Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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может притаиться в самых неожиданных местах (в виде фонарика) ...
『原神』申鹤——BOCW M82 - Compressed Weapon Mod (Sniper Rifle)
申鹤M82A1替换军用狙击步枪(30发连狙) 这次带来的是一把申鹤涂装的M82A1,中途也是经历了一波三折。模型出了点问题,处理的时间过长了, 另外还请教了青咲大佬,也是托他的福我才能顺利完成,再次感谢青咲大佬。 原模型链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3029677989 本次模型借用的冥佬的M82A1,感谢冥佬的模型授权。 原模型作者:M82A1闇冥 本次模型制作技术指导:青咲 要是喜欢的话,就麻烦请点个赞吧,谢谢。 最后...
【ブルーアーカイブ/ Blue Archive】GOZ Theme / Theme 143 for Witch Themes
Tekijä: Uzawa Leisa
Replaces all of the witch's themes with snippets of Goz's theme from Blue Archive, with an unknown composer. The generic witch themes, burning witch theme, as well as the wandering witch themes (lost_little_witch and loud_angry_little_witch) have all been ...
【印花姬】MK13手雷(替换土制炸弹pipebomb),(轻微涩涩)带夜光效果。个人生日作品,当福利发放。个人不喜欢珠光效果,有想加的可以自行解包添加。 图片画师P站:寻風解元 原MOD地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2548598279 original:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2548598279 效果展示: https://steam...
【印花集】csol联动电锯-生命收割者,带夜光效果。个人生日作品附加内容,当福利发放。 群聊时看到有群友想要印花集电锯,就自己加班加点动手做了一个送给大家玩。如果你喜欢我的MOD请为它点赞!评论!收藏!谢谢~ 图片画师P站:寻風解元 原MOD作者:recording 原MOD地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2649209240&searchtext=%E7%94%9F%E5%91%BD 效果展示: https://steam...
【原神】行云流水 折扇 替换 警棍 Replaces Tonfa
说明 · 【原神】行云流水 折扇 替换 警棍 Replaces Tonfa · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) BiliBili 视频预览 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1704036721122487587/82E0DACF1DE02A57EC0105F74A8D6055DCDA5B7F/?imw=500...
Tekijä: 夜空☆Twinkle
简介 【动态】RBG亚空之矛替换高尔夫球棒 RGB Spear of Subspace Replace The baffy 有夜光和动态效果 With dynamic and glow materials 源:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1853613569&searchtext=%E4%BA%9A%E7%A9%BA%E4%B9%8B%E7%9F%9B 侵权删 预览 https://www.bilibili.com/video...
【原神/Genshin Impact】申鹤 冷花幽露 替换 黑妹 Shenhe Replace Rochelle
Tekijä: 流歌Ruka
◆模型来源:模之屋 ◆模型提供:miHoYo ◆模型改造:观海 ◆最终解释权归属:miHoYo 怎么这几天这些个二游都扎堆出新角色新皮肤 好累 玩会帕鲁 佐伊版本(zoey version):https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3153770242 关于角色蹲下之后 旗袍前面裙摆的问题: 受限于游戏自身等其他因素 一般来说穿短裙的角色蹲下时的观感是最好的 而像旗袍这种蹲下的效果就不是很好看 如果你们不喜欢的话可以在评论区留言 我会把这...
Tekijä: 普京Putin
如有侵权,请联系我删除。 ...
【墨/雪】 [BO3] Annihilator V2
Tekijä: IRyr1ou
【墨/雪】 替换 马格南/沙漠之鹰 Replace Magnum / Desert eagle ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 更改内容: 相比于V1版本更换了枪声,删除了手电。 ==== Change the content: Compared to V1, the gunshot sound has been replaced, and the flashli...
【少女前线2:追放】托洛洛【AK-Alfa】 替换 Zoey
Tekijä: 凯茜帕鲁格
【注】:未经本人允许禁止修改并二次发布该MOD,如有需要还请告知我并在简历里附上该MOD的出处,否则一律视为盗取 更新:2023/8/2 【修复了左肩扭曲的bug,增加了法线贴图和高光贴图使模型拥有更多细节】 更新:2023/7/24 【将两瓶伏特加绑在了挎包上】 更新:2023/7/23【将模型放大了10%】 使用【少女前线2:追放】的角色【托洛洛 AK-Alfa】替换了一代人物佐伊 头发和衣服可以飘动,没有表情 模型来源:【少女前线2:追放】 MOD制作者:鸠白千夏 MOD发布者:鸠白千夏 什么叫中国速...
Tekijä: 冇van题
◆模型提供:尘白禁区 Models were Provided by Snowbreak: Containment Zone. ◆版权归属:狸花猫工作室 COPYRIGHT@2021 DRAGON-LI STUDIO.ALL RIGHTS RESERVERD 下一个mod得很久之后(真) 8.26:添加了表情 8.27:修正了腿饰的材质 9.11:修复歪脖子...
【崩坏星穹铁道/Honkai: Star Rail】克拉拉 替换 尼克 replace nick
Tekijä: 流歌Ruka
模型来源:模之屋 by神帝宇 模型编辑:神帝宇 模型版权所属miHoYo 2024.3.28更新 重新制作了第一人称 第三人称 下调了夜光的亮度...
【崩坏星穹铁道/Honkai: Star Rail】克拉拉 替换 黑妹 replace Rochelle
Tekijä: 流歌Ruka
模型来源:模之屋 by神帝宇 模型编辑:神帝宇 模型版权所属miHoYo 2024.3.28更新 重新制作了第一人称 第三人称 下调了夜光的亮度 ...
【崩坏:星穹铁道/Honkai: Star Rail】布洛妮娅·兰德 替换 尼克 Bronya Replace Nick
Tekijä: 流歌Ruka
模型来源:模之屋 模型编辑:神帝宇 模型版权所属miHoYo 初次见面。我是布洛妮娅•兰德,贝洛伯格「大守护者」继承人,代行银鬃铁卫统领。 以尊贵无上的琥珀王与大守护者可可利亚•兰德之名,向您致以诚挚的问候。 包含表情 第一人称 第三人称 倒地图标等 是我开服抽到的第一个金 也是我唯一一个有专武的角色) 根据之前评论区一些朋友的建议 将我们的大守护者做成了nick 黑妹版(Rochelle):https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=299...
【崩坏:星穹铁道/Honkai: Star Rail】素裳 替换 路易斯 Sushang Replace Louis
Tekijä: 流歌Ruka
模型来源:模之屋 模型编辑:神帝宇 模型版权所属miHoYo 「本姑娘的名字将来也会和那些英雄一样,青史流传!」 单纯热心的云骑军新人,执一柄重剑。 憧憬着云骑军历史上的传奇,渴望成为响当当的人物。 为此,素裳坚决恪守「急人所急,有求必应;日行一善,三省吾身」的信条,过着助人为乐的忙碌日子。 包含:第一人称,第三人称,倒地图标,表情,夜光 有开始打算做星铁的角色了 但是目前不知道替换什么 打算做的角色有:布洛妮娅,三月七,希儿,符玄,黑塔(由于是人偶导致难度比较高),青雀;克拉拉也有重置一下的打算,如果有想...
【崩坏:星穹铁道/Honkai: Star Rail】流萤 替换 路易斯 Firefly Replace Louis
Tekijä: 流歌Ruka
模型来源:模之屋 模型编辑:神帝宇 模型版权所属miHoYo 尼克版本(nick versions):https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3175808892 一定要在求生里面好好保护好属于你们的小流萤,不要再让她受伤了喔 Be sure to protect your firefly in L4D2 and don't let her get hurt again ...
【崩坏:星穹铁道/Honkai: Star Rail】藿藿 替换 尼克 HuoHuo Replace Nick
Tekijä: 流歌Ruka
模型来源:模之屋 模型编辑:神帝宇 模型版权所属miHoYo 你…你好,我叫藿藿,是十王司的判官。 身后的…火焰尾巴?它…它是「尾巴」,尾巴大爷脾气很差,请别见怪…您若是有什么问题,直接问我就好… 藿藿可爱捏...
【崩坏3/Honkai impact】Misteln Schariac 米丝忒琳·沙尼亚特「织羽梦旌」 Replaces Zoey
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): 神帝宇 · run animation(跑步动作) - 不是大佬i · ragdoll animation- Valve Zoey · Compile(移植): 麻辣香锅 · Cover(封面): 神帝宇 模型信息 / Details · Weapon Boens for TLS update(临死一搏新添加的武器骨骼) · Ey...
【崩坏3/Honkai Impact 3 】德丽莎月下誓约·予爱以心 替换 罗雪儿 Theresa Apocalypse Replace Rochelle
Tekijä: 流歌Ruka
模型来源:模之屋 模型编辑:神帝宇 模型版权所属miHoYo “红月之下的吸血鬼,终于等来了翘首以盼的重逢。 漫长的等待让她的姿态发生了改变,但不变的是那份炽热的思念。” 感谢几位朋友在制作过程中提供的帮助 由于我过于猪鼻 害的几位朋友教得心态爆炸( 在这里说声对不起 周年庆回坑 虽然一发十连出了角色但是装备歪到姥姥家 只能说给mhy氪金会变得不幸了 ...
【崩坏3/Honkai Impact 3 】时雨绮罗 替换 尼克 Shigure Kira Replace Nick
Tekijä: 流歌Ruka
模型来源:模之屋 模型编辑:神帝宇 模型版权所属miHoYo mod包含:第一人称 第三人称 倒地图标 夜光 乳摇 表情 “正因历经困苦,才企盼见到星光; 正因并非坦途,才确信值得付出。 没错,这就是「时雨绮罗」如今坚定走向的道路—— 「我想成为,指引所有人的偶像——绮罗星!」” 应某个朋友的要求(原谅我记不清要替换谁了 可以评论区提一嘴) 恰好我个人从崩崩开始就比较喜欢绮罗这个角色 于是上班顶着被老板发现的危险摸出来了( 允许转载 请附上借物表和这个mod的链接...
【崩坏3/Honkai Impact 3 】琪亚娜·终焉律者 月海流华 替换 比尔 Kiana·Herrscher of Finality Replace Bill
Tekijä: 流歌Ruka
模型来源:模之屋 模型编辑:神帝宇 模型版权所属miHoYo 更新内容:更换脸部贴图,看起来更白 调整参数设置,身体更光滑。 改模:最爱心海 少女时常仰望星空。 纯洁的月光从未停止流淌,它辉照着安谧的夜晚,将难言的心绪尽纳光中。 少女偶尔漫步夜海。 微凉的海水从未停止流淌,它见证过生命的诞生,也将承载无垠的未来。 “……她寻觅海中浮漾的月影,却不知自己早已成为群鱼追逐的光华。” 最近胃不舒服 查了一下得了慢性胃炎 所以休息了一段时间 ...
【崩坏3rd】天火劫灭·无烬终焉替换棒球棒/Might_of_An-Utu Replace The Bat
Tekijä: KyuuSyou
模型pmx化:微波叮桃子 素材来自:崩坏3 模型版权所属miHoYo "赫克托尔知道王国终将陷落 阿喀琉斯也明白自己正在走向死亡 但他们两人 依然义无反顾的踏上了战场 在这个从一开始就注定是悲剧的故事里 没有一个人曾为此犹豫或动摇 世界早已无法拯救 可我们必须成为『英雄』 ————Kevin" 【天火劫灭·无烬终焉】替换棒球棒(卡斯兰娜祖传棒球棒) Might_of_An-Utu Replace The Bat With dynamic and glow materials 沿用官方动作,有夜光和一点点的动...
【崩坏3rd】布洛妮娅 次生银翼 替换 Rochelle (R-18)
Replaces Rochelle 说明 · 【崩坏3rd】布洛妮娅 次生银翼 替换 Rochelle (R-18) · 仅较小程度修改了贴图(去除胖次,添加啤),别TM再问改哪了OK吗 · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:麻辣香锅 · New skin:【绀海】雲鶴.Undefined 其他 · 喜欢/(不喜欢)就请点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家 禁止任何未经允许的转载...
【崩坏3rd】希儿(彼岸双生)镰刀 替换 高尔夫球棍
说明 · 模型来自观海子大佬 · 本MOD只替换了模型,没有替换声音以及动作 · 可能有点轻飘飘的感觉,这个镰刀比起其他的,有点单薄的感觉 · 已经修复第三人称手持武器位置违和的问题 · 感谢紫丁香大佬给予的指点 其他 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载...
Tekijä: 冇van题
身高169,有乳摇 优化了手模(拇指处) 8.25:修好了脚踝处 8.26:有表情了 9.30:改手模 12.17:改手模 2024.1.13:添加倒地图标 1.29:增加夜光 4.28:删除眼部夜光 7.17:删除飘尾夜光并增加飘尾透明度 本模型素材的最终版权归【广州库洛科技有限公司】所有 created by 战双帕弥什/1010浣 ...
Tekijä: 冇van题
最棘手的模型 手模糟糕(不是一般的糟糕,觉得不好,请见谅) 8.24:优化了手模(拇指处) 8.26:添加了表情 11.18:重做了手模(能看了) 12.5:添加乳摇 2024.7.18:增加飘带透明度 本模型素材的最终版权归【广州库洛科技有限公司】所有 created by 战双帕弥什/1010浣 下一个mod:明年...
【战双帕弥什】 粉樱 替换 砍刀 Replace Machete
Tekijä: 阿梓
简介/introduction 肥肠感谢 Hesh233 大佬带来的粉樱模型 以及 Mav大佬 和ThomasCat大佬 制作出如此优秀的MOD 创作者 / Creator Models/模型出处: 库洛 Sound/音效:库洛 animation/动画:MW2019砍刀 老版本动画 Compile/移植: Hehuan(me) 包含内容/Includs V models | 第一人称模型 Wmodels | 第一人称模型 Official Texture | 官方贴图 RNG版本 RNG Ver. 允许转...
【战双帕弥什】COD:MW2019 M680/M870 卡列尼娜 替换 铁喷
Tekijä: FenLan.
替换 铁喷 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 PYgame.D.Cthulhu 制作的 COD:MW2019 M680/M870 原武器地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2236691279 ——专为海岸假日制作的涂装,海风一般轻盈的薄纱有效混合了散热与防护双重功能,在提升夏日作战能力的同时,释放出仅属于她的璀璨夏夜。...
【战双帕弥什】Medical supplies set of four 医疗用品4件套 21号 替换 血包、电击器、肾上腺素、止痛药
Tekijä: FenLan.
替换 血包、电击器、饮料、止痛药 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 ❀Beau❀、8sianDude、 Vanyarin、scream 制作的 医疗用品 原物品地址: 8sianDude【肾上腺素】 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2559240784 Vanyarin【电击器】 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2789757961 ❀Bea...
【明日方舟】覆潮之下 主题 安全屋加载背景 Chapter Loading Background
说明 · 共计8张图片(There are 8 pictures in total) · 图像分辨率为 1920*1080 ,但原图质量不错,所以无伤大雅 · 图片来自明日方舟官方和BliBili UP主“REDのORGE” · 祝使用愉快 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载 ...
【東方Project】博麗霊夢 消防斧 (Fireaxe)
说明 · 【東方Project】博麗霊夢 消防斧 (Fireaxe) · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 修改了攻击刀光(Changed the color of the attack effect) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · New skin:【绀海】雲鶴.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1709...
【碧蓝档案】Nico替换黑妹/[Blue archive] Nico Replace Rochelle
Credits: 模型提供/Moded provider:晓在努力不发电(BUID:1266194255) 编译人物模型/Complie Survivor Model:Me 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll:Me 特涩 /Features 飘动骨骼/Jiggle bones 表情/Expression 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll <-需要在首次订阅后重启游戏生效/Should be function after restart your game,if you just subsc...
Tekijä: Doux9桜月
将启动游戏后加载主界面时的过场图替换为《碧蓝档案》中的游戏CG: Replace the main loading screen (“Left 4 Dead 2” title screen) into story CG in Blue Archive: background01 -> Cleaning & Clearing/C&C女仆部/Cleaning & Clearing background02 -> 対策委員会/对策委员会/Countermeasure Council background03 ->...
【碧蓝航线】超超可爱の小甜橙 小人枪 替换 榴弹发射器 Replaces grenade_launcher~
谨以祝贺碧蓝航线六周年~ 为了防止那些又白又晃的大船穿上泳装后 使钱包大破! 牛子受到不可逆的伤害! 让我们一起来单推超可爱的小甜橙吧! ———————————— 替换榴弹发射器的模型、声音和动画。 Replaces grenade_launcher including model、sound、animation sequence. ·动画均为自制,换弹动画参考了在恋爱循环中咱非常喜欢的一段动作,检视动画参考了小鳐的日常。 ·拥有长达十几秒的检视动画。(have view animations that l...
【紫罗兰永恒花园】薇尔莉特·伊芙加登 主题 M82 (Replaces Hunting rifle)
说明 · 【紫罗兰永恒花园】薇尔莉特·伊芙加登 (ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン/Violet Evergardene)主题 M82 (Replaces Hunting rifle) · 包含夜光、动作 · 欢迎反馈 · 祝使用愉快~ 借物表 · New skin:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1831278839098743345/63F13C35A498822237D8D74C780FA5B227D0527...
Tekijä: 又菜又爱玩
显示25% 50% 75%的完成度,不会因为灭了多少次都不知道自己准备通关没 输入:!p 或!P 可以查看当前进度(感叹号需要大写 英文大小写都可以) 仅在使用该MOD的服务器生效,进入他人服务器不会生效 三方图同样适用,部分三方图原地来回绕路可能会提示错误 在服务器上使用只需把本MOD放到服务端的addons文件夹即可 此MOD通过:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2314785668 修改而来 ...
【赛马娘】米浴 VZ.61 替换Mp5/Umamusume Pretty Derby Rice Shower Deplace MP5
Tekijä: Azusa.EL
替换Mp5 夜光(glow) 原mod来自8sianDude: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2531250954 Origin mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2531250954 米浴上学用的枪(不是) 如果喜欢这个mod就请点个赞支持一下吧! ...
【逆流茶会】扑克牌替换AWP!(含夜光效果) 一时兴起制作,不过浅羽和澪真的好可爱啊! 图片画师(Pixiv站): 逆流茶会 画师主页链接:https://www.pixiv.net/users/50258193 原MOD作者:槐音Grsomiprs Original model 原模型:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1088401036&searchtext=AWP 如有侵权请联系我,可删除。 卡牌背面有3张图片,手持卡牌12...
【ALIEN ALIENS / 外星异形】Singuard Arms AR-15 Grimlock Reborn 外星异形 替换 M16
Tekijä: FenLan.
替换 M16 自制涂装+设计LOGO【外星异形】系列 Self-made painting+Design LOGO 【ALIEN ALIENS】Series 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 Raizen 制作的 Singuard Arms AR-15 Grimlock Reborn 原武器地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2559728044 Raizen / BaiFvckmouZ:Compile / Audi...
【Arknights/明日方舟】W 替换 Hunter
Tekijä: 星月沧海
明日方舟W替换Hunter 这个mod很久之前被人举报下架了,个人找了好久才找到其他人备份的 因为原出处不明,如果原作者或者原上传者看到希望可以提醒我一下 ...
【BEATLESS】M870替换木喷(replace pumpshot)
Tekijä: M82A1闇冥
【BEATLESS】M870替换木喷 Credits: models&sound: Valve materials: M82A1闇冥 ...
【Blender】LX武士刀 替换武士刀 (katana)
Tekijä: 洛兮
上一个相同的mod中说有非法链接,导致我无法修改和删除,同学们请订阅这个,谢谢! 替换武士刀,replace katana 包含:颜色贴图(basetexture),法线贴图(normal map) 模型(model):洛兮—blender自制 贴图(texture):洛兮—substance painter自制 动作(animation):https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2817203330 如果你喜欢这个作品,请点赞,收藏,关...
【BlueArchive碧蓝档案】阿罗娜ARONA主题武士刀-[COD:BO3]鬼肉喰村正katana(has effects)
2.0更新 修复攻击动画方向与实际攻击方向判定不匹配问题 阿罗娜主题武士刀 替换武士刀 replace Katana 喜欢就好 原膜链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3077580952 ...
【Elden Ring】Godskin Stitcher(pitchfork)艾尔登法环—神皮缝针(干草叉)
Tekijä: 洛兮
替换干草叉,replace pitchfork Model: 洛兮 Texture: 洛兮 Animation: 物业(LightmappedGeneric) 包含:颜色贴图(basetexture),法线贴图(normalmap) 渲染图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2004702731866027278/931F78AD60EF070F0C52B8AE6EB03C77B169DDD4/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&imp...
解除了战役模式的4人限制 注:本mod在本地使用时需安装Sourcemod才能生效 (已安装的伺服器不需要) https://www.sourcemod.net/downloads.php?branch=stable...
【L4D2】Ultimate Special Spawner Training
Author:是我星魂哒 【CN】 Uploader : 雪が落るCarmel 【CN】 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/933815190129255998/51A4926FE00F816B3EDAEA47AAC96003F8F72CAA/ 1. Automatic blood return system (completed) 2. Self rescue system (completed) 3. One button bhop system (c...
【Flower Dance】 Deadmanstale
Tekijä: IRyr1ou
【Flower Dance】replace Spas ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the second mod made by newcomers, I hope you like it Thanks to Yoie, 超级小咪 for their guidance, and thanks to 奶白的雪子 夜幕降临 for modifying...
【Left 4 Dead 2】钉宫妮妮Ninico 替换 帽子(Eills)
MOD使用注意事项: 不允许商用用途 Commercial use is not allowed 不允许二次发布 Secondary release of mods is not allowed MOD包含: 物理飘动 VRD 动态表情 第一人称手模 骨骼动画 (还有什么忘了>.<) It has everything it needs MOD详情: 人物模型:钉宫妮妮_NiNico 替换角色:Eills 传送门:https://space.bilibili.com/8881297 (妮妮主页) 传送门:h...
【Pastel Mix】动态/夜光/医疗包
Pastel Mix动态医疗包,Wallpaper Engine壁纸作者:muyu. MOD的效果跟壁纸一样,是循环动态效果,晚上也有夜光效果。 制作不易求个点赞 收藏 效果展示: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2049736892943352664/FAC002F258D18352FFAAE7E4319978481D831F57/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%230000...
【LOL】Katana—Yone-HeartSteel /【英雄联盟】武士刀—心之钢永恩
Tekijä: 豆花不加辣
替换武士刀,replace katana 包含:模型(model);基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap):夜光(Glow) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2259182745926820253/9E8380EA48368E42852B6E0237EE4063C78645C9/ · 欢迎反馈,祝使用愉快~ (Feedback is welcome.Have fun~)(●°u°●)​ ...
Tekijä: Tyrant
This work contains 12 spray,they are all R18 works. Please collect if you like. =w=...
【R18 版本】逆流茶会 扑克牌替换AWP!(含夜光效果)
【R18 版本】逆流茶会 扑克牌替换AWP!(含夜光效果) 尺度大,请谨慎订阅!!!!!!!!!! 一时兴起制作,不过浅羽和澪真的好可爱啊! 图片画师(Pixiv站): 逆流茶会 画师主页链接:https://www.pixiv.net/users/50258193 效果展示请看R16版本,这里就不放原图了,我怕没了。 R16版本:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2936163778 原MOD作者:槐音Grsomiprs Orig...
【R20/R18】----随机门替换常见门(RNG DOOR)
Tekijä: 清酒不还
随机变换门贴图 高清贴图较多,与配置无关,闪退请把L4D2页池内存改低降低贴图质量 基础常见门 多达60张高质量【R18】PNG贴图 移步原作者的作品 还有9天就过年啦,开冲,,. ...
【Soul Worker】武士刀 Katana
说明 · 【Soul Worker】武士刀 Katana · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 模型 (Models) : 13549838990 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1817743455766722863/FF03CFD831D356D9F942D38C568744B05FAF434F...
【Touhou】 东方 蕾米莉亚小刀 Replace Knife (夜光glow)
Tekijä: L'Étranger
第二个夜光mod 第一次做了个芙兰的akmod 不小心删了 视频展示:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pY411g7Eq Video presentation:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pY411g7Eq...
Tekijä: Ohana
舞夜Maya 替换 艾利斯ellis 制作者 Credits ● 模型来源 Model:@キュビ ● 移植 Compile:我me 基础内容 Include ● 表情 Flex animation ● 裙子VRD ● 飘动骨骼 Jiggle bones ● 佐伊动作 Zoey anims 额外添加 Feature ● 三套服装随机 Three outfits switch randomly ● 指甲贴图随机Nail texture switch randomly ● 支持 kokkorylien制作的表情组...
【xdr】PhutHon 抖臀舞 替换 打包动作 Hip wagging dance Replaces heal~
算是这段时间做替换镜头舞蹈的边角料,动机是和群友开车互斗表情包的时候被洗脑了。 ———————————— 替换八人打包动作。 Replacing the heal actions of eight people 二次元人物使用xdr动画时偶尔会出现替换动画变回原版动画的情况,原因不明,解决方法不明。 ———————————— 此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit...
もな-mona- 来自异世界的色兔子- VRC3dmod
模型 名字 :mona 不是封面这个衣服。太色了放不出来 来自于BOOTH自购找 来自@昵称全被占用了啊 我的定制mod replace bill 比尔 B站相关宣传视频估计发不出来 希望你用的开心。可以的话,还请给我点个免费的赞,或者一个三连。蟹蟹了! 内容 没有RNG 没有夜光 没有表情 粉色大耳朵! 带 R摇 黑丝手模黑丝腿 你为什么不关注 ?你为什么不关注!你为什么不关注!? 谢谢 你好 再见! 爱 !来自瓷器! 是在是太色了 私服透明 ,非封面截图。 8人包还没想好发不发,没什么问题应该在群文件。...
东雪莲 我爱你 推人音效
Tekijä: 王嘉然
关键词:东雪莲,罕见,CNM,操你妈,焯你妈 推人音效...
Tekijä: 八云蓝
部分含有R18 ...
Tekijä: 水☆野☆爱
Tekijä: †祈月†
除了一张是群内梗图表情包之外其余全是好看的喷漆,希望各位喜欢啦———— ...
中文小姐姐语音包4[Replace Coach]
Tekijä: 超天酱
替换2代角色教练coach,订阅后用GCFScope解包vpk按照说明提示替换,然后控制台输入 snd_rebuildaudiocache 即可。 提示,这是中文的语音包哦~相对于现在大部分的日语,比较容易听懂。然后为了防止被控听不懂,只替换了大部分音效。 自从用了这个就特别喜欢黑coach(划掉 今天赶制很久呢~希望你能喜欢~~ 二代角色语音包完结撒花!!!!!!! 1代语音包传送门:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=209388...
主弹匣20倍子弹(Weapon magazine 20x)
Tekijä: 南宫镇海
Currently known bugs: 1. Multiple bullets will conflict with the character information records of Wangye and other plug-ins, which will cause the character to constantly reload bullets, but it can be solved by manually changing bullets with one shot. 2. Th...
九死一生之小女孩的梦境 V2.6
Tekijä: jiu mei
left 2 is an open world that allows for any form of existence. If you want to play normally, you can go play landscape maps. I designed this map for multiplayer games, playing happily together, rather than single player games map +++ jiugongchang1 jiugongc...
Tekijä: 真红眼嗨龙
骷髅手臂模型 替换 警棍 Skeleton arm → replace →spontoon...
自制MOD武器 动画模仿生死狙击K的, 应该有9分甚至于8分的相似(心虚) 替换的武器是AWP因为没有合适的散弹枪替换本来想替换沙鹰的 但是我觉得副武器不太合适…… 也是粉丝要求我做的武器MOD希望有玩家会使用吧 演示https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1uz4y1A7qB ...
这是之前粉丝老爷想要的武器,这次没有K动画而是套用了别的动画, 不过反正M60也没法换弹无所谓 演示 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fj411h7Ya ...
你们这是什么群? Spitter暴躁大妈语音包
Tekijä: 蒜蓉炒面
替换了Spitter的语音 一般状态:谁是群主出来,wrnmlgb,骗我儿子几千万,游戏啊动漫啊会害死你们的,一天到晚上网是不是人。。。。。。。。。 吐口水:好好学习 死亡:太过分了 注意!!!由于这个语音特性,不足1秒的语音没有替换,因此Spitter近身攻击声音是原版 预览:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av43931772/ 喜欢请三连哦! 跤♂友群:931395294...
停留在彼岸的夏天1 V3.1
Tekijä: 彼岸花
地图信息: 把以前的作品【彼岸】小修复一下,排序缝合起来的作品(没错,我副业是炒米粉的),未完成作品不定期更新... 提示:本地图可游玩时间短&非正常地图&非风景向地图,介意慎入。有地图问题可以评论区留言,有能力修复会去修 提示:本地图提示基本全在聊天框内提示,需要注意部分服务器端可能会屏蔽该消息! 地图代码: map summer01_0 map summer01_1 map summer01_2 map summer01_3 更新信息: 2023/10/21 V2.2 更新:缝合M1&M2完成; 202...
Tekijä: 未来可妻
在原作者的MOD上把小刀伤害增加了,改为100。 原作者MOD链接: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2238701022 原作者恢复了削弱前的小刀判定线,攻速等一切属性,更新还加了动作。 我特别喜欢这个作者制作的这个MOD,感兴趣的可以去看一下此作者的MOD哈。 可用于服务器,单人 侵删。...
Tekijä: DIMSE12
克拉拉 替换 Rochelle
Tekijä: 白楠D
介绍: 欢迎反馈,制作不易 进群闲聊:697196002 Hope you all pay attention This is my main https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198440491200...
Tekijä: DIO·不懒惰
我不知道我是谁,我也不知道我在哪,我只知道我要大开杀戒! I don't know who I am, and I don't know where I am. I just know I'm going to kill! 所有官方武器修改为变态版,不改主弹夹容量无限是最后的仁慈 单人模式及作为房主的本地服务器生效,可以用来做成就,进别人的房要关掉并重启游戏,不然会被后坐力猛拉,自己开房要打防冲突代码, 背背背起了行囊~~~~~~~~~~~...
Tekijä: DIO·不懒惰
低技术力自娱自乐作品 2.8大更新:将鸟狙设置为整活武器,字面意义的整活,它射击队友可以喂队友吃胆汁()达到回血、清除黑白、扶起倒地挂边的医学奇迹效果,攻击特感时会变成胆汁喷射器,召唤小僵尸殴打敌人。加强AWP的作弊效果,删除秒杀队友的能力,它现在打队友拥有着加强版医学奇迹效果,但是攻击敌人会造成最大生命值100%伤害(也就是无论血条多长都是直接秒杀),击中的地方会产生能炸晕下级特感的爆炸。删除AWP霰弹枪效果。 整活武器:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/fil...
全球使命-末日审判的声音(replace SPAS12)sound
Tekijä: 完美消除
这个MOD替换了初始二代连喷的声音 This is only sound. doesn't work Please check whether mod conflicts....
Tekijä: Rtrteyssd
我不怎么玩工坊,这大概也是我唯一一个会在工坊上传的mod,不用关注我。我不太喜欢额外的社交,也不会接受任何订单,所以请不要给我发送好友申请。 本人对其中的任何角色都没有任何恶意,自己在使用时也同时订阅了去除血液效果的mod,建议你们也这么做。 借用了工坊大佬的去除原版小僵尸贴图尸体的mod 一共40个角色,均为果体(带有头饰),全部包含飘动和乳摇 一代小僵尸:纳西妲 七七 神里绫华 八重神子 雷电将军(以上五个来自原神)阿妮亚(间谍过家家)绫波丽(新世纪福音战士)冰糖 嘉然 向晚(以上三个来自b站vtube...
准心+速度表 防冲突整合
Tekijä: nyamura
Tekijä: 冰茶
↑上方合集 期期经典↑ 合集可下载 【每关随机换喷漆脚本】 和 【vtf喷漆文件】         ↓ ↓ 5张视距喷漆 ↓ ↓ 实用系/恶搞系 · D1-LJFX https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1838035412342325641/3996A90A659F65A0C898F0E107419246BA6C1324/ 《冷静分析→前方死路》 恶搞或三方带新。 实用系 · D2-GO https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....
Tekijä: 冰茶
↑上方合集 期期经典↑ 合集可下载 【每关随机换喷漆脚本】 和 【vtf喷漆文件】 17张里有7张是上一次问号系列里的图。         ↓ ↓ 5张动态喷漆 ↓ ↓ 美图系 · G4-Re https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1838037295663117430/4836AA711136D95E0850B39C7ED1B3CB030E6F7A/ †升天† 美图系 · G5-hi https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.ne...
动态 初音 MK13 手雷 (replacer Pipebomb)
Tekijä: Kamome
MIKU MK13 replacer Pipebomb 初音未来 MK13闪光弹(震撼弹) 替换土质炸药(手榴弹) 基础贴图,高光贴图,法线贴图,夜光贴图 其实还能做得再详细些的,我自己用的那个是4k版600多mb 我怕你们接受不了这么大,就改成1024了,帧速率也缩减了 喜欢的可以帮忙点一下赞涅 mk13闪光 Original mod link:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2548598279 原MOD链接:https://...
替换吉他 MOD来源于网络 如侵权请告知,好删除 ...
单人模式 - Single Player
Tekijä: 怀念
如果卡死、闪退或其他问题( Left 4 Dead 2 crash fix ) 离线 或 把 2311774880.vpk 移动到 steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\addons, 然后取消订阅 无主页菜单版( No Main Menu Version) https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2716404967 起因自己菜想玩无AI队友的单人模式, 但又懒得踢AI队友就搞这个难度较低的...
印花集-MW22 Kastov545(replaceAK47)
Tekijä: 月時計
原模组:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2928324394 原模作者:M82A1闇冥(已授权) 首次学习贴枪皮的成果,拥有珠光与夜光效果,替换的开火声音来自CODOL Sound from CODOL. 替换了 AK-47。 Hope you can enjoy it. 2023.03.09——修正了引用了错误路径的贴图 2023.03.11——将枪身改为了2k贴图,发光参数降低 2023.03.12——调整了护木的部分参数,使...
印花集Kel-Tec KSG
Tekijä: 偷跑仙人
希望大家喜欢 替换铁喷 对了 描述里面怎么加图片啊) 演示视频链接https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1CY411q7oC/ ...
Tekijä: SSG
原子弹!菲尔米诺~ 替换榴弹发射器爆炸音效 ...
双持幽灵行者 碧蓝档案 和纱 桔梗
Tekijä: 丢你蕾姆
替换武士刀 replace Katana 原幽灵行者 侵即下 :https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2905588095  假装贴个二次元  原双持动作自k切刀动作,增加粒子等等:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2765894537  偏写实风格版本  5.23增加手背甜甜圈 ...
反恐精英OL 暗影芭比 CSOL (Witch)
Tekijä: Lost my pieces
It's the official model of the game 用的是游戏官方的模型 我们是他们的奴隶 模型由Sagara分享...
只狼电击器特效 Sekiro Defib Particle (for 20Cat's Particle Manifest)
Tekijä: taC02
作者已退工坊。仅补档,无后续更新。为防steam若智审核机器人所以没描述,请自行研究使用方法。 The author feels disappointed with the workshop. It's just a re-upload addon for those who need it. No description or tutorial, no more future updates or technical support for this addon. ...
