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6.6 uur in totaal
I cant bring myself to recommend it "to much"...(which is sad)
The Henry Stickmin Collection is a great capsule of old jokes, memes and like putted all together in a flash-game collection from a time where Newgrounds was way bigger than today.

Sadly, It falls flat somewhat by the fact that if you saw the memes and jokes already ONES, its not fun anymore nor will you find quickly any kind of replay ability...

A game? An Animation?
Oh boi...this is one of this moments where i ask myself if something like this Henry Collection "counts" as game..but than "Dragons Lair" also counts as "game" so...

So yes, in this "game" you follow the fun stories of Henry Stickmin, Situation he ends up and you, as the player, have on sudden points of the "game" to select a tool (or similar) which might helps you but most of the time does not.

This is not a bad thing because the game "promotes" failing with fun fails and animations to see which are mostly dated memes or similar running gags people saw already.

And thats the word here: We somehow SAW it already...
As much as i like me some good animations and fun ones as well, the problem is that this games in this collection here are dated flash games with better design. This can already be seen in the first game in which you basically just have ONE time a tool to pick and than the chapter of this game is already over.

Yes, and im not joking here. Basically, the first 2 "games" in this collection are super short - and i mean REALLY SUPER SHORT. Again, as for what they "were", old flash games, it is understandable but than, and i guess im right here, as flash versions this games were FREE. You basically booted them up, played for 5 minutes and had a short giggle, that was it.

It still is nice though...right?
Yeaaaaa.. ..no.. .? The problem is this collection feels like an attempt to earn more money wile the other game from the devs, namely "Among us", was trending. I mean i can already say that the nearly 13 € here is CLEARLY not worth for the stuff youre getting here.

Yes, you have the "nostalgia" feeling maybe if you grown up in the eariler internet days but if i tell you that, if you ones finished this collection and saw all the endings, jokes and memes, you giggled ones, had some fun and than might never come back it since "you saw it all".

Such games remind me on games like Mc Pixel or "Dude, Stop". You have fun for the time they last, giggle ones but as soon as you boot the game up again, the fun is already over since you saw it - and the problem with this collection IS that the jokes, mostly the ones in the first chapters, are HEAVLY outdated.

Sure, ok they are still funny "somewhat" but nowadays, such memes are eeeeeeeeeeeverywhere and in times like the "Nowadays internet", you get flood with such stuff way to much. I still like some memes of course but how often did you saw one meme "TO often" and got sick of it in like 1 week already~?

Is it really a no-go? :o
This is again, as i said already SO freaking often in some of my reviews, the problem: Steam, give me a freaking "neutral" voting here.
I dont say The collection here is "bad" but as i said, it feels like its pricetag is way to high set for what you get. The enjoyment of this collection can be summoned together in just some hours or, if youre like me, some more hours if you really wanna go for all and everything but still, even after collecting all, even after seeing all the endings and fails, i dont really have the urge to boot it up again. Why anyway, i saw "all".

So if you wanna go for a small trip down memory-lane, grown up with newgrounds and might want some short giggles, go get this collection but i would recomment buying it if its some %-off tbh.

Not fully recommented but still not bad. A bit of a high pricetag and outdated jokes but if you like such stuff...
Geplaatst 29 maart 2022. Laatst gewijzigd 29 maart 2022.
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0.7 uur in totaal (0.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This...game...Is seriously something


And i think this will be the last time i actually going to use "Titles" in this review and use Screenshots for them now.

"You Will (Not) Remain" is a very short "novel" like adventure game. It has no action, no items to collect inside nor Stats or similar. Its just You and a Dog and a story which goes deep under the skin - if youre willing to understand the meaning behind this game.

Since this game is maybe about 30 minutes long and free, i can already say here, give it a go. I will still go with a deeper review as usual...

Said here, some spoiler warnings.

You Will (Not) Remain keeps place in a small apartment complex with "You" as player which kinda resamples a human.
You wake up, drink coffee, water your plant and all the usual stuff you do...
Well but thats not what this game is "about"...

This game basicly tries to explain how it feels and how it is to have been plagued with mental sicknesses and serious subjects like loneliness, depression and suicide. There is no violence nor blood or similar to see in this game but as simple as the game "is", as much did it also affect me since i would say i suffer though said things on a daily base - and this game shows how it feels to be in such state, day by day, very good...

And thats something you can see in some other reviews since such people mostly dont understand how it is and feels to deal with such stuff - because said things are not something to joke about. That doesnt mean i "blame" them here but, as i said before, they dont understand how it "feels" to be in such "state".
So again, I dont blame them but they might should at least "try" to see for "who" this game is made for. It is something a lot people go through but other people dont understand, most just shrug it off and tell you to "cheer up" but cant feel the sorrow from the person. Its not how it works, we cant just "press a button" and "all is ok" again, trust me. Its not that i wish someone to feel the inner pain such people go through but they might would understand this game and the people better if they do - if you know how i mean that of course. But here i can say one thing for sure: Some of us sure would wish it would be so easy, that there would be a "happy button" and we all would feel good again...

