________ Городской Дом культуры г. Кинешма Ивановская область En__________ City House of Culture, Kineshma, Ivanovo Region...
Деревня | Village
제작자 dimndroll
RUS Для тружеников села в первом выпуске "Сельской жизни" представлена традиционная русская деревня. Это 64 уникальных дома: 16 отдельных участков и 16 сельских улиц, по 3 участка. Дома относительно уютные, качество жилья — 55-65%. Для строительства нужны ...
Дом партийной элиты
제작자 Billman007
Приветствую! Представляю Вам, жилой дом повышенной комфортности. Данное жилое здание является модернизацией жилых домов серии 114-71. Оригинальное здание находится в городе Мурманск, и построено в 1995 году. В реалиях игры этот дом стоит рассматривать как ...
Жильё Pack of residential buildings
Ру_______________________ Мод содержит 22 жилых здания, 7 элементов для вариативной постройки, и пешеходный переход - раздел - объект инфраструктуры. Старый пак зданий больше не будет пополняться и обновляться, но он по прежнему доступен для скачивания. Ес...
Реактивная система залпового огня (РСЗО)- БМ-13. В простонародье...
Кинотеатр + фонтан Cinema and fountain
Ру___________________ Мод состоит из двух предмеиов; 1.кинотеатр______раздел кинотеатр 2.фонтан_________раздел монумент Для правильной установки, совместите форсунки устанавливаемого фонтана, с имеющимися форсунками здания кинотеатра. En___________________...
МАЗ-537 (MAZ-537)
제작자 Mauser_NATO
Четырёхосный седельный тягач разработки Минского автомобильного завода. 1 - МАЗ_537 с ТЗ-60 2 - МАЗ-537 с ЧМЗАП-5247М Года выпуска 1959—1989 3 цвета ------------ Four-axle truck tractor developed by the Minsk Automobile Plant. 1 - MAZ_537 with TZ-60 2 - MA...
Кинотеатр + фонтан Cinema and fountain (R)
Ру___________________ Мод содержит 13 дополнительных расцветок. En____________________ The mod contains 13 additional colors....
제작자 Mauser_NATO
ЗИМ или ГАЗ-12 Членовоз Есть13 расцветок 2 варианта Личный транспорт Скорая помощь Вместимость 6 чел. Года выпуска 1949 - 1962 ------------------- ZIM or GAZ-12 Member carrier There are 13 colors 2 options Personal transport Ambulance Capacity 6 people Yea...
КРАЗ 260 (KRAZ 260)
제작자 Mauser_NATO
Украинский многоцелевой тяжелый грузовик двойного назначения Кременчугского автозавода. Выпускался с 1979 по 1993 Представленно 15 вариантов грузовиков: 3 - Закрытый кузов. 4 - Открытый кузов. 2 - Автоцистерны. 1 - Цементовоз 1 - Лесовоз 1 - Бетономешалка....
Монументы - Monuments
Ру_________________ Пакет монументов. Строительство бесплатное. Не требует ремонта. Не оставляет мусора при сносе. Коллизия отключена. Прописана лояльность и радиус. En_________________ Pack of monuments. Construction is free. Does not require repair. Does...
Отделение милиции | Police station
제작자 dimndroll
РУС Типичное советское отделение милиции, в котором могут работать 10 милиционеров и 5 следователей. Во дворе место для 4 милицейских машин. Необходимые ресурсы для строительства: 5,4 тонн досок 16 тонн кирпичей 5,6 тонн стали 7,7 тонн бетона 5,4 тонн досо...
Набор магазинов - Pack of stores.
коллекция магазинов. store collection...
ПМК-35 Mobile mechanized column
Ру__________________________ Мод состоит из трех предметов 1.Рембаза__________тип станция тех обслуживания. 2.Автобаза_________тип автобаза. 3.Мачта света______тип монумент. Бонус; грузовая станция,завод электро деталей, завод механических деталей, дорожны...
Перекраска 2 Repainting 2
Ру_________ 16 вариантов EN_________ 16 options...
Перекраска 1 Repainting 1
Ру_________ 16 вариантов EN_________ 16 options...
Перекраска Repainting
Ру_________ мод перекраски зданий En_________ building repainting mod...
Прачечная №10 "Новость" / Laundry №10 "News "
Рус_______________ Тип_______________котельная Рабочие___________17 Тепло_____________153 Топливо нефть_____2.0 ___________________________ En________________ Type______________Heating plant Workers___________17 Heat______________153 Consumption oil___2.0...
Проект Школы V-76
제작자 Vilaxe
В 1976 году был утверждён проект V-76, эта школа представляет собой квадрат, который образуют четыре соединённых между собой корпуса. Из-за сходства с армейским построением проект получил народное название каре. Эти школы можно встретить только в районах М...
Сельский магазин | Village shop
제작자 Podolskiy
Сельский магазин Рабочие - 3 Максимум посетителей - 20 =========================================================================== Village shop Workers - 3 Maximum number of visitors - 20 ====================================================================...
СОВХОЗ / Real soviet farm
제작자 Benser
СОВХОЗ / FARM Новый Совхоз в советсом стиле. Техника - 18 мест Хранилище - 350 т New Farm in real soviet style. $WORKING_VEHICLES_NEEDED 18 $STORAGE_EXPORT RESOURCE_TRANSPORT_COVERED 350 26/12/2020 add version without rail and with 12 vehicles Другие мои р...
Ру_____________ Магазин "Светлячок", работает в качестве бара. En____________ Shop "Firefly", works as a bar....
Социалистическая стройка (Socialist construction) PART - 1
제작자 Mauser_NATO
"Социалистическая стройка" Сборник разных зданий в стиле "Советский модерн" Это 1я часть Socialist construction. Collection of different buildings in the style of "Soviet Modern" Part 1 PART 2
Социалистическая стройка (Socialist construction) PART - 2
제작자 Mauser_NATO
"Социалистическая стройка" Сборник разных зданий в стиле "Советский модерн" Socialist construction. Collection of different buildings in the style of "Soviet Modern" PART 1
Спорт | Sport
제작자 Podolskiy
Стадион 1 Рабочих - 10 Посетителей - 120 Стадион 2 (2 версии) Рабочих - 15 Посетителей - 210 Баскетбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих - 3 Посетителей - 24 Волейбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих - 3 Посетителей - 18 Футбольная площадка (2 версии) Рабочих...
Терракот Terracotta
Ру_____________ ПУЖКХ_____тип технические службы Блоки______ тип кирпичный завод Дом культуры___тип кинотеатр Детсад__________тип детсад Котельная_______тип котельная Школа___________тип школа Магазин_________тип магазин Склад___________тип склад Три жилых...
ТЭЦ -Heat Power Plant
рус________________ рабочие____________30 тепло______________270 мазут______________3.6 емкость____________80 eng _______________ workers ____________30 heat_______________270 bitumen____________3.6 tank ______________ 80...
Универсам | Universam (grocery supermarket)
제작자 dimndroll
RUS Универсам (универсальный магазин самооблуживания) – это один из первых советских супермаркетов в современном понимании слова. Правда, в отличие от универмагов, там продавали исключительно продукты и хозяйственные товары. Такие магазины массово строилис...
Фонтан Fountain
Ру_______________ Тип_______монумент Лояльность_____8 Радиус_________30 En_______________ Type ______ Monument Loyalty ______ 8 Radius _______ 30...
Хлебокомбинат - Bakery
рус____________________ рабочие------263 хлеб------------ 63 тонны мука-------------99 тонн eng____________________ workers------263 bread ------------ 63 tons flour -------------99 tons...
Школа и спортзал School and gym
Ру_____________________ Общеобразовательная школа на 22/24 класса (856/906-936 учащихся) с продленным днем, в каркасно-панельных конструкциях серии ИИ-04. Для строительства в Латвийской ССР. Зональный типовой проект 222-1-466.13.86 УДК 727.1:666.373 Мод из...
Цвет Color
Ру_______________ Несколько вариантов цветовых решений для школы и спортзала. En_______________ Several color options for school and gym....
Штаб компартии
제작자 Alexandr Tarasov
Деревянный штаб компартии с печным отоплением Communist party headquarters...
Ш-5733/8 + store
제작자 Shotkey
This series was built in Leningrad (31 houses), Rybinsk (2 houses) and, possibly, other cities of the RSFSR. The shape of the building in plan is a long rectangle (the so-called «house-plate»). The outer walls are made of unplastered gray bricks, the width...
комбинат шелковых тканей - silk fabric factory
Рус -------------------------------- Мод вкючает три здания; 1. Административный корпус - ткацкая фабрика 2. Цеха комбината - склад 3. Цеха комбината - швейная фабрика En ------------------------------- The mod includes three buildings; 1. Administrative b...
'Soviet 2000s' panel apartments
제작자 Comrade Joe
A sort of different project this time, this mod proposes a contemporary era residential building that can be seen in recently developped districts of Brest, Belarus. It is re-imagined as a 'proxy' of what Soviet residential construction might have looked l...
"P-44-like" buildings
제작자 Comrade Joe
This mod proposes one (maybe more in the future) reskin of Comrade kostas667's highrise buildings (original mod:, inspired from the 80s designs of complexes seen in the area of Warsaw highw...
1-201 series
제작자 NightWarrior
SERIES 1-201 VERSIONS OF 1950. The prerequisites for mass model housing design and construction in the USSR appeared with the adoption on February 11, 1936, of the decree of the Government and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on streamlining and reduc...
1-206-101 Volokolamsk 1951
제작자 gravinerva
Residential eight-apartment building of project 1-206-101, located at Volokolamsk, st. 50 years of October, 30. Richly decorated with decorative elements, belongs to the style of Soviet neoclassicism. Built in 1951. In the game it is presented as a residen...
제작자 Shotkey
This Leningrad series of residential buildings is a 12-story gray brick building. The houses are equipped with two passenger elevators and a garbage chute. All flats have loggias or balconies. On the 13th floor there is a service room, according to the pro...
1-206-101 Volokolamsk 1951 skin pack
제작자 gravinerva
Set of colors for the house 1-206-101 Volokolamsk 1951. There are 9 different colors to choose from: - yellow - beige - pink - green - sky blue - lilac - cream - classic white - dark grey...
제작자 Billman007
This is a set of skins for the building pack 1-464DM....
제작자 Billman007
This is a set of skins for the building pack 1-464DM....
제작자 Billman007
This is a set of skins for the building pack 1-464DM....
제작자 Billman007
This is a set of skins for the building pack 1-464DM....
제작자 Billman007
This is a set of skins for the building pack 1-464DM....
제작자 Billman007
This is a set of skins for the building pack 1-464DM....
제작자 Billman007
This is a set of skins for the building pack 1-464DM....
15 Story Panel Apartments
제작자 OffTheRailsGaming
Inspired by buildings from Sovkhoz imeni Lenina, Moscow Oblast. Available in 3 colours. Capicity 180 Quality 87%...
16-storey residential building
제작자 Billman007 Description I present you a 16-storey panel apartment building. The design of the building is individual, but based on the elements of the 97 series. There are a total of three similar buildings built in Chelyabinsk, each sl...
16-storey residential building
제작자 Billman007 Description I present to you a 16-storey residential building of type C-97-1. The project of the house is individual and is based on elements of type 97. These houses were built in Chelyabinsk and Snezhinsk (Chelyabinsk regi...
1910 Brewery
제작자 equinox.nova A small 1910 brewery based on a real building in Bamberg, Germany. Employs 80 workers. Requires 16 t of crops, 5,6 t of coal and produces 4 t of alcohol per day when fully staffed....
1930 Technical University
제작자 Comrade Joe
Technical University building in 1930s/Constructivist style. Based on the existing university building in central Moscow, currently hosting the University of design and technology named after A.N. Kosygin. Employs 50 professors and 100 workers. 300 student...
1930s Electric Components Factory
제작자 Comrade Joe
The Elektroapparat factory is a real life factory located in old Leningrad. It produces electric components for the heavy and energy industry. Originally set up by German Capitalists in the late 19th Century, it was gloriously confiscated by the Revolution...
1930s Power Plant
제작자 Comrade Joe
This mod proposes a coal-fueled power plant that is more adapted for early-starting date games. I have modeled it after the Novorossiysk Regional Power Plant, inaugurated in 1930 in the Black Sea region, from a single old photograph, so the non visible par...
1930s worker homes from Chelyabinsk
제작자 Comrade Joe
A small pack proposing two residential buildings built in the 30s in Chelyabinsk, during the first wave of industrialization of the USSR. They are plain looking, with typical constructivist traits. They are cheap to build, and can host 36 and 30 adults at ...
1930s worker homes skins
제작자 Comrade Joe
Some more skins I made for these worker homes in Chelyabinsk, inspired by the color schemes that existed there before renovation....
1930s Worker's Apartments Skins
제작자 Comrade Joe
Skins for 1930s Workers' apartments, four seasoned/drab options, and four renovated/freshly repainted ones....
1930s workers' apartments
제작자 Comrade Joe
Simple apartment building for the early phases of Socialist construction. Although still of average quality (60pc), this cheap building can be ideal to move your workers out of their tents or wooden barracks as your city starts to take shape. Modeled after...
1980s Moscow Brutalist Hotel
제작자 Comrade Joe
A hotel mod based on a building from the late 80s in Moscow. Four stars, employs 90, can host up to 900 guests (I think), has vehicle stations, pretty expensive to build. LOD available that reduces polys by half.
201 series reskin part2
제작자 NightWarrior
201 series skins...
201 series reskin part1
제작자 NightWarrior
201 series skins...
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
A fictional series of panel houses, of different storeys. They are built quickly and cheaply, spacious and warm rooms. Despite the speed of assembly, the quality of housing is 94%, the 17-storey building has 96% due to the larger square area of the apartme...
3 storey block of flats
제작자 Waldemar
3 storey brick block of flats housing 50 citizens, quality 60%. Years of construction: 1955-1965...
30s Constructivist Apartment
제작자 Comrade Joe
This mod proposes another 1930s residential building, this time a step higher quality than the previous mod. It's modeled after a real life building in Kharkov, barely recognizable today, after post-soviet 'renovation'. Houses 64 adults at 80pc, and is sel...
4 Way Train Pumping Stations
제작자 Twiggy
This will add 2 Train Pumping Stations with Inputs and Outputs on both sides. Includes/ Original size and Full Train length size. Road position has been moved and another two connections added on the full size station. Both road connections are a pass thro...
40ft ISO Freezer Containers
제작자 Lex713
Information Pack of 40ft ISO containers for meat. Item stats: 7 skins; Capacity: 26.74 t; Main mesh: 5036 tris; LOD1: 832 tris; LOD2: 16 tris; Features: Detailed main mesh, but comes with LODs so containers will not affect your preformance; It's a very nic...
3Division HQ
제작자 Lex713
Information Enter the captivating world of 3Division Entertainment, the beloved game development company that has made its mark on the industry. With a towering 62.5 meter 12-story office building serving as its headquarters, the company exudes a sense of ...
40ft ISO Shipping Containers
제작자 Lex713
Information Pack of 40ft ISO containers for general cargo. Item stats: 15 skins; Capacity: 26.74 t; Main mesh: 5036 tris; LOD1: 832 tris; LOD2: 16 tris; Features: Detailed main mesh, but comes with LODs so containers will not affect your preformance; 2 fic...
5, 9 Story Panel Corner Buildings
Lithuanian prefab corner blocks, built in the 80's. These buildings are mostly found in Kaunas. Building quality 90%. Worker capacity: 50, 75, 150....
70s brick stores / libraries
제작자 Shotkey
This mod includes two common extensions to houses of the series 1-528KP-40 and one detached department store, assembled on the basis of a large extension project. Small shops were sometimes attached to houses of the classical design in Leningrad. Large - t...
80s-90s Izhevsk brick buildings pack
제작자 Comrade Joe
This pack offers a small collection of buildings that were built in Izhevsk in the 80s and 90s. They were selected based on their main building material (brick) and their common general aesthetic. There are both residential and service/utility buildings. F...
Advanced Water Treatment Plant
제작자 Zyx Abacab
This is a very large water treatment plant, capable of purifying over 1000 m³ of water per workday. By combining UV-irradiation and ozonation technologies for disinfection, almost all chemical use is eliminated, except for a minute quantity needed for floc...
A set of water intake wells
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Links to other mods related to water and sewage: Water treatment plant Set of underground utilities (well) part 1 Set of und...
Airplanes / Helicopters
제작자 SerpPort
I've been thinking for a long time about updating an existing mod or making a new one. But I’ll still make a new one so that the early helicopters don’t disappear. So if you don’t want to duplicate helicopters, then unsubscribe from the mod using the link,...
Airport Spilve
제작자 Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains several buildings of Spilve airport (Latvia, Riga). This airport, like many others in the USSR, was built in 1954. He became the most famous and can rightfully be called a masterpiece of the Stalinist Empire style. I honestly h...
제작자 frostsey
Аэропорт «Сеймчан» — аэропорт малой авиации в северной части Магаданской области, в Среднеканском районе, в пос. Сеймчан. Аэропорт введён в строй в 1942 году при организации воздушной трассы Алсиб, использовавшейся для перегона американских самолётов, пост...
Animal farms / Коровники
제작자 Benser
RU В продолжение сельской темы новый маленький пак с фермами. Состоит из: 1. Ферма 1 производит скот, так как коровы немного пасутся, нужно меньше зерна. 2. Ферма 2 по задумке производит меньше скота,но также производит молочную продукцию, то есть еду. 3. ...
Animal farm
제작자 robs074 Animal farm based on a real building in Elizówka near Lublin, Poland. Employs 75 workers. Requires 30 t of crops and (strange as it may sound) produces...
Antonov An-72 (STOL)
제작자 w101011
The Antonov An-72 is a STOL (short takeoff and landing) transport aircraft developed in the era of Soviet Union. It can take off and land on sand, grass, or other unpaved surfaces. The An-72 and its variants are widely used in civilian or military purposes...
American suburban part 1
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The first package of modern American homes, mid-range living. There are a total of four homes in the package. Walkways, heat, electricity, water and sewer - connected. Number of occupants - 4 Quality of life - 70% Model Author: Мар (Admiral) Denzis Texture...
Apostel Paulus Kirche
제작자 Quieklebendig
Hi all! This mod is based on Apostel Paulus Church in Berlin, Germany -- a brick gothic church, which was finished in 1894. The in-game version will provide spiritual services for up to 960 citizens at a time. Enjoy! Content Background This asset was model...
Arctic Hotel (Azimut Hotel Murmansk)
제작자 Billman007 Description Greetings, I present to you the Arctic Hotel. This is an 18-storey building (hotel and business center) located in the center of Murmansk, the city's calling card and the tallest building beyond the polar circle....
Arctic series 111-84 skins Part 1
제작자 Comrade Joe
More skins are coming . . . ....
Arctic series 111-84
제작자 Comrade Joe
Series 111-84 is a very common panel building type, built all over the USSR. This mod focuses in particular or the specific design and aesthetic that was designed for pionneer industrial cities of the Arctic circle, in particular Norilsk and Dudinka. Six c...
Arctic series 111-84 skins Part 2
제작자 Comrade Joe
Due to the limitation in skins per mod (multiplied by the number of objects per mod), I can only post 2 skins per workshop item....
Arctic series 111-84 skins Part 3
제작자 Comrade Joe
Arctic series 111-84 skins Part 3: For the lovers of pure grey :P...
Arctic series 111-84 skins Part 4
제작자 Comrade Joe
Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder...
Armenian churches pack
제작자 abelyanhayk852
Pack of Armenian churches which includes 15 old churches from Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh constructed from 5th to 19th centuries. All of them are Armenian apostolic orthodox churches except one mosque in Yerevan. This pack will be included in necessary it...
Armenian old hotel
제작자 abelyanhayk852
Armenian old fictional hotel. Employs 65 workers, serves up to 260 tourists. I created it by mixing several old style hotels in Armenia (Grand Hotel, Sevan Hotel, Tufenkian Hotel, etc). --- Вымышленная старая армянская гостиница. Принимает 260 туристов при...
Armenian old hotel - skins
제작자 abelyanhayk852
2 additional skins for Armenian old hotel....
Armenian typical 1A-451KP prefab
제작자 abelyanhayk852
OPTIMIZED THE TEXTURES!!! Overall mod size became less than 1.5 MB ----- Residential building series 1A-451 KP based on real buildings in Yerevan and other towns in Armenia. Accommodate 72 workers. These buildings were built in 70-90s and prove their quali...
Assateague Lighthouse
제작자 Lex713
Information Assateague Light is the 142-foot-tall (43 m) lighthouse located on the southern end of Assateague Island off the coast of the Virginia Eastern Shore, United States. I decided to make it as a way to celebrate a small milestone of 400 subscribers...
AUDI 80 Coupe GT
제작자 Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ AUDI 80 COUPE GT -10 colours -LOD included from 100m distance -4000 tri...
Audi A8 (D3)
제작자 gachimuchiman
Audi A8 - седан представительского класса, производился в кузове D3 с 2002 по 2010 год на заводе Audi AG в Неккарзульме. Так же была и удлиненная версия. В 2005 году модель прошла рестайлинг. Характеристики в игре: Макс. скорость - 250 км/ч Макс. мощность ...
Badowska housing block
제작자 Jutland
Building is located in Warsaw, built in end of '40, houses 128 people. Thanks to robs074 for his textures! You should check his stuff out
Asphalt plant
제작자 robs074 Asphalt plant based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 5 workers. Requires 60 t of gravel, 10 t of bitumen and produces 70 t of asphalt per day when fully staffed. Wytwórnia asfaltu wzorowana na prawdziwym bud...
Baroque Church (XVIII)
제작자 Jutland
Based on real building from Poznań, Poland. Church of St. Anthony of Padua was opened in 1728 after 54 years of construction. ...
Baroque Church 2 (XVIII)
제작자 Jutland
Based on real building from Rzeszów, Poland. Garrison Church of St. Our Lady Queen of Poland (xD), built in 1722....
Baroque Church 3 (XVII)
제작자 Jutland
Based on real building from Prószków, Poland. Finished in 1687. ...
Bagger 288 Bucket wheel excavator (Building)
제작자 βlu∃_βrO
PLEASE NOTE: If you are not on the beta test branch, the niamtion will be twitchy and after a few degrees of rotation, the arm will snap back to start. This is fixed in the new version, so please be patient until this fix comes to the stable release. Thank...
