Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Ocen: 96
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Przedmioty (840)
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B1
Autor: kami❀
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B2
Autor: kami❀
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B2 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B3
Autor: kami❀
小区住宅Residential Quarters-B3 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
小区住宅Residential Quarters-D1
Autor: kami❀
小区住宅Residential Quarters-D1 by 西伯利亚猫...
小区住宅Residential Quarters-D2
Autor: kami❀
小区住宅Residential Quarters-D2 by 西伯利亚猫...
小区住宅Residential Quarters-D3
Autor: kami❀
小区住宅Residential Quarters-D3 by 西伯利亚猫...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-A1
Autor: kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-A1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-A2
Autor: kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-A2 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-A3
Autor: kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-A3 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-B1
Autor: kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-B1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-B2
Autor: kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-B2 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-B3
Autor: kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-B3 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-C1
Autor: kami❀
三角汇大楼 Triangle Plaza
Autor: amamIya
三角汇大楼 Triangle Plaza by amamIya Unique Building Real Glass AnimUV Model Tris: main:1630 Glass:9944 SubMesh:11529 LOD: Main:826 Others:0 Texture: Main: 1024 Others:256 LOD:64...
上海交银金融大厦 Bank of communications
Autor: CM.
上海交银金融大厦 Bank of communications by CM. 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到 You can find it in the third level of special buildings 此建筑是我在作者joues的原版交通银行大厦建模上做的一些修改,由于是从游戏中导出的模型,模型面数过多,很多地方对我而言实在无法理解,又出现了类似于镜像的建筑翻转,无奈之下就删除了裙楼,便只修改了贴图,重做了lod,并做了夜景。 This building is some modifica...
上海华能联合大厦 Hua Neng Union Tower
Autor: CM.
你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到它(You can find it in the third-level special building) 华能联合大厦位于陆家嘴环路与东城路交汇口,是中国华能集团在浦东的标志性建筑物。华能联合大厦外立面由玻璃幕墙构成,楼体方正,造型美观大方,西面与外滩隔江相望,正向面对陆家嘴10万平方米的中央绿地,视野开阔,为选择商务办公的上乘之地,楼高188米,总建筑面积73,000平方米。这是一座5层裙房、33层标准写字层及3层地下停车库组成的5A级智能型办公综合楼。 Huaneng U...
Autor: 红米先生
中国上海浦东恒生银行 by 白米...
Autor: 红米先生
中国浦东海关大楼 by 白米...
Autor: 红米先生
中国内蒙古锡林浩特政府大楼《现实原型大楼,略有差异,基本相同。 此建筑属于独特建筑类目,占地约25X18格子,大约为200x150米左右大小。贴图通过SUB分组子建筑组合而成,不影响建筑摆放,贴图大小为1024x1024,面数总数控制在1.2万以内。...
中国国家游泳中心-水立方China National Aquatics Center - Water Cube
Autor: 六六
中国国家游泳中心-水立方 China National Aquatics Center - Water Cube 资产介绍: 国家游泳中心又称"水立方"(Water Cube)位于北京奥林匹克公园内,是北京为2008年夏季奥运会修建的主游泳馆,也是2008年北京奥运会标志性建筑物之一。 国家游泳中心规划建设用地62950平方米,总建筑面积65000-80000平方米,其中地下部分的建筑面积不少于15000平方米,长宽高分别为 177m ×177m ×30m。 国家游泳中心是北京2008年奥运会主要比赛场馆之...
中国邮政 Scania_G_China Post
Scania_G_China Post by E32 SJP-GZQ T(Z)89......
Autor: amamIya
Caution: This is a asymmetry Road Asset! Which means You'll find it has a different orientation, and The orientation depends on the direction you build How to avoid: Place step by step, No more than 12U leangth in one build; Or Rebuild the wrong segment ...
[RICO]Residential-S3 [R] 住宅楼样式S-3[R]
Autor: hikke
大家好这次的作品是2个对称的小高层,这个是右对称 属于配套小区的一部分,你也可以单独使用 希望大家喜欢~~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: ...
[RICO]Residential-S3 [L] 住宅楼样式S-3[L]
Autor: hikke
大家好这次的作品是2个对称的小高层,这个是左对称 属于配套小区的一部分,你也可以单独使用 希望大家喜欢~~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: ...
[RICO]Residential-S2 住宅楼样式S-2
Autor: hikke
大家好这次的作品是一个住宅小区 其中包含2栋住宅,2种临街商铺,1个小区大门 这是其中一栋住宅 希望大家喜欢~~ 祝大家圣诞快乐~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
[Rico]Greenland Zifeng Plaza 1:1
Autor: amamIya
Greenland Zifeng Plaza, Nanchang, CHINA Unique building Level 6 V1.1 Fix road connection ||| Fix Prop ||| RIco enabled V1.2 Fix LOD ||| Texture Remake model model tris texture main 264 2048 lod 264 512 sub 110 2048 RIco info servicel office UI office cost ...
ガードパイプパック Japanese guard pipe fence pack
Autor: TOKACHI269
ガードパイプパック Japanese guard pipe fence pack 日本でよく見られるガードパイプのセットです。ローポリなのでPCに優しいアセットとなっております。 気が向いたらロングverもつくるかも。 <Mesh info> Main triss : 230, 392, 158, 213, 230 tex size : 128x128 (shared) LOD triss : 10 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 https://...
シャポー船橋南館_Shapo Funabashi
Autor: shibakata
■概要(Overview) 2018年に船橋駅の南口側に建設されたシャポー南館を再現してみました。 駅アセットが多く存在しますが、駅ビルが圧倒的に少ないため制作。 In 2018 I tried reproducing the Chapo South building which was built on the south exit side of Funabashi station. There are many station assets, but because the station build...
ネットワーク路面標示 Network road marking
Autor: TOKACHI269
日本住宅パック Japanese low residential house pack ゼブラの路面標示のネットワークバージョンです。Decal verと合わせて使うことがおすすめです。 It is a network version of Zebra's road marking. It is recommended to use it together with Decal ver. アップグレードモードで右クリックすると斜線の向きを変えることができます。 Right click in upgrade ...
Autor: 联通
中国牡丹之都广告牌 by 联通、STE AM。高15米...
Autor: ELeven夜
东山寺立石 一座寺庙门口竖立的石碑,上面刻有东山寺字样 三角面:280 顶点:169 贴图:256*256 LOD: 三角面:28 顶点16 贴图:64*64...
不锈钢护栏-Stainless steel guardrail
Autor: ZEIR
中国风多层住宅 Typical Chinese Residential Building
中國銀行(Bank of China)
Autor: azaza
Bank of China, office L2 3x2 glowable. This building is the version 2, the old one is deleted....
メッツホテル Mets hotel
Autor: やばい
メッツホテル Mets hotel by やばい 渋谷駅新南口プラットフォームなし、たったメッツホテルです Shibuya Station new south entrance without platforms, only Mets Hotel 渋谷 東京 日本 Shibuya Tokyo Japan ...
Autor: 红米先生
中式住宅楼 by 红米...
中式古风住宅楼低层Low floor of Chinese style ancient style residential building
Autor: 红米先生
新中式古风住宅楼低层 Low floor of Chinese style ancient style residential building 住宅类型...
中式商业街单层底商-A1 Chinese Style Commercial Podium-A1
Autor: FlyInTheSky
中式商业街单层底商-A1,支持夜间照明 如果你有 RICO,你可以直接用 RICO 来修建这个建筑 可以使用 Find it! 和 Plop the Growables 来修建这个建筑 可自行用 Move it! 或 Building Anarchy 将建筑移动到本资产建筑上 If you have RICO mod, you can use it to build this building. You can use 'Find it!' and 'Plop the Growables'(avoid th...
中式商业街单层底商-A2 Chinese Style Commercial Podium-A2
Autor: FlyInTheSky
中式商业街单层底商-A2,支持夜间照明 如果你有 RICO,你可以直接用 RICO 来修建这个建筑 可以使用 Find it! 和 Plop the Growables 来修建这个建筑 可自行用 Move it! 或 Building Anarchy 将建筑移动到本资产建筑上 If you have RICO mod, you can use it to build this building. You can use 'Find it!' and 'Plop the Growables'(avoid th...
中式商业街双层餐饮-B1 彭厨 Chinese Style Commercial Restaurant-B1
Autor: FlyInTheSky
中式商业街双层餐饮-B1 彭厨,支持夜间照明 如果你有 RICO,你可以直接用 RICO 来修建这个建筑 可以使用 Find it! 和 Plop the Growables 来修建这个建筑 可自行用 Move it! 或 Building Anarchy 将建筑移动到本资产建筑上 If you have RICO mod, you can use it to build this building. You can use 'Find it!' and 'Plop the Growables'(avoid...
中式商业街双层餐饮-B2 星巴克 Chinese Style Commercial Restaurant-B2 StarBucks
Autor: FlyInTheSky
中式商业街双层餐饮-B1 星巴克 StarBucks,支持夜间照明 如果你有 RICO,你可以直接用 RICO 来修建这个建筑 可以使用 Find it! 和 Plop the Growables 来修建这个建筑 可自行用 Move it! 或 Building Anarchy 将建筑移动到本资产建筑上 If you have RICO mod, you can use it to build this building. You can use 'Find it!' and 'Plop the Growa...
Autor: 红米先生
中式大门6 by 红米...
Autor: 红米先生
中式大门6 by 红米...
Autor: 红米先生
Autor: 红米先生
中式小区大门-1 by 281775129...
Autor: 红米先生
底商4 by 红米 每个占地8X2,贴图尺寸1024X2048 ,面数LOD顶点攻击1500左右...
中式欧款住宅楼Chinese style European style residential building
Autor: 红米先生
中式欧款住宅楼Chinese style European style residential building 住宅楼属性...
Autor: 红米先生
Autor: often
本套资产包括8个建筑,资产名字:zb3_4,zb3_5,zb3_6,zb4_4,zb4_5,zb5_4,zb5_5,zb5_6。 This assets includes 8 buildings, asset Name: zb3_4,zb3_5,zb3_6,zb4_4,zb4_5,zb5_4,zb5_5,zb5_6. 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,商业,住宅,广西 Tags:Chinese,self-built building,self-built houses,Commercial,Residential...
Autor: often
本套资产包括10个建筑,资产名字:zb1,zb2,zb3_4_c,zb3_5_c,zb3_6_c,zb4_4_c,zb4_5_c,zb5_4_c,zb5_5_c,zb5_6_c。 This assets includes 10 buildings, asset Name: zb1,zb2,zb3_4_c,zb3_5_c,zb3_6_c,zb4_4_c,zb4_5_c,zb5_4_c,zb5_5_c,zb5_6_c. 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,商业,住宅,广西 Tags:Chinese,self-built...
Autor: often
本套资产包括4个建筑,资产名字: zb21,zb22,zb23,zb24。 This assets includes 4 buildings, asset Name: zb21,zb22.zb23.zb24. 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,商业,住宅,广西 Tags:Chinese,self-built building,self-built houses,Commercial,Residential,Guangxi,growable
中式自建房-门头 招牌
Autor: often
本套资产包括3个建筑,资产名字:pumian1,pumian2,pumian3。 This assets includes three buildings, asset Name: pumian1, pumian2 and pumian3. 使用MoveIt!将该资产放置到其他建筑下。 Use MoveIt! to place this shop inside other buildings. 当其他建筑与本建筑颜色区别很大时,可以用Painter改变背面的砖墙颜色。(默认颜色是黑色) Use Painte...
Autor: often
中式自建房prop包 3个太阳能热水器,资产名字:swh1,swh2,swh3 2个水箱,资产名字:lishi,woshi 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,住宅,广西,太阳能热水器,水箱,储水罐,水塔 Tags:Chinese,self-built building,self-built houses,Residential,Guangxi,solar water heater,tank,water tower
中式镂空围墙 Fence01-05
Autor: hikke
大家好 这次制作的是镂空中式围墙 一共五个花式 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone this is Fence-window A total of five versions if you like please rate~~ 模型信息: Name Tris LOD Texture LODTexture Remarks Fence...
Autor: 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A1 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A1/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:234 lod:48 ...
Autor: 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A2 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A2/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:214 lod:48 ...
Autor: 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A3 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A3/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:218 lod:48...
Autor: 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A4 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A4/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:242 lod:52...
Autor: 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A5 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A5/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:240 lod:48...
Autor: 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A6 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A6/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:218 lod:48...
Autor: 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商B1 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:8.5m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商B1/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:1024x1024 lod:128x128 三角形面数:347 lod:43...
Autor: 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商B3 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:8.5m x 8.5m x 4.2m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商B3/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:1024x1024 lod:128x128 三角形面数:347 lod:43...
Autor: 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商B2 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:8.5m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商B2/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:1024x1024 lod:128x128 三角形面数:347 lod:43...
Autor: 红米先生
Autor: 红米先生
交通銀行(Bank of Communications)
Autor: azaza
Bank of Communications, office L2 3x2 glowable....
Autor: 言绥
八一南昌起义纪念塔 by 飞行的荷兰人...
公衆トイレ Japanese Public Toillets
Autor: TOKACHI269
公衆トイレ Japanese Public Toillets 4種類の日本の公衆トイレです BuildingとPropが含まれます。Buildingバージョンは照明が付きます。 照明の使用上、なるべく平地に設置してください。 Four different types of public toilets in Japan. Building and Prop are included. the Building version has lighting. For lighting purposes, plea...
Autor: 红米先生
农业银行标志 by 281775129...
北京內城城牆(可拉式) | 北京内城城墙 | Beijing Inner City Wall (draggable)
Autor: Emperor Li
(English description below) 同高架人行道,市民可在城牆上行走,含橋部分 位於人行道選單下 城牆附件請到此處訂閱。 幾個須知項目: 請先鏟平地面 高度可自行調整,建設最高高度12m,建設過高城牆會變成懸空狀態 內不包含夜燈 強烈建議使用Move it!微調 交叉​口地板部份貼圖會有扭曲,所以不建議製作複雜的交叉​口 原模型長為4格(32m),拉過長的距離時城垛和橋墩也相對會過寬,請在適當地方加入節點,減少城(橋)段距離 同高架人行道,市民可在城墙上行走,含桥部分 位于人行道菜单下 ...
北京內城東南角樓 Beijing Inner City South East Corner Watchtower
Autor: Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2021-09-14*** Change roof color to grey with green edge 改屋頂成灰筒瓦綠琉璃剪邊 ****************************** 中國僅存的規模最大的城垣轉角角樓,始建於明朝正統元年(1436年) (from 維基百科) the largest corner tower still standing in China. It was built from 1436 to 1439. (from Wikipedia) 請...
Autor: amamIya
千厮门大桥 by amamIya...
Autor: 红米先生
南京汉中门如家连锁酒店(分店) by 红米...
Autor: 言绥
南昌之星摩天轮 by 飞行的荷兰人...
博华医院 Bohua Hospital
Autor: amamIya
博华医院 Bohua Hospital by amamIya Hospital Real Glass AnimUV Model: Main:6088 Glass:2587 SubMesh:32008 Lod: Main:1381 Others:0 Texture: Main:1024 Others:256 LOD:64...
Autor: 红米先生
围墙广告牌1 by 红米...
Autor: hikke
注意 只适合双向四车道...
Autor: 红米先生
垃圾分类 by 红米...
乡村建筑Chinese villages-A1
Autor: kami❀
乡村建筑Chinese villages-A1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
Autor: 小翔xiang
医院红十字标志 by 小翔xiang 有正反面,夜晚可发光,距离拉远后背面会不显示,摆放时请注意 可在公园-道具栏中或使用find it 搜索医院红十字标志找到此物品 如有任何问题请在评论区留言...
Autor: 752811818
南京青奥双子塔(南京国际青年文化中心) by 752811818 Nanjing International Youth Cultural Centre 314米/290米 314m/290m 必须订阅additive shader,否则无法显示霓虹灯效果 Additive shader is needed....
城市管理局大楼City Authority building
Autor: 红米先生
城市管理局大楼 by 红米 可执行城管执法功能,最好订阅执法功能MOD,或者不订阅也行...
Autor: 小翔xiang
太阳能路灯 by 小翔xiang 可在地形调整-lights栏中或使用find it 搜索太阳能路灯找到此物品。 该路灯可单独摆放,也可使用network skins 来替换原有路灯(注意:使用network skins 替换路灯后,由于两侧路灯对称性,太阳能板会分别朝向道路两侧两边,而不是一边,如果追求真实可以除去原有路灯使用该资产进行单独摆放)。 如有任何问题,请在下方评论区留言,...
小区住宅底部商业楼/Commercial Podium B13A1
Autor: often
Commercial Podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B13A1 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B13A1 建筑风格:欧式古典 样式:A1 三角形计数:4965 贴图:1024x1024 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Painter使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos for nerds: Asset...
小区住宅底部商业楼/Commercial Podium B13A2
Autor: often
Commercial Podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B13A2 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B13A2 建筑风格:欧式古典 样式:A2 三角形计数:7924 贴图:1024x1024 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Painter使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos for nerds: Asset...
小区住宅底部商业楼/Commercial Podium B15A1
Autor: often
Commercial Podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B15A1 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B15A1 建筑风格:现代/中式 样式:A1 三角形计数:724 贴图:1024x1024 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Painter使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos for nerds: Asset...
小区住宅底部商业楼/Commercial Podium B15A2
Autor: often
Commercial Podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B15A2 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B15A2 建筑风格:现代/中式 样式:A2 三角形计数:3656 贴图:1024x1024 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Painter使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos for nerds: Asse...
小区住宅底部商业楼/Commercial Podium B3A1
Autor: often
Commercial Podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B3A1 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B3A1 建筑风格:现代/中式 样式:A1 占地面积:4*16格 三角形计数:6861 贴图:2048*2048 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Repaint 1.0.2使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos ...
Autor: 红米先生
小区宣传栏 by 281775129...
小学校 JP Elementary School
Autor: TOKACHI269
小学校 JP Elementary School 小学校です。本校舎、副校舎、職員室は共通のテクスチャを使っており、ひとまとめのものと個別のものが含まれています。 Find it!でJPESと検索してください。 It is elementary school. The main school building, the secondary school building, and the staff room use a common texture. and include collective and ...
屋上看板セット_Rooftop sign set
Autor: shibakata
■概要(Overview) そろそろ屋上看板のラインナップが欲しくなってきたので30個作りました。 日本の動画サイトの屋上プロップは、私が独占しますよ。 I've started to want a lineup of rooftop signs, so I made 30. I'm monopolizing the rooftop props of Japanese video sites. ■メモ(Memo) 夜は点灯します。照明は上に設置したので、地上に設置しても問題無いデザインです。 少しサイズを小...
工商銀行( Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)
Autor: azaza
ICBC, office L2 3x2 glowable. This building is the version 2, the old one is deleted....
市图书馆 City Libary
Autor: amamIya
市图书馆 City Libary by amamIya...
Autor: Aurouscia
广州市中信大厦V4.0 CITIC Tower,guangzhou city...
Autor: 红米先生
底商商铺1 by 红米...
Autor: often
底商B1 by 2027877373...
Autor: often
底商B2 by 2027877373...
建設銀行(Construction Bank of China)
Autor: azaza
Construction Bank of China, office L2 3x2 glowable. This building is the version 2, the old one is deleted....
Autor: 红米先生
Autor: yamei
扫黑除恶宣传牌 by yang_mie...
故宮漢白玉欄杆 | 故宫汉白玉栏杆 | Forbidden City's White Marble Balustrade
Autor: Emperor Li
故宮漢白玉欄杆 也可用來裝飾您的中式公園及建築。內含兩個物件:欄杆本身及欄杆柱(物件位於:參見第四張預覽圖),放置請使用 Prop Line Tool (設定間隔為1.7m),最後加上欄杆柱。欄杆會沿著地形起伏。 感謝您的訂閱! 故宫汉白玉栏杆 也可用来装饰您的中型公园及建筑。内含两个物件:栏杆本身及栏杆柱(物件位于:参见第四张预览图),放置请使用 Prop Line Tool (设定间隔为1.7m),最后加上栏杆柱。栏杆会沿着地形起伏。 感谢您的订阅! Forbidden City's White Mar...
Autor: amamIya
新上海国际大厦 New Shanghai International Tower by amamIya...
Autor: 红米先生
新式小区大门 by 281775129...
Autor: ELeven夜
景区导览板-1 by 大福蝶...
条幅大气球(Big balloons)
随风飘动的带条幅气球 A fluttering balloon with a streamed balloon...
正陽門箭樓 | 正阳门箭楼 | Zhengyangmen Archery Tower
Autor: Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2021-09-14*** Change roof color to grey with green edge 改屋頂成灰筒瓦綠琉璃剪邊 ****************************** 正陽門箭樓 This is a new version of the gate with new wall texture. It's compatible with the draggable Beijing Inner City Wall. I recommand to use this...
水滴大楼 Raindrop Plaza
Autor: amamIya
水滴大楼 Raindrop Plaza by amamIya...
湖南国贸中心Hunan International Trade Center
Autor: MC100
湖南国贸中心Hunan International Trade Center by MC100 湖南国贸中心,又叫湖南国贸大酒店,是长沙市的最有名的标志性建筑之一,地处长沙市芙蓉广场,楼高170米,顶楼建有直升机,有"三湘第一楼"的美誉。该资产大小为13X8.可以在独特建筑中找到这一资产。如果不能,用“find it”搜“湖南”即可。 Hunan International Center,also called Hunan Fowin Hotel, is one of the most famous lan...
Autor: 752811818
瀑布视野 FALLS-VIEWS 幻想世界系列-瀑布视野 第六级特殊建筑 由三栋曲线建筑围绕中部瀑布核心构成 添加真实玻璃结构 additive shader 效果 高度约250m 三角形个数16000+,游戏内提示三角形数量过多,可忽略。 (The following is translated by Google....
Autor: 红米先生
社会主义核心价值观 by 红米...
Autor: 红米先生
篮球场 by 红米...
Autor: 红米先生
花盆 by 红米...
萬里長城 The Great Wall of China
Autor: Emperor Li
(English description below) 同高架人行道,市民可在長城上行走,含橋部分 位於人行道選單下 樓臺和烽火臺請到此處訂閱。 券門請到此處訂閱。 幾個須知項目: 高度可自行調整,建設最高高度7m,建設過高城牆會變成懸空狀態 (原模型向地下延伸2m,用來覆蓋建於斜坡上可能會產生的縫隙) 強烈建議使用Move it!微調 交叉​口地板部份貼圖會有扭曲,所以不建議製作複雜的交叉​口(這是長城,不是馬路!) 原模型長為4格(32m),拉過長的距離時城垛和橋墩也相對會過寬,請在適當地方加入節點,減...
