2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2.1 hrs on record
Posted: 9 Dec, 2020 @ 12:01am
Updated: 9 Dec, 2020 @ 12:08am

Simple but yet fun little RTS game
King Pins is an easy yet fun to play RTS game with some nice ideas thrown in and small but cute sprites. It is not a "gamebreaking" RTS but for 3 bucks, its sure worth to pick up and play.

What is that?
I saw KP and thought about just to pick it up coz fun little RTS games are rare nowadays - at least "good" ones. KP makes pretty much nearly everything right. Its easy to understand, the difficulty (at least in the short story mode) is also fine and, again, for 3 bucks you pretty much cant complain a whole lot.

The base of the game is to defend your "main" unit, in KPs case, your King. The King is basicly also a unit you can command around to get stuff like wood, gold, stones or food. Still, if you see an attack is incomming you should command him to stay the hell away from the fight - else you will lose him and if he dies, the round is over.

The game is pretty simple still, they are not much units overall but they all do their job. Workers, Fighters, Archers, Catapults, Mages and Knights are pretty much all as for units you have but than, its not like you build a whole "army" like in other RTS games since every unit needs a "house" for itself. And houses need wood. and the more houses you have the more wood needs a house. This limits you (and the enemy) with just maybe 1-2 handful of units tbh and there i can jump right into the controls.

If you play it with mouse its kinda ok. You have to command every unit alone and sometimes the pathfinding caaaan be a pain but else, it works "fine".

But is there something bad about it?
To be honest, the only bad thing i would say is that the story mode is a bit to short. I played a bit over 2 hours and made even a skirmish match in the said 2 hours and im done with the story mode already, leaving me only here with said skirmish mode. The story is not only short but pretty easy if you know what youre doing and how you do it.

As sample, some missions want you to collect a amount of stuff wile you get attacked with waves of enemies from time to time so what you do? Ignor youre being attacked, build houses and workers and maybe another Guard tower and youre done. Another one wants you to destroy some eggs before they hatch (which means some strong enemys will hatch) but they are also guarded by such towers from the enemy - just build 3 catapults and youre done in some mins~

Is it still worth it?
I think since i have noone to play and that im done with the story mode that the real fun with this game lays in the multiplayer which is local but you can play it viva screenshare together over steam, if im right.
As for the short story, i still have to say that its to short and to easy somewhat - still, with just a pricetag of 3 bucks and the small fun, i think i can say its at least worth trying. Its really not bad made and if you just wanna play a quick and kinda relaxing RTS for a break time, you should go for it.

Recommend it. There is nothing this game does wrong for the pricetag and im sure if you play with someone viva local or screenshare, it could be more fun.
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