Bauxit processing plant
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Attention update! Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. A factory with railway trac...
Bauxite Mine rebalanced
제작자 Elessar_warrior
The current bauxite mine is too easy to set up and gives too much money. This mod adds some challenge and realism to it. Differences to the vanilla mine: - NO conveyor connection (too OP). - 2 vehicle stations for load/unload with faster loading. - Removal...
제작자 frostsey
База́р - с минимально оборудованными торговыми рядами, под открытым небом, где присутствует множество продавцов и покупателей и происходит розничная торговля продуктами питания и другими товарами....
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Beer house (Bierpalast) made in Western European style with elements of half-timbered houses (Fachwerk). Roads, heat, electricity, water and sewage - are connected. Number of workers - 10 Maximum number of visitors - 100 Quality of service - 4 stars Model ...
Big clinic
제작자 robs074 Big clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers with basic education, 25 doctors and serves about 75 patients. Can be equippe...
Big clinic
제작자 robs074 Big clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education, 20 doctors and serves about 60 patients. Can be equippe...
Big clinic - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my big clinic. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big coal power plant
제작자 robs074 Coal power plant based on a real building in Łódź, Poland. Employs 60 workers. Requires 72 t of coal and produces 4200 MWh of power when fully staffed. Requires a cooling tower to work, I recommend using the ones added a...
Big fire station
제작자 robs074 Fire station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 7 fire engines. Remiza strażacka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublin...
Big fire station - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my big fire station. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big food factory
제작자 robs074 Big food factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 250 workers. Requires 62 t of crops and produces 30 t of food per day when fully s...
Big heating plant
제작자 robs074 Big coal-fired heating plant based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 60 workers. Capacity of the water tank is 2100 cubic metres. Duża ciepłownia opalana węglem wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zat...
Big plastics factory
제작자 robs074 Big plastics factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 200 workers. Requires 10 t of chemicals and 90 t of oil and produces 22 t of p...
Big police station (+ small prison)
제작자 robs074 Big police station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 40 investigators. The pack also includes a prison block attachable to the police station (can also be used as a s...
Big police station (+ small prison) - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my big police station. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big sports hall
제작자 robs074 Big sports hall based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Employs 35 workers and serves about 245 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with s...
Big sports hall
제작자 robs074 Big sports hall based on real buildings in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 18 workers and serves about 125 people. It also works as a tourist attraction w...
Big sports hall - skins
제작자 robs074
Skins for my big sports hall. Includes three colour variants as seen in the preview....
Big technical services
제작자 robs074 Big technical services based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 18 vehicles. Duże biuro utrzymania infrastruktury wzorowane na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Może być wyposażone w 18 pojazdów....
BMW E30 320i 4 door
제작자 Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ EDITED 12-2022 -added 8 new colours -added normal texture -fixed tail l...
BMW 5 Series (G30/G31)
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The seventh generation of the BMW 5 Series consists of the BMW G30 (sedan version) and BMW G31 (wagon version, marketed as 'Touring') executive cars. The G30/G31 has been produced since 2016 by the German automaker BMW and is often collectively referred to...
Big technical services - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my big technical services. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in in the preview....
Bread factory
제작자 Gerbilskij
A medium sized bakery, don't get fooled by its appearance comrades, here we produce only the freshest bread out of the finest chem... WHEAT FLOUR, made from our glorious republic golden fields. Thank you to Ryantheskinny for the help fixing some errors. NB...
제작자 robs074 Brewery based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 170 workers. Requires 51 t of crops and produces 10 t of alcohol per day when fully staffed...
Brick factory
제작자 robs074 Brick factory loosely based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 70 workers. Requires 31 t of coal and produces 47 t of bricks per day when fu...
Brick houses 2
제작자 robs074 Brick blocks of flats, housing 45-125 workers, based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Ceglane bloki, mieszczące 45-125 robot...
Brick factory
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
ATTENTION GLOBAL UPDATE! Recycling fashion for coal. Given the latest updates, the bauxites need to be opened, so just coal, I apologize profoundly for the mod updates. The model of the plant is adapted to the grid, roads and railways, pedestrian paths, co...
Building editor elements part_2 (Log)
제작자 Jason Curtis
Building editor elements Part 2 Log buildings Элементы редактора зданий (Часть 2) Здания из брёвен ...
Building editor elements part_1
제작자 Jason Curtis
Building editor elements Part 1 (Brick)...
Building editor parts "Voroněž"
제작자 Vikom
Just a small pack of 3 building editor parts - a panel, a panel with window, a panel with balcony. Nothing fancy. All of them are 3x3 metres. Originally meant for a model of Hotel Voroněž from Brno but I've decided to try to make this pack instead....
Burevestnik cinema
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
The fictional cinema project consists of two auditoriums, there is a buffet, game rooms, a wardrobe and household rooms. The number of jobs is 20. the Capacity is 1040 people. Tourism rating (default)-3.2 Have a nice game!...
Bus stop
Pripyat. The central part of the colonnade in the town square....
Bus/Trolley Combo Stations
제작자 Akira43
This is a pack of 4 combined bus/trolley stations all using advanced pathing to allow multiple vehicles to go into and out of the station at the same time. The pack includes: 1- The Large bus station (V2 - 4 vehicle stations) from the vanilla game simply m...
제작자 painkillerlexar
Very Small BusStop VilageSmall Busstop some visual problem with Vehicles overcrossing , but work ) Bus stop for vilages where imposible place standart bus station...
Canned Food Factory
제작자 Novu
A factory that processes crops into canned food. Aluminum is required to make the cans and chemical preservatives are used for long shelf life. Employs 80 workers. Added 2nd version that uses steel instead of aluminum to make the cans....
Canteen series 2-07-22
제작자 Raysione
This mod contains a typical 2-07-22 dining room made exactly according to the 1953 project CHARACTERISTIC. 5 workers serves minimum 52 people There are two options: works as a shop and a bar Such a small dining room will ideally fit into a village and a sm...
Canteen series 51-239
제작자 Raysione
This mod contains a typical 51-239 dining room made exactly according to the 1952 project CHARACTERISTIC. 10 workers serves at least 101 people There are two options: works as a shop and a bar Such a dining room will ideally fit into a village or a small t...
Cargo Airport Stand
Small cargo airport, with three parking spots to facilitate unloading of aircraft with trucks. Designed to make larger more realistic airports possible. As always, any feedback is appreciated....
Cargo train station
제작자 robs074 Cargo train station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Comes in three versions: with two, four and with six rail connections. Towarowa stacja ...
Car dealer PACK
제작자 Benser
Магазин "Автомобили" Модель основана на реальном здании. 17.01.2021 обновил мод, немного исправил скрипт и размеры модели. Теперь в моде 3 автомагазина: 1. Магазин "Автомобілі" (назва Українською мовою) 2. Магазин "Автомобили" (название на русском языке, к...
Cargo train station - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my cargo train station. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Cement plant
제작자 robs074 Cement plant loosely based on a real building in Kraków, Poland. Employs 40 workers. Requires 240 t of gravel and 28 t of coal and produces 108 t of cement per day when fully staffed. Cementownia luźno wzorowana na prawd...
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Updates: 1. New textures; 2. The factory model has been modified; 3. Added fixtures: 4. Fixed lighting of buildings. Cement Plant It is intended for the production of cement from clinker in a dry way. Clinker is a product of lime and clay firing. Cement is...
Central bus and train transport hub
제작자 Matyniov
6 non-blocking platforms for buses, 6 train platforms, undergound and ground level pedestrian entrances, 8000 passenger capacity. With this combo this unit will bear any load of passengers you throw at it! UPDATE! Workers now visible on platforms! Its prim...
Chemical and more Industries Mod Collection
제작자 Wild Bunny
this mod is a collection of chemical industrial buildings and some other related stuff. - added waste mechanics for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Chemical plant
제작자 robs074 Chemical plant based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 200 workers. Requires 2.4 t of gravel, 2.8 t of wood, 2.6 t of crops and 4 t of oil ...
Central Bus Station
제작자 Benser
Центральный автовокзал Мод основан на реальном здании речного вокзала, который построен в 1957 - 1960 годах в городе Киев, Украина. Автовокзал обслуживает 1000 пасажиров, 10 парковочных мест для автобусов (станции не блокируються). Надеюсь этот автовокзал ...
Chernarus Arma 2 Enhanced (read desc)
제작자 Guardian
READ DESC!!! This map has not seen extensive testing, or even little testing. This is basically an early alpha of the map, expect issues regarding the vision (found below) of the map. Report issues to comments Version1123.5 Important Disclaimer I am NOT a ...
Chevrolet Bel Air 1957
제작자 Mauser_NATO
17 Расцветок Валюта USD Года выпуска 1957 - 1962 ----------------- 17 colors USD currency Year of production 1957 - 1962...
Chevrolet BLAZER k5
제작자 Mauser_NATO
Шевроле Блезер К5 Внедорожник второго поколения. Производился с 1973 по 1991 год. Присутствует 4 варианта кузова и 20 вариантов раскраски. Валюта USD. ----------------------------- Chevrolet blazer k5 Off-road vehicle of the second generation. Produced fro...
CHEVROLET C10 Third generation
제작자 Mauser_NATO
Third generation SUV. Produced from 1971 to 1991. There are 10 models with 20 colors: 4 Passenger 1 Open 1 Soverred 1 Gravel 1 Refrigerator 1 Snowplow 1 Police Currency USD. large weight of the mod due to the textures that must be placed in each folder wit...
Chevrolet Captiva
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The second-generation Captiva is a rebadged version of Baojun 530. The model is developed and produced by SAIC-GM-Wuling and exported to several emerging markets. It was introduced in Colombia in November 2018 and Thailand in March 2019. It was launched in...
Chevrolet Impala (1983)
제작자 Mauser_NATO
Chevrolet Impala (1983) 12 color USD 1977 - 1985...
제작자 Mauser_NATO
Popular model for fast driving, and trips for killing demons. Year of production 1965 - 1970 12 Colors. Currency USD....
Chevrolet Onix
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The Chevrolet Onix is a subcompact car launched by American automaker Chevrolet in Brazil at the 2012 São Paulo International Motor Show and the second generation in China at the 2019 Shanghai Auto Show. In Brazil, it was launched to replace the Chevrolet ...
Chicken Farms
제작자 OffTheRailsGaming
2 small chicken farms, mirrored for easy connection. Provides a small amount of meat in return for grain. Requires up to 20 workers. In the mod category Factories. No heating requirement...
Cinema Świt
제작자 robs074 Cinema based on a real building in Kraków, Poland. Employs 12 workers and serves about 120 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with base scor...
Cinema Kosmos
제작자 robs074 Cinema based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 70 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with base score...
Cinema Lot
제작자 robs074 Cinema based on a real building in Świdnik, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 100 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with base sco...
Cinema Lot - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my cinema Lot. Includes six colour variants as seen in the preview....
Cinema Series 2-06-19
제작자 Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a cinema series 2-06-19 (GiproKino approved 1953). A building like this will fit well in your cities. CHARACTERISTIC Building type - cinema 7 workers Serves at least 300 visitors Rating 4.0 You can support the creation of new m...
Citizen Infrastructure Pack
제작자 Marius
Pack of 3 buildings for the State infrastructure tab. Quite useful por early start of the game: - "Miners School" School for 180 children (historical) employing 4 teachers and 10 staff. - "Apprentices School" Technical University for 96 students employing ...
Cinema Wschowa (XIX century)
제작자 Jutland
Based on real building located in Wschowa, Poland. Cinema hires 18 workers and can host up to 270 visitors. Collisions are off and building has about 2m foundations for placing at slopes + it has self heating. ...
City hotel (4 stars)
제작자 robs074 Big hotel based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 50 workers and houses about 200 tourists. Base tourist score: 4 stars. Duży hotel wzorowa...
City hotel (4 stars) - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my city hotel. Included eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
City warehouse
제작자 Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a warehouse similar to the one in my city (see screenshots). Such a warehouse is quite spacious, it can be placed in the city for storing food as a distribution point for food or for other needs (second building). CHARACTERISTI...
제작자 frostsey
Civil rural building / ПАК сельских зданий
제작자 Benser
Пак гражданских обьектов для сел и маленьких городов в стиле второй половины 50 х годов. Состоит из: 1. автобусная остановка с мозаикой 2. 4 памятника: вьездная стелла, чайник, колосья пшеницы и "мой завод моя гордость" $MONUMENT_GOVERNMENT_LOYALTY_RADIUS ...
civil infrastructure collection
제작자 Wild Bunny
this is a collection of various buildings it includes typebuildings from the gdr and frg Type Dresden Atrium Type Erfurt (a regular one and a double as technical university) Kreuzbau (type school popular in hamburg) Seitzhalle (type gym popular in hamburg)...
Clothing factory
제작자 robs074 Clothing factory based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 180 workers. Requires 5.4 t of fabric and produces 2.7 t of clothes per day w...
Coal and iron mines
제작자 robs074 Coal and iron mines with concrete headframes based on real buildings in Ruda Śląska and Gliwice, Poland. The coal mine employs 400 workers and produces 1680 t of coal ore while the iron mine employs 400 workers and produ...
Coal Briquettes Factory
제작자 Marius
Old coal ore processing plant wich employs 25 workers producing coal out of coal ore, but also a bit of bitumen and water. As result coal production is higher needing less raw coal ore than vanilla plant. It provides a water connection although regular dri...
Coal power plant
제작자 robs074 Coal power plant based on a real building in Katowice, Poland. Employs 37 workers. Requires 44 t of coal and produces 2590 MWh of power when fully staffed. Requires a cooling tower to work, I recommend using the ones add...
Coal power plant (50s)
제작자 robs074 Coal power plant from the 50s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 22 workers. Requires 19 t of coal and produces 1155 MWh of power when...
Coal processing plant
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Attention update! Game crashes are possible. Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. ...
Collection of various cranes
제작자 MC Bonito
KB 100.1 (Tower) 1965-1982 RUB Kato NK 200 (Vehicle) 1975-1980 USD KB 504 (Tower) 1976-2000 RUB LG 1280 (Vehicle) 1974-1976 USD RDK 250-2 (Tower) 1980-1991 RUB UPDATE K-161 (Road) 1961-1975 RUB KATO NK-360B 1970-1975 USD KATO NK-1200S 1980-1994 USD Models ...
Collection of Warehouses
제작자 Wild Bunny
includes 4 Warehouses of different size and a train cargo station for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Coal mine
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Coal mine Attention update! Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. Coal Mine Designe...
Combined Heating and Power Plants
제작자 Wild Bunny
This mod includes buildings from my previes power plant mods and modifies them. It provides the ability to do heat and power generation to the included power plants. The powerplants will produce Liquid Fertilizer as an substitute for Heat, You need to conn...
Coal processing plant
제작자 robs074 Coal processing based on a real building in Mysłowice, Poland. Employs 25 workers. Requires 350 t of coal ore and produces 200 t of coal per day when f...
Compact Heliport
제작자 βlu∃_βrO
UPDATE: Added road connections UPDATE: Added asphalt rooftop version and compact passenger station! I do not own any of these assets or textures, they have been used from vanilla game. Just a very quick mod I made. Contains no clip cargo heliport for const...
Complex of Research Institutes
제작자 Vikom
A Complex of Research Institutes, which serves as a technical university. For 80 teachers, 80 workers and up to 450 students. Inspired by a building in Brno, which used to serve as the complex of research institutes. Since 1996 it serves as an IT faculty o...
Concrete plant
제작자 robs074 Concrete plant based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 5 workers. Requires 45 t of gravel, 10 t of cement and 30 cubic metres of water and produces 60 t of concrete per day when fully staffed. Betoniarnia wzo...
Construction industry
제작자 l0ddar
input output lumberjack camps 30 worker 6,3t wood per worker sawmill 90 t wood 10 worker 70t boards Concrete mixing plant 54t gravel 12t cement 2 worker 70t concrete Asphalt plant 75t gravel 12t bitumen 2 worker 87t asphalt Cement Plant 7,5t coal 70t grave...
Committe of the Communist Party of Montenegro
제작자 equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Zgrada Centralnog komiteta Saveza komunista Crne Gore Tu, na desnoj stani Morače, stoji od 13. jula 1979. godine. Njen autor je čuveni arhitetka iz Crne Gore – Radosav Zeković koji je u novembru 19...
Company Store
제작자 Marius
Small supermarket wich employs 15 workers serving up to 90 people. Two vehicle stations and 1 factory connection available. Quite useful for early stages of the game or villages. Little story - roleplay: Inspired by a Company Store built by a coal mining c...
Construction Industry Building Collection
제작자 Wild Bunny
This is a collection of Industry Buildings for the Construction industry. Some production chains are different. The Storages are able to store open and covered goods at the same time, they dont appear in the bottom menu. The Cementplant uses Waste instead ...
Construction Machinery Base
제작자 SerpPort
Hello everyone!!! I would like to present to you my next masterpiece. Hope everyone likes it. How many times have you wanted big construction companies? And construction offices that could be put somewhere well, very far away, and quite cheap. Or maybe you...
Construction offices pack
제작자 Gerbilskij
We cater for all sizes: this package conveniently includes the updated versions of all my construction offices. Main changes are updated models, lighting and texture mappings, plus other small fixes. UPDATED 02/08/2023 using new 3D Models from vanilla COs ...
Construction of Railway Tracks
제작자 SerpPort
In this mod there is currently only one site available for construction. Perhaps in the future I will do others, as updates from the developers. --------------------------------------------------------- Construction of railway tracks This is the first opti...
Container packing facility
제작자 robs074 Container packing facility based on a real building in Gdynia, Poland. Employs 60 workers. Also includes a version with a rail connection. Miejsce załadunku kontenerów wzorowane na prawdziwym budynku w Gdyni. Zatrudnia 6...
Container packing facility - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my container packing facility. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Container Terminal
제작자 SerpPort
Container terminal is a transport infrastructure facility focused on working with containers. The main operations of a container terminal include transshipment of containers from one type of transport to another (or from one side to another) and temporary ...
Conveyor towers
제작자 MTandi
An alternative to the standard conveyor engine that makes your conveyor spaghetti better organized. Differences: - All conveyor attachments are elevated - Has 2 footpath connections that can be used instead of road connection after construction is complete...
Cooling tower
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Cooling tower It is intended for cooling water of steam turbine installations of thermal power plants and nuclear power plants. The height is 58 meters. Advantages: the inlet and outlet of the coolant are nearby, their height above the ground is 1 meter an...
Cooling towers
제작자 robs074 Two cooling towers based on real objects in Lublin, Poland. I recommend using the concrete cooling tower for my power plant from the 50s and the other for the rest of my power plants. Dwie chłodnie kominowe wzorowane na ...
Cooling towers
제작자 Comrade Joe
This mod proposes a cooling tower alternative in the style of power plants found in various parts of the USSR, in industrial centers like Tolyatti, Samara, Novosibirsk, and Irkutsk, among many others. Typically smaller than the big concrete ones, these coo...
Costco Wholesale
제작자 Lex713
Information Costco Wholesale Corporation (or just Costco) is an American multinational corporation which operates a chain of membership-only big-box warehouse club retail stores. As of 2023, Costco is the third-largest retailer in the world. With its size ...
CTA 2000
제작자 Lex713
  Information The 2000-series was the first of five series of Chicago "L" cars known as the High-Performance Family. Delivered to the CTA in 1964, they were built as married-pair sets, like the PCC-based 6000-series cars before them. The 2000-series, along...
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
The fictional building of the "People's Court" (the court of first instance). Two buildings, for 8 and 24 courtrooms. O-PZSP-02 (P-PBJL-02) The public panel building is a two-storey judicial and legal building. Secretaries-16 Judges-8 O-PZSP-03 (P-PBJL-03)...
Conveyor Road & Rail Crossings
제작자 OffTheRailsGaming
Easily connect up your conveyor belts over the top of roads and rails. 6 roadside towers with a combination of inputs and outputs and 10 crossings with 3 inputs and 3 outputs, all are symmetrical so can be placed either way round. Includes roadside towers ...
Czech railway stations set
제작자 prosektom
================================= CEZECH RAILWAY STATIONS SET No.1 ================================= Set including 4 railway station platforms with: 1 - rail 2 - rails (with bus connection) 3 - rails (with bus connection) 5 - rails (with bus connection) an...
제작자 FroehlicheForelle Zwei Sporthallen aus der Zeit der DDR "KT60 & MT90". LOD-Variante enthalten. Kleinere Halle KT60: 4 Arbeiter / max 60 Besucher / 1.0 Attraktionswert Mittlere Halle MT90: 6 Arbeiter / max 90 Besucher / 1.5 Attrakt...
DDR Schwimmhalle
제작자 FroehlicheForelle Die „Große Schwimmhalle“ wurde im Jahre 1969 in Dresden am Freiberger Platz erbaut. Zu dieser Zeit ließ die DDR Architektur eine erstaunliche Experimentierfreudigkeit zu. Werte: - 25 Arbeiter / max 350 Besucher -...
Decor elements
(Рус) Элементы декора для оформления тротуаров и площадей. Установка в любом месте. Дорожка прокладываеться до или после декора. Замена асфальтных площадей под зданиями, тротуарной плиткой. Отдельное спасибо BORO, за помощь в создании мода. (En)Decor eleme...
Decor pack for squares (Part 1)
제작자 Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a Pack of decor for squares (paving areas, curbs, tree trunks). All buildings serve as monuments (no loyalty effect) and have no collision. This mod will help you create beautiful squares in your cities and is suitable for both...
Decor for the Palace of Culture and Science
제작자 Raysione
Greetings! Did you miss the decor for the Palace of Culture and Science? Me too, that's why I decided to make this mod. This is a small addition to my previous mod, in which I made the Palac...
Decorative sidewalk
제작자 Roman_B
Декоративный тротуар Пак из декоративного тротуара. На выбор представлены три модели, с реалистичными текстурами. Тип здания Монумент. Мод реализован совместно с Shotkey ------------------------------------------------------------- Decorative sidewalk A pa...
Department store Megasam
제작자 robs074 Department store based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 35 workers and serves about 315 customers. Dom handlowy wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Częstochowie. Zatrudnia 35 pracowników i obsługuje około...