Tekijä: Visualll
注意事项 此mod目前支持最多1特~24特 这个是战役和写实模式下的mod!仅影响战役和写实模式,其他模式不支持!! 此mod下增强了特感的智商及数据,tank不会被气死且扔石头频率降低。 修改了枪械的弹药容量,调整了专家难度下的友伤系数,生还者倒地可爬行,爬行速度为70。 mod包含强光手电筒(仅限本地服务器使用!) 由于目前功能还不完善,所以mod保持游戏默认刷特数量和时间。 要调多特的话每关都需要输入一次指令! 修改小僵尸数量指令: 无小僵尸:!0ci 1只小僵尸:!1ci ...... 29只小僵尸...
启明星_流光溢彩(木质单喷)_Wood shotgun
启明星_流光溢彩(木质单喷):它的流线,入德芙般的丝滑;它的色彩,如启明星般的柔顺;它的设计,拥有陶瓷般的坚毅。。。自从用了启明星_流光溢彩,妈妈再也不用担心我打一号位了。神挡杀神,佛挡杀佛。(糟糕的文案....)_____Enlightenment Star Brilliant (Wooden Spray): It's streamlined, into the dove-like silk; its color, such as Enlightenment Star soft; its design, ...
Tekijä: Ge_ge_gu
灵感来源:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2792221645 替换游戏内安全屋标识 素材为呜米的二期装扮表情 呜米—安全屋贴图,让海之王者呜米喵守护您的安全 呜米喵想要成为大家的爱抖露,努力进步,kilakila~(划去) ps:倒数两行的介绍是一个经常看呜米的朋友写的,与作者无关...
Tekijä: Potatoxs
本人自定义的命中反馈样式和音效 需要配合服务器插件使用 服务器插件自行在B站搜索 关键词:求生之路 命中反馈...
Tekijä: mmi开心
喵喵冲击! - Cat Punch | Pan 替换 平底锅
此Mod仅在工坊发布,禁止在别的地方上传 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit uploading to other places 【 粉色系列 】 - 番外篇08 | 喵喵冲击! - Cat Punch 喵喵拳套 替换 平底锅 / replace the Frying pan | Luminous 手臂长度建议70以上 | cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 70 UP ↑ 这是咱好几天摸爬滚打学会的第一个自制动作模组嗷...
Tekijä: Ausnty
这是一个恶搞喷漆,当别人喷涩图的时候,向其涩图喷射牛奶吧! (附带几张喷漆) When someone sprays a porn spray, spray their diagram with milk! 使用方法:打开游戏->选项->多人联机->喷漆图案...
Tekijä: 花の韵❄
喷漆 共10张 没错 都是伊蕾娜的 但是可能有点糊 用ps修更糊 所以就没动 只稍微调整下分辨率防止更糊 部分图一大一小 原图是这样的这点没办法 订阅后请在选项——多人联机-查看 群里找的所以糊 推荐使用喷漆5...
圣诞手斧 替换撬棍 - X's Max Hatchet replace crowbar
Tekijä: 这把一定过
替换了撬棍的模型,并使用TID的插画作为贴纸 Replace the crowbar with X's Max Hatchet , artwork by TID Pivix ID = 54225446 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏? ———————————————————— Change the crowbar's model with Hatchet . Main theme with Meteor shower If you like my work, don't forget to show supp...
墨冰(夜光)Black ice 碧蓝档案 荷鲁斯之眼 - 星野的霰弹枪 Blue Archive for pump shotgun
Tekijä: AbyssFaZe
贴皮mod 原型:碧蓝档案 荷鲁斯之眼 - 星野的霰弹枪 替换木喷 贴图:墨冰blackice 贡献 原mod Original mod from:Kokkorylien https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2872568546 贴图参数:十年公交男 https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198848049874 简介 自制高光法线贴图 贴图原图来自ubisoft rainbow six s...
墨冰(夜光)Black ice Chrome Shotgun
Tekijä: AbyssFaZe
贴皮mod Chrome Shotgun 原版铁喷 贴图:墨冰blackice 贡献 贴图参数:十年公交男 https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198848049874 简介 自制高光法线贴图 贴图r6s墨冰 粗制滥造 勿喷...
Tekijä: 蟑螂恶霸
SMG(冲锋枪子弹,备弹950) ASSAULTRIFLE(步枪子弹,备弹540) SNIPERRIFLE(连发狙击枪子弹,备弹270) HUNTINGRIFLE(单发狙击枪子弹,备弹140) SHOTGUN(单发霰弹枪子弹,备弹120) AUTOSHOTGUN(连发霰弹枪子弹,备弹180) PIPEBOMB(土制炸弹,备弹90) MOLOTOV(燃烧瓶,备弹90) VOMITJAR(胆汁,备弹90) M60(主弹匣180,无限弹药) 榴弹发射器通用(主弹匣6,无限弹药) 已修复一代人物手臂消失问题...
Tekijä: PAFF
单独订阅没有任何效果,用于配合其他武器脚本的备弹量修改 (如果你没有订阅我的其他mod请无视此mod) 图片PID 100426357 作者 shiroKii (シロキ)...
Tekijä: The doctrinaire
天宫心李恩菲尔德替换鸟狙 Kokoro amamiya Lee-Enfield replaces the Scout 原模型链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2611139083 model from: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2611139083 好久不做MOD,这次做的是阿喵喵的李恩菲尔德步枪替换鸟狙 阿喵喵可爱捏 依旧是珠光和少量的印花...
备弹增加 Increase Ammunition
Tekijä: WH_Muato
仅本地服务器以及单人模式使用 修改了所有武器的备弹数量 smg 950 冲锋枪 shotgun 300 霰弹 rifle 720 步枪 huntingrifle 300 栓动狙击枪 sniperrifle 400 连狙 M60 950 机枪 Grenade Launcher 200 榴弹 可搭配幸存者强化MOD:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2646209870...
太阳花田/Garden of the Sun(touhou map)
Tekijä: 月見団
萌新的第一张地图,制作时间大概300h 警告:本地图为半成品,拥有诸多设计缺陷,不建议游玩。 致其他想要学习的开发者:由于疏忽,源vmf已丢失,但其中的机关技术等我仍然掌握,有需要的可在我的资料下面留言,我会提供实例 如果打不过,请及时调整难度,或者活用管理员工具提升体验。 请不要尝试单人通关此地图,你真的过不去,此图难度是为团队配合而制定的。 提示:如果出现材质丢失(紫黑格子)的情况,请将vpk中的bsp文件移动至游戏目录下的left4dead2/maps文件中下即可解决 This is my first...
奧利給安全室結算音樂(Safe Room Music)
我們不管遇到什麼樣的困難,也不要怕,微笑著面對它! 消除恐懼最好的辦法,就是面對恐懼! 堅持,才是勝利! 加油!奧利給!...
Tekijä: Deadpool417
逆战22年天帝套主武器 替换铁喷 包含:第一人称模型 第三人称模型 原官方武器动作 没搞音效 以后可能会更新音效还有动作还原 4月30更新贴图...
如履薄冰:死亡之路 Glacier challenge: Death Road
Tekijä: 观星云计算
This is the orthodox sequel of glacier challenge and glacier challenge: extreme pursuit. It is the third work and has four chapters. This is partial to Parkour map, which is very difficult and requires players with very high game skills. It is recommended ...
Tekijä: JohNny.R
大更新,可以打专家了,大大的缩减了地图包的大小,修复了一些bug,美化了一点点环境,删除了自定义武器。物资在屋子里多找找(冰箱里)图内含有止痛药及M60和女巫MOD开房前请打好防冲突 开启机关前可以先看看地形做好防御尸潮的准备。第二关门钥匙在电动车屋子喷子的屌上。最后感谢各位的赞助,感谢长远の梦远程指导,谢谢。另外不要玩老版本了。 ...
封印者boss 约德战斗BGM 替换Tank BGM
Tekijä: Gimlet
射速及换弹——特感强化 (Rate of fire and reload—— Special infection enhancement)
Tekijä: 韦子能
创造 : 著作权归 Blackcat12951 所有 注意: 模组必排序在AI强化、备弹前面,否则不能生效 进游戏观察换弹速度,如果较快速证明生效成功 改动: 猎人生命值 375 小丑生命值 575 女巫生命值 1500 坦克生命值 18000 冲锋者生命值 1800 痰婆、胖子、舌头生命值 300 提升射速及换弹速度 倒地允许50速度爬行 每关高概率刷出女巫或坦克 特感技能伤害、冷却速度提升 燃烧瓶、胆汁生效时间增强一半 被特感控到瞬间,会产生小幅冲击,弹开身边幸存者 附言: 35——55 https://...
Tekijä: YURiZono
新发了另一个血条样式 没有聊天框的提示文字 添加载入脚本文件,不用那个脚本前置文件 更新之后好像小了不少,现在只有8KB了...
小鳥遊 ホシノ(水) | Autoshotgun - 小鳥遊星野(水) の 一代连喷 | Luminous
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places 小鳥遊 ホシノ(水) | replace the Auto Shotgun | Luminous 小鳥遊星野(水) | 替换 一代连喷 | 夜光 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/u...
Tekijä: Mi413
1、增加sv_consistency代码,防止建房进不来或者闪退啥的,适合喜欢自己开大厅的小伙伴 2、倒地可以爬行,速度和正常走路差不多,很爽 3、倒地不会眩晕,手枪射速加快无限子弹 4、救人打包和电击加速很快,起身打包直接回100 5、10倒地次数才会黑白 6、被特感控到倒地状态,可以立刻解控并起身,但减一次倒地次数 7、止疼药回复80,针回复45 8、瘸腿血量20才触发,移速惩罚改成40% 9、减少复活房时间,现在只需要5秒即可复活 四人打高难多特减少翻车率,萌新打不过老是挂也可以用 原mod:幸存者治...
崩坏3♪ Samurai Edge—梅比乌斯♪(Magnum) Honkai3—Mobius♪
替换马格南 ,replace Magnum 这是我第二次做的MOD。有什么做的不好的请见谅 看到没人做,自己做着玩的 原版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2532124673 origin model:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2532124673 第一文明纪元抗崩坏组织逐火之蛾的十三英桀之一,位次“X”,刻印为“无限”。梅比乌斯是穆大陆的著...
幸存者强化 Survivor Strengthen
Tekijä: WH_Muato
强化内容2.0: 1.打包满血,100血 2.快速打包,倒油,给可乐,救人,拉人,3秒 3.倒地爬行 4.重生满血,100血 5.增加倒地拉起的血量,80血,倒地次数,4次 6.吃药满血,掉血时间减少 7.一代火神固定机枪冷却时间10秒,过热时间30秒 8.更改受伤血量,10血 9.肾上腺素持续时间,30秒,增加使用后的移动速度,使用增加血量,50血 10.推人次数,20次,推人间隔减少 11.近战武器速度略微提升 12.装备镭射后精准度提升50% 可搭配备弹MOD:https://steamcommuni...
广州增城 (Zengcheng)Lv7.3
Tekijä: 爱都有罪love
人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对人来说只有一次。因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能够说,我把整个生命和全回部精力都献给了人生最答宝贵的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗。 zc_m1 zc_m2 zc_m3 zc_m4 zc_m5 BGM:海阔天空、迎春花、今年胜旧年、十五的月亮(潮汕版)、Fell for U 解决闪退问题:1,选项视频使用推荐设置,2,取消订阅个别导致闪退mod 用爱发电,喜欢的话可以滑到下面支持一下 》 》 》 》 》...
异世界之旅 mysterious world tour
幸存者受到神秘游戏机的召唤,无意间进入了游戏机的世界,这里危机四伏,他们能够逃离吗? 地图属于冒险类地图,难度较高,试做地图,不喜勿喷. ---感谢@烈锋的技术帮助--- Survivors by mysterious game box call, inadvertently into the game world, here the crisis everywhere, can they escape ? This is an adventure map, with higher difficulty, ...
Tekijä: 鸽紫
-。-真彩虹速度表 ...
It integrates the script of fast gun cutting and faster reloading Note: the actual ammunition change is faster than the action. Basically, you can shoot before the end of the ammunition change (it's troublesome to change the action) No consolidation versio...
Tekijä: 爱都有罪love
********************************************************* 此订阅被举报已重新上传,最新版本请点击下面 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2396847377 ********************************************************* ...
战双帕弥什 赛琳娜 替换 Coach
Tekijä: ꧁༒空༒꧂
Replace Coach 有飘动骨骼和UI,zoey动作,表情 Add:JiggleBone bone、UI 、zoeyanimation、flex 出处:战双帕弥什 模型/版权:库洛 欣赏并给予5分评价 :D Enjoy and rate 5 ^^ :D 感谢你的订阅和赞 Thank you for your subscription and prais ...
自己留着用( ) ...
手动安装——插件整合包:光明版 (Manual Installation——Plug-in Integration Pack: Light Edition)
Tekijä: 韦子能
注意: 已包含Source平台1.11纯净版 直接订阅无效需手动,安装前备份要覆盖的文件夹 插件只能本地服务器联机,无法加入官方VAC服务器。 如果不是战役党经常做房主,建议就别装插件了 安装: GCF解包放 XXX盘:\steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2即可 改动: 击杀感染者化为灰烬 第一人称看到双腿 牛头冲锋过程中拐弯 女巫生气逐渐巨大化 6人战役插件,需要更多人请改cfg: l4d2_multislots.cfg、 l4d2_rmc.cfg...
扑克牌+声音 Replace Military Sniper
Tekijä: ꧁༒空༒꧂
扑克牌 Replace Military Sniper Playing cards Replace Military Sniper Hope you enjoy. If You like it, Click on the collection. don't forget rate up👍 :) ...
拜山(Bai mountain)
Tekijä: 晨晨
Map name: Bai mountain Version: 4 Repair the rescue of a helicopter near the death of a helicopter Repair the bug in the first safety room Background story: the survivors drove through a barren hill. There were many graves. They had to flee, but they got i...
拜山2【bai mountain 2】
Tekijä: 晨晨
地图名字:拜山2 地图关卡数:12 地图难度:地狱十星★★★★★★★★★★ 地图风格:战役、挑战、boss、多人娱乐 背景故事:幸存者们开车出外游玩,不料发生了交通意外,他们昏迷了,灵魂离开了他们的身体,前方有一道白光,当他们走进去后却发现自己进到了地狱世界,这里有很多亡魂和地狱使者,他们能离开这里回到自己的肉身吗? 作者建议: 1.不建议单人带电脑 2.不建议萌新游玩 3.不建议心脏不好者游玩(本地图有可能造成砸电脑鼠标等不安成分,请三思后游玩) 4.本地图可当娱乐地图或喜欢挑战(抖M玩家)的玩家游玩 5...
敢不敢跟charger比划比划什么叫黑手?(sound of charger)
Tekijä: 蒜蓉炒面
替换了牛(charger)的部分语音 发现幸存者:你个狗!你怎么跟狗一样? 你真没见过黑社会哈? 冲刺:敢不敢比划比划什么叫黑手? 撞到人后按在地上锤:操你妈! 死亡:老逼登!...
Tekijä: YJM
三连射:2%爆炸 电锯:范围恢复 手枪&马格兰:有50%几率拉队友和恢复 mp5:10%全场特感点燃 AWP:20%爆炸、对特感附加伤害并触发3秒肾上腺素、10%对坦克释放胆汁、拉队友(清除濒死)能击退队友 鸟狙:20%恢复、对特感附加伤害、10%全场特感胆汁、拉队友(清除濒死)能击退队友 M60:打特感30%恢复1、5%对witch、TANK有硬直 喷子:10%对坦克有硬直 连喷:5%对坦克有硬直...
Tekijä: 晨晨
本次砚州地图路线向左,讲述了幸存者们所在的地方感染了丧尸病毒,必须要逃离这里 ______________________________________________________________________ 建图代码: map yanzhounight_tiwei map yanzhounight_duhe map yanzhounight_baogonci map yanzhounight_underground ________________________________________...
整合了快速换弹和无后坐力的脚本,适合日常娱乐 此为脚本类文件,注意与其它武器脚本的冲突...
星星胖子特效 Star Particle for Boomer (for 20Cat's Particle Manifest)
Tekijä: taC02
作者已退工坊。仅补档,无后续更新。为防steam若智审核机器人所以没描述,请自行研究使用方法。 The author feels disappointed with the workshop. It's just a re-upload addon for those who need it. No description or tutorial, no more future updates or technical support for this addon. ...
明日方舟 拉普兰德之刃替换武士刀
Arknights Lapland Blade Replace katana 拉普兰德的双刀替换武士刀 第一人称为双刀 第三人称或未捡起时只有一把 自制动画 第一击为右手单手斜劈 第二击为双刀横劈 推击改为双刀刺击 将武器图标替换为拉普兰德精二立绘的黑白狼魂(图糊警告) 未替换音频 老实说音频这事我要好好吐槽一下 本来想照着教程下载APK解包软件结果莫名其妙的下载了一个流氓软件安装包 就是网上常有的那种强制进行安装的流氓套件包 我现在已经在考虑要不要格式化电脑了 很气 很气 所以暂时不做音频了 哪个大佬有能...
星穹铁道——藿藿 替换 bill
Tekijä: .恋恋.
崩铁人物 藿藿 替换 比尔 bill 模型编辑:神帝宇 模型版权所属miHoYo 内容:第一人称手模,比尔尸体,物理飘动,夜光效果 萌新制作,不喜勿喷 制作时间有点短,质量不高 可爱的藿藿,什么时候能抽到你呀。 ...
枪械大幅增强 Firearms greatly enhanced
Tekijä: zobqboze
枪械伤害巨幅增强,无后坐力,无衰减,无散射,指哪儿打哪儿 霰弹枪无垂直散射,水平散射大幅减小 -------------------------------------------------- Gun damage has been greatly increased, with no recoil, no attenuation, no scattering, and can be hit wherever it is directed Shotgun has no vertical scatterin...
Tekijä: FeiFeiyu
替换广告牌,安全门 感觉不适请不要订阅,点赞才有动力。...
栓狙(AWP&SCOUT)合理加强 Best bolt Sniper rifle script
Tekijä: 阿猫
重新修正了AWP和SCOUT的伤害和备弹数,现在他们拥有更少子弹,但是现在拥有更巨大的威力 AWP 2000伤害,5/30 SCOUT 800伤害,5/30 使用前需要重启游戏并确保没有冲突 小提示:请不要为AWP或者SCOUT拾取爆炸弹药,由于现在拥有了POWER(白色塑料凳幻视),请注意安全,不要做持枪特感(笑),它们的溅射伤害也非常的大,非常容易误伤自己或者队友 Corrected the damage and ammunition count of AWP and SCOUT, now they h...
Tekijä: PAFF
修改装备位置 3号位 (手雷武器) 伤害降低 无限弹药 射速加快 切枪可直接射击 主要设计思路为快速切枪发射来应对突发情况或清杂 *更新:太强了,增加了弹夹限制,弹量为 5备弹量无限 仅单人游戏和本地服务器有效...
Tekijä: DIO·不懒惰
更新:伤害提升到600,可以秒牛,其他不变 原mod为laser gun,更改颜色,提升伤害,并把弹射上限设置为30,友军伤害降低到1点 建议搭配其他增加榴弹枪弹夹脚本使用,但攻速过快会导致崩溃 和放置机枪turret mod使用同一套注册方法,会导致冲突 作为房主的本地服务器和单人模式生效...
樱MIKUMagnum 【马格南】
Tekijä: 又菜又爱玩
发光不刺眼 用的是CS1.6的动作 移除了开枪火光 图片来源: https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv11993462 原MOD https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2458535730...
求生之路2 官方木喷替换(小鸟游星野)
Tekijä: AJO
好的,复活赛打赢,经历了论文答辩拍毕业照等一系列事情,中途电脑还因为某些原因,出问题导致有些东西都不见了,现在终于闲下来了,正在慢慢找回手感 原枪模链接: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3163215779 ——苦黄瓜 感谢苦黄瓜大佬的授权,很好的MOD!!! 然后就是——洋带鱼 ,感谢鱼佬在描边以及全息上面的帮助,非常感谢!!!这两个东西折磨许久 然后是百度链接: 链接:{LINKKI POISTETTU}...
Tekijä: MapleRainfall
洛天依V4萌“爬”替换推人音效“ LuoTianyi V4 meng"pa(crawl away)" replace push sound ...
Tekijä: StArRySeA
订阅此MOD后,在left4dead2\addons\workshop里找到1350099059.vpk,通过GCFScape打开,把其中的left4dead2文件夹覆盖X\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2。 也可通过创意工坊下载工具 下载本MOD,再进行替换。 ps:workshop文件夹不是steamapps目录下的,而是求生之路游戏目录里的。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------...
洞穴之旅 cave tour 1
幸存者们意外的落入到一个洞穴之中,他们能否逃离呢? 地图属于半解密地图,环境漆黑,难度较高,试做地图,不喜勿喷。 6关卡,难度建议:困难以下。 ---感谢@烈锋的技术帮助---- The survivors accidentally fall into a cave. Can they escape? This map is a semi-decryption map, dark environment, higher difficulty, trying map, if you do not like ,...
洞穴之旅2-轮回 cave tour 2
洞穴之旅的续作,幸存者们在城市中的地下室中发现了前往地下的暗门,经过一段恐怖旅程的幸存者们又会是什么结局. 地图较为恐怖,不建议单人游戏,感谢烈锋的帮助. 建图代码:cave2_mX (X是关卡数字) 12月份:cave tour前传和 cava tour3-重生两幅地图 制作中...
洞穴之旅3-重生 cave tour 3
幸存者在一次意外中误入了阴森洞穴中,卷入了阴阳之间的斗争,历经阴间、阳间最终回到人间得以重生。 感谢烈锋大佬的技术支持 难度较高,建议多人游戏及服务器游戏 不建议单人带电脑NPC以及200h以下萌新游戏。 推荐难度:简单及普通以下 cave4制作中...
洞穴之旅4墓 -cave tour 4 beta
幸存者从古墓出来之后感染了尸毒,需要在古墓中将尸毒去除,偶然得知山区废弃殡仪馆内有一座古墓踪迹,前去寻找解毒方法,结果发现了更加恐怖的场景….. (A路线5章节地图) 本地图极其诡异,难度极高 ////推荐难度:简单//// 建议开黑进行游戏,不建议带人机进行游戏, ////建议游戏时长:500小时//// 感谢@烈锋的技术支持 还有3-4关在开发中 Survivor is infected corpse poison after coming out from tomb, need is in tomb ...
洞穴之旅5-鬼(cave tour5)
幸存者一行人醒来后发现他们来到了在阴间的某个地方,寒冷的天气让他们不得不往雪山深处探索,一步步的前进,等待他们的是什么呢? - - - - - - - 提示:本地图为双路线地图,路线短的难度较低,路线长的难度较高,不建议单人游戏,建议在多人服务器游戏 推荐难度:简单难度普通模式 除了l4d2中文网.co以外可以转载 -------------------- 建图代码 map code: cave5mX (X=level num) -------------------- The survivors woke...
洞穴之旅6-幻境-上(cave tour 6 - A)
地图介绍:幸存者寻找“它”的根源,来到了鬼森林中寻找线索,意外进入了地下洞穴,开始怀疑自己现在所处的是虚幻还是现实....... 难度推荐:8-16人,普通以下,不要带bot,自动复活,近战不要锁伤害。 关卡难度: 常规地图★★★★,m1-m5★★★★★★★, m6-m9★★★★★★★★★,m10★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 建图指令:cave6mX 洞穴之旅6-幻境-下(作者去现充了,完结了) m8.9.10为下篇章热身章节 国内第三方战役群:592588233 83272131...
洞穴前传 cave tour 0
讲述了幸存者们进入洞穴之前的事情。 推荐难度:困难-专家。 关卡代码:cave0_mX (X是1,2,3)...
Tekijä: 姬霓台媒
Tekijä: Deadpool417
这么大头你都秒不了? 替换第三人称女巫模型 ...
Tekijä: Deadpool417
逆战21年史诗天启 替换 AK47 第一人称模型 √ 第三人称模型 √ 音效 x 还原动作 x 武器贴图属于个人爱好 以后可能会还原原版贴图和动作 音效本来已经做好了但是破音,没办法只能删了【哪位大佬教一下怎么解决音爆】 ...
Tekijä: 花の韵❄
替换爆炸子弹和燃烧子弹的显示效果 就是摸了爆炸/燃烧子弹箱然后打出去的效果 另外一个...
激光剑——板球拍、棒球棍 (Lightsaber——cricket bat、baseball bat)
Tekijä: 韦子能
创造: 著作权归 gray 所有 改动: mw的姿势及动作 激光剑替换板球拍、棒球棍 Create: Copyright by Gray Changes: Mw's posture and movement Lightsabers replace cricket bats and baseball bats...
Tekijä: 新人(萌新)
感谢原作者(ChimiChamo)同意我上传,我仅仅是修改文字部分。 让英文变成中文而已,如果出了BUG什么的,我不会修,我也不懂代码,抱歉。 在此感谢和我一起测试是否出现不触发台词测试的STEAM好友:石堀光彦的猫猫 还要感谢各位的视频引流,才能让MOD有了这么多人,谢谢! 原MOD的地址(1.0版本)https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3061938834 不知道为什么链接被屏蔽了,我发原MOD的名字。 Trash-talking...
Tekijä: 小坂橘子
偏橙色的发光,更容易看清楚特感 ...
Tekijä: 晨晨
Map name: special task Background story: the survivors boarded the plane, ready to go to a safe place, but in the middle of the people on the plane were infected, the plane landed in a desert, the survivors must go through the thick and the horror of the O...
狙击步枪速射脚本-Sniper Rifle Quick-fire Script
Tekijä: 赛博仙师
两把狙击步枪射速提升到600发/分(如果你可以点击到那么快的速度); 其他没有修改。 The firing speed of two sniper rifles has been increased to 600 rounds/minute (if you can click the speed so fast); No other modifications....
特殊任务2(special task 2)4.0
Tekijä: 晨晨
Survivors'plane crashed in the middle of the way. They crashed into a desert. But it wasn't a desert. It was just a desert after the city was deserted. They accidentally entered a mysterious building. They went into a research center in ceda. They caught s...
猫猫主题的m2重机枪,做的很简洁,带夜光 ps:实际夜光比截图弱 依旧是萌新作品,希望大家喜欢 最后祝大家玩得开心,也非常感谢订阅Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ ...
Tekijä: 郝哥
动态贴图+夜光贴图还有音效 动作用的原版的 模型用Unity Studio提取的 动作我不会提(′д` )…彡…彡 为了找到这个武器我去了很多v10房间 被打的鼻青脸肿才把这个武器提取到o(≧口≦)o 不多说了看武器点评吧 影身的终极版本,某位隐世工匠以SCAR为原型打造的全新枪械,将地底深处发掘出的神秘晶体熔入后,隐隐能与某位英灵共鸣,发挥意想不到的威力 喜欢就点个赞吧 演示视频 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gr4y1Q7Cx?spm_id_from=333.999...
Tekijä: Aiden锋锋
V1.9 剧情: 生还者们乘坐的改装面包车被迫停在了山路上,为求生路他们必须设法寻求道路。在一路下山的探索后,他们在一个小楼中度过了晚上。隔日,当太阳升起时,他们再次出发,幸运的是他们取得了军队的联系,只要前往停机坪即可,4人历经凶猛的尸潮进攻后终于见到救援直升机,可却被意料之外的坦克摧毁。情急之下他们只得暂时另辟蹊径,从城市发达的下水系统中前往避难所。四通八达的下水系统也不安宁,一路沿着复杂的下水处理系统探索,他们找到一处水闸,然而就在水闸下降后,只听“砰”的一声,整个环境的电力系统瘫痪了!!水流不受控制...
生还之锋-重制版(fos_remake) V6
Tekijä: Aiden锋锋
6.0调整了药的位置,使之不会刷在非主要道路中,修复了对抗下一部分不同模式的触发会冲突导致的bug。 全新的生还之锋地图,可以和旧版共存。更新点和特性详见介绍: 视频介绍: --------------------------------- B站介绍视频 --------------------------------- 总体调整: 1,所有关卡支持战役,药役,对抗模式 2,药役和对抗模式的坦克数量固定为1,救援为2 3,所有关卡的广告纹理进行了焕然一新的重置 4,增加了大量的彩蛋和隐藏内容 5,修改了关卡...
看标题 懂的都懂 因为大家都把这个节目叫做跳水 所以难度比较高 迫真...
Tekijä: mmi开心
Tekijä: XuaN
Kiana Kaslana Beta...
Tekijä: Nuj02
刷视频得到的灵感,于是整了个烂活。笑死,哈哈。 ...
Tekijä: 阿圈圈
碳纤维日本刀(夜光条) ...
空崎日奈 | AK47 hina(晚礼服)
Tekijä: 呐呐呐~~~
没啥想写的了,你们还是去看视频简介去吧 做这mod也是为了祝大可爱生日快乐 模型:碧蓝档案,Blue Archive 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1eC411W7PR ...
竖条样子的 ||||||||||||||--------
Tekijä: YURiZono
我自己在用,有人想要,所以发一份 另一个:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2860596886...
第五人格红玫瑰手杖替换撬棍 identity v rose walking stick replace crowbar
第五红玫瑰手杖 identity v rose walking stickreplace crowbar ...
答辩/dabian 《Holy shit》 V2.6
Tekijä: 杰罗尼莫
!!!此图极难!!! 大伙们好久不见,这是一张阴间地图,一共七个章节,难度极高,建议简单难度和朋友游玩,非常不推荐单人带电脑游玩,此地图处于2.6阶段,有问题可以留言。 第一关大多数灵感来自呵呵,本人也是老坑图玩家了,酷爱呵呵、哈哈、拜山等阴间图,所以这图也偏向阴间,难度极高。非抖M,没有受虐倾向者请勿游玩,建议看看视频就行。 感谢来自大康老师、MLUI老师、TY老师、晨晨老师的大力帮助,没有他们就没有这张图。 创图代码: map dabian1 map dabian1_5 map dabian2 map ...
简约夜光铁喷 Simple luminous Chrome Shotgun
Tekijä: Azhe
从极限巅峰的滑雪板获取的灵感,替换Chrome Shotgun 即铁喷 Take inspiration from extreme peak skis to replace chrome shotgun...
美云 机能风 替换 佐伊 Vrc Meiyun LyraZERO Replace Zoey
诈尸一下 报菜名时间: vrd 飘骨 表情 第一人称手模 静态表情(需要使用ksep静态表情平台以激活 )让人物更加呆萌 vgui(使用了非原版风格的倒地图标和人物图标) 测试地图待机动作更换 作为一个萌新,难免有做的不够好的地方,欢迎大家提出意见 最后祝大家玩得开心,也非常感谢订阅Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 喜欢的话,希望可以为我点一个免费的赞哦 —————————————— 请不要二次发布或随意修改 8人包会在确认没有bug后发布 —————————————— 如果无聊可以加萌新的小群哦,群号74037...
Tekijä: leihun
老猫生平: 男铜群群猪(1103961820),男铜老大。 晨晨图的追随者,将拜山、呵呵图视为宝贝图 擅长克局跑分,尸潮跑图,单杀Hunter(被) 口头禅:“我无敌啊!” 指下一秒被特感制服 “老猫MVP啊” 指黑倒队友...
致小玉Love letter to Yu
Tekijä: 佐伊未婚夫
这是单关版本 不过我把它和合肥整合在了一起,叫 Connection ,开黑建议玩这个 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2954957527 map llty only one chapter I have combined this with "hefei" , which I created last year. You can download the combined version. https://steamcommu...
Tekijä: 大奈龙一只
Replace the machete Original Mod Author:原作者b站ID:---nn--- BV1Jw411z7DX 鼠鼠最新力作 声明: 由于我技术力太差,我是解包借用了 BV1PN411s7sU 作者@Listtu 的国风作品,原作者的包那三个贴图没看 懂,这里感谢二创作者,还是因为技术力堪忧,包里的h1m和h1m1用的是Listtu作者的原贴图,我改了可能会造成许多物品有问题(小怪头发颜色变白,狙击枪开镜变白等等),所以我只好舍弃了原本贴好的贴图,没动Listtu作者的这两个贴图...
Tekijä: 筱°★v
引诱的声音是只因鸡🐔 爆炸的声音是厉不厉害你坤哥(带混响回音)...
蝴蝶刀-紫樱[Replace Knife]
Tekijä: 超天酱
蝴蝶刀-视线 替换 所有近战武器,右键检视 /bufferfly knife replace all melee
Tekijä: kwoskysu
蝴蝶刀替换所有近战武器 包括撬棍、消防斧、太刀、警棍、砍刀、高尔夫、电吉他、球拍、煎锅、草叉、铁锹等等 除防爆盾外的所有近战 模型与物理动作来源于https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2511561614 较之前一版调整了部分反光效果 【部分武器请尽量避免使用左键!】 【单个武器替换请留言!因为懒得重新一个个传了,有需求再传】 【单个武器替换该模型,修改为其他贴图请留言!有时间看到会摸的】 已知问题: 1.动作模型攻速不适配而引起的近战...
Tekijä: 花の韵❄
动态血条( 只替换了血条 不要太在意预览图 因为我加了mod不好意思全屏截...
用nany cat 的部分电音替换了 被Boomer喷了胆汁之后的音乐 求生者因胆汁的恶臭而止不住的猫嚎 The survivor howled like a cat because of the stench of bile...
Tekijä: Muming
选择语音表单的同时顺带发文字 专治不听语音不看屏幕说明的队友 原mod由电塔未明制作,取消颜文字(大家一起发颜文字太多啦),并按我们自己的语音习惯修改 请支持原作者原作品!https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1699312866 说明: V 特感类 B 急救包/近战/枪等物品 若是不能正常使用,请打开控制台输入 bind “v” “+mouse_menu AlertInfected” bind “b” “+mouse_menu pub...
语音颜文字+常用语音 Chinese Emoticons
Tekijä: Αdministrаtоr
选择语音表单的同时顺带发颜文字o(*≧▽≦)ツ 配合二次元各类MOD冷藏后食用风味更佳(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ a mod for Chinese Player. I also very much want to bring joy to players in other languages. Unfortunately my English is poor... 在B站看见有人发语音表单同时带有颜文字的说 然后找了半天没在创意工坊找到.. 关键字不对? 还是说这个是某些dalao自己做了给朋友玩的? 或者是发布的地...
多特控制:调整特感数量、刷新频率、生成种类 MoreSI
Tekijä: 思雨
可以随时在游戏中改变特感数量,并且可以根据生还者人数自动增加减少特感。 仅限非对抗类模式,对抗类模式不会加载. 注意:在不使用 metamod 与 l4dtoolz 插件的情况下,生还者+特感总数最多无法超过 18 个。在使用插件后,生还者+特感总数上限可以到达 32 个,只留一个生还者最多能刷出 31 个特感。 插件安装:将压缩包中 addons 里的文件解压到 游戏目录/left4dead2/addons 目录,然后游戏启动项加入 -insecure -maxplayers 32。 在聊天窗中可发出以下...
Tekijä: PAFF
All blunt weapons increase the strike effect All sharp weapons increase the flame effect 所有钝器增加击飞效果 所有利器增加点燃效果 消防斧、高尔夫球棍、草叉同时拥有两种效果,不能击飞普通丧尸但可以把它们的头像火球一样打飞 *该mod所有击飞效果都为向前上方击飞。 如果想要所有武器都是击飞并拥有不同的击飞效果或是想要所有武器都是点燃请参考以下mod链接 https://steamproxy.net/sharedf...
