Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Japanese City Theme
A collection for Japan-like cities.
Items (478)
アトレ川越 atre building (RICO)
Created by TOKACHI269
川越駅前にあるatre川越です。ペデストリアンデッキはついていません。 <mesh info> main triss : 4731 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 59 texture size : 256x256 (defuse,illumination) atre building by TOKACHI269...
Created by hakurai
2.00m間隔での設置を推奨します ガードパイプ by hakurai...
タイムズ駐車場 parking decoration pack
Created by TOKACHI269
日本でよく見かけるタイムズ駐車場の装飾プロップです。 左側通行用 <mesh info> parking gate triss : 826 tex : 512x512(d) parking adjustment machine triss : 286 tex : 256x256(d) parking times triss:130 tex : 512x512(d) parking guide1 triss : 30 tex : 128x256(d) parking guide2 triss : 28 tex...
フェンスパック Japanese Fences Pack
Created by TOKACHI269
日本のフェンスです。まだまだ追加する予定あり。ほしいフェンスがあればコメントで教えてくれるともしかしたら作るかもしれません。 Japanese fences pack.There are plans to add more. <Contents> フェンス(1,2,3、門) ネット(白、緑) 橋 学校 線路わきの柵 ブロック(ノーマル、低、透かしブロック、門) アコーディオンフェンス 追加:ブロック2、入口、柵板杭1、2 追加2:16m ver 追加3:8m ver <Mesh info> main tri...
ブックオフ四街道店(R)_BOOK OFF Yotsukaido
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 四街道市に実在する「ブックオフ」です。 "BOOK OFF" that exists in Yotsukaido-shi, Chiba prefecture. ■メモ(Memo) 日本のごみ処理施設は設置場所が限られており、ゲームのように乱立していません。 そこでブックオフをリサイクル施設として機能させ、街の美観を損ねないようにしたかったのが、作成したきっかけです。 The installation place of the garbage disposal facility i...
Created by hakurai
幅員のとれない道路の中央分離帯に使用できる、車両用防護柵です。 ボックスビーム by 白籟...
Created by hakurai
昔作ったやつ マツモトキヨシ by hakurai...
Created by hakurai
最も新しい地方銀行であり北九州市に本店を置く北九州銀行の支店をアセットにしてみました。 Office4×4(Level 2) 北九州銀行 by hakurai...
商店 A (Japanese Rural Shop A)
Created by TOKACHI269
低クオリティのためずっと公開しないでいましたが少しでもアセットの足しになればと思い公開に踏み切りました。 裏面のクオリティが低いのでうまく隠してください。 <Mesh info> Main triss : 569 texture size : 1024x512 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar) LOD Triss : 13 texture size : 32x64 (defuse,specurar) Japanese Rural Shop A by TOKACHI269...
国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building
Created by TAEMIN B
国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building 国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. it is called by 'Kokkai gijidō'. It is a house of councillors, National diet building of Japan. It is in tokyo, Around of imperial(royal) palace. And it's popular landma...
Created by waya
It's harder for me to write Japanese ^ ^...
PTT 7-Eleven
Created by NKZ.
PTT 7-Eleven by NKZ. Detail Assets Main Textures Main tris Main LOD textures Main LOD tris PTT 7-Eleven 1,024 x 1,024 496 256 x 256 325 Cost : 10,000 Worker : 11 Building 3 x 2 RICO : commercial low *** StandAlone *** favorite, like and follower thank you....
イトーヨーカドー Japanese commercial building
Created by TOKACHI269
イトーヨーカドーです。 川崎港町店がモデルです。,139.7189158,225a,35y,39.46t/data=!3m1!1e3?dcr=0 RICO commercial high Size : 14x21 workplaces : 140 construction-cost : 40000 <mesh info> main triss : 9099 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,n...
Japanese Commercial Building 03 ~ 09
Created by TOKACHI269
9種類の斜線制限のある建物を追加します。奥行1.5マスです。 add 9 kinds of building with hatched limits. The depth is 1.5 square. Japanese Commercial Building 01 Japanese Commercial Building 02 <Mesh info> Main triss : 766, 984, 661, 655, 912, 756, 715 texture size : 512 x 512 (defuse...
Nakagyo Police Station (8x8)
Created by BachToBaroque
Hello. This Police Station is based on the Nakagyo Police Station in Kyoto, with a reduced size to fit 8 x 8 in-game cell. Originally I had a Japanese flag prop(from BP's more flags mod) there but decided to ditch it anyway because some players might not w...
taxi office 01
taxi office 01 Japanese style taxi office Maximum number of taxis operated : 20 日本風、中規模タクシー営業所です。 最高車両稼働台数は20台です。 20台にしたかったところですが、やり方がわかりませんでした。 どなたか、分かる方いらっしゃいましたら教えていただけると幸いです。 台数に関して(2017/05/09/14:57) MODTOOLにて変えることができました。 workshopにアップしたものが適応されるかはまだ不明です...
JP Bus garage 01
Japanese Bus garage バス営業所のアセットです。台数は80台となっています。 バス停機能がありますので、営業出入庫を再現することも可能です。 ただし、営業車の出入庫は左折しかできないようです。 事務所建物がサブビルディングとなっていますので、アセットエディタにて propを設置される場合は、付属の建物追加の交通施設タブよりjimを設置してください。 It is an asset of a bus sales office. The number of units is 80 units. ...
Created by waya
I did a little building for a while, and the business district was not as big as I thought....
Created by waya
Although it was a two-story building, I was so confused by the details of the product that I almost gave up making it. Fortunately, I finished it....
ハチ公像  Hachiko statue (shibuya station series)
Created by やばい
ハチ公像 Hachiko statue by やばい ハチ公物語が大好きです This Akita dog came to Shibuya Station everyday to meet his master, a professor, returning from work. After the professor died in 1925, Hachikō continued to come to the station daily until his own death nearly 10 year...
Created by waya
wy-JP-Matsuya-A by waya...
Clipping Network
Created by TOKACHI269
8m & 16m When the texture of the ground comes out on the road, you can erase it by overlapping this network. 道路上に地面のテクスチャが出てしまったときはこのネットワークを重ねれば消すことができます。 Clipping Network 8m by TOKACHI269 ...
RICO Corner building01
Created by TOKACHI269
30°のコーナ用の建物です。 triss : 6530 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 61 texture size : 256x256 (defuse)...
bus stop roof
Created by TOKACHI269
モデリングを初めた頃に作ったものなのでクオリティは低めですがよろしければどうぞ。 tris ; 280 texture size : 512x512(defuse,normal) bus stop roof by TOKACHI269...
日本の歩道橋(japanese footbridge)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本の歩道橋です。 propなので人は通りません。 tris : 1008 textures size : 512x512 (defuse,normal,specular,color,alpha) footbridge by TOKACHI269...
東横イン Japanese Business Hotel
Created by Krakow131
日本の駅前でよく見かけることのできるビジネスホテルです、観光特化地区に2x2のサイズで出現します。 RICOへの対応方法は他サイト参照 ...
Created by waya
wy-JP-SUKIYA-A by waya...
JMA - 気象庁
Created by Moofers
Japan Meteorological Agency Headquarters Based on the JMA Headquarters located in Tokyo, Japan. This is a disaster headquarters and will spawn emergency response helicopters and vehicles. -
Nanao, Ishikawa, Japan
Created by Mitaca
Nanao, Ishikawa, Japan, created using Terrain Party and Wilbur. Map theme isn't technically required but it's my favourite theme :) 81 tiles mod recommended to play the entire region. Terrain Party と Wilbur を使用して作成した石川県七尾市周辺です。...
Suspended Monorail Station
Created by Ronyx69
Includes a simple suspended monorail station. Wide suspended monorail station: Found in monorail menu. Can be plopped on the side of a road, fits a 2 cell road under it - use anarchy or move ...
Created by waya
wy-JP-Yoshinoya-A by waya...
Created by NanoFighter
This radio is inspired on Van Paugam's City Pop シティポップ RADIO . You can see recreations of the radio here and here (thx AstaPonRonte for the links provided) mrnotsoevil's CSL Music Mod is required to this radio work properly! Enjoy build your city with the ...
Japanese Road Markings Pack / 日本の道路標示
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
----------------------------- UPDATE: 2020/5/11 Added 1 decal. - Left and Right arrow ----------------------------- ----------------------------- UPDATE: 2019/10/27 Added 3 decals. - Orange line compatible with Konno Model's new roads - Orange turning lane...
Created by TOKACHI269
東京都中央区勝どきにある高層マンションです。58階建て。 model : GoogleMap wikipedia 航空障害灯は本来は点滅しますが技術的問題により再現できませんでしたのでご了承ください。 こちらはツインタワーバージョンです。シングルバージョンは こちら 。 This is a twin tower version. Single version is here . RICO residential high Citizen : 500 construction-cost : 40000 <Me...
Created by waya
wy-JP-KFC-A by waya...
Created by waya
wy-JP-Gardening by waya...
ECO Office
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, in some cities you can find some nice buildings with fabric facades. I like that so much, it looks great. So I tried to make a fabric cladding using the rotor shader again. Another thing I wanted to realize was to have an asset with a bustlin...
Honda Stepwgn
Created by Ronyx69
2011 Honda Stepwgn (Step Wagon) Spada ZI First vehicle with an interior and glass. Instead of a prop version, it includes a building version, because props can't have sub meshes, which are used for chrome, glass, and steering wheel and dash. The steering w...
Created by waya
Due to insufficient data, I spent a lot of time and released it a little late. It was my first famous building. If it is popular I will consider more akihabara....
Dior Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x3 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Dior building in Ginza, Tokyo It is part of my Flagship Store collection Model: 2,289 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / Diffuse, illumination, specular, alpha maps Custom LOD: 26 tris / 256x256 textu...
Railway Decorative Networks
Created by Ronyx69
Decorative wire and elevated border networks. Read description of the Railway collection:
Railway Replacer
Created by Ronyx69
Railway Replacer is developed by Simon Royer, Egi and Ronyx. The mod is responsible of two major tasks; replacement of station tracks on train stations and prop customisation/styling of rail networks that are part of RAILWAY ecosystem. Network and Style Pa...
Pergola-park 5 x 5
Created by core79
Pergola-park 5 x 5 by core79 Für die stats schaut einfach auf das fünfte Bild. Dieser Park ist frei Platzierbar. For the stats look the fifth picture. This park is free placeable. Für diesen Park ein speziellen dank an:pdelmo,KingLeno,Lost Gecko und Quboid...
JP 2L Roads KT31
日本風導流帯の二車線道路です。 1+2道路と接続すると表示がおかしくなることがありますが 削除し再敷設をすると治ると思います。 また、1+2道路と接続した際にテクスチャが変わるように 仕様変更する可能性がちょっとだけあります。 募金をすると、紺野の無駄遣いが捗ります。(Donate)
Created by 白鷺
日本のローカル線などにある警報機のないタイプの踏切です。 ×の表示、簡易的な遮断機、注意喚起の標識の3点セットです。 修景と災害内の(?)の項目を漁るか、「第四種踏切」で検索をすれば出てきます。 幅の狭い踏切道のpropはこちら
Created by 白鷺
幅の狭い小さな踏切道です。 種類→(?) 線路間の道路→踏切板 線路への道路→踏切道 で登録してあります。 ☆第四種踏切のprop
JP Catenary KT01
Japanese Catenary pillar 架線柱です。ちょっとポリゴン多いです。1200ちょっと...
JPN TAXI 01 catalog color
JPN TAXI asset ナンバープレート作成に以下のサイトを利用させて頂きました。商用利用は禁止です。 ミニチュアカー ミュージアム 次世代タクシーこと JPN TAXI のカタログ仕様です。 テキトウに付けたアセット名ではなく車名です。 事業者カラーは作りたい道路assetが一通り完成した後になると思います。 ...
Japanese style 2 lanes road (β)
Japanese style 2 lanes road (β) Warning! Be sure to backup the saved data before use. Saved data may be corrupted due to bugs, etc., and it may not be possible to use it. caution ! : The asset for left-hand traffic ! 日本風の2車線道路です。 ご注意ください! 警告! : 使用にあたってセーブデ...
JP 2*2 house 002 L1~L3
JP 2*2 house 002 L1~L3 set 4 random roof colors 2x2サイズの日本風家屋L1~L3のセットです。 4つのランダムな屋根の色 日本家屋アセット第二弾です。 モデルは二児の子を持つ係長宅です。...
Police car 04 200 CROWN
TOYOTA CROWN Police car 200系クラウンのパトカー警視庁仕様です。...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-B1
Created by kami❀
Chinese Old Apartment-B1 by 西伯利亚大猫咪...
企業ロゴセット_Corporate Logo Set
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 第一弾として、産業ごとに合計で横長タイプ68個作成しました。 容量が大きいため、使わないロゴは削除してください。 また、看板ではなくてロゴのため、自発光しません。 プロップの照明を併用してください。 要望等は受けておりません。 As the first step, we have created a total of 68 horizontally long types for each industry. Because the capacity is large, pleas...
Created by waya
wy-JP-LogiThebookstore by waya...
Custom Catenary Network (large catenary)
Created by j0nes.yes
This Addon will help you to structure your overhead cables in a nice and realistic way, without having too many single catenarys in one big random cluster. This network works as a road, that means that you can adjust the length of the catenary as much as y...
Created by waya
wy-JP-WasedaTrainingDepartment by waya...
suica グリーン券専用 ticket machine (shibuya station series)
Created by やばい
suica グリーン券専用 ticket machine by やばい suica グリーン券専用 渋谷駅で使うものです。 今週JR湘南新宿、JR埼京線、JR山手線外回り、JR山手線内回り、東京メトロ銀座線五つの線路及びその線路に接続された建物をリリースされるかもしれません。 お楽しみにしてください。 Ticket machine for liner trains I will also use this ticket machine in shibuya station. I may release th...
渋谷駅 新南口 Shibuya station new south entrance(Shibuya station series)
Created by やばい
渋谷駅 新南口 Shibuya station new south entrance by やばい お久しぶりです! 遅くなってすみません。今度のアセットは渋谷駅新南口です、お楽しみください。 次のアセットは渋谷東急です。 ご注意ください: すべてのプラットフォームを使われるために,Advanced Stop Selection (ex MTSE)を使ってください。 This is shibuya station new south entrance.Just in case, I don't have a...
Car Transporter Ver.2
Created by kazuma76
Car Transporter Ver.2 Type : Generic Industry Triangle Polygon Count Tractor Head : 2465 , Lod : 26 Trailer : 6346 , Lod : 54 Support Ofuse (Donation)...
Prada Osaka
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Prada building in Osaka. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Model: 4,160 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / Diffuse, illumination, specular, alpha, normal maps LOD: 58 tris / 25...
Created by waya
Sorry, I've been busy lately. I had to slow it down....
111 South Wacker
Created by honker
111 South Wacker is a 51-story glass office tower in Chicago's Loop. Just two doors down from the Sears (Willis) Tower, this modernist monolith went up in the mid 2000s at the same time as its nextdoor neighbor, the Hyatt Center (not on the workshop yet), ...
メッツホテル Mets hotel
Created by やばい
メッツホテル Mets hotel by やばい 渋谷駅新南口プラットフォームなし、たったメッツホテルです Shibuya Station new south entrance without platforms, only Mets Hotel 渋谷 東京 日本 Shibuya Tokyo Japan ...
Muji Shibuya (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Muji building in Shibuya, Tokyo. I really like the simplistic facade and color scheme that match the aesthetics of the brand. The real building has a super massive roof structure ...
JP Uniqlo
Created by koma
※ 2019.12.19 Corrected and updated lighting and textures. 照明、テクスチャを修正しアップデートしました。 Japanese Commercial Store Uniqlo 6×7. Ploppable RICO has been set. If RICO mod is not used , it will function as a unique building. 日本のユニクロです。PloppableRICO設定済。 6×7マスの大きさになります...
Created by waya
Notice that it comes in two types, A and B, with different colors and heights....
JP Cosmo Gas Station
Created by koma
Japanese Gas Station Cosmo Oil. Growable Commercial Low 4×3. 日本のガソリンスタンド、コスモ石油サービスステーションです。 郊外の道路沿いにありそうな小規模のSSをイメージしました。 低密度商業区画 4×3サイズです。 未熟な技術のため細部の処理が雑なので「 ココロも満タンに 」出来ないと思いますが、よろしければどうぞ。 おすすめアセット ( jaijai氏の作品です )
JP Tsuruha Drug ( RICO )
Created by koma
Japanese Drugstore 「 Tsuruha Drug 」 Ploppable RICO has been set. 日本のドラッグストア、ツルハです。 Ploppable RICO設定済です。6×7 マスサイズです。 special thanks ( テクスチャ使用許諾 ) TOKACHI269様、shibakata様。 ...
