

197 arvostelua
1.4.4 Calamity 模组大乱炖
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合集内mod可全部同时运行 基本都已汉化 少量未汉化的可以通过In-game Translate MOD实现
注意!!本合集mod较多 部分mod较为影响平衡(会在下文列表标出)
多人游戏未测试 应该是不行的
1.请勿在击败骷髅王之前去深渊开箱子 会导致崩溃!!
2.灾厄mod的特斯拉药水会导致在打肉山时游戏崩溃 不建议使用
3.boss清单mod会导致游戏帧数下降10-20帧不等 暂时删除 已修复
以下是模组列表 模组名称仅机翻 字体加粗的mod较影响平衡

[1.4.4] Magic Storage魔法存储拼音搜索
◆ Calamity Chinese Translation Patch ◆ 灾厄汉化补丁 ◆
Chinese Patch for Fargo's Mutant Mod & Fargo's Souls Mod
Chinese Translation Patch
Chinese translation Patch for Thorium Mod
Fargo's Souls x Calamity Сomp汉化
High FPS Support CN
Improved Movement Visuals CN
In-game Translate (Supports both v1.4.4 and v1.4.3) 游戏内翻译
Pinyin Search Support for Recipe Browser
zh-Hans localization for Calamity's Vanity
1.4 Statues Mod 更多雕像
Achievement Mod 成就
Better Blending 更好的混合
Block's Death FX 死亡音效
Colored Damage Types 彩色伤害显示
Dialogue Panel Rework 对话面板重制
Heart Crystal & Life Fruit Glow 生命水晶发光
HP Awareness HP意识
Improved Movement Visuals 运动视觉效果重制
Loot Beams 掉落物发光
Lights And Shadows 光与影
absoluteAquarian Utilities
Impact Library
Particle Library
Structure Helper
Subworld Library
辅助功能 &信息显示
Aether's Blessing: Shimmer QoL 更好的微光体验
Aimbot 自动瞄准
Angler Shop 渔夫商店
Antisocial 装饰栏饰品生效
Auto Fisher 自动钓鱼
Bank Buttons 存钱罐按钮
Basic Automated (Vein) Mining 连锁挖矿
Better Boss Health Bar for 1.4.4+ 更好的boss血量条
Better Zoom 更好的缩放
Biome Titles 群系信息显示
Boss Checklist boss清单
Boss Cursor boss指针
Census - Town NPC Checklist NPC列表清单
Concise Mods List 简洁mod列表
Every Weapon is Craftable 每种武器都是可制作的(合成配方)
Extra Accessory slots 额外饰品栏
Gravitation Don't Flip the Screen 重力药水不翻转屏幕
imkSushi's Mod 合成配方
No More Items Stuck in Blocks 不再有掉落物卡在方块中
NPC Name Display 生物名称显示
Quality of Terraria 更好的体验 (很影响平衡)
Recipe Browser 合成表
Recipe Browser && Magic Storage 合成表支持魔法储存
Smarter Cursor 更智能的光标
Statue Drops 雕像掉落 (雕像生成的生物具有掉落物)
Summoner UI (Latest Stable Release) 召唤师UI
AlchemistNPC Lite 炼金术士NPC lite
Artificer's Accessories Artificer的饰品
Better Caves 更好的洞穴
Block's Leveling Mod 打怪升级
Bosses As NPCs BOSS作为NPC
Loot Bags 礼品袋
Magic Builder 魔法建筑
Magic Storage 魔法储存
More Pylons 更多晶塔
Mount and Journey 坐骑和旅程 (添加坐骑)
New Beginnings 新的开始(开局人物职业选择)
Orchid Mineshaft 兰花矿井
Point Shop 积分商店
Starter Bags - 1.4.4 入门包
Vacuum Ore Bag 矿石背包(自动收纳矿石)
Bags 袋 (添加了可以从敌人身上掉落的袋 必须搭配灾厄使用)
Calamity Craftable Shrine Items 灾厄可制作的神殿物品
Calamity Loot Swap 灾厄战利品交换
Calamity Mod 灾厄本体
Calamity Mod Extra Music 灾厄额外音乐
Calamity Mod Music 灾厄音乐
Calamity Overhaul 灾厄大修
