

38 次評價
Corsair's Stellaris Mods
These are all of the original mods that I have authored for Stellaris. My preferred style is to adjust or improve existing game mechanics, so you will find lots of tweaks and fixes.

If you like most or all of them, your best bet is to subscribe to my compilation mod Subtle Polish that combines most of my other mods, including the ones that would otherwise conflict due to edits on the same files (jobs and districts). The few mods that are not included are still fully compatible and support features from the modpack. Not included:
  • Eldanær Stellar Authority (new empire and mechanics)
  • Halcyon Realms of the Marian Polity (new empire and origin)
  • Specialist Subject: Mercatorum (new subject specialization)
  • Origin: Jovian League (new origin)
  • Civic: Organic Zealots (new civic)
  • Gender Nonbinary Leaders (leader replacement mechanic is brittle)
  • Machine World Preference for Resource Consolidation (significant balance change)
  • Mods that are add-ons for other mods
  • Mods that update mods originally published by others
Source Code
The code for my mods is available via GitHub[]. Please use it for inspiration, but do not include it in modpacks without my explicit permission.

How to Support
Like my work? Please consider supporting me financially:
項目 (54)
Subtle Polish: A Collection of Fixes and Enhancements
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview This mod is a compilation of most of my other fixes and balance mods. Please see the description of each individual mod for what the effects are. Individual mods update first, then changes are merged here. Special thanks to Pietas in pinpointing c...
Silfae's Portraits: Revisited
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview This mod is a compilation of my adaptations of Silfae's portrait mods. Please see the description of each individual mod for what the effects are. Individual mods update first, then changes are merged here. Bundled Mods This is a bundle of mods to...
Corsair's Custom Empires: Eldanær Stellar Authority
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Do you like to play or fight empires with a backstory? Or maybe you want to have a pre-made empire to bring to your next role-play game? Then this mod is for you! I enjoyed coming up with a backstory for this empire, and I thought that I'd publish...
Corsair's Custom Empires: Halcyon Realms of the Marian Polity
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Despite the title being about my custom empire, this mod exists mostly to offer a new origin: Early Catalytic Processing. Begin the game with Catalytic Processing as a bonus Civic that cannot be removed. In addition, you get my light role-play emp...
Specialist Subject: Mercatorum
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview This mod adds a brand-new specialist subject type - the Mercatorum! As an overlord, you can now charter one of your subjects as your very own megacorporation. Unlike other other specialist subject types, overlords are limited to a maximum of one M...
Specialist Subject: Mercatorum - Expanded and Reworked
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview This mod is a compatibility patch between Specialist Subject: Mercatorum and Vassals Expanded and Reworked - FunEFork. Because Vassals Expanded and Reworked offers individual resource subsidy sliders, this version of a Mercatorum uses those instea...
Origin: Jovian League
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview A brand-new origin where you begin in a solar system that has many small, habitable moons colonized by your empire before being able to access faster-than-light travel. Your home system begins disconnected from the hyperlane network but instead ha...
Civic: Organic Zealots
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Are you looking to end the pernicious threat of artificial intelligence? Maybe play the inverse of Determined Exterminators, or the slightly friendlier cousins of Fanatic Purifiers? Look no further, this is the mod for you! Play as the Organic Zea...
Aesthetic Terraform Stations
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Do you have trouble finding your "in-progress" terraforming planets? Or maybe you miss terraform stations? This mod is for you! The new terraforming gameplay is a bit less clunky to use, but does suffer from a lack of visual pizzazz. This mod rein...
Ascendant Shipset Add-on: Aesthetic Terraform Station Compatibility
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Do you like terraform stations from my mod Aesthetic Terraform Stations? Do you also want to have properly-skinned terraform stations for the Ascendant Shipset? Then this mod is for you! Changes Adds a terraform station definition with an active t...