Department store Megasam - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my department store Megasam. Includes seven colour variants as seen in the preview....
(рус)________________ Депо железнодорожного транспорта, длинные поезда не поддерживает. (en)________________ Railway depot, long trains are not supported....
Derevo Druzhby Narodov
Located in the southern part of the hostel microdistrict...
Diesel generator
제작자 gonzaldd
Diesel electric generator, designed to power developing areas, areas without connection to the network or as an emergency supply to critical facilities, there are two versions, one with workers, more powerful and efficient, and other without workers, which...
DEUTZ-FAHR 4090hts harvester
제작자 Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ Deutz-Fahr is a German agricultural machinery manufacturer. It was established in 19...
제작자 robs074 Distillery based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 250 workers. Requires 75 t of crops and produces 15 t of alcohol per day when fully staf...
Distillery / Спирткомбинат
제작자 Benser
Лохвицкий спиртовой комбинат (ЛСК) — предприятие спиртовой промышленности в городе Заводское Полтавской области Украина. Производил спирт, ликеро-водочную продукцию и биотопливо. Lokhvitsky alcohol plant is a factory of the alcohol industry in Zavodske tow...
Distribution offices
제작자 robs074 Distribution offices based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Includes three versions: for 4, 8 and 15 vehicles. Centra dystrybucyjne wzorowane na p...
Distribution offices & techical services
제작자 Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains 6 buildings of car depots (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 32 parking spaces) and 3 buildings of technical services (4, 8, 12 parking spaces). Such buildings have no analogues, I came up with it myself :) The same buildings that act as const...
Distribution offices - skins (part 1)
제작자 robs074 Skins for my distribution services. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
DODGE Durango (WK2)
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Dodge Durango — среднетоннажный внедорожник (SUV), производства Dodge. Первые два поколения были созданы на одной платформе с Dodge Dakota и Ram Pickup, оба имели кузов на раме и оба производились на сборочном заводе Ньюарк, штат Делавэр. Durango WK2, это ...
Drive Through Stations
제작자 OffTheRailsGaming
Drive through bus stations which allow regular traffic to pass. Sending too many vehicles through these will still likely cause traffic jams as the buses will queue to enter the station platforms, this I can't do anything about....
DZ 143
제작자 vinnikandry
Early-Mid XX century european locomotives pack
제작자 Jutland
Pack contains 16 trains (some with tenders) used mostly by Polish State Railways and other railways before, during and after Second World War. Pack is currently being enlarged train by train so stay tuned. Custom sounds should be working just fine. But pac...
Ecopartment Series 3-6
제작자 Wild Bunny
This is a collection of the Ecopartment Series 3-6 Buildings. This more advanced ecopartment Buildings come with integrated solar Heating and Heatpumps, they dont need district heating. For more info check the pictures. for more content from me visit my wo...
Ecopartment Series 3 skins
제작자 Wild Bunny
this is a collection of skins for the ecoparment series 3 buildings for more content from me visit my workshop...
Ecopartment series 4-6 Skins
제작자 Wild Bunny
this is a collection of skins for the ecoparment series 4-6 buildings for more content from me visit my workshop...
EcoPartment series 7
제작자 Wild Bunny
Discover the New: EcoPartment Series 7! Welcome to your home of the future – a revolutionary living solution that transforms your lifestyle. The EcoPartment Series 7 offers compact yet incredibly smart apartments tailored to your needs. Here are just a few...
EcoPartment Series 8
제작자 Wild Bunny
Discover the New: EcoPartment Series 8! blabla this is a more advanced version of the eps7 it has even more simple panels, this new panel design allows more flexible arrangements. It includes 4 possible variations with much bigger appartments and an open s...
EcoPartment Series 8 Green skins
제작자 Wild Bunny
these are green coloured skins for the EcoPartment series 8 for more content from me my workshop...
Efficient Electric Heating Plant
제작자 Matyniov
The game makes it clear: Small heating plant heats 210m^3 of water with 42 GJ of energy per day. This comes out to be just around 0.5 MW of constant power for 24h, and as we all know, converting electricity to heat is always 100% efficient! So i say, hey, ...
제작자 kosthar4uk
EDK-2000 is a railway jib crane, manufactured in the GDR at the VEB Schwermaschinenbau S.M. Kirow Leipzig enterprise with a lifting capacity of the main hook up to 250 tons and the secondary hook up to 90 tons, the main tasks of the crane are repairs, rest...
EcoPartment Series 8 Red Skins
제작자 Wild Bunny
these are red coloured skins for the EcoPartment series 8 for more content from me my workshop...
Electric substation
제작자 robs074 Electric substation based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Includes two versions: with a path connection and with a road connection. Podstacja elek...
Electrical grids update
제작자 Shotkey
This item presents the global update of all previous mods with switchgears and substations. !!! Vanilla power lines 6MW and 14MW have wrong wire numbering, so they connects incorrectly. We are waiting for a fix from 3division. Also, mirrored buildings will...
Electronic component factory
제작자 robs074 Electronic component factory based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Employs 70 workers. Requires 0.7 t of plastics, 0.7 t of steel and 0.56 t of chemicals and produces 1.8 t of electronic components per day when ful...
Electronics assembly hall
제작자 robs074 Electronics assembly hall based on a real building in Lublinie, Poland. Employs 200 workers. Requires 3 t of plastics, 2 t of electrical components and...
Electronic component factory
제작자 robs074 Electronic component factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 200 workers. Requires 2 t of plastics, 2 t of steel and 1.6 t of chemi...
EMD SD45-2
제작자 Lex713
  Information The EMD SD45-2 is a 6-axle road switcher diesel-electric locomotive built by General Motors Electro-Motive Division (EMD). EMD built 136 locomotives between 1972–1974, primarily for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway (ATSF). The SD45-2...
ERF 2POS SBR80 No.2 - School
제작자 Brammered
Model and Texture by the wonderful MeisterMonis. Converted for Workers & Resources by me. What’s this?: A typical East German school from the early eighties, the peak of East German standardized schools which combines all previous knowledge from its predec...
Extentable parking lot and road dead ends
제작자 Oskutin
- 32 slot extentable parking lot - Road dead-end (parking) - Road dead-end (pedestrian pass-by) - Street dead-end (parking) - Street dead-end (pedestrian pass-by) ...
Extra-Long Vehicle Depot
제작자 Fiend
My original long vehicle depot was meant to be this, but the game didn't support more than 8 parking spaces. Now that the game has been updated, I can release this one. Space for 16 vehicles. Update: Added a distribution office version. Also changed the fe...
Fabric factory
제작자 robs074 Fabric factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 115 workers. Requires 23 t of crops and 0.57 t of chemicals and produces 5.8 t of fa...
제작자 robs074 Farm loosely based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 32 vehicles. Kołchoz luźno wzorowany na prawdziwych budynkach w Lublinie. Może być wyposażony w 32 pojazdy....
Farm - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my farm. Inbcludes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
제작자 Oskutin
Set of Finnish farms and houses - Small farm (3 vehicles) - Medium farm (9 vehicles) - Large farm (20 vehicles) - 60's brick house - Old farmhouse - Large old farmhouse ...
Fence gate and a turnstile
제작자 Oskutin
A small and simple vehicle gate and turnstile...
Fire station
제작자 robs074 Fire station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 5 fire engines. Remiza strażacka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublin...
Fire station
제작자 robs074 Fire station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 5 fire engines. Remiza strażacka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublin...
Fences and arches
제작자 Raysione
This mod contains a pack of fences and arches: Yard fence 1, 3, 8 sections + arch to it. Park fence 1, 3, 8 sections + arch to it. With the help of my mod, you can perfectly decorate courtyards and parks with these lovely 1950s style fences. P.S (arches an...
Fire station - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my fire station. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Fixed playgrounds
제작자 MTandi
The game has an issue with buildings that have only 1 worker. This issue makes citizens complain about sports even when you have playgrounds everywhere. Issue reason: New workers won't come until the previous worker leaves, which means that the building wi...
Fjordska '75 - Brutalist Skins
제작자 Brammered
For all you lovers of concrete, these are raw, bona fide, brutal blocks. Like what I've done? Hey, if you like this thing, it would mean a heck of a lot if you considered upvoting it! If you use it in game, let me know, I’d love to see how it gets used! Yo...
Fjordska '75 - Low Rise Housing
제작자 Brammered
"What’s this?: In 1975, following the success of the "Fjordska", the government of the People’s Democratic Republic of Fjordland agreed on the creation of a new variant of cheap, easy to build, mass housing, fit for all. Built to include 2, 4 and 8 storey ...
Fjordska '75 - Red, White & Blue Skins
제작자 Brammered
Red, White & Blue Skins for the Fjordska '75 - Low Rise Housing. These are the colours of the Fjordland flag, a perfect colour scheme to paint your houses with! Like what I've done? Hey, if you like this thing, it would mean a heck of a lot if you consider...
Flower beds
제작자 robs074 Decorative flower beds in five different variants. Collision disabled. They may look strange in the winter, I can't give them custom winter textures. Dekoracje kwiatowe w pięciu różnych wariantach. Kolizje wyłączone. Mog...
Flower beds - skins (part 1)
제작자 robs074 Skins for my flower beds. Includes six colour variants as seen in the preview....
Flower beds - skins (part 2)
제작자 robs074 Skins for my flower beds. Includes six colour variants as seen in the preview....
Food Factory (XIX)
제작자 Jutland
Building is based on real object (Młyn Krauzego) located in Lublin, Poland. Finished in 1899. Consumes 40t of crops + 5.5t of wood. Produces 20t of food + 0.6t of feritiliser per day at max. Hires 184 workers....
Food factory
제작자 robs074 Food factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 90 workers. Requires 22 tons of crops and produces 10 tons of food per day when fully ...
Food Processing Plant
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
So far, the version without a railway, if necessary, I will add a factory with a railway track. Food processing plant for 300 jobs and a silo for 6,600 tons of grain. Produces food. 4 modifications of the combine are presented in fashion: 1. Produces food;...
Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor
제작자 Lex713
Information The Ford Crown Victoria ("Crown Vic") is a full-size sedan that was marketed and manufactured by Ford. The successor to the Ford LTD Crown Victoria, two generations of the model line were produced from the 1992 to 2012 model years. The Ford cou...
Ford E-Series
제작자 superplunger
The third generation Ford E-Series was introduced in 1975 and was in production until 1991. The stretched "Super Van", which served as the basis of many different conversions, was introduced in 1978. Multiple skins for each vehicle are included, including ...
Ford LTD Crown Victoria Police Unit
제작자 Lex713
Information Ford LTD Crown Victoria 1985 Police Interceptor - Full-size RWD car that was manufactured and marketed by Ford Motor Company from 1980 to 1991 Feautures: 6 skins: -County Sheriff; -Highway Patrol; -State Trooper; -Patrol Unit; -Unmarked Unit (W...
FORD Victoria
제작자 Mauser_NATO
COST USD 1991 1998...
Ford Explorer
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The Ford Explorer is a range of SUVs manufactured by Ford Motor Company since the 1991 model year. The first four-door SUV produced by Ford, the Explorer was introduced as a replacement for the two-door Bronco II. Within the current Ford light truck range,...
Forklift garage
제작자 Alexandr Tarasov
Два гаража для погрузчиков на 4 и на 8 машин...
Forklift garage S + XL
제작자 Lac_M
Small forklift garage for 2 forklifts forklift garage from game after reduction diet. And extra large for 8 forklifts...
Forklift Road Crossing
제작자 OffTheRailsGaming
You can now cross the road with your forklift connections, allowing for much better planning. Vehicle clipping will occur, this I can't change. Rail crossing available here -
Fountain Lenin with simulated water
제작자 tomtomtotal
Support ME > < Support ME Decoration Monoment Fountain Lenin with simulated water if you like it give me a like :) ...
Forklift Garage
제작자 OffTheRailsGaming
Forklift garage for 8 vehicles and a separate parking space for fuel deliveries. At the moment the garage menu only displays 4 vehicles, although 8 work fine without any issues. I have contacted the dev's and they are going to get it fixed soon....
Frostsey's Stalinist Apartments
제작자 Ternet18
City apartment block built in Stalinist style. Its an updated version of Frostsey's original building, with some quality of life improvements and balance. Includes 2 variants: -House -Student Hostel Created by Frostsey:
Frostsey's Stalinist Apartments Corner
제작자 Ternet18
City corner apartment block built in Stalinist style. Its an updated version of Frostsey's original building, with some quality of life improvements and balance. Party HQ University variant here:
Freightliner Cascadia
제작자 Lex713
Information The Freightliner Cascadia is a heavy-duty semi-trailer truck produced by Freightliner Trucks. Its design took fuel efficiency into great consideration, as well as having improved upon several other features including the powertrain offerings, s...
Free decorations for realistic mode
제작자 abelyanhayk852
Some good decorations from Raysione (lawns and park fences) and Rat (ploppable trees). I am uploading them as free assets without path and collision, which will be useful for realistic mode. Otherwise, imagine constructing each of these small assets in rea...
FSO Warszawa 210
제작자 PieoPlay
-==- FSO Warszawa 210 - prototype of a succesor of Warszawa's based on GAZ Pobieda, made in 1964 Now you can make in much more than a prototype! Pack includes: - civilian version, years: 1964 - 1975, - Emergency: Militia and Internal Military Service, same...
Futuristic Appartment
제작자 Pyro
The year is 2050 and the USSR has survived some tough times. Now it looks like the socialist dream is coming true with new massive structures able to support many people in high-tech luxury.
Garages 50s
제작자 Jutland
Pack contains 3 garage types (2/5/10 vehicles) from Nowa Huta, Poland. Thanks to robs074 for his textures! You should check his stuff out ...
Gas (fuel) power plant
제작자 Comrade Sky
This is an advanced NG/PG power plant that burns the lightest and cleanest fossil fuels in the motherland (and on the planet), but it is expensive to build and requires engineers to maintain the advanced equipment that prevents the release of most toxic po...
Gas Station Pack
제작자 Benco54
This is my gas station pack, it contains 14 different gas stations. The textures were taken over by the developer. I hope you can customize your game perfectly so that not every gas station looks the same. Please check our discord server: https://discord.g...
GAZ Dealership
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Это мое второе полноценное — здания. По этому не судите строго. Этот мод не претендует на реалистичность. Основная тематика моих модификациях — автомобили, вот решил затронуть и околоавтомобильные тему. Описание: Типовой дилерский центр, абсолютно стандарт...
제작자 KsenoN
ГАЗ-3102 «Волга» («ноль вторая») — советский и российский автомобиль среднего класса, выпускавшийся с 22 декабря 1981 г. Горьковским автомобильным заводом. Однако, по целому ряду политических причин, вместо массового производства данный автомобиль выпускал...
제작자 gachimuchiman
ГАЗ-3308 — российский полноприводный грузовик, выпускаемый на горьковском автомобильном заводе с 1997 года. Существует также версия специального назначения 330811 «Вепрь» с цельнометаллическим кузовом. Характеристики в игре: Макс. скорость - 90 км/ч Макс. ...
제작자 gachimuchiman
ГАЗ-69 - советский внедорожник, выпускаемый с 1953 по 1973 гг. Изначально производство было на Горьковском автозаводе, но в 1955-1956 его передали на УАЗ. Так же выпускалась модификация ГАЗ-69А на пять мест, были версии для пожарной службы и для милиции. Х...
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
ГАЗель NEXT — семейство российских малотоннажных автомобилей, серийный выпуск которых начался на Горьковском автомобильном заводе с 9 апреля 2013 года. Новая модель (заводкой индекс A21RXX) отличается от предыдущей новой кабиной поколения NEXT c эргономичн...
GDR HAL IW70 P2/11 Plattenbau skin
제작자 Genosse_Domi
Hello my dear comrades, today I present you a skin for the east german prefab HAL IW70 P2/11 made by Brammered and MeisterMonis. This skin makes some slight texture adjustments so it fits in well among the very popular robs' buildings. Also it adds 3 colou...
제작자 frostsey
GMC 1400 (1954)
제작자 Mauser_NATO
Есть 7 типов транспорта: 1 - Гражданский пикап. 2 - Гражданский пикап 2 версия 3 - Пикап для крытых грузов. 4 - Цистерна для житких грузов. 5 - Кузов для крытых грузов. 6 - Кузов для открытых грузов. 7 - Рефрежиратор. 20 цветов Валюта USD 1954 1964 -------...
General Cargo Ship Collection
제작자 Wild Bunny
this collection of General Cargo Ships includes: C4-S-64a capacity: 13500t speed: 19kn available from 1964 to 2003 for $ Vogel Framo capacity: 2734t speed: 12kn available from 1961 to 1990 for ₽ Tanager type capacity: 1640t speed: 12kn available from 1975 ...
Granite embankment
제작자 BORO
Гранитная набережная. 21 элемент для постройки набережной. Эти элементы можно размещать не только у воды. Granite embankment. 21 elements for building an embankment. These elements can be placed not only near water. 1. Набережная 12 метров (спортивная площ...
Gravel plant
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
ATTENTION GLOBAL UPDATE! The model of the plant is adapted to the grid, roads and railways, pedestrian paths, conveyor connections are combined with the grid. For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one....
제작자 painkillerlexar
Greenhouse 2 type of greenhouse complex Use Coal for Warm Electro for light Chimical for save growing Greenhouse Complex for your Comrades Warning! Now in balancing resources!...
Greenhouse Farming
Ру___________________ Рабочих______________197 Селекционеры_________8 Продукция; Урожай_______________19тонн Потребление; Вода_________________39м/куб Уголь________________5.9тонн Удобрения____________0.2 En___________________ Workers______________197 Bree...
HAL IW84 WBS70 (Plattenbau)
제작자 Brammered
Model and Texture by the wonderful MeisterMonis. Converted for Workers & Resources by me. What’s this?: Made from blueprints of the original buildings, this is a collection of 5 and 6-floor, filler and end block buildings from Halle (Saale) from Cities Sky...
Hardau Commercial Pack
제작자 Benco54
The Hardau Commercial Pack is the addition to my other mod hardau pack. It contains: 2 gas stations ( 1 is one way) ) 2 shops 1 hospital 1 school Disclaimer: Parts of the in-game models and textures created by the game developers Google Maps Link for the o...
Haval Dagou
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The Haval Big Dog is a compact crossover SUV produced by the Chinese manufacturer Great Wall Motor under the Haval brand since 2020. Year of issue: 2020–present; Manufacture: China, Haval; Maximum speed: 200 km/h; Engine power: 1.5-litre turbocharged engin...
Heat distribution pumping station
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Update: 1. Added connections to the power grid; 2. Added tasks with underground connection of pipelines; 3. Added a heat point (for small settlements). There are no pipeline connections; 4. An underground building has been added for installation under a po...
Headquarters of Polish Radio ('50)
제작자 Jutland
Main building of Polish Radio finished in 1957 located in Warsaw ...
Heat exchanger
제작자 robs074 Heat exchanger based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Includes two variants: with a pedestrian connection and with a road one. Capacity: 300 m3. W...
Heating Plant 50s
제작자 Jutland
Based on real building from Nowa Huta, Poland. Produces 59 GJ of heat while consuming 1.3 tons of coal and hiring 16 workers. Textures borrowed/based on robs074 works to match its quality. You should check his stuff out
Heating Plant 50s
제작자 Jutland
Based on real building from Konin, Poland. Produces 39 GJ of heat while consuming 1.4 tons of coal and hiring 7 workers. Thanks to robs074 for his textures! You should check his stuff out ...
Heating plant 50s
제작자 Jutland
Based on real building from Warsaw. Produces 112 GJ of heat while consuming 1.2 tons of coal and hiring 8 workers. Thanks to robs074 for his textures! You should check his stuff out ...
Heavy-duty transport part1
제작자 l0ddar
Heavy-duty transport part1 MOD ID:2430693818 ready Tatra 141 Curb Weight: 12.14t Payload:- Year of construction: 1957-1971 Kraz 258Z Curb Weight: 12.4t Payload: 9.3T Year of construction: 1966-1994 Tatra 813 Curb Weight: 11.93t Payload: 8T Year of ...
High-Capacity Electrical Substations
제작자 Zyx Abacab
This is a set of four electrical substations with a higher capacity than is available in the base game. Included are small and large medium-voltage substations, as well as small and large high-voltage substations. The small substations look best when used ...
High-Capacity Water Infrastructure Buildings
제작자 Zyx Abacab
This is a set of three water infrastructure buildings with a higher capacity than is available in the base game. Included is a high-capacity water well, a high-capacity water pump, and a high-capacity water reservoir. High-Capacity Water Well UI Navigation...
Highshool ('50)
제작자 Jutland
Building located in Gdańsk, built in 1950s but can also fit '30 and '40 ...
Historic Communist HQ
제작자 Novu
The old headquarters of the communist party. Building is from the 1800s, sign added in 1940. Employs 20 workers and 14 Party Officials. Added Communist Party member Housing. Added version with only footpath....
Historic Police Station
제작자 Novu
A medium sized police station from the early 1900s. Employs 40 detectives but has only 4 cars. Court House also available....
Historic School
제작자 Novu
A classic school building built in the early 1900s. Employs 12 workers and 16 professors. No collision enabled. Heating is enabled....
제작자 robs074 Hospital based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 30 workers with basic education, 30 doctors and serves about 90 patients. Can be equipped ...
Historical Town Hall Paczków
제작자 Jutland
Based on real building in city of Paczków, Poland. Built in first half of XVI century and then in 1821 remodelled - so only tower is of left of original XVIc building. Collisions are off. Deep foundation (about 2m) is present with stairs for placing at slo...
제작자 robs074 Hospital based on a real building in Świdnik, Poland. Employs 50 workers with basic education, 50 doctors and serves about 150 patients. Can be equippe...
Hospital - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my hospital. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Hospital - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my hospital. Includes seven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Hospital - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my hospital. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Hospital O-GPZ-M05
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
For the hospital there is a set of textures with English names at the link below. Attention!!! Updating the mod. Fixed bugs ...
제작자 robs074 Hospital based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 60 workers with basic education, 60 doctors and serves about 180 patients. Can be equ...