Calamity Rarities 灾厄稀有度
Calamity's Vanities 灾厄虚荣
Catalyst Mod 灾劫
Colored Calamity Relics 彩色灾厄雕像
Craftable Calamity Items 灾厄可制作的物品
Vanilla Calamity Mod Music 原版灾厄音乐(原版音乐替换为灾厄风新音乐)
Fargo's Enemy Modifiers 法狗敌人修改器
Fargo's Music Mod 法狗音乐
Fargo's Mutant Mod 法狗的变种人
Fargo's Soul Mod Extras 法狗魂石扩展
Fargo's Souls Mod 法狗魂石
Fargo's Souls x Calamity Compatibility 法狗魂石灾厄兼容
High FPS Support 高FPS支持 (提高游戏刷新率 推荐显示器60hz以上使用)
Nitrate (Optimization Mod) 硝酸盐 (优化mod 大幅提高游戏流畅度 但易出现显示bug)
Steam Achievement Fix steam成就修复
Mod of Redemption [BETA] 救赎
The Stars Above 星海苍穹
Thorium Mod 瑟银

Luomukset (99)
[1.4.4] Magic Storage魔法存储拼音搜索
Tekijä: AnkhSpirit
1.4.4 版本 Magic Storage魔法存储拼音搜索 让魔法存储(Magic Storage)Mod支持拼音及拼音首字母搜索 比如你想找“土块”,你可以输入“tukuai”或者“tk”来搜索,当然,输入“uk”也是可以的(tukuai的一部分) 不用切换输入法,不用输入中文,甚至不用记住中文名(?),只要知道拼音就可以搜索到了,是不是很方便捏 现已近乎完美适配多音字,要搜索宝藏袋可以用“baozangdai”而不是“baocangdai”了 抄了Cyrilly和xxx(cms)大佬的代码,感谢大佬代...
◆ Calamity Chinese Translation Patch ◆ 灾厄汉化补丁 ◆
Tekijä: Kcovin
Introduce This is the unofficial Chinese translation patch of Calamity Mod ...
1.4 Statues Mod
Tekijä: Xerxes
1.4 Statues Mod is a mod which adds enemy statues for all enemies and allows you to spawn them through wiring Support me on Ko-Fi --Version 1.0 adds statues of all enemies and bosses and some mod configurations --350+ new working statues --3 mod configurat...
Tekijä: 踏碎凌霄
翻译的模组包含以下(机翻Eng+人工润色): Advanced World Generation 生成世界设置界面的种子UI旁,增添了齿轮按钮,允许自定义种子,种子详情查看Wiki Aimbot 添加了自动瞄准,类似于泰拉瑞亚手机版本的自瞄功能 Bank Buttons 背包界面右侧添加了4个存储按钮,存钱罐,保险箱,护卫熔炉,虚空袋 Brighter Light 调节火把亮度,在模组设置中设置 Difficulty Changer 游戏难度调整模组汉化 添加了7种药水,在恶魔祭坛处空手合成,4种用于调整世...
Tekijä: 马达
This is a Chinese-translation Mod forMod of Redemption == 本Mod是由灾厄维基汉化组出品的救赎mod汉化补丁 目前汉化已基本完工,如果有没汉化或汉化错误的部分也请留言指出 欢迎加入救赎讨论群:946487295 == 1.同时订阅救赎Mod和本Mod 2.进入tml,在模组管理中同时启用救赎Mod和本Mod 3.安装完成,进行游戏 == Q1:找不到Mod在哪?本地模组文件夹无? A1:尝试验证游戏完整性 Q2:联机加入房间出现问题? A2:救赎目前...
absoluteAquarian Utilities (SerousCommonLib)
Tekijä: absoluteAquarian
The common library for absoluteAquarian's various mods. The DLL, PDB and XML files for this mod can be found at: Many features are included in this mod, including but not limited to:...
Achievement Mod
Tekijä: metalkingpig
Allows you to unlock achievements like in vanilla and allows other mods to add achievements. Contains configuration options like having separate achievements for each player. Adds the /achievement command which you can use to give/take/reset achievements. ...