One thing i love about this game is how it basicly hitted the nail on the head. As for someone who DOES suffer from such stuff and might doesnt have the motivation to actually "enjoy" longer games, this actually has the right lengh to enjoy the story told in this game. Not only this, how the story is told and how the pixel style and sounds are made, fits the story and the motivation behind it to well - mostly, the simple "music" which, if you listen closely to it, mostly changes only in the tone. You can seriously "hear" the mood of the game. If its a normal "i dont care" feeling, the music is calming but still somewhat sad in tone. If you kinda think its better, its just a bit more upbeat. If you are catched in your dream and want to forget the world and how it is, its getting very deep and dark.

Serious to say, i think if i would have my "moments" i could...actually hear to this music non stop but im sure i also would somehow somewhat cry for no real reason - and thats so nice about this games music and style...

I can not and want not explain this game any further without spoilering to much. All i say is, if you have 30-40 minutes to spare and might suffer though such stuff, i beg you give this game a go. its not long nor big as download and sure worth said time playing.

HIGHLY Recommended.

Geplaatst 19 januari 2022. Laatst gewijzigd 14 februari 2022.
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78.1 uur in totaal (62.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Sea of why the hell do i even play this game?
Sea of Thieves (in short SOT now) is based on a great idea of gameplay not really many games have or do. The problem is, this game "is" not everyones cup of tea and, worst of all, if you want to play it alone, you basicly WILL miss a lot of its fun...

This is maybe the most "Like it/Hate it" game i know...
Dont get me wrong, EVEN if my review "downvotes" it - as i said so often steam give me a neutral voting PLEASE - But i never ever had the problem to go into a review and say this is either a bad or good game SO hard.
Why you might ask now? Because the "BASE" of a great game is actually THERE but thats IT.

Let me explain.
You begin, randomly, on one of the citys as some sailor/pirate/guy who wanna sail around the world/Popeye/ YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN... who has only his "base equipment" (i come back to it...) and, depending with how many players you wanna play as team, a own ship which can either be a small ship which is build for 1-2 players, super fast and easier to handle but basicly useless in sea fights, a bigger ship which is basicly the best "allrounder" which is ok to handle, for 2-3 players and has 2 cannons on each side OR the 4 player flag ship which is kinda the worst if your team doesnt know how to play the game, has a lot connons to fight with but is kinda hard to control on the sea and turns around like a freaking turtle...

That in mind kinda already "limits" the game somewhat coz, depending how big your team IS
also depends which ship you CAN use.
As i said already, a team with 2-3 Players with the Medium ship seems to be always the best and easiest opinion tbh in all games i had at least.

Ok but...can we come back now to the said "base equipment" you said something about?
This is the biggest problem i have with this game...
You see, let me count up what you can do in this game:
- Sailing around a big "open" but still limited world, either alone or with your friends.
- Control the ship, cannons and more
- Go for Loot, hunt for tresures or do some riddles
- Kill monsters or go for bounty hunts
- Hunt other players, be literally an "A-Hole" and loot players which already had a hard boss fight and steal their loot after they fighted the boss or similar (no im srs, this is a thing since there is NO "savezone" whats so ever)
- Do the Story missions
- Help and grain reputation from other, differend ingame groups
- Cast for fishes

Im sure the list goes even on and on but HEEEEERE is the problem:
You do all of this - and i literally mean ALL of this - only for ingame gold, nothing more, nothing less.

And what can you GET for this ingame gold?
Only reskins of YOUR "Base equipment".
You start with some "worn out" clothes and some "used" looking gear but you will quickly learn that in the whole game, there is literally no difference other than the LOOK of it from the base gear you started the game AND the gear you COULD buy from said ingame gold.

And not even that: Even the stuff you "COULD" potentially buy from the premium shop (aka with real money) are just RESKINS. The whole game has basicly NO STATS so there is nothing you "go" or even "grind" for.

So to come down to it: ALL you do, ALL you are able to get, is nothing more than for "swag".

And that is the problem i have with this game.

You dont grow stronger.
You dont "level up".
You dont have Stats.
You dont even need to "get" better looking stuff, basicly, if EVERY thing is literally EQUAL to the stuff you begin the GAME with.

And yes, im serious here, this is the biggest grind i have with this game!
So again, with that all in mind, yes, this IS the biggest grind i have with this game coz you basicly do EVERYTHING for nothing.
If you run now around with a bad "well used" looking gun or run around with one which looks like it is made out of gold - it literally doesnt matters coz BOTH ARE EQUAL IN DAMAGE.

Before someone might complain now, I sure "can" understand why they did it coz, again, its a open world and everyone can meet everyone everytime coz, again, there is no savezones, no "noob area", no "level up", no NOTHING.

Im srs here that sure some people might enjoy the gameplay and, as i said before, even i do like the base of the game and how and on what it is "build up". the problem is just basicly ALL you do is grinding for something which ONLY "LOOKS" different. You dont grow stronger or better, you only get gold to buy something which literally looks different, wasting your time for something you basicly ALREADY HAVE from the VERY BEGINNING.