Hospital series 2-05-30
제작자 Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains several hospital buildings made according to the project 2-05-30 GIPROZDRAV. Approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on August 16, 1954. CHARACTERISTIC The main building Building type - hospital 16 teachers 36 workers Serves at...
Hotel Obrenovac
제작자 equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Hotel Obrenovac je Izgrađen 1983. godine, i u to doba je bio popularno mesto za izlazak gde su dolazili gosti iz svih delova Beograda. Tu su se održavale svadbe, proslave matura, ispraćaji u vojsku...
House series 1-994 Part 1
제작자 Raysione
House series 1-994. 1 part Greetings! This mod consists of 5 houses made according to the projects of the 1-994 series of Giprograzhdanpromstroy. The houses are different from the previous ones. They are large-block, quickly erected, their designs were app...
House series 1-994 Part 2
제작자 Raysione
House series 1-994. Part 2 Greetings! This mod consists of 6 houses, made according to the projects of the series 1-994 Giprograzhdanpromstroy (part 2). The houses are different from the previous ones. They are large-block, quickly erected, their designs w...
HQ building «Raduga»
제작자 Shotkey
The mod contains one high-rise headquarters building with several functions to choose from: 1. Communist Party HQ (30% more vanilla) 2. Secret police (~8 times more vanilla) 3. Electronics factory. It assumes an orientation towards scientific and design de...
Huge Mall
제작자 Novu
A huge suburban shopping mall featuring Caldor as the anchor tenant. A favorite hangout for teenagers in the 70s and 80s. Employs 400 workers and can serve over 3000 shoppers. 5 Star tourist rating. Added SEARS sign...
I-447 5 storey
제작자 kostas667
I-447 is the most massive series of brick houses, which was built throughout the USSR from the late 1950s to the mid 1960s, and modifications by the end of the 1970s. In this mod there are two-section, three-section and four-section versions of this buildi...
제작자 painkillerlexar
И-700 серия i-700 series 3 вида 3 type И-700A И-700Н И-700Я Серийные дома серии И-700 – это панельные здания башенного типа. Строилась серия в Москве на протяжении десяти лет в период с 1980 по 1990 год. The serial houses of the I-700 series are tower-type...
제작자 tonic
Дом советской постройки. Годы строительства - 1964-1984г Тип дома - панельный Серия - II-49 вариант Д редакция 2 Этажность - 9 Подъездов - 4 Высота жилых помещений - 264 см Квартиры - 1,2,3,4 комнатные Количество рабочих - 288 Качество жилья - 70% ////////...
I-99-47/406 (II-65) Skin
제작자 Billman007
Skins for I-99-47/406 (II-65)...
II-68 series
제작자 Comrade Joe
Finally the much expected II-68 (Π-68) series is arriving to the game! This mod borrows some bits of textures from Comrades LexaR, kostas667, and Nyxyx. A couple variations are in the ropes. Main unit houses 176 adults. Quality is 94pc. This is my first mo...
Ikarus 260/280T trolleybus
제작자 Gerbilskij
Ikarus 280 T is the trolleybus version of the famous Ikarus 280 articulated bus, around 380 units were produced between 1975 and 1992. Besides being widely used in Hungary (Budapest, Szeged, Debrecen), it was also exported to Bulgaria, East Germany, North ...
Industrial Embankment
제작자 BORO
Промышленная набережная. 23 элемента для постройки набережной. Эти элементы можно размещать не только у воды. Тип здания – монумент. Industrial embankment. 23 elements for building an embankment. These elements can be placed not only near water. Building t...
Industrial fence gate
제작자 robs074 Industrial fence gate based on a real building in Lublin. Brama zakładowa wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie....
International 4700/3800
제작자 Lex713
Information The International S series is a range of trucks that was manufactured by International Harvester (later Navistar International) from 1977 to 2001. Introduced to consolidate the medium-duty IHC Loadstar and heavy-duty IHC Fleetstar into a single...
Iron Mine
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Attention update! Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. Iron Mine. The mine is desi...
Iron processing plant
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Attention update! Game crashes are possible. Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. ...
Izhevsk panel highrises
제작자 Comrade Joe
This mod contains a residential highrise building from Izhevsk, that shares many of its panel elements with the 1-467 series. It comes in a few different designs. The models are a bit heavy because of the balcony designs but it includes LODs to preserve ga...
K700 series
제작자 Sulphart
Kirovets K700 Series. 2 Dumper versions: 6x6 Dumper (16t capacity) Loader (7t) 1 6x6 Cargo (16t) 1 6x6 Open hull (16t) 1 Tractor 1 Wood logger (7t) 1 Snowplow 1 Base version (as personnal car, for production and...
Jackal Plaza
제작자 Lex713
Information The visionary acquisition of Jackal News Channel by Lex Industries marked the beginning of a new era of entertainment excellence. Through strategic leadership changes, Jackal Group has established itself as the premier provider of entertainment...
Kalina restaurant
제작자 robs074 Restaurant/cafe based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Available in two versions: as a restaurant (sells food and meat) and as a pub (sells alcoho...
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
The quarry. Quarry for the extraction of stone rocks. Attention! Updating the mod. It does not require: electricity, drinking water and sewerage. Parking has been removed as unnecessary (it takes a long time to load, the trash can interferes, there is only...
Kenworth T800
제작자 Lex713
Information Kenworth T800 is the ultimate workhorse – as much at home running freight coast to coast as it is delivering fuel across town or hauling gravel out of a quarry. The T800 is built-to-take-it tough – proven very, very difficult to break. This mod...
Khovrino Hospital
제작자 Akira43
An ill fated real life building ( ) adapted as closely as possible to be an in game hospital. It has 2 road connections and parking spaces for up to 15 ambulances and a roof heliport. It has more or less t...
Khrushchovka variant
제작자 Comrade Joe
Variant of the game's vanilla Khrushchovka housing building. This reskin uses some elements from the reskin posted by user Raysione on
제작자 frostsey
Kindergarten 1950s
제작자 Gerbilskij
A kindergarten in a typical Soviet style from the '50s (series 2-04-40). Stats are close to the original kindergarten: 9 staff / 90 kids max. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic"...
제작자 OffTheRailsGaming
Based on a pre 1950's building plan by architect AP Ivanov, and some examples of derilict buildings. Project no 722/1. A kindergarten for up to 8 staff and 48 children....
제작자 painkillerlexar
Kindergarten Детский сад серии VI-52 medium size 360 kinders 30 workers Автор модели: Тимур Самедов (citizensnip)...
Kindergarten Podchorążych ('40)
제작자 Jutland
Kindergarten located in Warsaw, finished in 1948, can fit up to 200 children ...
Kindergarten variants
제작자 Comrade Joe
This pack proposes 2 reskins for the kindergarten mod created by Comrades Gerbilskij and Pashka2125 ( ). One is brick-based, the other tile-based. Stats are the same. NB: as always there are...
제작자 robs074 Typical Polish kiosks, working as monuments. In version or newer they also slightly increase people's loyalty in the neughbouring area by selli...
Kirov PK-6
제작자 aantono
Railroad construction crane PK-6 was manufactured by the Kirov manufacturing plant from the 1930 until mid 1970s in various modifications (PK-6, MK-6, DK-6) 5 workers Construction Speed 25 km/h Travel Speed 45 km/h Available from 1930-1970 Credits: The mod...
Kolkhoz club 088
제작자 Raysione
Kolkhoz club series 088 Greetings! This mod contains a collective farm club, made according to the standard project 088. Such a club is well suited for the center of your village CHARACTERISTIC Building type - cinema 7 workers Serves 379 visitors You can s...
KOPE-85 Skin (KTZhS13-17)
제작자 Billman007
Skin pack for residential buildings of the KOPE-85 series (KTZhS-13 - KTZhS-17)...
KOPE-85 Skin blue
제작자 Billman007
Skin pack for residential buildings of the KOPE-85 series (blue)...
KOPE-85 Skin orange
제작자 Billman007
Skin pack for residential buildings of the KOPE-85 series (orange)...
Kosciuszkowska Dzielnica Mieszkaniowa pack 1
제작자 Jutland
Built from 1954 to 1958 set of residential buildings located in Wrocław (Breslau)....
KpA3-258 - T3-22
Ру____________ Назначение ТЗ-22 — транспортировка топливной жидкости и заправка самолетов. Эксплуатационный объём цистерны, л_____________22000 Скорость_________60км/ч Страна производитель______СССР Годы производства_________1966-1989 En_____________ The p...
제작자 Alexandr Tarasov
KRUPP-ARDELT 75GMT truck crane Автокран из треста "Строймеханизация" (Норильск) Годы выпуска 1970-78 Скорость 63 км/ч Заменяет 45 работников Truck crane from the Stroymechanization Trust (Norilsk) Years of production 1970-78 Speed 63 km/h Replaces 45 emplo...
KT8D5-RN2P + Modded T3
제작자 Tigrovica
This mod consists of 4 trams. 2 variants of T3 tram and 2 variants of KT8D5 They serve mostly to be a "more modern" alternatives to said trams in vanilla game. All 4 trams have several skins to choose from already included....
제작자 painkillerlexar
Kukuryza Prototype was build in 1989 in Poland little bit problems with build visualisation , but all work :)....
제작자 frostsey
Large Chemical Plant
제작자 KArantukki
Large Chemical Plant - 500 workers - 4 railroad connections - 1 road connection...
Lada 110
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The Lada 110 or VAZ-2110 is a compact car built by the Russian automaker AvtoVAZ from 1995 to 2009. It spawned two close derivatives: the Lada 111 estate and the Lada 112 hatchback. Year of issue: 1995 - 2014; Manufacture: Russia, JSC АvtoVAZ; Maximum spee...
Large Coal Power Plant
제작자 KArantukki
Large Coal Power Plant - Place for 80 workers - up to 5600 MWh energy production - 2 road connections - 6 medium voltage connections - 6 high voltage connections...
Large corrugated Warehouse
제작자 terectec
Dear Comrades, This is a large warehouse made of corrugated steel. Functions both as a normal warehouse and as an open space storage. Holds 2500t of normal cargo and 500t of open space. Contains 3 non-blocking loading docks for cargo vehicles. Inspired by ...
Large Electronic Component Factory
제작자 KArantukki
Large Factory for Electronic Components Inspired by the 'Halbleiterwerk' in Frankfurt (Oder) in east Germany. - 1 Road connection - place for 300 workers...
Large Plastic Factory
제작자 KArantukki
Large Plastic Factory - 250 workers - 1 road connection - 1 pipeline input - 2 factory connections - 3 pedestrian connectionsN...
Large HV switch
제작자 VencaCZ
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to game scripting limitations, maximal power capacity is limited to 19MW! I figured it out last day of making this project. Maybe, someday in the future we will be able to change this limitation. With the arrival of new power lines, I i...
Large Warehouse
제작자 KArantukki
Large Warehouse in 2 different variations: - Warehouse for covered goods with 1600t of space. - Warehouse for open goods with 950t of Space. ...
Large Zoo
제작자 Novu
A larger version of the vanilla zoo that can acomodate up to 150 guests. Employs 30 workers....
Latam - Suburban Apartments 1
제작자 Vandeco
INTRODUCTION While housing projects for the masses started popping in the Latin American region in the mid XX century the demand for projects aimed at attending certain groups of the middle class also grew - teachers, police officers, soldiers, nurses, bur...
Latam - Building Textures (mod resource)
제작자 Vandeco
Just the textures that I'm using in my new uploads. It is a resource for my mods and maybe for other modders. Using this method will ensure lower size of my building mods....
Latam - Suburban Apartments 1 (Skins 2)
제작자 Vandeco
Skins for my "Latam - Suburban Apartments 1" - Apartments 3 and 4...
Latam - Suburban Apartments 1 (Skins 1)
제작자 Vandeco
Skins for my "Latam - Suburban Apartments 1" - Apartments 1 and 2...
Latam - Worker's House 1 (Skin 1)
제작자 Vandeco
Skins for my "Latam - Workers House 1"...
Latam - Workers House (Skin 2)
제작자 Vandeco
Skins for my "Latam - Workers House 1"...
Latam - Workers House (Skin 3)
제작자 Vandeco
Skins for my "Latam - Workers House 1"...
Latam - Workers House 1
제작자 Vandeco
Hello guys! I have recently learned how to import my own custom models to this game, so I'm revamping my previous mods - I will still keep them online as to not harm anyone's save, though. This is my first upload in this new cycle. INTRODUCTION The late 50...
제작자 frostsey
Large-block apartment building, Leningrad layout (1980-1992)...
제작자 frostsey
Жилой, 24 квартирный жилой дом. Проект для северной климатической зоны. 4 варианта раскраски...
제작자 frostsey
серия: 113-123-1с/74...
제작자 frostsey
Жилой, 24 квартирный жилой дом. Проект для северной климатической зоны. 4 варианта раскраски...
제작자 frostsey
Жилой, 24 квартирный жилой дом. Проект для северной климатической зоны. 4 варианта раскраски...
제작자 frostsey
Жилой, 24 квартирный жилой дом. Проект для северной климатической зоны. 4 варианта раскраски...
제작자 frostsey
Жилой, 24 квартирный жилой дом. Проект для северной климатической зоны. 4 варианта раскраски...
Lex Industries Building
제작자 Lex713
Information Elevate your business to new heights at the Lex Industries Building. This impressive 162 meter tall building features 27 floors of glass-walled offices, serving as the local headquarters of the renowned Lex Industries. Join the ranks of success...
제작자 painkillerlexar
Ленинградский Спортивно Концертный комплекс имени Ленина Строительство было начато в 1970 году и окончено в конце 1979 года СКК был открыт 19 мая 1980 года Уничтожен в 2020 проек руководитель арх.Чайко Игорь Михайлович арх-ры Чайко И. М., Баранов Н. В., Як...
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
ЛиАЗ-5256 — советский и российский высокопольный автобус большого класса производства Ликинского автобусного завода. Предназначен для крупных городов с интенсивным пассажиропотоком. По состоянию на август 2019 года выпущено около 25700 таких автобусов. Они...
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
ЛиАЗ-5292 — российский городской низкопольный автобус большого класса производства Ликинского автобусного завода. Первый полностью низкопольный автобус российского производства. Предназначен для крупных городов с интенсивным пассажиропотоком. Серийно выпус...
제작자 robs074 Library based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a cinema. Employs 10 workers and serves about 50 people. Biblioteka wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Działa jako kino. Zatrudnia 10 pracowników i ob...
Library - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my library. Includes six colour variants as seen in the preview....
Library 80s medium size
제작자 equinox.nova Inaugural installment of the “Basic Buildings Series”. This collection marks a shift in focus towards more universal, but nevertheless interesting architecture, incorporating the knowledge I’ve gained over the pas...
Light Industry Collection
제작자 Wild Bunny
this is a collection of light industry, it contains a brewery, food factories, textile, electronic assembly and two storage buildings more info can be seen on the pictures added a small food factory added modified version of the big electronic assembly to ...
Lokheed C-130H Hercules
제작자 Lex713 What's up, Doc? Production: 1964 - nowdays; Manufacturer: Lockheed Martin, USA; Top speed: 700 km/h; Engine: 4 х Allison T56-A-15; Capacity: 22t; Wingspan: 40m; Length: 30m; Height: 11.5m; Takeoff distance: 777m. 12 Skins, 8...
Long Vehicle Depot
제작자 Fiend
Longer, thinner vehicle depot, for squeezing into narrow spaces. Looks better with smaller vehicles....
MACK R-600
제작자 Mauser_NATO
Культовый грузовик как на дорогах так и в кино. Данная версия представленна с кузовом выпуска 1966 - 1990. Такие варианты есть: 1 - Цементовоз. 1 - Бетономешалка. 1 - Снегоуборочная. 1 - Самосвал. 1 - Автокран. 1 - Рефрежиратор. 2 - Авто цестерны. 2 - Лесо...
Maison Tour
제작자 Antalunet
Story : At the turn of the 1920s, social utopias and the doctrine of modern architecture agreed on the subject of the overpopulation of Paris. To answer this problem, Auguste Perret publishes from 1915 a slightly crazy project. He proposes to build between...
MAN Lion's City A21 NL273
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
MAN Lion's City - это серия городских автобусов с низким полом и низким входом, производимая немецким производителем грузовых автомобилей и автобусов MAN Truck & Bus (ранее MAN Nutzfahrzeuge) с 1996 г. в основном для европейского рынка, но также доступна в...
Logging Camp
제작자 RED
Logging camp Building model - base game version Are you tired of plopping trees all the time? Well, your toil is over. I rescripted base woodcutting camp into factory. Now, trees will be supplied in return for food and alcohol. What?! Cutting trees is hard...
Marcela Nowotki ('50) pack
제작자 Jutland
Marcela Nowotki street (now Władysława Andersa) is located in Warsaw. It has socrealist representative housing blocks built between 1948 and 1956. Pack contains 3 residential buildings of 82% living quality and 1 gate for pedestrians. ...
MAN TGA + TGS (DUMPER) ---------------------------------------------- RESOURCE_TRANSPORT_TYPE RESOURCE_TRANSPORT_GRAVEL DUMPER - Dumper truck (GRAVEL) ---------------------------------------------- MAN TGA 33.350 6x4 CAPACITY 18t. AVAILABLE 2000 2011 -----...
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
МАЗ-203 — белорусский низкопольный городской автобус второго поколения Минского автомобильного завода. Мелкосерийное производство этого автобуса началось со второго квартала 2006 года; первая крупная партия из пятидесяти автобусов была произведена по заказ...
Marine House of Culture
제작자 Jutland
Building located in Gdańsk, was built in 1954 and for nearly half a century served as one of most renown gathering centers in 3City (Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia), today it's turned into ruin due to privatisation. ...
Marktdreieck Waiblingen
제작자 equinox.nova The building is implemented as a shop. Sellers 32 Shoppers 285 Capacity: Food 8,67t Clothes 8,67t Electronics 6,07t Meat 7,50t German: Marktdreieck Waiblingen, erbaut 1976. Der Architekt des Marktdreiecks Wilfried...
제작자 Kubog
MAZ-543 / MAZ-7310 and it's derivatives by Kubog and Sabro. This mod contains: MAZ-543 open hull Available: 1967-2000 Resource capacity: 20 t (40 t with trailer) Wood carrying skill: 25 Movement speed: 60 km/h MAZ-543 logger Available: 1967-2000 Resource c...
Mazda 6 (GH)
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Mazda 6 — среднеразмерный автомобиль японской компании Mazda. Выпускается с 2002 года. В Японии и Китае продается под названием Mazda Atenza. Предшественником модели считается Mazda 626, так же известная как Mazda Capella. Mazda 6 первого поколения стала п...
McDonnell Douglas DC-9
제작자 Lex713
Information The McDonnell Douglas DC-9 (initially the Douglas DC-9) is an American single-aisle airliner designed by the Douglas Aircraft Company. After introducing its heavy DC-8 in 1959, Douglas approved the smaller, all-new DC-9 for shorter flights on A...
Mechanical components factory
제작자 robs074 Mechanical components factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 75 workers. Requires 11 t of steel and produces 7.5 t of mechanical c...
Medeterranean Elements
제작자 Novu
Some building editor elements for creating custom Venetian and Mediterranean style buildings. Features clay tile roofs. Added Red / Yellow Walls Added Window with shutters Added Arched Window Added Stucco Column Added Tall Window Added Gate Window Added 3m...
Medical university - skins
제작자 robs074
Skins for my medical university. Includes four colour variants as seen in the preview....
Medical university
제작자 robs074 Medical university based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 45 workers with basic education and 45 lecturers. Serves about 135 students. Uni...
Medical University from Soviet Ukraine
제작자 Comrade Joe
Model inspired by a Soviet Modernist faculty building in South Kiev/Kyiv's university campus, from the 1980s. That building today hosts biology and geography faculties, as well as a bio-medical institute. Part of it was built in the 80s, and the rest was f...
Medium 70's Clinic
제작자 Jachet Medium 70s Clinic (hospital) to serve your sick citizens. Building is constructed in standardised reinforced concrete system MS-RP which consist of reinforced concrete skeleton and panel shell. Based on Zdravotné Stredis...
Medium hotel (4 stars) - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my medium hotel (4 stars). Includes six colour variants as seen in the preview....
Medium kindergarten - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my medium kindergarten. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Medium kindergarten (50s)
제작자 robs074 Medium kindergarten based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 18 workers and serves about 180 children. Małe przedszkole wzorowane na prawdzi...
Mercedes-Benz w123
제작자 Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ UPDATE: turning wheels MERCEDES - BENZ W123 280E -14 colours -LOD included from 100m...
Medium hotel (4 stars)
제작자 robs074 Medium hotel based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 35 workers and houses about 140 tourists. Base tourist score: 4 stars. Średni hotel wz...
제작자 gonzaldd
A carousel or merry-go-round is a classic ride consisting of a rotating platform with seats for passengers. The seats are often in the shape of a wooden horse, mechanically moved up and down to simulate galloping, although they can also have other shapes s...
제작자 HardCore Gaming
Ability to build Metro Station and Metro Tunnels in your Republic! Please see video to know how it works. You need some additional ground works :) Locate Metro station at Passenger stations and Tunnels at Forklift Garage mod menu. As bonus you can build ot...
MGS 750
제작자 Wild Bunny
never build modern gdr riverboat capacity: 750 t (32TEU) speed: 10 kn available from 1987 to 2050 for ₽ includes variants for aggregate (with ability to transport container), general cargo, cement, Waste and Oil for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Mi-4 Useful Skins
제작자 Anton
Adds some skins for the Mi-4 to cover all the needs of your republic, for roleplay purposes. When it was invented the Mi-4 was a great helicopter, in fact, President Khrushchev had a luxury presidential Mi-4. But I have noticed that people almost never use...
Mid-size town Stalinkas skins
제작자 Comrade Joe
Some skins for the Severodvinsk Stalinkas....
Militia (Police) O-PZVD-04
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
An additional set of coloring pages (in English) for the police department by reference: Attention!!! Updating the mod. Fixed bugs with the movement of cars, optimized parking spaces. Improv...
Minol Gasstation (DDR/GDR)
제작자 KArantukki
Minol Gas Station Minol gas station of the german democratic republic. - 2 road connections - 6 vehicle slots...