Aether's Blessing: Shimmer QoL
Tekijä: BlockCrusader
Aether's Blessing: Shimmer QoL Aether's Blessing: Shimmer QoL is a small QoL/Content mod that centers around Shimmer and its Aether minibiome. Aether's Blessing introduces; an Aether pylon, the Mystic Compass, the Genesis Conduit, the Shimmer Well, a new t...
Tekijä: Ky
Aimbot Aimbot is a mod that allows you to automatically aim at targets. With this you can worry less about aiming your weapons and more about dodging! The aim is not perfect so against bosses that are extremely fast it is good to use weapons with a large a...
AlchemistNPC Lite
Tekijä: Gregg
This mod adds 7 NPCs (Alchemist, Brewer, Jeweler, Young Brewer, Operator, Architect and Musician), who sell potions, materials and some other stuff. New combinations of potions are sold by the Young Brewer. The spawn condition for the Alchemist, the Jewele...
Tekijä: andro951
androLib is a library mod created by andro951. It doesn't add anything to the game by itself. Used to handle the storage systems for bags and other forms of storage as well as other utility functions. **Want to make your own vacuum bag?** This mod is set u...
Angler Shop
Tekijä: NotLe0n
Angler Shop (formally "No Fishing Quests"), Adds two shop buttons to the Angler. One Button is to buy utility items and equipment and the other for decorative items and vanity sets. Now you can get your Cell Phone without needing to fish endlessly! For mor...
Tekijä: javidpack Antisocial allows all social accessory slots to be used as normal accessory slots. It's super cheaty, obviously. A config allows for social armor to also be used, as well as limiting the number of affected social accessory s...
Artificer's Accessories
Tekijä: BlockCrusader
Artificer's Accessories Artificer's Accessories is a content mod that adds in many new accessories (105!) as well as a new class to the game. Introducing: The Artificer This class is designed as a 'neutral' class; its boosts are generic and even-split betw...
Auto Fisher
Tekijä: Silencersn
Fishing without clicking Auto Fish Auto Filter Catches Auto Open Crates/Oysters Auto Use Fishing Potions/Crate Potions/Sonar Potions/Ales/Sakes/Chum Buckets Auto Sell Catches Auto Drop and Kill NPCs Auto Find Baits in Inventory/VoidBag/Piggy Bank/Safe/Defe...
Tekijä: WHOni
Important: This Mod only works with Calamity. I created a Discord Server as a place for feedback, suggestions and to get information. Feel free to join! Click the "Visit the Homepage-Button" to join. Visit my thread on the forums for more information, if y...
Bank Buttons
Tekijä: patman
adds buttons that open your banks you need to have the bank item in your inventory/void bag (or chester <3). or be standing near a placed bank shift clicking the button quick stacks into that bank (togglable) there's also keybinds for each bank you can put...
Basic Automated (Vein) Mining
Tekijä: Aitherix
Basic Automated Mining (BAM) is a simple, lightweight veinminer alternative. Comes with: • No hotkeys, just mine ores to vein mine • 50% smaller packet size • No complex tile scanning • Dynamic tile breaking limits • Very lightweight Additional features: •...
Better Blending
Tekijä: Orion
Better Blending simply modifies which tiles blend together, primarily blending environmental tiles to make the world look less disconnected, such as ores blending with stone, ice, or other ores. Sandstone, granite, and marble also blend with stone, dirt, a...
Better Boss Health Bar for 1.4.4+
Tekijä: Setnour6
This is a 1.4.4+ reimplementation of n0t_UN_Owen's mod Better Boss Health Bar, which was removed from the Steam Workshop and ultimately from the mod list after citing that the 1.4.4 update made the health of the boss appear, which makes this mod "obsolete"...
Better Caves
Tekijä: Verveine
This mod aims to improve the early game mining experience by adding new undeground features, and making caves more open Hopefully it brings back the thrill of exploring caves, and somewhat easier access to loot :) ~ Features ~ 3 New cave formations : - Cha...
Better Zoom
Tekijä: NotLe0n
Better Zoom This mod allows you to zoom in and out much further than what's possible in Vanilla. Very useful to people who play in lower resolutions or who want to have high resolution sprites. Comment on the forum post or join my discord if you have any p...