JPRL-1 街道の道路灯1
Created by hakurai
田舎の国道(旧道)沿いにありそうな道路灯です 九州のアセットが増えるかも?(donate) JPRL-1 街道の道路灯1 by hakurai...
Flag Shader Examples
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
EMU103 passenger train
Created by FlyingSenbei
EMU103 passenger train Includes: Lowcab Linecolor (3,4,5,6cars) Highcab Linecolor (4,6cars) Lowcab Linecolor Type2 (4,6cars) Spec: Capacity(per car):136, 144 Vmax:100km/h Acceleration:0.3 Brake:1.0 Texture size:1024*1024 Mesh triangles(per car):1158 - 1663...
京都は太秦天神川から滋賀は琵琶湖の浜大津まで。 自動運転の地下鉄から登山電車、最後は路面電車にもなるすごい奴。 京阪800系(京津線)です。4両で車と共に併用軌道を走る姿は圧巻。 その塗装もまた独特で京阪本線では見られないカラーリングが特徴。 その線区の特殊さから京阪社員曰く「1m当たりの価格が日本一高いのでは」とのこと。 気になったらぜひ足を運んでくださるとうれしいです。 -概要- 編成 4両 定員 先頭車386人 (先頭車88人・中間車105人) ポリゴン数 先頭車 5100 中間車 6023 テクスチ...
繁華街プロップ_Bustling street Prop
Created by shibakata
■セット内容 2vs1 wall sign_2対1型壁面看板 001~021 3vs2 wall sign_3対2型壁面看板 001~006 A type sign_A型看板 001~010 Beer Case_ビールケース Made by Kaminogi Financial sleeve sign_金融袖看板 001~013 Garbage collection site_ゴミ集積場 Illumination sign_電飾看板 001~010 Illumination sign2_電飾看板 001~0...
バス停屋根 Bus stops
Created by TOKACHI269
バス停屋根 bus stops 2種類のバス停を追加します。一つはbus stop roofの作り直しです。骨組みとガラス部分は別プロップになっていますのでMove it!のスナップ機能で一箇所にまとめてから設置してください。 add two bus stops.One is remake of bus stop roof. Since the skeleton and the glass part are separate props, please set it up in one place with...
JP Idemitsu Gas station
Created by koma
Japanese Gas station Idemitsu service station. Growable Commercial Low LV.1 2×2. It is 2 × 2 size so that it can be installed in a narrow space. 日本のガソリンスタンド、出光サービスステーションです。 狭小スペースに設置できるように2×2マスサイズとしました。...
Created by waya
Note: there are three different high-rise buildings in it...
JP Suburb shop pack 1
Created by koma
JP Suburb shop pack 1 Japanese old commercial shop. JP Suburb shop Nakanishi.(中西薬局) Tris : 768 Texture 1024×512 Lod Tris : 98 Texture 64×64 JP Suburb shop Saitou.(斉藤酒店) Tris : 854 Texture 1024×512 Lod Tris : 129 Texture 64×64 日本の郊外・田舎にありそうな古風な店舗パックです。 中西薬局...
万灯祭 セット1 Lantern Festival pack one
Created by やばい
万灯祭セット1 Lantern Festival pack one by やばい 三つの提灯があります: だるま 串カツ 桜花昇ぼる 心斎橋筋商店街 There are three kinds of lanterns in this pack. They are from the Dotonbori River Lantern Festival. Hope you guys enjoy and take care. 道頓堀 大阪 日本 Dotonbori Osaka Japan...
ワクワク看板 waku waku billboard
Created by やばい
ワクワク看板 waku waku billboard by やばい 運命の出会いアプリ ワクワク看板です。 次のビルで使う看板です。 This is wakuwaku billboard, I will use in my next building. Hope you guys enjoy and take care. 道頓堀 大阪 日本 Dotonbori Osaka Japan ...
Station Pedestrian Overpass Pack / 日本風の跨線橋
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This pack includes Japanese-style pedestrian overpass props. This is supposed to be used with konfox0527's platforms, but I believe there're many uses as well. Package: 1) Stair 2) Walkway (8m) 3) Walkway (21m) 21m walkway can across the 2-lane track and c...
Created by waya
wy-JP-ComplexBuilding-SK by waya...
Created by waya
wy-JP-Ohsho-A by waya...
Pack - Parking Structure's Roof
Created by _luminou_
PACK - Parking Structure's Roof Pack of 4 structure for parking area. Ideal asset to be placed above parking lots. Could be placed everywere you want! Design for: Parking Lot Roads - Poorly Maintained Parking and Parking Lot Roads The use of mod below is s...
JP Old house 01
Created by koma
Japanese Old house 01 Residential low LV.1 1×1. 日本の郊外・田舎にありそうな住宅です。 屋根は4色ランダムです。...
JP Old house 02
Created by koma
Japanese Old house 02 Residential low LV.1 1×1. 日本の郊外・田舎にありそうな住宅です。 屋根は4色ランダムです。...
Building Theme:Japanese low residential theme
Created by TOKACHI269
Japanese low residential theme...
Local station#7 65m
Created by konfox0527
ローカル線の駅 Local station #7 Overview 電化されたローカル私鉄の駅をモチーフにした小さな駅です。 プラットホーム長は65mです。 設置方法がタイルに依存しないフリーポジションタイプになっています。道路を入口にあわせてください。 This station motif Electric local private railway's small station. Platform length is 65m small. This station is "freeposition t...
Local station#7 JP2L 65m
Created by konfox0527
ローカル線の駅 Local station #7 JP2L station track KT01G Overview 電化されたローカル私鉄の駅をモチーフにした小さな駅です。 プラットホーム長は65mです。 設置方法がタイルに依存しないフリーポジションタイプになっています。道路を入口にあわせてください。 This station motif Electric local private railway's small station. Platform length is 65m small. This s...
Louis Vuitton Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x2 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Louis Vuitton store in Ginza, Tokyo. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Model: 485 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / Diffuse, illumination, specular, alpha, normal maps Custom LOD: 69 tris / ...
Apple Store San Francisco
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Apple Store at Union Square, San Francisco. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection by giving it a thumbs up! Main Model: 6,984 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / diff...
Apple Store Fifth Avenue
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Mikimoto Ginza 2
Created by UNFU
珠宝品牌御本木位于日本东京中央区银座二町目-4-12的第二家店,设计者为建筑大师伊东丰雄。 RICO: 高密度商业 提供就业:50 建筑费用:3000 : Poly: 6 Triss:12 贴图分辨率:1024x1024 (漫反射,照明) The jewelry brand Mikimoto's second store located in the second store in 2-4-12, Minamachi, Ginza, Central Tokyo, Japan Design by Toyo-i...
Created by waya
wy-JP-ComplexBuilding-SUN by waya Support my work on PayPal ! Donate:
Created by konfox0527
江ノ島電鉄/江ノ電300形電車305 2編成連結 Enoden 305 2set coupled Train 1 set >>> Tram version >>> !!Attention!! This train car's maximum spe...
Game Center / タイトーステーション秋葉原
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese game center inspired by "Taito Station Akihabara" in AKIBA, Tokyo. Since the game center has ATM, visitors can play games without worrying about money( at that time). Grow-able Buildings: Commercial High-density, Level 3 Tris: 1954 ( LOD: 39) Text...
Otaku Shop / トレーダー秋葉原3号店
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Otaku shop inspired from TRADER3 in Akihabara, Tokyo. This shop accepts all kind of otaku. Waya, the great asset creator said, "I can stay at that store all day long". Floor Guide: 1F: Consumer Games / Anime 2F: Trading Card Games 3F: For Sellers 4F: Henta...
SHUTO EXPWY 2L slow down
Created by TOKACHI269
SHUTO EXPWY 2L slow down by TOKACHI269...
首都高拡張 SHUTO EXPWY Extensions
Created by TOKACHI269
For Elite players only! Please let me know if you need anything else. 設置がとても大変なので操作になれている人向けです。白線はこれで頑張ってください。他に必要なものがあったら教えてね。 sound barrier, curve arrow, indivisible lane, no function Elevated SHUTO EXPWY by TOKACHI269...
JR East E353 series 6Cars HD
Created by 16561198089363476
JR East E353 Series Express train. HD texture version(2048 x 1024px). Line colored. Train color is variable by line color. Formation: 6cars Capacity: 300 (50/car) Speed: 26(130km/h) 中央線特急で活躍しているE353系です。 VRAMバカ食いの高解像度テクスチャ版です。 メモリの空きが気になって埋めたい人におすすめです。 もともと...
Elektrix's Road Tools 2.93
Created by Gabrielium
Add Node Tool Select a place on a segment where you would like a node inserted. Remove Node Tool Click a node to remove it. Resolve Overlaps Tool Select two segments (left-click to select, right-click to deselect). Hit enter to intersect them. Flip Road To...
NTT電話局 Japanese Telephone office
Created by TOKACHI269
NTT電話局 Japanese Telephone office <Mesh info> Main triss : 5109 tex size : 1024x1024 (d, n, s, a, i) LOD triss : 117 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 Amazon gift → NTT電話局 Japanese...
Bento Factory
Created by Accapulco
Japanese style industry. It uses bakery base, employs 100 and causes 0 pollution. Main / LOD 1570 - 2048x512 40 - 128x128...
ガードパイプパック Japanese guard pipe fence pack
Created by TOKACHI269
ガードパイプパック Japanese guard pipe fence pack 日本でよく見られるガードパイプのセットです。ローポリなのでPCに優しいアセットとなっております。 気が向いたらロングverもつくるかも。 <Mesh info> Main triss : 230, 392, 158, 213, 230 tex size : 128x128 (shared) LOD triss : 10 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 https://...
Japanese Roadside Signs ( Welcome and Road Safety ) / 日本のようこそ看板と交通安全標語
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical roadside signs meaning "Welcome to our town" and "Road Safety". In rural areas and sightseeing spots ,there are many unique welcome signs. We can see road safety signs along major roads as well. There are 3 variants of welcome signs : an O...
Created by hakurai
様々な線形、配線に対応させることが可能です。 kaminogiさんに画像を提供して頂きました。 JP_platform_3.4m by hakurai...
Teramoto the alcohol dealer(growable Cl L1 4x4)
地元の近所にあつた店。よく親父と行つたものです。 Building Info 4x4 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 1024x1024 酒類量販店、テラモト by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 札幌市街を循環走行している札幌市交通局のシリウス1100形です。兄弟車輛として連接型のポラリスも走っております。 It is Sirius 1100 form of Sapporo City Transport Bureau circulating in the city of Sapporo. The triplet type is called Polaris. ■メモ(Memo) 路面電車の窓に明かりをつけることは困難です。 正面と側面の後半部分はブレーキタイミングで点滅す...
JP Aeon big
Created by koma
Japanese discount store,Aeon big. It is set rico. Commercial high Lv.2 9×7. ディスカウントストア、イオンビッグです。 RICO設定済み。9×7マスです。...
ネットワーク法面 Network JP retaining wall
Created by TOKACHI269
アップデートでMODが必要になりました。サブスクお願いします。 右側通行だとEnd部分がおかしくなるかも。8mの高さで設置されます。 Wall01 right by TOKACHI269...
JR East E259 Series N'EX (6 Car)
Created by InHailt
Features: Sound and light effects! compatible for vanilla! ---> 12 Car version <--- Important This asset can be used without additive shaders, however it enhances the experience. I highly recommend using it. This train has different accelaration and brakin...
Plain Road ( No Line ) / 線のない道路 / JPR-20G
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Plain road ( 2-way ) which has no line inspired from Japanese old street. No more decal work? Yes, this road has cracks and stains decal for lazy city builders. Also, It's time to say good-bye to the vanilla 30cm height roads. This road has only 5cm curb! ...
Multi-tenant Building (2type-5colors) / 雑居ビル(2種類5色)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Multi-tenant building in Japan what is called "Zakkyo-buil / 雑居ビル". This is so boring building that it can be placed anywhere. This pack contains 2 models: - Simple and 4 colors - Decorated and 1 color Subscribe now to make typical boring common cities in ...
縦型屋上看板_Vertical rooftop sign
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 屋上で見かける縦型の看板です。 今回からディテールを正しく表現することにしました。 H型鋼、ブレース、プレート、照明計画、LODデータ 看板の種類は10種類あります。 Vertical signboard seen on the roof. I decided to express the details correctly from this time. H-shaped steel, brace, plate, lighting plan, LOD data There ar...
JR East series E233-1000 (10 Cars)
Created by ron_fu-ta
JR東日本E233系1000番台 (10両) 車体の帯の色はラインカラーで変化します。 定員:1200名 速度:100km/h East Japan Railway series E233-1000 (10 Cars) The color of the line under the window will change by Line color. Capacity : 1200 person Speed : 100km/h <Note> この列車は標準の長さのプラットフォームには収まりません。 This ...
柴山第二~三ビル_Shibayama 2~3 Building(Fictitious)
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 柴山第二~三ビル 今回のビルは、新宿歌舞伎町にありそうな建蔽率80%、容積率800%を目一杯利用したペンシルビルです。 幅7m、奥行29m、高さ31mサイズで、ゲーム内で1×4マスとなります。 小柄ながらも、ベンチ、看板、貯水槽、換気フード、段ボール、雨除け、ペントハウス、物置小屋、避雷針、灰皿、TVアンテナにもこだわっております。 柴山第二ビルは、テナントがほとんど入っていない雑居ビルです。 一階の書店と四階の興信所のみしか入居しておらず、屋上看板も撤去されております。労働人口...
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 北海道札幌市北区に本社を置く家具小売り企業。 社名のとおり、創業者の名前は似鳥昭雄。 アメリカでは下の名前をとって「Aki-Home」である。 「おねだん以上。ニトリ」のキャッチコピーは有名ですが、「お値段異常」と揶揄されることもあります。 Furniture retailing company "Nitori" headquartered in Kita Ward, Sapporo City, Hokkaido. As the company name, the founder...
FUSO Todoku
Created by kazuma76
Fuso Canter トドック Type : Generic Industry Triangle Polygon Count Model : 1990 Lod : 38 Support Ofuse (Donation)...
Created by waya
wy-JP-FireDepartmentOffice by waya...
Created by waya
下个月开始会对以前制做过的建筑重新上色,解决过亮的问题。如果你喜欢以前的颜色请备份。谢谢 来月から、以前に作った建物に再び色を入れ、明るい問題を解決します。以前の色が好きなら、バックアップしてください。ありがとうございます。 Next month, we will start to redecorate the previously built buildings to solve the problem of over-brightness. If you like the previous color,...
River Rocks Decal Pack / 河原の石デカール
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a decal pack of river rocks. I've worked hard to make Japanese river-side in the game, but I couldn't feel Japan using existing assets. Also, placing a large amount of stone assets makes the game slow, so I created this. Recommended when you want t...
Created by waya
wy-JP-OldHouse-01 by waya...
Created by waya
wy-JP-FamilyMart-B by waya...
(Random) JP Random japanese style shop
Created by koma
When installing, stores will be displayed randomly. shop JS-A ~ JS-D 4 types included. Please go to the hot spring area and sightseeing spots. 設置する際、店舗がランダムに表示されます。 shop JS-A~JS-D 4種類同梱。 温泉街や観光地などにどうぞ。...
Biwako lake Otsu Japan
Created by ruven001111
JAPAN OTSU city SHIGA KYOTO(YAMASHINA) biwako lake map theme
Times Parking(1x3)
Created by touubou
Coin parking lot seen in Japan. Actually it can be used as car parking lot. The asset is set as a park. The size is 1 x 3....
Animated Excavator アニメーションユンボ
Created by TOKACHI269
Animated Excavator アニメーションユンボ It is a moving excavator. As I made animation for the first time, there is place which I abandoned in part in technical aspect, but there is coarse. I made a lot of animated construction site assets and tried to make them publ...