Tekijä: 極夜
铁锹(Shovel):增加了斩首和碎肢效果(可以砍舌) 警棍(tonfa):增加了斩首效果 平底锅(frying_pan):增加了斩首效果 脚本mod注意冲突...
Tekijä: 晨晨
Ancient Tomahawk This model replaced the official machete model. It was my earlier model. I planned to put it in hehe5, but I couldn't feel it. So now it's going to be sent out alone. The player who likes to make mod can subscribe. 这个模型替换了官方的砍刀模型,是我较早前的模型,...
连接 Connection(part 2/2)
Tekijä: 佐伊未婚夫
订阅并下载完 “两个” 文件后如果模型纹理缺失请重启游戏!!!! 这不是一张新地图,我把之前做过的两张地图(合肥、致小玉)合在了一起。也可以去gamemaps上下载未分P版本。搜索 "Connection" Restart the game after subscribing the “two" parts if the models don't load in game !!!! Actually, this is not a new campaign, I combined "hefei" with "...
连接 Connection (part 1/2)
Tekijä: 佐伊未婚夫
订阅并下载完 “两个” 文件后如果模型纹理缺失请重启游戏!!!! 这不是一张新地图,我把之前做过的两张地图(合肥、致小玉)合在了一起。也可以去gamemaps上下载未分P版本。搜索 "Connection" Restart the game after subscribing the “two" parts if the models don't load in game !!!! Actually, this is not a new campaign, I combined "hefei" with "...
逃离pw组织#3 v1.3
Tekijä: 爪巴鱼
建议多人游玩,单人游玩有些地方无法通关,除非自带管理员插件 以下是通关攻略: m1需要躲避士兵前往小屋通过地道到达m2 m2需要借车冲进组织内部,在此之前你需要去车库的隔壁房间挑战关卡获取金币开启车库门前往m3 m3需要闯关过滑梯到达安全屋(本关难度较大,圆锯那里需要借助圆锯当盾牌逃离对面的枪口) m4需要开启两个机关才能打开那个白色的门,上去后有尸潮和tank,请蹲角落清尸潮,办公室书桌上有个本子,旁边有个密码锁,要干嘛不用多说了 m5需要射击飞机,身后的建筑顶端有大枪,打到二阶段会召唤三只tank,打爆...
逃逸森林 Fugitive forest
Tekijä: 观星云计算
幸存者们因为新冠肺炎隔离导致自己家的宝贝狗狗饿了,幸存者们需要前往办公楼里边的地下基地中找到狗粮,然后带走狗粮到达港口乘坐轮船逃逸森林... 整张地图难度较大,对玩家技术和经验方面都是非常大的考验,非常适合喜欢挑战的玩家,如果你喜欢挑战地图,这张地图非常适合你哦~ The survivors' baby dogs are hungry because of isolation from COVID-19. The survivors need to go to the underground base in...
逆战 兔女郎海薇 (Rochelle)
Tekijä: 橙枫
逆战 海薇 替换黑妹 rochelle 第一人称手臂模型 第三人称模型 头像倒地图标 基础表情 部分夜光 bilibili橙枫-- ...
逆战 初霜-沙滩靓影 zoey
Tekijä: 橙枫
初霜-沙滩靓影 替换1代佐伊zoey 内含: 第一人称手臂模型,第三人称模型,基础表情,头像,倒地图标,无夜光 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2013724600511564141/244930CE5BCAF7531F43996CBCE9E7E773069B3E/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false https://steamuse...
逆战 夏日艾琳娜 coach
Tekijä: 橙枫
逆战 夏日艾琳娜 替换教练 coach 内含: 第一人称手臂模型 第三人称模型 头像倒地图标 基础表情 部分夜光 10月22修复手臂贴图丢失...
逆战 精绝女王
Tekijä: 橙枫
逆战 精绝女王 逆战猎场精绝古城最终BOSS 替换1代佐伊 内含: 第一人称手臂模型 第三人称模型 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2013720707599194617/563DC89E7206B0AFEF99E35DC70998975A280249/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false 背后无蛇蛇和背饰版本: https://st...
透明安全门/transparent safe door
Tekijä: 墮落天使
替换了安全门 Replace the safe door...
金锅锅/Golden Frying Pan
Tekijä: Night Cruising
· 将“SHADER细节”调节至高或以上以使此模组生效。 · Adjust "SHADER DETAIL" to "High" or above to make the mod work. ...
Tekijä: DIO·不懒惰
魔法武器衍生的子MOD 为M16、军狙、AWP添加特感锁头功能 具体为:上述三把武器攻击小僵尸和witch身上任何地方视为攻击头部。攻击普通特感附近的任何地方视为攻击特感头部,攻击tank附近任何地方视为攻击坦克身体(坦克没有头部判定),其中AWP的锁头捕捉范围最广,对着地面射击都能捕捉到地图上所有普通特感的头部进行攻击 背背背起了行囊~~~ 作为房主的本地服务器生效 Sub-MOD derived from magic weapon Add the function of locking the head...
Tekijä: DIO·不懒惰
此版本作为轻量版,调整刷新函数内容,现在tank刷新贴合原版,原版怎么刷现在就怎么刷,不会再出现C1M1刷2个坦克的现象 3.17更新:调整特感刷新位置 3.7更新:坦克生命值调回原版上限 2.24更新:允许tank连跳时打铁打人 2.7更新:下级特感数量及刷新时间从4t20s改为保底4特25s,延迟时间从20-21s改回原版的30-60s,尸潮从锁定的140改成依据难度90-180(原版90-240) 强力版:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetai...
Tekijä: DIO·不懒惰
此版本作为正常版 3.24更新:重做ai的联合作战,重做坦克和witch刷新,现在对局有更多坦克和witch,除了每个地图的第一章节以外都至少刷2个克,坦克刷新时普通特感会尽可能同步重生合作狩猎 3.17更新:调整特感和小僵尸的刷新位置 3.6更新:降低特感刷新速度 2.24更新:允许tank连跳中打铁和打人,减少tank贴脸丢石头的情况 强力版:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2928270654 轻量版:https://ste...
Tekijä: DIO·不懒惰
此版本为强力版(受苦版) 3.24:修复坦克血条不对称以至于近战武器不能造成理想的1/20伤害以及燃烧不能100秒烧死的bug 3.17更新:调整特感和小僵尸刷新位置 2.24更新:修复药和针回血过多的BUG,允许tank连跳时打铁打人,允许hunter在周围没有生还者时可以飞扑过障碍物,略微修改bommer逻辑 阴间特感AI+特感速递级刷新,每一波只有6个,但是刷新速度和特感速递差不多,同时解除tank和witch限制,即使在C1M1你都能碰到这俩,而且数量不定。 若被揍麻了请换以下俩版本或者求助加智AI...
Tekijä: 桑弧
阿喵喵真是太可爱了。前7张是动态,后五张是静态 最新添加了4张静态 ...
阿姆斯特朗议员Tank/SenatorArmstrong replace Tank
Tekijä: ERROR
自制模组,替换特殊感染者坦克 纳米机器,幸存者 别惹我这个感染者 尼克,就算你把全地图的所有医疗包都找来,也没有机会去用 模型和贴图:Rig:Pack3Dmodels@LeoFeroz Model:Platinum Games,Kojima Productions 编译:ERROR(我) 目前只替换了第三人称模型,一代和二代是普通胳膊壮,牺牲章节的车厢中是纳米机器版本 第一人称手臂模型或许会在晚些时候更新 A Mod made by me,replace special infected Tank. Nan...
Tekijä: 桑弧
阿喵喵可爱捏 ...
动态贴图 部分发光 替换小手枪 Keywords dynamic mapping, partial luminescence, replacement of pistol ...
Tekijä: 小陈
霰弹枪加强 木喷+铁喷+一代连喷+二代连喷 伤害提升,范围缩小 适合大佬专家单通用 ...
Tekijä: hoohah-nico
对四把霰弹枪全部进行了加强 伤害计算:弹丸数量×单颗弹丸伤害 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 木制霰弹枪: 大幅加强了精准度 加强了威力:27×10 (原25×10) 略微减小了距离伤害衰减:0.77(原0.7) 加强了穿透后剩余伤害:44% (原30%) 子弹数修改为7(原8) ------------------------------------------------------------...
露背旗袍 猫娘 雨空 替换路易斯 replace louis
模型来源:我自己在恋活内捏人出来的,衣服是读取服装卡的 如果服装作者觉得有什么不妥请联系我进行处理。 本来是我自己用的,纪念我b站过500粉,转成公开版本 包括飘动骨骼 删除胖次 各项基本的mod都有 穿着这么漂亮又色气的旗袍猫娘 我已经好了 八人自选包加群获取,之前的群号搞错了,这次好了 655077118 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Pe4y1Y7da?vd_source=03c973b51fb9c267f6adcb6181af2ccf ...
露露缇雅 幽灵 替换coach
Tekijä: 秋善冬華
失踪人口复活,过完年了给大伙摸两个mod 改非适配挺花时间的,可以的话给我点个蛋好吗 ( 感谢你的订阅和点赞,下个人物等我有空就摸出来 Thank you for your subscription and praise 2.26更新 修复了给队友打包跟拉人手臂交叉的问题,平时做完还真不怎么检查这几个动作来着 3.12更新 衣服法线贴图补全...
Tekijä: 咕噜可爱安
青眼白龙 替换榴弹枪 第一次做,做的很普通 游戏王-青眼白龙 龙年小玩具,喜欢就点个赞 视频演示【 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16p421o7P2/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=65c97f1dcac8ae97b7b45ac67068d928】 可根据个人喜好添加榴弹粒子特效...
Haku Bloom of youth【风华正茂弱音】replace Ellis
Tekijä: 方神
模型来源:有点小稽咚 重新制作,包含飘动骨骼,表情 人物动作:佐伊 Model source: a little bit of a puzzle Remake, including floating bones and expressions. Character action: Zoey ...
黄昏时刻2re At the gloaming Ⅱ RE
Tekijä: 秋风扶麦*
【黄昏时刻系列第三部】 直升机驾驶员被感染,飞机坠毁在北方边境的城市,幸存者们跟随军方撤离的路线,一路穿过穿过城市、森林、城镇到达通往北方的大桥,赶上最后一架直升机。 建图命令 第一关:map m1_city_outpost 第二关:map m2_through_forest 第三关:map m3_fled_town 第四关:map m4_north_bridge 【已停止更新】...
魔法武器+原版武器数据 magic weapon+Original weapon data
Tekijä: DIO·不懒惰
魔法武器分离的子mod,这里只有特殊效果,基础伤害、精准度、弹夹、换弹速度、射速、推的次数等采用原版武器数据 特殊效果详见:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941148336 The sub-mod of magic weapon separation only has special effects here. The accuracy, clip, change speed and so on use the origina...
Tekijä: 呐呐呐~~~
这简介我懒得再写了,复制都懒得再复制了,反正懂的都懂,不懂的去翻之前的作品的简介看。还是那句话,认准B站作者:CY火余 (*^▽^*) 模型:碧蓝档案,Blue Archive 普通佳代子替换小手枪,春节佳代子替代双枪。演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ns4y1B7DX 再有人过来问我咋小人在哪在哪看不完整啥的,指定有你好果子吃啊!ヽ(`Д´)ノ还有别再找我加啥steam好友了,不会同意的 ̄へ ̄ ...
Haku Bloom of youth【风华正茂弱音】replace Rochelle
Tekijä: 方神
人物动作 :佐伊 使贴图更清晰。重新修改权重。表情已成功制作出来。 Character Action: Zoey Make the texture clearer. Modify the weights again. The expression has been successfully created. ...
魔改版数据修改脚本(Crazy game modification)
Tekijä: 援桌骑士0D00
搜索词:武器修改 特感强化 生还者强化 脚本 正常版数据修改(该mod是根据正常版修改的):https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2818405904 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1YP4y1D7pG 为什么要弄这个:因为好玩,可以让进我本地的好友感到异常抽象(嘻嘻),而且打起来超级爽,不会坐牢的(确信)还有很多好玩的可以改,但是考虑到游戏性,就没有改 注意:本地服务器、单人生效 建议使用...
Tekijä: mmi开心
-Date A Live- Tobiichi Origami-replace-(pumpshotgun) 约会大作战-鸢一折纸4K替换(1代的单发散弹枪)发光不刺眼版本...
黄昏时刻3结局a At the gloaming Ⅲ ending a
Tekijä: 秋风扶麦*
因个人原因,此地图暂时停更,后续更新询问作者浮夸少年。 黄昏时刻系列的第三部。在北方大桥对面的城区也爆发了感染,幸存者们被军方直升机抛弃,不得不另寻出路... The third installment of the <at the gloaming> series.There was also an outbreak of infection in the city across the Northern Bridge, and survivors were abandoned by military h...
黄昏时刻re At the gloaming RE
Tekijä: 秋风扶麦*
【黄昏时刻系列第一部】 军队和CEDA开始撤出城市,幸存者向城市郊区出发,穿过城市街道,乘坐火车到达沙漠竞技场寻找救援。 地图代码 map watercity_re map watercityii_re map town_re map arena_re 【已停止更新】...
Tekijä: 独狼
黑科技巴雷特-82 替换游戏15发猎枪 后坐力:20 单发子弹伤害:70 一枪的子弹数量:10 子弹穿透力:100 最大射程:无限 弹夹容量:5 后备弹为:30 总体伤害:700 (队友伤害完美修复不会一枪秒😂) Black technology Barrett 82. Replace game 15 with shotguns. Recoil: 20 Single shot wound: 70. Number of shots fired: 10. Bullet penetration: 100. Max...
该拾取音效对本身有音效的枪械mod无效 拿来吧你>v< ...
(coop) LostSchool 战役地图:逃离学院
Tekijä: Sapphire
The author is me This is my school~ map lost map lostschool_2 map lostschool_3 welcome to play~ ...
🌙 SuperMoons RNG
Tekijä: Tя!cky ツ
5 Pack of my prior released SuperMoons has random loading... Scientists call this phenomenon a “perigee moon.” The moon is usually about 238,000 miles from our planet, but because of the elliptical shape of the moon’s orbit, the distance varies throughout ...
🗿 (Gnome)
Tekijä: мяFunreal
Turns the gnome into a Moai head, because I was bored 🗿. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named мяFunreal; Steam id "funreal" Modifications or Redistribution of this addon without explicit permission is prohi...
Tekijä: Rawr-Tech
"This campaign is for those looking for a challenge. Filled with tons of traps and thinking! This makes it a challenge and a little frustrating as the average play time is 2 hours!" Made by cameraman-4 Ported by Rawr-Tech i am also applying bug fixes and w...
"Eternal" Menu - Full Menu
Tekijä: KJ
Background video MUST be manually installed however everything else in this mod will work upon subscribing How to install: All instructions in Youtube video description Full mod list here: Full Menu Menu Icons Menu Music Credits: Songs (In video order): Ar...
(全年龄orR15)ZUMI喷漆第1期(ALL AGE ZUMI sprays1)
Tekijä: 米卡
这个mod是(R18)ZUMI喷漆第1期(ZUMI sprays1)的全年龄(或者R15)的版本 10张喷漆,都是一一对应的(除了各别喷漆没有全年龄向版本,比如海贼王女帝的那个)。 this mod is(R18)ZUMI喷漆第1期(ZUMI sprays1)‘s ALL AGE edition(or R15)...
Haku Bunny【兔女郎弱音】replace Rochelle
Tekijä: 方神
包含飘动骨骼 ,vrd。不包含表情 人物动作 :佐伊 修复了头发材质问题 Including floating bones, vrd. Does not include emoticons Character Action: Zoey Fixed hair material questions ...
(+r18) 喷漆动图spray paint GIF 第二部
Tekijä: tom
性感大乃汁涩图GIF喷漆 【没有乃汁我要死了】V.1.2 Big breasts sexy spray paint GIF ...
(BROKEN) Fart Explosions
Tekijä: The Silver Man
THIS ADDON NO LONGER WORKS! Due to something somehow somewhen happening, the addon has had its files wiped (i think), and so this addon does not work anymore. If I feel like it, I might fix it. Apologies for any disappointment. This addon turns all of the ...
(Deagle Script) Death Penalty
Another easter egg weapon Change default deagle script into one of the strongest weapon that Vincent use at Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus, Death Penalty. -.Deals deadly damage (2000 def 80) -.Beyond infinity range -.Drill all the zombies! (means dead...
Tekijä: 晨晨
(Monster Hunter World) Rathalos Armor Over Nick
Tekijä: FaceOfFocus
All credits for the model and textures go to Siroos on YouTube, who lent me them for modding! Go check out their channel, they make great stuff. I made this for myself because there was a serious lack of good Monster Hunter content for the workshop, and I ...
(R18) Nick - DOA Helena
Tekijä: JulesWBSB
Ready for the shower! Original with bodysuit by Lucky☆Star Archived Mods Here...
Tekijä: Nemo
As above, you can subscribe this HUD without any script. If you play with script, make sure the script you are using compatible....
+Ultra Particle: Custom Melee Trail
You must subscribe to the texture file for this to work correctly Replaces steamworks.pcf Allow custom melee weapons to create many color trailing effects. This is only the base particle, it doesn't actually just give your existing weapon melee trail effec...
+Ultra Particle Effect
Tekijä: Order_Squamata14
Notice: this pack now only provide particle files and requires texture pack to work correctly (to make update easier) Overhauled Particles Galore courtesy of General Ecchi - Improved all bullet impacts effect - New explosion effect with removed screen flas...
+Ultra Particle: Gore
You must subscribe to the texture file for this to work correctly Contain gore-related particles (blood_fx.pcf) Features: 'Procedurally generated' blood splatter on ground More infected bleeding Exaggerated headshot fx Reworked all gore effect with new par...
+Ultra Particle: Gore Xtended
Same as the original gore effect, but extended the on-ground stain up to 2 minutes Performance impact untested, use at your own risk You must subscribe to the texture file for this to work correctly Contain gore-related particles (blood_fx.pcf) Features: '...
+Ultra Particle: Texture files
Selective subscription version. This pack contain all custom textures used by the particle effect listed. Subscribe to this and any particle file you'd like to use. New vfx are optimized so it wont tank lots of fps compare to vanilla effect (except for a f...
+Ultra Particle: Special Infected
Contain effect for the Special Infected Feature: Spitter: New acid pool, floor splatter/sizzling Boomer: Residue smoke, floor splatters, extra green bile when explode Charger: Smoke trail and wall impact Hunter: Red tint leaping trail Tank: Smoke debris on...
+Ultra Particle: Weapon effects
You must subscribe to the texture file for this to work correctly Custom Melee Trail: (add to your weapon's attack anim in the .qc) weapon_melee_bluesticksmall - Blue energy trail weapon_melee_bluesticksmall2 - Blue energy trail weapon_melee_bluestickbig -...
2 Evil Eyes
Tekijä: Fabien
2 evil eyes l4d2 created by Matt L. http://www.gamemaps.com/details/2478 2 evil eyes l4d2 Version: 2.0 (Final) Last Updated: 01/07/11 Released: 01/07/11 Author: Matt L Publisher: Matt L Maps: 6/6...
1987 Freddy Fazbear's Pizza
Tekijä: Deep Thunder
EDIT 6/14/2022: I don't recommend playing this map. However, If you're a fan of FNaF, you may find certain enjoyment out of this. To emphasize: there are no checkpoints, a reasonable balance, and the map likes to crash a lot. As much as I'd love to go back...
30发连狙变成反器材武器辅助脚本(15发版本)Make your military sniper being Anti material weapon(15-shot version)
Tekijä: 阿猫
这个模组可以帮你把30发连狙连狙变成真正的反器材武器,载弹量减少到15发,因为没有调整除子弹威力外的其他参数,所以将伤害提升至200,比原先30发每发90伤害的伤害总量略高(高了300伤害),介意勿下。 可以与各种反器材武器的MOD搭配使用,更有“大炮”的感觉 注意:由于变成反器材武器,后备弹量减少至90,毕竟反器材的弹药很重嘛,还有就是尽量不要拾取爆炸弹药(笑) This module can help you turn a 30 round sniper combo into a true anti m...
5th Element - mondoshawans
Tekijä: Ramm.asmiette
- One hour training mod - Mondoshawans from the 5th element replace boomer & boomette No gibs ...
4/20 SuperMoon
Tekijä: Tя!cky ツ
Green Moon Meme goes like this. For the first time in 420 years on April 20, 2017 the moon will be Green. Did it happen? No, not even kinda. So as it goes with many Internet hoaxes. This joke has its roots (ahem) in cannabis culture. And it is pretty funny...
8 slots lobby fixed
Tekijä: Nexedail
8 slots lobbies for all coop gamemodes and mutations, startable alone too (this is just a lobby, you still need sourcemod to play 8 players coop) Sourcemod: https://wiki.alliedmods.net/Installing_SourceMod...
<Fate> Music Pack for Dark Carnival concert 替换黑色狂欢节音乐会音乐
Replacement list: First music of concert: oath sign - LiSA (Risa Oribe) First Tank: Tsuki to Hanataba (「Fate/EXTRA Last Encore」EDver.) - Sayuri Second music of concert: Brave Shine - Aimer Second Tank: Eiyuu Unmei no Uta - EGOIST If you like this mod, Rate...
5x ammunition
Tekijä: YURiZono
只在本地服务器(local server)有效 服务器放入addons文件中也可生效 已经测试过了,所有武器备弹都是原来的五倍(m60额外多加了子弹) 武器备弹超过1024时会显示错误,但是备弹数量是没问题的,放心使用 冲锋枪 3250(拿到手里显示178发)1024x3+178=3250 单喷 360 步枪 1800(拿到手里显示776发)1024+776=1800 连喷 450 猎枪 750 狙击枪 900 m60 900 (弹夹打完前记得换弹,不然会消失) 榴弹 150 基本上所有三方的图子弹都够用,...
>>> Blue Fire (no screen + no weapon conflict)
Tekijä: wx
as you wished. since the other one is conflicting with your adrenaline add-on. this will be no problem. Blue Fire - no screen conflict + no weapon conflict Blue Colored Fire replaces most of the default Fire color, expect Weapon Flame effect and Burning ef...
>>> Blue Fire (no weapon conflict)
Tekijä: wx
Blue Fire without the weapon conflicting problem Blue Fire - no weapon conflict Blue Colored Fire replaces most of the default Fire color, expect Weapon Flame effect. Also it replaces the Explosion Fire in the Smoke effect too. <<< Due to another addon con...
A Qualia Macabre (v2.1)
Tekijä: Evil
The overlords of these grim places do not want you to leave, but you have no plans of staying. Fight your way through hellish pits and nightmares to find a way out. // This campaign is based around exploring different levels of a nightmare. The coloring an...
Abyss Escape Music
Tekijä: Dreamer
This sound mod change the L4D2 Running Escape music into Abyss soundtrack from Resident Evil Revelations. Credits go to CAPCOM...
My first map Its kind of difficult sorry guys I will make more maps Of course will be more easy and beautiful xd...
Abyss [Tank]
The final boss from Marvel VS Capcom 2! ___________________________________________________ These Model Features: - Tank Model - Sacrifice Tank Model - L4D1 Tank Model - Tank Voice - Tank Music ___________________________________________________ Models fro...
ACE!tank killed 4 survivor(dashstar tank music)
Tekijä: Sakura Azusa
ACE!tank use fist killed the entire enemy team! use music: Knock2 - dashstar* Knock2 - dashstar* (VIP) replacement tank music have fun! ...
Activate the magic card, dead Susheng!
sound MOD https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2470807748 Activate the magic card, dead Susheng! You can't ignore Su Sheng's restrictions and summoning restrictions. You can only target characters who complete the summoning conditions and...
Admin Chinese Menu
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
capslock will display the menu ...
Admin Menu 2.0 简体中文
Tekijä: BlacklyRainbow
Admin Menu 2.0 的中文翻译版本,无修改,只翻译 自用 95%已汉化,如果有翻译不对的地方,请留言(上班太忙可能不会马上修正) Admin System ,此mod为必须 Updated melee unlock ,此mod允许在所有地图刷出特殊近战 Turret Mod (Script) ,使用自动炮塔指令此mod为必须 Extended Common Infected ,使用扩展普通感染者指令此mod为必须,老外真能搞花里胡哨的东西...
Admin Menu 2.0 (Simplified Chinese)
Tekijä: 边渡友次子
Admin Menu 2.0 Simplified Chinese...
Admin Menu 2.0 - Custom Weapons Include
Modified version of Admin Menu 2.0 with Custom Weapons Added,you didn't need the original one, this one is a modified version of Admin Menu 2.0 with the custom weapons included. I'm open to all messages in the comments, and please feel free to report bugs ...
Admin Menu JianTiZhongWen
Tekijä: QuoDB
Admin System
Tekijä: Rayman1103
With the Admin System, you are given Admin control. You can spawn Infected, give Survivors weapons/items, kill/revive Survivors, change Convars, change the timescale, and much, much more! All of this is done server-side via chat triggers. If you don't have...
Admin System 2.0 (中文翻译 添加功能)
Tekijä: YURiZono
使用方法 打开控制台(波浪键)要是打不开检查自己设置里面是否打开了允许使用控制台 bind <你想绑定的按键> "show_menu Menu" 例如 bind v "show_menu Menu" 进入游戏后按 v 键就可以显示菜单界面 如果按 0 退出没用,就打开控制台输入 bind 0 "slot10" 更新日志 2022.11.22更新 给予武器选单下,添加物品"可乐" 生成物品杂物选项内添加更多物品 不常用命令里面删除根本用不到的"允许听见自己麦克风声音"指令 添加显示空气墙指令 2022.11....
Aether Gazer: Osiris「Crow Feather」[Rochelle] [DL for ALL Survivors]
Tekijä: Kokkorylien
Basic Content ● Character models (including light models of Zoey and Francis, model of Bill in c6m3) ● Arm model ● VGUI Model Details ● Anime outline effect ● Anime rendering effect ● False eye tracking ● Jigglebone (with angle restrictions to prevent obvi...
Only COOP,for use it,you must sub my pre file lib...
age of gunslingers inverse month blade [machete]
Tekijä: kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time it's inverse month blade replace machete in game. 喜欢我的mod就加群鸭 945760874 这次是枪神纪的逆月之刃替换了砍刀 重做了动作 米修大佬弄的动态贴图 欢迎定制枪神纪mod! 老板们订阅了给个赞和评论鸭! 喜欢就 订阅收藏点赞三连呀 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces machet...
Airborne Drone Dispenser [bile]
Tekijä: Ramm.asmiette
https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.enjin.com/26679/joinkz3.png Any support is appreciated : https://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/578978ctA1.gif Hey ! Here is my second custom model replacement for the Bile ! Original Model from Killzone 3 Features : - Viewmodel -...
Airline stewardess HAKU (Rochelle)
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
Height: 163 Weight: 45 kg Necktie on the arm, it can float, it's dynamic. Backless airline stewardess uniforms wobbler boobs Black stockings High-heeled shoes Long legged Domineering lady MMD???? H-T-Z-T ????????? Tda/??????/iRon0129/mmdfuph/CRYPTON FUTURE...
AK-47黑武士【Born Beast】8 RNG
Tekijä: 仓鼠箘
AK-47 Born Beast 8 RNG Include 8 type different RNG skin; Born Beast : the 熊熊子's original skin; Nobegold : official texture Noble gold skin Imperial : official texture Dark Gold; Prime : official texture Blue & Red flame; Punk : official texture Gray with ...
AK-47 Beast【火麒麟】17 RNG
Tekijä: 仓鼠箘
AK-47 Beast from Cross-Fire with 17 RNG skins replace AKM. Features: Beast Beast SVIP (Vanilla) Beast 2 Ice Noble Gold Beast HD Imperial Gold Punk CFS17 Prime 11th Carnival AG CFS16 CFS18 Champion Imperial Gold 2 Punk 2 Credits: fanbai -- Compile, sound Ha...
Tekijä: 3456 ACZ
模型: 使命召唤OL 原作者:郝歌 白色巨人外观的AK117;替换M16 AK版本的AK117 ...
AK-47 Black Snake from A.V.A
Tekijä: MokinSniper
AK-47 Black Snake from Alliance of Valiant Arms Replaces AK-47...
AK12 IronSpider【天启】6RNG
Tekijä: 仓鼠箘
Ak12 apocalypse, taken from crossing the line of fire, replace AKM! There are six forms: Apocalypse: black and white King: gold and silver Silver: Sterling Silver Obsidian: bright black Spider: red and silver Sea Dragon: blue and silver Recently, under the...
AK47-IronBeast from CrossFire
Tekijä: ClearSkyC
This is Super VIP weapon from CrossFire. About some features: animated texture 3D jigglebone flame eyes Credits: CrossFire - Model/texture/sound ClearSkyC - Animations, sound editing, texture modifications, original compile. ENJOY~ 7月18号更新:修改了视角,更改了枪声,重新做了...
Alatreon Sword_Machete (from MH3)
Tekijä: Kross_3D
This is the alatreon sword, divide zombies withe power of the dragon Replace: Machete Follow for other weapons :)...
Albert Wesker (RE4R) - Francis
Tekijä: Dian
El modelo original fue exportado por: davoth A special thanks to H.U.N.K, for helping me change this skin for other survivors. This is possibly the last survivor mod from Resident Evil 4 Remake that I do, because it was also going to be a HUNK, but I don't...
Tekijä: Zaeryn
"And the Scrolls have foretold of black wings in the cold, That when brothers wage war come unfurled! Alduin, Bane of Kings, ancient shadow unbound, With a hunger to take you RIIIIIIIGHT IN. TO. THE. DAAAANGER ZONE!!!" -Song of the Dragonborn Stupid sexy A...
Alice Hysteria [Rochelle]
Tekijä: Hawkiepaisen
Want to have her with my coach alice without overwriting existing textures? Finally got it working! I added a icon. Still using old alice incap though n it has lobby icon Original by Lt Rocky Pic by Lt Rocky Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls c...
Alien Runner Jockey
Tekijä: Fares
Alien Runner replace Jockey https://imgur.com/xgk2kxY.gif...
All Special Infected with Santa Hats
Tekijä: мяFunreal
Who'd've thunk infected could get into christmas mood. All these models are still compatible with texture mods. it just adds a new hat, nothing else. I don't think i need to mention, but some don't get it. This is NOT compatible with any mod changing the m...
All Survivors with Santa Hats
Tekijä: мяFunreal
in 2013 i gave zoey a santa hat to wear. In those seven years i got several requests to do the same for the other players. Here we are. This pack contails all survivors at once. This mod only contains the model, and is skin compatible. Credits: Valve - Hat...
Along the south
Tekijä: 翼大王
This is a simple map. Don't be serious. Play with a free heart. Special thanks to Xing Hun(the poster maker) There may be something wrong but it's okey for you to play. You'd better not use instructions to start the map because the poster may be not loaded...
Animated HUD+Vertical TeamPanel
Tekijä: Lic. ratkiller
Features Animated HUD Vertical TeamPanel Lower Side Weapon Panel Red Dot Crosshair Thanks to these 6 mods I was able to make this mod possible with love for you. 1.-Good Looking Animated HUD https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2386711455...
Anon Survivors Revamp (Reupload)
Tekijä: Meraru
This isn't my mod, i'm just reuploading it (with a couple of changes), it's an edit of this mod. If the original author wants me to take this down i will. Features: - New vgui. - First person arms. - Bile and burn textures. - Bill's death pose/corpse. - Ea...
Tekijä: 火神二代
Antique Silver AK47
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
Antique Silver AK-47 from Crossfire.At each moment, the light passes through the barrel gun . glowing Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop Different vers...
Tekijä: Hekmatyar
Replace the crowbar, and produced a new action, on the basis of the original add lights, and lights added self luminous effect, the Bowknot will with the perspective of the player's movement and follow the move. Don't forget to rate,Subscribe and Favorite ...
Antlion Solider (Half-Life 2) [Single Player/Modded Server]
Tekijä: NovassavoN
Spitter - Antlion Solider from Half-Life 2...
Apex Legends - 30-30 Repeater
Tekijä: Twilight Sparkle
So, bringing you some of the new goodies from the new update for Apex Legends, i bring you its new weapon from season 8, so this is the 30-30 Repeater, it will replace the ("Hunting Rifle") as it comes with its original animations and sounds, so for the re...
Apex Legends - 30-30 Repeater (Alt)
Tekijä: Twilight Sparkle
Hey everyone, so straight to the point, coming at you i bring you the same 30-30 Repeater from Season 8, whats the difference you may ask? well this one will replace ("Wooden Shotgun or Pump Shotgun") and it comes with its original animations and sounds, a...
Apex Legends - L-STAR EMG (M16)
Tekijä: Twilight Sparkle
So continuing with the weapon stuff, i finally bring you the L-STAR EMG, this weapon will come into 2 version, this one that will replace the M16, and another that will replace the M60, ofc it will be uploaded as well so anyone can have a choice to use it ...
Apex Legends - Peacekeeper
Tekijä: Twilight Sparkle
Sooo, continuing with le epic apex fornite legends, i bring you the Peacekeeper, this giant level action shotgun like will replace the Wooden Shotgun (Or stock shotgun whatever its called) and it comes with its original animations and sounds, so one the ma...
Apex Legends - Raven's Bite
Tekijä: Twilight Sparkle
So after some time, i forgot i done this.. oops. but in any case, here it is so it doesn't get abandoned, but anyways, so this is the Raven's Bite, and its Bloodhound's signature melee weapon, this will replace the Crowbar as it comes with its original ani...
Apex Winter
Tekijä: Dark Star
Aww ye. It's that time of season again! Apex Winter is a rename for "Apex Senior" outfit, but I've designed this survivor to fit for winter. It is Neamhain Boss wearing Apex outfit and will replace Bill Voice: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedet...
Apex Legends - Too Much Witt
Tekijä: Twilight Sparkle
Continuing with the heirloom weapons i bring you Mirage's signature weapon? ya, this is the one called "Too Much Witt" so this one will replace ("Frying Pan") cuz why not?, i mean so far i see it well to replace the pan but yeah, you get idea, as usual it ...
Arcana: Dark Soul
Tekijä: Dark Star
Arcana wearing new Dark (Dragon) Soul outfit. Replaces Rochelle Credits: Models/Textures: Nexon/Devcat Model Ports/Rigging/Vgui images/Jigglebones: DemonChild Skeletal Rig: InnerQuiet https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198284005249...
Arknights - Mudrock's hammer(replace golfclub) 明日方舟 - 泥岩·黑曜石 锤 替换 高尔夫球棍
Tekijä: SHArknight
沃土磐石,站起来吧。 -------------------------------------- 替换模型,动作,音效 是泥岩新皮的锤子,为啥不做原皮的锤? 我会告诉你是因为3D萌新不会做飘带吗?(理直气壮) 下图的泥岩角色mod:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2787182300 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1813273200190585292/76764E6A8D...
Tekijä: HerobrineAce
The map of Arizona, which was created on a whim, cannot to play and can only be used to view the scenery. It is divided into day and night versions. ...