警察局公安法院检察院Police station public security court Procuratorate
Autor: 红米先生
Autor: ELeven夜
本资产内附有39个不同用途的三角形警示牌 模型 三角形:36 顶点:24 贴图:256*256 LOD 三角形:15 顶点:18 贴图:Auto 警示牌内容在封面的图片上可以看到...
走廊顶 top corridor
Autor: VQVQ
走廊顶 top corridor by VQVQ...
Autor: 红米先生
足球场 by 红米...
Autor: ELeven夜
路牌-东山LOGO灯箱 by 大福蝶...
Autor: ELeven夜
路牌-事故多发 by 大福蝶...
Autor: ELeven夜
路牌-停车让行路牌 by 大福蝶...
Autor: ELeven夜
路牌-减速慢行资产包 内附8款不同减速慢行警示牌 三角面:28 顶点:20 贴图:256*512 LOD 三角面:11 顶点:14 贴图:Auto 具体内容请看图片 ...
Autor: ELeven夜
路牌-森林防火 一块常见于山林之间的警示牌 三角形:44 顶点:32 贴图:512*256 LOD 三角形:18 顶点:20 贴图:Auto...
Autor: ELeven夜
本资产为森林防火警示板,内附4中背景与警示语的看板 游戏中在环境美化类的道具项目中可以找到 三角形:74 顶点:148 贴图:512*512 看板内容分别为: 1.放火烧山,牢底坐穿 2.植树造林美名扬,放火烧山进牢房 3.山上一缕烟,拘留十五天 4.上午一把火,下午派出所...
Autor: ELeven夜
路牌-礼让行人 by 大福蝶...
Autor: ELeven夜
路牌-货运机场-港口方向 by 大福蝶...
Autor: ELeven夜
路牌-货运机场-石化方向 by 大福蝶...
Autor: ELeven夜
路牌-连续下坡5440m 一块长下坡的路牌,希望大家喜欢...
Autor: ELeven夜
路牌-连续爬坡-开始 by 大福蝶...
Autor: ELeven夜
路牌-连续爬坡-结束 by 大福蝶...
農業銀行(Agricultural Bank of China)
Autor: azaza
Agricultural Bank of China, office L2 3x2 glowable. This building is the version 2, the old one is deleted....
连续楼梯Stair wall
Autor: amamIya
连续楼梯Stair wall by amamIya...
Autor: amamIya
郑和宝船建筑版 by amamIya...
郵儲銀行(Postal Saving Bank of China)
Autor: azaza
Postal Saving Bank of China, office L2 3x2 glowable. The another version is a post office, at here: 此版本是辦公樓,另有一個是可以使用的郵局(需要《工業》dlc),上述鏈接即是。...
Autor: 910095247
金陵饭店logo by 910095247...
雷峰塔 Leifeng Pagoda
Autor: Emperor Li
雷峰塔(english description at the bottom) 西湖十景之一(「雷峰夕照」)。建於975年,傳說是吳越王錢弘俶為慶祝寵妃黃氏得子而建,昔日亦稱黃妃塔,因為塔建於西湖南岸夕照山的雷峰之上,民間稱之為雷峰塔。明嘉靖年間,倭寇放火燒掉了雷峰塔木質結構,只留下了磚體塔身,後來,由於傳說雷峰塔的塔磚可以用來驅病強身或安胎,許多人就從塔磚上磨取粉末、挖取磚塊。1924年9月25日下午,幾乎挖空的塔基再也不堪重負,突然全部崩塌。2002年新雷峰塔重建於舊雷峰塔的原址之上,塔座部分成為遺址的展...
Autor: 红米先生
高速服务区 by 红米 有服务区建筑+高杆灯两件资产,为商业型建筑,占地8X3格子,贴图1024X1024...
( PROP ) JP Suburb shop pack
Autor: koma
It is a prop that can set up a store in various buildings. 15 types included. いろいろな建物に商店を設置できるプロップです。 15種類同梱。 JP prop cherry  スナック チェリー JP prop ekimae  駅前調剤薬局 JP prop fukuda  福田泉月堂 JP prop ichiryu  中華料理 一龍 JP prop kaminoyu  上の湯商店 JP prop kudo  工藤畳店 JP prop...
1-515/9 (v1) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии 1-515/9 Версия 1, 3-4 секционный, 9 этажей Residential building 1-515/9 Version 1, 3-4 sections, 9 floors Расцветка: Серые и синие панели. Colour: Gre...
1-515/9 (v2) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии 1-515/9 Версия 2, 3-4 секционный, 9 этажей Residential building 1-515/9 Version 2, 3-4 sections, 9 floors Расцветка: Серые и желтые панели. Colour: Gr...
1-515/9 (v3) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии 1-515/9 Версия 3, 3-4 секционный, 9 этажей Residential building 1-515/9 Version 3, 3-4 sections, 9 floors Расцветка: Серые панели. Colour: Grey panels...
1-515/9 (v4) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии 1-515/9 Версия 4, 3-4 секционный, 9 этажей Residential building 1-515/9 Version 4, 3-4 sections, 9 floors Расцветка: Серые и синие панели. Colour: Gre...
1-515/9 (v5) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии 1-515/9 Версия 5, 3-4 секционный, 9 этажей Residential building 1-515/9 Version 5, 3-4 sections, 9 floors Расцветка: Белый + цветной Используйте мод "...
10A-464D83-2P-V1 (RICO version)
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-464D83-2P-V1 by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. Typical soviet building 464D series. Info Residential High Level - 3 Size - ...
10A-464D83-2P-V2 (RICO Version)
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-464D83-2P-V2 by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. Typical soviet building 464D series. Info Residential High Level - 3 Size - ...
10A-464D83-2P-V3 (RICO version)
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-464D83-2P-V3 by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. Typical soviet building 464D series. Info Residential High Level - 3 Size - ...
10A-464D83-2P-V4 (RICO version)
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-464D83-2P-V4 by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. Typical soviet building 464D series. Info Residential High Level - 3 Size - ...
10A-464D83-2P-V5 (RICO version)
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-464D83-2P-V5 by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. Typical soviet building 464D series. Info Residential High Level - 3 Size - ...
10A-464D83-2P-V6 (RICO version)
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-464D83-2P-V6 by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. Typical soviet building 464D series. Info Residential High Level - 3 Size - ...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-464D83-2P-V7 by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. Typical soviet building 464D83 series. Info Residential High Level - 3 Size ...
10A-464D86-4P-9E-V1 (RICO version)
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-464D86-4P-9E-V1 by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. Typical soviet building 464D86 series. Info Residential High Level - 3 Si...
10A-464D86-4P-9E-V2 (RICO version)
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-464D86-4P-9E-V2 by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. Typical soviet building 464D86 series. Info Residential High Level - 3 Si...
10A-HR-121-60-25-N1ST (with RICO mod)
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-121-60-25-N1ST by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. 121-60-25 series - a series of panel houses with improved planning, des...
10A-464D86-4P-9E-V3 (RICO version)
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-464D86-4P-9E-V3 by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. Typical soviet building 464D86 series. Info Residential High Level - 3 Si...
10A-HR-121-60-25-N2 (with RICO mod)
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-121-60-25-N2 by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. 121-60-25 series - a series of panel houses with improved planning, desti...
10A-HR-121-60-25-N4 (with RICO mod)
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-121-60-25-N4 by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. 121-60-25 series - a series of panel houses with improved planning, desti...
10A-HR-121-60-25-NL1 (with RICO mod)
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-121-60-25-NL1 by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. 121-60-25 series - a series of panel houses with improved planning, dest...
10A-HR-121-60-25-NP1 (with RICO mod)
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-121-60-25-NP1 by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. 121-60-25 series - a series of panel houses with improved planning, dest...
10A-HR-121-60-25-NU1 (with RICO mod)
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-121-60-25-NU1 by 10Avoid ----------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and stats. 121-60-25 series - a series of panel houses with improved planning, dest...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-335-N1-HR by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-335-N2-HR by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-335-N3-HR by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and...
10A-HR-CP-335-N4-HR by 10Avoid
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-335-N4-HR by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and...
10A-HR-CP-335-N5-HR by 10Avoid
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-335-N5-HR by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-335-N7-HR by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-464-A1-N2 by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-464-A1-N3 by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-464-A20-N1 by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions an...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-464-A20-N2 by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions an...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-464-A20-N3 by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions an...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-464-A1-N1 by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-464-A20-N4 by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions an...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-464-A20-N5 by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions an...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-464D80-N1 by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-464D80-N2 by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-K7-N1 by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and sta...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-464-A20-N6 by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions an...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-HR-CP-K7-N2 by 10Avoid --------------------------------------------- CommiePack for Cities Skylines --------------------------------------------- This asset is only used with RICO! mod. Without RICO mod it is a unique plop without any functions and sta...
Autor: 10Avoid
10A-Transformator-V1 by 10Avoid Simple powerbox (transformator) for your city. News of Russian-speaking community Cities: Skylines - on our page VKontakte: Cities: Skylines ...
12 storey step corridor12层台阶走廊
Autor: 红米先生
12层台阶走廊,宽度为6米,长度无限 ,类似道路一样可以拉长,适合住宅楼或者办公大楼等建筑门口摆放拉长,作为景观使用。 The 12-storey step corridor is 12 meters wide and infinite in length. It can be lengthened like the road. It is suitable for the gate of residential building or office building to be lengthened fo...
120 Degree Mixed-Use Corner
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Modular RICO mixed-use commercial and residential pack 6x4 commercial base and residential top Mesh 1 base 698 tris LOD 19 tris Mesh 2 top 612 tris LOD 35 tris Glass b...
130, Korean Low Commercial
130, Korean Low Commercial 한국 시티빌더 커뮤니티 플레이시티 Level 2 Low Commercial 4 × 3 Unit 26.88 × 21.65 × 13.2 Meter Name Tris Texture Maps Texture Size 130 Korea Low Commercial 1293 _d, _s, _n, _i 1024×512 ...
1990s Korean Apartment buildings
1990s Korean Apartment buildings...
1MG-300 (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии 1МГ-300 Версия 1, 3-5-8 секционный, 5 этажей Residential building 1MG-300 Version 1, 2-5-8 sections, 5 floors Расцветка: серые фасадные панели, красные торцевые панели Colour: Gray pa...
1x1 Park
1x1 Park by YOGURT...
200 Greenwich Street - New York [RICO]
Autor: _luminou_
200 Greenwich Street - New York WTC2 - New York Designed by British architect Lord Norman Foster, Tower Two will rise 78 stories (1,254 feet), and stand out for its distinct cruciform core and diagonal roof that slopes toward the WTC Memorial plaza. The to...
3 villages - La Défense / PARIS [RICO]
Autor: _luminou_
3 villages - La Défense / PARIS Also called "Les Villages de l'Arche". Forming a suite of enclosed spaces, the buildings house a covered round square, another semi-circular square – with a mineral tendency – and a vegetated oval square. A perfect combinati...
3&4 Floor Pack Block Apartments Grigny, Paris
Autor: Toyota Hilux
The same building as these just less Floors: The 5 Storey building are not included I highly recommend to use the Loading Screen Mod because all buildings use the same Texture. Not RICO Buil...
340_Onehunga Mall
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a 340_Onehunga Mall. RICO - residential high, level 4. Type of building: RICO - Residential High. Construction cost: 12000 Color varitions: no --------------------------------------------------- 340_Oneh...
6 floors of Chinese modern residential building中式现代6层住宅楼
Autor: 红米先生
6-storey step corridor6层台阶走廊
Autor: 红米先生
6层台阶走廊,宽度为6米,长度无限 ,类似道路一样可以拉长,适合住宅楼或者办公大楼等建筑门口摆放拉长,作为景观使用。 The 6-storey step corridor is 6 meters wide and infinite in length. It can be lengthened like the road. It is suitable for the gate of residential building or office building to be lengthened for l...
60 Degree Mixed-Use Corner
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Modular RICO mixed-use commercial and residential pack 6x5 commercial base and residential top Mesh 1 base 1621 tris LOD 50 tris Mesh 2 top 1705 tris LOD 101 tris 1024...
85's South Korean Apartment 4x4 - 15story 90㎡
85's South Korean Apartment 4x4 - 15story 90㎡...
85's South Korean Apartment 4x4 - 23story 105㎡
85's South Korean Apartment 4x4 - 23story 105㎡...
90s Korean Apartment - 15 storey
90s Korean Apartment - 15 storey 1990년대 대한민국 1기신도시 아파트 15층 타입 ...
90s Korean Apartment - 15 storey
90s Korean Apartment - 15 storey by JEMI...
90s Korean Apartment - 18 storey
90s Korean Apartment - 18 storey 1990년대 대한민국 1기신도시 아파트 18층 타입 ...
90s Korean Apartment - 24 storey
90s Korean Apartment - 24 storey 1990년대 대한민국 1기신도시 아파트 24층 타입...
90s Korean Apartment - 26 storey
90s Korean Apartment - 26 storey 1990년대 대한민국 1기신도시 아파트 26층 타입 ...
a small house
Autor: XDBX
a small house1 by XDBX 在公园一栏中可以找到 这是会所qq群推出的一个开源资产,来方便一些制作资产的初学者 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XDBX’都市天际线资产娱乐会所: Welcome to XDBX‘s G...
AC Units
Autor: Emperor Li
3 AC Units Required props for my taiwanese commercial buildings. 模型資料 | model infos: Tris: 16-20 maps: 128x64 (d,a,i,s,c) LOD tris: 12 LOD maps: 64x32 (d,a,i,s,c) Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
AIA Central 香港友邦经融中心 HK Hong Kong
Autor: XDBX
AIA Central 友邦金融中心 No LED AIA Central located at No. 1 Connaught Road Central, Central, Hong Kong, AIA Central is 185 meters high and looks like a traditional Chinese sailing boat. AIA Centr...
AIA central(no led)
Autor: XDBX
AIA central(no led) by XDBX AIA central with LED
Air ducts 2
Autor: Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Air ducts 3
Autor: Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings I love using Shroomblaze's Rooftop Hvac System prop (, but I wanted more air duct parts for large roofs. He le...
Ancient Chinese Palace,side palace(Qin Dynasty,Han Dynasty style)中国秦汉风格宫殿偏殿中式古建筑国风
Autor: VQVQ
side palace 未央宫偏殿 by VQVQ 资产在你的独特建筑里 You can find it in the special building. 这是秦汉风格宫殿系列的第二部分,偏殿,偏殿是中国古代皇帝休息和游玩的宫殿,体积比主殿要小,通常紧挨着主殿。 同样,本次没有布置护栏,我已添加必须的护栏资产,您可以在游戏内布置木质护栏和汉白玉护栏。 This is the second part of the Qin and Han Dynasty style palace series. The sid...
Ancient Chinese Palace,the Main Hall(Qin Dynasty,Han Dynasty style)中国秦汉风格宫殿主殿中式古建筑国风
Autor: VQVQ
主殿palace by VQVQ 中国秦汉风格宫殿主殿 park 约占20*10格 Park, the main palace of Chinese Qin and Han style, takes about 20 * 10 spaces 你可以在公园列表里找到它 名字为 1 You can find it in the park list ,name is 1 注:主殿底座高台应有汉白玉护栏,类似故宫,但考虑到模型大小,未导入汉白玉护栏,工坊已有人制作汉白玉石护栏,建议订阅后在游戏内根据个人喜好布置护栏...
Angsana Hotel Tower
Autor: 752811818
Angsana Hotel Tower-Dubai Damas塔楼-迪拜 50层 50 story by 752811818...
Animated AD Screen [Fixed]
Autor: amamIya
Animated AD Screen Fixed By colddew98...
Animated Propaganda LED Fixed
Autor: amamIya
Animated Propaganda LED by amamIya Fixed by colddew98...
Anzac Bridge
Autor: Robert
PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION, BECAUSE BRIDGES ARE WEIRD I'm not clever enough to figure out network bridges yet (bridges that are dragged like roads), so I've settled for the older method of custom frames that you thread a road through and delete default pi...
Apartment 12F I (HR5 4x4)
Autor: Zuben
Apartment 12F I (HR5 4x4) by Zuben Level 3 building ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if you like. plaese rate up. Thank you. 마음에 드시면 평가하기 눌러주세요. 감사합니다....
Asian Res. Tower S1 Pack
Autor: amamIya
Asian Res. Tower S1 by amamIya...
Astana 7F complex A1
Autor: AliTarGz
Hi, everybody! It's my new project. This building of a housing estate, called - Family, stood in the city of Astana. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Verts = 6544 Edges = 11539 Tris = 1...
Astana 7F complex A2
Autor: AliTarGz
Hi, everybody! It's 2rd building from 7F complex. This building of a housing estate, called - Family, stood in the city of Astana. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl --------------------------------------------------- 1st building A1 http://steamcommu...
Astana 7F complex A3
Autor: AliTarGz
Hi, everybody! It's 3rd building from 7F complex. I will add other buildings already soon. Also I will add them all to a separate collection This building of a housing estate, called - Family, stood in the city of Astana. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5t...
Astana 7F complex B1
Autor: AliTarGz
Hi, everybody! It's 4rd building from 7F complex. Also it is the angular building - B1. In my collection you can also see the second angular building - B2 This building of a housing estate, called - Family, stood in the city of Astana. Type of building: Hi...
Astana 7F complex B2
Autor: AliTarGz
Hi, everybody! It's 5th building from 7F complex. Also it is the angular building - B2. In my collection you can also see the second angular building - B1 This building of a housing estate, called - Family, stood in the city of Astana. Type of building: Hi...
Astana 7F complex C1
Autor: AliTarGz
Hi, everybody! It's 6th building from 7F complex. This building of a housing estate, called - Family, stood in the city of Astana. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Verts = 2067 Edges = ...
Astana 7F complex C2
Autor: AliTarGz
Hi, everybody! It's 7th building from 7F complex. Also this last building from a residential complex, called - Family, stood in the city of Astana. Other buildings you can add from my colllection. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl -------------------...
Atameken A1
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new building - highrise lvl4. "Atameken" in Almaty city. Type of building: Highrise Growable 4th lvl Homes/Family: default Construction cost: default Color varitions: 4 colors Size: 4x3 Cells ------...
Autor: often
此模型为测试版本,请订阅正式版模型。 正式版链接:
Autor: often
此模型为测试版本,请订阅正式版模型。 正式版链接:
Autor: often
此模型为测试版本,请订阅正式版模型。 正式版链接:
Autor: often
此模型为测试版本,请订阅正式版模型。 正式版链接:
Baishazhou Yangtze River Bridge [S]
Baishazhou Yangtze River Bridge (武汉白沙洲长江大桥), a.k.a. the Third Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, is a highway bridge over the Yangtze River in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Serves as a major passage for the Third Ring Road of Wuhan. If you like my works, please r...
Bank of America Tower HK 香港美银中心 Hong Kong
Autor: XDBX
bankofAmerica by XDBX You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到...
Bank of China Tower Shanghai
Autor: XDBX
Bank of China Shanghai 上海中银大厦 You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到 —————————————————————————————— 上海中银大厦位于中国上海浦东新区陆家嘴金融贸易区,是中国银行上海分行的总部。上海中银大厦于1999年建成,总建筑高度为226米,包括地面53层和地下3层。 大厦业主为上海浦东国际金融大厦有限公司,投资总额为2亿美元。 Shanghai Zh...
Banners of "Leningrad Design Center"
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Баннеры "Ленинградского центра дизайна" в Москве. Таблички: - Декор - Диваны - Двери - Ковры - Кухни - Ламинат - Матрасы - Мебель - Обои - Плитка - Сантехника - Шкафы-купе - Шторы - Свет https://...
Beijing Courtyard House Prop Pack Part 1 四合院物件之一
Autor: Emperor Li
A pack of 13 Beijing courtyard house (Siheyuan) props 十三個北京四合院房屋物件。 All props have 1024x1024 px texture (LOD: 128x128). Some of them share the same texture. 全物件貼圖大小為1024x1024 px (LOD: 128x128),有些使用相同貼圖。 Can be found under Landscaping\Common 位於Landscaping\C...
Beijing Courtyard House Prop Pack Part 2 四合院物件之二
Autor: Emperor Li
A pack of 15 Beijing courtyard house (Siheyuan) props 十五個北京四合院物件。 All props have 1024x1024 px texture (LOD: 128x128). Some of them share the same texture. 全物件貼圖大小為1024x1024 px (LOD: 128x128),有些使用相同貼圖。 Can be found under Landscaping\Common 位於Landscaping\Com...
Beijing courtyard house Type 2 3x4 Lv1-5 二進院四合院
Autor: Emperor Li Beijing courtyard house or Siheyuan is a historical type of residence that was commonly found throughout China, most famously in Beijing and rural Shanxi. In ancient times, a spacious siheyuan would be occupied by a single, ...
Beijing courtyard house Type 3 3x5 Lv1-5 [RICO] 標準三進院四合院
Autor: Emperor Li Beijing courtyard house or Siheyuan is a historical type of residence that was commonly found throughout China, most famously in Beijing and rural Shanxi. In ancient times, a spacious siheyuan would be occupied by a single, ...
Beijing courtyard house Type 6 3x4 Lv1-5 二進院四合院
Autor: Emperor Li Beijing courtyard house or Siheyuan is a historical type of residence that was commonly found throughout China, most famously in Beijing and rural Shanxi. In ancient times, a spacious siheyuan would be occupied by a single, ...
Beijing Inner City Wall Accessories 1 北京內城城牆附件一
Autor: Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2021-09-14*** Change roof color of side gate 1 to grey 改閘門1屋頂成灰筒瓦 ****************************** ***UPDATE 2020-07-15*** Add 2 more buildings: enemy platform with ramps and watergate. (see last two pictures) 新增水門和敵台馬道 (見最後兩張圖) *******************...
Beijing Inner City Wall Accessories 2 北京內城城牆附件二
Autor: Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2020-06-16*** add light effect and change lantern's texture Custom Effect Loader now needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 更新燈籠貼圖和增加燈源 需要Custom Effect Loader!!!!!!!!!!!! ****************************** Including 5 props: One guard house (tris 490; LOD tris 14) 4 ...
Bento Factory
Autor: Accapulco
Japanese style industry. It uses bakery base, employs 100 and causes 0 pollution. Main / LOD 1570 - 2048x512 40 - 128x128...
BI City Seoul A1_parking1
Autor: AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. I have made these modification of the building of A1 with park platforms at the request of my subscriber - @alborzka. Also I have written down couple of video, about that how to place buildings in a game. :) ...