JP 公民館  Public hall
Created by にる~ niroo
JP 公民館  Public hall 日本の公民館です。 田舎のをモデルにしたので、広場がかなり広くなっています。 ギャラリー画像は、kaminogiさんに頂きました!ありがとうございます! Photo by kaminogi ↓建物のみVer. ↑Only Building Ver. Polygon 5,157 Texture size 1,024×...
( RICO ) JP Eneos J-Quest
Created by koma
Eneos J-Quest is a shop combined with a self-service gas station & shop located alongside a home improvement center or shopping mall. RICO has been set. 8 x 4 squares. Eneos J-Quest は、ホームセンターやショッピングモールに併設して立地している、 セルフサービスのガソリンスタンド&ショップが一体となったお店です。 RICO設定済み...
JP Hotel Route inn
Created by koma
It is a Japanese business hotel, hotel route inn. It is built in 4x3 size in the tourism special area. 日本のビジネスホテル、ホテルルートインです。 観光特化地区に4×3サイズで建ちます。...
Nagoya Train Station
Created by JSF-1
This is a remake of my old "Nagoya" style station. This version is larger and has a bit more detail then the previous version. This asset comes in 3 parts: >"Nagoya Station" This is the main building and includes 4 Metro platforms (2 at 12m and 2 at 24m) >...
JR West 381 series "Loosely Yakumo" and "Panorama" 6cars organization.
Created by RonSatoyan
As the first JR West 381 series train, I will publish "Loosely Yakumo" and "Panorama" 6cars organization. This is an express train connecting Okayama to Tottori (western) and Shimane (eastern). Organization KuRo380, MoHa 380, MoHa 381, MoHa 380, MoHa 381, ...
Created by TOKACHI269
SHUTO EXPWY 2L TURNOUT 橋にアップグレードすると防音壁付きになります。左側通行用。 Upgrade to a bridge and it will be sound barrier. For left hand traffic. 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 Amazon gift → SHUTO EXPWY 2L TURNOUT...
Japanese post 詰め所A
Created by TOKACHI269
Japanese post 詰め所A 線路脇にありそうな建物です。 <Mesh info> Main triss : 1102 tex size : 512x512 (d, n, s, a, i) LOD triss : 20 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 Amazon gift → Japanese post 詰め所...
[JPRM] 道路標示2 Japan road marking2
Created by TOKACHI269
Japanese road marking pack2. 1個目はこちら↓ tex : 64 x 128~448 (内容) 矢印(直線、分岐) ETC 本線 公園 市内 空港 首都高 都市高 第1 第2 到着 出発 ターミナル 踏切あり バイパス 環状線 銀座 湾岸線 路面標示のアイデアをくれた方に感謝。 Japan road marking by TOKACHI269...
メイドインアビス ナナチ (made in abyss nanachi)
Created by TOKACHI269
んなぁ~ <mesh info> main triss : 1776 texture size : 512x512 (defuse,,alfa,,color) LOD triss : 187 texture size : 128x128 (defuse)...
Roppongi Hills Complex-Mori Tower
Created by UNFU 六本木新城(日语:六本木ヒルズ/ろっぽんぎヒルズ Roppongi hiruzu 英语:Roppongi Hills),又称六本木之丘,是位于日本东京六本木的都市复合开发区,由森大厦主导开发,是日本规模最大的都市更新计划之一。设计者为入江三宅设计事务所。 此资产为六本木之丘综合体的主体部分:森大厦。地上54层,地下6层,内有东京君悦酒店( グランドハイアット東京;Grand Hyatt Tokyo)、森美术馆、六本木新城TOHO影城等设施。雅虎...
JP Hotel dormy inn
Created by koma
It is a Japanese business hotel, hotel dormy inn. tourism area. 4×4size. 日本のビジネスホテル、ホテル ドーミーインです。 観光特化地区 4×4サイズです。...
JP Old house 05~08 pack
Created by koma
Japanese Old house 05~08 pack. Residential low LV.1 It is a Japanese style house 4 pack. 日本の和風住宅4種パックです。...
JP Cosmo Gas Station 2
Created by koma
Japanese Gas Station Cosmo Oil 2. Growable Commercial Low 2×2. 日本のガソリンスタンド、コスモ石油サービスステーションです。 低密度商業区画 2×2サイズです。 ガソリン価格は相変わらず高めです。...
Cinematic Camera Extended
Created by SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) Capture different camera positions and play a cinematic transition between them. Extended version of Cinematic Camera by Icob. Instruction Click on the clapboard icon (can be moved with right mouse butt...
[Metro] TokyoMetro 02 series train
Created by konfox0527
東京メトロ02系(Metro) Tokyo Metro 02 series train (Metro) ※SHアップデート以降でも使用可能なことを確認済みです。 Train version_ Prop_ ?????????? _ (Commings...
Expressway Pillars
Created by Ronyx69
Pillar pack consisting of complete pillar props, and a prop pack of pieces to put your own pillars together for Expressway:
[Train] TokyoMetro 02 series train
Created by konfox0527
東京メトロ02系(鉄道) Tokyo Metro 02 series train (Train) ※It is not metro version MOM metro version_ Prop_ ?????????? _ (Commingsooo...
[Prop] TokyoMetro 02 series train
Created by konfox0527
東京メトロ02系(プロップ) Tokyo Metro 02 series train (プロップ) MOM metro version_ Train version_ 概要 Overview 東京メトロ02系のプロップです。4種類のプロップが入って...
JR East E331 Series (8 Cars)
Created by InHailt
Features: Light effects, line colored, compatible for vanilla! The E331 series was a prototype train developed by JR East for testing various new technologies. One of these was articulated bogies. The train ran revenue service only in the weekend on the Ke...
Japanese Traffic Lights (LHT) 日本風信号機MOD (左側通行用)
Created by ako_ako
This mod is WORKING with Sunset Harbor update! 信号機を日本風に置き換えるMODです。 BloodyPenguin/Matt Crux氏のAmerican Traffic LightsからPropを置き換えたものになります。 このMODは左側通行用となります。右側通行用はこちら。 仕様 ディフューズ色が発光するので、現実だと黒である部分にも色が入っているように見えます。順光だと特に顕著です。 極端に鋭角/鈍角な交差点だとそっぽを向くかもしれません。 赤から青に戻...
JP Old house 09~11 pack
Created by koma
Japanese Old house 09~11 pack. Residential low LV.1 2×2 It is a Japanese style house 3pack. 日本の和風住宅3種パックです。2×2マスサイズです。...
Modern Japanese Houses
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 3 sets of 2+2 small modern japanese residential houses - 12 variations total. If you subscribe to the prop pack (optional) you will see a lot of variations because of random props - mailboxes, plants, solar panels, vents, clothes racks... I think ...
石橋斎場_Ishibashi Funeral Hall
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 茨城県つくばみらい市谷井田にあるセレモニー石橋会館です。 遺族部屋11畳バス・トイレ完備、霊安室完備で比較的新しい施設です。 Ceremony Ishibashi Kaikan in Taniida, Tsukuba Mirai, Ibaraki Prefecture. Survivor's room 11 tatami bath and toilet fully equipped, it is a relatively new facility with a complete ...
シャポー船橋南館_Shapo Funabashi
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 2018年に船橋駅の南口側に建設されたシャポー南館を再現してみました。 駅アセットが多く存在しますが、駅ビルが圧倒的に少ないため制作。 In 2018 I tried reproducing the Chapo South building which was built on the south exit side of Funabashi station. There are many station assets, but because the station build...
Japanese Bridge Guard
Created by YODOH
Screenshot by @Kaminogi ( )...
日本の路側式標識 Japanese Traffic Sign Pack
Created by Krakow131
サブスクライブ非推奨 本アセットは移行しました、これよりサブスクライブされる方は下記のアセットを推奨します
Fluffy Grass
Created by MrMaison
Fluffy Grass by MrMaison Introducing a 4 piece set of Fluffy Grass! These are generic grass assets great for lawns and gardens. They look great from any angle. This set includes 2 short versions (green and dry) that are at a pretty realistic height and gre...
JP Fujiya 富士屋旅館
Created by koma
Japanese style hotel 「 Fujiya hotel 」 tourism area. 4×3 size. 日本の和風旅館「富士屋旅館」です。 観光特化地区、4×3サイズです。...
Utility Poles 電柱
Created by TOKACHI269
広告を表示させたい場合はUtility Poles Decoration PROPをサブスクライブしてください。 内容 電柱、電柱(16m)、電柱(24m)、電柱(32m)、変圧器付き電柱(32m)、電柱 x 4(32m x 4) Utility Poles by TOKACHI269...
電柱 Draggable utility poles
Created by TOKACHI269
電柱が消えるバグを修正しました デフォの電線のように自由に引けるタイプの電柱です。道路の上に引きたい場合はFine Road Anarchyを導入する必要があります。広告付きのものとそうでないもの2種類あり。 Fine Road Anarchy: utility pole(no AD) by TOKACHI269...
Hotel 123 Tennoji
Created by Accapulco
Hotel from Osaka, Japan. Main/LOD 2700 - 256x2048 80 - 128x128...
JR East E331 Series (10 Cars)
Created by InHailt
Features: Light effects, line colored, for modded stations! I would appreciate it if you rate this train. This helps me a lot! Overview The E331 series was a prototype train developed by JR East for testing various new technologies. One of these was articu...
Created by Alfred_Meyer
Heian-Saiten_Kasugano by Alfred_Meyer This asset simulates the Funeral Home "Heian-Saiten" at Kasugano in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture. Funeral Home "Heian-Saiten" at Kasugano was opened in October 1990. It has passed the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake and ...
Metropolitan Depot Building
Created by MrMaison
Metropolitan Depot Building by MrMaison I got many requests for a more versatile version of my Metroplitan Depot Shop (for the Metro Overhaul Mod). So I made a building version based on the Abandoned Warehouse template so you can now use this building anyw...
Container Port (Animated) - Warehouse Version
Created by jc21539
Container Port (Animated) - Warehouse Version by johncomerford The only donation I ask for is a thumbs up vote! ^_^ The Industries DLC version of my animated container port (non-industries version found here:
Created by waya
wy-JP-CoCoyifanwu-A by waya...
Created by waya
Note: there are three different high-rise buildings in it Support my work on PayPal ! Donate:
Created by waya
wy-JP-Mansions-MC-AB by waya...
Created by waya
Notice that it also has a three-story building...
JR East E353 series 6Cars SD
Created by 16561198089363476
JR East E353 Series Express train. SD texture version(1024x512px). Line colored. Train color is variable by line color. Formation: 6cars Capacity: 300 (50/car) Speed: 26(130km/h) 中央線特急で活躍しているE353系です。 路線色で帯色が変化します。 Additive shaderで行先表示器とヘッドライト/テールライトがひかります。...
Zen Garden
Created by Ronyx69
Zen Garden prop pack including 4 sand pieces, trimmed bush, moss, 4 rocks, a curb and a fancy umbrella. Found in park props. Main: 5 - 244 tris 128x64 or 512x512 LOD: 2 - 13 tris Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropolis (Assets/Mods) Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scrip...
TOYOTA CROWN 200 200系クラウンです。 色は白、黒、紺、銀です。...
Expressway (Left Hand Traffic)
Created by Ronyx69
This is the LEFT HAND TRAFFIC version of Expressway. Read description and requirements of right hand traffic release:
JR West 221 Series / JR西日本221系電車 ( 4 / 6 / 8 cars)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
JR West 221 Series is a suburban EMU train type operated by West Japan Railway Company since 1989. The train was originally called "amenity liner" but it didn't really spread. However, the cars were once used as "Special Rapid Service" mainly in the Keihan...
Created by waya
wy-JP-CornerBuilding-KS by waya...
首都高情報板_Shuto Expressway sign
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 東京都にある首都高速道路の混雑状況を説明する情報表示板です。 こちらは高速道路ではなく、一般道路に設置されているタイプです。 Information display board explaining the congestion situation of the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway in Tokyo. This is not an expressway, but a type installed on a general road. 2パタ...
JP 1L rail KT21
jp 1L railway track KT01 のディテールを上げたものになります。 少々重くなっているかもしれません。 鉄橋は何も変わっていません。 高架橋脚はセグメントにしてみました。削除できません。 可処分所得が乏しい紺野に救いを。(Donate) 紺野にお金をあげる ...
JP Shikitei 和風旅館 四季亭
Created by koma
Japanese style hotel 「 Shikitei 」 tourism area. 4×3 size. 日本の和風旅館「四季亭」です。 観光特化地区、4×3サイズです。...
JR West 287 Series (6) ''Kuroshio''
Created by InHailt
Features: Light effects, line colored, compatible for vanilla! READ FIRST This asset has custom acceleration and braking values for a more realistic feel. If you wish to change this you can use Advanced Vehicle Options Additive shader is not necessary for ...
JP Roadside station / 道の駅
Created by koma
It is a roadside station which seems to be in the suburbs of Japan. Roadside station is the rest house located in the open roads equipped with parking lots,restrooms,restaurants and souvenir shops selling local products. The image shows an example of insta...
Japanese Medium Post Office
Created by hakurai
中規模の集配局です。 前原郵便局、直方郵便局、筑紫郵便局、飯塚郵便局、北九州中央郵便局、葛飾郵便局、米子郵便局、札幌西郵便局を参考に制作しました。 6×5 unique building Main model Tris: 2200 Texture size: 1024x1024 Texture types:diffuse,alpha,specular,illumination&normal map LOD model Tris: 209 Texture size: 128x128 Texture types...
Created by waya
wy-JP-7Eleven-A by waya...
China Resources Building HD
Created by XDBX
China Resources Building HD 華潤大廈高清版 加入高清材質 加入透明玻璃 加入更多的細節 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 我還是做了很久的, 別噴我炒冷飯 最近學校活動比較多,又臨近期末考試,我暫時先不做資產了,等到放假了俺再回來做資產。 对了,我创了个组,要是想和我唠唠嗑,拉拉家常,开开荤段子可以加入,关于我的资产的一些问题可以来跟我反映。 XDBX’都市天际线资...
Overhead Concourse Building
Created by hakurai
橋上駅舎のアセットです。応用次第で他の用途にも使えると思います。 ※駅としては機能しません contents Overhead Concourse Building 1A Main model Tris: 340 Texture size: 512x512 LOD model Tris: 88 Texture size: 64x64 Overhead Concourse Building 1B Main model Tris: 92 Texture size: 512x512 LOD model Tris:...
(Mixed-Use) Leaf Mart Convenience Store with Apartments
Created by stockjr97
PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!! This is a Japanese-styled mixed-use store and apartment building. It is a commercial building with a high-density residential sub-building. This, of course, means that it CANNOT be zoned and must be plopped with the Ploppable RICO mod ...
JP Old house 12~16 pack
Created by koma
It is a package of 5 kinds of Japanese style houses. 14 ~ 16 is the setting of the closed store and house, so the category is Residential. 和風住宅5種パックです。 14~16は廃業した店舗兼住宅の設定ですので、カテゴリーはResidentialとなります。 JP Old house 12~16 pack by koma3...
( PROP ) JP Rural bus stop / 田舎のバス停
Created by koma
It is a bus stop that seems to be located along the country road. Three types are included. 田舎の道路沿いにポツンとありそうなバス停です。 3種類同梱。 JP Rural bus stop 01 ~ 03 by koma3 ...
日本式道路情報掲示板アセット集 Japanese style road information bulletin board 10 set
Created by kemono_fm192hz
日本式の道路情報掲示板のアセット集です。 10セット入っています。 ご自由にお使いください。 夜も光ります。 It is a collection of assets of the Japanese style road information bulletin board. Contains 10 sets. Please use it freely. It also lights up at night....
Created by waya
wy-JP-YakinikuDen by waya...
Shinkansen W7 'Kagayaki' - JR West (6Cars)
Created by REV0
JR West, 468 passengers The Terminus: Discord Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Big in Japan. The W7 series (W7系 Daburu-nana-kei) is a Japanese Shinkansen high-speed train type operated...
Shinkansen W7 'Kagayaki' - JR West (8Cars)
Created by REV0
JR West, 624 passengers The Terminus: Discord Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Big in Japan. The W7 series (W7系 Daburu-nana-kei) is a Japanese Shinkansen high-speed train type operated...
Under Highway Tunnel Pack
Created by MEDURO
Under Highway Tunnel Pack by MEDURO. Including 3cell(L), 2cell(M), 2cell(S) road sizes....
Stops & Stations
Created by dymanoid Do you hate bus stops with 500 passengers waiting for a bus? The Stops & Stations mod makes your public transport more realistic! You can configure the maximum number of citizens that can wait for public transport at various...