Arknights - NIghtingale's Cage (replace pipebomb) 明日方舟 - 夜莺·挽歌 转瞬即逝的幻影(替换土制炸弹)
Tekijä: SHArknight
你必须攻击那个具有嘲讽技能的随从 -------------------------------------- 鸟笼和土制炸弹(或者胆汁瓶)真是太搭了(滑稽) 替换模型和动作 replace model and animation https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1809887417883085967/CB71D1E12B154E3B5CD336648F4EC52E08C47535/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....
Arknights Franka - Rochelle
Tekijä: Zydel
"This scorching thermite blade shall penetrate all defenses." Franka from Arknights now playable in Left 4 Dead 2 now! Enjoy. Garry's Mod Version ...
Arknights Skadi the Corrupting Heart- Butterfly Knife (Machete) [Animated Skin]
Tekijä: 42Hitchhiker_AID
曾经的同僚们想杀死我。他们拒绝正视自己,但我不会责怪他们,我不可能伤害他们,哪怕他们那样激烈地排斥我......袭击我。我所做的一切也在伤害他们吧。我的悔恨随他们一起死去。 替换了开山刀/砍刀 Replace Machete 替换了模型,材质,声音,感谢原作者:wx/Henrietta Replaced the model, material, sound, thanks to the original author:wx/Henrietta 原MOD地址/The original MOD https://...
Arknights Skadi the Corrupting Heart- CS:GO M9 Knife (Frying Pan)
Tekijä: 42Hitchhiker_AID
为什么要逃走呢?这样挣扎只会带给自己更多无谓的恐慌。 替换了平底锅/煎锅 Replace Frying Pan 替换了模型,材质,声音,感谢原作者:wx Replaced the model, material, sound, thanks to the original author:wx 原MOD地址/The original MOD https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2039602457405452960/60FD1E5C699D4B5607B58A...
Arknights Skadi the Corrupting Heart- Knife (Tonfa / Nightstick) [Animated Skin]
Tekijä: 42Hitchhiker_AID
过去的你想过这样的未来吗,博士?哪怕现在的你只会恨我。我不怕你的恨,博士。如果想的话,就这样继续恨下去吧......在你依然还能恨的时候。 替换了警棍 Replace Tonfa / Nightstick 替换了模型,材质,声音,感谢原作者:wx Replaced the model, material, sound, thanks to the original author:wx 原MOD地址/The original MOD https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net...
Arknights Skadi the Corrupting Heart- TOZ-194M(Pump Shotgun) (Glow) [Animated Skin 2K Textures]
Tekijä: 42Hitchhiker_AID
我在等你,博士。我等你太久,太久了,我甚至已经忘了为什么要在这里等你......不过这些都不重要了。不再那么重要了。 1K贴图:更流畅的动画/2K贴图:更高清的画面 请自行选择 1K Textures: smoother animation/2K Textures: higher resolution picture, please choose by yourself 1K贴图/1K Textures 替换了木喷 Replace Pump Shotgun 替换了模型,材质,声音,感谢原作者:Denny凯妈...
Arknights: Endfield Chen Qianyu
Tekijä: Vaz0w
This addon replaces Ellis. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models and Textures: HYPERGRAPH Extract: MonoCereal --------------------------------------------------------------- Includes: Models; Jiggle bones; Zoey Animation; V...
Arknights Specter the Unchained- Bile Bomb(Glow) Remake Version
Tekijä: 42Hitchhiker_AID
祝你在梦中也能保持清醒。 替换了胆汁 Replace Bile Bomb 替换了材质,增加了特效,感谢原作者:Martel Replaced the material, Added particles, thanks to the original author:Martel 原MOD地址/The original MOD 外观 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2012576066228296516/2B5D98702480848690953BC0D5C...
Arknights: Endfield Perlica
Tekijä: Vaz0w
This addon replaces Coach. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models and Textures: HYPERGRAPH Extract: MonoCereal --------------------------------------------------------------- Includes: Models; Jiggle bones; Zoey Animation; V...
ARX160 " I have Recoil "
Tekijä: Eiกุ้ง
The Beretta ARX160 is an Italian modular assault rifle manufactured by Beretta. Developed for the Italian Armed Forces as part of the Soldato Futuro (English: "Future Soldier") program, the ARX160 was launched in 2008 as a commercial weapon system independ...
Assault Spy - Project Meltdown (Tank Theme)
Tekijä: Raven
Replaces the Tank theme with Project Meltdown from Assault Spy. Also for some reason this really doesn't like the xdr animation mods, it will crash if those are enabled....
Auto Bhop
Tekijä: 星魂桑丶
The script comes from the network and is made by okcf Any mode is supported. Please be sure to subscribe to the essential items Add function You can turn off autobhop manually Press y to enter! Bhop in the chat box There will be a prompt or It is on by def...
Autobots (Dark of the Moon) - L4D2 Survivors
Tekijä: count44
"In any war, there are calms between storms. There will be days when we lose faith. Days when our allies turn against us... but the day will never come that we forsake this planet and its people." - Optimus Prime, Dark of the Moon (2011) Celebrating Transf...
Auto shotgun
Tekijä: 쏘맥쭈
Autoshotgun Multicolor
Tekijä: Bunnyponn
Replace Autoshotgun This is my first add-on I hope you like it =) steam : https://steamproxy.net/id/seybytv/ ...
AutoShotgun Rainbow Transparent
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
The gun body is transparent Like the white crystal beauty,and the lines are riotous with colour fluorescent effect. PS: different from the other rainbow transparent series, gun's third person perspective is opaque, there is no need to worry about the brigh...
Autoshotgun | High tech
Tekijä: Matt
*Replaces the Tactical automatic shotgun* Model: Default Anims: Default Texture: Own This is the 24th skin i've decided to do, please rate, share and i would be pleased to read any suggestion:)...
AVP: Alien vs. Predator :Interface icon(AVP系列界面选项图标)
Tekijä: 玉林风霜
AVP: Alien vs. Predator :Interface icon(AVP系列选项图标) 下载我的合集组成完整的AVP宇宙,让你体验不一样的刺激,惊心动魄的异形屠杀生存之旅 ...
Autoshotgun | Volcanic
Tekijä: Never
gotta say, from all of those volvanic skins i made this one is my favourite, i really liked the final resuslt this is totally an anime mod, an ANIME mod :v ( yes i know you know that i know what im doing )...
Away Stadium by Olain
Fight thru 6 maps of zombie killing fun! These are 2 campaigns found on an a server out of Japan combined in to on six map campaign. ...
AWP Rebalanced(Barrett Version)(巴雷特AWP)(out of date)
Tekijä: 渝。
Enhanced CSS weapon AWP. Makes it more like barrett. Damage >>> 888 Range >>> 999999 RangeModifier >>> 0.8 PenetrationNumLayers >>> 150 ClipSize >>> 6 Notes: 1.This mod will make your AWP bullets spread without using scope.(just like CS AWP) 2.It allows yo...
AWP artillery
this mod make AWP DMG to 1000,look like a big gun 4 shoot to kill 1 tank!...
Awp-z ( scout )
Tekijä: 多乐美
replace the scout ...
Axe & Pan Holographic Rainbow
Tekijä: Kokkorylien
Original Mods: Dynamic rainbow Pistols Credits: ni shi bu shi xi huan wo, 狐尾草 - Dynamic rainbow material & parameter. Kokkorylien - Application of materials & parameter. Details: Self luminous. Rainbow material. Dynamic materials. Dynamic transparency. No ...
Azur Lane 碧蓝航线柴郡 可畏替换特殊子弹特效
Tekijä: 玩apex像吸毒
可畏替换高爆弹!!! 柴郡替换燃烧弹!!! 特效和子弹盒外观不用一起订阅,完全看你自己的喜好. 在黑暗出 有可能会有点刺激 但这没法解决 反正我是没有 原mod地址: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1556408246&searchtext=%E9%AB%98%E7%88%86 特效展示 https://files.catbox.moe/xxqkot.gif https://files.catbox.moe/x7mi26.gif...
B4B Hag - Witch
Tekijä: Dian
I made some simple changes to the model, but I think it's better. Features: (Updated) ● Glow was added to the bumps on his back. (they shine in the dark) ● It has jigglebones on each tentacle on its back. (Giving the effect that that part of his body is al...
Tekijä: Alice sentence
There are two chapters. The work is called "BABEL" in English. It has the same name as the classic movie. It is translated into Babel Tower abroad and Tongtian Tower in China. But whether the map is related to the movie or not requires the players to know ...
Back 4 Gnome: Mini-Story (Part 0)
Tekijä: iCatGirlPiex
(CLICK ANY PART TO VISIT THAT CAMPAIGN!) https://i.imgur.com/YKvp6ve.png https://i.imgur.com/vCUe1bD.png https://i.imgur.com/mPMDWaQ.png https://i.imgur.com/gddFUyJ.png INFORMATION Welcome to this sweet but short mini-story campaign that takes place across...
Tekijä: ^w^
My first stupid map ever in l4d2 It's a bad and trolling map dont play it with Touhou stuffs and fumos credits at stage ex And replaced M16, also fixed w model (published in workshop) https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3049136959 any pr...
Baguette (Baseball Bat)
Tekijä: 8sianDude
Bonjour, I present to you an iconic French bread called the baguette. This bread is pretty long, very long in fact that it can be the same length as an average baseball bat (~1 metre), though smaller sizes are also available. If the baguette is left out fo...
Balrog-Ⅶ Bullet particle effects
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
Balrog-Ⅶ Bullet particle effects,in CSOL, replace explosive and incendiary particle effects, It doesn't conflict with other bullets MOD If you like this mod, please pay attention to me, Click praise http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=903...
BALROG-XI Autoshotgun (RNG & Glowing) CSO
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
Replaces Autoshotgun , Three random textures , And glowing . Lt.Rocky's L4D1 Animations.The Gun form CSOl If you like it, on the point of praise and concern me. :P BALROG-XI Autoshotgun sound https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=903135237...
Balrog-XI-Poisonous spider (Autoshotgun)
Tekijä: Hekmatyar
Replace the Autoshotgun,With a new spray paint Animations:@Jiminy Cricket Don't forget to rate,Subscribe and Favorite if you like it. The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop. 龙炎-剧毒魔蛛,替换一代连喷,换了新的喷漆 感...
Barrett snipermilitary script(巴雷特军用狙击枪脚本)
Tekijä: 寒枫Feng
Arm bug has been completely repaired! If you have any questions, please ask them instead of running away with a bad comment. This is very impolite and not conducive to my script improvement. Heavy weapon, with large damage, large recoil and large shooting ...
Barrett M82A1 CQ 2024 赐福金龙
Tekijä: Dazzle_白麒麟
本MOD替换游戏内【木质15连狙】 2024年的新春到了,送给大家 祝福 粉丝们 身体健康 财源广进 学富五车 合家欢团员,风风光光过大年, 以下是渲染图和预览图: This mod replaces the in-game The New Year of 2024 has arrived, and I wish you all good health and prosperity Xuefu five cars family carnival members, the scenery of the New...
Belial Atrocious Giga Battle Nizer replace baseball bat
Belial Atrocious Giga Battle Nizer replace baseball bat My friend unzipped it from the mobile game, so it's a little fuzzy https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=737195331 animation:我将带头冲锋DANIAO materials: LittleAnie Model modification :Lit...
Below Surface
Tekijä: Kryogen
The survivors are trapped below the mines and they need to make their way to the surface to get to the boat. IMPORTANT! THERE IS CUSTOM MUSIC IN THIS. SAFE ROOM MUSIC, BLEEDING OUT, FINALE MUSIC, CREDIT MUSIC, DEATH MUSIC, RESUCE VEHICLE HAS ARRIVED MUSIC....
Best Cry Ever for Witch
Tekijä: Big44Wet
The witch's cry replaced by the 'Best Cry Ever'...
Beyond Dead (V6)
Tekijä: Evil
-Welcome to Deadsville- They thought they had escaped once they boarded the helicopter and took to the air. Until a large object struck the side of the helicopter. Was it a tank rock? No, it couldn't have been. The answer was quickly revealed as the moment...
Bhop EMF MAP KZtraining 连跳/超级跳练习地图
bhop emf/bhopemf training enjoy urself! --------------------------------------------------------- 给一些刚刚接触连跳的玩家在练习BHOP的一些小帮助: 1.如何把握每次跳跃的时间点? 最开始的时候,我们可以只按住“ctrl”键,视角斜向下45°{可以同时观察底面和前方路况},这时按”space“键,同时试图在落地的同时按下第二次”space“键,戴上耳机,你会听到自己落地的脚步声,这个声音就是我们要找的瞬间快速...
Bhop Journey
Tekijä: Λɾȥҽʋαʅ
Description Bhop Journey by Arzeval Most Valve games have their own unique jumping mechanics along with their jumping community and a dozen maps. but when it comes to Left 4 Dead 2, there are barely any maps made for bunnyhoping, so I decided to give it a ...
Bhop Training
Tekijä: Silver Bullet
Several Levels Of Bhop Stages: - Added Hidden Doors - Added Surfing - Added New Levels - Surf Script > thanks to messa - Bhop Script > thanks to messa - Weapons Script > thanks to Ruko You Can Type In The Chat To Activate Autobhop ON or OFF > !bhop Good Lu...
Tekijä: вася 60
Эта карта для тренировки вашего бхопа. Я её ПРОСТО загрузил в мастерскую для упрощения жизни обычных юзеров как вы. Не считайте это плагиатом. Оригинал карты я оставил ниже ссылкой. This map is for training your bhop. I just uploaded it to the workshop to ...
Big Daddy (Bouncer) as Charger
Tekijä: al
"...he, a lumbering palooka in a foul-smelling diving suit..." UPDATE! Newer model can be found here! hello! this replaces the Charger with the Big Daddy from Bioshock. There's another version floating around here but that one always comes up as an error f...
Big Wat
Tekijä: Awarets
Combining levels from Wat Mania and Big Room, Big Wat is a five-chapter campaign which is playable in both co-op and versus. One chapter is also playable in Survival, and two chapters are playable in Scavenge. You play as the L4D2 Survivors in this campaig...
Bile effect-胆汁特效
Tekijä: 花璃
改胆汁特效+倒计时 Bile effect 可和其他非胆汁特效的胆汁mod一起订阅(前提是 订阅的胆汁mod没有任何特效,不然就发生冲突) 本来这胆汁特效我是和我另一个胆汁mod放到一起的,然后我拆开另外上传到创意工坊这里。 附带胆汁mod+胆汁特效版本的:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2239530290 角色是白玉老师画的 ノワール(诺瓦尔) 点一下赞再走吧QVQ ...
Bile the World script port
Tekijä: Shadowysn
NOTICE: This addon uses scripts. This will not work in Dedicated servers. Use local/listen servers, or singleplayer instead. An upside to this is that if you can see this addon's effects, everyone else can. This is a port-to-VScript of AtomicStryker's Bile...
Bill Charm on M16
Tekijä: Spicy_Jam
Desh esh such horseshiet will anybody let me outta this toy?! Ah yes, who else would be better suited for an M16 lucky charm than dear old Billy Overbeck himself. After Bill's passing, Zoey made this lucky charm in his memory, so that he may never be forgo...
Bill The Badass Survivalist
Tekijä: ThunderKiss65
This aint 'nam anymore baby, this fight will be forever. Bill is sick of everytime he goes outside he has to fight zombie after zombie after zombie so now he's getting himself prepaired even if he has to murder every one o-well you get the point. Includes:...
bill WWI British Scout
includes jigglebones fp arms no bile texture to prevent crashes DO NOT REUPLOAD ANY OF MY MODS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION I'm open to commissions for survivor mods or model swap https://i.imgur.com/F5PyEEv.jpg Dont forget to like, favorite and share https://i.i...
Biochemical Grenade
Tekijä: Richard
Biochemical Grenade(生化手雷/バイオハザード手榴弾/生化手雷) which adopted the CrossFire Biochemical Grenade's explosion sound,made in South Korea?Can kill the sons of b-i-t-c-h-e-s at once! FOR PIPE BOMB ==Credits/貢獻== Original Model: GameBanana QC Adjustments: The Hanged M...
Black And White Notifier
Tekijä: Hex To Max
This mod notifies the survivor in black and white state to other survivors by chat and colored outline - You can set specific options like duration, color or flash effect - All commands are host-only and detected by typing to chat box - The value of all co...
Black Doom (Shadow the Hedgehog) for Nick
Warning: I'm not the creator of this mods so, please, don't ask me to do this or do that because I have zero skill to create my own mods. For this mods, I say thank you very much to: -"DemonChild" for have started to work with Black Doom -"Despair" for hav...
Black Mesa Campaign [Update 1.3]
Tekijä: Knee
Play the original maps ported from Half-Life: Source in Left 4 Dead 2. Going from Anomalous Materials to We Got Hostiles. File Size: 387.56 MB due to lots of Half-Life: Source assets ** Please comment if there are any missing textures ** Some known issues:...
Black Mesa: Fallouts v2.0d
Welcome back to Black Mesa, this time you'll be joining the L4D1 survivor on their way to find evacuation. From the last Half-Life campaign port, Undertow, I've made more use of the func_instance entity, which allow me to place group of prop like explosive...
Black Mesa: Unforeseen Consequences (1/5)
Tekijä: The Mafia
A campaign set in intricate Black Mesa facility, can you fight your way through the maze-like hallways and escape the zombie ridden facility? All credit goes to Crowbar Collective for materials, models, sounds and everything else included that isn't base L...
Black Mist
Tekijä: Tinai
The town has been shrouded in black mist. Escape! 小镇被迷雾笼罩,赶紧逃脱! 这是我第一次尝试做冲锋的救援,可能会有bug,希望你们玩的开心。 特别鸣谢,烈峰老师,ty老师,晨浅虪醒 已经更新1.2版本,如果有bug和建议可以继续提,后续会统一继续修改。 Version 1.1 has been updated. If there are bugs and suggestions, you can continue to put forward them, ...
Bladed Broom (Pitchfork)
Tekijä: tomaz
The good ol' sweep and slasher. Heavily inspired by the Pole Weapon from Dead Rising 2. Model is created from scratch. Replaces the Pitchfork and uses mav's & ThomasCat's MW2019 animations. Includes a HUD icon. The machete is reskin compatible. CREDITS: ma...
Blaze weapon skin pack
Tekijä: Reveaper
FWAM! Ninth weapon skin pack , with help from Valve. Features only camo skins. This weapon pack skin gives a skin to the following weapons; Pistols, Deagle, chrome shotgun , pumpshotgun , autoshotgun , spas shotgun , smg , silenced smg , m16 , ak47 , deser...
Bleed on Friendly Fire
A script that turns some of the survivor's health to temporary health after taking damage from friendly fire, cause it's a bullet it would probably make you bleed. Grenade launcher still causes bleed, I tried fixing it but the damage types seemed really in...
Blazefire Saber
Tekijä: Greatest Pulse
Blazefire Saber, from Final Fantasy XIII. Use by Lightning as Soldier. Replace Katana. Please tell me if there's any bugs. Thanks for the subs :) Credits: - Square Enix...
Blitzo From Helluva Boss Ellis InfectionHUD Edition
Tekijä: -✰T'Avia✰-
-Blitzo -Same lobby image. Credits: Original: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2657247651 VGUI: Me. finally (not) last one. credits always goes to original creators. (same with the other InfectionHUD addons I made.) If requested to ta...
Block2 【方块2】
Tekijä: 晨晨
Seekord on mu vanaema väga vapper Map version:1.0 Drawing command: map fk2_1 map fk2_2 map fk2_3 map fk2_4 map fk2_5 方块终于迎来了它的续作了,喜欢tank的小伙伴不要错过了 地图版本:1.0 建图命令: map fk2_1 map fk2_2 map fk2_3 map fk2_4 map fk2_5 ...
Blood Bomb (Beta-Bile)
Tekijä: Jules
The Blood Bomb. Crimson boomer explosions, glowing red bile bombs, clouds of bloody bile vapor. Custom world model textures and particles for when you get boomed, custom blood drenched screen overlay. In other words, a huge added dose of gory bloody fun......
Blood Moon
Tekijä: axingheqquuy
Hello everyone, this is my first time to make this kind of map. If it's not good, please forgive me. If you find any bugs, please comment on me immediately. All known bugs have been fixed. Takes place on a space resort where an outbreak has occurred. A wee...
Blood Woods APOCALYPSE by Rombu with Nav Fix by 3ipKa*
Our 4 survivors try to exterminate all zombies and survive this poopoo apocalypse! This was my port first. The other versions were crashing. 6 map campaign. ...
Bloody Vanilla Chainsaw
Tekijä: Cuba
Allows the default Chainsaw to get covered in blood. Works with retextures that do not change the vmt. Requires the framework to function ...
Bloody Mary
Tekijä: Crazy4Ever
This mod will give you the red moon with Bloody Mary looking down on you......
Bloody Water
Tekijä: Belphi
Bloody Rain mod here Be sure to rate and subscribe! ;) UPDATE: NOW WITH BLOODY MUDMAN!!!!!!!!! - THANKS TO JULES This is my Bloody Water, inspired by myself :D i made a bloody water for Counter Strike Source ---3 years ago, i've decided to make one for Lef...
Blue Archive-Rabbit dance Witch music 碧蓝档案Rabbit dance替换Witch追击音乐
Change Wicth music to Bule Archive Game BGM "Rabbit Dance" 将Witch追击音乐替换成BA里的Rabbit dance 有问题或想法和建议可以提出哦OvO 喜欢可以点个赞谢谢啦(。・ω・。)...
blue bile and the bile count down
Tekijä: Fulandre
bile with blue smoke and count down i just change the color of the bile count down mod...
Blue Fire
Tekijä: L0qi
Full fire recolor. I thought about updating my old add-on, but that would probably upset people who didn't sign up for full recolor....
Blue Heaven Long Version
Tekijä: Grumpy
Please don't complain that its too long, its meant to be. After you've finished this map you won't want to play another game for the rest of the week. I have re-instated Map 2 and split Map 5 into two parts, so now there are a total of 6 maps. All the maps...
Blue Streaks Autoshotgun Camo
Tekijä: rigspacito
Edits the default Autoshotgun skin to a custom blue streak camo. Mod tested on - http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=469986973&searchtext=mod+test Please be sure to try out the rest of my L4D2 Mods! http://steamproxy.net/workshop/file...
bluearchive Takanashi Hoshino shotgun replace chrome shotgun
bluearchive Takanashi Hoshino shotgun replace chrome shotgun The model comes from official extraction The front row thanks hxd for the small human skeleton + model The model includes V W mode luminous RNG https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/18098909...
Bombshell Tri Revolver ( Script)
bit of a high recoil 450 damage 18 bullets...
Blunderbuss Script [AutoShotgun]
Tekijä: Spooky Kitty
Defend yourself against the zombies the way the pirates of old would, by blasting everything with buckets of shrapnel. Changes the autoshotgun to a blatently op single shot blunderbuss. this script deals so much damage that it will sometimes completely del...
BluSpas (Glowing)
Tekijä: Ѕeant
Glowing Version Original here...
Blunderbuss Script (Secondary)
Tekijä: barbinsnarshin
Changes the stats of the autoshotgun to be like a blunderbuss: Damage: 14x40 (560) Clip size: 1 Recoil: 40 LBS Secondary...
BONK+ - Tank (Sounds)
Tekijä: UndeadRyker
The Tank is so powerful, he can send anyone to horny jail simply with his bare fists, and cement he throws at people when he isn't using his cement privileges to eat said cement. As far as I know, this is the first addon that replaces sounds related to the...
Borderlands Loot Beams [Server Mod] (With Sprites)
Tekijä: ᴿᴱᴻᴱ™
This mod is based on my previous one: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2433786424&tscn=1616799861 The optical change is kinda big in my opinion so i thought it would be better to upload it as a seperate addon instead of just killing t...
Boomer FX Particles Manifest ✩✩✩✩✩
Tekijä: GS Mod In Play
Tutorial on how to properly use mods: 1st: Click on the Like option. 2nd: Click on the Reward option and select an award. 3rd: Click on the Favorites option. 4th: Click on Sign up. Tutorial de como usar corretamente os mods: 1º: Clicar no opção Like. 2º: C...
Boomer Fart Explosion
Tekijä: Falco
You are a strange person. (You might have to uncheck certain boomer mod conflicts) Enjoy!...
Bonnibel Bubblegum [Rochelle]
Tekijä: EddyterminatorX
Replaces survivor rochelle this mod includes: -FirstPerson Arms -Model (Obviously) -HUD Icons I will add more improvements to the mod if it has support Model made by me so you are free to extract and use the model if you give me credits special thanks to m...
Tekijä: CD意识.
我制作的第一个BOSS,原本是我给csgo地图做的,提取出来做了个求生版本单独测试。发布出来用于点实体运用学习 地图参数: boss只吃子弹数,1颗子弹1滴血。 boss初始HP:300 HP ADD:100/人 伤害:每次攻击50damage The following content was translated from Google The first boss I made that was originally made for the boss test in my csgo map.It's...
Boomer Explosion NANI!?
Tekijä: Toled
Boomer Explosion...
Boss Challange Arena
Tekijä: Xanarcy
Originally when I set out to make this project I wanted to create "season based content" this is not something I could further drive through. Instead this served as a testing ground for boss theory. Soon I will unveil a true boss map/campaign. Sorry for an...
bouncer (spas-12)
Tekijä: 多乐美
replace the spas-12 ...
Bow in Crysis3(Grenade launcher)
Tekijä: ClearSkyC
This is a bow in Crysis3,I like it very much,So I made it. replace for the Grenade launcher Credits: Crytek - Models/Texture ClearSkyC - Animations, rig, sound editing, texture modifications, compile. 孤岛危机3的复合弓,替换榴弹~...
Brutal Difficulty
Tekijä: ImperatorZ
Difficulty Mutation that is 2x harder than Expert Here is the list of changes: Friendly fire damage has increased Burning damage has increased Amount of common infected is slightly increased Common infected deal more damage Special infected deal more damag...
Bunny Girl Haku【兔女郎弱音】R-18
Tekijä: 仓鼠箘
Bunny Girl Haku R-18, For Zoey~ This version is a independent version. You no longer need to subscribe two mods at the same time, There is no need to worry about conflict and the failure of clothing transparency. Tags: Haku, Bunny Girl, Pantyhose, White Ha...
C1 JumpMap
Tekijä: CD意识.
How to play : Just start the map c1m1_hotel Installation: Turn on the addon and run map ("map c1m1_hotel") via console, coop/realism mode or single player This map is made out of props and included into c1m1_hotel. c1m2_streets c1m3_mall Mod is a simple ju...
Cacodemon (Boomer)
Tekijä: xdshot
Сharacter from Doom (2016), replaces Boomer and Boomette models. Ported animations Made new animations Blown torso with custom physics Reskins support Viewmodel jaws Smol Original models, textures, motion data by id Software. DTZxPorter for making port pos...
Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies Horde Alert (Start Round+devilish laugh)
Tekijä: Louis™
A simple mod that just replaces the "Horde Alert" sound with the "Start Rond+devilish laught" sound from Call of Duty Black Ops ZOMBIES ...
Buried Deep [2/2]
Tekijä: Zanieon
An underground military complex where the survivors were resting was overrun, the only way out is opening a path through the infected. Features: 1. 5 Long Maps (Not joking about this one) 2. Heavy atmosphere for the most part 3. Also heavy action for certa...
Buried Deep [1/2]
Tekijä: Zanieon
An underground military complex where the survivors were resting was overrun, the only way out is opening a path through the infected. Features: 1. 5 Long Maps (Not joking about this one) 2. Heavy atmosphere for the most part 3. Also heavy action for certa...
Butterfly knife deep red net
Tekijä: nacho
Replacement of machetes Right click can make monitoring action There is a big red net on the face and back of the knife...
Can carry 5 guns (可携带5个枪)
Tekijä: 月悠红茶
【MOD介绍】你可以携带5个主武器,还有医疗包、手雷、以及其他物品,使用鼠标滚轮可以切换物品(请记得移除有冲突的武器脚本) you can carry 5 main weapons, as well as medical bags, grenades and other items. You can switch items by using the mouse wheel (please remember to remove conflicting weapon scripts) 【物品栏说明】1:突击步...
Captain Haku【弱音 特工制服】R-18
Tekijä: 仓鼠箘
Captain Haku uniforms R-18 replaces Zoey. Don't look under her below. She's not wearing underwear! Let you have a taste of the temptation of the Haku uniform! Tags: Haku, Uniform, Pantyhose, White Hair, Red eye, Long Tail hair, High heel, R-18 Characterist...
Carnage Mutation
Tekijä: AlfredENeuman
There are 14 campaigns in this CO-OP mutation. Everyone gets a grenade launcher with 999 rounds and the improvements from my mod Awesome Grenade Launcher 2.0! More Realistic Population 3.0 is built-in, friendly fire is off, and the game may be paused even ...
这是一款穿越火线擎天模型,它替换了游戏内的官方棒球棒。穿越火线中的近战武器擎天,替换官方的球棒,设置增加了动态荧光,加了一对动态眼非常拉风。切换和攻击声音做了替换,攻击和推制作了特效,稍微有些延迟,不过动作基本还原,推荐。 由“凡白独战群尸,爱敏~”制作,我高贵的大三亿里面的军用铲铲,好像拥有宇宙能量一样在发红色的荧光,很强势,贵族专享,一板铲(chuaner)敲(kao)死那些穷逼,本站提供求生之路2穿越火线科幻擎天铲铲MOD,需要的玩家不要错过哦! MOD来源于网络 如侵权请告知,好删除 ...
CF火麒麟 AK47 Beast(HD remaster)
Remaster AK47 beast, have a CF visual angle, CF animations, a better materials, jigglebone include: jigglebone cubemaps CF animations Suggested fov:65 "cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 65" models:Tencent animations:Smile Gate texture/edit:Tencent/HalfLifeZm sound/e...
CF英雄武器 AK47-风神翼龙(AK47)
动画https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2990625530 空中霸主,风神翼龙,这把融合了风神翼龙属性的AK47,所向披靡 装备后增加所有背包步枪子弹数 爆炸弹:生化模式下命中幽灵可以对范围内的其他幽灵造成伤害战绩自定义保存 射击稳定性提高 生化模式主弹匣增加 特殊近战攻击 生化模式基础伤害提升 生化模式下刺刀可以击退幽灵 专属消灭图标 专属消灭特效 经验值增加200% 同房间玩家经验值增加30% 以上属性此MOD一个都没有! ...
cf 夺命之镰 NanoHook_Devil(machete)
This NanoHook_Devil replaces machete, and used animations by Original Crossfire, Made a zombie weapon, ha ha,The material dynamic Spontaneous light,and if you like , enjoy it models:Tencent animations:Smile Gate texture/edit:Tencent/me compiler:me --------...
CF 双持沙鹰天神 dual_deserteagle_dorado(pistol)
This dual_deserteagle_dorado replaces pistol,and used animations by Original Crossfire,The material dynamic Spontaneous light,Replaced deploy and reload sounds,Made deploy and push special effects,There will be sparks when changing bullets,and if you like ...
CF 擎天 Shovel_BornBeast(BAT)
This Shovel_BornBeast replaces bat,and used animations by Original Crossfire ,The material dynamic Spontaneous light,Replaced deploy and attack sounds,Made attack and push special effects,and if you like , enjoy it Suggested fov:60~70 "cl_viewmodelfovsurvi...
CF AK-47 golden
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
golden AK-47 from Crossfire Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop Different versions: CF AK-47 ice : http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id...
CF 葵 THIXY(rochelle)
This model comes from CrossFire,Replaces rochellefor the first time in the Left4Dead2 try character,Partial self luminescence,I deleted the blindfold,Show you the whole face,Enjoy it models:tencent texture:fanbai compile:fanbai/kaizen =====================...
CF 斩神刀 Dragon_Blade(fireaxe)
This Dragon_Blade replaces fireaxe,used cf animations,Made a dynamic fire eyes,Made the attack special effects,Attack sounds have also been replaced,and if you like , enjoy it models:Tencent animations:Smile Gate texture/edit:Tencent/fanbai sound/edit:Tenc...
CF AK-47 king
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
king AK-47 from Crossfire. Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop Different versions: CF AK-47 ice : http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=...
CF AK-47 lightning
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
lightning AK-47 from Crossfire.At each moment, the light passes through the barrel gun.Flash of dragon's eye. Unlike the 2 version( http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=649828599 ), this version have the dragon's eye. Preview of the game i...
CF AK12--天启 AK12_K_IronSpider(AK47)
This AK12_K_IRONSPIDER replaces AK47, and used animations by Original Crossfire, I tried to restore the special effects,It turns red when you change bullets,When you push it, it turns purple,The material dynamic Spontaneous light,Replaced some sounds,and i...
CF AK47-lightning 雷电火麒麟(no eye)
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
lightning AK-47 from Crossfire.At each moment, the light passes through the barrel gun. Unlike the 1 version( http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=649736991 ), this version does not have the dragon's eye Like friends remember to evaluate m...
武器CFM 动画自制 替换砍刀 魏武用兵,仿佛孙吴。临敌制奇,鲜有丧败,故能东禽狡布,北走强袁,破黄巾于寿张,斩眭固于射犬。援戈北指,蹋顿悬颅;拥旆南临,刘琮束手。振威烈而清中夏,挟天子以令诸侯,信超然之雄杰矣。 聪明秀出,谓之英;胆力过人,谓之雄。 演示 https://b23.tv/uuzxsKD ...
Chainsaw(Rainbow Transparent)
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
Replace chainsaw,The body is transparent and the lines are riotous with colour fluorescent effect.Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop Rainbow Transparen...
Champion Dream 1.10
Tekijä: 阿澤
請在設置中啟用遊戲指導系統:選項 > 多人遊戲 > 遊戲指導系統,為全部 5 張地圖獲得最佳的遊戲體驗。 Please enable Game Instructor in setting: Options > Multiplayer > Game Instructor for all 5 maps to get the best gaming experience. -----------------------------------------------------------------------...
Charger Melee Headshot Training
Tekijä: kimoto
This map is charger melee hs training custom map. Usage: Please input following commands in your console. ------------------------------------- sv_cheats 1 map charger_hs_training ------------------------------------- ...
Charger with a Gibus & Pyrovision Goggles - TF2
Tekijä: Minnie Mouse
Makes the Charger infected wear the Ghastly Gibus and Pyrovision Goggles from Valve's Team Fortress 2, works with Charger reskins....
Charger's rainbow
Tekijä: fox.57005
Charger rainbow trail effect with sparkles! For hunter...
Check-point-arrow And Tankwall(Dynamic,luminous)
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
Luminous arrow, fragile wall visible This is a gift for those cute blind players who love to 'add campaign maps' Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop htt...
Cheating Weapon 作弊武器
Tekijä: DIO·不懒惰
我不知道我是谁,我也不知道我在哪,我只知道我要大开杀戒,放飞自我的作品 I don't know who I am,and I don't know where I am, all I know is that I'm going to kill someone! 由https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941148336 扩展而来,没有任何平衡可言 弱化版:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles...
Cheshire Cat Moon
Replaces moon with Cheshire Cat. Only briefly tested it but it should all work fine. If there are any problems let me know....