BI City Seoul A1_parking2
Autor: AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. I have made these modification of the building of A1 with park platforms at the request of my subscriber - @alborzka. Also I have written down couple of video, about that how to place buildings in a game. :) ...
BI City Seoul HQ C3
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello my dear subscribers and other cities skylines's funs! I decided to release several buildings of the residential complex "BI City Seoul" with updated textures, and added semi-transparent glass (rotor sheider). But I did not update the existing buildin...
BI City Seoul HQ C4
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello my dear subscribers and other cities skylines's funs! I decided to release several buildings of the residential complex "BI City Seoul" with updated textures, and added semi-transparent glass (rotor sheider). But I did not update the existing buildin...
BI City Seoul_B1
Autor: AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 80 Construction cost: 28000 --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Tris = 7925 Texture size = 512x512 Texture types = d, i, s, c ...
BI City Seoul_B2
Autor: AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 80 Construction cost: 34000 --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Tris = 8069 Texture size = 512x512 Texture types = d, i, s, c ...
BI City Seoul_B3
Autor: AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 50 Construction cost: 18000 --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Tris = 5714 Texture size = 512x512 Texture types = d, i, s, c ...
BI City Seoul_A1
Autor: AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 60 Construction cost: 24000 --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Tris = 5236 Texture size = 512x512 Texture types = d, i, s, c ...
BI City Seoul_B4
Autor: AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 50 Construction cost: 26000 --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Tris = 5926 Texture size = 512x512 Texture types = d, i, s, c ...
BI City Seoul_C1
Autor: AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. In this asset you can see 2 buildings: First - RICO and second - Growable. You can locate this building in the city from Rico's panel. And also it will be independently under construction in the marked reside...
BI City Seoul_C2
Autor: AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. In this asset you can see 2 buildings: First - RICO and second - Growable. You can locate this building in the city from Rico's panel. And also it will be independently under construction in the marked reside...
BI City Seoul_C3
Autor: AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul C3. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 70 Construction cost: 30000 --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Tris = 3947 Texture size = 1024x1024 Texture types = d, i, ...
BI City Seoul_C4
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello my dear subscribers and other cities skylines's funs! For several months, I did not spread anything in the workshop. I went through military training :D But the time has come and now I am ready to finish the project BI City Seoul. This is not the las...
BI City Seoul_C5
Autor: AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul C5. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 70 Construction cost: 28000 --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Tris = 5054 Texture size = 1024x1024 Texture types = d, i, ...
BI City Seoul_D1
Autor: AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 40 Construction cost: 18000 --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Tris = 2877 Texture size = 512x512 Texture types = d, i, s, c ...
BI City Seoul_D2
Autor: AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 50 Construction cost: 18000 --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Tris = 3601 Texture size = 512x512 Texture types = d, i, s, c ...
BI City Seoul_D3
Autor: AliTarGz
This is a residential building - BI City Seoul. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 60 Construction cost: 22000 --------------------------------------------------- Model info: Tris = 4874 Texture size = 512x512 Texture types = d, i, s, c ...
Bicycle Shop
It only makes sense to add a place for your bike riders and future riders to shop. 1x2 low density level 2 commercial building. If you guys like my assets feel free to show your appreciation by making a small donation for my time in crafting these assets. ...
BIFC (1:1.5)
Autor: koxx
BIFC (1:1.5) by bisabeols - BIFC : Size 7x8 / 1:1.5 Scale : Unique 3 ...
BIG Commercial AC
Autor: BenTracker
BIG Commercial Air Conditioner 58 Tris / 256 x 256px LOD: 32 Tris / 32 x 32px...
Big Office Building
Autor: BenTracker
Big Office Unique Building L6 compatible with RICO RICO Office L3 Construction Cost: 60.000 Workplaces: 73 -------------------------------------------------------- Badajoz s.XXI inspired building View 2094 Tris / 2048 x 2048 px LOD: 432 Tris / 512 x 512px ...
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Autor: honker
With neighbors like the Aon Center, the Prudential buildings, and 340 on the Park, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Tower stands at the forefront of Chicago's skyline. It was originally only 33 stories tall, but after about ten years its owners built another 24 ...
BLVD Crescent-Dubai
Autor: 752811818
BLVD Crescent -Dubai by 752811818 迪拜 BLVD 新月双子塔 BLVD Crescent Tower 1 39 floors 175.5m BLVD 新月双子塔一号塔 39层 175.5米 BLVD Crescent Tower 2 21 floors 101m BLVD 新月双子塔二号塔 21层 101米 Podium 6 floors 18m 裙楼 6层 18米 Asset triangle 10497 资产三角形面数 10497 个 LOD triangle 2873...
BLVD Plaza Tower 2.0
Autor: 752811818
BLVD Plaza Tower Version 2.0 by 752811818 Boulevard Plaza塔 2.0 ---迪拜 Please unsubscribe BLVD Plaza Tower version 1.0 请退订BLVD Plaza Tower 1.0版本 BLVD Plaza Tower version 2.0 reproduced the model and maps. A lot of details have been added to the skirt buildin...
Brampton City Hall
Autor: JSF-1
*This is a remake of my old Brampton City Hall Asset. If you are using the old version, unsubscribe to it and use this one instead. Brampton City hall opened in the 1990's and was designed by Robert Posliff. The building has since been expanded twice first...
Bridal Tea House Hotel HK
Autor: Lim Dzhy Gen
Bridal Tea House Hotel is located in Kowloon, Hong Kong. It`s pretty tall building but it`s classic height for places like Hong Kong. I think this apartment will fit perfectly in chinese or dystopian, cyberpunk themed cities Some info: Lvl 5 Residential Hi...
Broadcasting Place
Autor: Jerenable
Broadcasting Place by Jerenable Thanks to HAzErTs262 and Dahl for comisioning this building. Its a unique building. hope you like it. Campus version soonish You can donate if you want to support me I am now on active on Patreon...
Bugrinsky Bridge (Novosibirsk)
Autor: The_Ping
information мост через Обь в Новосибирске the bridge across the Ob in Novosibirsk Textures: _d_n_s 3d tri 8684 tex 1024x1024 lod 1420 tex 128x128 Нравится эта работа, пожалуйста, поддержите like this work please support thank you)...
Bund Center SH 上海外滩中心
Autor: XDBX
Bund Center Shanghai 上海外滩中心 by XDBX 海外滩中心(英语:Bund Center, Shanghai),是上海知名建筑群,地址为延安东路222号,座落于上海黄浦区外滩的黄金地带,毗邻黄浦江,延安东路高架和上海自然博物馆。其包括外滩中心商务楼和外滩中心威斯汀大饭店两部分,商务楼共50层高198米,分立商务楼西南、西北位置的两栋威斯汀大饭店为26层,总建筑面积约190000平方米。外滩中心建成于2001年,由波特曼建筑设计事务所负责设计,其商务楼顶部别具一格的菠萝造型成为其最具标...
Canton Tower - 广州塔
Autor: Miskale
Canton Tower - 广州塔 by M1sk4 Canton Tower (Chinese: 广州塔), formerly known as Guangzhou TV Astronomical and Sightseeing Tower (Chinese: 广州电视台天文及观光塔) and also known as Guangzhou Tower (Chinese: 广州塔), is a 600-metre (1,969 ft) tall multi-purpose observation tow...
Childrens Slide MM-16
Autor: targa
Outside childrens slide. Repainted with four color - red, green, blue, violet. This asset have too much number of tris. Main model 854 tris 128x128 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD model 51 tris 32x32 texture -------------------------------------------------- ...
China Resources Building HD
Autor: XDBX
China Resources Building HD 華潤大廈高清版 加入高清材質 加入透明玻璃 加入更多的細節 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 我還是做了很久的, 別噴我炒冷飯 最近學校活動比較多,又臨近期末考試,我暫時先不做資產了,等到放假了俺再回來做資產。 对了,我创了个组,要是想和我唠唠嗑,拉拉家常,开开荤段子可以加入,关于我的资产的一些问题可以来跟我反映。 XDBX’都市天际线资...
China Resources Headquarters 深圳华润大厦
Autor: XDBX
China Resources Headquarters 深圳华润大厦 华润春笋 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 ...
Chinese Community Wall 1
Autor: amamIya
Chinese Community Wall 1 by amamIya...
Chinese corridor
Autor: LIME
Polygon:1005 triangle:1084 side:2969 Map:1024 X 1024 LODMap:128 X 128 Asset type:Prop This asset has a different combination, I will release one by one 禁止企鹅转载 ...
Chinese Gate Pier 門墩
Autor: Emperor Li
Category: Prop Tris: 32 LOD tris: 4 Simtropolis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: chinese architecture, Courtyard House, Siheyuan, Quadrangle, Hutong, Beijing, Peking, China, 北京, 中國傳統建築, 中国传统建筑, ...
Chinese road signs中式路牌标牌
Autor: 红米先生
Chinese Rubbish Bin
Autor: amamIya
Chinese Rubbish Bin by amamIya...
Chinese Stone Bridge 漢白玉石橋
Autor: Emperor Li
Chinese bridge of white marble. It's a pedestrian path with 3m half width for elevated and bridge segment and 4m for ground path in order to create the typical opening. 人行道高架、橋部分半寬3米,地面半寬為4米以做變寬入口, Connect with pedestrian path different half width to creat...
Chinese style community gate European style中国中式小区大门欧式风格
Autor: 红米先生
Autor: 红米先生
Chinese style construction house中式工地建设房
Autor: 红米先生
工地建设房共2中样式,包括4种围墙广告牌,可模拟现实中小区房屋建设。房屋属性是住宅楼 4X5格子,另外可自行订阅吊塔或者工地资产。 There are two types of building on the construction site, including four kinds of wall billboards, which can simulate the building construction in the real community. The property of the hou...
Chinese style gate guard room中式大门门卫室
Autor: 红米先生
Chinese style gate guard room中式大中式大门门卫室 by 白米 本大门时候放置小区门口、政府办公楼门口、医院、警察局、消防局、工厂等,可作为门口大门使用,另外需要订阅32X32的提示不兼容不要管,不影响游戏体验。...
Chinese style large parking lot中式大型停车场
Autor: 红米先生
Chinese urban people's Hospital中式市区人民医院
Autor: 红米先生
中式市区人民医院 by 红米 资产多边形和三角形共计9千多面,占地为8X21格子,贴图大小为1024X1024,救护车100辆,救治人数3千人,治疗率达70%。...
CITIC Tower 北京中信大厦
Autor: XDBX
2022全新版本: CITIC Tower Beijing 北京中信大厦 你可以在第六集特殊建筑中找到哟 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level.
CITIC Tower with LED Hong Kong HK
Autor: XDBX
CITIC Tower(Additiv shader) 注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 无“Additive Shader”版本由此去 No "Additive Shader" version :htt...
Classical washroom 古香古色的卫生间
Autor: XDBX
你的城市有卫生间吗? Classical washroom 古香古色的卫生间 在公园一栏中可以找到 这是会所qq群推出的一个教学资产,来方便一些制作资产的初学者, ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XDBX’都市天际线资产娱乐会所:https://steam...
Clementi Cascadia Block 440C
Autor: EndlessFtw
Introduction A modern public housing apartment block in Singapore. Inspired by the design of the 40-storey HDB apartment Blk 440C along Clementi Avenue 3, this asset recreates the 21st century Singaporean public housing in Cities:Skylines. If you liked my ...
Columbia Center (Night light fixed)
(**Disclaimer: I didn't create the original model**) This is simply a reuploaded version of the Columbia Center by ExtraNoise. Original model: And don't forget to check out my new...
Commercial Building 001
Autor: Valex L3 9x4 Russian Commercial Building by Valex based on Trade Complex (Penza, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Commercial Building 002
Autor: Valex L3 19x9 Commercial Building by Valex based on Shopping Centre "Gorky Gorod Mall" (Sochi, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Commercial Building 003
Autor: Valex L3 2x2 Commercial Building by Valex based on Office Centre (Brno, Czech Republic). Ploppable RICO ready....
Commercial Building 004
Autor: Valex L3 3x2 Commercial Building by Valex based on Farm Products Supermarket. Ploppable RICO ready....
Commercial podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B8A1
Autor: often
Commercial podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B8A1 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B8A1 建筑风格:现代 样式:A1 三角形计数:1554 贴图:1024x1024 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Painter使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos for nerds: Assets na...
Commercial podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B8A2
Autor: often
Commercial podium/小区住宅底部商业楼B8A2 ---------------------------------------------------------- 模型信息: 资产名字:B8A2 建筑风格:现代 样式:A2 三角形计数:4518 贴图:1024x1024 注意:需要搭配Move It!和Painter使用 ---------------------------------------------------------- Infos for nerds: Assets na...
Community gate中式小区大门样式5
Autor: 红米先生
Community Park小区公园
Autor: 红米先生
Community Park小区公园 by 红米...
Concrete Pedestrian Path Set
Concrete Pedestrian Path Set It's a concrete tiled sidewalk And rendered tunnel, also 1m version useful in a small space! In addition, its invisible versions: Information Ground version conf...
Condo 41m
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 3 4x4 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 6464 tris LOD 262 tris 128x128 glass balcony 708 tris Asset shares textures wi...
Condo 54m
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 4 4x4 high density residential shorter version of the 73m Condo 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 5081 tris LOD 184 tris 128x128 glass balcony ...
Conrad Hong Kong 香港港丽酒店 HK
Autor: XDBX
ConradHK 香港港丽酒店 You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到...
Construction Сrane 001
Autor: Valex 5x1 Construction Сrane by Valex...
Construction Building 001
Autor: Valex 4x4 Construction Building by Valex...
Corrugated Sheet Steel Wall
Autor: amamIya
Corrugated Sheet Steel Wall by amamIya...
Cosco tower HK 香港中远大厦 Hong Kong
Autor: XDBX
Cosco tower 中远大厦 注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 中远大厦位于香港上环皇后大道183号,建于1998年。 COSCO Tower is located at 183 Queen's Road, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. It was built in 1998. You can find it in the special building of the first le...
Cosmopolitan Portland
Autor: Smilies
7x7 rico level 4 high density residential 7987 tris 1024x512 texture custom LOD 52 tris 256x256 baked texture glass balcony submesh 516 tris 128x64 texture original model by UrbanArchit Based on Cosmopolitan at the Park in Portland https://commons.wikimedi...
Crimean bridge
Autor: The_Ping
большая просьба оставить свои убеждения за рамками . и не переносить их в Cities S. information Crimean bridge-transport passage through the Kerch Strait Кры́мский мост - транспортный переход через Керченский пролив Textures: _d_n +lod_d 9770 tri понравила...
Crimean bridge (in Moscow)
Autor: The_Ping
information Crimean bridge (in Moscow) Крымский мост , Москва ул.крымский вал для справки ) ПОСТРОЕН в 1938 г. ( изначально первый мост на этом месте был построен в 1789 г.) а до этого начиная с XVI—XVII была перепра которая называлась "Крымский брод" BUIL...
Crocus City A1
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my old project. Residential complex - "Crocus City" in Astana = Nur-Sultan city. This complex will consist of several buildings. I inform you that the capital of my state is no longer called Astana. No...
Crocus City_D1
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Crocus City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of several buildings. Do not be surprised that the building has an ending-D1 in the title. Later, the build...
Crocus City_D2
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Crocus City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of several buildings. Do not be surprised that the building has an ending-D2 in the title. Later, the build...
CS Road Fence
Autor: amamIya
CS Road Fence by amamIya...
CSUE Hero Bridge
Autor: amamIya
CSUE Hero Bridge by amamIya...
CSUE Tianxingzhou Yangtzu Bridge
Autor: amamIya
CSUE Yangtzu Bridge by amamIya...
CSUR Decal Pack
Autor: amamIya
CSUR Decal Pack by amamIya 28 types of decal...
CSUR Pillar Pack
Autor: amamIya
CSUR Pillar Pack by amamIya...
CSUR Sound Barrier
Autor: amamIya
CSUR Sound Barrier by amamIya...
Curb Props
Autor: Like_Mike
The first curb props I uploaded. They are nonconforming so they can be elevated. Includes curb/planters in 6 different sizes and shapes. Textures updated for 2018! Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see how I create assets.
Curb Props 2
Autor: KingLeno
Curb Props 2 A set of planters for all your parking lots and landscaping needs. This is follow-up to the older Curb Props. Which apparently a lot of people already have. Watch the attached video to see how these compare to when I first made them. I think t...
D-25 (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR
Информация / information: Жилой дом серии Д-25 (D-25v325fl) Версия1, 1 секционный, 25 этажей Residential building D-25 (D-25v325fl) Version 1, 1 sections, 25 floors Расцветка: рыжая плитка под кирпич + серая расцветка Colour: red tile brick + grey color Te...
D-25 (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR
Информация / information: Жилой дом серии Д-25 (D-25v325fl) Версия 3, 1 секционный, 25 этажей Residential building D-25 (D-25v325fl) Version 3, 1 sections, 25 floors Расцветка: песочная плитка под кирпич + темно-зеленая расцветка Colour: sand tile brick + ...
Decorative fence 02
Autor: Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A decorative metal and stone fence. This one conforms to the terrain and behaves just like the fences from Parklife. If you have Parklife you can find it in the fence category, otherwise it's in the water structur...
Decorative fence 02 pillar
Autor: Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A granite pillar for my decorative fence network. A special thank you To Pasi for the support on Patreon Model Tris: 28 Texture: 256x256 LOD Tris: 28 Texture: 64x64 Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employ...
Decorative fence 03
Autor: Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A decorative metal and stone fence. This one conforms to the terrain and behaves just like the fences from Parklife. If you have Parklife you can find it in the fence category, otherwise it's in the water structur...
Decorative fence 03 - Non conforming
Autor: Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A decorative metal and stone fence. This one does not conform to terrain and so can be raised up with Move It to sit on buildings, edges of ploppable asphalt, quays or whatever else that needs a fence! If you have...
Decorative fence 03 pillar
Autor: Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A pillar for my decorative fence network. A special thank you To Pasi for the support on Patreon Model Tris: 28 Texture: 256x256 LOD Tris: 28 Texture: 64x64 Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Co...
Decorative fence 04
Autor: Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A decorative metal and brick fence. This one conforms to the terrain and behaves just like the fences from Parklife. If you have Parklife you can find it in the fence category, otherwise it's in the water structur...
Decorative fence 04 - Non conforming
Autor: Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A decorative metal and brick fence. This one does not conform to terrain and so can be raised up with Move It to sit on buildings, edges of ploppable asphalt, quays or whatever else that needs a fence! If you have...
Decorative fence 04 pillar
Autor: Avanya
Screenshots taken with Daylight Classic on A pillar for my decorative fence network. A special thank you To Pasi for the support on Patreon Model Tris: 28 Texture: 256x256 LOD Tris: 28 Texture: 64x64 Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Co...
Deutsche Bank Place (Sydney, Australia)
Autor: Robert
126 Phillip Street, or Deutsche Bank Place, is the third tallest building in Sydney at 240m. When it was completed in 2005, it was the second tallest building in the world with under 40 floors. It's original size was cut down to ensure afternoon sun would ...
Dnepr Park Fence #1
Autor: targa
Made on the basis of the fence of Shevchenko Park (Dnepr, Ukraine). Architect Boris Belozersky. Variants of this fence: prop version simplified (less decorations) prop-version Main model 6,880 tris 512х512 texture (_d, _a, _s, _n) LOD model 706 tris 256x25...
Dnepr Park Fence #1 simplified
Autor: targa
Made on the basis of the fence of Shevchenko Park (Dnepr, Ukraine). Architect Boris Belozersky. Variants of this fence: full version prop version simplified prop-version Main model 1,848 tris 512х512 texture (_d, _a, _s, _n) LOD model 570 tris 256x256 text...
Dnepr Park Fence #2
Autor: targa
Made on the basis of the fence of Lazar Globa Park (Dnepr, Ukraine). Prop version of this fence Main model 1,048 tris 256х512 texture (_d, _a, _s, _n) LOD model 305 tris 128x256 texture News of Russian-speaking community Cities: Skylines - on our page vKon...
Doki Doki Literature Club! Prop
Autor: shibakata
■概要(Overview) DDLCのキャラクターを使って、あなたの街のスクリーンショットを撮ろう! Take a screenshot of your city with DDLC characters! ■メモ(Memo) ただの板ポリゴンです。息抜きにどうぞ。 安心の可愛いサムネイル付きです。 It is just a plate polygon. Please take a break. Comes with a cute thumbnail for peace of mind. ■セット内容(Se...
Autor: 752811818
BlVD HEIGHT-Dubai By 752811818 BIVD高地塔-迪拜 Tower one 180M 一号塔 180m Tower two 150M 二号塔 150m Update; February 3rd The tone of the building's exterior wall and glass curtain wall has been changed to match the tone of BLVD crescent. Now the building won't be to...
Dubai Opera - Prop Pack
Autor: Bibel Gurra
Includes -Plaza sign -bench -planter -decal -statue -art monument -parasol...
DUBAI- Vida Residence Downtown 迪拜 维达市区公寓
Autor: 752811818
迪拜-维达市区公寓 楼层 57 高度 240米 模型三角面数 11000+ 第六级特殊建筑 Dubai- Vida Residence Downtown Floor Count---57 Height---240m Tris--11000+ Level six Unique Building https://imag...
Dubai-Address Residence Skyview 2.0
Autor: 752811818
Address Residence Skyview 2.0 天空视界大厦 2.0 迪拜 68 floors 268m six level of unique building 68层 268米 第六级独特建筑 Please unsubscribe version 1.0 of Sky View Building. 请退订天空视界大厦1.0版本。 Sky View version 2.0 uses a new building model, the main building and skirt buildi...
Dubai-Almas Tower 迪拜 钻石大厦
Autor: 752811818 迪拜-钻石大厦 高度-360米 楼层-68层 第六级特殊建筑 模型三角面 5500+ Dubai-Almas Tower Spire-360m Floor Count 68 Level six unique building Tris 5500+
Dubai-Fountain views
Autor: 752811818
The Address Residence - Fountain Views 迪拜喷泉景观综合体 The Address Residence - Fountain Views I & II 279.9 m 71 floors The Address Residence - Fountain Views...
DUBAI-Paramount Tower Hotel 迪拜-派拉蒙酒店
Autor: 752811818
DUBAI-Paramount Tower Hotel & Residenc 迪拜 派拉蒙酒店及住宅大厦 250 m 65 Floors level six unique building 4000+ tris 1800+ tris for LOD 250米 65层 第六级特殊建筑 4000+ 三角形面数 1800+ ...