AND to add even the frustration TO it: EVEN THE GAME KNOWS THAT.
Everytime you begin to play you have to start BASICLY ANEW!
Why you might ask? The game ONLY and i MEAN ONLY saves the stuff you bought AND the gold you have (and the premium money and story-parts you did).
You had 3 barrels full of food? You had so much wood collected that you could maybe even build a second ship? You had a ship full of tresurechests and gems? WELL JOKES ON YOU!
As soon as you logout of the game, IT IS ALL GONE and im serious. Your ship you had basicly "sunk" with ALL stuff on it, NO MATTER what you had - If it was a tresurechest or barrel full of food, the game doesnt care - its gone.
This basicly forces you to either "commit to end the stuff you do or you will lose every "progress" you did" - and you cant even pause since its an online game and soon you will even see what im talking about - and ask yourself WHY youre even doing this.

And there comes the problem if i should recommend it or not...
Again, dont get me wrong. SOT "is" a good game. Is "has" a good base. It "IS" fun, IF you play it at least with 1 or 2 friends - if you wanna play it ALONE, here said, D-O-N-T.
The problem is just if you put some hours into it you srsly begin to ask yourself "why" you play it if everything is all the same and you grain basicly nothing after you played hours after hours and everytime you log back in, you basicly reset ALL your progress, your whole ship and all you collected for it.

I like such "sailing around" games. Games like "Windward" as sample (which is sadly kinda dead) are great. You begin with a small ship, grind to get money to buy a bigger ship, get and find equipment, fight enemies to get stronger stuff and level up and ending up with a great ship with great skills and great equipment and play with other players, even PvP them somtimes and areas are also level restricted so that you cant even be "to much stronger" than other players - BUT THATS IN WINDWARD AND NOT IN SEA OF THIEVES.

As i said, if you basicly can play the whole game from the NEAR BEGINNING without spending 1 GOLD COIN in it, dont you think there should be a change? And im even dead srs: I saw players which LOOKED like "new people" since they gave a "crap about" look and style - they fighted the biggest and strongest bosses INGAME. About that.

So "DO" i recommend it now? Im not sure and thats the problem, again, as i said, its not "everyones cup of tea" and it sure can be fun for some hours or even longer but as soon as you realise that all the stuff and things i said, all things, all missions you do in this game doesnt really matter from the VERY BEGINNING, the game might be a huge downer from this moment on.

So i say, if you like games to "waste" your hours in with no real progress done, go for it. If you like to play games with another friend, maybe go for it as well. As for me, again, i can understand some things but it might be just not my cup of tea. I still enjoy it with my friends from time to time but i cant bring myself to play it maybe longer than 2 hours with them coz i know basicly from the moment i login that i just waste my time for something in which i make no progress whats so ever. sadly.
Geplaatst 24 september 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 26 september 2021.
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29.6 uur in totaal (28.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
EDF (fanservice)! EDF (fanservice)!

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE: WORLD BROTHERS (in short EDF:WB) Is based on like every EDF game and basicly created for actual fans of the EDF-Series.
I duno if i should count it as "Main title" or actual "Spin-off" (i think it sure counts as spin-off...) since, unlike spin-offs like Iron Rain, It actually makes a lot more fun to play and is pretty similar to the original series - even with a fun story, at least "somewhat".

The world is split...go shot stuff!

EDF is already a "known" series - at least for the ones which DO play it - for shooting stuff which is at least 4 times bigger than you. Ants, Spiders, Robots, "aliens" and like. This stuff does, of course, return in EDF:WB as well and there is actually not much "new" monsters you will shot - Next to the "void variantes" which are mostly coverd in dark purple "mist" and act faster (and stronger) but not much different from what a EDF player is used to be - Still, thats what this game is actually build for: Fanservice, basicly.

Yes, EDF:WB has a "own story" but all stuff - and even insider jokes - are all based "somewhat" of already older EDF titles, even the characters you can play.

As sample, the very first character you "get" to play is the normal Ranger from EDF 5 with a base rifle.

A bit grindy...
With that said there comes some problems with the changes it also has from the main series.
Normaly, EDF players are used to, if they are not IRON RAIN players, collect boxes after each kill which the enemies drop to get XY items. This is actually reduced in EDF:WB to boxes which ONLY gives you either health, health for your full team or actually some %- to your special attack gauge of the character.
Yes, EDF:WB toned down the complexity a bit and "tried" to make everything a bit easier, gameplay wise, but made it feel a biiiiiiit more..."grindy".

To begin with, as i said, you dont "collect" different weapons per boxes anymore but insteed, you rescue different characters which you can add to your team which ALSO come each with a different weapon and sometimes with different items("gear") you could equip. AND Hitpoints/armor will now automaticly go up after each mission.
So yes, it makes the "farm" for armor at least easier but the actual grind for new weapons or better characters a bit tedious since you can ONLY rescue 3 charcters per level unlike in other EDF games, you could basicly find like 5-15 weapons in one go - But again, if you think about it, its more now of a "guaranteed" system behind it than luck coz sometimes, you couldnt even find ONE weapon back in other EDF games - also you basicly had to run around like an idiot to find and get ALL the boxes - now you only have to look on your minimap for the big pink "!" and you get with every person you rescue 100% a new character (or you level the character you already own a bit up) AND a new weapon and, if you really finish the mission, you get 100% more Hitpoints/armor as well. So i duno how to say but i would say the system behind is kinda a 50% or "win/lose" situation - some may like it, some not. Its not bad but its also not super good.