Chinese J20 fighter jets
Tekijä: Lumbago
Replaces the fighter jets with chinese j-20s Mom can we have F-22. We have F-22 at home, F-22 at home: The Chengdu J-20, also known as Mighty Dragon is a twinjet all-weather stealth fighter aircraft developed by China's Chengdu Aerospace Corporation for th...
Chinese Signs
Tekijä: HerobrineAce
Some signs have been translated into Chinese...
Christmastime - Dark Carnival Christmas Lights
A quick splash of red and green on the original mod for some holiday flair. I'll put up some pictures later. I'm a tired, grumpy old lady right now. ...
Chrome Shotgun | Hyper Beast
Tekijä: Nadjem
≽CS:GO's Nova | Hyper Beast's Textures adapted to L4D2's Chrome Shotgun, enjoy. ≽Link to my Pump Shotgun version of this skin: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=840514696 ≽Feel free to edit it and republish it,just please add me to the ...
Cinematic Lighting Effects
Tekijä: Red Schism
Changes most light sprites and some particle effects into a more "Hollywood stylized" effect. Adds horizontal flare to pathway lights, changes 3rd person flashlight glow to a smaller more realistic glow, new sun glare, and changes various other glowing lig...
Ciri the DLC look(Zoey)
Tekijä: Cele
Removed that hems from the original model,this might look better Features: -FP arms -Facial anims -The light model -Proper shadered...
Claire Redfield (DSC) Rochelle
Tekijä: H.U.N.K
ALL Credits belongs to ManiX33 ManiX33: https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198047898677 I just changed her animations to Zoey's and fixed the online Animations I take 0 Credit for this! Requested By slay-z: https://steamproxy.net/profiles/7656119...
Claire Redfield - Medical Suit [rochelle]
Tekijä: Ramm.asmiette
Claire Redfield - Medical Suit without mask for ( won't make a zoey version ) ~Zoey's Animations ~Jigglebones ~Glowing textures ~Facial Animation ~First Person Arms ~VGUI Images CREDITS: ( Casino ) For Survivor Port) XZombieAlix https://www.deviantart.com/...
Tekijä: Blood_Wraith
Current version: V 1.2 Make sure to enable game instructor in options > multiplayer menu for important objective and key item text. Claustrophobia (Once named "The Sewer") is a converted Half-Life 2 mod made by me. This campaign features seven maps startin...
claw but is frying pan(frying pan)
normal claw sound no more frying pan is katana maybe sad and is normal claw...
Closers Online: Seulbi - Queen of the Darkness
Tekijä: Kagarino Kirie
- I wanted to keep her as private use because she is my best girl, my love... But anyway i was thinking that there is people out there love her too so today im going to release her in public... INCLUDE HER CUSTOM SOD VOICES!!! Pretty cool right? - DOWNLOAD...
Coach's violently loud Friendly Fire lines when he gets shot by anyone
And he will yell for as loud as humanly possible. Close your ears and open your eyes, everyone. You'll aim better. -One Man Cheeseburger Splatocalypse-...
Coca Cola Christmas Semi Trailer
Tekijä: Colonel Vanek
Like it says on the tin, the mod replaces the semi trailer texture with the christmas coca cola santa. Credits: Semi-Trailer UVmap Fix by мяFunreal. http://steamproxy.net/id/funreal ...
COD 使命召唤 krig6冰龙(AK47)
Tekijä: 橙枫
cod的krig6 替换AK 第一人称模型 第三人称模型 夜光 开火的枪声 部分音效没做了,部分贴图丢失了几张,索性直接做成星空皮了 ...
COD M9A1 Pistols Rainbow Transparent
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
Replace Pistols ,The GUN body is transparent and the lines are riotous with colour fluorescent effect.Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop...
COD MW19 Rodion Red Death (Louis)
Tekijä: BiGeYiEr
COD MW19 Rodion Red Death (Louis). ...
COD MW19 Shadow Company (Nick)
Tekijä: BiGeYiEr
COD MW19 Shadow Company Replaces Nick. ...
COD MW22 "Dark Void" FJX Imperium Silenced (Scout Rifle)
Tekijä: KJ
Green Laser Sight Replaces Scout Rifle Original Gold AWP Version Gold Silenced AWP Version Credits Retextures - KJOnTheBeat Source files, Original anims extraction - BaiF*ckmouse Compile, animation fix/mix - M82A1闇冥 Yuuyakizami21's Youtube KJOnTheBeat's Yo...
Tekijä: Cele
Along with the L115 animations,this tough gun is released as well,a little modificated about the firing animation,to show how is the bolt system works and u can see the shell ejection clearly Notice: this is one replacing one of the hidden weapons:SCOUT,u ...
COD:MW AK-47 SD Black Ice edition
Tekijä: 谶诗
Very good mod,love from China! I m always be a huge fan of this AK rifle,and finally I make this black ice texture for it. Hope you guys will enjoy it! Credit:Denny凯妈 Texture:Me 这次带来的是墨冰COD:MW AK-47,希望你们能够喜欢! ...
COD:MW Vector SD Black Ice edition
Tekijä: 谶诗
Original mod from Denny凯妈,many thanks for his contributions. :) I change the skin into the black ice texture and the firing sound into the CODOL MINI UZI's,Enjoy! Replace the silenced-smg,with glowing edition. 感谢凯妈带来的超帅短剑mod,本人只是置换了他的贴图和法线,修改了下开火枪声。 替换消音冲锋...
COD:MW Vector SD Black Ice original edition(Replaces Silenced SMG/mac-10)
Replaces Silenced SMG/mac-10。 ◼ COD animations ◼ COD sounds ◼ HUD icon ◼ High quality textures and realistic materials ◼ luminous I have obtained the upload permission from the original author. This is the original version of this gun, and the sound has no...
COD:MW19 Juggernaut(Coach)
Tekijä: Animal33
替换Coach。 Adding items to shake, some accessories on the equipment have a shaking effect Model and material:IW Binding mold:Animal33 material handling:Animal33 HUD:Animal33 mapping:Animal33 标签:IW ...
Tekijä: BaiF*ckmouse
FJX IMPERIUM updated in Season 3 of Modern Warfare 2022 replaces AWP Silenced version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2961713586 ...
COD:MW2022 Fists
Tekijä: BaiF*ckmouse
Fists from MW2022 replaces tonfa sound made by@M82A1闇冥 enjoy~ ...
COD:MW2022 Shadow Company Assulter(Francis)
Tekijä: BaiF*ckmouse
Disguised Shadow Company from DMZ in Modern Warfare 2022 replaces Francis Jigglebone and rig is completed by @Animal33 This is a light version,you can get the HD version here: HD: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2051999003036824061/8AFA3D03C11EC...
COD:MW2022 Vaznev-9K
Tekijä: BaiF*ckmouse
Vaznev-9K from Modern Warfare 2022 replaces Uzi HUD is included enjoy. ...
COD:MW2023 Gutter Knife
Tekijä: BaiF*ckmouse
Gutter Knife from Modern Warfare III replaces t-knife Thanks for demand from @H.百子合 替换;小刀 制作者:B站/BaiFvckmouse 工坊:BaiF*ckmouse –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 定制者: B站:HS–百子合 工坊:H.百子合 未有定制者同意禁止二创...
COD:MW2023 MTZ762-JAK Heretic kit
Tekijä: BaiF*ckmouse
MTZ762-JAK Heretic kit from MW2023 replaces AK enjoy ...
CODOL棒球棍baseball Bat
Tekijä: 3456 ACZ
Call Of Duty Online 既然是棒球棍当然是替换原来的棒球棍啦;求生交流开黑群:921149567 Since it's a baseball bat, of course, it's a replacement for the original baseball Bat....
Tekijä: 超级小咪
replaces m16 替换 m16 图片来自p 搜一下就看得见 添加了一把刺刀 一个小全息 一个新的消音器 镂空了制退器 恢复了悬浮准具 重置了警灯(更大更显眼) 更换了更加切合的消音开火声音 目前该武器有 -声音 -模型 -最低亮度的夜光 -法线 -还有动态贴图 Currently the weapon has sound, model, minimum brightness luminous light and normal ,and There are also animated stickers...
CODOL Tesla EEL(特斯拉电鳗).SCAR-L
For some people, this is not a good feeling, may feel sick, cruel, so please make sure you have no sequelae, and then use this gun. 对一些人来说,这把枪可能感觉很恶心,如果你觉得能接受的话 那就订阅。不能接受 走个过场看看就行了。 This is a weapon that has been planned for a long time,This weapon in CODO...
Cold Stream Storm Mode
Tekijä: HerobrineAce
If need console to create map: c13m1_alpinecreek_storm c13m2_southpinestream_storm c13m3_memorialbridge_storm c13m4_cutthroatcreek_storm This series is over...
COMM: Bloody Mary's True Form V2 [Witch]
ORIGINAL MOD BY InfernoKun: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=325190558&searchtext=Bloody+Mary%27s+True+Form Commissioned by ScratchNSniff ___________________________________________________ Bloody Mary's True Form! ___________________...
COMM: Blade of Chaos [Crowbar]
Commissioned by FaneStar ___________________________________________________ Features: - Crowbar World Model - Crowbar Viewmodel - Crowbar Sounds ___________________________________________________ Model and all rights belongs to: Vanya Mazalevich and Sony...
CODOL 命运 黑金 MW动作重制版 FATE BLACKGOLD MW style anims
Tekijä: Roy
替换m16 replace m16 模型/白皮贴图:永远喜欢七七原薫子 动作:ray/mav Models,White Materials:永远喜欢七七原薫子 animation:ray/mav 原mod:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2856171362 original model:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2856171362 感谢原mod...
COMM: Deku Scrub [Pipebomb]
Commissioned by Mycelium ___________________________________________________ Features: - Pipebomb World and Viewmodels - Pipebomb Sounds ___________________________________________________ Model from: Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask Model and all rights belo...
COMM: Godzilla 2014 [Coach]
Commissioned by Aduubo ___________________________________________________ Features: - Coach Survivor Model - Coach Viewmodel - Coach VGUI Materials - Tail Jiggle Bones - Mouth Jiggle Bone ___________________________________________________ Model from: God...
COMM: OW Reaper (Mariachi - El Blanco) [Nick]
Commissioned by DaddyLeftMe ___________________________________________________ Features: - Nick Survivor Model - Nick Viewmodel - Nick VGUI Materials - Jiggle Bones ___________________________________________________ Model from: Overwatch Model and all ri...
COMM: OW Reaper [Bill]
Commissioned by DaddyLeftMe ___________________________________________________ Features: - Bill Survivor Model - Bill Deathpose Model - Bill Viewmodel - Bill VGUI Materials - Jiggle Bones ___________________________________________________ Model from: Ove...
Compact Strider - Half Life 2 energy ball
Tekijä: Ramm.asmiette
Replaces the tank's rock and the sounds associated by those from Half life 2 energy ball - New model - New sounds...
Complex Course
Tekijä: Raze
UPDATE: This campaign now has 6 maps with a new additional Map 5: AI. Remember during Map 4 where the AI asks you to meet it? The time has finally arrived to fight against the Boss of Complex Course. This update also fixes most of the bugs reported and add...
Contextual Ping System
Tekijä: Sam
Communication in Left 4 Dead has never been this easy! This addon features 3 ways of pinging: - Automatic voice: when survivors spot items and enemies, and verbally call them out. (bots use this!) - Manual voice: when chat wheel commands are issued - Manua...
Confused I Nightma RE
Tekijä: 秋风扶麦*
The survivors are involved in a strange experiment that is just the beginning of the nightmare... 幸存者们被卷入一次奇怪的实验,而这仅仅只是噩梦的开始。。。 The original work《confusion》;The original author <ZC榨菜>.Remade by authorization, the difficulty is high.It is not recommended to...
ContraZ V0.5(part1)
Tekijä: 月兔鸽
ContraZ V0.5 This is a campaign that imitates and pays tribute to Contra. The campaign has only four levels,more levels are still in development. Level completed: 5 / 8 =================================== Mod Features: Difficulty balance mechanism: The hea...
Cool Words as Blood Particles
Tekijä: KITTYV2X
Features - Blood particles are changed for Survivors and Infected. Word List - Survivors: BAD (no friendly fire!) - Infected: GOOD - Headshot: WOW! HEADSHOT! Addressing Headshots - Headshots can be incredibly difficult for some. Unless you exactly get a go...
Cordyceps Charger
Tekijä: Spicy_Jam
"What the hell is that?" "It's a goddamn Bloater!" "Bill, that's clearly the Charger from the hit game Left 4 Dead 2" "Joel, shut the f%ck up!" This is my second Cordyceps infected mod. Ever since I discovered that Bloater model, I knew I had to use all th...
Cordyceps Smoker
Tekijä: Spicy_Jam
"SMOK- woah what in tarnation is that thing?!" Looks like that Smoker caught something more than just the Green Flu this time. This mod replaces L4D1/2 Smoker with his Cordyceps-infected counterpart, inspired by the fungal infection from The Last Of Us. Re...
Counter-Striker NEXON Zombies(Online) Barrett M95 反恐精英Online 巴雷特 M95 替换 AWP
Description(简介): This is one of the famous sniper in csol 老款单发狙 Replaces awp 替换AWP Include(包含): V&W model,sounds,origin anims,hud icon V和W模,音效,原动作,hud小图标 Credits: model&texture&animations&sounds - NEXON Me - Animation Rig, file editing, compiling and decom...
Crash Bandicoot: Left 4 Dead 2 [Part 1 of 2] (2020)
Tekijä: DoctorAnubis
6 map coop campaign - Crash Bandicoot and L4D2 - A virus threatens humanity, survivors journey through the universe attempting to stop a mass extinction. !Please note! - Both *623mb and *395mb are required, and must be enabled - The ingame add-on menu will...
Crash Bandicoot Course 2: Electric Wumpaloo Co-op / Versus
Tekijä: Szalik
Credits for campain: FlyingBandicoot Credit for textures: Me ( Szalik ) This is the L4D2 version of Crash Bandicoot Course. It has a 4 map campaign with coop and versus. Featuring bosses to fight, things to collect and destroy, and a ton of Crash Bandicoot...
Crash Bandicoot: Left 4 Dead 2 (Classic 2013)
Tekijä: DoctorAnubis
Classic 2013 version. This campaign has been re-packaged to not cause conflict with the 2020 release. You can find the 2020 remaster below or on my workshop page. It features extended campaign, HD textures and entirely reworked gameplay. 2020 remaster: htt...
Cross Fire AK-47 Shadowless
Tekijä: 周防有希
Restored CF's AK47 Shadowless bullet changing action, bayonet action and gunshot....
Cross Fire CF穿越火线 钢铁终结者 tank
Tekijä: 橙枫
CF 钢铁终结者 替换坦克 tank 第三人称模型 无夜光 注意 多人游戏中动作会异常,单人和自己房主是没问题的 第一次做特感MOD 以后知道怎么修复了就修 哔哩哔哩CF橙枫:https://space.bilibili.com/3493121895696847?spm_id_from=333.880.0.0 ...
Crossbow "Zhnets" (Scout)
No update on the semi-auto version currently. Features - HUD icon - Custom firing sound Credits Andrey Bezbogov: model and texture Prodigy, Ramm.asmiette: Animation ...
CrossFire M200 Phantom God relapse scout
Most of the movements are transplanted from the authentic CF end game Self pushing and simple inspection actions, Although K's is average, I can still accept it personally If you don't adjust the direction and are interested, you can just adjust it yoursel...
Crossfire AK-47 ice(glowing)
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
ice cream :D Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop Different versions: CF AK-47 ice : http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=650894837 Anti...
CrossFire gatlinggun_in(M60)
Tekijä: 涅盘重生
Gatlinggun_in come from CrossFire repalce the M60....
Crossfire Shovel Obsidian Beast (Replace Bat)
Tekijä: JayAyVee
This is a recoloration. You can find the original author's design here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1112347785&searchtext=crossfire+shovel+beast Texture, model, animation belong to their respective author and publisher....
CrossFire:Barrett M82A1-Iron Shark(military sniper)
Tekijä: 熊熊子
This is a Iron series sniper rifle .Basic restore game Originally set.The material dynamic Spontaneous light.Replacement for The military sniper. Credits: CrossFire - Model/texture 可乐熊- Model Extraction 可乐熊- Animations, texture modifications, compile. 穿越火线...
Crow's Wood
Custom Campaign! Fight your way through a twisted forest in the Crows' Domain! Red explosive canisters marked with "ATK" must be attacked to progress!...
Crucible From Doom Eternal(Glowing+red only) 毁灭战士:永恒 裁决剑(夜光+红色)
Tekijä: PYgame.D.Cthulhu
=Crucible From Doom Eternal(Glowing+red only)= =毁灭战士:永恒 裁决剑(夜光+红色)= For Katana 替换日本刀 内含: V模,W模 Feature: V model W model RNG version 变色版 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2051846555 Id Software - Models,Texture PYgame.D.Cthulhu - Animat...
CRYSIS3 SCARAB(Desert Rifle) Skadi (动态+夜光)
Tekijä: 老瑞瑞
CRYSIS3 SCARAB-浊心斯卡蒂【动态+夜光】 替换 scar 一直想做一个好一点动态武器,今天终于做完了,一套流程下来感觉人都虚脱了,还是有许多细节可以硬扣,我实在懒得做。原谅俺家弱小的电脑吧,今天它都崩溃六七次了。蒂蒂啊,快治愈我一下!!! 展示:>>B站视频展示(点击)< https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/02/E4vFojq5Ys2HCWk.gif 夜光: https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/02/u2X1d5Se3q9hpkg.gif mod制作此...
CS:GO Butterfly Knife | Gamma doppler(prase 1)
CS:GO Butterfly Knife | Gamma doppler(prase 1) replace machete Hope you can like it!...
CS:GO M4A1-S | Player Two
Tekijä: Ky
CS:GO M4A1-S | Player Two (CS:GO Animation, CSGO 2020 Sound, With Flashlight) Replaces : M16A1 Slot Credits : Animation by : Twilight Sparkle / Valve Texture : Valve Hud Icon : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=409267633 Subscribe it &...
CS:GO | Frying Pan = Knife (Glow in Dark)
Tekijä: wx
Frying Pan = CSGO Knife (Glow) Note : Knife Deploy sound effect not included. -includes sound from impact and swing -includes knife blade glow in the dark -no blood stain --- Due to the Original Creator of the Addon/Mod artist disappearing/deleted, the ori...
CS:GO | Knife = Butterfly Knife (w/ "Butterfly" Deploy Sound) - axe_break 发光蝴蝶刀=小刀-蝴蝶刀拿出声
Tekijä: wx
Butterfly Knife replaces "Knife" (Glow in Dark) > Butterfly Deploy sound - axe_break w/ Animation (shove/push) w/ Sound w/ Butterfly Knife Deploy Sound w/ Glowing Knife part w/ Light Reflective Handle part >>> All Other Options Machete = BK w/ Butterfly De...
CS:GO | Knife = Butterfly Knife (w/ "Knife" Deploy Sound) - axe_break 发光蝴蝶刀=小刀-小刀拿出声
Tekijä: wx
Butterfly Knife replaces "Knife" (Glow in Dark) > Knife Deploy sound - axe_break w/ Animation (shove/push) w/ Sound w/ Butterfly Knife Deploy Sound w/ Glowing Knife part w/ Light Reflective Handle part >>> All Other Options Machete = BK w/ Butterfly Deploy...
CS:GO | Tonfa / Nightstick= Knife (with sound)
Tekijä: wx
Tonfa / Nightstick = CSGO Knife (Glow) It reflects lights and changes to cool colors depending on which direction the color of light is shinning on. Note : Knife Deploy sound effect is connected to the Counter Strike "Knife_deploy.wav" file. Due to the Ton...
CSGO Gold MP5: SD (Silenced SMG/MAC-10)
Tekijä: KJ
Original Golden Gloves Porting/Rigging/Extra Animations - Twilight Sparkle Retextures: KJOnTheBeat Models, Sounds: Valve ...
CSO【黯影】Hecate Ⅱ替换AWP
Tekijä: 痛苦女王
Replaces AWP 池沼检视 图片中的手臂长度92 ...
CSO超凡女人物(L4D1 Survivors)
Tekijä: 痛苦女王
替换一代生还者Replaces L4D1 Survivors 大厅和游戏内头像都有更换 Zoey动作 人物模型:NEXON CSOL CSNS 封面:小精灵 倒地图片:小精灵负责制作 我负责转换进游戏 第一人称手臂使用的是作者“CAI YUN”的龙女手臂模型,我仅进行了贴图更换(感谢作者授权) 人物骨骼模板使用的是“徒手开根号”作者的霸主崔智云 这是仅替换一代生还者的版本 ...
CSO超凡女人物(L4D2 Survivors)
Tekijä: 痛苦女王
大厅和游戏内头像都有更换 Zoey动作 人物模型:NEXON CSOL CSNS 封面:小精灵 倒地图片:小精灵负责制作 我负责转换进游戏 第一人称手臂使用的是作者“CAI YUN”的龙女手臂模型,我仅进行了贴图更换(感谢作者授权) 人物骨骼模板使用的是“徒手开根号”作者的霸主崔智云 这是仅替换二代代生还者的版本 ...
CSO超凡女人物V2(L4D1 Survivors)
Tekijä: 痛苦女王
替换一代生还者Replaces L4D1 Survivors Zoey动作 人物模型:NEXON 封面:小精灵 倒地图片:小精灵负责制作 我负责转换进游戏 人物骨骼模板使用的是“徒手开根号”作者的霸主崔智云 这是替换一代生还者的版本 使用了重新蒙皮的手臂 胸部和头发有物理效果 ...
Tekijä: Kingdom
CSO Dragon Cannon gold
Tekijä: 多乐美
replace the Grenade Launcher original weapon: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=872683098...
CSO Desperado (1st skin) replace Deagle
Tekijä: Hikari Fatalis
Counter Strike Online Desperado (1st skin) replace Deagle . ( screenshots used "cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 75" ) ------------- Credit : + Counter Strike Online : models , textures , sounds + Twilight Sparkle , Valve/Hidden Path Entertainment : animations ( ht...
CSO Dragon Cannon ICE
Tekijä: 多乐美
replace the Grenade Launcher original weapons: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=872683098 ...
CSO dragon girl ( bill )
Tekijä: 多乐美
replace bill author address :https://steamproxy.net/id/1719034285 ...
CSO Ethereal Rifle
Tekijä: Costxav
Replace SG552 with the Ethereal Rifle from CSO Fix of this https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=642197799...
CSO M4A1 Dark Knight Scripts
M16 Rifle CycleTime : 0.0875->0.1935 Range : 3000->7500 Damage : 33->328 PenetrationNumLayers : 2->10 PenetrationPower : 50->250 PenetrationMaxDistance : 0->4800...
CSO M95 tiger fixed version
Tekijä: 多乐美
replacing the awp ...
CSO guandao
Tekijä: 多乐美
replace the pitchfork ...
CSO Zombie(Special Zombie)
Tekijä: Hekmatyar
The MOD contains CSO1 and 2 Zombies,And CSO1 Zombie all levels have joined. They also add a random color,Whenever you refresh a special zombie, it will produce a different color. Replace the Special Zombie, Including the CEDA、Clown、Fallen Survivor、Mud Man、...
CSO Zombie Scenario
反恐精英Online大灾变复刻 参与制作:哔哩哔哩-风流倜傥你杰森,DazaiNerau,哔哩哔哩星魂桑丶,槐音 目前有3个地图:失落之城(生还者模式)、黑暗之门(生还者模式)、地狱围栏(生还者模式)异乱之战(突变模式)请在游戏中选择正确的模式进入地图 建议把游戏中的音乐音量关闭以便获得更好的游戏体验 控制台代码: 失落之城map lostcity survival 黑暗之门map 2gate survival 地狱围栏map zs_trap survival 异乱之战map zs_lastclue cso...
Tekijä: Kingdom
Tekijä: Kingdom
CSO-???? replace fireaxe...
Tekijä: Kingdom
-- CSO-SPAS12 replace spas12...
Tekijä: Kingdom
-- CSO-Musket replace Magnum...
CSO- MG3 Desert
Tekijä: Kingdom
CSO-MG3 Desert replace m60...
Tekijä: Kingdom
CSO2 mp5_s_cobalt(CSSMP5)
Tekijä: 涅盘重生
CSO2 mp5_s_cobalt replaces the MP5 (locked weapon) with CSO2 model....
CSO2 MP7 Pheonix
Tekijä: Costxav
Replace the UZI for the MP7 Pheonix Sound fix https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1989160702...
CSO2 Natalie Santa Suit(nick)
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
In order to assassinate the dictator, Natalie entered a Christmas party. Natalie was dressed in Santa's clothes, and all kinds of bombs and weapons were hidden in a gift box. But Natalie didn't expect the Christmas party to be a charity party for children ...
CSO2'awp_new_s_nebula(CSS AWP)
Tekijä: 涅盘重生
CSO2'awp_new_s_nebula1 replace the css'awp with CSO2' animations. enjoy it! ...
CSO:Laser Gun (尘埃之光)
Tekijä: 熊熊子
This is a weapon from CSOL.It uses an optical particle attack Credits: Counter-Strike Online - Model/texture 可乐熊 - Animations, texture modifications, compile replace for the SG552. CSOL的尘埃之光 枪身部分透明和自发光,希望大家喜欢...
CSO:M134XM(for M60)
Tekijä: 熊熊子
Replace the game M60 替换游戏里M60...
csol黑龙炮[Dragon Cannon】【Howitzer]
Tekijä: 奶油饼干
CSOL黑龙炮取代榴弹炮 切换时会有龙的低吼,非常炫酷, 因为没有人在创意工坊发这个所以就偷偷搬运过来了。(侵删) CSOL dragon gun replacing howitzer When switching, there will be a dragon's growl, which is very cool. Deleting infringement...
csol 【异噬】 暗雷兽 替换 一代连喷auto shotgun
Tekijä: SG-Cary
替换一代连喷,移植csol动作和声音 鸽了鸽了 匿了匿了 躺了躺了 摆了摆了 累了累了 不要再问我为什么我的mod互相冲突了 不影响你打求生不就行了 管那么多干什么 是红色不好看吗 你买瓶冰红茶发现谢谢惠顾还非得去问为什么不印再来一瓶吗 二代连喷版本:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2862837681 感谢工坊大佬支持…… 模型:nexon 音效:nexon TIP:请在启动项添加+sv_consistency 0否则可能出现强...
csol 【异噬】 暗雷兽 替换 二代连喷spas shotgun
Tekijä: SG-Cary
替换二代连喷,移植csol动作和声音 鸽了鸽了 匿了匿了 躺了躺了 摆了摆了 累了累了 不要再问我为什么我的mod互相冲突了 不影响你打求生不就行了 管那么多干什么 是红色不好看吗 你买瓶冰红茶发现谢谢惠顾还非得去问为什么不印再来一瓶吗 一代连喷版本:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2862837318 感谢工坊大佬支持…… 模型:nexon 音效:nexon TIP:请在启动项添加+sv_consistency 0否则可能出现强...
csol 【歼星】 十字弩 替换 军用狙击枪military sniper
Tekijä: SG-Cary
替换军用狙击枪,移植csol动作和声音 你问我自瞄哪去了? 开个陀螺不就好了嘛 转起来:o :o :o 优点:手感好 缺点:挡视野 推荐fov:75 有空把奇幻乐园那把阉割弩改成30连,那个不挡视野 感谢工坊大佬支持…… 模型:nexon 音效:nexon TIP:请在启动项添加+sv_consistency 0否则可能出现强制检查一致性问题 TIP:please add "+sv_consistency 0" in launches at steam Left 4 Dead 2 or you will b...
csol 【混沌】 手雷 替换 燃烧瓶molotov
Tekijä: SG-Cary
替换燃烧瓶,移植csol动作和声音 老早之前做的mod了,忘了发 混沌?三色混沌?没有,只有红的,没有绿的和白的,问就是三个模型,没法放一块hhh 所以为什么不做个rng呢 懒呗~~~ 你能怎么样~~~ 感谢工坊大佬支持…… TIP:请在启动项添加+sv_consistency 0否则可能出现强制检查一致性问题 TIP:please add "+sv_consistency 0" in launches at steam Left 4 Dead 2 or you will be enforced the c...
csol 【蜜桃】 壮实 替换 Rochelle
Tekijä: SG-Cary
替换rochelle(误) 今天心血来潮打了两把cso,正准备睡觉时的你: 嘟嘟~~请让一让~~~~~~~~ 嘟嘟~~请让一让~~~~~~~~ 嘟嘟~~请让一让~~~~~~~~ 嘟嘟~~请让一让~~~~~~~~ 嘟嘟~~请让一让~~~~~~~~ 嘟嘟~~请让一让~~~~~~~~ 嘟嘟~~请让一让~~~~~~~~ 嘟嘟~~请让一让~~~~~~~~ 嘟嘟~~请让一让~~~~~~~~ 嘟嘟~~请让一让~~~~~~~~ 嘟嘟~~请让一让~~~~~~~~ 嘟嘟~~请让一让~~~~~~~~ 嘟嘟~~请让一让~~~~~~...
csol 【血影】 蛇腹剑 替换 武士刀katana
Tekijä: SG-Cary
csol原版蛇腹剑移植,与求生的帧率保持一致 由于n社是在太懒 懒到什么程度呢 懒得加上攻击命中僵尸的音效 所以我只好用了狂风的命中音效和砍墙音效(应该是,但是影响不大) 另外 右键推没有加音效 不是我不想加右键连砍的声音 实在是因为求生没有相应的音频文件可供替换 摆,能摆,就恩摆,我直接开摆 感谢工坊大佬支持…… 模型:nexon 音效:nexon TIP:请在启动项添加+sv_consistency 0否则可能出现强制检查一致性问题 TIP:please add "+sv_consistency 0" ...
csol 幽灵 joker 替换 Rochelle
Tekijä: SG-Cary
玩牌吗?赢了就把力量给你,输了就要被我敲一下棍子,哈哈哈 TIP:请在启动项添加+sv_consistency 0否则可能出现强制检查一致性问题 TIP:please add "+sv_consistency 0" in launches at steam Left 4 Dead 2 or you will be enforced the consistency by server...
csol 圣翼浩印 天界战士 替换 Coach
Tekijä: SG-Cary
你要与我为敌,死在我手里,还是当我的同伴,同进退? TIP:请在启动项添加+sv_consistency 0否则可能出现强制检查一致性问题 TIP:please add "+sv_consistency 0" in launches at steam Left 4 Dead 2 or you will be enforced the consistency by server...
csol 僵尸狗/zombiedog 替换 猴子Jockey
Tekijä: SG-Cary
csol大灾变僵尸狗替换猴子,采用高难度的高亮红色,更容易识别 新项目目前处于停滞阶段,新武器没什么好手感的,再说吧,先把Mirror Party的坑弄完再说 模型:nexon 更新日志: 2023.10.23 更正hitbox参数 TIP:请在启动项添加+sv_consistency 0否则可能出现强制检查一致性问题 TIP:please add "+sv_consistency 0" in launches at steam Left 4 Dead 2 or you will be enforced t...
csol 死灵梦魇 替换 鸟狙Scout
Tekijä: SG-Cary
移植了动作保持帧率一致 声音完全替换 右键增加恶灵冲锋音效 TIP:此mod不适用脚本,否则会出现反手现象 好久没更新 没时间,没灵感,蛋拐也该走到头了 TIP:请在启动项添加+sv_consistency 0否则可能出现强制检查一致性问题 TIP:please add "+sv_consistency 0" in launches at steam Left 4 Dead 2 or you will be enforced the consistency by server...
csol 死灵梦魇 死灵骑士 替换 Ellis
Tekijä: SG-Cary
亡灵?笑话,我是曾经的孤傲战士 TIP:请在启动项添加+sv_consistency 0否则可能出现强制检查一致性问题 TIP:please add "+sv_consistency 0" in launches at steam Left 4 Dead 2 or you will be enforced the consistency by server...
csol 神鬼开天 双持战斧 替换 消防斧fireaxe
Tekijä: SG-Cary
csol原版神鬼开天移植,保留双持动作,与求生的帧率保持一致 为什么突然有手了? 因为加入手臂发现骨骼数量刚刚好所以就加了,用csol的手臂替代(尽管求生的我还是不会) 做了多久了?忘了,反正是做出来了 其实之前已经做出来过但是效果很差,这次是经过了这么长时间的各种微调最终达到一个比较满意的效果,起码我自己比较满意 贴图方面不再那么亮瞎眼,不过在黑暗中还是清晰可见(参考大佬的圣帝AK的高亮) 模型也用的是第一人称的模型,如果觉得模型较糊请调高分辨率和模型纹理细节,页池改高 TIP:推荐视野为120拉满,手臂...
CSOL Heroic version: Broken and Burning script(SPAS12)(CSOL英雄破碎炙炎脚本)
Tekijä: 寒枫Feng
This is another version. Another optional shotgun has been modified (the attributes have not changed) Warm prompt, this is a pure script. There is no model. You can borrow the model MOD of the double barreled shotgun Modified SPAS12 shotgun Essentially, it...
CSOL Raytheon script(Scout)(CSOL雷神脚本)
Tekijä: 寒枫Feng
Warm prompt, this is a pure script, and there is no model. After the Barrett AWP script is made, SCOUT is alone , So I have to make one for it After thinking about it, I made a fake LeiShen with reference to CSOL's LeiShen The bullets are changed to very d...
Tekijä: Hekmatyar
Replace Tank,The model was taken from Rex BOSS in CSO,The first person arm has also been replaced. Don't forget to Rate,Subscribe and Favorite if you like it. The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop...
Custom Weapon Base
Tekijä: Rectus
Enables custom scripted weapons to be used in the Official Campaigns. The server/host needs to have this installed along with the weapon mods. Incompatible with other mods that modify the system scripts. Used only for the following mods: https://i.imgur.co...
Cthulhu Rainbow Glass Frying Pan
Tekijä: PYgame.D.Cthulhu
Cthulhu Rainbow Glass Frying Pan 克苏鲁彩虹玻璃平底锅...
Custom Weapon Base For Custom Maps
A new solution to use custom scripted weapons in custom campaigns. There were 2 methods to get custom weapons work in custom maps: Combining files of custom weapon base with custom campaign to 1 vpk, which could break some crescendo events and other import...
Custom weapons
Tekijä: Richard
New custom firearms appearance and modify the script AK47 to AA12 PUMP SHOTGUN to Kar98 Desert Eagle to Landstad 2K17 Autorevolver SPAS12 to Toz-66 AWP to M95 SCAR to AUTO 9...
Cute vocalize/颜文字菜单/对抗
Tekijä: sf
New vocalizer based on ion's vocalizer https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=698857882 中文简介 这是什么mod? 非常萌! 快速聊天 辅助指令 修改lerp.第三人称 更改角色 修改准星颜色 速砍 中文/英语 Newversus menu 如何使用? 首先在设置按键内绑定"character selection"按键,使用按键选择→choose跳入下一层,再选择For versus 或中...
Cyclone Axe-Scarlet Skull(FireAxe)
Tekijä: Hekmatyar
Replace the FireAxe. Don't forget to Rate,Subscribe and Favorite if you like it. The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop. 旋风斧-腥红骷髅,替换消防斧 如果你喜欢它不要忘记点赞、收藏、分享 想要第一时间知道我的最新作品,记得关注我的创意工坊~...
Daedric Dagger
Tekijä: ᴛᴇɴꜱᴀɪ
machete replacement...