DUBAI-Park Place 迪拜-普莱斯酒店
Autor: 752811818 Park Place -Dubai Floor Count 56 Heights 235 m Level Six Unique Building Tris 1800+ 普莱斯酒店-迪拜 楼层 56 高度 235米 第六级特殊建筑 模型三角面 1800+ https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4...
Elstree Building - Unique and RICO Office
Greetings Skyliners ! Let me present you the Elstree Building. It's a fictional building that I named after the village of Elstree in England, best known for the Elstree Film Studios, where many famous films and television series were made. I tried to keep...
ELVIS Avengers Tower
Autor: ELVIS
The tower formerly as Avengers Tower is a high-rise building complex located in Manhattan, New York City. The building, owned by Stark Industries, has been used as the Avengers headquarters since S.H.I.E.L.D disbanded. Place this skyscraper with a future-o...
ELVIS korean style apartment (RICO)
Autor: ELVIS
80~90년대 한국식 아파트입니다. 리코모드가 호환되는 이 아파트를 여러분의 도시에 도입해보세요 머리말 서울시 대여 자전거 따릉이 자전거와 프롭, 그리고 거치대가 출시되었습니다. 여러분의 도시에 대여 자전거 시스템을 도입하여 여러분의 시민들이 자전거를 이용하는 모습을 확인하세요! 많은 좋은 혜택이 되리라고 장담합니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS korean style apartment.crp 도움 ELVIS korean style apartment는 엘비스 게...
ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico,Growable)
Autor: ELVIS
머리말 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico)는 대한민국 아파트 브랜드인 래미안 아파트를 창작한 버전입니다. 이 아파트는 실제 판상형 아파트들을 모티브로 하여 제작되었습니다 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico) 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico).crp ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2.crp 도움 ELVIS Raemian Apartment 2 (Rico)는 ...
ELVIS Tower Sky
Autor: ELVIS
머리말 ELVIS Tower Sky는 대한민국 고층 건물 화재 재난 영화 타워(2012)의 타워 스카이 빌딩을 제작하였습니다. 이 건물은 실제로 존재하는 건물이 아닙니다 ELVIS Tower Sky 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Tower Sky.crp 도움 ELVIS Tower Sky는 엘비스 게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. 에셋 이미지 촬영은 SomeHQ님이 해주셨습니다. 후원 평점과 구독 잊지 마세요 또한, 페트론이 되어 얼리 엑세스, 후원자용 에...
Entrance for Admiral Builging 5 (Krasnodar, Russia)
Autor: furious
Entrance for Admiral builging 5. In game: unique building. RICO: office. If you don't have RICO this building will be a monument in game without workplaces and other features. Plea...
Etihad Tower V2.0 阿提哈德塔2.0版本
Autor: 752811818
Etihad Tower V2.0 Etihad Towers is a complex of buildings with five towers in Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates. Tower 1: 69 floors, 277 metres Tower 2: 74 floors, 305 metres Tower 3: 54 floors, 260 metres Tower 4: 61 floors, 234 metr...
Etihad Tower-Abu Dhabi
Autor: 752811818
Etihad Tower by 752811818 阿提哈德塔-阿布扎比-阿拉伯联合酋长国 Etihad Towers is a complex of buildings with five towers in Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates. 阿提哈德塔由五座塔楼构成的复杂建筑综合体,位于阿拉伯联合酋长国的首都 阿布扎比 Tower 1: 69 floors, 277 metres Tower 2: 74 floors, 30...
Eunha Apartment 은하맨숀아파트
Autor: TDB Eunha Mansion Apartment The opening of Yeouido. 은하맨숀아파트 1세대 한국 고층아파트를 만나다. Informations Main Model: 3126 Tris LOD Model: 50 Tris #Eunha #Apartment #은하아파트 #아파트 #Seoul #서울 #Korea #한국
European Parliament - Strasbourg
Autor: _luminou_
European Parliament - Strasbourg Louis Weiss Building The European Parliament's Louise Weiss Building, in Strasbourg is opened on 14 December 1999. It houses Parliament's Debating Chamber and the offices of the MEPs This building is adapted for CS, it's co...
Los Angeles Metro Bench Pack
Autor: Polygon This prop pack includes two original benches you can find at LA Metro’s Expo Line Stations. Check out my appendant LA Metro Stations & Props. Mesh Info Bench A: 696 tris, 512x256 diffuse, specul...
Forbidden City Wall
Autor: Emperor Li
The wall surrounding the Forbidden City. works as elevated pedestrian path, Cims can walk atop the wall. Including bridge segment. Can be found under pedestrian path menu. Recommend to flatten the terrain first. But it follows the terrain. wall heights adj...
Fountain-view-L (Single Tower)
Autor: 752811818
Fountain-view-Left Tower (Single Tower) This is a separate version of the left and right towers of the Fountain view. All building data are consistent with the complete version of Fountain view. Fountain view Complete Edition Link: https://steamcommunity.c...
Fountain-view-R(Single Tower)
Autor: 752811818
Fountain-view-Right Tower (Single Tower) This is a separate version of the left and right towers of the Fountain view. All building data are consistent with the complete version of Fountain view. Fountain view Complete Edition Link: https://steamcommunity....
[RICO]Residential-S1 住宅楼样式S-1
Autor: hikke
大家好这次的作品是一个住宅小区 其中包含2栋住宅,2种临街商铺,1个小区大门 这是其中一栋住宅 希望大家喜欢~~ 祝大家圣诞快乐~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
[RICO] Tour Versailles 2 (Neuilly/Marne, France)
Autor: Alexgazz
Tour Versailles, Cité des Fauvettes, Neuilly-sur-Marne, 93 Seine-Saint-Denis Construit en 1971, Apparence après la rénovation de 1993, Détruit en 2017. Built in 1971, Appearence after the renovation of 1993, Destroyed in 2017 Avant/Before1993 Architect/es:...
[RICO] Ritz_Carlton_Hotel_V3_medium
Autor: Reaper
Ritz Carlton Hotel from New York Variation 3 Category : Residential lvl 5 Do not forget to visit my site every month with exclusive content. Thank you all for your support.
[RICO] Residences at RCMI_V3_80_Medium
Autor: Reaper
Residences at RCMI_V3_80_Medium by Reaper Category : Residential lvl 5 Do not forget to visit my site every month with exclusive content. Thank you all for your support.
[RICO] Tour Rodin 1 (Champigny, France)
Autor: Alexgazz
Cité Bois l'Abbé, Champigny-sur-Marne, 94 Val-de-Marne Construit en 1969, Apparence avant rénovation de 1992. Built in 1969, Appearence before renovation of 1992. Architect/e: Clément Tambuté, Henry-Charles Delacroix, François Delage, Noël Le Maresquier Ap...
[RICO] Residences at RCMI_V2_100_Medium
Autor: Reaper
Residences at RCMI_V2_100M_from Toronto by Reaper Category : Residential lvl 5 Do not forget to visit my site every month with exclusive content. Thank you all for your support.
[RICO] Ocean Heights - Dubai
Autor: Bibel Gurra
If you like my work and want to support me; Twitter: Special thanks to Static who provided all in-game images Additive shader mod is optional but will improve the the nightlights...
[RICO] ICBC JX 工商银行江西分行
Autor: amamIya
ICBC JX 工商银行江西分行 Grids: 15*9 Tris/LOD: 3232/1024 Texture: 2048/128 Rico enabled...
[RICO] Hullmark_centre_section_A_V3
Autor: Reaper
Hullmark_centre_section_A_V3 by Reaper Category : Residential lvl 5 Do not forget to visit my site every month with exclusive content. Thank you all for your support.
[RICO] 340_on_the_Park_V4
Autor: Reaper
340_on_the_Park_V4 by Reaper Category : Residential lvl 5 Do not forget to visit my site every month with exclusive content. Thank you all for your support.
[RICO] 114-86 9 floor ROW
Autor: kowkamurka
Use this with RICO mod, otherwise this asset would be just an useless monument! Soviet serial brick tenement, 114-86 was build all over Soviet Russia and Kazakhstan, and also for first 10 years of independence in modern Russia. This was the most common bri...
[RICO] 111-83 9 floor Right End Section
Autor: kowkamurka
Use this with RICO mod, otherwise this asset would be just an useless monument! Right end section for 111-83 row houses. INFO HDR 3 level 3x2 11 households Costs 20000 Doesn't change color. Uses custom LOD! ...
[RICO] 111-83 9 floor Arch
Autor: kowkamurka
Use this with RICO mod, otherwise this asset would be just an useless monument! An archway for 111-83 row houses. INFO HDR 3 level 1x2 0 households Costs 1000 Doesn't change color. ...
[RICO] 111-83 9 et End Section Left
Autor: kowkamurka
Use this with RICO mod, otherwise this asset would be just an useless monument! Left end section for 111-83 row houses. INFO HDR 3 level 3x2 11 households Costs 20000 Doesn't change color. Uses custom LOD! ...
[Obsolete] Modern Lighting Pack: Liberated!
Autor: Gabrielium
If you are a new subscriber, please use GCVos' pack instead of this one! He fixed his lights to no longer require Network Skins, so this pack is obsolete. However, if you had previously subscribed to this mod, it is still necessary to keep plopped versions...
Autor: Snowsign
Korea brand apartment SK VIEW 4*4 size Level5. SK E & C Korea Apartments brands. 29 floor tower apartment building It can make production more apartments Assets Okay, Please click rating. --------------------------------------------------------------------...
Autor: Snowsign
4*2 size Level5. SK E & C Korea Apartments brands. 29 floor box_type apartment building It can make production more apartments Assets Okay, Please click rating. 한국 아파트 브랜드 SK건설. 29층 일반형 아파트건물 입니다. 앞으로도 더 많은 아파트 에셋을 제작할수 있게 좋아요 많이 눌러주세요. ...
[KOREA] LH apartment B_TYPE
Autor: Snowsign
Korea brand apartment LH 4*2 size Level5. The Korea Land & Housing Corporation LH The 19-storey box building on the property. The apartment is more and more Korean scheduled update. Thank you for always. Please click rating. -------------------------------...
[KOREA] Hoban Vertium apartment RICO.
Autor: Snowsign
Hoban by Snowsign Korea brand apartment Hoban 4*3 size Level5 Please click rating. --------------------------------------------------------------- update list 4*2 size Level5 ...
[无名]Three World Trade Center
Autor: XDBX
这个资产是我的朋友(无名)建模,然后我打包上传的。他和我的建筑风格有些不同,我喜欢写实一点,他喜欢卡通一点,希望大家喜欢。 This asset is modeled by my friend (Wuming) and then I package it for uploading. He and my architectural style are somewhat different. I like to be realistic. He likes cartoons and hopes that ev...
Autor: XDBX
这个资产是我的朋友(无名)建模,然后我打包上传的。他和我的建筑风格有些不同,我喜欢写实一点,他喜欢卡通一点,希望大家喜欢。 This asset is modeled by my friend (Wuming) and then I package it for uploading. He and my architectural style are somewhat different. I like to be realistic. He likes cartoons and hopes that ev...
[无名]Poland warsaw residence building Złota酒店
Autor: XDBX
这个资产是我的朋友(无名)建模,然后我打包上传的。他和我的建筑风格有些不同,我喜欢写实一点,他喜欢卡通一点,希望大家喜欢。 This asset is modeled by my friend (Wuming) and then I package it for uploading. He and my architectural style are somewhat different. I like to be realistic. He likes cartoons and hopes that ev...
[无名]Lotte World Tower
Autor: XDBX
这个资产是我的朋友(无名)建模,然后我打包上传的。他和我的建筑风格有些不同,我喜欢写实一点,他喜欢卡通一点,希望大家喜欢。 This asset is modeled by my friend (Wuming) and then I package it for uploading. He and my architectural style are somewhat different. I like to be realistic. He likes cartoons and hopes that ev...
[无名]Barclays Center
Autor: XDBX
这个资产是我的朋友(无名)建模,然后我打包上传的。他和我的建筑风格有些不同,我喜欢写实一点,他喜欢卡通一点,希望大家喜欢。 This asset is modeled by my friend (Wuming) and then I package it for uploading. He and my architectural style are somewhat different. I like to be realistic. He likes cartoons and hopes that ev...
[无名] King Power MahaNakhon
Autor: yamei
在曼谷的市中心区域,这是一栋不可能被忽视的建筑。MahaNakhon 在 2015 年年底建成之后就成为了曼谷新的地标,高达 77 层楼(314米)的它一举超越了曾经的曼谷最高建筑 Bayoke Tower。而真正让它给人留下难以磨灭的印象的,是他奇特的外观。 由北京鸟巢体育场的设计团队操刀,MahaNakhon 的外观是如此的特别,外墙的一扇扇玻璃窗在设计师的手下成为了一颗一颗的像素。在它的楼顶和腰处则多了许多类似魔方的凹凸设计,整座楼从远处就给人一种玩具的既视感。 这其实是一栋多功能的高楼,里面有商场、...
[无名daochunhan]One Korea center
Autor: XDBX
One Korea center by 无名daochunhan 这个资产是我的朋友(无名daochunhan)建模,然后我打包上传的。他和我的建筑风格有些不同,我喜欢写实一点,他喜欢卡通一点,希望大家喜欢。 This asset is modeled by my friend (daochunhan) and then I package it for uploading. He and my architectural style are somewhat different. I like to be...
xi apartment type B
반포 자이 아파트를 모티브로 제작했습니다. 타입A는 26층의 아파트 입니다. 타입B는 30층의 아파트입니다. 둘 다 받으시는걸 추천해드립니다~ Type A
xi apartment type A
반포 자이 아파트를 모티브로 제작했습니다. 타입A는 26층의 아파트 입니다. 타입B는 30층의 아파트입니다. 둘 다 받으시는걸 추천해드립니다~ Type B
Xi apartment
리 사 자 적 . Thank you!...
XCAEC hotel 娱乐会所酒店
Autor: XDBX
XCAEC hotel 都市天际线娱乐会所酒店 hotel of XDBX‘s Cities:skyline Asset and entertainment club hotel XCAEC大酒店,让您宾至如归。 本酒店由都市天际线娱乐会所所长亲自设计,裙楼共三层,为综合餐饮区,在裙楼顶部的天台上设有游泳池,其余楼层为客房和办公室,顶楼设有停机坪,并开通直升机接送服务(骗人的没开通)。 本酒店天台游泳池每周举办无上装派对,小朋友不能参加哟(游泳池区以被停业整改) 本酒楼开业大酬宾,所有顾客一律免费(编不下去...
world mark2 [ RICO ]
로고가 없고 층수가 기존보다 낮은 버전입니다....
world mark [ RICO ]
삼각지역에 위치한 오피스텔입니다. 리코모드 사용시 자동 적용됩니다....
Wooden bridge in ancient China中国古代木桥宫殿田园桥梁天桥
Autor: VQVQ
宫殿天桥 bridge by VQVQ 木桥以天然木材作为主要建造材料的桥梁。由于木材分布较广,取材容易,而且采伐加工不需要复杂工具。所以木桥是最早出现的桥梁形式。其具有重量轻,强度较高,加工及各部分连接的构造简单等优点。但其也有易燃,易腐蚀,承载力和耐久性易受木材的各向异性及天然缺陷影响等缺点。 Wood bridge is a bridge with natural wood as the main construction material. Because of the wide distribut...
Wilshire Grand Center [RICO]
Autor: _luminou_
Wilshire Grand Center The Wilshire Grand Center is a high-end, mixed use, high rise located in the heart of downtown Los Angeles. The 1,100 foot tall building became the tallest structure west of the Mississippi River when a steel spire measuring just unde...
Vysotsky Tower (Ekaterinburg) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Бизнес центр "Высоцкий" 188 метров, 53 этажа Office building "Vysotsky" 188 meters, 53 floors Расцветка: Стеклянный фасад синего цвета Blue glass facade Textures: _d,_n,_i,_s,...
Volzskiy | 9 Story Apartment Building
Autor: 777RRR
4k polys, 3 lvl high res...
Volzskiy | 9 Story Apartment Building
Autor: 777RRR
4k polys, 3 lvl high res...
Volzskiy | 5 Story Apartment Building
Autor: 777RRR
Another new model of typical house project in Volzskiy, Russia. Fit well with 4x4. 2.3k polygons, all maps. Color 3...
Wall Bars "MM-7b"
Autor: targa
Wall bars for children playgrounds. Repainted with four color - green, dark green, blue, dark blue. Main model 432 tris 128x128 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD model 52 tris 32x32 texture -------------------------------------------------- To gain access to th...
Volzskiy | 5 Story Apartment Building
Autor: 777RRR
3k polys, 3 lvl high res...
Volzskiy | 5 Story Apartment Building
Autor: 777RRR
Another new model of typical house project in Volzskiy, Russia. Fit well with 4x4. 2.3k polygons, all maps. Color 2...
Volzskiy | 5 Story Apartment Building
Autor: 777RRR
Another new model of typical house project in Volzskiy, Russia. Fit well with 4x4. 2.3k polygons, all maps. Soon i will make more models....
Volzskiy | 5 Story Apartment Building
Autor: 777RRR
Another new model of typical house project in Volzskiy, Russia. Fit well with 4x4. 2.3k polygons, all maps. Now in compact size. Color 4...
Volzskiy | 4 Story Apartment Building
Autor: 777RRR
Subscribe to me to get new models. 2.3k polys, 1lvl ( growable )....
Volzskiy | 4 Story Apartment Building
Autor: 777RRR
Subscribe to me to get new models. 2.3k polys, 1lvl ( growable )....
Futuristic Apartment Tower 2 CC
Autor: CushyCrux
Futuristic Apartment Tower 2 CC Because Artists create Art. It needs some Tris. Please vote and write a comment if you like. I think this is the best building I ever made. Don't know how to top that. ;) Send me a money giftcard via paypal to cushycrux@hotm...
Futuristic Green Office Tower 2 CC
Autor: CushyCrux
Futuristic Green Office Tower 2 CC ---------------------------------------------- Because Artists create Art. Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 3 / 4x4 2320 Polys 236...
Gas Company Tower - Los Angeles [RICO]
Autor: _luminou_
Gas Company Tower - Los Angeles The Gas Company Tower is a skyscraper located in Los Angeles, California, USA. Its height is 228 m and it has 52 floors. The construction was completed in 1991 and was led by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP, the main architec...
Gate of the Zenith Sun 正陽門城樓
Autor: Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2021-09-14*** Change roof color to grey with green edge 改屋頂成灰筒瓦綠琉璃剪邊 ****************************** Gate of the Zenith Sun (Zhengyangmen Gate Tower) This is a new version of the gate with new wall texture. It's compatible with the draggable Beiji...
Gazebo & Pergola - Pack
Autor: Bibel Gurra
A christmas miracle, a gazebo and a pergola in the same pack? whaaaat! Will be used in a future upload, keep an eye out ;)...
GD-1 (Corner-1) (v1) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии "ГД-1" - Угловая секция-1 (Мой проект жилого дома.) Версия 1, 1 секция (угловая-1), 9 этажей. Residential building "GD-1" - Corner section-1 (My perso...
Vents Office L1 3x3 (Prop)
Autor: DanDeKalb
Vents Office L1 3x3 from vanilla building...
Vents ComLow L3 4x3 (Prop)
Autor: DanDeKalb
Vents ComLow L3 4x3 from vanilla building...
Urbis Axia
Autor: ManuRamos
Pack of 7 URBIS AXIA lamps. Highly recommended MOD,s: - More Beautification or Find It! - Prop & Treee Anarchy - Prop Precision - Move It! - Prop Snapping - Prop Line Tool If you like my assets, please, support me: https://i...
Urban Townhouse 2
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 3 1x2 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 664 tris LOD 84 tris glass balcony 16 tris Asset shares textures with Townhous...
Urban Townhouse 1
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 3 1x2 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 632 tris LOD 80 tris glass balcony 24 tris Asset shares textures with Townhous...
Autor: Lokon
University by Lokon Education 7x9 size 2381 triangles 1024x1024 texture Donate If you like my maps/models/mods:
Turquoise Quarter A1
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new building - "Turquoise Quarter A1" in Atyrau city. I created this asset special for record a process how I doing that. You can read this post in reddit:
Toronto City Hall
Autor: JSF-1
NOTE* This is a remake of my old Toronto City Hall asset. If you are using it, unsubscribe and use this one instead! Toronto City Hall opened in 1961 to house the offices of the City of Toronto and Metropolitan Toronto (who would later move out in the 90's...
Tin roof A3 30m
Tin roof A3 30m size = 6mx30m 屋根つき駐車場にありそうなトタン屋根propです。 サイズは6mx30mです。 SSでではタクシー車庫風になっておりますが、 アイデア次第で様々な場面で使えると思います。 テクスチャサイズは512x512にて作成しております。...
Tin roof A2 20m
Tin roof A2 20m size = 6mx20m 屋根つき駐車場にありそうなトタン屋根propです。 サイズは6mx20mです。 SSでではタクシー車庫風になっておりますが、 アイデア次第で様々な場面で使えると思います。 テクスチャサイズは512x512にて作成しております。...
Tin roof A1 10m
Tin roof A1 10m size = 6mx10m 屋根つき駐車場にありそうなトタン屋根propです。 サイズは6mx10mです。 SSでではタクシー車庫風になっておりますが、 アイデア次第で様々な場面で使えると思います。 テクスチャサイズは512x512にて作成しております。 ...
The Wave
Autor: Kliekie
"The Wave in Vejle, Denmark designed by Henning Larsen Architects is a new unique housing that embraces the sculptural and organic forms to become a new landmark for the city. The distinctive building has been selected as winner of the prestigious Civic Tr...
The Veer Towers Las Vegas
Autor: KingLeno
The Veer Towers Las Vegas by King Leno You can check this building out in-game by following this link . And if you would like to see more of these types assets on the workshop, please subscribe to me on YouTube to see what I'm ...
The Oasis Pool
Autor: KingLeno
The Oasis Pool by King Leno This is part of The Oasis Hotel & Casino Resort I am building for Paradise Valley, which you can see here. Or just watch the video above. You may have to use move it to get it to be align with the terrain. Big thanks to @Ronyx69...
The Horizon (Sydney)
Autor: Robert
Controversial when it was constructed in the 90s, for the long shadow it cast over the surrounding suburb, the Horizon is a 43 storey residential high-rise in Darlinghurst Sydney. This is a 4x4 level 5 high-density residential building. It is NOT pre-prepa...
The hill [ RICO ]
리코모드 사용시 자동적용됩니다....