JRF Container Truck
Created by jaijai
Isuzu FORWARD JR Freight Container Truck Truck Isuzu Forward FTR 2014 Container JRF 12ft 19G This asset contains two containers. It switches between delivery and import/export. Asset Details Category: Industry Capacity: 6,000 Triangles: 1622, Texture: 512x...
お祭り屋台 - YATAI -
Created by [JP]@sayaka
お祭り用のPropです。 ・たこ焼き屋台 - TAKOYAKI - ・わたあめ屋台 - Cotton Candy - ・焼きそば屋台 -YAKISOBA- ・金魚すくい屋台 -KINGYO- 一応、夜間照明も設定してあります。 ※アセット制作 初心者の為 不慣れなので少しずつ作っています。 今後、少しずつ屋台の種類を追加する予定です。 Rezしたときにrandomでlightのcollarが変化します。  ※不具合あったらコメントでもいいので教えてください!        If there are any ...
Gap Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Gap store in Ginza, Tokyo. It can be placed on straight tiles but works better as a corner building, which the real building is. It is part of my Flagship Store collection. Please support the ...
Created by hakurai
Main model Tris: 720 Texture size: 256x256 LOD model Tris: 162 Texture size: 32x32 donate PayPal ofuse 高欄_kouran by hakurai...
野立て看板 [01-05] signboard_[01-05]
Created by Gozy
野立て看板 signboard_ ロードサイドの野立て看板です。 ・5つの看板がセットになっています。 ・サイズはH2700×W5400 ・脚の部分の高さはデフォルトでは2500になっていますが、+1000までは伸ばせるようになっています。 ・Japanese advertising board ■検索用────── ・野立て看板 ・案内 ・billboard ・Signboard ────────── ■日本の看板一覧はこちら
野立て看板 [06-10] signboard_[06-10]
Created by Gozy
ロードサイド用の野立て看板です。 ・5つの看板がセットになっています。 ・サイズはH2100×W3600 ・[01-05]よりも一回り小さいサイズになっています ・脚の部分の高さはデフォルトでは2500になっていますが、+1000までは伸ばせるようになっています ・Japanese advertising board ■検索用────── ・野立て看板 ・案内 ・billboard ・Signboard ────────── ■日本の看板一覧はこちら
Created by Ronyx69
FamilyMart Japanese convenience store inspired by this one:,139.7026407,3a,75y,338.8h,98.39t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sI4MMZ3jPaADI7gkP2jUOIA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 It's a growable but I only tested it by plopping it manually, I'm...
Created by hakurai
Main model Tris: 943 Texture size: 512x512 LOD model Tris: 99 Texture size: 64x64 donate PayPal ofuse JP_corner_building_1A by hakurai...
Local station#6 JP1L 50m
Created by konfox0527
ローカル線の駅 JP1L KT21 Local station #6 JP1L KT21 Overview ローカル線の駅#6の線路をJP1L stationtrack KT21GRに変更したものです。プラットホームを10cmかさ上げが行われてます。 電化されたローカル私鉄の駅をモチーフにした単線の小さな駅です。 プラットホーム長は50mです。(江ノ電の2編成連結車がぎりぎりはいります。) 設置方法がタイルに依存しないフリーポジションタイプになっています。入口の階段を道路にあわせてください。 This is...
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
There was a request for the JR Gate Tower in Nagoya, which was made before, and as a result, we made a remake for the purpose of improving the quality. A comparative image with the previous JR Gate Tower version 1.0 has also been posted, so please refer to...
JR East E351 Series 8 Cars ''Super Azusa''
Created by InHailt
READ FIRST This asset has customs accelartation and braking values for a more realistic feel. If you wish to change this you can use Advanced Vehicle Options Additve shader...
JP Suburb shop pack 8 / コーナー設置用商店4種
Created by koma
Store assets that can be installed at corners such as crossroads and T-junctions. 十字路、T字路などのコーナー部分に設置出来る商店アセットです。 JP Suburb shop Everest ( インド・ネパール料理 エベレスト ) JP Suburb shop Kokakuro ( 台湾料理 紅鶴桜 ) JP Suburb shop Seneido ( お仏壇の千栄堂 ) JP Suburb shop Suzu-Kawa (...
小学校 JP Elementary School
Created by TOKACHI269
小学校 JP Elementary School 小学校です。本校舎、副校舎、職員室は共通のテクスチャを使っており、ひとまとめのものと個別のものが含まれています。 Find it!でJPESと検索してください。 It is elementary school. The main school building, the secondary school building, and the staff room use a common texture. and include collective and ...
Railway Japanese Props
Created by Ronyx69
Railway Japanese Style Props Also includes a bunch of decorative props. Search for "rwyjp" using Find It! Read description of the Railway collection: Select Japanese props in Railway Replace...
JP Police Box / 和風交番
Created by koma
It's a Japanese-style police box in Japan. 日本にある和風の交番です。 JP Police Box by koma3...
Prop it Up! 1.4.4
Created by Judazzz
About this mod Prop it Up! is a mod with a number of features that allow you to access and replace props and trees that are free-standing and embedded in buildings - in real-time. These features can be divided in global and asset-based tools. So, how do I ...
Created by waya
wy-JP-Company-09-10 by waya...
Type2 168m modular station fullset
Created by konfox0527
2型駅モジュールフルセット JP1L KT21 & JP2L KT21 Type2 168m modular station fullset JP1L KT21 & JP2L KT21 ===============重要なお知らせ=================== ================Attention================ 紺野つかさ氏のJP station trackを使用する駅は新型に置き換える予定です。(一部アセットの統合もあるかも) 速めに新しいStation track...
Fountain 12.23 (Animated)
Created by neinnew/네인
Fountain 12.23 Fountain 12.23 in Gwanghwamun Plaza, a landmark in Seoul, honors Admiral Yi Sun-shin. AnimUV animated, no requires mod. In fact, there is a statue of Admiral Yi Sun-shin at that location, but it was not included in the assets. So I recommend...
Osaka, Japan - realistic ~ 1:1 map
Created by Jensoo
Osaka, Japan This is a true scale 1:1 replica of the terrain of the city of Osaka, Japan. It is based on a heightmap and covers an area of 16 x 16 km which fits great for the game’s street proportions. All highways and train lines were built with image ove...
Shimonoseki, Japan
Created by xiii-Dex
Map inspired by Shimonoseki, Japan (and parts of Kitakyushu). - Highly recommend 81 or 25 Tiles mods. Not because this map particularly needs them, but being limited to 9 tiles is a tragedy! - Traffic Manager: Presidential Edition is also recommended, due ...
JP Corner Building / コーナー用雑居ビル
Created by koma
It is a multi-tenant building that can be installed at the corner of crossroads and T-shaped roads. Two types are included. 十字路、T字路などのコーナー部分に設置出来る雑居ビルです。 2種類同梱です。 If the direction of the building is wrong, Move it! Please correct it using. 建物の向きがおかしい場合はMov...
Beef restaurant
Created by koke_163_0702
静岡県で有名かもしれない炭焼きハンバーグ店「うっとうしい」です。マッピング方式の実験も兼ねて作成しました。 ...
Ex_TokyoMetro02 Re_build car
Created by konfox0527
元東京メトロ02系譲渡改造車 Ex_TokyoMetro02 Re_build car 概要 Overview もし02系が譲渡されて活躍してたら…というのを想定した電車です。 18m車2両編成で最高速度は80km/hです。 Additive Shaderに対応(行先表示機、前灯、尾灯) Propが付属します。 This is the If version of TokyoMetro 02 series train is rebuild for local railway. It is 18m length...
Created by waya
wy-JP-Company-01-02 by waya...
Created by waya
wy-JP-Ministop-A by waya...
Created by waya
wy-JP-ATM-PROMISE-A by waya...
墓地 Japanese Cemetery
Created by TOKACHI269
日本の墓地です。 <mesh info> Cemetery triss : 1194, 1010, 1065, 1112, 1058 tex : 512 x 512(d,a) Cemetery(single) triss : 116, 92, 1065, 1112, 1058 tex : 512 x 512(d,a) Stone Paving triss : 10 tex : 256 x 256(d,n) Japanese Cemetery by TOKACHI269...
国鉄EF65形電気機関車 - JR貨物コキ100形貨車 + PROP
Created by TOKACHI269
VehicleとPropバージョンのセットです。 Engine 国鉄EF65形電気機関車 Freight car JR貨物コキ100形貨車 EF65はTORAKICHI-WORKS様から許可をいただき、RailSimのプラグインからコンバートして制作しました。 TORAKICHI-WORKS コンテナのテクスチャはryo5861様が製作したものです。 <Mesh info> EF65 : Main triss : 4470 texture size : 1024x2048 (defuse,normal,al...
JP 2L Tiny Roads KT11-B
Warning! Because there is a possibility of damage, please save the save data. I can not take responsibility. It becomes a professional and asset for the direction of diorama play. According to the specification, the building is built apart from the road. U...
Created by waya
wy-JP-Mansions-WL-AB by waya...
69kV Power Line (Type 2)
69kV Power Line All items of Taiwan Power Line Series : 345kV 161kV 69kV(1)(2) 6.9kV(1)(2)(3)(6) 110/220V Recommend Mod: Move it! If this Item has any issue, please leave a comment below or send e-mail to me And Don't forget to rate thi...
Taiwan 345kV Power Line
Taiwan 345kV Power Line All items of Taiwan Power Line Series : 345kV 161kV 69kV(1)(2) 6.9kV(1)(2)(3)(6) 110/220V Recommend Mod: Move it! Thanks Kollati for technical support! If this Item has any issue, please leave a comment below or send e-mail to me qw...
JR貨物タキ1000形貨車 (taki1000)
Created by TOKACHI269
根岸駅に常備されている、日本石油輸送のJR貨物タキ1000形貨車です。 This is JR Taki 1000 type freight car of Japan Oil Transportation Co., which is standing at Negishi Station. <Size> 軌間(Gauge) : 1,067 mm 全長(length) : 13,570 mm 全幅(width) : 2,960 mm 全高(height) : 3,918 mm <Mesh info> Main ...
Created by waya
wy-JP-BALUKO-Matsunoya-A by waya...
Matsuyama, JAPAN (Including local roads)
Created by omusoba3
CAUTION This map is on the main road. If you want to enjoy only the terrain of Matsuyama, please use "Matsuyama, JAPAN (No local roads)". Description of Map Matsuyama City, Ehime Pref., JAPAN (Including local roads). Map scale : about 1:1(1 tile : 2km squa...
Tokyo Project #1 - Shuto Expressway(首都高) C1 Route
Created by < blank >
Note - Object reference not set to an instance of an object Just click 'OK' Button six in a row (or delete Prop it up.xml) - In videos, you can find many highrise buildings, but some of them are Patreon assets which doesn't published in workshop, so you ca...
JP Residential house / 無落雪住宅
Created by koma
Snow-free houses are a common type of house in Hokkaido and the Tohoku region, where snow is naturally disposed of on the roof. Four types are included. 無落雪住宅は、屋根に雪を載せたまま自然処理するかたちの、北海道・東北地方によくある住宅です。 4種類同梱です。 JP Residential house by koma ...
柴山第六~七ビル_Shibayama 6~7th Building
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 宮城県仙台市青葉区国分町にあるクライスビルがモデルとなっています。 実際の写真がないため、テナントや階数などはディフォルメされております。 The model is the Krys Building in Kokubuncho, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. Since there are no actual photos, tenants and floors are deformed. ■メモ(Memo) 作成したきっかけ...
16MW Waste to Energy Incinerator
Created by JorfiK
The Jorfik Trashblaster 16K will incinerate up to four times the waste of the standard incinerator. More efficient than the standard incinerators, with cheaper running costs and lower water consumption per unit of waste processed, but a higher up front cos...
JP 4m Tiny Roads KT201
幅員4mの道路です。 日本の住宅街等でよく見られるものです。 車道面+0.005m 縁石+0.105m です。 紺野に無駄遣いをさせる。(Donate) 紺野にお金をあげる ...
JP 2L Basic Road KT201MU
歩道がマウントアップタイプの二車線道路です。 ElevatedとBridgeで微妙に仕様が違います。 また、橋桁が赤色になっています。 歩道面が+0.0105m 車道面が-0.045m 車道面からの縁石の高さが0.15m です。 紺野に無駄遣いをさせる。(Donate) 紺野にお金をあげる ...
JP 2L Basic Road KT201SF
歩道がセミフラットタイプの二車線道路です。 ElevatedとBridgeで微妙に仕様が違います。 歩道面が+0.005m 車道面が-0.045m 車道面からの縁石の高さが0.15m です。 紺野に無駄遣いをさせる。(Donate) 紺野にお金をあげる ...
Created by waya
wy-JP-MucunHospital by waya...
Created by hakurai
日本のパーキングエリアのアセットです。tobu氏が制作されたモデルにスペキュラマップとイルミネーションマップ、ノーマルパップを追加して公開させていただきました。 Japanese_Parking_Area by tobu isesaki...
Created by OSTEV
Mods and Asset Collection: Must Subscribe all. MODS SETTING 1. 81 Tiles Unlock all tiles for free 2.Theme Mixer Base Theme : Seychelles Texture Setting Grass : Laviante 1.41 Ruined : Laviant...
段差スロープ Safety Slopes
Created by TOKACHI269
段差スロープ Safety Slope 段差用のスロープです。高さが10cmと15cmのものが含まれており、10cm verは紺野つかささんが制作された JP 4m Tiny Roads KT201 用に調整してあります。 他に必要なものがあれば言ってくれれば10%くらいの確率で採用するかも。 Slope for the step. 10cm and 15cm heights are included, and the 10cm ver is adjusted for JP 4m Tiny Roads KT...
Created by waya
wy-JP-HousingComplex-SHT-ABC by waya...
JP Johshuya / 上州屋
Created by koma
It is a retail store of fishing gear, outdoor and leisure goods in Japan. Growable Commercial low 4×3 日本の釣り具、アウトドア、レジャー用品の小売店です。 JP Johshuya by koma...
Nissan LEAF ZE1
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
Nissan's newest leaf will appear in Cities Skylines. It is a specification that the grill is strangely too blue. This car is an electric car. We recommend the introduction of DLC "GREEN CITIES"....
JP Monthly Parking Lot Pack / 月極駐車場パック
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Functional monthly parking lot. This pack includes 3 variants: 2x2, 2x4, 4x4(L). The 4x4 is L-shaped. You can place some buildings manually in front. Use TM:PE's realistic parking AI to park cars automatically. This parking lot can be placed on embankment ...
Tobu 500 Series (3/6 Cars + Prop) ''Revaty''
Created by InHailt
READ FIRST *This asset includes both the 3 and 6 car versions *This asset has customs acceleration and braking values for a more realistic feel. If you wish to change this you can use Advanced Vehicle Options Additive shader is not necessary for this asset...
留置線セット_Train base set
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 日本の鉄道シリーズは人気が少ないため、応援する気持ちで作りました。 The Japanese railway series is not so popular, so I made it with the feeling of cheering. ■メモ(Memo) 細かい配置が求められるため、マニア向けのプロップセット 配置数が多くなるため、テクスチャはかなり小さいです。 Prop set for enthusiasts because fine arrangement is ...
[B31][B33X][C31][C33XL][C33XR] Type3 Ground Station Module KT track Fullset
Created by konfox0527
3型地上モジュール式駅 JP2L KT21&JP1L KT21 フルセット Type 3 Ground Station Module JP2L KT21&JP1L KT21 track Full set 概要 Overview 内装道路を廃止して地上と水平の高さに線路を設置できるようにした新型地上駅モジュールです。 内装道路がないため建設用道路を引いて建設してください。 6つアセットが入っていて、延長モジュールも付属してます。 This is a new ground station module that...
JP 2L Small Roads KT223
JP 2L Small Roads KT223 by Konno Model...
Created by waya
JP-VendingMachine-36kinds Most of them are 160x160 24 triangles,Thank you for the photo support of Mr. Kaminogi, Mr. Shibakata and Mr. Koma....
Imabari, JAPAN
Created by omusoba3
Description of MapImabari City, Ehime Pref., JAPAN. Map scale : about 1:1(1 tile : 2km square). ・Highway connected ・Train connected ・Ferry connected Recommend1) Japan is left-hand traffic. It is recommended to set the traffic on the left side. 2) Use this ...
