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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 146.8 hrs on record (74.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 26 Feb, 2021 @ 5:09am
Updated: 26 Feb, 2021 @ 5:44am

Early Access Review
The missing link between Minecraft and Terraria...
Lets follow the call of Odin in the game of Valheim, which is based heavyly on old nordic myths about the vikings, its gods and like. Valheim is a good survival game with some RPG elements in the background with great and big "open" worlds to explore.

I actually took a bit of my time to write a review to a point where i "think" now i should be able to write a fair review and not just "overly hype over the game" like many just did with not many hours into the game - which in my opinion you SHOULD have in such games to really take such games and reviews "for real".

Odin is calling...

Valheim let you play through a random generated world on your own or with friends if you wanna. You begin your journey by creating your character first and a map with a own seed (random or you put one in) - Said here, its important to notice that Map and Characters are saved separately (like Terarria) so if you wanna join your friend on his map with your character, you can do so and help him with what you have. If both of said things are created fresh and new, you will be draged and droped by Hugin - one of Odins ravens - to your "new" world with your new character.

Hugin is somewhat of the "tutorial guide" of this game and gives you "just" enough help to understand the basics of the game but doesnt overrun you with to much details - which you have to learn by yourself for the most part. WIth that said, How should you begin? Barely equiped with anything, you begin with collecting old branches and stones to gatter those and create your first tools and weapons and gear so that you might soon begin actually with finding a place to build yourself a small base and if you think youre "ready" for some more action, you can try to destroy the first main object of the game: Bosses.

The first one is kinda pretty easy if youre already good equiped with some armor and a smaller weapon and some food. After that, the game basicly opens "really" up, even Hugin barely shows up after said first Boss fight, giving you the feeling that basicly till THIS point, it all was just a tutorial somehow and now that youre "on your own"...

Learning by doing~

Wile you build, fight, run and jump around, in the background you might notice that, from time to time, a small notice pops up that you "leveld up" your running or said stuff you were doing. Yes, Valheim let you know you get better all the time with the stuff youre doing, even if its just jumping or running. Valheim has a "skill" system which basicly works like this: Learning by doing.
This means if you use something more often, you get better with it. If you use axes all the time, you notice that you will need way less stamina to swing it or you do way more damage with it, if you run longer distances, you will also need less stamina and can run around way longer, you will jump way higher than before if you jump more often and so on. As "system" in the background, this kinda works well as it is. But than...

Food makes you stronger- for the moment...
As for the "food" system Valheim has i kinda have mixed feelings about it after i played it for this long.
BASICLY, you cant starve so thats not a "real" obsticale you have to take care of.
No, the food system works kinda different: You have 3 slots of food you can eat. This said slots can only be filled with 3 DIFFERENT kinds of food - so you cant eat, as sample, 3 times a fish or something like. Food gives you passivly more stamina, max health and health regeneration. As for the last, i can understand that and it actually is useful since Valheim does not offer much of "healing potions" (they are sure some in existance but for a long time, you will not really be able to massproduce those). As for the first 2, i say maybe stamina makes sense - as for max health i kinda still think the system is kinda a bit "flawed"...

You see, basicly, every food you eat runs on a timer - better food "holds" longer and gives you sure more but all the time, the food "buffs" slowly vanish over the time. Think about like this: You eat something which gives you 60 max health and the duration is said 1200 seconds. The moment you eat it you get said 60 max health but already after, lets say 400 seconds, already the buff is down on its 2/3 and you only stay with 40 max health left which gets less and less as the time runs off (here said this is a basic sample. i dont know "how" the calculation of this directly works but it seems like you will only grain the full 100% food buff from food items for maybe like 1 minute after eating it before it already begins to slowly drain down).

Here i think this system needs a small overhaul that the food buff should at least stay for 3/4 of its actual time before it runs out than actually draining down as soon as you eated it.

Only the edge of the world is the end of your journey
I can actually not tell how big the worlds of Valheim "are" since i never reached the end of mine but since the map looks like its a "flat disc", i guess this means the worlds in Valheim -are- big enough to explore but still have somewhere "an end". Still as fas as i went, i can say that the worlds ARE huge - and you have to explore them.

The reason is, you have to get stronger and better gear for the next boss fights and materials which also let you create better tools and stuff from your workbench - like a plow so you can make a farm and get some vegetables or a forge so you can work with mined ores - or just to actually reach the spawn place of the next boss, kinda forcing you to explore the world in a kinda "ok" way. I mean if you played Minecraft as sample you mostly stay around your home place but doesnt really run around "to far" from your "trusty surroundings" if you dont have to. In Terarria in the other hand, you explore mostly coz you know you have to get other stuff from other areas to fight the next boss and get stronger in the progress - and thats what Valheim basicly is going for as well. As i said, you begin with collecting stones and wood at the begining of the game but soon after you finished your first boss, you are able to mine copper and zinc and those are in the next area, with stronger enemys which means you have to get better gear to defend yourself and the list goes on and on like this soon after you killed the next boss.

If you go very basic with Valheim - and with Terraria in the mind as well - You go to one area, kill the boss, get the next better gear till you can get any better, kill the next boss and repeat it again - but again, only if you really try to shorten a long review of those games to its minimum.

There is again a lot to explore, see, fight, do and learn. You can build a bigger base, you can fight more to get stronger, create better food for better buffs, go into dungeons and get their treasures, fight bosses to get their powers and more.

Is the call of Odin worth following?

Valheim offers already a lot for a game in such "state". Yes, right now, it surely isnt 100% done and in some corners you can see and feel its not done yet and it needs sure some fixes (like really some balance fixes between the monsters in the other areas). YET it still makes a lot fun to play - Alone or with Friends (but saying here with at least 2 other friends the game makes 1. a whole lot more fun and 2. is way more easier and enjoyable to play).

I DO recommend it - even more if you have friends which likes to play such games. FOR ODIN!
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