Daedric Dagger
Tekijä: Splinks2
Behold mortals it is the Daedric Dagger!!! NOTICE: All the individuals melee weapons will alert you saying they conflict with each other. Allow me to explain how the addon system recognizes conflicts. Addon Menu"Hey gamer it seems that two of your mods are...
Daedric Sword
Tekijä: Splinks2
Behold mortals it is the Daedric Sword!!! NOTICE: All the individuals melee weapons will alert you saying they conflict with each other. Allow me to explain how the addon system recognizes conflicts. Addon Menu"Hey gamer it seems that two of your mods are ...
Daedric Sword HUD icon (Baseball Bat)
A Daedric Sword HUD icon replacement for the default Baseball Bat icon. Known issues: If you downloaded this mod while in game, you may need to restart L4D2 for it to work properly. This also applies to any other HUD icons you may have downloaded. The HUD ...
Dahlia {Sudden Attack 2} ELLIS.VER
Tekijä: cass
Beautiful Blonde Female Solider from Sudden Attack 2 Codename {Dahlia). ZOEY VERSION : http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1277195046 FRANCIS VERSION : http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1277197317 -First person Arms -Z...
Dahaka Replacement for Tank
Tekijä: shemmination
The Harbinger of Doom for all who interfere with time. The Dahaka has found you... This is my first model replacement mod and it replaces the Tank model with the Dahaka from Prince of Persia Warrior Within. I recommend you use it with this: https://steamco...
Dark Carnival - Perfect Chaos Boss
Tekijä: Mousse
An addon that adds the theme to the final fight of Super Sonic against Perfect Chaos, in the concert of Dark Carnival. Leave a comment if you like mod. ;)...
Dark Carnival: Ghostbusters! (Halloween)
Tekijä: iCatGirlPiex
It's that time again! Halloween is here.. and this time I bring you a very special GHOSTBUSTERS themed Halloween campaign! So strap yourself in because you won't be bustin' ghosts the way you know and love because this time you will be busting the undead a...
Dark Carnival Storm Mode
Tekijä: HerobrineAce
--- Change the map of Dark Carnival to Rainstorm weather, and Rainstorms will occur periodically --- If you need to create a map using the console: c2m1_highway_storm c2m2_fairgrounds_storm c2m3_coaster_storm c2m4_barns_storm c2m5_concert_storm ...
Dark Carnival: Remix
Tekijä: NF
Dark Carnival: Remix is a redesign of Dark Carnival that remakes the layout and adds new areas and events in Whispering Oaks to explore. Beta content has also been brought to life and restored throughout the maps. See the Tunnel of Love with flowing water,...
Dark Digimon Bosses (Tank)
*TLS compatibility update* L4D2 Tank - Blackwargreymon X Sacrifice Tank - Omegamon/Omnimon Alter-B L4D Tank - Blackwargreymon Size reduced for proper hitboxes. Music removed! Search up Digimon Rumble Arena OST if you want them back The models are extracted...
Dark Deception Special Infected
Tekijä: A Wild Glaceon
"I'm coming to collect what is owed, and I'm bringing your worst nightmares with me. You and the mortal are both going to pay... with interest." - Malek Replace the Special Infected with the Monsters of Dark Deception. (That Pac-Man Horror Game). Including...
Dark Katana
Tekijä: LaCostraMotra
Just a little mod for the katana fans out there, since I won't be home to make NERF mods for the rest of the weekend....
Dark Knight Sword
Tekijä: Dark Star
Dark Knight Sword used in Trans on Vella. Replaces Katana on Lt.Rocky's Killing floor 2 anim ports. Credits: Sound: Nexon/DevCat/ Tripwire Interactive/Killing Floor 2 and KF2 Katana published by Lt.Rocky Model Ports/Rigging: DemonChild Models/Textures: Nex...
Dark Knight
Tekijä: Dark Star
Dark Knight, 2nd Form from Vindictus. Praise the Sun! Replaces Nick. All Credits go to Nexon/Devcat for design of models/textures. Credits: Models & Textures: Nexon/Devcat Model Ports/Rigging/Hud Icons: DemonChild Skeleton used made by: EbolaChan Ragdoll b...
Dark Loading Screens Complete Set (HD)
Dark theme loading screens for official campaigns. Black and white image with the custom style campaign name. Created by ALVIYAN. Included Campaigns: - No Mercy - Crash Course - Death Toll - Dead Air - Blood Harvest - The Sacrifice - The Last Stand - Dead ...
Dark Machete - Dying Light Machete Reskin
Tekijä: ThatsRidonkulous
Handmade machete reskin that resembles the Dark Machete in Dying Light. "While the rest of the machete appears normal, it is covered with eerie green splotches and tallies that glow in the dark." Check out my other L4D2 workshop items! Let's Build: HL2 Can...
Dark Night(M16)
Tekijä: Hekmatyar
Replace M16,Make a new action and replaced the firing of the sound,All the gun body added fluorescent effect,Basically restored all the actions in the original game. Don't forget to rate,Subscribe and Favorite if you like it. The first time I want to know ...
Dark Night(SG552)
Tekijä: Hekmatyar
Replace SG552,Make a new action and replaced the firing of the sound,All the gun body added fluorescent effect,Basically restored all the actions in the original game. Don't forget to rate,Subscribe and Favorite if you like it. The first time I want to kno...
Dark Oracle
Tekijä: Dark Star
Goddess Neamhain with Tieve Set/Black Transparent Wings. Replacis Ellis Credits: Skeletal Rig: InnerQuiet https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198284005249 Models/Textures: Nexon/Devcat Model Ports/Rigging/Vgui images/Jigglebones: DemonChild...
dark soul 3 firekeeper [rochelle]
Tekijä: kaizen
There are many bugs on the models of firekeeper's sleeves that I can't fix it because it's the problem of the original models. 老铁出来传火辣! ps:模型袖子有问题,我也修不好 Replaces Rochelle. 替换全体 黑妹 Replaces rochelle. 替换二代人物 rochelle Models and textures:Fromsoftware BANDAI N...
Dark Souls - Mushroom (Boomer)
Tekijä: person man
Replaces the all variants of the Boomer Special Infected with the Mushroom "One Punch" Parent enemy from Dark Souls 1. Explodes into multiple tiny Mushroom Children, because why not? No Mushroom children were hurt during the making of this mod....
Dark Souls Dragon Tooth
Finally the second Dark Souls mod has been made,which is one of my favorite character,Havel,I replaced many melee weapon models,at last the golfclub was suitble.Hope you guys like it. 终于把这个新的mod做出来了,是我最爱的哈维尔,虽然每次打他都很受苦,而且改了几次替换模型,累的,希望大家喜欢 Replaces Golfclu...
Dark Souls - Titanite Demon's Catch Pole (Pitchfork)
Tekijä: person man
Replaces the Pitchfork melee weapon with the Dark Souls 1 Catchpole weapon dropped by the prowling Titanite Demons. Includes custom HUD icon....
Dark Souls Chaos Blade (katana)
Replacement for katana. I extracted this model from Dark Souls : Prepare to Die Edition. Maybe I'll make a Dark Souls III version when I learn how to. ------------------------------------------------------------ "A curved sword bron from the soul of Quelaa...
Dark souls III Coiled Sword
This is my first mod,only when I am making it I know how hard the other creators' feelings,exhusted but blessed,hope you guys like my creation. 这是我的第一个mod,只有当我做mod的时候,我才能知道其他作者的感受,疲惫而幸福着,希望大家喜欢。 Replaces katana. 替换全体 太刀 Models and textures:Fromsoftware BAN...
Dark Souls Ornstein (Ellis)
Dragon Slayer Ornstein is coming to us. 猎龙者翁斯坦前来报告。王城双基之一。 Replaces Ellis. 替换全体 埃利斯 Models and textures:Fromsoftware BANDAI NAMCO Animations,Clothes Physics,UI,Publish:Me First person arms |第一人称手臂 HUD Icons     |下面那个头像 DANIAO 我江带头冲锋 You for always support ...
Dark souls SIF(Hunter)
There may be some bugs on this mod,but some are not exit this bug,if you meet it,PLS open console and type SV_PURE 0 and sv_consistency 0,it should be Okay in multiply mode. 这个mod有个无法进入游戏的bug,有的人有有的人没有,如果遇到了这种bug请在控制台打SV_PURE 0和sv_consistency 0,联机的话应该不影响。 ...
Dark Souls: Crystal Golem
Tekijä: Dark Star
Crystal Golem from "Dark Souls: Prepare To Die" replaces Charger. Screenshots taken on Serious_Samurai's LOTR campaign. Comes with Custom Sounds. Credits: Models/Textures: From Software Model Ports/Rigging: DemonChild Sounds: Nexon/Devcat Sounds (Footsteps...
Dark Witch
Tekijä: Zirael
Witch wearing dark clothes with a silver-like skin and having some really black hair will probably let her hide from you and then attack when you get too close on accident! Enjoy! ...
Dark Wood Addendum
Tekijä: Cuba
Updates the popular custom campaign "Dark Wood" with color correction in-line with the vanilla game, using a more blueish green tint. The fog and skybox was also changed on map 1 because I felt it strayed too far from the vanilla atmosphere, I understand n...
Tekijä: Godz
跑图收集金币的游戏,有人给我推过黑暗欺骗,那个游戏我没玩过,也就看了视频,随便模仿一下吧,至于金币为社么是E而不是触碰,单纯是觉得触碰更有游戏性,金币少的原因是实体多了会炸。 修复了开8人房重开后人物复活位置改变的问题,还加了一点复活屋,克的难度没有变最高24个,难1收集16个金币,难2收集26个金币,难3收集36个金币,难4收集52个金币.一共有60个金币。难2开始就要深入地下了。手电光暗的建议使用强光手电。 更新:捡金币依旧没有变,但是克的血量在开纯净服务器的情况下只有1000-1500,因此即便是难4...
Day Break (Campaign)
Tekijä: DannBo
It's been a long road since I started this project shortly before Left 4 Dead 2 came out, but I'm happy to share with you my custom campaign: Day Break! Campaign Description: The survivors must escape San Francisco before the military bombs it! After their...
Day Break v2
Tekijä: Hoangzp
Re upload the light and old version map, because the newest version get drop fps when run in dedicate server...
Dead Center Intro Door
A script that adds a door to the intro of Dead Center to fit more with the L4D2 intro and to make Nick's animation make sense. For some reason gets really weird if you restart the map or the next Versus round starts, no clue how to fix it. Local/dedicated ...
Dead Center Storm Mode
Tekijä: HerobrineAce
--- Modify the four chapters of the Dead Center to the Hardrain Ccene, and the mall began to flood... --- Support campaign, versus, survival, scavenger, mutation mode --- If you need to create a map from the console: c1m1_hotel_storm c1m2_streets_storm c1m...
Dead Center: Christmas Edition (Part 1)
Tekijä: iCatGirlPiex
(CLICK ANY PART TO VISIT THAT CAMPAIGN!) https://i.imgur.com/YKvp6ve.png https://i.imgur.com/vCUe1bD.png https://i.imgur.com/mPMDWaQ.png https://i.imgur.com/gddFUyJ.png This winter holiday brings a freezing and festive Dead Center campaign with a Christmas...
Dead Fortress : Combat Shotgun
Tekijä: Technic
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀  "Boom! Blammo! Pa-POW!" -Soldier, Team Fortress 2                                                -Replaces SPAS 12 (Combat Shotgun)- Original Description:Now look, I get it. We don't really need anymore TF2 reskins on the workshop. And I know that i...
Dead Hotel - Parkour map
Tekijä: вася 60
Dead Hotel - Parkour Map Parkour/kz map with elements of surfing for the first chapter of Dead Center Features Top List Custom chat commands Included Auto Bunnyhop script The HUD Timer with support for up to 4 players (Initially disabled) Ability to save y...
Dead Reckoning
Tekijä: Rectus
An experimental proof-of-concept map where the survivors try to find their way out of a dense forest. This is a non linear map without a set path. It barely gives any help on where to go next, and it is very easy to become lost. Playable in CO-OP, Versus a...
Dead Space
Tekijä: 观星云计算
老铁们,经过努力,我的地图终于制作完成啦!地图有点坑,难度有点大,请各位老铁们玩玩技术哦! This is my first campaign map. It's 5 chapters. It's very difficult, but very interesting! It took more than half a month to finish the map. I hope everyone will support it! This is a real map! If you have any ...
Dead Snow Survival
Tekijä: SyntaxError752
This is what happens when people like me watch movies like 'Dead Snow'. This addon has custom zombies and custom music for when the player dies. The custom players is a diffrent addon. The zombie models were hexed by "ForthWardstudios" (http://www.l4dmaps....
Dead Space - Brute (Tank)
Tekijä: _MaZ_TeR_
Brute variants for Tank. Credits to Electronic Arts and former Visceral Games for assets. Requests or spam comments will be ignored or removed. I will not update my L4D2 addons any more than that they work without errors. My old mods that are unlisted prob...
Dead Space - Hunter (Charger)
Tekijä: _MaZ_TeR_
Hunter Regenerator for Charger. Requests or spam comments will be ignored or removed. I will not update my L4D2 addons any more than that they work without errors. My old mods that are unlisted probably will not be fixed unless I really feel like it, refer...
Dead Space - Puker (Boomer)
Tekijä: _MaZ_TeR_
Puker variants for Boomer. Requests or spam comments will be ignored or removed. I will not update my L4D2 addons any more than that they work without errors. My old mods that are unlisted probably will not be fixed unless I really feel like it, refer to s...
Dead Space - Stalker (Witch)
Tekijä: _MaZ_TeR_
Stalker variants for Witch. Requests or spam comments will be ignored or removed. I will not update my L4D2 addons any more than that they work without errors. My old mods that are unlisted probably will not be fixed unless I really feel like it, refer to ...
Dead Space - Spitter
Tekijä: _MaZ_TeR_
Dead Space 2 and 3 Spitter replacer. Requests or spam comments will be ignored or removed. I will not update my L4D2 addons any more than that they work without errors. My old mods that are unlisted probably will not be fixed unless I really feel like it, ...
Dead Space - Twitchers (Clown)
Tekijä: _MaZ_TeR_
Twitcher variants for Clown Common Infected. Requests or spam comments will be ignored or removed. I will not update my L4D2 addons any more than that they work without errors. My old mods that are unlisted probably will not be fixed unless I really feel l...
Dead Space - Ubermorph (Charger)
Tekijä: _MaZ_TeR_
Ubermorph for Charger. Requests or spam comments will be ignored or removed. I will not update my L4D2 addons any more than that they work without errors. My old mods that are unlisted probably will not be fixed unless I really feel like it, refer to state...
Dead Space Brute - Tank SFX
Tekijä: JurassicJuan
Replaces the sounds of the tank with the terrifying space lobster from Dead Space, the Brute. Features: - All Tank Sounds replaced with that of the Dead Space Brute - No model included, as it already exists - No music included, you can select your own Tank...
Deadpool MP7 (SMG)
Simple reskin showing off a deadpool finish. Uzi replacement. Original mod and model by: LATTEH...
Dead Trigger 2 Titan | Tank
Tekijä: BongoRaccoon32
I DID NOT MAKE THE MODEL. I JUST PORTED IT TO L4D2, CREATOR OF THE MODEL CAN BE FOUND HERE: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2956628906 "Do you ever feel like your tank in L4D2 is to tame, likes it's missing something? Or do you just ...
Death Toilet Maze v1.5
Tekijä: kuiyn
油管通关视频:https://youtu.be/P9fyZpy21dk B站以后录制 这是我在一个网站转过来的地图 贼好玩了 所以我转过来坑你们啦 地图一共五关 你们加油啦。 地图作者的steamid:Groginhof URL: http://steamproxy.net/id/groginhof 这是个机关地图 建图代码: 第一关:Map deathttoiletmaze1 第二关:Map deathttoiletmaze2 第三关:Map deathttoiletmaze3 第四关:Map d...
Death Aboard - L4D1 Port
Tekijä: Cuba
In Death Aboard you start out in a prison and work your way out to the nearest docks area. From here, you board a stranded ship and finally to an island where there will be a lighthouse as a finale. The classic L4D1 map faithfully ported. G'day lads, Death...
Death travel
Tekijä: 遊戯
Welcome to play, I hope my friends have a good time and bring fun to your life.. The whole journey is dark and difficult. At the end of the second level, when the car does not move, all the survivors will gather in the trunk and the car will start normally...
DEDsafio 2 Death Sound
Tekijä: Dino
Para hacer que el mod funcione tienen que subir el volumen de la música ah ptmr el mod solo se escuchan cuando todos los supervivientes muerenxd no salio como queria pero weno Miniatura por Megatron (Orchex)...
Tekijä: Takeo829
This is a recreation of the deathrun concept (seen in GMOD,TF2,CS:S..) to L4D2, with custom maps made by Takeo829. Features: - 2 deathrun maps (3rd in the works) - 13 traps across the 2 maps - random and manual choice of who's gonna be The Death - a defibr...
Defibrillator - animated glowing grey
Tekijä: TOG | K1CHWA
The Original! One of my early animated, glowing textures for the l4d2 defibrillator. UPDATE - decided to revisit the my animated glowing defib and try to improve it. 3X the frames of last animated, glowing defib reskin i made. remade wave patterns to be mo...
My Customized Demented Are Go Molotov! Includes Custom Texture And Particles Created By >>>>>HYPERDRIVE<<<<<...
Tekijä: Ѕeant
Glowing Version here _______________________________ Everything has to come to an end, sometime. http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/509252263541721587/BE2DCE5C1E35D11F90A4DA84C3F196810372904E/...
Deluge 2.1 - Public Playtest Build
Tekijä: Adorabirb!
https://storage.ko-fi.com/cdn/brandasset/kofi_button_blue.png "2556, The Flood Outbreak has grown out of control. Within hours, The UNSC and Swords of Sanghelios quickly established a perimeter to slow down the spread. In a last bid gamble to contain the o...
Desert Ranger Combat Armor [For Nick]
Tekijä: Atomic_steel
I love Fallout: New Vegas's Honest Hearts DLC. However, my favorite part was the desert ranger combat armor. I really wanted it in Left 4 Dead 2. So what did I decide to do? I decided to make it myself... kind of. Big thanks to the people who've added this...
DesertEagle-Bornbeast from CrossFire
Tekijä: ClearSkyC
This is Super VIP weapon from CrossFire. About some features: animated texture 3D jigglebone flame eyes Credits: CrossFire - Model/texture ClearSkyC - Animations, texture modifications, original compile. ENJOY~...
Diescraper Redux
Tekijä: Rectus
After being firebombed, the survivors must flee their safehouse, and find their way to safety. A 4 map campaign playable in all game modes. Extensively tested on Versus. Now playable on offical servers (possibly running outdated versions). Supported mutati...
Dishonored Assassin [Ellis]
Tekijä: мяFunreal
These masks prove useful yet again. I prefer not to breathe the air here. Credits: Arkane Studios - Model & Textures MrFunreal - Port, Hud Images Goes well with this "Masked voice" mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1447648164 ____...
Disturbed Concert - Dark Carnival Finale
Turn the Midnight Riders Concert into a Disturbed concert! Includes custom music and textures. Track List: 1. Down With The Sickness 2. Industructable (Tank Battle 1) 3. Stricken 4. Ten Thousand Fists (Tank Battle 2) 5. The Infection (Credits) *Also* I don...
DMG Ancient-Costume Luò Tiānyī【衣服消失术-洛天依古装】R-18
Tekijä: 仓鼠箘
DMG Ancient-Costume Luò Tiānyī Replaces rochelle, DMG will be triggered after 180s & 300s later. the first stage is normal version, all clothes are perfectly stitched; 180 seconds later is the second stage, black part of clothe will be highly transparent, ...
DOA Custom Name 死或生 人物名 【中文版】
DOA Custom Name 中文版 电脑名字换为 死活冲人物名。 Change the computer (Bot) name to the DOA character name. Zoey as Fiona 菲欧娜 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1707117641 Bill as Lobelia 萝贝莉亚 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=274...
DOA RNG Explosion Trace Holiday Edition (NSFW)
Tekijä: Core Values Bro
Ready for a little holiday cheer, with a side of core values? Replaces the scorch explosion mark with 4 cultured, holiday themed pictures of several DOA girls, including Mila, Tina Armstrong, Momiji & Mai Shiranui. Art belongs to RadiantEld (Mila, Tina & M...
DOA5 - Nyotengu(Witch)(Made by MLUI)
Tekijä: 入木几
这个mod是MLUI大佬mod的补档,MLUI大佬于2月5日下午删库退坑,精致的人物感染者等一系列mod都随之被删除。 本人仅上传,一切版权归原作者所有。如果原作者不满意,认为此行为侵权,本人立即删除。 也希望mod作者早日回归,重新上传mod。 This mod is a supplementary file of the MLUI’s mod. MLUI deleted a lot of mods in the afternoon of February 5, and a series of MODS ...
DOA6 Kula库拉 (Costume Xmas) Ellis
Tekijä: AbyssFaZe
贡献 mlui - mod制作模板 XPS-Fanatic - main body and outfits shuubaru - hat's model 简介 人物 - DOA6 Kula 衣服 - 非官方 人好甜 就是模型质量有点次 自己加了帽子腿环和臂环改了衣服颜色 --- 添加hud可能不兼容 Use the official hud or a compatible hud. 请不要要求我做一些指定的皮肤 Please don't ask me to do some specified skin li...
DOAVXX Menu Background Part 2 (No Sound)
! IMPORTANT ! Subscribing only provides the .bik video files; additional installation is required. Previews can be found in Part 1 Replaces the animated background in the menu screen with the opening cutscenes of various characters in Dead or Alive Xtreme ...
DOAXVV Amy - Nishizawa 5mm (Gal Outfit) (Rochelle)
Tekijä: powerwalk
八人包链接在bilibili的专栏上,我b站id:powerwalk。 replace rochelle。 使用了MLUI大佬的模板,shuubaru大佬的模型。 好!终于做完了。 最近有点忙,一个多月没做mod了,这个是联动服装,yukino的专属服装, 但是shuubaru大佬做了艾米版本,我比较喜欢艾米。 好多人说看不到这个mod,这个mod没有被举报,我也不知道为什么, emmm,重新发一次,看是不是我想的那种原因导致的。 ...
DOAXVV Kokoro - Jewel Lapis Lazuli[DL] Zoey
Tekijä: 丁真
偶嗨哟狗杂以马斯,我是维新派领袖丁真纯一郎 好久没有给大伙更新mod了,我也将近消失了一年左右,算是给大家来点小惊喜 后面还有很多MOD,依旧需要你们的点赞和收藏支持,点赞的越多后续的MOD解锁的越快 模型是自费请我们的abyss大佬制作,就是我头像下边这位,技术力情商颜值都很高的一位工坊作者,他的作品相信大伙都有用过,品质不用多说,他还有个小群,欢迎广大男同加入 对了,这次我们的口号是王源是个几把,维新派的家人们请把这句话打在评论区,我需要你们狠狠打击守旧派的嚣张气焰 守旧派的别来我评论区,等着真实你 今...
DOAXVV Kokoro - Luminary Tube Dress (Louis)
Tekijä: powerwalk
八人包链接在bilibili的专栏上,我b站id:powerwalk。 replace louis。 本来是想做绫音的,但是发型纠结了很长时间,干脆换成了心。 使用了MLUI大佬的模板,shuubaru大佬的模型, 做了飘动骨骼、第一人称手模、眼球跟踪、表情、vgui。 ...
DOAXVV Luna露娜 (Smile Pop) Francis
Tekijä: AbyssFaZe
通知 shuubaru大佬的号无了 少了很多很多优质模型 可能也就要停更doaxvv了 贡献 mlui - mod制作模板 yishinlong from deviantart - model ported 简介 人物 - DOAXVV Luna露娜 luna过生日了给件衣服 衣服 - Smile Pop 微笑pop All the doa characters are over 18 years old --- 添加hud可能不兼容 Use the official hud or a compatible...
DOAXVV Luna - Precious Shine (Zoey)
Tekijä: powerwalk
八人包链接在bilibili的专栏上,我b站id:powerwalk。 replace zoey。 使用了MLUI大佬的模板,shuubaru大佬的模型。 露娜真彩,还有新发型。 ...
DOAXVV Marie Rose 玛丽罗斯 (Secret Class) Nick
Tekijä: AbyssFaZe
添加hud可能不兼容,请使用官方hud避免小影响 Use the official hud or a compatible hud. 请不要要求我做一些指定的皮肤,我根据自己喜好做,然后分享给大家 Please don't ask me to do some specified skin, I will do it according to my own preferences and then share it with you. DOAXVV Marie Rose (Secret Class) Nick...
DOAXVV Marie Rose - Jewel Pearl [DL] Rochelle
Tekijä: 丁真
希望大伙能多多点赞吧还有支持下我们的作者abyss,你的喜爱点赞订阅就是对制作mod的作者们最大的支持 我所上传的人物MOD均为我老公ABYSS所做,宝贝们注明原作者时请指定他哦 注意 如果你是国人玩家,最好从MOD下方的合集里在检查一下是否有被隐藏的MOD 因为工坊锁国区的缘故,有些Mod一但贴上成人标签就会被隐藏,国人是看不到的,合集不受影响 你必须打开成人偏好,才会显示一部分。而且即使打开偏好,有些MOD也会搜不到 If you like this mod, please like support T...
DOAXVV Nagisa凪咲(Secret Class) Bill
Tekijä: AbyssFaZe
贡献 mlui - mod制作模板 shuubaru - model 简介 人物 - DOAXVV Nagisa凪咲 衣服 - Secret Class 秘密教室 --- 添加hud可能不兼容 Use the official hud or a compatible hud. 请不要要求我做一些指定的皮肤 Please don't ask me to do some specified skin little problems on upperbody when stand still with a pis...
DOAXVV Nyotengu - Bouquet Camellia [DL] Zoey
Tekijä: 丁真
请多多支持我们帅气的作者abyss,就是我头像下边的这位大佬,多多给他点赞订阅送送小礼物 阿里嘎多哦~ 我所上传的人物MOD均为我老公ABYSS所做,宝贝们注明原作者时请指定他哦 注意 如果你是国人玩家,最好从MOD下方的合集里在检查一下是否有被隐藏的MOD 因为工坊锁国区的缘故,有些Mod一但贴上成人标签就会被隐藏,国人是看不到的,合集不受影响 你必须打开成人偏好,才会显示一部分。而且即使打开偏好,有些MOD也会搜不到 If you like this mod, please like support T...
DOAXVV Patty - Stellar Leo replace Rochelle
Tekijä: 十八画
黑妹换黑妹 由于在第一人称下手臂的飘带挡视野,所以就删了。 ...
DOAXVV Yukino雪乃(Swimsuit Contest) Francis
Tekijä: AbyssFaZe
贡献 mlui - mod制作模板 shuubaru - model 简介 人物 - DOAXVV Yukino雪乃(暂译 衣服 - 2nd Swimsuit Contest W1 泳装设计大赛 -存货- --- 添加hud可能不兼容 Use the official hud or a compatible hud. 请不要要求我做一些指定的皮肤 Please don't ask me to do some specified skin little problems on upperbody when s...
DOAXVV Yukino - NNP (Francis)
Tekijä: Core Values Bro
From one shotgun totting survivor to another. Francis version of Shadowlord's Neon Night Panther Yukino mod. Features: - FPS Arms - Eye tracking & Face anims - Jigglebones - VGUI Icons - Light model Original: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedeta...
Doom Eternal: Slayer's Crucible [Golf Club]
Another DOOM Eternal weapon, a laser sword replacing the golf club Original Gmod prop port by Stefano96, rigged to default Katana anim by me. I've redone the blade's shader so it have this glowing aura and a flowing energy field + refraction effect. Come w...
Tekijä: экс ди ди
replaces fight music (the one that plays when there are lots of commons around) with fight theme from doom 4 works in both left 4 dead 1 and 2 campaigns also replaces when boomed music enjoy...
Doom Flashlight
Tekijä: MrMik3y
Hope you guys like this Flashlight mod ,Please rate and favorite. If there are any problems please let me know and i will fix. Please Favorite,Rate and Share with friends ,also dont forget to follow me for more mods the more followers the more mods ill try...
DOOM Hunter Theme for Tank
Tekijä: Pantaker
BANGER IDENTIFIED Replaces the tank theme with that of the DOOM Hunter from DOOM Eternal, including the concert finale and the last stand themes. Credit goes to id Software, Bethesda Softworks and the author of the soundtrack Mick Gordon....
DOOM Painsaw
Replaces Chainsaw No sound included, but you can get one from the workshop. Credits: Stephano - extracting the weapon model...
Double Primary Weapons
usage:right click+E ONLY LOCAL SERVER. LOTS OF BUGS......
Map of the original game DOOM. Pros: all the chips are present (keys, doors under the keys, lifts etc.). Cons: in some places much bright and keys in one instance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- map has ...
Double barrel shotgun Self-found and handmade
Tekijä: Ramm.asmiette
For more quality mods you can now support me here Replaces Autoshotgun Probably would not work in real life but eh ....let's have fun with a saw off double barrel shotgun ! Metro Exodus shambler sounds & Tööttieläin 's anim Features : My common infected re...
Doom Script For Autoshotgun (Blowback)
Tekijä: Yuuyakizami21
This script is similar to the super shotgun script that I created yesterday. The difference is the ammo type used, instead of PISTOL_MAGNUM, it is now AUTOSHOTGUN so you can now send infected close to you flying. This one is for the Autoshotgun....
Dr Malroy: The First Encounter (v3.3)
Tekijä: Evil
You've awakened in a dimly lit lab with no memory of how you got there. All you can think about is that you don't feel well, and that this place smells gross. And every so often it feels like a monster is trying to claw it's way out of your head.. It's tim...
Dr. Malroy's Laboratory (v4)
Tekijä: Evil
They found the survivors of Dr. Malroy's experiments in the labs beneath Lakeside shooting range, but they found much more than that inside those labs. A note pad on a blood stained table also revealed the hidden location of Dr. Malroy's main lab. After re...
Dr. Rick Trager chase theme for Witch
Tekijä: Alix
Dr Rick Trager Chase music now replaces the music when the witch chases you. idontknowwhatelsetoputhere...
Dragon Cannon [ fire particle ]
Tekijä: Ramm.asmiette
A small original mod to get the modding process back in my head. Inspired by https://collections.royalarmouries.org/object/rac-object-33892.html Dragon Cannon for grenade launcher : Worldmodel Viewmodel Partial custom sounds Partially fitting animation for...
Drake Sword [crowbar]
Tekijä: chinolinguino
now you can be a scrub in L4D2 uses Lt. rocky's crovel KF2 animations so credit to him and dark souls for the model...
DragonForce Dark Carnival
Tekijä: TheDerpySage
I was rather disappointed when I didn't find a Dragonforce concert, so I made one myself. This mod comes with Custom Poster designs to replace the Midnight Riders ones. Dark Carnival Finale Songs 1. Heros of our Time Tank1. Through the Fire and Flames midr...
Drop the treasure
Tekijä: g(o)od
This is a treasure drop system, when you kill the infection will have the chance to get something I reinterpreted the script scripts by Loot Drops Counterstrike Weapon Unlocker Common Infected Uncommon Infected 2% Drops 1 Items no Drops give 3~8 (A)-Bonus ...
dualsword (mechete)
Tekijä: 多乐美
mechete ...
Tekijä: ZooL
i've ported De_Dust2 to L4D2 ... it includes a Survival Mode and a Scavenge Mode you want a working Dust2 in L4D2 ? then u got it !!! ^^ I've resisted 6:04.43 mins !!! xD Credits : Valve, ZooL Have Fun ! PS : i'll be happy if i see my map on a L4D2 Dedicat...
Du008's PayDay2 Vulcan Minigun For M60
Tekijä: Equinox
Replaces the M60 with Du008's Vulcan Minigun from PayDay 2. Original mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2017110606 Credits: OVERKILL a Starbreeze Studio. - original assets Tbuci07 - sound edits Du008 - rigging, animations, qc edit,...
dynamic crosshair
Tekijä: 灵空寂灭
created for my own using...
Dynamic Light
Tekijä: Sw1ft
READ THE DESCRIPTION Dynamic Light This is a server-side add-on (for YOUR Listen / Dedicated server) Creates dynamic light on molotovs, pipe bombs, spit, burning infected (SI and Tank) and muzzle flash Chat Commands !dl_reset - reset settings to default !d...
Dynamic Rain Effects (Script)
Tekijä: senzawa
Dynamic Rain Effects (Script) Real Dynamic Version of this mod: Fully dynamic&animated Rain Screen effects on all maps. Automatically begins when outdoors, stops when indoors/shielded under a overhang and varies with rain intensity. Tested and confirmed to...
Tekijä: 烟火进锅
Mini-game Compaign Hard map Mutil-players suggested Never Play Wtih AI! Never! bilibili address: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1f94y1S7ny?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0...
EFT M4A1 Upgraded (Replace M16)
Tekijä: 逝去的十月
在原裸枪上进行了大刀阔斧的改动。无论是操作手感上,还是外观颜值上,相信我,你都会被这款MOD所征服!搭配了M9军刺的同时,还达成了满配的条件:全息瞄准镜、菠萝镜、直角握把、激光指示器、手电筒、弹带等配件应有尽有!与此同时,精细的模型和贴图纹理,优秀的MOD稳定性,都会让你对这款MOD爱不释手,喜欢写实风格的玩家一定不能错过! 源MOD作者:The Law大佬! 源MOD链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2411864655 M...
EFT MP-153 Dark mater (Autoshotgun)
Tekijä: 十年公交男
EFT MP-153 Dark mater (Autoshotgun) Included: V mode, W mode, Sound, Materials. Replace Autoshotgun, original model: EFT MP-153 (Autoshotgun). https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1812141891873118551/8C21B2C970488E13EFA7EBC00771EE8F22EEE325/?imw=5000...
Elden Ring Credits
Replaces the default l4d2 credits wth - Elden Ring Credits Author - OnlyPVPCaterina-666...
Eileen's Global Radar in Top right
Tekijä: 卡卡™
Oringnal mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2296329104 Preview As the title,this mod only put the radar icons' position to the top right I have noticed the original author and will delete it if he doesn't like reupload ...
Elden Ring Witch
Replaces the default witch theme with - Elden Ring Witch Alert witch - Malenia, Blade of Miquella Attack witch - 32_Erdtree Knights Witch on fire - Ancient Dragon Lansseax Author - OnlyPVPCaterina-666...
Elden Ring Tank
Replaces the default tank theme with - Elden Ring Tank ( The Final Battle Track ) Author - OnlyPVPCaterina-666 ...
Ellis Mechanic Suit - Hard Day's Work
Tekijä: binary
This was made for fun shortly after reuploading the mechanic suit, I wanted to see if I could remove the blood by using the PSD files and upload that, but noticed there was more to be found in the one I had looked in. I thought it could look really good, s...
Ellis - but chin is not good
Tekijä: Someone
Yes, it's chin Has facial animations included Anyhow the head and body model are split. Feel free to use the head for whatever you got in mind ...
Energy Sword 能量剑 (machete 砍刀)
Tekijä: 说的道理
Halo SPV3 Energy Sword for machete 光环SPV3能量剑替换砍刀 model, textures: CMT animations: me, RaChuwl ...