There goes the "teamplay"...
In EDF:WB, you play with a Team of 1-4 people and yes, even in soloplayer AND yes, EVEN in Multiplayer which basicly means you can play a game in which you play with 4 players which each a own team of 4 characters.

Coz of this odd design choice, it feels like the actual "teamplay" suffers a bit since why should you go "air diver" and call an ambulance car if everyone CAN have a support class in his OWN team if you know what i mean here - and thats what basicly happens. RARELY you see people which create different kind of teams since the system change that only the characters you actively play get the Hitpoint/armor boost actually get said boost makes it feel like you have to choose which characters you wanna play really fast like nearly from the beginning of the game or the character "might" be to weak, hitpoint/armor wise, in the later missions.

I mean i made myself 2 different teams which also use 2 characters which i didnt change so that 2 of the characters will basicly always get stronger no matter which of my 2 teams i use.
As i said, the grind/farm system is a bit of a oddball...

Do i recommend it after all?
Next to the changes i said and the somewhat still fitting voxel style, i still do recommend it. Yes, its a bit grindy, yes its kinda more of the same but hey, its EDF, its pur fun and in multiplayer its again just great to blast away with your team(s) and enjoy exploding stuff around you. The areas are big enough, the enemies are nice to look it, the weapons are typical EDF-crazyness and the story is so odd and fun that i wanna ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ eat meso-soup now.

Recommended for sure - even more if you an EDF fan. For EDF-"Newbies" I say sure, try it. Its easier to come into and fun to play still.
Geplaatst 24 september 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 24 september 2021.
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16.6 uur in totaal (11.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
An idle game which is not an "idle game"...

As much as i like Loop Hero (in short now LH), as much i think its missing "somewhat". LH does a lot stuff automatic...but than if you think about it, if you would do it "yourself", the game might be not as "addicting" as it is right now.

Easy there boy, what you talking about?

In LH, you try to save your lost world from the "void" as unnamed hero which has lost his memory - basicly the WHOLE WORLD has lost it wile the world itself is also missing now.

The whole gameplay from LH is basicly letting your hero walk in a big loop - yea, DUH, its called "LOOP HERO" i know. The problem is that he does that automaticly, next to fighting as well. The only stuff you do "manually" is placing tiles to "restore" the world tile by tile and equip your hero wile hes fighting or walking down the line.

And here comes the problem with it:
This is basicly the whole gameplay. You just sit there and watch your hero run in circles, place a tile from time to time and might equip better gear on him if enemies are willing to drop those - That is basicly it.

That cant be "all"...right?

Not "really". If you done your loops you collect stuff on the way to build up a small city/village you and some people call home. Those actually effects the gameplay by unlocking passive abilitys or other playable classes or similar - basicly making the game easier the more you grind AND with that in mind:
The whole game is basicly running in a loop all over and over and over again just to collect resources to build up your said village to be able to pass the boss(es) which you "can" destroy wile you run the loops.
And here again, you do the walking and fights automaticly.

...But than why do you upvote it?
The problem is, LH is not a "bad game". As for "what" it is, it still makes fun but its more the kind of fun/kind of game which "keeps you busy" by actually learning how you play it best since it needs a lot strategy behind it. Where you place which tile. what tile does which thing, how should you gear up your hero and more stuff.

I actually would "compare" LH with an old more classic game like "Desktop dungeons" which also looks quite simple but actually needs some strategy to learn and actually beat. Its in the core basicly the same wile you run dungeons and kill enemies in a special order without dieing and farm for resources, in LH, you run in loops insteed of running dungeons wile you farm resources as well.

LH "CAN" be an easy and more relaxing game since the core of it is basicly "waiting till your hero does a thing" but if you learn how you play this game it can be quite entertaining to say at least.


So how "do" i rate Loop Hero?
LH is a game which is sure not badly made and i somehow oddly "do" enjoy it. More or less just "chilling" there on my chair, talking to my friends wile my hero is killing monsters and does some things "CAN" be quite entertaining BUT im worried that some people might get bored of it way to fast since the core of the game is basicly a "waiting game". LH feels like an "Idle game" which is somehow "not" an Idle game. Still, if the game would have an opinion to place tiles and equip gear automaticly, it totally WOULD be an idle game.

Its hard to say "i recomment it 100%" wile im quite unsure how i could even rate such game coz it barely could count as such if the core is done automaticly.

