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Posted: 9 Dec, 2020 @ 11:57am
Updated: 26 Dec, 2020 @ 2:41pm

NOT like the "Sonic DLC"...
Here a fair warning! The Tails DLC here is not like the Sonic DLC. Something i called a "Starter DLC" is not the case here. The Tails DLC is more for people which enjoy PSO2 already for longer since most of its stuff is more for "later" in the game.

So whats in it?
Like last time, let me clear up and count up whats inside and for what you use/need it - at least for the most part:

Tails Suit M
Tails Suit F
Tails Hair 1 x2
Tails Hair 2 x2
Emotes 726: Sonic/Tails 2
* Tails Wrench
* Sonic Ring
Tails Mask B x2
Ragol Memory x5
Salon Free Pass

Basicly A full Tails set for female and male, a gesture, some weapon skins and youre again able to get some of the PSO1 stuff with the Ragol Memories. This sure can still be "useful" if you want this pack just because of this but than, i dont really think its worth it if you REALLY want it "Just" for this fashion part tbh. Still, its nice to have of course. You also get a Free Salon pass which means you can change sizes and body stuff in the salon with said pass.

Premium Set (30 Days)
Mission Pass Gold Ticket

Like the Sonic pack, it gives you a full month of premium with this DLC and a Gold Pass. If you wanna read more details about premium and/or the gold ticket (for what it is), best read my review about the sonic dlc here:

EXP Earned +150% x15
Triboost +125% x10

Exp boosters and Triboosters which makes it easier for you to grain more exp, rare drops and money. Always useful to have of course.

Lambda Grinder x100
Augment Transfer Pass x30
Skill Tree Addition Pass x5

This is something you sure need if you invest time into the game. Getting better weapons and level them up plus getting good augments viva affixing them.
For everyone who plays PSO2 now longer will understand, by now, why i said this DLC is more for the people which play it longer at this point. Lambda Grinders are, unlike normal Grinders, more for weapons and stuff which have a higher rarety - and getting 100 of them is something you really need. Augment transfer passes help you to put the augments you want from other, maybe not so useful weapons and units to the ones you actually use - and THOSE passes are also pretty rare to get.
As for the Skill Tree Addition Passes, IF im right about those, those enable for you more skilltrees for the other classes you level (and dont level). That means if you maybe use one class but wanna have different "builds" (maybe like one skilltree for using it as Mainclass and another Tree as for a Subclass build), this passes give you the opinion to do so.

Do i recommend it?
I do recommend it IF you already enjoy PSO2 for a longer time and have already "good gear". If youre NEW to PSO2, i would not recommend it for you to buy it "just for the fashion stuff". A lot of the stuff you get with this DLC is more useful in the later game and higher levels.

So again, I recommend it IF you already enjoy PSO2 a bit longer. The stuff in it sure is helpful in the later game. I would not recommend it to buy it if youre new to the game or just for the fashion stuff. Worth the pricetag for sure.
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