Mitsubishi Lancer 10
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The Mitsubishi Lancer is a compact car produced by the Japanese manufacturer Mitsubishi since 1973. The Lancer has been marketed as the Colt Lancer, Dodge Colt, Plymouth Colt, Chrysler Valiant Lancer, Chrysler Lancer, Eagle Summit, Hindustan Lancer, Soueas...
Monuments of Soldier, Builder and Miner
제작자 Jutland
As in title, pack contains 3 monuments. ...
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Комплект расцветки «МосГорТранса» Икарусов 260, 280 и МАЗ-104 + МАЗ-104 «МосТрансАвто». ______________ MosGorTrans" Ikarusov 260, 280 and MAZ-104 + MAZ-104 "MosTransAuto" color set....
Mid-sized town Stalinkas
제작자 Comrade Joe
1950s Stalinkas copied after an IRL district located in Severodvinsk, in Arkhangelsk region. A few different buildings are on the way, and maybe 3 color skins. Currently available: - two L-shaped buildings (2 mirrored versions), each hosts 96 adults. - one...
Moskvich-423, Moskvich-424
제작자 gachimuchiman
Москвич-423 - универсал, производился на Московском заводе малолитражных автомобилей с 1957 по 1963 год Москвич-424 - универсал, производился на Московском заводе малолитражных автомобилей с 1963 по 1965 год Москвич-430 - фургон, производился на Московском...
Motor Works
제작자 OffTheRailsGaming
A small vehicle manufacturing plant. Works at 1/10th the rate of the vanilla facility, although much smaller and much cheaper. Under the mod category Production Line. Available in two colours, white tiles or red brick and with mirrored versions for easy pl...
Multifunctional Buildings
제작자 HardCore Gaming
Do you want to organize a shop, pharmacy, bar, library on the ground floor of a residential building? Or should we also place a bar with a cinema in the same building of a large shopping center? Now this is not a problem! This mod allows you to connect sma...
Natural Beaches
제작자 Novu
A naturally sandy beach that can be placed anywhere. Use it to transform your coastline into a paradise. Can be used as either a monument or a tourist attraction. Added a beach volleyball net located under sports. Added Palm Tree....
New Bus Stations V2 Pack
제작자 Akira43
This is a pack of 4 new bus stations all using advanced pathing to allow multiple vehicles to go into and out of the station at the same time. The pack includes: 1- A new medium bus station (V2 - 3 vehicle stations) based on the vanilla Cargo staion. 2- A ...
New Checkpoints
제작자 Tesmio
КПП - контрольно-пропускной пункт для транспорта, направляющегося на режимный объект. Создан в кооперации с Blue_Bro специально для его забора. В игре представлен как остановка. Checkpoint - a checkpoint for vehicles heading to a secure facility. Created i...
Nibula Heights
제작자 Lex713
Information Live in luxury at Nibula Heights, the premier apartment complex built by Lex Industries. This 10-floor glass-walled building features 4 exclusive apartments on each floor, each with its own climate control system. Nibula Heights is the ultimate...
No Collision Trash Stands
제작자 Novu
A waste container stand that is easier to place in tight areas. Added Muddy Versions Added Garbage Truck parking as well....
No-collision station
제작자 Shotkey
This item consists of three suburban railway stations of varying sizes, based on a station from Leningrad. Designed to be installed on a mound, as is usually IRL, thus the collision is disabled. The permissible height of a mound is 5 meters. It is possible...
Neurological Department
Неврологическое отделение медсанчасти 126 (Припять), находится по ул. Огнева, 4 Neurological department of the medical unit 126 (Pripyat), located on the street. Ogneva, 4...
Nowa Huta pack 1 (Centrum B)
제작자 Jutland
Big pack containing some buildings from Nowa Huta built between 1949 to 1959 centralised around Osiedle Centrum B district. Nowa Huta (New Steel Mill) is one of only two planned socialist realist settlements or districts ever built. Pack contains so far 14...
Nordic Bus Stops
제작자 Oskutin
Collection of various nordic bus stops...
Nowe Tychy building pack
제작자 Jutland
City of New Tychy was a project started by polish communist party to show achievments of modern planning in area where capitalist urban development was most chaotic. Pack contains 3 residential buildings from with 82% quality and gate in same style. ...
Nowe Tychy building skin pack
제작자 Jutland
Skins for my residential buildings from the 50s....
Nowolipki Kindergarten ('40)
제작자 Jutland
Building located in Warsaw, can hold up to 120 children ...
Nowotki skin pack
제작자 Jutland
This is pack of skins form my buildings from '50. ...
Nuclear centralized temporary storage facility
제작자 gonzaldd
Centralized temporary storage, to safely store large quantities of nuclear waste, is based on the built by COVRA on Nieuwdorp. Workers needed 50 Road access 1 Loading and unloading area 2 Pedestrian access 4 Factory connections 6 Rail connections 2 Nuclear...
Nuclear centralized temporary storage facility Skins
제작자 gonzaldd
Alternative skins for the centralized temporary storage, there are eight variants, with color modifications. Skins alternativos para el almacen temporal centralizado, hay ocho variantes, con modificaciones en el color....
제작자 Lex713
Information The R32 was a New York City Subway car model built by the Budd Company from 1964 to 1965 for the IND/BMT B Division. A total of 600 R32s were built, numbered 3350–3949, though some cars were re-numbered. The R32 contract was divided into two su...
Office building
제작자 robs074 As this is my 150th building item, time to make something more unique. This is an office building based on a real one from Gdańsk, nicknamed Zieleniak ...
Office building
제작자 robs074 Office building based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a city hall, but the main point is to reduce unemployment in bigger cities. Employ...
Office building
제작자 robs074 Office building based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a city hall, but the main point is to reduce unemployment in bigger cities. Employ...
Office building - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my office building. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Office building
제작자 robs074 Office building based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a city hall, but the main point is to reduce unemployment in bigger cities. Employ...
Office building - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my office building. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Office building - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my office building. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Office building - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my office building. Includes six colour variants as seen in the preview....
Offshore Pack
제작자 Lex713
Information Allow us to introduce this offshore pack that will make your sea ways feel more alive. This pack include 3 version of offshore oil platform: all of them are basically same but slightly different in a way game see them. You can find one under fa...
Oil Refinery (1930s)
제작자 Jutland
The rafinery for your Five Year Plan is here! Instalations are inspired by photos of soviet refineries in Baku and other regions expanded or funded during 1930s. Requires oil, coal and electricity to operate. Hires 465 workers Production per day: 86 tons o...
Oil Pumps
제작자 Oskutin
Collection of various oil pumps: 1x underground (2-in, 2-out) 2x underground (4-in, 4-out) 3x underground (6-in, 6-out) 1x ground (2-in, 2-out) 2x ground (4-in, 4-out) 3x ground (6-in, 6-out) 1x aboveground(2-in, 2-out) 2x aboveground(4-in, 4-out) 3x above...
Old Residential buliding
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Усадьба, выполненная дореволюционном стиле, дожившая до современности. Бывший жилой дом, построен не позднее 1873 года, принадлежал одной из купеческих семей. Он представляет собою большой градостроительный интерес, как образец городского провинциального у...
Old Power Plant (1930s)
제작자 Marius
Coal power plant wich employs 26 workers producing 12,6 MW (historical data). It provides 1 high voltage and 2 low voltage connections. It uses 1 aggregate convoyer link as main input and 2 vehicle stations as auxiliary. It might be useful as medium plant ...
Old Style Industry Pack
제작자 Mayor__Defacto
Old Style Industry Pack - Much thanks to Ryantheskinny for miscellaneous industrial items (Crates, Fuel Tank), and Comrade Joe (Texturing for Large Rail-Connected Warehouse). Building models and Clothing Factory textures by Mayor__Defacto This pack current...
Old town buildings
제작자 Shotkey
This item contains 5 residential buildings, 2 shops, cafe, pub, school and 3 connecting arch sections. The houses are compatible with slope terrain and connectable with neighboring houses, separate placing is also possible. Collision of all objects is disa...
Old Russian Village Pack - Houses
제작자 Russian Drunk Fox
Коллекция жилых домов, прообразом для которых стали реальные старинные здания, располагавшиеся в разных регионах России. Я постарался сделать их настолько похожими на оригинал, насколько это позволяет игровой редактор. Спасибо товарищам, сделавшим модели д...
OPEL Calibra 2.0i
제작자 Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ OPEL Calibra 2.0i car was produced in Germany, europe -LOD included fro...
Original School
제작자 Novu
The original school from Early access beta. Employs 10 workers and 15 teachers with room for 120 students. Added footpath version....
Open wagons
제작자 Frantic_Monkey
Open wagons is railway open-topped goods wagons used for transporting loose bulk materials, high-density cargos as steel plates or coils and others that do not require protection from atmospheric precipitation. The most common freight wagon, the main car f...
Outdoor swimming pool
제작자 robs074 Outdoor swimming pool based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 15 workers and serves about 105 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with score 2 stars. Odkryty basen wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w ...
P-3 4 storey
제작자 kostas667
P-3 is the type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the end of the USSR. These houses were pretty comfortable for that time. There are two buildings with different colors: red and blue Number of residents -...
Orthodox Village Church
제작자 equinox.nova Hello everyone! Here we have a small orthodox church, based on the Pokrovskaya Old Believer Church in Borisov, Belarus. The church looked so nice, i just had to make it. It will fit perfectly in a rural setting. C...
P-3 9 storey
제작자 kostas667
P-3 is the type of the Soviet panel houses. This houses was building in Moscow from the late 1970s to the end of the USSR. These houses were pretty comfortable for that time. There are two buildings with different colors: red and blue Number of residents -...
P-4 flats
제작자 Comrade Joe
The P-4 series is a less common building design of the late USSR. It was built in the years 1973-1980 exclusively in Moscow. As far as I could find out, 5 copies of it were built (though it seems some variants with different shapes exist with the same name...
P-44 Skin
제작자 Billman007
The set of skins for the buildings of the P-44 series...
Pack of Stalinist buildings 2
제작자 Raysione
The pack of vanilla Stalinist buildings includes 13 variations of air-conditioned and glazed balconies. With new textures, unlike my other mod. Thanks to Benser for the textures :) With these buildings you can easily make a densely populated residential ar...
P4 skins
제작자 Comrade Joe
A few fictional skins for the P4 series highrise. There's a small inconsistency with the LOD model, but I hope it's not a nuisance....
Pak stalinist posters
제작자 Raysione
This pack of Stalinist posters, dating back to the late 40s and early 50s, was created especially for those who wish to build a real republic with a personality cult of the great and brilliant comrade Stalin :) Radius 80 Loyalty 5 Textures, model are taken...
Pak supermarkets
제작자 Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains 4 department store buildings (grocery + department store), made according to projects: 51033, 51034 SoyuzGiproTorg (Approved by the Ministry of Trade of the USSR on February 14, 1952) and 53-122, 51-41 Center-Union (Approved on...
Pak wooden buildings
제작자 Raysione
Pak wooden buildings Are you missing cheap buildings to start the game? Couldn't find buildings for felling? Then this mod is for you :) He will add 14 different buildings and residential and infrastructure, which will be perfectly compatible with each oth...
Palast der Republik (Party HQ/Attraction)
제작자 KArantukki
Palast der Republik / Palace of the Republic The Palace of the Republic was a building in Berlin that hosted the Volkskammer, the parliament of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany or GDR), from 1976 to 1990. It serves as a party university just li...
Palace of Culture and Science
제작자 Raysione
Greetings! In this fashion, I created the Palace of Culture and Science, a real building located in Warsaw. This is one of the tallest and most famous buildings in Europe. I tried to model the building for the game as accurately as possible, but some decor...
Panel factory
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
ATTENTION GLOBAL UPDATE! The model of the plant is adapted to the grid, roads and railways, pedestrian paths, conveyor connections are combined with the grid. For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one....
Panel house 15
제작자 robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 135 workers, based on real buildings in Częstochowa, Poland. Quality of flats: 90%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszczący 135 robotników, wzorowane na prawdziwych budynkach w Częstochowi...
Panel house 15 - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my panel house. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Panel house 7
제작자 robs074 Prefabricated block of flats, housing 165 workers, based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Quality of flats: 80%. Blok z wielkiej płyty, mieszczący...
Panel houses 11 (new version)
제작자 robs074 Prefabricated blocks of flats, housing 50-65 workers, based on real buildings in Częstochowa, Poland. Quality of flats: 90%. This is the new version of this mod:
Panel houses 6 (legacy)
제작자 robs074
Please unsubscribe from this mod, the updated version can be found here:
Park Monuments and Buildings
제작자 OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of monuments and buildings to add some decoration to your cities, towns and park areas. Pack includes: Trimuphal Arch, 2 Flags, Obelisk, Red Star Monument, Clock Tower, Amphitheatre, Pavilion, Greenhouse, a selection of fountains and urns and ...
제작자 Gerbilskij
Additional car parks with 12, 14, 20 and 32 parking spaces. The first is based on the small parking, while the other on the vanilla medium parking, with rearranged access and dimensions. UPDATE: Large car parking is now passable, I also removed collision f...
Panel houses 11 (new version) - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my 5-storey prefab blocks of flats. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Party HQ
제작자 robs074 Party HQ based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 40 workers with basic education and 40 lecturers. Serves about 120 students. Siedziba part...
Party HQ - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my Party HQ. Includes twelve colour variants as seen in the preview....
Passenger Locomtive TEP10
제작자 ZIMA
ТЭП10 «Стрела» Пассажирский шестиосный тепловоз с электрической передачей постоянного тока, производившийся в СССР на Харьковском заводе транспортного машиностроения с 1961 по 1968 годы. Дизель: 10Д100 (3000 л.с.) Вес 129 т Нагрузка на ось 21 т Скорость 14...
Passenger stations
제작자 Mauser_NATO
As the new stations are ready, I will upload them to this mod. Here's another mod with stations:
Passengership Collection 2
제작자 Wild Bunny
Collection of small ferries and some small passanger ships: Hafenbarkasse capacity: 25 Passengers speed: 11kn available from 1900 to 1970 for DM B&V-BN-788 capacity: 425 Passengers speed: 16kn available from 1956 to 1999 for DM Paddle Steamer capacity: 150...
Peaceful Atom monument
제작자 equinox.nova Peaceful Atom monument A monument to the Soviet nuclear science. The sculpture is based on an old photo from Minsk I found randomly online. I loved the simplicity of the monument, so I decided to make it. Sadly, t...
Pedestrian crossings
Pedestrian crossings, above ground and underground....
People's Theater
제작자 Comrade Joe
Old-fashioned/early-Soviet theater building that offers an alternative to the concrete-based cinema cube. More adapted for older settlements and/or small towns. Employs 20 people and has a max capacity of 200 (if I understand how that works correctly). The...
Perpendicular Parking
제작자 Holodets
Perpendicular Parking along the road. Takes up little space, 2 connections for pedestrians. Cars can drive through it. 10 seats...
Peugeot 308
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Peugeot 308 — компактный автомобиль французской компании Peugeot, входящей в концерн PSA Peugeot Citroën. Начало выпуска — сентябрь 2007 года. В модельном ряду заменил Peugeot 307. С 2013 года выпускается второе поколение автомобиля. Автомобиль Peugeot 308...
제작자 robs074 Philharmonics based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Satisfies the cultural needs of your citizens and also works as a tourist attraction (theatre) with a base score of 3 stars. Employs 20 workers and serves ab...
Peugeot Boxer
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Peugeot Boxer — коммерческий фургон, разработан бюро-дизайна «Fiat Centro Stile». Выпускается совместным предприятием СП Sevel SpA, созданного в 1978 году итальянской «Fiat Group» и французской «PSA Peugeot Citroën». Современный дизайн фургон приобрёл в 20...
Pipeline overpass
제작자 BORO
Трубопроводная эстакада. Шесть арок для автомобильных дорог. Шесть арок для железных дорог. Тип здания – конвейер / трубопровод. Pipeline overpass. Six arches for highways. Six arches for railways. Type of building - conveyor / pipe engine. Не воспламеняет...
제작자 Mauser_NATO
PETERBILT-351 Американская дорожная классика. Идеально подходит для дальнобойщиков и дорожных маньяков убийц. Присутствует 2 варианта грузовика, а также 5 типов кузовов и 7 прицепов. Прицепы: 1 - Открытый. 2 - Закрытый. 3 - Рефрижератор.. 4 - Лесовоз. 5 - ...
Pipeline overpass 2
제작자 BORO
Трубопроводная эстакада 2. Тип здания – конвейер / трубопровод. Не воспламеняется. Pipeline overpass 2. Type of building - conveyor / pipe engine. Not flammable. Сделано на основе насосной станции. Требует подключение электроэнергии. В данной версии арка р...
PKP Stations Skin Pack part 1
제작자 neigabZkezoJ
-==- Pack of three skins for high platforms (PRL/90s with asphalt platform, early 2000s with pavement tiles platform, early 2000s with asphalt platform) Authors: neigabZkezóJ - texturing Enjoy! -==- Paczka trzech malowań na wysokie perony (wersja PRL/Lata ...
PKP Stations Pack
제작자 neigabZkezoJ
-==- Pack of 9 Polish stations, including SKM Tricity based ones, and some low platforms for smaller cities or villages. Authors: neigabZkezóJ - modeling, scripting, texturing Jutland - station building Robs074 - Lamps Enjoy! -==- Paczka 9 polskich stacji,...
제작자 OffTheRailsGaming
The Planetarium. A cultural centre for your people to wonder at the stars. Works as a cinema for up to 250 people....
PKP Stations Skin Pack part 2
제작자 neigabZkezoJ
-==- Pack of three skins for low platforms (PRL/90s with asphalt platform, early 2000s with pavement tiles platform, early 2000s with asphalt platform) Authors: neigabZkezóJ - texturing Enjoy! -==- Paczka trzech malowań na niskie perony (wersja PRL/Lata 90...
Plastics factory
제작자 robs074 Plastics factory based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 45 workers. Requires 2.3 t of chemicals and 20 t of oil and produces 4.9 t of...
Plants package
Завод Юпитер - завод на окраине Припяти. Официально выпускал лентопротяжные механизмы для бытовых магнитофонов и другие аналогичные мелкие детали, но в большинстве цехов производилась совершенно другая продукция. В условиях строжайшей секретности на террит...
Plattenbau (HAL IW70 P2-11 Halle-Unterplan)
제작자 Brammered
What’s this?: From Cities Skyline Creator MeisterMonis, this is the modified version of the normal P2-11, only to be seen at Halle Unterplan, in the DDR. This block has been planned and built in Halle, hence the first three letters "HAL". "IW" stands for "...
Playground Collection
제작자 OffTheRailsGaming
A collection of 5 small, inexpensive wooden playgrounds which act as kindergartens. Playgrounds 1-3 can have 3 staff and up to 18 kids. Playgrounds 4 and 5 are slightly larger and can have 5 staff and up to 30 kids. No heating requirement...
Poliklinika pr. VII-40
제작자 Gerbilskij
Soviet medical building project VII-40, originally designed in 1963, it was built until the early 1980s. Generally used as a local medical clinic, in game it works as a smaller hospital. The main model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skyl...
Polish bus stops
제작자 robs074 Polish bus stops pack including a two-way (for 400 passengers) and a one-way (for 200 passengers) urban stops with a sign, as well as a bus loop for 20...
Polish bus stops - variations
제작자 robs074 The pack includes the following variations of the bus stops: - trolleybus stop with a sign, - bus stop with a shelter, - trolleybus stop with a shelter...
Polish Commercial Buildings pack 50s
제작자 Jutland
Contains 3 shops from Poland of which two exists in Sejny and Skoczów, third one (the longest) is a project form Nowy Targ designed by architect Tadeusz Brzoza. ...
Polish garbage container stands
제작자 robs074 Three Polish garbage container stands based on real objects in Lublin, Poland. They can store up to 0.72 t of waste. Works only in version or newer. Trzy polskie wiaty śmietnikowe wzorowane na prawdziwych obiekta...
Polish garbage container stands - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my garbage container stands. Includes 9 colour variants for 3 stands....
Polish Residential Pack (XIX-XX): Lubartowska
제작자 Jutland
Pack of polish buildings from late XIX to early XX century. All buildings are based on real ones located near Lubartowska Street in Lublin, Poland. Contains: Distinct corner buildings (various heights) - 5 variations Standalone 4 storey block Block ot two ...
Polish State Railways part 4.0- Diesel pack
제작자 mattslodki
PKP diesel pack by: Mattslodki-Adaption Chester models to game, reworked ripped models from game, skins, alpha bogeys, UV mapping. J ó z e k Z b a g i e n-Moddeling locos, UV mapping, skins. Xlimee-SU160 model, fixing skins. Big thanks for: Prof Dr Inż. P....
Polish tram stops
제작자 robs074 Polish bus stops pack including two-way (for 400 passengers) and one-way (for 200 passengers) stops with a sign. For stops with a shelter subscribe to the building skin mod listed as a depedency. Paczka polskich przystan...
Pomorskie - Pomerania, Poland
제작자 Sparkee
This map was created from heightmap data for the area around the Tricity area (Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot). It's oriented with west in the north to allow for NATO countries to be in the correct parts of the map. An enjoyable goal would be the recreation of the ...
Pontalba Buildings New Orleans
제작자 Ternet18
Pontalba Buildings New Orleans The Pontalba Buildings form two sides of Jackson Square in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana. They are matching red-brick, one-block-long, four‑story buildings built in the late 1840s by the Baroness Micaela Almone...
Port Infrastructure Collection
제작자 Wild Bunny
this is a collection of port infrastructure it includes ports for all kind of goods in different sizes, two shipyards, a floating drydock and some warehouses for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Posters, flags, street clocks
제작자 BORO
Плакаты, флаги, уличные часы. Тип здания – монумент. Размещаются в любом месте. Posters, flags, street clocks. Building type - monument. You can build anywhere. Часы, маленький флаг, средний флаг можно построить только за деньги. Остальное можно построить ...
Power and Heating plant collection 2
제작자 Wild Bunny
this is a collection of heating and power plants the geothermal power and heating plants work with any water pump, I included one for aesthetic reasons. The solarthermic heating plant will only produce heat during the day, it only works supplementary the s...