So in my opinion:
Loop hero can be entertaining if you have nothing better to do and look for a game to relax. Is it worth trying? I say yes. Is it bad? It sure is not. Does it miss quite something? I would also say here somehow somewhat yes but else, i would say give it at least a try if you enjoy idle games which still keep you buzy for a good time. I mean, i basicly played my first sitting on LH nearly 11 hours in one sitting so...i cant complain.
Geplaatst 25 juni 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 25 juni 2021.
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146.8 uur in totaal (74.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
The missing link between Minecraft and Terraria...
Lets follow the call of Odin in the game of Valheim, which is based heavyly on old nordic myths about the vikings, its gods and like. Valheim is a good survival game with some RPG elements in the background with great and big "open" worlds to explore.

I actually took a bit of my time to write a review to a point where i "think" now i should be able to write a fair review and not just "overly hype over the game" like many just did with not many hours into the game - which in my opinion you SHOULD have in such games to really take such games and reviews "for real".

Odin is calling...

Valheim let you play through a random generated world on your own or with friends if you wanna. You begin your journey by creating your character first and a map with a own seed (random or you put one in) - Said here, its important to notice that Map and Characters are saved separately (like Terarria) so if you wanna join your friend on his map with your character, you can do so and help him with what you have. If both of said things are created fresh and new, you will be draged and droped by Hugin - one of Odins ravens - to your "new" world with your new character.

Hugin is somewhat of the "tutorial guide" of this game and gives you "just" enough help to understand the basics of the game but doesnt overrun you with to much details - which you have to learn by yourself for the most part. WIth that said, How should you begin? Barely equiped with anything, you begin with collecting old branches and stones to gatter those and create your first tools and weapons and gear so that you might soon begin actually with finding a place to build yourself a small base and if you think youre "ready" for some more action, you can try to destroy the first main object of the game: Bosses.

The first one is kinda pretty easy if youre already good equiped with some armor and a smaller weapon and some food. After that, the game basicly opens "really" up, even Hugin barely shows up after said first Boss fight, giving you the feeling that basicly till THIS point, it all was just a tutorial somehow and now that youre "on your own"...

Learning by doing~

Wile you build, fight, run and jump around, in the background you might notice that, from time to time, a small notice pops up that you "leveld up" your running or said stuff you were doing. Yes, Valheim let you know you get better all the time with the stuff youre doing, even if its just jumping or running. Valheim has a "skill" system which basicly works like this: Learning by doing.
This means if you use something more often, you get better with it. If you use axes all the time, you notice that you will need way less stamina to swing it or you do way more damage with it, if you run longer distances, you will also need less stamina and can run around way longer, you will jump way higher than before if you jump more often and so on. As "system" in the background, this kinda works well as it is. But than...

Food makes you stronger- for the moment...
As for the "food" system Valheim has i kinda have mixed feelings about it after i played it for this long.
BASICLY, you cant starve so thats not a "real" obsticale you have to take care of.
No, the food system works kinda different: You have 3 slots of food you can eat. This said slots can only be filled with 3 DIFFERENT kinds of food - so you cant eat, as sample, 3 times a fish or something like. Food gives you passivly more stamina, max health and health regeneration. As for the last, i can understand that and it actually is useful since Valheim does not offer much of "healing potions" (they are sure some in existance but for a long time, you will not really be able to massproduce those). As for the first 2, i say maybe stamina makes sense - as for max health i kinda still think the system is kinda a bit "flawed"...

You see, basicly, every food you eat runs on a timer - better food "holds" longer and gives you sure more but all the time, the food "buffs" slowly vanish over the time. Think about like this: You eat something which gives you 60 max health and the duration is said 1200 seconds. The moment you eat it you get said 60 max health but already after, lets say 400 seconds, already the buff is down on its 2/3 and you only stay with 40 max health left which gets less and less as the time runs off (here said this is a basic sample. i dont know "how" the calculation of this directly works but it seems like you will only grain the full 100% food buff from food items for maybe like 1 minute after eating it before it already begins to slowly drain down).

Here i think this system needs a small overhaul that the food buff should at least stay for 3/4 of its actual time before it runs out than actually draining down as soon as you eated it.

Only the edge of the world is the end of your journey
I can actually not tell how big the worlds of Valheim "are" since i never reached the end of mine but since the map looks like its a "flat disc", i guess this means the worlds in Valheim -are- big enough to explore but still have somewhere "an end". Still as fas as i went, i can say that the worlds ARE huge - and you have to explore them.

The reason is, you have to get stronger and better gear for the next boss fights and materials which also let you create better tools and stuff from your workbench - like a plow so you can make a farm and get some vegetables or a forge so you can work with mined ores - or just to actually reach the spawn place of the next boss, kinda forcing you to explore the world in a kinda "ok" way. I mean if you played Minecraft as sample you mostly stay around your home place but doesnt really run around "to far" from your "trusty surroundings" if you dont have to. In Terarria in the other hand, you explore mostly coz you know you have to get other stuff from other areas to fight the next boss and get stronger in the progress - and thats what Valheim basicly is going for as well. As i said, you begin with collecting stones and wood at the begining of the game but soon after you finished your first boss, you are able to mine copper and zinc and those are in the next area, with stronger enemys which means you have to get better gear to defend yourself and the list goes on and on like this soon after you killed the next boss.