GD-1 (Corner-1) (v2) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии "ГД-1" - Угловая секция-1 (Мой проект жилого дома.) Версия 2, 1 секция (угловая-1), 9 этажей. Residential building "GD-1" - Corner section-1 (My perso...
GD-1 (Corner-2) (v1) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии "ГД-1" - Угловая секция-1 (Мой проект жилого дома.) Версия 1, 1 секция (угловая-2), 9 этажей. Residential building "GD-1" - Corner section-1 (My perso...
GD-1 (Corner-2) (v2) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии "ГД-1" - Угловая секция-2 (Мой проект жилого дома.) Версия 2, 1 секция (угловая-2), 9 этажей. Residential building "GD-1" - Corner section-2 (My perso...
GD-1 (Tower) (v1) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии "ГД-1" - Башня (Мой проект жилого дома.) Версия 1, 1 секция (Башня), 18 этажей. Residential building "GD-1" - Tower (My personal project of a resident...
GD-1 (Tower) (v2) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии "ГД-1" - Башня (Мой проект жилого дома.) Версия 2, 1 секция (Башня), 18 этажей. Residential building "GD-1" - Tower (My personal project of a resident...
GD-1 (v1) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: (ОБНОВЛЕННАЯ ВЕРСИЯ!!!) (Updated version!!!) Жилой дом серии "ГД-1" (Мой проект жилого дома.) Версия 1, 3 секции, 9 этажей. Residential building "GD-1" (My personal p...
GD-1 (v1) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: (ОБНОВЛЕННАЯ ВЕРСИЯ!!!) (Updated version!!!) Жилой дом серии "ГД-1" (Мой проект жилого дома.) Версия 1, 2 секции, 9 этажей. Residential building "GD-1" (My personal p...
GD-1 (v2) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: (ОБНОВЛЕННАЯ ВЕРСИЯ!!!) (Updated version!!!) Жилой дом серии "ГД-1" (Мой проект жилого дома.) Версия 2, 2 секции, 9 этажей. Residential building "GD-1" (My personal p...
GD-1 (v2) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: (ОБНОВЛЕННАЯ ВЕРСИЯ!!!) (Updated version!!!) Жилой дом серии "ГД-1" (Мой проект жилого дома.) Версия 2, 3 секции, 9 этажей. Residential building "GD-1" (My personal p...
GD-1 (v4) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Сборка из 9-ти жилых домов серии "ГД-1" версия-4 9 residential buildings of the "GD-1" series (My personal project of a residential buildings.) Version 4 Расцветка: Бе...
Gift Shop
A small (1x1) shop selling souvenirs and balloons. A prop useable in the park editor. Custom model created by ReticentDaikaiju. Part of my Amusment Park set. Check out the other rides and attractions here:
Giorgio Armani
Autor: KingLeno
Giorgio Armani by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. High end boutique retail based on store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Triangles Texture 1024x1024 Lot size: 2x4 Level ...
Glass and Steel Awnings Prop Pack
Hello plaza planners! I've seen great screenshots and videos from builders that have been using the two awnings that I included in my Park Inn Prop Pack in all sorts of creative ways. I've gotten requests to expand the idea, and this pack is the result. In...
Glass Sound Barriers
Autor: DeCzaah
Glass Sound/Noise Barriers Pack by DeCzaah These are noise / sound barriers, made of glass. They are straight and not aligned to the terrain; but they are perfect for bridges and flat roads, as you can see on the screens, made by creativeDEX, on top. Also,...
Green Office 😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒
Autor: Ronyx69
take out your cucumbers lmao 😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒😂😂👌👌💯💯🥒🥒...
Gymnastic Bars #2
Autor: targa
Outside Gymnastic Bars. Repainted with four color - red, green, blue, yellow. Main model 264 tris 128x128 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD model 24 tris 32x32 texture -------------------------------------------------- To gain access to this asset in-game, not ...
Hang Seng - IFC Bridge, HK
Autor: Pirazel
Hang Seng IFC Bridge, Hong Kong This bridge is part of the Central elevated Walkway system. It connects the Hang Seng Bank to the IFC One. This is a decorative building! -No function! -No walk paths! -No connection or services needed! Use the "move it!" mo...
HDB 640489
HDB 640489 (Jurong West Ave 1) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This is a 4x2 Level 2 high residential based on Singapore HDB style building. Correctly Sca...
HDB 640489B
HDB 640489B (Jurong West Ave 1) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This is a 2x4 Level 2 high residential based on Singapore HDB style building. It is a 90° ...
HDB 640491
HDB 640491 (Jurong West Ave 1) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) This is a different variation of a 4x2 Level 2 high residential based on Singapore HDB styl...
HDB 651445 651446
HDB 651445 651446 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! HDB 651445 651446 (Bt Batok West Ave 8) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) West Crest @ Bukit Batok is bounded by Buk...
HDB 652445
HDB 652445 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! HDB 652445 (Bt Batok West Ave 8) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) West Crest @ Bukit Batok is bounded by Bukit Batok Road ...
HDB Apartment Blk 763505 (Front)
Autor: EndlessFtw
Front facing version (3 tile wide, 2 tiles deep) of the HDB Apt Blk 763505 asset. Side facing version (click here) Introduction A modern public housing apartment block in Singapore. Inspired by the design of Blk 505C along Yishun Ring Road, this asset recr...
HDB Apartment Blk 763506 (front)
Autor: EndlessFtw
This is the front facing version (4 tiles wide, 2 tiles deep) Side facing version link (click here) Introduction A modern public housing apartment block in Singapore. Inspired by the design of Blk 506C along Yishun Avenue 4, this asset recreates the 21st c...
HDB Apartment Blk 763506 (side)
Autor: EndlessFtw
This is the side facing version (2 tiles wide, 4 tiles deep) Front facing version link (click here) Introduction A modern public housing apartment block in Singapore. Inspired by the design of Blk 506C along Yishun Avenue 4, this asset recreates the 21st c...
Autor: Ronyx69
A pack of hedge props and networks, also includes replacements for the vanilla hedge. Search for "r69 hedge" using Find It! If a network segment is too long, there might be a gap, simply split the segment into two by creating an intersection. Main: 350 - 9...
Hernando de Soto Bridge
Autor: KingLeno
Hernando de Soto Bridge by KingLeno The Hernando de Soto Bridge is a through arch bridge carrying Interstate 40 across the Mississippi River between West Memphis, Arkansas, and Memphis, Tennessee. Memphians also call the bridge the "New Bridge" as it is ne...
High School
Autor: Valex 7x7 High School by Valex...
High school I-1577A (Moscow) [Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Старшая школа серии И-1577А (Версия 1) 4 этажа High school I-1577A (Version 1) 4 floors Расцветка: Белые и цветные панели (красный, оранжевый, зеленый, голубой) Color: White and colored panels (red, ...
High school I-1577A (Moscow) [Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Старшая школа серии И-1577А (Версия 2) 4 этажа High school I-1577A (Version 2) 4 floors Расцветка: Белые и цветные панели (фиолетовый, синий, светло-зеленый, желтый) Color: White and colored panels (...
high-rise apartment building 40 超高层住宅40层
Autor: XDBX
high-rise apartment building 40 超高层住宅40层 这是一个公园,为了方便重复建造。 This is a park for repeated construction. 你可以在“公园”的“广场”一栏中找到它。 You can find it in the "Plaza" column of the "Park" 你也可以为它设置RICO,让它变成真正的住宅。 You can also set RICO for it to make it a real apartment. 因...
high-rise apartment building 50 超高层住宅50层
Autor: XDBX
high-rise apartment building 50 超高层住宅50层 这是一个公园,为了方便重复建造。 This is a park for repeated construction. 你可以在“公园”的“广场”一栏中找到它。 You can find it in the "Plaza" column of the "Park" 你也可以为它设置RICO,让它变成真正的住宅。 You can also set RICO for it to make it a real apartment. 因...
Highway CCF
Autor: amamIya
Highway CCF by amamIya...
Highway Pillars Pack
Autor: Palm'sTime
Designed for Amamlya's CSUE and can be compatible to other roads. Based on Thailand's Expressway. It's building (Placing). Built For Elite Players Only. Details: - TH Pillar1 Lane (Col_TH_TYPE_1L) = 1 Lane | Main Tris: 126 | LOD Tris: 90 - TH Pillar 2 Lane...
HK Neon Lighting 港式霓虹燈廣告牌 Hong Kong
Autor: XDBX
HK NeonLighting 港式霓虹燈廣告牌 你可以使用“find it” 搜索“neon”找到这些物品。 You can use "find it" to search for "neon" to find these items. 一共有22个广告牌 A total of 22 Neon billboards
HK-styled Prop
Autor: XDBX
HK-styled Prop by XDBX...
Holographic Square
Autor: 752811818
Holographic Square by 752811818 全息广场 It includes Park pedestals, circular holographic billboards, three prism holographic billboards and some landscape lights. Tree assets are not included. 资产内包含公园底座,环形全息广告牌,三棱柱全息广告牌和一些景观灯。树木资产不包括在内。 You need Addictive Sha...
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center 香港会议展览中心 HK
Autor: XDBX
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center (HKCEC) 香港会议展览中心 1:1scale version1:1比例 中文名称Chinese name 香港会议展览中心 外文名称English name Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center 简称abbreviation HKCEC 开幕 1988年11月 You can find it in the special building of the fifth le...
Hong Kong Police Headquarters(1:1.5)
Autor: XDBX
HKPH (Hong Kong Police Headquarters ) 香港警政大厦 1:1 : 这是一个警察总局,你可以在警察局这一栏找到 This is a police headquarters, you can find it in the police station. Tris :4274 Lod‘s tris:1211 2048x2048 256x256...
Hong Kong-styled commercial Low 港式低密度商業建築
Autor: XDBX
HK commercial Low 本合集一共包括8棟樓,在低密度商業區. This collection includes a total of 8 buildings in a low-density commercial area. https://steamuserimages-a.akamai...
Hong Kong-styled old apartment 港式老居民樓 HK
Autor: XDBX
HK-styled old apartment 港式老居民樓合集 本合集一共包括14棟居民樓,其中有11棟爲自己生長的建築,在低密度住宅區,與3棟特殊建築,可用“find it”搜索關鍵詞找到。 The collection includes a total of 14 residential buildings, 11 of which are self-developed buildings, in low-density residential areas, and 3 special buildin...
Hong Kong-styled Residential High part1 港式高密度住宅 第一部分
Autor: XDBX
HK Residential High part1 本合集一共包括3棟樓,在高密居住業區. This collection includes a total of 3 buildings in a high-density residential area.
Hong Kong-styled Residential High part2 港式高密度住宅 第二部分
Autor: XDBX
HK apartment high4 by XDBX 本合集一共包括3棟樓. This collection includes a total of 3 buildings . 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 You can find it in the special building of the first level. 大家可用move it “ctrl+c”複製建築,不需要RICO You can copy the building with move it “ctrl+c” without RIC...
Hopewell Centre 合和中心
Autor: XDBX
Hopewell Centre HK 合和中心 You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到
Horizontal Bars #1
Autor: targa
Outside Horizontal Bars. Repainted with four color - red, blue, yellow, violet. Main model 316 tris 128x128 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD model 20 tris 32x32 texture -------------------------------------------------- To gain access to this asset in-game, no...
Horizontal Bars MM-41
Autor: targa
Repainted with four color - violet, blue, yellow, red. Main model 300 tris 128x128 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD model 52 tris 32x32 texture -------------------------------------------------- To gain access to this asset in-game, not only in the editor use ...
Horizontal Bars MM-42
Autor: targa
Repainted with four color - violet, blue, yellow, red. Main model 276 tris 128x128 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD model 44 tris 32x32 texture -------------------------------------------------- To gain access to this asset in-game, not only in the editor use ...
Hotel (Monaco)
Autor: furious
Hello! I made random building from Monaco. Please use it with RICO mod. Without RICO it's unique building with default parameters without workplaces and homes. In game: - commercial - tourist; - $150K; - custom lod; - 35 workplaces; - after dark; Please su...
Hotel (Sochi, Russia)
Autor: furious
Hotel building. Original location: Russia, Sochi, Sochi Park Resort. ~9k tris, rotor shader. RICO settings included (commercial - tourist). Contact me: Donate: via PayPal via YandexMoney...
Huaxin International Plaza——柳州华信国际大厦
Autor: often
资产介绍:华信国际,柳州市仅有的大规模商务建筑综合体之一,雄踞潭中大道与桂中大道交汇处,与人大楼隔路相望,侧邻广电中心,占地面积8000多㎡,总建筑面积50000多㎡,秉承“规划第一,建筑第二”的国际一流城市设计理念,集商业、写字等为一体,打造开放、流动、聚集、可持续发展精神主导下的新一代商务建筑,全玻璃幕墙金属装饰外观,主体建筑层数为20层,高达89米,堪称河东行政中心区的形象新地标。 华信国际大型主题商场、5A专业写字楼、高级写字一体,规模提升效益,价值叠加增长;大型主题商场,最具张力的通透式设计,引领...
Hunan International Finance Building湖南国际金融大厦15X11
Autor: MC100
Hunan International Finance Building湖南国际金融大厦15X11 by MC100 湖南国际金融大厦是一座集金融、贸易、宾馆、办公为一体的现代化建筑综合体。坐落于长沙市中心芙蓉中路,地处长沙市最繁华的中央商务区,毗邻东西主干道五一大道,距长沙黄花国际机场25公里,离长沙火车站仅3公里,离长沙南站武广客运火车站约为10公里,交通十分便利。曾经是长沙的重要地标建筑。建筑总高200m,屋顶高度181.8米,地上层数44楼,地下层数3楼。建成于1998年。 Hunan Intern...
HVACR systems pack
Autor: Prosper
Pack of HVACR units. It will be replenished. The LOD is autogenerated....
Hwl tower HK 和记黄埔大厦 Hong Kong
Autor: XDBX
Hwl tower by XDBX You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 1:1.5versions
I-209A(v1) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии И-209А Версия 1, 1 секционный, 14 этажей Residential building I-209A Version 1, 1 sections, 14 floors Расцветка: серые блочные панели Colour: gray blo...
I-209A(v2) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии И-209А Версия 2, 1 секционный, 14 этажей Residential building I-209A Version 2, 1 sections, 14 floors Расцветка: серые блочные панели Colour: gray blo...
I-209A(v3) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии И-209А Версия 3, 1 секционный, 14 этажей Residential building I-209A Version 3, 1 sections, 14 floors Расцветка: Белая плитка + цветная Используйте мо...
I-209A(v4) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии И-209А Версия 4, 1 секционный, 14 этажей Residential building I-209A Version 4, 1 sections, 14 floors Расцветка: Белая плитка + цветная Используйте мо...
II-07-19 (v1-4) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии II-07-19 Версия 1-4, 1 секционный, 5 этажей Residential building II-07-19 Version 1-4, 1 sections, 5 floors Расцветка: Серые (версия 1-2) и желтые (ве...
Autor: kowkamurka
Type II-60 residential building, known as "Chernobyl High-rise", for RICO mod. The model has the full texture set, including color map. The model itself has ~22k tris, so use it on your own risk. It is 3 level Residential High-rise for ~30 families. If you...
II-60 for [RICO] — Open Balcony Version
Autor: kowkamurka
Type II-60 residential building, known as "Chernobyl High-rise", for RICO mod. This version has no glass on balconies as it was back in Soviet Times. Also could be used as dormitory. The model has the full texture set, including color map. The model itself...
Imperia Tower (Moscow IBC) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Многофункциональный комплекс "Империя" (ММДЦ Москва-Сити) 239 метров, 59 этажей Multifunctional building "Imperia" (IBC Moscow-City) 239 meters, 59 floors Рас...
Improved Hedges
Autor: pdelmo
Lower Poly Tall hedges. Conforming Short & Long and Non conforming Short Conforming hedges same size as vanilla to use Prop it up swap hedges with prop switcher Hedge 3 C Long as hedge Hedge 3 C as short hedge 306tri and 612tri for long 1024x512 pix Custom...
Invisible Pedestrian Path (12m width) 隱形人行道
Autor: Emperor Li
Invisible Pedestrian Path Half width 6m Lane width 14m vanilla pedestrian path with no pillars, no elevated segments and nodes. It's used in my Chinese city wall project for better connection with gates and other accessories. ...
jamsil apartment A
A타입은 33층 아파트입니다. B타입은 27층의 아파트입니다. C타입은 22층의 아파트 입니다. A type : B type : C type :
jamsil apartment B type
A타입은 33층 아파트입니다. B타입은 27층의 아파트입니다. C타입은 22층의 아파트 입니다. A type : B type : C type :
Island Shangri-La 港岛香格里拉大酒店 HK Hong Kong
Autor: XDBX
ShangrilaHK by XDBX You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 ...
jamsil apartment C type
A타입은 33층 아파트입니다. B타입은 27층의 아파트입니다. C타입은 22층의 아파트 입니다. A type : B type : C type :
jangmi apartment
리코모드 사용시 자동 적용 됩니다....
Japan Post Signs
Autor: Ronyx69
Includes the Japan Post logo and a central post office sign. Made for the Japanese Post Office. Can be used for any japanese post office. Main: 46 - 76 tris 256x256 LOD: 10 - 36 tris Twitch Yo...
Jeneric Center
Autor: Jerenable
Jeneric Center by Jerenable This is a pretty jeneric (hAhAA get it) pretty tall building, At 453m (thats about 25000ft :3) it will tower over most cities. This building is fully my own design and doesnt excist in real life. The other 2 tall buildins in the...
Jin Mao Tower Shanghai 上海金茂大厦
Autor: XDBX
Jin Mao Tower Shanghai 上海金茂大厦 你可以在第六集特殊建筑中找到哟 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level. ______________________________ 上海金茂大厦,位于上海市浦东新区世纪大道88号,地处陆家嘴金融贸易区中心,东临浦东新区,西眺上海市及黄浦江,南向浦东张杨路商业贸易区,北临10万平方米的中央绿地。 上海金茂大厦占地面积2.4万平方米,总建筑面积29万平方米,其中主楼88层,高度4...
Polygon's Apartments #4
Autor: Polygon RICO ready! This is the newest of my modern apartment buildings. You subscribe the growable and RICO version. Architecture: Residential building in Heidelberg, Germany. You can find the matching park here. Growable version hi...
JP Megane ichiba
Autor: koma
Japanese commercial store megane-ichiba. Grow-able commercial low LV.1 4×2. 日本の眼鏡、コンタクトレンズなどの販売店、眼鏡市場です。 低密度商業区画レベル1、4×2マスです。 ...
Junior school I-1194A (Moscow) [Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Младшая школа серии И-1194А (Версия 1) 3 этажа Junior school I-1194A (Version 1) 3 floors Расцветка: Белые и цветные панели (красный, зеленый, желтый, синий) Color: White and colored panels (red, gre...
K-7-3 (v1) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии К-7-3 (K7v1x75fl) Версия 1, 6 секционный, 5 этажей Residential building K-7-3 (K7v1x75fl) Version 1, 6 sections, 5 floors Расцветка: белая, красная, бежевая плитка -"ириска" Colour: w...
K-7-3 (v2) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии К-7-3 (K7v2x75fl) Версия 2, 6 секционный, 5 этажей Residential building K-7-3 (K7v2x75fl) Version 2, 6 sections, 5 floors Расцветка: серая плитка -"ириска" Colour: grey tile Textures ...
K-7-2 (v3) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии К-7-2 (K7v3x55fl) Версия 3, 4 секционный, 5 этажей Residential building K-7-2 (K7v3x55fl) Version 3, 4 sections, 5 floors Расцветка: белая панель Colour: white panel Use "Painter" mod...
K-7-2 (v4) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии К-7-2 (K7v4x55fl) Версия 4, 4 секционный, 5 этажей Residential building K-7-2 (K7v4x55fl) Version 4, 4 sections, 5 floors Расцветка: белая и красная плитка -"ириска" Colour: white, re...
Kachidoki Bridge (Tokyo, Japan)
Autor: Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Autor: Golonka
"Karla Tower" is a planned residential building which will become the tallest building in Sweden and Scandinavia. Located in Gothenburg, it will be 245 meters tall and have 73 floors. This monument was created in blender as a 1:1 replica. It includes night...
Kazakh Yurt 6K
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project - Kazakh yurt. These are traditional national Kazakh houses. It is a pack of 4 types of buildings, all of them are of the same class - Level1. In total there will be 5 such packs(20 buil...
Kazakh Yurt 8K
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project - Kazakh yurt. These are traditional national Kazakh houses. It is a pack of 4 types of buildings, all of them are of the same class - Level2. In total there will be 5 such packs(20 buil...
KFC (Krasnodar, Russia)
Autor: furious
Hi! New model. Asset based on building of KFC restaurant, located inside boulevard on intersection of Tamanskaya and Stavropolskaya streets, Krasnodar, Russia. I don't know what else to write. The usual KFC is no different from the others. In game: With RI...
Khovrino hospital
Autor: AliTarGz
UPDATE! I fixed the "not found asset name" error =================== Hello, my dear subscribers and all fans of Cities: Skylines! :)) For a long time I did not upload anything new to the workshop. And so, after a long time, I finally found the time and com...
Autor: Reaper
Kilbourn_Tower by Reaper unique building with lod scale 1:1 compatible with After Dark 4105 highpoly tex resolution 2048 431 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal...
Konohana bridge
Autor: Jerenable
Konohana bridge by Jerenable The Konohana Bridge (此花大橋 Konohana Ō-hashi) is a self-anchored suspension bridge located in Osaka, Japan. Opened for traffic in 1990, it has a main span of 300 metres (980 ft). The bridge's unusual design has only a single main...
korea villa
리코모드가 있으면 자동 적용됩니다. 리코모드가 없어도 사용가능합니다. 고밀도 거주지에서 찾으실 수 있습니다. 새로운 맵핑 방식으로 텍스쳐를 입혔습니다. 벽을 자세히 보시면 고해상도입니다. 손에 익숙해지면 앞으로 에셋만들기 편할거 같네요.. Thank you!...
korea villa2 [ RICO ]
지붕형 신축빌라입니다. 무브잇을 사용하세요! 무브잇으로 건물을 붙이면 멋진 연출이 가능합니다. Use Move it!...
korea Xi apartment [ RICO ]
청담동을 대표하는 랜드마크 자이 아파트를 모티브로 제작한 아파트입니다. 리코모드 고밀도 거주지 탭에서 찾으실수 있습니다. 이름은 xiapartment 입니다....