Power plant
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Power plant Many thanks for the advice and help of andrei777z! Thermal power plant with a capacity of 300 MW. Cooling tower connection-3 39 pins of 110 kv high voltage 10 pins of average voltage 22 kv Large-scale industry-180 jobs, 60 engineers With a capa...
Powerplant Collection
제작자 Wild Bunny
this collection includes some power and heating plants (now with working animations for the windturbine by Lex713) for more content from me visit my workshop ...
Poznan clinic
제작자 Shotkey
Adds one district clinic building for 45 patients. Has 3 spaces for ambulances. Additionally, 5 skins are available: The clinic is an approximate replica of the building as of 2014. Located in Poznań at osiedle Lecha 120. Mo...
Prefab block of flats (11 storey) - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my 11-storey prefab block of flats. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Prefab apartments element
제작자 3division
This brings the new elements to build vanilla game like prefab panels apartments with balcony Purpose of this item is for modders - as sample file for custom elements for building editor...
Prefab blocks of flats (7-11 storey) - skins (part 1)
제작자 robs074
Skins for my 7-11-storey prefab blocks of flats. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Prefab blocks of flats (7-11 storey) - skins (part 2)
제작자 robs074
Skins for my 7-11-storey prefab blocks of flats. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview.....
Prefabricated pedestrian gates - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my prefabricated pedestrian gates. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Department store PRIOR Brno
제작자 Vikom
Department Store PRIOR, Brno Inspired by a real life building built between 1980–1984, architects Zdeněk Řihák and Zdeněk Sklepek. Art (railings, walls structure etc.) Milan Buříval. One of few remaining brutalist buildings in Brno, so it's fate is, obviou...
제작자 robs074 Prison based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 60 workers and accommodates 180 prisoners. Więzienie wzorowane na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrudnia 60 robotników i mieści 180 więźniów....
제작자 Benco54 Small Prison the prison is a lot smaller than the vanilla. it can accommodate 90 prisoners and needs 30 employees. There is 1 vehicle station which is located in the inner courtyard and can only be accessed via a bar...
Provincial Historical Housing Pack (Houndfield)
제작자 Jutland
Set of eight XIX and early XX century houses from Wrocław, Poland. Most of them can be find in district of Psie Pole (Houndfield xD) in north of the city, last two are from Leśnica to the east of Breslau. Every building could be placed separately without a...
Prison - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my office building. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Pumping facilities
제작자 robs074 Pumping facilities based on real building in Lublin, Poland. The pack includes a heating pumping stations, a water pumping station (more powerful than vanilla, but also more expensive, comes with an optional medium volta...
Pushkino station
제작자 Shotkey
Existing and operating intermediate station of class 2 with three platforms and a station building from Pushkino. This item contains one version of the station, game characteristics and features are shown in the video. The fountain atomizer is installed se...
Pyramiden Barracks
제작자 Comrade Joe
For some reason this description has been reset to the placeholder text. I don't remember what I had written when I posted it, but in a nutshell this is a reskinned version of one of the games vanilla houses, meant to resemble the ones that can be still se...
Rail construction office
제작자 robs074 Rail construction office base on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Can be equipped with 4 sets. Biuro budowy kolei wzorowane na prawdziwym budynku w L...
Rail construction office - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my rail construction office. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Rail station PACK
제작자 Benser
PACK провинциальных жд станций. Первая станция двухколейная, остальные одноколейные. PACK of provincial railway stations from Ukraine. The first station is two-track, the rest are single-track. Другие мои работы/ More my mods:
Railway Pioneer Pack
제작자 Lex713
Information This is a small pack of 6 free to build railway related stations/storages for starting your new towns. Each building is limited to 15 per map except RCO which is limited to 5, has one pass through railway conenction and two stations for trucks/...
Railroad Fence Gate
제작자 Oskutin
A railroad fence gate. Dirt road gate as a bonus....
Range Rover (L405)
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The Range Rover (L405) is a mid-size to full-size luxury 4x4 / sport utility vehicle, made under the Land Rover brand by Jaguar Land Rover. It is the fourth generation of the original, main Range Rover series. It uses an all-aluminium monocoque unitary bod...
Railroad station Kraków Płaszów
제작자 Pitagoras991
Railroad station based on an actual building in Cracow. Has 4 versions - with 2-5 tracks. 2000-5000 places for passengers waiting for trains or busses. The platform layout is not 100% prototypical This is my very first building for the game - huge thanks t...
Railroad station Kraków Płaszów - skins
제작자 Pitagoras991
Three extra skins - two realistic, based on actual plasters that this building used to have + one "central asian" (marble) styled...
Red Prussia (empty)
제작자 KArantukki
Red Prussia without cities and villages. Inspired by the prussian Coastline. While coal and iron can be found on both sides of the bay, oil can only be found on the southern side and uranium is only available on the northern side....
Red Star Bowling
제작자 Novu
Located under attraction this communist themed bowling alley also features pool tables, foosball, and air hockey. Employs 12 workers with room for 70 guests....
Red Star Emblem Monument
제작자 Zyx Abacab
This is a monument that is loosely based on the form of the Order of the Patriotic War. Comes in two sizes. Large Red Star Emblem UI Navigation Left-Hand Toolbar > "Mods" Button > "Monument" Filter > "Large Red Star Emblem" Button Loyalty Bonus 4.5% at 400...
Residential building type I-99-47/406 (II-65)
제작자 Billman007 Description I present to you, I-99-47/406 (II-65) series apartment building. These houses were built between 1972 and 1974. In total in Moscow on Vernadsky Prospekt three such experimental houses were built. Architects of th...
Residential buildings (50s) - skins (part 1)
제작자 robs074 Skins for my residential buildings from the 50s. Includes three colour variants as seen in the preview....
Residential buildings (121 series)
제작자 Holodets
A set of 9-storey panel buildings with a different number of entrances. Buildings can be built close to each other, thus creating a line of buildings of different curves. Unfortunately, due to the mechanics of the game, some buildings can not be placed clo...
Residential buildings (50s) - skins (part 2)
제작자 robs074 Skins for my residential buildings from the 50s. Includes three colour variants as seen in the preview....
Renault Logan I
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The Renault Logan is a low-cost, sub-compact vehicle designed by Renault specifically for emerging markets. The main production is deployed in Romania at the plant of industrial group Dacia, owned by Renault since 1999. In Russia, the first generation of t...
Residential buildings (50s, part 2) - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my residential buildings from the 50s (part 2). Includes three colour variants as seen in the preview....
Residential buildings from the 50s
제작자 robs074 The pack includes 9 residential buildings from the 50s: - two 4-storey oblong blocks of flats (75 workers), - two 5-storey oblong blocks of flats (95 w...
Residential buildings from the 50s - part 2
제작자 robs074 The pack includes 5 residential buildings from the 50s (quality of flats: 80%): - one 4-storey oblong block of flats (60 workers), - one 5-storey oblon...
Residential buildings type 1-464A
제작자 Billman007 Description I present to you one of the most common series of typical apartment buildings in Russia and CIS countries. The buildings of this series in various modifications were built in many cities of the USSR during the pe...
Residential buildings type 112
제작자 Billman007 Description I present to you, the 112 Series Residential Buildings Pack. These houses were erected in the period from 1981 (early modifications) to the present. The buildings were designed by the LenZNIIEP, for the construct...
Residential buildings type 1-464DM
제작자 Billman007 Description I present to you one of the most common series of standard residential buildings in Russia and CIS countries. The presented houses type of 1-464DM series are a local modification of the All-Union series of houses...
Residential buildings type 1-464А
제작자 Billman007 Description I present to you one of the most common series of standard residential buildings in Russia and the CIS countries. Buildings of this series in various modifications were built in many cities of the USSR in the per...
Residential buildings type 75 (5-6 floors)
제작자 Billman007 Description I present to you, panelized residential buildings series 75. Residential buildings of this series were built in many cities in Russia (Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk, Togliatti), in the period from 197...
Residential buildings type 78
제작자 Billman007 Description I would like to introduce you the 78-series panel houses. Residential buildings of this series were built in Murmansk, Severomorsk, Snezhnogorsk and other settlements of the Barents Sea coast during the period fr...
Residential buildings type P-44
제작자 Billman007 Description I present you, the panel houses of the series P-44. Residential buildings of this series and developed on its basis (P-44T, P-44K and others) - the most popular type series of houses in Moscow and Moscow region. ...
Residential buildings type KPD-4570-81
제작자 Billman007 Description I present to your attention a series of panel houses KPD-4570-81. Residential houses of this series were built in the territory of the former Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries from 1970 to 1990. They were de...
Residential Pack
제작자 Marius
Old residential pack of 4 buildings, quite appropiate for early games: -"Miners House": housing 40 workers with a quality of living of 84%. Self-heating available. -"Miners Block": housing 65 workers with a quality of living of 82% -"Miners Block Small": h...
Residential buildings type E-139
제작자 Billman007 Description I present to you, brick residential houses of series E-139, E-419, E-420. These houses were built in the city of Togliatti (Samara region) in the 1980s. Five-storey buildings are local modification of typical bui...
제작자 frostsey
제작자 frostsey
Residential buildings type KOPE-85
제작자 Billman007 Description I would like to present you a pact of prefab panel houses of type COPE-85. Residential buildings of this series were built in Moscow and the Moscow region, in the period from 1982 (modification KOPE-80) to 2017 (...
제작자 frostsey
제작자 frostsey
제작자 frostsey
제작자 frostsey
polnostiy novay model restorana...
Restaurant series 51046
제작자 Raysione
This mod contains a typical restaurant 51046 made exactly according to the 1952 project CHARACTERISTIC. 15 workers serves at least 150 people (tourist restaurant has 4.8 * attractiveness) There are two options: works as a restaurant (for tourists) and a ba...
제작자 frostsey
Retexture of vanilla buildings
제작자 Raysione
Retexture of vanilla buildings This mod replaces the textures of vanilla buildings in the game. I'll tell you right away that I made it over a year ago, these are my first works for the game, so the quality of working with textures may be a little worse, n...
Retro Airport Pak
제작자 Nyxyx
A huge airport pack of 12 totally custom, bespoke models and textures. All of this pack is hand-made, not ported into the game from free model sites. Contains Several large retro terminals based on Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow, two old wooden cargo termi...
Road vehicles depot
제작자 robs074 Road vehicles depot based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Comes in two versions: for 17 and 32 vehicles. Zajezdnia wzorowana na prawdziwym budynk...
Road vehicles depot - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my road vehicles depot. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Road Building Pack (1931-Present)
제작자 CrowdSceneExtra
This pack adds more road building vehicles available for dollars to the game, allowing players to build gravel roads from 1931 to present day, and asphalt roads from 1936 to present day. Note that you will need to change the start year of your save game or...
Roadside Store
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
An ordinary roadside store in some North American outback. In this store you can buy very tasty and very soft bread, as well as fresh vegetables harvested from the nearest farm. There is a private store and a chain 7-eleven Number of workers - 7 Model Auth...
Roadside bays pack (realistic mode start)
제작자 thorstein92
This is pack of multipurpose roadside bays - alternative to vanila free realistic 'buildings' for provisional road tranport. All assets have optimised traffic inside, and 2 entrances and exits to make vehicle moving smoother even on u-turns. It contains: 1...
Rock Crusher
제작자 OffTheRailsGaming
The Rock Crusher. A small inexpensive gravel processing facility that will provide up to 8t of gravel per day. Takes up to 5 workers. No heating requirement...
Rooftop Landing Pads
제작자 Novu
Helicopter landing pads for rooftops. Did you plan your infrastructure without consideration for helicopters? This mod is for you. With no collision enabled these heliports can be constructed on top of existing buildings. Fitted for the vanilla firestation...
Run-of-river hydroelectricity
제작자 Benco54
Run-of-river hydroelectricity (ROR) or run-of-the-river hydroelectricity is a type of hydroelectric generation plant whereby little or no water storage is provided. Run-of-the-river power plants may have no water storage at all or a limited amount of stora...
Rural Building Pack
제작자 Benco54 Rural Building Pack This pack includes 34 rural buildings. Some of them are vanilla buildings which are not avaible in the normal game. The rest of the buildings are maded by me. All buildings are self heated. Have f...
Rural blocks of flats
제작자 robs074 Rural blocks of flats, housing 20-30 workers, based on real buildings in Elizówka near Lublin and Lublin itself. Quality of flats: 60-85. They do not r...
Rural school
제작자 Raysione
Rural school Greetings! This mod contains a rural school, made according to a project from the 1950 album of rural and collective farm construction projects. Therefore, this school is ideal for rural construction in the period 1945-1965. CHARACTERISTIC Bui...
Rural Services
제작자 Oskutin
Collection of Finnish rural services -Gas station (2 bays) -Rural market -Rural pub ...
Ryan's Urban Assets Pack
제작자 ryantheskinny
BETA - Package of Urban and heavy industrial Buildings...
Sacred Heart Cathedral Sarajevo
제작자 equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Današnja katedrala Srca Isusova u Sarajevu ima svoj korijen u srednjem vijeku i povezana je s katedralom sv. Petra sredinom trinaestog stoljeća u Vrhbosni na području od današnje Skenderije do Mari...
Satellite Ground Station
제작자 Lex713
Information New level of surveillance. Now you can spy on aliens or that next-door commie you share your border with. Can be found in powerplants. Serve no functions, purely decorative building. Workshop My Workshop: Click Here Also check my new Patreon ex...
Sankt Michael Kirche
제작자 Quieklebendig
Hi all! This mod is based on Saint Michael's Church in Berlin, Germany -- a roman catholic church, which was finished in 1861. The in-game version will provide spiritual services for up to 1320 citizens at a time. I hope the rather high building costs (as ...
Sausalito Republic
제작자 PTTG
Sausilito, just north of San Fransisco. The terrain is a mix of extremely rough and quite flat. The golden gate bridge and a portion of highway 101 is included, bringing access from the Republic Of San Fransisco to the nearest level area. Resource supply i...
제작자 robs074 Sawmill based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 30 workers. Requires 270 t of wood produces 210 t of boards per day when fully staffed. Tar...
School №4
제작자 Sahsa_STALKER
Тестовый мод на качественную модель и текстуру. Мод имеет LOD1, текстура с разрешением 2к. В школе могут работать 25 рабочих и 30 учителей, принимает свыше 700 учащихся (30 учеников на 1 учителя). Также во дворе имеется остановка под автобус и мусоровоз, п...
School (50s)
제작자 robs074 School from the 50s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 teachers. Educates about 240 pupils. Szk...
School (50s) - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my school from the 50s. Includes twelve colour variants as seen in the preview....
School (50s, 3-4 storey)
제작자 robs074 School from the 50s loosely based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 teachers. Educates about 240 pup...
School (50s, 3-4 storey) - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my 3- and 4-storey schools from the 50s. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
School (60s, 4-storey)
제작자 robs074 School from the 60s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 25 workers with basic education and 25 teachers. Educates about 300 pupils. The...
School (60s, 4-storey) - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my 4-storey school from the 60s. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
School (70s)
제작자 robs074 School from the 70s based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 30 workers with basic education and 30 teachers. Educates about 360 pupils. The pack also includes a school gym attachable to the school, which work...
School (80s)
제작자 robs074 School from the 80s based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Employs 35 workers with basic education and 35 teachers. Educates about 420 pupils. The ...
School (70s) - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my school from the 70s. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
School of Telecomunication ('50)
제작자 Jutland
Contains modular school from Gdańsk: -Main school building -Assembly Hall (as smaller school) -Gym ...
School type 221-1-149/174
제작자 Billman007 Information I present to you the school of the project 221-1-149/174. Schools of this project were built throughout Russia in the period from the 70s to the 80s of the XX century. The school building is divided into the scho...
School 2O-PNZ-03, 2O-PNZ-04 (2S-02-7, 2S-02-8)
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
School 2O-PNZ-03 (hybrid of schools of standard projects 2C-02-7, 2C-02-8) 2O-PNZ-03(PE-PHB-03)-the public educational panel H-shaped building is three-storeyed. Employees-18 Teachers-27 Educational places-810 School 2O-PNZ-04 (hybrid of schools of standar...
Sea cargo port
제작자 SerpPort
Hello everyone! For quite a long time I was hatching an idea and implementing this project. Of course, it turned out not quite what I wanted, but still good enough. So, I present to your attention a set of buildings for the implementation of the carriage o...
Series 85
제작자 Comrade Joe
This mod contains a variant of the series 85 apartment building in a style representative of the Soviet 80s. It is a copy of a building development in Leninogorsk, in modern day Tatar Republic. The mod provides the 'base unit' building, and is made so that...
Series 93 Lowrises from Murmansk region
제작자 Comrade Joe
5-storey residential apartments of the series 93 panelkas as built in towns like Apatity and Kirovsk, in Murmansk region, in the late 70s and 80s. The pack consists of 5 modules, all collisionless, so that they can be placed in contact with each other to f...
제작자 Billman007
Skin for buildings type 112...
제작자 Billman007
Skin for buildings type 112...
제작자 Billman007
Skin for buildings type 112...
Series 93 Lowrises skins
제작자 Comrade Joe
Skin pack for series 93. The green variant is more or less ressembling an existing design, the blue one is just improvised. A plain/colorless design is included too, which was perhaps the most common....
제작자 Billman007
Skin for buildings type 112...
제작자 Billman007
Skin for buildings type 112...
제작자 Billman007
Skin for buildings type 112...
SeriPartment Typ 1
제작자 Wild Bunny
this is a collection of danchi inspired panel buildings. This building type comes in two variants with different sized flats and quality They requiere district heating features: cheap and fast buildable panel building, with acceptable living quality. Entra...
Services Pack
제작자 Marius
Pack of 6 buildings for general services, maintenance, storage and construction office, wich can be quite useful for early start games: -"Old Repair Garage": Medium size repair station for 9 vehicles employing 25 workers. 3 parking slots for repair trucks,...
Set of small playgrounds (kindergarten)
제작자 Vanok [RUSMNB]
A set of small playgrounds in three variations. Each playground includes a sandbox, a bench and a swing. The models are extremely compact and will fit even in small yards. They work like monuments. It is built from a small amount of resources - boards, ste...
Set of small playgrounds (monument)
제작자 Vanok [RUSMNB]
A set of small playgrounds in three variations. Each playground includes a sandbox, a bench and a swing. The models are extremely compact and will fit even in small yards. They work like monuments. It is built from a small amount of resources - boards, ste...
Set of underground utilities (well) part 1
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Link to part 2 Links to other mods related to water and sewage: A set of water intake wells Water treatment plant https://st...
Set of underground utilities (well) part 2
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Link to part 1 Links to other mods related to water and sewage: A set of water intake wells Water treatment plant https://st...
Sewage discharge
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Links to other mods related to water and sewage: A set of water intake wells Water treatment plant Set of underground utilit...
Sewage treatment plants
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Links to other mods related to water and sewage: A set of water intake wells Water treatment plant Set of underground utilit...
Shooting gallery
shooting gallery.Chernobyl Exclusion Zone....
제작자 Raysione
A small shop, made exactly according to a real building, located in my city, I really like it. I tried very hard to make the store what it was in the 50s of the last century, so to speak, restored. Characteristic. 4 workers serves minimum 75 people...
Shopping centre
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Shopping center O-TPZ-K03 Lade till en byggnad utan tecken, med möjlighet att skriva text. A fictional shopping center project, with a retail area of 2900 m2. Includes a department of products, clothing and footwear, household goods, household appliances. ...
Side pylons props
제작자 Shotkey
This item contains 3 non-collision monuments, construction is not required. The width of supporting part is 6, 12 or 18 meters, which is suitable for road and railway bridges of various sizes. For particularly wide bridges, several abutments can be placed ...
Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion
제작자 Mauser_NATO
Heavy Military Transport Helicopter. Produced from 1965 to 2012 10 Colors. Currency USD....
Simple Forwarding Pump
제작자 KArantukki
A simple pump for long distance pipelines, one input and one output connection. Comes in two versions with different connections on both sides....
Simple Offshore Docks
제작자 Oskutin
Simple offshore docks that can accommodate massive ships. As the game doesn't allow ending bridges over water, you'll need to terraform a tiny island where you want the dock connections to be. Contains: - Depot version - Generic cargo version - Generic pas...
Simple Open Storages
제작자 Oskutin
Simple open storages: - Rural roadside storage (traffic can pass it) - Rural storage - Small simple storage - Large simple storage...
Skd 706 RTO Lux Colors
제작자 Diez
Updated for 1.0. Skins for Skd 706 Rto Lux. Green, Orange, Yellow, White....
Skin options
Set of colonnade skins with bus stop function...
Skins for - Posters, flags, street clocks
제작자 BORO
Скины для - Плакаты, флаги, уличные часы – Пакет скинов, для маленького флага. Флаги республик СССР. Skins for - Posters, flags, street clocks - Skin pack for a small flag. Flags of the republics of the USSR. ...
skins for 'Soviet 2000s' apartments
제작자 Comrade Joe
Some basic skin variants are available. Some more might come later....
Skins for - Posters, flags, street clocks
제작자 BORO
Скины для - Плакаты, флаги, уличные часы – Пакет скинов, для плакатов. На плакатах - Ленин, Сталин, Маркс, Энгельс. Skins for - Posters, flags, street clocks - Skin pack for posters. On the posters - Lenin, Stalin, Marx, Engels. ...
Skins for - Posters, flags, street clocks
제작자 BORO
Скины для - Плакаты, флаги, уличные часы – Пакет скинов, для маленького флага. Флаги организации Варшавского договора плюс флаг России. Skins for - Posters, flags, street clocks - Skin pack for a small flag. Flags of the Warsaw Pact organization plus the f...
Skins for - Posters, flags, street clocks
제작자 BORO
Скины для - Плакаты, флаги, уличные часы – Пакет скинов, для вертикальных флагов. Флаги организации Варшавского договора плюс флаг России. Skins for - Posters, flags, street clocks - Skin pack for vertical flags. Flags of the Warsaw Pact organization plus ...
Skins for 3 storey brick block of flats
제작자 Waldemar
Additional textures for the 3 storey brick block of flats. Finally you can build the soviet republic of your dreams, without the...