Biome Titles
Tekijä: Dice
This is an RPG-like mod which Displays the Biome's name for a few seconds when entering a biome. Supports all biomes and sub-biomes for the following: Vanilla Thorium Verdant Rem...
Block's Death FX
Tekijä: BlockCrusader
Block's Death Effects Block's Death Effects is a small mod which revolves around the common occurrence in Terraria that is death. This mod seeks to make this... experience, I guess... more comedic by adding in an array of death noises and visuals to the ga...
Block's Leveling Mod
Tekijä: BlockCrusader
Block's Leveling Mod Block's Leveling Mod adds a leveling mechanic to your weapons, allowing you to use them for longer if you diligently use them in order to level them up. At its core, this leveling system is based on the one from Example Mod, but with a...
Boss Checklist
Tekijä: javidpack
Bug reports in the workshop comments here will likely not be seen, come to our Discord or Github to report issues. Boss Checklist Boss Checklist lets you view a checklist of all available bosses while playing so you can progress through them as you defeat ...
Boss Cursor
Tekijä: kgoyo
Boss cursor adds arrows around your character that points towards the boss. This way you do not need the mini-map open to be able to properly aim. The size and transparency of the arrow changes the closer the boss is, so that you get a good feel for how fa...
Bosses As NPCs
Tekijä: Rijam
Do you like a huge excess of Town NPCs? Do you enjoy managing the happiness of 25 extra Town NPCs? Ever wanted bosses that you have defeated to move in as Town NPCs? Well this is the mod for you! Each vanilla boss has their own Town NPC that will arrive af...
Calamity Craftable Shrine Items
You can use this mod to craft items that can only be found in shrines As we all know, these shrine items can not be found by players very smoothly Now you can craft these items: Trinket of Chi,Luxor's Gift,Tundra Leash,Onyx Excavator Key,Gladiator's Locket...
Calamity Loot Swap
Tekijä: GinYuH
Calamity Loot Swap Lets you switch between drops from Calamity bosses using new "Manipulator" items Notes: Manipulators have a 100% drop rate from most bosses You can craft the Manipulators with the boss' ""expert"" drop Profaned Guardians and Eidolon Wyrm...
Calamity Mod
Tekijä: Fabsol
Calamity Mod Discord Official Wiki The Calamity Mod is a vast content mod that creates a new and refreshing experience for Terraria! With this mod comes a slew of new bosses, unique and challenging difficulty modes, over a thousand new items, new NPCs, and...
Calamity Mod Extra Music
A port of the 1.3 mod "Calamity Mod Extra Music", with permission from ENNWAY (aka Turquoise, composer of all the music). Now on 1.4.4! This mod aims to add themes for vanilla features that don't already have unique themes. This mod is client-side, so you ...
Calamity Mod Music
Tekijä: Fabsol
Calamity Mod Music Discord Official Wiki This mod adds the Calamity soundtrack and music boxes for each song on the soundtrack. It is intended to be used alongside the Calamity Mod, but can be used alone. You will need to cheat in the music boxes if you do...
Calamity Overhaul
Tekijä: HoCha113
-Calamity Overhaul Mod- The introductory music in the preview video might be quite loud, so please prepare accordingly or lower your computer’s volume if you wish to watch it. The Calamity Overhaul Mod aims to enhance and expand the gaming experience of th...
Calamity Rarities
Calamity has added ModRarity support to their items as of Calamity v2.0.1.2. This mod now only gives Calamity items with unique rarities ModRarity compatibility. Config Options Use Unique Rarities: Enable this to give calamity items with unique colored tex...
Calamity's Vanities
Tekijä: GinYuH
Calamity's Vanities Discord Official Wiki Calamity's Vanities is a mod which aims to add more vanity items/pets to the Calamity mod. The mod does not require Calamity to run. Note: This mod is not an official addon to Calamity, rather just a fun fan made m...
Catalyst Mod
Tekijä: apotofkoolaid
Catalyst Mod Discord Official Wiki The Catalyst Mod is a new game+ style add-on for the Calamity Mod. It currently adds various new items and enemies, some based on the superboss Astrageldon. The mod is planned to add much more content in the future, such ...