If you go very basic with Valheim - and with Terraria in the mind as well - You go to one area, kill the boss, get the next better gear till you can get any better, kill the next boss and repeat it again - but again, only if you really try to shorten a long review of those games to its minimum.

There is again a lot to explore, see, fight, do and learn. You can build a bigger base, you can fight more to get stronger, create better food for better buffs, go into dungeons and get their treasures, fight bosses to get their powers and more.

Is the call of Odin worth following?

Valheim offers already a lot for a game in such "state". Yes, right now, it surely isnt 100% done and in some corners you can see and feel its not done yet and it needs sure some fixes (like really some balance fixes between the monsters in the other areas). YET it still makes a lot fun to play - Alone or with Friends (but saying here with at least 2 other friends the game makes 1. a whole lot more fun and 2. is way more easier and enjoyable to play).

I DO recommend it - even more if you have friends which likes to play such games. FOR ODIN!
Geplaatst 26 februari 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 26 februari 2021.
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0.3 uur in totaal
If the dev banns someone from the forum and the bann reason is "F*ck you", literally~

Oh boy..."Killer: Infected one of us" is one of those games which runs on the "Among Us" hype train and tries to ride as hard as it can be to be an obvious clone and cashgrab...

Is it any good? Well let me tell you, what do you think it is? I mean by now i dont think you need ME to tell you what it is, obviously...

"Wait wait what...what was that about with the bann reason?"
Yes. I and MANY many others had long talks with the "Dev" of this game for obvious reasons which MIGHT be now "not" really obvious - in that case, let me help you out and show you some proofs as well~

1. First, the game was known as "Killer AMONG US 3D". That alone should make it obvious what the dev team had "in mind" creating this game...
2. The dev team deleted every evidences, proofs and links in the forum which "hinted" to actual ripping off Among us (just in 3D), used original 1:1 used assets and banned people for just "mentioning" Among us in the first place.

As for that, i created a small series of videos AND a picture about that, as you can see here:
Proof videos:
Evidence Picture of thread, talk with the dev, "f*ck you" bann reason

WORTHY to read forum post (comments~):

"But you have to give them credit that the game looks so good!"
No. I dont.
I saw links in the forum, again most of them got deleted, to all the assets the dev was using. Basicly, the whole game is nothing but reused assets - from the rooms, the character models - even the minigames are just bought up samples and i can proof that because GLADLY i could save that link to it:


Said here, if you look back into my video, the dev even used for ones the same screenshots from the asset minigames.

But what is the game in your opinion now?
Im srs here, if i wouldnt know all that, i might could say its an "ok" game which looks kinda good BUT since i do know all that i cant give ANY credit to the dev nor do i have to remind you that he even ONES WIPED the WHOLE STEAM FORUM for his game to clean up all the evidences posted there - I again point at the link to my evidence picture which should already say a lot - And than i cant even say its an "ok" game coz all the bugs and problems this game comes with. It feels like the game is just way to unpolished. Already BAD for a "Full released game" and even as an "early access game", it would barely count...

The game just feels way to unpolished and blank. In fact, it feels like the dev doesnt really know how to create a game in the first place if you look how blank the title actually looks or how bad the menus are made - even that the minigames are sometimes just so "strange" that you have to look up a manual...and even THAT doesnt really explain them NOR are they "fast to do" (unlike a sudden other game~)...It feels really like the dev just got some assets, putted them all together in hope that, in the end, "it just works somehow"...which it doesnt. The game feels not only "stiff" and kinda everything looks just like "default" and ripped from another game, its even buggy at times.

Doors doesnt open sometimes, Minigames doesnt quite open - i mean, dang, one time i even had a journey through the floor! Next to all those bugs, noone plays it anyway and do you know why?
The Pricetag is 4 bucks and guess what game you could get for 4 bucks.
Among us, the original game which this game tries hard to copy.

Sure, now you can say they tried to add their own stuff on it and its not called Killer AMONG US 3D anymore and what ever cheap excuse you try to come up with - fact is, this game exists because it wants from you money, nothing else. Its just created as cashgrap, riding on the "among us train" - and saying that the original name was "Killer AMONG US 3D" kinda hardens that fact.

Do i recommend it?

This game could have been its own thing if they would have changed the mafia formula and created thier "own thing" and not just overly complicated everything... but it just tries "way" to hard to be "not" among us that you just can feel it everywhere. And thats kinda sad since it gives so many games which do a way better job which use the formula but still are all different.
Just to name some of them:

- Town of Salem
- "TTT" gamemode for Gmod
- The Ship*
- Bloody Good Time*
- Among Us
- Project Winter
- Unfortunate Spacemen

*Here said, this games are OLD and might be "dead", multiplayer-wise.

All those games play different if you compare them but they all use the Mafia formula very well and i would say better go with one of those before you go and "waste" your money on something like this here. As for the "prositive" reviews, again, i blame steam for this because if you fly over them, the most are memes and jokes, literally. Better read the ones which put some actual effort into them and ignor the "This game is sus" memes.