( RICO ) JP Country elevator / カントリーエレベーター
Created by koma
Japan's country elevators are facilities for storing rice harvested by farmers. RICO set. It's 4 × 9 sizes. 日本のカントリーエレベーターは農家が収穫した米を貯蔵する施設です。 RICO設定済み。4×9マスです。 ...
daiwa securities shibuya 大和証券 東京
Created by やばい
daiwa securities shibuya 大和証券 by やばい 大和証券渋谷支店でございます。 This is daiwa securities shibuya branch. Enjoy^_^ 渋谷 東京 日本 Shibuya Tokyo Japan A special thank to @AmiPolizeiFunk, helped me fixing the lod issue! update log: texture upgraded roof billboard removed...
[RHT] Toyota Coaster Minibus トヨタ・コースター マイクロバス 右側通行用
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Toyota Coaster is a minibus produced by Toyota. We call this "Micro bus". It was introduced in 1969 and became so popular in Japan and asian countries. This model is inspired by 3rd generation type B50, Coaster LX. There are 3 variants in this model: 1. Ge...
[LHT] Toyota Coaster Minibus / トヨタ・コースター マイクロバス
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Toyota Coaster is a minibus produced by Toyota. We call this "Micro bus". It was introduced in 1969 and became so popular in Japan and asian countries. This model is inspired by 3rd generation type B50, Coaster LX. There are 3 variants in this model: 1. Ge...
JR EV-E301系 烏山線_JR Series E301 Karasuyama-Line
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) JR東日本の宝積寺ー烏山を結ぶ烏山線のEV-E301系を作成いたしました。 実物の車両は、電化区間や給電設備がある駅で充電しながら無電化区間を電池で走ります。 The EV-E301 series of the Karasuyama Line that connects JR East's Hosyakuji Temple and Karasuyama was created. Real vehicles run on batteries in non-electrified s...
Corner Building / 角地の商業ビル(第一日比谷ビル)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is the building where the steakhouse “Volks” is located in Shimbashi, Tokyo. Volks is famous for becoming the first steakhouse to import salad bars in Japan, and offers high-quality beef at a low price. Volks in Shimbashi is officially called “Volks S...
JP Kappa - sushi / かっぱ寿司
Created by koma
It is a revolving sushi chain Kappa-sushi. Growable comlow 4×4. I WANNA EAT SUSHI ! That's all. 回転すしチェーン かっぱ寿司です。 あー 寿司食いたい ! 以上です JP Kappa - sushi by koma...
Hankyu 8000 Series / 阪急8000系電車
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is the Hankyu Series 8000 series, one of the symbolic vehicles of Hankyu Railway, which celebrated its 30th anniversary this year. Series 8000 is used on the Kobe Line and Takarazuka Line, and is operated in all types from limited express to local. It...
井戸&浄化槽_Well&Septic tank
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview) 上水道があまり整備されていない地区に水道(井戸小屋)と下水(浄化槽)を供給します。 We supply water (well huts) and sewage (septic tanks) to areas where water supply is not well maintained. ■メモ(Memo) 本物は、井戸ポンプと浄化槽のブロワに電源が必要ですが、ゲーム性を重視して不要としました。 もちろん、浄化槽に道路接続とゴミ処理車を必要としません。 自分で街を作ろうとし...
Created by waya
wy-JP-LnstiuteOfLanguage by waya...
和風ショップ ×2
Created by koma
There are 2 types of Japanese style (Japanese style) shops. Growable Comlow 2×3. 和風(日本風)のショップ2種類です。 JP Lawson - JS by koma JP Misato by koma ...
jp_re4 (Japanese house)
Created by nob50506000
Low Density Residential 2×2 Level 3...
JR Central 313 Series (2/6/8 Cars)
Created by InHailt
Contains 3 different configurations! Overview The 313 series is a DC suburban electric multiple unit (EMU) train type operated by Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central) in Japan since 1999. The design was introduced from spring 1999 to replace older 11...
[Citizen] Japanese Schoolgirls / 日本の女子高生
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Citizen of Japanese high school girls. It's time to say goodbye to vivid teenagers. They have 3 shapes + color variations. All three have different characteristics, so please find your favorite girl. Surely you won't be able to take your eyes off the stree...
東京四社のタクシープロップパックです。 日本交通の行灯だけカラーバリエーションがあります。(紺、金色、ピンク) クラウンセダン黒:日本交通 クラウンセダン黄:帝都自動車 セドリック営業車:大和自動車交通 JPN TAXI :国際自動車(KM)...
JP APA Hotel / アパホテル
Created by koma
It is a Japanese business hotel, APA hotel. tourism area. 4×3size. 日本のビジネスホテル、アパホテルです。 観光特化地区 4×3サイズです。 JP APA Hotel by koma...
The Hall of Distant Fragrance 遠香堂
Created by Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Hall of Distant Fragrance is t...
渋谷109 shibuya109
Created by やばい
渋谷109 shibuya109 by やばい お久しぶりです、今回作ったアッセとは渋谷109です、お楽しみください。 Hi, guys, this is shibuya109, one of the famous building in Shibuya area, hope you guys enjoy and have fun! 渋谷 東京 日本 Shibuya Tokyo Japan update log: LED light for calzedonia shop...
JP Rural elementary school / 田舎の小学校
Created by koma
2020.01.05 UPDATED I added a prop of the school gate. 校門のプロップを追加しました。 It is an elementary school with a Japanese wooden school building. It was created with the image of elementary schools in rural mountain areas and port towns where schools have been clos...
jp_apt4 (Apartment)
Created by nob50506000
3×3 level 3 high density residential 7階建と14階建の二種類がございます. ...
konno's character KT01
2 style include メガネ付とメガネ無しのセットです。...
Japanese Plain Parking Lots / 日本風の普通の駐車場
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical parking lots without fences or signs. You can connect these assets because they are flat and plain. There are 4 variants included. 2x2, 2x4, 4x4 and 4x4L for splitted lands. They appear as low density commercial buildings. Search "plain pa...
JP Bicycle 3 packs
JP Bicycle texture : 512*256...
JP-Business street items【一】
Created by waya
Business street items【一】...
イベント用テント Japanese Event Tents
Created by TOKACHI269
イベント用テント Japanese Event Tents イベント用のテントです。白色のみです。 Japanese tent for events. Only white. <Mesh info> Main triss : 528, 1000 tex size : 512x512, 320x512 (d, n, s, a) LOD triss : 14 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 Am...
HINO S'elega HD - Hankyu
Created by YODOH
Hankyu Corporation is a Japanese private railway operator that provides commuter and interurban service to the northern Kansai region. This asset require "Additive Shader" Mod. Additive Shaderが必要です。 This is repainted asset ,Template from REV0. REV0`s Seleg...
KF_Station Track Connector Building #03 #04
Created by konfox0527
※上級者/景観派向けアセット KF_接続用駅舎#03 #04 KF_Station Track Connector Building #03 #04 Overview 概要 「都会のローカル線」にある駅をモデルにした木造駅舎です。2種類の高さの駅舎とおまけでスロープのプロップがついてます。公園として機能します。 内部に歩行者パスが内装されており「通路」として機能します。(駅としての機能はありません)自力でStation trackを引き道路とstation trackを接続するように使用する。又は既存の駅ア...
JP Apartment 4packs / 日本のアパート4種
Created by koma
This is a package of 4 kinds of apartments that seems to exist all over Japan. Growable Residential Low 2×2. Maison du Motomachi's exterior walls are random in four colors. Otherwise, the roof is random for four colors. 日本各地にありそうなアパート4種パックです。 Growable Resi...
Sasebo JP Apartment A
Created by Sparks
Sasebo JP Apartment A by Sparks The apartment is located in Sasebo, Nagasaki prefecture, Japan. It's part of my sasebo plan. I am committed to restoring the landscape around Nagasaki and sasebo, so I will produce and upload local buildings from time to tim...
JPCS Ploppable Shrine 装飾済の神社
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
JPCSシリーズのPropや建物を使って制作された、Unique Buildingとして配置可能な神社です。 カスタマイズの必要なく簡単に神社を置くことができます。 Unique Buildingなので、複数配置する場合には Not So Unique Buildingsを利用してください。 This is a unique building ( park ) using JPCS props and buildings. You can place a shrine easily without cust...
Sensō-ji Kaminarimon (Thunder Gate) 浅草寺-雷門
Created by Emperor Li The Kaminarimon (Thunder Gate) is the outer gate of Sensō-ji (Asakusa Kannon Temple), a famous ancient Buddhist temple located in Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. With its lantern and statues, it attracts tourists from around the worl...
JP Usedauto Ishikawa / 中古車販売店
Created by koma
Used car dealer and repair shop asset. There are 2 kinds of signboards and prop of sales promotion goods (Arches for display vehicles, 3 types of flag). It is included. Exhibited cars are not included, so please display your favorite cars. As stated in the...
Takama Pass - Vanilla
Created by @FokyoCity
LUT USED: THEME USED: *RECOMMEND 81 TILES MOD (AS ALWAYS) -------------------------------------------------------------------...
JPCS Modern Japanese Style Street / 和風の街路
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Overview Modern Japanese-style 2-lane roads placed around temples and shrines in Japan. There are ground and bridge models in this asset. Nicely compatible with Konno's JP Roads and vanilla roads besides some road types. You can make Japanese traditional l...
JPRL-3-A 灯籠風道路灯
Created by hakurai
筥崎宮の目の前を通る福岡県道21号線の道路灯をモデルに作りました。 日本の神社のアセットと合わせて使うとエモい街ができると思います。 SSはkaminogi氏に撮っていただきました。 JPRL-3-A 灯籠風道路灯 by hakurai 支援 Donate ・ofuse→ ・PayPal→
JP Japanese Style Post Office / 和風郵便局 ( Industries )
Created by koma
This is a Japanese style post office for Industries DLC. The content is the same as the unique version. インダストリーズDLC版和風の郵便局です。 ユニーク版と中身は同じです。 JP Post office-JS-i by koma...
Sasebo JP Apartment B
Created by Sparks
Sasebo JP Apartment B This is a beautiful building, but also a complex building. The main building is surrounded by layers of balconies. This is a two-in-one building. (複合建築) Some bugs generated by it: Night scene has some bugs. Do not copy it with MOVE IT...
Big Pichon-kun / 大ぴちょんくん
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Pichon-kun is a mascot from DAIKIN Corporation which is famous for air conditioners in Japan. This Big Pichon-kun is placed on a building around Osaka station. It shows temperature and humidity with animation. Comission This asset is sponsored by 超社畜級のゲーマー...
Tokyo Office Building A "CJ Building" / 東京のオフィスビルA「CJビル」
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
2 Office buildings inspired from "CJ Building" in Shimbashi, Tokyo, Japan. The small one is from the real one. The large one is fictional. Thanks to Waya, I used his textures for the convenience store. Specifications ■ CJ Building 4x4 Growable Level 3 Offi...
Created by waya
wy-JP-CycleBaseAsahi by waya...
JP Small factory pack
Created by koma
Japanese small factory ( Indusrial Generic ) ・JP Small factory Takeda ( 武田印刷所 ) ・JP Small factory Tamura ( 田村鉄工所 ) It is a pack of Japanese town factories, Takeda Printing Office and Tamura Iron Works. (Both are imaginary factories) 日本の町工場、武田印刷所と田村鉄工所のパックで...
JP Apartment / 日本風アパート3Packs
Created by koma
This is a package of 3 kinds of apartments that seems to exist all over Japan. Growable Residential Low 日本各地にありそうなアパート3種パックです。 JP Apartment km A 3 × 2 JP Apartment km B 2 × 4 JP Apartment km C 2 × 3 JP Apartment km A B C by koma...
Japanese Citizens Pack
Created by stockjr97
A set of Japanese citizens for your Japan builds! Comes with 2 extra highschool uniforms each for male and female teenagers! Details: 1700~2300 tris each (LOD: 500~800 tris) 1024x1024 textures (LOD: 64x64) Do you like my work? Donate to my Paypal! Tags: Ja...
JP Idemitsu usami ss / 出光宇佐美SS
Created by koma
It is a gas station likely to be along the national roads and prefectural roads of Japan. Growable comlow 4×4. A signboard and a flag are also included.Please place it anywhere you like. JP Idemitsu usami ss 出光宇佐美サービスステーション JP Idemitsu sign 1 出光宇佐美看板1 JP I...
Japanese Station Entrance v2
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is the new version from my old Station Entrance. You can make custom stations with other large buildings. There are 3 props in this asset: 1) JR EAST style module 2) No station sign module 3) No sign, no pillars module ( for connecting ) This modules ...
JP House construction site / 建築中の住宅
Created by koma
This is an asset of a general house under construction. The category is a unique building. This asset appears as Unique Building so if you need to place many times, please use Not So Unique Buildings 建築中の一般住宅のアセットです。 カテゴリーは Unique Building です。 Unique Build...
Japanese Shopping Mall
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Station-front Shopping mall named "Green Plaza Takatsuki" in Osaka. 3 variants included. Variant B is good to connect with my pedestrian deck. Do not forget to subscribe the necessary assets! Specification Variants: A: decorated, without pedestrian deck B:...
Created by waya
This asset is for my friend shibakata 1280X1280 Triangular type 3305...
Osaka JP Office A 大阪第一生命
Created by Sparks
Osaka JP Office A 大阪第一生命ビル The official website: Model INFO Tris 11280 Textures 1024×1024×2(sub1024)/Lod256×256 (a/d/s/i) Size 6×4 Height 82m (20storeys high) Instructions This building is located in front of Osaka station ...
Tokyo JP Office Bldg A | TOKYO GAS 東京ガスビル
Created by Sparks
Tokyo JP Office Bldg A | TOKYO GAS 東京ガスビル The official website/官网/公式サイト Model INFO Tris(三角面数) 9460(main)+1865(roof tower)+2480(buildingA)+590(buildingB)+622(platform)//lod2400 Textures(贴图) 1024×1024/Lod256×256 (a/d/s/i) Size(大小...
Container storage stacks - Large pack 3
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings Feel like your harbor is a bit empty? Got some empty space near your industrial area? Then why not fill it with containers! This pack contains 4 buildings that function as wa...
RICO Settings for Modern Japan CCP
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
RICO Settings for the Modern Japan Community Creators Pack (CCP) This is a settings file for my Modern Japan CCP buildings, to be used with Ploppable RICO. All the buildings in the CCP are Unique Buildings because I didn't intend for them to automatically ...
JP Apartment with stores / 店舗併設のマンション
Created by koma
It is an apartment with a store on the first floor. Four types are included in the package. Growable Residential High Lv.1&Lv.2  4×2 The store portion is not functional. Please enjoy the scenery and atmosphere. 1階部分に店舗を併設するマンションです。 4種類同梱しています。 店舗部分は機能しません。...
Created by Milgram
GranTokyo From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search GranTokyo North Tower The GranTokyo (グラントウキョウ, Guran Tōkyō) is a skyscraper located in Marunouchi, Tokyo, Japan. Construction of the 205-metre tower was finished in 2007. The ...
Created by waya
wy-JP-ComplexBuilding-nz11178 by waya...
Concrete Pedestrian Path Set
Created by neinnew/네인
Concrete Pedestrian Path Set It's a concrete tiled sidewalk And rendered tunnel, also 1m version useful in a small space! In addition, its invisible versions: Information Ground version conf...
Big Sirotan
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Sirotan is a Japanese merchandise character created by Creative Yoko. And Sirotan is a young harp seal. I like this character and I have this stuffed animal in my bed. Nowadays I can’t go out to get references to make, I decided to make this from a real mo...
2020 Toyota Sienna SE
Created by Californianyt
A minivan by the japanese brand Toyota Sienna SE 2020 This is the sport edition (SE) of the Toyota Sienna My second vehicle :D Hope you all like it Tris: 4,000 Texture 1024 x 1024 All shots from my NYC project ;) Visit my Instgram for more amazing pics: ht...
HINO S'elega HD - JR Kanto (Intercity Bus)
Created by REV0
High Decker, JR Kanto - 50 passengers, Right Hand Drive The Hino S'elega (kana:日野・セレガ) is a heavy-duty bus produced by the Japanese manufacturer J-Bus. The range has been primarily available as a tourist coach from 1990 to present. Technical Details High d...
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Mt. Fuji Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. And also it’s the symbol of Japan. This Mt.Fuji is a 1:5 scaled asset, but it still brings us a impact. Place it far from your city and it will be fine with your city. There is a cube inside the mountain,...