Census - Town NPC Checklist
Tekijä: javidpack Overview Census - Town NPC Checklist modifies the housing panel to show missing townspeople. A "✓" signifies that the conditions for spawning that npc have been fulfilled. An "X" means that conditions have not been fulfilled...
Chinese Patch for Fargo's Mutant Mod & Fargo's Souls Mod
Tekijä: Furgo
This is a Chinese Patch for Fargo's Mutant Mod & Fargo's Souls Mod!!! This is a Chinese Patch for Fargo's Mutant Mod & Fargo's Souls Mod!!! This is a Chinese Patch for Fargo's Mutant Mod & Fargo's Souls Mod!!! Fargo突变&魂汉化补丁 使用时请将游戏语言设置为中文 游戏中尤其是多人模式可能会出现一些...
Chinese Translation Patch
Tekijä: Flandre Scarlet
This mod is a Chinese Translation Patch of UsefulNPCs,HelpfulNPCs,Extra Pylons,Evil Pylon,Ore Seeds,Auto Torch,TerramaniaMod,No Pylon Restrictions 本模组支持以下汉化 中文名............................英文名字 UsefulNPCs..................UsefulNPCs HelpfulNPCs................
Chinese translation Patch for Thorium Mod
Tekijä: Flandre Scarlet
This mod is a Chinese Translation Patch of Thorium Mod and Thorium Bosses Reworked and Thorium Class Tags Consistency This mod is a Chinese Translation Patch of Thorium Mod and Thorium Bosses Reworked and Unofficial Calamity Bard & Healer and Unofficial Re...
Colored Calamity Relics
Tekijä: Altixal
Adds color to every relic from the Calamity Mod. If relics were placed without the mod loaded prior, break and re-place the relic to add the colors. Note that the mod places variants of relic tiles, and unloading the mod will also unload any existing relic...
Colored Damage Types
Tekijä: Fudgepants
Colored damage types changes the tooltip and damage text of weapons to be colored, so that it's easier to quickly tell what kind of damage the weapon deals at a glance. Now has cross-mod support! For instructions on how to add your mod's damage type, check...
Concise Mods List
Tekijä: Cyrilly
Discord | Github Make the mod list interface more concise. Greatly optimize the opening time of the mod list. The list can be fully displayed in less than a second when there are about 100 mods How to use: Left click a mod t...
Tekijä: has2r
Info Tons of exclusive mobile & old-gen console features were removed with the release of Terraria 1.3. Consolaria brings this unique content back, reworked and rebalanced for modern Terraria. This includes: Lepus, Turkor & Ocram - all with brand new AI, T...
This mod is a Chinese version of the medium-sized mod: Consolaria patch, which can be subscribed directly and requires an ontology The guidebook and set rewards have not been translated into Chinese yet. We are currently learning to find ways to translate ...
Craftable Calamity Items
Tekijä: Aqurtex
This mod lets you craft some items that are uncraftable in the mod and sometimes are a pain to grind. Thanks to my friend Pezus who helped me with some errors in the code. This mod adds recipes for the next items, the items are ordered from oldest to lates...
Dialogue Panel Rework
Tekijä: Cyrilly Discord This mod completely reworks NPC dialogue panel and sign editing panel. Inspired by the mobile version. Text scrolling is added. You can hold left to make it scroll faster. Mods that also modified NPC dialogue panel m...
Every Weapon is Craftable
This is a mod that adds a crafting recipe for every weapon in the game. Since their are so many weapons in the game some recipes are a bit more unusual than others, but I have tries my best to give every weapon a fitting recipe. The mod also makes some wea...
Fargo's Enemy Modifiers
Tekijä: Fargowilta
Adds a variety of Modifiers for Enemies. Currently 70 of them They can do anything from increasing their base stats to buffing other enemies to dropping more loot Highly customizable: Current List of Modifiers: **COMMON** Bl...
Fargo's Music Mod
Tekijä: The Terry
This mod contains music for Fargo's Souls Mod. Credit to the original composers: Sakuzyo/削除, Infected Mushroom, ProVGM, Yuri O. Developed By Fargo & Terry...