L3 1-464 Soviet apartment
Autor: AleX_BY
L3 1-464 Soviet apartment by AleX_BY...
Lake Point Plaza
Autor: honker
This is the plaza version of my Lake Point Tower asset from Chicago. Lake Point Tower is a jewel of the Chicago skyline, its three rounded lobes offering residents unobstructed views of the lake and the city at every angle. It is the only building east of ...
Large Illuminated Pylon Light
Autor: Ryno
Large illuminated pylon light. Loosely based on the pylons at LAX airport. Asset is a prop - requires More Beautification mod to place in game. Stats Tris: 264 Weight: 5.29 Texture: 2048x1024 Diffuse, Colour, Illumination, Normal LOD Tris: 28 Weight: 0.20 ...
Large Tennis Club (grass version)
Autor: Tomas13TO
Large Tennis Club (grass version) for your city. INFO maps - d,n,s,a,i (1024x1024) triangles - 7652 LOD triangles - 146 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 10x13 ...
Le Millefiori
Autor: Ionwind
Is your city filled with glass exteriors? Wouldn't it be nice to have some cool modernist concrete buildings also? Worry not! Le Millefiori is a 37-storey residential building that gives your neighborhood some nice Côte d'Azur vibes straight from the 1969!...
Lever House
Hi everyone, I'm so sorry that i have gone for such a long time, as I was quite busy the last few weeks. But i'm back here to share my newest asset. Since last time, I have improved a lot on my modelling skills, hoping to make this model much better qualit...
LINQ Casino Hotel Tower
Autor: KingLeno
LINQ Casino Hotel Tower by KingLeno Stand alone LINQ Tower. This was created for my Paradise Valley Cities Skylines series, a recreation of the Las Vegas Strip. Since this is part of a larger build, it has no lobby. The casino floor and entrance will be re...
Logotype of the shopping center "Leningrad Design Center"
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Логотип "Ленинградский центр дизайна" в Москве. Ленинградское шоссе 25
Longxin Electronic隆鑫电子
Autor: amamIya
Longxin Electronic隆鑫电子 by amamIya...
Lotte Hotel Jeju Fence (3.6m)
Autor: TDB Lotte Hotel Jeju Fence Make your city more beautiful. Youtube Channel Informations 3.6m Fence Prop Main Model: 325 Tris #Fence #Jeju #Korea #GoJeju #Stone
Lowrise Condo
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 3 4x4 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 3428 tris LOD 250 tris 128x128 glass balcony 132 tris Asset shares textures wi...
Lowry Avenue Bridge
Introducing the Lowry Avenue Bridge! A steel tied-arch bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minnesota, completed in October of 2012. After browsing through many types of bridges I found this wonderfully lit up bridge and definitely wanted to s...
Madison Square Garden (Pack)
Hi everyone, I'm so glad to present to you the Madison Square Garden Arena. This has taken me tons of hours to do it. So please enjoy !! However, there's still much left to do, such as the Penn Station entrance. That could probably take a while tbh, but ma...
Marina Bay Sands 金沙酒店
Autor: 752811818
Marina Bay Sands Singapore Floors 57 Roof 207m Level 6 Unique building The problem of unconnected roads can be solved by using pavements to cross the tall buildings in the middle.
Market Stall Awnings Pack
Autor: Beardmonkey
Market Stall Awnings Pack by Beardmonkey This pack contains seven market stall awnings made for the Osahra project. Tris: 148–172 Texture: 512x512 px LOD tris: 24–28 Some of the awnings have color variation. This pack was custom made for the Osahra project...
Autor: amamIya
Masonry浆砌石护坡 by amamIya...
Material handler
Autor: Avanya
Time for a prop! I'm working on some modular recycling facilities and in the process I needed a material handler (how else would I deal with scrap iron?! :P ) I'm pretty happy with this and looking forward to giving my dump truck and excavators textures as...
Maze #1
Autor: targa
Maze for playgrounds. Repainted with four color - green, dark green, blue, violet. This asset have too much number of tris. Main model 816 tris 128x128 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD model 52 tris 32x32 texture -----------------------------------------------...
McDonald's (RICO)
Autor: furious
English version: Hi friends! New model. Asset based on building of McDonald's, located inside boulevard on intersection of Krasnaya and Severnaya streets, Krasnodar, Russia. I don't know what...
McDonald's (RICO) English version
Autor: furious
It is English version of this asset: New model. Asset based on building of McDonald's, located inside boulevard on intersection of Krasnaya and Severnaya streets, Krasnodar, Russia. I don't k...
Medium Warehouse四海仓库
Autor: amamIya
Medium Warehouse四海仓库 by amamIya...
Microcity (In the forest) 01A_LP
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - Microcity "In the forest". Location: Russia, Moscow, Otradnoe. This complex will consist of 10 or 13 buildings. First I will make all the buildings in the lowpoly,...
Microcity (In the forest) 02B_LP
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - Microcity "In the forest". Location: Russia, Moscow, Otradnoe. This complex will consist of 10 or 13 buildings. Do not be surprised that the building has an ending...
Microcity (In the forest) 03A_LP
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - Microcity "In the forest". Location: Russia, Moscow, Otradnoe. This complex will consist of 10 or 13 buildings. First I will make all the buildings in the lowpoly,...
Mingyuexia Yangtze River Bridge [ 明月峡长江大桥 (beta) ]
Autor: LIME
Translation: The purpose of the asset, currently the test version, subsequent improvement, this version is not the final version The current thinking has been disrupted. The cause: The lower level of the bridge is a 160 km/h ring-line passenger and cargo l...
Mixed-Use 120 Degree Corner 40m
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Modular 6x4 RICO residential top, requires base model linked in dependencies Mesh 1865 tris LOD 64 tris Glass balcony sub building 172 tris 1024x512 diffuse, normal, s...
Mixed-Use 60 Degree Corner 65m
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Modular RICO mixed-use residential tower, needs the commercial base listed in the requirements 6x5 commercial base and residential top Mesh 3753 tris LOD 101 tris 1024...
Mixed-Use Corner
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Modular RICO mixed-use commercial and residential pack 2x8 commercial base and residential top Mesh 1 base 1434 tris LOD 44 tris Mesh 2 top 1846 tris LOD 89 tris Glass...
Mixed-Use Corner 89m
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Modular RICO mixed-use commercial and residential pack 5x8 commercial base and residential top Mesh 1 base 1750 tris LOD 69 tris Mesh 2 top 7603 tris LOD 150 tris subm...
Modern Condo
Autor: Smilies
4x4 L2 high density residential growable 1024x512 diffuse, spec, normal, color, illumination main 12705 tris balcony submesh 2016 tris 256x128 diffuse, spec, color, alpha custom LOD 123 tris baked textures 256x256 4 different color variants Models and text...
Modern Condo
Autor: Smilies
4x4 L2 high density residential growable 1024x512 diffuse, spec, normal, color, illumination main 7145 tris balcony submesh 992 tris 256x128 diffuse, spec, color, alpha custom LOD 123 tris baked textures 256x256 4 different color variants Models and textur...
Modern Condo
Autor: Smilies
4x4 L2 high density residential growable 1024x512 diffuse, spec, normal, color, illumination main 2639 tris balcony submesh 112 tris 256x128 diffuse, spec, color, alpha custom LOD 34 tris baked textures 256x256 4 different color variants Models and texture...
Modern Condo Highrise 75m
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 4 high density residential Main mesh 5944 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination glass balcony 324 tris Custom LOD 76 tris 128x128 4...
Modern Condo Tower
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 4 high density residential 6300 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 802 tris Custom LOD 104 tris 128x128 4 ...
Modern Highrise Condo
Autor: Smilies
4x4 L3 high density residential 4655 tris LOD 91 tris 512x1024 diffuse, color, spec, normal and illumination maps 256x256 baked custom LOD texture maps custom foundation with stairs for gentle slope tolerance glass balconies sub mesh 32x32 texture 4 color ...
Modern low rise house现代低层住宅中式
Autor: 红米先生
Modern Lowrise Condo
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 3 high density residential 2236 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 240 tris Custom LOD 72 tris auto baked ...
Modern Lowrise Condo
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Same as my previous version with no glass covered restaurant outside 4x4 level 3 high density residential 2036 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illum...
Modern Lowrise Condo
Autor: Smilies
same textures as my previous modern highrise condo, use the loading screen mod to prevent duplicates and save RAM 7x4 level 3 RICO residential ploppable Main model 4528 tris 1024x512 diffuse,...
Modern Midrise Condo
Autor: Smilies
same textures as my previous modern highrise condo, use the loading screen mod to prevent duplicates and save RAM 8x5 level 3 RICO residential ploppable main model 6275 tris LOD 134 glass bal...
Modern Midrise Condo (Undecorated)
Autor: Smilies
No prop version of my Midrise Condo for people who want to decorate it themselves same textures as my previous modern highrise condo, use the loading screen mod to prevent duplicates and save RAM
Modern Midrise Condo 33m
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above No skinny dipping 4x4 level 4 high density residential Main mesh 2712 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Submesh 132 tris Custom LOD 76 tr...
Modern Rowhouse 1
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 1x4 level 2 high density residential 824 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 28 tris Custom LOD 46 tris auto baked 12...
Modern Rowhouse 2
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 1x4 level 2 high density residential 891 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 16 tris Custom LOD 60 tris auto baked 12...
Modern Rowhouse 3
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 1x4 level 3 high density residential 891 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 4 tris Custom LOD 47 tris auto baked 128...
Modern Rowhouse 4
Autor: Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 1x4 level 3 high density residential 958 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 24 tris Custom LOD 46 tris auto baked 12...
Modern Science Tower
Autor: amamIya
Modern Science Tower by amamIya...
Modern Stair Building
Modern Stair Building 한국 시티빌더 커뮤니티 플레이시티 Because I am not good at English, most of the explanations below are from use a translator. First of all, the walking path for this asset used the Pedestrian Connection Surface built into the game. Therefore, there ...
Modern Swing for Playgrounds
Autor: DeCzaah
Modern Playground Swing by DeCzaah This is a modern designed swing. It works perfect for modern, inner city playgrounds. Stay tuned - there will be more awesome playground stuff! The model contains 588 tris / LOD 176 tris 128x128px diffuse, specular and co...
Modular Industry Wall Pack
Autor: Beardmonkey
Modular Industry Wall Pack by Beardmonkey Terrain conforming wall prop that works well with my Modular Industry Pack 02: These props are included: Modular Industry Wall 01 - 2m Modular Indus...
Monkey Bars "Arc MM-26"
Autor: targa
Monkey bars for children playgrounds. Repainted with four color - red, green, blue, yellow. Main model 516 tris 128x128 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD model 62 tris 32x32 texture -------------------------------------------------- To gain access to this asset...
Monkey Bars "Arcs MM-27"
Autor: targa
Monkey bars for children playgrounds. Repainted with four color - green, blue, cyan, violet. This asset have too much number of tris. Main model 984 tris 128x128 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD model 56 tris 32x32 texture -------------------------------------...
Monkey Bars "Fish"
Autor: targa
Monkey bars "Fish" for children playgrounds. Repainted with four color - blue, deep blue, yellow, red. Main model 724 tris 128x128 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD model 136 tris 32x32 texture -------------------------------------------------- To gain access t...
Monkey Bars "Long Wave"
Autor: targa
Big monkey bars "Long Waves" for children playgrounds. Repainted with four color - green, blue, cyan, violet. This asset have too much number of tris. Main model 1,346 tris 512x256 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD model 68 tris 128x64 texture -----------------...
Monkey Bars "Sphere"
Autor: targa
Monkey bars "Sphere" for children playgrounds. Repainted with four color - red, green, blue, cyan. This asset have too much number of tris. Main model 2,160 tris 512x256 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD model 192 tris 128x64 texture ---------------------------...
Monkey Bars "Waves 2xMM-27"
Autor: targa
Monkey bars "Waves MM-27" for children playgrounds. It consists of two Monkey Bars "Arcs MM-27". Repainted with four color - green, blue, cyan, violet. This asset have too much number of tris. Main model 1,968 tris 128x128 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD mode...
Monument People's Heroes 人民英雄紀念碑
Monument People's Heroes 人民英雄紀念碑 Monument People's Heroes, 人民英雄紀念碑 This monument is real popular landmark in PR China, and for Chinese. This unique building is in front of Forbidden City, Tiananmen square of Beijing. 天安門, 紫禁城, 故宮博物院, 北京, 中國. 천안문, 인민영웅기념비, ...
Murckowska Bridge
Autor: DeCzaah
Murckowska Bridge by DeCzaah This is a pack with two bridges, used by creativeDEX for his „Murckowska A4/86" Interchange and his "Trumpet A4/A18" Interchange. By subscribing to it, you'll get a straight and curved version with 4 color variations. You can u...
Nanchang GCP
Autor: amamIya
Nanchang GCP by amamIya Nanchang Greenland Central Plaza 南昌绿地中央广场 Additive Shader Required...
Nanchang international financial center (1:1)
Autor: 言绥
南昌国际金融中心 by 飞行的荷兰人...
Nanchang Metro 6-car
Autor: 言绥
Nanpu Bridge上海南浦大桥桥梁高速公路版
Autor: 红米先生
此版本为高速公路双向六车道 八车道版...
Night club (Krasnodar, Russia)
Autor: furious
Hello. New asset by me ;) The basis of the restaurant is MOST mad, adjacent to the Admiral residential complex, which you all know. In the game the building is made as entertaining and noisy. Used own lanterns, as well as made balconies made of glass. In g...
Nike NYC
Autor: Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Nike "House of Innovation" building on 5th Avenue, New York City. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection by giving it a thumbs up! Main Model: 2,625 tris / 1,02...
No.12 Soy Street
reference Soy Street No. 12 Introduction How to look is just an ordinary residence. But the location is very special. Surrounded by pornography. 26 floors - Level 3 Growable - After Dark ready - 7385 tris, 1024 x 1024 texture RICO ready - Size: 4x3 - Servi...
Noble Recole
Autor: Palm'sTime
Noble Recole By Palm'sTime (armsplams) WARNING: This building will be affect performance. Building Info: Type High-rise residential building. Size 3 x 5 Storey & Heights 30 Storey | 103.95 M. Tris 19,965+62 (Main + Sub-mesh) | 56 (LOD) Texture Size 2048 x ...
noise barrier 道路隔音屏
Autor: hikke
大家好 这次的作品是一个高架道路的隔音屏 小东西 希望大家喜欢~ 配合 move it 可以抬高到合适位置摆放 记得点赞支持我~ 模型信息: 见图片最后一张 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is a noise barrier you can use "move it" up or down if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look p5 http://i1.piimg....
Nova City Fire_Station
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a Nova City Fire Station. But it is not a common fire station. For use this asset you need a Natural Disasters DLC. It is a not real building, I came up with it. :) Main building: 7 firetrucks Left side ...
Nova City High School
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Nova City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of three buildings. And this is a high school, which I made at the request of one of my subscribers. :) <====...
Nova City High School lowpoly
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Nova City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of three buildings. And this is a high school, which I made at the request of one of my subscribers. :) <====...
The Great Wall's Watch Towers 長城樓臺
Autor: Emperor Li
長城樓臺和烽火臺 內含兩種款式 放置需要無碰撞模組 位於石頭選單下 長城請到此處訂閱。 The Great Wall's watch towers including two variations You need any mod with road anarchy to build them. Found under Landscaping \ Rocks For the Great Wall itself, please visit here. -----------------------------...
The Great Wall's Entrance 長城券門
Autor: Emperor Li
******Update 2017.11.29****** Asset is updated using the invisible pedestrian path from ako_ako. Because there is another invisible pedestrian path in the workshop and since it has more subscribers, I'll use that one in the future instead of mine ( invisiv...
The Gentry - Rama IX (Type L - Modern House)
Autor: Palm'sTime
The Gentry - Rama IX (Type L) (Modern House) By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Building Info: Type Low density residential house. Size 3 x 2 Storey & Heights 3 Storey | 11.8 M.* Tris 2,274 (Main) | 247 (LOD) Texture Size 1024 x 1024 (Main) | 128 x 128 (LOD) Scale ...
the fence _03
Autor: The_Ping
information Textures: _d_n_a 3d tri 86 tex 256x128 lod 22 tex 64x32 thank you)...
The Faux Bridge
Autor: Jerenable
The Faux Bridge by Jerenable This Bridge was made on request of a Friend/trusty twitch vieuwer of mine. Its inspired by old rusty railway bridges and is indeed very rusty . You can find this bridge under the electricity tab. without a anarchy mod this brid...
The Bow at Calgary
Autor: fayeddd
Welcome This was collaboration work of Monty and me for Cities XL and now I am bringing it into CSL. Check Monty's CXL collection here Yeah please enjoy! About The Asset The asset is created with 'next level...
Tempozan bridge
Autor: Jerenable
Tempozan bridge by Jerenable Stats building: main tri: 1434 main tex: 1024^2 lod tri: 365 lod tex: 512^2 Can be found under the electricity water structures tab You can donate if you want to support me Thanks to Ronyx69 for the amazing Images my game broke...
Tel Aviv Apartments
Autor: Ronyx69
6 variations of apartments based on some found in Tel Aviv:,34.8102492,3a,75y,219.22h,98.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suZtcBt-OWYLT4eh_9Qj2pg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Main: 2112 - 4076 tris 1024x1024 LOD: 38 - 66 tris 256x256 Props ...
Tamurakoma Office Signs
Autor: Ronyx69
Includes the Tamurakoma logo and sign. Made for the Tamurakoma Office. Main: 28 - 324 tris 128x512 + 512x64 LOD: 2 - 8 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutor...
Tamurakoma Office
Autor: Ronyx69
Tamurakoma (textile and garment trading company) office in Tokyo, Japan. RICO: $20K / L2 Office / 100 jobs Oddly shaped lot. The signage is optional. Main: 6094 tris 2048x1024 LOD: 296 tris 25...
TAIKOO 137 Residential
Autor: amamIya
TAIKOO 137 Residential by amamIya...
Autor: amamIya
TAIKOO 100 by amamIya...
Supermarket "Tabris" New version (Krasnodar, Russia)
Autor: furious
Hi friends! I completed new building for Cities: Skylines: it's a one of Krasnodar supermarkets Tabris with new design. Original building is located in central part of Krasnodar, on the Kuban River promenade, near residential complex "Admiral'. Built in 20...
Sudirman Plaza Jakarta
Autor: fayeddd
Welcome to Fayeddd's Asset Please enjoy my other asset in Cities Skylines. About Sudirman Plaza Sudirman Plaza or known as Indofood Tower is quite iconic building in Jakarta since it is located in main protocal road. The huge size of the building make thos...
Streetlights Pack
Autor: targa
30 different lanterns for avenues, streets and highways. Also may be Park Lightings Pack will be interesting for you. In the game and in the editor park lights are in the same place where the standard street lights. Each lantern has a custom icon with the ...
streamline ceiling-s7 张拉膜结构样式7
Autor: hikke
大家好 这次的作品是张拉膜结构 我会制作一个系列 这是第7个~ 希望大家喜欢 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is Tensioned Membrane structure I plan to release an entire series. enjoy~~ have fun~~ if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look last page ...
streamline ceiling-s5 张拉膜结构样式5
Autor: hikke
大家好 这次的作品是张拉膜结构 我会制作一个系列 这是第五个~ 希望大家喜欢 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is Tensioned Membrane structure I plan to release an entire series. if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look last page
streamline ceiling-s4 张拉膜结构样式4
Autor: hikke
大家好 这次的作品是张拉膜结构 我会制作一个系列 这是第四个~ 希望大家喜欢 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is Tensioned Membrane structure I plan to release an entire series. if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look last page
Nova City Primary School
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Nova City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of three buildings. And this is a primary school, which I made at the request of one of my subscribers. :) <=...
Nova City_A
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Nova City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of three buildings. <============Attention! Read it!==========> I created two identical buildings, but with o...
Nova City_A_lowpoly
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Nova City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of three buildings. <============Attention! Read it!==========> I created two identical buildings, but with o...
Nova City_C
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Nova City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of three buildings. <============Attention! Read it!==========> I created two identical buildings, but with o...
Nova City_B
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Nova City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of three buildings. Do not be surprised that the building has an ending-"B" in the title. Later, the building...
Nova City_C_lowpoly
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Nova City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of three buildings. <============Attention! Read it!==========> I created two identical buildings, but with o...
Nova City_D
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Nova City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of three buildings. <============Attention! Read it!==========> I created two identical buildings, but with o...
Nova City_D_lowpoly
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Nova City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of three buildings. <============Attention! Read it!==========> I created two identical buildings, but with o...
Nova City_Primary School lowpoly
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Nova City" in Astana city. This complex will consist of three buildings. And this is a primary school which I made at the request of one of my subscribers. :) <==...
Oblivion OB49 - High Rize [RICO]
Autor: _luminou_
Oblivion OB49 - High Rize Adaptation for CitiesSkylines of the Sky Tower From the film "OBLIVION". This asset exist in 3 versions: - "Low Rize" - "Mid Rize" - "High Rize" Collection available with the 3 models Asset build with one sub-building (glass) Cont...
Octávio Frias de Oliveira Bridge
Autor: Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Office Building 001
Autor: Valex L3 7x4 Russian Office Building "Dolgoruky" by Valex based on Apart-Hotel "Ye's" (Moscow, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Office Building 002
Autor: Valex L3 8x3 Russian Office Building "Dolgoruky" by Valex based on Apart-Hotel "Ye's" (Moscow, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Office Building 003
Autor: Valex L3 6x3 Office Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Quarter of Enthusiasts" (Ufa, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Office Building 004
Autor: Valex L3 4x4 Office Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Stone Stream" (Ekaterinburg, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
One Island East Centre 港岛东中心
Autor: XDBX
One Island East Centre 港岛东中心 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到
One Magnificent Mile
Autor: honker
One Mag Mile stands at the very north end of Chicago's Magnificent Mile district of luxury retail and hotels. While its measly 57 floors leave it dwarfed by its next door neighbor, the Hancock Tower, this building's hexagonal structure and pink granite cla...
One Union Square
Having focused on New York for quite a while, I decided to shift my focus away from NYC for some time. I want to focus on buildings that are a little more generic, cuz I think there's a lack of office buildings in the workshop. This is the One Union Square...
Onehungabay terraces D
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a Onehungabay terraces D. It will be complex of few buildings. Blocks - A,B,C,D. Type of building: Growable - residential low, level 5. Color varitions: no -----------------------------------------------...
Only Sun&Moon A1
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Only Sun&Moon" in Nur-Sultan (Astana) city. This complex will consist of several buildings. Type of building: Highrise Growable 4th lvl Homes/Family: default Cons...