Traction Power Substation
Created by REV0
Electricity - Substation Brig, Switzerland Portfolio on: Support via: Support via: Follow me on: Request, contact https://i.imgu...
Gyoumu super
Created by ZZA
"Gyoumu super" Japanese wholesale market. 3×2 Low commercial building. Suits for Japanese suburban area. This contains a street sign prop and you can prop it along the street. This attached parking is a little small so you can add yourself. tags : japan, j...
Created by waya
1536x1536 Triangular type 4157 Support my work on PayPal ! Donate: 支付宝 Alipay Donate:
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4101
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4101 by Konno Model...
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4102
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4102 by Konno Model...
[MB3]Type 3 Ground Metro staion module
Created by konfox0527
3型メトロモジュール駅 Type 3 Metro ground station module /modular station 概要 Overview 内装道路を廃止して地上と水平の高さに線路を設置できるようにした新型地上駅モジュールのメトロ版です。Sunset harborアップデート以降の公式の地上メトロに対応してます。 内装道路がないため建設用道路を引いて建設してください。 Modなし環境に対応したバニラ版です。 This is a new Metro (New metro Sunset harbor...
Shizuoka Railway 1000 Series
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is an asset of the Shizuoka Railway Type 1000, a local private railway that runs in Shizuoka. Two trains are included: the 1008F with stripes on the front and the 1009F with no stripes on the front in its old form. Although Shizuoka Railway is a local...
JP Suburban Library
Created by sway
Japanese suburban style public library Inspired by the Sugamo Library in Tokyo, Japan 3x3, same functionality as the vanilla public library The rooftop is left empty and plain on purpose. You can add your favorite air ...
JP Starbucks (RICO)
Created by sway
Japanese suburban style Starbucks. RICO version. 2x2 RICO commercial low, 12 workplaces, 0 construction cost It would function as a small playground if you don't have the required RICO mod Growable commercial low version can be found here: https://steamcom...
Created by waya
Support my work on PayPal ! Donate: 支付宝 Alipay Donate:
JP 2L 1way Basic Roads KR2151
JP 2L 1way Basic Roads KR2151 by Konno Model...
JP 1way 5m Tiny Road KR1101
JP 1way 5m Tiny Road KR1101 by Konno Model...
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4104
JP 4L Medium Roads KR4104 by Konno Model...
JPPK JapaneseParkProp
Created by Hibuna93
JPPK JapaneseParkProp 日本の公園にありそうなpropを12種類追加します。 遊具は入っていないのでバニラのpropをお使いください。 findit!でJPPKと検索するとすべてのアセットが表示されます Add a dozen different types of PROPs that might be found in Japanese parks. No playground equipment is included, so please use a vanilla prop. F...
Created by nob50506000
Level 2 high density residential - growable...
Created by YODOH
※このアセットはKazuma76氏のテンプレートを使用して作成しました。 ヤマト運輸の小型配送トラックです。現実ではこの型式のものは採用されていないようですが、気にしたら負けだよね! VehicleとPropのセットになっています。(Prop included) Ryuichi Kaminogi氏からのご依頼で作成したものになります。 制作の依頼・リクエストに関してはTwitterまたはDiscordまで。 Twitter:
Created by sway
Tsutenkaku Tower in Osaka, Japan. I made this asset for my own Japanese style city and for Blender practice. It's not very detailed or accurate as a large unique building but it looks kinda cool after dark so I decided to share it on the workshop anyway. 5...
Created by nob50506000
Sunset Harbor Japanese fishing boat
Created by PentalimbedP
TOKACHI269's fishing boats from his fishing harbor asset pack converted to sunset harbor vehicles. All credits to the original author. Use mods like Service Vehicle Selector 2 or Advanced Vehicle Options to limit the spawn to your preferred type. Update: S...
JR西日本乗車位置案内デカール JRWest Train boarding position information decal
Created by Nigorilla
JR西日本の乗車位置案内のデカール。△1~△8の8両分です。記号を用いた乗車位置案内の標示で、JR西日本をはじめ関西の鉄道事業者で多く見られます。関西圏のJR線(アーバンネットワーク)では、主に○と△印が使われ、○が4ドア用、△が3ドア用といった具合です。大阪駅など多くの車両が乗り入れる駅では、色分けで区別されています(このアセットでは、標準の青色のみです。)。駅の案内放送でも「足元△印、1番から8番でお待ちください」といった案内がされます。 内容 JRWD1A…△1 JRWD2A…△2 JRWD3A…△3...
TOKYO TAXI Vehicle assets
TOKYO TAXI Vehicle assets ナンバープレート作成に以下のサイトを利用させて頂きました。商用利用は禁止です。 ミニチュアカー ミュージアム...
Created by YODOH
※このアセットはKazuma76氏のテンプレートを使用して作成しました。 佐川急便の小型配送トラックです。この塗装はきれいですが、アセット制作者からすると悪夢に他なりません。 VehicleとPropのセットになっています。(Prop included) Ryuichi Kaminogi氏からのご依頼で作成したものになります。 制作の依頼・リクエストに関してはTwitterまたはDiscordまで。 Twitter:
Animated Waterfall
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Let's get a feel for nature. By using Procedural Objects to change the size, you can create a wider range of waterfalls. Due to the AnimUV specification in the game, the waterfall stops in the distant view. By using the Ultimate Level Of Detail, you can ma...
JP Guard Pipe B
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.1.0 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本のガードパイプです。 ・Japanese guard pipe. ●パイプの外径は全てΦ60.5mmです。 ・The outer diameter of all pipes is Φ60.5mm. ●支柱は25cm分埋まっています。 ・The strut is buried 25cm. ●1作目のガードパイプはこちらからどうぞ。 ・1作目 ●以下の35種類が同包されています。 ・The following 35 types are i...
JP Guardrail Network
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
2022. 7.11 A NEW VERSION HAS BEEN RELEASED: --------------------- Japanese-style guardrails (guardrails) that includes four variations. Place the guardrail on the left side of the road, draw...
JP Rock shed ロックシェッド
Created by にる~ niroo
日本風ロックシェッドです 右側、左側、中間部分の3パーツに分かれています。(画像1~3枚目参照) Move itなどを使用されることをお勧めします。 find it では、rockで検索してみてください。 This is Japanese Rock shed. This prop is divided into three parts: right, center and left.(see 1~3 images) I recommend using MOVE IT. To find it, do a se...
JP MS Bicycle Parking Lot
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.1.0 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本の自走式立体駐輪場です。 ・Japanese multi-story bicycle parking lot. ●地面から2.5cm分上げています。 ・2.5cm fried from the under ground. ●埼玉県新座市富士塚自転車駐車場を参考にしています。 ・Google Map ●以下の1種類が同包されています。 ・The following 1 types are included. Imghttps://i.i...
Created by shibakata
■お知らせ(Notice/注意事項) アセット公開を中止していますが、今回はコロナウイルスの緊急支援として 10万円分(制作時間が10万円位)のアセットを公開いたします。笑 有償依頼をいただくのですが、自分がつくれないジャンルのアセットが多いためお断りしている状況です。 通勤車両や建物は別途ご相談ください。 制作時間や資料を合わせた原価は10万円くらいですが、みんな1万円位で作成されているようです。 We are discontinuing asset disclosure, but this time a...
Tokyo Project #2: The Yamanote Line
Created by Combostar
Enjoying your tour in Tokyo by riding on the world famous Yamanote Loop Line! Instruction: 1. Make sure you subscribed the first person camera mod (Find it here 2. Fi...
Created by Momisuke
近畿、関東圏に展開するスーパーマーケット ライフです ↓よろしければお布施どうぞ!↓ ~Please Give Me ”Fuse"~
和風住宅 4パック
Created by koma
A pack of old Japanese style houses. Growable Residential Low Lv.2 JP Old house 20 Tris 2455 Texture 1024×512 Lodtris 135 Lodtexture 64×64 JP Old house 21 Tris 2819 Texture 1024×512 Lodtris 218 Lodtexture 64×64 JP Old house 20 B Tris 3035 Texture 1024×512 ...
Created by Hibuna93
日本の川の名前が書かれた看板集です。川の名前は作者が適当に選びました。 Content 荒川 Arakawa 信濃川 Sinanogawa 四万十川 Simantogawa 長良川 Nagawagawa はげ川 Hagegawa 富良野川 Huranogawa 目黒川 Megurogawa 淀川 Yodogawa Contact twitter...
Realistic Population 2 2.2.4
Created by algernon Formerly Realistic Population Revisited Key features: Provides a more realistic simulation and gameplay experience Realistic calculatrion of building populations - no more single suburban houses with half-a-dozen families an...
MAZDA BONGO SP Donut 1 by Konno Model ナンバープレート作成に以下のサイトを利用させて頂きました。商用利用は禁止です。 ミニチュアカー ミュージアム...
JP Countrysign カントリーサイン
Created by Nigorilla
市町村境にあるカントリーサインです。正式名称は案内標識の「(101)市町村」と呼ぶらしいのですが、主に市町村章を取り入れたものをカントリーサインと呼ぶようです。 内容 JP_Countrysign1...原戸市 JP_Countrysign1B...原戸市(市章なし) JP_Countrysign2...小原町 JP_Countrysign2B...小原町(町章なし) JP_Countrysign3B...南区(区章なし) JP_Countrysign4B...白川県(県章なし) 柱アセットもご一緒にどうぞ...
Created by Moch
Miko_prop by Moch The Miko works in japanese shrines and mainly refers to women who support the Shinto priest. It is a prop of the Miko. 8 poses included. This is props. It doesn't move. Please use the scenery of the shrine. My Cities:Skylines items...
Wako Department Store
Created by Ronyx69
Wako Department Store featuring a Seiko clock. Ginza, Tokyo, Japan.,139.7650966,88a,35y,356.2h,44.4t/data=!3m1!1e3 The building has been slightly simplified. The real one is not a perfect 90° angle and has an additional ...
東京タワー tokyo tower 东京铁塔
Created by CM.
你可以在第三级别建筑中找到。 You can find it in level 6 special buildings. 东京塔(日语:东京タワー;英文:Tokyo Tower),正式名称为日本电波塔,又称东京铁塔,位于日本东京都港区芝公园,是一座是以巴黎埃菲尔铁塔为范本而建造的红白色铁塔,但其高332.6米,比埃菲尔铁塔高出8.6米。1958年10月竣工,此后一直为东京第一高建筑物,直至2012年2月东京天空树(634米)建成而退居第二位。 Tokyo Tower (Japanese: ; 东京タワー;E...
[REP] Japanese Style Warehouse
Created by -ReputationUh-
做的第一个房屋资产,质量保证再能力范围内最大化了,快来订阅下载吧。 This is the first building asset I tried to make. Subscribe now!...
新宿区 Shinjuku Accessories Pack
Created by Marigold
A pack of accessories for Shinjuku City in Tokyo, Japan. Including: 10 neon signs 1 large wall sculpture 1 entrance gate (with neon sign) 1 LOVE sculpture (also found in other capitals in the world) 1 vertical and 1 horizontal HUMAX sign Recommended to mak...
[REP] Japanese Toilet
Created by -ReputationUh-
A quite old public toilet in rural Kyoto. Compatible with parks and public facilities 一个比较老旧的日式公共厕(撤)所(硕)...
JP Lane Arrow Sign JPTLS - 通行区分標識
Created by Nigorilla
概要 通行区分標識のpropセットです。すべて標識単体なので、柱など必要に応じて別アセットを利用してください Find it!で検索する際は以下の内容リストを参考に検索してください 内容 2021/10/10 Updated JPTSL_B JP_TLS1~5のサイズ拡大版です JPTSL_B1 JPTSL_B2 JPTSL_B3 JPTSL_B4 JPTSL_B5 JPTS_LA JP_TLS1~5の電照式版です JPTS_LA1 JPTS_LA2 JPTS_LA3 JPTS_LA4 JPTS_LA5 J...
日本の柱 JPPe Japanese pole series
Created by Nigorilla
日本風の柱です。青看板用と信号機用の柱がモデルです。工夫次第で様々な使い方ができます。必要に応じてPOで微調整してください 門型はこちら 内容 JPPe_Brown1 JPPe_Brown2 JPPe_White1 JPPe_White2 おまけ JP_Crossingname_pole JP_Countrysign_pole 2020/5/6 Updated  以下のものを追加しました(主に青看板で多い柱)  JPPe_1  JPPe_2  すべての柱を微修正して更新 2020/7/1 Updated  ...
Mountain Grass 2 Thick
Created by pdelmo
Similar to Mountain Grass II But thicker No visual Mods Needed Smaller Version Thanks to Quboid for the feedback. And Badpeanut for the alpha texture adjustment and help You can change colour in Game with Prop Painter 3.0 & Moveit NOTE you can not use move...
Mountain Grass II Shorter Thin
Created by pdelmo
Short Version of Mountain Grass II Main Cluster 998 tris 1024x512textures with colour map. LOD is 2 tris and 512x512 texture Single Cluster is 70 tris same texture. LOD is 2 tris and 128x128 texture Mod Links to get the most out of this prop. Adaptive Prop...
Created by egi
Station track and prop replacement for metro. Developed by Egi and Rev0. Based on Simon Royer's and Ronyx69's work. Read the guide to understand what this mod is about For those who know the...
Minimalistic Modern House-A-L3
Created by Pixel_monster
Minimalistic Modern House-A-L3 by Pixel_monster A Minimalistic modern house, with Aluminium, recycled wood, and glass facade. the backside has glass sliding doors to access the backyard along with big planter boxes on the terrace. Give your cims a much-nee...
Japanese Road Arrows Replacer
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is the first MOD I've ever created. By activating this MOD, the arrows displayed at the intersection will be replaced by Japanese style ones. I'm sure you are tired of the intellectual work of just putting arrows on the road. Of course, this is not co...
ACCUM Charging Point
Created by YODOH
Charging Point for Rechargeable Battery Trains. (ex:JR EV-E301) Check REQUIRED ITEMS....
HINO RANGER Garbage Truck Osaka LNG
Created by YODOH
RANGER Garbage Osaka LNG by YODOH...
JR East Series EV-E301 “ACCUM” Charging Point
Created by ngo0216
JR東日本の烏山線を走行する、EV-E301系電車の給電設備です。終点駅の烏山駅に設置され、折り返し時間で急速充電を行います。 初アセットのため出来についてはご容赦ください。制作にあたり、にごりさん、YODOHさんにスクリーンショットの提供など、多大なるご協力をいただきました。ありがとうございます。 ご一緒にどうぞ JR東日本EV-E301系電車 made by Shibakata
縦型屋上看板2_Vertical rooftop sign 2
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview/總覽) 津田沼南側にありそうな看板を作成いたしました。 We created a sign that is likely to be on the south side of Tsudanuma. 我們創建了一個可能位於津田沼南部的標牌。 ■メモ(Memo/注意事項) テクスチャサイズを節約し、立体文字の領域を確保したため画質が悪いです。 The image quality is poor because the size of the texture is saved and t...
交番 3 Packs
Created by koma
This is a 1 x 1 square police box that can be installed in a narrow space such as in front of a station. Three types are included in the package. 駅前などの狭小スペースに設置できる1×1マスの交番です。 3種類同梱しています。 支援 / Donate 支援いただけますとモチベーションがアップします。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse https://ofus...
[REP] Japanese Style Apartment アパート 日式公寓楼
Created by -ReputationUh-
JP apartment by ~~Reputation Uh~~...
Wako Generic
Created by Ronyx69
Generic, clockless, and simplified version of the Wako Department Store: Main: ~12000 tris 512x4096 LOD: ~140 tris 256x256 I made a Q&A, overview, "making of", and timelapse video of the cre...
Japanese Nursing home
Created by Hibuna93
Japanese Nursing home Asset information Size 6x4 Construction Costs 10000 Capacity100 Maintenance costs 660 Model information Mein Mesh tris6333 texture1024x1024 Lod Mesh tris84 texture128x128 Contact twitter...
JP type i shed pack イ型シェッド
Created by にる~ niroo
日本風イ型シェッドです 右側、左側、中間部分の3パーツに分かれています。(画像1~3枚目参照) Move itなどを使用されることをお勧めします。 find it では、shed,rockなどで検索してみてください。 This is Japanese type i shed. This prop is divided into three parts: right, center and left.(see 1~3 images) I recommend using MOVE IT. To find it,...