Enigmatic Shipset Add-on: Aesthetic Terraform Station Compatibility
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Do you like terraform stations from my mod Aesthetic Terraform Stations? Do you also want to have properly-skinned terraform stations for the Enigmatic Shipset? Then this mod is for you! MadamLava hand-crafted a special model just for terraform st...
Machine Shipset Add-on: Aesthetic Terraform Station Compatibility
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Do you like terraform stations from my mod Aesthetic Terraform Stations? Do you also want to have properly-skinned terraform stations for the Machine Shipset? Then this mod is for you! Changes Adds a terraform station definition with an active ter...
Advanced Ship Behavior Modules: Revisited
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview After troubleshooting my mod Aesthetic Terraform Stations with ubet, the original mod Advanced Ship Behaviour Modules was found to be the culprit causing mining stations to somehow use the terraform station graphics entity. After investigating the...
"Agrarian" Idyll for Lithoids
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Lithoids can pick the Agrarian Idyll civic, but the benefits are still applied to farming districts. This mod creates a swapped Agrarian Idyll just for lithoids - now your miners will generate amenities instead of farmers! This mod also features e...
Assimilate All the Pops!
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Do you want to assimilate all your Pops in all the ways? Then this mod is for you! Regular empires can select any or all of: Synthetic Evolution, The Flesh is Weak, Mind Over Matter, and Engineered Evolution. Driven Assimilator machine empires can...
Basic Planetview: More Districts
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview After a few requests for a low-resolution compatible "more districts" view, I decided to make this mod as an optional companion for More Standard Districts. This mod is a very minor alteration to the built-in planetview screen, with the goal of re...
Basic Planetview: More Districts & Buildings
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Sets the maximum building slots per planet to 15. Intended for use with Basic Planetview: More Districts. Why does it only add 3 more buildings? This is due to how the game's UI files are laid out. The building box is set up in such a way that it ...
Building: Aquaponics Farms
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Adds an upgrade for Hydroponics Farms called Aquaponics Farms, which convert one farmer job into an Angler job. The technology to construct this building is available to all non-gestalt empires. Aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture (raising ...
Building: Betharian Power Plant - Enhanced
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Feeling un-energized by Betharian Power Plants? Then this mod is for you! Betharian Power Plants provide a hefty boost to Technician base energy output and add extra generator district slots to the planet. Now that Betharian Stone can be put to go...
Civic: Byzantine Bureaucracy - Enhanced
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Do you wish your empire's maze of incomprehensible bureaucracy provided more benefits? Do your people feel a sense of national pride when queueing to file their forms in quadruplicate hard-copy? Is technically correct the best kind of correct? The...
Civic: Philosopher King - Enhanced
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Like the idea of enlightened authoritarian rulers with Civic: Philosopher King but feel a bit underwhelmed at its actual affects? Then this mod is for you! It lightly enhances Civic: Philosopher King to have effects similar to those added to Civic...
Colony Designation: Ecumenopolis Commercial
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Tired of your city-planets not being top-tier trading hubs? Then this mod is for you! This mod adds an "Ecumenopolis Commercial" colony designation that boosts the build-speed of commercial buildings and commercial arcologies by 25% and overall tr...
Colony Designations: Capitol Building Job Swaps
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Wish that your empire's Ruler jobs were a little bit more varied than just endless Politicians? Then this mod is for you! Similar to how the Merchant Guilds, Exalted Priesthood, Aristocratic Elite, and Technocracy civics swap some Politician jobs ...
Consecrated Worlds: Adjustable Limit
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Do you love consecrating worlds? Do you want more consecrated worlds? Then this mod is for you! When the game starts, you (or the host, for multiplayer) will be asked what the maximum number of consecrated worlds (per empire with the "Consecrated ...
Counter-Limited Armies Fix
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Are you frustrated that you have a limited supply of Titanic Beasts or Imperial Legions or Azizian Armies? Well fret no more! This mod actively tracks how many many of each type you own and lets you build reinforcements up to the regular cap for e...