Skins for Baroque Church 2 (XVIII)
제작자 Jutland
Pack of skins, just like that. ...
skins for EcoPartment series 7
제작자 Wild Bunny
these are skins for the EcoPartment series 7 Buildings, it includes red and green colour schemes for more content from me my workshop...
Skins for Customs
제작자 RiCZrd
Skins for vanilla customs, simply in Soviet & NATO colors....
Skins for Cathedrals
제작자 RiCZrd
Skins for three vanilla Cathedrals. Includes five colour variants....
Skins for Medium 70's Clinic
제작자 Jachet Yellow and beige skins for Medium 70's Clinic...
Skins for pre-war architecture pack part2
제작자 Waldemar
Additional textures for the pre-war architecture pack....
skins for SeriPartment Typ 1
제작자 Wild Bunny
this is a collection of skins for the SeriPartment Typ 1 buildings it includes the colours blue and red for more content from me my workshop...
Skins for pre-war architecture pack part1
제작자 Waldemar
Additional textures for the pre-war architecture pack....
Skins for Steam Railway Station
제작자 Marius
Pack of 5 Skins for the Steam Railway Station. Semihistorical (similar to other company-buildings), Semihistorical without logo, Historical (based in pictures), Modern restoration, Modern historical restoration. Also added less bright night textures for th...
skins for steel industry collection
제작자 Wild Bunny
this mod adds blue, green and grey skins to the ore silos in this mod for more content from me my workshop...
Skins for Swimming Pool
제작자 RiCZrd
Skins for vanilla swimming pool. Includes five colour variants....
Skins for the brick blocks of flats (3 storey)
제작자 robs074 Skins for my 3-storey brick blocks of flats. Includes four colour variants as seen in the preview....
Skins for water tower
제작자 Shotkey
Contains 10 additional one-color skins for the water tower from Pushkino: red, rubin, pink, amber, emerald, turquoise, cyan, sapphire and silver.
Skins Granite Embankment package 1
제작자 BORO
Скины «Гранитная набережная» пакет 1 Эти скины дают возможность, менять или скрывать парапет. Образцом чугунного парапета послужила набережная реки Яуза. Skins "Granite Embankment" package 1 These skins make it possible to change or hide the parapet. The e...
Skins Granite Embankment package 2
제작자 BORO
Скины «Гранитная набережная» пакет 2 Эти скины дают возможность, менять или скрывать парапет. Образцом чугунного парапета послужила набережная реки Яуза. Skins "Granite Embankment" package 2 These skins make it possible to change or hide the parapet. The e...
Skins for the brick blocks of flats (4 storey)
제작자 robs074 Skins for my 4-storey brick blocks of flats. Includes four colour variants as seen in the preview....
Skins Granite Embankment package 3
제작자 BORO
Скины «Гранитная набережная» пакет 3 Эти скины дают возможность, менять или скрывать парапет. Образцом чугунного парапета послужила набережная реки Яуза. Skins "Granite Embankment" package 3 These skins make it possible to change or hide the parapet. The e...
Skins Industrial Embankment package 2
제작자 BORO
Скины «Промышленная набережная» пакет 2 Эти скины, позволяют прятать отдельные элементы на построенной набережной. Skins «Industrial Embankment» package 2 These skins allow you to hide individual elements on the built embankment....
Skins Industrial Embankment package 1
제작자 BORO
Скины «Промышленная набережная» пакет 1 Эти скины, позволяют прятать отдельные элементы на построенной набережной. Skins «Industrial Embankment» package 1 These skins allow you to hide individual elements on the built embankment....
Skins: Decor pack for squares (Part 1)
제작자 Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains skins for some of the paving sections from my mod Square Decor Pack Projects of typical Stalinist buildings can be found here (new working link):
Skoda 9Tr
제작자 Gragametr
Skoda 9Tr was trolleybus from Czechoslovakia. It was one of the most produced trolleybuses from Skoda. Skodas 9Tr are still visible in most cities in Europe. This vehicle also add third door to vanilla 9Tr. Speed: 60km/h Capacity: 70 Years of production: 1...
Skoda Octavia (1Z)
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Škoda Octavia — автомобиль размерного класса C, производимый чешской компанией Škoda Auto a.s. Название современной модели (четыре поколения, начиная с 1996 года) было позаимствовано у предшественника, производимого в 1959—1971 годах. Выпускается с кузовам...
제작자 Truckercech
You can support me here: :) ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ ►HELLO/AHOJ◄ ►ITEM (id 2569388338) vehicle /auto ►GENRE / ŽÁNR personal / osobní ►CAR/AUTO /PRICE IN RUB ŠKOD...
제작자 robs074 Slaughterhouse based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 100 workers. Requires 25 t of livestock and produces 10 t of meat per day when fully...
Small admin building
제작자 Gerbilskij
A small administrative buiding, functioning as a town hall with reduced personnell requirements comapred to the original one. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full...
Skoda Rapid
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The Škoda Rapid (NH) is range of small family car models produced by the Czech manufacturer Škoda Auto. It consists of three body styles: a 5-door liftback, a 5-door hatchback marketed as "Spaceback" and a 4-door sedan sold in China. The model is based on ...
Skoda Superb (B8)
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Škoda Superb — легковой автомобиль класса D, выпускаемый чешским автопроизводителем Škoda Auto с 2001 года. Название современных автомобилей было позаимствовано у линейки машин, производившихся в 1934 —1949 годах. Представлен с кузовами лифтбек и универсал...
Small Aggregate Loader
제작자 Marius
Aggregate Storage (840t) wich works as a Train Aggregate Loader. Smaller and a bit slower and cheaper than vanilla loader, so it can be useful for early start. It has one railway connection and a covoyer link for fast loading of trains. Although also truck...
Small Brick Factory / Малый Кирпичный Завод
제작자 EZ88
A small brick factory with a "classic" look. Produces a smaller amount of bricks than the regular factory but needs less workers. Workers needed: 30 Consumption: 9 ton coal per work day Production: 15 ton bricks per work day Небольшой кирпичный завод с «кл...
Small Cement Plant
제작자 OffTheRailsGaming
An old aging cement plant. Takes up to 20 workers and produces up to 12t of cement per day. About a third of the size and cost of the vanilla version. No heating requirement...
Small Cement Plant (Brickstone)
제작자 KArantukki
Small cement plant made of brickstone and steel - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - place for 15 workers...
Small clinic
제작자 robs074 Small clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 5 workers with basic education, 5 doctors and serves about 15 patients. Can be equippe...
Small clinic
제작자 robs074 Small clinic based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 7 workers with basic education, 7 doctors and serves about 20 patients. Can be equippe...
Small clinic ('50s)
제작자 Gerbilskij
A small clinic building, in a typical Soviet style from the '50s. It also has a backyard parking for a couple of ambulances. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full ...
Small clinic - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my small clinic. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small clinic - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my small clinic. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small clothing factory
제작자 robs074 Small clothing factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 37 workers. Requires 1.1 t of fabric and produces 0.54 t of clothes per day when fully staffed (slightly less efficient than the default one). Ma...
Small Coal Mine
제작자 Marius
Coal Mine wich employs 150 workers. Smaller and cheaper than the vanilla one, so it can be useful for early start of the game. Animation and LOD added. Little story-roleplay: Based on a coal anthracite mine built in northwestern Spain in the second half of...
Small coal power plant
제작자 robs074 Small coal power plant based on a real building in Świdnik, Poland. Employs 20 workers. Requires 18 t of coal and produces 1050 MWh of power when fully staffed. Requires a cooling tower to work, I recommend using the one...
Small fabric factory
제작자 robs074 Small fabric factory loosely based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 45 workers. Requires 9 t of crops and 0.22 t of chemicals and produces 2.2 t of fabric per day when fully staffed (slightly less efficient ...
Small electronics assembly hall
제작자 robs074 Small electronics assembly hall based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Employs 85 workers. Requires 1.3 t of plastics, 0.85 t of electrical compon...
Small heating plant
제작자 robs074 Small coal-fired heating plant based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Employs 6 workers. Capacity of the water tank is 180 cubic metres. Mała ciepłownia opalana węglem wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Kielcach. Zat...
Small incinerator
제작자 robs074 Small incinerator based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 5 workers and burns 10 t of waste per day when fully staffed. Also includes a version providing heating. Works only in version or newer. Mała ...
Small mechanical component factory
제작자 robs074 Small mechanical component factory based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers. Requires 3 t of steel and produces 1.5 t of mechanic...
Small Open Storage
제작자 OffTheRailsGaming
A small open storage facility, available in 4 colours....
Small orphanage
제작자 robs074 Small orphanage based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 22 workers and houses 66 children. Mały dom dziecka wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku...
Small orphanage
제작자 robs074 Small orphanage based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 15 workers and houses 45 children. Mały dom dziecka wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku...
Small orphanage - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my small orphanage. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small police station
제작자 Gerbilskij
Typical small soviet police station that can be suitable for smaller towns or districts. This model is based on a small police station originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", ported to W&RSR and edited by me. STATS Staff requirements: 7 st...
Small police station
제작자 robs074 Small police station based on a real building in Częstochowa, Poland. Employs 5 workers with basic education and 7 investigators. Can be equipped with 2 vehicles. Mały komisariat wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Częstoc...
Small police station
제작자 robs074 Small police station based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 5 workers with basic education and 10 investigators. Can be equipped with 3 vehicles. Mały komisariat wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Z...
Small police station ('50s)
제작자 Gerbilskij
Small police station that can be suitable for smaller towns and/or a 1950s time frame. This model is based on the 1950s clinic, originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines" and ported to W&RSR, edited and retextured by me to fit the new function...
Small orphanage - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my small orphanage. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small police station - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my small police station. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small police station - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my small police station. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small Polish service buildings
제작자 robs074 The pack includes: - three small stores/pubs (3-8 workers, 21-56 customers, no heating requirement in two of them), - a pharmacy (a clinic without vehicles, 3 workers, 3 doctors, 9 patients), - a village library (cinema,...
Small Rural Store
제작자 Amotax
(PL) Mały wiejski sklep spożywczy z okresu PRL (1947-1989). Tego typu sklepy o nazwie „GS Samopomoc Chłopska” były powszechne na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce. Mały, słabo zaopatrzony, głównie z podstawowymi produktami. (ENG) Small rural grocery from PRL ( ...
Small school (60s)
제작자 robs074 Small school from the 60s based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Employs 15 workers with basic education and 15 teachers. Educates about 180 pupils. The pack also includes a school gym attachable to the school, which...
Small school
제작자 Gerbilskij
A small school buiding, with reduced personnell requirements and capacity compared to the original one (5/8). This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 as an admin building for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with...
Small school (60s) - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my school. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small PrefabPanel Factory (Brickstone)
제작자 KArantukki
Small prefabricated panel factory - 2 railroad connections - 1 road connection - place for 40 workers...
Small Polish service buildings - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my small Polish service buildings....
Small town Stalinka
제작자 Comrade Joe
This 1940s-1950s residential is inspired from an existing pair of mirrored buildings in the mining town of Minyar, located in the Urals. The courtyard side facades and entrances are improvised. Self-heating is available. Has 3 pedestrian connections, place...
Small technical university
제작자 robs074 Small technical university based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 20 workers with basic education and 20 lecturers. Educates about 60 stud...
Small technical university - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my small technical university. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Small town stalinka skins
제작자 Comrade Joe
Just thought I'd spin up a few skins for this stalinka...
Small warehouse
제작자 Gerbilskij
A small warehouse, may be useful as a storage for consumers' goods and/or to connect to department stores. This model was originally developed by Pashka2125 for "Cites Skylines", and has been adapted for "Soviet Republic" by me with full permission from th...
Small Urban Assets Collection
제작자 Wild Bunny
this mod is a collection of some urban assets it includes: 5G Tower works as monument two different sizes of bicycle racks works as monument two different sizes of parcel lockers both work as shop for clothes and electronics, they need one worker Playgroun...
Sooke Bay
제작자 PTTG
This is a real map at 1:1 scale of a small town area in the pacific northwest. The bay provides both easy ship access and a few nice places for impressive bridges. Sooke river is also present, and though it is too small to navigate, it is just big enough f...
Soviet educational institutions
Soviet educational institutions....
Soda Bottling Plant
제작자 Novu
Turn water into food with only a small input of sugar crops. SODA is the miracle food of the 20th century eliminating famines everywhere it was introduced. In SODA country even the homeless are fat. Added Soda Billboard. Added Soda Bottle Water Tower....
Snowplow Station
제작자 LundM [F4CE]
"Small technical services building with 3 parking slots. i add all new options for the building. Like Water and Waste Orginal MOD: Textures by 3division."...
Soviet Standard Greenhouse
제작자 DirrrtyDirk
Soviet Standard Greenhouse in two sizes: single and double. During the glorious Soviet era, many cities with big heating and power plant, specially in the north but also common in the south, use such greenhouses in this configuration. Mainly the waste heat...
Spillway structure
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Links to other mods related to water and sewage: A set of water intake wells Water treatment plant Set of underground utilit...
Sports hall
제작자 robs074 Sports hall based on a real building in Kielce, Poland. Employs 15 workers and serves about 105 people. It also works as a tourist attraction with score 2.5 stars. Hala sportowa wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Kielcach...
Sports Palace and indoor swimming pool
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Sports buildings. Fictional projects of a sports palace and an indoor swimming pool. The Sports Palace (used as a football field in the game) has 2 medium-sized gyms, 4 small gyms, 2 weight lifting halls, 2 wrestling halls. Workers-10 The maximum capacity ...
St. Petri Dom Bremen
제작자 equinox.nova German: Der Bremer St. Petri Dom ist ein beeindruckendes Bauwerk am Bremer Marktplatz. Bereits seit über 1200 Jahren steht an dieser Stelle eine Kirche. ...
제작자 Quieklebendig
Hi all! This is a set of tenement houses from the late 19th / early 20th century, ideal for the creation of central european themed maps. It contains 10 individual residential buildings without the collision & ground leveling needs to maximize the flexibil...
Stadthäuser Part 2
제작자 Quieklebendig
Hi all! This is the second set of tenement houses from the late 19th / early 20th century, ideal for the creation of central european themed maps. It contains yet another 10 individual residential buildings without the collision & ground leveling needs to ...
Stalinismus UVKS
제작자 Ternet18
PART 1: This model was created by frostsey on Profile: Model: Different function given and turned into a worksho...
Stalinka variant of Type 1-447
제작자 Comrade Joe
This mod is a reskin of the type 1-447 5-storey apartment buildings made by Comrade kostas667, in the style of Muscovite stalinkas. Credit for the 3D work and unwrapping goes to Comrade kostas667, and it is posted with his permission. All stats are the sam...
Stalinist Style Skyscraper
제작자 KArantukki
A stalinist style skyscraper (106m) that was inspired by the red gate building in Moscow and other soviet skyscrapers of the 40s and 50s. University Version: - 225 workers - 225 professors - 675 students Ministry of Justice (court version): - 160 workers -...
Stalinka-Corner Skins (1/3)
제작자 KArantukki
4 different skins for the corner shop. Each skin with a german and a english version....
Stalinka-Corner Skins (3/3)
제작자 KArantukki
4 different skins for the corner apartments, the police station and the secret police....
Stalinka-Corner Skins (2/3)
제작자 KArantukki
4 different skins for the corner pharmacy. Each skin with a german and a english version....
Stalinist style school
제작자 Comrade Joe
Reskinned school in the style of Stalinist architecture. Textures from Benser on Credit goes to him/her for the artistic choices and UV-mapping. I did the scripting that allows this school to be used as a standalone item via the Worksho...
제작자 frostsey
제작자 Niss Tagm
Пак элементов редактора зданий для постройки здания в сталинском стиле. Помимо несущих элементов есть колонны, балконы, декоративная лепнина, арка с кессонами, скатная крыша, барельеф, карнизы. Делитесь своими сталинками в мастерской. Pack of building edit...
Station Nojewo (1910s)
제작자 Jutland
Real station from Nojewo, Poland, built in early 1910s. Has space for 450 passangers. Collisions are off. Deep foundation (about 2m) is present with stairs for placing at slopes. ...
Steel Industry Collection
제작자 Wild Bunny
This is a collection of Steel Industry Facilities, more info on the Pictures, it requieres the Waste update to work for more content from me visit my workshop...
Steam Railway Station
제작자 Marius
Small Train Platform of 80 metres wich serves 650 passengers, providing 2 parallel dead-end tracks. Quite useful for early stages of the game or early starts. Added compatible train depot for long trains. ---- Little story-roleplay: Based on a train statio...
State Opera and Ballet Theater of the ChASSR
제작자 Comrade Joe
The present mod is inspired by a marvel of late soviet architecture, the State Opera and Ballet Theater of the Chuvashian ASSR, built in Cheboksary in 1975 (?). Entirely modeled in Blender using whatever photos I could find of it and google streetview, it ...
Steel mill
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
The plant is designed for the production of cast steel and rolled products. Large-scale industry-400 jobs With a capacity of 300 tons. Open warehouse of products-7000 tons. Maximum consumption: Iron-600 tons. Coal-600 tons. Electricity-60 MW*h. Resources: ...
Stone Quary
제작자 Novu
A large stone quary with extra space for heavy equipment (excavators). Comes with 4 conveyor outputs. For best results only the flag has to be placed over the resource....
Steel Water Tower
제작자 Quieklebendig
Hi comrades! The third water tower of my series. Just like real water towers this 56 m high silent giant acts as storage and pumping at the same time, providing a constant pressure for your buildings (as long as they don't exceed the height of the tower ;)...
Street decoration asset pack
제작자 equinox.nova A small collection of decorative items for the city. The pack includes: - ad column - awning - cafe tables + chairs - mailbox - phone booth - sunshade - ...
Streetlights Pack
제작자 Lex713
Information Pack includes ploppable US streetlights, 2 yellow lights, two LED blue and one parklight. Important: works only on 0.8.8.X+ since it use new code for free buildings. Workshop Lex713 Workshop: Click Here Join Lex713 Patreon and get access to exc...
Stromschubboot Typ 64/ Projekt 2414
제작자 Wild Bunny
a GDR Pusher Boat with different combinations of Barges Barges for Aggregate capacity: 970/1940/3880t Speed: 8 kn available from 1966 - 1997 for ₽ Barges for Open and Containers capacity: 970/1940/3880t 24/48/96 TEU Speed: 8 kn available from 1966 - 1997 f...
Student residence hall
제작자 robs074 Student residence hall based on real buildings in Kielce, Poland. Houses 80 students. Akademik wzorowany na prawdziwych budynkach w Kielcach. Mieści 80 studentów....
Student residence hall
제작자 robs074 Student residence hall based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Houses 100 students. Akademik wzorowany na prawdziwych budynkach w Lublinie. Mieści 1...
Student residence hall
제작자 robs074 Student residence hall based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Houses 120 students. Akademik wzorowany na prawdziwych budynkach w Lublinie. Mieści 1...
Student residence hall - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my student residence hall. Includes thirteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Student residence hall - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my student residence hall. Includes ten colour variants as seen in the preview....
Student residence hall - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my student residence hall. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
제작자 Raysione
Greetings! This mod consists of 12 custom-made houses and series 1-104. Such houses have a rather unusual urban look, so you can place them in the suburbs, or on the main streets of the village. The projects are dated 1949, they have a lot of decor, comfor...
Suburban Electrical Tat
제작자 Jackmino
Mini Substation and Switch for low-density residential areas. Note: These are designed for underground electric connections. Pole connections might look a bit funky Although they are designed for small scale uses, because of laziness (and totally not becau...
제작자 frostsey
THE STORE SUPERMARKET.The mod is based on the store: Shop_Prior. The number of platforms for unloading goods has been increased to three. All other parameters of the original store were not changed....
tanker pack
제작자 Wild Bunny
collection of tankers includes: T2-SE-A1 capacity: 16300 speed: 15kn available from 1940 to 1983 for $ Type 935 capacity: 1542 speed: 10kn available from 1965 to 1997 for $ Motor Tank Leichter capacity: 150 speed: 6kn available from 1900 to 1970 for $ Niob...
Taiga SE Double Custom Buildings
제작자 Λ • Moasl
Hello comrades, I hope you had nice holidays and a good start into the new year. I wish you all the best of luck :) Version without Double Custom Buildings ->>Taiga Special Edition<<- ::: Taiga Special Edition with Double Custom Buildings ::: ::: What abou...
Tannheim Valley
제작자 Λ • Moasl
::: Tannheim Valley ::: Hello comrades, here is a new map for you! :) The source of my inspiration and where i live nearby. There are a lot of hotels and holiday flats here, as well as luxury hotels, but also other companies and businesses such as quarries...
Tatra 815 Fire Truck
제작자 Gerbilskij
Tatra 815 fire truck in two variant, the East German TLF-32 and the Czechoslovak CAS-32, both on a 6x6 chassis. **Updated 24/10/2021** New model ** UPDATE August 2022 ** Added CAS-24 4x4 (two-axle) variant. * Tatra 815 TLF 32 Fire truck Max speed: 100 km/h...
Technical School ('50) from Nowa Huta
제작자 Jutland
Ironworks-Mechanical school built between 1950-54 in Nowa Huta that can accomodate up to 552 children while giving job to 46 teachers and 35 workers. ...
Technical services
제작자 robs074 Technical services based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Includes three versions: for 4, 8 and 11 vehicles. Biura utrzymania infrastruktury wzoro...
Technical services - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my technical services. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview.....
Technical university
제작자 robs074 Technical university based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 60 workers with basic education and 60 lecturers. Serves about 180 students. P...
제작자 frostsey
Television Studio Tour
제작자 Novu
Visitor's center and guided tours of your city's TV studio. For best results place near Television Station....
Television: retexturing
제작자 Raysione
Comrades, I present to your attention a television station made in the style of the Stalinist Empire. It is ideal for the 40s-50s. As you can see, I took the Frostsey model, for which many thanks to him. Here is a link to his original mod:https://steamcomm...
Terra Incognita More Resources
제작자 Λ • Moasl
::: Terra Incognita More Resources ::: Brand new map with more Resources! Have fun and enjoy! :) Moasl PS: If you like it thumbs up for more content :) If you have any wishes or suggestions for improvement, feel free and leave a comment below. !!! Guide ho...