Tokyo Metro Entrance Sign 1
Created by Babou
A sign that you would find that at the entrance of any subway station in Tokyo. Japanese Subway entrance by Ryuichi Kaminogi:
Japanese Schoolgirls Poses (Prop) / 日本の女子高生ポーズ集(Prop)
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Props of Japanese high school girls. Each 3 girls have 3 poses = 9 props included. When taking a video or screenshot, placing people in the scene can create a story in the scene and make it more dramatic. Enjoy a lot of wonderful scenes using this props. I...
JPCC - Japanese Custom Castle
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is a set of parts for building a Japanese castle. The set includes stone walls and turrets. You can create a magnificent castle by combining it with the main building, or you can create a castle ruins by leaving only the stone walls and walls. It can ...
JP Apartment 7~11
Created by nob50506000
level 4 high density residential 中~高層の都市型マンションです。 Japanese 日本 アパート 日式 住宅楼 일본 아파트 ...
YAIZU Fishing Truck
Created by jaijai
焼津運送・焼津蒲鉾商工業協同組合 ボクさかな、きのう海、きょうはかまぼこ。 I am fish, yesterday one in the sea, today that in Kamaboko. Truck UD Trucks Quon CD Asset Details Category: Fishing Capacity: 8,000 (same as the default) Triangles: 1397, Texture: 1024x512 LoD Triangles: 50, LoD Textu...
Created by waya
1536 Triangle 3742 Support my work on PayPal ! Donate: 支付宝 Alipay Donate: ...
船橋新京成バス_Funabashi Shinkeisei Bus LR290
Created by shibakata
■お知らせ 中国人は私に親切なので、中国語を英語より上段にしました。 中國人是如此友好,以至於我把中文置於英語之上。 Chinese are kind to me, so I put Chinese above English. ■協力(Cooperation/合作) jaijai様のエルガを使用しています。 サウンド追加にあたり以下の方の協力してもらいました。 ・jajai ・YODOH ・Ryuichi Kaminogi 我正在使用Jaijai的Elga。 以下人员合作添加了声音。 ・ Jajai ・ ...
Osaka Setback Apartment 1
Created by Auchmial
I have noticed a lack of sloped-roof setback Japanese buildings in the workshop and so I have begun to create a small collection of them. This is an apartment building modelled after a real building in Osaka. The sloped roof allows this building to conform...
Osaka Setback Apartment 2
Created by Auchmial
I have noticed a lack of sloped-roof setback Japanese buildings in the workshop and so I have begun to create a small collection of them. This is an apartment building modelled after a real building in Osaka. The sloped roof allows this building to conform...
[RICO] AKB 48 Theater 2020 2K texture version
Created by Lot Creator
It's 2020, almost 5 years since I've started in Cities Skylines! I realized that this upload might have had some setbacks and after much struggle into getting myself back into the hotseat for asset creation, I decided to update this first building. I reali...
Japanese Store 1
Created by Babou
This building is based on a bookstore in Ochanomizu, Tokyo...
トヨタ ハイエース 福祉車両 Toyota HiAce Welfare Van
Created by kizuri
日本財団が助成事業として寄付している福祉車両です。 This is a welfare vehicle donated by the Japan Foundation to nursing homes as a charity. Prop version: Main Tris: 1836 Texture:1024x1024 Lod Tris: 50 Texture: 256x2...
Created by RonSatoyan
I will open a Japanese car ferry. This time it will be a small ship less than 100 gross tons. Of course, even if you say a car ferry, you cannot put a car on the game system. I make it by referring to the ship that was commissioned one or two years ago. Th...
消防団詰所 2Packs
Created by koma
Fire brigade station It's a fire brigade station. Both are 1×1 squares. We have one fire truck set up. 消防団詰所です。 どちらも1×1マスです。 消防車は1台の設定にしています。 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse アマゾンギフト券 JP Fi...
[RICO or park] AKB 48 Theater 2020 [1024 texture version]
Created by Lot Creator
This is the same version I previously uploaded but with the updated LOD and a smaller texture size, 1024x1024 by popular demand. Link to 2K version: I have kept the old version still up for ...
Osaka Setback Apartment 3b
Created by Auchmial
This is another apartment building modeled after a real building in Osaka. The real building is directly adjacent to my other asset Apartment 3a. The sloped roof allows this building to conform to Japanese setback laws. Based on the height of this building...
Osaka Setback Apartment 3a
Created by Auchmial
This is another apartment building modeled after a real building in Osaka. The real building is directly adjacent to my other asset Apartment 3b. The sloped roof allows this building to conform to Japanese setback laws. Based on the height of this building...
Station Shelters
Created by Ronyx69
Shelter networks for train stations and such. Includes 4 styles with middle/end/window segments. They can handle curves but don't make them too crazy. There's a weird lod issue sometimes, where the normals seem broken at very specific distances and angles,...
JR西日本駅装飾プロップセット West Japan Railway Station decoration props
Created by Nigorilla
JR西日本の駅名看板や駅名標のセット全10種類になります。5個のプロップで京都に実在する駅と、架空の駅を合わせて10個のセットにしています。京都の方にはなじみ深いものでしょう。設置する際は、「Find it!」の使用をおすすめします 内容 JRWestprop_1…駅名看板(西大路駅) JRWestprop_2…駅名看板(架空・原戸町駅) JRWestprop_3…駅名標(嵯峨嵐山駅) JRWestprop_4…駅名標(架空・原戸駅) JRWestprop_5…駅名看板・大(梅小路京都西駅) JRWestp...
Oyster Raft
Created by jaijai
牡蠣いかだ Oyster Raft This asset has a very weak water purification effect, as does an actual oyster, and contains two assets: type A and type B. Asset Details Category: Floating Garbage Collector Cost: 4,000 Upkeep: 96 Operating rate: 4,800 m3 Those numbers a...
[REP]Japanese Apartment Part A
Created by -ReputationUh-
Japanese Apartment Part A by ~~Reputation Uh~~...
[REP]Japanese Apartment Part B
Created by -ReputationUh-
Japanese Apartment Part B by ~~Reputation Uh~~...
[REP]Japanese Apartment Part C
Created by -ReputationUh-
Japanese Apartment Part C by ~~Reputation Uh~~...
[REP]Japanese Apartment Part D
Created by -ReputationUh-
Japanese Apartment Part D by ~~Reputation Uh~~...
Japanese Towbars Pack
Created by BentPixel
Modeled after ones you would find at Japanese airports, this pack contains 7 towbar in 2 states each, parked and lifted. The pack contains: B777 towbar - Can also be used for A330, A340, A350, DC-10, MD-11 and B767 B787 towbar - Can also be used on B777 B7...
Block Services - Fishing Harbor Tuna
Created by Naylin
Block Services - Fishing Harbor Tuna by Naylin All of the buildings in my "Block Services" Collection (Click here) are intended for builders who like to plop cities rather than zone them. Sometimes, a builder may not want to show either a vanilla asset or ...
ANA Komatsu WT500E pushback pack
Created by BentPixel
Pack of ANA Komatsu WT500E airport pushbacks. Contains 3 versions: Equipped with GPU Equipped with extra weight "Stock" The Komatsu WT500E pushback can be found at almost every Japanese airport and is the latest conventional pushback from the Komatsu Ltd g...
Created by jaijai
HOKKAIDO De-icer 北海道開発局凍結防止剤散布車 This truck is operated by the Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau. Truck
Future Gadget Laboratory (Steins;Gate)
Created by Auchmial
This is the fictional Future Gadget Laboratory building in Akihabara from the anime Steins;Gate. Now Hououin Kyouma can protect your city from a two-fold attack by SERN and The Organization! There is nothing anime about the design of this building, however...
Sasebo JP Apartment C
Created by Sparks
Sasebo JP Apartment C Tris 39000/ Lod 130 Textures 2048×2048/Lod 258×258 (d/s/i) Size 4×4 (32m×27m) Height 46m (15 storeys high)(15階建て) ------- ------- This is part of my Sasebo Plan. It‘s located in sasebo, Nagasaki prefecture, Japan. This is the last ass...
JP Single Pipe Fence
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.3.0 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本の単管パイプフェンスです。 ・Japanese single pipe fence. ●支柱は50㎝分埋まっています。 ・The strut is buried 50cm. ●以下の18種類が同包されています。 ・The following 18 types are included. Img https...
JP store flag-cashless payment
Created by Krakow131
Find it!で"JP store flag"と検索すれば出てきます...
JP catenary pillar KT03-X
JP catenary pillar KT03-X...
Japanese Prop - Island Curb
Created by GproKaru
I absolutely reccomend using these other mods (although they aren't required) to get the most out of these decals properly: Move It Prop Precision You can also use this mod to easily locate the decals, just search for "jap" or "gpro". "Find It" Mod =======...
JP U Bicycle Parking Lot
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.1.0 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本の機械式地下立体駐輪場です。 ・Japanese underground bicycle parking lot. ●支柱から2.5cm分上げています。 ・2.5cm fried from the strut. ●ベースは廃墟なので自由に配置できます。 ・The base is a ruin and can be placed freely. ●Giken株式会社のエコサイクルシリーズです。 ・Google Map ●以下の4種類が同...
JP Saiki Building 佐伯ビル
Created by Nabezow
A commercial building that actually exists in downtown Oita City,Japan. Building type : Commercial Low 3x3 L1. 大分市の繁華街にあるビルがモデルです。 ビル裏の駐車スペースが少し寂しいので、お持ちのイカしたprop達でゴチャゴチャにするといいでしょう。 ...
JP Kitamura / カメラのキタムラ
Created by koma
This is Kitamura, a photography supply store and camera. Growable comlow 2×3. 写真用品店、カメラのキタムラです。 JP Kitamura by koma...
JP Kura-Sushi / くら寿司
Created by koma
It is "Kura Sushi" of conveyor belt sushi chain. Growable comlow 2×3. A signboard is also included. Please place it in your favorite place. 回転寿司チェーンの「くら寿司」です。 看板も同梱しています。お好きな場所に置いて下さい。 JP Kura-Sushi by koma...
JP Rural Station Building 1 木造駅舎1 (2x2)
Created by EXYN4
<Attention> This asset is based "Plaza with Tree" and doesn't work as functional train station. If you want to work as train station, you have to build station tracks & platforms yourself . Japanese styled old wooden station building. Tris: 1061 Texture: 1...
JP Residential Fence 4packs / 住宅塀4種パック
Created by koma
We have found that using this asset in the winter map causes a problem. We have released 5 prop versions of the same assets, so please subscribe to the prop versions and use them if you are concerned. このアセットを冬マップで使用すると不具合が発生することが判明しました。 同じ内容のアセット5種類をプロップ版と...
JP MS Parking Lot Custom
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.2.0 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本の機械式立体駐車場です。 ・Japanese mlti-story parking lot. ●支柱から2.5cm分上げています。 ・2.5cm fried from the strut. ●ベースは廃墟なので自由に配置できます。 ・The base is aruin and can be placed freely. ●以下の15種類が同包されています。 ・The following 15 types are included. I...
Created by waya
wy-JP-URARA-TSUTAYA by waya...
JP Bus shelter / 田舎のバス待合所 3種パック
Created by koma
It is an old bus shelter that seems to be located along a rural road. Three types are included. 田舎の道路沿いにありそうな古いバス待合所です。 3種類同梱。 JP Bus shelter 01~03 by koma3...
Pedestrian Deck Prop Pack
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese pedestrian deck prop kit. Inspired from Takatsuki city in Osaka. Compatible with Tokachi's Pedestrian Deck and ako_ako's Invisible Pedestrian Path. Lights are included. Specifications Prop List: ** Pedestrian Deck Fence ** Pedestrian Deck 4m Strai...
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 26 dock / seawall / harbor / port / pier assets: 1 dock surface prop 6 main dock pieces 2 edge and 2 corner pieces 3 concrete blocks 2 curbs 2 railings 3 tie poles 2 bumpers 1 ladder 1 grate 1 water level marker Found in parks and industrial props...
ネットワーク路面標示 Network road marking
Created by TOKACHI269
日本住宅パック Japanese low residential house pack ゼブラの路面標示のネットワークバージョンです。Decal verと合わせて使うことがおすすめです。 It is a network version of Zebra's road marking. It is recommended to use it together with Decal ver. アップグレードモードで右クリックすると斜線の向きを変えることができます。 Right click in upgrade ...
JP bus stop decal
Created by SenpaiKageyama
Just a typical japanese bus stop decal, it works best with Konno Model's japanese roads (-> picture), but I'm sure you can make it work otherwise. It's 22m long and a normal bus should fit into the space. I think Decal Prop Fix by Ronyx69 is necessary, oth...
Japan 154kV Power Line 1
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の鉄塔送電線です。 紅白バージョンは こちら 。 モデル 東京都足立区小台 千代田線 30号鉄塔 仕様 電圧:154 kV 回線:4回線 高さ:55 m 土台の寸法:6 m x 6 m Steel tower power transmission line in Japan. Here is the link for Red-white Painted Version . Specification Voltage: 154 kV Circuit: Quadruple Height: 55 m Base...
Japan 154kV Power Line 2
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の鉄塔送電線です。 通常バージョンは こちら 。 モデル 東京都足立区扇2丁目 千代田線 29号鉄塔 仕様 電圧:154 kV 回線:4回線 高さ:55 m 土台の寸法:6 m x 6 m Steel tower power transmission line in Japan. Here is the link for Normal Version . Specification Voltage: 154 kV Circuit: Quadruple Height: 55 m Base Size: 6 ...
JP Old house 30~31
Created by koma
This is a 2-pack of Japanese style houses with signature architecture. Both are 1 x 1 square in size. They are set up as a house with a closed shop attached to it. The category is Residential. 看板建築の和風住宅2パックです。 どちらも1×1マスサイズです。 廃業した店舗を併設する住宅という設定ですので、 カテゴリーは...
JP Sluice Gate Pack 水門パック
Created by Takamon27
This asset is a pack of sluices in Japanese agricultural canals. このアセットは日本の農業用水路にある水門のパックです。 Eight types of props are included. スピンドル式の水平巻上機とベベル巻上機の2種類の水門で 開いている物、閉まっている物、錆びついた物の計8個はいっています。 1 JP Sluice Gate 01 Open  水平巻上機 開 2 JP Sluice Gate 01 Closed  水平巻上...
JP Old Shops
Created by sway
Pack of 3 Japanese old style shops. Originally made by Tatiana Devos and published on Sketchfab under the CC attribution 4.0 license. I think they look pretty nice so I simplified the models and modified the texture files to make them usable in Cities Skyl...
Puma Osaka
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x2 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Puma store in Osaka. It can be placed on straight tiles but works better as a corner building, which the real building is. Thanks @cluskillz for the suggestion. It is part of my Flagship Store...
Japan Power Line Caution Banner
Created by OSARUSAN
「送電線注意」垂れ幕です。 3種セットとなっています。 仕様 高さ:5 m 幅:1 m 傾き:3度 "Caution: Power Line" Banner. 3 banners set. Specification Height: 5 m Width: 1 m Tilt: 3 degrees 支援/Donate Paypal OFUSE...
Created by Nigorilla
!標識単体ですので、柱などは各自別途ご用意ください! 2はこちら NEXCO3社の案内標識です。2012年に改訂されたデザインのものを再現しています。新デザインでは、和文がいわゆる公団文字からヒラギノに、英文と数字はノイエ・ハース・グロテスク(ヘルベチカ)から、英文はビアログに、数字はフルティガーにそれぞれ変更されました。変更に至る経緯などは各自ggってください 制作者は新しいデザインのほうが好きなので今回制作することにしましたが、旧デザインの標識(他の方が制作されています、リンク後述)と組み合わせて使うの...
Illuminated Bare Trees
Created by MrMaison
Illuminated Bare Trees by MrMaison Let there be light....on Bare Trees! Introducing a 4 piece Illuminated Bare Tree set. These trees are in prop form and my first illuminated nature assets. There will be more to come including tropical plants and trees. Th...
Korean Crossing Road Decal Pack
Created by TDB Korean Crossing Road Decal Pack Enjoy Korean style in your city. Informations 4m x 8m / 8m x 8m / 2m x 0.5m 256 x 512 / 512 x 512 / 128 x 32 texture Prop (Includes four types) #Korea #Crossing #Crosswalk #Decal #Road https://...
