Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
:falkwreath:I used to be an adventurer like you...What is it? Dragons?:falkwreath:
:emocompy::cleandino: Yo, yo, yo! I got Dinosaur eggs! We don't know what kind! By 'em and hatch 'em!:cleandino::emocompy:
:summer2019cockatiel::summer2019cockatiel:ĆIRIP FIRULI VRIŠT OO GAV GAV DŽIV DŽIV :summer2019cockatiel::summer2019cockatiel:
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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Big Sad
So many Russians get so mad when I beat them in DbD, love how they expect me to understand their language every time as well when they flame :D
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105 hrs on record
last played on 26 May
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416 hrs on record
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Rupert 7 May @ 8:53am 
Яйца - 5 шт.
Сахар - 240-320 г
Масло сливочное (растопить) - 150-200 г
Сметана - 200 мл
Сода - 0,5 ч. ложки
(погасить уксусом)
Мука - 250-270 г
Какао - 2 ст. ложки
пускай гения забанят к чертям
шлите репорты
худший тиммейт, которого я когда бы то ни было видела, чмо и ублюдок
BasedExe BohemianOasis 5 Feb @ 8:20pm 
you seem cool enough, well he was an hero is outta here, goodnight :2017meatball: lizard person or dino-person, whatever that thing is in your profile pic.
LittleSister 1 Jul, 2023 @ 3:16am 
+rep, very polite whesker