You will NOT find any players, its buggy, overly complicated and its pretty much just a cashgrap made out of assets riding on the "Among us" hype train...and thats fact.

Not recommended, not in the slightest. Not just is that game so blank and bad but also the behaviour of this dev is just stubborn, unprofessionell and VERY hostile which should not get supported in ANY kind.

Better go for one of the other games i listed up. ANY of them. Among us is free for phones, Unfortunate Spacemen is free on steam.

Geplaatst 15 februari 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 16 april 2021.
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0.0 uur in totaal
NOT like the "Sonic DLC"...
Here a fair warning! The Tails DLC here is not like the Sonic DLC. Something i called a "Starter DLC" is not the case here. The Tails DLC is more for people which enjoy PSO2 already for longer since most of its stuff is more for "later" in the game.

So whats in it?
Like last time, let me clear up and count up whats inside and for what you use/need it - at least for the most part:

Tails Suit M
Tails Suit F
Tails Hair 1 x2
Tails Hair 2 x2
Emotes 726: Sonic/Tails 2
* Tails Wrench
* Sonic Ring
Tails Mask B x2
Ragol Memory x5
Salon Free Pass

Basicly A full Tails set for female and male, a gesture, some weapon skins and youre again able to get some of the PSO1 stuff with the Ragol Memories. This sure can still be "useful" if you want this pack just because of this but than, i dont really think its worth it if you REALLY want it "Just" for this fashion part tbh. Still, its nice to have of course. You also get a Free Salon pass which means you can change sizes and body stuff in the salon with said pass.

Premium Set (30 Days)
Mission Pass Gold Ticket

Like the Sonic pack, it gives you a full month of premium with this DLC and a Gold Pass. If you wanna read more details about premium and/or the gold ticket (for what it is), best read my review about the sonic dlc here:

EXP Earned +150% x15
Triboost +125% x10

Exp boosters and Triboosters which makes it easier for you to grain more exp, rare drops and money. Always useful to have of course.

Lambda Grinder x100
Augment Transfer Pass x30
Skill Tree Addition Pass x5

This is something you sure need if you invest time into the game. Getting better weapons and level them up plus getting good augments viva affixing them.
For everyone who plays PSO2 now longer will understand, by now, why i said this DLC is more for the people which play it longer at this point. Lambda Grinders are, unlike normal Grinders, more for weapons and stuff which have a higher rarety - and getting 100 of them is something you really need. Augment transfer passes help you to put the augments you want from other, maybe not so useful weapons and units to the ones you actually use - and THOSE passes are also pretty rare to get.
As for the Skill Tree Addition Passes, IF im right about those, those enable for you more skilltrees for the other classes you level (and dont level). That means if you maybe use one class but wanna have different "builds" (maybe like one skilltree for using it as Mainclass and another Tree as for a Subclass build), this passes give you the opinion to do so.

Do i recommend it?
I do recommend it IF you already enjoy PSO2 for a longer time and have already "good gear". If youre NEW to PSO2, i would not recommend it for you to buy it "just for the fashion stuff". A lot of the stuff you get with this DLC is more useful in the later game and higher levels.

So again, I recommend it IF you already enjoy PSO2 a bit longer. The stuff in it sure is helpful in the later game. I would not recommend it to buy it if youre new to the game or just for the fashion stuff. Worth the pricetag for sure.
Geplaatst 9 december 2020. Laatst gewijzigd 26 december 2020.
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2.1 uur in totaal
Simple but yet fun little RTS game
King Pins is an easy yet fun to play RTS game with some nice ideas thrown in and small but cute sprites. It is not a "gamebreaking" RTS but for 3 bucks, its sure worth to pick up and play.

What is that?
I saw KP and thought about just to pick it up coz fun little RTS games are rare nowadays - at least "good" ones. KP makes pretty much nearly everything right. Its easy to understand, the difficulty (at least in the short story mode) is also fine and, again, for 3 bucks you pretty much cant complain a whole lot.

The base of the game is to defend your "main" unit, in KPs case, your King. The King is basicly also a unit you can command around to get stuff like wood, gold, stones or food. Still, if you see an attack is incomming you should command him to stay the hell away from the fight - else you will lose him and if he dies, the round is over.

The game is pretty simple still, they are not much units overall but they all do their job. Workers, Fighters, Archers, Catapults, Mages and Knights are pretty much all as for units you have but than, its not like you build a whole "army" like in other RTS games since every unit needs a "house" for itself. And houses need wood. and the more houses you have the more wood needs a house. This limits you (and the enemy) with just maybe 1-2 handful of units tbh and there i can jump right into the controls.

If you play it with mouse its kinda ok. You have to command every unit alone and sometimes the pathfinding caaaan be a pain but else, it works "fine".

But is there something bad about it?
To be honest, the only bad thing i would say is that the story mode is a bit to short. I played a bit over 2 hours and made even a skirmish match in the said 2 hours and im done with the story mode already, leaving me only here with said skirmish mode. The story is not only short but pretty easy if you know what youre doing and how you do it.

