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Posted: 15 Aug, 2020 @ 8:35pm
Updated: 16 Aug, 2020 @ 8:29pm

Srsly here, the Cosmetic stuff SHOULD here be called the "Bonus stuff"

Ok im srs here that this pack really is not only worth the price in total, it gives you a lot stuff making the game way more enjoyable and a bit easier on the shoulders. Next to this, if you would buy the stuff ingame solo, you would pay more than as, at least, 2-3 times as much, leaving alone that some stuff is either hard to get or alone worth a lot money.

So whats inside and how "usefull" is it? Let me categorize the pack a bit (so that even new players understand it a bit better ^^):

-Sonic Suit M
-Sonic Suit F
-Sonic Hair 1
-Sonic Hair 2
-Emotes 602: Sonic/Tails
-*Sonic Knuckles
-Sonic Mask
-Ragol Memory x5
-Salon Free Pass
-AC Scratch Ticket x12

SO basicly, you get the Sonic stuff. A dress for each male and female, an emote, knux fist and a sonic mask - BUT next to this, you can get some of the PSO1 Stuff with the Ragol Memorys AND you even get 12 AC Scratch Tickets! Those can be used at the gacha machines to get some random MOSTLY fashion things. So said here, alone the 12 Scratch tickets are worth A BUNCH...

Bigger Inventory!
-Inventory Expansion (10) x5
-Character Storage Expansion (50) x5

This is something you will need if you play this game and enjoy it. Inventory space. And with this you pump up your inventory with 50(!!!) slots and your personal Storage space by 250(!!!). This is srs lone worth the pack - trust me, if youre a f2p you only have 50 slots in your inventory you can use - and THIS already DOUBLES IT.

Easier Leveling!
-EXP Earned +150% x15
-Triboost +125% x10
-Grinder x500
-Great Enhancement Aid +50% x99

Basicly, the first 2 here are booster - the EXP booster well, explains itself i guess X3 the "Triboost" adds the effect that you get more EXP, more MONEY AND a chance to get better loot from enemys! So yes, those booster are sure worth using mate. As for the Grinders & Enhancement Aid, those are mostly used to level up your gear and weapons. So with 500, im sure you can level your stuff QUITE a lot~

-Premium Set (30 Days)
-Mission Pass Gold Ticket

You get 30 Days PREMIUM. What does that for you?
Having Premium gives the following things...

-300 more Storage spaces.

-Access to your own personal Shop to put items up for sale to other players.

-Access to larger My Rooms that have 150 item space limit - the default room has 5 space limit.

-Easier access to various blocks when they are busy, by way of the Premium space on each block.

-The ability to trade in 10★ Units, 10★ Weapons, and 11★ Weapons, for a Pass of that same type. Passes can be used without Premium, but can only be obtained with Premium.

-The ability to trade items with other players. I am not certain, but I believe they also need Premium in some cases.

-Extra FUN from Good Job messages and any multiplayer interaction that gave FUN.

-40 slots for Client Orders instead of the usual 20.

-Two log-in stamps a day.

-Three more crafting slots to work with.

-Access to Alliance Storage (your Alliance must have purchased it).

-Access to premium drinks as well as give the maximum boost for that type of drink.

-You can save up to 40 symbol arts.

-If you use an AC makeover pass, you have a full hour to keep making changes even after leaving the salon.

SO yea, basicly if you need it or not is your opinion but i think its pretty much optional but hey, you get 30 days for free with this pack :3

As for the Mission Pass Gold Ticket, with that youre able to unlock the lower rows, the GOLDEN rows from the mission pass. If youre a f2p, you basicly get just some stuff every ones on a wile from this free pass but with the golden ticket you get ALL of it.

So is it worth the price?
A lot of the stuff is not only stuff you "use and lose", some of them are forever for your character (MOSTLY) or account. Its kinda odd to say that basicly the dress-up stuff feels more like a bonus and every other stuff is more important than...well "this stuff" X3
Basicly, if SEGA would spin it a bit, you could turn this DLC into a "starter DLC" and it sure is really helpful.
Worth buying if you enjoy PSO2 and wanna enjoy it more! :D
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