Deassimilate Machines
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Ever been disappointed at all the wasted Pops when you conquer or integrate a Machine Intelligence? This mod is for you! Now you can de-assimilate the Machine Units into Robots once you have discovered the Positronic AI technology. This mod also f...
Deassimlated Machine Worlds
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Have you ever conquered a Machine World as a regular empire? Or perhaps you ended up with one after integrating a machine subject? The build-in Replicator job is not usable by regular empires - so this mod set out to fix that. However, instead of ...
Emigration Push: Enhanced
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview The Stellaris immigration/emigration system (not automatic Pop resettlement) still exists and works well to redistribute population growth from planets experiencing emigration push to those with immigration pull.However there aren't many sources o...
Enhanced Trade Districts and Designations
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Do you wish your Trade Capital, Trade Stations, and Commercial Ring Worlds had a little more "oomph?" Or maybe you're disappointed with how far ahead Ecumenopolis Commercial Worlds got with my mod Colony Designation: Ecumenopolis Commercial. Then ...
Gender Nonbinary Leaders
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Would you like your leaders to have a chance to have gender identities that vary from the gender presentation of their portraits? Do you want your leaders to be able to use "they" pronouns? Then this mod is for you! The effects are more noticeable...
Human Portraits: Unified
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview You didn't ask for it and you probably hate it already! I've combined the new and old human portraits into two unified portrait sets. What's the difference you ask? The human portrait group (which appears first in species selection) puts each new ...
Leader Traits: All Eligible Species Traits
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview This mod ensures that your leaders can have every species-based leader trait that their species makes them eligible for. Somehow managed to get a Psionic, Erudite, Cybernetic, Brainslugged species? Now your leaders can have all of the traits toget...
Leader Traits: Clone Army - All Leader Classes
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Have you ever wondered what other Clone Army leaders might be able to do, when not leading a fleet? Or maybe wondered why their (thematically-appropriate) generals don't have any special bonuses? Well wonder no more! With this mod, your Origin: Cl...
[Deprecated] Leader Traits: Enhanced Randomisation
建立者 corsairmarks
DEPRECATED: Due to the changes in Stellaris version 3.8 "Gemini" to how leaders gain traits (and trait "levels") as they level up, this mod is no longer applicable. It has been discontinued. Overview Frustrated that some leader traits can't be gained on le...
Leader Traits: Merge-Add Species Traits
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Beginning with Stellaris version 3.3 "Libra" it is possible to enable traits like Cybernetic and Psionic to be applied to your Pops via gene-modding! Beginning in version 3.2 "Herbert," Stellaris disallows these traits from being merged onto subsp...
Leader Traits: Scientist AI Assistant Upgrader
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Have you ever been bothered that your scientists don't upgrade their Custom AI Assistants (which were enabled by Self-Evolving Logic) to Sapient AI Assistants when you discover Positronic AI (the prerequisite technology for that trait)? Well be fr...
Leisure Districts for People of Culture
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Celebrate your empire's culture again by constructing Leisure Districts on habitats and Leisure Arcologies on ecumenopoleis! Habitat Leisure Districts once again provide 2 Entertainer jobs and a Culture Worker job and ecumenopolis Leisure Arcologi...
Origin: Resource Consolidation - Machine World Preference
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Driven Assimilators and Rogue Servitors with Origin: Resource Consolidation do not have their biological (Cyborg Species/Bio-Trophies) species's habitability preference set to machine. This mod changes that by adding an extra event before initial ...
More Standard Districts
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Would you like more basic districts for your colonies? Perhaps you're tired of being limited by building slots? Then this mods is for you! Adds a Research District, Trade District, Leisure District, Administrative District, and Military District f...
Penal Colony: Enhanced
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Have you ever wondered why Resort Colonies are perfectly useful on Tomb Worlds but not Penal Colonies? Or been frustrated at needing to use a high-habitability planet as your Penal Colony? Then this mod is for you! The modifier for Penal Colonies ...