Texture, Sky and Lighting Overhaul (V2)
제작자 Daffyflyer
A much improved version 2 of my tweaks to lighting, weather, ground and road textures, trees and skybox to get things looking as realistic and pleasing as possible. In general I'm shooting for realistic, characterful, attractive, and not being too dark to ...
TH type 765 and 866
제작자 Wild Bunny
project 765 (general cargo, aggregate and waste) Capacity: 600t speed: 9kn available from 1956 to 1990 for ₽ project 866 (Tanker) Capacity: 600t speed: 9kn available from 1963 to 1990 for ₽ for more content from me visit my workshop ...
The Federation tower
제작자 Vilaxe
The Federation tower is the second tallest building in Europe. It is located in Moscow. In the game, the building accommodates 2,714 residents. I did a little bit in the style of the game, removing the Bank logo and put a red star instead :) the Building i...
The Great Circus
제작자 Brisketa
An circus building based on the Great Moscow Circus in Russia. With shows running every day, it is a great attraction for tourists and even for hard working people of your republic...
제작자 robs074 This is my 100th item so I decided to make something special. This building was planned to house a drama theatre and philharmonics and be the main thea...
Three skins for Vertical storage of oil, fuel, bitumen
제작자 BORO
Три скина для «Вертикальное хранилище нефти, топлива, битума». Скины добавляют надписи. На русском и английском языке. Three skins for «Vertical storage of oil, fuel, bitumen». Skins add inscriptions. In Russian and English....
Tiny kindergarten - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my tiny kindergarten. Includes twelve colour variants as seen in the preview....
Tiny kindergarten (50s)
제작자 robs074 Tiny kindergarten based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 10 workers and serves about 100 children. Bardzo małe przedszkole wzorowane na pr...
Toprus' Small Rail Infrastructure Pack
제작자 Toprus100
Hi guys! I present to you my moderately-sized pack of industrial railway buildings. They are meant for small transport inside of industrial areas (and don't you dare use them otherwise). It includes 7 buildings. -2 different quarries with rail access -dry ...
Toprus' Small Railway Storage
제작자 Toprus100
Hi! Today I want to present to you my first building that is not a passenger station - it's actually a small brick storage. I wanted to create this for people, who want to roleplay on their republics. The inspiration was the system used in Poland untill la...
Toprus' Warehouses Pack
제작자 Toprus100
Hi! This small pack includes 5 warehouses with track connection. They range from very small to very large ones. They are loosely inspired by the storages in the following towns (in order): -Czarna Woda -Potęgowo -Slavošovce -Szczecin -Wrocław You can easil...
Town hall
제작자 robs074 Town hall loosely based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 40 workers. Urząd miasta luźno wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Zatrud...
Town hall - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my town hall. Includes nine colour variants as seen in the preview....
Toyota Land Cruiser J80
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The Toyota Land Cruiser is a series of four-wheel drive vehicles produced by the Japanese automobile manufacturer Toyota. It is Toyota's longest running series of models. As of 2019, the sales of the Land Cruiser totalled more than 10 million units worldwi...
Toyota Mark II (X90)
제작자 gachimuchiman
Toyota Mark II - среднеразмерный седан, производился в кузове X90 с 1992 по 1996 год на заводе Toyota Motor Co. в Мияваке. Характеристики в игре: Макс. скорость - 175 км/ч Макс. мощность - 88 кВт Масса - 1.25 тонн Рассчитан на 5 пассажиров Доступен в восьм...
Train production line
제작자 robs074 For my 250th item, I prepared a train production line loosely based on real buildings in Bydgoszcz, Poland. It consists of a few buildings belonging to the Repair Shop for Railway Rolling Stock in Bydgoszcz (currently Pe...
Train depots
제작자 robs074 Small and big railroad depots based on real buildings in Łódź and Gdynia, Poland. Mała i duża lokomotywownia wzorowane na prawdziwych budynkach w Łodzi i Gdyni....
Train station
제작자 robs074 Passenger train station based on a real building in Koszalin, Poland. Comes in two versions: with two and with four rail connections. They serve 2000 and 4000 passengers respectively. Pasażerski dworzec kolejowy wzorowan...
Train station - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my train station. Includes seven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Tram depot
제작자 robs074 Tram depot for 10 vehicles based on a real building in Poznań, Poland. Zajezdnia tramwajowa na 10 pojazdów wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Poznaniu....
Tram depot - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my tram depot. Includes fourteen colour variants as seen in the preview....
Tram end stations
제작자 robs074 Tram end stations including one with two parking spaces and one with four parking spaces. Przystanki końcowe, jeden z dwoma miejscami postojowymi i jeden z czterema....
Tram infrastructure
제작자 doksavit
Basic tram infrastructure, A single piece of rail for building stations, crossings, intersections. -Yes, this already exists, but they have some problems with alignment. Streetcars BETA by Novu
Tram Stop 3 & Bus 2
제작자 voko
Compact city station (short). Tracks-3 Bus stops-2, one-way road. ...
Tram stops
제작자 Vikom
THE MOD IS NOW OBSELETE, THE STOPS CONNECT ONLY TO TRAIN TRACKS. This mod adds a tiny tram stop for 100 passengers. It's very small and it comes in three versions. Without a road, with a road, with a trolleybus road, so it's perfect for your cities. The va...
Transformer point
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Transformer point Provides low voltage electricity to consumers. A transformer station with an offset center is needed to provide electricity to power lines far from the power line and densely built-up neighborhoods. They will allow you to use the terrain ...
Transport and Equipment from SerpPort
제작자 SerpPort
I decided to make a large-scale rework and addition to the fleet of transport and equipment in the game. I am not the only one working, many comrades are helping me. The mod is in development, so write comments, write what to add (based on the existing one...
Trinity 5161 Cubic Foot Covered Hopper
제작자 Lex713
Information In 1995, Trinity Industries introduced a new center-sill design covered hopper car designed primarily for grain transport. The new design was visually quite different - this one featured curved sides versus previously familiar rib-sided design ...
Tranzit Furgon
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Ford Transit — серия грузовых фургонов, микроавтобусов, шасси и бортовых автомобилей, выпускаемых компанией Ford Motor Company в Европе (включая Турцию). Также Transit производится и в Китае. Transit стал самым продаваемым в Европе легким коммерческим авто...
TROLZA-5265 Megapolis
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Тролза-5265.0* «Мегаполис» — семейство российских низкопольных троллейбусов большой вместимости для внутригородских пассажирских перевозок, серийно производившееся с 2007 по 2019 год на ЗАО «Тролза» в городе Энгельсе Саратовской области. Год выпуска: 2005—...
TV station
제작자 robs074 Regional television station based on a real building in Szczecin, Poland. Employs 60 workers with basic education and 35 actors. Regionalna stacja tele...
TV station - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my TV station. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
TV tower
제작자 robs074 Television tower based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a monument. Increases loyalty by +2% in a radius of 2 km. Wieża telewizyjna wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Działa jako pomnik. Zwiększa l...
Tropicana Tower Hotel
제작자 Akira43
The Tropicana is a high rise 5 stars hotel capable of accommodating 1050 tourists and provide them with all the pampering they would wish for. The design is my own and is a strange mix of modern and classical. I hope you like it. Viva Tropicana ;) (For bui...
TV station
제작자 robs074 Regional television station based on a real building in Wrocław, Poland. Employs 75 workers with basic education and 45 actors. Regionalna stacja telewizyjna wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku we Wrocławiu. Zatrudnia 75 pra...
TV tower - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my TV tower. Includes eight colour variants as seen in the preview....
Twoxs pre-war architecture pack
제작자 Waldemar
This pack adds new buildings to be found on maps. The building are made in such a way, as to make placing them on new maps possible. If you dont play on a map which uses those, this mod is of little interest for you (unless you plan to place very old and o...
Typical rural school
제작자 Raysione
Typical rural school Greetings! This mod contains a typical rural school, I have met this school project more than once, because most likely this school is typical. I don’t know the series numbers, but it looks quite interesting. CHARACTERISTIC Building ty...
제작자 gachimuchiman
УАЗ-3151 - семейство внедорожников, получившееся в 1985 году в ходе модернизации 469го семейства. Изначально были гражданская (сельская), военная, милицейская и медицинская версии. Однако в 1993 году был начат выпуск автомобиля с цельнометаллической крышей...
제작자 kndrju
UAZ-452 zwany także bochenkiem ze względu na kształt nadwozia. Samochód wielozadaniowy i dostawczy produkowany przez Uljanowską Fabrykę Samochodów UAZ od 1965 roku aż do dzisiaj. Dostępność: od 1965 roku Waluta: RUB V-max: 90km/h Warianty: -Autobus (6 kolo...
미완성 ]  Underground Garage Cooperative (55 places)
제작자 Holodets
The "underground garage" is actually just a very small building under the guise of a check-in. Made so that you can fit a lot more personal transport of residents in a small area. The capacity of 55 seats. It shouldn't be buggy. Personally, he built up the...
Truck aggregate loading
제작자 robs074 Truck aggregate loading station for two vehicles loosely based on a real building in Ruda Śląska, Poland. Plac załadunkowy materiałów sypkich dla dwóch pojazdów luźno wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Rudzie Śląskiej....
Uneven Terrain
제작자 Novu
Crazy houses that bend the rules and can be placed anywhere. Build them on hillsides without leveling the ground, build them under water, build them on top of mountains. Go nuts! Includes 4 residential buildings and 1 shop. Added Storage Facility Added Sch...
Underground Metro Infrastructure
제작자 KArantukki
This pack helps you to create a nice and efficent underground Metro network for your workers. There may be more stations and metro stuff in this pack in the future. Additional to the three metro stations, there are four different pedestrian metro entrances...
UnityPoint Clinic
제작자 Lex713
Information This clinic, just like my Woody's Bar is based on real one in Des Moines, Iowa, USA. Here some stats: 20 Workers; 4 Doctors; 5 Ambulances; 16 Patients; 1 Road Connection; 4 Pedestrian connections; No collision while placing! Workshop My Worksho...
제작자 frostsey
The Store Supermarket. At the heart of the mechanics of the store...
제작자 robs074 University based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as party headquarters. Employs 40 workers with basic education and 40 lecturers. Serves about 120 students. Uniwersytet wzorowany na prawdziwym budynku w Lubli...
제작자 robs074 University based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Works as a medical university. Employs 75 workers with basic education and 75 lecturers. Educate...
University - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my university. Includes eleven colour variants as seen in the preview....
Uranium mine
제작자 Mila_112
Uranium mine with rail, same settings as vannila mine. Recomened first build mine and edit terain later....
Uranium mine
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Attention update! Pedestrian paths have been added, now people enter through the doors, (people walk through the industrial zone). For the normal operation of the mod, it is required to demolish the building and build a new one. Uranium Mine. The mine is d...
US Street Props
제작자 Lex713
Information Pack of 21 NA themed street props. All free to build, no collisions, no limits on how much you can build them and no LODs (for now at least). All models are low poly, was either made by me or downloaded from internet. Torii, Hot Dog and Ice-Cre...
Valdenbursko - Realistic Start
제작자 Toprus100
Hi! I present to you the next map from my 'Realistic Start' series. This time it's Valdenbursko/Valdenburgia. A once very prospering and industrialised region suffered heavy casualties during the war, can you face the challenge of bringing it back to its f...
VDNH (Expocentre of the republic)
제작자 Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains a pack of buildings with which you can build your expo center of your republic. All pavilions have the names and styles of a certain branch of the gaming industry, for example, "metallurgy" or "agriculture". The mod is based on...
Vertical storage of oil, fuel, bitumen
제작자 BORO
Вертикальное хранилище нефти, топлива, битума. Размер хранилища 400 тон. Vertical storage of oil, fuel, bitumen. The storage size is 400 tons. У хранилища есть восемь подключений. Верхние подключения для трубы, расположены плотно друг другу. Это не очень у...
Vehicle production line
제작자 robs074 Vehicle production line based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Employs 1200 workers with basic education and 300 engineers. Has the same productiv...
Village Builder Elements
제작자 Novu
Some building editor elements for creating custom village buildings. Features stone walls and wooden roofs. Added Chimney. Added Floating window and door. Added more roof parts. Added Wood Pile. Added Log Cabin Textures. Added Stucco Texture. Added Narrow ...
Village house part 1
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The first expansion pack of modern, mid-range European houses. A total of five houses in the package. Walkways, heat, electricity, water and sewage - connected. Number of occupants - 3 Quality of life - 70% Model Author: Мар (Admiral) Denzis Textures: Мар ...
Village schools - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my village schools. Includes ten colour variants for one of them and five colour variants for the other one as seen in the preview....
Village schools
제작자 robs074 Two village schools based on real buildings in Kalinówka near Lublin and Krępiec near Świdnik Lublin, Poland. They employ 5-8 workers with basic education and 5-8 teachers and educate about 60-96 pupils. Heating requirem...
Vilnius- railway station (without inscription
제작자 Raysione
Greetings! This mod contains the Vilnius station building without an inscription. I made this building especially for the capital of the republic, such a station will look good in the ensemble of the Stalinist Empire style. CHARACTERISTIC Station_Belsk_ (W...
제작자 Novu
Grow Grapes to make wine, only works in the warm weather. Located under Factory. Employs 50 workers. Added lighting Added residential Winehouse Added Expansion Fields Added Food grape Vineyard with expansions. NOTE: Expansions must be connected to main Vin...
Volga 24-10
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
ГАЗ-24-10 «Волга» — выпускался с конца 1985 года до 1991 года. По своей сущности ГАЗ-24-10 является паллиативной модернизацией ГАЗ-24 на базе более глубокой модернизации ГАЗ-3102 в результате наложения вето на крупносерийный выпуск последнего. При этом маш...
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Волжанин «СитиРитм» — семейство российских городских низкопольных автобусов, производимое на автобусном заводе «Волжанин» с 2005 года, разработанные на базе автобусов Волжанин-5270 и Волжанин-6270. В 2012 году проведён рестайлинг линейки. В 2012 году в про...
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
Волжанин «СитиРитм» — семейство российских городских низкопольных автобусов, производимое на автобусном заводе «Волжанин» с 2005 года, разработанные на базе автобусов Волжанин-5270 и Волжанин-6270. В 2012 году проведён рестайлинг линейки. Обновленная верси...
Volvo 240 Estate
The traditional Volvo 240 Estate Swedish engineered Though not many, if any at all, were exported to the eastern bloc but change up history, and put this magnificant machine in your union...
Volkswagen Routan
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The Volkswagen Routan is a seven-seat minivan and rebadged variant of the Chrysler RT platform, with revised styling, content features, and suspension tuning from the fifth-generation Dodge Grand Caravan and Chrysler Town & Country. Manufactured alongside ...
Volvo 240 Reboot
Introducing a revitalized version of my previous mods, now with enhanced detailed models, visually appealing textures, and the much-awaited addition of a police variant, with more skin options on the horizon. Rediscover the charm of the iconic Swedish auto...
Volkswagen Passat (NMS)
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The Volkswagen Passat for the North American and Chinese markets (internally designated Volkswagen New Midsize Sedan, or NMS while under development) is a mid-size sedan that debuted in January 2011 at the Detroit Auto Show. It replaced the B6 Passat in th...
VVER-1000 V-320 nuclear power plant
제작자 DirrrtyDirk
VVER-1000 V-320 nuclear power plant. I tried it do design it as close as possible to the original units, so some things like the personal need is close to the original amount needed to run the VVER-1000. The main carachteristics of the plant are as follows...
VW Beetle 40s & 50s
제작자 Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ VW Beetle 1940s & 1950s /rework of original game model (to do this mod was per reque...
Volvo S40
제작자 Admiral_Mar_Denzis
The Volvo S40 is a series of compact and subcompact executive automobiles marketed and produced by the Swedish manufacturer Volvo Cars from 1995 to 2012. The second generation (2004–2012) was released in 2004, and the estate variant's name changed to V50. ...
제작자 robs074 Five covered warehouses based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. Their capacities are 200 t, 400 t, 700 t, 1100 t and 1600 t. Variants working as ope...
VW T1 Samba+bus
제작자 Truckercech
You can support me here: :) also check my other mods ►Please rate my mods :) ◄ CHANGELOG: 30.12.2023-fixed ,,family" now main car is bus, after you buy this plan i...
Warsaw Skyscrapers
제작자 annamathys
Small pack containing Warsaw skyscrapers. Includes: -Hotel Marriott Warsaw -Hotel InterContinental Warsaw -Złota 44 -Warsaw Financial Center (WFC) -Hotel Novotel 'Forum' Warsaw Hotel Marriott Warsaw (officially named LIM Center) was built between 1987 and ...
Warszawa 210 skin pack
제작자 Jakubix12345
Skin pack for Warszawa 210 made by neigabZkezoJ and PieoPlay Warszawa 210 - Enjoy....
Water substation and sewage tank
제작자 robs074 Water substation based on a real building in Lublin, Poland. Includes two versions: with a path connection and with a road connection. Also added a sewage tank. Hydrofornia wzorowana na prawdziwym budynku w Lublinie. Dos...
Volvo 242
The swedish brick, the vovlvo 242 has found its way into your union. n August 1974, Volvo presented a new generation of cars called the 240 and 260 Series. These new models had been developed from the 140 series and were very similar to their predecessors....
Water tower of Pushkino
제작자 Shotkey
This mod contains one building based on a real project of the water tower from Pushkino. The building has the mechanics of a water tower and it's characteristics approached to vanilla, in proportion to its size. In addition, it is possible to repaint the t...
Water treatment plant
제작자 pascha.frolow1990
Links to other mods related to water and sewage: A set of water intake wells Set of underground utilities (well) part 1 Set ...
Water treatment plants - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my water treatment plants. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Water treatment plants
제작자 robs074 Two water treatments plants based on real building in Lublin, Poland. They employ 8 and 13 workers and treat 192 and 390 cubic metres of water. Dwie stacje uzdatniania wody wzorowane na prawdziwych budynkach w Lublinie. ...
Water wells
제작자 robs074 Three water wells based on real buildings in Lublin, Poland. They produce 70, 150 and 200 cubic metres of water. Trzy podziemne ujęcia wody wzorowane na prawdziwych budynkach w Lublinie. Produkują 70, 150 i 200 metrów sz...
Wells for the village
제작자 NTI
Система водоснабжения для деревень В пак входят три модели колодцев, которые могут использоваться как: Скважина (глубина -2 метра) Помпы (-4 и -8 метров) Водоочистная скважина (-6 метров, нужен уголь) Узел водораспределения (-10 метров) Так же есть речной ...
Woodcutting post
제작자 robs074 Woodcutting post based on a real building in Świdnik, Poland. Employs 30 workers. Can be equipped with 6 vehicles. Miejsce wycinki drzew wzorowane na p...
Water wells - skins
제작자 robs074 Skins for my water wells. Includes five colour variants as seen in the preview....
Yard heating plant
제작자 Raysione
A small boiler room that can supply your buildings. It can be put right in the yard, it does not spoil the view, the pollution is very small. + you won't need pipes around the city;) Characteristic. 10 workers Max. productivity 100 MJ water heater 500 m3 s...
Workers wooden house
제작자 Comrade Joe
Re-skinned apartments house using the residential brick house #1 as model, inspired from typical old Russian/early Soviet dwellings found from Western Russia to Siberia. Requires more wood and less bricks to be built, and costs ~40 percent less than the va...
Yard heating plant: New version
제작자 Raysione
A small boiler room that can provide heat to your buildings. It can be placed right in the yard, it does not spoil the view, the pollution is very small. + you don't need to run pipes all over the city;) Characteristic. "Heating plant_fuel" 10 workers 10 t...
Yugoslav Residential Buildings
제작자 equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Jugoslavenske stambene zgrade. Dizajn objekta je djelomično baziran na stambenim zgradama u Boru, Srbija. Ovaj mod sadrži tri verzije zgrada: 10 katova, 152 stanovnika 7 katova, 106 stanovnika 4 ka...
Yugoslav Big Clinic
제작자 equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Velika klinika bazirana na Domu Zdravlja Vozdovac-Beograd. Uposljava 26 radnika, 26 doktora i moze primiti 104 pacijenta. 6 parking mjesta za ambulanta kola. English: Big clinic based on the "Dom Z...
Yugoslav Residential Buildings Cerak
제작자 equinox.nova Serbo-Croatian: Mod sadrzi 6 objekata: Cerak tip 1 4 sprata Kapacitet 68 Cerak tip 1 7 spratova Kapacitet 98 Cerak tip 1 10 spratova Kapacitet 145 Cerak tip 2 7 spratova Kapacitet 280 Cerak tip 2 3 sprata Kapacite...
제작자 Natronlauge
This mod features one of the most beautiful vehicles ever made: The ZIL-111. This car was built at Likhachev plant in Moscow (it was mainly assembled by hand) and entered serial production in 1958. Replacing the ZIS-110, it was the top Soviet automobile of...
ZIL-164 pack part3
제작자 Storm_
Среднетоннажный грузовой автомобиль ЗИЛ-164 производился на заводе имени Лихачёва с 1957 по 1964. ЗИЛ-164 стал результатом модернизации ЗИС-150 и широко применялся до 70-х годов XX века. Всего с 1957 года по 1964 год был выпущен 385691 автомобиль в более ч...
ZIL-164 pack part2
제작자 Storm_
Среднетоннажный грузовой автомобиль ЗИЛ-164 производился на заводе имени Лихачёва с 1957 по 1964. ЗИЛ-164 стал результатом модернизации ЗИС-150 и широко применялся до 70-х годов XX века. Всего с 1957 года по 1964 год был выпущен 385691 автомобиль в более ч...
ZIL-164 pack part1
제작자 Storm_
Среднетоннажный грузовой автомобиль ЗИЛ-164 производился на заводе имени Лихачёва с 1957 по 1964. ЗИЛ-164 стал результатом модернизации ЗИС-150 и широко применялся до 70-х годов XX века. Всего с 1957 года по 1964 год был выпущен 385691 автомобиль в более ч...
제작자 gachimuchiman
ЗиС-110 - представительский лимузин, производился на Заводе имени Сталина с 1945 по 1958 год ЗиС-110А - карета скорой помощи, производилась на Заводе имени Сталина с 1947 по 1958 год В игре доступны с 1950 по 1958 ZiS-110 - a representative limousine, prod...