Fargo's Mutant Mod
Tekijä: Fargowilta
A Quality of Life mod that makes various adjustments and additions across the game to provide information and convenience. Adds the Mutant town NPC, who sells boss summons of nearly every mod, along several others. Other features include: -Infinite ammos, ...
Fargo's Soul Mod Extras
Tekijä: Fargowilta
Fargo's Soul Mod Extras -This mod adds fun extras that go along with Fargo's Soul Mod -Fargo's Soul Mod is required for this mod to work NEW UPDATE - V 0.6.2 -Updated to latest Souls Mod version -Added all missing pets to Soul of the Void -Fixed Force of E...
Fargo's Souls Mod
Tekijä: Fargowilta
Fargo's Souls Mod is a content mod that adds the powerful Enchantments and Souls accessories, as well as a variety of bosses and minibosses. Features the Eternity Mode, a mode that reworks many parts of the game and adds exciting challenge! If you intend t...
Gravitation Don't Flip the Screen
Tekijä: Cyrilly
This mod makes the gravity inversion effect not flip your screen, only the player flips. (This mod has no text at all so every language is "localized") Github:
Heart Crystal & Life Fruit Glow
Tekijä: Chev
Makes heart crystals & life fruits emit light. 2023-08-06 - Update for tModLoader v1.4.4 - Life Fruits now glow yellow instead of green to better distinguish them from Jungle Spores 2022-08-26 - Added: - A basic config to enable/disable the Heart Crystal a...
High FPS Support
Tekijä: Stellar
Allows rendering the game at above 60FPS without affecting the speed of world simulation. This mod is entirely client-side. In singleplayer there are config settings to speed up or slow down the game for fun. This mod also contains a few optimizations that...
High FPS Support CN
Tekijä: Cavalier
It's a mod for localization....
HP Awareness
Tekijä: Core
This is a simple client-side mod that contains: Hurt and low HP/Health overlays + optional audio indicator Player HP bar Audio and visual indicator above you whenever potion sickness wears off Debuff indicators above you whenever you obtain a debuff + opti...
imkSushi's Mod
Tekijä: imkSushi
The One, The Only, The Ultimate! Now updated to tModLoader 1.4.4! 1052 Recipes (not a typo, actually is over a thousand recipes)! This mod is the Ultimate Extra Recipes Mod. It makes equivalent Ores and Bars Interchangeable and makes items dependant on wor...
Impact Library
Tekijä: Seraph
A library mod which adds collision surfaces, allowing one to make custom movable and rotatable platforms and walls which collide with the player independantly from tiles. Collision Surfaces are orientable "wall" objects which have their positions determine...
Improved Movement Visuals
Tekijä: Orion
This mod changes the player's visuals without affecting gameplay. It allows the player to look at the cursor, turn to face the cursor, and lean forwards or backwards while moving. It also includes NPC rotation changes which allow slimes to lean while they ...
Improved Movement Visuals CN
Tekijä: Cavalier
It's a mod for localization....
In-game Translate (Supports both v1.4.4 and v1.4.3)
Tekijä: Cyrilly
Machine Translate for Terraria Discord | Github Provides quick machine translation of in-game text, supporting text added by other mods. Functions 1. Quick translate item tooltip 2. Automatically translate chat messages 3. M...
Lights And Shadows
Tekijä: yiyang233
要打开原版那个”水波质量“。 提供光影效果。 在ModConfig里可以设置一些值。 Adds lighting and shadow effects, which can be adjusted in the Mod Config. Developed By yiyang233...
Loot Bags
Tekijä: Cas
Welcome to the Loot Bags Mod! This mod adds 5 different obtainable loot bags! The loot (and the code) has been redone for 1.4! Go to the homepage for more info. The aim of the mod is to give you occasional loot that may or may not be helpful. I tried to ma...
Loot Beams
Tekijä: ChemAtDark
A special thank-you to everyone who has supported this small mod that I threw together in a few minutes, I never would have imagined something like this becoming as popular as it is, and for that I am very grateful. Latest Update: As there has been only on...