Only Sun&Moon A2
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Only Sun&Moon" in Nur-Sultan (Astana) city. This complex will consist of several buildings. Type of building: Highrise Growable 4th lvl Homes/Family: default Cons...
Only Sun&Moon A3
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Only Sun&Moon" in Nur-Sultan (Astana) city. This complex will consist of several buildings. Type of building: Highrise Growable 4th lvl Homes/Family: default Cons...
Only Sun&Moon B1
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Only Sun&Moon" in Nur-Sultan (Astana) city. This complex will consist of several buildings. Type of building: Highrise Growable 4th lvl Homes/Family: default Cons...
Only Sun&Moon B2
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a last building from residential complex - "Only Sun&Moon" in Nur-Sultan (Astana) city. Type of building: Highrise Growable 4th lvl Homes/Family: default Construction cost: default Color varitions: no Si...
Only Sun&Moon C1
Autor: AliTarGz
I increased the size of the building by 4 meters in width to the border of the 4th cell. For more convenient docking of all other blocks. Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Only Sun&Moon" in Nur-Su...
Outdoor Living props pack
Autor: Tomas13TO
Outdoor Living props pack This is a pack of 8 pieces props. You can find them under residential tab. Look at the last picture. Models Info Model Tris Maps LODTris LODMaps Fireplace 1 948 512x512 d,n,s 84 auto-baked Fireplace 2 483 512x512 d,n,s 48 auto-bak...
Outside Gymnastic Bars #1
Autor: targa
Outside Gymnastic Bars. Repainted with four color - green, blue, dark blue, yellow....
P-44K (v1) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии П-44К Версия 1, 1 секционный, 17 этажей Residential building P-44K Version 1, 1 section, 17 Расцветка: рыжая плитка под кирпич. Используйте мод "Painter":
streamline ceiling-s6 张拉膜结构样式6
Autor: hikke
大家好 这次的作品是张拉膜结构 我会制作一个系列 这是第六个~有四种颜色哦~ 希望大家喜欢 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is streamline ceiling-s6(4 Colour) I plan to release an entire series. if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look last page http://i1....
streamline ceiling-s3 张拉膜结构样式3
Autor: hikke
大家好 这次的作品是张拉膜结构 我会制作一个系列 这是第三个~ 希望大家喜欢 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is Tensioned Membrane structure I plan to release an entire series. if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look last page
streamline ceiling-s2 张拉膜结构样式2
Autor: hikke
大家好 这次的作品是张拉膜结构 我会制作一个系列 这是第二个~ 希望大家喜欢 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is Tensioned Membrane structure I plan to release an entire series. if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look last page
streamline ceiling 张拉膜结构
Autor: hikke
大家好 这次的作品是张拉膜结构 我会制作一个系列 这是第一个~ 希望大家喜欢 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is Tensioned Membrane structure I plan to release an entire series. if you like please rate~~ Infos for nerds: look last page
Stjärnhusen Apartments
Autor: NeuroticFlux
Stjärnhusen ("The Star Houses") are 14 star-shaped buildings in Västra Frölunda, Gothenburg. Designed by Lars Ågren and built by AB Göteborgsbostäder in 1964-65 - before the start of the ambitious Swedish Million Programme - the 8-story buildings consist o...
Soviet 9-story panel block. 1-464LI-52. 3-sc RY
Autor: PALiX
Soviet 9-story panel block. 1-464LI-52. 3-sc RY Asset name: Sov blok 1-464LI-52_9fl_3-SC_RY This is a 9-story soviet style panel block of 1-464LI-52 series (built in Lithuanian SSR, ..LI-52 most common in Vilnius) 3-sc - three staircases RY - Red side bloc...
Soviet 9-story panel block. 1-464LI-52. 3-sc RR
Autor: PALiX
Soviet 9-story panel block. 1-464LI-52. 3-sc RR Asset name: Sov blok 1-464LI-52_9fl_3-SC_RR This is a 9-story soviet style panel block of 1-464LI-52 series (built in Lithuanian SSR, ..LI-52 most common in Vilnius) 3-sc - three staircases RR - Red side bloc...
Soviet 9-story panel block. 1-464LI-52. 3-sc RG
Autor: PALiX
Soviet 9-story panel block. 1-464LI-52. 3-sc RG Asset name: Sov blok 1-464LI-52_9fl_3-SC_RG This is a 9-story soviet style panel block of 1-464LI-52 series (built in Lithuanian SSR, ..LI-52 most common in Vilnius) 3-sc - three staircases RG - Red side bloc...
Soviet 9-story panel block. 1-464LI-52. 3-sc RB
Autor: PALiX
Soviet 9-story panel block. 1-464LI-52. 3-sc RB Asset name: Sov blok 1-464LI-52_9fl_3-SC_RB This is a 9-story soviet style panel block of 1-464LI-52 series (built in Lithuanian SSR, ..LI-52 most common in Vilnius) 3-sc - three staircases RB - Red side bloc...
Soviet 9-story panel block. 1-464LI-52. 3-sc GG
Autor: PALiX
Soviet 9-story panel block. 1-464LI-52. 3-sc GG Asset name: Sov blok 1-464LI-52_9fl_3-SC_GG This is a 9-story soviet style panel block of 1-464LI-52 series (built in Lithuanian SSR, ..LI-52 most common in Vilnius) 3-sc - three staircases GG - Gray side blo...
Soviet 9-story panel block. 1-464LI-52. 2-sc RY
Autor: PALiX
Soviet 9-story panel block. 1-464LI-52. 2-sc RY Asset name: Sov blok 1-464LI-52_9fl_2-SC_RY This is a 9-story soviet style panel block of 1-464LI-52 series (built in Lithuanian SSR, ..LI-52 most common in Vilnius) 2-sc - two staircases RY - Red side blocks...
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. RZ. MIDDLE
Autor: PALiX
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. RZ. MIDDLE Asset name: Sov blok 1-464LI-18_5fl_MIDDL_RZ This is a 5-story soviet style panel block of 1-464LI-18 series (built in Lithuanian SSR) MIDDLE - middle building section RZ - Red side blocks + Žali (Green) b...
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. RZ. LEFT
Autor: PALiX
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. RZ. LEFT Asset name: Sov blok 1-464LI-18_5fl_LEFT_RZ This is a 5-story soviet style panel block of 1-464LI-18 series (built in Lithuanian SSR) LEFT - left building section RZ - Red side blocks + Žali (Green) balconie...
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. RY. MIDDLE
Autor: PALiX
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. RY. MIDDLE Asset name: Sov blok 1-464LI-18_5fl_MIDDL_RY This is a 5-story soviet style panel block of 1-464LI-18 series (built in Lithuanian SSR) MIDDLE - middle building section RY - Red side blocks + Yellow balconi...
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. RR. MIDDLE
Autor: PALiX
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. RR. MIDDLE Asset name: Sov blok 1-464LI-18_5fl_MIDDL_RR This is a 5-story soviet style panel block of 1-464LI-18 series (built in Lithuanian SSR) MIDDLE - middle building section RR - Red side blocks + Red balconies ...
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. RG. MIDDLE
Autor: PALiX
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. RG. MIDDLE Asset name: Sov blok 1-464LI-18_5fl_MIDDL_RG This is a 5-story soviet style panel block of 1-464LI-18 series (built in Lithuanian SSR) MIDDLE - middle building section RG - Red side blocks + Gray balconies...
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. RG. LEFT
Autor: PALiX
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. RG. LEFT Asset name: Sov blok 1-464LI-18_5fl_LEFT_RG This is a 5-story soviet style panel block of 1-464LI-18 series (built in Lithuanian SSR) LEFT - left building section RG - Red side blocks + Gray balconies Ploppa...
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. RB. MIDDLE
Autor: PALiX
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. RB. MIDDLE Asset name: Sov blok 1-464LI-18_5fl_MIDDL_RB This is a 5-story soviet style panel block of 1-464LI-18 series (built in Lithuanian SSR) MIDDLE - middle building section RB - Red side blocks + Blue balconies...
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. RB. LEFT
Autor: PALiX
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. RB. LEFT Asset name: Sov blok 1-464LI-18_5fl_LEFT_RB This is a 5-story soviet style panel block of 1-464LI-18 series (built in Lithuanian SSR) LEFT - left building section RB - Red side blocks + Blue balconies Ploppa...
P-44K (v1) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии П-44К Версия 1, 2х секционный, 17 этажей Residential building P-44K Version 1, 2 sections, 17 Расцветка: рыжая плитка под кирпич. Используйте мод "Painter":
P-44K (v1) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии П-44К Версия 1, 3х секционный, 17 этажей Residential building P-44K Version 1, 3 sections, 17 Расцветка: рыжая плитка под кирпич. Используйте мод "Painter":
P-44K (v3) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии П-44К (P44kv3x117fl) Версия 3, 1 секционный, 17 этажей Residential building P-44K (P44kv3x117fl) Version 3, 1 sections, 17 floors Расцветка: песочная ...
P-44K (v3) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии П-44К (P44kv3x317fl) Версия 3, 3х секционный, 17 этажей Residential building P-44K (P44kv3x317fl) Version 3, 3 sections, 17 floors Расцветка: песочная пли...
P-44K (v3) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии П-44К (P44kv3x217fl) Версия 3, 2х секционный, 17 этажей Residential building P-44K (P44kv3x217fl) Version 3, 2 sections, 17 floors Расцветка: песочная...
P-44K/T (v1) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии П-44КТ (объединённые секции) Версия 1, 3х секционный, 17-15-13 этажей Residential building P-44KT Version 1, 3 sections, 17-15-13 floors Расцветка: рыжая плитка под кирпич. Используйт...
P-44K/T (v2) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии П-44КТ (объединённые секции) Версия 2, 3х секционный, 17-15-13 этажей Residential building P-44KT Version 2, 3 sections, 17-15-13 floors Расцветка: рыжая плитка под кирпич и бежевая. ...
P-44K/T (v3) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии П-44К/Т (гибрид) (P44ktv3x317fl | P44ktv3-2x317fl) Версия 3, 3х секционный, 17-15-13 этажей Residential building P-44K/T (P44ktv3x317fl | P44ktv3-2x31...
P-44T (v1) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии П-44Т Версия 1, 3х секционный, 17 этажей Residential building P-44T Version 1, 3 sections, 17 Расцветка: рыжая плитка под кирпич. Используйте мод "Painter":
P-44T (v1) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии П-44Т Версия 1, 2х секционный, 17 этажей Residential building P-44T Version 1, 2 sections, 17 Расцветка: рыжая плитка под кирпич. Используйте мод "Painter":
P-44T (v2) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии П-44Т Версия 1, 2х секционный, 17-12 этажей Residential building P-44T Version 1, 2 sections, 17-12 Расцветка: рыжая плитка под кирпич и бежевая. Используйте мод "Painter": https://st...
P-44T (v2) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии П-44Т Версия 1, 3х секционный, 17-12 этажей Residential building P-44T Version 1, 3 sections, 17-12 Расцветка: рыжая плитка под кирпич и бежевая. Используйте мод "Painter": https://st...
P-44T(v3) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии П-44Т (P44tv3x217fl) Версия 3, 2х секционный, 17 этажей Residential building P-44T (P44tv3x217fl) Version 3, 2 sections, 17 floors Расцветка: песочная...
P-44T(v3) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии П-44Т (P44tv3x317fl) Версия 3, 3х секционный, 17 этажей Residential building P-44T (P44tv3x317fl) Version 3, 3 sections, 17 floors Расцветка: песочная...
P-46M(v1) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии П-46М (12 этажей) (P-46M-v1-12fl) Жилой дом серии П-46М (14 этажей) (P-46M-v1-14fl) Версия 1, 2х секционный, 12&14 этажей Residential building P-46M (1...
P-46M(v2) (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии П-46М (12 этажей) (P-46M-v2-12fl) Жилой дом серии П-46М (14 этажей) (P-46M-v2-14fl) Версия 2, 2х секционный, 12&14 этажей Residential building P-46M (1...
Osaka Style Riverside
Autor: amamIya
Osaka Style Riverside by amamIya...
Paradise Valley Plazas
Autor: KingLeno
Paradise Valley Plazas Includes a large, medium, and small park for decoration. They don't require road access, can be placed anywhere, and no cims will travel to the parks. They can be elevated above water and submerged (but only slightly before the flood...
parc one tower
리코모드는 따로 적용하셔야합니다....
parc one tower B
층수가 기존보다 낮은 버전입니다. 리코모드는 따로 적용하셔야합니다....
Park 001
Autor: Valex
Park 24 (Tower F) - Sukhumvit
Autor: Palm'sTime
Park 24 (Tower F) - Sukhumvit By Palm'sTime (armsplams) WARNING: This building will be affect performance. Building Info: Type High-rise residential building. Size 6 x 4 Storey & Heights 44 Storey | 151.55 M. Tris 19,653 (Main) | 178 (LOD) Texture Size 102...
Park Avenue Exclusive A1
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Park Avenue Exclusive" in Nur-Sultan (Astana) city. This complex will consist of several buildings. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 60 Const...
Park Avenue Exclusive A2
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Park Avenue Exclusive" in Nur-Sultan (Astana) city. This complex will consist of several buildings. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 50 Const...
Park Avenue Exclusive A3
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Park Avenue Exclusive" in Nur-Sultan (Astana) city. This complex will consist of several buildings. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 80 Const...
Park Avenue Exclusive A4
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Park Avenue Exclusive" in Nur-Sultan (Astana) city. This complex will consist of several buildings. Type of building: Highrise RICO 5th lvl Homes/Family: 80 Const...
Park Avenue Exclusive Park
Autor: AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new project. Residential complex - "Park Avenue Exclusive" in Nur-Sultan (Astana) city. This asset includes: 1. An unique building glued together from 3 parts. (Park Avenue Exclusive Park) 2. Decora...
Park Inn Prop Pack
This pack contains 17 props that decorate my upcoming Park Inn Berlin Modular Hotel. 1-4. Front and rear awnings, composed of two parts each (frame and glass). The glass planes use the semi-transparent rotor shader 5. Large Park Inn lighted sign for the ro...
Parking Lot Roads
Autor: Badi_Dea
I can't drive 55 - no really, I can't, it's a parking lot... Parking lot roads contains several roads for use as parking lots, in addition to several functional parking lot markers specially crafted to work with these(and other) roads. Everything in this p...
Pavilion of Prince Teng(滕王阁)
Autor: 言绥
滕王阁 by 飞行的荷兰人...
Pearl Bank Apartment 1976
Pearl Bank Apartment 1976 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) Located on top of Pearl’s Hill, the Pearl Bank Apartments was built in 1976, and designed by loc...
Pedestrian Deck
Autor: TOKACHI269
Invisible Pedestrian Pathで歩道を引けば実際に人を通すことが出来ます。 Pedestrian Deck by TOKACHI269...
Pedestrian Deck Prop Pack
Japanese pedestrian deck prop kit. Inspired from Takatsuki city in Osaka. Compatible with Tokachi's Pedestrian Deck and ako_ako's Invisible Pedestrian Path. Lights are included. Specifications Prop List: ** Pedestrian Deck Fence ** Pedestrian Deck 4m Strai...
Pedestrian Track
Autor: KingLeno
Pedestrian Track Network by KingLeno A pedestrian path that can be used as a field track, or really a track that can also be used as a regular pedestrian path. Can only be placed on ground, no bridges or elevation. *********************************** If yo...
Peking Union Medical College 北京協和醫學院老樓
Autor: Emperor Li Peking Union Medical College is located in Beijing Dongcheng District. Construction finished in 1921, it is a architectural complex combining Chinese and Western architectural style, designed by American architect Charles Co...
Peking Union Medical College Prop Pack 北京協和醫學院相關物件
Autor: Emperor Li 6 Props from the Peking Union Medical College) (PUMC). They are required for my Peking Union Medical College project, which will be released soon. Find it keywords: PUMC, BCHP, Beijing 六種北京協和醫學院相關物件 醫學院本身: https://steamcommu...
Peking Union Medical College's Wall Network 北京協和醫學院外圍牆
Autor: Emperor Li The surrounding wall of the Peking Union Medical College (PUMC). This Network is required for my Peking Union Medical College project, which will be released soon. The wall is about 2.7m high and follows the terrain. Network...
Personify Plaza - Large
PERSONIFY PLAZA -------------------------------------- Sim City 4 - Insurance Office Tower *Please hit Thumbs Up if you enjoy this asset * Don't forget to check out my other towers in my workshop. THIS ASSET IS RICO COMPATIBLE If you are not using the mod ...
Personify Plaza - Small
PERSONIFY PLAZA -------------------------------------- Sim City 4 - Insurance Office Tower *Please hit Thumbs Up if you enjoy this asset * Don't forget to check out my other towers in my workshop. THIS ASSET IS RICO COMPATIBLE If you are not using the mod ...
Autor: pdelmo
Pine plants two variations clip together to make a pine bush. Made for Pres Navota youtube
pipelines package 管道组件
Autor: hikke
大家好 这次继续管道工艺组件 我把管道的组件全部都分离出来了 可以随意组装使用,比如我的第二张图 希望大家喜欢 合集地址 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is a pipelines package I split the pipe into small parts Can be assembled in...
pipelines package[s] 管道组件
Autor: hikke
大家好 这次继续管道工艺组件 我把管道的组件全部都分离出来了 可以随意组装使用,比如我的第2.3张图 希望大家喜欢 合集地址 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is a pipelines package I split the pipe into small parts Can be assembled ...
Pipes props pack
Autor: Avanya
8 props for all your above ground pipe needs! They can be used to decorate assets or placed in your city with Find It. They work just fine on slopes (as long as they're not crazy steep). For detailed stats see the last picture, but note that the one crossi...
Plant boxes with buxus
Autor: Gruny
Plant box with one buxus Plant box with two buxus Suggested mods Find It! (Search with 'buxus' or 'Lordgruny') Move It! Support If you like this pack and want more assets like this one, please consider a small donation as a token of appreciation. https://i...
Planters & Curbs
Autor: GDGAMER777
Planters & Curbs by Tomas I AM LEGEND Prop pack with: -6 planters non- conforming. Triangles 10-38-58-78-170 | Textures d,n -2 curbs non-conforming -30 cm (30x40x100 & 30x40x300) *UI Priority: 50000005 - 50000012 Mod required to use props in-game: -Find it...
Ploppable Surface Pack
Autor: DeCzaah
Ploppable Surface Pack by DeCzaah This asset is part of the the Cleyra - Custom Assets collection! This is a pack of 7 ploppable surfaces (4x prop, 3x park), you can use for a maximum creativity! CreativeDEX had this awesome idea for that. Looking forward ...
Postillion Amsterdam Hotel
Autor: Jerenable
Postillion Amsterdam Hotel by Jerenable hotel version of the OG version Its a unique building. RICO files included if you use that mod. hope you like it. Normal version here You can donate if you want to support me I am now on active on Patreon ...
Prince Claus bridge (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Autor: Jerenable
Prince Claus bridge The Prince Claus Bridge from Utrecht the Netherlands is a 230m long 92m tall bridge that connects the post war neighbourhood Kanaleneiland with the office district Papendorp crossing the Amsterdam-Rhine canal. the longest span of the br...
Public Library
Autor: Senfkorn
Hi community, it is a great pleasure for me to announce you the completion of the new public library. In a combination of literature and relaxation, enthusiastic readers will find comfortable reading zones on all four floors. As an emergent venue, the libr...
Qingzhou Bridge of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
HZMB Qingzhou Bridge 港珠澳大桥青洲航道桥 Qingzhou Bridge of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Ponte Qingzhou da Ponte de Hong Kong-Macau-Zhuhai If you like my works, please rate👍 and subscribe this asset. You can also donate me by Paypal or WeChat(微信). ...
Quad Jade L
Autor: Quad Rioters
Jade has returned. - Size: 4x4 - Type: Residential High Level 5 - Main Tri: 2,470, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 186, 512x256 - Description: Jade apartment (large). Author Note - Check the old and updated asset Jade updated. - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or ...
Radial Bars "MM-11"
Autor: targa
Radial bars for playgrounds. Repainted with four color - green, blue, dark blue, yellow. Main model 288 tris 128x128 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD model 64 tris 32x32 texture -------------------------------------------------- To gain access to this asset in...
Radial Wall Bars
Autor: targa
Radial wall bars for playgrounds. Repainted with four color - green, blue, yellow, cyan. This asset have too much number of tris. Main model 1,260 tris 128x128 texture (_d, _n, _c, _s) LOD model 156 tris 32x32 texture --------------------------------------...
Raemian Caelitus [ RICO ]
리코모드 사용시 자동 적용 됩니다....
Raemian F type
ㄱ자 모양의 아파트입니다. T자형과 많이 다릅니다. 리사자적...
Raemian T type
T자 형태의 아파트입니다. 리사자적...
Residential (RICO)
Autor: hikke
大家好 这次的作品一栋住宅楼 这是我首次制作住宅类资产 希望大家喜欢 资产信息: 资产名字:house-he 占地大小:2x2 建筑类型:高密度住宅 建筑等级:5 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is my first make Residential building if you like please rate~~ asset info: Asset name:house-he size:2x...
Residential Building (Moscow)
Autor: furious
Hi friends! I finished new building. Asset based on residential complex located in north-western part of Moscow, you can see it here:,37.4672474,3a,90y,39.45h,126.41t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sMN8GVSCuDV7bn5YKMc1-Dg!2e0!6s%...
Residential Building (Moscow)
Autor: furious
Hi friends! I finished new building. Asset based on residential complex located in north-western part of Moscow, you can see it here: Google Maps In game: - reshigh, 3 lvl, 35k cost, 25 homes - RICO enabled Please subscribe for my another works for Cities ...
Residential building (Moscow)
Autor: furious
Hi friends! I finished new building. Asset based on residential complex located in north-western part of Moscow, you can see it here: Google Maps In game: - reshigh, 3 lvl, 28k cost, 16 homes - RICO enabled Please subscribe for my another works for Cities ...
Residential Building 001
Autor: Valex L3 3x3 Residential Building by Valex based on Typical Residential series (Moscow Region, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready....