Planetary Modifier Enhancements
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview I wanted to tweak several planetary modifiers to provide more flavorful and useful bonuses. The C.A.R.E Interactive Interface is an economic optimization engine, so I wanted it to give a bonus to trade value The Extensive Moon System modifier adds...
Pre-FTL Conquest & Infiltration: Enhanced
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview In default (unmodded) Stellaris, when a player conquers a pre-FTL planet (or ringworld segment), he/she is given free districts based on the number of Pops conquered. The city districts are the wrong type for machine and hive empires, and players ...
Psionic Ascension: Even in Other Empires
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Have you ever noticed that the notification events when other empires adopt the Psionics tradition group or "Great Awakening" tradition each indicate that members of the Latent/Fully Psionic species manifest abilities regardless of their current e...
Restored Content: Fungoids
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Do you love fungoids? Do you wish the large "mushroom" portrait came in more colors? You're in luck! The game has 8 colors plus two different spore colors available, but restricts players to only using 4 colors (with different spore colors - for a...
Retain Leaders from Integrated Subjects & Pre-FTL Civilizations
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Have you ever wondered what happened to the former leaders of your subject after you integrated them? Or perhaps where that pre-FTL leader went after you annexed their planet? Wonder no more! With this mod you will be prompted to choose what to do...
Ringworld Graphical Enhancements
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Have you ever noticed that the ringworld from Origin: Shattered Ring is always the same colors (black with green) regardless of your ship appearance? This mod changes that - now your starting ringworld will be the same as your empire's ship appear...
Machine Shipset Add-on: Shattered Ring and Habitat Appearance
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview The Machine Shipset mod is missing three entity definitions for it to properly apply its textures to permanently ruined ringworld sections. It already has the correct graphics meshes, however the entity associations for the game to find them are m...
Special Leadership Privileges for Battle Thralls & Bio-Trophies
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Have you ever wanted to entrust your Battle Thralls to lead on the battlefield? With this mod you now have the option to allow your Battle Thralls greater freedom to command ships and armies as Admirals and Generals. Or maybe some organic insight ...
Game Start: Unity Fund
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Want to activate unity-based edicts right at game start? With this mod, you can! No more waiting a month to have a positive unity balance in order to start things like Information Quarantine or Peace Festivals. Your empire will begin with a small ...
"Terraform" to Tomb World
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Does your species prefer the warm glow of an irradiated planet? Whether you "accidentally" nuked your homeworld or evolved to feed on radiation, this mod will help you bombard "terraform" planets into tomb worlds. This includes applying orbital bo...
"Terraform" to Tomb World: Planetary Diversity Compatibility
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Have you found yourself in a diverse galaxy, full of worlds that would better off with a healthy glassing "terrestrial resurfacing" from orbit? Those colorful skies are far too cheerful to allow for proper introspection on the dead - and how could...
Yet Another Planetary Sky Fix
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Have you ever noticed that some habitable planet classes, when they are moons, will display the parent planet in the sky in the planet view (with rings, if it has them)? Do you wish that all habitable moons had this feature instead of just a few? ...
Ascendant Shipset Add-on: Eliminate Error Logs
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Are you a mod developer who is wishing for a quieter error.log while you debug with the Ascendant Shipset active? Then this mod is for you (and me)! This mod does NOT redistribute any of the graphics from the Ascendant Shipset, but does redefine a...
Machine Shipset Add-on: Eliminate Error Logs
建立者 corsairmarks
Overview Are you a mod developer who is wishing for a quieter error.log while you debug with the Machine Shipset active Then this mod is for you (and me)! This mod does NOT redistribute any of the graphics from the Machine Shipset, but does redefine and re...
已連結的收藏 (3)
Aesthetic Terraform Stations
包含 22 項物品
Add-ons for Machine Shipset
包含 7 項物品
Silfae's Portraits: Revisited
包含 30 項物品