Engrave Chinadress Haku【旗袍弱音】RNG R-18
Tekijä: 仓鼠箘
Happy Chinese New Year ! While everyone is free during the new year, send some MOD to relieve your boredom! Just now Chinese traditional Chinadress is more in line with the current Festival. Replace Louis Tags: Haku, White hair, Red eyes, High heel, Chinad...
Enhanced Explosion Effect
FEATURES -new explosion (pipebomb, grenade launcher, gas tanks) -HD textures UPDATE -added dirt effect -added flash effect UPDATE 2 -added spark effects -enhanced particles CREDITS -MysterAC https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1796179986...
Escape from hell 地狱
Tekijä: 遊戯
Welcome to play, I hope my friends have a good time and bring fun to your life. Looking for a way out in a desperate city, the map is bright as a whole, and the ending is a classic refueling escape....
Eternal Hate_Machete (from MH3)
Tekijä: Kross_3D
This weapon is one of the last unlockable swords of Monster Hunter Tri Replace: Machete Follow for other weapons :)...
ethereal ( m16 )
Tekijä: 多乐美
replace the m16 ...
Evie Gothic (Wingless Ver.) [Replace Rochelle]
Tekijä: Noel
//// THE UNOFFICIAL RELEASE //// damn i forgot to upload this too a great refresh for the eyes, a top tier gothic dress. (goddamn making GIFS under 2mb is a pain in the ass) it's ye ole dhamphers upload ^ my idol *The Original https://steamproxy.net/sh...
Exempt Orange
Tekijä: Exempt ♥
Tired of dev textured maps? Well here's a whole campaign <3 Includes: -6 coop/versus maps -4 survival maps -1 scavenge map -rescue closets compatible w/ 8 play servers Find and shoot 3 nodes in chapter 6 before the finale area for a small surprise and bonu...
Eviscerator - Silver (Chainsaw)
Tekijä: 4590
https://i.imgur.com/PJjOvDY.png That's only a Silver Version of the Eviscerator of Lt.Rocky. It comes with everything that Lt.Rocky's imported from Killing Floor 2. Also comes with Tokisaki Ivan's Glowing textures. I did this because i want silver melee we...
Exoskeleton Plasma gloves [Machete]
Tekijä: Ramm.asmiette
https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/tron/images/c/c8/Codex_weap_identity_disc.png/revision/latest?cb=20100807145446 Hello everyone! I present you the first exoskeleton gloves that enhance your strenght with plasma blade attached ! It replaces the default M...
Explosive Cars
Tekijä: Hex To Max
This mod makes some cars explosive - You can set specific options like outline, stagger, auto explosion, etc - Melee weapons can explode cars (if you don't like it use this command !excar_w_melee 0.0) - Tank also can explode cars (If you don't like it use ...
Extra Slots
Tekijä: Roderick
An add-on weapon script that will offer the player to have more than five (5) inventory slots? This way player will be able to carry twice more items without dropping anything. Think of it as a survivor carrying a backpack. ++ Select Ammo Packs / Defib ++ ...
Extended Common Infected
Tekijä: Skessler
This addon aims to add new common infected variants, for both map creators, and population mods. Featured: - Roadcrew workers w/o ear protection (rain variant too) - Firefighters - L4D2 Military Soldiers - L4D2 Police officers - L4D2 Workers - Inmates - Sa...
Eyeball moon
Tekijä: Evil
Moon textures are replaced with a big eyeball...
Tekijä: Ellie
Brrrrrm brrrrrm! This mod is (to my knowledge) the very first and only model replacement for the L4D2 APC that you find in the Blood Harvest campaign and very few custom maps. You must (or mustn't) have waited the 3260 days today since the release of L4D2 ...
Fa Ge's Gaoshi paints Part1
collect from Baidu Tieba,/p/5265595535 Part 2: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1125459066 DO NOT USE PART1 AND PART2 AT THE SAME TIME...
Tekijä: axingheqquuy
This is a map in favor of entertainment. It's a little bit difficult in some places. It's a three chapter map. The first step is to jump from the birth point to the safety room. Second, don't step on the orange box. Third, use your brain to figure out whic...
Fade Orange 2 (虚假橙光2完整版)
Tekijä: Tinai
There may be some bugs, but I hope you have a good time. This time, the drawing is biased towards the maze,enjoy. This has 5 chapter,and I can't modify content in workshops,shit bug ! 地图定位为坑向+半迷宫,游玩的时候请谨慎。 map fdorange2_m1 map fdorange2_m2 map fdorange2_m3...
Fade Orange(Fix)
Tekijä: 星奈❀
Add Stringtable on map4 and map5 Original Link: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2467255295...
Tekijä: R󠀡F
Original campaign made by H(eiti). My personal L4D2 port of this great campaign, which i think is more "faithful" to L4D1 version than other ports. L4D1 Version: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2511 Original Description: "The stages take place in Japan. m...
Fallout 76 Bone Hammer (Cricket Bat)
Commission work. Features - HUD icon. Credits Bethesda: Fallout 76 Model Gino Cortez: Gmod port Tripwire, Lt. Rocky: Animation ...
Far Cry 5: Pitchfork
Tekijä: Qude
Not just a tool for farming, but also one for protesting. Goes great with torches! The Pitchfork is one of the weapons found in Far Cry 5. A scrapped Pitchfork melee weapon. Now on MW2019 animations, includes the original pitchfork model and high quality t...
FarCry3 Chinese knife HUD icon (Machete)
A FarCry3 Chinese knife HUD icon replacement for the default Machete icon. Known issues: If you downloaded this mod while in game, you may need to restart L4D2 for it to work properly. This also applies to any other HUD icons you may have downloaded. The H...
Fast Headcrab (Jockey)
Tekijä: xdshot
Half-Life 2 Fast Headcrab, replaces Jockey model. Ported animations Made new animations (ride, shoved) Reskins support Doesn't include custom sounds. Anyone brave enough welcome. Original models, textures, motion data, scripting by Valve....
FFF molotov
Tekijä: Yukari
FFF molotov Burned heterosexual Baka to Tesuto to Sh?kanj?...
FFVII Mako Reactor [1/3]
Tekijä: Eärendil
Based on Final Fantasy 7(the original) inside the mako reactor, emulating the bombing mission of the game. Players have to access to the core of the mako reactor, plant a bomb, fight a boss at the reactor and then escape to complete the mission. This map i...
Fever Dream
Tekijä: Exempt ♥
The stress of battle has trapped the survivors in a strange world that only exists in their minds. Will they manage to wake up, or will they be lost to the fever dream? NEW UPDATE: v2.1 11/13/22 Full update description in the change notes If you're not fon...
FGO SGR-12 Melusine (XM1014)
Tekijä: Ruisu
replace the XM1014 (auto shotgun) with SGR-12 with Melusine this is just a texture and color change original mod : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2519985735 tags : melusine , fate , fgo , grand order...
Fire from Molotov
Beautiful fire from Molotov...
Fix'd Luger P08 Artillery (Deagle)
Tekijä: Macrowolf
Parabellum P08 "Luger" Artillery with a static flashlight (like when you use melee weapons), since there isn't a flashlight attached to the weapon model. Firing sound included. CREDITS Tööttieläin: Model, textures and animations Infinity Ward: Firing sound...
Tekijä: Vimpaer
This mod can help you in dark-map or weak-light room,but in some self made map or mod,reflective too strong, i apologize for this. if you have any suggest or suggestion ,please write here. Wish you have a good day....
Floppy Ak47 {Fun mod}
Just for fun.Write down next base weapon you want floppy. 最近都在补番,喜欢的角色创意工坊应该都有,那就搞点黄色的。 对了有认识MMD大佬的请务必介绍介绍,好多角色都不配布,我也很难受啊。 Replaces AK47. 替换武器 AK47. Models and textures:Valve Physics,Publish:Me ClearSkyC 晴空大佬 Grsomiprs 槐音大佬 8sianDude You for always suppor...
Floppy Chrome shotgun {Fun mod}
Do you love your gun and its floppy-hit multi-target attacks? 慢慢来,太快就会和这枪一样 对了有认识MMD大佬的请务必介绍介绍,好多角色都不配布,我也很难受啊。 Replaces Chrome shotgun. 替换武器 铁喷. Models and textures:Valve Physics,Publish:Me ClearSkyC 晴空大佬 Grsomiprs 槐音大佬 8sianDude You for always support me...
Improved the experience of flu season at high difficulty...
Flyable Helicopter w/Miniguns - Cold Stream Survival
Tekijä: Alexandrovich
The final chapter of Cold Stream in Survival mode but you can fly the helicopter around and fire two miniguns mounted on each side. Also check out: The Parish Flyable F-18+Helicopter with miniguns. No Mercy Flyable Helicopter This is an ADDON campaign, thi...
Foggy Weather
There's something in the fog. Just in time for spooky season, a bank of ghastly fog sure to send chills down your spine. You never know what's waiting for you, until it's too late! This mod will add fog to your game. It works for campaign, and single playe...
Founding Titan final theme as tank music
Tekijä: Jeremias
ᴍʏ ɴᴇᴡ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ꜰᴏʀ ʟᴇꜰᴛ 4 ᴅᴇᴀᴅ 2. ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴍᴏᴅ ʀᴇᴘʟᴀᴄᴇꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴀɴᴋ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪɴᴀʟ ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴏᴜɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛɪᴛᴀɴ. https://i.imgur.com/VDOQHQg.gif https://i.imgur.com/fGBitUI.png ⪢ DISCLAIMER ⪡ ɪ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴏᴡɴ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ ᴜꜱᴇᴅ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴅɪꜰɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜɪꜱ ɢ...
Tekijä: ⋁ɪʀᴜѕ™
What you need to fix the problem when mod dont work on official servers: - download this FILE and drop to CFG Folder located Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2; - created file with CFG extention and named autoexec (just copy any CFG file in th...
Frag grenade / Beta pipebomb [Script]
Tekijä: CHAUS
Description:Changes the script of the usual pipe bomb to frag grenade The addon is compatible with other pipe bomb models Also you have 3 grenades instead of one YOU CAN USE THIS TO REMOVE BEEP SOUNDS YOU CAN USE THIS IF YOU WANT TO USE THE SINGLE GRENADE ...
Freddy Fazbear (Louis) - Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted
Tekijä: Minnie Mouse
Replaces Louis with Freddy from Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted. Features: - Facial animations - Eyetracking - LOD support - Viewmodel arms - VGUI icons - Vomit texture Credits: Scott Cawthon/Steel Wool - Models Minnie Mouse - Optimization, Texturing,...
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria
Tekijä: Deep Thunder
During the day, it's a place of joy. But you aren't here during the day. Now including checkpoints and jumpscares. Welcome to your new summer job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! From your small office you must prevent the restaurant from any intruders and put F...
Freezing Point (Campaign + Survival)
Tekijä: Kyle H. McCloud
The Survivors Explore the Frozen Wilderness! (1.7) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Heading northwest seemed like a good idea to the Survivors, but the harsh winter has strained their supplies, and they can't stay holed u...
Funny Moments
Tekijä: {aic}
This campaign consists of six maps, on which we have to last for some time. The locations are not connected to each other by the plot, so don't look for any deep meaning here. On each map we will be confronted by specific infected, and the gameplay is dire...
Gain Script(增益脚本)
Tekijä: 寒枫Feng
It was originally intended to be used in multiplayer games, but I'd better post it. This script has the following contents: Real chain saw infinite oil No deceleration in water(It even seems a little faster) Cancel conflict detection (whether it is effecti...
Tekijä: Hekmatyar
replace the Spas Autoshotgun,A new action was made and the sound of fire was replaced, Some places set up the fluorescent effect.Love this mod friends remember my work and focus on Evaluation of my creative Workshop. 替换二代连喷,制作了新的动作并且替换了开火声音,部分枪身贴图设置了荧光效果,喜...
Gatling-Infernal Dragon Script
Tekijä: SKB
This is a Crossfire Gatling-Infernal Dragon script. It changed M60 Machine gun data into Crossfire Gatling-Infernal Dragon data. IMPORTANT: This code is still in testing, if there is something wrong or does not conform to the original game, please reply to...
GenJi Katana
Tekijä: ClearSkyC
龍神の剣を喰らえ! i have been playing OverWatch, i like genji's unique skill, so i made his katana for l4d2, hope you like it. Credits: Blizzard - Model; Textures; Sound; Me - Animations; Materials; Compile. enjoy~ no sound version - http://steamproxy.net/shar...
Gen 5 Hololive in Left 4 dead 2
Tekijä: Seiyacchi
Hololive Gen 5 in Left 4 dead 2 Your recommendation has finally come! I like the Gen 5 graders! I like that person in the Gen 5 grade! You can find it! Gen 5 grade students, get together! Let's use your favorite character and have fun! Can the four Hololiv...
Genuine leather Haku(蛇皮弱音) R-18
Tekijä: 仓鼠箘
rpelace France This time is the snake leather Haku! Made by @除了秒妹ㄩ啥也不会 from our QQ; Although there are some small flaws, 秒妹狂魔 still needs to be motivated; Hope you can support him to make more work project ! The original version is very sexy, The underwear...
Get to Vehicle Lines for All Campaigns
An addon that adds "Get to the Rescue!" type lines to all campaigns, including custom ones, seeing as they don't exist otherwise. This addon: -Adds get to vehicle lines to all survivors on any map -Adds dynamic get to vehicle lines depending on what the re...
Tekijä: Kankel Guswater
Ghost Special
Tekijä: Kid
Ghost Special...
Ghostface for Bill
Tekijä: H.U.N.K
ALL Credits belongs to Minnie Mouse Minnie Mouse: https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198806171279/myworkshopfiles/?appid=550 Original mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2979088133 I just ported him to Nick and fixed the Onlin...
Ghostface for Francis
Tekijä: H.U.N.K
ALL Credits belongs to Minnie Mouse Minnie Mouse: https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198806171279/myworkshopfiles/?appid=550 Original mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2979088133 I just ported him to Nick and fixed the Onlin...
Ghostface for Nick
Tekijä: H.U.N.K
ALL Credits belongs to Minnie Mouse Minnie Mouse: https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198806171279/myworkshopfiles/?appid=550 Original mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2979088133 I just ported him to Nick and fixed the Onlin...
Giant Toothbrush over Pitchfork
Replaces the pitchfork with a giant toothbrush. Now you can finally clean up the hoard with a good dental plan. They may be undead but even the deceased deserve to have good oral hygenie no? In all seriousness it toke me back a bit knowing no one had attem...
GIGN from Counter Strike 1.6
Tekijä: wolf
Read me: English: Sup guys, as you know, this mod was abandoned for a while since it was my first mod, besides I changed my PC, that doesn't matter, I updated this mod with the help of Palladium346 , who helped me in the artistic aspect, which is appreciat...
Glacier Challenge-如履薄冰
Tekijä: 观星云计算
这是一张具有挑战性的地图,此地图不建议单人游玩,请多人游玩(4个人以上),这张地图是一张以跑酷为定义制作的一张地图,难度还是挺高的,建议游戏技术比较高的人进行游玩,当然如果你要单通当我没说(这是你不可能正常单通通过的地图),如果有问题请留言反馈,我看到会修复的,最后祝你玩的愉快! This is a challenging map. It is not recommended to play alone. Please play with more than four people. This map is...
Tekijä: 观星云计算
This is an orthodox sequel to <GLACIER CHALLENGE>, with a total of 5 chapters. It is biased towards Parkour map, which is very difficult and requires players with very high game skills. It is recommended not to play alone. It is recommended that more than ...
Gloom Town (v1.4)
Tekijä: Evil
It's Halloween. You know what that means, it's time to find some candy. Make your way through Gloom Town and find some sweets. Modes: Coop Hills Have Eyes Info: * 3 maps * Unique witch and tank models * 4 unique melee weapons Music Credits Jack Turner - Ni...
Glow in the dark tron shotgun! (Green)
Tekijä: MikyMaster
This is my first glow in the dark weapon mod, feedback would be appriciated. Also thanks to 'Lucy fur' another mod creator for teaching me how to make glow in the dark weapons. This will not be in the tron pack as it would clash with my original tron style...
Glowing Guitar
Tekijä: Belphi
This is my Glowing Guitar, i made some ornaments glow in the dark, hope you like it, enjoy! DON'T FORGET TO RATE, SUBSCRIBE AND FAVORITE IF YOU LIKE IT :) http://oi61.tinypic.com/2e4zpmf.jpg ...
Glowing Half-Transparent AWP 半透明夜光AWP
Tekijä: 御坂18520
Replace AWP skin, make it half transparent. The gun become more transparent when you are in a dark place. If you like it please give a rate! Thanks! ———————————————————————————— 半透明夜光AWP,第一视角在越暗的地方会越透明,越亮的地方越不透明 第三视角发光 如果觉得好用记得点赞啊!有什么问题也可以在评论区告诉我~ PS:本mod改...
Glubtastic 2
Tekijä: Fug
More dumb maps for dumb people, you must stop the large glob from destroy the world! checkout this great video of glubtastic by Gov,nor GR££N https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdA-011_BIQ Sequel campaign: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?i...
Glubtastic 3
Tekijä: Fug
A mysterious forse threatens to tilt the balance of glub and course of the left 4 dead two history forever. You must defeat the big sis and restore order to the dark glubverse. Previous campaign: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=20661...
Glubtastic 4
Tekijä: Fug
The survivors thought they had destroyed the mysterious Sis, but they were wrong. After an anonymous tip, they board a zombie airbus to intercept top secret glub documents, containing the thickest plot yet. This is not the final chapter of the Glubtastic s...
Glubtastic Maps
Tekijä: Fug
5 awful maps for awful people. Me and my buds love playing stupid left 4 dead campaigns, so I decided to make my own. Play the sequel campaign here! https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2066106924 checkout this great video of glubtastic b...
Glubtastic: Back 4 Glub
Tekijä: Fug
-- READ TO AVOID ISSUES -- -Before playing set "sv_consistency 0" in console or you may get an error related to the custom tank model. -Disable mods that use high poly models like player or infected replacements etc to avoid hitting the vertices limit. -Th...
Gm Bigcity
This map is a work in progress and may have bugs. The original map now available in Left 4 Dead 2! Now let's go kill some zombies. Compatible with Campaign, and other gamemodes. Credits Bigwig - Original Map Creator, just decompiled his map and edited the ...
Godzilla (Ferris Wheel)
Tekijä: person man
This mod replaces the ferris wheel in Dark Carnival's skybox with a static prop of Godzilla (Monsterverse version)...
Gnome Chompski
Tekijä: Splinks
Chompski is a strong independent gnome that don't need no lackey to carry him. Chompski don't need yo pity, fool! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Splinks Rigging, Mesh hacking and remodelling, tex...
Gold Death Sickle
Gold Death Sickle-fire axe...
GoreMod V2
Tekijä: RiDiCuLouSTiEs
After 9 years in development hopefully it will be worth the wait. This version is an improvement from the original, the blood effects no longer uses the water particles (yes, the same water that makes you run like a turtle and the same that makes the blood...
Grave Consequences
It's just a perfectly harmless abandoned grave yard......
Gorilla as Tank
Tekijä: wi_bucaterr
idk if this is done before. anyways.. This model is from here. Features: - Hands (for versus) - works in L4D1 and L4D2 idk how is this my most popular mod Credit to: - Dim0s - original model and textures - Me - Port to L4D2 ...
Gray RE (WIP)
Tekijä: 灵空寂灭
Four survivors enter underground ruins accidentally,and they find a white cube wants to trap them forever. Finally they beat the cube and escape . This is a remake of my first l4d2 map and only have m1,so it wont change level normally in the end. Do not pl...
gray soul shotgun 灰灵木喷
Tekijä: 影法師
第四个MOD 说实话,它没有我想象中做的那个样子 它应该能够更好看的 只能怪我自己技艺不精了 由于上学,留给我做MOD的闲余时间真的不多 下个目标大概是连喷或者是SMG吧 谢谢大家的支持 sorry,my English is not 100% fluent :( it's my fourth MOD it's cool BUT it doesn't reach the target effect that I expected I'll try harder:) ...
Green blood
Tekijä: イズキ
Mod that replaces blood's particles and textures for the greenish yellow blood that aliens have in XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Part of the . Click here for Aliens! http://i.imgur.com/FEUpZmH.gif ...
Green Bullet Tracer
Tekijä: KJ
Green Muzzle Flash Green Laser Sight ...
Grenade Boost Training
Tekijä: FF
Rus: Приветствую, читатель! Мы с другом которого кличут FF создали специальную карту, которая поможет тренировать вам буст с гранатой. На карте есть виды гранат: молотов и пайпа. До кучи мы сделали секцию для буста с гранатомёта, поэтому летать мы будем кр...
Grenade Launcher Enhanced(M32-MGL Version)(M32版榴弹发射器)(out of date)
Tekijä: 渝。
Change your grenade launcher into M32. Damage >>> 300 Range >>> 6666 RangeModifier >>> 0.75 PenetrationNumLayers >>> 50 ClipSize >>> 6(48 rounds of ammunition) 1.Increased recoil. 2.2 shots per second. 3.Only work when you hold a local server.(disable it w...
Grenade Launcher Rebalanced(RPG Version)(RPG版榴弹发射器)(out of date)
Tekijä: 渝。
Enhanced grenade launcher. Makes it more like RPG. Damage >>> 9999 Range >>> 999999 RangeModifier >>> 1 PenetrationNumLayers >>> 555 ClipSize >>> 1(5 rounds of ammunition) Notes: 1.This mod will increase grenade launcher recoil. 2.It can kill almost all in...
Grenade Launcher Upgrade (Insane)
Tekijä: AxeKiller6277
Damage: 1600 (400) Kill Radius: 540 (180) Stumble Radius: 750 (250) Cycle Time: 0.425 (0.5) Magazine: 6 (1)...
Grenade machine gun script(榴弹机枪脚本)
Tekijä: 寒枫Feng
The front row explains that this is just a script, and there is no model. Changed the grenade launcher to the same grenade machine gun as HKGMG. Magazine: 32 ammunition preparation: 90 firing interval: 0.18 ammunition changing speed: 7 seconds You can't ge...
Grendel - The Wolf Among Us [BETA]
Tekijä: InfernoKun
This is currently in beta. Most of the sounds have been replaced with some of grendel's line from 101, but I still need to add some more variety to it like some of his lines from 103. Be sure to use "sv_consistency 0" before joining or hosting a server ^^....
GTA V - AP Pistol(mac-10)
Tekijä: 慕入晨星
替换消音冲锋枪 带夜光 第一次制作皮肤,如有什么不足之处还请各位大佬指出。 逛了大半个创意工坊都没有找到一个满意mac-10,于是就挑了个模型自己制作了。喜欢的话就订阅吧。 原mod:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2577183583...
H&K G3A3 SD Black Ice edition
Tekijä: 谶诗
Here is the G3A3 black ice edition. I remove the sniper to have a better vision. Enjoy!!! Credit:Denny凯妈 Texture:Me...
Gungnir (Guitar)
Probably my first mod that I, aside from the design, made from scratch. Features - HUD icon. - Custom sound. Credits Frontier Aja: Koumajou Densetsu/Touhouvania ThomasCat, mav: animation ...
Guardian of Hell [Single Player/Modded Server]
Tekijä: NovassavoN
Tank - Guardian of Hell from Doom 3...
Tekijä: 春风妩媚*
cause of all kinds of wickedness....
Tekijä: 春风妩媚*
Happy 5.1...
Haku Uniform 弱音制服 RNG R-18
Tekijä: 仓鼠箘
Dont look her below,She didnt wearing pantz! Replances Louis. Clothes: Black-->black.white.red RNG; Gloves:Black-->black.white.red RNG; Pantyhose:Black-->black.white.red RNG; High-heel:Black-->black.white.red RNG; I drew the R-18 pantyhose texture, and del...
Tekijä: 春风妩媚*
Half life 2 - vortigaunt [spitter]
Tekijä: Ramm.asmiette
hoo hrii ahhh model + sound For half life fans...
Half Life 2/Counter Strike: Source Flashlight
Tekijä: Mivvy
Flashlight from HL2 and CS:S now in L4D2. This will work in L4D1 too....
Half Life : Alyx - Compact Strider
Tekijä: Ramm.asmiette
You can download the Sound & music mod for the strider tank here : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xiljssrdndu50vo/AAA8WyTFLoITeoyYk60XRh4va?dl=0 This is a a mix of half life alyx strider battle sound + an edit/fix of the mod by dHeX : https://steamcommunity.co...
Half Life : Alyx fps gloves [animated]
Tekijä: Ramm.asmiette
Please ask before considering doing a port on other game / platform, ty ROCHELLE VERSION : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1923052297 Own made model based on upcomming valve game : Half Life : Alyx I took some liberty here and there ...
Half-Life 1 Hivehand[AK-47]
Tekijä: ThunderKiss65
You do not want to know how this weapon was conceived. I'd use the black mesa model but I dont own black mesa and my friends don't want to give me the model so blame my friends. I'm back btw and i decided to release something related to sven coop since ive...
Half Truth imitation 真假参半仿制 (katana/武士刀)
Tekijä: 说的道理
Replace katana I mixed the energy sword and gravity hammer to imitate Half Truth in Destiny 2. Hammer - extract from Halo CE. I dont know who made this. but thank him. Sword - https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=249526505 There's a few b...
Tekijä: Rick_VC
a little mod for this halloween. Happy halloween un pequeño mod para este halloween. Feliz día de brujas!...
Halloween - Dark Carnival Lights
Friday the 13th in October. How cute! I'll throw up some screenshots and other mods later. This only changes the lights. Signs are changed by other mods by me and Franky....
Halloween party
Tekijä: 遊戯
Welcome to play, I hope my friends have a good time and bring fun to your life. The black carnival is slightly changed, with the Halloween theme. Some facilities in the playground can be started, but there will be a possibility of attracting corpses. The p...
Halloween Special Mutation [tank]
Tekijä: Ramm.asmiette
Special tank for Halloween ( a bit early :) ) 5 ARMS + 3 HEADS Features : New Model ! New Sounds from dead space ! Jiggly mutated arms ! Coffin replacement for rock ! Happy hunting !...
My Customized Hallows Eve Molotov! Includes Custom Textures,and particles HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Created By >>>>>HYPERDRIVE<<<<<...
Halo 3 ODST TV screens
Tekijä: Adorabirb!
Story: During the Outbreak on the UEG colony planet of Mândreţe, Agricultural systems manager A.I known as Andarta was doing her best to assist with the containment of the outbreak. However it was only a matter of time before the flood were able to breach ...
Halo 4 Energy Sword
* Replaces the Machete. * Features: - Customized HD textures, phong, etc. - Custom overlapping texture animations & "sine" fading. - Transparent & Glows in the dark! (took a lot of MacGyvering) - Handle get bloody with kills. * Not Included: - Weapon Icon ...
Halo 4 Energy Sword (LD Version for Low-End PC)
Halo 4 energy sword replaces machete. I made this for Low-End PC users. (Compact texture size, 76 MB -> 7 MB !!) Less fps drop, Less texture bug. Hope you like it! * Credits: - Original model & textures by 343 Industries. - Texture, compile, model tweaks, ...
Halo 5 Prophets' Bane 先知克星 (katana/武士刀)
Tekijä: 说的道理
You got a dream, go get it. Thanks to dreamweb, for their contribution to Halo Custom Edition. This model was made by them. I extracted the model from Halo CE and made animations. And thanks to my friend 104. He help me texture the model. I hope you can en...
Halo M319 Grenade Launcher (grenade launcher)
Tekijä: Adorabirb!
"The M319 Individual Grenade Launcher, more formally known as the Individual Grenade Launcher, Caliber 40mm, M319, is a single-shot, break-action explosives launcher produced by Misriah Armory and used by the United Nations Space Command, specifically the ...
Hanzo Bow {Grenade Launcher}
Since ClearSkyC lost his original file,this mod had been put off 2 years. 晴空带着源文件跑路了,我们没有办法,拿着老版动作抵工资,王八蛋晴空你不是人! Replaces Grenade Launcher. 替换武器榴弹发射器. Models and textures:Blizzard Entertainment,kemot44 Animations:ClearSkyC Publish:Me OW Sound |守望音效 Glow Ef...
Happy Cat Banana
Banana Cat 2.0 replaces Ellis ----------------------------- At the request of many people I have updated the banana cat, now it is more fun! ----------------------------- Include: -Third-person model -Hands in first person -Jetpack -Particles -Icons -Weapo...
Hard Six
Tekijä: Lcrft_sx
Hard Eight, but Six...
Hatless Ellis
Tekijä: Despair
Yep, it removes Ellis' hat, and gives him a nice head of hair based off that one image of his face model in the booth you can see in the second image above. Comes with all the good shit, head retexture support, jiggly attachments, intact face wrinkles, the...
Haunted Forest (Author's upload) - Fixed finale
Tekijä: Snow
This is the Haunted Forest campaign, re-uploaded by the author himself (that's me). Back in the days when I published this campaign, the Steam Workshop didn't yet exist. After all these years, I decided to put it on the Workshop myself. The finale was fixe...
Haunting Grounds - Sawrunner
Tekijä: OvercookedSushi
---------------------------- Important Note ---------------------------- I have no intentions of returning to Source mapping unless Source 2 comes to a L4d franchise game AND is huge imporvement to ze awfulness zat vas and is Source... If my shit is broken...
Haus The Plague Doktor
Tekijä: Splinks2
A present made for my good friend: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/b2/b2c2201cf615d8122bab484717cf247dd53fdbe4_medium.jpg Doktor Haus. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
"Hazmat Idiot" (Coach) | Escape The Backrooms
Tekijä: ConcatSpirity
The goofy Hazmat guy from Fancy's Escape The Backrooms horror game. Replaces Coach. Ellis version of this mod Features: - Nick's animations - Custom attachments - Viewmodel arms - VGUI icons - Boomer bile textures Original GMod addon Credits: Deadwater Tim...
HD Vanilla Bloodmap Texture
Tekijä: ֆʊռ
Getting annoyed in pixelated bloodmap texture? Well, here is my Enhanced/HD Vanilla Bloodmap Texture. Hope you enjoy this addon of mine :D Changes: - Upscaled the current size of the bloodmap texture which is 256x256px into 2048x2048px - Works with other m...
HD Vanilla Explosion Decal Texture
Tekijä: ֆʊռ
Getting annoyed in pixelated explosion decal texture? Well, here is my Enhanced/HD Vanilla Explosion Decal Texture. Hope you enjoy this addon of mine :D Changes: - Upscaled the current size of the explosion decal texture which is 128x128px into 1024x1024px...
HD Vanilla Textures
Tekijä: ֆʊռ
This is a 4 in 1 version of my work. I created this to save some time for loading an addon Actually, I made this because overhaul particle separated ToT Getting annoyed in pixelated textures? Well, here is my Enhanced/HD Vanilla Texture. Hope you enjoy thi...
Head Shot Feedback【爆头特效】
Tekijä: 仓鼠箘
The Head Shot Feedback effect can be used online for good, without plug-ins, scripts and conflicts. Added the feedback icon when you got Head-shot to zombies, but you must set the to high and use large caliber weapons to trigger. The weapons that can trigg...
Heartless Special Infected
Tekijä: A Wild Glaceon
The Entire Special Infected Crew are now the Heartless Troopers you face in Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. Models coming from the PS1 games by Square. Including: Boomer = Large Body Boomette = Tank Toppiler (Birth by Sleep, Yeah it more of an Unversed then a Hear...
Heavy - Coach (TF2)
Tekijä: An
my head hurts. Shh!, Sasha is asleep. - Heavy Features -FP Arms -Bile Textures -Icons -Facial Anims -Eyetracking ...
Heavy Revolver (Hyperdimension Neptunia)
Tekijä: Mastodonmk2
Blanec - White Heart, I'm return again with new Neptunia weapon, though I will release Star Wars mod again in next weak which remain with 5 day, new release today is Heavy Revolver, using by Uni. http://i.imgur.com/sBVUCTC.png http://i.imgur.com/gUSBIWx.pn...
Tekijä: 晨晨
The story goes on. The survivors entered a room full of tanks. It was their new journey. 故事延续呵呵7,幸存者们进到一个都是tank的房间里,这是他们新的旅程,共6关 建图指令: map hehe10_1 map hehe10_2 ........ map hehe10_6 ...
Tekijä: 晨晨
hehe20终于在5.1劳动节这天赶出来啦!!!本次呵呵一共20关 小伙伴们赶紧带上伙伴来玩一下吧! —————————————————————————————————— 版本:1 —————————————————————————————————— 建图代码: map hehe20_1 map hehe20_2 map hehe20_3 map hehe20_4 map hehe20_5 ........ map hehe20_20 ...
Tekijä: 晨晨
本次hehe30为hehe7周年纪念作品,有10多位国内知名地图作者和模型作者一起合作制作!每关的地图风格各异,欢迎小伙伴们游玩!!? 主要增加了15关,总关卡数45,为了能正常游玩,请订阅part2与part3 喜欢作者的可以支持下哦 建图命令: map hehe30_1 map hehe30_2 .............. map hehe30_45 hehe合集:https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=1378644101 晨晨市②群:...
Tekijä: 晨晨
Synopsis: the survivors went to an unknown place, where it was tank, and a group of tank was watching, and the survivors had to flee Schema command: map hehe211 map hehe212 map hehe213 map hehe214 map hehe215 map hehe216 map hehe217 Fifth tips: to kill bos...
Tekijä: 晨晨
本次hehe30为hehe7周年纪念作品,有10多位国内知名地图作者和模型作者一起合作制作!每关的地图风格各异,欢迎小伙伴们游玩!!? 主要增加了15关,总关卡数45,为了能正常游玩,请订阅part1与part2 喜欢作者的可以支持下哦 建图命令: map hehe30_1 map hehe30_2 .............. map hehe30_45 关卡作者: 1.月见团 2.浮夸少年 3,4,10,13,28,29:RPK-16 5.jiumei 6.爪巴鱼 7,8,9,18,30:晨晨 11,1...
Tekijä: 晨晨
本地图建议与好友一起游玩! 建图代码: map hehe33_1 map hehe33_2 map hehe33_3 map hehe33_4 map hehe33_5 map hehe33_6 ...
Tekijä: 杰罗尼莫
hehe32,一共4关 幸存者们被tank击晕之后,进入了牛子世界.于是他们决定逃出升天 ***建议8人及以上玩家游戏*** 建图代码: map hehe32_1 map hehe32_2 map hehe32_3 map hehe32_4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hehe32,There are 4 levels in total. A...
Tekijä: 杰罗尼莫
hehe34,一共4关 "幸存者们未能逃出呵呵33,不得不继续想办法离开." ***建议8人及以上玩家游戏*** 建图代码: map hehe34_1 map hehe34_2 map hehe34_3 map hehe34_4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hehe34,There are 4 levels in total. The sur...
Tekijä: 杰罗尼莫
hehe35,一共7关 "阳光明媚的某一天,当幸存者们起床后发现......" 建图代码: map hehe35_1 map hehe35_2 map hehe35_3 map hehe35_4 //(剧情关) map hehe35_5 map hehe35_6 map hehe35_7 模型来源:月悠红茶 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- h...
Tekijä: 翼大王
It looks like a simple map...Is it?...