Residential Building 002
Autor: Valex L3 3x3 Residential Building by Valex based on Typical P-44T series (Moscow Region, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 003
Autor: Valex L4 4x3 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Botanic Garden" (Moscow, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 004
Autor: Valex L4 6x4 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Cheremushki" (Krasnodar, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 005
Autor: Valex L4 7x3 Russian Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Orange Park" (Kotelniki, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 006
Autor: Valex L5 7x3 Russian Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Clover" (Novosibirsk, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 007
Autor: Valex L4 14x11 Russian Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Saturn" (Penza, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 008
Autor: Valex L4 3x4 Russian Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Alpha Centauri" (Khimki, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 009
Autor: Valex L5 8x6 Russian Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Building "House on the Waterfront" (Penza, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 010
Autor: Valex L3 8x2 Russian Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Colors of Summer" (St. Petersburg, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 011
Autor: Valex L4 4x5 Russian Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Sparrow Hills" (Moscow, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 013
Autor: Valex L4 8x8 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Aristocrat" (Penza, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 014
Autor: Valex L4 4x5 Russian Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Right Bank" (Khimki, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 015
Autor: Valex L4 9x4 Russian Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "1st" (Rostov-on-Don, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 016
Autor: Valex L4 5x5 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Gulf Stream" (Odessa, Ukraine). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 017
Autor: Valex L4 8x4 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Maxima" (Izhevsk, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 018
Autor: Valex L4 8x4 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "1330 West Ave" (Miami, USA). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 019
Autor: Valex L5 4x5 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Flotilla" (Novosibirsk, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 012
Autor: Valex L4 6x5 Russian Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Mayakovsky" (Moscow, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 020
Autor: Valex L4 4x6 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Romanov House" (Krasnodar, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 021
Autor: Valex L4 9x5 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Festival Park" (Moscow, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 022
Autor: Valex L3 5x3 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Quartet" (Ekaterinburg, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 023
Autor: Valex L4 4x4 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Sunflowers" (Moscow, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 025
Autor: Valex L4 5x3 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Central" (Samara, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 026
Autor: Valex L3 5x4 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Arbekovskaya Outpost" (Penza, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 027
Autor: Valex L5 6x2 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Sapphire" (Sochi, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 028
Autor: Valex L5 4x2 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Meridian" (Sochi, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready....
Residential Building 028a
Autor: Valex L5 4x2 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Meridian" (Sochi, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready....
Residential Building 029
Autor: Valex L5 9x9 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Starlight" (Rostov-on-Don, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready....
Residential Building 030
Autor: Valex L5 4x4 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Starlight" (Rostov-on-Don, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready....
Residential Building 031
Autor: Valex L4 2x4 Residential Building by Valex based on Cottage Village project (Penza, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential complex "Admiral" Building 1 (Krasnodar, Russia)
Autor: furious
Hi friends! One more new building of residential complex "Admiral" is complete! Original complex located in central part of Krasnodar near the river Kuban. These buildings oriented for rich citizens, there are many 2-floor flats and penthouses. Complex con...
Residential building 2345 住宅楼2345
Autor: XDBX
一共四个建筑 A total of four buildings 住宅楼20层,30 层,40层,50层 这个在第六级特殊建筑里能找到。 没有住宅属性 用move it 按ctrl+c可以复制很多个 --------------------------------- Residential building 20, 30, 40, 50 This can be found in the sixth-level special building. No residential properties Use m...
Residential Building 032a
Autor: Valex L4 6x3 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Champion Park" (Penza, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential Building 032
Autor: Valex L4 6x3 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Champion Park" (Penza, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Residential complex "Admiral" Building 2 (Krasnodar, Russia)
Autor: furious
Hi friends! I was very busy for last 2 months and couldn't make some stuff for Cities: Skylines. But now I finished 3 buildings of residential complex "Admiral". Original complex located in central part of Krasnodar near the river Kuban. These buildings or...
Residential complex "Admiral" Building 3 (Krasnodar, Russia)
Autor: furious
Hi friends! I was very busy for last 2 months and couldn't make some stuff for Cities: Skylines. But now I finished 3 buildings of residential complex "Admiral". Original complex located in central part of Krasnodar near the river Kuban. These buildings or...
Residential complex "Admiral" Building 4 (Krasnodar, Russia)
Autor: furious
Hi friends! I was very busy for last 2 months and couldn't make some stuff for Cities: Skylines. But now I finished 3 buildings of residential complex "Admiral". Original complex located in central part of Krasnodar near the river Kuban. These buildings or...
Residential complex "Admiral" Building 5 (Krasnodar, Russia)
Autor: furious
Asset is fully re-uploaded. For an unknown reason, when loading into the workshop, the asset was damaged. I could not even update it, just upload it again. I checked the current release - it works. Sorry. Hi friends! One more new building of residential co...
residential district wall 小区围墙
Autor: hikke
大家好这次的作品小区围墙 里面包含了三种长度 X2 ,X4 ,X8 属于配套小区的一部分,也是最后一个部分~ 这套小区算是完成了~ 希望大家喜欢~~ 别忘记点赞~~ 住宅小区套件合集: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Restaurant Tables and Chairs [Paris]
Autor: Gèze
Informations: This is a pack of super typical chairs and tables you can find in cafés and restaurants in Paris, but also most other french cities. Additional informations: Custom textures and LODs. This pack contains four different chairs (red, yellow, blu...
RICO Commercial "Hilton Garden Inn Krasnodar" (Russia)
Autor: furious
Hi! It's time for the weekend, and that means there are one object of Krasnodar more in the workshop. Today it is Hilton Garden Inn, intersection of Mira and Red (RED?? Stupid google-translater! This is old form of russian word "Beautiful"!). Building for ...
RICO Residential "Moskovskiy" 16-floor (Krasnodar, Russia)
Autor: furious
Hi! I continue to make models of buildings Krasnodar (Russia) to Cities Skylines. What we have today? BLOCKS! New block building, which is very much in the South of Russia here! Summarily: - RICO 3x7 residential building; - 60 families; - low construction ...
RICO Residential "Moskovskiy" 2-section (Krasnodar, Russia)
Autor: furious
Moskovskiy 14 floor 2 sec by Slava robotam! Do you want more buildings for Cities: Skylines? You can help me with it!
RICO Residential building (Sochi, Russia)
Autor: furious
Hi again. I glad to present you my new asset from Sochi (Krasnodar Region), a city of XXII Olympic winter games. Original building is not residential - it's just one block of hotel complex "Chistye Prudy" (yeap, official translate xD). http://i91.fastpic.r...
RICO Russian office building: Savelovskiy_City_Davis
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Бизнес центр "Савеловский-Сити (Davis)" 75 метров, 19 этажей Office building "Savelovskiy-City (Davis)" 75 meters, 19 floors Расцветка: Стеклянный фасад белого цвета...
RICO Russian office building: Savelovskiy_City_Ellington
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Бизнес центр "Савеловский-Сити (Ellington)" 155 метров, 47 этажей Office building "Savelovskiy-City (Ellington)" 155 meters, 37 floors Расцветка: Кирпичный фасад пес...
RICO Russian office building: Savelovskiy_City_Goodman
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Бизнес центр "Савеловский-Сити (Goodman)" 75 метров, 19 этажей Office building "Savelovskiy-City (Goodman)" 75 meters, 19 floors Расцветка: Стеклянный фасад желтого ...
RICO Russian office building: Savelovskiy_City_King
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Бизнес центр "Савеловский-Сити (King)" 75 метров, 19 этажей Office building "Savelovskiy-City (King)" 75 meters, 19 floors Расцветка: Стеклянной фасад красного цвета...
RICO Russian office building: Savelovskiy_City_Shopping center
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Бизнес центр "Савеловский-Сити (Shopping center)" 2 этажей Office building "Savelovskiy-City (Shopping center)" 2 floors Расцветка: Кирпичный фасад песочного цвета C...
RICO Russian residential building: Dirigible
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой комплекс Дирижабль 40 этажей, 153м. Residential building Dirigible 40 floors, 153m. Расцветка: соответствует реальной Textures: _d,_n,_i,_s + lod_d, lod_i RICO: service - resi...
RICO Russian residential building: GD-1
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии "ГД-1" (Мой проект жилого дома.) Версия 3, 2 секции, 9 этажей. Residential building "GD-1" (My personal project of a residential building.) Version 3, 2 sections, 9 floors. Расцветка:...
RICO Russian residential building: GD-1
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом серии "ГД-1" (Мой проект жилого дома.) Версия 3, 3 секции, 9 этажей. Residential building "GD-1" (My personal project of a residential building.) Version 3, 3 sections, 9 floors. Расцветка:...
I-155NB (v2) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии И-155НБ (I155nbv2x115fl ; I155nbv2x125fl) Версия 2, 1 секционный, 15-25 этажей Residential building I-155NB (I155nbv2x115fl ; I155nbv2x125fl) Version 2, 1 sections, 15-25 floors Расцв...
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. GG. MIDDLE
Autor: PALiX
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. GG. MIDDLE Asset name: Sov blok 1-464LI-18_5fl_MIDDL_GG This is a 5-story soviet style panel block of 1-464LI-18 series (built in Lithuanian SSR) MIDDLE - middle building section GG - Gray side blocks + Gray balconie...
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. GG. LEFT
Autor: PALiX
Soviet 5-story panel block. 1-464LI-18. GG. LEFT Asset name: Sov blok 1-464LI-18_5fl_LEFT_GG This is a 5-story soviet style panel block of 1-464LI-18 series (built in Lithuanian SSR) LEFT - left building section GG - Gray side blocks + Gray balconies Plopp...
Souk al Bahar Bridge
Autor: Raccoon
Souk al Bahar Bridge Made for IHXAI's project Dubai Information: Downtown Dubai, previously known as Downtown Burj Dubai, is a large-scale, mixed-use complex under development in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is the home of some of the city's largest lan...
Soldyne's Chinese Garden Lamp
Autor: soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Small Tree Planters
Autor: BenTracker
Small Tree Planters for Tree Privet (Optional) - Recommended mod: Prop Line Tool (PTL) -------------------------------------------------------- Textures: 512 x 512 px ...
Small Stadium Lights
Autor: KingLeno
2 small high school football stadium lights with medium brightness and low (dim) brightness....
I-155NB (v1) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии И-155НБ (I155nbv1x115fl ; I155nbv1x125fl) Версия 1, 1 секционный, 15-25 этажей Residential building I-155NB (I155nbv1x115fl ; I155nbv1x125fl) Version 1, 1 sections, 15-25 floors Расцв...
RICO Russian residential building: P-44T
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR
Информация / information: Жилой дом серии П-44Т (P44tс2v3x417fl) Угловая секция: версия 2, расцветка: версия 3, 4х секционный, 17 этажей Residential building P-44T (P44tс2v3x317fl) Corner section: version 2, color: version 3, 4 sections, 17 floors Расцветк...
RICO Russian residential building: P-44T
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR
Информация / information: Жилой дом серии П-44Т (P44tсv3x417fl) Угловая секция: версия 1, расцветка: версия 3, 4х секционный, 17 этажей Residential building P-44T (P44tсv3x417fl) Corner section: version 1, color: version 3, 4 sections, 17 floors Расцветка:...
RICO Russian residential building: P-44T
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR
Информация / information: Жилой дом серии П-44Т (P44tс3v3x417fl) Угловая секция: версия 3, расцветка: версия 3, 4х секционный, 17 этажей Residential building P-44T (P44tс3v3x317fl) Corner section: version 3, color: version 3, 4 sections, 17 floors Расцветк...
RICO Russian residential building: P-44T/25
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR
Информация / information: Жилой дом серии П-44Т/25 (P44t-25v3x325fl) Версия 3, 3х секционный, 25 этажей Residential building P-44T/25 (P44t-25v3x325fl) Version 3, 3 sections, 25 floors Расцветка: песочная плитка под кирпич + темно-зеленая расцветка Colour:...
RICO Russian residential building: P-44T/25
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR
Информация / information: Жилой дом серии П-44Т/25 (P44t-25v3x225fl) Версия 3, 2х секционный, 25 этажей Residential building P-44T/25 (P44t-25v3x225fl) Version 3, 2 sections, 25 floors Расцветка: песочная плитка под кирпич + темно-зеленая расцветка Colour:...
RICO Russian residential building: Petrovsky Apart House
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Жилой дом гостиничного типа "Petrovsky Apart House" 6 этажей Office building "Petrovsky Apart House" 6 floors Расцветка: кирпичный фасад, песочного и розова...
RICO Russian residential building: Savelovskiy_City_Armstrong
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Бизнес центр "Савеловский-Сити (Armstrong)" 155 метров, 47 этажей Residential building "Savelovskiy-City (Armstrong)" 155 meters, 37 floors Расцветка: Кирпичный фаса...
RICO Russian residential building: Savelovskiy_City_Coltrane
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Бизнес центр "Савеловский-Сити (Coltrane)" 155 метров, 47 этажей Residential building "Savelovskiy-City (Coltrane)" 155 meters, 37 floors Расцветка: Кирпичный фасад ...
II-32 (v3) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии II-32 (II32v3x55fl) Версия 3, 5ти секционный, 5 этажей Residential building II-32 (II32v3x55fl) Version 3, 5 sections, 5 floors Расцветка: серая плитка-"ириска" Colour: gray tile Text...
II-32 (v2) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии II-32 (II32v2x35fl) Версия 2, 3х секционный, 5 этажей Residential building II-32 (II32v2x35fl) Version 2, 3 sections, 5 floors Расцветка: белая плитка-"ириска" Colour: white tile Text...
II-32 (v1) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии II-32 (II32v1x35fl) Версия 1, 3х секционный, 5 этажей Residential building II-32 (II32v1x35fl) Version 1, 3 sections, 5 floors Расцветка: красная плитка-"ириска" Colour: red tile Text...
II-32 (v4) (Moscow) [RICO Russia] (Updated)
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information Жилой дом серии II-32 (II32v4x55fl) Версия 4, 5ти секционный, 5 этажей Residential building II-32 (II32v3x55fl) Version 4, 5 sections, 5 floors Расцветка: белая плитка-"ириска" Colour: white tile Use...
RICO+Growable Residential "Berezanskaya Tower"
Autor: furious
New asset by me based on residential building "Berezanskaya Tower" located in Berezanskaya street in Krasnodar, Russia. We have in total: - growable residestinal building 3x3; - RICO ready; - after dark lightmap; - 50 homes; - $50k cost. Please subscribe f...
Autor: Reaper
Ritz Carlton Hotel from New York Variation 3 Do not forget to visit my site every month with exclusive content. Thank you all for your support.
Road Decals Pack
Autor: ManuRamos
MRF Decals by PelusoNN 16 useful lines, stripes and decals to decorate your roads and streets. If you think there are too many decals, enter your 255710 folders, search it, and remove those you don't need. Highly recommended MOD's: - More Beautification - ...
Road Markings (white)
Autor: DeCzaah
Road Markings The yellow version of Road Markings can be found here. A new decal pack for your cities! With subscribing to it, you get different turning lane assets, different texts on roads, and more! Also, they works fine as additional assets for the Whi...
Roof Heliport - Pack (Prop)
Autor: _luminou_
Roof Heliport - Pack (Prop) Pack of 6 "Roof Heliport" (prop) No DLC required Contains all textures and LOD files Roof Heliport 01 Triangles: 610 / 106 Weight: 16.41 / 2.89 Texture: 256² / 128² Roof Heliport 02 Triangles: 314 / 10 Weight: 7.32 / 0.25 Textur...
JPPO Roof Props
Autor: Ronyx69
Includes an AC, an electricity box and a vent. Made for the Japanese Post Office. Very generic, can be used for whatever you want. Main: 110 - 386 tris 512x256 LOD: 10 - 22 tris Twitch YouTube...
Rooftop Hvac System A
Rooftop Hvac System A by Shroomblaze Main Model = 204 Tris 512x512 Textures D,N,S Lod Model = 80 Tris 64x64 Textures D,N,S
Round Brick Planter (Bench) prop
Autor: stmSantana
This is a test of "Large-fountain" type prop. - Planter / Flower bed / Tree bed (prop) - Sitting feature ,8 seats. - People can sit down this, When this prop is used in other Assets. (Asset editor) ...... Even if you put this with 'More Beautification' mod...
Saladaeng One
Autor: Palm'sTime
Saladaeng One By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Building Info: Type High-rise residential building. Size 3 x 7 Storey & Heights 33 Storey | 132.85 M. Tris 9,483 (Main) | 780 (LOD) Texture Size 2048 x 2048 (Main) | 512 x 512 (LOD) Scale 1:1 RICO Ready Yes (High den...
SC Tower
Autor: Palm'sTime
SC Tower By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Building Info: Type Office building. Size 4 x 6 Storey & Heights 24 Storey | 104 M. Tris 6,547 (Main) | 294 (LOD) Texture Size 1,024 x 2,048 (Main) | 512 x 1,024 (LOD) Scale 1:1 RICO Ready Yes (Office Building) Filename &...
Scandic Hotel - Narvik
Autor: KingLeno
Scandic Hotel - Narvik by KingLeno See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. Texture 1024x1024 Triangles: 5731 Lot size: 5 x 7 Modern hotel based in Narvik, Norway. The hotel logo will read "HOTEL" until updated at a later point. The h...
Shanghai WFC HD 上海环球金融中心高清版
Autor: XDBX
Shanghai WFC HD 上海环球金融中心高清版 你可以在第六集特殊建筑中找到哟 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level.
Shared bicycle parking共享单车停车位
Autor: 红米先生
由于资产面数过多无法做Prop只能用公园属性代替,您在放置的时候请,配合moit it mod来实现位置移动...
Sheridan Tower
Autor: honker
This is based on the Park Tower Condominium building in Edgewater, Chicago. It's one of the tallest buildings outside downtown. I ogle at it from the train every time I go into the city. It's a fairly standard curtain wall modernist thing, but the rounded ...
Shimao International Plaza 上海世茂国际广场
Autor: XDBX
Shimao International Plaza 上海世茂国际广场 无裙楼版 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 上次做完环球经融中心顺 https://steamuserimages-...
shop apartment
크기가 그렇게 크지 않습니다....
Shopfront Planters
Autor: Accapulco
Pack of 5 small planters to decorate shopfronts, entrances to apartments and what not. You can use them as parking barriers as well but they need to be PO'ed so you can lower them to the road. Main / Lod 30-150tris - 128x256 X2 Shared / 10-30 tris- 32x32...
Shun Hing Square SZ 深圳信兴广场
Autor: XDBX
Shun Hing Square SZ 深圳信兴广场 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level. 你可以在第6级特殊建筑中找到
SINY-中国军魂 PRC slogan pack 标语合集
Autor: Siny
SINY-中国军魂 PRC slogan pack 标语合集 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————— 模组说明 Mod description 这是一个标语合集,带夜间灯光效果。模型高度...
SINY-中国商业字牌合集 Chinese business card pack
Autor: Siny
SINY-中国商业字牌合集 Chinese business card pack 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件、广告牌 Type: Prop、Billboard 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————— 模组说明 Mod descripti...
SINY-中国建筑标志 CHINA Construction Sign
Autor: Siny
SINY-中国建筑标志 CHINA Construction Sign 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————— 模组说明 Mod description 这是一个广告牌合集,无夜间灯光效...
SINY-中国特色 China dream billboard 中国梦广告牌 8x4.5m
Autor: Siny
SINY-中国特色 China dream billboard 中国梦广告牌 8x4.5m 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件、广告牌 Type: Prop、Billboard 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————— 模组说明 Mod desc...
SINY-中国科技 京东广告牌 3X9 China JD technology company billboard
Autor: Siny
SINY-中国科技 京东广告牌 3X9 China JD technology company billboard 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件、广告牌 Type: Prop、Billboard 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————— 模...
SINY-中国科技 天猫广告牌 3X9 China Tmall technology company billboard
Autor: Siny
SINY-中国科技 天猫广告牌 3X9 China Tmall technology company billboard 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件、广告牌 Type: Prop、Billboard 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————...
SINY-广告架子合集 Sign shelf pack
Autor: Siny
SINY-广告架子合集 Sign shelf pack 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————— 模组说明 Mod description 这是一个广告牌架子合集,无夜间灯光效果。模型高度...
SINY-CHINA 中国建筑项目部
Autor: Siny
SINY-CHINA 中国建筑项目部 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 关键词匹配:施工 中国 工地 建筑 建设 工棚 ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ——————————————————————————————...
Autor: Siny
欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY 感谢您的订阅和使用,如果满意请为我作品点一个赞,谢谢! Thank you for your subscription and use, if satisfied, please click a like for my work, tha...
SINY-LED Billboard Pack XL
Autor: Siny
欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY 感谢您的订阅和使用,如果满意请为我作品点一个赞,谢谢! Thank you for your subscription and use, if satisfied, please click a like for my work, tha...
SINY-Letter Pack 字母合集
Autor: Siny
欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————— 模组说明 Mod description 该模型为纯色,带夜间灯光效果。模型高度约为3米,宽度以游戏内尺寸为准。推荐用来贴在轻轨站、楼房的墙壁上,...
Small Porcelain Kiln
Autor: amamIya
Small Porcelain Kiln by amamIya...
SkyTrust Bank
Autor: KingLeno
SkyTrust Bank by KingLeno...
Skyper, Frankfurt 1:1
Autor: Pirazel
Skyper, Frankfurt Skyper is a multi tenant office building in the central buisness district of Frankfurt. Its one of the smaller skyscrapers in the city next to the Silberturm. -Location Frankfurt am Main, Germany -Completed: 2004 -Hight: 153m -Floors: 39 ...
Skylight (Moscow) [RICO Russia]
Autor: Еurasia_HHHR Информация / information: Бизнес центр "Skylight" 2 башни: 109 метров, 27 этажей Office building "Skylight" 2 towers: 109 meters, 27 floors Расцветка: Стеклянный фасад синего цвета + оранжевые...
Autor: Siny
欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY 感谢您的订阅和使用,如果满意请为我作品点一个赞,谢谢! Thank you for your subscription and use, if satisfied, please click a like for my work, tha...
SINY-PROP Caravan TA02
Autor: Siny
SINY-PROP Caravan TA02 欢迎订阅这个模组 Welcome to subscribe to this module ————————————————————————————————————————————— 类型:摆件 Type: Prop 制作:昕悦联邦 Production: SINYCITY ————————————————————————————————————————————— 模组说明 Mod description 这是一个拖挂旅居车的摆件,整车长度约为4.2米,宽度2.1...
SINY-PARK 城市景观 Yes or No 01
Autor: Siny
SINY-PARK 城市景观 Yes or No 01...
SINY-PARK 城市景观 Sights in China City 红旗纪念碑
Autor: Siny
SINY-PARK 城市景观 Sights in China City 红旗纪念碑...
SINY-PARK 城市景观 Sights in China City 大型标牌01
Autor: Siny
SINY-PARK 城市景观 Sights in China City 大型标牌01...
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