Tekijä: Dominic K
Luminance is a library mod that provides a range of useful features to mods. For more information, check the github . Developed By Dominic Karma, Toasty...
Magic Builder
Tekijä: GabsGoncs
Magic Builder Tired of building the same old wooden boxes every time you start a new Terraria playthrough? Magic Builder makes housing fun and easy with biome-themed houses and utility structures that can be summoned with magical consumables. The mod also ...
Magic Storage
Tekijä: absoluteAquarian
Are you tired of having a mess of chests in your base? Never remember where you put your items, and have to run across your entire house to get from chest to chest? This mod will solve all of your problems! This mod offers a solution to storage problems on...
Mod of Redemption [BETA]
Tekijä: Halmska
MULTIPLAYER DOESN'T WORK Discord: Official Wiki (NOT Fandom's): This mod focuses on the discovery and exploration aspect of Terraria more than combat and bosses, it is b...
More Pylons
Tekijä: 承影
More Pylons This mod adds six types of Pylons: Corruption Pylon, Crimson Pylon, Sky Pylon, Sunplate Pylon, Hell Pylon and Bone Pylon in order to allow players to further flesh out their Pylon Networks. Due to the nature of evil biome, you can teleport to s...
Mount and Journey
Tekijä: Qz
Mount and Journey is a mod that adds a bunch of interesting and fun mounts into the game. For more information please check out the wiki: So far it adds: - 7 pre-Hardmode mounts (2 pre-Hardmode transfo...
New Beginnings
Tekijä: GabeHasWon
--- New Beginnings --- - By Team Spirit - This mod adds in player origins (or backgrounds), which allow you to start a new player off with different max life, mana, items, or even world changes like a different spawn. These are all accessible by default th...
Tekijä: Dr. Eric Foreman
Website Patreon Discord Nitrate Nitrate is an optimization mod for tModLoader. It focuses on increasing and stabilizing frame rates through changes to rendering and update logic. Nitrate does not specialize in any specific a...
No More Items Stuck in Blocks
Tekijä: Cyrilly
Items stuck in blocks will now move up automatically now. You can join my discord if you have any questions:
NPC Name Display
Tekijä: bartuscus
NPC Name Display is a lightweight mod that simply shows NPC names above them. It displays names for enemies, town NPCs and critters. The brightness of the names and the range in which name display can be configured in-game. Be sure to check out my main wor...
Orchid Mineshaft
Tekijä: Verveine The Orchid Mineshaft Mod aims to give access to the Orchid Mod mineshaft, without the rest of the content. Mineshafts are new structures found below the world spawn and scattered about undergr...
Particle Library
With the release of API 2.0, any and all bug reports are very much appreciated! I can usually respond faster in my Discord server: Note that this mod DOES NOT CHANGE GAMEPLAY unless explicitly used by other mods!! Particle Lib...
Pinyin Search Support for Recipe Browser
Tekijä: Cyrilly
This mod is NOT for Recipe Browser users who don't know pinyin However, if you want to know what is pinyin, here is a wiki page for it: Basically this mod added pinyin search support for Recipe Browser, so you can searc...
Point Shop
The latest version supports online --------------------------- A shop to exchange rare items Players get bonus points upon defeating enemies, depend on the enemies's rarity (You may check rarity in the Beastiary) Points awarded will be added into biome whi...
Tekijä: le_bien_qui
嘿,这个模组是我个人汉化过的模组的合集,因为集成汉化方便且好维护,我将之前的模组都加以统合,构成了这个模组。 本人会尽可能地维护已汉化的模组。 该模组为以下模组提供了汉化(或是未来将要为以下模组提供汉化):(前面为模组名称) 1.Ethereal Boots【EmpressBoots】 2.Exalt Mod【ExaltMod】 3.Item Display Base【DisplayBase】 4.Echos of the Ancients【EchosoftheAncients】 5.Remnant Of ...
Quality of Terraria
Quality of Terraria, a mod to greatly improve your gameplay experience Join our Discord to report bugs and get replied quickly! These features may bring you better gameplay experience Only some functions are enabled by default, please check mod configurati...