As sample, some missions want you to collect a amount of stuff wile you get attacked with waves of enemies from time to time so what you do? Ignor youre being attacked, build houses and workers and maybe another Guard tower and youre done. Another one wants you to destroy some eggs before they hatch (which means some strong enemys will hatch) but they are also guarded by such towers from the enemy - just build 3 catapults and youre done in some mins~

Is it still worth it?
I think since i have noone to play and that im done with the story mode that the real fun with this game lays in the multiplayer which is local but you can play it viva screenshare together over steam, if im right.
As for the short story, i still have to say that its to short and to easy somewhat - still, with just a pricetag of 3 bucks and the small fun, i think i can say its at least worth trying. Its really not bad made and if you just wanna play a quick and kinda relaxing RTS for a break time, you should go for it.

Recommend it. There is nothing this game does wrong for the pricetag and im sure if you play with someone viva local or screenshare, it could be more fun.
Geplaatst 9 december 2020. Laatst gewijzigd 9 december 2020.
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7.8 uur in totaal (7.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Its one of those "guilty pleasure" games...

Oh boy, EDF:IR...well in its core, it is an EDF game for sure but it kinda tries way to hard to be "serious" mostly coz it just can. Its a 3rd person "arena" hord shooter with a lot to unlook and a lot missions to play.

Its a 1-side of a coin thing...
EDF:IR does NOT count as "direct sequal" in the EDF series coz if you go with the original lineup, the latest WOULD be EDF 5, NOT IR. IR is made from another dev team which you can somewhat "feel" if you have EDF 4.1 or other games from the series in mind.

One of the bigger changes might be that insteed of "collecting" upgrates like new weapons, armor and like is that you collect energie cores and money insteed, changing the formula from actually "collecting" items to "farming money".

Becourse thats something which is kinda "THE" gamechanger here: You dont unlock new items and be able to use them right away, you have to unlock them after a finished mission and THAN you have to spend money on them to unlock them.

And than there is another problem: Support items you use in a mission also cost you money at the end of a mission which means that the support play from other players are minimal becourse they know if they use an item they have to literally "pay" for it ingame which means they will earn less money after a mission for helping someone out.

This... is something i really dont like becourse in the other EDF games, the support class, the Air Raider, was a thing and pretty much was credited if he/she helped the team and now you get literally "punished" for helping someone if you use a heal item on them? Think about that for a moment...

Still, is the game really "that bad" as people might say?
I dont say it is a totally bad and crappy game becourse than it wouldnt be really fair to do so. The gameplay in the core is really like an EDF game but they just changed a lot around it like, basicly, you dont really have "classes" anymore. You can literally equip any weapon on any character with any suit and do as you want and please with the construmation. If you wanna be a guy in the air with a nate-launcher, do as you wish. You wanna be a foot soldier with energie weapons? Sure why not. You wanna be a heavy weapons guy with 2 SMGs? be my guest.

This was not possible in other EDF games which, for IR credit, is a nice touch. Sadly, again, that you have to get the weapons AND have also to unlock them with 4 different "currencies" is just way to much for its own good. Yes, you need 4 different things for all things ingame which is the base money which you get after each mission and than the cores from which exist blue, red and yellow ones.
I mean i understand "what" the devs tried there that some stronger weapons should only be able to use after you might beated already harder enemies but than hidding them behind a tedious and breakable farming system makes it not really fun nor fair.

Like as i said, why do you have to pay to unlock heal items after you got them AND have also to pay in missions for using them? I mean yes, you can now argue about "becourse that you dont spam them" but than, you already HAVE limited items you can take with you in a mission anyway so you cant use them "endless" anyways, making it more look like a odd double standard this game doesnt need to "have" or exist in the first place...

But...is it still "good"?
As i so often said, EDF:IR is in the CORE GAMEPLAY still a great and fun time if you look over said negative stuff. Its basicly more strategically about which weapon you go for to use and buy.

I cant say here, IF youre a EDF fan, go for it coz i think as someone who does really enjoy the original EDF games, this EDF game seems to be "way to different". I did NOT play EDF 5 so far but i might tend to get it soon just becourse so i can compare it better coz right now, i only can go with EDF 4.1, which is still a nice game.

So i would say, if you go for it as a game "as it is" and dont look "to deep" into the series of EDF - Iron Rain "CAN" be a fun time for you. In the core it still is a EDF game but more from a serious side. Its not that "funny" as the original EDF games and this might be something other people will miss about it but than, again, its a not from the "main" series (even the wiki counts it up as "Spin-off game"). So here i would say, if you never played an EDF game, you should maybe at least give it a try. If youre a "hardcore" fan of the series i think i would say avoid it or, if you really buy it, keep in mind that this is a spin-off title and not direct sequal.

As for both sides of the player, i sure would say buy it in sale. It sure looks nice and it is a good time but i think that a 50 buck mark is a bit to high to be fair here. Else, its still a good time if you look over some of the negative stuff.

I recomment it but if its in sale and only to people which are either totally new to the EDF series or to those which have to keep in mind that this is a spin-off title.
Geplaatst 11 oktober 2020. Laatst gewijzigd 3 november 2020.
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