Tekijä: 晨晨
hehe30地图tank,hehe专属定制tank,喜欢和tank打拳击的朋友们订阅起来了!! tank电视机贴图颜色随机 Hehe30 map tank, Hehe exclusive custom tank, friends who enjoy boxing with tank are subscribing!! Tank TV texture color random...
Hell charger
Tekijä: Matt
*Replaces the Charger* Modified its skin texture to make it like a real monster, a monster from the hell >:D Model: Default Anims: Default Texture: Own This is the 20th skin i've decided to do, please rate, share and i would be pleased to read any suggesti...
Hell difficulty (mechanism)(地狱难度-机制)
Tekijä: 寒枫Feng
Not the final version, not the final version, not the final version, still under improvement For a friend who wants to be challenging. Suitable for players who want to challenge themselves Not all negative, some positive BUFF There is also a monster part. ...
Hell Fire
Tekijä: ₩ɨƶ
The Axe has fire at every whack Watch as you flame up zombies Slows and kills tanks very fast Katana and Machete has same power Play in solo or host a local server game Use this with any of my Dead Fun mods Can be used with Mutation mods also And see the z...
Hell Kit (Loona's Medkit)
Tekijä: Vilinsecto
This is a reskin of the game's original medkit in the colors of Loona, from Helluva Boss, using the skins introduced in The Last Stand Update, made at the request of CorvusxHopps. Corvus wanted it to include the "face" that he uses as an emblem on Loona's ...
Hell Sword
Tekijä: мяFunreal
This badass sword replaces the Katana. Credits: Firebat - Model, Textures MrFunreal - Port, Texture edit, Blood texture. ______ This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named мяFunreal; Steam id "funreal" Modificatio...
Helluva Boss "You'll Be Okay" Menu Music 2!
Tekijä: -✰T'Avia✰-
(This one has vocals.) Again: -Stolas' song for/to Octavia. -From Helluva Boss - Loo Loo Land // S1: Episode 2 Note: If there's any problems, tell me. Full Version/Menu Background: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2990244880 Also, hi ...
HELLUVA BOSS - Loona Survivor (Coach)
Tekijä: MSF
This model was made by GR.Blend You can find the download for the original files here! For a while now, people have been waiting for Loona, urging and hoping that the day would. It now has. Releasing after months apart from the previous devilish duo, ragin...
helluva boss fizzarolli's theme replaces dark carnival intro
Tekijä: ゴXenonゴ
this addon replaces the dark carnival intro theme with Fizzi's robo show (robo fizzarolli theme) all credits belong to: vivziepop spindlehorse studios jefferson friedman (the composer of this soundtrack) ...
Tekijä: Sakurai Momoka
自用喷漆,上传留个备份,订阅后在多人联机里面喷漆选择help即可 ...
Helrika's Vocalizer
Tekijä: Helrika
SUMMARY This is probably the biggest Vocalizer to exist. It comes with a serious ton of voice lines with at least 24+ menus at your disposal per character(generic + specific) and other unique features to make your *lore* sessions fresh. It also removes a l...
Hifumi "Rochelle" Ajitani [Voice]
Tekijä: Jo
Subscribe and Enjoy, No further instructions needed. https://i.imgur.com/8orMu3n.png Replaces all of Rochelle's lines with Ajitani Hifumi's lines (Yes, all 3540 of them) Though every line was compressed to fit the game's default soundbank, so expect to hea...
HK UMP.45 " I have Recoil "
Tekijä: Eiกุ้ง
The Heckler & Koch UMP (Universale Maschinenpistole, German for "Universal Machine Pistol") is a submachine gun developed and manufactured by Heckler & Koch. Heckler & Koch developed the UMP as a lighter and cheaper successor to the MP5, though both remain...
HL2 Combine Scanners (Crows)
Tekijä: person man
Replaces the crow npc/props seen flying around maps in the background with the Combine's City Scanner drones from Half-Life 2....
HL2 Fast Zombie (Hunter)
Tekijä: xdshot
Fast Zombie seen in Half-Life 2 now in Left 4 Dead 2 as a special infected! Includes new creepy sounds! Replaces Hunter. Credits: Models, textures, sounds - Valve Corporation Ported and rigged - by Me...
HL2 Health Vial
Tekijä: мяFunreal
I made this model for HL2, but I decided to port it here too. Very simple, just a high definition recreation of the HL2 Health Vial, replacing the Pills. Only difference is that I opted to not break the geneva convention by deliberately using a green cross...
hl2's Borealis sky for No Mercy
Tekijä: Gyroic
inspired by the recent release of a l4d prototype map: zombie_city, Half-Life 2's unused Borealis skybox textures now replace the skybox textures used in No Mercy. it's pretty low quality but it's a skybox texture from the very early 2000s so it's not gonn...
Honkai Impact Kiana Queen The Spirit Of Spring Replaces Francis 崩坏3 女王 泉之精灵 替换 弗朗西斯
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Kiana Queen The Spirit Of Spring.it replaces Francis in game. 崩坏3女王泉之精灵替换游戏内弗朗西斯 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Francis. 替换 弗朗西斯 ----------------------------Then/补充...
Honkai Impact Kiana Winter Queen Replaces Francis 崩坏3 凛冬女帝替换 弗朗西斯
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Kiana Winter Queen.it replaces Francis in game. 崩坏3冰雪女王替换游戏内弗朗西斯 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Francis. 替换 弗朗西斯 ----------------------------Then/补充----------------...
Honkai Impact Seele Realm Twin Black Sickle Replace Shovel 崩坏3 彼岸双生黑希尔镰刀替换新近战铁锹
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Seele Realm Twin Black's sickle.it replaces Shovel in game. 崩坏3彼岸双生黑希尔的镰刀替换游戏内铁锹 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Shovel 替换 Shovel ----------------------------Then/补充...
Honkai Impact Seele Vollerei Starchasm Nyx's Sickle Replaces Shovel 崩坏3 血渊之眸・如一 替换 铁锹
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Seele Vollerei Starchasm Nyx's Sickle.It replaces Shovel in game. 崩坏3血渊之眸・如一替换游戏内铁锹 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Shovel 替换 铁锹 ----------------------------Then/补充-...
Tekijä: 烟火漾
※ 增添了闲置切角色和唱歌娱乐表单来烦死你的队友 注意 ! 娱乐表单只有本地服务器和特定人物才能用噢 经测试,教练唱歌的可以在别人的房间里使用 ※ 所有常用精简在2个表单,方便的同时替换了更舒服的颜文字表情 在2个常用表单的基础上多添加了几个无关紧要的话痨娱乐表单~ 这个顺眼仅仅对我个人而言,其他人并不一定习惯 ╮( ╯ ▽ ╰ )╭ ※ 新增了清理地图的表单,可以瞬间清理尸体弹痕和血迹~ 让整个游戏界面干净简洁,再也不会有尸体妨碍你的视线 ※ 魔改了大佬们的语音表单,删除了可替代的快捷并将其合并 强迫症修...
Honoka Rochelle (57*44 RNG)
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
Replaces Rochelle with Honoka from the Dead or Alive series ; Bikini has forty-four random textures,Shirt has fifty-seven random textures.Texture from Ellie. Enjoy :D The original version of the author EbolaChanV666|アンジェラ Plus a separate Bikini random ther...
Honoka[Bill] Bikini Version
Honoka Bikini Version credit EbolaChan n Ellie you will see Bill only in bikini version...
Tekijä: [H]estiaSama
Here are other support mods that can be used with this HUD UI Bullet Icon Cick Here My Collection Crosshairs Cick Here You can use Custom Crosshairs Click Here - UPDATE NEW + This is a version without no hud velometer Check Here Credits Urik Mute |CCTV-14|...
Tekijä: 白爥丶
my first map shi keng tu...
Hulk Challenge Event Horizon
Tekijä: YAN
Survive increasing tank waves ________________________________ https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=151833267...
Tekijä: Sirius
"huichuang" is a four chapters of the campaign map by a chinese author "SuperHui". Each chapter does not have any relation, but it shows the author's attempts in different directions when making the map. The first chapter is in a city's streets, survivors ...
Hunter (Half-Life 2: Episode One) [Single Player/Modded Server]
Tekijä: NovassavoN
Charger - Hunter from Half-Life 2: Episode One...
Hunter Skill Training
Tekijä: off-log-Byte
Type ''map hs_training'' into the console to start the map. Restart Steam and remove other addons from the folder left4dead2/addons if u have any problems. This map created for singleplayer only. If you enjoyed it please like, comment and subscribe! Thank...
Tekijä: H.U.N.K
*WARNING* YOU NEED THIS PACK: https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2923287639 YOU DON'T NEED THE BASE MATERIALS FROM THE PACK!!! ...
Hunter Training
Tekijä: eyeonus
A portal-like hunter training map for teaching advanced hunter pounce techniques and the practice thereof. To play, open console and type "map hunter_training" without the quotes. If you like this, please consider donating. Even $1 helps. paypal.me/eyeonus...
Hunter's rainbow
Tekijä: fox.57005
Hanter rainbow trail effect with sparkles! For charger...
Hunter|Saints - Hell Hunter [OUTDATED]
Tekijä: БАР СУК
NEW: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2673993439 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2673994227 Gat suit on the Hunter from game "Saints row: Gat out of Hell". Одежда Гета на охотнике из игры "Saints row: Gat out of...
Hydralisk - Spitter Voice
Tekijä: Null Signal
Replaces with new Zerg sounds for the Spitter. Enjoy! Mod compatible with: Hydralisk (StarCraft 2): https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2120790209 ...
HYPERDRIVE GIANT TANK Version 2 (((Replaces Tank)))
My Customized HYPERDRIVE Giant Tank Includes Custom Textures,Sounds And Script...
My Custom HYPERDRIVE FORMULA X Boomer Bile!...
Hyrule Castle Survival v3
Tekijä: Chief_B33f
See how long you can survive in Hyrule Castle from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 64! This is my first published addon for any steam game so please leave a comment and let me know what you think!...
Hysteria Alice (Rochelle)
Tekijä: Lt. Rocky
You've met the mad; now meet the insane. The Witch version is here. Check out the page. This is an old mod I had crammed in my archives long before I started my L4D work. I uncovered it a few days ago and gave it a refurbishing for a public release - With ...
illustious replace ellis
Tekijä: 胡德太太
replace ellis with illustrious with spring festival skin using rochelle'skeleton have facial expression, first person arms....
I Hate Mountains Part 1/4 - Don't forget the other 3 parts to avoid errors !
Tekijä: El Moroes
I Hate Mountains is the name of a Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 campaign made by three French friends. Be aware that this campaign is built the Valve way, we are not trying to revolutionize anything, we just want to provide more content to this awesome game. • • Be ...
Illustrious Lace Pajamas【光辉睡裙】R-18 for Common Infected
Tekijä: 仓鼠箘
Illustrious Lace Pajamas replace for Careful, Big sister Illustrious dosen't fear your Pipe bomb, and has a little more HP than others. Tags: Illustrious, Lace Pajamas, Lace, Pantyhose, White Hair, Blue eye, Long hair, High heel, R-18 Features: Change from...
Improved Blood Textures
Tekijä: BakaKemono
Adds higher resolution textures for splatters and wounds. Splatter textures cover a wider area while splats/blobs of blood are cover less which helps to diversify the way blood appears. Reduced blood size version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/fil...
Improvised Pipe Shotgun (Custom Weapon)
Tekijä: Rectus
Hastily made bolt-action 12 gauge pipe shotgun. A powerful secondary slot weapon with heavy spread and a long reload time. This is a custom weapon that doesn't replace any stock weapons. Requires the Custom Weapon Base. Any feedback is welcome. Please read...
infected damage display
Tekijä: 星魂桑丶
Translate By Google! Support language: Chinese & English Language Code:0 = Chinese,1 = English。 Defalut Lang:Chinese(0) You Can Change Defalut Lang In Here:Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/ems/idd/lang_setting.txt Defalut lang in lang_setting.txt is 0 ONLY ACCEPT ...
Infinite Ammo
Infinite Ammo(No Reload) 以及: 避雷这个人,绿茶骗子,她主页挂下面: This slut is a scammer, beware of being scammed, her homepage: https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198798502540...
Infinite Ammo With 8 Slots
Tekijä: Between
Only works on local servers, you need at least two players to start the game The one who hosts the server may not be able to go to idle, I'm trying to fix that. Infinite primary Ammo....
Informal Skyboxes
Tekijä: Descarado
This pack (not all textures) and script of skyboxes made by me for personal use and friends. A distinctive feature of this assembly is that the skyboxes are working at low graphics settings. Full change of sky's on all L4D2 campaigns + ''No Mercy'', ''Cras...
Insufficient indexing solution
Tekijä: 娵訾
I am not the author, I am just sharing methods. Don't subscribe, please take a look at this,https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk. ...
ion's Vocalizer
Tekijä: ion
The most complete L4D2 vocalizer with nearly 800 vocalization lines. The real deal. FEATURES 13 radial menus with shared voice lines 9 radial menus with character-specific voice lines (for each character) Radial menu for character selection/switching and g...
Insurgency HK UMP45 Custom
Tekijä: Denny凯妈
UMP45:D http://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Replaces CS:S MP5 替换MP5冲锋枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: New World Interactive - UMP45 Models/Textures/Audio Infinity Ward/Activision - Melee&Inspect Animations MzK - Original Compile/Animations JulietAlphaXray - Retex...
isHollywood Particle Effect(Alternative Edition)
Tekijä: 豐橋縣老八
This is the Alternative Edition of the "isHollywood Particle Effect" mod by my edit,changed some unconfortable effect to more comfortable and realistic version...
Ithaca Stakeout[Pump shotgun]
Tekijä: ThunderKiss65
RACK IT AND STACK EM like many shotguns this stood the test of time, elegant and simple but oh so effective. Its the Ithaca Model 37 Stakeout variant replacing the standard wooden shotgun on crossfire animations. Includes: -w_models -firing sounds -crossfi...
Jack Skellington
Tekijä: Splinks
Boys and girls of every age Wouldn't you like to see something strange? Subscribe to this Mod and you will see a character that is freaking sweeeeet!!! I wish you could all see the joy on my face right now, I'm probably the biggest NBC geek you'll ever mee...
Jack-O'-Lantern Sun
Tekijä: Tя!cky 5 ツ
Replaces the Moon with this photo of our Sun by NASA called the Jack-O'-Lantern Sun. https://imgur.com/hcyWGCb.gif http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg...
Jockey Training
Tekijä: kimoto
This map is Jockey special infected training map. You can practice jockey's bhop and strafe jumping. It looks like kreedz and climbing map. I made this map three years ago. Today fixed some bugs and improved some logics. Usage -----------------------------...
Japanese devils replace ordinary infected people.(日本鬼子替换2代小僵尸)
Tekijä: Sarubia NOP-03
抗日战争是指中国在1937年至1945年期间,对抗日本侵略的一场战争。 抗日战争的简史: 1931年,日本发动“九一八事变”,占领了中国东北三省,并建立了伪满洲国。 1937年7月7日,日军在卢沟桥附近制造了事端,随后开始了全面侵华战争。 1938年,日军攻占了南京,进行了大屠杀,导致数十万中国平民死亡。 1939年至1941年,中国军队发起了多次反攻,但由于战争物资短缺和国共内战的影响,取得的成果有限。 1941年12月,日本袭击珍珠港,美国参战,使得日本战线进一步扩大。 1942年,中国远征军在缅甸战役...
Tekijä: Drunken Irishman
Straight outta hell...
Jordi Hurtado Flashlight
Tekijä: Aarón
¡A jugar!...
Journey Concert
Tekijä: Icemaster
Experience a Jouney concert at the Whispering Oaks Amusement Park! Features some of their hit songs such as Don't Stop Believin and Anyway You Want It. Replaces the Midnight Riders' posters too. Replaces: - midnightride -> Don't Stop Believin - midnighttan...
Kaede Akamatsu (Mastermind Reskin) {Zoey}
Tekijä: Latte
Yep, I decided to do a Zoey version too because why not? This mod include the following: Jigglebones (in backpack, hair and skirt) Zoey Animations Bile texture (I haven't tested it tho so I'm not sure) VGUI Facial Animations FPS arms Brand new texture! All...
Karabiner 98K w/. ZF-4 (Scout)
Disclaimer: You are not allowed to port or modify these materials without explicit permission. Updates: - Changed animation - Changed firing sound - Made mod works online Features: - Replaces Scout - Custom sounds included - No flashlight included Credit: ...
Tekijä: Hekmatyar
Replace the grenade launcher, making the new action and replace some of the voice, like a friend remember praise and attention to my creative Workshop. 替换榴弹发射器,制作了全新的动作并且替换了部分的声音,喜欢的朋友记得点赞并关注我的创意工坊...
Tekijä: ScaryDreamsXD
Reemplaza tu aburrida katana por la mamadisima eh inferna CRUSIBLE SWORD proveniente del juego que corre hasta en un nopal...
Katana Holographic Rainbow
Tekijä: Kokkorylien
Notice: Only replaces the material of Katana. Can be used with animation mod and sound mod. Original Mods: Dynamic rainbow Pistols Credits: ni shi bu shi xi huan wo, 狐尾草 - Dynamic rainbow material & parameter. Kokkorylien - Application of materials & param...
Katana Reanimated
Replace the Katana but there a Scabbard this time. Full Reskin Compatible Credits: Katana Model, Texture: Valve Katana Scabbard Model, UV Works: SherlockHolmes9™ Animation:冒充L4D2教练 Animation Port: 洛兮 Thumbnail Model: Ramm.asmiette Thumbnail: SherlockHolmes...
Kha'Zix from League of Legends
Tekijä: じゅれい
Well, here's Kha'Zix from League of Legends, replacing the Hunter, as people requested. It featuers sounds, viewmodel (with custom animations) and thirdperson animations (only idles). Credits: Disa: Rigging, animating, sounds. Gigan75pcp: screenshots, soun...
Kiana Kaslana(Ellis)
Tekijä: ClearSkyC
Credits: Me - Port, Rig, Materials. Model and Textures - 崩坏3 Feature: -First person arms -HUD Icons -hair, wings, breast jiggle bones Have fun~ 琪亚娜一到商店,欧洲人便都看着她笑,有的道“傻子娜,你又挖矿回来了?”她不回答,对吼姆说“来两个标配十连,再要个芽衣的妹汁”便排出6480水晶。他们又故意的高声嚷道,“你一定是偷了板鸭的水晶了!”琪亚娜睁大眼睛说,“你怎么这...
Killing Floor 2 Eviscerator
Tekijä: Lt. Rocky
Look at them all, standing tall, promptly defying the entry ticket that disects the glorious kingdom from the shimmering fumes of the effervescent flare. They shamble as they please, they mock as they prowl afoot, and they show no love for the shine! But t...
Killing Floor 2 - M4 Shotgun | Victoria | SPAS-12
Tekijä: Leepc12XD
→→Default skin version←← Use it to find a new home for zombie's head. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1787345426862072305/4D0F6B87B3F6E137321C171AFB7F04FB87E6DC5D/ Features Inspect weapon animations | Original sounds & animations Good news:no lo...
Killing Floor 2 Machete
Tekijä: Lt. Rocky
A weapon historically proven to be improved in performance when tied to a broom or an RC helicopter, its a machete from Killing Floor 2, the knife of the Support class, and the tool of choice when realizing that welding doors is a completely useless affair...
Killing Floor 2 S&W Model 500 Bone Collector
Tekijä: Lt. Rocky
Briar's come along to do his own version of the Revolver album. Ain't no hippies gonna be singing about peace and love and flowers and narrating Thomas the Tank Engine, instead there'll be rows of smoldering gulashes, bones jutting out from within tipped w...
Tekijä: 果子哥
This is my first map. It has been conceived for a long time. It is a relatively pitted picture. It may not be a good picture, but the novice said that he did his best. This map was made because I was playing with my friends. Under the flag to do the map, i...
KISS LOVE 么么 MW23 Gutter Knife Reanimation
Tekijä: 香風 智乃
KISS LOVE 么么 MW23 Gutter Knife Reanimation 替换 小刀 Replace Knife https://s2.loli.net/2024/04/25/RlncTtWshPguBdG.jpg 感谢十月佬的授权! 原mod地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3179888791 和忘居合作的一把小刀,拥有RNG切换效果,特效与RNG均由忘居制作,忘居辛苦啦~ PS:控制台(~键)输入bind "...
knife 自制蝴蝶刀
Tekijä: AZWIND
knife 自制蝴蝶刀 替换小刀 自己随便做自己用的 可能会引起载图闪退,不确定,如果下载遇到闪退请卸载。...
Killing Floor Golden Combat Shotgun
Tekijä: Salad
This thing is awesome when you don't have to pay $8 for it! Replaces the Auto Shotgun/Tactical Shotgun with the Golden Combat Shotgun (A.K.A. Benelli M4 Super 90) from Killing Floor on arby26's auto shotgun animations. Includes shoot and bolt sounds, but d...
Kukri Machete
Tekijä: Schizophrenia(2)
Kukri knife replaces machete. Animations: Valve and some of them created by me. Model: Loyens Kukri v2 Materials: BOBA FETT'S KUKRI SKIN ...
L1A1--CW21 恶魔
Tekijä: 芳歌_
原mod:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=618157591&searchtext=l1a1 original model:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=618157591&searchtext=l1a1 角色来自灰烬战线(Ash Arms)中轻型战斗机 CW--21 恶魔 唷,代理人!姐姐我前一阵子挂了一段时间的病号,虽然早就接到征用令了,但却现在才...
L4d2 Furry Edition *R18* Part-2
Tekijä: Malik
this upload is the part 2 of the original mod...
L4D2 Hunter Randomizer
Tekijä: Phantom
Works ONLY on singleplayer/hosted local server (other lobby members must also be subscribed). Features: Replaces the Hunter in L4D2 campaigns. Reskin compatible. Matching corpses. Burning textures. Map Specific Textures by Ellie > bumpmap and burn texture ...
L4D2 Two Evil Eyes 3.0
Laevateinn (Cricket Bat)
Laevateinn for valentine, seems legit. Features - HUD icon. - No custom sound. - TLS skin. Credits Frontier Aja: Koumajou Densetsu/Touhouvania ThomasCat, mav: animation ...
Lakeside (Event) - Team Fortress 2
Tekijä: GenericTech
"Enjoy Halloween mortals, for it will be your last!" ! THIS IS ONLY A SURVIVAL MAP, NOT A FULL CAMPAIGN ! Happy Halloween everyone! I am back again with a map just in time for halloween if you're spirit is strong enough to handle the map! I figured I'd do ...
Tekijä: ♕ Moxie ♕
This one of my scrapted map ideas. in this unique chapter it's a tutorial to know how this scrapted campaign could been. It supouse to be a puzzle campaign. Some doors won't open untill all survivors are close. There's no HUD guide or something to tell you...
LAGI's Mutations 辣雞的突變模式 (含8人模式)
Tekijä: 辣雞|LaGi
興趣使然的寫了幾個突變模式,突變模式有: 1 Player Mode 獨自一人 - 身為最後一位的倖存者,您將成為感染末日的傳奇。 此模式為單人玩家且不需要機器人而創建,平衡了只有一人玩家的戰役模式: *較少的常見感染. *較少的特感. *Tank生命大幅減少. *被特感控制到倒地後會立即站起. 2 Player Mode 最後的生還者 - 這世上僅剩我們了,得互相依賴才能活到最後。 此模式為較少的玩家而創建,平衡了只有兩人玩家的戰役模式: *稍少的常見感染. *稍少的特感. 3 Player Mode 更...
Lamborghini Centenario【百年纪念】
Tekijä: 仓鼠箘
replace abandoned Car 中文名称 兰博基尼 百年纪念 外文名称 Lamborghini Centenario 品牌 兰博基尼 发布车展 2016年日内瓦车展 0-100加速 2.8s 排量 6.5L 最高速度 350km/h 功率 770马力(566千瓦) 重量功率比 1.97kg/CV (4.35lb/CV) 质量 1520 kg 轴距 2,700mm (106.30in) 全长 4,924mm (193.86in) 总宽 2,062mm (81.18in) 总高 1,143mm (4...
Land of oblivion V2.71
Tekijä: 月兔鸽
Number of chapters: 5 Recommended difficulty: normal It took one year to create this graph 👍 Thank you for your support~ map threedays01 map threedays02 map threedays03 map threedays04 map threedays05 ———————————————————————————— 22023.5.7 v2.71 Thank you ...
Laser Sniper Gun Script(激光狙击枪脚本)
Tekijä: 寒枫Feng
Only two bolt snipers have been modified, turning them into a laser weapon. The recoil force is not changed. The bullets are scattered to 0, which can point to where to hit. Penetration and range have also been modified to some extent AWP: Damage: 500, mag...
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider 2013) Voice Mod Pack
Tekijä: amaya ‹𝟹
This voice mod is for Rochelle. The mod only replaces the survivor Rochelle's lines. Everything else in my video is custom mods I've installed. I've been working on this since 2016. I never knew how hard it was to be dedicated to a project and to stick to ...
Lamborghini Reventón【兰博基尼 复仇】11RNG
Tekijä: 仓鼠箘
Lamborghini Reventón Replacing Jimmy Racing Car Reventón is a limited Fancy Car launched by Lamborghini in 2008 It was improved based on the Lamborghini Murcielago There are only 21 vehicles in the world, one of which is preserved in a museum Used 650 LP T...
laserfist (m60)
Tekijä: 多乐美
replace the m60 Those who make bad comments, I wish you a failed life. ...
Last Baktun
Tekijä: flapjax
After the events of The Return of the Jockeys, our final chapter pushes the survivors to the brink of all time. A myriad of challenges await your demise as the survivors remonstrance their last encouter in this L4d2 CO-OP map, Last Baktun. ...
LED Flashlight
Thought I would try a 'normal' flashlight....
Leek (Crowbar)
Tekijä: Majro
Give it a spin! It's a leek, from Pokkén Tournament more specifically, held by a Farfetch'd. The more realistic style of that game might be uncanny, but the leek looks decent in here. And it jiggles a bit, because a leek would. Model ripped by Hallow on Th...
Left 4 Invasion: Outer Space!
Tekijä: iCatGirlPiex
The world of Left 4 Dead 2 has been invaded by aliens! They have two goals in their minds! TO DESTROY ALL HUMANS! and annihilate Earth! The future of humanity rests on the shoulders of four unlikely heroes of Left 4 Dead! > Highly RECOMMENDED to use ANY al...
Left in China
Author: richy221 My entry for the china contest This campaign has either the l4d1 or l4d2 surviors play through the wonderful atmospheric setting that china has to offer after being experimented on for a month with CEDA. The survivors escaped and go throug...
Left for Evil Dead
Tekijä: Stay Puft
This is a survival map created by Stay Puft and Turd Burglar, which draws much inspiration from The Evil Dead movie series, but mainly Army of Darkness. It contains a drivable vehicle, as well as many secret areas and traps. This map is filled with plenty ...
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask music for Witch Music
Tekijä: Jessifer
Lego Campaign
After a mysterious portal to the Lego Dimension opened, humanity has exploited the Lego World for its resources thus creating the collaboration between both Lego and Humanity. After years of tranquility and peace, it has been broken... What was once known ...
Lei Idol {A.V.A Online Red Rochelle Ver.}
Tekijä: cass
~Custom Proportions ~Face Anims ~VGUI ~Boomer Bile Textures ~FP Arms ~Custom Attachments ~Jigglebones ~ Rochelle Animations No I won't switch it to Zoey's animations before people ask that. A.V.A. Alliance of Valiant Arms for the Model Developer: NEOWIZ Ex...
Leon "Bill" Kennedy - Resident Evil 2 Remake RPD Suit
Tekijä: ched salvia
Compatible with re-skins. Requires high shader and texture settings. The re-skin mod in the screenshots is Miztaegg's Nam Vet mod. Features: + High-poly suit + FP Arms + Passing dead body + Restored cigarette smoke. + Added boomer bile texture. + Melee att...
Lepotitsa Spitter
Tekijä: mrlanky
By popular demand (and because I'm trying to do all the special infected hehe) here is a spitter mod based off the Lepotitsa_by_adngel(xnalara) model. Seems to work ok but the spitter is a little hard to mod for so let me know if you see any problems. Enjo...
Lets build our hideaway
Tekijä: Stokely
A Lets Build. Not Owned By Me Just Posted It Here. Credit to http://www.gamemaps.com/details/12939....
Tekijä: 火神二代
lightzg (ak)
Tekijä: 多乐美
replace the ak Those who make bad comments, I wish you a failed life. ...
Lil' Peanut Dressed as Ellis
Tekijä: Spicy_Jam
I ever tell you about the time my buddy Ellis got transformed into a cardboard cut-out of Lil' Peanut? Replaces the clothes' of Lil' Peanut to that of Ellis. This only replaces the cardboard cut-out of Lil' Peanut used in the shooting range mini-game and t...
Lima Infection: Ciclon Yaku (Survival)
Tekijä: Helmet12
https://i.imgur.com/wF01BDa.png https://i.imgur.com/n9QFGjW.png https://i.imgur.com/If3SryY.png The survivors after escaping on the train suffer a derailment caused by the heavy rains of Cyclone Yaku, they have to Survive the hordes of Infected and avoid f...
lita R18 menu backgrounds 主菜单背景
Tekijä: 丢你蕾姆
replace background 1920X1080 订阅到\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\addons\workshop 提取文件vpk 解压复制替换\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\media 的l4d2_background01 --- 05.bik...
Limbus Company OST Mod
Tekijä: Eros
FACE THE HORDE, SAVE THE MEDKIT -HEADPHONES ARE RECOMMENDED- This is a mod that replaces several default music tracks with ones from Limbus Company. Each sound file is edited to match and fit as decently as possible. Perfect for PM enthusiasts. Replaces: -...
Little black machete- 砍刀★(夜光不刺眼)
Tekijä: 小坂橘子
小黑砍刀 Little black machete 出自游戏:樱花丶萌放 图片出处是游戏cg 加了夜光,砍刀在暗的地方会发光(不刺眼版) With night light, the machete will glow in the dark ps:这是小号,只是把原来大号的mod移到小号这。自己大号这mod已删 ...
Little Witch Academia: Lukic the spitter
Lukic like to scare Luna Nova student now is here to scare the survivors This mod replace the spitter with Lukic from Little Witch Academia Remember. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif You can support me too giving a like in my facebook page Little Witch Acad...
Lockdown DLC
Tekijä: a1ex MVP
https://i.imgur.com/I0Ar14U.png 5 maps Chapter 1 has a hidden room with loot Combination of daytime and nighttime maps Players can choose to play chapter 4 in either bright or dark mode Supports survival mode The virus outbreak holds a death grip on the Un...
Lockdown: Chapter Two
Tekijä: a1ex MVP
https://i.imgur.com/8cXSiCC.png I recommend that you play LockdownDLC first to get the full Lockdown campaign experience. This is a sequel and the story continues from where chapter 1 left off. 5 maps Story continues where LockdownDLC left off Several maps...
Lollipop Rainbow Transparent
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
Replace pan , body is transparent and the lines are riotous with colour fluorescent effect.Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop. original edition :Lollic...
Lord Of The Rings Campaign (Part 1/2)
Abandoned for years campaign is now complete and fully functional. Basically a mashed potato of two CS:S Zombie Escape mod maps and finale map from HL2 mod Age of Chivalry. So don't expect this to be a triple A type of campaign and it's not recommended to ...
lMG 08/18 replaces M60 德国08/18式气冷马克沁机枪替换M60
Tekijä: PYgame.D.Cthulhu
=luftgekühlte Maschinengewehr 08/18 Replace M60= =德国IMG 08/18式气冷马克沁机枪替换M60= Replaces M60 替换M60机枪 内含: V模,W模,音效 This model has: V model W model Sounds It has a reloading animation,but you can only see it through a script 这挺机枪有一个完整的换弹动画,但是你只能安装了机枪换弹的脚本后才能看得到 ...
Loony Park PainKiller Chainsaw (custom sounds available) 疯狂公园电锯 (可用自定义音效)
疯狂公园的电锯,虽说是电锯但是实际是这东西好像是个风扇刀(确信),总之还是蛮帅的,希望你们喜欢 If you have played that map,you are certain to have a deep impression of that blade gun,cool model cool sounds.That's why I ported it out.Due to it uses custom sounds,you need to learn how to add this just li...
Lord Of The Rings Campaign (Part 2/2)
All info in first part. Had to split into two parts becasue of this: ERROR: Invalid paramater. Content file too big, invalid App ID, or the preview file is smaller than 16 bytes....
Louis Garvey
Tekijä: Lt. Rocky
Mark this one on your maps kids, it's Louis! Donning the outfit of everyone's favorite chocolate-flavored since-the-world-exploded property contractor, a man who can only stand out to be described as an individual of power and authority whom of which has g...
Louis Tank
Tekijä: Someone
Louis went crazy and got buffed, that's all you need to know This mod includes: 1.Model itself 2.Works with retextures 3.Louis voicelines 4.Pills as rock model 5.Replaced rock shreds 6.Wide shoulders 7.Replaces all tanks Pill model: click here Also open fo...
LT pad(Tablet)(glow & animation)
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
Replaces the Medkit by a Tablet PC Medkit that Ultra-thin large screen, Glows in Dark and is Animated screen. Screen glass material is very realistic. The model from Lt_Commander. https://i.imgur.com/jExUKcs.png ...
Luna {Folklore Swimsuit} {Dead Or Alive Venus Vacation} ROCHELLE.VER
Tekijä: cass
ZOEY VERSION: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1292476068 She is noted to be self-absorbed, yet somewhat seems emotionless. She also was a scholar, and had come to investigate Zack Island to discover its secrets. She was also somewhat ...
Luna {Folklore Swimsuit} {Dead Or Alive Venus Vacation} ZOEY.VERSION
Tekijä: cass
ROCHELLE VERSION: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1292473617 She is noted to be self-absorbed, yet somewhat seems emotionless. She also was a scholar, and had come to investigate Zack Island to discover its secrets. She was also somew...
Lux Flashlight Mod (NSFW)
Tekijä: Touko_Fuka
This mod replaces the flashlight for a picture R-18 of Lux (from League Of Leguends) I will make a few more from characters of LoL, for every 100 subscriptions Censored only in the pictures for obvious reasons Credits to the artist: Casemon...
Lux's Survivor Legs script
Tekijä: Shadowysn
NOTICE: This addon uses scripts. This will not work in Dedicated servers. Use local/listen servers, or singleplayer instead. An upside to this is that if you can see this addon's effects, everyone else can. This is a port-to-VScript of Lux's Survivor Legs ...
M1014 Evolutiva Dragon Flama Verde
Tekijä: Astolfo-chan
Hola :D Este modelo viene del Free FIre Créditos: De donde salieron las animaciones y las balas de la escopeta Autor del la escopeta es Twilight Sparkle Balas certificas por AstolfoLock https://i.imgur.com/HSl8o4a.png Weon esto se subió como a las 4 de la ...
M1887 "Law of Exorcism" GIRLS'S FRONTLINE
Tekijä: zZ0ne
M1887 "Law of Exorcism" GIRLS'S FRONTLINE WITH GLOWING origin: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2430643518...
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CSO 之 星际争霸 + 仙剑奇侠传
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Dark Wood (Extended)
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Ghost Special Infected
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