Recipe Browser
Tekijä: javidpack Recipe Browser! Recipe Browser is an indispensable mod for any player. It provides a service to the user that the Guide could only dream of providing. With Recipe Browser, you have access to p...
Recipe Browser && Magic Storage
Tekijä: Kinoler
Allows you to filter items in your magic storage according to the selected item in the Recipe browser. Magic storage: Filters if the crafting or the storage panel is open. Recipe browser: Filters when the item selected in one of Recipe list, Ingrigient lis...
Smarter Cursor
Tekijä: Quandratic
Smarter Cursor is a fairly simple mod that tweaks the way smart cursor works with platforms, allowing it to better reflect your intentions when building. No more constantly making stairs when you just want to make a flat bridge, as this mod fixes that issu...
Starter Bags - 1.4.4
Tekijä: Right Hand Man
Now for 1.4.4 Starter Bags gives you bags depending on which mods you have enabled. Currently there are bags for: - Magic Storage (a Storage Heart, a Storage Crafting Interface, a Storage Configuration Interface, 32 Storage Connectors, 8 Storage Units) - C...
Tekijä: baizhi
1.同时订阅StarterBags Mod 和本Mod 2.进入tml,在模组管理中同时启用StarterBags Mod和本Mod 3.安装完成,进行游戏 Developed By baizhi...
Statue Drops
Tekijä: RblDiver
Statue Drops does what the name says, makes statue-spawned mobs drop their normal items. Special thanks to webmilio for the original mod Statue Mobs Give Drops. Developed By RblDiver...
Steam Achievement Fix
Steam Achievement Fix is a small but powerful mod that re-implements vanilla steam achievements in tModLoader. What this means is that when you get an ingame achievement in a modded world, the achievement will carry over to vanilla Terraria on Steam - so y...
Structure Helper
Tekijä: ScalarVector1
NOTE: StructureHelper 2.0.0+ is incompatible with structure files from 1.X.X versions of the mod! You will have to manually port your structrues over to use them! StructureHelper is a simple tool which allows mod creators to build world generation structur...
Subworld Library
Tekijä: John Snail
NOTE Cloud saving/Steam Cloud is known to cause freezes when entering subworlds that save in Singleplayer. If you're experiencing this, try disabling it for the time being (Steam Cloud isn't a reliable service anyway).
Summoner UI (Latest Stable Release)
Tekijä: Tetriscat66
This mod adds an indicator for your minion and sentry slots by your health and mana bars. This mod is inspired by a suggestion I saw by u/Russ_Guss_Doodles from the r/Terraria subreddit. (Their account is linked as the homepage) Localization Credits: - Eng...
The Stars Above
Tekijä: Pepperlog
"Conquer the galaxy's evils, Starfarers at your side..." Join the Discord Server for The Stars Above! Discord Server The Discord Server will be updated with the latest information pertaining to the mod, as well as previews of upcoming content!
Thorium Mod
Tekijä: DivermanSam After a long-anticipated wait, the Thorium Mod is now available on the Steam Workshop! The Thorium Mod is a "Vanilla+" content pack that adds a massive variety of new items, weapons, armors, NPCs, bosses, and even 3 new clas...
Displays information about the tile you are hovering over in the world This mod is greatly inspired by the Minecraft Mod WAILA by ProfMobius and is intended to function in a similar way Suggestions and Feedback are welcome Forum Page: https://forums.terrar...
Vacuum Ore Bag
Tekijä: andro951
More detailed description on the Wiki: Vacuum Ore Bag is a mod that adds a bag that stores ores, bars, gems, sand and glass. It automatically picks up items if vacuum is toggled on, and is compatible wit...
Vanilla Calamity Mod Music
Tekijä: apotofkoolaid
Vanilla Calamity Mod Music Discord Official Wiki Vanilla Calamity Music Mod (aka VCMM) is an in-progress music expansion for Calamity. It aims to replace the entire vanilla Terraria soundtrack with new songs made in the context of the Calamity soundtrack. ...
zh-Hans localization for Calamity's Vanity
Tekijä: uisdfja
This is the Simplified Chinese translation mod for Calamity's Vanities. No hidden code, extract the localization file if u need. Developed By nobody...