公衆トイレ Japanese Public Toillets
Created by TOKACHI269
公衆トイレ Japanese Public Toillets 4種類の日本の公衆トイレです BuildingとPropが含まれます。Buildingバージョンは照明が付きます。 照明の使用上、なるべく平地に設置してください。 Four different types of public toilets in Japan. Building and Prop are included. the Building version has lighting. For lighting purposes, plea...
Japan Substation Set 1
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の変電所セットです。 以下のアセットを含みます。写真も参照ください。 Substation in Japan. Including following assets. See picture for the detail. See following link for how to place components of substation. 仕様/Specification 1-1: 1回線鉄構/Single Circuit Steel Structure Network 1-2: 2回線鉄構/Do...
トヨタ ハイエース 消防指揮車
Created by kizuri
Emergency Lights Manager V2で赤色灯にできます Link: Tris: 3631 Texture: 1024x1024 Prop版: アセット制作の discord: ...
JP Smoking Area
Created by SUGINOKO
ver.1.2 詳細情報/Detailed information ●日本の喫煙所です。 ・Japanese smoking area. ●このアセットの喫煙所はランダムで色が変わります。 ・The smoking area of this asset changes color randomly. ●支柱は25cm分埋まっています。 ・The strut is buried 25cm. ●以下の13種類が同包されています。 ・The following 13 types are included. Img...
Created by hakurai
日本の電停です。Glass部分は別アセットとなっています。 日本のアセットが増えるかも?(donate) JP_TramStop by hakurai...
Airport Lines Pack
Created by TOKACHI269
pack of airport line networks. It is added to plane of landscaping and disaster tool. <Contents> Taxiway Edge Line Airport line white Taxiway Centerline Stop Caution Taxiway Centerline Runway Edge Line Airport Holding Position Line Apron Line tex 32 x 512 ...
Decal Pavement Series
Created by TDB Decal Pavement Series For All Cities. 보도블록 데칼 시리즈 모든 도시를 위해. Informations num. Name File Name File Size 1 A tdb-Pavement-Series-A 461KB 2 Ar tdb-Pavement-Series-Ar 631KB 3 B tdb-Pavement-Series-B 453KB 4 Br tdb-Pavement-Seri...
JP Fire Hydrant and Hose Storage Box
Created by Takamon27
This prop is a Japanese fire hydrant and hose storage box. 消火栓とホース格納箱のプロップです。 The texture has been changed to support color variations. テクスチャを変更しカラーバリエーションに対応しました。...
Japan Auto Repair Shop 自動車整備工場
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の自動車整備工場です。 Growable、工業です。 仕様 幅:8 m 奥行:8 m 高さ:7 m Auto repair shop in Japan. Growable, Industry. Specification Width: 8 m Depth: 8 m Height: 7 m 支援/Donate Paypal OFUSE...
Created by Ronyx69
2 styles of vineyard props and networks. Network types: Floating - has a grass platform, can be raised. For custom builds using other wall networks or props. Walled - same as floating but with built in walls on both sides, could be layered and submerged in...
Japan Agricultural Warehouse
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の農業倉庫です。 ロゴ無しバージョンはこちら。 モデル 青森県弘前市大字五代前田 岩木町農協りんごセンター 仕様 幅:60 m 奥行:78 m 高さ:18 m Agricultural warehouse in Japan. Here is the link for No Logo Version. Specification Width: 60 m Depth: 78 m Height: 18 m 支援/Donate Paypal OFUSE...
Realistic Walking Speed
Created by egi
Adjusts pedestrian walking speeds to realistic values. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Long description This mod fixes the unrealistic vanilla citizen walking speed that bothered me fro...
Shinkansen Station Network pack
Created by Hibuna93
This is a Network asset pack for Shinkansen stations. It does not function as a station. These assets are only for diorama play. attention Without the PropPack, the roof light will not come on at night. Also, if there is no electricity, the lights will not...
Mitsubishi Canter
Created by Ronyx69
1993-1999? Mitsubishi Fuso Canter Includes a bed and a box version. Instead of prop versions, it incudes building versions, as you can't add sub meshes to props. Renaming the building to any custom name will swap the interior to be left hand drive. Main(ex...
Japanese suburban house 5packs
Created by nob50506000
low density residential - growable jp_re14 jp_re15 jp_re16 level3 jp_re15 jp_re16 level4...
Japan Old Shed 1 蔵
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の蔵(土蔵)です。 3つの蔵を同梱しています。 Old shed "Kura" in Japan. 3 props are included. See following link for detail of "Kura". 支援/Donate Paypal OFUSE...
Created by waya
1024 Triangle 2312 Support my work on PayPal ! Donate: 支付宝 Alipay Donate:
Golf Five
Created by Takafumi3ry2ta
The Japanese Golf Shop Main: 4951 Tries 1024 x 1024 LOD: 243 Tries 256 x 256 一階が駐車場タイプのゴルフファイブです. RICO対応です. ...
MEGA Don Quijote Ginowan
Created by Sakura
MEGA Don Quijote Ginowan Japan A few things to mention with this. Parking is on the roof of the building. Cars do fly up there lol The only way around that is build an invisible road up to the top area. This has a lack of props so you can add lights or par...
Japanese road markings
Created by Lambchop_1020
Japanese road markings by Lambchop_1020 The word "カーブ" indicates that there is a curve ahead. A "ゾーン30" indicates that the speed limit for the area is 30 km/h. A "止まれ" sign indicates that the vehicle stops at that location....
Prop Switcher 2
Created by Klyte45 Note about TMPE There's a bug that can cause an array out of bounds exception with its root cause in TMPE behavior. It will be solved when the linked issue get solved. For now, a workaround is...
Japan Car Inspection Shop 車検のコバック
Created by OSARUSAN
車検のコバックです。 Growable、3x3です。看板を同梱しています。 モデル 埼玉県鴻巣市天神2丁目 車検のコバック 鴻巣店 仕様 幅:24 m 奥行:15 m 高さ:12 m Car inspection shop "Kobac" in Japan. Growable, 3x3. 1 sign building is included. Specification Width: 24 m Depth: 15 m Height: 12 m 支援/Donate Paypal OFUSE...
Rice Fields
Created by Ronyx69
2 rice field networks, 2 props, and a fake water prop. On straight segments the game doesn't space out lane props evenly, so you need to make them slightly curved. Main: 64 - 320 tris 512x512 + 512x128 + 512x64 LOD: 8 - 20 tris 64x64 + 128x32 + 256x32 This...
Japan Hardware Store ホームセンターコーナン
Created by OSARUSAN
ホームセンターコーナンです。 ケーズデンキがテナントとして入っています。 Ploppable、13x12です。看板を同梱しています。 モデル 神奈川県横浜市保土ケ谷区川辺町 コーナン 保土ヶ谷星川店 仕様 幅:110 m 奥行:120 m 高さ:24 m 注意 非常に大きな建物のため通常設置しますと道路にはみ出ます。 また、Decoration Buildingの扱いのためゲームの仕様により通常クリックすることは出来ません。 Move It!の使用を推奨します。 Hardware store "Kohnan...
待合室三種類パック Waiting Room Pack
Created by Hibuna93
駅のホームにある待合室三種類です。すべてPropとなっています。 設置後はMove Itで位置を調整して下さい。 Find It を使って、日本語で待合室または Matiaisitu と検索するとすべてのPropが出てきます。 There are three different waiting rooms. All of them are Prop. Once you've installed them, you can adjust their position by "Move It". If you ...
Created by Ronyx69
Lawson Japanese convenience store inspired by this one:,136.89087,3a,60y,302.01h,91.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s9TPEG7t5Jw1auL7ulUaPlQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 It's a growable but sub meshes might not appear if it grows, plop i...
Intersection Marking Tool 1.14.4
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allows you to quickly create road markings at intersections. This is for detailing and aesthetics ONLY and WILL NOT tell your traffic where to go. If you want to control traf...
JR西日本 和田岬線 207系1000番台_JRWest Type207-1000 Wadamisaki Line
Created by shibakata
■お知らせ(Notice/注意事項) フォロワー2000人超えたので、人気投票で車両を作ることにしました。 関東になるのかなと思ったのですが、アセットがまだまだ足りない関西圏が人気になりました。 我有2000多個關注者,因此我決定通過人氣投票來製造汽車。 我想知道是否會在關東地區,但是資產仍然不足的關西地區已經很受歡迎。 I have over 2000 followers, so I decided to make a vehicle by popularity vote. I was wondering...
日産 NV150AD バン 自家用車版
Created by kizuri
Nissan NV150 AD Van (Private car version) Tris: 3499 Texture: 1024x1024 Lod Tris: 104 Texture: 64x64 産業版(industry version): PROP版:
新LEDビジョン_New LED vision
Created by shibakata
■概要(Overview/總覽) 2023/1/15 98ColdDew氏により修正されました。 由98ColdDew更正。 Fixed by 98ColdDew. 以前に作成した秋葉原UDXビジョンと異なり、液晶とフレームを一体で配置できます。 與先前創建的秋葉原UDX Vision不同,LCD和框架可以放置在一起 Unlike the Akihabara UDX Vision created earlier, the LCD and frame can be placed together. https...
焼肉特急 池田駅
Created by koma
This is the "Yakiniku Tokkyu Ikeda Station" in Ikeda City, Osaka Prefecture. A signboard is included in the package. 大阪府池田市にある「焼肉特急池田駅」です。 看板も同梱しています。 Growable comlow 4×3 支援 / Donate ご支援いただけるかたはご検討のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 Ofuse アマゾンギフ...
Kobe Station Facades
Created by Muska
These assets are just facades. No have platforms. Please give a thumbs up if you like it! 고베역은 일본의 고베시에 위치해 있으며 이 건물은 1930년에 3번째 고베역사로 지어진 건물입니다. 어셋은 기차 카테고리에 있지만 konfox0527님의 8m 고가 승강장과 같이 쓰기 위해 만들어져있기 때문에 어셋 자체에는 승강장이 없습니다. 승강장을 원하시면 해당 어셋을 다운받으셔야 합니다. T...
FUSO AeroAce: Seibu
Created by Chitoge
■西武バス株式会社は、乗合バス(一般路線バス・高速バス)、貸切バスを運行する西武グループの大手バス事業者である。本社を埼玉県所沢市に置く。西武鉄道沿線を中心に、東京都(都区内北西部・多摩地域)から埼玉県南西部にかけての地域を主な営業エリアとする。 ■Vehicle info ・Category: Bus ・Capacity: 40 ■Sounds info ・Stop sound ・Vehicle movement sound *With sounds,This asset required Vehicle...
FPS Booster
Created by Krzychu1245
Increases in-game frame rate, but... results may vary because there are many factors like CPU/GPU speed, RAM usage, current in-game scene complexity etc. Disclaimer: you need good and efficient GPU cooling, because this mod may force your GPU run at full s...
Created by Tojo Nozomi
Nekopara广告牌 by Tojo Nozomi...
JP Commercial Corner Building
Created by kostas667
I wanted to make some Japanese building, so I found a completely random one on Google maps and made it. This is how this building looks in reality:,139.7772422,3a,75y,224.26h,111.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sd-CvAkEywgntrv...
Tokyo JP Office Bldg C
Created by Sparks
Tokyo JP Office Building C | Kanda Bridge Building by Sparks Model INFO Tris 13472(main8197+stairs3995+vents1280) Textures 1024×1024/Lod256×256 (a/d/s/i) Size 2×4 Height 11 storeys high(43m) Instructions Address:〒101-0054 | 21 − 1, kammachi 1, Kanda, Chiyo...
Tokyo JP Office Bldg B
Created by Sparks
Tokyo JP Office Bldg B by Sparks Model INFO Tris 7360 Textures 1024×1024/Lod256×256 (a/d/s/i) Size 3×4 Height 8 storeys high(29m) Instructions Search word: JP or Tokyo ------- ------- From this,139.741547,3a,75y,97.3...
秋葉原建物 Adores カラオケ
Created by curr66
秋葉原建物 Adores カラオケ by curr66 基本描述: 这座建筑位于东京千代田区秋叶原的Adores カラオケ,建筑的大部分细节我都依据实景进行了还原,有的地方由于历年来都有所变化就依照谷歌地图最新的样貌进行制作,希望大家喜欢。同样的,这也是一座独特建筑,你可以通过“find it”搜索相关关键词来找到它。 Basic description: This building is located in Adores カラオケ, Akihabara, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. I res...
Japanese MAGLEV Linimo (Track&Vehicle)
Created by YODOH
inimo (リニモ, Rinimo), formally the Aichi High-Speed Transit Tobu Kyuryo Line (愛知高速交通東部丘陵線, Aichi Kōsoku Kōtsū Tōbu Kyūryō-sen) is a magnetic levitation train line in Aichi Prefecture, Japan, near the city of Nagoya. While primarily built to serve the Expo 2...
Signboard Light 看板用ライト
Created by Takamon27
Two sign lights with different lengths. Requires Custom Effect Loader mod. 長さの異なる2つの看板用ライトです。 カスタムエフェクトローダーmodが必要です。 ...
スシロー / JP Sushiro
Created by koma
Sushiro is a conveyor-belt sushi restaurant that is part of a nationwide chain in Japan. Growable Commercial Low 3×4. Created with reference to the Fuku oka Hakozaki branch in Fuku oka City, Fuku oka Prefecture. Three types of signage props are included in...
JP 調整池 / basin (sewage pump ver)
Created by kasasasa
内陸型下水処理施設バージョンです サンセットハーバーが必要です フェンスは緑です そこで見分けてください 住宅街に置くことを想定しているので汚染は発生しません This is a basin of a sewage pump on the ground version. You need Sunset Harbor. The color of fence is green. you can see there to judge the difference. It has no pollution beca...
JR Highway Bus Vol.1 :Fuso AeroKing (Intercity)
Created by Chitoge
■Contents JR Bus Kanto / JRバス関東 JR Bus Tokai / JRバス東海 JR Bus Chugoku / JRバス中国 JR Bus Shikoku / JRバス四国 JR Bus West / JRバス西日本 JR Bus Kyushu / JRバス九州 ■Notice This is intercity bus version, Requires Sunset Harbor DLC. ■Vehicle info Category: Bus Capacity: 60 ■...
Japanese KARAOKE Building and Prop Pack
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese Karaoke building ( 4 variants ) + Prop Pack. Specifications 4 unique buildings + 20props for these shops - BIGECHO - Karaoke Kan - Banban - Manekineko Textures: 512x512 ( LOD: 128x128 ) Tris: ~100 * Supposed to be used with Loading Screen Mod Abou...
小さなクリニック / JP Clinic (small)
Created by koma
It is a small clinic that seems to be located in a residential area. Seven different signs are included. The walls of the building are 4 random colors. - sign - JP Clinic sign 01 ( 耳鼻咽喉科 まつだクリニック ) JP Clinic sign 02 ( 歯科 おおたにデンタルクリニック ) JP Clinic sign 03 (...
Ploppable RICO Revisited TESTING
Created by algernon
Testing release for Ploppable RICO Revisited. Used to test updates prior to release. This version may contain bugs, including savegame-breaking bugs. Do NOT subscribe to this unless you're familiar with Ploppable RICO functionality and are prepared to help...
81 Tiles 2
Created by algernon Overview A rewrite of the old '81 tiles' mod to increase performance and resolve bugs. Enables unlocking (and building on) all map tiles, not just the 25 in the middle. Includes optional Remove Need for Power Lines, Remove N...
King's Bay
Created by IhmeHihhuli ™
King's Bay is a northern frontier ripe for a city to emerge. Here, in a bay surrounded by massive snowcapped mountains, lays an open plain awaiting for a new city mayor to take action and utilize the area how they best see fit. Will the peaceful bay area t...
Buildings Around Japan (Minuma Office 3)
Created by stop it D
A shiny office from Higashi-omiya, one I've had sitting around half finished for a while now. Perfect for suburbia and smaller wall-to-wall districts. The facade defaults to white but can be recolored. 東大宮のピカピカのオフィス、ここしばらく半完成状態で置いてあったものです。郊外や壁一面の街並みにぴったりです...
Cherry Blossom 2
Created by MrMaison
Cherry Blossom 2 by MrMaison Introducing a 2 piece set of Cherry Blossoms based on the Prunus serrulata or Japanese cherry tree. This tree have it's roots in Japan, China and Korea and is introduced all over the world as an ornamental tree. More info in th...
Linked collections (1)
CSUR Reborn
Contains 21 items